Topical Blog Week #12 (Due Thursday)


What I would like you to do is to find a topic or person from this week's chapter that you were interested in and search the internet for material on that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find a video clip that demonstrates something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is pretty much up to you at this point. Please use at least 3 quality resources.

Once you have completed your search and explorations, a) I would like you to say what your topic is, b) how exactly it fits into the chapter, and c) why you are interested in it. Next, I would like you to take the information you read or viewed related to your topic, integrate/synthesize it, and then write about the topic in a knowledgeable manner. At the end of your post, please include working URLs for the three websites. Keep in mind that it will be easier if you keep it to one topic.

Additional instructions: For each URL (internet resource) you have listed. Indicate why you chose it and the extent to which it contributed to your post.


Chapter 11
I decided to look more into the background of Clark Hull and his contributions to the history of psychology. His background will fit into this chapter because it’s just more extensive material of what information is already provided. I’m intrigued to learn more about Hull because he is an individual that was never really discussed throughout my college career. To be quite honest I have never heard his name mentioned in any of my psychology courses. I’m interested to know more about his contributions throughout the history of psychology.

Something I wasn't aware of was that at age 24, Hull contracted polio and became permanently paralyzed in his left leg, leaving him reliant on an iron brace and cane to walk. He had originally planned to study engineering, but his health struggles led him to turn his interests toward psychology. While his poor health and financial struggles led to several interruptions in his education, he eventually earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Michigan. In 1918, he was awarded his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Major influences on Hull's thinking included the work of Pavlov, Darwin, Thorndike and Tolman. He is best known for his Drive Reduction Theory which postulated that behavior occurs in response to "drives" such as hunger, thirst, sexual interest, feeling cold, etc. Hull believed that human behavior is a result of the constant interaction between the organism and its environment. The environment provides the stimuli and the organism responds, all of which is observable. Yet there is a component that is not observable, the change or adaptation that the organism needs to make in order to survive within its environment. Hull was an objective behaviorist. He never considered the conscious or any mentalistic notion. He tried to reduce every concept to physical terms. He viewed human behavior as mechanical, automatic and cyclical, which could be reduced to the terms of physics. Obviously, he thought in terms of mathematics, and felt that behavior should be expressed according to these terms.

In Hull's time three specific methods were commonly used by researchers; observation, systematic controlled observation, and experimental testing of the hypothesis. Hull believed that an additional method was needed, - The Hypothetic Deductive method. This involves deriving postulates from which experimentally testable conclusions could be deduced. These conclusions would then be experimentally tested. His learning theory focuses mainly on the principle of reinforcement; when an S-R relationship is followed by a reduction of the need, the probability increases that in future similar situations the same stimulus will create the same prior response. Reinforcement can be defined in terms of reduction of a primary need.
Hull's work has been criticized because he assumed that his laws of behavior, which were derived from experiments with rats, would account for all human behavior, including social behavior. While his theory is not considered a major contributor to current understanding of learning, nonetheless he contributed to the methodology for experimentation in learning theory.
There is a lot of material about Hulls contributions on this website. A lot of my information about his contributions was synthesized from this website.
This webpage went discussed information over Hull's life and theories. This information contributed to this blog through the backgground information and the Drive Reduction Theory.
This webpage shared a slide show discussing the Drive Reduction Theory in detail.

I found Skinners Utopian society really interesting and I wanted to learn more about it because he truly believed in his idea. I think that it could work because I do believe that our behaviors can be controlled in a way and that our free will is limited. So I chose to dive further into his Utopian society. I chose to focus on his book Walden two.

Walden two is a fiction book about the idea of a community who raises children together so that they come out of the community perfect basically. This community is far in advance compared to the outside world in that they are better productive and that they are happier. They also use operant conditioning to raise their children. The lifestyle in this fictional society doesn’t support war or foster competition and social strife. This society instead supports social relationships, personal happiness, and they want the citizens to satisfy both their work and leisure.

The daily life in this society consists of a four hour work day or less with the rest of the day being up to them. No one is paid for their work because nothing in Walden Two costs money. Every day a person can choose to do a different job and it is up to them to be their own boss. Since they only work four hours a day the rest of the day is for people to work on crafts like artistic skill, musical skills, and other interesting habits. They all eat in the communal dining area together and they all raise their children in the communal nursery, which to some people they may think is terrible. Children are not allowed to eat in the communal dining center until they are seven years old. In the dining center it is buffet style and every room looks like a different culture so that one day the children will not be surprised by the outside worlds different appearances. The people in this society are allowed to where what they want and what best suits them in appearances since they are not completely isolated from the outside world and may one day return to it. Also men and women are still not completely equal in this society because apparently that is one of the hardest problems to solve in a society.

Everything in this society is based on behaviorism. This means that human behavior can be controlled by manipulating contingencies of reward and punishment depending on if you want the behavior to continue or not. The nursery is where it all starts. The children are kept in heated glass cubicles for their first year of life so that they are always at the perfect temperature and don’t have to wear cloths. They don’t wear cloths because they don’t want their skin to be bothered and don’t want to have to do laundry. They children are not raised by their actual mother which makes people question whether or not they are truly loved. The mother is allowed to see her child on occasion, but the main love comes from the nannies that are in charge of the nursery. From one to three the children are housed in separate wings with sleeping areas for the groups of children. When children are this age jealousy is punished because they don’t want the children to grow up with this trait. Competition is useless in this community so jealousy isn’t necessary. The children are trained so that they will possess the right qualities when they are older. For example the children have to wear a lollipop coated with powdered sugar around their neck. They are then told that if they don’t’ like the lollipop then they can eat it later in the day, it can be seen if they lick it by the powdered sugar.

Older children are allowed to study what they are interested in. At thirteen they are moved into adult living quarters. They can continue their studies as long as they want and they have laboratories at their expense. Teenagers are encouraged to have children young so that they can be free to pursue a career after they are done having children. Husbands and wives do not live in the same housing and the children are raised in the nursery to strengthen the children’s relationship to the community and weaken their relationship to the parents.
This website gave me a good introduction into what exactly Walden Two was and made it so that I wasn’t completely blind on the subject., , I used like 10 links so I didn’t get three separate sites but I got many in this one.
I used many links in this website. I looked at the overall summary of the book and the chapter by chapter summary so that I could better understand the society and what they did there.

Barrhus Frederic Skinner was born in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania on March 20,1904. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a homemaker. After graduating high school he attended Hamilton College in New York with the intention of becoming a writer. He wrote for the school paper, but he was an athiest and demonstrated strong opinions in his compositions. After graduating Hamilton he attended harvard Univeristy. He graduated from Harvard in 1931 with a Ph.D. After his graduation he continued researching at the University until 1936. He began teaching at the University of Minnesota and then at Indiana University. He was married and also brought two daughters into the world as well. He was a distinguished professor, inventor, author, and social philosopher.

Skinner had many major accomplishments throughout his life as well. He is probably best known for his invention of Radical Behaviorism and alsot he Operant Conditioning Chamber otherwise known as the "Skinner Box." This box was designed for rats. It had a lever and food tray in it,a nd the rat could acquire food by pressing the lever. They pressed the bar by accident when first put in the box, then the pressing of the bar increased after they found out food appeared. Skinner beleived any human action was a result of a consequence of that same action. He also founded his own school of experimental research. Throughout his lifetime he had twenty one books published and one hundred and eighty articles published. He also has recieved numerous degrees and awards, one of the awards being Human of the Year in 1972.

Overall B.F. Skinner had a huge impact on the field of psychology. His ideas and theories on behaviorism helped shape the field into what it essentially is today. He did wonders for this field of study and accomplished many great things throughout his lifetime.

Free will is a topic that has been mentioned here and there throughout this textbook. It came up a little bit here in Chapter 11 with the mentioning of the Skinnerian Utopia and his Walden books; describing his perfect society and in a way, limiting free will. There is, and has been, much controversy on whether or not free will exists. Keeping the Skinnerian Utopia in mind, I am also taking biopsychology this semester. Our most recent lecture talked about free will and split-brain experiments. All of this information was very interesting to me, which is why I chose to research both the topics of free will and split brain experiments for this week’s topical blog.

For starters, what is free will? Free will can be defined as the ability to choose between various alternatives, despite various intervening factors. In other words, free will involves making choices based on your own personal thoughts and values that come from within your own mind, rather than being influenced by external forces. To relate to the Skinnerian Utopia, how would we behave if we had a totally new form of government? Would behavior currently labeled as illegal still be frowned upon by the general public?? It is interesting to think about. Free will, for quite some time now, has been closely related to moral responsibility. It is believed that people act upon free will in order to uphold their own moral responsibly. For instance, I may choose not to drink at a party because I feel as though drinking is harmful to my body and personal life. Other people may choose to drink at a party because they feel as though letting loose is what they are supposed to do as young adults in the college world. There has been plenty of research done on two factors directly relating to free will. Some researchers focus on trying to unravel the mystery of whether or not free will exists. Other researchers dive into the realm of how the belief of free will affects individual behavior. Both forms of research are interesting, at least to me.

One study took participants and measured their belief in free will with a questionnaire. Their belief in free will was then altered, either to reduce it or to increase it. The outcomes of this study showed that individuals who had stronger beliefs in free will were less likely to conform. Individuals who had weaker beliefs in free will, due to the manipulation (which was a discussion showing evidence on why free will may or may not exist), were more likely to conform to the group, even though they were encouraged to think for themselves. It just so happened that they believed that by doing what the group was doing, they were indeed doing the right thing (directly relating to moral responsibility). This discussion led me to wonder then, does free will exists? Being prepped by today’s lecture in biopsychology, I researched split brain experiments.

The brain is comprised of two hemispheres, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. The corpus callosum transfers information between the two hemispheres. In general, the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. When a stimulus is registered by the right eye, for example, the left hemisphere is what registers this information. Some individuals have their corpus callosum severed, blocking the passing of information between the two hemispheres. Why would anyone have the corpus callosum severed?? In patients who have severe epilepsy and experience seizures, severing the corpus callosum alleviates these seizures, if not stopping them all together. Much research has been done examining the effects of living with a severed corpus callosum or in other words, a “split brain.” What they find is that, for split brain individuals, if information can get to the left hemisphere, objects can be named and properly use. For instance, if an individual is given information about a comb via their right side, their left hemisphere registers this information and the comb can be properly named and used. However, if the left eye is given information about a comb and then later asked to recall, split individuals cannot do this (because the information was registered in the right hemisphere, not the left). Even more interesting, in some experiments, individuals who are about to have their corpus callosum severed will undergo surgery wherein the surgeon removes a section of the skull, with the patient CONSCIOUS, to stimulate different parts of the brain. This is done to make sure that the surgery will not result in adverse effects such as the inability to form language. What they found is that, no matter the external forces, each part of the brain would result in the same response. For instance, when one part of the brain is touched by the surgeon, the patient will laugh, no matter what. When asked why he or she laughed, they will simply make something up; such as “oh I remembered something funny from yesterday.” This sheds light on the topic of free will because perhaps the reasons why we believe we behave in a particular fashion are in fact not the reasons at all, and rather it is the wiring of our own brain that makes us behave the way we do, not free will.
This is a research article from The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. This article discussed the study examining how the belief of free will affects behavior.
This YouTube video shows a man with a “split brain.” You can see some of the affects that I discussed in this blog. It is important to remember that these affects can only be seen through a research study like this one. If we were to see this man in a normal everyday setting, we would not know that his corpus callosum has been severed.
Here, I got added information about split brains, the two hemispheres of the brain, and the corpus callosum.

The topic I chose to do more research on for this week’s blog was on Clark Hull and hypnosis. The reason I chose to do more research on him was because he came from a very poor family but then, as the book stated, became a “case study in how perseverance and hard work can overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.” Also I am interested in hypnosis because I have been to many shows and I know a little bit about its components, but it would be interesting to see how it started out and the root origins of its beginning.

Clark Hull came from a very poor background. He was raised on a farm with pioneer conditions and was educated in a one room school house. Right after graduation he contracted typhoid fever and shortly after he developed polio which left him partially paralyzed by the age of 24. After this he went on to get a degree in psychology and was inspired by his experimental psychology class.

Although Hull did research on various things ranging from aptitude testing to the hypothetico-deductive system, the area that I found the most interesting was his work done on hypnosis. There is a very long standing history of hypnosis; from the early years of the 20th until the 1950s it was mainly used only in the lab or the classroom. From 1863-1944 Joseph Jastrow ran a course on medical uses of hypnosis at the University of Wisconsin and this is where Hull earned his Ph. D.

The modern study of hypnotism is usually associated with Hull and is thought to have begun in the early 1920’s at Yale University. Hull did a study on hypnosis and suggestibility using statistical and experimental analysis. These studied showed that hypnosis surprisingly has no connection with sleep he says, “hypnosis is not sleep,… it has no special relationship to sleep, and the whole concept of sleep when applied to hypnosis obscures the situation.” The main result from this study was to make improvements in cognition and the senses under hypnosis. In his experiments he showed the reality of mentally induced pain reduction and apparent inhibition of memory recall, but at the same time he proved how these events could also occur without being hypnotized too.

In these cases it may be a result of suggestion and motivation. He also showed how moderate increases in certain physical capacities and changes to the threshold of sensory stimulation could be induced psychologically.

After Hull’s work became more well-known hypnosis began to move out of the clinic and into the lab. It became a popular as a profession because it was fast, practical, non-authoritarian, and aimed at curing human ills. Today it is readily available in most towns and cities especially in the West.

Skinner's Utopia was a really interesting concept for me. While reading about the main concepts of Skinner's novel, Walden Two, I found myself intrigued and wondered if a society like this could function. I actually ordered Walden Two on Amazon because I wanted to know exactly what Skinner was proposing. The entire concept of this Utopian society seemed ideal, and in some ways, much better than society today. However, there are no doubt unforeseen consequences to a society like Walden Two and the idea never took flight in the United States despite Skinner's firm beliefs that it could work.
Walden Two explores a society where everyone gets to enjoy benefits like health care and education by working collectively. Each member of society is required to work for a specific number of work credits. Children were not raised by individual parents, but by the community, and there was equality between the sexes. This community abolishes the idea of free will.
Skinner did not think very much of the concept of free will. He proposed that everything we do is based on the idea of rewards and punishments. Because of this line of thinking, there was nothing stopping him from supporting this idea whole-heartily. However, to many people at the time of the release of the novel the ideas seemed to model those of Communism. How dare someone suggest that Americans do not have free will! The basis for our society is that everyone is told that they can do exactly what they want when they want. It is no surprise that reaction to this society that is so radically different, despite it being possibly better or worse than current society, was negative and inevitably ignored.
One of the main critiques of Walden Two is that is suggests people being brain washed into acting and behaving in certain ways. I do not believe that is what it means at all. When I was reading about this society, I did not feel like people were unable to think for themselves. It actually states that people were able to choose the jobs that were interesting to them. I think that we equate too much structure and rules with a loss of freedom and free will. This society provides communal benefits if everyone contributes like they should. I personally do not see anything wrong with that.
In 1967, there was a real life experiment call Twin Oaks that set to mimic Walden Two society in the real world. Twin Oaks ultimately failed, but I think that it was because there was very little planning in the development in the community. Also, Twin Oaks was constructed and left to its own devices. I feel like if the community was run by psychologists then there may have been a different outcome.

I decided to do more research on Clark Hull. It relates to this chapter because his theories were discussed in chapter 11. Before reading this chapter I had never heard of Clark Hull or his Drive Reduction Theory. He had never been introduced in any of my previous psychology classes that I am aware of. Because he has never been taught to me I am interested in learning more about his contributions to the history of psychology as well as his past.

Hull was handicapped during childhood. Later in life he became ill with polio. His family was on the low end of the spectrum financially, so his schooling was never really consistent. Although he was handicapped and later was struck with polio he managed to survive and ended up earning money through teaching. At first while he had planned on becoming an engineer but then fell in love with psychology while attending school. When he was twenty-nine he graduated from Michigan University. He also attended the University of Wisconsin where he obtained his Ph. D. in psychology.

He believed that behavior was caused by continuous interaction between the environment and the organism. He could observe most of the stimuli the environment provided for the organism. However, what he could not observe was the adaptation the organism had to do in order to survive the environment. He was mainly focused on behaviors that could be observed. Because of this he was never really concerned with the cognitive aspects such as ideas, purpose, values, insight, intelligence, or knowledge instead he came up with a calculus to quantify behavior.

While forming his theory of behavior he gathered ideas from other psychologist such as Pavlov, Watson, and Thorndike. Reinforcement theory set the groundwork for most of Hull's career. He thought animals would learn faster the stronger the physiological drive was (hunger, cold, thirst) and the faster the reward was attained (food, warmth, water). This was known as his Drive Reduction Theory. After the animal has obtained what they needed they drive is reduced until the drive appears again. Then the animal will have learned how to obtain food, water, and warmth. The goal of the drive was a type of reinforcement of learning.

Like most psychologist Hull was criticized for his theory of learning behavior. He tested his theories mainly on rats and figured their behaviors would be similar to human behavior, even social behavior.

This website provided me with a lot of Hull's background information.

This one gave me insight to his learning theory.

This website gave me most of my information that I needed to learn more about his Drive Reduction Theory.

I decided to do my research on latent learning as it was studied by Tolman. I think it is an interesting notion that we can still learn without reinforcement. This is the basis of what Tolman was trying to figure out when he was working with rats and reinforcement. Tolman was coming up with no theories on reinforcement and motivation. It was a new idea that he had little evidence to support. He needed to come up with an experiment and record his data. I really wanted to see if there was any other work done regarding latent learning and what we have found out recently about it. Anytime something sways from the norm, and has some validity, I find it to be very interesting and worth while to study. I think sometimes we get so locked in on what we know that we forget that we do not know everything. No one theory is 100% correct and working on all of them together can make a more complete, better theory of learning.

What interests me in that the reinforcement does not occur immediately. I really like the phrase, beneath the surface learning. The learning does occur but it is not immediately obvious. The reinforcement will occur somewhere down the line when the individual has to emit the behavior previously observed or unconsciously learned. I think this type of learning is interesting because you might now even realize that you learned something until you are forced to do it in the future. It is stored away somewhere in our brains for later use. I also think it would be interesting to research and try to find out where/what structure our brain stores this learning in. It could be up to a year later before you have to emit the behavior but you still remember it and, in turn, are reinforced when you re-emit the behavior because it was successful in the specific task.

I do not think that Tolman was trying to prove Pavlov and other psychologists wrong. I just think he was interesting in this type of learning. He refused to believe that all learning required reinforcement. I think that is it interesting that once the one group of rats started getting reinforced, their motivation (or something of that matter) increased. They were still learning without reinforcement but at a lower rate. As soon as the food was administered, their errors in the maze decrease dramatically. This shows that they were learning but had no motivation to learn fast. As soon as they did, they were able to learn and emit faster than any other group. This is an interesting find because it shows that learning can occur without reinforcement, but something about it makes us learn faster. Reinforcement, according to these finds, can be a learning tool or a motivator depending on the tasks and the type of reinforcement.

Tolman also discovered that these rats were making cognitive maps of these mazes even when no reward was imminent. This is important because it shows that they are not running aimlessly through the maze. They have remembered the outline of the map and when the food is present, they run it faster. This shows how the reinforcement can motivate an organism to emit the learned behavior faster and more precise. Latent learning is an important concept because we must remember that learning can take place with no immediate reinforcement. In some cases, the reinforcement can be used as a motivator to do well. This illustrates positive reinforcement, which is very beneficial to learning. this link showed the relation between cognitive maps and latent learning this link explained how the theory, in a way, goes against Pavlov and his conditioning theories this link gave me more information on the concept of latent learning, kind of going in a different aspect than the book and Tolman

I actually found Tolman and his concepts of latent learning and cognitive maps to be the most interesting part of this chapter. I am skeptical about saying animal and human behaviors are similar. Our minds are so much more complex. We have the ability to generate language and experience true emotion, among other human qualities that set us apart from animals. In this case, we have Tolman, who believes that there does not need to be a stimulus in order to create a learning environment. I think he is right, and I feel that he demonstrated this properly. However, he needed the food in order to seduce the rats to the solution of the problem.

This experiment is similar to the one Köhler did with the apes, however, he automatically used a stimulus. This is what Tolman was challenging in the first place. He was also proving that mazes could be useful research tools. Many were skeptical of this because mazes could come in a number of shapes and sizes; this made it difficult to correlate and compare measurements with other research. While studying the learning methods of the rats, Tolman and his students were also attempting to achieve a standardized maze method that would be useful to everyone.

The rats in the “place group” used cognitive maps, and used these rather than learned responses to stimuli. The stimulus simply sped up the process for them and made them want to find the target. I think this is the difference I see between animals and humans: humans find joy in reaching a solution most times, whereas we cannot be sure that the animals feel the same when they reach the end. In learning, we sometimes learn because we choose to learn, or want to learn. On the other hand, the rats had no desire to learn, but simply learned in order to find the end of the maze (All of this is just my thoughts and opinions). In terms of latent learning, the rats were learning whether they were even aware of it or not. It is kind of an automatic phenomenon that happens without being obvious during observation.

Terms: Tolman, latent learning, cognitive maps, animal behavior, human behavior, learning environment, stimulus, solution, problem, place group, cognitive maps, Köhler, experiment, mazes, learning methods, research

I chose to learn more about Edward C. Tolman and his research on latent learning. This fits into chapter 11 because, we learned about behaviorism and this seemed to be Tolman's major contribution to behaviorism. I found it interesting that he was able to come up with new research to do with rats and mazes. I would have thought that people would have began thinking they had researched all their was to research about rats running mazes, but Tolman was able to think like a scientist and develop new theories to test. I just find it incredible to be able to continually question past experiments and try to build off of it by asking questions, and then simply trying to answer them.

Tolman did a number of experiments with rats, as did most scientists studying behaviors, but the experiment that I found interesting was about a maze running study. His goal from this study was to see whether or not rats needed a reinforcement to help them successfully run a maze. In this experiment he created three separate groups. The first group would receive food every time they completed the maze. The second group would never receive food after finishing the maze. The third group would not receive food after finishing the maze until the eleventh day when they would receive food.

The first group ran quickly to finish the maze every time to receive their reward. The second group wandered through the maze and never really finished the maze. The third group also wandered the maze and rarely finished the maze until the twelfth day. The eleventh day they received food for finishing the maze. On the twelfth day these rats in group three ran the maze with a very low error rate, and faster than the first group of rats.

The results were quite interesting. At first when I read about the first two groups I was not surprised because that was exactly as I had expected, but the third group was really surprising. I was surprised that they were actually faster than the first group because the first group had been sprinting to the finish line the whole time, so I would have that they had the maze well thought up. The third group did better because the whole time they were wandering throughout the map they were creating a mental map. When they received the reward it gave them a goal. So now that they new how the maze was set up and they new where they needed to go it greatly benefitted them in finding the finish line.

This proved Tolman to be correct because it showed that the rats were learning the whole time they were wandering throughout the maze not receiving food. After this finding by Tolman he termed the concept of learning without being rewarded for the action to be latent learning.

All in all I really enjoyed learning more about Tolman and latent learning. We learned about latent learning when we watched the video about the computer in poor countries where children self taught themselves to work the computer even though they were not being rewarded for it. I liked how I can relate what we are learning back to previous stuff in the semester because it means I can actually keep using the information I am learning instead of reading it once and then never really using it again.
This site talked briefly about the experiment Tolman did with the rats.
This is probably the site I used the most for this assignment. It was the full article about Tolman's research.
This site gave the background of latent learning and how Tolman was a part of it.

I decided to do more research on B.F. Skinner. He fits into the chapter because he contributed quite a bit to behaviorist psychology. I choose to do more research on Skinner because the idea of a Utopian society fascinates me. I’m not sure if I agree with it but it is a very interesting concept.

B.F. Skinner contributed quite a bit to psychology and especially, behaviorism. Skinner first received his bachelor’s degree in English in New York but still didn’t feel like he fit in. After numerous attempts to find what fit him best, Skinner decided to continue his schooling and go on to get his master’s and then doctorate in psychology at Harvard. Five years after Skinner had earned his doctorate, Skinner went to Minneapolis to teach psychology at the University of Minnesota. This is where he met his wife, had two daughters (one being the baby used in Skinner’s experiment with the baby box) and wrote his book, Walden Two.

Skinner’s work built on the theories of two other psychologists, Watson and Pavlov. Skinner’s views were not as extreme as the other two psychologists. He believed that the best way to understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and its consequences. He called this approach operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is when a behavior occurs and the immediate consequence of said behavior determines the likelihood of the behavior reoccurring. Skinner used Skinner’s Box to demonstrate this with rats and pigeons. In this box there would be a lever or disk, a pellet dispenser, a qued light, a speaker and an electric rod as a floor. In this box, the animals were tested to see if their behavior could be conditioned. Skinner used Schedules of Reinforcement to condition the behavior of the rat. An experiment might go something like; every time the rat hits the lever, he gets a pellet. This is continuous reinforcement. Extinction occurs when the lever is pressed and the rat no longer gets the pellet. The rat presses the lever again in hope of a pellet with no success. Again the rat hits a lever and gets the pellet. Now the rat receives a pellet every third time he hits the lever. This is called fixed ratio reinforcement. With this experiment, you can conclude that the behavior is affected by the environment.

Skinner was also known for his “Air Bed”. Also known as the baby box was Skinner’s attempt to care for a child mechanically. From birth, the baby, Skinner’s daughters, were placed in a box were the temperature was set so the baby would be comfortable wearing only a diaper. Though this baby box was a success, it did not catch on.

For this week's topical blog I decided to look more into BF Skinner. He was discussed in this chapter, and what I read about him interested me, so I decided to learn a little more.

Skinner was born in Pennsylvania in 1904. Skinner's brother died at age 16 from a cerebral hemorrhage. Skinner was also an atheist. He received his bachelors from Hamilton College and wanted to be a writer. After getting his BA Skinner tried to be a writer but felt that he wasn't very good. He then went to Harvard and got his PhD in psychology. In 1936 Skinner married Yvonne Blue. The couple had two daughters together. BF Skinner died in 1990 of leukemia.

One of Skinner's inventions was an air crib. This was built in order to help his wife take care of their oldest daughter. The crib was temperature and humidity controlled. This was intended to keep the baby comfortable and prevent it from crying. Skinner was given a lot of criticism for the air crib. People thought it was a way to neglect a child. Skinner said that this was only to be used for playtime and was not to be used continuously.

Skinner is probably most famous for creating the operant conditioning chamber, or Skinner box. This box was used to influence animal behavior and show how they act in certain scenarios or conditions. If a rat pushed a lever, it would be given food. The rat would then continue to push the lever until it was no longer hungry. Skinner also ran a current through the lever, causing it to shock the rats when it was pushed.

BF Skinner also wrote several books for the public. The most famous of these are Walden Two and Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Walden Two is about a utopia created from operant conditioning. In Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Skinner discusses how technology could be used to improve society.
This site was used to learn about the skinner box, the air crib, and the books Skinner wrote.
I used this site to learn about Skinner's upbringing and college years.
This site taught me more about Skinner's inventions and personal life.

The thing that I found to be the most interesting in this weeks chapter was B.F Skinner. I thought that the guy was really interesting to read about. The section that I liked the most about Skinner was on his life. For the past couple weeks now I have been doing my topical blogs on the people behind the theories. I like to know what lead people to what they did in their life's. I found this the most interesting for many reasons, and I find this weeks person very interesting because he had some of the same choices that I had as a student, and that was because of his change of majors in college. Maybe I see this as a glimmer of hope that I am doing the right thing who knows, but the fact is that I wanted to learn more about Skinner and his life. The last couple weeks I have found it hard to find multiple articles that dealt with the people I have been researching. It seemed to have some of the same information from article to article, but it was the little things while reading over the articles that stood out, which allowed me to find three solid sources. I found out while doing these topical blogs that it is the little things in these psychologists life's that impressed me the most. It brings them down to our level, and of the pedastool of being in our history and systems of psychology book. So, I set out to find articles about Skinner that had to pertain to his childhood. Like Watson, he was a bored student that had more knowledge than the average person in his classes. That is were my research will start.

The first article that I found was a really good one that discussed Skinner's whole life. It seems that I find my best articles right off the bat when I am doing my research. This one was excellent because it gave me more information than the book ever could about Skinner. Everything up until his death was in this article, but I only wanted to look at his earlier years for this section of my blog. Skinner grew up in the small town of Susquehanna. His father was an attorney, and his mother was a typist before they had the chilren, and then became a stay at home mom. Skinner was one of two boys in the family, with his younger brother being Ebbie. The town that they grew up in was a small railroad town of about 2000 people that did not provide much oppurtunity to Skinner. Skinner and his brother would make contraptions out of the old steel that they found by the railroad track. One in particular that I can remember was a device that Skinner made to extract satlt from sea water. I found this so interesting because you could see the scientist in him at such a young age. The kind of contraptions that his brother and him made are just unreal to comprehend growing up in that town with those resources. In school was a good student, and was inspired to go into the area of english if he went to college. The oppurtunities were very few, but the Skinner family packed their bags and moved to New York where Skinner attended college. I found this interesting that Skinner was such a good boy in school because the book gave me a different notion. I thought I had read that he was sort of trouble maker, but maybe I was still stuck on Watson. Anyways, Skinner was forced into the fraternity life that he did not enjoy. Skinner became socially isolated, and eventually wanted to withdrawl from the University. Skinner decided to return home where he would attend Hamilton college and write for the local paper there. While home from spring break one semester, Skinner and his brother went out to get ice cream. On the way home his brother called out for a doctor, and then immediately collapsed on the floor. Skinner rushed to the church to get his parents, but it was to late. Skinner's brother had died from a brain hemorrhage. This is the stuff that I find interesting. THis is the material that you cannot find in the textbook. The little things that help you understand why Skinner did what he did in life, because of life events such as this. Skinner was never the same after this incident, and found it hard to find the motivation to write. He locked himself in his parents attic where he went through the "dark year" that the book had talked about, which was the year that Skinner lost his interests in writing. Skinner found work at the towns library where he came across Watson's behaaviorism book, as well as one of Pavlov's publishings. He loved the information in the books and soon enrolled into Harvard school of Psychology. From there he did many great things, but this is where I stop for this section of Skinner's life. I want to find an article on his work that descibes in great detail like this article did for his early life.

During my research I came across a youtube video that I found to be very interesting. It was a video on operant conditioning, but not the conditioning that the book talked about. The video showed Skinner's pigeon experiments that he conducted. The book had only suggested the rat aspect of the experiment, so I was surprised when I found the pigeon experiment. Anyway the experiment was exactly like the rat experiment in the sense that Skinner was conditioning the pigeon through reinforcement. An interesting quote that I took from the video was that Skinner thought that he could change the world through behaviorism. Skinner believed that if people would follow the rules fo behaviorism that we could create a whole new race of people. Even though Skinner was inspired by the likes of Watson, he was much different in the sense that he was a visonary. I found this interesting because I saw it as a guy that really believes in the stuff. That if he could do this stuff with rats and pigeons, that he could also do the same thing with humans. Did his vision ever come to light? Not really, but there is still a chance that it could. The video went on to talk about how the idea of reinforcement could be applied to education, and from the most part it seemed to work right of the bat. However, today we know that not everyone could be motivated through reinforcement 100% of the time. The girl in class had stated that she was given money for every A that she recieved in school, but after a few semesters she was not getting those A's, so then quit trying to get those A's. The reinforcement in this case is the money for an A, but not even 50$ could push her to get an A. Probably because the goal was to hard. The thing I could take away from this is that if the goal is to hard or out of reach, than it does not matter what the reiforcement is. Anyways I really enjoyed the video, and how it helped me learn more about Skinner and operant condtioning.

As I continued my research I came across an article that was much like the first one that I read. It was a biography about Skinner and his life. This article was special in the sense that it talked about shaping. The book had really not discussed this in great detail or not at all, but I was really interested in reading about this topic. The idea of shaping is much like reinforcement. The idea of shaping is basically it involves first reinforcing a behavior only vaguely similar to the one desired. Once that is established, you look out for variations that come a little closer to what you want, and so on, until you have the animal performing a behavior that would never show up in ordinary life. A great example that the article provided that helped me in further understanding shaping was one with the authors daughter and a slide. The daughter hated going down the slide, so the dad placed her at the bottom and asked her if she was alright, and she was. He then out her higher and asked the daughter if she was alright, and she was. He did this until she was at tht top of the slide, and was going down the slide by herself. This example nailed it on the head because I now have a great understanding of Skinner's shaping theory. I think that I found what I was looking for in my research of Skinner. He was a very interesting man that did a lot of extrodinary things for the field of psychology. I got to find out what kind of childhood that he had, and how that potentially shaped the way he went about the rest of his life. I got to see a cool youtube video that helped me to understand exactly what operent conditioning really is. Not all experiments in psychology are carried out using dogs and rats. From that video I got a glimpse at what kind of person that Skinner was as well. He was a visonary that had a plan for psychology. He had a plan for humanity, and that was to create a better socitey through behaviorism. The last article that I found gave me a look at yet another theory that Skinner discovered, and that was shaping. Shaping is something that occurs to most everybody sometime during their life. I am glad that I found the information that I did in my research, and confident that I now know most everything there is to know about Dr. Skinner.
This article was helpful because I got some good information on the early life of Skinner.
This video was helpful because I got to see how Skinner conducted his famous operant conditioning theory.
This article was helpful because I got to read about Skinner and his shaping theory.

After reading this week’s chapter I decided to do some more research on nature vs. nurture. After reading about neobehaviorism in the chapter I was intrigued by how they believed in nature vs. nurture. I learned about the basics of it in developmental psychology but I thought this is a perfect time to learn more about

Nature vs. nurture is a debate in determining individual differences in physical and behavioral traits. Nature is an individual’s innate qualities such as nativism or innatism. Nurture is a person’s personal experiences such as empiricism or behaviorism. The term “nature vs. nurture” was invented by the English Victorian polymath Francis Galton. He was influenced by the book Origin of Species written by his cousin Charles Darwin.
The idea that humans get all their behavioral traits from “nurture” was invented by philosopher John Locke. He proposed that humans develop from only environmental influences. In social and political sciences, nature vs. nurture debate is also known as structure vs. agency debate. To try and put the debate to rest of nature vs. nurture behavioral geneticists perform adoption and twin studies. They distinguish shared family factors and non-shared factors. They found that certain traits are affected differently; such as IQ is affected by both nature and nurture. It was discovered that neither one is right but a combination of both affects a person and behavioral traits.


After reading this chapter and having some discussion about latent learning and Tolman and how you don't necessarily need reinforcent in order to make someone learn something. Then we talked about how you could think of it as punishment, or discipline, to make someone learn something and which would be faster. The thing that made me think of this was how we reward people when they are right but don't punish them when they are wrong. On the flipside we have people who don't reward when the person is right for their learning but they just don't punish them when they are correct. An example I could think of with this was how in some classes if you don't read the chapters it's not a big deal and you just get passed over to the next person with no repercussions. A different classs would have a teacher who gets pissed at the fact you didn't read but when you get the answer right they just move on to the next bit of lecture. The best type I believe, the third, is a combination of the two where if you read you are reinforced with points and if you didn't read you are basically embarassed in front of your peers. The point of this I am making is to look into if there is any existing studies on what the best type of learning could be and how that has been applied to parts of our lives such as classroom situations. If we can find the best approach to this idea of learning then we could structure classes around it and maybe become more productive.
When I looked into the positive reinforcement side of learning it usually led to one thing: special education. Of about 3 or 4 different websites I looked at they talked about how positive reinforcement is necessary in special needs classes. This isn't because they need to be rewarded in order to learn effectively but it shows progress in learning and a decreaase in agressive and violent actions that you may see in students that have had positive punishment in the classroom.
The thought of positive punishment and classroom teaching sounds very unfriendly to us but I feel that may just be because were from a culture that has recently done away with punishing children in classes. We are also very low on the global scale of educated countries so why not try something the other successful countries are doing? With positive punishment it seems like it would help the students with aversive behaviors but also may add to jut an overall unhappiness in their lives and a negative view of education in general. Another thing that may occur could be aggressive or violent behavior that is being replicated.
I feel like the best approach to learning may be a combination of the two so that the student feels good about what they do if they get something right but really find being wrong an aversive action.

I didn’t write my first blog of this week about Tolman, but after doing a little bit of research, I think I will be doing my second blog post on him and his work. Tolman did work with latent learning in his work with rats and mazes. Tolman is also known for many of his contributions to behaviorism. He talked about purposeful behaviorism as observed in his rat studies. Even though I don’t agree with some of his views of humans and the breakdown of their actions, I can appreciate what he has done for the field of psychology.

I think one of the most recognizable achievements of Edward Tolman was his contribution to latent learning. In fact, he was (to my knowledge) the first to do any tests in attempt to show latent learning. Latent learning is a learning style that isn’t backed by an obvious reinforcement. The reward of learning is also delayed and the subject might not be aware of learning, it could be a passive observation. For example, think of when you drive to four queens. You know the way that you always go, but today there is construction and you take a different way. You go back to your old way. But once you see a construction sign not even obstructing your original route, you take the new route that you learned when there was construction previously. You didn’t study this new way; you just remembered it for no apparent reason. You learned a new path without being aware of it or having an immediate reward.
Edward Tolman came across latent learning when he observed 3 different groups of rats attempt many trials of some mazes. Their behavior was observed was every day for two weeks. Each group had a different stimuli and the dependent variable was how quickly they did the maze. The first group received food after each time they got to the end of the maze, the second group never found any food, and the third group didn’t find any food until after the 10th day. The first group learned the maze shortly as expected, group two wandered aimlessly throughout the maze and group three acted the same as group two. That is, group three wandered aimlessly until the 11th day when they received the reward of food. After the rats found the food once, they were as good as the rats who had been finding food for 10 days.

What I found coolest about Tolman was when he made the claim that this latent learning could be applied to learning. It was done in 1946 in a paper called “Cognitive Maps in rats and men”. In this paper, he argued that both rats and humans have spatial maps that help them understand where they are in space. He also argued that this mental map could help humans understand where they stood in a social map, emotional relationships, and even to the point of understanding empathy. I thought it was pretty crazy that he derived all this just from studying rats and their behavior in a maze. This paper is what made me have the most respect for this man; he was in fact a genius.

Links: - this article helped me get a better understanding of latent learning and helped me form my own example. In my mind, if you can explain a concept, then you understand it. - This website helped me get a rounder understanding of Tolman and his work. This Wikipedia page also directed me towards my final link. - this was by far the most helpful link. This is Tolman’s original paper “Cognitive Maps in rats and men”. It really helped me understand how he came to the conclusion that humans and rats are similar in their spatial maps. I suggest giving it a read because it is very insightful.

After reading chapter eleven, I became really interested in Tolman's Latent learning. Latent learning is a style of learning that arises without any kind of reinforcement and isn't evident at first. The theory took the psychology world by storm after a great amount of contraversy, as previously it was thought that learning could not ever take place without some kind of reinforcement.
Tolman was the first to come up with this theory after putting rats in a maze and watching them maneuver around the maze multiple times. Initially, they did not receive any kind of reward for completing the maze. They were timed to see how well they knew the twists and turns of the maze and how quickly they could get from the starting point to the end. Initially, this group of rats would just wander around the maze aimlessly, with no rush to the end of the maze. However, once food was introduced as a reward on the eleventh day of the experiment, the mice rushed to the end of the maze. This showed that, although no incentive had been initially presented, they were creating a "mental map". They did not have motivation to display their learning until the reward was introduced on the eleventh day, but the learning was still taking place. In other words, it didn't take the reward for the mice to learn-- it took the reward for the mice to *show* that they were learning.
Latent learning is also supported by experiments done with humans. From a young age, children have been shown to have been learning about their environment even though they do not have a clear incentive to learn. Experiments have been done using puppets on three month olds and six month olds, showing further support for the existence of latent learning.
Studies have shown that the anterior hippocampus is important for latent learning. Rats who have their anterior hippocampuses lesioned did not demonstrate any error reduction. Before the lesion, both groups had the ability to learn latently and showed error reduction through trials.
Studies on latent learning have branched out from those pertaining to cognitive maps. One study aimed to determine if caffeine-deprived participants built up a liking to a previously dislike flavor using caffeine. This was done by first exposing them to the caffeine-free version, which they disliked. Once enjoying the caffeinated beverage, they were asked to try to caffeine free version again. Though the researchers hypothesized that latent learning would take place in this case, making the participants more likely to enjoy the flavor of the un-caffeinated beverage, however, this study did not support their hypothesis.
Chapter eleven certainly mentions Tolman and his intiial findings with latent learning, but I wanted to do further research to see what kind of an impact it has had in the modern world. As illustrated above, latent learning has had a variety of applications. Some hypotheses, such as the one on flavor, were not supported by the experiment, however, these are still findings that have been inspired by Tolman's theory of latent learning.
General information on latent learning
Latent learning in rats with lesions to the hippocampus
latent learning in flavors

Although chapter 11 wasn’t as intriguing to me as the previous chapter 10, I still found a couple of things that were interesting to me. The one topic that I decided to look more into is that of B.F. Skinner. I chose Skinner because of the outstanding contributions that he has made to operant conditioning and behaviorism. B.F. Skinner fits in with the chapter as some of his contributions to psychology reflected on behaviorism, which is the central theme of the chapter.
Burrhus Frederick Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904, in Pennsylvania. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a housewife. As a boy, Skinner enjoyed building things. A skill he would later apply in his experiments. Some of Skinners more successful builds were a floatation device that separated ripe from green elderberries that he and a friend sold door to door. He also devised a contraption that helped brooms pick up dirt by spreading green dust to reveal any dirtiness. Skinner went on to attend Hamilton College and received a B.A in English literature there. After abandoning his writing career, Skinner went enrolled in the psychology program at Harvard University. Skinner soon became interested in the findings of Pavlov and Watson. In 1945, Skinner moved to the University of Indiana to become the head of the psychology department. In 1948, Skinner moved back to Harvard to become one of the leaders in behaviorism in experimental psychology.
Probably one of the things that B.F. Skinner was most famous for was his experiments on operant conditioning and the “Skinner Box.” In this study, Skinner would place hungry animals, such as rats, in his specially designed box. In this box there would be a lever. In moving this lever, the rats would trigger I piece of food to fall into a trough next to the lever. Over time, the rats would become conditioned to pull the lever if they wanted to receive food. It was through these experiments that B.F. Skinner would come to be known as the father of operant conditioning.
These two sites provided background information on Skinner
This site provided some good facts about Skinner and operant conditioning
This site just gave me a lot of general information on Skinner

Although chapter 11 wasn’t as intriguing to me as the previous chapter 10, I still found a couple of things that were interesting to me. The one topic that I decided to look more into is that of B.F. Skinner. I chose Skinner because of the outstanding contributions that he has made to operant conditioning and behaviorism. B.F. Skinner fits in with the chapter as some of his contributions to psychology reflected on behaviorism, which is the central theme of the chapter.
Burrhus Frederick Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904, in Pennsylvania. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a housewife. As a boy, Skinner enjoyed building things. A skill he would later apply in his experiments. Some of Skinners more successful builds were a floatation device that separated ripe from green elderberries that he and a friend sold door to door. He also devised a contraption that helped brooms pick up dirt by spreading green dust to reveal any dirtiness. Skinner went on to attend Hamilton College and received a B.A in English literature there. After abandoning his writing career, Skinner went enrolled in the psychology program at Harvard University. Skinner soon became interested in the findings of Pavlov and Watson. In 1945, Skinner moved to the University of Indiana to become the head of the psychology department. In 1948, Skinner moved back to Harvard to become one of the leaders in behaviorism in experimental psychology.
Probably one of the things that B.F. Skinner was most famous for was his experiments on operant conditioning and the “Skinner Box.” In this study, Skinner would place hungry animals, such as rats, in his specially designed box. In this box there would be a lever. In moving this lever, the rats would trigger I piece of food to fall into a trough next to the lever. Over time, the rats would become conditioned to pull the lever if they wanted to receive food. It was through these experiments that B.F. Skinner would come to be known as the father of operant conditioning.
These two sites provided background information on Skinner
This site provided some good facts about Skinner and operant conditioning
This site just gave me a lot of general information on Skinner

Although chapter 11 wasn’t as intriguing to me as the previous chapter 10, I still found a couple of things that were interesting to me. The one topic that I decided to look more into is that of B.F. Skinner. I chose Skinner because of the outstanding contributions that he has made to operant conditioning and behaviorism. B.F. Skinner fits in with the chapter as some of his contributions to psychology reflected on behaviorism, which is the central theme of the chapter.
Burrhus Frederick Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904, in Pennsylvania. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a housewife. As a boy, Skinner enjoyed building things. A skill he would later apply in his experiments. Some of Skinners more successful builds were a floatation device that separated ripe from green elderberries that he and a friend sold door to door. He also devised a contraption that helped brooms pick up dirt by spreading green dust to reveal any dirtiness. Skinner went on to attend Hamilton College and received a B.A in English literature there. After abandoning his writing career, Skinner went enrolled in the psychology program at Harvard University. Skinner soon became interested in the findings of Pavlov and Watson. In 1945, Skinner moved to the University of Indiana to become the head of the psychology department. In 1948, Skinner moved back to Harvard to become one of the leaders in behaviorism in experimental psychology.
Probably one of the things that B.F. Skinner was most famous for was his experiments on operant conditioning and the “Skinner Box.” In this study, Skinner would place hungry animals, such as rats, in his specially designed box. In this box there would be a lever. In moving this lever, the rats would trigger I piece of food to fall into a trough next to the lever. Over time, the rats would become conditioned to pull the lever if they wanted to receive food. It was through these experiments that B.F. Skinner would come to be known as the father of operant conditioning.
These two sites provided background information on Skinner
This site provided some good facts about Skinner and operant conditioning
This site just gave me a lot of general information on Skinner

BF Skinner and his experimental designs are what interested me in chapter eleven. The first site explains how Skinner was one of the pioneers of behaviorism, and was also one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. Skinner created his own scientific method of psychological research through radical behaviorism. His invention such as the cumulative recorder was used to measure the rate of response by using positive or negative reinforcements. This new form of applied behaviorism was different from the unobservable form which focused on cognitive behaviorism. Skinner was impressed by Thorndike’s Puzzle Box, he would expand on the idea and invent his own operant chamber where he controlled the environment while measuring the response. By observing rats in the operant chamber also known as Skinner’s box, he discovered the principle of reinforcement. The rats were capable of learning, they pressed the lever when they wanted food (positive reinforcement), and avoided the lever when they knew it would cause a shock (negative reinforcement). Through his experimentations Skinner helped change behaviorism into a science of behaviorism.

Through Skinner’s pigeon studies, he discovered at regular times of feeding (the positive reinforcement) pigeons learned to repeat a particular response. In turn the reinforcement strengthens that particular response. Operant conditioning then occurred when the pigeon’s behavior changed for the desired response. The second site explained how BF Skinner invented Project Pigeon, in which pigeon’s would guide missiles during WWII. The United States Navy funded the project and Skinner earned $25,000 in grant money. Skinner was able to train pigeons to control the missile through pecking. Before being put into a three chambered missile, the pigeons would be trained by pecking at a picture of ta battleship. If the pigeons pecked in the center of the screen the missile would go forward, the missile could move in the direction of that pecks. However, lucky for the pigeons in 1944 the project was reconsidered and eventually abandoned.

According to the third site the “Skinner Air Crib” was one of Skinner’s more controversial inventions. Skinner created the air crib while living in Minnesota when his wife was expecting their second child. This allowed him to observe his daughter in a controlled environment. Skinner was trying to create a positive place for a child’s development. The air crib was a big enclosed metal box, basically a larger version of the original Skinner box, without the shocking mechanism. The crib had three solid walls with a safety glass in the front, which could be lowered to remove the baby. Sheets covering the canvas were used as the floor. The temperature and humidity was controlled by a box on top of the crib, and clean air was circulated form underneath the crib. Skinner’s second child, Deborah spent the first two years of her life sleeping and playing in the crib. Many reports suggested that she was unhappy, depressed, and suicidal which have all been denied by her and her family. The crib was actually commercially produced and was thought to have been used by more than 300 children. Fifty of the families were later tracked down and reported only positive experiences with the crib. However most of society was skeptical and associated the air crib with Skinner’s past scientific experiments using animals.

The topic I choose to talk about for this Thursday’s blog was Edward Tolman. Due to his tremendous work in the field of cognitive behavior. Bringing a number of new concepts and vocabulary to the field of psychology Tolman’s theory’s help improve and refine psychology. From intervening variables, reliability, through to latent learning and the creation of cognitive maps, Tolman was one of few in my opinion that tried to not only work with other pre-existing theory’s but to make them work together in a better way. That is why I chose to talk more about Edward Tolman and his contributions to the field.

Tolman was born and raised in a “upper middle” socioeconomic class family in the state of Massachusetts. His father a president of a manufacturing company, was expecting him and his older brother Richard to take on the family business. Going against family wishes both Tolman and his brother pursued an academic career, Richard into a career of academics and Tolman in electrochemistry. During his last year at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tolman changed his degree to philosophy, where he finally graduating in 1911. Which after words he attended summer school where he took courses in both philosophy and psychology, but concluded psychology was more his level of learning. It was once he enrolled in Harvard Graduate School that Tolman was turned toward the teachings of motivation after readings of McDougall. To get his PhD Tolman went to German, were all PhD examinations were held at the time, it was there he was introduced to the Gestalt movement.

After returning home from Germany, Tolman studied under Hugo Munsterberg in nonsense syllables while also working on his PhD dissertation, earning him his doctorate in 1915. He later returned to Germany to learn more about Gestalt psychology where he became an instructor at Northwestern University for three years. It wasn’t long until his pacifist views got him fired from his job during WWI, when the Dean for anti-war statements reported his claims in the student publication. Having no job over seas Tolman returned home to become an instructor at the University of California in 1918 where he remained till his death. Before that Tolman being the passionate truth seeker he was, refused to sign the California loyalty oath during the “Year of the Oath”, an attempt by the university to impose loyalty on the faculty in compliance with state law. In this act Tolman told others to sign and leave the contest leaving him and others that could afford the fight to stay, giving him tremendous recognition.

Tolman left a lot behind for the field of behaviorist psychology before his passing. Going from electrochemistry, philosophy, and finally to psychology Tolman still had his dislikes. When it came to adopting the gestalt concept with his own, he developed a dislike for Watson’s behaviorism due to the fact of his mechanistic behaviorism approach. When it came to Tolman’s sign-gestalt theory he focused on three things; significant, sign, and means to an end relation compared to that of merely responding to stimuli, like of Watson’s theory.
Was used for the background history on Edward Tolman
Reading on Tolman’s work in sign theory
Used as an outline of Tolman’s life and work

As a person who is particularly interested in behaviorism, I decided to do a bit of research on what sets neobehaviorism apart from behaviorism. What I found was that neobehaviorists like Hull were primarily interested in developing a law of behavior, as opposed to Watsonian behaviorism, which was primarily concerned about recording observable behaviors. The most important factor is the understanding of Positivism and Logical Positivism. Positivism is the theoretical concept that science should only be concerned with things that are directly supported by evidence, as theorizing without evidence can cause observational biases. Logical Positivism is the philosophy that researchers should use observable behaviors but also use logic when theorizing. When traditional behaviorists such as Watson were positivists, neobehaviorists were logical positivists.
Although he was considered a neobehaviorist, B.F. Skinner rejected the neobehavioral focus on laws, and got back to the Watsonian roots of strictly observing behaviors. With his objective observation, Skinner was able to develop the law of operant conditioning, in which he was able to elicit target behaviors out of the operant by means of reinforcement and punishment.

Many people have looked down on behavioral psychology because it deals strictly with observable behaviors that are elicited by the environment, and does not attempt to understand or explain the internal processes that take place to emit those behaviors.
In the defense of behaviorism, the human serves as a function, and behaviorism is set out to study how you can tell what you get out of the function by what you put in. It is not all-encompassing; behaviorists focus on that aspect, whereas cognitive psychologists focus on trying to solve the function itself, and could be criticized for not concerning themselves with the input or output of the function. The best way to fully understand human psychology is to see how the findings of all different types of psychologists fit together and make up that what is human.
This website had a lot of information on neobehaviorists Hull, Skinner, and Tolman.,d.b2I
This was a link to a powerpoint slideshow about the history of behaviorism, logical positivism, and neobehaviorism.
This website showed how neobehaviorists bridged the gap between behavioral and cognitive theories of learning.

I decided to research more latent learning, brought about by Tolman , because I get where he was coming from with his thinking. So often I feel like as a society and individuals we think that in order for someone to learn something they have to be reinforced to do so. I think that just makes things more complicated in the long run, just like when I was growing up I was rewarded with money for grades but eventually that didn’t matter any longer. The money no longer played a role of reinforcement, and in some sense it became aversive and taught the wrong lessons about education. Today, I hate grades; I think they really don’t have any meaning on regards to how much someone may know. I think Tolman and his theory of latent learning really focuses on looking outside the ‘theory’.
Tolman grew up in a middle socioeconomic household and really wasn’t supposed to pursue an academic career but rather take over the family business along with his older brother. Even in his academic career he was set out to be an electrochemist or something like that, but during his senior year stumbled upon readings published by William James, which pushed him to become a philosopher. I thought this action fit his theory of latent learning perfectly because he was no interest in the field of psychology, but then challenged or opened his mind of thinking when stumbling along some random research and decided to challenge him.

I wanted to know more about Walden Two written by B.F. Skinner. I was interested in this behaviorist model of what utopia should be because the write-up in the text made me think of Jonestown. I wondered if Jim Jones had read Skinnerian theory and had tried to act upon it. I am in no way trying to denigrate Dr. Skinner, and I am not even sure that Jim Jones did not start his commune with the best of intentions. I watched a documentary on Jonestown and many inhabitants had stated that it was a beautiful place to live, like their own paradise (until that whole Kool-Aid episode). In my reading activity I had stated that given too much power, people can come to abuse that power and places like Jonestown go extinct. I have not been able to find a tremendous amount of information about the book, I would have to read it myself (which is probably the best idea anyway). I have always been interested in the way that cult leaders are able to control their followers and after reading about Skinner it did become apparent that there are similarities in method and organization.

I was able to read that real life efforts were made to replicate Walden Two. The most curious part for me is that in Skinner’s book there were about 1000 inhabitants in the community. That seems about as large as a cooperative community could get, or a city the size of Vinton might be manageable, but no larger. Human nature would still manage to get in the way. We are not the Borg and we have feelings and preferences, given that power most people would eventually become corrupt. If a leader could not be corrupted, then there would likely be a coup by those who would rather be in charge.

Sir Frances Bacon’s book The New Atlantis probably influenced Skinner’s novel for a perfect society. Human kind continuously seeks that perfect society (Eden) as doggedly as we chase immortality. Interestingly enough, both of those concepts were also presented in the Bible. The Walden Two type community is also accused of taking away freedom of thought and will, where life is automatic and not spontaneous. I can see how some might liken this community to an anthill, very purposeful ants all have a duty to perform and they do so in concert with one another. However, disrupt the mundane ant world and chaos ensues, destroy the leader and the mound supposedly dies. Skinner’s idea was not to fall into a compliant and mundane existence, and each task was to be done with an eye for improvement. Improvements would be voted on and implemented by managers.

Still, the task is daunting when large numbers of people are involved. I did not see where Skinner had addressed substance abuse problems in the Utopian society. Even in the Biblical world of Adam and Eve, violence and hatred were not always caused by greed. Many times violence is perpetuated by jealousy and emotion. Men and women kill each other out of passion and spite. Power usually means control of more than just money and goods, many powerful men also gain access to more women (and vice versa). Until we figure out a way to control the very basic human behaviors (sexuality, jealousy, rage, etc.), it will be hard to reach the Utopian society which we seek.

The topic I chose from this chapter is Clark Hull. I was intrigued by his hypothesis that perseverance and hard work are the main factors that can overcome any adversity. He also focused on motivation and drive. After researching him I learned much more on his drive theory, background, and some of the research he performed. The prediction of behavior is his main overall topic of research. He made me think of the idea to question what drives action in humanistic levels. Why do we do things, what motivates us to behave, sometimes I think it is fear that creates drive to have a behavior. During class today we had someone speak out and say they do not agree with putting a formula into human behavior, however, we are discovering more to discover ways to predict behavior. He studied experimental research to associate behaviors with sources. The three basic needs were what he focused in on, including; hunger, sex, and thirst. Hull also participated in hypnosis. He pushed the distinction of sleep and hypnosis through experimental theories. The most surprising thing that I found out about Hull is that he grew up disabled. He had polio, and this put together why he claimed that hard work and perseverance could overcome anything. It also came as a surprise to me that he came from a lower social economic status level. This was a surprise because most historic psychologists come from wealthy families with the correct resources. He was a great example of someone who took other areas of studies and applied them to psychology. His mathematical knowledge helped him apply a formula for behavior. The second website broke down his formula for the global theory of behavior. Within the formula the factors in the following; drive strength, reinforces, deprivation, incentive, stimulus, consecutiveness, and strength. This formula made me think my individual behaviors and why they are done. I think on of the main factors of my behavior involves reinforcers. His theory was also criticized by several other psychologists at the time. He was majorly criticized for his theory not being applicable to real life scenarios. He researched a system for learning that showed great successes in lab, yet struggled in real life areas. Although, his theory conflicted with others he started a progression towards understanding behavior based off his own adversity. I find him as a courageous, intelligent individual who progressed the study of psychology.


I decided to do more research on Clark Hull. His theory on drive reduction was interesting to read about but, I was curious to find more information on it.
Clark Hull was born on May 24,1884 in Akron, New York. He was handicapped when growing up and he got polio when he reached the age of 24. His family wasn’t wealthy and his education was on and off most of the time, until he started teaching to earn extra money to get through school. At age 29 he had graduated from Michigan University and then he got his Ph. D. in psychology from the University of Wisconsin by the age of 34. He became apart of the staff at the University of Wisconsin for ten years, then the next ten years hypnosis and suggestibility consumed his time while he was a research professor at Yale University.
It was at Yale when Hull founded his theory on behavior based on Pavlov’s laws of conditioning. His theory consisted of his belief that human behavior is a result of the constant interaction between one and their environment. He also believed that perseverance and hard work were big components that can overcome any misfortune. I would agree with this aspect and I think he makes a good point. I also believe humans who do work hard and have faith or keep moving forward with their lives can make it through extremely hard times. In regards to one’s environment he could observe most of the stimuli but he couldn’t observe the adaptation required in order for the organism to survive. He took more interest and paid more attention to the things he could observe because they were linked to how they were acting cognitively. He looked at things like: ideas, intelligence, and values.
Thorndike’s research on reinforcement linked with learning also had an influence on Hull’s work. Clark Hull hypothesized that animals would learn more quickly the stronger the physiological need or drive and the more immediate the reward or reinforcement, and he succeeded in confirming his hypothesis with his experiments.
It was interesting to read about Hull and his accomplishments in his life as well as his learning more about his experiments.

1a) This week I decided to do my topic on Clark Hull.

1b) This chapter discussed a lot about Hull. It mentioned things such as his influences like Isaac Newton. It also discussed the Hull-Spence theory. The text also went on to talk about his influence on behaviorism. It discussed things from his life such as contracting typhoid and being paralyzed after getting polio. It also went on to talk about his contributions and mentioned things like between 1940-1950 about 70 percent of all research articles published in the areas of language and motivation referred to and referenced Hull’s work.

1c) He seemed like he influenced many people and contributed a quite a bit to the field. I had heard his name briefly in a course or two but wanted to learn a bit more as he seems like such a prominent individual within psychology.

Clark Leonard Hull was born on May 24 in the year of 1884. Hull was an American psychology who used scientific laws of behavior by explain the areas of learning and motivation. Today he is best known for debates he had with Edward Tolman along with work he did regarding drive theory. Most of Hull’s career was spent at Yale University after being recruited by the president who was also a former psychologist. Some of his most important works include Mathematico-Deductive Theory of Role Learning and Principles of Behavior. Hull however is best known for his “goal gradient” effect which is though little referenced due to behaviorisms lack of popularity in modern contexts.
Clark L. Hull was born in Akron, New York in a log home. His father was a powerful man, known for his aggressive temper. He was very uneducated and went on to marry Hull’s mother from Connecticut when she was just fifteen years old. His fathers lack of education was due to all the work he did as a child. He was never able to read until meeting Hull’s mother who taught him. When Hull was a young child, around three, his family moved to a farm in Michigan. Along with his brother, they helped out on the farm doing chores and manual labor.
Hull received his schooling in a small, one room building with about twenty to thirty others. He however had to miss many days to help out on the farm. Hull though showed much proficiency in mathematics. At the age of 11 he was forced to convert by a religious group who were known as the Christian Crusaders. This made Hull think a lot concerning his religious identify and he ended up renouncing it entirely. At just 17 he passed a teacher examination test and was able to become a teacher in a schoolhouse like the one he attended. This experience influenced Hull to seek out furthering his schooling. He went on to attend high school, living with the superintendent. His stay there required household chores. His atheism however almost led him to be kicked out of the house. After graduating he left his life with the superintendent but stayed in touch until his death.
After graduating he went to continue his studies at Alma Academy where he excelled in mathematics. His interest in math inspired his question of how the mind creates new connections based on what one already knows. One day after attending a banquet with contaminated food, Hull contracted typhoid which delayed his college return. His health did improve and he was able to go back to Alma, studying math, physics and chemistry with the intention of becoming an engineer. Two months after moving to Minnesota to work as an apprentice mining engineer he got polio, leaving him partially paralyzed. After this incident he once again reconsidered his life path.
He always had a love of philosophy which eventually led to his psychology interest which he began studying during his recovery from polio. He took on a great interest in both Watson and Pavlov. His mother would often read to him their works until his eyes became strong enough again. The following year he decided to once again teach in the one room schoolhouse. After teaching here for two years he married Bertha Lutzi. The two went off to attend the University of Michigan where he formally began his psychology studies. He eventually accepted a teaching assistant position at the University of Wisconsin.
He went on to teach as a full time instructor at the University of Wisconsin before he went on to Yale University. He taught an aptitude testing course and an introductory class for premed students. While teaching this course he took interest in hypnosis. This marked the beginning of his experimental testing in the field. During the year of 1929 he started his employment with Yale and remained there until his death on May 10th of 1952. He was one of the most frequently cited psychologists during the 40s and 50s. aptitude testing became a greatly quoted text and his work Hypnosis and Suggestibility was studied to a great extent. He inspired many students and psychologists who revised his theories and made their own contributions to the field including individuals such as Kenneth Spence.



This site included a ton of great in depth information. It started off with a nice summary of Hull’s life, included a table of context and presented information chronologically regarding his early life, higher education, later life, research, influence, awards and recognition.


This site didn’t have the most information but it was all really informing. It as well started off with a brief summary and presented a table of contents as well. It then got into his life, work, hypnosis research, habit formation research, critiques and legacy. It also had a section on his students and major publications.


Like the first site, this one included a lot of great information. It went over Hull’s education, evolution of concepts, his work with learning, his behavior system, and ended with his legacy. It as well had a section which showed all of his important works.

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