"Something else that meant a lot to me with this class was the fact that it demonstrated that going to grad school isn't the only option."
Read L's Chapter 10
Now to transition into exploring options for getting a job with your BA.
Go to the Career Services website http://www.uni.edu/careerservices/ in particular click on 'employability' there are many links on that page that you should read, review, and participate in. Browse extensively. Take the careers quizzes, etc.
review these links for some additional info:
"I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why" -
Amy Cuddy-Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
https://www.facebook.com/groups/100788650025280/ check out a question I posed the group about people who have non-psych jobs, but where they feel/know they use their degree everyday
Bring a reflection on this assignment to class.
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