Week 7: Psych Alumni Jobs


"I thought I had just about everything figured out with what I needed to accomplish by the time I graduated and what I wanted to do with my life and the steps to get there. I was surprised by how much I had overlooked or never even thought was of."

For this assignment, I want you to browse real UNI Psychology Alumni Jobs (links at the bottom of this post; check also the FB Alumni page; and you can click on the speaker series links on the course resources page). These are real, live students, who went through the same program as you, and have the same degree that you will have. Please write up a reflection on this experience and bring to class.


APS Student Caucus -

Psi Chi -

Council for Accreditation of Counseling Programs -

American Psychological Association -

Association for Psychological Science -

National Association of Social Workers -

 UNI Psychology Department Alumni Workplaces

UNI Psychology Dept Alumni Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/100788650025280/

BEAUTY: http://bbeautytoday.wix.com/beauty
Real Moms of Eastern Iowa Blog: http://www.stlukescrblogs.com/

Teocalli Treatment Options http://www.teocallitreatmentoptions.com/default.html

gravitytank http://vimeo.com/36145246

Clearbrook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ZK3qmgSmU&feature=youtu.be

PDRI http://www.pdri.com/

State University of Florida Board of Governors http://www.flbog.edu/

Leo A. Hoffmann Center http://www.hoffmanncenter.org/ -

Rochester Community College http://www.rctc.edu/

Kenyon College http://www.kenyon.edu/directories/campus-directory/biography/katherine-corker/

Children and Families of Iowa http://www.cfiowa.org/

Integrity Living Options http://www.integrityliving.com/

MedCenter Rehab http://medcenterrehab.com/

The Ohio State University Newark http://newark.osu.edu

The University of Dubuque http://www.dbq.edu/

Northwestern Mental Health Center http://www.nwmhc.org/

Pech, Hughes, & McDonald, PC http://www.phmlawoffice.com

Central Minnesota Mental Health Center http://www.cmmhc.org/

Teocallin Treatment Options http://www.teocallitreatmentoptions.com/

Trial Behavior Consulting http://www.trialbehavior.com/

Prairie Pride School District http://www.prairiepride.org/

Hawkeye Community College http://www.hawkeyecollege.edu/

John Deere http://www.deere.com/globalhome/deerecom/global_home.page

Murray, Wilson, Rose Counseling and Behavioral Services http://www.mwrcounseling.com/

Winter Therapy Services http://www.wintertherapyservices.com/

Rockwell Collins http://rockwellcollins.com/

Forcier Law Office http://www.cedarvalleylawyers.com/

Williams Interactive https://www.sginteractive.com/

Iowa City School District http://www.iowacityschools.org/pages/ICCSD

Eldora State Training School for Boys http://dhs.iowa.gov/mhds/mental-health/in-patient/juvenile-facilities/eldora

Memorial Hospital http://www.mhchester.com/physicians_scott_hinze.html

NASPA http://www.naspa.org/

EMBARC http://www.embarciowa.org/

Starmont Community School District http://www.starmont.k12.ia.us/

Chevron http://www.chevron.com/

Whole Foods http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/

Hupp Electric Motors http://hupp-electric.com/

First Judicial District, Department of Corrections http://www.firstdcs.com/

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