Topical Blog Week #15 (Due Wednesday)


Token economy.

Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 
6) Is it positive or negative? 
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 
9) What is the token delivery system? 
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 
11) How are the tokens banked? 
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 
13) What are the back up reinforcers? 
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M


1) What is this program?
The program is a token economy for inpatient adolescents in a coeducational residential unit. These adolescents were institutionalized because their behaviors were defined as intolerable by the community, such as extreme aggression or highly disruptive.
2) How did it come about?
It came about as a way to make the adolescents more prosocial and less disruptive in their behaviors.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit more prosocial behavioral classes and decrease physically aggressive behaviors, property destruction, window breaking, and manipulative self-abuse.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Specific target behaviors they want the adolescents to emit would be to help other adolescents with a task they are struggling with, or emit a lower frequency behavior of cutting their wrists or other activities that harm themselves in an attempt to get something out of this behavior.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is a system based on reinforcement because they are reinforcing increased frequency of prosocial behaviors and using differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) to reinforce behaviors that prosocial and ignore behaviors that are destructive. This is used to decrease the frequency of the behaviors that are termed aggressive or disruptive without punishing these behaviors.
However, there is a punishment system set aside for certain behaviors. One example given was the statement “I am going to beat you up” which would result in the teen getting a timeout procedure put in place. This seems to be implemented in the hope that it will both disrupt the behavior and punish it to reduce the frequency of this statement being said in the future.
There is also an aspect of punishment that is used if one of the teens engaged in verbal aggression toward another teen; 10 tokens/points are taken away for each verbal aggression.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a form of positive reinforcement, with the timeout procedure being either a way to disrupt or negative punishment of taking away the freedom for this time or positive punishment if you think of it as adding the aversive of sitting in the timeout location.
Negative punishment is used when points are taken away for verbal aggression.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are holes punched in their token card. Each punch represents one token or one point.
8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
Some pros of this system is that the token card is a very good representative way to keep track of how many tokens have been earned.
In contrast, this system has the cons of the ease with which it would be to forge tokens/points, the competition that may be elicited from this system and the potential costs that are associated with such competition, and the lack of generalizability that is necessary for these behaviors to be continue to be emitted when these teens get out of this institution.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is trading a certain amount of points for access to different activities that are set aside as reinforcers.
10) What are some pros and cons associated with the delivery system?
A pro of this system is that it appears that these are reinforcers that the teens would want access to. In addition, it does cost a different amount of tokens for higher level reinforcers.
A con of this is that if the cost of a reinforcer is set too high, it will lead to extinction of the behaviors required to earn tokens because the teen will be discouraged.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Tokens are banked by keeping track on the adolescents’ token card.
12) What are the pros and cons?
The pro of this system is that it is a very visual and easy to maintain system. However, a con to this is that it is also very easy to forge these tokens, which may become a problem if these are teens that are already accused of being bad kids.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
One of the backup reinforcers is access to the lounge area which includes snacks/drinks, magazines, a jukebox, a pinball machine, etc. Another of the big backup reinforcers was a pass that could be purchased with tokens/points to go to the facility grounds or local town for activities such as bowling, skating, moves, staying out late on the weekend and dances.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It is not stated how the backup reinforcers were chosen, but I assume that is was some combination of things that the adolescents already find reinforcing and may not have access to outside of this behavioral intervention.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are only effective reinforcers if they succeed in increasing prosocial behavior or increasing the frequency of behaviors other than destructive/aggressive behaviors.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The teens gain access to the reinforcers by purchasing them with their tokens/points.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Outcome measures used to test the effectiveness involved a counting of the number of incidents of window breaking, use of emergency mechanical restraints, adolescents restraint being used, number of adolescents being given psychotropic medications, and the number of teens being given meds to control their behavior on an as needed basis. This was recorded in a preprogram implementation phase to establish a baseline, during the program implementation, and in a maintenance or return to baseline.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It appears that the administrators taught the students about the system rather effectively because the program resulted in drops in the occurrence of window breaking and the proportion of adolescents engaging in this behavior dropped, and in each of the other outcome measures. The results are quite impressive. The drops in these problematic behavior are in the 70% range for a few of the measures.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It is not clear how involved the parents are in the system due to the institutional setting of this program.
20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
It appears that the administrators taught the individuals in charge of monitoring the behavior quite effectively because it did result in significant drops in problematic behavior, which do not seem likely if the individuals reinforcing were not doing so effectively.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
It is very possible that not everyone completely bought in with the system, but based on the statistic that 64% of the adolescents (a majority) lowered the incidence of breaking windows by 58% in the implementation phase and 76% in the maintenance phase.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems known to exist in token economies is the lack of generalizability of the behaviors that have been reinforced in these programs to be extinguished when they are no longer reinforced once outside of this setting. This problem can be remedied at least a little bit with a shift from using tokens such as the punches in their card to verbal praise which is more likely to occur in the greater outside world.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would be interested to know how long this level of behavioral change was observed, if this system has been tested in other settings that they know of, and who was in charge of administering the tokens and how well/extensively they were trained.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would be interested to know how the reinforcers were chosen, how the reinforcer costs were set, and if the tokens were accompanied by verbal praise and/or if they shifted to verbal praise.

Terms used in this post: elicit, behavioral classes, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, reinforcing, differential reinforcement of the other behavior, reinforce, punishing, punishment, disrupt the behavior, punish, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, positive punishment, aversive, elicited, generalizability, emitted, reinforcers, extinction, backup reinforcers, behavioral intervention, outcome measures, baseline, return to baseline, reinforced, extinguished

1)What is this program?
This program is PapaRewards. It rewards customers with points to get towards a free pizza.
2) How did it come about?
It came about once they realized how much people purchase pizza. They wanted to reward people for buying pizza from them (Papa Johns).
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit customers to spend more money with their franchise.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They might want the customers to buy more expensive items and buy there more frequently. Essentially, they want you to choose their pizza place over a seemingly cheaper one, like 5 Dollar Pizza.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are points on a phone, not tangible.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros would be the convenience of not having to worry about losing the tokens when time for redemption. Another pro is having your points with you at all times, if you forget the amount, you can check anytime (if you always have your phone). A con to points that aren’t tangible is if you forget the password to obtain the points. Another would be that one may not want to be tempted to keep ordering something unhealthy to get rewarded.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is on a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement. After so many points are obtained, you are rewarded via coupon for a free pizza.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro would be not having to go somewhere to redeem your points; you can do it from the couch. I can’t seem to find anything bad about this!!
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked in the computer for your viewing whenever. No one else can see them other than Papa Johns’ employees.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros are being able to check whenever you want rather than only when you hit the goal. No con with this either!
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcer is a free pizza!
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The reinforcers were chosen by the obvious liking of pizza that their customers have.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
It is effective because they are already paying to get reinforced with pizza.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Customers gain access to the reinforcer by using a code or coupon when ordering.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They know by the amount of users that have signed up with them, and then by seeing how often people restart their point count.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Employees are educating all people by advertising it when they purchase a pizza with them.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Employees are educating all people by advertising it when they purchase a pizza with them.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Employees are educating all people by advertising it when they purchase a pizza with them.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility. Some people may not buy pizza that often, so it would not be beneficial for them.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
There would be no problem with token hoarding because points start over only after a reward is redeemed.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I might ask if they felt like offering other forms of reinforcements. Some people purchase different things from pizza places. Could people have a choice of reinforcers?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to know if there are changing rules after one’s first reinforcement.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: reinforcement, elicit, positive reinforcement, desirable, fixed ratio, schedule of reinforcement, reinforcer

1) What is this program?
Hy-Vee Fuel saver

2) How did it come about? 

It came about to as an incentive to bring in money to Hy-Vee and Hy-Vee gas stations and to collaborate with other companies as well.
2) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

They are trying to elicit more incentives to keep current customers loyal to Hy-Vee and to bring new customers to Hy-Vee.
3) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? 

I think they strategically plan what items they decide to put as a fuel saver each week, perhaps if a brand isn’t being sold enough, putting a fuel saver on the product will make it more marketable and therefore will more likely be sold.
4) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

It is based on reinforcement because Hy-Vee is trying to increase the behavior of their customers coming to Hy-Vee.
5) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because it involves the addition of something desirable such as lower gas prices.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are the cents off per gallon you get when you swipe your fuel saver card at the cash register on the fuel saver items.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

Some pro’s are they can be added up for up to a month, multiple users can scan the fuel saver card and earn points together, but you can only use your points on one vehicle at a time. Another con would be if you don’t use your points, you loose them.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is you get cents off for every fuel saver you buy, they range for as little one cent per item to twenty-five cents. You can use your points whenever as long as you use them within the month.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

The pros are you have up to a month to earn as many fuel savers as you want, there’s no limit to the number of fuel saver items you can purchase, and there are over 1,200 fuel stations you can use your rewards at. Some con’s are as I mentioned above, if you don’t use your fuel saver within 30 days, you lose the reward, also if you don’t like or need any of the fuel saver items, then you won’t get a reward for it.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Every time you swipe your card and get your receipt, the amount of fuel saver cents is shown at the bottom so you can keep track of it.
12) What are the pro's and con's? 

The pro’s are it is simple to get to see your rewards and you don’t have to go out of your way to see your rewards. The con’s are if you lose your receipt then you would have to find an alternative way to see your rewards points.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is making the Hy-Vee fuel saver avalible at not just Hy-Vee gas stations but Shell, Casey’s, and PDQ gas stations.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

I don’t know, I assume there is some agreement between Hy-Vee and these other companies or the same corporate group may manage them.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? 

I think they are effective because it makes the rewards more accessible for customers to redeem. I think it was definitely a smart idea of Hy-Vee to combine with other gas stations. For example, you may have someone that shops at Hy-Vee but then always pass a Casey’s on their way to work, it makes it very convenient for them to have different options of places to fill their gas up while still being rewarded.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Customers gain access to the reinforcers simply by signing up for a Hy-Vee fuel card in store or online. 

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

I assume they have a system that shows everyone that is enrolled in the Hy-Vee fuel saver program and data for who is using it and how often they are using it to see how often people are taking advantage of their fuel savers.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 
How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? 

(Because I didn’t do a token economy on education, I decided to put all of these questions together and take it as employees, customers, and the community)
I think that Hy-Vee is doing well with advertising their fuel savers in store and on their weekly ads. I would assume that each employee of Hy-Vee is required to learn all about the fuel saver program to help get customers on board with it. I have noticed almost every time I have shopped at Hy-Vee, I am usually asked for my fuel saver card or if I had one. The only thing I could see them improving on is reaching out to the community by getting their fuel saver ad in a local paper or on a billboard so that way people that don’t go to Hy-Vee often or at all can see what their program has to offer.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? 

People that might not buy into this system would be if they already have loyalty to another grocery store. For example, one with a bigger family may do all their grocery shopping at Costco to get all their food in bulk. People may not buy into the program if they find that they don’t like the fuel saver items or think it is worth it to pay more for certain groceries if they can save at a cheaper place such as Aldi or Wal-Mart.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

One thing would be if you don’t use your rewards, you loose them, they are only limited to one vehicle and you can only fill up so many gallons with your rewards points, items that are fuel savers may not be as popular and draw people away from using their rewards.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would ask them if there was a limit to using rewards if it added to the amount per gallon of gas or is it possible to get free gas if you get enough rewards?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to know if there was some way to keep track of my points besides looking at my receipts. I would also ask if my fuel saver ever expires?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, delivery systems, rewards, behaviors, emit, and target behaviors.

1) This program is a token system using tokens with an identification number for each student. Every time a student performs a good behavior or a behavior that a teacher wants them to continually elicit one of their tokens are put into a bag. The students are reinforced by tokens being “pulled” from the bag. Students can randomly be rewarded throughout the day by being the line leader or getting to help with a special task and also at the end of the day each Friday.
2) This token economy came about by a grade school teacher creating it. She was frustrated by the complicated and complex token economies online, so she decided to create a simple and straight forward one on her own.
3) The behavioral class that the teacher is trying to get students to elicit are “good classroom behaviors.” The instructor stated in her token economy explanation that when introducing the economy to students she asked them to explain to her what this good behavior should look like.
4) Specific target behaviors that this would look like would be walking quietly in the halls, waiting patiently and quietly with a hand raised, coming and sitting quietly and working right away when class starts, and etc.
5) This is a token economy that is based on reinforcement.
6) This is a system of positive reinforcement because the reinforcers are being presented the more a behavior occurs.
7) The tokens being used in this program are actually token like objects with numbers on them, they pretty much look like coins.
8) Pros with using these token is that it is an easy, simple, and cost effective design. It also is designed so the students are not having to use the tokens at all, it is the teacher that decides and has control of the tokens. Cons associated with these token may be that they could be lost easily and it may be hard at first to remember the students ID number associated with them.
9) The delivery system occurs whenever the teacher feel that a student is emitting a specific target behavior that she feels deserves to be reinforced. When the instructor sees this she takes one of that students tokens and puts it into the bag where they can then be rewarded. In this instructors description she stated that she made it clear to students that they may not be rewarded every time they perform a good behavior. It is when the teacher themselves feel that the student deserves a token.
10) A pro of this delivery system is that the instructor is in full control and does not necessarily always have to be watching or paying attention to every good behavior because she has made it clear to her students that not every single good behavior will be rewarded, it is random. This however, could also be a con because it is random it may not be as effective especially with younger students.
11) The tokens are banked by putting them into a bag when a student earns one. To receive the reinforcement the tokens are pulled at random and also every Friday at the end of the day.
12) A con of this banking system would definitely be the randomness of it. If a student has had coins put in the bag, but never gets their token pulled to be rewarded it may make them frustrated on not want to continue behaving in a good way. However, this could also be a pro since it is random, because it then keeps students not knowing and making it so they have to behave in good classroom behavior if they want to get rewarded.
13) The backup reinforcers of this system are “special jobs” that the students get to help with if their tokens are pulled. This includes line leader, paper passer, and other jobs that would be in a grade school classroom. There is also the prizes or rewards that the students may receive on Fridays at the end of the day. This could include small toys or prizes.
14) These reinforcers were chosen because they are cost effective and something that the instructor does not have to spend a lot of money on.
15) I feel these are effective rewards especially for the age group that this system is set for.
16) Students gain access to these rewards by their tokens being drawn from the bag they are put into when their good behavior is noticed. This could be either throughout the day or at the end of class on Fridays.
17) Administrators would know if this measure is effective by how many tokens they have in the bag at the end of the day or week. This could also be measured just be the overall total of good behaviors they are witnessing.
18) The way the teacher described her token economy in her description made it appear as though the token economy was being explained for effectively and in a way that made it very clear to students.
19) In this description the way administrators were explaining the economy to parents was not described, but I would say the best way to incorporate that would be to use a note or a school newsletter.
20) Administrators were not informing instructors of this token economy since this teacher created it herself and was only enforcing it in her classroom.
21) I feel that this was a token economy that was very effectively created and described and that all individuals would buy into it if described correctly.
22) A problem that exists with token economies that might exist with this one could be getting the students to continue their good classroom behaviors. If the students end up not feeling reinforced by their reinforcers they may not continue their good behaviors.
23) One question that I would have for the creator of this system would be how she gets the randomized reinforcement to work and how to go about effectively implenmenting that.
24) Additional information I would want to know about the system is if students know what their ID number is on the tokens and what the specific rewards or prizes are that she uses at the end of the week.
25) Reinforcers, token economies, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, elicit, emit, implement, target behavior, behavior class, rewards, backup reinforcers, delivery system,

I do not have a URL for this token economy but it is a local brewery on Main Street that rewards customers for buying growlers. The website doesn't discuss their punch card program so you will have to take my word for it. Or ask Dr. Maclin because I would bet he frequents Singlespeed.

1. Singlespeed Brewing Company (SBC) has a promotion where after buying ten growler refills, you get the 11th refill free.

2. I would imagine it came about because it is a smart marketing scheme that gets customers to purchase more growler refills.

3. The behavior class is buying beer.

4. Specific behaviors that are required to get a punch on your card is you must purchase a growler from their store and continue to purchase refills.

5. Reinforcement

6. Positive

7. The tokens are the punches on the card.

8. One easily identifiable con is that if I have a card, I could easily punch ten holes on it and receive a free growler. In other words the cards could be easily counterfeited. In dealing with marketing, the pro of this program would be the customers would purchase growler refills more frequently.

9. The delivery system is the addition of a free growler

10. A potential con of the delivery system is that the high number of behaviors needing to be emitted before reinforcement could force people to not purchase beer. If the reinforcer seems to out of reach, then the customers might go elsewhere.

11. The tokens are banked on the punch card. After ten punches a free refill is administered.

12. Cons of the banking system is that is is the responsibility of the card holder to remember to bring their card. The business does not have spare cards nor do they keep track of how many punches you have. If you lose your card you must start at zero refills. This could potentially lead people to abandon the card program or drink elsewhere. I think a pro is the simplicity of the banking system and how the business realizes it is the customers problem to get their card punched. That way the only duty they have to fulfill is to make more cards.

13. The only backup reinforcer is the free refill

14. The backup reinforcers were chosen as a marketing ploy to get customers to purchase more beer.

15. Yes I think a free growler is an effective reinforcer for beer drinkers.

16. Customers gain access to the reinforcers by purchasing growlers and getting their card punched.

17. Managers of SBC can keep records of how many growlers they sold before the program went into effect and how many growlers they sold after the punch card was introduced. If the numbers are greater over the course of six months, then we can say the program worked effectively.

18. The managers at SBC are doing all they need to do to teach the customers about the system. Simply introducing the punch card when a customer purchases a growler would be sufficient.

19. Since I couldn't find a link on their website about the punch card, it might be wise to educate customers on their program so as to elicit more growler purchases.

20. I can't say for sure but I would imagine most workers at SBC know of the program so the business has done an effective job of educating their employees.

21. Yes I could easily see someone purchasing a growler refill and not wanting or getting their card punched. Some might find the continuous reinforcement schedule as reinforcing in it of itself, while others could simply blow off the card altogether.

22. The main problems I can see with this program is that people have already accumulated enough of these punch cards from so many other businesses, it might simply not catch on with beer drinkers. If they see punch card program as more of a chore than actual reinforcement, it will not catch on. Secondly, the cards seem as if they can be easily counterfeited. If the workers give out an overwhelming amount of free growler refill, they could potentially start losing revenue.

23. Besides buying growler refills is there any other way to accumulate punches on my card? Can I have access to other backup reinforcers such as free t-shirts or a free beer glass with growler refills?

24. I do not necessarily have any questions for the managers but I think it would be effective for this company to find alternative means of reinforcing beer buying behavior. Old Chicago has an awesome token economy called the World Beer Tour where beer drinking behaviors are tallied on a card and the individual can track their progress online. Furthermore, the World Beer Tour allows customers the opportunity to travel to Old Chicago restaurants nationwide and redeem their points for different apparel. While SBC might be too small for this sort of token economy, it does provide great examples on how the program could evolve.

25. continuous reinforcement, target behavior, positive reinforcement, elicit, emit, token economy, behavioral class, backup reinforcer

1) What is this program?
The program in this reading was talking the happy punch 10 card, and it is a token economy that’s goal is to elicit going to this particular shaved ice stand.
2) How did it come about? This came about by this particular company’s initiative to implement a behavioral intervention in order for customers to emit a buying behavior.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes that are trying to elicit are customers spending more money, and customers returning to their stand more often.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want their customers to emit? 

Some specific target behaviors they may want these customers to emit are buying any size of shaved ice.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement, because they want to make the target behaviors increase.
6) Is it positive or negative? 

It is positive because the customers are given something desirable, punches in their card, when they emit the required behavior.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are special shaped hole punches in the card, which once you have 10 of these punches you receive the reinforcer of a shaved ice.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros – Is that punches to a card would be cheap, easily understandable, and can be given immediately after the behavior.
Cons- The card may easily be lost, and there is a possibility of satiation of shaved ice before you get rewarded.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is both continuous reinforcement and fixed ratio reinforcement. This is because after every purchase they get reinforced, continuous. It is a fixed reinforcement because after every 10 punches, you receive a free snow cone.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros- Customers can be immediately reinforced after their behavior, and it is easy to keep track of their progress. Also for this situation this shaved ice stand, would create a discriminate stimulus of customers getting reinforced their…which would make it more appealing then other snack stands.
Cons- It would be hard to keep track of a little cardboard card long enough to buy 10 snow cones.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Tokens are banked by customer control; they keep track of the card and have to remember to bring it every time to the store.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
pros- The system is very easily managed.
Cons- good chance of card getting lost by younger owner.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is the free shaved ice once you have purchased 10 shaved ices previous.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcer was chosen probably due to the management staff of the stand knowing shaved ices were the main reason people come to the stand, so it would probably be the best reinforcer.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I do not think it would be effective because the reward of a 3-4$ snow cone after going 10 times, would not really encourage many people to go more frequently then normal, in my opinion. The only way to really know if they are is to graph a baseline, and the behavioral intervention and see if there was desired change.
16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access to the reinforcers by emitted the proper target behavior of buying snowcones, in which they receive punches, which 10 can be exchanged for the reinforcer.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the mangers know the system is effective?
The outcome measures would be shaved ice sales, and you can compare this to the sales recorded during the baseline to see if the improvement.
18) How effectively are the managers teaching the customers about the system?
The managers are doing a good job explaining the system, because the easy to understand rules are on the bottom of the car.
19) How effectively are the managers teaching the parents about the system?
If the customers are around their parents while purchasing, it would also be effective because more than likely they would be on the same punch card.

20)How effectively have the managers taught the other managers about the system?
I feel like the managers probably are doing a good job of this because it seems like it is a deal throughout their franchise, and it is pretty easy to implement.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yea there are definitely people who will not but into this system, like people who know they will never eat 10 shaved ices. Another group of people would include tourists who do not have this store near them.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main problem with token economies is that tokens can only be used in the specific environment. Also tokens, if a customer knows that they never will get 10 punches will not be reinforced.
23) What are some questions you might have for the managers about the system?
I want to know if they have seen an increase in shaved ice sales, and how many cards are actually reinforced with a free shaved ice.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would like to see if these cards expire, because shaved ices are usually only sold during warm weather.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Token economy, elicit, behavioral class, behavioral intervention, emit, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, discriminate stimulus, banked, backup reinforcer, baseline, environment, satiated.

1)What is this program?
Starbucks Rewards Card. Each purchase you earn a star. 30 or more stars in 12 months will earn you a year long Gold Card Membership. With a Gold Card membership, you get a free drink, a personalized Gold Card, and other special offers just for those members.

2)How did it come about?
It came about to try to make more people buy Starbucks (disregarding their prices) and to be reinforced for it.

3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit more purchases at Starbucks.

4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific behaviors they would want their customers to emit would be buying the most expensive drinks more frequently in order to earn a Gold Card.

5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

6)Is it positive or negative?
Positive- it involves the addition of something desirable.

7)What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are stars that you receive for purchasing a Starbucks drink.

8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: Customers buy more drinks
Cons: Customers don’t care to become a Gold Member/don’t get reinforced by the “benefits”, so buy drinks as you please.

9)What is the delivery system?
You receive a Starbucks card and each purchase made from that card earns you one star.

10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: Easy to use, could eventually save you money.
Cons: Some people may use cash/credit cards to purchase their drinks instead, resulting in no stars for their purchase.

11)How are the tokens banked?
They are all added up on the Starbucks Card. Once you have 30 stars, you are eligible for an upgrade to Gold Card.

12)What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: Easy to keep track of
Cons: you could lose the card therefore losing all your stars.

13)What are the back up reinforcers?
Free drink for every 12 stars, a personalized Gold Card, and special offers exclusively for Gold Card members.

14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Most likely chosen by something that most Starbucks frequent customers would enjoy and would save them money on.

15)Are they effective reinforcers?
I think that they would be effective because they are “free.”

16)How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
If you have 30 stars, the Barista will inform you and you will then be eligible for Gold Card. If you’re already on Gold Card, whenever the customer has 12 stars, the Barista will inform them and they are eligible for a free drink or whatever it is they want.

17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some outcome measures so the company knows this is effective could be the amount of people that actually purchase enough Starbucks to receive a Gold Card and how long they keep it. If you do not continuously receive stars on the Gold Card, you will then be “pushed back” down to Green Card.

18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think this is moderately effective in teaching customers. There is an entire Starbucks Reward Cards FAC website for any questions and being a Gold Member is advertised everywhere.

19)How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I would assume that the company managers have taught their employees well about the Gold Card to answer any questions that customers have.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Of course there is a possibility that not everyone would be able to become a Gold Card Member. Many Starbucks customers do not purchase Starbucks enough to earn enough stars.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
If you don’t use your Gold Card frequently enough, you lose your ranking and are lowered to a card below with less reinforcers.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How do I know how many stars I have on my card?
How is my credit card information safe on this card?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Is there a limit of how many stars you can get total?
Is Gold Card the highest there will ever be?

Terms: reinforced, elicit, emit, behaviors

1) This program is an individual daily behavior token economy where students that do what they are expected such as staying quiet and in their seats or completing homework get rewarded with smiley faces that they are able to turn in at the end of the day and receive a desired activity like playing on the iPad.
2) It came about probably because students were not doing what they were supposed to. It could be for younger students who have a harder time focusing because of their maturity level or for students who have behavioral issues such as ADHD.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are good behaviors in the classroom towards their teachers and classmates.
4) Some target behaviors they want them to emit would be staying quiet during class, completing an assignment, staying seated, and raising their hand.
5) This system is based on reinforcement because when they do a desired behavior they are awarded with a smiley face to increase that behavior. They aren’t punished for doing anything bad (it’s not mentioned) so punishment doesn’t really occur.
6) This is positive reinforcement because they introduced a desirable stimulus that would hopefully increase the frequency of the children emitting desired behaviors.
7) The tokens used in this system are smiley faces and once they get a specified amount they are able to have a desired activity.
8) Some pros would be that the teachers keep track of the smiley faces so the children won’t lose them, the children get to see the smiley faces it will encourage them to keep doing good behavior, they get multiple chances to receive these tokens. Some cons are that the teacher has to remember to give the children smiley faces when they do simple tasks like completing homework, and there are a lot of things they can get smiley faces for so they don’t have to work very hard to receive one.
9) The delivery system is provided the teachers who run each activity. They give the children a smiley face through continuous reinforcement and then they also are the ones that allow the children a desired activity when they receive enough smiley faces.
10) Some pros are that there may be multiple teachers giving out smiley faces so if a teacher happens to be biased and only give smiley faces out to certain students they will have an opportunity to receive them from others, another pro is that when the students receive these from a teacher who is a higher authority it makes them feel good and will encourage others to want to receive one as well. A con to this is if the teacher forgets to give out smiley faces or if they forget that the last ten minutes of the day are meant for the desired activity.
11) The tokens are banked by the students who are given smiley faces by the teachers.
12) Depending on how old these children are they may lose the sheet that the smiley faces are on and not get what they deserve, but it also teaches them to be responsible and keep track of the sheet. Another pro is they are given a whole paper and not just small tickets so it would be easier to keep track of. Another con could be that they could try to cheat and add smiley faces to their paper or steal someone else’s.
13) The backup reinforcers are the desired activities that receive after getting smiling faces like being able to play on the iPad.
14) The reinforcers were probably chosen based on what interests the students. They probably aren’t able to play on the iPad often so when they do it is rewarding.
15) Anything technology related usually appeals to students especially when they are young and want to play games on them. I think they are effective because they need to get quite a bit of smiley faces to receive these backup reinforcers so it has to be worth it in order to emit good behavior.
16) The students emit desired behaviors during each activity through the day and receive smiley faces. At the end of the day they can count up how many they got and if they have enough they are able to turn them in for a desired activity like playing on the computer.
17) The teachers could keep track of how many smiley faces they hand out to see if the children are actually behaving positively. They can use this record to see if any changes have occurred in the last week or month by the children receiving more smiley faces gradually.
18) They are effectively teaching the students about the system because they are letting them know what to do in order to receive smiley faces and are making it possible all throughout the day.
19) The system says nothing about parents and it is not published anywhere for parents to see it. They also count up how many smiley faces they receive at the end of the day so the children don’t take these sheets home for the parents to see either.
20) I think they have effectively taught the teachers because it is all throughout the day so every teacher has to know what is going on. They implemented in into part of their school day even though it is only the last ten minutes so they need to be aware of it.
21) Yes, some teachers may be more lenient and willing to hand out smiley faces more often and other teachers could see this as a waste of a class time. Not all students may find the reinforcer effective so they won’t want to modify their behaviors.
22) Some problems could be that each student might not always receive a smiley face when they are continuously doing something right. The teachers may also forget to hand out smiley faces or count them up at the end of the day and give the children what they deserve. Another problem could be how often smiley faces are handed out because the children could get burnt out by the prizes they receive constantly.
23) Some questions I have would be is there a list of behaviors that teachers are given so they know what to hand out smiley faces for? Is there a certain limit to smiley faces that each student can receive? If they do have the desired amount of smiley faces when do the student get to spend time on the iPad and how often?
24) I would want to know how the smiley faces are issued out and who really keeps track of them because it is not clearly stated. I would also want to know if after a course of a few months if they would start delaying how often the reinforcers are given out because of the money of reinforcers and the amount of school day they are wasting playing on the iPad every day.
25) Terms: behavior, token economy, desirable, target behavior, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, stimulus, frequency, continuous reinforcement, backup reinforcer, reinforcer, elicit, modify, behavioral class

1) What is this program?
This is a token economy in a school setting. It is used for students who have difficulty staying in their seats, but all of the students are participating.

2) How did it come about?
Children were unable to stay in their seats due to their hyperactivity, so the teacher wanted to find a way to reinforce sitting down.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Sitting in their seat is the behavioral class.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Sitting still, raising their hand, asking for permission to get out of their seat may be some behaviors the teacher would like the students to emit.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive, so therefore, it is positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
With the use of Velcro, there are plastic coins attached to a laminated piece of paper.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros include that they are not easily replicable and coins viewed as desirable for most children. Cons are that they could fall off or another student could steal them.

9) What is the delivery system?
The teacher gives the students their “token” if they have remained seated for a certain time interval. Since they are using time, it is considered to be a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. The teacher also praises for the behavior, so the child knows what the target behavior is.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros to the delivery of the system include that the child knows what the desirable behavior is and the system can be flexible for children who struggle with sitting still. Some cons include that children may view this as unfair if they do not have difficulty in emitting the behavior of sitting still and/or the child may get up from their seat right after the token is delivered.

11) How are the tokens banked?
On each of the laminated cards, the child is allowed to select which item he or she is working towards. Once the child receives the amount to earn the item, the tokens may be banked in for the reward.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros are that the child can pick their item, so it encourages involvement in the program. Therefore, it also has intrinsic value to the student. Cons are that the child may lose the coins or no longer has the motivation to work towards the prize.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Some of the backup reinforcers include a fruit roll up, a pretzel, cheetos, an extra snack, and extra time playing with toys.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The reinforcers were most likely selected by observing the items children like and based off of their preferences.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They seem to be effective reinforcers, because they are items the children have reported that they like. It is something the teacher will most likely have to pay for though, so it would not be something he or she provides for free.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They bank in their tokens once the desired amount has been earned.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
This intuitive is eliciting behaviors that the teacher views as desirable, and children are taking part in the program by collecting the coins through their behaviors. They could monitor how many tokens each child has, too. This may reduce the frequency of those attempting to cheat the program.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
From this website, it appears that the students are well-educated on this system. If they are praising the child for the behavior as they give him or her tokens, I believe it is effective, but we cannot see the precise distribution and do not know how it is working in their school.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It does not specify.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
It does not specify whether this system is used throughout the school or just in one of the classrooms. So, therefore, I am not really sure how well the other teachers know about the system, since I do not know what they have communicated to one another about.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility that not everyone is buying into this program completely.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The reinforcers may not be reinforcing, so an establishing operation should be put into place to ensure that the procedure is making the reinforcers more reinforcing. There may be too much time in between reinforcement, and there is a chance that the students may cheat the system or not take part in it at all.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
When are the token traded in for prizes?
What is the average amount of time it takes for students to earn this amount?
Has this been effective for increasing desirable behaviors?
Was there previously a problem with children displaying behaviors that were not compatible to this?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would like to know how long it has been implemented and if they are seeing improvement.

Terms: token economy, reinforce, behavioral class, behavior, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, desirable, fixed ratio schedule or reinforcement, target behavior, intrinsic value, reinforcers, elicit, frequency, establishing operations

1) What is this program?
The Earned Incentive Program for inmates in prison. Based on there behavior in prison they can earn privileges in prison. The incentives help inmates learn and sustain a responsible, pro-social lifestyle by incorporating the outside community's norms and values into their everyday lives.

2) How did it come about?
To help inmates in developing a more responsible, pro-social lifestyle to prevent recidivism.This program allows the inmates to make decisions and be held accountable for their conduct during their time spent in prison.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Good behaviors while incarcerated.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
To complete educational programs, follow medical directives, fulfill restitution requirements, participate in restorative justice activities and improve relationships with self and others.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
Reinforcement the more programs the inmate participates in and there behavior the faster they will move through the phases and gain more privileges

6) Is it positive or negative?

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Privileges through Phase 1, 2 and 3

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros- the inmate controls how they act once they start working there way through the phases they may be more likely to keep emitting the behavior in order to gain more privileges and also to not lose any
Cons- How quickly can an inmate work there way through the phases

9) What is the delivery system?
Fixed Ratio - once programs are completed and behavior is good you move through the phases

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros- get privileges right away so can see how there behavior is being rewarded
Cons- if other inmates try to interfere with another s progress will both be punished

11) How are the tokens banked?
Once classes are completed and behavior is good you move on through the phases and gain more privileges with each phases. If negative behavior starts to occur you move back in the phases and lose privileges

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros- privileges are given right away
Cons- how long does it take once privileges are taken away to regain them

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Privileges with each phase

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Privileges that the inmates want i assume the Prison staff and facility choose them

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I think so, the more you emit the behavior the more you are rewarded

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Complete classes and programs and emit good behavior

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
How many inmates are on each phase , how many inmates are enrolled in the programs and completing them

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Good the officers and other prison staff manage the inmate's behavior by showing them the rewards they can obtain or lose based on their behavior. The officers can explain to the inmates the repercussions of their actions in relation to the benefits of working towards a better phase level. This helps the inmates modify future behavior so they think about their actions and how it will affect the benefits of their phase level.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Very good because the officers and other prison staff are able to manage the inmate's behavior by showing them the rewards they can obtain or lose based on their behavior. The officers can explain to the inmates the repercussions of their actions in relation to the benefits of working towards a better phase level.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Sure there is always the possibility if for some reason an inmate did not want the privileges. Or the Officers feeling like the inmates don't deserve privileges based on there own personal feelings of the program

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Consistency, how soon after completing a program and moving up the phases and all inmates being treated the same for the behaviors and being noticed

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How fast can an inmate move from phase 1 to phase 3. If and inmate is on phase 3 and misbehaves do they move back to phase 2 or do they lose all there privileges and start all over

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Has the system been working.Where inmates that did good on this system less likely to re offend once they where released compared to inmates that did not do good on this .

25) Behavior class, elicit, positive, reinforcer, reinforcement, punishment

1) This program is the Old Chicago World Beet Tour
2) It came about when Old Chicago wanted to increase beer sales.
3) The behavioral class Old Chicago is attempting to elicit is the purchase of alcohol.
4) The specific behaviors they would like a customer to emit is drinking beer.
5) This system is based upon reinforcement because a person receives points for each new beer they try.
6) It is positive because the more types of beer a person tries, the more points they receive.
7) The tokens of this system are electronic points held on a magnetic key card.
8) The positive to having this system is that a person is able to hold onto their card in their wallet and swipe it like a debit card when they earn a point. The negative aspect is that the person who holds the card is not able to see their progress until it is used.
9) The delivery system is one point for each new beer purchased.
10) One of the cons to the delivery system is that it takes 11 different beers for a person to complete the tour and earn their prizes. With that many responses until reinforcement, extinction may occur.
11) On the electronic key card.
12) The pro to this is there is no chance for counterfeiting points by a customer but there is also the chance the card can be lost.
13) The back up reinforcer is the prizes a participant may choose from when completing the tour.
14) These were chosen to drive alcohol sales.
15) The prizes are variable so it depends on the week and month but many of the reinforcers would be effective. One of the positive aspects of the beer tour is an individual will receive 50% off their meal on the week of their birthday.
16) Customers are able to sign up for this program with no purchase.
17) The use of the electronic key card system is effective because those in charge of sales are able to track alcohol sales from the beer tour as they happen.
18) The managers who implement this system do a good job of informing customers because it is advertised throughout the restaurant.
19) The staff is also very well informed because they will pitch the beer tour to customers and are knowledgeable about the process.
20) I cannot be certain how effective this is.
21) Not every person will be able to participate in this token economy because of the legal restrictions with the purchase of alcohol. Nobody under the age of 21 years old will be allowed to participate.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
23) Is there anyway to accumulate points beyond the eleven beers for larger prizes?
24) Is there a set eleven beers an individual must try or does a person only need to try eleven out of a higher number.
25) behavioral class, specific behaviors emit, elicit, reinforcement, token, delivery system, extinction, reinforce, and token economy
1) What is this program?
This program is a classroom wide reinforcement program to encourage good behavior.
2) How did it come about?
It came about by wanting students to elicit certain behaviors both in and out of the classroom as a whole.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit being quite in the hallways, bringing the correct textbooks to class, and bringing completed homework to class.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors would be whispering in the hallways, bringing the right books to the right class, and having homework 100% completed before coming to class.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a positive reinforcement program because the children are encouraged to increase these behaviors and are rewarded when they do as a class.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program is a color scale that is hung up for the whole class to see. If they do the target behaviors for the day, then they move up on the scale for the next day.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros to using this type of token is that it is classroom wide, so the children will encourage each other to elicit the target behaviors. Another pro is that the kids do not have to worry about keeping track of how many tokens they have or worry about losing them. A con to this token system is that there may be one or two kids who do not cooperate and the whole class is not reinforced because of it.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system for this reinforcement is on a fixed schedule. At the end of each day, they either move up the color scale, or they do not. If they make it all the way to the "Champion" color block at the end of the week, then they receive a small prize. At the end of the month, if the classroom has 3 out of 4 "Champion Weeks" then they are rewarded with a popsicle party.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pros with this delivery system is that is it consistent. Another pro is that the children are reinforced at several different times so that they are always encouraged to elicit the target behaviors. Some cons to this delivery system might be if they do not move up a color block one day of the week, the class might give up for the rest of the week.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on a sign hung up that the whole class can see. They "move up" the scale using either a magnet or clothes pin. The small prizes are banked so that the kids can choose from a treasure box on at the end of the week.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros to this banking system is that the students can see their progress visually. They also do not have to worry about keeping track of their tokens. Some cons might be that not receiving anything physically might not be as reinforcing to some students.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the small prizes and the popsicle party.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen based on what would be reinforcing to each the age group.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
My example did not go into detail, but if the class is younger, then they would be effective cause small kids love little toys and popsicles.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access to reinforcers by being quiet in the hallway, bring books and homework to class all week. If they do that, then the teacher will let them draw from the treasure chest. If they do these good behaviors for the majority of the month, then the teacher will bring popsicles for the party.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The outcome measures are the visual color scale. If the class does not move up for the day then the teacher starts a discussion which encourages the kids to come up with specific examples as to why and what they can do to move up the next day.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
My example did not say, but I am assuming that the teachers go over the system and what is expected of the students with them thoroughly.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This would be a little tougher because the students are not actually taking tokens home with them for parents to see. The parents would see the small prizes each week however. A good method to teaching parents about this token economy would be by sending a note home to them explaining it and encouraging them to ask questions and help their children with these target behaviors as much as possible.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The administrators have taught the teachers very well. Since they have laid out specific target behaviors, there will not be a consistency issue between different teachers.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, there is a big possibility that one or two children will not find the end of the week/month prizes to be reinforcing often enough for them to try, which would hurt the class as a whole. Some parents might also think the classroom wide approach is not fair.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
One problem that is common with token economies is that the children do not care if they earn tokens. This could occur here, which would keep the entire class from being reinforced. Hopefully the class would encourage each other to behave well so that they may receive their reinforcements. Another problem could be that some students do not find the small toys or popsicles reinforcing.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
One question I would have for the administrators is what types of prizes will be in the treasure box. Another question I would have is what they would do with a child that simply will not cooperate and is being detrimental to the classroom wide system.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to know if it is effective. I would also want to know if they are going to switch the behaviors once the original one become extinct?

25) Terms: Token economy, positive reinforcement, elicit, emit, target behaviors, tokens, fixed schedule reinforcement, banking, reinforcers, and extinct.

1) What is this program?
This program is called The Hartig Drug Rewards Program.

2) How did it come about?
This program is in place to try to encourage to shop at Hartig more frequently and become regular customers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit customers spending more money at this particular store instead of shopping other places.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
A specific behavior they may want the customer to emit would be to buy prescriptions from Hartig, rather than Walgreens. This could be why they offer more points for prescription medicine instead of regular store items. They may also want to get the customers to buy an expensive item to use their $5 certificate.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is a reinforcement system, because the program is trying to encourage the customer to continue spending money at their store.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement, because they are adding a five dollar certificate for customers who emit the target behavior.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are points the customer receives for buying items in the store. For every dollar the customer spends in the store, the customer will receive one point. With the exception of prescriptions, which are worth 25 points, regardless the cost of the prescription.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro of this system is that the customer does not have to hold on, or physically keep track on the points they are earning. If the customer is ever curious about the number of points they have attained, they can look on the website and enter their information.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement. Once the customer earns 250 points, he/she will receive a $5 certificate in the mail to use in the store. The points never disappear, even if you haven't used them or haven't received points or shopped at the store recently.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro in this system is that the customer will always automatically receive the $5 once they have reached the desired number of points. A con with the system is that the customer is not actually receiving the certificate in the store, therefore is not necessarily associating buying items and spending money at the store with the reinforcer.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are being kept track of by the computer, the employees can't even look up the amount you have earned, only the customer has the viewing rights.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
A pro to this banking system is that this system cannot be corrupted by human error. It is completely based upon the computer system.A con to this system is that customers aren't always willing to look up the information and would just prefer the cashier tell them the amount of points they have earned. Sometimes, it can make more work for the customer if they want to keep track but aren't willing to use the computer to do it on their own time.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is the $5 certificate.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcer was probably chosen because the managers wanted a way to reward customers for shopping with them, but still want to profit from the reward. A five dollar certificate still feels rewarding for the customer, but forces them to come and spend more money at the store on things they may not have bought had they not been given the incentive to buy more.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
To me, this does not seem like a truly effective reinforcer. This could take a customer months to achieve this goal, and the certificate gets mailed out, which means the reinforcer isn't even being distributed in the store. This may not truly be a reinforcing reinforcer.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The customers can receive a reinforcer when they earn 250 points. At that point, the certificate is mailed to the customer.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
If revenue increases and they are making more money. They could also see if it is working by the number of customers signing up for the program.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think the CEO's are doing a good job about relaying information about the system onto the employees. Employees are even given praise when they sign up a significant number of customers for the program.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I think the CEO's are relaying information to the managers very well. We are always kept up to date on the deal and are very aware of customers with our rewards card.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think the CEO's have taught the employees about the system quite well, and the employees do a very good job about relaying the information to the customer. The website even lists the exclusions of the items you can buy with the certificate.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I think that the customers may not completely buy into this system. This may be very appealing to customers who shop at Hartig very regularly, and could even show some promise to those people who are only able to shop there every once in a while (because the points they earn never go away.) But those who are not already shopping there don't really have all that much of an incentive to start.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The incentives may not be pleasurable to the customer. There may be something the customer would actually like, and would not think the five dollar certificate was rewarding enough.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I think I would ask them why they came to the conclusion that the five dollar certificate would be a good idea. I feel like it may keep the regular customers with the company, but I don't see how it would be appealing to bring new customers in. I don't believe they have chosen a reinforcer that is desirable enough.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
What if customer's prescriptions are more than $25, but they're still only getting the 25 points for each prescription? Wouldn't the customer feel like they may have gotten the short straw?

25) Terms: Reinforcer, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, pleasurable, emit, tokens, fixed ratio schedule, desired

1) What is this program?
The program is the Best Buy Rewards program. When you get 250 points you get $5 back to spend in the store. Also by being part of the reward system you also can get free shipping, and extended return policies.

2) How did it come about?
It was started to get customers to remain returning customers with Best Buy. It is an incentive to want to buy things through them to get the points rather that to go to Walmart.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class is customers shopping through Best Buy verse other competitor stores.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Best But is wanting their customers to spend more money at their stores.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement. They are increasing the likelihood of this behavior occurring more often.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because they are being rewarded for shopping and their behavior is likely to increase.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are points. The customer signs up for the program and receive a card. For every dollar they spend they get 1 point. When they save up 250 points (spend 250 dollars) they get a $5 coupon to spend in the store.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro is that if the customer doesn't have their rewards card with them we can look them up by their phone number or name. The con is that sometimes it duplicates their name in the system and their points can get put on either one (so not all of the points are going to the same place). Another con is that the computer system sometimes doesn't "find" them in the system so we can't get them their points. Another positive is that the system automatically adds up the points and turns it into a coupon, however a downside is that if there is an error you have to redeem the points to yourself. A pro of this is that when you check your "My Best Buy" online, you can see your purchase history.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is a fixed ratio. Every time you spend a dollar you get a point.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The con is that it the amount of the sale will be estimated down to the closest dollar. So if the total is 212.56, the amount of points you will receive is 212. Another con is that the coupons do have an expiration date, but a plus side is that it doesn't expire for 6 months. Another con is that once that purchase has been made it takes 2 weeks for those points to show up in the system. A pro is that this gets customers to shop through Best Buy so they can get money off their future purchases.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked in the Best Buy computer system. When you get your receipt it also shows how many points you have saved up.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The cons is that if you are not a frequent/high spending customer it takes a while to receive those points. But if is a positive if you spend lots of money at Best Buy. A pro is that you save money on things you were already purchasing (its free). A con is that they system we go through has tons of errors.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers is that if you spend X amount of money you can become an Elite or Elite Plus member. These members get extended return policies, instead of 15 days, you get at least 45 days. These members also receive other coupons and special sales.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back up reinforcers were chosen to give customers even MORE of an incentive to shop at Best Buy.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Personally, I don't think so. I always forget to use the coupons and never return anything I buy. However when I worked there, there were lots of people who took advantage of the coupons and extended return policy.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They are able to use it on store purchases, the cashier can check for any coupons to use. They can also check their points online.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They could look at amounts of spending before and after the rewards was set in place. They could also look at how many members Best Buy has and compare to the total amount of customers.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The cashier asks the customer at every purchase if they have a rewards card, if yes then they will get their points. If the customer says no, then the cashier (is supposed to) explain the rewards and ask I they want to sign up.
I think it is effective, but only if the cashiers do their job.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I think that the system is very easy to explain and that the customers understand it.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
We were taught at orientation, and then were later on quizzed 2 or 3 times about the program at a later date. We also had what the company called "e-Learnings" where they explain company policies and rules.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Definitely. There are people who are skeptical about it being free. Some also didn't want to sign up because they didn't want to give us their phone number, name, and address. Others don't shop at Best Buy enough to get any of the rewards.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
A problem is all of the cons I said earlier. The system is very glichy and there are problems with it all the time. Another is that eventually people will get bored of it. Also Best Buy has online competitors that are cheaper(even though they price match!).

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would ask if they are trying to fix the errors in the system.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Fixed ratio, reinforcers, positive reinforcement

1)What is this program?
This program is called Flames. It is a point system that it used to determine what level you are at while in treatment.

2)How did it come about?
I am not positive of the origin of the program but I have asked my boss to look into it so that I have better knowledge of the system and can help it to run more effectively.

3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
This program involves many behavioral classes. They are trying to elicit safe behaviors (not self-harming, running away, or being aggressive towards other), responsibility, respect, independence, respect for authority, etc.

4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
With this particular program we are looking for specific target behaviors like not self-harming, following staff directives the first time, and being responsible by finishing their chores. We expect that the kids will emit these behaviors in order to move up in the program and work on their treatment.

5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system involves reinforcement because we want the kids to increase these positive behaviors and in order to do that we allow them to earn rewards and privileges.

6)Is it positive or negative?
This program involves positive reinforcement because we are giving them privileges to increase their behaviors.

7)What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are points. Twice a day the kids will give staff their mood and in the morning they also give a goal to work on for the day. The staff award them points, 0-3, depending on how they do in different categories. They are judged on their responsibility, social skills, interactions, attitude/maturity, their goal, how they did in group, and school if applicable.

8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros to this system is that it gives an easy way for staff to look at progress from week to week and we are easily able to find days that they struggled as well as see patterns in their moods and how that associated with their behaviors. The cons to this system is that if there isn’t an established inter-observer agreement then there may be some variability and inconsistency with the points awarded.

9)What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is continuous reinforcement matched with fixed ratio. The kids are given points every day so they are continuously reinforced for their behaviors. However, in order to move up a level they have to have a certain amount of points.

10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
I think one of the pros to this system is it gives a definite number the kids have to reach in order to achieve a higher level in the community. The con I would associate with this is that I do question whether the system is salient enough. It is so routine for the kids that I don’t think they understand the importance of it at times. Since it happens every day I think that it might have a limited value and they become satiated so that privileges and rewards associated with it aren’t always enough to elicit behaviors with positive valence.

11)How are the tokens banked?
The points are added up on a sheet of paper that each individual has and that is in a three ring binder that staff is required to fill out twice a day. The kids are able to view their points but no one elses. We also have their levels posted on a board in the community that is visible to everyone.

12)What are the pro's and con's?
The pros of this system is that their points are more private and the kids I work with often appreciate that because they have had so much of their lives just thrown out on the table and everyone gets to know about it. They have had little privacy and this system gives them that. The cons of this system is that it requires staff to remember it every night regardless of how busy it gets, and if kids refuse to participate they lose all of their points that day even if they would have earned some for the other categories.

13)What are the back-up reinforcers?
The kids are able to earn things like personal snack, personal item in room, jewelry, make-up, one-on-one time with staff, walks on campus, etc.

14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
We have a lot of backup reinforcers and they were chosen by deciding what things the kids place an intrinsic value on and adding them to our list of privileges they could earn.

15)Are they effective reinforcers?
Some of these reinforcers are extremely effective because the kids love to do certain things. For instance, the kids thrive off of having one-on-one time with staff. They have favorite staff and they want nothing more than to have time alone with that staff so they don’t have to share them. This is why we added things like one-on-one walk with staff.

16)How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Staff give the kids request sheets every Monday and they fill them out saying which reinforcers they would like to earn. This is helpful because it allows staff to know what is important to each kid and what they would enjoy earning. Staff goes through their points and according to how many they have earned they decide what the kids have earned for that week along with if they have earned enough points to go up a level in the treatment program.

17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
As the kids make their way through the levels of the system staff and the treatment team are able to see their progress and the best marker for the systems success is that the child be able to discharge to go home.

18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I believe that the students have a good idea of how the system works but I have noticed that they learn much of it from their other peers. Staff step in and explain things for them if they are still confused but the kids tend to help each other out.

19)How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I changed this to how effectively are the administrators or teachers teaching the staff about the system. I called my boss and asked her about the philosophy behind this system and she let me know that she had not ever been told about it and she would call the lady that she knows started the program. I am still waiting for that information but my boss was really interested to know what behavioral modification program our token economy is based off of. My boss has done some training on this system though she did mention that much of the training requires the staff to read a handbook. This may not be the most effective way of teaching but it does contain all of the information needed to be able to understand the system.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The administrators have taught the teachers well but the teacher did have to read up on the system and learn much of it herself. She was able to understand the idea behind the system but has not been told the philosophy or ideals behind this token economy.

21)Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I think that for the most part everyone is on board with this system but the kids may struggle with it at times because some of the guidelines are not clear cut and it involves some judgment calls by the treatment team which may undermine the system itself.

22)What are some problems you know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
There is always the problem with making sure that your tokens are salient enough to actually cause a change in behaviors. We also have the problem with not having specific enough target behaviors which causes room to question the system. I would say one of the biggest problems I see is a breakdown in communication between the staff, kids, and administrators regarding the system. It seems like it has been and can be extremely effective but it has fallen by the wayside because it hasn’t been properly explained and because there are staff working that just don’t have the education required to understand behavioral program and how they should be run.

23)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I want to know the philosophy and the real structure behind the program so that I can help teach the other staff and better run the system myself.

24)What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would also like to know how the point system was created and if it could be revamped and looked at again. The system overall seems to be effective because we have a low recidivism rate. However, I do feel like it could be used much more effectively with the proper training.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: behavioral classes, emit, elicit, target behavior, inter-observer agreement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, salient, limited value, satiated, positive valence, intrinsic value, token economy, recidivism, behavioral modification program

1. Class-Wide Color Chart – Sports Themed
2. It came about because the teacher wanted the students to meet a set of behavioral expectations throughout the week on a day-to-day basis.
3. They are trying to elicit better behavior among the class as a whole using children’s individual behavior.
4. Some specific target behaviors they may want children to emit would be, all students walk quietly in the hallway, all students bring textbooks to class, all students bring in completed homework.
5. Reinforcement
6. Positive, because it’s the addition of something desirable (popsicle party)
7. A chart consisting of 5 levels, green (ready to learn), teal (up to bat), pink (team player), purple (team captain), blue (champion). If the class earns three out of four champion weeks, then the students are rewarded with a popsicle party or a chance to choose out of the treasure box. If the students do not meet the behavior expectations, then the class does not move up on the ladder. If the students do not move up, the teacher has a class meeting and the students give examples explaining why the class is not able to move up on the ladder. A magnet or clothes pin can be used to give the students a visual of where the class stands.
a. Pros:
i. Everyone gets the same exact thing
ii. No fighting over who has something better
b. Cons:
i. There isn’t an instant gratification
ii. They don’t get to hold it
iii. They don’t get to keep it
9. The teacher moves the magnet/clothes pin during the day
a. Pros:
i. It wouldn’t get lost
ii. Tokens couldn’t get stolen
b. Cons:
i. It doesn’t seem like an instant gratification for the children
ii. The good behavior may not be linked with the praise
11. They are kept in the front of the classroom
a. Pros:
i. Kids will always know where they stand with behavior
ii. Teachers can exert power with it in the front
b. Cons:
i. Kids don’t get to keep them
ii. Kids don’t get to show it off to those outside the classroom
13. Teacher has a class meeting and the students give examples why they are not moving up and figures out things they can do to do better.
14. ^^^ See Above^^^
15. yes because the students get to choose the reinforcers themselves.
16. By living up to the expectations of the teacher.
17. The stats of how many students bring in completed homework and how many students bring textbooks to class.
18. I think they are informing them rather well. They give the students the option for say in reinforcers as well as have meetings with them with they are not meeting the desired behavior.
19. I don’t think they are informing them at all.
20. I think they have been teaching them extremely well. The teacher seems to have a clear and detailed understanding of the token economy system, as well as what to do if it seems to not be working.
21. Of course there is a possibility of not everything being ok with the system. There will probably be a few teachers/parents that link this system to “bribing” the students to do well if they do not have a clear understanding of how the system actually works to improve overall behavior.
22. One child may ruin it for all the rest, since there isn’t immediate gratification for the students they mat not link the praise with the good behavior.
23. Is there a way you can reward or praise students individually within the class-wide system? Why aren’t the parents notified? Why are they doing it as a class-wide experiment rather then individually?
24. ^^^see above^^^
25. Target Behavior, Desired behavior, reinforcers, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, token economy, behavior

1) What is this program?
It is used with chips and then put into a bag and each student has a number assigned to them and when they do something good there chip is put int the bag for a drawing on friday for some sort of prize.
2) How did it come about?
It came about to help the kids to stay on track in school and have good behavior.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying for kids to be better behaved in class and also all throughout the day.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Being quiet in the hallway, sitting down in your desk and starting work right away,participating in class discussions.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is defiantly reinforcement based.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is a positive reinforcement.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
They are chips/coins with the child's number that was assigned to them by the teacher.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro would be since they are given the chips at the beginning of the week while the week goes by they can tell how many chips are in the bag because they keep hold of the remaining chips.Another pro would be it keeps the child responsible for there own chips. A con would be what if the child loses all of there chips in the school somewhere.
9) What is the delivery system?
The teacher takes the chip and puts it in the bag if they elect the behavior wanted.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pro would be the teacher doesn't have to keep track of the amount of tokens for each student. But a con would be they can't see all of the good behavior done by a student all of the time.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are kept in a bag that the teacher keeps with them.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro would be the teacher doesn't have to to anything more then put the coins in the bag. A con would be the students cant physically see there chips in the bag.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
They can get special rewards with the back up reinforces like more recess or a snack or a movie day.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are chosen from things the children at that age like to do in there spare time.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are very effective. Its what kids at this age want to do.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
There coin number is chosen out of the bag. Depending on the amount of coins in the bag the better your chance is to get a prize.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Well big one is amount of coins in the bag at a given friday.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think they are informing them rather well. They give the students the option for say in reinforcers as well as have meetings with them with they are not meeting the desired behavior.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It does not say anything about the parents in the study. But I would assume the parents would be notified of the token economy form the school district.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
They have done a good job because without the teachers knowledge the system wouldn't be able to work.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes there is always that one teacher or student who doesn't want to do it or enforce it all the way like they should to make it work.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Not all children will want to do it and if one doesn't there will be more to follow in the end.
target behavior,desired behavior, positive,reinforcement, token economy, fixed ratio,emit

1)What is this program?
a.The example of a token economy program I selected is Hulu Plus Referrals. Through the referral program, current customers and new “friend” customer receive 2 weeks free services, once they sign up for Hulu Plus. Customers can earn up to a year free of Hulu Plus in a rolling 12-month period.
2)How did it come about?
a.I think this program came about as a strategy to attract more customers. The normal free trial of Hulu Plus is 1 week, but if a new customer enters the referral number of a current customer then both receive 2 free weeks.
3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
a. Hulu is trying to elicit an increase of registration from new customers. Hulu wants to elicit more promotion and communication of the company through current customers.
4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?
a.One specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is sending account referral number to friends and families without an account. Another specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the registration for a Plus account. And an additional target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the verbal promotion of the company to potential customers.
5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
a.This system is based on reinforcement because it reinforces desirable behaviors with 2 free weeks of Plus services.
6)Is it positive or negative?
a.This is positive reinforcement because Hulu responses to the desired target behavior by adding 2 free weeks to the customer’s account.
7)What are the tokens used in this program?
a.If the current customer actively seeks out new customers to register for Hulu Plus, they could receive an entire year of free service based on rewards.
8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
a.A pro that might be associated with using these tokens are that people are attracted to free services. A con that might be associated with using these tokens is the low probability for friends to response to request and use your account referral number. If a mass broadcast is sent out via email or facebook, many people will ignore such requests for free of spam/viruses. These tokens are only offered for the enrollment of new Hulu Plus subscribers only; if the referred party has already taken part in a Hulu Plus trial, he or she will not be eligible to receive the 2-week free offer. The 2-week free offer also cannot be combined with other promotions, including any other free trial offers.
9)What is the delivery system?
a.Referral credits will be automatically applied in your next billing cycle when your referrals (as new subscribers) successfully complete the registration process using your referral link and pay for their first month of service.
10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
a.A pro associated with this delivery system is the automatic application of reward. The computer system holds the bank and can appropriately keep track of credits. A con associated with this delivery system is that the current customer has to wait for the new customer to register AND pay for a month of service. Refer more than 26 friends in one rolling 12-month period and these additional referrals will still be eligible for their 2 free weeks, though you will not receive additional credit.
11)How are the tokens banked?
a.The tokens are banked by the Hulu computer system using the current customers account referral number.
12)What are the pro's and con's?
a.A pro associated with the tokens being banked and linked through an account referral number is that it allows for quick access to potential rewards. The referral link provides a simply environment for the new customers to register. The con associated with this friends and family may not trust the security or legitimacy of link. Many hyperlinks have a history of causing spam and/or viruses, some people could have developed superstitions against link connection due to aversive consequences.
13)What are the back up reinforcers?
a.The back up reinforcer is the potential for the customers to receive up to 12 months of free services based on the amount of successful referrals.
14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
a.The back up reinforcer was chosen because even though it is not probable, the outcome is possible. With the unlikelihood that a current customer can successfully refer 26 paying customers, the goal becomes desirable but not easily achieved.
15)Are they effective reinforcers?
a.I think the effectiveness of this reinforcer depends on the personality and characteristics of the current customer.
16)How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
a.Current customers can locate their personal account referral invitations by going to the account settings and clicking on one of the icons to refer friends. They can be invite them via email, Facebook, Twitter or other sharing options.
17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
a.Current customers can click on the “See Referral Details” link to track the invitations progress from opening to registration. Referrals sent via email will include the referrals name so the friends will know who the message is from.
18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the customers about the system?
a.I think the Hulu administration could provide some more frequently asked questions and answers on the about page. I think Hulu intentionally neglects to mention the requirement for new customers to purchase the first month of service in order for either participants to receive 2 free weeks.
19)Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
a.Speaking personally, I think majority of people do not buy into the system. Aside from the specific requirements, obtaining referrals requires a lot of extra emitted efforts. People may feel that this extra behavior can become annoying or time consuming.
20)What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
a.A problem known to exist with token economies which could present a problem with here is the inconsistency with reinforcing the target behavior. While the current customer is emitting the desired behaviors, they will not be reinforced unless the new customer emits their desired behavior. If the new customer decides not to behavior accordingly, then the current customers desired behavior is not reinforced which lowers the probability for the target behavior to be repeated.
21)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
a.Why do new customers have to purchase the first month Hulu Plus to receive 2 free weeks? Do you think you’d get more customers if credit cards were not charged until the end of the free trial?
22)What additional information might you want to know about the system?
a.I want to know more information about how many customers successfully use the referral system. Maybe they could provide weekly percentages of referrals and money saved, similar to HyVee Fuel Saver.

23)Token economy, elicit, emit, reinforcement, response, positive reinforcement, token, environment, superstitions, consequences, aversive, desirable, goal, back up reinforcement, reinforcer, emitted, emitting, reinforcing, desired behavior, reinforced, probability, target behavior.

List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this program? Hyvee Fuel Saver
2) How did it come about? It probably came about as a way to get more people to 1. use the hyvee gas stations more often and 2. an incentive to shop at hyvee more
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? they are trying to elicit the behavior of buying their products and gas more often
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Specific target behaviors would be buying a certain product because it is a fuel saver that week or getting gas when their fuel saver has a lot on it
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement because the customers are being reinforced for buying certain products and for getting gas at a hyvee gas station
6) Is it positive or negative? Positive because they are adding something desirable (points/money off on gas, i guess it could also be negative because you are taking away money to make it a more desirable amount of money on gas
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are the cents that you get off every time you shop and buy something that is a fuel saver that week
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? people might not like the products the store has that week for fuel savers so it is not rewarding to them, it is an easy way to buy groceries that everyone needs and also save money on something else people need (gas)
9) What is the delivery system? every time you buy a fuel saver item, the card is scanned when you check out and then a balance is on the card and swiped at the pump when you get gas
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? one pro is that you can just swipe the card at the pump and it will take off the cents right there. A con would be that you might not always know the balance on your card because you only get the balance when you get a receipt from hyvee
11) How are the tokens banked? on a card
12) What are the pro's and con's? maybe people wont carry the card all the time, but at the same time it could be a pro that you can just carry it in your purse with all of your other cards
13) What are the back up reinforcers? a back up reinforcer could be that you don't only have to use it at a hyvee gas station you could also use it at caseys
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? I am guessing that the gas stations agree to partner with hyvee to do the fuel saver program
15) Are they effective reinforcers? yes i think it is a good reinforcer to get cents off per gas after buying groceries
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Buy the products that are a fuel saver that week and sign up for the program
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? keep track of how many people take part in the program and what they buy and how much they save
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? I think the teaching of this program is effective and is advertised well and they probably had a meeting about it with all the workers to know how to work it and advertise it
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? There are not parents in this token economy i think they are definitely advertising to the customers how effective it would be and how to use it
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? the people who came up with this product are probably pretty effective at teaching the people at hyvee how to use the program because it seems to be working pretty well so far
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Some people may not find it that rewarding if they do not shop at hyvee often or do not like the products they have for the program, although the products are different every week or so
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Not everyone may shop at hyvee or not enough to get the benefit of using a fuel saver card
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? I do not have any questions at this time, I actually have a fuel saver card and so do others in my family and we all find it rewarding
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I would maybe want to know if there was like a website or somewhere I could check my balance before I use because I always lose the receipts that tell me

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
elicit, emit, target behavior, reinforcer, positive, negative, token economy, behavioral class

1)What is this program?
Finn’s Super Store

2)How did it come about?
The teacher wanted to encourage her students to do well, complete their homework on time and to help them with money counting skills.

3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit work completed accurately, work completed on time, appropriate seating posture, and positive attitudes.

4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Complete assignments with 85% accuracy or better, work in turned in on time, sits in the chair with all four legs on the floor, with no more than one warning.

5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is based on reinforcement.

6)Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because they are adding a reward to increase the frequency of the behaviors.

7)What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are stars or check marks on a card which are then turned in to plastic money at the end of the day.

8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pro’s would be it teaches the students how to count money, they are cheap for the teacher to acquire, safe to use and are easy to dispense. Some con’s would be that the students could easily get the plastic coins elsewhere, and they are easy to lose.

9)What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the card with the student’s names and checkmarks on it. This token economy also uses envelops to store the money in at the end of the day.

10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pro’s are that the tokens stay safe and they are hard to lose. Some con’s are the student doesn’t always know how much money they have.

11)How are the tokens banked?
They are put in an envelope at the end of the day.

12)What are the pro's and con's?
Some pro’s are they are safe and the students will not lose them. Some con’s are the students will not always know how much they have.

13)What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are pencils, stuffed animals, erasers, books, colored pencils, book bags, items from fast food restaurants, lunch with the teacher, and a trip to the teacher’s 40-acre farm that includes four horses, a tractor, access to a fishing hole, and more!

14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They were either donated or things that the teacher bought at garage sales or things she could give to her students, like the trip to her farm.

15)Are they effective reinforcers?
This program has had success in reducing behavior problems so I would say that the reinforcers are effective.

16)How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They buy them at the teachers “store” at the end of the week.

17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They can look at grades and if work is being turned in on time.

18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The teacher has taken the time to explain it to the students because the students understand the system and it has been successful.

19)How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The parents know about the system because they are asked to donate items to be the reinforcers.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
This teacher has spread the system to other teachers so that when her kids are in a different room they still are in the token economy.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is the possibility but with the wide variety of reinforcers and the varying costs of reinforcers everyone can get something they want.

22)What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I don’t see any problems with this program. The reinforcers don’t neglect their legal rights. There is no time to hoard tokens because the highest prize in the store would take a student approximately 12 weeks to get.

23)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I don’t have any questions for the administrator of this system.

24)What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to know if the money expires at any time.

Terms used: elicit, reinforcement, frequency, behavior, positive, tokens, delivery system, token economy, back up reinforcers.

1) What is this program?
The Pancheros punch card program
2) How did it come about?
Pancheros wanted to increase customer loyalty by giving a free burrito for every ten burritos purchased
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Eating at Pancheros
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
choosing to eat at Pancheros instead of another restaurant, eating at Pancheros multiple times
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
reinforcement, because they want to increase the behavior
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive, because once the behavior is emitted enough times a reward is given (a free burrito)
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are stamps on a Pancheros business card
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
pro- drives customer loyalty, clear, set reinforcement
con- people can use each other's punch card, don't always remember to use them, not always asked to get one
9) What is the delivery system?
The reward is given when someone hands over a fully punched card
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
pro- easy to do, unique stamp, cheap to make
con- can be combined, can be forgotten, card can be lost
11) How are the tokens banked?
They are stamped onto a card that the customer keeps
12) What are the pro's and con's?
pro- convenient
con- easily lost
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
a free burrito
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
they were chosen by the restaurant owner
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
if people are eating at pancheros then they obviously want a burrito and free food is always popular
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
by turning in their punch card
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
track how many punch cards are returned, how many people buying burritos have a punch card
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
not very, there are no advertisements and the workers rarely ask to see your punch card or offer you one
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
the owners teach the workers about the system and how it works, but do not push marketing the punch card very well
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
The employees probably don't have complete buy in, this is because they do not receive any rewards for getting customers to use the program.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
people may not be motivated enough, the tokens could be lost or forged
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would like to know how much the burritos actually cost to make
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcement, positive, emit, reward, token, behavior, delivery system, buy in, motivation
1) What is this program?
Basically this is the “My Coke Rewards” program. When you get a Coke product there is a code somewhere on the product where you can submit it online and get a certain amount of points for it. These points can be used to submit for a chance to win a pirze.
2) How did it come about?
The official website does not specifically say how or when the program got started.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The one behavior class they are trying to elicit is the feeling of accomplishment. If someone buys enough products they could potentially win a huge prize, which the person would feel like they’ve done something really cool! (Even though buying a bunch of Coke products for a prize is kind of sad).
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Really the only specific target behavior this program is trying to emit is buying Coke products. The entire program is just a money grab for people to attempt to enter for a chance to win a sweepstakes (which I’ve never known/heard of any program like this that actually does give away the big sweepstakes to a customer).
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is definitely based on reinforcement. If a person buys a Coke product and enters the code online they are given points, which then would make the customer buy more product to get more points.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a definite example of positive reinforcement because the customer is likely to increase their behavior of buying the product and build up points.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program come in the form of points that a person can obtain by entering a code that they get on a Coke product.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro with using actual points is that you can physically see how many you have by logging onto your account on the website. A con with this could be that, since it is banked online, there could potentially be a glitch in the system which could wipe out all of the points you have obtained.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is based on a continuous reinforcement in that every time you enter a code on the website you get a certain amount of points for it. Although, the amount of points a customer receives each time they enter a code could be a different amount than the previous time they entered a code.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro could be that since the amount of points are random it makes it more fair so a customer isn’t buying just one certain product that may give more points than another product. This could also be a con, however, because an extremely unlucky person might get a bunch of codes worth only one point while someone else may enter codes that give them ten points each time.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked to the person’s online My Coke Rewards account. The person is able to check to see how many points they have at any given time.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
A pro is that track of the points is kept electronically. Another pro is that the person can see how many points they have at any time of the day. A con would be that if a person forgets their password they wouldn’t have a way of building up anymore points and/or claim their rewards. Again, another con would be that, since it is online, their could be a glitch in the system which could possibly wipe out all of the points earned.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers vary depending on how many points you turn in. It can be anything from a discount on Coke products, t-shirts, hats, pillows, and then of course the sweepstakes.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
I’m honestly not sure. All of the prizes have “Coke” written on them somewhere, so they’re products that the Coke company feels customers would love to have.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Personally, not really. I feel like building up over 1000 points (which could potentially equal 1000 products bought) is not worth a hat that can be bought for $25 online or somewhere else. Also, the sweepstakes is probably rare to get because the customer has a “chance” to be entered to win the sweepstakes.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Basically, when a customer gains enough points they are able to submit their points in order to obtain any prize they want that falls in the point range they have.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The way they know this would be effective is if when they announce the My Coke Rewards program they notice an increase in sales of Coke products. They could also keep track of overall points that are being obtained across the entire program.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I’m combining questions 18- 20 for this question since: 1) this token economy isn’t based around a school and 2) all three ask the same question. I think the company does a good job laying out the details of how the program works. As evidenced on the FAQ page for the website, it seems like the Coke company lays out every possible detail that could be asked about the program.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Oh it’s definitely a possibility. I feel like most people, including myself, just see this as a money grab attempt by the company to trick people into buying their product in “hopes” of winning something big with the points they receive.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I think one of the problems I can see happening with this is that the customer may not get the prize they asked for. Also, because you never know how many points you’re getting when you buy a product, you could be spending hundreds of dollars just to build up enough points only to be able to get a t-shirt by the end. Doesn’t seem fair to me.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What are the odds of winning the sweepstakes? What happens if, for some reason, I cannot access my account to claim my points/rewards?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Do they really expect people to spend hundreds of dollars in hopes to win a t-shirt worth $15?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: elicit, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, tokens, token economy, backup reinforcers, reinforce, outcome measures, delivery system
1) What is this program?
This is a school-wide token economy system for middle/junior high school

2) How did it come about?
This came about by the administrators wanting to promote and maintain appropriate behavior in a reinforcement way.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior class they are trying to elicit is appropriate behavior.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The specific target behavior they want children to emit is being on time to class.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is reinforcement based

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement, that children receive a token for showing up on time to class.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are laminated pieces of paper with the school mascot on it.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The proc’s is that the children can see and hold their tokens, and watch as it adds up. The con’s is that the tickets can be easily replicated and forge.

9) What is the delivery system?
Teacher will hand the children the tickets. The children then can turn the tickets in two days per six weeks to claim a prize from the school store.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
This system is good because the children can see the tokens and see the progress of the tokens. They can also pick the reward that they receive. The con is that the teachers have the discretion on who they had it too, simply because the teachers only have 100 tickets to start out with. This means that reinforcing the behavior of being on time, will only be a variable ratio, if the teachers decide.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are handed out to the students. The students then turn the tokens into the school bank. The children then get a deposit slip that shows them the amount of earnings the children have.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pro’s is that this will reduce the fake hornets being made. It also teaches the children responsibilities of depositing their earnings. The con’s is that the sectary who runs the bank will have to be constantly expecting the children and monitoring how many tokens are received.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the rewards at the end of the six week period that the students can buy.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are items donated to the school store.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, they are things that kids would want, like shirts, CD’s, soda, etc.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students have to save up the tickets they earn for arriving to class on time, and then they deposit them. The students then save up their tickets and use them to purchase the items of their choice.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrations handed out 100 tickets to their teachers, and taught them how to hand out the tickets, but left it up to their discretion.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
This is effective because the teachers explain the system at the beginning of the year, and this entails how they receive the tokesn and how to deposit them.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This was not stated in the article, but I would assume they put the system in the newsletter.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
They were effective because the teachers have all the control.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, because it is not a continuous reinforcement, and this could cause students to not want to participate.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I think that the amount of responsibility the children have could be a problem. If students do not have time to turn in their tokens to the bank between classes or before/after school they may not be able to partake in the economy.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What do they do for the kids who do not have control over turning in the tokens? Is this fit for lower functioning children? How are the teachers deciding when and whom they had out the tokens?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to see how effective the program is and if it really encourages children to arrive to class on time.

25) elicit, emit, behavior, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcers, punishment, token ecomomy
1) What is this program?
The MyPanera card is a rewards program for the popular bakery/café, Panera Bread. When you use the MyPanera card, you earn points. These points eventually add up and earn diners free bakery or café items.

2) How did it come about?
Panera wanted to reward its frequent customers and show appreciation for their business. By doing this, it encourages customers to come back and earn more points.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
A behavioral class that Panera might be trying to elicit would be getting people to spend more money in their café by purchasing food.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The specific behaviors that Panera wants guests to emit would be using their MyPanera card each time they come to the café and purchase something.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system would definitely be based on reinforcement. They are being reinforced for their purchasing behaviors.

6) Is it positive or negative?
Positive! They are gaining a desirable item when they get enough points earned up.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are points on the MyPanera card.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro with the tokens in this program would be the fact that it is electronically based and people do not have to keep track of their own points. Even if they lose their card, the points are still retrievable online. The online tracker lets you know when you have rewards available. This is also a con, because you can’t physically look and see how many points you have on the card, like you would be able to with a punch card. You have to get online in order to see how many points you’ve earned.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is based on a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement. When a MyPanera card holder gains enough points, he or she is rewarded with a free bakery item or money off of an entrée.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro about this is that you are somewhat surprised when you get your free item. When you get to the restaurant and have your card swiped, you are told right then if you are eligible for a free item. You also get to save the free item for a different visit, if you’d like. A con would be that the offer expires after a certain amount of time, and if it isn’t used by then, you don’t get to redeem your reward. Also, you have to physically go to the café in order to redeem it.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked through an online system. When you get your card at Panera, you register it online and each time you get your card swiped, points add up online.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
A pro to this banking system is that you can’t lose your points. Once they are on your profile online, you get to keep them. A con would be like what I said before – you can’t look at the card and see how many points you have right away. You have to go online and see how many points you have.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The primary back up reinforcers are complimentary bakery and café items, but you can also receive coupons, invitations to special events, and ideas for recipes and entertaining when you become a member.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
These back up reinforcers are chosen by the online system keeping track of what items you order at the cafe. When they get an idea of what type of items you order, those are the complimentary items that they offer. You will only know that you will get an item when your points add up, but you won’t know which item will be offered to you.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would say that these are effective reinforcers. People who frequent Panera have their favorites, and being surprised with a free coffee or bakery item, or $2 off of a soup or salad is very exciting when you swipe your card and aren’t expecting it!

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
People gain access to these reinforcers when they come into the restaurant. Either they know they are eligible for a free item from the last time they were in, or they are told at that specific visit and decide to use it then. Regardless, they get to claim their reward when they come to purchase some type of item.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Because this system is based online, I’m sure they have some type of electronic blog that keeps track of how many people redeem their rewards and if they do so in a timely manner. They probably also have a log of how many people actually use their card and how often they do so.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The restaurant has posters up in the actual dining areas to promote this program, and they explain it thoroughly online. This way, both the customers and employees have a good understanding on how the program works.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I don’t really know how to answer this question considering I didn’t use a token economy based on education.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Just like above, I didn’t use an educational token economy so this question doesn’t necessarily pertain to me.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not havecomplete buy in with the system?
Yes! If people register for the MyRewards card but don’t use it when they come to eat at Panera, they won’t be able to receive the back up reinforcers. Some people might not really care about the rewards or take full advantage of the program.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
There are a few problems associated with token economies that might show up in this program. For one, customers who do not redeem their rewards right away will lose out on them if they expire, which might irritate some people. Also, people might not like the back up reinforcer that they are presented with.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would want to ask how many people actually use their reward card frequently, and how the points are accumulated. They don’t necessarily explain how many points are earned per dollar spent.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know how they keep track of the success of the program. Do they make changes to the program based off of feedback given from people who utilize the program?

25) Terms: elicit, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, back up reinforcers, delivery systems, target behavior, desirable, behavior class, continuous reinforcement

1) What is this program?
This program is the Fabletics rewards program.
2) How did it come about?
The rewards program was probably begun to promote purchasing products from the website, as well as inviting other friends to join the website which would also cause more products to be sold.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class they are trying to elicit is purchasing clothing from their website rather then another website or store.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Choosing to purchase clothing from instead of Scheels or Nike.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement because the more purchases you make or the more friends you invite to the website, the more points you receive, and after banking one thousand points you get a credit to the website which can be used towards getting an outfit for free.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable. In this case, you receive a free outfit which is always something nice because it saves you money.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are points. You receive points based on purchases you have made and friends you have invited, and once you have one thousand points, it turns into one credit. Once you have the one credit, it can be turned into a free outfit.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pro associated with using these tokens is that you can get a lot of tokens just for inviting a friend to the website, so it could make getting a free outfit very easy. The con associated with the tokens is that in order to get some points, you do have to spend money. So in a way, people may think its ridiculous that you have to spend a ton of money before you can get anything for free.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is that every time you make a purchase or invite a friend to the website, the points are added to a total on your account.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro associated with this delivery system is that it is very accessible and easy to see how many points you have without having to keep track of a card or anything of that sort. The con is that you have to become a member of the website before you are able to access any kind of points or receive any points.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked in your account information on the website.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Again, the pros and cons are similar to those of the delivery system. The pro is that the points are very easy to access and see, but the con is that you must become a member before you are able to have an account and see the points.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is that after you receive a certain amount of points and are able to earn credits, you can then receive free outfits or articles of clothing.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcer was probably chosen because it was the most enticing thing for shoppers to see. A lot of people will do what they can to get something free, even if it does mean spending money in the first place.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
These are effective reinforcers because a lot of people would do anything to get something free as their reward.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They gain access to the reinforcer by purchasing products from the website to receive points and by inviting friends to join the website.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They can track how many people have had enough points to receive the credit and then the free purchase from the website.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
They are really effective about teaching people about this rewards program because after making a purchase they give you the chance to invite friends and show you how many rewards you can get for that, and then they show you how many points you get after you make a purchase.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This question really does not refer to this token economy, but they are doing a good job teaching everyone about the system.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
This answer is pretty similar to all the other ones, but they are effectively teaching everyone about the system when they make purchases and promoting the points.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes this is entirely possible because a lot of people would think that it is a scam that you have to make purchases and spend money before you are able to get anything for free. Also, this website is a confusing one where if you do not select that you don't want to make a purchase for a month then your card could be automatically charged, so people could think that this is a big scam of the website as well.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
A problem that may exist in this token economy could be that not a lot of people may be aware of what this website is because there is not a lot promotion for the website except for online, so if you do not have a Facebook where other friends of yours have "liked" this website, you may not come across it.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would want to know why the amount of points needed before you can get a credit is so high. Mostly, I would want to know how many people actually collected that many points in order to get that credit, or if most people stopped using the website before it got to that point.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I think that this system is laid out pretty well, so I am not sure that I would have any problems regarding this system.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emit, behavioral class, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, delivery system, token economy,

I cannot post the exact link because you have to be logged into your account to access it, but the website that it is for is

For my token economy, I chose to find something related to classrooms since I want to a high school counselor and currently volunteer at the boys and girls club. I may want to use a system like this to increase good behaviors in the school system or over the summer at the boys and girls club. I found a token economy that was made by a teacher called the world’s easiest token economy. The teacher created a system that is inexpensive to teachers as well as simple to follow. Each student has a set of coins with their name on it and randomly will be rewarded with one which is placed in a bag. When the teacher needs a helper or to give out a special responsibility, they can pull a coin out of the bag.

1) The program is called the world’s easiest token economy for the classroom.
2) It came about because a teacher needed a way to increase good behaviors in the classroom without having to keep track of how each student’s behaviors or worry about punishing.
3) The behaviors the teacher wants to elicit are social behaviors such as being quiet in the hallways, working on your homework when you get there in the morning, or helping another student with something.
4) The children should emit the type of behaviors stated above as well as other behaviors related to them.
5) The system is based reinforcement for the behaviors exhibited.
6) This would be a positive reinforcement because the students are receiving something desirable.
7) The tokens in this system are small coins with their assigned number on it which is then placed in a bag which can be drawn from for prizes.
8) The pros of the tokens would be that the kids do not have to keep track of them nor the teachers but a con might be the kids cannot see how many tokens they receive. (which could also be a pro if some kids get more than others)
9) The delivery system would be variable interval since the children would not know how often they would be reinforced or when they would be. This is a form of random reinforcement.
10) A pro of the reward system would be the children would exhibit behaviors even though they may not be rewarded. A con would be that they kids may forget about the system.
11) The tokens are banked in a bag or container which is kept by the teacher. No one can see inside the bag so the pulling system for the coins is unbiased.
12) A pro would be that it would not become a competition and children who did not receive a coin would not feel bad but a con would be some children need to be able to see the tokens in order to be motivated.
13) The back-up reinforcers would be being chosen for the special responsibilities or getting a privilege that the other students do not get.
14) When the teacher needs someone to help or line up first, etc. they can pull from the bag to choose someone.
15) The websites states that behaviors increase because children want the chance to be chosen for opportunities that other may not get.
16) The students gain access to the reinforcers by exhibiting good behaviors throughout the day for a chance to receive a coin which is put in t bag for the opportunity to be chosen for something special.
17) Some outcomes measures would be for the administrators to sit in the classroom at the beginning of the year then come back after the first month to see the behavioral differences in the classroom. Or to see how different children act around the school.
18) The instructions for the system are very simple to follow as well as easy to do.
19) It does not say that the parents are involved or taught it but I assume they could be shown the system either at conferences or at open house.
20) The system could be used by all teachers of all ages by altering the rewards and target behaviors.
21) There is always a small percentage of people who might not buy into the system.
22) One problem might be when the teachers forget about the system or do not make as big of a deal of the good behaviors the children emit. They need to continue to praise the children just as much from beginning to end.
23) How has it worked in the past? What age groups have tried the system?
24) Do you post the various reward opportunities or have a helper of the month?

25) Terms: token economy, behaviors, punishing, elicit, emit, reinforcement, positive, desirable, variable interval, random reinforcement, increase, reinforcers, target behaviors, rewards, praise

1. The program I decided to do my blog on was the Hy-Vee Fuel Saver program which is awesome and new to me because I live in Illinois and Hy-Vee is not even an option. Ever since I’ve lived in Iowa for school I have saved so much money on gas it’s AWESOME!
2. This program came about in an effort to promote shopping at the Hy-Vee and the Hy-Vee gas stations; to get more business they created this awesome perk.
3. They are trying to elicit more perks to keep old customers and bring in new customers to Hy-Vee in hopes to make them loyal customers to their store.
4. A specific target behavior might be Hy-Vee putting a brand or specific food product that isn’t selling that great on the fuel saver deal in hopes to sell more of that product perhaps. Putting it on the fuel saver deal during any given week makes that product more desirable, or at least that’s the purpose and hopes id say.
5. The fuel saver program is definitely a system based on reinforcement because Hy-Vee is trying to increase the desired behavior of selling more products with the perks of discounted gas and to keep the customers coming back.
6. This would be classified as a positive reinforcement because it involved the addition of something desirable to the customers. The desirable reinforcement would be discounted gas.
7. The token that is being used in this program would be cents off of your next gas purchase when you purchase the fuel saver items while shopping at Hy-Vee.
8. Some cons with this program include; the cents off expires after 30 days and not everyone needs to fill up on gas that often. Another cons would be that the cents off is used as one time so it’s better to save up the cents so you get more cents off when filling up on gasoline. The card can only be used on one car at a time and it’s only up to 20 gallons. A pro is that you save money on gas, it’s easy to do, and it’s free to sign-up, and it’s convenient. Another pro would be that they also work with Casey’s gas stations and the card can be swiped there as well.
9. The delivery system for the fuel saver program would be getting cents off for fuel saver items that you purchase. The items vary and change every week and the points for each item can range from 1 point which equals 1 cent to 25 points sometimes, it just depends. You can use the points, also known as cents within 30 days at either a Hy-Vee gas station or a Casey’s gas station.
10. A con would the points expiring after the 3o days, having to use the card and points at one time, and it only being able to be used on one car at a time. A pro would include; having a month to earn as many points as possible, not having a limit on the fuel save items you can purchase, the amount of Hy-Vee and Casey’s gas stations that are located throughout Iowa.
11. When you purchase the fuel saver items, you swipe the fuel saver card and the points/cents off gets put on the card. The receipt also shows how many points/cent you earn from the purchases as well. There is also an Application on mobile phones that keeps track of how many points you have obtained.
12. A con would be losing the receipt and having to guess or call to see how many points one has if they don’t have a smart phone. Which would be more of an inconvenience instead of a con. A pro would be that the card it simple, they give you three different cards. One big one and two little ones that can be put on a key chain. Another pro would be that the clerk usually tells you how much you save each time you purchase items that are a part of the program.
13. A back-up reinforce would be that Hy-Vee and Casey’s gas stations work together with this program so the fuel saver card can be used at both places which is awesome! Shell and PDQ gas stations are also included which I didn’t know until now!

14. I didn’t really find much information on how the back-up reinforcers were chosen. I would assume that they are in a legal agreement with one another and each gas station that is not Hy-Vee would be getting some kind of perk as well.
15. I personally feel like the fuel saver program is very effective because who doesn’t love getting a discount on gas especially with gas being so expensive these days! It is also effective because Hy-Vee is also benefiting along with the customers by receiving more business, consistent and returning customers, and then even more business by giving money business towards the gas station aspect of Hy-Vee. Another reason it is effective is because they collaborate with other gas stations making it even more convenient for the customers if they aren’t always by a Hy-Vee gas station. It gives them more options and it appeals to the customers more I’d say.
16. It is super easy for a customer to gain access. All they have to do is sign up at a register and fill out this short form. It is free and super simple. All you have to provide is you name, DOB, phone number, and address that’s it.
17. I’m sure there is system where it shows how much the customers are using their fuel saver cards and the amount of cards being given out as well at each store location. Data about the points associated with the fuel saver items and correlations between the purchases would also be documented.
18. Hy-Vee administration is teaching their employees in a great manner about this program as it seems to be promoted every time a customer comes to the register. They always seem to ask if you have a fuel saver card, which shows great responsibility and commitment to the program.
19. The customers are being taught in a great manner too because they are given detailed instructions about the programs and the employees of Hy-Vee are also really good at informing people about the fuel saver program and perks. There is also signs all over Hy-Vee on the items that count toward the program which allows the customers to gain points if they purchase those items. Its good promotion strategies.
21. People who are already committed to shopping at different grocery stores might not buy into this system. Out of town people might not either depending on where they are from because Hy-Vee seems to be an Iowa grocery store not a nationwide store like Walmart or Target.
22. Some problems would include; the points expiring after 30 days, the card only being able to be used on one car at a time, the points can only be used all at once, it has a limit of 20 gallons, not everyone needs to fill up within the 30 days that the program offers so then the points are just lost.
23. One question would be why the points expire. I feel like they shouldn’t expire since your still buying the items at the Hy-Vee locations and supporting the local grocery store so the perk should just build up.
24. How do they decide how many points each fuel saver item receives?
25. Behavioral Modification, Behaviors, Elicit, Emit, Psychology, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Token Economies, Delivery System, Backup Rein forcers, Target Behaviors, Desirable Behaviors.

1) What is this program?
This program is a credit card that rewards the cardholder with points for using the card.

2) How did it come about?
This program got started as another means for the company to earn revenue. They do this by charging interest on the credit card payments and not paid off on time. Although they extend several types of rewards to cardholders, most of these require the cardholder to make a return trip to use. This is another way the company makes money from this program. It is also a way to build brand loyalty. By creating a credit card program which reinforces the cardholder for making purchases, they are also increasing the likelihood of the cardholder shopping at American Eagle over other stores where the rewards are not delivered.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are returning to the store, shopping, and using the credit card.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Target behaviors they are looking for could include using the card to purchase items in the store, using the card to pay for items online, or shopping at American Eagle for a birthday present.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement. Reinforcement is a procedure where we seek to increase the target behavior by adding a desirable consequence or removing an undesirable one.

6) Is it positive or negative?
Because this system involves the addition of points for the target behavior (using the AE credit card), this is an example of positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are “Extra Savings points”. An Extra Savings point is earned by charging $25 to the credit card at American Eagle or $100 to the card anywhere Visa is accepted.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros and cons to a point system is that they are intangible. This works both ways. Positively, they cannot be lost, stolen, or mistakenly recorded. However, if I’d like to know how many points I have, I must go online and check my account.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system occurs at checkout. The points are totaled and electronically assigned to your account, similar to your credit card bill.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Once again, the fact that this system is maintained electronically, automatically and efficiently, is both a pro and a con. It is nice that this process occurs automatically and immediately; I do not have to wait to obtain my reinforcer. Conversely, this system does rely on the computers and server to be in functioning order. Although, I suppose if the computers ever did fail I would not be able to use my credit card in the first place.

11) How are the tokens banked? 12) What are the pro's and con's?
Tokens are banked online or at the bottom of your receipt. Pros and cons to this banking method are similar to the pros and cons of a point system. It is very efficient and reliable to have an automated system which is available and accessible online, however unlike classroom posters, some may see this format as slightly inconvenient. It might be nice if they sent an automated email once a month, totaling the number of points as a reminder. This could also serve as a reminder to earn more points (aka, use your card more).

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
In this system, the backup reinforcer is a $10 off coupon. When 10 Extra Savings Points are earned, $10 Extra Savings is rewarded, meaning a $10 off your next American Eagle purchase

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
I assume this reinforcer was chosen because it also encourages the target behaviors. By awarding a $10 off coupon, the cardholder will have to return to the store (or online shop). At that point, they will make purchases in order to use the $10 off coupon, and likely spend more than the $10 value of the coupon. They might also use their AE credit card as payment. In addition, the reinforcer doesn’t really cost the store anything, and they make more money on customer’s return shopping trips than they lose in the coupons.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
This is an effective reinforcer because it is reasonable to assume anyone signing up for the credit card enjoys shopping there, and can utilize the $10 off coupon. Therefore they would enjoy a $10 off reinforcer.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Access is gained by using the card to exchange for points, and collecting enough points to obtain an extra savings $10 off coupon.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Measuring the amount charged each month would be helpful to know how much cardholders are using their cards, however measuring this in addition to the number of points earned is especially informational. For example, the card can be used anywhere, but earns points faster when shopping at American Eagle. The company simply wants you to use your card, but they especially want to increase sales, so they would prefer shopping occur in the store. This is part of the reason why points are rewarded faster there than other places. They may also measure the number of members signed on each month. Because they offer savings when you join as well as small reinforcers at other occasions, it may be of significance to know whether people join for the one-time signup reinforcer, or the consistent long-term $10 off coupons. Knowing this would help them adjust their reinforcers to successfully elicit the target behaviors.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
They mainly utilize their website and in-store promotions as well as sales associates to teach patrons about the system. Upon signing on, they do give a brief explanation and brochure which has the same information as the website. It is good that all of the sources are consistent in their information, giving patrons and cardholders various ways to access it.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I don’t think there is an effective equivalent for parents in this system.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other SALES ASSOCIATES about the system?
I assume training on the AE credit card is given at orientation for each employee. The system is similar to many in-store lines of credit, and is not difficult to understand or explain. I would imagine most associates are cardholders, and this firsthand experience probably serves them well when explaining the system to customers.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Obviously some customers aren’t interested in having another credit card, or having a credit card at all. Some individuals are aware that such reinforcers would encourage them to spend money unnecessarily, while others are looking to take advantage of the rewards offered where they have use for them.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main flaw with this system is that it relies on the customer wanting to shop (and use the credit card) at American Eagle. As this is the primary target behavior, in order for the system to be effective, we need customers who are easily affected by small reinforcers. These customers will shop more frequently because they receive a reinforcers than are customers with tighter budget constraints or other payment and purchasing preferences. In addition, sometimes friends and family might use each other’s cards and work it out amongst themselves. For example, I shop for my brother and I at American Eagle, and my mom shops for the three of us at Younkers. Since we each have cards at respective stores, it makes sense to utilize the savings and reinforcers this way, and work it out amongst ourselves.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Is this system similar to other in-store credit cards?
If not, how does it differ and does this work as an advantage or a disadvantage?
How many cardholders actually never use their card?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I wonder if they have considered developing a reinforcer for shoppers using their card a great deal in other stores. Because the store stands to make a large profit from individuals using their card a great deal, they might offer a medium sized reward for this behavior. (As a reminder, 1 Point = $25 at American Eagle or $100 anywhere. For customers charging above a certain limit, perhaps 1 Point = $50 is a fair reward, etc.). I think this would also serve as a reinforcer, while addressing the flaw mentioned in #22.

25) Terms: Behavioral intervention, reinforcement, behavioral classes, reinforcers, tokens, behavior, target behavior, desirable, punishment, positive reinforcement, delivery system, bank, emit, elicit, undesirable, backup reinforcers


1) What is this program?
The program I looked into was called “The World’s Easiest Token System for Behavior Management”. It was for simple classroom management by a single elementary school teacher.
2) How did it come about?
To improve the behaviors of the elementary students in her classroom, the teacher came up with a token economy system to reward her students for good behaviors.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The teacher is trying to elicit good character and good behavior.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit are being nice on the paly ground, being helpful to other students and the teacher, being polite, taking turns, using inside voices inside and outside voices outside, raising their hands, putting supplies away, hanging up their coats appropriately, listening to others, and taking turns in group projects.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement, since sporadically throughout the day students are recognized for their good behavior by having a token placed in the class “good behavior” token bag.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is a positive reinforcement program since they are rewarded with a numbered token and have the opportunity to engage in a “reward” right away.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are number token chips that correspond to a number arbitrarily assigned to each student.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros associated with using these tokens is that the teacher keeps track of them. They’re also reusable, so there is not extra money to be spent on ink and paper or other such expenses. Additionally, there is not an opportunity for the students to copy or forge the tokens because they’re very specific and only accessible to the teacher. Their effectiveness however, is really only salient during school time, which is a definite con. It may not spill over into other areas of their lives.
9) What is the delivery system?
Every student has numbered tokens in tackle box that correspond to their own number. When they are seen executing good behavior (although not continuous reinforcement), they are rewarded by having a token put into the class good behavior bag.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pros are that the student doesn’t have the opportunity to lose the token. The student also has an equal opportunity for any reward opportunity (like standing at the front of the line) as any other student, since their numbers are drawn out of bags. However, they don’t have the opportunity to visualize or hold their tokens, so they may not be able to tell how good their behavior is really getting. Some other cons may be that students could get discouraged if their behavior is not recognized.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked in a good behavior bag. That way when the students have an opportunity to do something rewarding; like helping the teacher or passing out supplies, they are drawn out of the good behavior bag the teacher keeps.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Sadly, if students are not rewarded, it could cause the behaviors to become extinct. However, for the most part, this is a good guideline system. As I mentioned earlier, while every student can’t hold and easily visualize how many tickets they have, they never have the opportunit y to lose their tokens or forge them and it’s only handed out by one teacher, making the delivery more fair. 13) What are the back up reinforcers?
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were probably chosen based on what students have enjoyed in the past. Elementary students still really enjoy their teachers and faculty and like spending time with them doing “adult” type things such as helping the teacher.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I believe they have the potential to be effective reinforcers if there is a high enough turn-around rate. I think that the rewards (random odd jobs) are an intelligent use of resources. There isn’t anything that needs purchased and the good students get rewarded for being good!
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access to the reinforcers by first being publically recognized in front of the class by the teacher. Then when an opportunity comes up, the students numbers who are in the bag have the opportunity to be drawn and get to do a reward.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrators will know the system is effective if the outcome measures reflect it through statistics. Statistics could be taken arbitrarily deciding the effectiveness based on how the behaviors of the students are actually improved.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The students understand the system because the teacher has went over it with them and keeps it consistent and fair.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It is not evident from this article how effectively the parents have been taught about the system, since it is just being utilized for this single class. I would assume she includes it in the classroom newsletter
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The administrators did not teach all the teachers about the system. The teacher created the system herself.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Of course there is an obvious possibility that not everyone may have complete buy in with the system. If students don’t get rewarded or recognized, they may not be involved in trying to change their behaviors. Some teachers may not be on board and may not actively reward students, so they might not change their behavior.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
There could be an issue of discriminate stimulus, as these behaviors may be only learned in the school system. Their saliency may only work in the school and not transfer over to other areas of their life where they are not rewarded. Also, as the duration of the system increases, the students may get bored (or the teachers) and the behaviors will not be emitted or rewarded.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Have you considered how you’re going to keep the students engaged? What happens after you’ve been doing this system for a long time and the students/teacher get bored? Has everyone received effective training? Do the parents know about the system? How effective are the behaviors? Are they being emitted when no one is watching (0r so the students believe)?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Where did you come up with your idea?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Token economy, positive, behavioral intervention, elicit, behavioral classes, specific target behaviors, reinforcement, emit, pros, cons, rewarded, reinforcers, reinforcement, salient, exhibited, effective, saliency, discriminate stimulus

1) What is this program?
I do not have a URL for my token economy, but it is actually a very simple one that a lot of college kids will know about. I am following the token economy of Pancheros the burrito restaurant.

2) How did it come about?

They have a punch card they give you and every time you buy a burrito they give you a stamp on the card.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

They are trying to get you to keep coming back and buying more burritos.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?

They want us to keep coming back to want to fill up our stamp cards and then get the reward.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

Reinforcement, we are being reinforced once our card fills up with stamps. We will add a free burrito to the situation, and a stamp is being added each time we buy a burrito.

6) Is it positive or negative?

Positive, a reward is being added.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
A stamp on your Pancheros punch cards.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

Pros would be that you get to eat your 10th burrito for free and that is big with college kids, cons would be that the burritos are expensive to begin with so really around 100 dollars must be spent before you get the free one.

9) What is the delivery system?
You are given the free burrito and the stamps when you go in and visit the restaurant.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

Pro would be that they are very common restaurants and are open pretty late so they are usually available to college kids. Con would be that they don't have delivery or drive through and other places do, convenience is important in today society.

11) How are the tokens banked?
On the stamp card.

12) What are the pro's and con's?

Pros are that you always have it with you to remind yourself that you are getting close to the free one. And con is you could easily lose it and then you would have to start all over.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?

You will be getting a free burrito if you just keep spending money at this restaurant.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?

It is a corporation so it was probably chosen by a board of employees.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, college kids love free things and it is exciting when you realize you have a free one available to you.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?

Once they get the full amount of stamps they must turn in their card and they will receive there burrito for free.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?

How often people use their punch cards when they come in and get food, also how often they cash them in for free food.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?

The employees usually always give you a punch card if you don't have one and ask if you do have one if you don't.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

This doesn't really apply to my token economy. However, I think that students tell other students about it and they might want to go in.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?

I think all of the employees are informed of the economy.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

Yes, some employees might not ask if someone has a punch card and some customers may not want a punch card.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

People could lose their card therefore making them lose their reward, people could give up because it is taking too long to reach the reward.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

How often do people fill out their punch cards? Do you think this is a fair deal?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

Who thought of this and is there anything else that was brought up as promotional ideas?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

reinforcement, behavior, tokens, punishment, back up reinforcement, target behavior.

1) What is this program?
At the Biscotti’s in Redeker Center they have cards that allow students to buy five fountain drink and they can receive the sixth one free. They also have a deal where one can buy five coffees and get the sixth free.
2) How did it come about?
The UNI Department of Residence decided that students should be able to save their amount of dining dollars or money on goodies at Biscotti’s. They figured that students would enjoy buying fountain drinks not only because they are cheaper than bottled pop but they come in bigger sizes.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit more students to buy more drinks and therefore spend more money.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Target behaviors that they might be trying to emit is purchasing other things as well as a fountain drink such as a snack or something and maybe choosing different sizes of the fountain drink. Also buying more than one fountain drink a day.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is based on reinforcement because it hopes to increase a desirable behavior.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a desirable stimulus.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are the punches in the card when you buy a fountain drink, for each punch/drink purchased you come one punch closer to getting a free drink.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: more likely to buy the fountain drink more often, spend more money to get the free drink
Cons: easy to lose or forget if not kept in wallet, easy to copy punch style if you have a star shaped puncher,
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is both continuous reinforcement and fixed ratio reinforcement. This is because after every fountain drink purchase they get reinforced, a punch in their card. It is also a fixed ratio reinforcement because after every five punches, you receive a free fountain drink.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: students can be immediately reinforced after their behavior, it is easy to keep track of their progress, easy to use,
Cons: they may lose their card or forget it
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on a punch card and after five drinks purchased/punches the sixth drink will be free.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: easy to use and see progress,
Cons: easy to lose the card or even forget it
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Back up reinforcers consist of the free sixth drink and discounted refills.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen to increase the sale of fountain drinks in the Biscotti’s.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are effective reinforcers because they allow students to receive free fountain drinks, however, I don’t think they are as reinforcing to some people because I always forget my punch card and end up getting new ones every time I go in. Also there are people who this wouldn’t reinforce because they don’t drink pop/fountain drinks. But for avid students and students who always remember or keep it in their wallet it is very reinforcing.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students can keep the punch cards for their own and follow their progress so they know when they will receive the reinforcement.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They could measure how many students buy a fountain drink and compare it to how many students get a free fountain drink by collecting the punch cards and counting them at the end of the day. They could also compare the fountain drink purchases and compare them to the bottle pop purchases.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The administrators are effectively teaching students about this token economy by informing them at checkout and leaving the cards placed in front of the register. Most of the time the cashiers offer the punch card as well, whether or not the customer has a fountain drink or not.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The parent don’t really know about the system because it’s geared more towards college students but it is easy to explain to parents because it is like every other punch card out there.
20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I’m sure the employees at Biscotti’s have been taught and trained to know about deals or promotions that are offered. The policies and conditions were probably explained intensively because the cashiers seem informed when people ask about hem or then they are promoting the punch cards.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I think that people may have a problem with it if they continuously lose the cards or if they don’t drink fountain pop and instead want the bottled pop to be as the fountain drinks as well.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The punch cards are very easy to lose or forget, the punch cards can also be easily forged, and people may not be motivated enough to buy five fountain drinks to actually get the sixth one free.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Why do you only use this for fountain drinks? Is it really as effective as it seems?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I think that this system very easy to understand and I don’t think I need any additional information.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, reinforcers, target behavior, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, delivery system, token, token economy, elicit, emit,

There isn't a website or URL for this, however, there is one for Biscotti's in general. I only know this information because I live in the Quads so therefore I am a frequent spender and used to participate in this punch card deal.

1) The program is meant to encourage desirable/cooperative behavior in a 6 year old boy in his home and also to improve his math skills.
2) A mother used to be a teacher was familiar with the token economy system, so she implemented it in her own home.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are cleaning, being polite, being outgoing.
4) Specific target behaviors include cleaning bedroom without being asked, going to soccer camp, waking up quickly and in a friendly way, reading to sister, and putting away books and lightsabers.
5) This is a system of reinforcement.
6) This system is positive.
7) The tokens are stamps.
8) A pro of using stamps as a token could be that it would be difficult for a six year old to replicate it if the stamp pad is out of reach. A con could be that the stamps are a cat, sun, hearts, and bear, which might not appeal to the boy it’s designed for.
9) The delivery system is that when 20,000 points are accumulated (there’s a point system that corresponds to particular stamps), the mother and son will take a trip to the bookstore and the boy gets to spend $20 on whatever books he wants.
10) A pro of this delivery system is that it’s clear when the boy has accumulated enough points. A con is that the mother probably can’t take the boy to the bookstore directly after banking the points.
11) The tokens are banked in a book where the stamps are stamped and labeled for what desired behavior occurred.
12) The pro is that a book could be fun since the boy clearly already likes books. A con could be that not all the pages of the book can be visible at the same time, so quickly viewing how many points the boy has could prove difficult.
13) The backup reinforcer is spending $20 at the bookstore.
14) It was not told how the backup reinforcer was chosen, but the boy apparently leaves books out frequently, so he is likely to be an avid reader.
15) I assume that if the boy does indeed enjoy reading, that getting money to buy more books would be an effective reinforcer.
16) The child gains access to the reinforcer by first accumulating 20,000 points and then being taken to the bookstore by a parent at the next available opportunity.
17) There are no outcome measures.
18) The mom did a good job of showing how many points each different stamp is worth, but a poor job of spelling out what behaviors are desired and was too broad.
19) The “administrator” of this scenario is the parent, so this is not applicable.
20) Not applicable.
21) If this system was to be used on the boy’s younger sister, it may not be as effective and additional choice in reinforcers may need to introduced.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? I would say that a potential problem could be the pricing of the backup reinforcers. 20,000 points are needed and the mother wrote that she thought this was low considering the points per stamp (5,000;1,000;500;300;100), but I actually thought this was a lot to have to earn. The child may lose interest in working up to 20,000. Instead, I would give the child $10 every time he reaches a lower point and then increase the minimum amount.
23) I would want to ask the mother how she decides how much a behavior is worth and what are all the behaviors she’s trying to increase the rate of.
24) It might also be helpful to know the desired and undesired habits of the boy, what he likes to do for fun, and if he likes the stamps.
25) behavior, token economy, behavioral classes, target behavior, reinforcement, reinforcers


1) What is this program?
The program is Walgreens Balance Rewards.

2) How did it come about?
I assume that this came about as a way to encourage customers to purchase more items in the store.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They behavioral class they are trying to elicit are purchasing behaviors at their store.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors they would want customers to emit would be signing up for Balance Rewards card, purchasing prescription drugs at the Walgreen's pharmacy and purchasing selected items that lead to more points in the store.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a form of positive reinforcement because when customers perform certain target behaviors, points are added to their balance.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are Balance Rewards points.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros are that it seems very easy to access the tokens because all you have to do is have the cashier scan your card at check-out and if you lose your card, all you have to do is enter your phone number. Some cons of these tokens are that they can interpreted as vague and only by going to the website can you see what the points are worth.

9) What is the delivery system?
Points are added to the Balance Rewards card every time that a purchase is made. However, Rewards points can not be redeemed until the customer has accumulated 5,000 points.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros associated with this delivery system are that customers feel they are being rewarded with each purchase they make. A con of this system is that many people may not be aware that they can only redeem their points once they have accumulated 5,000 points unless they read the Q&A on the website.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked electronically onto the Balance Rewards card.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros of this system is that the points are added to an account instantly. Cons of this system are that sometimes technology can be glitchy and some points may not be added to a card.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is discounts on purchases in the store or online.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were most likely chosen by Walgreens business administration.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Not able to tell from the website, but a lot of people do have Walgreens Balance Rewards cards or similar cards from other businesses.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Customers gain access to these reinforcers by purchasing select items at a Walgreens store. Once 5,000 points are accumulated, the customers receive discounts on purchases.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
An outcome measure for this is to see if an increase in Balance Rewards members is linked with an increase in sales (although I am very aware that correlation does not equal causation).

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The website is very good at answering any questions customers may have and cashiers seem to be always asking customers if they have a rewards card or if they would like one.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think that administrators have effectively taught employees about the system because they always seem to be offering the rewards card to customers at checkout and the process of signing up for it seems to flow smoothly.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility because not everyone wants to take out the time to fill out their information in order to sign up for a card.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main problem with this token economy is that customers are required to purchase items at their store in order to be reinforced with the tokens. Many customers may also not know how many points they have because not all of them are going to go online to check their balance.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Has it increased sales? Are the customers satisfied with this system? Have there been any problems of points disappearing due to glitches?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
The Q&A provides very good information about the system, but I would like to know why this system came about and what the motives and ultimate goals of establishing this system were.

25) Terms: behavioral class, emit, target behavior, positive reinforcement, tokens, token economy, delivery system

1) What is this program?
The system is called the CARE card system and it's available to PetSmart employees
2) How did it come about?
It came about when the CARE policy came into act
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit good behavior towards customers and other fellow coworkers between employees
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Helping pet care clean tanks, doing extra work for a department that is busy, helping a customer find the exact dog food they need, returning carts from the parking lot
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is based on reinforcement
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is completely positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are cards that we give to other coworkers that list their name, the name of the person who recognized it, the date and the reason why they received the card
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
It encourages us to help our associates as well as our customers and it helps strengthen friendships between coworkers. Cons are you have to get the card from a manager and a manager isn't always available to get one for you.
9) What is the delivery system?
When an employee recognizes good behavior from another employee, they ask a manager for a CARE card, fill it out and deliver it to the employee
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
As stated before, the manager may not always be available to give out the CARE card when it's needed. Pros are that they are given directly from the person who recognized the target behavior emitted and the person who emitted it, which is more personal.
11) How are the tokens banked?
They are kept in a little box inside the copy room and after a while, hung up in the break room to display to everyone
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Some people may have more cards than others which may cause jealousy. Pros are that other associates can see reasons why their fellow coworkers earned the cards and can inspire them to work harder.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are various snacks that can be earned in exchange for a CARE card.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It used to be a free pop from the fridge in the front but since we got rid of it, we exchanged it for a system of snacks
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Absolutely. There is a huge assortment of snacks to choose from to suit anyone's needs.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They would have to ask a manager to unlock the area the snacks are stored
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The managers keep track of how many CARE cards are used, who gets how many and who is distributing the cards to whom
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Very effective. They let each employee know about it and are sure to tell the newbies how it works as well.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Not much. There could be some employees who think less of other certain employees and are much less likely to give them a CARE card for good behavior than others.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Hoarding or forging of tokens, unfair distribution
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Has the system improved overall morale of the workers?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

Terminology: target behavior, punishment, reinforcement, emit, elicit, behavioral class

1) What is this program? Hy-Bee Fuel Saver
2) How did it come about? It is an incentive for Hy-Vee to get more money with Hy-Vee gas stations and to collaborate with other companies.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to elicit more incentives to keep current customers and around and to bring in new customers.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? The target behaviors they may want them to emit is buying the items that aren’t getting sold as much. So if a certain kind of snack isn’t getting sold, they could put a fuel saver on that product to reinforce that people will buy product that may not be as desirable or pleasurable as others. It could help get rid of more aversive products.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? It is a system based on reinforcement rather than punishment since the people are getting rewarded with lower gas prices along with their food.
6) Is it positive or negative? It is positive because it involves the addition of something desirable like lower gas prices.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are the cents off per gallon you receive when you use your fuel saver card after buying items.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pros are that the customers save on gas, multiple users can use the fuel saver card, but you can only use your points with one vehicle at a time. You can also lose them if you don’t use them.
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is the cents off for every fuel saver you buy.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The pros are that you have a month to earn those points, and there’s no limit to the number of items you can buy. But once again if you don’t use them within a month, you lose the reward.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked every time you swipe the card, you get the fuel saver cents.
12) What are the pro's and con's? The pro’s implemented are positive reinforcement and are that it’s simple to see your rewards, but the con’s are that it’s easy to lose track of your receipts where the numbers are at.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back-up reinforcer is having the Hy-Vee fuel saver at other places like Casey’s.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? I’m sure Hy-Vee and the other companies collaborated on this idea.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes because if you are pumping gas at Casey’s or other gas stations, you will eventually probably get a fuel saver card and go to Hy-Vee more.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Customers can get access by signing up for the Hy-Vee fuel card in the store.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? Hy-Vee probably has a system or record system of who is using it and how often people are using it. I believe that Hy-Vee is a discriminative stimulus though so people only remember they have their card when they see the Hy-Vee sign.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? I think that Hy-Vee is doing well educating the customers on what it is and advertising.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? I think Hy-Vee also has educated their workers well because they always seem well-informed on what the system is about.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? People may not get a card simply out of laziness, or because they don’t want to sign up for too many things including this, or shop at a another grocery store too often.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? One thing would be that if you don’t use the reward points, then you lose them. They are also only limited to one vehicle. This may push people from wanting to sign up.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? I would ask if there was a way to get free gas if you did buy so much.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I would want to know how long they plan to have this deal going for. It’s a good system though since it has continuous reinforcement included with the frequency of behavior that’s modified during the process.
Terms: Elicit, emit, target behavior, pleasurable, aversive, desirable, reinforce, positive, punishment, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus, tokens, delivery system, positive reinforcement, implement, backup reinforcers, continuous reinforcement, frequency of behavior, modified, behavioral class.

1) What is this program?
This program is the program where you can trade 10 of the tabs on large pizza boxes from Casey’s for a 11th free large pizza.

2) How did it come about?
Casey’s placed a pleasant valence on selling more pizzas, and this system encourages customers to keep buying Casey’s pizza.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class they are trying to elicit is buying pizza from Casey’s.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
A specific target behavior they are trying to get customers is to buy large pizzas as they only have the coupons on the large pizza boxes.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because the customers receive a free pizza.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are the tabs customers pull off the large pizza box.

8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
The pros are that the customer feels like they get a free pizza and the company sells more pizzas. The cons are that the company could raise the price of the large pizza to cover the cost of the 11th (free pizza).
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the large pizza box.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro is that the delivery happens automatically with any purchase of the large pizza. The cons are the economy and health issues with pizza could negatively impact pizza sales.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The customers store the coupons until they go to purchase the free 11th pizza.

12) What are the pros and cons?
The pros are that each customer could personalize how they bank the coupons. The cons are that the customers could lose the coupons.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcer is the free 11th pizza.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
There is only one choice of backup reinforcer of a free pizza.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
The reinforcers are effective since Casey’s still offers the reinforcers.

16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
The customers gain access to the reinforcers by purchasing a large pizza.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
A possible way to measure the outcomes is to have employees keep track of the number of times cutomers trade 10 tokens for a free 11th pizza.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Effectively, it is not a complicated system.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Effectively, it is not a complicated system.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Effectively, it is not a complicated system.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Some people may not buy pizzas, or may not buy pizzas often enough to make the token system worth it.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
This example of a token economy only works if people take advantage of it.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Could they start a similar program for other products commonly sold at Casey’s, like coffee?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Are there any limitations about which type of pizza is the free pizza is? Can the tokens expire?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Program, pleasant valence, behavioral class, elicit, specific target behavior, reinforcement. , positive reinforcement, tokens, delivery system, banked, backup reinforcer, reinforcers, effective, gain, measure, outcomes.

1) What is this program?
This program is called the House of Hope.
2) How did it come about?
A group of people from different churches and businesses wanted to help address the problem of homelessness in the cedar falls area.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit would be life skills, learning to care for themselves and their families, earn money, get an education.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Learning to clean up and help parents, value education, participate and excel in school, and learn life skills.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based solely on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The reinforcement is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Tokens used in this program are the life skills that the parents learn, and the classes that they take, can be added up and the parents can then use their points they get for going to the provided skills classes, to get diapers, food, clothes, or house hold supplies.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros would be that they can get food and things they need for their children and themselves, but the cons would be that if you don’t end up using the tokens to turn into help your family and only help yourself. Another pro is that the mothers want to attend the classes so that they can better themselves. 

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is based on how many points you have can be turned in for different items of different amounts of points. (The website does not discuss this point system, I only know from having volunteered here in the past.)
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros that would be associated with this system, would be that the mothers strive to go to classes so that they can get points to provide more for their families. Cons would be that some mothers will not attend and still think they should be able to have the rights to get things for their families that they did not “earn”.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The mothers have to keep track of their own tokens.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros would be that it teaches them to keep track and budget themselves. The cons would be that if they lose any that the home doesn’t keep track for them just in case.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers would be the addition of the goods and things you can buy with the points you earn.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen from things the families need most and are wanting most.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, the reinforcers are effective because they elicit the behavior the mothers need to learn for getting themselves back out and on their feet.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? 

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The outcome measures come from the stories the women tell after their time at the House of Hope. They also make sure that within the two years of being there that they know how to properly care for their families and keep financially stable. If the system was not working they would know they have to change things. By giving the mothers certain amounts of time in the living quarters and the correct training, they know their system is working by the outcomes and success stories of the mothers.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The women running the system are very effective at teaching the mothers how the House works and the proper rules and guidelines they have to follow to be able to stay there.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Same answer as above.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I am sure that within the House of Hope the administrators have relayed the information very well. Even just as a volunteer there, I know the rules and guidelines the mothers must follow in order to keep their spot at the House.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
It is a possibility that maybe a few bad experiences have happened while at the House of Hope but I have never heard or been informed of one.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
A potential problem would be that the mothers are not forced to keep a clean environment for the children and the living arrangements are not always kept up as much as I think they should be. I have no say in the matter though, of course. Another problem may be that once they get out into the real world again, they could relapse into their old ways and not be able to provide the things their families need, like they used to be able to for going to the classes.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What things or qualities make for the very successful stories as opposed to the not so successful ones?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
What do you think is the most beneficial part of the House of Hope and how can you make the other parts of the system work as well as that.

Terms: elicit, reinforcement, positive, behavioral classes, delivery system

1) What is this program?
The program is called Vanity Rewards; Vanity is a clothing store.

2) How did it come about?
It was probably implemented as a way to elicit customers to buy more clothing, knowing that the more they bought, the more points they would acquire and eventually redeem to buy more clothing.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class the company wants customers to emit is a buying behavior. It does not matter what they purchase, as long as it is a product that Vanity sells (& also, it cannot be a gift card).

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?
Some specific target behaviors would include purchasing jeans, buying shirts, buying some jewelry, etc. The only thing that would not incur points would be buying a gift card--a customer will not earn points for that behavior.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This token economy is based on reinforcement because it is used as a method of encouraging customers to emit the appropriate target behaviors.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because something desirable is given to the customer once they have emitted the appropriate target behavior.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are in the form of points, which are loaded onto a card every time a purchase is made.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro: unlike their old system, which was a basic punch card, this once ensures that the points are still viewable online and a new card can be ordered if your old one is lost, unlike with the punch card.
Con: every dollar is worth 1 point ($1 = 1point) and you need 200 points to earn a $10 reward that you can use in store. For a person like me, who is not out buying clothing all the time, it doesn't seem like a very effective backup reinforcer. Also, if a person were to buy $15 worth of merchandise with two separate $10 redemptions, that customer forfeits $5 because the $10 redemption must be used all at one time.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is 1 point earned for every $1 spent.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro: it seems pretty easy to accumulate a lot of points in just one shopping trip, especially at a store like this in which a lot of the merchandise is pricier.
Con: I am the kind of person who goes through the sale rack that is marked at an additional 50% off, so I would not earn points very fast, and I don't like receiving their emails, so I would unsubscribe, but if a customer does that then their account becomes inactive and they no longer incur points for purchasing Vanity items.

11) How are the tokens banked?
They are stored online and on a card that is scanned at the store, that way a customer can incur points whether they are shopping online or at the store.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pro is that it's basically impossible to lose these points (like by accidently losing the card that gets scanned at the store because you can get a new one, and the points are all stored online).
The con is that you have to be subscribed to their email at all times, and if you get tired of them and unsubscribe, your account becomes inactive and you lose all those points that had accumulated.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcer is a $10 credit that is redeemable in-store or online.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Considering that this is a business in which you purchase clothing, they probably figured that if customers could earn what is basically a free gift card after purchasing a certain dollar amount of merchandise, it would reinforce their buying behavior and they would continue to shop at Vanity/purchase more when shopping at Vanity.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
The reinforcer is effective if the customer is willing to spend that much money at that store.

16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
They must emit a buying behavior of whatever merchandise Vanity is selling either online or in-store, and for every $1 worth of merchandise purchased (pre-tax), they earn 1 point.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some outcomes measures could include recording a baseline of buying behavior for a certain amount of time before implementing the Vanity Rewards program, then advertising it heavily (customers are usually always asked when checking out if they have a Vanity Rewards card, or if they'd like to sign up for one), then measuring the behavioral intervention for a length of time to see if customers are increasing their buying behavior.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the customers about the system?
As I said above, Vanity employees are often trained to ask if a customer has a Vanity Rewards card at the time of purchase, and if the customer does not, then they try to solicit customers into signing up. On the homepage of the Vanity website, in bright pink, it is at the top of page promising extra information about how to get started.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
In this token economy, customers are customers, no matter what the age group is, so their is no necessity for making sure two different populations of people know information about it.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other workers about the system?
As I said above, the staff seems to be trained to ask if customers have a Vanity Rewards card and if they don't, they try to solicit them into signing up for it. I've also asked questions about it before when I signed up, and they seemed to have a lot of good information about it.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
People like me (who do not spend much on clothes or at a great frequency) don't really benefit from this system. It might be different if points were tallied differently (like earning more points for jeans than tank-tops because they have really good quality jeans at less than Walmart prices if you find them on sale, and that's basically the only thing I buy there.) However, a customer has to buy $200 worth of merchandise to earn those 200 points to be redeemed for a $10 credit. To me, it's not really worth it.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
If they take away the Vanity Rewards, people might shop less compulsively, meaning they may just purchase what they need, instead of purchasing more than they need just so they can earn those points and get a little money back.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
"Why can't you guys lower the points by about 100? Getting $10 back for every $100 spent seems like a more reputable deal."

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know within what time frame the merchandise must be bought and point accumulated (for example, can I collect points for 2 years and then, when I finally get 200 points, redeem it? Or does it have to be 200 points within 6 months, etc.)

Terms: Elicit, emit, positive reinforcement, backup reinforcer, reinforcer, reinforcement, target behavior, outcome measure, baseline, behavioral class, token economy, desirable, delivery system, behavioral intervention

1) What is this program? The token economy I chose is Marcus Theaters Magical Movie Rewards.
2) How did it come about? It just recently started when the theater started to see a decrease in movie goers.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to get people to come see movies in theaters more often.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Coming to the theater. Spending more money. Using their concession stands.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This is a reinforcement system, the more times you emit one of the selective behaviors, the more often you get points.
6) Is it positive or negative? It is positive reinforcement
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Points on your card/account.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? If you have the card, you could lose and the the points would be invalid. Pros are that if you have the app, you will not lose them!
9) What is the delivery system? They are put on an card, or on your application on your phone.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? A con would be that it would be easy to let someone else use your card, therefore they would be losing profit. A pro is that it is easy for both them and you.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked electronically from their computer system to the card or app.
12) What are the pro's and con's? The pro is that they have complete control of when the points are given. A con could be if the system goes down, there isn't a back up plan.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? You get 1 point for every dollar spent, if you recieve 100 points, you get a $5 credit... Also special concession deals. Free movie screenings and no online processing fee for tickets.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The company discussed options and chose them. They are subject to change.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? I believe so. The 100 points is kind of crazy for only$5. But the way I see it is if I am already going, I may as well get some points.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Just going into the theater, when you pay, they swipe your card and if you are eligible, they tell you.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? If people continue to use their card beyond just this initiation period, and so fourth that is a good measurement system.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? Everytime I have gone into the theater, they have told me about it and been super helpful if I have had any questions, so I would say very well.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? I suppose if a parent went in with someone, the outcome would be the same.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? The workers are very well informed about this token economy and have been trained very well.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Very much so. Just like with any reward cards, some people think the additional card is a waste of space, but some people see it like me and if you're going to spend it already, may as well get something from it eventually.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? This would only work if people sign up for it. It will fall through otherwise.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? How often will you change your promotions? How will we be alerted about special offers? When will the movie screenings be?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I feel very well informed about this system and cannot think of any additional things I would need to know at this point.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Reinforcement, Emit, Positive Reinforcement, behaviors, token economy,

1) The program at Kingsley Elementary school in Waterloo in Mrs. Putz’s class is a color chart.
2) I don’t know how this came about. I just know that my boyfriends little girl does this in her class room.
3& 4) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? The behaviors they are trying to elicit are paying attention, listening to directions, getting homework done, no talking when the teacher is talking, and helping out other students.

5) This system is based on reinforcement but we have used our own reinforcement and punishment at home on Ella if she does good or bad in school. If Ella gets a red in school ( which means she was not paying attention, playing with her hair, or not staying on task) we don’t let her have TV time at night. If Ella gets on purple, which is the best, we let her take a Lunchable to school for lunch. She picked her own reward for home. The school has it where the student who gets on purple gets special privileges like line leader. I am not sure exactly what the children got when they got on purple at school. We just knew purple was the best, blue was good, pink was needing work, and red was bad. We knew red was bad because every time Ella would get on red the teacher would send a note home, usually saying she was playing with her hair all day and not paying attention. (This is what I get for trying to teach a kindergartener to braid her hair).
6) I think this is positive because the student would always be excited if they got on purple.
7) The tokens they used in this token economy was a color. The teacher would color each day on their calendar that the child took home every day and the parents would have to sign.
8) I think a pro to this economy is that it is cheap and the kindergarteners don’t have to worry about keeping track of something. A con to this is that it is not very meaningful and we don’t really know what rewards the children get at school.
9) The delivery system is the teacher coloring on their calendar everyday.
10) I think a pro to this is that the same teacher is delivering the token everyday so the consistency is about the same and her expectations.
11) The token bank is Ella’s dad and me letting her take a Lunchable if she gets on purple and TV time taken away if she gets on red. We just praise her if she gets on the other colors or ask what she can do better to get on purple the following day. She is a good kid so she normally gets on blue.
12) I think some pro’s are that Ella picked her reward if she got on purple and we let her pick her punishment (within reason)
13) I think the backup reinforcers in this case are what her teacher does for the students in the class room. I feel like these are backup reinforcers because I am sure Ella cares about them but our reinforcers are more desirable.
14) The teacher, I think, gives the students a choice of their backup reinforcers she has for them.
15) I think they are somewhat reinforcing. I think they could be better because Ella never tells me what she gets from the teacher when she gets on purple, so they can’t be that reinforcing.
16) I know the student get their reinforcers at the end of the school day.
17) This is just something that Ella’s teacher Mrs. Putz does for her class. I don’t know if other classes do something similar.
18) Mrs. Putz talked to the students at the beginning of the school year and I think she emphasizes when a student gets on purple.
19) I think the parents could be better informed. I just know on the calander it says at the top what each color means but we didn’t find out what she does exactly for the students. She also did tell us exactly what she is looking for. I just know she tells us specifically what Ella did wrong when she would get on red.
20) I don’t know if Mrs. Putz told the other teachers about her token economy. I think most Kindergarten classes use some form of token economy as well as parents with six year olds.
21) I think some problems with this token economy is the lack of communication with the parents. I think it would work better if the parents could implement more of the token economy at home as well as at school.
22)I don’t know what I would ask for this question.
23& 24) Some question I would ask is what qualifies a student to get on purple and what do they get from Mrs. Putz when they get on purple.

25) reinforcement, token economy, reward, punishment, consequence, aversive, desirable, cosistant, target behavior, emit,

I do not have a URL for this token economy but I did mine on Pancheros. We all know this is true.
1.)Panch gives you a card when you buy a burrito...emit a target behavior and after 10 punches you get a free burrito.
2.)I came about to encourage people to buy more burritos.
3.)The behavior class is buying burritos.
4.)Specific behaviors that are required to get a punch card is to buy a burrito...or a quesadilla.
7.)The tokens are the punches on the card.
8.)One con is that we could cheat the system and once I get a filled punch card I could make copies and sell them. One pro is that they will most likely get more customers.
9.)The delivery system is the addition of a free burrito.
10.)A con would be that it takes 10 punches to get a burrito. A pro would be that free burrito.
11.)The tokens are banked on the punch card. After ten you get a free burrito.
12.)A con would be that we have to keep track of our own cards but a pro would be that they let you combine your cards.
13.)The only backup reinforcer is the free burrito.
14.)The backup reinforcers were chosen to bring in more customers.
15.)Yes I think a free burrito is a great reinforcer!
16.)Customers gain access to the reinforcers by buying burritos at pancheros and getting their card punched.
17.)The company could track if the addition of the punch card made their sales go up.
18.)I think they are well educating their customers by explaining the process when you get a burrito and a punch card.
19.)They could do more PR such as online or TV.
20.)I believe their employees are well educated.
21.)Not everyone may like the burritos so they may not want a punch card because they do not want to come back.
22.)I know I get annoyed but the massive amount of cards I have so others might too.
23.)I would suggest that they offer something small at the half way point like 50% off a burrito at 5 punches.
24.)I think it is pretty self explanatory so I have no further questions.
Terms:target behavior, positive, reinforcement, emit, token economy,backup reinforcer

1) What is this program?
The program is extracare, from CVS.
2) How did it come about?
It came about due to competition from Walgreens and Hy-Vee offering a quick pharmacy and shoping in one location, it is to encourage customers to purchase more items in the store.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They behavioral class they are trying to elicit are purchasing behaviors at their store.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors they would want customers to emit would be signing up for their extracare card, purchasing prescription drugs at their pharmacy and purchasing selected items that lead to more points in the store.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a form of positive reinforcement because when customers perform certain target behaviors, they are rewarded with points.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are points, that can be used to purchase goods, or receive discounts.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros are that it seems very easy to access the tokens because all you have to do is have the card scanned scanned at check-out, they also make take this a step further by making all of your points accessible and useable through the use of a cell phone.
Some cons of these tokens are that people lose the ability to comparison shop and may actually being paying more for certain goods, in attempt to gain more points.
9) What is the delivery system?
Points are added to the extracare card every time that a purchase is made. The return is 2%, and they must spend a minimum of $25 within 45 days, or lose all points and start over.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros associated with this delivery system are that customers feel they are being rewarded with each purchase they make. A con of this system is that many people may end up buying good they do not want in order to maintain their points or reach the minimum, so as not to lose previous balance.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked electronically onto the card, or phone.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros of this system is that the points are added to an account instantly. Cons of this system are that not every item qualifies towards the points, and most customers do not know what those items are in advance.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcer is discounts on purchases in the store or online. They also receive coupons through email or main, only available to members.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers are determined electronically. A computer monitors your purchasing behaviors and provides coupons based on those purchases.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Unable to determine from website alone. If I was rewarded with a discount on my regular purchases I would commit more to the specific store and possibly buy more of what I regularly do.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Students can gain access to these reinforcers by purchasing select items at a CVS store and obtaining the extracare card. It works online as well.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
An outcome measure for this is to see if an increase in Balance Rewards members is linked with an increase in sales over time.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The website is very good at answering any questions customers may have and cashiers seem to be always asking customers if they have a rewards card or if they would like one.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
No parents are mentioned on the website. See 18.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
See 19.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility because not everyone wants to take out the time to fill out their information in order to sign up for a card. A portion of customers most likely only come in from time to time, they would not benefit from the rewards, as they would lose it in 45 days. Other may only stop there on their way elsewhere, out of convenience.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main problem with this token economy is that customers are required to purchase items at their store in order to be reinforced with the tokens. Many customers may also not know how many points they have because not all of them are going to go online to check their balance, and not all items qualify.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Has it increased sales? Are the customers satisfied with this system?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I have speculations as to why this system came about, I would like to know the actual reason.
25) Terms: behavioral class, emit, target behavior, positive reinforcement, tokens, token economy, delivery system

1) What is this program?
This program is based around tokens. It is a token economy program in the school.

2) How did it come about?
Students were probably late to class so the administration decided to reward the students for being on time.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Behavioral class would be being on time. Raising hands in class, and having appropriate behaviors in the class rooms.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They might want the students to emit coming in late to class and being disruptive.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement because good behaviors are being reinforced.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement, because the good behaviors are being reinforced to continue, and the students are being praised for being on time.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are card circles with the school mascot on them that sort of count as money for the students to get a prize with for how many they have at the end of 6 weeks.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro’s- it happens right at the beginning of the class so the behaviors can’t be forgotten, the students can pick the prize they want at the end of the 6 weeks, there is a list of items. Cons- tokens can be lost.

9) What is the delivery system?
Teachers had out the prize token when the students are on time and intern the students turn them back in for a prize.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Cons-tokens can get lost along the way. Pros- It is at the beginning of the class.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The students collect them and save them up and turn them in to the “store.”

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pro’s and con’s are the same as the pros and cons from before.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the prizes in the store that the students can choose from.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The school makes up a list and then the students can chose from that. They were donations that have been given to the store and some are from the local merchants.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
The reinforcements seem to be effective.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
At the end of every 6 weeks the store is open for the students.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They seen behavioral changes in the students. Different colored tokens were given out for different reasons, for example blue is given out to students who have a behavioral problem, and there is a program specifically for them.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It sounds like the program is going pretty well for the school.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I did not read anything about how the parents were informed.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
It seems that it is pretty effective. There are certain behaviors listed for each color of token for the teachers to follow.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility that some students wouldn’t be interested in participating just like anything else.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
From the report I havn’t read of any problems that are existing with the token system, they do have hall passes for students if there are excused times.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How much of a difference have they seen in the behaviors? Do most children participate?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
25) Token economy, behavioral class, emit, behaviors, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, back up reinforcers,

Topical Blog Week #15 (Due Wednesday)
1) What is this program?
The program that I am doing my blog on for this week is the Hy-Vee Fuel saver program.

2) How did it come about? 

Hy-vee is a grogery store that also has a chain of Hy-vee gas stations. So I most likely came about because Hy-vee wanted to have people use their gas stations so they can make more money and Hy-vee can make more money when they have the deal with other gas stations as well
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

They are trying to elicit the behavior classes of people buying their gas and groagery form Hy-vee instead of other places.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? 

They decide to put as a fuel saver on the items each week that are brands that aren’t being sold enough, putting a fuel saver on the product will make it more marketable and therefore will more likely be sold.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

It is based on reinforcement because Hy-Vee is trying to increase the behavior of their customers coming to Hy-Vee and buying their products.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because it involves the addition of something desirable which is points and money off on gas.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are the cents off per gallon you get when you swipe your fuel saver card at the cash register on that week buying the fuel saver items.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

Some pro’s are they can be added up for up to a month, multiple users can scan the fuel saver card and earn points together, but you can only use your points on one vehicle at a time. Another con would be if you don’t use your points, you loose them.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is you get cents off for every fuel saver you buy, they range for as little one cent per item to twenty-five cents and you have a card that is scanned when you check out and then a balance is on the card and swiped at the pump when you get gas

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

The pros are you have up to a month to earn as many fuel savers as you want, there’s no limit to the number of fuel saver items you can purchase, and there are over 1,200 fuel stations you can use your rewards at. A con would be that you might not always know the balance on your card because you only get the balance when you get a receipt from hyvee.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are being banked on a card. And every time you swipe your card and get your receipt, the amount of fuel saver cents is shown at the bottom so you can keep track of it.
12) What are the pro's and con's? 

The pro’s are it is simple to get to see your rewards and you don’t have to go out of your way to see your rewards. The con’s are if you lose your receipt or the card and then you would have to find an alternative way to see your rewards points.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is making the Hy-vee fuel saver can be used at not just Hy-Vee gas stations but also at others like Shell, or Casey’s.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

I think that both companies decided the fuel saver card would be a good idea so the agreed to partner with Hy-vee to do the fuel saver program
15) Are they effective reinforcers? 

The are reinforcers that are effective because it makes the rewards more accessible for customers to redeem. Going in this together with other gas station is also making it a more effective reinforcer.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Customers gain access to the reinforcers by buy the products that are a fuel saver that week and signing up for a Hy-Vee fuel card in store or they can also go online.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

They have a system that shows everyone that is enrolled in the Hy-Vee fuel saver program and that also shows data for who is using it and how much they are saving buy using the card.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 
How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? 

I think that they adminstators that are Hy-Vee are going great job teaching the custormers how it works. They have a lot of adds to let people know that it is a thing and they also have a paper they give to the customers so they know how it works. Both the grocery stores and the gas stations ask you if you have a card to make sure everyone uses it or just knows about it
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? 

People that might not buy into this system would be if they do their shopping at a different grocery store where the same products are cheaper places like Aldi or Wal-Mart. People may also not take part because they don’t like the products and don’t buy the ones that have the fuel saver on them.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

They way that they card works is that if you don’t use your rewards, you loose them, and they are only limited to one vehicle and you can only fill up so many gallons with your rewards points, items that are fuel savers may not be as popular and draw people away from using their rewards.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would want to ask and see if there is a a limit to using rewards if it added to the amount per gallon of gas or is it possible to get free gas if you get enough rewards?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to ask and see if the fuel saver ever expires. And I would want to know if there was some way to keep track of my points besides looking at my receipts.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, rewards, behaviors, emit, and target behaviors, token economy, behavioral class, tokens, delivery systems.

Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.

List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program?
a simple token-economy or point system during school to help stay on track and manage his behavior.
2) How did it come about? james has autism and has trouble staying on track and control his behavior while at school.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? wanting james not to hit or behave in class
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? reinforcement
6) Is it positive or negative?positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program?little wooden tokens or little flat cut out shapes and stamps of smiley faces on a paper
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?james is learning that when he does good at school he gets these shapes and stamps that he likes i really dont see a con except that maybe the teacher might give it to him to get the behavor that they want not for the behavor that they got
9) What is the delivery system? if he gets so many points in a day he get to choose from a treasure chest what he wants
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
11) How are the tokens banked? the stamps on the sheet of paper from all of his teachers
12) What are the pro's and con's? none that i really could see
13) What are the back up reinforcers? it didnt go into that
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? each teacher stamps the sheet of paper after every class if james is good
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? good
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? good
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? all of the teachers are on board with this system because it works
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? no
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? i really dont see any since it is done just with one child with autism
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?none
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? as i read about this syestem i found that it works James knows when he was good or bad and some times he has tried to draw in a smiley face or change a number to get more points but the attemps are ovious and he knows that he did it and when asked he says that he will try harder tomorrow.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Token economy.
Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.
List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this program?
The two examples I posted are from Pinterest so they don’t have actual stories but they are based on the environment of a class room.

2) How did it come about?
It came about so that the kids will do the target behavior. The target behavior is being kind in the classroom to other kids and the teachers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit the behavior of being kind in the classroom.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors they want the children to emit could be congratulating other kids when they do something good, or being quiet when others are talking.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is bases on reinforcement because it is adding something positive for the children eliciting the target behavior.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because they are gaining desirable things. For example with the first link depending on how much fake money they earn they get to pick something. The reinforcement works well in this case because the better prizes are more expensive so they would have to save up and continue the target behavior to earn more money. In the second one the kids have to fill the jar in order to get a pizza party, and I don’t know about you but pizza parties still get me excited and make me work harder and do the target behavior.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
In these class room programs the tokens are fake money in this first one and getting a warm fuzzy in the jar for a pizza party.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro with the sticks is that they can add up and with the more sticks the better the reinforcer. However to go along with the sticks they could be lost or stolen. With the warm fuzzy it’s a pro because it gets all the kids to work together however some kids may not be kind as often or even at all compared to the other kids and they still get rewarded with the pizza party.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system in the first one is the teacher giving money for the desired behavior so it would be a continuous reinforcement. However, the second one could be either or but mainly continuous because every time the kind behavior is seen by the teacher they get a warm fuzzy in the jar.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pros are that it continuously gets reinforced which increases the likely hood of the behavior. The con is the fact that the teacher cannot see every time the behavior is emitted so it could make it so a student gets confused for not getting reinforced for the behavior.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens is the first one are banked by sticks. And with the more sticks the better the prize. The second link are banked by the fuzzies going into to the jar.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros are the fact that it gets the kids to save up their tokens for the best reward. A con would be that they would give up because it could be taking too long or not every kid is participating.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the pizza party and the better more expensive (bigger amount of sticks) prizes.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
By the likes of all children. Everyone loves pizza and parties and then the better prizes are wheely chairs and sitting with friends.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes they are effective. I feel that if my teachers used this I would definitely oblige to the behavior.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access by emitting the target behavior of being kind.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
It lets the teachers know its effective if they kids are getting the better prizes or if they get the pizza party.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think the teachers are effective in the system because they have it stated clearly in the class room.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I am not sure but I imagine they either sent a note out or didn’t. Or they explain it to them at parent teacher conferences.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Can’t say because it is the teachers doing this not the administrative.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes because some of the kids may not participate to get the pizza party because other kids are. With the other system some kids may not think they can gain that many sticks for the desired prize and just stick to the undesirable everyday schedules.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems known to exist in token economies is the lack of generalizability of the behaviors that have been reinforced in these programs to be extinguished when they are no longer reinforced once outside of this setting. This problem can be remedied at least a little bit with a shift of all staff and parents know about it and participate with it.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
If all teachers are participating or if other staff like the gym or art teachers know and reinforce the kids as well. Also, if the principle knows and participates as well.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
If other teachers are doing something similar.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, elicit, behavior, desirable, emit, reinforced, reinforcer, reinforced, delivery system, effective, generalizability

Token Economy:

1) This program is about eliciting desired behaviors from first grade students. It's called the Class Economy Freebie.

2) A teacher from Pearland, Texas came up with the idea for her students one year when they were returning from break. It worked out so well, that she decided to continue using the token economy every year.

3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are good behaviors and practices from the students. Some examples include staying on task and in their seat in the morning, turning in the science question with the detailed answer, helping a friend, showing respect, and working quietly.

4) Some other specific behaviors, other than the ones mentioned above, include being the "secret walker" in the hallway, making good decisions, solving their own problems, and earning a ticket in the cafeteria.

5) This system is based on reinforcement because the desired behaviors are rewarded with a plastic penny in the student's container. Every Friday, and when the student has saved up enough money, they can buy something from the class store.

6) It is positive because the teacher is adding the plastic penny to the student's container every time they emit a desired behavior.

7) The tokens in this system are the fake plastic pennies.

8) A con of this token is that it's very small, so it can be lost easily. Also, some students might take other students' tokens. A pro is that the tokens are educational, and are teaching the students how to count money, and the value of a dollar.

9) The delivery system is continuous reinforcement; the teacher is rewarding every desired behavior with a plastic penny in the students' container.

10) A con might be that the teacher might forget to give the student a penny if they are in the middle of a very important lesson. A pro is that the tokens are easy to carry around, so the teacher might always have some with her when she sees one of her students emitting a good behavior.

11) The students can save up enough money to "buy" any of the items in the class store every Friday. Pennies can also be exchanged for the same cent amounts of fake nickles and dimes.

12) The pros of this system are that it very simple to set up and use in any classroom. The cons are that students may be using the classroom as a discriminative stimulus, and not emitting those good behaviors at home.

13) The backup reinforcers are the primary reinforcers they want to purchase at the class store. Examples include: stickers, special pencils, homework pass, the treasure pass, and to be the teacher's helper for the day.

14) I think the back up reinforcers were chosen by what the teacher thinks the children will really want.

15) I think they are effective reinforcers because who wouldn't want a homework pass or to be the teacher's helper for a day? She did a great job in using what the kids wanted. I think there is something in there for everyone can enjoy.

16) The students gain access to the reinforcers by the teacher who uses them as rewards; she puts them in their containers with their names on them.

17) She can observe how the students react. She said that the first time she used it, she noticed a difference and it worked really well. She continues to use the system and it always yields good results.

18) I think that she has taught her students the system well. It is very easy and basic to understand.

19) It doesn't really talk about how the parents are involved in this example of the token economy. But I am sure it comes up during parent-teacher nights.

20) This system in particular was made up by the teacher and not the administrators, so this question I feel doesn't really apply. But I am sure she has discussed it with her superiors.

21) I think there is a possibility for it to happen, but it is unlikely because it is only implemented by one classroom and one teacher. So the experiment was very controlled.

22) Some problems might include people taking other peoples' tokens or some behaviors not getting rewarded.

23) What prizes have been the most popular with the students? Which were the least popular? What are some problems that have occurred during this system? Has anything surprised you while using this system?

24) Any additional information I would want to know would be answered by those questions. I would also be interested in a graph with a baseline so I could see the progress of the students.

25) Terms: baseline, behaviors, elicit, emit, positive, negative, discriminative stimulus, primary reinforcers, reinforcement, buy outs, token economy

1.This program is a classroom token economy.

2.It came about by some teachers noticing some students not being respectful to other students and getting homework done and turned in. They saw these behaviors and wanted to change them but not by punishing them or telling them it is a bad behavior. The teachers then decided to try a token economy on the kids.

3.The behavior classes they are trying to emit include amount of turned in homework, behavior when playing with others, percentage of assignments done in class, participation, and many other in class behaviors.

4.Some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit include turning in their homework each day, sharing their toys with others, saying please and thank you, attempting to do a problem(whether they get the answer wrong or right does not say if they get rewarded, it’s just the fact of them trying), going up to try an answer, raising hand to answer a question, answering a question to the best of their ability, and many more.

5.This system is based on reinforcement.

6.This token economy is positive and negative. It is positive because the kids only get rewarded for emitting good behavior. This is negative because eventually they talk about taking tokens away when the students emit bad behavior. So, this token economy starts out positive then becomes positive and negative.

7.The tokens used in this program include stars, stamps, or stickers.

8.A pro associated with using these tokens includes that the students have them on one sheet. They also can visually see the teacher placing a sticker/star/stamp on their sheet. Another is that they are inexpensive and will not take up a ton of space. They also elicit good behaviors.
A con associated with using these tokens includes the stickers/stars/stamps might fall off of the paper. They could also be a distraction to the kids in class. These tokens might not provoke positive behaviors.

9.The delivery system consist of the giving of a sticker/star/stamp when the child emits the good behavior in class. When the behavior is directed towards the entire class the token will be given out to those who behaved in the way expected. When the behavior is directed at individuals it would be given in spare time during the class. For instance when they are working on a problem, discussing, or watching a video.

10.A pro associated with this delivery system includes efficiency. Another is leaving the option open to each and every student having the availability to receive a token. The fact that the teacher is directly giving the token to the student is a pro. Also, it is at a timing that has the least amount of interruption to the kids learning.
A con associated with this delivery system includes forgetting to go around and give the tokens to the kids. Another could be a student being missed. Also, only a select few students might always go up to answer a question or raise their hand.

11.The tokens are banked by either a container next to their desk or a fabric pouch attached to the back of their desk. They also give the option of them being placed in a journal.

12.A pro includes that its location is right next to the student so they can always have a visual of how many tokens they have. Also, the boxes/pouches/journals are something that do not leave the room so they would not get lost. Another is that their location is in an easy spot for the teacher to reach.
A con includes that their location is in a spot that might be hit, broken off, or damaged by others moving around the desk or even something spilling on them. Another includes the fact that their location might be distracting to the student. Also, other students might take tokens off of or out of other’s banks.

13.Some backup reinforcers include access to handheld video games, free time in class, computer time, small toys, field trips, passing out books, acting as a line leader, being captain of team, snacks, legos, art projects, access to science area, feeding animals, extra recess time, running errands, watering plants, and many others.

14.The backup reinforcers were chosen by what the teachers thought would be rewarding to the students.

15.The majority of the reinforcers are effective.

16.They gain access to the reinforcers by doing good behaviors. These good behaviors include turning in homework, asking questions, volunteering, and many others.

17.Some outcome measures that demonstrates effectiveness to the administrators includes grades going up, less people in detention/being sent to principals office, more assignments being turned in, and many others.

18.The administrators are very effective at teaching the students about the system. This includes them informing the students about what behaviors are being targeted, how to successfully perform the behaviors, the goal for earning the tokens, and when the tokens will be given.

19.The administrators are not effective at teaching the parents about the system from the information we are given. The only thing that they mention with the parents is that they want them to encourage the students.

20.From the information we are given, the administrators are effective but not as effective about teaching the other teachers about the system compared to informing the students. It talks about them finding out where to start their goals for their program. What they are told is to use the first week to find the baseline, and set the goal a just above it. This is all the information that we are given on what the teachers are taught to do.

21.I believe that there is always going to be someone who is not for any system. There will probably be some students/teachers/parents who do not believe the system will work.

22.A problem that exists with token economies that might be a problem here includes some bars that are set for the kids might be too small or too big for certain students. Another is the fact that some kids might not want/care to earn tokens. Also, students might get upset when they do not earn a token.

23.Some questions I might have for the administrators about the system would include, how do you plan on making goals for the students equal for every student. Will every student have a different goal since all students progress at different levels? Will you change the program when a few students are slowing down on positively reacting or when more than half? Or will you change each individual student's program for their individual needs? Will the students get to choose their award or just be assigned/given one?

24.Additional information I would want to know about the system include how each student’s program adjust when changes are needed, and how the awards be distributed.

25.Reinforcement, target behavior, emit, rewarded, behavior, behavior classes, token economy, positive, negative, tokens, elicit, delivery system, effective, and baseline.
1) What is this program?
One-to-One Token Economy with a five year old with autism.

2) How did it come about?
They wanted to increase the boys eye contact.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Eye contact.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Eye contact

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

6) Is it positive or negative?
Positive Reinforcement

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are laminated star stickers placed on a token board.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: they are simple to make, they are hard to copy
Cons: the stars may not be appealing to the boy

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the stars are given as they are both sitting at a desk. For every ten start stickers earned, 90 seconds of free play time are rewarded. The boy has to give eye contact for three seconds are a time to earn a star.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: It is instant gratification, the child does not have to wait
Cons: The boy may be earning stickers too easily. Three seconds is not very long.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on a token board in the classroom.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: The reward is visible to the boy
Cons: 10 Stickers may be too many to earn and seem like too harsh of a goal.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are 90 seconds of free play time with 10 stickers earned.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcer was chosen, because the boy enjoys playing with whatever toy he wants.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, the motivation is there for the boy because he likes to play with toys.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The boy has to give three seconds of eye contact to earn one star. Ten stars give ninety seconds of free play time.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They can simply see how many stars the boy is earning through a certain amount of time.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think they eased into it with the boy because he has autism. I think he slowly realized that eye contact is what would get him a star and eventually play time.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I think the parents were fully aware of what was going on with their child. They were concerned with getting their child to involve more eye contact as well.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
There are only three teachers involved in this token economy and they are all on the same page.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
For this example, no.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The boy may be awarded too quickly. Three seconds is not very long to give eye contact. He may rack up stars fairly quickly and feel like it’s not hard enough.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Is three seconds a sufficient time to give eye contact for a five year old with autism?
Is 90 seconds a sufficient time to reward? Should it be longer?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
What is the estimated outcome? How long do you think it will take for the boy to be sufficient at eye contact? Days? Weeks?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Tokens, Token Board, Backup Reinforcers
1) What is this program? This program is called Berry Bonus Bucks. It is a program that gives one point per dollar spent at Cherry Berry. When you purchase your items at Cherry Berry you Swipe a card and each dollar you spend equals one point on your Berry Bonus Card. Once you receive 50 points on your card you can redeem five dollars off your yogurt purchase.
2) How did it come about? This came about the increase the behavior of purchasing more frozen yogurt at Cherry Berry.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to elicit purchasing behavior. They want customers to purchase more frozen yogurt at Cherry Berry.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? They might want children to fill up their frozen yogurt bowls with more yogurt or toppings because the price varies by the oz.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? The system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? The system is based on positive reinforcement because they are adding a desirable stimulus by adding points to the card to receive five dollars off once you receive 50 points.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens used in this program are points, known as bonus bucks.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Some pro’s to this system are you get points everytime you purchase yogurt there even though you would get yogurt anyways. Some cons may be you forget your card and do not receive the points.
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is a Berry Bonus Bucks Card.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Some pro’s are it is a small card you can just put on your key chain. Some cons may be you don’t have your card with you and you do not receive the points.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked once you receive 5 0 points.
12) What are the pro's and con's? The pros are you get five dollars off once50 points are reached. The con is you have to spend fifty dollars before you can redeem the points.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back up reinforcers are five dollars off purchase.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The back up reinforcers are chosen by receiving 50 points.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? The reinforce is effective if you like frozen yogurt. Which I love!
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? The customers gain access to the reinforcers by reciveing fifty points by spending fifty dollars, because for every dollar spent the receive a point on their card.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some of the outcome measures would be if the customer comes to Cherry Berry to purchase frozen yogurt more often.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? There is a possibility no everyone might not have a complete buy in with this system because some people are lactose free and can’t eat frozen yogurt, some people do not get frozen yogurt often enough to receive 50 points, so it may not be worth it to them.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems with this token economy may be a customer never registers their card online or forgets their card when they visit Cherry Berry to purchase frozen yogurt.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Do they ever have special promotions where customers can redeem points before getting 50 points?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Does this system bring in customers more often?

25) Terminology: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, behavior, desirable stimulus, reinforce, reinforcer, token economy
1) What is this program? This program is called Berry Bonus Bucks. It is a program that gives one point per dollar spent at Cherry Berry. When you purchase your items at Cherry Berry you Swipe a card and each dollar you spend equals one point on your Berry Bonus Card. Once you receive 50 points on your card you can redeem five dollars off your yogurt purchase.
2) How did it come about? This came about the increase the behavior of purchasing more frozen yogurt at Cherry Berry.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to elicit purchasing behavior. They want customers to purchase more frozen yogurt at Cherry Berry.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? They might want children to fill up their frozen yogurt bowls with more yogurt or toppings because the price varies by the oz.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? The system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? The system is based on positive reinforcement because they are adding a desirable stimulus by adding points to the card to receive five dollars off once you receive 50 points.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens used in this program are points, known as bonus bucks.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Some pro’s to this system are you get points everytime you purchase yogurt there even though you would get yogurt anyways. Some cons may be you forget your card and do not receive the points.
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is a Berry Bonus Bucks Card.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Some pro’s are it is a small card you can just put on your key chain. Some cons may be you don’t have your card with you and you do not receive the points.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked once you receive 5 0 points.
12) What are the pro's and con's? The pros are you get five dollars off once50 points are reached. The con is you have to spend fifty dollars before you can redeem the points.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back up reinforcers are five dollars off purchase.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The back up reinforcers are chosen by receiving 50 points.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? The reinforce is effective if you like frozen yogurt. Which I love!
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? The customers gain access to the reinforcers by reciveing fifty points by spending fifty dollars, because for every dollar spent the receive a point on their card.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some of the outcome measures would be if the customer comes to Cherry Berry to purchase frozen yogurt more often.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The administrators are effective teaching customers about the system because they tell employees to mention the system, the system is advertised in the store and on the Cherry Berry website.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? There is a possibility no everyone might not have a complete buy in with this system because some people are lactose free and can’t eat frozen yogurt, some people do not get frozen yogurt often enough to receive 50 points, so it may not be worth it to them.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems with this token economy may be a customer never registers their card online or forgets their card when they visit Cherry Berry to purchase frozen yogurt.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Do they ever have special promotions where customers can redeem points before getting 50 points?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Does this system bring in customers more often?

25) Terminology: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, behavior, desirable stimulus, reinforce, reinforcer, token economy

Token Economy

1) What is this program?- This is a program for children with attention deficit disorder
2) How did it come about?- Other programs such as selective use of teacher attention or a home based reinforcement program has not succeeded.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?- The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are participating in the classroom and worked well with others
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?- Some specific target behaviors they might want children to emit would be turning in homework on time, played well with other children, or fully completed all assignments
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?- This system is based on reinforcement
6) Is it positive or negative?- It is positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program?- The tokens used in this program are stamps
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?- A pro would be that they get to see the stamp on a poster, a con would be a student finding the stamp and forge the number of stamps they have also the stamps might not be reinforcing enough for certain students.
9) What is the delivery system?- The delivery system would be the teacher placing the stamp on the child's poster whenever they turn in their homework on time.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?- A pro would be that the teacher has complete control over the system, a con would be the teacher could be gone and the substitute doesn't know about the system so the child gets mad when they don't get a stamp
11) How are the tokens banked?- The tokens are banked once a student receives 10 stamps they get a choice of the reward
12) What are the pro's and con's?- A pro is that for students with ADD it wouldn't take very long to get to 10 stamps so they wouldn't get frustrated as easily, a con for the way the tokens are banked would be that it might be too easy for kids to reach ten and they would always be needing to be rewarded
13) What are the back up reinforcers?- A few of the backup reinforcers would be free time in class, being a line leader, extra recess time, taking care of classroom animals, going to the library to use computers
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?- These backup reinforcers were chosen because they are all desirable behaviors
15) Are they effective reinforcers?- I believe that the reinforcers are effective
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?- The students gain access to the reinforcers after they collect 10 stamps
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?- They administration could watch the increase in the number of the assignments students with ADD complete and turn in
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?- The administrators are effectively teaching the students about the system by talking about it in a neutral time, explaining the system and how rewards will be handed out and what specific behaviors will be required of the students to gain the stamps
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?- The administrators are effectively teaching the parents about the system by hopefully sending home a notice about the program and encouraging the students to talk about it with their parents, there is nothing in this article that talks about how they would specifically go about doing it.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?- The administration has effectively taught the other teachers about the system by holding some sort of seminar for teachers about how to create a token economy in their classroom, once again nothing in the article says exactly how the administration would do that.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?- There is the possibility that all three, students, teachers, and parents might not buy into the token economy, students might not be able to stay focused long enough to get 10 stamps and become frustrated, teachers might not have any ADD students in their classroom, parents might not approve of teachers trying to modify their child's behavior.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?- The system could become too complex if not all students participate, there could be jealousy among the students, students might cheat to get their homework done to turn in and get a stamp, the reinforcers might become dull so they would have to be rotated
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?- Do all students participate in the system or just students with ADD? Will the rewards distract from learning?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?- What grades will the system be for? How long will the system last?

25) Terminology: Behavioral class, target behavior, reinforcement, token economy, elicit, emit, backup reinforcers, token


1) The program is used in an online game called DreamWorks Dragons: Rise of Berk based off of the movie How to train a Dragon.

2) It came about as a way to make money and promote the movie.

3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are completing the missions and playing the game.

4) Some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit would be training certain dragons more, building Viking houses or structures, collecting wood or fish, upgrading facilities, removing rocks or trees, building bridges, and sometimes sending Toothless to search specific areas.

5) This system is based on reinforcement.

6) It is positive.

7) The tokens used in this program are coins called Runes.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

a. Pros: easily dispensed, hard to reproduce, can’t be stolen or lost

b. Cons: They are hard to obtain but highly desired to progress faster in the game

9) The delivery system is an electronic administrator program in the game.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

a. Pros: immediate, correct, consistent delivery

b. Cons: they can be bought with actual money

11) The tokens banked through the game. There is an icon showing how much you have and where you can spend them.

12) What are the pro's and con's?

a. Pros: Keeps you updated, its accurate

b. Cons: none

13) The backup reinforcers are receiving dragon eggs more often, being able to buy resources like wood and fish, buying dragon eggs, speeding up training and build times, and buying special add-on programs or options. They are essentially privileges and resources that allow you to progress through the game faster.

14) The backup reinforcers were chosen based on what would motivate players more. Winning the game and earning new items is motivating when playing any game, and only enhanced more by making it easier and faster to do so.

15) They are effective reinforcers because they increase the use of the game by making the game easier and faster to progress through.

16) You can gain access to the reinforcers by selecting those options when playing the game and spending the runes on them.

17) Some outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective would be the level that dragons are trained to, the level of the townhall, and the level of toothless. All of these things indicate that the player is playing the game and progressing.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?

a. The game explains the token economy through a tutorial.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

a. The game is described in the description, and also notifies them that the tokens (runes) can be bought with real money.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? N/A

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

a. Yes because some players may not want to put forth the effort to earn the runes and just cheat by buying them with real money.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

a. Behavior deteriorates after fading. The reinforcement schedule jumps from continuous to variable and the backup reinforcers are priced to high. This makes it hard to receive substantial amounts of runes by just playing the game and completing missions. This causes players to cheat and just buy runes.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

a. How do they determine when they reward with tokens and how they determine how many tokens each action is worth?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? See question #23

25) Terms and terminology: Token economy, elicit, emit, target behavior, behavioral class, positive reinforcement, continuous schedule of reinforcement, varaible schedule of reinforcement, backup reinforcers

1) What is this program? Famous Footwear Rewards Program
2) How did it come about? When I was ordering shoes online they promoted their rewards program. They are trying to reinforce people into buying shoes from their company
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Purchasing shoes from their company
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit? 
buying $100 worth of shoes
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 
6) Is it positive or negative? 
positive reinforcement
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 
rewards points
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pro’s of this is that people will come back to use their points once they receive a coupon for their spending.
9) What is the delivery system? You type in your rewards member number and the points will add up under you rewards account electronically
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 
There maybe a mix up in the amount spent. The costumer may not know their rewards number
11) How are the tokens banked? Every dollar is a point and they are stored electronically under your name
12) What are the pro's and con's? 
there could be a electrical error
13) What are the back up reinforcers? If you are a rewards members you get other random pormotions and coupons. If you spend 200 dollars annually you become a gold member and you will reive 1.5 points for every dollar spent and you get free shipping
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? They used positive reinforcement to grab peoples attention and make them join their programs by offering additional benefits
15) Are they effective reinforcers? I think they are effective. Coupons are always a good thing and attract people into joining things.!
16) How do the cotumers gain access to the reinforcers? By joining the rewards program.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? How many rewards members they have and how many coupons are sent out and used monthly. They can also count the number of gold members they have
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? The directions are clear and simple 

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 
the directions are clear and simple
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? 
clear and simple
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Some people may not want to be a rewards member because they don’t shop that often or don’t thing the points are valuable

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The points may not add up fast enough to get people to come back into the store as often.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? What are some other ways you can encourage people to join your system
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? How long does it take for me to receive a coupon after I earn 100 points

Token economy.
1) What is this program?
This program is used in classrooms. The teachers a chart the target behaviors with a checklist. If the student successfully completed all items for the day, the teacher write his or her signatures (initials) on the chart for the day. The student must receive four out of five initials in order to receive a homework pass.
2) How did it come about?
The items on the checklist are items that the students will need for math class. The reason why this came about is because the students would forget to bring these items to class. This behavior ultimately disrupting their ability to focus and successfully complete the tasks at hand.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
With this token economy they are attempting to elicit the students to emit responsible classroom behaviors.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
A couple specific target behaviors they would want the children to emit are bringing a pencil with an eraser, bringing the math book, paper, and a calculator.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement because the token economy will increase the likelihood of the target behaviors occurring.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This token economy would be considered positive, it adds on something favorable, a homework pass.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The token in this program is simply a checkmark on each individualized chart.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros – its simple and does not take a lot of money or time to produce.
Cons – the children may lose their chart or attempt to manipulate/argue with the teacher if their charts were not accurately kept track of. They also may learn to forge the teacher’s signature.
9) What is the delivery system?
This token economy would be considered fixed ratio delivery of reinforcement. If the student is able to successfully complete at least 4 out of 5 days, they are always reinforced with a homework pass.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros – it is very consistent and does allow room for error without completely eliminating the student from the reinforcer.
Cons – what if a child is sick or not in attendance for school that week? How will that be resolved?
11) How are the tokens banked?
The children keep track of their responsibility on a chart. If they successfully bring all items to class, the teacher will sign for that day. If they receive at least four out of five signatures for the week, they are reinforced.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros – the students are beginning to learn a new habit that will be carried with them throughout life.
Cons – having the teacher walk around making sure each student has all their items will take time away from the actual lesson at hand. But I also understand that the teacher cannot successfully teach all students if all the students are not prepared.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
There is a daily reinforcer of just getting the teacher’s signature for the day. The backup reinforcer is earning a homework pass.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It seems pretty obvious, math homework is not many people’s idea of fun. If the students emitting responsibility behaviors and were the best students they could be throughout the week, they were “cut some slack” and given a break from homework.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would like to think this reinforcer would be very effective. If this token economy was put in to place when I was in middle and high school I definitely would have taken advantage of the opportunity.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They need to come to class with all items on the checklist, and receive the teacher’s signature.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They could collect the charts weekly and compare the previous weeks to the current weeks. It’s pretty simple to observe, either the children are not bringing the items or they are.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
This token economy is pretty simple with only one reinforcer. It allows the teachers to clearly lay out their expectations and the students can effective respond to their requests.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
There was no information about the administrators communicating with the parents of the students. I would imagine they would contact the parents if a problem would arise such as a student does not have a calculator.
20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
From the sounds of this example, they are strictly eliciting these behaviors in math class. If it proves to be effective, other teachers in other subjects may also implement a token economy of their own, with different target behaviors and reinforcements.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I could see how someone would critize the choice of reinforcement. Many teachers and parents see homework as a necessity to learning. Students see it strictly as something aversive they are required to do for a good grade. Someone people may not be in the same boat of thinking on this one, but if it proves to be successful, why not!
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The students could play the system. The teachers may not follow through and remain consistent throughout the reinforcing phase.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What happens if a student is absent from class for one or more days?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I think it is pretty simple and self-explanatory as far as the system itself.
25) Terminology: target behaviors, emit, elicit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, aversive, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, target behavior, token economy.

1) What is this program?
I choose to do the Starbucks Rewards Card, a token economy I’m actually apart of. How it works is you earn a star for each purchase. Once you’ve had 30 or more stars in a year you get a year long Gold Card Membership. With that membership you are given a free drink, personalized Gold Card, and other offers that are given during that time for any member.
2) How did it come about?
It came about to try and see their product more and allowing customers to be reinforced for spending their money there.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Starbucks is trying to elicit more purchases made.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The specific behaviors they are trying to have their customers emit would be to continue buying drinks more often to get a Gold Card.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because they are rewarding the customer with something they find desirable.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program would be the stars given when purchasing a drink.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros would be the customer purchases more at Starbucks. A con could be the customer doesn’t go to Starbucks enough to care about the Gold Card Member so they aren’t receiving any benefits from it.
9) What is the delivery system?
You are given a Starbucks card and each time you buy a drink you are given a star.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pros would be that it’s easy to use, and earns you free benefits in the end.
Some cons would be if they forgot there card they’re missing out on stars.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on the Starbucks card- once you reach 30 you’re given the Gold Card.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Some pros to this is it’s very organized and easy to keep track of.
Some cons are if you misplace or loose your card, all the stars you had are also gone.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are that you can receive a free drink for every 12 stars and all the benefits that come with getting the Gold Card.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Probably on the most popular items the customers like at Starbucks.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are effective reinforcers because they are items the customer doesn’t need to purchase.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
When you reach the limit of 30 stars you are informed to get the upgrade to the Gold Card. If you have already been given the Gold Card every time you get 12 stars you are once again informed for whatever the reward is.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some of the outcomes measure shown to show if the company knows it’s effective is seeing how many actually have a Gold Card.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The company is doing a good job teaching the customers about the system it’s all over the website and all over the coffee shop being advertised.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I’m sure the managers have informed all of the workers all about the Gold Card so they can be help to anyone that has questions.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is always that possibility with any token economy. As far as this one though I don’t think that many customers purchase enough Starbucks to ever become a Gold Card member, you would have to be a regular to get to that spot.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
If your Gold Card is not used enough you can get bumped down to a lesser card with lesser rewards.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
The only question I have is how to know how many stars I personally have.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
There is no other additional information that I might need to know about this system.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, reinforcer, behaviors, elicit, emit, system, token economy, target behavior, and reward.
(Example #1)

1. This is a token economy that is meant to help younger children with their behavior during the school days of the week.

2. It would come about if a teacher needs to get the children to behavior and does not want to punish the class.

3. They are trying to elicit good behavior out of the children.

4. A few target behaviors that could be the focus would be walking quietly in the hallways, everyone does their homework.

5. This is based on reinforcement not punishment because they are given tokens for doing positive behaviors.

6. It is most defiantly positive reinforcement not negative reinforcement because the children are given something that buys them a pleasurable activity (pop-sickle part).

7. The token used is a marker on a chart so the class can see how they are doing on the public chart.

8.Pro's is that it teaches the kids to work together a con may be that the kids may try to "self correct" any trouble makers, such as assaulting them to correct them because they want that pop-sickle party.

9.The delivery system is through the teacher moving the marker on the chart.

10. A pro is that the teacher will make sure that the reinforcement is applied consistently but a con could be that the teacher may not see everyone being good.

11. The token is kept on the class wide chart.

12.A pro of this is that it is very public and everyone can keep track of their progress. A con is that if they do poorly then they are all reminded of it everyday all day and this may make them sad or less productive.

13. The back-up reinforcer is the pop-sickle party.

14. there is only one back-up reinforcer.

15.It is probably a great reinforcer for younger kids such as elementary students.

16. They get access to the back-up reinforcer through being good but as a class then they move up the ladder till they reach champion. If they get champion 3 out of 4 weeks then they get a pop-sickle party.

17.How often the students receive the pop-sickle party.

18. It is an easy system so it should not be to hard to explain to the students.

19. The parents would be very easily informed about this system and the rewards that come along with that system.

20.The teacher implements the program so they should be very informed about the program.

21.Some kids or parents may not think that they should eat pop sickles or the kids may not like Popsicle.

22. Some kids may try to move the marker with out the teacher's knowledge or you may get kids that just want to ruin the chances of others getting the reward so they act bad.

23. What are the back ups if a student is allergic to pop-sickles. What if a parent dose not want a kid eating that sugar as a reward.

24. Will there be a back up to the public chart?

25. Terms used- token economy, punish, elicit, target behaviors, behavior, positive, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, pleasurable, token, delivery system, back-up reinforcer

1. What is the program?
For this assignment my program is a reward card that you can receive at cold stone creamery. After you buy 9 ice cream dishes, you receive a "Love it" which is a medium sized ice cream for free.

2. How did it come about?
The reward card came about because its a good way to get customers to come back more often

3. What are the behavior classes that are being elicted?
Cold stone creamery is trying to elict the customers to buy more ice cream so they can earn more punches and eventually have enough punches for a free ice cream.

4. What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The workers are trying to emit the customers from not getting a punch card, and making sure their experience at cold stone was a wonderful one.

5. Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is an example of reinforcement.

6. Positive or negative?
Positive reinforcement

7. What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens at cold stone would be the punch card that you can get every time you purchase an ice cream dish you receive a punch.

8. What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: every time you purchase an ice cream dish you receive a punch.
Cons: It doesn't matter what size of ice cream dish you purchase you only get one punch

9. What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is every time you purchase an ice cream dish you receive a punch on your punch card.

10.What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: Once you have filled up your punch card you can purchase a free "love it" dish
Cons: If you forget your punch card you don't get your punch for the purchase

11.How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on your punch card once you get 10 punches you receive your free ice cream

12. What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: It's orangized because every time you purchase an ice cream dish you receive one punch.
Con: If you forget or lose your punch card, you're out of luck

13. What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the free ice cream dish

14. How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The most popular customers or the most loyal ones, are the people that are going to continue to fill up their punch cards and keep buying ice cream

15. Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, because you are one step closer each time you purchase an ice cream dish to receiving your free dish.

16. How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
People gain access by starting a punch card and working towards a free ice cream dish.

17. What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Being able to recognize some of the customers knowing that the ice cream you're serving must be good or they wouldn't keep coming back

18. How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The workers do a great job of being friendly with the customers

19. How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It could be something a family could do together, earing more punches for the more people that are in your family

20. How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The workers allow for the customers to sample the different flavors of ice cream that they offer, and also asking if you would like to start a punch card

21. Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Unless you've never been to cold stone you might not be aware of the punch card

22.What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
If you forget or lose your punch card you either don't get your punch for that day or you have to start over with a new punch card

23. What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
The question I have is why cant the free ice cream be anything you want

24. What additional information might you want to know about the system?
There isn't really information that I need to know

25. Terms used: elicit, behavior, positive, reinforcement, positive reinforcement

1) This program is a system in which Starbucks customers can earn “stars” which are tokens, buy purchasing something at starbucks with select cards and they can use these stars for multiple types of food and drink rewards. The stars are reinforcing can can encourage people to buy things at starbucks.
2) This information did not point out how the program was invented or came about, but it was likely an idea from starbucks to get customers to buy more from starbucks and to use Starbucks payment cards, as well as the other cards that are accepted to earn stars.
3) They are trying to elicit the behavior class of buying anything from starbucks, whether that is any type of food or drink.
4) They would want customers to emit target behaviors of buying coffee, cookies, pastries, and they want customers to do this repeatedly in order to gain the reinforcing stars.
5)This system is based on reinforcement because the stars can encourage customers and increase the likelihood that their buying behavior will occur again in the future. The stars can increase the frequency of the customers buying behavior.
6) The reinforcement used is positive because the consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the stars which can lead to more rewards), and that makes it positive.
7) The tokens in this program are stars, which are kept on an account that starbucks card owners have and this is monitored electronically.
8) The fact that the tokens are electronically monitored can mean people might easily lose track of how many they have. Also, people might prefer to have a token that is tangible because it seems more “real” and present. Those are cons associated with these tokens. Some pros are: you can’t actually lose tokens that are electronically monitored, it is easy to count the stars when they are online and automatically counted, and customers cannot cheat or make up the amount of stars that they have when it is online.
9) The stars seem to be automatically delivered to a person’s account whenever they make a purchase using their starbucks card. They are delivered instantly into the customer’s account.
10) Pros of the delivery system are: The customers do not have to wait to receive their tokens, and they don’t have to worry about having space to carry the tokens around. One con of the system is the fact that starbucks employees could accidentally hit an incorrect computer key and give the person the wrong amount of stars. This would cause a person’s account to be inaccurate.
11) The tokens are stored in accounts in a computer system and technically they are stored on the information on a person’s starbucks payment card. This means they do not physically take up space, but they are store electronically.
12) The pros of this system are: The stars do not take up space, and they are easy to withdraw and use from the banking system. The cons of this system are the facts that some people would prefer tangible reinforcement, and being able to store away the stars and have to save them because of inconvenient access. However, the access to the stars is convenient with this banking system being used.
13) The back up reinforcers for this token economy are the free food and drink rewards that people can gain from collecting stars with purchases. The stars are the first reinforcers and encouragers, but they can be redeemed for prizes which are the true reinforcers that people are striving for when they are collecting stars.
14) The food and drink rewards that people can obtain with this token economy were likely chosen because the people who invented the rewards system must’ve realized that people like free things, and if they are already purchasing the food and drinks, then people would enjoy having those same things for free as a reward.
15) The reinforcers are likely effective because there is no harm in people gaining free things, because they would enjoy getting free things. The reinforcers can be considered effective if they are desirable and people are found to enjoy the free rewards. They are reinforcing if they increase the likelihood that people will buy things from starbucks in order to gain rewards.
16) The customers do not actually need to gain access to the stars, but instead they can check online how many they have, and use them at starbucks by redeeming them with the cashiers. The only time they need to “check on” or access the stars is when they are checking their balance to see how many stars they have obtained.
17) The administrators of the system could check to see if the system is effective by checking all of the accounts to see how many stars people have in their accounts, and they could check electronically to see how many stars have been redeemed for free rewards. They could also check to see if the amount of purchases have risen at all starbucks since the new star program has started. If it has risen, then the stars can be considered effective reinforcements.
18) If many customers have star cards and are collecting stars, it is likely that the customers have been taught well about the system by starbucks. All of the necessary information is on the URL listed below, and the information for customers can be taught to customers at actual starbucks stores, as well.
19) This question does not apply to this situation.
20) Starbucks seems to have taught starbucks employees well about this system, because the employees have been able to implement it at the Starbucks stores, and customers have been able to give the employees their Starbucks cards as payments. The employees have been able to redeem the customers’ cards for rewards and use the stars in the way that they were intended to be used, and that shows that the company has taught the employees well.
21) Yes, some customers might not buy into the system, and they might not like that it is meant to get them to buy more from Starbucks. Also, customers might prefer to pay with cash or a credit card rather than obtaining one of the cards that is accepted and can be used in order to receive the star tokens. Some customers might simply not be interested in being reinforced for buying anything from Starbucks. Employees must buy into the system by giving people stars when they make purchases with their starbucks card, but they don’t have to elicit a certain behavior or try to persuade people to obtain a Starbucks card or try to gain stars.
22) Sometimes in a token economy people might give up on their goal and stop emitting the behavior that is reinforced. For example, in this situation a customer might get tired of trying to obtain stars, because they haven’t been able to use the stars for any free rewards yet. This could cause them to give up completely and stop paying attention to their stars account. Also, a person could give their Starbucks card to multiple friends to get coffee, and they might get to collect a ridiculous amount of stars themselves, even though they did not earn all of the stars themselves. However, that would not be illegal, and technically they would still be making the purchases that are being reinforced.
23) I would ask the administrators if they are able to see how many stars each customer has? I would also ask them if they are able to determine which Starbucks location gives out the most stars and gives people the most rewards?
24) I would like to know who came up with the clever idea of calling the tokens “stars?” I would also want to know information about how the stars token economy has affected business. I wonder if business has increased significantly since the token economy started. Are the advertisements for the stars program stimulating to customers and making customers interested in using the stars tokens?
25) Terminology: elicit, emit, stimulating, positive reinforcement, target behavior, consequences, reinforcement, pros and cons, banking system, delivery system, back up reinforcers, redeem, token economy, frequency, likelihood, behavior classes.

1) What is this program?
This wife and her husband use a reward system with tokens to get their three kids to start behaving properly and becoming more responsible.
2) How did it come about?
They were having major issues getting their oldest son to do his homework, so her husband, a family therapist, suggested the token system to his wife and the teacher.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Respect and responsibility
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Cleaning up after themselves, using their time wisely, doing their homework and chores, being more responsible, independent, and well behaved around the house.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system uses both positive reinforcement and punishment. For everything good they do they earn a token, but if they don’t clean their room and their mom has to, she takes away 10 tokens.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is both positive and negative
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Actual tokens
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some cons they ran into in the beginning of the program was that their oldest rebelled and didn’t care whether he got tokens or not, and they were constantly complaining about having to pay for everything. But the pros in the end were that after some days of not having the TV on at all, the kids chose to play nicely rather than waste their tokens on TV time.
9) What is the delivery system?
For random good deeds or behaviors, their mom would give them tokens. For every “excellent” on a report card= 20 tokens, finishing their food and putting the sink in the sink=2, cleaning their room without being told =3, and doing something the first time after being asked = 2.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Cons would be them not really caring if they get tokens or not. Pros would be them eventually learning good behaviors in order to get tokens.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Half hour of TV or computer= 5 tokens or 1 hour =10 tokens. 15 extra minutes up past bed time=5 tokens and max of 30 min=10 tokens. Chocolate milk or apple juice=5 tokens and sweet snacks=3.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro’s would be them spending their tokens wisely and cutting down eating unhealthy things. Con’s could be each sibling jealous of the other when they aren’t doing the same things as the others.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
They can cash in 10 tokens for a one dollar toy or 100 tokens for a ten dollar toy.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Every kid loves getting new toys
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I believe so
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
By earning the tokens, saving them, and cashing them in
17) What are some of the outcome, measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They saw how differently their kids were behaving just after a few months and after 2.5 months their oldest was consistently coming home with “excellent” on his reports.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Pretty effectively because they kids started showing good improvements
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The father was the one administrating the program and he helped his wife as well.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Since their oldest was coming home with more and more excellent reports, it shows that he was effective teaching his teacher about the system too.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There may be a slight possibility that the teacher may not have a complete buy in.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The unequal pricing of backup reinforcers or the kids hoarding the tokens
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would probably ask her to be more specific on how many tokens she randomly gives out for good behavior or deeds.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
There is no additional information I want to know about the system
25) Reinforcers, positive and negative, punishment, reward system, emit, behavior

1) What is this program?
I decided to do the Starbucks star reward system. A lot of my friends are a part of it and talk about it all the time. For every purchase you make at Starbucks, you earn a star. After you accumulate a certain number of stars you get rewarded with food or drinks.

2) How did it come about?
The website did not specify on how this program came about. It is probably so that customers have an incentive to buy more at Starbucks and then get rewarded eventually.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit their customers to buy at their store. They want them to buy more food and drinks there.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Starbucks wants their customers to emit behaviors of buying lattes, cookies, sandwiches, pastries. They want their customers to keep doing this in order to gain the reinforcing stars that benefit the customer.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is definitely based upon reinforcement because the stars encourage the customers to come back and buy more of their products in order to receive a reward later. The stars increase the frequency of the customers buying the behavior.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable for the customer, which are the gold stars. The gold stars make the customers feel good and makes them want to earn more of them.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are gold stars. The Starbucks customers have all of this information available to them on their cards which are electronically monitored.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: Another pro would be that you can’t get them stolen/lost. The Starbucks employees can access your card electronically any time. Customers also cannot cheat about how many stars they have or try to replicate them.
Cons: Since these gold stars are only electronically monitored you may lose track of how many stars you have accumulated. A lot of people prefer tangible tokens. It makes them feel better about themselves and they are real and you can actually keep them in your possession.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the stars being added automatically onto your Starbucks account every time they make a purchase with their card. Delivery is instantaneous.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro: the customers don’t have to fumble around looking for their stars. Since they are automatically on their card is creates less of a hassle. The customers also do not have to wait to get their tokens, it is done automatically.
Cons: One big con I noticed was that sometimes Starbucks employees get really busy and are prone to make a mistake. They may accidentally hit a wrong button and give someone a wrong amount of stars. They may also accidentally delete their stars.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The gold stars are stored in each customer’s account in the Starbucks computer system. Your card is linked to your account. Everything is done electronically.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: very easy to use this system. All they have to do is pull it up on the computer and check their account. They fact they are not tangible is a plus.
Cons: Some people take pride in having a tangible “prize.” They like to show it off and just keep them stored in a safe place. A lot of the times people lose things, so I think this electronic system is very ideal.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are free food and drink rewards. You can choose from dozens of lattes, coffees, pastries, sandwiches, and more! The stars are the first reinforcers, but you can use these stars to redeem your delicious prize!

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because they realized that Starbucks is a popular chain in America and thousands of people go there daily. Since their demand for products is so high they realized that customers would love the reward of getting a free drink/food item of their choice. Since the customers are loyal to their firm, why not reward them for it?

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes they are very effective reinforcers. There is nothing that you can lose from gaining a free food item or a free drink. The rewards are definitely desirable and people love free rewards. These reinforcers are effective because they increase the likelihood that their customers will come back for more.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They gain access to the reinforcers by purchasing food/drinks at Starbucks. The customers can check online and see how many stars they have accumulated. They then go to a Starbucks and put them to good use by checking their balance with an employee.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrators have access to all of this information online. They can check and see how many stars each customer has accumulated. They could also check and see how many stars have been redeemed for a free drink/food item. Since this is all online it is very easy to access.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think they are very effective at teaching their customers about it. Everything about the system is on their website and it’s very easy to follow. I have also heard from a lot of my friends how great of a system it is. They are obviously doing a good job of spreading the word! They also make it very convenient so you can join from your phone.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This system is directed towards everybody, not just parents.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Starbucks has definitely done a good job with teaching their employees about it. The employees are very well educated on this system and know how to access it electronically. They have implemented this system all across America. They employees have been able to redeem the customers stars for rewards, which shows they know what they are doing.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes it is possible. A lot of people do not like the products they sell. I have some friends who do not like Starbucks coffee and never go there. This system probably would not be seen as desirable in their eyes. Also, some customers prefer to use cash when they pay, so they would not like the idea of using a card to pay for things and get rewards.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
A problem that I see is the fact that a customer might use their card and give it to their friends to gain points for them. That would be a way to cheat the system. They could then gather the rewards without earning them. Also, a lot of the times people get sick of token economies like this. It may take them months before they actually obtain a reward from this system. For example, when I had a Panchero’s punch card, it took me probably a year before I got a free burrito. I eventually lost interest in this.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Is there a time limit on when you can use your stars? Also, I was wondering if there is a way to see what Starbucks location in America is the most popular and gets stars most often. Lastly, I was wondering how long it takes roughly to actually get a reward.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would like to know how they came up with this system and who organized it all. I would also like to know if it was difficult to come up with the software they use to keep track of all the stars. I would also want to know if this system had a big impact on their business.

25) Terms:
Elicit, behavior, positive reinforcement, emit, reinforcers, token economy, reward, punishment, consequence, delivery system, behavioral class, redeem, frequency, backup reinforcers, banking system, pros and cons, reward system, desirable.

1) What is this program?

Victoria's Secret has a program going on right now where if you spend at least $10 or more, you will be able to receive a secret reward card which could have up to $10, $50, or $500 on it that you can use on your next purchase. From my experience, they have all been worth $10 but it still an incentive to shop there and spend money.

2) How did it come about?

It usually comes about during the holiday seasons in order to promote people to shop at their store.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are shopping at their store and spending money.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?

Some specific target behaviors include hoping customers will spend more than the $10 required in order to receive the secret rewards card.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

reinforcement because they are trying to increase the desired behavior.

6) Is it positive or negative?

positive because they are trying to add the idea of shopping at their store more often.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?

The secret reward cards

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

Some pros are you know for sure you will receive at least $10 off your purchase if not more. Another pro is the excitement of finding how much your card is worth.

Some cons are most of the cards are worth $10 and in order to receive one you must spend at least $10 therefore if might not even be worth it so you have to take some chances.

9) What is the delivery system?

The Victoria's Secret Company

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

Some pros are it will give customers and incentive to shop there and spend more money. It will also be rewarding if one of those cards actually is worth $500.

Some cons are some people might take advantage of it and try to get multiple cards in order to receive $10 off of each purchase in the future until the cards expire, which might get annoying.

11) How are the tokens banked?

The secret reward cards actually have a certain amount of money already on them but you can't find out how much is on there until you use it for your next purchase.

12) What are the pro's and con's?

Pros are its a surprise and therefore it is more exciting to participate in.

Cons are you must wait until your next purchase to find out how much you have on the card when you use it.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?

If you do not receive $500, or $50, you at least know for sure you will receive at least $10 so you have nothing to lose.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?

The company is smart enough to know that if you spend $10 to get that secret reward card and then receive at least $10 on it for your next purchase, they aren't losing much money therefore they have great back up reinforcers.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?

extremely effective because it is fun to participate in and you can't lose much

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?

Just by simply spending $10 at Victoria's Secret in order to receive a secret rewards card.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?

There are several people who ask for secret reward cards after making a purchase and several people who also use them.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?

They are very effective about teaching the customers about it because they send you text messages, emails, messages on their app, and it is even shown online.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

They are teaching everybody the same amount very effectively.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?

They have done a great job at teaching their employees about it as well because they encourage you to spend at least $10 in order to receive that reward.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

Yes there is a possibility but if that's the case then they just shouldn't shop at Victoria's Secret.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

Some people may be annoyed of the pressure of at least spend $10 in order to receive this token or secret reward card. Also, they can give it to anybody to use even if that person did not make a $10 purchase. They can still use it for their next purchase which is kind of cheating the system.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

How to they gain profit by handing out secret reward cards? does it really even out?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

How they are so good at convincing people to come to Victoria's Secret and spend enough money to receive these cards then convince them to come back AGAIN and use that secret reward card on their next purchase.

Terms: incentive, behavioral classes, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive, reward, reinforcer, effective, receive, elicit

1) What is this program? The program I found is a ticket system used in a second grade classroom. When students elicit behaviors that are encouraged, they receive a ticket. If they are acting out or behaving poorly, one of their tickets may be removed. Each student starts with five tickets. Every Friday, students trade tickets in for coupons if they wish to. These coupons include candy coupons, line leader coupon, show and tell coupon, extra recess coupon, etc. Some coupons require more tickets than others. Students can save up their coupons throughout the weeks and wait to use them all on a certain Friday if they want a bigger prize.

2) How did it come about? This came about when her previous token economy was not effective anymore. Before, she only gave coupons for good behavior and then at the end of the week, a student could choose a prize from the treasure box. Students were getting bored of this and the reinforcers were no longer working. She implemented a system of punishment as well as reinforcement, and brought in new reinforcers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? It is not very specific as to what behaviors lead to getting tickets. All it says is that good behaviors lead to getting tickets. Good behavior is going to be rewarded with tickets and bad behavior could lead to removal of tickets. I am assuming this means behavioral classes like respect, responsibility, preparedness, and kindness.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the students to emit? Some specific target behaviors are being respectful when the teacher is talking, being kind to other students, picking up after yourself, being prepared for class, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system started out as purely a reinforcement system, but now it is reinforcement and punishment. When students emit good behavior, they are rewarded with a ticket. When they collect the tickets, they can turn it in for a coupon that allows them to do something desirable. However, if they have bad behavior, a ticket can be taken away, which means it will take them longer to get a desirable item. It is aversive to take away a ticket, so it makes it less likely that they will do the bad behavior again.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because it involves receiving a prize for good behavior. A prize is given to them, which will reinforce them to continue to behave well in the future. However, it can also be negative punishment. Something is being taken away from them when they act poorly. Tickets are being removed from the children when they act out.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens in this program are “behavior tickets”.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Some pros are that students can visibly and tangibly see the progress they are making. By collecting the coupons, they can see that they are behaving well and will want to continue to collect coupons. As their collection builds, they may develop a sense of accomplishment. Some cons are that tickets can be stolen, lost, or students could start to sell them. A student might find some and throw them away, rip them up, or take them for themselves. It would be hard to keep track of whose tickets are truly whose.

9) What is the delivery system? The teacher delivers a ticket to a student after they do a good behavior. If a student behaves poorly, she may take a ticket away from them.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The pros are that the students will feel proud of themselves when the teacher gives them a ticket. If others witness them getting a ticket, they will also want to get tickets. Since the teacher is handing the tickets to the children, she will probably have a rough idea of how many tickets each student receives. This will help her notice if a child who behaves poorly randomly shows up with hundreds of tickets. She will know that they may have stolen them. Some cons are that the teacher might miss good behaviors students emit, and those students will be discouraged that they did not receive tickets. Also, a teacher’s mood could affect the passing out or taking back of tickets.

11) How are the tokens banked? A different amount of tickets are needed for different coupons. For example, ten tickets are needed for a Fluffy Friend Coupon, but 45 tickets are needed for an Extra Recess Coupon. The more desirable coupons are worth more tickets, so more good behavior is required.

12) What are the pro's and con's? The pros of this system are that students are encouraged to get as many coupons as possible. This means that students will strive to do multiple good behaviors. The cons are that students may misplace their tickets, which would be very upsetting to them. Also, students may not like some of the coupons for the amount of tickets they have, so they will lose motivation to get tickets.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? The backup reinforcers are things like line leader coupons, show and tell coupon, silly hat coupon, no shoes coupon, sonic slush coupon, teachers helper coupon, lunch date coupon, special place coupon, etc.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? These were chosen by the teacher because they are inexpensive ways to engage the students. The coupons allow children to do certain things they do not normally get to do during a school day, but they would like to do. They are desirable for children in elementary school.

15) Are they effective reinforcers? These are definitely effective reinforcers. These are desirable for children in elementary school. I would have liked most of these reinforcers when I was in grade school. They will definitely motivate them to emit good behaviors.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? They gain access to the reinforcers by emitting good behaviors that please the teacher! They lose access to the reinforcers by emitting bad behaviors.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? Administrators know the system is effective if kids are getting engaged in the program. If kids seem excited about receiving tickets, then the system is working.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? I think the students are effective in teaching the students about the system. They had a similar system before, and she has made a few improvements. She is good at explaining things thoroughly and the rules are quite clear.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Parents are being informed thoroughly about the system. The teacher runs a blog that outlines the system and the rewards that are included. This blog is available for the parents to read and leave comments with questions or concerns.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? It is not listed whether this teacher has taught the other teachers about the system. Since the blog is available for everyone to read, I am sure the other teachers will be informed on what she is doing. This system is only for one classroom, not the whole school.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? There is this possibility, of course! If other teachers do not support it, kids might decide that it is not cool. Again, if parents don’t support it, kids will be influenced by this. If one kid decides that it is not cool, others may follow and not be influenced by the tickets.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Some problems that may exist are cheating the system. Kids may duplicate tickets, trade tickets, find tickets the teacher had in her desk, etc. This is definitely something the teacher needs to take into consideration.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? Some questions I might have for the administrators would be if other classes are also doing the behavior tickets. Are other teachers doing other token economies that work more efficiently? Have the teachers noticed behavioral changes?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? Additional information I would like to know is what prizes she had in the treasure box when it did not go over well at the beginning of the year. I would also like to know what the students think of the new tickets for behavior. I would like to know their opinions on the punishment aspect of this system.

25) Terms: elicit, behaviors, token economy, reinforcers, punishment, reinforcement, behavioral classes, rewards, target behaviors, emit, aversive, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, delivery system, backup reinforcers, desirable

1) What is this program?
It is called Class-Wide Colored Chart- Sports Themed
2) How did it come about?
So that students can be rewarded for practicing target behaviors and made aware of undesirable behaviors
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Responsibility, Accountability, and Respect
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
the examples provided are walking through the halls quietly, bringing textbooks to class,and completing homework
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is based on reinforcement, but have to have a class meeting if they aren't meeting desired behaviors
6) Is it positive or negative?
it is positive due to the fact they can have large class rewards if they are behaving properly
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
it is a sports themed board that the class can move across through the week in order to reach "champion level" which is how they get the rewards
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
pros: very easy to manage, it is class based so this helps build teamwork, has a sports theme which will get many of the kids involved cons: one kid could ruin it for the class which could bring harassment, if they don't behave all five days then I don't believe the class can get rewarded
9) What is the delivery system?
Teacher allows the kids to grab something out of the treasure box on Friday if they achieve the champion level and if they get champion three out of four weeks they are allowed a popsicle party.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
pros: the kids get to achieve this as a team, it is relatively cheap for the teacher cons: if the kid misses the day of the reward then I am not sure they are rewarded and there is a risk that the kids care about getting popsicles
11) How are the tokens banked?
there is a board that is hanging on the wall so they just have to emit good behavior then move their class piece across the board
12) What are the pro's and con's?
pros: very easy to manage, cheap, displayed well so there aren't any questions to the success cons: I don't see any
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
the treasure box on Fridays and the popsicle parties
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
these are probably cheap options for the teachers and appeal quite well to the children
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would say yes
16) How do the students gain access to the
They must behave to the teacher's requirements which will allow them to get to move their class piece everyday until they achieve champion level
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They could get a baseline for the 3 behaviors they are looking to better, and see if they improve afterwards
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
this is not stated, but it's so simple I don't think you could ineffectively teach it
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I am sure they would explain it just fine
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
again not stated
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
absolutely, and from the sounds of it one bad apple could bring the whole tree down. this is excellent for team building and trust though
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I just am not sure if the rewards are big enough to warrant the behaviors that the teachers are wanting changed, but if they are then I don't see much of a problem
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I am curious if they get any strikes before the day is not possible to be considered a success or if this is ran with pretty much a zero tolerance policy? What age does the effectiveness of this stop?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Are there any ways that you can make the rewards even more reinforcing like perhaps a movie with the popsicle party? Or would that ruin the integrity of the curriculum?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

terms:Target behaviors, undesirable behaviors, reinforcement, emit

Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.

List the url:

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program?
This program is called the Pizza Hut BOOK It! Program in which students or the teacher set a goal of the number of books they read, once reach that amount they receive a certificate with a free personal pan pizza attached to it that is redeemable at Pizza Hut.

2) How did it come about?
This is straight from the website: This is our STORY.
In 1984, our company president had a son who was struggling with reading. Knowing how important reading is, he told him to work hard at his reading and if he did, they would go to Pizza Hut – just the two of them – and celebrate.
Realizing that the combination of a little Personal Pan Pizza and some special one-on-one time could make a difference for other parents and their children, he gathered educators – teachers, librarians and principals – and created The BOOK IT! Program.
Now, 30 years later, the Pizza Hut family – along with hundreds of thousands of educators across the country – still believe and champion it today.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes being elicited are responsibility, goal setting, and learning.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The specific target behaviors could include: reading, goal setting, eating, and keeping track.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
Positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are a certificate with a free personal pan pizza attached to it.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros are: kids love pizza, these are hard to fake, the free pizza has an expiration date on it so it must be used.
The cons: could have kids lying about the number of books read, requires parents to drive them in order to redeem.

9) What is the delivery system?
Teachers sign up for the program and are mailed the certificates, which then they authenticate and give to the students after completion.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: teacher is in charge and has to authenticate them
Cons: Have to reorder if run out.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The teacher receives a weekly log of the students reading.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: Teacher can see who is close and who might need more help with reading, can identify the strugglers
Cons: Students could be making up the data

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
There are progression notifications that tell how close to reaching the goal; very encouraging messages.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They just were...its a program that Pizza Hut designed.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would say yes, because students love pizza and combining that with reading can be effective in increasing the behavior.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They have to read and keep track of their minutes/books read.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They keep track via a chart the number of children who have read and the number of books read. I believe I saw they had partnered up with scholastic reading and over 2.2 million books were read.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Not really stated but I'm guessing well because the program is so successful.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I would say well beacuse I remember doing this and my parents were very encouraging.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I would say really well. There is a forum for the teachers to post and interact.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I would say only if the students dont read.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I would say there is no real type of consequence for not reading.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How could you better motivate those students that arent as much into reading or don't want to read?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would personally like to see the data from the very beggining of this programs creation to today, see the trends and what if any is different from year to year.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Terms: Consequence. positive reinforcement, elicit, target behavior


1) What is this program?
The program is called gRewards. The rewards program is a token economy through the retail store of Gordmans. The store is rewarding their customers for emitting the behavior of spending so much money by sending them coupons.

2) How did it come about?
The token economy came about in order to elicit more business and increase their sales and customer loyalty.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes that Gordmans is trying to elicit is increased revenue flow and increased customer loyalty.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Target behaviors that Gordmans would like emitted are customers spending more money in the store, customers returning to the store more often and their store revenue to increase.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This system is based on positive reinforcement of the customers.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that are used in this program are points that are put onto customer cards.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros to this form of token is that because the points are put onto cards they are more difficult to lose. Another pro would be people would continuously buy merchandise from the store because they know that for every dollar they spend they receive points. Another pro would be that when a customer reaches 200 points Gordmans sends them a coupon therefore the customer does not need to keep track of the points themselves. A con to these tokens are that they are tangible.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system at Gordmans is a card and when the customer spends $1 they receive a point on the card.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro to this delivery system is customers are less likely to lose the card. Another pro is that the card keeps track of the points automatically therefore the customers do not need to bother with knowing how many points they have. A con to this system is that customers may forget that they have the card and unless the sales person asks them for it they may not use the card.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked once a customer earns 200 points on their card.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros to this is that the customers are using a card and therefore their points on added up automatically and it makes it easier for customers to keep track. Another pro is that 200 points equals 200 dollars spent and that is increased revenue for the company. A con to this delivery system is that $200 is a lot of money for some people and it could take customers a long time to receive the benefits of the rewards card.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The back-up reinforcer is receiving a $10 reward for every 200 points.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back-up reinforcer was probably chosen because customers receive $10 free dollars to spend at the store.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I believe the $10 free dollars is an effective reinforcer because the customer feels like they are getting a good deal and the company makes more money.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The reinforcer is given to the customers when they earn 200 points on their cards for spending $200 dollars in the store.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Gordmans can look at their sales revenue from month to month or year to year to determine if they have increased their sales. Gordmans can also look at how many $10 coupons they have mailed to determine how many customers are using the rewards cards and are spending enough money. Gordmans can also look at how many rewards cards are being used to determine if customers find the rewards system appealing.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I believe that Gordmans is teaching their customers effectively about their token economy. Cashiers ask the customers if they have a rewards card and if they do not the cashier then further explains the program. Every cashier is told to follow this process and therefore if the customer buys something they will be told about the card.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Does not really apply to this token economy.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I believe that Gordmans is teaching their employees about the token economy in an efficient way. Each cashier is taught to ask every customer about the rewards card and therefore all employees need to know that the card is and what its benefits are.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Customers may not buy into the system because spending $200 in one store can be a lot for some people and they may not seem the reinforcer as being reinforcing enough to spend that kind of money. The employees may also not care how much the company makes in revenue and therefore not ask every customer if they have a rewards card or if they are interested in one.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Customers may lose their card or their coupon that they have received in the mail. Also customers may have to take a long time to get the rewards and therefore forget about the program because they are not constantly using it. Another problem could be that employees take advantage of the system and find ways to give themselves points or their friends and families points.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would ask management if they had a way to determine if employees were stealing points or giving away points. I would also ask management if they had a system in place where they could tell customers how many points they have at the store.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to see data after one year of the program to see if the the rewards program was truly increasing sales revenue. I would also want to see if the program was working in other stores that had a similar program.

TERMS: token economy, reward, emit, behavior, elicit, behavioral class, target behaviors, positive reinforcement, token, delivery system, back-up reinforcer

1) What is this program? Kohl's Yes2You Rewards
2) How did it come about? It came about to ilicit more business.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Kohl's wants to increase revenue and gain customer loyalty.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? They want customers to spend more more in the stores.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? Positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Points on a card.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pro: it's on your card so it's easy to look up when you scan your card at the register. Con: you might lose your card and need to replace it and the card is a piece of cardstock type paper so it's not very durable.
9) What is the delivery system? You earn 1 point for each dollar and it goes onto your rewards card.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Pro: the card has a skew number so it's easy to look up. Con: You may forget to use your rewards card when making a purchase.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked by being on your card with a skew number so they are easy to access.
12) What are the pro's and con's? Pro: It's automatic. Con: You may forget to use your reward card.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? You get $5 off your purchase for every 100 points you reach.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? Because the money is going back into the store.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? They send you an email with the $5 off code on it.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? Many people have signed up for the reward card and they are already earning rewards.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? Kohl's is teaching the customers about the system effectively because they ask you to sign up for the rewards program when you check out and they also send emails about.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? The administrators seem to be teaching the employees about the system because they always ask if you have your rewards card.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? n/a
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? yes, some people might not want to have a goal of spending $100 to earn $5 back
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? people might forget about it and stop using it.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? I would be curious if there are any other rewards or incentives for people to sign up for the rewards program.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I would want to know if the rewards system is actually increasing revenue in the store.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
ilicit, reinforcement, positive, positive reinforcement, token, token economy, emit, back-up reinforcer, delivery system
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this program?
This program is a rewards program through the Barmuda Company. Every time you spend money at any one of the Barmuda companies you get 5% cash back/points to go towards your next visit.
2) How did it come about?

It came about when Darin Beck got his business started and wanted more of the cedar valley to enjoy his companies and by giving rewards like this he can get the CV to stop in more.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

They are trying to get more of the cedar valley population to get out and enjoy the food that the companies have to offer. They are trying to elicit the behavior of customers spending more money at their companies.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?

They would want you to purchase more food or drinks to make your bill go up, and with the bill increasing your point balance would then increase. So you would have more points, more points = more free money to spend.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

This would be reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It would be considered positive reinforcement because if you are buying more product and getting more cash back then you are then in reality getting reinforced to buy more the next time. It also adds something desirable.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program would be the points that are put on your card when you use it at your stop at 1 or more of the companies.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

Pros: you receive more points/more money with higher bills
Cons: sometimes you forget to bring your card and/or forget to use it.

9) What is the delivery system?

The delivery system is when the points are placed on your card automatically when the card is swiped at the checkout with the server or bartender.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Same pros and cons as when using them you can forget about your card or forget to use them so your points cannot be added automatically.

11) How are the tokens banked?

The tokens are banked on the card and with the system at corporate
12) What are the pro's and con's?

Pros: points cannot be lost
Cons: NONE
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers could be the free food or drinks that come along with the point system.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are chosen based upon what the customer likes and their preferences.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I believe that they would be effective reinforcers because they get the job done.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The customers can gain access to their points and their dollar amounts on the Barmuda Website. And can see and track their progress and see how much they have spent to receive their points.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Corporate calculates and keeps track of every point and user that there is and can see the progress and how effective the program is.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Corporate is effectively telling the companies about this program and then the companies begin to tell their employees about the program so we can then pass it down to the people who want to be apart of the program.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The administrators are effectively teaching the companies about the system because its working obviously, or corporate would have gotten rid of it a long time ago.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?

Very effectively
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

Yes there is a possibility that not everyone may have a complete buy in with the system, some people may think it is a fraud and that it is pointless.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

Not all of the points may go through and sometimes they cannot be added to someones bill because it was not validated.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

Can anyone get these cards even if they are under 18?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Desirable, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, elicit, back up reinforcers,
1) This program is called “Ranch Rewards” it is through the franchise Pizza Ranch.
2) It came about in response to a desire to increase the likelihood that individuals buy more at any Pizza Ranch location.
3) The behavioral class that Pizza Ranch is targeting is buying from Pizza ranch
4) Target behaviors include buying pizza, chicken, cactus bread, buffets, buying gift cards, and buying catering services.
5) This system is based solely on reinforcement. There is absolutely no punishment involved. The system attempts to increase the likelihood that you buy something at Pizza Ranch. For every $75 spent, you get $5 free. You also get $5 free on your birthday. It costs nothing to join and it costs nothing to not rack up points.
6) This is positive reinforcement because it entails the addition of something positive to increase the likelihood that you are going to buy something at Pizza Ranch again. There is nothing aversive about this system.
7) The token is a point. Every dollar you spend, you get a point. For every 75 points ($75) you get $5 off of your next purchase.
8) From my time at Pizza Ranch, there are a few things that are wonderful about this- it’s really easy, it’s free, so people are going to join, people love it, there is a discriminate stimulus- but in this case, that’s totally fine, and it really does increase the frequency that you see certain guests. Some not so great things are that it can be kind of confusing for elderly individuals because you have to register your card online, some people get frustrated because they think that there has been more money put on than what was really counted.
9) The delivery system is through the card. The $5 actually shows up when the cashier swipes the card through.
10) The great thing about the delivery system is that it is pretty flawless. I never saw any issues with the $5 never coming up. Some cons are that the individuals lose cards a lot and they say that they had some money racked up on the card, but it is kind of a hassle to get the money from the old card that they lost transferred to the new card.
11) They are banked through an online system. It virtually keeps track of the credit you’ve earned. $1= 1 point 75 points= $5 off of your next purchase.
12) It’s not a difficult concept to grasp, so the individuals that use this like it. It’s rewarding. I think one of the problems that I experienced is that people want to split up their orders so that they can get the points racked up to get $5 off that day. It was difficult for me as the cashier because I would end up running through two receipts for one customer when I had a line out the door. I also saw individuals who completely stopped coming to Pizza Ranch because something made them so upset about the card that they spoke with management. The behavior of coming into Pizza Ranch and spending money became completely extinct for them.
13) Some back up reinforcers is $5, $5 on your birthday, and other promotions because you have the card like free breadsticks, free cactus bread, etc.
14) Frankly, I’m not exactly sure how they chose these, but I’m sure it had a lot to do with what the company could reasonably offer.
15) They definitely are effective reinforcers. People love “free” stuff, it’s definitely salient. Also, there aren’t too many ways to become satiated. So, that’s good.
16) You gain access to the reinforcers by activating your card via the internet, racking up points, and giving the card to the cashier when you’ve reached 75 points.
17) For administrators to deem this system as effective, they should see an increase in sales.
18) I think that administrators effectively explain the system to their customers through this website. It makes a lot of sense and it’s very clear.
19) Not applicable.
20) I think the administrators could more effectively teach employees about this through a meeting or even an email outlining it, just to ensure everyone is perfectly clear about it.
21) There is definitely the possibility that not everyone buys into the system. I don’t have a ranch rewards card and I used to work there. But, I just think those are kind of sketchy.
22) A lot of people know that this is a promotion created to increase the likelihood of you purchasing more at Pizza Ranch, so people are turned off by that.
23) I honestly don’t have any questions.
24) Same as the last question.
TERMS: behavioral class, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, discriminate stimulus, aversive, emit, salient, satiated, and extinct.

Token economy.
Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.
List the url. -
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms as you can.
1) What is this program? – This token economy program is called “Kwik Rewards” and you receive a “Kwik Card” that has rebate you receive for purchases made at Kwik Trip, Kwik Star, or Hearty Platter restaurant.
2) How did it come about? - This program came about because it was a way for Kwik Trip and Kwik Star to gain more customers and keep valued customers by creating a system that rewarded them for making purchases at their stores.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? - The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are buying items from their store.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? – Specific target behaviors the want the customers to emit would be to buy gas at their store or buy convenience items at their store.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? – This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? – The system is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? – The tokens used in this program are Kwik Rewards gift certificate that you receive each January, April, July, and October.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? – One pro of using these tokens is that it is simple to keep in your wallet and is used just like a credit card when you visit their store; it would be pretty much impossible to counterfeit a Kwik Rewards card. One con of using these tokens is, unlike punch cards, you won’t know when your balance is used up so you would have to figure out the remaining balance by using it at the store.
9) What is the delivery system? – Every calendar quarter (April, July, October, January) a person gets a Kwik Rewards rebate certificate showing the refunds they’ve earned.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? One of the pros of the delivery system is that you receive your own unique rewards card to your home; no one can counterfeit this token. One of the cons of the delivery system is that if you happen to lose your rewards card then you would have to wait until the next month that they are mailed out.
11) How are the tokens banked? – Once you get your “Kwik Card” application approved, you then get 3 cents rebate on every gallon of gas you purchase at their store. Additionally, you get 10% rebate on in-store eligible items you buy with your “Kwik Card”. Once you receive your certificate in the mail reflecting your funds, you can then use your rebate certificate at any Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, or Hearty Platter restaurant.
12) What are the pro's and con's? One of the pros of this is that a card is a convenient type of token; it can be kept in your wallet/purse and be used anytime and every time you visit on of the Kwik Star stores. One of the con’s is that if you forget your card/certificate when you make a quick stop at a Kwik Star, you will be unable to collect rebate for your card.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? - In place of redeeming your Kwik Rewards certificate(s), you can donate the money to your favorite organization, group or charity by choosing them to receive a donation check from Kwik Trip.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? - The backup reinforcers - The Kwik Rewards Fundraising Program, was a way that Kwik Trip felt they could give back to the community. If people don't feel they have the need for their rewards, they can donate the money to charity.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? - I believe these are effective reinforcers because it isn't a large amount of money you are giving away if you do give it away. The "feel good" feeling you get when you donate to your favorite charity will be reinforcing enough for the customers.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? - They simply have to complete the "Kwik Rewards Fundraising" information at the bottom of the online Kwik Card application.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? - The administrators could measure the amount of people who choose to donate their money to charity and how much each person donates to the charity to see if the system is effective.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? - The administrators are teaching the customers about the system very well because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? This system is allowed for students(customers) and parents both to use the system, so the administrators are teaching the parents about the system very well also because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? - The administrators have taught the other teachers (other systems doing this program) well because there are three locations that do the "Kwik Rewards" token economy - Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, and Hearty Platter restaurant.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? - That possibility does not exist with "Kwik Rewards". Everyone has the right to be apart of the "Kwik Rewards" program.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? - One problem of using this systems' tokens is, unlike punch cards, you won’t know when your balance is used up so you would have to figure out the remaining balance by using it at the store.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? - A potential question I might have for the administrators about the system would be "If you chose to donate your money instead of using it at the stores, does it have to be a local charity that you donate to?"
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? - Additional information I might want to know about the system would be what the variety of in-eligible items is to use your Kwik Rewards on are in the store; it doesn't specify it on the website.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Token economy, behavioral classes, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, delivery system, emit, reinforcers, reward, backup reinforcers.|pcrid|35462976033|pkw|%2Bamerican%20eagle%20rewards|pmt|e&gclid=CNWoppurvMICFaGPMgodsy4AyA
I chose to use a Token economy that wasn't based in a classroom or school setting. For some of the questions I replaced students with customers, parents with associates, and teachers with managers.
1) The program is American Eagle Rewards. This token economy encompasses all American Eagle Outfitters and Aerie stores, and includes online stores as well.
2) It came about by corporate trying to find a way to ensure that customers would shop in stores and online at a more frequent rate. The focus of the program is on loyalty and how to reinforce customers for shopping at AEO.
3) The behavioral classes the company is trying to elicit would be shopping and spending. How to get a “window shopper” to become a “regular” and make purchases on a regular basis.
4) The specific target behaviors that the program aims to get customers to emit would be: coming into the store, trying clothes on, buying multiple items, and making purchases perhaps with a greater grand total than if they didn't have a rewards membership.
5) The system is based on reinforcement for making purchases.
6) It is positive reinforcement, because the customers' are given points based on how much they spend in a three month time period, which can earn them coupons in the future.
7) The tokens used in this program are “points”. For every dollar that they spend they receive one point. Every three months the points are totaled and they are mailed a coupon based on how many points they have acquired. The reward points/earned coupon goes as follows: 100 pts. /15%, 200 pts./20%, 300 pts./30%, 400 pts./40%.
8) The pros with these types of tokens are that they can not be lost by the customer, and are able to be looked up through the store or online. The computer can generate the points and send out emails every three months with the coupons. Some of the cons are that customers may not know how to look up their points online, or may lose their mailed coupon or email.
9) The delivery system is through a rewards card that every customer receives upon signing up with the card. Every card has a number, even without the card the number is able to be looked up through last name and zip code. The associate has to ask for the rewards # during the purchase for the points to be awarded each time.
10) A pro is that the cashier can look up the rewards # of a customer if they don't have their card on them. The card is also plastic, and putting it through the washer would not effect it. A few cons are that if the original cashier messed up any information and the card is lost, looking up the original rewards card may be impossible. In that case a new one would just be given to the customer. Another con that some could give the information for someone else's rewards number, which would then give the other person the points if they didn't want to start their own.
11) The tokens are banked in the computer system, and can be looked up two ways. First a cashier can look up the points in store with the card, or by last name and zip code. The customer can also look their points up at at anytime.
12) The pros and cons are similar to the delivery system. A pro is that the points awarded can always be looked up. The tokens or points can also not be lost because they are stored in the computer. Unless the reward system completely shuts down, but the information would still be saved at a previous date. However, if their information is incorrect, and the card is lost that becomes a bit more difficult to look up points. Also the coupons sent after three months, can be lost or given to other people. The stores have no control over that. They can only deny giving someone the discount unless they have a coupon, and throw away coupons customers used. Another way to prevent the coupons from being used twice is once a coupon is scanned it will not allow it to be used again.
13) There are quite a few back up reinforcers, one of the biggest ones being the coupons at the end of three months. Some other back up reinforcers is a 20% off coupon that every rewards member gets on their birthday month regardless of any purchases they made. Occasionally, they also have promotions that give customers double the points on certain shopping days, or for buying jeans with their purchase.
14) The schedule of reinforcement used by American Eagle is fixed interval. I believe they chose this based on a couple factors like how frequent people are willing to shop and sending the coupons at times that correlate with shopping traffic. All the back up reinforcers correlate with peak shopping times, like back to school, christmas and spring break. Also if they want jean sales to increase they might offer double points with jean purchases to increase the behavior of buying jeans.
15) They are effective reinforcers. When people get coupons they are more likely to shop. Quite a few people are more likely to spend more money when they have a coupon, and some don't want to see them go to waste. The reinforcers get people in the door as well as out the door with the store's merchandise.
16) They gain access to the reinforcers by making purchases and then being mailed their coupons every three months. The rewards card is going to get them the most direct access, as well as being close to a store. If a customer is not able to go to a store, the rewards system works the exact same way online, they just need their number on hand.
17) Everyday the number of reward card applications is totaled and compared to the other stores in the district. Every night there is a print off of the days sales and units sold. If the numbers continually increase one can assume that the loyalty program is working. Much of the more complicated tracking is done by corporate.
18) Every one working for American Eagle is well informed about the rewards program and is able to answer any questions that a customer might have about the program. Also prior to every transaction the cashier asks if the customer has a rewards card. If not they explain the benefits of having one.
19) Loyalty is a large focus for the business, it really is the basis of associate training. There are information packets that associates can read to refresh themselves on all the details and benefits. There are also videos that are frequently made with helpful reminders and tips on how to get customers started on the rewards program.
20) Store managers are effectively trained on loyalty and it is a large focus. They watch all videos about the programs promotions or changes. They also have meetings with other store managers learning new ways to get associates focused on the program and encouraging the customers to sign up. If a particular store is struggling in loyalty, the district manager will try and help them find ways of improving.
21) It is not uncommon for someone to not buy into the rewards program. For example they may not shop there enough that they would earn coupons. Some people are already very frustrated with how many rewards cards they have from other stores and many think that they will just get junk mail, or an excess number of emails. Some of this is based on false assumptions on the program. However, even with the proper knowledge everyone might not necessarily buy into the program. Even some associates may believe it to be a waste of time or hassle.
22) People might trade their coupons with other people who aren't apart of the rewards programs. They also might say to look up a different rewards number, and not choose to sign up for their own. Ways of preventing this are by the computer not allowing a coupon to be scanned twice. And the coupon must be present during the purchase to use the coupon.
23) Does it cost anything? How do customers know the schedule for coupons being sent out? Can thet use a picture of the coupon? What happens if they lose their rewards card? How old do you have to be to have one? Do they expire? Can I use my coupon more than once?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
24) I think a big question will be what sort of rewards system will they put in place after the majority of customers have already signed up for one. Are there any new ways that could intrigue people who didn't want rewards cards before to want one in the future. Also what sort of system do they have in place so that customer's rewards information isn't lost if some how it was all deleted.
Terms: Token Economy, Reinforce, Elicit, Target Behavior, Emit, Token, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Back Up Reinforcers, Schedule of Reinforcement, Fixed Interval, Behavior.


1) What is this program?
The program is Walgreens Balance Rewards.

2) How did it come about?
I assume that this came about as a way to encourage customers to purchase more items in the store and to keep a competitive edge on their competition.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They behavioral class they are trying to elicit are purchasing behaviors at their store and online.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?
Some specific target behaviors they would want customers to emit would be signing up for Balance Rewards card, purchasing prescription drugs at the Walgreen's pharmacy and purchasing selected items that lead to more points in the store or online.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a form of positive reinforcement because when customers perform certain target behaviors, points are added to their balance.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are Balance Rewards points.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: Very easy to access the "tokens" because all you do is have the cashier scan your card at check-out and if you lose your card, all you have to do is enter your phone number. Cons: These tokens are that they can interpreted as vague and only by going to the website can you see what the points are worth.

9) What is the delivery system?
Points are added to the Balance Rewards card every time that a purchase is made.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: Customers feel they are being rewarded with each purchase they make. Con: People may not be aware that they can only redeem their points once they have accumulated 5,000 points unless they read the Q&A on the website.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked electronically onto the Balance Rewards card.

12) Points are added to an account instantly. Cons: Sometimes technology can be glitchy and some points may not be added to a card.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is discounts on purchases in the store or online.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were most likely chosen by Walgreens business administration.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Not able to tell from the website, but I have Walgreens Balance Rewards card and I keep going back to the store to get more points.

16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
Customers gain access to these reinforcers by purchasing select items at a Walgreens store. Once 5,000 points are accumulated, the customers receive discounts on purchases.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
An outcome measure for this is to see if an increase in Balance Rewards members is linked with an increase in sales.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the customers about the system?
The website is very good at answering any questions customers may have and cashiers seem to be always asking customers if they have a rewards card or if they would like one. It is advertised on TV a lot too.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think that administrators have effectively taught employees about the system because they always seem to be offering the rewards card to customers at checkout and the process of signing up for it seems to flow smoothly.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is a possibility because not everyone wants to take out the time to fill out their information in order to sign up for a card.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main problem with this token economy is that customers are required to purchase items at their store in order to be reinforced with the tokens. Many customers may also not know how many points they have because not all of them are going to go online to check their balance.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Has it increased sales? Are the customers satisfied with this system? Have there been any problems of points disappearing due to glitches?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
The Q&A provides very good information about the system, but I would like to know why this system came about and what the motives and ultimate goals of establishing this system were.

25) Terms: behavioral class, emit, target behavior, positive reinforcement, tokens, token economy, delivery system

1) The program is the Hy-Vee Fuel Saver gas card.
2) Although the website doesn’t say, I’m assuming that it came about as a way to give Hy-Vee grocery shoppers a higher incentive to also purchase Hy-Vee gas.
3) They are trying to encourage the purchase of grocery items.
4) Some specific target behaviors might include buying various cheeses or candy that are worth higher values.
5) This system is based on reinforcement
6) Positive reinforcement is being used here.
7) The tokens in this economy are cents off of the price of a gallon of gas.
8) Pros include getting cheaper gas. Some cons include getting points on things that you wouldn’t normally buy, or gas still not being as cheap as it is at other locations.
9) The cents off are earned at the purchase, and they expire after 30 days.
10) One big con of this delivery system is that since the points expire, someone might not have a chance to use them. A pro is that the cents off are delivered to your card almost immediately after your purchase.
11) The tokens are banked on a card which is scanned to receive the reinforcer.
12) I don’t really see a con of this. If the card is lost, a new one can be applied for and the then the two accounts can be linked together.
13) A backup reinforcer could be the use of the card at multiple locations. The fuel saver points can be used at any Hy-Vee or Casey’s gas location.
14) If I’m not mistaken, I think that Casey’s is owned by Hy-Vee.
15) I think that they are fairly effective reinforcers. They were effective enough that I have a fuel saver card.
16) A fuel saver card can be obtained by just filling out a little bit of paperwork at the checkout.
17) If the system was ineffective, then consumers wouldn’t continue to use it and the program would be discontinued.
18) There are signs throughout the store that advertise which items will give you cents off of a gallon of gas.
19) N/A
20) The website did not say how the workers were instructed but I imagine they would be told about the program and any changes during meetings or in memos.
21) Some people may not find the gas card rewarding if they are not frequent Hy-Vee shoppers or do not wish to buy the selected items that earn you the rewards.
22) This rewards program is only applicable to those that shop at Hy-Vee and there is no way to advertise this same program at other businesses.
23) I would like to know why the products that give you points are the ones that are selected. There doesn’t really seem to be many methodology for the products selected.
24) I don’t really have any other questions.

Terms: reinforcement, positive, backup reinforcer, token, bank, target behavior, value
1) What is this program?
The program is a token economy for inpatient adolescents in a coeducational residential unit. These adolescents were institutionalized because their behaviors were defined as intolerable by the community, such as extreme aggression or highly disruptive. This token program interested me because I worked at four oaks and I could see the company implementing a program like this to help with the behaviors of the youth.
2) How did it come about?
They made this to help make the adolescents more prosocial and less disruptive in their behaviors.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit more prosocial behavioral classes and decrease physically aggressive behaviors, property destruction, window breaking, and manipulative self-abuse.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Specific target behaviors they want the adolescents to emit would be to help other adolescents with a task they are struggling with, or emit a lower frequency behavior of cutting their wrists or other activities that harm themselves in an attempt to get something out of this behavior.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is a system based on reinforcement because they are reinforcing increased frequency of prosocial behaviors and using differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) to reinforce behaviors that prosocial and ignore behaviors that are destructive. This is used to decrease the frequency of the behaviors that are termed aggressive or disruptive without punishing these behaviors.
However, there is a punishment system set aside for certain behaviors. One example given was the statement “I am going to beat you up” which would result in the teen getting a timeout procedure put in place. This seems to be implemented in the hope that it will both disrupt the behavior and punish it to reduce the frequency of this statement being said in the future.
There is also an aspect of punishment that is used if one of the teens engaged in verbal aggression toward another teen; 10 tokens/points are taken away for each verbal aggression.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a form of positive reinforcement, with the timeout procedure being either a way to disrupt or negative punishment of taking away the freedom for this time or positive punishment if you think of it as adding the aversive of sitting in the timeout location.
Negative punishment is used when points are taken away for verbal aggression.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are holes punched in their token card. Each punch represents one token or one point.
8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
Some pros of this system is that the token card is a very good representative way to keep track of how many tokens have been earned.
In contrast, this system has the cons of the ease with which it would be to forge tokens/points, the competition that may be elicited from this system and the potential costs that are associated with such competition, and the lack of generalizability that is necessary for these behaviors to be continue to be emitted when these teens get out of this institution.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is trading a certain amount of points for access to different activities that are set aside as reinforcers.
10) What are some pros and cons associated with the delivery system?
A pro of this system is that it appears that these are reinforcers that the teens would want access to. In addition, it does cost a different amount of tokens for higher level reinforcers.
A con of this is that if the cost of a reinforcer is set too high, it will lead to extinction of the behaviors required to earn tokens because the teen will be discouraged.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Tokens are banked by keeping track on the adolescents’ token card.
12) What are the pros and cons?
The pro of this system is that it is a very visual and easy to maintain system. However, a con to this is that it is also very easy to forge these tokens, which may become a problem if these are teens that are already accused of being bad kids.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
One of the backup reinforcers is access to the lounge area which includes snacks/drinks, magazines, a jukebox, a pinball machine, etc. Another of the big backup reinforcers was a pass that could be purchased with tokens/points to go to the facility grounds or local town for activities such as bowling, skating, moves, staying out late on the weekend and dances.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It is not stated how the backup reinforcers were chosen, but I assume that is was some combination of things that the adolescents already find reinforcing and may not have access to outside of this behavioral intervention.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are only effective reinforcers if they succeed in increasing prosocial behavior or increasing the frequency of behaviors other than destructive/aggressive behaviors.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The teens gain access to the reinforcers by purchasing them with their tokens/points.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Outcome measures used to test the effectiveness involved a counting of the number of incidents of window breaking, use of emergency mechanical restraints, adolescents restraint being used, number of adolescents being given psychotropic medications, and the number of teens being given meds to control their behavior on an as needed basis. This was recorded in a preprogram implementation phase to establish a baseline, during the program implementation, and in a maintenance or return to baseline.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It appears that the administrators taught the students about the system rather effectively because the program resulted in drops in the occurrence of window breaking and the proportion of adolescents engaging in this behavior dropped, and in each of the other outcome measures. The results are quite impressive. The drops in these problematic behavior are in the 70% range for a few of the measures.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It is not clear how involved the parents are in the system due to the institutional setting of this program.
20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
It appears that the administrators taught the individuals in charge of monitoring the behavior quite effectively because it did result in significant drops in problematic behavior, which do not seem likely if the individuals reinforcing were not doing so effectively.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
It is very possible that not everyone completely bought in with the system, but based on the statistic that 64% of the adolescents (a majority) lowered the incidence of breaking windows by 58% in the implementation phase and 76% in the maintenance phase.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems known to exist in token economies is the lack of generalizability of the behaviors that have been reinforced in these programs to be extinguished when they are no longer reinforced once outside of this setting. This problem can be remedied at least a little bit with a shift from using tokens such as the punches in their card to verbal praise which is more likely to occur in the greater outside world.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would be interested to know how long this level of behavioral change was observed, if this system has been tested in other settings that they know of, and who was in charge of administering the tokens and how well/extensively they were trained.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would be interested to know how the reinforcers were chosen, how the reinforcer costs were set, and if the tokens were accompanied by verbal praise and/or if they shifted to verbal praise.
Terms used in this post: elicit, behavioral classes, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, reinforcing, differential reinforcement of the other behavior, reinforce, punishing, punishment, disrupt the behavior, punish, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, positive punishment, aversive, elicited, generalizability, emitted, reinforcers, extinction, backup reinforcers, behavioral intervention, outcome measures, baseline, return to baseline, reinforced, extinguished.

1) This program was a started by a family that wanted to see more desirable behaviors in their children. To elicit good behaviors, they devised a token economy that used jars and jewels. Each child gets their own jar that they try and fill up to a certain line to receive the prize.
2) Their family was going through a rough patch. The children’s schedules were completely turned around from what they had been and this turned in big, ugly behavior rut.
3) The behavior classes the are trying to elicit are the good behavior from their children
4) The family lists specific target behaviors that they are reinforcing including playing nicely with pets, being first-time listeners, sharing toys, keeping a clean room, brushing teeth and washing face without being asked, flushing toilet and washing hands with soap without being asked, and using good manners. They brainstormed these behaviors together as a family.
5) This systems is based on reinforcement because they are trying to increase the target behaviors
6) It is positive reinforcement because they are increasing the target behaviors by adding something desirable.
7) The tokens used in this economy are big and little gems. Big gems are received when the children go above and beyond what is already expected of them.
8) There are a lot of pros to these tokens. They are safe and easy to dispense. It is possible that the gems could be counterfeited but the children would have to go through a lot of effort to do so.
9) The parents deliver the gems when they see the desired behavior.
10) This is a good system because the parents will be most likely to distribute the gems fairly. It is possible, however, that one parent may reward behavior more than the other.
11) The items are banked in glass jars that are labeled with each child’s name. There is a line on the jar that the gems must reach.
12) This is a good banking system because the kids will be able to see how close they are getting to the goal. It could also elicit some positive competitive behavior when they see how they are doing compared to their brothers and sisters. Depending on where the jars are kept, it might be possible that one of the kids would steel some gems to put into their own jar when the parents are not looking.
13) The back-up rienforcers were decided by the family. They may include a special trip somewhere with Mommy or Daddy, being able to choose dessert one night, a chap stick, a new book, a pack of silly bracelets, or even a trip to the toy store with a $5.00 or $10.00 limit might be good things to work toward.
14) They family decided them in a family meeting.
15) The blog said that these rienforcers were very effective. After a few weeks their program was running very successfully.
16) The students must reach a line indicated on the clear jar.
17) The judge the effectiveness by the children’s excitement to elicit good behaviors. They are excited to emit the target behaviors to receive the gems and they encourage their siblings to do the same. There was also a noticeable difference in the amount of good behaviors.
18) The parents did a very excellent job teaching their kids about the system. They sat down at a family meeting and talked through each step with the kids. They even let the kids help in the discussion about what the rienforcers and target behaviors would be.
19) There are no other parents involved.
20) There are no teachers involved.
21) It is very possible that some children may not by into the system. This family had a great deal of success, but it is not fool proof.
22) It may be possible that the rienforcers will be given out too quickly or too slowly. If too quickly, it will become less reinforcing. If too slowly, the children may give up in the program.
23) How did the parents decide how high the line should be on the jar? How long does the program go? Do they plan on weaning the kids off the rienforcers?
24) What is the baseline for these good behaviors? Are the behaviors specific enough for the children to understand?

Terms: elicit, token economy, behavioral classes, target behaviors, reinforcing, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, back-up rienforcers, rienforcers, baseline, emit


1) Victoria’s Secret credit card angel reward’s
2) It probably came about while thinking about how to get people into the store to spend more money.
3) Behavioral classes emitted for the reward card are coming into the store, and making purchases.
4) The target behavior they want people to emit is spending money on their items.
5) This system is based on reinforcement
6) It is positive reinforcement.
7) A point.
8) Pros: It’s kept electronically, so it’s easy to keep track of, There’s promotional days/ circumstances when you get double or triple points for certain items Cons: Need a lot to get a ‘reward card’ , or gift card, Connected with a credit card, will expire if not used.
9) The delivery system is one point for every dollar spent.
10) Pro: easy to understand, easy to keep track of Con: unequal pricing- too many points for one reward
11) They are banked electronically tied to a credit card account.
12) Pros: You don’t have to keep track yourself, you can check periodically to see how many you’ve accumulated, no extra cards to carry since its attached to credit account Cons: You have to log on to check amount- store can’t tell you, cannot choose when to ‘cash out’ to save up.
13) Angel reward cards, or basically gift cards.
14) I’m unaware of how they were chosen.
15) Yes gift cards are very reinforcing. It feels like free money.
16) The cards are mailed to you.
17) An increase in sales among cardholders, an increase in accounts opening.
18) I assume it would be customers in this example, and they advertise everywhere, as well as try and talk you into one if you don’t already every time you go into the store.
19) n/a
20)I will say sales associates, and very well. They are very informative about the card and try and talk you into joining if you haven’t already.
21) Of course. People who aren’t overtaken by the sales pitch usually know that these rewards are dumb. Not saying I don’t love getting them, but I all the money you have to spend for a $15 reward is just not worth it.
22) behavior deteriorating, after realizing how much money you spend for the amount back, you may cut down your spending.
23) I don’t think I have any.
24) How much they pay out in rewards and free items compared to how much money they make a year.
25) behavioral classes, emitted, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, banked, unequal pricing, behavior deteriorating, reinforcing, banked,
1) What is this program? A reward/token system in a classroom to encourage students to exhibit appropriate behaviors and actions.
2) How did it come about? This teacher wanted an easy way to reward and reinforce her students using various schedules of reinforcement that is also inexpensive.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? This token system wants to elicit behaviors that the class talked about together as being appropriate.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? The teacher may want the children to exhibit listening behaviors as well as a target behavior of being involved in the class and learning environment.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? The reinforcement is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens used are actual tokens. Round plastic discs.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pros are that they are very clearly tokens. The children also do not handle them themselves so they shouldn’t have to worry about them getting lost. Some con’s would be that they may not be that exciting or tangible to the children
9) What is the delivery system? The teacher delivers a token into a special bag every time the teacher sees a behavior the teacher likes.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? It is very arbitrary, but the teacher explains to the students that they won’t get a token every single time they do a good behavior. She explains that the token is more of a surprise reward.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are put into a bag and randomly drawn out. The rewards are being chosen to lead activities or be first in line.
12) What are the pro's and con's? The pro is that there are a lot of opportunities for the children to get reinforces. The con is that it is easy to overlook a student in this system. If a student never gets picked from the bag or can’t get a token into the bag in the first place, they may get discouraged and give up entirely.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back-up reinforcers are the rewards of getting to do certain responsibilities or activities because your name was drawn out of the bag. The more tokens you have in the bag, the more likely your name will be drawn.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The backup reinforcers seem to be chosen pretty arbitrarily. They have a general trend of being extra privledges.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? I think that for most students these are effective reinforcers.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? They gain access by exhibiting good behaviors that receive tokens, which go into the bag and are then randomly drawn out.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? Administrators will know if it is working if the students remain attentive and eager to perform behaviors that will award them tokens.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? The teacher seems to be very clearly conveying what this token economy is going to look like for her students.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? The teacher doesn’t have a section on teaching the parents about this system. I imagine it really doesn’t come up until conferences when the teacher may discuss her reward system.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? This is an articles specifically geared towards other teachers so that they can learn and use this same token economy in their classrooms.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The students may loose interest in obtaining the tokens. It also runs the risk of the teacher forgetting to use the reward system of pulling tokens out of the bag. If there aren’t many opportunities to get rewarded, the students may no care about getting their name in the bag.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? Where will the materials be kept?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? What improvements have people seen using this system. Do students ever get tired of the same type of rewards and do the administrators then have to shake it up?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reward system, token system, exhibit, behavior, reward, reinforce, schedules of reinforcement, elicit, target behavior, environment, reinforcement, positive, tokens, back-up reinforcers, token economy

1. This token economy is called Scratch Cupcake Card. This card works at any of the four Scratch Cupcakery locations. It doubles as both a gift card and a loyalty program for customers. This is a free program to join. One point is put onto the card for every regular priced cupcake purchased. Once 50 points are earned, 5 dollars is put on the card to be used in the store.

2. This program came about because Scratch wanted to come up with a system that provided incentive to buy cupcakes and also a system that rewarded their loyal customers, those who buy cupcakes frequently.

3. The behavioral class this program is trying to elicit is the purchasing of Scratch cupcakes, regular sized or mini, of any kind.

4. The specific behavior that this program wants their customers to emit is to purchase cupcakes at any of their Scratch locations.

5. This system is based on reinforcement. It is reinforcement because the consequence received for emitting the behavior increases the likelihood the person will emit the behavior again.

6. This token economy is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive because after emitting the behavior in the program, the person receives something they didn’t have before the behavior, either a point or money on the card. It is reinforcement because the consequence is found to be pleasurable; increasing the likelihood the behavior will be emitted again under the same antecedent.

7. The token used in this program is a point. Each time one regular cupcake is purchased, the customer receives one point. If the customer is purchasing mini cupcakes, they will receive 6 points per dozen.

8. A pro of this token is they are easy to keep track of, all of the tokens are in one place, on the card. Another pro of this token is they are cheap to produce; the only cost is a single card. These tokens are also very distinguishable, they can’t be replicated by anyone; they have to be put on the card through a system only in the stores, making this another pro. A con of this token is it is hard to visualize, instead of having fifty tickets or tokens to keep track of after every cupcake purchase, all of the points are kept in a single location of the card. Another con to this token system is these tokens can be easily lost, if the card is lost or damaged, then all of the points the customer has earned are lost. The fact that many businesses use rewards cards as tokens in their token economies for their customers is also a con of this token, it can get lost among the sea of other rewards cards.

9. The delivery system occurs at checkout at Scratch. After purchasing cupcakes, your card is scanned by the cashier at Scratch and then the amount of points is placed on the card that matches the amount of cupcakes purchased.

10. Pros of this delivery system is it is fair, each customer receives the same amount of points for the same reason, and it is simple and easy, just a swipe of the card at checkout. Another pro of this delivery system is it encourages the customer to buy in bulk, as they earn a point for each cupcake purchased. Finally, another pro of this delivery system is it is an example of continuous reinforcement; the customer is rewarded immediately after each time the behavior is emitted. A con of this delivery system is that it can be forgotten, if the customer forgets to bring their card when they go to the checkout or forget to present their card then they don’t receive the points. This con brings up another con of the delivery system, the points are in the hands of the customer; yes, the cashiers at Scratch do the actual swiping and giving of points, but it is the customer’s responsibility to get a card and bring the card for the points transaction to occur. Another con of this delivery system is it relies entirely on technology, if the software that puts the points on the card is down, than the whole program is down.

11. The tokens for this program are banked on the Cupcake Card. The card keeps track of how many points the customer has earned, it adds them on when it is swiped after a purchase and keeps track of the points until the amount of points needs to be accessed.

12. The pro of this banking system is that all of the points are kept in a compact, space efficient place, the card. Another pro is this banking system is done electronically, there is no paper and pencil tracking Scratch or the customer needs to do. This electronic banking leads to another pro of the system, easy maintenance; all it takes is a swipe of the card to update the bank. A con of this banking system is the banking system can easily be lost and destroyed, if the customer loses or damages the card. Another con of this banking system is there is nothing to back-up the bank, if the customer doesn’t think the card is right, there is nothing to say whether it is or not. Technology is also a con in this banking system, if the technology doesn’t work properly there is no other system to keep the program working efficiently. Another con of this banking system is there is no visual tracking of the points; the customer just has to take the word of the card.

13. The back-up reinforcers for this program is money on the card that can be spent on anything at any location of Scratch. Specifically, $5 is put back on the card after 50 points are earned.

14. These back-up reinforcers were chosen based on what customer’s like to receive for their loyalty to a company, which is saving money. Everyone likes to hear they are going to get a percentage off or an amount off of something, this drives people to buy more to get the discount. This seems to be a cultural phenomenon, so Scratch followed suit when deciding on back-up reinforcers.

15. These back-up reinforcers are effective because Scratch Cupcake Cards have been used in the Scratch stores for almost two years now. If the program would not have worked, if the reinforcers weren’t reinforcing enough, then Scratch would have dropped the program because it wouldn’t have been worth their time. I also know it is effective because I know several people who have the cards and use them each time they make a purchase at Scratch.

16. Customers gain access to these back-up reinforcers at checkout. When the customer gives the cashier their rewards card after paying for the cupcakes, the cashier swipes the card and if the purchase puts the customer over the 50 point mark, 5 dollars is put on the card and the count begins again, counting up to 50 where once again the customer can receive 5 dollars.

17. There are three main outcome measures to this program. The first is the amount of Scratch Cupcake Cards given to customers. The second is the amount of points distributed to customers. The third is the amount of money given away on the cards because the 50 point level was reached.

18. Scratch has done an effective job of teaching their customers how the reward system works. First, when the program was announced it was clearly announced on Facebook. Second, the explanation of the program is stated in their FAQ section on their website. Third, the workers at Scratch know how the program works and are able to answer questions for the customers. I do think they could improve upon their explanations by mentioning the program more on their social media and having a separate section on their website about the program.

19. Since this is not an example of an educational token economy, there isn’t necessarily a parent element in this program, but I do believe Scratch is doing an effective job of communicating how the program works to everyone, but I think they could do a better job of informing those who don’t already know about the program. It is easy to find information about the program if you already know about it, but difficult to find it if you have previously not heard anything about it.

20. Scratch is effectively teaching their employees about the reward system. When you visit a Scratch location, all their employees can help you set up your card, can give you the points at checkout, and can answers questions about the program for you. My roommate works at Scratch so when I was working on this assignment I asked her a couple clarifying questions about the program, proving the program is being well explained to the Scratch staff.

21. It is very possible not everyone buys into this program. I am sure there are many customers who don’t think the back-up reinforcer is worth a great enough amount of money, who don’t think they will ever buy enough cupcakes to earn the reinforcer, or who think the whole program is just a scam to get people to buy more cupcakes so they don’t’ participate. I am also sure there are many staff at Scratch who think the program wastes their time at work, who don’t see how the program benefits the customers or the business, or who think it only complicates the business rather than help the business.

22. One problem that could occur with this token economy is because it is an extra step in the purchase process, it can easily be forgotten and pushed aside by both Scratch and the customers. Another problem is the pricing of the reinforers may be too easy for some people, those that frequently purchase large orders, or too difficult for others, those that only by a couple cupcakes every once and awhile. Another problem that may occur with this token economy is people may earn their reinforcers, but then just keep the money on the card and never reuse it in the store. Finally, another problem that might occur with this token economy is that the reinforcers will no longer be reinforcing.

23. How did you decide on the amount of points needed to receive the back-up reinforcer? How did you decide the amount of money to give as the back-up reinforcer? How did you train you employees to work the program? How often do you tell your customers about the program? How successful has the program been in the last year in comparison to the first year? What type of feedback have you received from your customers about the program? What problems have occurred with the program in the last year? Do you think the program has increased profits?

24. How does the program work with large orders of cupcakes? Is there a backup way to keep track of customer points if the system crashes? Do the employees praise the customers in any way for using the reward program? Is there a bank in the store that keeps track of all the points of customers? How long does the customer have to use the 5 dollar back-up reinforcer?

25. token economy, behavioral class, elicit, reinforcement, consequence, emit, behavior, positive reinforcement, pleasurable, token, back-up reinforcer, reinforcer, outcome measure, continuous reinforcement, antecedent
1)What is this program?
This is the Southwestern Advantage Sizzler Incentive trip
2) How did it come about?
This started as a way for the Southwestern Advantage company to reward the hard work of the students in their internship program. Students who do average or better are given this as an incentive.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit hours worked, demos that are done, and better turn out for sales.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They want them to see as many families as they can in order to make as many sales as possible. A target behavior is to see 30 families per day.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is a system based on reinforcement because this is rewarding the students with the trip if they reach the target goal but they are not taking anything away if they don't reach it.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a positive reinforcement token economy.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are the units that students get throughout the summer that add up to receive the trip.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro is that it is easy to add up at the end of the summer. A con is going to be that throughout the summer a student might lie about their numbers which can cause the company to think that they made the trip when they didn’t.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is conducted at the checkout process at the end of the summer. If students have made the average profit for the year which is based on their units, then they will be rewarded the trip over Thanksgiving break.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro is that they are able to have a decent head count for who is able to go on the trip. A con is that there are levels that determine if the trip is 100% free or if the student is going to have to pay for some of it. This just makes the headcount hard to determine since the students will decide if they want to pay for the trip.
11) How are the tokens banked?
They are banked during the checkout process. If the units add up to be enough then they will be able to decide if they want to come on the trip or if they want to pass on the opportunity. Once they have their total units for the summer, then they are able to deicide.
12) What are the pro's and con’s?
A pro is that this makes it cut and dry on if they will make it on the trip or not. A con is for the students who only made one of the first two levels, they will have to pay part of their way down for the trip. Paperwork and payments have to be worked out this way, so
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the other incentive trips that the company offers as a way for the summer to go by faster for the interns. They offer these as a way for the student to stay motivated and working toward the bigger picture which is the Sizzler trip. Another back up reinforcer is the level system. Even if the student doesn't make the entire trip free of charge, there is still a way for them to go on the trip. There is level 1 which is $300 paid for, level 2 which is $500 paid for, and level 3 which is full Sizzler and that is $1100 paid for.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They were chosen by the sales managers based on their specific students that were working over the summer. Trips like Colorado, Florida, Kansas City were all options from this past summer. Also, the levels were chosen based off of how students did the previous year. Level 1 is getting 1500 units over the summer, level 2 is getting 1800 units over the summer and level 3 is getting 2500 units for the summer. These numbers change if the company goes through an up year or a down year but for the most part they stay within the same bounds.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I think that they are decently effective considering they are for college students who typically have little money to spend. This gives them the opportunity to travel at little to no cost and also involves making money in the long run too.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
By making sales throughout the summer. The more sales they make the more they are qualified for at the end of the summer and throughout the summer. Another way they can win these things is by focusing on certain aspects of the job. For example, the contest of the week might be that they have to see 180 families over the entire work week, if they do that then they win the trip to Kansas City.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
There will be people who do well and reach the full level of Sizzler and don't pay for the trip and there will be others who don't make it on the trip at all. There needs to be a certain level of difficulty for this to be accomplished which is why it is such a good reinforcer. It keeps students motivated throughout the summer and they are able to tell if it is working based off of their recorded weekly numbers.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
This is a very talked about incentive so it seems that most if not all of the students know about this well before the summer even starts. The video shown above is shown as informational sessions at the very beginning of the interview process.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
There are many opportunities before the summer for parents to get information about the summer and after the summer. However, the main concern is not informing the parents because these are college students that are doing the internship. Most of the time they will make their own decisions, and the parents are given the information to help answer their questions.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
There really aren't any teachers except the managers in charge of training the students. Usually the managers have been on the trip so they are able to speak from experience about the fun that goes on down there.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
This is very typical actually. Sales jobs are very up and down and there may be days when the numbers are just not happening. This can cause students and parents to be nervous about the likelihood of them reaching their goals and getting to go on the trip. Another reason that students might not buy in is because they might start the summer as very ambitious and motivated and start off not actually hitting their short term goals. When the entire summer is in front of you, it can be hard to see the benefits at the end.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
One might be unequal pricing as far as the back up reinforcers are concerned. There might be a difference in the incentives throughout the summer hat vary based on the sales managers and how they reward their students. Some things might be more rewarding than others which can lead to an unequal amount of success or failure of the tokens. Another problem could be the deterioration of the ideal behavior after the incentive trip may become or seem out of reach. When you feel like there is not chance of reaching your goals, continuing at the same pace is difficult.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Can students who did not make any of the levels still pay to go on the incentive trip even though they did not win it? Is there a trade off in case the person cannot attend the original trip date?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Who decides where the trip is and what the dates are?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: unequal pricing, reinforcers, incentives, deterioration, behavior, token economies, backup reinforcers, positive reinforcement, elicit, target behavior, delivery system, banked

1) What is this program?

The program is a ticket system used for a second grade classroom. When the students emit desirable behaviors, they’re given a ticket. If a student were to act negatively, a ticket could be taken away. Each student starts the school year with five tickets. Then, a student can trade tickets in for coupons if they’d like to. Some of the things that can be traded in for are a candy coupon, fluffy friend coupon, music coupon, computer coupon, sit by a friend coupon, and many others. Some of the coupons require more tickets than others. The coupons obviously get better as the ticket number goes up.

2) How did it come about?

This came about after another one of her token economies proved to be ineffective. Her original token economy included only giving coupons for good behavior. Then, at the end of the week, a student would choose a prize from the treasure box. Students eventually got bored of this, and it was no longer an effective tactic. In the new token economy, punishment is included with reinforcement, and she changed up the reinforcers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

It’s not really specific as to what particular behaviors cause one to receive tickets. It just states that good behaviors are rewarded with tickets, while bad behaviors are punished by taking a ticket away. I’m guessing some examples of good behaviors would include: trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, and caring.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?

Some specific target behaviors would be having their work done, not talking while the teacher is talking, being nice to their peers, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

The system began as just a reinforcement system, but her modified version includes both reinforcement and punishment. When they elicit good behaviors, they get a ticket. On any given Friday, they can trade in their tickets for a coupon. However, when they elicit bad behaviors, a ticket is taken away from them. Including punishment will be helpful as the children are having something taken away from them, so they’re less likely to elicit those bad behaviors.

6) Is it positive or negative?

In terms of reinforcement, it is positive, because they receive tickets for good behaviors. Receiving the tickets will help the chances of them eliciting more good behaviors in the future. In terms of punishment, it would be negative, because they are having something taken away from them. They have a ticket removed for bad behavior, which will likely result in less bad behaviors.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?

The tokens used in this program are the tickets given to them for good behaviors.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

One pro would be that the students are able to see the progress they’re making. Another pro would be that as a student’s ticket collection grows, they may experience a boost in their confidence and self-esteem, which could help their overall attitude. A con could be that the tickets could be lost or stolen. Another con would be that the students could show jealousy and animosity toward one another if they have less tickets than their other classmates.

9) What is the delivery system?

The delivery system is the teacher simply giving the students the tickets for good behaviors. Also, if a student has bad behavior, a ticket will be taken away.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

One pro of this system is that the students will feel very good about themselves after receiving a ticket. They’ll probably want to try harder to get even more. Another pro could actually be other students getting jealous when they see another student getting a ticket. They’ll want that feeling, and there’s a good chance they’ll try harder to get tickets. A con would be if the teacher gives out a ticket for a specific behavior in one instance, but then she doesn’t in the next. Another con would be that the teacher obviously can’t see every good behavior take place. This could cause students to become discouraged and just give up on the program.

11) How are the tokens banked?

The tokens are banked by the students putting their tickets in their baggies. There are many different coupons that take different amounts of tickets. Obviously the better coupons take more tickets to obtain.

12) What are the pro's and con's?

One pro of this system would be that the best coupon costs 100 tickets, meaning it would take a long time to achieve and a lot of good behaviors would be needed to get there. Another pro would be that the students are responsible for handling their own tickets. A con of this system is that a student’s tickets could be lost or stolen, which could cause them to become very upset. Another con would be if the coupons didn’t interest the students. They would become disinterested in the system, and it’s likely they’d stop trying to elicit good behaviors.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?

The back-up reinforcers are the different coupons. Some of the coupons include: the treasure box coupon, extra recess coupon, library coupon, show and tell coupon, and many others.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?

The back-up reinforcers were chosen by the teacher. She chose many different things that would intrigue the students to elicit good behaviors.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?

I would say they’re definitely effective reinforcers. All of these items are definitely appealing to children of this age. The reinforcers will definitely assist in the children emitting more good behaviors.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?

They gain access to the reinforcers by emitting good behaviors that will earn tickets. They then can trade their tickets in for different coupons. They can also lose access to the reinforcers by emitting bad behaviors.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?

The administrators will know the system is effective as long as the students are excited about it. It can be easy to listen to the student’s conversations to see if they’re talking about it at recess or lunch or wherever. As long as the students are trying hard to earn tickets, then the system is working just fine.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?

I think the administrators were very effective in teaching the students about the system. It isn’t really new to them as their old system was very similar to this one. It seems like the teacher did a great job explaining it clearly, so that the students would understand.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?

The administrators are very effective in teaching the parents about the system. They are informed of the system through the teacher’s blog post, which explains the system very thoroughly. If the parents do have questions about it, they can comment on the blog and ask the teacher.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?

It doesn’t say if the teacher has taught this to the other teachers or even mentioned it to them. This system was designed by a specific teacher for her specific classroom. It wasn’t a school-wide or district-wide system. The other teachers can read her blog about it, and if they’re interested, I’m sure she wouldn’t care if they wanted to do a system similar to hers.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

Yes, that possibility is always there. Some of the parents might not like the system, so that would definitely have an effect on the child’s view toward it. Also, some of the students might not like the coupons. Even though there is a long list of things, there’s always the possibility that the list won’t be appealing to a particular student.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

One problem could be dishonesty within the system. That would include students copying their tickets, stealing another student’s tickets, or even stealing the tickets the teacher has.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

Why do you think this system will be more successful than the last? Have any of the other teachers applied systems like this of their own? What have been the results of this system to this point?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

I want to know the student’s reactions when they get a ticket given to them. I would also like to know the student’s reactions when they get a ticket taken away from them. Another thing I would like to know is what the prizes were that were in the treasure box in the previous system. Lastly, I’d like to know if the teacher thinks a system like this would work for older children, like around the 5th-6th grade range.

25) Terms: emit, desirable behavior, behavior, token economy, punishment, reinforcement, target behavior, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, delivery system, back-up reinforcer

1) What is this program? A former teachers self-described “Easiest Token System for Behavioral Management.” This program is intended for primary, or early education students.
2) How did it come about? The teacher needed a system that required minimal financing, and also a system that was easy and effective.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Listening, responsibility, good grades, efficiency, any behaviors that a teacher would choose to emphasize
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Lining up quietly, raising a hand to be called on
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on reinforcement and does not emphasize punishments in any way
6) Is it positive or negative? The reward system is positive reinforcement because access to special privileges is granted on a daily basis based on behaviors that a child emits.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens can be whatever an instructor wishes them to be. The teacher who created this system uses circular tokens so that a child can be paired with a number, the token is then drawn from the bag if a helper in the classroom is needed.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pro's are apparent in this case because it is the teacher who has main access to the tokens because the students are so young. Also, the tokens are set up on a numbering system so that new tokens do not have to be added every year.
9) What is the delivery system? The teacher keeps the tokens in an organized box, and then daily adds them to a bag when she decides that a child has earned a token. The bag stays with her.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The teacher is the one who holds on to the tokens so that they can not get lost, or its contents manipulated. But, if she were to set them down for even a moment, and child could mischievously add more. Also students who are not prone to participation may be left out, and if the system is based on academics a child could be left out if they do not academically perform well.
11) How are the tokens banked? The teacher adds them to a bag when she rewards good behaviors.
12) What are the pro's and con's? There is one bag to keep track of, but carrying it around all day could become tedious. What I like about this system is that this woman has really created a program that is as easy as could possibly be.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The jobs that the children can do around the classroom. Since they are elementary-age students, they enjoy special jobs that they can do and the teacher selects a token from her bag whenever she needs a chore completed. She never assigns beforehand who will do what.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The back up reinforcers were chosen because 1. they were tasks that needed to be completed on a daily basis, and she would have had to assign them otherwise, 2. they children enjoy feeling special, 3. they do not cost anything, including time spent away from other activities
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Very, especially for the age group.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?  The teacher has them on an intermittent schedule, and whenever she feels that a student has done well they can receive a token. Whenever she needs a job done, she takes a token out of the bag to chose a child to complete the chore.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? One outcome measure is that she continuously has to empty her bag and restart her program. Depending on class sizes, the founder says that the bag can be emptied daily, weekly, monthly, or as necessary. Another is that with the program a teacher does not also have to create a complicated system to track behaviors, with the tokens and with her vicinity to the children, she can visually see how well that they do.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? The instructor teachers the students about the system by getting them to discuss other ways that they may have been rewarded in other classrooms. She asks them what behaviors that they feel should be reinforced to include them in the process, actively engaging so that they will be motivated to participate. 1. she get the class to recognize what the system is, and 2. how the system works
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? This is unknown, but one could direct them to the website, or send a personal email
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? N/A, but if I can figure it out, I would sure as hell hope that a teacher of young minds could do it
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? There is always possibility that a system can fail in some way. Some students may not want to participate due to unknown reasons, but I would hope that the teacher would encourage participation as best as he/she could.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? If she continues every week giving the same amount of tokens, excited participation would decline. But this particular creator has established a schedule that is intermittent for reinforcement, rather than fixed and so in the beginning she offers children many tokens, but she informs them at the beginning of the school year that she will be the only one to decide who gets a token, and that she will not give one every time that they do something they should.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? She has her system clearly explained, but I suppose one question would be about children who do have behavioral issues and refuse to participate, or children who simply cannot participate as easily as they other children. How would she handle that?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? Could this system be used in situations with older people rather than early education students?
25) emit, schedule of reinforcement, intermittent, fixed, reinforcement, punishment, behavior, token economies
1) What is this program?
-Starbucks rewards card
2) How did it come about?
-doesnt say
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
-Buy certain amounts of products
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
-no children involved
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
- "Stars"
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
9) What is the delivery system?
-electronically, onto a card
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
-pro and con is its electronic, so it could either ensure the safety of your points (stars) or a glitch could occur.
11) How are the tokens banked?
-On your card
12) What are the pro's and con's?
-Same as delivery system
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
-The different products that the customers can get for free
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
-Keeps customers coming back for a free drink, doesn't really cost the company that much since not many people will be all that faithful and driven to the system constantly.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
-No students involve
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
-Statistics on how many beverages sold and free ones given out.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
-students = customers... Putting up advertisements in and out of the stores.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
-Some people may see through the system as a way to get more money and show that they aren't really saving more, they're spending more to get one or two free things every once and a while. (i.e., extinction)
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
-How well have they noticed it working?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
-How many customers take part in the system?

1) What is this program? The program is called 'Settle-Mart' and is described as helping "Students become Settled and Smart." It is a program that allows students to earn a 'salary' (points that equal different amounts of money) and they can in turn 'buy' things with their paper money from the 'store' the teacher has set up. This program helps elicit agreeable behaviors from the students and gives the students a chance to emit behaviors that are conducive to work and not just play. As they continue to emit pleasurable behaviors, the teacher reinforces the students with points and when the students emit aversive behaviors, the teacher punishes them by taking away points. When a certain about of points are obtained which translates to different amounts of money, the students can buy a variety of things from the store based on the amount of points/money they have accumulated. Not only is there an individually based program, but there is also a class-wide program called the 'Compliment System.' If visitors, other students, or other faculty compliment the 'store' system, the whole class receives one point. Once the whole class has received 10 points, they all receive a secret surprise prize.

2) How did it come about? This program was developed by a specific teacher to give students the sense that they are at school not to just play, but to work. It is a representation of the way the world works as well. Adults/parents have to work for their money and as they accumulate more money they can invest in a variety of things.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Some of the behavioral classes: the teachers are trying to elicit good behavior from the students. They are also trying to elicit behaviors of responsibility, taking care of their money, and putting thought behind how the students spend their money.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Specific target behaviors would be, good behavior which includes, not hitting, fighting, physical harm, cheating, no rudeness, disrespect, or loud noises. (That is the extent to which she lists behaviors).

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on both reinforcement and punishment, which makes it quite multifaceted and complex. The students are punished for their bad behaviors, where points (equaling a certain amount of money) is taken away when they emit aversive behaviors. This will reduce the likelihood of those students engaging in undesirable behaviors in the future because they cannot buy the things from the store they wish to buy. Students are also reinforced for emitting desirable behaviors which increases the likelihood of desirable behaviors to occur in the future. Although the teacher does not describe which behaviors allow them to earn points...this portion is vague. The class overall is also reinforced for being complimented by an outsider on the program/their behaviors. The class earns a point for every compliment which increases the likelihood that these behaviors will occur in the future. This is recorded on the board for all the students to see which is also reinforcing because it is a constant motivator to continue emitting desirable behaviors.

6) Is it positive or negative? Negative punishment because points/money are being taken away. Positive reinforcement, because points/money is being added to the individual students and also positive reinforcement for the overall class because points are being added for each compliment.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are a certain amount of points earned for various behaviors that are recorded on a sheet of paper in the teachers grade book. A certain number of points equal a certain amount of paper/fake money that the students receive.

For the entire classes 'Compliment System' the students receive 1 point for every compliment, which the teacher records on the board so the whole class can see it. When they reach 10 points they know they will be receiving a surprise.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Con's of using these tokens, is there is a two step process, 1st having a certain amount of points and 2nd translating them to a certain amount of money. This may be a bit complex for elementary students, but for the most part the teacher is in charge of the exchange. Also, the students cannot view the points they have because they are kept on a sheet of paper in the teachers grade book. The pro's to this system in my opinion far outweigh the con's because as you earn more points, you earn more money. As you earn more money you can buy a variety of things for different amounts of money. Not only is there reinforcement in being able to buy certain things, but there is a secondary reinforcer when it comes to the Compliment System. If the class collectively earns points they are also reinforced for their good behaviors by earning points. The students are reinforced by two separate systems of tokens instead of one. Double pro.

9) What is the delivery system? When I student engages in any physical harm, fights, hits, or cheats-10 points are taken away. When a student is rude, disrespectful, makes loud noises (or in her words, anything along those lines), the student loses 5 points. They lose 1 point for 'minor things.'

For the entire classes 'Compliment System' the students receive 1 point for every compliment. Once they receive 10 points, the whole class gets a surprise.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Pro's of the delivery system-are the point system and money system are constant and you always know how much money you are going to receive for the amount of points you will receive. Con's of the delivery system is some behaviors seem quite sketchy, in other words they are not clearly defined. While some behaviors are defined other are subjective, so there is not a clear outline of what behaviors are defined as misbehavior and which are decent behaviors. At one point she says, 'minor things.' I am not clear on what minor misbehaviors are and I am sure the students feel the same. She also doesn't list desirable behaviors, so students don't really know when they are going to receive points and when points are going to be taken away.

11) How are the tokens banked?
For individual students they are based on points and fake money. Students being with 100 points and from there points are either added or subtracted.
100 points=25 cents
99-90 points=20 cents
89-80 points=10 cents
79-70 points=5 cents
69-0 points=0 cents

For the whole class tokens are based off of points written on the board
1 compliment=1 point
10 points=1 surprise for the whole class

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro's-the system is consistent and does not change for both individual students and the whole group. They are also attainable. Students start with 100 points which is incentive to continue good behaviors so they do not lose what they have. Con's are-if the rest of the school does not know about the system, then the class may not receive points and if they don't receive points and could lose motivation. Others will have to be informed of the class system, for the Compliment System to work.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? Back up reinforcers are the Compliment System. If students are reinforced by points/money system there is also the reinforcer of the compliment system where the whole class can receive a surprise.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The backup reinforcers were chosen because the teacher was trying to think of something that would not only engage individuals in the class, but the whole class as a whole, the other teachers/faculty in the building, students in other classes and visitors. This will hopefully elicit desirable behaviors not only from the students in the teachers class, but all students in the school and will help parents reinforce good behaviors and will help other teachers remind their students of desirable behaviors.

15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes they are very effective. Some things they earn as a class include: class pets, bird feeders-to watch birds at the window, games, food, and other things. They are fairly large and fun gifts that all can enjoy.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? They gain access to the reinforcers by receiving compliments from others-teachers, students, and visitors.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the
system is effective? Good behaviors from students. Students, faculty and family members talking about the program, and points adding up on the board-can literally see it working because you have heard compliments.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the
system? Very effectively! Not only are students informed but so are other faculty, students, teachers and parents. There is reinforcement/reminders all around.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Well, they even allow parents to contribute items for rewards.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? Well! Other teachers are suppose to remind students to be on their best behavior so they can continue to receive points. Other teacher are in on it as well.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes, because to some students prizes may not be reinforcing. Also, some students may not want kids to have some of the prizes. They may believe little toys like the ones they can buy are 'junk' and may not want their kids to have candy. Other teachers may think that the system is a distraction from the material kids are learning and kids are instead focused on earning points and prizes.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The teacher may be inconsistent/lazy in realizing certain behaviors, some students may hoard points/money, and students may lose their money or misuse it.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? What is her definition of minor things and what are behaviors they are reinforced for? What do they receive points for and what is that point system? There are some important details left out.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? Does it start over when the semester restarts? What does she do with disable students? How does she decide what the surprise will be for the whole class?

25) Terms: Reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, punish, punishment, punisher, emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, agreeable, pleasurable, disagreeable, aversive, target behavior, behavior, behavioral classes, tokens, back-up reinforcers, delivery system

List the url.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program? This was a fake money based token economy program took place in a 6th grade classroom
2) How did it come about? The teacher wanted her students to not only be positively reinforced by seeing which student could “make the most money” but it also provides practice for adding and subtracting
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Listening, good grades, responsibility, respect
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Keep their desk clean, helping the teacher, receiving A’s on assignments
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on reinforcement the children receive money when they do good things and get fined when they don’t
6) Is it positive or negative? Both. The children get money taken away (negative) and they also get money added (positive)
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens in this program are used in the form of fake money
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pro’s of these tokens is that they don’t require actual tangible tokens, they simply keep track of their money on a chart. A con would be that the dollar amounts they receive for certain tasks are a little exaggerated so it is hard to relate it to real life.
9) What is the delivery system? Continuous delivery is used, they are constantly being given money for emitting good behaviors, and being fined for emitting aversive behaviors.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? I think one pro of the delivery system is that it is acknowledging both good and bad behaviors equally constant. One con is that the students are always being judged on behaviors because they are looking at both good and aversive behaviors.
11) How are the tokens banked? At the end of the semester the teacher holds a live auction and the kids can bid on items based on how much money they have accumulated over the semester
12) What are the pro's and con's? I think that the pros of this would be the children would know exactly when they will be able to spend their money so they know when they will get their reinforcement. One con, is that it may feel like a long time for the students to have their reinforcement be worth the wait.
13) What are the backup reinforcers? It wasn’t clear what the backup reinforcers are, but I am guessing they are verbal reinforcers such as “good job” or “keep it up!”
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? This would be a questions I would ask the teacher more about
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? The students gain access to the reinforcers by emitting certain behaviors such as cleaning their desk (worth 25.00) and getting an A on a test (worth 50.00)
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? The teacher knows how effective the system is by adding up how much money is spent at the auction at the end of the semester.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? The students each have a “bank account” sheet that is taped to their desk, so all the students in the classroom are aware of the token economy that is going on throughout the classroom.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? I am not sure how aware the parents are of this system, however, I am sure the students are excited about the auction at the end of the semester and I am sure the parents talk about it at conference time.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? This was not stated in the website that I read.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? I am sure some of the parents don’t fully agree with the system, because the children are simply expected to do things at home without being rewarded.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Token economies cause people to discriminate between certain environments. The students may act a certain way in the classroom because they are reinforced, but act a different way at home because they are not.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? I would ask them if they see better behavior from students in this particular class, because they are being reinforced and students in other classes aren’t
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I mentioned a few questions throughout the assignment that were not discussed on in the website, those questions such as, what are additional reinforcers that are used, and is this a school wide system or only this particular classroom?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, behavior, elicit, emit, discriminate, generalize, reward, aversive, pleasurable, token economy, delivery system, continuous reinforcement, target behavior, behavioral class, back-up reinforcers


1) The program is a token economy based on a color system of how well children are behaving during the school day. I decided to use this example for my assignment because we use the same system at the daycare where I work. There are five colors, green, purple, blue, orange, and yellow, and all of the colors are hung up at the front of each classroom. Each child has a clothes pin with their name on it and start every morning at blue. Blue stands for “ready to learn” if the child is bad they could move down a level to orange which stands for “stop and think about it,” and then move down to the yellow level, which stands for “poor choices.” If a child reaches the yellow level they lose out on ten minutes of gym/outside time as a punishment. If the child displays the desired target behaviors then they are able to move up to purple which stands for “good choices” and then green which stands for “super choices.” If the child ends the day on green, they are rewarded with a sticker that they are able to put on a chart. Once their chart is full they are able to receive a prize from the teacher.
2) The token economy came about when the children began to exhibit undesirable behaviors for the staff at the daycare.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are such things as not running and being quite in the hallway, picking up after themselves, playing well with others, etc.
4) Some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit would be to listen to the teacher the first time they ask them to do something or not interrupting the teacher during circle time.
5) This system is based on both reinforcement and punishment. The children are reinforced for reaching the top level for their good behaviors and punished if they reach the lowest level for their poor behaviors.
6) It is positive reinforcement because they are adding the sticker/prize to increase the likeliness of the behavior. It is negative punishment because they are removing something desirable by taking away gym/outside time in order for the behavior to become less likely in the future.
7) The tokens used in this program are the children’s individual clothes pins being moved up or down a color, and then being rewarded or punished accordingly.
8) A pro for these tokens is that the children can all see their progress or deterioration and are able to piece together what behaviors cause them to move up or down a color. A con could be that a child does not care about the rewards or punishments involved and completely disregards the token economy and continues to behavior poorly.
9) The delivery system is the teacher moving the clothes pins and rewarding or punishing the children depending on their behavior.
10) A pro with the delivery system is that the children can see their progress and the teacher give them verbal praise when they move their clothes pins up. A con could be that a child feels like they are being attacked/targeted when their clothes pin is moved down a color in front of the class.
11) The tokens are banked on a large piece of paper with the colors on it at the front of the class room. Reaching the top color level is also banked on the children’s individual sticker charts.
12) The pros is that the children can see their progress, the cons are that one child might not care about the color system and continue to behave poorly.
13) A back up reinforcer is if a child is in the top two color levels, then they are able to have a “helper job” for the day such as being the line leader, door holder, lights tracker, etc.
14) The backup reinforcers were chosen because all of the children would fight over who would get to have a helper job and all of them like the recognition of being a helper and is a motivator for all of the children.
15) The reinforcers are successfully in motivating the children to emit the target behaviors.
16) The students gain access to the reinforcers through the teachers or teaching assistances seeing their behavior and moving their clothes pin.
17) The outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective is a noticeable improvement in the children’s behaviors overall and seeing the children encouraging each other about having a helper job and being in a certain color level.
18) Administrators are teaching the students about the system very effectively and they understand it very well.
19) The administrators also teaching the parents about the system effectively through explaining the sticker sheets and prizes that they are able to take home. The teacher also tells the parents about the behaviors that led to their child moving up and down the color levels.
20) The administrators have taught the other teacher about the system effectively because they wanted it to be a universal system throughout the building and all of the same behaviors were being rewarded or punished.
21) There is a possibility that not everyone could buy into the token economy. Some may feel that the teachers could play favorites with the system or that the punishment should not be within the daycares way of handling behavior issues.
22) Some problems with the token economy could be the children hoarding the filled sticker sheets and cashing them in for prizes at the same time.
23) I would want to ask them how they plan to deal with the children who have no disregard to the color system and the punishments and rewards administered through the token economy.
24) I would want to know how the administrators plan to deal with a lapse of excitement about the system and how they plan to keep the moral and energy about the system high so the target behaviors continue to increase.
25) Terminology Used: punishment, token economy, reward, elicit, target behaviors, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, emit, tokens, delivery system, reinforcer, motivator, punished, rewarded

1. I could not find any information on this, but Chats the coffee shop at school in the Maucker Union has a punch card. There are five holes on the punch card and after every hole is punched, you get a 6th one for free at any size. These holes are only punched when you buy a drink, whether it is a coffee or a smoothie.
2. I am not sure how it came about, but they must have devised this program to encourage students to come spend more money on them.
3. The behavioural class they try to elicit is students spending more money on them via purchases of beverages.
4. The specific target behaviours may be buying a small cappuccino, or buying a smoothie.
5. This system is based on positive reinforcement. Once the student spends money on them through purchases of beverages, the students are reinforced with one punch.
6. This system is positive because there is no aversive consequences, such as the removal of something pleasurable or the addition of something aversive.
7. The tokens are the punched holes students get when they make a purchase of beverages.
8. The pros is that it will be a visual reminder to students to spend money on them, and that students are more likely to come purchase beverages so they can get punched. The cons is that there is a possibility where students forgot to bring their punch card, or they may not be interested in purchasing beverages from Chats to begin with.
9. The delivery system is continuous reinforcement. The students are reinforced with one punch immediately after they make the purchase of beverages at the coffee shop. Fixed ratio schedule is also present as students only get reinforced with a free drink after every five drinks they buy.
10. The pros is that the students are more likely to increase the frequency of the behaviours due to the frequency schedule of reinforcement. The cons is that students may become satiated with the free drinks or the punch and the reinforcers are no longer reinforcing, thus the target behaviours may be extinguished.
11. The tokens are punched holes on the punch card. Students keep a punch card with them and they get a whole in the punch card whenever they purchase a beverage. After all five holes on the punch card is punched, they receive a 6th one free and a new punch card.
12. The pros is that it is an easy way to keep track of how many holes there are on the punch card, but the cons is that it will not work when the students purchase something else from the coffee shop, a muffin for example.
13. The back up reinforcers are the free beverage of choice they receive.
14. It is chosen because Chats is a coffee shop, and it is the perfect way to promote their coffee and other beverages.
15. These back up reinforcers can be effective reinforcers for people who like coffee and enjoy all beverages served at Chats.
16. The students can start by asking for a punch card. After all the holes are punched, they can give the cashier the used punch card, and receive a new one along with their 6th drink.
17. The administrators could measure the baseline first, and then measure the number of beverages they sold after the program is implemented. If the number goes up, that means the program is effective.
18. There are advertisements around the coffee shop and they are very visible. It is easy to understand because everyone is familiar with the concept of a punch card.
19. Not applicable.
20. Not applicable.
21. People who do not like Chats or do not like purchasing beverages that Chats offer will not buy into the program.
22. Students may become satiated with the rewards, and they will cease to appear reinforcing, thus the target behaviour may become extinguished. Students may also forget to bring their punch card when they make a purchase, so they may fail to be reinforced on a continuous reinforcement schedule.
23. 24. How effective is the program? How often do they have to give out free drinks?
TERMS: discriminative stimulus, stimuli, positive reinforcement, punishment, consequences, behaviours, behaviour modification, elicit, emit, target behaviour, behaviour class, fixed ratio schedule, continuous reinforcement, salient, satiated, response

1) Hyvee Fuel Saver

2) It probably came about as a way to get more people to 1. use the HyVee gas stations more often and 2. an incentive to shop at HyVee more.

3) They are trying to elicit the behavior of buying their products and gas more often.

4) Specific target behaviors would be buying a certain product because it is a fuel saver that week or getting gas when their fuel saver has a lot on it.

5) Reinforcement because the customers are being reinforced for buying certain products and for getting gas at a HyVee gas station.

6) Positive because they are adding something desirable (points/money off on gas, i guess it could also be negative because you are taking away money to make it a more desirable amount of money on gas.

7) The tokens are the cents that you get off every time you shop and buy something that is a fuel saver that week.

8) People might not like the products the store has that week for fuel savers so it is not rewarding to them, it is an easy way to buy groceries that everyone needs and also save money on something else people need (gas).

9) Every time you buy a fuel saver item, the card is scanned when you check out and then a balance is on the card and swiped at the pump when you get gas.

10) One pro is that you can just swipe the card at the pump and it will take off the cents right there. A con would be that you might not always know the balance on your card because you only get the balance when you get a receipt from HyVee.

11) On the fuel saver card.

12) Con's could be that people could forget to carry the card all the time. A pro would be that you could save up all your point and then use it once gas prices sky rocket again.

13) A back up reinforcer could be that you don't only have to use it at a HyVee gas station, but you could also use it at Casey's.

14) I am guessing that the gas stations agree to partner with hyvee to do the fuel saver program.

15) Yes I think it is a good reinforcer to get cents off per gas after buying groceries.

16) Buying the products that are a fuel saver that week and sign up for the program.

17) They should keep track of how many people take part in the program and what they buy and how much they save.

18) I think the teaching of this program is effective and is advertised well and they probably had a meeting about it with all the workers to know how to work it and advertise it.

19) There are not parents in this token economy i think they are definitely advertising to the customers how effective it would be and how to use it.

20) The people who came up with this product are probably pretty effective at teaching the people at HyVee how to use the program because it seems to be working pretty well so far.

21) Some people may not find it that rewarding if they do not shop at HyVee often or do not like the products they have for the program, although the products are different every week or so.

22) Not everyone may shop at HyVee or not enough to get the benefit of using a fuel saver card. There are also areas where they aren't HyVee stores so these people wouldn't be able to use the Fuel savers or register for one once coming in contact with a HyVee.

23) I do not have any questions at this time, I actually have a fuel saver card and so do others in my family and we all find it rewarding.

24) I would maybe want to know if there was like a website or somewhere I could check my balance before I use because I always lose the receipts that tell me

Terminology: elicit, emit, target behavior, reinforcer, positive, negative, token economy, behavioral class
1) What is this program?
The program introduces a “token” that can be redeemed for a one month subscription to World of Warcraft. The token that is available for purchase with real currency that can be sold or bought with in-game currency.
2) How did it come about?
The development of the WoW token system came about after suggestions of adding a secure, legitimate method of acquiring in-game currency that did not involve a third party.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Third party currency sellers are known for being untrustworthy and detrimental to the in-game economy. What the game developers (Blizzard) are trying to do is change the antecedent of individuals who are unable to attain gold themselves by providing a system that is similar to that of an illegal third party currency seller.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The target behavior that Blizzard is trying to get their customers to emit is to buy these tokens from them and not from the illegitimate/illegal currency sellers.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This token economy is based on reinforcement, by purchasing these tokens from Blizzard you are able to redeem them for a one month subscription or sell them for in-game currency.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because the buyer is gaining a subscription or in-game currency.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
“WoW Tokens”-Purchaseable with real money, redeemable in game.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
• Deters “illegal” transaction
• Promotes legal acquisition of in-game currency
• Easily available
• Less in-game currency for real money than illegal sellers
• The cost of tokens depends on supply and demand (inflation may occur)

9) What is the delivery system?
The tokens are bought from a menu within the game and the player instantly receives the token in their inventory.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
• This system provides those who are in need of a WoW token a fast and easy means to acquire the token.
• This system can be taken advantage of if an account was stolen or compromised
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are stored in a player’s inventory and they can chose to redeem them themselves or place in an “auction house” where others may purchase them.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
• Allows individuals to save or spend tokens they purchase as they see fit
• The auction house adjust the price automatically to market value.
• If the subscription ends with the tokens banked they are unredeemable and would require the account to be activated by another means.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
When individuals buy in-game currency from a 3rd party they are going against the terms of service (ToS) Blizzard has. Breaching ToS is grounds for an account being banned or suspended. A back up reinforcer of this system is the removal of a potential ban/suspension.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It was not stated that this is a reinforcer but in the frequently asked questions it continually stated how bad 3rd party currency sellers are for the in-game economy and why users of those services were banned.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
There was no data presented on how effective the system has been since it has been implemented.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Access to the reinforcers is gained by using the WoW token system and avoiding 3rd party sellers to avoid the negative reinforcement of an account suspension/ban.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Outcome measures for this token economy are observable by knowing the amount of tokens are bought and how many are sold. The data on this has not been published anywhere so I personally do not know if it is effective.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The system is advertised on various game-news related websites, the login screen, and within the menu of the game. Blizzard has been very proactive in teaching users of the system and advertising it.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Information is available on the details of the system that parents can seek out and determine if they want to use this system.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
There have been other games that have offered a system similar to this so it is not a new system. Blizzard is the largest game to offer a means to acquire and sell subscriptions that are available to any player. We will see in the coming years if this model will become standard or fade away.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, this system is completely optional. There are other ways to acquire in game currency as well as other ways to renew a subscription other than this token model.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The tokens are easily available as long as individuals have the money to spend, this might create an oversaturation of the market and drive the in-game selling price much lower. With a low in-game price people could potentially go to a 3rd party currency seller and buy more in-game money for the same price as a WoW token.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What is the long term for this system? Will there be a price lock if supply and demand drop? What will happen if the system fails and users still have tokens left over?

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: token economy, antecedent, reinforcer, elicit, emit, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive, negative behavior, backup reinforcers.

1) What is this program?
The program I have chosen for this assignment is the US financial system which uses fiat money as ‘tokens’ that can then be exchanged for backup reinforcers.
2) How did it come about?
This particular system that we currently use came about to make commerce easy and simple. With the introduction of money people no longer needed to barter the things they had for things the needed or wanted. Gold is a common historical example of this.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes that this system tries to elicit is hard work and creativity.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
In this case it’s not children but adults. We want the adults in our society to emit hard work and new ideas that increase economic profitability and create the conditions for society to flourish.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is based on rewards; when you work or have good ideas to increase output or lower costs you are rewarded with more money – the target behaviors of this system.
6) Is it positive or negative? This is positive reinforcement for when you emit the target behaviors
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are used to exchange what you have (labor, ideas, goods) for what you want (labor, goods, and ideas). Consider a business, it has money which it exchanges for labor which produces the goods which the business sells for money.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pros are that the tokens are easy to bank/hold on to, they can be easily exchanged for nearly unlimited backup reinforcers with no need to barter, our current monetary system is not affected by dramatic shifts in the price of gold. The cons are steady inflation (around 2-3% per year), the tokens can be counterfeited, obsession over the tokens and hording can occur, and without the tokens are deprived of the necessities of life (i.e. you have to buy food water and shelter).
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is mixed ratio depending on the exchange. It can be a fixed ratio (1 hour of labor = $10) or a variable rate (salaried positions requiring different amounts of time).
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Depending what services you provide you can receive lots of tokens – if your skills are in high demand- or a low amount of tokens for unskilled work. This motivates people to acquire special skills, yet, those who can’t do so will need to survive off few tokens; sometimes fewer than their needs allow (i.e. having kids is a huge financial burden). Also, credit cards that allow you to spend more money than you actually have is a major issue people need to watch out for.
11) How are the tokens banked? At a bank (lol). You can store the tokens electronically in a financial institution or keep them in hard form (cash).
12) What are the pro's and con's? Banks are relatively secure and insured by the FDIC; however, under special governmental orders that money in the bank can be froze. Also, if you had people with tens and hundreds of thousands in cash you can be assured robbery would be more common.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? Everything and anything. The free market allows for just about anything to be traded for dollars. Because of this, the dollar is an antecedent, a consequence, and a reinforcer all in one. You can get food, water, shelter, goods, entertainment, the list is endless.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? Given that we operate in a ‘free market’ (it’s not truly, given government regulation), the people decide what the back up reinforcers are. When they become satiated with them they stop buying. Major problem however, black markets occur when there is prohibition of certain things such as drugs.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes, the reinforcers are highly effective, especially considering that people need money to survive. Also, we live in a very material and consumerist culture that drivers the operant behavior of going to work and trying to get more money. However, there are ways to survive without money by growing your own food and bartering. Very few cultures do this but they do still exist.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? We can exchange our labor, sell our goods or resources, invest, loan our money, and even gamble to get money.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? We can look at the frequency of the target behaviors in things such as the unemployment rate - how many people are not emitting the target behaviors.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? Since we’re born into this system, grow up in it, and it’s a global system, I feel that we know it very well. We’re taught from a young age to aquire the skills that will make us good employees and successful individuals.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Not a very applicable question.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? N/A
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes, some cultures live without money. They barter and grow their own food. They reject the consumerism and the materialistic culture in exchange for a more community oriented and organic lifestyle.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? In our culture, old money get new money - that is to say that money tends to run in families and flows to the highest class of citizens since they can invest a lot of resources. And materialism is what some people think is contributing to a moral decline.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? It is the subject of extensive study but, how much government oversight is necessary to create the most economic flourishing? Is the government policy of drug prohibition a net gain or net loss for the people?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? What were the other options for systems that would achieve economic flourishing?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, Behavior, consequence, operant behavior, emit, reward, reinforcement, elicit, back up reinforcers, token economy, positive reinforcement, mixed ratio, fixed ratio, variable ratio, banked

1) What is this program?
--I never had a url for this token economy but in my home town they have a local coffee shop called Jitters and I attend this coffee shop regularly. They have a card that every time you buy a coffee they punch it and after 5 coffees you the sixth free.

2) How did it come about?
--Maybe the manager wanted to promote more people to come in more often and maybe wanted to thank her customers for having business with them.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
--They were trying to elicit more customers to buy more coffee therefore spend more money.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
--Some target behaviors that they wanted to customers to emit was spend money, buy coffee, buy more snacks, basically get them in the store and spend more money because they get a free coffee.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
--This system is based on reinforcement because it’s increasing a desirable behavior.

6) Is it positive or negative?
--It is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a desirable stimulus.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
--The tokens are basically the punches on the card from whenever you buy a coffee you get a punch. Each punch will get you closer to a free coffee.

8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
--Some pros associated with the tokens is that it can get you a free coffee after a while and some cons would be spending more money, easy to lose and even copy a punch if you have the same puncher.

9) What is the delivery system?
--The delivery system is both continuous reinforcement and even fixed ratio reinforcement. Why? Because they are reinforced with a punch in there card after every coffee they buy. And for fixed ratio reinforcement because after every five punches and coffees they buy, they receive a free coffee.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
-- Some pros of the delivery system could be they are reinforced immediately and easy to keep track of their punches but some cons would be that sometimes they maybe forget to give them their card therefore they don’t get a punch and not be closer to the free coffee.

11) How are the tokens banked?
--The tokens are banked onto a punch card and like I said they get a new one after they receive their free drink after 5.
12) What are the pros and cons?
--Some pros would be that it is easy to see and always in front of them and see how close they are to getting free coffee but some cons would be that it is easy to forget on a certain day or even easy to lose and if they do they have no proof of all those punches.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
--Some back up reinforcers would be the discounted refills that I have not mention. You are also able to get discounted refills if you bring a Jitters cup back in.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
-- This back up reinforcer was choosing to make more money and have people that bought the Jitters travel mug to advertise their company.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
--Yes I think they are effective reinforcers because they get discounted coffees and not have to pay as much every time they come to get a coffee.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
--They gain access to this reinforcer by buying a Jitters travel mug at a certain price first.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
--They could measure how many customers get a free coffee each day and compare it to how many actually bought a coffee. Also try to compare how many people asked for punch cards or used them. Compare the regular coffee cups (cardboard) compared to the ones that had the actual travel mug.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
--The administrators are effectively teaching customers about this token economy system by asking them for their cards at the check-out or ask if they have one and if not give them one.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
--The parents are not really informed about the system unless the kids and parents share a card which I and my mother have done that before. There is no reason why they need to know.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
--All employees that I have met there are completely taught and no about everything at Jitters. They know about the punch cards and discount refills, especially the cashiers. Every cashier vie had knew about the cards let alone all the drinks.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
--A lot of people just might care not to have a card in the wallet because it takes up space and or they might forget it a lot and or lose it so they just may not care to have one. And some people might not care to buy a travel mug to get the discount because it’s the not “that much” of a discount.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
--Punch cards are easy to lose and forget on certain days and people may not care to have a punch card or be motivated enough.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
-- Why don’t you let customers bring in other travel mugs besides jitters travel mugs, they are saving you cost of a regular cup? How effective has this punch care been for you?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
--I would really like to know how effective the punch card actually is.

Terms: behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, fixed ration reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, token economic, elicit, emit, stimulus, delivery system, behavioral classes

1) This token economy system is based around using Popsicle sticks as tokens, 5 mason jars labeled respect, obedience, clean room, manners, and honesty as the banking system. The author advises coming up with specific behaviors for each to make reinforcement more consistent. This system is to encourage the child to emit desirable behaviors.

2) A parent wanted a good way to teach their child good behavior.

3) Respect, obedience, cleaning of the child’s room, manners, and honesty.

4) Going and staying in bed on time, putting their shoes away, telling the truth in all cases, doing as they are told

5) Positive reinforcement

6) Positive

7) Popsicle sticks

8)They are easy to keep track of, cheap, and fun (already have some value due to associating with a sweet)

9) The parent puts the sticks into the relevant jar when a desirable behavior is emitted

10) It is easy to stay consistent, the child can see the sticks, and the sticks will not be easily misplaced

11) They are placed in the relevant mason jar.

12) They can be easily seen by the child and are easy to keep track of.

13) New backpacks, Halloween costumes, new pajamas, new watches, new sunglasses, or something else the child expresses a want for that is within the realm of reality.

14) They are things that children are generally interested or something the child has asked for.

15) Yes. They are things children like or something the child has said that they desire.

16) They are able to earn 5 sticks per night. Once they earn 30 they are able to exchange them for one of the backup reinforcers.

17) The frequency that the child earns all 5 sticks per night, and the frequency that the child earns all 30 sticks. When these happen it is obvious that the child has been maintaining or improving their behavior.

18) Very well, the parent created the system and so is very well informed.

19) Very well, the parent created the system and so is very well informed.

20) N/A

21) I do not think so. The parent will buy in because they created the system, and the child will buy in because the backup reinforcers are very well chosen and the child has placed a positive valence upon them.

22) I do not think that any of the known problems will be an issue in this system.

23) I feel that the system is very well laid out, and so I wouldn't have any questions.

24) I would like to know more about what specific behaviors will be reinforced.

25) token economy, tokens, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcer, positive valence

1.This program is a detailed example of a token economy in the classroom.

2.This program was created by a teacher with 11 years of classroom experience because she wanted to share practical classroom ideas and help teachers build a positive mindset so they can truly enjoy their work.

3.The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit is positive classroom behavior, being a role model and being obedient, and stay on task.

4.The specific target behaviors they want to students to emit are volunteering to take a message, work a problem on the board, serve as a positive role model, read aloud to the others, and monitor the classroom while the teacher is away.

5.This system is based on reinforcement.

6.This system is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (stickers, pizza party) to increase the probability of the target behavior from reoccurring.

7.The tokens used in this program are chips (from a board game), or laminated chips.

8.A con associated with using these tokens would be that the students can easily find the same kind of chips and lie about it. A pro associated with using these tokens would be that they can be easily made or found.

9.The teacher delivers the tokens to the students. The teacher does this by placing the tokens in the students’ respective banking boxes or receptacles.

10.A con associated with this delivery system would be that the teacher cannot pay attention to all of his/her students in class. Therefore, an action taken by a student can be easily missed. A pro associated with this delivery system would be that the students recognize their teacher as the person who is rewarding them, and would hence elicit the behavior required by the teacher.

11.The tokens are put into the students’ respective banking boxes or receptacles.

12.I do not think that there is a con associated with this delivery system. A pro would be that it is organized and the chances that you will lose the tokens are very low.

13.The backup reinforcers are the items the student expressed a desired for.

14.The primary backup (primary) reinforcers would be determined by the students. The teacher will ask the students for ideas and select the most rewardable. By doing this, they know what the students really want.

15.They are effective reinforcers because they will be chosen by the students themselves.

16.The students can gain access to the reinforcers by accruing the tokens and redeeming for the backup reinforcers.

17.One good measure to see if the system is successful is the number of tokens distributed.

18.Very well because they outlined the specifics of how the systems works.

19.They did a good job in keeping the parents informed. They provide weekly reports of earned tokens to the parents, and they hold conferences with the parents to explain the system and how the student is performing.

20.The teacher came up with this system. Therefore she is very well informed.

21.I think it is a good system and it is well implemented, and everyone will buy in with the system.

22.I don’t think any of the known issues would occur in this system because it seems well thought out and implemented.

23.I do not have any questions for the administrators about the system.

24.An additional information I would want to know is the specific target behavior so that the students know exactly what behavior has to be emitted for them to be rewarded

25.TERMS: Token economy, behavioral classes, elicit, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, primary reinforcers.

1) What is this program?
-This is a token economy that reinforces children for having good behavior in the class room.
2) How did it come about?
-This came about because the teacher wanted to get kids to elicit behaviors that are expected in the classroom.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
-The behavioral class that is being elicited is good behavior
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
-target behaviors may be not talking when the teacher is, helping others, holding a door, finishing homework etc.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
-positive reinforcement
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
-tokens with a number that corresponds to a student
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
-pros allows teacher to reuse them, track progress
cons may be lost, or be ruined
9) What is the delivery system?
-A chid is rewarded a token when they are seen emitting a desirable behavior, the token is then put into a bag which is drawn from for a grand prize
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
-pros children will hopefully emit god behaviors more often
cons children will want a token every time they emit a good behavior, jealous of grand prize winner
11) How are the tokens banked?
-once earned they are put into a bag that is drawn from for a grand prize
12) What are the pro's and con's?
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
-backup reinforcers are the teacher giving acknowledgement when a child does a good behavior but does not get a token
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
-Chosen by the teacher
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
-i believe they will be effective
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
-children will learn what behaviors are acceptable to emit in a classroom setting
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
-outcome measures could be how many tokens are given out for good behavior
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
- students are taught about this token economy system on the first day of class
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
-not sure because it did not mention parents involvement
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
-Most teachers use this type of system
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
-Yes this is a possibility
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
-may be extinction, or students may lose interest
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
-Do grand prizes change every time?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
-I think I know all I need to
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-elicit, token economy, behavior, reinforcers, target behavior, elicited, emitting, emit, tokens, backup reinforcer


1) What is this program?
This is a program for an adolescent, coeducational residential unit. Individuals that were in this unit ranged from 12-18 years old and their behavior was deemed highly disruptive and aggressive by the community.

2) How did it come about?
The purpose of this token economy is to reinforce the absence of negative behavior through a process called differential reinforcement of the other (DRO) and punish negative behavior.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The target behaviors that are being reinforced, thus increasing the amount of times the behavior is emitted are pro-social behaviors and the behaviors that are being punished when emitted are physical aggression, property destruction, window breaking, and manipulative self-abuse.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
I think they would want to elicit peaceful, cooperative behavior from the children. Examples of this behavior might be remaining quiet (instead of yelling), or snapping a rubber band on their wrist (instead of throwing something out the window). These are behaviors that, when reinforced, would decrease the amount of times the aggressive, disruptive behavior is emitted.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system involves both reinforcement and punishment.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement and negative punishment since the teenager is given one hole punch (aka 1 point) when they emit pro-social behavior, but 10 points are taken away from them if they act aggressively or disruptively.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are hole punches and once the teenager has earned enough points, they can exchange them for something else.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
I think the pro’s are that teenagers have to work really hard to earn 10 points, which can be taken away very quickly if they emit aggressive behavior that is punished. Since it is so easy to have their points taken away, I would think that students would behave relatively well in order to avoid that happening. The con to this system is that, since the points can be taken away so quickly, they may not want to put in any more work to earn points if they have theirs taken away a few times.

9) What is the delivery system?
A professional administrator punches a hole in the teenager’s card.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pro is that this system is efficient so students will quickly learn which behaviors are desired and reinforced, which will make them elicit this pro-social behavior more frequently. The con is that administrators have to agree on specific target behaviors in order to remain consistent, which can be difficult to do.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The website does not say exactly how the points were banked, it simply says that the students could earn access to backup reinforcers through earning enough points. I would assume that there was an administrator who monitored the backup reinforcers who gave students access to them.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
I don’t really know the pro’s and con’s since I was speculating for the previous answer. The article did not say anything about who or when tokens were to be banked.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
There are many backup reinforcers: access to day trips outside of the facility, movies, bowling, skating, staying up late on weekends, and access to an on-site lounge that provides snacks, soda, a jukebox, etc. These backup reinforcers are things that the teenagers can only have access to by earning enough points, but the article does not clarify how many points were needed for the adolescents to earn each reinforcer.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
I think these backup reinforcers were chosen because they are things that the teenagers enjoyed doing before they were placed into the facility. And I believe that the freedom to leave the facility is a reward in itself, even though the teenager is going to a pre-determined location, being able to leave the facility is worth the points.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
The article explained how the behavior had changed in the residents since this token economy was implemented, and from all of the statistical analyses that the author provided, yes I definitely think these reinforcers are effective.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They turn in their punchcards to an administrator of the facility.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrator measured the amount of windows broken, the use of mechanical restraints, the number of adolescents restrained, and the number of adolescents on psychotropic medication. These were behaviors that the experiment designer measured before and after implementation of the token economy.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The article did not mention the students’ awareness of the program, but I would assume that it is relatively successful since the students seemed to respond well to the token economy and their behavior seemed to have improved quite a bit over the course of the token economy.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I am not sure if parents are aware of the system. I am sure that they were aware of the system because these adolescents are all minors and the facility and experimenter needed the parent’s consent in order to implement this study. Other than that, I am not sure how much parents were involved in this system.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think all of the facility employees are aware of the system, but I do not know if all of them are allowed to give out hole punches, maybe only the employees who interact with the adolescents in certain settings were allowed to give out hole punches.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I think that most of the people bought into this token economy, which could be seen with the results of the program. And the adolescents are kind of coerced into buying into this program if they want to be able to leave the facility or earn any special privileges that their peers have.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some of the facility residents might be discouraged if they exhibit negative behavior that is then punished by taking their points away, thus preventing them from being able to earn any backup reinforcers. This might decrease the amount of times they emit the positive, reinforced behavior because they might see no point in it if they always get their points taken away.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
As of right now, I do not have any questions because the system seems like it has been successful and has been well implemented in the adolescent facility.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would want to know more about how they bank the tokens, when adolescents can exchange tokens for backup reinforcers, and who is allowed to administer the hole punches to the teenagers.

Terms: token economy, reinforce, differential reinforcement of the other (DRO), punish, token, emit, elicit, backup reinforcer

1) What is this program?
This program is a literal “token system”. The teacher picks out some sort of token, slip of paper, etc. to give out to students for target behaviors. The instructor is supposed to discuss with the class if they have any prior knowledge of being rewarded by previous teachers and how they were rewarded and why. After this, the teacher sets a list of stipulations as to when each student will be rewarded (e.g. raising their hand to talk, cleaning up someone else mess, etc.).

2) How did it come about?
This teacher (Angela Watson) was looking for some sort of token system to reward her students for emitting positive behaviors. After researching many systems, she took what knowledge she had learned a developed her own, much simpler system.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behaviors classes that are being elicited are completely up to whichever teacher uses this system. Each teacher may have different behaviors that they will award tokens for, and therefore there are no set target behaviors for teachers to follow.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Volunteering to help with something, helping another student with work, sharing classroom supplies, cleaning up a mess, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based off of reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This system included positive reinforcement. Whenever a student emits a target behavior, they receive a token.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used can be anything from paper slips to dice to actual tokens.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: Children will want to behave better, they may demonstrate proper manners more, their attention will increase.
Cons: they may perform unwanted behaviors for attention, they may only emit behaviors because they are being rewarded, May not be motivated.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the teacher administering a token to a child each time they demonstrate a positive behavior. The teacher may keep them on a class wall in pockets that have each students name or class number on it.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: Students cannot forge tokens or steal them.
Cons: Some students may think that a behavior they are emitting is worthy of a token, but it may not get noticed.

11) How are the tokens banked?
They are added up and then can be redeemed for prizes or some sort of reward on a specific date, or whenever the teacher decides they can be redeemed (monthly, each quarter, each semester, etc.).
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Students may save up their tokens for items of their choice, all students can see when the student is being rewarded and this may bring about more target behaviors being emitted by the rest of the class.
Students may hoard some of their tokens and this may get a bit pricey for the teacher to administer prizes to some students, some students may not receive many tokens and will become upset.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers can be whatever the teacher decided (e.g. pizza party, class stores prizes, homework slips, etc.).
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers are chosen specifically by the teacher.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
These reinforcers will only be effective if they are something that the children are interested in. The teacher must choose good reinforcers or the students may not buy into the system.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
By collecting as many tokens as they can and then redeeming these tokens for the item of their choice.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some outcome measures would include an evaluation of how frequently target behaviors are being emitted within the classroom, the amount of total tokens given out, how many disruptive behaviors are being emitted.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I believe that the teachers would be teaching these students about the program very effectively. This system is solely based off of what they believe would be acceptable in the classroom, so whatever they state to the students in the beginning of the year should stick with the students.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I believe if the teachers follow the steps on how to keep parents informed that the system would seem very fitting. Holding parent/student conferences would be a great way to show off how good the system is working.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Technically this system is put in place by teachers for their own classroom, so administers are not involved as much. However, teachers could bring results to their superiors and show them how the system has succeeded for them or how it is flawed and they may implement it within more classrooms.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I believe there is. Some students may find the rewards to be not exciting, so they may not buy in. Parents may also find flaws in it, such as how tokens are rewarded and how their student is doing with these tokens.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The teacher may not reward the students enough and they may become uninterested, the backup reinforcers may not be very exciting to some students, students may only emit behaviors for rewards.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How do they plan on administering these tokens? For what behaviors are they going to be administered? Do they have a specific schedule of reinforcement in mind?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
How do they know if the system is working? I think the there should be some sort of update or evaluation to see how the system is going. This would help the teachers communicate with the students better and also show parents how well the implemented system has been going.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, emitting, positive behaviors, positive reinforcement, schedule fo reinforcement.

List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program?
This program is a token economy being used in the work place to create larger health incentive engagement program.

2) How did it come about?
It came about because they wanted to see if using the stairs could be improved in the workplace.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes that they are trying to elicit are walking instead of riding the escalator or elevator.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the people to emit?
They want the workers to take the stairs in the work place.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are chips as rewards.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros is that they can physically see the reinforcers that they are being given. A con is that they could easily lose the chips. Then they wouldn't get the proper back up reinforcers in time to maybe make this program effective.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is that they receive a reward chips every time they take the stairs and then they can turn those chips in for merchandise.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pros is that they are able to receive the reinforcer in a reasonable amount of time. I cannot think of a con for this.

11) How are the tokens banked?
Each person keeps the tokens until they turn them in for merchandise.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros are that they are able to see how many tokens they have. The con would be again, they could lose the tokens or keep a certain number and then not take the stairs for a while.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are merchandise from the store.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It does not say how they are chosen.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would believe that they are effective reinforcers because they don't have to spend their own money on them.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The people who are implementing this program are giving out the reinforcers.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The outcome measures were done after the study and the people who took the stairs moved from 39 to 301.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I don't know if the people who implementing this process are explaining why they are doing this study. So far I don't think they are doing very well at doing so.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Again, I don't think they are being very thorough when teaching others about the program.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think that the people implementing this are well taught.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, I believe some people would think that the system doesn't work, especially because the outcome wasn't 100%.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Hoarding tokens might be a problem here because some people might hoard them and then not take the stairs for a while, which doesn't help the overall meaning of the program that is trying to be administered.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I want to know if the workers know the exact reason for the system. I also want to know how the tokens are handed out.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know if this all continued after the study was done and if the results stayed as high as they were.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emit, elicit, positive reinforcment, token economy, behavior,

1) What is this program?

This program is called PapaRewards. The program rewards customers with points every time they order a pizza online. They can then redeem these points that were earned for a free pizza.

2) How did it come about? 

This program probably came about when Papa Johns realized how many pizzas people were ordering online. They probably wanted some sort of reward system as an incentive for people to keep ordering even more.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

The behavioral class they are trying to elicit is getting customers to spend more money at Papa Johns.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? 

Some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit might include: buying more pizzas, buying at Papa Johns instead of at other pizza places, and buying more of other things from Papa Johns in order to receive more points.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

The system is based on reinforcement because customers receive something desirable, points toward a free pizza, which increases the frequency of the target behavior (spending money at Papa Johns) in the future.

6) Is it positive or negative? 

This is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a desirable reinforcer that increases the likelihood that the target behavior will happen again in the future.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? 

The tokens used in this program are just virtual points. They are not tangible tokens.

8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?

Two pros associated with using these points are: it is convenient to have virtual points so that they cannot be lost, and they are easy to keep track of so you always know how many you have. Some cons include: since the points are not tangible and are only virtual, it could be possible to forget your password for the program and not be able to access it, some people may not want to order from a pizza place very often in order to get all of the points for a free pizza because it is unhealthy, and people might lose the motivation to keep ordering from Papa Johns before they receive all the points needed for free pizza.

9) What is the delivery system? 

The delivery system is online and through fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement. The customer is rewarded points online and they can redeem those points for a free pizza.

10) What are some pros and cons associated with the delivery system? 

This delivery system does not seem to have any cons, unless the customer’s Internet stops working and they cannot get their points. A pro associated with this delivery system is that customers are able to get their points without doing anything but logging into their account on the Papa Johns website.

11) How are the tokens banked?

The tokens are banked in your account online so that you can view them at any time. I am assuming that Papa Johns employees can also view the points.

12) What are the pros and cons? 

The main pro of the tokens being banked in your account online is that you can literally check your progress of points whenever you want- on your smartphone, computer, iPad, etc. I cannot find any cons with the way the tokens are banked.

13) What are the backup reinforcers? 

The backup reinforcer is a free pizza.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

The backup reinforcer was chosen probably because of how popular pizza is with the customers at Papa Johns.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?

I think this is an effective reinforcer because people go to Papa Johns to get their pizza- if they are able to redeem points earned to get a free Papa Johns pizza I think it is effective.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? 

Customers gain access to this reinforcer by using a code when ordering online to redeem points for their free pizza.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

Papa Johns employees will know the system is effective by seeing how many people are signed up for the program and how many times each customer gets a free pizza using their points.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? 

Employees of Papa Johns are teaching customers about this program by advertising it in commercials, online, on pizza boxes when pizza is delivered, and in stores. This is effective because since it is seen often, customers will remember it more.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 

Employees of Papa Johns are educating all people about this program by advertising it in commercials, online, on pizza boxes when pizza is delivered, and in stores. This is effective because since it is seen often, people will remember it more.

20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? 

Again, employees of Papa Johns are educating all people about this program by advertising it in commercials, online, on pizza boxes when pizza is delivered, and in stores. This is effective because since it is seen often, people will remember it more.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? 

This is always possible with any token economy. Some people may not want to eat out and spend so much money in order to get one free pizza, some people might not want to eat unhealthy food so often, and some people just might not want free pizza because they don’t like it.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

Some of the problems that are known to exist with token economies are: unequal pricing of backup reinforcers, misuse of tokens, token hoarding, and behavior deteriorating after fading. Unequal pricing of backup reinforcers is not a problem with this program, because there is only one backup reinforcer- free pizza. Misuse of tokens and token hoarding are also not problems with this program because customers can only redeem their points online for one free pizza after they have earned enough. After they redeem points, the points start over again towards a new free pizza. Behavior deterioration may happen because people might get sick of always eating Papa Johns and getting pizzas as rewards. You can only eat so much fast food.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? 

One question I would ask Papa Johns corporate employees who put this program into place would be if they would ever consider offering other backup reinforcers besides pizza. Some people don’t like pizza, and would rather receive some other food item from Papa Johns for free with their points. I would also ask if they would ever consider changing how many points a customer needs for the free item.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

Those two questions listed above are the only questions in mind right now in regards to knowing additional information about this program.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Rewards, behavioral class, elicit, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, desirable, positive reinforcement, fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, reinforcer, token economy


1)What is this program?
The program I chose to research was the Awana children’s ministry program many churches use to help kids learn bible verses.

2)How did it come about?
Awana started as a youth group in Chicago for churched and nonchurched youth to attend to learn about the gospel and serve Jesus Christ.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to get children to be better Christians.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They are eliciting reading and memorizing the Bible.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This program is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because the children earn badges and Awana bucks for each Bible verse correctly memorized and delivered.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Awana Bucks, and badges given on a fixed ratio system.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pro is that for over 55 years they have encouraged children to practice reading their Bible and begin to learn verses out of it.
The con is that children are not learning to emit Bible reading behavior for the joy of being closer to God, or for any intrinsic reason, but rather for extrinsic rewards such as prizes.

9) What is the delivery system?
Group leaders, made up of local volunteers and ministry work with the children for an evening once a week. They award a certain amount of Awanas Bucks for each verse learned and at the end of the night there is an award ceremony for the kids who reached a new chapter in their verse book or those who have finished a book. During the Award ceremony leaders hand out new badges to be worn on the Awana uniform.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The Pro is that children are working with leaders in the community who they can grow bonds with and turn to for mentoring support. Also, because the kids must recite versus to the leaders, the system can not be cheated. The cons of this system are that sometimes there were too many kids for all of them to recite a verse to a group leader, and the awards were given out in front of everybody and worn, so for students who were unable to attend each week falling behind could make them feel uncomfortable around their peers.

11) How are the tokens banked?

Students save their Awanas bucks on their own and are able to spend them once a month at the Áwana Store” (Table with prizes from Oriental Trading)

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pro to this is students learn how to save their tokens and practice delayed reinforcement. However a con is that if students lose their money than they never receive the full reward/ prize and may give up on the program.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are typically small prizes from places like Oriental trading. They include pencils, snacks, balls, Frisbees, Bible covers, and other miscellaneous trinkets that appealed to children.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back up reinforcers are chosen by each church that holds Awana. They are chosen based on that churches budget and on the wants of the children that make up that youth program.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, the kids I worked with in Awana would read their handbooks all week to be able to recite them and earn Awana bucks and to get a new badge. Also, the program has stayed alive for over 50 years so it seems to be effective.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Students trade in the Awana bucks, given to them by leaders and they are able to spend them on prizes. More desirable prizes are worth more bucks and less desirable prizes are worth less.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Students move through their Awana books and over the years memorize most of the versus in the Bible. There is a clear system to see which students have reached certain levels in the handbook and in order to move to each level each student must recite certain versus without looking at them.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Very effectively, the students learn on the first day that for every verse they learn they will be given a token (Awana Buck) and after a certain number of versus they will be given a badge.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Very effective, they send home informational packets and books to they parents and encourage them to practice reading the bible with their children at home.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Very effectively, in order to be an Awana leader one must go through training on the values of the program and how to effectively teach children the values, and how to work with them to accommodate for possible frustrations that may occur.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Very much so, Awana is a controversial method of teaching children to enjoy reading the Bible and to learn what the Bible says. It is effective in teaching children what the Bible says, as they are trained very well to read and recite. However, it does not always teach children what the Bible means. It is not a comprehensive program, also it may teach children to read the bible for an extrinsic reward rather than for intrinsic reasons. I personally was in Awana as a child, but as an adult I feel very skeptical about the system.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

If children learn that they will be rewarded extrinsically for how much they know about the Bible, then they may begin to believe that is the reason one should read the Bible and study religion. Also, for some children it is hard to keep track of the Awana bucks used as tokens for the token economy, in which case they do not receive the back up rewards and may give up on trying to earn the Awana bucks in the first place.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How can you train leaders to make sure children are understanding the verses they are learning in the handbooks, and not just memorizing them?
Would students learn more if intrinsic motivators for learning the Bible were included in the Awana program?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, target behavior, intrinsic, extrinsic, rewards, back up reinforce, token economy, fixed ratio system,

Token economy.
1) What is this program? Token Economies: Examples of Class-Wide and Individual Token Economies for Inclusive Settings
2) How did it come about? This article is about how to increase desired behaviors in the classroom like "all students walk quietly in the hallway, or they bring their textbook to class, and all students bring in completed homework."
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to elicit the behaviors exhibited by a class wide color chart. The chart is made up of five categories all represented by different colors (sports themed). The entire class starts on the green square that says "ready to learn" if the students meet the teacher's expectations as a class on Monday, they move up to the light blue square that says "ready to bat", if they continue to emit the desired behavior as a class they continue to move along the chart (next is pink "team player, purple "team captain", and dark blue "champion"). By the end of the week if the class is at "champion" they get to pick a prize out of the treasure box (positive reinforcement). If they get on "champion" three out of four weeks they get to have a popsicle party. If they do not meet these expectations they have a meeting discussing why they didn't reach the goal of changing their targeted behaviors.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Class expectations
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement
6) Is it positive or negative? Positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Color sports themed charts
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pros would be that you can see exactly where you stand in the chart. While the cons would be not everyone cares about if they can have a party and not want to emit targeted behaviors.
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is set up and run by the administrators and teachers that clips the students too the colors.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? A pro for this delivery system would be that the teachers and administrators, by having control over the placement of the students color standing, assert themselves as the authority in the school. A con however would be that the color clipped are only handed out by teachers so if a positive behavior happens while a teacher or administrator is not around the student does praise for said behavior
11) How are the tokens banked? At the end of the week they get a popsicle party.
12) What are the pro's and con's? A pro would be that the students are able to see what colors they are on. A con is that unless a teacher is always present then maybe a student would just go change the clip and not emit the positive behaviors that are targeted.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? That the students get to choose from the treasure box on Friday each week and don’t just have to wait for the three out of four champion weeks.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? It’s a random drawing out of the treasure box
15) Are they effective reinforcers? To be a successful program, the reinforcers would most definelty have to be effective. They would also have to have enough choices that way to appeal to a different range of students.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Firstly they must be ‘caught in the act’ of emitting behaviors that fall under the previously mentioned behavioral classes. Then as a whole the class gets moved up
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? The teachers could hand out surveys or questionnaires that would ask the students to distinguish whether they like the reinforcers or not and as to what they think should be added.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? I would say that would have to be something that would consistently need to be reminded.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? This is a program where the teachers would need to send notes home to the parents and then talk to them about it at conferences.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? I would hope that it could be a school wide program but it could also be used as an individual class program.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes, some students could hurt the opportunity of a party for others if they don’t feel like they like the system.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Students could move the clip themselves, or not emit targeted behaviors on purpose.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? What keeps the students from changing the clip themselves and how is it explained to substitute teachers.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? What ages are you targeting.
25) Terms:desired behaviors, consequence, antecedent, behavior, emit, reinforcers, pleasurable, target behaviors, positive reinforcement

Topical Blog #15
Cassidy Monaco

1) What is this program?
The Earned Incentive Program for inmates in prison. Based on their behavior in prison, they can earn privileges. This is essentially rewarding them via reinforcers or tokens for good behavior.

2) How did it come about?
To help inmates in developing a more responsible, pro-social lifestyle. This program allows the inmates to make decisions and be held accountable for their conduct during their time spent in prison, and get reinforced for good behavior, which overall modifies their behavior.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Good behaviors while incarcerated.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
To avoid fighting with other inmates, avoid non-compliance with authorities, complete educational programs, fulfill restitution requirements, and participate in restorative justice activities.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement. The more programs the inmate participates in and the more good behaviors emitted, the faster they will move through the phases and gain more privileges.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because it is adding reinforcers or desirable things in order to decrease the good behavior. This is one of the best ways to modify behavior.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens of this program are

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros- the inmate controls their behavior in order to gain rewards/privileges, so once they start working their way through the phases they may be more likely to keep emitting the behavior in order to gain more privileges
Cons- If the phases are gained too quickly, this is ineffective. Also, all staff must be on board with noticing and rewarding behavior or the good behavior will only occur where they know they are being watched

9) What is the delivery system?
This is a Fixed Ratio schedule - once programs are completed and behavior is good you move through the phases

11) How are the tokens banked?
Once classes are completed and behavior is good, the inmate earns privileges for one phase. The tokens are banked as inmates move through the phases and gain more privileges with each phase.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros- Privileges increase as good behaviors increase, so this promotes emitting the target behaviors.
Cons- Some inmates might settle with certain privileges if they think they are good, and may not strive to gain higher privileges.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The privileges with each phase are the backup reinforcers.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Prison staff probably analyzed what things are rewarding to inmates, and chose these things as reinforcers to promote good behavior.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
This depends on each inmate, as some things might feel rewarding to some individuals and not to others. I think the reinrocers are effective because the more the inmates emit the behavior the more they are rewarded.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The inmates gain access to the reinfocers by completing classes and programs and emitting good behavior.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
How many inmates are on each phase and how long it took them to get to each phase, whether or not they feel the reinforcers are reinforcing

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Fairly well. The officers and other prison staff modify the inmates’ behavior by showing them the rewards they can obtain or lose based on their behavior. The officers can explain to the inmates the repercussions of their actions in relation to the benefits of working towards a better phase level. This helps the inmates modify future behavior so they think about their actions and how it will affect the benefits of their phase level, because they are striving to reach higher phases of privileges.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This does not apply to a prison.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Hopefully the administrative staff has taught the officers and other prison staff well so that they are aware of the program and are able to reward inmates when they see good behavior.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is always the possibility that not everyone may buy into the system. For example, if for some reason an inmate did not want the privileges or felt satiated with the privileges he was already receiving.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Consistency might be a problem here if not all staff is rewarding the same specific behaviors every time.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How fast can an inmate move from phase 1 to phase 3? If and inmate is on phase 3 and misbehaves do they move back to phase 2 or do they lose all there privileges and start all over?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I think it would be really interesting to know if inmates that did good on this system are less likely to re offend once they were released from prison. This is the whole point of the system, so it would be very interesting to analyze the statistics of this and see if it is actually an effective system.

TERMS: tokens, behavior class, elicit, emitted, positive, reinforcer, reinforcement, punishment, fixed ratio schedule, satiated

1) What is this program? 

This program is about reward and point with Coca Cola products. You will need to buy a product look for a code and by entering the code in the packaging you will earn points. 

2) How did it come about? 

It came in place because this way they will increase the amount of products sold and therefore increase their profit. 

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

The behavioral class they are trying to elicit is to people consume and buy more coca cola products bringing them a profit.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? 

The target behavior in this program is to make the customers elicit a behavior of buying as much as coca cola products as possible. This will be a way for them to earn points and be able to exchange this points for prizes.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

This system is being reinforced because by earning points, this points can be exchange later on for prizes when reaching certain number of points.

6) Is it positive or negative?

It is positive because is adding something.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?

They are points, used in their websites. Keeping track of them and counting them will let them earn prizes at a certain level reached.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

Pro’s for the company definitely is that they will earn profits. However, what might customers find aversive without noticing is that they will tend to spend more money on this products.

9) What is the delivery system? 

The delivery system is online. The customer buys a products then enter it online and their points will be added to their account. 

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

The only pros I see is that they will enter their points and it will all be virtually therefore is less probably that they will loose them. Cons might be that the customer forgot to add this points and then throw away the package and therefore basically the customer is loosing points. 

11) How are the tokens banked? 

Once you reached a certain number of points for a prize then it can be redeemed. However, the employees of coca cola may be keeping track of your points and prizes redeemed. 

12) What are the pro's and con's?

The Pro’s are are that you can keep track of your points online as i said you don't have anything material, everything is online and is easier to keep track. A con might be forgetting to put the points in or if the system goes down and you loose your points. 

13) What are the back up reinforcers? 

The backup reinforcers are the prizes like, $10 nike gift card after reaching 735 point or $10 target gift card after 670 points but there are a lot more prices.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

According to what might customers feel attracted to as a price therefore for examples, gift card are good examples of kind of getting somehow money back.

15) Are they effective reinforcers? 

They are effective reinforcers because they are getting something in return for their spending so it won’t feel really like a waste of money.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? 

The customers gain access to the reinforcers by entering the codes in the packaging. 

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

The company will keep track of how many points are entered by day and month and see the amount of points given. Therefore if it shows an increase that mean more products have been bought. 

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? 
They are pretty clear about it. They started this program in January but they have extended it till almost all 2015. They have some tv commercials and their web page is very clear about it.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 
The company is using advertising and promoting a great, big variety of prizes that can be redeemed. 

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?

As I mention the company let their employees know about the program therefore if there is any questions they can answer and help. They all are keeping track of how many products have been sold and if there was an increase in profit or not.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Not really, coca cola products have a big variety. They have water, dasani, for people that are trying to be more healthy, they have soda like coke and sprite so there are options for all type of people. However, if they are looking for more cheap products they may tend to not consume this products.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

Sometimes some problems might be that points may not been given fully or the code is wrong. Therefore when the customer is trying to log it in it won’t work and this will make the customer upset and would make him or her not buy the product again. This might be an issue that some people may have experience. 

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

A question might be if they could pair with another company to make the rewards program bigger or if they do this it may cause a loose in profit rather than increasing it. 

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?

How long it will go after 2015, if it will be by seasons, every year or if its going to be a one time thing.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Behavior, antecedent, aversive, emit, elicit, target behavior, behavior class, delivery system, reinforce, positive reinforcer, token economy, consequence.

1) Ulta (a Beauty store) has a rewards program (a token economy) to get customers to buy more products. For every one dollar spent in the store or online, you receive one point. Periodically they run specials where you can earn 2X or 3X the amount of points per dollar spent. These points expire after a year unless you are a platinum member (which requires spending $400 in a calendar year). Once a platinum member you earn points 25% faster than non-platinum members. Once you accumulate enough points you can redeem them for a certain amount off your total. 100 points takes $3 off your total; 250 points takes $8 off; 500 points takes $17.50; 750 points takes off $30; 1000 points takes off $50; 2000 points takes off $250 dollars. This increases spending. It also lessens the likelihood that returns will be made because points will be taken back if something is returned.

2) Ulta wanted to have a loyalty program for customers that ultimately made them buy more in the long run.

3) They are trying to elicit the behavioral class of shopping and loyalty to this particular store. If you buy a product from another store it does not count towards this loyalty program so people feel the need to shop here rather than anywhere else.

4) Spending money on products only at Ulta and spending a lot of money at the store.

5) This system is based on reinforcement.

6) This is positive reinforcement because you are adding something (the points) that increases the likelihood of emitting the target behavior again.

7) The tokens are the points earned.

8) Pros: Can use points on anything in the store; can use online or in-store; everything in the store is eligible for points Cons: They expire if not used; purchase is required to be eligible (so those who don't have money can't reap the benefits); only available to members so you have to become one

9) During check-out a membership card is swiped and the points are applied. If you don't have your card they can look it up by phone number.

10) Pros: applied automatically Cons: If the computer system isn't working points may not be applied properly

11) The points are stored on your card and you can access it online, through their app, and is also printed on the bottom of the receipt.

12) Pros: Easy access; don't have to be in the store to check Cons: they don't ask you in store if you want to use your points

13) Money off on your totals.

14) The backup reinforcer was chosen because money off your total is more universally reinforcing than sample packets or coupons.

15) Speaking as a loyal member, it is very reinforcing. It's nice to get money off your total just for shopping there.

16) When checking out you simply ask to redeem your points and they will take money off the total, this is the delivery system.

17) They could see how many members they have in their program out of all of their customers. They could then see how many platinum members they have.

18) All cashiers are required to ask customers if they have a loyalty card and then if someone doesn't have one they explain it to them.

19) This question is not relevant the loyalty program at Ulta.

20) This question is not relevant to the loyalty program at Ulta.

21) Some people choose not to be a part of the loyalty program because they are afraid it will cost them something or that it may be a credit card.

22) People may hoard points and then they expire. You could also simply just forget that you have points and not use them.

23) How much money do you take off per year? Does it hurt the bottom line? Are prices jacked up on things and that's why you can take money off later?

24) How many points are redeemed each year? Will the program ever change? Was there a similar program before that got changed?

25) Terms: behavior, target behavior, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, delivery system, emit, elicit, token economy, behavioral class, backup reinforcer, token
1) What is this program?
The program introduces a “token” that can be redeemed for a one month subscription to World of Warcraft. The token that is available for purchase with real currency that can be sold or bought with in-game currency.
2) How did it come about?
The development of the WoW token system came about after suggestions of adding a secure, legitimate method of acquiring in-game currency that did not involve a third party.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Third party currency sellers are known for being untrustworthy and detrimental to the in-game economy. What the game developers (Blizzard) are trying to do is change the antecedent of individuals who are unable to attain gold themselves by providing a system that is similar to that of an illegal third party currency seller.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The target behavior that Blizzard is trying to get their customers to emit is to buy these tokens from them and not from the illegitimate/illegal currency sellers.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This token economy is based on reinforcement, by purchasing these tokens from Blizzard you are able to redeem them for a one month subscription or sell them for in-game currency.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because the buyer is gaining a subscription or in-game currency.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
“WoW Tokens”-Purchaseable with real money, redeemable in game.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
• Deters “illegal” transaction
• Promotes legal acquisition of in-game currency
• Easily available
• Less in-game currency for real money than illegal sellers
• The cost of tokens depends on supply and demand (inflation may occur)
9) What is the delivery system?
The tokens are bought from a menu within the game and the player instantly receives the token in their inventory.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
• This system provides those who are in need of a WoW token a fast and easy means to acquire the token.
• This system can be taken advantage of if an account was stolen or compromised
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are stored in a player’s inventory and they can chose to redeem them themselves or place in an “auction house” where others may purchase them.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
• Allows individuals to save or spend tokens they purchase as they see fit
• The auction house adjust the price automatically to market value.
• If the subscription ends with the tokens banked they are unredeemable and would require the account to be activated by another means.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
When individuals buy in-game currency from a 3rd party they are going against the terms of service (ToS) Blizzard has. Breaching ToS is grounds for an account being banned or suspended. A back up reinforcer of this system is the removal of a potential ban/suspension.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It was not stated that this is a reinforcer but in the frequently asked questions it continually stated how bad 3rd party currency sellers are for the in-game economy and why users of those services were banned.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
There was no data presented on how effective the system has been since it has been implemented.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Access to the reinforcers is gained by using the WoW token system and avoiding 3rd party sellers to avoid the negative reinforcement of an account suspension/ban.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Outcome measures for this token economy are observable by knowing the amount of tokens are bought and how many are sold. The data on this has not been published anywhere so I personally do not know if it is effective.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The system is advertised on various game-news related websites, the login screen, and within the menu of the game. Blizzard has been very proactive in teaching users of the system and advertising it.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Information is available on the details of the system that parents can seek out and determine if they want to use this system.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
There have been other games that have offered a system similar to this so it is not a new system. Blizzard is the largest game to offer a means to acquire and sell subscriptions that are available to any player. We will see in the coming years if this model will become standard or fade away.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, this system is completely optional. There are other ways to acquire in game currency as well as other ways to renew a subscription other than this token model.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The tokens are easily available as long as individuals have the money to spend, this might create an oversaturation of the market and drive the in-game selling price much lower. With a low in-game price people could potentially go to a 3rd party currency seller and buy more in-game money for the same price as a WoW token.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What is the long term for this system? Will there be a price lock if supply and demand drop? What will happen if the system fails and users still have tokens left over?
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: token economy, antecedent, reinforcer, elicit, emit, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive, negative behavior, backup reinforcers.

1) What is this program?
The token economy program I have decided to use is the Starbucks rewards program. Basically, every time you buy a drink using the program, you receive a star. After so many stars, you can receive free things such as free drinks and baked goods.

2) How did it come about?
This program came about to reinforce people that are buying a lot from Starbucks. I definitely benefit from this program because I spend too much money there, and earning stars makes me want to come back and earn a free drink or baked good.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are being loyal to starbucks and keep them coming back.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
This does not really pertain to children, but specific target behaviors could be drinking coffee, buying starbucks, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based of reinforcement because it is pleasurable and you are being rewarded for buying the coffee.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because you are adding something pleasurable aka the stars.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are the stars that you receive after you buy something from Starbucks.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros could be that you receive a free drink or food after you receive so many tokens.
Some cons could be that it is addicting and it becomes expensive. You have to buy so many drinks to get one free, and the stars keep me going back because I want to be rewarded with the free drink.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is fixed-ratio, and they receive the stars on their app on their phone. The barista will scan the app to "give" the star.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros of the delivery system are that it is fast and easy to do. The barista just scans the phone.
Cons could be what if your phone dies? You cannot receive the star that day then. Or if you accidentally undownload the app, you could lose all of your stars.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked after you receive a certain amount of stars. Once the barista scans the app once you have enough stars, you will receive your free drink from the barista.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros could be that you don't have to keep track; the app will do it for you.
Cons could be if the phone or app malfunctions.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are the free drinks or food you can get.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back up reinforcers are chosen by the customer. You can choose the size and type of drink/food you get for free.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
yes, they are effective reinforcers because they are pleasurable to you because you obviously go to Starbucks a lot and get to choose what you get.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
You gain access to the reinforcers by buying a certain amount of drinks and earning a certain amount of stars.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Outcome measures they can do are check to see how many people have the app and keep track of how many stars everyone has.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Starbucks advertises this app, but they don't really push it on you or educate you about it. I had to teach myself how to use it.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Parents probably don't really know much about this app unless they are avid Starbucks users.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I feel like the Starbucks workers know a lot about the app. They know how to give out stars and know how to work it properly.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is definitely a possibility that everyone will not buy into this system. It is pointless for people that do not really go to Starbucks often.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The only problem this system really causes is that it makes me want to keep going back to earn stars, so I am spending a lot of money that I really shouldn't be spending.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Is this system saving anyone money?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know how to run it a little better. At times, it can be rather confusing.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
token economy, reinforce, behavioral classes, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, delivery system, fixed-ratio, back up reinforcers


Token economy.

Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.

List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program?
This is a program to reinforce desirable behaviors in difficult patients in psychiatric impatient facilities.

2) How did it come about?
It was started after having multiple patients sent to their facility because their inability to cooperate in other mental health hospitals. They use this reward system to reinforce desirable behaviors and improve daily living skills and healthy routines.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Positive behavior.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Proper grooming, getting out of bad, appropriate behaviors when eating, keeping their living areas clean, and being cooperative.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

6) Is it positive or negative?
Positive. They receive points.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
They receive a certain amount of points for each task and can later reimburse them for prizes.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: The points are easy to receive and one gain a lot just from getting up and going through regular daily human tasks.
Cons: These are mental health patients, so they may not be very cooperative for the system. Some behaviors are not easily fixed by a point system.

9) What is the delivery system?
The staff gives points for each task that's completed and they keep track of their points at the token store, which is open during the patients day to get prizes whenever they please.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: easy access to the store for the patients and they can go when they wish.
Cons: if points are miscalculated or not delivered to the store by nurses and doctors it might upset the patients.

11) How are the tokens banked?
They are kept at the store and are used when the patient is ready and has enough to buy prizes at the store.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros: Everything is kept at one place. The amount of points and the amount needed to purchase the prizes.
Cons: a patient could become distressed if the desired item is out of their reach, they cannot afford it with the points they have.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Some kind of sweet/junk food/candy paired with a necessity item.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are rewards, things they don't get often, and also things they need in their daily lives.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, because at times their points are the only thing that can get them the basic necessities they need. As well as a bonus item of food they like to reinforce them.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Whenever they please to go and when the store is open.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They can see if the desirable behaviors they wished to increase are being emitted, and if the patients are being cooperative with the hospital staff.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It is a part of their system in the facility. So while it is not required, the patients are encouraged to participate.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
If the patient is a minor they are given the information upon inpatient admission about the system being a part of their program.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
It's a part of the staff's job to implement the system in the program.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes because these are mentally ill patients, they may be incapable of changing their behaviors because they don't have total control of the behaviors they emit. While positive reinforcement might give some change, it might not rid the patient of the disorder. The target behavior might not be changed completely because points are never taken away for emitting undesirable behavior.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The reinforcers might not be strong enough and the backup reinforcers might not modify behaviors because they are not given immediately and the condition the patients are in might make them incapable of performing all these tasks.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
What do you do for difficult patients who refuse to change? Or people who are completely incapable of change due to their condition?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
If patients can't afford the necessities are their other ways for them to access them, since they don't have enough points.

25) Reinforce, Desirable Behaviors, Positive Behaviors, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Emit/Elicit, Behavior, Target Behavior, Undesirable Behavior, Reinforcers, Backup Reinforcers, Behavior Modification.

1) What is this program?
This program is the US Cellular reward program which allows points to be built up and reinforces loyalty to US Cellular by allowing you to upgrade your phone faster, get new accessories for your phone, etc. This program is actually being phased out, but as of right now it is still in action.
2) How did it come about?
By US Cellular trying to continue to bring in new customers and reinforce their old customers for staying with them.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Having people emit the behaviors of a phone plan with US Cellular, referring people to US Cellular, and attending workshops.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
In this case it is adults, but they are trying to get people to stay with the program by continuous reinforcement with the monthly payment, referring people, and attending their workshops.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is reinforcement because it will increase the likelihood that someone will emit one of the behaviors in the future.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something positive (the points) in order to increase the wanted behaviors of referring friends, attending workshops, and having a plan with US Cellular.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are reward points that you are given.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros are that you can see your point total online and you are continually reinforced so you can always count on points coming every month (assuming you pay your phone bill)
Cons are that points might be hard to come by and even if people have a lot of them, they might not take the time to check every time they have some.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is just a simple transaction into a “point bank” online with their account.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros again are that it is easy to access all the time assuming you have a computer and you can see progress.
Cons are that some people might not want to take the time to check the “point bank” all the time.
11) How are the tokens banked?
They are literally put into a point bank online.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pros are again that it is easy to access and you can see progress and cons are again that some people might not care or take the time to look at their point total.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are phone accessories, faster phone upgrades, some other tech gear, and even event tickets like concerts.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are chose by the customers. Each item is assigned a point value and customers can redeem their points to get whatever they wish.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They seem to be effective. It can be different from person to person. Some people might not find all of the things in the reward system to acutally be reinforcing to their behaviors, but others might. Again, this system is being phased out so it might not actually be all that effective.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The customers simply log into their online account to redeem their points for anything but the phone upgrades. For the phone upgrades they go into the store and get their upgrade their.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Customer surveys and even just simply viewing how many people are redeeming the points online.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It is advertised pretty well. It has prominently displayed in US Cellular stores for awhile, but obviously it will not be anymore.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I will look at this question as how are the upper level workers relaying the information to the front line workers and I would say they are doing a good job of explain the program to their customers when they come in the store.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I do not think everyone has bought in because the system is being phased out.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
People may just being losing interest or they do not wish to change their phone that often so they do not take the time to check their points. Maybe people are not actually properly informed of the system so they are no longer emitting the behaviors they were before.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Could there be other rewards outside US Cellular and besides the concert tickets that you could provide.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Why is it being phased out? They say online that it is in order to provide better coverage, but I feel like there has to be something else there.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcing, reinforces, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit, behavior

Token economy.
1)This program is called Kelley Kash and it was started by a teacher named Donna Kelley. It is implemented into the classroom in order to manipulate the behavior of the students.
2) Kelley Kash was created because of Donna Kelley’s love for auctions. She got the idea from going to auctions and thought that the kids in her classroom would have a lot of fun participating in this system. She found that it was one of the most successful methods to use within her classroom.
3) The behavioral classes that she was trying to elicit was good behavior in the classroom, both academically and behaviorally. She wanted to teach the children the importance of being a good student, such as handing in assignments on time, as well as teaching them respect for others and the teachers.
4)A few examples of the behaviors that she wanted the children to emit are finishing assignments on time, acts of kindness, and helpful actions around the classroom.
5) This system includes both reinforcement and punishment. Kelley reinforcers the children for emitting good behaviors but punishes the children for negative, inappropriate behaviors. She reinforces the good behavior in order to increase the likelihood that this behavior will occur again. The bad behaviors are punished in order to decrease the frequency of them happening again.
6)In the Kelley Kash program there is both positive reinforcement and negative punishment. When a child emits good behavior the receive a token (which is equivalent to a dollar in Kelley Kash) and when the child emits inappropriate behavior a token is taken and put into the teachers ‘account’.
7) The tokens that are used in this program are poker chips that represent Kelley Kash. At the beginning of each week every child starts with 10 chips and based on behaviors that are emitted over the course of the week. There were tickets used as bonuses for behavior across the week.
8)A pro for this way of administering tokens is that the children receive tokens at the beginning of the week so that they will most likely end the week with some. It would not be fun for children if they had to earn all of the tokens because it would be hard for some people to earn as many as others. A con for this way of giving tokens is that it may be too complicated to include both reinforcement and punishment. I think that it might help if the teacher would start with focusing on reinforcing the good behavior.
9) The delivery system is that when a behavior is witnessed by the teacher the child is either reinforced and given another token or ticket, or the child is punished by removing chip from the child’s bank.
10) The only con that I can think of is that there may be lots of examples of behavior that is missed because there is usually one teacher for lots of students so there is a possibility that the behaviors go unnoticed.
11) Each set of ten tokens has a child’s number on it in order to compensate for theft and the losing of chips. Over the course of the week the children are responsible for keeping track of their chips and on Friday’s they are to record their earnings in their student notebooks. The teacher keeps record of the student’s earnings as well because then she can compare it to the student data.
12)I think that this is a good system because it helps create responsibility of the students. With the auction being at the end of the time for collecting the tokens it helps the children save their tokens to earn bigger prizes.
13)The back up reinforcers are prizes that can be ‘purchased’ at the auction at the end of the time period. This include cheap, cool things that students really want.
14 & 15) The teacher chooses them based on how much the students like them. She displays them every so often in order to motivate students to emit good behaviors. She has prizes that vary in the amount of money as the starting bid. She finds that showing the students some of the more cool prizes leads them to continue their good behavior. So, in conclusion the prizes are effective reinforcers.
16) At the end of the period, which is usually four weeks according to Kelley, the students have an opportunity to bid on the prizes that they really want with the Kelley Kash that they have collected. She teaches them to bid only on the items that you really want in order to use the Kelley Kash wisely.
17 -20 ) I do not think that this is a school wide program so the administrators may not know of the system, though they may see good behavior out of the students that are in Kelley’s class. This is how they may know the system is effective. The administrators may not have interaction with the parents about the Kelley Kash, though the teachers probably does. Kelley can use this system to show how the progress of the behavior of the child is in the classroom setting. She can also help the teachers implement this type of system at home if the children are excited about it. If the other teachers see that this system is successful for Kelley they may start to use it or a variation of it in their classrooms. This could lead to a school-wide program where the administrators would teach the other teachers how to run this system within their classrooms.
21) There is a possibility that the students, teacher, or parents do not buy into this system. I think that the teachers are invested, though, because they get the opportunity to increase the likelihood of good behavior in the classroom. The students may not have a complete buy in if they are a child who is not in the classroom for the whole day. For example, special education students or part-time students may not be able to compete with the rest of the students because they are not as present as others.
22) The main problem that may present itself would be the students do not care about gaining the tokens in order to get a prize. This could happen if the prizes are not enough to motivate the students to behave in appropriate ways.
23) One question that I have for the teacher that implemented this system into her classroom is if there were any problems that arose while doing this program? What did she do when these problems arose? What things did she change?
24) I don’t have any further questions because I thought that the website was very thorough.
25) Terms: manipulate, behavioral classes, elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, frequency, motivate,

1) What is this program?
MyPanera card at Panera Bread
2) How did it come about?
Panera wanted to reward people for buying their products and persuade them to keep coming back
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit the behavior of coming back to the restaurant and buying more products for incentives
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
There aren't any children in this example specifically, but the target behavior they'd like the people to emit is coming back to Panera
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement because they are giving the public something desirable for coming to their store
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
They are imaginary points that get added to your card after you purchase something from Panera
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro's- You get a reward after they get an idea of what your favorite items are
Con's- You may get this card and then decide you do not like the options at Panera
9) What is the delivery system?
It is on a card, and you present the card every time you purchase something at the store
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro's- its convenient to carry around the card with the other gift cards and credit cards the person has
Con's- Someone could lose the card if they are not responsible
11) How are the tokens banked?
They are stored in a computer system
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro's- The information is easily logged and accessible; the workers do not have to manually log it
Con's- The computer could log things wrong or have a glitch and delete it
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is the free food/drink reward you get after the certain amount of swipes (points) at the register
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are chosen based on the person's favorite items
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, this would be the ultimate reason that people would come back and buy more things, to work toward this reward and to get the free things
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They gain access by coming to the restaurant and spending money to gain points and further their progress toward receiving the big reward
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The bosses may know this is effective based on the revenue they are making overall. If the revenue is higher when the MyPanera card is in effect, they know its working.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
No students are applicable in this situation, but the company as a whole gets this information out through advertisements.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This would be the same answer as above, because there are no parents specifically in this situation, there are all types of people.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
This, again, is the same answer as number 18, because there are more people than just teachers in the situation
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, there is always this chance. Some people may think they're being scammed if they haven't gotten their reward in a while, or they don't trust the computer system, etc.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Especially when using computers, error is always a problem. Accidental erasing of data or corrupting the data is probably common and frustrating for those using the system.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I do not have any questions about the system
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I do not want to know anything else about the system, I am pretty well informed.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
TERMS: elicit, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, desirable, reinforcer

List the url.

Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this program?
The program is through the restaurant Chuck E. Cheese and it involves behavior calenders you can download and earning stickers gets a child 10 free tokens to use at the restaurant when they get so many stickers.

2) How did it come about?
It does not say how it came about, but I'm sure the main reason it came about was so the chain could make money while improving a parent's children's behavior.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
There are many calenders to mark, each having specific behavior change intentions. A few are "Great Behavior" "Daily Chores", "No Nose Picking" and "Potty Perfect. There are many other behaviors the chain wants children to elicit as well.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Specific target behaviors the chain might want the children to emit would be pooping and peeing in the toilet all the time, brushing their teeth twice a day, or never pick their nose.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement, not punishment.

6) Is it positive or negative?

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used are literally tokens a child can use when they play games at the restaurant.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro's would be that children love chuck e cheese's and there are many reinforcers because children can choose the specific reinforcer, or prize, they want. Con's would be that it would get expensive to go every time a child gets 10 stickers.

9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is the family coming to the restaurant and obtaining the tokens directly from the chain.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro's: the child gets reinforced immediately when they go in. Con's: the child may not get the reinforcement as soon as they get ten stickers because the family may not always have time to go to the restaurant.

11) How are the tokens banked?
Tokens aren't banked in this situation.

12) What are the pro's and con's?

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Back up reinforcers could be several things, from reinforcements from the parents, to individual prizes the child gets to pick after he or she turns the tickets in before leaving the restaurant.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Essentially, the child takes whatever they can "afford" to exchange for the tickets earned while playing games at the restaurant.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, the reinforcers are effective.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They play games at the restaurant and exchange the tokens they earn from playing for prizes (reinforcer).

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
It has to be, because the child can not get a very good prize for only 10 tokens, so they must actually spend money to earn more tokens. On top of this, they usually end up spending much more money than the prize the child chooses is actually worth.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It doesn't say, but its advertising making the calendars appealing to children in a fun decoration.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The chain plays on the parents' desires for their children to behave better, this making it appealing to them.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
This is not applicable in this situation.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There is, because not everybody will likely know that this is a thing, and not all families can afford to eat at the restaurant or spend extra money on games.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The chain may lose money if the child chooses a prize worth less than what they paid for the tokens in the first place.
There is no way for the company to know if the behaviors were actually changed or if the family just made it up.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How much can 10 tokens actually get? Is this really worth a child changing the behaviors that they're supposed to?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
How much do games cost? how many tokens is the least expensive prize?

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcement, punishment, elicit, emit, behavior, reinforcer, target behavior.

Token economy.
Please find a good detailed example of a token economy on the internet.
This is not a token economy that I found on the one on the internet, but it is one that I experienced while living in the residence halls.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) This program was called “Bender Bucks”
2) How did it come about? The program came about because the Bender Hall Senators were looking for a way to increase program attendance. Residents didn’t seem interested in coming to the events that we planned, so we implemented a token economy. We wanted to build a positive contingency between coming to fun events and getting a bender buck, rather than a negative contingency where they would come to a boring event and get nothing in return.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? We tried to elicit the behavioral class of “attendance”
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? The specific target behavior that we wanted residents to emit was attending programs and participating in residence hall activities.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based entirely off of reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? Positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens used in this program were called “bender bucks” and they were pieces of paper that looked like dollar bills.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? They were easy to forge but they were cheap to make.
9) What is the delivery system? Residents would be personally handed a bender buck if they attended a program.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? This delivery system was easy and effective, but there wasn’t any way to keep track of who had how many tokens.
11) How are the tokens banked? Tokens were not banked.
12) What are the pro's and con's? NA
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back up reinforceres were things like: tshirts, water bottles, giftcards to scheels, coldstone, Walmart, etc.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? We took a survey from residents and asked what prizes they would like, and which objects held the most positive or negative valence (within a price range)
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Some of these reinforcers were effective, but if a person doesn’t particularly enjoy social events then the reinforcers weren’t reinforcing enough.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Students gained access by acquiring bender bucks and using them at an auction/raffle at the end of each semester.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? We had to make sure that residents were attending the event and participating in the activity before we gave them a bender buck, so that residents wouldn’t just show up, grab the token, and then leave.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? We elicited RA’s to emit the behavior of teaching each of the residents about our token economy. It was a fairly simple system and it was evident that everyone knew about it at the time.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Parent’s weren’t actively involved in the system and since we were not dealing with minors, they were not informed unless the resident told them about it.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? We have what is called the “Residence Hall Association” where representatives from residence halls gather to share ideas & suggestions for each other based on experiences,
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes this is possible, because some people may think it was unfair because some people have more free time to attend programs than others, which gives them an extreme advantage. Other people just weren’t interested or didn’t seem to care at all.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? One problem known to exist with token economies is forging, which is not something that we experienced but could have easily happened. We also experienced token hoarding, where one person was able to come to every event and won almost every prize.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? We got a lot of questions about what prizes would be, and how people could get more bender bucks if they weren’t able to come to programs because of schedule conflicts. I wish that I would have known more about extinction and extinction burst at the time that this was implemented, because since when bender stopped using bender bucks the program attendance decreased.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? There is nothing I don’t know about this system because I helped create it!
25) Target behavior, token economy, positive valence, negative valence, elicit, emit, positive contingency, negative contingency, extinction, extinction burst.

1) What is this program?
This program involves the Oregon Prison System. They're turning to computer games to help rehabilitate felons. This program involves several different steps. The first step is that after 6 months of clean conduct, the prisoners have a chance to buy a 7-inch LCD screen. Also, after 6 months they are granted the right to buy a CD player and discs. Then after 18 months they are offered more incentives like more visiting hours and they get the chance to buy ice cream. After 18 months they also earn the chance to buy the game gadget which costs $35.
2) How did it come about?
This non-cash incentive system was introduced following legal changes that introduced minimum sentences for some violent crimes.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit is for the prisoners to stay out of trouble and it also prepares them for life outside the prison.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
In this case, it involves adults, but target behaviors would be for the prisoners to stay out of trouble for a long period of time.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This program is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This program is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are used to buy 7-inch LCD screens, buy CD players and discs, more visiting hours, chance to buy ice cream, and chance to buy the game gadget.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
One pro is that the prisoners stay out of trouble. Another pro is that trouble in the Oregon State Prisons has decreased after the introduction of the game gadgets. One con that I can think of is that the LCD scree or CD players or game gadgets could be used to hurt other inmates.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is when the prisoner stays out of trouble for 6 months they are rewarded and so on at 18 months.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
I'd say a pro to this system is that they stay out of trouble for long periods of time. A con to this is what if they stay out of trouble for 18 months then what type of reinforcer do they get after that. Is it the same type of reinforcers or does it change?
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked by the prisoners. The prisoners buy the items from their wages while working in the jail.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
A pro would be learning how to control their money. A con could be they use their money for something else that may not be so good.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back-up reinforcers would be the CD players and discs along with visiting hours and the chance to buy ice cream.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They don't really say how the backup reinforcers were chosen. I just imagine they chose some reinforcers that the prisoners might want instead of the LCD screen or the game gadget.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I'd say they are effective reinforcers. The statistics show that trouble in Oregon state prisons has declined following the introduction of the gadgets.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The article mentions a company that made the game gadgets. The company is called DreamGear.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Well over the past three years the incidence of misconduct reports, assaults on warders and fights between inmates has declined even though the number of prisoners have increased.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
It seems the administrators are teaching the prisoners about the system pretty well.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Well in this case, it involves adults in prison.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Again I'm not sure if there is another teacher in the system and this program involves adults in prison. The article doesn't mention anything about another teacher.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, I believe that there is an excellent possibility that not everyone has completely bought into the system.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
One major problem I see is that the prisoners don't care about gaining the tokens in order to a get prize.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
One question I would ask if there is was any problems that arose from doing this program.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Other additional information would be how somebody came up this program and how long do they think the program is going to last. Also, are they only allowing a certain population of prisoners to participate in this.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: emit, elicit, behavioral classes, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive, tokens, delivery system, reinforcers.


1) What is this program? 

The program that I chose to do is the Hy-Vee fuel saver card.
2) How did it come about?
The website does not describe why this program came about, however, I am guessing that it came about as a way to get more people to shop at Hy-Vee.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior class that they are trying to elicit here is to have people buy food at Hy-Vee, as well as their fuel.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children (consumers) to emit?
Some specific target behaviors that they might want the consumers to emit is purchasing their groceries from Hy-Vee, that rewards them buy receiving cents off their fuel purchases.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The Hy-Vee fuel system is based on reinforcement, since they want to increase the consumers to purchase their groceries from this store.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The Hy-Vee fuel saver is a form of positive reinforcement, since they are giving their customers a reward for purchasing their merchandise.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The “tokens” are in a form of cents on fuel saver card. This fuel saver card allows the customers to receive cents off per gallon depending on how many fuel saver items they buy as well as how many cents those items are worth.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
There are multiple pro’s to the Hy-Vee fuel saver card. Some of these pro’s would include that multiple uses can use the same fuel saver card, the money that you save up allows the consumer up to a month to use the money up. A con of this fuel saver card is that only one car is able to use it when purchasing fuel. I personally use the fuel saver card, and I know sometimes it doesn’t add up the total correctly on the card; which this would also be a con of the program.
9) What is the delivery system? 

The delivery system for the Hy-Vee fuel saver card is that you are able to get cents off for every fuel saver food item that you buy.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pro’s of this delivery system is that the customer has a month to use the money that they have accumulated at the store. One con of this type of delivery system is that you cannot use it at all the gas stations out there. The Hy-Vee fuel saver only works at Hy-Vee, Casey’s, Shell’s and PDQ gas stations.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The “tokens”/cents are kept on a card that is swiped at the register.
12) What are the pro's and con's? 

Some pro’s of how the tokens/cents are banked is that if you don’t have the fuel saver card with you at the register they are able to put it on the card by asking for the phone number that the card is registered under. A con of the way the tokens/cents are banked is that if you lose your card you will have to get a new one before you can use what has been accumulated at the gas pump.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? 

The back up reinforcers are having 1,200 gas stations that also implement the Hy-Vee fuel saver card.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
I am assuming that the other gas stations that use this program (Shell, Casey’s, and PDQ) have some kind of contract/agreement with Hy-Vee.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I think that the backup reinforcers are effective. It gives Hy-Vee shoppers a chance to get gas at a different location, not all towns have Hy-Vee gas stations so it allows them to use up their savings before the time period is up.

16) How do the students (consumers) gain access to the reinforcers?
The consumers gain access to the Hy-Vee fuel saver card by registering for the program at the check-out counter of Hy-Vee. There is no registration fee for this program so that is also a bonus.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators (management) know the system is effective?
I’m assuming that the Hy-Vee management has logs of people who use their fuel saver card and also logs of how many people who saved up for this program.
18) How effectively are the administrators (management) teaching the students (employees) about the system?
I think that the management is effectively teaching the employees about the program, because they seem to know the answer if a question is asked about it.
19) How effectively are the administrators (employees) teaching the parents (consumers) about the system?
I think that the employees are doing a good job of informing the consumers about what the Hy-Vee fuel saver card is. At the cash register they always ask the consumer if they have a fuel saver card, if the consumer says no then the employees ask if they would like to start one and go into further detail about what the program is all about.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? 

Not applicable
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, some people who may not have buy in with the Hy-Vee fuel savers are people who don’t usually shop at that grocery store. Other individuals who might not buy into their program are those who don’t like the fuel saver food items, or think that they cost too much for just a couple of cents off per gallon of fuel.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
That the fuel saver items, that are chosen, are unpopular to the consumers. Another issue could be if you don’t get your fuel saver spent in the 30 day time limit.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Some questions that I would have for management would be if they plan on expanding the program? How do they choose what items are fuel savers?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Does a fuel saver card ever terminate?

25) Terms- tokens, behavior classes, target behavior, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, delivery system, reinforcers

1) What is this program?
This program was designed to help reward autistic students emit good behavior.
2) How did it come about?
It came about because the students were emitting aversive behaviors. The teachers wanted to change this so the began to reward students for good behavior.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior class they are looking for is good behavior.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Specific target behaviors the teachers would want their students to emit would be; listening, not talking out of turn, following directions
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement because they want to increase the behavior
6) Is it positive or negative?
This system is positive because the students are getting something
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens are either poker chips, cards or stickers of smiley faces.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Poker chips can be bought outside of class, same as cards and smiley face stickers. With any token, students may try to replicate them as a way to cheat the system
9) What is the delivery system?
First the students must complete the school work in order to receive the tokens, then the tokens are traded for special prizes and abilities.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some students may try to steal the tokens, it might become time consuming to hand out prizes and bank the tokens
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens would be banked on a sheet of paper to keep track of
12) What are the pro's and con's?
Some students may try to steal that sheet of paper, if a hole puncher were to be used students may try to punch their own card
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
the reinforcers are activities or item privileges. A student may be allowed to take a study break for 90 seconds and play with their choice of toy
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The students chose the reinforcers by vote
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
Yes, they help promote good behavior and increase the amount of studying done to earn these tokens
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Students gain access to the reinforcers by completing class assignments and good behavior
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The amount of assignments done and amount of good behaviors emitted
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Very well, it is working
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
The article does not say, i would assume pretty well because parents would be involved with the students education
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Pretty well if the results are positive
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, since this is a system for autistic students some may not like it, understand it or want to participate. There will always be doubts whenever this system is applied
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The complete understanding of how the system works, competency. It might turn out to be far to much work to introduce this system, teach the students then keep it up and running
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How long would it take to teach all of the students this system?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
Is there a limit, can tokens be exchanged among students, can students combine their tokens?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post

Behavior, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, reward, reinforcer..
1) What is this program? 

This is a token economy that an elementary school teacher set up. She calls it a management system and doesn’t really mention shaping behaviors when she describes it, but it is clearly a token economy aimed at eliciting good behavior.
2) How did it come about?
She calls it the “Class Economy,” and has used it multiple years. It clearly works, so the kids are most likely actively engaged in the system.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

The teacher wants students to make ‘good choices.’ This includes things like sitting quietly, helping a friend, or showing respect. These are the behavior classes that all elementary schools try to teach. But this token economy takes it a step further. She wants to reduce ‘sad choices.’ This means that students can be punished for making bad decisions, like not following directions, turning in homework late, or talking disruptively.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
She lists the exact ways to earn pennies (the token), or lose pennies. The behaviors fall into two categories: homework and respect. She wants her students to do things like be detailed in their answers (earning pennies) and turn in the assignment on time (losing pennies if it is late). The other class is respect. These are the classic behaviors that all teachers want children to emit (or in some cases, not emit). These behaviors are things like helping people or working quietly. The behaviors dealing with respect that she wants to reduce are things like talking loudly and not following directions.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system uses both reinforcement and punishment. Students can be reinforced with pennies for behavior in a good manner, but students can also be punished by losing pennies if the behave poorly.

6) Is it positive or negative? 

The system uses positive reinforcement by adding desirable pennies, and it also uses negative punishment by removing desirable pennies.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 

The tokens used are pennies. These can be exchanged for nickels, dimes, or and quarters when the student collects enough.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros are that pennies are durable and easy to keep track of (she provides a baggie to each student to keep their pennies in). The cons are that it would be very easy to bring in outside pennies which you did not earn.
9) What is the delivery system? 

The teacher is the only person to handout or take away pennies.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The teacher might not catch every good or bad behavior. If a student does a good behavior without the teacher noticing, then they are not reinforced when they should have been. More importantly, since this system also involves punishment, students can learn to only do bad behavior when the teacher isn’t looking. Since pennies are only taken away when they are caught, they will learn to only make bad decisions when the teacher won’t catch them.

11) How are the tokens banked? 

Each student is given a baggie to keep his or her coins in. There is a bucket that has all the pennies in it that the teacher controls.
12) What are the pro's and con's? 

This is a pretty good system. The only con is that the teacher does not keep track of each students total pennies, that responsibility is on the students. This means that unless it is obvious, the teacher may not catch students who bring in outside pennies.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers can be bought with the pennies. These are things that the children desire, like taking their shoes off in class, wearing a hat, or helping the teacher for the day. All these reinforcers are incentives to students to earn as many pennies as possible.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

I assume the teacher chose the backup reinforcers. It seems like she has been teaching a while, and she has implanted a similar system in the past, so she has a good idea of what will motivate the students.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
The reinforcers were effective. She claims that her students love the “Class Economy.” Students would only love this if they were receiving something they want when they are getting reinforced.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students can save up pennies to purchase things from the class store on Fridays. This means that they must behave well all week to receive any incentives, because they can be punished by taking away their pennies.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
There are no specific outcome measures from what I can tell. The more I dissect this, the more I think the teacher does this more as a fun activity than shaping system. It does shape the kids, she claims they get very excited to exchange pennies for rewards on Fridays, but there was no baseline and there are no measures of behavior.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
Very effectively. It appears that the kids have gotten on board with the system, and they take it seriously. This is contained within the classroom (it isn’t school or district wide), so it is easier to get the students involved and eager to participate.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? 

I’m not sure if the parents even know about the system. The students leave their pennies in their baggie at school, so the tokens are not being taken home and shown to parents. The only way the parents would know about this system would be if their kid told them about it.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Well the administrator and the teacher are the same person… so I hope very well. One person designed, implemented, and runs the token economy.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? 

There is that possibility, but in a small class it is unlikely. The teacher seems to really believe in the benefits of this token economy, so she probably makes it fun and enjoyable for all the students.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

The first and most obvious problem to me was that there might be counterfeiting. Basically students would bring in pennies they didn’t earn. Since this is a small token economy, with only the students in one classroom participating, the teacher may be able to monitor this.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
Do the incentives every change? The incentives that are listed may get old and not have a high appeal after a while. This can easily be fixed by offering new incentives, maybe every two months. Students could also make suggestions as to what incentives they would like. This would make the backup reinforcers very appealing.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know if there is an expiration date on the pennies. Do student have to spend all the pennies they have every Friday, or can the spend months collecting pennies? This is important because a student might hoard pennies, then coast through the rest of the year. Also, what happens if a student make a poor choice but doesn’t have any pennies? Do they have to pay back once they earn a penny?
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, shaping, elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, incentives, motivate, baseline.

Topical Blog Week 15: Token Economy

1) What is this program?
The token economy that was implemented in this case was in a hospital for chronically psychotic females. They noticed that the females who were institutionalized showed symptoms of “institutionalization” – which means that they were too dependent on others and had no sort of structure to their lives. In order to stop this “institutionalization”, they set up a token economy where they patients would be given tokens when they showed high levels of self-care and completed work assignments. These tokens could then be used to get things that the patients found rewarding or reinforcing.
2) How did it come about?
This system came about because the patients were showing high levels of “institutionalization” – which meant that they were too dependent on their care takers. They were not taking appropriate care of themselves.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit with this token economy are more self-care and more completed work assignments.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The specific target behaviors for self-care are basic personal hygiene: brushing their teeth, bathing, proper grooming, making their beds, etc. And the target behaviors for work assignments are things like helping in the kitchen, serving food in the dining room, helping with laundry, and other janitorial tasks.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on punishment and reinforcement. When they are rewarded, then the “institutionalization” is less likely to occur. They do not want the patients to act dependent and they want them to start caring for themselves. So when they are given tokens for good behaviors, the institutionalization symptoms will stop. But they will also be performing more desirable behaviors. Their aversive behaviors are less likely to occur, but their pleasurable/desirable behaviors are more likely to occur.
6) Is it positive or negative?
Since I believe this system could be either punishment or reinforcement, I believe that it is both positive punishment and positive reinforcement. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The patients get something that they want once they emit the target behaviors and get tokens.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
It doesn’t specify what the tokens are, but I am assuming they are something safe for the patients to have since they are psychiatric patients. Safe tokens for them to have would be paper tickets or maybe little beans of some sort. The hospital wouldn’t want to use any sort of token they could swallow or use to harm themselves or others.
8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
One pro is that these tokens are safe to use. The patients will not be able to hurt themselves or others if they are using paper tickets. One of the cons is that these tokens can easily get lost. The patients might not have a good way to keep track of their tokens.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system for this token economy is that whenever a patient emits a target behavior, they will receive a ticket. When the patients get so many tickets, they are able to exchange the tickets for backup reinforcers.
10) What are some pros and cons associated with the delivery system?
One pro with this delivery system is that it uses continuous reinforcement. With a continuous reinforcement schedule, the patient is reinforced every single time they emit a target behavior. One con to this delivery system is that
11) How are the tokens banked?
As far as I know, the tokens are banked by the patients. It does not specify in this article, but I think the patients are in charge of keeping track of how many tickets they have.
12) What are the pros and cons?
The pro to this is that it will teach the patients even more self-care and responsibility. If the patients are in charge of their own tokens, then they will have to show some level of responsibility. One con to this is that the tokens may get lost and then the patients may become agitated. Letting patients, who are already not good at self-care, be in charge of their belongings is probably not a good idea.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are personal cabinets/storage places, curtains to divide rooms/privacy, ground privileges, supervised walks, and the ability to attend religious services.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen using the Premack Principle. They looked at what behaviors had a high probability of occurring and assumed that those behaviors were things that the patients enjoyed.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
These are effective reinforcers because they are things that the patients enjoy and they are things that the patients want/want to do.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
Once the patients have a certain number of tokens, they are able to get certain privileges around the hospital.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
If the patients are actively engaging in more self-care and more job/work activities, then the administrators can tell that this token economy is effective.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I’m assuming that the administrators are teaching the patients and making them aware that this system is in place, but the article doesn’t say.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
This is not applicable to the token economy in this article.
20) How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I am assuming that the people in the hospital are aware of the system being implemented, but the article does not specify.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I think that some of the patients may not buy in with this system. They may like being dependent and not having to do chores or take care of themselves, so they won’t see a need to start now.
22) What are some problems now to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
This is a population where the patients may not care to do these tasks. This is a population where the mental health of the patients is not the best, so they may not participate. They may prefer being cared more and they may like being dependent on others, so they don’t care to get rewards or reinforcers.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would wonder what happens to the patients who do not participate at all. This system will only work for the patients that are participating, and in a mental hospital you can’t expect everyone to be making good decisions when it comes to their behavior.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would also like to know what kind of tokens they use and what type of banking system they have. The article is not specific about either of those things.


TERMS: Token Economy, Reward, Reinforce, Target Behavior, Elicit, Punishment, Aversive, Positive Punishment, Positive Reinforcement, Pleasurable, Consequence, Emit, Backup Reinforcers, Continuous Reinforcement, Premack Principle

1) What is this program?
The article that I read was a sort of blog written for anyone who wanted to implement a token economy with their children whether it be a teacher in a classroom or a parent at home.
2) How did it come about?
This came about because the woman who wrote the article wanted to find a new, positive way to address a child's behavior without yelling at them.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes in which they are trying to elicit was left open to the person to individually decide what they wanted for their children. But, some examples included being polite and being nice to pets.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
Some specific target behaviors that they might want the children to emit could include getting themselves dressed in the mornings or setting the table for dinner.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The system is positive reinforcement.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The article gave many examples of the types of tokens that could be used. Some examples included stickers, beads, or smiley faces.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro of the token economy is that the children will likely learn to emit the desired behaviors. A con of using the tokens is that the children may only emit the behaviors when they believe they are being watched solely for the purpose of receiving the tokens.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system in place is that who ever is giving out the tokens should reinforce the child with a token immediately after witnessing them emit the target behavior.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro of the delivery system is that the child knows exactly why they are receiving the token and because the time between the behavior and the reinforcement is so short a greater association is made. A con of the system is that, if the child emits the behavior in public, they may be embarrassed by the praise they receive and not want to emit the behavior in public again.
11) How are the tokens banked?
It is suggested that the tokens be banked on something that the child can visibly see like on a graph.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
A pro of this is that the child can see their progress and know what they have to work towards. A con of this system is that if there are multiple children they may compare themselves to the others and feel badly if they don't have as much.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers that the author suggested are fun activities for the children to do rather than just toys.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back up reinforcers are chosen by the children or by the adult who chooses something that they know the children will enjoy doing.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
These reinforcers are very effective because they let the children do fun things that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access to the reinforcers by accumulating enough tokens to redeem them for the fun activity.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
If the students are actively working on their behavior and emitting the target behaviors, the administrators know that the system is effective.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
The administrators are doing a very good job at teaching the children about the system.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
Some of the administrators in the program that I found are in fact parents.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
This question does not really apply to the article I read about token economies.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There are always going to be people that are outliers within a system.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
A problem with token economies that might apply to the article I read is the fact that the tokens may longer be reinforcing to the children.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would just like to know what steps an administrator would take to make the token economy work for a child who doesn't initially find the token system reinforcing enough for them to emit the target behaviors.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
There isn't any additional information that I would want to know about this system. From reading the information from Monday and the article I found today I think I have a good understanding.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Token economy, behavior, behavioral classes, elicit, target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforce, reinforcers, outliers

1) What is this program?
Starbucks rewards system

2) How did it come about?
Starbucks has been around for a long time now and I have been a member of the program for a couple years now so I'm assuming it has been around for quite some time.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes would be emit purchasing drinks from starbucks and food from special offers for members.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
The target behavior would be eliciting spending any amount of money at starbucks.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is purely reinforcements.

6) Is it positive or negative?
The reinforcements would be positive because they give you "coupons" for a free drink once you get so many drinks or for you birthday you get a free reward for being a member.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens they use are electronic and are gold stars. You have to have purchased 30 drinks within a year to be a gold member then once you're a gold member you get a free drink every 12 "stars" or drink purchases.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro's would be the reinforcements and the business starbucks gets from this program. A con would be you can't participate in the system if you don't have money or you probably wouldn't want to if you didn't like coffee.

9) What is the delivery system?
They delivery system would be the gift card that you have registered to keep track of you "stars." I personally have the app on my phone and everything is used throughout the app so the delivery system would then be the app on my phone.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pro's would be that it's convent on you phone, it's easy to reload money and to scan. cons are if your phone is dead you can't use it or if you've lost or misplaced your card you couldn't use that.

11) How are the tokens banked?
They are stored in a computer system or if you have it on your phone it shows the stars sitting in a starbucks cup.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
The pros would be that it's easy to check but a con could possibly be a computer error which I have never experienced.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Back up reinforcers would be that they give exclusive offers to gold members or they allow gold members to try new items before they release it to the rest of the public.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They are chosen based on sales and they are sometimes used once or twice a year.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I would say that the reinforcers are effective because it keeps people going back and it's nice to go and get a free drink or food item.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
They gain the access by going to starbucks and spending money on beverages.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
When special offers are available to gold members such as getting a new drink before anyone else they are more likely to go and try it. The company more than likely sees the revenue coming in from gold members and would be able to see that they are more likely to spend money than none members.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I don't think the stores themselves are very good at advertising the starbucks gold card but on their website it is all over.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
I think the website is very informational and has an FAQ link that has helped me when I had a question.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I don't think the administrators teach the stores very well, or at least from what I've seen, about the card very well. Sometimes the stores don't know the deals that are going on just for gold members until someone tries to use it.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I'm sure some people won't by in the system simply because they either don't like coffee or some people are against big corporate companies or they seek their to get their fix on caffeine at other locations.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Sometimes it takes a long time to get reinforcement. If the reinforcement doesn't come soon enough, people will give up. In order to be a gold member you need to get 30 stars. That can take a long time for someone who doesn't live near a starbucks.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I don't have questions about the system.

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I know just about everything about the system and do not at this time wish to know more.

25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, behavior classes, positive reinforcement, reinforcer, elicit, emit
1)What is this program?

a.The example of a token economy program I selected is Hulu Plus Referrals. Through the referral program, current customers and new “friend” customer receive 2 weeks free services, once they sign up for Hulu Plus. Customers can earn up to a year free of Hulu Plus in a rolling 12-month period.

2)How did it come about?

a.I think this program came about as a strategy to attract more customers. The normal free trial of Hulu Plus is 1 week, but if a new customer enters the referral number of a current customer then both receive 2 free weeks.

3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

a. Hulu is trying to elicit an increase of registration from new customers. Hulu wants to elicit more promotion and communication of the company through current customers.

4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?

a.One specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is sending account referral number to friends and families without an account. Another specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the registration for a Plus account. And an additional target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the verbal promotion of the company to potential customers.

5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

a.This system is based on reinforcement because it reinforces desirable behaviors with 2 free weeks of Plus services.

6)Is it positive or negative?

a.This is positive reinforcement because Hulu responses to the desired target behavior by adding 2 free weeks to the customer’s account.

7)What are the tokens used in this program?

a.If the current customer actively seeks out new customers to register for Hulu Plus, they could receive an entire year of free service based on rewards.

8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

a.A pro that might be associated with using these tokens are that people are attracted to free services. A con that might be associated with using these tokens is the low probability for friends to response to request and use your account referral number. If a mass broadcast is sent out via email or facebook, many people will ignore such requests for free of spam/viruses. These tokens are only offered for the enrollment of new Hulu Plus subscribers only; if the referred party has already taken part in a Hulu Plus trial, he or she will not be eligible to receive the 2-week free offer. The 2-week free offer also cannot be combined with other promotions, including any other free trial offers.

9)What is the delivery system?

a.Referral credits will be automatically applied in your next billing cycle when your referrals (as new subscribers) successfully complete the registration process using your referral link and pay for their first month of service.

10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

a.A pro associated with this delivery system is the automatic application of reward. The computer system holds the bank and can appropriately keep track of credits. A con associated with this delivery system is that the current customer has to wait for the new customer to register AND pay for a month of service. Refer more than 26 friends in one rolling 12-month period and these additional referrals will still be eligible for their 2 free weeks, though you will not receive additional credit.

11)How are the tokens banked?

a.The tokens are banked by the Hulu computer system using the current customers account referral number.

12)What are the pro's and con's?

a.A pro associated with the tokens being banked and linked through an account referral number is that it allows for quick access to potential rewards. The referral link provides a simply environment for the new customers to register. The con associated with this friends and family may not trust the security or legitimacy of link. Many hyperlinks have a history of causing spam and/or viruses, some people could have developed superstitions against link connection due to aversive consequences.

13)What are the back up reinforcers?

a.The back up reinforcer is the potential for the customers to receive up to 12 months of free services based on the amount of successful referrals.

14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?

a.The back up reinforcer was chosen because even though it is not probable, the outcome is possible. With the unlikelihood that a current customer can successfully refer 26 paying customers, the goal becomes desirable but not easily achieved.

15)Are they effective reinforcers?

a.I think the effectiveness of this reinforcer depends on the personality and characteristics of the current customer.

16)How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?

a.Current customers can locate their personal account referral invitations by going to the account settings and clicking on one of the icons to refer friends. They can be invite them via email, Facebook, Twitter or other sharing options.

17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?

a.Current customers can click on the “See Referral Details” link to track the invitations progress from opening to registration. Referrals sent via email will include the referrals name so the friends will know who the message is from.

18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the customers about the system?

a.I think the Hulu administration could provide some more frequently asked questions and answers on the about page. I think Hulu intentionally neglects to mention the requirement for new customers to purchase the first month of service in order for either participants to receive 2 free weeks.

19)Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?

a.Speaking personally, I think majority of people do not buy into the system. Aside from the specific requirements, obtaining referrals requires a lot of extra emitted efforts. People may feel that this extra behavior can become annoying or time consuming.

20)What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?

a.A problem known to exist with token economies which could present a problem with here is the inconsistency with reinforcing the target behavior. While the current customer is emitting the desired behaviors, they will not be reinforced unless the new customer emits their desired behavior. If the new customer decides not to behavior accordingly, then the current customers desired behavior is not reinforced which lowers the probability for the target behavior to be repeated.

21)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?

a.Why do new customers have to purchase the first month Hulu Plus to receive 2 free weeks? Do you think you’d get more customers if credit cards were not charged until the end of the free trial?

22)What additional information might you want to know about the system?

a.I want to know more information about how many customers successfully use the referral system. Maybe they could provide weekly percentages of referrals and money saved, similar to HyVee Fuel Saver.

23)Token economy, elicit, emit, reinforcement, response, positive reinforcement, token, environment, superstitions, consequences, aversive, desirable, goal, back up reinforcement, reinforcer, emitted, emitting, reinforcing, desired behavior, reinforced, probability, target behavior.

1)What is this program?
BOOK IT! From Pizza Hut

2) How did it come about?
It was a way for Pizza Hut to elicit reading behaviors from kids and also was used for advertising.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class is reading.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They might want children to read 50 chapters in a month. The goal might be to read an hour a day.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
The reward is a positive one.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are vouchers that say you can get a pizza from Pizza Hut at the end of the month if you make your goal.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pro’s would be that it could act as an establishing operation and make the pizza more rewarding, it could increase motivation to emit the reading behavior. Some Con’s could be that the student might think that pizza is not worth all of the reading they would have to do and the behavior could be extinguished.

9) What is the delivery system?
The teacher gives a reading certificate to the student if they reach their reading goal. It can be a fixed interval reinforcement schedule or a fixed ratio schedule but it has to be completed by the end of each month.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro’s are that the incentive to read is going to be higher and the kids might discover that they like to read. Some con’s are that the goal might be set to high by the teacher, the kid might end up hating reading because he feels forced into doing it.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The certificate is given at the end of the month and can be spent in the following month.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro’s are that there is adequate time to finish the task, the praise from the teacher could act as a positive reward. Some con’s could be that children could lose the certificate, and not receiving the certificate could act as a negative punishment and extinguish the behavior.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back-up reinforcer is a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The reinforcers were chosen by Pizza Hut and the teachers and parents choose to participate in the program.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
They are effective reinforcers if the student likes pizza.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The student receives the certificate, then has to go to Pizza Hut to exchange it for a one topping personal pan pizza of their choice.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
If the reading behavior is emitted more, the amount of certificates given out, the amount of certificates that are cashed in.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think they make the goals and the rewards clear to the students.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
They give a brief summary of the system but there are more tabs to click on to learn more about the system.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
I think that was also done very well when the teachers click on the tabs on the website.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yes, this seems like a way for Pizza Hut to make money off of the parents when they bring their kid in to get the personal pan. Also, not everyone likes pizza so the students might not buy into the system.

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The certificates might get lost. There might be too long of a time gap before the reinforcement is delivered so the behavior might go extinct. Students might emit superstitious behaviors like moving their bookmarks ahead so they can get points without actually reading.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would want to know if my kid reached the goal more than once in a month if he/she could be rewarded more. How long do the certificates last?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
The past success rates. Is there any other thing we can get from Pizza Hut if my kid didn’t like pizza but didn’t want to be left out.
25) Terms: reward, positive reinforcement, establishing operation, emit, elicit, extinguish, negative punishment, back-up reinforcers, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval, fixed ratio, superstitious behavior,


1. This program is using token economy in the classroom specifically for students with ADD.
2. This came about because in order to motivate children with ADD to behave properly.
3. The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are responsibility, caring, and trustworthiness.
4. Some specific target behaviors they are looking for would be turning homework in on time, obey class rules, play well with others, being prepared for class, percentage of math being done, an percentage of reading completed.
5. This system is based on reinforcement.
6. This is positive reinforcement.
7. The tokens that will be used can be stars, stamps, or stickers.
8. A pro of using these token would be that the children have something to work towards. A con would be that they could be distracting them.
9. The delivery system is continuous reinforcement.
10 A pro of this system is that the children will always want to be on their best behavior to get the reinforcement. A con would be that the teachers may not notice all the children's good behavior.
11. Once they get to a certain goal they are given a reward. A reward could be anything from getting to help the teacher to getting extra recess.
12. A pro of this would be that the reward would be something the children desire. A con would be that if the goal is to high they might just give up.
13. The back up reinforcers are helping the teacher, extra recess, playing on the computer, or playing games.
14. The back up reinforcers are chosen by teachers, students, and parents.
15. Yes they are effective reinforcers.
16. The reinforcers are given by the teacher.
17. The administrators will see behaviors changing and it will be a better environment for the students.
18. The students are being taught very effectively. They know the things they have to do in order to get a reward.
19. The parents are being effectively taught because they are being allowed in the process.
20. The teachers made the system so they all know what is going on and how it works.
21. I think that everyone has a complete buy in with the system.
22. A problem that might exist here is having the goal to high and the students will not reach it then will not get the reward and it will discourage them.
23. A question that I have is how many stars, stamps, or stickers do they have to get to before getting the reward?
24. Some additional information they should include is how long they plan on doing this and if the children can get multiple rewards.
25. Terms: behavior, token economy, behavioral class, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, reward, back up reinforcers.

1) What is this program?
The type of token economy program is a class-wide progress chart. 

2) How did it come about?
It didn’t exactly say why it came about but from the ideas that they were wanting to increase would be walking slowly in the hallway, all students bringing text book to class, and everyone finishing their homework.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit students to emit better behavioral habits.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They want all the students to be walking slowly in the hallway, all students bringing text book to class, and everyone finishing their homework.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This is an example of reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The teacher is using a colored chart to move along daily as a class to see if they can perform appropriate behaviors. 

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro’s: students can influence other students
Con’s: every student could be punished for one child’s behavior since it’s a class wide chart

9) What is the delivery system?
This is an example of fixed ratio. The students are awarded every time at the end of the week if they make their goals. 

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro’s: allows them to be pushed throughout the entire week
Con’s: If they mess up on Monday, will never get prize on Friday

11) How are the tokens banked?
The students have to behave appropriately every single day of the week and at the end of the week they will get a prize.

12) What are the pro's and con's?
Pro’s: allows students to strive to be good all week
Con’s: teacher make not be so tough on some students as others

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer would be a chance to choose from the treasure box every Friday then if they get three in a row, they get a popsicle party. 

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The reinforcers were chosen from the teacher.

15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I believe that they are effective because students will want to get their prize at the end of the week so they will emit the behaviors needed.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
The gain access of the reinforcer is they emit the appropriate behaviors. 

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
It would be effective if the students show progress. Maybe at the beginning they weren’t consistent with their progress but then they become more consistent after time goes on. 

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
I think that they are teaching the children at a good level knowing that it is a chart hanging up in the class room. Everyone is able to see it. 

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
It doesn’t say anything in the article about telling the parents.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
Again, it doesn’t say anything in the article about telling other teachers. 

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
I believe or think that there will always be those students that think this type of reinforcer is not effective and won’t follow the rules. 

22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some students won’t participate and ruin it for others that are trying.

23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
How many teachers are doing this?
How long was this progress chart effective? 

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would like to know how old this kids were and the outcome of this token economy strategy.

25)Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
token economy, elicit, emit, behavior, target behavior, positive reinforcement, fixed ratio, reinforcer

1) What is this program? This is a token economy for individual students in an elementary classroom. Students are rewarded for emitting specific desirable behaviors with a sticker or smiley face. At the end of the day, they can trade in their stickers for a reward.
2) How did it come about? It came about because students were not doing a good job of self monitoring their behavior. They were not emiting various desired behaviors in the classroom.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Good classroom behaviors. Things like sitting still, getting assignments done and remembering materials.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Things like remembering to get their planner signed by their mom, staying in their seat during class time, and raising their hand before they speak.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? It is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? It is positive reinforcement because it involves the introduction of a desirable stimulus.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens used are smiley face stickers.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pros would be that the students can see how many stickers they have saved. A con would be that students who don’t understand the idea of delayed gratification might not think the stickers are worth it.
9) What is the delivery system? The delivery system is the teacher putting stickers on a chart for each student.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? A pro is that the students will feel a sense of accomplishment when the teacher recognizes them and gives them a sticker. A con is that the teacher might be biased, or expect different things from various students.
11) How are the tokens banked? They are banked by each student individually on a chart.
12) What are the pro's and con's? A pro is that the students do not need to make sure and keep track of them themselves. A con is that the students might try and cheat by adding more smiley faces to their own sheets.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The abck up reinforcers are prizes or rewards that the teacher gives out. They are things like extra play time, time playing on the ipad, and things like that.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? Probably because they are things that the students like and therefore find reinforcing.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? I think so.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? By banking their smiley faces until they earn enough to “buy” a prize.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? The teachers could keep track of how many disruptive behaviors there were in the classroom before and after the introduction.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? They Are letting the students know exactly what they are expected to do before they can gain a reinforcer.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? The website didn’t say anything about letting parents know about the system, so I don’t think they are being very effective.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? They seem to be pretty effective because the teachers are the ones who are administering the system and the rewards.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? That could be possible. Some students might now find the reinforcers to be reinforcing enough so they may not wish to participate in the system.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The teachers might forget to hand out the tokens every time a behavior is emmited. They might also be biased in their rewarding. If the tokens are given out too often, the children will become satiated and the prizes won’t be reinforcing anymore.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? Will you switch up the prizes regularly so that the children don’t get bored of them? How amny tokens must be banked in order to buy a prize?
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?I would want to know exactly who is keeping track of the system. For example, who is logging ow many smiley faces are handed out and such
TERMS: Token economy, emit, behavior, behavioral class, reinforcement, punishment, positive, negative, elicit, reward, satiated

1) This program is an individual daily behavior token economy where students that do what they are expected to do such as staying quiet and in their seats or completing homework get rewarded with smiley faces that they are able to turn in at the end of the day and receive a desired activity like playing on the iPad.
2) It came about probably because students were not doing what they were supposed to. It could be for younger students who have a harder time focusing because of their maturity level or for students who have behavioral issues such as ADHD.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are good behaviors in the classroom towards their teachers and classmates.
4) Some target behaviors they want them to emit would be staying quiet during class, completing an assignment, staying seated, and raising their hand.
5) This system is based on reinforcement because when they do a desired behavior they are awarded with a smiley face to increase that behavior. They aren’t punished for doing anything bad (it’s not mentioned) so punishment doesn’t really occur.
6) This is positive reinforcement because they introduced a desirable stimulus that would hopefully increase the frequency of the children emitting desired behaviors.
7) The tokens used in this system are smiley faces and once they get a specified amount they are able to have a desired activity.
8) Some pros would be that the teachers keep track of the smiley faces so the children won’t lose them, the children get to see the smiley faces it will encourage them to keep doing good behavior, they get multiple chances to receive these tokens. Some cons are that the teacher has to remember to give the children smiley faces when they do simple tasks like completing homework, and there are a lot of things they can get smiley faces for so they don’t have to work very hard to receive one.
9) The delivery system is provided the teachers who run each activity. They give the children a smiley face through continuous reinforcement and then they also are the ones that allow the children a desired activity when they receive enough smiley faces.
10) Some pros are that there may be multiple teachers giving out smiley faces so if a teacher happens to be biased and only give smiley faces out to certain students they will have an opportunity to receive them from others, another pro is that when the students receive these from a teacher who is a higher authority it makes them feel good and will encourage others to want to receive one as well. A con to this is if the teacher forgets to give out smiley faces or if they forget that the last ten minutes of the day are meant for the desired activity.
11) The tokens are banked by the students who are given smiley faces by the teachers.
12) Depending on how old these children are they may lose the sheet that the smiley faces are on and not get what they deserve, but it also teaches them to be responsible and keep track of the sheet. Another pro is they are given a whole paper and not just small tickets so it would be easier to keep track of. Another con could be that they could try to cheat and add smiley faces to their paper or steal someone else’s.
13) The backup reinforcers are the desired activities that receive after getting smiling faces like being able to play on the iPad.
14) The reinforcers were probably chosen based on what interests the students. They probably aren’t able to play on the iPad often so when they do it is rewarding.
15) Anything technology related usually appeals to students especially when they are young and want to play games on them. I think they are effective because they need to get quite a bit of smiley faces to receive these backup reinforcers so it has to be worth it in order to emit good behavior.
16) The students emit desired behaviors during each activity through the day and receive smiley faces. At the end of the day they can count up how many they got and if they have enough they are able to turn them in for a desired activity like playing on the computer.
17) The teachers could keep track of how many smiley faces they hand out to see if the children are actually behaving positively. They can use this record to see if any changes have occurred in the last week or month by the children receiving more smiley faces gradually.
18) They are effectively teaching the students about the system because they are letting them know what to do in order to receive smiley faces and are making it possible all throughout the day.
19) The system says nothing about parents and it is not published anywhere for parents to see it. They also count up how many smiley faces they receive at the end of the day so the children don’t take these sheets home for the parents to see either.
20) I think they have effectively taught the teachers because it is all throughout the day so every teacher has to know what is going on. They implemented in into part of their school day even though it is only the last ten minutes so they need to be aware of it.
21) Yes, some teachers may be more lenient and willing to hand out smiley faces more often and other teachers could see this as a waste of a class time. Not all students may find the reinforcer effective so they won’t want to modify their behaviors.
22) Some problems could be that each student might not always receive a smiley face when they are continuously doing something right. The teachers may also forget to hand out smiley faces or count them up at the end of the day and give the children what they deserve. Another problem could be how often smiley faces are handed out because the children could get burnt out by the prizes they receive constantly.
23) Some questions I have would be is there a list of behaviors that teachers are given so they know what to hand out smiley faces for? Is there a certain limit to smiley faces that each student can receive? If they do have the desired amount of smiley faces when do the student get to spend time on the iPad and how often?
24) I would want to know how the smiley faces are issued out and who really keeps track of them because it is not clearly stated. I would also want to know if after a course of a few months if they would start delaying how often the reinforcers are given out because of the money of reinforcers and the amount of school day they are wasting playing on the iPad every day.
25) Terms: behavior, token economy, desirable, target behavior, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, stimulus, frequency, continuous reinforcement, backup reinforcer, reinforcer, elicit, modify, behavioral class

Token economy.
1) What is this program? This program is in a school and is used to reinforce good behaviors and also teach students about currency and communication.

2) How did it come about? This came about because the teacher is working with children who have autism or other developmental disabilities and was having a hard time getting them to stay on task or even sit for short periods of time.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? The teacher is trying to elicit the behavior classes of sitting and completing tasks.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? The teacher would try to elicit target behaviors like sitting in the chair, feet on the ground for 30 seconds or a minute. Another target behavior may be completing three math problems.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement because you want to increase the likelihood the behaviors will happen in the future. With some of the behaviors it is differential reinforcement of other because they would typically punish verbally for not sitting still, etc.

6) Is it positive or negative? Positive because it is the addition of something desirable to the individual doing the behavior

7) What are the tokens used in this program? Plastic quarters

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pros are that it they are easy to acquire and have a lot of. They also help students develop stills with currency. Cons are that at home, children may confuse the plastic and the actual quarters. They may also be a choking/losing hazard depending on the children’s age and ability.

9) What is the delivery system? The teacher or other class leader provides the quarters after the desired behavior are emitted.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Timing would be a potential issue. If one teacher is with a student in the morning and is providing a reinforcer for every 3rd task a child completes, it will confuse the child if it take 4 or 5 with a different teacher in the afternoon. They also may have different ideas of what a completed task is or what sitting is (is it half way on the seat, all the way on the seat, legs crossed or not). Pros are that leaders would have a close to consistent way of providing verbal praise with the behavior completed.

11) How are the tokens banked? After four coins are collected they are able to get a reinforcer
12) What are the pro's and con's? Pros are that the child may be able to understand they will consistently get something after every 4 coins they get. They may also in contrast experience post-reinforcement pause where they take longer to complete and initial task after being reinforced because they know it will take three more to get anything.

13) What are the back-up reinforcers? The back-up reinforcers are a combination of edible and non-edible items. Anything from a small toy or a fruit roll-up (one of the examples provided)

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? They were chosen by providing snack and toys the teacher knew the kids would enjoy and right before they start their tasks they choose what they want to work towards.

15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes because they are picked out by the children as to what they deem desirable which may be slightly different depending on the kid.

16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? They complete so many tasks required or sit for a certain amount of time to get a coin, once they reach 4 coins they get to pick or receive their reinforcer.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? A good marker is when it takes less time to get a reinforcer. They mention that once they get to 5 or 6 reinforcers in a 30 minute period, they made the tasks more difficult, thus changing the reinforcement schedule, so they only got 2 or so in the 30 minute period.

18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? It seems to be a set-up where a lot of it is learning where the child is in understanding. Most of it seems like they progressively catch on but they also have an option instead of picking a specific item ahead of time to work toward they give them a sticker that says choice so they can communicate what they want after they complete the necessary tasks.

19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? I assume there would need to be a decent about of communication about it since it does involve faux money and the process may help at home as well.

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? Each paraprofessional gets a token economy box, so I assume they would be taught what to reinforce and how to operate the system.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Especially in a classroom for children with autism and other developmental disabilities I doubt there would be a lot of concern for this. I can see children and teachers getting frustrated with the system or children becoming difficult if the right reinforcement schedule is not used.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The children may get satiated on the same reinforcement schedule and with the secondary reinforcers either within one session or over the course of the class. They mention if they complete a lot of tasks to limit the amount of skittles for example per task so they don’t get satiated but I can see them getting bored of the options to pick from if they don’t mix it up per week. Another issue is reinforcing like but not the same behaviors. If the exact target behavior is not established ahead of time, children could get confused in the small variations.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? How long to the plan on doing this system? Are healthy snacks and activities as reinforcing for these children as candy and toys, if not, could that be explored as a change?

24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? Have they been able to tackle any previously difficult behavior with this method? Have they seen a change in mood of the children in relation to the tasks that now just stand in the way of reinforcement?
25) Terms and terminology: target behavior, behavioral class, reinforcement, desirable, emitted, elicit, post-reinforcement pause, reinforcement schedule, satiated, reinforced.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this program? It is a teacher showing how to elicit a target behavior from a student.
2) How did it come about? Using this system with kids is strong because it keeps them motivated and focused on the task they are working on.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Listening to listructions, emitting a organizational response.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Doing classroom work.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on a positive reinforcement continuous schedule
6) Is it positive or negative? positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Sticker Stars
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? They are a good representation of a job well done, that they could be to reinforcing themselves.
9) What is the delivery system? Everytime the child completes a task, he gets a star. As soon as he gets three stars he gets the ultimate reinforcement of playing on the ipad.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The child could get bored or lose interest knowing they must have three stars to get time on the ipad.
11) How are the tokens banked? They are stuck up on the board and then torn off and turned in for the ipad reward.
12) What are the pro's and con's? I would say this shows a job well done and serves to make the reinforcer more reinforcing
13) What are the back up reinforcers? ipad
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? In the school system, like everywhere else computers are taking over.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Yes the students enjoy the freedom of gaming and internet.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? By completely the assignments
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? The student was happy with this ipad time and seemed to enjoy the learning process as well.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? I think very well, she explained the system perfectly and the student knew how to execute.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? I believe pretty well I think the mother of the child was shown at the end of the video so at least she is actively involved.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? I believe this is a school wide policy, especially in the special needs room.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? I believe that with this type of demographic the system works well enough to get what needs to be done finished.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The reinforcer could become less reinforcing over time. (satiation).
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? I would ask why the child does not get time to go outside.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I want to know how the kids are doing in the whole year and not just one session.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, reinforcement, reinforcer, establishing operation, satiation, continuous schedule of reinforcement

1) What is this program? The Delta Airlines SkyMIles frequent flyer miles program.
2) How did it come about? this program came about in attempt to elicit travelers to use their services instead of the competition's.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? To get customers to emit the behavior of flying with their airlines.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Probably to convince their parents to choose Delta over other airlines by making it more appealing to the kids.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? the system is based on reinforcement of more flyer miles which makes a lot more sense than punishment
6) Is it positive or negative? It is a form of positive reinforcement
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are the accumulation of frequent flyer miles
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pros might be that they can't be lost or misplaced and never expire. Cons might be that you really need a huge mount to make a difference and actually trade it in for a free flight. Another might be that theres a lot of limitations and restrictions on what you can do with it.
9) What is the delivery system? After flying with Delta they deliver the tokens by sending them to your online account.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? A con would be that you don't actually physically see it and you may not have even notified that the tokens have been sent to your account. A pro would be that you wouldn't have to do anything since the tokens would be automatically sent to your account.
11) How are the tokens banked? In a online database
12) What are the pro's and con's? That you can't break or lose the bank nor can it get stolen. Con's could be what if there was some major system malfunction and you lose your data.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The "medallion" program.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? They probably had some type of survey that they gave to their customers in attempt to find the stimuli that they find pleasurable.
15) Are they effective reinforcers? If you emit the behavioral class of frequently flying, then yes they are effective.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Automatically by flying with Delta and then going online and checking out their account
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? They would be able to start a baseline as to how ofter costumers use their services and they would be able to see the change after they implement their token economy system.
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?Their pretty effective at teaching the target behaviors.. its pretty simplistic, however it's mostly targeted at adults.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Very effectively, frequent flyer mile programs are very common, so people who travel a lot probably just expect the airlines to have that type of program.
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? Probably pretty well. There's probably not a extended variety of different things that they'd need to know for their job, so knowing about this basic program is probably pretty straightforward.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yes, as always. Someone may just not emit the behavior of actually using their points and just let them sit in cyber space.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? One would definitely be that it take a ton of tokens to actually amount to anything. Another is that they may not even know they do have enough to amount to something.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? How many flights on average does it take for a person to get to a reward? how often do people use their miles? how often do people people reach the "diamond" level of achievement.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? If the tokens ever expire? If the tokens could somehow be multiplied by a special behavior. If they have any other methods to elicit customers costumers

Terms: Elicit, emit, behavioral class, target behavior, Positive reinforcement, pleasurable, tokens, back up reinforcer, punishment, delivery system.

1)What is this program?
-The example of a token economy program I selected is Hulu Plus Referrals. Through the referral program, current customers and new “friend” customer receive 2 weeks free services, once they sign up for Hulu Plus. Customers can earn up to a year free of Hulu Plus in a rolling 12-month period.
2)How did it come about?
-I think this program came about as a strategy to attract more customers. The normal free trial of Hulu Plus is 1 week, but if a new customer enters the referral number of a current customer then both receive 2 free weeks.
3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
- Hulu is trying to elicit an increase of registration from new customers. Hulu wants to elicit more promotion and communication of the company through current customers.
4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?
-One specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is sending account referral number to friends and families without an account. Another specific target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the registration for a Plus account. And an additional target behavior Hulu wants the customer to emit is the verbal promotion of the company to potential customers.
5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
-This system is based on reinforcement because it reinforces desirable behaviors with 2 free weeks of Plus services.
6)Is it positive or negative?
-This is positive reinforcement because Hulu responses to the desired target behavior by adding 2 free weeks to the customer’s account.
7)What are the tokens used in this program?
-If the current customer actively seeks out new customers to register for Hulu Plus, they could receive an entire year of free service based on rewards.
8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
-A pro that might be associated with using these tokens are that people are attracted to free services. A con that might be associated with using these tokens is the low probability for friends to response to request and use your account referral number. If a mass broadcast is sent out via email or facebook, many people will ignore such requests for free of spam/viruses. These tokens are only offered for the enrollment of new Hulu Plus subscribers only; if the referred party has already taken part in a Hulu Plus trial, he or she will not be eligible to receive the 2-week free offer. The 2-week free offer also cannot be combined with other promotions, including any other free trial offers.
9)What is the delivery system?
-Referral credits will be automatically applied in your next billing cycle when your referrals (as new subscribers) successfully complete the registration process using your referral link and pay for their first month of service.
10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
-A pro associated with this delivery system is the automatic application of reward. The computer system holds the bank and can appropriately keep track of credits. A con associated with this delivery system is that the current customer has to wait for the new customer to register AND pay for a month of service. Refer more than 26 friends in one rolling 12-month period and these additional referrals will still be eligible for their 2 free weeks, though you will not receive additional credit.
11)How are the tokens banked?
-The tokens are banked by the Hulu computer system using the current customers account referral number.
12)What are the pro's and con's?
-A pro associated with the tokens being banked and linked through an account referral number is that it allows for quick access to potential rewards. The referral link provides a simply environment for the new customers to register. The con associated with this friends and family may not trust the security or legitimacy of link. Many hyperlinks have a history of causing spam and/or viruses, some people could have developed superstitions against link connection due to aversive consequences.
13)What are the back up reinforcers?
-The back up reinforcer is the potential for the customers to receive up to 12 months of free services based on the amount of successful referrals.
14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
-The back up reinforcer was chosen because even though it is not probable, the outcome is possible. With the unlikelihood that a current customer can successfully refer 26 paying customers, the goal becomes desirable but not easily achieved.
15)Are they effective reinforcers?
-I think the effectiveness of this reinforcer depends on the personality and characteristics of the current customer.
16)How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
-Current customers can locate their personal account referral invitations by going to the account settings and clicking on one of the icons to refer friends. They can be invite them via email, Facebook, Twitter or other sharing options.
17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
-Current customers can click on the “See Referral Details” link to track the invitations progress from opening to registration. Referrals sent via email will include the referrals name so the friends will know who the message is from.
18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the customers about the system?
-I think the Hulu administration could provide some more frequently asked questions and answers on the about page. I think Hulu intentionally neglects to mention the requirement for new customers to purchase the first month of service in order for either participants to receive 2 free weeks.
19)Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
-Speaking personally, I think majority of people do not buy into the system. Aside from the specific requirements, obtaining referrals requires a lot of extra emitted efforts. People may feel that this extra behavior can become annoying or time consuming.
20)What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
-A problem known to exist with token economies which could present a problem with here is the inconsistency with reinforcing the target behavior. While the current customer is emitting the desired behaviors, they will not be reinforced unless the new customer emits their desired behavior. If the new customer decides not to behavior accordingly, then the current customers desired behavior is not reinforced which lowers the probability for the target behavior to be repeated.
21)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
-Why do new customers have to purchase the first month Hulu Plus to receive 2 free weeks? Do you think you’d get more customers if credit cards were not charged until the end of the free trial?
22)What additional information might you want to know about the system?
-I want to know more information about how many customers successfully use the referral system. Maybe they could provide weekly percentages of referrals and money saved, similar to HyVee Fuel Saver.

23) Terms
-Token economy, elicit, emit, reinforcement, response, positive reinforcement, token, environment, superstitions, consequences, aversive, desirable, goal, back up reinforcement, reinforcer, emitted, emitting, reinforcing, desired behavior, reinforced, probability, target behavior.

I chose to do this post over my favorite place to eat a burrito, Pancheros.
1) What is this program? Pancheros Punch card
2) How did it come about? Pancheros didn’t want to just be thought of as a fast food place with no true costumers like most of the fast food joints. Pancheros wanted to develop some customer loyalty with returning consumers.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Getting food at Pancheros
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit? Choosing to eat at Pancerhos over other burrito or Mexican restaurants by saving money with a free burrito.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement, because they want to increase eating at Pancheros.
6) Is it positive or negative? Positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Stamps on their business card
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pro’s would be improvement in business and increased consumer appreciation. Some con’s would be losing some money here and their.
9) What is the delivery system? Paying with a stamped out card
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Pro’s is that its easy and cheap. Con’s would be that the cards could get lost, or costumers could abuse their cards by cheating the system.
11) How are the tokens banked? The cards are kept with the costumers until they wish to use them.
12) What are the pro's and con's? Con’s is that they are easily lost, and a pro would be that the cards are small enough to fit into a wallet, so it is convenient.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? Free burrito
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? Owner of restaurant
15) Are they effective reinforcers? Free anything is always awesome, and make that a free burrito, I would say that is effective.
16) How do the students gain access to the reinforcers? Turning in their punch cards
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? You could track the rate of how many punch cards are given out compared to how many are handed in. (obviously it would be spot on)
18) How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system? It is not advertised to well, I think it’s because they do not want to annoy the costumers of their deal.
19) How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system? Same question
20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system? The owners teach the workers about the system and how it works, but do not push marketing the punch card very well
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system? Yeah, not everyone takes advantage of the deal.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Pancheros isn’t a place you can eat at all the time, it is more of a once of a week thing. That is why they devised these cards.
23) What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system? It would be nice to know if, and if so how people could exactly cheat the system. I would also ask how much the burritos are to make.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system? I would want to know how long it has been going, and if it has been shown to improve sails to the amount to make the punch cards worth it.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Reinforcement, positive, reward, behavior, motivation

1)What is this program?
This token economy program is called Perfect Ibrowz punchcard. It is a program in which you buy nine eyebrow threading, you get the tenth one free.

2)How did it come about?
It came about as a program to attract customers to get their eyebrows done more frequently.

3)What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class is getting your eyebrows threaded at Perfect Ibrowz.

4)What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the children to emit?
They might want their customers to get their eyebrows done at least twice a month in order to get the 10th one free.

5)Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6)Is it positive or negative?
The reinforcement is positive.

7)What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are stamps on their eyebrow punch card.

8)What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some pros might be that getting eyebrows done will make you feel more confident about yourself and also, the tenth one is free. However, the cons would be customers might get fed up because they have to wait for nine times before they get their tenth one for free. Therefore, emitting the eyebrow threading behavior might be extinguished.

9)What is the delivery system?
The saloon gives their customers a punch card with 10 eyebrow columns on it. If nine of them are stamped, then the tenth one is free.

10)What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros are the punch card is easy to keep, as customers usually keep it in their purse. Also, it is a good way to keep track of how many times they have gotten their eyebrows done. On the other hand, the cons are customers might lose the card and if they do so, there is no way for the saloon to trace back the number of times they have gotten their eyebrows done. This will then frustrate the customers as they will have to get a new card and start the process from scratch, and wait for nine more times before they could get their eyebrows done for free. Apart from that, there might be situations in which customers might forget to bring the punch card with them and lose out on their stamp.

11)How are the tokens banked?
Customers are supposed to keep the punch card with them and hand it in to get it stamped every time they get their eyebrows done.

12)What are the pro's and con's?
One of the pros is the punch card is easy to bring it around as people usually keep it in their purse. The cons is they may lose because it is so small or even forget to bring it with them to get their eyebrows done.

13)What are the back up reinforcers?
Free eyebrow threading

14)How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen by the saloon.

15)Are they effective reinforcers?
I think it is an effective reinforcer because it makes people want to go to that particular saloon as they can get their eyebrows threaded for free at some point.

16)How do the students gain access to the reinforcers?
By presenting their punch card every time they get their eyebrows done.

17)What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The saloon should keep a record of how many free eyebrow threading their customers get.

18)How effectively are the administrators teaching the students about the system?
When customers walk in to the saloon, they see signs that say “buy 9 eyebrows and get the 10th one free”

19)How effectively are the administrators teaching the parents about the system?
When customers walk in to the saloon, they see signs that say “buy 9 eyebrows and get the 10th one free”

20)How effectively have the administrators taught the other teacher about the system?
The saloon probably told all their employees that customers can get a free eyebrow threading if they have bought 9 already. Also, they are told that customers must present their punch card in order to keep track of the number of times they have threaded their eyebrows.

21)Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
There could be a possibility that not every customer is aware of the deal that the saloon offers.

22)What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
One of the problems could be consistency of presenting the punch card every time you get your eyebrows done. If you don’t present the punch card, then you will not get reinforced because you don’t know how many times you have threaded your eyebrows.

23)What are some questions you might have for the administrators about the system?
I would like to know if they would increase the number of times customers have to pay to get their eyebrows done before they get a free one, if their sales are good.

24)What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I want to know how frequent the saloon gets customers who do their eyebrows for free.

25)Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforce, emit, behavior, extinguished.

1) This token economy program is called Kwik Rewards.

2) This program came about as way for Kwik Star to gain more customers and keep regular customers with a rewards system through their purchases.

3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are spending more on their products.

4) Specific target behaviors they want the customers to emit would be to buy gas at their store or buy convenience items at their store.

5) This system is based on reinforcement.

6) It is positive reinforcement

7) The tokens used in this program are Kwik Rewards gift certificate that you receive on specific months.

8) One of the pros of using these tokens is that it is simple to keep on you either in your purse or wallet and is used just like any other credit card. One con of using these tokens is that there is no specific way to find out the balance of your gift card because there is no online application for the card.

9) The delivery system is every calendar quarter a person gets a Kwik Rewards rebate certificate showing the refunds they have earned.

10) One of the pros of the delivery system is that the gift cards are delivered straight to your home. One of the cons of the delivery system is that losing your card will cause you to wait a month before you can get a new one and in that time you could be collecting more points.

11) Once you get your Kwik Card application approved, you then get 3 cents rebate on every gallon of gas you purchase at their store. Additionally, you get 10% rebate on in-store eligible items you buy with your Kwik Card. Once you receive your certificate in the mail reflecting your funds, you can then use your rebate certificate at any Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, or Hearty Platter restaurant.

12) One of the pros of this is that a card is a convenient type of token; it can be kept in your wallet/purse and be used anytime and every time you visit on of the Kwik Star stores. One of the con’s is that if you forget your card/certificate when you make a quick stop at a Kwik Star, you will be unable to collect rebate for your card.

13) The back-up reinforcers is you can donate the money to your favorite organization, group or charity by choosing them to receive a donation check from Kwik Trip. This is an encouraging way to make you feel that you are giving back to the community.

14) The backup reinforcers are chosen through the Kwik Rewards Fundraising Program, which is a way that Kwik Trip gives back to the community.

15) In my opinion, these are effective reinforcers because it isn't a large amount of money you are giving away and it gives the customers a feeling of satisfaction which is a reinforcer for getting into the Kwik Rewards Program.

16) Students can join this program by filling up the "Kwik Rewards Fundraising" information at the bottom of the online Kwik Card application.

17) The administrators could measure the amount of people who choose to donate their money to charity and how much each person donates to the charity to see if the system is effective.

18) The administrators are teaching the customers about the system very well because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.

19) This system is allowed for students and parents both to use the system, so the administrators are teaching the parents about the system very well also because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.

20) The administrators have taught the other teachers well because there are three locations that do the "Kwik Rewards" token economy - Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, and Hearty Platter restaurant.

21) In my opinion, because of how easy it is to join and since it doesn’t require a fee and just registration and on top of that you accumulate points when you shop, it appeals to almost everyone.

22) One problem of using the systems' tokens is that knowing your balance would be hassle because you need to go to a store just to find out how much you have instead of accessing an app.

23) A question I might have for the administrators about the system would be If there is any discounts from joining the program because that might be another reinforcer for people like me to join.

24) Additional information I might want to know about the system would there be a future plan to expand the rewards program so that it can be used in more places?

25) Terms: Token economy, behavioral classes, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, delivery system, emit, reinforcers, reward, backup reinforcers.

1) This program is an individual daily behavior token economy where students that do what they are expected to do such as staying quiet and in their seats or completing homework get rewarded with smiley faces that they are able to turn in at the end of the day and receive a desired activity like playing on the iPad.
2) It came about probably because students were not doing what they were supposed to. It could be for younger students who have a harder time focusing because of their maturity level or for students who have behavioral issues such as ADHD.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are good behaviors in the classroom towards their teachers and classmates.
4) Some target behaviors they want them to emit would be staying quiet during class, completing an assignment, staying seated, and raising their hand.
5) This system is based on reinforcement because when they do a desired behavior they are awarded with a smiley face to increase that behavior. They aren’t punished for doing anything bad (it’s not mentioned) so punishment doesn’t really occur.
6) This is positive reinforcement because they introduced a desirable stimulus that would hopefully increase the frequency of the children emitting desired behaviors.
7) The tokens used in this system are smiley faces and once they get a specified amount they are able to have a desired activity.
8) Some pros would be that the teachers keep track of the smiley faces so the children won’t lose them, the children get to see the smiley faces it will encourage them to keep doing good behavior, they get multiple chances to receive these tokens. Some cons are that the teacher has to remember to give the children smiley faces when they do simple tasks like completing homework, and there are a lot of things they can get smiley faces for so they don’t have to work very hard to receive one.
9) The delivery system is provided the teachers who run each activity. They give the children a smiley face through continuous reinforcement and then they also are the ones that allow the children a desired activity when they receive enough smiley faces.
10) Some pros are that there may be multiple teachers giving out smiley faces so if a teacher happens to be biased and only give smiley faces out to certain students they will have an opportunity to receive them from others, another pro is that when the students receive these from a teacher who is a higher authority it makes them feel good and will encourage others to want to receive one as well. A con to this is if the teacher forgets to give out smiley faces or if they forget that the last ten minutes of the day are meant for the desired activity.
11) The tokens are banked by the students who are given smiley faces by the teachers.
12) Depending on how old these children are they may lose the sheet that the smiley faces are on and not get what they deserve, but it also teaches them to be responsible and keep track of the sheet. Another pro is they are given a whole paper and not just small tickets so it would be easier to keep track of. Another con could be that they could try to cheat and add smiley faces to their paper or steal someone else’s.
13) The backup reinforcers are the desired activities that receive after getting smiling faces like being able to play on the iPad.
14) The reinforcers were probably chosen based on what interests the students. They probably aren’t able to play on the iPad often so when they do it is rewarding.
15) Anything technology related usually appeals to students especially when they are young and want to play games on them. I think they are effective because they need to get quite a bit of smiley faces to receive these backup reinforcers so it has to be worth it in order to emit good behavior.
16) The students emit desired behaviors during each activity through the day and receive smiley faces. At the end of the day they can count up how many they got and if they have enough they are able to turn them in for a desired activity like playing on the computer.
17) The teachers could keep track of how many smiley faces they hand out to see if the children are actually behaving positively. They can use this record to see if any changes have occurred in the last week or month by the children receiving more smiley faces gradually.
18) They are effectively teaching the students about the system because they are letting them know what to do in order to receive smiley faces and are making it possible all throughout the day.
19) The system says nothing about parents and it is not published anywhere for parents to see it. They also count up how many smiley faces they receive at the end of the day so the children don’t take these sheets home for the parents to see either.
20) I think they have effectively taught the teachers because it is all throughout the day so every teacher has to know what is going on. They implemented in into part of their school day even though it is only the last ten minutes so they need to be aware of it.
21) Yes, some teachers may be more lenient and willing to hand out smiley faces more often and other teachers could see this as a waste of a class time. Not all students may find the reinforcer effective so they won’t want to modify their behaviors.
22) Some problems could be that each student might not always receive a smiley face when they are continuously doing something right. The teachers may also forget to hand out smiley faces or count them up at the end of the day and give the children what they deserve. Another problem could be how often smiley faces are handed out because the children could get burnt out by the prizes they receive constantly.
23) Some questions I have would be is there a list of behaviors that teachers are given so they know what to hand out smiley faces for? Is there a certain limit to smiley faces that each student can receive? If they do have the desired amount of smiley faces when do the student get to spend time on the iPad and how often?
24) I would want to know how the smiley faces are issued out and who really keeps track of them because it is not clearly stated. I would also want to know if after a course of a few months if they would start delaying how often the reinforcers are given out because of the money of reinforcers and the amount of school day they are wasting playing on the iPad every day.
25) Terms: behavior, token economy, desirable, target behavior, emit, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, stimulus, frequency, continuous reinforcement, backup reinforcer, reinforcer, elicit, modify, behavioral class

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
I chose telemarketing corporation. The employees make calls and talk on the phone to people trying to sell the product

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Employees are taking too many sick days, and the company is thinking that the employees aren’t actually sick but just trying to get out of work

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Better attendance

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Work their scheduled days that they are supposed to work

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is going to be based on reinforcement

6) Is it positive or negative?
The system is going to be positive

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that I have selected for this program is tally marks. They will be displayed on a erasable board placed outside the boss’s office.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro of these tokens is that they are easily marked or taken away if traded in, and besides the board and markers, it doesn’t cost anything. A con of these tokens are that since they are easily erasable, people may mess with the board, but that is why you have a hard copy that the boss handles, and the board is just so everyone knows how many tallies they have.

9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is just the boss keeping track of their attendance. And if the employees emit the behavior of showing up to every shift they were scheduled for that week, they get a tally.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro with this delivery system is that the boss doesn’t have to catch the person in the act in order to award them, they just need to make sure that their employee showed up for their shifts that week like they were supposed to. One con of this delivery system, is that the employees don’t get something handed to them, or really even praised for getting a token. They just have to keep track on their own, and check the board to see that they have received a token or tally mark.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked by the tallies being put up on an erasable board outside the boss’s office. The boss also has a hard copy of the tallies so that if the board gets messed up, they still know how many tallies each employee has.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
The pros are that only the boss can deal with the banking, and the employees are still able to see how many tallies they have by looking at the board. A con of this is that in order for the employees to see how many tokens they have, they have to go to the boss’s office and look at the board

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers include extra time for lunch, being able to leave an hour early for a day, and getting your name entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate to your choice of restaurant.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
Since the company is not real, and I can’t see what type of people are working there, I tried to think of reinforcers that everyone would like, and things that would be pleasurable to the employees. And I tried to think of things that would not cost the company too much money. By having one of the reinforcers be an entering into a raffle, it helps so that only one person wins, and the company doesn’t have to spend that money on each person that wins the reinforcer.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
I’ll know if they are effective reinforcers if the system starts working, and attendance improves because the reinforcers are eliciting the behavior of showing up to their scheduled shifts.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
Once the employee gets 4 tallies, which is equal to four weeks worth of showing up to all of their scheduled shifts, they are able to trade those tallies in for a reinforcer of their choice. They can do this at the beginning of the week, either at the beginning or the end of the day on Monday.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Well, from looking at their baseline of data, if the number of sick days taken decreases, then you can tell that the system is effective, because employees are working towards getting their reinforcers.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
They should have a meeting that teaches the employees about how they can earn tokens, what the reinforcers are, how the banking system works, when they can trade in their tokens, and how they can check on how many tokens they have.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
Since the boss is in charge of the banking and keeping track of the tokens, the boss will need to be taught about how the employees can earn tokens, how to keep track of everyone’s tokens, what the banking system is like, when the employees can come trade in their tokens, and how to give out the reinforcers.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
Basically meeting with them all and breaking down the whole process of the system, telling them about each variable, what you expect to happen, how tokens and the banking system work. What the reinforcers are and how they will help decrease sick days.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not
have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
I’m sure there’s a possibility. The employees may not like the reinforcers, the management may not want to have to keep track of everything, the administrators may not want to spend any money on the program. If any problems occur, I will just go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to work out the issues. It may be finding new reinforcers, a new banking system, or a new value for the tokens. But each issue will probably be able to be worked out.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I already kinda discussed these problems already in previous questions. But the employees could not be motivated by the reinforcers, there could be a few people who are problematic and the token economy doesn’t work on them. There could be an issue with the tally board being messed with constantly, making the boss upset. The reinforcers could be too easy or too difficult for the employees to earn, making them ineffective.

23) Terms: token economy, reinforcers, banking, reinforcement, positive, pleasurable, emit, behavior, behavior class, target behavior, elicit

Topical Blog Week 15
1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is UPS where workers deliver packages to others. The problem is that the behavior of the UPS drivers on handling the packages and their attitudes toward customers has been an issue.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem of the poor attitudes and behaviors of the drivers has come about during the holiday season when they are the busiest with delivering packages.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are positive attitudes, patients, and care for the belongings of others being delivered.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some specific target behaviors I would want to emit would be yelling or not smiling at the individuals receiving the package. Another would be throwing, tossing, or dropping packages in the UPS vehicle or at the individual’s house.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system will be based on reinforcement for emitting poor behavior. When the UPS driver elicits the behavior wanted to see the individual will receive the amount of tokens earned at the end of the day. After so many are collected there will be backup reinforcers for the individuals.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is positive because the individuals are being rewarded for eliciting good behavior. However, the only negative would be that if someone does not receive enough tokens they will not be as motivated if at all.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are fake money. Once they receive 30 dollars in fake money they receive a gold dollar to use towards to backup reinforcer.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pro’s would be that they are receiving something tangible and that they can keep track off. The tokens are also not easy to counterfeit. It will be easy to hand out when they return at the end of their day. The con’s would be that there are a lot of employees and to print off that much paper could get expensive. Also, keeping track of their behavior is difficult, but could be managed by cameras. Another con would be that the workers would have better behavior at work than home knowing they will receive a reward. This could make work a discriminate stimulus.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token of delivery is when the worker shows the wanted behavior they receive a certain amount of fake money. Once they reach 30 dollars in fake money they receive a gold dollar to use toward their backup reinforcer. This is also a fixed ratio because once they receive 30 dollars in fake money they are guaranteed each time a gold ticket.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The main pro with this is that they are getting a reward immediately after having positive behavior. However, there is an issue of that the continuous reinforcement is not going to be noticed each time. To see the workers attitudes when they drop off the package at the door of the individuals is going to be hard to see. This makes it difficult to reward the individuals each time they do something positive. This could lead to the workers becoming discouraged and not wanting to elicit the behavior.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked by an individual receiving fake money and once they have a total of 30 dollars they exchange it for a gold dollar to go towards their backup reinforcer.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
The pro of this banking system is simple and easy for the works to understand and abide by. This also gives the workers motivation to work towards a bigger goal. The con’s are that the workers might get caught up in the reward and not truly understand why they need to change their behavior. Another con would be keeping track of the fake money they get. The fake money is something that is easily lost or forgotten about. Another thing is the behaviors wanted to receive a dollar might be too easy for some and difficult for others.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are getting 3 days off the week before the holidays, busiest time, getting a bonus of $300 on their next pay check, and not having to deliver as many packages for a whole week.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The reinforcers were chosen based on the interests of the workers. They do not like working the busy holiday time so giving them time off during that time is something they would enjoy. Also, since they do not always like delivery so many packages they have less for a whole week. They are pleasurable to the workers.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We know if these are effective reinforcers by creating a baseline and then study and compare their behaviors form the beginning to the middle to end of the year.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees gain access by receiving a certain amount of dollars at the end of the day. Once they receive 30 dollars they can trade that in for a gold dollar.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The way to measure the system to see if it is effective is to have the works tally how many dollars they received per day on a board before they leave work. Then compare their attitude with a survey at the beginning of the year, the middle of the year, and the end of the year to see if their before improved.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administration will give the employees the guidelines. They will explain the behavior they want to elicit and the behavior they want to emit. They will then tell the workers about the tokens and how to receive them. Leading to telling them the behaviors they want to see in order to receive the fake money. Lastly, they will share the overall backup reinforcer.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administration will tell the same thing they told to the employees. Then they will describe and show what behavior deserves a fake dollar. They will also discuss when they get rewarded and how.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will teach the administration everything that is stated to the employees and the management. Then will discuss the benefits of doing this program and how to make it successful so they will see improvement in behavior. This will also provide guidelines so they can do this for other behaviors if they occur in the future.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
There is a possibility that everyone will not buy into the system. If this occurs with the administration I will ask them to try the system and if after time they see no improvements they no longer have to continue. If the management does not want to participate I will add rewards that they can receive as well making it more likely they will want to do it. If the workers do not want to participate that is their decision, but they will not receive the rewards. The other option is to change the rewards so they are more likely to join.
Terms: reinforcer, emit, elicit, behavior, target behavior, fixed ratio, discriminative stimulus, reward, baseline, backup reinforcer, and pleasurable.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? I run a daycare service and lately the children have been making messes and having issues with each other.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? These problems most likely are rooted from the parenting of the children as well as their environment if they are old enough to attend school.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? They are trying to elicit good behaviors with their environment as well as with their peers.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? The behaviors they are trying to emit include cleaning up and being respectful and kind to one another.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? I would base this system off of reinforcement because it usually works more successfully.
6) Is it positive or negative? positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program? Tallies on a board.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pros to this token system include the fact that the children can't choke on their tokens or lose them. The cons are that the students won't learn management skills and may be bothered by somebody else beating them.
9) What is the token delivery system? When the child succeeds in a target behavior then he/she will get a tally on the board.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Some pros to this system are that the child can't choke on the tokens nor can they lose them. The cons are that the children might be disappointed that they can't actually receive something or they might try to change the results on the board.
11) How are the tokens banked? I will have them displayed on the board, but will also have the amounts recorded separately.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? N/A
13) What are the back up reinforcers? Extra play time, ice cream, movie time
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? They were chosen due to the fact that the children love the reinforcers, yet won't receive them without earning it.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? By keeping record over six months and recording the process made over that time period.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? By earning ten tallies they get a choice of which reinforcer they would prefer.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? They can see that the system is effective by keeping track week by week, and acknowledging that the tally amounts are increasing. This will show that the children are progressing and staying involved with the system.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system? The staff will present the behaviors that should be taken and present the items that they have available if the children obey. The staff will then explain how the tally system works and tell the children that ten tallies means a receiving of the backup reinforcers.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? It will be much easier to explain the idea to the adults within the staff, but I would explain how they must make a tally on the board with the given circumstances, yet they must also record it in the staff only notebook.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? I will teach the administration everything that is stated to the employees and the management. Then I will discuss the benefits of doing this program so they will see improvement in behavior.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? I will tell them to give the system a month to function and will provide them with the results of improvement in behavior.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The children might become disappointed due to the fact that other children may be advancing quicker. This may cause them to cave in and not participate. There is also the chance that some children won't be very intrigued in the backup reinforcers.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Reinforcer, emit, elicit, behavior, target behavior, reward, backup reinforcer, token system

Token economy.
Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
This corporation is the 23rd Street Market and they sell food.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem that I am addressing is the issue of people arriving late to work.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
functional behavior
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Arrive on time to work
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
We give people tickets when they arrive on time to work. You can have as many tickets as you have shifts in a day.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
They could lose the tickets or steal someone else’s. They are easy to get and to use.
9) What is the token delivery system?
At the end of the week we would go through all of the punches and for every shift that an individual was on time for they would receive a ticket.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
You have to wait a week to get your tickets. There’s less of a chance that you might lose them if you get them all at once.
11) How are the tokens banked?
There is a whiteboard in the back that we keep track on.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Someone could change the board but we would have a backup.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
Employees can earn a free item from the store of their choice.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
It would help people be more motivated.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
Based on the timeliness of the employees and how frequently the rewards are cashed in.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
They have to fill out a form stating what item they are getting and they can give it to the managers or the supervisors and sign off on the item in exchange for the tickets.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
We would keep track of how often people are cashing in their tickets and receiving a free item.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
We would include it in our staff meetings.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
They will be at the staff meeting.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
They will be at the staff meeting.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes but I would just explain how this program can be beneficial and focus on the positives.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
People can hoard their tickets.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive, reinforcers, functional behavior

Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
Prexy’s Food Court, provide a variety of different food to college students during the week

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Staff started cutting corners on work and fighting with each other

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Respectfulness, teamwork, and responsibility

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Help workers in other venues locate ingredients, complete a task that needs to be done whether it's their job or not, and fill in at work for those who have a valid excuse to be gone, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
A gift card

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro: not easily counterfeit, easily to keep record of how much each employee has
Cons: can easily be spent, may lose the card

9) What is the token delivery system?
Twenty-five cents will be added to the gift card each time the employee is caught emitting one of the target behaviors

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: can consistently add money to the card at the end of the person’s shift
Cons: may accidently add the wrong amount, money may not get added properly

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens will be banked and recorded on the computer system

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pro: always accessible
Con: may be lost if the computer breaks down

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The employees will be able to purchase food items from the food court with the money they have earned

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
These backup reinforcers were chosen because they are easily accessible and free food is always a good reinforcer for college kids.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
I will know if they are effective because the behaviors of the employees will become more positive rather than negative.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees will be able to gain access to the reinforcers by using their gift cards to purchase food from the food court.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administration will measure how effective the token economy is by doing weekly reviews of behavior for each employee

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administration with teach the employees about the system by holding a mandatory meeting on two different occasions to make sure everyone can attend.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administration will teach the management about this system in one of the weekly meetings.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will teach the administration the system by gathering them in a meeting like setting and explaining the best way to implement the new system.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
The employees may just show good behavior around the management/administration only to get the money on their card, but not change their behavior. If this is noticed, the management will take money off of the card as a negative punishment.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
It may be possible that employees will steal their co-works gift cards, employees may hoard their money in order to get large amount of food at once.

Terms: emit, target behavior, behavior, positive, reinforcement, negative punishment, token economy

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is Anytime Fitness (Altoona), they are a 24 hour gym that is part of a chain of gyms but has individual owners who buy into the company.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem at this gym is the employees and the management not listening to the gym members about broken equipment. For a while we had a complaint book where you could write down any problem you thought that the gym was having but it never seemed like anything that anyone wrote down was getting fixed, especially broken equipment.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior class that they need to emit fix the problems that the members are experiencing.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
The employees target behaviors that they need to emit are calling maintenance once they learn of a broken piece of equipment so that they gym members are getting their money’s worth at that gym.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system would be based on reinforcement, especially with the reinforcement of the gym members being pleased with their gym and also a desired reinforcer.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The reinforcement is going to be negative reinforcement because they are taking the gym members complaining away and they could get a day off after X amount of tokens.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are going to be magnets on a white board under their names.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pro’s: Easy and cheap system.
Con’s: Magnets are easily moved or if someone accidently bumped the white board than they could fall and lose count of who had what.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is every time that an employee is the one to notice and call maintenance on a broken piece of an equipment than the owner will place a magnet on a whiteboard in the lobby that everyone can see.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pro’s: That specific employee can be reinforced and also the owner can see their commitment to the gym and possibly give them a promotion.
Con’s: Some employees may work more and get more of a chance to call in on these maintenance calls so those who do not call may look bad to the owner.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on a white board in the lobby for everyone to see.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pro’s: Gym members would get to see who is doing what and appreciate their commitment to the gym more.
Con’s: Some employees may feel shamed if they see that they are not calling in as much as other employees and gym members may treat them differently.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers would be after 15 magnets are under their name, they get the relief of not having gym members angry with them and a day off of work (PTO) or not having to do the dirty jobs like cleaning the bathrooms.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because I knew the manager at our gym for a long time and she never really had anytime off because her boss was pretty tough so this would be something I know they would enjoy and no one likes to clean bathrooms.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We would know if they were effective reinforcers by seeing the equipment was getting fixed in a timely manner.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
We would know that the employees had access to the reinforcers because we would need to fill their shifts if they chose to take time off or have another employee clean the bathrooms.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The outcome measures that the administrators could see would be the equipment getting fixed and the gym members overall being more satisfied and not complaining.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administrators could teach the employees about the system by explaining the reinforcement after 15 magnets are placed by their name and showing them the book where gym members are telling them what is broken and finally giving them a maintenance person that they want to be called for repairs.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
I would teach the management the same way I would teach the employees, these gyms are pretty small and the one that I go to there are not that many employees.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
Again this would be the same as teaching everyone else because it is an extremely simple system to get things fixed.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
The only problem that I could foresee with this system is the individual owners not like the backup reinforcements if they do not have adequate employees to do each other jobs.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The biggest problem that I could see would be that behaviors deteriorate after the reinforcement a couple times. We could possibly come up with different reinforcers after a couple months to motivate employees.
Terminology: Token economy, behavior class, emit, target behaviors, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforcers, desirable

1) This token economy program is called Kwik Rewards.
2) This program came about as way for Kwik Star to gain more customers and keep regular customers with a rewards system through their purchases.
3) The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are spending more on their products.
4) Specific target behaviors they want the customers to emit would be to buy gas at their store or buy convenience items at their store.
5) This system is based on reinforcement.
6) It is positive reinforcement
7) The tokens used in this program are Kwik Rewards gift certificate that you receive on specific months.
8) One of the pros of using these tokens is that it is simple to keep on you either in your purse or wallet and is used just like any other credit card. One con of using these tokens is that there is no specific way to find out the balance of your gift card because there is no online application for the card.
9) The delivery system is every calendar quarter a person gets a Kwik Rewards rebate certificate showing the refunds they have earned.
10) One of the pros of the delivery system is that the gift cards are delivered straight to your home. One of the cons of the delivery system is that losing your card will cause you to wait a month before you can get a new one and in that time you could be collecting more points.
11) Once you get your Kwik Card application approved, you then get 3 cents rebate on every gallon of gas you purchase at their store. Additionally, you get 10% rebate on in-store eligible items you buy with your Kwik Card. Once you receive your certificate in the mail reflecting your funds, you can then use your rebate certificate at any Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, or Hearty Platter restaurant.
12) One of the pros of this is that a card is a convenient type of token; it can be kept in your wallet/purse and be used anytime and every time you visit on of the Kwik Star stores. One of the con’s is that if you forget your card/certificate when you make a quick stop at a Kwik Star, you will be unable to collect rebate for your card.
13) The back-up reinforcers is you can donate the money to your favorite organization, group or charity by choosing them to receive a donation check from Kwik Trip. This is an encouraging way to make you feel that you are giving back to the community.
14) The backup reinforcers are chosen through the Kwik Rewards Fundraising Program, which is a way that Kwik Trip gives back to the community.
15) In my opinion, these are effective reinforcers because it isn't a large amount of money you are giving away and it gives the customers a feeling of satisfaction which is a reinforcer for getting into the Kwik Rewards Program.
16) Students can join this program by filling up the "Kwik Rewards Fundraising" information at the bottom of the online Kwik Card application.
17) The administrators could measure the amount of people who choose to donate their money to charity and how much each person donates to the charity to see if the system is effective.
18) The administrators are teaching the customers about the system very well because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.
19) This system is allowed for students and parents both to use the system, so the administrators are teaching the parents about the system very well also because the information on the main website can easily direct you to the page about Kwik Rewards.
20) The administrators have taught the other teachers well because there are three locations that do the "Kwik Rewards" token economy - Kwik Star, Kwik Trip, and Hearty Platter restaurant.
21) In my opinion, because of how easy it is to join and since it doesn’t require a fee and just registration and on top of that you accumulate points when you shop, it appeals to almost everyone.
22) One problem of using the systems' tokens is that knowing your balance would be hassle because you need to go to a store just to find out how much you have instead of accessing an app.
23) A question I might have for the administrators about the system would be If there is any discounts from joining the program because that might be another reinforcer for people like me to join.
24) Additional information I might want to know about the system would there be a future plan to expand the rewards program so that it can be used in more places?
25) Terms: Token economy, behavioral classes, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, delivery system, emit, reinforcers, reward, backup reinforcers.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? Subway will be the corporation I will be working with, and they provide a points reward program to employees.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? The problem being experienced is that sales and customer levels are decreasing through the years, and while they address this problem, employees are left high and dry which decreases employee morale and concern, and they “steal” these points.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Subway with the employees rewards program is trying to elicit a behavioral class of employees showing care, friendliness, and well-being.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? The target behaviors that the company would want the employees to emit would be those that are virtuous in nature. For example, the company would want the employees to “sell” this program to the customers during the checkout by asking if they have the rewards card currently or not. Another target behavior is to not add points to an employee’s card from a customer’s purchase. As for a caring behavior, the company may want employees to smile at customers, wish them well at the end of a purchase, etc.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative? This system is positive, so it is positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? The token in this program would be the employee rewards card that one can store in their wallet or purse. Another token is the points that are used on the cards to redeem the backup reinforcers.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pro’s to using this token are that it is incredibly convenient to store and have with you in such a highly accessed area. Also using a bright color as the card color makes it stand out and continue to be noticeable. The cons to using this token however are that it is incredibly easy to misplace a wallet as a man, or simply forget what all the stacks of cards are.

9) What is the token delivery system? The token delivery system is that whenever a shift is completed for every 4 hours worked the employee gets 1 point added to their card.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The pros of the delivery system is that it is so the employees are continuously reinforced. A con would be that employees may double dip in both systems simultaneously and this is just added free stuff for the employees.

11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are banked electronically automatically after shifts and the employees can check in through the company’s website.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? The pros of banking this way is that it is always an accurate representation of how many tokens an employee has at any time. Another pro is that these don’t expire after an employee has left the company. The con to banking this is that employees after awhile will ignore how many hours they have worked and these hours will not make a difference beyond regular pay.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? The backup reinforcers are the objects you can purchase with points. For example after 100 accrued points, a person can purchase for “free” a premium footlong sandwich.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The backup reinforcers were chosen because almost the entire menu is offered via the rewards points system. Therefore everything is known to be desirable. It is also chosen because it gives a reason to go to subway to get the “free” sandwich which may elicit an employee to emit these aforementioned desired behaviors.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? One way to measure the effectiveness is to compare the employee morale and demeanor during shifts before and after the employee rewards program is in effect. Another way to measure the effectiveness is to measure how often employees are pawning off shifts to others and seeing if shifts are being completed.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? The employees have access to the cards that they use to redeem the points that they gathered. The points will be collected automatically similar to work hours getting logged, but the card is the redeeming quality.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? One way to measure whether the system is effective is to compare the number of customer complaints before and after the program has been rolled out and see if there was a decrease. Another measure is to check to see if the managers notice the employees are acting better.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system? The employees will be taught about the system in their initial training from the managers to become an employee.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? Management will learn about it and go through the same process as employees, it will be the administrators teaching the managers who teach employees.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? I will give a formal meeting to the administrators and give them the proper documents to give out to the managers. It is similar to the current process that is out for the customers and will be quite simple to understand.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? Absolutely, administrators may not want to give out more “free” stuff to current employees. Employees may not care about more benefits and continue to “steal” so the buy in may not be there. However, if the problem is widespread it is easy to discontinue.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? The problems of this are double dipping into both or not buying into good behavior since the employees are hard pressed usually and can get away with many complaints without being let go. Another issue is that the reinforcement of working at subway and getting many free things would be unappealing therefore the reinforcers may have to be looked at and altered moving forward.

23) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Elicit, Behavioral class, Target behaviors, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, token, reinforcer, token delivery system, continuous reinforcement, shaped, behaviors, backup reinforcer

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is called A&M Wireless. This corporation sells phones and tries to keep customers by giving them reinforcers for sticking with the company so long. There are also reinforcers for joining the company to increase our clientele.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem is that we need more customers in order to keep our company going. We were losing customers to other phone agencies because there were no reinforcers implemented. Our baseline was very low for customers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
We are trying to increase customers, keep customers for longer periods of time, and sell more phone accessories. We will emit this by reinforcing them when they are joining our membership. We will do an interval reinforcement schedule to keep them wanting to stay with us longer.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
They will have the want for target behaviors like being honest with them and giving them the actual price that we say we are going to. They are also going to want their interval scheduled reinforcement to be on time with when we say it will be given. They will also want to see the phones being quality products and not breaking easily which will also go into our trustworthiness and hard work to get the phones to work.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement because there would not be any success using punishment in this type of corporation. The only way I could think of using punishment is by charging the customers a lot of money to cancel their phone plan through us. That would then be considered a negative punishment. However, I could also see it being a positive punishment because we are adding something by making them pay.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This system is a negative reinforcement because we are going to be taking away money that they would originally be spending with our corporation. This will help get many more people because ours will hopefully be cheaper than other phone companies. Even though it may sound like a bad thing from our standpoint, it will overall be good because we will be getting more customers which will make up for it.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens will be the money reduction and this will be tracked when looking at their monthly bills. There will also be another form of tokens which will be that if the customers open a new phone line with us then they will receive in store credit to be able to buy accessories we sell throughout the store or money off phone chargers etc. This will go very well because if they are transfer from another phone company, they will feel like they are really being reinforced just for the normal, typical phone charges.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros will be that people may even add more lines for children to their line because our tokens will add up faster with the more lines you have on your plan. I also think it will be a pro because they will tell their families that they should also get a line set up with A&M Wireless. Some cons of these tokens may be that customers try to abuse the system and not take advantage of the pros that we had listed. Another con may be that because it is money based, we could actually end up losing money by making everything so cheap. Another con could be that if the phones do not work or have service where they are located then we will need to set up a refund process.

9) What is the token delivery system?
The delivery system is on an interval scheduled reinforcement and will be given to contractors when they are on the plan for a significant amount of time which will be set so it is equal to everyone. There will also be tokens given (money off or in store credit) when they start a new line through A&M.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
One pro of the delivery system could be that they will want to stay with the A&M program because they keep getting reinforced after so long and renewing phones and lines. However some cons can be that other phone companies will be giving the same or maybe even better deals. Also we will have to plan out the deals and tokens given very specifically so they fall during the right times of the year. Also, when someone finally hits their amount of money off a contract and we can not give them anymore, they may go through extinction or an extinction burst because they will not be getting anything anymore.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens will be organized and tracked by both the customer and us as the company. They will be recorded on the contract and discussed with each other before any changes are ever made. This is done to keep close record so no mistakes and confusion comes from the customers.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
I believe there are a lot of pros with this because both the customers and the workers will be able to pull up the contract which is available to both of them, online, at all times. There should be less confusion this way and customers will also be reminded frequently that they are getting a good phone plan because of the prices shown on the contract. This will then give them more motivation to buy and keep their contract to get more reinforcers.

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers would be the customers having high quality phones for a low price set by the company to gain trust and keep new and old members.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The back up reinforcers were chosen by the company because this is what every person traditionally wants when they start a new line with a phone company.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We will know if they are effective reinforcers by looking at the baseline of customers we had before setting these deals and tokens to after we set them. This will be a good way to track the progress the company has made. We will look into how many members we had before, how many lines we have added onto each contract and how much our accessory sales have gone up.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees will have the same deals as other customers plus an extra percentage off for every line that gets added through them. This will give them motivation to emit their jobs and try to sell many phones to keep our company going. They will also have the same accessibility as other customers to view their contract whenever they want to see any changes and price reductions.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
We would need to discuss the outcome measures to make sure the administration was all on the same page. The outcome goals would be to improve the overall profit of the company though the reinforcers given to our customers.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
We will have a representative go into each store to discuss the company changes as well as teaching the employees how to inform customers about the changes being made. We will let them know about the goals they should all individually have set (add more lines) and tell them that their contracts will immediately be changed when the plans go into action.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
This will be taught in the same way to make sure that everyone is getting the same information. There will also be jobs for management and employees to update websites, fliers etc to inform customers and hopefully gain new customers.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
The administration will be shown previous cell phone companies that have tried reinforcement to change the behaviors of customers. They will also be taught behavioral concepts like antecedents, behavior and consequence to hear what the best way to get new customers to open up lines would be.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes this is a possibility and the only way to show them all that the system works is with time and showing them that our company is loyal and will not have an extinction process after we start these plans. There will also be no way their plans could go back to where they started. We will start by telling them that the only consequence is to save money.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
There is always the chance that people can rig the system and just try to get the cheapest deal which could potentially not make us any more. Also, they could just be with us because they are going through money troubles and then when they are financially stable, or another phone company becomes cheaper, they will switch.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcers, baseline, emit, interval reinforcement, scheduled reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, positive punishment, motivation, goals, frequency, antecedents, behavior, consequence,

1)What is this corporation and what do they do?
Toms—they sell shoes and for every shoe that is sold the customer gets reinforced by providing a show in Africa to individuals that can’t afford a good quality shoe.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Many people don’t believe that they provide shoes in other countries because there is no evidence of people in Africa with toms.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
We want to provide data and evidence and pictures of toms in other countries to cause people to want to buy toms for a good cause and know that it is proactive.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
The employers will emit the behavior of lying to the costumers and actually showing data and pictures of toms being provided for in other countries. We don’t want people not buying the shoe because it’s a lie. The end goal in mind is different in the minds of the customer and the consumer.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Blue Tickets.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
They are easily dispensed and safe to use. It's not easily to be counterfeit. They allow us to keep track of appropriate behaviors. It’s not counterfeit so it can’t go through the wash and only leaders have access to it.
9) What is the token delivery system?
It’s to reinforce with access to reinforce that they want. You observe the employees selling the shoe with providing evidence of the good cause. With every shoe they sell using the data they will earn tickets.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some customers will already know the corporation and either love or hate it. This is where you start your base line. This will help you determine if the data helps sell or draw the customers away. It helps the employees sell the shoe because of the extra evidence and also they want the benefits the tickets will give them in return.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Management will have them displayed and visible for all employees to see. The managers will also have a back up bank to keep their own record. The tickets will be on a board with envelopes in the office. The office has a camera already installed.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
People could still find a way to maybe sneak around tickets. People would be able to see their improvements and have an end goal in mind. It would give them motivation and help them see their reinforcers in an interval standpoint. They could see what the baseline was and how their set goals in different levels along the way will help them achieve the end goal and reinforcers.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
High quality shoes of their own at low price, being able to get off work first, and also food as a reinforcer.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen by the company. They are inexpensive and take little time causing less interruptions.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
You know if they are effective reinforcers by looking back to the baseline and examining improvements or not.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees will have access to the reinforcers if they sell so many shoes to the customers by using the data and evidence to do so.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
With the evidence at hand and accessible for the customers to see the number of shoes purchased and provided for in other countries has increased and caused sales to double.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
A representative from the administrator team will go into each store and discuss the system. This will be presented to not only the management of that store but also their employees. This way there is no miscommunication. The outcome goal will be known throughout the company so everyone is on the same page.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
This will be done in the same way. The management and the employees will be together in this meeting so they are receiving the same information at the same time.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I feel as though if the administrators are shown research on why people don’t buy the shoe because of this so called lie they will be motivated to hear options of how they can change it and make it better. After the data of the baseline, we will then go into how this system has improved sales. We will then go into behavioral concepts so everyone is on the same page such as the ABC’s and how things should be taught and passed on to their corporation.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
The only way this could be a possibility is if not everyone was there on the day of this meeting, accidents do come up and cause issues so if that were to happen it could cause one person to miss out on the information being given that day. There would be a video tutorial that they would watch though on the same information the other employees and management team learned.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Communication can be misinterpreted which could cause problems from one person to another.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement. ABC’s. Emit. Set goals. Interval reinforcement. Baseline.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
This corporation is Four Oaks, which is a residential home for children with behavioral problems. They teach the residents their prosocial behaviors, so that once they go back home they will be able to function well as part of society.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problems came about as a way to make the children more prosocial.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are more prosocial behaviors. These are meant to make the children less disruptive and aggressive.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? Some specific target behaviors they might want to emit are helping other children with tasks, listening to staff and following directions,

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are stickers. For each sticker they receive they can participate in outings, and other fun activities. If they have consistent weeks of stickers the residents are then can be moved to green status which gives them more freedom on campus.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
A pro associated with the tokens are that the children will be motivated to emit the target behaviors. While a con is because they are publicly displayed for everyone to see they may get discouraged.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The delivery system for this token economy program is that at the end of the shift, the children and staff will sit around and they will tell the children what they received and put it on the board.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
A pro is that no one is taken by surprise when the tokens are delivered because the children are there when they are given out. A con of this system though is that because they children are there when the tokens are given out they may disagree and cause problems.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The stickers are put on a chart on the wall for everyone to see.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
A pro is that because we use stickers to show good behavior if a student wanted to jeopardize another student we could tell if they pulled off someone’s stickers. A con is that doing it this way a child may get discouraged if other children are doing better and decide not to participate.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are the green status which allows the children to have more freedom on the campus, going on outings, and getting a special treat.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because these are things that would motivate the children to complete the target behaviors.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
They are effective if they work to change the children’s behavior. I would say they would be good reinforcers because the children are not allowed to leave campus often, so being able to go off campus for a fun trip, or having more freedom would increase the desire to complete the target behaviors.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The children gain access to the reinforcers by doing the target behaviors and then asking for a green status. If the dorm decides to go on an outing, the children need to have at least a week of stickers.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They would first have to take a baseline of the behaviors and then implement the token economy to show if the target behavior has increased.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
Administrators will need to sit down and talk to the staff about how to correctly do this program. It will not be effective if not everyone knows exactly what they are doing.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? The staff will then sit down and talk to the children about the system and make sure they do not have questions and they understand what behaviors they want to stop and which ones they want to increase.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will sit down with the administrators and explain the program in detail and give them examples that would fit with their wants. An example I would use would be like “If you get your paperwork done consistently early, we will give you a closer parking spot.” The closer parking spot would then cause desire to get their work done early.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
There is a possibility of them not liking the system. To address it, I would suggest a trial run. If the token economy does not reduce bad behaviors, we can think of another way to motivate students to change their behaviors.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The children might get discouraged if others are doing better than they are.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behaviors, elicit, behaviors, emit, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, token economy, back up reinforcers, baseline

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
This corporation is a department at a university that is being house in a new area. This department is now running from the quit floor of a library.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The behavioral problem I am addressing came about because the employees were moved to a new area where they now have to be quiet and were used to being as loud as they wanted.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class I am trying to elicit is being quiet while on the quiet floor.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some specific target behaviors I have attempting to get my employees to emit are things such as holding meetings in rooms or on a differ floor, whispering if they absolutely need to talk, and reminding other employees to not be loud.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system will be based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It will be positive reinforcement.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that are going to be used is stickers on a board hung visible to everyone but only two people have access to.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The cons to this system is that not everyone has an office or is on this floor often and that the administrators in charge of reinforcing these behaviors are not always in the office. The pros to using these tokens is that they cannot be copied, stolen, or lost.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The deliver system will be to inform the employees when they have been noticed doing the behavior correctly and allow them to watch the sticker to be placed next to their name.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The cons associated with this delivery system is that sometimes the employees are in a hurry and do not have the time to watch the sticker be hung. The pros is that there is also a verbal reinforcer by telling the employee you noticed them doing something good and a constant visual reinforcer because everyone is able to see the board.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked on a board in the office of the department secretary. This is a small office that is always looked if the secretary is not in there. This allows people to see how many tokens each person has but not be able to change the board.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
The cons to banking tokens in this manner is that is requires the secretary to accept responsibility for making sure the board is not tampered with. The pros, like I said before, is that the board is visible for all to see but is not able to be tampered with.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers for this project might be that after a person has collected ten stars their name is put into a drawing for a “good” parking pass or they are given the option to be put in the drawer for campus gift cards.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because they are something that would be desirable to the employees of this department. The department is not pretty spread out and being house in many different places so they often have to drive and the good parking pass will minimize the amount they have to walk, which will be nice during the winter months. The gift card would be desirable because the employee would then be able to buy suppliers, coffee, food, or many other things available throughout the campus.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
When employees get to choose which drawing they would like their name put into we could see which drawer has more names or we could ask the employees what they found/would find most desirable.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
If the employees were to win the drawing the reinforcer would be either mailed to them or handed to them by the department secretary.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Some outcome measures would be a lower number of complaints from students or faculty in the library about the noise level of this department's employees and a decrease or extinction of the behavior of having to remind other employees that they need to keep their noise level down.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
There will a department wide email announcing the new reinforcement system to the employees saying something along the lines of “if you are following the rules to be quiet or are reminding your fellow employees of the rules you will be receive a sticker.”
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators will with the secretary and the student workers what to look for such as employee waving or whispering instead of saying hi in a normal tone. The administrators will sit down with specific guidelines which entail anytime an employee is being quiet they receive a sticker and any time an employee, not the student work or secretary, reminds another employee to be quiet then they receive a sticker.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
The administrator will learn the guidelines of the program beforehand in a meeting with myself but they will learn the details in a meeting with the secretary and student workers because they will are not in the office enough to reinforce the employees him/her self.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes, there is always a possibility the employees will not buy into a system. I will remind the employees this is just to ease their transition to their new surroundings and if they do not follow the rules of the library there will be consequences beyond the department's control, such as being banned from this floor.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems known to exist with token economies that might occur here are that every time a person does the target behavior they are not being reinforced and this might occur because the employees cannot be watched at all times. This might make it less desirable for the employees to continue to buy into the program.
24) Terms: desirable, target behavior, token economies, reinforced, consequences, reinforcement system, reinforcer, tokens, delivery system, positive reinforcement, emit, behavioral class

Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is a gym called the YMCA.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem is that the amount of clients signing up is decreasing and the amount of clients staying with the company for an extended period of time is decreasing as well.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
We are trying to elicit the behavior of the clients returning back to the gym as well as trying to bring in new customers.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some target behaviors that the employees should emit are: friendliness, helpfulness and caring for each client’s needs.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive reinforcement.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program will be ID cards for each client that they will scan when they come in, each time their card gets scanned they will earn 5 points. At different point levels there will be a prize earned.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: can’t be duplicated elsewhere, easy to identify as our company’s
Cons: could become lost or damaged
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token will be noted in the computer system that keeps track of each clients total points. And the staff member will let the client know how many points the have and how close they are to reaching a prize.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: clients are aware of their points
Cons: the computer could crash or mess up the points
11) How are the tokens banked?
The staff will be aware of the different point levels and once the client reaches a level they will be given their prize.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros: the clients will be aware of themselves earning points for coming and will want to keep coming in order to earn the next prize
Cons: the staff member signing them in could forget or just not want to give the client a prize.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Some examples that could be used as back up reinforcers could be: a tshirt, coupons for restaurants, coupons for a free gym class of their choosing, discounts, YMCA gear etc.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because they are neutral enough that a wide variety of clients will be satisfied with them and they will not cost the gym all that much money.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We will be able to measure the effectiveness by the amount of clients at different point levels.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The reinforcers will be in the back office, which is locked to the customers.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The amount of clients over a set period of time will either increase or remain the same instead of decreasing.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administrators will have a team meeting about the system explaining the different levels as well as tell the employees how to explain it to the customers
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators will teach the management the same way they teach the employees but they will also train them on how to make sure the employees are following through with the system as well as how to train new employees if any were to be hired.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will meet with the administrators and explain the system that will be used. Teaching them the different levels and how to sell the clients into coming back to the gym.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes some customers may not care all that much about earning points to cash in for prizes, the only thing we could do in that situation is convince them to come back by being friendly and helping when they are at the gym.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems that commonly occur with token economies are cheating or lying. For example a client could lose their card and lie about how many points they had previously.
24) Terms: behavioral class, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit, target behaviors, tokens, backup reinforcer

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
Sunset Foods is my corporation and they are a high end grocery store back in Illinois where I used to work. We would be focusing on the front end which includes cashiers and baggers.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem is that the teen employees are not giving the customers the respect they deserve by talking to one another or by not engaging in conversation with the customer. They are also calling in sick without a doctors note or coming in late
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Respect, Friendliness, Punctuality
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
One target behavior I want the employees to emit is talking to each other while they have a customer. Another target behavior is them ignoring the customer when the customer is speaking to them. The last target behavior I want to emit is them either coming in late or calling in sick all the time without a doctors note
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system will be based on reinforcement in order to remove these behaviors and so they start enjoying their job again and want to do better
6) Is it positive or negative?
Yes, it is positive
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The program will be that every time an employee is caught engaging in conversation with a customer, not distracting each other while they have a customer, they will get one point. At the end of the week, a list will be posted of everyone’s names and the number of points next to it, so they can see how they rank. Also, if they don’t call in sick all month and don’t show up late, they will get 5 points. At the end of the month, a winner will be announced for Employee of the Month which includes a $20 giftcard to Sunset.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros will be that they can not mess with the system because the boss’ have it and it is posted on typed paper so they can not change the numbers. The computer it will be typed on will be kept in the office so no one can mess with it. A con can be favoritism because one boss can simply just like one employee better. A pro would also be that there are not that many people working the front end, so it’ll be easy to keep track.
9) What is the token delivery system?
Every time the boss’ catch an employee following the above rules, they will be told at an appropriate time “great job you’ve earned a point for “insert good behavior here”
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Other employees might feel discouraged because they would hear another employee getting praised
11) How are the tokens banked?
The points are kept going until the end of the month and then banked to see who has the most, whoever has the most gets the giftcard and employee of the month.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
the pros are that the ones who win will feel encouraged and feel good about their job. A con can be that the employees do not care about the giftcard and that they will feel discouraged if they don’t get it
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers is the $20 giftcard to sunset
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
They were chosen by popular demand because these teens work 8 hour days and want to get lunch in the store. They complain that the prices are too high to buy lunch every day so that was something the employees asked for. They were then decided by the corporate office.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
From my experience working at Sunset, I know that this is a major complaint and the food is really good so I know they would want that.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
By earning the most amount of points each month.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The employees can take a survey to get their input on the system after 6 months and after 1 year.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
They will have a meeting with all employees explaining the system to them.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
I will go into corporate and explain the system to them and how they will direct that knowledge back to the management teams.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
The corporate office will come in and have a meeting with the boss’ of that store to make sure they are clear on the system. Then the boss’ of that store will explain it to their employees
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
There is a possibility because not everyone might care about the giftcard or they might not be motivated to do well because they really hate thier job.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Problems that are known is favoritism, because some administrators might like some certain people to give the token or point better than others or really dislike the certain person. That is something that could really discourage someone to do well.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.\
emit, positive reinforcement, behavior, target behaviors.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 
The corporation is the local Pizza Hut restaurant from my hometown. They have been lacking in customer service.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 
The staff was receiving a bad review from local surveys saying that the customer service was not desirable and the servers were not receiving tips because of it.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 
They are trying to elicit respectful and friendly behavior classes.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 
Always smile or appear happy to a customer, welcome them for coming, and thank them for their business.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

6) Is it positive or negative? 
It is a positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? 
The amount of tips given to servers correlate with their desired target behaviors. If the server is more respectful and friendly to customers, the more they will receive in tips. This then increases the whole restaurant's image with their desirable behaviors being emitted.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 
A pro is that the idea of getting money in return for emitting target behaviors is a very good motivator because everyone desires money. A con for this system would be that even if the server emits the desired target behavior, the customer still might not give them a tip.

9) What is the token delivery system? 
The delivery system is through the customers, giving them the tips and also the desired feedback.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 
A con would be that the customer might not tip or not tip a reasonable amount, where as a pro would be that customers can choose if they want to give an excessive amount or an awesome review for the restaurant.

11) How are the tokens banked? 
The tokens are kept with the servers in the form of tips. For the whole restaurant, the tokens are recorded over the survey system for the restaurant and later posted on the board in the break area for us to see.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 
Some pros are that for the servers, the benefits are physical and immediate, letting them know if they are emitting the desired target behaviors. The cons for this banking system for the whole restaurant is that we don't always see the feedback right away or always know who exactly was not performing properly because customers might not always state who their server was or who helped them.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? 
Some backup reinforcers are if there is a positive comment said about you, you get it posted on the board and if you get so many, you can get a free appetizer.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 
They were considered for how much work there is put in to receive them and also what might be desirable to most of the high school and college students working there.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 
They staff was asked what they would rather have out of a list, and the highest voted was the idea of receiving free food as a reinforcement.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 
They get the reinforcers through the manager, who keeps track and knows if they are emitting the target behaviors.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 
All responses by customers are recorded on their website and through their surveys. They keep track of how many positive feedback surveys a staff member receives and if they have continued the behaviors after receiving the reinforcers.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
They will hold a meeting and explain thoroughly the whole system to the staff as well as post signs explaining it.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 
They will bring them all together and hold a seminar about it, providing print outs of the whole thing and different aspects of it so that they can teach it to their employees.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 
I will propose the idea in front of a panel of the highest administrators, explaining the whole system.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes there is always that possibility. I will address that by explaining that their job depends on them emitting these target behaviors, not just for the company, but also for their own personal and financial benefits.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 
One problem that might arise is the idea of favoritism. This could apply not just to managers but also with customers. The management could favor a certain staff member over another, praising them more. Customers also have favorite servers and staff members, giving them the opportunity to tip excessively without reason.

23) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
desirable, elicit, behavior classes, positive reinforcement, desired target behaviors, emitted, reinforcers, reinforcement

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is a graphic design firm who works with colleges and designs advertisements/promotions to send out to students to entice them to come to their school. The people at the corporation work with the college to design prompts that are both informational but promote their school and get students to be interested enough to look into the school.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem came about after a busy summer working long hours. The employees had to work longer hours at their desks. The longer they worked the more they sat at their desks and consumed high sugar foods and drinks, which seemed to elicit a drop in productivity.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are healthier eating, more physical activity, and better/more sleep.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Specific target behaviors might include: Drinking 32 oz of water during the work day in the attempt to reduce drinking sugary drinks. Going for a 15 minute walk either outside or inside around the office during their hour lunch break to increase productivity and energy levels. Trying to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night so workers aren’t as tired during the day.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based more on reinforcement. It works better for many people to be reinforced rather than punished for something.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It could almost be considered both positive and negative reinforcement. I will be using it in the positive way because there will be an addition of a positive stimulus. However, one could also argue it a negative reinforcement because drinking less sugary drinks would be the removal of an undesirable stimulus.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that will be used in this program will be a point system.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros-no one can erase a mark on a marker board or “lose” a point because it’s not a material item per say.
Cons-getting the points might not be as rewarding since it’s not a material item and not elicit them to emit the target behaviors.

9) What is the token delivery system?
The points will be delivered for the walk as it happens. A person who is in charge of the program or who works alongside those in charge will take the employees (whoever wants to participate) on a walk at lunch time. That person will keep track of who went on the walk and can make sure the proper amount of points will be rewarded. (5 points for the 15 minute walk). The points for drinking water will be rewarded for the amount of ounces a person drinks in a day up till 32 oz. That will be kept track of by each employee being given a waterbottle that has oz markings on it and goes all the way up to 32. (1 point for each ounce) At the end of the day everyone who is participating in the program will report how many oz. they drank to the person in charge and points will be awarded accordingly. Hours of sleep will not be rewarded with points, just encouraged and tracked through the worker’s productivity.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
pros-with the points rewarded as they happen for the walk that can be an instant gratification for those who partake in the walk. That could encourage them to emit the behavior of walking in the future because they like getting reinforced for it. Getting reinforced for the number of ounces they drink up till 32 could elicit them to drink more water so they can get more points. (which in turn is better for their health).
Cons- jealousy could occur over those who get more points, some people might lie about how much they drank that day to get more points, a person may join the walk late or have to leave early, which could alter how many points they get.

11) How are the tokens banked?
All the points will be recorded through an online system that each person participating in will be able to see. Only the one in charge of the program will be able to access the system and put the points in, however once those points are in the system everyone will be able to see where they are and keep track of their points for the day. Points will be added up at the end of every Tuesday and Thursday. Once a person has reached a certain amount of points they will be able to receive a poker chip, and eventually trade the poker chips in for a backup reinforce. 1 chip will be given for every 100 points. Once a person has collected 4 chips they will be able to trade it in for the back up reinforce. At the end of the month there will be an auction where any leftover poker chips have to either be used or the slate wiped clean so no hoarding can occur.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros- no one will be able to steal another person’s points if they are online, it’s a safe way to handle them. The points are totaled up twice a week so they don’t have to wait too long to be reinforced. The auction will prevent hoarding from occurring and so no one person can “buy” multiple backup reinforcers at once.
Cons-chips could possibly be stolen or lost/misplaced. Getting a chip after 100 points might not be enough of a challenge for some and they might not value the reward

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers will include pedometers so people can track their steps and challenge themselves to meet the daily minimum, standing desks, a 2 week gym pass to a local gym, giftcards for fitness gear like shoes or workout clothes/equipment.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen as a way to encourage employees to continue to be active outside of the work area. If they enjoy what they get as a reinforcement for their hard work it may encourage them to keep up the walking or water drinking to better their health.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
The amount of points people receive as well as their levels of productivity will show if the reinforcers are effective or not. If people are really enjoying the program and working to receive the reinforce it will show in their level of points because they will be at the higher end. It’ll also be possible to tell how effective it is by how the backup reinforcers are used. If people continue to keep working to receive them that’ll be noticeable. But if it’s not effective then employees aren’t going to be going after those rewards and they’ll likely be available for a while before used.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees will gain access to the reinforcers by turning in their chips to the person in charge of the program. They can trade in their 4 chips in exchange for which reinforce they choose. It may eventually come to the backup reinforcers being worth different amounts of chips, but to start out they will all be worth 4 chips. This can only be done at the end of the work day, not during.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
One outcome measure will be the level of productivity in the office. It’ll be possible to track how long it used to take employees to get a certain task done and compare that with how long it takes them now that they’ve been participating in some healthier behaviors. Another outcome measure could be how many sick days employees used before implementing this system and now that they’re using this system. That would allow them to see if the system is efficient.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administrators will teach the employees about the system with a meeting. The meeting will explain the whole process, answer questions, and ask opinions about certain things. Signs and reminders will also be placed up and around the office space in clear view so they’re noticeable. Emails will be sent out as well, just another reminder and way for the employees to learn about it. A question session will also be held for those who have those.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators will go about teaching the management with a few hours of training a week for a couple weeks, until they fully understand how the whole system works. It’ll be worked in, in chunks of 20-30 minutes slowly throughout the week to keep it fresh but also not take up a lot of time.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
The administrators will be taught in an initial meeting, where token economy is thoroughly explained to everyone and examples of different token economy situations are given. I’ll also split them up into groups to work together on the task of putting together their own token economy just to help them get a better idea. A follow up meeting with questions and review will also be held, along with more practice of working with token economy situations.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes there is a possibility that not everyone will want to buy in to the system. Everyone has their own opinion about things and it’s very likely some won’t want to participate. I will address this problem by saying that it’s not a permanent participation they have to make, and to maybe just try it for a month and then decide. I will strongly encourage them to participate since it’s a whole office thing, but I will not force them into it if they really decide they do not want to be a part of it.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
One problem of token economies that could be a problem here is the deterioration of the behavior due to a too great of delay in rewarding the tokens. Or, on the flip side, the tokens are given too soon and therefore become meaningless. The employees might not have to be working hard enough to earn the points and get the poker chip to trade in for the backup reinforce. Eventually the points and tokens could become meaningless and they won’t continue to change their behaviors.

24) Term: token economies, backup reinforce, deterioration of behavior, outcome measure, reinforcers, reinforcement, emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, target behaviors,

1. The corporation asking for help is Walmart and it is a chain of hypermarkets that send all types of needed things.
2. The problem they want to fix is that in their Cedar Falls store people are completing the survey that comes in the ticket in a really negative way about how they were treated by the employees.
3. The behavioral classes they want to elicit are well-treatment of costumers. This is an important issue for this company because it will make an impact as a long-term problem. If people are not happy about how they are being treated they won’t go again there to shop.
4. There are some specific target behaviors expected to be emitted by the employees. Most of them are considered questions about how the costumer is feeling in the moment. For example: “can I help you with something else today?”, “following our policies, can I please see both of your IDs?”, “would you like a bad for this?”, “have a great day today!”, etc. It is also important that the employee smiles most of the time when talking to the costumer letting them know that they are welcome in the store.
5. The system that I am planning on implanting in this store is reinforcement. The reason why I will use reinforcement is because my goal is to increase the likelihood of these good behaviors. This operant conditioning process seeks for the target behavior to be repeated again after being rewarded the first time.
6. It is positive reinforcement; this type focuses on increasing a response by the addition of a desirable consequence. This is why we will use the token economy; it is a system that lets us reinforce the target behaviors by introducing tokens as reinforcers. The ore times the target behaviors are emitted, the more tokens they will receive.
7. The tokens used in this program are gift cards for other fast food places around the area like McDonalds, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, etc. for every ten target behavior.
8. The main pro about using these tokens is that many people already eat out many days of the weeks so now they can get their food for free at the same time they are doing a better job. Another pro is that it’s easier to pay with gift cards because you don’t need to carry around cash or even your bank cards. The con about these tokens is that maybe there are some people not interested in this type of food so these tokens won’t be considered a reinforcer by them.
9. Since Walmart always has managers walking around in case they are needed, the delivery system is distributed by them. Every time they see an employee doing a good job and treating the costumer correctly they will come closer and scan their employee’s IDs. A computer program will be counting how many times their ID has been scanned and for every 10 scans, they will receive a $10 gift card at the end of the shift.
10. the pros about this delivery system is that managers can also keep track of who is doing a better job, being able to have a talk with those who are not treating the costumers right. The con about it is that there is a chance that a manager doesn’t see a target behavior when it occurs so it won’t be reinforced.
11. A computer program will be recording how many target behaviors the employees have accomplished. Every time the employee goes to the bathroom or has a break, he/she can look at how many times their IDs have been scanned so they know how many more they need to get a gift card.
12. The pro is that is really easy to keep track of how many times employers have been noticed doing a target behaviors, so there are no papers or coins used as tokens that get lost. The con about it is that there could be a technical problem and the tokens for each employer would be lost.
13. The backup reinforcers are the fast food gift cards that they can get for every ten target behaviors.
14. They were chosen according to the fact that most people eat out at least once a week because their schedules are so busy they don’t always have time to cook. The fact that they can get for free what they usually have to pay for is considered a good reinfocer.
15. The way of knowing if they are good reinforcers is to put the plan into action and see how it works. Another way of knowing is taking a survey and ask the employers what they would desire to obtain as reinforcers.
16. The reinforcers can be checked out at the front desk at the end of every shift.
17. Surveys are the best way of knowing how people feel about the treatment they are obtaining. After a week of using the program the surveys taken online with the ticket from the store by the costumers should show an increase of their satisfaction. Another survey can be taken within the employers to know if they are happy about these tokens or if they desire to earn something else.
18. They should have a talk with them at the beginning of the week explaining the whole program. An email can be sent as a reminder of the main points of this program.
19. Managers should be aware of their new task and how important it is. Reinforcement is more effective when reinforcers are introduced in the exact moment after the target behavior is done. Some managers may need some training for this new task.
20. I will schedule a meeting with the administrators to explain the system. There are some point that should be really clear at the end of the meeting like specify the target behaviors, let them know how to use the reinforcers and ask for employers’ feedback at the end of the first week to know if new adjustments should be made.
21. In the case that not everyone fully understands the new token system they can also contact me in order to schedule a meeting. I don’t think this will occur because once the system is working it is very easy to follow just by example.
22. Some potential problems are that these are complex system and hard to understand for some people. administrators and management should always be available to answer employers’’ question about it; some other problem can be that the chosen tokens are not working as reinforcers because that’s not what their employers seek; gift cards can be traded within the employers when some of them are not actually doing the target behaviors.
Behavioral classes, elicit, target behavior, emitted, reinforcement, goal, increase, operant conditioning, positive, desirable consequence, token economy, reinforce, tokens, reinfocers, accomplish, reinforced, desire, earn.

1. The corporation is CBE. They call individuals for certain things like owing money to different businesses

2. The problem of not calling people came about from employees not calling people because they were being lazy and they wanted to go home early.

3. Certain behavior classes they want their employees to elicit is to call the numbers that need to be called and talk in a polite manner. Say things like “How are you today,” “How is your day going,” etc.

4. The managers of the corporation would like the employees to emit the target behavior of calling more than 30 people per shift

5. This system would be reinforcement based

6. It would be a positive reinforcement system

7. The tokens that would be used in this type of system would be stickers

8. A pro of using stickers as tokens would be that they are easy to keep track of. A con of using stickers is that anyone can get stickers very easily.

9. The token delivery system for this corporation would be from bosses to the employees

10. A pro of using the boss as a delivery system is that the boss is usually always around so they can get their reinforcement sticker. A con of using the boss would be a chance of favoritism. The boss might not like someone as well as other employees and as a consequence they would rarely get a sticker.

11. The tokens are banked in their lockers. They would have a paper stuck to the inside of their locker where the stickers would go.

12. A pro of using this would be that it is easy to keep track of because they are all in one area in the locker so it is not that easy to lose.

13. The back up reinforcers for this would be days off of work, a 30 minute break, extended lunch break, and the ability to leave work one hour early.

14. The backup reinforcers were chosen from a questionnaire of the employees

15. They are effective reinforcers because they are all things that the employees want, so they will help the employees work harder

16. The employees gain access to the reinforces from their boss/supervisor

17. Some outcome measures to know the system is effective would be the overall number of people called compared to before

18. The employees would be asked to come to a meeting and they would have the managers explain it to them.

19. The management would have their own meeting and they would be taught in depth about the program so they can turn around and teach their employees

20. To teach the administration about the token system I would have many different examples of what would happen in different situations and I would walk through the process pretty slow so they can grasp the concept.

21. There could be people that may not buy into the system. If this occurs I will just show the administrators that do not buy into the system the data that compares the number of people called before the program was implemented and after the program started.

22. Some problems that might be a problem here would be if it is too easy to reach 30 people. If that is the case the number will be raised.

23. Terms: elicit, emit, consequence, reinforcement, target behavior, reinforcer, backup reinforce, behavioral class

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
a. The corporation I am Menards. They are a home improvement and lumber store with many varied products.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
a. The problem arose from customers shoplifting products.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
a. As employees the cashiers are required to check and identify suspicious persons. People who are concealing items or trying remove items without paying for them.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
a. The employees are to stop people who come through their checkouts and ask for a receipt if they have product. They are also asked to report customer activity that is suspicious to managers. Lastly in the case of someone who is shoplifting they are to study the person stealing to give an accurate description including height, weight, hair color, skin color, clothing, identifying markings, vehicle, license plate, and direction of escape.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
a. Reinforcement
6) Is it positive or negative?
a. Positive reinforcement
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
a. The tokens for this program are points awarded for proper security behaviors performed.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
a. Pros of this is that the points are stored digitally and can’t be lost or stolen.
b. Cons are the points could be easily forgotten about because no physical object exists.
9) What is the token delivery system?
a. The delivery system is the managers on duty. When they observe the behaviors being properly performed points are given. Manager would also have to inform and reinforce behavior at time of observation. These would be delivered in a continuous fashion.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? ‘
a. Pros are that the manager would have to speak with the employee and reinforce the behavior after it occurs. Also help managers focus on observing employees.
b. Cons are that managers could be bias. Managers are busy and may not be in the right place at the right time to observe.
11) How are the tokens banked?
a. They are banked electronically and can be checked by the employee online.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
a. Pros are that this method is resistant to counterfeiting. Also easy to access.
b. Cons are that the managers would have to keep up on entering the points in the system and would add an extra job to their position.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
a. These points can be turned in for beneficial things during the work day such as: able to schedule your position for the day, able to leave 30 min early from shift, manager will purchase a pop or candy for employee, and able to schedule shifts for one week.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
a. These would be thing that would lighten work for the employee or make their job more fun while there.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
a. If they are reinforcers that are chosen often then it would be popular among the employees. If the reinforcer is never picked or picked less often it is likely less reinforcing to employees. The managers could also poll the employees to see what reinforcers they would prefer to see available.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
a. The employee would have to speak to the manager at the beginning of their shift to choose a reward and the manager would deduct the points from the system.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
a. They overall amount of product being stolen would be reduced. And or there would be more incidents of shoplifters being caught and prosecuted.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
a. They would cover the system and rewards at the monthly employee meetings for each department.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
a. The managers also have weekly meetings in which the system could be taught to the managers.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
a. The managers would be taught during the weekly meetings by a person such as the inventor of the system or by supervisors that specialize in employee relations.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
a. Yes, if managers are caught not following the system they will be punished with reductions in days of during the week or termination if it continues. Employees will be at will to follow or not follow the system but would not receive the benefits if choosing to abstain.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
a. I could see and issue with unequal pricing for the backup reinforcers until the program had been implemented long enough to find an adequate pricing for them.
23) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
a. Terms/ reward, reinforcer, behavior, punishment, emit, continuous, backup reinforcers

1)What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation that i will be working with is Walmart. Walmart is a large generals store that sells everything from groceries to clothes to electronics, and home goods and so much more.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem Walmart is experiencing is that they have been losing sales and customers the past couple years to Sams club. The problem has been put out in the open by the owners of the store and that is making the employees of the store more upset because they are getting blamed for lack of sales and customers.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
Walmart is trying to elicit the behavioral classes of the employees marketing the store more often and them being more friendly and happy when approached in the store.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
The target behavior that Walmart are trying to get their employees to emit are asking those customers at checkout if they would like to buy a store walmart card that comes with exclusive deals and rewards on them, that would be marketing the store.They also our target the behavior of smiling when seeing a customer, and greeting them when they walk into and when they leave the store.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based of reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The system that i will be talking about is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that are used in this programs are called golden stars. Golden stars or blue stars are put on a board with all the employees names and shifts.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pro to using this token is that it is very easy to see ones progress or dis progress. Everyone can tell how many stars that a person is getting. A con with this system would be that the board in which a person puts the stars is only accessible by the managers of the store.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is at the end of each shift the manager in charge will designate a employee that worked the hardest and showed the correct target behaviors while on the job.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pros of the delivery system is that the employees are always gonna be reinforced after every shift they work with a star to put on the board.
A con that is with this delivery system is that maybe everyone had a great shift but you only gave stars to 4 people. The employees maybe upset about that.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked by the manager at the end of each shift. Banked by putting a star on the employee name board.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
The pros of banking this way is that there wont be any bias by anyone. The current shift manager is the only one who can give employee stars.
A con with banking the tokens in this manner is that maybe the manager forgets to put the stars on the board for that shift.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers would be want you can get when you achieve 25 stars. When you achieve 25 stars you have a choice of items you can do, you can have the day off with pay, or save that day for a future day off.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers are chosen because before the system was started they sent out a survey asking employees from a list of options of what they would want to achieve from 25 stars. Also, that is what employees would want the most.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
One way to measure the effectiveness of the reinforcer is to compare how well the employees are doing since the system was put in place. Also you check the sales margin since the system started. You could also do a before and after survey with the customers that come into the store as well.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees gain access to the reinforcers by marketing the store to all customers and being nice and friendly to the people.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
One way to measure is to look at the surveys that the store does. They could also personally ask customers once they leave the store.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
They will have a whole new training session on how to market the store at checkout and how to smile and be nicer to the customers.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators will go about teaching the management the system by also having 3 day training session. Also by showing them the correct way to look for the behaviors.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will give and set up formal training session to the administrators as well. Have the administrators met up with other store administrators around the world.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Of course, there is a possibility that not everyone agrees with the system. The managers and owners probably wont want people taking days off with pay. I address it by getting information and stats on how the company will be better with this system in place.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
problems known to exist in token economies that may exist her are that on employee may just be the best worker ever and get all the stars and will have a day off with pay every days. That would be a problem cause of the other employees with not get a chance to get there day off.
23) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
positive reinforcement, backup reinforcer, behavioral class, target behavior.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
They sell protection of data and servers for businesses, a problem they have is failing to meet sales goals

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?

Came about from a consistent trend of not meeting sales and salespeople in the company not putting in the effort to meet those goals.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?

selling, effort

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?

Completion of sales, going to businesses, making phone calls

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?

reinforcement as opposed to punishment

6) Is it positive or negative?

positive reinforcement

7) What are the tokens used in this program?

The tokens are a tracked number of sales in the company's data computer and will be displayed on a board in the main office area

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

Pros- consistent to track, less human error, can’t lose tokens, everyone can easily see where they are at
Cons- Tokens are not tangible, technology issues

9) What is the token delivery system?

Manager that finalizes the sale records them when finishing paper work

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?

Pro- limited to who can submit tokens, can’t lie and give out tokens someone might not have earned, entered in finalization process
Cons- Human error, manager might use tokens as leverage over employees

11) How are the tokens banked?

Companies computers and on board in main employee area

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?

pros-tokens can not be lost, you can easily check your progress
cons- tokens can be tangibly held and tracked, some people might prefer tokens be marked privately

13) What are the back up reinforcers?

Longer lunch breaks, closer parking space, gift cards, bonuses

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?

By asking people things they might like, adding workplace benefits or more monetary rewards.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?

Asking employees what might motivate them, seeing if certain rewards are popular, seeing if this system of backup reinforcers increases the target behavior.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?

Each sale is a token and each reward has a value, for example a parking space might be more than a longer lunch break, and a gift card or bonus would be more than those other ones.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?

Track increase or decrease in sales, have managers observe and record employee behaviors, track token data would be good outcome measures.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?

Give them a brochure and have a meeting over the system

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?

Have a meeting with the managers and go through the system with them

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?

Give them a reading of token economies(such as the one for the reading activity) and explaining it in depth and give them examples of programs.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have
complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?

Employees might not buying thinking the rewards are not enough or that the program might be childish, I would change the reward structure or give them example of it working for adults

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Hoarding, employees might “coast” if they have a large amount of sales, this can be alleviated by adjusting sales goals and a commision base the is common in sales positions.

Unequal Pricing of backup reinforcer- Having the rewards too low might make it so people get them too easily or making them high might mean that people find it too unattainable to try for. This can be fized by adjusting the amount needed for backup reinforcers.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

token economy, reinforce, backup reinforcer, positive reinforcement, behavior, target behavior, punishment, hoarding, reward, outcome measures.

1). The program is Ipsy rewards program.
2). The program is to promote reviewing the sample-sized beauty products received in the monthly Ipsy bag. With each review of a product then the person gets 10 points after 100 points the person gets 20% of a full sized product of choice on the website. By having the products reviewed by customers that have used the products then they will have more information if they should continue to sell that product or give it out in other Ipsy bags.
3). They are trying to elicit the behavior or review the products and have customers purchase products on their website instead of other websites.
4). Review products on the website that they have used.
5). Reinforcement is the basis of this reward program because they are given a percentage off of a product after review so many products.
6). This is positive reinforcement because they are adding a percentage off after the target behavior is emitted.
7). The tokens in this program are points, they receive 10 points per review of a product. After so many points are received they are reinforced for the behavior with a coupon.
8). A pro of this is that the person will receive 20% off site wide and some of the products on the site are never on sale so that will promote the client to review the products. A con would be that it could be a daunting task to review all the products necessary to get the percentage off.
9). The delivery system is at the top of your account screen online they have a points total and the person can watch their points increase as you review the products.
10). Pros would be they could see the total right away. Con would be they could see how many points they are away from getting the percentage off and decide its not worth their time to review all the products. Another con of this delivery system is they are only getting reinforced by the numbers when they are on the website.
11). They are banked online in the account settings.
12). A pro is that the points are easy to see and access. A con would be that they only see the points when the person is on the website.
13). The back up reinforcement is getting the percentage off of a product, and also when you become a member for a certain length of time they add an additional product to your Ipsy bag.
14). These were probably chose so that they would have customers that stay being a member, using the products and reviewing the products.
15). They are effective reinforcers because there have been a lot of product reviews done on the website and there is a waiting list to get into the program.
16). The employees don’t exactly gain access to the reinforcers, it is done electronically, but if the employee is also a customer then they would receive it the same as the customers.
17). They can compare the amount of reviews done by customers before the program to after the program.
18). They have been effective with teaching this to the employees because many people know about the program and they review the products.
19). The administrators are teaching the customer service and support about the system well so when the customers call if they do have questions they can teach them more about the program and how it works.
20). I will hold a conference to teach them about the program.
21). Yes it is possible because the customer might not think the amount of work to complete the product reviews is worth the percentage off. They might think if they are going to be completing 10 reviews they should get more than 20% off the website.
23). The website isn’t that common and that might make the program suffer but I also think that program will suffer because of a lack of advertisement.
24). Emit, elicit, behavior, target behavior, reinforcement, token.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 

The corporation I am looking at is Van Meter, a larger electrical company back home that I used to work at.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 

The problem we had was that some of the employees would put the shipments we received away very slowly, therefore they were doing a lot of standing around and talking while others would be busting their butts to put the shipment carts away.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

The behavior class trying to be elicited is positive behaviors, swift working, as well as responsibility.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 

The target behaviors trying to be emitted are trying to work faster and stay on task to be able to get tasks done in a timely manor.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

This is a system based upon reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative? 

It is based on positive reinforcement to hopefully elicit the positive behaviors that are wished to be shown in the employees.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? 

The tokens that are being used for this program is fake paper money. Once an employee receives $25 in fake money they will be able to turn this in for a back up reinforcer.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

The pro’s to using these tokens is that they will be given these rewards that they can physically see each and every day for positive behavior being emitted. The con to these tokens is that they can be counterfeited and it will be hard for all the positive behaviors that are emitted to be caught by employees and rewarded.

9) What is the token delivery system? 

The token delivery system is after an employee shows a correct behavior being emitted their boss can reward them with a token (fake money) and once they have $25 tokens saved up they will be able to turn that in for a back up reinforcer.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

A pro of this type of delivery is that there will be immediate reinforcement for the employees caught doing a good behavior. The con of this is that with immediate reinforcement, not all positive behavior can be reinforced which could send a person into an issue with the continuous reinforcement. With this, an employee may become discouraged if positive behaviors aren’t being recognized.

11) How are the tokens banked? 

The tokens will be banked by the employees and they will keep track of these until they have $25 saved up.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 

The pro to this type of banking system is that it is easy and the employees will be able to keep track of their progress themselves. The con to this type of system is that some may forget the reasonings behind the rewards and may just start going through the motions over time again.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? 

The back up reinforcers are being put in a drawing for a raffle, getting an extra break, and getting a day off of work. Each of these require a different amount of tokens to receive.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

The backup reinforcers are based upon things that the employees find to be a reward, which gives them something to want to work towards.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 

To determine if these are effective reinforcers you could keep track of how many employees are using these rewards to receive these reinforcements as well as talking with employees about these things.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees will go to their boss once they have the allotted amount of money and will tell their boss which reinforcer they would like to use.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrators will be in charge of keeping track of which reinforcers are being used and how often they are being used by each of the employees. They will also take surveys by the employees to see how each of them feel about this token economy.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
At the next monthly meeting the administrators will inform all of the employees of this new change and introduce how it will be implemented within the company.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 

The administrators will talk about what target behaviors they want to be focusing on and how an employee is able to earn the tokens and then start implementing these measures.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 

We will show examples of the target behaviors trying to be elicited and then provide them with the fake money and rules to this new token economy.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?

Yes, it is always possible that not everyone will be keen on this new idea. If that occurs they will be asked to try the system out but if they don’t enjoy it they will not have to participate in this new system but they will not be eligible for the rewards.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

One of the bigger problems that are known with token economies is counterfeiting the fake money used.

Terms used: behavior class, continuous reinforcement, positive behavior, elicit, emit, positive reinforcement, back up reinforcer, tokens, immediate reinforcement, effective reinforcer, and token economy.

1)  My corporation is a large retail store that sells clothing items, shoes, jewelry, and a multitude of other accessories.

2) The problem I am addressing is workers emitting lazy behavior, and not being as productive/efficient as they should be. I have noticed in the past couple of months that sales have gone down

3) The behavioral classes I am trying to elicit in the workers are having them emit better work attitudes, elicit productivity in the workers, and eliciting efficiency at work.

4) Some specific target behaviors I would have the workers do to improve their attitudes at work would be to smile every time they talk to a customer, and to speak in a excited tone when speaking with customers. This will inevitably make them in a better mood. Some target behaviors for productivity would be to make a checklist of items they need to get done in their shift, and have them check off on one (or multiple) each hour. to make the workers more efficient I would have them time how long it takes them to do certain jobs, and then have people work the position they were fastest at. So they need to find what they are good at. 

5) The system I use would be based on reinforcement.

6) It would be positive reinforcement

7) I would look at the checklist of items they should be completing each hour, and also observing behaviors of the people as the day goes on. Different behaviors would be different point totals, and then I would mark them in a binder when the store closed each night. 
8) Pros are you would not have to worry about the employees losing their tokens; however, on the flip side, if the points are out of sight to the employees than may also be out of mind.  

9) The points will be tallied up throughout the day, and then recorded in a binder at the end of each day. (Based on the checklist and observed behaviors)

10) Employees would feel less resentment towards other employees because they do not have to see the others being rewarded when they are not, and it would force them to be on their best behavior their whole shift because they are not always sure when the tokens are being rewarded. (Since they have a set list of behaviors that they can earn tokens, but then can also be rewarded for random good behaviors.)

11) I would keep the point totals in my own personal binder each night, and then add them up at the end of each week and print out a sheet to put in a binder that all of the employees can look at. 

12) The pros would be that I have a backup binder in case something happened to one of them, or if someone changed the public binder I could look back at my private binder. It also gives the employees a way to look at their point totals, but also the point totals of others so they can be motivated to work harder. The cons would be that employees may want to be update on their token status more than once a week.

13) The backup reinforcers could be that you get to be the person that goes home early that week if they are overstaffed, you could trade in points for a discount at the store, you could trade in points for a free lunch, or you could trade in points for a gift card to the store, etc.

14) From working in retail before I feel like these are things that a lot of people would like to be rewarded with during/after their shift.  

15) You would know if they were effective backup reinforcers based on how many people are using their token points to receive that reward. 

16) Certain backup reinforcers will be a certain amount of token points they have to build up, and whenever they reach that goal they can pick whatever backup reinforcer they would like to have.

17) If there is a progression in how many points the employees are earning each week, and if they are taking advantage of earning the backup reinforcers. 

18) The businesses will hold a meeting with their employees where the manager will explain the system, and they will each be provided with a sheet at the meeting that summarizes the system. They will also be given a sheet with the list of backup reinforcers, and how many points in takes to receive each of them. Lastly, there can also be a page that includes which behaviors the manager will be looking for, and how many points you can earn by emitting them. 

19) They can send out a mass email with the instructions, or holding a meeting at headquarters that the different managers could come to. 

20) I would do the same thing as I answered for the question above. 

21) I would not foresee any problems with this system, but if there were I would call a meeting to address any concerns. 

22) Someone could try and change their point total in the public binder, but the managers will each have their own private binder so it does not matter. 

Terms: emitting, behavior, elicit, behavioral classes, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, rewarded, tokens, backup reinforcer

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 
Menards, they are retail store that sells everything from hardware and building materials to grocery and clothing items.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 
They noticed a lack of guest (customer) service in their employees.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 
The main behavioral class they would want to focus on is being helpful to the guest. They would also want to focus on the behavioral class of being courteous to the guest.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 
They specifically want to work on getting employees to walk the guest to the specific product they are looking for, rather than pointing or explaining the general direction/location of the product. They also want to work on the target behavior of getting the employees to ask follow up questions to make sure the guest has everything for their product. (Example: if a guest is purchasing a drill bit, make sure to ask if the guest has a proper drill or driver for the project they are working on.)
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 
This system would be based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? 
There will be both positive and negative reinforcement in this system.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 
The tokens will be a green ticket.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? The pro’s for this token is that tickets will be cheap and easy for Menards to give out to their employees in bulk if necessary. The con is that it might be easy to conterfeit, and it might also be easy to lose by accident. 

9) What is the token delivery system? 
The managers for each department (hardware, cabinets and appliances, plumbing, wall coverings, etc) would hand out the tokens to their specific team members when they see them emitting one of the target behaviors. They could also let another manager know if they saw one of that manager’s team members emitting a target behavior.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 
The pro is that it is controlled by the managers, so you know that reinforcement is only being administered when they proper behavior has been elicited. However, there are many times in the day when team members would emit the target behavior and no manager would see it, therefore they wouldn’t be reinforced for it. This is a con.
11) How are the tokens banked? 
After receiving a ticket the team member is to go put it in their file.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? It also encourages the behavioral class of responsibility for the team members, but if it were to fall out of the file, get lost, or get taken by another team member, then they wouldn’t be able to use it on a backup reinforcement for their good behavior. 

13) What are the back up reinforcers? 
Once you receive 5 tickets you can take an extra 10 minute break (paid). This is positive reinforcement, adding something desirable to the environment. Once you receive 10 tickets, you can use them to get rid of 3 disciplinary points that you have acquired. This is negative reinforcement, removing something aversive from the environment.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 
They were chosen based on the wants of an employee (extra break that is paid) and Menards’ current punishment system of giving out 3 points for calling in sick, 2 points for being late (1 point if you call in to say you will be late), and 5 points for a no call, no show.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 
We will be able to tell once they system has been in place. As an employee of Menards, I believe these would be affective.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 
By turning in their earned tickets.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 
They will see an improvement in the service that is provided by guests, and as the begin this system they will have surveys for the guests to see how well the service is received by the guests.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administrators will have the managers go over the system in the monthly meeting with their department.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 
The administrators will have the HR rep. explain the system in their monthly meeting with all of the managers and assistant managers.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will have a meeting with them where I will explain it, give them paperwork for themselves, the HR reps, the managers, and the team members. I will then answer any questions they have. 

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
I think that this system should be affective for everyone.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 
There could be a hoarding of tickets, and so that team member would only demonstrate good guest service when they run out of tickets. There could also be counterfeit tickets. But since the managers hand the tickets out to their departments alone, they should be able to tell if someone starts turning it many more tickets than they actually earned.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, behavioral class, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, emit, elicit, behavior, reinforce, desirable, aversive, environment, punishment.

Token economy.
Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 
-The corporation is financial institution call center that takes daily calls about people’s finances. They take calls regarding wires, balances, transfers, credit card inquiries, electronic services, loans and much more.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 
-The problem in this corporation is that there is a program that the employees must be using while assisting customers on the phone. The program consists of a small box that will introduce different types of services or needs/wants that we can bring on to the customers attention. For example, if the customer does not have a credit card with our financial, there would be a notification that would pop up in this program that notifies representatives to bring to their attention that they have the opportunity to apply for a credit card. If they have that conversation with the customer, the representative can mark on the program that they had the conversation and they would get a referral point. Each referral point will count towards a department percentage. The percentage that we would need is 30% monthly. This percentage will determine your yearly bonus the following year. A lot of the employees are slacking on referrals and are not able to have conversations with customers.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 
- The behavioral classes that they are trying to elicit are selling and referring to service to their customers.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 
-Some specific target behaviors that they might want the employees to emit is to at least check off one of the referrals on their program before they get off the phone with the customer. Or set goals of referral points they are wanting to receive that month to contribute to the percentage.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 
-This system is based on reinforcement and punishment at the same time. If the employee is making referrals, they are reinforcing themselves by knowing that they are contributing towards their yearly bonus which involves more money and a pleasurable outcome. If the employee does not contribute then the numbers will show that they are not using the program and completely ignore it. This means that your yearly bonus will not be as much as those who are actually using the program with may result in aversive outcomes.

6) Is it positive or negative? 
-I feel like this is positive because money is a huge motivator. People are more willing to contribute to their own yearly bonus and this means that people will use the program more often. Once an employee uses this program more, the more sales and business we bring to our corporation.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? 
-The tokens used in this program are the referral points that contribute to the department percentage for the month.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 
-Pros: motivator, yearly bonus, more conversations, more business, more sales
-Cons: annoyance to employees while transacting with customers, loss of motivation, less of yearly bonus

9) What is the token delivery system? 
-The delivery system is would be the program popping up when the representative opens their account to transact.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 
Pros: motivator, opportunities to sell, more money in bonus, acknowledgements from co-workers and management for helping reach goal
Cons: Annoyance, not knowing how to sell

11) How are the tokens banked? 
-The amount of referrals being recorded

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 
-Pros: They fairly distribute everyones referrals and effort on their referrals
-Cons: They may not receive constant reinforcement

13) What are the back up reinforcers? 
-Acknowledgement from leaders, doing competitions that have rewards

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 
-Different ways to reinforce people to emit different behaviors so that they do not have extinction

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 
-They are effective because people like a good competition especially when they involve being rewarded and people also like being acknowledge for the work that they have done

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 
-Employees receive email from management for how much each person’s percentage is, the teams percentage is and how much everyone is contributing to the teams percentage

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 
-They can measure how competitions or promotions have an effect on their employees to motivate them to continue getting referrals to the company

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
-There can be training session for all the employees on the program before it is implemented

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 
-A few people that decide to be experts on the program need to be trained on the system first and learn the ins and outs of the program to be able to teach the management and answer questions for them

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 
-The company will provide training for the administrators and provide packets and explanations for how the system works. We would have our own call-center to answer questions for our business as well

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
-Im sure that there could be a possibility but we would want to know as a company how the program would be working and I'm sure the numbers would show if it would be an effective program. If not we would have to implement the program in a different way

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 
-They are not always effective.

24) Terminology: elicit, behavior, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, pleasurable, aversive, motivator, tokens, reinforce, emit, extinction

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is Pancheros. Pancheros is a Mexican Grill specializing in burritos, tacos, and quesadillas.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Pancheros had a punch card system. For every burrito you bought, you received a stamp. Once you got up to 10 stamps, you could trade in the card for a free burrito. Pancheros noticed people were only buying a burrito, no one was getting chips and queso, drinks, or anything else they had for sale. To get people to spend more, they switched to a rewards system. The new system gives points to your card for every dollar you spend so $1=1 point and 100 points=free burrito.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral class they are trying to elicit is trying to get the customers to spend more money at the stores.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
The employees should talk the customers to explain how the new system works. Pancheros also offers a free burrito for turning in an old card and for signing up online for a new one, so they should let the customers know to avoid any dissatisfaction from them.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system is based reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative?
The system is positive reinforcement.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used for the program are points you aquire from having your card swipped at one of the stores.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Some of the pros are that the new system is that it prevents employees from giving out double punches, customers who get chips and queso or drinks are rewarded, and lost cards can now be replaced due to information being online.
The cons are that customers who just get burritos have to spend more than they used to with the old cards and the online cards can now run into system problems that an old stamp card would avoid with just being a stamp.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is a Pancheros employee swipping the card.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pros are that all of your points are kept online so you don't have to worry about losing the card and you don't have to worry about running out of ink to stamp the card. The con is that not all of the employees may know the systems so things may get jammed up.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are held on your card and can be checked online on an account you set up.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
The pro is that you don't have to worry about losing the card, you can ask for a new one. A con is that you have to get online to see how many points you have rather than just checking the card in your back pocket.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcers are a choice of any of the 5 main menu items once you reach 100 points. Those 5 items are burritos, burrito bowls, tacos, salads, and quesadillas.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen because they are the 5 items considered a main menu item. Pancheros saw chips and queso, chips and salsa, or a drink as not enough of a reward for reaching the 100 points.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
The reason they are an effective reinforcer is because the previous punch card system brought in a good amount of business and rewarded loyal customers. The new card system runs with the same reinforcement.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
Employees are the ones making and giving out the reinforcers. Instead of charging a customer, they just hand the reinforcer to the customer.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Comparing the numbers on how many people sign up for the rewards system and seeing how many of those people came back to buy more. If they notice that more customers are buying chips and a drink with their meal, the program would be seen as effective.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The will likely show the employees how to add a customers points to their card.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators would tell management how the new system would persuade customers into spending more money at the store because now they get rewarded for every dollar that they spend which, in the long run, would make them more money.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I would teach adminstrators how to keep track of all of the points that the customers rack up in some sort of system through the online accounts.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
There is not much of a change from the last system but the main problem would be the employees not liking that they not longer can just stamp the card. Showing them how easy it is to swip the new ones would be how I get them to buy in.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
While keeping it online should get rid of people adding more stamps to peoples cards than they deserve, there could be a way to add more points than the person should be receiving.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, behavior class, reinforce, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, tokens, rewarded, elicit,

1)The corporation is a chocolate factory that produces a very expensive chocolate and they mainly produce and distributed their chocolate throughout the whole world.

2)The problem is that the policy of the corporation does not allow the workers to eat any chocolate that they produce even in the rare situations that there are a few leftovers which has made which has lead to the workers to decrease in motivation affecting the production which has decreased.

3)They are trying to find a way to motivate their workers eliciting a higher productivity and therefore a reduction of the loses due to the decrease in the productivity.

4)A target behavior would be a more productive behavior and predisposition by exchange the emission of those behaviors for tokens which will give them access to the chocolate.

5)This system is based on reinforcement.

6)This reinforcement system is positive because it elicits desired behaviors on the workers which also benefit the factory.

7)The tokens used in this program are like money but they do not have value in the real world and if trying it there will not be a pleasurable response from others.

8)Some pro’s would be that the workers would be motivated to increase productivity while some con’s would be that if they fail to get the objective which is the tokens and therefore the chocolate the consequence could be them giving up and therefore not increasing the production as much as it should.

9)The days that the production increase the supervisor points out those who mainly made that possible and reward them with tokens and every two times that someone is pointed out for outstanding behavior the worker has the chance to get chocolate.

10)Some pro’s would be that the workers try to keep up to be pointed out twice while some con’s would be that it can be a really long time between the two times that the worker is being pointed out decreasing the interest of the worker to get tokens.

11)Since they are adults they just keep them and whenever they have two of them they give them in exchange of chocolate so they do not have the chance to use them again.

12)Some pro’s are that the factory does not have to worry about the tokens and if they get lost or not while some con’s would be that the workers may copy them so they have more than they actually have earned.

13)The backup reinforcers are the tokens in exchange of chocolate because of emitting desired behaviors.

14)The backup reinforcers were chosen based on observations from the supervisors who saw that the workers really wanted the chocolate.

15)We know that they are effective reinforcers because there has been an increase of the frequency of a motivated behavior and therefore an increase of the production.

16)The workers gain access to the reinforcers through the emission of the desired behavior which is a motivated and productive one.

17)To see the increase of the frequency of the motivated and productive behavior with which the production increases.

18)They will let them know what they have to do in order to earn the tokens and therefore the chocolate.

19)They will let them know how to measure the productivity in order to be able to give tokens in a fair way.

20)I will explain them in detailed how the whole system works and how to measure productivity and therefore being able to give the tokens to the workers that truly deserve them so when they go explain others they will not have struggle in doing so and everyone would understand how the system work and the requirements to earn the tokens and the prizes available in exchange of them.

21)I feel that the more suspicious ones would be the workers because they may think it is not going to work or they are not really that interested on getting chocolate so they will not feel motivated enough to do their best and increase the production. I would try to explain them how that increase in production may mean earning more money monthly in a long-term future and it is a reason to try to increase it.

22)A problem that can take place could be that after a while the workers would not feel motivated to still emitting a productive and motivated behavior because they have got tired of just getting chocolate in exchange. When this situation takes place I feel like adding the hope of earning more money monthly will make an important difference for the workers when looking at this whole token economy and the desired behavior expected from them.

23)Terms and terminology used: Decrease, increase, eliciting, emission, behaviors, reinforcement, desired behaviors, pleasurable response, consequence, frequency.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 

The corporation is a retail store, selling clothing, housewares, jewelry, and beauty items.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 

The problem is that their employees are not meeting credit/reward-soliciting goals.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? 

The corporation wants to find a way to get the employees to elicit the behavior of getting more customers to sign up for charge cards and/or reward cards.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 

A target behavior that the corporation would want their employees to emit would be to ask every single customer if they have a charge card or reward card, and if they do not, ask them if they would like to sign up today. The employees are also required to promote the card by giving a certain speech. EX: “It only takes 9 easy questions and 90 seconds…”
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

This system is based on reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? 

This is positive reinforcement, because the employees will be rewarded.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 

The tokens are fake, paper monies. One is a fake one dollar bill and one is a fake five dollar bill.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

The pro’s of the fake money is that it is cheap to print and easy to distribute to employees. The con’s are that it is paper and it is given out in the middle of the shift, meaning that it could be easily lost or ruined.
9) What is the token delivery system? 

They are handed out to the employees by the managers after they ring the bell over the intercom, indicating that they received a credit, or employees can indicate that they signed someone up for credit or a rewards card over the walkies that they all wear.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

The pro’s are that because the manager is handing them to the employees personally, there is a moment of gratification. The employees feels good about them, and are more likely to try to get another credit.
The con’s are that if the manager is busy or not somewhere where they can hear the intercom, they may not know that someone received the credit. If it takes a long time to reward the employee, or the employee does not get rewarded at all, the employee may not be motivated to emit the desired target behavior.
11) How are the tokens banked? 

For every reward card sign up, the employee gets a one-dollar bill. For every credit card sign up, the employee gets a five-dollar bill. Each employee is given an envelope with his or her name on it in the break room. During break, the employees put any monies earned into the envelopes.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 

The pro’s are that the employees are able to have access to their tokens at all times. However, this also means that other employees have access to other’s tokens as well.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? 

The back-up reinforcers are things such as Jean Day Passes, and candy. The employees are able to buy one of these using the fake monies.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

They were chosen because they are relatively cheap and easy to pass out.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 

We could employees how they feel about the reinforcers, and let them vote on other potential reinforcers.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 

By getting someone to sign up for a credit or reward card, they are able to receive a reinforcer.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

The managers frequently check the amount of credits that employees get each day, and they are able to check by employee number. They can then see if the tokens are increasing the amount of credits received. They can also keep track of how many tokens are turned in for back-up reinforcers.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?

All employees wear walkies, and the managers are encouraging the employees and promoting the tokens throughout the day.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 

They will have a meeting before work, and go through the system. It is relatively cheaper, so it should not be difficult. There will also posters describing the entire process in the main office of the managers, so they can check it at any time.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 

We will teach them the same way that the managers will be taught. Through intensive meetings and posters.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?

I think that it is possible that some managers or administrators may find the program childish, but with most of the employees being high school or college students, I think the program would be effective. I would have them try the program for a period of time, and then let the results speak for themselves. If employees were not utilizing the system, then reworking the system would be necessary.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
I think that if someone is getting more customers that want to sign up for credit, and therefore earning more rewards, it may make other employees less motivated to try to earn rewards. Also if the rewards are too easy too obtain, employees may lose interest.

Terms: elicit, behavior, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, tokens, back-up reinforcers

1.) My company that I am consulting for is a real estate firm.
2.) The problem came about after staff decided they did not want to show up to work for the weekly meetings and mandatory desk time (they are independent business owners so they can make their own hours within a set of guidelines by the company.)
3.) A behavioral class that could be targeted would be agents sitting at desks.
4.) Some target behaviors would be, walking through the door on time, sitting at their desks working for 4 hours a day at least 3 days a week, attending the weekly meeting on Tuesday mornings to go over new listings and hot listings.
5.) I prefer reinforcement better than punishment, so we will say reinforcement.
6.) We are going to go with positive reinforcement.
7.) I think I am going to go with a gold coin for a token.
8.) Pros: they are shiny and pretty. They are hard to counterfeit. They fit in pockets and can look nice on desks.
Cons: They are easy to lose. They can be mistook as money
9.) Tokens will be given out by senior executives that are at the office daily who can check the attendance.
10.) Pros: They are given directly and do not have to rely on peers.
Cons: Executives could be far too busy to see if a certain agent is there all the time.
11.) For every 5 coins one earns they can trade them in for a prize such as: free coffee, free lunch/ breakfast, or fashionable office décor. For every 10 coins one could get a get out of jail free card to miss a half day of work or 1 meeting, free company apparel, or a set of business cards (personalized). For every 20 coins, some could have a free spa massage, pedi/mani, 2 get out of jail free cards, or a choice of brand name gift card worth $35.
12.) One could hoard coins until they get what they want. There will be a 20 coin cap, but one could lie about the amount they have.
13.) If everyone shows up to all the meeting for an entire month, then there will be a companywide party with food and beverage catered in.
14.) I chose this back up reinforcer on what I would like to work for. I also polled many people I currently work with and this was the best response.
15.) If people show an increase in attendance and in turn productivity, they the reinforcers work to motivate.
16.) The tokens must be turned into an assigned executive, then the appropriate reinforcer will be distributed.
17.) Administrators need to look for the increase in attendance and enthusiasm in the reinforcers. With more tokens given out, that means more people are attending work and the meetings.
18.) By sending out a companywide email referencing policy changes that will be discussed in a mandatory meeting and threatening repercussions if agents fail to show. That should get attendance and ensure the token economy is discussed.
19.) Management will have a smaller separate meeting that will go over the rules and responsibilities of the program.
20.) Have an even smaller meeting going over the program and the statistical outcome of it along with what should be rewarded for attendance.
21.) There is a chance that some agents will not find it enticing enough to want to change their current daily routine if it is working for them. Management may not always have time to sit and observe who is at work and who isn’t.
22.) Easy to counterfeit tokens. Lack of participation. Going too fast through the reinforcement schedule set up.
23.) Token economy, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, behavioral classes, reinforcement schedule.

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
My corporation is a clothing store for children that sells clothing, shoes, and some accessories.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem that I am addressing is the employees emitting behaviors that are not good for the store. Most of the employees do the bare minimum and customers have been complaining to the corporate manager about these actions.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior I am trying to elicit productivity. Employees can still do the bare minimum but also be productive while working.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some of the target behaviors that I want to see happened are to see the employees interact and be more proactive about getting all their duties accomplished. These are specific target behaviors that need to be done by each employee because without this, there will be lower profits for each months total income.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
It is definitely based on reinforcement. This is because punishment does not motivate employees to be more productive, but reinforcement helps the workers to become motivated by rewards.
6) Is it positive or negative?
It is both. Positive reinforcement comes into play when the employee gets a certain amount of customers to sign up for the in store credit card. Negative reinforcement would happen when a certain employee went above and beyond what they were expected to do and gets to leave 30 minutes early.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The token program that is in place at this business is that each time an employee does something that is not expected of them, they get a point and when they reach 10 points they can pick between a day off or getting out an hour early.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros would be that the employees would be more likely to actually do their jobs, and cons would be that they would only go beyond their expectations when a manager was around.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The points would be counted at the end of each work day and the effects of the points would be granted for the next day.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros would be that employees have a fresh slate each day, cons would be that maybe an employee doesn’t care and won’t try at all that day to be a good worker.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The manager of the business is the banker.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros are that points will be in a safe and secure place, cons are that the employees won’t always know how many points they have.
13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are taking a day off and getting to leave early.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
These were chosen by the relativity to the employees. If they were not something that was worthy, it would not apply to the workers.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We would know by the way the employee’s productivity level. If it is going up, than that means it is being effective.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
By gaining points and picking what they want to do with them.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
By how the monthly income rate has gone up and there are less complaints from the customers about the employees.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
By having a work meeting that explains what is expected of each employee and how the point system works.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
Also having a work meeting, teach the managers how the point system works.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I would show them the behaviors that should be rewarded and what behaviors should receive a point.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
With everything there are always people who are pessimistic about new ideas. I would address this by saying that this is the way things need to be and without it this store would close and they would have no job.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
People are greedy and want to always have more. They could potentially get their hands on the sheet that holds all the point totals and give themselves more than what they have earned.
Terms: emit, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, token program.

Token economy.
Imagine you are a consultant and were asked to set up a token economy for a large corporation to solve a behavioral problem they are experiencing. Please answer some questions about the token economy you have set up for the corporation.
Answer the questions below using as many behavioral terms are you can.
1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The cooperation is a call center that collects calls of complaints/positive comments about a store popular in many states. These calls are collected then the notes are sent in a memo to the specific locations head manager every week.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Often the people that receive complaints don’t handle it as nicely as they should be. The supercivisor is hoping by rewarding calls handled well, more calls will be taken with a better attitude.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They want to elicit respect, calm demeanors and compassionate conversations.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
When a customer calls very angrily and screaming at the receiver, they should respond with “I am so sorry such a horrible experience happened to you…We will make sure the store manager is aware of such a instance” Instead of “Sir you need to calm down if you want me to help you.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
Reinforcement. They will receive a marble for every 10 calls they handle appropriately. After receiving 15 marbles they can exchange them with things like an extra hour break, a 5$ gift card, or a free cup of coffee.
6) Is it positive or negative?
Positive because they are being rewarded by doing good behavior.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
They would be easy to lose or steal because they are so small (Con) but a pro would be that they are tangible so people know how many they have at all times.
9) What is the token delivery system?
Supervisors walk around and when they hear a good conversation, they just drop a marble into a bucket on that persons desk.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some cons may be that it wont be consistent because they can’t hear everyone’s conversation all at once. A pro may be that the person who receives the marble gets the chance to show gratitude to the supervisor when they are around. They are also able to see how many they have at the end of the day.
11) How are the tokens banked?
The marbles will be collected in each persons personal bucket located on their desk.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
They could be stolen by others which is a big con, but the pros are that they can keep track of them themselves and watch their bucket fill up.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
I don’t think back up reinforcers will be used unless they have up to 50 marbles or something like that. Then they could get something like a paid day off or something.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
By the supervisors to ensure that the company can handle it.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
Because people will do anything for free items or for a break while at work.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
They will need to request it from the supervisor.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
Recording calls, offering a survey at the end of the call to the callers about their satisfaction with how the situation was handled, and just seeing how many marbles are turned in.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
Sending out an email explaining the point, how they can receive the tokens and what the tokens can be used for.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The management should have to take a hour to go over it to ensure there will be no favoritism and that they really try to stick to it.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
Same way we teach the management.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? Employees may not care for it because they don’t want to be nice to people. Management may not love the idea of giving away coffee or having people take longer breaks.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
People stealing the tokens or getting bored of the system quickly.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Token economy, reinforcement, positive, negative, behavioral classes, schedule

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is Target and their a large scale grocery and department store
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Employees have been caught being rude to customers and not showing pleasurable behaviors towards the customers
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavior class that they are trying to elicit is being pleasurable communicating with customers
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Ask every customer they come in contact with how their day is going. Always say thank you when the person purchases an item and say have a good day/night as they leave. Always ask customers if they found everything alright when they come to the checkout line
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
6) Is it positive or negative?
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
Points on the back wall in the breakroom
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Con’s could be that employees could erase others points or try to add points to their own system. Pros could be that it is very easy and won’t take any extra time to do more than an extra minute a day
9) What is the token delivery system?
Whenever a manager or supervisor sees an employee exhibiting these behaviors they take note of it and at the end of the day they add the points to the wall in the breakroom
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros could be that it won’t take up very much time and can be done very easily. Cons are that managers could forget to write down the points at the end of the day.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Once you receive 25 points you can turn them in for an extra 15 minute break to the boss
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros could be that an extra 15 minute break could be very beneficial. However, cons could be that some people don’t find the banking interesting and don’t even try.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
Getting an extra 15 minute break during work
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The employees had the option to vote on several different items that they would like and they derived this.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
We will know if it is effective by asking and surveying the employees to see if they find it effective.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
They turn their points in to their boss for the reinforcement of the extra break
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
We will know if they are effective by comparing customer service at the end of the month to the previous months before the reinforce. We will also try to see if we are giving out more breaks than usual too see if it is working
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The managers will hold different meeting throughout the day for the different shifts that people work and after your shift is off, you will sit down at the meeting and learn about the system.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
They will meet with them before the business opens to explain the intricate details of the token economy so that it will not slow down business.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I will be meeting with all the administrators before the store opens and explaining to them the intricate details of the system and what target behaviors we want to be emitted.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes. We will try to modify the system to see if they would like a different form of reinforcement or see if they need a stronger reinforcement.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some people might try to erase other people’s points at the end of the day or try to add points to their own score at the end of the day. The reinforcement could also not be effective pursuing the change we want to see in behavior.
24) Terms: Token, emit, elicit, target behavior, reinforcement, positive, behavioral class

1. The company I'm choosing for this assignment I'm going to call New Horizons, which is a drug rehabilitation treatment facility that does a 90-day inpatient program.

2. The behaviors I'm addressing came about during a time at which the facility had reached full capacity, which isn't always the case. What the corporation has noticed is that the greater number of clients at a given time seems to affect the overall moral of the group. There generally tends to be more defiance and behavioral problems when the facility is full.

3. The behavioral classes the company is trying to address with their clients is involvement, commitment, and responsibility.

4. The specific target behaviors in this company are targetting the clients, not the employees. These target behaviors would include attending group meetings, completing therapeutic assignments, setting/completing weekly goals while at the facility and attending appointments with their therapists.

5. This system is based on reinforcement primarily because they will be gaining something positive. However, if they emit any problematic behaviors, they can get their reinforcements taken away, so that involves punishment.

6. It is primarily positive reinforcement, but can include negative punishment.

7. The tokens used in this system involve earning visitation time. The staff will use a chart system so they can keep track of who has earned what. When the clients are seen emitting the target behaviors, they will receive a sticker to their chart which will give them either more visitation time with their family, or more phone time. Each star will increase the amount of time they get by five minutes (to the already set 2 hour visitation time), but these can be retracted if they go backwards in behavior. If they emit any seriously problematic behaviors, they can have their visitation time taken away all together. If they get ten stars, they will be allowed some special privilege depending on their standing in the program. If they've only been there for a month, they can exchange their ten stars for an allotted amount of alone time on the facility grounds, they can choose one group/assignment during the week that they don't have to attend (with the exception of meeting with their therapist). If they've been there for two months, they can have time off facility grounds, as long as they're accompanied by a staff member. If they're in their final stretch at the facility, they can get unsupservised time in the community, as long as a friend or family member checks them out, agrees to be with them while they're gone, and they must agree to a drug test upon arriving back to the facility.

8. Some pro's of this system is that it involves reinforcement that's very personal to the clients, and that's time with their family members or others who are approved to visit the facility while they're in treatment. Because this visitation time is precious to them, they are likely to be more motivated to emit the target behaviors. It is also consistent in that it's not reinforcing behaviors that can only be reinforced if staff were to happen to catch it. These are behaviors that are easily measured and observed because they include attendance and completion of goals and homework assignments. Therefore, it's a continuous schedule of reinforcement which is likely to be more successful, especially with these individuals in particular who need consistency.

One con could be if a client doesn't have anyone listed to visit, this may not really affect them. Although this is rare, it can happen as sometimes there are clients who have lost contact with their family members and the only people in their lives at this point are other addicts. If this is the case, the company would need to find something more specific to that individual client that would serve as a reinforer. Another possible con could be that the clients' motivation for completing the program or doing well in the program could cause them to have the wrong intentions.

9. The delivery system is through the charts that the staff will have with them at the main desk and they will be responsible for administering the stars (along with the counselors). There will then be a verbal acknowledgment to the clients that they received a star and what they have earned.

10. A pro is that it's more structured because the staff and counselors are responsible for keeping track of it. A con could be that clients may not like feeling out of control or they may feel like the stars are only being given at the discretion of the staff and counselors.

11. They receive stars for every group/individual therapy session they go to, every weekly goal they accomplish, and every therapeutic assignment they complete (given by their counselors). When they receive ten stars, they can choose one of a few different options of a further privilege they will be given for a week.

12. The pro is that it's consistent so the clients can know what to expect, and they will be well informed on the system and exactly what will be offered to them upon earning stars. A con could be if the staff finds that it's becoming too quick/easy for the clients to receive stars so that could be open to possible adjustment.

13. A back up reinforcer would include more down time in the facility, exemption from the assignments given by the counselors for the week, or being given an extra hour they can be up and out of their rooms at night.

14. These back up reinforcers were chosen with the clients in mind that may not have family members/friends approved to visit.

15. The effectiveness of the reinforcers would essentially be seen in whether or not there is an increase in the emission of the target behaviors by the clients.

16. The clients would gain access to the reinforcers by first emitting a target behavior, receiving stars, and then receiving a verbal confirmation from staff that they received the star so they know if they've received extra visitation/phone time.

17. The outcome measures could be less problematic/defiant behaviors observed by the clients and more interest in participating in their treatment.

18. The administrators of the company will hold a staff meeting in which they will address the employees and inform them of the new system. They will explain what's to be expected of the clients and what specific target behaviors would warrant receiving a sticker and what behaviors would not.

19. The managers would be informed in the same way the floor staff and other employees are informed through the staff meeting.

20. I will sit down with the administrators and present to them the token system that will be used, what the target behaviors are, how they will be addressed, what will be used as reinforcers, etc.

21. It is possible because some could argue that these are adults and they shouldn't need to be rewarded to take their treatment seriously. They could argue that all these behaviors are already expected of the clients in order to successfully complete their treatments. I would remind the staff that this system is designed to essentially benefit everyone. Ideally, the staff will have to deal with less problematic behaviors making their jobs less stressful. This will also enhance the experience of the clients because realistically, most clients don't really want to be there. This can help the clients develop the appreciation for their sobriety and completing their treatment because it's very symbolic of what it will look like when they leave treatment. They are likely to lose their loved ones completely if they continue down the road they're on. However, if they're able to put their all into their treatment and learn to live as sober individuals, their time spent with their loved ones will increase, especially when leaving treatment and maintaining the sobriety.

22. One common problem is inconsistency which is hopefully not likely with this system, but if a staff member were to forget to give a client a star, this could create inconsistency or frustration among the cients.

23. TERMS: Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, emit, target behaviors, goals, token economy, continuous schedule of reinforcement

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? For this assignment I decided to create a corporation that is a chain of cookie shops that produces “mom’s homemade cookies” but for a price. This chain of stores is mainly in the midwest and they bake 7 main flavors of cookies with one “flavor of the month” cookie that is cycled out each month. They also sell decorated cookies as well as ice cream.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? Well, a major problem with this company is that any of the leftover cookies remaining at the end of the night or any cookies cookies that could not be sold (unappealing, burnt, too small, too large), are thrown away rather than given to the employees or donated to a charity of choice. This has affected the employee's work ethic as they are less motivated to produce cookies for the store in fear that they will have too many leftover at the end of the night and that the cookies will be disposed of. So they bake less cookies during the day to avoid this issue. Less cookies = less sales. Less sales = less profit.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Trying to find a way to motivate the workers in order to increase the production of cookies. Increased production = increased sales. Increased sales = more profit for the company.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? The target behavior is obviously the lack of productivity or motivation to make cookies. A way to encourage the workers to maintain a higher level of productivity and a more positive attitude regarding work by rewarding the workers with tokens. By having a more positive attitude about work it will reflect in the quality of product being put out in stores as well as the quality of service the workers provide to the customers.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is definitely based on reinforcement because you will be rewarding them for emitting the target behaviors.

6) Is it positive or negative? This would definitely be a positive experience because you are inducing positive feelings by rewarding workers for exhibiting the target behaviors through the use of tokens.

7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens for this program are used each time an employee works, it is their goal to emit the target behaviors in the presence of the managerial staff. At which point the manager notices a worker emitting the target behavior, he or she will give that worker a token that is good for them to take home one free cookie at the end of the night. These tokens are not to be cashed in at the end of the night, because they will be used to gain back up reinforcers. The tokens can be saved up and once the employee gets 15 tokens they get a free half dozen of cookies and when they receive 25 tokens then they can get a free dozen cookies.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? A pro would be that this could be a way for the workers to make more cookies and to increase their positive attitudes regarding work. By being able to take home some of the cookies that they work so hard to make the workers may feel more justified in their efforts. Plus, if they are going to be eating the cookies, they want to make sure that they are able to take home a good cookie at the end of the night rather than a crappy cookie. That being said, the workers would make more cookies so that way all of the flavors would be present so at the end of their shift they would have a good selection to choose from. A con would be if the workers would be unwilling to change their behaviors or if they were feeling discouraged about not receiving tickets initially they would not choose to participate in the program at all, leaving their behavior unaltered and any hope of improving said behavior extinguished.
9) What is the token delivery system? The manager staff would have to hand out the tokens individually each shift to each of the workers who are emitting the behavior.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? A pro would be that there are different managers each shift so if a worker does not care for one manager they will get another shot to get a token with a different manager. A con would be if the store was really busy, how would the manager have the time to focus on behaviors and handing out tokens when they need to be focused on running the store.

11) How are the tokens banked? The employees would be in charge of banking their own tokens. This way it is their responsibility to keep track of their progress. A way that we could make it easier for them is by offering a series of folders next to the time card box and have the employees put their names on a folder that will hold their tokens.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? A pro would be that the employee would feel a sense of pride in their efforts because they can have tangible proof of their hard work by receiving a token and a cookie at the end of their shift. A con would be if the person lost their tokens or if someone tried to steal them from the other workers out of jealousy/spite.

13) What are the back up reinforcers? The backup reinforcers would consist of receiving a half dozen cookies for free once you receive 15 tokens and a free dozen cookies if you receive 25 tokens.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? As a way of helping decrease the amount of cookies wasted at the end of the night, the workers who had saved up enough tokens would be able to take some home with them. This way the bad feeling about wasting product would be reduced.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? Well we would be able to keep track of how many tickets had been turned in and who turned them in by having employees hand the manager on duty at the time take the tickets, have the employee sign their name on a form that states which cookies they took, the date, how many, and how many tickets they were turning in, and file it away in the office.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? Through their managers and by emitting the behaviors that were agreed upon by the owners of the company.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? To see the amount of sales each day, week month increase and to look on the charts to see how many workers are turning in their tokens.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system? I would say have the administrators go to each store individually and have a personal meeting with the staff so that way they would be able to ask the administrators questions regarding the program. Plus it would be a more personal element that would make the workers feel more trusting of the program and feel as though the boss actually cares about the workers.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? I would say that they have a packaged program that they give to the management after the initial meeting providing all of the information regarding the program including guidelines, tokens, etc. Maybe even an informational video to assist the managers for those who are visual learners.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? I would also travel with the administration and attend the initial meetings in order to assist the managers with the new program. I would also stop by each store following the initial set up of the program to assist managers in the process of handing out tokens, recording tokens, et. This way I would be on site to answer any and all questions and assist with this new program.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? Personally I feel that the workers might be a little uneasy at first because I know from personal experience that staff members get nervous when the “big boss man” comes wandering around the store. I would try to be as relatable as possible and perhaps even a little bit generous with the tokens initially so that way they can see that the behavior change is not hard and can be quite rewarding.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Well, a problem could be that some workers do not like the cookies that the company makes or has a gluten allergy. This could be difficult because these people would not want cookies as their rewards.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, extinguish, rewards, positive, backup reinforcers, token

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? The corporation that I am consulting is a pet adoption agency where people come to adopt dogs and cats.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? There has recently been a low amount of adoptions occurring because those who work at the agency have not been keeping the rooms in the agency’s building clean and organized.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? The behaviors that the agency is trying to get the workers to elicit are cleaning up and organizing.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? A few target behaviors would be sweeping all of the floors every two hours, cleaning up spilled food and water, cleaning the cat’s litter boxes every two hours.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? Reinforcement.
6) Is it positive or negative? This reinforcement system is positive.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are marks on a board that indicate when a person completes a task.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Pros: Easy to administer, doesn’t cost anything (assuming they already have a chalkboard) Cons: Someone’s mark could easily get erased.
9) What is the token delivery system? The delivery system is the shift manager making the mark on the chalkboard.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? Pros: Won’t take a long time for the manager to do. Cons: The tokens may not be distributed right after the task was completed which could lead to the manager forgetting to tally it.
11) How are the tokens banked? They are kept on a chalkboard.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? Pros: Easy to make, everyone can see how many they have. Cons: Could be erased or shift manager’s handwriting could be illegible
13) What are the back up reinforcers? Every tally mark equals that many extra minutes for the workers lunch break.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? People often complain about not having a long lunch or not having enough time to get lunch that isn’t brought to work.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? The building would be cleaner and more people would adopt pets.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? They tell the manager that they would like to cash in their tally marks for minutes and when they punch out for lunch, they add their amount of marks onto the usual amount of time and find out when they need to return with the extra time, which can be kept track of by the time clock.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? More cats and dogs are getting adopted.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system? Having a mandatory work meeting and explaining the token economy to the workers.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? Having a separate meeting for the managers about tallying up people’s tasks.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? Make a powerpoint to explain a token economy and the one that will be applied to their agency.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? If someone doesn’t show up they will not know about it.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Someone could go over their amount of time for lunch and be late.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, Behaviors, Reinforcement, Target Behavior, Positive, Token, Delivery System, Reinforcer, Token Economy

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? The corporation in question is an interview-based research business. They conduct interviews via telephone with subjects and record the data in specialty data-entry software.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? The problem in this corporation is that employees are taking advantage of their break times inappropriately; they are taking longer breaks than the allotted time, leaving the building during breaks, propping open doors to sneak out of the building on break, and sometimes even not returning to finish their shift.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Taking breaks responsibly, not abusing break privileges.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? Taking their breaks in the break room, for their times of either 15 mins per 4 hour shift, or an hour per 8 hour shift, not propping doors open to gain access to the building if they leave without permission,
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? This system is based on reinforcement; the employees will be given one mark on their scorecard for every break they take in-keeping with the guidelines, then at the end of the month if they have gotten at least 75% or above marked off of their score card they have the option to take a paid 1 hour break.
6) Is it positive or negative? This is positive because it is adding the reinforcement of the paid break.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? The tokens are marks that are added to an electronic scorecard.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? Some pros are that these never come in contact with the employees so they have no way to lose them, tamper with them, or fabricate them. Some cons would be that if the excel document that holds them could possibly become corrupted or refuse to open, if the computers were down it would not be accessible either.
9) What is the token delivery system? When employees return to the lab from a break in-keeping with the rules they visit the supervisor's desk, the supervisor then records the mark on their scorecard on the excel sheet and the employee returns to their desk.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? The supervisors could be busy or absent when employees come back from break, employees could also forget to log tokens with supervisors after breaks.
11) How are the tokens banked? The tokens are recorded on a excel document and then evaluated at the end of the month to see if enough have been earned to equal the backup reinforcer.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? Again, the document could be corrupted or lost in some computer malfunction or become unusable, it wouldn’t be accessible from any other computers unless shared also.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? The back up reinforcer would be the one paid hour-long break that the employees have the option of taking if they follow the break-time rules for over 75% of the month.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? The backup reinforcer was chosen by management because it is something all employees can take part in at their own convenience.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? The enforcer should be effective
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? The reinforcers are given to employees who take their breaks of 15 or 60 mins as allotted, and do not take part in the practice of propping open doors or sneaking out while on break, for at least 75% of the month.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? There will be a record (the scorecards) of whether or not employees were responsive to the changes.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system? There will be a short meeting with all employees eligible to explain, those that can't make the meeting will be informed by a supervisor.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? The management should be informed similarly, but with clinics on teaching and upholding the system as well as the standard overview.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? With informational clinics on how to teach and demonstrate leadership within the system.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs? I feel like there needs to be an effort from every possible level within the organization but the upper management could be a bit more lax just because the main interaction will be between the employees and the immediate supervisors. If this occurs it would need to be addressed differently depending on what level the employee was from; lab-workers would need to be reminded then maybe have disciplinary action taken, supervisors would have to be met with more harsh reprimand because they are on whom the system’s enforcement lies most heavily upon.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? Low participation, even with the incentive, is always a concern in token economies. This could happen in this system if too many employees do not respond to the program or the incentive.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
tokens, token economy, reinforcement, back up reinforcer, positive reinforcement

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is brickhouse. They sell frozen yogurt on Main Street.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
There are two other corporations that sell frozen yogurt on Main Street as well, so they are losing money from all the competition.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes they are trying to elicit are trying to get customers to buy there frozen yogurt instead of the other companies.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the customers to emit?
The target behavior is for the customers to buy more of their frozen yogurt instead of choosing the other competitors frozen yogurt.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
The system I will talk about is reinforcement because the customers will get something that will make them emit the behavior more often which is buying more frozen yogurt.
6) Is it positive or negative?
This is a positive reinforcement instead of negative punishment because they are giving them something instead of taking away something to make them want to do that behavior more often.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens used in this program are punch card where you get a stamp for every time you get any cup of frozen yogurt there.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
The pros that come with this token is that they are getting rewarded with a stamp knowing they are closer to the reinforcement of a free frozen yogurt in a cup and a crepe.
Some con’s to this would be that some people could find that stamp that we are using and stamp their own cards. To stop this we could make our own stamps where it’s the stamp of our company name.
9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is card where you get a stamp for every time you get any cup of frozen yogurt there. Once you get stamped 5 times then you get a free frozen yogurt and crepe.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Some pros for this system is that they are getting something free for buying more in there store makes them happy to bring their service to them. A con to this system is that people can lose their cards and get mad. They also cannot combine there punch cards if they have more than one, to keep people from adding up each other’s.
11) How are the tokens banked?
They get a stamp every time they buy frozen yogurt, then the customers have to keep ahold of it.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Some pros are that the stamp is easy to do and doesn’t take much effort for our employees to do or figure out. Some cons are losing the stamps itself or running out of the stamps then we would have to order them fast or the customers would get angry.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The customers getting free frozen yogurt and a crepe in case they don’t want more frozen yogurt
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
From knowing that the customer’s like to come to their store to buy there frozen yogurt, what better way than getting what you love for free.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
If the sale start to go up.
16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
They gain access by coming into the store and showing the cashier there card.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
They need to check if there sales are going up, they can also count the amount of stamp card are being filled in order to know for sure it is from this system.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
They can have a meeting where they demonstrate what to do in the system and how they are counting the cars also.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
They will attend the meeting as well.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
They will get an email explaining their new system
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
I don’t think that will happen because they know that you will have to some at least five times to get free stuff, so the sales will go up knowing that the customers have to come more often to get the free stuff.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some problems with token economies is that if you don’t change it up every once in a while people start to forget about it and don’t use it any more.
24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Target behavior, emit, elicit, behavior, tokens, reinforcement, behavioral class, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, token economies, rewarded, reinforce

1.) Football Team, we provide the school as a positive role model both on and off the field.
2) The team has lost a sense of discipline in the weight room that has transitioned into the lack of discipline outside of the sports.
3) The Behavioral class to focus on would be being in a motivated and driven state of mind during workouts, this includes on a majority field of disruptive behavior such as: talking, and losing focus during workouts. Along with that showing respect for guest speakers in team meetings, this means not using phones during speaker presentation and remaining silent during their talks.
4) The target behaviors would be to remain attentive and not speak during workouts. Speaking only when called on during guest speaking. Keeping eye contact with teammates when they speak, especially captains.
5) Positive reinforcement along with a few negative reinforcement tactics.
6) Positive in the general sense
7) The first token is stickers. Athletes who resemble the target behaviors will be given customized coach stickers, each coach has a different customization
8) Pro, it shows clearly a public bank of who has the most and least stickers. Con, stickers must have a positive association before the athlete can associate the goodness of the deed they did.
9) Tokens are delivered by the coaches as well as the guest speakers. The Number sticker is given to one athlete per week chosen by the head coach, this sticker is actually sown into the athletes travel bag, the athlete will only be aware of the sticker when they receive their bag thus building anticipation.
10) Asking the guest speaker can make the speaker anxious and might throw them off focus to focus on the athletes who meet the target behavior. But the pro is that the speaker feels an obligation to present the information while maintaining continuous eye contact.
11) The tokens are banked on helmets and travel bags
12) Pro, it is visible for all to see, and the tavel bag has a con, of a delayed delivery system. But behaviors should be emitted on a continuous basis if system is done correctly
13) The back up reinforcers are the coach telling the athlete that they “really appreciate that someone has stepped up as a man on this team”. This promotes that being a man is doing the right thing. The other reinforcer is where the negative reinforcement comes into play. We award the better target driven behavior athletes with one less rep of the conditioning.
14) Chosen to show the athletes what they are missing out on as well as giving motivation to the athlete to continue meeting the target behavior.
15) You will know they are effective when the other teammates complain. And when more and more stickers are given out each week. Also you will see for yourself the change in action.
16) They don’t. They are given to the athlete via the coach.
17) The coach will implement a secret captain to record the behaviors each week. This involves the captain attending the events where the athletes are meeting at.
18) A sit down team meeting will be the most effective way of handling this.
19) The coach will administer a very specific protocol explaining the proper times to give and notice the athlete. While at the same time reviewing the chosen vernacular to assess the token.
20) I will give a powerpoint explaining the token system using the 5x5 method. Then I will give active demonstrations
21) Yes there is a possibility some will not buy into it. In this scenario I will hold my self accountable to making the information seem relevant to the coach connecting it to a time in his life where he needed to make a change for the better. Then if my efforts are not enough to make one see the light I will tell the one who does not want to be a part of it that he doesn’t need to be a part of it, that only willing and able participants should engage in this.
22) There is not a system of hoarding that can be presented because the value of the stickers are given during practice at random times. The implementation tool for the secondary reinforcers would be to call a series of names to compare the number of helmet stickers too, the winner gets exempt from sprints.
24) Reinforcement, Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, secondary reinforcements, delivery system, behaviors, emit, Target behavior, tokens, Rewards, Behavioral class

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
This is a phone call center company who watches the numbers that the center puts out. The phone representatives take customer service and troubleshooting calls from customers who have purchased a separate company’s products.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The problem is that the phone call help time is not fast enough as a whole, and is costing us money in the long run. Hold time is a major part of the problem (employees sitting on hold when not needed to waste time or avoid calls).

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
We are trying to give great customer service, while also maintaining acceptable talk times and hold times. The shorter, the better. So courtesy and efficiency.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some target behaviors we would like to have them emit would include a decrease in hold time, having the necessary resources to answer questions ready and organized, ask how they can help their calls go quicker, or to learn on their down time about the products more in depth (to increase readily available knowledge in the brain).

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system will be based on reinforcement. We will provide incentive, or the addition of a positive stimulus, during the token economy program.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This will be positive reinforcement, as we will be implementing a positive stimulus.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens will be unforgeable coupons, with several rewards on them, such as $1 to the snack machine (trade into secretary for $1), an extra ten minute break, 1 hour of game time on the computer, 1 hour of being able to watch YouTube, a dress-down coupon, and a “be able to eat snacks at your desk all day” coupon (food not normally allowed).

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?

Pros: Incentive for better call times, incentive for learning on down time, happier environment, improvement of relationship between team lead and employees who receive tickets

Cons: Discouragement for those who never make the top 15, some employees may not care about the rewards, distain for team lead and company for those who are not making the top 15, jealousy

9) What is the token delivery system?
The numbers will be reviewed at the end of each week, and the top 15 average of shortest call times (out of 25) will receive a coupon. They will draw the coupons out of a hat, or box, to keep it fair because of the different coupon values.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: Encourages those that make the bottom cut to work harder, as well as those who make the top to keep it up, good feeling toward team lead upon receipt of coupons
Cons: Bad feelings toward team lead upon not receiving coupons

11) How are the tokens banked?
The employees will each keep an envelope in their desk and hold onto them. They will be responsible for their own coupons.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros: Not company’s responsibility, promotes more responsibility in the workplace, can trade between employees if they wish
Cons: May have hard time keeping track of the envelope, stealing

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
You may trade the coupons in for a large reward: once you obtain 15 coupons, you may have 4 hours of paid time off or 8 hours of time off unpaid; and once you obtain 20 coupons (if you choose to collect them), you may trade those in for 8 hours of paid time off or a $30 Visa gift card. The employees as a whole may also trade in a combined 80 coupons for a pizza party
-Also, if you are #1 three weeks in a row, you will receive a bonus of 4 coupons.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
A collaboration of the company and team leader’s input, as well as the type of budget we have to put into the program without losing money.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
If the employees agree that they are something they will want to attain, I think they will be happy trying to attain them. We will also be able to see the fluctuation of numbers and any positive changes

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
They will trade in their coupons to their team leader before or after their shift. The team lead will be in charge of single coupons, and contact us for the larger prizes to be delivered.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The team leader will record how many coupons he or she gives out and receives, as well as report these numbers back to our company at the end of the month. We will also keep track of bigger prizes (backup reinforcers).

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
We will provide a suitable handout for the employee with values of bulk coupons and possible values of single coupons. They will explain the outline of the system. We will also send out a mass email from corporate with an explanation of the system.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
We will provide the box of coupons and record book for the team leader, and make sure she knows how to be flexible with the rewards—allow them to happen. Tell them about the importance of delivering praise while delivering the coupons.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
We will provide our guidelines and offerings of coupons and make sure they are willing to allow the rewards to take place. If they are not willing, or disallow a reward, the system will not work.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Some employees may not care, and we would have to go ahead and have the team lead meet with these employees about their ambition in the workplace. If an incentive can’t get them to improve, will they ever? Make sure admin. and team leads remember that it is their job to enforce our system.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Problems: Some employees may think that the prizes are unequally priced, counterfeit coupons, non-delivery of praise upon delivery of coupons, and neglecting of legal rights, ticket hoarding.

Terms: tokens, system, flexibility, reward, token economies, ambition, incentives, avoid, behavioral classes, problem, target behaviors, emit, positive reinforcement, punishment, positive stimulus, coupons, token delivery system, discouragement, environment, relationship, banking, responsibility, back-up reinforcers, reinforcers, effective, outcome measures, praise, ticket hoarding

1) What is this corporation and what do they do? 

The large corporation I will be working with is Dupont Pioneer. Pioneer is a seed company that words with genetic modification and other various aspects of plants and seeds. Pioneer is a national company that is focused out of the Midwest. Pioneer hires many international employees and takes much care to integrate these employees to not only working for Pioneer, but also living and interacting with others in the United States.
2) How did the problem you are addressing come about? 

The problem I am addressing is workplace discrimination. Many international employees have made complaints about workplace discrimination, specifically in the form of online harassment. Pioneer has a widely used chat system that allows all employees to interact with each other – much like Facebook chat or AOL Instant Messenger. While the victims of this discrimination do not receive the messages directly, they have been made aware of these issues via other employees. The current program they use makes users able to delete messages after they have been sent – from both users point of view. Therefore, it is very hard for some people to obtain proof of this discrimination. While there have been a few pieces of evidence provided, very limited action has been taken to acknowledge the problem.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
They are trying to elicit behavioral classes such as tolerance, acceptance, and equality in the workplace. They are trying to extinguish bigotry, racism, and other negative qualities from the workplace.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit? 

There are many target behaviors that they want the employees to emit – promoting positivity towards international employees, using inclusive language in the workplace, using online resources as a way to include others – not exclude, etc. Some target behaviors we are trying to eliminate would be using inappropriate language in the workplace, attacking coworkers from other countries, and using online resources to bully other coworkers.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment? 

This system is based on punishment since coworkers privileges are taken away. However, this system also includes reinforcement as new experiences are added in order to incorporate the desired target behaviors.
6) Is it positive or negative? 

The reinforcement overall is negative.
7) What are the tokens used in this program? 

Emails denoting that they have been reported for discrimination in the workplace as well as required conversations with hired inclusion officers.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

The tokens may not be taken seriously or may be deleted or set as spam.
9) What is the token delivery system? 

The token delivery system is via email and paper notice from each employees direct supervisor.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system? 

Some pros are that the delivery system is easy, convenient, and it is 100% positive that the employees will see the message. Some cons associated with the delivery system is lack of privacy as well as lack of seriousness taken by employees.
11) How are the tokens banked? 

The tokens will be banked by the online email system as well as a paper system, just in case the online email system were to crash.
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner? 

Pros are that there is both an online system of banking and a paper system of banking. Con is that this creates more work for some individuals, this system also lacks privacy.
13) What are the back up reinforcers? 

The back up reinforcers are the various punishments that come with the allegations. These could be suspension from work (AKA unpaid leave), requirement to attend diversity and inclusion workshops, and in some cases complete termination.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen? 

The backup reinforcers were chosen by what employees fear the most from their jobs. Taking unpaid leave in general is not popular, taking unpaid leave for work required experiences is even more unpopular, and termination is obviously not a popular choice when it comes to job punishment.
15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers? 

We can measure the number of reports made by individuals who have previously made reports. We can also watch the general number of reports made. We can also consult with people who have previously made reports to see if they have seen improvement throughout the workplace.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers? 

If the employees break the policies, they will be introduced to the reinforcers.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective? 

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?

There will be several sessions implementing this system and informing employees of the new system. There will be an announcement stating that the system will now be in place and from then on the system will be implemented.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system? 

There will be several sessions implementing this system and informing management of the new system. There will be an announcement stating that the system will now be in place and from then on the system will be implemented.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system? 

There will be several meetings about incorporating the program into the workplace. There will also be a few newsletters and email reminders to employees.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?

There is definitely a possibility, as with anything, that individual(s) will not buy into this program. Employees may feel like the employer plays favorites by choosing not to distribute emails, employees may feel like they are not being not getting rewarded as much as they should, and teachers may not like singling out students all the time. (There are a plethora of other problems that people could have with this program.)
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here? 

There could be favoritism from administration or employers who refuse to document certain individuals. This system could also be hard to track, as proof may be an issue.
23) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral classes, behavior, antecedent, consequence, emit, elicit, extinguish, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
The corporation is Lowe’s Home Improvement. They are a retailer that specializes in all home improvement related projects indoors and outdoors.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
The current problem I am addressing is the lack of efficiency when interacting with internet orders. There is a rule that we want customers who ordered something off the internet to pick up in the store or picking up a special order to be in and out within three minutes. We never get it done in three minutes due to multiple delays. The “runners” (any employee who is retrieving the internet order) are hard to find, the picking tickets have very little information describing where and what the product is, and receiving often places orders in the incorrect areas.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit? Retrieving an internet order/special order, creating detailed picking tickets, organizing internet orders in the correct locations within receiving, and working at a fast efficient pace.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Any employee who is not working with a customer and hears the merchandise pickup call over the intercom needs to run up to customer service immediately. Customer service personnel write specific item description and location on each picking ticket. Receiving personnel correctly place each internet order in the designated bay for future retrieval. Any personnel tasked with retrieving the internet order must get the product to the customer service desk within three minutes.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement to encourage employees to answer and retrieve internet orders in a fast efficient manner.

6) Is it positive or negative?
This system is based on positive reinforcement by receiving a token and praise with each correct target behavior emitted.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens that are used in this program are blue are red tickets.

8) What might be some pros and cons associated with using these tokens?
The pros of using these tickets is that they are tangible and employees can physically feel their tokens, and they are very inexpensive. The cons of using these tickets are that they can potentially be counterfeited and they could get lost or damaged.

9) What is the token delivery system?
The token delivery system is that every time a target behavior is emitted by a Lowe’s employee they will receive a blue ticket. When the employees have reached twenty blue tickets they can then trade in their blue tickets for a red ticket. With the red tickets they can then trade in for different prizes. It is important to remember that when the employee is given the ticket they have to sign their name onto the back of it and then immediately place it into the collection can at the customer service desk.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
The pros associated with the delivery system is that it is immediate and is followed with words of praise, and has less likely of a chance of getting lost or misplaced because the name is written on the back of the ticket and placed directly into the collection can upon receiving it. The cons associated with the delivery system is limited amount of tangibility as well as not every target behavior emitted will be noticed with the lack of eyes watching for the behaviors.

11) How are the tokens banked?
The tokens are banked by having the employee place their initialed ticket into the collection can upon receiving it. All the employees’ tickets will end up in the same collection bin throughout the course of the business day. At the end of the day the manager will take the tickets back to the training room and sort them and place them into Ziploc bags with each employee having their own bag with their name on it. The manager will place the appropriate ticket in the correct employee’s bag and then count the number of tickets in each bag. The numbers will be recorded on a tally sheet which will be posted at the beginning of each business day.

12) What are the pros and cons with banking the tokens in this manner?
The pros of banking the tokens in this manner is that the employees can’t try to counterfeit the tokens by copying them because they are not able to keep them on their person, and because each ticket has a name written on it there will be less likely of a chance misplacing tickets into the wrong bags. The cons of this banking system is all the employees must trust the manager counting and handling the tickets because the manager could misplace tickets, throw some away, cheat and help their favorite employees.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are an extra 15 minute break, an extra half hour lunch, get a weekend of one’s choosing off, create your own reasonable schedule for one week, and get a $10 gift card to use in the store or to another place of one’s choosing.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen by the employees. They brainstormed different things that they thought would reinforce them to emit the target behaviors and then they voted on the top five reinforcers.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
They are effective reinforcers not only because the employees chose them but also because tickets will be saved up to purchase certain reinforcers. If a lot of tickets are being handed out then the reinforcers are working.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The employees can gain access to the reinforcers by first being recognized for emitting a target behavior and receiving a blue ticket for that behavior. The employees will then continue to emit the target behaviors and earn more blue tickets so that they can trade them in for red tickets. They can then trade in their red tickets for the backup reinforcers at the start of their shift for the day and only at the start of it.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The administrators can look at the number of tickets each employee has obtained to then know how many times the target behaviors have been emitted. The administrators also get a printed out report each day about the call box times for internet orders to see if they are decreasing and staying around the target goal of three minutes.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
The administrators will send out an email detailing the system as well as setting up an all store meeting not during business hours to go through the system with the employees and physically show them what it would look like.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
They will have a much smaller meeting not during business hours to train them on how to appropriately use the system and how to look for and what to look for in regards to the target behaviors that are to be observed.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
I would sit down with the administrators and describe the system in detail as well as show them hands on how it would work and use several different examples of what to do and not do when implementing the system.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
Yes there is always the possibility of someone not completely buying into the system. If this occurs I would sit down with the individual or individuals and ask what each of their concerns were, I would then try to fix those concerns and provide data on why the system works and how it works when implemented correctly.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
Some of the problems known to exist with token economies are the mismanagement of tokens either by the administrators or by the management by either losing the tokens, damaging them, or even cheating the system by helping others get more or less tokens than they earned.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: Emit, Elicit, Behavior, Target Behavior, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Reinforcer, Behavioral Class

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
-A franchise restaurant, serve food. 

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
- harassment in the work place, no team work, standing around

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
- teamwork, honestly, hardworking, efficient working, friendliness 

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
-some target behaviors would include, helping a coworker, doing extra cleaning when slow, being friendly with guests, reporting all items guest orders, make new workers feel welcomed. 

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
- I believe it could be both, I think it would have to be to get rid of some of the behavior and encourage other sorts of behavior.
6) Is it positive or negative?
- reinforcement would be positive, and punishment would be positive.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
- the tokens would be points for every positive guest response, time a manager sees you going out of your way to go up and beyond.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens? 

- positive behaviors could be clearly seen and reinforced, con would be that the manager could show a bias towards certain workers.
9) What is the token delivery system?
-The manager would tell them about why they are receiving 
the token and then give them a write up as proof.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
- a pro would be that the employee would know exactly which behavior is being reinforced, a con could be that it could disrupt with a busy day at work or would be hard to do on a busy day
11) How are the tokens banked? 

- a chart would be made and a star for every token would be put on the persons section. And after 10 stars an employee gets a prize
12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
- con would be that someone could make there own star and put it up, a pro would be that everyone can see how they are doing compared to everyone else.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
- free meals, gift cards, better shifts.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
- I work in a restaurant and these are things that are typically favored by the employees

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
- they could vote on the prizes to see if they are something that is desirable to them.
16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
- by gaining 10 stars they will receive a prize coupon that can be used. 1 prize coupon gets them a small prize 2 prize coupons gets them a middle prize and 3 prize coupons gets them a large prize.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
- if they begin to see more feedback from the customers, if they observe more teamwork amongst employees, if the variance of sales and inventory match up more closely.
18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?

- before each shift starts they could discuss it with them employees to make sure that they understand the system. And then after a few weeks just give updates to the contest and make sure any new employee knows the system.
19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
- the system could be explained through a meeting with the managers, they would have to sit down and discuss what behavioral classes they wish to improve on, and then figure out which specific target behaviors to reinforce. They would also have to come up with a schedule of reinforcement.
20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
- the same way as with the managers, schedule a meeting and talk with them explaining all the aspects of the token system

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?

- some employees could see it as a waste of time and not take it serious, this wouldn’t really effect the other members of the group though unless it was a group based contest. Also some managers could not pay attention and reinforce wrong behaviors or no behaviors at all. This could discourage employees from playing the game as well.
22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
- a problem would be, behaviors not being reinforced at the right times, if behaviors go unnoticed then they could diminish. Also if the consequences aren’t great enough then it wont have any affect. Also in a restaurant the antecedent might not always be the same, whether it is busy or slow can elicit different things and cause employees to emit different actions.

Terms: target behavior, elicit, emit, antecedent, consequences, diminish, reward, punishment, reinforcement, positive punishment, positive reinforcement.

1. The corporation is Frunkle Inc., and they take contracts from other companies to do data input for various programs.
2.This is not the most highly motivating company in the world, and very few of the employees enjoy their work, so their is an issue with tardiness and employees staying on task. In addition, management isn't great about monitoring their employees.
3. We are trying to elicit getting to work on time, and staying busy at work.
4. Specific target behaviors to emit might be turning computer on at desk by 9 am. Another might be completing a certain amount of data entry.
5. Reinforcement
6. positive, we are trying to encourage them to emit certain behaviors.
7.The tokens are points, you get one for starting your computer by the time work starts, and 3 every time you complete one unit of data entry. The points are recorded by your computer as you complete the tasks.
8. The pros are that it is a system that doesn't need a human to award points, so it's allowing management to continue doing what they need to do, and it's a harder system to game unless you can hack computers. Cons might be that people just turn on each others computers for them.
9.Every time they complete a task, they will get a notification on their computer notifying them.
10.The pro would be that it is instantaneous and reliable. Cons might be that it could be a bit of a distraction while working.
11. There will be a t.v. screen next to the managers office that displays each employees point totals.
12. Pros are that it is in a visible place where you can always go and check how you are doing. Cons might be that it could lead to some employees being upset about their performance being displayed for others.
13. Extended lunch breaks, extra vacation day, choose theme for casual Friday, excused tardy in the morning.
14. A poll was distributed asking what perks employees would be interested in winning.
15. They are things the employees chose, and in addition, some of them are the behaviors we are looking to extinguish, but we are using Premack's principle instead of outright eliminating them.
16. When they earn enough points they may choose whichever reinforcer they desire. Extended lunch and coming in late both cost 75 points, casual Friday costs 60 points, and an extra vacation day costs 150 points.
17. Due to the way the system works, we will have a running tally of when and whom is arriving to work on time, and we will also be able to easily measure how much work they are getting done in units of data entry.
18. There will be meetings first with every manager at the company, where the new policy will be clearly taught. They will then be instructed on how to conduct the meetings where they brief the employees on the new system. This will consist of the managers explaining the point system, how to earn points, and where to look to see how you are doing, how much reinforcers cost.
19. As I already mentioned, there will be a meeting with the managers where the new system is explained, we will explain why we are doing it as well, so the managers have the chance to buy into the system, and hopefully better sell it to the employees.
20. I will have a presentation for them that clearly outlines the process, and shows how easily measurable the process will be. I will tell much of the same things to them as told to the managers.
21. It is possible that the managers will not buy in, because they might be set in their old ways, or not want to reward their employees for doing what they feel are just their jobs. I would show evidence of similar token economies that had great success to alleviate their misgivings, and point out that their current system is not getting the job done. If employees don't want to buy in, it may have to be pointed out that whether they like it or not, this system is keeping very close track of their performance, and like at any job, low performance has consequences. The difference between this new system and the old is that we can more easily measure performance.
22. Depending on how much employees are able to get done, they might find that the reinforcers are either too easy, or too hard to obtain, so that may need to be adjusted. In addition, workers might hoard points and then try to use them all at once, say to get multiple vacation days at once.

target behavior, elicit, emit, premack principle, extinguish, reinforcers, token economies, positive reinforcement

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
- Cherry Berry and they are a frozen yogurt place. It’s all self-serve with the yogurt and the toppings.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
- The problem is that they are losing business. This started happening because so many other yogurt shops have been opening in the Cedar Valley. And Cherry Berry is a bit more expensive compared to the other places.

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
- They want to elicit more business by promotions, have better customer service, and create a chill and friendly atmosphere.

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
- Keep all yogurts and toppings filled throughout their whole shift. Keep the different sized cups filled throughout their whole shift. Clean the floors by sweeping and/or mopping. Wipe down tables and chairs throughout the whole shift and after a customer leaves. And clean the bathrooms by changing the trash bins, cleaning the toilets, refilling toilet paper and paper towels, and wipe down the mirrors.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
- It’s based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
- And it’s positive reinforcement.

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
- There are two types of tokens. One is having receipts brought back with your initials, the customer received twenty percent off when doing this. And the other is by writing down a story of how you helped a customer based on a weekly theme.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
- The receipts are a good way to show how many customers you’re bringing back to the business and the stories show that you have great customer service and are ready to help and be creative.

9) What is the token delivery system?
- Every time a customer comes back with your initialed receipt, it gives you one more point. And every time you write a story about how you went above and beyond to make a customer happy, you get one point.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
- A pro is having people bring back your initialed receipts means that you’re bringing back business. But a con is that they need to bring it back within one week and some people don’t come in that often so your initialed receipts might not come back. A pro for the story tokens is that it shows your boss how much you care about your job and about going above to make the customers happy. But a con is that some shifts are not busy and nothing special happens.

11) How are the tokens banked?
- We collect the receipts for one month and whoever has the most receives a $25 gift card to the movie theater. And we collect the stories every two weeks and whoever has the most receives a $15 gift card to Target.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
- Some employees might be scheduled more often than others so they might not be able to give out as many receipts.

13) What are the backup reinforcers?
- The backup reinforcers are the gift cards you could receive.

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
- The boss asked his employees what they would want as “prizes”.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
- Once the behavioral change system started, the employees put their game faces on and they began to emit the target behaviors we were looking for. This proves that the reinforcers were things that they would really enjoy.

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
- The boss counts up all the tokens and then he gives out the reinforcers.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
- They could measure the amount of initialed receipts given out and how many were brought back for each person.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
- They will explain the concept of the system, give them an example, and show them where the book and are instructions are for the stories.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
- There is only one person in charge so he would just have to explain it to the employees.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
- I would reiterate the target behaviors we are looking for and explain to him the system. The customers are also positively reinforced during this because they receive a twenty percent off discount on their whole purchase if they bring it back in time (one week). Then I would explain that the employees should write down whenever they do something special to help a customer. For example, one week’s theme could be to help parents whose child is upset because this happens more often than you think. We have coloring pages and crayons that the employees could offer to calm the child.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
- If an employee doesn’t want to participate then that’s fine. It doesn’t disrupt the system, they are just losing out on reinforcers. If they don’t emit the target behaviors, then the boss will need to talk to them and give them a warning.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
- Someone could tamper with the receipts and throw away some of them to benefit themselves. If this occurs and someone notices it, we may have to end this reinforcement and try something different.

24) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
- Elicit, reinforcement, positive, token, reinforcer, behavioral change, emit, target behaviors

1) What is this corporation and what do they do?
I chose Target for my corporation. Target sells groceries and produce as well as essential items that range from furniture and appliances to makeup and candy.

2) How did the problem you are addressing come about?
Guests have complained that there are not enough staff on the floor to assist with guest questions and concerns (work on increasing customer satisfaction).

3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behaviors that they are trying to elicit include: politeness, availability/attentiveness, and the ability to multitask/work in multiple areas of store (increase flexibility)

4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want the employees to emit?
Some specific target behaviors that Target will want employees to emit is going up to confused customers and asking if they need assistance (so the customer does not need to seek out employee), being polite when working with a highly distraught customer (angry, sad, etc.), and being knowledgeable about locations of products in sections other than their own.

5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement.

6) Is it positive or negative?
It is positive because I will be adding incentives to this token economy (e.g. concise praise, punch card, raises/bonuses, etc.).

7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program will be punch cards. I have noticed that many food-related businesses use this technique. For example, at Menchie’s they have a rewards card where, after a certain dollar amount ($50 = 50 points), customers receive $5 ‘free.’ Another incentive they offer is that, when the card is registered online, the customer receives 25 points on his or her card automatically.

8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros: it is positive reinforcement so employees will have a higher morale, it’s visible so may encourage other employees to receive rewards, there can be a recognition ceremony to award those who have the highest number of punches
Cons: a manager/supervisor has multiple employees who need to be reinforced; it will be difficult to catch every behavior that needs to be reinforced, employees may not see the rewards as worth the effort, turnover

9) What is the token delivery system?
Managers, supervisors, and assistant managers will deliver the reinforcement to the employees.

10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros: praise will be provided directly, visible rewards
Cons: the amount of time it takes to give direct verbal praise, not best use of time (other things to worry about)

11) How are the tokens banked?
The employee punch cards will be ranked in an employee meeting space. It will be highly visible so that employees can see where they ranked.

12) What are the pro's and con's with banking the tokens in this manner?
Pros: employees can evaluate where they stand in comparison to other employees. if they want to earn more they can see how many they need to earn to gain backup reinforcers
Cons: anyone can see the chart, people may feel that they were not rewarded for acts they carried out

13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The backup reinforcers are special privileges employees can receive if they earn a certain quota. In this case I would say every 3 months the top 5 employees would receive a $100 Target gift card or a higher percentage discount than other employees. Another reinforcer could be getting off of their shift an hour early for a month but this would be on a 6 month cycle (but with the top 3 employees). One more backup is that they could have a reserved parking spot for 2 weeks..

14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcers were chosen based off of what will motivate employees. The backup reinforcers also have to be attainable and not cost the company too much in expenses or productivity levels.

15) How do you know if they are effective reinforcers?
I will have to measure if the levels of productivity have increased for every three month cycle. There should be some change in data (an obvious sign up employees competing for the rewards that are offered).

16) How do the employees gain access to the reinforcers?
The management/supervisors will be present during shifts so that they can provide reinforcement to their employees.

17) What are some of the outcome measures so the administrators know the system is effective?
The number of gift cards handed out can be tracked. The amount of parking spaces used could also indicate how many individuals are participating. Surveys can be administered to receive the opinion of employees.

18) How will the administrators go about teaching the employees about the system?
There will be large department meetings scheduled during different days and hours so that every employee may attend. There will also be a poster campaign so employees will be reminded when they walk past the poster.

19) How will the administrators go about teaching the management about the system?
The administrators will teach management about the system with the message that this rewards program (i.e. token economy) will increase workplace morale and that they should support and encourage employees to participate. Meetings will be set up much in the way that the employees meetings were set up.

20) How will you go about teaching the administrators about the system?
The administrators will have a separate meeting from management, but then the two systems will have an additional meeting where they can discuss the pros and cons of the system. Both of these meeting will take place well before the employee meeting so that everything is structured and can be carried out well.

21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (employees, management and administrators) may not have complete buy in with the system? How will you address this if it occurs?
There will be individuals who do not want to participate and that could become a large issue if it is not handled quickly. It would be a good idea to understand why these individuals are against the program and then implement their suggestions (if they are practical and the employees/management/administrators are not just being stubborn.) It is impossible to please everyone, but it is always a good idea to compromise and show a willingness to change for the better.

22) What are some problems known to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main issue I can see other than implementation is that the reinforcers will no longer hold any value for employees. If this occurs, administrators and management will need to change the rewards that are offered. There is also the possibility that hoarding can occur. An employee could take several cards and keep them until the end to receive all the rewards offered at once (there should be an expiration date that is eventually implemented).

Terms: token economy, reinforcers, backup reinforcers, elicit, incentives, target behaviors, delivery system, observable measures, effectiveness

1) What is this program?
The program in this reading was talking the happy punch 10 card, and it is a token economy that’s goal is to elicit going to this particular shaved ice stand.
2) How did it come about? This came about by this particular company’s initiative to implement a behavioral intervention in order for customers to emit a buying behavior.
3) What are the behavioral classes they are trying to elicit?
The behavioral classes that are trying to elicit are customers spending more money, and customers returning to their stand more often.
4) What would be some specific target behaviors they might want their customers to emit? 

Some specific target behaviors they may want these customers to emit are buying any size of shaved ice.
5) Is this system based on reinforcement or punishment?
This system is based on reinforcement, because they want to make the target behaviors increase.
6) Is it positive or negative? 

It is positive because the customers are given something desirable, punches in their card, when they emit the required behavior.
7) What are the tokens used in this program?
The tokens in this program are special shaped hole punches in the card, which once you have 10 of these punches you receive the reinforcer of a shaved ice.
8) What might be some pro's and con's associated with using these tokens?
Pros – Is that punches to a card would be cheap, easily understandable, and can be given immediately after the behavior.
Cons- The card may easily be lost, and there is a possibility of satiation of shaved ice before you get rewarded.
9) What is the delivery system?
The delivery system is both continuous reinforcement and fixed ratio reinforcement. This is because after every purchase they get reinforced, continuous. It is a fixed reinforcement because after every 10 punches, you receive a free snow cone.
10) What are some pro's and con's associated with the delivery system?
Pros- Customers can be immediately reinforced after their behavior, and it is easy to keep track of their progress. Also for this situation this shaved ice stand, would create a discriminate stimulus of customers getting reinforced their…which would make it more appealing then other snack stands.
Cons- It would be hard to keep track of a little cardboard card long enough to buy 10 snow cones.
11) How are the tokens banked?
Tokens are banked by customer control; they keep track of the card and have to remember to bring it every time to the store.
12) What are the pro's and con's?
pros- The system is very easily managed.
Cons- good chance of card getting lost by younger owner.
13) What are the back up reinforcers?
The back up reinforcer is the free shaved ice once you have purchased 10 shaved ices previous.
14) How were the backup reinforcers chosen?
The backup reinforcer was chosen probably due to the management staff of the stand knowing shaved ices were the main reason people come to the stand, so it would probably be the best reinforcer.
15) Are they effective reinforcers?
I do not think it would be effective because the reward of a 3-4$ snow cone after going 10 times, would not really encourage many people to go more frequently then normal, in my opinion. The only way to really know if they are is to graph a baseline, and the behavioral intervention and see if there was desired change.
16) How do the customers gain access to the reinforcers?
The students gain access to the reinforcers by emitted the proper target behavior of buying snowcones, in which they receive punches, which 10 can be exchanged for the reinforcer.
17) What are some of the outcome measures so the mangers know the system is effective?
The outcome measures would be shaved ice sales, and you can compare this to the sales recorded during the baseline to see if the improvement.
18) How effectively are the managers teaching the customers about the system?
The managers are doing a good job explaining the system, because the easy to understand rules are on the bottom of the car.
19) How effectively are the managers teaching the parents about the system?
If the customers are around their parents while purchasing, it would also be effective because more than likely they would be on the same punch card.

20)How effectively have the managers taught the other managers about the system?
I feel like the managers probably are doing a good job of this because it seems like it is a deal throughout their franchise, and it is pretty easy to implement.
21) Is there the possibility of not everyone (students, teachers, and parents) may not have complete buy in with the system?
Yea there are definitely people who will not but into this system, like people who know they will never eat 10 shaved ices. Another group of people would include tourists who do not have this store near them.
22) What are some problems know to exist with token economies that might be a problem here?
The main problem with token economies is that tokens can only be used in the specific environment. Also tokens, if a customer knows that they never will get 10 punches will not be reinforced.
23) What are some questions you might have for the managers about the system?
I want to know if they have seen an increase in shaved ice sales, and how many cards are actually reinforced with a free shaved ice.
24) What additional information might you want to know about the system?
I would like to see if these cards expire, because shaved ices are usually only sold during warm weather.
25) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Token economy, elicit, behavioral class, behavioral intervention, emit, target behaviors, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, discriminate stimulus, banked, backup reinforcer, baseline, environment, satiated.

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