Based on the theories we have read about so far, how would you explain why this may or may not be funny.
This is one in a series of 6:
Drunk History vol. 2 - Featuring Jack Black
Drunk History vol. 3 - Featuring Danny McBride
Drunk History vol. 4 - Featuring Paul Schneider
Drunk History vol. 5 - Featuring Will Ferrell
Drunk History vol. 6 - Featuring John C. Reilly
I thought that this video was funny in a NON humor sense. The story was funny because it involved a lot of incongruity as far as what what happening in the story. For example, Buhr was calling his wife, girlfriend, mom, dad, and children on his cell phone even though the setting was before cell phones were invented. It was also pretty funny how the story kept stopping and flashing back to the drunk raconteur. The humor involved a NON type of humor because a number of parts in the story seemed out of place and had no resolution to the incongruity of the parts. Overall, I would say that this video was funny because it required a large amount of creativity to be that drunk and still tell such an elaborate and historical-based story.