Week 3: Vita


"I went in as a poor lost soul with absolutely no idea what I was trying to do. Not only did I not know what exactly it was I was trying to do, but also I had no idea how to figure it out. Now, at the end of the semester, I can happily say I have things figured out, well, for the most part."

Read this: Vita
A vita is an academic resume that documents your academic achievements. It is different from a resume.   

In the real world, only graduate students and academics (professors and those working in research settings) maintain and use a vita. 

However, I have you do a vita because it is an excellent way to see gaps in your academic accomplishments and focus you on other activities that you might want to pursue regardless of whether you will ever go on to graduate school. Do not worry if it is sparse, or your are unsure of what to put where. The first step to figuring out what gaps you have in your academic achievement is to document what your achievements are. I will provide you individualized feedback on your vita. But please do some preparation for the assignment on your own by reviewing the resources and put together the best vita you can (including good formatting and spell checking).

I never had a vita when I was in college (or my MA program), because I did not have very good advising! But I have mocked up what my vita would have looked at as a Senior in college, and as a MA student. I was not such a great student, so there are somethings that you will have to put on your vita that I did not...I have put some of those suggestions in red in the samples below.

more vita info

Bring a draft of your vita to class.


Vitas & Resumes --differences and similiarities

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