Is this Funny? Why?

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I suppose this could be unintentional physical humor. Its funny to me because the song that runs with it and the overall feeling that the sliding was only going to get worse and worse for those people...gotta watch for that furniture, a couple people get overwhelmed once the sliding really commenced.

I thought this video was pretty funny, not hysterical, but my roommate & I had a good laugh watching it. I did feel a little bad for laughing because I'm sure that lady that slid right into the pole was hurt. Overall though I found the music and the sliding of furniture, equipment, and people to be quite entertaining and funny!

I definitely agree with the other posts that the music makes the video. Without the music, I think the video may be boring, although hearing the people scream would be a little funny too. But, don't you think that if you were on a boat (I'm assuming that's what it is) that you would somehow secure the furniture more considering you could at any time encounter this very problem? I would definitely have to classify as a huge fail!

I didn't really think it was funny. I'm not trying to be serious. I began watching the video with an expectation of something funny but it just didn't have that effect on me. I think people probably got hurt and property was damaged. I'm not putting down people who thought it was funny at all. I bet I would find it more amusing if I was watching it with someone who found it funny.

I didn't find it funny at all. I'm one of the few people who usually don't find people falling or getting hurt funny. Maybe it's because I think too much into things and I know that I wouldn't want people laughing at me if it happened. I was bored through out the whole video.

I think it's definitely funny at the beginning but as the video continues the ship rocks more violently and then I agree people probably do get hurt and it kinda looses it's comedic value. Usually when we laugh at people getting hurt its because we see a disjointed scene only a few seconds long, watching people getting hurt over an extended period of time is just uncomfortable.


I didn't really find this all that funny. When I saw how some of the people fell really hard and how much furniture was banging into them I felt bad for them instead of laughing about it.

I thought that parts of this video were funny, but I thought that it was kind of dragging on. The first couple times are funny, but it just kind of seems like the same thing over and over again. I also have to disagree with previous comments about the music. In my opinion, I think it needs faster or more upbeat music; the music they have is way to slow, it makes it seem like it's suppose to be a sad movie. But this music is definitely better than no music at all. Sometimes I think music makes all the difference. I know that I have a weird sense of humor like that. If I'm watching a movie, and there's funny music (and I realize that it's hard to describe the kind of music that I'm talking about as I type this) in the background, I'll start laughing. Especially when I'm with certain people. But I'm not sure WHY exactly I find that funny.

Eh, this one is a little bit of a stretch. At first I thought it was pretty funny watching the people slide into the columns in the first scene, but then the video just kept going on showing the same things and then it switched to the second scene which didn't show any people getting hurt. I felt that this video could have been more funny if it showed some sort of witty punchline at the end about knowing what you're getting yourself into before going on a cruise ship. This video just sort of stopped, but good effort. I don't really know exactly how this relates to what we are studying in class, but I suppose it would disprove the Psychoanalytic Theory by Freud because I am almost positive even he wouldn't be able to find any sort of humor relating to aggression whether physical or sexual.

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