Recently in Environment Category

Little Stores Fatter Kids


"...a significant proportion, about 15 percent, reported they shopped in corner stores both before and after school, five days a week, consuming up to 3,560 calories per week in junk food and soft drinks. For these children, the corner store is a potential health threat."

What are the ABCs related to this story? In behavioral terms what are people try to do about it?



"...things aren't as cheap as you think."

This is an interesting article that explains some of the actual costs of the items we buy and the activities we do. Clearly, after reading this article it may very well change some peoples' behaviors. How would we explain this using behavioral terms and concepts? How does the article function within the ABCs of behavior? - Put a contract out on yourself.


"The Commitment Contract concept is based on two well known principles of behavioral economics:

1.People don't always do what they claim they want to do, and
2.Incentives get people to do things"

What is this site about? What behavioral principles do they use? Do you think this is a good site? What could you do to imporve on it?




The World's Tiniest Homes (VIDEO, PHOTOS)


"Bigger isn't necessarily better, especially when you want to live sustainably. At least that's what these small home enthusiasts live by. Giving up the luxury of space, tiny-home owners and builders opt instead for a more eco-friendly, less resource intense way of living. By building homes with high ceilings and planting them in open spaces, they still maintain the illusion of space around them. These homeowners are using less heat, electricity and raw materials -- and they might just make you reconsider how important space really is to you. What do you think-- could you live in a 10 by 10 foot space?"

What do you think about these small houses? How would the alter / modify a person's behavior that lived there? What kind of changes might a person go through living in a small home?

The Great Game of Business - Jack Stack


"Stack didn't know how to "manage" a company, but he did know about the principals of competition and democracy: keeping score, having fun, providing choice, and having a voice. With these principals he created his own style of management -- open-book management. He had a dream to create a business of business people. Stack realized that the payoff would be enormous: a company that was consistently able to outperform the market."

I have read the book and recommend it to anyone interested in applying behavioral principles to business. This is not IO - it is about making work fun and challenging using what works behaviorally.

What do you think about the site? Read the book or another one they have in their books store ( - write a report for extra credit if you like. Keep in mind you can probably get these usedon Amazon.

Nitricate - To nutritionally educate

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"Nutricate Corporation is a technology-enabled health and wellness solutions company founded in Santa Barbara in 2004. Nutricate, meaning "to nutritionally educate", helps consumers make smarter choices. Nutricate aspires to help individuals make managing a healthy lifestyle fun, easy & rewarding."

What is up with this site? How does it differ from the ones I just posted? What behavioral principles are used with this program? Do you think this will be a success?

"It's simple: join or organize a pool with friends or co-workers, or set up a pool for your favorite charity. Everyone puts their money into escrow (there is no "house" cut). After a pre-arranged period of time, whoever's closest to his or her target weight*, percentagewise, takes the pot."

What is this about? Is it legit? What behavioral principles are they using to help people lose weight?

Fat Bet . Net - "you bet your ass"

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"Shedding those extra winter pounds can be a struggle. But some new websites can help you get motivated by making it a bit of a game. How about challenging others to a weight loss race? If you're betting to lose, all it costs is time and commitment. (news write up from cbs:"

Linke to Fat Bet:

What is this site all about? How does it work? What behavioral strategies do they use to help people lose weight? Are they making it fun?


The Behaviors Underlying Obesity - Audio


Obesity Research

Obesity has become as serious a contributor to the burden of disease and shortening of healthy life as smoking, according to new work published this week in American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Another recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that health effects from obesity may soon overtake improvements to the average lifespan resulting from declines in smoking. We'll get the latest on research into obesity, and talk about weight and health.

What are some of the environmental factors of obesity? What are the cosequences of obesity? How is obesity measured? What are lifestyle behaviors? What are some of the suggestions on how to change these behaviors?

(Also read


Wife Swap Gone Wrong


Fowler's stint on the ABC reality show last month, in which he called a rural Missouri woman spending two weeks in his San Francisco home stupid and simple, has made him famous in the worst way.

Designing Virtual Social Spaces

Visualizing Voice
Karrie Karahalios, Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Illinois, shows several examples of conversational dynamics, retreaval through the use of a real time voice visualization on a tabletop and examples of new interactions by using the interface as a social mirror.
How does manipulating the environment such as adding a chair, camera, or computer change a behavior in a virtual space? How do you design a virtual interface to get people to interact? How would a behaviorist approach this issue? What part of the video most closely takes a behavioral approach? How does the researcher measure the behaviors she is trying to elicit from the people involved? In the beginning she talks about virtual environments that use a token economy, what current vrtual games/environments use a form of token economy? She said her device that displayed voice into a color spiral may have encouraged people to argue because the colors were better during arguements. How does this relate to the antecedents of behavior modification?