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The Dreaded Stairs


How does this relate to the ABCs of behavior?

(Thanks to Kayla for sending)


"South Africa says it needs one billion condoms this year, anticipating extra demand from foreign football fans."

How do you describe this using the ABCs of behavior?

Little Stores Fatter Kids


"...a significant proportion, about 15 percent, reported they shopped in corner stores both before and after school, five days a week, consuming up to 3,560 calories per week in junk food and soft drinks. For these children, the corner store is a potential health threat."

What are the ABCs related to this story? In behavioral terms what are people try to do about it?

Download Your Week Of Eating In Spending Tracker


"Making your own food is a great way to save money. There are so many examples of how making your own food is way less expensive (and less wasteful in terms of extra packaging) than buying the food pre-made or pre-packaged. Eating in restaurants can get very pricey, so to that end, the Huffington Post is trying to make it easy for you to keep track of your expenditures during the Week Of Eating In challenge, which starts February 22nd. "

Fitness Gadgets: The 13 WEIRDEST Weight-Loss Gizmos


We have so far discussed the topography and function of a behavior as it relates to a behavioral class. How do the antecedents alter the topography of exercize? Here are some crazy gadgets that are used for exercize.

Discuss the use of these devices and the different types of behavior they elicit.