Week 2: What Kind of Life


"I thought being in this course was a great experience and really helped show me the tools I need in order to figure out what to do after graduation."

First, watch this:


then read this and this: Follow Your Passion?

Read L's Chapter 1 & 2

Next, I want you to reflect on what kind of life you want to have. Below are some questions to get you started in thinking about this. 

What kind of life do you want to have? How do you see the balance between employment and personal time? How important is money to you? What pace of work do you like (fast, slow, etc)? Do you want a regular work day (8-5)? How much supervision do you need/like? How much autonomy? How much flexibility with work schedule? What kind of interactions do you like (people-if so, what kind, adults, children, older adults, etc, computers, paperwork, colleagues, etc)? What kind of work environment (office, out and about, etc)? What about the rest of your non-work life? How much time do you want to have for family? Travel? Hobbies? Friends? Do you want to start your own family? If you have some specific ideas of the type of job you want, go ahead and write about that too, but this really is about thinking about the pace of your life.

Bring your reflection, and your thoughts about this assignment to class.


Fan the Fire

Why Women Still Can't Have it All

Staying is Settling

40 hour Work Week

How Young People Can Get Rich Slowly

Paying off your student loans

The Buy Nothing Year

Teach the Art of Being Human

Spend Money on Experiences not Things

7 Ways to Save $4000 per Year

Lacking Ambition 

Work-Life Balance 

Live the Life You Want 

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