"What I got out of this class was more than just a grade. I got comfort and peace."
"I discovered that I did not actually find these assignments to be 'work'--the assignments I was doing were actually things I would use in real life"
Welcome to the Careers in Psychology Course!
This course is NOT a review course on various career options (which I have found is most people's expectation). This course helps you DECIDE what it is you want to do with your life and you will prepare the materials you need for the many career possibilities after graduation. This course is focused on DOING more than on receiving information (though don't worry, you will receive a ton of information!). This course provides you the tools and opportunity for self-reflection to make important life decisions, helps you get work done that you need to get done anyway, provides you access to the information necessary to do that work, and you will receive individualized feedback from me on the documents you'll need to use for job placement or graduate school application.
This course is intense. There is a lot of work to be done, in a short amount of time. Further, there is a lot of self-reflection that can be anxiety producing and uncomfortable for some.
Types of Assignments:
During this course, you will have completed for yourself 18 assignments from 4 basic categories: General Information (3 assignments), Self-Exploration (5 assignments), Graduate Programs (5 assignments), and Jobs w/ a BA (6 assignments).
General Information: 3 assignments--Getting Started (this blog post you are reading now, and the activities outlined at the end of this post); Psychology Info (where you will learn about the major, department, and discipline as a whole); and the Reflection (summary of your experience and course evaluation).
Self-Exploration: 5 assignments--Who are you? (two questionnaires to evaluate goals and personality traits); Digital Identities (a guided exploration of your digital footprint); What Kind of Life? (a guided exploration of your life and goals); Timeline (an outline of all tasks you need to complete before graduation); and Professional Interview (you will interview a professional who has the job you want to ultimately have as a career).
Graduate Programs: 5 assignments-Vita (the academic resume); GRE/or other graduate exam (taking a practice graduate placement exam); 10 programs (you will research and decide on 10 graduate programs you could apply to); 3 references (you will reflect and decide on 3 faculty references you could use as your references for entrance into graduate school); Personal Statement (you will write the entrance essay required for graduate applications).
Jobs w/ a BA: 6 assignments--Career Services (exploring the information and resources available at career services); Resume (employment resume); 10 jobs (you will research and decide on 10 jobs you could apply for with your BA in Psychology); Cover Letter (you will write a cover letter for one of those jobs); Real Jobs (you will evaluate actual jobs that our own Psych Dept alumni have); 3 references (you will reflect and decide on 3 references to use for employment purposes).
Even if you are pretty certain about which track you are going to take, you still need to do ALL the assignments. I regularly have students ask to opt out of a particular assignment because they "know" they don't need it. Sorry :) not going to happen. I have seen students stumble on a job that changed what they thought they were going to do, and I have had many students take a practice GRE or other graduate entrance exam and get a great score which encouraged them to think about graduate school when they hadn't before.
That said, you can and should tailor assignments to your interests (so if you want to go to a physical therapy grad program, your grad school assignments should be geared toward that).
Required Materials:
There are three required books for this course. Some assignments will direct you to read a particular chapter, but mostly, these are reference books that you will refer to as you need them throughout the course. Some people feel irritated that we don't 'use' the books very much in this course. Most students feel like they get a great deal of information from the books even when they aren't directly used in an assignment.
Kuther & Morgan's Careers In Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World (referred to as K&M)
APA's Getting In: A Step by Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology (referred to as APA)
Landrum's Finding Jobs with a Psychology Bachelor's Degree (referred to as L)
All of the course material is here on this site (NOT eLearning). You DO NOT need to register for this blog site or login to do ANY assignment. Each blog post provides you with the information, instructions and links necessary to do the assignment. You may still need to review information on the "Resources" tab for additional information, and occasionally might find it helpful to google for additional information.
Some assignments have some additional information under the heading Explore! these are optional (though helpful) resources for you to consider.
Most of the blog posts have an FAQ at the bottom to help clarify points that seem to always crop up. Another reason to make sure you are reading each blog post carefully PRIOR to starting that work.
In order to alleviate the natural anxiety that this course often elicits, the grade you earn will be based on the number of assignments you complete. Complete them all, and you'll get an A. This is designed so that you can focus on the process and content of the assignments without worrying about the grade. You will get individualized feedback on your vita, resume, GRE assignment, personal statement, and cover letter. If your assignment is poor or incomplete you will not get credit for it and I will ask you to redo it. I will respond to you via email letting you know that your assignment has been graded.
You should expect that those assignments that require reflection or explanation of an activity should be around 400 words.
Other assignments that are of a specific document (like a resume) don't have a word requirement, but should be complete.
Most assignments can be written directly in the body of the email--only caution, make sure you are meeting length requirements.
There are 4 assignments that need to be done in a Word document and attached (that means no google drive documents or pdfs--they must be in word so that I can use editing tools to provide my feedback). They are: resume, vita, cover letter, and personal statement.
Please email all of your work to me at kimmaclin@gmail.com I have you send assignments to a gmail address so that I can keep my uni email clear for questions and correspondence. So if you do have a question, please email me at the uni address as I only check the gmail one when I'm ready to sit down and grade assignments. Please put in the subject heading the assignment you are turning in.
Time Management:
Many of the assignments are time consuming, requiring planning time, writing time, and thinking time. I recommend that you read through ALL of the assignments NOW so you know what is required.
Due dates are always Fridays at midnight. You have MULTIPLE blog posts, activities, and assignments due each week. However, do not be surprised by this --check these assignment dates NOW. You can always turn stuff in early! And you can work out of order if you wish. Your assignments are listed here on this blog page, one after the other, scrolling down.
Due Friday Midnight March 9
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Getting Started (this post)
- Who Are You
Due Friday Midnight March 23
activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Psych Major, Department, Discipline
- Digital Identities
Due Friday Midnight March 30
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- What Kind of Life
- Advisor Meeting
Due Friday Midnight April 6
activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Vita
Due Friday Midnight April 13
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Grad Programs
- References
- Personal Statement
Due Friday Midnight April 20
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Faculty Meeting
- Career Services
- Resume/References/Info Sheet
Due Friday Midnight April 27
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- 10 Jobs & Cover Letter
- Real Jobs & Professional Interview
Due Friday Midnight May 4
Activities and assignments discussed in the following posts:
- Timeline
- Reflection
Q&A/Discussion Group
Asking questions is a CRITICAL part of this course; it is literally an ESSENTIAL way that I dispense information to you. There is really no such thing as not having a question. If you are being serious about this course you should have many questions as you work through each assignment.
Questions are asked via a closed, private, Facebook discussion group. If you have a Facebook account, please join "Careers in Psychology Q&A." If you don't have a facebook account and do not want to get one, email me and we will find another way for you to participate. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1419147115022729/.
Unless you are a FB hound, you may want to turn off notifications (in the banner picture of the page, deselect 'notifications'). With 25+ people posting questions every eek and me responding, your phone will be bing-ing a lot and could get irritating.
You are required to ask at least ONE question per week that is due. You are free to ask more of course too. They shouldn't be polling questions (asking what others think). They should be questions you have of a factual nature that you are asking, for the most part, to me. Students and TAs who have valuable information are welcome to answer questions, too. Your question should NOT be obviously answered by blog post instructions...it is okay if you want clarification on an assignment, but that will not count as your question for that assignment. Some students at first worry that their question are too specific to them. They are NOT! This is your dime, your time, ask the questions you want to know the answers to!
You MUST MUST MUST also follow along week by week reading your fellow students' questions and the answers to them, one--so you don't duplicate questions, and two--so that you can learn from what others ask. Questions from previous classes are still there (but don't worry about duplicating those--just don't duplicate questions from current students). You can scroll or search through those old questions as well. Many of those students chose to stay a part of this group so they could continue to read the questions and answers. PLEASE ask the relevant questions during the week of that blog assignment...This will make it easier for you to keep up in reading the other students' questions (because then you only need to scroll down to the last question you read the last time you came to the page), and will also make sure you are getting the answers you need when you are working on those particular assignments.
Familiarize yourself with the blog, and the resources tab (nearly all of the links on the course resources tab are dispersed into the various blog posts..however, I also have them listed there in case there is a topic you are looking for and you're not sure what post it might be in). Review all assignments and due dates.
Join the FB group, or contact me if you cannot participate that way. Post to the FB page your year in school, if you think you want an advanced degree (and let us know what degree), what profession or career you want to pursue (if you know), and if you are unsure, at least whether you are leaning towards a clinical (dispensing mental health services-therapist, counselor, social worker, occupational therapist, etc, etc--any career where you have patients or clients) OR non-clinical (pretty much anything else) career.
Do I really need all of these books? Yes. You will refer to them specifically for a few assignments, but will refer to them generally for many more. Most students report that these books are ones they do not sell back. They are good resources for you even if we don't cover everything in them.
I'm unsure of this whole FB thing. Is it worth it? Most students report really liking the FB component. It is a completely safe space to ask ANY question you have about your major, the department, your studies, college in general, jobs, advisors, grad school, life, etc. Complaints usually arise out of receiving too many notifications, which is why I now provide specific information on how to turn them off. The group is closed. No one but us (and former students) are in the group. Any notifications you receive in your newsfeed are visible only to you, not any of your fb friends.
Will all of these posts be so damn long? Yes :) I have to give you the information you need somehow. These are definitely not some simple instructions that you can skip. You MUST read these posts.
Why on God's green earth is this course only worth 1 credit? The workload for this course is heavy and intense. Every course I teach many people wish it was worth 3 credits and was a full semester long. I don't disagree. However, this type of course is considered "non-content" (which is ridiculous, but there ya go), and non-content courses are only allowed to be 1 credit long, and 8 weeks long. Maybe some day in the future I will be able to convince the powers that be that this course is integral to a student's understanding and participation in the discipline, but for now, there ya go. You will work hard and you will get A LOT out of this class.