The person found X, but without the use of a formula or math in general. The location was most definitely found, but the value of the variable X is still a mystery to this person. It seems to be more of a geometry question, but not to this individual.
Hard Water = Ice. Good one, smart ass. The person manages to answer the question without any knowledge of the water softening process. At least he can spell ice.
Tracy is clearly wrong in a mathematical sense, and NOT because everyone knows women can’t do math and should instead spend their time cooking delicious meals.
All three of these jokes are funny because the individual involved is being incredibly literal in their answers, whether on purpose or not. I think it would be even more humorous if the person answering the questions was being completely honest to their knowledge and not just being "smart". And as for the last joke (sexist one), thats just old-fashioned beliefs turned into a joke. Reminds me of my grandpa.
I find all three of these to be funny!!
Sure the students are being 'smart' with their instructors or not really trying to learn the material, either way, I think it's great that they can take a break and find humor in their studies.
I do, but don't find these pictures funny. If it were me being the sarcastic, smart a$$ one answering the questions, I would think it was funny but would never do it in a school setting like these are.
If I were in the teacher position and got these as answers, I think I would be a little annoyed but can see humor in the situation depending on who the student was who wrote it. If it was a student who generally lacked an interest in education, it would be very annoying and not funny at all. If it were the class clown or someone similar, I probably would find a little humor in the situation.
So for these particular examples, I think the humor is very much determined by the situation and context in which they are expressed in.
These are funny because the answers are not only incorrect, they are not even the type of answers expected. Realistically, if the setting were relaxed and not serious these would be funny. If the setting were school or another serious setting, these would be considered disrespectful.
I found these really funny. I love smart ass answers and if I were the teacher these students would probably get an A (it's probably a good thing I'm not an education major). I think I like this kind of humor because it's what I grew up with. My whole family is extremely sarcastic and I have been called a smart ass at least once. I think it's funny because of the simplicity of the answers. Everyone expects long drawn out answers but the answers given are the easiest way to go about answering. I love it.
These are hilarious I think. For me, the quickest rule of thumb to follow in order to be funny is simply "Take things literally." All of these are pretty much perfect examples of this 'law of humor.' The incongruity exists because the context of the sentence establishes one particular meaning of a word, but (thankfully) with language words often have two or more meanings, and these meanings can often be put into two categories, figurative and literal. I see a lot of examples where something meant to be taken figuratively, or 'in context', when taken literally is hilarious. I wonder if the opposite is the case? Is it as funny to take something meant to be literal as figurative?
'Find' figuratively means "compute" in algebra and mathematics, but literally means "locate."
"Hard water" when placed side-by-side refers to water with a high mineral content; however hard (on it's own) literally means dense or solid.
The last one is a more complex example of this.
The words "example" and "wrong" when in the context of mathematics refers to providing a written proof (example) that something is or is not valid (wrong). However, taken literally they can refer to ANY EVIDENCE (e.g. gender) suggesting something is in error. Incongruity exists because the words example and wrong refer to operations and not general ideas.
I think these are funny. I tend to be a very sarcastic person so I like the responses. I really dislike math so the first one really makes me laugh because I can remember back to taking those math classes and being really confused and wanting to respond that way.
I think that they are all pretty humorous. My sister who is a teacher, and another teacher were complaining the other day how annoying it is when kids do not follow instructions exactly right, Furthermore, they complained that instead of asking the teacher, " why don't they just follow the other kids". Although this might seem reasonable, I hate this way of thinking. It discourges thinking outside the box of what students are suppose to fit into. The answers above are right, except maybe the woman joke, however just not what the teacher wanted. It show creativity and dissent form the norm which is needed within our society.
I think that they are funny--I really like smart-alec/sarcastic humor. The first two are just such obvious answers, and I just think to myself, why couldn't I come up with something like that?! The last one I don't find AS funny. I'm not saying that I find it super offensive or anything like that, but I think it's just too simple or something...I guess that sounds kind of stupid and doesn't make much sense, but I'm not sure how to explain it. I guess I think that gender jokes (or whatever you want to call them) are funny, but there's just not a lot to this one, and I wasn't rolling on the floor laughing at it.
All of these jokes are funny because they say exactly what everyone wants to say when they get to that point of not understanding the point of half the things we learn in school. Realistically by the time any of us are forty years old we wouldn't be able to figure out most math problems without looking it up on Google first anyway and Chemistry problems? Yea right I'm a Psychology major,I wouldn't be able to figure out most Chemistry problems right now and I'm still in school. The sarcastic approach that is incorporated into each of these jokes is a good example of the different types of humor that were addressed in chapter one. Sarcasm seems to be one of the most popular forms of humor because it seems to be the most easily expressed form. Since we live in such a pessimistic world, people tend to have a greater pessimism when looking at things within the world. Therefore, I believe that one reason these appear to be so funny is because they are so familiar to us and how we experience humor in everyday social interactions.
Why is this funny?
The person found X, but without the use of a formula or math in general. The location was most definitely found, but the value of the variable X is still a mystery to this person. It seems to be more of a geometry question, but not to this individual.
Hard Water = Ice. Good one, smart ass. The person manages to answer the question without any knowledge of the water softening process. At least he can spell ice.
Tracy is clearly wrong in a mathematical sense, and NOT because everyone knows women can’t do math and should instead spend their time cooking delicious meals.
All three of these jokes are funny because the individual involved is being incredibly literal in their answers, whether on purpose or not. I think it would be even more humorous if the person answering the questions was being completely honest to their knowledge and not just being "smart". And as for the last joke (sexist one), thats just old-fashioned beliefs turned into a joke. Reminds me of my grandpa.
I find all three of these to be funny!!
Sure the students are being 'smart' with their instructors or not really trying to learn the material, either way, I think it's great that they can take a break and find humor in their studies.
I do, but don't find these pictures funny. If it were me being the sarcastic, smart a$$ one answering the questions, I would think it was funny but would never do it in a school setting like these are.
If I were in the teacher position and got these as answers, I think I would be a little annoyed but can see humor in the situation depending on who the student was who wrote it. If it was a student who generally lacked an interest in education, it would be very annoying and not funny at all. If it were the class clown or someone similar, I probably would find a little humor in the situation.
So for these particular examples, I think the humor is very much determined by the situation and context in which they are expressed in.
These are funny because the answers are not only incorrect, they are not even the type of answers expected. Realistically, if the setting were relaxed and not serious these would be funny. If the setting were school or another serious setting, these would be considered disrespectful.
I found these really funny. I love smart ass answers and if I were the teacher these students would probably get an A (it's probably a good thing I'm not an education major). I think I like this kind of humor because it's what I grew up with. My whole family is extremely sarcastic and I have been called a smart ass at least once. I think it's funny because of the simplicity of the answers. Everyone expects long drawn out answers but the answers given are the easiest way to go about answering. I love it.
These are hilarious I think. For me, the quickest rule of thumb to follow in order to be funny is simply "Take things literally." All of these are pretty much perfect examples of this 'law of humor.' The incongruity exists because the context of the sentence establishes one particular meaning of a word, but (thankfully) with language words often have two or more meanings, and these meanings can often be put into two categories, figurative and literal. I see a lot of examples where something meant to be taken figuratively, or 'in context', when taken literally is hilarious. I wonder if the opposite is the case? Is it as funny to take something meant to be literal as figurative?
'Find' figuratively means "compute" in algebra and mathematics, but literally means "locate."
"Hard water" when placed side-by-side refers to water with a high mineral content; however hard (on it's own) literally means dense or solid.
The last one is a more complex example of this.
The words "example" and "wrong" when in the context of mathematics refers to providing a written proof (example) that something is or is not valid (wrong). However, taken literally they can refer to ANY EVIDENCE (e.g. gender) suggesting something is in error. Incongruity exists because the words example and wrong refer to operations and not general ideas.
Heh... great stuff.
I think these are funny. I tend to be a very sarcastic person so I like the responses. I really dislike math so the first one really makes me laugh because I can remember back to taking those math classes and being really confused and wanting to respond that way.
I think that they are all pretty humorous. My sister who is a teacher, and another teacher were complaining the other day how annoying it is when kids do not follow instructions exactly right, Furthermore, they complained that instead of asking the teacher, " why don't they just follow the other kids". Although this might seem reasonable, I hate this way of thinking. It discourges thinking outside the box of what students are suppose to fit into. The answers above are right, except maybe the woman joke, however just not what the teacher wanted. It show creativity and dissent form the norm which is needed within our society.
I think that they are funny--I really like smart-alec/sarcastic humor. The first two are just such obvious answers, and I just think to myself, why couldn't I come up with something like that?! The last one I don't find AS funny. I'm not saying that I find it super offensive or anything like that, but I think it's just too simple or something...I guess that sounds kind of stupid and doesn't make much sense, but I'm not sure how to explain it. I guess I think that gender jokes (or whatever you want to call them) are funny, but there's just not a lot to this one, and I wasn't rolling on the floor laughing at it.
All of these jokes are funny because they say exactly what everyone wants to say when they get to that point of not understanding the point of half the things we learn in school. Realistically by the time any of us are forty years old we wouldn't be able to figure out most math problems without looking it up on Google first anyway and Chemistry problems? Yea right I'm a Psychology major,I wouldn't be able to figure out most Chemistry problems right now and I'm still in school. The sarcastic approach that is incorporated into each of these jokes is a good example of the different types of humor that were addressed in chapter one. Sarcasm seems to be one of the most popular forms of humor because it seems to be the most easily expressed form. Since we live in such a pessimistic world, people tend to have a greater pessimism when looking at things within the world. Therefore, I believe that one reason these appear to be so funny is because they are so familiar to us and how we experience humor in everyday social interactions.