Topical Blog Week #16 (optional)

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Discuss how the material you have learned from this class has changed how you think about or view the world.

Thank you and have a great summer break.


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The material I've learned this semester has made me a better psychologist. I just changed my major to psychology last year, and while it's always been somehting I've been interested in, it was never something I thought was realistic for me to personally pursue.
I'm alway interested to learn about history, I think it's interesting to learn where things have progressed from, and I'm oddly intreiged every time I come accross the old books brought to class or in your office.
The things I've leanred in this course has given me more backgroung in a lifestyle that I've recently become very immursed in, I think it has made me more intelligent, as well as helped me to appreciate my lifestyle choice more and made me excited to go on and continue the science myself.

I thought this class has been a great experience in learning about the history of psychology. I'm glad we did blogs throughout the semester because I actually learned the material by reading the chapters and summarizing the chapters through the blogs. I was very interested in how psychologists learned about the brain through ablation and the lobotomy experiences which i did find gross but intriguing to know they actually did/do that on people. It makes me appreciate medicine today and how further along in technology we are because of psychologists. Learning about the history of psychology has helped me understand how it came to evolve and how it is important in today's society.

I really enjoyed learning about the history of psychology. Ever since my intro to psych class I have been familiar with these names and styles of psychology but we never really got into to much depth on why certain practices came about and who was behind a lot of the discoveries and why. This class has really helped me to broaden my knowledge of the subject and allows me to better understand the concepts that I am studying and why it is important for me to learn them.

This class has given me a much broader understanding of psychology and how the things from the past impact what we know of psychology today. One thing this class helped me to understand is how history can be incorrect much of the time. When one wrong thing is taught from the past that may be wrong or a little biased, it keeps getting passed down through the years until someone decides to do more research and correct the wrongs. An example of this is that much of the history that was taught of Wundt was wrong. The author also made a point to write about how complex history is. This relates to the world in that we must always look at things with a broad view. There is always much more to the story than what it seems. This class has helped me so see how different all the types of psychology are and yet how similar they can also be. Though they all study very different things, the one thing that combines them all is their shared history and how they have derived from Descartes and philosophy and eventually into the several different psychological studies that exist today. I enjoyed taking this class and learned a lot from it that I can use even after I am done studying at college.

This class has made me realize how much psychology has grown and influenced the way I think about and view the world. I wish I wouldn't have waited until my senior year to complete the class because I've been hearing about a lot of the psychologists we learned about for so long but never really knew anything about them. Learning about and understanding the concepts I've heard so much has made me have a new found appreciation for our science.

This class has not only allowed me to learn psychology, but has allowed me to understand the people in the different parts of the world that coincide with the growth of psychology. There are many different aspects of psychology that play a role in my life. I feel like this class has allowed me to understand more of how the history of psychology grew over time as did the diversity of the world. It allows us to be able to think about something and test it in a way that makes sense. Overall, the hybrid style of this class allows us to see how we are able to teach ourselves and not be so reliant on an agenda that the teacher puts out for us.

This class has taught me a lot, and much of what I have learned stretches far beyond what was included in the textbook. Yes, learning about the history and systems behind modern psychology was fascinating and I learned how much of what we believe today is based from our history. Events, both great and small, were very influential in how the field of psychology was formed. Such events include Wundt's laboratory and basic physiological experiments, America's fascination with practical psychology and Behaviorism, and even seemingly small events such as William James publishing the first psychology textbook. Without each and every one of these factors who knows where psychology would be today. That is everything I learned in class. However, because of the way this classroom is modeled, the hybrid version, I learned much more than I would ever have by simply reading the textbook cover to cover. The hybrid classroom pushed me to research related topics to what we were covering in class that was interesting to me. At first this was a drag, and it ended up being a lot more work than I thought it would be. However, once I got into it I realized that I can personalize this class to my own interests. This was great, especially with the topical blogs for weeks 9-12, which required us to relate current events to what we were learning. This was great and really gave me a chance to personalize the class to my interests. In the broad sense, this class has taught me what true learning means. It's not about the simple memorization of names and dates;true learning involves being passionate about the material, about asking yourself the hard questions and setting out to answer them. If this is all I remember about this class in 5 years then i would be perfectly content with that.

This class has broadened my knowledge of the major I have decided to pursue as a whole. Anything you choose to get involved in you should always do the research about it. This class did this for me. I have learned so much about how the different areas of psychology have come about and the people who helped pave the way for students like us to be blessed with the opportunity to study this great major. There was so much I didn't know about Psychology before I took this class that I know now. Also this class helped me develop a new technique of learning that I will take with me into other classes that aren't hybrid style. Instead of just reading and memorizing, this class allowed me to speak what "I" got from what I read and viewing other students thoughts it allowed me to get a different view on it and put them all together.
Overall I enjoyed this class and the style it is taught in and I am looking forward to taking others similar to it.

Thank you

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