What we
would like you to do is to find a topic from what we have covered in this week's
readings that you are interested in and search the internet for material on
that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the
topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube
clips that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and
use is pretty much up to you at this point. But use at least 3 sources (only
one video please and make sure it adds to the topic).
1) Once
you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what
your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and
why you are interested in it.
2) What
are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
2) Next,
I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and
integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write
about the topic.
3) At the
end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
integrating/synthesizing I mean to take what your read/experienced from the
internet search (and from section 1 if you like) organize the information into
the main themes, issues, info, examples, etc. about your topic and then write
about the topic in your own words using that information. This is hard for some
people to do - many students write what we refer to as "serial
abstracts." They are tempted to talk about the websites rather than the
topic proper. For example, they will talk all about website #1, start a new
paragraph and talk all about web site #2, start a new paragraph and talk all
about web site #3, and then write some kind of conclusion. Serial means one
after the other...This what you DON'T want to do!
At first
it is a real challenge to get out of the habit of writing "serial
abstracts," but I assure you once you get the hang of it it is much easier
to write using the integration/synthesis method. And besides this is the way good
researchers and scientists write their technical reports and findings - many of
you will have to be able to do this for other classes and for jobs that you may
eventually be hired for, so now is a good time to learn this skill.
Once you
are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your
Let us
know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
Superstitious behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is a Bud Light commercial starring football fans. It demonstrates various superstitious behaviors among these individuals on game day.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is people tapping their fingers on the table as they watch the game. This behavior occurs at 0:52-0:53 seconds in the clip.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that the team does well and has a favorable outcome for the fans of the team.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
Although the consequence is not specifically shown in the commercial, it could involve the addition of something desirable or removal of something aversive. This could include scoring points, intercepting the ball, or getting more yards on the field. The removal of something aversive could be preventing the other team from getting a first down. If the opposite team is playing well, that is perceived as undesirable or aversive.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I believe this behavior began by people being nervous as they watched their team play. As this tapping behavior was happening, the team preformed well. So, the individuals paired their behavior with the reinforcement of the team doing well, even though the superstitious behavior is not directly related to the reinforcement.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= game day
B= tapping on the table
C= team performs well
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Within the ABCs, the antecedents could consist of it being game day and people watching the game. The males watching the game emitted the behavior of tapping on the table. They may have noticed a correlation of the tapping behavior and their team performing well, thus they emit this behavior in the hopes of it will result in a desirable consequence of their team doing well in the game.
Schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
On this clip from Friends, Ross goes to the tanning solon to receive a spray on tan. He is to count to five and turn around. This is to create an even tan on both his front and backside.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is counting to five and turning around, and the reinforcement is becoming tanner. This occurs several times during the clip, but the first time is from 2:05-2:18 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that Ross is sprayed on his front side twice, rather than once on the front and once on the back.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because he is sprayed twice on the same side.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
In this clip, it demonstrates an example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. It is not considered to be continuous reinforcement, because the reinforcement of being sprayed is not constant. Rather, it occurs after five seconds. Thus, since it happens in sets of five seconds it is a fixed interval schedule.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ross is at a tanning salon
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Tanning salon
B= Counted to five slowly
C= Sprayed his front side twice
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is meant to be an example of positive reinforcement. It is adding a darker skin tone, but there is a break in between the spray being delivered. If it took twice as long for Ross to receive reinforcement, it would have been a more pleasurable experience for him, because he was unaware that he was not supposed to count with Mississippi’s. It would have been more rewarding for Ross, and he would be more likely to elicit the response of Ross returning to the salon due to his pleasant experience. For someone else who was not counting with Mississippi’s, it would not have made a difference if it took twice as long for the response to occur. This is because they would expect to it occur and would continue to wait for the stimulus.
Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, consequence, aversive, reinforcement, antecedent, ABCs, emit, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, elicit, stimulus
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is of a Nike commercial and demonstrates many superstitious behaviors by both sports fans and athletes without guaranteed reinforcement.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
There are many behaviors I could hone in on but I chose the athlete eating a gummy right at 6:30 (:26).
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that he gets really pumped up for his upcoming sports event.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of pre-game excitement.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think that this behavior occurred because of a win or the athlete performing well when doing this ritual before previous games.
6) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is in the context of a pre-sporting event
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
My video clip exhibited all different sorts of superstitious behavior from beginning to end, so I will do my ABC's in the context of the target behavior I have chosen.
A= Pre-sporting event
B= Athlete eating green gummy at 6:30
C= Gets pumped up for game
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows an owner feeding a litter of Husky puppies.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior I am using is the puppies running through the gate to get fed. Their behavior is being reinforced by getting fed. (:29).
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the puppies running through the gate is that they get fed.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
This involves the addition of something desirable to the puppies which is the food.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement is the feeding time. The puppies know around the time when they should get fed and when the owner has food, so they run through the gate to get to it quicker.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is in the context of feeding time.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Feeding time
B= Running through the gate
C= Getting to eat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable to the puppies (food) around the same time each day.
What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
The puppies might not be quite so eager to get to the owner and might wait at the gate as opposed to running through it.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, and desirable behavior.
1. I found a clip of Nomar Garciaparra doing his usual superstitious batting ritual in between pitches. The video is short and poor quality but he demonstrates superstitious behavior throughout. In between pitches Nomar will adjust his batting gloves two or three times on each hand. Before the pitch is delivered, Nomar likes to continuously point the bat at the pitcher. The whole routine is actually quite comical if we realize he does this four or five times a game.
2. The target behavior would be the adjusting of the batting gloves
3. The consequence of the behavior would be getting a hit
4. The consequence involves the addition (base hit) of something.
5. In Nomar's case he does this routine every time he steps up to the plate so when he is reinforced with a base hit, he attributes the adjusting of the gloves as the reason he got a base hit. Superstitious behaviors are odd in baseball because it is essentially a game of failure. More often than not Nomar will get a base hit about 3 out of ten times, but he continues the ritual anyway.
6. The antecedent would be being in the batter's box
A= Nomar batting
B= Nomar adjusts his batting gloves
C= Nomar gets a hit
As I stated earlier, Nomar continues to adjust his batting gloves in a future at-bat regardless of the outcome of the current at-bat. For example, if he fails to get a hit in his first plate appearance, he will still perform the ritual in any subsequent plate appearance. This is odd because he could essentially go hitless for ten games but still be superstitious. In terms of the antecedent, Nomar being in the batter's box is the prime example. The pitcher would be a disrciminative stimulus because he delivers the pitches to the plate.
Continuation from my previous post which was prematurely submitted.
8. In my opinion finding a video for schedules of reinforcement would confuse me further. I learn better when I dumb it down to my own level of understanding and ask questions in class. Instead I would like to use an example of a variable interval schedule. Ordering a pizza would be such an example
9. The target behavior would be ordering a pizza for delivery
10. The consequence of the behavior would be the pizza arriving
11. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable to increase a behavior
12. This example would be a variable interval schedule because it deals with AVERAGE AMOUNT of time. After placing an order for a delivery, the person usually will give a certain amount of time when the pizza will actually arrive. Let's say Pizza Hut says 30-40 minutes. This means the pizza could arrive anywhere between 30-40 minutes after placing an order, but in order to receive the reinforcment, the person must hear the doorbell ring or hear the knock on the door, otherwise reinforcment is not possible. Therefore we would expect a constant response rate because we may never know when the pizza guy will arrive. However if the delivery guy takes longer than an hour to deliver the pizza, we still experience reinforcment but are less likely to order in the future.
13. In this case the antecedent could be a variety of things. Perhaps you are simply hungry and want to order a pizza or you are at a party and the majority of the people at the party want pizza for dinner. The discriminative stimulus would be the delivery guy. Without him being present the reinforcement schedule is not possible.
A= hunger
B= order a pizza
C= pizza delivered
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something positive. If however the delivery guy was to delay his response and deliver at a later time this would decrease our likelihood of ordering from him again. This causes us to not be reinforced in the time frame we were hoping to be.
superstitious = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhRPdHJRDF0
schedules of reinforcement = N/A
17. reinforcement, positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, response, discriminative stimulus, response, variable interval schedule, superstitious
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is showing the activities or items people rely on for their team to win. At the end, they win.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is the certain acts people do that are superstitious. My video is all about it, so it occurs every three seconds after 0:10.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is their favorite team winning the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
They think it involved the addition of something. That thing being their superstitious behavior.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
This behavior occurred by the times it has worked in the past.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the people preparing for a game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Prepare for game
B= Twiddling their thumbs
C= Their team wins
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent and behavior is quite possible. However, it is hard to say the consequence is because it didn’t happen because of the behavior. Increasing or decreasing the behavior will not change the likeliness of the outcome. The reinforcement schedule is a fixed interval because reinforcement is at the end of the game. It is also a variable ratio because throughout the games at random times, a team can make a touchdown increasing the chance of reinforcement at the end.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is someone’s personal video of their fishing trip. The fishermen get reinforced at random times throughout the video.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The fishermen are casting their reels. (1:10—1:25, 2:07—2:10, 2:47—2:50, 3:30—3:34, 4:15—4:19, 4:55—4:58, 5:32—5:36, and so on and random points…)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The fishermen are catching fish every so often.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
It involves the removal of something desirable. They are wanting fish (desirable) and they are removing them from the water.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
It is demonstrating Variable Ratio and Variable Interval reinforcement schedules.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Fishermen on a boat
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Fishermen on a boat
B= They cast their reels
C= They catch fish
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of negative reinforcement. If it took longer to start catching fish, or a bigger gap between catches, it may be positive reinforcement. They might start adding something undesirable, like going to a spot where there are no fish.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, superstitious behavior, behavior, reinforcement, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, undesirable
Superstitious Behaviors-
The clip I chose is a Fed Ex commercial that features a guy who didn’t use Fed Ex to ship a package. His coworkers begin to tell him that he better cross his fingers, knock on wood, rub a rabbit’s foot, throw salt over his shoulder, or rub a leprechaun. The target behavior is this guy attempting to do something to counteract the superstition that if he didn’t use Fed Ex there is a good chance the package won’t arrive on time. The consequence of this is that each superstition he attempts to do doesn’t work. The consequence involves adding something because he is verbally told that they won’t work. I think the behavior occurs because his coworker tells him he better cross his fingers and then his other coworkers join in and name other superstitions he could try, but he fails at each one. The antecedent to the target behavior is that they are discussing sending a package.
A= Talking as a group
B= Doesn’t ship with Fed Ex
C= All his superstitions fail
The guy first attempted to cross his fingers but he had casts on both of his arms. He then was told to knock on wood but there wasn’t any wood around. His friends mentioned rubbing a rabbit foot but it ended up being a bear claw, and then they suggested throwing salt over his shoulder but another coworker told him it was a salt substitute. He was then told that a coworker was a leprechaun and to rub him but his coworker was very upset to find out people thought he was a leprechaun. All of these things are consequences of him not shipping Fed Ex because he wouldn’t have had to attempt these things if he had used overnight shipping that is guaranteed to get wherever it’s going on time.
Schedule of Reinforcement-
This is a clip from the Big Bang Theory where Leonard and Sheldon can’t seem to get the other person to listen to their problems. Leonard suggests a chess clock conversation where one of them tells the other their problem and the other responds with advice and then they switch. The target behavior is telling the other person their problem and the consequence is getting advice back. This is a demonstration of fixed interval because they each have a chance to talk which is fixed and they are also both allotted a certain amount of time to talk although it becomes obvious quickly that that plan doesn’t work. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The antecedent in this situation is that they both decide to discuss their problems.
A= Having a conversation
B= Discuss problems
C=Get advice back
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves increasing the behavior listening to each other and it is positive because they give each other advice. If they were to actually follow the rules of this conversation that Leonard set out and they doubled the amount of time the other person could talk, there is a good chance that the “listener” might get bored or sidetracked. I think in this type of conversation it is important to express yourself in an efficient way so that the other person is interested enough to want to give you advice.
Terminology: positive reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, superstitious behavior, fixed interval, desirable, response
Superstitious Behavior
Schedule of Reinforcement
1. briefly describe/summarize the clip
This clip is a commercial for Bud Light. It shows football fans doing odd behaviors in hopes that it will help their favorite team.
2. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior in this video is spinning the TV remote. It occurs at the 34 second mark.
3. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is it helps his favorite team win.
4. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5. tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think that this behavior occurred when the guy was watching football. He got nervous because it was a close game so he started spinning the remote. After he started spinning the remote the team he was rooting for started doing good and they won the game.
6. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is watching his favorite football team.
7. Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching football
B=spinning the remote
C= favorite team wins the game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The behavior is now emitted when watching the football game. They continue to do this because they think that it will help their team out. In reality this behavior has no effect on the outcome of the game.
8. briefly describe/summarize the clip
This clip is from the big bang theory. It is of Sheldon knocking on Penny’s door. He always has to knock three times. This clip shows him doing this many times.
9. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is Sheldon knocking on Penny’s door. This occurs at 0:30 and many times after that.
10. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that Penny opens the door.
11. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is Penny opens the door.
12. what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
This shows a fixed ratio schedule because Sheldon has to knock 3 times for Penny to open the door.
13. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Sheldon being at Penny’s door.
14. Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sheldon is at Penny’s door
B= Sheldon knocks on door
C=Penny opens door
15. Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable was added. Sheldon might go through an extinction burst until he knocks six times and Penny answers the door. I think that Sheldon would be determined enough that he would keep knocking until Penny answers the door.
16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrzUsHNGZHc
Terms used: target behavior, consequence, fixed ratio schedule, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emitted extinction burst, desirable
1) In this clip Pablo Sandoval is up to bat and performs a ritual each time before he gets ready to hit the baseball. He approaches the batter’s box, then steps in front of it, then steps back in the box, back out and readjusts his gloves, draws in the sand with the bat, and then finally steps back in the box ready to hit.
2) The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the routine Pablo Sandoval does before he is ready to hit the ball. 0.01-0.17.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that Pablo Sandoval will then hit the ball.
4) This before involves the addition of something, the addition of Pablo Sandoval hitting the ball.
5) I believe that this behavior occurred by accident at one point. One day when Pablo Sandoval was up to bat I am sure he did a routine similar to this and had a great hit, and after that happened he felt that it was his pre-hitting routine that made it occur. When we know that it not really the routine he does before he hits, but his own abilities that he possesses that allow him to hit the ball.
6) The antecedent to this behavior is Pablo Sandoval being up to hit.
7) A= Sandoval being up to bat
B= Pre-hitting routine
C= Having a good hit
8) In this clip Rachel Ray is making a meal. Throughout the clip you watch her add the right amount of ingredients to make sure the meal turns out properly.
9) The target behavior occurring throughout the clip that is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement is Rachel Ray adding the right amount of ingredients, not too little or not too much. If she does either of the later the recipe will not turn out. 0:55-1:45
10) The consequence of her behavior is the meal turning our correctly every time because she follows the recipe.
11) This involves the addition of something desirable, the meal turning out right because the recipe was followed.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being followed is fixed ratio. This is the schedule of reinforcement that is being followed because if a recipe is followed correctly every time and the right amount of ingredients are added each time then the meal will turn out correctly every time.
13) The antecedent to the behavior is wanting to make a meal.
14) A= Wanting to make a meal
B= Adding the correct amount of ingredients by following the recipe
C= Meal turning out correctly
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because if one follows the recipes like they are suppose to and the meal turns out they will be more likely to follow recipes in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement would change in a situation like this an individual may be less likely to follow a recipe in the future or be reinforced by it because it did not turn out the first time. When an individual follows rules or directions such as a recipe they expect to be reinforced or rewarded after the first attempt, if this does not happen discontinuance of this behavior in the future may occur. This may then result in negative reinforcement rather than positive reinforcement.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev4HeZL--Ws
17) Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, superstitious behavior, fixed ration, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Squidward wants to learn how to work Spongebob and Patrick's imagination box, so he pretends to drive a racecar and his imagination supposedly comes to life, when in reality the noise he's hearing is the noise of a garbage truck.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
From 5:01 to the end, Squidward starts playing make-believe that he is driving a racecar
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that he starts hearing loud racecar sounds and the 'magic' of the imagination box comes alive.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involves the addition of something, the sound of Squidward's imagination coming to life.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
This behavior occurred after he watched Spongebob and Patrick play with their imagination box all day and hear all sorts of noises coming out of it. He imitated their behavior by pretending to do something else.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to this scene is Squidward trying to figure out how to make noises come out of the imagination box
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Squidward wanted to make the imagination box make noises
B= He pretends to drive a racecar
C= He hears racecar noises, but they are coming from a nearby garbage truck
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Squidward hears racecar noises
B= He continues to pretend to drive as the noises increase
C= He eventually finds out the sounds are coming from a garbage truck as he is dumped out into a garbage heap
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip
Swiper the Fox is trying to steal Dora and her friends' things. They have to say "Swiper, no swiping" three times to keep him away from their things.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
This behavior happens all throughout the clip. The target behavior is Dora and her friends saying "Swiper, no swiping" three times
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is Swiper leaving them alone
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
It actually involves the removal of something undesirable, Swiper leaving them alone
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement is variable ratio. They have to repeat the act three times for it to work and they will have to do this at whatever random times Swiper shows up
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to this is Swiper sneaking up on Dora, trying to take her stuff
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Swiper approaches Dora and friends
B= They repeat "Swiper, no swiping" three times
C= Swiper leaves them alone
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of negative reinforcement, the removal of something undesirable. If it took twice as many responses to get reinforced, they would probably have their stuff swiped sooner since it would take longer to say it to Swiper.
Terminology: antecedent, consequence, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, ratio, variable, superstition
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1) The clip is about a very superstitious football fan. He is obsessed with the Longhorns and even dresses his very young son in football gear. He believes that standing up during plays and doing certain moves will affect the team. He even believed when one of his friends left his house during a play that affected the play negatively for the Longhorns.
2) The target behavior is someone standing up during a game to help their team win. He believes that even if it just barely helps by 1% somehow, he will always stand up to help his team win. This happens at 0:20-0:25.
3) The consequence of this behavior is the team starts winning again. Even though at one point he kicks someone out because he thinks they have a bad vibe. This may aversively affect his friendships, he still emits the behavior because he thinks he’s helping his favorite team out.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. This could be scoring, intercepting, or getting more yards on the field. The removal of something aversive could be defending against the other team.
5) I think the behavior occurred because people usually jump up and get excited anyways when their teams starts winning. So that lead to, jumping up means they’re going to score. At some point, in this video, the guy mentioned someone leaving a party and the team started losing, so that automatically added up to that superstition.
6) The antecedent is that it’s game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Game day
B= Someone left the house
C= Team started losing
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent could have been game day when the guys got together to watch the game. The men watching the game emitted the behavior of jumping up when they scored. They then probably started thinking that every time they jump up, it’s going to lead to something desirable for their team. So they keep emitting this behavior in hopes that their desirable outcome will keep happening.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
8) The clip I found was about a bunch of puppies running towards their gate to get fed. They have to jump through a mini fence to get to the food bowl presented to them.
9) The target behavior would be the puppies jumping through the gate to get to the food bowl. The frequency of behavior will increase because the puppies get fed every time they run through that gate and are presented with food.
10) The consequence of this behavior is being presented a food bowl by their owner. And since puppies love being fed they will probably keep doing this behavior.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable for the puppies. Puppies love getting fed. And they will eventually keep coming back at a certain time because they will expect that desirable response.
12) The schedule of reinforcement would be the feeding time. The puppies expect to be fed around a certain time, and when the owner brings them the food, they run and jump over the fence to get to the food faster than the others.
13) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Puppies feeding time
B= Jumping over the fence
C= Getting their food
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the puppies are getting the desirable food that they want at the same time every day. Since it’s desirable, they will keep coming back at a certain time every day for that food.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Terms- Superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior consequence, reinforcement, antecedent, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, desirable behavior, aversive, emit, frequency of behavior, response.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip give off a lot of different superstitions people have you have sport fanatics. Whether it be be tapping a sign when you come into the house, or twirling a necklace,all crossing your fingers at the same time to make sure something good happens, All of these things are used because people actually think they work.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior for this clip would be when the guys tap a sign when they walk into a house or when the girl twirls her necklace during a big play of the game.
At 0:13 and also at 0:19 seconds
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of doing the behavior is that something good happens for there team when they do this action. Meaning they will do it every single time they think is right.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence involves the addition of the team or player doing something good to make it happen.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
I think it occurs because when they are in a high stress situation they will start to do something. Then once they notice it and it "helps" the team out they will just continually do it.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is watching the game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching the game
B=Twirling or rubbing necklace
C= Scoring or winning the game
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior for this clip if for the dog to sit. Which for some dogs is actually very complicated and not easy.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence for this behavior is if the dog sits he gets a treat and if he doesn't sit he doesn't get a treat.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip give off a lot of different superstitions people have you have sport fanatics. Whether it be be tapping a sign when you come into the house, or twirling a necklace,all crossing your fingers at the same time to make sure something good happens, All of these things are used because people actually think they work.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior for this clip would be when the guys tap a sign when they walk into a house or when the girl twirls her necklace during a big play of the game.
At 0:13 and also at 0:19 seconds
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of doing the behavior is that something good happens for there team when they do this action. Meaning they will do it every single time they think is right.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence involves the addition of the team or player doing something good to make it happen.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
I think it occurs because when they are in a high stress situation they will start to do something. Then once they notice it and it "helps" the team out they will just continually do it.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is watching the game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching the game
B=Twirling or rubbing necklace
C= Scoring or winning the game
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior for this clip if for the dog to sit. Which for some dogs is actually very complicated and not easy.
at 0:08 seconds into the clip
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence for this behavior is if the dog sits he gets a treat and if he doesn't sit he doesn't get a treat.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
It involves the addition of something desirable being the treat .
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
This is a fixed behavior that is reinforced
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Telling the dog to sit
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Telling the dog to sit
B= Gets a treat from owner
C=Dog is happy
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of a positive reinforcement because the dog gets a treat every time it is asked to sit.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) superstitius, target behavior, consequences,antecedent, reinforcement, fixed reinforcement
1.This was an animated clip about different ways to “get lucky.” It talked about a couple different common superstitions like rubbing a rabbit’s foot for good luck, or hanging a horse shoe above your door, etc.
2.There are many target behaviors in this clip, but I focus on one; rubbing a rabbits foot. (.30 - .33 seconds)
3.The consequence of rubbing a rabbits foot is good luck will come to you.
4.The consequence involves the addition of something desirable; good luck.
5.In the video, it said rubbing a rabbit’s foot is associated with fertility which could lead back to many years ago when being fertile was good luck which could have also led to a rabbit’s foot being good luck for other things as well.
6.The antecedent is needing good luck and having a rabbit / rabbit’s foot.
A= needing good luck
B= rubbing a rabbit’s foot
C= receiving good luck
This behavior is now emitted when someone needs good luck. It may or may not reinforce them, but now it’s a superstition so whoever rubs a rabbit’s food believes that reinforcement will occur at random instances.
8.I had trouble finding a video example for this so I did the best I could find. This is a short video from Harold and Kumar and one of the guys was asked to step aside to be randomly checked at the airport.
9.The behavior is being randomly checked. (.3 seconds)
10.The consequence is the man getting mad because he thinks it is because of his race.
11.The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable (his anger); he got mad because he thought it was racist.
12.The schedule of reinforcement I was trying to demonstrate is variable interval. (Because at airports, they do random security checks at any point in time.)
13.The antecedent is being at the airport and going through security.
A= going through security at the airport
B= getting randomly checked
C= getting angry
15.This is an example of positive reinforcement because we’re introducing something good; being safe at the airport. Seeing people randomly get checked probably increases the likelihood that other fliers will return to that airport again, seeing as they believe it’s probably safe.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAHF7iZW9S8 (superstitions)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TzD0CYt7po (getting checked at the airport)
17.Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, emitted, reinforcement, reinforce, variable interval
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the Roseanne show where she goes to play BINGO. It shows her making fun of a lady next to her that has numerous "lucky" items. Then towards the end of the clip it show how she has brought with her lucky items to help her win.
2) The behavior is setting up items for luck
.40-.46 and 3.01-3.20
3)The behavior would be setting up lucky items, playing bingo, and then winning
4)consequence involves the addition of items a person believes will bring them luck
5)maybe at one point in time they just happened to have the item with them when something positive happened or positive things have happened since acquiring the item therefore they associate having the item close by to bringing them luck
6)the antecedent is playing bingo
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Playing Bingo
B=setting up/or touching lucky item
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Playing Bingo
B= marking the numbers being called
C= having the same odds of winning as everyone else that is playing
schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8)This a clip showing how a girl dyes her hair different colors
9) The target behavior is dying hair a different color. The schedule reinforcement is putting the dye on and leaving on hair for an amount of time then rinsing out to achieve the desired color
10)The consequence is changing hair color
11) the consequence involves the removal of your previous hair color so presuming that you disliked your hair color it would be removing something undesirable
12) putting hair dye on hair, wait a set amount of minutes to get desired color
13)Dying hair
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=dying hair
B=putting color in hair and waiting for set amount oftime
C=different colored hair
This is an example of positive reinforcement. because you are wanting to change you hair color there for putting dye in and wait set amount of time you will get your desired hair color. The only thing that would change if it took twice as long is you would just have to wait longer for the results
17) positive reinforcement,ABC's, target behavior,antecedent,consequence,schedules of reinforcement,superstitions behavior
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip that I watched shows baseball players emitting the superstitious behavior of jumping over the baseline.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this video is jumping over the baseline. (:05)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is having good luck in the baseball game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence could involve both the addition of something desirable or the removal of something aversive. In this example it could add something desirable such as hitting better, scoring more points, making more defensive plays, or winning a competition. The aversive things “good luck” could remove is dumb errors, or in this clip being hit with a ball.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
This behavior probably occurred because some players wanted to preserve the freshly finished baseline by jumping over it. This team may have played better this game, and paired this random happening with jumping over the baseline. This superstitious behavior is not directly related to the random reinforcement.
, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this example is the baseball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Baseball game
B= Jumping over the baseline
C= Not being hit by the line drive
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
In terms of the ABCs when the superstitious behavior began, it makes sense how the behavior will continue. While at the baseball game (antecedent), after jumping the baseline before the game (target behavior) and having a better game (consequence). It elicits this team to emit a jumping of the baseline behavior the next game. For my specific example everyone who jumped the baseline did not get hit with the ball, which they would correlate with jumping the baseline and reinforce this behavior.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip that I found that illustrates schedules of reinforcement is a clip off of SpongeBob where the bus comes at a variable interval to reinforce SpongeBob to wait at the bus stop.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior I am using that is being reinforced with schedule of reinforcement is waiting at the bus stop.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is eventually getting on the bus to Bikini Bottom.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is a ride back home.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement that is being demonstrated is Variable interval, which is an intermittent form of reinforcement. It is a variable interval because it has to do with time rather then numbers (interval) of when the bus comes, and it is variable because there isn’t a set amount of time between when the busses comes. This is separate from a continuous reinforcement because SpongeBob is not being reinforced every time.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the bus stop.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Bus stop
B= Waiting for the bus
C= Getting the bus back home
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is added something (positive), which in this case is a ride back home. It is reinforcement because SpongeBob will increase the behavior of waiting at a bus stop. In this example when the bus took twice as long, and SpongeBob was not being reinforced it led to the extinction of the behavior of waiting for the bus. This resulted in SpongeBob stopping his behavior of waiting and do something else, and the bus would come again, starting the reinforcement trend again.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, variable interval, intermittent, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, extinction
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is Olympic athletes talking about their superstitions before competing. Each of them has their own superstition and they said how it just feels comfortable at this point that they repeat these behaviors before competing. Since there are different athletes I will only use one of their examples throughout the rest of the assignment.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
One athlete says that they have to drink a glass of orange juice on the day of competition.(29 sec)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is, after she had the orange juice, she won the competition.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
It involves the addition of something.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
Well as she mentions in the video, she says that she had orange juice before a competition and ended up winning, so from there she has kept this superstitious behavior ever since.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is drinking orange juice.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Drinks orange juice
C=Wins competition
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Now it is the same thing, except the consequence is she does not always win, especially in the Olympics.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
7) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is an episode of Gilmore Girls where Lorelei and Rory walk into their favorite place to eat, Luke’s Diner. When they walk in, the diner is crowded with families with a lot of babies. They proceed to ask Luke what is going on, and he replies that this group of people comes every weekend to the diner. Then Luke precedes to them that every weekend they do the same thing and all of them order just two iced teas to go and leave.
8) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Families come into Luke’s diner every week.
9) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Luke gets annoyed.
10)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
This involves the addition of something undesirable.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
This is an example of a fixed interval schedule. This group of parents come to this diner every weekend at the same time and order the same thing.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Luke’s Diner
B= Families go to Luke’s Diner
C=Luke gets annoyed
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
Although Luke gets annoyed when these families come in, he never says anything to the families directly; therefore the families continue to come to the diner. I would say this is an example of positive reinforcement because the families go into the Diner and order some Iced Tea, which is adding a pleasurable stimulus. If Luke were to actually tell the families to get out, or refused to give them iced tea, then the families would no longer feel welcome, therefore would no longer be reinforced to go to Luke’s Diner anymore.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behavior, antecedent, schedules of reinforcement, fixed interval schedule, and reinforce.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is from the old cartoon show Arthur where Arthur has been having bad luck but then he finds a strange pencil on the sidewalk and lucky things start happening to him
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
using the lucky pencil on the pop quiz(3:53)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
the consequence is Arthur getting a good grade on the pop quiz
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
it involves the addition of something (a good grade on the quiz) which would be positive reinforcement
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
this behavior occurred probably because arthur payed attention in class or just randomly knew the material
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
finding the lucky pencil on the sidewalk
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=finding the "lucky" pencil on the sidewalk
B= using the pencil on the pop quiz
C= getting a good grade
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Arthur used the pencil on the quiz because he had been having back luck but ever since he found the pencil it has given him good luck so he thought that he would use it to see if he got a good grade on the pop quiz
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
this is a clip from big bang theory of sheldon knocking on penny's door and every time he does it he has to do it three times
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
sheldon knocking on penny's door (:05)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Penny opening the door
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable addition of something desirable (penny opening the door), positive reinforcement
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
Variable ratio because he doesnt know how many sets of knocks it is going to take for penny to open the door, it is going to vary every time depending on how long it takes her to get up from what she is doing and answer the door and how many times he does it to get her attention,this also illustrates extinction burst
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Sheldon wanting penny to open the door
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sheldon wants penny to open the door
B= sheldon knocks on the door
C= Penny opens the door
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (penny answering the door) if she took twice as long to answer the door he might get tired of waiting and leave
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
superstitious behavior, target behavior,consequence, positive reinforcement, variable ratio, extinction burst
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Harry Dunne accidently spills some salt while eating at a dinner with his friend Lloyd. Lloyd freaks out and explains that they will have bad luck during their road trip if Harry doesn’t throw some salt over his right shoulder. Harry throws the entire salt shaker over his right shoulder and hits somebody.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Lloyd freaking out after Harry spilt some salt. 0:02-0:18
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is Harry throwing the salt shaker to keep their luck good (aka- make his friend feel better.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the removal of the salt shaker.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
Spilled salt became connected with bad luck. A person is supposed to throw salt over their right shoulder because they are blinding the devil behind them, which apparently stops the bad luck.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Lloyd and Harry eating at a dinner.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Lloyd and Harry eating at a dinner.
B= Lloyd freaks out after Harry spills some salt
C= Harry throws the salt shaker to make keep their luck good (aka- make his friend feel better).
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A=Salt is spilled
B=person who spilt salt throws some over right shoulder.
C=Devil behind person is blinded and their luck won’t go bad.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Boomer, a 16week old puppy, is showing off some new tricks he learned. he does 3 tricks, then gets a treat. Then he does3 more tricks and gets a treat.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Boomer listening to his owner and doing tricks. 0:13, 0:29 0:44, 0:50, 1:09 …
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is Boomer getting a treat and praise after doing three tricks.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable to Boomer. Boomer has placed a pleasant valence on treats and is willing to do tricks until he gets one.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The video shows a fixed interval schedule. The ratio of completed tricks to treats is 3:1.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Boomer’s owner has treats for Boomer only if he does tricks on command.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Boomer’s owner has treats for Boomer only if he does tricks on command.
B= Boomer listening to his owner and doing tricks
C= Boomer gets a treat and praise after doing three tricks.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Boomer receives a treat and praise when he does a trick 3 times. If Boomer were to have to do more tricks to get a treat, he may get bored and stop. If Boomer were to quit getting praise and treats, he may stop doing tricks all together (extinction of the behavior).
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, consequence, removal, antecedent, desirable, pleasant valence, fixed interval schedule, ratio, positive reinforcement, extinction.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a couple talking about the movie Silver Linings Playbook. There is a booth set up and these people are sharing their superstitious behavior when it comes to game day. The husband says he does a lot of the same things as the movie, such as lighting his cigarette the right way or changing seats in the middle of a play.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The behavior that I am focusing on is lighting the cigarette in a specific way. If he does this the wrong way he believes that the Eagles won't score.
(0.06 seconds- 0.09sec)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
If he lights the cigarette the right way then the consequence is that the Eagles will score.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
It involves the addition of something desirable. He want his team to score and if he does not do this certain behavior then they will not.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I think that this came from his surroundings. Whoever he watches the games with had some influence on this superstition of lighting the cigarette.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is watching the Eagles play.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching the Eagle's play
B=Lighting the cigarette in a certain way
C=Eagle's scoring
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the T.V. show Archer. It is Archer yelling Lana and Cyril's name multiple times. He always says their names 3-4 times before they respond to him.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Archer yelling Lana and Cyril's names. He yells 3-4 times before they reinforce his behavior by responding.
This occurs during the entire video.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is them responding.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
It is the addition of something desirable. Archer wants their attention and he is getting them to do so by yelling their name 3-4 times.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement is Variable ratio. He is reinforced on an average of 3.5 times. He gets a reaction from them between 3 and 4 times which means it is not constant, it varies and therefore is a VR.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent or antecedents is being on ISIS Missions.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=ISIS Missions
B=Yelling names
C=Getting a reaction
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement. They are giving him the attention he wants (something desirable) so he keeps doing the behavior. If they didn't respond that would be not be positive because they are removing the desirable behavior.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
consequence, reinforce, antecedent VR, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is describing rituals each soccer player may have before a big game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is putting on their shin guards and socks on their left leg first then their right leg shin guard and sock.
0:30 sec. in.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is they will win the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence is the addition of something pleasurable, winning the game.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
This behavior may have occurred when a soccer player noticed they were winning more when putting socks and shin guards on a certain foot first. It may also have started as a force of habit and eventually became a daily ritual.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Soccer field/locker room
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= arrive on field/prepare for warmup
B= put on left shin guard and sock first
C= win game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= preparation for warmup
B= ritual
C= mentally programmed to win game (don’t get off on the wrong foot)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip a guy is on the phone for a really long time with a customer service company. He has been waiting and waiting for someone to take his call.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is he is calling a customer service agency and is being forced to wait a long period of time. (in simpler terms the phone call is the target behavior)
0:10 sec. in.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is someone will eventually answer his call.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, his frustration/anger that no one will answer his call.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is interval schedule because the reinforcement might require a certain amount of time to pass before the reinforcement is given.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is his house.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= sitting at home
B= tries to call customer service
C= he becomes upset when no one takes his call
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something undesirable which would be longer waiting periods for anyone else possibly trying to contact this customer service company. If the waiting period would have been twice as long then the guy would have either become more upset or eventually given up trying to contact the service.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, pleasurable, antecedent, undesirable, positive reinforcement, interval schedule, reinforcement
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is of Bishop and how she has to sit on the floor to work. To her sitting on the floor allows her to concentrate better, or even work better, but in reality she could sit in a desk and get the same amount of work done.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 1:01
The target behavior is sitting on the floor
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that Bishop works more efficiently
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
It is the addition of something. In this case the positive reinforcement is working more efficiently.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
This occurred because Bishop did not want to sit in a desk because she was overwhelmed, and when she moved to the floor she figured out the answer. Now she believes that this will help her work better.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Stress at work
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Stressed at work
B= Sit on floor
C= Got answer to problem
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent is being stressed at work and the need to find the answer. This lead to Bishop eliciting the target behavior of sitting on the floor. The target behavior of sitting on the floor emitted a consequence of solving the problem. Bishop will keep emitting the behavior of sitting on the floor while working to work more efficiently because she believes this helps her to find the answers.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is an episode of criminal minds. A man was triggered by a release of a person who killed his wife. He then sets out to kill everyone involved in her death, and others who a classified as “evil” in his eyes.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Shooting someone 0:00-13:01
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The killer killing someone
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
It is the addition of something undesirable. In this case it is someone else being killed
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
It is a variable interval. The time between each killing
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
A trigger setting off the killer
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=A trigger
B=shooting someone
C= someone dies
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
It would be positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something. If the schedule of reinforcement changed to take twice as long, then the killer would kill fewer people.
16) http://www.cbs.com/shows/ncis/video/1f2r0W_QPzOUDcV27sMJ8yz941EWRXtK/ncis-180-60-45/
17) ABC’s, positive reinforcement, target behavior, elicit, emit, variable ratio, schedule of reinforcement
Superstitious Behaviors
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-This clip is of a Coca-Cola commercial involving their trademark polar bears. Two polar bears are watching a football game, and one of the polar bears begins crossing all of his extremities--fingers, toes, arms, and eventually his legs. The other polar bear has to put a straw in his Coca-Cola so that he can drink it.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-The target behavior is the polar bear crossing his extremities (toes, fingers arms, then legs--respectively). This behavior occurs at 0:05, 0:07, 0:08, and finally at 0:26.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the behavior is that the one polar bear believes that, by emitting this behavior of crossing his extremities, he will elicit some kind of victory by his team.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
-The consequence of this behavior is supposed to add something desirable(a goal or victory by his sport team), although it may or may not actually happen. This means that it is positive reinforcement.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
-I believe this behavior may have occurred from previous experiences that the polar bear had in which he was crossing his fingers or something and his sport's team scored a goal or achieved a victory.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is the male polar bear watching a sports game in which one of his favorite teams is playing.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Watching a sports game in which a favorite team is playing
B= polar bear may have crossed fingers during intense play during game
C= team scored or won game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
-The male polar bear now goes over the top in crossing his extremities in hope of it causing his team to score points or win the game. His behavior is the result of positive reinforcement (the first time it happened) which is why he has continued to exhibit this superstitious behavior and has potentially added to it.
Schedules of reinforcement
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-A man who adopted a young cub (named Brutus, who is now a really big bear) talks about the bear, their time together thus far, and their bond.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
-Although there were many different instances of reinforcement scheduling (like giving the bear a treat when he stood up, which is fixed ratio reinforcement), I'd like to point out the instance when Brutus's owner said that on Brutus's birthday (and some holidays) the bear is allowed to come in the home and eat cake and open presents in celebration. The target behavior is eating cake and opening presents.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
-Although I don't really know the emotional consequence for Brutus, I assume that this treatment makes him very happy (and spoiled.)
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
-The consequence of being happy and spoiled is the addition of something desirable, which would make it positive reinforcement. I'm sure that Brutus starts to sense when his birthday is coming every year because of this special treatment.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated.
-This is an instance of a ratio interval schedule of reinforcement because it happens at a fixed (ratio) time (interval). Brutus only gets to eat cake and open presents on his birthday, which would be one time in a year, and Brutus must wait another year before he will be rewarded like this again.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
-Brutus's birthday is the antecedent, because this is the only instance in which he gets to eat cake and open presents.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Brutus's birthday
B= Brutus gets to eat cake and open presents
C= Brutus is happy and spoiled
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-This is an example of positive reinforcement because Brutus gets to eat cake and open presents, which is pretty awesome and makes most humans extremely excited about their own birthdays (until they hit 30). Depending on the amount of years that this birthday bash has been going on, eventually Brutus would come to realize when the reinforcers were coming (sensing the time of year, weather, time of day, etc.).
16) What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
-I think that, if Brutus is very familiar and anticipates this occurrence and it didn't happen one year like it was supposed to, he would be very upset and possibly aggressive. However, after a few birthdays he may eventually come to recognize the pattern. Consciously, I'm doubtful that he's aware of what is being celebrated and why he's being rewarded, but eventually he has come to expect this event and to have it taken away would be devastating, just as it would be for a human to have their birthday forgotten (unless they're turning 50).
*Superstitious Behavior URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CueNjgmG8UM
*Schedules of reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVMBdi4dgME
Terms: target behavior, emitted, elicit, consequence, antecedent, superstitious behavior, positive reinforcement, desirable, fixed interval, fixed ratio, reinforcer
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, the basketball coach is trying to give his players a pep talk, but two players' superstitions get in the way. The trouble starts when the players say it's bad luck to touch a dropped towel.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is not touching the towel. (1.00)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that they (hopefully), win the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of a win.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
This behavior probably occured when a player dropped a towel before a game previous to this one, however, someone must have picked it up and the team lost.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the towel was thrown at one of the players but lands on the ground.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Towel lands on the ground
B= Nobody goes to pick up towel
C= They win the game.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The coach throws the towel (the antecedent) and it lands on the ground. One of the players picks up the towel (behavior), and the game continues. Once the game is over, the boys found they have lost (consequence) and nothing else unusual has occurred, they associate the loss with the dropped towel being picked up.
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip a woman is training her dog to respond to a clicker and treats.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is keeping the dog in stay. (7.06)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
the consequence is the dog gets a treat for staying.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence is the addition of something desirable. (a treat)
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
She will just randomly give the dog treats, the dog doesn't know when he will be rewarded.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is she tells her dog to sit-stay.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Woman tells dog to sit-stay
B= The dog stays in a sit
C= The dog recieves treats randomly
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement, because the treats are being added. The treats are also helping to increase the liklihood that this behavior will continue. She will gradually increase the amount of time in which the dog will not get a treat. If reinforcement is done correctly, then this should not affect the behavior being reinforced.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitions : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LooFBed-ic
Scheduled Reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksBLKi6lj1s
17) Terms: Target Behavior, consequence, antecedent, superstitious behavior, schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforced, behavior
hat we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip follows football fans preforming different acts that they believe will help their team when.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior ranges from different fans twiddling their thumbs, touching certain team flags, or not wearing their shoes during the game. This happens throughout the whole commercial.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is their football team doing good during the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of something.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I think they did this behavior once during a game, and the football team did well in a certain game making the fans think that it was something that they did.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the fact that it is game time.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Game time
B=twiddling thumbs, not wearing shoes, tapping certain flags
C= team does well during game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The fans noticed a correlation from them emitting a behavior and their football team doing well during the game.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video has to do with people waiting to in an airport and they let the military personnel go on board first.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The behavior is letting the military personnel go onboard first. (:13)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that different individuals salute the ones in the military.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule is the plan leaving and people boarding at a certain time, in a certain order.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent people waiting to board a plane.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= waiting to board
B= military boards first
C= People salute
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is a positive reinforcement. If the schedule took twice as long, some people might get frustrated.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms used: behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, emitting.
1) In this episode of Roseanne, Roseanne and a few of her friends go to bingo night. Roseanne sits next to a woman who not only has a lot of bingo cards but also a lot of things spread out on the table around the bingo cards. When Roseanne tries to touch one of the items, the lady shouts at her and says, “You’ll jinx me,” and then proceeds to “cleanse” the items. The woman then tells Roseanne how she won 200 dollars the week before. Though not seen in the clip, by the end of the episode, Roseanne does the same thing as this woman by having different items surround her area for good luck.
2) The target behavior here is that the woman playing bingo uses certain items that she believes help her win like they did the week before, and she believes she’ll be jinxed if they are touched. (0:06-1:05)
3) The consequence of this behavior is her winning bingo (although she loses in this particular clip, but she would believe that she was jinxed by Roseanne when Roseanne touched her items).
4) Well it definitely involves the addition of something. If this woman wins when she uses these good luck items, then she’ll get money for winning.
5) This more than likely occurred when she won a bingo one night and just so happened to have a small item with her that she thought of as good luck either before she went to bingo, or after she had one the bingo. Then, having believed it was the one item she decided to start bringing in more items hoping to increase her chances.
6) The antecedent is Bingo Night!
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Bingo Night.
B= Brought one good luck item.
C= Won bingo.
The antecedent is once again the Bingo Night, but this time her behavior will be to bring in more items to increase her luck for winning and, as seen in the clip, cleansing the items if they are touched. The consequence will be if she wins, she’ll bring in more items or keep the same amount of items because she believes the items gave her luck to win.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) This particular clip is a montage of moments in Finding Nemo where one of the fish, Bubbles, is obsessed with a certain chest in the tank that, every once in a while, will open up and release many bubbles, which Bubbles then will get excited about. Then, once the chest closes, Bubbles will then stare at it patiently waiting for it to open again.
9) The target behavior is Bubbles waiting for the bubbles to come out of the chest. (whole video)
10) The consequence is that he is rewarded with the bubbles and he gets very excited.
11) Well, it could be seen that there is an addition of something undesirable because he has to wait for so long before the bubble appear again.
12) I would see the schedule of reinforcement being a fixed interval because, even though there is no scene where we see him wait long enough for the bubbles to pop up twice, those devices that go in fish tanks usually have a set time when their action happen.
13) The antecedent would be that the chest is inside the tank.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Chest is placed in the tank.
B= Bubbles waits for the chest to open.
C= Chest opens every so long and releases the bubbles
15) This would be an example of positive reinforcement because, since Bubbles gets very excited when the chest releases the bubbles, he is willing to wait between each time for the chest to open again. I believe what would happen if the reinforcement time was twice as long that Bubbles would be twice as excited because, as seen in the video he gets veeerrrryyy excited, so the waiting time would increase his anticipation for the release of the bubbles.
16) Roseanne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xt7YqLq9pU
Finding Nemo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7IYR_rELyE
17) target behavior, superstitious behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, continuous reinforcement, scheduled reinforcement, fixed interval, positive reinforcement
Superstitious Behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip from Die Hard, John McClane is on an airplane. He doesn’t like flying, so the passenger sitting next to him offers him some advice for dealing with it. He tells John to walk around on the carpet and make fists with his toes after he arrives at his destination.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is making fists with your toes. This occurs at (0:30) in the video.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
I think that the consequence of this behavior is that you will calm down after being anxious during the flight.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, which in this case would be anxiety.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
This behavior might have started because the passenger was walking on carpet after a flight that made him particularly anxious, and then began to emit the behavior possibly because he was fidgeting because he was anxious. Once he realized that he was emitting the behavior, he might have thought about how silly it was and laughed. Then he then may have noticed that he wasn’t feeling anxious anymore and associated it with the behavior of making fists with his toes rather than laughing and getting his mind off of the cause of his anxiety.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being anxious after flying.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= being anxious after flying
B= making fists with your toes
C= reduction of anxiety
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
After the superstitious behavior began, it was elicited by air travel. The antecedent is the passenger being anxious after a flight. The behavior of making fists with his toes is emitted to negatively reinforce the passenger by reducing his anxiety. This would increase the likelihood that he will repeat this behavior. According to the passenger, he has emitted this behavior for nine years. Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the consequence of this behavior has been reinforcing.
Video URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIkZSrvF9IE
Schedules of Reinforcement
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a video of somebody playing the video game Resident Evil 4. A feature of the game involves smashing open boxes which can contain health, ammo, or money. At various parts of the video the player opens some of these boxes, which are found around the game area.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The behavior being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement is smashing boxes. There are several occurrences of this behavior at (6:56), (7:36), and (9:13) in the video.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is receiving a helpful item.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is a helpful item.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a variable ratio schedule. This is because not every box contains an item, they appear randomly. Also, it is random which item does appear in a box. So, for example, if you are looking for health you might get money or ammunition in several boxes before you get health. This is not an interval schedule of reinforcement because you can smash boxes as often as you like, and doing so will not affect whether or not it contains an item.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is needing an item.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= needing an item
B= smashing a box
C= receiving an item
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the player is given an item that is useful to them. They receive these items on a variable ratio schedule of around VR5, for example. If the variable ratio schedule were to be changed to VR10, it would not change the behavior of the player, or it might elicit an increase in the box smashing behavior from the player. This is because the player doesn’t know if they will be reinforced for smashing fewer than 10 boxes or more than 10 boxes. Variable ratio schedules have a low post-reinforcement pause, which means that even if a player receives an item they are still likely to smash the next box they see because it could also contain an item. Also, behavior is not strongly affected by ratio strain when using a variable ratio schedule. This means that even if the player has to emit the behavior more times on average in order to be reinforced, they will likely keep doing it because if there is a wide enough range then it may only take a few emissions to get the reinforcer.
Video URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHD7gx7uBME
Terms: target behavior, consequence, behavior, undesirable, emit, antecedent, superstitious behavior, elicit, negative reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, desirable, variable ratio, interval schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement, VR5, VR10, post-reinforcement pause, ratio strain, range, reinforcer
1) This clip is one of the 2014 super bowl commercials and it involves a man going to various places collecting random items like a sock, a strand of hair, and grass from the stadium and taking them all to a bar where a man is waiting in the back. The man snaps his fingers and the guy that collected the items is sitting in the stands of the game with a little superstitious doll that was made for him alongside some other man supporting the other team with a similar doll.
2) The behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the guy collecting the items for the doll at 0:04, 0:05, and 0:08.
3) The consequence of the behavior is taking the doll to the game in hopes the team will win.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something—the doll.
5) I think this behavior occurred by the man being such a fan of his team that he would go to great lengths to ensure that luck was on their side, so that’s when he started collecting these random items and getting a doll made out of them.
6) The antecedent is the man being a huge football fan
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=man being a football fan
B= doing his normal routine before a game
C=his team winning
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent of him being a football fan and going to the games means he starts to get a routine down, which is the behavior before superstition. Once the consequence of his team winning becomes more common the guy starts to think his routine brings luck. He takes it to the point where he collects things that are a part of his routine including a lock of hair and some grass from the stadium he goes to and has them made into a doll at the bar he normally goes to. The antecedent is still him being a football fan, the behavior is collecting important items that are made into a doll, and the consequence is the doll bringing luck to his team.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) This clip is about a few guys going saltwater fishing in hopes of getting the big catch after every other fisherman gave up. The first guy gets a nice catch and then the other guy, after leaving his pole to help the other guy out finds that his pole has a shark on it. He fights with it for a while and then the line breaks. He casts out again and ends up getting a nice fish.
9) The target behavior that is being reinforced is the guys continuing to cast out their reels in the hopes of getting a catch. 1:25, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, 5:23
10) The consequence of the behavior is every once in a while they will get a bite.
11) The consequence can involve the addition of something undesirable which in the guy with the shark’s case was the broken fishing pole, but in the sense of catching fish it involves the removal of something desirable which is taking the fish out of the water.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is the variable ratio schedule.
13) The antecedent is the men out fishing
14) A=The men out fishing
B=casting out their reels
C=getting a bite
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because when the men get a fish (desirable) it will increase the behavior of them going fishing again. It’s hard to say what would happen if it started taking twice as long because you never know when a fish will bit and sometimes people go days without catching a fish but don’t decrease the amount of time they actually go out fishing. I don’t think much would change in this situation.
17) Terms: positive reinforcement, behavior, antecedent, consequence, schedule of reinforcement, desirable, undesirable, target behavior, variable ratio, superstitious behavior
Superstitious behavior
1) I choose to do a Doritos commercial where three men are in a lake noodling for fish. The first man catches a big fish and the three cheer. The second man who had been eating Doritos drops his hand in the water and a mermaid pops up out of the water, licking his fingers of the Doritos cheese powder. The third man quickly grabs the bag of Doritos and begins eating them in a hurriedly manner. He believes if he eats the Doritos and get the cheese powder on his face, the mermaid will kiss him. So with that in mind, he sticks his face into the water and is rewarded with a merman, not a mermaid. Superstitious behavior did not come with the same reward that he wanted to get.
2) The target behavior of my video which is also the superstitious behavior would be using the Doritos powder as bait. Time 0:19
3) The consequence that is believed to happen if you use Doritos as bait would be to catch a beautiful mermaid. The consequence that actually happened to the fellow who wanted to catch a mermaid was that he actually caught a merman.
4) This consequence would be the addition of something which would be catch a mermaid.
5) I think the third man in the video saw how the second man caught a mermaid with the Doritos powder on his hand, so he believed that he could do the same with the Doritos powder on his mouth.
6) The antecedent would be noodling for fish in a lake or an ocean cove.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Noodling in a Lake
B=Use Doritos as bait
C=Catch a mermaid (supposedly)
-The three men were noodling in a lake where fish could be found which is the antecedent. When the second man dropped his hand covered in Dorito powder, he suddenly caught a mermaid who began to lick his fingers. Using the Doritos as bait then became the target behavior and the reward or consequence of that action would be to catch a mermaid.
Schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) I found FINALLY of someone hailing a taxi in New York. I can think of plenty of movie scenes where it happens but it is impossible to find that scene on youtube. So I found a random video of a girl trying to hail a cab.
9) The target behavior would be hailing a taxi since we are not rewarded every time for hailing a taxi but eventually get one, this would be a form of variable interval. Time 0:23, 0:29, 0:34, 0:38, 0:53, 1:00 finally rewarded.
11) The consequence would be the addition of something desirable which would be getting a cab.
12) The scheduled reinforcement would be a variable interval since one does not know how long it will take to hail a cab down in New York City as well as knowing it will not be the same amount of time every time.
13) The antecedent would be in New York City since that is where most people hail for taxis.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=New York City
B=Hailing a Cab
C=Gets a Cab
15) This would be a form of positive reinforcement since you want to get a cab in New York City. Now if this process takes twice as long, you would be frustrated and might decide to walk instead. If you don’t want to walk, you may resort to other ways to get a taxi drivers attention like the girls in the video, they try to stand farther out into the street to make sure the drivers can see them. They even try to strike a pose to catch their attention.
16) Superstitious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8MLuni8rzc
Reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKgd0PNDXcQ
17) TERMS: rewarded, superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, variable interval, scheduled reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1) In this clip, Olympic soccer player Alex Morgan explains her game day rituals. These include the order in which she puts her socks, shoes and shin guards on, as well as how she wears her shorts and a pink headband made of prewrap.
2) There are many components that make up her game day ritual. If I had to pick one specific behavior, it would be how she wears a pink headband made of prewrap to every game. (1:25)
3) By wearing a pink prewrap headband, she feels secure and plays her best. If she does not have her headband, she freaks out and claims that it throws her game off.
4) The consequence of this behavior involves the addition of something – by wearing her pink headband, she plays better and there is confidence added to her game. It could also be attributed to scoring goals.
5) Alex first started wearing these headbands because they were cheap and efficient, as well as her favorite color. The other reason why she started to wear the headband is because her boyfriend’s mom was a breast cancer survivor and she wanted to promote breast cancer awareness in college. She kept wearing them because it was something that she was familiar with as she became more and more successful as a soccer player.
6) The antecedent is the fact that it is game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Needs Headband
B= Uses pink prewrap to make a headband
C= Does well during game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
After Alex did well after starting to use prewrap headbands, it became a part of her pregame ritual. Every time it is game day, (antecedent) she will put a pink headband in (behavior) and play well during her game (consequence).
8) This clip is from a show called Dance Moms. Each episode, the dancers are placed on a pyramid; depending on how well they did the week before in their performance. In this particular episode (which happens to be very old), Nia is placed at the top of the pyramid for the first time.
9) In this case, I am using the fact that Nia is at the top of the pyramid for the first time since she has been on the competition dance team.
10) The consequence of being on the top of the pyramid is that Nia will be able to dance in a solo at the next dance competition, in addition to the group routine.
11) The consequence in this instance is the addition of something desirable, which would be adding a solo performance at the next dance competition.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is Variable Interval. I chose this schedule of reinforcement because Nia is not always on the top of the pyramid, regardless of how well she dances. In this case though, she is finally at the top and the spot in which she places in the next few weeks is varied.
13) The antecedent is the dance competition.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Dance Competition
B= Placed at the top of the pyramid
C= Solo Performance
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because she is being reinforced for dancing well at the previous competition by getting the honor of competing in a solo at the next competition. If it took twice as long for her to be placed at the top of the pyramid, it would probably encourage her to keep trying hard in order to gain her rightful spot at the top.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB_j5BtMZVA
17) Terms: Spontaneous behavior, consequence, antecedent, desirable, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, positive reinforcement
1. In this video people are doing various superstitious activities in the hopes that it will make their football team win. One man is wearing a helmet on his head, another is rubbing his friend’s head, etc.
2. The target behavior is wearing a helmet (00:20)
3. The consequence is that his football team wins the game
4. This consequence involves the addition of something positive
5. I think this occurred when the guy wore the helmet once randomly. His team won, and he has been doing it ever since.
6. The antecedent is watching a football game
7. before superstition
A= watching football
B= wearing helmet
C= team wins
After this happened
A= wanting team to win
B= wearing lucky helmet
C= team wins again
This consequence reinforces the behavior.
8. In this clip from Dora the Explorer Swiper is trying to steal from Dora. They say “Swiper no swiping” three times and he goes away.
9. The target behavior is telling Swiper not to swipe. This occurs at 00:10 in the video.
10. The consequence is that Swiper goes away.
11. This is the removal of something undesirable.
12. This is a variable ratio because they have to say “Swiper no swiping” three times before it works.
13. The antecedent is Swiper trying to steal from Dora.
A= Swiper tries to steal from Dora
B= Dora says “Swiper no swiping”
C= Swiper runs away
15. This is negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something undesirable. If it took twice as long to get a reinforcement Dora might give up and Swiper would steal from her.
superstition, target behavior, consequence, behavior, antecedent, removal, undesirable, variable ratio, negative reinforcement.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip is from Friends, and is showing Phoebe telling the people around her that when they are done with their tea, she will look at the leaves and tell them their fortune. I am only using the first 10 seconds of my video
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior. The target behavior is the friends sitting around drinking tea at 0:04 seconds.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the friends drinking tea is Phoebe can tell them their fortune afterward.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. The consequence involves the addition of the tea leaves.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred. I think this behavior occurred after Phoebe thought something after looking at her own leaves and then coincidentally whatever she thought happened, thus making her think she can “read” tea leaves.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is the friends all being at the Central Perk.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Central Perk coffee shop
B= drinking tea
C= Phoebe telling fortunes
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip shows a car waiting at a red light.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is waiting at the red light. This occurs throughout the entire video except for the last two seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence is being able to drive again once the light changes.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is the green light.
2) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated. This shows fixed interval because the person had to wait a certain amount of time before it was their turn to drive again.
13) tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is driving.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= driving
B= waiting at red light
C= light turns green
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because after waiting a specific amount of time the addition of the green light makes it reinforced that the driver knows it will turn green at some point if they wait. If the schedule of reinforcement at the light changed and the driver had to wait twice as long he would probably get angry and start to honk or even run the red light.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforced, antecedent, fixed interval, consequence, target behavior
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, Colo-Nesco Science teacher John Cisna explains how his sophomore biology class project to recreate the Supersize Me documentary. Mr. Cisna embarked on a 90-day 2000-calorie diet to track blood cholesterol and other aspects of bloodwork, as well as various nutrients. Throughout the course of the project, Mr. Cisna’s students planned his meals and monitored the data. Because Mr. Cisna was limiting his daily caloric intake and exercising daily (low-level cardio), not only did he lose weight, he was able to improve his cholesterol and overall health. In the clip, Mr. Cisna discusses how the problem of obesity in our country is a growing one, and McDonald’s and other fast food franchises are often blamed for this. Mr. Cisna emphasizes how he wants people to understand the experiment is about making healthy choices and losing weight in a healthy manner. His message is not to encourage people to eat at McDonald’s because it will make you lose weight wait, it is to make the right choices. Mr. Cisna’s experiment proves eating at McDonald’s will not make you overweight- overeating and neglecting regular exercise does.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Eating food from McDonald’s
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Losing weight
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the removal of something- weight (desirable)
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I believe the behavior occurs because he is limiting his daily caloric intake and balancing certain nutrients in his diet.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this clip is being overweight
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Being Overweight
B= Eat at McDonald’s
C= Lose Weight
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
John Cisna starts out overweight, and begins to eat three meals a day at McDonald’s, for 90 days. Over the course of 3 months he loses weight and his overall health improves. Someone might conclude that eating at McDonald’s would make you lose weight, however that’s not exactly true. Mr. Cisna’s weight loss is based on his strict caloric intake and regular exercise.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
At 6:00, Angie is talking to one of the dog groomers about the future. The young woman says she doesn’t want to shave dogs for the rest of her life, but would prefer to work in an office. This inspires Angie to make George give her a job in the factory office where he works. George does not want to do this because the woman has a sketchy background. After Angie insists, he relents to give her a job on a trial basis. Angie then kisses him because she is excited that he is giving the young woman a chance.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this clip is George agreeing with Angie (6:50)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Angie kisses George on the cheek.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable (a kiss on the cheek)
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The reinforcement schedule is Variable Ratio, because Angie does not always kiss George when he agrees with her, but sometimes she does. This is not an interval schedule because Angie kissing George is not based on the passage of time.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case is George and Angie having a discussion.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= George and Angie having a discussion
B= George agrees with Angie
C= Angie kisses George
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Angie is adding a kiss to encourage George to agree with her in the future. If George has to agree with Angie twice as much to gain a kiss, he will be less likely to agree with her because he has to work twice as hard for it.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious Behavior: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xef6N-cjNOc
Schedule of Reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMY8b2xjDkg
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Superstitious Behavior, Positive Reinforcement, Variable Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I found was from the Super Bowl in 2012. It is a Coke commercial where a polar bear crosses his fingers, toes, legs, arms and even his scarf. This superstition serves to help his team win the Super Bowl, at least in the polar bear’s mind it does.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that illustrates the polar bear’s superstitious behavior is the crossing of his toes, fingers, arms, legs, and scarf. It occurs throughout the entire 30 second clip.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the polar bear feels that his team has a better chance of winning because of the act of this superstitious behavior.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of something, the added confidence in his team’s ability to win the game.
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
I believe this behavior occurred because the polar bear performed this action during previous games, and his team won these games. Each time the polar bear performed these actions in preparation for or during a game and his team subsequently won he was reinforced, which led him to perform these actions in the future. Each time he was reinforced for this superstitious behavior it only increased his confidence in the validity of this behavior in helping his team win.
6) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is it being the Super Bowl.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Super Bowl game in progress
B=crossing his toes, fingers, arms, legs, and scarf
C=added confidence in his team’s ability to win
8) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Sheldon is sitting at the bar while Penny is bartending. Penny tries to pour Sheldon a drink, but he doesn’t like it. He tries several times to try to down the drink she has made for him, and though he never actually finishes his drink, Penny does get paid for the drink, so she is was reinforced for pouring Sheldon a shot. However it took him 3 times before he just paid Penny for the shot and left. As a bartender, most of the time it only takes one time for someone to finish a drink, however Sheldon had to be difficult.
9) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior of pouring Sheldon a shot was reinforced with the variable ratio schedule of reinforcement. The schedule of reinforcement could also be variable interval because the time between making a customer a drink and getting paid for said drink will vary.
10) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is Penny gets paid for pouring Sheldon a shot, which is reinforcing to Penny.
11) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, money for the shot.
12) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated?
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is variable ratio because Penny does not know how many times Sheldon is going to have to try to get the shot down before she just gets paid for it.
13) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Sheldon being in the bar where Penny is bartending.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Sheldon being in the bar Penny is bartending
B=pouring Sheldon a shot
C=Penny gets paid for the shot
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen if the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Penny is being reinforced for pouring Sheldon a shot with the addition of something desirable, money.
If it takes twice as many attempts before Sheldon drinks the shot (in a variable ratio) or twice as long (in a variable interval) for Sheldon to pay Penny, Penny may be less likely to pour Sheldon a shot in the future.
Superstitious behavior clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CueNjgmG8UM
Schedules of Reinforcement clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji3J-VOSeJc
Terms used in this post: target behavior, superstition, superstitious behavior, consequence, reinforced, antecedent, variable ratio, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval
1) The clip is from an episode of Spongebob where a group of the characters get stuck in the middle of no-where and they decide to listen to the magic conch shell (basically their version of a magic 8 ball) for what to do to get back to civilization. The shell tells them to do nothing, which Patrick and Spongebob follow. Later on in the episode a tent, fully started fire, and picnic table full of food all fall from the sky as a “result” of their doing nothing.
2) The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is doing nothing (0:19).
3) The consequence of the behavior (which occurs later in the episode) is survival tools falling from the sky.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) This behavior, of doing nothing and having faith in the magic conch knowing all, probably occurred because at an earlier point in time the magic conch, which just randomly plays vague responses, by chance happened to be correct about something for Spongebob or Patrick, so they’ve been reinforced to trust in the conch.
6) The antecedent is being lost in the wilderness.
7) The ABC’s before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Patrick and Spongebob ask the Magic Conch a question
B= The prediction the Magic Conch makes is correct
C= Spongebob and Patrick believe in the power of the Magic Conch
Once the Superstitious behavior began:
A= Patrick and Spongebob are lost in the wilderness and ask the Magic Conch what to do to get out of it
B= They do nothing
C= Survival tools fall from the sky
8) What happens in the clip is Patrick is sleeping through so much of the night, his alarm clock goes off to wake him up, and he purposefully eats a Krabby Patty.
9) The target behavior is sleeping (0:4).
10) The consequence of the behavior is Patrick allowing himself to eat a Krabby Patty, which he had been saving up until this moment.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is a fixed interval because Patrick must wait until 3 AM after he falls asleep before he can eat the Krabby Patty. This is a type of intermittent reinforcement.
13) The antecedent is Patrick being home under his rock.
A= Being home under his rock
B= Sleeping
C= Eating a Krabby Patty
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something that will encourage a behavior in the future. If the schedule changed where Patrick had to wait until 7 AM before he could be reinforced with a Krabby Patty for sleeping, the reinforcer may become less salient.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu5SJcNp0J0
17) salient, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement, fixed interval, intermittent reinforcement
1.) This is a clip of a Budlight commercial. It shows different football fans doing random superstitious things such as twiddling their thumbs, wiggling their feet, stroking their beards, and petting a rabbit's foot as they watch the game in the hopes that their team will win.
2.) The target behavior I choose is the San Francisco petting the rabbit's foot at 22 seconds.
3.) The consequence of this target behavior is he thinks his team will win or they do.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of something. The addition would be a touchdown or a win for the team. This would be positive reinforcement. The addition (positive) of the touchdown or win will increase the likeliness (reinforcement) that the man will continue to rub the rabbit foot.
5.) I think this behavior occurred because he either had the superstition passed down by a father, uncle, or grandpa. It could have also happened by chance. The man was petting his rabbit foot key chain every time his team scored so he saw it as a sign and continued the behavior.
6.)The antecedent is watching the football game.
7.) A= Watching the game
B= Someone twiddling their thumbs
C= Team scored a touchdown
The San Francisco fan was watching a football game. He started to pet his rabbit's foot in the hopes of a touchdown or win. His team scored, so he will continue to pet the rabbit's foot.
8.) In this clip Luna's owner had her lift her paws a different number of times before she gave her a treat.
9.)The target behavior is Luna raising her paw at 26 seconds.
10.) the consequence of this behavior is getting a treat.
11.) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The owner does not give Luna a treat.
12.) This is a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement.
13.) The antecedent is the owner giving Luna directions.
14.) A= The owner giving Luna directions
B= Luna raising her paws
C= Luna receives a treat
15.)This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a treat to reinforce the behavior of Luna raising her paws. If it took twice as long for Luna to get reinforced I think she might go through extinction.
17.) antecedent, target behavior, consequence, reinforcement, variable ratio schedule reinforcement, positive
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is about football fans turning beer bottle labels out to help the kicker make a field goal.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The behavior I am using to illustrate the target behavior is the fans turning their bottle labels to the field. (00:04)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the kicker makes the field goal.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of the beer bottle label to “help” the kicker.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
This behavior occurred because the three guys were able to justify the “physics” of the beer bottle labels facing the field.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a touchdown.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= The football team makes a touchdown.
B= The fans turn their beer bottle labels to the field to “help” the kicker make the goal.
C= The kicker makes the field goal.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= The fans turn their beer bottle labels to the field to “help” the kicker make the goal.
B= The kicker makes the goal.
C= The fans cheer, assuming they played a part in the
kicker’s success.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is about training your dog with treats.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Using treats to teach a dog to sit is the target behavior illustrating the reinforcing of a schedule of reinforcement. (00:25)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is the dog sits.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of a treat.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a variable interval.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the dog standing.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog is standing.
B= The owner says, “sit” and lures the dog with a treat.
C= The dog sits.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement as the dog is praised verbally and with a treat every time he sits. If the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many times to sit before it received a treat, it may slow the progress of the dog down if it were still early in its learning process.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcing, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, positive reinforcement
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is about football fans turning beer bottle labels out to help the kicker make a field goal.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The behavior I am using to illustrate the target behavior is the fans turning their bottle labels to the field. (00:04)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the kicker makes the field goal.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of the beer bottle label to “help” the kicker.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
This behavior occurred because the three guys were able to justify the “physics” of the beer bottle labels facing the field.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a touchdown.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= The football team makes a touchdown.
B= The fans turn their beer bottle labels to the field to “help” the kicker make the goal.
C= The kicker makes the field goal.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= The fans turn their beer bottle labels to the field to “help” the kicker make the goal.
B= The kicker makes the goal.
C= The fans cheer, assuming they played a part in the kicker’s success.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is about training your dog with treats.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Using treats to teach a dog to sit is the target behavior illustrating the reinforcing of a schedule of reinforcement. (00:25)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is the dog sits.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of a treat.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a variable interval.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the dog standing.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog is standing.
B= The owner says, “sit” and lures the dog with a treat.
C= The dog sits.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement as the dog is praised verbally and with a treat every time he sits. If the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many times to sit before it received a treat, it may slow the progress of the dog down if it were still early in its learning process.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcing, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, positive reinforcement
1. In this clip, Spongebob and Squidward are competing for employee of the month. During the competition, they believe they need to excel at everything Spongebob was previously doing, considering he had won hundreds of times before. While doing this, neither of them end up winning because the behavior they think they need to exert, ends up running the Krusty Krab.
2. The target behavior is Squidward and Spongebob performing their jobs exceptionally well.
3. The consequence of this behavior is one of them becoming the employee of the month.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something (employee of the month plaque).
5. I believe this behavior occurred, because generally if one wants to become the employee of the month, they model the good behavior of previous winners of employee of the month.
6. The antecedent is working at the Krusty Krab
7. A= working at the krusty krab B= performing jobs exceptionally well C= winning employee of the month.
8. This scene in baby mama shows the expecting mom taking vitamins in order to make the adopting mother happy.
9. Taking the vitamin
10. The conseqeuence in ultimately being healthier.
11. Involves the addition of something undesirable.
12. The schedule of reinforcement is her being forced to take vitamins everyday.
13. The antecedent is in the kitchen of the adopting mothers home.
14. A: in the kitchen B: eating vitamins C: being healthier
15. Positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something undesirable. The undesired behavior will begin to become easier for the expecting mother to bear.
16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB8dU8BieZE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol7EpMrfbGQ
17. antecedent, schedules of reinforcement.
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
1)In this clip the man is a huge Red Sox fan and he has been there for them for around 23 years at the games. His girlfriend tries to get him to take a trip with her and he says “I can’t, they need me.”
2) The target behavior is to go to all the games.
3) The consequence is the Red Sox will win.
4) The consequence involved the addition of the win to their season and record.
5) The behavior probably occurred after he went to a Boston game and they won, so this reinforced him to go, because he saw it as they needed him at the game.
6) The antecedent is 23 years of going to games with wins
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= 23 years of going to games, with the wins
B= Tells girlfriend that he can’t go because his team needs him
C= The Red Sox will win
Boston has won 23 years of him going to the games, so he has to be there for every game so the Red Sox will win.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) In this video the girl gets a sticker for her sticker chart every time she helps out or does good things like eating her lunch. When her sticker chart is filled out she gets a surprise.
9) The target behavior is for the child to help out and do good things.
10) The consequence is getting a sticker for her sticker chart and then eventually a surprise
11) The consequence is a positive reinforcement which is involving the addition of a sticker which is desirable to the child.
12) The scheduled reinforcement that is being demonstrated is that every time the child does a good deed she receives a sticker each time.
13) The antecedent is the child in the home.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The child in the home
B= Helps out
C= Gets sticker/surprise
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because it is to get the child to do desirable behaviors. The child would more than likely continue to help out, because she knows that she would get stickers if she does, so she will keep trying for the stickers.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNns4YlyRvQ
17) positive reinforcement, desirable behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence,
Superstitious Behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip
I chose a clip that shows a man pulling the lever of a slot machine and then he ends up winning.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior I am using that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the man pulling the handle (it happens at 0:02).
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is the man winning.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involves the addition of something because it involves the addition of more money.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think this behavior occurred because the man chose to pull the lever rather then just press the button.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the man wanting to play that machine.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Wanting to play slot machine
B=Pulling lever
C=Winning money
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Well, just because the man decided to play the slot machine didn’t necessarily mean that something good was going to come out of it. There was no way to know whether or not he would be positively or negatively reinforced until longer after the behavior occurred. Another person could perform the same antecedent and behavior and end up having a negative consequence because they would end up losing money.
Schedules of Reinforcement.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip
This clip is from the Big Bang Theory and in the clip Sheldon is knocking on Penny’s door. However, this time Penny answers before Sheldon has finished his set series of knocking.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior I am using that illustrates what is being reinforced with the schedule of reinforcement is Sheldon knocking (it begins at 0:01).
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that Penny opens her door.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence of the behavior involves addition of something desirable because Penny opens her door.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a fixed ratio. Each time Sheldon knocks on Penny’s door he must knock 3 times, say Penny, and then repeat this two more times.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Sheldon going to Penny’s apartment.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Going to Penny’s
B=Knocking on her door
C=Penny opening the door
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Penny opening her door will cause Sheldon to continue to come back and knock because he knows she opened it once, therefore reinforcing the behavior and making it occur more. I think it would bother Sheldon if it takes twice as long because his pattern is always the same so I don’t think he would want to have to knock more then the three times.
Terminology: positive reinforcement, fixed ratio, schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, superstitious behavior, consequence
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, we are watching a man bury a broken mirror amongst some rose bushes in front of a Mother Mary statue in order to avoid the seven years of bad luck commonly associated with breaking a mirror.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior, I think, would be the breaking of the mirror. This video is quite short, but the actual breaking of the mirror doesn't take place in this video. It merely shows the him burying it.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence to this behavior would be seven years of bad luck. Although the bad luck is the superstition, it influences the frequency of whether the behavior will be elicited again or not.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the removal of luck for the supposed seven years.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
Well, I don't know anything leading up to the point of the mirror breaking, but I would assume that it was an accident, either it was dropped, or they were acting stupid and it somehow shattered.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent could be anything really, and since the video doesn't show what actually happened, I can only speculate that there was an unfavorable circumstance.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=unfavorable circumstance
B=breaking the mirror
C=seven years of bad luck
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, a gentleman is attempting to start an old police car. He knows that there is a chance is may not start and is unaware of the number of times it may take if it does start.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior that is being illustrated is turning the key to start the car. The behavior begins at about :20 into the video and continues for approximately 15 seconds, until the car starts.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior would be the car starting after a couple tries.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, and finally,
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable. This man's goal was to start this car, he succeeded, so of course he will be happy.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement would be variable ratio. He knows that it will take an allotted number of tries to start the car, but he is unaware of exactly how many times it will take. He knows that it will at least take one time to emit the behavior and have the consequence occur.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be having a, seemingly, dead car parked there. In order for the schedule of reinforcement to be relevant there needs to be some sense of unknowingness.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Dead car
B=turning the key
C=car starting
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement, the addition of the started car would be the example. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change, and take longer, the gentleman may get upset, the behavior could ultimately go into extinction and he may also exert an extinction burst.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, elicit, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, extinction, extinction burst.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is actually just kinda a preview of something I saw while watching the olympics. Kate Hansen was a USA luge olympian who had to do a goofy dance before every competition.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video) Dancing pre luge competition.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, Placing better in luge competition.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, Addition of potential medals
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, I think that she enjoys to dance so before a competition she probably started dancing and it increased her performance so she continued to do it before her competitions. 6) tell us to the antecedent is. Luge competitions.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Luge competition
B=Sliding… or Luging
C=Average performance
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A=Luge Competition
B=Dancing before competition
C=Better Performance.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDnUPu3G8-0
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is of a Nike commercial and demonstrates many superstitious behaviors by both sports fans and athletes without guaranteed reinforcement.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
There are many behaviors I could hone in on but I chose the athlete eating a gummy right at 6:30 (:26).
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that he gets really pumped up for his upcoming sports event.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of pre-game excitement.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think that this behavior occurred because of a win or the athlete performing well when doing this ritual before previous games.
6) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is in the context of a pre-sporting event
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
My video clip exhibited all different sorts of superstitious behavior from beginning to end, so I will do my ABC's in the context of the target behavior I have chosen.
A= Pre-sporting event
B= Athlete eating green gummy at 6:30
C= Gets pumped up for game
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is someone’s personal video of their fishing trip. The fishermen get reinforced at random times throughout the video.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
10)The fishermen are casting their reels. (1:10—1:25) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The fishermen are catching fish every so often.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
It involves the removal of something desirable. They are wanting fish (desirable) and they are removing them from the water.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
It is demonstrating Variable Ratio and Variable Interval reinforcement schedules.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Fishermen on a boat
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Fishermen on a boat
B= They cast their reels
C= They catch fish
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of negative reinforcement. If it took longer to start catching fish, or a bigger gap between catches, it may be positive reinforcement. They might start adding something undesirable, like going to a spot where there are no fish.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, superstitious behavior, behavior, reinforcement, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, undesirable
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip
Kevin Durant is shooting a free throw in a basketball game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The behavior is Kevin Durant shimmies his shoulder before the free throw. (.10-.13)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is he makes the free throw. (assumed)
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
It involves the addition of something.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
He had previously made free throws with the shoulder shimmy so he continued to do so.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Kevin was playing a basketball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= shooting free throw
B= shoulder shimmy
C= made free throw
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Since Kevin was shooting a free throw, he assumed that if he did the shoulder shimmy he would make his free throw.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A dog has a treat sitting on his nose and he waits for his owner to tell him when to snatch it.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Waiting with treat on nose. (.00-.20)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is he eventually gets his treat.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The addition of something desirable (the treat).
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement is variable interval.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the dog is doing a trick.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= dog is doing trick
B= dog waits with treat on nose
C= dog eats treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
The trick is positive reinforcement, because the eaten treat is added.
If it took twice as long, I don’t think it would change much. The dog knows it will get the treat eventually.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior, consequence, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, positive reinforcement
Topical Blog Week #6 - (Superstitious behavior)
1.) Briefly describe/summarize the clip:
This clip comes from an Arthur episode shown of PBS kids. In this particular episode, Arthur talks about his friend’s superstitious behaviors. Francine has a lucky pair of socks. Buster has a supernatural stuffed animal that can help him pass tests. Grandma Thora has a good luck dance before she goes bowling. Arthur eventually finds a pencil he thinks is lucky. It goes on to prove to bring Arthur good luck. But for the sake of an easy explanation, I am focusing on the behavior or Francine wearing her lucky socks.
2.) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video):
The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is Francine wearing her lucky socks (this behavior occurs at :08).
3.) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of Francine wearing her lucky socks is she wins every baseball game she plays. In the clip it shows Francine sliding into home before the other team can tag her out. Her socks emit a positive valence to her even though to others her socks look dirty and seem to be attracting flies.
4.) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something:
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, a win!
5.) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred:
The behavior of Francine wearing a pair of socks is not unusual. All baseball players wear socks. The consequence of the behavior altered the meaning behind the specific pair of socks. A winning streak elicited Francine to continue to wear the same pair.
6.) Tell us to the antecedent is:
The antecedent is getting dressed for the baseball game.
7.) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Francine getting dressed
B= Francine wearing “lucky socks”
C= Francine winning the baseball game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
I think the behavior came to be superstitious because Francine would wear these socks and she would also win the game. Therefore, Francine correlated the two and began to think the reason why she was winning all her baseball games was because of the fact she was wearing her lucky socks. Not because she is actually a good ball player.
Schedules of Reinforcement – (other than continuous reinforcement)
8.) Briefly describe/summarize the clip:
This clip is a commercial advertising for Jimmy Johns. In this clip there is a man who goes through a couple “dates” without any luck. He then orders Jimmy Johns. The next table he meets a woman who also ordered Jimmy Johns. Right then and there they hit it off. At the end of this clip it shows the couple still sitting at the same table talking while everyone else had already left.
9.) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video):
The target behavior that illustrates what is being reinforced with a scheduled reinforcement is the behavior of speed dating (occurs at the start of the video).
10.) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of speed dating if finding a match.
11.) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable:
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
12.) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated?
The schedule of reinforcement that is being demonstrated is variable ratio. Finding a match is a variable ratio because it is not guaranteed every fifth girl he meets. It varies. The number of girls he meets before the consequence of positive reinforcement could be one or one hundred girls.
13.) Tell us to the antecedent is:
In this particular clip, the antecedent is an establishing operation. She loves Jimmy Johns. He also loves Jimmy Johns. The antecedent is having a love for Jimmy Johns. The establishing operation alters the value of the consequence (him finding a match). Without this antecedent, he might still like her. But the fact that they both like Jimmy Johns increased the strength/likelihood of them finding a match.
14.) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= liking Jimmy Johns
B= Speed Dating
C= Finding a Match
15.) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the target behavior of speed dating is reinforced by the addition of something desirable. If this match or relationship does not work out in the long run, the fact that the reinforcement was positive, the man might try speed dating again. If the schedule of reinforcement took longer or twice as many “dates”, the man might become unmotivated to continue to do so. It might result in punishment instead of reinforcement.
16.) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior: http://youtu.be/cOU-ZMX2hKl
Schedule of Reinforcement: http://youtu.be/8Xmg7bXVnGM
17.) Terminology: target behavior, superstitious behavior, emit, positive valence, consequence, elicited, antecedent, reinforced, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, punishment.
1. The clip is about a dog in China who emitted the behavior of dragging his two back feet along behind him while people look on. Sometimes I would imagine that behavior gets rewarded by sympathy, and other times no one cares. In reality the dog is fine and has no disability.
2. The target behavior is that the dog drags its hind legs behind him. This happens at 0:08 in the video clip.
3. The consequence of this behavior is not depicted in this short clip but I would imagine that the dog is getting either some attention or some food at a point while emitting the behavior that has led to this superstitious behavior.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something.
5. I think this behavior started to occur when maybe the dog was hurt and got more attention for it. Once it was better, the dog recognized that it wasn’t getting the same attention as when it was hurt which led to this behavior of pretending to be hurt.
6. The antecedent is that it is a stray animal that does not receive the attention and food that is wants, so it does a behavior that it thinks will get it what it wants.
7. A=Being a stray dog
B= Dragging his hind feet behind it because he was hurt.
C= Receiving attention and food
Once the superstitious behavior began of dragging its hind feet behind it, both the antecedent and behavior were relatively the same, but the consequence is more varied.
8. This video is a composed of clips from “The Big Bang Theory” where Sheldon Cooper knocks on Penny’s door. The shorter portion of the video I will focus on starts at 0:22 to 1.38. Sheldon wants to get rid of a chair that Penny has. Sheldon comes to Penny’s door and knocks three times and says “Penny?” This is repeated three times until Penny opens the door. Penny keeps closing the door on Sheldon so this behavior is repeated 4 more times before Penny surprises him with the cushion off the chair in question.
9. The target behavior is Penny opening the door for Sheldon
10. The consequence of the target behavior is Sheldon telling Penny that she needs to get rid of a chair that she has in her living room.
11. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because Penny does not want to hear what Sheldon wants her to do.
12. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed ratio.
13. The antecedent is Sheldon knocking three times and saying “Penny?” and doing that three times
14. A= Sheldon knocking on the door and saying “Penny?”
B= Penny opening the door for Sheldon
C= Sheldon tells Penny that she needs to get rid of the chair
15. This an example of positive reinforcement because Penny does not want to hear Sheldon tell her why she needs to get rid of the chair. If the schedule of reinforcement changes and it takes twice as long to get reinforced then Penny would be might be more likely to answer the door because she will not receive the aversive stimulus of Sheldon telling her she needs to get rid of her chair as quickly as she has been receiving it.
16. Superstitious behavior: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvLohKaBtzY
Schedule of Reinforcement: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrzUsHNGZHc
17. Emitted, behavior, rewarded, target behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, positive reinforcement, reinforced, aversive stimulus
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
A woman wants to purchase a bottle of Gatorade but the cashier won't sell it to her because she isn't sweating. The woman says that she usually drinks Gatorade after she gets done working out. She went out the night before for her Birthday. The cashier goes and gets his manager who happens to be Payton Manning. Manning too tells the woman that she can't purchase the Gatorade because she isn't sweaty. The frustrated woman asks the two men what she had to do for the Gatorade, they ask the woman if she knows yoga, the woman replies yes. So she does some yoga poses.
2. Tell us what the behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superficial behavior?
The target behavior is the woman wanting to purchase a Gatorade but not being sweaty enough. Occurs around 50 seconds into the video.
3. Tell us the consequence of the behavior
The consequence of the behavior is that the woman had to perform yoga moves in order to purchase a Gatorade.
4. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence of the behavior involves the addition of yoga so the woman could purchase a Gatorade.
5. Tell us how you think the behavior occurred.
I think the behavior occurs because people assume Gatorade is only for people who work out.
6. Tell us what the antecedent is
The antecedent is the woman not being sweaty enough to purchase the Gatorade.
7. Please list the ABC's
A= the woman not being sweaty enough to purchase Gatorade
B= the woman was thirsty
C= performs yoga
The woman really wants to purchase a Gatorade, but the employees won't let her because she isn't sweaty enough, causing her to have to perform yoga moves in order to purchase said Gatorade.
8. Briefly describe/summarize clip
In this clip a man is about to feed his 3 cats. He calls his cats over by saying it's time to eat. The cats begin to purr with anticipation of knowing they're about to eat. The cats eat all the food.
9. Tell us what the behavior(target behavior) you are using that illustrates a schedule of reinforcement.
The target behavior is the food, the cats are reinforced to start purring because they know they're about to eat. Occurs around 15 seconds
10. Tell us the consequence of the behavior.
The consequence of the behavior is the cats coming over to the man and purring in arrival for the food.
11. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of something. The cats begin to purr.
12. The schedule of reinforcement that is being presented in this clip is a fixed ratio.
13. The antecedent is the man is going to feed his cats.
14. Please list the ABC's
A= man is going to feed his cats
B= man calls his cats and say its time to eat
C= cats begin to purr in arrival for the food
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement. The man is about to feed his cats, so he calls to them by saying it's time to eat. The cats begin to start purring. The likelihood that the cats will purr again is very likely.
Terms used: target behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, fixed ratio, schedule of reinforcement, conosequence
1) This clip is off the U of A football teams ritual before a game. The team gets into a giant circle with one player in the middle. With the guy in the middle leading the group they all chant and have what I would call a krumping routine, hitting their legs and chest. The whole things last about 30 seconds and they jump up and walk away in better spirits.
2) The target behavior in this video illustrating superstitious behavior is the synchronized chanting and krumping routine. It occurs between 0:08 to 0:35.
3) The consequence of the behavior is being pumped up and ready to play the game.
4) It involves the addition of mental confidence in themselves. Afterwards they feel they can in a sense do anything, that they will be able to play to their best abilities.
5) I think this behavior occurred because one player perhaps witnessed it from another team, or maybe did something similar in high school. The idea was then shared with the rest of the players. Eventually they developed their own chanted and ritual.
6) The antecedent is the team about to face an opponent.
7) A= The team is about to face an opponent.
B= Forms a circle and chants and krumps together.
C= Are pumped up and ready to play.
When they did it for the first time, it is likely that they happened to play an incredible game, reinforcing it once. Even later if the ritual was not reinforced they continued to do it before each game. They do this because they don't want to risk not doing their ritual and in turn playing a horrible game.
8) A miniature Dachshund has a little blue ball and an automatic ball launcher. Every time the ball is thrown the dog retrieves in and places it back into the ball launcher. The dog then runs in front of it and waits for the ball to be thrown again so he can retrieve it.
9) The target behavior that is being reinforced is the dog placing the small ball back into the ball launcher.
10) The consequence of the behavior is the ball being throw from the ball launcher.
11) It involved the addition of something desirable. The ball is throw so the dog is able to go and chase it and then keeps bringing it back to the ball launcher.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being illustrated is fixed interval. The dog knows that every time he places the ball into the top compartment of the automatic ball launcher that it will be thrown for him. The launcher takes the same amount of time to thrown the ball. The little dog runs to the front and waits, his timing varies as he predicts when the reinforcement will be.
13) The antecedent is the dog wanting to play.
14) A= The dog wanting to play.
B= The dog placing the ball into the ball launcher.
C= The ball is thrown
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement. The ball being thrown, which is added, is something desirable to the dog. The dog than retrieved the ball and puts in back in the ball launcher because he continues to be reinforced. If the schedule was disrupted the dog may not wait long for the ball to get thrown. He might grow tired or become distracted by something if he had to wait a minute for the ball. It the launcher was unplugged and the dog placed the ball in the compartment and waited extinction could occur while he waits for reinforcement and he may not use the ball launcher anymore.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA0nUjCUX94
Terms: Target Behavior, Superstitious Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Reinforcing, Reinforced, Fixed Interval, Positive Reinforcement, Desirable, Reinforcement, Extinction.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1)briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip Roseanne and her friends go out on the town and play Bingo. Roseanne sits down next to this very superstitious lady. The lady has all of these things laid out in front of her because she believes they are lucky and will make her win. The woman has a lot of bingo cards laid out in front of her. When Roseanne tries to touch one of her “lucky items” the woman freaks out and yells at Roseanne, saying “you will jinx me!” The woman then cleanses the items after Roseanne touched them all. Towards the end of the episode Roseanne does the same thing as the old lady, even though at the beginning of the episode Roseanne thought the woman was insane.
2)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is that the woman using certain items she believes will help her win the bingo game. By having them in a certain order and having them with her she believes that having those items will make her win the round of bingo. (0:06-1:05)
3)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence would be her winning bingo. In this clip the old woman loses though, she believes that Roseanne made her lose by touching all of her items.
4)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence definitely involves the addition of something. The prize if you win is $50. If the woman wins using her lucky items, she gets money.
5)tell us how you think this behavior occurred
This behavior probably started off as the old woman going to bingo night. She most likely had an item with her the night she won. She then associated the item with being lucky and continued to bring items with her every time she played bingo.
6)tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is bingo night in this situation.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=bingo night
B=brings lucky item
C=wins bingo
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent would be bingo night still. Her behavior will be different. This time she will bring in more items to increase her chance of winning bingo. Winning elicited her behavior of bringing her little knick knacks along. Like the clip showed, the woman cleansed her items as part of her “ritual.” The consequence if she wins will be bringing in more items or just keep the same items she has been using.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip of SpongeBob, he waits for the bus stop. The bus comes at a variable interval to reinforce him to wait for the bus. He keeps missing the bus though. For example, he goes to get a candy bar right across the street and the bus quickly leaves without him.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement
The target behavior would be waiting at the bus stop. (30 seconds)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior would be leaving the creepy town and going back home to Bikini Bottom.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which would be a ride back home to Bikini Bottom.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is the variable interval. This is an intermittent form of reinforcement, which means reinforcing every now and then. It is variable because it has to do with time. SpongeBob waited for a very long time for the bus to come get him. SpongeBob is not being reinforced every time the bus came. The bus would leave without him numerous times. There isn’t a set amount of time between the times the busses come. Continuous reinforcement is the opposite. For continuous, you get reinforced every time.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the bus stop
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=bus stop
B=waiting for the bus
C=getting a ride home from the bus
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It involves the addition of something desirable(which is the ride home). SpongeBob will therefore increase his behavior of waiting for the bus to come get him. After the bus coming so many times and failing to pick SpongeBob up, it lead to the extinction of him waiting. He was not being reinforced with anything because the bus kept on leaving him. He would eventually stop his behavior(waiting for the bus) and do something else, like getting a chocolate bar from the vending machine. The bus would come again and it would start a cycle of reinforcement again.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xt7YqLq9pU (ROSEANNE)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAHQOphW0hQ (SPONGEBOB)
Terminology: elicit, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, reinforcement, aversive, superstitious behavior, continuous reinforcement, variable interval, schedule of reinforcement, desirable, positive reinforcement, punishment.
Superstitious Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip- This is a clip of Olympic athletes describing the things that they believe bring them good luck and help them win in their competitions.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)- I chose to focus on a cyclist who only wears a blue sports bra during races that her older sister gave her which is the target behavior(:40-1:00)
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- The consequence is that she keeps winning cycling races
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something- The consequence involves the addition of something which would be winning races
5)Tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally- This behavior occurred because her sister gave her the blue sports bra and she wore it during a race and she won that race
6)Tell us what the antecedent is- The antecedent is her sister giving her the sports bra
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Sister giving cyclist sports bra
B=Wearing sports bra during a race
C=Winning the race
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. Once the superstitious behavior became reinforcing the cyclist is more likely to continue wearing the sports bra as long as she keeps winning the races.
Schedules of Reinforcement
8)Briefly describe/summarize the clip- I chose a clip from the Westminster Dog Show where a poodle is being shown and does a few runs and gets reinforced after the best run. I believe this is NOT continuous reinforcement because from the video it did not look like the dog was getting a treat for every pass.
9)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)- The target behavior is performing a good run (:25-1:27)
10)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- The consequence is receiving a treat
11)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable- The consequence is the addition of something desirable, which would be the treat and praise from the owner
12)What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated- The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a variable interval schedule because the dogs are reinforced with a treat after the span of time it takes them to perform their run to a high standard, which could vary in time but is probably around the same average amount of time
13)Tell us to the antecedent is- The antecedent is being at a dog show
14)Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being at a dog show
B=Making a good run
C=Receiving treat
15)Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced- This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dog is more likely to repeat the behaviors from the good run than the other weaker runs where they did not receive a treat. If the schedule took twice as long the dog may start to become antsy and not perform it's run as well
16)Superstitious URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdrv5-uMLJs
Schedule of Reinforcement URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP_efw0_4dk
17)Terminology: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, variable interval schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. In this clip Tim receives a chain letter and instead of forwarding it on, he throws it away and bad things start to happen to him. His friend Al also gets the letter but he forwards it on and he gets good luck.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), Al sending Tim the chain letter (2:55)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, Al having good luck.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, It involves the addition of something, he won a shovel and the attractive assistant asked to stay at his place.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, I think this behavior occurred because he believed that by sending the letter he would have good things happen to him.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is. Receiving a chain letter.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Receiving a chain letter.
B=Sending the letter to someone else.
C=Good things happen to Al.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. Al received a letter and he forwarded it on to Tim who did not forward it on. Al started having good luck and Tim started having bad luck.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. In this clip Duke (the dog) has a treat placed on his nose and he must wait until his owner claps his hands to have it.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), I am using the behavior of waiting to eat the treat. 0:18-0:31
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The consequence of this behavior is he gets the treat.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, It is the addition of something desirable because he gets a treat.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, The schedule of reinforcement is a Fixed interval because Duke had to wait a specific amount of time.
13) tell us to the antecedent is. Treat placed on Dukes nose
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Treat on Dukes nose
B=Waiting to eat the treat
C=Eating the treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced? This is an example of positive reinforcement because when Duke waited he was rewarded with a treat. If this would have taken twice as long to get reinforced Duke may not have waited.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Superstitious behavior, reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval, reinforced, positive reinforcement, consequence.
1) A person I assume to be a preacher is praying in the middle of a gathering of Penn State and Nebraska players. This is in the wake of the sex scandals from the Penn State school, and the pastor mentions being a model for boys watching the game.
2) The target behavior in this video would be the players praying before the game kicks off. This is a superstitious behavior often emitted by athletes before games.
3) The consequence to this behavior is the feeling of safety while playing and that you will play at your most God given ability.
4) This behavior has the addition of a sense of security for the players after they have reached out to God and elicited his protection.
5) Since all of these players are playing for the Big 10 I am going to make a safe assumption that they all have had success playing football to this point, and most have probably stayed healthy while doing so. This would lead them to continue to pray for protection prior to games.
6)The antecedent for this video would have been the players taking a knee in front of the man and closing their eyes, as that is a common way people position themselves in prayer.
A=kneeled before man
B=prayed with man
C=protected for the game
Scheduled Reinforcement
8) An angler is explaining how a person can better their chances of catching a fish if they missed the fish with the cast earlier. This obviously is more pleasurable than not catching the fish.
9)The target behavior is casting into the same spot after a fish gets off the hook. At 1:47 into the video the man hooks the fish that had gotten of just 12 seconds before then. Since this trick worked it will increase the chances of him doing it again.
10) The consequence of the behavior is that you are able to reel in the fish that you had just failed to catch.
11) In this case there is the addition of something undesirable since you first would have to miss the fish in order to get a second shot at it.
12) I would say the reinforcement is based on ratio and variable, since this technique is about reps in order to first elicit a bite, but also to perfect it into being effective. And it is variable since it is never the same amount of casts or fixed time for catching a fish.
13) The antecedent to the target behavior is a fish getting off the hook.
A=fish getting off hook
B=Casting into spot where you lost the fish
C=Catching the same fish
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement since you are catching the fish that had escaped your hook just seconds prior. And I don't believe if it took twice as long or twice as many repetitions that it would matter since most fisherman are patient enough to do whatever it takes to catch the fish.
terms:Target behavior, superstitious behavior, emitted, consequence, elicit, antecedent, pleasurable, ratio, variable, fixed
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is about a man in chinese kung fu lion costume. He is performing a dance with the costume because it is a goodluck ritual and is said to give you good fortune in the future. I find this very strange and interesting but superstitious behavior comes in many different varieties.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The man dancing in the kung fu lion costume. This occurs through the entire video.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is he will have good fortune in the future.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
This consequence involves the addition of something.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I believed this behavior is some type of ritual that has been passed on in the chinese culture from generation to generation and has become a form of goodluck also known as superstitious behavior.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is wanting good fortune.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= wanting good fortune
B= kung fu lion costume dance
C= he will have good luck in the future
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
First the antecedent is wanting good fortune and good luck in the future therefore he does the behavior of dancing in the kung fu lion costume and the consequence of this is hopefully he will now have goodluck or good fortune in the future.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is about a man who is actually from urbandale iowa who won the lottery after 20 years of playing the exact same numbers every time. He won $100 once during the 20 years then he finally won the 1 million dollars. This is an example of a fixed interval because the mans behavior changes according to the consequences. Since he did not win the first 10 years he kept trying and continued that behavior then eventually won after 20 years.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
the target behavior is winning the lottery. it is being reinforced by the slight chances he has of winning as well as the hopefulness of being able to win someday by using the exact same numbers every time he plays the lottery.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
the consequence of this behavior is the man became a millionaire.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
this consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because he had to play for 20 years and lose every time except the time he won $100 until he FINALLY got to win the million dollars.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
if he kept trying to play the lottery he would hopefully win therefore he kept trying with the same numbers for 20 years.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
the antecedent is the man wanted to win the lottery.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= wanting to win the lottery
B= playing the same numbers every time
C= winning the lottery
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
I would consider this positive reinforcement because after 20 years he won a million dollars therefore he might want to continue the behavior of playing the lottery in order to win again sometime in the future. Also the $100 was a little extra incentive or positive reinforcement to help him continue the behavior. The is an example of a variable interval because in operant conditioning, a variable interval is when schedules of reinforcement provide reinforcement for a specific behavior but with an inconsistent amount of time, just like the $100 and million dollars reinforced his behavior but he did not know when or if it would happen because it happens within an inconsistent amount of time.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Terms:superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, reinforced, motivation, positive reinforcement, variable interval, schedules of reinforcement, operant conditioning
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows different acts of superstitions sports fans have and do because they think that by doing these acts whatever their hoping for will happen. Some examples shown in this clip are- twirling their fingers around, slapping the sports team banner, twirling her necklace around, playing with a twist tie, rubbing a key chain with your favorite sports team on it, crossing your fingers, twisting the remote around, and tapping your toes.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this clip would be when the two guys tap their sports team banner as they enter their house.
( 0:12-0:16)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that good things happen when they do their ritual of taping the banner thus why they do it every game day.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence of this behavior results in something positive for their team.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
I think this behavior occurred from seeing others do it and it resulting in “ good luck” at the time so they continue to do it and pass it on to others.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Antecedent-Watching the game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=watching the game
B=tapping the banner
C=winning the game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
7) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip from, “ The Big Bang Theory” anytime that Sheldon goes and knocks on Penny’s door he does three knocks. He always triple knocks.
8) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior being reinforced is when Sheldon is triple knocking on Pennys door at 5 seconds into the clip.
9) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Penny answering the door.
10) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
The consequence involves the addition of something positive, Penny answering the door.
11) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement shown would be variable ratio because he never knows if she is actually there, and if she is how many sets of triple knocks he will have to do in order for her to answer the door.
12) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Sheldon going to Penny’s apartment
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Sheldon going to Penny’s apartment
B=Sheldon knocking three times on the door
C=Penny opens the door
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable Sheldon getting Penny to answer the door.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, desirable, ABC’s, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, consequence, target behavior, superstitions,
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video that I chose to use for this week’s blog is a clip from the movie Rudy. The clip shows the ritual that the Notre Dame football team does while they make way to the field before every home game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The targeted behavior that I’m using that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the football players hitting each sign on their way to the field. They hit these signs before every game and one sign they double tap and the other they hit once. These can be seen at the six, fourteen, and twenty-five minute marks in the video.
3) 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is to bring the team good luck and help them win the game.
4) 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence of this ritual is the addition of positive vibes and a hopeful win for the team.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
This behavior more than likely occurred when someone had first done this before a game that they won and continued to do it until they saw a pattern of wins after hitting the sign. Because of this observed pattern, the team started to do it before every game because they saw the likelihood of a win as a result of hitting the signs.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the locker room/stadium tunnel at Notre Dame.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Locker room/stadium tunnel at Notre Dame.
B= Hitting the signs as they pass them on their way from the locker room to the field.
C= Winning the game.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent is the environment that they’re in which would be the locker room and the tunnel to the football field. After each player passes each sign and taps it is a behavior that is done in hopes to bring a victorious outcome in the football game.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip that I chose to do for this week’s assignment that demonstrates scheduled reinforcement is a rat pressing a bar in order to get food.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The targeted behavior that I used to illustrate fixed ratio is the rat pressing the bar. The behavior is being reinforced with the reward of food being dispensed after the rat presses the bar 10 times (FR10). This is shown from the first to the last second of the video.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the rat receiving food for pressing the bar.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The consequence doesn’t involve either. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is the food that the rat wants.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed ratio—the bar having to be pressed 10 times in order to have food dispensed. (FR10)
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the lab cage.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Lab cage
B=Rat pressing the bar 10 times
C=Food is dispensed
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves a pleasurable outcome. The rat is hungry, so being rewarded with food after 10 presses brings the rat pleasure. I don’t think the rat’s behavior would change if the scheduled reinforcement would change because it would still be persistent to receive food despite the amount of tries he has to make.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Terms: targeted behavior, fixed ratio, scheduled reinforcement, positive reinforcement.
1)briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose is a baseball clip from 1997. It shows a popular baseball player, Craig Counsell, getting a hit to tie a game with the Marlins. The part to focus on is the first five seconds. Craig Counsell has an interesting batting stance and he keeps it the same every time he plays. Normally, batters crouch down over the plate, but he stands almost completely vertical with his bat high in the air until the second before the ball crosses home plate. This is considered an odd way to stand for a baseball player.
2)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Counsell’s batting stance. His batting stance is him standing straight up with his bat high in the air before the ball crosses the plate. This occurs in the first five seconds of the video.
3)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that hopefully he performs well and gets a hit.
4)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of something. The addition is getting a hit.
5)tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I feel like this behavior started a long time ago for Craig Counsell. My guess is that he emitted the behavior of standing strange before batting one time. He might have stood like this as a joke or just without much thought. He may have gotten a homerun when he stood like this, so he stood like this the next time. He might have performed well again, so he decided he would always stand like this before hitting.
6)tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Counsell being up to bat in a baseball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Counsell is up to bat
B= Counsell gets in a strange batting stance
C=Counsell gets a hit
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Now that the superstitious behavior has begun, Counsell feels as though he must stand in the strange batting stance every single time he is up to bat. It becomes like a little ritual he must complete to make him feel as though he will do well when he is up to bat. The antecedent is being up to bat in a baseball game. The behavior he emits is the strange batting stance, and the consequence of this behavior is that he will get a hit. He may not get a hit every time, but if he did not do the superstitious behavior beforehand, he may blame that to be the reason he did not get a hit.
7) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the popular TV show The Office. One day every year, all employees get free pretzels for working for Dunder Mifflin. It is called “Pretzel Day” and the clip is Stanley talking about his love for Pretzel Day and how there is only 364 days until the next Pretzel Day.
8)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior being reinforced is holding a job at the company Dunder Mifflin. This behavior occurs throughout the 21 seconds of the video because the whole thing takes place in the work space.
9)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
A consequence of the behavior of working at Dunder Mifflin is that all employees get free pretzels on one day each year.
10) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Since these people are employed and working hard, they receive a free pretzel once a year.
11)what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a fixed interval schedule. It is a fixed interval because the pretzels come after a fixed period of time. They come once a year, whether the employees have worked hard or slacked off. As long as they are employed, they will receive a free pretzel one time each year.
12)tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a person needing to make a living
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Person needs to make a living
B=Person works at Dunder Mifflin
C=Person receives free pretzel once a year for their employment
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It involves the addition of something desirable. People are employed at Dunder Mifflin, and they receive the addition of a free pretzel once a year for working for their company. If the schedule of reinforcement changes so it takes twice as long to get reinforced, I think employees would be annoyed and saddened. Receiving a free pretzel only once every two years could be seen as aversive, since the employees are so used to receiving a free pretzel every year. I doubt people would be so upset over losing their annual pretzel privilege that they would quit their job at Dunder Mifflin, but it is possible. Stanley, for example, is quite passionate about Pretzel Day and he would be pretty upset if it changed to a free pretzel once every two years.
Terms: emitting, behavior, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, superstitious behavior, positive reinforcement, desirable, reinforced, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval schedule, aversive
1. This clip is a representation of what an Indian rain dance would of looked like. It was taken at a festival for native American culture.
2.I am using the Dancing in this video as my target behavior. it shows superstitious behavior and happens from the beginning till the end as this is a video of the performance.
3. The consequence that they are hoping for is that rain will start to fall soon.
4. The consequences are the addition of something pleasing making this a positive. It is the addition of rain for crops, animals, and for them.
5.I think that this behavior came into being out of the fact that the Indians worshiped nature and thought it to be a sentient being. I think that while they were in a drought and in desperate need for water they tried to dance to please the rain goddess. This may have happened when rain was coming in so they connected the rain and the dancing.
6. The antecedent in this situation is the fact that they need rain.
A= The need for rain
B= Dancing to make rain come
C=Rain falls following the dancing
The antecedent happens to every culture in the world sometimes there is a need for water in the area. They came up with a behavior that they believed would solve that problem and the consequences seemed to support the behavior.
8. This video is from the game Mario party. it depicts Mario playing a slot machine for prizes.This happens from about :07 into the video and then on.
9. Jumping and hitting the block is the target behavior. Used to illustrate scheduled reinforcement.
10. The consequence of jumping and hitting the block is that it stops the pictures from rotating and then we see if we
have won a prize.
11. The consequences involves the addition of something positive in the form of coins or an extra life.
12.The schedule of reinforcement is variable interval reinforcement.
13. The antecedent is getting to that part of the game to play.
14. A= Getting to that part of the game
B= jumping into the block
C= The rotating stops and you may be rewarded with a prize
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it increases the chances that you want to jump and hit that block to get a prize. If it took twice as many times for the player to get the same response as the example given it would lead the player to stop playing the slots. Because it would be seen as a waste of time to try that many times.
16. Superstition-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2e1515l7Tc
Schedule reinforcement-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K8mN7LaKSg
17. Terms used-target behavior,superstitious behavior, pleasing,positive,antecedent,behavior,schedule reinforcement, variable reinforcement,positive reinforcement,
1) In this clip multiple people are shown doing random superstitious behaviors that they think can lead to their football team that is playing to do well and score. If the team scores, the people emitting the random behaviors are reinforced and can believe that their behavior led to the action of scoring. Specifically, a man is shown crossing his fingers in anticipation while watching a football game. This happens at 23 seconds into the video. At about 54 seconds into the video a field goal is scored, and people celebrate. This video is a Bud Light commercial.
2) The target behavior I am using that can illustrate superstitious behavior is the behavior at about 23 seconds of the man crossing his fingers. He wants his team to score and he is crossing his fingers because he has associated crossed fingers with his team doing well.
3) The consequence of the finger crossing behavior (which is the target behavior) is that the team that the man was watching scored a field goal, and this was a pleasurable response.
4) This consequence involves the addition of something pleasurable, because a field goal is pleasurable and the man that crossed his fingers wanted that to happen. The field goal was added to the football game.
5) I think this behavior started to occur because the man crossing his fingers probably crossed his fingers in the past hoping that his team would score, and maybe he thought that the finger-crossing was good luck or showed hope for his team to make a field goal. It is likely that a field goal was scored after the first time he crossed his fingers hoping for the field goal, and then I believe that he would’ve started to believe that the finger-crossing is what led to his favorite team scoring field goals. He likely continued the finger-crossing because he might’ve thought that if he did not cross his fingers, then it was bad luck, or made it less likely that his team would make the field goal. He started this behavior because he believed it helped with the field goal.
6) The antecedent to the target behavior, which was the man crossing his fingers, was the fact that the man was watching his favorite football team attempt to score a field goal. This antecedent can be his cue, or the context in which the man crosses his fingers to get a field goal. He would probably not cross his fingers in random contexts, but the context of the field goal attempt is the situation in which he crosses his fingers for hope.
A= The man’s favorite team was about to attempt a field goal.
B= The kicker kicked a field goal well while the man watching had his fingers crossed.
C= The team scored a field goal, and this was a pleasurable consequence for the man that liked the football team.
Originally, the behavior was just a random finger crossing behavior that occurred while the kicker was prepared and kicked the ball well, but after the pleasurable consequence of the scored field goal, the man might’ve decided that the behavior of crossing his fingers actually led to the consequence of the field goal being scored. This caused the antecedent (which was the team preparing to get a field goal) to be the man’s cue to cross his fingers.
8) Throughout this whole clip a cat is chasing a laser pointer around and doing a funny looking run. The laser is being controlled by a person that is shining it in random places around the room. There are multiple times throughout the video, such as the moment at 19 seconds, when the cat stops doing the funny run and it just stares at the laser on the floor. After the cat pauses at moments like that it will then continue to do a funny run and chase the laser around.
9) The behavior that is being reinforced and is the target behavior in this video is the behavior of the person shining the laser point around at different places in the room. They are reinforced by the cat doing the funny walk in response to them shining the laser around the room. This behavior of shining the laser occurs throughout the entire video.
10) The consequence of the laser shining behavior (the target behavior) is the cat emitting the behavior of the funny run where it seems to crawl on the ground. This is a funny and pleasurable consequence of shining the laser around.
11) This consequence involves the addition of something desirable and pleasurable, because the cat’s funny run is a pleasurable and funny consequence that is added to the situation when the laser is shone around the room. That means that this situation shows positive reinforcement.
12) The schedule of reinforcement shown in this video is variable interval. This is the case because the cat waits different amounts of time every time it pauses it’s running. The funny running that the cat does is reinforcing to the laser-shining person and it does not reinforce the shiner every time the laser is shining, because that would be continuous reinforcement. Instead, the cat pauses for random, changing intervals of time in between funny runs. That is what makes it a variable interval schedule of reinforcement. The laser-shining person is reinforced at time intervals that vary and change.
13) The antecedent of the laser shining behavior is the fact that the cat is in the room when the person has the laser pointer. If the cat was not in the room, the situation would be completely different. The cat being in the room with the laser is the antecedent in which the person knows that they can shine the laser and that can elicit the behavior of the cat chasing the laser and doing the funny looking run.
A= The cat is in the room that the laser pointer is in.
B= The laser is shone around the room in random places
C= The cat does a funny run in order to try to catch the laser.
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because something pleasurable (the funny cat run) is added to the situation when the laser shining occurs. This pleasurable response is reinforcing to the person with the laser because it is increasing the likelihood that the laser shining in the room when the cat is there will occur in the future. It encourages the behavior to increase. If the schedule of reinforcement changed and started to take twice as long or three times as long for the cat to reinforce the shining behavior then an extinction burst and extinction could occur. Extinction would happen if the person believes that the behavior of shining the light is no longer reinforced, and they could start to believe that the behavior no longer leads to the cat’s funny run, and they would stop the shining behavior completely. During this process, an extinction burst could occur in which a person thinks that their behavior is no longer being reinforced so they might be more aggressive in their shining behavior. They might move the light around faster, move it to more places in the room, or even start shining on the cat, because they are trying to get the cat to respond and reinforce their behavior.
Terminology: Elicit, emit, pleasurable, desirable, response, antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement, variable, interval, target behavior, context, variable interval schedule.
1) This clip shows some superstitious behaviors being emitted by people watching the Superbowl, or any general football game. The fact that these people want their favorite teams to win is what elicits these superstitious behaviors because they think it help their team to victory. Some of these behaviors include: wiggling bare feet, spinning a remote on a beer cap, wearing different colored socks, and a guy stroking his beard.
2) The target behavior that is being emitted as a superstitious behavior is at 0:44 when there are a group of people in front of a couch, wiggling their bare feet.
3) The consequence of their behavior is their team getting a touch down or field goal at the end of the video.
4) This consequence involved the addition of of something positive because when the team achieves a touchdown, or field goal, they are adding points to their score. The more points they have, the more likely they will win; so they would also be adding another "win" to their record.
5) I think this behavior occurred because at one point someone emitted this behavior and the consequence that followed was a touchdown which they thought was caused by the behavior. So in order to get more touchdowns, they started wiggling their feet. However, although the reinforcement wasn't consistent, people still believed that this target behavior resulted in more points for their team.
6) The antecedent of this behavior is their team running the football.
A-The team runs the ball.
B-The fans wiggle their feet.
C-The team gets a field goal.
While the team was running the ball, in anticipation for the touchdown the fans start to wiggle their feet and don't stop until the desired outcome occurs.
8) This clip is part of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. In this scene, a time portal has opened while the eleventh doctor is in a museum investigating a problem. When the doctor jumps through the portal he is transported to 16th century London. He actually goes back into his own time stream and meets himself in his tenth regeneration. As they are trying to figure out the time portals, we see that another one is open in a different time with another regeneration of the doctor.
9) The target behavior being emitted is when the Doctor jumps through the time portal, and tries to emit a similar behavior when he tosses his fez through the same portal at 1:18 and 3:28.
10) The consequence of the behavior is the object that goes through the portal is transported to another space and time.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because both the Doctor, and his fez, were added to a new environment.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is that the first time the Doctor goes through the portal, he is reinforced by getting through successfully to another time, and place. He is also still able to communicate with his companion, Clara, through the time portal. After he tries to get back to his own time through the same vortex, he throws his fez through first. Although it went through alright, it went to a completely different place. So the reinforcement didn't occur the same as before.
13) The antecedent is the Doctor traveling through a time vortex to a different environment.
A-The Doctor goes to a different environment.
B-He throws his fez through the portal.
C-The fez ends up in a different location.
15) This reinforcement is positive reinforcement because it is adding something to a new environment. Time vortex's are tricky in things in the Doctor Who universe. If they were to keep tossing more things through, and the reinforcement kept getting thrown off, or moved to a different place, it's hard to say if they would ever return home again.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) Terms: superstitious behaviors, target behavior, elicit, emit, reinforcement, consequence, positive reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, antecedent
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip talked about when Tim Tebow was getting beat in the dophin game until he dropped down on one knee an prayed to God
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video) dropping to your knee an praying to God (time 1.11)
, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is broncos won the game!
, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, he positively reinforced other to start taking a knee and praying to God whenever necessary.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred this behavior occurred because the broncos were losing so Tebow got down on one knee and prayed to God.
, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is. Losing the football game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= losing the game B= praying to God C= everyone starting “tebowing” taking a knee and saying a prayer
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. Tim Tebows antecedent was losing the football game to the Dolphins. The target behavior is praying. He decided to add reinforcement to the game by dropping down on his knee and praying to God. This caused the Broncos to win the game and people everywhere dropping down on their knee and sayng a prayer whenever necessary (tebowing)
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. in this film a coach is leading a defensive fire drill. The team is moving there feet extremely fast until they hear his whistle blow once. If the whistle is blown they hit the ground quickly and bounce back up. Once the drill is over the coach will blow the whistle twice indicating that the drill is over. He only does this when he feels the entire team is working hard
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), the target behavior is the blowing of the whistle
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is every time the whistle blows the team drops to the ground
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, addition of the whistle
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, this is a variable schedule. Variable reinforcement. The whistle will be blown in a general time frame
13) tell us to the antecedent is. Basketball practice
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Basketball practice B= blowing whistle C= players drop to the ground
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced? This is positive reinforcement because the coach blows his whistle in order for his team to drop to the ground quickly during the drill. If the team needed more than one whistle before they dropped it would cause the drill to go longer and they may get more tired and it maybe very aversive
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecendent, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, aversive
Let us know if you have any questions
Superstitious Behavior
1.In this commercial for McDonald's, two people are in the drive through waiting to get their breakfast. The driver does a series of hand gestures claiming that the last time he did those he received free coffee with his breakfast.
2.The target behavior that is emitted in this clip is when the driver starts clapping his hands, snapping his pen and hitting his friend in the back of the head in a specific order (0:07-0:10)
3.The consequence that is elicited by this behavior was the man receiving free coffee.
4.The consequence elicited by the target behavior is the addition of something pleasurable, free coffee.
5.I think the target behavior began as an accident by cheering or just moving their hands in a certain manner on accident. The series of hand gestures is an odd combination of gestures and therefore I think the driver accidentally did those gestures in a series and correlated it with the positive outcome.
6.The antecedent is going to McDonald's.
A= going to McDonald's
B= clapping his hands, snapping his pen and hitting his friend in the back of the head in a particular order
C= receiving free coffee
Before the superstitious behavior began the man would move his hands in other motions and would receive no reinforcement for that. However, one day the man moved in his hands in a particular order after ordering his food and received free coffee with that. Therefore he associated the hand gesture series with receiving free coffee.
Reinforcement Schedule
8.This is a clip from the series Big Bang Theory. In this clip, Sheldon and Leonard are discussing their problems by using a chess clock as a measurement of time. When the chess clock is up it is the other person turn to talk.
9.The target behavior emitted in this clip would be Sheldon discussing his problem of beating Stephen Hawking in a game of words with friends. (1:27-1:42)
10.The consequence elicited by the target behavior is having Leonard give him advice
11.The consequence elicited by the target behavior is the addition of something pleasurable which is the advice given.
12.The reinforcement schedule shown in this clip would be considered an interval reinforcement schedule. The reinforcement of receiving advice occurs over an interval of time. This could also be considered fixed interval reinforcement schedule because the 5 minutes is a fixed amount of time.
13.The antecedent is Sheldon playing a game of words with friends with Stephen Hawking
A= Sheldon playing words with friends with Stephen Hawking
B= Sheldon discussing his problem of beating Stephen Hawking in the game of words with friends
C= Leonard giving Sheldon advice
15.This would be an example of positive reinforcement. The addition of Leonard’s advice which is desirable would increase Sheldon’s behavior of discussing his problems with Leonard.
Superstitious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-h_559ECag
Reinforcement Schedule: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr1uS8KZbto
TERMS: target behavior, emitted, consequence, elicited, pleasurable, correlated, antecedent, superstitious behavior, reinforcement schedule, interval reinforcement schedule, fixed interval reinforcement schedule, positive reinforcement
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip a new reporter reports on a college baseball team and the weird things they do to rally in the game. The video shows the baseball players wearing their caps inside out and doing rowing motions.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is the players wearing their hats inside out on their heads (:40)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior being elicited was winning the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is winning the baseball game.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I believe that the behavior occurred after the players felt nothing was getting the game going in the direction they wanted. I believe that they thought if they put on their rally caps (the superstitious behavior) that the game would change in their favor, such as getting a hit or making an amazing play on defense.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the baseball game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Baseball Game
B=Wearing "rally" caps (inside out)
C=Win game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent was the baseball game. During the game both teams were tied and going back and forth, no scoring or big plays were happening, so the game went in to extra innings. The target behavior then happened when the baseball players turned their baseball caps inside out and put them on their heads. The consequence was they got a big play and ended up winning the game. Thus, the players associated the play that won the game to be with the rally caps, since the play happened after they did the superstitious behavior.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip Patrick is at the Krusty Krab at the register. He is standing at the register where there is a phone where he is waiting for it to ring and it does, it keeps ringing. Every time it rings he answers it answers the question then hangs up. Phone rings again and he answers it, then hangs up. Repeat this multiple times.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this clip that is being elicited is picking up the phone
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior answering the person on the other line.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of desirable which was answering and talking to someone.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is variable interval
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the Krusty Krab
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Krusty Krab
B=Picking up the phone
C=Answering the person on the other line
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable which was talking to the person on the other end.
What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
If the schedule of reinforcement were to change then it would take longer for Patrick to pick up the phone meaning the phone would ring more and more before the target behavior were to occur.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Schedules of Reinforcement:
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Desirable, antecedent, consequence, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, target behavior, emitted.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1. This young girl cannot stop sneezing so the boy is constantly saying “bless you.”
2. Saying bless you would be the targeted behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior. (.02, .06, .08, .12, .17, .21)
3. I am questioning what the consequence would be because I know that sneezing was said to spread the Bubonic Plague back in the early days and so people would say bless you after someone sneezed in hoping that they would not catch the Plague. So the consequence would be hoping to not get the Plague?
4. The consequence would be the removal of something from someone (from sneezing) but then adding some kind of blessing on the person from not spreading the Plague… I am kind of confused here.
5. This behavior occurred during the spread of the Bubonic Plague. Refer to question 2.
6. Someone sneezing
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Sneezing
B=Saying Bless you
C= saving someone from the Plague
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
??Once the superstitious behavior began a.k.a the saying bless you after someone sneezed the sneezing still continued and people still caught the plague back in the early days. Till this day we still continue to say bless you even though the plague is no longer around.??
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
8. This man is pulling the lever/pressing the button on a slot machine to try and win the jackpot. This would then be an example of intermittent reinforcement because he is getting reinforced every now and then not all of the time.
9. Pulling the lever/pressing the button would be the target behavior in this video. (.07, .12 etc.)
10. Losing money would be the consequence of this behavior
11. This consequence involves removing something desirable because his money was very desirable at one point in time and now he is losing it because he is pulling that lever.
12. The schedule of reinforcement would be getting paid every once and awhile or every so many spins on the machine.
13. Putting his money in before he beings to lose it all.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=putting money in the slot machine
B=pulling the handle
C=losing money/gaining money every so often
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because money is something that is valuable to us in the US and by us winning it sometimes we get excited and play more because we think we can gain more from the machine. If the schedule of reinforcement would change where it takes twice as long to get reinforced the behavior would start to subside in that individual. He or she would no longer want to sit there and pull the lever or press the button because they are not getting reinforced anymore as much as they used to.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Schedule of reinforcement, desirable, intermittent reinforcement, target behavior, consequence,
1) The clip involves the dramatization of what a person's day can be like if they suffer from severe OCD. The video also contains footage of people who actually deal with OCD.
2) The individual does not allow himself to blink into other peoples eyes for fear he will fall in love with that person. The target behavior is the individual looking away from his companion so that he can blink. (4:40)
3) The consequence of looking away is that the individual does not fall in love with whomever he is next to.
4) The consequence is the removal of the chance of falling in love-which the individual finds aversive.
5) This behavior occurred because the individual does not want to fall in love with the person he is talking to.
6) The antecedent to the target behavior is standing next to another person engaging in a conversation.
7) Before: After:
A. talking to/viewing another person A. talking to/viewing another person
B. blinks B. looks away
C. falls permanently in love C. doesn't fall in love
Because the individual looks away from a person he is directly speaking with or viewing through any media facet, he does not have the opportunity to fall desperately in love with that individual. He feels that falling in love would be an aversive response due to the finality of his potential “love.” The individual is negatively reinforced, because the removal of the potential to fall in love increases the likelihood that he will continue to look away when talking to, or viewing another individual.
8) The clip is of the squirrel named Scrat, is from the introductions to the Ice Age movies. He is constantly chasing acorns and getting into mischief that alters the course of the earth.
9) The target behavior is Scrat running after the acorn upon which he has placed a positive valence.
10) The consequence of running after the acorn, is that occasionally he is able to touch, grab, or hold on to the acorn. He is only able to feel momentarily victorious however, because he soon loses the acorn again and again.
11) The consequece involves the removal of the desirable acorn. The closer it gets, the farther away it becomes.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is intermittent. There isn't a certain ratio that has to be followed in order for Scrat to attain his acorn, nor is there a particular interval of time that passes-it all seems a bit random. I would describe this as variable interval schedule of reinforcement.
13) The antecedent is Scrat running after the acorn.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Scrat falls to the inner core of Earth
B=runs after acorn
C=touches acorn
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because every time Scrat touches the acorn, a feeling of accomplishment exists where it did not before. I believe that for the sake of comedy, Scrat would continue to chase his acorn no matter the circumstance or change of schedule.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOami82xKec
17) Terms: target behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, negative reinforcement, positive valence, desirable, schedule of reinforcement, intermittent, variable interval, positive reinforcement
1) This is a clip from a hockey game. During the game, the goalie will spin in a circle and tap the net twice with his hockey stick when his team scores a point.
2) The target behavior is spinning in a circle, tapping the net twice with the hockey stick after the team scores a goal. (0.23-0.40)
3) The consequence is really nothing if we’re being honest… like in all reality he just made himself a little bit dizzier. But, in this dude’s case, he would believe that the consequence is that the other team isn’t going to get a point like his team just got a point. He’s locking in their point.
4) The addition of a spin in a circle with a double tap on the net.
5) I think this behavior probably occurred due to him being excited about a point at one time. He spun, the opposing team kept missing shots, and his team kept scoring goals and he kept spinning each time because he was so excited. So, he was reinforced by the other team’s loss and has been doing it ever since.
6) The antecedent is his team scoring a goal.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Playing hockey
B= Team scores goal
C= Gained a point on the other team
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Team scores goal
B= Goalie spins in circle, taps net with hockey stick twice
C= Opposing team won’t score points
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) This is a video of a woman training a puppy to sit using variable ratio schedule of reinforcement.
9) The target behavior is for the dog to sit. (0.35)
10) The consequence is that the dog will either get a treat (every two times) or be reinforced through petting.
11) This clip involves the addition of something desirable.
12) The schedule is variable.
13) The antecedent is training a puppy.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Training puppy
B= Puppy sits
C= Reinforced through petting or food
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the puppy gets something desirable for doing the action. There’s going to be extinction burst and the puppy will be desperate to be reinforced as it was before, so it will continue to respond as it had been before, although it could take on a more aggressive attitude or even be more aggressive because it’s frustrating not to be reinforced anymore.
17) Target behavior, reinforcement, reinforcement schedule, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, ABC’s, antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, and variable ratio.
1. In this clip from the show Friends Rachel finds the book “The Shining” in Joey’s freezer. He tells her that whenever he reads the book he makes sure there is room in the freezer because he feels safer from all the bad things happening in the book with the book in the freezer. This happens again at the end of the clip when he is reading “Little Women,” he gets so sad that Rachel puts the book in the freezer for him to protect him from all the sad things happening in the book.
2. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the superstitious behavior in this clip is Joey putting his copy of the book “The Shining” in the freezer when he is in the process of reading the book. (0:00-0:10)
3. The consequence of this behavior is Joey feeling safe. When he puts the book in the freezer he feels like he is protected from all of the bad things happening in “The Shinning.”
4. The consequence of this behavior involves the removal of something. Specifically the removal of something Joey felt to be aversive, so aversive that he wanted to escape it. When Joey puts the book in the freezer, his feelings of fear go away. Before he emitted the behavior of putting the book in the freezer he was feeling fearful because of the scary things occurring in the book, but after putting the book in the freezer his feeling of fear went away, he felt protected.
5. I think this behavior started to occur the first time Joey read the book “The Shinning.” I think since it scared him so much he was looking for ways to remove that fear and after he put the book in the freezer his fear started to disappear, he started to believe this behavior is what would keep him safe from the content of the book, keep the fear locked away.
6. The antecedent of this behavior is Joey reading the book “The Shinning.”
7. A= Joey reading the book “The Shinning”
B= Joey putting the book “The Shinning” into the freezer when he got scared while reading it
C= Joey feeling safe, he feels protected from all of the bad things happening in the book.
Once this superstitious began Joey emitted the same behavior when “The Shinning” scared him, he put it in the freezer to protect himself. Even though putting things in the freezer don’t actually protect you, because it worked to reduce the fear the first time he read the book, he continues to emit the behavior even if the reinforcement will not always occur, the reduction of fear. Joey might also exhibit this behavior with different antecedents, for example, if he is playing a scary video game he might put that in the freezer because since putting “The Shinning” in the freezer helped reduce his fear he may think he will be reinforced in this same way by putting the video game in the freezer.
8. In this clip from the show Friends, Chandler and Joey have their oven set for the timer to go off every time Baywatch is on TV. They used to be roommates, but in this particular episode they are living apart, so they are talking on the phone when the timer goes off. They then both turn on their TVs at the sound of the timer and continue to talk on the phone about the show.
9. The target behavior in this clip that is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement is Joey and Chandler turning on the TV to Baywatch (0:03-0:08).
10. The consequence of this behavior is the watching of the show Baywatch.
11. The consequence of this behavior involves the addition of something desirable. Before Joey and Chandler turned on the TV they could not watch Baywatch, therefore the consequence involved the addition of something. This addition of something is desirable because Joey and Chandler love watching Baywatch, they prefer to be watching the show instead of doing anything else.
12. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated in this example is fixed interval. First of all this reinforcement is interval because reinforcement comes after a span of time, or interval of time. Second of all, it is fixed because there is a set span of time that occurs between reinforcement and it is always the same amount of time. Baywatch comes on the TV the same time every day, so Joey and Chandler get this reinforcement at the same time each day and the same amount of time passes between each reinforcement.
13. The antecedent of this behavior is the chiming of the oven timer, acting as the discriminative stimulus of the emitted behavior.
14. A= Chiming of the oven timer
B= Joey and Chandler turning on their TV’s to Baywatch
C=Joey and Chandler watching the show of Baywatch
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement. This is positive because in the consequence a stimulus was added, the watching of the TV, which was not present before the behavior was emitted. It is reinforcement because the consequence received from emitting the behavior increases the likelihood that Joey and Chandler will emit the same behavior in the same antecedent.
I think that Joey and Chandler would go through extinction, and all of the characteristics that come with it, if the schedule of reinforcement increased the time of the intervals. I think they would eventually adjust to the new reinforcement schedule, but before they would adjust they would go through extinction with the old schedule. I think they would have an extinction burst where they would try every possible solution to watch Baywatch at their normal time, by watching old tapes of the show or talking to each other about the show. I think they would try to use variability by trying different channels to see if Baywatch is on them. I think they would show aggressive behavior by yelling at the TV or trying to call and talk to the network. Finally, I think they would have a spontaneous recovery where they would turn on the TV at the old time of the show with hopes of it being on even though it had not been recently.
16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgBg77Bv0Zw
17. Terms: target behavior, reinforced, schedule of reinforcement, consequence, behavior, desirable, fixed interval, reinforcement, fixed, interval, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, emitted, positive reinforcement, stimulus, extinction, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, spontaneous recovery, superstitious behavior, aversive
1) In this clip, USA captain of Clint Dempsey joins ThePostGame to talk about his lucky underwear. He tells the reporter that when he is having a scoring streak, he will always where that pair of underwear (luckily he washes them).
2) The target behavior is wearing a certain pair of underwear. At 1.50 in the video he talks about this superstitious behavior of his.
3) The consequence of this action is scoring more points
4) This involves the addition of something desirable (scoring points)
5) I think this behavior actually occurred because of an advanced skill level and lots of practice.
6) The antecedent of this clip is playing in a world cup soccer game
7) A = playing in a world cup soccer game
B = having an advanced skill level in soccer through hours of practice
C = scoring lots of goals
The points that Dempsey scored were most likely due to the hard work he put into the sport. However, if Dempsey noticed that he always wore a certain pair of underwear when he was scoring points, he may attribute the underwear instead of the hard work to the scoring.
8) During this episode of Futurama, the gang decides to try out a mechanical “buggalo.” The goal of the mechanical “buggalo” (like a mechanical bull) is to stay on a long as you can until you go flying off. For the crowd, this is a very desirable consequence because of the entertainment it provides.
9) The target behavior I am going to be discussing is watching people ride a mechanical “buggalo.” This begins at 1.08 in the video.
10) The consequence of this behavior is the amusement of watching someone fall off a mechanical “buggalo.”
11) This involves the addition of something desirable (entertainment/amusement)
12) Out of all the reinforcement schedules, this clip is an example of variable interval because the crown knows that the person is going to fall off eventually, but they do not know exactly how long. Bender fell off after 0.4 seconds, Fry fell off after 3.2, and Lela didn’t fall off until 48.3 seconds.
13) The antecedent of this behavior is being at a redneck bar
14) A = at a redneck bar
B = watching a person ride a mechanical buggalo
C = being entertained when a person falls off
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive because it is adding something (entertainment) and it is more likely that the crowd is going to watch a buggalo fight again. I think that if it took twice as long for the person to fall off the buggalo, more suspense would be built and the behavior would be more reinforcing.
Terms: target behavior, superstitious behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, reinforcement schedules, variable interval, reinforced, positive reinforcemetn
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8bZksil-Mc
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOkfH9Wld-I
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. - A woman wants a dog to sit at the back of the crate before being released. As the woman trained the dog to learn this as a puppy, the puppy would lick the woman's hand when she placed it on the crate. The woman got lazy with the training and didn't require the dog to sit before being released, but she did make it wait in the crate before being released. At the same time the puppy would still lick her hand.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), - The target behavior in this video is the dog sitting down in the crate which occurs at (0:40).
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, - The woman opens the crate.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, - The consequence involves the addition of (an opening from the crate) more space for the dog.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, - I think the superstitious behavior occurred because when the woman became lazy training the dog, the conditioned stimulus became the woman placing her hand on the crate and the conditioned response became the dog licking her hand in hopes of the woman opening the crate.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. - A dog crate.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= A dog crate.
B= The dog would sit.
C= The woman opens the crate.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. - The antecedent is the dog crate. The superstitious behavior that occurs is the dog licking the woman's hand multiple times when she places it on the crate in hopes of the woman opening the crate. In the video, the dog shows extinction burst (0:35-0:39) where it licks the woman's hand multiple times; that is the behavior that she wants to decrease. The target behavior she wants to increase/reinforce is the dog sitting at the back of the crate. The consequence is the woman opening the crate.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. - A guy and a girl take turns standing outside of Walmart holding a "Free Hugs" sign to see how many times they get people to hug them.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), - Holding a "Free Hugs" sign is the target behavior and it occurs all throughout the video. (0:27-1:50)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, -The consequence of the behavior is people hugging (or not hugging) them.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, - If the people did not hug them, the consequence involved the addition of something undesirable - rejection from the hug. If people did hug them, the consequence involved the addition of something desirable- a hug.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, - The schedule of reinforcement used is variable ratio. With a VR2 schedule of reinforcement, on average the person holding the "Free Hugs" sign is reinforced every 2 tries. There were 12 attempts shown of trying to get people to hug them, and 6 people gave a hug and 6 people denied the hug.
13) tell us to the antecedent is. - Walmart
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Walmart
B= Holding "Free Hugs" sign
C= Receiving (or not receiving) hugs
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced? - When people gave a hug it was positive reinforcement because the acceptance of the hug increased the likelihood of the person holding the "Free Hugs" sign to continue doing it in the future. If this particular schedule of reinforcement took twice as long to get reinforced then it would be a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. If this particular schedule of reinforcement took twice as many responses to get reinforced then it would be a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior URL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCB_ddthxuU
Schedules of Reinforcement URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8KnjpUGTQI
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Target behavior, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, antecedent, consequence, superstitious behavior, reinforce, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, fixed interval, fixed ratio.
1. This video clip is about game day and the different things people do before and during the game in hope of a win.
2.The target behavior is wearing the mismatched socks. This occurs at 48 seconds.
3. The consequence of the behavior is the team winning.
4.This consequence involves the addition of something. This addition includes the feeling of being proud of your team.
5.This behavior occurred because one day the guy wore mismatching socks and his team won, and so now he continues to do so in hope of his team winning again because of his socks.
6.The antecedent is it being game day.
7.A= Game day.
B= Wearing mismatched socks.
C= Team wins.
After the first game when the team wins and the man wears his mismatched socks, he starts to associate mismatched socks with a winning game. From then on he continues to wear his mismatched socks every game day. And with every game day, so far, the team continues to win. He believes it is because of his socks, but really the team has been working extra hard this year and the team is winning because they are improving as a team.
8. This video is about a young girl who goes through all of the work to make lemonade to sell it. Not knowing if she will make as much money as she wants she still makes it and a few people come to buy her lemonade.
9.The target behavior is the giving away of the lemonade she made. This occurs round 3:40 in the video.
10.The consequence of the behavior is rewarded with money.
11.The consequence is the addition of something desirable. This is by getting rewarded for all of the hard work put into making the lemonade.
12.The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is interval schedule.
13.The antecedent is being in town on the street.
14.A= Being in town on the street.
B=giving lemonade out.
C= Receiving money from selling the lemonade.
15.This is an example of positive reinforcement because the girl is being reinforced to come back tomorrow to sell lemonade because of the additon of money. If it took twice as long or twice as many responses for the girl to get reinforced, then she would be less likely to set up the stand the following day.
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN0zFmcrjaQ
17. Reinforced, positive reinforcement, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, interval schedule consequence, behavior, and target behavior.
Superstitious Behavior
1) This clip is a Bud Light commercial showing football fans emitting different superstitious behaviors on game day. I’m a big sports fan and have done some of these silly superstitious behaviors, so I knew I had to choose this clip when I came across it.
2) There are many different target behaviors that could have been chosen, but the one I went with was the woman being upset that her jersey was in the wash. Anyone who has ever been a big sports fan understands this. Sometimes, if a team is on a winning streak, people like to wear the same shirt as the week before. This occurs from 0:28-0:31.
3) The consequence is that the team will play well, and there will be a favorable outcome for the woman cheering on that team.
4) The consequence isn’t actually shown in the commercial, but it could involve the addition of something desirable or the removal of something aversive. The addition of something desirable could include scoring a touchdown or field goal, intercepting the ball or recovering a fumble, or just simply the team moving the ball down the field. The removal of something aversive could be stopping the team before they get a first down or touchdown. If the opponent is playing well and hurting the chances of the fan’s team winning, that would be undesirable or aversive.
5) I think the woman wore the jersey for a few games and realized they won each time she wore it. Then, she thinks it’s good luck and doesn’t want to wash it as that might jinx the good luck the jersey has brought.
6) The antecedent is that the game will be played on that day.
7) A= Day of the game
B= Wearing the jersey without washing it from the week(s) before
C= Team does well
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent would be that it’s game day, where the behavior of the woman wearing the same jersey from the week(s) before is then emitted. She believes the consequence of this behavior leads the team to success, even though it has nothing to do with how the team performs.
Schedules of Reinforcement
8) This is a very common scene from The Big Bang Theory. The clip shows Sheldon knocking on Penny’s door. When he knocks on the door, he always has to knock three times.
9) The target behavior is Sheldon knocking on Penny’s door. This occurs at 0:05, 0:18, 0:31, and many other points in the video.
10) The consequence of the behavior would be Penny opening the door.
11) It involves the addition of something desirable, which would be Penny opening the door after he knocks three times.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a fixed ratio schedule. Each time he goes to knock on her door, he will knock three times and say the name Penny after each knock.
13) The antecedent is Sheldon needing something from Penny, so he goes to her door.
14) A= Sheldon needs something from Penny, so he goes to her door
B= Sheldon knocks on the door three times
C= Penny opens the door
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement as it involves the addition of something desirable, which is when Penny opens the door. If she took twice as long to answer the door, I think the most likely thing that would occur would be Sheldon knocking on her door three more times until she answered. He may also get tired of waiting and just leave.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) Emit, superstitious behaviors, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, positive reinforcement
1) This clip is a compilation of a player shooting free throws and his routine before each of them.
2) The target behavior is faking a shot.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is making the shot.
4) The consequence involves the addition of points, which is pleasurable.
5) Jermaine O’Neal has learned, through trial and error, that if he fakes a shot before actually shooting the ball, he is more likely to make the basket. This could be true, or it could just be a coincidence. This is shown through watching more of the shots, he makes some but not others.
6) The antecedent is O’Neal steps up to the free throw line.
7) A: O’Neal steps up to the free throw line
B: fakes a shot
C: makes the basket/gets the points
8) This video is of a figure and bikini competitor talking about the difference between her natural skin tone and the tan that is used for competition.
9) The target behavior is getting a spray tan. It is easier to see the difference if we just look at the photos shown at the end of the video; they begin at 4:20.
10) The consequence of the target behavior is getting higher marks during judging.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, higher marks during judging.
12) I believe that this could be an example of a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement. I believe that it is a fixed ratio because the only time that this woman would get a spray tan, is immediately before a competition so the ratio would be 2 spray tans for every 1 competition.
13) The antecedent is exfoliating the skin for 2 weeks.
14) A: exfoliating the skin for 2 weeks
B: getting a spray tan
C: receiving higher marks from the judges
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because this behavior is something that results in a desirable thing, doing better in the competition that would not happen without the proper tan for competition. If she only got her base tan, no second coat, she would be paler than all the others competing.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, fixed ratio, reinforcement, positive
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1) During this basketball game the Pacers crowd began chanting “He's a Flopper” at Lebron James during his free throws. This starts at 8 seconds in.
2) The target behavior being emitted is the chanting.
3) The consequence is that Lebron missed the shot. The crowd was attempting to elicit this behavior. The reason this is a superstitious behavior is because the consequence isn't directly correlated with the behavior. In that way, we can't entirely tell if the behavior will decrease or increase the frequency, just the perception that it had this aversive or pleasurable effect.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something aversive, or in this case, the removal of the ball from the hoop, which stopped the point from being made. Or in simpler terms, Lebron missed the shot. This made it negative reinforcement.
5) I think that this behavior came about because they witnessed others miss when noise was made during their free throws. Or, assuming they didn't know about that tradition, they may have just been yelling at the player who was shooting because he was singled out on the court in that moment and then they freaked out when he missed.
6) The antecedent is watching a game of basketball.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Watching a game of basketball
C=a player misses his shot
The crowd began chanting and when Lebron missed his shot, they freaked out as if they caused it, and then began chanting even more.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
8) The clip is of a factory production line and every few milliseconds the machines do different things to the boxes of juice to prepare them for sale. It starts at 58 seconds. This is a fixed interval because it happens every view millaseconds.
9) The behavior is the metal bars clamping down.
10) The consequence is that the flaps on the juice box close shut.
11) The consequence involves that addition of something desirable, which is the addition of the pressing, which allows the box to form closer to its desired state. This makes the consequence positive reinforcement because the machine would be programmed differently if a pleasureable consequence didn't come of it.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being in a production line
B=pressing against the box
C=the flaps close
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the machine would be programmed differently if a pleasurable consequence didn't come of it, which is what would have happened, to increase productivity, if the schedule had taken any longer to be reinforced. There isn't much room for variability in their fixed schedule.
16) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC3j1mtdx_E
17) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYtJ4Nrw7vI
17) Fixed interval, superstitious behavior, fixed schedule, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, emitting, target behavior, increase/decrease frequency, pleasurable, elicit, aversive, pleasurable, variability
Superstitious Behavior
1) Soccer girls doing their rituals before playing a soccer game. They have to eat specific foods, have their hair a certain way, do specific handshakes, drink certain drinks and listen to music.
2) The target behavior I am using that illustrates superstitious behavior is two girls have to do a certain handshake/foot tap with each other before going out on the field. (1:30)
3) The consequence is winning the game (which they say/describe earlier in the video. Unless they perform these rituals, they "will loose").
4) The consequence includes the addition of something, in this case, the addition of a handshake/foot tap sequence.
5) I think this behavior occurred, by the girls making up the handshake/foot tap sequence for fun one day to have something they could do before each game to get their spirits up and to make that teammate connection before the game starts. After a while of emitting this behavior, it becomes a ritual and the girls have a superstition that they will loose if this sequence is not performed before going onto the field.
6) The antecedent is walking towards the soccer field.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Walking to field
B= handshake/foot tap sequence
C= Win game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. They were walking towards the field, which is the antecedent (A), just like the original time. Next they thought, oh last time we won the game after walking to the field and performing the handshake/foot tap sequence, we better do the handshake/foot tap sequence again, which is the target behavior (B), so we can win again. They play well and win the game, so this reinforces (increases the likelihood the behavior will reoccur in the future) the behavior of performing this ritual time and time again, the consequence (C).
Schedules of Reinforcement
8) This clip is about students waiting to get out of school at the end of the day. They know they get out at the same time each day and are anticipating getting out. (It is really a music video-Britney Spears, Baby One More Time). After the bell rings there is a lot of singing and dancing.
9) The target behavior is the teacher releasing the students to go at the sound of the bell (0:14)
10) The consequence is leaving the class room
11) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, which is the removal of being in a classroom.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is fixed interval. It is fixed because every day the students are reinforced by being let out of class, there is not a day they are not let out when the bell rings and the teacher dismisses the students. It is interval because the bell rings at the same time every day.
13) The antecedent is the clock ticking closer and closer to 3:00pm (Students also get antsy. Tap pencil, foot, look around, etc.)
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Clock ticks
B= Bell rings/teacher dismisses students
C= Students walk out
15) This is an example of negative reinforcement because an aversive/undesirable environment is being removed, getting to leave school. This is reinforcement, because it increases the likelihood the students will get to leave at the same time every day. They are being reinforced every time, each day at the same time. If the schedule of reinforcement were to take twice as long, everyone would be very unhappy! Students, teachers, parents, everyone because they are scheduled to get out of school at the same time every day and a lot of people and systems have schedules based around this release time.
16) Superstitious Behavior URL
Schedule of Reinforcement URL
17) Terms: Superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, emitting, reinforces, ABC, schedules of reinforcement, fixed interval, negative reinforcement, aversive, and undesirable
I changed my schedule of reinforcement, it is in a post below! I accidentally made a new post instead of replying.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This woman taught her dog Cricket to lift her paw with a clicker. However, when Cricket was being taught to sit, the behavior of lifting his paw automatically crept into his sit. After being reinforced through clicker and treat training, he started to associate sitting with the necessary accompaniment of lifting his paw. So, now every time he sits, he thinks he also needs to lift his paw because she did not correct it or teach him otherwise earlier in life.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Cricket lifting his paw (24 seconds in)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Receiving a treat
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
Addition of something desirable for the dog (the treat)
But also the addition of something undesirable for the trainer (Automatically lifting his paw when he is only told to sit)
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, When the dog was taught to shake before it was taught to sit, they did it in the wrong order. Given the fact that to shake they dog already had to sit, it associated that the two behaviors automatically went together. He was reinforced with a reward for shaking when he sat. Therefor, when told to sit, the consequence would be him emitting the behavior of also lifting his paw in hopes of being rewarded for it.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Being taught to lift paw while in sitting position
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Taught to lift paw while in sitting position
B=Lifts paw automatically when being taught to sit
C=Always lifts paw when told to sit
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
When the antecedent of the trainer teaching the dog to shake in a sitting position before teaching the dog to simply just sit without shaking occurred, the dog then always associated that sitting position automatically with the behavior of lifting his paw. Therefor, the consequence of this behavior was the dog will always lift his paw even when told just to sit and not shake.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
It shows a typical day in kindergarten narrated by the kids in the class.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The bell rings to tell kids to come inside the building (20 seconds in)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The kids going in and hanging up their bags
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The addition of something desirable, the addition of going inside for school.
and finally,
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, The schedule of reinforcement is every school day at the same time, the bell rings and the kids go inside.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Being outside before school
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being outside before school
B=Bell rings for kids to go in
C=Kids go inside
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
Positive reinforcement, the kids are more likely to go in the building when they hear the bell ring at the same time every school day. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change, the children would not go in at the same time every day.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Schedule of Reinforcement, Emit, Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, reinforced, Positive reinforcement, Emitting.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip there are two of the Coke polar bears watching a game and one uses crossing fingers and arms as a superstition in hopes of winning the game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this clip is crossing body parts. It happens during the whole clip. 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is winning the game (well hopes to win the game).
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence is positive reinforcement because the addition of the winning game is likely to increase the crossing of body parts.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I’m not really sure how this behavior occurred. Crossing fingers have always been around in hopes of winning something or gaining something. Maybe the polar bears team has won when he crossed his fingers in a previous game.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= The game
B= Crossing fingers/body parts
C=The team wins
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
When the game starts the polar bear crossed all his body parts in hope for his team to win. He believes the consequence of this behavior is that his team will win.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. I could use the same clip with the polar bear as intermittent reinforcement. When watching the game the polar bears crosses his fingers and body parts in hopes that his team will win.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior in this clip is the polar bear crossing his fingers/body parts. This is intermittent reinforcement because his team is not going to win every game, but he still crossing his fingers/body parts.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that his team will win the game.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (positive reinforcement).
, and finally,
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
Intermittent reinforcement is being demonstrated in this clip because his team might win every now and then, but he still does his game superstition by crossing his fingers.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the game.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The game
B=Crossing fingers/body parts
C= The team winning the game
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because if the addition of his team winning will likely increase his crossing fingers behavior.
What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
I think the behavior would still occur because he would really want his team to win.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Target behavior, superstitious behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement,
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip shows Kevin Durant shooting a free throw and doing a “shoulder shimmy” before he takes the shot each time.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is the shoulder shimmy which illustrates the superstitious behavior that he will make the shot.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that he makes the shot.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of something.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
The behavior occurred because he has made other free throws when he does the “shoulder shimmy”.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is playing a basketball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= playing basketball game
B= shoulder shimmy
C= makes shot
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
When Kevin shoots free throws while he is playing basketball he assumes that if he does the “shoulder shimmy” (superstitious behavior) before he shoots he will make the shot.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Sheldon wants Penny to get rid of a chair that she has in her apartment
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Penny opening the door after Sheldon knocks on it.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is Sheldon telling Penny to get rid of the “chair of death”.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because Penny does not want to be told to get rid of the chair.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement is Sheldon knocking 3 times on the door and saying “Penny”.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Penny having a chair that Sheldon doesn’t like.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Penny having a chair that Sheldon doesn’t like
B= Sheldon telling Penny to get rid of the chair
C= Penny not wanting Sheldon to get rid of the chair.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Sheldon wants to tell Penny to get rid of the chair. If the schedule of reinforcement changed and Penny took longer to open the door maybe Sheldon wouldn’t be as persistent and he would give up.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
15 seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HqlB4qGGOk
22 seconds www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrzUsHNGZHc
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Consequence, behavior, superstitious behavior, antecedent, consequence, schedule of reinforcement, target behavior, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement
I am going to change my Schedule of Reinforcement example, because I don't think it is quite right.
Schedule of Reinforcement
8) This clip demonstrates the process of gambling. A lady presses the button on the machine over and over again until finally the machine emits a positive response, in this case, she wins money.
9) The target behavior is pressing the button on a slot machine while gambling. This action is being reinforced because the lady never knows when she might win, so she continues to press the button. (Variable Ratio) (1:57)
10) The consequence is winning money.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The addition of money (winning money), is desirable.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is Variable Ratio because the person is being reinforced after a random number of times of repeating the behavior (pushing the machine buttons). Variable ratio because you never know when you are going to be reinforced, there is not a certain number of times you press the button and then will win. You are reinforced after a random (variable) number of times (pushes).
13) The antecedent is putting money in the machine
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= put money in machine
B= press button
C= win (collect) money
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the more you press the button and then are reinforced with winning money, the more likely you are to emit these behaviors in the future. Winning money is pleasurable. If this schedule of reinforcement were to take twice as long, some people would still continue the behavior because winning money is a strong enough reinforcer for them to repeat these behaviors, while others may stop. They would not know it took twice as long either because, there is no set schedule they can base the positive consequence (winning money) off of, it is completely random.
16) Schedule of Reinforcement: http://youtu.be/JVxuZuP_b5I
17) Terms: Schedule of reinforcement, positive response, target behavior, reinforced, consequence, desirable, Variable Ratio, behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emit, pleasurable, reinforcer
This is an addition to an above post, sorry I meant to put it under the other post of mine as a reply!
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is about Tim Tebow and his rituals. It explains everything he does before a game and why he does it.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is that he throws several hundred passes before a game.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Doing well in a game is the consequence of the target behavior.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of something because he puts in more effort then needed too.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
This behavior occurred because of sport playing. He found out that practicing / warming up helped in his game better than other things he tried.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is at the football field.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Football Field
B= Throwing tons of passes before the game
C= Doing well in the game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is about Tim Tebow and his rituals. It explains everything he does before a game and why he does it. Same clip used above.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is he was throwing several hundred passes a few hours before the game he plays.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is he does better in the game.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something making it a desirable outcome.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
He does this before every game he plays.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is at the football field.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Football Field
B= Throwing several hundred passes
C= Doing better in the game
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
Positive reinforcement because it helps him do better in the game. If the schedule reinforcement changes it could change the consequence and make it so he doesn’t do as well in the game.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior
positive reinforcement
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is describing rituals each soccer player may have before a big game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is putting on their shin guards and socks on their left leg first then their right leg shin guard and sock.
0:30 sec. in.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is they will win the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence is the addition of something pleasurable, winning the game.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
This behavior may have occurred when a soccer player noticed they were winning more when putting socks and shin guards on a certain foot first. It may also have started as a force of habit and eventually became a daily ritual.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Soccer field/locker room
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= arrive on field/prepare for warmup
B= put on left shin guard and sock first
C= win game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= preparation for warmup
B= ritual
C= mentally programmed to win game (don’t get off on the wrong foot)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip a guy is on the phone for a really long time with a customer service company. He has been waiting and waiting for someone to take his call.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is he is calling a customer service agency and is being forced to wait a long period of time. (in simpler terms the phone call is the target behavior)
0:10 sec. in.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is someone will eventually answer his call.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, his frustration/anger that no one will answer his call.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is interval schedule because the reinforcement might require a certain amount of time to pass before the reinforcement is given.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is his house.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= sitting at home
B= tries to call customer service
C= he becomes upset when no one takes his call
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something undesirable which would be longer waiting periods for anyone else possibly trying to contact this customer service company. If the waiting period would have been twice as long then the guy would have either become more upset or eventually given up trying to contact the service.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17)Terms: Target behavior, consequence, pleasurable, antecedent, undesirable, positive reinforcement, interval schedule, reinforcement
"14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= sitting at home
B= tries to call customer service
C= he becomes upset when no one takes his call
So are you saying that being upset will increase the liklihood of calling customer service?"
Again, after reading your comment about this assignment, I should have written the ABC's as this:
A= sitting at home
B= becoming upset
C= trying to call customer service
I am trying to get the point that, by him sitting at home trying to call customer service, he will likely increase his upset mood. Is this correct?
1) The clip that I am looking at is about the movie Silver Linings Playbook and there are some people talking about their superstitions and behaviors when it comes to their teams and game day. The one guy says he does a lot of the same things as the movie, such as lighting his cigarette the right way or changing seats in the middle of a play.
2) The behavior that I want to fuscous on is the way that he lights the cigarette, he has to do it a certain way otherwise something bad will happen and the Eagles won’t score.
(0.06 seconds- 0.09sec)
3) If the act of lighting the cigarette happens the right way then the Eagles will score
4) It involves the addition of something desirable. He wants his team to score and if he does not do this certain behavior, (lighting the cigarette the right way) then they won’t.
5) I think that he lit cigarette one way once and the Eagles scored right after that happen so now he has to do it the same way in hopes that the Eagles will score as he does it.
6) The antecedent is watching the Eagles play.
A=Watching the Eagle's play
B=Lighting the cigarette in a certain way
C=Eagle's scoring
8) This clip is from the T.V. show Archer. It is Archer yelling Lana and Cyril's name multiple times. He always says their names 3-4 times before they respond to him.
9) The target behavior is Archer yelling Lana and Cyril's names. He yells 3-4 times before they reinforce his behavior by responding.
This happens the entire video.
10) The consequence of the behavior is them responding.
11) It is the addition of something desirable. Archer wants their attention and he is getting them to do so by yelling their name 3-4 times.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is Variable ratio. He is reinforced on an average of 3.5 times. He gets a reaction from them between 3 and 4 times which means it is not constant, it varies and therefore is a VR.
13) The antecedent or antecedents is being on ISIS Missions.
A=ISIS Missions
B=Yelling names
C=Getting a reaction
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement. They are giving him the attention he wants so he keeps doing the behavior. If they didn't respond that would be not be positive because they are removing the desirable behavior.
1) In this clip, Mulan is getting ready to meet her matchmaker so that she will be matched with a husband and be married. In the clip, she is given a lucky cricket and other items that are considered lucky by her family in hopes that it will help to get a match.
2) The target behavior I am using is when Mulan’s grandmother gives her the lucky cricket to help her have a successful meeting with the matchmaker. This behavior occurs at 2:32.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that Mulan will hopefully be successful in her meeting with the matchmaker.
4) The consequence of this behavior is suppose to add something desirable; Mulan being successful in her meeting with the matchmaker, although it is undetermined if this behavior will occur or not. This would mean this it is positive reinforcement.
5) I think this behavior occurred because it was a family tradition or something that has been passed down through the generations as a behavior or ritual you emit when someone needs extra luck.
6) The antecedent is preparing for Mulan’s meeting with the matchmaker.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Mulan is late get ready for the matchmaker
B= She gets ready for the matchmaker
C= She is given a cricket for luck that she gets a match
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= She finished getting ready for the matchmaker
B=She prayed to the ancestor that she would well and make her family proud
C=She seemed more calm about her meeting with the matchmaker
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) In the clip there is a Westie dog that was trained to ring a bell whenever he needs to go outside
9) The target behavior is the dog ringing the bell when he needs to go outside.
10) The consequence of the behavior is that the dog gets let outside when he rings the bell.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because now the dog is able to emit a behavior that more efficiently elicits a response from the owner they need to go outside.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is variable interval reinforcement. I believe it is variable interval because having to go to the bathroom is not something you can schedule when you are dog when you have to go you have to go.
13) The antecedent is the dog needing to go outside
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog needs to go outside
B= The dog rings the bell
C= The owner lets the dog outside
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable because now the dog is able to emit a behavior that lets the owner know that he needs to go outside. If the schedule of reinforcement took twice as long or took twice as many responses this could cause the dog to have accidents or to emit negative behaviors such as going to the bathroom in the house. The effects of this change in the schedule of reinforcement would be aversive for the owner and the dog.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZzWCXgDmkY
17) Terms: elicit, emit, desirable, consequence, target behavior, superstitious, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, aversive, variable interval reinforcement
Superstitious Behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from a BBC comedy and actors are visiting this house. After welcoming the actors into the house, the butler continually emits the behavior of saying “Macbeth” because he knows that this word will elicit a reaction from the actors. The butler knows that the actors believe that the word Macbeth will cause bad luck, and every time that the actors hear the word they emit a chanting behavior in order to prevent any bad luck from befalling them. The actors have associated the word ‘Macbeth’ with bad luck and they believe that they can prevent this bad luck by emitting the superstitious behavior of chanting. This is superstitious behavior because there is no direct reinforcement for performing the chant, but the actors are self-reinforcing to continue performing the chant every time they hear the word Macbeth because nothing aversive happens to the actors after they emit the chant.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior that illustrates superstitious behavior is the chanting that the actors emit after hearing the word Macbeth. It occurs multiple times between 1:25 and 2:30.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the target behavior is the absence of an aversive stimulus.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involves the removal of something, even though this removal of something is a thing that has not actually occurred in the situation yet, the behavior is preventative.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I believe this target behavior occurred because the word Macbeth is supposed to cause bad luck and every time the actors perform the chant, nothing aversive happens to them. This consequence has reinforced the actors to perform the chant because they believe the chant is preventing them from receiving bad luck.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the uttering of the word “Macbeth.”
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Saying the word “Macbeth”
B= Chanting, clapping, high-fiving, nose pinching
C= Bad luck will not occur (the target behavior prevents anything bad from happening)
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent of this behavior is that the men involved are actors and thus have an establishing operation of believing that the word Macbeth brings bad luck. Another element of the antecedent is the utterance of Macbeth. The word Macbeth elicits a response of chanting, clapping, high-fiving, and nose pinching, which is emitted by the actors. The actors emit this behavior in order to prevent an aversive stimulus and since they do not experience the consequence of an aversive stimulus after they perform the target behavior, the actors are reinforced to continue emitting the chant every time they hear the word Macbeth.
Schedules of Reinforcement
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip
This is a clip from the TV show Friends in which Rachel receives her first paycheck ever. She receives her paycheck and it is lower than she expected it to be, and to be nice her friends leave her extra tips in order to make her feel better.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior (which we cannot actually see in this clip) is Rachel waitressing in the café called the Central Perk. Waitressing includes making coffee, cleaning tables, etc. which she mentions as she opens her check. She receives the paycheck at :01 and she receives the tips at :55.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of her behavior is receiving a paycheck and tips as reinforcement for her waitressing behavior.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is money.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
There are two schedules of reinforcement that are being demonstrated in this clip. The first is fixed interval, which is when a reinforcement is received after a fixed, consistent amount of time—we see this fixed interval when Rachel receives her paycheck since she receives one every other week and knows that this is when she will be receiving that reinforcement. The second instance of a schedule of reinforcement is variable ratio, which is when a reinforcer is delivered at random times within a certain range of times the behavior is emitted. We can see the instance of variable ratio when Rachel’s friends leave tips for her. This is an example of variable ratio because the amount of tips that Rachel receives depends on how many customers she serves during her shift, this is why it is variable ratio and not variable interval.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is working in a coffee shop.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Working in a coffee shop
B= Waitressing
C= Receiving a paycheck and tips
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Rachel the consequence is desirable, the consequence is money and it reinforces Rachel to continue working in the coffee shop and serving customers. If the schedule of reinforcement would take twice as long (for the paycheck) and twice as many responses (amount of customers served), I do not think that Rachel would continue working in the coffee shop. If the schedule of reinforcement was changed in that way, I do not think that the money would be desirable enough to continue reinforcing the target behavior. I say this because in the clip she already mentions that she is disappointed that she did not make more money, which means that while the consequence is reinforcing, it is not as reinforcing that she had expected it to be.
Terms: elicit, emit, target behavior, superstitious behavior, reinforcement, self-reinforcing, consequence, aversive, establishing operation, consequence, schedules of reinforcement, fixed interval, variable ratio, reinforcer, variable interval, positive reinforcement
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The first thing that came to mind when I read this assignment was the bud light superstitious commercial that plays all the time during football season. Throughout the commercial it shows multiple superstitious behaviors people emit because of their love for their football team. Because there are multiple examples in this clip, I will pick my favorite example: When the girlfriend smacks the boyfriend after she sees that he has washed her jersey (:29). I know a few friends who also had the superstitious behavior of not washing their under shirts when they used to play football in high school because they were superstitious. In this example the consequence of washing the jersey would lead to her football team losing the game. This is positive punishment, adding the loss of the game. The behavior probably occurred because she wore the jersey and the team won, so she now believes that she can’t wash it or they will lose. The antecedent is the football game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Football game
B= wore jersey
C= team won
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Football game
B= boyfriend washed jersey
C= team lost
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
This clip is of an owner of a dog named Millie and she is trying to teach her how to spin on command. The target behavior is Millie spinning in a circle. The consequence of the behavior is Millie receives a treat. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (treat). The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is variable ratio. The antecedent is training the dog, telling Millie to spin.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= telling Millie to spin
B= Millie spins
C= Gets a treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is adding a treat which Millie enjoys. Millie will continue to do the trick even after she doesn’t receive a treat every time.
Terms: elicit, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, variable reinforcement
1. This video is about a dog who was taught to sit in the crate before exiting. When the dog was still a puppy, the owner would train him to sit before exiting by putting the hand on the crate door. The puppy would lick the owner’s hand when it was on the crate. Now that the dog knows to sit before exiting the crate, the licking behaviour still maintains although it does not make the crate door open. In the video the dog can be seen licking the owner’s hand a few times before sitting down, which is the actual behaviour that enables the crate door to open.
2. The target behaviour I am using to illustrate superstitious behaviour is the licking behaviour emitted by the dog. The behaviour can be seen at 0:34. This behaviour is superstitious because it is no longer reinforced, but the dog still emits it hoping that by licking, the door will open.
3. There was never any consequence of the behaviour. The owner taught the dog to sit patiently before exiting the crate, and the dog associated his random licking to the opened crate door, and thought that the licking was the actual behaviour that gets the door to open. However, the door never opens until the dog sits.
4. There is no direct consequence to the licking behaviour, however, the opened crate door is an indirect consequence because the licking indirectly leads to the opened door, which is a direct consequence of the sitting behaviour. The indirect consequence of the licking behaviour involves the removal of something aversive – the crate. By opening the crate door the dog can get out of the crate and thus remove an aversive stimulus (being confined in a crate). By removing the aversive stimulus the dog emits the licking behaviour repeatedly, if not more frequent. Therefore, this is a negative reinforcement.
5. The licking behaviour was a random behaviour the dog emits when he was still a puppy. Although he has learned that sitting is required before he can get out of the crate, he still emits the licking behaviour. As a puppy, he associated both the licking and the sitting to the opened crate door. Although the licking never gets the door to open, he still thinks it does. The dog has associated a random behaviour to a consequence, which was initially a consequence to another behaviour that he emitted around the time the licking occurred.
6. The antecedent is being confined in a crate.
7. Antecedent: being confined in the crate. Behaviour: licking the owner’s fingers. Consequence: exiting the crate (only because the dog sits)
The antecedent consists of the dog being put into the crate by the owner, who wanted to train the dog to sit before exiting the crate. She put her hand on the crate until the dog sat, then she opened the crate. However, the dog started licking her fingers when she placed her hand on the crate, which only opened when the dog sat down patiently. The dog must have correlated the licking and being able to exit the crate; little does he knows that the sitting behaviour which he emits along with the licking, is actually the one that leads to the consequence. The perceived aversive stimuli is removed when the dog sits, but since he emits both behaviours together, he associated the licking to the removal of the aversive stimuli.
8. This is a very short clip showing a common tradition that can be found all over Asia, the description box below the video also explains the tradition in details. In many temples in Asia you can find a Buddha that is no bigger than 1.5 foot tall, and is supposed to be light enough for people of any strength to lift it up. The tradition requires you to pray to the Buddha for the first time, and if you can lift the Buddha up, your wish may come true. Then, you should pray to the Buddha again, but ask Him to not let you lift the Buddha up. If you cannot lift it up for the second time, your wish is granted. Often, there is a mechanical system in the Buddha that randomly locks the Buddha down on the table that the Buddha is set on, making it impossible for anyone to lift the Buddha up.
9. The target behaviour I am using to illustrate schedules of reinforcement is the act of lifting Buddha the second time. The behaviour is only reinforced randomly, whenever the mechanical system in the Buddha prevents it from being lifted the second time. The target behaviour can be seen at 0:11.
10. The consequence of the behaviour is the Buddha becomes heavy enough so that no one can lift it up. This consequence reinforces the people who emit the behaviour because it elicits joy, which is a pleasurable emotion to have.
11. The consequence involves the addition of something pleasurable. The Buddha becomes so heavy that no one can lift it may seem like just a consequence, but to the people who believe that the Buddha has granted their wish, the heavy Buddha is a positive valence. Therefore, the heavy Buddha is the pleasurable thing that reinforces the behaviour.
12. The schedule of the reinforcement is VR. There is no fixed ratio, or times the Buddha has to be lifted before he becomes heavy. The ratio varies, therefore making the Buddha becoming heavy seemingly random. I do not know the average number of times the Buddha has to be lifted before he becomes heavy as it varies from places to places.
13. The antecedent is praying to the Buddha for the second time, because it is an act commonly emitted before the target behaviour is emitted.
14. Antecedent: praying to the Buddha for the second time. Behaviour: Lifting the Buddha for the second time. Consequence: Buddha becomes heavy enough that makes it impossible to lift.
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something pleasurable, which in turns increases the frequency of the behaviour, if not maintaining it. Since VR has marginal if any post-reinforcement pause, it is not very likely that people stops lifting the Buddha because it takes more tries to have their wish “granted.”
TERMS: positive valence, post-reinforcement pause, pleasurable, aversive, antecedent, behaviour, consequence, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforce, variable ratio (VR), emits, elicits, correlate, associate
Superstitious behavior: Behaviors are sometimes emitted that don’t directly lead to reinforcement. Simply because they are associated with a reinforcer or a behavior, the behaviors do not lead to reinforcement themselves.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this Bud Light commercial, sports fans are emitting weird behaviors that once randomly helped their team win, because they think it will make their team win again.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The fan wears his “lucky socks” to the football game at :48 seconds.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
In this video clip, the consequence is that the team wins (:55 seconds) when the fan is wearing his lucky socks, which reinforces the superstitious behavior
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
Addition of something, the lucky socks
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
This superstitious behavior of “lucky socks” probably occurred when the fan ran out of clean socks and wore strange, mismatched socks to a football game in the past. His team won. Now, he thinks that the mismatched pair of socks are lucky and wears them to every game to help his team win.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the man is a huge sports fan so obviously wants his team to win.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Runs out of clean socks B= Wears mismatched socks to game C= team wins
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Wants his team to win B= Wears the socks he thinks are lucky C= team wins
Intermittent schedule of reinforcement
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, a mother gives her daughter praise (positive reinforcement) intermittently when she answers simple addition math problems correctly.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is the young girl answering the math problems correctly. This occurs multiple times throughout the video. The first time the target behavior occurs is at :3 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is the girl’s mother giving her praise such as “great job, Jade” and “fantastic!”.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
addition of something desirable
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
This is an intermittent schedule. The mother uses a variable schedule because there is not a set number of correct answers the girl must give before the mother gives praise. This would be a fixed schedule.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The young girl has an upcoming math test so she studies with her mother
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= studying for math test B= answers correctly C= receives praise from mother
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable to increase the frequency of a behavior. In other words, the girl wants to keep receiving praise from her mother because it makes her feel good, so she strives to answer more questions correctly. If the schedule of reinforcement changed to where it took twice as many responses to get reinforced, the girl would still strive to answer correctly because the more questions she answers correctly, the more praise she receives.
LINKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
TERMS: emitting, behaviors, superstitious behavior, reinforces, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, intermittently, target behavior, variable schedule, fixed schedule, schedule of reinforcement
Superstitious Behavior:
1) In this clip, a trainer is using reinforcement techniques we discussed in class in order to train her dog Clara. The trainer did not realize that she being to reinforce the behavior of Clara spinning in a circle and retreating when she was actually trying to train for a different behavior. Now Clara associates spinning in a circle with any adverse behavior or stimulus and uses it as a superstitious behavior.
2) The target behavior is Clara the dog turning in a circle when she does not receive her desired reward. The behavior first occurs in the video at 0:18.
3) The consequence of her superstitious behavior is that she is not reinforced with a treat or praise when she spins in a circle.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, which is the reward of a treat.
5) I believe that the behavior of Clara spinning was a simple behavior at first but became unknowingly reinforced as she continued to be trained. Now Clara turns in a circle anytime she associates something as negative or aversive.
6) The antecedent is that Clara does not obey a command or task her trainer is trying to get her to perform.
7) The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Trainer commands Clara to perform a task
B= Clara performs a task successfully and then spins in a circle
C= Clara receives a treat as a reward
The ABCs of the target behavior when the superstitions behavior began:
A=Clara does not perform a task successfully
B=Clara spins in a circle
C=Clara is not rewarded with a treat
This superstitious behavior could be associated with negative reinforcement because when Clara spins in a circle after becoming upset or not performing a task, the reward of the treat is being taken away and the likelihood of the occurrence of the behavior will decrease in the future.
Schedules of Reinforcement:
8) This clip seems to be a project done over the different types of schedules of reinforcement such as variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval, and variable ratio. The clip provided different examples of these four different types of schedules of reinforcement. However, I will only be focusing on the fixed interval schedule of reinforcement for the rest of this assignment which provided an example of the man getting his mail.
9) The target behavior is the getting the mail at a certain time. That behavior is being reinforced on a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement because the schedule has a pay-out after a constant period of time. The video gives the impression that the man always checks for mail at four o’clock because we can assume that it is normally delivered around that time. With the addition of the target behavior of something positive (receiving mail), illustrates the behavior of the man checking his mail at 4 o’clock. This occurs at 2:23 in the video
10) The consequence of the behavior is that the man receives his mail.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is receiving his mail.
12) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed interval.
13) The antecedent is the time of day being 4 o’clock and the mail is delivered.
14) The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The mail is delivered at 4 o’clock
B= Man checks his mailbox
C= Receives his mail
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (getting mail) and would cause the behavior of the man checking his mailbox at 4 o’clock to be more likely to occur in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement would change, the man may become discouraged and the behavior of checking his mail at 4 o’clock would become less likely.
16) Superstitious URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kik1qrUrBCk
Schedule of Reinforcement URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32NCWabAPrA
17) Terminology Used: reinforcement, adverse, stimulus, superstitious behavior, target behavior, reward, consequence, antecedent, The ABC’s of the target behavior, negative reinforcement , variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is about McDonalds giving free coffee's with their breakfast, and people think that their "ritual" of slapping their knees and being goofy is actually the reason that they get a free coffee.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The goofy ritual the guys have is the target behavior; it happens throughout the video but first at 7 seconds
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the people receiving coffee
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of coffee
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred,
This behavior occurred because the first guy who did it claimed that he got a free coffee the last time he did the funny ritual, and the guy he was with started doing it too, and so on.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being at McDonald's
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Being at McDonald's
B= Do the ritual
C= Receive free coffee
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Once the superstitious behavior began, every time anyone went through the drive-thru that knew the ritual did the ritual, they received a free coffee. Therefore this ritual continued because they thought it was the reason for the free coffee, when really, McDonald's was just giving out free coffee.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The baby's adoptive mother is trying to make her surrogate mother take vitamins so that the baby will be healthier. Amy Poehler doesn't want to take the vitamins
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Taking the vitamin is the target behavior, and it has a constant schedule of reinforcement because Tine Fey stands there to make sure that she takes the vitamin.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of taking the vitamin would be having a healthy baby
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence of not taking the vitamin is the addition of something undesirable because Amy does not want to take the vitamin (so it is undesirable for her) and it is also undesirable because neither of them want to have an unhealthy baby.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
This could be an example of both continuous reinforcement because Tina is standing there making sure she takes the vitamin, but it could also be intermittent reinforcement because Tina never enforced vitamin taking prior to this time.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Tina seeing Amy eating junk food
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Tina sees Amy eating junk food
B= Tina makes Amy take vitamin
C= Amy's baby will be healthy
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen if the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the vitamin is being added in order to increase the frequency of her taking it in the future (although the first time shown in the clip, she doesn't actually want to take it, so it could be considered positive reinforcement but adding something aversive). If the schedule of reinforcement took twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced, I feel as though the vitamin would never actually get taken, resulting in an unhealthy baby.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, superstitious behavior, schedule of reinforcement, aversive, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video illustrates a person scratching off a lottery ticket.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is scratching off a lottery ticket. This happens through the entirety of the video. This is superstitious because the person playing will not always win but when they do win it reinforces them to continue doing it.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Winning $30 from the scratch off ticket.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence adds something -- $30 (a generalized reinforcer).
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
The person has experienced or knows of someone that has won money by scratching off a lottery ticket so they played the card.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is wanting to play the lottery.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Wanting to play the lottery
B= Scratching off a lottery ticket
C= Winning $30 from the lottery ticket
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The target behavior discussed, which also is a superstitious behavior, is scratching off a lottery ticket. The antecedent to the target behavior was the desire to play the lottery. The consequence of the behavior was winning $30 from the lottery. This is an example of positive reinforcement.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This this video Spongebob and Patrick go jellyfishing.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is jellyfishing (occurs at 3:40-4:22)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is catching jellyfish.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
It is a variable interval schedule.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is wanting to go jellyfishing.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Wanting to go jellyfishing
B= Jellyfishing
C= Catching a jellyfish
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it adds something (a jellyfish) that increases the likelihood that the behavior (jellyfishing) will occur gain. If the schedule of reinforcement is changed it may lessen the likelihood of the behavior occurring again but in this example I don’t feel as though it would.
16) Superstitious behavior URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix_tqNqhD_E
Schedules of Reinforcement URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3Affmtvz0U
17) Terminology: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, schedules of reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, generalized reinforcer, variable interval schedule
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a sort of compilation of things college baseball players do on a day-to-day basis. The specific part that represents superstitious behavior in this clip is where a player gets called out for stepping on the foul line on game day. In the baseball world, this is generally believed to be bad luck.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The specific part that represents superstitious behavior in this clip is where a player gets called out for stepping on the foul line on game day. In the baseball world, this is generally believed to be bad luck. The superstitious behavior itself would actually be the player who tells the others to stay off the line. This occurs at 0:37.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the target behavior is that the team has bad luck for the game that day.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of bad luck on game day. This would be known as positive punishment.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
This behavior probably occurred a long time ago where a baseball player stepped on a line before game day, and his team lost.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of the target behavior is walking through a parking lot with painted lines on game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= The antecedent of the target behavior is walking through a parking lot with painted lines on game day.
B= The behavior is stepping on the line.
C= The consequence is getting yelled at by teammates.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= The antecedent is walking through a parking lot on game day where the parking lot has painted lines
B= The behavior is purposely avoiding the line
C= Not having the omen of bad luck during the game
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows a dog's behavior being reinforced through the method of fixed ratio schedule reinforcement. The dog pushes a lever with his nose, and is reinforced at certain times with some of his favorite food from a food dispenser.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is the dog hitting the red lever with his nose. This happens several times but the first instance is at 1:09.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the dog gets some of his favorite food.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a fixed ratio schedule
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the dog is hungry.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog is hungry
B= the dog hits the red lever with his nose
C= the dog gets his favorite food
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable which will increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in a similar circumstance.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement
1) This clip is about the rituals that Rafael Nadal (professional tennis player) emits before and during each of his matches. Many of his rituals can be identified as routines, but one of them in particular is a superstitious. 2) Exactly 45 minutes before each match, he takes a cold shower because he claims that it helps him focus (starting at 0:22). 3) The consequence of this is him being focused on the tennis court.4) It involves the addition of focus, which is positive. I think this behavior occurred when he decided to randomly take a cold shower before a tennis match, and was incredibly focused for that particular match. 5) He now correlates the cold shower with increased focus, when there are several other things that could be causing his better focus (self-fulfilling prophecy, experience, etc.) 6) The antecedent is being a professional tennis player.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Being a professional tennis player
B= Taking a cold shower exactly 45 minutes before a match
C= Being more focused during the match
It is important to be focused when you are playing tennis, because if you aren’t paying attention you’re likely to make more mistakes. This target behavior of taking a cold shower exactly 45 minutes before a match resulted in a match where Nadal was highly focused, so he began to associate the cold shower and the focus. If Nadal did not take a cold shower before his match, he would still probably be very focused. If there were ever a point in time when Nadal was taking his cold showers and then experiencing a match where he was unable to focus, he would not be rewarded and his behavior would be extinguished.
8) This clip shows how two adults train their dogs to sit by using the Variable-Interval Schedule of reinforcement. They tell the dogs to sit and then waiting approximately 4-10 seconds before giving the dogs their treat. 9) The target behavior for this clip is the dogs sitting when they are told to sit. It occurs several times throughout the video, starting at about 10 seconds. 10) The consequence of the dog sitting on command is him getting a treat. 11) This involves positive reinforcement, because something is being added in order to encourage a behavior. 12) The schedule of reinforcement used here is VI. 13) The antecedent is wanting to teach your dog to sit, and telling him to sit.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Telling your dog to sit.
B= Dog sits for an interval of time
C= Dog gets a treat
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement. If the schedule were to change Variable Ratio with a high ratio, the dogs might get frustrated that they are not getting any treats at all, or of Continuous Reinforcement was being used, it would elicit to only sit/stay for 1 second at a time in order to get a treat. This wouldn’t be effective if they needed the dog to sit still for a longer period of time.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8rgurgonLU
17) Superstitious behaviors, emit, consequence, variable interval, variable ratio, antecedent, elicit, target behavior, extinguish, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Rafael Nadal is a tennis player that is playing one of his most important games. However, he have a certain superstitious behaviors while his game to secure his winning.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is to win the tennis match. He make sure his bottle water is placed right, he gets into the stage with the right foot, he check his socks and butt picking. (0:09)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that while serving, he actually aced the served and gain the point.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
the consequence involved the addition of more than one behavior.
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
I think the behavior occurred because he was making sure everything was in the right placed and he felt more confident of himself while serving and winning the point.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
In this video the antecedent is focusing in the game and what to do in order to achieve a successful match.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Focus on the routine or the superstitious behaviors he usually do in order to get a good point.
B= He placed his water bottle in a good position. He adjusts his socks, butt picking and he enter to the match with the right food.
C=He won the point and he felt more confident.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Rafael Nadal is a very competitive tennis player. Once he realized he wanted to win the match. He started placing his bottle water straight right in one position. This increased his confidence and once he got the call to begin the match, he went in with the right foot. Then as he was following his usual behaviors, he checked his socks and did some but picking to make sure he was in the right placed. As all his checklist turned in a good way, the consequence was that he won the point. Therefore, is more likely that he will continue with this behaviors in the future.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video a student is doing homework, He got a text and he answered. However he didn’t get a text as soon as possible, only after 50 minutes.
9) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is getting a text message and answering. (0:18)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
the consequence is that after reading the text, the student is replying to the text. However, after 50 minutes of getting a reply to the first text, he replied after a long period of time.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves an addition of something, this means replying to the texts.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement in this examples is a variable interval example. The student do not know when he will get an answer to his first text, However he checked whenever he gets a reply or even when he doesn’t just to make sure.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is getting a text.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Getting a text
B= Emitting the behavior of replying to the text.
C= Getting a text back, however, he doesn’t know when or how long is going to take for the answer.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of a positive reinforcement because it is adding to the student to check his phone more often since he is waiting for a response. If the schedule of reinforcement changes it will make the student to check his phone more often, which can cause him to get distracted from his homework.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAMiaXvKd7I
Schedules of reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32NCWabAPrA
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, target behavior, desirable, superstitious, variable interval reinforcement, schedule reinforcement.
Superstition: http://youtu.be/DC_H--kUgOo?t=10m54s
1) In this clip Hal is having the perfect bowling game and believes that if he continues behaviors that he emitted prior to bowling a strike he will continue to bowl strikes. The strange behaviors are elicited by bowling strikes, the behaviors are not directly reinforced by bowling a strike but more the thought that doing other would result in less than a strike.
2) The target behavior in this clip is the sequence of Hal patting the ball twice, cracking his neck, unzipping his pants, itching his leg and yelling before releasing the ball. From 10:54-11:04
3) The consequence of this behavior is Hal bowling a strike continuously.
4) The consequence involves the addition of strike and continuing his perfect game.
5) The behavior occurs first after his first strike happened following the sequence of strange behaviors.
6) The antecedent of this behavior is his previous strikes that occurred after emitting the strange sequence of behaviors.
7) A=Bowled 8 strikes prior to this after emitting the behaviors of patting the ball twice, cracking his neck, unzipping his pants, itching his leg and yelling before releasing the ball
B=Hal will do the same sequence of behaviors before bowling.
C=Hal believes that these behaviors are responsible for the strike and all the prior strikes.
This behavior emerged because the first time he bowled a strike this game he emitted that string of behaviors. Prior to this game he had never done these behaviors and did not bowl as many strikes, in this situation the strikes following the behavior function as positive reinforcement.
8) This clips is from “Finding Nemo” in which Dory emits the behavior of saying P Sherman 42 wallaby way Sydney. This behavior is elicited because Dory has never remembered anything before and is happy with her new skill.
9) The target behavior is remembering the address
10) The consequence is repeating the address many times
11) By repeating the address Dory will gain the information without forgetting it like she has done in the past.
12) This schedule of reinforcement being shown in this clip is fixed-ratio. This is because under the situation of traveling with Marlin she is able to remember it after 1 reading.
13) The antecedent for this behavior is Dory being with Marlin searching for his son when they found the address on the back of the scuba mask.
14) A=Dory and Marlin find the mask B=Dory reads the mask once and remembers the address C=Dory repeats the address over and over again.
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because Dory gains the ability to remember the address after reading it one time. If there were a Dory had to read the address multiple times before remembering, with a variable-interval schedule she might spend a lot of time reading things repeatedly in hopes of remembering.
16) Schedules : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8vZHdKzesg
17) Terms: Emit, Elicit, Behavior, Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, fixed-ratio, variable-interval
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip
This clip is a group of guys at a football game. A few of the guys explain to another that when the kicker is kicking a field goal that the labels on their beer bottles have to be facing the field for the kicker to make it. He gives in and turns his label towards the field and the kicker makes it.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Turning the labels towards the field 1o seconds in
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Kicker making the field goal
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
Addition of something desirable
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
They were probably holding there labels out one time when the kicker made a field goal and they were reinforced by the kick being good eliciting them to do it every time they line up for a field goal.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The kicking team lining up for a field goal
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= kicking team lines up
B= labels out
C= field goal good
Schedules of Reinforcement
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip
April explains that Andy has gotten back from a en extended trip overseas. He is jet lagged and she wants it to stop. She yells at him, bangs pots and pans, etc. all to try to get him to wake up.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
April trying to wake Andy up and it takes a certain amount of time before he actually wakes up. 22 seconds in until the end
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Andy wakes up.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
It involves the addition of something desirable, Andy being awake.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
Variable ratio, because on average it takes X amount of time to wake him back up.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Andy being jet lagged.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Andy is jet lagged
B= April attempts to wake him up
C= He wakes up
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
Positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (Andy awaking up) and will elicit April to emit the behavior of trying to wake Andy up in the future. If the variable ratio changed and it took twice as long, April might give up and stop emitting the behavior.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnbiOgLIfgU
Schedules of reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkwUl3D7vxE
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Desirable, reinforced, eliciting, variable ratio, positive reinforcement, emit
For this first one I used one of the most famous sports superstitions out there: Michael Jordan wears his college basketball shorts underneath his NBA shorts. I don’t have a video for this (you wouldn’t be able to see the shorts) but, I did provide a link. In this, the target behavior is wearing the (believed to be) lucky basketball shorts from when Jordan played for North Carolina. The consequence is playing well, or at least, better than he would without them. The addition of the college shorts may have occurred during Jordan’s first few games in the NBA. If his first games didn’t go well he would want to try something new. Possibly, he didn’t like the NBA shorts he was given and found his college shorts were more comfortable. The antecedent to start the behavior was not playing as well as he knew he could. Looking back, Jordan’s first few games with the Bulls would not have predicted he would become a basketball legend. We can also see that during these games he’s wearing the short NBA style shorts instead of the longer shorts he would wear for the rest of his career to cover up his NC Tar Heels shorts.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= NBA basketball game
B= Did not play as well as he could have
C= Jordan got below average stats but the bulls still won
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Not playing at the level he knows he can
B= Wear more comfortable (and possibly lucky) shorts from NC
C= Emitted the behavior of playing like a champion
In this clip a cat owner has taught her cat to shake hands (paws). The owner says “Shake left hand” and holds out her hand. The cat puts her paw up to the hand for a shake. The sequence is repeated with the right hand. Finally, the owner gives the command to stand up and the cat stands on her back legs and then receives a treat (the consequence/reinforcement). This sequence of events is repeated again in the video. The reward involves the addition of something desirable, maybe cat nip. The schedule of reinforcement is a fixed ratio. For every three commands that are obeyed the cat receives one treat. The antecedent here is the command given by the owner.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Command to shake left hand, shake right, stand up
B= Lift left paw, lift right, stand on back legs
C= nothing, nothing, gets treat after performing three commands
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of pleasurable/desirable stimuli (some cat nip). If the schedule of reinforcement were to be changed suddenly we would likely see some confusion from the cat. The issue, known as ratio strain, would cause the cat to give up assuming she won’t get the reward if the ratio is increased too quickly.
Jordan’s NC shorts: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1120943-7-strange-nba-superstitions-you-have-to-read-to-believe/page/2
Cat trained to shake hands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvIdVD74cDE
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, ratio strain, fixed reinforcement, stimuli, pleasurable, reward, positive reinforcement, emitted
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I remembered seeing this commercial a few years back and I found it on Youtube pretty easily. Basically it just shows people doing silly things while watching sports and they believe when they do this things their team plays. At the end it says It’s only weird if it doesn’t work.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
There are many behaviors that happen in this minute long clip but I will pick the one at 0:53 seconds because it shows the consequence right after. The team is about to make a field goal and everyone in the screen is covering their face with their hand. The target behavior is covering their face with their hand.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
It is believed by doing this the team will score a point.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence adds something because when they score the field goal they are adding more points to the score board and it seems to make the people happy. This would be a positive reinforcement.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think this behavior occurs because the people believe if they are not looking it will be easier for the player to emit the score to happen. By covering their face they are eliciting the happen.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
They are at a football game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=At football game
B=everyone covers their face with hand
C=The team makes a field goal
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The stands are quite as people watch the game. It looks like this is going to be the winning play. They all cover their face not being able to watch and the consequence of that is that the team scores the field goal.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
For this clip it is using the game play of the game Mario and showing how there is fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement in the game.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Every time Mario gets 100 points he will get a new life so the target behavior is Mario gets 100 points or coins. He gets the 100th coin at 0:27 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is he gets a new life so he can keep on playing.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
Fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement because every time Mario gets to 100 he gets a new life.
, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
Level one on Mario video game
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Mario video game
B=Mario gets his 100th coin
C=He gets a new life
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something pleasurable. I think if I was playing the game and it took 200 coins to get one life, I would think something is wrong with the game and would be an aversive to me and not a pleasurable thing like it was before.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, consequence, fixed ratio, schedule of reinforcement, pleasurable, aversive
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. -This dog, Clara, has the superstitious behavior of doing a spin in attempt to get a treat. The owner shows how she accidentally rewarded the superstitious behavior and how it progressed over time and how it became something Clara did as a last ditch attempt to get a treat before becoming stressed out. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), - At 0:35 the dog is supposed to just cross the line to get a treat but as she crosses the line she also does a little spin and then gets a treat. 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, - Now she thinks that the spin will get her a treat, but that's totally unintentional. 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,- its involves the addition of a desirable stimuli 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, - The training unknowingly gave Clara treats after she did a spin, instead of solely crossing the line. 6) tell us to the antecedent is. - At a dog kennel.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=At a dog kennel
B=Dog crosses "the line" (tape)
C=Dog gets a biscuit
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began. - The antecedent is that the lady and the dog are at a dog kennel with a bunch of other external stimuli around them. The dog's target behavior is to cross the tape line that is on the ground. As the dog crosses the line, she starts to do a spin to turn back towards the lady. As she's doing the spin, she has already crossed the line and the lady has tossed the treat. That spin becomes reinforced and turns into a superstitious behavior because the dog associates it with the positive reinforcement of the treat that was given to her after she completed the behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip depicts several examples of schedules of reinforcement and does a very good job at relating it to real life examples. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), - At 3:57 the lady explains how you may check your Facebook mu;ch more than you may want to because you know that every now and then, when you log on you'll find something cool or funny so every now and then the target behavior of getting on Facebook gets reinforced by a hot picture posted by the girl next door. 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The consequence is that you occasionally get some pleasure from the content that is depicted online. 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,- The consequence involved the pleasurable addition of a stimuli. 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, - The schedule of reinforcements that is being demonstrated is that the behavior of constantly logging onto Facebook results in the consequence of occasionally and randomly getting rewarded for logging on. 13) tell us to the antecedent is. - The antecedent is that you're bored.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= You're bored
B=Log on to Facebook
C=Chance of seeing a picture of your hot neighbor
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement. What would happen is that it'd become a variable reinforcement and you'd still log on multiple times everyday, possibly log on even more, and you'd be ok with that because every now and then you'd see some desirable content and therefore reinforcing the behavior of logging onto Facebook.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: superstitious behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, target behavior, reinforced, consequence, desirable, pleasurable, schedule of reinforcements, variable interval.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-This is a Bud Light commercial which shows a number of different people emitting superstitious behaviors in order for their favorite NFL team to win.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
-One example of a superstitious behavior is when the guys in the video walk into the garage, before they enter they emit the behavior of tapping the Titians flag about the door. (:12-:16 sec)
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
- The consequence of this behavior is the team wins the football game
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, or positive reinforcement.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
- This behavior probably occurred when someone walked into the garage and touched the flag and the team won. Now who ever walks into the garage feels like they need to touch the flag in order for the team to win.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is Cheering on favorite NFL team.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Cheer on favorite NFL team
B=Walk into garage and touch the team flag
C=Team wins
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
-The antecedent is the fans wanting their favorite NFL team to win. As they walk into the garage, they feel the need to emit the superstitious behavior of touching the team flag. This behavior results in the consequence of the team winning, therefore positively reinforcing the behavior of touching the team flag.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-In this clip Mario is emitting the behavior of collecting coins in order to gain a new life. When he has collected 100 coins he gets a new life.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
-The target behavior is collecting coins.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the behavior is gaining a new life.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
-The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, or positive reinforcement.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
-The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a fixed ration schedule.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is playing a video game
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Playing a video game
B=Collecting coins with Mario
C=Gain a new life
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
-This is an example of positive reinforcement, because when 100 coins are collected then Marion gets a new life which is desirable because the player gets more chances to win the game. If the schedule of reinforcement was changed to twice as long or 200 coins to gain a new life, then it would take more time to get a new life and I'm sure the player wouldn't want to leave any coin behind so that it takes even longer to get a new life.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Superstitious behavior, emit, emitting, target behavior, desirable, consequence, fixed ratio, schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, behavior.
1) In this episode of Roseanne, Roseanne and a few of her friends go to bingo night. Roseanne sits next to a woman who not only has a lot of bingo cards but also a lot of things spread out on the table around the bingo cards. When Roseanne tries to touch one of the items, the lady shouts at her and says, “You’ll jinx me,” and then proceeds to “cleanse” the items. The woman then tells Roseanne how she won 200 dollars the week before. Though not seen in the clip, by the end of the episode, Roseanne does the same thing as this woman by having different items surround her area for good luck.
2) The target behavior here is that the woman playing bingo uses certain items that she believes help her win like they did the week before, and she believes she’ll be jinxed if they are touched. (0:06-1:05)
3) The consequence of this behavior is her winning bingo (although she loses in this particular clip, but she would believe that she was jinxed by Roseanne when Roseanne touched her items).
4) Well it definitely involves the addition of something. If this woman wins when she uses these good luck items, then she’ll get money for winning.
5) This more than likely occurred when she won a bingo one night and just so happened to have a small item with her that she thought of as good luck either before she went to bingo, or after she had one the bingo. Then, having believed it was the one item she decided to start bringing in more items hoping to increase her chances.
6) The antecedent is Bingo Night!
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Bingo Night.
B= Brought one good luck item.
C= Won bingo.
The antecedent is once again the Bingo Night, but this time her behavior will be to bring in more items to increase her luck for winning and, as seen in the clip, cleansing the items if they are touched. The consequence will be if she wins, she’ll bring in more items or keep the same amount of items because she believes the items gave her luck to win.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) This particular clip is a montage of moments in Finding Nemo where one of the fish, Bubbles, is obsessed with a certain chest in the tank that, every once in a while, will open up and release many bubbles, which Bubbles then will get excited about. Then, once the chest closes, Bubbles will then stare at it patiently waiting for it to open again.
9) The target behavior is Bubbles waiting for the bubbles to come out of the chest. (whole video)
10) The consequence is that he is rewarded with the bubbles and he gets very excited.
11) Well, it could be seen that there is an addition of something undesirable because he has to wait for so long before the bubble appear again.
12) I would see the schedule of reinforcement being a fixed interval because, even though there is no scene where we see him wait long enough for the bubbles to pop up twice, those devices that go in fish tanks usually have a set time when their action happen.
13) The antecedent would be that the chest is inside the tank.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Chest is placed in the tank.
B= Bubbles waits for the chest to open.
C= Chest opens every so long and releases the bubbles
15) This would be an example of positive reinforcement because, since Bubbles gets very excited when the chest releases the bubbles, he is willing to wait between each time for the chest to open again. I believe what would happen if the reinforcement time was twice as long that Bubbles would be twice as excited because, as seen in the video he gets veeerrrryyy excited, so the waiting time would increase his anticipation for the release of the bubbles.
16) Roseanne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xt7YqLq9pU
Finding Nemo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7IYR_rELyE
17) target behavior, superstitious behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, continuous reinforcement, scheduled reinforcement, fixed interval, positive reinforcement
1 ) In this video, a grandma gave her grandson a red lucky bag that is supposed to bring luck and fortune. She told him to not open it until he really needs it. The grandson starts taking the lucky bag every where. One day, he decided he was going to propose to a girl he likes, and he brought the lucky bag with him. He tripped and fell while walking towards the girl. He was embarrassed and ran back home. He threw the lucky bag on the floor out of anger and a box fell out. It the box, it’s a note from his grandma that says he doesn’t need luck because it’s what’s inside that matters.
2 ) He only went after the girl because he thought he was lucky due to the bag, so the target behavior is trying to date the girl (1:26 - 5:00).
3 ) Beginning a relationship with the girl.
4 ) The consequence involves the addition of something (getting to know the girl). Otherwise known as positive reinforcement.
5 ) His behavior developed because he had the lucky bag from his grandma.
6 ) Having the lucky bag from his grandma and seeing a girl he wants to get to know.
7 )
A = Having the lucky bag from his grandma and seeing a girl he wants to get to know.
B = Trying to date the girl.
C = Beginning a relationship with the girl.
He started bringing the lucky bag everywhere because he thought it would give him good luck. The lucky bag is a discriminative stimulus because it makes him think that behaving in a certain way will be rewarded if it is with him. Also, being single is an establishing operation because it deprives him of the affection of a girlfriend. Maslow’s hierarchy lists affection as one of our needs and so this makes it a primary reinforcer. Only once he realized that the bag is not actually lucky, he stopped bringing it everywhere he goes.
8 ) In this video, a kid is fishing with his dad. He caught a fish on his first try.
9 ) Target behavior illustrated in this video is bass fishing in a small pond.
10 ) Consequence is catching a bass.
11 ) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Otherwise known as positive reinforcement.
12 ) This is an example of variable ratio because they wouldn’t know how many more times they have to fish again to catch a fish.
13 ) The antecedent is being with his dad at a small pond.
14 )
A = Being with his dad at a small pond
B = Bass fishing in a small pond
C = Catching a bass
15 ) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence (catching a bass) is the addition of something desirable and would increase the possibility of the behavior (bass fishing) to reoccur in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced, they would have to fish longer to catch something, or give up.
16 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkJB9SR0Tp4
17 ) Target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, behavior, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, deprives, Maslow’s hierarchy, variable ratio, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement
1. This video shows a clip of the video game Destiny. In the game, players are sometimes randomly reward with items which may be redeemed for another random item. The player heard that doing two emotes at the NPC which exchanges the items increases the chances of getting something good. He does so (points and dances) and receives a yellow item (yellow items are rare/very desirable generally).
2. I’m not sure if you want us to name the superstitious behavior or the behavior which the person thinks might be reinforced. The superstitious behavior is pointing and dancing at the NPC before exchanging items, and the behavior itself is exchanging the item tokens for random items in Destiny. This begins at 0:04.
3. The consequence of the behavior is receiving a yellow item.
4. The addition of something desirable.
5. This behavior probably started because the player did it one time and got a good random result. Once that connection is made it is hard to break. As a note, the item given is totally random no matter what the player might do before exchanging- this definitely does not actually work.
6. The antecedent is getting one of the item tokens.
7. A = got a random item token
B = pointed, danced, and then exchanged the token for random item
C = got a yellow item
The player received an item token and went to exchange it. They did the pointing and dancing, and then exchanged items. They got something very desirable. Due to this they will now most likely always perform that ritual beforehand, even “just in case”. Whenever they encounter that antecedent, they will first do the ritual/superstitious behavior before they behavior of exchanging the items in hopes of encouraging a desirable consequence.
8. This video shows a person manipulating the behavior of certain parts of the game Destiny in order to give himself more opportunities to perform the behavior that he is being reinforced to do on a variable ratio schedule. He is showing how to spawn more enemies to shoot, and shooting enemies has a chance to drop items.
9. The target behavior here is shooting enemies in the video game Destiny. A good example is at 4:48.
10. The consequence is that he (sometimes) gets an item from an enemy he shoots. Remember, each enemy shot is one behavior for my example. They go down too quickly to talk about them all one by one, but the result is only an item every now and then.
11. The addition of something desirable.
12. Variable ratio
13. Playing the video game Destiny
14. A = playing Destiny
B = shoot an enemy
C = get an item
15. Positive reinforcement. It is the addition of something desirable (gain an item). The result would be that they would find new ways to manipulate the system allowing for more/faster behaviors, or that the game would have far fewer items. People probably wouldn’t stop playing or anything.
16. A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-6xpboXEmw
B. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ-vQ2vXICM#t=289
17. TERMS: behavior, reinforcement, reinforcement schedule, superstitious, superstitious behavior, desirable, positive reinforcement, variable ratio, antecedent, consequence
1) This is McDonalds commercial. The guy in the drive-thru goes through a series of hand gestures because the last time he did it he got a free coffee. He repeats it, gets a free coffee, and the behavior spreads till everyone is doing it.
2) The target behavior is the hand gestures and clapping patterns. 0:07.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that he gets a free coffee.
4) This behavior involves the addition of something desirable. He is being given coffee.
5) He says that the last time he did it, in the video, he got a free coffee which is why he does it again.
6) The antecedent would be being at McDonalds.
7) A=At McDonalds
B=Does a set of hand gestures/clapping patterns
C=Gets a free coffee
8) The Krusty Krab gets a claw machine where you can win toys. After trying it once, Spongebob realizes he has quite the talent for it, and wins every time. He continues to play it over and over again with ease.
9) The target behavior being reinforced with schedules of reinforcement is Spongebob playing the crane game. 1:15.
10) The consequence of his behavior is winning a prize.
11) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable; a prize.
12) This schedule of reinforcement would be fixed ratio, because Spongebob is reinforced and wins every time since the first time he tries it.
13) The antecedent is being at the Krusty Krab.
14) A=At the Krusty Krab
B=Plays the crane game
15) This is positive reinforcement. Spongebob is gaining a prize every time he acts on his behavior, so is being reinforced by having something added. If the reinforcement took longer than once to get, it might be unlikely that Spongebob would continue to play the game and spend his money.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-h_559ECag
17) Target behavior, behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, reinforced, schedules of reinforcement, fixed ratio, positive reinforcement.
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is about a baseball team where the players discuss their various superstitions for game day. These superstitions vary from chewing gum, what they ate the night before, or even their pre game drink of Starbucks.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video):
The target behavior is chewing gum. At approximately 27 seconds in one of the players states that his superstition is chewing gum while playing in a game. He said he started chewing gum about three years ago during a game and has done it ever since.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of the behavior would be that the player does well during the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something:
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable such as a team win or maybe the player increases his skill level through out the game.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred:
I think that this behavior occurred because the player chewed gum during a game once and he did exceptionally well, after that he became superstitious and continued to chew gum for every game.
6) tell us to the antecedent is:
The antecedent would be playing a baseball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Playing a competitive baseball game
B= chewing gum
C= player does well or team win
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The behavior in terms of the ABC's once the superstitious behavior began, could have began with the antecedent being game day and the players prepping to win. The players emitted in various behaviors before the game such as chewing gum or drinking a Starbucks. The first time the chewed gum in a game or drank a Starbucks before, the player could have had played an exceptionally well game. Therefore they continue to emit this behavior in the hopes that it will continue a desirable outcome such as winning the game.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Throughout this clip a younger girl is being asked various mathematical questions regarding addition with intermittent reinforcement.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video):
The target behavior in this video is when she answered the simple addition question correctly she would be praised by saying good job, fantastic or even by clapping throughout the video. This occurs throughout the video but is shown approximately 3 seconds into the video.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of the young girl after performing the behavior was being praised by the adult for answering the question correctly.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable:
This is an example of positive reinforcement, therefore the consequence does not involve the addition of something undesirable or the removal of something desirable.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated:
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated in the video is an example of a variable ratio, because you don't know how many times the girl will get the correct answer leading to her being praised.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this video is the living room.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= living room
B= correct answer
C= being praised by saying good job, fantastic etc.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence (being praised) is the addition of something desirable. Since it is the addition of something desirable, this would increase the young girls behavior to reoccur again. If the schedule of reinforcement changed where it takes twice as long to occur could cause the young girl to not try as hard in answering the question correctly or become upset that she isn't being reinforced enough and gives up.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TlEc2W8CRI
Schedule or reinforcement- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRc7mp4fWXQ
17) Terms- target behavior, consequences, behavior, antecedent, emitted, intermittent reinforcement, schedule or reinforcement, positive reinforcement, variable ratio.
1) This clip shows an example of a very popular superstition of "step on a crack, you'll break your mothers back"
2) Typically with this superstition you avoid cracks in the pavement in order to not hurt your mother. But in this case the kid is using stepping on a crack as a punishment for not being able to go out with his friends.
3) the consequence is the mothers back being "broken"
4) the consequence involves the addition of pain.
5) This behavior occurred because the kid was aware of the consequence and used it to his advantage.
6) the antecedent is the son asking if he can go out
A= Asking if he can go out
B= Mother saying no
C= Stepping on a crack
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
For this clip we would like you to 8) This clip is an old doritos commercial that takes place in a lab, the goal is for the man to stop eating doritos
9) the behavior being reinforced is associating pain with the doritos, he is shocked at 6 seconds and slapped at 16
10) the consequence of the behavior is being shocked or slapped
11) it involves the addition of something undesirable
12) every time he eats a dorito he is shocked or slapped
13) the antecedent is the health behavior of the man, maybe he wants to eat healtier
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= man wants to eat better
B= man eats dorito
C= man is shocked
15) This is an example of negative reinforcement, because every time the man eats a
dorito he is either slapped or shocked, he experiences something negative.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-HF4AiHDXA
17) negative reinforcement, negative, consequence, antecedent, superstition, punishment,
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows various supersticius behaviors of major league baseball players while they are up to bat. Many rub their bat or tightened their gloves in hopes of having a great hit.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
15 seconds into the video we see Pablo Sandoval begin his behavior. This includes emitting the behavior of steping into the batters box, galloping out, hitting the bat on each of his toes, tapping his helmet two times then rubbing his bat once, from their he steps around the batters box back to his original spot where he tightens his gloves. After this he holds his bat straight out in front of him and gives it a swing, he ends by stepping right then left into the box, tapping the plate with his bat and swinging it around ready to bat.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
It does not show in the video but with further research his consequence is having a .218 batting average.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
Sports rituals usually include the addition of a better game. In this case a better at bat.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
I think that he started doing things like this at a young age and they lead to him having good games and over time him becoming a Major league baseball player so he continues to do them to not ruin his game.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being up to bat.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= being up to bat
B=stepping into the batters box, galloping out, hitting the bat on each of his toes, tapping his helmet two times then rubbing his bat once, from their he steps around the batters box back to his original spot where he tightens his gloves. After this he holds his bat straight out in front of him and gives it a swing, he ends by stepping right then left into the box, tapping the plate with his bat and swinging it around ready to bat.
C= Sometimes a good hit.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Superstitious behaviors are sometimes emitted that don’t directly lead to reinforcement. This is clear when Pablo Sandoval emits his superstitious behaviors while up to bat. Being in the batting box is Sandoval’s antecedent for his behavior as the batting box is a discriminant stimuli which encourages Sandoval to want to have a good hit. His batting rituals are not always reinforced as he only has a 218 batting average. Because his is reinforced intermittedly by his superstitious behaviors continue.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip the guy is using variable ratio reinforcement. He is training his cat to get on and off of a chair on his command. He is reinforcing his cat with a treat at various times.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
Jumping on and off of the chair. (16 seconds)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The cat gets a treat
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
It is the addition os something desirable
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
Variable ratio
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The command of getting onto the chair
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Command to get on chair
B=Jumping on chair
C=Occasional Treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because he is giving a treat to the cat. Therefore he is adding something.
What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
The cat would probably hesitate before jumping onto the chair. Or quit jumping on every command all together.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Variable ratio, reinforcement, emitted, elicited, discriminant stimuli, target behavior, positive reinforcement, superstitious behavior,
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
This clip is about olympic athletes that share their various superstitions that they carryout before they perform. The specific target behavior I looked at was Christian Taylor's superstition which was wearing neon pink shoe laces and the consequence is that he believes that it makes him win every time. (1:27) The consequence of this superstition would the addition of something. I think this behavior occurred because he states he started doing it for breast cancer awareness and he must have done really well in the month of October so he continues this superstition. The antecedent would be, being on the track.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Being on the track in October
B= Wearing neon pink shoe laces
C= winning the event
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
This clip is about demonstrating the difference between fixed ratio and interval ratio with a dog performing tricks for treats. The target behavior would be shaking the dogs paw when presented. The consequence would be getting a treat at a fixed ratio of 5 times or interval ratio that is reinforced every so often. The consequence involves the addition of treats. The schedule is demonstrated as fixed ratio and interval ratio.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being at their house
B= performing the desired trick
C= receiving treats every 5 times the trick is performed
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something is being added to encourage the behavior to occur more often. If the schedule of reinforcement changes that takes it twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced would probably discourage the dog into not performing the trick as often.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
consequence, antecedent, superstition, positive reinforcement, fixed ratio, interval ratio.
For this clip we would like you to
1. briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video I chose to watch about superstitious behaviors was about a football team that had to hit all the signs on their way out of the locker room going to the field to play a game.
2. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior would be the football players hitting all the signs on their way to the field. (happens several times; 0:06-0:09, 0:14-0:18, 0:24-0:27)
3. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this would be to increase their chances of winning the game.
4. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
In this example, they are adding something desirable to increase their superstitious behavior.
5. tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I think that this all started when someone or the team decided to do it for the first time. They probably got something good out of it, had a good game or possibly won the game. This reinforcement them to think that it was due to the idea of doing it so they started to do it every game.
6. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be in the tunnel on game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=in the tunnel on game day
B=football players hitting every sign on their way to field
C=good game, winning game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
It was game day for the football team. The football players emitted a behavior of hitting every sign on their way out to the field to face their opponent, hoping they would end the game they way they wanted to by winning.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to
8. briefly describe/summarize the clip
The video that I chose to watch was about a dog that got reinforcement that when he touched a ball, he’d get a piece of his food.
9. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior in this example would be the dog touching the ball.
10. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence would be that he keeps a piece of food every two times he touches it.
11. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
This consequence would be adding something desirable like his dog food.
12. what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement would be fixed ratio.
13. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be when the dog is hungry.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=dog is hungry
B=touches the ball
C=gets a piece of dog food
15. Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
I believe that this is positive reinforcement because by touching the ball several times in order to get one piece of food would increase in the future so that he will be able to eat. I believe that if the dog is hungry, he will continue to do it until he gets the desired consequence like the dog food.
16. When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
superstitious, target behavior, consequence, reinforcement, antecedent, emitted, schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement
Superstitious behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This particular clip is a Bud Light commercial starring football fans. It shows us various superstitious behaviors among these individuals on game day.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is people tapping their fingers on the table as they watch the game. This behavior occurs at 0:52-0:53 seconds in the clip.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that the team does well and has a favorable outcome for the fans of the team.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. Even though the consequence is not specifically shown in the commercial, it could involve the addition of something desirable or removal of something aversive. This could include scoring points, intercepting the ball, or getting more yards on the field. The removal of something aversive could be preventing the other team from getting a first down. If the opposite team is playing well, that is perceived as undesirable or aversive.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred. I believe this behavior began by people being nervous as they watched their team play. As this tapping behavior was happening, the team preformed well. So, the individuals paired their behavior with the reinforcement of the team doing well, even though the superstitious behavior is not directly related to the reinforcement.
6) tell us what the antecedent is: The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= game day
B= tapping on the table
C= team performs well
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Within the ABCs, the antecedents could consist of it being game day and people watching the game. The males watching the game emitted the behavior of tapping on the table. They may have noticed a correlation of the tapping behavior and their team performing well, thus they emit this behavior in the hopes of it resulting in the desirable consequence of their team doing well in the game.
Schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. On this clip from Friends, Ross goes to the tanning salon to receive a spray tan. He is supposed to count to five and turn around. This is to create an even tan on both his front and backside.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is counting to five and turning around, and the reinforcement is becoming tanner. This occurs several times during the clip, but the first time is from 2:05-2:18 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that Ross is sprayed on his front side twice, rather than once on the front and once on the back.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because he is sprayed twice on the same side.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated: In this clip, it demonstrates an example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. It is not considered to be continuous reinforcement, because the reinforcement of being sprayed is not constant. Rather, it occurs after five seconds. Thus, since it happens in sets of five seconds it is a fixed interval schedule.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ross is at a tanning salon
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Tanning salon
B= Counted to five slowly
C= Sprayed his front side twice
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is meant to be an example of positive reinforcement. It is adding a darker skin tone, but there is a break in between the spray being delivered. If it took twice as long for Ross to receive reinforcement, it would have been a more pleasurable experience for him, because he was unaware that he was not supposed to count with Mississippi’s. It would have been more rewarding for Ross, and he would be more likely to elicit the response of Ross returning to the salon due to his pleasant experience. For someone else who was not counting with Mississippi’s, it would not have made a difference if it took twice as long for the response to occur. This is because they would expect to it occur and would continue to wait for the stimulus.
Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, consequence, aversive, reinforcement, antecedent, ABCs, emit, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, elicit, stimulus
Superstitious behavior:
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a commercial for Bud Light. It is about superstitions that fans have before they watch their favorite teams play. The fans in the video emit superstitious behaviors in hopes that their teams will win.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
One example from this video of a target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the couple hiding their faces and covering their eyes in a close or intense game/play. This happens at :53.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the kicker making the field goal and the team winning the game because of it.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
This behavior probably occurred because in the past, the couple probably covered their eyes so they didn’t have to watch a play in a close game and their team probably won. (Just like what happened in the clip) This probably caused them to believe that not watching works in their favor.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is watching their favorite team play in a close game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= The fans watch their favorite team play in a close game
B= The fans cover their eyes in a crucial play
C= The field goal is good and the team wins
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent is the fans watching their favorite team play in a close game. They want their team to win, so they feel the need to emit their superstitious behavior of covering their eyes during a crucial play. Their behavior is followed by a consequence of their team making the field goal and winning the game, which positively reinforces their superstitious behavior of covering their eyes.
Schedules of reinforcement:
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, Dora and Boots are trying to stop Swiper from swiping their ball. They have to say “Swiper no swiping!” three times in a row before he stops trying to steal.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior that is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement is Dora and Boots saying “Swiper no swiping!” three times.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is Swiper leaving them alone and not stealing anything.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, or aversive (Swiper).
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed ratio. It is fixed ratio because Dora and Boots always have to say “Swiper no swiping” three times in a row before they are reinforced and Swiper stops and goes away. It is never less than or more than three times.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Swiper approaching Dora and Boots.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Swiper approaches Dora and Boots
B= Dora and Boots say “Swiper no swiping!” three times in a row
C= Swiper stops and leaves them alone
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something aversive (Swiper), and it increases the likelihood of Dora and Boots emitting the behavior of saying “Swiper no swiping” again in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change, and it took twice as many responses to get reinforced, they would probably not be able to stop Swiper anymore because he would have more time to steal.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
Schedules of reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21WS0BfrTbg
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence, behavior, desirable, antecedent, positively reinforces, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, reinforced, aversive
Superstitious Behavior
1) The video clip I picked is from the movie As Good as it Gets. In this clip the main character has OCD and as he is strolling down the street to get somewhere he refuses to step on a crack. While he is doing this he manages to cause chaos as he is also trying to avoid touching people but is getting in their way at the same time.
2) The target behavior that demonstrates superstitious behavior is avoiding the cracks in the side walk, it occurs the whole clip.
3) The consequence is running into people in a sense, but the desired overall consequence is avoiding what I assume to be breaking his mother’s back, as that is the saying that is typically associated with stepping on cracks in the sidewalk
4) I believe it to be the removal of something
5) I believe this behavior occurred because of a need to control surroundings; he wants to believe that his actions are preventing harm.
6) The antecedent is walking down the street.
7) ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Walking down the street, notices divisions in sidewalk
B= Avoids crack in sidewalk
C= Nothing bad happens
ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Walking down the street
B=Avoiding crack in sidewalk
C=Doesn’t break mother’s back
Schedule of Reinforcement
8) This clip shows a cat about to be fed by its owner; the cat is jumping against the cabinets and yelling at its owner to feed it.
9) The target behavior that is being reinforced is the jumping and yelling that the cat is doing. The video is short so it is during the whole thing.
10) The consequence of the behavior is getting fed
11) Food is the removal of something undesirable which is hunger
12) The schedule of reinforcement is fixed interval because the cat is likely to be fed at that time every morning.
13) The antecedent is the morning in the kitchen which elicits the behavior from the cat
14) ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= In the kitchen
B= Cat yells and jumps
C= Cat receives food
15) This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is the removal of something undesirable (hunger) that will increase the behavior emitted in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long to get reinforced there will gradually be a greater post reinforcement pause and the behavior is at risk for extinction if this occurs. This risk gets higher as the pause increases.
Superstitious Behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxwBJiwmDLA
Schedule of Reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCaU9ljGT5s
17) post reinforcement pause, extinction, negative reinforcement, desirable, target behavior, antecedent, emit, consequence
*Superstitious behavior
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1.) In this clip, high school athletes are asking some of the professional cross country runners if they have any type of superstitions that they think about before they race. For this response, I am choosing to look at the third person to answer the question, the blonde girl.
2.) The superstitious behavior that this particular woman is emitting is to search for the number 8 (she talks around: 56). She says it could be anywhere; on her hotel room number, her table that her water bottle is at for interviews, her hotel floor, anything.
3). If she doesn’t see the number 8 in anyway, the consequence is the addition to stress before her race.
4.) The consequence would include the addition of something negative if she doesn’t see it. However, if she does see it, it would remove some of the doubt she may have had before seeing the number.
5.) My guess is that this behavior began to occur because she had found some kind of significance in the number before a race that she had later ran well in.
6.) The antecedent would be her arrival to a race or prior to race day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Arrive at race
B= Does not see the number 8
C= Begins to stress out about her race.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Within the ABCs, the antecedent would be the weekend of a race for this woman. She arrives either at her hotel the day prior to the race, or it is the day of the race and she is just arriving at the track. At some point in time, this woman saw the number 8 a significant part of her pre-race ritual and began to emit a searching behavior across the entire area of the race for any sign of the number eight. If and when the woman finally spots the number eight this results in the consequence of losing all doubt about performing bad in her race.
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 13) tell us to the antecedent is.
8.) In this clip, The boss (Jordan Belfort) is holding one of his daily morning meetings in order to get his employees motivated for work. He begins this particular day by telling them in order to make more money; you must dial the phone more times a day in order to bring in more clients.
9.) The target behavior would be Jordan’s motivational speaking each morning (this happens through the entire clip).
10.) The consequence of his motivational speeches is that his employees are motivated and excited to come to work to make money.
11.) The consequence would be positive reinforcement, so it includes the addition of something desirable.
12.) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated would be a Fixed interval schedule because he is delivering these speeches once each morning.
13.) the antecedent would be
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Wants employees to bring in more clients
B= Delivering morning motivational speech
C= Employees feel more confident when calling people.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Jordan is motivating his employees to get more potential clients, which will not only make the company more money, but also the employees.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, emit, behavior, negative, superstitious behavior, target behavior, positive, consequence, antecedent.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip comes from the movie "Cool Runnings" which is about the Jamaican bobsled teams first time at the Olympics. One of the characters has a lucky egg which he kisses before each race. In this clip, the character asks another team member if he would like to kiss his lucky egg before their first race.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior in this clip occurs at 25-27 when the character kisses his lucky egg before the race.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the bobsled team finishes their race without crash or injury.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
This consequence involves the removal of something. The thing being removed is the danger associated with bobsled racing.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I think that this behavior probably occurred because once Sanka was in a dangerous situation, and the egg survived. I think he then began to believe that the egg was what kept him safe, and began thinking of it as his lucky egg after that.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a bobsled race.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Bobsled Race
B=Sanka kisses his lucky egg
C=Sanka's bobsled team makes it through the race without crash or injury.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Sanka is entering in to a dangerous circumstance and emits the behavior of kissing his lucky egg. This is followed by the consequence of Sanka being kept safe from harm. This consequence reinforces the behavior of Sanka kissing his egg and will increase the chance that he will kiss it again in the future prior to entering a dangerous situation.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, a man is out salt water fishing with his friends. He casts out his net a number of times before he reels in a very large fish. This happens twice throughout the video.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is casting out his line. This occurs at a number of times in the video. One example is at 1:25.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that the man catches a very large fish.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable. In this case, it is a huge saltwater fish.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement is variable because the fisherman does not catch a fish every time that he casts out his line.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a fishing trip.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Fishing Trip
B=Cast out line
C=Catch big fish
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something positive. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change I think that it would impact whether or not the man emitted the behavior. For example, if the fish weren't biting and it took twice as long for him to catch a fish, he may become tired of not being reinforced and decide to discontinue his casting behavior.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
1st Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKer-UG5EJY
2nd Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKer-UG5EJY
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, antecedent, emit, behavior, elicit, superstitious, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement,
Topical Blog Week 6
Clip #1 – Superstitious Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip from “That 70’s Show”. Eric’s father (Red) is a really big Green Bay Packers fan, and they go to a Packers vs. Bears together. Red has Eric go buy a jersey and Eric comes back with a Bears jersey on. Later in the clip, Red sets some nachos in Eric’s seat because he is mad that Eric bought a Bears jersey since they are supposed to be big Packers fans. Before Eric sits down he claims that nothing bad has happened since he put on the jersey. Right after that, Eric doesn’t see the nachos and he sits in them.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
At 0:24 Eric sits in some nachos. We then find out that Red placed them there. Red put the nachos there because he didn’t like that Eric was wearing a Bears jersey. Red is a huge Packers fan and he wants them to win. When he sees that Eric is wearing a Bears jersey, he gets really upset, because he wanted Eric to cheer for the Packers.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that Eric sits down in the nachos.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
The consequence involves the addition of something. Now that Eric sat on the nachos, he has nachos on his pants. The addition of nachos to his pants would be a positive reinforcement. Red put the nachos there in hopes to discourage Eric from wearing the Bears jersey. I’m sure that after that, Eric will not cheer for the Bears again. But if he did, Red would use the nachos again because it worked the first time.
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
I think the behavior occurred because Red wanted to discourage Eric from wearing a Bears jersey or cheering for the Bears at all. Red is a big Packers fan, and he wanted to Packers to win. He probably felt that if Eric had worn a Packers jersey, they would have a better chance at winning. He also felt that if he could put the nachos in Eric’s seat, he would sit on them, stop cheering for the Bears, and the Packers would win.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Eric wears a Bears jersey to a Packers game. Red doesn’t like that at all, so he puts the nachos in Eric’s seat (behavior).
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Eric wears a Bears jersey to a Packers game
B= Red puts nachos in Eric’s spot
C= Eric sits on nachos
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Once the superstitious behavior occurred, Eric started cheering for the Packers. We see later in the clip that his Eric and his father have a good time at the game together. Eric eventually gives into his father’s superstitious behaviors and cheers along (even though he is still wearing the Bears jersey).
Clip #2 – Schedules of Reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose is from an episode of “That 70’s Show”. In this clip, the group reminisces on when Fez first met Donna. The group was over at Donna’s house, and they were going to introduce Fez and Donna. They were headed to her room, and without knocking, they abruptly entered. Donna was unprepared for this visit and she was in the process of undressing. The high school boys really enjoyed that because they got to see Donna without her top on. The only one who missed out on it was Kelso. So after the initial incident, Kelso continues to try bursting through Donna’s bedroom door without warning, in hopes that he will catch her topless. Kelso’s efforts thus far prove to be failing. But he continues on with this behavior anyway.
9) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement is the behavior of Kelso bursting through Donna’s bedroom door. The behavior starts occurring at 0:42 in the video clip.
10) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is that Kelso gets disappointed. We see Kelso bursting through Donna’s door (behavior) several times and every time, Donna is fully clothed (consequence).
11) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
I would say that the consequence of this clip involves the addition of two things. The first thing being added were Donna’s clothes. Donna’s clothes were on (consequence), and Kelso was hoping that they would be off. Another thing being added in this consequence is Kelso’s feeling of disappointment. When he is performing the behavior (bursting through Donna’s door), he is hopeful. But when he sees that she is clothed, he feels disappointed.
12) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated?
The schedule of reinforcement is a variable interval. It is variable because there is no certain amount of time. There is no solid, set amount of time. But it is an amount of time, which is what makes it an interval rather than a ratio.
Kelso and his friends opened Donna’s bedroom door quickly, without knocking, and they all saw her unclothed. Once this was the case, Kelso continued to attempt to catch Donna unclothed by quickly bursting through her bedroom door. He knew that the best way to get what he wanted was by opening the door in a very short, fast amount of time. So he continued to open her bedroom door in this fashion.
13) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Kelso wants to see Donna unclothed. All of his friends already (accidently) saw her topless. So he was hoping for the same, so he performed the behavior (bursting through the door).
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Kelso wants to see Donna with no clothes
B= Kelso bursts through Donna’s bedroom door
C= Kelso gets disappointed (Donna is fully clothed)
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen if the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. The thing that is being added is Kelso’s disappointment. When he bursts through the door, the consequence is unpleasant because Donna is fully clothed. But when she is fully clothed, it makes Kelso want to partake in that behavior (bursting through the door) even more because he really wants to see her topless. I feel that if it took longer, it would cause Kelso to be even more disappointed. For example, if Kelso burst through the door, and didn’t see Donna right away (i.e. she was in her closet), it would give him a little bit of hope that he might still see her topless. That added hope would cause even more disappointment than regular when he sees that she is fully clothed. In my opinion, this would eventually lead to an extinction burst. Kelso continues to get positively reinforced, but the reinforcement is not something he likes. He continues on with it because he is determined. Just like a toddler who continually doesn’t get recognized when throwing a tantrum. Eventually Kelso would learn to stop (change his behavior).
Clip #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg8ykLuS-Ug
Clip #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN7CAlaeCoA
TERMS: Behavior, Target Behavior, Reinforcement, Schedule of Reinforcement, Consequence, Variable Interval, Antecedent, Extinction Burst
So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.
1)briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip from the TV show Friends, Monica is flipping a switch up and down but it doesn’t do anything in her apartment but in the apartment across from hers, we see that it is turning the electricity to the TV on and off and Phoebe thinks that blinking her eyes and nodding her head is causing the TV to go on and off.
2)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior is Phoebe nodding and blinking her eyes. This occurs at 0:20 in the clip.
3)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that the TV does turn off and on but when it stays on, Phoebe’s behavior goes extinct.
4)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence is a positive reinforcer because it makes Phoebe happy that she can turn the TV on and off by blinking her eyes.
5)tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
I think Phoebe blinked one of the times that the TV turned off so she thought that was the cause of it and kept doing it and when the TV doesn’t turn off, she altered the behavior to see if it would work and when it didn’t, the behavior was extinguished.
6)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is her watching TV and maybe her eyes were dry so she blinked and at that exact moment in time, the TV turned off.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching TV/ eyes get dry
B=Blinking and nodding her head
C=Eyes are not dry anymore
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent would be that the TV is on, the behavior is Phoebe blinking and nodding her head and the consequence is that the TV turns off.
A=TV is on B=Blinks C=TV turns off
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8)briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip that I chose for schedules of reinforcement is a dolphin that gets a treat before and after it plays dead.
9)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is getting the dolphin to play dead. This occurs at 1:00 into the video.
10)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is getting to eat a fish.
11)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves the presentation of something desirable that will increase the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the future. It is a positive reinforcement.
12)what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated.
The schedule is that the dolphin gets a fish first then it plays dead and when it comes back up, it gets another fish.
13)tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the trainer giving the fish and saying bang.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=fish/saying bang
B=dolphin pretends to die
C=gets another fish.
15)Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because something desirable is being presented that will increase the likelihood of the behavior happening again in the future. The dolphin likes fish and knows when he gets the fish that he is being set up to do a trick and when he does the trick, he will get another fish. I think over time, when they are training the dolphin, the reinforcement schedule will get longer and longer. At the shows, the dolphin probably will not get fish right before they do their tricks and maybe after five tricks, they will get a fish. I don’t think the behavior will change unless no reward is given at all. Then superstitious behaviors might start and then the behavior might go extinct.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
Superstitious behavior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCzcJwzszZE
Schedule of reinforcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndbpBjxX2tk
17) Terms: Superstitious behavior, positive reinforcement, extinct, extinguish, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
For this clip we would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I watched was a spoof about some of the superstitions basketball players have.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior that I am going to use from the video are the players not touching a towel after it is dropped on the ground because it is bad luck. This occurs at about 52 seconds into the video.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is bad luck which would result in the players losing the game.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence of the behavior involves the addition of something, bad luck.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I think that this behavior probably came from a previous game where a player touched or picked up a dropped towel and the team lost. The team probably looked for anything to blame for their loss, thus the superstition about dropped towels.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the team is scheduled to play a basketball game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=The team is scheduled to play a basketball game
B=The basketball players do not touch a towel that has been dropped on the ground because it is thought to be bad luck
C=The players feel confident that they will have good luck and win the game
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A=The players feel that touching a dropped towel will bring bad luck
B=The players avoid touching the dropped towel
C=The players feel that they have good luck and will win the game
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I watched was about a mother reinforcing her child to pick up his toys with cookies.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The target behavior would be the son picking up his toys. (23 seconds in)
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that he receives a cookie.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally,
The consequence involved the addition of something desirable.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being used is the fixed interval schedule.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to this behavior was that the boy was playing with his toys.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=The boy was playing with his toys.
B=The boy picked up his toys and put them in a basket
C=The boy's mother gave him a cookie
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable. If the schedule of reinforcement changed and it took longer or more responses to be reinforced, I think the boy would still emit the cleaning behavior in the hopes of receiving a cookie in return.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, consequence, behavior, antecedent, reinforcing, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval schedule, positive reinforcement, antecedent, emit
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is from college cheerleading nationals. It shows the University of Kentucky's performance.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
The superstitious behavior that I am pointing out occurs right at the beginning of the clip. The team does a small chant and claps in sync which signifies that they are all ready to perform.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that they lose all of their nerves, and it shows them that they are ready to perform their routine. I know that they do this every time before they compete and have been for a long time now.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
The consequence involves the removal of their nerves. It shows them that they can emit the routine together without their nerves.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally,
I think behavior occurred because they decided they needed something to bring them together before they perform and to help them lose their nerves so they decided to do this small thing.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the cheerleading nationals. They are performing the routine here, and they wouldn't do this unless they were performing the routine.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= cheerleading nationals
B= clapping together before the routine begins
C= no more nerves/perform better
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Once the behavior occurred, the team seemed to be more unified and ready to go.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is where Spongebob and Patrick are selling chocolate bars around Bikini Bottom in hopes of becoming entrepreneurs.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), The target behavior I am going for would be selling chocolate. I think this is an example of fixed ratio because they have to sell a certain number of chocolate bars to decide what their "paycheck" will be.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior in the clip would be not making any money. They are getting the doors slammed in their faces because they are bad salesmen.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves something aversive because they are not making any money when they clearly want to make money and become entrepreneurs.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed ratio because how much money they make depends on the number of chocolate bars they sell.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be having dreams of becoming entrepreneurs.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= entrepreneur dreams
B= trying to sell chocolate bars
C= not making any money
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of negative reinforcement because they are losing time by not making any money. The fixed ratio would increase because they would be making money.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
superstitious behavior https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevDG1kaKQU
schedule of reinforcement
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
superstitious, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, aversive, negative reinforcement
schedule of reinforcement clip link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HA_RAxjsc
1) So this is a clip of a seattle seahawks fan, shay, and her superstitious behaviors that she and her friends emit in order for the seahawks to win. From specific sitting spots, to attire, to even moving to specific spots after half. Shay believes that if she emits a these behaviors, it will elicit a win from the seahawks.
2) The target behavior I am focusing on is shay sitting on the fireplace, described at beginning of clip.
3) The consequence of sitting on the fireplace is Shay’s belief that the game will go well increases.
4) This would be the addition of a desired stimulus. Shay really enjoys watching the Seahawks win.
5) Shay describes it in the end of the clip how they came about doing these behaviors. It all starts at the beginning of the season, and they alter their behaviors until the seahawks start winning. They then continue with these behaviors.
6)The antecedent is watching a Seahawks game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Watching a seahawks game
B= Sit on fireplace
C= Seahawks won
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent is watching the seahawks. Shays behavior is watching the game from while sitting on the fireplace. The consequence now is that shay believes that the seahawks are more likely to win.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
8) In this clip spongebob has just come from glove world, an amusement park, and has to take the bus to get home to feed his pet Gary. In this clip spongebob misses the bus a lot. When he is emitting a waiting behavior, the bus never comes; however, as soon as he emits a different behavior the bus comes and he misses it. The buses are basically playing a game with him, forcing him to miss the bus.
9) The target behavior in this video spongebob waiting for the bus.
10) In this clip the consequence of spongebob waiting for the bus, is that he eventually gets on the bus and goes home to his snail, not present in the clip.
11)This consequence is the addition of a desired stimulus. The addition is the bus, and its desired because spongebob really wants to get home.
12) The schedule of reinforcement is variable interval. Its variable because it doesn’t come according to any specific schedule, it shows up at random times. It is interval because it relies on time, not on a specific number of actions completed.
13) The antecedent is spongebob waiting at the bus stop.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= At the bus stop
B= Waiting for the bus
C= Getting on the bus
15) I believe this is positive reinforcement. Since it is the addition of a desired stimulus, that will increase the likelihood that he will wait again for the bus. I think if it were to take twice as long for the bus to arrive we would have seen spongebob react even more frantically, eventually. However, I don’t think he would have caught onto the bus’ “game” as quickly.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V_ESrumo0Y Superstitious behavior
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAHQOphW0hQ Schedules of Reinforcement
17) Terms: positive reinforcement, desired stimulus, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, superstitious behavior, elicit, behavior, consequence
1. This video highlights the development of superstitious behaviors. It discusses previous experiments that were performed by B. F. Skinner. A pigeon would emit a pecking behavior on a key in order to receive positive reinforcement. It was noted that a pigeon had looked over its shoulder and was positively reinforced. Thus the pigeon tried looking over its shoulder again and it was reinforced, as a consequence the pigeon developed a superstitious behavior.
2. The target behavior that B.F. Skinner was eliciting was a turning behavior (.35 seconds). Getting the pigeon to turn and look over the shoulder became the conditioned response.
3. The consequence of the target behavior is the delivery of food to the pigeon.
4. This is considered as positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something that is pleasant and desirable. Food has a positive valence which will increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future.
5. I believe that the behavior occurred due to operant conditioning. The pigeon was pre-conditioned that when the door of the feeding mechanism slid open that it was allowed to eat. Therefore, when B. F. Skinner set the schedule of reinforcement to a variable interval the pigeon learned to turn its head over its shoulder so that it could receive food.
6. The antecedent of the behavior is being placed in a feeding apparatus.
7. A= the antecedent is being placed in the feeding apparatus
B= the behavior is turning head over shoulder
C= the consequence is receiving food
The pigeon was placed in a feeding apparatus which acted as a discriminative stimulus for the bird. Having previously been conditioned to the sound of the feeding apparatus the bird recognized that it would be positively reinforced if it emitted the specific target behavior. As a consequence of emitting the specific target behavior the pigeon was reinforced with food as a consequence, or response. Therefore, as a result the pigeon will look over its shoulder in the future and expect food will be dispensed since it had happened when the behavior was previously emitted.
8. This video is of a dog trainer and her dog running an obstacle course. She takes the dog through the obstacle course a few times, but each time she does she provides the dog with positive reinforcement throughout the exercise. It focuses on intermittent reinforcement which keeps the dog engaged in the activity.
9. The target behavior is eliciting a jumping behavior from the dog where specified on the course. The variable reinforcement occurred at .17, .24, .34, and .50 seconds of the video.
10. As a consequence of the dog emitting the jumping behavior it was positively reinforced with a treat.
11. This consequence is a positive reinforcer. It is adding a treat which is a pleasant and desirable reinforcer for the dog.
12. The example of schedule of reinforcement is variable interval. The trainer reinforced the dog, but it was not continuous reinforcement. It is not a fixed interval or a fixed ratio. There is no evidence for a variable ratio either. Therefore, as a conclusion it is a variable interval. The trainer runs the course with the dog for one or two obstacles and then rewards the dog. There are a few times where the trainer runs the course a full time before reinforcing the dog with a treat.
13. The antecedent if the obstacle course.
14. A= the antecedent is the obstacle course that the dog is placed in
B= the behavior that the dog emits is a jumping behavior over the designated obstacles
C= the consequence of the dog emitting the jumping behavior is to receive a dog treat as positive reinforcement.
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement. The trainer reinforces the dog with a desirable item, in this case the dog treat. If the dog had to wait longer to receive reinforcement or run the obstacle course a few more times it would go through deprivation which may then lead to extinction. If the dog goes through the extinction then it may refuse to continue going through the obstacle course. However, if the schedule of reinforcement was to become more continuous and less intermittent the dog may become satiated. If the dog become satiated with the dog treat it may begin to gain a negative virulence and become undesirable. The dog treat would no longer be reinforcing and the dog may again refuse to go through the obstacle course.
16. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=superstitious+behavior+psychology (superstitious)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkiA6EI8_-E (reinforcement schedule)
17. Terms: superstitious behaviors, emit, positive, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, eliciting, conditioned response, consequence, pleasant, desirable, positive valence, increase the likelihood of the behavior, operant conditioning, schedule of reinforcement, variable interval, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, response, continuous reinforcement, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable ratio, deprivation, extinction, intermittent, negative virulence
Superstitious Behavior
1. In this commercial a man returns to his apartment which he had moved out of sometime ago. He explains to the perplexed current owners that he sat in an exact spot in that apartment when the 49ers won the Super Bowl. He thinks that he sat in that exact spot every game when the 49ers won the Super Bowl then if he does it again they will win the Super Bowl again.
2. The behavior being illustrated in this clip that shows superstitious behavior is sitting in an exact spot on the couch whenever there is a 49er game on TV.
3. The consequence of this behavior is a perplexed look by the current owners because a random man is now in their apartment and that the extreme fan feels confident in his team winning.
4. This behavior involves a seat in which the man feels the need to sit on during the game.
5. This behavior occurred because this fan did this behavior for one season and his team won the Super Bowl. So he now thinks that every time he emits this behavior he thinks his team will win the Super Bowl.
6. The antecedent is the 49er game being on TV.
7. A= 49er games are on TV
B= The fan sits in the same spot for every game.
C= The 49ers won the Super Bowl.
8. After the 49ers won the Super Bowl the fan now thinks that if he sits in that same spot each game then his team will win the Super Bowl. So now every 49er game that is on TV he now sits in that same spot that he did before. The consequence to this behavior is that he has to intrude into a house that isn't his and receive undesirable looks from the owners of the house.
Schedule of Reinforcement
9. In this video the dog is doing tricks for treats. Every time the dog does a trick at the command of the person he receives a dog treat.
10. The behavior being illustrated is the dog emitting a certain behavior, in this case a trick, and receiving positive reinforcement, which would be getting a treat.(0:13, 0:26, 0:39, 0:54, 1:26, 1:30)
11. The consequence of emitting this behavior is receiving a dog treat.
12. This video doesn't apply to either one because it involves the addition of something desirable which would be the dog treats.
13. The type of scheduled reinforcement being shown is continuous reinforcement because each time the dog emits the desired behavior he receives a treat.
14. The antecedent is the owner calling for the dog.
A= Owner calling for the dog
B= The dog does tricks
C= The dog receives a treat
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of something desirable. If the timing of reinforcement was altered to taking longer than the dog could either stop emitting that behavior or continue to emit that behavior in hopes of still being rewarded. The dog could be trained to emit the behavior longer by continuing to reinforce it after emitting the behavior longer.
Terms: Supersticuous behavior,emit,reinforce,positive reinforcement,consequence,schedual of reinforcement
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This video is a commercial of Bud Light and it shows many different superstitious behavior being emitted. Whether its taking your socks off while the game is going on or not washing the jersey you wear on game day all these behaviors aim towards reinforcement that are not guaranteed 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), In this video the superstitious behavior that I am using happens at 15 seconds in the video. It is when both of the guys reach up and touch their teams flag before entering the garage. 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, The consequence involves the addition of a win by their favorite team 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, One night before the game all the guys were excited so before entering the garage they emitted the target behavior, during that nights game the team won in amazing fashion leading the guys to believe that their superstition caused the victory and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is gameday
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Game Day
B=Tap flag twice while walking in garage
C= Team wins in amazing fashion
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A=Team is in a big game
B=Tap flag while walking in garage
C=Adds hope that team will be victorious
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to 8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip shows an owner of a dog who will give the dog a treat but only after the dog emits a answering response to his question. 9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), At 14 seconds in the video the dog is challenged with the physics questions and literally expected to answer 10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The consequence of the behavior is the dog receives a treat11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, This involves the addition of something (the treat) desirable. and finally, 12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is Fixed Ratio because only after an answer to the question will the reinforcement be given 13) tell us to the antecedent is. Snack time in the kitchen
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=snack time in the kitchen
B=trivia question
C= receives treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced? This is the example of positive reinforcement because the treat is an addition of something desirable. If the response took twice as long to reinforce then the dog might not remember what he is being reinforced for and if it took twice as many responses over time the dog would learn to stay patient for the treat while it was doing the trick.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Adversive, pleasurable, reinforecement, emit, emitted, Target behavior, desirable
Let us know if you have any questions
--Dr. M
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
-In the superstitious behavior video, its all about football and people rituals. A few examples on the are men tapping their foot, others twirling their thumbs, a woman twisting her necklace. Also another one shows men walking into a garage and tapping the Tennessee Titans flag before entering the garage.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (what time does it occur in the video)
-The target behavior I chose is where the men touch the Tennessee Titan flag while entering the garage. This occurs between 0:13 and 0:16 seconds.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
-The consequence of the behavior could be they will the game because the men had this ritual.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
-The consequence involves the addition of something
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
-The men did this for a game and saw that they won the game and so they thought it was because of them and so they continue with the ritual.
6) Tell us what the antecedent is
-The antecedent is the men walking into the garage for the game
7) Please lists the ABCs of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred
A= Men walking into garage to watch football game
B= The men touching the flag before entering
C= The Tennessee Titans won the game.
Schedules of reinforcement
8) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
-In this clip, a boy doing his homework, but keeps checking his phone because he wants to go out with his friends. So his mom gives him chores before he can go out.
9) Tell us what the target behavior you are using to illustrate what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (note what time)
-The target behavior I'm using is him doing is him having to do chores before he can go out. (1:25 to 2:00)
10) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The consequence of the behavior is he gets paid for doing his chores in a reasonable time and if he doesn't do it in a reasonable fashion then he won't get paid.
11) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or the removal of something.
-it involves the addition of a desirable stimulus.
12) What is the schedule of reinforcement being
- Its continuous reinforcement because if he continues with it then he will be paid for all the chores he does.
13) Tell us what the antecedent is
-wants to go out
14) Please list the ABCs
A= wants to go out with friends
B= has to do chores
C= gets paid for doing chores
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced.
- positive reinforcement, The schedule of reinforcement can change if he takes longer to do his chores so he might not get paid for the chores he does if it takes him longer to do them.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) terms:
- Superstitious behavior, positive reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, target behavior,
1) The clip I found was a bud light commercial that focuses on many different fans of NFL football teams and the different types of superstitious behaviors they emit on game day. Specifically I will focus on the Colts fan that places his bud light cans in the fridge in a way that forms the Colts Logo of horseshoe.
2) The target behavior the Colts fan is trying to elicit from his team is for them to play good.
3) The consequence would ultimately be a win for the Colts.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something (the W to mark on the calendar).
5) I think the behavior of symbolizing the Colts with beer cans inside of the refrigerator occurred once as a small joke with his buddies on a game day. The colts must have played good and won that game. The fan then continued to display the same superstitious behavior each game, as he believed that it helped in winning the game.
6) The antecedent is game day for the Colts.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Game day
B= Colts logo symbolized through bud light cans in the refrigerator
C= The colts play good enough to win
On the Colts game day, the Colts loyal fan sets up the Colts logo with beer cans inside of his refrigerator in hopes that the colts will pull out the victory.
8) The clip is from the talk show on television, Conan. The clip is of an interview Conan O’Brian does with Mila Kunis over her new boobs. Conan makes a lot of jokes on television, so are found to be funny, others not so much.
9) The target behavior I am hoping to get out of Conan is to make jokes that are all funny, or at least mostly funny.
10) The consequence of Conan’s behavior (telling jokes that aren’t that funny) is silence from the crowd as best-case scenario, or just a few feel-bad giggles.
11) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable (not laughing after a joke was made).
12) The type of schedule of reinforcement is intermitted reinforcement because after every joke made by Conan, there is not always laughter.
13) On the set of a talk show with Conan.
A=Talk Show with Conan
B=Conan tells jokes
C=Laughter if the joke is funny and silence if not
15) This is an example of negative reinforcement because you are taking away laughter at jokes made, which will help Conan realizes what kind of jokes he needs to make in the future. If the schedule of reinforcement changes, and takes twice as long, I think Conan’s jokes would improve more as he would really dial in to finding the right jokes to make.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) negative reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, intermitted reinforcement, consequence, target behavior, elicit, reinforcement,
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-In the video, the boys which are the fans are showing their buddy that emitting the behavior of turning the label face out is good luck to the team every time. And once their buddy does it the team scores or something great happens. This would include a result of superstitions to help think the team will do better and build confidence.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video),
-In the video the target behavior would be turning the labels out in order to increase the likelihood of the team scoring or doing something great. This superstition is shown all throughout the game but at 29 seconds their buddy is new at the superstition and right when he follows along the team scores or does something great.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the behavior would be the team scoring or doing something great. And this consequence of their superstition will keep increasing the likelihood of the boys emitting this behavior.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something,
-The consequence involves the addition of a beer and facing the labels out. In this case the addition of something will increase the likelihood that their buddy continues to do this behavior because he was reinforced after doing so by the team scoring.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally
-A time before they caught themselves will their labels facing out and then they scored which increased the likelihood of them continuing to do this everytime.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent of this video was, at a football game.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=At a fooftball game
B=Turning Labels Forward
C=Team Scoring
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
-I am very confused of what you mean by this and after discussed in class will change my answer.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-In the clip the cat hears the cat food can open and then runs to her because the cat knows it is going to be fed. After the can of food is open, the cat walks over to the food dish immediately knowing that she will put the food in its dish.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
-The target behavior that is being emitted at 42 seconds is can of food being opened and the cat runs to the kitchen. The cat is then very happy and knows by the pop of the can that she is going to be fed.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
-The consequence of this behavior is that the cat good fed and was satisfied.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
-In this instant it is an addition of something because the cat is getting reinforcement of everytime she hears a can pop open she is getting fed.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated,
-The schedule of reinforcement that is being demonstrated is continuous reinforcement. This is because every time she runs to the kitchen after hearing the pop and is being fed she is receiving continuous reinforcement.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is in the kitchen. The kitchen is where the whole thing happens. When the cat hears the can opened in the kitchen she knows she is being continuously reinforced by getting food.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= In the kitchen
B= Opening the can
C= Cat getting fed
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
-In this video it is a example of positive reinforcement cause it is adding the can of food. When the cat is reinforced with the food after hearing the opening of the can, it increases the likelihood that the cat is going to be fed every time she hears the opening of the can. I am confused with the next question but I think that if it took the cat longer to get reinforced the ratio schedule wasn’t used correctly. By ratio schedule is, they have to go through the process a number of times to get the reinforcement understood.
Terms: Target Behavior, Behavior, Emitting, Antecedent, Consequence, Superstition, Reinforcement, Reinforced, Positive Reinforcement, Continuous Reinforcement, Ratio Schedule.
Superstitious Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
This clip is a demonstration by B.F. Skinner of Operate Conditioning. It is in a lecture type setting. Throughout the clip B.F. Skinner is using pigeons to demonstrate Operate Conditioning with different schedules of reinforcement.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is putting the head up and moving back and forth. This is an example of superstitious behavior because the pigeon is under the impression that its behavior is what is causing the food to appear. This is simply because the pigeon has associated the superstitious behavior with receiving food (reinforcement), as a result, the pigeon increased the frequency of emitting the superstitious behavior (12:10-14:33).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The perceived consequence of the superstitious behavior was receiving food. The pigeon perceived that the food was dispensed (reinforcement) as a result of the behavior, increasing the frequency of the superstitious behavior even thought the behavior had no direct influence on the delivery of the reinforcer.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involved the addition of something. The food was being added as a positive reinforcement perceived by the pigeon a result of its behavior.
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I would argue that the superstitious behavior occurred because the pigeon believed that it needed to behave in a certain way in order to be reinforced, although it could have sat there and still have been reinforced, it believed otherwise. When the pigeon was reinforced following the behavior of putting the head up and moving back and forth the pigeon began to believe that specific behavior caused the reinforcement to occur.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent was that the pigeon was placed in an operant chamber.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= placed in an operant chamber
B= head up looking around, observing environment
C= food dispensed (reinforcement)
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior
A=food dispensed
B=head up looking around
C= food dispensed
**The pigeon perceived that the food being dispensed was because of its behavior
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeEBq2bhIZw
Schedules of Reinforcement
7) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
This video is a simple, esthetically pleasing illustration of individuals waiting at bus stops in various locations.
8) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is waiting at a bus stop.
9) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is getting a ride to a desired destination, hopefully in a desired frame of time.
10) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence (typically) involves the addition of something desirable, as the behavior of waiting at a bus stop is (typically) done with the intention to (add) travel to a desired destination.
11) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated in this video is variable interval. There is a set schedule for bus routes, but the wait time prior to pickup can be variable this is because the time between pickup and drop-off is not fixed, it varies.
12) Tell us to the antecedent
The antecedent could potentially be different for different individuals, but in a broader sense, the antecedent would be a desire to reach a destination by bus as the desired form of transportation.
13) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= to reach a desired destination
B= waiting at a bus stop
C= reaching a desired destination
14) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen if the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is (typically) an example of positive reinforcement. The individuals emitting the behavior of waiting at a bus stop, being picked up, and being taken to a desired location are being reinforced for waiting at the bus stop. I would imagine if the schedule of reinforcement changed and individuals were required to wait at the bus stop twice as long to receive a ride to a desired location most individuals would find that waiting extremely aversive and choose to secure another form of transportation that would be reinforcing to them.
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2jFmWNH50
TERMS: operant conditioning, schedules of reinforcement, target behavior, superstitious behavior, consequence, increasing the frequency, positive reinforcement, operant chamber, antecedent, emitting
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-The clip I found was a commercial by Budlight about what people may do for their favorite football team to win the game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
-In the commercial at 39 seconds it showed another person playing with a guys beard.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
-The field goal was good.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something.
-It was an addition of points on the score board.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred.
-I think the guy with the beard had someone play with it so the superstitious behavior would work, and positive reinforcement would be the reason to keep having someone play with his beard.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-Watching a game
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=Watching a game
B=Playing with a guys beard
C=The field goal kicker made the field goal.
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
- The clip i found was an experiment when a pigeon pecked on a tray he was rewarded food, but it was not every time the bird was reinforced with food, but randomly.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
-The target behavior for the bird is to peck on the tray
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
- If the bird pecks on the tray it receives a treat
11) tell us if the consequence involves the
addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
-Addition of food randomly when peck on tray.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
-If the bird pecks on the tray it will receive a treat, but it will be random. So the bird may get the a different amount of treats each time, and sometimes the bird would get no treats.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
-Train a bird
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Train a bird
B=Peck on the tray
C=Receive a treat
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
-Positive reinforcement, because the bird receives a treat when they peck on the tray, but the bird does not always get the treat and it is randomly given to the bird. The bird would emit pecking on the tray if they never got a treat.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
-Superstitious behavior- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
-Schedule of reinforcement- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rst7dIQ4hL8
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Superstitious Behavior, positive reinforcement, randomly reinforced, consequence, emit.
1. Clara was being taught to back off when her owner was interacting with another dog. She would spin around in order to back off and then she would be rewarded with a treat. If she was not given a treat she would start to spin.
2. .19. The target behavior is Clara's spinning.
3. At first the consequence of the behavior was she would get a treat. When she wouldn't get a treat for her actions she would start to spin.
4. The consequence involved the addition off something. She would be positively reinforced for her actions.
5. I think this behavior occurred because when they were trying to teach her to back off while her owner was interacting with another dog right after she would spin around she would get a treat and then she associated the spin with a treat.
6. The antecedent is the interaction with another dog.
7. A= The interaction with another dog.
B= Clara would spin
C= Clara would receive a treat
If Clara would not be given a treat for the commands she followed then she would start to spin.
8. This video shows variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval, and variable ratio for schedules of reinforcement. For variable interval the boy was working on his homework and would check his phone when he would get a message. During fixed ratio the boy did chores then was rewarded with money. For fixed interval he wakes up at 4 to go get the mail. Lastly for variable he goes to buy a lottery ticket then scratches it.
9. The target behaviors are doing his homework, doing his chores, waking up at 4 to pick up the mail, and buying the lottery ticket.
When they start: .05, 1.27, 2.25, 3.25
10. Variable interval: He check his phone
Fixed ratio: he gets money
fixed interval: gets the mail
Variable ratio: might win money or will lose
11. None of these involve having something taken away or getting something they don't want.
12. Variable interval: Looking at his phone when he gets a message
fixed ratio: getting money when he does his chores
fixed interval: waking up at 4 to get the mail
variable ratio: scratches the ticket to possibly win
13. Antecedent
Variable interval: getting a message
fixed ratio: having chores that need to be done
fixed interval: waking up at 4/it being 4
variable ratio: buying a scratch ticket
14. variable interval
A: getting a message
B: looking at his phone and texting back
C: getting another message
Fixed ratio:
A: chores needing to be done
B: doing his chores
C: gets money
fixed interval
A: waking up at 4/it being 4
B: going to get the mail
C: having the mail
variable ratio
A: buying a lottery ticket
B: scratching the lottery ticket
C: winning money or not winning money
15. These are all positive reinforcements . If the boy did not win money it could be a negative reinforcement.
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kik1qrUrBCk
17. Terms: postive reinforcement, behavior, negative reinforcement, target behaviors, variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, schedules of reinforcement, consequence, antecedent.
Superstitious Behavior:
1.) This is a clip from the TV show Scrubs. In this clip, Turk doesn’t have his Tabasco do-rag. He doesn’t want to go into surgery without it because his do-rag still “has the juice.” He hasn’t lost a patient while operating with the do-rag, so he thinks that his do-rag has some sort of power.
2.) The superstitious behavior is needing his do-rag for surgery (this occurs throughout the whole video because he doesn’t have it, but is explaining why he needs it).
3.) The consequence is doing well in surgery and not losing a patient
4.) I would consider having your patient live is the addition of life
5.) This behavior occurred because Turk started to wear the do-rag and didn’t lose a patient in surgery for a while. This led him to believe that the do-rag was the thing that was keeping people alive in the operating room.
6.) The antecedent is Turk needing to perform surgery
7.) A: Turk needing to perform surgery
B: Performing surgery
C: Not losing a patient in surgery
The superstitious behavior arose because it was associated with the positive outcome of not losing patients during surgery. Even though wearing the do-rag actually had no influence on whether a person lives or dies, Turk believes that it does so he thinks he needs to wear the do-rag for all his surgeries.
Schedule of Reinforcement:
8.) The video I chose is of the game show Jeopardy! Everybody knows how this game works, but what I am focusing on is the button clicking of the contestants. To have the opportunity to answer a question, they must buzz in first.
9.) The target behavior is buzzing in quickly (this occurs after every question is asked, starting at 1:50 into the video)
10.) The consequence is either getting to answer the question (if you buzz in first) or not
11.) Assuming the participant buzzes in first, the consequence is getting the opportunity to answer the question to get points. This involves the addition of something desirable, as people want to get points to win.
12.) The schedule of reinforcement is fixed-ratio because participants buzz in every time they want to answer a question
13.) The antecedent is the question is asked by Alex Trebek
14.) A: Question is asked
B: Participant buzzes in
C: Participant answers the question
15.) This is positive reinforcement because the answering the question is the addition of something desirable. The schedule of reinforcement is crucial to the structure of the game, so lengthening the number of buzzes it takes to be able to answer a question would only cause people to push the button to buzz more often.
Terms: superstitious behavior, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, fixed-ratio, positive reinforcement.
1. The clip i chose to write about is a TV commercial. This commercial shows a lot of superstitious behavior.
2. I would like to focus on the segment of the commercial that takes part at the 33 second mark.
3. A Jets fan is playing with the TV remote, he is spinning it clockwise on top of a bottle cap. This behavior apparently helps his football team play better and score the ball.
4. This behavior adds the ability to play well for the team he is cheering for.
5. This behavior most likely occurred first when the fan was nervous about the game, after he did it initially and the team had success he stuck with it.
6. The antecedent is that its game day.
A= Game Day
B= Spinning remote on bottle cap.
C= Team scores/plays better
8. I chose to write about the TV show Family Feud. This show is similar to most game shows because it requires a player to buzz in before giving an answer.
9. This target behavior occurs after every question, at 10 seconds in this video.
10. The consequence is either being able to give your answer or not depending on how fast you hit the buzzer first.
11. This consequence adds the opportunity to answer the question presented.
12. The schedule of reinforcement is fixed ratio because every time the host of the show gives a question the contestants are then able to buzz in and answer the questions.
13. the antecedent is being presented a question that needs answering.
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because when you hit the buzzer you are given an opportunity to answer the question. If the schedule of reinforcement were changed to having to press the buzzer multiple times before getting rewarded i believe the behavior will increase greatly due to the competitive nature of the show.
17. terms
Schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, fixed ratio, target behavior, positive reinforcement.
Part 13.
A= Given a question that needs answering
B= Hitting the buzzer
C= being able o answer the question.
Part 13.
A= Given a question that needs answering
B= Hitting the buzzer
C= being able o answer the question.
Superstitious Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a McDonald’s commercial about what it takes to get free coffee. It demonstrates how people get free coffee when they perform a specific superstitious behavior.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior that is illustrated in this video is a man tapping his shoulders and thighs, and then taps his friend’s head after purchasing his meal from McDonald’s. This behavior occurs at 0.36 sec in the video. It occurs throughout the video with different people performing the behavior.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is he gets free coffee at McDonald’s.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something
The consequence involves the addition of something because he gets free coffee every time he taps his shoulders and thighs, and taps his friend’s head.
5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred
I belief this behavior occurred because the first time he did it, it was probably a day where McDonald’s gave out free coffee. So, he thought that if he performs the target behavior every time he goes to McDonald’s, he might get a free coffee.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is McDonald’s.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= McDonald’s
B= Tapping the shoulder, thighs and his friend’s head
C= Getting a free coffee.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
The antecedent is McDonald’s and probably the day he went there he randomly performed a behavior and as a result, he got free coffee. It could have been because McDonald’s gave out free coffee that day. Ever since then, he thought that there might be a correlation between tapping his shoulders, thighs, and his friend’s head, and getting free coffee. Therefore, he performs the target behavior every single time he goes to McDonald’s, hoping to get free coffee.
Schedule of Reinforcement
8) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip illustrates Clifford the Big Red Dog being reinforced with a treat when he performs a trick twice at a time (roll over).
9) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
The target behavior is Clifford has to roll over twice to get a treat. Clifford rolls over twice (2.56-3.30) and Clifford gets his treat (5.24)
10) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
Clifford gets a treat.
11) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (getting a treat).
12) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated?
This is a fixed-ratio schedule reinforcement because the treat is delivered to Clifford only after he emits the rolling over behavior twice. If he rolled over only once, he would not get a treat.
13) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Emilly, Clifford’s owner tells him to roll over.
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Emily tells Clifford to roll over.
B= Clifford rolls over twice.
C= Clifford gets a treat.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior involves an addition of a pleasurable stimuli. Clifford gets a treat every time he rolls over twice. The treat is desirable and pleasurable for Clifford. In my opinion, if the schedule of reinforcement changed and the treat was given maybe 10 seconds after he rolled over twice, he would probably emit the behavior of rolling over a few more times to obtain his treat.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, fixed-ratio schedule, target behavior, emit, positive reinforcement, reinforce, antecedent, superstitious behavior.
The video clip that I decided to use was a commercial for Bud Light. In this commercial there are men watching a football game on TV and when the kicker kicks the ball they all turn their bottles to the kicker. They believe that by turning their bottles to the kicker that he will make the field goal. The target behavior is the turning of the bottles and this occurs in the video at the 13 sec mark. The consequence of the behavior is that the kick is made. This is reinforcement because when the kick is made it makes them believe that turning the bottles did help with the kick and it increases the behavior. I believe that the consequence is adding something because points are added and the object of the game is to have the most points so they are adding something. I believe that the behavior occurred because one time there was a coincidence where the bottles were all facing the kicker, the kick was good, and someone noticed. This led them to emit the behavior again. It elicited the same response. Thus reinforcing their idea that turning the bottles helps the kicker make the field goal. The antecedent in all of this is at a football game. The ABC’s are as follows:
A= football game
B=turn bottles
C=kicker scores
I chose to use this clip from the Big Bang Theory about positive reinforcement. I thought that this was a good example of how Sheldon is using positive reinforcement on a certain schedule. It is continuous reinforcement. Every time that Penny does something nice for Sheldon, he rewards her with a chocolate. So the target behavior is being nice to Sheldon. The consequence of this behavior is receiving a chocolate. The consequence involves adding a chocolate to the equation. The antecedent is being in Sheldon’s apartment.
A= Sheldon’s Apartment
B=being nice to Sheldon
C= receives chocolate
As discussed above this is an example of positive reinforcement because Sheldon is adding the chocolate in order to increase the likelihood of the behavior happening. I believe that it would be good to stretch out the schedule because I believe that she would get really sick of getting a chocolate every single time. In the long run it would be more successful to transition to a fixed ratio.
Terms: fixed ratio, continuous, target behavior, reinforcement, positive, schedule of reinforcement, consequence, antecedent
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1. In this clip from the show friends It starts by the Rachel finding the book “The Shining” in Joey’s freezer. He says that the night before he got scared reading it, so he put it in the freezer. He always makes sure there’s room in the freezer before he begins to read it. That way when he’s done he can put it in the freezer and he’s protected from the bad stuff in the book.
2. I believe that the target behavior emitted is that Joey puts the book in the freezer when he gets scared reading it. 0:07-0:10
3. The consequence is that by putting the book in the freezer Joey feels safe.
4. The consequence of this behavior is that by removing the book from Joey’s presence, putting it in the freezer, Joey is more likely to feel safe when he is finished reading it. Before emitting the behavior Joey felt scared of what was happening in the book and by doing the behavior Joey feels safe again.
5. I believe that this behavior occurred when Joey first began reading the book “The Shining” when he got scared he tried to find a way to escape his fear and by locking away the book in the freezer he was able to move on. It was kind of the idea of out of sight out of mind. If he can no longer see the book the evil is no longer apparent. He continues this to lock away the sadness at the end of the clip when he is reading a sad book and Rachel offers to put the book in the freezer for him.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Joey reading “The Shining”
B= Joey put the book in the freezer
C= Joey feels safe from all that is happening in the book.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
When Joey was reading the Shining, which is the antecedent, he began to feel afraid. In order to escape his fear he emitted the behavior of putting the book in the freezer. From this behavior came the consequence of Joey feeling safe when the book was in the freezer. Therefore, by placing the book in the freezer this will increase the likelihood that Joey feels safe from the book when he gets done reading it.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip Patrick is working at the Krusty Krab. Everytime the Phone rings Patrick picks it up, answers the question, and hangs up. This happens multiple times.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
This clips’ target behavior which is being emitted by Patrick is answering the phone. This happens at 0:03
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that Patrick now has to answer the person on the other end.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence is the addition of getting to talk to the person and the removal of the annoying ringing of the phone.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
This is a demonstration of a variable interval schedule of reinforcement.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Patrick working at the Krusty Krab
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Patrick is working at the Krusty Krab
B= Patrick answers the phone when it rings
C= Patrick answers the question of the person on the other end.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of talking to another person on the phone. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change the phone would just ring more times before Patrick does the behavior of answering the call.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, antecedent, emit, elicit, reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement.
Superstitious Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qqaCby1lGw
Schedule of Reinforcement Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSzOXtXm8p0
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
1. In this clip from the show friends It starts by the Rachel finding the book “The Shining” in Joey’s freezer. He says that the night before he got scared reading it, so he put it in the freezer. He always makes sure there’s room in the freezer before he begins to read it. That way when he’s done he can put it in the freezer and he’s protected from the bad stuff in the book.
2. I believe that the target behavior emitted is that Joey puts the book in the freezer when he gets scared reading it. 0:07-0:10
3. The consequence is that by putting the book in the freezer Joey feels safe.
4. The consequence of this behavior is that by removing the book from Joey’s presence, putting it in the freezer, Joey is more likely to feel safe when he is finished reading it. Before emitting the behavior Joey felt scared of what was happening in the book and by doing the behavior Joey feels safe again.
5. I believe that this behavior occurred when Joey first began reading the book “The Shining” when he got scared he tried to find a way to escape his fear and by locking away the book in the freezer he was able to move on. It was kind of the idea of out of sight out of mind. If he can no longer see the book the evil is no longer apparent. He continues this to lock away the sadness at the end of the clip when he is reading a sad book and Rachel offers to put the book in the freezer for him.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Joey reading “The Shining”
B= Joey put the book in the freezer
C= Joey feels safe from all that is happening in the book.
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
When Joey was reading the Shining, which is the antecedent, he began to feel afraid. In order to escape his fear he emitted the behavior of putting the book in the freezer. From this behavior came the consequence of Joey feeling safe when the book was in the freezer. Therefore, by placing the book in the freezer this will increase the likelihood that Joey feels safe from the book when he gets done reading it.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
For this clip we would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip Patrick is working at the Krusty Krab. Everytime the Phone rings Patrick picks it up, answers the question, and hangs up. This happens multiple times.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)
This clips’ target behavior which is being emitted by Patrick is answering the phone. This happens at 0:03
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that Patrick now has to answer the person on the other end.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence is the addition of getting to talk to the person and the removal of the annoying ringing of the phone.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated
This is a demonstration of a variable interval schedule of reinforcement.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Patrick working at the Krusty Krab
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Patrick is working at the Krusty Krab
B= Patrick answers the phone when it rings
C= Patrick answers the question of the person on the other end.
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of talking to another person on the phone. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change the phone would just ring more times before Patrick does the behavior of answering the call.
16) When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, antecedent, emit, elicit, reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement.
Superstitious Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qqaCby1lGw
Schedule of Reinforcement Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSzOXtXm8p0
1) The clip I am using for this assignment is a Bud Light commercial for the NFL. It shows a lot of superstitious behavior of NFL fans throughout the commercial.
2) The target behavior that I am looking at is tapping the team logo (0:12-0:15)
3) The team they were supporting comes out on top and wins the match.
4) The consequence is the addition of something and that is the team winning. Although the consequence is not shown immediately after the behavior, it shown at the end of the commercial.
5) I believe this behavior began when the person doing the target behavior was previously watching the match and happen to tap the team logo and his team happen to win the match. He is then reinforced with the team winning that every time he taps the team logo his team wins.
6) The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) A = Game day
B = Tapping on the team logo
C = Team wins the match
8) The clip is chose is from Family Guy and it shows Mayor West and Lois Griffin trying to win the votes of the undecided voters for their mayoral campaign.
9) The target behavior is Lois saying “9/11” during when responding to a question (1:11)
10) The consequence is that she gets loud cheers from the undecided voters.
11) The consequence is the addition of something desirable.
12) This type of reinforcement is continuous reinforcement.
13) The antecedent is the mayoral campaign debate.
14) A = Mayoral campaign debate
B = Saying “9/11” for every question that is being asked.
C = Loud cheers from undecided voters.
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of a desirable stimulus which is the crowd cheering whenever she emits the target behavior. If the schedule of reinforcement takes twice as long it would probably effect Lois’ confidence in her speech and probably not feel like her technique of getting voters is working.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) Terms: Target behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, ABC, antecedent, reinforced, continuous reinforcement, emit
1.In this clip Charlie and Mack are sleeping over at Charlie’s mom’s house. As Charlie’s mom heads to bed she stops in the living room where Charlie and Mack are laying down in and kisses a picture of Charlie on the mantel 3 times, then counts to three and walks to the door. She then locks and unlocks the door three times, turns the lights off and on three times, and counts to three and walks up the steps. Mack asks her what she is doing and she replies I do this so Charlie doesn’t die.
2.The target behavior that is being emitted is Charlie’s mom doing things in 3’s (0:03-0:30).
3.The consequence is that by counting in 3’s Charlie won’t die.
4.The consequence of this behavior involves the addition of something that is Charlie’s mom is doing things in 3’s including counting it out loud while doing it is more likely to keep Charlie alive.
5.I believed that this behavior occurred when Charlie was a young kid and must have been in a perilous event with his mother who happened to do something three times in a row without knowing it and at the same time Charlie’s life was no longer in peril. So she continues to count out and do things in three’s because it saved Charlie’s life once and she wants to make sure nothing threatens his life.
6.The antecedent is the mind of Charlie’s Mom, seems to be the only antecedent because we don’t know if she does it when he isn’t around, outside of her house, all the time we just don’t know but what is constant is her mental state and mind making her do these behaviors.
7.A= Charlie’s Mom’s Mind
B= Doing things in 3’s
C= Charlie doesn’t die
The antecedent is the mind of Charlie’s mom and the day something was happening to Charlie she did something 3 times in a row which coincidently keep Charlie alive. It could have been that as a young kid Charlie choked on something and his mother performed CPR on him and did chest compressions in 3’s which did save his life and associated doing something three times as keeping Charlie alive therefore she does everything in 3’s to keep Charlie alive.
8.This is a clip from the 2010 NBA Finals Game 7 between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics in the last few minutes of the fourth quarter.
9.The target behavior is shooting the basketball at the net, with the reinforcement of it going through the net (1:47-2:16).
10.The consequence of this behavior is that points will be added to the score of the team who scored the basket.
11.The consequence of this behavior is the addition of something desirable because the player shooting the ball at the hoop is being reinforced with it going through the net and getting rewarded with points added to their score.
12.The schedule of reinforcement is a variable ratio schedule because it depends on each time the ball is thrown at the basket and it does not always make it in each time, it varies on when the ball goes through the hoop.
13.The antecedent is the basketball game, where players with the ball shoot the basketball at the basket in hopes of it going in and scoring points.
14.A= The basketball game
B= Shooting the basketball at the hoop
C= The basketball going through the net and scoring points
15.This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of desired stimulus which is that the basketball goes through the net and points are scored will increase the likelihood of that player shooting the basketball in the future. If the reinforcement schedule changed to where it was a fixed ratio then every time the basketball was shot it would go through the net each time and point would be scored. Because it is a variable ratio schedule not every shot attempt will end up in the hoop and it may be the first shot that goes in or it may take ten shots before the ball goes into the hoop.
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrosTEi5XL8
17.Terms: Target Behavior, Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Positive Reinforcement, Desired Stimulus, Fixed Ratio Schedule, Variable Ratio Schedule, Schedule of Reinforcement, Reinforcement, Emitted
TB 6
1. The clip I chose to write about is a TV commercial. This TV commercial shows a lot of fans watching football games and emitting superstitious behaviors. Some behaviors include rubbing a lucky handkerchief, arranging beverages in a certain order and chanting.
2. I would like to focus on the segment of the commercial that takes part at the 33 second mark. At this part of the commercial a Jets fan is spinning a remote control on top of a bottle cap, this behavior is superstitious because the fane believes this will help his team perform better when in actuality it does not.
3. A Jets fan is playing with the TV remote, he is spinning it clockwise on top of a bottle cap. The fan believes this will help his team perform better in the game but in actuality it does not. The consequence, in the head of the fan, makes his team perform better.
4. This consequence adds to the likelihood of the team performing better. It is identified as a positive consequence.
5. This behavior most likely occurred first when the fan was nervous about the game, after he did it initially and the team had success. This would reinforce the behavior and make the fan more likely to do it in the future.
6. The antecedent is that it is game day.
A= Game Day
B= Spinning remote on bottle cap.
C= Team scores/plays better
8. I chose to write about the TV show Family Feud. This show is similar to most game shows because it requires a player to buzz in before giving an answer. This shows the variable ratio form of schedules of reinforcement.
9. This target behavior occurs after every question. The target behavior is hitting the buzzer. Hitting the buzzer may or may not allow you to answer the question depending on how fast you were to hit the buzzer.
10. The consequence of hitting the buzzer is being able to give your answer or not being able to give your answer depending on how fast you were to hit the buzzer. This shows the schedule of reinforcement variable ratio.
11. This consequence involves the addition of something. The addition is giving the opportunity to answer the question. But again this does not happen every time.
12. The schedule of reinforcement is variable ratio because depending on how quick you are to hit the buzzer tells you if you can answer the question or not. It is variable because you don’t know if you will get rewarded this time or after 5 times of emitting the behavior. It is ratio because You get rewarded for emitting a behavior not after a certain amount of time like interval.
13. the antecedent is hearing a question.
A= Hearing a question
B= Hitting the buzzer
C= Answering the question
15. This is an example of positive reinforcement because when you hit the buzzer you are given an opportunity to answer the question. It is only reinforcing however wen you are allowed to answer the question, otherwise it may be viewed as a punishment for being too slow. Perhaps making the participant press the button multiple times before getting rewarded would make the reward that much more reinforcing. This would then make the schedule of reinforcement fixed ratio because the contestant would have to push the buzzer 4 or 5 times before he gets to answer the question.
17. terms
Schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, fixed ratio, target behavior, positive reinforcement, variable ratio.
Superstitious behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This particular clip is a Bud Light commercial starring football fans. It shows us various superstitious behaviors among these individuals on game day.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is people tapping their fingers on the table as they watch the game. This behavior occurs at 0:52-0:53 seconds in the clip.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that the team does well and has a favorable outcome for the fans of the team.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. Even though the consequence is not specifically shown in the commercial, it could involve the addition of something desirable or removal of something aversive. This could include scoring points, intercepting the ball, or getting more yards on the field. The removal of something aversive could be preventing the other team from getting a first down. If the opposite team is playing well, that is perceived as undesirable or aversive.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred. I believe this behavior began by people being nervous as they watched their team play. As this tapping behavior was happening, the team preformed well. So, the individuals paired their behavior with the reinforcement of the team doing well, even though the superstitious behavior is not directly related to the reinforcement.
6) tell us what the antecedent is: The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= game day
B= tapping on the table
C= team performs well
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Within the ABCs, the antecedents could consist of it being game day and people watching the game. The males watching the game emitted the behavior of tapping on the table. They may have noticed a correlation of the tapping behavior and their team performing well, thus they emit this behavior in the hopes of it resulting in the desirable consequence of their team doing well in the game.
Schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. On this clip from Friends, Ross goes to the tanning salon to receive a spray tan. He is supposed to count to five and turn around. This is to create an even tan on both his front and backside.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is counting to five and turning around, and the reinforcement is becoming tanner. This occurs several times during the clip, but the first time is from 2:05-2:18 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that Ross is sprayed on his front side twice, rather than once on the front and once on the back.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because he is sprayed twice on the same side.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated: In this clip, it demonstrates an example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. It is not considered to be continuous reinforcement, because the reinforcement of being sprayed is not constant. Rather, it occurs after five seconds. Thus, since it happens in sets of five seconds it is a fixed interval schedule.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ross is at a tanning salon
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Tanning salon
B= Counted to five slowly
C= Sprayed his front side twice
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is meant to be an example of positive reinforcement. It is adding a darker skin tone, but there is a break in between the spray being delivered. If it took twice as long for Ross to receive reinforcement, it would have been a more pleasurable experience for him, because he was unaware that he was not supposed to count with Mississippi’s. It would have been more rewarding for Ross, and he would be more likely to elicit the response of Ross returning to the salon due to his pleasant experience. For someone else who was not counting with Mississippi’s, it would not have made a difference if it took twice as long for the response to occur. This is because they would expect to it occur and would continue to wait for the stimulus.
Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, consequence, aversive, reinforcement, antecedent, ABCs, emit, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, elicit, stimulus
Superstitious behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. This particular clip is a Bud Light commercial starring football fans. It shows us various superstitious behaviors among these individuals on game day.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is people tapping their fingers on the table as they watch the game. This behavior occurs at 0:52-0:53 seconds in the clip.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that the team does well and has a favorable outcome for the fans of the team.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. Even though the consequence is not specifically shown in the commercial, it could involve the addition of something desirable or removal of something aversive. This could include scoring points, intercepting the ball, or getting more yards on the field. The removal of something aversive could be preventing the other team from getting a first down. If the opposite team is playing well, that is perceived as undesirable or aversive.
5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred. I believe this behavior began by people being nervous as they watched their team play. As this tapping behavior was happening, the team preformed well. So, the individuals paired their behavior with the reinforcement of the team doing well, even though the superstitious behavior is not directly related to the reinforcement.
6) tell us what the antecedent is: The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= game day
B= tapping on the table
C= team performs well
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Within the ABCs, the antecedents could consist of it being game day and people watching the game. The males watching the game emitted the behavior of tapping on the table. They may have noticed a correlation of the tapping behavior and their team performing well, thus they emit this behavior in the hopes of it resulting in the desirable consequence of their team doing well in the game.
Schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)
8) briefly describe/summarize the clip. On this clip from Friends, Ross goes to the tanning salon to receive a spray tan. He is supposed to count to five and turn around. This is to create an even tan on both his front and backside.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is counting to five and turning around, and the reinforcement is becoming tanner. This occurs several times during the clip, but the first time is from 2:05-2:18 seconds.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is that Ross is sprayed on his front side twice, rather than once on the front and once on the back.
11) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because he is sprayed twice on the same side.
12) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated: In this clip, it demonstrates an example of a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. It is not considered to be continuous reinforcement, because the reinforcement of being sprayed is not constant. Rather, it occurs after five seconds. Thus, since it happens in sets of five seconds it is a fixed interval schedule.
13) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ross is at a tanning salon
14) Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Tanning salon
B= Counted to five slowly
C= Sprayed his front side twice
15) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is meant to be an example of positive reinforcement. It is adding a darker skin tone, but there is a break in between the spray being delivered. If it took twice as long for Ross to receive reinforcement, it would have been a more pleasurable experience for him, because he was unaware that he was not supposed to count with Mississippi’s. It would have been more rewarding for Ross, and he would be more likely to elicit the response of Ross returning to the salon due to his pleasant experience. For someone else who was not counting with Mississippi’s, it would not have made a difference if it took twice as long for the response to occur. This is because they would expect to it occur and would continue to wait for the stimulus.
Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, behavior, consequence, aversive, reinforcement, antecedent, ABCs, emit, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, elicit, stimulus
1) The clip I am using for this assignment is a Bud Light commercial for the NFL. It shows a lot of superstitious behavior of NFL fans throughout the commercial.
2) The target behavior that I am looking at is tapping the team logo (0:12-0:15)
3) The team they were supporting comes out on top and wins the match.
4) The consequence is the addition of something and that is the team winning. Although the consequence is not shown immediately after the behavior, it shown at the end of the commercial.
5) I believe this behavior began when the person doing the target behavior was previously watching the match and happen to tap the team logo and his team happen to win the match. He is then reinforced with the team winning that every time he taps the team logo his team wins.
6) The antecedent is that it is game day.
7) A = Game day
B = Tapping on the team logo
C = Team wins the match
8) The clip is chose is from Family Guy and it shows Mayor West and Lois Griffin trying to win the votes of the undecided voters for their mayoral campaign.
9) The target behavior is Lois saying “9/11” during when responding to a question (1:11)
10) The consequence is that she gets loud cheers from the undecided voters.
11) The consequence is the addition of something desirable.
12) This type of reinforcement is continuous reinforcement.
13) The antecedent is the mayoral campaign debate.
14) A = Mayoral campaign debate
B = Saying “9/11” for every question that is being asked.
C = Loud cheers from undecided voters.
15) This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of a desirable stimulus which is the crowd cheering whenever she emits the target behavior. If the schedule of reinforcement takes twice as long it would probably effect Lois’ confidence in her speech and probably not feel like her technique of getting voters is working.
16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
17) Terms: Target behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, ABC, antecedent, reinforced, continuous reinforcement, emit
Megan Hasley
What we would like you to do is to find a topic from what we have covered in this week's readings that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube clips that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is pretty much up to you at this point. But use at least 3 sources (only one video please and make sure it adds to the topic).
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic that I chose is extinction and how it relates to parenting. This topic fits into the section we have covered so far because the concept was introduced in this week’s reading. I am interested in this topic because my mom was able to use extinction in her own parenting, and I think it would tie in well to another class I am taking, which is parenting.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Three topics that I would like to discuss relating to extinction are: dealing with tantrums through the use of extinction, punishment styles and their relation to extinction, and sleep training using extinction.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Extinction is a great tool for dealing with childhood tantrums, sleep issues, and it has also been used on obese children. When a child is behaving badly the goal is to avoid rewarding the aversive behavior, this is where extinction comes in. As a parent, when the child starts engaging in undesirable behavior the parent must not give in and reward or reinforce the behavior by giving them the attention they are hoping to elicit (comeunity). Or, extinction can also be used to change cues associated with food in order to help promote healthy behaviors in obese children. Studies have shown that obese children can change the cues associated with food through the method of extinction by extinguishing conditioned responses (sciencedirect). This process can help reduce overeating, if done properly, and reduce obesity in children (sciencedirect). This can lead to a better quality of life for the children involved because they are able to lead healthier lives.
When a child begins to have a tantrum the parent must pretend that nothing is happening, if the parent rewards the child by giving them the attention they seek the behavior will be reinforced instead of extinguished (comeunity). Extinction bursts can occur in the beginning, this means that the behavior will increase in frequency and or intensity, before it eventually calms down; when children start to calm down after these tantrums the parent can begin to give them positive attention again to show that they can get the attention they seek if they are more calm (comeunity). If the parent is able to correctly perform extinction in this situation than the child will learn that they will be rewarded with the attention that they are trying to elicit if they are calm, and they will not be acknowledged if they are upset. Another variation of extinction is the Ferber method. The Ferber method uses extinction to sleep train children; this involves leaving children alone for an allotted amount of time (parentingscience). If done correctly, the children will learn that the parent is not coming and will learn to self soothe (parentingscience). Self-soothing is important for children because they need to be able to calm themselves down because the parent may not always be there to calm them down. The parent also has to be able to instill some sense of independence in children as they age.
Each variation of extinction that has been discussed is different, but still important. I think that the most interesting part about these topics is how different they are, but how each of them is still using extinction in a profound way. I had no idea how many different ways extinction could be used, not just by parents, but to help solve other problems as well. I think extinction could be used for some really amazing things, and who knows what else we will be able to use extinction for, the possibilities are endless.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
TERMS: Extinction, reward, reinforce, behavior, aversive, extinguished, extinction bursts, conditioned response, variation, elicit
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
From this reading sections, I would like to cover superstitious behavior. This fits into this section because it is part of section 2.4. It also is part of behavior which will help us modify it if we know what it is. I am interested in this topic because I have some superstitious behaviors that I must do or else I feel weird.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects of superstitious behaviors I want to cover is what it is, how do they form, and some examples of superstitious behaviors from other countries. I am choosing to cover what it is again, because rereading and relearning the definition will help me better understand what actually superstitious behavior is. While learning about how it forms will address what causes it. Finally, I want to learn about some superstitious behaviors of other countries because I’ve always been interested in other countries.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitious behavior is behavior that is emitted to a certain situation that happens every time the situation is present. An example of this would be going to the same store to buy a lottery ticket after you received a winning lottery ticket there before. The store would be the pleasurable stimuli, good luck per say, which would entice those to shop their again for the same thing, thinking you would win again. Superstitious behavior was figured out by B.F. Skinner. Skinner put pigeons into a Skinner box, or operant chamber. Once in the box, the animal will be given food after a certain amount of time has passed. So, let’s say that the pigeon will receive food every ten minutes. The behavior that the bird is emitting at the time the food is delivered, will then be continued. The pigeon will then believe that eliciting that behavior will cause food to be delivered and will continue the behavior, not realizing that the feeding schedule is actually a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. Some common superstitious behaviors we are accustom to would be not seeing the bride in her wedding dress until after the ceremony because it is bad luck if you do, breaking a mirror will cause seven years of bad luck. Some other superstitious examples would be like voodoo and witchcraft, some people believe that Christian rituals like kissing the cross is an example of superstition. Another religious superstition is saying bless you after someone sneezes.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behavior, behavior, emit, pleasurable stimuli, B.F. Skinner, Skinner box, operant chamber, eliciting, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement,
Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
-The topic that I have decided to explore are superstitions. This ties in to the reading from chapter 2.4. The reason why I decided to cover the topic of superstitions is because I find that it is very interesting how we behave due to different superstitions and how we elicit different behaviors due to a superstitions even though we may think that it could be a hoax or not real. The moment that the term superstition showed up in our reading, it has been a topic that had stuck to my mind. I also find it interesting that there are many different levels of superstition and how people react to them. I know that there are a couple of different superstitions that I emit upon as well without realizing that they are superstitions and that it may be something really funny to be considering but I do it anyways because I don’t want to “take my chances.”
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
-My three aspects of the topic are what superstitions are, why people believe in superstitions and different superstitions that are elicited today. I may cover different topics that will broaden the perspective of superstition and go more in depth with the topic in general to help understand the foundation of superstition.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
-Although there are many different definitions for the word superstition, here are a couple that really help me break down the meaning a little better. According to Merriam Webster, Superstition is, “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation,” or “an irrational abject attitude of mind towards the supernatural, nature or God resulting from superstition.” Superstition is well known to occur when people (or animals) believe that reinforcement occurs due to random actions. They may believe if they do not emit the same behavior that they have done before, that there may be a form of punishment for their behavior. Also, superstition is linked to believe that they occur due to bad and good luck. I believe that people mainly use superstitions as a way to control an outcome that people are unsure of. For example, if you are a sports fan and are really wanting your team to win tonight, you wear your lucky ball cap just in case because your team has won every time you wore that ball cap, and you don’t want to risk not wearing it because you are afraid they may lose without it on. This means that you know you have no control over that game, but are hoping that this ball cap you are wearing is somehow going to prevent them from losing. People in our society are afraid of aversive outcomes and do not like not having control over a situation so they look to the supernatural as an “excuse” per say to somewhat control their way of thinking. This seems to me that the different behaviors we emit because of superstitions leads to reinforcement and that when people receive the consequence of the reinforcement, they want to repeat the pleasurable outcome. Some simple superstitions that are very popular today tend to deal with sports and sports fan. There are also superstitions like being afraid of seeing a black cat run in front of you because it is considered bad luck, not walking underneath a ladder because that is considered to be bad luck as well, or breaking a mirror “gives you seven years of bad luck.” A popular superstition that I know I use often is “knocking on wood” to reassure myself that I am not giving myself bad luck while talking about a certain subject, or “jinxing” myself by saying something in advance about something particular. It is so interesting to realize how we use superstitions daily without actually thinking about it. Now that Halloween is around the corner, there are going to be many superstitions floating around because it is known as the holiday of superstitions. Halloween tends to represent a lot of superstitions that are occurring today because people tend to act on the supernatural at this time of the year the most. Also, there was a recent event that brings about conversations of superstitions. On September 28th, we had a “blood moon” appear. It was the talk of the day and all that anyone could talk about. After doing research, I have found that there are many rituals and beliefs that the blood moon is linked to the end of the world or the apocalypse. Although this may or may not be true, just because it is an event that happens so rarely, people tend to believe anything because it is not a normal action. This is another thing that I find interesting is that we humans know that MANY of these superstitions are a joke, or that they may not even be real at all, but we STILL believe and act on them. We believe that it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to superstitions. I believe this is why many other countries have their own rituals and beliefs on superstitions and live on them every day because they feel compelled to believe them due to previous actions of others or history of not following superstition orders. One thing that I wish to learn is why our brains are wired to believe things that are not true, especially when we know they may not be true.
3) URLS:
Terminology: superstisions, modify, behavior, elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, aversive, consequence, pleasurable, rituals, beliefs
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I would like to focus on is superstitious behavior. I am interested in this topic because both my grandma and my dad are very superstitious, and I would like to better understand the psychology behind why superstitions are formed.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects I would like to talk about are B.F. Skinner and how superstitions were discovered, the effect superstitions have on your health, and why people have superstitions.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitions were discovered by the well-known psychiatrist B.F. Skinner. He studied hungry pigeons and watched their behavior before they were fed. He found that they began to adapt different superstitions that they believed would lead to them being fed. He observed that one of the pigeons would turn in a circle counter-clockwise two or three times and believed that this would mean that he would be fed.
Rituals and superstitions are very similar. The thing that creates the dividing line is whether you give the behavior you are emitting magical powers. If you emit behaviors because you are used to doing it a certain way, this is a ritual rather than a situation. However if you emit a behavior because you think it will help you perform better, the behavior has now become a superstitious. The biggest driving force behind super superstitious thought is that the person feels that they are in control of what is going to happen. For example, a hardcore viking fan fan always sit in the middle of his couch, with his hat on backwards, and wearing no shoes. He does this because he believe that dressing and sitting like this will lead to the Vikings winning the game. He believes that this behavior gives him control of the situation. The person will continue this behavior until the day when the Vikings lose. When this happens, he will change his behavior hope to regain control of the situation. Superstitious behavior has a very large placebo effect. These superstitious behavior keep working because when expects for something to happen it tends to happen. So if they expect to be more lucky when they wear a certain shirt they probably will. But it is not because they wore the shirt, it is because the person was thinking more positively about the situation.
People have superstitions because when they emitted a behavior they were reinforced to believe if they always did this certain behavior they would always get the same result. People like to have superstitions because like I stated before it helps them to believe that they have control over something that is uncontrollable. People create these superstitions within their mind. They believe the reason they did so well on their report was because they wore their lucky shirt. But in fact the reason they did so well, is because they practiced the report several times, before presenting during a work meeting. Superstitions are all about what the person believe and how dedicated they are to this way of thinking.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms: superstitious behavior, emit, reinforcement, B.F. Skinner, rituals, placebo effect,
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I am choosing is fixed versus interval reinforcers. I also want to consider ratio schedules along with interval ratios and how they may apply to children. This relates to the reading because of section 2.5 in the ABC's book. I am interested in it because it is something new to me that I have never learned about before. It caught my attention while reading it because I had never considered which type of reinforcer would be the most beneficial. The example of the casinos and the slot machines showed me how this appears in my everyday life.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I want to consider which is the best reinforcer to use on children and if they will start to catch on to the reinforcer schedule (ratio or interval) and if we can track how these reinforcers are used on us. I also want to look at what happens if we integrate these two schedules together and if it will confuse the child overall to do this. There are also many teachers who use continuous reinforcement for every single target behavior the child does which I wonder if it really teaches the child anything or if they only do it for the reinforcer and to make the teacher. I believe this happens in many circumstances in elementary school along with college. Students are only doing things (assignments etc.) to get the reinforcer (a grade).
4) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Throughout the sources I found that one negative impact from using fixed ratio reinforcement in schools for children is that if you ever stop using this schedule on the child, they will eventually lose the positive or target behavior. When looking into the ways a child can manipulate the schedules being used, I found that they do catch on to schedules such as continuos reinforcement like the fixed ratio. It was recommended by a teacher to not use this strategy on children for a long period of time or the results will not be beneficial to the overall goal. When I was looking into variable ratio reinforcements I found that this is not the reinforcer you should use on a child when they are just learning a new behavior because it is not very consistent and for young children they do not catch onto this as quickly and by the time you get around to the second time of reinforcer, they forget about the first one already.
Interval reinforcements I found from previous as well as current teachers that they are great for strengthening an already known behavior.
When researching which reinforcer would be the best to use I found many different opinions that came to the fact that you have to individualize the reinforcer for every situation. This was basically showing that not every single time will one of these reinforcers (fixed/variable/interval) work. It was also found that the reinforcer if going to be variable, needs to be done while at home as well as in the school system. Something I also found interesting was that with interval reinforcement, the child may be doing the right targeted behavior, but since they are doing it during the time that reinforcement should not be applied, they will not be told anything. For example, if a child is supposed to be quiet for nap time and you have decided that you will tell them good job every ten minutes, you can not reinforce them at minute eight and a half. If they are still quiet after 11 minutes then you can finally give them the reinforcement that they deserve. If they have to be punished during this ten minutes then the ten minute interval has to start over and can not be reinforced until the ten minutes is successfully completed. One way to decide whether or not you should use interval or continuos reinforcement would also be what type of behavior you are trying to increase or decrease. If the behavior that is negative is continuos then you should probably be using a continuos reinforcer for when they do the opposite of the negative, unwanted behavior.
5) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms: reinforcer, ratio schedules, fixed schedules, interval, target behavior, punishment
1) I have chosen to write about superstitious behavior and why people choose to emit these behaviors. This topic fits into Section 2.4 because superstitious behaviors were first observed by BF Skinner and were discussed in this section.
2) Three major points I want to talk about is what the difference between superstitious behavior and ritual is, how was it discovered, and what superstitious behaviors are common in our society.
3) In the Psychology Dictionary, superstitious behavior is defined as a type of reaction to certain situations or impulses that get so embedded in an individual's course of action that he/she repeats it continuously. In simpler terms, it is a behavior that a person repeats if they feel that the behavior they emitted before had some sort of effect on the outcome and will replicate it. Superstitious behavior can be expressed in many different ways, but it all has the same type of reasoning behind it. Rituals on the other hand are actions that an individual repeats because of its symbolic value to them. It is not related to the outcome but instead to the meaning of the action or behavior. Superstitious behavior deals with what we wish to occur because of our actions.
Superstitious behavior was first discovered by BF Skinner in 1947 while using pigeons as a focus study. He conducted research on the pigeons, using a mechanism to randomly distribute food to the hungry pigeons, creating deprivation. While the pigeons were emitting a variety of behaviors as the food was dropped, they started to develop superstitious behaviors related to their behavior when the food dropped. By the end of his study, Skinner found that three quarters of the birds had become superstitious in their behaviors for food.
For people, there are a multitude of different superstitions that we acknowledge. Some are very common, such as not walking under a ladder or don't open an umbrella inside. Both of these stem from myths that keep people from doing these. We have found these myths to be possibly dangerous, so we do not partake in them. The reason we have so many superstitions is because when our brains can't explain something, it simply makes stuff up for us to believe and satisfy our thoughts. And if we believe that our behavior with have an undesirable outcome and bring bad luck, then we do not emit the behaviors.
Terms: superstitious behavior, emit, BF Skinner, deprivation
1) My topic is the schedules of reinforcement that deal with operant conditioning. Schedules of reinforcement was the second section that we read about and I am interested in it because pretty much everything we do has to do with a schedule. I have learned about it before but I liked how this section went more in depth.
2) The three aspects of the schedules of reinforcement I am going to talk about are the different types of schedules, why these schedules are important, and which schedule is mainly used.
3) There are four different types of reinforcement schedules that have to do with operant conditioning. There are two types of fixed reinforcers which means there is a fixed component to the example at hand. Along with fixed reinforcers, there are also variable reinforcers which means there isn’t a certain amount of time or a number of times something has to happen; it measures the average. Both fixed and variable reinforcers can either be ratio or interval. The difference between those two is that ratio is a number of times and interval means time. Variable ratio occurs when you get reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses, and a variable interval occurs when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. Fixed ratio occurs when a response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses and fixed interval occurs when there is a reward only after a specified amount of time has passed.
Schedules are an important part of the learning process for behavior. It helps behaviors change for people of all ages because how we reinforce a behavior can impact the response. These reinforcements are only occasionally given out to make sure the desired behavior is maintained. The behavior can be maintained because the reinforcement is less-predictable so the individual doesn’t know when the reinforcement is happening so their good behavior continues.
All four reinforcement schedules are used the same amount of time because they all have different advantages. When ratio schedules are used they do however have higher response rates because they are predictable. An example of this would be selling an item and then getting commission. However, using variable schedules in certain situations resist extinction more than ratio schedules because they are less-predictable. Depending on the situation and what the desired outcome is depends on which type of reinforcement schedule needs to be used.
4)http://psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/schedules.htm - I chose this URL because it states information about the different schedules of reinforcement and when to use each one.
http://www.unm.edu/~susanrc/Site/SPC_ED_519_files/Hndouts_ReinforSchedules_10,pdf.pdf - I chose this URL because the notes have information about why schedules of reinforcement are important.
https://www.boundless.com/psychology/textbooks/boundless-psychology-textbook/learning-7/operant-conditioning-47/schedules-of-reinforcement-200-12735/ - I chose this URL because it talks about which schedule of reinforcement is mainly used and why they are important.
Terms: reinforcement, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed interval, schedule of reinforcement, fixed, variable, ratio, interval
1)Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
Extinction bursts is the topic that I am going to be exploring more about for this topical blog. Extinction bursts fit into this section because it is a characteristic of extinction. This concept is an additional concept adding to the definition. I am interested to learn more about his this characteristic of extinction because I notice it used over again in parenting and it relate to my life with nannying three children.
2)What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Within this characteristic of extinction I want to view how children use the extinction burst, how parents abuse it, and lastly what was it can improve in today’s society.
3)Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Digging deeper in the term of extinction, extinction burst is a characteristic of extinction. This occurs when you eliminate a behavior by refusing to reinforce it. The ABC’s definition of this is as followed, “When reinforcement is initially withheld, the behavior that used to lead to reinforcement will occur more often. There will be an increased amount of the behavior as the individual tries even harder to obtain reinforcement.” I see this occur with children trying to get attention from their parents. Now let’s look at how children use this.
Children do anything to get that attention and refuse to give up. They know that eventually their effort will pay off the longer the behavior the more determined their efforts will be to get what they want. Children are a lot smarter than some may thing, they will do everything they can to avoid extinction. They think if they try harder it will end with them reinforced.
Parents are terrible at abusing this. They mishandle these extinction bursts because they give in to temper tantrums. It seems to be hard on parents to watch their children or any children for that matter have these extinction bursts because they want to help them and have them stop freaking out. I feel as though people of today’s society are impatient and just don’t want their children to have a tantrum becoming worse in public especially because they don’t want to cause a scene therefore leading to not waiting out the behavior. As a nanny I can tell how their parents react to their needs because of how long they continue to have their extinction burst. It’s hard to come into a family that already has habits but I am trying to inform the three children that as hard as they try to get what they want or the attention from me, I will not be giving in to your whining and begging. They have learned that they can whine and beg all they want but eventually from what I know, their behavior will go extinct.
For the future to better improve the way I respond to extinction bursts is to simply walk away. I could always improve on that behavior. I also could be better prepared by finding alternatives to reinforce. Setting short and long term goals would also be one to help decrease extinction bursts in the everyday life. I feel as though the sooner you get passed that behavior the sooner it will disappear. As a hopeful parent someday I will try my best to not let those bad habits form and wait out the extinction burst.
4)At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I have chosen to do my research on how people are superstitious and the behavior developed.I want to know why they have to do these behaviors as well. It fits in this section because they mentioned it in this weeks readings in the book. I also everyone either have or has had a superstition in their lifetime.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects that I want to talk about in this assignment are what exactly a superstitious behavior is. Second I want to talk about What superstitious behavior is the most common in the world. The third aspect i want to talk about is how superstitious behavior forms and starts or how they started back in the past.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
The first thing I wanted to know is what exactly is the most accurate definition of a superstition. I found that superstition is a belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck, a belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck. So taking a object and thinking it can be lucky to you is pretty much what superstition is. Now that I think about it I use to have some superstitions when i was younger that fit with this definition. Next thing i wanted to research is what are the most common superstitious behavior in the world that people do. One of the most common superstitions i found in my research is one about how a rabbits foot will bring you good luck. This superstition was created by the early Celtic tribes and also could have been started by it being an African American Folk magic. The next common superstition that i found is Knocking on wood. This superstition is when you say something bad and then you knock on wood so that thing doesn't happen again. The last common superstition that I'm gonna talk about is breaking a mirror. They say that if you break a mirror that you are going to have 7 years of bad luck. This developed in the american south. There are other superstitions people have like having lucky socks or underwear that they wear in certain situations. The last thing i wanted to talk about was how superstitions came to be and from where. From my research i learned that superstitions are from the early men trying to explain nature in their own experience. People thought that things could happen if you have a deep belief in spirits and the spiritual world. They thought that in order to have a feeling of good to happen to you that different objects or forces dictate a favorable fate and good fortune. Superstitions are still active these days cause they are passed on from generation to generation.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
superstitious. superstitions, behavior,
The topic I chose to research is continuous reinforcement. This fits into the section we have covered because in section 2,5 of the book it talks about continuous reinforcement within the schedules of reinforcement. The book defines continuous reinforcement as each time a particular behavior occurs we get reinforced each time. I am interested in this topic because continuous reinforcement is involved in everyday life and is another type of reinforcement that is added to what I already know.
Unlike intermittent schedules of reinforcement where the behavior is reinforced after certain ratios or intervals of responses, continuous schedules of reinforcement is when a target behavior is reinforced each time the behavior occurs.
This schedule of reinforcement is most effective in the early stages of learning. If you want a target behavior to be learned than use continuous reinforcement. This establishes the association between the wanted behavior and the reinforcement. Once the target behavior is not being reinforced anymore continuous reinforcement stops and the desired behavior becomes nonexistent. Extinction occurs because the behavior that was previously reinforced is now not being reinforced.
If continuous reinforcement is used for too long with a child, they may learn to manipulate the desired behavior to receive reinforcement. Or when a child desires to be reinforced for that behavior will they emit the target behavior instead of wanting to be reinforced each time it occurs.
Terms: continuous reinforcement, behavior, reinforcement, target behavior, extinction, emit
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
Vending machines, broken vending machines and related accidents. Vending machines leave an expectation that if they put the required amount of money in a machine then they will receive reinforcement of their selected beverage or snack. Anyone that has put money into a vending machine knows that it is very frustrating to not receive that reinforcement. This frustration often leads to irrational behavior on the part of the person that did not get that they want. There are a few common behaviors that people go through when they through. I think that these behaviors are very fitting in what were talked about in the reading, particularly aggressive behaviors, extinction burst, and variability. Aggressive behaviors involving vending machines have very often caused accidents leading to injury and even death. I thought that this was a good topic because it was something that happened to me recently and I experienced some of the described actions in the reading.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
aggressive behavior, extinction burst, variability.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
When you have a vending machine that does not give you what you want there is usually a progression in steps that you go through when dealing with it. The first is most likely going to be extinction burst. Extinction burst is that when reinforcement, in this case positive reinforcement, is withheld then that there will be an increased amount of behavior in which a person tries to obtain reinforcement. In the context of the vending machine example a person will probably hit the button they pushed again, and possibly even become increasingly rapid and frequent when doing so. The person tries to do the previously reinforced behavior more intensely in hopes of getting the denied reinforcement. Although it is not going to likely help you with the vending machine problem extinction burst often do work in obtaining the reinforcer that the person desires. In the videos linked you will in one that people hit the desired soda multiple times, and in the other it says the person in the description put the appropriate money in the machine three total times. My personal experience has also supported this behavior occurring.
The next thing a person might do is variability in seeking the reinforcer. This means that a person will try and do behaviors that are different but similar to the behavior they originally tried doing for the reinforcer. This begins to occur as desperation increases and even though the other behavior may be suboptimal or different they still desire receiving reinforcement. In the example of the vending machine they may try selecting one of the other options that are available to them other than the person’s original desire. The person may try and select a different beverage or snack then they previously tried to receive. It is logical to think that maybe they are out of what they wanted or that button is broken so they will just select something else even though it may not be what they want. They are still receiving some form of reinforcement for the money they put in the machine. The person could even seek out a completely different vending machine or a store that will sell the reinforcer they desired from the machine instead, accepting the sunk cost they originally put into the machine.
If frustration gets the best of a person then the may act emit hostile behaviors in lashing out their frustration. This is what causes many vending machine related accidents, which kill multiple people throughout a year and injure many more. People’s anger builds up from not receiving reinforcement and wasting their money that they lash out aggressively, very often at the machine itself. The aggressive behavior is an indication of the emotions that they are experiencing internally. People will often hit, tilt, and shake vending machines in order to vent or receive the goods that they tried to pay for. The problem with this is that vending machines are very large and heavy pieces of machinery and they can be very dangerous if they get to a point where they will lose balance and fall over. Aggressive behavior in some cases can be looked at as a more intense version of extinction burst where the increasing intensity of trying to obtain reinforcement eventually builds up to the point of being aggressive in nature. In one of the videos you see a guy after he has tried three times to put money in and get what he wants he eventually begins to shake and tilt the machine in hopes of receiving what he wants. Although you do not get to see him put the money in during the video you do see that his behavior becomes more increasingly aggressive as he tries to go from reaching in the machine for a drink to shaking the machine. This overall narrative of the video demonstrates the build up from extinction burst to aggressive behavior.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFJasYncD0Q & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeW6rTHUWOA - thought that two videos could add to be one URL highlighting mentioned behaviors, I know you want only one video but I thought they were complementary and not long in length individually.
extinction, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, reinforcement, emit, response, stimuli, behavior, positive reinforcement, behavior, frustration
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I chose to do superstitious behaviors which are directly from the section that we read. I think that superstitious behaviors are really interesting because people will do the most ridiculous things thinking that they will eventually be reinforced. How many times have we all heard of people doing things like wearing a certain article of clothing when their favorite football team plays or locking a door in a certain way so that people will not break in.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Three aspects of this topic that I want to focus on are superstitious behaviors of animals, superstitious behaviors in humans, and why we have superstitious behaviors. I think it is really interesting that we can relate superstitious behaviors that animals and humans can have that in common.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitious behaviors are associated with a reinforcer or a behavior but the behaviors do not lead to reinforcement, these superstitious behaviors do not directly lead to reinforcement. Superstitious behaviors are when people or animals believe that reinforcement will occur at random instances. Animals demonstrate these superstitious behaviors as well as humans do. B.F. Skinner did a research experiment using pigeons. The pigeons had reduced body weights by 75%, the birds were fed by regular intervals each day. The pigeons eventually developed superstitious behaviors thinking if they acted in a particular way then they would be reinforced with food. The birds would turn in certain ways or nod their head in a particular fashion thinking that this would lead to the deliverance of food. Even when it comes to household pets like dogs for an example some dogs believe that if they bark at the door long enough they will be reinforced by someone opening it which could create a pretty annoying habit. Superstitious behaviors in humans are the most interesting to me because people will do some very strange behaviors sometimes thinking that they will be reinforced for doing something that seems relatively silly. In humans we think that we will get reinforced for emitting superstitious behaviors especially when we really have strong feelings about something. Even superstitious behaviors like not walking under ladders or throwing salt behind your back after you spill would all be under these superstitious behaviors. People have so many different ways of emitting superstitious behaviors for an example I will take on that I do is hit the roof of my car with my hand when I go under a yellow light in the intersection. I feel like this reinforces me that a car will not hit me when I am going under the yellow light and ever since I was sixteen I have not been in an accident like that but if I do not hit the roof I feel like something may happen. I thought about why we actually do these types of behaviors and one of my sources indicated that some people feel like this is a way of controlling our fates; since we emit certain types of behaviors we think that we can avoid aversive consequences. Such as in my personal example I think that if I hit the roof of my car when going under a yellow traffic light I will avoid the aversive consequence of getting hit. Another thing that I learned was that people could believe that any behavior could turn into a superstition if it is associated with a positive or negative consequence. If we think about it we could say that when people avoid walking under a ladder they do this so something aversive will not happen to them but we also emit superstitious behaviors when we have a positive outcome like picking only odd numbers when we gamble and get reinforced by winning. However none of these behaviors are actually reinforced we just believe that they are somehow being reinforced by the behaviors that we emit. Is there any real value to doing these superstitious behaviors since we do not actually get reinforced for doing them? It may just be for our own sanity at times to think that we have some control over our lives and that may be why humans do them but for animals it may just be because that is their only thought process.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terminology: superstitious behaviors, reinforce, emit, aversive, consequences
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
After reading this week’s sections I wanted to research more about intermittent reinforcement. I chose this because it was a part of this week’s readings and because I really think that this is the best way to teach and reinforce learned behaviors. Intermittent reinforcement is when the reinforcement for the target behavior only happens every now and then instead of every time.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The first aspect that I want to talk about is comparing intermittent reinforcement to continuous reinforcement. I also want to look at how ratio schedules fit into intermittent reinforcement, as well as interval schedules and both of their different types.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Intermittent reinforcement is when the behavior is only reinforced every now and then, continuous reinforcement reinforces the target behavior every time the response is emitted. Researchers have found that intermittent reinforcement works better in teaching and maintain a goal behavior. They have also discovered that intermittent reinforcement is far more resistant to extinction because the subject isn’t used to being reinforced after every response, but with continuous if they’re expected to be rewarded and aren’t it will begin the extinction process. Intermittent reinforcement works far better because the subject will continue to emit the target behavior because they have learned that eventually they will be rewarded for it no matter what.
The first type of intermittent reinforcement is a ratio schedule, when a certain number of responses are required before the reinforcement can be administered. It can be either fixed, have a set number of responses each time, or variable, have a set range of response amounts before the response can be reinforced. A fixed ratio schedule works best when a company is trying to get the most quantity out of a persons work not quality. The person knows that in order to get paid they have a set amount of things that they must accomplish first. A variable ratio schedule can easily be seen anywhere in a casino or gambling setting. The person doesn’t know how many times they must bet, or pull a lever but they know that eventually they will be rewarded.
Interval schedules require a certain amount of time to pass before the reinforcement occurs, whether it be a fixed amount of time or a variable, range of time. An example of a fixed interval schedule would be a person getting paid by the hour, in this scenario they know that they will be reinforced after a certain amount of time no matter what. A variable interval schedule can be seen in casinos and gambling as well, in this case instead of the number of times a lever or button are pushed it all depends on the time in between reinforcements. There will be a minimum and maximum amount of time in between each reinforcement and the gambler doesn’t know when for sure it will be.
Fixed ratio and interval schedules tend to resist extinction better and teach the behavior quicker because the learner knows that there is either a set amount of responses or time before they are reinforced, instead of having to guess like in the variable schedules. Intermittent reinforcement works better in my opinion because it keeps the learned behavior active. The learner knows that they will be rewarded for a certain behavior, they’re not always exactly positive when it will happen but they know it will so they keep the behavior up.
Terms: intermittent reinforcement, reinforce, target behavior, continuous reinforcement, extinction, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
a. The topic I would like to discuss in my topical blog is superstitions. Superstitions is a topic we covered in section 2.4 of our reading and superstitions have a high impact on someone’s behavior, due to what they believe. I am interested in superstition, because I am fascinated on how it starts. What makes a person afraid of opening an umbrella when its sunny or stepping on a crack so you don’t break your mother’s back. Also, people have superstitions when it comes to sporting events, which I find very interesting. Some think, “I have to wear my lucky UNI shirt in order for us to win the big football game.” I am interested in that and how you aren’t able to break that cycle of believing in that specific superstition
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
a. The three aspects I’d like to discuss is the history of superstition, what superstition is and how it forms, and examples of superstitions people have today and the history behind those.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
a. First, I would like to talk about the history of superstition and how it got it’s start and it starts with one very well known psychologist. According to our text, B.F. skinner demonstrated how superstition affects our behaviors by using pigeons. When the pigeons were placed in an operant chamber, the pigeons emitted a variety of behaviors. They could flap their wings, go left or go right, or in circles. Skinner started to set food delivery for random intervals of time to the pigeons. He wondered if a pigeon was going a certain direction and performing a certain behavior when the food was delivered, would the bird think that performing that specific behavior meant they would be delievered food? One of the birds were circling left when food was delivered and Skinner noticed that the pigeon increased the frequency of going left, because it noticed that everytime they performed that behavior, it was correlated with when they got food. Skinner discovered that the pigeon developed superstitious behavior of circling left when food was delivered, due to developing a superstition. He tried this on all of his pigeons and discovered that ¾ of the pigeons developed superstitious behaviors.
Superstition is defined in the psychology dictionary as a type of reaction to certain situations that get so ingrained in individuals course of action that it’s repeated continuously. Superstitious behaviors start when an individual comes to believe that a reinforcement occurs at random instances. Studies were done to think of reasons for superstitious behavior: to gain control over uncertainty, to decrease feelings of helplessness, and those feel it is easier to look to superstition instead of coping strategies. People want an explanation for why things happen and this can cause them to develop a superstitious belief. One of the major discoveries done was that people who believe in chance and fate controlling their every day lives are probably superstitious. Some people seem to get superstition confused with ritual or seem to think that they are the same thing. It is important to know that this is not the case. A ritual is defined as a habitual behavior that is regularly practiced in a defined matter. A superstition is a habitual behavior based on a belief that has no knowledge or reason behind it. Rituals are usually done for religious purposes, which has history and science to back up behind it for why they do it. They do not believe that it will change the course of action that is about to happen. Superstition is behaviors that are done in order for them to change the course of action, with no science behind it.
Lastly, I will be talking about some of the most common superstitions active today and a little history behind them. One of the superstitions we hear when we are little is that it is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path. This superstition came about from old beliefs in witches and that cats were witches in disguise. One that I am guilty of doing is “knocking on wood”. This superstition is used when someone is tempting fate by predicting the future, so they knock on wood to ward off bad luck. This superstition comes from old tales about good spirits in trees and they associated it with the Christian Cross. The last superstition that I want to talk about is crossing your fingers. This is used when someone is wishing for good luck, they will cross one finger over another and sometimes cross their toes for extra luck. This story dates back to early Christianity. Two people crossed their fingers when making a wish. This became a superstition because it was something people could do on their own, so it was an easy good luck.
In conclusion, I don’t feel that superstitions will ever be a thing of the past. Superstitions have been around for hundreds of years and I don’t believe that they will end any time soon. As well as them being around, I don’t feel that people will stop believing them, because everyone wants an extra bit of luck.
Terms used: emit, superstition, behavior, reinforcement
One of the topics I found interesting in this weeks’ readings was the discussion of the schedules of reinforcement. Those schedules were discussed in section 2.5 in a pretty detailed manner, but I still wanted to choose it and do more research to help me understand it even better. There were a few spots I struggled with the concept and I know looking more into it myself with help with that. I had also never heard of schedules of reinforcement until now. The term was mentioned in previous sections but never delved into until this one. There was so much information and details; things I hadn’t thought about before. I will be discussing some general background knowledge on schedules of reinforcement, as well as the different types of reinforcement, and finally how to choose a schedule of reinforcement.
A schedule of reinforcement is a tactic used in operant conditioning. You use that tactic to determine when reinforcement will be given in a certain situation. It basically says in what instance a behavior will be reinforced; whether it is every time, sometimes, or not at all. There are two broad categories of reinforcement schedule, the first is continuous reinforcement with the second being an intermittent schedule of reinforcement. A continuous schedule of reinforcement happens when reinforcement is delivered after every time target behavior is emitted. It’s best to use this schedule during the beginning stages of a learning to make a strong correlation between the behavior and the response. You want them to realize that behaving that way is what leads to the reinforcement. Once that is realized, you can switch to an intermittent reinforcement schedule. Intermittent schedules of reinforcement are schedules where responses or behaviors are only occasionally reinforced and are usually used when maintaining a behavior that was previously learned. There are 4 types of intermittent schedules of reinforcement; fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval.
Fixed ratio schedules are when reinforcement is delivered after a fixed number of correct responses. A way to remember it is that ratio corresponds to number, and fixed means unchanging, so in simple terms, and unchanging number (of times). This schedule usually produces a high, steady rate of responding with only a brief pause after the reinforcer has been delivered. Fixed ratio can be shortened using just FR, with the number of correct responses needed written after it, such as FR10, meaning there would be reinforcing for every tenth response.
A fixed interval schedule is when reinforcement is available after a specific period of time. It’s not that reinforcement is delivered at the end of the interval, but only when the target behavior is emitted at some point after the time interval has ended. An example of a lab rat could be used; it would be reinforced with a pellet for the first bar press after a 30 sec. interval has elapsed. Fixed interval can be shortened using FI, with a number after it as well, such as used in fixed ratio abbreviation.
Variable ratio is a schedule of reinforcement when a response is reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time. The time is usually an average number, so a variable reinforcement of two (VR2) could be after 1 correct response, and then 3 correct responses, 2, or 1. It’s on average. This usually creates a high, steady rate of responding, it always keeps the organism getting the reinforcement guessing.
Variable interval happens when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time. The time period that must pass before reinforcement will be available varies, but must average out at a specific time interval, similarly to how a variable ratio must be an average. This schedule usually produces a slow, steady state of response. An example with a lab rat would be reinforcing it with a food pellet for pressing a bar after 1 minute, then maybe 4, 3, and so on, as long as those times average out.
All the above schedules have different advantages; however in general, ratio schedules elicit higher response rates consistently than interval schedules because of their predictable. Depending on what kind of behavior you are trying to reinforce will depend on which schedule you will pick. When you are trying to teach a new behavior it is usually best to use a continuous schedule, as mentioned above. Once learned, you can switch to a method that works best. Sometimes it is beneficial to combine schedules of reinforcement to produce the best desired outcome; it just depends on the target behavior.
Doing research on the schedules of reinforcement did aid me in my understanding of the different terms. Having to read and integrate the information to make sense is what I think helped me the most, especially using different websites. Sometimes getting a different take on the meanings can make it all come together.
Terms: target behavior, reinforce, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, fixed ratio, schedules of reinforcement, emitted, elicit, operant conditioning, reinforced, reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement
I decided that I wanted to look at psychopathy and intermittent reinforcement. We discussed intermittent reinforcement in our sections this week. I have always been interested in psychopathy, and actually hope to do research on it. First, I feel like I should define what psychopathy is. Next, I will talk about how psychopaths differ from the normal person. Lastly, I will tie that into intermittent reinforcement.
B. F. Skinner, in his theory of operant conditioning, said that if someone is rewarded for a behavior, that behavior should occur more frequently. In the same sense, if someone is punished for a behavior, the behavior should occur less frequently. The key word here is “should”. The idea is that even with criminals, punishers like getting arrested, should decrease the frequency of that behavior occurring. However, with psychopaths, this is not always the case.
Psychopaths do not respond well to threats, because they literally do not care. They do not hold emotions like everyone else does. According to the FBI website, “many psychopaths exhibit a profound lack of remorse of their aggressive actions…most psychopaths are grandiose, selfish sensation seekers who lack a moral compass…” They have found that there is a significant difference in their brain.
A study in England found that there are “structural abnormalities” in both the white and grey matter of the brain. What does this mean? The grey matter is the section that works primarily with cognition. The white matter takes the information from different parts of the brain and makes it work together. These differences make these offenders’ schedules of reinforcement different than ours. It also means that when punished, they do not modify their behavior. Punishment seems to make no difference.
I said I wanted to talk about intermittent reinforcement. Everything above was just building up to this. Intermittent reinforcement was defined in our book as “reinforcing every now and then”. This does not work with psychopaths, because the time that they are not reinforced for something that they were previously reinforced for is seen as punishment. A research study in England wanted to see if offenders were able to change their behavior when the consequences changed. They had to match things, and for some of the matches they made they were given one point. They eventually started giving them a point every once and a while, but not every time. This is the perfect example of intermittent reinforcement. Psychopaths do not respond well to this, however. Psychopaths “may only consider the possible positive consequences and fail to take account of the likely negative consequences” (Science Daily). So even when they are expecting to be rewarded, they sometimes get punished, and they have a hard time adapting their behavior based on this.
The reason that they do not respond well to intermittent reinforcement is because punishment does not affect their behavior. This results in different schedules of reinforcement than the normal person and makes the behavior hard to extinguish. To extinguish a behavior means, according to the book, to end a behavior.
Terms: intermittent reinforcement, punishment, schedules of reinforcement, B.F. Skinner, behavior, consequence, extinguish, conditioning, modify, punisher, reinforced
1. I have chosen the topic of extinction for this blog assignment. I found this area of psychology interesting because normally when the average person hears the word extinction they think of something dying out, like the dinosaurs. The definition of extinction is the process of stopping the reinforcement of behavior which have already reinforced. This occurs when something that has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for emitting the same target behavior.
2. I am going to talk about what extinction is and how it is portrayed in classical conditioning, operant condition, and how it can be related to psychology as a whole. I think by doing more research on how extinction works and how it is not a form of punishment by rather a form of reinforcement. Since extinction burst is under the category of extinction I will also give an example of what this is and how it relates to extinction. For me, understanding what it means to have an extinct behavior is somewhat of a difficult concept to grasp, so I feel as though if I do my blog post about it I will have a better idea of what it means and how I can relate it to my everyday life.
3. Extinction is observed in both operant conditioning and classical conditioning behavior. When operant behavior has been previously reinforced no longer produces reinforcing consequences the behavior gradually stops occurring. When looking at operant conditioning a behavior is reinforced by giving or gaining something positive or having a negative stimulus be taken away when the target behavior occurs. For example, think about a food that you liked as a kid or young adult but can’t stand the taste of it now. Mine is the advent calendar chocolate, we got them every year in celebration for Christmas. Granted it is not the best chocolate out there to begin with but I use to love it. One year when I was probably eleven or twelve I was extremely sick all through the month of December, so I correlated my illness and not feeling very well to the advent calendar chocolate. Last year I was determined to like the chocolate again, so I forced myself to eat it once a day. On day fourteen I received a final test grade that I had been anxiously awaiting, I did better than I had expected. After I learned my grade I ate a piece of the advent calendar chocolate and after that day I have correlated that chocolate to a happy feeling. In operant conditioning extinction is happens when the operant behavior that has been previously reinforced is not being reinforced anymore, the behavior steadily stops occurring. For example, if the for past two weeks whenever a rat presses the lever of a bar food immediately food pours out. The rat is conditioned to press the bar when he wants food, but what if one day the rat goes to press the bar expecting the outcome to be food and nothing happens. Will the rat stop pressing the lever immediately, or will it gradually stop? In the aspect of operant conditioning, the rat will gradually stop pressing the lever after multiple attempts of trying to get food. Another way extinction works is by a term called extinction burst. Extinction burst is when reinforcement is initially withheld, the behavior that used to lead the reinforcement will occur more often. There will be an increased amount of the behavior as the individual tries even harder to obtain reinforcement. That is a very general definition of extinction burst. For example, my dog Toby always begs at the dinner table for food, and I normally always give in because he is a pug and pugs are so ugly they are cute. The begging behavior he is doing is reinforced by me giving him food. If one day I stop giving into his begging he will probably keep contiunieing to beg for a week or so after. Since I am not reinforcing his behavior, Toby will eventually start giving up and the behavior is likely to be reduced and extinct after a while. A term that goes along with extinction burst is variability. This happens during the extinction burst and is when the organism emits a specific target behavior that no longer leads to reinforcement, but it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement. Going back to my example about my dog Toby, maybe instead of only begging he will start to whine or maybe even through tantrum and rip apart the table cloth. This is happening because he is not getting the reinforcement that he wants, which is being fed food from the table.
Terms: extinction, reinforced, emitted, target behavior, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, punishment, stimulus, extinction burst, variability.
URLs: http://psychology.about.com/od/eindex/g/extinction.htm
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The subject I have chosen as interesting is superstitious behavior. This is form section 2.4 and I found it interesting that superstition is not unique to humans. Superstitious behavior is also found in many animals.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The first thing I would like to cover is what a superstitious behavior. Secondly I would like to delve into why superstitious behavior arose. Lastly I would like to cover the benefits of why superstitious behaviors are so prevalent in human behavior.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitions are usually seen as something originating in mysticism or spirituality but in all reality they are psychological rituals they are used to supposedly control the outcome of an uncontrollable situation. Superstitious behavior is such a widespread thing in all of human culture and even into the behaviors of animals. We as humans have many superstitions and even those who would identify themselves as superstitious would likely still emit behaviors that would be considered superstitious. Some examples are spilling salt on the table and throwing it over your shoulder, knocking on wood, or even the lucky socks you wear on a day you have a big test. These are all superstitious behaviors because they give the illusion of control over an outcome that is out of your control. Salt over the shoulder is to ward off the bad luck of spilling the salt but in all reality there is not effect on you because of the salt. Wearing the lucky socks may not get you an A on the test as well studying would but it provides a layer of comfort and confidence that could keep you calm. Superstitious behavior has been recorded in history since the dawn on history therefore I must be some use to us right? Scientist believe that superstitious behaviors are a result of the unknown and what they called a good wager. It’s like a correlation that is formed between an antecedent and what behavior would be advantageous. A rabbit would run into cover if it heard the sound of flapping wings that would be an advantageous behavior because it was likely a hawk swooping for a the kill. But that same rabbit would hide if the same sound came from a duck coming in to land on the pond. This is because the rabbit doesn’t know the source of the sound. The best wager would be to hide either way. Superstitious behavior is a way to enact some form of control even if imaginary on the unknown. This is why human culture is so full of superstitions. The more we learn the more we realize the things that are unknown out there and this is one way we cope with that issue.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms/ superstitious, behavior, emitted, antecedent, consequence
1) I chose superstitious behaviors as my topic because it is something that has been taught to me since I was little until I was old enough to realize those behaviors had nothing to do with the consequence of my behavior. As I said in this week’s reading assignment, I was really surprised to find this topic in this week’s chapter but enjoyed reading about it from the science point of view. I am interested in this topic because it is something that I see every day and I would like to understand why does this happen more deeply.
2) I will talk about are the definition of superstitious behaviors, the culture differences and Skinner’s experiment with pigeons. This last part includes some information about the schedules of reinforcement, also seen in class.
3) It is common to get worried when you break a mirror. You will now have seven years of bad luck. Maybe you spill some salt on the table, you are going to have bad luck as well. These kind of actions are known as superstitions and they are behaviors that people think are strongly related to a certain consequence, when the reality is they don’t have anything to do with it. As we read on the chapter, superstitious behaviors are defined as “Behaviors that are sometimes emitted that don’t directly lead to reinforcement. Simply because they are associated with a reinforcer or a behavior, the behaviors do not lead to reinforcement themselves”. Skinner found about these behaviors working with pigeons in his Skinner boxes. He started the experiment starving the pigeon 75% of its habitual feeding; so the pigeon was really hungry and would do anything to get the food. This was how he got the pigeon to emit the behavior desired whether it was turning around in a circle, laying down, or touching a button. As we know, the reward that the pigeon would get for emitting the behavior is called positive reinforcement. When Skinner was thinking about the reward schedules, instead of using a fixed or a variable ratio, he used a noncontingent reward schedule; it means it is not related to any particular behavior the pigeon had done. A human example would be a “rain dance”: sometimes it will rain and some others it will not, so it doesn’t really matter if you do the dance or not because it doesn’t exit any kind of relationship between these two events. Skinner then observed that the pigeon made a mistake taking noncontingent reinforcement as a variable ratio reinforcement. The animal thought whatever it happened to be doing was the antecedent to the reward (food). He started seeing very specific actions performed by the pigeons, for example hooping in one leg, and it seemed they believed that was the reason for getting the food so they kept doing them until they actually got the food.
Even though these behaviors are known worldwide there are some differences between cultures that affect their meanings to people. For example the United States is defined as an individualistic country so superstitions here are understood as a benefit for the individual, on the other hand people in Japan, defined as a collectivistic society, use them for the group’s benefit. There was a study made to see the difference between the superstitious behaviors among the baseball players from these two countries. In the first place, “although superstitious behavior was common among baseball players, the players were not as confident in the power of their superstitions as their behavior might suggest” which was not what it was predicted. You would expect players to emit these behaviors because they believe they will be luckier in their game. Secondly, they found that the Japanese players were less likely to emit superstitious behaviors but more likely to believe that they actually worked. Thirdly, the biggest difference was found when they asked the players about the desired effect of the behaviors, either on individual or team performance. As expected, the American players said that they affected their personal performance, while the Japanese players thought they were improving their team’s performance.
In sum and speaking from a science point of view we can see examples of superstitious behaviors all around us, and the closest one is religion. A lot of their beliefs consists of amulets, charms and totems that back then were used to ward off evil, but nowadays are still used for protection, happiness or safety. Although it doesn’t mean that is a bad thing to do, but there is probably not a relationship between any of these behaviors and the consequence. The closest example to me is my mom because since I can remember she would never walk under a scaffolding when they are fixing a building’s facade in the street; at first I thought it was because they were actually working on it at the time, and something could fall, but then I realized it didn’t matter the time of the day, or the day of the week because she didn’t walk under them; she would even put herself in more danger walking on the road just not to do it. Also a big known superstitious behavior is opening an umbrella in a covered space, people in Spain freak out about it, but I learned my way not to be influenced by these traditions.
Superstitious behaviors, consequence, Skinner, superstitions, consequence, reinforcement, reinforce, emit, positive reinforcement, reward schedules, fixed ratio, variable ratio, noncontingent, antecedent.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
My topic is superstition in sports fans. We all see the TV commercials where fans have some sort of weird superstition. For instance a fan leaves the room to get a beer and his team scores a touchdown. Say it happens a second time. The fan now thinks that because he left the room to get a beer that’s why his team scored, so he leaves more often in hopes they score. The fan leaving the room and the touchdown happening have no direct correlation, but the fan thinks they do. I chose this topic because sports fans are some of the most superstitious people out there. My husband is a huge Vikings fan and I see superstitions all the time. One time he wore a new pair of Vikings socks and they lost (imagine that haha). Now he no longer wears his socks when they play for fear the socks had something to do with their loss. The Vikings still might lose often, but he still refuses to wear the socks because they might be bad luck. I think it’s silly, but I remember doing weird things at basketball games in high school and really thinking that it had some effect on the game. I actually asked him for some examples of his superstitions and he told me that he can’t tell me because it’s bad luck or something. This topic fits into what we have learned so far because we have learned that a lot of behaviors have direct reinforcements. Superstitious behaviors are not directly related to the reinforcements, yet people still emit the behaviors.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Three aspects of superstitious behavior in sports fans that I would like to talk about are how superstitions develop, why people (sports fans) believe in them, and do superstitions last.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Take my example from above. The fan leaving the room and the touchdown happening the first time was a coincidence. Maybe he was mad that he missed the touch down, but still really happy they scored. He leaves a second time and coincidentally they score again. Now he is thinking that by him leaving the room he is being reinforced with his team scoring. It takes something as little as a coincidence for a superstition to develop. But what is superstition? Superstition is that act, that ritual, the behavior emitted that “affects” or results in a specific outcome, although not directly. The superstitious behavior in my example is the behavior of the sports fan leaving the room. . The fan leaving the room did not actually make his team score a touchdown but he will continue to do it again and again because he thinks it leads to his team scoring touchdowns. I couldn’t find the video of that exact example but I found a pretty good one showing how easy it is for superstitions to develop. I am not big into sports but that’s pretty much all that is ever on the TV at my apartment. Bud light has commercials about superstition saying “It’s only weird if it doesn’t work”. But why do people have these superstitions? In my research I found that it’s a comfort thing. I agree with that. My husband loves the Vikings. From what I see they aren’t very good most of the time, but they are getting better I’ll give them that. When he wore the new Vikings socks and they lost he had something to blame for them losing. People, especially sports fans believe in superstitions, especially if they can’t directly connect with the team, because it gives them some hope they can influence the outcome. Superstitions can last as long as the fan believes they work. Some superstitions last the fans lifetime. Some last until they no longer are seen as affective or a newer, better one comes along. The superstitions themselves may change, or continue on forever and maybe even be passed on from generation to generation. In conclusion superstitious behaviors in sports are an easily developed comfort thing and although they may change and not last forever, superstitious behaviors are going to be around as long as sports are around.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behaviors, emit, emitted, reinforced, reinforcements, superstition
1. For this week's topical blog, I chose to write about superstitious behaviors. Superstitious behaviors are used as reinforcements to try to influence another behavior to happen. This relates back into the topic we were discussing about because we have been discussing reinforcement and superstition got brought up.
2. I will talk about the Indian cultures and their superstitions. I will talk about sports traditions that could be put in a superstitious behavior. I will also define superstitious behavior and connect it to myself and maybe how some of my behaviors could be superstitious.
3. For many middle eastern cultures, a lot of superstitions are placed on women. That women who are uncovered aren't welcome. That women who menstruate aren't pure. Also, the breaking a mirror and crossing black cat's path originated in the Indian culture. One thing I found really interesting between culture superstitions and sports superstitions is one that involves lighting matches. Sports teams have many different superstitions. For example, rubbing your hat when the batter has 3 balls, and 2 strikes. Another one is rubbing the hockey goalies helmet after every game. Serena Williams won't change her socks once she is in a tournament and doing well because she believes that is what is helping her. This is a type of reinforcement of her "winning" consequence. She is targeting one behavior (continuing to wear gross sweaty socks) to help in her mind better her other behavior (winning the tournament.) But in reality her socks are not helping her with the consequence of winning. Now I can connect to Serena Williams with socks because I used to be a very good bowler in high school. I always wore the same pair of mix-matched socks to every single bowling meet and refused to put my shoes on until the first ball I would throw. I researched the most common superstitions in the United States just to see what some behaviors fell under. A very common one was knocking on wood to either reverse bad luck or to not jinx yourself.
Topical Blog Week 6.
The topic that I choose was Ratio versus Interval Schedules of Reinforcement. Ratio schedule is defined as under conditions or circumstances that a certain number of certain responses are to be performed to cause reinforcement. Interval schedule is shown that the reinforcement comes after the interval of time given. There are two variables that go along with the schedules which are fixed ratio and interval and variable ratio and interval. For variable ratio the reinforcer is provided following a pre-determined average number of responses. For variable interval means that the reinforcement will be inconsistent and the interval refers to the time between reinforcement. Lastly, fixed ratio means that the reinforcement will be delivered after a constant number of correct responses. Fixed interval when reinforcement occurs after a set amount of time. These vocabulary words were discussed in Chapter 2 section 2.5, with a section devoted to this area. The articles will also be using the same terminology. The articles and video that I found on this topic provide a wide variety of information. The three aspects that I will be looking at will be the effects of variable ratio, fixed ratio, and fixed interval. With the effects of each area should give a better understanding of how they work.
Variable ratio
The variable ratio was not a big area for the articles. However, the video depicts this area well. In the variable ratio for the video the boy received his cookies after putting two cards into a pile. The boy did not seem to be too concerned about receiving a cookie. However, the variable ratio did have an effect on the fixed ratio which will be discussed in the next section of the paper. In the rat article they did not focus on the variable ratio because they wanted to specifically focus on the fixed ratio. However, if the experimenters were to use the variable ratio the rats would have most likely had the same response they did in the fixed ratio. The other article did not focus on variable ratio as well. This could be because the fixed ratio is more reliable and easier to work with in research.
Fixed ratio
The boy was very distraught after receiving a cookie after putting two cards in a pile. After he did that for the fixed ratio he did not receive a cookie. As a viewer you could tell that the boy was wanting his cookie. For the fixed ratio it was after 5 cards were moved that he received a cookie. The change threw off his behavior and was wanting to receive the cookie at the same pace as the other, but he knew if he kept moving cards he would eventually receive a cookie. In the article focused on studying rats they use a fixed ratio as a long-term goal-directed responding. When the fixed ratio was changed in the experiment the rats performed by using a goal-directed behavior. This shows that even in different fixed ratios the rats still perform the same. Which could state like the boy did in the video that if he kept going he would get the reinforcement as does the rats. The last article about human subjects shows that some subjects under the fixed ratio were more consistent than the fixed interval. This makes sense since people can count number easier than a time. The video and article do not necessarily agree on the same results. However, they both are positive responses.
Fixed interval
The boy in the last phase of the fixed interval he was to receive a cookie every 10 seconds. However, because of the realization in the previous step of the fixed ratio he knew after moving cards if he got his cookie earlier or alter that eventually it would come within a decent amount of time that he had done before. In the experiment with human subjects they come up with results that was similar to the boy example in the video. The results showed that the fixed interval schedules were discriminated from the fixed ratio. Just as in the video the boy was expecting the reinforcement because the interval or ratio might change but he knew it would come. That is the same reason why the human subjects in the article could discriminate the areas.
The articles did not have all of the variable in their study, but had at least one to compare with the video of the boy and his mother. There seems to be valid evidence from the studies and the video that these concepts can have great effects on behavior. The behavior most of the time was repeated and the participant whether a human or rat would continue knowing the reinforcement would appear at some point. The research and video have shown some minor but great effects on what fixed and interval schedules can do.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I will be writing about this week is continuous reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement is where a behavior is reinforced after every single occurrence as opposed to being reinforced intermittently, as with a fixed interval, or variable ratio schedule. This topic fits the section we covered because it is the first type of reinforcement schedule that was mentioned in section 2.5 schedules of reinforcement. I am interested in this because continuous reinforcement, although somewhat common, does not seem to be very natural or beneficial when attempting to alter behaviors, perhaps this is misguided and that is why I want to further look into this topic.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Within the realm of continuous reinforcement I would be talking about what it is, how it can work, the benefits of using it, and clearing up my misconceptions.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Continuous reinforcement is the act of reinforcing a behavior every single time it occurs. The most common examples of this are: when you hit a key on the keyboard that letter, number, symbol, or action will happen every time, and also when you are watching TV and you hit the channel up or channel down buttons, the TV will reinforce that behavior by doing exactly as it was electronically told to. Continuous reinforcement seems to be the least common of all 5 types of the schedules of reinforcement, these being, it, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, and fixed ratio. The reason that continuous reinforcement is the least common is because it is very difficult in the real world to continually reinforce a wanted behavior that isn’t something as basic as typing on a keyboard.
Next, an explanation of how can continuous reinforcement work in the real world settings. Throughout development behaviors are picked up and dropped quicker than one might suspect at first. In the initial stages of behavior development continuous reinforcement can work to apply the consistent and wanted reinforcers of positive behaviors. These can include giving a dog a biscuit or some sort of treat when teaching it a trick. Initially the dog will do the trick to receive a treat as it is being reinforced, as this is the easiest way for it to pick up the desired emitted behavior. Once the behavior is learned, then the dog may be weaned off the continuous schedule of reinforcement to an intermittent one. Another example of continuous reinforcement is with young kids and learning to say the word “please.” Initially the child will be reinforced after each saying with whatever they want, after saying please for a while, it may not always be reinforced by other people besides the parents, but the kid will have developed the behavior of saying please and it is very unlikely to become an extinct behavior. Another thing with continuous reinforcement is that it usually drops to an intermittent schedule of reinforcement once the behavior is more ingrained in the individual or being. Because of this, an extinction burst is less likely to happen and the behavior is likely to stay around for good.
Thirdly, continuous reinforcement has some benefits to using it. With children who are usually quite susceptible to adult influence, if a behavior is constantly reinforced, like saying the words “please” and “thank you,” then the child will develop the habit of using this language throughout life instead of using it randomly. Also because of the aforementioned use of the continuous schedule of reinforcement, it is very easy to shift to a non-continuous schedule, this allows the positive behaviors (in this example), to continue being used while allowing the parents some room for human error.
Overall what I learned in this is surprising to me; continuous reinforcement is more common than I believed. It has more practical applications then what I had imagined with the remote and keyboard examples. Instead, it can be pivotal in the beginning stages of behavior development for young children. The effectiveness has yet to be determined, it seems that it is difficult to reinforce continuously, so the behaviors that are being reinforced can also be stopped quickly because of this struggle. Overall it seems to be a great starting point, and one that can tone down the schedule to something more manageable once started.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Continuous reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, behaviors, extinction, reinforcers, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio, reinforced, extinction burst, emitted
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
For this weeks topical blog, I am going to look more into superstitious behaviors. I found this topic interesting when I was first reading it in the chapter. I think one of the most interesting parts of this is that superstitions do not discriminate. It is not only found in humans, but as the chapter talked about, animals as well.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
There are three different aspects I want to focus on though out this blog. The first is what a superstition is. The other two things are why is a superstition can control us, and why people believe in superstitions.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
The research I did for this blog was actually fairly interesting. I think one of the most interesting things about a superstition that it can actually elicit a specific behavior. I myself do believe in superstations and often find myself participating in them frequently. I believe that others also often participate in these superstitions, especially when it comes to sports. I’m not really sure why superstitions often are in co-occurrence with sporting events, but it is actually very interesting to me. Some examples of the many superstitions that people often participate in (including myself) include, knocking on wood, four leaf clovers, crossing your fingers, and horseshoes. One thing you may notice that these all have in common is that they are all said to produce good luck. There are also other superstitions that many associate bad luck to. A few of these examples are, Friday the 13th, black cats, and the number thirteen. During my research I learned that many people believe in superstitions because they believe that they provide luck. In one of the articles I read, researchers did an experiment where people were asked to putt a golf ball into a hole. When handed the ball they were either told, “this is the ball most have found luck with” or “here is the ball everyone has used so far.” The results found that the participants who were handed the “good luck” ball did significantly better than those were handed a regular ball. After completing this research, they then looked at anagram problems. And again, half of the group had a “lucky charm” while the other half didn’t. It was again proven that those with the “lucky charm” did better. The researchers concluded that it is not that these items actually bring us real luck, but they boost our confidence. The results of having a good luck charm are astronomical. This article also stated that a prayer could be compared to this. It said that this could be applied because a prayer maybe doesn’t evoke a being, but rather evokes us to believe in the being. This research was one of the most interesting things I have come across. Not just in this class, but in general. As I said earlier, I often find myself participating in different superstitions, almost all of which apply to luck. One of the biggest superstitions I can remember in my life is when I was playing softball. My team would have this ritual where we had a harry potter wand and we would all go around blessing each other with this wand. On the rare occasion we forgot to do this, we almost always lost which only further fed into our superstition of this. Overall, I believe that superstitions are actually a pretty cool thing. A thing that would other wise mean nothing is able to instill a sense of confidence in us which then allows us to often do better than what we maybe other wise would have. In a way, this is much like a reinforcer. They could also be considered dangerous as well though. In some senses, it could probably be believe that a superstation such as Friday the 13th could backfire and a person who believes in this could turn what would have been an otherwise good day into a terrible day, simply because of a belief, which will only add to their confidence of Friday the 13th being a bad day. Overall, this topic is very interesting and I didn’t even cover all of the interesting facts that I learned through this.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Words used: Superstitions, behavior, elicit, and reinforcer.
The topic I was interested in is Aggressive Behavior in Children. In the section we read, it was explained that often when a child doesn’t get their way (often due to the reinforcement they’re looking for is no longer existent) they experience aggressive behavior towards the parents. This interests me because of how many times I have had to deal with it being a babysitter. Often I don’t handle situations as relaxed as parents do, so I have seen a few aggressive meltdowns in my life. Three aspects I would like to consider would be a) What kind of aggressive behaviors could children show b) What exactly is it c) Why do children normally revert to it?
Aggressive behavior in children can be defined as much more than just kicking, hitting, and biting. Though most parents may feel that a child is throwing a tantrum, it is often also categorized as aggression. Screaming, running away, doing destructive things like coloring on walls and breaking toys are also considered aggressive behavior. A lot of times, children will show this behavior when something doesn’t go their way because they’re under emotional distress. This can actually carry into problems later in life, like choosing to handle all stressful situations with yelling/anger. Multiple other factors can contribute to aggressive behavior such as genetic or temperamental influences, ongoing stress, insecure attachment patterns and limited experience with role models.
Often children show this behavior because they don’t know how else to express frustration, anxiety and panic. Keeping a consistent environment will help children a lot, along with avoiding using physical punishment when they’re showing signs of anxious behavior. When they are acting out, an appropriate punishment would be to separate them from distractions and try to calm them down, followed with an explanation of why it wasn’t right how they acted.. When children do not get their way (in a situation they often do) it is best to stick to your reasoning and let them throw the fit. Often it is seen in grocery stores, kids becoming really upset if they don’t get a candy bar at the counter. If a parent only rewards positive behavior from the start and doesn’t allow the child a candy bar every time, then it won’t be as confusing for the child when you tell them no. If you’re trying to break the bad behavior, it is best to try and fully explain why the child doesn’t need it, along with giving the option of a different reward if they show good behavior the rest of the day. (ie. No candy bar, but if you’re good the rest of the afternoon we can watch cartoons before taking a nap)
Terms: Behavior, Aggression, Punishment, Reinforcement, Reward, Positive
1)After reading the sections from this week, I have decided I am going to focus on the concept of extinction and the two types of extinction that showed up in the reading which are extinction burst and discriminative extinction. I think the three concepts are really interesting and we used them on a daily basis without even being aware of it. I especially like them because I have never heard about them until now and they are really casual ones where there is no necessity of emitting any especial behavior for them to take place.
2)Like I mentioned before for this assignment I am going to focus on the concept of extinction and the two types of extinction that appear on the reading which are extinction burst and discriminative extinction.
For the concept of extinction, I found a video of supernanny in YouTube in which a couple has problems to put their children to sleep so she offers them extinction as an option that will let him know that no matter if he cries or jumps out of his bed he is not going to get the attention he is looking for from them. After a several times that the kid jumped out of the bed and the mom put him back in the bed and then sat down in the room without making eye contact he stopped crying and jumping out of the bed. This is a really good example of extinction and we are able to see the connection between the video and the reading. The reading approaches the concept of extinction as a process that results with the decrease of a target behavior because it used to be reinforced but it is no longer, no matter the frequency with which we emit it.
To explain extinction burst, I found a blog that gives the definition and an example of it. The blog explains the concept as an increase of a behavior that elicit a reinforce response at least once, searching for that reinforcement. For the example the blog talked about how the behavior of putting money and pressing a button of a vending machine elicits the response of getting what we wanted. We keep emitting the same behavior whenever we want something from that vending machine. One day when we emit that behavior there is no response so we increase the behavior of pressing the button again and again. If this aversive response keeps being emitted by the vending machine there is a moment that we will stop emitting that behavior. The reading of this week talks about extinction burst and it explains it as the increase of a behavior that had a pleasurable response before with the goal of that response to happen again. Some people may think that when we ignore a behavior, it stops right away. However, the truth is that before that behavior stops, it increases. Extinction burst is used as a factor to measure the effectiveness of our use of extinction. The only problem that the reading points out is that once we are using extinction, we cannot give up because it will most likely make the behavior worse. We also have to keep in mind that if the original behavior does not have any effect anymore, the subject will look for other ways to get that pleasurable response. This means that not because the original behavior may fail it means the subject is going to give up that easily.
For the last aspect that I want to talk about which is discriminative extinction I found a research article that talks about the effects that discriminative extinction of alcohol has on the subjects in the emotional dimension and the consequences it has on them. The results showed that it was possible to reinstate the desire for alcohol in rats but that the efficacy might be specific so no generalization may be possible to take place. This discriminative extinction stimuli can be used to study behavior and relapse related to the use of alcohol. For this concept the reading refers to it as what happens when a particular stimulus indicates that there is not going to be any kind of reinforcement as a response of the behavior we usually emit in that situation. Inside this concept, the discriminative extinction stimuli is the one who provides the advice that no reinforcement is going to take place if a particular behavior is emitted. Discriminative stimuli is the stimulus that signs when the behavior will be reinforce again. The reading gives some examples of usual discriminative extinction stimulus such as a sign of out of order in a bathroom or vending machine or a sing of road closed due to constructions.
Terms and terminology used: extinction, extinction burst, discriminative extinction, pleasurable, aversive, response, behavior, elicit, emit, reinforce, reinforcement, target behavior, discriminative extinction stimuli, efficacy, effectiveness, stimulus.
1) The topic I researched is extinction, particularly parents' using extinction to modify their child's behavior. This topic fits into what we have covered so far because section 2.4 introduces the concept of extinction, and some of the examples covered in the reading were about parent's using it on their children. I was interested in this topic because when I was doing the reading I continually was thinking about times my parents used the extinction process on me, and my siblings. I wanted to know more about this topic other than just what I read in this reading, and the knowledge based on my own personal experiences. I was also interested in learning more about extinction, so I can effectively use it on people (potentially my own children) if I need to in my future.
2) a. The three aspects of extinction that I am going to cover are: what exactly is extinction/examples of when parents' can use it on their children, how a child will react to their once reinforced behaviors being extinguished, and what the advantages/disadvantages are when using the extinction process.
b. The text describes extinction as happening when an individual exhibits a behavior that was once reinforced, but now they are not reinforced when they emit the same behavior. Extinction can be used most effectively on behaviors that were previously formed by negative reinforcement, or positive reinforcement. The individual will eventually stop emitting the behavior, or it will be greatly reduced if extinction is done properly. An example (That many people can probably relate to) where a parent is trying to extinguish a behavior is when a parent responds to their name being called. ("mom" or "dad".) Previously the child may have been reinforced when they called out for their mom or dad, but if the parent is trying to extinguish the child yelling out for them they will stop responding to the calls. Another example could be if a parent picked up their baby every time it cried, but they decided they did not want the baby crying all the time to be picked up; in this case they would stop picking up the baby when it cries. Extinction can be used in many different situations by the parents; basically any behavior they once reinforced that they no longer want the child to emit they can use this technique. Extinction can be very affective if done properly, but the child can make it hard for the parent to want to stick with this form of behavior modification. Once a parent starts to use extinction the child will exhibit something called an extinction burst; an extinction burst is when the child increases the bad behavior the parent is trying to extinguish shortly after the parent starts the extinction procedure. The child is confused as to why they are not being reinforced when they once had been reinforced for that same behavior. Their attempts to receive the reinforcement they once got is the reason for the increase in the bad behavior. (Extinction burst.) When the child has this increase in behavior (And the parent is not responding to the emitted behavior.) they will put in the extra effort of adding variability to the behavior they are emitting. This means that the child will emit the behavior the parents are trying to extinguish, but on top of that the child will start producing variations, or similar behaviors to the the target behavior. Take the example earlier of parents trying to get their baby to stop crying when they want to be held. If the baby notices that when it cries it's parents are no longer reinforcing it's behavior by picking them up, the baby may start to cry at different volumes, cry for different lengths of time, add screaming to the crying, etc. This can be another reason it is hard for the parent to stick to the extinction procedure - they were already annoyed by the previously elicited target behavior, and now there are variations of the undesirable target behavior. There are advantages, and disadvantages to using this technique to modify behaviors. Some of the advantages are: if the extinction procedure is done properly it can change the behavior long-term, while it can be tough to follow through with - in it's entirety it is a simple procedure, it will get rid of the undesirable behavior, and it is less aversive than using positive or negative punishment. Although these are good advantages there are just about as many disadvantages. The following are examples of disadvantages: at first the undesired behavior will increase in frequency, in order for the procedure to work the parent has to be very consistent and persistent, there is a big time commitment to change a once desired behavior into one that is not desired, the child may become aggressive trying to get their once desired behavior reinforced again, and while it is less aversive than punishment procedures it is still more aversive than reinforcement procedures. After my research I would still rather use reinforcement procedures on my child than extinction, but I do think it is more reasonable than punishment. I can see more of a necessity for extinction than punishment as well.
Terms: extinction, behavior, reinforced, extinguished, emit, extinction bursts, aversive, variability, extinguish, emitting, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behaviors, eliciting, positive punishment, negative punishment, punishment.
TB 6
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
This week I chose to write about superstitious behavior. During my research and explorations I found a clip that shows football fans emitting a lot of superstitious behaviors. The clip I chose to write about is a TV commercial. This TV commercial shows a lot of fans watching football games and emitting superstitious behaviors such as; rubbing a lucky handkerchief, arranging beverages in a certain order and chanting. I would like to focus on the segment of the commercial that takes part at the 33 second mark. At this part of the commercial a Jets fan is spinning a remote control on top of a bottle cap, this behavior is superstitious because the fane believes this will help his team perform better when in actuality it does not. This topic was discussed in section 2.4. We could also relate superstitious behaviors all the way back to the first couple of chapters, the ABCs of behavior.
A= Game Day
B= Spinning remote on bottle cap.
C= Team scores/plays better
In section 2.4 extinction was also being discussed, I think this is appropriate because some superstitious behavior can be pretty extreme. I am interested in superstitious behaviors because now that i have learned more about superstitious behaviors I can now identify my own superstitious behaviors.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I would like to discuss how superstitious behaviors may start according to BF Skinner and his operant chamber. BF skinner first demonstrated how superstitious behaviors can occur in pigeons, when they were first placed in his operant chamber they would emit a wide variety of behaviors. These pigeons may flap their wings, peck, go in circles etc. BF Skinner would then give pigeons food on a random interval schedule of reinforcement. If the pigeon was flapping its wings at the same time it was given food the pigeon would associate the behavior of flapping its wings with getting food (even though flapping its wings would have no effect on receiving food). Since the pigeon believes flapping its wings increases its chances of getting food we can identify this behavior as superstitious behavior.
The second aspect of this topic I would like to discuss is extinction. Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. Extinction is neither reinforcement or punishment but it is certainly similar to both. Extinction is similar to punishment because it is used to decrease a behavior. While extinction does not directly punish a behavior it is very effective at reducing the likelihood of that behavior from occurring again. Neither positive punishment nor negative punishment is used during extinction. Extinction is also very similar to reinforcement because it involves a previously reinforced behavior. Like i said before the object of extinction is to stop the reinforcement of the target behavior in hopes that it will stop. Just like reinforcement, extinction is a process. The reason I chose to talk about extinction is because much like a bad behavior I believe, in some cases, superstitious behaviors should become extinct. Such superstitious behaviors should have a negative effect on the individual emitting them and on others.
The third topic i would like to discuss is extinction burst. This section only touched on the topic but i think it is a very interesting concept. Extinction burst occurs after the process of extinction, when an individual emits the once extinct behavior suddenly when they attempt to obtain reinforcement.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Schedule of reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious behavior, target behavior, positive punishment, negative punishment, emit, random interval, extinction, extinction burst, operant chamber.
Topic, how it fits in section, why interested?
The topic I chose for this week’s assignment was Superstitious behavior. Superstitious behavior was mentioned briefly at the end of chapter 2 section 4 in the ‘additional concepts’ in Behavior Modification. I knew that this would be my topic for this assignment as soon as I read about it. This is because it was totally novel to me; I had never heard of superstition being analyzed in a psychological context before so I was naturally curious. The more I thought about I the more it made sense for these type of behaviors to scrutinized from the psychological perspective because they don’t elicit any observable consequences. From this view it could be then theorized that a psychological process was the antecedent. After learning more about superstitious behavior from the reading it became clear that just because there is no observable consequence that is directly attributed to the behavior doesn’t mean those practicing the behavior are of the same belief.
The three aspects of the topic that I covered in the synthesis were: why superstitious behaviors occur, the difference between superstitious behavior in humans and animals, and how people can attempt to control superstitious behaviors.
Superstitious behaviors differ from typical behavior in that instead of actually being the cause of the elicited consequence, the behavior is actually only linked to the response by chance. This extraneous action is now perceived by the performer of the behavior to be a part of the reinforcement schedule, and to be causally attributed to the consequence. The formation of the superstition occurs when there is an inconsistent consequence to a behavior. Using B.F. Skinner’s pigeons as an example; because the pigeons were given food on a schedule of irregular intervals the pigeons developed differing behaviors that they attributed to being fed. These pigeons had been previously conditioned to believe that food was related to their behavior, so they then would perform the behavior they had been enacting at the time of feeding in succession until the random reinforcement occurred. Due to in inconsistent feeding schedule the superstitious behavior became a conditioned behavior. A ‘ritual’, or behavior that is symbolically significant, can be mistaken for a superstitious behavior but the distinction between the two is belief. Someone can light a candle in religious observance or tradition with no motive other, while if they light a candle as a means of communicating with a deity or opening a spiritual channel then the behavior would be classified as superstitious.
The most remarkable discovery I made in reading these articles was that there really isn’t much difference between animals and humans in terms of superstitious behavior. Some might ask why this is an important distinction in the first place. Why does it matter that Skinner conditioned pigeons to dance and what does that have to do with human behavior? While there are behavioral and cognitive differences between humans and Skinners pigeons, the basic relationship between non-causal behavior and supposed desired consequence is the same in both cases. The largest difference between the humans and pigeons that I can gather is that humans can typically develop rationale behind a behavior. For example; the pigeons were conditioned to elicit behavior to receive food from a mysterious source with no further thought behind how the food may have arrived there, but a human may jiggle a key in a lock a certain way because they believe it may turn the tumblers differently.
So then the next logical question might be ‘what can we do about it?’ Well, why they happen can help us understand a lot about how to stop them. One of the reasons posited for why people engage in superstitious behavior is because there is a consequence that is not understood or, as mentioned previously, seems to be the result of chance. Because the unknown or mysterious nature of the outcomes we as humans try to explain the event by attributing a behavior to be its cause. An example of this given in a few of the articles was that due to the unknown and competitive nature of sports a baseball player attributing his luck in a game to a ‘lucky’ glove in order to be able to rationalize the outcome. One of the articles proposed that psychotic delusions are also examples of superstitious behavior because they are emitted without any perceived or observed consequences. This being understood it may be possible to try and control or change superstitious behaviors by having a good understanding of the situation; this allows us to be able to draw logical conclusions about the outcomes of different behaviors. Determining what events are uncontrollable and which we can control is most important in understanding which target behaviors one might want to limit, then taking those target behaviors and logically deconstructing them to identify the lack of causal relationship can help to decrease them.
Terms: superstitious behavior, elicit, antecedent, consequence, reinforcement schedule, B.F. Skinner, conditioned behavior, emit, target behavior
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
For this week’s topical blog, I decided to take a closer look at superstitious behaviors, which was talked about in chapter 2. Since the first Iowa Hawkeye’s football game about 4 and a half weeks ago, I have been wearing my Hawkeye’s hat. At first, I just wore the hat because I had received a bad haircut, but then they kept winning so I decided that I won’t take my hat off because the hawks are winning and I somehow relate that me wearing a Iowa hat has something to do with them winning. Yes, the idea is far-fetched and has become a superstitious behavior, but so far it is working out pretty good for both me and the hawks.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I would like to look at three different aspects regarding superstitious behavior. First, why we believe in superstitions. Second, sports and superstitions. Third, the potential benefits to superstitious behaviors.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Some people might believe that superstition is a form of OCD. However, most research does not support this hypothesis. Superstitious behaviors are a way organisms think they can influence fate by performing something a particular way. I would gander to say that most of us have some sort of superstitious behaviors in our own life, but why? Some psychologists have come up with the uncertainty hypothesis, which states that when we are unsure about an outcome, we will try to find a way to control it. For us as human beings, we get very nervous when we cannot control stimuli in a specific situation, especially where there are many uncontrolled variables. We try to make up ways that we could potentially control the outcome, even when it is in all reality, impractical. Superstitions can also help athletes and fans control their anxiety before a game or event. However, it can also increase their anxiety if they feel as if the situation is out of their control. To sum everything up, superstitious behavior comes from us wanting to control situations where the variables are uncontrollable.
The uncertainty hypothesis is the root of all superstition, especially within the sporting community, where superstition is most prevalent. Maybe the sports fan eats the same meal every single time before they play, because the time that they first started to eat that meal their team won the championship several years ago. This seems a little ridiculous, but tell that to the millions of football fans everywhere. One study showed that the most superstitious fans felt as if their clothing, food, drinks, and actually watching the game played key roles in whether their team wins or loses. Sporting events are unscripted situations, where no one actually knows positively what the outcome will be, but they all want the outcome to be favorable, but they realize that they can’t realistically control the outcome, but they do this little superstitions to make them feel as if they can. There are two different types of people, people who believe in an internal locus of control, and those who believe in an external locus of control. Those who believe in an external locus of control feel the need for more superstitious behaviors and they try to emit this superstitious behaviors to show some control over their situation. One concept that was very interesting in my reading was the difference between a superstitious behavior and a physical movement pattern before a sporting event. They could be the very same thing in some situations such as shooting exactly 20 free-throws before a basketball game starts. The athlete did this once and the consequence was winning the game and then the athlete decided to keep this routine because he/she received positive reinforcement.
People who hold superstitious behaviors receive several unintended benefits from their superstitions. For example, sports fans receive some positive mental health advantages over non fans such feeling happier, feel better about themselves, and are less lonely. Sports fans may feel as if they are part of something larger and make a social ties out of the situation from simply being a fan of the same team as someone else or even the same sport. Another benefit that specifically loyal fans have with regards to superstitious behaviors is that their loyalty to their team becomes part of their identity. However, just as they feel more loyalty towards their team, they can also easily feel more anxiety when things seem out of their control and they aren’t able to control the results.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behaviors, emit, behavior, stimuli, variables, consequence, positive reinforcement.
1) The topic that I decided to look into this week is intermittent reinforcement. This fits into the section that we read and learned about because the chapters discussed continuous reinforcement and how reinforcing every single time the desired target behavior is emitted maybe isn’t the best way to learn. Instead only giving a reinforcer some of the time when a behavior is emitted, the subject will learn the behavior just as well, on top of the behavior being harder to extinguish. This is exactly what intermittent reinforcement is. I wanted to look further into this topic because it interested me how, even though the target behavior isn’t reinforced every time, the behavior can still be learned fairly well, and be more resistant to extinction.
2) The three aspects that I wanted to examine with intermittent reinforcement is the basic instruments and understandings of how intermittent reinforcement works, how intermittent reinforcement is more resistant to extinction than continuous reinforcement, and finally an example of what intermittent reinforcement is like in real life, and how we can see it affecting human behaviors.
3) There were discussions in the chapters about how intermittent reinforcement can have different schedules like intervals or ratios, but that is not what I want to really focus on. While the sections showed which schedules worked the best and what the person’s behavior would act like on these schedules, I wanted to see how the actual intermittent reinforcement worked in the long run, and not necessarily on rats.
While I understood the general idea, I wanted to really know why exactly intermittent reinforcement was more resistant to extinction. What I found was if the response has been continually reinforced in the past, the subject will quickly notice when reinforcement has stopped and recognize the extinction period. After an extinction burst, the subject will soon stop emitting the behavior that it did before . By contrast, if a response is intermittently reinforced, then the subject grows accustomed to periods of no reinforcement. If the person giving the reinforcers tries to extinguish the behavior by cutting off all reinforcement, the subject is less likely to notice that extinction is taking place. They are then more likely to persist with the behavior in the expectation that reinforcement may resume again as it has in the past.
This all really makes sense to me now, but what if the subject has picked up on the schedule of when they usually get reinforced or not. Then after not getting their reinforcements, wouldn’t they then recognize the extinction process and stop emitting their behaviors soon? This is a question that I still have about intermittent reinforcement. But I guess the answer isn’t that they won’t catch on to what is going on, it will just take them more times emitting the behavior before they notice anything. The previous schedule of reinforcement determines not only how much behavior will occur in extinction but also the particular manner in which it will be emitted. The amount and character of extinction after different kinds of reinforcement will vary by many orders of magnitude.
While thinking about how the intermittent reinforcement can happen in real life, other than rats in a cage, I came across an article talking about how intermittent reinforcement can help explain why people tend to stay in abusive relationships. It was actually really interesting to read and showed a great example of how intermittent reinforcement can happen without even really being conscious about it. It was really fascinating to think about abusive relationships and always wondering what it is that makes the abusive partner seem so attractive to the other. But with intermittent reinforcement, it all makes sense. The person will never know what type of behavior or response that they are going to get from their partner. It could be horrible, but yet there is a chance that it could be that wonderful amazing feeling that makes a relationship. As a result, the person tends to continue returning for more, wanting and waiting for that great part of the relationship to come through. However, one thing that is different with this example, is that no matter the behavior that the person emits, the abuser’s behavior is random. So no target behavior is being reinforced by the abuser. The only thing that is reinforcing is the feeling of a wonderful and stable relationship. However, it has nothing to do with learning a target behavior. But I do love the example that it shows about how intermittent reinforcement can cause someone to keep trying or emitting their behavior in hopes that they will soon be reinforced again.
While looking at the situation from the outside, it seems so simple what is going on, it is a whole different view when you are in the middle of the intermittent reinforcement.
4) Links:
I used this link to help me understand more about why intermittent reinforcement is so resistant to extinction compared to continuous reinforcement
I used this link to help me understand how exactly the schedules of intermittent reinforcement effect how a person behaves, learns the behaviors, and their different processes for extinction
I used this link as a connection between the constant definitions to an example in the real world. While it was a really good example, it didn’t quite fit the idea of reinforcement like we have discussed in class and read about.
Terms: intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, target behavior, emitted, reinforcing, reinforcer, behavior, extinguish, reinforced, extinction, extinction burst, emits
1) The topic that I decided to look into this week is intermittent reinforcement. This fits into the section that we read and learned about because the chapters discussed continuous reinforcement and how reinforcing every single time the desired target behavior is emitted maybe isn’t the best way to learn. Instead only giving a reinforcer some of the time when a behavior is emitted, the subject will learn the behavior just as well, on top of the behavior being harder to extinguish. This is exactly what intermittent reinforcement is. I wanted to look further into this topic because it interested me how, even though the target behavior isn’t reinforced every time, the behavior can still be learned fairly well, and be more resistant to extinction.
2) The three aspects that I wanted to examine with intermittent reinforcement is the basic instruments and understandings of how intermittent reinforcement works, how intermittent reinforcement is more resistant to extinction than continuous reinforcement, and finally an example of what intermittent reinforcement is like in real life, and how we can see it affecting human behaviors.
3) There were discussions in the chapters about how intermittent reinforcement can have different schedules like intervals or ratios, but that is not what I want to really focus on. While the sections showed which schedules worked the best and what the person’s behavior would act like on these schedules, I wanted to see how the actual intermittent reinforcement worked in the long run, and not necessarily on rats.
While I understood the general idea, I wanted to really know why exactly intermittent reinforcement was more resistant to extinction. What I found was if the response has been continually reinforced in the past, the subject will quickly notice when reinforcement has stopped and recognize the extinction period. After an extinction burst, the subject will soon stop emitting the behavior that it did before . By contrast, if a response is intermittently reinforced, then the subject grows accustomed to periods of no reinforcement. If the person giving the reinforcers tries to extinguish the behavior by cutting off all reinforcement, the subject is less likely to notice that extinction is taking place. They are then more likely to persist with the behavior in the expectation that reinforcement may resume again as it has in the past.
This all really makes sense to me now, but what if the subject has picked up on the schedule of when they usually get reinforced or not. Then after not getting their reinforcements, wouldn’t they then recognize the extinction process and stop emitting their behaviors soon? This is a question that I still have about intermittent reinforcement. But I guess the answer isn’t that they won’t catch on to what is going on, it will just take them more times emitting the behavior before they notice anything. The previous schedule of reinforcement determines not only how much behavior will occur in extinction but also the particular manner in which it will be emitted. The amount and character of extinction after different kinds of reinforcement will vary by many orders of magnitude.
While thinking about how the intermittent reinforcement can happen in real life, other than rats in a cage, I came across an article talking about how intermittent reinforcement can help explain why people tend to stay in abusive relationships. It was actually really interesting to read and showed a great example of how intermittent reinforcement can happen without even really being conscious about it. It was really fascinating to think about abusive relationships and always wondering what it is that makes the abusive partner seem so attractive to the other. But with intermittent reinforcement, it all makes sense. The person will never know what type of behavior or response that they are going to get from their partner. It could be horrible, but yet there is a chance that it could be that wonderful amazing feeling that makes a relationship. As a result, the person tends to continue returning for more, wanting and waiting for that great part of the relationship to come through. However, one thing that is different with this example, is that no matter the behavior that the person emits, the abuser’s behavior is random. So no target behavior is being reinforced by the abuser. The only thing that is reinforcing is the feeling of a wonderful and stable relationship. However, it has nothing to do with learning a target behavior. But I do love the example that it shows about how intermittent reinforcement can cause someone to keep trying or emitting their behavior in hopes that they will soon be reinforced again.
While looking at the situation from the outside, it seems so simple what is going on, it is a whole different view when you are in the middle of the intermittent reinforcement.
4) Links:
I used this link to help me understand more about why intermittent reinforcement is so resistant to extinction compared to continuous reinforcement
I used this link to help me understand how exactly the schedules of intermittent reinforcement effect how a person behaves, learns the behaviors, and their different processes for extinction
I used this link as a connection between the constant definitions to an example in the real world. While it was a really good example, it didn’t quite fit the idea of reinforcement like we have discussed in class and read about.
Terms: intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, target behavior, emitted, reinforcing, reinforcer, behavior, extinguish, reinforced, extinction, extinction burst, emits
1. The topic I chose was the main idea in section 2.5. This is schedules of reinforcement. Even though this is a broad topic, I chose this because I’m interested in the many examples and curious to find out which reinforcement tends to work better or faster.
2. The three aspects I would like to talk about for my topic would be understanding ratio vs interval and fixed vs interval, then the types of schedule reinforcement, and how we can use it in daily life.
What I would like to talk about today is about intermediate schedules of reinforcement. There are four types of these scheduled reinforces, which are variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval. But first we need to explain the different between fixed and variable, also ratio and interval. Fixed is a fixed amount that will remain the same each time, no matter what. An example of this is if you $10 to the store clerk for a shirt, you will always get that shirt only if you give that amount of $10. If you give any less than that, then you will not get the shirt. Variable is when the amount varies, so it could happen on that amount or it could not. That’s kind of a hard definition to understand so an example would be a Micky D’s reward scratch monopoly cards. If you buy something with scratch patches on it, then you have two chances to get something free like a sandwich. Everyone knows that you may win both, one, or none. It is variable if you win or not. Ratio is when an amount of responses is required in order to get a reinforcement. For example every time I tell my dog to do a trick like bark three times, she will then get a treat. But if she only does one or two barks then she doesn’t get the treat until that third bark. Interval is when an amount of time has to happen before getting the reinforcement. A good example of this would be an app game where you only get a free token each. So this means you have to wait 24hrs to be able to get that reinforcement of the free token.
Now we need to explain the four schedules of reinforcement. First is variable ratio which is after a certain amount of response is variably reinforced. This means even when you give a response with the right amount of time, you may or may not get a reinforcement. You may think “why would you try that response again if you don’t know for sure if you are going to get a reinforcement”. The reason why they still do it is because the reinforcement has happened before you they want to take that chance of it happening again. An example of a variable ratio would be a vending machine that could be broken. Say you put the right amount of money of $2.50 for a pop. If the vending machine is broken somewhat, then you may or may not get that reinforcement of a pop. But If do get a pop one of those times, then you will try it again. On a chart for Variable ratio it will go up straight but the reinforcement marks are intermittent.
For fixed ratio, it is when you give a certain amount of responses then you will get a reinforcement each time. One example of this would be a Pancheros punch card. Each time you get 10 burritos you get a reinforcement of the 11th burrito being free. This punch card is always available so you for sure will get a free burrito each time you get ten of them. On the chart for fixed ratio it would go up the chart in a staircase fashion and the reinforcement marks would be consistent.
Now for variable interval would be you get reinforcement after a varied amount of time. This would mean that even though you waited a certain time then gave a response, you may or may not get a reinforcement. A good example of this would be checking your email. You may get mail at 8, none at 12, a few at 4 and none again at 9. But you keep on checking because you know you could get a reinforcement of mail. In the chart for this you would go up straight but the reinforcement markers are intermittent.
Lastly we have fixed interval. This is where the response is only reinforced after a certain amount of time. An example would be if you get paid every month. You give a response of working and after waiting an interval of one month, then you always get paid each month if you work. What the chart would look like for fixed interval would be as it goes up it will go in a scalloped fashion which the reinforcement markers being consistent.
A day to day life example is a fixed or variable loan better. Most loans are interval where you pay after a certain amount of time. Well if you think about it, a fixed loan would mean there is a set amount of money you have to pay each due date. If your loan was variable then it could be really high one month, and barely anything the next month. So for this situation the best would be the fixed loan.
4. terms: Intermediate, schedules of reinforcement, Fixed, ratio, variable, interval, reinforcement, variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, intermittent, staircase, scalloped
1) The topic I was interesting in is superstitious behaviors and why we do them. I read about this is our book, I was a bit caught off guard because it made me realize that even I have my own superstitious behaviors and I laughed. What I find so interesting about the behaviors is the fact that they have no impact on the outcome at all. Yet just because timing was right, we believe that we actually affected the outcome.
2a) The three aspects I want to discuss are 1) Why do people elicit superstitious behaviors, 2) superstitious behaviors in relation to sports, and 3) I want to give my own examples for the superstitious behaviors I’ve noticed that I do.
2b) First I want to explain what a superstitious behavior is before explaining the reasons people emit them. They are behaviors (or rituals) that people do to get the outcome they desire. It is then reinforced by coincidence and because of reinforcement, the behavior continues to happen in hopes it will be reinforced once again somehow. An example of this would be wearing a necklace that the person believes gives them confidence for the presentation they need to give. This was reinforced and become a superstitious behavior because at one point, the person gave a great presentation and they just happened to be wearing that necklace. Now obviously we know that the necklace doesn’t hold magical powers and gives that person confidence but people will still hold on tight to their rituals. They truly believe their desired outcome will happen. The reason is because people don’t have control of the outcome and this will raise anxiety. So by having a superstitious behavior, people are reaching for more certainty, less helplessness, and to avoid dealing with their anxieties. These behaviors are the opposite of coping mechanisms because they push away the problems. This means they don’t deal with their personal issues up front such as guilt. People use luck, either good or bad, as the reason things turned out the way it did. An example of this is, “I did really badly on that test because it was rainy outside and that made me drowsy.” This shows bad luck and it’s obviously not true because the weather can’t control the outcome of the test scores. Sports are filled with superstitious behaviors from the athletes and the audiences watching. The video below shows many examples of behaviors that people do because they believe it’ll heighten the chances. It’s quite humorous to see some of the bizarre behaviors people emit and that they do them with very specific timing. There are many reasons why people do these behaviors and it’s because they feel like they are part of something bigger. They will identify themselves with their sports team and will do anything they can to help their teams win even if that means never washing their favorite jersey for 10 years because it’s “tradition”. Fans feel as though something big is at stake every game, so the feelings of intensity and anxiety are raised. The fans fully support their team and feel better about themselves and don’t feel as lonely. If their team loses, it’s because they did do the superstitious behavior correctly and all the odds were off balanced. Researchers have found that the less control someone has in their life, the more superstitious that person will be. Just like everybody else, I too have superstitious behaviors that I do every once in a while. I explained one in my reading activity about my track warm up before the starter shoots the gun. I felt that if I didn’t do the routine I would be completely unbalanced and my legs would give out. Another behavior I’ve emitted is wearing a specific necklace on presentation and test days. For whatever reason, the necklace gave me comfort and confidence that I was going to do great. At some point I put that thought in my head and it stuck with me. My dad taught me this one, pick up a penny if you see one because they’re good luck. But they were only good luck if it was heads up, if it was tails up I would get bad luck. Another example is when I was younger I played soccer. I was playing in my backyard with my ball and found a four leaf clover. I showed my dad and he tapped it inside my right leg’s shin guard (I’m a righty). Somehow that clover gave me a boost of confidence that I was going to be substantially better. Plus I did win the next game we played after tapping that clover. Superstitious behaviors are very interesting and can be very fun and fulfilling to the person. They can bring confidence and a feeling of importance. The only time they become a problem is when the person becomes dependent of the superstition and they don’t take the consequences.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201410/why-were-so-superstitious
- http://psychcentral.com/news/2010/09/03/scientific-view-of-superstitious-behavior/17698.html
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67gUGnYca3Q
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
- Superstitious behaviors, emit, behaviors, rituals, reinforced, reinforcement
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I have chosen for this assignment is extinction (specifically extinction bursts) with parenting. I found this specific topic interesting ever since it was mentioned a few chapters ago (and in-class). I feel as though this is one of the most effective aspects of behavior modification when working with parents and children on changing behavior! Parents often give in to their children’s wants and desires because they believe it will solve the problem.
For example, if a child is screaming in a movie theater because they want candy - you give it to them. The next time you are in the theater, the child screams for candy again eliciting the response of you trying to calm their behavior once again by giving them a candy bar. This cycle repeats itself many times and this has become a learned and reinforced behavior. The antecedent is the child screaming, the behavior is you giving the child the candy bar, the consequence is the learned and reinforced idea that when the child screams they will get a candy bar. This provides positive reinforcement for this behavior. An example of negative reinforcement in this situation would be if the child previously had the candy bar, and the candy bar was taken away when she began to throw a tantrum.
However, if the next time the parent goes into the movie theater and the child emits the behavior of screaming and crying, the parent does NOT give them the candy bar. The screaming would continue for awhile, but eventually dissipate. The next time you go to the theater with the child, they scream again, but alas still no candy. This continues and eventually the child would learn that even if they scream they will not get candy. Finally, the child would stop screaming in order to get candy and this would complete the process of extinction. I would very much so like to be a parent in the future, however I am very interested in learning about parenting styles and what exactly are the “better” methods for raising quality individuals. Therefore, extinction is quite interesting to me!
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
My topic is using extinction during parenting in order to create quality individuals (at least to the best of the parents ability.) Three aspects I am going to focus on within this particular topic are using extinction to eliminate temper tantrums, using extinction to develop through childhood stages, and using extinction to help children detach from their parents. I believe these are all issues that extinction can assist with when parenting young children.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
One major reason I am extremely interested in the concepts of extinction and extinction bursts in children is honestly because I threw temper tantrums often as a child. Granted, there could be plenty of reasons for this – children are triggered by a plethora of things. However, seeing as temper tantrums are often an example used when describing extinction, I was immediately interested in this area of the topic. Throughout each of the articles, various aspects of extinction were mentioned. Specifically, one of the articles focused on extinction with parenting and how to handle temper tantrums in public places. One of the most effective techniques for most parents was simply not giving their child any attention. For example, this meant not acknowledging the child’s temper tantrum, looking away, ignoring the child unless they calm down and ask you questions in a polite or at least calm way. Another way that was deemed effective was to simply drop what you are doing and leave the store. While this method is fairly inconvenient, it demonstrated to the child the severity of the situation and the child could identify the specific target behavior that triggered the situation – throwing a temper tantrum.
Another article focused on the concept that extinction cannot only help eliminate negative behaviors, but also help children develop as individuals and become quality people. The article explained how extinction cannot only help to eliminate unwanted behaviors, but also be used in conjunction with positive reinforcement to promote ideal behaviors. For example, if a child consistently expects $10 a week for doing chores, and you would like to eliminate this expectancy but not lose the positive results, you could use positive reinforcement in order to keep up the good behavior. You could use more decision-making power in meals, a longer curfew, letting them choose the chores they would most prefer to do. Therefore, they are still gaining something form the positive reinforcement, but there is still the extinction of the expecting money. This specific example would assist families struggling with funds – but still needing children to help out around the house and not lose motivation.
The third article focused on using extinction to eliminate certain dependent behaviors in children. A specific example used in this article focused on training babies to not expect parental attention every time they cry from the crib. Of course, the article laid out specific guidelines, such as certain ages these techniques should be used on, excludes children with abnormal needs, and any other specific needs they may exclude babies from this technique. However, the article laid out the various ways extinction could be used to defeat parental dependency in babies/toddlers throughout the night. Many of the techniques were a building process, where you would simply decrease the amount of times you would come back to the baby/toddler’s room. These amounts would keep decreasing until eventually, the parent does not return to the room when the child is crying. Obviously, a visual monitor would be used in order to check and see if they are having any emergencies, or if they are simply crying for a parent. This would eventually eliminate the expectation that a parent would come when the child cries – extinguishing the behavior.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, extinction, extinction bursts, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, emit, elicit, target behavior
1. The topic I chose to focus on specifically for this week's assignment is extinction and extinction burst. This fits into what we read about in section 2.4 this week as these were the exact topics discussed in that section. I'm interested in it because of all the things we've learned about thus far in this class, this specific topic is most relevant in my life because of me working on problematic behaviors with my dog. I find it interesting to learn more about because it's helping me to implement modifying some behaviors my dog has been emitting, behaviors that I've been reinforcing up until this point.
2.) Three aspects of this topic that I will focus on are what extinction/extinction burst is, what's most important to remember about implementing extinction, and why this is relevant to me and what I'm working on with my dog.
3.) Extinction is a strategy of eliminating behavior without the use of punishment. Extinction occurs when someone stops reinforcing a behavior they previously did reinforce. Extinction burst is the part of this process when the behavior initially gets worse before it gets better. The most important thing for anyone to remember if they wish to use extinction is that it WILL get worse before it gets better. The individual who is experiencing the extinction is used to being reinforced for doing a certain behavior, so initially, when they're no longer being reinforced, they're going to try even harder to get the reinforcement they previously got. This being said, their behavior will get worse before it will get better and this is why sometimes people tend to fail at implementing extinction because they give in to the subject when the behavior initially gets worse. In order for extinction to be successful, one must fight through the extinction burst and remember that the behavior will eventually stop.
The research I did was specifically on extinction and extinction burst as it relates to dog training because of how relevant it is with the work I'm doing with my dog right now. My dog has emitted two problematic behaviors that I have previously reinforced. One of the behaviors is her jumping up and down at my feet when I'm standing and talking to someone else. I've reinforced this for as long as I've had her basically because I just wanted her to stop and because I wanted to comfort her because I know she's extremely attached to me and seeks comfort from me. However, this has gotten to be a problem and has led her to think that I will pick her up anytime as long as she jumps up and down long enough. The other behavior is that if I pet my dog and then stop petting her, she will use her paw to try and drag my hand back to her to keep petting her. When I first adopted her, I thought this was funny so I just gave in and would continue to pet her. However, she's started to do this to anyone that pets her which is annoying for guests and others. So, in the articles I found, they talk about using extinction with dogs and understanding that it will get worse at first, but it will eventually get better. The other important thing to remember is that immediately when the dog stops doing the problematic behavior, they should be reinforced. For example, I could give my dog a treat immediately when she stops jumping up and down at my feet, or when she stops trying to drag my hand to pet her. I've also tried using punishment and that didn't really go over well with her.
For this week's post I am going to discuss focus on the topic of extinction. I will discuss the definition of extinction, how it pertains to extinction burst and variability, and how this behavior modification technique can be used in a classroom setting. Since I will be one day working in a classroom of my own, I will need to be able not only to address behavioral issues, but have the knowledge pertaining to ways to modify, or in this case, extinguish unwanted behaviors.
First off, extinction is the disappearance of a previously learned target behavior that is no longer being reinforced. For the duration of this post, the target behavior in question, will consist of behaviors exhibited by students. As a teacher I will have to decide what is and is not appropriate and how I shall choose to extinguish said behavior. This will be different than previous discussions, as I have referenced target behavior in a positive light and ways of reinforcing that behavior because it is desirable.
The role of the teacher is not merely to educate future generations but also to encourage and shape them into becoming beneficial members of society. My goal is to help my students to one day become intelligent, creative and independent adults. In my experiences with children, some behaviors do not encourage these traits. The first example I have is of the attention seeking child who screamed at me when I wouldn't pay attention to her. This past summer I worked at a week long camp where I had 21 first grade students. For young students, the first day of camp is always scary as they have to meet new people and make new friends. Some cry for their parents and we teacher friends tried to help them cope. One girl I quickly found out was not having an issue of being away from her mom, she was having the issue of no longer being the center of attention for any authority figure in the room. If I would work with other students, she would cry, scream, or throw things until I came over to calm her down.
Applying this situation to what we are discussing in class, the target behavior was the screaming whenever a teacher friend would not pay her attention. After the first day of camp I talked with the other teacher friends and we decided that it would be best to ignore the little girl and not reinforce these unwanted behaviors. We figured that the more reinforcement we provided her by interacting with her while she was behaving poorly, that we would encourage this behavior to continue. So we tried it and the first day of our "behavior modification experiment" we ignored her and we experienced first hand extinction burst. The little girl screamed louder, she tried harder to get our attention by walking over and screaming at you, exhibiting escalating signs of aggression. Eventually she was removed from the room by an administrator for her to calm down in the office.
Later in the same day we then got to experience some variability with her behavior. During snack time she sat by me and I talked with her to make sure she was doing okay. Then when I went to take a student to the bathroom she started the whole process again, but this time by throwing her food around. It was difficult for me to not give in and go over to address this issue. So I just walked away. When I came back she had switched from throwing food to tearing up the grass on the lawn that we sat on. I quietly gathered the class together and told her that we were going to our next class and once she calmed down she could join us. Within a few minutes she had followed us inside and right into the classroom where we sat working on an a group art project. She silently joined the group and for the rest of the week she was just fine.
This example relates to the reading and the websites I have found. In the first website I looked at, educateautism.com, it gave a similar example with a situation involving a little boy named Brian who would scream at recess until a teacher came and interacted with him. Reflecting upon this, I feel as though I may encounter these behaviors in my future real world experiences and that although my choice to extinguish the behavior wasn't the easiest route, I personally feel that it was better than punishing the child, or providing her with reinforcement for her unwanted behaviors. My second website was how punishment is a typical standby for most teachers, but unfortunately it can lead to these unwanted behaviors to be pushed underground and allowed to resurface at any point. It also strongly cautioned that some extinction can take time and situations like mine will not be as common. Extinction can be quite time consuming as the example in the second website suggests but behavior modification and altering unwanted behaviors utilizing extinction will have a significant impact upon a child's development.
Terminology: Target Behavior, Extinction, Reinforcement, Extinction Burst, Variability, Aggression, Punishing, Autism
1. The topic that I want to expand on is superstitious behaviors. Superstitious behaviors was introduced in section 2.4 We learned that people have behaviors that emerge from situations that are plausible. These situations create an impulse to ask why it was plausible. The answer can lie in luck, talent, hard work and many other possible mechanisms. But instead of these mechanisms people choose to buy into what behavior they did that helped it. These behaviors aren’t typically supported with scientific background that it was what helped the scenario to be a plausible one.
2. Aspect 1: Formation of a Superstitious behavior, Growth or decline of superstitious behavior Automaticity or extinction of a behavior,
3. Formation of these superstitious behaviors come from an event. This event that happens can be closely correlated with a plausible consequence. This plausible consequence brings about a repetition of behaviors. The thing that makes a behavior superstitious is that it doesn’t provide any increase in probability of the stimulus creating the reoccurrence of the plausible consequence. Superstitious behaviors shouldn’t provide any scientific evidence of it supporting the plausible consequence. With this being said the facilitator continuing the superstitious behavior is in a way fooling themselves of probable cause. But it isn’t just a plausible cause that creates a superstitious behavior. When an adverse stimulus is found, the facilitator of that behavior might shy away from the behavior. Superstitious behaviors like throwing salt over your shoulder, or not walking under a ladder occur because of an adverse stimulus. This stimulus makes someone create the superstition. But the superstition is in affect because of the increase of the plausible effect of getting away from the adverse stimulus, just for clarification.
When we look into the superstitious behaviors we can find a growth and/or a decline. This growth and decline can happen for a number of reasons. The first reason for growth is repeated plausible consequences following the superstitious behavior. At this point the facilitator of the behavior, begins to convince himself that the behavior is indeed causing this plausible result. After this happens we see growth in the frequency of the superstitious behaviors. We can see this when a basketball player at the free throw line goes through a routine or superstitious set of behaviors and makes the shot. He will do the behavior again. Decline can occur in a similar way. If the superstitious behavior creates an adverse consequence then you might be less likely to repeat the behavior. If you take the basketball player from the first example, only this time have him miss the shot he might think twice about using the behavior he did.
Sometimes superstitious behaviors will become automatic, or they become extinct. Let’s say that you consistently get plausible results from the superstitious behavior, you begin to do the behavior without thinking about it. Along with that you no longer questioned the effectiveness of the behavior you are firmly convinced that no matter what, this behavior helps. This is the automaticity stage of the superstitious behavior, and for most people there is no looking back, it becomes a function of who you are. But the opposite side of the spectrum occurs that if you consistently receive adverse stimulus from the behavior you begin to stop omitting the behavior. After an allocated amount of time you eliminate or extinguish the behavior completely. This is usually because there is no support strong enough from the experience conceived, that you would willingly omit the behavior again.
4. http://www.psychologistworld.com/superstition.php this web source discusses Skinners Pigeon experiment where he had conceived operant conditioning. This site shows and explains the experiment and why the behaviors were labeled as superstitious.
The next source is Section 2.4. “How Superstitions Occur”.
This source shows the intro of superstitious behaviors while showing an accurate definition and revelation of what superstitious behavior is.
My final source is my Professor Jennifer Waldron, in her class “Psychology of Sport” The source is generated from class discussion last week. We talked about how to get people to understand the benefits of workout and why it matters that they follow the informative advice of the movement professional. We discussed superstitious behaviors like continued implementation of a diet that they believed helped them lose weight when indeed it was the heavy valued fact that during the time of the diet they had to walk to class and work because the car was in the shop.
Terminology: Superstitious behaviors, plausible, extinction, adverse, consequence, behavior, omit, extinguish
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I am choosing to do is the generalization
of animal studies. The reason this fits into the readings is because Skinner used the idea of biological continuity to learn about how the human mind worked and it was talked about in section 2.5. I'm interested in this topic because the animal studies made me wonder why the same information would work on people.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects of the topic I would like to talk about are why studies on animals can be applied to humans, the ethics of animal studies, and some of the most famous animal studies.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Skinner spent a lot of his time working on animals. He put the animals in operant chambers to get them to have a response. Operant chambers were created by Skinner and they are used very often nowadays. Things like putting a rat in a maze or keeping a cat in a box are examples of operant chambers. The reason they can be applied to humans is because of something called biological continuity. Biological continuity is the idea that organisms are ordered with some being placed higher on the chain than others. Skinner said that we learn about ourselves by learner how lesser organisms learn which is the reason we do animal testing. Many people are against animal testing which is the main way we develop new drugs and ideas. Animal testing has proved that insulin exists and helped fight tumor growth. While pumping these drugs into humans would be seen as wrong, many people think it is necessary. It is not only done to test drugs. There are many psychological studies done on animals to prevent humans from having to go through the tests. In the video linked, a monkey is put into an operant chamber and given two things to represent a mother, one made of wire and one of cloth. Only the wire mother can provide food yet the monkey still spends most of its day with the cloth mother. The test was meant to study how humans develop a security from comfort when frightened or anxious. These are tests that would face a much larger backlash if they were done on humans and they show how important they are with the information they provide in the form of generalization to humans. Almost all of the behaviors the animals do can and are replicated in humans.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
generalization, biological continuity, operant chambers, response, Skinner
I was excited to look at the directions for this week’s assignment, which I did well in advance, to find that it is the normal topical blog that we are writing. This week I choose to write mine over schedules of reinforcement, specifically intermittent vs. continuous reinforcement. I will explain what it is, what the two bring to the table for behavioral modifications, and why they have such different impacts.
Continuous reinforcement is when every target behavior that is achieved is reinforced. An example that one of my readings gave was when the word please was used and it was reinforced by praises of “good manners. Thank you!” This praise would then encourage this behavior in the future. The YouTube video I found for this week show an adorable black lab dog, which is used to demonstrate both continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement with the use of dog tricks and treats. Sully, was obedient as his trainer gave him commands to follow, then gave him treats. These treats then started to become few and far between as the tricks became expected.
Intermittent reinforcement is something that is used to reinforce behaviors that are already taught. An example of this would be that when the child learns to say please when asking for something. At first it was rewarded with a good praise, and then as it became habit, it became expected and the praise became less frequent. In intermittent reinforcement, there are four basic schedules 1.) fixed ratio 2.) fixed interval 3.) variable ratio 4.) variable interval (The “What” of Schedules of Reinforcement).
The fixed ratio schedule implies that a certain number of behaviors must be achieved before reinforcement can be granted. Examples would include: a rat hitting a button 30 times, doing one homework assignment to get a pack of M&M’s, etc. This could be shown as an FR schedule. For instance shorthand for the rat’s schedule would be FR30.
The fixed interval is a fixed amount of time. A rat can push a lever as many times as he want to in a 30 minute period, but at the 30 minute mark, that rat will be getting a pellet. This shorthand would be FI30.
The variable ratio is where the reinforcement is granted APROXIMATELY every 10 pushes of the lever, but can have a range like between every 9-19 tries. The shorthand for this is VR10. The variable interval is an approximate amount of time instead. This is shorthanded as VI10.
With intermittent and continuous reinforcement, this allows a schedule to reinforce by, which is important because it allows the reinforcer to be able to wean the subject being reinforced. This way the target behavior can be achieved automatically without thought to reinforcement.
The impact of continuous reinforcement is one that helps to train in something new. For instance, I do not like water. I detest trying to force liquids down my throat. Our mini project is to try to get ourselves to eight 8 oz glasses of water a day. To do this, I had suggested a treat of Netflix at the end of the week. Now I am realizing that I will need to reward myself more frequently, perhaps with something sweet nightly if the full 8 glasses have been achieved. This would be reward for continous and important to establish a behavior.
The impact of intermittent reinforcement is completely different. With reinforcing at intermittent times and levels, the behavior is then practiced with the expectation of reinforcement, but is then not met with one until a certain repetition is met or time limit is exceeded. This is constantly drawn out to ensure that the target behavior continues. It is important so the reinforcement is eventually stopped and is not expected at every behavior. This would eventually become far too reinforced and could actually have a negative effect where the reinforcer is no longer reinforcing and the target behavior stops. The reinforcement may still be expected, and the person being reinforced may become angered and lash out at not being reinforced. It is a tangled web that is woven and a fine line to walk.
In relation to where I am at with my child, I use continuous reinforcement every time she brings home a comment from school that is superior to expectations. After the first 5 months, I then plan to decrease reinforcement to every 5 times she brings home a superior mark in hopes of getting more of them. This is an example of a fixed ratio (FR5). I feel this was very important for me to learn about, not only as a student learning about psychology, but also as a parent. I have been able to sit down and plan out parenting strategies, which makes me feel prepared to handle the ups and downs of parenthood.
Target Behavior
Intermittent reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
Schedules of reinforcement
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
My topic that I chose is extinction bursts, particularly related to parenting. I find this interesting because it is such a common thing that everyone knows about, even if they do not know the name for it.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I want to talk about what extinction bursts are, how they begin to happen with children, and the best way to stop them.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
To define extinction burst we first need to be able to define extinction. Extinction is when you no longer reinforce a behavior that had previously been reinforced. For example, let's say a child receives money at the end of the week for doing their chores that week. The act of giving the money is reinforcement. The money itself is the reinforcer. If the child stopped doing their chores and therefore didn't get the money, that would be negative punishment, taking something away as punishment. However, if the child is doing their chores but you do not give them the money, that is extinction. Now the logic behind this would probably be something along the lines of teaching them that these are things that are expected out of us in life, and that the reinforcer of money will not always be there for cleaning their own house. However, the child will not be pleased with this. This will lead to an extinction burst. When they do not get reinforced they will be very frustrated. This could lead to one of two things, they will either do the work harder and better thinking it will lead to the reinforcer, or they will be defiant in anger over the lack of reinforcement. A very good example of extinction bursts that we all know too well is the child in the store who is used to getting something every time they go, except this time they do not get it. Usually they know that if they whine they will get it. So that is what they do. When this does not work they continue to whine more and more until they are in a full on tantrum, knowing from past experience that at some point they will get what they want. This type of behavior occurs from inconsistencies on the part of the parent. If a parent wants to end this behavior they have to decide what their official stance is and stick to it. If you are not going to give the child money for the chores, don't give them money one week and then no money the next. Don't let the child have what they want at the store one time and not the next. Otherwise you will keep experiencing unpleasant extinction bursts.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1. For my subject I chose to look at reinforcement schedules in video games. This is related to what we've been discussing in class in that it is a real world application of the principles of reinforcement schedules. I found it interesting for two main reasons. I enjoy video games, and people are using these psychological principals to make money, which is kind of cool.
2. The three aspects I want to look at are how variable ratio, fixed ratio,variable interval, and fixed interval schedules are used in games. Then I will examine the specific effects on the gamer each schedule has. Then I will discuss why the variable ratio and intervals are recommended the most in creating games.
3.Video games have been around since the early seventies. And video games didn't start out using a whole lot of psychology, one of the first games was Pong, where you just bounced a ball from side to side and tried to score on the other player. Since then games have become more complicated and the idea of using schedules of reinforcement has come to be a vital part of creating games. Each of our reinforcement schedules we have discussed has been used in various types of games. Fixed ratio schedules are often used in RPGs, where killing a certain number of enemies means you have fulfilled a quest, whereupon you are rewarded. Variable ratio schedules are often where perhaps you need a certain item, and you get it by killing enemies, but the enemies drop the item in a seemingly random manner, so you are not rewarded for a set number of kills. Fixed interval schedules are often additional lives in games like candy crush. If you run out of lives, you get an additional life every fifteen minutes, you will stop playing until it starts to get close to the fifteen minute mark, and then you'll check increasingly often hoping that you can continue playing. A good example of variable intervals would be items in a lot of rpg games. You purchase an item and then you have to wait for more to come to the shop, but you do not know how long it will be before that item is stocked again.
These different schedules are shown to have some interesting effects. In situations where a fixed ratio schedule is put in place, it can result in overjustification, where the reinforcer changes the reason for participating in the game. It can change from being an intrinsic motivation, to extrinsically motivated. In this case you're no longer focused on enjoying the game, you're focused solely on achieving the reward.
In variable ratio schedules this isn't a problem, because there isn't a guarantee of reward if you just do an activity a required number of times. The main idea here is that the reinforcements don't become the focus of the game, they are just side benefits that are peppered in when you play.
Fixed interval once again makes players tend to only strive for the reinforcement around the time they know they will be rewarded, but this often leads to the gamers exploring other facets of the game, because they know they have time to spare before anything important happens.
Variable interval schedules tend to result in pretty constant gameplay, because gamers know that they will be reinforced in time, but with no definite timeline. It is a lower level of intensity of play than that of variable ratio, because it's more about biding time.
The variable ratio schedule is recommended for developers because it encourages players to play a lot, and at high intensity. This is because they don't know how far off the reward will be, so they aren't discouraged as they might be in a fixed ratio schedule, where once they get the reinforcement, they know they have a certain period until they will get the payoff again. Similarly, random interval is an effective method because the player does not know how long they have to play until the reinforcement is once again available. Because of this they will not leave for a period of time, knowing that they merely have to wait so long to get the reward.
reinforcement schedule, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, reinforcement, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, overjustification.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic that interested me in this chapter is superstitious behaviors. This type of behavior is one of the topics in section 2.4 in our reading assignment. Superstitious behaviors piked my interest because, like most of the other explanations of behavior that we have been learning about, I have never thought about the scientific reasons for why a person or animal would emit a certain behavior. Before you learn how to modify behavior, you need to understand why that behavior is present. Answering the “why?” questions is extremely interesting to me.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
First, I would like to talk about what exactly superstitious behavior is in a psychological explanation. Next, I would like to explain some common superstitious behaviors using the psychological explanation. Lastly, I would like to talk about the effects of a person being superstitious.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitious behavior occurs when a person or an animal begins to relate a certain behavior with a reinforcer when the reinforcer is not actually related to the behavior. This means that something random would occur after a person or animal emits a behavior and the person or animal would then associate the random happening with the behavior that they emitted even though what had happened had nothing to do with the behavior. Since the random thing that happened occurred after the behavior of the person or animal and they associate the two, the random thing that happened acts as a reinforcer and will make the behavior more likely to occur in the future. For example, my mom is an avid casino goer and scratch off ticket enthusiast. She faithfully believes that wearing a certain bracelet while going to the casino will enhance her chances of winning, or that using a specific coin to scratch off a ticket will help her win money. There is no proof of these objects actually inducing luck, but whenever she goes to the casino or scratches off a ticket, the bracelet is around her wrist or that coin is in her hand. Scratch off tickets are a big thing in my household. On Christmas, we all get them in our stockings, but for as long as I can remember, no one has really won a ton of money, usually just ten or fifteen dollars maximum. One time, though, my mom had bought a scratch off ticket, and using a random coin she scratched off the ticket and won a total of one hundred dollar (I know that’s not a lot, but to her, it was). That random coin she was using became her good luck charm for scratch offs. Even though the coin had nothing to do with winning money, since she won money, she began to associate the coin with winning. This became a superstitious behavior. Another example is when sports fans wear certain clothing that they believe will help their team win. Maybe they had wore it in the past at a game and their team had won. The victory of their team had nothing to do with what the fan was wearing, but because the team won while they were wearing that article of clothing, the victory of the team became a reinforcer for the wearing of the article of clothing at a game. So, does any good come out of superstitious behaviors? Maybe not all of them, but for things like pregame rituals, they may serve as a confidence boost or sense of security. For this reason, the superstitious behavior may not serve its intended purpose, but believing in a superstition may help the random occurrence happen in the way that the person or animal thought it would.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
4) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, Behavior, Modification, Reinforcer, Superstitious Behavior, Relate
What we would like you to do is to find a topic from what we have covered in this week's readings that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube clips that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is pretty much up to you at this point. But use at least 3 sources (only one video please and make sure it adds to the topic).
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
For this week’s Wednesday blog I have chosen to discuss biological continuity. This relates to behavior modification because of the connection between biological continuity and B.F. Skinner. Skinner believed that consistent generalized observations of animals could be transferred to humans; if there is biological continuity among animals there might be biological continuity among human beings.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I would like to define the behaviorist approach, discuss B.F. Skinner’s accomplishments and contributions, and then discuss the concept of biological continuity.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
The behaviorist approach, better known as behaviorism, is an evidence-based approach that uses observable data to draw conclusions about human behavior (Link 1). Behaviorists do not focus on internal thought patterns or emotions (better known as Cognitive Therapy)—instead they focus on an individual’s environment. The social environment influences how individuals behave in any given situation. These researchers view behavior as a response to this social environment; the response can then be analyzed and treatment can be established soon after. The main types of treatments in behaviorism are included under the heading ‘behavior modification’ and are commonly referred to as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. The ‘fathers’ of behaviorism include Ivan Pavlov, James Watson, Edward Thorndike, B.F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura (to name a few). Although B.F. Skinner may not have solely created behaviorist theory he made large contributions to the field. His main contribution to the field of psychology was operant conditioning. The idea for operant conditioning came after Pavlov’s classical conditioning theory and Thorndike’s ‘Law of Effect’ had been public for a while (Link 2). There were three components that B.F. Skinner combined to create the theory of operant conditioning: reinforcers, punishers, and neutral operants. Reinforcers increased the desired behavior, while punishers decreased the undesired behavior. There are also the two aspects of positive reinforcement and punishment as well as negative reinforcement and punishment. The ‘positive’ part refers to adding something (a stimulus) to a situation to change behavior, while the ‘negative’ part refers to taking away something from a situation to change behavior. Neutral operants were stimuli that did not increase nor decrease the possibility that the specific behavior being tested would be repeated. One of his other popular contributions concerned the use of shaping. Professionals (therapists, clinicians, etc.) parents and instructors can reward small positive behavior changes with rewards until the target behavior is either morphed into the desired behavior or becomes extinct (hopefully there is no spontaneous recovery of the behavior that has been shaped). Biological continuity describes the process of generalizing animal traits to human traits and vice versa. Instead of inspecting the mind of an individual this concept alludes to the fact that certain behaviors between humans and animals are similar (Link 3).
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Link 1: http://www.simplypsychology.org/behaviorism.html
I used this link to define behaviorism.
Link 2: http://www.simplypsychology.org/operant-conditioning.html
I used this link to see what accomplishments B.F. Skinner had contributed to the field of behaviorism. I was also curious what her had accomplished in addition to reinforcement and punishment and shaping.
Link 3: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/cognition-animal/
I used this link to elaborate the possible connection between biological continuity and animal versus human cognition. I wanted to understand the concept of biological continuity. I suppose if I broke the word into two parts it would be made up of “bio” life and “continuity” continuous. My first guess when I saw this word was to think about continuous life and how humans have a form of continuation of animal behavior (with a few major tweaks here and there, though).
Terms: behaviorist approach or behaviorism, evidence-based, cognitive therapy, social environment, behavior modification, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, reinforcers, punishers, Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner, Bandura, Law of Effect, stimulus, neutral operants
My topic is aggressive behavior in students, which would include bullying. Aggressive behavior is discussed in section 2.4 and is correlated with extinction bursts and reinforcements that were substantial to the subject. I am interested in this because bullying is a big deal that often includes aggressive behavior.
I am going to focus on what types of aggressive behaviors students will undertake, the antecedents to students having this aggressive behavior, and the consequences of such aggressive behavior in the bullies, targets, and witnesses.
Aggressiveness and bullying in schools is a universal problem. Bullying is a form of interpersonal power affirmation by means of aggression. Bullying can be direct, but can also be indirect, when victims are not present. Direct bullying consists of calling names, physical aggression, threats, hurtful words or unpleasant faces and gestures that bother the victims. Indirect bullying involves ignoring, isolation, gossiping, etc. Boys are four times more engaged in direct bullying whereas girls are more likely to use indirect bullying. Physical aggression is where the child uses their body to cause harm to others, such as hitting, kicking, biting, etc. Cyberbullying is a newer type of bullying which consists of communication through emails, cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, etc., and would be considered more indirect. There may also be different levels of aggressiveness. This is correlated with the different types. There can be less extreme aggression and more extreme. The direct bullying is considered more extreme whereas indirect would be less extreme, but still a troublesome type of aggression that can impact another child greatly. Other types of aggression mentioned in the articles I read were overaroused, impulsive, affective, predatory, and instrumental aggression. Overaroused aggression is where the child's behavior is characterized by high levels of activity that result in frequent accidents and aggressive incidents. Impulsive aggression is where students are generally quiet and passive, but have a low tolerance for frustration, therefore may burst into violence. Affective aggression is where students demonstrate rageful aggression; they are described as angry, resentful, and hostile. Predatory aggression is where children seem to be seeking revenge and are described as waiting for change to get back at another person in a hurtful, harmful manner. And instrumental aggression is where students act intimidating and demonstrate behaviors that allow them to get their way through intimidation.
Some reasons why bullies are aggressive may be caused by family conditions, individual factors, or recognition in school. Family conditions include unstructured family life, poor affective relationships, excess of tolerance or permissive behavior, physical punishment as a child, and violent emotional outbursts as control methods. Hyperactivity, impulsiveness, behavioral disturbances, attention deficit, low intelligence level, and low school performance would all be included in the individual factors. And in school, bullies see themselves as powerful, they have high self-esteem, impulsive, popular, and are stronger than their targets. When bullies have this aggressive behavior, it ups their ego in that they feel satisfied with their domination, controlling, and hurtful behaviors. Another reason why children may act this was could be caused by brain patterns that have been shaped from prior experiences. These brain patterns trigger the "fight response" which in turn the child responds aggressively to ward off a perceived threat. This may be an unconscious behavior and out of the child's control.
Targets, bullies, and witnesses all suffer from similar consequences. They suffer from physical and emotional consequences either long-term or short-term or both, and this may cause academic, social, emotional, or legal problems. Targets are more likely to suffer with depression and low self-esteem when they are adults. This is the same for bullies, as adults the risk of presenting problems associated to anti-social behavior, job instability, and short-lasting relationships is increased. This is also correlated with a lack of empathy which in turn can result in destructive behavior like hurting animals or hurting another person for fun. Children who witness bullying can also have consequences such as low academic and social performance.
Terms: aggression, consequences, antecedents, behavior, extinction bursts
For this week’s topic I will be talking about extinction, but more specifically extinction bursts as they relate to teachers. I believe that the use of extinction bursts could be very useful for teachers who are teaching with younger children. For example, if a second grader continually forgets to bring a pencil, and you as a teacher continuously give him one of your own pencils every time the student forgets the pencil, which becomes a reinforced behavior. The antecedent to the behavior is that the student continues to forget their pencil for your class. If you as a teacher stop providing the student with pencils therefore not allowing the child to participate in class activities, eventually this would help the child realize that he needed to remember to bring his pencil to class so that they can participate. The child will have to learn from their mistakes or instead of having positive consequences they will have negative consequences.
The three aspects that I am going to be focusing on are how to minimize classroom disruptions, how to minimize forgetfulness, how to help students be nicer to each other during class.
Minimizing classroom disruptions ended up being a very interesting topic, and there were a lot of ways that extinction bursts could be applied to the minimizing classroom disruptions. For example, if a group of students is talking during your class continue teaching and focusing on the entirety of your class, but send those student(s) non-verbal cues. Because you are only giving the students in the class non-verbal cues they will assume that that is only as far as you are going to go with them, and will eventually start talking again reinforcing the idea that it’s okay to talk in your class. Assuming that does not work eventually pull that group of students aside and tell them that if they continue to talk and disrupt the class they will lose points in the class, and after that they stop talking in class. This would be an example of extinction bursts and positive punishment.
Similar to in my earlier example, forgetfulness can be common in young children while going through school, so it is important for teachers to know effective strategies for helping students learn why it is important to remember to bring things to class, as well as remember to do their outside activities and other things. It teaches students about accountability and why not remembering what you’re supposed to be doing can have a negative impact on your class performance. For example, if a student continues to forget something continue to tell them that they need to remember to bring it, and then eventually, they will just think that they can just continue to forget their things for class. Begin to warn them that they will lose activities and bring up the worst possible outcome of what could happen if they do not bring what it is to class that they need to.
Students who engage in prosocial behavior have greater academic success, have more friends, and have a better relationship with their teachers. I believe it is important to encourage prosocial behavior in students from a young age, so then it is something that all teaches should know how they should encourage it. Make sure that you always greet students on their way in, and every day after that. Once you start doing something, if there is a day you do not do it then that is a time that you could end up being harmful with the behavior modification process as it occurs with extinction bursts. Using extinction bursts wrongly can negatively backfire on yourself.
Antecedent, Positive Consequences Extinction, Extinction Burst, Positive Punishment, Reinforcement, Reinforced Behavior, Positive Reinforcement
Psychological Behavior on the Subject of Superstition
What is superstitious behavior? On a daily basis, most of us emit these types of behaviors, thinking that if we do them, they will result in some sort of outcome or avoidance of bad luck. However, in the realm of psychology, this type of behavior is irrational. I myself believe in lady luck, but not in ghosts or demons. I believe that walking under ladders, a black cat crossing your path, picking up a non-heads-up penny, breaking a mirror, or spilling salt (without throwing it over your shoulder) will result in bad luck. Why do we think this way? Is it a compulsion? A result of anxiety? Or is it simply that the behavior had a good result in the past, so we continue to emit it, trying to repeat the outcome? Some of my research helped me find terms like “positive placebo effect (WebMD).” I believe this means that we are lacking in control, so we attempt to create a way of feeling like we are in control, and that we can force the outcome to be a good one.
Stuart Vyse, PhD, in an article I read on WebMD says, “Sometimes the creation of a false certainty is better than no certainty at all, and that is what much of the research suggests.” What he means is that we create something repetitive or even almost compulsive because we are looking for hope that it will work out. We would think that hope is a good personality outlook to have; however, I think that creating false hope can ultimately be detrimental to our self-esteem and positive outlook on life. Although we are hoping for a positive outcome, the fact that we are consistently let down creates an almost negative reinforcing pattern. For example, with gambling—these behaviors can be even more damaging to other aspects of our lives. This is where superstition crosses a line. We must be careful in letting these behaviors leak into our bank accounts, our safety, and our health. It is possible that we are superstitious to relieve some kind of anxiety we have at the moment, but may create other anxieties—such as anticipation of a bad occurrence.
Superstitious behavior has always been a part of human behavior—dating back to Biblical times, Medieval times, Salem, cults, Renaissance (where church and state were not separate—although still happens in some cultures today) rituals, prayer, and sacrifices are all examples. Especially today, with crime, fear of government (“illuminati”), access to technology, quick access to drugs and alcohol, etc., we are lost in a world where we feel lacking in control. I believe that every society feels and has felt that way, modern or old—we truly have no control over what happens to us (whether God, or universal fate, or no rhyme or reason), so we try to find ways to cope with this idea. Don Saucier, an associate professor of psychology at Kansas State says it well: "People believe in superstitions to try to restore some prediction and control to their world," Saucier said. "Not knowing what will happen to them is discomforting, and performing superstitious behavior can make people feel a little better about the future (Newswise)."
A good psychological study to reference is one done by Skinner and (of course) pigeons. In 1947, he helped a group of pigeons reduce their weight by 75%. Then, he created a machine that would feed the birds each day at different times. At the conclusion of his experiment, a majority of the pigeons would emit behaviors, believing that the machine would feed them if they did whatever action (PsychologistWorld). The moral of this study with a psychological basis is that superstition is learned, or conditioned, sometimes with positive reinforcement. We can go ahead and apply this theory to human superstition. For example, with the belief some have in ghosts. Ghosts have been a part of cultural histories for centuries; even Shakespeare wrote about ghosts and death. Is it because we are told that ghosts exist from an early age that we believe they are there? Did we see ghosts as children, or were they nightmares or our imaginations running wild? With my anxiety, I sometimes experience what is called “sleep paralysis,” where you can see the room around you and feel as though you are awake, however you feel as though you cannot breathe and are still dreaming—I must force myself to wake up. I have had many dreams like this where I felt something else was in the room with me, or pressing on my chest. However when I wake everything is normal. Let me repeat that I do not believe in ghosts. Could those that claim they have seen a ghost have experienced the same? Because of the stories we are told and movies we watch, does our imagination run away with us?
In conclusion, I think we can go ahead and say that superstitious behavior is conditioned (sometimes positively), it is somewhat compulsive, a way to cope with lack of control, or simply a way to relive anxiety.
Terms: Superstitious Behaviors, Emit, Behaviors, Psychology, Positive Placebo Effect, Compulsion, Anxiety, Negative Reinforcement, Conditioned, Positive Reinforcement
“Psychology Professor Says Superstitions All About Trying to Control Fate.” Newsroom: Kansas State University. Newswise Inc., 28 Oct, 2015. Web. Retrieved Oct 1, 2015, from
“Superstition: How Skinner’s Pigeon Experiment Revealed Signs of Superstition in Pigeons.” Psychology Issues. Psychologist World, 2015. Web. Retrieved Oct 1, 2015, from
“The Psychology of Superstitious Behavior: Is ‘Magical’ Thinking Hurting or Helping You?” Mental Health Center. WebMD, LLC., 2005-2015. Web. Retrieved Oct 1, 2015, from
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
My topic choice for this week is intermittent reinforcement and how it can be related to dating. This relates to the sections this week because this week we are discussing reschedule of reinforcement and how it can be broken down into continuous and intermittent reinforcement schedules.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects of this topic that I would like to talk about are what type of reinforcers in relationships might be considered on an intermittent reinforcement schedule, how extinction and extinction bursts relate to relationships, and how if things in a relationship would be different if they were one a continuous reinforcement schedule.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
When I first started to look at examples of reinforcement schedules I was very confused to see “intermittent reinforcement dating” pop up on google but after looking through the first few article I realized that I could not come up with a better example than this except for maybe gambling. A few of the articles I looked at focused on how this can be related to being attracted to the “bad boy”. If you break down what “talking to a bad boy” looks like into the ABC’s you might start off with the antecedent of wanting him to return your feelings. The behavior is that you decide to emit the behavior of texting him. The consequence might be that he responds but it might also be that he does not respond. If he responds the behavior of texting him is being reinforced but if he does not respond then there is no reinforcement. Since the probability of someone texting a person back in the same amount of time or every time that they receive a text is unlikely, the schedule of reinforcement would be considered intermittent.
If this boy does not respond after you have been texting back and forth for a few weeks then he stops responding, this would be considered extinction because a behavior that was once reinforced is no longer being reinforced. I am going to use an extreme example of a jealous girl to symbolize extinction burst. The girl might do other things in an attempt to get the boys attention. For example she might go to his place of work and try to talk to him or show up at his house. This change in behavior in an attempt to get the same reinforce is an extinction burst.
The last thing to look at when it comes to relationships and reinforcement schedules is how the relationships would be different if they were on a continuous reinforcement schedule. The articles I looked at this week talked about how many relationship often start and are at their strongest during the “chase” so when the reinforcement schedule is extremely intermittent, but the relationships often lose some steam when the excitement of the chase is no longer there. Personally I know that if I were in a relationship were there was a continuous reinforcement schedule and no surprise I would get extremely bored. This is also what the articles say about the majority of relationships. They also discuss how at the beginning of relationships people talked to each other extremely often but then that quickly becomes less often; it is when the people are not being reinforced, or not getting responses every single time, that they are more likely to change what they are doing and learn more about each other.
I also want to note that in my search this week I found an obscene number of dating websites about using intermittent reinforcement to win girls over or keep them interested.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms: intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedule, reinforcers, extinction, extinction bursts, antecedent, behavior, emit, consequence
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
From this reading sections, I would like to cover superstitious behavior. This fits into this section because it is part of section 2.4. It also is part of behavior which will help us modify it if we know what it is. I am interested in this topic because I have some superstitious behaviors that I must do or else I feel weird.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects of superstitious behaviors I want to cover is what it is, how do they form, and some examples of superstitious behaviors from other countries. I am choosing to cover what it is again, because rereading and relearning the definition will help me better understand what actually superstitious behavior is. While learning about how it forms will address what causes it. Finally, I want to learn about some superstitious behaviors of other countries because I’ve always been interested in other countries.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitious behavior is behavior that is emitted to a certain situation that happens every time the situation is present. An example of this would be going to the same store to buy a lottery ticket after you received a winning lottery ticket there before. The store would be the pleasurable stimuli, good luck per say, which would entice those to shop their again for the same thing, thinking you would win again. Superstitious behavior was figured out by B.F. Skinner. Skinner put pigeons into a Skinner box, or operant chamber. Once in the box, the animal will be given food after a certain amount of time has passed. So, let’s say that the pigeon will receive food every ten minutes. The behavior that the bird is emitting at the time the food is delivered, will then be continued. The pigeon will then believe that eliciting that behavior will cause food to be delivered and will continue the behavior, not realizing that the feeding schedule is actually a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. So, the bird is now participating in superstitious behavior.
Some common superstitious behaviors we are accustom to would be not seeing the bride in her wedding dress until after the ceremony because it is bad luck if you do, breaking a mirror will cause seven years of bad luck. Some other superstitious examples would be like voodoo and witchcraft; some people believe that Christian rituals like kissing the cross is an example of superstition. Another religious superstition is saying bless you after someone sneezes. According to the Japanese when it is the year of the fire horse, bad luck seems to start in that year. In the year of the fire horse, the amount of females born in Japan dropped 25% across the whole country. Also during this time there was an increased rate of abortions.
Do superstitions really bring bad luck then? One man named William Fowler set up the “Thirteen Club”. This club challenged superstitions. The club met on the thirteenth of every month and eat with twelve other members as they spilled salt, opened umbrellas inside and broke other superstitious laws they could think of. This continued for forty years, where it grew into the thousands and even included five presidents. Many members of the group enjoyed good health, longevity and fortune. So, it seems as if the belief of superstitions causes more harm than the superstition itself. This is because we alter our behavior to fit the superstitions.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behavior, behavior, emit, pleasurable stimuli, B.F. Skinner, Skinner box, operant chamber, eliciting, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement,
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
From this reading sections, I would like to cover superstitious behavior. This fits into this section because it is part of section 2.4. It also is part of behavior which will help us modify it if we know what it is. I am interested in this topic because I have some superstitious behaviors that I must do or else I feel weird.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects of superstitious behaviors I want to cover is what it is, how do they form, and some examples of superstitious behaviors from other countries. I am choosing to cover what it is again, because rereading and relearning the definition will help me better understand what actually superstitious behavior is. While learning about how it forms will address what causes it. Finally, I want to learn about some superstitious behaviors of other countries because I’ve always been interested in other countries.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Superstitious behavior is behavior that is emitted to a certain situation that happens every time the situation is present. An example of this would be going to the same store to buy a lottery ticket after you received a winning lottery ticket there before. The store would be the pleasurable stimuli, good luck per say, which would entice those to shop their again for the same thing, thinking you would win again. Superstitious behavior was figured out by B.F. Skinner. Skinner put pigeons into a Skinner box, or operant chamber. Once in the box, the animal will be given food after a certain amount of time has passed. So, let’s say that the pigeon will receive food every ten minutes. The behavior that the bird is emitting at the time the food is delivered, will then be continued. The pigeon will then believe that eliciting that behavior will cause food to be delivered and will continue the behavior, not realizing that the feeding schedule is actually a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. So, the bird is now participating in superstitious behavior.
Some common superstitious behaviors we are accustom to would be not seeing the bride in her wedding dress until after the ceremony because it is bad luck if you do, breaking a mirror will cause seven years of bad luck. Some other superstitious examples would be like voodoo and witchcraft; some people believe that Christian rituals like kissing the cross is an example of superstition. Another religious superstition is saying bless you after someone sneezes. According to the Japanese when it is the year of the fire horse, bad luck seems to start in that year. In the year of the fire horse, the amount of females born in Japan dropped 25% across the whole country. Also during this time there was an increased rate of abortions.
Do superstitions really bring bad luck then? One man named William Fowler set up the “Thirteen Club”. This club challenged superstitions. The club met on the thirteenth of every month and eat with twelve other members as they spilled salt, opened umbrellas inside and broke other superstitious laws they could think of. This continued for forty years, where it grew into the thousands and even included five presidents. Many members of the group enjoyed good health, longevity and fortune. So, it seems as if the belief of superstitions causes more harm than the superstition itself. This is because we alter our behavior to fit the superstitions.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Superstitious behavior, behavior, emit, pleasurable stimuli, B.F. Skinner, Skinner box, operant chamber, eliciting, fixed interval schedule of reinforcement,
1. The topic I chose to research about is extinction. Extinction was discussed in section 2.4 and will occur when an individual who has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer being reinforced for that same target behavior. Extinction is a powerful tool to use to modify someone’s behavior and it is very common. I have talked a lot about this concept with my family and friends but never knew what it was called until now. I want to now find out how effective extinction is and just how difficult it can be to implement.
2. When thinking about extinction I wanted to find out how difficult it is to extinguish an undesirable behavior and what behaviors are easier to extinguish. I also would like to find out more about extinction burst if the length of the burst depends on the complexity of the behavior/reinforcement schedule and reinforcer. Lastly I want to know if spontaneous recovery happens for a certain behavior can it then become extinct again.
3. Extinction is used to eliminate an unwanted behavior by no longer reinforcing a specific target behavior that has previously been reinforced. The purpose of extinction is to immediately cut off the reinforcer that is helping to emit the unwanted target behavior. This is a very common practice especially for children and is used by parents and teachers to eliminate a disruptive or annoying behavior. In my personal experience my parents stopped reinforcing me whenever I came out of my room when I was supposed to be sleeping and they would give me attention. To stop me from getting out of bed when I should have been sleeping they locked my door and let me cry or do whatever I did to get their attention and they never came to unlock the door. I eventually stopped trying to leave my bed at night and was soon able to fall asleep and not get up during the night. What often has come to mind when thinking about implementing extinction is when it should be used? There are a few things to consider why trying to figure out if extinction is the appropriate measure. Can the behavior be tolerated temporarily? Can it be tolerated if it increases? Will someone else imitate the behavior? Is the behavior being reinforced and if so what are those reinforcers? These are just a few questions on the Motivational Assessment Scale to determine whether or not extinction is the most effective approach. With the process of extinction comes extinction burst and this occurs at the beginning of the extinction procedure. When extinction is first being introduced it may not begin to decrease the target behavior and instead it will do the opposite and increase. This burst is a temporary increase in the frequency, duration, and intensity of the target behavior. The individual experiencing the burst may begin to emit other behaviors that are similar to the target behavior in hopes of receiving reinforcement. Soon this fades away and extinction will ultimately eliminate the unwanted target behavior if the procedure is implemented correctly. Just because a behavior has been extinct does not mean it can’t come back again. Spontaneous recovery can bring about the re-emergence of a behavior that was extinguished. It is the context with which an individual has a reinforcement history that may cause them to emit the once extinguished target behavior. An example of spontaneous recovery would be driving to Blockbuster to rent a movie when you knew it was out of business, yet when you went to go rent a movie you accidently find yourself driving to where the old Blockbuster used to be.
Terminology: Spontaneous Recovery, Emit, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Reinforcer, Reinforcement, Target Behavior, Motivational Assessment Scale
What we would like you to do is to find a topic from what we have covered in this week's readings that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic, you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube clips that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is pretty much up to you at this point. But use at least 3 sources (only one video please and make sure it adds to the topic).
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic that I chose is extinction and how it relates to parenting. This topic fits into the section we have covered so far because the concept was introduced in this week’s reading. I am interested in this topic because my mom was able to use extinction in her own parenting, and I think it would tie in well to another class I am taking, which is parenting.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Three topics that I would like to discuss relating to extinction are: dealing with tantrums through the use of extinction, punishment styles and their relation to extinction, and sleep training using extinction.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Extinction is a great tool for dealing with childhood tantrums, sleep issues, and it has also been used on obese children. When a child is behaving badly the goal is to avoid rewarding the aversive behavior, this is where extinction comes in. As a parent, when the child starts engaging in undesirable behavior the parent must not give in and reward or reinforce the behavior by giving them the attention they are hoping to elicit (comeunity). Or, extinction can also be used to change cues associated with food in order to help promote healthy behaviors in obese children. Studies have shown that obese children can change the cues associated with food through the method of extinction by extinguishing conditioned responses (sciencedirect). This process can help reduce overeating, if done properly, and reduce obesity in children (sciencedirect). This can lead to a better quality of life for the children involved because they are able to lead healthier lives.
When a child begins to have a tantrum the parent must pretend that nothing is happening, if the parent rewards the child by giving them the attention they seek the behavior will be reinforced instead of extinguished (comeunity). Extinction bursts can occur in the beginning, this means that the behavior will increase in frequency and or intensity, before it eventually calms down; when children start to calm down after these tantrums the parent can begin to give them positive attention again to show that they can get the attention they seek if they are more calm (comeunity). If the parent is able to correctly perform extinction in this situation than the child will learn that they will be rewarded with the attention that they are trying to elicit if they are calm, and they will not be acknowledged if they are upset. Another variation of extinction is the Ferber method. The Ferber method uses extinction to sleep train children; this involves leaving children alone for an allotted amount of time (parentingscience). If done correctly, the children will learn that the parent is not coming and will learn to self soothe (parentingscience). Self-soothing is important for children because they need to be able to calm themselves down because the parent may not always be there to calm them down. The parent also has to be able to instill some sense of independence in children as they age.
Each variation of extinction that has been discussed is different, but still important. I think that the most interesting part about these topics is how different they are, but how each of them is still using extinction in a profound way. I had no idea how many different ways extinction could be used, not just by parents, but to help solve other problems as well. I think extinction could be used for some really amazing things, and who knows what else we will be able to use extinction for, the possibilities are endless.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
TERMS: Extinction, reward, reinforce, behavior, aversive, extinguished, extinction bursts, conditioned response, variation, elicit