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Wells' Eyewitnes Labratory

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The Eyewitness Identification Research Laboratory in the Psychology Department at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) focuses on research in eyewitness memory, eyewitness identification, expert testimony and many aspects of face recognition. The Laboratory offers instruction and research training for both graduate and undergraduate students. Established at UTEP in 1992, the Laboratory is an outgrowth of the program of research into face recognition and eyewitness identification begun by Professor Roy S. Malpass (CV) in the late 1960s. Professor Christian A. Meissner (CV) joined the UTEP faculty and the Eyewitness Lab in 2005, and established the Investigative Interviewing Research Laboratory []. The site contains useful information for researchers, law enforcement officers and attorneys in the criminal justice system. The Laboratory provides educational and expert witness services for law enforcement and the courts.