you begin this assignment, please go to the following site and read a couple of
topical blog posts that were done by students last semester at:
Notice that some are quite a bit better than others. Re-read our class grading rubric and think about how well the various posts might have been graded.
Next what
we would like you to do is to find a topic from what we have covered so far in
class that you are interested in and search the internet for material on that
topic. You might, for example, find people who are doing research on the topic,
you might find web pages that discuss the topic, you might find youtube clips
that demonstrate something related to the topic, etc. What you find and use is
pretty much up to you at this point. But use at least 3 sources (only one video
please and make sure it adds to the topic).
1) Once
you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what
your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and
why you are interested in it.
2) What
are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
2) Next,
I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and
integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write
about the topic.
3) At the
end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
integrating/synthesizing I mean to take what your read/experienced from the
internet search (and from section 1 if you like) organize the information into
the main themes, issues, info, examples, etc. about your topic and then write
about the topic in your own words using that information. This is hard for some
people to do - many students write what we refer to as "serial
abstracts." They are tempted to talk about the websites rather than the
topic proper. For example, they will talk all about website #1, start a new
paragraph and talk all about web site #2, start a new paragraph and talk all
about web site #3, and then write some kind of conclusion. Serial means one
after the other...This what you DON'T want to do!
At first
it is a real challenge to get out of the habit of writing "serial
abstracts," but I assure you once you get the hang of it it is much easier
to write using the integration/synthesis method. And besides this is the way good
researchers and scientists write their technical reports and findings - many of
you will have to be able to do this for other classes and for jobs that you may
eventually be hired for, so now is a good time to learn this skill.
Once you
are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your
Let us
know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is of Sheldon giving Penny chocolate for every behavior that she changes that he doesn’t like. When she takes his dirty plate to the kitchen he gives her chocolate. When she moves out of his spot automatically he gives her chocolate. When she said she was talking too much he gave her chocolate. When she had a phone call and took it outside he gave her chocolate. He used positive reinforcement to change her behavior to his liking.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
She took out his dirty dish (0.05-0.10)
She moved out of his spot (0.15-0.22)
She stopped talking (0.32-0.42)
She went and took her phone call in the hallway (0.48-1.00)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Penny is receiving chocolate, and Sheldon stays happy.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It is something desirable. She receives a piece of chocolate.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Penny being at Sheldon and Lenard’s apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Penny being at Sheldon and Lenard’s Apartment
B= Penny staying out of Sheldon’s spot, penny being quiet
C= She gets a piece of chocolate, and Sheldon is happy
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because Penny was rewarded and receiving something for her behavior. She received chocolate every time she changed her behavior.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video Amy lies to Sheldon about being sick. He then says she needs to be punished and her punishment is to be spanked. (This is a comical example)
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to stop Amy from lying to Sheldon. (0.00-0.50 Shows how Amy is lying) (0.50-1.05)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Amy gets spanked
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It is the addition of something undesirable (or it is supposed to be in Sheldon’s eyes. Again this is a comical view of positive punishment)
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Sheldon is taking care of Amy at her apartment because she is sick
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Sheldon taking care of Amy at her apartment because she is sick.
B= Amy lies about being sick
C= Sheldon spanks Amy
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because it is the addition of something undesirable.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, ABC’s of behavior
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this Youtube clip comedian Aziz Ansari performs standup comedy for one of his television specials. The crowd is in control of Aziz’s behavior based upon crowd reactions to the jokes he makes. In this particular section of his standup routine the crowd laughs at the joke and you can see Aziz react by showing more enthusiasm as he tells it.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
1. Aziz makes a joke about how people hate to talk on the phone and would rather text. The crowd relates to this antisocial behavior and laughs. (:23)
2. Aziz jokes about how girls will constantly ignore important text messages at inconvenient times and as he makes his way through the joke the crowd laughs more heavily. The more heavy the laughter, the more animated and loud Aziz becomes. (:45)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the crowd’s behavior is that Aziz will be more willing to tell this joke in his next standup routine. He has been able to read what the crowd enjoys based upon the reinforcement of their laughter and he will more likely increase the use of this joke.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This consequence involves the addition of a desirable stimulus, which in this case is laughter. Everyone likes to be funny and have their jokes laughed it and it acts as positive reinforcement for Aziz based upon the addition of laughter from the crowd. Aziz will become more excited and willing to tell this joke as well as others in the future if he knows people will laugh at them.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this situation would be to go to Aziz’s show and watch him perform a standup comedy routine.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Going to Aziz’s show.
B= Laughing at Aziz’s jokes.
C= Aziz will tell this joke again and be more animated when doing so.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Aziz’s behavior is being reinforced by the addition of laughter from the crowd. The crowd acts as a reinforcer for Aziz’s behavior because when they laugh at his jokes they are increasing the likelihood of that type of behavior to occur more often, which means he will tell jokes more.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this prank gone wrong a student is being interviewed for a school news report, which is actually a joke to scare students for Halloween. The prank goes wrong when the individual who is scaring is punched in the face out of a fear reaction.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Student being scared from hidden prankster and the person attempting to do the prank getting punched in the face. (:03)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of hiding in a trashcan in an attempt to scare another student is getting punched in the face.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence in this situation involves the addition of something undesirable that will modify the individual’s behavior to not repeat it again. Being punched in the face by another student is the addition of an undesirable stimulus or negative valence.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent for this video would be sitting in a trashcan waiting to scare someone.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sitting in a trashcan with a mask on.
B= Jumping out of the trashcan and scaring someone.
C= Having the scared individual react and punch the scarer in the face.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something. For this situation that something happens to be getting punched in the face because an individual tried to scare someone. The addition of the punch based on this behavior will make the act of scaring someone aversive in the future.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Consequences, reinforcement, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, desirable stimulus, negative valence, positive punishment, and aversive.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Dander, a German Shepard puppy, demonstrates simple tricks (sit, shake and come). Dunder’s owner gets his attention by saying his name, says command, and rewards Dunder with a treat and praise after he has completed the command.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Dunder gets a treat and praise after he follows his owners commands and does a trick.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The desirable reinforcers Dunder receives after completing the tricks are praise and a treat.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Dunder’s owner is trying to train him to do tricks.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Dunder’s owner is trying to train him to do tricks.
B=Dunder completes the tricks.
C=Dunder receives praise and a treat.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement as Dunder revcives treats and praise every time he listened to his owners’ commands. Dunder finds his owners’ praise and treats pleasurable.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Stewie asks Brain for some of his pie and some cool whip to go with it. Brain finds out that Stewie is mispronouncing “whip” and tries to correct Stewie. When Stewie refuses to admit he is wrong, Brain reveals that Meg had baked her hair into the pie to get revenge on Brain.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Stewie saying “cool wHip” with too much emphasis on the ‘h’ -0:15
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Brain tries to correct Stewie but Stewie refuses to admit that he is wrong and Brain gets angry and yells that Stewie is eating hair.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Brain tells Stewie about the hair, so the clip involves the addition of aversive information.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Stewie asks for a piece of Brain’s pie.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Stewie asks for a piece of Brain’s Pie.
B=Stewie mispronounces “cool whip” even after Brain corrects him.
C=Brain tells Stewie there is hair in the pie he was eating.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment. The information about the pies content(hair) is added to the scene.
Desirable Reinforcer, Positive Reinforcement, pleasurable, aversive, Positive Punishment.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip from the TV show Family Guy is a good demonstration of reinforcement. In the clip Peter and Chris are watching a TV show that they never miss when Lois comes and shuts off the television. She has Chris's report card in her hand and is very angry saying he did poorly in school and he will not be able to watch TV until his grades improve.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that Lois is reinforcing is studying and performing well in school (0:11).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of not performing well in school is the removal of the television, so once Chris improves his grades the consequence of the reinforced behavior will be watching TV.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, being able to watch television.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being graded and Lois receiving a report card.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being graded/getting a report card
B= Study
C= Get to watch TV again
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves Lois taking watching TV away from Chris in order to improve his performance in school.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip of the sitcom Two and a Half Men, it shows Jakes parents and uncle Charlie at a meeting with his teacher. His teacher says that Jake flipped her off when she was not looking, but she saw him and he could possibly be suspended. Once Charlie and Jake step out of the room, Jakes parents proceed to say that their separation could possibly be the cause of Jake's misbehavior.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The punished behavior in this clip is Jake flipping off his teacher. It does not actually show the behavior in the clip but the teacher tells the story at 0:29.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Jake's action is that he could possibly get suspended from school.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
Jake being suspended from school involves the removal of something desirable, that is assuming that Jake wants to attend school with his classmates.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this clip would be Jake's parents' separation/divorce.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Parents' divorce
B= Flipping the teacher off
C= Getting suspended from school
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable (attending school) in order to decrease his bad behavior.
Terms: Target behavior, antecedent, negative reinforcement, consequence, desirable behavior.
1.This was a very short video clip of a dog sitting still with a treat resting on his nose. He sat and waited until his owner said “okay” and then he got to have his treat.
2.The behavior being reinforced waiting until his owner says “okay” (0:04 seconds)
3.The consequence of the behavior is getting the treat.
4.The consequence involved the addition of something desirable. Getting a treat is a desirable thing for the dog.
5.The antecedent is learning / practicing with the owner.
A= Learning with the dog’s owner
B= Waiting until the owner says “okay”
C= Getting a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Getting a treat is something positive for the dog, not negative. Since the dog got a treat for waiting to hear “okay”, he is more likely to do this again the future to get a treat again.
1.This video was a short clip from the show, The Office. This clip was about the 3 men driving and the man in the back, Dwight, was drinking and the other two didn’t want him to do that. So the driver had a spray bottle and squirted him with water to make him stop drinking. Then the passenger, Michael, starting messing with Dwight to get the bottle and when he would try to take it away from him, the driver would squirt water in Michael’s face as well.
2.The target behavior is Dwight drinking out of the bottle / Michael trying to steal the bottle. (0:06 seconds and 0:21 – 0:27 seconds)
3.The consequence of this behavior is both of the men got squirted in the face with a spray bottle.
4.This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Being squirted in the face is an undesirable action for Michael and Dwight.
5.The antecedent is driving in the car.
A= Driving in the car
B= drinking out of the bottle / fighting to get the bottle
C= Being squirted in the face by a spray bottle
This is an example of negative punishment. This is negative and not positive because the consequence, being squirted in the face, is not positive for Michael and Dwight. Because they were both squirted in the face, they are less likely to drink out of the bottle / fight to get the bottle.
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, consequence, behavior, antecedent, positive, negative
1. I found a clip from the Simpsons that demonstrates negative reinforcement. After watching a commercial to a new water park, Bart and Lisa begin to annoy Homer by repeatedly asking if he will take them. Homer asks if they will be quiet if he takes them to the water park and they agree.
2. Bart and Lisa hope to get Homer to take them to Mt. Splashmore. At about the 1:20 they two start badgering him to take them.
3. After Homer can take no longer, he agrees to take the two to the water park.
4. The clip involves the removal of something aversive. To Homer the constant annoyance was so much that he finally just agreed to take the two so they would be quiet.
A= Mt. Splashmore
B= Pestering Homer
C= Homer agrees to take the kids to the waterpark
6. This clip was an example of negative reinforcement because it involved the removal of something aversive (Bart and Lisa pestering). The clip is humorous because Bart and Lisa were the only party that benefited from this behavior. Homer agreed to do something he initially wasn't willing to do simply to get the kids to be quiet.
1. I found a clip from the film Billy Madison that illustrates negative punishment. Billy enjoys eating snack packs for lunch, so when his maid doesn't pack one in his lunch, he becomes angry.
2. The clip is only about 15 seconds but the target behavior is that Billy becomes angry when he realizes he will go to school without a snack pack.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that now Billy will be angry at school and with have to eat a banana instead.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something with positive valence
A= School lunch
B= Maid didn't pack a snack pack
C= Billy becomes angry and now has to eat a banana
6. This clip is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something positive. Billy's maid could be secretly punishing him for all of the wrongdoing he has caused around the house. In turn the nurse gets satisfaction from watching Billy suffer.
Negative reinforcement=
Negative punishment=
Terms: Negative reinforcement, negative punishment, positive valance, aversive, antecedent, behavior, consequence
1) In this clip that I found from Cinderella the step-mother has received a letter from the King that says all eligible maidens are to attend his ball. Cinderella says that she must go to since it is commanded that all eligible maidens are to go. The stepmother says she doesn’t see why not as long as Cinderella gets all of her work done and finds something to wear.
2) The target behavior is the step-mother telling Cinderella she can go if long she has all of her work done and if she has something to wear, and the Cinderella proceeding to hurry off to do those activities. (0.49-1.04).
3) The consequence of this behavior should be that Cinderella should be able to go to the ball because she gets these activities done, but as all of us know that have seen Cinderella this does not happen because of the “evil step-mother.”
4) This consequence should involve the addition of something desirable because it involves Cinderella being able to attend the ball.
5) The antecedent is Cinderella being in the room when the step-mother is reading the letter.
6) A) Cinderella being in the room when the step-mother reads the letter
B) Cinderella completing all of her work and finding something to wear
C) Cinderella being allowed to attend the ball
7) This is an example of positive reinforcement because Cinderella is being told if she does these things she will get rewarded by being able to attend the ball. It involves the addition of something desirable.
1) In this commercial clip the parents of two teenagers are able to control the amount of minutes their children are allowed to have for their cell phones. They decide together that when the children do well in school and complete their chores on time they can increase their minutes/text messages allowed per month. In the background however the audience is able to see the children fighting with each other when they are suppose to be washing the car. When the parents see this they decide that being able to control the amount of minutes and texts allowed is also a good way to stop bad behavior.
2) The target behavior is the children fighting the entire time they are suppose to be washing the car. (0.04-0.17).
3) The consequence of this behavior is the parents can either add or subtract the amount of minutes allowed for that month. They decide to subtract because they children are misbehaving.
4) This consequence involves the removal of something desirable. It is the removal of cell phone minute since the children are misbehaving.
5) The Antecedent is washing the car.
6) A)The kids are told to wash the car
B) The kids start to fight while washing the car
C) Minutes are reduced for the kids’ cell phones that month
7) This is an example of negative punishment and not positive punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable. The parents of the children are removing cell phone minutes/texts allowed per month from the children, something that they would find desirable.
Terms: consequence, positive, negative, reinforcement, punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, desirable, undesirable.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows multiple examples of reinforcement for desired and undesired behaviors. It shows how when peter drinks beer faster then other people he gets another beer which is a desired behavior and reinforces him to do it again. It also shows when the boy brought the smuggled goods to his father he got a rabbit. Which reinforces the behavior of bringing the goods to his dad so he can get a reward like a rabbit. Or when chris has his tv taken away because of his grades and Lois makes him go to his room and study. He had an undesired behavior of being lazy and watching tv but now he is having the desired behavior of having good grades.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behaviors where to drink faster at 12 seconds in. For the boy to bring his father the smuggled product pretty much like a pact mule at45 seconds and for Chris to get better grades at 1.15.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequences of the behaviors would be getting another beer for drinking one the fastest. The boy would get rewarded with a rabbit for brining his father the drugs. And for Chris to get better grades.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
For peter to get another beer could be desirable for the environment and also for how Peter is. Also the boy for bringing his dad the smuggled product he got a rabbit which was desirable for the little boy at the time. The last example of Chris and Peter watching tv and Lois turning off the tv would be an example of lois removing something undesirable like the tv so Chris can get better grades,
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent for Peter drinking beer would be a party, The next is when the boy is at the gas station and lastly when Peter and Chris are in the living room watching tv.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
I will do this one over Peter at the party.
A= Peter at a party where drinking is involved.
B= Peter drinking a beer fast in a race
C=Peter getting another beer for free for drinking his beer so fast compared ti everyone else.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example when Peter gets another beer because he drank his so fast is an example of positive reinforcement. Its positive reinforcement because for Peter getting another beer is a good thing its a reward and is a positive reinforcement for him to do it again,
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip shows a guy going around and pretending to buzz the hair off people and see there reactions. The hair clipper is actual an app off of his iphone and fouls a lot of people into thinking it is real.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is when the guy goes up behind people and acts like he is buzzing off his hair. At .3 secs,.8 secs and .23 seconds.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequences for the behaviors are that he got slapped by a few of the people and got yelled at also by a few and he was also chased by a couple of the people too. All of these consequences where undesirable because no one wants to think there hair has been cut or buzzed off by a stranger.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves something undesirable like being slapped or yelled at by someone or even chased. All of these consequences are all undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is in a public area like a street or a park.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= When the guy was in a park or a public place.
B= He acted like he was shaving someones head with his iphone app.
C= He would get slapped,yelled at or even chased.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I would say that this is a positive punishment because for the people they feel better after they retaliated for him buzzing there "hair".
Terms: reinforcement, positive,negative, punishment ,behavior, consequences, desirable, undesirable, antecedent.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the movie “Dangerous Minds” the teacher gives her students candy bars for when they participate in class. She wants to encourage involvement and understanding of poetry. The teacher promises to take them to the place with the biggest roller coasters and the best rides in the world if they complete their assignment.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
When the students read from the board: 0:26-0:37
When the student participated in class: 0:48-1:01
Finish their poetry assignment… (they will be able to go on a trip to an amusement park) 1:52-2:18
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence in this video is the students receive candy bars for their participation in class and reading poetry. Also, they will be able to go to an amusement park without having to pay for it. In these cases, the students are emitting a behavior the teacher would like to see occur.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence in this clip involves the addition of something desirable for the students in the classroom. There are actually two desirable additions (candy bars and the trip).
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the students being in the classroom, and they are to show their teacher they are learning.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Learning in the classroom
B= Read from the board/participate in class/finish their assignment
C= Receive a candy bar/will go to an amusement park
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because there is something added to the situation to make the consequence more desirable. In this clip, there were actually two elements of positive reinforcement. These include giving the students candy bars for being correct in their participation in the conversation, and they will go to an amusement park, free of charge, if they complete their homework assignment. These are the behaviors the teacher would like for the students to elicit.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the show, “The Middle,” Axl does not want to wake up before school. He is about to be late and miss the school bus. His mother decides to intervene and find ways to wake him up.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Axl’s mother yells at him: 0:28- 0:54
Axl’s mother sprays him with water: 0:34-0:37
(It never really shows Axl getting out of bed in this clip.)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Despite his mother’s attempts to wake him up, Axl still lays in bed. Therefore, the consequence he receives from this, is his mother raising her voice and spraying water in attempt to manipulate Axl into waking up. His mother is clearly upset that he is not getting up.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involved the addition of a few undesirable components. These include the Axl being yelled at and the spraying of water.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is what is occurring before the behavior, and in this situation, it is the fact that it is time for Axl to wake up.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Time to wake up
B= Axl continues to lie in bed
C= Axl is yelled at by his mother and sprayed with water.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Axel’s mother views the behavior of sleeping in too long as undesirable, so to try to manipulate this behavior, she added punishment to the situation. Therefore, it is an example of positive punishment because it is adding to the situation. Typically punishment is supposed to help decrease the behavior, but since Axl wants to continue to sleep, it is self-reinforcing. This is because he views the behavior of staying in bed and trying to sleep as being more desirable than for his mother to discontinue yelling and spraying water at him.
Terms: consequence, behavior, emit, antecedent, positive reinforcement, elicit, manipulate, positive punishment, and self-reinforcing
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I used a clip from the Ellen Show Sitcom where Ellen is returning home to visit family after a few years and when she walks in the run her mom and sister both attack her with hugs. Later in the clip she returns to her old high school and her old prom date, now a teacher, asks her if she’s married. When she says no he shows interest in dating her but she tells him she’s gay. He congratulates her and then everyone else in the teacher’s lounge does as well.
2)Target Behavior
When Ellen arrives home her family attacks her with hugs making her feel even better about going home (2:37-2:45)
When Ellen goes to her old school and is in the teacher’s lounge she tells her high school prom date that she’s gay. (7:00-7:28)
3)Consequence of Behavior
Ellen will probably be more likely to tell people she’s gay in the future knowing that people were accepting of it in this particular situation.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
In this case the consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Due to Ellen receiving hugs she is now more likely to come home because of the desirable stimulus she receives. This would remain true for telling people in the future that she is gay. She experiences a positive stimulus when she was congratulated for it.
Ellen returns home for the first antecedent and she tells her old prom date she’s gay while in the teacher’s lounge is the other antecedent.
A=Ellen returns home
B=Her mom and sister give her hugs
C=Ellen will be more likely to come home more often
A=Ellen tells her old prom date she’s gay in the teacher’s lounge
B=He congratulates her, and so does everyone else there
C=She might be more willing to tell people she’s gay in the future
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Ellen was given hugs and congratulated which are things she received in order to reinforce her behaviors. Positive reinforcement involves receiving something that will help increase the frequency of your behaviors.
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the T.V. show “One Tree Hill.” It starts out with Jamie swearing in front of his parents. His mom then has him put soap in his mouth to teach him a lesson. This is a form of punishment because it is an attempt to decrease the amount of times Jamie swears. His mom, Haley yells at him while he has the soap in his mouth. Yelling is a positive punishment because it is meant to decrease his behaviors as well. She takes the soap out to hear his response but he quotes his grandpa Dan who their family doesn’t talk to or associate with and that makes her even more mad (he’s kind of talking back to her or being smart) so she puts the soap back into his mouth. His dad then takes it out and lets Jamie go to the bar with him to get some root beer.
2)Target Behavior:
The first target behavior is to stop Jamie from saying bad words. (0:08-0:10)
The second target behavior is to stop Jamie from being smart with his mom when he’s in trouble. (0:15-0:30)
The consequence of the behavior is that Jamie has a bar of soap put in his mouth. (0:11-0:28)
He is also yelled at by his mother (0:15-0:27)
He has the soap placed back in his mouth for being smart with his mom (0:35-0:40)
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
In this case the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Jamie has to sit there with a bar of soap in his mouth which certainly isn’t enjoyable and he also gets yelled at which isn’t usually enjoyable either.
The antecedent to this behavior was that Jamie was very upset about moving. When he was presented with a chance to speak with his parents he expressed his feelings in a way that wasn’t appropriate for a child his age. The antecedent to him being smart with his mom was that he was sitting in the bathroom with soap in his mouth and probably thought if he tried to be cute he would be able to get out of being in trouble.
A=Being upset about moving
C=Soap in mouth
A=Sitting in bathroom
B=Being smart with mom
C=Soap back in mouth
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This particular clip is an example of positive punishment because Jamie is receiving things as his punishment rather than having things taken away. He has soap put in his mouth to try and decrease his behavior of swearing and he is also yelled at as a way to decrease his swearing.
Reinforcement URL:
Punishment URL:
Consequence, stimulus, positive reinforcement, frequency, punishment, decrease, response, undesirable, antecedent, behavior
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. VIDEO CLIP 1.
This clip is a cartoon clip, that is showing different forms of reinforcement. I would assume that it was created for learning purposes of middle school level students. It shows all of the different forms of reinforcement although I picked out one specific example from the clip at 0:57sec. The clip uses the family theme to show where positive or negative reinforcement can be seen in every day life situations at home.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior for the section in which I am using would be for the boy to get better grades in his classes. His mother is very disappointed after receiving his report card. (0:57seconds).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The boy is wanting to watch a television show with his father that he commonly watches with him; however his mother won't let him watch the show and she forces him to go up to his room and study. The show is being taken away from him until he gets better grades.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence is involving the removal of something desirable. The mother is taking away his favorite television show that he claims "He never misses an episode of" because of his bad grades.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in the case would be him not studying for his classes and not caring about his grades. This caused him to not do well in his classes and to receive a bad report card.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would definitely be a negative reinforcement. The clip states that negative reinforcement would be considered taking something away. (The television show was taken away).
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the clip of the show The Big Bang theory it shows two of the main characters who are in a relationship having an argument about their relationship. One seems to show affection more than the other and it was putting a strain on their relationship.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is that the boy in the relationship wants the girl to show that she cares about him as much as he cares about her.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of her not listening to him or paying attention to his thoughts and needs as much as he does to hers is that she gives him a gift that he already had. (0:37 seconds).
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Her not paying attention to his needs would be the removal of something desirable because as it shows in the beginning of the clip they are currently having troubles in their relationship which is why she is trying to do something special for him to begin with.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I would consider this to be positive punishment because although she was disappointed in herself for giving him a gift that he already had, she will try to change her behavior for the better to make sure that it doesn't happen again.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Reinforcement URL:
Punishment URL:
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms used in the post would be: Positive and negative reinforcement, and negative or positive punishment. Along with the ABC's antecedents, behavior and consequences.
1) The clip I watched was called Butterball Downstairs. It's an old favorite of mine since I love to watch puppy videos. It's a short video exhibiting the adventure of a 7 week old corgi puppy named Butterball as he tries to climb down the steps for the first time. He whines and cries throughout the video at how scary this new task is, but he eventually brings himself to make it to the bottom while Mom cheers him on.
2) The target behavior is the mother encouraging Butterball to climb down the stairs all by himself through encouraging words, whistling, patting the floor and making cute noises (0:10-:11, 0:18-:26, 0:56-1:00).
3) The consequence of this behavior is that Butterball now knows how to go down steps all by himself and has conquered his fear.
4) The methods used to control Butterball's behavior was through positive reinforcement. Dogs love to be talked to in a positive, loving tone, so the mother used words like "Come on baby" and "You can do it" to positively encourage the young pup down the steps.
5) While the antecedent isn't shown in the video, it's safe to assume that it would begin with the puppy standing at the top of the stairs, wanting to go down
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Butterball wants to go downstairs but doesn't know how
B= Mom encourages him using kind words, whistling and patting the floor
C= Butterball makes it to the bottom of the stairs
This is positive reinforcement because the mother is coaxing him down the steps with sounds that are pleasant to him. He loves his mom and wants to make it down the steps to be with her.
1) The next clip is from the surreal humor show 'Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job'. While Tim gives his buddy Eric a 'haircut', Eric notices an invitation on the counter for Tim's party celebrating his graduation from barber school. At first Tim is hesitant to let Eric come to the party, admitting that he doesn't want him to come because at his last party, Eric embarrassed him by wearing his big African hat. Eric promises he won't wear the hat to this party, eventually convincing Tim to let him come.
2) The target behavior in this video is Tim admitting that he was embarrassed by Eric and his big African hat and makes him swear to not wear it next time (1:01 - 1:11)
3) This ends in Eric promising he won't wear his big African hat and Tim allowing him to go to his party (Eric ends up wearing it later in the show anyway).
4) This consequence involves taking away something desirable. In this case, Eric really wants to go to Tim's graduation party, but if he doesn't agree to leave the big African hat at home, then he's not allowed to go have fun with his friend and celebrate with him.
5) The antecedent is Tim giving Eric an awesome "haircut". Eric then notices the invitation to the party Tim never told him about and sort of invites himself to the party.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Eric wants to go to Tim's party
B= Tim won't let him come if he wears his big African hat again
C= Eric promises to not wear it
This is an example of positive punishment. Tim wants to discourage Eric from wearing the hat, so he takes away something desirable, permission to go to his party, in order to get him to not wear the hat again.
Reinforcement URL:
Punishment URL:
Terminology: Reinforcement, Punishment, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Positive Reinforcement
1.This video is about getting a tiger to do a couple of tricks. The first one is lying down. The second is rolling over and the last one is getting the tiger to stand up on its hind legs. The tiger is rewarded with a treat after each trick.
2.The target behaviors were
Lie down 0:08
Roll over 0:17
Stand on hind legs 0:31
3.The consequence of doing the tricks is that the tiger gets a treat.
4.The consequence involves adding something desirable.
5.The antecedent is the trainers hand signals. An example of one of the hand signals was using one finger and pointing up.
A= trainers hand signal
B= the tiger doing the trick
C= the tiger getting a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the tiger was being rewarded with the addition of a treat.
1.This video is from Modern Family. It is about the punishment that Luke is receiving for shooting his sister with a bb gun (this part is not in the video). The punishment for shooting his sister was that Phil the dad would shoot Luke with the bb gun.
2.The target behavior was for Luke not to shoot his sisters.
3.The consequences of shooting his sister was that he had to get shot himself.
4.The punishment involved adding something undesirable, being shot with a bb gun.
5.The antecedent is Luke playing with his bb gun.
A= Luke playing with his bb gun
B= Luke shooting his sister with bb gun
C= Luke got shot with the bb gun
This is positive punishment because the punishment involved adding something undesirable.
Terms used: antecedent, target behavior, consequence, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
1.) In this clip of Jeff Seid's workout at Gold's Gym he is lifting and explaining to those who are watching how to do some of his workouts. He shows that his diet and exercises result in an outstanding aesthetic sculpted physique. Hard work really does pay off when one lifts for a long duration over time.
2.) The target behavior is to keep lifting more. (1:34-9:50)
3.) The consequence of the behavior is that the more he lifts and sees improving results of his manly aesthetics, then his frequency of going to the gym and lift more to get more sculpted and defined is increased. It also can motivate others to become more like him.
4.) The consequence is pleasurable because he likes looking at his impressive physique, and will continue on going to the gym to become a better natural aesthetic bodybuilder to get the results he desires.
5.) The gym is the antecedent.
A= The gym
B= Lifting
C= A muscular physique and will keep going to the gym
This is positive reinforcement because liking the results he has acquired by going to the gym will increase his frequency of going there more.
1.) In this clip from the news is discussing the castration of sex offenders and the pros and cons of this procedure. It will take away sexual urges of sex offenders, but it may not stop them from still abusing victims since they still can still sexually abuse them unfortunately.
2.) The target behavior is to castrate the sex offenders by punishing them and their disturbing sexual urges to decrease the number of assaults and ridding them of their sexual drive. (0:01-0:30, 1:00-2:35)
3.) The consequence is that the punishment of castration will eliminate sexual urges and drive of sex offenders, and should decrease the frequency of them assaulting others again.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable to the antecedent, since it may be painful and will take away their sexual urges.
5.) The antecedent is the sex offenders.
A= Sex offenders
B= Legal chemical castration punishment
C= Eliminate sexual urges and decrease assaults
This clip would would be positive punishment because sex offenders are receiving a chemical solution, but it also can be negative punishment since their sexual drive is being taken away from them for good. The punishment will most likely decrease the behavior from happening again, but it is not a permanent solution since they can still do the act of sexual assault without having the urges and do it out of spite.
Reinforcement URL-
Punishment URL-
Terms- Behavior, consequence, frequency, pleasurable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, decrease, punishment, undesirable, positive punishment, and negative punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I used was from The Office and Jim is driving a car, Michael is in the front seat and Dwight is in the back seat. Dwight grabs something he found on the ground and is getting ready to drink it and they tell him no, Jim then proceeded to spray him with a squirt bottle as an example negative reinforcement. Later in the clip he sprays Michael for not listening to him.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavi: At 0:05 in the clip Dwight begins to explain that he is thirsty and wants to drink the thing he found on the floor. At 0:19 Michael is trying to get the bottle from Dwight and Jim tells him to stop.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. Then at 0:07 Jim begins spraying him with the squirt bottle. at 0:21 Jim sprays Michael for not listening to him and leaving Dwight alone.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. The consequence of getting sprayed with the bottle is that the guys stop doing what they are doing, so it would be removal of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent would be that Dwight is thirsty.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Dwight is thirsty. Michael sees Dwight with a bottle.
B= Attempts to take a drink. Tries to stop him from drinking it.
C= Gets sprayed with the squirt bottle.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This would be an example of negative reinforcement because the guys are doing things that they shouldn't, then they get squirted with the water, which is annoying and it stops them from doing what they are doing and decreases their likely hood of doing it again.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. For this clip I chose a scene from The Scorpion King where a kid gets caught stealing and in the scene once he is caught they are going to cut his hand off, but get stopped by someone watching from a far that shoots an arrow preventing them from cutting his arm off.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior would be the kid getting caught stealing. In the clip it doesn't actually show him stealing but at 0:30 it shows what the kid stole.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the kids behavior was going to be cutting off his hand to show him a lesson that stealing is bad. 0:58
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally. This would have been and example of the removal of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent would be the boy wanting something that is not his.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The kid seeing something he want's but cannot have.
B= Stealing it, knowing it is not his.
C= Getting his arm cut off, had it not been stopped.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is a negative punishment because it involved the removal of something desirable, such as his hand.
Terms used: negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, negative reinforcement.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip of a scene from the popular TV show The Office. In the clip one of the workers Dwight, is intruding the Schrute buck as a reward for the employees doing a good job. And if they get enough Schrute bucks then they are rewarded with more time added to their lunch breaks.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior that is being reinforced is that the employees do something good. 0:16-0:20 seconds. And at 1:09 after Stanley answers the question right he gets a Schrute Buck.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
So they consequence of this good behavior is that the employee gets a Schrute Buck which will lead them into getting an extra five minute of lunch time.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence invokes the addition of something desirable because once they do something good they get the buck and then they get five more minutes added on to their lunch time not five minutes taken away.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the all the people are employees of the business and Dwight was put in charge.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being at work and working for Dwight.
B= Doing something good that Dwight wants you to do.
C= Getting a buck, eventually giving you more time for lunch.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because the employee are being giving something for doing something good so that they will want to do something good again to get more bucks. They are not having anything taken away from them.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip takes place in a class room. The teacher is talking to the class about grammar and nouns when they teacher notices that one of the students is passing a note to someone while she is trying to teach.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that I’m using that illustrates the punishment behavior is when the little boy pass the note little girl and then teacher says out load to the class “Do you have something to share.” At 0:07 sections.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of his behavior which was him trying to pass the note was that they teacher called him out in front of the whole class and embarrassed him by reading the note he wanted to be private out load to the whole class.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The little boy wants to pass the note but the teacher takes it away from to try to make him not do it again.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the little boy in his English class and he reads and writes.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being in the English classroom.
B= Passing the note.
C= Getting the note taken away and having it read in front of everyone.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This was an example of a negative punishment because the note the little boy wanted to pass was taken away from him by the teacher. Because the teacher didn’t want note passing to go on in her class room and she want to decrease the frequency of note passing.
Frequency, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement,
1)Briefly describe the clip
In this clip, the parents have been having problems getting the kids up and getting them ready for school. In order to try and make it better, super nanny comes and implements the "rise and shine" technique where the kids pick out their outfit the night before and then the next morning have the kids get dressed by themselves and if that happens the kids receive praise for getting it done without help.
2)Behavior illustrated with reinforced behavior
the behavior is that the kid will get ready and dressed for school by himself (shown at :45 and again for the girl at 3:08)
3)Consequence of behavior
the consequence of the behavior is that when the kids
dress themselves they are given praise and compliments by the parents for doing it without their help (shown in the clip at 1:08 and again for the girl at 3:14)
4) additional consequences involved by adding something desirable or taking away something desirable.
This involves the addition of something desirable when the parents gave compliments and praise
5) List the antecedent
The antecedent in this clip would be trying to get the kids to get ready for school by themselves
the ABCs of target behavior
A= the antecedent is try to get the kids to get ready by themselves in the morning
B= kids get ready themselves and pick out outfits
C= parents give praise/compliments
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are adding something desirable to produce a positive outcome
1)Briefly describe the clip
In this clip Nathan(husband) and Haley(wife) are fighting because Haley believes that Nathan is cheating on her with their nanny. When she confronts him about it (shown in the clip at 1:55) he eventually admits to it which leads to them fighting (starts at 2:23) and not paying attention to their son and he almost drowns (2:54)
2) The targeted behavior that illustrates the punished behavior
Nathan "cheating" with the nanny is the behavior that he is being punished for(being confronted at 1:55)
3) The consequence of this behavior
The immediate consequence of the behavior is Haley (wife) getting mad and that leading to an argument(starts at 2:23)which would hopefully make him realize his mistake
4)addition of something undesirable or removal of something desirable
I can see this as both ways. It is the addition of something undesirable because it adds tension and the argument to the situation, but it also takes away something desirable because it has taken away the trust of the relationship that was there before the incident
5)Tell us the antecedent
The antecedent in this clip would be Nathan and the nanny spending time together while Haley (wife) isn't around
List the ABCs of behavior modification
A= Nathan spending time with the nanny
B= Nathan "cheating" on Haley with the nanny
C= Haley confronts him
Negative or positive punishment
In my opinion this is mainly negative punishment because the trust has been "taken away" from the relationship or broken which was once seen as a positive valence, is the punishment for cheating, but positive punishment can also be seen because it added tension (something unpleasant)to the situation
Positive reinforcement clip -
Negative punishment clip-
Terms: positive reinforcement, antecendent, reinforce, target behavior, outcome, negative punishment, target behavior, positive valence, positive punishment
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the Internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a commercial called the Coca-Cola happiness machine. They put a coca cola machine in a college campus and anytime someone put money in the machine they would receive various rewards such as getting extra bottles of coke, flowers, balloon animals, a box of pizza, and a huge sandwich.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Giving out various prizes, such as the extra bottles of coke or food, which occurred from 25 seconds into the video and lasted until the end.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
It brought a lot of people to the coke machine.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the coke machine.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The coke machine
B= Buying a coke
C= Getting a reward such as extra coke, balloon animal, pizza, or a sandwich
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the commercial was presenting a motivating stimulus such as getting extra coke or food and caused many people to go to the coke machine in the future.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the Internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a V8 commercial and it involves a mom with her baby in the park. The mom is holding a French fry in front of her baby and saying that’s right mommy’s eating a French fry and then the baby smacks the mom in the face and the catchy “ Could have had a v8” slogan is said.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The baby hits its’ mom in the face for eating a French fry about 6 seconds into the commercial for not drinking a v8.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The mom gets hit in the face for eating French fries.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is French fries.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= French fries
B= Mom is waving French fries in baby’s face
C=Baby slaps mom in face for eating French fries.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the behavior of eating French fries is followed by the presentation of an aversive stimulus/slap in the face for eating the French fries.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, and consequence.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
*In this clip from The Big Bang Theory Penny and Sheldon are participating in a Christmas gift exchange. Sheldon buys a multitude of gifts in preparation for whatever Penny will get him, he will base the present she gives him to the sufficient amount he sees fit for what he bought (he will return the other gifts). Penny gives Sheldon a napkin with Leroy Nimrod’s (Spock from Star Trek) signature with “Live Long and Prosper Sheldon Cooper.” Completely blown away Sheldon returns to his room, gathers all of the presents he bought, and worries that the presents aren't enough. Then he proceeds to give Penny a hug (something Sheldon doesn't do on a normal basis), a hug is something Penny has always wanted from Sheldon.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
*4:06 – Sheldon gathers presents to present
*4:31 – Sheldon goes in for the hug
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
*The consequence is Penny gets her hug and Sheldon is extremely happy.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
*The consequence is the addition of something desirable, a hug.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
*The Christmas gift exchange in Sheldon’s apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Penny gives Sheldon an awesome Christmas gift.
B= Sheldon becomes unbelievably happy/excited.
C= Sheldon gives Penny a multitude of presents following with a hug.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
*This is an example of a positive reinforcement because Penny is getting her hug she desired because she gave Sheldon an amazing Christmas gift.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
*In this clip from The Office the office is hosting a Moroccan Christmas Party, where there seems to be an abundance of alcohol. Meredith decides to drink quite a bit and ends up getting pretty drunk. As she is dancing in the conference room she manages to set her hair on fire and doesn't notice, because she is quite intoxicated. The office becomes upset because the party becomes cancelled and Michael is convinced that Meredith is an alcoholic. Michael calls an intervention to try to help Meredith realize she is an alcoholic and needs to stop drinking. Meredith denies and Michael gets upset, meets with her privately in him office, and then attempts to take her to a rehabilitation center.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
*6:24-13:18 – intervention is held for Meredith
*17:13 – Michael arrives with Meredith at the rehabilitation center
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
*The consequence is that the office gets upset, cancels the rest of the party and Michael arranges an intervention and takes her to the rehabilitation center.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
*The consequence is the addition of something undesirable because he arranges an intervention that she feels she doesn't need and takes her to the rehabilitation center that she doesn't want to go to.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
*The office Christmas Party.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Meredith’s hair catches on fire because she gets really drunk
B= She ruins party and everyone becomes upset and worried about her
C= Michael arranges an intervention and takes her to the rehabilitation center
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
*This would be an example of a positive punishment because the punishment is adding something undesirable, an intervention and rehabilitation center, both of which Meredith doesn't want.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
*reinforcement :
*punishment : Netflix, The Office, Season 5, Episode 11 (I couldn't find a specific clip on YouTube for this episode)
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
*desirable, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, punishment, undesirable
1.)In this clip Jimmy Fallon and Channing Tatum are talking and having a grand old time when Jimmy's uncle Gary comes down the stairs to talk to them.
2.) The target behavior is for Jimmy to get rid of his Uncle. (2:18)
3.) The consequence is that Uncle Gary goes upstairs and doesn't bother them anymore.
4.) The consequence involves the removing of something undesirable.
5.) The antecedent is Gary comes downstairs to ask them if they want to play a game of scrabble upstairs.
A= Gary comes downstairs to talk to "girls"
B= Jimmy yells at creepy Uncle Gary
C= Uncle Gary goes back upstairs.
This is an example of negative reinforcement, because it is the removal of something undesirable. (Which was Jimmy's Uncle)
1.) In this clip, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon are playing egg Russian roulette. In this game you have to choose an egg out of a carton of a dozen, but some of the eggs are raw and some are hard boiled. The players, Seth and Jimmy, don't know which eggs are which.
2.) The target behavior is to choosing an egg that is raw. (3:10)
3.) The consequence is that you will have raw egg on your head.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5.) The antecedent is playing egg Russian roulette.
A= playing egg Russian roulette
B= smashing an egg on your head
C=getting raw egg on your head
This is an example of positive punishment because it is adding something undesirable. (Raw egg on your head)
URL for Reinforcement:
URL for Punishment :
Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement, Consequence, Antecedent, Target Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I watched was off of Youtube. It’s basically of a little puppy listening to her owner give her different commands. The owner rewards the puppy with treats for every trick the puppy does.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior is different commands the puppy is doing.
No, down- 0:20.
Floor- 0:28
Sit- 0:30
Circle- 0:33
Growl: 0:40
Beg: 0:50
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The puppy gets a treat and praise for every command it follows. When the puppy got on the chair and tried to eat the food though, it got negative reinforcement by getting scolded. It also didn’t get rewarded any food.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involved the addition of something desirable by giving the puppy treats and praise for following the command. But when the puppy was acting against, the treat/her food was removed from being close to her, which was the removal of something desired.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in the clip is the girl trying to get her puppy to do tricks.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The girl trying to get her puppy to do tricks.
B= The puppy does the tricks.
C=The puppy receives treats & praise.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This was an example of positive reinforcement and a little negative reinforcement. There was a little negative reinforcement because the girl took away the treats close from the puppy when the puppy got on the chair and started trying to eat her food. The rest of the video was with positive reinforcement because the girl gave the puppy treats that the puppy wanted for doing the tricks she wanted her to do. She also gave the puppy positive reinforcement by petting her and giving her positive tones after doing tricks.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip was about a puppy learning to heel. When the puppy behaved and heeled correctly, it was given a treat. But every time the puppy didn’t listen, it was tapped with a stick to represent bad behavior.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the dog heeling during the video. The video is only 13 seconds long with the puppy basically learning to heel the entire time.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is every time the puppy misbehaves/ doesn’t heel, it gets lightly hit with a stick. When the puppy eventually behaves in the end, it does get a treat.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involved the addition of something undesirable by getting hit by a stick. At the same time, it involved the removal of something desired, because the puppy wanted the treat.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in the clip is the trainer trying to get his dog to learn how to heel.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Trainer trying to teach his dog how to heel.
B= Dog misbehaves/doesn’t heel.
C= Dog gets lightly smacked by a stick.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because throughout the video, the puppy is smacked by a stick for not heeling. It is also slightly threatened in the video because it isn’t doing very well. The puppy also wants the treat because it is pleasurable, but isn’t getting any which goes along with the negative punishment.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, pleasurable, negative punishment, target behavior, antecedent, consequence.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A baby is playing with job-rejection letter. Every time his father rips the paper, the baby laughs hysterically. So the father keeps ripping the paper and the baby continues laughing.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is ripping the paper. The rips occur at 0:06, 0:13, 0:18, 0:22 (that one gets the best laugh), 0:30, 0:34, 0:41, 0:46, 0:53, 0:54, and so on... :)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the father ripping the letter is that his baby son laughs harder.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which would be his son's extremely addicting laughing.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The baby was playing with the paper.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=The baby was playing with the job-rejection letter.
B=The father ripped the paper in front of the baby.
C=The baby laughed even more hysterically every time his Dad ripped the paper.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because every time the father ripped the paper, the baby laughed. So the consequence (the baby's laughter) encouraged the father to continue ripping the paper (the baby's laughter acted as an desired addition to the environment).
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
A Texan Sheriff is using pink jumpsuits, shoes, bed sheets and laundry to embarrass inmates into staying out of jail.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior is going to jail. You see the first inmate at 0:31.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being forced to wear pink jumpsuits and be surrounded in pink.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This particular consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which would be pink attire.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is (for the first inmate) breaking parole.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=(first inmate featured) Breaking parole
B= going to jail (at this particular jail)
C= being forced to wear pink clothing
This is considered a positive punishment because there is an addition of something undesirable, which would be an all-pink wardrobe, bed sheets, and laundry. These are used to embarrass the inmates in order to reduce recidivism rates (the number of return offenders) in the town's jail system.
Terms: target behavior, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, un/desirable, consequence(s, antecedent
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip from Modern Family when Lily is a flower girl at a wedding. She is up at the front of the alter and curses in front of everyone. A few people in back start to giggle and she hears them and looks up. A few more continue to laugh louder, and when she sees their reaction she curses again. Her dad then goes up and carries her away.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Lily says, “daddy daddy, ****” 0:09-0:11
She curses again at 0:26-0:27
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is the people in the audience laughing and her dad saying she is funny.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The audience laughing is desirable for Lily to get attention.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Lily cursing.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Lily being a flower girl at a wedding, B= Lily cursing in front of everyone, C= everyone laughs at Lily
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because Lily was being rewarded with laughter every time she cursed.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is also from modern family, and shows Phil (the father) talking to his daughter Hayley after her parents have to go bail her out of jail. They start by telling her she needs to wear something appropriate to her court hearing and when she gives them attitude back her father lectures her on how he hasn’t yet heard her be apologetic or admit she has messed up and that she needs to change her outfit. After he says it is her fault and that they have been up since 3 am for her, they leave and she is left alone with a sad look on her face.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to make Hayley change her outfit and realize she was in the wrong. (0:06)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Hayley gets lectured by her mom and dad.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It is the addition of something undesirable, which is Hayley getting yelled at by her parents.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Hayley having to go to court.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Hayley having to go to court, B= Hayley wearing a skimpy outfit, C= Hayley getting lectured by her parents for her outfit and behavior.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is positive punishment because the addition of Hayley’s parents lecturing her is undesirable.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Terminology: antecedent, positive punishment, undesirable, negative punishment.
1. There is a clip in family guy where Quagmire creates a game called “drink the beer” to see who can drink the most beers. Every time one “wins” he/she receives a free beer. Peter, wanting free beer, drinks as fast as he can in order to get free beer.
2. Quagmire offers free beer (0:04-0:08)
a. Peter chugs beer (0:09-0:14)
b. Quagmire praises peter and throws him another beer. (0:14-0:16)
3. The consequence of Quagmire’s behavior results in Peter chugging quicker and getting free beer.
4. The consequence is receiving something desirable, the free beer.
5. The antecedent is being at Quagmire’s party
a. A=Peter being at Quagmire’s party
b. B= Drinking quickly
c. C= Receiving free beer
6. This is an example of positive reinforcement because Peter was rewarded with free beer and praises every time he finished his previous beer therefore increasing his beer intake.
1. I found a clip that was a project put on by students. In this video, a mother and daughter are shopping, prior to entering the store, the mother warns her daughter not to touch anything. When they enter, the daughter immediately picks up something that catches her eye, she then gets a spanking from her mother. When leaving the store she spots something else, but refuses to touch it because of her last encounter.
2. The punished behavior is the daughter touching things she’s not supposed to.
3. The daughter gets a spanking.
4. The consequence in this case is the addition of something undesirable. Which is when the daughter breaks a rule, she get’s an undesired spanking.
5. The antecedent in this clip would be going to the accessory story.
a. A: Shopping in the accessory store.
b. B: Touching things she’s not supposed to
c. Receiving a spanking.
1)My clip comes from the show Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, and it involved a girl named Ashley that went through a transformation over a year to better her life and lose weight to become healthier. In particular it shows how she is given certain weight loss goals to meet, and in return she gets an award for her work.
2)The target behavior is getting Ashley to work out and stay healthy which is the majority of the show, but times of her working out include 14:36, 23:07, and 41:46.
3)The consequence of the behavior is that she receives gifts including an at home gym in her house, an apartment of her own, and a trip to Hawaii as awards to keep her motivated to keep working out and staying healthy.
4)The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, and the removal of something undesirable. By her losing weight, she is able to get desirable things like trips and at home gyms, but she is also losing something undesirable (the weight).
5)The antecedent is Ashley not being happy with her body and wanting to change it.
A=Ashley not being happy with her body
B=A trainer to come and help her lose weight
C=Ashley losing the weight and being happier with the way she looks and feels
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Ashley is receiving an award for her hard work, and in turn that kept her doing the behavior that the award came after (working out).
1)This clip comes from a Doritos commercial that involves people being addicted to the chips and lab guys coming up with new ways to stop their addiction.
2)The target behavior is to get the addicts to stop eating the chips--:04
3)The consequence of the behavior is getting shocked (and slapped) by the lab examiner in order for the eating to stop occurring.
4)The consequence involves the addition of the electric shock, which is undesirable, to prevent them from eating any more chips.
5)The antecedent is the guy being addicted to the chips.
A=The guy being addicted to the chips
B=The lab examiners coming up with ways to end their addiction
C=The guy not eating the chips, but getting angry with the lab guy
This is an example of positive punishment because it adds something undesirable to stop the behavior of the guy eating the chips.
Terminology: consequence, behavior, positive punishment, antecedent, positive reinforcement, desirable, undesirable
1.This clip is of Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters getting an invitation to the ball. Cinderella wants to attend to, and so her stepmother tells her that if she gets all of her chores done she can attend the ball as well.
2.Cinderella getting her chores done is the target behavior 00:58.
3.The consequence of her getting her chores done is being able to go to the ball.
4.The consequence adds something desirable.
5.The antecedent is Cinderella living with her evil stepmother.
A= living with an evil stepmother
B=finishing chores
C=going to the ball
This is positive reinforcement because it is adding something desirable (going to the ball).
1.This clip is of Cinderella’s stepsisters tearing her dress apart because her dress was made of their stuff.
2.The target behavior is for Cinderella to not steal from her stepsisters 1:29.
3.The consequence is that her stepsisters take back the parts of her dress that belong to them.
4.This consequence involves the removal of something desirable.
5.The antecedent is Cinderella being poor and not having a nice dress of her own.
A= Cinderella is poor
B=Steals parts of her stepsisters’ dresses
C=Sisters tear the stolen parts of her dress
This is negative punishment because it is taking away something that Cinderella wants (her pretty dress).
target behavior,consequence, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
Reinforcement clip:
1) What happens is Kramer enjoys showering so much and can’t reduce the time he bathes, so he decides to spend even longer in the shower. He gets a waterproof phone so he can call people and a garbage disposal so he can prepare food while bathing.
2) Showering is the behavior that is being reinforced (3:48).
3) The consequence of the behavior is that Kramer is able to spend more time in the shower than ever before and complete more activities in this space.
4) For Kramer, the consequence involves the addition of something desirable: being able to do more activities and spend more time in the shower.
5) The antecedent is getting the waterproof phone and the garbage disposal drain for the shower.
The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The antecedent is getting the waterproof phone and the garbage disposal drain for the shower.
B= The behavior is taking a shower.
C= The consequence is that Kramer spends more time in the shower doing more activities than before.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Kramer is increasing the rate of a desirable valence: taking a shower.
Punishment clip:
1) The clip is from an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. Spongebob is working with Man Ray, a previously evil villain, to teach him how to be a good person. They start with an exercise where Man Ray has to return a wallet to someone, however it’s Patrick Star’s wallet and he insists it’s not his wallet. Man Ray gets frustrated after a while and threatens to rip Patrick’s arm off when Spongebob presses a button to start the tickling belt device on Man Ray.
2) The undesired behavior, which warrants the punishment is when Man Ray starts to threaten Patrick (0:48).
3) The consequence of the behavior is that Spongebob turns on the ticking belt device to stop Man Ray (0:51).
4) The consequence, since Man Ray doesn’t enjoy being tickled, qualifies as the addition of something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is that Patrick, frustratingly for Man Ray, forgets that the wallet is his and refuses to take it back.
ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Patrick Star won’t take back his wallet that Man Ray is trying to return.
B= Man Ray gets frustrated and threatens to physically harm Patrick.
C= Spongebob turns on the tickling device because of Man Ray’s behavior.
This clip is an example of positive punishment because there’s an aversive outcome that’s happens when the undesired behavior is emitted. Since something unpleasant is being added rather than something enjoyable being taken away, it’s positive punishment.
Terminology: emitted, positive punishment, aversive outcome, valence
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The commercial is by Axe Body Spray. A man is going through the airline security and these two woman stop him to use the magnetic wands. They make the noise go off forcing him to take off his shirt and pants. At the very end of the commercial you see his boxers fly onto the pile of clothes eluding to the audience that they are going to have sex.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The positive reinforcement is getting "hit on" by two beautiful women.(0.8-.29)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of using the body spray is sleeping with the women.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of smelling good, and removing bad body odor.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is taking place at an airport.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=The airport
B=Using Axe Body Spray
C=Sleeping with women
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the man was rewarded for smelling good by getting hit on by women, which will make the man wear if frequently.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a comical Doritos commercial about a man who is going over to his girlfriends house to hang out. As she walks into the other room he looks her up and down. Once in the living room he sees the son and talks to him briefly. He reaches for a Dorito and gets smacked by the boy who then says,"keep your hands off my momma, keep your hands off my Doritos".
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Checking out the boys mom and eating his Doritos.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The boy smacks him.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence is removing the mans desire for the Doritos and the boys mom.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the girlfriends home.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Girlfriends home
B=eating Doritos
C=Getting smacked
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because the boy is trying to decrease the behavior of the man eating his Doritos and checking out his mom.
Vocab: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, consequence
1) I found a video that is of a baby eating carrots, but every time the baby is fed carrots by her mother, she spits them out onto her bib and highchair. Her mother laughs and smiles at her each time the baby does it.
2) Her mother laughs and smiles at her each time she spits out her carrots, which further reinforces the behavior of spitting out her carrots each time she is fed. It occurs for the first time about 10 seconds into the video, then again within the first 30 seconds.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the baby is smiled and laughed at and given very positive attention when she spits out her carrots.
4) The consequence includes the addition of something positive, attention and smiles and laughs, making this an example of positive reinforcement.
5) The antecedent is being fed carrots.
6) A=being fed carrots
B=spitting out the carrots all over her bib and highchair
C=positive attention, smiles and laughs from parents, behavior reinforced
7) This is an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior is being reinforced by the addition of something positive, the attention and smiles/laughs from her mother.
1) I found a video of a brother and sister that had been fighting, and to get them to stop fighting their punishment was that they had to hug each other and have the video posted on YouTube. The brother was very upset about this punishment and is crying throughout the video about having to hug his sister. The hug finally occurs just after 3minutes into the video.
2) The hug is the behavior that is being used to punish the behavior of fighting between the brother and sister in the video.
3) The consequence of the behavior is having to hug and it being recorded and put on YouTube.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, having to hug and having it recorded and put on internet.
5) The antecedent is a disagreement between brother/sister
6) A=disagreement between brother/sister
B=fighting with brother/sister
C=having to hug brother/sister, being recorded and put on internet
7) This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something aversive, having to hug your brother/sister and having it recorded and put on internet.
Reinforcement, reinforcing, consequence, positive reinforcement, antecedent, punishment, punish, positive punishment
1) In this scene of Dumb and Dumber Harry and Lloyd were, seconds before the clip, terrorized by one of the local diners, Seabass. In an attempt to get back at him, Lloyd devises a plan in which he will trick Seabass into paying for Lloyd and Harry’s bill by telling Seabass that they will by him a couple of beers to forget about what had happened previously. Seabass, hearing the sound of free beer automatically agrees, falling into Lloyd’s plan.
2) Seabass automatically agreeing to the free beers (0:22).
Seabass motioning, still believing that he will be delivered beers rather than Harry and Lloyd’s check (1:00).
3) The consequence of this behavior is that, while free beer is always nice, Seabass was tricked into paying for Harry and Lloyd’s check.
4) The only addition of anything desirable is that warm feeling Seabass and his friends get when they believe they will be getting a free round of beers.
5) The antecedent to this event was Seabass hocking a loogie into Harry’s burger (scene not present in clip).
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Seabass hocking loogie into Harry’s burger
B=Lloyd offering Seabass and friends free beer
C= Seabass and friends anticipating free beer.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Seabass and his friends are willing to bury the hatchet with Harry and Lloyd when offered free beers (even though they’re tricked into paying for Harry and Lloyd’s bill).
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) In these two clips (because I couldn’t find them both combined), Spongebob and Patrick are attempting to teach Manray good behavior in order for Manray to be let out into the real world. The first way to help teach Manray manners is when Patrick drops his wallet and Manray tries to return it to him. However, Patrick does not recognize the wallet as his own and soon Manray become fed up and begins to get angry. When Manray threatens Patrick, Spongebob turns on Manray’s tickle belt in order to stop this behavior. This happens anytime Manray does not ‘act nice.’ Later, when Manray attempts to rob a bank (his tickle belt since removed), he finds that when he tries to yell at the bankers that he starts laughing even though the tickle belt is no longer around his waist.
2) Spongebob turns on tickle belt when Manray threatens Patrick (first clip, 0:49).
Manray tries to rob bank, but finds himself laughing without tickle belt (second clip, 0:36).
3) The consequences for Manray not acting politely is that he gets tickled.
4) This definitely involves the addition of something undesirable. Manray is naturally angry and in no way likes being tickled in order to help teach him manners.
5) The antecedent is that Manray wants to be let back into society but can only do so if he is taught to be nice (since he is an evil villain).
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Manray tries to learn to be nice.
B= Manray gets angry
C= Spongebob turns on Manray’s tickle belt.
This is positive punishment because Spongebob is giving Manray tickles in order to learn his manners.
Dumb and Dumber:
Spongebob clips:
Reinforcement, punishment, consequence, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is of Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy, in his 2001 super bowl commercial showing how he lost 245 pounds, along with others who have also lost weight by eating at Subway. This showed the valence of living a healthier life.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is eating more Subway, because it is a healthy choice. This occurs throughout the entire commercial by showing people who were inspired to eat Subway, by Jared.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of eating subway was losing weight.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involved the removal of something aversive, in this case it was the losing of excess weight.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent started with being overweight. This would lead to the other antecedent of being in the environment of the restaurant Subway for a meal.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being overweight and the Subway restaurant
B= Eating Subway
C= Losing weight
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
The Subway commercial showed negative reinforcement because when you take away something, like weight, it is referred to as negative. This taking away of something caused the increasing of a behavior, reinforcement, of eating subway. This is because eating Subway increased the frequency of people eating there because it helped with losing something undesirable.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from a talent show they had on an episode of Spongebob. The clip shows Squidward performing. His performance caused the crowd to boo and throw tomatoes at him.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior was the crowd trying to get Squidward’s behavior of performing to stop.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Squidward’s behavior was getting booed and getting tomatoes thrown at him.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involved the addition of something undesirable, in this case the crowd added boos and tomatoes to get Squidward to stop his bad performance.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was the talent show, because it provided an environment for Squidward to perform.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the talent show
B= Squidward performing
C= the crowd booed and threw tomatoes at him
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment. This is because positive in behavior modification means adding something, which was boos and tomatoes. It is considered a punishment because the behavior of Squidward performing will decrease.
vocab – valence, reinforce, consequence, target behavior, aversive, undesirable, desirable, antecedent, environment, negative reinforcement, positive punishment
For this clip we would like you to:
1) This clip is an exclusive interview of Kanye West given by his soon-to-be mother-in-law, Kris Jenner. This is on her talk show.
2)Kanye tells viewers that he is actually really shy when he is not performing. He says that he is much more in his element when he is rapping.
3) The consequence of his behavior is having people think that he is antisocial and doesn’t like anyone. It might also make people think he is only rapping for the money and fame.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable when Kris says that once she got to know him, she has realized how full of love he is.
5) The antecedent is him walking down streets in public.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Walking down streets in public. (1:49—1:59)
B= He acts shy and nervous. (1:59—2:02)
C= People don’t really understand, and expect more (2:17—2:36)
This is positive reinforcement because Kris takes the time to get to know Kanye and it shows him that people can be accepting. It makes him see that if he continues to open up, he will have compassion from others.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Peyton and Lucas (Cast members of One Tree Hill) are at a boutique opening and they are broken up and Peyton is flirting with a new man.
2) Peyton yells at Lucas for whispering to her, “He’s not good enough for you.” He was trying to make a dig at her, but she ends up getting mad at him and punishing him by yelling at him.
3) The consequence is when Peyton yells at Lucas and makes it apparent that he needs to be yelled at in order to stop his behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Lucas does not want Peyton mad at him.
5) The antecedent is Peyton and Lucas being at a party together.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Two exes at a party together (0:00—0:04)
B= One flirts, and the other blows up on the other (0:05—0:20)
C= The one yelled at goes and yells back in a more direct and hurtful way (0:30—0:50)
This is an example of positive punishment because there is an addition of something. Peyton goes and yells. She is adding her opinion.
Terminology: consequence, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, undesirable, positive punishment
This video is of a high school In a lower socioeconomic area. The professor is trying to teach them English and uses sentences they better understand such as "never shoot a homeboy down" she then had them breakdown the sentence for her throwing out king sized candy bars to whoever got it right.
The target behavior is answering the questions of sentence breakdown correctly. You can see it at 56 seconds.
The consequence is recieving a king sized candy bar. The consequence is giving something desirable. The antecedent to this behavior is seeing the teacher give a candy bar to the last student to answer correctly
A. Seeing last correct student receive a candy bar
B. Answering the question being asked
C. Free candy bar
This is positive reinforcement because they are receiving a reward ( candy bar ) for using the correct behavior
This video if from the Big Bang theory. Leonard walks in to penny and Sheldon doing yoga and is confused. Penny tells him she's hanging out with Sheldon because Sheldon supports her decisions. She punishes Leonard by making him feel guilty about being upset with her for quitting her job. He then tells her he supports her and in the end they come to an understanding about her decision.
The lack of support would be the target behavior. Penny calls Leonard out for not supporting her at 20 seconds.
The consequence of this behavior is penny being angry with him and hanging out with his friend instead of him. She also uses her words to make him feel bad.
The consequence is removing something desire able, it's removing penny's affection for Leonard. The antecedent of Leonard's behavior was penny quitting her job without talking to him first
A. Penny quitting her job
B. Leonard not supporting her
C. Penny being angry with Leonard and taking away her affection for him
This is negative punishment because she is taking away her affection for him.
1.) This video is a parody sketch of Batman wanting to go to a bar rather than fight crime. He makes up flimsy answers to riddles for why he needs to check out the bar. Commissioner Gordon and Robin get more and more annoyed with him.
2.) The target behavior is Batman making excuses for why he needs to go to the bar. This first occurs at (0:20) in the video, and again at (1:10), and a final time at (2:05).
3.) The consequence of this behavior is Batman being able to drink at the bar.
4.) This consequence includes the addition of something desirable.
5.) The antecedent is Batman wanting to go the bar instead of fight crime.
The ABC’s of the target behavior:
A= wanting to go to the bar
B= making excuses to go to the bar
C= drinking at the bar
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Batman got what he wanted, which was to drink at the bar. This is positive reinforcement because this consequence was added, since Batman was not at the bar to begin with. Since his flimsy excuse worked the first time, he continued this behavior.
Video URL:
Terms: reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, ABC’s of behavior, positive reinforcement
1.) This is a clip from the cooking show competition Hell’s Kitchen. In this particular clip, one of the cooks hears Chef Ramsay yelling at the other group, and then does an imitation of Chef Ramsay behind his back. The cook is caught and reprimanded by Chef Ramsay.
2.) The target behavior in this clip is the cook making fun of Chef Ramsay. This occurs at (0:15) in the video.
3.) The consequence of this behavior is the cook being yelled at by Chef Ramsay.
4.) This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5.) The antecedent is the cook hears Chef Ramsay yelling at the other group.
The ABC’s of the target behavior:
A= hearing the chef yell at the other group
B= doing an imitation of the chef
C= getting yelled at
This is an example of positive punishment because something undesirable was added to the consequence. In this case it was the cook being yelled at. It is very unlikely that this cook will repeat this behavior. This could have possibly been an example of a negative punishment as well, since Chef Ramsay also threatened to kick the cook out. This would have removed something desirable to the cook, the chance to stay and compete. As it turns out, the addition of the threat is also an example of positive punishment.
Video URL:
Terms: punishment, target behavior, consequence, undesirable, antecedent, ABC’s of behavior, positive punishment, negative punishment, desirable
The clip shows Shaggy and Scooby Doo enjoying an all-you-can-eat deal after solving the mystery of Spooky Island. The target behavior which is illustrated in this clip is solving mysteries. Since Scooby and Shaggy worked hard to solve the mystery, they are enjoying a large meal. Because Shaggy and Scooby love to eat, a large meal reinforces the target behavior of solving the mystery. The entire clip shows a portion of this meal.
The consequence of solving the mystery is Scooby and Shaggy’s very large meal. On their table, you can see several plates of burgers and sandwiches. Again, since Scooby and Shaggy love to eat, this consequence involves the addition of something desirable, a positive reinforcement. The antecedent in this situation is the fact that there is a mystery to be solved. Once the mystery is solved, they can eat whatever they want.
A=Mystery to solve
B=Shaggy and Scooby Doo help solve the mystery
C=Shaggy and Scooby Doo can take advantage of the all-you-can-eat deal
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is a type of reinforcement because the consequence is designed to increase the frequency of a behavior happening again. Scooby and Shaggy love to eat as much as they can, so an all-you-can-eat buffet is a good reinforcer for them. It is an example of positive reinforcement because the large meal is in addition to what they might normally eat.
Punishment :
Charlie is sleeping on the couch. Berta wants to talk to Charlie before she goes home, so she sprays him with water to wake him up. When Charlie wakes up, he comments on how he has asked Berta to not spray him (3:35-3:45). Charlie sleeping on the couch is the behavior being punished. The consequence of Charlie’s behavior is that Berta sprays Charlie in the face with water. This is a consequence which involves the addition of something undesirable, because Charlie does not enjoy it when Berta sprays him in the face. The antecedent in this example is Charlie being tired.
A=Charlie is tired
B=Charlie falls asleep on the couch
C= Berta sprays Charlie in the face with water
This is an example of positive punishment. It is a type of punishment because the consequence is designed to decrease the frequency of a behavior happening again. Charlie knows that if he sleeps on the couch, Berta might spray him in the face. It is positive punishment because Berta has added the undesirable action of spraying Charlie with water.
Reinforcement video:
Punishment video:
Terms used: target behavior, reinforcement, desirable, positive reinforcement, undesirable, behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive punishment, punishment
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
in the clip, the man is grilling a quinoa burger during tailgating because his superstition leads him to believe that every game he has made the nasty burgers has resulted in a win and possibly playoffs in football.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
target behavior is putting the quinoa burger on the grill, tailgating before the game. 0:22-0:27
the reinforced behavior is that his football team will win and go to the playoffs since he is eating the nasty quinoa burger 0:02-0:08
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
the consequence of the behavior would be his team winning the game.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
the consequence involves the addition of something desirable, this would be the winning of the game.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
the antecedent is tailgating at the game
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= tailgating at the game
B=grilling the burger
C=winning the game
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
this is an example of positive reinforcement because it is encouraging him to cook and eat the quinoa burger in order for his team to win the game.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
this is a clip for directv. the man is said to be irritable from his cable freezing, leading to his work suffering and then a man getting unlawfully jailed. this man then wants revenge and after getting out of jail, he blows up the dudes house.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
the target behavior is getting directv. 0:27-0:31
the punished behavior is staying with cable and not getting directv, causing your life to unravel.0:01-0:25
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
the consequence of not getting directv would be your house getting destroyed as well as your life and work performance.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
the consequences involve the addition of something undesirable such as jailing an innocent man, your work slipping, and your house being blown up all from not getting directv and sticking with bad cable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
the antecedent is sitting and watching bad cable tv
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= sitting, watching cable tv
B=getting irritated from bad reception on tv
C=the bad problems in your life
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
it would be positive punishment because it is the result of adding something adversive and causing you to want to buy directv and reinforces that you wont have any of these problems in your life.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive punishment, consequence, antecedent, ABC's, target behavior, punished behavior, reinforcement
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A person demonstrates how well a touch less hand dry works. The person wets their hands, uses the dryer, and then shows how dry their hand is.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
At 0:16, the person uses the dryer to dry their wet hands.
The person has wet hands after washing them. He dries them with the air dryer and the water is now removed from them. He knows that every time he doesn’t want his hands to remain wet he can use a dryer to get rid of the water. He now uses a dryer every time he wants to remove the water from his hands.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the water is gone from the hands.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
Water is being removed from the person’s hands so the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the person’s wet hands.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Wet hands
B=Put hands into air dryer
C=Water gone from hands
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
The water on his hands was present before he dried them using the air dryer. His behavior of moving his hands in and out of the dryer removes the water and he will use a dryer every time he wants this to happen. Therefore negative reinforcement is occurring.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A young kid, age 7, was caught stealing from his parents. So they made him stand in front of the house holding up a sign saying he stole from them. It also happened to get on the news and cops involved.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The 7 year old is shown standing on the sidewalk in front of a house holding up a sign stating “I steal from my parents.”
Shown at 0:03
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The boy has feelings of sadness, humiliation, and is ashamed.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequences involve the addition of something undesirable. As a punishment the child was given a sign and made to hold it up. Holding up such a sign would be embarrassing and humiliating, in turn reducing the chance of the young boy stealing from his parents again.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Since it does not say what the boy stole or why, I can only assume it is because he desired something. So the antecedent is the boys desire to obtain whatever it is his parents had in their possession.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Desire to obtain something from parents
B=Steal something from parents
C=Hold up sign
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
The young boy was made to hold up a sign, the sign was given to his, making it positive. The punishment aspect comes from the parents. By making the boy hold up the sign they intend to make the boy feel ashamed of what he did in the hopes that it reduces the likelihood that that behavior will occur again in the future.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, negative reinforcement, consequence, undesirable, aversive, punishment, positive
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, the parents are discussing their phone plans through T-Mobile and how they are allowed to adjust the minutes and texts allowed per line. The mother shows the dad that if their kids do well in school, they can give them more minutes and texts. While talking, the kids are outside messing around while they are supposed to be washing the car. The dad jokes and asks if they are allowed to ‘subtract’ minutes, to which the mom decreases the amount that they started out with.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Because this video doesn’t exactly show the target behavior of the children getting good grades, it is hard to put a time reflecting the action. However, this clip does explain what the target behavior is, which occurs at the 7 second mark. The parents want the son to do well in math and the daughter to make the honor roll. Working toward and attaining these goals are the target behaviors that are desired.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the children will receive the desired extra minutes and texts on their monthly phone plan. The parents get to adjust how much they will receive, so if they do very well they might get more minutes, where as if they don’t do as well as they could have, they might not get as many, if any at all.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence of this action is an addition of something desirable. The children want more minutes on their phone plan, and they will get them if they perform the target behavior of getting good grades in school.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of this scenario would be that the children use their phones frequently. Clearly, the kids are using quite a bit of their minutes and texts to the point where they need more. This is enough for the parents to want to reinforce their behavior.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The kids use their phone frequently and want more minutes.
B= The kids study hard and do well in school.
C= The parents adjust the amount of minutes and texts allotted to the children.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is definitely an example of positive reinforcement. The parents wanted to increase the frequency of their children getting good grades, so they decided to award them with something pleasurable, such as the increased minutes. If they continue to keep their grades up, they will receive more minutes and texts. By giving them something desirable for performing the target behavior, the reinforcement would be considered positive.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip showed was about SafeAuto Insurance company. A guy was driving uninsured, and every time someone walked by him, they gave him a huge wedgie because of his action until he decided to get insured.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
This video does not show that the guy doesn’t have car insurance, but at 15 seconds, the narrator says that he doesn’t have any. The behavior is that he is being unsafe and getting caught without having car insurance.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is that he is getting a wedgie due to the fact that he isn’t driving with insurance. The ‘wedgie’ is symbolizing the fines and penalties that come along with not being insured.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Being given a wedgie would definitely be involving the addition of something undesirable. The same would go for the fines and penalties that the wedgie is symbolizing.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the fact that car insurance can be pricey, so it is understandable why he would be driving without it if he cannot afford it.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Car insurance is expensive.
B= The guy drives his car without being insured.
C= The guy gets a wedgie from people. (Gets fined and penalized)
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be considered positive punishment because it is involving the addition of something undesirable in order to decrease a behavior. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t enjoy being given wedgies, and most people would probably agree that it is undesirable. The same would go for the fines and penalties being given due to the fact that it is illegal to drive without car insurance.
Terms: target behavior, reinforcement, positive, punishment, consequence, antecedent, undesirable, desirable,
1)This clip shows Peter telling Lois that negative reinforcement is the key to making their child do better. First they call him stupid and then later he gives tours of the space shuttle. Peter kicks the child and then Stewy says that he will do better.
2) At 9 seconds in the video, the kicking and calling "stupid" occurs.
3) Stewy says that he will do better.
4) It involves something desirable, because it was noticed to Peter before that if he called him stupid he was excelling, so he calls him stupid again and kicks him and Stewy says that he will do better.
5) The antecedent is before name calling, the child is stupid.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= That the child is stupid.
B= Kicking the child and calling him stupid.
C= The child says he will do better.
This is negative reinforcement with a positive outcome, because Peter isn't rewarding the child with something good he is punishing him because it's not good enough, which creates a better outcome with the child wanting the father to approve.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
1) In this clip Amy is pretending to be sick, because she likes how Sheldon takes care of her. So Sheldon think of a punishment for her to make her not want to lie to him again.
2) The lying is the target behavior. Around 56 sec the truth comes out.
3) Sheldon is going to resort to spanking to ensure the behavior doesn't happen again.
4) The consequence does not take away something desirable, because later in the video Amy giggles and seems to enjoy it.
5) Amy being sick
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being sick
B= Gets taken care of
C= Lying to keep getting taken care of
A= Lying
B= Spanking
C= Enjoys (positive when supposed to be negative)
Videos should be flipfloped pasted in the wrong spot
Bre Gibbs
• The first video clip I chose was one I found on Facebook. The video is of a man shaking a food bowl full of food and the puppies are trying to get into their kennel because they know that’s where the food bowl is going.
• There are many behaviors in this video but the one I wanted to focus on was the dogs hearing the rattling of the food bowl and going to their kennel. The reinforcement of this behavior is getting into their kennel so they can get some food.
• The consequence of this behavior is a positive valence because the food is a desirable.
• The consequence adds more desirable reinforcements because once the dogs are in their kennel they will eat and not be hungry anymore which is several other behaviors that the dogs emit.
• The antecedent in this video is the owner shaking the food bowl. The dogs trying to get into their kennel would not have occurred had the owner not shook the food bowl. This elicited the behavior.
• A=Owner shaking the food bowl
B=dogs trying to get into their kennel
C=If the dogs make it into their kennel they will get food
This video is an example of positive reinforcement because it increases a behavior. This is also a positive reinforcement because the food is a desirable consequence of the behavior emitted. The food is so desirable that the puppies go into their kennel which is usually seen as a negative consequence of a behavior.!/photo.php?v=735096146362&set=bc.AbrcP-jK-YdwBaRFW0otxcxS9so5zHTTRLMplkA61acYPhsPpA2oQ4t3aUNYGiKjT0MzU6jifOtzqIMvy7U25KHdSXC9nx8mPMP8dXJgsHpUZC3SimGDNdme75fi546l5WE&type=2&opaqueCursor=AborvxPq9NWPWSm95Zc-ndKoMd2Kt-L5iI7Ys-ehqdRkXelvxrOmn2srMKf9wAacI0Mer_zjfZ0wXTwyoBHvMMuVk1yTQnEFNiUSmclRuCajawPcT3Dy8Z4sV_57-xx3gGBU7GlfF4XDNcymAiBCBufX&theater
• The second video I watched is of a boy who is attempts to jump off of a roof and land on a trampoline and then land in a pool that goes terribly wrong. The boy jumps off the roof and lands on the trampoline but when he went to bounce into the pool he misses and landed on his head.
• The target behavior I wanted to show in this video is the behavior of jumping off the roof and trying to land in the pool. I feel like this video shows one behavior because after the behavior of jumping off the roof the boy didn’t really have control over what happens next.
• The consequence of this behavior is negative because it elicits a negative valence and causes an undesirable consequence.
• I think that because of his behavior to jump off the roof and get hurt (negative consequence), that the behavior adds and hopefully has modified his future behaviors to think things through before jumping off roofs.
• I think the antecedent to this behavior was being around his friends and being videotaped. I don’t think these behaviors tend to occur unless there is some pressure for the behavior to occur.
• A=Being around friends
B=Jumping off a roof
C=Landing on his head
This is an example of negative valence because it caused an undesirable punishment. The boy probably was not planning on his behavior to jump to be undesirable and painful. I think that the boy was hoping that his behavior to jump off the roof was going to cause a pleasurable and exciting consequence of his behavior but it didn’t. I think this is also a negative valence because I think that the consequence was so undesirable that his future behavior of jumping off of roofs has been eliminated.!/photo.php?v=617970684948819&set=vb.471293809616508&type=2&theater
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, elicits, emitting, positive valence, negative valence
Reinforcement Clip
1) In this brief clip from Family Guy, Peter is asked by Quagmire to play a game called "Drink the beer" and after he complies is told "You win!" and is given another beer.
2) From the beginning of the clip up until the 18 second mark, the target behavior is for Peter to drink more beer. This behavior is reinforced by him being told that he wins after finishing his beer and is rewarded with another beer to drink.
3) The consequence of this behavior is being praised and rewarded with another drink.
4) This consequence in this clip involves the addition of something desirable.
5) The antecedent of this clip is Quagmire asking Peter to play the game.
A=Quagmire asking Peter to play game
B=Peter plays game
C=Peter is rewarded with praise and another drink
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because Peter's behavior is rewarded with the addition of praise and another drink.
Punishment Clip
1) I chose a clip from the show Louie from the episode "Heckler". In this clip, Louis CK is on stage performing standup comedy when he is interrupted by an audience member and Louis CK precedes to deal with the heckler.
2) At the 2 minute mark continuing to the 5 minute mark, the heckler has interrupted Louis CK's set to the point where he has to stop his set to deal with her.
3) The consequence of the heckler's behavior is that she gets insulted quite viciously by Louis CK in front of the entire audience which results in embarrassment.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable with that being embarrassed in front of an entire room of people by Louis CK.
5) The antecedent of this behavior is the heckler not enjoying Louis CK's set.
A=Not enjoying the comedian's set
B=Interrupting/heckling the comedian
C=Getting insulted and embarrassed in front of an entire room of people
This clip is an example of positive punishment because the heckler's behavior resulted in the addition of being insulted and embarrassed in front of an entire room of people.
Reinforcement URL:
Punishment URL:
Terminology: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Punishment, Positive Punishment, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is of two zookeepers doing a live presentation about tigers for an audience. One zookeeper speaks while the other uses treats to entice the tiger into doing tricks for the
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Upon completion of each prompted trick by the zookeeper, the tiger is given a treat. (0:10, 0:19, 0:35, 0:44)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the tiger gets to eat a tasty treat.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable; a treat.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the tiger craving the rewarded treat he knows will come following his performance of the trick.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Craving a treat from the zookeeper.
B= Performing the trick.
C= Receiving the treat as a reward.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, as the tiger is rewarded for his behavior in the form of a treat.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A man demonstrates how to install an invisible electric fence to keep dogs from running off the property. He also demonstrates how it shocks the dog by donning the collar and crawling around in the yard.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The targeted behavior is correcting the dog's (in this case, the man wearing the collar as an example) wandering tendencies. (1:50, 2:22, 2:37, 2:43, 2:51)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being shocked if the dog leaves the premises.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of an undesirable shock, which encourages the dog to stay within the property lines.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the dog finding something off the property more interesting than staying in the yard.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog finds something more interesting than staying home.
B= The dog runs off the property.
C= The dog is shocked when crossing over the end of outskirts of the yard.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of a positive punishment, as the shock collar discourages the pet from crossing the fence. If the beeping collar warning is ignored and the dog crosses the fence, it will be shocked.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, punishment, positive, negative, reinforcement, behavior
1. For my Reinforcement internet clip, I have chosen a video that two parents made illustrating potty training their child. The purpose of this informational video is to give direction to new parents trying to potty train their own children.
2. The behavior is actually being displayed by the parents themselves. Antecedent: Child using the toilet properly Behavior: Parents praising/encouraging the child
3. Consequence: The child will go to the bathroom in the toilet more often. By encouraging the use of the toilet, the child will understand this is an action they should do more.
4. The consequence does not induce the addition of a tangible object, but instead a felling of delight, independence, and achievement. The child, by now, knows to correlate praise with good behavior, and what child refuses these emotions?
5. The antecedent was the child going to the bathroom, this set up an environment for the parents to praise them.
Antecedent: Child going to the bathroom in the toilet
Behavior: Parents praising the child
Consequence: The child will learn to use the toilet from now on
This is definitely an example of positive reinforcement. The parents praised and encouraged their child in order to support the good behavior. They want their child to go to the bathroom in the toilet.
1. My second clip, to show punishment, is a scene from Shawshank Redemption. Here we see Andy deviating from what an inmate is supposed to do, sending the guards and warden into a state of anger. At the end of the scene Red, the narrator, informs us that Andy received time in 'the hole' for doing this.
2. Because Andy was acting out of order, the figures of authority decided to punish him in a way that it would discourage this devious behavior.
3. Consequently, by making Andy stay in the hole for a week, they are hoping to break him down both emotionally and physically enough that he won't want to go back in.
4. I would say that it involves both the addition of something undesirable as well as the removal of something desirable. By forcing him in this hole, they are taking away certain amenities of his prison cell, and putting him in a small dark, uncomfortable cement cell to be confined in.
5. The antecedent of this behavior would be Andy playing the music over the loud speakers and locking all of the guards out of the room.
Antecedent: Andy playing the music
Behavior: Forced into seclusion in the hole
Consequence: Not deviating from good behavior
I think it could go both as positive and negative punishment, the fact that they are adding something undesirable and removing something desirable.
Terminology: Reinforcement, ABC's, Positive Reinforcement, Punishment, Positive/Negative Punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-A puppy named Frost is being trained by his owner.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-There are a few behaviors in this video in which the puppy is being reinforced by treats with. The first is to come (0:06), then sit (0:15), Paw which is shake (0:22) and to lay down (0:36) All of these are behaviors which are being reinforced by the owner.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The consequence of this behavior is to receive a treat or a “good boy” and a pet.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
-The consequence is pleasureable because the puppy gets a tasty treat.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip
B= Sit
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-This video of the puppy is an example of positive reinforcement because the puppy was receiving a treat which is a pleasurable consequence.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-A young boy thinks he is playing with soap but actually it is diaper cream and he gets yelled at by mom.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-The punished behavior is when the mom sees where he got into the diaper cream. He thinks it is funny and that is soap but she sternly states that its not funny and he is in trouble.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The consequence would be that he got yelled at by his mom. He will learn that getting into the diaper cream is not a good thing.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
-The undesirable part is having his mom yell at him instead of laughing with him. Took away his laughter about getting g soap all over him.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent would be him thinking he is just playing with soap.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Kid playing
B= Got into diaper cream
C= gets in yelled at
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I think this would be a negative punishment because he thought his mom would think it was funny but in reality, she was upset about it. She did not laugh with him at all and told him he was in trouble.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, positive and negative.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A 4 year old boy speaks in front of an audience (specifically about dinosaurs)on Bill Cosby's show "Kids Say".
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The applause from the audience is what causes the behavior to be reinforced (in this case speaking about dinosaurs). The first time this occurs in the video is when Jake announces he wants to be a paleontologist (1:32).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
After hearing the applause from the audience, Jake thinks the audience is interested in learning more about his dream and proceeds to explain what it means to be a paleontologist.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because Jake keeps making the audience laugh.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
On stage at Bill Cosby's Show
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Child on stage
B=Speaking about being a paleontologist/dinosaurs
C=Audience applauds and laughs
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the frequency of the behavior increases, the more the audience laughs and applauds for Jake, the more he will keep talking about being a paleontologist and other things on stage. Jake sees the audience's interest in him and he keeps speaking in front of them.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Charlie and his older brother are sitting on the couch and he bites his older brother.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The brother puts his finger in Charlies mouth (0:22).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Charlie bites his older brother as a consequence of him putting his finger in his mouth.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence is the addition of something undesirable because the older brother is being bitten by Charlie.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Charlie accidentally put his older brothers finger in his mouth and bit him.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Charlie accidentally bites his brothers finger
B=Putting finger in Charlie's mouth
C=Charlie bites the finger
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because putting his finger in Charlie's mouth is adding pain to the brother's finger.
Terms: Reinforcement, positive, consequence, punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I used to show reinforcement is from the show "Dance Moms." In this portion of the clip, the dance teacher is going through the pyramid, where she ranks the dancers in the group from best to worst.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior in this clip is when a dancer does something exceptionally well, like Chloe did by winning awards at the competition, which is reinforced by begin at the top of the pyramid.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being at the top of the pyramid.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is going to a competition.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Go to competition
B=Dance well
C=Become top of pyramid
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable was added to the situation. Being rewarded for being the best dancer in the group and being at the top of the pyramid reinforces dancers to do their best at every competition so maybe they can be at the top the next week.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I used another clip from Dance Moms to show an example of punishment. During the clip the dance teacher yells at the kids for everything that they are doing wrong while practicing their dance.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is when one of the dancers, Chloe, is dancing too slow. This occurs at 0:08 seconds into the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Chloe gets yelled at by the dance teacher.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because having someone yell at you is not something a young girl would enjoy.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the group of girls practicing their dance for a competition.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Practicing a dance
B=Dancer being slow
C=Dancer getting yelled at
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because something undesirable was added to the situation.
Terminology: positive, punishment, target behavior, reinforcement
1) Since I work with Trump my dog a lot I thought that this was interesting it is something that we use all the time when we are training the dogs to learn new task. In this first video the lady is teaching the dog how to sit and down
2) The behavior that is trying to be reached is getting the dog to sit and lay down
3) once the dog does what it is supposed to do it gets a treat
4) The dog is looking for the treat and soon after it does the task it gets one then this is repeated over and over then the command is put in and given the treat soon you just tell the dog to do what you want and it will get the treat after awhile you can remove the treat and the dog will still sit.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the dog wants a treat
B= the dog sits or lays down and gets a treat
C= the dog will sit or lay down when told.
This would be a positive reinforcement.
) Since I work with Trump my dog a lot I thought that this was interesting it is something that we use all the time when we are training the dogs to learn new task. In this first video the lady is teaching the dog how to sit and down
2) The behavior that is trying to be reached is getting the dog to sit and lay down
3) once the dog does what it is supposed to do it gets a treat
4) The dog is looking for the treat and soon after it does the task it gets one then this is repeated over and over then the command is put in and given the treat soon you just tell the dog to do what you want and it will get the treat after awhile you can remove the treat and the dog will still sit.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the dog wants a treat
B= if the dog doesn't sit or lay down it doesn't get a treat
C= the dog will sit or lay down when told.
This would be a negative reinforcement.
I know that I used the same video twice but I think that it works both ways
Tessa Dinsdale (temp account)
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip from Big Bang Theory. Sheldon uses positive reinforcement on Penny’s behavior in their apartment. He gives her chocolates every time she does something that he likes.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
0:00 – 1:00 (they all occur in sequence throughout minute)
Penny puts away the dishes.
Penny does not sit in Sheldon’s spot.
Penny keeps her voice down.
Penny takes her phone call outside.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Penny receives a chocolate from Sheldon for every good behavior.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The chocolates are an addition of something desirable, because they are delicious to Penny.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is they are in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard are in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment.
B=Penny behaves well (dishes, sitting in correct spot, keeping voice down, phone call)
C=Penny is rewarded with chocolates from Sheldon
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement. Sheldon wants her good behavior to continue, so he rewards her with chocolates.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip from Sex and the City. Samantha snuck the girls into a top class pool club under the name of “Anabella Bronstein”. She was kicked out by the waiter, because he knew she was not Anabelle.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Samantha snuck her and her friends into the pool club under another woman.
1:18 (the whole clip)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence was embarrassment and getting kicked out of the pool.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It is the removal of something desirable, the pool membership.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was the status of the members of the pool club and they wanted to be a part of it.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sneaking into the top class pool club.
B= Pretending to be another woman (lying)
C= Getting embarrassed and kicked out of the pool club
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment. All of the girls were embarrassed and caught in the act of lying about who they were.
Positive Reinforcement – rewarding good behavior to increase frequency
Consequence – what occurs after the behavior
Antecedent – what occurs before the behavior
Behavior – the action that occurs after the antecedent and produces a consequence
Negative Punishment – Taking away something desirable after a bad behavior
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence. thanks
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was the status of the members of the pool club and they wanted to be a part of it.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sneaking into the top class pool club.
B= Pretending to be another woman (lying)
C= Getting embarrassed and kicked out of the pool club
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment. All of the girls were embarrassed and caught in the act of lying about who they were so a great deal of humiliation was added to the situation. This will decrease the likelihood of this behavior occurring again.
1.) In this clip, a dog completes a trick after the owners command and is rewarded.
2.) The target behavior is for the dog to put its back legs on the stool and move in a circular motion around the stool. (0:12)
3.) The consequence of the behavior is the dog receives a treat.
4.) This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, a treat.
5.) The antecedent in this example is when a command is given to the dog.
A= Command is given
B=Trick Performed
C= Treat is given
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
1.) In this clip, a female is dancing to a Beyoncé song with a mask on and receives a painful consequence for her actions.
2.) The behavior in this clip is dancing with a mask on. (0:14)
3.) The consequence of the behavior is a natural consequence of not being able to see clearly. The consequence is when the dancer with the mask hits her face on the corner of the television.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, a head injury.
5.) The antecedent is the playing of the music.
A=music begins to play
B=female begins to dance with mask on
C= female with mask hits her face on the corner of the television
This is an example of negative punishment.
Terminology: positive reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence. thanks
Reinforcement Example Additional Information:
*The consequence of this behavior will increase the likelihood that the target behavior will happen again in the near future. The consequence included the addition of something desirable, a treat!
Punishment Example Additional Information:
*The consequence of this behavior will decrease the likelihood that the target behavior will happen again in the near future. The consequence included the addition of pain/self-injury. I correct my previous statement, this is an example of positive punishment.
Family Guy: Lois Mom, Mum, Mommy
1. Briefly describe the clip
Stewy goes up into his mom Lois' bedroom. He starts repeating mom, mum, mommy over and over again. He wants to get a rise out of Lois. Lois finally has had enough and blurts out WHAT! Stewys response: HI! as he runs out of the room.
2. The target behavior in this clip is when Stewy keeps repeating mom, mum, mommy over and over again until he finally gets a response out of Lois.
3. The consequence of the behavior results in Lois responding in an angry tone of voice.
4. The consequence of Stewys actions resulted in his mom Lois raising her voice at him because she was so annoyed with him.
5. A: Stewy entering the bedroom to annoy lois
B: Stewy repeating mom, mum, mommy over and over again
c. Lois yelling what at stewy
This video clips demonstrates negative reinforcement, Lois doesn't want stewy to repeat these actions again.
Gabriel refuses to go to bed
1. Briefly describe the clip
Gabriels mother has asked Gabriel several times to put his dinner plate away, but Gabriel refuses to listen to her. Gabriels consequences due to his actions are that he now has to go to bed early for the next two nights, without any tv or toys.
2. Gabriels mother starts a counts down from 10 to see if that would motivate her son to put away his dinner plate. (1:30) That plan back fired so she makes Gabriel go to bed early a second night.
3. The consequences of gabriels behavior results in him now having to go to bed early two nights in a row, and he cant play with any of his toys.
4. The consequences of gabriels actions involve him not being allowed to do any of his normal fun bedtime activates, such as watch tv.
5. A: Gabriel not putting his dinner plate away where it belongs
B: Gabriel not listening to his mother
C: Gabriel now has to go to bed 20 minutes early two nights in a row
This video clip demonstrates negative reinforcement, Gabriels mother does not want her son to repeat these actions again.
Terms used: Negative reinforcement, and punishment
A: Stewy entering the bedroom to annoy lois
B: Stewy repeating mom, mum, mommy over and over again
c. Lois yelling what at stewy
This video clips demonstrates negative reinforcement, Lois doesn't want stewy to repeat these actions again.
or section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
Positive refers to adding something - is the consequence here adding something (yelling)?
PS - this is actually a really good clip that demonstrated extinction - something we will cover later (so you can reuse it : -)
A: Gabriel not putting his dinner plate away where it belongs
B: Gabriel not listening to his mother
C: Gabriel now has to go to bed 20 minutes early two nights in a row
This video clip demonstrates negative reinforcement, Gabriels mother does not want her son to repeat these actions again.
the second clip should be punishment (you have neg reinf). Do you think this might be more like positive punishment based on your ABCs?
1) The sexy Gevalia-Coffee-commercial man starts off by stating the customer comparisons between Gevalia and Starbucks. A woman is deciding which coffee to buy. There is a hot steaming cup of coffee that she is able to taste. She Presumably buys the coffee after tasting it.
2) The target behavior is tasting the coffee to prove that she really does think that Gevalia coffee is better than Starbucks coffee.
3) The consequence is that the customer presumably buys the coffee, and also inspires t.v. viewers to do the same.
4)The consequence includes the addition of something desirable (the coffee), rather than taking away something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is the woman looking for a brand of coffee to use. She is surrounded by many, and she doesn't know which to choose.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= looking for coffee
B= tastes the Gevalia coffee
C= selects the Gevalia coffee over the other choices
This commercial is an example of positive reinforcement, because she looks for coffee, tastes the coffee, enjoys the coffee, then appears to be buying the coffee. The woman placed a pleasurable valence on the Gevalia coffee, and will likely buy it again.
Terms: Pleasurable valence, Positive Reinforcement, Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior
1) A woman is the previous winner of the Wheel of Fish game show. She is excited to be able to spin the wheel first. The host is energetic, the crowd is applauding and cheering-so she spins the wheel. After the wheel has stopped she is able to choose between the fish, or the mystery box. With audience pressure, she chooses the box. It contains nothing "absolutely nothing."
2)The target behavior is what she chooses as a prize. In this case she chooses the mystery box rather that the fish that would be a definite and visible prize.
3) The consequence is the heckling, and overall public humiliation of the woman when it is revealed that there is nothing in the box.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because 1. the contestant is already upset for not winning, but 2. she is humiliated by the host; it could be assumed that she will never appear on a game show again-or make decisions publicly.
5) The antecedent is deciding which prize to choose.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Deciding which prize to choose
B= Rejecting the original prize for the mystery box
C= Losing/humiliation
This is negative punishment. The woman has been humiliated and will probably never participate in such a public way again.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Negative Punishment
First clip's behavior occurs at 0:05 seconds
Second clip's behavior occurs at 1:15 minutes
A= looking for coffee
B= tastes the Gevalia coffee
C= selects the Gevalia coffee over the other choices
This commercial is an example of positive reinforcement, because she looks for coffee, tastes the coffee, enjoys the coffee, then appears to be buying the coffee. The woman placed a pleasurable valence on the Gevalia coffee, and will likely buy it again.
According to your ABCs you are saying that the consequence of selecting G coffee will increase the likelihood of tasting G coffee? You may want to tweek your ABCs a little so this works...
A. Sees man with coffee to sample
B. Tastes Coffee
C. Smiles with satisfaction
Because she approves the taste of the coffee, evidenced with a smile, she will likely continue to buy the coffee in order to recreate that initial satisfaction. This is positive reinforcement because happiness is added from the experience of tasting the coffee; the happier that the customer is from tasting the coffee, the more she will choose to buy it over other brands.
A. Previous game show winner
B. Plays the game the second day in a row
C. Loses game, which leads to public humiliation
A= Deciding which prize to choose
B= Rejecting the original prize for the mystery box
C= Losing/humiliation
This is negative punishment. The woman has been humiliated and will probably never participate in such a public way again.
Based on your explaination, the behavior should be more like B=playing games in public.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this episode of the price is right the contestant must pick which prices are not the price of a brand new car. If she guesses correctly she wins up to 10,000 dollars and the car.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior I chose is continuing to guess which numbers are not the price of the car. 1:14-3:50.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is winning money and possibly a brand new car.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which in this clip is money and a car.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent in this clip is playing the game.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Playing the game
B= Guessing which prices are not the price of the car
C= Winning 10,000 dollars and a new car.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because every time she guessed correctly she won more money and eventually a new car.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip it shows a contestant guessing incorrectly on 3 different puzzles.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior I am using is the contestant guessing incorrectly. 0:06, 0:36, and 1:04
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is missing out on the opportunity to win more money.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence of this behavior involves the removal of something desirable which in this case is money.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is solving the puzzles.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Solving the puzzles.
B= Guessing incorrectly on the puzzle answers.
C= Not winning the money.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a negative punishment because he does not win the money.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Negative punishment, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement.
A= Playing the game
B= Guessing which prices are not the price of the car
C= Winning 10,000 dollars and a new car.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because every time she guessed correctly she won more money and eventually a new car.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
is winning a car going to increase guessing prices? It will increase trying to guess, but how can a reinforcer increase accurately guessing?
A= Solving the puzzles.
B= Guessing incorrectly on the puzzle answers.
C= Not winning the money.
This is a negative punishment because he does not win the money.
is not winning the money going to decrease the likelihood of incorrectly guessing the puzzle answers?
you might want to tweek your ABCs a little so they work.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip Cinderella’s stepmother opens up an invitation to the ball and reads it out loud. Cinderella walks in and sees no reason why she shouldn’t be able to go. The two stepsisters mock her.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
(50 seconds) Finishing up all the chores is the behavior being enforced.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the behavior would be being able to attend the royal ball.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. (being able to go to a royal ball!)
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be when Cinderella walks into the room and overhears her stepmother reading the invitation.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Cinderella walking into the room and hearing about the royal ball.
B= Cinderella has to finish all of her chores
C= She is then allowed to go to the royal ball
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This example would be positive reinforcement. The stepmother is telling Cinderella to do all of her chores. If she finishes them all she will be able to go to the ball. She will be rewarded.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a Super bowl Dorito’s commercial. It is about a man who goes over to his girlfriend’s house to pick her up for a date. When he walks into the house he checks her out. Her son is in the living room. The man sits down and has a quick chat with him. When he reaches to grab the Dorito, the little boy smacks him on the face and warns him to keep his hands off of his Doritos and off of his mom.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The man is reaching for the Doritos and checking out the boy’s mother. (21-28 seconds)
4)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior would be the little boy smacking him on the face.
5)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the removal of his desire for the Doritos and the mother.
6)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the woman’s house.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Woman’s house
B= Grabbing the Dorito
C= Getting smacked in the face
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This would be an example of negative punishment because the little boy wants to decrease the man’s behavior for the Doritos and the desire for his mother.
Terminology: Negative punishment, positive reinforcement, ABC’s of behavior, antecedent, consequence, behavior,
A=Cinderella walking into the room and hearing about the royal ball.
B= Cinderella has to finish all of her chores
C= She is then allowed to go to the royal ball
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This example would be positive reinforcement. The stepmother is telling Cinderella to do all of her chores. If she finishes them all she will be able to go to the ball. She will be rewarded.
****Can you state why this is reinforcement?
The Cinderella clip would be reinforcement because the stepmother is using doing household chores as a reinforcement mechanism. She will only be allowed to go to the royal ball if she gets all her work done. This makes Cinderella more likely to do her chores in order to get a desirable outcome out of it.
My numbering got messed says number 4..but it should be 3! I didn't skip a question.
1) In this video from Breaking Bad one of the main characters Jessie is selling meth and is being reinforced by reviving money for this action
2)The target behavior that I am using to illustrate reinforcement is the selling of meth. This actually happens through out the whole video as it is a montage of the character selling meth. But the first ten seconds are a good example.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that he is given money in exchange for selling meth.
4)The consequence adds something desirable to his life in the form of the money he gets for the meth that makes this positive reinforcement.
5) The antecedent is that he is in the hood where people want meth. This leads him to sell because it is opportune.
A= He is in the hood
B= Selling meth
C= He receives money for selling meth
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Because he is gaining something that is pleasurable in the form of money.
1) In this commercial they are trying to cure a man of his addiction to Doritos using electric shocks every time he tries to eat Doritos.
2) The target behavior for this clip is eating Doritos. The subject first eats Doritos at 00:06 and happens through out the video until 00:15.
3) The consequence of this behavior is to receive what looks to be a very painful electric shock to the head.
4) The consequences involves adding something undesirable in the form of the electric shock that makes it positive punishment.
5) The antecedent is that they are trying to cure his Doritos addiction.
A= They are trying to cure his Doritos addiction
B= Eating Doritos
C= Receiving a shock when he tries to eat Doritos
This is an example of positive punishment because it adds something that is undesirable in the form of a shock to the head.
Terms used- Reinforced, target behavior, antecedent, punishment, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
A= He is in the hood
B= Selling meth
C= He receives money for selling meth
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Because he is gaining something that is pleasurable in the form of money.
You might want to state why it is reinforcement....
This is reinforcement because the behavior of selling meth is rewarded by the money. This reward will increase the likely hood of this behavior occurring again.
A= They are trying to cure his Doritos addiction
B= Eating Doritos
C= Receiving a shock when he tries to eat Doritos
why is this punishment? are the increasing or decreasing the likelihood of the behavior happening again?
This is punishment because something adverse is being given to him as a consequence of his behavior. They are trying to decrease the chances of this behavior happening in the future by implementing positive punishment in the form of a shock of electricity.
1) I am focusing on the segment of this entire video from 28 seconds to 1:00, even though the entire video is full of cool clips. In the clip I am focusing on, a group of people in a backyard watched as a football was shot through a thin wall of wood. Then, a professional football player stepped in front of the wall and prepared to catch the ball, even though the speed of the ball could cause the ball to break through a wall. He even told the machine-controller to crank up the speed. The man then caught the fast ball and everyone watching cheered in amazement.
2) The target behavior that is reinforced in this clip is when the football player caught the extremely fast football. This occurred at about 55 seconds into the entire video.
3) The consequence of the player, Kevin Boss, catching the ball was that everyone around cheered and got very excited about the impressive catch.
4) This consequence involved the addition of something desirable, because when Kevin caught the ball, everyone cheered and that was a pleasant and desirable consequence that occurred because of Kevin’s behavior.
5) The antecedent for Kevin’s behavior was the ball being launched through a wooden wall.
A= The ball went fast enough to break through the wall (it looked dangerously fast).
B= Kevin caught the fast ball while in front of the wall.
C= The people in the backyard that watched Kevin cheered with excitement that Kevin was able to catch the ball.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because a consequence with positive valence, the cheering, was added when Kevin performed a behavior. This pleasurable consequence reinforced Kevin and increased the frequency of his behavior, meaning Kevin is likely to try the same trick again because he will want to be cheered on again.
1) In this video, a man is shown talking to his friends and then preparing to jump into a small pool in cold weather. The pool is frozen and the man was not aware of that until he hit the ice. He then became tense and started laughing with his friends about what he did. This video shows punishment because the hard impact on the ice punished the man and made it less likely that he will jump into a pool in weather like that again.
2)The behavior that is punished in the video is when the man jumps onto the frozen pool. It occurs at 28 seconds.
3)The consequence of this behavior is that the man hurts himself on the ice because of the painful impact.
4)The consequence of jumping onto the frozen pool involves the addition of something undesirable, which is the pain the man feels when he hits the ice.
5)The antecedent in this video is the cold weather outside that the man was in. (He probably wanted to jump in to make people laugh about the fact that he was going to jump in the water in cold weather).
A= It is very cold outside
B= The man decides to jump into the pool.
C= The landing onto the pool is very painful for the man.
This is an example of positive punishment, because a consequence with negative valence – the pain of hitting the ice- is added to to the behavior, which will decrease the frequency of the behavior (the man jumping into the pool in cold weather) in the future.
Terminology used: positive valence, negative valence, consequence, antecedent, behavior, pleasurable, desirable, behavior, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior.
Reinforcement Video:
Punishment Video:
(sorry about the language in the second one)
good job with ABCs
1) The clip that I chose to show positive reinforcement is from the show How I Met Your Mother. This clip is when the character Barney Stinson uses a quote on quote "Playbook" of different ploys to help him pick up women at a bar.
2) The target behavior is Barney using his "plays" on women. These are demonstrated all through the clip. My favorite one from this clip is "The SNASA" which is from :48-1:05
3) The consequence of this behavior is that Barney gets to take home beautiful women home.
4) This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which would be spending the night with beautiful women.
5) The antecedent of this behavior is that Barney is in a bar with women he is interested in.
A= Being in a bar
B= Hitting on women with dumb pickup lines
C= Taking a woman home
This is positive reinforcement because so far each of his ploys has succeeded and he has gotten the consequence he expected of taking home a naive woman.
1) The clip I chose to demonstrate punishment was entitled Crocodile Death Roll. In this video a trainer is attempting to perform a stunt where he quickly puts his hand inside the crocodiles mouth and removes it before the crocodile shuts it's jaws. However the trainer does not perform the stun correctly so the crocodile bites the trainers arm off.
2) The punished behavior is the provoking the crocodile. This occurs at 1:19-1:21
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the trainer loses his arm
4) This is the removal of something desirable. It is very desirable to have a working arm.
5) The antecedent of this scenario is being a trainer at the facility and being asked to perform this stunt
A=Being a crocodile trainer
B=Provoking the crocodile
C=Losing an arm
This is an example of negative punishment. Losing an arm is an example of removing positive valence. Everyone expects to be able bodied but after the behavior of provoking the crocodile which was risky the trainer got punished by getting his arm chomped off.
Terminology: positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment
good job with ABCs
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a music video of Luke Bryan singing the song called Play It Again. It shows reinforcement because in the video, the more he sings, the more the crowd jumps up and down reinforcing him to keep singing. This type of reinforcement would be positive reinforcement because the crowd is reinforcing him to keeping doing what he is doing.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior.
Luke Bryan starts singing 20 seconds into the video.
At 29 seconds the video shows two ladies with their hands up encouraging him to keep singing.
At 33 seconds he continues singing.
From 52 seconds to 56 seconds, you can see Luke Bryan with his hands up and the the crowd starts cheering louder.
This type of behavior reinforces Luke Bryan to keep performing.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Luke is receiving appreciation from the crowd and the crowd stays happy.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It is something desirable. The audience is watching and listening to Luke Bryan perform.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Luke Bryan being a country singer/performer.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Luke Bryan is a country singer/performer
B= Luke Bryan dances, sings, and entertains the audience
C= The audience is happy and wants Luke Bryan to keep performing more which is a positive reinforcement because Luke Bryan was awarded with appreciation when the crowd cheered him on and the crowd would cheer him on every time.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The baby Charlie bites his older brother's finger twice therefore the older brother stopped giving Charlie his finger because when he did, Charlie would bite it and it would hurt.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the older brother needs to stop putting his finger into Charlie's mouth.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The older brother gets his finger bit and it hurts.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
This consequence involves the removal of something desirable because although the older brother likes to put his finger in Charlie's mouth, he needs to stop.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The older brother is putting his finger into Charlie's mouth because it's fun.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=The older brother is putting his finger into Charlie's mouth because it's fun for him.
B= Charlie bites his older brother's finger.
C= This hurts the older brother and therefore realizes he should not do it anymore.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This a negative punishment because it is the removal of something desirable.
Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, ABC’s of behavior, antecedent, behavior
good job
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose is called “Baby gives the evil eye!” It is a little baby boy sitting in a high chair eating an icecream cone. Noone else can be seen in the video, but it is obvious that his dad is filming and there are other people gathered in the room watching. The father tells the son to “give ‘em the evil eye” and the baby makes a mean face. Whenever he makes the mean face, everyone cheers and laughs.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is when the baby gives the “evil eye” to others in the room. This takes place at 0:14.
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the baby feels praise and makes the people laugh in the room. The baby then starts to smile and laugh when the others laugh.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The baby is making others laugh and the laughter makes the baby feel good.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a gathering of people in a home.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= A gathering of people in a home
B= Baby gives the evil eye
C= The people in the room praise the baby and laugh
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The baby knows if he emits a certain behavior, he will be given praise. Every time the baby gives the “evil eye”, the people in the room laugh and give him praise. This is rewarding to the baby because it makes him smile and laugh in return.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose is a cat that wants to go down the stairs. The cat is not allowed to go down and there is a Scat Mat sitting at the top of the stairs preventing the cat from going down. The Scat Mat sends a shock to the cat when he starts to get close to going down the stairs.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that illustrates the punished behavior is the cat trying to get down the stairs. (0:34 and 1:44)
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is the cat receiving a shock.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence is the addition of something undesirable. The cat is shocked and the cat does not like the feeling of the shock.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the cat is upstairs, but the cat wishes to go downstairs.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= A cat upstairs that wants to be downstairs
B= Cat attempts to go downstairs
C= Cat receives a shock from the Scat Mat on the top of the stairs
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable. A shock is given to the cat, but nothing is taken away. This is why it is positive punishment and not negative punishment.
Terms: target behavior, emit, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, behavior
good job with the ABCs
1. This video is from and episode of Friends were Monica makes holiday candy for her neighbors. She puts them in a basket on here door and is extremely happy when they disappear. The other tenants of their apartment complex start coming to her door to ask for more candy until Monica is completely overwhelmed and Chandler intervenes.
2. The target behavior is Monica making candy to put in a basket on her door. This is shown in the first few seconds of the clip when Monica checks her basket and sees that all her candy is gone.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that Monica and Chandler’s neighbors take the candy and compliment Monica’s candy.
4. At first, the consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Monica gets complimented on her candy.
5. The antecedent is that it is the holidays and Monica wants to get to know the neighbors.
A= During the holidays, Monica wants to know the neighbors
B= Monica making candy to put in a basket on her door
C= Their neighbors take the candy and compliment Monica
This is an example of positive reinforcement. This is positive reinforcement because Monica is rewarded for making candy by her neighbors’ compliments. This encourages her to keep making candy and she keeps receiving positive compliments that reinforce this behavior.
1. This clip is another episode of Friends where Joey finds out that Chandler kissed his girlfriend. As punishment, Joey sentences Chandler to at least six hours in a box to think about what he has done. Chandler keeps making jokes so Joey tells him that he can’t talk at all. Chandler does not get to eat Thanksgiving Dinner and is not allowed to talk when Kathy breaks up with him. Chandler is rewarded for is silence when Joey lets him out of the box to catch up with Kathy.
2. The target behavior that illustrates the punished behavior is when Chandler keeps making jokes in the box even when Joey tells him to be thinking which happens around 4 min.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that Chandler had to be in a box without talking in order to show Joey that he is serious in making it up to him.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is that Chandler is in a box as punishment for kissing Joey’s girlfriend.
A= Chandler in a box
B= Chandler jokes and talks while in the box
C= Joey tells Chandler that he can’t talk at all
This is an example of positive punishment because there is an addition of something undesirable. Chandler was not doing what he was supposed to so Joey added the undesirable punishment of not being able to talk at all.
Terms: Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
good job with ABCs
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I choose a popular clip from one of my favorite shows, “The Big Bang Theory”. In this clip Sheldon tries operant conditioning on Penny. Every time Penny changed a behavior that Sheldon doesn’t like he would reward her with a piece of chocolate. Some of the behaviors that Penny would change were- she would take Sheldon’s dirty plates to the kitchen, when she wouldn’t sit in his spot, when she was talking too much when they were watching TV but then stopped, and when she got a phone call and left the room to take it. Sheldon had rewarded Penny with a piece of chocolate after each behavior she changed. In other words he changed her behavior with positive reinforcement.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Penny takes Sheldon’s dirty dishes – 0.03-0.10
Penny moves out of Sheldon’s spot- 0.15-0.22
Penny stopped talking- 0.28-0.42
Penny takes her phone call outside- 0.48- 1.00
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequences of the behaviors are that Penny gets rewarded with chocolate and Sheldon is left happy in his place.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
Penny is receiving a reward of chocolate so it leaves it desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Penny always being at Sheldon’s apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Penny always being at Sheldon’s place.
B= Penny taking Sheldon’s dishes, Penny moving out of Sheldon’s spot, Penny talking to much, Penny taking her phone call outside.
C= Penny receives a piece of chocolate, and Sheldon is happy at his place.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because Penny is being rewarded with chocolates for every positive behavior she does.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Once again I used an example from, “The Big Bang Theory”. This clip is an example of punishment Amy lies to Sheldon about being “sick” Sheldon then said she needed to be punished and that her punishment would be to get spanked.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Target behavior: stop Amy’s lying to Sheldon. Consequence is shown at 1.20-3.26
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is Sheldon spanking Amy.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
In this clip it is an example of something undesirable. It’s showing Amy that she will be punished if she lies to him again.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Sheldon helping take care of Amy because she is “sick”
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sheldon helping take care of Amy because she is “sick”
B= Amy lies about being sick
C= Sheldon spanking Amy
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
In this case it is positive punishment because it’s for an undesirable situation for Sheldon.
When you are done with clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Operant conditioning, consequence, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, and antecedent.
good job
Hey sorry I forgot to leave my initials at the top of my last post.
Sorry I forgot to add my initials to the top of my post.
1) This is the final scene for Amelia Pond as the Doctor's companion. After losing her beloved husband, Rory, to the weeping angels, Amy is beside herself with grief. The only way she can be with him again is if she get touched by the same angel. Being touched by a weeping angel can either kill you, or send you back to a different time period. In this case, Rory and Amy were both sent back to live in the pass and die the day they were touched by the angel, this way the angel feeds on the potential moments and time energy that was a part of that person. I should also mention that the weeping angels are stone when you are looking at them. But as soon as you blink, or take your eyes off them, they will get you before you open your eyes.
2) The target behavior occurs at :22. Amy turns to face the Doctor, taking her eyes off the weeping angel.
3) The consequence of the behavior was being touched by the weeping angel.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable in this case. Amy is letting herself be touched by the weeping angel in the hopes that it will reunite her with her Rory. In any other time in the series, being touched by a weeping angel would be the end of a life. Amy was so distraught over Rory, that she couldn't imagine going on without him.
5) The antecedent was Rory's death.
A- Rory dies because he is touched by the weeping angel.
B- Amy turns away from the angel.
C- The angel touches Amy.
I think this is positive reinforcement because the consequence added Rory back into her life, which is what she wanted in the first place. Also, if this situation would have happened again, Amy would make the same decision because she loves Rory enough to keep risking her life for him. Positive reinforcement is when something good is added to the behavior to make it continue, while negative reinforcement is taking away something bad.
1) In this clip, the tenth Doctor is dueling the leader of an alien race, on Christmas day, as champion of the human race. The winner of the duel decides the fate of the Earth. In a fatal blow that takes of the Doctor's hand, he quickly regenerates a new one since there was enough residual cellular energy left over from his full regeneration. After the Doctor wins, the leader goes against the command of the Doctor, and begins to strike. The Doctor then kills him with the fruit he found in his borrowed robe.
2) At 2:13 in the clip, the target behavior is the Doctor throwing the fruit at a spot in the wall.
3) The consequence is the leader falling off the cliff to the abyss below.
4) This involves the addition of something undesirable because when the fruit hits him, the leader loses his balance on the ledge; which then breaks off where he falls to his death. So, the addition is his undesirable death.
5) The antecedent is the alien leader going back on his word to leave the planet, and instead going in for another attack on the Doctor.
A- The alien leader starting an attack on the Doctor.
B- The Doctor throws the fruit at the wall.
C- The alien falls off the cliff to his death.
I think this is negative punishment because it is taking away something desirable. The punishment here took away the alien's life. Positive punishment is the addition of something undesirable, while negative is taking away something good.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, antecedent, positive punishment, negative punishment, behavior
A- Rory dies because he is touched by the weeping angel.
B- Amy turns away from the angel.
C- The angel touches Amy.
based on your ABCs you are saying that the consequence of being touched by an angle increases the likelihood of the behavior of Amy turning away. Can you tweek the ABCs a little to make this work?
A- Rory dies from being touched by the weeping angel
B- Amy turns away from the same angel
C- Amy is reunited with Rory
Reinforcement Clip:
1)In this clip, the cat is bored and discovers an empty box. He jumps in the box and plays in and on it. He has fun jumping on it, sticking his paws through the holes, and hiding in it. The box then collapses after it has been worn out from the play, and the cat walks away satisfied.
2)The target behavior in this clip is investigating the box, it happens at 0:18.
3)The consequence of this behavior is being entertained and having fun.
4)The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, having fun in the box.
5)The antecedent is an mysterious empty box.
ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= mysterious empty box
B= investigating the box
C= entertaining
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is an addition of something desirable, entertainment, which increases the frequency of the targeted behavior, investigating boxes, when confronted with the same antecedent, mysterious empty boxes. It is actually positive self-reinforcement because his own emotions reinforce his behavior of investigating boxes.
Punishment Clip:
1)In this clip, Walter visits drug lord Tuco after Tuco assaulted Jesse and stole their product. Walter punishes Tuco for assaulting Jesse by causing an explosion in his office. After this, Tuco does not threaten Walter with violence and pays him for the stolen product.
2)The target behavior is stealing their product and assaulting his partner cook, Jesse, which occurs just before this scene and is referred to in this scene at the beginning.
3)The consequence of this behavior is Walter retaliating and setting off an explosion in Tuco’s face and office.
4)The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, an explosion in Tuco’s face.
5)The antecedent is the environment of meth manufacturing and trade.
ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Environment of meth manufacturing and trade
B= Assaulting Jesse and stealing their meth.
C= Walter blows up his office.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is an addition of something undesirable, an explosion, which decreases the frequency of the targeted behavior, stealing product and assaulting Jesse, when confronted with the same antecedent, meth manufacturing and trading world.
Reinforcement Clip:
Punishment Clip:
Terms: positive reinforcement, positive punishment, positive self-reinforcement, targeted behavior, consequence, behavior, and antecedent.
nice job with the ABC's
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the Office. Jim likes to play pranks on Dwight and he explains that through trial and error he has found that Stanley thinks it is funny when Jim pranks Dwight with meatballs. Turns out, they are pranking Jim in order to get meatballs, but for the sake of this assignment, I will just evaluate the meatball prank and Stanley’s reaction.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the prank that Jim plays on Dwight, filling his desk with meatballs (begins at 0:48).
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of filling Dwight’s desk with meatballs is that Stanley laughs hysterically.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable—Stanley’s laughter and approval.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Jim, Stanley, and Dwight at work together.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Characters at the office together
B= Jim fills Dwight’s desk with meatballs
C= Stanley laughs hysterically
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is adding something desirable—Stanley’s laughter and approval. Because of this, Jim will continue
pranking Dwight in ways that Stanley finds funny.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clips is also from The Office. Andy is upset about with his co-workers. He is yelling at the before punching a hole in the wall. Immediately after punching the wall, Andy yells out in pain.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is Andy punching a hole in the wall (at 0:11).
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Andy’s behavior is that he is in pain.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable—pain.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Andy is upset with his co-workers.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Andy is upset with his co-workers
B= Andy punches a hole in the wall
C= Andy experiences pain
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable—pain after punching the wall.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
nice job with the ABC's
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A guy is at a zoo feeding a giraffe and being videotaped doing so. Each time he feeds the giraffe the giraffe licks him because the giraffes tongue is long and comes out of his mouth so he can eat the item.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The man feeding the giraffe.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The man gets licked by the giraffe.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
I feel that this involves the addition of something desirable. I say this because some people don’t like to be licked by animals but having a giraffe which isn’t a common animal to be licked by would be different. It would be cool to be able to tell people that you have been licked by the animal. And he continues to feed the giraffe to get licked after the first account.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
At a zoo in the giraffe area.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Outside at a zoo in the giraffe area
B= Feeding the giraffe
C= Getting licked by the giraffe
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement because he keeps feeding the giraffe to continue to be licked
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A cat is playing with windshield wipers on the outside of the vehicle and gets thrown off the car.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Being on/playing with the windshield wipers. (18 seconds)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being thrown off of the car.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. Outside on a car
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Outside on a car
B= Playing with car windshield wipers
C= Being thrown off the car
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because who wants to be thrown off of a car because they are playing? No one! So once that happens there’s a slim to none chance the cat will play with windshield wipers again so he can avoid the punishment of being thrown off the car.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL
I forgot the terms
Terms used: desirable,undesirable, negative punishment, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement.
good job with the ABC's
1. This video clip is from the television series Friends, and in this episode Rachel and Ross are trying to make their daughter Emma laugh by trying different things. In this particular clip Rachel and Ross are singing Baby Got Back to their daughter Emma because they had found that she enjoys it and it makes her laugh.
2. The target behavior that is being reinforced in this clip is the act of singing Baby got back (0:04-0:20)
3. The consequence of singing is making their daughter laugh
4. The consequence is adding some desirable or pleasurable stimuli
5.The antecedent is trying to make Emma laugh
A=Trying to make Emma laugh
B= Singing Baby got back
C=Emma laughing
7. This would be an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable is added, Emma laughing, which increased the target behavior of singing Baby got back.
1. This video clip is from the movie League of Their Own and in this video clip the coach Jimmy Dugan is yelling at a player, Evelyn, for making a mistake. He is questioning her decision making and why she would throw home when they are winning the game by two runs. Due to her throwing the ball home she allowed the tying run to get on second. After being yelled at Evelyn begins to cry and this makes Jimmy made because claims that there is no crying in baseball.
2. The target behavior that is being punished in this clip is the act of crying during a baseball game (0:34-0:47)
3. The consequence of crying during the game is getting yelled at by her coach in front of everyone
4. The consequence is adding something undesirable or aversive.
5. The antecedent is a baseball game
A= A baseball game
B= Evelyn crying during the game
C= Being yelled at by her coach
6. This is an example of positive punishment, because something undesirable is added, the yelling, to decrease a behavior, crying during a baseball game. Jimmy is yelling at Evelyn in order to make her stop crying in the current and future baseball games.
URLs Used:
Terms: target behavior, reinforced, consequence, pleasurable, stimuli, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punished, aversive, positive punishment
A= A baseball game
B= Evelyn crying during the game
C= Being yelled at by her coach
6. This is an example of positive punishment, because something undesirable is added, the yelling, to decrease a behavior, crying during a baseball game. Jimmy is yelling at Evelyn in order to make her stop crying in the current and future baseball games.
the way you have the ABCs written you are saying because the consequence of being yelled at it will decrease the likelihood of her crying at the game. i think you need to tweek the ABCs a little to make this work...let me know if you have any questions about how to go about this. Thanks
Revision of Punishment ABCs (same video used):
2. The target behavior that is being punished in this clip is the act of throwing home while the team is in the lead (0:10-0:28)
3. The consequence of making a mistake during the game is getting yelled at by her coach in front of everyone
4. The consequence is adding something undesirable or aversive.
5. The antecedent is a baseball game
A= A baseball game
B= Evelyn throwing home while the team is in the lead
C= Being yelled at by her coach
6. This is an example of positive punishment, because something undesirable is added, the yelling, to decrease a behavior, throwing the ball home while the team is in the lead. Jimmy is yelling at Evelyn in order to make her stop making the same decision to throw home in future baseball games.
1) Baby is sitting on floor while father feeds dog popcorn. Every time the dog gets a piece of popcorn the baby laughs hysterically. The father laughs at his daughters reaction and the dog keeps getting fed, making all three parties very happy!
2) The targeted behavior is the father feeding the dog pieces of popcorn. This begins at the start of the clip and happens multiple times.
3) The consequence is the baby hysterically laughing at the dog eating the popcorn.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is hearing the babies laugh.
5) The antecedent would be sitting around with popcorn.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sitting around eating popcorn.
B= Feeding the dog popcorn.
C= Baby laughing hysterically
This is an example of positive reinforcement or positive valence. Because the baby laughing caused the dad to also laugh, and continue feeding the dog popcorn.
1) One little bird lands on a telephone wire, other birds come along and land on the wire as well. The first bird is not happy about having to share. All the little birds begin chirping at one another, presumably “fighting.” In the middle of fighting their attention is drawn toward a large bird sitting on the telephone pole, who makes a distinct bird noise and waves. The little bird begin to make fun of him and his appearance. Annoyed that the large bird tries to get their attention they move to the middle of the wire where they “chirp” quietly among one another. The big bird then flies over to the little birds and lands between them, causing the wire the sag and upset the little birds. One then pecks the large bird and he falls hanging upset down. Two then begin to peck at the large birds feet to get him off, noticing too late they shouldn't have done so. The large bird then lets go of the wire and the little birds get slung shot them causes them to loose their feathers and fall to the ground. They landed “naked” and the large bird “laughed” as they all scurried away trying to hide themselves.
2) The target behavior is two little birds pecking at the feet of the large bird hanging upside down, and the other little birds chirping to keep going. This occurs at 1:53 to 2:05.
3) The consequence is that the wire acts as a sling shot and flings all the little birds off the wire.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which is the large bird laughing at their featherless bodies (2:45). It also involves the removal of something desirable, the little birds lose all of their feathers (2:22).
5) The antecedent is the large bird sitting in between the little birds on a telephone wire.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Large bird sits between little birds on telephone wire.
B= Two little birds begin pecking at the large birds feet.
C= The little birds get flung off the wire.
When the little birds lose all of their feathers, that is negative punishment. It removes something that is usually pleasurable, being covered by feathers as not to be “naked.” The clip also includes positive punishment in that the large bird laughs when the little birds fall to the ground without their feathers.
Terms: Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Positive Valence, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Positive Punishment, Undesirable, Desirable.
Baby Laughing:
For the Birds:
A= Large bird sits between little birds on telephone wire.
B= Two little birds begin pecking at the large birds feet.
C= The little birds get flung off the wire.
When the little birds lose all of their feathers, that is negative punishment. It removes something that is usually pleasurable, being covered by feathers as not to be “naked.” The clip also includes positive punishment in that the large bird laughs when the little birds fall to the ground without their feathers.
I see where you are going with this, but your ABC's say nothing about losing feather. As it is written you are saying that because of the consequence of getting flung off the wire, this will decrease the likelihood of pecking at the large bird's feet. Is being flung adding (positive) or removing (negative) something?
A= Large bird sits between little birds on telephone wire.
B= Two little birds begin pecking at the large birds feet.
C= The little birds get flung off the wire and losing their feathers.
The birds losing their feathers is negative punishment. They are losing something that they value, which is their feather covering them. Being flung off of the wire is positive punishment. It is adding the aversive. consequence of tossing the birds off the wire.
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the television show America’s Got Talent and a woman is taking her training pig through a course and giving it tasks to do. With each task that is completed correctly, the woman gives her pig food and the audience applauds.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
An example of a targeted reinforced behavior can be viewed at the ten second mark in the clip when the pig honks the horn just once as its owner commanded.
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the pig honking the horn is the food its owner gives it as well as the audience’s approval through cheers and applauds.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which would be the food reward the pig receives for obeying commands.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the owner giving the commands to the pig.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Owner gives the pig a command
B=Pig does the command correctly
C=Owner gives the pig food
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the owner is rewarding the pig with food that the pig finds desirable and pleasurable which will motivate it to keep doing things right in the future.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip has more than likely been seen by many people, and I pitty you if you haven’t. It’s a short clip of a guy doing a humorous field sobriety test after being pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. At the end of the clip, the man is handcuffed by the female cop for failing the test and ultimately tattling on his own intoxication.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The targeted punished behavior is the man’s decision to get behind the wheel of his vehicle after a few too many drinks. His drunken state is demonstrated throughout the entire clip as he makes valiant, and seemingly impressive, efforts to complete the tasks in the sobriety test.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of his behavior is quite obvious: being arrested after failing to pass the sobriety test as well as accidentally admitting to being drunk instead of modestly accepting the compliment of being a good dancer.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence of his drunk driving for this man was being arrested and more than likely a night spent in the drunk tank. For the intoxicated guy, the undesirable addition to his life due to his poor behavior would be a night spent in jail as well as adding a few extra bills to his monthly pile when the DUI charges go through.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be heavily drinking.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Heavily drinking
B=Driving while intoxicated
C=Getting arrested
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This clip was an example of negative punishment if it is being described in terms of valence. The consequences of his drunk driving are most definitely negative valences because being arrested and having DUI charges are anything but pleasant or desirable.
Terms: negative and positive valence, punishment, reinforcement, consequence, behavior, antecedent, undesirable, desirable, pleasurable, target behavior
A= Heavily drinking
B=Driving while intoxicated
C=Getting arrested
This clip was an example of negative punishment if it is being described in terms of valence. The consequences of his drunk driving are most definitely negative valences because being arrested and having DUI charges are anything but pleasant or desirable.
positive and negative refers to adding or removing something (independent of valence). is the consequence adding or removing something?
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I don’t want television very often, but when I do it is typically documentaries or nonfiction. I recently watch the documentary Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead and thought that this was suitable clip for this assignment. It is a suitable clip because many Americans can relate to being obese and have health problems. This is typically due to eating behaviors. A man by the name of Joe Cross from Australia who came to the U.S. to save himself by going on a juice fast. He is taking many prescriptions for his health problems and by going on this juice fast he believes he can save his life and no longer take prescription medications. For 60 days Joe goes on this fast by only drinking homemade juice he juiced himself from his juicer. By the end of this fast Joe lost a tremendous amount of weight and feels healthier all around.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is drinking juice.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of drinking juice is losing weight and reducing health issues.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the removal of fat which is a negative valence.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= On TV in America
B= Drinking juice
C= Lose weight
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of negative reinforcement because Joe is getting rid of something undesirable(fat and medications).
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the movie bridesmaids the ladies get food poisoning from a restaurant while looking for bridesmaid dresses and things get messy.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The behavior that illustrated the punished behavior is eating the food at the restaurant.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of eating the food at the restaurant is getting food poisoning.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= At a restaurant
B= Eat food
C= Get food poisoning
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because the likelihood of them going back to the restaurant is slim. Their desire for going to that restaurant has been taken away.
A= On TV in America
B= Drinking juice
C= Lose weight
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of negative reinforcement because Joe is getting rid of something
But why is it reinforcement? is drinking juice going to increase or decrease because of the consequence?
A= At a restaurant
B= Eat food
C= Get food poisoning
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because the likelihood of them going back to the restaurant is slim. Their desire for going to that restaurant has been taken away.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
Is getting food poisoning going to increase or decrease eating food? are you adding or removing food poisoning?
1) The clip shows a little girl in her backyard with her brother and mother. The little girl goes in to shoot a layup, makes it, and then is praised for it from her mother and receives a high five.
2) The behavior is shooting a layup (:02)
3) The consequence is receiving praise in the form of encouragement and cheering and a high five from Mom.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which was a high five ( I mean who wouldn't want a high five?) and praise (cheering/encouragement).
5) The antecedent in the clip is being in the backyard on the basketball court and that the little girls' mother is a WNBA star.
A= Basketball court/Mother
B= Shooting a layup
C= High five and praise (encouragement/cheering)
This was an example of positive reinforcement because the little girl made a layup and received a high five and praise from her basketball star mother which will make shooting a layup more likely in the future for the little girl.
1) This is a clip from the show Beyond Scared Straight. In it is a girl who was sent to be "scared straight" of her criminal acts. The girl refuses to eat the prison food and as a form of punishment her sister (also sent to the prison program) has to spend a night in prison.
2) The behavior is the girl refusing to eat the prison food (1:35).
3) The consequence of this behavior is her sister being taken away and spending a night in prison.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable which is the girls' sister.
5) The antecedent is the prison lunchroom.
A=Prison lunchroom
B=Refusing to eat prison food
C=Sister spends a night in prison
This is an example of negative punishment because it removes something desirable in order to change a certain behavior. The desirable thing was the girls' sister and the behavior to be changed was getting the girl to eat the prison food.
For the punishment portion when I explained how this is an example of negative punishment I forgot to explain how by the girls sister being sent to spend the night in prison was the punishment and how it would increase the outcome of the sister eating the food in the future.
I also forgot to include the terms that I used in this assignment. The terms used are as followed: behavior, antecedent, consequence, desirable, ABC'S, positive reinforcement, punishment, removal, negative punishment.
nice job with the ABC's
1) The clip showed three people having a conversation about another coworker. A phone call is made and then the coworker in question shows up. More conversation is had and then the boss whistles the employees to attention. Everyone starts to get up to go to a meeting.
2) The target behavior that I am using in this clip is a loud whistle which occurs at about 1:44.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is that everyone must drop what they are doing and gather for a meeting.
4) The consequence involved the removal of something undesirable because one of the coworkers was not pleased with the way that the conversation was going and now had an excuse to remove himself from it.
5) The antecedent of the target behavior was that everyone was talking and minding their own business.
A: everyone minding their own business
B: loud whistle
C: everyone gathers for a meeting
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something unpleasant. The call to attention from the boss gave an excuse for one of the coworkers to leave the unpleasant conversation. This coworker is now going to be more likely to respond to whistles from his boss if it removes him from an unpleasant situation.
1) This clip shows two people, a man and a woman, training in a gym while a third person, a man, stands to the side and coaches. Their training consists of circling on a wrestling mat while trying to get the better of each other and briefly tase them with a knife shaped taser. After they are through training, a blond man comes into the room, talks with all three parties. Two men leave, and on her way out the female tases the blond man because he was making jokes at her expense.
2) The target behavior that I am using in this clip is being tased, which occurs at about 1:17.
3) The consequence on this behavior is a painful reaction to the taser.
4) The consequence involved the addition of something undesirable, the painful reaction.
5) The antecedent of the target behavior is jokes that are being made at the expense of the female.
A: jokes at the expense of another
B: being tased
C: painful reaction
This is an example of positive punishment because the shock from the taser was added, which caused a painful reaction. Hypothetically, the blond man should no longer make jokes at the expense of the female for fear of being tased again.
Terms: target behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforcement, punishment, positive, negative
A: everyone minding their own business
B: loud whistle
C: everyone gathers for a meeting
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something unpleasant.
or section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
for this to be reinforcement you have to be able to say that the consequence of blowing/adding a whistle increases the likelihood of people gathering?
A: jokes at the expense of another
B: being tased
C: painful reaction
are you saying that the consequence of a painful reaction will decrease the likelihood of being tased?
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. - Chandler is showing Monica a picture of one of his ex-girlfriends to see if Monica knows her.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior that illustrates the reinforced behavior is the smile Monica gives to Chandler. (3:38)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. - The consequence is Monica smiling. This increases the probability of Chandler telling jokes in the future.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. - The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, to tell more funny jokes in the future.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. - Looking at a yearbook in Chandler's apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Looking at a yearbook in Chandler's apartment.
B=Telling the joke
C=Monica smiling
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. - This is positive reinforcement because Monica smiling tells Chandler that the joke was funny, thus increasing the probability of him telling jokes in the future.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustratingpunishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. - This is a clip from the show Friends where Chandler goes to take off his girlfriend's dad's jacket as he comes into their apartment. He asks if it's been snowing outside, but the white powder on the jacket is actually just dandruff.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is the comment Chandler makes about it snowing outside. (9:02)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The dad says "no" in a serious voice and his wife gives Chandler a dirty look.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally. - The consequence involves the removal of Chandler joking.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. - The antecedent is Chandler going to take the dad's coat off and asking if it is snowing outside.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Chandler's apartment
B= Comment about snowing
C= Dirty/shocked look from dad's wife
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. - This is an example of negative punishment because there is negative valence towards Chandler.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Reinforcement URL -
Punishment URL-
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Reinforcement, punishment, valence, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive, negative.
A= Chandler's apartment
B= Comment about snowing
C= Dirty/shocked look from dad's wife
This is an example of negative punishment because there is negative valence towards Chandler.
positive and negative refer to adding or removing something (no valence). As such, is the consequence adding or removing something?
As I look back, the consequence is removing laughter from Chandler's joke, thus reducing the probability that he will tell jokes in the future (at least to his girlfriend's parents).
Clip One
1. In this Friends clip, Joey, Ross, and Chandler are all going on a ride-along with Phoebe’s cop boyfriend. At one moment during the ride-along they are following someone the cop is trying to catch when a car backfires, but they think it is a gunshot. When they hear the noise, Joey throws his body over Ross. Joey then gets praise from the cop and Ross for trying to save him since they thought the car backfiring was a gunshot.
2. The behavior in this clip is Joey throwing his body over Ross. (0:29-0.39)
3. The consequence of the behavior the reactions of those in the car: the cop gives Joey praise for “trying to save his buddy,” and Ross thanks him.
4. The consequence of this behavior involved the addition of something desirable. Joey received added praise from his friends he would have not received had he not emitted the behavior.
5. The antecedent is a car backfiring while on a ride-along with Phoebe’s cop boyfriend.
A= A car backfiring while on a ride-along with Phoebe’s cop boyfriend.
B= Joey throws his body over Ross.
C= Joey receives praise.
This is an example of positive reinforcement for two difference reasons. One, it is reinforcement because the consequence from the behavior increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the same antecedent. If Joey were in the same situation again, he would likely to throw himself over a friend again. Two, it is positive because the consequence was an addition of something with positive valence. Joey liked the praise that was given to him because of his behavior. Had this been an example of negative reinforcement, the consequence would have included the removal of something with negative valence.
Clip Two
1. In this clip Ross goes to the tanning salon to get a spray tan. Before going into the spray tan room he is given instructions for what to do once inside. He is to face the nozzles, close his eyes, and then after being sprayed, count to five and turn around to have his backside sprayed. When Ross enters the room he follows the instructions only to be sprayed on his front side twice because he counts “with Mississippi’s.”
2. The behavior in this clip is Ross counting “with Mississippi’s” after getting sprayed on his front before turning around to be sprayed on his back. (0:58-1:01)
3. The consequence of the behavior is Ross gets the spray tan twice on his front instead of once on his front and once on his back. If Ross would not have counted “with Mississippi’s,” he would not have received the spray tan twice on his front.
4. This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Ross did not want to get the spray tan twice on his front; he wanted to get it once on his front and once on his back, but instead, exactly what he did not want to happen became the consequence of his behavior.
5. The antecedent to this behavior was Ross being at a tanning salon.
A= Ross is at a tanning salon.
B= Ross counts “with Mississippi’s” after getting sprayed on his front side before turning around to be sprayed on his back.
C= Ross gets a spray tan twice on his front side.
This is an example of positive punishment for two difference reasons. One, it is punishment because the consequence of the behavior decreases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again with the same antecedent. Ross is not likely to go to tanning salon and count “with Mississippi’s” before turning again. Two, it is positive because the consequence was an addition of something with negative valence. Ross did not like the consequence that came because of his behavior. Had this been negative punishment, the consequence would have included the removal of something with positive valence.
behavior, consequence, desirable, emitted, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive valence, aversive, undesirable, negative valence, positive punishment, negative punishment
nice job with the ABC!
1) This clips depicts Bender (the robot) and his coworker Leela. It appears that Leela has confided some piece of information or has asked him to do something. To this, Bender responds with laughter. Bender’s laughter makes Leela glare her eyes at him to show anger. This behavior backfires because Bender only laughs harder.
2) The target behavior I am going to be discussing is Bender laughing. This happens right away in the clip.
3) The consequence of this behavior is Leela’s angry glare.
4) This involves the addition of something desirable. Since Bender is (to put it nicely) kind of a jerk, he finds pleasure in the angry glares of others.
5) The antecedent of this clip is unknown, but it appears that Leela has just told Bender something personal or she is asking Bender to do something for her.
A= Leela tells Bender something personal
B= Bender laughs
C= Leela glares at Bender
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence is adding something that is pleasurable to Bender. This was proven to be reinforcing because Bender did in fact laugh even harder.
1) In this clip, Leela has just gotten in trouble for wasting fuel. The professor decides that the fitting punishment would be a shock collar that would go off anytime Leela had thoughts of violence, profanity, of perversions of a sexual nature. When Leela has these thoughts, the shock collar goes of and Leela shakes and yells.
2) The target behavior I am going to be discussing is Leela’s vile thoughts. This first occurs at .49.
3) The consequence of this behavior is the shock collar going off and receiving pain.
4) This involves the addition of something undesirable because of the pain the collar causes Leela.
5) The antecedent of this behavior is Leela being scolded by the professor.
A= Scolded by the professor
B= Vile thoughts
C= Pain from shock collar.
This clip is an example of positive punishment because it is adding something that Leela finds undesirable. The addition of something undesirable will make it less likely that Leela will have vile thoughts in the future.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Terms used: consequence, desirable and undesirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
A= Leela tells Bender something personal
B= Bender laughs
C= Leela glares at Bender
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence is adding something that is pleasurable to Bender. This was proven to be reinforcing because Bender did in fact laugh even harder.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence
So are you saying that the consequence of Leela glaring at bender will increase the likelihood of him laughing?
A= Leela tells Bender something personal
B= Bender laughs
C= Leela glares at Bender
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence is adding something that is pleasurable to Bender. Leela's glare is going to increase the likelihood that Bender is going to laugh again (which he does) because the glare is reinforcing.
1. The clip shows Jim, Michael, and Dwight all driving when Dwight finds alcohol. Both Jim and Michael are trying to have Dwight not drinking it, so Kim sprays water at Dwight. Then Michael wants to stop him and then Jim sprays both of them to try to calm them down.
2. The target behavior that I used for this happens at 0.08.
3. The consequence of this behavior was both Michael and Dwight being sprayed with water.
4. The consequence involve the addition of something undesirable which is alcohol being able to consume it.
5. The antecedent is the alcohol that was found in the car.
A) finding alcohol in the car
B) wanting to drink and taking the alcohol away
C) being sprayed with water
6. This was an example of positive reinforcement because we are removing something that is desirable in order to change behavior. The desirable thing was a drink in the behavior was for the Dwight to listen and not drink.
1. Dwight and Michael are driving and they start arguing about what direction the GPS is saying. Michael insist it's a short cut and drives into the lake. He later says that technology is out to kill everyone.
2. The target behavior in which Michael refuses to obey directions is at 0.20.
3.The consequence of this behavior is Michael damaging his vehicle
4.the consequence involves the removal of something desirable which happens to be Michael's car.
5. The antecedent is the GPS and Dwight telling Michael directions.
A) GPS and Dwight telling Michael the correct directions
B) Michael not listening to directions
C) Michael running his his into the lake
this is an example of negative punishment because of the consequences that follow from not listening. Michael learned that he will have to change his behavior in order to not have the same consequences again.
The Office - The Squirt Bottle:
The Office - Michael Drives Car into lake:
The Office - The Squirt Bottle:
terms: positive reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, consequences, behavior
A) finding alcohol in the car
B) wanting to drink and taking the alcohol away
C) being sprayed with water
6. This was an example of positive reinforcement because we are removing something that is desirable in order to change behavior. The desirable thing was a drink in the behavior was for the Dwight to listen and not drink.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
So are you saying that being sprayed with water will increase the likelihood of wanting to drink?
A) GPS and Dwight telling Michael the correct directions
B) Michael not listening to directions
C) Michael running his his into the lake
this is an example of negative punishment because of the consequences that follow from not listening. Michael learned that he will have to change his behavior in order to not have the same consequences again.
so are you saying that running late will decrease the likelihood of M not listening to directions?
1) In this clip, the one and only Barney Stinson describes to the viewers all of his… interesting and incredibly shallow schemes to get women to sleep with him. He uses really interesting jobs, “rescuing” girls from guys across the bar, pretending he’s a woman, etc.
2) The behavior here is lying and scheming which he is rewarded by sex with.
The Don’t Drink That- Barney pretends he saw someone slip something in a woman’s drink (0.19-0.31)
Mrs. Sinsfire- Barney dresses up as a woman at a college sorority house (0.33-0.42)
SNASA- Barney pretends to be in Secret NASA (0.47-1.09)
The Cheap Trick- Barney pretends to be a part of a band (1.15-1.19)
The Ted Mosby- Barney pretends to be Ted when he was left at the altar (1.23-1.29)
3) The consequence of his lying and scheming is simple, he gets the girl, and he gets laid. Which acts as the reinforcer.
4) Obviously this is the addition of something desirable
5) The antecedent in most cases is being in a bar. The only time he isn’t in a bar is when he is at the sorority house which comes after he’s been trying this in a bar for quite some time.
A= At a bar
B= Barney lies about who he is
C= Barney gets the girl
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Barney isn’t having anything removed from his life to elicit a desired outcome. Instead, he is getting something pleasurable for his behavior. Negative reinforcement uses the removal of something aversive to elicit a desired outcome.
1) This clip is from Beauty and the Beast. The clip tells the story of a spoiled prince who had everything he could ever want in life. A witch dressed as an ugly beggar appears at his door and offers him a rose as pay for shelter. After declining it, the witch turns him into a beast for not seeing true beauty.
2) The target behavior is that the prince will be able to see true beauty and love with an open heart- (1.03-1.06) this illustrates the prince’s turning the beggar away because of her flawed image. And you see the punishment of being turned into a beast. (1.20)
3) The consequence of his turning the beggar away was that he was put under a spell and looked like a beast.
4) This scene illustrates the removal of something desirable- his enchanting good looks that had once donned his body and inflated his ego.
5) The antecedent was living selfishly in a castle and disregarding other’s needs.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Living selfishly
B= Refused a beggar
C= Became a beast
This is positive punishment. The removal of something desirable. The prince loses his good looks and is no longer charming like he used to be.
A= At a bar
B= Barney lies about who he is
C= Barney gets the girl
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Barney isn’t having anything removed from his life to elicit a desired outcome. Instead, he is getting something pleasurable for his behavior. Negative reinforcement uses the removal of something aversive to elicit a desired outcome.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
Why is this reinforcement?
A= Living selfishly
B= Refused a beggar
C= Became a beast
This is positive punishment. The removal of something desirable. The prince loses his good looks and is no longer charming like he used to be.
are you saying because the consequence of becoming a beast this will decrease the likelihood of refusing a beggar?
The first clip is positive reinforcement because this increases the likelihood of Barney using schemes to get women to sleep with him.
The seond clip is postivie punishment. The witch's spell decreases the likelihood that the beast will be selfish and closed hearted.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Dog detects device, sits on hit, gets rewarded with a tennis ball
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Dog detects device more frequently by getting rewarded with the tennis ball.(1:48-1:55)
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Dog get rewarded for the achievement and then continues to sit on targets and devices.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it
involves the removal of something undesirable.
Adds something desirable
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
A command is given to search for a device
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=the command
B=sniffs and finds device/sits on hit
C=get tennis ball/rewarded
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive, because the dog is getting the tennis ball which is a positive thing for him and he is not being punished for finding a device in the ground.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Dog get on couch, cat nibbles on dog’s tail because he got on the couch, dog gets upset and tries to stop the cat, cat starts to hiss and gets mad at the dog, then the dog stops.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
(0.55) cat hisses at dog
3). Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Cat hissing at the dog
4). Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Addition of something undesirable
6).Tell us to the antecedent is.
Cat nibbling on the tail
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= cat nibbling on the tail
B=dog gets upset/tries to stop cat
C=cat hisses and gets mad at the dog
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment, the cat does not want the dog on the couch
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Desirable, punishment, reinforcement, rewards, negative punishment
A=the command
B=sniffs and finds device/sits on hit
C=get tennis ball/rewarded
Positive, because the dog is getting the tennis ball which is a positive thing for him and he is not being punished for finding a device in the ground.
It is positive, but can you state why it is reinforcement?
A= cat nibbling on the tail
B=dog gets upset/tries to stop cat
C=cat hisses and gets mad at the dog
Negative punishment, the cat does not want the dog on the couch
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
is a cat hiss going to decrease the likelihood of the dog getting upset? you may want to work on this a bit before the TA grades...
ABC pt. 1
It is positive reinforcement because the dog gets the reward/ball after correctly sitting on the device and it creates a memory in the dogs mind that it was the right thing to do. So then this will increase the likelihood that the dog will sit on devices he detects more often.
5 pt. 2) I first thought this was an example of negative punishment, but now that I have looked over things more I start to believe that this was an example of negative reinforcement because the cat hisses at the dog to stop getting mad at it for nibbling on the dogs tail and also the cat does not want the dog on the couch so biting his tail would also be a punishment. This would then decrease the likelihood of the dog getting on the couch and trying to get the cat to stop biting at its tail. The cat hiss would probably decrease the likelihood of the dog getting upset as well.
I also believe that there is the idea of the dogs pleasure of being on the couch is being removed from him, but then again there is a sense of pain being added to the situation so the dog will no longer be up on the couch.
1.Boise State is playing Oklahoma in a BCS bowl game and instead of tying the game up and going into another overtime period they decide to go for two and win the game.
2. The target behavior is for the running back to end up in the end zone by the time the trick play is done developing. At 0:07 into the clip the player is crossing into the end zone and about to celebrate the win, so the reinforced behavior would be the celebration of the touchdown.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that the Boise State team was able to upset the other team and celebrate a win.
4. In this particular video there is the addition of something desirable as the team was reinforced with a victory after the game was over. Had they not converted than this would have been a case of punishment for getting greedy.
5. The antecedent to this video would be the players celebrating with each other out on the field and in the stands with the fans.
A=lining up to run a play
b=actually running of the play
c=celebrating on the field
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement, and this is a pretty clear cut example of this as the team (Boise State) was either going to win or lose on this play and it happens that they were rewarded for winning.
1.In this clip a man is getting subdued by multiple police officers and ends up getting tased by the police for resisting arrest and a town hall debate.
2.. The target behavior for the cops is to get the man under control no matter how they have to do so. Again at the 0:07 mark of the video you can hear the taser being ran, but the target behavior is being shown throughout the entirety of the video.
3. The consequence behavior from the police, due to the fact they are struggling to get this guy under control is they resort to firing a taser into this guy.
4. This video shows an example of something undesirable being added as this guy I am guessing didn't desire to get tased on this particular day. Although his actions did illicit this behavior from the cops.
5. The antecedent in this video would be the guy refusing to comply with what the police are wanting from him, thus the more advanced physical subduing occurs.
A=the guy not listening to the police
B=taser being shot into this guy
C=screams of pain from the guy being tased and people watching in horror
I believe this is negative punishment due to the fact that he could have listened and complied with the officers and then they would have never been put in the position they were. Thus you could say this was avoidable and not the desired punishment.
terminology: Reinforce
Positive reinforcement
A=lining up to run a play
b=actually running of the play
c=celebrating on the field
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
So are you saying the consequence of running the play is celebrating on the field?
A=the guy not listening to the police
B=taser being shot into this guy
C=screams of pain from the guy being tased and people watching in horror
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
I know what you are trying to say, but the way you have arranged the ABC's it looks like you are saying because of the consequence of screams, this will decrease the likelihood of the taser being shot? see if you can work on this a bit before the TA grades it. if you want to discuss it more shoot me an email. thanks
1) This clip is Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and on this given night Jimmy has decided to play Wheel of Musical Impressions with his guest Adam Levine. The players hit a button and an electronic wheel spins, randomly choosing a singer to impersonate and a random song (not written or associated with the impersonated singer). Jimmy and Adam take turns impersonating different singers while singing random songs and the audience laughs as well as the performers.
2) The target behavior is singing a song impersonating a random song artist. 1:30, his singing starts at 1:41
3) The consequence of the behavior is laughing from others/ the audience.
4) This is the addition of something desirable, a pleasurable response from his audience, encouraging the behavior.
5) The antecedent: Jimmy hits the button to select a singer and song
A=Hits button (singer/song selected)
B=Singer sings song
C=Audience laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement because we are adding something that is desirable (people laughing implying the act was entertaining) so that an action will occur again, the frequency will be increased (impersonating a singer).
1) This is a clip of a soccer game between Toronto FC and Real Salt Lake where a player gets red carded for pushing another player.
2) The target behavior is one soccer player (white jersey) shoving another soccer player (red jersey) to the ground. 1:19
3) One of the consequences of this behavior was a red card from the referee.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. When the player is red carded, they can no longer play in the soccer game (something the player would want to do). His playing time has been removed (undesirable).
5) The antecedent is the red jersey player gets in the way of the white player (trips him up a little).
A= white jersey is tripped up a little by the red jersey
B= white jersey pushes red jersey
C=red carded
This is negative punishment because there is the removal of something desirable, in this case playing time on the soccer field, so the action will be less likely to occur in the future (pushing/shoving the other players).
Terms: Reinforcement, target behavior, behavior, consequence, desirable, pleasurable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punishment, undesirable.
great job with the ABC's and explaining why.
1) I found a clip from the Disney Classic, Cinderella. Cinderella’s step-mother has received a letter stating that all eligible maidens should attend his ball. Cinderella says she should be able to go since it was a command from the King. The step-mother then says Cinderella can go to the ball if she gets all of her chores done and can find something suitable to wear.
2) The target behavior for this clip is Cinderella being told by her step-mother she can go to the ball as long as she gets her chores done and finds something nice to wear, then Cinderella hurrying to complete those tasks (0:50-1:05).
3) The consequence of this behavior is that if she indeed gets those chores done and finds something nice to wear, then she will be able to go to the ball. (Even though the step-mother eventually doesn’t let her go)
4) The consequence involves something desirable as Cinderella will be able to go to the ball.
5) The antecedent is that Cinderella happened to be in the room when her step-mother was reading the letter.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Cinderella being present when her step-mother read the letter.
B= Cinderella hurrying to get her chores done and finding something nice to wear.
C= Cinderella being able to go to the ball
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is clearly an example of positive reinforcement. She is being told if she does something (completing her chores and finding something nice to wear), then she’ll be rewarded (going to the ball). The addition of something desirable makes it positive reinforcement.
1) The clip is from an episode of Modern Family. Luke is being punished by his father, Phil, for shooting his sister with a bb gun. Luke shooting his sister is not shown in the episode.
2) The target behavior was for Luke to learn that he can’t shoot his sister or anyone else. (Luke shooting his sister is not shown)
3) The consequence of the behavior is that Luke’s father would shoot Luke with the same bb gun.
4) The consequence involves adding something undesirable, which would be Luke getting shot by the bb gun.
5) The antecedent is Luke playing with his bb gun.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Luke playing with his bb gun
B= Luke shooting his sister with that bb gun
C= Luke then being shot by his father with the bb gun
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment. The punishment involved adding something undesirable, which was Luke being shot.
Terms: reinforcement, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment
A= Cinderella being present when her step-mother read the letter.
B= Cinderella hurrying to get her chores done and finding something nice to wear.
C= Cinderella being able to go to the ball
This is clearly an example of positive reinforcement. She is being told if she does something (completing her chores and finding something nice to wear), then she’ll be rewarded (going to the ball). The addition of something desirable makes it positive reinforcement.
hints - a target behavior should be one thing. Is the behavior getting chores done or is it finding something nice to wear? also a for a consequence to be reinforcing it has to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future. you might want to redo this before the TA grades...
A= Luke playing with his bb gun
B= Luke shooting his sister with that bb gun
C= Luke then being shot by his father with the bb gun
This is an example of positive punishment. The punishment involved adding something undesirable, which was Luke being shot.
you are right it is positive, but what makes it punishment?
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
My reinforcing clip is a cat that is trained to do tricks like one would teach a dog to do. The cat's owner calls out a command, then once the cat, Krissy, completes the command, his owner gives him verbal praise and one piece of food.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is when Krissy completes the command that was stated by his owner. This happens numerous times throughout the clip, but the first time he completes the challenge is at 0:04.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is if he correctly completes the trick he gets verbal praise and a piece of food, but if he does not complete the trick then he does not get the praise or food.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence showed in the clip involves getting verbal praise
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Krissy's owner giving him the command.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Krissy's owner gives command.
B= Krissy does the said command.
C= Krissy then gets rewarded with verbal praise and a treat.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Krissy is getting something from doing the tricks.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from one of my favorite T.V shows, How I Met Your Mother. This clip shows different scenes of interventions that the group would have to help a member of their group get rid of their negative valance. The section of the clip I am going to focus on is 0:00- 0:18. In this section, Ted, Lily, Robin, and Barney have gathered for an intervention meant for Marshall because he continuously wears a huge Dr. Seuss like hat.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is that Marshall will stop wearing the hat. The clip does not show that Marshall stops wearing the hat, but it shows him sad that his friends think it is a problem.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Marshall is that his friends could stop hanging out with him if he does not stop.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable his friends telling him that they believe his hat wearing is a problem.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Marshall wearing his Dr. Seuss hat all the time.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Marshall wearing the hat all the time
B= Denying he has a problem
C= Stop wearing the hat
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Negative punishment because his friends and loved ones had to tell him how they felt about his excessive hat wearing which is negative valence.
Terms- antecedent, reinforce, punishment, target behavior, negative valence,
A= Krissy's owner gives command.
B= Krissy does the said command.
C= Krissy then gets rewarded with verbal praise and a treat.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Krissy is getting something from doing the tricks.
this is positive because something is being added but what specifically makes it reinforcement?
A= Marshall wearing the hat all the time
B= Denying he has a problem
C= Stop wearing the hat
Negative punishment because his friends and loved ones had to tell him how they felt about his excessive hat wearing which is negative valence.
does this make sense to you? if this is punishment then the consequence should decrease the likelihood that the behavior will occur int he future. Does the consequence of stop wearing the hat decrease the likelihood that he will deny having the problem? you might want to work on this before the TA grades. thanks
I am fixing the two items in question. In regards to Krissy's positive reinforcement, it makes it positive reinforcement because she is getting a treat, which tells him if he continues to do the tricks correctly, he will continue to get more food.
For the second part I am going to fix,
A= Marshall wearing the hat all the time
B= hearing what his friends and love ones have to say
C= Stop wearing the hat
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) The clip starts at 6:04 and goes until 6:43 The clip is of Meatwad being introduced at the circus, he then performs tricks and continues to perform tricks after the crowd cheers him on.
2) The target behavior is Meatwad's transformation and happens immediately in the clip and continues at 6:26 when he changes into another form after the crowd cheers him on.
3) The consequence is that the crowd cheered and clapped for him.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable or positive reinforcement. The applause are what performers sought after.
5) The antecedent is being on stage in a circus. In the scenario, the circus really elicits the target behavior because it has a positive valence, but the consequence is what was positively reinforcing Meatwad to continue his shape shifting.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being on stage in a circus
B=Shape Shifting
C=The audience applaud
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence was an addition of pleasurable applause and the performing was not aversive.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) the clip starts at 8:59 and goes until 9:05. The clip is of Shake performing at a circus when he cuts his finger and declares he will no longer do tricks.
2) The target behavior occurs between 7:24 and 7:17 when shake begins performing for the crowd.
3) At 8:59 Shake cuts his finger.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Shake announces that he cut his finger and therefore will not be performing any more. His pain was the aversive punishment.
5) The antecedent is being on stage in a circus. In this scenario, the circus really elicits the target behavior especially this time because Shake had a positive valence with circus performing when had heard the applause for Meatwad when he was performing, but this time the consequence is what was negatively punished when Fry cut his finger.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being on stage in a circus
B=Shake performing
C=Shake cutting his finger
Now state if this is an example of negative punishment because the consequence was adversive and makes the target behavior less likely.
I got both clips from the same episode.
adversive, antecedent, reinforce, punishment, target behavior, pleasurable, positive valence, consequence, positive reinforcement,
A=Being on stage in a circus
B=Shape Shifting
C=The audience applaud
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence was an addition of pleasurable applause and the performing was not aversive.
***can you tell me what specifically makes this reinforcement? You might also want to go in and add the WHY? part to the ABCs you used for the punishment before the TA grades. Thanks
I am fixing my statement: "A=Being on stage in a circus
B=Shape Shifting
C=The audience applaud
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence was an addition of pleasurable applause and the performing was not aversive."
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it included the addition of applause that made it positive and INCREASED the likelihood that the behavior will reoccur.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is about wildfire/forest-fire prevention. When people put out a campfire, there are specific things to do to ensure that the old campfire is truly out and will not cause a possible fire after the people have left. Smokey the Bear makes and appearance.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is properly putting out a campfire. 0:07
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Smokey the Bear gives the gentleman a bear hug. 0:17
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
This consequence involves something desirable. Smokey the Bear gives the individual a hug.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Forest
B= putting out and confirming a campfire is out
C= Smokey the Bear gives a hug
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement. As humans are social creatures, we crave approval from society around us. Smokey the Bear’s hug can provide the feeling of acceptance and approval.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
I am only using the first 41 seconds of this video. The video is an office scene where an employee drinks the last of the coffee but then doesn’t start a new pot. Terry Tate tackles the offending employee and yells at him about coffee etiquette.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is that the employee takes the last of the coffee. 0:03-0:07
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Employee is tackled and yelled at. 0:20-0:34
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, getting tackled and yelled at by Terry Tate.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Office
B= employee takes last of coffee without making more
C= employee gets tackled and yelled at
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I believe this is the example of Positive Punishment. The addition of pain from being tackled and yelled at by Terry Tate may have a profound effect on the offending employee to the point where that individual will always be sure to start a new pot of coffee when taking the last bit.
Reinforcement clip:
Punishment clip:
Terms: Consequence, Punishment, Positive Punishment, Target Behavior, Positive Reinforcement
A= Forest
B= putting out and confirming a campfire is out
C= Smokey the Bear gives a hug
this is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence involves adding something that will increase the likelihood of putting out fires in the future...
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. This clip is from The Office. In this clip Jim decides to send Dwight a fax, from “future Dwight” telling him that someone poisoned the coffee. Dwight reads the fax, and looks up to see a fellow co-worker about to take a drink of the “poisonous” coffee. This causes Dwight to freak out and rush to the co-worker drinking the coffee and knocks it out of his hand.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The target behavior is pranking Dwight
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the behavior is the man who is drinking the coffee getting it knocked out of his hands by Dwight, who thinks it is poisonous.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. I think it is the addition of something desirable because Jim is getting humor out of Dwight reacting to his prank.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent would be the office or work place. Where Jim gets away with pulling pranks constantly on Dwight, so he continuously pulls them.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the office/ work place
B= pranking Dwight or sending him a fax about the coffee being poisonous.
C= Dwight knocks his co-workers coffee out of his hands causing it to spill out of his hands.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. I think this this example shows positive reinforcement because Jim is getting Dwight to react in a ridiculous way. Jim gets humor out of Dwight falling for his pranks, therefore is positively reinforced to continue to pull pranks on him.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. In this clip a man was standing in the middle of the street. A police officer approaches the man asking him for his ID, and the man freaks out and tries to swing at the police officer. The officer then ask the man to get on the ground. The man refuses to get on the ground, so the officer calls for a taser. The man continues to listen so the police officers tase him
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). The man refuses to listen to the officer and doesn’t lay on the ground when asked.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the behavior was the man getting tased
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally. This involved the addition of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent was in the center of the street or freeway
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= middle of a freeway
B= refusing to listen to officer
C= getting tased
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is an example of negative punishment because the man refused to do what he was being told, and got tased or pain inflicted on him, so he would listen or cooperate with the police officers.
Vocab used:
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
A= middle of a freeway
B= refusing to listen to officer
C= getting tased
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence.
positive and negative refers to adding or removing tasing someone adding or removing something?
1.) The first clip I chose is a clip from Supernanny where Joe worked with the father on how to react to on of his children, who has ADHD. The father immediately wanted to put his son in timeout, but Joe stopped him and showed him the proper way to communicate with the child while considering he has his ADHD issues.
2.) The behavior Joe wanted the child to do was to calm down and talk about what had happened-- she wanted to encourage him to use his words to discuss what had happened, instead of acting out. To do this, instead of reacting angrily and with frustration, like the father did with his immediate intention to put the child in time out, Joe sat with the child and talked with him calmly. She kept a low, calm tone of voice and listened to the child with open ears. In return, the child was more likely to actually take a deep breath and calmly explain what had happened that had upset him. (:15)
3.) In response to Joe taking the time to speak calmly and patiently with the son, the son responded calmly as well. He was more open to talking about it and working it out with his words.
4.) The consequence involves adding something desirable, and that was making the son feel like he was being heard. Part of what these parents seemed to struggle to do with their son was to simply listen to him. It ended up leaving the son feeling a lot of built up frustration, which added to why he acted out.
5.) A= the sister took the brother's toy, causing him to throw a fit.
B= Joe sits down with the son and asks him to calmly talk about what happened.
C= The boy calms down and channels his frustration through openly communicating the problem.
6.) I would say this is positive reinforcement because it gave the child the opportunity to be heard, which seems like that's what he needs more of from his parents and other adults who don't seem to handle his outbursts as well.
1.) In this clip, "Vause" and "Chapmann" are in the cafeteria in the prison together dancing sexually. The two have an on and off intimate relationship throughout the series, but this dancing upsets another one of the inmates who is very religious and considers homosexuality to be an abomination. She reports their dancing to one of the prison guards who is equally as upset upon hearing the news of their behavior.
2.)The behavior that is the focus of this clip is when Vause and Chapmann are dancing together in the cafeteria. (1:26).
3.) The consequence of that behavior is that Chapmann gets thrown in solitary confinement, referred to as "shu" in the show.
4.) The consequence kind of both adds something undesirable and takes away something desirable. The undesirable thing that Chapmann gets is shu, it's like being in time out, but a much more extreme version of that. However, she also has her freedom taken away from her, which is something she loses that is desirable.
5.) A= Having a dance party in the prison cafeteria.
B= Vause and Chapmann dancing sexually.
C= Chapmann gets thrown in solitary confinement.
As I said before, this kind of could be both positive and negative punishment, but I think it would be more so negative punishment. She loses her freedom and a lot of privileges. She says in the clip that she was supposed to be visited that day, which she lost the opportunity to have visitors while in solitary confinement. She has no contact with other inmates.
Terminology: ABC's, positive/negative punishment, positive reinforcement, consequences, behavior
for section 5 you need to have just one clear target behavior and when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence. for the first one is the behavior we are talking about the father talking to the kid or is it something the kid is doing?
you might consider re writing these or clearing up the targets behaviors before the TA grades it so you can get a better grade. thanks
1.For the first clip I chose a video of a toddler totally overreacting claiming to be too weak to carry her dish to the sink. Her dad talks her through the ordeal until she does it.
2.Picks up bowl (0.04)
Runs back to try again (0.15)
Picks up bowl again. . (0.30)
Again. . . (0.39)
And again . . (0.48)
One more time . . (0.54)
Makes it into the sink! (0.58)
3.The bowl makes its way into the kitchen sink.
4.The praise from her father is desirable.
5.The antecedent from this clip is the toddler is told to help clean up after dinner.
A-Helping clean up
B-Slowly making her way towards the sink
C-Receiving praise/encouragement from father
This video clip is an example of positive reinforcement. The daughter would make an effort to get towards the sink after hearing praise or encouragement from her father.
1.Harry Potter recieves his first ever birthday cake from a man named Hagred. While having a discussion Harry’s cousin Dudley steals the cake and begins to eat it. Hagred gets upset Dudley is eating Harry’s cake and gives him a pigs tail.
2.The target behavior is stealing and eating the birthday cake.
Gets tail (0.57)
3.As a consequence, he received a pig’s tail.
4.The consequence involved the addition of a pig’s tail, which is undesirable.
5.The antecedent is Harry receiving the birthday cake.
A-Harry receiving the birthday cake
B-Stealing/eating the cake
C-Receives a pig’s tail
This would be an example of a positive punishment because it worked by adding something undesirable.
Terms: Antecedent, Reinforcement, Punishment, Consequence, Target behavior
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence. thanks
1. This clip is about a dog named Thomas learning a sequence of sitting, turning around, and jumping up. He is wild and crazy cute.
2. The targeted behavior is sitting, turning around, and then jumping up. The behavior occurs between 16 and 21 seconds in the video.
3. The consequence of the behavior is receiving a treat.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. This desirable thing is a tasty treat.
5. The antecedent is an owner sitting in the kitchen.
A= owner in the kitchen
B= the sequence of sitting, turning around, and jumping up.
C= a treat
This is positive reinforcement because the dog is receiving a yummy treat which is encouraging him to do the sequence again.
1. This clip is about a girl who is obsessed with a boy and won’t stop staking him. She does anything to be around him and then kidnaps him. She takes him to a store house and gives him a cake for his birthday. His phone goes off and when she looks it’s another girl. She gets mad and punches him in the face.
2. The targeted behavior is the phone call from another girl.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that he gets punched in the face.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. This undesirable thing is punch to the face for the phone call.
A= the antecedent is them being together for his birthday.
B= the behavior is that he was talking to another girl.
C= the consequence is that he got punched in the face.
This is an example of negative punishment because he is receiving pain for the phone call from another girl.
TERMS: negative punishment, behavior, consequence, antecedent, punishment, targeted behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement
in regards to this section below you need to explain if the consequence is going to going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the behavior and if something is being added or removed as a consequence. you may want to try redoing this section.
A= the antecedent is them being together for his birthday.
B= the behavior is that he was talking to another girl.
C= the consequence is that he got punched in the face.
This is an example of negative punishment because he is receiving pain for the phone call from another girl.
for section 5 when you explain the why part you might want to make sure you make it clear if the consequence is going to increase or decrease the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future and if something is added or removed as a consequence. thanks
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the clip Marley is given some commands by her owner. Marley is asked to sit, stay, and give her owner both of paws. When she is successful with a behavior she is rewarded with praise and the end of the clip, a treat.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is that Marley will sit, stay, and give both of her paws when requested by her owner
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Marley receives praise and treats.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves desirable reinforcers such as treats and praise.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Marley’s owner is trying to teach her basic commands.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Listening to the owner
B= Marley performs the commands
C= Marley receives praise and a treat.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because Marley receives praise and treats for her actions.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the clip the minions are all singing except for one who is playing with a party blower. All but one minion are okay with him using the party blower. After a minute the minion next to him gets annoyed and punces the minion with the party blower in the face.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is minion with the playing with the party blower
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence for the minion with the party blower is that he gets punched in the face.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence in involves something undesirable; I don’t anyone finds getting punched in the face to be fun.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The minions are singing
B= Playing with a party blower
C=The minion playing the party blower gets punched in the face.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something. In this clip the minion is punished by another minion for playing with the party blower by not only stopping his action, but by punching him in the face. The minion playing with the party blower is less likely to in the future because the idea of getting punched again is aversive.
Terms used: Positive punishment, consequence, target behavior, desirable reinforce, reinforcement, aversive
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, people dress up as scary looking clowns to scare random people as a prank.They pop out from around corners, chase people with axes and chain saws, and other various things in order to get the desired reactions from the strangers.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to get people to make people get scared and run away.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is the clowns continue to chase them and scare them.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It involves something undesirable, not many people enjoy being chased by seemingly murderous clowns.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Clown chases people
B= The people get scared
C= People run away
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement, they are getting the exact desired reaction they were going for by scaring everyone, so they are more likely to perform the act again.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The police pull over a motorcyclist for speeding and end up noticing he had also been smoking cannabis. He refuses to tell them how to open up the seat on his bike where they smell even more of it and when they try to cuff him, he fights back.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the police trying to reprimand the man fighting back. (3:27)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The officer holding on to the handcuffs attached to the biker gets badly injured.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Undesirable reinforcement, he gets his "cs gas" in his own face by accident as well as from getting punched in the face and head by the criminal.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Police attempt to arrest the biker
B= Biker fights back
C= Police officer gets seriously injured
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment, because it involves the addition of an undesirable consequence. In the clip, the officer is severely injured by attempting to contain the biker.
Terms used: Consequence, Behavior, undesirable reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Target Behavior.
For this clip we would like you to:
Clip One
1. In this Friends episode clip, Joey, Ross, and Chandler are all going on a ride-along with Phoebe’s boyfriend (cop). During the ride-along, the cop is watching the person he’s been following, when a car backfires, they think it is a gunshot. When they hear the noise, Joey throws himself over Ross. Joey then gets praise from the cop and Ross for trying to save him since they thought the car backfiring was a gunshot.
2. The behavior in this clip is Joey throwing his body over Ross. (0:29-0.39)
3. The consequence of the behavior gets reactions of those in the car: the cop gives Joey praise for trying to save his buddy, and Ross thanks him.
4. The consequence of this behavior involved the addition of something desirable. Joey received added praise from his friends he would have not received had he not emitted the behavior.
5. The antecedent is a ‘perps’ car backfiring while on a ride-along with Phoebe’s boyfriend (cop).
A= A car backfiring while on a ride-along.
B= Joey throws himself over Ross.
C= Joey receives praise.
This is an example of positive reinforcement for two difference reasons. First, it is positive because the consequence was an addition of something with positive valence. Joey liked the praise that was given to him because of his behavior. Had this been an example of negative reinforcement, the consequence would have included the removal of something with negative valence. Secondly, it is reinforcement because the consequence from the behavior increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the same antecedent. If Joey were in the same situation again, he would likely to throw himself over a friend again.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) In this clip, Leela has just gotten in trouble for wasting fuel. The professor decides the fitting punishment would be a shock collar that would go off anytime Leela had thoughts of violence, profanity, of perversions of a sexual nature. When Leela has these thoughts, the shock collar goes off and Leela shakes and yells.
2) The target behavior I am going to be discussing is Leela’s vile thoughts. This first occurs at .49.
3) The consequence of this behavior is the shock collar going off and receiving pain.
4) This involves the addition of something undesirable because of the pain the collar causes Leela.
5) The antecedent of this behavior is Leela being scolded by the professor.
A= Scolded by the professor
B= Vile thoughts
C= Pain from shock collar.
This clip is an example of positive punishment because it is adding something that Leela finds undesirable. The addition of something undesirable will make it less likely that Leela will have vile thoughts in the future.
Terms: Behavior, consequence, emitted, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforcement, antecedent, ABC’s
1) The narrator says that her dogs bark too much and they jump all over visitors when they walk into the house. The narrator begins by showing us what the dogs’ current behavior is and then she leads through her step-by-step process of reinforcing the dogs to be quiet and still when visitors arrive. She first has them sit when people knock on the door and she gives them treats for that. Then she has them sit on the couch when people arrive and reinforces that behavior with treats as well. These two steps trains the dogs to be silent and still when strangers arrive.
2) The target behavior is sitting and being silent when visitors arrive and that is reinforced by dog treats. Around 1:00 into the video is when the narrator trains the dogs to sit when a visitor arrives and she gives the dogs a treat when they sit. 1:40 is when the narrator trains the dogs to sit in a designated area (the couch) when visitors arrive and she does this by directing them to the couch and then giving them a treat when they obey. 2:30 into the video is where you can see that the dogs narrator has successfully modified the dogs’ behavior.
3) Each of the dogs receive a treat when they sit still and are quiet.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because the dogs want the dog treats, which is why they keep repeating the new behavior until it becomes habitualized.
5) The antecedent is a guest arriving and knocking on the door.
A= Guest knocks on the door
B= Dogs sit on couch and remain silent (aka do not bark)
C= Dogs receive treat from owner
This is positive reinforcement because a desirable object is being added to the behavior in order to reinforce it and increase the probability of eliciting that behavior in the future. The dogs want the treats, so they modify their behavior in order to obtain the desirable object.
1) It is a clip from the Big Bang Theory and Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj seem to be attempting to come up with a theory or solution to some scientific problem. They realize that they keep getting off topic, so they decide to punish each other every time that they change subject while trying to work. They place multiple pieces of duct tape on their arms and those are ripped off every time that one of them gets the group off topic. The group is trying to decrease the amount of time they spend off topic and they are using punishment to modify that behavior.
2) The behavior that I’m using is getting off topic while trying to work. 45 seconds into the video you see that all of the characters have duct tape on their arms, at 1:10 in the video we see that Sheldon mentions a topic that is not related to work, so he has a piece of duct tape ripped off of his arm.
3) The consequence of Sheldon speaking off topic is that he has a piece of duct tape ripped off his arm, thus removing his arm hair and causing pain.
4) This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable because it causes pain in the person who displays the behavior.
5) The antecedent is working in a group setting.
A= Working in a group setting
B= Talking off topic (aka talking about something other than the project)
C= Duct tape is ripped off of arm and causes pain
This video is an instance of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable. The pain is the consequence of the behavior, nothing is being taken away in this example.
Terms: positive punishment, antecedent, consequence, eliciting, positive reinforcement
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip of the famous TV show comedy The Big Bang theory, Sheldon tries using operant conditioning and positive reinforcement on Penny. If Sheldon approves of Penny’s behavior he gives her a chocolate. This is Sheldon’s way of trying to reinforce Penny into continuing the behavior, such as picking up the dirty dishes, in the future. Although, Penny isn’t aware that this is Sheldon’s plan.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
At the beginning of the clip (:08) the target behavior that illustrates the reinforced behavior is cleaning up the dirty dishes after dinner. Also at (:24) of the clip, Penny is reinforced for not sitting in Sheldon’s “spot” on the couch.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is receiving a chocolate from Sheldon.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involved the addition of something desirable (the piece of chocolate)
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= finishes dinner
B= cleans up dirty plates for everyone
C= receives chocolate
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because Sheldon is adding something in order for the behavior to continue in the future.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip of an M&M commercial, the green M&M finds out at a party that she should steer clear of Christie because she loves chocolate and she would “devour you.” This leads the green M&M to introduce the red M&M to Christie as a form of punishment.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The Green M&M introduced the red M&M to Christie because she knows Christie will “devour” the Red M&M. (:19)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is sending the Red M&M home with Christie even though she knows that Christie will “devour” him.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= at a party
B= red M&M is annoying
C= gets introduced to Christie
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because something negative was added in order for the behavior to not continue in the future.
Terms: positive punishment, positive reinforcement, desirable, operant conditioning
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
- In this clip an invitation is received from the Price to attend the Ball. Cinderella says she is part of the family and that she is invited to the Ball too, not just her sisters. Cinderella's step-mother says that if Cinderella gets all of her chores done she can attend the Ball.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-The target behavior in this clip is Cinderella getting her chores done, this is reinforced by her being able to attend the Ball. (:35-:55)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The consequence of the behavior is being able to attend the Ball.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
-The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is receiving the invitation to the Ball from the Prince.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Invitation received from the Prince to attend the Ball
B=Get Chores done
C=Able to attend the Ball
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-This is an example of positive reinforcement because by getting her chores done Cinderella is able to attend the Ball, which is something desirable that she would like to do.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
- This is a clip of the Packers vs. Seahawks where the Seahawks are attempting an onside kick. Since Bostick didn't block like he was supposed to and instead went to recover the ball this didn't allow Nelson to catch the football which resulted in the Seahawks recovering their own onside kick.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-Since the Packers player went to recover the ball instead of blocking his team wasn't able to recover the ball and had it taken away by the Seahawks (:16-:24)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The consequence of the behavior is the Seahawks recovering the ball
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
-The consequence involves the removal of something desirable (possession of the football)
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
-The antecedent is the Seahawks being down with little time left so they kick an onside kick
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Seahawks are losing which leads to an onside kick
B=Bostick doesn't block like he is supposed to
C=Seahawks recover the football
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
-This is an example of negative punishment because the Packers got the ball taken from them, which is something desirable being taken away due to a behavior.
(This example may be a stretch but I wanted to do something original that hasn't been done before.)
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Positive/negative Punishment, Positive/negative reinforcement, desirable, antecedent, behavior, consequence
1) In the clip, Winnie the Pooh was looking for something to do for the day. He decided to exercise. While he exercises, he sings the exercise song. In the song, it says that exercising makes him hungry. And hence after he exercised, he rewarded himself with some honey.
2) Winnie the Pooh’s workout routine from 0:54 to 1:18.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that Winnie the Pooh rewards himself with honey.
4) The consequence of the behavior involves something desirable (the honey).
5) A= Early in the morning
B= Exercise
C= Eating honey
This video is an example of positive self-reinforcement. Winnie the Pooh rewarded himself with honey to increase the possibility of him exercising next time.
1) Spongebob and Patrick were preparing to go jellyfishing. They invited Squidward to join them but Squidward rejected their invitation. Squidward then went out to cycle. While cycling, he got into an accident with a jellyfish and got injured by the jellyfish. Spongebob and Patrick took Squidward out to hunt jellyfish again. Being injured, Squidward refused to go but he was on his wheelchair and he had no choice but to go with them. Spongebob and Patrick were demonstrating their jellyfishing skills. However, they annoyed the jellyfish and the jellyfish stung Squidward. Wanting revenge, Squidward started chasing after the jellyfish and accidentally angered a huge jellyfish. He was heavily injured after being stung by the jellyfish.
2) The target behavior in this video is jellyfishing from 4:04 to 4:49.
3) The consequence of the behavior is being heavily injured.
4) The consequence of this video involves the addition of something undesirable (injury and pain).
5) A= Hanging out with Spongebob
B= Jellyfishing
C= Injury
This video is an example of positive punishment. Positive punishment involves an aversive stimulus (being injured by jellyfishes) that is added to the situation (jellyfishing).
Terms: Self-reinforcement, consequence, ABC’s, behavior, aversive, positive punishment
Reinforcement Section
1. In this clip Spongebob Squarepants finds out that he can make people laugh by having his pants rip while he does things. The first time was an accident while he was lifting weights, but the positive reinforcement of the people laughing and congratulating him for being funny causes him to emit this behavior of pants ripping (on purpose) for the rest of the episode. At the end of the episode he takes the joke too far, but that isn't the part we're analysing here.
2. The behavior being emitted that is being reinforced in this video is Spongebob ripping his pants. At 1:35 he rips them the first time on accident. Then at 2:02, 2:25, 2:40, 2:48, and 2:58 he rips them on purpose because that behavior is being reinforced.
3. The consequence of Spongebob ripping his pants is that people laugh and tell him he's funny.
4. The consequence in this scenario involves the addition of something desirable- the attention, laughter, and praise of others. This makes it positive reinforcement.
5. The antecedent is that Spongebob is hanging out with his friends in public (at the beach).
A = With friends at the beach
B = Ripping his pants
C = People laugh and make him feel good about himself
This is an example of positive reinforcement. People laughing and making him feel good about himself is the addition of something desirable (attention/praise/etc) and it makes it more probable that he will repeat this behavior in the future (ripping his pants).
Punishment Section
1. In this clip Spongebob has been reinforced to rip his pants. However, he ends up taking the joke too far by pretending to drown and rip his pants in the process to be funny. People get really upset with him for pretending to drown because they were worried about him and thought he had died. This results in Spongebob no longer pretending to rip his pants for fun.
2. The behavior being emitted that is being punished is Spongebob ripping his pants. Around 3:25 he pretends to drown to set up the pants ripping joke.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that everyone gets mad at him and stops thinking he is a cool, funny guy.
4. This consequence is the addition of something undesirable (the ire and dislike of others). This makes it positive punishment.
5. The antecedent is that Spongebob is hanging out with his friends (at the beach).
A = With friends at the beach
B = Ripping his pants
C = People get mad at him
This is an example of positive punishment. People being upset with him is something undesirable which is being added to the situation. It decreases the probability that he will repeat this behavior in the future.
Terms: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit, behavior, consequence, desirable, undesirable, antecedent, positive punishment
Video link (same for both sections):
This first clip is of a kitten taking itself out of a situation as punishment to the dog for starting to get just a little too rough while playing.
1. The behavior is the dog playing a little too rough with the kitten.
2. The consequence is that the kitten gets away from the dog
3. The consequence will decrease this behavior because the kitten would no longer play with it.
4. The consequence involves losing the kitten as a play mate.
5. The antecedent is the little kitten playing with the dog.
A. Little kitten playing with a dog.
B. The dog starts playing a little too rough.
C. The kitten leaves and the dog can’t play with it anymore.
This is an example of negative punishment because the likelihood of the dog playing rough with the kitten will decrease because the dog doesn’t have anyone to play with anymore.
This other clip is from the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon “chocolate trains” Penny by trying to modify her behavior by giving her chololate.
1. The behavior is Penny doing the appropriate thing in Sheldon’s mind
2. The consequence of Penny doing the correct behavior to Sheldon she gets a chocolate.
3. The consequence will increase Penny doing what Sheldon likes.
4. The consequence involves the addition of chocolate.
5. The antecedent is always being around Sheldon.
A: Being around Sheldon.
B: Acting how he wants her too (correctly).
C: Getting a chocolate.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because you are increasing the likelihood of the behavior Sheldon likes by adding something desirable.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
For this clip we would like you to:
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
a.This clip is mostly an awkward cat video of an owner describing how she plans on teaching her cat to use the toilet instead of a litter box ( we had to be original and nobody had potty training your cat) She describes how her contraption works and why it is important to use cat treats to encourage your cat you use its new litter box.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-At 4:45 The owner talks about how she has cat treats to help reinforce her cats good behavior. She also mentions again at the very end of the video how important they are in teaching her cat to use the toilet.
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The cat gets a treat and the owners don’t have to scoop a litter box or put up with a smelly litter box anymore.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
-The consequence is the removal of something undesirable. It removes having to clean a litter box, having to smell a litter box, and having a litter box all together.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
-The Antecedent is the new fake kitty litter on the toilet.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= kitty litter in toilet B= cat uses toilet C=removal of litter box
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
-This is a positive reinforcement because she is giving her cat treats to increase it’s behavior. The cat likes treats so they are a positive valence to the cat.
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
-This video is really really irritating, however the clip shows that these three children were fighting with each other and not listening to their mother. She decided to punish them by making them suck soapy water up through a straw and put it in the toilet.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
-The entire video is of these kids sucking water up through the straw and putting it in the toilet.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
-The kids start to get along because they share each other’s dislike of all having to do something aversive.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence is an addition of something undesirable. They do not want to suck soapy water from the bathtub and put it in the toilet.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Children fighting
B= Children sucking up soapy water and putting it in the toilet
C= Children no longer fight with each other.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because the mom is adding an aversive assignment that the children do not like in order to decrease their behavior.
Terms: Behavior, Reinforcement, Punishment, Positive, aversive,
1. This is a one minute Youtube clip from a sitcom called “The Office.” In this clip Jim used what he learned about Pavlov on class and applied it on Dwight: he gave Dwight a piece of mint candy whenever he rebooted the computer, which emitted a sound. Dwight had to put his hand up before taking the candy. One time he stopped giving Dwight candy after he rebooted the computer, Dwight put his hand up expecting a piece of mint and didn’t know why, and made a comment regarding how weird his mouth felt.
2. The target behavior in this clip is making Dwight put his hand up whenever the computer was rebooted by Jim (0:51). This behavior was reinforced by Jim giving Dwight a piece of mint.
3. The consequence of Dwight putting his hand up after the computer was rebooted was receiving a piece of mint from Jim.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable – mint candy is desirable according to Dwight.
5. Antecedent: computer rebooted. Behavior: Dwight putting his hand up. Consequence: Dwight received a piece of mint candy from Jim
This is an example of positive reinforcement since it involves the addition of a desirable thing.
1. This is a two minutes Youtube clip from a sitcom called “The Big Bang Theory.” In this clip Amy tried to condition Sheldon’s brain so that his need for closure/completion isn’t so overwhelming. Every time something Sheldon was doing nearly finished, Amy stopped it. When Sheldon was about to win the game tic-tac-toe, Amy erased the game. Amy stopped singing when the song was about to be completed. Amy did not let Sheldon blow out the last candle. Amy also did not let Sheldon complete his Dominos’ set up. However, Sheldon ended up going behind Amy’s back to complete all those activities to find closure.
2. The target behavior in this clip was Sheldon’s habit to complete every activity he was doing to find closure.
3. The consequence of wanting to complete an activity was punished by Amy stopping the activity before it got finished.
4. The consequence involved the removal of something undesirable. Amy removed all activity that Sheldon enjoyed whenever he felt the need to complete it.
5. Antecedent: working on an activity. Behavior: wanting to finish it. Consequence: the removal of the activity.
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something pleasurable.
TERMS: negative punishment, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, punishment, consequence, antecedent, behavior, emit, pleasureable, undesireable, desireable
Reinforcement: this is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of candy successfully incrases the frequency of the target behaviour.
Punishment: this is supposed to be an example of negative punishment, where by Amy removing something pleasurable some Sheldon so that he could decrease the behaviour. Since it didn't work, and Sheldon went behind Amy's back, the consequence was just a consequence.
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip This clip is about positive reinforcement in a dog. I do not like to much negative reinforcement in a dog or any pets because it may cause any side effects. The video is about a men that have taught his dog how to give him kleenex tissues whenever he is about to sneeze. He explains as well the negative reinforcement have major side effects in pets that might traumatized them or even hurt them.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). - The dog is called by the owner 0:45sec. - The dog comes and sits normally when the owner tells him to 0:50sec. - The dog stays sit till the owner brings the kleenex and put it on the ground 0:54 sec. - The dog watch his owner about to sneeze and he gets up and gives him a kleenex tissue.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the behavior is whenever the owner is sick or might need a tissue because he is sneezing, the dog is able to help him by handling him a kleenex tissue.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. It is something desirable because the dog receives affection or even a prize.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog is sitting down waiting for his owner to call him. B= The dog looks at the kleenex and waits for a sneeze of the owner. C= The dog sees the sneeze and gives him a kleenex.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
- This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dog learns how to help his owner without any punishment. He just look at his owners actions and he helps him in this case by giving him a kleenex. A dog not only can learn to handle a tissue, but with positive reinforcement, he can learn different tasks like sitting down, where to poop, to stay calm, to not bark or to even go to bed when is bed time at the house.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. The video is about one dog eating the kitty treats without permission of the owner. The first dog did not show signs of feeling guilty however when he asked the second dog the owner noticed he was the one eating the treats. The second dog doesn't look at his owner and is like crying because he feels guilty.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
- The owner asked the dog if he was the one eating the treats 0:45 - The owner keeps asking if he ate the treats and the dog does not even look at him. 1:16sec.
- He gets punished for eating the treats 1:53sec.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. The consequence of the behavior is that he got punished and sent to a small room to learn his lesson with an independent box.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally. The consequence involves something undesirable since the dog won’t be able to hang out in the living room or outside. He needs to learn his lesson by being alone in a small room.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The dog ate the kitty treats. B= He feels guilty and won’t look at the owner eyes. C= He gets punished for aeating the treats by been sent to a small room.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a example of a positive punishment in my opinion. He is not being hurt or damage. However, he is just been sent to be alone and reflect and learn what he have done. He needs to learn his actions and his consequences.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Punishments, positive and negative punishments, reinforment, antecedent, behavior, consequences, desirable and undesirable.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is of a family and their cellphone data usage. It is an advertisement for TMobile and they are showing how easy it is to change the allotment on the data plans. The mother uses this for reinforcement.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The mother is trying to change a different behavior in each of her children. If her son does well in math he receives more minutes and if her daughter makes honors than she receives more minutes. (0:08-0:10)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that they do better in school.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It involves adding something desireable. Therefore it is a positive reinforcer.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent their school and the work that they do.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= School
B= get good grades
C= receive more minutes
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
It is positive reinforcement because they are adding something desirable in order to increase the behavior of the children.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is of Friends when Chandler kisses Joey's girlfriend. As punishment, Joey puts him in a box and doesn't let him talk.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior that Joey is trying to get rid of is Chandler kissing his girlfriend. He shuts him in a box and Chandler begins making jokes. In order to get out of the box and still be friends with Joey, Chandler has to stop talking.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is that Chandler cannot talk to anyone including his girlfriend.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves adding the box and taking away the ability to talk that is undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Chandler is in the box.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= In box
B= makes joke
C=can't talk
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because Joey added the box and the rule of not talking in order to decrease the behavior.
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, behavior, consequence, antecedent,
I want to change my responses to the question, Is this an example of positive punishment or negative punishment and reinforcement and why?
A= School
B= get good grades
C= receive more minutes
For reinforcement I want to clarify that it is positive reinforcement because the mother is adding more minutes to their cell phones and this increases the likelihood that the children will get good grades.
A= In box
B= makes joke
C=can't talk
This is an example of negative punishment because Joey took away the ability to speak in order to decrease the behavior that he is making jokes.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
My clip is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Goron Mines Mini Boss - Dangoro (Three Hearts) 1:40-2:57. I chose this clip to show reinforcement.
1.Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is the ending of a boss battle in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It shows the main character, Link, beating a boss and receiving a bow as a reward for defeating the boss and not dying.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to learn how to defeat the boss without getting too many hearts ( life points) taken away. The whole video shows this behavior, but at 1:40-2:57 it shows Link defeating the boss and receiving his reward.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
By defeating the boss, you get a bow which Link will need in order to get any farther in the game. The consequence is the bow.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence is a a positive reinforcer because Link gets the bow which makes the game easier to beat and you need the bow to get further in the game.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the boss battle.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Difficult boss battle
B= Learn how to and defeat the boss without dying
C= Get the bow
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the presentation of something positive (the bow) will increase the likelihood that the behavior of beating bosses that show up later in the game, will happen again.
1.Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose to show punishment is called Zelda: Twilight Princess - Part 22 - Climbing death mountain from 1:40-1:57.
In this clip, Link is trying to get up a hill. In order to get up this hill, he has to put on his boots and throw the Goron that is rolling toward him off to the side. If he doesn’t put on the boots fast enough, a heart gets taken away and he could possibly die depending on how many times he gets hit.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is putting on the iron boots to take on the Goron.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
If you do not put on the boots in time, you will be knocked down and a heart will be taken away.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
A desirable heart is taken away from Links health.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Trying to get up death mountain.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Trying to get up death mountain
B= Putting on the boots so you don’t get rolled over.
C= Heart taken away if boots are not put on
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of a negative punishment because something desirable is being taken away.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable is being presented and it will increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future.
The second clip is an example of a negative punishment because it is taking away something that is desirable and will decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future.
I believe that I have my ABC's in the correct places because the consequences are effecting the behaviors.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video clip, a teacher uses positive reinforcement, or adding something to increase a behavior. When the student raises his hand and answers correctly, he receives a candy bar.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Getting called on by the teacher and answering correctly
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that the student earns a candy bar.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, making it positive reinforcement.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
In a classroom setting where the teacher wants to encourage difficult students to participate and answer correctly.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= In a classroom
B=Student raises hand and answers correctly
C=Student receives candy bar
This is positive reinforcement because it involves adding something desirable to increase a behavior.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video, the little girl acts as the mom, and takes away the daughter’s cell phone for creating too large of a phone bill.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Girl talks on phone too much and runs up expensive phone bill
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Consequence is the girl gets her cell phone taken away.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
Removal of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Teen girl enjoys using her cell phone and uses it a lot
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Teen girl enjoys talking and using cell phone
B=Teen girl creates large phone bill
C=Mom takes away girl’s cell phone
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is negative punishment because the “mom” takes away something desirable, the cell phone, in order to decrease bad behavior.
TERMS: positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, behavior, negative punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This video is from the Show “The Big Bang Theory”. One of the main characters (Sheldon) decides that the girl neighbor they have is quite annoying and decides that he is going to train her to emit the behaviors that he thinks are appropriate. For instance, within this clip, Penny (the neighbor) continues to talk while they are trying to watch TV and when she apologizes and decides to be quiet, Sheldon rewards her with a chocolate. He then continues to do this whenever she emits some kind of behavior that he finds acceptable.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behaviors that are being emitted from penny are silence during Television (:45 seconds in and also at 1:06) .
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Penny’s behavior ends up with her receiving a piece of chocolate every time that she emits a behavior that Sheldon approves of.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence with penny results in an addition of something desirable (the chocolate).
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the two guys and penny watching television.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Watching Television
B=Decides to be quiet
C=Receives a piece of chocolate.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive reinforcement because penny is emitting a behavior that is received as acceptable to Sheldon, and therefore he rewards her with a piece of chocolate each time she realizes that she is being too loud.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
For negative reinforcement, I found another clip from “The Big Bang Theory” where the guys are trying to put aside an entire weekend to work on science and work on inventing something. However, whenever they begin to work they begin to get sidetracked and continue to procrastinate. The solution they come up with is to apply pieces of duct tape to their arms and every time one of the group members begins to stray off topic, they pull of one of the strips.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The Punished behavior in this video clip is getting off topic and procrastinating on their inventions. This happens roughly around :20 seconds and continues through most of the clip.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is having one of the strips of duct tape that were applied to their arm ripped off, resulting in their arm hair being pulled out.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, and that undesirable thing would be the pain that comes along with getting arm hair pulled out.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is working on an invention.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Working on an invention
B= procrastinates/gets sidetracked
C= Gets duct tape ripped off arm.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because they are getting receiving pain from emitting a behavior that they are trying to avoid.
Terminology: Emits, Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, aversive
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clips that I chose are from “Community”, taken throughout the season in every instance where the character Britta messes something up and coins the term “brittaed” to mean ruin something.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The reinforced behavior in this series is characters saying “you’re the worst” when britta messes something up. :53 seconds in a minor character states “you’re the worst” and Britta notes that she is just saying that to fit in, as it has become the norm.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Depending on the situation the consequence of saying “you’re the worst” others could positively agree, or could turn on the person saying it and defend Britta.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
During the clips that I chose both positive and negative were seen, people defending Britta could be seen as positive and others joining in to verbally harm Britta would be seen a negative.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
This video I chose has many antecedents, the first one involves a pervious situation where Britta said bagel weird and it was brought up to another character. Who was vocal about the pronunciation of bagel.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Britta’s pronunciation of the word bagel.
B=Annie explained that Britta says bagel weird to the teacher.
C=The teacher says that Britta is the worst
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
There is a language barrier so this is a rough summery, contestants are brought into a room and are tasked with finding out which objects are made of chocolate.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
: 22 seconds into the clip a contestant attempts to bite a hanger that is not made of chocolate. An alarm rings out and fog is blown into his face.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is having the attention on you for choosing non-chocolate item with alarms and smoke in the contestants face.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Consequences could be positive or negative; the positive would be biting into a shoe and having it actually be chocolate. The negative consequence would be having smoke blown in your face and an alarm go off as you bite a hanger.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent for this is having a room with chocolate shaped into normal objects.
1) In this video, it shows how a younger man meets an older man at a bar. They become friends for the evening, and share drinks as well as stories. After some time the older man passes away and leaves his fortune to the younger man, even though they were complete strangers and hadn't spoken since that night.
2) The behavior I am targeting for this assignment is Billy Currington being kind to the older man in the bar. It occurs through the first 2 and a half minutes of the music video.
3) The consequence of this behavior is inheriting the old man's fortune when he passes away. This occurs around 2:45 of the music video.
4) This consequence involves the addition of money, which is definitely desirable.
5) The antecedent is going to a bar
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Going to the bar
B= Was nice to a man at the bar
C= Inherit his fortune when he dies.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something is being added (inheriting the money), and the behavior (being nice to people at the bar) will likely increase.
1) In this music video, Bruno Mars drags a piano by a rope through the city of LA to reach the girl that he loves. He intends to serenade the girl with the piano, but when he reaches her he finds her with another man. He experiences a lot of struggles while dragging the pain through the city, which implies the amount of work he is doing just to get to her.
2) The behavior that I am using in the video is Bruno dragging the piano through Las Angeles. This occurs during the first two minutes of the video.
3) The consequence of this behavior is him seeing the girl that he loves with another man, through her window.
4) This consequence definitely adds undesirable feelings to Bruno Mars' life.
5) The antecedent is loving a girl.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Loving a girl
B= Dragging a piano through LA to surprise her with a serenade.
C= Sees the girl he loves with another man
This is an example of Positive Punishment because something is being added (negative feelings) to decrease the likelihood of a behavior (dragging a piano thru LA to see a girl who apparently doesn't like you that much)
Terms-- Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Positive reinforcement, Positive punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I have chosen is the new music video by Maroon 5. In this music video, the band is crashing different weddings in LA and surprising the brides and grooms by playing at their weddings.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
I would say that the target behavior I am using is the band playing music at the weddings. This behavior is being reinforced because the brides and grooms react in a pleasurable manner. This occurs many times in the video, but the first time happens around 1:15.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is the bride and groom having excited looks on their faces and dancing to the music. The consequence is a pleasurable one for the band and everyone because the behavior(band playing) makes them happy (consequence).
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence is something desirable. You can tell in the music video that everyone was very happy to have Maroon 5 perform at their weddings.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be the band coming to the wedding.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= wedding
B= band plays music
C= bride and groom dance and are surprised/excited
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Maroon 5 is seeing the excited reaction of the bride and groom and see how happy they are and how they dance, so this makes them want to crash more weddings and play music at them.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose was from Spongebob where it's opposite day and Spongebob tells Patrick that he hates him, and Patrick doesn't understand the joke and cries because he thinks Spongebob hates him.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
I would say that the behavior would be Spongebob telling Patrick that he hates him and to go away, etc.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is Patrick ends up crying and upset because he thinks that Spongebob doesn't like him anymore.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves something undesirable because Spongebob does not want his best friend to think that he doesn't' like him because he simply does not understand the joke.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be Patrick being at Spongebob's house/ Spongebob thinking that it was Opposite Day.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Spongebob's house
B= Spongebob tells joke/tells Patrick to go away
C= Patrick cries
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment because Spongebob did not want Patrick to cry or think he actually didn't like him. Spongebob wanted his best friend to be happy and thought he understood the joke.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, pleasurable, positive reinforcement, punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the Big Bang Theory, every time Penny does something that Sheldon sees as good, he gives her a chocolate.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is for Penny to act in a way that Sheldon wants.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Penny doesn't get a chocolate if she doesn't fix her behavior.
Penny takes Sheldon's dirty dish (0.05-0.10)
Penny gets out of Sheldon's spot (0.15-0.22)
Penny stopped talking when the TV was on (0.32-0.42)
Penny went and took her phone call in the hallway (0.48-1.00)
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves losing something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sheldon and Leonard's apartment
B= Penny doing behavior as Sheldon wants
C= Penny gets a chocolate
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
It is positive reinforcement because every time that Penny does something desirable for Sheldon she is rewarded with a chocolate, which is seen as a positive thing.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip is from the Big Bang Theory, when Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are all trying to figure out the best way to stay on topic and the punishment if they stray from their work.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to stay on topic while they are at work instead of starting different conversations.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
If they were to start a different topic they were to rip of a patch of duct tape that they had put on their arm.
Sheldon asks a question that's off topic (1.05-1.10)
Resulting in a war of ripping everyone else's tap off as revenge.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
I would say that it was the removal of something undesirable, and inflicted pain.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Group at work
B= Getting off topic
C= Tape ripping off arm hair
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Positive punishment because there is a negative consequence after an undesired behavior that is exhibited, making that behavior less likely to happen in the future.
Terms and terminology: behavior, target behavior, positive punishment, positive reinforcement,consequence, undesirable, desirable
This is footage from Tanner Hall, a professional skier, tackling some insanely steep terrain in Montana. The behavior being reinforced is unnerving determination and conquering of fear. The behavior is reinforced by the ‘high’ Tanner gets at the end of this run. The consequence is a feeling of incredible accomplishment completing new and difficult terrain. This consequence involves the addition of pleasurable emotions that he, and the people who watch this will enjoy. The antecedent is the mountain (more specifically, the feeling of determination to conquer difficult terrain, a competitive spirit of sorts), the behavior displayed is highly skilled skiing, and the consequence is the pleasurable emotions felt by Tanner.
This is a video clip of people wrecking their expensive supercars. I’m going to focus on first video. The target behavior here is bad/careless driving punished by very expensive and embarrassing crashes. As many of us know, the cost of repairing a vehicle (the expenditure of money) is aversive. The antecedent for the first video was a distraction while driving, the behavior was the loss of control of the vehicle, and the consequence was driving the car off the road into a lake. The removal of money to pay for the wreck is a negative punishment.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, aversive, pleasurable,
Reinforcement clip
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a Parks and Rec clip. Andy is studying for his test in Women’s Studies with some coworkers. When he gets an answer right he reaches his hand out and asks for a “treat”.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior in this clip is Andy correctly answer the questions presented to him which occurs for about the first 8 seconds of the clip.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is getting a “treat”.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It ads the addition of something desirable, the “treat”.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent actually isn’t in the scene, because the scene begins with him talking, but it is a good assumption that the antecedent is a question presented to him by his coworkers right before the scene begins.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Study question
B= Correct Answer
C= A treat
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement because it presents something desirable after the behavior in an attempt to increase the likelihood that it will happen again.
Punishment clip
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose is again from Parks and Recreation. Leslie has just been elected city councilwomen of Pawnee, Indiana. She proposes a soda tax, which she thinks, will help lower the diabetes rate in the town. (Everything I mentioned up until this point isn’t on the clip, I just know it from being a fan of the show). There is a box of sugar on the table in the clip. Leslie is stressed from new information that a press release to make he look bad, if her new bill is passed, is presented in too her. She takes a cup from the table to try and eat the sugar. Her friend slaps her hand and knocks the cup out of it.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior would be Leslie attempting to eat the sugar. It occurs about the :14 mark.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is her friend hitting or pulling her hand away from the box of sugar.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence is something undesirable added, which is her friend hitting her or pulling her hand away.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the box of sugar in front of Leslie.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Box of sugar placed in front of her
B= She goes to eat the sugar
C= Her friend hits or pulls her hand away
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This example is of positive punishment because it ads something aversive, the hand slap, when Leslie performs the behavior in attempt to stop he from eating the sugar and in turn trying to prevent it in the future.
Reinforcement clip:
Punishment clip:
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post: behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, aversive, desirable, undesirable
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
I chose a clip from the Big bang theory. This clip shows Sheldon reinforcing positive behavior with Penny by giving her chocolate every time she does something right. He gave her chocolate when she put their dishes away, gave her chocolate when she moved to a different spot after sitting in Sheldon's spot, he also gave her chocolate when she said she wasn't going to talk that much and finally another time was when she answered the phone and took the call outside and was rewarded with chocolate from Sheldon.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
- Picking up the dishes (0:02-0:10)
- Sitting in a different spot then Sheldon's favorite spot (0:15-0:25)
- Penny stopped talking during the show (0:27-0:45)
- Penny took her phone call outside (0:50- 1:01)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of the behavior is Penny getting a piece of chocolate every time she does something right.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) The us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Sheldon's apartment.
Please list the ABCs of the target behavior in the Clip:
A= Sheldon's apartment
B= Picking up dishes, getting out of sheldon's spot, etc.
C= Getting chocolate
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement.
- This is an example of positive reinforcement.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip
This video shows three teenagers eating dinner. One girl is acting like the mom and the other two are the kids. The problem is that the kids have their phones on the table and I are txting while eating. The mother figure in this video tells them to put their phones away. The boy doesn't listen and tries to eat faster because he has to go meet one of his friends.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
-The target behavior is the cell phones. The mother figure is trying to get the kids to stop using their phones at the table (0:08).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of having their phones out on their table is that the mother yells at them to take their phones off the table and also tells them that they can't leave until they have their dinner finished.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
- The consequence is the removal of something desirable. The removal would be that the kids have to finish their food before seeing their friends or being able to use their phones.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
- The antecedent would be the kids at the dinning center or wherever they are having their dinner.
Please list the ABCs of the target behavior
A= Where the kids are having dinner
B= Kids looking at their phone during behavior
C= Mother yelling at kids to put their phones down and finish their supper
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment or negative punishment
- This is an example of positive punishment because the mother makes them remove their phones from the table while eating and also makes the son finish his food before seeing his friend. This is a positive punishment because the mother is trying to make sure the kids don't do it in the future.
Reinforcement clip:
Punishment clip:
Once you are done with your post make a list of terms and terminology you used in the post: behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, desirable.
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) I chose a episode from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants called "Squirrel Jokes." In my clip, Spongebob is doing a stand up act at the Krusty Krab. His joke material is pretty bad and the audience isn't responding well, so in nervousness he eyes his friend Sandy Cheeks, and begins to make squirrel joke. The audience responds with laughter and it becomes a hit. He continues to make these jokes, and "sticks to the squirrel jokes" even though it upsets his friend Sandy.
2) Begins at 1:12. He tells the first squirrel joke and the audience responds in laughter. Because the audience shows they are pleased with his behavior, this reinforces it, and he continues.
3) The consequence of Spongebob's behavior is that the audience laughs and finds his offensive squirrel jokes funny, so he will continues to tell these jokes.
4) This consequence is adding something desirable which is laughter. This in return makes him feel good about himself, reinforces the behavior he emitted so he will do it again.
5) The antecedent is Spongebob telling jokes.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Spongebob is telling jokes.
B=Makes a funny (yet offensive) squirrel joke.
C=Audience laughs.
This is a positive reinforcement. It gives positive valence which is laughter, which is desirable by Spongebob in this environment, because he is doing stand up comedy. Since the consequence is pleasant it is reinforced and he continues to tell the jokes for the rest of his act.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) To show punishment, I am using the same episode, but a different part. Because Spongebob continued to make offensive squirrel jokes about Sandy, she punishes him by behaving the way he stereotyped squirrels in his jokes. Her behavior is extremely unpleasant, and shows Spongebob how hurtful and untrue his jokes are, so it decreases his behavior, and he ceases from making fun of squirrels in his act.
2) 4:20. This is where Sandy begins her unpleasant behavior to punish Spongebob from refusing to stop his negative behavior of telling offensive jokes. She acts in a way that represents the stereotype he made of her in his comedic act, which is aversive and ends up getting him hurt. This punishes the behavior and he doesn't do the jokes anymore.
3) The consequence Spongebob quits telling the aversive jokes that offend his friend.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something unpleasant (Sandy's behavior) making it positive punishment.
5) The antecedent is Spongebob's continuation of his offensive joke telling.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Spongebob continues to tell offensive squirrel jokes
B=Sandy acts unpleasantly
C=Spongebob quits telling the jokes
This is positive punishment because something undesirable was added the situation decreasing the frequency of the behavior (Spongebob's) to happen again. The punishment had negative valence (Sandy's behavior) and lead to a consequence that was positive (he quit telling the jokes).
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, positive/negative, pleasant/unpleasant, antecedent/behavior/consequence, emit, valence, desirable/undesirable, aversive
Video link (same for both reinforcement and punishment):
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. - I chose a video clip that depicts a dog owner walking with several breeds of dogs. They are traversing through various wooded areas while the lady points out and rewards the dogs when they do something desirable.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). - @ 0:10 in the video, “Sunny” gets ahead of the pack but decides to stop and wait up. The owner then congratulates Sunny and proceeds to reward him what appears to be a treat.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. Sunny gets told that he’s a good boy and then gets a treat for his desirable behavior.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable. - The consequence involved the addition of a positive reinforcement.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. The antecedent would be in the woods.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= In the woods
B= Get’s ahead of the pack but waits for them to catch up
C= receives a treat
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. - It is positive reinforcement because the owner reinforced Sunny’s behavior by adding pleasurable aspects.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. A mother, from Florida, punished her son, “Freddy”, for getting into a fight at school. For his punishment, he had to stand on a street corner, holding a sign that saying how he doesn’t know how to behave and will work at Mc.D’s if he continues this aversive behavior.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video). @ 0:08 the reporter tells us how Freddy got into a fight at school.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. Since Freddy got in a fight, he was forced to stand on the street corner with a humiliating sign.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally. It involved the addition of a undesirable behavior.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is. At school.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= At school
B= Gets into a fight
C= Has to stand on street corner holding a sign
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. - It would be an example of positive punishment because the mother imposed something aversive to her son. This forced Freddy to do something extra that he didn’t wish to do, in order to reinforce the target behavior.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Positive punishment, aversive, desirable, consequence, pleasurable, positive reinforcement, target behavior,
The video I chose to analyze for reinforcement was A Conversation with Koko. This video is a summary of the relationship between Francine Patterson, a president and scientific director for the Gorilla Foundation, and Koko a 5 foot 5”, 300 pound gorilla that she taught to speak sign language. The video talks about bridging the intellectual gap and understanding between humans and other animals. It is also a montage of Francine and Koko’s various conversations and time spent together.
While there are several forms of reinforcement intertwined throughout the video the target behavior happens at minute 2 in the video. Francine is trying to get Koko to help clean up the nuts that she hasn’t finished.
The consequence of the behavior is getting to play with the dolls that Francine is holding onto, as well as her approval.
This consequence is the addition of something desirable, as dolls are something that Koko wants to play with.
The antecedent is the play room and Koko having a snack of apples and nuts
The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Koko having a snack
B= Cleaning up her uneaten nuts
C= Getting to play with dolls
This would be an example of positive reinforcement be it is the addition of something desirable, as the dolls are something that is added to the environment if the desirable behavior (cleaning up the nuts) is performed.
The video I chose to analyze for punishment is from the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club. The clip is from the beginning of the movie when the principal is setting the ground rules for Saturday detention. The audience is given a preview of each for the 5 character’s high school social standing from the ‘princess’ to the ‘basket case’.
The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is when the ‘basket case’ starts chewing her nails loudly once the principal leaves and the room is almost dead quiet. This occurs at the 2:14 – 2:56 mark.
The consequence of her clicking/biting her nails loudly is that the other 4 people in the room all shift to the source of the noise and glare at her disapprovingly.
This consequence is the addition of something undesirable because social disapproval in this case is undesirable.
The antecedent in the quiet detention room
The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= quiet high school library serving as the detention room
B= biting nails loudly
C= angry/disapproving/annoyed glares
This is an example of positive punishment because the glare serves as an undesirable addition to the nail biting noise which serves as an undesirable behavior.
Reinforcement clip:
Punishment clip:
Terms and terminology: reinforcement, undesirable behavior, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment.
Topical Blog Week 2
Reinforcement clip:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I chose for reinforcement was a clip from the movie “UP”. In this clip, the little boy (Russell) found a large, colorful bird that he named Kevin. Kevin really likes chocolate, and he obviously does NOT like Carl (the older gentleman on the journey to Paradise Falls). Russell really wants Kevin to come with them on their journey, but he cannot seem to convince Carl to let him come. When he realizes that is no convincing Carl, he starts to offer the bird chocolate to get him to follow.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
If you fast forward the clip to 2:25, you will see Russell leaving a trail of his broken chocolate bar so that Kevin will follow along. Russell leaving the chocolate trail for Kevin is the behavior that is being reinforced. Prior to this clip, Russell finds out that Kevin likes chocolate when he first finds the bird. His behavior of giving chocolate to Kevin continues to happen more often once he sees that the chocolate will get Kevin to follow him and Carl.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Kevin follows along. When Russell leaves the chocolate trail (behavior), Kevin follows behind to pick up the pieces and eat them.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. When Russell leaves the chocolate (behavior), Kevin follows. Kevin following them and going along is what Russell wanted all along. So Kevin following is a desirable consequence that is added – which makes Russell continue to leave chocolate.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Kevin likes chocolate. When Russell finds out that Kevin likes chocolate, he realizes that he could leave a trail (behavior) to get Kevin to follow (consequence). And the more Kevin follows the more chocolate Russell will leave.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Kevin likes chocolate
B= Russell leaves chocolate trail
C= Kevin follows Russell
6) State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be an example of a positive reinforcement because something is being added. The chocolate is being added, which makes Kevin follow, which makes Russell leave more chocolate.
Punishment clip:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the movie “UP” – there are several dogs that wear collars to give them the ability to speak as humans. There is one dog who is thought to be the “alpha” and he bosses around all of the other dogs. The clip that I chose is a clip near the end of the movie. It is a very short clip, but it shows the alpha dog fighting with a much more inferior dog (they think he is inferior anyway). At one point in the movie we are introduced to the “cone of shame”. This is a cone that you put on dogs so they cannot bite at themselves. These cones are usually only used in medical cases. But in this movie, the dog that wears the “cone of shame” is the most inferior dog. So in this clip, the cone of shame is put on the alpha dog. This causes the fighting to stop. The other dogs no longer listen to the alpha dog because he has the cone of shame on. And the once inferior dog, now becomes the alpha, and is able to order around the other dogs.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The punished behavior is the behavior of the alpha dog. In this movie the alpha dog is a Rottweiler. And in the clip I chose, he is fighting with Dug (who is thought to be inferior to the other dogs). The behavior that becomes punished is his aggression and his meanness. The alpha dog is not a very nice dog, and he can really see that in this clip because he is physically harming Dug and it is obvious that he intends to hurt him.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of his behavior is that he gets the “cone of shame”. Dug eventually gets him trapped and puts the cone on the alpha dog’s neck.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. The undesirable thing that is added is the dog’s cone of shame.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
I think the antecedent is simply that the dog is the alpha dog. He thinks that he is better than everyone else. If you can see the rest of the movie you will see that the owner of the dogs praises the alpha dog the most and gives the alpha dog commands and tasks. And all of the other dogs basically just follow, worship him, and treat him as their leader. The antecedent is the fact that he is conceited and he thinks he is better than all of the other dogs.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= arrogance
B= harming Dug (other dog)
C= cone of shame
6) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This example would be positive punishment because something was being added (the cone of shame).
Reinforcement clip –
Punishment clip –
TERMS: Punishment, Reinforcement, Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior
For my reinforcement clip - there is one thing I would like to change/specify. I said that the clip was showing positive reinforcement. I still think that the clip is showing positive reinforcement, but not because the chocolate is being added. The thing that is added or taken away happens along with the consequence. So the thing being added would be the "following action". Kevin starts to follow along, which increase the likelihood that Russell will leave more chocolate (behavior).
1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, they are trying to watch a movie or tv show and the girl keeps talking and talking and every time he gets her to stop talking, he gives her chocolate. Sheldon is trying to train her not to talk.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior here is that the girl is talking (42 seconds) and annoying the boy which when she stops talking she is rewarded with chocolate. As she talks again is in 1 minute. He is using chocolate as positive reinforcement for correct behavior, which is, not talking.
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the guy that is giving the chocolate to her is happy that she has stopped talking and that he can prove to his friend that he can train her.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. Like I said, he is trying to get her not to talk by giving her chocolates as a positive reinforcement.
5)Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the watching the movie.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Watching the Movie
B= Girl is talking alot
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement for correct behavior. He is using chocolates to “train her” not to talk. When she stops talking, he offers her chocolate.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip. This is a funny clip of the Big Bang Theory. The girl is faking sick because she wants attention from Sheldon. He finds out that she was faking therefore he punishes her by spanking her. Turns out she likes the punishment given.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior that is used is being sick which this behavior illustrates the punished behavior which is getting spanked liked the olden days.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence turns out to be a good consequence’s, which is, she has a grin and she likes it. In fact, she tells him to do it harder.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
If we were technically speaking, spanking would be something undesirable. In this situation, it would be something undesirable if he wasn’t her boyfriend and she didn’t like the fact that he was doing. It truly hard to said because she wanted him to do it even though he thought it would really help for her punishment.
6) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent her wanting attention. She was playing sick because she wanted attention from her boyfriend and liked the fact that he was taking care of her.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Wanting Attention
B= Playing sick
C= Spanking
Maybe it could also be:
A= Playing sick
B= Spanking
C= Happy Girlfriend
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because she wanted attention and she got attention by playing sick. The punishment he gave her was something she liked whether he did or not, he thought the punishment would help by decreases her chances for her to lie to him again about being sick let alone anything.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Terms: Behavior, Target behavior, positive reinforcement, consquence, antecedent, desirable, undesirable, positive punishment
1. Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video I found on Youtube was of several different examples of reinforcement but the one example I picked out was of a family that was trying to get their daughter to eat more of her vegetables. At first the daughter kept pushing them away and crying when the parents were trying to get here to eat them. Eventually, they started to give her fruit snacks every time she ate a bite knowing that fruit snacks were her favorite.
2. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior would to stop Jill, the daughter, to stop crying and pushing the food away when the vegetables are the only thing left on her plate. (1:40-1:58)
3. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior would be that Jill gets a fruit snack every time that she takes a bite of vegetables.
4. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves her getting something desirable which would be her favorite snack.
5. Tell us to the antecedent is.
Jill sitting at the table eating supper is the antecedent.
6. Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=at the supper table
B=eats a bite of vegetables
C=gets fruit snacks with every bite
7. State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be a positive reinforcement because Jill is gaining something that she likes due to her behaviors. This would increase her behavior to start eating more vegetables so that she can get her favorite snack.
1. Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video I watched was of one cartoon lady explaining to the other that her student won’t stop interrupting the class during discussion. The teacher didn’t know what to do with him. She needed advice on how to make him stop.
2. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior was to get the boy to stop interrupting in class. (0:08-0:15)
3. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior was that he can’t play with the other children when this happens instead he has to sit in time out.
4. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
This consequence would be of something undesirable because he has to go sit in time out.
5. Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be a classroom.
6. Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
B=kid talking out; interrupting
C=sit in time out/not being able to interact with other kids
7. Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I believe that this would be a negative punishment because you are talking away the idea of him interrupting by replacing it with him sitting in timeout and not being about to play with the other kids.
Terminology: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I used to describe reinforcement is a segment from the show "Everybody Loves Raymond". In the clip, Raymond and his mother are having a conversation about the fruit club that Raymond signed his parents up for. His parents don't want a bunch of fruit every month, so they are negatively reinforcing him to get him to stop sending his parents fruit.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is when Raymond agrees to stop sending his parents fruit, and he is rewarded with much gratitude from his parents. The time this occurs is at 5:15.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that Raymond does not have his parents approval. The consequence of the target behavior is that he satisfies his parents desires by cancelling the fruit order.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The atecedent is that Raymond subscribed to a fruit club that sends his parents a significant amount of fruit every month for a year.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Parent's displeasure with fruit
B= Stopping the fruit delivery order
C= Parents are happy
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is getting rid of an undesired. Raymond's parents wish for the fruit order to cease, and through expressing there displeasure, Raymond stops his behavior and cancels the order.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is a short scene from the movie "Mean Girls" where the main character tells her father that she's failing calculus and he tells her that she's grounded, essentially until her grade improves.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The girls father is displeased with her because she is failing calculus. The target behavior is an improved grade in the class. At 0:22 seconds, her father tells her she's grounded because of her failing grade.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the girl is grounded. The consequence for the target behavior is that she is no longer grounded.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, so this would be classified as positive punishment.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
the antecedent is the girl's failing grade in calculus.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Grounding for a poor grade
B= Improves grade
C= Becomes un-grounded.
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
As stated previously, this is an example of positive punishment because there is an addition of an unwanted stimuli, which would be the grounding, to punish the unwanted behavior.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Negative reinforcement, consequence, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, positive punishment.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video clip from the television show "Family Guy", Peter and Quagmire are at a party and Quagmire asked the crowd, "Who wants to drink a beer?". Peter says he will and chugs the rest of his beer. After he finishes it, Quagmire says you win, and hands Peter another beer to continue chugging.
2)Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior in this video that illustrates the reinforced behavior is to drink beer. (Approximately- .08 secs)
3)Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior is that Peter will have more beer to drink once he finishes his previous one and is praised for chugging.
4)Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence of this action involves the addition of something desirable (depending on your views of beer), but to Peter this consequence was desirable to him by receiving more beer to chug.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is at a party.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= At a party
B= drink beer as fast as you can
C= receive more beer to chug
State if this is an example of positive or negative reinforcement. Why?
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Peter would be receiving more beer if he continued chugging his alcohol.
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this video clip from the Disney Show, Austin and Ally about punishment, Austin has repeatedly received bad grades and his parents threatened him that if he receives one more bad grade he is grounded and can't perform at his concert. Austin ends up getting grounded due to him receiving another bad grade.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Austin's parents were unhappy with his grades so the target behavior was to improve his grades and they did this by taking away his music for the time being.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of his behavior is that Austin is grounded, however, the consequence for the target behavior is that Austin would become ungrounded and be able to perform at his concert.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable.
The consequence involves both the removal of something desirable, and the addition of something undesirable, since Austin is no longer allowed to perform at his concert.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is in Austin's bedroom.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Austin's bedroom
B= Bad Grade
C= Gets Grounded
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain Why?
This example uses both positive punishment and negative punishment since they are taking something desirable(his music) away but also adding an undesirable(grounding) aspect to this punishment as well.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Terms- Positive reinforcement, ABC's of behavior: antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive punishment, negative punishment, target behavior.
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) The clip that I chose for this assignment is of a kiss cam at a Chicago Bulls game. In this clip, various couples are “Targeted” by the kiss cam. When this happens, the couples kiss. After they kiss, the crowd applauds or “oohs and ahhs”.
2) At 20 seconds, an elderly couple is spotted by the kiss cam and they kiss.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the crowd applauds for them, or reacts in a positive way.
4) This consequence involves the addition of something pleasant.
5) The antecedent is being “targeted” by the kiss cam.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being “Targeted” by the kiss cam
C=Applause from the crowd
Punishment Video
1) The clip that I chose for this portion of the assignment is “Charlie Bit My Finger” In this video, a young boy puts his finger in to his younger brothers mouth. As can be expected, his younger brother (Charlie) bites him. This causes the older brother pain and he cried out “Ouch Charlie that really hurt!”
2) At 24 seconds, the older brother puts his finger in Charlie’s mouth.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the older brother has his finger bitten.
4) This punishment involves the addition of something unpleasant. In this case, it is the pain of having your finger bitten.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being filmed by mother
B=Put finger in Charlie’s mouth
C=Finger is bitten
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involved adding something unpleasant to the situation, which in turn decreases the behavior from happening.
Terms: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, punishment,positive punishment, target behavior, antecedent
In This clip Sheldon uses positive reinforcement to get Penny to help more around the house.
2) The target behavior occurs at 10 seconds when she offers to take Sheldon's plate.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that the living room will not be dirty.
4) the consequence is something additional, she receives chocolate every time that she does something good.
5) the antecedent is the group eating dinner
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The group is eating dinner
B= Penny offers to clean Sheldon's plate
C= Sheldon offers Penny chocolate.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Penny receives something when she does something well, so since she is given something for doing a behavior it makes it positive.
1) This clip is from the movie Mean Girls, Cady explains to her dad that she failed her test and that she, in turn is failing her math class.
2)The target behavior is doing well in class, and since she is failing her father grounds her.
3) The consequence of her behavior is that her father grounds her.
4) This removes something desirable. She is grounded and her father removes her ability to go out and have fun with her friends.
5) The antecedent is Cady the class.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= The class
B= Failing the test
C= being grounded
This is an example of Negative punishment because her freedom is taken away.
Terms: antecedent, ABCs of Behavior modification, negative punishment, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip of a dog learning the trick “play dead”. He is being trained by his master to play dead and he gets treats when he listens.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior that illustrates the reinforced behavior is the dog laying down and playing dead. He receives a treat when he does this. He first demonstrates the behavior of playing dead at 35 seconds.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is pleasurable, because the dog receives a treat when he demonstrates the behavior.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because the dog gets a treat every time he does the desired behavior.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the dog training with his owner.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the dog is training with his owner
B= the dog listens and plays dead successfully
C= the dog receives treats every time he listens and when he plays dead
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dog is receiving something desirable every time he plays dead. When he receives the treats, it makes the dog want to listen more and play dead when he is told to. This is positive reinforcement because the addition of something desirable increases the likelihood of the behavior happening again.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip from Pretty Little Liars, Aria’s father is threatening her boyfriend Ezra to stop seeing her because Aria is only 17 years old and Ezra is a college professor and quiet a bit older than her. He is making them break up.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Ezra and Aria dating is the behavior that Ezra is being punished for (he is confronted and threatened at 1:25 and then again at 2:01).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior (Ezra and Aria dating) is Ezra being threatened by Aria’s father.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence ultimately involves the removal of something desirable because her dad was taking Ezra and Aria’s relationship away from them.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Ezra and Aria spending a lot of time together.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Ezra and Aria spending a lot of time together
B= Ezra and Aria form a relationship and start dating seriously
C= Aria’s father threatens Ezra and ends their relationship
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This would be a negative punishment because something pleasurable was being taken away from Ezra and Aria (their relationship).
Terms: antecedent, consequence, negative punishment, behavior, positive reinforcement, desirable
Negative punishment clip:
Positive reinforcement clip:
The Big Bang Theory- Reinforcement Technique
→ In this clip Sheldon uses pleasurable reinforcement to encourage Penny to perform certain behaviors. He does this by rewarding her desired behaviors with chocolates, which Penny perceives to have a pleasurable valance. (2)For example in the clip Penny is sitting in Sheldon’s spot on the couch, a very unpleasant thing for Sheldon, and when she moves she is rewarded with a piece of chocolate (0:17 in the clip. (3) The consequence of this is a change in Penny’s behavior. She does things in a way she believes will please Sheldon. For example later in the clip, when they are watching tv, Penny answers her phone. She quickly realized this was an undesired behavior and takes her conversation into the hallway. (4) This consequence can be seen as desirable or undesirable, just depending on which character’s view your are referring to. Obviously the consequence is desirable to Sheldon. Unlike Sheldon, Penny’s boyfriend Leonard does not see these changes as directly desirable. He feels it is wrong to blatantly try and train his girlfriend “like a lab rat” as he put it. (5) I feel like the overall antecedent is Sheldon and Penny being in the living room of Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment. Depending on which exact behavior we are talking about, the antecedent could become more narrowed down.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Sitting in the living room
B= Answering the phone
C= Dirty look from Sheldon.
This is a positive reinforcer because Penny is getting a desired valance in return for her behavior.
Mow Down Games- Punishment Technique
In this clip a dad is sick of his son staying home all day, playing video games. In the clip he brings all of his sons video games out into the lawn and leaves a note in his son’s room telling him to “get a job, get a life, no more games” we then follow the son outside to see him basically in a western standoff with his dad on a lawn mower. Sitting in between them is a large pile of all the son’s video games. The dad talks about how he would not stand to have his son be jobless anymore and how the games are done for. There is a little bit of fighting, before the dad inevitably runs over the games, shredding them. (2) The Dad is specifically trying to target his son’s want to spend all day playing video games, and encouraging him to get a job. This is shown by the dad’s ultimatum on destroying the games so the son has to get a job to buy new ones. (3) The consequence of the behavior is the son freaking out and crying a lot. The son seems both distraught and extremely angry, (4)the video games obviously held a pleasurable valance for the son and having them taken away was very undesirable for him. (5)The antecedent seems to be the father and son fighting.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Fight with dad
B= try to save video games
C= freak out over destroyed games.
This clip shows negative punishment because the dad is taking away an object that is seen as desired.
Terms: pleasurable reinforcement, Behavior, pleasurable valance, consequence, desired, antecedent positive reinforcement, negative punishment, undesirable consequence
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip, Clifford the Big Red Dog demonstrates reinforcement. Emily, Clifford’s owner tells him to perform a trick (roll over). She tells him that he will get a treat when he rolls over. Once he performs the trick, he gets rewarded with a treat.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
- Emily tells Clifford to roll over (2.54)
- Clifford rolls over (2.56-3.30)
- Clifford gets his treat (5.24)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is Clifford gets rewarded with a treat.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Getting a treat is desirable for Clifford.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Emily is training Clifford to roll over.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Emily tells Clifford to roll over.
B= Clifford rolls over.
C= Clifford gets a treat.
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement. This is because Clifford gets a treat every time he is asked to roll over. The treat is desirable and pleasurable for Clifford. Therefore, Clifford will roll over more often to get his treat.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, the dog poops on his owner’s towel. So, the owner punishes him by making him stand up against a wall.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The dog poops on the owner’s towel and he is punished by standing against a wall (0.2 sec)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The dog is made to stand against the wall.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. The dog is made to stand up against a wall every time he poops on the towel.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the dog’s urge to poop.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Dog’s urge to poop
B= Dog poop’s on the owner’s towel
C= Dog gets punished by standing against a wall
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because the owner is adding something undesirable (makes the dog stand against a wall) in order to decrease undesirable behavior (pooping on the towel).
Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, undesirable, desirable, pleasurable, antecedent,
1. The clip from above is a commercial for Best Buy Reward Zone cards. these cards are to be used with purchasing certain items.
2. The behavior that they're eliciting in the video clip is to make purchase with partners of Best Buy in order to receive reward zone points. The entire clip shows examples of the behavior needed to receive reinforcement for the Reward Zone.
3. The consequence of the behavior shown in the video is the accumulation of reward zone points.
4. The consequence is the addition something desirable. In this case, it is the reward zone points.
5. Antecedent in the video can be one of any of the three things shown in the video.
A= Jim likes to watch movies
B= Jim with reward zone card
C= Jim receives reward zone points
A= Kate enjoys dining out
B= Kate goes to reward zone dining restaurant
C= Kate receives reward zone points
A= Sally likes getting flowers from Bob
B= Bob sends Sally flowers
C= Bob earns reward zone points
This is most definitely positive reinforcement as it gives rewards to those who make purchases with reward zone partners.
1. In this clip, there is a man who is sitting in the hospital and is offered Panda Cheese. He declines the cheese and a panda shows up in the hospital. In response to his decline of the cheese, the panda knocks over the mans TV and takes out his IV.
2. The target behavior is the decline of Panda cheese (:05 of video), while the punishment behavior is when the Panda knocks over the TV (:21 of video) and pulls out the IV (:26 of video).
3. the consequence of the behavior is the panda showing up and knocking over the t.v. and pulling out the man's IV.
4. The consequence is the removal of something desirable. In this case it is the TV and IV
5. Antecedent
A= Man is offered Panda Cheese
B= Man declines the Cheese
C= Man gets his TV knocked over and IV pulled out
this is an example of negative punishment as it takes away something desirable or good.
Terms: Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Punishment, Negative Punishment
A= Jim likes to watch movies
B= Jim uses his rewards zone card
C= Jim receives reward zone points.
the rest is good.
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence).
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet that shows reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The clip I watched was from the movie "Dangerous Minds". The teacher in the clip asks students what the type of words are in a sentence that she wrote on the board. When a student answered correctly, she gave them a candy bar.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior that the teacher is trying to reinforce is that the students participate in the class and answer her questions. The illustration begins at about 25 seconds into the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of answering the teacher's questions are that they receive a candy bar.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
Receiving a candy bar involves the addition of something desirable, participation in the class.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being in the teacher's classroom.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Being in the teacher's classroom
B=Answering a question correctly
C=Receiving a candy bar
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the students receive a something positive, a candy bar, for their behavior.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In the clip I watched, Lauren was jumping on the bed. As a result, Lauren was not allowed to sleep over at a friend's house that night.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior was for Lauren to stop jumping on the bed. To accomplish this, the privilege of staying over at a friend's house was used as a punishment. This occurs about 25 seconds into the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior was that Lauren was not able to stay at her friend's house.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
Taking away the privilege of staying at a friend's house involves the removal of something desirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was Lauren being bored in her bedroom.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Lauren is bored in her bedroom
B=Lauren jumps on the bed
C=Lauren is not allowed to stay over at a friend's house
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This was an example of negative punishment because it involved taking away something desirable.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
negative punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, antecedent
1) This video Clip had children from a classroom playing together with one of their teachers. The teacher was trying to get the children to share their toys with each other and use their manners to play nicely with one another. By the end of the clip the children are sharing their toys and using their manners.
2) 0.09 The first target behavior is when the young girl does not want to share her toys. When the little boy says share the teacher says that it's a good word.Once the little girl shares the teachers tell her that it is nice.
1.12 The children say thank you to each other and the teacher says good job.
3) The teacher tells them good job and that it is nice when they share.
4) The children are getting a desirable response from their teacher when she tells them good job and that it is nice to share.
5) The antecedent is play time in the room.
A= Having play time
B- Sharing the toys
C= Having the teacher tell them it's nice and good job.
This is positive reinforcement because the children are receiving nice comments from the teacher.
1) Two young brothers had gotten into paint while there father wasn't looking. The paint was all over both the boys and the father also said it was all over down stairs.
2) 0.27 The father asked who got the paint out and the older of the two points to the younger brother.
3) The father said they will be put into time out and they will not have juice before bed.
4) Their consequence is being put into time out and they are having their juice taken away.
5) Their house.
A=Their house
B=Making a mess with paint
C=They are put into time and having their juice taken away.
This is negative punishment because they are having something taken away from them.
Terms: Reinforcement, Punishment, Consequence, Antecedent, Behavior
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This is a clip from Family Guy. Chris is showing them something he invented.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Chris invented something (0:01)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence in this situation is that Peter doesn’t call him stupid anymore.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence in this situations is the removal of something undesirable. Chris doesn’t like being called stupid.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that Chris’ family called him stupid.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Chris is called stupid
B= Chris invents something amazing
C= Family no longer calls him stupid
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of negative reinforcement, because Chris doesn’t appreciate being called stupid, therefore he works towards not being told that anymore.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip was of the show The Office. Dwight, in the backseat, found a bottle of alcohol and was drinking it. Michael and Jim, the passenger and driver, are trying to get him to stop drinking it.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Dwight told them no, and refused to give them the bottle. (0:09)
Michael didn’t stop yelling at Dwight (0:18)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
Jim sprayed them with water from a squirt bottle.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable
It involves the addition of something undesirable, which was the water in their face.
5) Tell us what the antecedent is.
Jim asks Dwight to give him the bottle.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Jim asks Dwight for the bottle of liquor
B= Dwight tells him no
C= Jim squirts him with water
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of negative punishment, because Jim was doing something to Dwight that he found undesirable and therefore in the future may work to avoid that happening again.
Consequence, undesirable, antecedent, negative reinforcement, negative punishment
My first video is the old chess GM Garry Kasparov playing against 30 players in chess at the same time. I find that this challenge is to reinforcement to Garry and the chess world that he is the best chess player in the world. The consequence of Kasparov playing against 30 people at the same time is that he will be considered the best if he wins because very few people in the world can win with this kind of a challenge. The consequence is the addition of something desirable because he wins all his matches therefore adding a win against 30 players simultaneously. That antecedent might be Kasparov is losing his chess skill
A=Kasparov is getting older
B=Plays game against 30 people at same time
C=Shows chess world he is still the best.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Kasparov is gaining by winning.
The next video is an example of positive punishment. In this video four girls are trying to introduce themselves.
After the first three girls do they than start chanting, which forces the fourth girl elicit a punishment, them with doing push-ups. At around 20 seconds this punishment occurs, which is push-ups. Push-ups are seen as the addition of something undesirable because they are a strenuous exercise. The antecedent could be that the three girls often get carried away in school
A=Girls get carried away during school project
B=Shout and yell
This is positive punishment because it is the addition of something unpleasant or averse.
Reinforcment, Punishment, Positive Punishment, Elicit, antecedent, pleasurable, averse,
My first video is the old chess GM Garry Kasparov playing against 30 players in chess at the same time. I find that this challenge is reinforcing to Garry and the chess world that he is the best chess player in the world. The consequence of Kasparov playing against 30 people at the same time is that he will be considered the best if he wins because very few people in the world can win with this kind of a challenge. The consequence is the addition of something desirable because he wins all his matches therefore adding a win against 30 players simultaneously. That antecedent might be Kasparov is losing his chess skill
A=Kasparov is getting older
B=Plays game against 30 people at same time
C=Winning therefore Showing chess world he is still the best.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence increases the likelihood of the behavior, it is positive because he is adding wins and prestige.
The next video is an example of positive punishment. In this video four girls are trying to introduce themselves.
After the first three girls do they than start chanting, which forces the fourth girl elicit a punishment, doing push-ups. At around 20 seconds this punishment occurs. Push-ups are seen as the addition of something undesirable because they are a strenuous exercise.
A=Girls doing a school project
B=Three of them shout and yell
C=4th elicit Push-ups
This is positive punishment because it is the addition of something unpleasant or averse. and it is a punishment because the push-ups will decrease the likelihood of the girls shouting and yelling
1) The video clip is an example of a flop. A flop in the NBA is when someone acts like they were fouled when they were not really fouled. In this case, we are going to see some of LeBron's flops.
2)Let's use the first flop as a example it starts at around 7 seconds into the video. James runs into Tyson Chandler and he falls to the ground in a very dramatic and unrealistic fashion.
3) The consequence in this example is that a flagrant foul is called on Chandler. A flagrant foul is called when unnecessary contact or violence is used. When a people is issued 2 of this fouls in a game they are ejected. Because of this play that just happened the Heat not only get 2 free throws, they also get the ball back.
4) If you can get away with a flop, it is a desirable thing because LeBron just rewarded with points and the ball back. This could easily be reinforced to do but it is cheating.
5) the antecedent for this is Chandler is behind James.
A= Chandler is behind James
B= James Flops
C= Heat get the foul
I would say that the ref calling this foul is positive reinforcement for LeBron to do it again (which he does)
1) A dog kills an animal and the owner is explaining the punishment that the dog got.
2) It doesnt actually show the dog doing this but it is more the whole video is the owner explaning the situation.
3)The consequence is that the dog has to take a bath.
4)The dog would not kill the animal again because it knows it will have to take a bath
5) The dog is disobedient
A= The dog is disobedient
B= The dog kills an animal
C= Takes a bath
This is positive reinforcement because it is in the addition of something averse.
Reinforcment, punishment, antecedent, averse, other basketball terms.
1) This clip demonstrates Sheldon using positive reinforcement to reduce Penny’s behaviors that bother him. He reinforces her by rewarding her with chocolates when she does something that he wants her to.
2) The behavior that is being targeted is Penny being loud while watching T.V., sitting in Sheldon’s spot, and other behaviors similar to those previously stated that bother Sheldon.
3) The consequences of the behavior is Sheldon becoming annoyed.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is Penny being in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Penny Being in the Apartment
B=Penny doing something that bothers Sheldon
C=Sheldon becomes annoyed
This is an example of positive reinforcement because when Penny corrects the behavior that annoys Sheldon, he reinforces that behavior by giving Penny a reward of chocolate. The reward increases the likeness that the behavior will occur in the future.
1) In this clip, Joey is punishing Chandler by making him stay in a box after he caught Chandler kissing his girlfriend.
2) The targeted behavior that wants to be reduced is Chandler kissing Joey’s girlfriends.
3) The consequence of the behavior is Joey being upset and Chandler having to sit in the box.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is Chandler liking Joey’s girlfriend.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Chandler likes Joey’s girlfriend
B=Chandler kisses Joey’s girlfriend
C=Joey is upset/makes Chandler sit in the box.
This example shows positive punishment because it adds the undesired action of Chandler having to sit in the box and the addition of Joey’s anger. By adding those two variables, it will most likely decrease the likelihood that the behavior will continue in the future.
Terminology: consequence, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, reinforcer, antecedent
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Boys wear Old Spice deodorant/sprays and mature to being a man. Mothers are upset and fathers are happy about it.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior is wearing Old Spice deodorant. (Begins at beginning of clip)
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that the boys mature into men.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence adds something desirable (maturing to manhood).
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is being a boy.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being a boy
B= Wearing Old Spice deodorant
C= Becoming a man
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is a positive reinforcement because by adding a desired effect (becoming a man), it increases the likelihood of the behavior (wearing Old Spice Deodorant) occurring again.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
On an episode of Dance Moms Abby (the dance teacher) asks Kendall to pretend like she was walking into an audition.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior is Kendall pretending to walk into an audition but not introducing herself.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is Kendall and her mother getting yelled at by Abby for not introducing herself.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It involves the addition of something undesirable (being yelled at).
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is Abby asking Kendall to pretend like she is walking into an audition.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Abby asking Kendall to pretend to walk into an audition
B= Kendall pretends to walk in but doesn't introduce self
C= Abby yells at both Kendall and Kendall's mother
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is a negative punishment because it decreases the likelihood that the behavior (pretending to walk in but not introducing self) will be repeated.
Terminology: consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, punishment, behavior
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
the clip i used was of the big bang theory when Sheldon rewards penny with chocolates.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The behavior is when Penny sits in the wrong spot, talks ti loud, or when she puts the dishes away. Then she got a piece of chocolate from Sheldon every time she reinforced that behavior.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is if she does not do the correct behavior she does not get rewarded a piece of chocolate.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
Addition of pieces of chocolate.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Penny making Sheldon happy.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Penny makes Sheldon happy
B=She makes Sheldon unhappy
C=She does not get chocolate
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Positive reinforcement because she received something that she like, chocolate.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video clip i used was of the big bang theory where Sheldon disciplines Amy for lying to him.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Sheldon spanks Amy when Amy lied to him for being sick.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is Amy being spanked
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
It involves the addition of being spanked.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Amy lies to Sheldon
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Amy lies to Sheldon
B=Sheldon finds out the truth
C=Amy gets spanked
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
It was negative punishment because Sheldon did it to reinforce Amy to not lie to him.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Consequence, reinforcement, punishment, disciples
A- Amy lies to Sheldon
B- Sheldon Snoops
C- Sheldon gets spanked unwantingly
Week #2 Blog Assignment
In the hilarious TV show The Office, Jim takes Dwight’s cell phone when Dwight leaves the room without his phone and links it to his own ear piece and also connects Dwight’s office phone line to his. Dwight ends up getting very angry and smashes his phone to pieces
The angry behavior out of Dwight when he smashes his phone onto his desk in front on everyone reinforces Jim to mess with Dwight again another day because of how funny Dwight’s freak out is.
The consequences of the angry behavior are that it makes Jim happy, and because that makes Jim happy, he will again make Dwight angry.
The consequences involve the addition of something that is desirable.
A= In the office at work
B= Dwight gets mad and smashes phone
C= Jim is happy
In this example it is positive reinforcement because Jim’s happiness is because he makes Dwight mad and he smashed his phone. So every time Dwight gets mad Jim will be happy, which serves as a positive reinforcement for Jim to mess around with Dwight and make him mad.
Michael Scott plays a horrible prank on Pam and tells her that the company is down sizing and that Pam is fired.
Pam cries in front of Michael and the new employee during the firing prank, which leads Michael to never fake fire someone again.
Michael never fake fires anyone ever again.
The consequence leads to the removal of something undesirable.
Pam and Michael are at work
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Pam and Michael at work
B= Michael fake fires Pam
C= Pam cries and fake firing is over
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
I cannot find my original post, so I'm just reposting a new one!
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, the owner is teaching the dog to bark and stop barking at the sound of knocking; he is also using a clicker and treats as reinforcement.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the dog barking when he knocks on the wall, it begins occurring at about 1:00 into the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is the clicker and a treat for the dog
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
It involves the addition of something desirable which makes this positive reinforcement.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the knock on the wall (door)
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= knock on wall/door
B= dog barks
C= dog receives treat and click
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is positive reinforcement because something is being added in order to increase the frequency of the behavior.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
In this clip, a dog chewed his owners shoes and he is getting scolded for it.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is to not chew the shoes anymore and that is demonstrated (or assumed) at the end of the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being scolded by his owner and making him feel guilty.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, because the dog doesn't enjoy the scolding.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is the shoe sitting out while the owner is gone
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= shoe left sitting out while owner at work
B= dog chews shoe
C= dog gets scolded
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence involves adding something undesirable in order to decrease the changes that the dog will elicit the behavior at hand.
Terms: positive reinforcement, positive punishment,antecedent, behavior, consequence, elicit
Topical Blog Week #2
1. The clip I am using is the opening scene of “Blacklist” where Raymond Reddington turns himself in to the FBI. Its starts off with him sitting down on a bench in front of the FBI headquarters. Then, a man comes by and passes him a briefcase. After that, he walks into the headquarters and tells the security lady at the counter that wants to meet Assistant Director Harold Cooper. He then proceeds to put down the briefcase, take off his jacket and hat as the alarm starts to ring after the lady keyed in his details. Armed guards point guns at him as he willingly surrenders.
2. The target behavior is surrendering to the FBI to meet Harold Cooper
3. The consequence is Raymond Reddington gets into the FBI Headquarters without getting shot.
4. The consequence is the removal of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is walking into the FBI headquarters.
ABC’s of target behavior:
A = Walk into FBI headquarters
B = Surrender to FBI to meet with Harold Cooper
C = Manage to get into FBI headquarters without being shot
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the removal of something undesirable like getting shot increases the likelihood Raymond Reddington will surrender again to meet Harold Cooper.
1. The clip I am using is from a scene in the series “Arrow” where Oliver, his mother Moira and his sister Thea are sitting in their car and Oliver explains to Thea that he and Moira kept secrets from her because they did not want her to get hurt. However, she then tells them that by him keeping secrets from her, she is already hurt.
2. The target behavior is Oliver and Moira keeping secrets from Thea
3. The consequence is Thea getting hurt.
4. The consequence is the addition of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is the three of them sitting in their car
ABC’s of target behavior:
A = Sitting in their car
B = Oliver and Moira kept secrets from Thea
C = Thea gets hurt
This is a positive punishment because the addition of something undesirable which in this case is Thea getting hurt decreases the likelihood of Oliver keeping secrets from Thea again.
URL of videos
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment
Both of my clips are from the popular TV show "Friends."
1. In this clip, Monica has been doing housework and Chandler comes home and starts sweet-talking Monica, telling her how amazing she is and saying that all the other girls he's ever dated don't compare to her. Monica is flattered, and eventually things lead to the bedroom.
2. The target behavior is saying more sweet & romantic things, because it will be reinforced if things continue to lead to sex. Chandler will want to increase the frequency of that behavior. This occurs at the beginning of the clip on.
3. The consequence of that behavior is things lead to the bedroom, and presumably, sex.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable and pleasing.
5. The antecedent is Monica has been slaving away at house chores all day, and Chandler comes home from work.
A= Chandler comes home
B= Chandler sweet-talks Monica
C= Things lead to the bedroom
This is positive reinforcement because the consequence or outcome (sex) is pleasurable and desirable (+), so it will increase (+) the likelihood of the behavior occurring again in the future (Chandler giving flattering compliments).
1. In this clip, Monica and Chandler have prepared a glorious Thanksgiving dinner for them and their friends. Ross, Rachel, Joey, and Phoebe arrive late to the dinner after choosing to go to a game first, and find themselves locked out of the apartment.
2. The target behavior is not coming late to your friends' house (because you ditched your previous obligation to go catch a game.) That is the behavior that is being punished and will likely decrease in frequency or never happen again.
3. The consequence is the four of them are locked out from a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable (and delicious).
5. The antecedent is attending the game.
A= Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey go to the game
B= They arrive late to Thanksgiving dinner
C= They are locked out
This is negative punishment because the consequence (being locked out from yummy food) is undesirable (-) so it will decrease (-) the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future.
I used the terms antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforced, punished, increase, decrease, frequency, likelihood, desirable, undesirable, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement.
1. Both of these clips that I am using are from the show Rules of Engagement. In this first clip showing reinforcement, Adam thinks that he has left his cell phone in a cab. What he doesn't know is that Russell is actually lying to him and has had his phone the whole time. Russell then plays a joke on him telling him to go to a lesbian bar.
2. The target behavior is lying to Adam so that Russell is able to play a joke on him.
3. The consequence of that behavior is Russell having a good laugh and enjoying himself.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something: a lie.
5. The antecedent is Adam thinking that he has lost his cell phone in a cab.
A= Adam losing his cell phone
B= Russell not telling them that he has his phone and sending him to a bar to get it.
C= Russel enjoying himself and getting a good laugh.
This is positive reinforcement because the consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior. Russell getting a good laugh out of this will increase the likelihood that he will lie and play jokes on Adam more often.
1. In this clip Jeff has his alarm set in the morning before he actually has to get out of bed so that he is able to hit the snooze button and enjoy getting a few extra ten minutes of sleep. Audrey though, can not get back to sleep once she hears the first alarm go off so she is angry at Jeff.
2. The target behavior is Jeff hitting the snooze button on the alarm in the morning.
3. The consequence of this behavior is Audrey getting mad at Jeff.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something, Audrey becoming mad.
5. The antecedent is having to wake up in the morning and setting his alarm too early.
A= Jeff setting his alarm too early and having to wake up.
B= Jeff hitting his snooze button over and over.
C= Audrey becoming angry at him because she can't sleep.
6. This is positive punishment because it will decrease the likelihood of the behavior from happening. Audrey getting angry will decrease the likelihood that Jeff will hit snooze so many times on his alarms.
Terms: positive punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video clip I chose for reinforcement discusses how body language (behavior class) influences not only the perception others' hold of us, but also the perception we hold of ourselves. High-Power Poses serve the function of making one's self feel more powerful, whereas, Low-Power Poses serve the function of making one's self feel less powerful. These two behavior classes and the specific behaviors within each class also serve an external function, in which, they influence the perceptions others' hold of us as well.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
In the video clip there are three different behaviors begin demonstrated (functional behavior class - High-Power Poses). I am going to use the first High-Power Pose - the target behavior: sitting down in a chair, leaning back, arms behind the head, elbows pointing away from the body, feet crossed and positioned on a table. This behavior within the clip is located at 10:30.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of this behavior (like the other behaviors within the same functional behavior class) is that the individual feels better after emitting the behavior (more powerful).
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (a good feeling).
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent were being told to stay in a specific pose for a specific amount of time. The individuals in this clip were involved in a voluntary research study.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being told to stay in a specific pose for a specific amount of time
B=Sitting down in a chair, leaning back, arms behind the head, elbows pointing away from the body, feet crossed and positioned on a table
C=The individual feels good, feels more powerful
**This is an example of positive reinforcement, as the consequence of this behavior increases the likelihood of the behavior happening again in the future.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The video clip I chose to illustrate punishment is a video clip I found on YouTube of a dog training video in which the owner uses (non-physical) punishment to "train" his dog. The individual in the video does not speak english (I thought this was fitting, as the dog too has no idea what is all being spoken at it).
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is the dog peed on the sofa. This behavior within the clip is located at 0:06.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is that the owner makes the dog stand in the corner until the owner lets the dog know it can be done standing.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable to the dog. The dog is demanded to stand in the corner for a portion of time.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is that the dog needed to relieve it's self (pee).
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Dog needed to pee
B=Dog peed on the sofa
C=Owner made the dog stand in a corner for a portion of time (until the owner released it)
The consequence is an example of positive punishment, as it reduces the likelihood of the behavior recurring in the future.
TERMS: reinforcement, behavior class, function, behaviors, functional behavior class, consequence, emitting, desirable, antecedent, positive reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, undesirable, positive punishment
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Turk (a surgeon) breaks his arm and has to study in order to keep up with the medical people. So his wife helps him study…
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
Getting questions right is the target behavior that is being reinforced.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that Turk gets a popsicle.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves adding a desired popsicle.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Turk gets a question correct.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Carla asks Turk a medical question
B= Turk gets the question correct
C= Carla gives Turk a popsicle
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The addition of the popsicle increases the likelihood that Turk will try to get questions correct in the future.
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
Turk and JD are having a conversation about wifely problems, when a woman walks by and they both make some pretty rude comments about the woman’s backside only to be caught saying these things by Turk’s wife.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is Turk making comments about a woman other than his wife. This occurs at the 30 second mark of the video.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence is that Carla (Turks wife) is now mad at him.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence is the addition of Carla being mad, which is undesirable.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is a woman with assets walking past Turk.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Woman walking past Turk
B= Rude comments directed at the woman
C= The wife gets mad
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment because the wife being mad is added to the situation. The addition of Carla being mad at Turk will decrease the likelihood that Turk will make rude comments in the future.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, positive punishment, antecedent, target behavior, consequence.
1. This clip is from the Disney movie "Cinderella" where Cinderella and the family gets an invitation from the royal family to come to a ball.
2. The target behavior is doing chores.
3. The consequence of the behavior is being allowed to go to the ball.
4. The consequence involves the addition of being allowed to go to the ball.
5. The antecedent is getting an invitation from the royal family.
A- The family gets an invitation from the royal family
B- Cinderella must finish her chores
C- Cinderella is allowed to go to the ball
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence involves the addition of something to increase the likelihood of Cinderella doing her chores.
1. The first link is a clip from the show That 70s Show. In this clip you will watch "the gang" get caught for smoking marijuana by Red. The gang then gets yelled at.
2. The punished behavior occurs at the very beginning of the clip, smoking marijuana.
3. The consequence for smoking marijuana is that the gang gets yelled at and Eric gets sent to Africa.
4. The consequence involves the addition of being yelled at.
5. The Antecedent is the gang hanging out together in the basement.
A- The gang hangs out
B- The gang smokes marijuana
C- The gang gets yelled at
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence adds something that will decrease the likelihood of the behavior happening in the future.
1 ) In this video, Jetta wanted to exchange dogs with Emily for the Topsy Turvy Day. During practice, Clifford wouldn’t do whatever Jetta wanted him to do, and it made Jetta really upset. On the day of the competition, Emily and Jetta’s dog won the first price for rolling up the hill on the back. Jetta was upset because she could never get her dog nor Clifford to do that. Her dad explained to her that Emily did not “make” her dog do it, her dog did it because Emily was nice to her. She then started being nice to Clifford and they won a prize.
2 ) The target behavior is Clifford doing what Retta wants him to do.
3 ) The consequence of the behavior is Clifford and Retta wining the competition.
4 ) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (winning a competition).
5 ) The antecedent is Retta exchanging dog with Emily for the Topsy Turvy Day competition.
A = Retta having Clifford for the Topsy Turvy Day competition.
B = Retta getting Clifford to do what she wants him to do.
C = They won the competition
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (winning the competition) to increase the frequency of the behavior from occurring in the future.
1 ) In this video, caveman A tries to start a fire using two rocks. Caveman B came and offered him a cigarette lighter. After explaining to caveman A, caveman A used a hammer and broke the lighter. The next day, caveman A tried to carve a tyre. Caveman B brought a rubber tyre to him and yet he broke it again. One day, caveman A had leaves spread across his arms ready to fly, caveman B came with a wingsuit. He extended his arm out but caveman B shook his head and left without caveman A.
2 )The target behavior would be caveman A destroying gifts from caveman B.
3 ) The consequence of the behavior is not being able to use the possessions of caveman B.
4 ) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable (gifts from caveman B).
5 ) The antecedent is caveman B offering things to caveman A because caveman A had a tough time creating what he wants.
A = Caveman B offering things to caveman A
B = Caveman A destroying gifts from caveman B
C = Caveman A not being able to use the possessions of caveman B
This is an example of negative punishment because negative punishment means the removal of something desirable (gifts from caveman B) to decrease the frequency of a behavior from occurring again in the future.
Terms: Target behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, negative punishment, positive reinforcement.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is of Jared Fogle, the Subway Guy, in his 2001 super bowl commercial showing how he lost 245 pounds, along with others who have also lost weight by eating at Subway. This showed the valence of living a healthier life.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is eating more Subway, because it is a healthy choice. This occurs throughout the entire commercial by showing people who were inspired to eat Subway, by Jared.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of eating subway was losing weight.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involved the removal of something aversive, in this case it was the losing of excess weight.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent started with being overweight. This would lead to the other antecedent of being in the environment of the restaurant Subway for a meal.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Being overweight and the Subway restaurant
B= Eating Subway
C= Losing weight
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
The Subway commercial showed negative reinforcement because when you take away something, like weight, it is referred to as negative. This taking away of something caused the increasing of a behavior, reinforcement, of eating subway. This is because eating Subway increased the frequency of people eating there because it helped with losing something undesirable.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from a talent show they had on an episode of Spongebob. The clip shows Squidward performing. His performance caused the crowd to boo and throw tomatoes at him.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior was the crowd trying to get Squidward’s behavior of performing to stop.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of Squidward’s behavior was getting booed and getting tomatoes thrown at him.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involved the addition of something undesirable, in this case the crowd added boos and tomatoes to get Squidward to stop his bad performance.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent was the talent show, because it provided an environment for Squidward to perform.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= the talent show
B= Squidward performing
C= the crowd booed and threw tomatoes at him
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is positive punishment. This is because positive in behavior modification means adding something, which was boos and tomatoes. It is considered a punishment because the behavior of Squidward performing will decrease.
terms – valence, reinforce, consequence, target behavior, aversive, undesirable, desirable, antecedent, environment, negative reinforcement, positive punishment
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
How to train a dog video with positive reinforcement. The trainer gives the dogs treats when it does desirable behaviors.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The dog performs several behaviors but I am focusing on the sitting down behavior. This occurs at 51 seconds in the clip.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of sitting on command would be the dog receiving a treat because the dog has performed a behavior that is desirable therefore the owner is reinforcing it to encourage the behavior to happen more often.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequences involves the addition of something desirable being the dog gets to eat the treat therefore this is positive reinforcement, the addition of something that will encourage the behavior to happen again.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be instructing the dog to sit down in her home.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= owner telling dog to sit down
B= the dog obeys by sitting down
C= dog receives treat from owner
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because the dog is receiving (positive) the treat after completing the request which will increase the likelihood of the behavior to occur again.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A driver is speeding and gets pulled over and receives a ticket. The driver is not enthused.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The punished behavior would be speeding. You can see at the beginning of the clip that the cop has the driver pulled over.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior would be the ticket received for the violation of speeding limit.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
In this case there is there is both something added and removed, the ticket is added to the drivers record but the fine for the ticket would be removed from his bank account.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be driving on a road in Maine.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Driving in Maine
B= Speeding
C= Speeding ticket
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This can be seen as a positive punishment because the driver receives the speeding ticket and it can be seen as a negative punishment because he now has to "take away" money from his account to pay for it.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
Positive Reinforcement
Target behavior
For this clip we would like you to:
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
How to train a dog video with positive reinforcement. The trainer gives the dogs treats when it does desirable behaviors.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The dog performs several behaviors but I am focusing on the sitting down behavior. This occurs at 51 seconds in the clip.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of sitting on command would be the dog receiving a treat because the dog has performed a behavior that is desirable therefore the owner is reinforcing it to encourage the behavior to happen more often.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequences involves the addition of something desirable being the dog gets to eat the treat therefore this is positive reinforcement, the addition of something that will encourage the behavior to happen again.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be instructing the dog to sit down in her home.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= owner telling dog to sit down
B= the dog obeys by sitting down
C= dog receives treat from owner
State if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This would be positive reinforcement because the dog is receiving (positive) the treat after completing the request which will increase the likelihood of the behavior to occur again.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
A driver is speeding and gets pulled over and receives a ticket. The driver is not enthused.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The punished behavior would be speeding. You can see at the beginning of the clip that the cop has the driver pulled over.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior would be the ticket received for the violation of speeding limit.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
In this case there is there is both something added and removed, the ticket is added to the drivers record but the fine for the ticket would be removed from his bank account.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent would be driving on a road in Maine.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Driving in Maine
B= Speeding
C= Speeding ticket
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This can be seen as a positive punishment because the driver receives the speeding ticket and it can be seen as a negative punishment because he now has to "take away" money from his account to pay for it.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL of each clip at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
Positive Reinforcement
Target behavior
1.This clip is from the movie Billy Madison. In this clip Billy is studying with Veronica in his tent.
2.The target behavior is saying correct answers.
3.The consequence of the behavior is Veronica removing a piece of clothing.
4.The consequence involves the removal of clothing from Veronica’s body.
5.The antecedent is studying for a test.
A.Studying for a test
B.Billy says the correct answer
C.Veronica removes a piece of clothing
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the consequence involves the removal of something (Veronica’s clothing) to increase the likelihood of the desired behavior (Billy saying the correct answer) happening in the future.
1.This is a clip from the movie The Change Up. In this clip Jason Bateman and Leslie Mann get woken up by the baby crying and Jason refuses to get out of bed to take care of the baby so Leslie screams at him and kicks him out of bed.
2.The punished behavior occurs at the middle of the clip, refusing to take care of the crying baby.
3.The consequence for the refusal to take care of the baby is that Jason gets yelled at and kicked by Leslie.
4.The consequence involves the addition of being yelled at and kicked.
5.The Antecedent is the baby crying.
A.The baby is crying
B.Jason refuses to tend to the crying baby
C.Leslie yells and kicks Jason out of bed.
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence adds something (yelling and Kicking) that will decrease the likelihood of the behavior (refusal to tend to the baby) happening in the future.
Negative Punishment
Target Behavior
Positive Punishment
1. This clip is from the show Friends. In this clip Ross and his ex wife walk into the coffee shop with their kid and tell everyone that Ben has an audition for a commercial. They were at a park and someone thought Ben was cute so they gave them his card and told him to come audition.
2. The target behavior is going to the park.
3. The consequence of the behavior is getting an audition for a commercial.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the audition opportunity.
5. The antecedent of the behavior is Ross and his ex having a play date with Ben for the day.
A= play date with Ben
B= going to the park
C=receiving the opportunity for an audition
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence involves the addition of something (opportunity for an audition.) The consequence will make the behavior more likely to occur. Ross and his ex are more likely to go to the park.
6. This clip is also from an episode of Friends. Ross is dating a girl named Emily who he is planning on marrying. She doesn't trust him though and because Rachel is eating dinner with him and all of their friends she gets angry. They then break up because she can't trust him.
7. The target behavior that illustrates the punished behavior is Emily not trusting Ross.
8. The consequence of the behavior is Ross and Emily breaking up.
9. The consequence involves the removal of a relationship.
10.The antecedent is Rachel being at dinner with all of his friends and him.
A= Rachel being at dinner
B= Emily not trusting Ross
C= Ross and Emily breaking up
This is an example of negative punishment because it is making the behavior less likely to occur. It is removing a relationship. Ross will less likely hang out with Rachel in the future if their isn't any trust in his relationship.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, punishment, reinforcement
TB 2
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the Disney movie "Cinderella" where Cinderella and the family receives an invitation from the royal family to come to a ball. The stepmother gives Cinderella the opportunity to go to the ball if she completes all of her chores.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
The target behavior is doing chores. Although the target behavior is not shown in this clip, the stepmother clearly says it at the 55 second mark.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence of the behavior is being allowed to go to the ball.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.
The consequence involves the addition of something. The addition is being allowed to go to the ball and meet the prince. Because this involves the addition of something this would be identified as “positive” as in positive reinforcement.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent is getting an invitation from the royal family. If the family never received the invitation Cinderella would never have had the opportunity to do the chores in order to go to the ball.
A- The family gets an invitation from the royal family
B- Cinderella must finish her chores
C- Cinderella is allowed to go to the ball
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Positive because when Cinderella emits the behavior of doing chores, she is given something that she likes. Reinforcing because the reward will increase the likelihood of her emitting the behavior.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
The first link is a clip from the show That 70s Show. In this clip you will watch "the gang" get caught for smoking marijuana by Red. The gang then gets yelled at by Erik’s father, Red, for smoking marijuana.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video).
This particular scene is famous throughout the TV show, you never actually see the gang smoke marijuana but when this scene is being shown you just know that they just did. This takes place before the scene starts. The target behavior is smoking marijuana.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.
The consequence for smoking marijuana is that the gang gets yelled at. Erik eventually gets sent to Africa as his consequence.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally.
The consequence involves the addition of something aversive. The addition is getting yelled at.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Whenever Kelso, Fez, Erik and Michael hangout they tend to emit the target behavior of smoking marijuana. The antecedent is Fez, Kelso, Erik and Michael hanging out, alone in the basement.
A- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso hangs out in the basement
B- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso smokes marijuana
C- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso gets yelled at
This is an example of positive punishment. As a consequence for smoking marijuana, Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso get yelled at. Getting yelled at is adding something which makes it positive. This addition makes the target behavior less likely to happen in the future which makes it a punishment.
Reinforcement, Punishment, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, emit, aversive.
My topic is dog training. It fits into what we have talked about recently because the ABC’s are just as important in dog training as they are in any sort of human interaction. I am interested in this topic because dogs are my favorite animal, specifically pit bulls. Pit bulls are often subject to a lot of negative press, but that negativity is unearned. I think that if there was more done to change behaviors we could save 2,800 pit bulls each day from euthanization. Pit bull advocacy is something I am very passionate about, and I think that behavior modification could play a crucial role in how pit bulls are perceived.
Breed specific legislation is one thing that I find very upsetting. If you are unfamiliar, BSL is meant to protect the public from dogs that are deemed dangerous based simply on their appearance. If the dog resembles a pit bull, even if it does not show any sort of aggressive tendencies it either has to be euthanized or moved out of the area with the legislation. This is where behavior modification could make a huge difference in the lives of not only pit bulls, but other dogs that just resemble them. If BSL could be stripped away, and we could focus on danger based on whether there is actually any threat of danger instead, we could save millions of lives each year (endbsl).
Not only can we save dogs that are not aggressive at all, but we could save dogs that actually are aggressive to some extent, with the help of behavioral changes. I think the behavioral changes that need to take place the most are those involving aggression. There are many reasons that dogs display aggression. Some of those reasons are: territorial, fear, food-related, or interdog aggression. Dogs can also be aggressive when they are hurt or sick. It is especially important to teach people what can set a dog off so that we can prevent more unfortunate incidents. We cannot change the behavior of a sick or hurt dog, but we can train them to react in different ways when they feel their territory is threatened, or when they are scared, most importantly, we can train them on how to act around other dogs. By modifying that behavior the dog has the potential for more positive interactions (petwave).
There are many examples of behavior modification in dogs. One example is when Michael Vick was discovered to have an inter-state dog fighting ring. 51 pit bulls were rescued from that situation, all of the dogs showed clear signs of abuse. 47 of those dogs were able to be placed with families and 4 of those dogs even went on to become therapy dogs. This was a huge accomplishment for the side of behavioral modification because in the past rescued dogs were put down instead of trying to be rehabilitated (NPR). If we could accomplish these things the outcomes for dogs all over would change dramatically. Families, who have had their dogs ripped away from them due to legislation so that they can sit in shelters for months or even years, could be reunited with family members.
TERMS: antecedent, behavior, consequence, behavior modification,
I decided to look into which is more effective between positive and negative reinforcement. I knew that reinforcement was much more effective than punishment because of class discussions but I didn't know between the two reinforcers which would get the best outcome. This was talked about in section 1.2 of the ABC book that we were assigned to read last week. I am interested in this topic because I would like to work with juveniles in correctional centers throughout my career and knowing which procedure to use on the children will help me get the outcome I want. The whole behavior modification class will help me get ideas on how to change the attitudes of the children I will be working with.
Most of the time I hear about positive and negative reinforcement it is throughout the business workplace and how to get employees to do what the boss wants without causing issues. One of the resources I found was written by a manager trying out different techniques throughout her business. I also was wondering which was the most effective in the long run or if they were equally effective.
What I found during my searches surprised me because I found that negative reinforcement gets the quickest reaction out of people and can make them change their habits, but only for a short amount of time. This is important for me to know because I can see the children I will be working with in the future finding "a way around" the negative reinforcement. An example that was used was telling someone if they eat unhealthy and have ice cream they have to pay $50. This initially would make you change your unhealthy addiction to ice cream but would eventually just push you more to eating cookies instead.
When looking at situations that people have used positive and negative reinforcement on me in my life I see that this is true and there are ways around negative reinforcement. I also read that to get the most impact is to use the technique of integrating both reinforcers. In an interview done with an employee she stated that too much negativity was effecting her work because she was worried about doing everything wrong. However, too much positive reinforcers created the boss to become frustrated when the goals and expectations were not met.
Another note to keep in mind throughout my future and working with troubled children will be that positive reinforcement can be used for a goal and negative reinforcement as a reminder. Also like we talked about in class to reinforce either positively or negatively right after the behavior is done. This will be the most effective in the long run.
Terms: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, behavior modification
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I decided to look into which is more effective between positive and negative reinforcement. I knew that reinforcement was much more effective than punishment because of class discussions but I didn't know between the two reinforcers which would get the best outcome. This was talked about in section 1.2 of the ABC book that we were assigned to read last week. I am interested in this topic because I would like to work with juveniles in correctional centers throughout my career and knowing which procedure to use on the children will help me get the outcome I want. The whole behavior modification class will help me get ideas on how to change the attitudes of the children I will be working with. I also want the best way that the juvenile does not overreact when I try to get them to change their behavior. I know that reinforcement is said to give the best results but the stereotype that is given is said to give juveniles punishment.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects I would like to look at throughout my searches on websites would be where reinforcement vs. punishment would be the most useful. Most times I have heard about punishment and reinforcement to change someones behavior it has been in the business setting. This is because in high school we took a class on business management and how to get your employees to accomplish the most while having a good environment to work in. In the past I knew they were told to punish the employers by giving them more work or making them work more however this class is giving the opposite advise. I hope that the websites I look into will help with clearing this up.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Most of the time I hear about positive and negative reinforcement it is throughout the business workplace and how to get employees to do what the boss wants without causing issues. One of the resources I found was written by a manager trying out different techniques throughout her business. I also was wondering which was the most effective in the long run or if they were equally effective.
What I found during my searches surprised me because I found that negative reinforcement gets the quickest reaction out of people and can make them change their habits, but only for a short amount of time. This is important for me to know because I can see the children I will be working with in the future finding "a way around" the negative reinforcement. An example that was used was telling someone if they eat unhealthy and have ice cream they have to pay $50. This initially would make you change your unhealthy addiction to ice cream but would eventually just push you more to eating cookies instead.
When looking at situations that people have used positive and negative reinforcement on me in my life I see that this is true and there are ways around negative reinforcement. I also read that to get the most impact is to use the technique of integrating both reinforcers. In an interview done with an employee she stated that too much negativity was effecting her work because she was worried about doing everything wrong. However, too much positive reinforcers created the boss to become frustrated when the goals and expectations were not met.
Another note to keep in mind throughout my future and working with troubled children will be that positive reinforcement can be used for a goal and negative reinforcement as a reminder. Also like we talked about in class to reinforce either positively or negatively right after the behavior is done. This will be the most effective in the long run.
Overall I see that punishment will not make you learn any new behavior. It will only teach you ways to do your behavior in another place or way or it will just teach you to make another negative replacement behavior. This was interesting to me because in the past or what people typically think, punishment is not the way to go for overall success.
Terms: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, behavior modification
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
I chose to do more research on positive reinforcement as a whole because I strongly believe that with any sort of training, whether it is a puppy or your friend, the best way to encourage pleasurable behaviors is to let them know when they are doing well. We covered this topic in the section 1.2 in the book, and it is an important component in behavior modification. I would like to do more research as well to better my knowledge in the future for when I have my own relationships and behaviors I want to change.
Three aspects I would like to consider would be 1) if positive reinforcement is long term 2) what the best methods would be when using positive reinforcement (verbal praise/showing positive behavior) and 3) what behaviors seem easiest/hardest to modify though positive reinforcement. I will be organizing my findings in that order.
#1- While doing my research it became clear to me that both positive reinforcement and punishment both produced better behavior, but the positive reinforcement lasts long term in comparison. This is because after so much punishment, the person may “give up” on trying to adjust the aversive behavior leading to failure. The positive reinforcement, even when a behavior is not pleasant, followed with constructive criticism often holds a better result. For many athletes, when the coach praises them for doing a specific play, they’re more likely to try that again and again because someone they trust and respect pointed it out, and after time it will become a habit. It also depends on the type of reinforcement a person is receiving. For a dog, they may receive treats when they behave well but a human may not feel that is enough. It is also obvious that a person has to have a want to change that behavior because someone that doesn’t want to quit smoking isn’t going to be impressed with someones encouraging words about quitting.
#2- Depending on the situation, verbal reinforcement is the better option. Other times, letting the person see the action themselves will give them their own satisfaction, creating a want to do that action more often in the future. In one example they showed a bowling team clips of the players when they scored high so the players were able to see what they did to succeed. Though the players didn’t get verbal feedback, when they played the next game they averaged 50% higher scores resulting in internal satisfaction. I am under the impression that a mix of verbal and physical reinforcement would create an easier transition when modifying behavior.
#3- The simpler the behavior, the easier it is to change. When a behavior is on the lines of an addiction, like drinking excessively and wanting to do it less, it is harder to change through positive reinforcement because the craving is still there. It would be better if that person replaced the “bad” behavior with a different one, and got reinforcement that they choose that behavior. The easier the behavior, such as forgetting to lock the door when you leave home can be easier to change and will more likely last longer. For example, a person that often forgets to lock the door on their way out in the morning can reward themselves with a coffee when they remember; this system of rewarding themselves will soon turn into a habit. It was also proved that people could give themselves their own positive reinforcement by telling themselves they did well and focusing on that. So it does not always have to be another person giving the positive feedback.
I believe that positive reinforcement would be the best route in many situations, especially parenting. I thought the part about using it even when the behavior is bad was also very interesting. When a child does something, like taking a test and failing, punishing them may lead them to not caring anymore because they don’t know what they could be doing right. Giving positive reinforcement along the lines of “You did really well answering these questions…” followed with “explain why you didn’t study harder…” and continuing to ground them for being irresponsible seems much more helpful then giving a harsh consequence only because they didn’t study.
Positive reinforcement helps behavior modification more in the long run because it often becomes a habit after the person seeks positive recognition after so long. It seems to me that verbal reinforcement mixed with a reward system is most effective. In a lot of situations, it is nice to hear something you did well like “Great job cleaning the kitchen today!” along with noticing your spouse then cleaned the bathrooms for you, because it is a double win.
Terms used: Positive reinforcement, aversive, punishment, behavior, modification, consequence
I decided to do my research on reinforcement and punishment. I wanted to do more research on if one works better than the other, what kinds of each one there are, and the interests/valences that would lead to that behavior to occur.
Throughout all the articles they more focused on punishment so it makes me feel like punishment has a more positive correlation with the behaviors than reinforcement does. One of the article goes into detail about how taking away the reinforcement works as punishment too. It's very common to take away what you used to reinforce when a behavior occurs that you want decreased. For example, if you gave a little kid a piece of candy to stay quiet, that's reinforcement. But the kid starts crying or being loud then you take the piece of candy away to punish the behavior. In a lot of situations that learning is occurring, it is learned to do the behavior that doesn't cause a punishment. Sure, reinforcement helps encourage the student to keep doing what it's doing but sometimes the reinforcement motivation runs out and then they just want to avoid the punishment. In the strong-shock, weak-shock experiment the kids getting strong-shocked learned a lot quicker to stop pressing the button that shocked them than the weak-shock kids. Then in argument that punishment works better is that positive reinforcement with more of an aversive feel causes them to increase the behavior as well. I also realized though, that verbal of both reinforcement, like praises, and punishment, like scoldings, work about the same. It modifies the behavior accordingly if the person wants to keep hearing praises or scoldings.
There are many different kinds of reinforcement and punishment even outside of positive and negative. There's the natural reinforcement and punishment of society. If someone goes against the societal norm people could react to that behavior and it could give the person emitting the behavior a reinforcement or punishment. Variable-interval reinforcement or punishment is when it is a timed, repeated event that studies the behavior every time the interval happens. How people react in the interval is the deciding factor of a reinforcement or a punishment. Verbal reinforcement or punishment can cause modeling. If it is modeled on what you say or react to behaviors the subject can imitate what you did to another person.
If there is an experiment with no pre-determining behavior and it is told to just do whatever you want then it could cause various behaviors to occur. If various behaviors occur it will be various on if reinforcement or punishment is used. For example, if you continuously play a song or noise and watch how the group reacts, some will hate the song and behave badly, some will behave well, and some won't react at all.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, aversive, emit, behavior, modification
The topic that I chose for this blog post is negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement was discussed in section 1.2 as involving the removal of something aversive. It’s an interesting but yet sometimes controversial topic; many people have their own beliefs when it comes to forms of punishment. Behavior modification is about how to modify a behavior, in simple terms, and negative reinforcement is changing a behavior to avoid an aversive outcome. I’m interested in the different ways it can be used, and also whether there is a difference in the outcome of positive vs. negative reinforcement.
Negative reinforcement is a term often misunderstood or confused with punishment. One of the best ways to remember what it is is to think of it as being subtracted from a situation. You remove the stimulus, whatever that may be, so that a more suitable behavior is emitted in the future. An example of negative reinforcement would be if your child was throwing a tantrum, and to stop the tantrum, you give him/her some candy or a toy. That stops the tantrum, and therefore, you have used negative reinforcement to avoid that undesirable behavior. So, the antecedent is the tantrum, the behavior is giving the child some candy or a toy, and the consequence of that behavior is no more tantrum. Punishment, however, is taking away a stimulus to weaken a behavior instead of strengthening the one you want. In the above example with the tantrum, instead of giving sweets or a toy to strengthen the behavior of not throwing the tantrum, something would be taken away from the child. In the afternoon when the child might typically get to play he/she now has to sit in the naughty corner and miss out on fun time.
One misunderstanding of negative reinforcement is the belief that you are rewarded for engaging in a bad or negative behavior. I could use the above example again to explain how many people may confuse this term. Some might think the child is being rewarded for throwing the tantrum. However; it could be argued that the parent’s behavior is what is being negatively reinforced. The parent doesn’t like the tantrum and people who might be staring at them, so to take away the child’s aversive behavior; the parent gives him/her a treat.
To experience the benefit of negative reinforcement it’s important to use it at the right time. It is most effective when presented immediately following the behavior. When a long period of time goes between the behavior and the reinforcement, it’s likely to have a weaker response and be less effective. When there too much time between it’s easy for the person emitting the behavior to forget and more likely to engage in the behavior again. It’s also important for the behavior to increase to be able to make a reinforcement occur. In simple terms: the behavior needs to repeat itself otherwise there won’t be any reinforcement because there is no behavior.
However, despite all the talk about negative reinforcement, it’s also important to note that in certain situations sometimes it is not the best solution. In classroom settings kids can be sensitive to this type and the use of positive reinforcement can be more useful. Another setting where positive reinforcement has worked better is in an office type job set up with teams of employees with an overseeing position. Both types of feedback/reinforcement are important to learn and grow, but they need to be given in the right ratio.
Terms: negative reinforcement, aversive, punishment, positive reinforcement, stimulus, emit, antecedent, undesirable behavior, consequence
The topic I am interested in and chose to research is punishment and reinforcement with children. This topic fits into what we have been talking about so far because in section 1.2 of the book it talks a lot about punishment I am interested in this topic because reading section 1.2 this topic stood out to me and I want to learn more about how punishment and reinforcement can impact children and how it shapes their future.
To fully understand the topic I wanted to research I looked up the definitions of the different types of reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement is a procedure used in behavior modification to increase the frequency of a behavior. Punishment is defined as a procedure used in behavior modification to decrease the frequency of a behavior.Positive reinforcement is the offering of desirable effects or consequences for a behavior with the intention of increasing the chance of that behavior being repeated in the future. Positive punishment is presenting an unfavorable outcome following an undesirable behavior.Negative reinforcement is the removal of something aversive. Negative punishment is removing something that is ordinarily pleasurable.
Positive reinforcement on children is a better solution because they need verbal affirmations that the behavior they are displaying is a create and good one. Children will look forward to getting the praise and reward. Positive reinforcement also boosts children’s self esteem and make them feel good about themselves for doing something that pleases you and can motivate your child to do the same behavior in the future. Using positive reinforcement can influence your child short-term and long-term, shaping their future.
Punishment on children is shown to have a more negative impact on children. Punishment can lead to fear in a child, whether fear of a certain person, afraid for their life, or afraid that their possessions are going to get taken away. Using punishment can make a child more aggressive as they become older. Positive punishment should not be used unless as a last resort option. If used too often the bad behavior good worsen.
Children respond better to reinforcement and should be used over punishment to deter a certain behavior. Using punishment can have long lasting effect on children in the future that will cause problems for them throughout their lives.
Terms:reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment
I decided to look more into positive reinforcement and negative punishment because I believe strongly in the aspect of rewarding someone or taking something away from someone depending on good or bad behavior. We first talked about this topic in section 1.2 and I had previously learned about this in other classes as well. I think reinforcement and punishment are important aspects of behavior modification because when you are adding or taking something away from someone your ultimate goal is to try to reward them for a good behavior or punish them for a bad behavior.
The three aspects that I wanted to consider were 1) what are the effects of punishment on human behavior 2) what are the effects of punishment on animals 3) is reinforcement or punishment more effective.
During my research the first article that I read talked a lot about how to make punishment effective. The big statement in this article was that punishment was more effective the more often it was enforced. When people were lackadaisical about the punishments they were not effective at all. Another big thing that was mentioned in this article was that the punishment was even more effective if it was caught early.
In the second article I looked at the effects of punishment on animals and the results actually surprised me a bit. I first found that punishing a pet is much less effective than rewarding a pet. I found this interesting because I assumed that a pet would be much quicker to fix a behavior when they know their owner is mad about something. Instead, the results actually indicated that when pets are punished (especially physically) that they have a reaction very similar to human children who are also punished physically. The pet actually becomes much more aggressive, especially towards the one doing the physical punishment.
The third article that I did research on suggested that it’s not just as simple as reinforcement or punishment. It actually comes down to if it is a continuous punishment or reinforcement. For example, if you are continuously punished for eating too many chips your punishment will work in the beginning but after awhile, you will rebel and switch to crackers or something and that punishment will no longer be effective.
After my research, I have decided that I think that rewards and punishments need to be a balancing act, especially when it comes to children. I think that if you use too much of one versus the other that your children will will become desensitized in a sense. They will always be expecting something positive or vice versa, always expecting something negative or to be punished but if you integrate both reinforcement and punishment into parenting I think you will have the best luck with your children. Though the research how humans respond to reinforcement and punishment were left a bit unclear, the research of weather or not dogs respond positively to negative punishment were left very clear.
Terms used: reinforcement, punishment, behavior, modification, positive, and negative.
1)Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I chose to write about reinforcement and punishment.
I chose to write about the topics of reinforcement and punishment. The reason I chose to write about this topic is because as far as behavioral modification goes I think the key to modifying a behavior revolves around these two topics. At first glance I would say that reinforcement would increase the probability of a behavior reoccurring and a punishment would decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring. After further research I found that there are different types of reinforcement and punishment. There is positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment.
2)What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Instead of three topics I chose to write about four. Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment.
When you add a stimuli in an attempt to reward the individual for emitting a certain behavior this is called positive reinforcement, this will increase the likelihood of the behavior happening again in the future. Negative reinforcement involves the removal of a stimuli in an attempt to elicit a behavior from the individual. This is again reinforcing to the individual. When you add something aversive as a punishment in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of a certain behavior this is called positive punishment because you are adding a stimuli. When you take something away from an individual in an attempt to reduce the likelihood of the behavior occurring again is called negative punishment.
3)Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
In the first link you will find a link to my research on punishment. This particular scene is famous throughout the TV show, you never actually see the gang smoke marijuana but when this scene is being shown it is assumed that they just did. This takes place before the scene starts.
In regards to the ABCs…
A- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso hangs out in the basement
B- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso smokes marijuana
C- Fez, Erik, Michael and Kelso gets yelled at
After the gang smokes marijuana the gang gets yelled at. When the gang gets yelled at the parents Red and Kitty add something aversive in an attempt to reduce the likely hood of the behavior, smoking marijuana, from ever happening again. So this would be an example of positive punishment.
My other link is a clip from Cinderella. This clip is from the Disney movie "Cinderella" where Cinderella and the family receives an invitation from the royal family to come to a ball. The stepmother gives Cinderella the opportunity to go to the ball if she completes all of her chores. The target behavior is doing chores. Although the target behavior is not shown in this clip, the stepmother clearly says it at the 55 second mark. If Cinderella completes her chores, the target behavior, she will be rewarded by being allowed to go to the ball. This would be a form of reinforcement, the addition of something positive makes it positive reinforcement.
The ABCs…
A- The family gets an invitation from the royal family
B- Cinderella must finish her chores
C- Cinderella is allowed to go to the ball
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Reinforcement, Punishment, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, emit, aversive, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment.
I chose to do pursue my topical research blog on the concepts of punishment and reinforcement. I’ve always heard that reinforcement reaps higher results than punishment. However, in my own life, I feel like the concept of punishment has actually reaped better results than reinforcement so I’m interested in studying these concepts to see if I am simply an outlier to the overall statistics. I understand that in some circumstances there are clear cut cases where positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement work better than negative punishment and positive punishment, and vice versa. However, I want to learn more about how these prime a certain behavior to transpire.
First, I would simply like to define the four different types of modifying behaviors. Positive punishment refers to presenting an undesirable consequence following an adverse behavior so that this behavior happens less frequently in the future. Negative punishment involves taking away a stimulus to reduce the occurrence of a behavior. Positive reinforcement is when we reinforce a stimulus after a behavior occurs that makes the behavior more likely to occur again. Negative reinforcement is when a behavior is strengthened by removing a negative result.
I’d like to look at the varying aspects of several different journalist and see how the type of punishment or reinforcement varies by the setting that they are used in such as the workplace, schools, and rearing children in the household. From doing several google searches revolving around the subject of punishment verses reinforcement I found that many researchers believe that positive reinforcement should be used in more cases than it is actually being used in. For instance, one article brought up the subject of how punishment is used in school very often and how this can make school’s safer and quieter places, but this form of punishment isn’t encouraging students to change their behaviors to be socially acceptable. Another article brought up the concept of negative reinforcement, which often gets mistaken for punishment. Teachers in the classroom must also use negative reinforcement when dealing with students and must try to somewhat balance their use of positive and negative reinforcement in the classroom and stop relying on the use of punishment.
I was surprised to see how this view is slightly changed in a workplace setting but I actually found opposing views on this setting. One viewpoint, showed how reinforcement and punishment should both be used in the workplace with balance because you cannot simply use reinforcement with every single behavior that an employee exhibits. However, another article showed how punishment in the workplace can lead to side effects that are unfavorable such as lower work performance, tardiness, and missing work. Therefore when the supervisor punishes the employees it leads to more punishment within the workplace for both the employee and the company. However, both articles that I read agreed that the threat of punishment must always be present within the workplace setting, but it is usually better to withstand from using punishment if possible.
The last setting that I wanted to explore was the household and rearing kids, which produced the most interesting results. There was a study that placed children in two different groups, one using positive reinforcement and one using no reinforcement. The study found that rewarding a child for an act decreased their chances at doing it in the future when the reward was no longer there. There was also another example that children who are rewarded for sharing with other children when their parents are around, often are less likely to share when their parent isn’t around and they aren’t expecting a reward. This article, didn’t talk about punishment. However, another article discussed the topics and clearly pointed out that punishment should not be used when rearing children. This article also went on to talk about how we should use large amounts of positive reinforcement on children.
From reading these articles, it is clear that many researchers and journalists believe that punishment should most likely not be used in general. Though, these same researchers believe that punishment should be on the table and should be some sort of threat to the individual, but they shouldn’t ever have to go all the way and use punishment unless they’re in a workplace setting. Many researchers believe that positive reinforcement should be balanced with negative reinforcement for the best results when raising children, teaching students, and in the workplace.
My topic is Pleasurable (positive) Reinforcement vs. Aversive Punishment in the classroom. Pleasurable reinforcement and aversive punishment fits into section 1.2, where we throughly discussed these main two topics. I am interested in this topic because I have always had a strong opinion on pleasurable reinforcement. I believe it is very vital to use pleasurable reinforcement rather than punishment for our behaviors. I would like to learn how to use these procedures so when I have children or need it in the future, I can create many desirable valances. I also want to work with children in the future so this experience will help me understand how to effectively use desirable reinforcement. Also, I have seen many opportunities for teachers to use pleasurable reinforcement but instead use punishment right away. This is why this topic interests me, because I can someday provide feedback to teachers on possibly straying away from using aversive punishment.
The three aspects of my topic are why is pleasurable reinforcement better than aversive punishment, how does it affect the student and what are the goods about pleasurable reinforcement.
Pleasurable reinforcement is a presentation of a reward or a pleasant outcome immediately after a desired behavior is emitted. Pleasurable reinforcement is a procedure that increases the frequency of a behavior. Aversive punishment is a procedure that decreases the behavior to occur. So why is pleasurable reinforcement important? It is important because it strays away from building aversive relationships between a teacher and a student, you reward proper behavior which increases the likelihood of it reoccurring, and you get to “ignore the wrong behavior.” Aversive punishment has been used very often in classrooms because it seems to be the quickest solution for teachers that get frustrated with a student. Most teachers mention that they are able to remove the student from the area and continue on their class like normal. But it does not mean that the behavior decrease because of the punishment received. For example, a student may get bored in a class and may not want to be sitting in that class, so they disrupt the teacher or distract other students. This frustrates the teacher so they ask them to leave the room. The student now is more than willing to leave because that was their goal, was to get out of that “boring” classroom. So now that aversive punishment has been played out on the student’s favor, they may plan to continue their behavior. This reoccurring behavior would cause an aversive relationship with the student, which would not do any good for learning in a classroom. It also prevents the teacher to affectively be able to teach the student. According to the kristinhricko website, there have been many schools that have attempted to use punishment in their classrooms but have failed because the punishment does not teach students the appropriate way to behave, the punishment is only temporary and it causes more violent/negative behavioral issues.
Below there is a video of how a teacher uses pleasurable reinforcement for her classroom participation. She mentions that she uses this pleasurable reinforcement because it engages the students to pay attention to her, the lecture and motivates the student to answer questions and not “doze off.” She uses smiley stickers are their praise which seems to work affectively in her classroom. This affects the student because it doesn’t take much to motivate a student to participate in a classroom when they are being praised. This inspires the student to answer questions, learn affectively, communicate with their teacher and their classmates, and increases a pleasurable valance in the classroom. This also affects the student because the teacher and classmates are building a salient relationship while working together in a positive environment.
Pleasurable reinforcement is taking over classrooms quickly. Teachers are hesitant to try it because they expect the results to be instant. Although reinforcement does take time and thought at times, it is shown to be a great solution to behavioral issues in the classroom. Rewards for pleasurable reinforcement does not always mean it has to be a “big” reward. Just a high five, a sticker, being praised, making the student feel valuable are rewards that will keep the student feeling like they belong and want to stay in class.
This is the reason why I really enjoy the subject of pleasurable reinforcement. Because a lot of schools use aversive punishment as a quick solution and do not realize that they are causing more hard than good. Even after doing research I am more motivated to want to work with children in my future and can not wait to use these procedures on my own children. I want others to be able to build positive relationships with their teachers because us humans spend a large amount of time in school and how can someone learn when you have a large chip on your shoulder?
Terminology: Reinforcement, punishment, behavior, procedure, frequency, pleasurable, aversive, desirable, valances, emitted, motivate, praise, salient
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I have chosen the ABC's of behavior for my topic, due to the fact that I'm super amazed by the concept and want to know as much as I can about it. I wanted to see it in action and apply more real-life situations to it in order to become more aware of it in reality. I would like to be able to observe a situation and pick out the antecedents, behaviors and consequences like it's second nature and even apply this to my job at Bremwood. This would be a topic that would be fun to explain to other people as well and maybe even describe to the teens I work with so they can better their behaviors. One aspect to really look at here is controlling antecedents in order to modify behavior, such as controlling the antecedents around me to make me study better.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects for this topic are simply the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences as well as how those fit into reality in every move we make. I want to take a closer look at antecedents and how changing the antecedent changes the behavior.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Almost all of the information on this topic discusses controlling the antecedents. In some cases, the first step can be looking at behaviors, but in most cases, the first step is looking at the antecedents. I found many different articles with similar ways of studying. Some people turn off all noise, ridding of distractions, and some people turn on music to help them focus better. Some people use treats as a way to reinforce their behavior by taking a bite of ice cream for every math problem they finish. The biggest thing was that the homework was not the focus. The focus was the antecedents, what we need to have around us to do well. Creating and maintaining an environment that reinforces studying, we are able to accomplish a great amount.
Something to take away from this research is knowing that I need to discover antecedents that help me study and continuously recreate those antecedents. I could reinforce my studying by conditioning myself to respond to specific stimuli by forcing myself to study. I've tried this before. An example would be when I would watch 10 minutes of a movie and then do 20 minutes of studying. This worked to some extent because I was constantly rewarding myself for my accomplishments. I've learned the tricks that help me study such as having background noise while in a place where people don't disrupt me, as well as getting up and moving around before proceeding with any work. I like to sit on porch swings with my laptop and it gives me just enough drive to finish what I need to.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I have chosen the ABC's of behavior for my topic, due to the fact that I'm super amazed by the concept and want to know as much as I can about it. I wanted to see it in action and apply more real-life situations to it in order to become more aware of it in reality. I would like to be able to observe a situation and pick out the antecedents, behaviors and consequences like it's second nature and even apply this to my job at Bremwood. This would be a topic that would be fun to explain to other people as well and maybe even describe to the teens I work with so they can better their behaviors. One aspect to really look at here is controlling antecedents in order to modify behavior, such as controlling the antecedents around me to make me study better.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects for this topic are simply the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences as well as how those fit into reality in every move we make. I want to take a closer look at antecedents and how changing the antecedent changes the behavior.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Almost all of the information on this topic discusses controlling the antecedents. In some cases, the first step can be looking at behaviors, but in most cases, the first step is looking at the antecedents. I found many different articles with similar ways of studying. Some people turn off all noise, ridding of distractions, and some people turn on music to help them focus better. Some people use treats as a way to reinforce their behavior by taking a bite of ice cream for every math problem they finish. The biggest thing was that the homework was not the focus. The focus was the antecedents, what we need to have around us to do well. Creating and maintaining an environment that reinforces studying, we are able to accomplish a great amount.
Something to take away from this research is knowing that I need to discover antecedents that help me study and continuously recreate those antecedents. I could reinforce my studying by conditioning myself to respond to specific stimuli by forcing myself to study. I've tried this before. An example would be when I would watch 10 minutes of a movie and then do 20 minutes of studying. This worked to some extent because I was constantly rewarding myself for my accomplishments. I've learned the tricks that help me study such as having background noise while in a place where people don't disrupt me, as well as getting up and moving around before proceeding with any work. I like to sit on porch swings with my laptop and it gives me just enough drive to finish what I need to.
Terminology: Reinforcement, rewards, behavior, motivate, antecedents, control
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1) I chose to write about pleasurable reinforcement with children, specifically when they are ages two to five. I feel that it fits into the first couple sections because pleasurable reinforcement is a very easy and well-known way of modifying behavior in children who are very young. I'm very interested in positive reinforcement because I want to understand different variations of its uses.
2) What I would like to discuss after researching this topic is how scheduled reinforcement is a prime factor. When using pleasurable reinforcement, there is either a continuous schedule of reinforcement or an intermittent schedule of reinforcement. A continuous schedule of reinforcement is when a reinforcement is given after every single good or target behavior occurs. This is usually used when teaching new behaviors. On the other hand, an intermittent schedule of reinforcement is when reinforcement is given after some behaviors, such as a behavior they have already learned and now just need to be reminded of.
But scheduled reinforcement is not just the main part of pleasurable reinforcement. Another aspect is the environment and the stimuli present when the behavior is reinforced. When a certain stimuli is occurring at the same time a reinforcer is, this controls the future likelihood of the behavior reoccurring. This is part of an array of reinforcement tools one can use.
But most important when considering using pleasurable reinforcement tools is that the reinforcer is a pleasurable valence to the child. If the child is not satisfied and does not want the consequence of the reinforcement, then their is no point to it and they will not be encouraged to do the behavior. The frequency of the behavior will stay the same, or even drop because the child is not motivated and is not satisfied with the reinforcer. The key is to figure out what the child wants. Using that insight will then increase the likelihood of the pleasurable behavior. For an example, in The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon knows that Penny enjoys chocolate. So in order to modify her behavior to his liking, he gives her chocolate as a reinforcer.
2) In the classroom and at home, pleasurable reinforcement is a very important device that can be very effective. When using pleasurable reinforcement, finding the right reinforcer for the child can be a task. But, it is a crucial aspect when trying to modify a behavior. Once there is a set reinforcer, the child should produce more of the desired behavior once they have been reinforced. Once they have gotten the same reinforcer, they now know the desired behavior and should start to emit pleasurable behaviors on their own. This is when it is important to use an intermittent schedule of reinforcement by giving a reinforcer only after some behaviors since they are already aware of what is expected. This can also tie in with environmental influence and how they are expected to know what behaviors to emit when in a certain setting. If they are reinforced when they did not talk in the movie theater, they will associate the environment with the behavior. This kind of environmental association can be combined with a multitude of pleasurable reinforcers.
Terminology: reinforcement, pleasurable valence, stimuli, motivate, reinforcer, emit
1) I am going to search more about punishment and reinforcement. I want to know which one yields a better outcome in the form of behaviors. I do know that certain forms of punishment and reinforcement should be used in different situations but I want to look at the overall aspect. For example, do kids behave better by getting punished all the time or being reinforced to behave well. I am interested in this because I know of many different parenting styles used for children and I want to know for myself which one is better.
2) The three aspects I am going to talk about are the effects of punishment on children, the effects of negative reinforcement on children, and positive reinforcement.
3) Children do not always understand why rules are the way they are and so they break them. Some parenting styles punish their children by spanking or hitting and other parents have other ways of dealing with it. It is shown if parents use some sort of corporal punishment the child has a greater chance of being aggressive towards others and have antisocial behavior. By being punished children learn to fear things. They can have a small fear like getting their toys taken away all the way up to being afraid of their parents. When being punished children don’t learn about being responsible like those with discipline or reinforcement.
Negative reinforcement with children mainly affects their self-esteem. Day to day children go about playing with their toys and doing almost whatever they please to be happy. When that is constantly disturbed by the parent taking away such things the child is confused and sad. This can be done with things such as food, toys, play time, etc. Even though negative reinforcement seems good to parents because it gets the child doing what they want them to do, parents have to think about what is being hung over the child’s head in order to make that action happen. If parents do not do that their child can be affected socially.
Positive reinforcement has better effects on children and their behaviors. Parents nowadays usually use this approach when parenting because that is the time we are in. Praise your kids and treat them right. However, there are negative consequences to this approach just like every other one. Looking around at families with small children it seems the child runs the family. They are just looking for someone to applaud and praise their actions. They constantly need to be reinforced to make sure they are doing the right thing. This can include prizes at school for doing the right thing, being told they are awesome, etc. Don’t get me wrong, there are positive aspects to positive reinforcement as well. Children grow up feeling good about themselves and are their own motivator. They can push themselves to be better because they know who they are.
4) - I chose this URL because it has information about different kinds of punishment and why they aren’t really helping children learn anything. - I chose to use this URL because it shared how negative reinforcement was being misused by parents. - I chose this URL because it talked about all three of my topics. I was able to understand more about negative and positive reinforcement as well as punishment from this one website. - I chose this site because it shared more of the negative effects of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is always looked at as good so I wanted to share something that is opposite of the normal beliefs.
Terms: negative reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, motivate, behavior, consequence
1.) After reading over some of the topical blogs from past classes, I decided to do more research on positive and negative reinforcement, and punishers specifically on children. This fits into Section 1.2 of our textbook and I am interested in it because it seems so easy to me, but it has got to be more complex than that. It almost seems too easy to me and that is why it interests me.
2.) The aspects I am going to talk about is outcomes of positive reinforcement, outcomes of negative reinforcement, and factors of punishers that should be considered before punishing.
3.) Positive reinforcement is used when you see a behavior that you want to happen more often. Usually the method is rewarding or praise for that good behavior. When a child cleans their room without being told, she is told what a great job they did. That child is most likely to keep cleaning her room to get more praise. One article even said that positive reinforcement can actually boost kids brains. According to the study, “Brain scans show that school-age children of nurturing mothers had a 10% larger hippocampus.” That part of the brain is responsible for memory, learning, and stress response. This is just one article that shows that parents should praise kids more than scolding them. Another article said that positive reinforcement is connected with high self-esteem, because they feel good about themselves.
Negative reinforcement is used when you see a behavior that is bad for someone. The method of doing this is usually removing something, When a child goes out in the winter without a jacket, she will get a cold. That child is most likely not to go outside without a coat again. It was interesting to me to find an article that actually connected negative reinforcement with low self-esteem in children. According to the article, children take the negative reinforcements personally and can cause fear and withdrawal instead of changing the behavior. They are afraid of possibly failing.
The last topic I wanted to talk about was the effect of punishers. Those seemed a little more complex than the others. I found a great article on what you should do before you punish someone. That is exactly what I was looking for because I didn’t think the same method of punishment worked for everyone. One thing that you should consider before someone is if they have a skill- deficit. There could be a skill that teachers are looking for in a student little do they know, the student was never taught how to do said skill. An example used in the text was a child who was never organized and constantly late. That child possibly comes from a family who is always late and running last minute. If you teach that child time management, you might see a change in them. That punishment should only happen if you teach them, and they don’t apply it. The article also paired Punishment with positive reinforcement. If the child comes once prepared after being told about time management, the teacher can give them a praise or a gold star sticker as a reward. The child will feel confident and want more stickers, so the child will want to come on time more often and with all of their belongings. Another piece of advice from the text is to keep the punishments less intense. By doing this, you won’t destroy the kid’s confidence. If the kid has confidence, he will then build social and academic skills. : I used this article because it gave a specific outcome of positive reinforcement. It also gave a lot of good information about why it would boost kids brains as a result of positive reinforcement. It also helps that it talked about it from a parent to child form because that is what I was researching. : I used this article because it hit close to home for me. I did not have high self-esteem growing up and self- esteem in children is something that I am passionate about. I wanted to read more about how negative reinforcement can have an impact on kids and how they feel about themselves and there was a lot of logical information in the text.…punishment-techni : I used this article because it gave instructions on how to use punishers. I feel that there are a lot of parents and teachers who take punishments too far, and they are getting more frustrated in the methods not working so they take it out more on the children. Which in turn will hurt the kids confidence even more. I just think there was a lot of good information in there that all families and classrooms could use to understand this concept more.
Terms used: Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punisher, behavior, hippocampus
Mentioned in section 1.2 Contingencies: Reinforcement and Punishment they spend a short amount of the text explain self-reinforcement. Self-reinforcement refers to the consequence that a person gives themselves for their behavior. When I was looking for research done on just specifically self-reinforcement I noticed that there were studies done with individuals who have disorders or disabilities. I was to curious at how the results came about and if self-reinforcement was a positive or negative experience for the individuals. I am looking at research that has been done on people with disorders and disabilities while incorporating self-reinforcement. I thought this topic was interesting because people can change their own behavior without someone else such a family figure. It gives the opportunity to someone to change their behavior if they choose to. The section about self-reinforcement had general information, but I wanted to know more about the topic and how it helps. I originally wanted to see how I could use self-reinforcement in my own life. However, after seeing the articles about the individuals with disabilities and disorders with their use of self-reinforcement I became more interested in the topic. Knowing that a simple concept of self-reinforcement could help individuals that struggle in life can improve their life and behavior is miraculous. Then to know that if the results come out as a positive improvement that others could consider using self-reinforcement to improve their life.
The three aspects that I am going to look at are the effects of self-reinforcement are used in helping people with disorder and disabilities. The sub categories inquire self-reinforcement and people with developmental disabilities, used to increase appropriate conversation of autistic teenagers and effects on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders. The studies show the effects that self-reinforcement and some studies with other variables influence the individual’s behavior.
In the Newman and associates study using 3 female autistic individuals they concluded out of the 5 phases, (1) non-contingent reinforcement baseline, (2) external reinforcement, (3) self-reinforcement, (4) return to baseline, and (5) return to self-reinforcement, that self- reinforcement has validity in autistic teenagers to increase their appropriate conversational skills in society.
In the Kaplan and associates study they focused on 7 male disabled workers where they were 2 treatment phases. The first were trained to self-monitor and self-reinforce their behavior every 30 minutes, but in the second they did not use self-reinforce. The results show that self-monitor and self-reinforcement together increased on-task behavior. The researchers also state that self-reinforcement exerts over self-monitor in behavioral control.
The Ajibola and associate study they looked at 6 male boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The researchers were focused on seeing results in in the amount of academic performance using self-reinforcement, a placebo, and methylphenidate drug. The boys attended daily tutoring for 30 minutes with a focus on reading. The results show that self-reinforcement increaser the performance of their academics. However, the greatest improvement was when there was a combination of self-reinforcement and methylphenidate had the greatest increase in performance.
The studies seemed to all have a small sample of individuals in their studies, but that could be because of the small amount of people with disabilities and disorders in our society. The positive information that was learned from the research that was conducted shows that self-reinforcement has a positive increase in improvement of individual’s behavior. This means that people with disabilities and disorders have the chance if wanted to fit into our society’s norms with at least their behavior. It does not solve the individual’s personal struggles, but can subside the behavior aspect. Self-reinforcement gives the opportunities for people to even improve on their education. I know that after looking more into self-reinforcement I use it towards my education to make sure I am having the best behavior towards my education. That then leads to improving my own education and succeed. I would consider to others to use self-reinforcement in their own life to improve whatever that individual is struggling with from serious issues to simple ones. If self-reinforcement does not help improve the studies also mentioned how some people also had self-monitor. One problem with the studies though is that they had only women or men for the studies and self-reinforcement might work differently for people in those situations, but they have shown positive results.
Self-reinforcement and persons with developmental disabilities.
Self-reinforcement used to increase the appropriate conversation of autistic teenagers.
Differential effects of methylphenidate and self-reinforcement on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
1)The topic I chose to write on is positive punishment and negative reinforcement. These fit the section because the section was dealing with reinforcers and punishers, and the positive and negative ways to present them. I am interested in it, because I think the opposite of common sense, positive punishment and negative reinforcement, are interesting tools to know in life.
2)Aspects I would like to talk about are what positive punishment is, what negative reinforcement is, and thirdly common misconceptions when it comes to talking about these two commonly misconceived ideas.
3)In dealing with behavior there are four main ways to go about operant conditioning; these are positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, and negative punishment. Two of these, positive reinforcement and negative punishment make sense on a common sense basis, but the other two cause a lot of confusion both inside and outside the psychological walls.
Positive punishment is the addition, much like mathematics, of something to add onto a behavior to attempt to get it to stop. A common example would be if a person exhibits a behavior that is not wanted, the consequence or outcome of that behavior would get something added on that deters from the person doing it again. So if a child for instance hits a sibling, some punishment that may get added is a scolding from a parent or an increase in chores. In this example the child exhibits a behavior that isn’t wanted, and the outcome is an addition of either the scolding or chores being added to hopefully keep the child from doing so in the future.
Negative reinforcement is where a behavior is liked and wished to continue upon, but at the cost of removing something, much like subtraction. The article uses a simple example of a shower. A bad odor is undesirable for most people, so they take a shower to remove the smell and are reinforced in their decision by a healthy odor. In this case the odor is removed, the negative, and the behavior of taking a shower is reinforced by the favorable outcome.
The common misconceptions arise when people think positive means happy or good, and negative means bad or not wanted. It can be hard to steer away from common connotations of the language that we have had drilled into our thinking, and this is where the misconceptions come about. Another confusing part of this is perception on what is happening. I can simultaneously be negatively and positively reinforced. If I want my room to be dark, by hitting a switch I add darkness (positive), and remove light (negative). This causes confusion when looking at the desires of behaviors along with the aforementioned problem. Overall these terms are crucial to know, and although negative reinforcement sounds bad, it is usually quite good and productive for producing desired results.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites. - This article talks solely on negative reinforcement and also has a small diagram box that is the same as the ABC’s we saw in the section. - This article talks about the differences between positive punishment and negative punishment. – This video is of the big bang theory that discusses and exemplifies what the section is about with misconceptions between positive punishment and negative reinforcement.
Terms used: Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment, Positive reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, exhibiting behaviors, operant conditioning.
I have chose to my research blog on reinforcement and punishment with kids. I chose this because i want to work with kids when i get older in some field of psychology. This topic fits into what we read about in the book. In section 1.2 of the book it says a lot about punishment and reinforcement and the different ways it used. I wanted to know more on if kids respond better to positive punishment and reinforcement then negative punishment and reinforcement. Also, want to know if it affects their future in some way.
To know more on my topic of punishment and reinforcement, I had to research better definitions of the words rather then the one the books has to understand more. Also, to find the different types of punishment and reinforcement. Reinforcement is a method used in behavior modification to change a certain behavior. Negative reinforcement is the removal of an unpleasant stimuli. Positive reinforcement is the exchange of something desirable for a behavior with the possibility of increasing the opportunity that the behavior will be done again. Negative punishment is taking away something that the person enjoys. Positive punishment is giving someone an unwanted ending after they do something bad.
Now from my research i came to the conclusion that positive reinforcement for children is way better. Its a better option because they will need verbal declarations that shows them that the actions that they are doing are good and should be repeated at at different time. Because you chose to give them positive reinforcement they will remember that and most likely repeat the good behavior next time. Doing these things give the kid better self esteem, seeing that they did something right is always good for children. Showing your kid positive reinforcement will not only help their behavior at that time and also in the future with wanting to be treated good by doing good actions. Also it will help in the future with their self esteem being boosted.
When it comes to punishment towards children it isn't the best thing to do but it isn't the wrong thing to do. But from the research i did punishment can effect kids negatively in their future. The child can become scared of their or teacher or babysitter, whoever is enforcing the punishment. As our studies that show children that were negatively punished as kids are more aggressive and violent in their future. Also positive punishment tells the kid that the bad behavior they did is okay, and its okay to be repeated in the future.
Younger people and kids have a better response to reinforcement then punishment my research said. Both can have long lasting effect on the kids, reinforcement is positive in the end and punishment is negative.
terms used: negative punishment, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement,
I have chosen to do my research blog on reinforcement and punishment towards kids. I chose this topic because I want to work with kids in some form when I get older in my job for psychology. This topic fits in with what he learned in class because it talks about the behavior you can change and how people behavior will be effected with reinforcement and punishment. I wanted to know more if reinforcement is beer for kids and how its effects in the future. Also I want to know if punishment is a bad technique to use on kids to get them to change there behavior. Also want to know if kids respond more to reinforcement or punishment.
To know more on my topics of punishment and reinforcement, I had to research a good definition on the words rather then the ones the book had for me, that I understand better. From my research I got that reinforcement is a method used in behavior modification to change a certain behavior. In my research I found that the definition of punishment I understand the most is a penalty imposed on a person for a unwanted behavior.
While I was researching my topic I came along that there are different forms for these terms. The different forms of punishment is negative and positive punishment. Positive punishment is giving someone an unwanted ending after they do something bad. For example positive punishment would be if your child draws on the wall.. There punishment would be having to clean it all off by themselves. This would be positive punishment because it will decrease the likelihood of the action happening again. Negative punishment is when you take something away that they enjoy. So for example if your child draws on the wall you would just take there toys away to get them to not do that behavior again.
Also researching reinforcement I found that there are different forms of this as well. Negative reinforcement is when you remove the unpleasant stimuli. Positive reinforcement is when you exchange something desirable for a behavior with the possibility of increasing that behavior. An example of this is when your kid takes out the garbage so you give them an allowance.
From my research I found that positive reinforcement used as a technique on kids is way better then anything else. It is a better option because the kids will need verbal communications and declarations that makes it known to them that what they are doing is good and that they should continue doing those actions. Because they were shown positive reinforcement they will most likely remember that and continue that behavior at another time. Because of positive reinforcement the child self esteem will be raised for the better. Positive reinforcement will actually help your kid out in the future with authority.
From my research I learned that punishment is the not the best technique to use on children. Punishment affects kids negatively in the ways that they my be scared of the person punishing them, and will make the kid act worse. If your kid is negatively punished there future actions may be from them being punished as kids.
Younger kids respond better to reinforcement then for punishment and it is a better technique overall.
terms: negative punishment, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, behavior. self esteem.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I have chosen to cover is the idea of how environment or antecedent can alter behavior. This connects with what we have learned so far in the idea of the ABC’s of behavior modification. We learned that the antecedent will affect the consequences of a behavior emitted and in turn affect the behavior itself. I find this interesting because I’ve noticed how others or I will behave in a different way than normal in different environments or situations.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Aspects I would like to talk about are what the definition of an environment is in accordance to behavior. How environments can alter behavior and some examples. Lastly how this idea of behavior being effected by your environment is integrated into everyday life.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
When thinking about how behavior works one of the least thought of parts in my mind is the antecedent. The antecedent is the situation or the environment the behavior is emitted in. The main focus of behavior and how to modify and manipulate it for different reasons is usually the behavior itself and the consequence that behavior causes. This is the usual mechanism used to condition someone into a new behavior. You implement a punishment or a reinforcer for said behavior to increase or decrease how often it is emitted. Environment can also be a very important factor for how we act.
As a lot of college students I find it hard to study in loud or busy places and often find myself holed up in a quiet spot in the library. This environment is also a large factor in how productive studying is. The library as a whole is a scholarly area filled with knowledge and others trying to learn. This is a reason as to why it is a hub of studying and learning. The environment of the library is conductive to emitting the behavior of studying while loud bustling areas would elicit a more social behavior from people as most would want to go and talk to friends instead of study.
Environments can also effect the consequence of a behavior if the usual consequence that you would receive in a different environment is absent. If you know you can get away with the behavior without an adverse consequence you are more likely to emit that behavior in that antecedent situation again. A common example of this behavior is in children while in public. A child is throwing a tantrum in a store for a toy they are not allowed to have but the child is usually well behaved and never throws tantrums at home. This is because the usual consequence of being placed in time out is not possible by the parent in public and the child knows that throwing a tantrum will embarrass the parent and lead to getting the toy they wanted. This shows how the environment can drastically change the behavior of a child.
Lastly I want to talk about how environment is used to control behavior with either a positive or negative result. In the TedX talk I watched Jeff Sharpe talk on how by redesigning and changing the environment in places like schools or office buildings can change the behavior emitted by the students or employees. If you look at the classic cubical office space everyone is walled in and focused on only their own work. This is great for productivity in a sense but drastically reduces the creativity and cooperation seen in the workplace. By removing the cubicals and arranging employees in a closer nit arrangement like in group tables or circular workspaces this will lead to more cooperation between employees on projects and overall increase in moral. Also if we look at the arrangement and structure of class rooms in schools we will notice that it is very orderly and very similar to the structure of a cubical office space. This is used to manipulate children into conformity so they are ready for the work world out of school. The down side to this is that we are only reaching around 20% of the children in school and also sometimes invoking a deficit in creative or higher order thinking.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
3 Ways the Environment Shapes Human Behavior
Shaping Behavior Through Intentional Design: Jeff Sharpe at TEDxAustin
Situational Behavior- Your kids really do behave better for other people.
Terms/ emit, behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforcer, reinforcement, environment, positive, negative, control
1) I would like to talk about positive self-reinforcement. I’m interested in this because it’s solely based on that person and whether or not they will achieve their goal. We read about this in section 1.2 towards the end. It struck interest in me because I lack motivation and it is something that I’ve been trying to gain for the past two years. When I think of behavior modification, my first thought is helping someone else change a behavior but self-reinforcement is, for the most part, on your own. Self-reinforcement is extremely important because we need to be motivating ourselves or else nothing will be done. It boosts our self esteem by saying “good job getting all your homework done tonight!” It doesn’t always need to be big things, in fact, the smaller things are what keeps us going along the way. Some people claim that someone is selfish and very self centered if they give themselves a compliment but this is not true. Something we don’t realize is that we are extremely hard on ourselves. If we make one little mistake, it’s a huge problem and we’ll fixate on that. It’s actually such a habit to bring ourselves down that when we give ourselves a compliment it almost feels weird.
2a) The three aspects I'd like to discuss are token economies, positive self talk, and how to not self-punish ourselves.
2b) Something that relates to self-reinforcement is token economy. I found this during my research and learned that it’s when you are physically given something after doing a good behavior. An example of this is the classroom setting. If a student cleans up after they play with toys or make crafts, they are given a gold star next to their name. The child will see that star very proudly and will most likely continue to clean up after themselves to receive the reward. These are great self reinforcers because it is something tangible, you can hold it and/or see it in front of you. Positive self talk is something that can increase one's motivation to continue doing the desired behavior. The positive self talk can be a reinforcer and it'll also boost your self esteem. Self reinforcement is all about sticking to your goal and rewarding yourself for when you did something good and beneficial. I've given a couple examples but another one from the video is putting marbles in a jar for every time you go to the gym. As you're leaving the gym, give yourself some compliments (positive self talk) and be genuine about it. Then when you get home, put one marble in the gym jar to show you worked out that day (token economy). This type of reinforcement is based on positive reinforcement. At times we will fall out of the routine we built to change this behavior and in turn we criticize ourselves and feel guilty. This is when we begin to feel self-punishment. Self-punishing does nothing to resolve the issue; it’ll only make us feel worse which usually ends up in not reaching our goal. This can be a very difficult battle to overcome but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. We need to develop a new way to deal with frustration instead of putting ourselves down. Everyone has people who support you and are willing to cheer you up and talk through your frustrations. Once this is continuously practiced we begin to sooth our anger and feel motivated again.
My sources:
Terms: self reinforcement, positive reinforcement, token economy, reinforcer, motivation, reward, behavior, self-punishment
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
My topic is how others influence behavior at parties for people of college and high school ages and how the context of laws and other situations formulate this behavior. I think this fits because I think that it not only involves reinforcements and punishments but it also involves the ABCs of behavior.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
ABCs of behavior modification
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Reinforcement- Young people often feel reinforcement at parties for a variety of reasons. They after have peers that will encourage them to drink and\or use drugs and the intensity of which you party is also often celebrated. There is also a sexual element to drink where people feel urged by the people they are attracted to and partying may lead to a sexual encounter. Alcohol also leads to less inhibition control which leads to more sexual activity that may not otherwise happen.
Punishment: People often feel pressure because they feel they will be punished by not participating in partying. People feel that they will not be cool, or fit in, or not have friendships if they do not party. They feel like not partying would be damaging to friendships or social standing and participate to fit in and not be rejected.
ABCs: The fact that alcohol is illegal to consume for many teens and college students leads to them throwing parties at house and other areas where they can not be denied service, since the context of the situation is different. They also feel that it is a place they can be accepted while drinking. For someone underage being at a bar or restaurant(antecedent) and drinking(behavior) would lead to judgement, denial of service, and likely being removed from the establishment(Consequence). It is different at a party however. At a party(Antecedent) they can drink(behavior) and they will be able to do so freely and have fun with the other people at the party(consequence). Having a situation where the behavior accepted allows the behavior to happen.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
In my research, I explored the effects of corporal punishment on children. This topic ties in with what we have learned in the first two sections of the text, more specifically, punishment and its effect on behavior. I wanted to delve more into the negative effects, positive effects, and what we should do as parents when it comes as punishment. I believe this information will prove helpful to us as a new generation of parents, in being able to properly raise our children to become respectful adults.
One could only infer that corporal punishment may be effective or ineffective depending on the differences in parental techniques. Effective or ineffective, referring to whether the child ceasing the behavior he or she was punished for. However, even if effective in this way, does the child only cease the behavior right after the punishment, or indefinitely? And, if only for the moment the behavior has stopped, how many times does the parent need to use corporal punishment to discontinue the behavior permanently? Psychologist Elizabeth Gershoff concluded from her own studies on corporal punishment:
"The act of corporal punishment itself is different across parents - parents vary in how frequently they use it, how forcefully they administer it, how emotionally aroused they are when they do it, and whether they combine it with other techniques. Each of these qualities of corporal punishment can determine which child-mediated processes are activated, and, in turn, which outcomes may be realized ("
Gershoff is a prominent source on several different websites. Basically, we can conclude from her statement above, that she has confirmed that each case is different, depending on your parents. Mostly, she discovered a lot of negative consequences resulting in children who received corporal punishment, as well as concern for the parent.
As far as negative outcomes, one would think that some more common effects would have to do with mental illness, mostly. Of course, taking corporal punishment too far can result in long term injury, or in extreme cases, death. Anxiety, chronic fear, depression, anti-social behaviors, or worsening of an existing mental illness are all possible outcomes of corporal punishment that could come to mind. Gershoff conducted over three hundred studies over a sixty-year span, and discovered a decrease in mental health, morals, social behaviors, quality of relationship with the child, as well as an increase in “immediate compliance”, aggression, and “adult abusive behavior (Niolon).” I find it extremely interesting that these studies also focused on the negative effects of corporal punishment on the parent. This is exactly what I wanted to discover in my research—whether this type of punishment would have an effect on your relationship with your child. Where do we draw the line, and how can we keep our relationship with our child stable, while teaching and disciplining? Or does every form of discipline create negative valence in relation to you and your child?
Niolon states that we should determine the difference between punishment and abuse. If we are trying to deter a behavior, I believe a light spanking or soap in the mouth can be effective to stop the behavior, if done after every single time the behavior happens.
However, although effective, will we mentally scar our children with corporal punishment? I am unsure, because I wonder if the spankings or anticipation of spankings I received as a child directly developed my sometimes anti-social behaviors, anxiety, and/or depression. Or, are these defects just my personality, developed through other aspects of my environment? This is where I could go ahead and question Gershoff’s studies. Although she discovered a link between childhood corporal punishment and negative effects in adulthood, did she really prove that the punishment directly created these effects? Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychology professor at Calvin College in Michigan, had a few different results:
“Those who were physically disciplined performed better than those who weren’t in a whole series of categories, including school grades, an optimistic outlook on life, the willingness to perform volunteer work, and the ambition to attend college, Gunnoe found. And they performed no worse than those who weren’t spanked in areas like early sexual activity, getting into fights, and becoming depressed. She found little difference between the sexes or races (Kettle).”
This is where we could get confused on right or wrong in what we do as parents. However, I am a good person with good work ethic and morals. My parents used small amounts of this punishment on me, and I turned out fine. It is hard to decide who to listen to when looking for advice on this topic. Is light corporal punishment necessary to create a well-rounded adult, or should we be looking to other methods?
Lastly, what positive outcomes happen as a result of corporal punishment? And, what punishment procedures can we use as parents that will not mentally harm our children or harm our relationship with them? I could not find many results on positive consequences besides temporary deferment from the behavior. Gershoff stated, “until researchers, clinicians, and parents can definitively demonstrate the presence of positive effects of corporal punishment, including effectiveness in halting future misbehavior, not just the absence of negative effects, we as psychologists cannot responsibly recommend its use (Apa.Org).” I have learned in other classes and from previous experiences that more effective ways of changing behavior are time out, grounding, scolding, taking something away, or positive reinforcement. These tactics do not involve corporal punishment; however, it may be difficult for some parents to be consistent in these alternative punishments.
Kettle, Theodore. “Pro-Spanking Studies May Have Global Effect.” Newsmax. Newsmax Media, Inc. 2015. Web. 2007, Jan 7.
“Is Corporal Punishment an Effective Means of Discipline?” American Psychological Association., 2015. Web. 2002, June 26.
Niolon, Richard. “Corporal Punishment in Children—What Does It Accomplish?” PsychPage. Web. 2010, Dec. 15.
Terms: Corporal Punishment, Behavior, Punishment, Negative Valence, Consequences
I chose to look into the effect of positive reinforcement on the mentally ill, primarily children. In Section 1.2, we talked about positive reinforcement and how it can be used to promote a desired emitted behavior. I am interested in seeing if the same procedures can affect the behavior of those that are mentally ill, because my dream career is to work with mentally ill criminals. There are three things that I would like to talk more about. Those include the definition of positive reinforcement and how it differs from negative reinforcement, the effectiveness of positive reinforcement, and examples of different reinforcers.
First, I would like to talk about what positive reinforcement is. Positive reinforcement is simply the exchange of something desirable for desired emitted behavior. For example, a child may put away their toys without being asked. Their mother may be very pleased and praise her, telling her how wonderful it looks. Although this does not seem like much, this is an example of positive reinforcement. The same thing works with adults. I work at Kohl’s. Let’s say I spent some extra time refolding clothes to make a display look better. Let’s say my boss walks by and goes “Hey, that looks really good” and hands me a pass to wear jeans to work one day. That is positive reinforcement. I would probably emit that same behavior again, knowing that I could potentially get to wear jeans to work more often.
Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement are very similar. Whereas positive reinforcement is giving something for something else in return, negative reinforcement is the taking away of something aversive to promote a continued behavior. For example, in order to reward students for doing really well on an exam, a professor may cancel class one day. The students will associate the two, and they might just do really well on the next test, in hopes that another class will get canceled.
I found that positive reinforcement for good behavior is effective in treating those that are mentally ill and are acting out in violent ways. By giving them positive reinforcement, it allows them to self-reinforce. For example, if the person goes a whole week without getting into a confrontation with someone else, they may get a reward. This will (hopefully) influence the person to continue to emit good behavior. The results are the same with children that are mentally ill. Children can benefit from positive reinforcement when they are emitting behavior that is desirable, instead of trying to use punishment when the behavior is undesirable. The only problem with this is that if a parent or teacher gives a mentally ill child attention when they are emitting aversive behavior, they may keep emitting that behavior. The attention, even if it is meant to be negative, acts as positive reinforcement to the child (Moore, 2013).
There are different types of positive reinforcers that can be used. For example, when working with children that suffer from mental illness, a common reinforcer is a sensory reinforcer, like music. As with other children, it is common to use verbal or social reinforcers for children with mental illness. A verbal reinforcer is like saying “Great job!” or “Way to go!” A social reinforcer can be as simple as a high-five or a thumbs-up. All of these things allow a child to associate their emitted behaviors with something positive (Pachucki).
To conclude, after all of the websites that I looked at, it is safe to say that not only does positive reinforcement work for just about everybody, it is a very effective strategy in promoting desired behaviors in mentally ill children. Not only does it show them what behaviors are desired, it also makes them feel as if they are doing a good job. And who doesn’t like that?
Violence and Mental Illness—Rueve and Welton:
The Effects of Positive Reinforcement in Children with Mental Illness—Ayra Moore:
The Effects of Positive Reinforcement in Children with Mental Illness—Debra Pachucki:
Terms: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforcers, emitted, behavior, aversive, self-reinforce, reward, punishment, desired
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I chose to research more in depth of reinforcement and punishment. This definitely fits into the section we have covered because section 1.2 only talked about reinforcement and punishment. I am interested in it because we are reinforced and punished on a daily basis whether we realize it or not.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspects I am going to look into is the definition of reinforcement and the different types, the definition of punishment and the different types. Lastly, I will look at which works one works better to change behavior. I know that the book talks about the definitions and the different types of reinforcement and punishment, but I am choosing to relook at it to make it more concrete to me.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood that a behavior will increase. While punishment is something that leads to the decrease of a behavior. There are two different types of reinforcement. These are called positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is adding something to increase the behavior of happening. An example of this is giving a dog a little treat when they do a trick. The other type of reinforcement is negative reinforcement. This is when something is removed to increase a response. An example of this would be like not having to take a quiz if you do all the homework for a week. The time the punishment and reinforcement is administered does matter. If you are going to reinforce or punished someone you must follow a schedule. A schedule needs to be followed in the very beginning of training, so those getting reinforced do not get confused about what they are actually supposed to do. Finally, reinforcement has been found to be better than punishment. Punishment is confusing when you are learning something new. If you don’t know what you are doing why it would be difficult to be punished for it. The punishment could be delivered too weak and would not change the behavior. If the punishment is delivered harshly, it can damage the relationship between the punisher and the person doing the punishment.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I chose the topic of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, which fits into punishment and reinforcement, and what works best to help us change certain behaviors.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I want to talk about how Therapeutic Jurisprudence combines law and psychology. One of the main intents of the law is to try to modify the behavior of criminals. I also want to talk about how the law uses different forms of reinforcement and punishment. I then will talk about how, just as we are talking about in class, Therapeutic Jurisprudence looks at the these different tactics of reinforcement and punishment and tries to figure out what works and what doesn't.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Although sometimes the law doesn't always do its job, and can be a very crooked and corrupt system, one of the original intents of the law was to enforce "appropriate" behavior. Sometimes this entails using certain tactics to modify bad behavior. For the most part, this means some sort of punishment. Sometime, though, there can be reinforcement, such as getting parole for good behavior. The role of therapeutic jurisprudence is looking at the law, using psychology, to examine just how these aspects are working. Just like we are learning that different techniques work for different people when modifying behavior, the same applies here. In the paradigm of therapeutic jurisprudence, the goal is for a psychologist to observe the law and help those in the law know: which tactic work best, why they work best, help guide different tactics for different people. They can look at the people involved as well as the either punishment or reinforcement being used, and help guide the situation that will achieve the best results.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application by Curt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol
I am going to focus on positive reinforcement as a whole, because I feel most strongly about this way of handling situations and want to do more research on what exactly positive reinforcement is used for. I want to look more in depth on how positive reinforcement is used in classroom settings and how educators can help students mold into being successful in their future careers. Since we have already had a few readings over what positive and negative reinforcement, the subject of this blog relates to what we have already talked about because we have already covered this topic. The reason why I want to dig a little deeper in the area of how this can be related to students in school is because there are programs in place to help students that need special attention but I feel as though they can be greatly improved.
In an article I read it talked about how BF Skinner introduced a new term into the law of effect, and that was reinforcement. Positive reinforcement comes from the term operant conditioning, which means roughly changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response. Skinner conducted an experiment that portrayed how positive reinforcement worked by putting a starved rat in a container called the Skinner box. The box had a lever on the side, the rat wanders the box and accidently knocks the lever. Once the lever is pushed, food is dropped in the box next to the lever. Since the rat connects the lever with food, it is learning reinforcement by learning to pull the lever and by doing that it gets a positive reinforcement of food. This can be translated back to the class room, if a teacher gives a student praise or something tangible, like a sticker or stamp, for their hard work the student is being positively reinforced and that strengthens the behavior and makes it more likely to repeat the same behavior in the future, and then this strengthens the behavior of the student completing their assignment.
Another major part of positive reinforcement is how the child’s behavior response will be affected. Disciplining a child involves teaching and guiding children. Some parents use negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment, but by using positive reinforcement there is a better likelihood have the child having fewer long-term consequences and more life-long benefits. In the article I read there was a study done in 2001 with a 10 year old autistic child, name Samantha. She picked positive reinforcement when asked to do a certain task. After the number of tasks when to 10, she then began to choose negative consequences. Positive reinforcement results in changes in brain chemistry, which can favor in long-term behavior. This study proved that, especially in children, positive reinforcement is the way to go. Children that grow up feeling good about who they are and their decisions establish healthy self-esteem. Other than thinking that they do everything wrong, a child raised in a household with positive reinforcement learns that they can feel good about their accomplishments and achievements. Punishment can impact a feeling of confusion or guilt, which can be correlated to making bad choices.
Another big part of a child’s development is motivation. Motivation matters, but the key variable to remember is that not all children are motivated by the same things. For a response to be considered positive it has to produce the desired outcome. Someone might be motivated by different rewards, like money. Money might be a big reward for some people, but if money was the reward for a toddler to go to the bathroom in the toilet that would probably be meaningless. Saying encouraging words might motivate one person, but someone else might ignore them. To have the benefits of positive reinforcement work, a person needs to be motivated by something they find interesting. Timing is important to get the best results by using positive reinforcement. The behavior that you want to enhance has to be rewarded soon after the child has done what you wanted them to do. Waiting to reward the positive behavior will have little or no effect in reinforcing the behavior. Since the time between the desirable behavior and giving the reward can make or break the behavior. Lastly, consistency is one of the most important steps in reinforcing a positive behavior.
Terms: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, neutral operants, reinforcers, punishers, positive punishment, negative punishment, motivation.
1)My topic for this assignment is Reinforcement because after reading the section 1.2 that we covered this week, I really wanted to know more about it so I could understand it better. After doing some research I got engaged with the topic so I decided to talk about it. Now that I have gained more knowledge, I think it is a fascinating topic because it is something that we use on a daily basis and we do not stop to make the connection between the type of consequence and the impact that it has on the frequency of all behaviors that we perform.
2) The three aspects I would like to talk about in this assignment are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and self- reinforcement. It is important to keep in mind that reinforcement is used to increase the frequency of a desired behavior.
For positive reinforcement, I found a web page that started explaining reinforcement and then it talked about what positive reinforcement is defined as. They referred to positive reinforcement as adding something in order to increase the frequency of a behavior. They also compared through examples the effect that the presence or lack of positive reinforcement has in other people when they perform behaviors. These examples helped me appreciate the importance of this effect when we are going to display any type of behavior. This is related to what we have covered this week regarding positive reinforcement. Reinforcers increase the frequency that a behavior will be displayed. When reinforcers bring pleasurable reactions from other people it is more likely that we are going to display that behavior more often. However, if reinforcers bring aversive reactions from other people, it is less likely that we will display that behavior later on. We like to take the positive reactions as a stimulus to keep emitting a specific behavior.
In the case of negative reinforcement, after reading a few blogs I chose this one because I found it easy to read and understand which makes it understandable to everyone. The blog talked about how people hear the word negative and associate it with something aversive instead of look at the fact that negative reinforcement is still a type of reinforcement. The main goal of negative reinforcement is to increase the frequency of a behavior by removing stimuli. The blog also shows a table in which the author has put the terms, a clear and brief definition of each type of reinforcement and punishment in addition to simple real life examples in order to see how each concept works. This week we covered the types of reinforcement. When we covered negative reinforcement, the section looked at it as a factor that will increase the frequency that a pleasurable behavior is emitted. Negative reinforcement is based on the concept of removing an aversive stimulus to increase a desired behavior.
The last aspect that I would like to talk about is self-reinforcement. Even though some people may consider it by itself, it is also a type of reinforcement. I found an interesting video that related this concept to people that suffer from mental disorders; it also related it to healthy people. The psychologist talked about how important it is for us to recognize the things that we do well in order to keep us positive and make us believe in our abilities, especially for people who suffer from mental disorders. She also talked about how the smallest detail can make a huge difference when self-reinforcing. Even though people associate reinforcement with positive and negative reinforcers as a result of pleasurable or aversive consequences due to a behavior displayed, this concept is covered in this section as another type of reinforcement. The main difference between self-reinforcement and negative and positive reinforcement is that self-reinforcement does not require anybody else but you to occur.
Terms and concepts used: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, self-reinforcement, stimulus, aversive, pleasurable, reinforcers, desired, behavior, positive valence, negative valence, consequence, emit.
1. The topic that I decided to discuss was that of reinforcement and punishment. I find reinforcement interesting because we do it in our everyday lives multiple time, as well as punishment. Reinforcement is a procedure used in behavior modification to increase the frequency of a behavior. Punishment is a procedure used in behavior modification to decrease the frequency of a behavior. This is the main topic of section 1.2 and it builds off the ABC’s.
2. Instead of focusing on 3 main topics I am going to focus on 4. The four that I am going to focus on are naturally occurring reinforcement, a reinforcement procedure, naturally occurring punishment, and a punishment procedure. Naturally occurring reinforcement and punishment happen naturally in situations and they are not necessarily thought about unlike reinforcement procedure and punishment procedure.
3. B.F. Skinner did many experiments on positive and negative reinforcement. The experiment that he did with rats in the box (the Skinner box) is a great example of a reinforcement procedure. The rats would step on a lever and would receive a food pellet so they rats knew the consequence of stepping on the lever would result in food, so eventually the rats would run straight to the lever. Positive reinforcement strengthens a behavior by providing a consequence an individual finds rewarding. However, with punishment we are trying to weaken or eliminate a response rather than increase it. There are some problems with punishment though once the punishment is no longer present the behavior may return, can cause aggression, and can cause fear. When we are removing a stimulus it can be known as negative punishment or Type II punishment. There are two types of punishment in different principle forms, time-out from positive reinforcement and response cost. In time out from positive reinforcement the individual loses positive reinforcement for a specific period of time. There is a non-exclusion and exclusion setting, the non-exclusion is time out the individual is not physically removed from the setting but the exclusion the individual is partially removed from the environment. The response cost is when the individual loses a specific amount of reinforcement. When an individual breaks a rule in this there are usually fines. With regards to naturally occurring reinforcement and punishment this is a process that all of us do unknowingly. The behavior is going outside the consequence is you freeze and the probability of that action with decrease this would be naturally occurring punishment. If the behavior of smiling the consequence is someone will smile back at you and the probability is that you will smile at a stranger again. I found a rather funny Youtube clip of a woman who was feeding her cat after a large snow storm and the cat came bounding through the snow pile and landed in the hallway. This was an example naturally occurring punishment because now that the cat went out into the cold and was stuck outside so most likely if the cat wants to eat and be inside then the cat will not want to go out into the snow. A naturally occurring reinforcement would be an event such as putting the cat food out, cat eats food, the probability that the cat will come back increases.
5. Reinforcement, punishment, behavior modification, ABC’s, naturally occurring reinforcement, naturally occurring punishment, reinforcement procedure, punishment procedure, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and consequence.
I looked into positive reinforcement in child care. So far we have learned about punishers and reinforcers and since I work at a daycare learning new and better ways to reinforce our children is always a good thing. We are always taught to encourage the children instead of scolding them, and although it may be hard it actually works better to reinforce than to punish. I also plan on having kids one day when I’m older and I think any knowledge of how to reinforce children’s good behavior in order to see the results that I want will help me a lot in the future. I believe that positive reinforcement over punishment of any sort will work the best for teaching children how to behave. I want to focus on three aspects involved with positive reinforcement and children, the first being what exactly is positive reinforcement, why and how does it work with kids and what are things to make sure you do and things to make sure you don’t do. Knowing these three things will make impacting your child’s behavior that much easier for you and successful for them.
A positive reinforcement is used in order to increase the frequency of a behavior, on the other hand there can be punishers that would do the complete opposite and be used to either decrease a behavior or to stop it all together. Within child care a positive reinforcement would be observing a child doing something that you like or following directions right away and rewarding them for it. Rewards can be tangible or verbal and so could a punishment or a negative reinforcer. Instead of giving something to a child something could be taken away instead.
Positive reinforcement works so well with kids and with people in general because everyone, whether they admit it or not desires an approval of who they are and what they do. We want to please others, especially children who try to make the adults in their lives happy and proud of them. People of all ages enjoy rewards no matter what they are and will work towards them. When a child emits a behavior there is always a consequence either positive or negative. If the consequence is negative then they’re less likely to repeat the behavior. But if the response is positive then it will encourage the behavior to be repeated again at a later time. When an adult gives a child their approval you can see just how happy it makes them. You’ll actually see their eyes light up and a huge smile spread across their face because they know that what they did was right and what the adult wanted done. The more often and consistently that you reinforce a behavior the better it’ll be especially when you’re teaching a child a new behavior.
Reinforcing behavior is a good thing but you need to know how to do it correctly so that you don’t reinforce negative behavior accidentally or so you don’t over exaggerate every little good deed. The most common way to reinforce children is through rewards like candy, stickers and prizes but they don’t always have to be things that cost money. Simply giving the child a compliment will encourage good behavior, as well as high fives and clapping for them. They honestly will be proud of anything that acknowledges them. When trying to modify a child’s behavior don’t focus on the negative aspects of it, try and always focus on the positive and always do your best to never raise your voice. It’s very important to be consistent with the child as well, you can’t reward a behavior one day and not the next, consistency is key in eliciting a behavior you want. Another critical part would be to make sure that you’re clear on what exactly they did right and not vague. You can’t just say good job, instead compliment the actual action, “Thank you for putting the toy away”. Simple things like that encourage the child and help let them know that what they’re doing is right and to continue doing it.
I believe that positive reinforcement is the best way to help children modify their behaviors and learn new ones. This way it keeps them optimistic instead of bringing them down like a punishment would. With children the best thing to do is encourage them, they want to know that they’re doing well and we should always make sure to let them know when they are.
Terms: positive, negative, elicit, emit, rewards, reinforce, punishment, positive reinforcement, consequence
For this assignment I decided to look into how a traumatic experience at a young age can lead to irrational fears or problems later on in life. In chapter 1.2, we discussed negative valence and how a negative valence makes things undesirable and causes people to dislike them. A traumatic experience could lead to someone developing a negative valence towards something. The reason I chose to write my blog about traumatic experiences and their causes is because I am extremely interested in why someone would have an irrational fear about something and why not everyone has them.
The three aspects I would like to bring up are how a person can develop a negative valence, post traumatic stress disorders, and the science behind phobias.
To open, I will start with a more in depth explaination on valences. Valence is the emotions you feel towards something developed from previous experiences. If it is a good feeling it is referred to as positive valence. A bad emotion towards something is a negative valence. In a study done at the Department of Psychology and Center for Neural Science at New York University, they found that people are more likely to have more emotional feelings towards negative key words than positive words. The negative words triggered them emit more emotions from a biological and psychological standpoint. They study stated that it is likely because we would rather avoid negative reinforcement than experience positive reinforcement.
emit, valence, positive valence, negative valence, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
Thinking back on our previous reading assignments, the concept of encouraging behavior through reinforcement and discouraging behavior through punishment intrigued me the most. This is due partially to the fact that every human has experienced both punishment and reinforcement at some point in their life. Regardless of one’s circumstance, it is realistic to believe that reinforcement and punishment have both effected how you presently behave in your daily life. Whether these experiences aree through your parents (ex. R: Giving you allowance to do your chores; P: Grounding you when you stay out past curfew), your teachers (ex. R: Giving you a gold star for reading a new book; P: Taking away a privilege – i.e. recess, for passing notes and talking during class), or even just life circumstances in general (ex. R: Practicing shooting basketball more often improves play during the game; P: Touching a hot stove with burn your hand), etc. everyone has them.
With that in mind, reinforcement and punishment happens throughout one’s life, whether it be intentional or unintentional, humans will experience both throughout their lifetime. As someone who wishes to work with college students in the future, for my topic I would like to focus on this age group. Most of the research and discussion I could find about reinforcement and punishment evolved around infants, children, and animals. Therefore, finding sources was a bit of a challenge. However, I do believe I found some interesting sources to assist with my exploration of this topic and they fit in quite nicely with our current focus in this Behavior Modification course.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
There are three main aspects within the topic of punishment and reinforcement that I would like to focus on in this post. The first aspect I would like to focus on is how reinforcement and punishment interacts with this specific age group (college aged students – 18-24) and what methods work best for them. The second aspect I would like to focus on is how environment or external factors relate to the effectiveness of reinforcement or punishment. The third aspect I would like to focus on is the concept of self-reinforcement and how it reacts with other behavior modifiers (such as punishment, external reinforcement, etc.)
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
The first aspect I would like to focus on is age group. As I previously stated, I have a high interest in college students, therefore I would like to look at reinforcement and punishment around this specific age group. I find age group to be an interesting factor within my topic because we can look at what environment most people are experiencing in this time frame of their life. I fully realize that many people choose not to attend college for various reasons and they may not be inherently negative or positive. HOWEVER, for the purpose of this discussion, I will be focusing on people in this age group (18-24) that are in fact attending a higher education institution of one sort or another. In all three of the articles I found, it is mentioned that there are certain techniques that may work better for college students (because of their specific age group and circumstances) and what those techniques were. One article specifically stressed the importance of positive reinforcement over punishment, examples such as giving extra credit for hard work versus adding quizzes as a punishment for a rowdy classroom, etc. When we look at college students, their environment is often on or near a college campus, they are predominantly spending time with people their own age, and they (ideally) are working hard towards a degree. This leads into my second main aspect of my topic, environment.
Environment often determines what behaviors are being encouraged or discouraged, therefore it greatly affects what reinforcement or punishment is being used. I will be looking at the college campus environment and how it directly relates to reinforcement and punishment for students within the age group of 18-24. The articles I read specifically mentioned the main stressors that are involved in college student’s life. Those that were mentioned most being academics, social life, and future planning. One of the articles focused strongly on how punishment regarding academics can be a successful method in some classrooms with some students, however many students respond better to reinforcing actions as well as the concept of self-reinforcement. While there was an overwhelming amount of support for a focus on reinforcement over punishment, there are still many people who prefer the concept of punishment in some circumstances. An example of this would be if a certain student (or students) simply do not respond to the idea of extra credit, doing well on a test, etc., their only goal is to pass the class. Therefore, sometimes threatening with punishment or eliciting punishment is necessary for them to be successful in the course.
The third and final aspect I will be focusing on is the concept of self-reinforcement of college students and how it interacts with external reinforcement. I will also be comparing and contrasting the effectiveness of self-reinforcement when compared to no reinforcement, punishment, or external reinforcement. The articles mentioned self-reinforcement in a positive light for most college students. Intrinsic motivation often tends to be the most effective type of catalyst for success in college students. However, many students need extrinsic motivators in order to be successful. Therefore, there is often a positive relationship between self-reinforcement and extrinsic reinforcement, creating a collaborative “push” towards success. When compared to punishment, self-reinforcement often has better results. Overall, self-reinforcement is important to the success of college students, however when combined with other methods (such as external motivation or when necessary punishment) this can create a glorious environment for success.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
1.) The topic I decided to research for this blog post is whether kids respond more to reinforcement, or punishment when parents are attempting to control their behavior. This fits in with the sections we have read so far because section 1.2 discusses how the behaviors we emit are controlled by reinforcement and punishment. The section talks about positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment; I will be discussing which of these produces the best results while disciplining children. (I.e. Parents trying to elicit good behavior.) I am interested in this topic simply because I want to have children of my own someday, and I would like to know the best way to elicit the most positive behaviors I can. I am also intrigued by this because of the fact I grew up as the oldest child, with six younger siblings, and feel as the though the parenting techniques used on me were different than the ones used on my siblings. When I was doing my research I could identify many instances where my parents used positive reinforcement, and negative punishment on me. I believe my parents tend to use negative reinforcement on my younger siblings, and sometimes negative punishment. I think this has caused me to elicit better behaviors than my siblings because I was reinforced to do good things (So less bad behaviors were exhibited to begin with
), but my siblings tend to just do whatever they want and then they get reprimanded.
2.) The aspects I am going to talk about are what is the difference between positive reinforcement/negative reinforcement, the difference between positive punishment/negative punishment (including examples of parents using these on their children), and what works best when trying to elicit good behavior from children.
3.) The types of reinforcement and punishment can be hard to distinguish, but it is essential to know the difference. Before trying to determine the difference between positive vs. negative reinforcement and positive vs. negative punishment, you need to understand the difference between reinforcement vs. punishment. If a parent is using reinforcement techniques on their child that means they want to increase the likelihood that a behavior will continue to happen in the future. If the parent is using punishment on their child that means they want to decrease the likelihood that a behavior will continue to happen in the future. A parent may think that reinforcing is always a pleasant experience for the child and that punishment will have aversive consequences, but that is not always the case.
If a parent wanted to use positive reinforcement on their child then they would give their child a reward, praise, etc after the child has exhibited a good behavior. This will increase the likelihood of the behavior happening again. An example of this would be if a parent takes their child to the grocery store, and the child sits still in the cart the entire time, the parent could let the child pick out a candy bar by the cash register when paying. This will positively reinforce the child the next time the parent takes them to the store to sit still in the cart during the shopping trip.
If a parent wanted to use negative reinforcement on their child they would take away whatever stimulus the child did not enjoy after they show a good behavior. This will increase the likelihood of the behavior to continue because the child won't want to have the negative stimulus again. For example, if a child is not completing their homework when they get home from school the parent could sit at a table with them (after they get home from work) until they complete the homework. The child will not want the presence of the parent, so the child will start to complete their homework right after school.
If a parent wishes to use positive punishment on a child they give the child a negative consequence after a bad behavior has taken place. This will decrease the likelihood of the bad behavior happening again because the child won't want to deal with the negative consequence. An example of this would be if a child throws a toy at the TV, and then the parent sends them to time out. The child will not throw toys at the TV in the future because they do not want to be taken away from play time to be sent to time out.
If a parent uses negative punishment they are taking something away that the child likes after a bad behavior has occurred. This will decrease the likelihood of the behavior occurring because the child wants to have the things it enjoys. An example of this would be if a child refuses to clean their room the parent could take away their favorite toy. The child will begin to clean their room because they want to be able to play with their favorite toy.
Each of these can be effective when trying to elicit behaviors from a child, but there are a few things to keep in mind. If a parent is using these techniques to either increase or decrease behaviors they must be consistent, cannot make empty threats, and must stay as calm as possible. Reinforcement and punishment are not going to work if the parent some times gives the reward, or some times presents a negative consequence. It is also important to not yell at the child when trying to enforce things because it can create a hostile environment. That is one reason why many people find positive reinforcement works best on children. Positive reinforcement is the most effective because It creates a pleasant experience for the child and parent. I think most people can agree that they would rather be rewarded, or given praise versus getting things taken away, given a negative consequence, or presented with a negative stimulus. A child wants a parents approval, so they will react better to being given positive feedback than negative!
Terms: behavior, elicit, emit, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforcement, punishment, aversive, reward
1) The topic that I chose to talk about token economies and how they can affect and modify behaviors. Even though we haven't really gone into a full discussion about token economies in class, we have mentioned them. And the first two sections that we have read in the book talk about reinforcements, which is what a token economy is all about. I chose this topic and am interested in it because when I was little, my mom used this tactic on me, but it wasn't until I took a psych class that I understood that there was a term for it. So since I know first hand the effects it has on kids, I was interested to see what other people had to say about it.
2) The three aspects I would like to discuss are token economy and autism, token economy and it's effectiveness, and punishment within the token economy system.
3) When looking for information on token economies, I found a lot of websites and discussions about autism and using token economies with children who have learning disabilities. Apparently, the systems of token economy have shown to be more effective with children who are normally resistant to other techniques for managing behaviors. The easy reward system that reinforces behaviors helps children at every step of the autism spectrum because the behavior you want to increase can be chosen to fit the child, as well as choosing a reward that is specific to each kid.
The token economy is very effective in that not only can it work for all types of children, but that it is using a desirable approach to modifying behaviors. Positive reinforcement doesn't tear down the child or make them angry, but instead gives them a goal to work toward and lets them be in control of changing their ways in order to get the reward that they want. Another reason why the token economy is so effective and desirable is because the children get frequent reinforcement, but also get taught delayed gratification and are working towards something. They are shown that their actions, when they change them, can lead to pleasurable consequences. The children also aren't put into competition against each other, but instead are taught to better themselves at their own learning pace.
One thing that token economy does so well, is modify behaviors using positive reinforcement, but there is also discussion about when the child does the wrong type of behavior, does it work still to take away some of those tokens that they worked hard to earn. Most seem to think that taking tokens away seem to do more damage, and make the system weaker. The whole point of the token economy is to have an encouraging way to change behavior, but when negative punishment is thrown into the mix, it seems to confuse the children more. So overall, token economies can be very effective for children of all ages and types of learners, as long as the system is implemented correctly.
Terms: Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Desirable, Pleasurable, Consequence, Behavior
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
My topic is positive and negative reinforcement, which fits into the section that we have covered so far because many of the behaviors that we emit are influenced by punishments and reinforcements. Reinforcement is a procedure that is used to increase the frequency of a behavior. I think this is interesting because I find it extremely applicable in my daily life. I would like to learn more about it to become better at utilizing it. Currently, when my roommate takes out the trash or does the dishes, I will compliment her, deliberately. This makes her experience positive feelings, which is supposed to increase the frequency of her helpful behavior. Therefore, I would like to continue to learning about reinforcement.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I will discuss positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and application of it in one’s daily life.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
When I think of positive reinforcement, I instantly think of the Big Bang theory, which is one of my favorite TV shows. Sheldon uses positive reinforcement to modify Penny’s “bad behavior” by giving her a chocolate whenever she does something right. Sheldon’s roommate, Leonard, mentions that it isn’t right for Sheldon to manipulate Penny by utilizing positive reinforcement. Sheldon responds by spraying him with water, which is an example of positive punishment.
Negative reinforcement is something I am not as familiar with, but it is when one removes a stimulus after a specific behavior is exhibited. This typically creates an outcome that is positive. For example, if there are two negatives, it creates a positive. This is essentially negative reinforcement. An application of this would be if there was an buzzing occurring, which created an annoyance, and then the buzzing sound was removed, which created a positive feeling. With the negative stimulus removed, there was a positive outcome.
As I had mentioned, I am interested in learning how to properly apply reinforcements in my life. I already utilize self-reinforcements to create better behavior habits, but there are times where it would be useful to help my roommate or siblings modify their behavior to prevent conflict. For example, my roommate and I have different living styles- I am a neat, clean person while she is more messy and unorganized. I have been attempting to utilize reinforcements to modify her behavior to be more helpful with the chores. I found a website that shows how properly to utilize behavior modification techniques or procedures such as positive and negative reinforcements. For example, reinforcement actions should be given contingently and immediately after the correct behavior. However, although the schedule should be somewhat consistent, it should also fade over time. I have applied this by positively reinforcing my roommate’s behavior when she washes the dishes and takes out the trash. This situation arises on a daily schedule. Therefore, I will smile, compliment, or thank her for her hard work. I have recently observed an increase in this behavior. I plan to continue positively reinforcing her behavior for the next week. After that, I will begin to fade the frequency and reinforcement, so it is no longer me who is modifying her behavior. Instead, it is her new habit or modified behavior.
Throughout this class, you will see several examples of my roommate or siblings since they are often within the easiest accessibility or the most cooperative and understanding of my experiments.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms and Terminology:
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
1)I have chosen the topic of self-reinforcement. I chose this topic because it was the most interesting to me. It fits in with this weeks section, because it was discussed in section 1.2.
2)The three aspects I would like to discuss are the definition of self-reinforcement, some examples of what it is, and how it is different from regular positive/negative reinforcement.
3) Self-reinforcement is when a person controls their own behavior by rewarding/punishing themselves after a certain behavior is emitted. When this a done the bond between a stimuli and a response is likely to become stronger. A good example of this would be when a kid does all of his chores and homework so then he can go outside and play with his friends. The main difference between self-reinforcement and positive/negative reinforcement is that self-reinforcement comes from within the person and positive/negative reinforcement comes from the people or things surrounding you. An example of positive/negative would be when a child does all of his chores for the week his mother gives him 10 dollars.
Terminology: self-reinforcement, positive reinforment, negative reinforcement, emit, reward, punish, behavior, stimuli
(First post was accidentally submitted)
The next aspect I would like to bring up is post traumatic stress disorder. Post traumatic stress disorder is a mental health disorder caused by a traumatic event. While PTSD is most commonly discussed as a problem afflicting war veterans, it can strike anyone. If a person is still having problems with a traumatic event a month after it happened, it is classified as PTSD. In a news feature on, an article called Stress: The Root of Resilience they write about a woman who dealt with a very traumatic experience and how she is still dealing with it. The article meantioned around 50% of all people have an extremely stressful event in their life but only about 8% of all people develop PTSD because of it. Why is that? That 8% can not seem to get rid of reoccuring thoughts about the experience. They cannot help but avoid cues that would remind them about the experience. They are always on edge. They have gone even beyond having just a negative valence towards things. The woman in the article said she couldn't go near the grocery store where her attack began. Studies show that PTSD patients have smaller areas in the brain associated with stress during their recovery time. From my standpoint, I see PTSD as and extreme case of negative valence.
The last aspect I would like to bring up is how people can develop a valence that turns into a phobia. I have always heard stories about people having a bad experience with something in their childhood which makes them fear it well on into their life whether it be from a scary scene in a movie or a bad run in with a spider. In a post on they say that fear comes from two places; genetic and environmental. Genetics point to us being born with it and while no gene has been found showing a "phobia" gene, the genetic idea does not help with valence and phobias being related. From an environmental standpoint, the two are much more correlated. People can develop fears from adversive events that they dealt with or saw to deter them from coming into contact with something.
Cues, adversive
1.) The topic I chose to focus on for this assignment was specifically positive punishment. I chose this topic because I think punishment could be effective, but it also could be extremely ineffective in terms of truly modifying behavior. However, the effectiveness of it really depends on different factors. I personally don't think that the use of punishment is the best when wanting to modify behavior, especially when it comes to working with children because too much punishment can actually be extremely aversive for children and have negative, long lasting impacts.
2.) The three aspects I would like to talk about for this assignment is how positive punishment is useful, how it can be harmful, and what factors can play a role in what decides that fine line between effective and ineffective.
3.) What I learned during my research kind of confirmed how I already feel about punishment. I focused more so on positive punishment because I think it can be greatly misused and have some really negative effects. The two articles I looked at really focused on how parents tend to use punishment wrong and actually one of the perspectives was something I had never even considered. Now, to start off, according to research and what I found on the internet, punishment can actually be effective. The goal of positive/negative punishment is to decrease the likelihood of a behavior being emitted. An example of negative punishment would be something like taking away a teenager's cell phone because it's the removal of something they like, where as positive punishment is the addition of something they dislike, such as putting a child in time out. When done correctly, these strategies can properly teach children very valid lessons and modify their behaviors. However, often times, punishment is actually mistakenly done wrong. One of the points made in one of the articles I read was that, especially when working with a child, if a child is punished more than they are rewarded, this can be really detrimental on the child. This can even negatively impact a child's self esteem throughout their lives. Another point made that I hadn't thought about before was the fact that sometimes, parents will use something meant to be used as punishment that shouldn't be. An example used was making a child sit down and read as punishment. This is a poor use of punishment because it makes the child view reading as something negative, but reading should actually be an encouraged behavior. Overall, although punishment can help in modifying behaviors, it is actually more useful to use reinforcement, especially with children because they respond really well to being rewarded.
TERMS: Positive punishment, negative punishment, reinforcement, behavior, modify, emitted, aversive, rewarded
(go to :26 in this video).
For my topical blog this week, I have chosen to write about self reinforcement. This is what stuck out to me the most this week. Self reinforcement is The idea of rewarding oneself for actions is definitely appealing, more so than consequences. What intrigued me the most about self reinforcement was the parallel between that and self esteem. The example used in the text book was that a person at a party who told a bad joke did not notice because they laughed at it themselves, thus reinforcing their behavior. This can be argued as the start of building a strong self esteem, which is one of the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy or needs.
While many people realize that positive reinforcement from an outside source is very crucial in building self esteem, there is a large trend lately that revolves around loving oneself. In order to do this, one would need to find ways to self reinforce their behavior. For instance, if a vocal student who is a little on the shy side needs help hitting high notes, her vocal teacher can first tell him/her that the pitch was correct and the sound was on point. But in order for the vocal student to consistently hit the high note with confidence, they would have to bolster their ego by using techniques such as telling themselves good job, or perhaps buying themselves a treat when the notes was accomplished so many times. Once the confidence is built, then the self reinforcement becomes second nature. In Positive Reinforcement and Self Esteem by Ed, he comments that it is the small successes that can build oneself up. He used in his article and example of a basketball team getting positive reinforcement via praise for a win. To self reinforce, someone could do a small victory dance after a 3 point shot, and work their way up to fist pumps and shouts of triumph.
With these successes, the feelings we have for ourselves increase. Not only does one get positive outside influences on the ego, but inside they are radiant as well. Before they know it, their small successes are greatness, which cannot be achieved without their personal conquest. Slef reinforcement is good at minimizing one aspect that affects the self esteem: placing blame. Many are good at placing blame where it does not belong. That slow car in front of you made you late, or your babysitter didn’t show up in time. How about, because I was pregnant at 19 and had a baby, that holds me back from going to college. To minimize one’s weaknesses, helps them to maximize self reinforcement.
When focusing on self reinforcement, people are focusing on themselves and how they are portrayed. Many people go through a process to rationalize their decisions that is called self affirmation. This is when you are in an interview and they ask you the most hated (or in some case, loved) question, “What about you set you apart from all the others?” People then go on to say what sets them apart from the rest of the crowd, why they cost a pretty penny. In the article I read entitles Understanding the Self Reinforcement Process, they believe this notion has a lot to do with the culture someone grows up in.
According to The Iris Center, there are certain things that can be gained by strategic and routine self reinforcement. These gains include an improvement in the student’s performance,, they become actively engages in learning, and they learn more about what it is like to be an adult. Self reinforcement can be even more effective in the classroom environment than a teacher imposed reward. I know that from now on, once my homework assignments are done I will definitely be giving myself a little treat! Maybe then that will ensure that I keep doing them!
Self Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, self affirmation, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
How different environments affect human behavior is what I choose to discuss. The text (chapter 1, section 1.1, pg. 6) briefly mentioned how the environment can influence behavior and how controlling the environment controls the behavior. When we say we can control the environment, some people say behaviors exist in the environment. I chose to talk about this because it isn't something you think you talk about everyday. "Hey, how are you? How's the environment affecting your behavior today?"... We actually talk about it more often than you'd think: "Are you doing okay today? I know you and your husband are going through a divorce and it must be hard at home with the children..." Okay, I know not everyone says this everyday, BUT the environment isn't just about green grass, lakes, and wildlife. It is more about your living environment: your noisy home, your boring work, your relaxing yoga class, that coffee shop with the nice music, the park with the barking dogs... This all can affect your behavior. So, after reading about the little bit in chapter 1, I became very interested in learning more about it.
I want to talk about how different environments can change children's behavior, which environment affects your behavior the most, and possible bad behavior interventions. For example, when you're in a doctors office, you are more likely to be calm and quiet whereas if you are at a party, you wouldn't feel the need to be quiet because everyone is laughing and having a good time. I found that personal environments such as your home and school affects your children's behavior in many ways. There is an intervention I found interesting in one of my sources about how to help your children with their bad behavior... I will discuss this more in detail down below.
Theres many different ways your behavior can be influenced by your environment. A very influential environment is your home. In your home, your behavior is more... "exotic." What I mean by this is that you are more willing to do a certain behavior at home than you are anywhere else and this is the same for children as well. For example, walking around without any pants on... I would do this at home, but never out in public like the supermarket. That was a little out there. Childrens' behavior is influenced very greatly in the home environment. If they are very conformable in there home, their behavior may be more erratic, whereas if they don't feel comfortable, their behavior may be more stable. If a children's behavior is not what you would like, there are some interventions you can use. You can make a change in the environment. You want to aim for consistency, don't blame your child, and possibly change your expectations for the child. This can greatly help with your child's behavior in your home environment. This actually can be used with any environment and with not only children but adults as well, whether it be in the workplace or at home. The home is not the only influential place on your behavior though. Children's schools are very influential from when they are just starting up until the graduate high school. Their peers, teachers, and even the rules they have will influence them to elicit different behaviors.
The environment has a great impact on your behavior as well as children's behavior. You can modify theses environments to change your behavior and vice versa. You can change your behavior to make the environment more desirable.
Terms used: behavior, influence, elicit
1) For this assignment I decided my topic will be about rein forcers and punishers. This fits into exactly what we are learning about in section 1.2. I want to learn more about this topic because I think it would be interesting to explore the differences between the two and which one will work better. I’ve heard a lot that reinforcing will do better job, but I don’t know why. Also, even though I’ve heard that a lot, I also know most people in America use lots of punishments.
2) I would like to start it off with talking about Skinner operant conditioning to let you know how we use the reinforcement, punishment, and how the study of this started off. Next I would like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages about reinforcement. Then to follow that I’d like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages about punishment.
To start things off I would like to talk about BF Skinner and his Operant Conditioning. This is so we can understand reinforcement and punishment and how they work to improve a behavior. What is the difference between reinforcement and punishment? Reinforcers are responses from the environment that make that behavior to happen more often. Punishment is the exact opposite which mean they are responses from the environment that make that behavior less likely to happen. Now don’t get punishment confused with it only being negative. Both reinforcers and punishers can be either positive or negative. Positive means you are giving or putting in a stimuli and negative means taking away a stimuli. An example of a positive reinforcement would be if a mom wanted to motivate her kids to do the dishes more often, then after the kids do the dishes she give them some money for it. Because the kids like this, then they felt more motivated to the dished more often. The positive stimulus was the mom giving her kids the money. An example of a negative punishment would be if a kid stays out past there curfew so then there parents deiced to take away her technology. The negative stimuli is taking away that technology and the punishment is the child to most likely to not stay out later than their curfew.
Now getting on to the advantages and disadvantages for reinforcement. First off, reinforcements make us feel good and it makes us happy to do that behavior again. The disadvantage to this is that we like the prize itself but don’t really think or realize they are doing that behavior they may not usually like. This also puts out the wrong attitude towards behaviors. It makes them think in order to do a behavior they will get a prize at the end, if that prize stops happening then the behavior is most likely not happen. Another example of a reinforcer, but this time a negative reinforcer would be, if a child had a plate of veggies in front of him so he screamed as loud as he could because he didn’t want them. Then his parents take those veggies away, which makes the kid scream more. The negative is the parent taking away the veggies but the reinforcement would be the kid screaming more often to get what he wants.
For punishment now, there are a lot more disadvantages than advantages. An advantage is that when you want a behavior to stop then this is a very quick and easy way to treat it. It’s much easier grown a kid then to try to figure a negative reinforcer. For the disadvantages, punishment makes unpleasant reaction and to discourage a behavior. There is also the fact that this behavior is done off of fear and that’s not a healthy emotion. Also when these people are not afraid anymore then that behavior will stop because they are okay with whatever outcome they are going to get. Another is that the result is not always permanent so the behavior will wear away. The biggest factor is that it does make people feel good. Now another example of a punishment, but a positive punishment would be, if you are late for school you drive way over the speed limit, then because of that you get a speeding ticket. The positive would be the police officer giving you a ticket which the punishment is that you are less likely to speed again. To wrap things up, to me the reason why I have heard so much that reinforcement is better than punishment is because reinforcement makes people happy. Which this makes sense, why would you want someone to feel bad when you can just do it a different way to make them make them happy. Everyone wants to have a happy life.
terms: Operant conditioning, reinforcers, punishers, positive, negative, reward, consequence, stimulus, behavior, motivation
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
-The topic that I will be discussing is punishment. Punishment fits into the section that we have been talking about because the section's main focus was reinforcement and punishment. Most people have emitted a behavior at one point or another and that behavior may have been responded to with punishment.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The aspects that I want to talk about with this topic is positive punishment, negative punishment, and the effects of spanking as a punishment and whether it was positive or negative.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
I want to start off by defining and then giving some examples of positive punishment. Positive punishment involves presenting an unfavorable outcome towards an undesirable behavior. When you touch a hot stove, it's very hot, but you know to not touch it again because you don't want to feel that pain. The punishment was the heat, but it's a positive punishment because it taught you to not do that again. Another example could be your cell phone rings in class and you get yelled at by the professor for not shutting it off. You being yelled at is the punishment, but it's not something you desire have happen to you again so you remember to turn off your phone before class starts.
Negative Punishment refers to the removal of a desirable stimulus or opportunity in response to an unwanted behavior, in order to decrease the probability of that behavior occurring again. An example would be fines from a speeding ticket, because you get fined and you must pay that fine. Now you hopefully won't speed because you don't want to have to pay the fine anymore. Another example would be having your toys taken away as a child because you did something wrong. The child will no longer behave that way because they don't want their toys to get taken away.
I quickly determined that positive punishment was defined as a positive punishment. Unfortunately spanking has many long term effects that are negative. Spanking causes a "loop of bad behavior." It instills fear rather than understanding, and teaches that aggression is a solution to solving problems.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.,9171,1983895,00.html
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
1. (Topic Intro)
The topic that I have decided to do research on is Self-Reinforcement. (How does it fit?) Self-reinforcement is a form of reinforcement dealing with the ABC’s. More specifically dealing with the emotional response or the aversive consequence of the resulting behavior. In dealing with the aversive consequence we can use self-reinforcement to gain a pleasurable response to the resulting consequence for the given behavior. (Why so interested?) Self-Reinforcement is all around us. I usually facilitate self-reinforcement when I am in the process of learning a new skill, changing a behavior, or relying on pleasurable affirmations. I say this because day to day I find myself in situations where I might second guess my decision to emit a behavior due to the potential consequence from the behavior. As I come to my behavior and the resultant consequence is undesirable, I use self-reinforcement to reinforce a behavior to the consequence that I aspire for.
2. (3 Aspects)
The first aspect is knowing your limits. The second aspect is the valance of the self-reinforcement. The third and final aspect of self-reinforcement is evaluated results.
(Knowing your limits) Self-reinforcement can only work when you want to make a change. “Wanting” to make a change can refer to as motivation. From the clip it is shown that motivation is a key element in making changes, as the higher the motivation the higher the amount of effort that we can put into making these changes. Looking at that concept we can see that the lower amount of required motivation it takes to accomplish a self-reinforcement change the higher the potential is for us to go through with that change. Leading into the aspect of knowing your limits. Knowing and understanding how much you are willing to change, or for that matter, able to change, is what I believe is the biggest part of utilizing self-reinforcement. If you do not understand your limits you will not be able to successfully identify the reinforcement of a behavior that is too much for you to handle. While at the same time if you constantly make miniscule changes you won’t put yourself in a position where the reinforced behavior changes the consequence. And finally from the web sources we can see it is important to reinforce an idea or behavior that is within your limits to have a successful or pleasurable outcome.
(Valance of reinforcement) Valance refers to the value of the reinforcement. This also can refer to the pleasurable or aversive effect the reinforcement has. Knowing and realizing the valance of your self-reinforcement is very effective in developing a consistent pattern within the reinforcement of ideas. Pleasurable valance of self-reinforcement will cause you to repeat the behavior more frequently. While an aversive valance will result in the behavior to decrease in frequency. This is important to consider as you will not want to reduce the frequency of a behavior that you would want to increase and vice versa.
(Evaluation of Self-reinforcement) Evaluating the self-reinforcement is what can take self-reinforcement to higher levels. Evaluation of the outcome of the reinforced behavior will help in the understanding the valance and limitations of the reinforcement. Evaluation can usually be determined from the resulting consequence. When you evaluate the self-reinforcement you can notice the patterns of the results. When you look into the patterns you might find out self-reinforcement ideas that work the best for you and even find some that do not work as well. This will allow you to either dismiss or increase the frequencies of the reinforced attempt. This is basically used to create a consistent and satisfying result.
3. (URLs)
(Terminology) Self-reinforcement, pleasurable, aversive, emit, consequence, valence, reinforcement, behavior, pleasurable, reinforce.
I noticed that sections 1.1 and 1.2 discussed the basics of behavior modification: the ABCs and reinforcement and punishment. The first reading went into detail about how behavior modification consists of three components: an antecedent, a behavior, and a consequence. The second reading went into detail about reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement means to increase or strengthen the target behavior, while punishment means to reduce or weaken the target behavior. There are two types of valences that can be linked to reinforcement and punishment: a positive valence and a negative valence. This combination of two by two leads to a total of four types of going about changing someone’s, or your own, behavior.
The first of the four combinations is positive reinforcement. The ‘positive valence’ means to have a good, favorable experience or to be fond of the experience. Positive reinforcement will strengthen a response by introducing something pleasant after a behavior. The second of the four combinations is negative reinforcement. The ‘negative valence’ means to have a poor, unsatisfying experience. Negative reinforcement will strengthen a response by removing something unpleasant. The third of the four combinations is positive punishment. These words seem like they would be polar opposites, but when you separate the two words and define them first it provides a clearer understanding of what it means to use positive punishment. This type of behavior modification occurs when something unpleasant is introduced after the behavior to weaken the response ( The fourth of the four combinations is negative punishment. This type of behavior modification occurs when pleasant stimuli are removed and the target behavior is weakened. I have trouble keeping a couple of these straight so the separation method is how I more easily remember the behavior modification strategies.
While reading these sections I wondered which is more effective in the education setting. I have previously taken developmental psychology and we only briefly discussed operant conditioning and B.F. Skinner. My interest in school counseling also led me on this path of which is more effective in an educational setting. I also wondered if these could be taught to parents, used as a guide to assist them with parenting skills. I had a difficult time finding many relevant articles on this topic, which makes sense as behavior modification can be seen in a negative light. I was hoping not to find a repeat of John Watson’s Little Albert study. Although I feel that Watson’s, as well as other prominent behavior psychologists, work was beneficial to the field there were definitely ethical violations; this seems to be the case in many ‘classic’ psychological studies. He was an orphan who was conditioned to be afraid of furry white creatures and that seems wrong on so many levels. When I was researching which type of operant conditioning was most helpful in class I stumbled upon a site where the authors mentioned that positive reinforcement is a good application for the education system. Although the authors said that it has increased work completion and on-task behavior, they bring up a valid con: teachers need to be careful that they do not begin the positive reinforcement at a level that is too high for their pupils ( In other words, it should be a gradual process, with a baseline goal, rather than 5 to 0. For example, if Rebecca distracted the class 5 times, no positive reinforcement would be instituted. If the next time she only distracted the class 3 times, the teacher should engage her with praise. To put this example in terms of the ABCs of behavior modification, the antecedent would be at the school (before the behavior began), the behavior would be interrupting the class, and the consequence would be being reprimanded by the teacher. To institute one of the four types of modification techniques teachers must consistently respond to a student. This is a challenge in the classroom especially due to the fact that class sizes can vary from 15 to 30 students (a rough estimate). If all of the students are having issues, the teacher may not have time (or the energy for that matter) to reinforce or punish every behavior. It is much easier for a teacher to catch a student acting out than it is to keep track of ‘good’ behavior. The main goal of behavior modification in the classroom is to decrease ‘bad behavior’ and increase ‘good’ behavior. Some other, more generalized, examples of behavior modification include modeling, shaping, self-monitoring, praise and approval, etc. (
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement, Punishment, Positive Valence, Negative Valence, Target Behavior, Stimuli, B.F. Skinner, Education, Counseling, Teachers, John Watson, Behaviorists, Modeling, Shaping, Praise, Self-Monitoring
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far and why you are interested in it.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
2) Next I would like you to take info you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize them into the three aspects of the topic, then write about the topic
3) Include the URLS for the websites and lit the vocab and terminology
The topic I have chosen to discuss today is the matter of positive and negative reinforcements, what is the difference? Well, in my previous psychology course I would always be a bit flummoxed by the use of the term "negative reinforcement". When I think of the word "negative" I think of something bad or a punishment of sorts, like a spanking or a time out. As for the term positive reinforcement, the thought came to mind of something good such as a reward like a sticker, candy or a toy. When these two terms were put together I would get very confused about how negative reinforcement could possibly be used "for good" so to speak. After doing further research and looking at several real life examples I now understand that negative reinforcement is not merely a means of punishing someone for bad behavior but rather rewarding a student for removing a stimulus that causes bad behavior.
The example that I found to be most helpful was one from a website that dealt with the situation of a boy named Steve and his body odor issue. In this scenario, the antecedent was that Steve had a bad smell due to not showering in over a month. Steve chose to remove the bad stimulus, aka his terrible stench, by taking a shower or partaking in a positive/ healthy behavior. The consequence of that decision was that Steve's body odor issue was gone and he felt good about himself, thus further encouraging his good behavior of regular showers.
As a future elementary school teacher, I will be in charge of helping cultivate the behaviors that will affect the lives of my students. In order for me to be an effective teacher, it is important for me to have a clear understanding of the effects of positive and negative reinforcements as well as how they are more effective than merely punishing the students for unwanted behavior. More likely than not, punishment typically has an unfavorable outcome because it does nothing to encourage any form of positive behavior, it merely attacks, like a flash in the pan reaction. Younger students especially do not react kindly to punishment alone, as they do not understand the reason they are being punished and it does nothing but harbor bad feelings towards the punisher. Being a teacher and the enforcer of good behavior I will need to not only create an environment that encourages these good behaviors but I need to think critically about ways I can use positive and negative reinforcement to combat any behavioral issues.
Another element in this equation is the matter of integrated classrooms. This is a hot button issue in the education world as more children are being diagnosed with autism. Teachers need to be aware of classroom management and especially careful with the ways they help encourage or discourage certain behaviors. For example, an issue with children with autism is they have an increased sensitivity in noise. Too much noise can be very overstimulating for a child with autism and can cause them to become distressed or act out. A way to combat this is by using earplugs or noise cancelling headphones to remove the noise, aka the stimulus. By doing this, the child is soothed and the behavior of using noise cancelling headphones or earplugs is then encouraged. In other words, the antecedent of this situation is too much noise, thus the behavior being the child requiring headphones or ear plugs. The consequence of this is that the sound is diminished, the child is soothed, and class can resume as usual.
Terminology: Consequent, Behavior, Antecedent, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Autism, Rewards, Classroom Management
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
I read in a couple of sources after a general research how reinforcement, or positive reinforcement, was the one behavior modification that worked the best way. So I made it my topic since we talked about it Section 1.2 and because I want to find out why is it the best way to change behavior.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I want to know more about how reinforcement works and where it comes from, what is the difference with negative reinforcement, and also why is it the best way to have a behavior modification.
3) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
As I started my research, I will start explaining the meaning of reinforcement. In psychology it is the term we use to define the increase of certain behavior. It is probably that when you get a reward or a complement after some action you will repeat that action. For example, in the case you have a dog you already know how this works, because when you want to teach them how to seat, you need to give them some candy or food, so they will repeat the action. It is actually the same way when you try to teach your children how to behave or accomplish their goals. Everyone likes when they praise you, or when you get good grades and your parents are happy about it so you will get something from it. That way you will keep trying to get grades to get something else. We can talk about reinforcement and behavior in general since Skinner started his studies about it las century. Also reinforcement is well known because of the Russian psychologist Pavlov and his experiment with dogs.
On the other hand, when we talk about negative reinforcement we are still trying to increase a behavior but using a different method. When there is an aversive stimulus, something you don’t like, you will change your behavior in order for it to disappear, so this way your behavior is increasing. We can see an example in the classroom of an elementary school when the teacher won’t let you go on break until you finish the coloring paper that everyone have already done. So the little kid at this time will try to finish the coloring sheet so they will let him go on the break.
I will also like to point out how positive reinforcement when it is well used it will be the most effective method we could use for a behavior modification. But there is a specific time when it is the best time to do so, and that is right after the behavior has occurred. What this means is that when you want to increase a behavior you should praise it right in the moment the behavior ended. For example, when you are training your dog to seat you will give them candy right when they touch the floor, so the association between sitting and an award, in this case candy, is done. You can also relate this to the reinforcement schedules. There are different times when you can give the reinforcement, but as we said, immediately after the behavior is the best time. The problem that continuous schedules have is that when you already know when you are getting the reinforcement you will just emit the behavior previous to it. So after this we can confirm that variable reinforcements are better because if you don’t know when the reinforcement is coming you will just work all the time to get your job done. It is also important that the reinforcement is done frequently. You can’t expect for a behavior to change if you just reinforce it once or twice because if you would do this, then by the sixth time, or so, you will realize that there is no award after it, so you will stop that behavior, and therefore there would be no modification.
4) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, positive, negative, behavior modification, Skinner, Pavlov.
After reading about reinforcers and punishers in section 1.2, I tried to think of a major aspect of my life where I had used them to change my behavior in some way. Something that I became interested in after graduating high school was fitness and health. Diet culture is huge these days. There are so many types of diet plans and fads that are going around. The cover of most magazines say things like, “Lose 10 pounds in a week!”, and, “New superfruit helps burn stomach fat better than leading weight loss pill!”, and then will show a picture of some celebrity bending over in a bikini and mention how much weight they have gained and how unattractive it makes them look. The media is using this method to try to control the people who see these magazines’ behavior, but I am actually going to talk about a specific part of most diets that people add to their diet plans to control their own behavior called “cheat meals”. The three aspects about “cheat meals” that I would like to talk about are how positive reinforcers work, the ideology behind them within a diet plan, and whether or not “cheat meals” are actually effective.
A positive reinforcer is a component of operant learning where a stimulus is added after a behavior that would make the behavior more likely to occur again. For example, if a child were to get a good score on a test, their teacher would give them a piece of candy to make the child want to get a good grade on the next test. Something pleasurable is added so the child will elicit the desired behavior again. Cheat meals are the same idea. First of all, a cheat meal is when after sticking to a diet plan for so long, a person allows themself to stray from the original plan for one meal as a reward for sticking to it for so long. The idea is that if a person allows is allowed this award at the end of the week or month (or in my case, day) for sticking to the plan they will be more likely stay on track because not only do they have something to look forward to, they also get to satisfy a craving. (This is psychologically speaking, anyway. There are some arguments about cheat meals that discuss if they are helpful or not physiologically). Something good is added to elicit the desired behavior again. So in theory, cheat meals should be the key to a successful diet, right? Although some sources say yes, many say no. Those that say yes use the reasoning stated above. Those that say no believe that it is because after so long of eating salad after salad, a person will have their cheat meal, but not know when to stop. They will feel bad, like they’ve “lost”, and then will quit. Another scenario where cheat meals would be a person’s diet downfall would be when they allow themselves too many cheat meals. But are cheat meals really that bad? Honestly, it depends on the person. It depends on how much valence is placed on pleasurable food, and how much is placed on not to look like the woman in a bikini on the cover of a magazine (or to look like the man on the cover of Men’s Health). A person enjoying food that they like will make them happy and a person’s happiness should have more valence their looks.
Positive, Reinforcers, Punishers, Elicit, Pleasurable, Valence, Reward
1) I chose to look at how environment affects behavior. This fits well into our topics we have been looking at because how environment affects behavior is kind of the next step in our ABCs of behavior. I find this topic interesting because we don't always think about how things around us are controlling what we do.
2)The aspects of this topic I want to talk about are as follows: I want to discuss how environment shapes our behaviors in the developing stages of our life, I want to look at how environment shapes our social interactions, and I want to look at some applications, centering on how environment affects some health behaviors.
3)Environmental controls on behavior play a very important part in the formative years of development. One example of how this affects behavior development is in young children. When a toddler sees a toy or something it wants to play with, it will grab for it, regardless of the actual distance of the toy. If it is out of reach of the toddler, it will not be able to reach it, and will stop reaching for it if it's too far away because it is not rewarded. This antecedent consequence relationship builds the path to understanding what distance means, if they want the toy, they will have to make the behavior to move their entire body, instead of just reaching for it.
A sort of extension of this idea of environment shaping behavior then becomes that of how we evaluate and modify our behavior in social settings. What this really boils down to is how we read small signals from people we are interacting with and use antecedent consequence relationships to modify our behavior. If we are acting one way and interpreting cues from the other person that we perceive as averse, we will modify our behavior to better fit this social environment.
A real life application of this applies to health habits. Our environment has a lot of control over a multitude of choices that affect our health. Having a large array of options to eat, such as at a buffet make us eat more. Eating with obese people in your environment can also increase how much you eat. The food choices of those you eat with also influences you. It also holds true for smoking, they find that smoking habits tend to be in pockets of social circles, if your friends all smoke, you're more likely to as well. A lot of the time if it is in your environment, or a certain behavior is seemingly promoted in your environment, you are more likely to pick up on it.
environment, behavior, antecedent, consequence.
1.) My topic for this assignment is going to be punishment and how it affects people. I chose this specific topic because I feel like punishment can’t be helpful in a way but at the same time it could be useful. I want to know what now day’s parents think about punishment, and also how punishment has changed through generations and what not. From the chapters we have learned so far we have figured out that punishment is a way to decrease a behavior, and this is why this technique works out in many ways for people.
2.) The three aspects I would like to focus on are:
- The history on punishment and how it all started
- The positive and negative affects of punishment
- The techniques of punishments and examples parents and people use
3.) Punishment has always been away to decrease an unwanted behavior. So that is basically how it all started. People saw that after they punished someone after doing something they didn’t like, the behavior would disappear or there would be very little occurrence of the behavior which is what the outcome was suppose to be like. Punishment wasn’t a hard concept to make happen. It was pretty self-explanatory to everybody. Now everyone knows that there is positive punishment and also negative punishment.
Positive punishment occurs when someone isn’t doing something they don’t like but they still do it, and then you punish them in a “negative way” so technically your still punishing them in a negative way, but you are trying to decrease a behavior they would like to decrease as well. For example if a child was picking their nose and the teacher decided to point it out the whole class then obviously he or she would be embarrassed and more than likely not do that behavior again. When a Negative punishment would be if someone is enjoying something there doing and then they misbehave or what not and you have to punishment therefore, they have to stop doing something that they are enjoying which would mean it’s a negative punishment. An example of this would be if someone really enjoyed going to an amusement park but they didn’t something to never be allowed there again, this would be a negative punishment because now this person will not be allowed to do what he or she enjoys. Now research shows that different punishment as in positive and negative punishments act differently upon whom the person is. Some might react to positive punishments better than negative punishments or vice versa.
Now going back with the history of punishment Skinner decided to use positive punishment in his concept of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is a method that leads to the learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. Skinner thought that it was not really needed to look at internal thoughts and motivations in order to explain behavior. Instead, he suggested, we should look only at the external, observable causes of human behavior. (Which is how this related to behavior modification). The beginning of the 20th-century, behaviorism had become a major force within psychology. Behaviorism can explain a lot about people and what not. Also earlier in the day Watsons idea was very valuable as well. Watson focused a lot on the principle aspects of classical conditioning, he believed he could take any person regardless of their background and train them to be anything he chose. Where when the early behaviorist focused more of their interests on associative learning, Skinner was more interested in how the consequences of people's actions influenced their behavior. Which related more to our class Behavior Modification. So now that we have a basic understanding in where punishment came from we can talk about the different techniques of punishments
There are a lot of different types of punishments. I would like to focus more on a parent child type of punishment. Simply because I can relate to it a lot because my parents used a lot of different typed of punishments towards me. There are two different typed of punishments that I like to look at. The first would be the “mean kind” and the other would be the “nicer” kind. The meaner kind would involve more like physical punishment, and the yelling, and hitting, and black mailing, and than the nicer kind of punishment would be more of the natural consequence and logical consequences. A lot of people think that punishments don’t really work. Physical punishment usually doesn't work for several reasons. First, it makes the child hate him and others. Physical punishment makes the child think that there must be something awfully wrong with him to be treated so badly. If children think they are "bad," then they will act "bad." A harsh cycle is formed. The child who has been treated harshly has no reason to be good. Or he may be good just to keep from being punished and not learn to be good because he thinks it is the right thing to do, and as for the other types of punishments, they seem to work better for kids and people in general.
TERMINOLOGY: Negative Punishment, Positive Punishment, Positive reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, exhibiting behaviors, operant conditioning, behavior, consequence, desirable, undesirable.
1) My topic for this post is the effects of verbal abuse on a child’s behavior. This topic goes along with a topic that was discussed in section 1.2. The topic is reinforcement. This an example of reinforcement because the child or children are being exposed to verbal abuse either by being verbal abuse or being a witness to their parents’ verbal abusing each other. Which then show the child or children that it is okay to belittle others. So their parents are increasing the chance that their children will become verbal abusive to their spouse and children.
2) The three aspects that I would like to discuss are; the effects that verbal abuse have on children’s behavior, the effects that verbal abuse haves on the child and how verbal abuse can be a reinforcement.
3) After doing some research on the effects of verbal abuse on a child’s behavior, I found some interesting information. One thing that was discussed in the articles were some effects that verbal abuse haves on children. Some of this effects are low esteem, lack of trust in others, anger issues, depression, emotional disorders, anxiety, and more likely to become an abuser their selves. Another thing that was discuss was some statistics. Such as 63 % of 3000 American parents that took the survey at NH University stated that there was one or more case of verbal abuse toward a child in their household. Lastly, the articles discuss the fact that if a child is a victim of verbal abuse they will become critical of themselves. Then anytime that something goes wrong they will think less of themselves causing them to become more depression and etc.
Terms: reinforcement, behavior,
1). I have chosen to blog about reinforcement because I think it’s a very interesting topic and I can apply my learning to my life today. It is also something that just needs to be more well know for all people.
2). -reinforcement vs. punishment
-positive vs. negative reinforcement
-types of scheduled reinforcement
3).The first thing that I would like to talk about is the difference between reinforcement and punishment. Negative reinforcement is rewarding a person for good behavior. Punishment is taking something away from the person. Although both have similar characteristics such as, being positive by adding a stimulus and being negative by removing it. In one of my sources says, “Punishment: To decrease the probability of a behaviour occurring in the future—it discourages the target behaviour.(psychology in action)” I thought that this was a great way to write it. The next thing I would like to talk about is positive vs. negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is when you add something desirable to promote good behavior. Positive reinforcement encourages the good behavior in hopes that it will occur again in the future. Negative reinforcement removes something that the person wants in hopes to diminish the behavior from happening in the future. The third topic I am going to talk about is the schedules of reinforcement. If reinforcement is implemented on a regular basis it is considered to be on continuous schedule. If reinforcement is implemented on an irregular basis it is considered to be a variable schedule. Both of the schedule types have two categories in them. Under the continuous schedule there are fixed ratios and fixed intervals. A Fixed ratio schedule is like it sounds, for example a parent tells a child four times to clean up there toys but they don’t so you put then in time out. Fixed interval schedules are setting a time then using the reinforcement. The two subcategories under variable schedules are variable ratio and variable interval. Variable ratio and variable interval is the same as fixed ratio and fixed interval except there isn’t a set number of times, the times change and are random.
1) Topic, how it fits in section, why interested?
For this blog post I chose to write about different theories of discipline based on reinforcement and punishment in a classroom or school setting; this relates to the second section of the chapter we read that defined the characteristics and contexts of reinforcement and punishment. I am interested in this topic because one of my roommates is an education major and often speaks about different theories of discipline in the classroom. By completing this assignment I hope to be able to have a more informed discourse with her about discipline and possibly provide her with another perspective through which to view the topic.
2) I thought a good starting point for this assignment would be exploring different theories of discipline that are typically used in classrooms, regardless of whether or not these techniques used reinforcement and punishment directly, to get a broad sense of the topic before narrowing my focus. The model for discipline that was most frequently mentioned throughout the sources was the behavioral model. Under this model there are a myriad of theories but I found that almost all of them had aspects of punishment and reinforcement. One of the notable theories I read up on under this model is called The Kounin Mode. In Jacob Kounin’s classroom studies in the 1970’s he found that a focus on preventive discipline and a mix of student and teacher behavior modification were ideal for a well-managed classroom. Another model with behaviorist influences is Canter’s assertive behavioral model; this system emphasizes the control and communication of the teacher as being the driving force behind the behavior of the students. Besides the behavioral model, another method of classroom discipline is called the cognitivist approach. A theory that is popular in this model asserts that behavior is a genetic response based on the brain’s specific needs; this is called ‘choice theory’. Developed by William Glasser, this theory suggests that the brain is motivated by eight basic needs and all behavior stems from the fulfillment of these needs.
Moving on from theory, I was next interested in how these different models are implemented in the classroom. The Kounin Mode is mainly a teacher-driven model of discipline in that it depends on the behaviors of the teacher to prevent misbehavior in students. The model suggests that teachers who specifically and directly address misbehavior in one child will influence the behavior of the whole class. Involving all students in the class, and the ability of the teacher to be aware of everything that is happening in the class are also strategies the model poses for preventing bad behavior. The other behaviorist model takes a very different route in the way it focuses on reacting to behavior rather than trying to prevent misbehavior. The main way Canter’s model implements this is by having the instructor of the class make a concrete list of rules and corresponding consequences for when these rules are broken, but also makes use of the ‘modeling’ technique that suggests teachers provide students with an example of the behavior for them to emulate. The model that Glasser presents as choice theory is probably the most difficult of these to implement. This is because the model is very reliant on self-discipline and personal cognitions, the most that is suggested is that the teacher make the classroom environment the most conducive to learning and acceptance as possible.
I would assert that in their own way all of these theories make use of the reinforcement and punishment aspects of behavior modification. For example, in Kounin’s theory as well as in Canter’s model there is a high stress on making punishments and reinforcements consistent. The target behaviors of these models can be either punishments or reinforcements, but throughout both the behaviorist theories there is some reliance on reinforcement. This is not the case with punishments, which all theories mentioned as being less effective than reinforcements. Canter’s model in particular emphasizes positive encouragement and rewards for good behavior, consistent punishment for bad behavior, and specific and defined consequences or rewards for both. One punishment that was cited as being among the most effective was labeled ‘response cost’. This method of punishment involves taking away something that a student has earned or worked towards, and could also be applied in the behavioral theories along with reinforcement.
Terms: Reinforcement, Punishment, reinforcer, punisher, aversive, behavioral model, choice theory, cognitivist model, The Kounin Mode, Canter’s assertive behavioral model, target behavior, response cost, modeling
1.What the topic is, how it exactly fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
Reinforcement and Punishment was the topic covered in section 1.2. I am interested in learning more about them because they are occurring all of the time without even noticing in our everyday living.
2.What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
I would like to further this topic in area of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment in child care and I want to dig deeper into positive and negative valences.
3.Research found on these topics.
BF Skinner started this research way back when he conditioned rats by the consequences which then lead to their behavior being repeated with a positive consequence and not repeated with a negative one. Positive reinforcement’s purpose is for that same behavior to happen again in contrast to negative reinforcement which is to increase certain desired behaviors to happen more often.
Punishment on the other hand is to decrease undesired behaviors. Research that I found was very clear about when it’s the right time to use discipline. I liked how they stated, “if you use discipline for every undesired behavior, then the discipline will lose its impact and not matter to the child, just frustrating you more.” Positive punishment presents the negative consequence after a poor behavior causing the behavior less likely to occur. Negative punishment is when a desired stimulus is removed after a poor behavior is displayed again resulting in decrease in the future.
I feel as though there is always room that I can improve with both my positive and negative reinforcement and punishment. I have nieces and nephews now, along with nannying and work with youth in organizations, and also hope to have children of my own someday. With this information it will be nice to know that with positive reinforcement I can apply allowance, special activities, prizes and verbal praise. It is said not to use corporal punishment because it increases aggression. This is where I would like to switch over to the positive and negative valences.
Valences associate with emotions so a negative valence would be anger and fear whereas joy being positive. I like how the book uses the vocabulary such as pleasant, desirable, or attracting for positive and unpleasant, undesirable, or aversive for negative. Valences can be used to describe a person’s experience. It is studied that key words that are negative have more emotion focus than positive. I can understand why this would be in terms of reinforcement because people would rather face positive reinforcement than negative.
It was neat to dig deeper on these topics and learn more about how I can apply these in the future. Focusing on reinforcement and punishment as a whole is what I chose to do with this assignment because I think that it’s important to have a good understanding on the basic principles from the get go before moving forward. I can always learn and grow more in knowledge and I am pleased with what this class has to offer with allowing us to choose the topics to do so in.
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
The topic I have chosen is negative reinforcement covered in section 1.2. Initially, when I thought of negative reinforcement I thought of punishment. Even through the reading I wasn't quite sure on what exactly it was. After looking at some websites I better understand that negative reinforcement is when an unwanted or bad stimulus is removed because of a particular behavior. Therefore it is more likely that the bad behavior is repeated again. This fits into the section because it deals with behavior. I am interested in this topic because I think negative reinforcement is a behavior that is hard to avoid or change.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
Three aspects that I would like to talk about for this assignment are: the difference between positive and negative reinforcement, how negative reinforcement works, and the consequences on negative reinforcement.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
Negative reinforcement is in a way encouraging a bad behavior, as apposed to positive reinforcement where you encourage a good behavior. For example, a child doesn't want to go to the grocery store with his mom so he screams and throws a fit. The mom is embarrassed and angry about the child screaming so she goes home and the child does not have to go shopping. The child learns that if he doesn't want to do something all he has to do is scream and he won't have to do it. Negative reinforcement works by reinforcing that the negative behavior means the bad stimulus goes away. Positive reinforcement would be giving a child a sticker for going potty in the big kid potty when being potty trained. I found that while positive reinforcement is something parents (anyone) think about and try to do and encourage, negative reinforcement happens without it even being realized. Consequently, negative reinforcement is hard to avoid. As a result negative reinforcement (in my example) taught the child that screaming and crying and negative behavior is a way to get out of doing things that he did not want to do.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
I chose discussing sleep deprivation in humans. In the sections we've read it talked about deprivation and how after depriving someone of something, it then can become a reinforcer. I am interested in it because I feel sleep deprived most of the time, and when I get to sleep for a good amount of time, I tend to be happier and more upbeat and I think this is similar with most humans.
I will talk about how getting sleep impacts your health negatively and positively, why we sleep, and statistics of United States Sleep deprivation.
To many people, sleep is a very important part of their lives. On average, people sleep more often than doing any other activity. Sleep is important to our health in that it can increase memory, help with concentration, and increases your immune system. Getting the right amount of sleep, which is about 6-8 hours of sleep, decreases the chance of cardiovascular disease, depression, obesity, and even brain damage. In contrast, having too much or too little of sleep can correlate to these things. When you don't get your sleep, you may get a rush of dopamine at first possibly increasing sex drive, having a lot of energy, and being in a good mood. But, after this short lived happiness, your brain starts shutting down your decision making areas, leading to more impulsive behavior. You'll also experience slower reaction times and cognition along with poorer perception. After a few days of no sleep, your immune system stops working as well, and your body doesn't metabolize glucose as well. As of today, the longest recorded no sleep time was 11 days. Although this person did have irritability, hallucinations, and terrible bags under their eyes, they did not have any aversive long term effects. 50 million to 70 million Americans are reported to being sleep deprived according to the Institute of Medicine and a survey done by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2009) found that 35% of people reported getting less than seven hours of sleep per night. Because of the deprivation of sleep, there have been a report of 1,500 fatalities by motor vehicles. So, why do we sleep anyways? Well, scientists have researched this for a long time and came up with some theories. One theory is the Restoration Theory. This states that sleeping helps rejuvenate and restore our bodily functions. For example, our immune system slowly shuts down if we are deprived of sleep, so if we get our sleep, our immune system will rejuvenate and not give out. Adenosine, a by-product of cells' activities, are produced from neurons in our brain. Adenosine is built-up in our brain causing the perception of being more tired. Caffeine actually blocks adenosine, keeping us awake. As you can obviously see, getting your correct amount of sleep every night keeps you healthy and happy. SO LETS SLEEP!
So far the main topic we have learned about in this first couple of readings is the basic ABC’s or behavior modification, the antecedents, behavior and consequences. So while I was trying to think of a topic to use for this assignment I wanted to apply it to this area of behavior modification. I then remembered the first thing we did in class, we all wrote on the board something we want to change or do more of, and I wondered when is a time that everyone does this. The answer I came up with is new years resolutions, and thus the topic for this assignment. I will explain why they fail, how to succeed and also relate them to my own personal experiences with the topic.
New years is a fresh start, a clean canvas for many of us it’s the perfect opportunity to kick those bad habits such as smoking, junk food, drinking, drugs etc. While picking up new things such as healthy eating, exercise, spending more time with family; but if this is such a perfect time to do so why do so many new year resolutions fail? After doing some research I discovered that there are many reasons why they fail, the first article I looked up brought an interesting point. They said that people use the new years things as a way to motivate themselves but in reality they just aren’t ready for it or haven’t set themselves up to succeed. Another big reason why resolutions fail that I saw while researching is unrealistic goals, or are unprepared/ plan poorly for these goals.
A lot of these reasons for failure relate directly back to the ABC’s of behavior modification. If we want to workout more and lose weight than we need to be prepared and change our behavior in order to yield the consequence that we want. For example you need to change your behavior from watching a movie to working out when at home. We also need to change our antecedents in order to change the consequence. For example if you want to stop drinking, however every Monday night you go to the bar to watch football. If you change the antecedent to watching the game at your house instead then the behavior of drinking a non-alcohol drink becomes easier.
One article I researched explained how your new years revolution could succeed or fail bases on one psychological theory. This theory is operant conditioning. Like with the ABC’s obtaining a desired behavior is learned through consequences. Rewarding a behavior will increase it, failure to reinforce a behavior with either a reward or punishment will slowly start to diminish the behavior, and punishing the behavior will decrease the behavior. After further researching how operant conditioning can help us in achieving our goal I found guidelines to how it works. First your goal must be specific that way the rewards and punishments can relate specifically to your goal. Rewards and punishments should be implemented consistently and be monetary. They best rewards and punishments are those that occur almost naturally such as pride, praise, verbal complements and punishment in forms of disappointment or shame.
I can say that in the past I have both failed and succeeded at my new years resolutions. After doing the research for this assignment I found myself looking back and trying to think of why some failed and others succeeded in terms of what I have learned so far. For example, last year my targeted behavior was to get good grades in all my classes during the spring semester. I thought I could prepare myself my getting all the material things needed but I didn’t plan well psychologically. I know now that changing the antecedent could have helped me in my goals greatly. Had I studied at the library instead of in my room with all my distractions maybe I would have studied longer. A couple of years ago I decided to try to get more exercise and as a whole become healthier. I succeeded in this goal and I realize why after doing this research. I made little goals that were obtainable along the way. I reinforced my good behaviors with rewards such as pride when I looked into the mirror, fitting better into my clothes and noticing progress. But in times where I fell short along the process by eating unhealthy or skipping the gym I felt shame and anger with myself which in return made me not want to repeat that behavior or in this case skip they gym.
In conclusion I think researching this topic if nothing else has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the ABC’s of behavior modification and operant conditioning. Along with how they can be applied to our New Year revolutions and or emit any behavior.
Terms used: Target behavior, emit, Antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, operant conditioning, consequences, rewards.
1. The clip I am using is the opening scene of “Blacklist” where Raymond Reddington turns himself in to the FBI. Its starts off with him sitting down on a bench in front of the FBI headquarters. Then, a man comes by and passes him a briefcase. After that, he walks into the headquarters and tells the security lady at the counter that wants to meet Assistant Director Harold Cooper. He then proceeds to put down the briefcase, take off his jacket and hat as the alarm starts to ring after the lady keyed in his details. Armed guards point guns at him as he willingly surrenders.
2. The target behavior is surrendering to the FBI to meet Harold Cooper
3. The consequence is Raymond Reddington gets into the FBI Headquarters without getting shot.
4. The consequence is the removal of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is walking into the FBI headquarters.
ABC’s of target behavior:
A = Walk into FBI headquarters
B = Surrender to FBI to meet with Harold Cooper
C = Manage to get into FBI headquarters without being shot
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the removal of something undesirable like getting shot increases the likelihood Raymond Reddington will surrender again to meet Harold Cooper.
1. The clip I am using is from a scene in the series “Arrow” where Oliver, his mother Moira and his sister Thea are sitting in their car and Oliver explains to Thea that he and Moira kept secrets from her because they did not want her to get hurt. However, she then tells them that by him keeping secrets from her, she is already hurt.
2. The target behavior is Oliver and Moira keeping secrets from Thea
3. The consequence is Thea getting hurt.
4. The consequence is the addition of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is the three of them sitting in their car
ABC’s of target behavior:
A = Sitting in their car
B = Oliver and Moira kept secrets from Thea
C = Thea gets hurt
This is a positive punishment because the addition of something undesirable which in this case is Thea getting hurt decreases the likelihood of Oliver keeping secrets from Thea again.
URL of videos
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment
1) Once you have completed your search and explorations, I would like you to say what your topic is, how exactly it fits into the section we have covered so far, and why you are interested in it.
For this assignment I decided to look into positive reinforcement in a classroom setting. This relates to our current section because in this section we looked at reinforcements.
2) What are three aspects of the topic you want to talk about for this assignment?
The three aspect I would like to talk about are the arguments against positive reinforcers in the classroom, different types of reinforcers that could be used, and how positive reinforcement can create a more positive environment throughout the classroom.
2) Next, I would like you to take the information you found from the various sources and integrate/synthesize* them into the three aspects of the topic, and then write about the topic.
There are many arguments about using reinforcers in the classroom. One of the reasons is that students should not be reinforced for behavior that should be expected of them. If we break this situation down into the ABC’s it is clear that at some point a behavior that is desired needs some sort of reinforcer or the behavior might not occur again. The antecedent is a classroom setting where there are many different behaviors that are expected. The behavior is anyone of those expected or desired behaviors being emitted by the students. The consequence could either be that the student is reinforced or that the behavior is not acknowledged in any way. If the behavior is not acknowledged how is the student supposed to know that this behavior is actually the one being desired or them. The behavior might be reinforced by something as little as a compliment to the student or the professor saying thank you for what you have done. This lets the students know that they have engaged in a behavior that is desired and will increase the likelihood that the behavior will occur again.
There are many different types of reinforcers that can be used within the class room. As I stated in the last paragraph something as small as acknowledge that a student has emitted a desired behavior can be reinforcing. Other verbal forms of verbal reinforcers might be thanking the student for engaging in a behavior, praising the child for doing a good job, or having the class acknowledge the successful completion of the behavior. More tangible reinforcers might be things such as getting a sticker, receiving a snack, or being allowed to play with a special toy. All of the things I have listed so far are positive reinforcers but there can also be negative reinforcers in the classroom setting. This might be things such as not having to help clean at the end of the day or not having to do a homework assignment. Negative reinforcers can be tricky within classrooms of students of younger ages because you are also attempting to teach them shared responsibility.
A classroom based on positive reinforcement can create a very positive environment. For example if the teacher sets the example of verbally encouraging and praising students students might follow suit. Many young children often copy what they see in their environment so if they are seeing positive reinforcement constantly, they are very likely to adapt that behavior themselves and then the classroom becomes a self reinforcing environment. One of the articles I looked at also suggested encouraging positive behavior outside of the classroom. This would include things such as suggesting parents and guardians to use positive reinforcements at home but it could also be things such as only allowing parents and volunteers in the classroom that you know will be positive not only in attitude but in reinforcing the students.
3) At the end, please include working URLs for the three websites.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforcers, negative reinforcers, behavior, antecedent, consequence, emit, engaged
1. The topic I chose to research about is punishment. Punishment was discussed in reading section 1.2 as a way to decrease the frequency or likelihood of a behavior. I have often thought about how effective punishment is. Throughout this class we have learned that reinforcement is more successful in changing one’s behavior because we prefer to be reinforced rather than punished. I am interested in finding out how effective punishment is.
2. When looking at punishment I wanted to find out if there are certain scenarios where punishment is more effective than reinforcement. I then want to know if positive punishment or negative punishment is more effective than one another. Lastly I would like to find out how often punishment is used instead of reinforcement.
3. Trying to find research that supported punishment as being more effective than reinforcement was extremely sparse. The large consensus agrees that reinforcement is significantly more effective in changing and maintaining an individual’s behavior than punishment is. With that being said there were still a few interesting findings that I came across that mentioned when punishment seemed to be effective. One of the main supporters of reinforcement being more beneficial and effective has been child development psychologists. They advise parents to reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior. This is important to note especially when it comes to a child’s age. One study that was conducted involved 8/9 year olds and 11/12 year olds to find out if reinforcement or punishment was more effective when it came to learning basic tasks. At the conclusion of the study the scientists learned that the 8/9 year olds performance on the basic tasks improved when the feedback was positive (reinforcing). When it came to the older kid’s ages 11/12 the exact opposite was found. Their performance on basic tasks improved when they received negative feedback (punishment) which is also found to be true for adults 18-25 years of age. This was just one of a few examples where punishment can be more effective than reinforcement especially when it came to age groups. Punishment is used more often and is easier to use than reinforcement. Punishment is reactionary whereas reinforcement takes some thought and time to put in place. Humans are hedonistic creatures who are pleasure seeking pain avoiding and knowing that gives a better reason to use reinforcement instead of punishment. There also does not seem to be much of a difference in effectiveness between positive and negative punishment. Often positive punishment is physical like spanking or soap in the mouth, or yelling and these are temporary aversions that last no longer than a few moments. Negative punishment on the other hand involves the removal of something desirable like a cell phone or computer and lasts much longer than a few moments which in my opinion seems like a more effective approach to changing someone’s behavior.
Terminology: Reinforcement, Punishment, Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment, Behavior, Frequency, Reinforcing, Aversion