Recently in Perception Category

Perception Trick

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What do we know about perception and cognitive psychology that allow us to be fooled by this trick?

What is Wrong With the Picture?

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How do our eyes decieve us? How does this relate to change blindness? How do our expectations drive our perceptual processes? Hint - Count the number of legs...

More photos -


Soldier Sees With Tongue

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"A British soldier left blind by a grenade in Iraq has told how his life has been transformed by ground-breaking technology that enables him to "see" with his tongue."

How is this possible? What next? Do you think the areas of the brain associated with sight beging to be taken over by the areas that involve the tongue? What other application might this or somethign similar have?

Invisibility Cloak

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"For thousands of years people have worn shimmering silk to stand out in a crowd. Within the next few years people could wear silk to become invisible in a a crowd..."

Also see for videos demonstrating a cloak.

How is this possible? What other attempts have been made to invent such devices? What do we know from sensation & perception section of the text that might help someone develop such a device (i.e., what do we already know about the visual system that would help us understand/know how to build this)?


Island of the Colorblind - Part 1 of 6

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This is a well done series of videos on color blindness.

"Oliver Sacks visits the Pacific atoll of Pingelap to visit an isolated community of islanders born totally colorblind."


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:


A Village Lost - in 3D

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"And now the versatile Dr. May (from the band 'Queen') has topped himself -- he's taken a lifelong interest in stereoscopic photography and produced a picture-and-text book that is at once a historical chronicle and a work of art. "A Village Lost and Found: Scenes in Our Village" comes in a slipcase; in a separate folder, you get a 3-D viewer that May and his collaborator, Elena Vidal, created for this project."

How do stereograms work? Why were they so popular back then? Why would they spark interest now? What does your textbook say about the perception of depth?