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Swarm Theory v Equilibrium Theory

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Compare and contrast the Swarm and Equilibrium theories.

Monty Python Videos (Due Tuesday)

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 We watched the "Dead Parrot" sketch from monty python and another skit that was recommended called "Slightly Mad" from a british T.V. show called "A Bit of Fry and Laurie." 
Please answer the following questions: 
1)  Choose either clip (or a character from one of them) and using your groups z-theory explain why it is funny.

  2)  Choose either clip (or a character from one of them) that you found less funny or un-funny and explain why it is not funny (using info from class and z-theory) and also provide some examples of how it may be made more funny.

  3)  Choose a character from one of the sketches and try to explain their sense of humor (this was to draw more on personality and individual componants of humor like political and religious views, upbringing, etc.).

Classroom Extension Week #3 (Due ASAP)

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Theory "Z"

The class met yesterday and examined the different perspectives and theories that we have covered so far. Each group got together and came up with their own theories: 1) Swarm Theory, 2) Equilibrium Theory, 3) Playdoh Theory, 4) Some sort of anti Freud Theory, and 5) PSSC Theory.

I would like the spokesperson for each group to post a brief overview of their theory so we can document what we have come up with so far.

Let me know if you have any questions about how to procede.