find motivation itself to be interesting because I have days were I am so
motivated to get everything done and other days where I am like nope I will do
that another day. I also get motivated to clean my apartment before doing
schoolwork. I think that is because then I know I do not have to do it later.
When I get motivated to do school work I have to make a list so that I know
what I need to get done that week. Once I have the week's schedule I break it
down to what I need to do each day to get everything done for the week and
turned in on time.
I had to explain motivation to someone I would say that it is the desire or
want to get something done. Examples would be like doing a paper a couple days
before it is due just so then you know it is done and will not be late. Another
would be doing a work out even though you might not want to but pushing through
because you want to look better or lose the weight. I would also say that
motivation is different for other people. Some people like to have school planned
out for the next month where I can only do a week at a time or I would stress
myself out. Were some people can only do a day at a time or they get stressed
out. I also think that society have to play a large roll in what motivates
people. If they see everyone else doing something they are going to want to be
like them and do it too. Also motivation has different degrees. By this I mean
that you have different levels of motivation to get things done. You might be
more motivated to do a work out one day then homework or studying. You might
also get distracted by other basic needs during the day like getting hungry,
which would then motivate you to stop what you are doing and eat.
most surprising thing I would say is not teaching motivation or having a
syllabus. I think teaching college students how to keep in the right track and
to push through school is important. Having a syllabus for the students is
motivating because it gives them a timeline for the semester so they are more
prepared. If I did not have a syllabus I would not be as motivated to make a
list each week or write down what needs to be done. And for me if I do not
write it down I am not motivated to get it done. I think the reason it is
taught now is because students need to learn how to motivate others in the jobs
that they are getting. If you are not taught what motivation is how can you
teach it to others that might be working for you someday. If you cannot display
motivation how are others going to catch on and get motivated? Its key
ingredient I think to success.
Break down
Pushing through