"We learned about many things that I did not expect to learn about, and these learning experiences made me feel more confident and prepared as I move forward with graduation and searching for internships and jobs."
Read K&M Ch 13 & 14; APA Ch 5
For this assignment you will start searching for graduate programs. This is a fairly time consuming task. I know that not all of you are planning on graduate school, but this is an important activity for all so that you fully understand all of your career options. Searching for graduate programs can be intimidating...google is probably not your friend for this one, because it is very difficult to evaluate quality of the program when something just pops up on google. First, review these links to get you started.
APA Guide on Graduate Education
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What are some other ways to find schools? You can review the facebook alumni group. A previous class asked the alums there opinions about how to find programs, and you'll see some of their responses there. Another way, is to ask your advisor or research professor what programs they recommend. You can also find out what school a favorite professor (or any author of any journal article you like) went to; the school that they graduated from is usually listed in the faculty profiles on department webpages. Their university affiliation will be listed underneath their name on the title page of a journal article. You can go to that university's webpage and navigate to the psych dept. You can then start to browse what graduate programs they have. As you do this, you will start to get a sense of the different types of grad programs (and skimming through your textbook for this class is going to be helpful too) and what is interesting to you, and importantly, what is NOT interesting to you.
You may also want to browse and consider non-psych grad programs like Masters in Social Work and Masters in Mental Health Counseling.
This assignment is to benefit you. If you are interested in law enforcement, medical school, law school, or whatever, choose 10 programs that fit that interest.
Here are some links to get you started:
Psychology and Related Grad Programs (information and advice)
APA Accredited Programs in Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology -
Graduate Progams in Psychology and Law -
Best Psychology Graduate Programs-US News and World Report -
Best Graduate Programs (all categories) - US News and World Report -
Graduate Programs in Social Work
Graduate Programs in Mental Health Counseling -
Marriage and Family Therapy Programs
Make a list of 10 graduate programs. Provide the name of the school, the name of the program, and the degree that the program is for.
Buskist, W., & Burke, C. (2007). Preparing for graduate school in psychology: 101 questions and answers (2nd ed.).
Darley, J. M., Zanna, M. P., & Roediger, H. L., III (2004). The compleat academic: A career guide (2nd ed.).
Davis, S. F., Giordano, P. J., & Licht, C. A. (2009). Your career in psychology: Putting your graduate degree to work. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
Johnson, W. B., & Huwe, J. M. (2002). Getting mentored in graduate school. Washington, DC: APA.
Kracen, A. C., & Wallace, I. J. (2008). Applying to graduate school in psychology: Advice from successful students and prominent psychologists. Washington, DC: APA.
Kuther, T. L. (2008). Surviving graduate school in psychology: A pocket mentor. Washington, DC: APA.
Prinstein, M. J., & Patterson, M. D. (2003). The portable mentor: Expert guide to a successful career in psychology.
Walfish, S., & Hess, A. K. (Eds.) (2001). Succeeding in graduate school: The career guide for psychology students.
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