Attendance is required and worth 10 points each week.
Grading your Blog Assignments:
Blog assignments are due midnight Monday or Wednesday (see
course calendar). There is NO late work accepted. Comments to Chapter Readings
or other activities are worth 10 points; Comments to Topical Blogs are worth 20
points. 20 point assignments should necessarily be longer and more in-depth
than 10 point assignments. 10 point assignments should be about 400-500 words,
and 20 point assignments should be about 800-1000 words.
10/20: Answered all questions, gave in depth summary with
examples, provided 10 or more relevant terms, met or exceeded word count requirement
and wowed us with your writing and intellectual prowess!
9/18+: Answered all questions, gave in depth summary w/examples, provided 8 or
more terms and met word count requirement
8/16+: Answered most of the questions, provided summary, provided some terms,
came close to meeting word count requirement.
7/14+: Answered most questions, gave some summary, not as much detail
6/12+: did not provide enough information, or inaccurate information.
5/10+ and below: probably too brief, or inaccurate. 0: not turned in; or late