Reading Activity Week #13 (Due Monday)

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Please read the chapter assigned for this week.
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After reading the chapter, please respond to the following questions:

Of the various aspects of History & Systems presented in the chapter, which did you find the most interesting? Why? Which did you find least interesting? Why? What are three things you read about in the chapter that you think will be the most useful for you in understanding History & Systems? Why? What are some topics in earlier chapters that relate or fit in with this chapter? How so?

Please make sure you use the terms, terminology and concepts you have learned so far in the class. It should be apparent from reading your post that you are a college student well underway in a course in psychology.

Make a list of key terms and concepts you used in your post.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M

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I really found the Humanistic approach to psychotherapy to be the most interesting thing in this chapter due to its positive and idealistic approach. Humanists taught of self-actualization, or to reach one's true potential. Maslow gave a hierarchy of needs with physiological needs, the need for love and belonging, the need for self-esteem below the final and most important need, self-actualization. Maslow's humanistic approach helped guide the way to today's positive psychology which focuses on mental health instead of mental illness and examines such topics such as happiness, optimism, and creativity. Carl Rogers, another humanist, introduced client-centered therapy, which focused that the responsibility for therapeutic change ultimately belonged to the client while the the theraptist's job was to creative an atmosphere conducive to such change. This atmosphere included 3 components: 1. The therapist must be honest with the client. 2. The therapist must be accepting of the client as a person no matter what of his condition, behavior, or feelings. 3. Therapist must have empathy: the ability to understand cognitively and emotionally what the client is going through. Empathy was showed through reflection, or rephrasing a clients response in a way to show understanding.

I didn't find the Boulder Model to be very interesting because it was just telling how clinical psych came into being. David Shakow was made head of the newly formed Committee on Training in Clinical Psych and came up with 3 primary forms of expertise clinicians should have: Experts in the diagnosis of mental disorders, skilled psychotherapists, and should be able to complete high quality empirical research. Made the scientist-practitioner model which emphasized a research dissertation to train in clinical psych.

I think the Boulder model may not be very interesting, but it is useful in learning why psych is what it is today. The standard for a good psychologist seems to emphasize the 3 expertise illustrated in the Boulder Model and the use of a dissertation is still used today in graduate school.

Terms: Humanistic, psychotherapy, Self-actualization, Maslow, positive psychology, Carl Rogers, Client-centered therapy, Empathy, Reflection, Boulder Model, David Shakrow, Scientist-Practitioner model.

I think I found the most interesting information from this chapter to be Roger’s idea of client-centered therapy. Client-centered therapy assumed that responsibility for therapeutic change ultimately belonged to the client, while the therapist’s responsibility was to create an atmosphere conducive to such change. I like how Roger felt like it was important to allow the client to take control of his or her life and begin to grow in the direction of self-actualization. Self-actualization is a human’s free will and a sense of responsibility and purpose, a forward-looking lifelong search for meaning in one’s life, and an innate tendency to grow in life. I liked how Rogers had three important components to his ideal therapeutic atmosphere for client-centered therapy. First is the therapist should be “genuine”, they need to be honest with the client. Second the therapist needs to be accepting of the client as a person, meaning “a warm regard for him as a person of unconditioned worth-value no matter what his condition, his behavior, or feelings. The third thing is having empathy for the client. Empathy is the ability to understand both cognitively and emotionally, what another person is experiencing. I found the least interesting information from this chapter to be the information on the Psy.D. Degree. I just didn’t find this information as interesting as other information in this chapter.

I found the three most important pieces of information to take away from these chapters to be systematic desensitization, the Humanistic approach to therapy, and the Hawthorne study. Systematic desensitization is important to behavioral psychology in that it is a procedure to help change or fix some behaviors that were conditioned before. The procedure occurs in which fear response is replaced by an incompatible response. The humanistic approach to therapy is also important to the concept of psychotherapy. Therapy now is focused on self-actualization and centered around the individual. The Hawthorne effect is also important to take away from this chapter, because its shows us why some people behave the way they do. The Hawthorne Effect is the tendency for performance to be affected because people know they are being studied or watch. This is an important concept to understand in a work environment where you want to learn to increase the productivity of workers and employees.

Terms: Client-centered Therapy, Self-actualization, Systematic desensitization, Hawthorne Effect

The scientist-practitioner model of clinical training included a thourough basic knowledge of the principals of psych and ALSO in research methods . It was also imperative that one had a full understanding of psychometrics, psychopathology, and psychotherapy and that the dissertation included empirical research and a long internship at a professional clinic or hospital.Getting a PHd with this education took about four to five years.
Some of the things I will remember from this chapter were systematic desensitization, progressive relaxation, and the humanistic approach to psychology/self-actualization.
systematic desensitization remains one of the most well known and most effective behavior therapies, and was discovered by joseph wolpe. He first studied phobic reactions in cats by conditioning them to fear their food by shocking them every time they attempted to eat it, and then he attempted to reverse these fears. He did this by attempting to feed the cat in a number of rooms that gradually became more similar to the initial room it was shocked in. Wolpe also applied progressive relaxation to his procedures.
Progressive relaxation was discovered by Edmund Jacobson. He had been using this technique to treat patients with nervous disorders. Patients would become relaxed and imagine the situation that involved the least anxiety and then ascend through a hierarchy of situations that involved more and more anxiety. Wolpe found that in most cases, after just a few sessions of these treatments, the patients would be able to remain relaxed in the presence of their phobic stimuli.
Self actualization was also interesting. Becoming self-actualized meant to reach one’s full potential in life. This was a common term coined by those who were a fan of the humanistic approach to psychology. They critized the ideas that human behavior could be reduced to repressed biological instincts or simple cognitive processes and that free will and a sense of responsibility and purpose were the factors most contributing to our behaviors.

This chapter contained a lot of information that I was already familiar with some in which are very interesting to me. The topic that was most interesting was progressive relaxation. Progressive relaxation is a technique in which one gradually and systematically relaxes the major muscle groups of the body. The term originated from Jacobson but Wolpe used the technique in systematic desensitization. Systematic desensitization is a procedure used in behavior therapy that involves a fear response being replaced by an incompatible response like relaxation. Wolpe named this technique. By using progressive relaxation Wolpe found that many patients improved even after a few sessions and could be relaxed even when the things they were feared most were presented. I thought this was interesting because it ties in with systematic desensitization. Also, it is remarkable that this technique can allow patients to improve so quickly. To think a patient is extremely afraid of something (phobia) and can be exposed to it soon after therapy begins is pretty cool.

A topic that was less interesting to me was client-centered therapy. Client-centered therapy was created by Rogers and is a humanistic approach to psychotherapy. It involved the client being fully responsible for his or her therapeutic change and the therapist was there simply to provide an environment to allow this to happen. I have learned about this technique before and it seems just kind of dull and boring which is why it is less interesting to me. I do understand that this could be a great technique to help the client progress, it just doesn’t seem to involve too much other than the client being solely responsible. What I do think are important however are the different aspects of the client- therapist relationship which I mention below.

Three topics that I thought were essential in understanding the history of psychology from the chapter were reflection, self-actualization, and the Hawthorne Effect. Reflection is a technique in therapy used by Rogers to show that the therapist could empathize. This involved the therapist rephrasing a client’s words in a way to show the client that the therapist understands. I think this is important in psychology because the therapist should understand the client in every way because if issues are not clear, little progress if any will be made. This plays a huge part in clinical psychology, it always has and it always will. Also, the fact that this includes empathizing makes it even more important. Empathy is being able to understand both emotionally and cognitively what the client is experiencing. It is an important part of the client-therapist relationship according to Rogers. I would agree that this would definitely help the client feel better about themselves because they know that the therapist is there for them. The second topic I thought was important in the understanding psychology is self-actualization. Self-actualization means to reach one’s full potential. I think that this is important because in therapy, the clients should be able to reach their full potential. This is a key ingredient to success. Finally, the Hawthorne effect is important in psychology as well. The Hawthorne effect is the tendency for the performance of subjects in an experiment to be influenced by knowing that they are being watched/observed. This is important because results from experiments in all varieties of experiments have been affected by this and will be if the researcher is not careful.

A few terms from previous chapters that tie into this chapter are systematic desensitization. It was mentioned previously in chapter ten as well as being a behavior therapy technique. This chapter helped to explain the term a little better by including how progressive relaxation is involved. I also feel like the term consciousness fits into this chapter because I think that patients who are going through client-centered therapy need to be aware of what they are doing and thinking in order to help them succeed and make progress. In a way then apperception could be related to this same approach as well because it is the highest level of awareness in which we focus our attention, understand it fully, and make it personally meaningful. Both the therapist and the client need to be aware of what is going on and taking into consideration what is best for the client.

Terms used: progressive relaxation, Jacobson, Wolpe, Rogers, systematic desensitization, client-centered therapy, reflection, empathy, self-actualization, Hawthorne effect, consciousness, and apperception.

Clinical psychology developed after the first world war. Before that psychologist were employed in mental hospitals or clinics. Applied psychologists continued to contribute their services through various testing programs. Around 1947 psychologist were able to deliver services to anyone in need of them. No longer restricted to a clinic setting, but more likely to develop a private practice.

The boulder model came out of a conference that was a blueprint for clinical training that was ideally designed to balance what shakow saw as the three primary forms of expertise. First a thourough understanding of psychometrics, psychopathology, and psychotherapy.

Behavior Therapy gained momentum in the 1950s through the work of eysenck in London, the development of an effective therapy technique. Carl Rogers was the creator of client-centered therapy. One of his major studies was with schizophrenic patients. Rogers regected the it was important to delve into the clients past history in order for therapy to be effective. The formula for success was for the therapist to create the right kind of therapeutic environment, thus allowing the client to be able to take control of his or her life. Second rogers believe it was essential for the therapist to be accepting of the client as a person. Third was an effective therapist-client relationship is empathy.

Terms: applied psychology, Behavior therapy, Eysenck, Rogers, psychometrics, psychopathology, psychotherapy.

I liked the Humanistic psychology idea by Carol Rogers. It is sometimes called psychology's third force because it rejected the determinism of psychoanalysis and behaviorism and proposed that humans are free to develop and control their own lives, rather then tied to their past. It believes that all humans have the potential for personal growth and self-actualization. Self actualizers perceive reality accurately, are independent, creative, spontaneous, moral, and natural. I definitely agree with these concepts. I think that all humans have the ablility to do anything they set their minds too. And those who don't think they have the ablilty to do certain things or anything at all, are letting their own minds and other things get in the way of that. They bring it on themselves and have nothing else to blame it on. If you put the hard work in you can achieve it.
Another thing that I liked about this chapter was the Hawthorne Effect. I definitely agree 100% with this idea. I think that if people do know they are in some kind of study, they are more likely to act differently then they normally would and that in turn affects the study.

What I found interesting in this chapter was that the Boulder conference which was only 15 days of intensive training sparked this whole program and guidelines to become a psychologist. I find it crazy that all the work we put into getting our degrees in this particular field only took 15 days to develop initially. Also, I liked learning more about Carl Rogers client-client centered therapy. I knew he existed and that he was a humanistic psychologist, but I had not really learned about his methods before. I thought his idea of focusing on the client as a person rather than a disorder or something he learned out of a textbook was really outstanding compared to the approaches some of the other psychologists have taken. I did not particularly find the section about the Hawthorne Effect to be all that interesting. I’ve learned about it before and I didn’t even find it intriguing the first time through. I feel as if it is kind of common knowledge that people perform or at least try to perform better when they are under supervision or feel like they are of more importance.

I think understanding the basics of the Boulder model is important because it was the groundwork for how clinical psychologists approach their careers today. Although I realize it has been modified and there are other models that are used, this was really the first model that paid attention to clinical psychology separately from scientific/research psychology. Another concept of importance is knowing about humanistic psychology. I think it is important to understand at least the surface of all the different fields of psychology and how their operate in order to fully understand psychology itself; knowing things about why Maslow came up with the Hierarchy of Needs and why that is important to humanistic psychology is one of those things that people should be aware of in my personal opinion. Finally the incorporation of psychology into the business world is important because it is still used today. There are career aptitude tests, IQ tests, and placement tests that have been developed to show where a person will thrive in terms of a career. Not knowing that psychology had its hand in the area of business, as well as secondary schooling, kind of sets someone up for failure when it comes to looking for a job.

Behaviorism was the main driving force for why humanistic psychology was born. Those who created and studied humanistic psychology did not like the idea that everything was based on a person’s past or that a patient could be conditioned out of something. Humanism was born out of trying to prove the behaviorists wrong. Although they had some good ideas they never really offered another solution or a counter method to behaviorism, however.

Terms: Boulder model, Carl Rogers, client-centered therapy, Hawthorne Effect, clinical psychologists, humanistic psychology, Maslow, Heirarchy of Needs, IQ tests, behaviorism, Humanism

The part of this chapter that I found the most interesting was Carl Rogers and client-centered therapy. This was a form of humanistic therapy. Client centered therapy consisted of three main components. The first was that the therapist had to be honest with their client. Second, the therapist had to be able to accept the client as a person. A therapist had to avoid being judgmental or giving preconceived labels to their clients. The third component was empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s perspective. This was key in client-centered therapy because for a therapist to be effective, they must be able to look past their own perspective to that of their clients. Empathy led to reflection. This meant taking something that a client said and rephrasing it differently to make the client think. This form of therapy differed from the earlier Freudian approaches. This approach did not believe that you needed an extensive history on your client. It also didn’t put the therapist in a position of control.
The part of this chapter that I found to be the least interesting was the section on psychology and the world of business and industry. This was about the beginning of industrial psychology. It was a relatively unknown field until the publication of the textbook Industrial Psychology. The Hawthorne studies were a part of industrial psychology. An important discovery in the history of psychology was made during these studies. This was the Hawthorne Effect, or the tendency for performance to be affected because people know they are being studied in a research project. It also generated the new area of engineering psychology. This field focused on creating machines that were designed for efficient human use.
The three things that are most important for understanding the history of psychology is the humanistic approach, client-centered therapy, and the Hawthorne Effect. The humanistic approach to psychotherapy is important because it revolted against the ideas of the behaviorists and the Freudians. They didn’t believe human behavior was the product of deeply repressed instincts or conditioning. It worked toward the goal of self-actualization, which was reaching one’s full potential in life.

TERMS: client-centered therapy, empathy, reflection, industrial psychology, Hawthorne studies, Hawthorne Effect, humanistic approach, self-actualization

I found the topic of Behavior Therapy to be the most interesting. During the 1950’s Joseph Wolpe created a procedure known as systematic desensitization. Today it is still one of the most effective behavior therapy techniques. His original systematic desensitization experiment involved creating a fear in cats whenever they reached for food. He assumed fear and eating were incompatible responses, so he tried to replace the fear responses by substituting eating responses. He accomplished this by feeding the animals first in a room that resembled the original room where the shock occurred, then in a room that more closely resembled the original room and so on. The fear response was gradually weakened and replaced by the approach to food. I found this interesting because it is a technique that is still practiced today and proven to be effective.

The topic I found to be the least interesting is the section on researchers and practitioners. This section simply did not catch my attention and compared to how interesting the rest of the chapter was, I found this to be the least interesting.

Three topics I think are really important to understand in this chapter are the Hawthorne Effect, the concept of self-actualization and systematic desensitization. The Hawthorne Effect is the tendency for performance to be affected because people know they are being studied in a research project. As Psychology majors, it is important for us to realize this because it will be likely that we will be conducting research experiments in the future and the Hawthorne Effect can cause noise in data. The concept of self-actualization was created by humanistic psychologists. They proposed that the qualities for best characterizing humans are free will and a sense of responsibility and purpose, a forward-looking lifelong search for meaning to one’s life, and an innate tendency to grow toward self-actualization. This concept is important to understand because some topics and very controversial in Psychology and understanding all points of view will allow one to be more accepting of others, even if it is not what you necessarily believe. Systematic desensitization is the last topic I think is important to understand because it is still practiced today and proven to be effective.

Behavior Therapy is mentioned in Chapter 10 as well at Chapter 13. In Chapter 10 behavior therapy mainly focuses on Watson’s ideas which involved behavior modifications applied to everyday life. Clinical Psychology is mentioned in Chapter 12 as well as Chapter 13. In Chapter 12 the area of focus is on clinical psychologists and how prior to World War II they struggled to establish their status as independent professionals. They were generally employed in mental hospitals or clinics under the supervision of psychiatrists. Their studies were limited because there was very little clinical training available to them. In Chapter 13 clinical psychologists gain more recognitions as experts and therapists. They were also able to help anyone in need.

Terms: Behavior Therapy, Joseph Wolpe, systematic desensitization, fear responses, Hawthorne Effect, self-actualization, humanistic psychologists, clinical psychology, Watson

I found humanistic psychology to be the most interesting for me. Humanistic was against the old way of thinking that a person’s past was significant of their outcomes and that human behaviors could be reduced to simple instinctual behaviors and simple conditioning processes. It looked at humans as being very complex. We have free will to decide how we want to live and behave and we work to have a fulfilling life with meaning. Humans worked toward self-actualization by becoming one’s full potential. I like this psychology because it actually looked at humans as humans instead of test subjects.

I also found the Hawthorne effect to be interesting. The Hawthorne Effect is the tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being tested. This came out of tests that were looking to see if the lighting of the workplace had any effect on the efficiency of the workers. It didn’t. Instead the psychologists found out that the human factor had more of an effect on them. This meant that the people felt important because they were part of a test and were therefore working harder. In fact it is not that simple, there are several other factors at play. Such as the productivity was recorded by how much the workers produced every week instead of every hour. By the end of the week the workers were putting in more hours than other test periods. Also, two of the original five members were removed because they were not productive enough, placing in two other women who were known to be very efficient. The women were also afraid to complain about the increase in hours because they did not want to be taken out of the group and lose the bonus pay they were getting.

I did not find the Boulder model to be very interesting. A convention was held in Boulder, Colorado to discuss training for clinical psychologists. It came up with the scientist-practitioner model. Students would be trained in psychotherapy, research methods, psychological testing, principles of psychology, and psychopathology. This would create someone who was knowledgeable about research psychology and clinical psychology. This model actually did not work well though in the long run. Many times the psychologists were not trained well in clinical psychology. These problems led to the Vail conference and the Psy. D degree, which is a doctorate in psychology.

Maslow is an important to understanding psychology. He was a humanistic psychology and created the Maslow hierarchy. The top of this hierarchy was reaching self-actualization. He coined the term peak experiences, which are moments of intense enjoyment or satisfaction.

Carl Rogers is also an important figure to psychology. He started client-centered therapy. In this type of therapy the therapist was suppose to create a healthy environment that helps the client to change but the client was the one ultimately responsible for the change. He did not think the client’s history, and understanding it, was important to their change. The therapist should be honest, genuine, and accepting. The therapist must try to use empathy by trying to understand the client’s point of view. Reflection was also used as a way to make the client see that the therapist understands what they are talking about.

Psychological consulting services are also important to the history of psychology. They appeared during the 1920s after the testing boom. Walter Dill Scott tried to create the first consulting company, but was not successful. James McKeen Cattell started the second one when he was fired from Columbia. He eventually was replaced as the president. People could go to business for psychological assessment needs. The Psychological Corporation is still in existence today.

Earlier topics of applied psychology are relevant to this chapter, such as the work done by Gilbreth, Munsterberg, and the Hollingworths.

Terms: humanistic psychology, self-actualization, Hawthorne Effect, Boulder model, scientist-practioner model, Vail Conference, Psy. D degree, Maslow hierarchy, peak experiences, client-centered psychology, empathy, reflection, psychological consulting services

The two things I found most interesting in the chapter were the sections on Carl Rogers and his humanistic approach to therapy as well as Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. It is reasonably safe to say that this section overall is my favorite in the entire textbook because this is some of the first time since the birth of therapy that people mentioned the patients and their individual needs. Maslow came up with the idea of self-actualization; to basically reach one's full potential in life. According to the text, self actualized means people that perceive life accurately, are highly independent, creative, spontaneous, maintained one's image around others, had strong morals and values, and have moments that Maslow referred to as peak experiences. Peak experiences are short bursts of high amounts of enjoyment at various times. The only person that I like MORE than Maslow, is Carl Rogers. The reason for this is Carl Rogers pointed out the importance of reflection and empathy in therapy. Those are very important concepts in the idea of Client-Centered Therapy.

I really rather disliked the sections about the conflict between the APA and the APS. I understand the progression of history is important, but I'm not a huge fan of studying about "Arms Races" when it comes to history.

I'm most likely going to remember the section about Client-Centered Therapy and the roles that empathy and reflection plays on therapy. Maslow's theories of the needs and Carl Rogers' theories of people still holds merit in Social Psychology today, so I don't foresee forgetting that in the near future either.

Prior to this chapter, I can't find anything in the previous chapters specifically regarding the Humanistic approach to therapy. However, the fact that the behaviorists are almost in every chapter. This just solidifies a comment I made in a previous post about them being a dominating figure in the history of psychology.

Terms: Humanistic Approach, Self-Actualization, Hierarchy of Needs, Client-Centered Therapy, Empathy, Reflection, Behaviorists

I found the several different aspects of behavioral therapy interesting. Behavioral therapy is credited to Mary Cover Jones. She formulated her theory of behavioral therapy inspired by the Little Albert study. She took that and other suggestions and Watson’s ideas and tested them on several children. She did this experiment with a little kid that had a fear of rabbits. She developed direct conditioning with this experiment. She would have the kid eat and move the rabbit closer to the child. This over time removed the fear from the child. For behavioral therapy conditions can be applied to change behavior.
So Russians applied these theories to alcoholism which is interesting to me. They used electric shock and alcohol to help the individual develop a negative response to alcohol. When thinking about this, I realized this is used today but with meds that make you get sick if you drink any alcohol.
Systematic Desensitization was made up by Joseph wolpe in 1950 and is the most well known and most effective behavior therapy treatment. Wolpe shocked animals whenever they reached for food. This created fear of food in the animals. Then he “progressively relaxed” them to the food to make them become comfortable with the food again. I don’t really understand how this works, maybe I didn’t read it close enough, but I would love some clarification in class.
Another thing I found interesting was the Humanistic approach. The humanistic approach hated the behaviorists. They thought that human behavior could not be reduced to repressed biological instincts. This is where Maslow’s heirchey of needs comes into play. Self-actualization is when one reaches his or her full potential in life. Maslow and Carl Rodgers really worked on developing client-centered therapy. They thought that this was the best therapy for people. In client centered therapy it is important to delve into clients past history in order for their therapy to be effective. I really liked the three components of the client centered therapy: being genuine and honest, warm regard for person no matter what, and empathy for person. I was a social work major last semester and we learned a lot about how to talk to clients. Much of these concepts are based on client centered therapy.
One thing I didn’t find useful to read about was the history of Carl Rodgers. I just didn’t find it something I needed to know or remember. I found the concepts he created very interesting, I just didn’t like reading about his life story.
I feel the most important things in the chapter were the concepts of behavioral therapy and the humanistic approach to psychotherapy.
TERMS: Carl Rodgers, humanistic approach, behavioral therapy, self actualization, client centered therapy, Maslow, Systematic Desensitization, Joseph wolpe, Little Albert study, Mary Cover Jones, direct conditioning

I found Carl Rogers and his creation of client-centered therapy to be really interesting. Client-centered therapy is a thought process that gives the responsibility of change to the client, whereas the therapist is just to create an atmosphere conducive to making a therapeutic change. This approach appealed to many different clinicians during the ‘60s and ‘70s. Rogers’ idea mainly stated that it was not as important to delve into the past of the client, nor would it influence the effectiveness of the therapy. Instead he thought it was more important to create an environment that would be therapeutic for the client. This allowed the client to take control of his life and then he could take steps in the direction of self-actualization. Self-actualization is the state when a person has reached his or her full potential. There were three components to Rogers’ theory. First was being honest and genuine with the client. Second it was important for the therapist to be accepting and warm with the client. Third was empathy, the ability to cognitively and emotionally understand what another person is experiencing. Something I found to not be as interesting was The Boulder Model. I just didn’t find it as interesting to read about the conference and how things started. However, by having this conference they were able to set up a model and have clinical training that is very essential to the way things are now. I think that the work that the humanistic psychologists Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers was also very useful in understanding psychology. I think that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is something that is useful to understanding the history of psychology and something that is also useful now. The Hawthorne Effect is something that is interesting and useful as well. It shows us that just by having people know they are being observed and watched for certain things will lead to those outcomes to happen: by watching and looking for higher productivity there was higher productivity.
Terms: Carl Rogers, client-centered therapy, self-actualization, empathy, Boulder Model, humanistic, Abraham Maslow, hierarchy of needs, Hawthorne Effect

The most interesting topic in this chapter was the humanistic section. I wish the author would have elaborated more on Maslow though. Maslow was one of the most interesting things I learned in developmental- and while I realize this course/book isn't an introductory course, I wish that the author would have reviewed the hierarchy just a bit. Humanistic approach is all about self-actualization which means to be self-actualized is to reach one's full potential. Maslow and Rogers believed that humans have free will and a sense of responsibility and purpose, a forward looking lifelong search for meaning in one's life. Maslow believed that people experience "peak experiences" which are moments of intense enjoyment or satisfaction.
Rogers was interesting to read about, he was the creator of "client-centered therapy".
I love that Rogers didn't think it necessary to dive into a client's history in order to proceed in therapy. He had other principles like being honest with the client, accepting the client, feeling empathy, being a model for mental health, etc.
Rogers also created "reflection" which meant taking something said by the client and rephrasing it in a way that leads the client to think "this therapist understands what I'm saying".
The least interesting section of the chapter was the business and industry part.

terms: maslow, rogers, client centered therapy, reflection, empathy, peak experiences, hierarchy,,

Clinical Psych-
Walter Freeman- frontal lobotomy
Behavior Therapy- life's problems are the result of learning and that experiences influence the kinds of disorders that develop. Joseph Wolpe- systematic desensitization.
Humanistic- rather than being tied to their past, humans are free to develop and control their own lives. All humans have the potential for personal growth and self-actualization. Slef-actualizers perceive reality accurately, are independent, creative, spontaneous, moral, and natural, devoted to a career, occasional peak experiences.
Carl ROgers: clint center therapy: positie growth in a client, healthy therapy atmosphere. Therapist must be a good model of a self actualized person, show unconditional love, display empathy.

I thought this chapter was especially interesting, as someone who is thinking about going into clinical psychology in the future.
Most interesting was learning about the Boulder Model, which was put on by the Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology (CTCP) and came up with a general blueprint for clinical training. The Scientist-Practitioner Model for Training has three areas of expertise: 1. Experts in diagnosis, 2. skilled psychotherapists, and 3. Able to complete high quality empirical research. Training in this program include a thorough grounding in basic knowledge of the principles of psychologogy and research methods, as well as psychometrics which is psychological testing, psychopathology psychotherapy. A doctoral dissertation that involves empirical research and a yearlong internship at a professional clinic are also required for this training. All together it takes about 4-5 years and ends with a PhD in psychology.

Important to the history of psychology I think was learning about the humanistic approach to psychotherapy. This was also called the “third force” and rejected an overly cold approach to behaviorism. It said that the best qualities of humans are free will and a sense of responsibility and purpose. It included the idea of self-actualization which was for a person to reach full potential.

Also important to the history of psychology was learning about Abram Maslow and Carl Rodgers. Maslow is the creator of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which is a pyramid that shows human’s basic needs to their less basic needs. He also came up with the idea of peak experiences which are moments of intense enjoyment and satisfaction.

Carl Rodgers came up with Client Centered Therapy which operated under the assumption that it is the therapist’s job to create the right kind of atmosphere so that the client can take control of their life. This therapy has three fundamental components which are 1. The therapist must be genuine and honest, 2. The therapist must be accepting of the client and 3 that the therapist must employ empathy which is to realize that reality is based on the client’s perception. In doing this they must also employ reflection which is to repeat what the client says in a way that shows that they are understood.

Last that is important to the history of psychology was learning about the Eyesenck Study which showed that there was no evidence to support that psychotherapy was effective at all. It was kind of interesting that it was later showed that the methods used n this study were questionable, but this wasn’t shown until after it had already done its damage.

Uninteresting was the end of the chapter. It talked about another degree, the Psy.D. Which was introduced at a conference in Vail and is also accredited by the APA. Also learning about psychology in business, which is when psychologists began to be consultants for businesses and the Hawthorne Studies, which were on productivity.

Terms used: The boulder model, Eyesenck study, behavior therapy, client-centered therapy, humanistic approach to psychotherapy, self-actualization, maslow’s hierarchy of needs, peak experiences, empathy, reflection

I also found the Hawthorne effect to be interesting. I have heard of this several times in classes. The Hawthorne originated when results from a factory study showed increased productivity when the studies were administered. Even when the study was not pertaining solely to productivity. It was observed that when individuals thought they were being watched their productivity increased. This became known as the Hawthorne effect. This is an important aspect to consider when doing any type of study where individuals know they are being observed. They may alter their behavior and make results inconsistent with really happens.

The section on behavior therapy interested me the most. This is simply because of the degree I'm planning on getting after my undergrad involves me understanding different behaviors and why they occur. The reflection on chapter 10 when the experiment to get rid of a boy's fear of rats was conducted I felt was interesting simply because any fears are hard to get rid of. Doesn't matter what the fear is, but Mary Jones found a way to cure his fear. Her work lead to Joseph Wolpe creating a procedure called Systematic Desensitization that to this day is still considered the most effective behavior therapy technique.

The Boulder Model wasn't that appealing to me. It was just a basic outline of how clinical psychology developed into a form of training so that more clinical psychologists can be bred. This may be a slight bias statement by me because I'm aiming to get a Masters in Social Work and Clinical Psychology isn't exactly my favorite area of psychology. But this section was just pretty basic to me with nothing that really stood out and grabbed my attention.

I would like to learn more about Psychology and how it mixes in with business. Not so much in the way the chapter speaks on it, but how it blends with the corporate world. My passion is to be a counselor but I feel I could do well in the business world also with my personality and competitive nature.

I believe learning about Researchers and Practitioners will help tremendously in understanding the basics of the history & systems of psychology, because they're where all the extensive research began.

the section on rogers and his client centered psychology is what i found to be the most interesting in this chapter. I found rogers himself to be very interesting because of the interesting way in which he was raised. I found his "client-centered therapy" to be interesting because it was more of giving the client an environment in which they would almost cure themselves, instead of the psychologist curing them. Also treating the people who come to see him as people instead of just subjects or clients seems to me like it would be one of the most effective methods of helping someone. Another section that i found to be interesting in this chapter was that there were so many psychologists who were against the clinical side of psychology. i find this interesting because it almost seems like they didn't care about humanity as a whole, they just wanted to be the center of attention.

something i would like to learn more of from this chapter was what kinds of things the Psychological corporation actually did.

I found the research and practitioners to be very interesting by the reorganization of the APA increased visibility for professional practitioners of psychology. I came to find out that this did not sit well with academic psychologists, whose primary activities were teaching and research, and who had controlled the APA in the years between the world wars. Maslow was able to find out that the self-actualizers perceived ability accurately, were highly independent and creative, were spontaneous and natural around others, thought of their work as a career or a calling rather than a job, had a strong moral code, and would occasionally have moments of intense enjoyment or satisfaction that he called peak experiences. Carl Rogers was a huge determinant in this ideology by creating the client-centered therapy; humanistic approach to psychotherapy that assumed responsibility for therapeutic change ultimately belonged to the client, while the therapist’s responsibility was to create an atmosphere conducive to such change. The third component of an effective therapist-client relationship is empathy; ability to understand, both cognitively and emotionally, what another person is experiencing, important prerequisite for therapy success, according to Rogers. Rogers also recognized that a complete understanding of another person was impossible, but it was the effort that counted. He called technique reflection which explained, taking something said by the client and rephrasing it in a way that leads the client to think “this therapist understands what I’m saying.”

The most intereresting aspect of chapter 13 was the humanistic approach to psychotherapy. I felt that it was the most interesting because of how they viewed the humans life. Humanistic psychologists criticized the ideas that human behavior could be reduced to repressed biological instincts or simple conditioning processes, rejected the idea that individuals' past histories inevitably limited what their futures could be, and denied the deterministic assumptions of the other two forces in psychology (psychoanalysis and behaviorism). They believed that free will and responsibility/purpose, goals, and a will to grow towards that goal was what people were about. They called this self actualization. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers were humanistic psychologists. Maslow was against Freud's approach and stated that studying crippled people only yeilded crippled psychology. I find this interesting because it is a completely separate approach that Freud took, yet again showing how psychologists challenge each other and do not agree on everything at all. One part of the chapter that I did not find interesting was the section on the Vail Conference and the Psy.D. Degree. I did not find this section interesting because i felt that it interuppted the reading and wasn't going with the flow of the chapter. Although an alternative to the Boulder model was created, I did not find the section as interesting as the rest of the chapter.

The parts of the chapter that are most important to the history of psychology, in my opinion, are the humanistic approach, the Client-Centered Therapy, and how psychology interacted with the world of business and industry. First, as I said above, I feel like the humanistic approach is important to the history of psychology because it demonstrates the continuing battle of psychologists and how they can come up with opposites to each others theories or practices. I feel that the client centered therapy is important because it allowed for the clients to be more comfortable. Carl Rogers started it and had some differnent beliefs of how he thought the clients could be handled. He believed it was essential for the therapist to be accepting of the client, he thought that he needed to use empathy with the client, and he also used reflection with the client and made them feel as if they were understood more. I feel that psycholgoy in the business and industry is important to the history of psychology because of the world we live in today. Everything comes down to how people think and go about their work. The Hawthorne studies were an important aspect of this part of psychology. People worked better because they knew they were being studied, which became known as the Hawthorne Effect.
Ways this chapter relates to old chapters is by means of the oppostion of Maslows thoughts about humans versus what Freud thought about humans. It is interesting to see the contrast between their beliefs.

terms: humanistic approach, psychotherapy, self actualization, Maslow, Carl Rogers, client centered therapy, empathy, reflection, vail conference, Psy. D. Degree, Psychology and the world of business and industry, Hawthorne Studies, Hawthorne Effect

This chapter focused on the development of clinical psychology. I thought it was interesting how clinical psychology developed. Clinical psychology developed drastically after WWII due the need for therapy for soldiers. It helped to expand the opportunities for clinical psychologists.Due to this swift development and need the Committee on Training in Clinical Psychology was developed. This committee came up with the Boulder model which is also known as the scientist-practitioner model of clinical training. It included basic knowledge of the principles of psychology and research, a thorough understanding in psychometrics, psychopathology, and pschotherapy. Also, it required a doctoral dissertation and a year long internship. Two other therapies sprung from clinical psychology, behavioral therapy and client-centered therapy. Behavior therapy is based on the idea that many of life's problems are the result of leaning and that experiences influence the kinds of disorders that develop. On important aspect of behavior therapy is systematic desensitization. Systematic desensitization is a procedure where the fear response is replaced by an incompatible response. Client-centered therapy is when the responsibility for change belongs with the client.

terms- client-centered therapy, systematic desensitization, behavior therapy, boulder model, scientist-practitioner model

Lightner Wittmer is widely viewed as the founder of clinical psychology. He began his work in the field by believing, as many did and do, that psychology was a field that should not only seek to learn about the human mind, but also to help people. His earliest work was done with children who were struggling in school, and upon learning about their physical health and family background he would place the children into one of these groups: 1) those who were experiencing a correctable medical condition, 2) those who were possibly experiencing a medical issue, but would likely need a special program, and 3) those who were severely retarded, untreatable, and that required care. Another major development in clinical psychology is a concept known as the Boulder Model, which provided a blueprint of sorts for clinical training. This model provided three areas of expertise needed for mental health professionals: 1) expert in diagnosis, 2) skilled psychotherapist, and 3) ability to complete high quality empirical research. After completing extensive training in all these areas, a PhD is acquired in Psychology. Another important development in clinical psychology is the development of the humanistic approach, and some of the most influential work in this area was by Carl Rogers and his concept of client-centered therapy. This form of therapy held that it was the therapist’s duty to create an atmosphere that allowed the client to regain control of their life. There are three components to this type of therapy: 1) the therapist must be genuine and honest, 2) the therapist must accept the client, and 3) the therapist must be understanding that reality is based on the client’s perception of reality. The Eyesenck Study had a serious, and largely negative, effect on clinical psychology. It stated that there was no evidence to support that psychotherapy was even slightly effective. There was later evidence that the methods used in this research were a little shady, though by the time these questions came about, the impact of the study had already been felt.

Roger's "Client-Centered Therapy" also caught my attention, because it helps give me another understanding of what I could possibly look into for my practice after achieving my Masters Degree

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