Norm, It's Like This....

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Haha, I totally have to agree that this is an great way to explain natural selection. The buffalo example that he talks about is a very good example of how natural selection occurs and what the ending result is. However his other example with the brain my not be the best example, ha. It probably is true that the weaker brain cells do die first, but sadly the alcohol causes more problems then just killing of the weak brain cells, lol.

In a funny way this is absolutley true. Only the strong survive and what better way to test your cells than with a few beers? Haha, maybe not. I have to agree with the buffalo example because it shows how natural selection not only effects the individual but the group as well. I found this interesting because I have never looked at it that way before, I have only really looked at it as in the wrong place at the wrong time. Interesting comparison to brain cells, though.

I guess that is one way to describe natural selectioN!

So is the moral of the story you are smarter after drinking beer :) I guess if it says so. In history, to naturally select and be selective for the greater good was prominant in the immigration of people. and like Darwin said, the "slow" will fade out leaving the best of the bunch.

^_^ I never even thought to apply natural selection in this manner. It actually does make sense the way this is laid out and I could see some of my friends using this as a reason for drinking. However, once you kill all those slow cells off and start killing off the important ones you are kinda back to square one and not helping your natural selection chances.

This gave me a good laugh. Now whenver my parents criticize me for drinking I'll just tell them I'm assisting my brain in it's natural process of making me smarter :P

This is hilarious. I do agree with the natural selection and the buffalo story and Taylor, good idea about telling parents this story the next they criticize you! I will do the same haha. I guess I should go drink some more beer if it makes you smarter. =)

Ha I like this explanation of natural selection. It does a good job of describing how natural selection does work (in the buffalo example) and of course how we would like it to work in humans as well... but unfortunately it does not work this way even though many of us would like to think that it does.

Well then we need the university to have a bar in Mauker Union so that we can really excel in our classes. According to this reasoning, if we operated on a constant buzzed state it would be like evolution working at hyper-speed:)

I thought this was hilarious. In addition to explaining natural selection in a quick and efficient way, it also made me feel better about my drinking habits ;)

I actually thought that this was a good way to describe natural selection. It explains it quickly, and correctly. But yet there is humor thrown in and it almost makes it easier to remember what natural selection is.

Wow… never would have thought of it that way, but you're right.. it makes Perfect sense! Buffalo will work harder and harder to not be the "slowest" in the pack, therefore improving their endurance and speed doing ANYTHING in their power to not be last and get killed.
The "few beers" is real interesting to think about. I've never really sat and thought about if I felt smarter or not, but the killing of the weak cells explains why you will feel smarter, but it also provides a better understanding of why abusing alcohol has a hug affect on your brain, because once the weak cells are eliminated… the only ones left to be killed are the "strong" cells.

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