Exam 1 Feedback Sessions

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Hi Class,

I would like each of you to schedule a time to meet next Tuesday (19th) to go over your exam. We will be meeting in the classroom NOT my office. Each visit will be for 5 minutes. If you need more time than that we will then schedule a time during office hours. Meeting times will be on a first come first serve basis. What you will need to do is to find a time between 11:00 and 12:15 (at 5 minute intervals) and post here to take that time. You will need to be careful that the time is not already taken because the person that asked for it first gets the time slot. So please check to see what others have posted before you select a time.


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11:00 - Otto M

11:00 - Jordan Samuelson

12:00 - Beth Siegel

I'll take the spot at 12:00 please and thanks!

Kayla Nalan

Sorry, it looks like we both chose 12:00 at the same time, so I'll take the 12:05!

Just saw that, haha so thanks!

11:45 Lindsey Feikes

11:50 -Steve Berg

12:10- Jennifer Crain

11:05 -Anna Schroeder

11:10- Keri Elfritz

11:30- Curious George

11:15-kristine Kearney

11:35 am- Jenna W

11:20-Melissa N.

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