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Our Behavioral Story
Recall the other week we had an assignment to work on a behavioral story as a class. It worked out pretty good, actually it is pretty funny - clearly this class has a great sense of humor which makes this fun to read.
You might want to go back and see how we did and see if there is anything you/we can do to make it evolve and grow with the class and with our understanding of the material.
What I would like this time is to make the story a little more challenging and to try to get you to use more of the terms and terminology that we have learned so far in class.
When you write your section of the story, you can use any of the terms we have learned so far BUT one term has to be an original term to the entire story so far - inother wordsw it can't have been used already in the story.
So that we know what your original word is please write that one original word in CAPS. Just so it makes it easier on the rest of us.
We will start the story by picking up near where the last story left off.
"My counselor decided that the most obvious targeted behavior that needed to be controlled was the obnoxious screaming that was emitted whenever the counselor began to talk."
Our Behavioral Story
Recall in class that we were making stories based on behavioral terms. Recall that Marshall started a story, then he called an Matt to provide the next sentence and then Matt called on Cort...
What I would like to do here is to start a story thread using behavioral terms. I'll start it and the next person to read this post can add the next sentence, and so forth. If you are not clear what we are doing here just wait and watch to see what the others are doing and then jump in.
This is required of you to do (sorry if you don't group activities) but is should be fun. Be as creative as you like (but clean - you know what I mean : -).