What we
would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to
real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if
we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to
do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we
would like you to do is to either go to NPR (, the BBC ( )
there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following
page ( in
their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting
to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your
news I would like you to
briefly describe/summarize your piece,
2) tell
us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
3) tell
us what the consequence of the behavior is,
4) tell
us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
5) tell
us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it
involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
6) tell
us to the antecedent is.
7) Please
then list the ABC's of the behavior
8) Now
state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative
reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood
of the behavior occurring in the future).
Tell us
if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the
chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what
we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the
BBC ( ) there are some good
news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed
in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is
interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your
news I would like you to
briefly describe/summarize your piece,
10) tell
us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
11) tell
us what the consequence of the behavior is,
12) tell
us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
13) tell
us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it
involves the removal of something desirable, finally
14) tell
us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
16) Now
state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment.
Explain why.
originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces
of news the other students before you just used.
17) When
you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the
sources you used.
18) Once you are done
with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
1) In the United States, the rate of prescription drug overdoses have doubled between 2000 and 2010. This is more than likely attributed to the fact that prescription drug (especially prescription painkillers) sales to hospitals and pharmacies has skyrocketed during this time and that many of these medications are opioids, which are similar to illicit drugs like heroin and are very addictive. There has also been a rise in the amount of heroin being imported to the U.S., and the DEA believes this may be the reason why. Because these painkillers are not being used in the context in which they were meant to be, there has been a sharp increase in related overdoses.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is the increased use (abuse) of prescription painkillers and heroin.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior can result in a 'high' as well as addiction (it is also resulting in an increased amount of overdoses, though that is usually not the intended consequence).
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence of getting 'high' from using prescription painkillers is that the individual will experience euphoria and a rush of feel good chemicals inside their brains such as dopamine and serotonin. This 'high' feeling increases the likelihood that another high will be sought after, and the use of these opioid painkillers to get high may be leading to increased heroin usage as well, because it is more accessible than prescription painkillers.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which would be a feeling of euphoria or a 'high' from taking prescription painkillers, or similarly, heroin.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is 'the availability of prescription drugs or heroin'
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The availability of prescription drugs of heroin
B= More individuals have access to opioids and begin abusing them
C= Individuals experience an intense high while taken opioid painkillers, and may being using heroin.
* In a side-note, this has lead to increased drug overdoses.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
The consequence of getting high using opioid painkillers or heroin is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable (a 'high') is being added to the individual's perception of the world when taking these drugs.
9) Two kindergarten teachers at Salinas Elementary made an kindergarten bully sit in a chair as 24 other kindergarten students filed past him and slapped him. This was used as a type of punishment for the bully.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the slapping behavior that the 24 students emitted when they were elicited to punish the student who was being a bully by filing past him and slapping him.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the children slapping the bully is that the alleged bully is being physically harmed by these 24 children.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
The physical harm that comes to the alleged bully as a result of 24 kindergarten children slapping him will decrease his behavior because of the intensity of the punishment and the abruptness of the punishment. In order to avoid being physically harmed in that manner again, the alleged bully will most likely discontinue any bullying behavior. However, this was not an appropriate form of punishment.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
In this instance, the consequence involves the addition of something aversive, which would be the physical harm done by the slapping behavior emitted by 24 kindergarten students.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
'Sitting in a chair in a teacher's classroom' was the antecedent.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The alleged bully sitting in a chair in a teacher's classroom.
B= 24 kindergarten students slapping the alleged bully as they file past him
C= Physical harm to the alleged bully
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because something aversive was added to the situation; in this case, it was the physical harm done by 24 kindergarten students.
Terms: Context, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, aversive, desirable, emit, elicit, intensity of the punishment, abruptness of the punishment,
1.) I chose the article, "Israel Provides Humanitarian Aid to Syria War Victims." It talks about how even though Syria and Israel are neighboring enemies, Israel is aiding assistance to the civil war victims that are being starved and killed in Syria. Israel is putting aside their differences for the greater good and tunneling food, water, and emergency supplies to victims.
2.) The target behavior is to assist their enemies' war victims since that is what is Godly and to be humanitarians.
3.) The consequence of the behavior is that there will be less enemies in Syria which makes for a safer neighbor and possible ally if turmoil spills over to Israeli borders.
4.) The consequence of the behavior will increase the frequency of Israel aiding Syrian war victims since it is the right thing to do, and will most likely be a favorable outcome if the turmoil spills over to Israeli borders since they will have half the nation on their side. This may also increase more aid from other nations to do the same as Israel has done.
5.) The consequence involves the addition of something pleasurable since they will have more allies of a neighboring enemy.
6.) The antecedent is civil war in Syria and its war victims.
7.) A= Civil war in Syria and its war victims.
B= Israel aiding victims by tunneling food, water, and emergency supplies and marking supplies in Hebrew to civil war victims of Syria so they know where the aid is coming from.
C= Israel will have less enemies in Syria, and even have allies in a nation that is there enemy. Also, possibly other nations will follow their lead and aid the suffering half of Syria as well.
8.) This is a form of positive reinforcement since it is increasing the likelihood of the behavior to continue.
9.) I chose the article, "Egyptians Fear Return to Authoritarianism." It talks about the government turmoil that Egypt is facing currently. The country is going through a counter-revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood is involved in and the military. Citizens fear for their lives just leaving their homes and walking into the streets which they may be shot at and freedom of speech is banned as are many other things that are controlled by the military trying to control and detain the Muslim Brotherhood's supporters and leaders from taking back control over Egypt.
10.) The target behavior is the military controlling the turmoil in Egypt and keeping power instead of the Muslim Brotherhood.
11.) The consequence is that the military keeps their control over Egypt instead of the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters.
12.) The consequence of the behavior decreases the frequency of supporters and the power of the Muslim Brotherhood to be reinstated.
13.) The consequence involves the removal of the aversive possible outcome of threatening uprising in Egypt.
14.) The antecedent is government turmoil and counter-revolution in Egypt.
15.) A= Government turmoil and counter-revolution in Egypt.
B= Military emitting the banning of protesters, freedom of speech, and the arresting of liberal activists that are involved in the Muslim Brotherhood by using fire arms, tear gas. This is an example of intensity of punishment.
C= Military keeps their control over Egypt instead of the Muslim Brotherhood and its liberal activists.
16.) This is an example of positive punishment since the military is removing the threat of an uprising by another authoritarian organization which is fixing the undesirable behavior.
Terms: Positive punishment, undesirable/aversive behavior, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, intensity of punishment, emitting, frequency, pleasurable, positive reinforcement
Reinforcement in the News:
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article talks about the French mayoral candidate Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, and her plans to turn Paris’ unused metro stations into various cultural centers. There are 11 unused stations in the area, abandoned for various reasons (wartime spending cuts in WWII, logistically flawed, etc.) While a couple are used to test equipment or as a garage for trains, one has been used as a film set in movies. Kosciusko-Morizet plans to transform the unused stations into underground locales – a discotech, a swimming pool, even galleries, restaurants, and theaters. Although she is running behind the competition, perhaps this announcement will lead to her success in March. Toward the end of the article, they mention the current mayor is not running for re-election.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is voting for Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is renovating Paris’ disused metro stations into cultural venues.
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
People will be more likely to vote for Nathalie because they are expecting the reinforcer of new cultural attractions in Paris.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, in this case new restaurants and other city attractions (most notably a nightclub and underground pool).
6) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the 2014 mayoral election in Paris.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= 2014 Mayoral election
B= Vote for Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet
C= Transform metro stations into various cultural attractions
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of cultural attractions and various social venues throughout Paris will increase the voting behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced response is no longer reinforced. The article mentions the incumbent mayor is not running for re-election. Perhaps he promised the people of Paris lower taxes in exchange for supporting him. When elected, he did lower taxes, but since being elected, taxes have risen again. This is an example of extinction. Voters supported him because they expected to be rewarded with lower taxes. Over time, taxes were raised, meaning they are no longer being rewarded for supporting him.
There is no presence of an establishing operation in this example. An establishing operation is a procedure which makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. In this case, the reinforcer is cultural attractions. Since Paris already has a multitude of these and is fairly socially diverse, maybe this is not a strong reinforcer for the people of Paris to vote for Nathalie. In addition, the empty and disused metro stations are probably not a social issue people often think about, although they are a bit of a lost opportunity.
Punishment in the News:
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article centers on a civil case in France. After Michael Jackson’s death in 2009, his doctor Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in prison for administering a lethal dose of propofol (an anesthetic), causing Jackson’s death. Five members from a French fan club were able to prove they suffered from emotional damages after Jackson’s death, and each received a euro in compensation.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior in this situation is Murray administering a lethal dose of propofol
11) Tell us what the consequence is
Conrad Murray is sentenced to four years in prison.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of behavior because Dr. Murray does not like prison. He will avoid prescribing lethal doses because going to jail is undesirable to him.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because we are adding the prison sentence.
14) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case is Dr. Murray’s position as Michael Jackson’s caretaker.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Dr. Murray taking care of Michael Jackson
B= Dr. Murray administers a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol
C= Dr. Murray in sentenced to four years in prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence will decrease the frequency of behavior occurring again (i.e. Dr. Murray will prescribe lethal doses less frequently because he does not want to go to prison). It is a positive form of punishment because the prison sentence is introduced as the punisher.
In this article, there is a prime example of Differential Reinforcement of Others (DRO). DRO can be applied when a punishable undesirable behavior is restated as a desirable behavior to be reinforced. When seen with this perspective, we are able to then reinforce the desirable behavior. This is advantageous because reinforcement is more effective than punishment. In this case, we can just as say Dr. Murray is punished by having to pay emotional damages. We can also talk about the people who received money for filing emotional damages. Although they only received a euro each in emotional damages, these folks were reinforced for filing a lawsuit against Dr. Murray. Money is a very common reinforcer and since they received money for filing a lawsuit, they will be more likely to do so in the future.
We might also look at Dr. Murray’s prison sentence as a type of negative punishment. Because going to prison involves the removal of rights, freedom, etc., and jail time will decrease Dr. Murray’s tendency to administer a lethal dose in the future, we can consider it a negative punishment as well.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
BBC: Underground Culture in Paris (Reinforcement)
BBC: Michael Jackson (Punishment)
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, behavior, desirable, undesirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, extinction, establishing operation, differential reinforcement of others (DRO), negative punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I chose the article, “Going to college may cost you, but so will skipping it.” This article discusses the financial positives and negatives for young adults going to college in the 21st century. Although obtaining a four-year degree from a university may cost almost as much as purchasing a house there are many benefits to doing so. Statistics show that individuals who complete a four-year degree will earn $17,ooo more annually than those who did not. Another factor influencing whether a graduate obtaining a stable job is deciding on a major as almost a third of individuals surveyed say they regret their major.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior from this article is deciding to go to college to obtain a four-year degree.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is earning roughly $17,000 annually more than you would if you were to forgo college.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because money is a generalized reinforcer, which will make individuals more likely to go to college so they can be reinforced by what money can give them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which in this case is a larger annual salary.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be being placed in a situation to choose between going to college or skipping.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Deciding to go to college or skipping.
B=Choosing to obtain a four-year degree.
C=Earning, on average, $17,000 more each year.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This example is a form of positive reinforcement because the incentive of a higher annual salary is being added. The addition of the higher salary based upon the target behavior of gaining a four-year degree will increase the frequency to which individuals go to college.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This article has the potential to involve extinction, as every person may not find a higher paying job because they have a degree. Extinction occurs when a target behavior is no longer reinforced, which leads to the individual no longer emitting the behavior of interest. One individual interviewed for the story already has obtained their masters degree in political science and was unable to find work, so he was not reinforced for his behavior. However, he is returning to school to earn his bachelors degree in computer science to hopefully reinforced with a higher paying job. I suspect if he were not to find a job that pays higher than a job to which requires no degree, the man would not go back a third time. This, in this case, would be the extinction of the target behavior.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
For my article examining punishment I read “Can Facebook make you sad?” This article marks the 10th anniversary since Facebook’s inception on the internet and although it has revolutionized how we keep in touch, it may have negative impacts on how we view our lives. A correlational study done by the University of Michigan and the University of Leuven in Belgium found a correlation between loneliness and Facebook use. Their findings show, over a two-week period, that as the use of Facebook increases there is a drop in sense of well-being. The team has found that when individuals are online and go to Facebook they are bombarded with the successes and positives of others’ lives, which cause us to self-reflect on our own.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior I am using to illustrate would be logging in to Facebook.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that the more you are on Facebook the lower self-worth you will have for yourself.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of this behavior if individuals begin to associate a sad feeling with being on Facebook. They will not want to be sad and reduce the amount of time spent on the site.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which in this case is the negative feelings you have about yourself.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be when an individual is on the Internet.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Browsing the Internet.
B=Log on to Facebook.
C=Begin to have a lower self-worth.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the addition of the aversive stimulus.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, consequence, generalized reinforce, antecedent, extinction, and positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I read the article “Going to College May Cost You, But So Will Skipping It.” This article describes the income gap between young adults who attend college and those who choose not to. This gap continues to grow over the years, which indicates it is becoming more and more important to pursue higher education. It demonstrates statistics of those who did and did not go to college.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is students emitting the behavior of attending college.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that college-educated young adults are making more money in the workplace.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of making receiving a higher salary will increase the frequency of students attending college.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being a young adult in the United States.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being a young adult in America
B= Students attend college
C= Make more money
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of receiving more money for emitting the behavior of attending college. In order to be given more money in the workplace, it is becoming more necessary for student to go on to further their eductation.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This article provides an example of an establishing operation, because it makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. For most people, being able to receive more money for a job is reinforcing. Thus, the money a person obtains from their career is considered to be a generalized reinforcer, because it is a conditioned reinforcer that has obtained the reinforcing function by pairing with many other reinforcers. This means that the individual is able to acquire other reinforcers quite easily. Also, in the United State, going on to college is considered to have extrinsic value, since it is something our culture values. Those who attend college will most likely place intrinsic value on their education, since they most likely find it important.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
For this section, I read the article “Pay Cuts, End of Tenure Put North Carolina Teachers On Edge.” In the state of North Carolina, teacher salary rankings have not had this dramatic of a decrease in the past ten years. One teacher even states that she has been teaching for three years, but still cannot afford to move out of her parent’s house. Morale is low in this state, and teachers are beginning to question why they want to teach.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is teaching as an outstanding teacher.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the teachers are not obtaining a pay raise or tenure.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of not receiving fair pay, pay raises, or tenure will decrease the behavior of teachers teaching at an exceptional degree (or at all) in this state. Although, the teachers are not allowed to go on strike, they are marching on the state Capitol. Some teachers may even emit the response of no longer teaching in the state of North Carolina.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being a teacher a North Carolina school.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Teacher in North Carolina schools
B= Teaching
C= Not receiving a raise/tenure
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because the teachers are not receiving the raises or tenure they deserve for their education. One teacher calculated that she would be getting approximately $17,000 more if she taught in South Carolina instead. Teachers are also to receive higher pay for having a master’s degree, but North Carolina eliminated the master’s degree supplement. Money is considered to be desirable, and although, these teachers may be doing an excellent job, the pay does add up to what the teachers. This may elicit the response of teachers quitting their job.
Terms: target behavior, emit, behavior, consequence, frequency, antecedent, establishing operation, reinforcer, generalized reinforcer, conditioned reinforcer, extrinsic, intrinsic, elicit, negative punishment, elicit
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
Reporter finds that college will come at a high price, but it will also cost individuals who don’t go. The article is filled with statistics about those who attend and their thoughts afterwards. Most are glad they attended college.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Attending college is the target behavior.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is having enough money to pay off debt and other expenses that life comes with.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
It will provide a statistic. When more and more young adults receive a degree, it shows others that they are the ones to be hired first and never be unemployed.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition of something desirable. People are obtaining (adding) degrees(something desirable).
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the showing of statistics to students. It also acts as a discriminative stimulus because it tells you that you will be reinforced.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Student is told statistics
B= Student attends college
C= Becomes part of the desirable statistic
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of a degree to get a desirable outcome like money.
It is acting as almost a “tertiary” reinforcement because it is about someone receiving a degree. This translates into money, which then goes to spending it on one’s primary reinforcements.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Recently, nine Serbs were found guilty of killing more than 100 Albanians during the Kosovo conflict in the 90’s. The Serbs are former paramilitaries. They also raped and robbed many civilians there in order to scare them into leaving their home.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the killing and torturing of the Albanians.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the 20 year prison sentence to the murderers.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because it leaves them with no chance or freedom to walk the streets. They are confined to one room for twenty years.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. They are adding twenty years to live in prison. Prison, for most, is undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the whole conflict between Serbs and Albanians. It happened years ago, so the antecedent could also be the new information that was dug up.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Conflict in Kosovo
B= Serbs murder Albanian civilians
C= Nine Serbs sentenced up to twenty years in prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable. They are adding prison time to their life.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: reinforcement, primary reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, desirable, discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement, behavior, undesirable, positive punishment
1. There is currently a wicked storm working its way through the generally warmer climated regions. The travel conditions will soon be considered dangerous, the temperatures will be dropping to record lows, and layers upon layers are highly recommended to those planning on enduring it.
2. The target behavior is bundling up
3. The consequence of bundling up is not getting sick/frostbite/staying warm.
4. The consequence will increase the likelihood of bundling up because people want to stay warm.
5. It involves the addition of something desirable.
6. The antecedent is being outside in the south.
7. A= being outside B= bunding up C= not getting frostbite.
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something positive in order to avoid something bad.
9. On January 20th 2014, while driving 18-year-old Tramian Barnes of Joliet Illinois shot and killed Alex Anderson. On February 11th 2014, Barnes was charged with first-degree murder.
10. The target behavior is murdering.
11. The consequence of the behavior is getting charged and being sent to prison.
12. The consequence should decrease the frequency of the behavior because it’s adding something undesirable.
13. Addition of something undesirable which is being charged/prison time.
14. The antecedent is being in the car with a gun.
15. A= in the car. B=murdering Alex, C= getting charged with murder
16. This is an example of positive punishment because it decreases the frequency of the behavior by adding something undesirable.,0,4396787.story
1)I chose an article about the House passing a bill for an increase in the US borrowing limit. This is after the Republicans finally gave up their attempt in getting a little compromise with the Democrats.
2)The target behavior is waiving the debt limit for just over a year.
3)The US won’t have to default because it won’t reach its debt limit.
4)If this works and it saves the government from defaulting, then the debt limit might be waived again in order to save our financial situation again in the future. It also might increase the frequency that our country spends money that it doesn’t really have.
5)I believe the consequence is removing something undesirable because they are getting rid of the current debt limit which would have inevitably caused us to default.
6)The House taking a vote was the antecedent.
7)A=House voting
B=Waiving debt limit
C=US won’t default
8)This is negative reinforcement because they took away the current debt limit and raised it which might increase the behavior of continuing to raise the debt limit as well as increase the behavior of not spending within our means.
This article alludes to extinction because the government doesn’t like extending the debt limit and a particular Republican’s response was that if the president wasn’t going to listen to and emit their long-term plan then he might as well get what he wants. It seems to me like although the House conceded on this occasion they very well might put their foot down if it comes up again. I think the voting itself was an act of operant behavior because it set the stage for the behavior of waiving the debt limit to either be reinforced or to be punished.
9)The article I found was about Toyota recalling almost 2 million Toyota Prius’ after finding a glitch in the software that caused the car to slow down suddenly.
10)The target behavior is recalling almost 2 million Toyota Prius’.
11)Toyota will lose money and the Japanese company that built them will probably lose a lot of business.
12)If Toyota loses money and the Japanese company also loses business, they are a lot more likely to make sure their cars are dependable and won’t have to recall vehicles for this reason again.
13)This consequence involves the removal of something desirable because they are losing money and business which are both important things when you are trying to sell cars.
14)The antecedent is having a company build your cars that has a history of their cars being recalled.
15) A=Japanese company build your cars
B=Recalling almost 2 million Prius’
C=Toyota loses money, Japanese company loses business
16) This example is one of negative punishment because the behavior of trusting this particular Japanese car company will decrease and Toyota will be losing money as well as the Japanese company will be losing business.
Toyota Recalls - Punishment
House passes Debt Limit increase - Reinforcement
Terminology: target behavior, frequency, consequence, positive punishment, negative punishment, increase, decrease, reinforcement, extinction, response, emit, operant behavior
1) In this article the risks that women must weight when taking birth control are discussed. The main type of birth control discussed in this article is the NuvaRing contraceptive. This form of contraceptive has been shown to cause much higher risks of blood clots and high blood pressure.
2) The target behavior for this situation would be stopping the use of the NuvaRing contraceptive, because this is the behavior that we want to increase.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that there will not be the formation of blood clots.
4) This consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior because it is an outcome that one would want to increase. The decrease in frequency of blood clots or high blood pressure would be wanted much more than the increase in frequency of blood clots or high blood pressure. Thus, decreasing the frequency in use of the NuvaRing,
5) This consequence includes the removal of something undesirable, the removal of blood clots and high blood pressure.
6) The antecedent is the knowing the risk factors involved with using NuvaRing for those who are using this form of contraceptive.
7) A= discovering the risk factors while using NuvaRing
B= Stopping the use of NuvaRing
C= no formation of blood clots or high blood pressure
8) This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is the removal of something undesirable.
This behavior could be seen as using extinction because a behavior that was once reinforced, using the birth control NuvaRing, is no longer being reinforced because of the detrimental health risks that it could involve.
9) In this article it discusses that many Planned Parenthood clinics in California will no longer be getting the funds they need from Family PACT, because many of their clients now qualify for Medicaid through Obamacare. When clients are on Medicaid, facilities such as Planned Parenthood do not get federal funding for those clients. Planned Parenthood and other clinics will now have to cut back on counseling time and in other areas to make sure there businesses are still successful, while still trying to find the proper balance in time to spend with each client.
10) The target behavior that illustrates punishment is that many more clients are now eligible for Medicaid through Obamacare.
11) The consequence of this behavior is that clinics such as Planned Parenthood will no longer be able to receive as much funding as they had in the past from organizations such as Family PACT, because clients are now on Medicaid.
12) This consequence will decrease the target behavior, because hopefully when people and government officials see that Obamacare is not beneficial in certain areas it will be reconsidered.
13) This consequence involves the removal of something desirable, because the funding from federal organization is being removed.
14) The antecedent to this situation is Obamacare.
15) A=Obamacare
B= More clients being on Medicaid
C= Planned Parenthood no longer receiving funding from federal organizations
16) This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable.
18) Terms: extinction, target behavior, frequency, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, consequence
something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The news article I read off of has to do with Seattle’s defensive effort in the Super bowl against the Denver Broncos. This article states how some particular defensive behaviors the Seahawks emitted were partially due to them knowing Denver’s tendencies and Peyton Manning’s hand signals.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior being reinforced is the Seahawk’s defense reading Peyton Manning’s hand signals to know what routes Denver is running.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is shutting down Denver’s #1 offence, and giving Seattle an advantage to achieve the desirable valence of winning the Super Bowl.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of stopping Denver’s offense would increase the behavior of reading Peyton Manning’s hand signals because the Seahawks were rewarded by not allowing Peyton to score touchdowns. This reinforced Seattle to keep doing this in order to score more points and win the game.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the removal of the aversive feeling of being scored on.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the Super Bowl.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Super Bowl
B= Reading Peyton Manning’s hand signals.
C= Stopping Denver’s offence and having a better chance to win.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is negative reinforcement because negative in behavior modification means to take something away; in this case it was the aversive feeling of being scored on. It is reinforcement; the consequence increases the frequency, because Seattle increased the frequency of reading the hand signals, once they figured out it worked to stop Denver’s offence.
something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this news article the FBI is trying to elicit a turning someone in behavior, by offering an extrinsically valuable cash reward if you help them catch someone who is pointing laser lights at planes.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior I am using that illustrates punishment is pointing laser lights at planes, which blinds
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is an increased possibility of being turned in, and possibly being turned in, which would result in up to 5 years of federal prison time.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the fact people are looking to turn you in for pointing laser lights, would scare people about the potential jail time, and make them not want to point laser lights at planes as often.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which is fear and potential jail time.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Being in one of the 12 cities, which there is a FBI field office that is offering the cash reward.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being in a participating city
B= Pointing laser lights at planes
C= higher possibility of being caught and serving jail time.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a positive punishment. This is positive, adding something, because it adds the higher chance of being caught. It is a punishment because this fear lowers the frequency of people pointing laser lights at planes.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emitted, target behavior, reinforced, consequence, aversive, negative reinforcement, elicit, extrinsically valuable, and positive punishment.
1) This article states that because of the state of Vermont's loose gun laws and problem with opiate addiction, drug dealers are accepting payment for drugs with guns because they can then in turn traffic them to other states with more strict gun laws and sell them for even more money. The article gives an example of a woman who illegally purchased $400 worth of guns and exchanged them for $500-$700 worth of crack cocaine.
2) The target behavior in this "illegally purchases guns"
3) The consequence of this behavior is "receiving more drugs"
4) This consequence will increase the target behavior because the woman in the article is receiving more drugs than what the guns she exchanged them for were worth.
5) In the case of the woman with a dependency problem, this consequence involves the addition of something desirable--crack cocaine.
6) The antecedent is Vermont's loose gun laws and strict gun laws in surrounding states.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Vermont's loose gun laws/strict laws in surrounding states
B=Woman illegally purchases guns to exchange for drugs
C=Receives more drugs than the guns are worth
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence for the woman in the article is receiving more drugs than the guns she traded them for--in her case this is an addition of something desirable and will most likely increase the behavior of purchasing more guns to trade for drugs in the future.
The woman's addiction to crack cocaine is an establishing operation because it sets the stage for the reinforcement of receiving more drugs (something desirable) by illegally exchanging guns for them. Although there is a discriminative stimulus involved by means of the woman knowing what she is doing is illegal, the reinforcement of receiving drugs for her addiction outweighs the possible punishment involved with getting caught.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) In the second article I chose it states that North Carolina has cut its education budget so that tenure has been ended, raises have been frozen and there are no more grants for teachers who want to pursue a masters degree to improve their skills. This has led to less teachers wanting to teach in North Carolina and protests have caused the governor to begin working with members of the state's legislature to give teachers a raise next year. However, it is expected that there will be a mass exodus of teachers in North Carolina next year because of the budget cuts.
10) The target behavior in this article is cutting education funding.
11) The consequence of this behavior is teachers leaving the state for better paying jobs.
12) The consequence will most likely decrease the behavior of cutting education funding because not only are teachers leaving the state, but the governor is also the target of protests which leads to bad press when election time comes around.
13) This consequence involves the removal of quality educators because of the budget cuts and higher salaries in neighboring states.
14) The antecedent is the state of North Carolina's budget.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=North Carolina's budget cuts
B=Cut education funding
C=Educators leave the state
16) This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable--in this case quality educators.
17) Reinforcement article:
Punishment article:
18) Terminology: antecedent, behavior, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, establishing operation, discriminative stimulus
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I chose to read an article on the Westminster dog show. The show concluded last night with a Wire Fox Terrier named Sky winning best in show. Sky is 5 years old and has won 128 Best in Shows titles in her life as a show dog. This year was the first time in history that a dog show has allowed mixed breeds to compete. They were only allowed to compete in the agility round which was held on Saturday.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
The target behavior would be the dog, Sky, standing correctly and still when being analyzed by the judges.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this target behavior is winning the dog show and receiving praise.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
The consequence will increase the behavior of the dog because the owner/handler, the judges, and the crowd give praise to the dog after winning.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves that addition of something desirable, because the dog enjoys getting praise.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is within the context of a dog show.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Dog Show
B= Standing correctly and still
C= Receiving praise
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is a classic example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable to the dog, which increases her behavior of performing well in the future and continuing to win dog shows.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This behavior could be an example of extinction because when the dog is practicing for shows, it does not receive the same consequence as when it is actually performing, but still elicits the same behaviors.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece.
This article was about a company that makes child care seats called Graco. They had already made recalls previously, but the National Highway Safety Administration is requiring the company to recall an additional 1.8 million car seats due to the quick release buckles sticking, which could cause safety issues in the event of a car accident.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior is the company producing defective car seats.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is children being more susceptible to danger while riding in a car.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
The consequence of putting children in danger will decrease Graco from producing defective car seats.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable being the added danger to children using Graco's product.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is in the context of a car.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= In a car
B= Producing defective car seats
C= Added danger to children
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable (danger to children) in order to decrease the frequency of the target behavior (producing the defective car seats).
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, and positive punishment.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece is about a new study on childhood obesity in Canada. Elementary school children who were encouraged by their older peers to get involved with healthy eating and physical fitness lost a more significant amount of weight compared to those kids who were encouraged by adults.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior in this story is getting the kids to engage in a healthier lifestyle
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that more and more children will be eager to eat healthy and live active lifestyles, thus becoming healthier
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will make the kids feel better about themselves and feel healthier, making them want to exercise and eat healthier more often.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, the children being healthier and happier with themselves
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the kids' peers helping them learn how to exercise and eat healthy
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Children's peers encourage kids to have positive lifestyles
B= Children lose weight
C= Children feel better about themselves and are healthier
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement since it has an addition of something desirable, help and encouragement from their peers
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article covers the subject of poaching in South Africa. While law enforcement and worldwide wildlife preservation agencies are doing the best they can to protect rhinos and elephants from poachers, the rate of these animals being slaughtered climbs higher and higher every year. Conservation groups are meeting in London later this week to discuss proposals to help further protect these animals.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is stopping poachers from killing anymore endangered wildlife
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior would be fewer animal deaths and a growth in the rhino and elephant population
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will hopefully decrease the amount of animals being poached year by year with the new protection proposals being put to use
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, adding heavier jail time for poachers and a closer eye on the animals being hunted
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to this issue is animals being killed at alarming rates for their horns and tusks
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Rhinos and elephants being poached for their ivory
B= Wildlife preservation agencies cracking down harder on protecting the animals and adding heavier prison sentences to poachers
C= Less animals will be poached and the population will grow
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment since they are using they addition of something undesirable to the poachers
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Terminology: antecedent, consequence, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece I chose was Going to college May Cost You, But So Will Skipping It. This piece evaluates the differences between money that you make/lose for going to college versus not going to college. In the end, even though college may put you in debt, it will even out in the end because going to college results in getting a better paid job.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that I am using that illustrates reinforcement is graduating form college.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is making more money.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because making more money is a very favorable consequence.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is going to college.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Going to college
B=Graduating from college
C=Making more money
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable and it has a consequence that will increase the frequency of the behavior.
This would be an example of an establishing operation because the continuous research that going to college results in graduates making more money will cause more high school students trying to make the decision of whether or not they want to go to college, to choose to go to college.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece that I chose was "Cyberbullying suicide: Italy shocked by Amnesia case." This piece discusses a young Italian girl who committed suicide after being cyberbullied on a popular website called
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that I am using that illustrates punishment is being cyberbullied.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is committing suicide.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because now that this has happened, the family is trying to impart stronger laws against cyberbullying as well as for this particular website to be shut down.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because it resulted the family losing their young daughter.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the young girl's boyfriend breaking up with her.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Break up
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involved the removal of something undesirable that will cause the frequency of the behavior to decrease.
Terminology: reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, positive reinforcement, behavior, establishing operation, negative punishment,
1.This was an article found in the health section of NPR.ORG about how multiple studies have found that the people who eat whole-fat dairy products actually have an easier time losing weight. The conclusion is that whole-fat dairy products actually lead to less body fat.
2.The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is eating whole-fat dairy products.
3.The consequence of this behavior is that you will most likely have an easier time losing weight and result in less body fat.
4.This consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior because losing weight is a reinforcer that most people would agree is positive. The more weight you lose, the more likely you are to do the weight-losing behavior (for most people.)
5.Therefore, this consequence involves the removal of something undesirable; extra body fat.
6.The antecedent is to want to lose weight.
7.A= Wanting to lose weight
B= Eating whole-fat dairy products
C= Losing weight
8.This is an example of positive reinforcement because we are introducing a desirable stimulus which is losing body fat. Most people want to lose weight, so eating whole-fat dairy products that help you lose weight is seen as a reinforcer.
I think that this example could demonstrate a generalized reinforcer. Losing weight is a generalized reinforcer because it clearly has reinforcing properties but can also acquire other reinforcers by losing weight. You can acquire compliments, extra attention, more self-confidence, a date, etc.
9.This was a news article from BBC.CO.UK about how drug use and deaths are increasing. It mainly talked about how people that use prescription drugs more often are more likely to start using heroin. The article said that the number of heroin users in the US has doubled in the last five years and one reason is the rise and use of prescription drugs.
10.The target behavior in this article is using/abusing prescription drugs.
11.The consequence of this behavior is being more likely to use heroin.
12.This consequence will decrease the frequency of using prescription drugs (for most people) because they most likely don’t want to become addicted to heroin.
13.The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable; using heroin.
14.The antecedent is being a drug user
15.A= Being a drug user
B= Abusing prescription drugs
C= Becoming a heroin addict
16.This is an example of positive punishment because it’s adding something negative; becoming a heroin user
Target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, generalized reinforcer, positive punishment
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This is an article that was published to bring awareness to a current form of birth control. NuvaRing is a new form of birth control that is causing serious health risks. The article is stating what risks it causes and giving information about the product. It also discusses the current lawsuit that NuvaRing is dealing with for harmful effects on its users.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
I think that the target behavior for this article would probably be to stop the use of the NuvaRing birth control; or at least make sure people are aware of the possible consequences of using NuvaRing.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior of using NuvaRing would be that you are now at a higher risk for certain serious health complications such as; heart attack, blood clot, and stoke.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
I think that the consequence will decrease the use of the product. Therefore, I suppose you could say that the consequences of this product could increase the knowledge of the product leading to an increase in stopping using the product.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This would be the removal of something undesirable. You are removing the chances of these health complications but stopping taking NuvaRing birth control.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The Antecedent for users of NuvaRing would be reading this article and gaining the proper knowledge about the product.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Gaining knowledge of the risks of NuvaRing
B= Stopping using NuvaRing
C= Don't have as high of risk of heart attack, blood clot or stroke.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Negative reinforcement because it is the REMOVAL of something UNDESIRABLE (that is so tricky for me but I think I got it).
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I think that you could consider this behavior to be extinction of this form of birth control. Because we know the risk factors we will stop taking the NuvaRing which is a negative Reinforcement and will extinct the product from our lives, so that we don't have to deal with the possible negative consequences the product could bring.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I read an article called "Can Facebook Make you Sad?" it was discussing how the 10th anniversary of Facebook was coming up and although they are unbelievably successful and very fast growing the social media website can also be linked to sadness or depression. Studies were done following Facebook users for a period of two weeks and it was discovered that the more people used Facebook, those were the people who ended up the most "sad". It then went on to discuss reasons for why this could be, giving multiple facts and explanations on the matter.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
I think the target behavior would be to teach people would could be a possible consequence of logging onto their Facebook accounts so often.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence would be become sad, or depressed, feeling a lower self-worth for yourself due to your Facebook relations.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of being sad will hopefully make people realize Facebook isn't as great as they think and hopefully get people off of it as much as they are. I understand social media and I am so thankful for the technology we have today, especially in terms of medicine and such. However, I am a strong believer that technology ruins social interaction and our constant need to be on social media isn't good for our actual communication skills. There are so many people who act like someone completely different on their social media and I don't agree with all aspects of what social media teaches us at such a young age.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence of too much Facebook will involve the addition of something undesirable, which would be considered the negative/sad feelings that can be associated with Facebook.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be logging on to Facebook.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Logging on to Facebook
B= Becoming too obsessed with Facebook, visiting it way too often.
C= Feeling sad or depressed about yourself or your life.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
(I'm not 100% sure on this, I need to ask in class) I believe this would be an example of negative punishment because we are taking away Facebook which will take away the sad feeling...
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, the ABC's, positive and negative reinforcement, target behavior, extinction, consequence. Positive and negative punishment.
1) Scientist are studying the effects of THC and Skipping a meal and how they both effect our sense of smell
2) Sense of Smell and being high
3) being hungry
4) the consequence to skipping a meal or getting high both trigger the brain receptors that make us hungry
5) the consequence adds a increase in our ability to smell food and be hungry
6)the antecedent is skipping a meal or getting high
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=skipping a meal/ getting high
B=high sense of smell
C=find food to eat
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because you have a better sense of smell and are more likely to find food to eat
This is an example of establishing operation because skipping a meal or getting high both elicit your sense of smell and you are more likely to participate in these activities again.
9)This article was on passing a law in England that would ban smoking in your car while a child is present. The ban if passed could take effect by 2015
10)The target behavior is smoking in your car while a child is present
11) The consequence of the behavior would be being fined
12)By having to pay a fine(punishment) every time you are caught emitting the behavior of smoking while a child is in your car. You should be less likely to smoke
13) the consequence is added on, the fine
14)Driving in car with kids
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=driving in car with kids
16) This is an example of negative punishment because you are having to pay a fine because of the behavior you emit
18)consequence,antecedent,positive reinforcement,establishing operation, elicit, target behavior,punishment,negative punishment, emit
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about a restaurant that the owner opened to sell Americanized Chinese food in Shanghai. No one expected it to last, but it is still up and running now because it has become so popular
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
the behavior of the article is the two guys creating a restaurant called "fortune cookie"
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
It became popular
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
It increased the frequency of the behavior because the business stayed open and now they are getting tons of business and it is spreading.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
it involves the addition of something desirable, a positive reaction from the customers
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
wanting Americanized Chinese food in shanghai
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Wanted American Chinese food in Shanghai
B= Opened a restaurant with "Americanized" Chinese
C= It becomes more popular and accepted
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is adding something desirable, the customers great reviews
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about the terrible storm hitting the south and causing delayed and cancelled flights and making travel almost impossible
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
flights being delayed/cancelled
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Less people make it to their destination on time or at all
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
People will be less likely to fly in a storm again at least with that kind of weather
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
it involves the addition of something undesirable, the delayed/cancelled flights
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
the antecedent in this case would be the storm
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= A terrible storm arrives
B= Flights are delayed/cancelled
C= people do not make the destination on time
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
it is positive punishment because it includes the addition of something undesirable, the cancelled/delayed flights
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequence,positive punishment
1.briefly describe/summarize your piece.
My article is about Atlanta officials warning people about a winter storm that is coming. They told people in the area to stay off the roads until the storm passes to avoid a traffic mess that happened when the last storm went through. It was mainly aimed at truckers passing through the Atlanta area.
2.tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is staying off the roads near Atlanta.
3.tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that people will not be stranded on the road.
4.tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
This will increase the frequency of staying off the roads in bad weather because people will stay safe and not be stranded on the roads. Being stranded on the roads is something that is undesirable and by staying off the roads people can avoid it.
5.tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, being stranded on the road.
6.tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is the winter storm.
7.Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= winter storm
B=staying off the roads
C=not being stranded on the road
8.Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something undesirable. The big snow/ice storm that hit Atlanta at the end of January is acting as an establishing operation for those who were stranded on the road during that storm.
9.briefly describe/summarize your piece
My second news article is about Missouri football player Michael Sam announcing he is gay. Michael Sam is an NFL draft prospect. Several interviews by sports illustrated of NFL coaches and scouts reveled that coming out as being gay has hurt Michael Sam’s draft prospects.
10.tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior was Michael Sam emitting that he was gay.
11.tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that Michael Sam’s draft prospects have been hurt significantly.
12.tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
By hurting his draft prospects college athletes will be less likely to announce that they are gay before the draft takes place. Michael Sam will also have to face lots of negative reactions from players and some in the media.
13.tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, Sam being projected as a mid-draft pick.
14.tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is being a gay football player.
15.Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being a gay football player
B= Michal Sam announcing that he is gay
C= lowered draft stock
16.Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why
This is an example of negative punishment because it involved the removal of Sam’s 3-4 round draft prospects.
18.Terms used: consequence, target behavior, undesirable, antecedent, negative reinforcement, establishing operation, desirable, negative punishment, emitting
1. I found a piece on the NPR website that details how whole milk consumers may actually be leaner than those who drink skim-milk. For the simplicity of this argument, I will explain how whole milk involved reinforcment.
2. The target behavior would increasing the consumption of whole milk
3. The consequence of drinking whole milk is that people could lose weight
4. If people notice they are losing weight and attribute it to the fact they are drinking whole milk, they will therefore increase their consumption of whole milk
5. This was difficult to come to a decision but I would say it involves the removal of something undesirable.
6. The antecedent in this case is the study detailing the effects of whole milk on the body
A= report claiming whole milk is good
B= drink whole milk
C= lose weight
8. In my opinion this is an example of negative reinforcment because it involves the removal of something undesirable (weight/pounds) to increase a behavior (frequency of buying/drinking whole milk).
9. I found another piece on NPR's website detailing the winter storms around the U.S. Car accidents have been on the rise because of the road conditions
10. The target behavior that illustrates punishment would the driving a car in bad weather.
11. The consequence of the behavior would be getting into a car accident.
12. If a person gets into a car accident when driving in bad weather, they are less likely to drive in snowy weather in the future.
13. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable (vehicle damage from the crash).
14. The antecedent would be driving in snowy weather
A= snowy roads
B= driving in snow
C= car accident
16. This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable (vehicle damage) to decrease a behavior (driving in snow).
reinforcement =
punishment =
18. punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This news piece is about the FBI making a limited time offer at 12 of its offices in the nation from Albuquerque and Los Angeles to New York, and Washington D.C. This is for the next 60 days if you help them catch someone aiming a laser pointer at a plane, they will offer you up to $10,000.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
The target behavior is helping the FBI catch people aiming the laser pointer at the plane
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is receiving up to $10,000.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because having the reward of money will help motivate someone to aid in catching those people that are aiming laser pointers toward the plane.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This involves the addition of something desirable.
5) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is people are aiming laser pointers at airplanes.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=People aiming laser pointers at airplanes
B=Help catch people aiming the pointers
C=Getting $10,000
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable. It involves extinction because the FBI is only offering this reward for the next 60 days, therefore even if someone were to find people pointing the lasers, they will not get the same reward. Therefore, the motivation to help will most likely decrease after these 60 days.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about this story of a lady who had served her time in jail and although she is out of jail now and working 30 hours at a restaurant and volunteering at organizations that help people overcome addictions and a third that provides arts programs to teens. She owes about $8,000 from her drug charges and interest and unfortunately if she does not pay what they ask her to pay each month, she may end up back in jail.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Not paying money back for charges
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Going back to jail
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Going back to jail is something that is not pleasurable and therefore will decrease the frequency of her not paying for her charges.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is having fees from drug charge and interest
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Having fees
B= not paying your fees
C=go back to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something that is undesirable (going back to jail).
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, extinction, positive punishment, and positive reinforcement.
1)The article explains the psychology behind phantom phone calls or texts, when you think you hear your phone ring or feel it vibrate. It explains that this is due to a particular sensitivity level of your perceptual system. Your perceptual system is attuned to whether or not missing a call or text would be aversive or not. In a sense your perceptual system has its own baseline for how often you will feel a phantom phone call/text, and this is modified based on the consequences. The more aversive missing a call or text would be the more sensitive your perceptual system becomes to avoid this consequence, resulting in more phantom calls. The phantom phone calls/texts elicit the response of checking your phone to check for a text/call.
2)The target behavior illustrating reinforcement is setting your phone to a higher vibration intensity which will mean that missing a call/text is less likely.
3)The consequence of this operant behavior is that you will feel more phantom vibrations because your sensitivity to these false alarms is increased due to the aversive nature of missing a phone call and the increased vibration intensity.
4)The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because missing a phone call due to not feeling it vibrate is aversive, however feeling phantom vibrations will reduce the likelihood of missing a phone call, thereby increasing your willingness to feel phantom vibrations to alleviate the risk of the aversive consequence of missing a call/text.
5)The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the risk of missing a phone call due to not feeling it vibrate.
6)The antecedent is the fact that missing a phone call is aversive.
7)The ABC's of the behavior:
A=missing a phone call is aversive
B=set phone to higher vibration intensity
C=feel more phantom vibrations
8)This is an example of positive reinforcement because feeling more phantom vibrations means that the likelihood of a missed call is reduced, which will reinforce these phantom vibrations to avoid missing a phone call or text in the future under similar circumstances.
9)This article discusses the repercussions of anti-gay tweets. A Kent State wrestler, Sam Wheeler, was tweeting anti-gay thoughts about the college football player, Michael Sam, coming out publically. Wheeler was making some very homophobic comments on Twitter, and the consequence was that he was suspended indefinitely until an appropriate course of action can be determined for moving forward. Hopefully this suspension is enough of a punishment to modify Sam Wheeler’s behavior or at least his overt thoughts over Twitter and other social media.
10)The behavior of putting homophobic comments on Twitter is being punished with Sam Wheeler being indefinitely suspended from the wrestling team.
11)The consequence of this behavior was being suspended from the wrestling team indefinitely. The suspension may inspire Wheeler to emit more socially appropriate behaviors through self-directed behavior modification.
12)This consequence will decrease the behavior in that, assuming that wrestling is a pleasurable stimuli for Sam Wheeler, taking away wrestling for the team will be aversive for Sam, and thus decrease the chance of him behaving in a similar way in the future under similar circumstances.
13)The consequence in this example involves the removal of something desirable, the ability to wrestle for the school team. The deprivation of the ability to wrestle for the school will hopefully motivate Wheeler to find a way to make up for his actions.
14)The antecedent is having homophobic beliefs.
15)The ABC's of the behavior:
A=homophobic beliefs
B=homophobic comment posted on Twitter
C=suspended from wrestling team
16)This would be an example of negative punishment because the consequence of this behavior was the removal of something pleasurable, being able to wrestle on the school team. This is punishment because it will, hopefully, decrease the behavior of posting homophobic comments on the internet. Ideally being punished for this cruel homophobic comment will result in extinction of this behavior and ideally the beliefs behind it. I would also hope that this punishment has been severe enough that Wheeler has changed his beliefs and will self-reinforce better beliefs and at the very least better overt behaviors.
Terms Used: aversive, consequence, target behavior, reinforcement, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punishment, punished, pleasurable, desirable, negative punishment, extinction, self-reinforce, operant behavior, elicit, response, deprivation, self-directed, behavior modification, baseline
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about a doctor who walked six miles, from one hospital to another, in a snowstorm to perform emergency surgery to save a patient. The doctor believed that the patient would have died without the surgery.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this article is the doctor walking to the hospital during a snowstorm.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the doctor saving the patient’s life.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the surgery saved the patient’s life. The doctor would likely do this again in order to save another patient’s life.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable,
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, in this case it is the threat to the patient’s life.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the patient needing surgery.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= patient needs emergency surgery
B= doctor walks to hospital in a snowstorm
C= surgery saves patient
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the risk of the patient’s death was removed, or at least greatly reduced, by the doctor getting to the hospital and being able to perform surgery. The consequence in this case could possibly have been positive reinforcement because the doctor was praised for his actions. Many people would consider praise a pleasurable consequence. However, this particular doctor did not feel that he deserved to be praised for doing what a doctor should do, so for him praise does not have intrinsic value, therefore it is not a reinforcer in this case.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I think that the establishing operation in this case was that the patient needed emergency surgery. This makes the reinforcer (removal of risk of death) more reinforcing because in an emergency the risk is greater than if the patient had good enough health to wait for a scheduled surgery. The antecedent elicited the walking behavior from the doctor. This is a topographical behavioral class because there are many reasons why he may have walked through a snowstorm. Someone who saw him may have thought he was walking because he was the one who needed help. About a mile from the hospital someone offered the doctor a ride. Besides walking, the doctor emitted a behavior of getting into someone’s car. Those two behaviors are functional behavioral classes because they both served the function of him getting to the hospital.
Article URL:
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about how the former mayor of New Orleans took bribes after Hurricane Katrina. He then gave contracts to construction companies to be able to work in the city during the rebuilding process. He was recently convicted of corruption charges.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior in this article is taking bribes.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is being convicted of corruption.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the behavior because it will result in the mayor going to prison. After he gets out of prison he would likely decrease or stop taking bribes to avoid going to prison again.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
This consequence involves the removal of something desirable, which is freedom.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the companies wanting to be given work contracts.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= companies want work contracts
B= mayor accepts bribes
C= mayor is convicted of corruption
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because the mayor’s freedom, which is something desirable, is taken away when he goes to prison. Another example of how this could be a negative punishment is because it will likely ruin his career. Even if he gets out of prison it is unlikely that he will be able to hold office again.
Article URL:
Terms: reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, undesirable, antecedent, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, pleasurable, intrinsic, reinforcer, establishing operation, elicit, topographical, behavioral class, emit, functional, punishment, negative punishment, desirable
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In my news piece, a former Mayor of New Orleans is being charged with taking bribes while he was in office during the period where New Orleans was in recovery from Hurricane Katrina.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is receiving money from bribes for helping construction companies get work after Hurricane Katrina hit.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that he recieved at least 500,000 dollars from bribes.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because he was continuously reinforced and was not caught, he would keep taking bribes because he kept getting money.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The conseqence involves the addition of something desirable. The money is what the former Mayer Ray Nagin sought out, and was being reinforced with.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the hurricane causing all the damage to New Orleans, and New Orleans being in need of contractors.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= New Orleans needs contractors
B=Taking bribes under the table
C=Recieving money from contracting companies
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because it is the addition of something that will make the behavior continue to occur. The money is what is added so that he will continue to choose certain contractors for the reconstruction of New Orleans.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this news piece, a Kent State Wrestler posts anti-gay remarks on his twitter because football player Michael Sam came out, and is suspended.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is posting the anti-gay remarks on twitter.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is getting suspended from wrestling.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
He is being punished by not being able to wrestle, because wrestling is enjoyable to him.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This example involves the removal of something desirable. (He can no longer wrestle for his school)
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Michael Sam makes his sexual orientation known to the public.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Michael Sam comes out
B= Kent State wrestler, Sam Wheeler, makes anti-gay remarks on twitter
C= Sam wheeler is suspended from wrestling
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because it is taking away something desirable. Sam Wheeler is no longer able to wrestle for his school, because of the remarks he made.
17) Sources:
18) Terms used: Negative punishment, desirable, antecedent, punished, consequence, target behavior, reinforced, positive reinforcement
) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I have chosen is about the civil unrest in The Central African Republic. WIth the murders of many Muslim citizens being targeted by a Christian group called the anti-balak. It summarizes how this persecution of these people who run and are in most of control of the countries food supply are now fleeing and moving to other neighboring countries. This leaving thousands of people without food.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The targeted behavior is stopping the killing of muslims in the CAR.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is people not being killed.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because by fighting the anti-balak people wont die. The more they try to stop this persecution the more people will be saved.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This is the addition of somethign desirable more troops to fight off the anti-balak to keep people safe.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is muslin CAR citizens needing protected.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Muslim CAR citizens need protected
B= Stopping Anit -Balak from killing Muslim CAR citizens
C= Stops persecution of thousands of people.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of a positive reinforcement because it is adding something desirable to the situation to make it positive. The desirable thing would be bringing troops into CAR to help fight against the rebel group. This involves the extinction of a behavior of killing innocent people just because of there religion.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about the how the 1 percent are being picked on because they are "too rich". Its mostly a satir piece but there is some real thoughts in in that people think this is really happening mostly the only the 1 percent though.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
1 percent being picked on for being too rich
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Consequence for this behavior is that people are getting mad because they are too rich or that the rich are being picked on for being to rich.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
More people that know about this big disparity income will want to change it and not make it so big. Which will influence the consequence of frequency of the behavior.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It involves the removal of something desirable being the big income gap between the 1 percent and everything else.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Rich are too rich
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Rich to rich being picked on
B= People want to change this huge gap
C= Rich are not being treated fairly because of it
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a negative punishment for the 1 percent being made fun of or laws will be changing to not benefit them as much in the near future
Terms : target behavior,consequence, undesirable, negative and positive reinforcement, desirable, frequency
) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is discussing the problems that Russia is facing. Putin has put in place an anti-gay law, claiming that it is to protect the children. Svetlana is talking about how this is affecting the LGBT community.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
For lack of a better term the target behavior I am focusing on is "being" gay. Svetlana is talking about how Putin passed a law that is anti-gay. This law was passed because he claims he was protecting children. She also says that they can't hold hands in the streets and basically can't express their lifestyle in public.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of expressing "being" gay is basically going to jail (who knows what else since it is in Russia).
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
This has made the LGBT community very afraid and scared to be open about who they are. I think it is safe to say that the behavior will decrease (despite activists trying to defend their rights)
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It depends on who's viewpoint your looking at. I am going to focus on Putin's side. So in this case it would be the removal of something undesirable. He is trying to remove public displays of LGBT life.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
I think the antecedent would be being in Russia. I say this because this situation is different in countries and if you are in Russia you could possibly go to jail for being gay.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
B="being" gay
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. The activists of the LGBT community are trying to exercise their everyday right to show PDA, take pictures, and be artistic. If they do anything that traditional people do they will get in trouble.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I would say that it does not involve extinction. Before they were able to express themselves openly. Putin is trying extinguish the LGBT's self-expression by using the extinction procedure. However, at this time expressing "being" gay is not extinct.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article was really disturbing and since I have a daughter I chose this one. (I definitely stumbled upon it). This is a video about a father who noticed a suspicious man hanging around a bus stop. He went over to the man to find that he was staring at the children and masturbating. The father confronted the man to which he laughed and kept going. So the father punched him a couple of times and then the perp ran.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The behavior that I am choosing is the father punching the man.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is getting assault charges pressed against him.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence is intended to decrease the behavior.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It involves the removal of something undesirable. The government wants to decrease the behavior of assaulting others.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is confronting a man masturbating.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Confronting a man masturbating to children
B=Punching the man
C=Getting assault charges pressed against him
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, I say this because the government wants his behavior to decrease.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
U.S. Scientists have been working on a project for over two decades to develop fusion. They announced today that they finally have been able to produce more energy from fusion reaction than the energy put into it. It is not a completed project, however it is a large milestone.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior would be the continuous attempt to produce nuclear fusion.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the production of nuclear fusion on a greater scale than the energy put into it.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Considering that this project has been going on for a couple decades, hitting a huge milestone like this will give them a flash at the bigger picture to know that they can eventually pull off the task at hand.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable,
The consequence involves the addition of something desireable, such as the production of the nuclear fusion.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the need to produce an inexhaustible energy source.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= need of inexhaustible energy source
B= attempt to produce more than is being used
C= Succeed at attempt.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement because they have been working at this project for so long, and they finally got somewhere. The consequence of the behavior emitted will be that the research and attempts will continue.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
A teacher from Washington had been sending promiscuous pictures and having inappropriate relations with high school students. Someone called in an anonymous tip and she got caught.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Teacher being inappropriate with students.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
She got caught and was arrested.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Well she will be in jail and I am sure lose her teaching license. She will more than likely have learned her lesson and no longer pursue minors for relationships.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
It would be the addition of something undesirable, jail.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The teacher having relations with students.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Teacher having relations with students.
B= She gets caught and turned in.
C= She gets arrested.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be negative punishment because she will be going to jail, it is the addition of something negative.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, negative punishment, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, emitted.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article is about the recent decision to raise the minimum wage for employees’ who work in restaurants and bars. Obama is trying to pass bill allowing the current wage, $7.25 an hour, to rise to $10.10 an hour and tipped workers, or people who work in restaurants and bars, would have their wages rise to $7.07 an hour. People argue, however, that with tips restaurant workers make the same amount as high income workers but on bad days a waiter/waitress may not be able to make it by. Studies show that higher wages will result in employees’ becoming more productive and since turnover rates would decrease then experience levels will go up. This has become a sensitive topic and a decision has yet to be made.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is waiters and waitresses getting raises/getting paid more for working at lower paying jobs, restaurants.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is waiters and waitresses will make more money to support themselves in in return will become more productive and less likely to lose employees.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because if restaurant employees receive higher wages then the productively level will rise as well.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, more productivity and less employee dropout for higher pay/raises.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is restaurants all around the US.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= restaurants
B= waitresses/waiter getting raises
C= becoming more productive and turnover drops
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because it is the introduction to a desirable or pleasing stimulus, wage increase/raise, which would in turn increase the frequency of a response.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This article involves a discriminative stimulus which would be the law, in a way.
An establishing operation would probably be the raise to employees’ wages.
There isn’t really an extinction or extinction burst however.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
In this article it has been reported that the number of death rates is increasing because of a new form of drugs or “legal high”. These drugs are meant to copy the effect of illegal substances such as cocaine and ecstasy but are different chemicals and therefore not protected under the law. These chemicals are called New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and have been processed and packaged throughout China, India, and the UK. In the UK Richard Phillips became brain damaged after taking a type of legal high, a copycat of LSD.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior is Richard Phillips participating in the consumption of “legal high” drugs (New Psychoactive Substances) that copycat more serious and illegal drugs, in this example, LSD.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence, unfortunately, was brain damage.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The consequence, in this case, will decrease the frequency of the target behavior because since the consequence was brain damage Richard can no longer move or even breathe without assistance so therefore the target behavior, taking drugs, is no longer an option for Richard.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, health problems/brain damage/
14) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is at a bar in the UK, Europe.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= at a bar/party
B= Richard talking the drugs
C= brain damage
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of an aversive stimuli, brain damage, upon emitting a undesirable behavior, taking drugs.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive punishment, aversive, stimuli, undesirable, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, desirable, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article is about the recent decision to raise the minimum wage for employees’ who work in restaurants and bars. Obama is trying to pass bill allowing the current wage, $7.25 an hour, to rise to $10.10 an hour and tipped workers, or people who work in restaurants and bars, would have their wages rise to $7.07 an hour. People argue, however, that with tips restaurant workers make the same amount as high income workers but on bad days a waiter/waitress may not be able to make it by. Studies show that higher wages will result in employees’ becoming more productive and since turnover rates would decrease then experience levels will go up. This has become a sensitive topic and a decision has yet to be made.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is waiters and waitresses getting raises/getting paid more for working at lower paying jobs, restaurants.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is waiters and waitresses will make more money to support themselves in in return will become more productive and less likely to lose employees.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because if restaurant employees receive higher wages then the productively level will rise as well.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, more productivity and less employee dropout for higher pay/raises.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is restaurants all around the US.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= restaurants
B= waitresses/waiter getting raises
C= becoming more productive and turnover drops
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because it is the introduction to a desirable or pleasing stimulus, wage increase/raise, which would in turn increase the frequency of a response.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This article involves a discriminative stimulus which would be the law, in a way.
An establishing operation would probably be the raise to employees’ wages.
There isn’t really an extinction or extinction burst however.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
In this article it has been reported that the number of death rates is increasing because of a new form of drugs or “legal high”. These drugs are meant to copy the effect of illegal substances such as cocaine and ecstasy but are different chemicals and therefore not protected under the law. These chemicals are called New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and have been processed and packaged throughout China, India, and the UK. In the UK Richard Phillips became brain damaged after taking a type of legal high, a copycat of LSD.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior is Richard Phillips participating in the consumption of “legal high” drugs (New Psychoactive Substances) that copycat more serious and illegal drugs, in this example, LSD.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence, unfortunately, was brain damage.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The consequence, in this case, will decrease the frequency of the target behavior because since the consequence was brain damage Richard can no longer move or even breathe without assistance so therefore the target behavior, taking drugs, is no longer an option for Richard.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, health problems/brain damage/
14) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is at a bar in the UK, Europe.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= at a bar/party
B= Richard talking the drugs
C= brain damage
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of an aversive stimuli, brain damage, upon emitting a undesirable behavior, taking drugs.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive punishment, aversive, stimuli, undesirable, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, desirable, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
For this assignment, I read about birds and their difficulties moving for oncoming vehicles.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior I am using to illustrate reinforcement is the birds’ flight.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that the bird avoids collision (and death!).
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
Avoiding being hit will increase the frequency of the bird flying away to avoid impending injury and/or death.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the removal of the bird from harm’s way – thus the removal of something undesirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a vehicle driving toward a bird in the roadway.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Vehicle driving toward a bird in the roadway
B= Bird flies off roadway
C= Bird avoids collision (thus, injury and death)
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Every time the bird is able to fly away successfully, before the vehicle gets to it in the roadway, it is positively reinforced by avoiding collision with the vehicle. The frequency of the behavior (flying away) will continue to increase, as the bird has a high sense of self-preservation. Extinction will never occur in this situation, as the because the response to fly away will always be reinforced (by avoiding collision). If the bird were ever to get clipped by the vehicle and experience pain and/or injury, there may be the presence of an establishing operation, as it would definitely make flying away reinforcing.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
The piece I selected to demonstrate punishment referred to the technological distractions people face every day.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior I am using to illustrate punishment is texting.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of texting is missing out on the people who are with you and the events which are occurring around you.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
Missing out on life will decrease the frequency of texting when the person realizes they’re living vicariously through their phone, rather than living their physically living their life.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable – the human element to life. Texting means becoming enveloped in a world of emoticons and phrases, rather than eye contact and conversation.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a family event.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Attending a family event
B= Texting instead of talking/interacting with family
C= Missing out on valuable opportunities to connect and communicate with family members
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of a negative punishment. Texting is negatively impacting people’s lives and they don’t even realize it. They are being robbed of their lives – certainly a negative punishment in my book.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, frequency, antecedent, positively reinforced, extinction, establishing operation, punishment, decrease, negative punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I found an article that summarized a study done on the effects of marijuana use. New findings from the University of Louisiana have found that there could possibly be a connection to a decrease in immune system problems related to HIV and the use of THC, the main ingredient in cannabis.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this situation would be the use of marijuana.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the lessening of the immune system issues that come along with having HIV.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
HIV can be quite deadly. Since, the use of marijuana could reduce the death rate, more individuals with HIV would want to use marijuana.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves a possible smaller risk of death from HIV; therefore, it involves the removal of something undesirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Marijuana is available.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= marijuana being available
B= using marijuana
C= lower immune system problems from HIV
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This example is a negative reinforcement, because it is the removal of something undesirable (the removal of immune system problems).
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I read talks about the fact that there are still countries in this world that have outlawed homosexuality. In these countries, people can even be imprisoned or put to death because of their sexuality.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is homosexuality since these countries are seeing homosexuality as a choice.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is imprisonment or death.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of this behavior will decrease the amount of people that will be openly gay due to fear of being persecuted.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence of this behavior is the addition of imprisonment, persecution, and even death; therefore, it is the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is people having different sexualities.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= people having different sexualities
B=being openly gay
C= persecution
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of something undesirable.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Behavior, consequence, antecentent, positive punishment, negative reinforcement.
1) This article is about how after the game Flappy Bird was removed from app stores for download, many scammers started creating their own versions of the game, resulting in charges to the customers’ phone bills (even though the actual Flappy Bird was a free download).
2) The target behavior I’m showing for reinforcement is the creation of the scam versions of Flabby Bird.
3) The consequence for these scam games is that people will believe that Flappy Bird is back on the market and will buy these scammed games.
4) The reason this will increase the target behavior is because, since Flappy Bird was an immensely popular download, people miss having the game (or have been wanting to download it) and therefore will immediately download a game that they think is Flappy Bird and, in turn, causing more scammers to create more fake versions of the game hoping to get money out of it.
5) This definitely includes the addition of something desirable two different ways: 1) people believe Flappy Bird is available again and 2) the scammers are getting paid off of the ignorant customers.
6) The antecedent was Flappy Bird being removed from app stores.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Flappy Bird gets taken down
B= Many scammers create Flappy Bird rip offs
C= Customers miss Flappy Bird and download scam game
8) This is positive reinforcement because once other scammers see how people are unknowingly paying for a rip off game, then more scammers will create more rip-offs.
9) This NPR article talks about mammograms and how a recent study shows that getting mammograms are not much more beneficial than a typical physical exam done by nurses. The rest of the article talks about the controversy surrounding the findings of this study. The article does point out if you’re older and decide to have a mammogram screening done that you only need to do so once every other year.
10) The target behavior for this article is the use of mammogram screenings.
11) The consequence is the study showing that getting mammograms aren’t very necessary and don’t show much difference from physical exams.
12) Because the study shows that it’s not exactly necessary for women to get mammograms over physical exams, women will then be less likely to choose the painful mammogram over the physical exams done by nurses.
13) Well this is definitely a removal of something desirable because these companies who specialize in giving mammograms will lose money if women decrease getting them.
14) The antecedent would be the woman wanting a breast exam.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Woman wants/needs breast exam
B= Women getting mammograms
C= Study showing that mammograms are no better than simple physical exams done by nurses.
16) This is negative punishment because the study will decrease the odds (or need) for women getting mammograms in the future and therefore hospitals or the companies that make the equipment will lose money due to lack of use of the mammogram equipment.
17) Reinforcement:
18)) punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, target behavior
1. This article talks about how TV shows with more diverse casts are getting better ratings than shows without diverse casts.
2. The target behavior is using a diverse cast.
3. The consequence is that the show gets better ratings.
4. The show getting better ratings will cause the TV show to continue casting diverse groups of people.
5. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6. The antecedent is needing to cast a TV show.
A= needing to cast a show
B= casting a diverse group
C= ratings are better than other shows
8. This is positive reinforcement because there is the addition of something positive (increased ratings) that elicits an increase in the behavior because the stimulus is desirable. This has a high intrinsic value to the people in charge of the TV show.
9. This article talks about people being stuck on the roads in North Carolina because of the snowstorm.
10. The target behavior is driving in bad weather.
11. The consequence is that the drivers are stuck on the roads indefinitely.
12. Being stuck in the snow will cause people to not want to risk driving next time the roads are bad.
13. This involves the addition of something undesirable.
14. The antecedent is bad weather.
A= bad weather
B= people drive
C= get stuck on roads
16. This is positive punishment because it involves the addition of something bad. The introduction of this aversive stimulus causes the people to not want to drive in bad weather again.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, elicit, punishment, reward, positive punishment, stimulus, desirable, intrinsic value, introduction, aversive stimulus
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I choose the article, “Going to college may cost you, but so will skipping it.” The article discusses the pros and cons financially of going to college. But the article is basically supporting why it is necessary to go to college. Although going to college is very expensive itself, those who do go end up earning $17,000 more than those who do not go to college. But another huge issue is choosing the right major so that it is possible to get a job after college.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is deciding to go to college.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is earning around $17,000 more than those who decide to not go to college.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because money plays a huge part in our lives now. Money is considered to be a generalized reinforcer, which will make people more likely to go to college to get that extra money.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence would involve the addition of something desirable because it would be adding money and education to someone’s life. Money is a motivation for people to do something.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is choosing between going to college or not going to college.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Choosing between going to college or not going to college.
B= Going to college
C= Earning more money than people who do not go to college.
7) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the people that are going to college are making more money than those who aren’t going to college. And since money is a generalized reinforcer, this will reinforce them to want to go to college. The money would be the addition that will increase the frequency of individuals going to college.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This article could involve extinction, but it doesn’t point that out in the article. If students were to be part of the 1/3 that ends up getting another degree since their degree didn’t get them a job, they could lose a lot more money and extinction could occur. If you went on the other spectrum of not going to college, you would probably experience some sort of punishment by not making as much money and receiving punishment from your family. An establishing operation in this situation could be growing up living next to a college. For example, growing up in Cedar Falls area living by University of Northern Iowa could reinforce going to college.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The second article I read was, “Can Facebook make you sad?” The article talked about how Facebook can help us keep in touch with many people we meet, but there are many negative sides to it too. A study found a correlation between loneliness and using Facebook. They found that over a span of two weeks, that using Facebook can affect our well-being in a negative manor. The study found that people that use Facebook compare their lives to all of the success other’s post, and negatively reflect on their own lives because of it. A lot of people feel Facebook is a popularity contest that they can’t win.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be using Facebook.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the more you are using Facebook, the more you are possibly risking lowering your self-esteem and self-worth. Since it’s so easy for people to compare themselves to other’s on the website.
11) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior by not getting on Facebook or social media sites as much, or taking a break from it all together. A lot of my friends have stopped getting on Facebook as much themselves because they found themselves addicted to comparing themselves a lot to friends and it negatively affected their friendships and their self esteem.
12) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because you are adding those feelings of self-doubt and negative self-esteem.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is using/ logging into Facebook.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Logging into/ using Facebook
B= Browsing other profiles
C= Lower self esteem/self worth
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment since you are adding an aversive stimulus. Since you are adding the negative feelings to your life, it’s a positive punishment basically.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Terms: Operant behavior, target behavior, consequence, punishment, antecedent, extinction, reinforcement, positive punishment, aversive, stimulus, frequency of behavior, behavior, generalized reinforcer, desirable, undesirable.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
I chose the article “Scientists Count Whales from Space”. This is about a new method of counting whales that comes from high resolution satellite pictures from space, the first coming from Argentina. Before this method whale populations were counted from the shore, a deck, ship, or a plane. This method will revolutionize the way whale populations are estimated and will eventually be able to count other species of animals as well. This new method will help estimate the most accurate number of a species and help with endangered animals.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The behavior that illustrates reinforcement is taking satellite pictures of whales from space.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is getting a more accurate estimate of the number of animals in a species for those that are recovering from being endangered. This helps get a precise status on how well the species is doing over the years.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence of getting better estimates to help populations will increase the target behavior because it gives the best idea about a species and the most accurate ways to help those endangered. It also gives researchers hope that it will work on other, smaller animals in the future because of its accuracy.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is the most accurate count of whales.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the near-extinct whale species.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=near-extinct whale species
B=taking pictures of whales with high resolution satellites from space
C=getting the most accurate count of whales
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable, in this case getting the most accurate count of whale species to help them recover from near extinction.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This is an example of establishing operations because the accurate data received from the space satellites will encourage researchers to study other animals besides whales in the future. It changes the effectiveness of the stimulus as a reinforcer.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
I chose the article “For Lower-Income Students, Snow Days Can Be Hungry Days”. It is about a school in rural Iowa, Laurens-Marathon Community School where 59% of the students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Missing school because of snow days can affect the nutrition they need to be receiving, which in turn can affect their achievement and behavior in class. It also tells about how other schools are having the same problem because of the cold weather closing schools and many kids have to go those days without meals. In summary they said the best place for these students to be is in school so they can get a hot meal.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The behavior that illustrates punishment is the children missing school because of the bad weather.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is the children not getting a hot meal.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of the children not getting hot meals because of schools closing due to weather will make the school board reconsider cancelling school so the children are fed properly. So, the consequence will stop the school from cancelling classes as often.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable because it is removing children’s meals they receive throughout the day.
14) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the bad weather.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=bad weather
B=Children missing school
C=Children not getting nutritious meals
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it is the removal of something desirable—in this case the school lunches. It will cause the frequency of the behavior to decrease.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, behavior, establishing operation, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforce, target behavior
1) The piece from NPR was an interview with a journalist who had just written an article that frankly told what having a miscarriage was like. The interviewer and interviewee discussed the length of miscarriage, what the experience of the husband or partner is, and what the grieving process is like.
2) The target behavior is Sarah Shemkus writing her story “Losing the Baby: My Week of Gestational Limbo.
3) The consequence is Sarah Shemkus being interviewed on NPR
4) The consequence of interviewing on NPR will reinforce the behavior of writing stories that are about sensitive/taboo topics because it is a rewarding and pleasant consequence since being interviewed means her article was successful.
5) The consequence is a positive reinforcer because it involves the addition of something desirable.
6) The antecedent is having a miscarriage.
7) A= Having a miscarriage
B= Writing an article about a taboo experience
C= Interviewing on NPR
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the success of being interviewed is added as a reinforcer.
You could maybe say that after experiencing a miscarriage, Sarah may have felt emotionally vulnerable, so the depressive emotions could have acted as an establishing operation to make the positive feelings of being interviewed on NPR more reinforcing. Since NPR is a well known news source, the reinforcer of being interviewed through this news source may be especially salient. The notoriety that comes along with interviewing with NPR could have broad value to Sarah.
9) The piece was an article from the BBC that’s about an environmental plan that England is trying to implement. Currently, many plastic bags are making their way into the natural environment and harming animal life. To fix this problem, the minister wants to charge 5p for every plastic bag that customers take away from shopping, but small business or places that use biodegradable bags are exempt from this charge. The article goes on to explain why some people are against it. It wouldn’t eliminate all source of plastic bags since small businesses are exempt and apparently certain biodegradable bags aren’t a harmless alternative and should also not be exempt.
10) The target behavior is using a plastic bag to transport purchases.
11) The consequence of the behavior is being charged 5p.
12) The consequence will decrease the behavior of using plastic bags because the consequence of being charged is aversive and something that people want to avoid.
13) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable: money, which most people want more of and to spend on things more desirable than charges for using plastic bags.
14) The antecedent is shopping or being in any situation where a person buys something that must be carried in a plastic bag.
15) A= Shopping
B= Using plastic bag to carry purchases
C= Being charged 5p (British currency)
16) This is an example of negative punishment because being charged 5p is decreasing the rate of future behavior of using plastic bags by taking away people’s money, which is a desirable thing for people to have.
18) target behavior, consequence, reinforce, consequence, positive reinforcer, antecedent, reinforcement, establishing operation, salient, broad value, aversive, negative punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
The Weather Service goes on to warn that ice accumulation is expected Wednesday and Thursday across a wide swath of the Deep South that includes Atlanta, other parts of Georgia, Columbia, S.C., and up to Raleigh/Durham, N.C.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is the warning the weather service issued.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that people do not travel.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
Since a specific consequence is not mentioned I can speculate that the consequence following the behavior, the warning, would be people not traveling during the bad weather.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removable of something undesirable. What is being removed is the ability to travel, which is undesirable in bad weather.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the deep south mentioned, which includes Atlanta, other parts of Georgia, Columbia, S.C., and up to Raleigh/Durham, N.C.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The deep south
B= Issued weather warning
C= People do not travel
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of a positive reinforcement. The warning is being added, positive. It is reinforcement because by producing the warning the more people that hear it, if they have common sense should stay off the roads, reinforcing the behavior of issuing said warning. If the warning works and people do not travel then it increases the frequncy, those who issue warnings, to send warnings in the future.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece.
According to members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, behavior among nursery school children is deteriorating and action is needed. Claims are made those children as young as three should be moved out of school nursery classes because of their bad behavior. Teachers claim the children need attention.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
Child kicking others.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The children are moved into special units with other children who exhibit similar behaviors.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
They need one-to-one attention to help them overcome their problems, and unlearn what they have learned. Once the children are removed from their environment and their learning focus changed the behavior should decrease.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The child with the undesirable behavior is placed, added, in a special unit.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The classroom is the antecedent
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Classroom
B= Child kicks others
C= Moved into special unit
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. The child is being removed from the classroom, negative. It is punishment because by removing the child from the classroom, placing them in a special unit, and re-teaching them, the behavior should ultimately decrease.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, undesirable behavior, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, frequency, pleasurable, positive reinforcement
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
People from in the Dominican Republic are changing their finger prints to get past immigration officials.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is people surgically changing their finger prints.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that the people get to leave the Dominican Republic.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
The behavior will increase if that means the people keep getting to leave the Dominican Republic.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves removal of something undesirable. The people are removing the undesirable outcome of staying in the Dominican Republic.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is people wanting to leave the Dominican Republic but not being allowed to.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=person is trying to leave Dominican Republic but is not allowed to
B=person changes finger prints
C=person gets to leave Dominican Republic
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. The person who wants to leave the Dominican republic but can’t have placed an aversive valence on staying in the Dominican Republic against their will. The target behavior of people changing their fingerprints increases their changes of sneaking through the Dominican Republic’s immigration system, which they have placed a pleasurable valence on. This is also an example of establishing operations because if the people who want to leave the Dominican Republic didn’t think it was worth the work of changing their finger prints, the behavior would become extinct (extinction). But since the behavior is increasing, the consequence is being reinforced by establishing operations.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Schools have to cancel on days when the weather is too bad for kids to walk to school/for buses to run safely. This causes kids, who rely on school lunches for meals they wouldn’t normally get, to go hungry when schools have to close due to extreme cold weather.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is schools cancelling on days they would normally close due to weather conditions.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is kids going hungry when they can’t eat lunch at school because it cancelled for the day.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Schools have to consider more than just the weather conditions when deciding whether or not close for the day. If enough of the student in a school relies on school meals for lunch, the district may not cancel on days they would have if they weren’t considering feeding kids would normally go hungry.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The kids desire school lunch as it may be the only healthy meal they get that day, and possibly the only meal they get depending on their parents’ situation.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is cold weather affecting the ability of students and busses to get to school safely.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= cold weather affecting the ability of students and busses to get to school safely
B= The target behavior is schools cancelling on days they would normally close due to weather conditions.
C= The consequence is kids going hungry when they can’t eat lunch at school because it cancelled for the day.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. When the weather causes schools to cancel (an undesirable outcome with an aversive valence) because it is not safe for students to walk to school or for the buses to run: the kids who need to eat lunch at school do not get lunch (also an undesirable outcome with a aversive valence). This means that the kids do not get lunch that day and may even go hungry all day if their parents could not afford to feed them at all that day (yet another undesirable outcome with an aversive valence).
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target Behavior, consequence, undesirable outcome, removal, negative reinforcement, aversive valence, pleasurable valence, establishing operations, extinction, negative punishment.
1) The More Than Yes message is meant to play on the No Means No rape awareness slogan. Canadian students formed this coalition campaign connected with other colleges around the providence. The ads feature often-noncommittal words such as "fine," "okay" and "sure" in small type, with the caption below reading: "If it's not loud and clear, it's not consent. It's sexual assault."
2) This article illustrates reinforcement through the promotion of the More Than Yes anti-rape campaign.
3) The consequence of the behavior is to inform coeds about their responsibility to receive clear consent from their partner, without coercion, before engaging in sexual activity.
4) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the more students that are informed the most awareness is brought to the anti-rape campaign.
5) The more Than Yes anti-rape campaign removes the subjectivity of consent.
6) The antecedent that inspired the creation of the More Than yes anti-rape campaign was the rising attention on studies that found 95 percent of sexual assaults involving students occurred between acquaintances.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= most sexual assaults involving students occurred between acquaintances.
B= promoting the More Than Yes anti-rape campaign.
C= inform coeds about their responsibility to receive clear consent from their partner, without coercion, before engaging in sexual activity.
8) I think the More Than Yes anti-rape campaign is an example of negative reinforcement because it is removing the uncertainty or “grey area” of consent.
9) Kent State wrestler Sam Wheeler decided to voice his homophobic opinion about the recent public outing of Missouri football player, and NFL draft pick, Michael Sam to his 445 followers on twitter. The head coach of the wrestling program Jim Andrassy released a statement expressing Sam Wheeler’s indefinite suspension. Kent State also released an apology statement.
10) The behavior that illustrates the need for a punishment was the public tweeting of homophobic slurs towards Michael Sam.
11) The consequence of the behavior was the indefinite suspension from the universities wrestling program.
12) This consequence will vicariously decrease the frequency of this behavior from other collegiate athletes for fear of indefinite suspension.
13) The consequence of indefinite suspension from the wrestling team, or possibly any extracurricular responsibilities, involves the removal of something desirable.
14) The antecedent was Michael Sam publicly came out as gay and could be the 1st openly gay NFL player
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Historic coming out of Division I college football player Michael Sam
B= Sam Wheeler Making homophobic tweets about Michael Sam
C= Sam Wheeler suspended indefinitely from Division I wrestling.
16) This article is an example of a negative punishment. Contingent upon the emitting of the undesirable trait (homophobic tweeting), this punishment removes a desirable stimulus (NCAA Wresting) indefinitely, with the goal to vicariously decrease the behaviors of other athletes.
17) Reinforcement:
18) reinforcement, consequence, behavior, coercion, frequency, antecedent, negative reinforcement, punishment, vicariously, desirable, negative punishment, undesirable, stimulus.
1) This article talked about how vultures actually help our environment. Usually people write these birds off as a nuisance, when in reality they actually help to control disease by eating dead animals. Unfortunately, certain chemicals that some countries use have killed off a lot of the vultures and some diseases are beginning to rise.
2) The behavior that will demonstrate reinforcement is halting the usage of the chemical that is killing off the vulture population. Farms in India are using a chemical to help treat livestock, and that chemical is poising the birds to the point where forty percent of the population has died.
3) The consequence will be the addition of more vultures. By not using that chemical anymore, the vulture population will begin to increase again.
4) The consequence will easily reinforce the behavior because the communities in India are beginning to suffer from disease due to the lack of vultures. Without vultures, nothing is feeding on the dead animals that spread disease throughout the community. If the farmers do not want their people and livestock to get sick, they will stop using the chemical that is causing the vultures to die.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The environment needs more vultures to feed on the dead animals that spread disease throughout communities. By more vultures being born, more diseases will be controlled.
6) The antecedent in this case is that animals are becoming sick more often.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Animals are sick.
B= Stop using chemicals that kill vultures.
C= Vulture population will rise.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is using the addition of something desirable to increase a behavior.
I believe that this is an example of establishing operations because it is eliciting an important operant behavior from the farmers. They have to emit whether or not they are going to continue to use a chemical that is killing off the birds that are keeping disease away from their livestock. Though finding a new chemical to treat their animals may not be the most desirable task, their behavior will be reinforced in the end when their animals won’t be as sick anymore.
9) This article explained how a petition was written in order to stop Subway from putting a chemical in its bread that is also used in synthetic leather and shoe soles.
10) The target behavior in this case would be Subway taking the chemical out of their ingredients while making their bread dough. The consumers do not want this chemical in the dough because it poses potential health risks. It is decreasing a behavior.
11) The consequence of the behavior would be happier customers. The
12) By having happier customers, Subway will continue to decrease the amount of chemicals in their bread.
13) In this example, the consequence involves happier customers, at the cost of the removal of something desirable: a chemical in the bread. Subway wanted to keep the chemical in their bread, so it was desirable to them and was removed to create happier consumers.
14) The antecedent is the petition that was signed by over 50,000 people to make Subway stop putting a chemical used to make synthetic leather in their bread. The petition is causing Subway to decrease their behavior of adding the chemical into their bread.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Petition
B= Subway takes chemical out of bread.
C= Happier customers
16) This is an example of negative punishment, because it involves the removal of an undesired chemical in the bread.
17) Reinforcement:
18) Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, operant behavior, desirable, undesirable, positive, negative, reinforcer, elicit, emit.
1) This article talked about having a diverse set of actors in a movie or television show would bring in more viewers, because of the diversity, and with that it would bring in more revenue.
2) Bringing more diversity into shows
3) The consequence is getting more revenue
4) If they are getting more revenue, the behavior of adding diversity in the shows will increase
5) the consequence involves the addition of revenue
6) The antecedent is making shows
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Making shows
B= Bringing diversity in
C= Get more revenue
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because by getting the consequence of more revenue, it will be an incentive for producers to add diversity of actors into their show.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
9) This article and video was about a man who was looking at children in a weird way. A father was walking with his daughter one morning and noticed and approached the man to see what he was doing, the man had his pants around his ankles in the car and was masturbating while looking at the child. The girl’s father punched the man and tried to get him out of the car, but the man took off and they haven’t found him. Now the father might be getting assault charges.
10) The behavior is the father punching the masturbating man. The target behavior would be for the man to stop masturbating, and also the father not to take matters into his own hands.
11) The consequence of the behavior is possible assault charge
12) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because they man won’t want to get fines or jail time.
13) tell us if the consequence adds an undesirable consequence by an investigation and possibly getting an assault charge which could lead to fines and be added on his criminal record.
14) The antecedent is: On a walk guy masturbating while watching children
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= On a walk guy masturbating while watching children
B= Punching guy in car
C= Assault Charges
16) This is an example of positive punishment, because nothing is being taken away. They are adding a consequence of possibly getting assault charges for taking matters into his own hand and punching the man.
18) Antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior, positive punishment, undesirable, positive reinforcement
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I found, from NPR, is entitled "After January Surge, More Than 3 Million Have Enrolled In Obamacare". As you can assume, this article investigates the increase in Obamacare enrollment. It talks about demographics, who is enrolling, and also what is to come for this program.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this situation would be signing up and enrolling in Obamacare, especially the younger demographics, 18-34 years of age.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior, currently, would be articles like this one praising the increase in enrollment and the success of the program thus far. This consequence is attempting to elicit the behavior of others enrolling.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
By publishing an article through a reputable source such as NPR, we are able to take the information as factual. By doing this, we are given desirable information; information that will persuade us to enroll as well. The fact that they pointed out the younger demographic enrollment spike, I feel is a ploy to get more young adults to actually sign up. They even stated "the coveted demographic considered key to making the insurance pools viable" to me, this sounds almost desperate.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, this article has a sense of verbal encouragement and praise focused towards society. Ensuring that this plan is what's right for our country right now.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case could be skepticism about the Obamacare health plan. It sets the precedent for the necessity of articles such as this one in order to praise how accepted it is in society.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Skepticism of Obamacare
B= Elicit an Increase in Enrollment
C=Praise and Encouragement through media sources
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is definitely an example of positive reinforcement, they are emiting the concept of praise to those that have already enrolled and committed to the Obamacare plan, and encouragement to those that are still skeptical of it.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is from BBC, and is covering the ten people being charged with 21 deaths, and hundreds of injuries, back in 2010. The Love Parade took place in Germany in July of 2010. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered for the celebration, but were forced to converge into one tunnel in order to reach the festival grounds. Four members of the music festival planning, and six members of the board of administration for the city were charged with negligent manslaughter and causing bodily harm.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
In this article, the target behavior that they are wanting to decrease is the act of negligence towards humans, or society. The point of this is to emit an aversive consequence so people won't do this behavior again.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence in this situation would be the ten people being charged by the prosecutor. He is emiting the behavior as to decrease the target behavior.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
By emiting this consequence, hopefully future event planning will be looked at differently, and mishaps such as this will be avoided. Maybe they chose this route because it was the easiest, or cheapest, but as many of us know from experience, this is not always the best route to take.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This involves the addition of federal punishment, prison time, something that is not usually desired by the average human. So you could say this would be an aversive consequence, causing someone to think twice about committing this target behavior again.
14) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this Love Parade. It is setting the precedent for the behavior to be acted out.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Love Parade
B= Negligence towards humans
C= Prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive punishment, because they are adding the aversive act of prison as the consequence.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, elicit, behavior, desirable, positive reinforcement, antecedent, emit, aversive, positive punishment.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
-This story is about how vultures are actually saving us by stopping the spread of harmful diseases which spread through dead animals such as cattle. However, farmer having been implanting cattle with a drug which is poisoning the birds. This is causing a huge drop in their population.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
-The target behavior of this story would be the vultures eating the dead livestock.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of this behavior would be to raise the population of vultures.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
-Since the farmers are using a different drug which does not poison birds, the vultures will continue to eat the livestock and will not die from eating the dead livestock. This will raise the population of the vultures.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
-The consequence would be the addition of something desirable. We would be adding more vultures to the population by using a safer drug. Since the vultures are staying alive, they will continue to eat the dead livestock and stop the spread of harmful diseases.
6) tell us to the antecedent is
-The antecedent would be implanting cattle with a safe drug which is not poisonous to the birds.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Safe implant in livestock for vultures
B=Vultures eating the carcasses of cattle
C=Raise the population of vultures
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-This would be an example of positive reinforcement since the vultures will be continuing to eat the livestock and will not be killed by a harmful drug, thus increasing their population. This would also be a establishing operations since the vultures will have a raise in their population thus saving us from diseases, they will continue to eat the dead livestock and farmers will continue to use the safer drug for birds.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
-This is a story on the sudden snow in the south where it is causing vehicle accidents, power outage, and shortage on supplies such as milk.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
-The target behavior of this video would be driving fast on the highway.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the target behavior would be crashing due to snow.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
-Since the South does not normally get snow, the people down there do not know how to drive in the snow, thus causing the crashes. This will decrease the drivers to drive fast on the highway and avoid car accidents due to the snow.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
-This would be the addition of something undesirable which would be the snow and/or car accident.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent for this story would be living in the South.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Living in the South
B=Driving fast on the highway
C=Crashing due to the snow
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why
-This would be an example of positive punishment since the addition of snow will decrease the target behavior which is driving too fast on the highway. Although this would also be a discriminative stimulus since when one lives in the snow they would have no reason to drive slow. They would not know how to drive in snow so their target behavior (driving fast on the highway) would be a result from their antecedent (living in the south.)
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) TERMS: punishment, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, undesirable, discriminative stimulus, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, establishing operations,
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Two women in Switzerland trained hard for four years, won and now share the gold medal in downhill skiing.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Training for downhill skiing.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Receiving a gold medal.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Receiving a gold medal will make them want to win again a train harder.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Placing first in downhill skiing.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Placing first in downhill skiing B= Training to win C=Receiving gold medal
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable to increase a behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This does not involve extinction.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The New Orleans mayor was accused of stealing tons of money and was found guilty and sent to jail.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is stealing money.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence and punishement of this behavior is being sent to jail.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Being set to jail will decrease the behavior of stealing money.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being found guilty.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= being found guilty B= stealing money C=sent to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of something undesirable to decrease the frequency of a behavior.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, consequence, frequency, antecedent, punishment, positive, negative
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Since it is the middle of winter and the Olympics only come around once every four years I thought that it would appropriate to choice a news article about the Olympics. In this article it is one of many stories about an athlete’s Olympic journey. This story is about a Canadian speed skater that got his chance to compete for the medals just one day before the competition began. After all is hard work he won a silver medal for being the second best.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is for the athlete to be the best at the sport and to compete for it against the best in the world.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior of being the best and winning is that you get a medal and you get to stand on the world stage and get praise and recognition of being the best.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of getting the medal and all the praise increasing the behavior of competing because they will want to get more medals to show off and they will want to obtain more praise from around them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something that is desirable. The athlete is having an medal and praise be added into their life and it is what they worked so hard for years and years.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the Olympics games and the fact that they are in the world for everyone to see.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Olympics games
B= Competing to be the best athlete
C= Winning an Olympic medal and being praised
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable is being added. The medal is something they all work for and if they do the correct behavior a competing and being the best they will gain the medal.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This does not involve extinction because the behavior has always been reinforced is stilling being reinforced. So every four years the athlete get to compete for the medal and if they do the target behavior of being the best then they are always rewarded with a medal. An establishing operations is used in this example. The establishing operations is the fact that the Olympics are only every four years and they are on the world stage and that will make the reinforcer more effective because than they will get even more praise.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece is about how a painting was stolen a long time ago has been found and the thieves were caught and put into jail. The painting was one of Edvard Munch’s, a famous painting called The Scream. It was stolen back in 1994 from a Norwegian art museum. The way the painting was found is what makes the story interesting. It was found as a result of an undercover operation by British detectives.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the get the thieves to stop stealing. In other words the target behavior is people obeying the law and following the rules.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior of stealing is that the thieves are caught and put into jail.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of being caught and put into jail will decrease the stealing behavior because being in jail will incarcerate them, confine, and will be on their permit recorded for the rest of their life.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. They add being put into jail as something they didn’t want to happen to them because of how mad it is.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the painting being extremely valuable and being a public museum that is easy to break into.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Painting being worth a lot of money
B= Stealing the painting
C= Being caught and put into jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because jail is an aversive stimulus with the goal of decreasing the frequency of such a response. They add jail because it a bad place to be stuck in and it will decrease the likelihood of people committing crimes that put them in jail.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, consequence, positive punishment, aversive stimulus, antecedent, consequence,
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article was about how praise to children can be right with certain words, but adding too many words may be in fact too much praise. For example if your child draws a picture, telling them “that is a beautiful drawing,” versus telling them, “that is an incredibly beautiful drawing,” can have different outcomes. Adding words like incredibly, most, spectacular, etc. can give the child unrealistic expectations for their drawings (or whatever their goal they are trying to accomplish) in the future, and if their goal is not met they will them be disappointed in themselves.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior would be the children drawing pictures.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the children will receive praise for their drawing.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of children receiving praise from their parents will increase the frequency of the children trying to do more and more to receive praise.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, in this case, encouraging words from parents.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent wanting encouragement.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= wanting encouragement
B= drawing picture
C= receiving encouraging words
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement because the children are getting the addition of praise for their drawing.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can. This could be an establishing operation because drawing a picture and getting praise in return for drawing that picture will elicit an increase in both of those activities.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about the storm that is effecting the southern part of the US, causing major travel delays and cancellations.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is travel being delayed or cancelled.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
the consequence of this is that the storm will cause many people to be late or delayed in their travel plans.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of this storm is that people in the future will be less apt to make travel plans during storms.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The storm causes the addition of something undesirable, being that travel is delayed or flights are cancelled.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The storm is the antecedent.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= storm
B= travel delays
C= do not arrive at destination
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of cancellations or delayed travel, which is undesirable.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Terms: behavior, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punishment,
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is a local article. It is about the 6 day old baby who was found alive outside. The mother called the cops and the cops were able to find the baby and arrest the suspect.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Calling the cops is the target behavior.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of calling the cops was the mother getting her baby found.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because the cops were able to help in the time of crisis the mother is reinforced to call the cops when another crisis occurs.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It is the addition of something desirable. It is getting her baby returned to her.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was the baby missing from the crib
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The baby missing
B=Mother calling the cops
C=Baby returning to mom
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is positive reinforcement because the mother received something desirable when she was emitted the behavior of calling the cops.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This does not involve extinction because during a time a crisis we call that cops. The establishing operation would strengthen the consequence because it is the return of the baby that is the consequence.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I am using the same piece. This is the siser kidnapping the baby and then getting arrested.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be kidnapping the baby
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is getting arrested
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Getting arrested will keep her away from being able to kidnap, as well as when the sister gets out of jail she is less likely to try again because she will be arrested and put in jail longer if she does try it again.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It is both. It takes away being in society, but it adds being in a institution that controls your every move.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Wanting a baby
B= Kidnapping a baby
C=Getting arrested
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is both. It is positive punishment because it is the addition of jail, and someone controlling your entire day. It is negative because it is removing being in society and taking away all the friends and family this person has
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Target behavior, ABC, Positive reinforcement, Positive punishment, negative punishment, emit, extinction, establishing operation
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This story is about a woman who is turning 102 and she is reflecting back at her life, mainly focused on race and also how she sees the end of her life.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Rose talking to Ada is the target behavior I’m using for reinforcement.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the warm feeling Rose got when talking to Ada.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Rose will keep going back to talk to Ada because she gets a warm feeling every time she talks with her.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (warm feeling).
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ada’s room.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Ada’s room
B=Rose talking to Ada
C=Rose gets a warm feeling
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Rose gets a warm feeling(which is a feeling added for her) every time she goes to Ada’s room to talk to her, making it more likely for Rose to keep going back.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This involves establishing operations because talking to Ada increase the warm feeling Rose gets. In the conditions in which this happens (talking in Ada’s room) it is increasing the effectiveness of the consequence as a reinforcer.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This story is about a new bill in South Dakota that threatens abortion providers with a life in prison, but the bill proposed is a bit confusing to the people because of the language used to describe the bill.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior I am using is that Doctor’s cannot perform abortions.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that they will go to prison for the rest of their life.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of their behavior because the Doctors will not want to spend the rest of their life in prison so the abortion performances will decrease.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable (life in prison).
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The room where they perform the abortion procedure is the antecedent.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=The room
B= Doctors performing the abortion
C= Going to prison for the rest of their lives
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is an example of positive punishment because going to prison is the addition of something undesirable to the life of the doctors.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, positive reinforcement, establishing operations, antecedent, positive punishment
1. I decided to research on an article that had to with college since not only am I experiencing this wonderful thing I call school, It is also an issue that always has controversy about the benefits of going or not going. This is a report that shows college being an expensive thing but with statistics and studies, it also shows that in the long run students that go to college have a better shot of being successful in life compared to students who don’t. Yes, it puts a lot of people in debt and no job is guaranteed, but it has seemed to be more favored and beneficial to go to school; students have seemed to weight the costs with their success within their field of studies. This article also discusses how it might cost students who go to college, but it has the same effect on students who don’t go because they are missing a greater opportunity in life by not attending. The cost is high for students who chose to opt out of college as well.
2. I feel like the target behavior that illustrated reinforcement of this article would be, attending a college/University.
3. The consequence of the behavior, attending a college, would be being in debt and realizing that that’s how life works and accepting that the debt will eventually need to be paid off, but by weighing out the positives that comes with debt. (Wasn’t quite sure on this one!?) It would also be that uneducated people would receive less money in the work place?
4. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior to attend college, when people with degrees are getting hired first hand or over other people who don’t have degrees. When these people are getting the better opportunity to be considered for the job compared to someone who doesn’t have a degree; they have the advantage.
5. It involved the addition of something desirable because students who get college degrees have a better chance of getting a job and a higher income compared to people who do not go to college.
6. The antecedent would be college educated students compared to non-college educated people in the US. Facts that show this relationship and benefit?
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= determining if one should go to college or not?
B= attends a college or University
C= receives a better job and more pay
8. This is an example of a positive reinforcement because by getting a degree, these students have a better opportunity at getting a job and more money. Money and a better job being the reinforcement.
9. For my next piece, I decided to do the article about car seats since I have many friends who are now having babies and this is a serious matter regardless. I babysit and I am always worried about their safety and their car seat being installed in my car properly. This article is about how a company that produces car seats have been recalled because they were deemed to be unsafe for children/babies. There was a fault in the buckle system that had been putting these children at serious risk.
10. The target behavior of this article would be the company making car seats that are deemed defective.
11. The consequence of defective car seats would be, putting babies/children in danger while being in these car seats, and lawsuits as well (I think).
12. The consequences of putting children at risk and lawsuits will decrease the production of the car set that this specific company is selling.
13. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because the behavior of making defective car seats, turns into the consequence of putting a small life in danger.
14. The antecedent would be putting a child/baby in a car, which someone will drive. (Or would it just be the car?)
15. Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= the car
B= the making of defective car seats
C= putting children/babies in serious, potential, danger, and/or a lawsuit.
16. This would be an example of positive punishment because by punishing the behavior of making defective car seats, more children are not put in danger, which is an undesired behavior. By stopping the behavior, the consequence of danger to children decreases.
17. (1):
18. Positive Reinforcement, Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior, Target Behavior, Desirable Behavior, Undesirable Behavior
Topical Blog week 5
The news article I looked at was in the Northern Iowan. It talked about how on average students spend 1200 dollars a year on text books and supplies needed for class. After a survey was done, 65 percent of students didn’t buy text books for their classes and choose to try and take classes without them. Many students don’t have the money to buy their text books. Many students then worry about their grades. The article also stated that text books have gone up 812 percent since 1978 in their overall price.
The target behavior I want to focus on is student’s decision to not buy their text books. This target behavior illustrates reinforcement because the student’s decision to not buy their text books saves them on average 1200 dollars a year which will in return increase their behavior.
The consequence of this behavior is that students end up saving 1200 dollars a year which will increase their behavior on not buying their text books.
This behavior removes the undesirable consequence of spending 1200 dollars on text books.
The antecedent is text books needed for college.
A=text books for college
B=not buying text books
C=saving 1200 dollars a year
I think this could go both ways but I am going to argue that it is negative reinforcement because you are removing the adverse affect of spending 1200 a year on text books. By not buying them and saving the money it will increase the likelihood of the behavior.
For the punishment part of this section I would like to use the same article and look at it a little bit differently.
The target behavior is not buying text books for the year and by not doing this their grades will suffer.
The consequence is that it will cause students to have declining grades.
This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because by not buying the books and their grades suffering they will buy their text books in the future.
The antecedent is needing text books for college classes.
A=needing text books for college class
B=not buying their text books
C=students get poor grades
This is an example of negative punishment because you are not spending money for books and your behavior of not buying text books will decrease because a student’s grades decline. The student will then change their target behavior and end up buying their text books.
Terms: Antecedent, behavior, target behavior, consequence, negative reinforcement, negative punishment
What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This is about people climbing mount everest. They are supposed to bring back down 18 pounds of trash every time they climb which is what they are expected to bring up. If they do not, they lose there $4000 deposit.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrate
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, Picking up the trash they dropped, or just never dropping it.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Getting your $4000 deposit returned.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
If you get your money returned, that people who litter do not get back, you are more likely to keep your trash packed up in order to get a refund.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
Addition of $ which is something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Climbing Mount Everest.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Climbing mount Everest
B=Cleaning up after yourself
C=Refunded $4000 deposit.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is positive reinforcement because you are receiving something desirable. that will reinforce your behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This is involving establishing operations because knowing that you are doing something better than others, and helping the world at the same time will make the act and the $4000 seem all that much more worth it.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This is an article about the "caged kids case" where 11 kids were found in an ohio home sleeping in cages. The case just was settled last week where the adoptive mother and father had to pay 2 million dollar settlement and the county had a 1.2 million dollar settlement for placing those children in that home without thoroughly checking it out first.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, Making children sleep in cages
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
2 million dollar settlement, losing their money, their belongings, and 2 years of there lives to prison sentence.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Well because they will have no money or home, they will not be able to adopt any more children and will not be able to commit that behavior.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
Removal of something desirable, money.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Child adoption.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
B=forcing kids to sleep in cages
C=losing 2 million dollars.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment because they are removing something desirable, which is money.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. punishment, reinforcement, positive , negative, establishing operations
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
A man had saved a baby elephant and flew him back to the US.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is the elephant brushing his trunk around his savior.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is the savior smiled.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The elephant will notice how he is making his savior happy and he will keep doing it.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition of something desirable. Smiles create happiness. The elephant will want to keep creating smiles.
6) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is that they are in a plane.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= in a plane
B= elephant brushes trunk around his savior
C= his savior smiles
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement, because something desirable (smile) is added to the situation.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
It involves deprivation. The elephant has seen nothing but terror throughout its past and now it is experiencing happiness.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
On a segment of this news cap, a racecar driver
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is careless driving.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is crashing.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The driver will no longer drive carelessly because he doesn’t want to crash again.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
It involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is driving a racecar.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= driving a racecar
B= driving carelessly
C= crashing the car
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment, because it involves the addition of something undesirable.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent,
positive reinforcement, positive punishment,
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece:
This article informs the reader about the newest update available from Apple in regards to their iPhones. According to this article the newest update broke previous record sales and has sold over 10 million iPhones over this past weekend.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement:
The target behavior that is being reinforced in this article is the updating of the iPhone.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of updating the iPhone is Apple sold 10 million iPhones breaking the previous records.
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior:
As Apple updates the iPhone, the users will continue to buy their products. When the consumers emit a purchasing behavior, this elicits Apple to continue creating newer versions. The more phones bought equals more profit for Apple.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable:
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, sales and profit increases.
6) Tell us what the antecedent is:
The antecedent involves having a well-known, well-selling product. This antecedent is a discriminative stimulus. If the iPhone was not as popular, the consequence would not have been positive. Updating an unpopular product would elicit the loss of profit.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior:
A= Having a well-known, well-selling product
B= Updating iPhone
C= Selling 10 million iPhones and breaking previous record sales.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement, explain why:
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it includes the addition of something desirable, sales and profit increases. When Apple updates their product this elicits the consumers to buy the newest model. And by doing so this reinforces Apple to continue the target behavior.
9.) Briefly describe/summarize your piece:
This article informs the reader about the Banned Book Week that occurs every year. The top three reasons books become banned is because the book contains violence, curse words, and/or sexual content. It went on to say Fifty Shades of Gray has been frequently banned in many libraries. In 2013, one of the top banned books was the Captain Underpants series because of too much toilet humor. The book that is article focuses on is called, It’s Perfectly Normal. It is a sex education book for youth.
10.) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment:
The target behavior that is being punished in this article is writing about “inappropriate” topics.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of writing about “inappropriate topics” is that your work will not be sold or available in libraries or other professional settings. The target behavior, in some settings, may be going through extinction. In the case of the Captain Underpants series, the books used to be allowed to be read. Some libraries have banned the books. By banning the books, this elicits the author to experience extinction. The target behavior that was one reinforced, is no longer reinforced.
12) Tell us how the consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior:
The lack of sales or profit may elicit the author to choose to write about more appropriate topics in the future.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable:
If the author’s book is placed on the banned books list, it will decrease sales. With this consequence it involves the removal of something desirable because sales/recognition is two of the main desired outcomes of writing a book.
14) Tell us what the antecedent is:
The antecedent involves being in a library or other professional setting. This antecedent is a discriminative stimulus. In any other setting, or age group, an “inappropriate” book may be desirable.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior:
A= In a library or other professional setting.
B= Writing an “inappropriate” book
C= Not allowed to display work in libraries
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment, explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. The “inappropriate” context of the book elicits a negative valance upon the libraries. The libraries then emit a punishment by placing the book on the banned book list. By doing so, this decreases the likelihood the author will write another book if the sales of their work is also decreased.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Reinforcement Article Link:
Punishment Article Link:
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, elicit, consequence, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, negative valance, emit, punishment, positive reinforcement, extinction, negative punishment.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
The article that I found is titled, 'I lost a job because of my tattoos'. It basically just talks about six individuals that either lost their jobs or lost out on promotions due to their tattoos. It shares the view point from the employee about tattoos and the perspective from the individuals with the tattoos in their work place.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior would be the employees saying no to tattoos in the work place.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence would be losing your job or promotion.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
It’s going to reduce the amount of employees with tattoos and raise awareness to others to not get tattoos if they want to work in those types of work settings.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, workers with tattoos.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The work setting.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= the work setting.
B= Employees with tattoos exposed.
C=Losing their job and promotions.
7) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because the employees are losing their jobs as a result.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would be an example of an extinction burst. With employers suddenly increasing their policy and letting employees go it increased the responses frequency, followed by the eventual decline and extinction of the behavior targeted for elimination of employees with tattoos.
For your news I would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize your piece
In this article titled, ‘Bear kills New Jersey student in nature preserve’. It talks about a group of men hiking and later encounters a large black bear. The one friend of the group of friends named Darsh Patel. When official came to the scene they had found his dead body 40 yards from the 300 pound black bear. The police later killed the bear.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The bear attacking the boy and later thus killing him.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The police then shooting the bear for killing the boy.
11) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will now decrease the frequency because the bear is now dead so he cannot attack anymore citizens.
12) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequence is the removal of something desirable since the police killed the bear because it was causing harm to people.
13) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the group of boys hiking.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Group of boys hiking
B= bear attacks the one boy and ends up killing him
C= Police then come and kill the bear.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment because the police killed the bear no one else will have the chance of getting killed or harmed by it.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, desirable, extinction burst, extinction, behavior, negative reinforcement, and target behavior.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, Louisiana Judge: State's Same Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional. This article states that the law is unconstitutional and violates equal protection rights.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, The target behavior is allowing same sex marriage
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The LGBT community will be treated equally.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, The more states that allow gay marriage, the more likely other states will join.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. I think it removes something undesirable in the way of it removed the law of them not being able to be recognized as a couple.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. Being recognized as a married couple.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being recognized as a married couple.
B= Louisiana realizes ban is unconstitutional
C= Couple is recognized as a married couple.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. I think this is positive reinforcement because they are now seen as a legally married couple and nothing was taken away.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece, ISIS releases a new video of the captured journalist John Cantile after the airstrikes on Syria.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, The airstrikes on Syria
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, Another person could be killed.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, If there are more airstrikes that could lead to more deaths.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, I think it removes something desirable and that would be life.
14) tell us to the antecedent is. Airstrikes
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Airstrikes
B= More ISIS videos
C= Lead to more deaths
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Antecedent, behavior, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, consequence, removal.
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece- I chose an article about a man named Maximus Thaler, who is a dumpster diver. This article talks about how he gets most of his food from the dumpsters and how dumpster diving is economically efficient and that American's are very wasteful when it comes to their food.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement- The target behavior is getting free discarded food from Trader Joe's dumpsters
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- The consequence of the target behavior is getting free nutritious food while reducing waste
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior- It will be more likely that Thaler will continue to dumpster dive because he will not have to pay for any of his food in the and he feels as though he is doing the world a service by reducing the amount of food waste
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable- the consequence involves the addition of something desirable which would be the free food from the dumpsters and the good feeling from reducing waste
6) Tell us what the antecedent is- The antecedent is practicing the "waste not" philosophy
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= practicing "waste not" philosophy
B= dumpster diving for food
C= getting free nutritious food and reducing waste
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why- This is an example of positive reinforcement because the desirable stimulus we are introducing is the free food and because of this Thaler is more likely to emit the dumpster diving behavior.
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece- This article is about the Bollywood star Deepika Padukone and how The Times of India published a picture with the caption, "OMG: Deepika Padukone's cleavage show" and how the star reacted and the paper got bad publicity
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment- the target behavior is The Times of India publishing a photo of the star with revealing cleavage
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- the consequence of this behavior is that it elicited a negative reaction from the star and the public. They viewed it as a sexist comment and the paper got a bad image
12) Tell us how that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior- the consequence will decrease the behavior because the paper got a bad image and people will stop buying their paper, so to ensure that the paper will sell they will be less likely to run controversial pictures of women.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable- this is the addition of something undesirable which would be the addition of negative image of the paper. The Times of India was not expecting the backlash from the public but they got the negative feedback.
14) Tell us what the antecedent is- The antecedent is the photo being taken at the occasion
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Photo being taken
B= Publishing the photo with the sexist caption
C= Negative image of the paper because of backlash from the star and public
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why- This is positive punishment because the bad reaction of the star and public is the introduction of an aversive stimulus. The paper will now be less likely to publish risky pictures of women because they know how the public will react.
Reinforcement URL-
Punishment URL-
Terminology- target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, desirable stimulus, emit, elicited, aversive stimulus
1. Briefly describe/summarize your piece
Justin Mccowan is a man with down syndrome. Justin wanted to help researchers find a treatment for alzheimers. A lot of people that have down syndrome will develop alzheimers by the time they reach 60. A drug that could delay alzheimers in down syndrome patients could possibly help the rest of the world too. The reason Justin wanted to help was because his close friend Maria has Alzheimers.
2. What was the target behavior?
The target behavior is Justin Mccowan wanting to help find a treatment for Alzheimers.
3. What was the consequence of the behavior?
The consequence of the behavior is positive. Justin is willing to go through blood tests and brain scans to help fid a treatment.
4. The consequence of the behavior is something desirable. The behavior will increase peoples willingness to help out with the research to find a treatment.
5. The consequence will add something desirable because Justin is volunteering to help researchers find a treatment for Alziheimers.
6. The antecedent is Justin has down syndrome and people will down syndrome are prone to get Alziheimers by the time they reach the age of 60. By Justin volunteering himself for research is the antecedent.
7. A= Justin having down syndrome and volunteering to help with the research
B= Justin helping for a month long study
C= blood tests and brain scans
8. This story is an example of positive reinforcement because Justin is doing something desirable by signing up for research on Alziheimers.
9. Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
A young boy either jumped into the tigers cage or he accidently slipped and fell. When the young boy landed in the tigers cage the tiger attacked him for a good 10-15 minutes. The little boy was drug around by the tiger, no one jumped into the cage to help the boy. By the time help arrived it was too late the boy was dead.
10. The target behavior of this story is the young boy jumping into the tigers cage and it costing him his life.
11. The consequence of the boy being killed by the tiger will make other people not want to jump into the tigers cage either, making this behavior undesirable.
12. The consequence of the boy being killed by the tiger will increase the likelihood that this will happen again.
13. The consequence of the boy dying from the tiger attacking him involves the removal of something desirable you don't want this kind of behavior to happen again.
14. The antecedent was the boy jumping into the tigers cage.
15. A= the boy jumping into the tigers cage
B= the tiger attacks the boy
C= the boy dies
16. This is an example of negative punishment. The boy jumping into the tigers cage caused the tiger to attack and kill him.
18. Terms used: Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, desirable, undesirable, increase and decrease.
1) The ancient medieval city of Angkor, located in Cambodia, was discovered in 1858 by French explorer Henri Mouhot. Uncovering the lost city took over a century and still much of it has yet to be discovered. Recently, an international team has set out to unlock those mysteries in a time of only two weeks by using new laser technology, called lidar. Their lidar device was attached to a helicopter that surveyed the topography of the ancient city's site. What they found were cityscapes that had never before been recorded, streets, buildings and waterways, all hidden by the jungle. This technology helped researcher to discover that the area went under a dramatic climate change which resulted in it's fall.
2) The target behavior in this article is the use of the lidar laser to scan the Angkor topography.
3) The consequence was the discovery of more streets, buildings, and waterways than were recorded before.
4) Making such huge discoveries of this ancient medieval city will increase the likely hood of not only this research team, but other researchers to use lidar lasers to solve other mysteries of unknown locations.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. They discovered new unknown parts of the ancient city and were even able to tell that there was a dramatic change in climate that would have drove the people of the city away long ago, abandoning it.
6) The antecedent is Henri Mouhut discovering the city in the 19th century.
A= Henri Mouhut discovery the city of Angkor.
B= Researchers using lidar radar to scan the area's topography.
C= Discovering more streets, buildings, and waterways that were once hidden by the jungle.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. It involves the addition or discovery of more parts to the city of the Angkor and will likely elicit similar behavior in researchers to use lidar lasers in the future. The map drawn out for the researchers by the lidar machine acted as an establishing operation, making the consequence more pleasing.
9) A man 20 year old factory worker was visiting the Delhi zoo. While near the White tiger enclosure he either slipped or jumped into the enclosure, witnesses could not determine which is true. The man was then caught and killed by the White tiger.
10) The target behavior was the man either jumping or falling into the tiger enclosure.
11) The consequence on the behavior was the young man losing his life.
12) The consequence will decrease the behavior for other people in that they now know the tiger's, in a zoo or not, are still wild and dangerous. The consequence may also produce the Delhi zoo to install better barriers between the tigers and visitors so it does not happen again.
13) It involves the removal of something desirable which is the young man's life. His family lost a son and someone they loved. Also, if the Delhi zoo officials choose to euthanizing the tiger, which would be removing a desirable attraction from other zoo visitors.
14) The antecedent was the young man visiting the Delhi zoo.
A= Young man visiting the Delhi zoo.
B= Man jumped or fell into White tiger enclosure.
C= White tiger caught and killed the young man.
16) This is an example of negative punishment because it involved the removal of something desirable, the man's life. It will likely decreases the behavior to happen again because people will be more aware of the dangers and/or zoo officials may install better behaviors to reduce the aversive behavior. The young man's parents said he had previously mean treated for mental illness, this could have elicited his behavior of jumping or slipping into the enclosure.
Terms: Target Behavior, Consequence, Desirable, Antecedent, Aversive, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Elicit, Establishing Operations.
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
I chose an article about different individuals who have tattoos and are denied jobs and promotions just because they have tattoos all over their bodies. It shares each of their stories and the emotional toll it plays on them.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is the employers of the certain businesses saying no to having tattoos in the workplace.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior would be losing your job/not getting a promotion due to your tattoos.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will lead to less people getting tattoos if they want to get jobs. It is stressed in this article that if you have tattoos you are less likely to get the job/promotion. This is going to reduce the amount of employees that have tattoos.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally.
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. The ‘item’ that is being removed in this situation would be employees with tattoos.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the workplace. (the workplace affects their likelihood of getting a tattoo)
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=the work place
B=employees that have their tattoos exposed in the work place
C=getting fired/losing promotions
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because the employees lose their jobs because of their tattoos being exposed in the workplace.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would be an example of establishing operations. The event that the employees will continue to get tattoos will decrease because the employers will fire them from their job. This article also portrays the extinction burst. Employers have all of the sudden increased their policy when it comes to tattoos in the workplace, which increased the amount of employees that got laid off. This increased the response frequency. Eventually the undesirable behavior (getting tattoos) was extinct.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article was about a young man who leapt over a railing to get into the tiger enclosure at the Delhi Zoo or he slipped and fell. They are pretty sure he jumped over the railing. The tiger drug the man around for quite some time. Some little kids threw sticks and stones at the tiger in attempt to help the man. It was too late before help came; the young man was killed by an Indian white tiger.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
The target behavior would be the boy jumping over the railing right inside the tiger enclosure.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior would be death. This behavior cost the man his life.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
The consequence will decrease the frequency of anyone jumping into the tigers’ cage. After a man getting ripped alive by this giant tiger, I do not think anyone will attempt to do the same thing after hearing this horror story.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The man getting killed by the tiger, removed him. Nobody wants this type of behavior to occur again!
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the young man visiting the zoo.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= the young man visits the zoo
B=the young man jumps into the tiger enclosure
C= white tiger kills the man
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable. (the young man) His family lost a beloved son because of this attack. It will definitely decrease the behavior from happening again because people will watch the news and find out what tragic event happened at that zoo. Nobody would want the same thing to happen to them.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, undesirable behavior, stimulus, extinction burst, establishing operations, negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction, elicit, negative punishment, undesirable stimulus.
1. This piece is a news article from NPR called “Even When Abortion Is Illegal, The Market May Sell Abortion Pills.” This article talks specifically about access to the drug misoprostol in El Salvador communities. This drug has proven to be effective and safe for the mother to terminate/abort a pregnancy. Since abortions are illegal in El Salvador, people wishing to get these services must look to illegal and more secretive ways of getting an abortion.
2. The emitted target behavior is taking misoprostol for an abortion
3. The consequence of the behavior is that the pregnancy is aborted and there will no longer be a child born.
4. The consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior of taking misoprostol for an abortion because it is a safe and subtle way to end an unwanted pregnancy. This option provides privacy to the woman who may need protected from other stressors in her life.
5. Unfortunately and crassly, this is the removal of something undesirable. The pregnancy is unwanted and taking misoprostol takes about the pregnancy.
6. The antecedent is a pregnant woman being in crisis and feeling as though there is no other alternative.
7. A=Pregnant woman in crisis
B= The pregnant woman taking misoprostol
C= The pregnancy is aborted
8. This is negative reinforcement because the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable or an aversive stimulus to increase the frequency of the response. In this case it involves the removal of a pregnancy.
I believe that this behavior involves a primary reinforcer. The pregnant woman’s safety is often in jeopardy, and in order to fulfill that need, she feels as though she needs an abortion. Getting an abortion has low extrinsic value but may have high intrinsic value if the woman sees it as something that will positively influence their life. This behavior does not show signs of extinction since the consequence is favorable and it is hard for the police to enforce laws against abortions.
9. This piece is a news article that is also from NPR and titles “Airstrikes Move To Syria, Target More Than Just ISIS.” This article talks about the recent airstrikes in northwest Syria against various Islamic extremist groups. The U.S came together with Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.
10. The target behavior is Islamic extremist groups organizing terrorist activities.
11. The consequence of emitting this behavior is the U.S and some of its allies launch an airstrike on Islamic extremist groups’ most influential headquarters.
12. One would like to hope that this will decrease the frequency of the behavior either because of decreased materials to carry out terrorist activities or because of the unlikely event that those Islamic states reconsider what they are doing because of the U.S and allies show of force and aggression.
13. The consequence involves the additions of something undesirable.
14. The antecedent to the behavior is having different ideas about how things should be run then the majority of the population.
15. A=Differing ideas then the majority
B=Engaging and organizing terrorist activities
C=The U.S and Allies launch an airstrike
16. This is positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable.
18. Emitted, target behavior, consequence, behavior, frequency, antecedent, negative reinforcement, aversive stimulus, response, primary reinforcer, extrinsic value, intrinsic value, extinction, positive punishment
1. My piece talks about the fight to save the climate. More specifically it talks about the fight that the Chinese are starting to put up to reduce its emissions.
2. The target behavior in this piece that I am using to illustrate reinforcement is the reduction in emissions in China.
3 The consequence is the air in and around their country and the globe cleaner and easier to breathe.
4.If China is reinforced with the clean air or even a secondary reinforcer like money they will be pushed to clean their air up even more.
5.The consequence is an addition of something pleasurable that means that it is positive reinforcement. They will have cleaner air to breathe and that will help reduce some health problems in their country.
6. The antecedent is they are one of the worlds largest producers of emissions in the world, this makes their air very dirty.
A- They are one of the worlds largest producers of pollution emissions.
B- They are trying to reduce emissions in their country.
C- they will have fresher air that will lead to healthier people.
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something pleasurable that will increase the frequency of the behavior.
This article does involves an establishing operation. Because it is a global problem the pollution reduction will be rewarded by the world if China emits a reduction is it's emission reduction.This makes it more reinforcing to reduce the amount of emissions they get rid of. The state that the environment is in could also be a discriminative stimulus that elicited the response to lower their emissions.
9. The article that I am using to illustrate punishment is about the "War on drugs". It talks about other ways that we could be handling the drug situation in our country.
10. The target behavior that I am using is the use of illicit drugs.
11. The consequences as of now is varying lengths in prison.
12. This consequence will reduce the use of illicit drugs because people do not like the reduction of their freedom to come and go as they please.
13. The punishment in this article could be viewed as positive punishment, the addition of restrictions on the users freedoms. Then it could also be viewed as negative punishment because they are taking away their freedom and freedom is a pleasurable thing. But for the sake of this blog I will say it is an example of the subtraction of something pleasurable.
14. People want to escape from their situations so they turn to illicit drugs.
A- People wanted to escape their situation
B-using illicit drugs
C- Varying lengths of prison time.
16. This is an example of negative punishment because it is a subtraction of something pleasurable to reduce the target behavior of using illicit drugs.
17. #1-
18. Terms used- Target behavior, reinforcement, consequence,reinforced, secondary reinforcer,establishing operation,emits,elicited,discriminative stimulus,positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment,
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Danielle is a girl who is struggling with many different health problems in her legs and hips. She already has had her one leg amputated due to a condition she was born with, but now she wants to get her other foot amputated because of discomfort. She is going to skydive as a fundraiser to have this surgery.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is for Danielle to raise money to have her surgery that will make running more pleasurable and comfortable.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence to her raising the money would be that she would be able to afford the surgery to remove her foot.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because if she can elicit enough people to show up and donate on her behalf than she will be getting her target behavior as an outcome.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
Honestly this one has both. Her foot is being aversive to how she wants to live her life and they are literally removing that. They also are adding money for the surgery, so the consequence has both a positive and negative reinforcement. For the case of this assignment I will say the surgery is the consequence though.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case is her foot is emitting weird and uncomfortable tendencies that are bothering her.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=foot starts doing uncomfortable things
B=raises money by skydiving
C=has surgery
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Already discussed this a little earlier but this is positive reinforcement since there is the addition of the surgery, although the frequency might not increase simply since she is out of feet to be amputated after this.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Boeing is planning on halting the production of two fighter jets that they manufacture due to a lack of demand.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The lack of selling the fighter jets
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Boeing is not selling their desired amount of planes
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
If the company isn't making the amount of money they need to profit they will stop making these planes by 2019
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This would be the removal of the demand needed for the company to keep producing these airplanes
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Countries stopped wanting the jets
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=No more demand for jets
B=Boeing doesn't sell the jets
C=Boeing stops making the jets
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment since the company will be removing a non-profitable product from their items for sale
terms: Target behavior, pleasurable, consequence, elicit, aversive, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, antecedent, emitting, negative punishment
1) In this news article, Wade Goodwyn, the interviewer, discusses the new movie, The Maze Runner, with Ki Hong Lee, who is one of the characters in the movie. They discuss how Lee got his opportunity to be in the film, how he became an actor, what his goals are for acting, and how it was to play a role in The Maze Runner.
2) I am using the target behavior of Lee acting as a behavior that involves reinforcement. He is reinforced when he acts because of the joy that he experiences because of acting. Lee truly enjoys the opportunity to be an actor.
3) The consequence of Lee acting is the enjoyment of the acting. Rather than money, the consequence that really affects Lee and reinforces his acting is the fact that he enjoys and loves acting.
4) This joy and love that Lee finds because of acting reinforces his behavior of acting (the target behavior), because that joy and love that he feels is a pleasurable/desirable consequence, and he will want to experience that feeling again. This will cause him to continue to act and to act more because he will want to feel that joy and love more in the future.
5) The consequence of Lee acting involves the addition of something pleasurable, which is the joy he experiences. He spoke about how acting is the best job that he can ask for, because he enjoys it, and this shows that the love that he has for acting and the feeling he gets from acting is a desirable response to acting. This means the consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) The antecedent to the target behavior, which is Lee acting, is the opportunity that Lee has to act. When Lee is given an opportunity to act in a movie, he has the choice to act or to not act. The situation that Lee is in that leads to the behavior of him acting, is him having the opportunity to act. He takes that opportunity because when he does act, he finds joy in it.
A= Lee is given the opportunity to act. (Just like his opportunity to be in The Maze Runner).
B= Lee does act.
C= Lee loves and enjoys acting. He finds it to be a pleasurable experience.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. That is the case because something pleasurable is added to Lee’s situation as a result of his acting behavior, and the pleasurable thing that is added is the joy he finds in acting. This is reinforcing because it causes him to want to act more in the future, meaning it increases the frequency of his acting behavior in the future.
This situation involves establishing operations, because the first time that Lee acted and found it to be a joyful experience, that could’ve been what set the stage for reinforcement. The fact that the target behavior of acting was reinforcing the first time he did it, because of the joy he had for it, likely caused him to seek that joy again by continuing to act. He had never had a joy from acting when he had never acted before, because that was not possible. This could’ve been part of the reason the reinforcement began. When he felt joy because of acting for the first time in his life, it was reinforcing to his acting behavior because he did not get to experience that same joy from another behavior. Extinction could occur in this situation because if Lee has one terrible experience in acting that he does not enjoy, that could stop acting from being reinforcing to him completely. If suddenly he went to a movie set to act and did not enjoy it at all, he might stop acting completely if he had a bad enough experience. This would show extinction. He would experience an aversive consequence, and in the future he would not emit the behavior of acting again. The positive reinforcement that he once experienced because of the addition of something pleasurable (the joy he finds in acting), could stop completely. He then would not take another opportunity to act when faced with the antecedent of his acting behavior again, which was the opportunity to act.
9) In this article and the video shown, Stephen Tullock, the linebacker for the Detroit Lions is shown celebrating after sacking the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. He jumps into the air to celebrate with a weird pose and when he hit the ground he injured his ACL. He fell down because of the pain that he was in when he hurt his ACL in the celebration.
10) The celebration that Tullock did is the target behavior that I am using that illustrates punishment. I will explain how Tullock’s celebrating behavior was punished.
11) The consequences of Tullock’s target behavior, his celebration, were the fact that he experienced pain because of the celebration, and the fact that many people made fun of Tullock for injuring himself while celebrating. For this opportunity to practice with punishment, I will only be discussing the pain that Tullock experienced as a consequence.
12) The consequence of the celebration, the pain that Tullock experienced will decrease the frequency of him trying a crazy celebration again. This is the case because Tullock will likely not want to experience the ACL pain again, and will avoid celebrating the way he did in order to avoid the pain in the future. He will not want to experience pain again, so his celebrating behavior will decrease in the future.
13) The consequence of Tullock’s behavior involves the addition of something undesirable, because the pain that he experienced was added to the situation. The pain from his injury is undesirable and was added to his situation after he emitted the behavior of celebrating what he had done.
14) The antecedent to Tullock’s behavior of celebrating is the fact that he just sacked a quarterback. This was the context in which Tullock celebrated, and he is likely to not celebrate again in the future when he sacks a quarterback (which is context and antecedent of his behavior), because he will not want to experience pain from it again.
A= Tullock sacked a quarterback (which is a big deal in football)
B= Tullock celebrated by doing a strange jump celebration
C= Tullock experienced a painful injury to his ACL.
16) This situation is an example of positive punishment because something undesirable was added to Tullock’s situation that will decrease his target behavior in the future. The pain was the undesirable response that was added when he emitted the behavior of celebrating his sack, and this is punishment because the pain that was added will decrease the frequency of his celebration behavior in the future, because he will want to avoid that pain in the future.
Terminology used: punishment, reinforcement, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, emit, frequency, undesirable, unpleasant, desirable, aversive, extinction, establishing operation, antecedent, consequence, behavior, target behavior, ABC’s, response.
1) This article is about a photographer whose pictures of a husky and kitten help them, along with many other animals in the shelter, find new homes.
2) The target behavior that is being emitted here is the photographer taking pictures of the husky and kitten together.
3) The consequence of the behavior is more people adopting animals from the shelter in order for them to have good homes and families. The husky and kitten that were photographed also were adopted into good homes.
4) The consequence increases the behavior because the shelter wants to provide these animals with good homes. The pictures of the kitten and dog together were so cute that the photographer wants to take more to spread the word of these poor animals with out homes. The more pictures the photographer takes, it will spread the word of the animal shelter and more people will want to adopt the animals or possibly volunteer there.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because the family, and loving home, is being added to the animal. It could also be seen as the animal is being added to the new family.
6) The antecedent is the idea the photographers friend had to pose the kitten with the dog. This elicited the behavior for the photographer to take pictures of the two animals as a way to get more press to the animal shelter.
A-The assistant has the idea to pair the husky and kitten together.
B-The photographer takes pictures of the animals.
C-The animals get adopted.
8) I think this is positive reinforcement because the animal is being added to a new home. And the family is being added to the animals life. Also, this added more customers to the animal shelter to help with the animals getting adopted. The addition of something pleasurable in order for the behavior to continue is what makes this positive reinforcement.
9) The second article is about a man named Jozef Wesolowski. He was a high ranking official in the Vatican who is being held under house arrest for the sexual abuse of young boys while he was in the Dominican Republic.
10) The target behavior being emitted is the sexual abuse from the ex-envoy.
11) The consequence of this behavior is losing his position in the Vatican and being held under house arrest.
12) The consequence will decrease the behavior because Wesolowski is losing his job and is confined to his home. The punisher is the house arrest, and it will decrease the likely hood of the target behavior.
13) The punishment is removing something desirable because he is losing his job and his freedom.
14) The antecedent is Wesolowski being stationed in the Dominican Republic.
A- Wesolowski is stationed in the Dominican Republic.
B- Wesolowski sexually abuses some of the Dominican children.
C- Wesolowski loses his position in the church.
16) I believe this is negative punishment because because it is taking away something enjoyable like his job working for the Vatican and his freedom.
18) Terms: target behavior, emit, elicit, consequence, consequence, negative punishment, positive reinforcement
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
My piece is an article from NPR that talks about developing a software that can enable children in developing countries to teach themselves basic reading, writing, and arithmetic. This article is called A $15 million Space Race for Education. The company is called Global Learning XPRIZE and this attempt to develop the softward will cost around $15 million dollars. They are having a competition to see what team from Global Learning XPRIZE can develop a free, open software solution within 18 months that will help children be able to teach themselves. I find this article to be very interesting, fun, and exciting. At the same time I feel as if people in Africa will wonder why they need such weird devices because perhaps reading, writing, and arithmetic are not top priorities in their lives since they live in a different type of culture that does not involve any electronic devices what so ever. In fact, many of them may even fight over this device and this could cause some trouble as well. With this being said, the intentions of developing such a wonderful useful tool are great and hopefully it works out to the point where poor children who are not able to get enough education will now be able to.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Millions of children around the world will now be able to learn more education if this company can accomplish the task of making a software that can be used in other poor countries. This means the target behavior is trying to help poor children.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that children will then be able to educate themselves.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Once poor children can finally educate themselves, the company will be satisfied that they did a great job creating such a device. They will make more of them to give to more children because they will want to continue increasing the frequency of their behavior of making those devices.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be trying to be able to create the right software.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Creating the right software
B=trying to help poor children educate themselves
C=Children will be able to educate themselves
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because by creating this software it will help poor children be able to educate themselves which in turn will reward the people who created the software with happiness. This will hopefully cause them to increase their behavior in the future and keeping making good products for poor children.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I feel as if extinction will not occur because there are so so many children in Africa or in other developing countries that will use this technology for more education if life. I do feel though as if there could be an extinction burst where they try to continue the behavior and increase the amount of making those devices even more because of multiple reasons such as social media or just really wanting to help more children. There could be aggressive behavior involved if the behavior emitted does not work. So for example, if they cannot get children in developing countries to use this technology as an advantage to their education then it will not work and therefore cause aggressive behavior. Establishing operations is definitely used in this article because there are many motivating factors that will increase the reinforcement such as helping children get good education and that will come back to the company and in turn will make them want to create even better products or more products for those poor children.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The second piece I found is a short clip form BBC news of the released footage from the US military that shows the strikes on IS targets. It is an extremely huge explosion and killed about 120 people all together. This short clip does not explain what is happening between the US and Islamic State but it does show the behavior of the punishment as they strike them.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The United States military strikes Islamic state, killing about 120 people.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is we now have to be careful because a serious developing war could start against the United States.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
Many humans do not enjoy fighting or even risking peoples lives because they are arguing over stupid concepts and therefore if we are more careful, look out for one another and stand up for ourselves as a country, hopefully the behavior of fighting and arguing and striking each other will decrease.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the United States is starting to fight with Islamic State.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= United States is fighting with Islamic State
B= United States strikes Islamic State
C= United States will now need to be cautious
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because the United States killed people in order to decrease undesired behavior coming from Islamic State in the future. I personally feel as if this may increase undesired behavior because Islamic State might just get upset and try to attack our country which would then increase the undesired behavior which is not supposed to be happen but easily could.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Terms: behavior, consequence, reinforcement, target behavior, frequency, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, aggressive behavior, emitted, establishing operations, motivating, negative punishment
1)briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article discusses how social media helped India’s flood victims get the materials they needed. There was a flood in Jammu and Kashmir in early September, leaving 277 people dead so far. But on the positive side, 200,000 people have been rescued. Raheel Khursheed, director of news, politics, and government at Twitter India, set up a process so that people could get the resources they needed while in the flood. He started a hashtag on Twitter that let people state what area they were in and what items were needed there. Social media helped raise awareness for the flood and helped get people and companies to help donate relief resources.
2)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is the flood victims utilizing the hashtag that Khursheed came up with and sending tweets with this hashtag.
3)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of using the hashtag is that they will receive relief materials.
4)tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of receiving relief materials will increase the frequency of using the hashtag because they were in need of the acquired materials. Khursheed wants people to use the hashtag and spread it on, so everyone can receive assistance. People are likely to elicit the response of spreading the hashtag when they realize they can receive benefits from it.
5)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. When using the hashtag, the people will receive materials they need while stuck in the flood.
6)tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is people stuck in a flood.
7.) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= People stuck in a flood
B= Use the hashtag “#jkfloodrelief”
C= People receive assistance and materials in the flood
8.)Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it introduces a desirable stimulus. The desired stimulus is the materials they receive to help in the flood. The materials they receive could be primary reinforcers because they can be items like water and food. The hashtag would be considered to have broad value, not limited value, because it will not wear off quickly. It can be used for many different people to deliver messages for many people’s needs. This also involves establishing operations. The reinforce (the materials provided) becomes more reinforcing when they see others they know receiving the materials. They can see on Twitter that others are getting materials, so they feel that they deserve materials as well.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article discusses how Sulaiman Abu Ghaith has been sentenced to life in prison. He was Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law and a very high-ranked al-Qaeda figure. He was committed to doing whatever it took to kill Americans during the 9/11 attack time. He went through trial in the US and is now sentenced to life.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith taking a leadership role in the planning of 9/11 and doing whatever it took to kill Americans.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of his behavior was that he faced trial and was sentenced to life in prison.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of being sentenced to life in prison will decrease the frequency of the behavior because he will literally have no way to help kill Americans. He will be in prison for the rest of his life. This is aversive because it is doubtful that he desires to spend the rest of his life in prison.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. The addition is being placed in prison. He must go to prison for the rest of his life as punishment.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being part of the al-Qaeda.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being a member of the al-Qaeda
B= Taking part in the planning of 9/11 attacks
C= Sentenced to life in prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment. It is positive punishment because it introduces an aversive stimulus: receiving a life sentence in prison. This punishment is abrupt and definitely stops the operant behavior of killing Americans. According to the book, the two best tools for modifying someone’s behavior are extinction and positive reinforcement. However, when a person is a threat to society, waiting to use reinforcement is not an option. Punishment is more abrupt, and it was necessary to use punishment to protect the people of our country and other countries.
Terms: behavior, target behavior, consequence, elicit, broad value, limited value, desirable, ABC’s, positive reinforcement, primary reinforcers, establishing operations, aversive, positive punishment, operant behavior, extinction
1) This article is about the discovery of a new large nosed dinosaur species.
2) The target behavior that is being reinforced in this article is excavating fossils.
3) The consequence of the behavior is discovering new species of dinosaurs.
4) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because is it desirable to discover a new species of dinosaurs and that reinforces the target behavior of excavating for fossils. When presented with finding part of a fossil in the ground, they will be more likely to dig there for fossils because they want to discover a new species of dinosaurs.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, finding the fossil of a new species of dinosaurs.
6) The antecedent is finding part of the fossil incased in the ground. This will elicit the behavior of excavating for fossils.
7) ABC's of the behavior
A= Researchers finding part of the fossil incased in the ground
B= Researchers excavating for fossils.
C=Researchers finding the fossil of a new species of dinosaurs.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of something desirable, finding the fossil of a new species of dinosaurs, after emitting the behavior of excavating fossils, is reinforcing and increases the frequency of the behavior when presented in the same context of finding partially exposed fossils in the ground. This was particularly reinforcing for the researchers because they were deprived from the desirable consequence of discovering new species due to the rarity of it. So in a way nature set up an establishing procedure by limiting the amount of species fossils by hiding them so well. Also, this consequence is considered intrinsically and extrinsically valued because the researchers find personal value through achievement in this task, and society generally values finding fossils and expanding human knowledge all together. Besides that, the consequence also acts as a secondary reinforcer, because finding a new species wasn’t valued on its own until it was paired with the primary reinforcers of knowledge and recognition. These researchers wouldn’t find this consequence desirable and reinforcing if they didn’t know they would be recognized among the scientific community and given knowledge from it.
9) This article is about a woman who smuggled “two disassembled .40 caliber handguns, 350 rounds of ammunition, four magazines for the guns and 33 pounds of marijuana” in luggage at the JFK airport. She got caught and was arrested on state charges.
10) The target behavior is hiding two disassembled .40 caliber handguns, 350 rounds of ammunition, four magazines for the guns and 33 pounds of marijuana in product containers in luggage through an airport. Or this can be more simply put as hiding handguns, ammunition, magazines for the guns, and marijuana in product containers in luggage through the JFK airport.
11) The consequence of the behavior is being stopped by the TSA and arrested by local authorities on state charges.
12) This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because it is aversive and undesirable by this person. They will be less likely to attempt to smuggle drugs, ammunition, and guns through airport security because they will not want to be stopped and arrested by TSA and local law enforcement.
13) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, being free to smuggle drugs, ammunition, and guns through the airport and general freedom.
14) The antecedent to this behavior would have to be working in the smuggling industry. Being paid to smuggle goods would elicit this behavior.
15) ABC's of the behavior
A= Working in the drug smuggling industry
B= Hiding handguns, ammunition, magazines for the guns, and marijuana in product containers in luggage through the JFK airport
C= Stopped and arrested on state charges
16) This is an example of negative punishment because the consequence of being stopped and arrested by authorities will decrease the likelihood of the behavior of hiding drugs, guns, gun magazines and ammunition in containers in luggage from happening again. This is negative punishment due to the consequence taking away something desirable, this person’s freedom. This is effective punishment because it is abrupt enough to disrupt the behavior of smuggling, and immediate so it has a lasting direct effect.
17) Reinforcement:
18) Terms: negative punishment, punishment, aversive, consequence, antecedent, elicit, target behavior, establishing procedure, deprived, reinforcing, intrinsically and extrinsically valued, primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcer, emitted
1) Okay, so India sent out its very first satellite to orbit Mars and it succeeded on their very first attempt- which is pretty incredible! They’re the 4th country to do so behind US, Russia, and Europe. The most amazing part of the whole thing is that this took one attempt.
2) Sending a satellite into orbit is the target behavior.
3) The consequence was the success of sending the satellite into orbit.
4) Because the team is feeling successful, prideful, and excited, they’re more likely to try again with the something of the same type of magnitude.
5) The consequence is the addition of something desirable. They’re being reinforced due to the fact that their satellite was successful.
6) The antecedent would be the desire to send a satellite into orbit.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Desire to send a satellite into orbit
B= Sending a satellite into orbit
C= Satellite successfully orbits Mars
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable- success. This success will elicit positive thinking and desire for more success.
This doesn’t currently involve extinction, but it could at some point. If the team all of a sudden really started sucking and their projects started blowing up all over the place, there’s going to be a real problem and there will be extinction of the reinforcement to send out satellites. I think it’s also important to discuss context in this case. Context often dictates whether or not a primary or secondary reinforcer will actually have reinforcing properties. If the team members are all really negative people, this isn’t going to be reinforcing. The team could also become satiated and this would no longer apply. If the team experiences success after success, they might not feel a lot of reinforcing properties from their success.
9) This clip from NPR illustrates the ongoing conflict between banned books and the people that wish to keep the books in the library for kids to read. Books that come into question here are those that are particularly violent, question authority, main characters are naughty, the plot is not socially acceptable, etc. This clip focused on the comic books in particular.
10) The target behavior in this article that I wanted to highlight is that of the people trying to ban the books. The target behavior is to get the book of question out of the library.
11) The consequence of this behavior is children will no longer be able to read these “naughty” books or books that may be violent, question authority, etc.
12) This consequence decreases the behavior of children reading these types of questionable material.
13) This involves the addition of something aversive. The book is banned. This would really stink for an author and as was stated in the clip, the author was a little distressed by it all. Afterall, he was writing a comic book- there’s bound to be a little violence.
14) The antecedent is reading a “bad” book.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Reading a bad book
B= Getting the book banned
C= No longer available for kids to read
16) This is an example of positive punishment because it refers to the addition of something aversive- the banning of a book.
TERMS: Target behavior, behavior, consequence, antecedent, the ABC’s, positive punishment, punishment, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, extinction, context, elicits, aversive, and satiation.
1) Africa is facing its largest ebola outbreak in history. There have been over 4,366 recorded cases this year. The countries suffering from the outbreak are not financially secure and are struggling to get this now declared epidemic under control. The world health organization or the WHO has issued a 5 step plan to elicit the hinder of the outbreak and keep things under control until more help can be sent in.
2) The target behavior in this news article would be following the 5 step plan given by the WHO in order to hinder the spread of ebola.
3) By emitting the behaviors in this plan, it hopes to keep ebola from spreading and in turn decline the death rate.
4) By seeing the decline in the death rate, more and more people will see how important following the 5 step plan is.
5) It will add something desirable, the saving of lives.
6) The antecedent would be the outbreak of ebola.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The outbreak of ebola.
B= Following the 5 step plan recommended by the WHO
C= Declined death rates due to the virus.
8) This would be an example of positive reinforcement because we are adding the saving of lives.
9) President Obama asks the world for help to dismantle the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or better known as ISIS. The United States has emitted airstrikes on the ISIS group and has gotten help from 40 other countries to join together to end this group.
10) The target behavior in this example would be the violence that the group is emitting.
11) The consequence of this action would be the United States plan to band together with other countries and use force to end the ISIS group.
12) By using force against the group, it would decrease the number of members in the group and lead to the end of the group.
13) It involves the addition of action towards the group- leading to the dismantlement.
14) The antecedent in this example would be the formation of the ISIS group.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The group joining together.
B= The violence the group is emitting.
C= United states banding together with other countries to use force to end the group.
16) Negative Punishment. This is an example of negative punishment because we are taking something away. By fighting back against the group and killing/capturing the group members, and taking their resources, it makes it harder for them to continue.
17) Reinforcement:
18) Terms: Elicit, Target Behavior, Emitting,
Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative punishment
What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article talks about the addition of three new types of porcini mushrooms. The article talks about scientists who were curious about the types of mushrooms you can find in your local supermarket, they bought some and discovered three new types.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior was testing mushrooms from the supermarket.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior was the discovery of three new types of mushroom species.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence (discovered new mushroom species) will increase the likelihood of the behavior (testing mushrooms) because the scientists who tested the mushrooms discovered new species and got the recognition and ability to identify and discover something new, which is something that scientists are always looking to do.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which was discovering the new species. This will increase the likelihood of the behavior to test mushrooms because the scientists got the credit for discovering the new species.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the supermarket.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
B=Testing mushrooms
C=Discovering new species
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it will increase the likelihood that these scientists will test more mushrooms to try and find new species.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I feel that this is not a situation in which extinction is occurring, but one in which it could occur if they were to keep testing and find nothing. Finding no new species of mushrooms would lead to extinction of the behavior. This could lead to extinction bursts in which the scientists would not only test the mushrooms but would maybe taste them or look to other vegetables to test and try and find new species.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece of news from the NPR website was an article and video on the new Iphone 6 plus and how it many people have reported that the phone is bending. The article gives talks about this and the backlash from new owners of the phone and the video summarizes what is going on and then the guy in the video tries to see if the Iphone really does bend by pushing on his phone and effectively bending it.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is bending of the Iphone 6 plus.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is backlash from the owners of the phone.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the Apple company will create a new and improved phone to keep it from bending so easily because of the backlash it is receiving from its customers (users of the phone). It's bad publicity for the company and they don't want that, so they will change it so that the phone doesn't bend.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something aversive which would be the backlash from the customers/phone users.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the aluminum frame of the new Iphone 6plus.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Aluminum frame of phone
B=Bending of phone
C=Backlash of customers
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the addition of something aversive is happening which will decrease the likelihood of the behavior to occur again. The aversive think being added is the backlash from customers and the behavior that will be less likely to occur will be the bending of the phone because the Apple company will fix it after receiving the backlash.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Extinction, extinction bursts, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, target behavior, consequence, aversive.
Let us know if you have any questions.
1.In this article from NPR, a conference was held on discussing the reform of the justice system. Attorney General Eric Holder was in attendance and in a speech he claimed that US crime rates are decreasing and so are the incarceration rates. This is opposing the ideas and statistics of recent years. In years past the idea that higher and harsher prison sentences were correlated with decreasing crime rates was what was leading the justice system. However, in recent findings Attorney General Eric Holder states that incarceration rates have decreased down to just above what the rates were in 2002 and the crime rates have also steadily decreased.
2.The target behavior that is being emitted in this article is the decreasing the number of people in the prison population within the United States.
3.The consequence of this behavior is a decrease in crime rates throughout the United States.
4.The decreasing of crime rates within the United States being correlated with lower prison population numbers and acting as the secondary reinforcer sets the occasion for the Criminal Justice System to increase the target behavior of decreasing the number of people put prison in order to also decrease crime rates. The secondary reinforcer has a broad value because the effect of it will last a long time.
5.The consequence that is elicited by this target behavior is the removal of something aversive.
6.The antecedent is reforming the justice system.
7.A= Reforming the justice system
B= Decreasing the number of people in the prison population in the United States
C= The decrease in crime rates throughout the United States
8.This is an example of negative reinforcement because the consequence that is elicited is the removal of something aversive, the decrease in crime rates, which increases the target behavior being emitted which is lowering the number of people in the prison population in the United States.
9.This is an example of extrinsic motivation because the public of the United States value the decreasing of crime rates and prison population. This is an example of others valuing the behavior and the consequence. Also the Attorney General’s speech could act as an establishing operation because his speech adds statistics which make the reinforcer seem more reinforcing because there is hard evidence.
10.In this article from Huffington Post, the conservative school board of a district within Jefferson County of Colorado, proposed to have their history classes censored. The board proposed to have a committee look over materials that would be used and censor the information out that makes America look bad and is not favorable for patriotism and nationalism. The students of this district then rebelled by skipping classes and protesting the proposal. The students argue that their education should not be censored because then they are not earning a fair education.
11.The target behavior that is being emitted is the Colorado school board proposing to censor history courses by only including information that is favorable to America.
12.The consequence of this behavior was students of that district leaving classes and protesting the school board’s proposal
13.The students protesting against the proposal and students skipping class sets the occasion to decrease the behavior of the Colorado school board from enacting the proposal of censoring history classes.
14.The consequence that is elicited by this target behavior is the addition of something aversive.
15.The antecedent is the Colorado school board meeting
16.A= the Colorado school board meeting
B= Colorado school board proposing to censor history courses by only including information that is favorable to America.
C= Students of that district skipping classes and protesting the proposal.
17.This is an example of positive punishment. The addition of something aversive, the students skipping class and protesting, will decrease the likelihood of the behavior, the school board passing the censoring of history classes proposal.
TERMS: target behavior, emitted, secondary reinforcer, set the occasion, consequence, behavior, elicited, aversive, antecedent, negative reinforcement, extrinsic motivation, establishing operation, positive punishment
1) This news article is about India’s mission to Mars and the very cheap expense of it. Jonathan Amos talks about how the Mangalyaan mission is almost $600m cheaper than the cost of NASA's mission to Mars. India is planning on studding the methane count in Mars atmosphere to see if some life might exist on the surface or under it. Some are saying that India should be more concerned about needs in their country, but others agree that this will help them get the money to provide for their country and to add to scientific research.
2) The target behavior that I am using is cheap cost for space mission.
3) The consequence of the behavior is an advancement in scientific research as well as growth in India.
4) This will increase the frequency of the behavior because the less money spent on space missions, the more research that can be done, and the greater India can grow from this.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. This addition of something desirable is the addition of space research and wealth of India.
6) The antecedent is India’s space program location.
7) A= Space program location. B= cheap cost to make space ship. C= Growth in scientific research and in India as a country.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the cheap cost for the space mission increases the frequency of scientific research and growth in India’s economy and society. The fact that the cost for India’s mission is cheaper that Hollywood movies is an establishing operation.
9) My piece is about the U.S. emitting a behavior to decrease the extremist attacks in Iraq. This behavior is bombing Islamic state in Iraq. There have been air strikes on the outskirts of town for a while. These have slowed down the extremists. They are always moving around and are only seen out and about a couple hours a day. The airstrikes are frightening to the extremists but comforting to the civilians; making them feel protected.
10) The target behavior that is the air strikes.
11) The consequence of the behavior is the extremists being scared and becoming less active in attacks.
12) This consequence is decreasing the behavior because the air strikes frighten the extremists making them less likely to act out and attack as frequently.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. This undesirable addition is protection over the people and weapons that can kill the extremists.
14) The antecedent is a town in Western Iraqi province.
15) A= town in western Iraqi province. B= air strikes. C= extremists being scared and become less active in attacks.
16) This is positive punishment because it is an addition of air strikes to the town that causes less activity among the extremists.
18) positive reinforcement, target behavior, establishing operation, consequence, behavior, antecedent, ABC, positive punishment, emit,
1. This article is titled “In This Year Of Ebola, A Montana YMCA Is Its Brother’s Keeper.” This article is about a Montana man, Chris Siegler, who works for the YMCA is Missoula, Montana. Siegler has had a long relationship with Sierra Leone as he used to be a Peace Crops volunteer there and when he went back to visit in 2002 he formed a partnership with the YMCA in Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital. The Missoula’s YMCA has been raising funds since the partnership began to help fund programs in Sierra Leone. When Sierra Leone was struck by the Ebola virus, the Missoula YMCA began raising funds to support the YMCA in Sierra Leone, with the funds being used to provide basic supplies, deliver food to families who are quarantined, and some of the money is being used to make local radio ads informing the community on how to recognize the symptoms of Ebola and promote a hotline for medical help. Any support the countries who have been hit with Ebola receive can make a difference.
2. The target behavior from this article I am using that illustrates reinforcement is the behavior of sending funds from the YMCA in Missoula, Montana to the YMCA in Freetown, Sierra Leone to provide aid in the fight against Ebola.
3. The consequence of this behavior is aid was provided to those suffering from the effects of the Ebola virus. The funds the YMCA in Sierra Leone have received from the Missoula YMCA have allowed for basic supplies to be purchased, food to be delivered to those quarantined, and radio ads to be made informing the people how to recognize the Ebola symptoms and how to get medical help.
4. This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the consequence involved the addition of something pleasurable. Although the Ebola outbreak is not something to be celebrating, the funds sent over to help those who are suffering from this outbreak helped to make a positive impact in this fight, something those who provided the funds find pleasurable. Because they know that their funds are making a difference, they are likely to emit the behavior of sending funds over to Sierra Leone again.
5. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Without sending the funds over, they would not have been able to be provide materials to those suffering from the Ebola outbreak, something those suffering greatly need. Before the behavior the Sierra Leone YMCA had less funds than they did after the behavior was emitted.
6. The antecedent to this behavior is the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa, specifically in the country of Sierra Leone.
7. A= Outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa, specifically in the country of Sierra Leone.
B= The sending of funds from the Missoula, Montana YMCA to the YMCA in Freetown, Sierra Leone to provide aid in the fight against Ebola.
C= Aid is provided to those in Sierra Leone suffering from the effects of the Ebola virus outbreak.
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive because a desirable stimulus was added; those suffering from the effects of the Ebola virus were provided aid. Had the behavior not been emitted, the aid would never have been provided. It is reinforcement because the consequence increased the likelihood that the behavior will be emitted again. Since the behavior allowed aid to be provided to those suffering in Sierra Leone, the behavior of sending funds is likely to happen again because the consequence was pleasurable, it made a difference to those suffering.
This is not an example of extinction because there was no behavior that was previously being reinforced that is now not. This was a new operant behavior, one that had never been performed before. No establishing operations were used in this example of reinforcement, nothing was done to make the reinforcer more reinforcing, it was a reinforcer because of a need not being met that was caused because of the natural way of the world, not because an organism did anything. This example does involve the use of a generalized reinforcer. The funds are means that allow those in Sierra Leone to purchase primary reinforcers, those unlearned reinforcers, of basic necessities such as food and medicine.
9. This article is titled “Air France to resume talks with striking pilots.” This article is about how the pilots for the France airline, Air France, have been on a strike the last 10 days because they are unhappy that they will receive lower rates of pay if Air France expands its operations with the budget airline Transavia. With this expansion of the Transavia airline, some Air France jobs would be moved to this airline and those jobs would receive lower pay than those on the core Air France airline. This strike has caused a lot of trouble for the airline as many flights have been canceled; causing the airline to lose 15m euros a day and only operate half of its flights. This strike is also affecting the country of France in general as the government has stake in the company and citizens are having greater difficult traveling. Air France is resuming talks with the striking pilots over pay and conditions in order to stop the strike, and therefore stop the damaging effects the strike is causing.
10. The target behavior I am using from this article that demonstrates punishment is the airline Air France announcing the expansion of their budget airline Transavia, which would change the jobs and pay rates for the pilots of the airline.
11. The consequence of this behavior is the pilots of Air France went on strike; they stopped performing their pilot duties until the airline changed their pay rates with their expansion plans.
12. The consequence will decrease this behavior because the consequence involved the addition of something aversive. Air France didn't want their pilots to go on strike because of these expansion plans, the strike greatly affects their business. They are unlikely to make future company plans that mess with the pay rates of their pilots because they would not want the pilots to go on strike again.
13. The consequence of this behavior involves the addition of something undesirable. Before Air France announced their expansion plans, the pilots were not on strike, after they emitted the behavior of announcing their expansion plans, the pilots went on strike. The airline finds this consequence to be undesirable as it greatly impacts how their airline can run, and specifically impacts the financial status of their airline.
14. The antecedent of this behavior is Air France’s ownership of the budget airline, Transavia.
15. A= The airline of Air France’s ownership of the budget airline, Transavia
B= Air France announces their plan to expand their budget airline of Transavia, causing a change in the pilots’ job and pay wages
C= The pilots of the airline Air France go on strike until their demands of pay wages have been met.
16. This is an example of positive punishment. It is positive because something aversive was added; the pilots went on strike, which was not occurring before the behavior of Air France. It is punishment because the consequence decreases the likelihood that the behavior will happen again. Air France is unlikely to make changes to their airlines that effect the pay of their pilots as they would not want their pilots to go on strike again because of the great financial impact the strike has on their company.
18. Terms: target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, behavior, pleasurable, emitting, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, stimulus, generalized reinforcer, primary reinforcer, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, extinction, punishment, aversive, undesirable, positive punishment, operant behavior, organism
1) In this article, schools are trying to elicit the eating of fruits and vegetables in children. A school can control how many fruits and vegetables are on the children’s tray, but that does not mean that the children will eat it. According to the article, a student will throw away approximately one-third of what’s on their tray. One of the solutions that this article offered was use a form of establishing operation to increase fruit and veggie intake. If the children go out to recess before lunch, the will expend all their energy through play and will be very hungry when its finally time to eat. If the children are hungry, the fruits and vegetables will be more satisfying to eat, making it more likely that they will eat them in the future. Thus, the eating of fruits and vegetables will be reinforcing.
2) The target behavior for the kids to eat all of their food, including a couple servings of fruit and vegetables
3) The consequence is that the children will feel full and satisfied once they eat their food
4) If the students are full and satisfied, they will most likely emit the same behavior when they are hungry again.
5) This involves the addition of something desirable because the kids are hungry and food is a way to fix that
6) The antecedent is the most important part of this article’s theory. The antecedent of this behavior is that the kids have just come back from recess. After all the running, playing, and socializing they are ready to eat a big meal.
7) A= Kids arrive from recess, hungry from all the playing
B= Kids eat a school lunch that includes a couple servings of fruits and vegetables
C= Kids are full and satisfied
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive because there is an addition of something desirable. It is reinforcement because it is more likely that the students will eat their whole tray (including the fruits and vegetables) in the future.
9) The movement StopXam was started by Russian activists, and it attempts to stop the operant behavior of bad driving with politeness. They post videos of heated exchanges with drivers on YouTube that have reached 200 million veiws. Their trademark is to post a sticker on the windshield and resolve the situation in a polite manner.
10) The target behavior is rude driving. An example of rude driving would be parking in a place where you are not supposed to.
11) The consequence of this behavior is for a sticker to be placed on the windshield and to have an argument with a member of the movement.
12) The sticker is a form of public shaming and should be feel aversive to the person emitting the behavior. Since this is aversive, the behavior will be less likely to occur in the future.
13) Since the sticker is aversive, the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable
14) The antecedent of this behavior is an everyday traffic situation
15) A= Normal traffic environment
B= driver parks in where car is not supposed to be
C= Activist places StopXam sticker on windshield and they are politely asked to move their car
16) This is an example of positive punishment. It is positive because there is an addition of something aversive. It is punishment because the behavior is less likely to occur in the future.
Article 1:
Article 2:
Terms: elicit, establishing operation, reinforcing, target behavior, consequence, emit, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, operant behavior, aversive, undesirable, positive punishment
1) The story focuses on the markets of San Salvador, El Salvador where sellers who offer herbs, roots, and undergarments, are also covertly selling illegal teas or drugs legally sold in the US to terminate pregnancies. In El Salvador abortions are illegal, and like thousands of women globally, women turn to abortion procedures that often end in infection, excessive bleeding, scarring, and death. The availability of herbs and pills sold in an underground market for abortions are safe, effective, private and illegal.
2) The target behavior is the ingestion of the medication to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
3) The consequence of the behavior is a safer abortion for the expectant female.
4) The ingestion of the remedy leads to safer abortions, and if expectant mothers are safer. The likelihood that females in need, will opt to choose these safer remedies, rather that choosing to participate in abortions involving prods (sticks, pipes, etc.), and chemicals like bleach.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, because adding pills, or herbal teas to the abortion market, though they may be illegal, will result in safer abortions.
6) The antecedent are the pregnant females, often teens who have been abused or raped, seeking termination of their unwanted pregnancies.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=pregnant female at local market
B= expectant mother purchases illegal drug/herbs
C= safe abortion
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the addition of the abortion remedies into the market place where it is easily accessible creates a possible extinction of the back-alley abortion approach. If medicine is readily available, safer abortions will transpire; hopefully more often than not. The culture will be illegally satiated with these safer approaches, where they had been just recently deprived. The deprivation of these safer remedies led females to risk their lives to terminate pregnancies that are often the result of abuse and rape. Herbal teas, and occasionally pills-that are casually sold within the US legally-are acquired through underground means as an intervention for the expectant mothers as opposed to adverse alternatives. Though these illegal remedies have intrinsic value for the individual females, the broad value, as well as the extrinsic values of safer means to terminate pregnancies, offer hope to a region where sexual-related abuse against women is fervent, and abortions are illegal with intense punishments.
9) This clip is about the backlash of women and men standing up against the sexualization of women within the gaming circuit. Many games elicit the objectification of women, which has caused many people to emit an aggressive response both for and against the argument. The particular person being described below is Anita Sarkeensian. She is a blogger devoted to exposing games that sexualize and berate women, who has also had to flee her home as a response to aversive attacks from fellow gamers.
10) The target behavior from this article is the tweeting behavior of Anita Sarkeensian referring to the sexualization of women in video games.
11) The consequence of her behavior is that she had to flee from her home in fear because of the responses of angry fellow gamers.
12) The consequence of Anita having to leave her home, because she fears the threat that others are making against her will probably decrease the behavior of tweeting about her views on how women are viewed within the gaming industry.
13) The consequence involved the removal of something desirable-her home from her immediate grasp, as well as the removal of her feelings of safety.
14) The antecedent is Anita Sarkeesian's blog being crossed over to the #Gamergate argument.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Anita Sarkeesian's feminist blog, taken to #Gamergate
B= She tweets about women being sexuallized in games
C= She is threatened so badly that she leaves her home
16) This example is one of negative punishment, because the operant behavior (tweeting) results in the removal of Anita's home, and her feeling of safety.
18) Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, satiate, deprive, intervention, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, broad value, elicit, emit, operant behavior, negative punishment, punishment
1) I liked that terms like unconditioned and conditioned stimuli were explained and then explained again in context with counterparts like conditioned and unconditioned response and primary and secondary reinforcers and how they function in real life situations and with each other.
2) I didn't like that the difference between classical and operant conditioning weren't really established. I couldn't tell if the terms to follow were all classical conditioning and the positive and negative reinforcement had more to do with operant, or if the unconditioned response was with classical and the conditioned response was with operant conditioning. The same with generalized reinforcer; I am left wondering what the difference between that and an ordinary secondary reinforcer are.
3) I will remember that primary reinforcers are unconditioned and that secondary reinforcers are conditioned because of the Maslow's hierarchy chart that went along with it. Thanks to the review of the repeat terms I will remember that positive reinforcement is the addition of something desireable while negative reinforcement is the removal of something aversive. Finally I will remember that unconditioned stimulus and response are based on primal/innate responses.
4) I enjoyed the clarification on when to use aversive and desirable procedures in every day life. The way we have been talking about punishment and reinforcement it almost seems so set that punishment be used to decrease frequency; instead we could be using differential reinforcement, and in fact, that is probably the better route.
5) I disliked that in the example of the case of water boarding one might assume it is negative reinforcement, which it arguably is from what I could tell, but it seems it could also be positive punishment. I just find that it's hard to reinforce a behavior (talking) that hasn't yet occurred (which would be the point of the water boarding). I think if anything the government would like the reputation of “reinforcement” when really I believe it is more positive punishment, or the addition of a water soaked towel to ones face for the behavior of staying quiet. I would love to receive feedback on whether or not my assumptions are wrong and why. Thanks!
6) I will remember that reinforcement is preferred and more affective because this was reiterated in text as well as discussed in class, likewise I will also remember that punishment needs to be used when a behavior needs to stop immediately because the example of the kid throwing a rock at another kid actually relates to a similar situation in my life. Lastly, I will remember that for punishment to be affective it must be consistent. The parking ticket is a great example of this because of the amount of tickets I have received from UNI already. I can remember specific stages in which I weighed the consequence of parking in a certain spot versus my need to park in a certain spot and how the likelihood decreased slowly over time and amount of tickets.
7) If we are speaking of pure water I probably drink one or two measuring “cups” of water per day. I know I technically need to drink a lot more but there must be a good percentage of water in the other things I drink/eat because I am still alive.
8) aversive, desirable, positive/negative reinforcement, conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli,classical and operant conditioning, unconditioned response, conditioned response, primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcers, function, differential reinforcement, punishment
1) The story is of a man (Rahat) who gives a homeless man (Eric) a lottery ticket and then pays a clerk to tell Eric he won. The homeless man then breaks down in fit of gratitude and offers to split the winnings. A non profit fundraiser for the man was then started and raised $40,000 due to everyone's appreciation of his kind heart.
2) The target behavior is showing gratitude. If you had to put it to a physical characteristic it would be his crying, but gratitude encompasses not only his modest expressions including tears, but also his attempts to share the winnings.
3) the consequence is that the man received money from the fund.
4) the consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because it provides him with something pleasurable that he will relate to his gratefulness.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, or the fund of cash.
6) The antecedent is receiving a winning lotto ticket. Eric wouldn't be quite so excited if he got a losing lotto ticket.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=receiving a winning lotto ticket
B=showing gratitude
C=receiving a fund full of money
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something in this case that something is pleasurable.
The establishing operation is that the man was not only sleeping on the streets, but was also homeless. We have the poetic justice to assume that due to his position in life, not many good things tend to happen to him, making him classically conditioned to be more grateful than he might otherwise be. It appeared that Eric was very well liked because his response seemed to be that of an unconditioned response, something of pure spontaneity. The money was a secondary reforcer for him to achieve his primary reinforcer of a house or a place to live, which they ended up doing for him.
9) The video is of a man who picks up an air-soft gun in WalMart and is shot by police officers.
10) The target behavior being emitted is holding gun. The police would like to decrease the frequency of this behavior.
11) The consequence of the behavior is that the man got shot.
12) the consequence will decrease the frequency of the target behavior because the aversive nature of being shot creates a lot of pain associated with the holding of the air soft gun. The police had to skip differential reinforcement for this in order to immediately elicit the response behavior of dropping the gun and decrease the frequency of the target behavior.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something aversive, or the bullet inside of him.
14) The antecedent is being in walmart. The behavior may not have been a target if it happened elsewhere, like in his own house.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Being in WalMart
B=Holding an air-soft gun
C=getting shot
16) This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something, in this case it is something aversive.
18) establishing operation, primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcers, function, differential reinforcement desirable, positive reinforcement, classical conditioning, unconditioned response, positive reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, emitting, behavior, increase frequency, pleasurable, elicit, discriminative stimulus, decrease frequency, aversive
1) This article is about fall and how the season inspires cooking with a can of pumpkin. Pumpkin is a popular flavor and is very versatile. There are many pumpkin recipes that exists, taste delicious, and are easy enough for many people to follow.
2) The target behavior is cooking with a can of pumpkin which illustrates reinforcement because recipes are delicious (hunger/craving is satisfied) and people will want to elicit these behaviors of cooking with pumpkin in the future. Cooking with pumpkin is something we want more of.
3) The consequence of this behavior (cooking with pumpkin), is (desirable) a satisfied hunger (and the recipes are delicious so people will want to repeat them in the future).
4) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, cooking with pumpkin, because not only is the persons hunger being satisfied, but the recipes taste delicious and people will want to use pumpkin recipes in the future.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, satisfied hunger.
6) The antecedent is seeing appetizing recipes. The appetizing recipes will spark hunger in people and a want/need to make this case cooking with pumpkin puree because the recipes look delicious.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Viewing pumpkin recipes
B=cook with pumpkin
C=satisfied hunger
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because there is the addition of something pleasurable, in this case, a satisfied craving/hunger, which will increase the likelihood of this behavior reoccurring in the future, cooking with pumpkin.
This involves establishing operations because it deals with the consequence, satisfied hunger, which works to alter the value/strength of the consequence. Satisfied hunger/craving is strengthening and through the means of cooking with pumpkin. When a person has a hunger now, or a craving, they may think of the pumpkin recipes and repeat the cycle of hunger, cook with pumpkin, and satisfied hunger until they become satiated (have had too much to be rewarding). They will then have to wait until they experience deprivation and have a craving (for pumpkin) so that it will be reinforcing again.
9) This article from BBC News is about Spain's Abortion Laws. In 1985 abortions were legalized under strict rules and since then, regulations on abortion have been broadened. Many people are very upset about the laws held more loosely and strive to change the law, which was one reason they voted for Mariano Rayjoy (Popular Party and Prime Minister), this was his baseline from which the failure of the behavioral intervention was measured. He decided to resign after the bill did not pass to tighten laws on abortion in Spain. He was aiming to go back to abortion only being possible within the first 14 weeks and would not allow abortions in the case of severe abnormalities in the child. From his baseline to his retirement,
10) The target behavior is to pass a bill that puts more restricts on abortions (We want the bill to be passed).
This leads to the consequence of punishment, because many people are in opposition to tighter regulations on who can/cannot get an abortion, which decreases the likelihood of trying to pass this bill in the future.
11) The consequence is protesting from the people (opposition to passing the bill. The behavior of passing the bill leads to the consequence of protesting).
12) The consequence of protesting will decrease the likelihood of this behavior reoccurring, (passing the bill) because the protesting (which is aversive) was so extreme it caused great stress on the Prime Minister, leading him to resign/leave politics prematurely. He will not be in office to continue pushing the bill (extinction).
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, protesting, which was not originally present, this was added.
14) The antecedent is the duty of Mr. Rayjoy. As a politician it is his duty to pass bills, this is the reason for his election.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Duty of Mr. Rayjoy
B=pass bill
16) This is an example of positive punishment, because it involves the addition of something (undesirable), in this case, protesting, which will decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future, passing (abortion) bills.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Terms: baseline, target behavior, reinforcement, elicit, consequence, behavior, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, pleasurable, establishing operations, satiated, deprivation, punishment, aversive, undesirable, positive punishment
The next post-Elizabeth C. is mine as well and includes the links! I was having trouble with my account.
1) This article is about fall and how the season inspires cooking with a can of pumpkin. Pumpkin is a popular flavor and is very versatile. There are many pumpkin recipes that exists, taste delicious, and are easy enough for many people to follow.
2) The target behavior is cooking with a can of pumpkin which illustrates reinforcement because recipes are delicious (hunger/craving is satisfied) and people will want to elicit these behaviors of cooking with pumpkin in the future. Cooking with pumpkin is something we want more of.
3) The consequence of this behavior (cooking with pumpkin), is (desirable) a satisfied hunger (and the recipes are delicious so people will want to repeat them in the future).
4) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, cooking with pumpkin, because not only is the persons hunger being satisfied, but the recipes taste delicious and people will want to use pumpkin recipes in the future.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, satisfied hunger.
6) The antecedent is seeing appetizing recipes. The appetizing recipes will spark hunger in people and a want/need to make this case cooking with pumpkin puree because the recipes look delicious.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Viewing pumpkin recipes
B=cook with pumpkin
C=satisfied hunger
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement, because there is the addition of something pleasurable, in this case, a satisfied craving/hunger, which will increase the likelihood of this behavior reoccurring in the future, cooking with pumpkin.
This involves establishing operations because it deals with the consequence, satisfied hunger, which works to alter the value/strength of the consequence. Satisfied hunger/craving is strengthening and through the means of cooking with pumpkin. When a person has a hunger now, or a craving, they may think of the pumpkin recipes and repeat the cycle of hunger, cook with pumpkin, and satisfied hunger until they become satiated (have had too much to be rewarding). They will then have to wait until they experience deprivation and have a craving (for pumpkin) so that it will be reinforcing again.
9) This article from BBC News is about Spain's Abortion Laws. In 1985 abortions were legalized under strict rules and since then, regulations on abortion have been broadened. Many people are very upset about the laws held more loosely and strive to change the law, which was one reason they voted for Mariano Rayjoy (Popular Party and Prime Minister), this was his baseline from which the failure of the behavioral intervention was measured. He decided to resign after the bill did not pass to tighten laws on abortion in Spain. He was aiming to go back to abortion only being possible within the first 14 weeks and would not allow abortions in the case of severe abnormalities in the child. From his baseline to his retirement,
10) The target behavior is to pass a bill that puts more restricts on abortions (We want the bill to be passed).
This leads to the consequence of punishment, because many people are in opposition to tighter regulations on who can/cannot get an abortion, which decreases the likelihood of trying to pass this bill in the future.
11) The consequence is protesting from the people (opposition to passing the bill. The behavior of passing the bill leads to the consequence of protesting).
12) The consequence of protesting will decrease the likelihood of this behavior reoccurring, (passing the bill) because the protesting (which is aversive) was so extreme it caused great stress on the Prime Minister, leading him to resign/leave politics prematurely. He will not be in office to continue pushing the bill (extinction).
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, protesting, which was not originally present, this was added.
14) The antecedent is the duty of Mr. Rayjoy. As a politician it is his duty to pass bills, this is the reason for his election.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Duty of Mr. Rayjoy
B=pass bill
16) This is an example of positive punishment, because it involves the addition of something (undesirable), in this case, protesting, which will decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future, passing (abortion) bills.
17) Sources:
18) Terms: baseline, target behavior, reinforcement, elicit, consequence, behavior, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, pleasurable, establishing operations, satiated, deprivation, punishment, aversive, undesirable, positive punishment
The previous post with headline EGC is mine as well!
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I found an article that talks about how giving children more healthy options at school will lead to them wasting less and making healthier choices.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is children making the choice to eat healthy foods.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Children were praised for choosing healthy options. The teacher patted a child on the back for choosing broccoli.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
When a child is praised for making a healthy food choice, the child will make that healthy choice again to be praised.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (praise)
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the child being in the school cafeteria.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= lunchtime in the school cafeteria
B= choosing healthy foods
C= praised by adult
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable for behaving a certain way (praised for trying healthy foods).
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would involve extinction, because eventually the child would be able to make the healthy choices without needing to be praised.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article talks about a National Guard representative handing out t-shirts to high school students that had a gun on the front of the t-shirt.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
National Guard representative handing out t-shirts to students.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The representative was asked to stop handing out the t-shirts and leave the school.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Because the representative was asked to leave the school, he was unable to continue passing out the t-shirts. In the future he will likely check with the school before handing out the shirts.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequences involves the removal of something desirable
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the representative being at the high school.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= visiting the high school
B= handing out t-shirts to students with a gun on the front
C= representative asked to stop
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something positive (asked to leave (removal) because of handing out shirts (something positive)).
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, punishment, negative punishment
1) This was an article about the attendance of a music festival by the author. The author was expecting one type of sound and music, and experienced another while she was there.
2) The target behavior that I am using is listening to unique music.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is enjoying unique music.
4) Humans are drawn to listen to things that they enjoy. The author enjoyed the music that was being played, so she will be likely to listen to music by the same artists again.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, if not unexpected.
6) The antecedent is going to a music festival.
7) A: attending a music festival
B: listening to unique music
C: enjoying unique music
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. The author went to a music festival and expected to hear music, but the addition of the unique music was unexpected but enjoyable.
9) This article is about the connection between smoking and drinking.
10) The target behavior that I am using is paying the larger tax on cigarettes at the gas station
11) The consequence of the target behavior is buying fewer cigarettes.
12) There are two reasons that people continue their habit of smoking: they enjoy it and can afford it, or they are addicted. If someone enjoys smoking but can no longer afford it, they will be less likely to do so when the tax on cigarettes goes up. However, if someone is an addict, then the tax will upset them but not necessarily decrease their smoking behavior.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, an increase in tax on cigarettes.
14) The antecedent is running out of cigarettes and going to the gas station.
15) A: go to gas station
B: required to pay larger tax on cigarettes
C: buy less cigarettes
16) This is an example of positive punishment. Smoking is not a good behavior but for the smoker, having to pay more for cigarettes is a punishment. However, this may elicit a reduced frequency of a smoking behavior.
Terms: target behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive, reinforcement, punishment, elicit
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
A woman and 2 children escaped the house which was burning.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Mother (most likely) helped the children out of the house
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The everyone living
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of the woman helping the two kids out of the house will increase the frequency for any future behaviors, or saving people in burning homes that she is likely in, will increase because this instance made her feel good that she could save the two children and the cat.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This would add something desirable and that would be the feeling of accomplishment, like the mother had done something right and she saved those two kids’ lives.
6) tell us what the antecedent is.
House being on fire
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=house fire
B=mother helping kids out of house
C=saving those kids’ lives
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because she helped those two little children out of a burning house and if she was in that situation again she would most likely do it again because this situation made her feel good, probably.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would involve establishing operations because the reinforcer is made to be more reinforcing, so it will have a greater effect on the target behavior.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Obama is getting out of the private airplane and proceeding to salute the Marine officers with his latte’ in his hand.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Obama saluting officers with a latte’ in his hand.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Citizens are getting angry with how Obama did the behavior
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
It should decrease the frequency of his behavior because most people believe that it was not the correct way to salute the Marine officers.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence then adds something undesirable because Obama is going to have hate mail coming to the office or at least on social media cites.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Obama getting of the plane
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Getting off the plane
B=saluting officers the wrong way
C=bashing on social media cites
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be negative punishment because the way he did the saluting would be in a form of negativity and people are beginning to bash him negatively on social media.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative Punishment, Consequence, reinforce, positive reinforcement, reinforcing, establishing operations
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
These people did a study on whether or not a person will eat less healthy when accompanied by someone who is overweight. A woman wears a fat suit for one observation, then doesn't for another. When she wears the fat suit and chooses more pasta than salad, more people choose pasta than salad. When she wears the fat suit and chooses more salad than pasta, people still choose more pasta than salad. The results were, it doesn't matter what she chooses to eat. Simply being around a overweight person makes a person feel less inclined to worry about how they look when they choose what to eat.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Overweight woman eats around others
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
People that overweight woman is with eat less healthy meals.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Whenever people eat with an overweight person near them, they will tend to eat less healthy meals because they feel less inclined to be healthy around someone who is not healthy. Especially in comparison to them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition of something desirable to the scientists doing the study because it proves their theory correct.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Overweight woman eating in public
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Overweight woman eating in public
B= People eat less healthy
C= People will eat less healthy foods when around overweight people
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive Reinforcement, it increases the likelihood that the people will eat unhealthy around overweight people again.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I would say this situation involves extinction. Given the atecendant of when she goes out wearing the fat suit, the behavior of the people is that they choose to eat less healthy. The consequence of the behavior is then the people will feel less inclined to worry about their meal components or portions. When she goes out not wearing the fat suit, the people no longer feel comfortable eating less healthy foods around someone of average size. Hence the extinction of that reinforcement because it is no longer there.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
A drill sergeant was found guilty of sexual assault to 8 female soldiers. The women testified against him in court and he plead guilty, having many other accusations against him dropped at the hearing. After seeing there had been more than 5,000 reports of sexual assault made in the previous fiscal year, congress was pressured to make reforms on the military justice system. Now, all accusers are assigned a lawyer to help them through the legal process. Also, any military personal convicted of sexual assault faces a minimum requirement of dishonorable discharge.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Being convicted of sexual assault.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Minimum punishment of dishonorable discharge.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Being stripped of your military rights and rankings will more than likely be the least they have to worry about. They will more than likely also be put on the sex offender registry and possibly serve time in prison. They are therefor watched closely for many years if not the rest of their lives. Therefor, they are less likely to sexually assault again if they don't want to further dig themselves into a criminal hole.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It involves the removal of part of the convicted felons freedom. (Removal of something desirable)
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Sexually assaulting someone
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Sexually assaulting someone
B= Being convicted of sexual assault
C= Being punished at lest minimally if not further.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment, it is less likely that these people will re-offend in the future after the punishment(s) they receive.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Antecedant, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, - In this video, a woman who works as a bartender was given a $1000 tip on a $14 purchase. She has been working hard just to make ends meet and she even shared her tip among some other coworkers.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, - Good bartending service is the target behavior.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, - Receiving a $1000 tip on a $14 purchase.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, - By receiving an extremely good tip, the bartender will be much more likely to continue being very nice and outgoing towards her customers.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally – The consequence involves the addition of something desirable – money. She said she was working 6 days a week just to make ends meet and the tip really helped her out.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. – A bar.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= A bar
B= Bartender providing service
C= Receiving a $1000 tip
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. – This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of something desirable, a large sum of money as a tip, will increase the frequency of the bartender being polite, nice, and providing good service to her customers.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece, - This article talks about various exercises and workout machines to avoid because they could be more harmful than helpful.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, - The target behavior is doing/using the listed exercises and workout machines.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, - The consequence of performing these exercises could lead to injury.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, - By becoming injured by using these various exercises and workout machines, people will be less likely to perform these exercises and use these workout machines in the future.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally – The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable- an injury caused by using these exercises and workout machines.
14) tell us to the antecedent is. – A gym (working out)
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= At the gym
B= Using unsafe workout machines
C= Injury
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. – This is an example of negative punishment because the addition of something undesirable, an injury, will decrease the frequency of people using these exercises and workout machines. Extinction occurs in this situation. For working out, you would be reinforced with results (weight loss, muscle gain, etc.). Now if someone uses these exercises or workout machines to obtain their results, they will not be reinforced with results, but rather punished with an aversive stimulus – an injury.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Reinforcement video:
Punishment video:
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior, desirable, reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, undesirable, stimulus, aversive, extinction.
1) This article is about a market in El Salvador that sells the drug misoprostol. This drug has been proven to work as a form of abortion. It is effective and safe for a woman to use. It is illegal in the country of El Salvador to get an abortion, so women have to find an illegal way to get an abortion if they want one bad enough. The woman at the market, who wished to remain anonymous since it’s illegal to sell this, says she sells this because many women looking for it are there because their life is in crisis.
2) The target behavior being emitted is the women taking the drug misoprostol as a form of abortion.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that the pregnancy will be aborted, and the woman will obviously no longer be having that child.
4) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, because it is a safe and easy ways to end an unwanted pregnancy. This helps women as they can buy the drug misoprostol privately, and they can take it home and do it themselves without having to worry about others finding out.
5) This would sadly involve the removal of something undesirable. The pregnancy is an unwanted one, so taking misoprostol will help the woman abort the pregnancy.
6) The antecedent would be a pregnant woman desperate to abort her unwanted pregnancy.
7) A= A desperate woman wanting to get rid of her unwanted pregnancy
B= The pregnant woman taking the drug misoprostol
C= The unwanted pregnancy is aborted
8) This would be an example of negative reinforcement as the consequence of the behavior includes the removal of something undesirable or an aversive stimulus. In this particular situation, the thing being removed is the unwanted pregnancy.
I think this behavior involves a primary reinforcer. As was discussed in the article, many women go to get this drug as they are desperate and often-times fearing for their lives. Since the pregnant woman is fearing for her safety, she thinks abortion is her only option. The behavior has a low extrinsic value as no one has to find about it if she doesn’t want them to, and it could have a high intrinsic value if she thinks it is important she gets the abortion in order to assure her safety and overall well-being.
9) In this article, it discusses a group of friends who went on a hiking trip in New Jersey. During this hiking trip, the group of men stumbled across a very large black bear. When officials got to the scene, the bear was found circling the body of Darsh Patel. When police saw the body, they shot and killed the bear at the scene.
10) The target behavior was the bear attacking the man and killing him.
11) The consequence of the behavior is the police shooting and killing the bear after learning the bear killed the man.
12) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, because the bear was shot and killed, so it will no longer be able to attack any more people.
13) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. A man lost his life from the bear attack, which then turned into the bear being shot and killed to avoid any more attacks.
14) The antecedent is the group of men hiking in the woods.
15) A= Group of men hiking
B= Bear attacks a man and kills him
C= Police come and shoot and kill the bear
16) This would be an example of positive punishment as the police came and shot and killed the bear who attacked and killed the man, assuring this particular bear won’t be able to harm any more people.
18) Reinforcement, target behavior, emit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, negative reinforcement, aversive stimulus, primary reinforcer, extrinsic value, intrinsic value, punishment, positive punishment
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article is about giving kids the choices of healthier food will lead them to waste less and eat healthier.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is the kids choosing healthier foods.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that when students choose healthier foods they are praised by teachers/supervisors.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the kids enjoy being praised.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable: praise.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the child being in line to choose food.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= being in line to choose food
B= choosing healthy food
C= being praised
7) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This will involve extinction because at some point the child will choose to eat healthy without the praise.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The US conducted airstrikes in Syria hitting oil refineries.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the airstrikes.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that there are now 20 people dead.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the Syrians will not want their people killed.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable: airstrikes.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is oil refineries falling into the hands of Islamic State militants.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Islamic State militants possessing oil refineries
B= airstrikes
C= 20 people dead
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because there was an addition of an aversive stimulus.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, positive punishment, aversive stimulus, positive reinforcement, extinction, antecedent, behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece.
This article is about a mom who was stressed to the max and didn’t think anything of her health. She was focusing too much on her son with disabilities and him staying in school. Along with daycare and her new job. She ended up in the emergency room and they thought she was having a heart attack but it luckily wasn’t one. It ended up being Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (heart break syndrome), a disease that mimics a heart attack.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
Having her husband take her to the Emergency room.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that she got treated and cared for so she is okay and still living.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
This consequence will increase the frequency of her behavior because next time she has worries she will go to the doctor right away so she doesn’t risk dying. She will be more likely to emit this behavior again.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because she added going to the emergency room and not dying/figuring out what was going on.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is her feeling her heartbeat flicker erratically
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= abnormal heart beat/ heartbeat flickering erratically
B=Going to the Emergency room
C= Figuring out what was wrong and fixing her heart
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement because her going to the emergency room and getting everything figured out will increase the likely she will try to get to the doctors or emergency room quicker than she did last time.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
It involves establishing operations because in order to be effective she had to go to the emergency room. She had to emit the behavior of asking to go so that she knew what was wrong. Which caused her environment to be modified on her type of reinforcement.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about Jayaram Jayalalitha being sentenced to jail on corruption charges in a case that has lasted for 18 years.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is assessing wealth that was unaccounted for.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is being sentenced to jail.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Being sentenced to jail will decrease the likely hood of her emitting this behavior again because jail isn’t any fun.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because they added jail to the scenario.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being in Bangalore, India.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Bangalore
B= assessing wealth that was unaccounted for
C= Jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment because it added something aka jail and will decrease the likely hood of her doing it again.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement
establishing operations
Target behavior
Positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece is called "Sober and Sold Out: Dance Club in Sweden Cuts Booze for a Night". This dance club invited people to come out and dance without being intoxicated. To do this they installed breathalyzers at the door and would not let people in if they did not blow a zero. If they did blow a zero they could enjoy a fun night of dancing and sipping on fake alcoholic beverages. Club guards were also on the look out for people who seemed to be on the influence of drugs.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior would be for people to go out and stay sober.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
If they are sober they can enjoy a night out on the town while being sober and safe.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Getting into this fun dance club sober, will increase the frequency of the behavior, by proving to people that you do not need alcohol to have fun.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, which is drinking to have a good time.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecendent is installing the breathalyzers at the door of the club.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Installing breathalyzers
B= Stay sober
C= Have safe fun at the cool dance club.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement because we are introducing a desirable stimulus, which is having a good time without alcohol.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I believe this story is emitting extinction to happen. I believe this because many young people believe that to have a good time you must get drunk, but if more clubs installed breathalyzers at the door and you could not get in if you had been drinking, it would extinguish the desire to drink before going out.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about how smokers tend to drink and drinkers tend to smoke, but with the rising costs of cigarettes many people are breaking that horrible habit. Which in a study conducted finds that while smokers are quitting do to the increasing costs, drinkers are also slowing down on how much they are drinking. This does not include wine drinkers though.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be paying the increase taxes for cigarettes.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the target behavior is people would not buy as many cigarettes due to the increasing prices.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
With the increasing prices, a smoker may be forced to quit if they cannot afford the cost of smoking.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This involves the addition of something undesirable which would be the rising prices of cigarettes.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the running out of cigarettes.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Running out of cigarettes
B=Having to pay the rising prices to get more cigarettes
C= Slowing down smoking, or stopping completely.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because we are adding something aversive, higher taxes on cigarettes. This can make the smoker reduce the frequency of smoking by different amounts, quitting completely or just smoking less.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, behavior, consequences, antecedent, positive reinforcement, desirable, emitting, extinction,
1) The article that I looked at because I thought that it was really interesting and I have tattoos is, I lost my job because of my tattoos. The article talked about six people that lost their jobs or didn’t move up or get the promotions that they should have gotten because they had tattoos.
2) I think that the target behavior would be that employees not getting tattoos so that they could look more professional and move up in the work place.
The target behavior would be the employees saying no to tattoos in the work place.
3) The consequence of having tattoos would be not moving up in the work place or even losing your job.
4) it’s going to tell people that if you want to work in these types of places you better not get any ink done or you are just wasting your time. Because you’re not going to get hired or if you do you’re not going to move up the ranks
5) This consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, workers with tattoos.
6) The work setting.
A= the work setting.
B= Employees with tattoos exposed.
C=Losing their job and promotions.
8) This would be an example of negative reinforcement because the employees are losing their jobs as a result. This would be an example of an extinction burst. With employers suddenly increasing their policy and letting employees go it increased the responses frequency, followed by the eventual decline and extinction of the behavior targeted for elimination of employees with tattoos.
9) Bear kills New Jersey student in nature preserve. It talks about a group of men hiking and come across a large black bear.
10) The bear attacking the boy and killing him.
11) The police shooting and killing the bear for killing the boy.
12) It will decrease because the bear is now dead so it wont be able to attack anymore people.
13) This consequence is the removal of something desirable since the police killed the bear.
14) The antecedent is the group of boys hiking.
A= Group of boys hiking
B= bear attacks the one boy and ends up killing him
C= Police then come and kill the bear.
16)I think that it would be negative punishment because the police killed the bear so they removed it.
1) My piece was on a new campaign that was released by the White House to help combat sexual assault on campus; the campaign is called the “It’s On Us”.
2) The target behavior is raising awareness of sexual assault on college campuses nationwide and making it less taboo.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that we may see an increase in reports of sexual assault due to the number of individual who now feel comfortable reporting.
4) The consequence will increase the frequency because students will have more allies on campus and will not see sexual assault as something they have to go through alone, but instead something they can have help to get through
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) The antecedent is large number of unreported sexual assaults happening on college campuses nationwide.
7) A= The antecedent is large number of unreported sexual assaults happening on college campuses nationwide.
B= The It’s On Us campaign is launched
C= Increase in reports of sexual assault; students are seeking help when sexual assault occurs
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because adding reporting behavior to the behavior of launching the It’s On Us campaign.
9) My piece was about Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Viking’s football player, who was charged with child abuse after hitting his son with a switch and leaving welts all over his body. In the article in goes on to talk about how corporal punishment is related to how you were raised and your ethic background.
10) The behavior that illustrates the need for punishment is leaving marks on your child’s body.
11) The consequence of this behavior is losing child or being looked down upon by others.
12) The consequence of losing custody of child will cause you to change the way you punish your child if you want regain custody of your child. Being looked down upon by other may also have an effect on the type of punishment you chose to emit.
13) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable; most people find their children and having their children in their life to be desirable.
14) The antecedent is the way you were raised or punished as a child.
15) A= Your upbringing/ how you were raised and punished as a child
B= Using corporal punishment on your child
C= Having your child removed from your care
16) This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable. Most people find their children and having their children in their life to be desirable.
17) Terms: negative punishment, desirable, consequence, punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior
18) Punishment:
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article discussed a project called “Ground Truth” that surveys victims of natural disasters to see if the aid they are receiving is actually helpful or beneficial. Ground Truth uses cell phones or go door-to-door to deliver these surveys to see whether this aid is actually helping the community and then they change the way aid is given in order to best fit the needs of the community.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The survey that is delivered by Ground Truth is the target behavior. The surveys either state that the aid is unhelpful, and why it is unhelpful, or that the aid is beneficial. This is reinforcement because it increases the probability that Ground Truth (and the organizations they work for) will continue emitting behavior of giving surveys to victims of natural disaster in the future.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the target behavior is that victims respond to the survey that is delivered by Ground Truth. The survey elicits a response behavior in the victims.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because it gives helpful information to Ground Truth that they then use to provide better aid to victims of natural disaster. By incorporating the survey feedback, Ground Truth continues to deliver aid. Since the survey feedback is desirable (in the sense that it is helpful) the probability that Ground Truth will deliver surveys to victims in the future is increased.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable,
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because Ground Truth the responses/input from victims of natural disaster are valuable to Ground Truth.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Ground Truth delivers aid to the victims of natural disaster.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Ground Truth delivers aid to victims of natural disaster
B= Ground Truth surveys victims of natural disaster
C= Victims respond with information on how to better natural disaster aid
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something that is desirable is part of the consequence (the response from the victims). This consequence is positive reinforcement because it increases the probability of Ground Truth distributing surveys in the future.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This example does not involve establishing operations that I can see, but it does involve a discriminate stimulus. The discriminate stimulus is that there is a natural disaster and that Ground Truth provides aid during the natural disaster. If there was no disaster, then there would be no need for Ground Truth to provide aid, and if there was no Ground Truth providing aid, then there would be no survey for them to distribute to the victims. Ground Truth can also eventually become satiated with the responses of the survey. Eventually, Ground Truth may receive so many responses that none of them will be helpful or valuable anymore, thus decreasing their desirability, which will lead to extinction of the survey distributing behavior.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There was a riot in Cairo at one of the football games when security guards only opened one door into the stadium and people stampeded into through the gate, trampling each other on the way. Security guards then began to fire tear gas and birdshot into the crowd. This clash between the football fans and the guards led to 22 deaths and an indefinite suspension of the football league matches in Egypt.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is football fans stampeding into the stadium.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of fans stampeding into the stadium was security guards firing tear gas and birdshot into the crowd.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
When the crowd emitted a stampeding behavior, which elicited the firing of tear gas and birdshot behavior of the security guards. The firing of tear gas and birdshot is undesirable since it is painful and this consequence will decrease the probability of crowds stampeding into the football stadium in the future.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent for this target behavior was that the security guards opened one, single door into the football stadium.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Security guards open one door to the stadium
B= Football fans stampede into the stadium
C= Security guards throw tear gas and birdshot into the crowd
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment since the stimulus of tear gas and birdshot is painful and highly undesirable. This addition of something undesirable, paired with the consequence decreasing future stampeding behavior means that this was an example of positive punishment.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, establishing operation, extinction, discriminative stimulus, satiated, positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
A British soccer team makes their worst performing player of the week trade in their fancy sports car for an old crappy car.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is to increase the behavior of playing soccer well.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is that the player must drive a crappy car for a week.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The professional athletes are used to driving fancy sports cars, such as Porsches, so they will not appreciate driving a rusty old car for a week, which should increase the frequency that they play well.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
taking away something desirable (the player’s nice car) AND adding something undesirable (crappy car)
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The team wants their players to perform better
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Soccer team wants their players to perform better
B= A player performs worse than his teammates in a game
C= Worst performing player must drive crappy car for a week.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This could be positive or negative reinforcement, depending on how you look at it. In this situation, the consequence is taking away the player’s fancy car (negative reinforcement) and adding the crappy car (positive reinforcement) in order to increase the behavior of the player performing well.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
President Barack Obama says the US is studying the option of supplying lethal defensive arms to Ukraine if diplomacy fails to end the crisis in the east.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The behavior to decrease is the crisis and fighting in the east.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence is supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
This is a punishment because it is adding something undesirable, giving Ukraine lethal weapons, which aims to decrease the bad behavior of fighting in the east.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
Adding something aversive/undesirable
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the US wants to prevent issues and fighting between countries.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= US wants to prevent fighting between countries
B= Diplomacy fails to end crisis
C= US supplies Ukraine with lethal arms
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because it is adding something aversive in order to decrease an undesirable behavior.
TERMS: aversive, positive punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive and negative reinforcement
Reinforcement link:
Punishment link:
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: this is a piece about the effect of violent video games and if it influences the video game users in a negative way. This article does agree that even if violent games don’t lead to violent behavior violence does sell to people. People are intrigued of the thought of combat.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement: this is an example of positive reinforcement. Because positive reinforcement is adding a desirable punishment in order to increase the behavior. So the desirable punishment is getting the high or adrenaline rush of playing a violent game but not physically being violent. The behavior is playing games with violence.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of playing a violent game is that some believe it leads to violent tendencies.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior: the consequence of playing a violent game can lead to destructive behavior. This has not been proven as a fact, because violence is associated with other things such as mental illness or behavior disorders.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable: the consequence to video gamers is the addition of some desirable, which for them is playing video games such as call of duty or mortal kombat.
6) tell us to the antecedent is: the antecedent is buying the over advertised game such as call of duty.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=buy a popular video game that is known for its violence
B=playing games emphasized with violence
C= creating more violence prone people
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement. Gamers are adding additional time into playing their violent games so they can experience the high of being in a world where shooting, blood, and gore are acceptable and encouraged. This is kind of a example of extinction, because if it is true that violent games lead to violent behaviors then these people continue to enforce violent behavior after they stop playing their violent games. They have taught themselves that killing is acceptable and the game may also teach them ways to kill. If this theory was to be proved motivation operation would be a possibility. Because motivation operation describes why a person acts in a particular way, which is what the theory of this article is explaining that violent games lead/ affect people in ways that they have violent tendencies.
Terms: positive reinforcement, desirable, extinction, motivation operation , behavior, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement, aversive
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: this article was about the conflict of if the classic dish “ chicken and waffles”. This was about how the southern states were saying that this dish did not originate from their states.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment: the target behavior that illustrates the punishment as the article states is that the south doesn’t want to claim this dish as their own because then you have to attach it to someone’s mother who came up with the recipe and thus attaching it to someone’s name means people could be upset or take it personally if the dish wasn’t a hit.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of this behavior is that no one will claim this food as their states so many states have taken this classic and made their own renditions so everyone is confused on where this food originated.
4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior: the consequence of not claiming this food as a southern classic will probably decrease the frequency of people associated this classic with southern states. Because I know when I traveled down south there was waffle houses everywhere and I just assumed there would be chicken and waffles served there because I thought this food originated from the south.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: the consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The south is removing their states for being associated with this food. And to Americans food is a very desirable thing.
6) A= chicken and waffles became popular and many enjoyed the food
B= south won’t claim as being the originators of chicken and waffles.
C= people potentially will stop associated chicken and waffles with a southern delicacy
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is negative punishment for southern states. Because they are removing an aversive stimulus of chicken and waffles being responsible for the creative treat so that they can reduce the likelihood that everyone will only associate the south with this type of food.
1) My article, which was found on the website for National Public Radio, addressed a method for pediatricians to get the parents of their patients to be willing to allow them to give the children the needed vaccinations. The author interviewed these doctors who gave information that being direct with the parents/guardians is the best method to convince them to get their children vaccinated. Convincing them of the proven safety behind vaccinations and stating that the child is in the need of a vaccination in a matter-of-fact way of speaking is the most effective way to induce the desired behavior from the parents.
2) The targeted behavior in this article is parent’s allowing their children to receive the needed vaccinations.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that more children will receive vaccinations and be safer from outbreak. It would also decrease the likelihood that outbreak would occur in the first place.
4) The consequence of the children receiving the vaccinations will increase the frequency of the behavior due to the fact that it will reinforce the parents with the betterment of children’s health and safety from contracting a disease.
5) The consequence involves the addition of the children’s safety in becoming vaccinated so it is the addition of something desirable. However, one could look at it that the children’s likelihood of contracting a disease is being taken away, so the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. I believe that it is correct from both of those views of the consequence.
6) The antecedent in this article is the doctors are direct with the parents and show them the facts in order to get them to vaccinate their children.
7) ABC's of the Behavior:
A= Child’s doctors are direct about information and convince parent it will increase overall safety to child’s health
B= Parents are convinced and allow child to be vaccinated
C= Child receives vaccination and decreases the likelihood they will contract the disease in the future
8) I believe that this article can be considered an example of positive and negative reinforcement. It can be seen as positive reinforcement because the consequence involves the addition of the children’s safety from contracting diseases. However, it could be viewed as negative reinforcement because the aversive effect of children becoming infected with the disease is being removed. The doctors in this article use establishing operations to establish the negative effects of not vaccinating their child, which would raise the likelihood that children would receive the vaccinations
9) My second article is pretty strange and I do not know how I feel about this type of punishment. The story, which I found on the Huffington Post, involves receiving an awful haircut as a form of punishment. A suburban barbershop in Atlanta offers the options to parents to give their child a hair style of an elderly person in order to punish them for their poor behavior.
10) The targeted behavior in this story is the children misbehaving or not obeying their parents. Parents want to decrease this behavior by having the child receive a bad haircut as a form of punishment.
11) The consequence of the behavior of receiving the haircut is that the children are embarrassed and upset about the style and the probability of their negative behavior towards their parents occurring would decrease in the future.
12) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the child does not want to receive the haircut so they will be motivated to not partake in any behavior that would result with going to the barber and getting the haircut.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which is the “Old-Man” hairstyle.
14) The antecedent in this story is the child misbehaving or, as the article put it, “raising hell.”
15) ABC's of the Behavior:
A= Child misbehaves
B= Barber give child an “Old-Man Haircut”
C= Child is embarrassed/upset
16) This article is an example of positive punishment, because it involves the addition of something undesirable (the ugly haircut) which would decrease the likelihood that the antecedent would occur in the future.
17) URLs:
18) Terminology Used: targeted behavior, consequence, reinforce, frequency of behavior, antecedent, ABCs of behavior, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, aversive, establishing operation, punishment, motivated
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this news article a father talks about how he will never tell his son that he is way too smart because he doesn’t want him to stop studying and stop trying to better at it. He states in the article, “I decided to praise my son not when he succeeded at things he was already good at, but when he persevered with things that he found difficult. I stressed to him that by struggling, your brain grows.” Research does show that the more you use your brain the larger it grows.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement in this article is the boy struggling. As the boy struggles more his brain grows and makes him smarter.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
I believe to think that the consequence of the behavior is his brain growing.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior because the father wants the child’s brain to grow more which in fact the research shows that it will make the child smarter.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
I believe that the consequence involves the addition of something desirable because it’s adding on to emit the behavior of more studying to help the brain grow.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of the behavior is homework.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Homework
B= Studying
C=Brain Growing
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
I believe that this article is an example of positive reinforcement, this is because its adding something desirable. The father of the child tells his son that studying more will increase the likelihood of his brain growing and making him smarter.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This example in the article does not involve extinction because the brain never stops receiving new information which technically your brain can keep growing but not in size.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
For this piece of my punishment article, the little 8 year old boy was on the bus and and he was reported for hitting someone with his cane. The incident then got out of hand and the teacher gave the little boy a swimming pool noodle to use for the next week. Parents were very upset and said the punishment was humiliating and inappropriate.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
In this instance the behavior one student emitted was hitting the other student. This behavior then illustrated a negative punishment.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the target behavior is the removal of the cane to decrease the likelihood of it happening again.
The consequence of the behavior
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The district owned caned was removed from the students possession to decrease the frequency of the behavior he emitted of happening again.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The little year old boy got the removal of his gain that was needed and replaced with a swimming pool noodle.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of the instance is on the bus from school.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior8
A=On the bus
B=Hitting the student
C= Taking away cane
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This article of news was an example of negative punishment because it the little boy got his cane taking away that was desirable. : Punishment Reinforcment
Terms: Behavior, Antecedent, Consquence, Target Behavior, Emit, Positive Reinforcement
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece has actor Gary Sinise going on a The O’Rielly Factor to talk about his work with veterans and spread awareness of the issues that veterans are facing (being handicapped, not being able to afford certain things, etc). Bill also talks about some of the help he has done with veterans. The reinforcement comes in to a small part of the clip around the 1:40 mark.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Asking for money for his foundation to help veterans and he should ask when he needs help for his foundation.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
When states then when he asks president Obama for help with his foundation that he always emits some type of helping behavior, one example that he gives was signing some pictures which I’m assuming was for some sort of auction or something like that.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence is positive. The president emits the helping behavior, which will cause Bill to be more likely to ask in the future. President Obama’s response of helping is a behavior and an operant behavior because it leads to reinforcement.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition of something desirable. Obama helping is something Bill wants to happen more.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The foundation needing money.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Foundation needs money
B= Bill asks for help
C= Obama helps
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because president Obama is emitting a desirable behavior, which is the consequence to Bill’s behavior of asking for more money increasing the likelihood that Bill’s behavior will happen in the future.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
NBC’s Brian Williams has been under scrutiny over the last couple of days because of a story he incorrectly told regarding his time covering the Iraq war. He basically changed his story multiple times and the truth never really came out of his mouth. He has since come under more trouble questioning his reliability as a reporter. He took a personal leave of absence last week after the scandal broke and now he is being suspended without pay for 6 months.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Not telling the truth in his reports.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
His consequence is the removal of something desirable, work or his pay.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
He wants the money and his job, therefore in the future he knows that if he doesn’t tell the truth about his stories he will have punishment that will involve taking money away eliciting him to emit truth telling behaviors
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
Removal of something desirable, work and pay.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Him being interviewed.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Interview
B= Lies
C= Suspension
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
It was negative punishment, because the suspension took away something desirable decreasing the likelihood of him emitting the lying behavior in the future.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, desirable, elicit, emit, behavior, negative punishment, operant behavior, response, positive reinforcement, consequence, reinforcement
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article is about parents not vaccinating their children- specifically about a parent who is on food stamps and incidentally fell behind on vaccinating her children due to the bus fee to the doctor being hard to scrounge up. Overall, the article focuses on the school system's lack of tracking vaccinations of the students.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this article is vaccinating children
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is not spreading infections that can be prevented with vaccinations
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of not spreading infection will increase the frequency of people getting their children vaccinated because they do not want their kids to get sick.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of the school reinforcing vaccination requirements/records from parents, which could be desirable for parents and children OR aversive to children and parents, based on the circumstances (money and pain)
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to the target behavior would be if children are getting sick
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= children getting sick
B= parents get their own children vaccinated
C= not spreading diseases
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding something pleasurable (vaccination) in order to create the consequence
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
It could involve an establishing operation because the reinforcer (vaccinations) will become more reinforcing if children start getting sick. The parents will then take their child to the doctor to get their children vaccinated more readily than if there was no known sickness going around.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about the Australian police charging two Sydney men with intent to carry out an imminent attack. These men were arrested and therefore punished for their actions, and Sydney is now safe from men of this sort.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be the intent to carry out an imminent attack
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this is that these men go to jail
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
By going to jail, this consequence will decrease the frequency of behavior by either not letting them out of jail to plan another attack, or it will deter them away from this aversive behavior.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence of this action involves the addition of something aversive (going to jail)
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is hate against Australia
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= hate against Australia
B= planning an attack on Sydney
C= going to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because there is an aversive action being added, which will decrease the frequency of the target behavior.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, aversive, reinforcing, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, pleasurable, establishing operation, punishment, positive punishment
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at thebottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
It was sure a lot harder to find reinforcement in today’s news stories. I never really thought of that before this blog post.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This story is about how President Obama feels that the Supreme Court will legalize gay marriage. There is also some other interesting things about his background but this is looking at the action of legalizing gay marriage.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Legalize gay marriage
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Same Sex couples will be able to marry
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
If gay marriage is available in every state and not just 37, than all same sex couples will be able to have the choice to marry.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition to something desirable
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Supreme Court
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Supreme Court
B=Legalize gay marriage
C=All same sex couples can marry
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This an example of positive reinforcement but it adds something desirable and that is the right to marry.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This story is about how news anchor Brian Williams has been suspended for 6 months with no pay. In 2003, he recalled an event that happened in Iraq, that the helicopter he was in was shot by a rocket-propelled grenade. The people who were on the helicopter, questioned his verison of the event and well it turned out he “misremembered” the episode. This past week, he told the truth of the event that happened 12 years ago.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
Williams tells the truth of “misremembered” story in Iraq
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
He gets suspended from his job for 6 months.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior:
We don’t know if he will return in 6 months but if he does, this will make it so he has time to think about his actions and will decrease the frequency or chance that he tells incorrect version of an event.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It is a removal
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
On the NBC News is the antecedent.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
B= Williams tells the truth of “misremembered” story in Iraq
C=suspended from job for 6 months with no pay
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment, because Williams has his job removed from him. A negative punishment is the removal of something desirable to decrease the frequency of a behavior. Clearly he likes his job and that is something desirable.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative punishment, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement.
1) This article is about a program called BILD which helps to teach adults with learning disabilities about healthy eating. The program also teaches them how to cook healthy foods, which is an operant behavior. Many people with learning disabilities live in communities or homes where their diets are chosen for them, so they do not have much of an understanding about what it means to eat healthy. This program is supposed to increase healthy cooking and eating behaviors.
2) The target behavior is healthy cooking and eating behaviors
3) The consequence of this behavior is feeling healthier and happier
4) The pleasurable consequence will increase the behavior because the participants will feel happier/healthier (which is a positive valence) and want to cook/eat healthier foods in order to keep feeling that way.
5) This consequence involves the addition of health and happiness.
6) The antecedent is having a learning disability and not understanding what it means to eat and to cook healthy foods.
A= Have a learning disability and not understanding the concepts of healthy eating
B= Take a class focused on healthy cooking and eating
C= Become healthier and happier
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because something with a positive valence is being added.
This process does not involve any extinction or establishing operations. It would not be ethical to deprive people with learning disabilities of healthy foods in order to make the consequence more reinforcing.
9) This second article discusses the biology behind violent criminals. A professor from University of Pennsylvania wrote a book about how this new view of criminals could help change the way we approach preventing crimes and rehabilitation in the prison system. Dr. Raine is the author, and he believes that prisoners are not motivated to change their ways because once they are in the prison system they begin to accept the belief that they are bad/evil people. This new view of criminal behavior may help change a criminals mindset during rehabilitation.
10) The target behavior is committing violent crimes
11) The consequence of the behavior is going to prison, which has a strong negative valence
12) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because criminals will not want to go to prison again.
13) The consequence is the removal of something desirable, because the government is emitting the behavior of taking away a lot of their freedom and other aspects of their daily lives to punish them. Being in jail for a long period of time can count as a form of satiation because it will make going to jail
14) The antecedent, in this article, is being biologically wired to be more likely to commit violent crimes. This biological disposition elicited them to emit the violent behaviors.
A= Having the biological make-up to be more likely to commit violent crimes
B= Committing a violent crime
C= Going to prison
16) This is negative punishment, because something positive is being taken away.
18) Consequence, antecedent, behavior, emit, elicit, negative punishment, positive valence, deprivation, negative valence, Target behavior, response, operant behavior, extinction, establishing operation, punishment, reinforcement.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece I have chosen about reinforcement is where the NPR website had written an article about their favorite teachers growing up, so they had readers send in comments about their favorite teachers. NPR chose their favorite responses and put them into this piece.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior would be sending in responses/comments to the NPR website.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior would be the publishing on their responses and comments, which could give them "five seconds of fame."
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because NPR was eliciting the behavior to happen by having readers send in responses, and if their responses are chosen and put into the article, they will have a little "fame" and want to send in more articles like that.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because it adds their response to the published article and adds fame.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be that there is a favorite teachers article being written
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= favorite teachers article
B= sending in comments
C= publishing of sent in comments (fame)
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the people that sent in their responses are receiving good by adding their responses to the published article. Nothing is being taken away in this situation.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This does not involve extinction at this moment because they were reinforced this one time, but if they send in another response and it does not get chosen to be published, this could be called extinction. This could be called discriminative stimulus because it sets the occasion for the response. NPR asking for responses elicited the behavior of people sending in responses.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece I have chosen for punishment is about how Alabama's chief justice issued for the state to stop judges from granting licenses for same-sex marriage. A minister was arrested for offering to perform a same-sex marriage.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be offering to perform same-sex marriage.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior of offering to perform a same-sex marriage would be being arrested.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence would decrease the frequency of the behavior because being arrested is something that is incredibly aversive to most people anyways, so no one will want to offer to perform a same-sex marriage because the consequence would be being arrested.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because you are adding in the arresting and potentially jail time.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent to this could be same-sex marriage ban in Alabama
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= same-sex marriage ban
B= offering to perform same-sex marriage
C= arrested
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I would say that this is an example of negative punishment because the minister was being removed from the situation in general so she could not emit that behavior.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, target behavior, negative punishment, emit, elicit, extinction, discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement,
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article explores why we, as Americans, love football so much; even when we understand the high degree of risk to players at all levels of the game, especially professional players.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior here is tenacity; playing the game with 100% of your energy and pushing through any obstacles you encounter (including pain).
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior, as explained by the article, was respect. Respect from one’s teammates, from fans, and sometimes it evens builds self confidence. Or, if you’re good enough or on a great team, you might be rewarded with fame and money.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Being respected makes us feel good, and money lets us buy the things we enjoy. Knowing that you could be reinforced with these two things makes players want emit the behavior of playing ferociously.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This mostly involves the addition of pleasurable stimuli. But, if you’re teammates tease you for sitting out a game over a minor injury it could be the removal of something unpleasant (the teasing) as well.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent could be a few things here. First, it could be spectators (fans, teammates, coach), or it could be an injury. For both antecedents the behavior is the same (play with tenacity), as is the consequence (respect).
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= An injury occurs
B= play through it
C= respect.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because we are giving the player our respect (and sometimes money/fame). But, it could also involve the removal of an unpleasant stimuli such as teasing.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Establishing operation here consists of the football game. The spectators elicit the behavior of performing with tenacity, even when injured. There are no rewards for taking yourself out of the game, in fact, you are punished with the loss of respect (primary reinforcer) and the loss of money (secondary reinforcer).
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece discusses a poll showing 40% of Americans want Brian Williams (NBC reporter in the news lately for fabricating a 2003 story about how he was aboard a military helicopter that was shot down) should resign from his job.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior here is lying (i.e. creating a false news story to make yourself look better).
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequences of this has been public shame, humiliation, loss of trust, and a 6 month suspension from reporting on NBC
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
One of our worst fears as humans is to be publicly shamed and ridiculed by society. It feels terrible. Just the fear of it should keep us from acting unethically.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This involves the addition of something undesirable: public humiliation
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
This is tricky. I can only assume he lied to make himself look better to his peers and his viewers.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= A desire to elevate one’s self
B= create a false news story that involves you, personally
C= people find out you lied and you are discredited as a journalist and shamed
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of unpleasant stimuli (shame from peers and viewers). It could also be negative punishment if we look at Williams loss of credibility as a journalist.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, negative punishment, reward, elicit, behavior, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, stimuli, emit
1) My piece talks about how improving breathing techniques before bedtime can help you get a better night's sleep.
2) Better breathing.
3) Get a good night's sleep.
4) By getting a good nights sleep from doing these exercises, one will continue to do them (increase the frequency of behavior) so they can continue to sleep well.
5) It involves the addition of something desirable which in this case would be, sleeping better.
6) Unable to sleep at night.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Unable to sleep at night.
B=Improve breathing
C=Sleeps well
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it adds in something that is desirable with positive valence. By adding in improved breathing, the individual faces a desired consequence of sleeping better, which in turn will increase the likeliness of them repeating this behavior again.
This example is a great example of self reinforcement. The reinforcer is administered by one's self to help with their sleeping. Since the consequence is desired, they will be more likely to repeat this behavior in the future when the antecedent of being unable to sleep arrives again.
9) My piece talks about a woman who made a will saying that if she were dying of an illness that could not be resolved, she wanted her caregivers to withhold food/liquids, and just let her die. She didn't wish to have to be dragged on through the illness if it got to the point where she was completely impaired. After making this agreement, years later, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. When it got to the point that her dementia kept her from recognizing faces, and she was unable to do anything on her own, her family decided it was time to begin the process of deprivation. Since she now is cognitively no longer intact, she shows signs of wanting food and opening her mouth to receive it. The family is now in a position where they must decide to either feed her, even though it was against her initial desires, because she is now demented and hungry. Or keep the deprivation continuing so she can die quickly, and no longer suffer long through this agonizing disease.
10) Eating and drinking.
11) She will continue to live with dementia.
12) Because it is against her initial will, and what her family and courts promised her would be put into effect. It causes her to suffer longer, instead of dying quickly, like she wanted to.
13) This punishment involves the addition of something aversive. While in most cases food wouldn't be seen as a punisher,but here it is, as it is what she did not want to be given when living with such an impairing disease such as Alzheimer's. Her continuation of suffering because she is continued to be given food and liquids will keep her alive through the disease which is undesired.
14) Suffering from dementia.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Suffering from dementia.
B=Continues to eat and drink.
C=Continues to stay alive. (undesired)
16) Positive punishment. She is being given food, which in this case is aversive, which leads to her continuation of suffering through the disease and having her wishes being ignored of having a quick death.
18) Behavior, desirable, positive reinforcement, positive valence, consequence, self reinforcement, antecedent, deprivation, punishment, aversive, punisher/reinforcer.
Topical Blog Week 5
News Item #1
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
Brian Williams is a news reporter/journalist for NBC. He recently admitted that he “misremembered” certain events that happened while he was in Iraq. He claimed, in 2003 that his helicopter was shot down by an Iraqi RPG. Recently he has come forward and said the he misremembered the events that happened that day. It is also known that he only came forward after some of his other colleagues came forward about the false information. The news article that I read discusses William’s misremembering and makes it seem more like he told a lie about the events that day. The article also discusses how authorities are looking into several other cases William’s has reported on to see if they have any holes as well. After the information was given to the public, William’s took a temporary leave of absence from “NBC Nightly News”. He recently cancelled an interview on “The Late Show with David Letterman”.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The behavior that I am using to illustrate reinforcement is the behavior of Brian Williams trying to do his best to stay out of the public eye. He took a temporary leave of absence from the “NBC Nightly News” and he cancelled an interview with David Letterman.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
I think the consequence of this behavior is that the media and the authorities start to dig deeper. They are investigating more cases that William’s has reported on in the past. They are opening up old stories to see if he left any holes or “misremembered” anything else.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
Since the media has been digging deeper into William’s past, he has been denying more air time. He wants to stay out of the eye of the media. He took a leave of absence from this job with NBC. And after they found that he misreported on another instance, he cancelled an interview with David Letterman. It’s almost as if, as long as we try to keep him in the spotlight, the more he tries to hide.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
The consequence involves the addition of something. The consequence of the behavior is that they add more looking and more searching into the cases that Brian William’s has reported on. His behavior makes them think that he is hiding something, so maybe he’s hidden things before. So they continue to look and they add more time and research to find other possible moments of misremembering.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent (the thing that started it all) is when Williams came out about his “misremembering” and the media started to give him grief about it. He was being honest and he was doing the right thing in telling us what actually happened. But the media ripped into him and made him feel bad about that honesty – which is what caused him to take a leave of absence from his job (behavior).
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Brian Williams “misremembers” events & gets grief from the media
B= Brian Williams takes a leave of absence (stays out of the media’s eye)
C= Look into more cases that Brian Williams has reported on
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Explain why. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence is adding something in order to make the behavior continue to occur. They are adding more research and digging into Williams’ past as a reporter/journalist. I also think that in this case, it is very important to remember the context. Williams was in a dangerous place at the time he fabricated the story. Maybe he could have legitimately misremembered some information about what happened that day. But that doesn’t mean that he fabricates all of his stories, or even that he has fabricated them before. He was just in a bad situation, and maybe his fear caused him to actually “misremember”.
News Item #2
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
The next piece I chose is closely related to the piece I chose to represent reinforcement. Yesterday, the only thing in the news about Brian Williams was that he was taking a leave of absence and that he cancelled an interview with David Letterman. But today, NBC has announced that they are suspending Brian Williams from his position for 6 months without pay. They will have a temporary replacement for Williams. They said that they this action was necessary because Williams has lost the trust of the viewers. They have also said that they hope Williams can gain that trust back and continue on with NBC once his suspension is over.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior in this case would be the act of Brian Williams “misremembering”. Williams fabricated a story back in 2003 when he claimed that a helicopter he was on was shot down by an RPG in Iraq. This is the behavior I am looking at in this news article.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of Williams’ behavior (fabricating the story in Iraq) is that he is now suspended from his job without pay for 6 months.
12) Tell us how that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
This consequence will decrease the likelihood that Williams will fabricate any more stories. He was a very trusted news anchor and journalist. And if he wants to gain that trust back (and get his job back) he will have to stop fabricating stories.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the removal of something. There are two things being removed in this case. The first thing being removed is Williams’ job, and the second thing being removed is the trust of his viewers.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is
I feel that there could be many antecedents in this case. I’m sure there are several reasons why Williams thought it was a good idea to fabricate a story at that time. Maybe he really did misremember the events. Maybe was confusing two different events. But I think the main antecedent for why Williams fabricated this story is because he wanted to be in the spotlight. He wanted all eyes on him, and he wanted to report on an exciting event, so he changed the details of his story and fabricated a new one.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Wanted to be in the spotlight/wanted to report on a good story
B= Brian Williams “misremembers”
C= Brian Williams gets suspended
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Since the consequence involves the removal of a couple different things, this would be an example of negative punishment. They are taking away Williams’ job. And they are also removing the trust of the viewers. Taking these two things away will make it less likely the Williams will fabricate any more stories (behavior). Williams’ suspension would also be considered establishing operations because it makes the punishment more severe. Before he was just taking a temporary leave of absence, and now he is suspended for 6 months without pay. That will make it much more likely that he will not fabricate any more stories in the future.
TERMS: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Context Negative Punishment, Punishment, Establishing Operations
1. My piece talks about how scientists think that they have found another inner core in the earth. They believe that by studying the waves after an earth quake, the have found an "inner-inner" core to the earth.
2. The behavior here is researching the seismic waves after an earthquake.
3. The consequence of the behavior is discovering something new within the core of the earth.
4. The consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior because the researchers are excited about finding something new, so they will keep studying to make even more discoveries.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6. The antecedent could either be the earth quake, or it could even be scientists wanting to study the earth.
7. A = earth quake
B = studying the seismic waves
C = disvoering a new inner core
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence will make the behavior more likely to occur.
This could involve establishing operations because no scientist has ever studied the seismic waves in this type of way or made a new discovery like this in some time so it could cause the one who did discover this or other scientists, to want to do even more research.
9. My next news story is about a Chicago little league team being stripped of their first place in the little league world series.
10. The behavior is the coach letting players outside of the ring play.
11. The consequence is the team being stripped of their first place title.
12. The consequence will decrease the likelihood of the behavior because the team doesn't want to lose their first place title.
13. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable.
14. The antecedent is the little league world series.
15. A = playing in the little league world series
B = the coach putting in players from out of there ring
C = There already first place title being taken away
16. This is an example of negative punishment because it is taking something desirable away, decreasing the likelihood of the behavior.
18. negative punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, establishing operations, positive reinforcement.
2. The target behavior is researching more about the seismic waves after an earthquake.
3. The consequence is making a discovery.
4. The consequence is a positive reinforcement because it will make the behavior more likely of it to occur.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something.
6. The antecedent is the earth quake.
8. This is positive reinforcement because it is making the behavior more likely to occur. When making a new discovery after doing research, the more likely they will be to do research. This could eventually lead to extinction though looking at it in a broad perspective. Being a scientist or a researcher, you aren't always going to make the discovery that you want. Maybe this time you make this discovery about the core, but next time it might not work out. This would involve extinction because they then will try other things to try and get their desired results. If they never end up getting desired results they might quit all together.
The next article also involves extinction because the team is used to winning. If bringing in players makes their winning get taken away, then they will try to do other things to win. This could cause extinction.
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece:
-The U.S. is adding 350 more troops to help protect the American Embassy in Baghdad, which will raise the troop number to 1,000. It was requested by the state department, which President Obama approved. According to this article, by adding more troops it will allow some deployed military personnel to leave Baghdad, but at the same time will provide a more robust security force.
2) Tell what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
-Sending the troops the in.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
- Protecting the American Embassy in Baghdad.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
-The consequence of protecting the American Embassy in Baghdad will increase the frequency of sending the troops because the embassy needs protecting and its those troops jobs to protect the embassy. Also, every so months troops will be sent home and in order to keep the embassy safe, they will send troops in to replace those troops who went home.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
- The consequence is the addition of something desirable.
6) Tell us what the antecedent is
- The antecedent would be the request from the state department and the approval from the president.
7) List ABCs.
-A=Requested by the state department & approval by the president
-B= Sending troops in
-C= protect American Embassy in Baghdad.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Explain why?
-This is an example of positive reinforcement because its the addition of something because the need for protecting the American Embassy elicited a response by emitting the deployment of troops to Baghdad.
9) Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapter we have already covered as you can.
-This involves establishing operations.
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
- The only woman on death row in Georgia is scheduled to die of lethal injection. The judge signed a death warrant.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
-Her role in the death of her husband.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
-The consequence is being on death row.
4) Tell us how the consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
-It will decrease the behavior because she won't be able to hurt anyone else.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of an aversive stimulus or the removal of something desirable.
-I'd say its negative punishment because it is the taking of something desirable away.
6) Tell us what the antecedent is.
- Plan to kill her husband for insurance money
7) List ABCs
-A= Plan to kill husband for insurance money
-B= Role in the death of her husband
-C= on death row.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment or negative punishment.
-Negative punishment, because your taking something away.
9) negative punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, establishing operations, positive reinforcement, elicit, emit. response.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The European Union decided to put on hold and delay adding more sanctions directed at Russia and the Ukrainian separatists. This is because Russia agreed to meet with leaders to discuss peace for the region.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Attempting to negotiate peace
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
aversive sanctions are relaxed in response of Russia's emitting behavior
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior people Russia doesn't want sanctions and if they strive for peace, they will lose the sanctions that are currently against them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of an undesirable factor
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Unrest in Ukraine
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Unrest in Ukraine
B=Agrees for talks of peace
C=Aversive sanctions against Russia are relaxed
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involved the removal of an aversive stimuli
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This process is an example of extinction because it aims at eliminating the undesirable behavior by taking away factors that would promote it.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There were large crowds, in a confined area, pressing to get into an Egyptian soccer match. Eventually, the fans tried to rush the gates. The police weren't having any of that nonsense, so the police fired tear gas, which resulted in a stampede killing 20+ peoples.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Police firing tear gas
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Caused a stampede and injury.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Hopefully the police will not fire tear gas into large crowds that are confined in small spaces, because that gets people killed.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It involves the removal of something desirable, aka the lives of the soccer fans.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the large crowd of soccer fans.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Crowded soccer fans
B=Police fire tear gas
C=People die
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of peoples' lives, which is usually considered very aversive.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Antecedent, negative punishment, behavior, aversive, desirable, frequency of the behavior, emitted, consequence, extinction, negative reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
briefly describe/summarize your piece,
1. The article that I picked to read about is called “What Causes Breast Cancer? These Families Want to Help Find Out.” It was about a family that the mother and daughter both eventually developed cancer in their later years of life. The article then talks about how researchers are thinking that children can eventually get breast cancer fifty years after being born from toxins in the womb. The same researcher are believe that their hypothesis is true but trying to find exactly what chemicals in the mother’s pregnant body affects it.
2. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior within this article would be researching the toxins or chemicals within the body.
3. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence would be that they find a cure to why children can get breast cancer from the womb.
4. tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This would increase the behavior because if you find a cure to one cancer, you will research to find more answers.
5. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This would be adding something desirable to the behavior.
6. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be that a women with breast cancer.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=who with breast cancer from womb
B=researching the toxins
C=finding a cure
8. Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because you are adding something positive, the research to find a cure, to something that is going to increase the likeliness of them to continue to research in the future.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This could involve establishing behavior because if people continue to get cancer from the womb, researchers will want to emit the behavior of finding the cure that much more at a timely pace.
For your news I would like you to
9.briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I found relating to punishment is called “Chapel Hill Shootings: North Carolina Man Charged.” This is about a man, Craig Hicks, who shot three Muslims after a dispute on parking. They were all students at the University of North Carolina and had been arguing as neighbors. Hicks turned himself in to the police and is still in custody.
10. tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is this article would be that he shot three different people.
11. tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior would be that he is in custody or being in jail.
12. tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Hopefully the consequence will decrease the behavior by him not shooting anyone else.
13. tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence would be the addition of something undesirable because no one wants to be in jail.
14. tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of this behavior would be the arguing of neighbors.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=arguing of neighbors
B=shooting the three neighbors
C=jail time
16. Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I believe that this is a negative punishment because you are taking away the rights of Hicks by putting him in jail. Hopefully this will decrease his likeliness of shooting someone in the future.
When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emit, punishment, negative punishment
“What Social Media Reveals About Narcissism”
For your news I would like you to
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There are many studies recently highlighting the correlation between social media and narcissism. A small new study shows how exactly we use social media to feed our egos. This study involved college-aged individuals on Twitter and middle-aged adults on Facebook. This study revealed that “Twitter fuels younger adults' narcissistic tendencies by acting as a megaphone for their thoughts, while Facebook fuels middle aged adults' narcissistic tendencies by serving as a mirror where they can curate images of themselves.” They state that young people over-evaluate the importance of their own opinions. Researchers found associations between scoring higher on certain traits of narcissism and increased use of Twitter (more posts) among the college students. And for the adults, narcissistic traits were linked with more Facebook status updates.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement. The target behavior is posting online, getting feedback they enjoy, therefore doing it again and more often.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
This behavior of posting about themselves online and getting the type of attention they want leads them to do it more and more, and that is the consequence of the behavior, the repeat act of looking for attention on social media.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. After posting something and receiving the attention they want, they feel validated, so they continue to do it again.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is they attention they are receiving for their activity on social media.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is that the individual wants attention or believes they have something really important to share with everyone.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Individual seeking attention
B= Posts on social media about themselves
C= Receive attention they want
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is positive reinforcement because they are seeking attention and receiving it, therefore it is being encouraged for them to do it again.
“Following Suspension, Brian Williams Probably Wishes He’d Gotten the Tonight Show Job He Wanted”
For your news I would like you to
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
Brian Williams was suspended without pay for 6 months because he has a habit of embellishing his stories and lying. A lot of people tried to tell him to stop, including Tom Brokaw, but he wouldn’t listen. Williams has too much power and it has been a struggle for his boss, Deborah Turness, to keep him under control. They are also looking into his expense accounts because there is suspicion on whether or not he was spending it truthfully.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
Williams was suspended for 6 months without pay.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence was that people won’t trust what he says anymore and he doesn’t get to work for at least 6 months and won’t get paid because of the lies he was telling.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
This could and should be a wake up call for Williams that he could lose his job permanently if he continues with this behavior.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This consequence removes something desirable, his job and pay for 6 months.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was probably his need to seem more interesting than he really was, because he embellished his stories a lot.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Need for attention and people to admire him
B= Embellished stories, lied
C= Suspended for 6 months without pay
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because it is taking something away to decrease the frequency of the behavior.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement
target behavior
negative punishment
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- This article was about emitting random acts of kindness on Valentine's Day in order to brighten someone's day.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
-The target behavior is emitting random acts of kindness
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the behavior was brightening someone's day.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
-This will increase the frequency of the behavior because if you get a positive response after emitting a random act of kindness then you are more likely to emit the behavior in the future.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
-The consequence involves the addition of something desirable
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is Valentine's Day
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Valentine's Day
B=Random act of kindness
C=Brighten someone's day
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-Positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- This article is about the Jackie Robinson West Little League baseball team being stripped of the National Title they won in 2014. The League found out that administrators lied about where some of the players were from which happened to be outside of the Chicago team's district.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
-The target behavior is lying about where the players live
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-The consequence of the behavior is the team losing the National Title
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
-The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior in the future because losing the title is the removal of something desirable therefore teams should not want to put players on the team that do not live inside the district they are supposed to
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
-Consequence involves the removal of something desirable
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is wanting to have a successful team
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=wanting a successful team
B=lying about location where players live
C=team loses National Title
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
-This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable in order to decrease the likelihood of the behavior being emitted in the future.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, emit, emitted, emitting, target behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The Institute of Medicine is attempting to change the name of Chronic Fatigue syndrome to systematic exertion intolerance disease in the hopes of lessening the stigma of the disease.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is renaming Chronic Fatigue syndrome.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that the stigma regarding the disease will lessen.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because the stigma will lessen, people will be more likely to call it systematic exertion intolerance disease.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence removes something undesirable -- the stigma of the disease.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the stigma of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Stigma of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
B= Renaming of syndrome to Systematic Exertion Intolerance Disease.
C= Lessening the stigma of the disease/syndrome.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is a case of negative punishment because it removes something unpleasant which then increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article from NPR illustrates the dangers of manually lifting patients -- a daily activity for nurses and nursing assistants. The technique (called body mechanics) that has been taught for over 100 years has been revealed to be not as safe as once thought. The techniques cause lots of stress on the spine and ultimately lead to permanent damage for caregivers.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is lifting a resident manually.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is stress on the spine.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Because lifting residents manually causes stress on the spine, caregivers are less likely to lift the residents manually to prevent harm to themselves.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence adds something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the resident needing to be moved or lifted.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Resident needs to be moved or lifted and can't do so themselves.
B= Caregiver (nurse or nursing assistant) manually lifts the resident using body mechanics.
C= Caregiver stresses the spine which can cause harm.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a case of positive punishment because the consequence (stress on the spine of the caregiver) is adding something unpleasant.
18) consequence, positive punishment, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, negative reinforcement
1. Doctors are trying to tell parents to not intentionally expose their children to infectious diseases. There are anti-vaccination parents who are taking their children to "measles parties" to get the disease out of the way and to gain immunity. In California there has been a measles outbreak which there have been more than 100 cases have been recorded.
2. The target behavior is the doctor telling parents to not purposefully expose their children to infectious diseases.
3. Hopefully the consequence of this behavior will be that the parents do not expose their children to measles.
4. It will not increase the frequency of the behavior.
5. If the parents do not expose their children will not have the measles which would be removing something undesirable.
6. The antecedent is doctors speaking out to the public.
7. A= Doctors speaking out to the public
B= Telling parents to not expose their children to measles
C= Parents will not expose their children to measles and there should not be an outbreak
8. If the parents do not listen it is a negative reinforcement because their might be an outbreak and the children will have the disease. If the parents listen to the doctors then it is a positive reinforcement because people will not be getting dangerous diseases.
9. A couple who both worked very hard at their jobs and had long hours lived very comfortably earning around 6 figures each year. They had a nice house, cars, and lots of cloths. They had many hardships with not being happy with their jobs, losing a sister and a mother, parents divorcing, trying to conceive a child, and a sisters newborn being flown to intensive care. After all of these unfortunate events she had changed. The couple quit their jobs and sold their house. Next they bought a ticket to Bolivia and began to travel. They traveled the world by house sitting.
10. The target behavior is the couple traveling the world together.
11. The consequence of this behavior is that they are both much happier.
12. This will not decrease the frequency of the behavior.
13. The couple is adding something desirable by traveling which is being happy.
14. The antecedent is the couple traveling the world.
15. A= Traveling the world
B=Quitting their jobs and traveling the world
C= The couple is actually happy
16. This would be a positive punishment because by quitting their jobs and traveling the world they are gaining happiness.
18. Terms: Target behavior, consequence, behavior, postive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is all about bringing people with disabilities from "sub-human" to able-bodied through behavior training.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is showing up to an appointment on time.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of showing up to the appointment on time is you are treated as a human being rather than being late and being treated as sub-human.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of being treated as a human will increase the frequency because you will be treated the way you want to be treated again in the future.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of showing up on time to the appointment is leaving for the appointment at an appropriate time, regardless of your disability.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Leaving for the appointment at an appropriate time
B= Showing up to the appointment on time
C= Being treated as a human being.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement because it is adding a desired stimulus, being treated like a person.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
There is no ignorance of of an undesired behavior, so there is no extinction. There is also no satiation, deprivation or aversion, so there are no establishing operations either.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece was an article discussing how to help your child's brain grow up strong. It discusses the use of punishment, at the right intensity, can be used as a tool parents can use to shape their children's behavior.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior, the behavior that needs to change, is acting obnoxiously in the home.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of acting obnoxiously in the home is timeout.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The concept of timeout has been repeatedly shown to be an effective punishment for behavior modification. With the addition of an unwanted stimulus (timeout) the undesired behavior is less likely to occur in the future under similar circumstances.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence is adding something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of playing with friends in the house elicited the behavior.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Playing with friends in the house
B= Acting overly obnoxious in the house
C= timeout
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is adding an undesired stimulus, timeout.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, aversion, establishing operations, punishment, positive punishment
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I chose to do a piece off of the website called “Even 'Proper' Technique Exposes Nurses' Spines To Dangerous Forces” I chose this article because my sister is a nurse so I thought it would be interesting to read and also share with her. Basically, the article discusses how different nursing schools and programs are not teaching the proper way to move patients, and this improper way can cause nurses to lose their jobs due to extensive back injuries.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is teaching nurses the correct way to move patients while working with them in their day to day careers.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is staying healthy and making sure back problems don’t occur
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because when the procedure of moving patients is done correctly the nurses will be in less pain.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
In this case, the consequence is removing something that is undesirable (back pain) by teaching the nurses the proper way to move patients.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Nursing programs
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Nursing programs
B= Proper teaching of how to move patients
C= Less career ending back injuries
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Negative reinforcement is shown in this article because the removal of the back pain is occurring in order for the correct way to move patients happens more in the future.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The nursing programs are eliciting improper ways to move patients which is emitting nurses to move patients causing them aversive back pain in the future. Extinction is occurring because nurses used to be reinforced in programs for moving patients in a certain way, but now this way of moving patients is changing so they will no longer be reinforced for the old improper way.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece I listened to on was under the US news section. To briefly describe it, an officer named Peter Liang, faces multiple counts such as manslaughter, for shooting an unarmed man while he was on duty in November.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is shooting an unarmed man
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is multiple counts including manslaughter
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the behavior (hopefully) because the man will be in jail for a long amount of time
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence is adding something desirable, jail time.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Routine patrol in November
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Routine Patrol
B= Shot innocent man
C= Goes to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because it is adding jail time in order for the behavior in the future to decrease
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, aversive, elicit, emit, punish, consequence, antecedent, behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I chose to write about was entitled "How we quit our jobs to travel" and was found on BBC. This article was about a couple who found themselves dissatisfied with their lives. Having always wanted to travel, they sold their house, quit their jobs and went to Bolivia. Soon they found jobs house sitting and have been bouncing around the globe house sitting ever since.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is house sitting around the world.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is getting paid to house sit.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The couple in this article are being reinforced because they are receiving a desirable outcome as a result of their behavior. Not only are they incredibly happy, but they are getting paid to travel.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It involves the addition of something desirable, specifically money.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is dissatisfaction with their lives.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Dissatisfaction with lives
B=start house sitting around the world
C=get paid
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.]
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something positive.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I guess you could say that it uses extinction because the couple was no longer feeling fulfilled with their lives and jobs. Their jobs, which at one time provided them with a reinforcement through the addition of something desirable, was no longer reinforcing them. This led them to seek ulterior means of receiving that reinforcement.
An establishing operation in this situation could be the deprivation of money. The couple quit their jobs to travel and after a while began to feel the effects of not having a steady income. This increased the chance that the reinforcer of payment for house sitting would be more effective.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece was about =the former head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn who has been under media scrutiny lately after it emerged that he took part in orgies involving prostitutes. He has been accused of helping to procure sex workers for a hotel based prostitution ring.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The behavior in this case is organizing/taking part in an orgie involving prostitutes.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that he has experienced a great amount of shaming and negative attention from the media, and is being put on trial.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence is that Strauss-Kahn will be less likely to partake in orgies involving prostitutes in the future.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It involves the addition of something adverse.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is an orgy involving prostitutes.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Orgy involving prostitutes
B=Strauss-Kahn has sex with prostitutes
C=Strauss-Kahn is shamed and put on trial
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something adverse. In this case, the adverse addition is negative publicity and possible criminal charges.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Reinforcement Article:
Punishment Article:
TERMS: behavior, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, adverse, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, extinction, establishing opperation
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
a. I the piece I read, the article talked about the benefits of exercising outside rather than inside in a gym. It encouraged people to exercise outside more to reap the benefits and for policy makers to promote more green space in cities. The great weather and places to exercise outside elicited the outdoor exercise behavior, and the people in the study emitted the behavior of exercising outside, there fore they had reduced stress and higher levels of vitamin D.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
a. exercising outside decreases tension, confusion, anger and depression.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
a. A person after emitting the behavior of exercising outside has the consequence of feeling less stressed and having a healthier body and mind.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
a. When people feel less stress, or start to see that they maybe losing weight or other physical changes in their body that show health, they are more likely to continue that particular behavior. In this case the mental health that goes along with working out outside, may encourage people to want to work out outside more often.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
-This is the addition of sunshine, fresh air, and plants to an exercise program.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is having a place outside and good enough weather to exercise outside.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= parks/sunshine B= exercising outside C= reduced stress
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of sunshine, and nice weather to a regular exercise routine.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Depending where you are in the world there could be several establishing operations, one in particular is if you are from the Midwest where the weather is only pleasant certain times of the year and is aversive others. In this case the nice weather is an establishing operation because people will get extra “happy” from it. In the spring peoples mood tends to be lifted. Extinction may occur here if people only work out outside. Eventually the sunshine and vitamin D may cause sunburn or get too hot making it aversive to exercise outside.
that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece is another clip on the trial against the man who shot and killed “American Sniper” Chris Kyle. Supposedly, Kyle had texted his friend while they were in the car that the guy behind them was “nuts”. The case is coming down to whether or not Eddie Ray Routh knew what he was doing when he pulled the trigger and his punishment will be based off of that. Routh will have an aversive punishment by serving a prison sentence for his behavior.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is killing innocent people
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The Consequence is a prison sentence
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Eddie Ray Routh if given prison time will more than likely spend the rest of his life in prison, here he will not be given many priviallages especially not owning or using a gun, therefore he will be unable to kill anyone else.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence is the removal of something desirable. He will no longer have many rights, or the freedom to do as he wishes like most Americans.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being at the gun range with a loaded gun.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being at the gun range B=killing two people C= going to prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because they are taking away Routh’s privileges in prison.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive Punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, establishing operations, extinction, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit,
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Not drinking during pregnancy
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
A severely decreased chance that the baby will not be harmed.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because there has been new research suggesting that there is not safe amount to drink during pregnancy, not drinking at all will give the mother a reduced risk of having miscarriage or problems with the baby. Therefore, the mother should feel much safer about her baby when she is not drinking.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This consequence technically will add something desirable. The consequence would include the addition of a higher chance that your baby will come out healthy with not medical problems and live a healthier life.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Having a baby.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Having a baby
B= Abstain from drinking alcohol
C= Your baby has reduced risk of medical problems.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. With the addition of an decreased risk for medical problems from the baby, the mother and father can feel much better about their upcoming pregnancy.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This behavior would involve extinction. If the mother drinks prior to her pregnancy, then she must eliminate this behavior while being pregnant in hopes that it will help her child come out much more healthy than if she continues to consume alcohol during the pregnancy.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The Chappel Hill Shooting is the topic of this article. Three North Carolina College students that had Muslim related background had been shot and killed by a 46 year old male who was said to have Atheist post on facebook. The article basically says that the Media has not given this story enough media coverage and blames it on the fact that these students were of the Muslim religion.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Insufficient coverage of a big time story.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior would be that the media goes on blast and people begin to bad mouth and boycott the news studios. From there, people will quit viewing their shows and altogether become uninformed on the world around them.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Because of viewer loss and also large amounts of complaints about the news not giving this story air time, the news will begin to see their wrong for not putting big news stories such as this one onto their primetime shows.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence would be the addition of something undesirable, such as insults and complaints from many viewers who rely on the news to show important stories, regardless of who they are about.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Shooting of 3 Muslim college students
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Shooting of Muslim Students
B= Not given news air time
C= Media goes on blast/ viewers complain
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I believe this would be an example of positive punishment because the addition of complaints and unhappy viewers is the result of the news studios not giving a large story very much air time.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, reinforcement, behavior, antecedent, consequence, extinction, positive.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
After 30 years in prison a man is released from prison for the rape and murder that occurred in 1984. An investigation began by the states conviction integrity unit and cleared the accused after there was DNA evidence clearing him of any connection the crime.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior I am using for this assignment is the assignment of going home and being with his family.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is his happiness of seeing his family as an innocent man after 30 years in jail.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Consequence of the man being happy to see his family after 30 years will make him grateful every time he sees them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence adds happiness.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Being freed from prison after DNA evidence came out clearing him.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Being freed from prison
B=Going home to his family
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something is being added to increase the behavior. Being able to see his family after not seeing them for 30 years will increase his happiness and he will be happy to see them each time.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose for this details the “Stop Telling Women To Smile” campaign going on in Mexico City. The campaign was started as an attempt to denounce and raise awareness for street harassment though a series of posters.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The behavior in this instance is having posters with portraits and quotes from victims of street harassment.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of seeing the posters is being made aware of what women are yelled at on the street and realizing that this happens to women of all ages.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
By raising awareness it will stop younger generations from continuing street harassment.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence in this situation involve removing catcalling and street harassment from current and future generations.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the instance is the rampant street harassment in Mexico City, the creator of this campaign was a target of street harassment herself and is passionate about this project.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Girl is harassed on the street
B= Plasters anti-harassment posters throughout the city.
C=People are made aware how harmful street harassment is and the behavior is reduced.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment, because the public are gaining awareness to the problem.
17) Punishment:
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Target Behavior, Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, positive punishment.
1) The NPR article I chose to use was “Better Bath Rituals is One Way Bangladesh is Saving it’s Newborns”. The infant mortality rate is large in low-middle class countries and their survival has a lot to do with not only economic class but ethnic group. An intervention group called MaMoni is working to change the practices of rural groups as many have a religious ritual that requires then to bathe the baby immediately after birth, then it gets left unattended for some time, the baby gets cold and is put at risk for pneumonia and other infections.
2) The target behavior that is the target for reinforcement is swaddling the babies in blankets to keep them warm (instead of bathing them).
3) The consequence of the behavior is the lowered mortality rate of the babies
4) The consequence will increasing the chance of the behavior happening in the future because preventing the death of a baby is desirable.
5) This consequence is the removal of something undesirable, which is death/illness.
6) The antecedent and discriminative stimulus is mothers giving birth in a rural area
7) The ABC's of the behavior
A= Mothers giving birth in a rural area
B= Swaddling babies after birth
C= Lower infant mortality rate
8) This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is the removal of something negative that will increase the likelihood of the target behavior happening in the future. In this situation, the outreach group is removing the close possibility of death by eliciting mothers and doctors to emit a swaddling behavior.
9) A BBC news article covers a new feature on some smartphones, particularly iPhones and Androids with Microsoft in development, that allows the owner to block it from being accessed a passcode is entered. SanFransico, New York and London are seeing decreased rates of smartphone theft due to these kill switches.
10) The target behavior for punishment is emitting stealing of smartphone behavior. This behavior is something that we would want to decrease because it is illegal.
11) The consequence is not being able to access the phone once it is stolen because it is password protected.
12) The consequence will decrease the occurrence of the behavior in the future because it is not the desired consequence of stealing, as the thieves want to reset the phone and use it for themselves.
13) This consequence is the removal of something desirable.
14) The antecedent is in the city
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= In the city
B= Steal a smartphone
C= Unable to access/use the smartphone
16) This is an example of negative punishment because it is the removal of something desirable which will decrease the behavior occurring in the future. As more and more devices are equipped with this feature, thieves will be deprived of any smart phone that can be accessed.
Terminology: Reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, negative reinforcement, positive, negative, deprive, emit, elicit, target behavior.
1) Ramadi, a city in central Iraq and the capital of Al Anbar, has been engaged with ISIL fighters everyday. ISIL has all of Anbar and it also wants to seize its capital. Fighting happens in Ramadi everyday and it reduces Iraqi City to ruins. Iraqi soldiers based in Ramadi have been battling ISIL fighters for more than a year and they are determined that they can win. They are keen to do their jobs even though ISIL attacks them everyday, because ISIL suffers from huge losses every time they attack Ramadi.
2) The target behavior in this video is Iraqi soldiers defending the city from ISIL.
3) The consequence of the behavior is the removal of ISIL forces from the city.
4) The purpose of Iraqi soldiers attacking the ISIL is to prevent their city from being taken away. ISIL suffers from huge losses every time they attack Ramadi. Since the consequence of Iraqi soldiers defending their city is the removal of ISIL forces, it is rewarding to them. Hence, it will increase the probability of the behavior from occurring again in the future.
5) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the ISIS team.
6) The antecedent is Ramadi being attacked by ISIL.
A= Ramadi being attacked by ISIL
B= Iraqi soldiers defending the city from ISIL
C= The removal of ISIL forces from the city
8) This is an example of negative reinforcement because it increases the probability of a behavior (Iraqi soldiers attacking ISIL to defend their city) occurring in the future by removing an adverse outcome (removal of the ISIL forces) as an effect of the behavior. Besides that, this is also a scenario of operant behavior because the action of Iraqi soldiers sets the occasion for either reinforcement (removal of ISIL forces) or punishment (being seriously injured during the attack) to occur. Knowing that their city has been attacked everyday for a year, the soldiers do not stop defending. However, the soldiers would not be so careful and protective if it wasn’t because of the attack from ISIL, therefore the attack from ISIL is a discriminative stimuli. Freedom deprivation is an establishing operation. Knowing that ISIL has all of Anbar except its city, Ramadi has lost a lot of its freedom. When ISIL claimed that they want Ramadi as well, it makes them want freedom more.
9) This news is about how Puerto Rican parents of obese children would be fined up to $800 if their kids do not get healthier. There would be diet-and-exercise program combined with monthly visits to ensure that is is being followed. After six months, officials would evaluate the child again, with parents possibly facing between $500 and $800 in fines if the situation does not improve within another six months to a year.
10) The target behavior in this news is emitted by parents. They fail to encourage their child to live a healthy lifestyle and to help them do so, thereby causing them to become obese and unhealthy.
11) The consequence of the behavior is being fined a huge amount.
12) The consequence (being fined) of the behavior (parents fail to encourage their child to live a healthy lifestyle) is undesirable causing a decrease in the possibility of the behavior occurring again in the future.
13) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable (money).
14) The antecedent is being a parent living in Puerto Rico.
A= Parent living in Puerto Rico
B= Parents fail to encourage and support their child to live a healthy lifestyle, thereby causing them to become obese and unhealthy.
C= Being fined a huge amount
16) This is an example of negative punishment because it decreases the likelihood of an undesirable behavior (parents fail to encourage their child to live a healthy lifestyle) reoccurring by taking something favorable (money) away.
18) Behavior, consequence, negative reinforcement, adverse, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, discriminative stimuli, deprivation, establishing operation, antecedent, negative punishment, emitted
1. This article talks about a U.S. judge ruling in favor of the NSA in a case about the warrantless interception of internet traffic. He did so because he thinks that the people filing the lawsuit don’t understand the process the NSA uses to collect the information, and that even if they did he would still have to dismiss the case to “protect national security”.
2. The target behavior I am using that is being reinforced is being emitted by the NSA. It is: electronically collecting the private information and online communications of American citizens either without their knowledge or without their consent, and without a warrant, while saying that it is for reasons of National Security.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that they (the NSA) get all of the information about the American citizenry that they want without ever needing a warrant, and without anyone knowing that they know what they know.
4. The NSA, for whatever reason (be it legitimate or not), wants to know the online/cyber activities of Americans and they don’t want to have to ask a judge for permission to get that information. Doing what they are doing allows them to do this- it is reinforcing. And so they will continue until we make them stop.
5. It is the addition of something desirable- positive reinforcement.
6. The antecedent is existing in post 9/11 America.
7. A = existing in post 9/11 America
B = electronically collecting the private information and online communications of American citizens either without their knowledge or without their consent, and without a warrant, while saying that it is for reasons of National Security.
C = get all of the information about the American citizenry that they want without ever needing a warrant, and without anyone knowing that they know what they know.
8. Positive reinforcement. It is the addition of something desirable. 9/11 was an establishing operation- it makes, or appears to make, private information/communications more valuable to the NSA. This increases the effectiveness of the reinforcer (free access to private information). Also, you could say that 9/11, or existing in post 9/11 America, is a discriminative stimulus for behaviors such as these. I’ve seen it argued many times that the legal environment post 9/11 promotes this kind of behavior because laws that were quickly passed in during the fear afterwards are easily abusable.
9. This article talks about the suspension of Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. He was suspended for 6 months after it came out that he lied about coming under fire during a helicopter trip while covering the Iraq war in 2003. He retold the story on Jan. 30th, and a newspaper that caters to service people noticed and many disagreed with him. He apologized and was suspended for 6 months.
10. The target behavior is being emitted by Brian Williams. It is lying about how dangerous it was during your war coverage in order to gain status and popularity.
11. One of the consequences of this behavior is being suspended from your job for 6 months with no pay. Another is being mocked by peers. There are many punishing consequences of this action.
12. This consequence will lower the frequency of this behavior because it ruined his career. He has no job for 6 months. Many probably won’t believe much more of anything he says.
13. The consequence(s) I outlined are the removal of
something pleasurable- negative punishment. It’s the removal of his pay, job, credibility, and dignity.
14. The antecedent is that he was on live TV on a late night talk show.
15. A = On live TV late night talk show
B = lie about how dangerous it was during your war coverage in order to gain status and popularity
C = suspended from job, mocked, discredited
16. Negative punishment. It is the removal of his pay, job, credibility and dignity.
17. LINKS:,
18. TERMS: behavior, antecedent, consequence, desirable, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, positive reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing, negative punishment, target behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- The article I chose was about sleep. This article focus on the importance of sleep and gives an examples of how it impacts of athletes performance. However, sleep not only have an impact on athletes but persons that are not athletes as well. A scientific study reinforce the value of sleep in athletes.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
- The target behavior is to sleep 10 hours a night. The sleep and the rest are important to the athlete sin specific and may have a great impact in her or his performance.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
- The consequence is that the athlete in this article increased his performance by 9%. It was a basketball male player.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
- Since the consequence involves having a great performance. The athlete in this case is more likely to keep the behavior of having a goodnight of sleep. This is because, he might get big benefits from it. The athlete may classify to higher basketball leagues tournaments or teams in this case, and his performance might be very beneficial for him and his team.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
- In this case, this reinforcement is the addition of something desirable. To be honest, I think everyone might love to have a good night of sleep and rest. Some of us can’t achieve that every day because of the long days and the hard working routine. However, in this case adding some great hours of sleep it will be beneficial for our body and mind. Therefore the addition of something desirable, in this case sleep, will emit good consequences.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
- The antecedent in this case is the student sleep an average sleep hours. Around 7-8 hours of sleep.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Sleeping average hours of normal sleep.
B= Sleep for 10 hours
C= Great performance and beneficial for the body and mind.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
- This is an examples of positive reinforcement because something desirable is added to the everyday life of the individual.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- A 14 year old boy, cutted his hair for charity. However, his school said there were rules for haircuts and he can’t get back to school. In my opinion, this is a drastic punishment because he was doing it for a good cause. However, he gets punished for a good cause making the behavior less likely to occur.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
- The target behavior is to the students of that school, follow the rules of respecting the haircuts rules.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
- The consequence of not following the rules, like this boy, is to not be allowed to get into school again till the hair is back.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
- The consequence will make other students and this student in specific to follow the rules of the school. However, on the other side it might cause a decrease of people donating hair to charity which in my opinion is something positive to society.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
-It is the removal of something desirable in this case. Some kids of this age wouldn’t like to go back to school for a while. However, the parents and this student in special are looking for the students future and missing school is not something positive.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is donating hair to charity.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Boy donates his hair to charity.
B= School says he broke the school rules regarding haircuts and its consider something aversive.
C=The boy, student, is not allowed in the school until it grows back.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
- This is an example of negative punishment because enow the boy can’t go to school until his hair is back. Therefore, he is missing school work, classes and he is falling behind.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, desirable, consequence, behavior, emit, antecedent, punishment, aversive, negative punishment.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I read was about the United States troops traveling to west Africa to try to combat the Ebola crisis. The plan was to build treatment centers and train health workers. Although things did not go as planned, the presence of the troops allowed things that had previously been blocked, to get where they needed to go. This led to mobile labs being able to get to patients and cut the diagnosis time down to just hours instead of days as it had previously been.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is the United States sending assistance to other places of the world that need help.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior was that mobile labs were able to get to those in need and diagnose the Ebola virus within hours.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the United States was able to develop a new system of diagnosis of the Ebola virus and therefore stop the frequency of the spread of the virus to the United States.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the Ebola virus.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa and the people needing help.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=The outbreak of the Ebola virus in west Africa and the people needing help
B=The United States sent troops to west Africa and they developed mobile labs that aided early on diagnosis
C=There are less people suffering from the Ebola virus and there is less spread to the United States
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the subtraction of something aversive.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I read was about a man who shot and killed three people allegedly over a parking dispute. However, the three people who were killed were Muslim and their family believes that they were murdered in a hate crime. The man who committed the crime is in custody but an investigation is still pending as to the reason the crime was committed.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that is being used to illustrate punishment in this case is the murder of the three people.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of emitting the behavior was that the man was arrested.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the man will likely be in jail for a very long time and will have to think about what he has done for all of his time.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the family and the man disputed over parking.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=There was a parking dispute
B=The man shot the two women and a man in their heads after they disputed over parking
C=The man was arrested and is likely to be in jail for a very long time
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable, in this case freedom.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, behavior, antecedent, negative reinforcement, aversive, punishment, emitting, desirable, negative punishment
The article that I read for this blog post was entitled The Learning Myth: Why I’ll Never Tell My Son He’s Smart. This article discusses the topic of growth mindset. A growth mindset occurs when someone is positively reinforced for their struggles as opposed to their trait. Having a growth mindset provides a better foundation that will elicit a learning behavior. Researchers have found a correlation between the numbers of neural connections that are formed from accomplishing difficult tasks as opposed to easy ones.
The author, Salman Khan, of the article explains that our intelligence is not fixed, but individuals grow more from being reinforced when they struggle.
Dr. Carol Dweck has done some research on mindsets. She has found that most individuals have one of two mindsets: fixed or growth. In addition, she has found that most people will continue to complete tasks that they know they will have a higher percent at success, as opposed to a task where they will struggle. The opposite is also true, individuals with a growth mindset emit behaviors that challenge them to grow in some way.
Mr. Khan explains further down in the article that mindsets are taught. Therefore, individuals should challenge their mindsets in order to experience growth. Since mindsets can be taught, or learned, multiple sources have been made available that provide access to various types of content that individuals can use to expand their knowledge of different topics. However, as Mr. Khan explains not everyone will make good use of these tools to their advantage. As a result Mr. Khan wants to start a national conversation about developing a growth mindset.
The target behavior that is being focused on is developing a growth mindset. As a consequence of developing a growth mindset an individual may challenge themselves more. By developing a growth mindset an individual will continue to grow in many areas. They experience a pleasant feeling when succeeding at a task that they found challenging. While the challenge may feel aversive, they produce results that are deemed desirable.
A= the antecedent is reading an article about growth mindset
B= the behavior being emitted is performing a challenging new task
C= as a consequence growth occurs
The process of developing a growth mindset could have characteristics of both positive and negative reinforcement. It removes the challenge in which the organism experiences unpleasant situations that challenge them. However, it adds growth and the pleasant feeling of success which is what behavior being emitted by the organism was originally. The antecedent for this operant conditioning technique would be reading The Learning Myth: Why I’ll Never Tell My Son He’s Smart, or something similar to it.
An individual by the name of Edmond Aviv was sentenced to a short term sentence in jail, community service, and was required to sit with a sign that read “I am a bully, I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community I live in.” Mr. Aviv was taken to court because he had rigged a machine that was blowing kerosene fumes in to the Prugh home. Mr. Aviv was mocked, criticized, and yelled at from vehicles that passed him by.
Mr. Aviv felt that his punishment was unfair. Mr. Simmons, a South Euclid Municipal court Bailiff, went to verify that Mr. Aviv was carrying out his sentence as ordered. Mr. Simmons was quoted saying that when he was younger Mr. Aviv had bullied him as well. This seems as a good example of extinction. Although the bullying behavior may not have been reinforced Mr. Aviv states “the judge destroyed me.” Which has a connotation of extinguishing the behavior.
The target behavior of this article was to decrease the likelihood of Mr. Aviv emitting a bullying behavior in the future. The consequence of Mr. Aviv’s behavior is sitting on the corner of the street with a sign describing his offense.
A= the antecedent is Mr. Aviv seeing a handicapped individual
B= the behavior is Mr. Aviv bullying the individual
C= the consequence of Mr. Aviv’s behavior is sitting on the corner of a street with a sign describing his offense.
This is an example positive punishment. In this example, Mr. Aviv faces an aversive situation where he is ridiculed by individuals passing by that read his sign. The antecedent is Mr. Aviv seeing a handicapped individual. Mr. Aviv’s sign acts as a discriminative stimulus to driver’s passing by which elicits a mocking, or ridiculing, behavior, thus as a result Mr. Aviv feels uncomfortable.
Terms: positively reinforced, elicit, reinforce, emit, behavior, target behavior, consequence, pleasant, aversive, desirable, negative reinforcement, organism, unpleasant, operant condition, extinction, decrease the likelihood, positive punishment, discriminative stimulus, reinforcement, punishment,
1)briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece I chose is about a 109 year old man who knits sweaters for penguins that are involved in oil spills.
2)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is knitting the sweaters.
3)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequences of this behavior is that he gets praise and maybe even is intrinsically motivated and gets a good feeling from helping save the penguins.
4)tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase this behavior because it makes the man feel good to do it and it also might be getting rid of his boredom in the nursing home.
5)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of praise and good feelings so it is the addition of something desirable.
6)tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the man is in the nursing home, bored and wants to have a sense of importance.
7)Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= In a nursing home
B=Knitting sweaters for penguins
C=Gets praise and feels good about himself
8)Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of a positive reinforcement because it includes the addition of something desirable that will increase the likelihood of the behavior happening in the future. Making the sweaters became more reinforcing once the nurses told him that penguins needed sweaters where oil spills were happening so them telling him that would be considered an establishing operation. The man is both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated and we can tell because he wants to feel useful and he is looking for praise from other people thus making the consequence more reinforcing.
9)briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The news article that I am using is about a cruise ship captain that took the ship to close to land and ended up sinking the boat. He is now facing 16 years in prison for his actions.
10)tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is driving the boat to close to land. In shorter terms, reckless driving.
11)tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is being imprisoned for 16 years.
12)tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because it is taking away his freedom, and his good reputation will be gone and he will most likely never drive a cruise ship again.
13)tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence is removing something that is desirable.
14)tell us to the antecedent is.
The discriminative stimulus was trying to impress a lady by driving the boat closer to views of land.
15)Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Impressing a lady
B=Reckless driving
C=16 years in prison.
16)Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of a negative punishment because something desirable is being taken away and that will decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future. Taking away his freedom is also an establishing operation and will hopefully extinguish the bad behavior altogether.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Terms: establishing operation, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, extrinsic, intrinsic, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, extinguish.
1. The summary that I chose was from National Public Radio and it talked about why hot chocolate is now the new apple pie. This article explained the history of chocolate and how it was used by colonist in America.
2. The target behavior that the article discusses is the higher production of chocolate. The settlers found a new food that they liked to put in their drinks causing them to want to consume large amounts of. This food was chocolate.
3. The consequence of the behavior was the high rise in popularity and availability of chocolate in America. This consequence lead to a high demand of chocolate and thus causing the high amounts of production and popularity that we see today.
4. The consequence will increase the frequency of the production of the chocolate. With the higher demand in the product, producers of chocolate will look to profit from the demand and will increase their production. With ever increasing production, more and more companies will try to profit and with higher competition it will have a decrease in price for chocolate making it more available and popular for the general public. This in turn gives us the argument that hot chocolate is as popular as apple pie in America.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something as it increases the availability and popularity of chocolate. This reinforcer will increase production and popularity of chocolate.
6. The antecedent of behavior is the discovery of chocolate in America and high demand for it.
7. A= Discovering chocolate in America
B= Increased production of chocolate
C= Increased popularity consumption of chocolate
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement.
9. The article that I chose for this next section was about Tiger Woods and his withdrawal from tournament play due to his poor play. Tiger has been plagued by injuries and because of that, his golf play has decreased tremendously. Because of that, Tiger has decided to withdraw from any tournaments until he feels he can play at his standard of golf again.
10. The target behavior that Tiger is emitting is his poor tournament play
11. The consequence of this behavior is Tiger is forcing himself to not play any more tournaments until he feels his game is up to the standard of what it used to be.
12. This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because this is Tiger's job. If Tiger no longer plays in any tournaments, then he doesn't get paid. Tiger wants to get paid, therefore he will work on his game and try to improve his poor play.
13. This punishment is the removal of something desirable. Tiger wants to play because he loves the game of golf and he likes getting paid for playing.
14. The antecedent of this situation is Tiger is a professional golfer.
15. A= Tiger is professional golfer
B= Tiger is playing poorly
C= Tiger is taken out of tournament play until he can play well again.
16. This is an example of negative punishment because the punisher is taking away something Tiger loves to do.
18. Terms: Reinforcement, Punishment, Target Behavior, Reinforcer, Punisher, Emitting, Consequence, Antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about the benefits that sleeping well has on our memory, especially in kids. According to the article, if a child gets the appropriate amount of sleep for their age per night, they will perform better with tasks and with remembering things. It states that toddlers need anywhere from 12 to 14 hours of sleep a day, preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of sleep a night, and school-aged kids need 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is getting children to get enough good sleep each night.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that your child will perform better and remember more than kids who didn’t get adequate sleep.
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior (having your children get enough sleep) because the consequence of having a better memory is a pleasurable one as well as desirable.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable: a better memory and better performance on tasks.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being in bed.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Children are in bed.
B= The children get enough good sleep at night for their age.
C= The children can remember more than those who didn’t receive adequate sleep.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement.
Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because the consequence involves the addition of something desirable (a better memory), and the consequence would also increase the likelihood of the behavior (getting enough sleep) happening again because the consequence is a pleasurable one.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Getting enough sleep is an operant behavior, which is a behavior that sets the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment to occur. Getting enough sleep elicits a response where the children emit a behavior of remembering more.
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My article is about a man who got into trouble for racial slurs, vandalism, and harassing his neighbors for being of a different race and for having disabilities. He was punished for his behaviors.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is the man harassing his neighbors with vandalism and racial slurs.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of him treating his neighbors so badly was to stand by the side of a busy road with a sign that said, “I am a bully. I pick on children that are disabled, and I am intolerant of those that are different from myself. My actions do not reflect an appreciation for the diverse South Euclid community that I live in”. He also had to do community service and get counseling.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will decrease the frequency of the man’s behavior of harassing people who are diverse because it is an aversive consequence. He doesn’t like the consequence.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the man living next door to people of different race who have disabilities.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The man living next door to people of different race/with disabilities
B= The man harassed them, used racial slurs, and vandalized their property
C= The man got into trouble with the police and had to hold the embarrassing sign in public, get counseling, and do community service
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because the consequence involves the addition of something aversive (holding an embarrassing sign and doing community service), and it also decreases the likelihood of him doing that bad behavior again.
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, target behavior, punished, positive reinforcement, desirable, operant behavior, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, response
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about ways to eat healthier. It gives tips based on what you are craving, for example, if you are craving something chocolaty it suggests that you should try dipping some fruit in dark chocolate because this is a more healthy option.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Eating more healthy options the target behavior for this article.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is having a healthier lifestyle or feeling better about oneself.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Having a healthy lifestyle and feeling good about yourself is enough to want to engage in these behaviors.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence is adding something desirable because being healthy is a desirable behavior for most.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Craving something unhealthy
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Craving something unhealthy or undesirable
B= Eating a more healthy alternative
C= having a healthier lifestyle
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because it is adding healthier options to your diet that would increase the likelihood of the behavior to occur again in the future.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This involves the extinction of eating unhealthy food because it used to be reinforced because it tastes good but it is not reinforced anymore to create a healthier lifestyle.
The operant behavior would be eating healthy because it sets up the reinforcement of having a healthier lifestyle and feeling good.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
An elementary teacher is being criminally charged with raping a student for a period of four years.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would be raping children.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
the consequence of the behavior would be going to jail if it is reported.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency because there won't be any children to engage in those behaviors and going to jail is meant to rehabilitate to get them on the right track.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This involves removing something desirable as in freedom but it is also adding something undesirable because they are contained to a new location.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Child moved in with his teacher.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Child moves into teacher's home
B= Teacher commits sexual activities with child
C= Child reports teacher and teacher is sentenced
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be negative punishment because freedom is being taken away which is aversive to lessen the likelihood of it occurring again.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
(Found on Huffington Post)
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, extinction, operant behavior, target behavior, reinforced
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, My article was about two separate stories of police dogs being killed in the line of duty. One dog named Sultan died as he ran into a house and was shot in the neck. While the other dog was stabbed while trying to subdue the perp in his car.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, The target behavior that these dogs are going for is finding illegal narcotics on the streets.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The consequence of finding the narcotics for the dogs is they believe that they are finding their toy, associating it with the smell of drugs.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, Finding the drugs will result in verbal praise and the addition of the dogs favorite toy
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally The consequence involves the addition of something desirable in that the dog gets its toy.
6) tell us to the antecedent is. Dog believes the toy smells like narcotics
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Dog toy smells like narcotics
B= Dog sniffs trying to find toy
C= Dog finds drugs, therefore receiving toy
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement because while finding the drugs the police dog is receiving verbal praise and his favorite toy.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can. I believe that the smell of the drugs is an establishing operation for the dog to recognize the scent and connect it with the thought that there dog toy smells like the narcotics.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My article was about a New York Police Officer who shot an unarmed black kid on accident. The police officer is offering no other plea accept that the gun accidentally fired off. The community is not being very accepting of this plea because of the recent police brutality against black males.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, The target behavior was the police officer accidentally shooting the gun
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, The consequence of this behavior is the kid gets shot and killed
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, The consequence will decrease the likelihood that the police office will ever shoot a gun again.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally This action could result in the removal of something desirable which is the police officers job
14) tell us to the antecedent is. A night on the job as a police officer
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Night on the job
B=Accidental firing of weapon
C=Kid gets killed
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is the example of negative punishment for the police officer because this one mistake will result in the taking away of his gun and career.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post Positive reinforcement, establishing operations, punishment, positive punishment, desirable
What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I chose to find an article from NPR titled, "Going to College May Cost You, But so will skipping it." This article stated that in the United States, the total student loan debt is over $1 trillion dollars. In this article they compared the average student loan debt for a four year degree to buying a house, however, the price is worth it to attend college. It states that people who attend college and have a college degree on average makes $17,500 more than the people who did not attend college and it states that the only thing more expensive than going to college is not going. This article shares, that going to college doesn't guarantee a well-paying job when you are finished. Therefore, what a student chooses to major in is very important.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that I am using to illustrate reinforcement is going to college for four years.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that individuals who attend college and obtain a four year degree will make around $18,000 more annually than those who do not attend college.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Since money is a reinforcer, more students will attend college. Since most people consider gaining money to be desirable, individuals will be reinforced to see the ways in which making more money will be beneficial to them.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable (receiving more money yearly).
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this example would be attending college.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Going to college
B=Obtaining a four year degree
C=Receiving $18,000 more yearly
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because due to the increase of an annual income it will cause the frequency of attending college to increase as being able to afford more throughout life is an incentive for many people to choose to attend college and obtain a four year degree.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This example of positive reinforcement could also lead to extinction, with the fact after receiving a four year degree the target behavior does not need to continue to be reinforced. However, with many jobs needing continuous training and updates throughout our careers this could be a similar type of reinforcement to stay current or instead loose our jobs if we don't stay updated with our skills we gained through completing a four year degree.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I chose to read for punishment deals with cyberbullying and how it can lead to suicides. The article talks about a 14 year old female from Italy who decided to get the app after being broken up with by her boyfriend and wanted to receive sympathy. She had posted things about being suicidal, but around a week before she chose to commit suicide she had stopped posting suicidal thoughts/images. The article says that the female from Italy would post pictures of cuts she had made to herself on her arms.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment in this article would be a young girl being cyberbullied.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is the young girl choosing to commit suicide.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of this behavior will decrease the frequency of being cyberbullied as the app has been asked to shut down and the people behind the app plan to fully cooperate with the Italian authorities. The young girls family is also fighting to have stronger laws about being cyberbullied to be enforced.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequences involves the removal of something desirable. It caused the family of the young girl to lose her as well as people who use this app not for cyberbullying to potentially being unable to use it in the future if is shut down due to the cyberbullying issues.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent for this article is the 14 year old female's boyfriend breaking up with her.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Boyfriend breaking up with her
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This example of the 14 year old girl committing suicide is an example of negative punishment. Negative punishment means that you take something desirable away. Since the family lost their daughter, and she was desirable to them, it makes this an example of negative punishment.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Terms- Target behavior, reinforcement, reinforcer, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, punishment, negative punishment, increase frequency of behavior, decrease frequency of behavior, ABC's of behavior modification
1. This article describes the history of chocolate. Chocolate can be dated back to as long as 4000 years ago and was mostly consumed as drinks instead of bars which we do now. It was not a breakfast staple nor neither was it a dessert; it was used as an energy drink because of its ability to last long on storage and high energy content. Athletes often consumed it to recover after a workout. Soldiers were provided with chocolate due to the above reasons, as well as the fact that chocolate is very easy to transport.
2. The behaviour which illustrate reinforcement is George Washington’s morning routine: cornmeal hoe cakes with honey and butter, and warm chocolate crime.
3. The consequence of the behaviour is the satisfaction he feels after finishing his favourite foods.
4. The feelings of satisfaction is a pleasurable experience, which he will most likely want to experience again, and to do so, he has to engage in the behaviour.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something pleasurable. The feeling of satisfaction is added into the situation.
6. The antecedent is breakfast.
7. Antecedent: breakfast. Behaviour: eating cornmeal hoe cakes with honey and butter, then wash it down with warm chocolate cream. Consequence: feeling satisfied.
8. It is positive reinforcement because the addition of the satisfaction feeling increases the frequency of the consumption of cornmeal hoe cakes with honey and butter and chocolate cream, which is a positive valence. This operant behaviour made George Washington continued to emit his behaviour of consuming cornmeal hoe cakes with honey and butter and warm chocolate cream throughout the year, which elicited George Washington’s breakfast routine. If the first lady wanted to make the reinforcer more reinforcing, she can use establishing operations, such as deprivation (depriving George Washington of his favourite breakfast routine for four weeks), to make the reinforcers (satisfactory) more reinforcing. However, if George Washington consumed his breakfast routine five times a day, he would experience satiation, where the reinforcer has passed a threshold and is no longer reinforcing. He might feel sick afterwards, and by getting sick when he consumed his breakfast routine, the behaviour could go through extinction, where the reinforcer is no longer reinforcing. When that happened, George Washington could go through an extinction burst to try to get reinforced again; he would modify his behaviours, and emit behaviours that belong in the same functional behaviour class to see which one would get reinforced –
1. This articles discusses how hospitals usually fails to keep nurses from becoming patients. A nurse was hurt badly and suffered many surgeries after trying to life a 200 lb patient using proper body mechanics, a technique taught in nursing school for the past century or so. Research was conducted to show that this technique does not always work. With the improving technology, nurses are better off using mechines to lift patients in order to keep them off the hospital beds themselves.
2. The target behaviour is the proper body mechanics, which is used to lift patients up using human strengths.
3. In Vespico’s case, the consequence is breaking her back and suffered from three surgeries.
4. The consequence is aversive, as it involves physical pain. If Vespico wants to avoid experience this aversive consequence again, she will refrain from emitting the behaviour in the future.
5. The consequence involves the additional of something aversive.
6. The antecedent is working in the hospital.
7. Antecedent: working in the hospital. Behaviour: lifting a patient up using proper body mechanics. Consequence: breaking her back and had to suffer three surgeries.
8. This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something aversive. The physical pain added in the situation will decrease the frequency of Vespico’s decision to lift the patient up using proper body mechanics in the future because Vespico did not enjoy the consequence, and she does not want to experience it again.
TERMS: punishment, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, satiation, deprivation, extinction, extinction burst, threshold, functional behaviour class, modify, aversive, pleasurable
1. British football team Aston Villa has sacked their manager in response to cry from fans.
2. The Target behavior is the fans calling for a new manager
3. The consequence of this behavior is manager Paul Lambert got sacked.
4. The fans want the current manager gone. Now Aston has fired Lambert, and they have stated it is due to the fan base. This will increase the likelihood than the fans will once again be up in arms if they want change.
5. This involves the removal of an object seen with aversive valance
6. The antecedent is the football clubs losing record.
7. ABC
A= Aston losing record
B= fans riot
C= Lambert fired
8. This is an example of negative reinforcement. The coach is seen by the fans to have undesired valance. And the removal of him from his position shows the fans that by rioting they can get what they want, the removal of an undesired stimuli. By removing a stimuli we will either have negative reinforcement or punishment. Since the act of rioting proves to elicit a desired behavior from the club, that will increase the likelihood of the fans repeating their riots, this is reinforcement.
9. In my news source I found an article on the title strip of the little current little league champs. They were stripped of their championship title last wednesday, due to cheating. The coaches recruited players outside of their jurisdiction. This is against the rules of little league.
10. The Target behavior I am using to illistrate punishment, is getting caught cheating.
11. The consequence of this behavior is the stripping of their U.S. championship tittle
12. This consequence has lead to a lot of sad and upset children. Hopefully this will encourage coaches to emit a more honorable behavior.
14. This event involves the removal of a desired object, it has pleasurable valance.
15. The antecedent to this incident, was the team cheating in the U.S. championship
16. ABC:
A= Cheating in the U.S. Little league championship
B= Getting caught
C= being stripped of the championship title
17. This is an example of negative punishment. This is due to the fact that is was the removal of a desired stimuli, their title, and that it will decrease the likelihood that they will cheat again.
Terms: undesired valence, negative reinforcement, negative punishment, elicit, reinforcement, target behavior, aversive valance, antecedent, punishment, emit, behavior, pleasurable valance
1. ‘We’re All One,’ Chapel Hill Shooting Victim Said In StoryCorps Talk was the article I read and listened to about a girl Yusor Abu-Salha and her teacher’s interview about going to college and living in America. They talk about how people in different groups from different parts of the world are able to come together and become one. This interview went viral after Abu-Salha and two others were killed in a shooting. (For this assignment, I will focus mostly on the interview, that became known after the shooting.)
2. The target behavior is to get people in America, and throughout this world to live in peace and as one, just like Abu-Salha used to live.
3. The consequence of the behavior is reinforcement from the teacher, by applauding her student of living life as it should.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
4. Not only will the consequence increase the frequency of Abu-Salha’s world peace behavior, but it will also increase the frequency of others. The consequence was so up-lifting to Abu that because she felt so good, and that people listening felt good for her, that the frequency would definitely increase of that behavior.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because it is leading to more behavior for the two in the interview and for others.
6. The antecedent is the interview. (More so, the affects of hearing the interview after the shooting)
B= Speaking of peace and unity
C= Reinforcement to the way she lives life
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves introducing a pleasing stimulus as a behavioral consequence to increase the behavior. The target behavior of speaking and living though peace will happen more.
9. I read the article, Film Review: Fifty Shades of Grey is hardcore corn, it is an qualified journalist’s review of the new movie Fifty Shades of Grey. The journalist compares and contrasts the movie to book, and runs through the movies pros and cons. The journalist’s summary basically says, don’t go watch the movie if you wish to enjoy it, because he believes it is up mostly, awful.
1o. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is not listening to what the journalist, Nicholas Barber says about the film, as I watched in online and should have.
11. Me watching the movie and being unhappy after it was the consequence of the behavior.
12. The consequence of me watching the movie and not enjoying it will lead to a behavior of listening next time I read one of Nicholas’s reviews on a movie.
13. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because I wanted to watch that movie, and accepting what Nicholas’s review said was undesirable to me, but next time will actually take what his review says into consideration more next time.
14. The antecedent was reading the review myself.
A= Reading the review
B= Not taking what the review into full consideration
C= Disliking the movie, and wishing I would have listened better.
16. This is an example of positive punishment because I did not want to listen to what the review had to say when I should have listened. Now next time I will listen better to what the review had to say.
18. positive punishment, antecedent, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1)The article explains the psychology behind phantom phone calls or texts, when you think you hear your phone ring or feel it vibrate. It explains that this is due to a particular sensitivity level of your perceptual system. Your perceptual system is attuned to whether or not missing a call or text would be aversive or not. In a sense your perceptual system has its own baseline for how often you will feel a phantom phone call/text, and this is modified based on the consequences. The more aversive missing a call or text would be the more sensitive your perceptual system becomes to avoid this consequence, resulting in more phantom calls. The phantom phone calls/texts elicit the response of checking your phone to check for a text/call.
2)The target behavior illustrating reinforcement is setting your phone to a higher vibration intensity which will mean that missing a call/text is less likely.
3)The consequence of this operant behavior is that you will feel more phantom vibrations because your sensitivity to these false alarms is increased due to the aversive nature of missing a phone call and the increased vibration intensity.
4)The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because missing a phone call due to not feeling it vibrate is aversive, however feeling phantom vibrations will reduce the likelihood of missing a phone call, thereby increasing your willingness to feel phantom vibrations to alleviate the risk of the aversive consequence of missing a call/text.
5)The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the risk of missing a phone call due to not feeling it vibrate.
6)The antecedent is the fact that missing a phone call is aversive.
7)The ABC's of the behavior:
A=missing a phone call is aversive
B=set phone to higher vibration intensity
C=feel more phantom vibrations
8)This is an example of positive reinforcement because feeling more phantom vibrations means that the likelihood of a missed call is reduced, which will reinforce these phantom vibrations to avoid missing a phone call or text in the future under similar circumstances.
9)This article discusses the repercussions of anti-gay tweets. A Kent State wrestler, Sam Wheeler, was tweeting anti-gay thoughts about the college football player, Michael Sam, coming out publically. Wheeler was making some very homophobic comments on Twitter, and the consequence was that he was suspended indefinitely until an appropriate course of action can be determined for moving forward. Hopefully this suspension is enough of a punishment to modify Sam Wheeler’s behavior or at least his overt thoughts over Twitter and other social media.
10)The behavior of putting homophobic comments on Twitter is being punished with Sam Wheeler being indefinitely suspended from the wrestling team.
11)The consequence of this behavior was being suspended from the wrestling team indefinitely. The suspension may inspire Wheeler to emit more socially appropriate behaviors through self-directed behavior modification.
12)This consequence will decrease the behavior in that, assuming that wrestling is a pleasurable stimuli for Sam Wheeler, taking away wrestling for the team will be aversive for Sam, and thus decrease the chance of him behaving in a similar way in the future under similar circumstances.
13)The consequence in this example involves the removal of something desirable, the ability to wrestle for the school team. The deprivation of the ability to wrestle for the school will hopefully motivate Wheeler to find a way to make up for his actions.
14)The antecedent is having homophobic beliefs.
15)The ABC's of the behavior:
A=homophobic beliefs
B=homophobic comment posted on Twitter
C=suspended from wrestling team
16)This would be an example of negative punishment because the consequence of this behavior was the removal of something pleasurable, being able to wrestle on the school team. This is punishment because it will, hopefully, decrease the behavior of posting homophobic comments on the internet. Ideally being punished for this cruel homophobic comment will result in extinction of this behavior and ideally the beliefs behind it. I would also hope that this punishment has been severe enough that Wheeler has changed his beliefs and will self-reinforce better beliefs and at the very least better overt behaviors.
Terms Used: aversive, consequence, target behavior, reinforcement, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punishment, punished, pleasurable, desirable, negative punishment, extinction, self-reinforce, operant behavior, elicit, response, deprivation, self-directed, behavior modification, baseline
1. In this article they talk about why people pick their noses. What are the benefits and cons to picking your nose and they talk a little about a few studies done in the past.
2. The behavior in this article is picking your nose.
3. The consequence is that it feels good.
4. The consequence of feeling good will increase the likely hood of picking your nose.
5. The consequence adds feeling good.
6. The Antecedent is having a itchy or clogged nose.
A- Itchy/clogged nose
B- Picking your nose
C- You feel good afterwards
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement. The behavior of picking your nose is followed by adding the consequence of feeling good about it.
9. In this article a mother of a 15-day-old child is informed that her son may have contracted measles. The reason she writes this article is to take her anger out on those who avoid getting vaccines because they believe its the right thing to do.
10. The behavior of the article is not getting the measles vaccine.
11. The consequence of the behavior is potentially killing a newborn/ feeling guilty.
12. Personally I would feel extremely guilty if I were responsible for something like this. The guilt these people feel should be enough of a consequence to change the behavior of not getting vaccines.
13. The consequence involves the addition of feeling guilty.
14. The antecedent is having the option to get vaccines.
A- Choosing to get a vaccine or not
B- Not getting a vaccine
C- Being responsible for the death of a newborn
16. this is an example of positive punishment because the behavior of not getting a vaccine is punished by adding guilt.
18. Terms
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- The article i found was a mom whose son was being a victim of bullying and instead of getting upset at the bully she went to the principle and they developed a plan on an anti-bullying project at the school.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
-To stop bullying
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-Kids will stand up against the bullier.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
-Kids will stand up against bullying and the bullier will stop.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
-Removal of the bullying behavior.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
-Program to stop bullying
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Program to stop bullying
B=Stop bullying
C=Kids stand up against bullier.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-Positive reinforcement because the kids are adding a program to stop bullies.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
-This is an extinction because the goal is to extinguish bullying.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
- The article i found was about the Little League World Series and Chicago's Jackie Robinson West team who won getting their championship revoked for cheating because of illegal players playing on the team.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
-No cheating
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
-Losing their championship
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
-Teams wont want to win the championship then get it elicit because of cheating.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
-Elicit of the championship.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
-Win the Little League World Series
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Win the Little League World Series
B=Not to Cheat
C=Elicit the Championship trophy for cheating
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
-Negative punishment because the championship was taken away.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Punishment, Negative punishment,extinction, positive reinforcement, elicit, extinction, consequence
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
My news article/video was about a toxic orange cloud over a Spanish town after a chemical blast. Residents were told to stay indoors with their windows shut.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior was residents staying indoors
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior was staying out of the air contaminated from the chemical blast
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the individuals most likely “feel” safer in their homes as far away as possible from the contamination.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. The air outside is contaminated; therefore, being outside in the contaminated air is undesirable.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the chemical blast in the factory and subsequently being told it was unsafe to be outdoors.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Told outdoors unsafe
B= Staying indoors/staying safe
C= Removing one’s self from the unsafe air that is contaminated outside; staying safe
Context: Chemical Blast
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement as there is a removal of an aversive stimulus (contaminated outdoors), contingent upon emitting a target behavior (staying indoors/staying safe), with the goal increasing the frequency of staying out of the contaminated air.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The context in this situation matters a great deal for if the air was not contaminated individuals being told to stay indoors would be questioning what makes being outside unsafe. If the individual(s) did not agree the outdoors were unsafe being told to stay indoors could be aversive to the individual(s). Being there was a chemical blast and a visible orange cloud (context) telling the individual(s) to stay indoors (antecedent) elicited the behavior of staying indoors (target behavior). The individual(s) emitted a response of staying indoors after being told to stay indoors as it was unsafe outside because of the chemical blast (context).
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
Larry Harvey and his family were growing medical marijuana. The federal law enforcers raided the Harvey home and shut down their operation. They were unaware they were doing anything wrong as in the state of Washington medical cannabis was legalized. “The federal law classifies marijuana as a scheduled 1 substance with no currently accepted medical use.”
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
The target behavior is growing medical marijuana.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that the federal law enforcers took away Harvey’s medical marijuana and arrested Harvey for breaking a federal law (although, not a law in his state).
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because Harvey will most likely not attempt to grow medical marijuana in the future (unless the federal laws change to match his states laws).
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. Federal Law enforcers removed Harvey’s medical marijuana and put him under arrest.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent was that the Civil Air Patrol flying over his land spotted a grow and called Forest Service.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Patrol flying over land spotted grow called it into Forest Service
B= Growing medical marijuana.
C= Federal law enforcers took away Harvey’s medical marijuana and arrested Harvey
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because there is a removal of a desired stimulus (taking away marijuana/taking away freedom) with the goal of decreasing the frequency of the target behavior (growing medical marijuana).
17) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
TERMS: Reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, behavior, increase the frequency, undesirable, antecedent, ABC’s, context, negative reinforcement, removal of an aversive stimulus, elicited, emitted, punishment decrease the frequency, negative punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article that I chose is “Is It Ok to Attend a Concert on a First Date?”. This article talks about the pros and cons of attending a concert on a first date. It's not always easy to have a getting-to-know-you chat while a band blares away nearby, but you're also alleviating some of the pressure to have what could turn out to be a nervous, stilted conversation.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is going to a concert on a first date.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of going to a concert on a first date is it alleviates pressure because you can enjoy the live music without forgoing conversation entirely.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because being in a concert can distract you and make you less nervous on your first date, the tendency to go to a concert on your every first date is higher in future.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence of going to a concert on a first date involves the removal of an undesirable stimulus (pressure), which then increases the chance of going to concerts on your first date in future.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is first date.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= First date
B= Going to a concert
C= Alleviate pressure
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This is an example of a negative reinforcement because it is increasing the target behaviour by removing an unpleasant stimulus which in this case is pressure. You will be more likely to go to a concert in the future when you have a first date because it will alleviate the pressure and make you feel less nervous. Therefore, going to a concert is reinforcing to you.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about Bahrain protesters rallying to mark the fourth anniversary of calling for reform in the tiny island nation. This protest was led by the Shiite majority that sought greater political right from the Western-allied Sunni monarchy. Authorities crushed the protests within weeks after getting help from Saudi and Emirati security forces. As a result of the protest, the focal point for the protest movement in the capital, Manama, was bulldozed as part of the initial crackdown and remains sealed off. Several prominent opposition activists were put in prison.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is the protest led by the Shiite majority to call for reform.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the protest led by the Shiite majority to call for reform is protest being crushed by authorities, the protest venue was bulldozed and they were put in prison.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Being put in prison as a result of protesting will decrease the protesting behavior because of the intensity of the punishment.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence of the behavior involves the addition of something undesirable. Protesting to call for reform puts the Shiite’s in prison by the authorities.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is greater political right.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Greater political right
B= Protest
C= Put in prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of an undesirable stimulus which is putting the Shiite protesters in prison in hope that they will stop protesting.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behaviour, consequence, undesirable stimulus, behavior, negative reinforcement, unpleasant stimulus, reinforcing, punishment, intensity, positive punishment.
1.) The article I found is about the 35-hour work week myth in France. People think that the workers in France are lazy and simply don’t work as much as other European nations or the United States, but in fact they work comparable amounts. The 35-hour workweek myth is only a myth. The 35-hour mark in France’s workweek only marks when overtime starts to be paid. White-collar workers are compensated for hours they work past the 35-hour threshold. The article goes on to discuss the workweek and hours worked in other countries around Europe, but I am focusing on the extra paid time in France.
2.) Working beyond the 35-hour workweek
3.) Getting the job done well and being paid extra for work
4.) Being paid for working beyond 35-hours will increase the likelihood that people in France will work more.
5.) This involves the addition of money, which is very desirable to the workers.
6.) The antecedent is the 35-hour work week. This is the antecedent, because workers begin to be compensated after the 35-hours.
7.) A: 35-hour work week
B: Working beyond 35-hours
C: Paid for overtime work
8.) This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (money) that will increase the behavior (overtime work) in the future.
9.) The article I found was about mandatory voting. Obama has expressed support for a mandatory voting law in the United States. Other countries, such as Australia, Belgium, and Bolivia already have mandatory voting. In these countries, if you don’t vote the repercussions range from fines to jail time. It is, however, highly unlikely that a mandatory voting law will ever go into effect in the United States.
10.) Not voting in an election (as a citizen of Bolivia, one of the countries that has mandatory voting which means they also have punishment for not voting).
11.) Not getting paid
12.) Not getting paid decreases the frequency that people don’t vote because people like money.
13.) This consequence involves the removal of something desirable.
14.) The antecedent is an election
15.) A: An election
B: Not voting
C: Not getting paid
16.) This is an example of negative punishment because something desirable (money) is taken away from people who don’t vote which will decrease they likelihood that they don’t vote in the future.
Terms: antecedent, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The European Union decided to put on hold and delay adding more sanctions directed at Russia and the Ukrainian separatists. This is because Russia agreed to meet with leaders to discuss peace for the region. They delay the sanctions to give the other side a chance to emit a desirable target behavior.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The desirable target behavior that they are trying to elicit the other side to do is to negotiate for a peaceful outcome.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that the aversive sanctions are relaxed in response to Russia emitting their target behavior.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior because people in Russia don't want sanctions and if they strive for peace, they will lose the sanctions that are currently against them. Therefor they are reinforced as they increase the frequency of the target behavior.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of an undesirable factor.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the civil strife in Ukraine.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Unrest in Ukraine
B=Agrees for talks of peace
C=Aversive sanctions against Russia are relaxed
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involved the removal of an aversive stimuli in attempt for the subject to increase the frequency of emitting future target behaviors.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This process is an example of extinction because it aims at eliminating the undesirable behavior by taking away aversive factors that would increase the frequency of undesirable behaviors, until the undesirable behavior is no longer relevant.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There were large crowds, in a confined area, pressing to get into an Egyptian soccer match. Eventually, the fans tried to rush the gates. The police weren't having any of that nonsense, so the police fired tear gas, which resulted in a stampede killing 20+ peoples.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is that the police fire tear gas into the large crowds.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that it caused a stampede and injury.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because hopefully the police will realize that its very aversive and negative to fire tear gas into large crowds that are confined in small spaces, because that gets people killed - which is very aversive.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, aka the lives of the soccer fans. Therefore making it a form of negative punishment, which we know doesn't work very well.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that there is a large crowed area of soccer fans.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Crowded soccer fans
B=Police fire tear gas
C=People die
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of peoples' lives, which is usually considered very aversive, because being alive is definitely a desirable thing. So taking away peoples lives is very undesirable unless your a serial killer.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Antecedent, negative/positive punishment, behavior, aversive, desirable, frequency of the behavior, emitted, consequence, extinction, negative reinforcement, elicit, consequence, target behavior, pleasurable.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article is about a man who traveled across the world for a scuba trip and was not content with his life. While on this trip he had an eardrum injury which meant he could not scuba. He ended up meeting new friends and changing his life in order to travel more.
The target behavior is traveling. This may be a behavior class but the way that I plan to use it I believe that is is a behavior. He was not content with his life which elicited him to travel. The consequence of him emitting the behavior of traveling is having a good time and because he had a good time he decided to travel more therefore increasing his behavior. He added something pleasurable to his life which means that it is positive reinforcement. The antecedent is not content with his life. This example can be an example of an establishing operation because travelling may not have been as good of time if he would have been content with his life the way it was but because he was discontent with life the reinforcer was more reinforcing.
A= Not content with life
B= travel
C= had a good time
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
This news article was about the US Little League Champions and how they were stripped of their title as champions. The little league organization from Chicago was investigated and evidence was found that the little league team had cheated. They had cheated by pulling guys from places outside of their area of recruitment. The target behavior is recruiting the kids from outside the boundary. The consequence of that behavior was having the title stripped from them and they are no longer champions. The consequence will decrease the likelihood that the team will emit the behavior of cheating. By having the title stripped from them, the team is having the consequence of removing something desirable. The antecedent in this example is Little league baseball. The team emitted the behavior of cheating and they were announced that they are no longer champions and this is an example of negative punishment. The reason that this an example of negative punishment is because the league removed something desirable.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Little League Baseball
B= Cheating- added players outside boundary
C=Removed of their title
terms: antecedent, consequence, target behavior, behavior class, emit, elicit, reinforcer, establishing operation, reinforcement
1. ‘We’re All One,’ Chapel Hill Shooting Victim Said In StoryCorps Talk was the article I read and listened to about a girl Yusor Abu-Salha and her teacher’s interview about going to college and living in America. They talk about how people in different groups from different parts of the world are able to come together and become one. This interview went viral after Abu-Salha and two others were killed in a shooting. (For this assignment, I will focus mostly on the interview, that became known after the shooting.)
2. The target behavior was Abu talking about peace in the interview.
3. The consequence of the behavior lead to her video going viral.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
4. The consequence will not affect Abu as she has died, but it will increase the frequency of other behaviors just like hers around the world.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because it is leading to more behavior just like Abu’s around the world.
6. The antecedent is the interview.
B= Speaking of peace and unity
C= The video going viral
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior is being prompted to emit again.
9. I read the article, Film Review: Fifty Shades of Grey is hardcore porn, it is an qualified journalist’s review of the new movie Fifty Shades of Grey. The journalist compares and contrasts the movie to book, and runs through the movies pros and cons. The journalist’s summary basically says, don’t go watch the movie if you wish to enjoy it, because he believes it is up mostly, awful.
1o. For this part of the assignment I will focus on the writer/reader relationship. The target behavior is the feelings towards the movie.
11. The consequence is people not wanting to go see the movie.
12. The consequence of me reading this article and not wanting to go watch the movie will make it so I never see this movie.
13. The consequence is negative reinforcement because there is an addition of something undesirable (reading about negative comments).
14. The antecedent was reading the review.
A= Reading the review
B= Believe what the writer had to say
C= Not going to see the movie
16. This is an example of negative punishment.
18. positive punishment, antecedent, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit
1) The article that I have chosen is about the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu agreeing to have an 11th-hour deal to form a new coalition government. He was joined by the right wing Bayit Yehudi Party leader Naftali Bennett.
2) The agreement to form of a new coalition government by Netanyahu
3) The consequence of having a formation of a new coalition government would Netanyahu getting the support from Bennett and his right wing party and probably win his fourth term as Prime Minister.
4) This consequence will increase the target behavior because if Netanyahu wins the votes and support he will continue with this strategy of forming new coalitions within the Israeli government to keep his position as Prime Minister.
5) The consequence is the addition of something desirable which is the support from Bennett and his party.
6) The antecedent is a press conference with Netanyahu and Bennett.
7) A = Press conference with Netanyahu and Bennett
B = formation of a new coalition government
C = getting the support of Bennett and his right wing party
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of a desirable stimulus which is the support of Bennett to increase the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring which is the formation of a new coalition government.
This article has the potential to involve extinction, Netanyahu may not continue to form new coalition governments. Extinction occurs when a target behavior is no longer reinforced, which leads to the individual no longer emitting the behavior of interest. This could possibly happen if Netanyahu does not get the target votes he was looking for and that in turn would reduce the frequency of him forming new coalitions and by not getting support from others he would lose his reinforcer. This would be the extinction of the target behavior.
9) This article was about the controversy surrounding the alteration of the footballs used during the Patriots game.
10) The target behavior was the Tom Brady lied about having no knowledge of the footballs being deliberately deflated after the referee inspected it.
11) The consequence is Brady is facing suspension from playing football.
12) The consequence of facing suspension will decrease the target behavior of lying about illegal alteration of footballs before a match because no football player wants to be suspended.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable in the form of a suspension
14) The antecedent is Tom Brady being questioned about his involvement in the ball alteration
15) A = Tom Brady being questioned about his involvement in the ball alteration
B = Tom Brady lying about having knowledge of footballs being deliberately deflated after the referee inspected it.
C = Tom Brady faces suspension from playing football
16) This is positive punishment because it involves the addition of an aversive stimulus which is a suspension to decrease the target behavior.
18) Terms: Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, desirable, positive reinforcement, extinction, reinforced, frequency, positive punishment, aversive stimulus, ABC
1.The article that I chose is about a mother and her children held hostage by her boyfriend at knife point. She persuaded her boyfriend to allow her to order pizza for the kids, and on a Pizza Hut phone app she put in a special request to call 911 and send help because they were being held hostage. The police were called and saved the family.
2.The target behavior was sending a message for help through the Pizza Hut phone app.
3.The consequence of this behavior was the police arriving to save her and her children.
4.This consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior occurring in the future because her plea for help was answered and she was saved, so she will be more likely to plea for help again.
5.The consequence is the addition of something desirable which was the arrival of the authorities.
6.The antecedent was being in a hostage situation.
7.A= Hostage Situation
B= Sending message for help on Pizza Hut phone app
C= Getting the authorities to save their family
8.This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable stimulus which was the authorities arriving which will increase the likelihood that she will emit the behavior of getting someone’s attention to call for help next time.
9.The article is about a Pentagon audit that found the Defense Department personnel misused their government travel credit cards by spending $1 million at casinos and strip clubs. This resulted in disciplinary actions for several hundred cases and the cardholders must pay back the cost of the unauthorized transactions themselves.
10.The target behavior is the misuse of government travel credit cards on casinos and strip clubs.
11.The consequence of this behavior was disciplinary action as well as payback of the unauthorized transactions.
12.The consequence of this behavior will decrease the frequency of the target behavior occurring in the future because forcing the people to pay back what they spent on those credit cards with their own money will make them less likely to do it again.
13.The consequence is the addition of something undesirable which is paying back the money owed.
14.The antecedent is the Casinos and Strip Clubs
15.A= Casinos/Strip Clubs
B= Misuse of government travel credit cards
C= Paying back the money that was spent
16.This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of an undesirable stimulus which is making the Defense Department personnel pay back the money they used on the government credit cards in hopes of limiting future attempts of the same behavior.
18.Terms: Positive Punishment, Undesirable Stimulus, Desirable Stimulus, Positive Reinforcement, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Target Behavior, Emit
What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR (, the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My article was about a new plan that is being introduced by the Whitehouse and it has the potential to get millions of immigrants to vote.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
If the plan is put into effect a majority of these immigrants will vote democrat.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
A majority of the immigrants will likely vote democrat.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The Democratic Party is ensuring this because culturally, Mexican people tend to lead toward the democratic side anyway, but the democrats are the ones are doing the most to help benefit immigrants in this country.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
I think when it comes to politics it really depends on what your political affiliation is. Personally, I would say that it adds something desirable because although I consider myself an independent, I lean democrat.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the plan that is being implemented by the Whitehouse.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=the plan implemented by the Whitehouse
B=immigrants voting democrat
C=the Democratic Party increases immensely, meanwhile the Republican Party stays mostly the same.
7) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
It is positive reinforcement for the democrats.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
It does not involve extinction. It does involve establishing operations because the target behavior here is that more immigrants will vote democrat, so in order to make that happen the democrats have been working hard to be more immigrant friendly, and this behavior is an attempt to elicit the target behavior.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
8) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece is about how military leaders have frequently been the people responsible for coups in Africa recently.
9) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The behavior that I am using is that the president of African countries is being forced out of his positions by his military leaders.
10) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Greedy people are now running the country.
11) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
In the future, I think that there will be more security for the President’s to protect them from other security. I think perhaps a system involving checks and balances could prevent this sort of issue from occurring.
12) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involved the addition of something undesirable because the addition is that the military leaders are electing themselves as President while forcing the actual President out of office.
13) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The military leader follows the orders of the President.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=the military leader follows the orders of the president.
B=the military leader forced the President out of office.
C=the military leader takes over the position.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the military leader becoming president is aversive and is being added to the situation.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, elicit, behavior, positive punishment, reinforcement, aversive, antecedent.
For your news I would like you to
briefly describe/summarize your piece- My article talked about if you eat certain foods (healthier foods, or healthier diets) that it could prevent depression.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement- The target behavior would be eating healthy foods
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- The consequence of eating healthy foods would be preventing depression
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior- If you eat healthy foods then it will provide you with certain nutrients that your body needs to prevent depressing thoughts.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable-
The consequence involved the addition of something desirable because first, you are eating healthy foods with helps with your diet and it also helps you emotionally and physically.
6) tell us to the antecedent is-
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= at home or in public B=eating healthy C= avoiding depression
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future)- I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement
This may involve extinction of foods that are unhealthy. It would be deprivation of fats and things that are not necessarily good for you body (which are often the ones that taste better).
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece- The article that I found was one of a guy of a friend pleading not guilty to lying to investigators about the crime his friend did.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment- lying
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is- his friend goes to jail
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior- his friend will no longer lie because the government has the right to put him in jail for holding information about a crime that was committed
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable- it adds something undesirable because he pretty much ratted his friend out and had his friend put in jail once he finally told the truth.
14) tell us to the antecedent is-
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Courtroom B= Lies C= friend goes to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
It is negative punishment because his friend will be put in jail for the crimes he has done. They want the crime he emitted to be an aversive behavior that stops.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
Terminology: consequence, behavior, extinction, deprivation, desirable, target behavior, aversive, emitted, negative punishment, reinforcement
“What Social Media Reveals About Narcissism”
For your news I would like you to
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There are many studies recently highlighting the correlation between social media and narcissism. A small new study shows how exactly we use social media to feed our egos. This study involved college-aged individuals on Twitter and middle-aged adults on Facebook. This study revealed that “Twitter fuels younger adults' narcissistic tendencies by acting as a megaphone for their thoughts, while Facebook fuels middle aged adults' narcissistic tendencies by serving as a mirror where they can curate images of themselves.” They state that young people over-evaluate the importance of their own opinions. Researchers found associations between scoring higher on certain traits of narcissism and increased use of Twitter (more posts) among the college students. And for the adults, narcissistic traits were linked with more Facebook status updates.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement. The target behavior is posting online, getting feedback they enjoy, therefore doing it again and more often.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
This behavior of posting about themselves online and getting the type of attention they want leads them to do it more and more, and that is the consequence of the behavior, the repeat act of looking for attention on social media.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. After posting something and receiving the attention they want, they feel validated, so they continue to do it again.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is they attention they are receiving for their activity on social media.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is that the individual wants attention or believes they have something really important to share with everyone.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Individual seeking attention
B= Posts on social media about themselves
C= Receive attention they want
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is positive reinforcement because they are seeking attention and receiving it, therefore it is being encouraged for them to do it again.
“Following Suspension, Brian Williams Probably Wishes He’d Gotten the Tonight Show Job He Wanted”
For your news I would like you to
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
Brian Williams was suspended without pay for 6 months because he has a habit of embellishing his stories and lying. A lot of people tried to tell him to stop, including Tom Brokaw, but he wouldn’t listen. Williams has too much power and it has been a struggle for his boss, Deborah Turness, to keep him under control. They are also looking into his expense accounts because there is suspicion on whether or not he was spending it truthfully.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
Williams was suspended for 6 months without pay.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence was that people won’t trust what he says anymore and he doesn’t get to work for at least 6 months and won’t get paid because of the lies he was telling.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
This could and should be a wake up call for Williams that he could lose his job permanently if he continues with this behavior.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This consequence removes something desirable, his job and pay for 6 months.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was probably his need to seem more interesting than he really was, because he embellished his stories a lot.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Need for attention and people to admire him
B= Embellished stories, lied
C= Suspended for 6 months without pay
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because it is taking something away to decrease the frequency of the behavior.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement
target behavior
negative punishment
“What Social Media Reveals About Narcissism”
For your news I would like you to
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
There are many studies recently highlighting the correlation between social media and narcissism. A small new study shows how exactly we use social media to feed our egos. This study involved college-aged individuals on Twitter and middle-aged adults on Facebook. This study revealed that “Twitter fuels younger adults' narcissistic tendencies by acting as a megaphone for their thoughts, while Facebook fuels middle aged adults' narcissistic tendencies by serving as a mirror where they can curate images of themselves.” They state that young people over-evaluate the importance of their own opinions. Researchers found associations between scoring higher on certain traits of narcissism and increased use of Twitter (more posts) among the college students. And for the adults, narcissistic traits were linked with more Facebook status updates.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement. The target behavior is posting online, getting feedback they enjoy, therefore doing it again and more often.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
This behavior of posting about themselves online and getting the type of attention they want leads them to do it more and more, and that is the consequence of the behavior, the repeat act of looking for attention on social media.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. After posting something and receiving the attention they want, they feel validated, so they continue to do it again.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is they attention they are receiving for their activity on social media.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent is that the individual wants attention or believes they have something really important to share with everyone.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Individual seeking attention
B= Posts on social media about themselves
C= Receive attention they want
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is positive reinforcement because they are seeking attention and receiving it, therefore it is being encouraged for them to do it again.
“Following Suspension, Brian Williams Probably Wishes He’d Gotten the Tonight Show Job He Wanted”
For your news I would like you to
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
Brian Williams was suspended without pay for 6 months because he has a habit of embellishing his stories and lying. A lot of people tried to tell him to stop, including Tom Brokaw, but he wouldn’t listen. Williams has too much power and it has been a struggle for his boss, Deborah Turness, to keep him under control. They are also looking into his expense accounts because there is suspicion on whether or not he was spending it truthfully.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
Williams was suspended for 6 months without pay.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence was that people won’t trust what he says anymore and he doesn’t get to work for at least 6 months and won’t get paid because of the lies he was telling.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
This could and should be a wake up call for Williams that he could lose his job permanently if he continues with this behavior.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This consequence removes something desirable, his job and pay for 6 months.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was probably his need to seem more interesting than he really was, because he embellished his stories a lot.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Need for attention and people to admire him
B= Embellished stories, lied
C= Suspended for 6 months without pay
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because it is taking something away to decrease the frequency of the behavior.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement
target behavior
negative punishment
"Two Americans Held in Yemen Are Freed, White House Says"
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My article stated that two Americans, 45-year old Scott Darden from New Orleans and 54-year old Sam Farran from Michigan were released from Yemen after being held their since March. The statement was released that they are home and safe now and thanked Yemen's neighbor, Oman, for helping the United States in ensuring the freedom of the two men. The statement thanked everyone who was involved in the process of freeing these men and said that they had been working tirelessly to find them and bring them back to safety. At the end of the statement it said, "This outcome underscores that we have been and will continue to be tireless in pursuing the release of all Americans detained abroad unjustly, including those who remain in the region."
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
The target behavior I'm identifying would be bringing the U.S. citizens back into the United States from Yemen. This target behavior will give other families with relation missing in Yemen to not give up hope and continue to keep fighting for their freedom back. It was even put in the statement that because this target behavior was the outcome, they will continue to search tirelessly. This shows that because of this target behavior, it will continue frequently.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is to have the U.S. citizens be back in the U.S. with their family and also get positive statements out (like this one on NPR) to keep increasing the awareness of people captured in Yemen.
4) Tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
Them finding these two Americans give them hope that they will be able to find and free more Americans. This also gives families hope to keep looking for loved ones even harder because they know it's possible to get them back to freedom.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
To the United States we are getting an addition or something desirable (the two Americans) however to Yemen they are losing something (the two Americans).
6) Tell us what the antecedent is.
Yemen holding American hostages
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Yemen holding American hostages
B=Bringing the Americans back to the U.S.
C=Increase in searching and rescuing done by the U.S. government and hope to families
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why
This is positive reinforcement because we are adding something (the citizens) to make it happen more frequently and to encourage it to continue.
'Baby Doe' case: Accused killer thought child was 'demon'
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece.
This article was about a father who killed his daughter because he thought she was a demon. The mother knew about this but she did not go to authorities because she thought her husband would kill her. She also told her family that the state took her child because of her drug usage. He was charged for murder and did not receive bail. The wife's bail was set for one million dollars.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment.
Killing his child
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of killing his child was that he was charged with murder and did not receive a bond to be released on. The consequence for his wife was getting charged with an accessory to murder and also a million dollar bond. They will each go to prison for many years and probably for life.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
The consequence of him going to prison will not allow him to commit anymore murders which will decrease the frequency of this happening again.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence is the addition of him into the prison system.
14) Tell us what the antecedent is.
Him thinking that his daughter was a demon
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Him thinking his daughter was a demon
B=He killed his child
C=He is being charged with murder and going to prison
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive punishment, negative punishment, consequence, behavior, antecedent, frequency
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article was about the fairly new Black Dot Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to offer help to victims of domestic abuse that are too scared to speak out against their abuser for fear of being abused even more. Those who have been abused are to put a tiny black dot on the inside of their hand. This will alert friends, family, or even health professionals that they are in need of help but don’t know where to go.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is to have those who have been abused to speak out against their abusers.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that the victim of the abuse will get the help that they have been searching for.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will increase the behavior of putting a dot on your hand, because when you do this, the chances of you being free from your abuser will drastically increase.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
In this consequence something undesirable is being removed. The abusive partner is being removed from the victim’s life.
6) tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent is being the victim is domestic abuse
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= victim of domestic abuse
B=put black dot on palm of hand
C=receive help to get away from abuser
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the abuse is being removed, which will increase the likelihood of other abused people doing the same behavior of putting a black dot on their hand.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Since there has been a low budget for these types of services this behavior may have some extinction, because a person may put the dot on their hand, but may be turned away because there is not enough funding. An establishing operation may occur if the victim knows that they will be around a person who would be able to help, but they just don’t know about the situation. This would give the victim even more reason to put the black dot on their hand.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about a man who has a sexal fetish for playgrounds. Whenever he sees one he always strips down a per forms some sort of sexual act on the slide. He has now been banned from all playgrounds that have slide. He also be enrolled in sex offender treatment and has to pay a large amount of fines.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is to not have the man perform sexual act on slides on playgrounds.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that the perpetrator was arrested, banned from playgrounds with slides, fined, and enrolled in sex offender treatment.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
This will decrease the behavior because he will no longer be able to go near the slide on the playground, which lessen the urge to perform sexual acts on a playground
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
This punishment involves the removal of something desirable. The man’s rights to have access to playground has been revoked.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is seeing a slide on the playground
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Slide at a playground
B=Sexual act
C=Arrested and banned from playgrounds & sex offender treatment
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because the sexual behavior after seeing a slide is likely to decrease because an undesirable consequence of being banned from the playground was given to the perpetrator after the behavior was emitted.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Terms: positive punishment, undesirable, consequence, emitted, behavior, extinction, establishing behavior, negative reinforcement
"Text reminders help people lower Cholesterol, blood pressure"
1. This article was about how getting texts with motivating and informative messages led people with heart disease to change their behavior with exercising more and not smoking as much. They did a study to see if this was accurate and after 6 months the people who had participated and received the texts had reduced their cholesterol, blood pressure and their BMI.
2. The target behavior that I am using is trying to get people that receive the text to change their behavior and maybe exercise or put down the cigarette.
3. the consequence of this behavior is those who go threw with getting the text will be more motivated to live a healthier lifestyle.
4.This consequence will increase the behavior by when they find out they are getting more healthy and their heart disease has gone away they will continue the healthy lifestyle they started.
5. In this consequence something desirable is being removed. the thing being removed is most likely smoking cigarettes. Also the thing that could be removed is unhealthy junk foods and the ability to be lazy is also being removed.
6. the antecedent would be in this situation the person with the different heart disease.
7. ABCs of behavior
A= the person with the heart disease
B= getting the motivating text messages
C= exercising and not smoking as much.
8. This is a example of positive reinforcement. This is positive reinforcement because the heart disease and smoking is being removed. When people hear about this working for someone, they will most likely try it out.
Also I think this involves extinction, because you are taking away the fact that they don't have the excuse of no one told them to do it. and also it taking away something.
9. "Thai printing company refuses to issue todays new York times"
This article is about how the new York times paper didn't get printed in Thailand. The reason the paper was not printed is because the printer thought the story they portrayed on Thailands future and its king health was inappropriate.
10. The target behavior I am trying to get is to not write negative things about a country in the paper.
11. The consequence of the behavior was that the people of Thailand didn't get their daily news for Tuesday. This is a consequence because they didn't some really important information.
12. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior by new York times writing good things about a country so their paper gets printed and that everyone in the world gets important news.
13. the consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The people of Thailand's privacy and the news they didn't get that day.
14. the antecedent is the inappropriate news heading.
15. ABCs
A= inappropriate new heading
B= The non printing of the new York times for Thailand
C= the people of Thailand not getting their news for Tuesday.
16. This is negative punishment. It is negative punishment because of 2 reasons, 1 the people of Thailand aren't going to get the news for Tuesday and possibly miss out on valuable information. The second reason is the new York times possibly will lose money and a country to sell its paper to.
17. reinforcement:
terms: punishment, reinforcement, desirable, undesirable, extinction, positive reinforcement.
1) My piece is about a trial that was done on whether sending a simple text message to patients along with their normal health care could help lower cholesterol and blood pressure compared to patients who only received normal health care.
2) The target behavior is for patients to do things that will help lower their cholesterol and blood pressure. This behavior is reinforced with an encouraging text message.
3) The consequence of this behavior is hopefully that not only will the patient’s cholesterol and blood pressure lower but also that they are generally healthier which in turn will make them feel better.
4)If the patients are receiving the desired result of lower blood pressure and cholesterol than they are going to continue to do the activities that helped them achieve those things.
5) I would argue that this involves the addition of something desirable in the short term, the support of someone who cares about your health, but in the long term is also the removal of something undesirable, high blood pressure and cholesterol.
6) The antecedent is that patients have high cholesterol and blood pressure.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=The antecedent is that patients have high cholesterol and blood pressure.
B=The behavior is the addition of encouraging text messages on top of the patient’s normal health care.
C= The consequence is that the patient’s blood pressure and cholesterol were lower at the end of the study than that of the people who only received normal health care treatment.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. The fact that the people who received encouraging text messages had greater increases in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, increases the likelihood that more patients will receive encouraging text messages in the future.
I believe this could involve extinction if the patients receiving the encouraging text message more no longer did. The patients said they felt as if they text messages showed that someone cared about them, which in itself is a desired feeling, but if they are no longer receiving the texts or the feeling of having someone care about them then this could result in extinction. In turn the patients might stop their healthy habits all together in an attempt to receive extra attention again. This would be an extinction burst.
9) The piece I am looking at is about the scandal with VW diesel cars. It seems they have been caught cheating on their emissions test by adding a device to the car that recognizes when it is being tested and does not allow the engine to go to full power. It is unknown if this device was added to cars in other countries because they often have less strict rules and regulations than the United States but they also sell more diesel cars so the impact within other countries could be much greater.
10)The target behavior is passing the United State’s emissions tests by cheating.
11)The consequence of this behavior is VW receiving a fine for every car that is found to have this device in it.
12) The goal of car companies is to make money but if they are being required to pay fines for cheating, they will not be making money. Since they are not making money by cheating they will no longer cheat (or at least not this way) in attempts to make money.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable; the fines. Before they can issue the fines they have to recall all of the cars that might be affected by this device and check them for the device. If a car is found to have the device in it then VW is fined per car.
14) The antecedent is that cars are required to pass emissions tests before they are allowed to be sold in the United States.
15) A=Needing to pass the United State’s emissions tests to sell cars in the United States
B=Cheating on the United State’s emission tests by adding a device to cars that will not allow them to their full emission status while in a test like scenario.
C=Being fined per car that has the device used for cheating on the tests.
16) This is an example of positive punishment because you are adding something adversive to the situation in an attempt to decrease the target behavior. In this case adding a fine is adversive because this means that the company will be losing money and these fines are being issued in hopes that the company will no longer cheat on the emissions tests.
18) Positive punishment, adversive, decrease, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, extinction, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, reinforced, behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The creator of the Street Fighter video game series announced they will be adding a character that was on older editions but left out of previous installments. The character is very popular and has been her return has been desired for a long time. There has also been a demand for game developers to pander to fan desires. The reception to the addition was well received and has lead to a large amount of additional hype and excitement for the game.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
To add popular characters to the game that fans have wanted to return
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
people are more excited for the game and more likely to pre-order the game.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The Street fighter developers will be more likely to add popular characters from previous games in either new additions or downloadable content.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
Addition of something desirable
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Demand for popular characters
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Demand for popular characters to return
B=Added popular characters
C=More pre-orders and excitement for the game.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
Positive reinforcement. It introduces a desired stimulus of preorders and excitement for the game.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The addition of the character is an establishing operation for people to purchase the game more than they previously might have, perhaps a fan of the older game will now buy this one so he can play some of their favorite characters again.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
EU officials made official a plan to label all products produced in israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights areas. The reason for this is because the working conditions of this are very bad and people in the area are treated poorly
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is to have them treat the people in those areas better.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence will be that people will be less likely to buy those products because they will have a bad stigma attached.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
If people buy less of the products, the intention will be that they will treat workers and people in those areas better.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
Addition of something undesirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the treatment of the people in the areas where those products are produced
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Treatment of people in the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights
B= Labels placed on products from there
C= Less amounts of people buying them
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment. They are introducing these labels as an aversive stimuli.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
punishment, positive punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, establishing operations
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose is about a study that uses text messages to help people lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Half of the 700 participants with coronary heart disease got a text message for four times per week for a total of 6 months plus there usual care and the other half only got there usual care with no text message. The text messages were simple like reminding them to take a walk or take daily pills. The study found that people who received the text had lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and body mass index.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is walking, eating healthy, taking pills to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequences of the behavior is becoming healthier.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because once you start to become healthier you will realize that what you are doing like going for walks, eating healthy will help you with heart disease.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves adding something desirable because you are getting healthy by walking but it can also remove something undesirable because by getting healthy you could be taking away someone’s food they like.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the text message
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Text message
B= Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
C= Becoming healthier
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. This is positive reinforcement because you are adding a better healthier lifestyle which will improve your health.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article is about phones being kept out of the bedroom at night. In this study 20% of teens almost always wake up in the middle of the night to check social media. This disturbance in sleep causes fatigue during school and their mental health suffers. This study concluded that the best option for this is keeping phones away from the bedroom.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is waking up to check social media in the middle of the night.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is getting less sleep and being more tired in the morning.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the next night you will be too tired to check your phone during the middle of the night.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable.
14) The antecedent is going to bed
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Going to bed
B= Checking social media during the night
C= Not getting enough sleep
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment because it’s removing a sleep which is desirable to have. So by taking this away we are not receiving the desired consequence of getting enough sleep. It is not positive punishment because it is not adding something undesirable.
18) Terms: positive reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment, behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
Rex The K-9 Is Retiring, And Police Department Weighs His Fate. The article that I found for reinforcement was that of Rex a police dog who is retiring from the police force. When this happens the dogs usually go with their partner that they have worked with and they develop a very strong bond, unfortunately Rex’s partner has a small child at home and he cannot take him home. The police force is trying to decide whether Rex should be euthanized but they are getting offers from animal rescue groups and K-9 handlers for Rex to stay alive. It would be pretty upsetting for this dog to be euthanized when he helped police his entire life and now that his partner cannot take him that he just be euthanized.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this situation would be that of Rex being adopted by either an animal rescue group or a K-9 handler.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior would be that Rex would remain living!
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of this behavior would be that Rex lives and this could encourage more people in the future who can take care of these specific types of animals.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable such as Rex getting to live and another person gaining an animal or the fact that this could save other dogs in this situation.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Rex retires from the police force.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Rex retires
B= Someone adopts Rex
C=Rex lives/ Person acquires a new fluffy friend/ Future animals in similar situation get second chance
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement if you are looking at it from a positive reinforcement perspective in the case that Rex will live and future people will adopt police dogs in these situations. I believe that you could also look at this in the perspective of negative reinforcement that they are removing the aversive behavior of euthanizing Rex and do not do this to future animals.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
I believe this involves establishing operations because hopefully people would see this example of Rex being adopted and in turn help other dogs in this same situation. Hopefully people would not feel extinction if they previously rescued an animal in this situation and were not reinforced with an animal that they could not control.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
In the article that I chose for this assignment it was research concerning the fact that kids are not getting enough sleep because of their phones. They assumed that kids were getting on their phones in the middle of the night to check social media which they found out to be true. They thought that parents should remove the phone from the room when their children go to sleep to keep them from using it while they are supposed to be sleeping and be more awake during school.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior in this punishment would be that we want the children to sleep more and not get on their phones (social media) while they should be sleeping.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior would be that the parents are removing something that pleases the children which would be their phones/social media.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the children cannot get on their phones that will keep them up and they will sleep more because they will not have the stimulus directly next to them to tempt them into using it while they should be asleep and in turn they will sleep more and be more aware during school.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal (phone) of something desirable, they are not adding anything into this situation because that could cause for more of a distraction of sleep.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
I am a little confused by the wording of this question but the antecedent is when the child is in bed and that is where the aversive behavior is occurring.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= In bed
B= Child uses phone
C= Does not get enough sleep/ tired
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because we are removing a desirable stimulus with the goal of decreases the use of their phones while they are in bed. Phones to most people especially young adults is extremely important and most people always have them on them so this would definitely be removing a desirable stimulus.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Terminology: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, aversive, establishing operations, extinction, target behavior, punishment, consequence, behavior, antecedent, negative punishment, desirable stimulus
1) The article that I chose is called “Happy Birthday to Us All - Judge Rules Tune is Public Domain.” The article was about the rights to the song Happy Birthday not actually belonging to Warner/Chappell Music. In fact, there is no copyright for the song, so anyone can now use it without having to pay the holders of the rights. The judge, George King, ruled that the original copyright filed by Clayton Summy Co in 1935 didn’t grant rights to the song, but actually only a specific arrangement of the tune. The lawsuit was filed against Warner by filmmakers creating a documentary about the song. They had been charged $1500 to use the song.
2) The target behavior that I am going to illustrate from this article is the filmmakers filing a lawsuit against Warner.
3) The consequence of the behavior was that the filmmakers won the lawsuit and received their money back.
4) Now that the filmmakers have won their lawsuit, they are more confident in themselves and will be more likely to file a lawsuit against some other company in the future because they feel they can win again.
5) While it can be looked at both ways, I am going to say that the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because now the filmmakers don’t have to pay or give up their money in order to use the song in their documentary.
6) The antecedent is while creating a film, the makers have to follow the rules of copyright and pay the holders of the rights to use their song
7) A= Wanting to create a film, but needing to follow the rules of copyright when using a song
B= Filing a lawsuit against Warner about their actual rights to owning the song
C= Winning the lawsuit and getting the money back
8) This is an example of negative reinforcement because the behavior (filing the lawsuit) resulted in the taking away of something aversive (not having to pay the copyright fine). This will cause the filmmakers to want to try and file lawsuits over other copyright issues because they won the first time and got what they wanted.
Extinction can occur if they filmmakers try to file more lawsuits in the future, but only lose from there on. If that happens, the filmmakers will get discouraged and feel like any lawsuit they then file will just result in a loss. And a loss does not get rid of the unwanted money payment.
However, if the lawsuits they file in the future end up being a mix of wins and loses, then it will take longer for extinction to occur because the filmmakers will keep their behavior up to see if the wins will keep occurring which would be pleasurable to them.
9) The article I chose is called US Drug Company to Cut 5,000% Price Rise After Backlash. The article was about how the company Turing Pharmaceuticals recently acquired the rights to the drug Daraprim which helps treat AIDs. After receiving the rights to the drug, the company increased the price by 5,000%. The price of Daraprim went from $13.50 to $750 causing an outrage among medical groups. Although the head of the company tried to defend the price increase, the criticisms didn’t stop and the company decided it would decrease the price.
10) The target behavior that I am going to illustrate from this article is the company raising the price of their drug Daraprim.
11) The consequence of this behavior was that the company received several criticisms and disapproval from the medical community. It gave the company a bad reputation.
12) Now that the company realizes increasing the price of their drug to create a profit will not be taken well by others, they will be less likely to raise prices of other drugs that they have the rights to so that they will keep their customers and their good reputation.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because it got the company bad press and criticisms from their medical community.
14) The antecedent is owning the rights to a specific drug
15) A= Owning the rights to a drug
B= Raising the price of the drug
C= Receiving disapproval and a bad reputation
16) This is an example of positive punishment because the behavior (raising the price of the drug) resulted in the addition of aversive conditions (criticisms and bad press/reputation).
17) Links:
18) Terms: target behavior, consequence, behavior, undesirable, antecedent, negative reinforcement, aversive, extinction, pleasurable, positive punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
The article topic I will be discussing is how automation could benefit agriculture. This article describes a farm near Glasgow that uses one of the most advanced robotic milking systems in the world. There are just ten machines that take care of 250 cattle. The cows are kept comfortable in a shed with daylight and fresh air allowed to go through and able to each whenever they want. Little robotic machines even keep the stalls clean, saving a lot of labor time. When the cows feel like milking they step on a plate that has sensors built in to get the best results from each cow. The farmer says that being more comfortable has allowed his yield to go up from 28 to 36 a day. According to him, using the technology is more efficient because he is able to run the farm/herd without spending a lot of time on labor.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustratesreinforcement
The target behavior is using automation to take care of his cattle instead of doing it by hand, and that illustrates reinforcement in the way that his milk yield increases, but also in that he has more time in his day to work on other things and not do 7 hours of labor.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is the increased yield in his milk production and saved labor time.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The increase in the milk yield will make the farmer more money, which will make him keep using the automation in the future. The saved labor time means he has more time to work on other projects instead of cleaning out the cow pens all day, and that will also increase his use of the robotic technology.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The increased milk yield is desirable and well as the increased time he has.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is owning a very large dairy farm.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Owning a large dairy farm
B=purchasing automated equipment to care for cows
C=increase in milk yield and decreased labor time
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is a positive reinforcement. It’s positive because it will increase the likelihood that he will continue the behavior of using the equipment in the future and not give it up. If it were negative reinforcement it would be the removal of an aversive stimulus, and there’s no aversive stimulus in this article.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
In this article, the machines feed the cows, eliciting them to emit eating behavior, which is an unconditioned response. Even though the cows were fed by a robotic machine, it is still an unconditioned response because it’s reflex for them. The context of this article makes the milk the cows produce of an intrinsic value to the farmer, but it’s of extrinsic value because the milk is valued by people in the whole world. A broad value can also be placed on the use of the robotic machines to help milk the cows and produce milk. The machines are technically valuable beyond their immediate value because of their care of the cows.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about peanut executive Stewart Parnell and his return to court. He was convicted in 2014 of the crimes behind a salmonella outbreak that made hundreds of people sick and even caused some deaths. He was found guilty of shipping salmonella tainted products, knowingly, from his plant to customers who used it in their products. He is also charged with sending batches of tainted peanut butter using false salmonella screenings, saying they tested negative. The plant was found to have a leaky roof, cockroaches, and rodents; all prime factors in creating salmonella. Parnell faces a possible prison sentence time of 803 years, although defense attorneys are arguing for a less steep price. His brother and one of the plant quality control managers are also facing time.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is knowingly sending tainted peanut butter out to other customers.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is hundreds of people sickened, some deaths, and eventually jail time for him.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence decreases the frequency of that behavior because he will be in jail in the future, and will not be able to send out tainted products anymore.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence could technically involve both, depending on how you look at it. It could add something undesirable, which is jail time. That is definitely not a desirable thing to add to your life and it would discourage the behavior in the future.
But it could also be the removal of something desirable, which are his company and his life as he knew it. He will no longer be able to live in the luxury he was used to, or be with his family and have a job. Those are all desirable things, and he no longer will have them in his life.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
In the article, the antecedent is the situation of having salmonella tainted peanut butter in his corporation.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Discovering his products are tainted with salmonella
B=Deciding to sell the tainted products to other businesses anyway, and creating false tests about his products testing as safe.
C=Hundreds of people sickened, some deaths, and spending probably the rest of his life in jail.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I would say this is more of an example of negative punishment. He is losing the pleasurable stimulus of his home, his life, job, and reputation. Hypothetically, if he weren’t to get jail time, he would still not be able to have his job or house because he can’t afford it anymore. He wouldn’t have many friends left, and he would have to deal with the shame of what’s he done everywhere he goes.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
In this article extinction is visible. At first, his behavior of selling the contaminated peanut butter was reinforced (operant behavior), because he was making money and not being caught. But then he was caught, and his behavior of selling stopped occurring. I do not think this qualifies as extreme negative punishment; he is not being punished using an ethically questionable technique. His punishment is aversive and intense enough to decrease the frequency of his behavior.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, reinforcement, consequence, frequency of behavior, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, aversive stimulus, elicit, emit, unconditioned response, context, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, broad value, immediate value, negative punishment, positive punishment, extinction, operant behavior, intensity of punishment
1. My article was titled, “Text Reminders Help People Lower cholesterol, and Blood
Pressure.” This article was about a study that was done to see if text message reminders would help those with health problems make healthier decisions. There was a clinical trial done with 700 patients with heart disease and they were split into two groups. One group got four text messages per week for six months plus usual care and the other group received the usual care without reminders. These messages sent were semi-personalized and based on background information on each individual in the control group. They looked at smoking status and preferred name. This messages would include, “Hi Bob, have you exercised today? It is very important.” Or, “Grilling your chicken would be healthier than deep frying it.”
2. The target behavior was using motivational reminder text messages to change their unhealthy behaviors and substitute it for exercise, healthy eating, and quitting smoking.
3. The consequence was that those who received the text messages made better behavior changes like exercising, and not smoking or smoking less. It also reduced their cholesterol, blood pressure, and BMI
4. the consequence will increase the likelihood of the patients partaking in healthier behaviors to keep doing that because of how they are feeling. The fact that their health issues have gone down will remove that chip on their shoulder and want to live life in a healthier manner.
5. This consequence involves removal of something the patients once desire. The behavior being removed is smoking cigarettes, not exercising, and eating unhealthy foods.
6. The antecedent is the patients with heart disease
7. A= patient with heart disease B= researchers sending the reminder text messages with encouraging words. C= exercising more, eating healthier, and smoking less
8. This story shows positive reinforcement, because those who are trying to change the behavior are changing it by using encouraging words and not punishing those around them. By giving them encouraging reminders, it will make the patient feel good and probably grateful for the reminder. This is also an example of extinction because the goal is to remove the unhealthy decisions
1. The article I found for punishment is called, “Why parents should ban smartphones from their Kids’ Bedrooms.” This is about a new study that came out saying that more than 20% of teens wake up in the middle of the night being on social media. Studies show that this can cause fatigue in school and negative self- well-being. The researchers theory is that parents should take children’s phones away when they go to sleep to remove this behavior. They say that the benefit of doing this would be a better sleep, and better mood when they wake up. They also recommend making a set bedtime and sleeping schedule for the child to help along with removing the phone at night.
2. The target behavior is for the child to get the sleep they need and not check their phones in the middle of the night to see social media
3. The consequence is that those who have their phones taken away at night will sleep better and not be tired in school
4. This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the parents are removing the phone away from the child at night, preventing them from checking them at night. The phone would be the stimulus in this situation. So, the child will be able to sleep better knowing that the stimulus isn’t there and there is no need to wake up. This also removes the temptation
5. The consequence involves removing something that is desirable to the child because the phone causes them to get not enough sleep and fatigue in the morning.
6. The antecedent is the child in bed at night. This is because this is the time and place the child is at the time when they unwanted target behavior occurs.
7. A= in bed at night b= child waking up to use their phone to check social media c= child wakes up tired and in a negative attitude
8. This is an example of negative punishment because the desirable stimulus is being removed at night. Children these days have a hard time letting their phones go because they are so attached to them. No matter what child it is, none of them will be okay with their phones being taken away. Therefore, this situation would be classified as a negative punishment.
Terms used: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, extincition, target behavior, punishment, negative punishment, antecedent, stimulus
1.) The article I read discussed research that was done that showed that positive reinforcement is effective in getting a collective group to work together to benefit the greater good of everyone. The study specifically followed a group of 192 participants as they worked together in groups. The people who conducted the study allowed the participants to decide whether they wanted to punish or reinforce one another, even those in the group who were the ones that did little work. The study essentially showed that reinforcement is really very effective in getting everyone involved in contributing to benefit the greater whole of the group. Reinforcement was shown to even work better for those in the group that didn't contribute as much.
2.) The target behavior was to have all the participants work together in a cohesive manner that would benefit the whole group.
3.) The consequence of the behavior of them working together is to have the whole group happy first of all, but to also have the work/activity done in a way that benefits everyone in the group.
4.) The consequence will affect the frequency of the behavior reocurring because it will make all the individuals happy to have the group running smoothly, but it also benefits everyone involved, which makes them happy.
5.) I think you could argue that this situation involves the addition of something desirable and the removal of something undesirable, but I guess I would go with positive reinforcement because it makes everyone happy and satisfied. This being said, emotionally, it adds something desirable for all the participants involved.
6.) The antecedent is being in a working environment where they have a task that requires the cooperation of everyone involved.
7.) A = being in a working environment with a task at hand that encourages everyone's involvement.
B = The target behavior is for them to work together and all contributing to the outcome.
C = The work gets done right and effectively, and all the participants involved are happy because the work was equal among everyone.
8.) This article is an example of positive reinforcement because it's the addition of something desirable. The desirable addition is an emotional factor because it makes all the participants happy and because the work is done in an effective manner, it benefits everyone which makes the behavior of everyone contributing and working together because it makes for an easier/lighter work load for everyone.
The link for the section above is:
9.) The article I found on punishment is actually an example of how punishment is used improperly, instead of being used in an effective manner. The article is about how the law and how people treat children who were victims of sex trafficking. The article began with a survivor of child rape talking about how she was charged criminally with solicitation and exploitation. It also talks about how many children and victims of sex trafficking are being labeled "child prostitutes," which is essentially punishing the victim, not the perpetrator.
10.) The target behavior in this article that's being punished is being sex trafficked, which as I said before, this is an article where punishment is used improperly.
11.) The consequence is being charged with criminal charges and being labeled with derogatory words by society.
12.) What the consequence is actually decreasing in this article is the likelihood of victims speaking up and openly about what they've experienced. This isn't the behavior that SHOULD be decreased, but because of the unfair consequences, the behavior being decreased is that which shouldn't be discouraged.
13.) This punishment would be an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable which are both the criminal charges and the labeling of these kids as "child prostitutes."
14.) The antecedent to all of this would be I suppose being in a vulnerable situation to be taken and sold into sex trafficking.
15.) A = the antecedent is being in a vulnerable position to be taken into the sex trafficking world.
B = The behavior is being sold for sex and being a victim of sex trafficking.
C = The consequence, in this article, is the victim being charged unfairly and being labeled with belittling terms.
16.) This is an example of positive punishment because it's the addition of something undesirable. The undesirable punishments are the criminal charges, which are also extremely unfair because these kids are completely innocent. The other punishment is the label by members of society calling these innocent children "child prostitutes."
The link for the information above is:
TERMS: Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior.
1) I read a piece regarding Cristiano Ronaldo, and his upcoming futbol game. If scores a hat trick he will be the record scorer
2) The target behavior is for Ronaldo to score.
3) If he scores he will become the record scorer.(Glory)
4) The more he scores, the more famous and legendary he will become. Also, the more money he makes.
5) The addition of fame and fortune, as well as a bid on being the best futboler to exist.
6) Playing his next game.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Playing his next game.
B= Scoring a hat trick(three goals) Breaking the scoring record
C= Praise from the world
8) Positive reinforcement. The world and Real Madrid's association are both reinforcing Ronaldo's behavior with positive additives and reinforce-rs such as praise, glory and money. This will encourage Ronaldo to continue scoring in order to keep his total goals above the total goals scored by the next closest professional futbol player(Messy).
If the praise for Ronaldo ends after he breaks the record then there may be extinction. If Messy scores more goals Ronaldo may be encouraged to play better. This is the factor of establishing operations, because staying ahead of Messy means that he will continue to be reinforced. If Ronaldo is outscored by Messy, Ronaldo will then have no praise and he will not be the best. This would be a negative reinforcement, because praise is being removed. This would lead him to try harder to outscore Messy.
9) Judging by social media, Martin Shkreli, the 32-year-old chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, may be the most hated man in America right now.
10) His company recently acquired the rights to Daraprim. Developed in the 1950s, the drug is the best treatment for a relatively rare parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis. People with weakened immune systems, such as Aids patients, have come to rely on the drug, which until recently cost about $13.50 a dose. But Mr Shkreli announced he was raising the price to $750 a pill.
11)Absolute public ridicule. He's been called a "morally bankrupt sociopath", a "scumbag" a "garbage monster" and "everything that is wrong with capitalism."
12) Hopefully, he'll feel real bad and not want to be called names anymore.
13) This reinforcement involves the increase of something undesirable
14) Owning a drug company
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Owning a drug company
B=Raising drug prices
C=Absolute public ridicule, hatred, and resentment
16) It is a positive punishment because an undesired consequence is added.
18) Terminology
target behavior
Positive reinforcement
positive additives and reinforce-rs
establishing operations
negative reinforcement
positive punishment
undesired consequence
1.) My article talked about eating certain foods in order to prevent depression.
2.) The target behavior would be eating healthy foods.
3.) The consequence of eating healthy foods would be preventing depression.
4.) If you eat healthy foods then it will provide you with the certain nutrients that your body needs to prevent depressing thoughts. once you realize that it's helping you progress you will most likely eat healthier on a regular basis.
5.) The consequence involved the addition of something desirable because first: you are helping with your diet and second: it also helps you emotionally and physically.
6.) depression
7.) A= depression
B= eating healthy
C= avoiding depression
8.) I believe this is an example of positive reinforcement. It would be deprivation of fats and things that are not necessarily good for you body (which are often the ones that taste better).
9.) The second article that I found was one of a guy of a friend pleading not guilty to lying to investigators about the crime his friend did.
10.) lying
11.) his friend goes to jail
12.) His friend will no longer lie because the government has the right to put him in jail for holding information about a crime that was committed
13.) It adds something undesirable because he pretty much ratted his friend out and had his friend put in jail once he finally told the truth.
14.) friend pleading not guilty
15.) A= friend pleading not guilty
B= Lies
C= friend goes to jail
16.) It is negative punishment because his friend will be put in jail for the crimes he has done. They want the crime he emitted to be an aversive behavior that stops.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
18.) Terminology: consequence, behavior, extinction, deprivation, desirable, target behavior, aversive, emitted, negative punishment, reinforcement
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece, To Sell Medical Students On Joys Of Geriatrics, Send In 90-Year-Olds
The article I read was about a panel that was set up by a med-school professor on trying to draw interest in geriatrics, the treatment of the elderly, due to the low amount of professionals in the field. She brought in healthy ninety years or older people to tell their stories to the group of med students to show dissuade the idea of futility in geriatrics and the impact that these students could make by going into this specialty.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Introduction of med students to healthy thriving elderly people.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Better care for the elderly, and increased happiness at end of life for patients.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The increased comfort and happiness of elderly patients will improve outlook on the profession. This will then draw more attention and more will be willing to follow down this path.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The addition of good thoughts about the elderly and the geriatrics field.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The decline in geriatric specialists.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= the decline of geriatric specialists.
B= introduction of elderly to med students.
C= increased interest in geriatrics field.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is positive reinforcement because of the addition of positive elderly interactions. This is adding an experience with a desirable valance to the student’s memory to increase the likelihood of them being interested in the field associated with the good memory.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This uses the idea of not satiating your subject but only giving them a little of a good thing to make them want more. This is not necessarily deprivation because most of these students never had the positive experiences with the elderly before and by showing them the good thing that can come from the experience they alter the student’s behavior to want more of the good experiences with the elderly. Thus the consequence is that they follow down that path of schooling into that profession.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece, China to prosecute three over butchered panda
This article was about how a man was caught poaching panda in China. He was found selling the feet and meat from the panda and after a raid on his home more meat and panda parts were found. This is a rare and highly illegal crime in China due to how endangered the panda is. They are seen as a national treasure.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The Killing of pandas in China.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The article said that a hefty jail sentence of ten years in prison, or in severe cases even the death penalty.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of killing the panda is a large time in jail or even death. The fear of being imprisoned for a large portion of your life or being put to death decreases the frequency of this behavior being emitted.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This involves the removal of ones freedoms by being placed in a jail or even the removal of ones right to life. The article also spoke of how there was outrage on Chinas social media meaning this man would be outcast by this countryman.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The extremely endangered pandas of China
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= extremely endangered Chinese panda
B= panda is poached and sold
C= ten years in jail, possibility of death, and being outcast by own culture.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a case of negative punishment in which the removal of freedom or criminal’s life is used as the punisher. It also has the positive punishment of the reaction of the people of China to his actions.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms/ Punishment, reinforcement, target behavior, negative, positive, consequence, satiation, derivation, desirable, valance, association
Reinforcement Article: Making college more affordable, One Text at a Time
1. The social and behavioral science team inside the White House first report is regarding small tweaks to existing official messaging. Governments all over are very interested in how insights from psychology can make policy more effective. The U.S. team has found success in the area of improving college access and affordability. Within the report based on there success there are three examples. The examples dealt with first, the problem of high school students that are accepted but don’t come to college. The experiment took place involving 4,882 students. Part of which received personalized texts encouraging the students with important information. The other part didn’t receive any messages. The results of the experiment showed that students who receive the texts among low-income students had risen by 8.6 percent compared to the control group. Later that year they sent reminders with small changes in the subject head about paying the bill this helped students from falling behind on student loans. By changing the header of the email about late payments within a week after the email was sent, the amount that paid grew by 29.6 percent. They broadened the number of people receiving the emails about late payments and the most effective email produced a four-fold increase in the number of applications for income-driven repayment this change happened within days. Why this is important is because it is so cheap and easy to send a text or edit an email to be more friendly and encouraging.
2. The target behavior is students making payments on student loans.
3. Receiving a text or reminder email.
4. Emitting this consequence will increase the likelihood that students will make the payments on time or shortly after the reminder is sent.
5. The consequence involves the addition of a desirable or friendly text and/or email.
6. The antecedent of this behavior forgetting to make payment or not wanting to make payment because they do not have a plan that is appropriate for them.
7. ABC’s
A= not having a payment plan that works for them.
B= not making the payment on the student loan.
C= receiving a reminder email or text eliciting a payment
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is adding a positive stimulus to the environment. The consequence of receiving the email is making the task more desirable and more likely to happen again. This uses establishing operations because it motivates the operation that increases the effectiveness. This behavior is also an operant behavior because it elicits a reinforcement to occur.
Punishment Article: Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school.
9. A Texas teen was accused of bringing a hoax bomb to school. A Muslim fourteen-year-old boy named Ahmed Mohamed was arrested after he brought a homemade clock to school. The homemade clock was mistaken for a bomb. The boy has been withdrawn from school. His family has withdrawn all the siblings from the schools in the areas. The boy was arrested in MacArthur High School. The boy and his father plan to take some time away from school for a little while. The boy said he was sad because the teacher he was trying to impress with the clock took it as a threat. Although the school punished Ahmed for using his creative ability by arresting him for what was thought to be a threat, the arrest and the school have been sharply criticized for the actions taken. Ahmed has been receiving support from the government by inviting him to the White House and a meeting with United Nations dignitaries.
10.Bringing his creations to school.
11. The consequence of his behavior was that he was arrested and he elicited a scared reaction from his teacher that he wanted to impress.
12. The consequence will likely decrease the behavior of being creative and inventive and being proud enough to show people because of the negative reaction he received from his teacher and being arrested. He will be less likely to use his abilities and show them off because he will not want to be arrested again.
13. This consequence involved an addition of an arrest, which is an undesirable consequence.
14. The antecedent of this behavior would be emitting a creative and innovative behavior.
15. ABC’s
A= Being innovative
B= bringing creation to school
C= being arrested
16. This is an example of positive punishment because it is adding a negative consequence to the environment and making the response less likely to reoccur. Thus making the behavior more likely to become extinct. If the situation was handled differently this could have been a great way to use positive reinforcement to encourage the child to be creative.
18. Antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment, extinct, elicit, emit, establishing operations, operant behavior, target behavior, response, and
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This Huffington Post piece talks about how David Abbott, a former UFC fighter, has challenged Ronda Rousey, the undeafet UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion to a $100,000 bout. Abbott claims that he can win in a fight against her because she is a girl. He claims that he can fight any woman on this Earth and win. Rousey told the Post that she thinks she could beat him but doesn't want to have the image of a man hitting a woman on television.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Abbott is using reinforcement to make Rousey fight by using intimidation and sexism as a target behavior to encourage her to fight against him.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior that Abbott has elicited is Rousey getting very defensive and eventually accepting the fight.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
Because Abbott is emitting a challenging behavior, he also elicits an opposing challenging behavior from Rousey, which will increase the frequency of the behavior because both of them have undesirable emotions toward each other. This fuels the frequency of the behavior for both of them and provides a fight together as a consequence.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves a desirable outcome for them because they both desire a fight together.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Abbott challenges Rousey to a fight.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Abbot challenges Rousey B= Rousey emits acceptance C= They will fight
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because although he is going about eliciting a negative response, he is showing her a desirable stimulus of fighting him. Positive reinforcement is contingent upon emitting a target behavior, which was his main goal of increasing her willingness to fight.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article talks about the tiny nation of Nauru that is having an obesity crisis and has been for over 30 years. No matter how much effort is put in to education about obesity, because of how poor the economic and social circumstances are, the percentage is not decreasing.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Because their economic circumstances do not allow them to buy and eat healthy foods, they result in emitting undesirable consumption behaviors, not just food but also alcohol and tobacco.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of all of the undesirable consumption is Type 2 diabetes rates staying at over 30% of the adult population in Nauru, causing the life expectancy to drop significantly and causing young parents to suffer heart attacks and limb amputations.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Because of the risk of dying at an early age, they are getting motivated to getting help and eating healthier.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of desirable things, such as the junk food.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Eating unhealthy food.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Eating unhealthy food B= Health risks rise C= Removal of unhealthy food
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This a negative punishment because it involves the removal of the unhealthy food, which is the desired stimulus. This decreases the frequency of the behavior.
17) URLs
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, elicit, frequency, emit, desirable stimulus, contingent, saturation
Intensity of Punishment
Punishment is used in all kinds of situations and in our society we have seen punishment in a minor way and in a major way. The intensity of punishment has even lead to harm of others that might have made others behaviors also escalade. Punishment is a tricky thing for someone that is wanting to change a behavior to do it right without causing harm. I am going to look at articles, books, and videos to see how much intensity people are truly using and what the effects are of the person enforcing along with the person being reinforced on. In the chapter 2 section 2.3 the area is punishment and more specifically in the chapter they have a section for intensity of punishment. The three aspects that is going to be discussed are the effects of punishment, the benefits of punishment, and issues of punishment and more specifically intensity of punishment,
Most punishment done around the world has helped diminish the behavior they want to decrease. However, what are the effects of the punishment on a human being? There are positive and negative effects to punishment and the intensity. Punishment has shown to that “response-contingent shock, noise, blasts of air, response cost, and time-out can produce a rapid decrease in the frequency of behavior and, in some cases, may lead to complete response suppression in rats, pigeons, monkeys, and humans.” (Lerman & Vorndran, 2002) Another thing that has been pointed out in the article is that even in the history of punishment that if a person has prior punishment whether it is consistent or not that the person will decrease their behavior. (Lerman & Vorndran, 2002). On the other hand in another article they point out that punishment in a work place is an undesirable emotion side effects that is not wanted in the work place. It matters the environment in which the punishment is happening. It might not be acceptable in the work place but acceptable for a police officer to enforce intense punishment to an individual. The article also pointed out emotional effects. The effects that punishment has on people can actually cause aggression, anxiety, and withdrawal. These are things that in our society are not positive.
Research done all over has shown that punishment at different intensities depending on the situation causes behavior that is not liked to be diminished. A benefit that is shown in research is that “treatment with a wide variety of punishers (e.g., verbal reprimands, restraint, water mist, lemon juice, shock, removal of reinforcing activities or conditioned reinforcers) can produce an immediate, substantial suppression in problem behavior.” (Lerman & Vorndran, 2002) That means that harsh intensity to one is not always required to get them to diminish the behavior. There might be some circumstances where harsher punishment needs to be in order, but should never be to the point that a person life is at risk. Another thing that the statement makes is that there are other ways of punishing children without spanking that can lead to the child having less physical harm being done to them which could decrease the traumatic development of a child. There might be benefits to punishment, but there are issues like with most thins that the intensity of punishment has in or society today.
Issues with the intensity of punishment is that some people can take punishment too far. To the point that some individuals are going to end up being hurt. In the video they talk about how children end up dying from being hit. Being hit or spanked is usually the number one punishment that parents use and also seems like from the video that it is also causing a significant amount of harm. The punishment might start off at a low intensity of just being a light spank when something is done wrong, but then can get out of hand and become hitting the child harder. I think another reason that could be a problem is some people do not know their own strength. Another could be that parents are struggling with the parenthood and do not have the patients to discipline and punish their child in a proper manner. Not every child is being hit in the world but a number of children can report that they have been hit or spanked in their life time. That shows to me that punishment is a social norm in our society, but what is the intensity of the punishment that is normal. Cops now a days seem to be showing more intensity of punishment on others. The intensity of punishment increasing can cause people to become more scared in an environment and can damage the development of young children.
Punishment can be a great thing for people to use to diminish a behavior and would support it. However, there have been many cases where people do not know the healthy balance of punishment. Which can lead to corporal punishment and damage to a child’s development. The effects of the intensity of the punishment can be positive, but also can be a negative. Along with the factor of the intensity which also can change the effects of punishment on a person. Punishment is in our world and is used quite frequently. However, our society needs to make sure that the intensity is not rising to the point that we are just destroying each other. People need to remember it is to fix a behavior but not to the point of damaging a human being.
The Extent of Hitting Children-
Punishment in organizations: A review, propositions, and research suggestions-
On the Status of Knowledge for Using Punishment: Implications for Treating Behavior Disorders-
1) The article I read was about how as a society we aren’t meeting what we should be for our daily intake of vegetables. It also stressed that the vegetables that we are consuming, most of us aren’t consuming in the right way. What this means is that when we consume our potatoes we are eating French fries, when we should be eating a baked potato. Or another example would be when we eat tomatoes but they are in the form of a sauce or as ketchup. Another topic that was appointed was the kinds of vegetables we are consuming. Most of us stick to 3 basic vegetables, those being tomatoes, potatoes, and lettuce.
2) After reading this article I found that the main target behavior that this article is trying to elicit is that we eat more vegetables in the right forms. That as a whole we need to eat not only more vegetables, but we need to eat more of a variety, as well as making sure that we cook and prepare them in the right way to keep them healthy.
3) The consequence behind the target behavior that is, eating more veggies and in the right forms is that it lowers our chances for heart disease. By eating more vegetables and eating healthier we also lower the rates of obesity.
4) Once the consequence starts to be noticed I think It will increase the likelihood of the behavior reoccurring for a few reasons. One of these being that we all want to live long lives and we have goals to do in life. For example maybe we have kids and we want to watch them grow up as long as we can, eating vegetables and lowering the risk of heart disease can help that goal. Another reason is that no one likes to be over weight, once we see that eating vegetables helps us lose weight, we will be more likely to continue eating them if they help us lose weight.
5) The consequence for this target behavior involves the diminishing threat of obesity and heart disease, so for this example it involves the removal of an undesirable.
6) The antecedent in this case of this article is eating.
7) The ABC’s A= out to eat B= increase intake of vegetables C= increase health, lower heart disease
8) For this article the consequence is an example of negative reinforcement. This is because we are taking away something in this case the risk for heart disease as a way to reinforce the target behavior.
9) The new article I read for this topic was and interesting report of a police chase that broke out after a man robbed a home in California. The suspect began to lead police on a 100 mph wild chase going southbound on the northbound lanes of the interstate. This lead to the police decision to open fire on the SUV while the suspect was driving.
10) The targeted behavior in this instance was the authorities trying to get the suspect in the vehicle to stop. This was because he was causing harm and fleeing from a crime.
11) The consequence of the target behavior of getting the driver to stop ended up being the police exercising their right to deadly force, in stopping the vehicle at all costs. In this case the police shooting the hood causing the driver to bail out and as a result lose his life.
12) This punishment decreased his behavior because unfortunately for him he lost his life and will no longer be able to do such action. However had he lived the actions by the police would have deterred him from continuing his behavior thus reducing the behavior of running from the police.
13) In the case of this article and the actions that happened in the report the consequence comes in the form of adding something that is undesirable. This being the police chase and the gunshots.
14) The antecedent of this article would be committing a crime, or mores specifically robbing the home in California. This in return elicited the police chase and the actions that followed by authorities.
15) The antecedent = the robbery the behavior = running from the police, and the consequence = police targeting the driver and doing whatever needed to stop the driver. More specifically shooting at him
16) The example that I used from this article is an example of positive punishment. This is because and aversive stimulus is being applied in order to reduce the target behavior. In this case the gun shots, to decrease the driver from fleeing
Terms: Stimulus, target behavior, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, consequences, antecedent, emit, elicited, diminishing, punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
For my article, I chose to do it from, the article “The People Who Make Wishes Come True.” In this article they talk about a paramedic who got his start in granting wishes for terminally ill patients after he first went to transfer a patient to the hospital but then the hospital wasn’t read for the patient so they had to burn a couple hours. The paramedic asked if there was anything the guy would like to do while waiting and the guy responded by saying he wanted to go to the harbor one last time. That same night the paramedic got home he and his wife sat at the kitchen table and decided to create a charity that grants wishes for terminally ill patients. Today, they have granted over 7,000 wishes since they got their start in 2007.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The behavior that illustrates reinforcement the best in this topic is when they are adding the wishes to these patients lives, which could be considered desirable.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
In this situation, the consequence is getting to fulfill the last wish these patients have.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The behavior in this situation is being elated for this particular consequence being fulfilled which will increase the frequency of this patient being happy throughout the remainder of his or her life.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
In this case, this consequence involves the addition of happiness and fulfilling a life wish, which would be considered a desirable ending.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
In this case, the antecedent is being terminally ill.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Being terminally ill B=Being happy C=Fulfilling a last wish
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
In this example, this will involve positive reinforcement because they are adding the final wish for these people, which would be considered a desirable behavior.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this video, a county clerk in Kentucky refused to issue marriage licenses to the gay community due to religious reasons. In this video they go over the details of this and what people think of think of what she is doing
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
In this example, the target behavior is Kim Davis’s religious beliefs getting in the way of her issuing marriage licenses.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence in this example is Davis not issuing the marriage licenses.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence decreases the behavior in this example because she isn’t having to issue these licenses because of her beliefs. People are starting to report her and get mad due to this.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
In this instance, the consequence involves the removal of something desierable for those who are gay and wanting to seek out a marriage license because of the new law that has passed.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case is gay marriage being passed in all states.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Gay marriage being passed in all states B=Not issuing marriage licenses=people reporting her and getting mad for not doing this.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because in this case the clerk is taking away a desirable behavior for others for the sake of her own religious beliefs.
Terms used: desirable, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, consequence, punishment, antecedent, behavior,
The situation in Russia about gay rights has been hitting the news in the recent years so Elton John decided to make an approach to meet president Putin in order to discuss the situation. After John publically thanked Putin for reaching out and having a talk on the phone, this information was denied by Kremlin’s government. The target behavior is reaching out to Russia. This illustrates reinforcement because more people will try to reach out to Russia’s government to change their laws about gay rights. The consequence of the behavior will be the change of their laws so people stop suffering from abuse for their sexual orientation. The more people try to reach out to Russia the more chances of changing their minds there will be. It is important for other governments and famous people not to support Russia on this issue. The consequence involves adding something desirable which is the rights for gay people to be respected and happy being themselves without being criticized. The antecedent is that in Russia gay rights have been a long time taboo and object of persecution. It is a socially conservative country and that means that most people are against it and show support to previous laws discriminating homosexuals. The most recent and big event happened in 2012 when Moscow enacted a hundred-year ban on gay pride parades which made the LGBT community really upset.
A= Russia denies LGBT rights.
B= Social pressure by Elton John.
C= Improve LGBT rights.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because John is introducing a desirable stimulus for the LGBT community which is that they won’t be discriminated by their sexual orientation. The target behavior Russia is actually emitting is denying these rights and condemn people for them. By John emitting this behavior the consequence of change will make it more easily for other countries to start changing their laws about it, so the likelihood of his behavior will increase and he may try to convince other countries about this issue. It is important for other governments as well to use extinction and not reinforce Russia’s behavior about it.
This piece summarizes the protests that went on in Spain back in 2012 because of the government’s reform. There was a twenty four hours long strike that ended with protests in the main cities of Spain; this caused some troubles in the cities where the police had to make an appearance and fight the people. Some of them were injured and other hooded activists were arrested. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is the strike and protests that Spaniards did. The consequence of the behavior is the government changing the reform, because they need to realize that people can’t get jobs if they make it harder for business to hire them. And unemployment is the one the biggest problems in the country. If the government doesn’t punish the citizens for their mistakes and start helping people to take care of their families then there won’t be any more strikes and protests about it. These will decrease because the citizens will be able to live a normal life instead of not being able to make through the month. The consequence may involve the removal of something desirable as it is the workers’ rights. The government emits behaviors that don’t help middle class and lower class citizens. The antecedent consists of people being really tired of being punished for the governors’ and bankers’ mistakes. Citizens always happen to pay the consequences of their horrible management of the country, so when Spain elicited Europe to lend them money taxes got higher for the citizens to pay it back.
A= Frustrated people for the government’s management of the country.
B= Citizens going on strike and protest.
C= Government changing their reforms.
This is an example of positive punishment because citizens are introducing an aversive stimulus for the government which is going on strike and protests. Strikes make the government lose so much money because it affects education, health, public transportation, businesses, etc. What people try to do is decreasing the government behavior of cutting public services out so they save money so the only way they have to do so is going on strike and protest. We can affirm this is a positive punishment because the result of the consequence (the government changing their reforms) is a decrease of the undesirable behavior (citizens going on strike and making the government lose money, as well as the bad public image of it). On the other hand if the consequence is not the one I mentioned, but the government doing nothing about, then the frequency of the behavior will increase and there will be more strikes throughout the year until people get government’s attention and they start answering their demands.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, likelihood, extinction, desirable stimulus, increase, reinforcement, reinforce, punishment, punish, decrease, undesirable behavior.
1. I chose the Volkswagen recall and scandal article. In this article the CEO resigns and says he is in shock at the scandal going on. Volkswagen has been putting devices in their diesel cars that turn off the emission device that tests the toxins being put off in the air. The first discovery was back in May 2014 and not a whole lot was done about it, then a recall was done in December of 2014. The recall still didn't do much since they considered to tamper with what the test does. It showed the cars were emitting 40 times more pollution than they would if the device was correctly hooked up. It is said they used more of a defeat device that deceives what is being put in the air.
2. The target behavior is putting in the defeat device or tampering with the emission device. This behavior was reinforced because they were making billions off of these products over the past year. The money is a reinforcement to continue making the product.
3. The consequence of this behavior is getting more money.
4. More money motivates the company to continue to tamper with the product and continue making things wrong.
5. In the end, the reinforcement is very desirable and is giving them more desirable things, aka, money.
6. The antecedent is kind of hidden to me but I think it is bringing diesel vehicles as more of an option and bringing more availability to having that option is the antecedent because it is the main cause of the behavior. The behavior didn't start until they were given the opportunity to tamper with the making.
7. A= Diesel vehicles B= tampering with the emission device C= getting more money.
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when you are given something desirable to continue doing the behavior. In this case, the Volkswagen company got paid more when they had devices that gave deceiving views.
9. In this article, two man hunted and poached a panda. They sold 77 pounds to another man who then sold it to others as well. Pandas are seen there as a legacy and are not often hunted. They are being charged with poaching and have potentially 10 years to life in jail.
10. The target behavior is poaching a panda and they are being punished by being sent to jail.
11. The consequence of the behavior is getting caught and arrested.
12. Because they are being charged and facing jail time they physically won't be able to hunt, poach, or sell panda meat ever again.
13. The add of jail time is extremely undesirable by the majority of all people so it is the adding of something undesirable to make the behavior stop.
14. The antecedent is being a hunter or hunting in the forest.
15. A=hunting B=killing a panda bear C=getting caught, and charged for poaching
16. Positive punishment is the adding of something undesirable to stop a behavior. It is positive punishment because they are adding jail time to the bad behavior to stop them from doing it ever again.
Terms: Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, emit, reinforcement, punishment
1. The article I read explained how many Americans throw out food once they hit their expiration date, and how much money they are wasting because of it. In the article, they also talked to a chef that ran his restaurant all on recycled food products.
2. The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is the idea that if we were better educated about what foods are good until when, and how to use foods that are expired in different ways, we could save thousands of dollars a year. For example, when you have greens that get wilted and you don’t want to use it for a salad anymore, you can choose to sauté it instead, giving you another food choice.
3. The consequence of reusing these foods is saving money and having another option with that food.
4. When you realize all of the different ways you can use foods you would choose to throw out, you will see yourself saving money and will push you to find more ways to save.
5. The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because instead of throwing away something you don’t see as useful and feeling bad about wasted money, you can recycle it to something and make it worth it.
6. The antecedent is the food becoming spoiled…so you have to choose to do something with it.
7. A= You made a pot of coffee, and you have left over coffee grounds B=you use them as a body scrub because you heard it does good things for your skin C= You result with smoother, brighter skin and you didn’t have to pay any extra money to do so.
8. This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are taking a normally aversive behavior (throwing away things that you paid for) and recycling it into something that is worth while and being happy about it. After awhile you will notice how much money you are saving and how many ways you can use foods that aren’t useable to eat anymore for something much more helpful.
9. The article I read discussed how so many parents are uneducated about how babies brains develop and how helpful it is to interact with them at such a early stage
10. The target behavior would be a parent not thinking it is important to read, play, sing, and talk to little babies because they assume that all children’s brain develop the same.
11. The consequence is slower brain development, less advanced vocabularies, lower test scores when the child is in school and the possibility of more risky behavior as a child into adulthood
12. The more people will realize how important it is to interact with children, the more people will do so.
13. The behavior of not consistently working with your child will result in something undesirable; kids that have learning disabilities in school, riskier behavior, and poor grades.
14. The antecedent is parents being uneducated in child brain development
15. A=Parents are uneducated in child development and don’t think a child needs to be taught things until elementary school. B= Parents often leave newborn child in a bouncer all day and only interact when the baby needs something. C= Child has a very short vocabulary when starting school, has to be held back, shows signs of learning disabilities.
16. This is negative punishment because it is taking away the more wanted outcome of a well-developed child.
Tems: Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Aversive, Behavior, Positive punishment, Negative punishment, ABC, Antecedent, Consequence
Reinforcement Section
1) The article I read was from NPR, and it is called "Don't Toss That Sour Milk! And Other Tips To Cut Kitchen Food Waste" One part of this piece is a video about how a man named Dan Barber turns his restaurant into "garbage-to-plate dining." He receives products that other places would usually throw out (The butts of pickles, pulp, organs from animals that aren't usually cooked), and turns them into a delicious-gourmet meal. His goal is to change the way people cook. The other part of this piece is an interview done with Dana Gunders, the author of Waste-Free Kitchen Handbook, about what to do with food that has gone bad. Dana gives tips on how to know when food is actually bad, how to revive some food that has started to go bad, and how to turn food that has gone bad into an edible dish. Her goal is to make people stop wasting food.
2) The target behavior is to change the way people think about food. Instead of people wasting food that they think has gone bad, they can learn how to use the ingredients to create something delicious.
3) There are several consequences to changing how you look at food. According to the article the US alone wastes about 133 billion pounds of food every year! And the average American family wastes about $1,500 worth of food a year! By learning to cook with undesirable ingredients/food you think has gone bad you will save money, help save the planet by not filling up landfills that will release methane, and you can enjoy more good food.
4) Saving money, saving the planet, and fulfilling your appetite are all very important things. These are reinforcing because they are desirable.
5) Each of the things I listed above are additions of something desirable; more money, feelings of accomplishment/being a good person, and more food.
6) The antecedent is believing food has gone bad in your fridge/pantry (smell, look, date label), or thinking something in your kitchen would be unpleasant to cook with (the butts of vegetables/fruits, pulps from vegetables/fruits, bruised vegetables/fruits, etc.)
What they don't want to happen: What they want to reinforce:
A= Food starts to go bad/undesirable pieces of food A= Food starts to go bad/undesirable pieces of food. B= Throw out the bad/undesirable food. B= Create a new appetizing dish with that food. C= Food/money goes to waste. C= Save money/eat tasty food/help the planet
8) I think that if people adopt these ideas it is positive reinforcement. Barber and Gunders are providing everyday people with knowledge on how to reward themselves. If people stopped wasting food then they would save money, help save the Earth, and enjoy more tasty meals. If someone changes their behavior from wasting food to utilizing it, thus receiving those benefits, the person is likely to increase the behavior of utilizing the food.
Punishment Section
9) This piece from BBC, China to Prosecute Three Over Butchered Panda, is about three south-western Chinese men who killed a panda and sold 77 lbs of it's meat. It is extremely frowned upon to kill pandas in China because they are seen as a national treasure, and with their only being under 2,000 left it is extremely rare/illegal. The three men sold the meat for a profit of $750. They can be met with a 10 year sentence, life imprisonment, or the death sentence.
10) The target behavior the Chinese government is addressing is the butchering of a panda by three Chinese men. This is a very undesirable behavior, and they do not want it happening again.
11) The consequence of this behavior is that the three men will be met with a prison sentence which could be as little as ten years all the way to life imprisonment/death.
12) The consequence is very aversive, so it will decrease the likelihood of the behavior happening again. No one wants to go to jail, so if they spend time in a terrible place like that chances are they won't be butchering another panda.
13) Receiving a jail sentence is definitely receiving something undesirable. However, they are also experiencing the removal of something desirable, their freedom.
14) These three men needed more money, and had the idea of going out and killing a panda to reap the rewards.
A= Three men wanted money B= They killed a panda/sold it's meat C= They will be sentenced with jail time
16) This is an example of positive punishment because the three men exhibited an undesirable behavior (Killing a panda, and selling it's meat.), and they are being met with a negative consequence (Being sentenced to jail.). This is to decrease the likelihood of this happening again in the future. It could also be seen as an example of negative punishment because the three men exhibited an undesirable behavior (Killing a panda, and selling it's meat.), and they are getting a desired item taken away (Their freedom.)
Terms: positive reinforcement, behavior, reinforcing, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, aversive, reinforce, negative punishment
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
I read an article on about how people with coronary heart disease would get text messages that contained reminders and encouraging sayings. They found that the people that were getting these text messages were able to lower their cholesterol, their body mass index, and their blood pressure. So what happened was there were 700 people in this study, and half of them got the text messages that encouraged them to change their everyday behaviors. The coolest part was that they were personalized. The example used in the article was that a vegetarian wasn’t going to get a text about the benefits of grilling steak instead of frying it.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behaviors that these texts were aiming at helping were things like going on more walks, or making sure that they take their medication on time. It encouraged the participants to be more active, to eat healthier, and to take their medications.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
By being more active and eating healthier, as well as taking their medications at the same time everyday, the participants were able to lose weight and lower their cholesterol, making them much healthier.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
As these people continue to get great test results back, they will likely continue the behavior that got them there in the first place. The text messages motivated them to keep moving, or trying.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence has the addition of something desirable, in that they are healthier and they are getting better results.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
When receiving the motivating text messages
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Receiving the motivating text messages
B= Going for a walk, eating healthier, taking medication on time
C= Better test results/healthier life!
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is positive reinforcement! By adding the motivating text messages, these participants did significantly better. Their test results were better, and they were doing more things in their lives to save themselves. Being healthier would certainly cause them to continue with this newly established behavior. I think that the reinforcer (the text message) is a broad value reinforcer, because I think that since the text messages elicited better behaviors, they will stick to it.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
A peanut company executive was sentenced to 28 years in prison for knowingly sending out contaminated peanuts, which led to a huge salmonella outbreak. The justice department had actually asked for a life sentence because there were nine people that died and 700 more got sick. They had evidence that there were leaks and infestations in the plant, as well as emails that the peanut corporations had found the bacteria on the peanuts but sent them out anyways.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior was knowingly sending out contaminated peanuts just to save a few bucks.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence was that hundreds of people became sick, and some even died, so the executive is serving prison time.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
With a penalty this harsh, I doubt this company will do this again. The behavior should have already decreased permanently.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
I would say this involves the removal of something desirable: his freedom.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
A risk of losing money by throwing out contaminated peanuts
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= A risk of losing money from having to throw away peanuts
B= Sending out contaminated peanuts anyway
C= Going to prison
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment because we are taking away a desirable stimulus. By making him serve prison time, he is losing his freedom, his job, his reputation, etc. This is the perfect example of extinction! At first, by making money off of the contaminated peanut butter, he was probably reinforced. But then, when he was caught and arrested, his behavior immediately stopped. He even said during sentencing that he felt embarrassed for what he had done.
Terms: reinforcer, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, desirable, undesirable, elicit, target behavior, behavior, broad value, consequence, extinction
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR (, the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece:
Researchers tested the effectiveness of sending out reminding emails to students about repaying their bills in order to keep them from falling behind.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement:
The target behavior they were trying to reinforce was having the students make their payments on time.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of paying their bills on time would be that they wouldn’t be charged any late fees.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior:
Not being charged late fees for paying their bills on time would reinforce them to emit the behavior of paying their bill on time.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable:
The consequence removes the aversive act of being billed any late fees.
6) tell us to the antecedent is:
The email reminder that the students bill is due.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=email is sent to the student
B=student pays bill on time
C=no late fees
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of negative reinforcement, because it is removing the chance of being billed late fees if the students emits the behavior of paying their bills on time.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
It involves establishing operations because the act of billing the student extra fees, make the possibility of not being charged anything extra more reinforcing.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece:
The striker for Chelsea’s football team, Diego Costa is banned for the next three games.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment:
The target behavior that we are looking at is his reaction to another player, in the game he made an illegal, violent move against a player on the other team.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is:
The consequence of his behavior is that he is benched for the next three games.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior:
The consequence of not being allowed to play for his team will make him not want to make the same mistake and pull an illegal move on another player.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable:
This examples involves the removal of a desirable stimulus.
14) tell us to the antecedent is:
Playing a football game and was arguing with a player from another team.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Arguing with another player
B=Violent conduct against a player on the opposing team
C=Banned for the next three games
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because the opportunity of playing the game he loves has been taken away from him in order for him to learn a lesson.
18) Terms: consequence, negative punishment, target behavior, reinforcement, emit, behavior, aversive, negative reinforcement, stimulus, establishing operations
1) The article I found is named “Making College More Affordable, One Text At A time”. It’s basically explaining three examples of how sending out simple text messages and changing the subject line of emails that are sent out to students can result in a greater response rate. The responses they’re looking for are incoming freshman to fill out the Federal Student Aid application, for people to keep up with their student loans, and for people to apply for other repayment plans for their loans to prevent falling behind.
2) The target behaviors are students and graduates to keep up to date with their payment due dates and to apply for financial aid before the semester starts.
3) The consequence of these behaviors is that students will eventually save money.
4) The consequences will increase the frequency because students are more likely to attend class if they are helped financially and people will end up saving money because they didn’t have too much interest added onto their loans.
5) The consequence helps remove interest on the loans by sending reminders and helps give additional aid to the freshmen students who apply on time.
6) The antecedents are text messages and emails.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Text messages and emails are sent to students
B= Students respond to these messages by doing what is asked of them
C= Students save money
8) This article shows positive reinforcement because we are adding something to the situation to increase the likelihood of it happening again. Text messages and emails with urgent subject lines are sent to student (adding stimulus) and students want these messages to quit so they will elicit responses.
9) The article I found is called “China To Prosecute Three Over Butchered Panda”. What happened was three men were caught selling panda meat from a panda that they hunted. The meat was then sold to six other people. Panda meat is extremely expensive so the poachers would’ve made a great profit if they weren’t caught. Pandas are very endangered and are symbolic to Chinese culture, giving the panda extrinsic value.
10) The target behavior shown here is to end hunting panda bears.
11) The consequence for killing the panda is being prosecuted and being put in jail for several years.
12) This consequence will decrease the behavior because being in jail is a very aversive environment.
13) This consequence involves adding something undesirable which would be the jail time.
14) The antecedent is being in the forest and hunting for the result of money.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Hunting
B= Killing a female panda
C= Being prosecuted and sent to jail for many years.
16) This article shows positive punishment because it is adding something to the situation (jail) to decrease the behavior (hunting pandas). Hunting in general is an operant behavior because it can either elicit something to be reinforced (trophies, money, pictures) or punished (hunting license removed and/or being sent to prison).
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
- Responses, target behavior, consequence, frequency, antecedent, positive reinforcement, elicit, added stimulus, extrinsic value, aversive, positive punishment
1) The article i read was titled "Making College More Affordable, One Text Message at a Time". It talked about 3 ways text message and email reminders can help people start and stay in school. Sending text messages to incoming freshman with reminders about important paper work deadlines increased enrollment by 36%. Sending emails reminders increased repayment by 29.6%. Sending emails to people who frequently missed payments informing them about other repayment options increased repayment four-fold.
2) The behavior that illustrates reinforcement is sending reminders to students and borrowers.
3) The consequence of the behavior is students getting school paperwork filled out so they can attend school and borrowers remembering to repay their loans or being knowledgable of other payment methods that are more suitable to them.
4) With increases in attendance and repayment from the behavior, the text messages and emails will continue
5) This "consequence" is the addition of something desirable because it helps people remember important things they need to do. It is also the subtraction of something undesirable in the form of not attending college and missing payments making borrowers further in debt.
6) Text messages and emails sent to students and borrowers
A= Text messages and emails
B= Students filling out necessary paper work and borrowers making payments on time
C= Students attending school, borrowers getting out of debt
8) I think this negative reinforcement because the negative connotation of not attending college and bill collectors calling has been removed. The consequence of people attending college and making payments due to the text message reminders will surely show that they are of use and should be continued in the future. Extinction is used because with continued use of the messages the target behavior will no longer exist.
9) A baby girl was born in Syria with a shrapnel wound on her forehead that she suffered before she was even born. She is just one of many people who have suffered because of the Civil war that is going on there that has claimed thousands of lives and caused many to flee the country. The baby was born with a piece of shrapnel above her left eye.
10) The civil war and bombings represents punishment
11) the consequence of the civil war is that many people are dying and having to flee from their homes and cities to find safe refuge somewhere else. There have also been airstrikes on hospitals.
12) the consequence of innocent people dying and being hurt might cause some of the bombers and fighters to stop what they are doing
13) This consequence adds something undesirable because it kills people and makes them leave their homes and loose their loved ones.
14) the civil war is the antecedent
A= civil war
B= bombings
C= people die and leave there homes
16) This is positive punishment because innocent people are dying and getting hurt like the baby born with shrapnel in her head people may realize they should stop the war or may think they don't want to start another one in the future.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, extinction, target behavior, behavior, consequence, positive punishment
Positive Reinforcement
1) The article that I found on NPR was about a man that found his mother’s cookbook after she died. The cook book was stained and smeared because it was very old. However, the step son found that while he was trying to piece back together the cookbook, he felt closer to his step-mother and even felt like he was having conversations with her while he was trying to figure out the old family recipes.
2) The target behavior is emitting the action of piecing together the cookbook and trying to figure out the recipes.
3) The consequence of emitting the action of piecing together the cookbook is feeling closer to his step-mother and having it feel like he is having a real interaction with her.
4) The consequence of having feeling like he still has a part of his step-mother to hold onto is likely a pleasurable outcome and he will likely continue to piece back the cookbook because it makes him feel closer to her.
5) It involves the addition of something desirable such as feeling closer to his step-mother.
6) The antecedent to this behavior is the step-mother dying
A= step-mother dying
B= Piecing together the cookbook
C= Feeling closer to the step-mother
8) Positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable such as feeling closer to the step-mother to increase the future likelihood that the behavior of piecing together the cookbook will happen again.
Positive Punishment
9) I found this article on To sum up the article, a man was charged for emitting 11 shootings and 16 total felonies in Arizona. He said that the gun wasn’t his but the police traced bullet fragments to his very weapon. He is facing serious prison time.
10) The target behavior is committing felonies and he is being punished by getting arrested and will eventually get sent to prison.
11) The consequence of emitting the action of committing felonies was being arrested and eventually being sent to prison.
12) The consequence is being arrested and this will decrease the behavior of shooting guns in public and committing felonies because the man will be sent to prison where he won’t have a gun and won’t be able to commit these same felonies.
13) It involves the addition of prison as the consequence.
14) The antecedent was purchasing a gun.
A= Purchase of a weapon
B= Shooting and committing felonies
C= being arrested and sent to prison.
16) Positive punishment because this situation involved the adding of something undesirable such as being arrested and jail time to stop the behavior of shooting and committing felonies.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Antecedent, behavior, target behavior, positive punishment, consequence, positive reinforcement, emitting, undesirable, favorable
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article is called Paris goes car-free, which states that the article is talking about why on September 27 that Paris will be car-free. There are some areas that are still able to drive their cars, but small areas and even big areas such as the Champs Elysees. In 2014 a group made up of scientist had a day back in August 2014 where there were no cars just cyclist and pedestrians. The event went well and people were impressed. This city became the world’s most polluted city and the mayor does not like this, which lead to the Paris goes car-free.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The mayor is using the car-free and the target behavior to reinforce that their city be clean and no longer polluted.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is that they will not be able to drive their cars
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
By not having a car will force people to walk or bike more often
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence of not driving can add a desirable outcome of getting exercise and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the City of Paris
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=City of Paris
B= causing pollution
C= not being able to drive anymore
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are receiving something good out of the behavior. They are making the world a better place by eliminating the behavior and at the same time getting exercise. They are trying to extinct the behavior of pollution by establishing the operation of biking and walking.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is called Don’t toss that sour milk! And other tips to cut kitchen food waste. The article is about a restaurant that takes food and does not waste food understanding the vast issue of food waste. Along with stating that food expiration dates does not always mean that the food is spoiled or gone bad and other tips to bring food back to life.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is food waste
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
Wasting food that could be eaten losing money
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Losing money is valuable to people and knowing they can save it will change their behavior
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence provides something desirable because people do not have to waste food and save money
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= kitchen
B= wasting good food
C= losing money and food
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a state of positive punishment because the people are getting more tips on saving food and money at the same time, so they are not wasting food.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: positive punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, desirable behavior, extinction, establishing behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece is about parents and putting their children to bed. Putting your children to bed can be a hassle. Children are constantly leaving their bed, parents are ignoring their requests. With the bed time pass, parents and children know that they can only leave their bed one time for something. The news article stated that this eliminates the extinction burst we see with ignoring the children.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is getting the children to stay in bed after being put down.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that the child has control to pick what is most important to get out of bed for.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
By having a choice in what they get to use the bed time pass on, they will spend more time in bed.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This involves the addition of something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the parents put the child to bed.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Parents put child to bed
B= Child uses bed time pass
C= Stays in bed longer
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is a positive reinforcement because it is giving the child control of their bed time routine. They are getting to prioritize what is important to them.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece is about three teenage boys who have been caught with the possession of marijuana with is a felony charge in Washington State. The law was changed in July. Before, if a minor was caught with possession it was a misdemeanor and punishable to up to ninety days in jail. Now they can get up to two years in prison.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior we are trying to prevent is possession of marijuana.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is getting a felony charge on your record and spending time in prison.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
If the boys are deemed to have emitted the behavior of having marijuana, getting caught with it they will end up going to prison and have a permanent record.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This is the addition of something undesirable. This is known as positive punishment.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Change in the law
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Change in the marijuana laws
B= Juveniles having possession of marijuana
C= Having a permanent record and possibly end up going to jail
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment. It is so because it is an addition of something undesirable. The addition of the permanent record and prison sentence is undesirable.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction burst, target behavior, behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emitted, positive punishment
1) This article talked about the development of an algorithm that can be put into your smartphone that would sense when you are mindlessly playing on it because you’re bored. When the phone detects that the user is bored, it would then either offer content that the user enjoys or suggest something else to do.
2) The target behavior would be for the algorithm to provide the user with entertainment or suggest something else to do.
3) The consequence of the behavior would be that the smartphone user would be either entertained or would be doing something productive.
4) Because people are often bored and don’t know what to do, when a person begins to feel bored, they will get on their smartphone and the phone will offer something to do.
5) The consequence involve the addition of something desirable.
6) The antecedent would be becoming bored and getting on your phone.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being bored and getting on your phone.
B= Algorithm provides the user with entertainment or an idea of something to do.
C= The user is entertained or doing something productive.
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because something is added (the entertainment or idea for something productive) to make the behavior (using the algorithm on the phone) more likely to occur in the future.
9) This article talks about the likelihood of miscommunications with people that you are close to versus strangers. People like to believe that they would be less likely to have misunderstandings with people that they are closer to because they know them better, but studies actually show that the chances are actually the same. This is because we may know the people we are closer to better, but because of this reason we typically make more assumptions when communicating with the person we are closer to, and more likely to clarify when we are communicating with a stranger.
10) The target behavior is having a miscommunication.
11) The consequence of the behavior would be fighting about what the original conversation was about.
12) The more disagreements that a person has with another will either end their relationship so there would be no more miscommunications, or it would make the two people agree to try to communicate better, also lowering the likelihood of miscommunications.
13) This involves the addition of something undesirable.
14) The antecedent would be engaging in conversation.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Engaging in conversation.
B= Having a miscommunication.
C= Fighting about what the original conversation was about.
16) This is an example of positive punishment because an aversive stimulus (fighting/disagreement) was added to make the behavior (miscommunicating) less likely to occur again.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, Reinforcement, Positive, Negative, Aversive, Target Behavior, ABCs, Stimulus, Consequence, Antecedent
1. I choose to read the article “Close up Baltimore, Tells Stories of the City, One Portrait at a Time”. This caught my eye because I follow the photographer that does the same thing in New York City. In Baltimore, Joe Rubino interviews passing strangers on the street and asks them personal questions. Everyone has a different back story and Rubino wants to shed some like on the everyday lives of the citizens that live in this city.
2. The whole reason why Joe Rubino started up this project in Baltimore was because of the riots that occurred late April through early May. He wants to show the public that his city is somewhere people should appreciate and not only look at the bad events that have occurred there. Rubino is reinforcing the idea that Baltimore is a city full of people that have struggled, but have made it through the darkest nights. He wants to portray that this city isn’t just full of gangs and violence. He emphasizes that there is a prestigious college in the middle of the city, Johns Hopkins University.
3. The consequence of his actions are that people that do not live in the city of Baltimore can see that the people that live there are just like everyone else. He is portraying the idea that just because his city is on the news for actions that only represent a very small population of the city, not everyone that calls this city their home is a thug. His goal is to make his portraits and stories to create a more complete picture of a complicated city. “We make snap judgments about people, but that snap judgment we make is a blunt instrument- it cuts out so much of what’s good.” This is a quote from Joe Rubino. He is saying that everyone already has preexisting ideas and thoughts about his city and not giving them a fighting chance to prove that Baltimore is a great city. This is stereotyping and people are being classically conditioned to steer away from this “dangerous city”.
4. By using this technique of consequence, people will eventually be conditioned to see Baltimore as a city full of normal people and normal struggles. Baltimore is being negatively punished by being seen as a scary place to go, and the consequence is less tourists are vacationing there and this results in people who depend on the tourist season not being able to keep up with their own payments and bills. This project that Joe Rubino is working on will help others see that this is still a place of beauty and a place of culture.
5. I feel in this situation that the consequence does both, it involves the addition of something desirable and it involves the removal of something undesirable. In the sense of adding something desirable, we can look at how the outside world looks at Baltimore, and how his project is helping the face of this city be more appealing to others. On the other side of things, Rubino’s project is removing the stigma and stereotype of this beautiful city.
6. The antecedent in this situation is the city of Baltimore.
7. A= Baltimore B= Portrayed as beautiful C= Others will find Baltimore beautiful as well
8. This is positive reinforcement, because Baltimore is being seen as a nice place to visit. Joe’s project is taking away the negative stimulus and is injecting positive reinforcement to the public.
9. ”The Paybacks, Prove Superhero Comics Can Be Legitimately Funny”. This article is about comics talking about real life situations and stressors, like debt, mortgage, jobs, etc. Unlike your average superhero comics, these superheroes don’t fight off evil supervillains but instead fight off every day hassles the average person has to go through.
Terms: reinforcement, consequence, stereotyping, classic conditioning, negative punishment, stigma, antecedent, positive reinforcement, stimulus, target behavior,
1) The article that I have chosen is about the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu agreeing to have an 11th-hour deal to form a new coalition government. He was joined by the right wing Bayit Yehudi Party leader Naftali Bennett.
2) The agreement to form of a new coalition government by Netanyahu
3) The consequence of having a formation of a new coalition government would Netanyahu getting the support from Bennett and his right wing party and probably win his fourth term as Prime Minister.
4) This consequence will increase the target behavior because if Netanyahu wins the votes and support he will continue with this strategy of forming new coalitions within the Israeli government to keep his position as Prime Minister.
5) The consequence is the addition of something desirable which is the support from Bennett and his party.
6) The antecedent is a press conference with Netanyahu and Bennett.
7) A = Press conference with Netanyahu and Bennett
B = formation of a new coalition government
C = getting the support of Bennett and his right wing party
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of a desirable stimulus which is the support of Bennett to increase the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring which is the formation of a new coalition government.
This article has the potential to involve extinction, Netanyahu may not continue to form new coalition governments. Extinction occurs when a target behavior is no longer reinforced, which leads to the individual no longer emitting the behavior of interest. This could possibly happen if Netanyahu does not get the target votes he was looking for and that in turn would reduce the frequency of him forming new coalitions and by not getting support from others he would lose his reinforcer. This would be the extinction of the target behavior.
9) This article was about the controversy surrounding the alteration of the footballs used during the Patriots game.
10) The target behavior was the Tom Brady lied about having no knowledge of the footballs being deliberately deflated after the referee inspected it.
11) The consequence is Brady is facing suspension from playing football.
12) The consequence of facing suspension will decrease the target behavior of lying about illegal alteration of footballs before a match because no football player wants to be suspended.
13) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable in the form of a suspension
14) The antecedent is Tom Brady being questioned about his involvement in the ball alteration
15) A = Tom Brady being questioned about his involvement in the ball alteration
B = Tom Brady lying about having knowledge of footballs being deliberately deflated after the referee inspected it.
C = Tom Brady faces suspension from playing football
16) This is positive punishment because it involves the addition of an aversive stimulus which is a suspension to decrease the target behavior.
18) Terms: Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, desirable, positive reinforcement, extinction, reinforced, frequency, positive punishment, aversive stimulus, ABC
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR (, the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
In this article there is an argument that medical marijuana may protect/prevent traumatic brain injury in professional football players. There is an issue of allowing players to use the drug because the NFL’s policy is outdated and does not reflect current trends in science; new evidence.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is reducing/preventing the effects of traumatic brain injuries by using medical marijuana, specifically a chemical in marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD). This chemical “can act as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant for the brain.”
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of professional football players using medical marijuana is that it can protect athletes’ brains. It can act as a protective factor to reduce more serious damage in the future.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
If usage is increased the drug will help football players have an effective preventative measure that they can use. The drug will act as a buffer for the athletes’ brains.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
It reduces the likelihood—or removes—the traumatic brain injury as a major concern. Professional football players would not have to worry as much about potential severe concussions.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Marijuana has become a more accepted form of treatment for medical maladies. Marijuana is less stigmatized than in the past. It is now becoming legal in more and more states.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Medical marijuana is becoming more available (legal in many states)
B= Medical marijuana usage
C= Traumatic brain injury reduced
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
Negative reinforcement because it reduces brain impairment. It is negative because the chance of brain injury is reduced. It is reinforced because the frequency of the behavior will increase if the brain injury is reduced. The behavior will increase because it has a purpose of improving health.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates topunishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece
This article is about the protests that have followed after a piece of legislation concerning the funding of Planned Parenthood went in to the legislature. There is a controversy on Twitter with how the pro-choice supporter are using the hashtag #shout your abortion.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The behavior that is being used is a Twitter campaign to promote less stigma with the term abortion.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is a reduction in stigma with regards to the term and process of abortion. The individual who began the hashtag believes that abortion should not be something that is whispered but something that is shouted, or told freely (hence the #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag). Her goal is to destigmatize the term and the concept.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
The public awareness of the hashtag will (hopefully) decrease the frequency in which abortion is stigmatized.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something that is undesirable
14) tell us to the antecedent is
Abortion is a controversial topic; people are either pro-choice or pro-life.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Abortion is a controversial topic
B= Twitter campaign to freely discuss abortion (#shoutyourabortion)
C= Reduce stigma
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because stigma is decreased/removed with the addition of social media, specifically Twitter.
Terms: Traumatic Brain Injury, Cannabidiol, Neuroprotectant, Medical Marijuana, Antioxidant, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Frequency, Stigma
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The United Nations have agreed to donate another $1 billion dollars to aid the continuing refugee relocation process from war torn Middle Eastern countries.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that is being illustrated is the behavior of leaving one’s country to settle in the European Nations.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is being relocated in a peaceful nation with aid being provided to you.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The frequency of the behavior, for a limited time, would hopefully increase, and more refugees would come to the European Nations to rid themselves of a war torn home country.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It is the addition of something desirable, a peaceful home and quiet life.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is living in Syria.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Living in Syria
B= Leaving home and Moving to Europe
C= Becoming a refugee and starting over
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is a positive reinforcement because like aforementioned, it is adding something (aid, peace of mind, new home, etc) and it is likely that this will increase the behavior of both the individual and other country members. I believe it will increase the behavior, because although this is not a common occurrence and one would not expect to have to do this more than once, it allows a person to gain many positives (glass is half full) when they leave a war torn home country.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would not be a case of extinction, it does not seem to be an establishing operation either, and instead I would classify this as a discriminative stimulus. The reasoning for this is that refugees are not a new thing to this world and the consequences of being one have been seen for multiple countries and this is what the U.N. is working on bettering even more.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this news article the Columbian leader and rebel leader have agreed to peace after over 50 years of fighting.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is fighting against the government and its leaders.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The removal of civilian rights, or even possibly death are possible consequences (from before the peace).
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
With death looking a person in the eyes, or jail for life simply for rebelling, there is a chance that these will decrease the likelihood of standing up to the government.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It is a removal of something desirable, namely human rights or life.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a war torn rebellion.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= War torn country in rebellion
B= Rebelling against the government
C= Loss of any civilian rights, or death
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because the consequence is a removal of something desirable, such as life or doing everyday activities. With the removal of these, it creates a very undesirable outlook and shuns people from starting the behavior in the beginning.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, establishing operations, discriminative stimulus, extinction
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In my news piece, the United Nations have agreed to donate another $1 billion dollars to aid the continuing refugee relocation process from war torn Middle Eastern countries. This is within the European Union and other countries across the world that were and still are sheltering the millions of refugees that are fleeing these war zones.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is reaching out and aiding these refugees. This behavior is being reinforced because as these countries help fellow human beings, they are being reinforced in their actions by being donated money to further help their cause.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
There are many consequences of reaching out and aiding these refugees. One is simply feeling good for doing the right thing. Another consequence is aiding one and getting them started will make it easier to continue to work, and as the dominos fall, more and more people will chain together to assist millions.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The frequency of the behavior will increase, as more help and more good feelings come through, it is highly likely that more people and nations will continue to aid in sheltering refugees.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It is the addition of something desirable. It adds positive feelings of the self, and also it adds a life to those who were rejected it in their homelands due to poor circumstances.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is living in a first world, or well of country.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= living in a first world country
B= Assisting refugees
C= Positive self-emotions; addition of millions of positive lives to aid
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is a positive reinforcement because like aforementioned, it is adding something (aid, peace of mind, new home, etc) and it is likely that this will increase the behavior of both the individual and other country members. I believe it will increase the behavior, because although this is not a common occurrence and one would not expect to have to do this more than once, it allows a person to gain many positives (glass is half full) when they assist refugees.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This would not be a case of extinction, it does not seem to be an establishing operation either, and instead I would classify this as a discriminative stimulus. The reasoning for this is that aiding refugees is not new, and instead it is something that is determined on an individual basis.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
In this news article that I have chosen for the second article the Columbian leader and rebel leader have agreed to peace after over 50 years of fighting in a war torn Columbia. This is a breakthrough that has not even been thought to see the light of day for years.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that I have decided to use as an example is fighting against the government and its leaders. Also known as being a rebel.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of being a rebel are many, some examples of them are the removal of civilian rights, or even possibly death. However, a more positive outcome is that the government is overthrown and a consequence is a united and new government.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
With the first consequence, the consequence is likely to decrease because most people are keen on living, so when presented with aversive scenarios, we are likely to become self-sustaining and choose life.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition
of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence that is being looked at above has something that is removed that is desirable. The desirable traits are human life and liberties (although the lack of these is what leads to rebelling in the first place)
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a generations being oppressed by a cruel government and wanting change. Generations of people planting ideas of overthrowing the dictators and changing the corruption in a war torn country.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= War torn country in rebellion
B= Rebelling against the government
C= Loss of any civilian rights, or death
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because the consequence is a removal of something desirable, such as life or doing everyday activities. With the removal of these, it creates a very undesirable outlook and shuns people from starting the behavior in the beginning.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, establishing operations, discriminative stimulus, extinction, reinforced, behavior, aversive
1.The article I chose is about how there is an increase in the numbers of millennials joining seminaries. The basic thrust of the article is that there is a dramatic rise in millennial seminary students, despite the rather dramatic increase in millennials whom identify as no religious affiliation. The article examines reason for why this might be, pointing out that perhaps its because millennials are interested in lives of meaning, and serving others is quite meaningful. In addition, it looks at the longing for a break from the sensory overload that is a part of what society has become, due to all of the constant data coming at you from social media.
2.The target behavior I'm looking at from this article is one I'm inferring in this case. Part of the article explored how these students are striving to find peace and meaning, and a break from our high pressure society. This leads to seminary, and a large part of seminary is developing a relationship with their god. This is often done through prayer. The target behavior in this case is prayer.
3.The consequence of this behavior of praying is a complete break with society, you are by yourself with no other stimuli but your own thoughts, and among the faithful, the consequence is becoming closer to god.
4. This is a very reinforcing consequence because the antecedent in this case is a desire for peace. The consequence is fulfilling that need very well, providing time to meditate completely away from the buzz of society.
5. This is both giving something and taking something away. It is taking away the societal pressure and frenzy. It is giving a sense of peace and closeness with God.
6. The antecedent is the desire for peace and a closeness with god, away from the hubbub of social media and such.
7. Antecedent-Desire for peace and disconnect with societal pressures.
Consequence-sense of peace, closeness with God
8. In my opinion this could be either a positive or a negative reinforcement. Indeed it could be both. You are taking away the pressure and frenzy of society, but you are also giving the peace and closeness with god that these seminary students desire. I think that these things go hand in hand. The peace is almost a result of the lack of societal pressure.
9.The article I found is about how the Local Government Association is calling for harsher penalties for rogue landlords committing housing offences. The current penalty is a 1500 pound fine, and they want to change it to include larger fines, and possible jail time.
10.The target behavior in this is committing housing offenses.
11. The proposed consequence is a much greater fine and even jail time.
12. This would be an effective punisher because it is severe enough that it would effectively decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring again, While its not quite as immediate as pure punishment is, the beginning of the process of punishment would start as soon as there activity has been discovered.
13.The increased fine part of this punishment is the taking away of money. The jail time could also be considered the removal of freedom.
14. The antecedent is the opportunity to commit housing offenses.
15. antecedent- Opportunity to commit housing offenses
behavior-commit housing offense
consequence-heavy fines and jail time
16. This is an example of negative punishment. You are taking away money and freedom from the landlords committing these offenses, as opposed to giving them a beating, for example. You are removing things that are generally considered good, not giving them something that is aversive.
terms: consequence, behavior, antecedent, positive, negative, aversive, punishment, reinforcement, target behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece.
I chose an article from The article is called “The People Who Make Wishes Come True.” I chose this article because the title stuck out to me; I like stuff like this and people doing good things for each other. The article covers the story of someone with a terminal illness whom got a wish granted for him; the paramedic took the patient to Rotterdam harbor. After this, a charity was created that grants wishes for patients with terminal illnesses. They began in 2007 and have granted over 7,000 wishes.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement.
The target behavior is granting wishes.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
I think the consequence would be fulfilling the wishes of said patients. It’s a happy consequence.
4) tell us how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
Fulfilling the wishes of the patients and seeing the happiness of each patient would be motivational for people and the frequency would be increased. Not only would the behavior be continued, but the patients’ happiness would increase as well.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence has to do with fulfilling wishes and increasing happiness and that is something desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Terminal illness is the antecedent.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A: Terminal illness
B: Happiness
C: Fulfilling last wishes
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This is an example of positive reinforcement as they are not taking anything away; they are in fact giving something desirable to these patients and something that people would like to give and those in need would like to receive.
3) 9) briefly describe/summarize your piece.
Two kindergarten teachers at Salinas Elementary made an kindergarten bully sit in a chair while 24 other kindergarten students filed past him and slapped him. This was used as a type of punishment for the bully.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the slapping that the students emitted when they were elicited to punish the student who was being a bully by walking by and hitting him.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that the bully is being physically harmed by his peers.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
The bully being physically harmed by his peers will decrease his behavior because he will feel what it is like to be targeted. The bully will most likely discontinue his behavior in order to avoid feeling that way again despite the fact that this punishment is inappropriate.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
In this scenario, the consequence is being slapped by peers which is aversive, not desirable.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Sitting in a chair in a teacher's classroom.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The bully sitting in a chair in a teacher's classroom.
B= 24 kindergarten students slapping the alleged bully as they walk past him
C= Slapping of the bully
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because something aversive was added to the situation; in this case, it was the physical harm done by the 24 kindergarten students.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, antecedent,
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose to write about was called What Intangibles Go into winning team sports? The piece was a recorded interview asking a man who claims that players who are hard workers will make the teams better. A lot of what he says has to do with the players setting a better example for the other players to follow. These players are good to have on a team because they make everyone around them better. There is tough love involved; it's not all pats on the back and good jobs. He says he tries to find players that would be good examples.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is Lonnie Wheeler (the author) saying he would try to find athletes to encourage others to be better teammates. They show positive reinforcement to the athletes by putting some in higher roles as team leaders and captains, and they encourage the others to be better while increasing the roles of the younger ones as they do better. This is all done to make the team more successful.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is by being a better teammate and showing positive reinforcement to increase their good behaviors they make increase playing time and other incentives.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
A person who fails to do this will see less playing time and a person who manages to do this will see more playing time. If everything works out correctly the team will also get better.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is more playing time and a better team to play around.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this is the captain's setting a good example.
A= Captain's setting a good example
B= A positive vibe running through the team
C= Having a better behaved, easy to manage team.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement. While it starts out with you either follow the lead and push your teammates to get better, you are rewarded for doing the work to help your team out by winning more. Winning more will make the team happier and they will likely bond making them a tighter team making them want to keep winning, increasing the likelihood they will keep doing the behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The players are almost taught to emit the same behaviors as their captains because they know the coaches like how they behave and they get a pleasurable response in more playing time so it must be working. A bad attitude will result in aversive effects coming from a diminished role.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
On I found an article about Bernie Sanders stance on why we must end for profit prisons. The article makes many different points about the facts of for profit prisons and why they should be ended. Most of the points have to do with targeting certain people, having problematic living situations, and corruption.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is why some forms of punishment are not the right way to go.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the situations it puts the prisoners in. Because the article talks about how for profit prisons should be put to a stop, it brings up many points on how the consequences are corruption, abuse, targeted minorities, and such.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequences decrease the frequency of the behavior by making people not want to go to prison however some people will decrease more than others.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involve something undesirable which is unfair and poor treatment for getting sent to the prisons.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is getting committing a crime.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= committing a crime
B= Getting sent to prison
C= Poor treatment
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. The reason for this is because it will decrease the behavior by taking away a desirable thing, living a free life.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emit, pleasurable, aversive, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, desirable
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose to write about was called What Intangibles Go into winning team sports? The piece was a recorded interview asking a man who claims that players who are hard workers will make the teams better. A lot of what he says has to do with the players setting a better example for the other players to follow. These players are good to have on a team because they make everyone around them better. There is tough love involved; it's not all pats on the back and good jobs. He says he tries to find players that would be good examples.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is Lonnie Wheeler (the author) saying he would try to find athletes to encourage others to be better teammates. They show positive reinforcement to the athletes by putting some in higher roles as team leaders and captains, and they encourage the others to be better while increasing the roles of the younger ones as they do better. This is all done to make the team more successful.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is by being a better teammate and showing positive reinforcement to increase their good behaviors they make increase playing time and other incentives.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
A person who fails to do this will see less playing time and a person who manages to do this will see more playing time. If everything works out correctly the team will also get better.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is more playing time and a better team to play around.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this is the captain's setting a good example.
A= Captain's setting a good example
B= A positive vibe running through the team
C= Having a better behaved, easy to manage team.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement. While it starts out with you either follow the lead and push your teammates to get better, you are rewarded for doing the work to help your team out by winning more. Winning more will make the team happier and they will likely bond making them a tighter team making them want to keep winning, increasing the likelihood they will keep doing the behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The players are almost taught to emit the same behaviors as their captains because they know the coaches like how they behave and they get a pleasurable response in more playing time so it must be working. A bad attitude will result in aversive effects coming from a diminished role.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
On I found an article about Bernie Sanders stance on why we must end for profit prisons. The article makes many different points about the facts of for profit prisons and why they should be ended. Most of the points have to do with targeting certain people, having problematic living situations, and corruption.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is why some forms of punishment are not the right way to go.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the situations it puts the prisoners in. Because the article talks about how for profit prisons should be put to a stop, it brings up many points on how the consequences are corruption, abuse, targeted minorities, and such.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequences decrease the frequency of the behavior by making people not want to go to prison however some people will decrease more than others.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involve something undesirable which is unfair and poor treatment for getting sent to the prisons.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is getting committing a crime.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= committing a crime
B= Getting sent to prison
C= Poor treatment
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. The reason for this is because it will decrease the behavior by taking away a desirable thing, living a free life.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emit, pleasurable, aversive, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, desirable
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose to write about was called What Intangibles Go into winning team sports? The piece was a recorded interview asking a man who claims that players who are hard workers will make the teams better. A lot of what he says has to do with the players setting a better example for the other players to follow. These players are good to have on a team because they make everyone around them better. There is tough love involved; it's not all pats on the back and good jobs. He says he tries to find players that would be good examples.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is Lonnie Wheeler (the author) saying he would try to find athletes to encourage others to be better teammates. They show positive reinforcement to the athletes by putting some in higher roles as team leaders and captains, and they encourage the others to be better while increasing the roles of the younger ones as they do better. This is all done to make the team more successful.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is by being a better teammate and showing positive reinforcement to increase their good behaviors they make increase playing time and other incentives.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
A person who fails to do this will see less playing time and a person who manages to do this will see more playing time. If everything works out correctly the team will also get better.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is more playing time and a better team to play around.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this is the captain's setting a good example.
A= Captain's setting a good example
B= A positive vibe running through the team
C= Having a better behaved, easy to manage team.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement. While it starts out with you either follow the lead and push your teammates to get better, you are rewarded for doing the work to help your team out by winning more. Winning more will make the team happier and they will likely bond making them a tighter team making them want to keep winning, increasing the likelihood they will keep doing the behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
The players are almost taught to emit the same behaviors as their captains because they know the coaches like how they behave and they get a pleasurable response in more playing time so it must be working. A bad attitude will result in aversive effects coming from a diminished role.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
On I found an article about Bernie Sanders stance on why we must end for profit prisons. The article makes many different points about the facts of for profit prisons and why they should be ended. Most of the points have to do with targeting certain people, having problematic living situations, and corruption.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior that illustrates punishment is why some forms of punishment are not the right way to go.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the situations it puts the prisoners in. Because the article talks about how for profit prisons should be put to a stop, it brings up many points on how the consequences are corruption, abuse, targeted minorities, and such.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequences decrease the frequency of the behavior by making people not want to go to prison however some people will decrease more than others.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involve something undesirable which is unfair and poor treatment for getting sent to the prisons.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is getting committing a crime.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= committing a crime
B= Getting sent to prison
C= Poor treatment
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. The reason for this is because it will decrease the behavior by taking away a desirable thing, living a free life.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emit, pleasurable, aversive, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, desirable
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece
The piece is called "Making College More Affordable, One Text at a Time". It talks about the issues that come with paying for your college education, such as remembering to pay your student loans on time.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is getting students to pay their bills on time.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The real world consequence of not paying your bills on time is that your credit score will go down, the interest rates will go up, and you could possibly get thrown into jail if you have gone 90 days not paying your student loans. The consequence used in this article is after not paying your bill the first few months, you will either get an email or text message reminding you that you have not paid your student loan for x- amount of days and that it is passed due.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The article showed that of the 840,000 students increased their payment about 4 fold within 20 days of receiving either a text or email.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
In my opinion I would say that the consequence does include something desirable because it never hurts to have a friendly reminder that you are past due on your repayment for your student loans. Some people pay not see it that way, but the reminder is allowing you to pay back your bills on time, increasing your credit score, reducing the amount you owe, and allowing you to live a more effective life. So yeah, I would say that is desirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
End of your school experience, your student loans start kicking in and you need to pay them back. You forget that you need to pay back your student loans because you are either preoccupied with finding a job or are unsure of when to send the money.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A: End of your college career and your student loan payment start coming due.
B: You start missing your payments.
C: You get a friendly text/ email reminding you to pay your loans on time. You start to pay your loans.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are being encouraged to perform the desired behavior of paying back your student loans. The reinforcer is the loan provider, the reinforcement is the text message, and the target behavior is paying the loans. I would also say that by paying the loans the unwanted behavior of neglecting to pay back the loans is extinct since it is replaced with a new behavior.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The piece was titled, "Another High School Football Referee has been Allegedly Targeted and Hit". Essentially, this High school football player in Tennessee named Malcolm Easley targeted referee Kyle Gill one fateful Friday night. The player is seen on video shoving the referee in the middle of a play.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Well the punishment for shoving the referee is that the team took a 15 yard penalty and then Easley was told by the school that he was suspended for the season.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence changed unfortunately due to the fact that the player is the son of the football coach. So the boy's sentence was changed so that he only had to sit out for the following football game, rather than the entire season.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
I honestly feel that the first punishment would have been far more effective because the boy was only given a slap on the wrist. I felt he should have been made an example of and
despite his father's promises that the behavior will never happen again, how can they be sure if the boy is given such allowances. I feel that the behavior will decrease but a true lesson in behavior modification was not learned here.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
Yes, the undesirable aspect was that the boy was forced to sit out for the next game and that he cost his team not only 15 yards in the previous game, but he cost the team another player.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Friday night football game
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A: Friday night football game
B: Shoved the referee
C: Cost a 15 yard penalty and has to sit out for the next football game
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment because it is removing a desirable stimulus such as yards on the field and the time playing on the field with your teammates.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative Punishment, Reinforcer, Positive Punishment, Reinforcement, Targeted Behavior.
1. Summary) The article that I chose to use for the example of reinforcement was titled “Neo-Nazi, Radical Feminist and Violent Jihadist – All at once”. This piece from BBC Trending News author Mike Wendling tells the story of a man from Florida who used the identities of others and false ones that he created himself on the internet to stir political unrest and even threaten violence. This man, Joshua Goldberg, lived with his parents and was reported to have been solitary and spent most of his time on the internet. The identities he stole were public figures like journalists and artists; he then used their platform to spark controversy between groups such as Muslim extremists and anti-Muslims. However he also created personas of anonymous characters that claimed to take credit for inciting violent attacks, threatened terrorism, and gave information for building explosives to agents posing as extremists. He was arrested by the FBI and is currently undergoing mental health observation and counseling. Probably the most remarkable thing about this account is the fact that since many of aliases and people he was pretending to be were of such drastically differing views (see the title of the article) those investigating the case couldn’t really determine which of the beliefs Goldberg actually shared.
2) The target behavior that I focused on for this assignment was Goldberg’s posting of controversial opinions and dangerous information.
3) The consequences that he encountered because of this behavior were both good and bad for Goldberg. The initial consequences of the behavior were online attention he received and socialization with other people about issues that he appeared to care about; the second consequence was getting investigated and arrested by the FBI.
4) The only consequences of those I mentioned that would increase Goldberg’s behavior would be the attention he received and socialization with others.
5) These consequences involve the addition of something positive, or illustrates positive reinforcement.
6) The antecedent of the behavior was Goldberg’s stealing the identities of other people and creating the fake identities he used to facilitate his posts.
7) ABC’s of the behavior
A= Stealing other’s identities or creating false ones on the internet
B= Posting inflammatory comments and sending potentially dangerous emails under aliases
C= Being arrested by the FBI, getting attention online, socialization
8) Like I mentioned previously in this assignment, the consequences of the attention and socialization would be examples of positive reinforcement. The consequence of being arrested by the FBI on the other hand would be an example of negative reinforcement because his freedom was taken away. Goldberg will probably experience extinction as well when he is able to use a computer again but his posts do not garner the attention that they did when he used the aliases. He is most likely also going to experience deprivation while he is incarcerated as well if he is without or restricted from using the internet.
9) The article I chose for the second half of the assignment was titled ‘Five Tricky Issues for the Pope in the US’, and was also from BBC News. As you can probably guess, this article brought up five somewhat controversial topics that the Pope will likely face during his trip to the United States. These ranged from topics like the Pope’s standing with Cuba to his views on social issues such as gay marriage and abortion, but the one I want to highlight for this assignment is his opinions on climate change. US Representative Paul Gosar is boycotting the papal address to Congress because of the Pope’s views about climate change. Gosar stated in the article that this was because the Pope was acting “like a leftist politician”, Gosar also goes on to call climate change “questionable science” and scolds the Pope for treating it like religious truth.
10) The target behavior I wanted to focus on was the Pope speaking out about climate change and how he has called people to do more to prevent it.
11) The consequence for this behavior was having his address to the US Congress boycotted by Representative Paul Gosar.
12) This consequence may decrease the behavior of the pope speaking out about issues other than those immediately relevant to the church if people continue to boycott his addresses or services because of it.
13) This consequence is taking away something positive in that it has reduced the audience of the Pope in Congress.
14) This article didn’t give a lot of background context to the Pope’s comments on climate change, but I would assume that it would have been during one of his addresses from the past. So ‘while giving his address’ would have been the antecedent.
15 list ABC’s of the behavior
A= While giving his address
B= The Pope speaking out about climate change
C= Representative Paul Gosar boycotting the papal address to Congress
16) This would be an example of negative punishment, because something enjoyable is being removed from the situation. This could also become an example of an establishing operation if more people begin to boycott the Pope’s addresses; as he loses more of his reinforcer (the audience) he would likely become more sensitive to the number of people not in attendance. When the Pope emits these behaviors of speaking about issues that people would not consider his specialty he could be conditioning them to more closely associate political and religious ideals as well.
18) Terms: negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, positive punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequences, deprivation, establishing operation, emit, conditioning
1)The article that I picked talks about a cop that gives room, food and clothes to a homeless woman and her two sons when he sees them at the lobby of the police station where they have slept the night before and how thankful they are for everything he has done to help them. The article also includes a little bit of the family situation and some comments from other cops about their coworker.
2)The kindness of the cop is the target behavior of this article.
3)The consequence of the behavior is a homeless family really thankful and recognition from everyone for doing the right thing. Another consequence is that this kind action is making the rest of the country to get to know this little village which may help to increase the tourism.
4)This cop is getting a lot of pleasurable responses from everyone for the behavior that he emitted when helping the homeless family. Also, this behavior elicited a really pleasurable response from the family he is being helping.
5)The consequence in this article involves the addition of something desirable which is all the kind comments and opinions given by the homeless family that the cop help and everyone around the situation and who has read about it.
6)The antecedent in this article is the moment in which the homeless family was at the police station lobby where they slept the night before and this cop saw them and went to offer them his help.
7)A= The moment when the cop sees the homeless family at the police station office.
B= Offer his help to the family and provide them with house, food and clothes.
C= A lot of pleasurable and positive comments and reactions due to his actions.
8)This article is an example of positive reinforcement. As a consequence of the cop’s actions, there has been an important amount of pleasurable responses that have acted as secondary reinforcers with the actions of the cop in the first place acting as primary reinforcers. This kind behavior emitted by the cop is elicited by the environment that the cop has been raised that has leaded him to act in a particular way in response to the situation he was facing.
9)For this article I picked an article that talks about a software installed in some Volkswagen cars that dupes the official emissions tests. For this reason, the CEO Martin Winterkon has decided to take responsibilities on this irregularity and he is going to resign. Additionally, it is possible that quite a few owners of Volkswagen cars will take legal actions towards the car’s brand. This whole situation has had an impact not just on the image of the famous brand but on their income due to economic loses derived from this issue.
10)The target behavior is the whole issue about the official emissions control system inside the Volkswagen brand.
11)This whole issue ends up with CEO Martin Winterkon resigning in shock about the situation. Also, there is an important economic consequence and an important amount of people decided to take legal actions towards the car’s brand.
12)This whole situation is costing a lot of money to the brand and they are losing a lot of customers which is decreasing the benefit they make.
13)The consequence involves the addition of an aversive stimulus that elicits the behavior of the CEO resigning.
14)The antecedent in this article is the whole issue around software installed in some of the cars that dupes the official emissions control system.
15)A= The issue of the software installed in some of the cars that dupes the official emissions control system.
B= People not happy, lots of money lose, customers, some legal actions towards them from some of the customers
C= CEO resigning and legal and economic problems.
16)This article is a positive punishment because the addition of the whole problem is what decreases the likelihood of the behavior in this case. This time we can appreciate a high effectiveness of punishment because it ended up with someone take his part of the blame and for that reason resigning. Another thing that we can observe is that for this issue it is used immediacy of the punishment by all the fines and legal actions that Volkswagen is going to have to face when this whole situation was discovered a few days ago. Overall, this mistake is going to be expensive or the car’s brand and it is going to put a check mark next to it every time someone will look for a car.
18)Terms and terminology used: emit, desired, pleasurable, elicit, positive reinforcement, primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcers, ABC of behavior modification, positive punishment, aversive, effectiveness of punishment, immediacy of the punishment.
1) My article depicted Megan Cooper a 34 year old woman who lost 90 pounds to get to her target weight. Throughout the article Megan discusses the struggles to work out and to eat healthy. Throughout this article we learn that Megan had to use the tools of extinction, Reinforcement, and Punishment to get to her target weight.
2) The target behavior is to lose weight to meet her cardiovascular health requirements.
3) The consequence of this behavior is gaining more years on her life.
4) When Megan found out that she was in life threatening conditions she was easily able to apply herself.
5) This consequence involve the addition of something desirable, (i.e. Body Image, Healthier, More energy) with the removal of something adverse (weight gain, bad heart health.)
6) The antecedent is being notified of the bad cardiovascular health.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Notified of bad cardiovascular health
B= Lose weight to increase health
C= Live longer
8) This is Positive reinforcement. Megan found that if she lost weight that she would gain more cardiovascular health. With this desirable stimulus she was able to focus on gaining the healthy lifestyle she needed to live longer.
This involves the extinction of a bad habit, stress eating. Megan was able to make a lifelong change by realizing the damaging effects that she had be giving her body. Through verbal praise she was able to focus intently on making the change in her life.
9) My article was about the NFL and the Tom Brady deflated footballs controversy. In this article we learn about the NFL upholding a 4 game suspension on the star quarterback Tom Brady of the New England Patriots. Here there is a clear punishment that is being used, 4 game Suspension.
10) The target punishment behavior is deflating footballs for the AFC championship game, through the use of bribery and coercion.
11) The consequence of this behavior is a 4-game suspension.
12) Not only will the punishment decrease and possibly eliminate the behavior, but fear of greater punishment for second offenders will be a large role to be played as well.
13) It is both the removal of something desirable, Negative Punishment, and the addition of something aversive, Positive Punishment.
14) The Antecedent is the AFC Championship game
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= AFC Championship game
B= Deflate Footballs for a competitive advantage
C= 4- Game suspension
16) This is a combination of both positive and negative punishment but for the most part it is a general example of Negative Punishment. The NFL basically gives the message that if you mess with us and cheat you won’t play for us. This shows the removal of something desirable, as punishment to not make the same mistake again.
17) Reinforcement:
18) Terminology: Target behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Desirable Stimulus, Aversive Stimulus, Adverse, ABC’s, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment
I went to NPR and found an interesting article about obesity and racial correlations. According to this article, race, which plays a big part in low socioeconomic which in turn, plays a large part in obesity. It stated that, “it’s not about one group doing something wrong.” They found a higher correlation between obesity and race with the African-American and Hispanic ethnicities.
A target behavior to reduce obesity could be to encourage the increase in physical activity every day. More specifically, to have people spend at least 30 minutes a day on cardio activities such as running.
The consequence of running 30 minutes a day would be for that person to lose weight. The more someone loses weight and gets the look they desire, the more the running will continue.
This involves the addition of a desired activity.
The antecedent could be AT THE GYM.
1.) At the gym
2.) Runs for 30 minutes
3.) Loses weight
This is positive reinforcement because the addition of running allows pt to lose weight and feel good about themselves.
My next article is about how the chief executive of Volkswagen resigned after the scandalous news of the positive emissions test was leaked.
Lying about emission tests
Results is cars failing and causing problems
The behavior is decrease due to the chief being replaced.
This involves the removal of an undesirable stimulus or negative punishment. So it goes like this. The chief executive was removed from power because he lied and cars were damaged.
1.) At the office
2.) Chief lied
3.) He was removed
As stated above, it is negative punishment.
This is what I had originally written for my topical blog, as I had assumed the direction were the same as previous weeks, so I stupidly did not look before I wrote.
One of the most essential things to take from this week’s readings is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement/punishment. The words positive and negative can be misconstrued. In terms of reinforcement, positive means to give something desirable for the behavior performed, while negative means an adverse stimulus is taken away. According to a website I found in my search for tonight these are examples of negative reinforcement:
1.) Drying wet hands
2.) Turning off an alarm clock
3.) Wearing an oven mitt
4.) Pinching
Negative reinforcement should not be thought of as a punishment. The word negative does not always mean bad. When think about negative and positive in regards to punishment, positive means to add an undesirable consequence/ stimulus for undesirable behavior. Negative punishment is to take away a desirable stimulus/ consequence for undesirable behavior. This would include taking away a child’s favorite toy for not picking up their area when they are done playing.
One of my favorite shows of all time gives examples of operant conditioning and how positive punishment and negative reinforcement differ. The show is The Big Bang Theory. I absolutely love this show, not only for its comedy and drama, but also for the knowledge it imparts on people. That and it is easy to fall asleep to. I found a YouTube clip that shows the four men at Leonard’s work station, trying to come up with the next big discovery. They keep getting distracted and at one point they are watching a rousing match of pigeon ping pong when the computer gets shut so they can no longer see the screen. Sheldon complains, but they go back to work, only to be distracted again a few seconds later. Shutting the computer is an example of positive punishment. When they become distracted again, they then put duck tape on their arms and every time they get off topic, a piece gets ripped off. This is also a positive punishment. Positive punishment you ask? Don’t you mean negative reinforcement? The answer is no, I don’t, because as Sheldon states in the end of the clip a negative reinforcement is the removal of an positive stimulus. . . . Except it isn’t, it is the removal of an AVERSE stimulus. So this shows that you shouldn’t believe everything that is on a sitcom!
Regardless of wordage, these terms are an important part of behavioral modifications with varying results. The results need to be long term. Many people think that positive reinforcement is a reward for good behavior. This is completely true. According to my internet search, it is a REWARD to give a onetime bonus for reaching a sales goal, but it is a positive reinforcement to give a quarterly sales bonus for reaching goals.
Long story short: negative doesn’t always mean bad, positive doesn’t always mean good. It is when the punishment and reinforcement is added that you can start to understand whether it is for desirable behavior or undesirable behavior. Not so confusing when you think about it!
1) This piece is from BBC and is titled, Sun journalists ‘paid Surrey police officer £10k for tips'. It talks about the relationship between an officer and two Sun journalists who exchanged money for information about incidents and arrests. The Sun had the informant for over a decade and only stuck around for the money that was obtained. The investigation of the individual paying the informant is underway and that he should’ve known paying them for money was wrong.
2) The behavior used in the article that illustrated reinforcement was giving money for information.
3) The consequence of the behavior was getting information they wouldn’t normally get.
4) In the article when the sun journalists paid the police officer for information it increased how often and how much the informant would tell the journalists. Since he knew he could get money every time he had information it encouraged him to provide more and more information.
5) The consequences of giving money to the informant results in the addition of something desirable for the sun journalists. The journalists can get desirable information printed and out to the public that otherwise would have never been printed.
6) The antecedent is being a reporter and wanting to write a special piece on an interesting topic.
A= Being a reporter and wanting to write a special piece on an interesting topic
B= Giving money to the informant
C= Receiving secret information
8) This is an example of positive reinforcement. This is positive reinforcement because the sun journalists introduced something desirable, money, to increase the frequency that the informant would elicit a response. Without the informant getting the money, he most likely would not have emitted that behavior and would not have given the information freely.
9) This article is from the Huffington Post and is titled California and Climate Change: How Environmental Issues are Affecting the West Coast. It talks about the negatives of how we are living in society. How all of the CO2 and other greenhouse gases we are producing affect pretty much everything on Earth. We have a lot of negative effects that were produced because of greenhouse gases and it doesn’t seem like the effects are going to get better. Researchers believe that there are to be more wildfires, hotter summers, and higher sea levels in the near future.
10) The behavior I am using that illustrates punishment is the usage of certain gases by driving a car, etc. that then gets into the air.
11) The consequence of that behavior is more greenhouse gases in the air, global warming, which affects the ocean, wildlife, etc.
12) The consequence of having greenhouse gases in the air affecting our lives will help the frequency of people contributing to global warming by using environmentally friendly products as well as recycling so that not all of the garbage is put in garbage mounds that usually end up some in the ocean.
13) The consequences entail the addition of something undesirable. The addition of greenhouse gases which affect nature, the wildlife, and ultimately our lives.
14) The antecedent in this situation is the continuous addition of the world’s population.
A= The addition of the world’s population
B= Using more gases with new technology (CO2, cars, etc.)
C=Global warming with greenhouse gases
16) This is an example of positive punishment because once greenhouse gases are emitted the goal is to reduce the frequency of the undesirable actions happening.
18) Terms: emit, positive punishment, frequency, antecedent, behavior, consequence, ABC’s, elicit, positive reinforcement, behavior, antecedent
Don't Toss That Sour Milk! And Other Tips to Cut Kitchen Food Waste.
1. Briefly describe/ summarize your piece
This article is about tips on how to minimize your food waste. It discusses different ways you can do this. These tips are coming from waste-free kitchen handbook a book Dana Gunders wrote. This article interviews her and digs deeper into some questions about topics in her book.
2. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
Not throwing food away is the target behavior that illustrates reinforcement in this article.
3. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior would be minimizing food waste.
4. Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
By not having to buy groceries as often resulting in saving money would be how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
5. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because you don't want to waste good food that could be used for something else.
6. Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this example would be the food going bad and choosing to make the most of it and not throwing it away
7. Please then list the ABC’s of the behavior
A- Milk becomes sour
B- Use it to make pancakes
C-Good tasting pancakes without having to buy buttermilk you still get that sour taste
8. Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future.)
This article represents positive reinforcement because this article is introducing a desirable stimulus. This articles goal is to increase the use of reusing expired foods for other things. It’s emitting the frequency of throwing out foods when the date on the product says so.
Men Offer Abhorrent Excuses For Killing Women. Don’t Repeat Them.
9. Briefly describe/ summarize your piece
This article talks about how this man was charged with murder because he gutted his wife for screaming out another man’s name during sex so he says. It talks about how men can make up extreme reasons to explain their actions.
10. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Gutting his wife is the target behavior that illustrates punishment in this article.
11. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence in this example would be being charged with murder and have to face time in prison.
12. Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
He will not murder someone again because of all the money and time he had to face would be how that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
13. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something being undesirable because he would decrease the frequency of his response to happen again.
14. Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the wife making him angry.
15. Please then list the ABC’s of the behavior
A- The wife making him angry
B- He husband gutting and murdering his wife
C- He is then charged with murder
16. Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future.)
This article represents positive punishment because it’s introducing an aversive stimulus, which then decreases the frequency of it reoccurring again.
17. When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18. Once you are don’t with your post make list of terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive reinforcement, positive punishment, aversive stimuli, target behavior, emitting, ABC’s
(1) The article I read, "How Aquariums Can Actually Save Animals in the Wild" by Gogo Lidz is about how aquariums such as SeaWorld are being criticized, ridiculed, and misunderstood about their treatment of animals. Many people believe that SeaWorld captures wild animals and train them to do tricks, but in reality, they save animals that are becoming distressed in the environment they would otherwise be living in. Many of the animals and fish in facilities that are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) are rehab and rescue animals and some are considered "non-releaseable" by wildlife officials. Keeping wildlife in captivity may benefit the animals' survival because of the opposing threats in the wild: climate change, ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, pollutants, toxic contamination, oil spills, etc. There is an example of a baby sea otter named Luna that was rescued because her mother abandoned her. Since she was a baby, she didn't know how to feed herself, clean herself, or even how to be a normal sea otter. She had no example, so the trainers helped her become a sea otter, but deemed her as non-releaseable back into the wild. She and other animals are considered non-releasable because if they are released back into the wild, they would have a harder time adapting to the habitat and possibly and more likely would become more distressed than living in captivity. A show called Blackfish has really put a toll on SeaWorld and its objectives. There is a misunderstanding that SeaWorld captures perfectly fine wild animals and use them for entertainment and forcing the animal to do certain behaviors.
“Sometimes someone might say, ‘Aww, you made him do something he didn’t want to do,’” says Ramirez, who has been training animals for 30 years. “But if you see someone throw a tennis ball and a dog chases it, you wouldn’t say, ‘The dog didn’t want to do that.’ That’s dog behavior.”
This was a statement by Ken Ramirez, an animal care and training adviser at a facility. He also mentions that many people don't really know that training at zoos and aquariums don't include punishment. Most training is done through the cooperation of the animal and building a relationship through positive reinforcement.
(2) The target behavior I am using is saving wildlife and bringing them into captivity. This is a negative reinforcement to the animals being rescued. (3) The consequence is that these animals are being brought into captivity to create a better environment for them and saving them by bathing and feeding them and teaching them how to help them live. (4) Because these animals are being brought into a better environment and are more likely to live than being out in the wild, more animals will be rescued. And hopefully people will begin seeing and understanding that most facilities that bring in suffering wildlife is to help them not hurt them and will decide to help also. (5) The point of rescuing animals is to increase their quality of life therefore adding something desirable: a good environment and good life. But it also takes them away from their harmful habitat so it also takes away something undesirable.(8) This consequence of more animals being rescued could be a positive or negative reinforcement. The way it could be a positive reinforcement is that more animals will be rescued causing more people to help with rescuing, and the way it could be a negative reinforcement is that the animals are being taken out of their harmful environments and put into a better environment, saving their lives. (6) The reason these animals are needed to be rescued are caused by a multitude of reasons. Some may be caused by humans: pollution, whaling, oil spills, etc.; some may be caused due to their natural environment: baby abandonment, climate changes, sick, etc.
A= unhealthy environments
B= rescuing wildlife
C= nurturing and saving wildlife
9) The article I read called "Suspect Charged in Four Arizona Freeway Shootings" by Phil Helsel was about a man that was arrested and charged for shooting at vehicles while they were driving down a freeway near Phoenix, Arizona. Leslie Merritt Jr., age 21, was charged with 16 felony counts: three counts of drive by shooting, six counts of aggravated assault, three counts of unlawful discharge of a firearm, three counts of disorderly conduct, and one count of endangerment. For this, he was put in jail with a $1 million bond. He denies being a part of the shootings, but evidence shows that the firearm used for some of the shootings was in his name during the time of the shootings and matched the bullets found in some of the vehicles. Merritt claims his gun was put in a pawn shop almost two months before the incident, but the pawn shop records show otherwise.
(10) The target behavior I'm using to illustrate punishment is the terrorizing the vehicles on the freeway. (11) Because of this terrorizing act, the consequences for this behavior are getting taken away from his family, his time in jail, his large bail amount, and his felony charges he will have on his record the rest of his life that will more than likely make it extremely difficult for him to ever get a job. (12) This consequence will decrease this behavior because he won't have access to a gun while in jail and his time away from his family and the felony will (hopefully) result in him never terrorizing again. (13) This consequence adds something very undesirable for not only him, but his family as well. (14) The reason why he created this terrorizing act is unknown as of right now. (16) This would be considered a positive punishment because he is given a sentence and is put in jail to diminish or terminate his actions of terror.
A= unknown
B= causing terror/breaking the law
C= put in jail
Terms: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, target behavior
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I picked is about helping parents put their kids to bed at night, and making sure that they stay in bed. The article says to use a bedtime pass that allows the kid out of bed one time a night to use the bathroom or for an emergency of some sort. After that they aren’t allowed out of the room and any attempts at talking to the parents or leaving the room will be ignored. The child learns to go to sleep when its time and that they can only leave the room if they have to. It makes bedtime easier. They found studies to be successful.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is the child using the bedtime card one time a night, if they have to, and then going to sleep during bedtime without leaving their room again for the rest of the night.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that bedtime becomes easier. The parents don’t have to deal with kids being up all night when they should be sleeping. The child gains some independence and control. He or she feels that she can leave the room one time when they really need to but after that they understand that they have to go to sleep.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence is good. The child will learn that they can sleep on their own. It will teach them that bedtime means it’s time to go to sleep. The consequence of the child leaving their room less and going to bed on their own will make the target behavior if using the bedtime pass go down.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
It eliminates the undesirable behavior of the child continuously getting out of bed and or yelling for his parents.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is bedtime.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= child going to bed
B= child uses the bedtime card
C= child doesn’t fight bedtime
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
(Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
I think this has some positive reinforcement. The positive behavior of going to sleep at night will keep happening but the negative behaviors of yelling until they get their way will stop.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
There is some extinction. If the child used the pass the one allowed time the parents then wouldn’t respond to the child if he or she was yelling for them later. Before if they would have yelled the parents would have responded. The child learns that yelling or crying is not going to get them anything so they stop.
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
Volkswagen’s CEO manipulated diesel car emissions. Now there are investigations and the COE possibly being let go from the company. As a result they lost investors and its costing them a lot of money to make up for the mistakes.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is the CEO manipulating the diesel car emissions.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence is him possibly losing his job.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of his behavior because he will no longer be a part of the company (assuming he does get fired –which I do).
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, his job.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the CEO being in charge.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= he is in charge.
B= he manipulates test results
C= he gets fired.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment. The negative consequence is the CEO losing his job, therefore the behavior will not happen again with him in that company and less likely to ever happen again with him at any other company.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, punishment, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, antecedent, extinction, target behavior, consequence,
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR (, the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
a. Schools around the country are still facing biases. A superintendent at the Ferguson-Florissant School is trying to combat this bias so that schools can act as a great equalizer for everyone.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
a. The target behavior is to increase learning opportunities in the classroom.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
a. People will all have the same chance to learn the same way regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, ethnicity, etc.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
a. The consequence of increasing learning opportunities for everyone in the classroom is the opportunities will be equalized for everyone.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
a. The consequence involves removing bias which is something undesirable.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
a. The antecedent is having bias in the classroom.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= having bias in the classroom.
B=Increasing learning opportunities in the classroom
C=Classrooms and the education system will be equalized.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future). This would be an example of negative reinforcement because the goal is to remove bias (an aversive stimulus) from the situation.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
This definitely involves establishing operations because they would have to establish different ways of being more inclusive and keeping the classroom dynamic more equalized. To remove bias there is going to also have to be a lot of discussion of diversity and how this can affect a classroom dynamic.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article talked about athletes who suffer from depression and what they can do to receive help.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior is to prevent athletes from feeling negative or depressed enough to the point of wanting to kill themselves.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of this behavior is that athletes will live longer healthier lives.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The frequency will decrease because the consequence is a positive thing.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This removes the negative feelings (undesirable stimulus)
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is athletes are feeling depressed and suicidal.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Athletes feel depressed and suicidal.
B=Athletes seek out help from professional counsellors.
C=The athletes will be much happier and live longer lives.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because the idea of death(negative) is being presented to the athletes if they choose to not seek help.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive Punishment
Negative Reinforcement
Aversive Stimulus
Negative Stimulus
Target Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
The article is focused around the sport of soccer, specifically college soccer and why every year more and more British students are taking US soccer scholarships. The article discusses how consulting companies from the U.S. originally would contact athletes in the U.K., and now it is quite the opposite. In 2001, roughly 12 male British students came to play college soccer in the U.S. Now, over 600 male and female students come to the U.S. every year. These consulting companies or “firms” as stated in the article, help these players find a specific college to play for, help them find scholarships, and then later on sponsor them for professional teams. These “firms” help British students succeed in their athletic careers overseas.
This specific articles focuses on a few students who have benefited from these programs. It goes through their success stories, but also their backstories and where they come from. One of these students came from ultimately nothing. They had lost an opportunity to try for a soccer scholarship in Britain, and from then on couldn’t afford college. In 2001, tuition for most schools in England was around 1,100 pounds per year. Now, most schools have a tuition rate around 9,000 pounds per year. This makes school virtually impossible for those who do not have wealthy parents. This boy was given a second chance by these firms. He was able to attend college in the United States, play soccer, and not only pay off his loans soon after graduation, but also make money in the process. He has become a successful businessmen (creating a kickstart program for soccer players who can’t afford college) and soccer player, thanks to these programs. He is not alone. Many students have benefited from these programs and the popularity speaks for itself.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement
The target behavior is getting British students to commit to these firms. Once they have committed to a firm, it is set. Therefore, these firms must get the players to sign up and commit to their program. Hence, the target behavior is this sign up process, simply committing to the program. This illustrates reinforcement because these firms are getting more of their target behavior (AKA, people signing up from Britain to come to play soccer in the U.S.) This shows that there is reinforcement occurring (i.e. more money, practically free education, adventure, do the sport you love, etc.; not broke in home country, lack of education, pay for super expensive college in home country, etc.)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is that these people end up playing soccer in the United States for fairly low prices, potentially gain fame and recognition for athletic abilities, gain an education, they also now have potential for careers in field of choice due to education. Other (more negative) consequences (not featured in article) could be homesickness, lack of connection to family, loss of connection to friends in home country, loss of job opportunity in home country, etc.
4) Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
The first set of consequences listed in the previous section would increase the frequency of behavior to those who want to be successful in these areas. For example, those who want to come to the U.S. for discovery – see others gain fame and popularity, will increase the chance they will apply. For those who want to get an education for less money and have more career choices due to this education, will be motivated by the fact that every person who has done this has gained an education from a certified institution. All of these factors will increase the frequency of the target behavior (AKA, people signing up and committing to these firms to play soccer in the United States).
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
With this particular article, I would have to say both. There is an addition of something desirable (i.e. fame, fortune, career possibilities, education, adventure, travel, etc.), which would appeal to some. There is also a removal of something undesirable for others (i.e. lack of education, expensive education, lack of opportunity to play soccer, lack of career opportunities due to lack of education, etc.)
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is seeing examples of other people successfully completing this program (also the firms reaching out to these individuals).
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Seeing positive results for others/being recruited
B= Applying to program for soccer/school in the U.S.
C= Gain fame, education, and career possibilities.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The target behavior is getting people to sign up and commit to these firms/the program. The players tend to have a positive response when hearing about the positive results of previous people (a stimulus). The players are emitting the behavior of being good at soccer and the firm is emitting the behavior of recruiting these players as well as reporting positive results of those who have completed the program.
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece
I read an article that talks about a man who invented an application to help stop the act of bullying. Todd Schobel (the inventor) was inspired by the story of Amanda Todd, who was bullied online (and offline) for over two years. Todd eventually made a video about the online abuse specifically, and within a month she had killed herself. After hearing her story, Schobel decided something had to stop. He knew that kids could stop bullying in person if they had the gumption to, but sometimes its harder for kids to determine what is bullying online and how they can stop bullying online.
Therefore, Schlobel invented STOPit, an app designed for kids to be able to snap a screenshot of a picture, get advice as to how the handle the situation by professionals, and the pictures can be used as evidence in further situations. I chose this article because I think it is incredibly applicable to today’s online world. Online bullying is still very prominent in our society – and more and more often, the gray areas are increasing. This app not only allows someone to easily submit evidence of online bullying (punishment) or also gain advice as to how to handle the situation they are dealing with.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment
The target behavior is to stop online bullying – while this is fairly general for a target behavior, it is the target behavior featured in this article. A more specific example could be to stop online bullying (name-calling) via twitter.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this behavior is that there is photo evidence of the bullying, a straight connection to those trained in how to respond to these situations, and potential issues with the law.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
If more and more people get caught online bullying through the use of this STOPit app, bullying by those individuals will eventually stop or at least decrease in frequency. Also, those who see others get in trouble via the use of this app will also hesitate the next time they think about sending a nasty message or spew an unnecessary comment.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
I believe in this situation, it involves the addition of something undesirable – AKA getting in trouble, potentially with the law!
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is someone posting something with bullying content.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Someone (an organism) posts a message with bullying content
B= A different someone snaps a picture of the message and sends it to STOPit
C= The person now has evidence in online harassment and a potential court date
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment. It is the addition of an undesirable trait, therefore the intent is to stop the behavior via addition of negative situation. Since there is an addition, it is a positive punishment.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, emit, stimulus, reinforcer, organism, consequence, antecedent, behavior
For your news I would like you to
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This article is about how California and a couple other states are having prisoner help fight fires exchange for their sentence reduce and a couple dollars. The prisoners volunteer to become firefighters and go help put out wildfire and help prevent them from happening again. For the most part the prisoners that volunteer like helping and doing the hard work.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior is prisoners helping fight wildfires and prevent them from separating to people’s homes.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of helping fight wildfires is that the prisoners get their sentence reduce and get remain them that they are a good person and can help they just have to make the right decision for themselves.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will increase the frequency of prisoner helping fight wildfires because they are able to reduce a large amount of time off their sentences and they can make a decent amount of money. Also it show them that they can do more them be a criminal them can help others.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence involves addition of something desirable because it is giving the inmate a change to see that they are worth more and its giving them a chance to reduce their sentence.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the Prisoners
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Prisoners
B= helping fight wildfires
C= reduce sentence and they are paid
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is giving prisoner that have not commitment violence/ serious crimes a chance to do something benefits and reduce overcrowding in the prisons.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article is about the people of Nauru and how their unhealthy behaviors are negatively effecting live in Nauru. It talks about the fact that a lot of people that are living in poor country have malnutrition that can lead to diabetics and obesity.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Target behavior is to decrease malnutrition to improve health and reduce obesity, diabetics and cardiovascular disease.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of decreasing malnutrition is that it will improve health and reduce obesity, diabetics and cardiovascular disease.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will decrease the frequency of malnutrition by the fact that it improve health of people and increase their life expectancies.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable the poor of Nauru are malnourish because they cannot afford to buy healthy food because they do not have money.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the people of Nauru and other poor country.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The people of Nauru and other poor country
B= Decreasing malnutrition
C= The people of Nauru and others will be healthier and have longer life expectancies.
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because instead of emitting malnutrition with a poor diet going increase a healthy diet by adding some fruit and vegetables to their diet.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, positive punishment, emitted
briefly describe/summarize your piece,
My piece has to do with sleeping with babies at night. It showed that babies do not sleep any better or worse depending on whether they sleep in the parents room/with the parents, or in a different location. However, mothers who sleep with their babies or with their babies in the room do not get as good sleep as mothers who sleep in a different location than the baby.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
I am using the target behavior of sleeping in a separate room than your baby.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is that you sleep better and longer with the baby in a different room than yourself.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
The more you get good sleep the more you will realize how good that feels and therefore the more likely you will be to do the behavior that results in getting good sleep.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It involves the removal of the baby (undesirable) which will wake you up more often throughout the night if it is in the same room as yourself.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be having a baby.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Having a baby
B= Putting the baby in a different room to sleep
C= Sleeping better and longer
8) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is negative reinforcement, because it is removing something undesirable from the environment to achieve desirable consequences.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
This piece is about how there is new and more advertisements pushing women to use IUDs.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
Getting women to use IUDs.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
It is low maintenance and and highly effective at preventing pregnancies.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
Because of these desirable consequences women will be more likely to get IUDs instead of other forms of birth control or no birth control at all.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
It is the addition of something desirable, easy and effective birth control.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
Being sexually active.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being sexually active
B= Using IUDs
C= Easily and effectively not getting pregnant
16) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because it is introducing something to the environment that decreases the likelihood of undesirable consequences (getting pregnant).
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
1) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The page I deicide to talk about smart watches. This is where apple and other retailers are making a way to making paying for something easier. They made a watch where all you have to do is rest it up to the device and you pay for your product. They talk about this in a wine store where they say "We want customers to be open to new wines, so we need to be open to new payment technologies."
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement,
The target behavior in this article would be having an easier way to pay for things. So this is the apple watch. It is easy because you only have to rest it over another devise and it will charge it. Barely any effort at all.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence to this behavior would be people buying more things they may not buy originally.
4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior,
This consequence will increase the behavior of getting people to buy more things because it is quick and easy. If someone is hesitating to get something, getting out a credit card would that lets them think about that product more even though that is still a little amount of time. Without that little time to think about it, they make rash decisions which may not be good those people but defiantly an extrinsic motivation for the retailers.
5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
This consequence for the retailer would be desirable because they are getting more money because the people are buying more products. On the other hand if you are taking it from the customer’s side it could either be desirable or undesirable. Desirable because it is easy and fast to buy your stuff but can be aversive because you can buy more stuff than you realize.
6) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent it the apple watch itself with the paying feature in it.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Paying feature in watch
B= consumers buying more products
C=retailers getting more money
9) briefly describe/summarize your piece,
The article I chose for this week’s assignment is about growing plants on mars. They have found a way to get enough oxygen carbon dioxide and water in a living space at mars to grow plants. Even though it is very tricky because at mars they only get 60% of the sun we get and there are no large bodies of water that help us on earth.
10) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment,
The target behavior would being able to eat food up at mars. Growing plants on mars so we are able to eat there instead of just transporting the food over there with them which is very expensive.
11) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of growing to plants on mars would be cost effective, food for people up there, and its keeps the oxygen and carbon dioxide in balance.
12) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior,
This behavior will definitely increase the behavior because it helps us survive more easily if we were to stay up there or if in the future sometime needed to move away from our planet. It is also part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs where we have to fulfill being able to eat and to survive before fulfilling any other desirable needs.
13) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Which is being able to eat and helps the air you breath in the living space.
14) tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of this behavior is wanting to be able to eat food on mars so they don’t have to transport it and also the beginning of trying to find another living space that’s not on earth.
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=wanting food on mars
B= growing plants
C=having food on mars, helps the air, and cheaper
16) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Basically they are removing an aversive stimuli of expensive transportation of food. Then adding the stimulus of producing food on mars so it would be a positive punishment. The way I took it though was that it was a positive reinforcement because they are getting more food by making it there.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
Terms: extrinsic motivation, target behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, ABC's of the behavior, reinforcement, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, removal of aversive stimuli, a desirable stimulus.
1) Briefly describe/summarize your piece and tell us what your topic is
My topic is about a single mother who survived a rollover crash in New York. The young mother rolled her car at 4am Sunday morning and was able to crawl out of the car with help from bystanders. She then went to retrieve her belongings but was struck by a vehicle and killed. A state trooper who blocked off traffic from hitting her was struck in his vehicle as well.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates your topic,
The target behavior that is illustrated in this article was the single mother who crossed the roadway to get her belongings.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior that she was struck and killed by a passing vehicle
4) Tell us how, that consequence will change the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence will change the frequency of the behavior by decreasing the likelihood of the mother retrieving her belongings in the future because she was struck and killed by a car and therefore will not be able to emit the target behavior again.
5) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable,
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. It involves the removal of one’s life and life is something that is desired.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the car accident.
7) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= The car accident
B= Single mother attempted to cross roadway to retrieve belongings
C= Stuck and killed by a passing motorist
8) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment. Negative punishment is the removal of something desirable in order to decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future. The removal of life from the single mother will decrease the likelihood of her retrieving her belongings across the road after a car crash.
9) Briefly describe/summarize your piece and tell us what your topic is
This article describes a group called Universal K9 which rescues dogs from shelters and gives them a second chance by training them to become police dogs. They save up to a 60 dogs so far this year and place them in an 8 week course fun mainly by military trained staff to detect drugs and explosives and then are given to police departments.
10) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates your topic,
The target behavior that helps me to illustrate my topic is Universal K9 rescuing dogs from shelters to avoid euthanasia.
11) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is,
The consequence of the behavior is the giving dogs a second chance and a home.
12) Tell us how, that consequence will change the frequency of the behavior,
The consequence of this behavior will change the frequency of the behavior by increasing the likelihood of Universal K9 rescuing dogs from shelters because it gives them a second chance and a home.
13) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally
The consequence of this behavior involves the addition of something desirable. It involves the addition of giving dogs a new life and a home to live in.
14) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this case is
15) Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Overwhelming euthanasia of dogs in shelters
B= Universal K9 rescuing dogs from shelters
C= Giving dogs a second chance and a home
16) Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. (Make sure that the consequence will change the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future).
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the addition of something desirable in order to increase the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future. The addition of giving dogs a new life and home will increase the likelihood that Universal K9 will rescue more dogs from shelters in the future.
17) When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.§ion=crime
18) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: Consequence, Behavior, Antecedent, Frequency, Target Behavior, Desirable, Undesirable, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment