Week 8: Reflection


"I didn't know how much work this class was actually going to be, but I am glad it was a required course because to be perfectly honest I wouldn't have taken it. I think it is very helpful in preparing students for the future. It did a good job preparing me."

You are almost there...

This reflection paper should probably be about 2-4 pages long and reflect your experience in the course. It's not really a course evaluation (though I suspect that by virtue of reflecting on your experience, you may also be evaluating the course)..but I really want you to focus on what you came in knowing (or not knowing), what you expected, what you got out of it, what you understand about what you need to do between now and graduation, some sort of expression of what you understand your career goals to be now that you've gone through this experience. In the event that you are still not sure, or, that now that you know of so many possibilities, it seems even harder to make a decision, feel free to review the Explore! links below for some other options that aren't strictly job related, and are not going to graduate school...You never know if one of these will set you on your road!

....sort of separate from that formal reflection, I would appreciate a brief blurb (separate or at the bottom of your reflection) where you give me any ideas for improvement of the course. Please do tell me what content needs more or less attention, any content that was completely missed that you think should be included, or any other ideas you have...

And congratulations, you did it!!

Bring to class.


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