Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
2) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
3) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
6) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
7) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
9) How
has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about
behavior modification? How so?
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week
two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week
while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior
of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =
Day 2 =
Day 3 =
Day 4 =
Day 5 =
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =
10b) How
did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it
difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce?
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to
drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce
yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
11) Once
you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in
your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I enjoyed about this section is the addition of a video to illustrate the point the book was trying to make. This is one of the benefits to having an online textbook such as this is that you are able to incorporate web links to supplement the learning. The video was a good addition because it gives the reader a first hand look at the Law of Effect Thorndike creates and how he was able to produce it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I cannot say there was anything from this section I liked least because I found all of the information to be very important. Thorndike is a psychologist I was unfamiliar of before reading this section so I found it all to be very interesting. If there had to be anything I disliked it would be that this section was shorter than others and did not provide any other information on Thorndike or his other theories.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of Effect Thorndike created and how he believes learning is brought on by a subject’s individual experience. Thorndike’s Law of Regency is also interesting and important when it comes to his puzzle boxes because it deals with the most recent response is the most likely to occur. The last thing I will remember from this section how incorrect behaviors will be “stamped out” and create weaker associations.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section went into greater detail about Pavlov and his experiments prior to his creation of Classical Conditioning. All I have ever heard about Pavlov is his use of a bell to stimulate salivation in dogs but it is not often that a textbook talks about how he also taught these dogs to associate shapes as well. I also enjoyed how the book describes how he eventually made his conclusion about classical conditioning seeing as he was originally studying the digestive processes.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this section but I was not particularly fond of how the book talked about what Pavlov originally named the parts of classical conditioning such as psychic secretion and conditioned reflex. I already understand the working parts of this concept but the old out of date terms were confusing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is how Pavlov used experimental neurosis to assist dogs in associating between different shapes because this is part of his research I did not know much about. Another thing I found interesting that I will remember is the concept of learned helplessness as it is a term I forgot about since my intro to psychology class years ago. The last thing I will remember does not have anything to do with psychology but I never knew that Pavlov had received a Nobel Prize and it was interesting to learn something about him beyond classical conditioning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 3 16oz
Day 2 =2 16oz
Day 3 =1.5 16oz
Day 4 =2 16oz
Day 5 =1 16oz
Day 6 =3 16oz
Day 7 =4 16oz
Average = 3.6 16oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did better than the week before because based on this assignment I was more conscious of my overall water intake each day. I did not meet my target behavior any of the days which was attempting to drink half my bodyweight in fluid ounces each day. It was difficult to record my own behavior and it may not be completely accurate because I would record it at the end of the day and sometime I would drink water from a glass or a drinking fountain so it was impossible to be completely sure of my fluid ounces each day. The reinforcer I chose was a good one because I was immediately rewarded for drinking my water with the Mio water flavoring. I doubt I will continue to drink 64oz of water each day without being reinforced because I did not always meet my goal while being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would make a log that I would have to fill out after every water bottle I drank in order to have a more accurate reading on how much water I had consumed. Another behavior I would like to improve is to start taking my vitamins more regularly.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect, Law of Regency, behaviors, Classical Conditioning, psychic secretion, and conditioned reflex
1) One thing that I really liked about this section was how it went into the history of behavior modification and discussed the practices that Thorndike used. I really liked this because I feel that it is very beneficial to understand the history of what you are learning and also I find it very interesting.
2) There wasn’t really anything that I disliked about this section. I thought the information was very informative and relevant.
3) One thing that I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect. The Law of Effect pretty much states that our behaviors or responses that are followed by a positive outcome will be remembered. This will be something I remember because it was a big part of Thorndike and his research. Another law that is important and is one that I will remember is the Law of Recency which states the most recent event will be the one most likely to occur. Lastly, one of the last laws discussed in this section was the Law of Exercise which says through repetition our associations will be strengthened. I will definitely remember these laws because they were emphasized throughout the section and were also a big part of Thorndike and his research.
4) One thing that I really liked about this section was how it broke all of the terms US, CS, UR, and CR, and gave examples for each one. I think this definitely helps with understanding and comprehending the terms
5) One thing that I liked the least from this section was the explanation on the neutral stimulus. I thought that the discussed in this section about this topic was very wordy and could have been better described in other ways.
6) One thing that I will remember from this section is the other background information that was presented on Ivan Pavlov. The main story that has been said about Pavlov is his research on the digestive system and his work with dogs and salivating, not all of the other information. I found this very interesting and to be something I would definitely remember. Another thing I will definitely remember from this section is the idea that the neutral stimulus has to be salient. The idea of the neutral stimulus having to be salient made a lot of sense when it was explained, making it something very easy to remember. Lastly, something that I will remember is that the neutral stimulus must also have regularity in its presentation. This also makes a lot of sense. In order for the stimulus to become conditioned it has to be presented in regularity.
7) Day 1= 4, 8 oz glasses
Day 2= 3, 8 oz glasses
Day 3= 4, 8 oz glasses
Day 4= 6, 8 oz glasses
Day 5= 3, 8 oz glasses
Day 6= 7, 8 oz glasses
Day 7= 7, 8 oz glasses
Average = 4.7, 8 oz glasses per day
Overall, I did better than I did the previous week. However, I still am definitely not at 64 oz of water per day. It was difficult remember to record and measure my water intake each day because that is not something I am use to doing. I think my reinforce was a good choice for my lifestyle, and it did help improve the amount of water I drank each day even though I may have not been able to drink the recommended 64 oz per day. I don’t think that without reinforcing myself that I will be able to achieve drinking 64 oz of water each day.
8) If I were to do this again I think I would try and monitor my water intake in a different way and better. I would also try and think of other ways to reinforce myself to drink more water.
9) Terms: conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, neutral stimulus, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed learning about the Law of Recency. It makes sense that when we are attempting to accomplish something, the last behavior we have before we accomplish it tends to be what we think works. But I found this particularly interesting because so many people have superstitions that come simply from something working one time. They respond to a stimuli in a completely ridiculous way and it happens to work that time so they assume that it will work every time.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the small part about graphs the most just because we have been using graphs since we were little and it isn’t anything new but I also just don’t really like graphs. If there isn’t a lot of thinking involved then graphs are okay as far as relaying information through a picture. Otherwise, graphs can become very complicated.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of Exercise (associations are strengthened through repetition) because it seems like common sense. The more we practice something the better we tend to get at it. I think that is the same for when we make associations. Each time that association is repeated, it is also strengthened. I also will remember the term “stamped out.” This is in regards to the associations that we make that aren’t strengthened. When we receive an aversive outcome or fail at our goal then the association between the behavior and goal is weakened. The third thing that I will remember is that behavioral research didn’t really start until about 70 years ago. This fact surprised me because the field of psychology itself has been around quite a while so I had just assumed that behavioral studies had as well.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the small section about stimulus salience. It really is common sense but I still found it interesting. It talks about how if a stimulus isn’t salient then it is ineffective. If we are going to be conditioned to respond to something then we have to be aware of that something. Whether it’s a sound, light, etc., if we don’t notice it then it isn’t a stimulus.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
If I had to dislike anything it would be the UR, US, CR, and CS simply because they can get confusing. When you have that many terms and you are trying to figure out how to label different stimuli and responses it gets confusing and frustrating.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that there has to be regularity in your presentations so that an association can occur. If there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason behind what you’re doing, an association will not occur and the experiment will be pointless. I will also remember that a stimulus has to be presented a certain number of times in order for an association to occur. If it isn’t then it tends to make no real pattern and no association is made. I also just thought it was interesting that some of Pavlov’s work was ignored and only the parts that supported Thorndike and Watson’s work was actually published.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =24oz
Day 2 =16oz
Day 3 =40oz
Day 4 =32oz
Day 5 =56oz
Day 6 =48oz
Day 7 =56oz
Average =39oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I struggled with this task because I don’t like to drink water unless I feel thirsty. I didn’t meet my target behavior but I did increase how much water I drank on average from last week. I think that I am now more aware of how much water I drink so I make a more pointed decision to drink water instead of Mountain Dew when I’m at work. I think that Mountain Dew was a decent reinforcer but it also just made me think about it more and I tended to drink Mountain Dew even before I had met my water quota for the day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would start by coming up with better reinforcement so that I have something to really look forward to. I would really like to change my procrastination behavior. I know I’m extremely busy and my paperwork gets way behind and I have to stay caught up on school work so my paperwork takes a back seat to that. I want to be able to modify my behavior so that I have a schedule that allows me to keep up with those things.
9)Terminology: stimulus, response, UR, CR, US, CS, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, associations, stimulus salience, regularity in presentation, presented enough times, Thorndike, Pavlov, Watson
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section went into the history a little and gave the video example. I liked the extra resources because it helps to get the point across.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was pretty short and just gave the information. I cannot say there was something that I disliked.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of effect. This is the trial and error and after doing something that works the behavior will be repeated. This reminds me of superstitious behavior, but it is not exactly like that.
I will remember the law of recency, which is a law stating that the most recent response is going to occur. I will remember this because it has a big impact on behavior modification.
Lastly I will remember law of exercise is the behavior is strengthened through repetition. I will remember this because the most effective way of changing behavior is doing it repetitively.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that his section had little scenarios that I had to determine if it was a condition stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, or unconditioned response. I like this because it gave me a basis to test if my knowledge and understanding.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was just dry and boring. I think it was because I have read about Pavlov a million times and I am just bored of reading with him.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember experimental neurosis. This is a phenomenon when Pavlov took to stimulus that were conditioned for two different things, and then made them look alike and causes his subjects to become confused and act crazy.
I will remember neutral stimulus and that it has to be salient. This means that it has to be something that will be noticed in the environment. Things that are salient can also become not salient due to the circumstances of the environment.
Lastly I will remember conditioned stimuli and conditioned response. This is something that is trained, like the dogs salivating to the bell. The bell was the conditioned stimuli. The bell was paired with unconditioned stimuli of food. This is all part of experimenting with behavior modification.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 24oz
Day 2 =24oz
Day 3 =24oz
Day 4 =24oz
Day 5 =24 oz
Day 6 =24oz
Day 7 =24oz
Average =24oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did not complete drinking 64oz of water a day. I made a personal goal to drink 24oz simply because going from drinking no water to a lot of water is extremely difficult. I struggled with drinking the 24oz of water a day, but this is all part of behavior changing. I think my reinforcer was not good, just because I drink soda a lot and it was hard to stop drinking that. I probably will still struggle with drinking the water, but am hoping to find out some way to keep myself drinking it.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would find a different way of reinforcing myself, simply because I have not been doing well with drinking water. I would probably use a different method, maybe a more enticing reinforcer. I am not sure what I would use, but something that would make me want to emit the behavior of drink water more frequently. I would also make a better way to chart my behavior of drinking water so that I could see it better throughout the day.
9) Law of effect, Law of rencency, law of exercise, experimental neurosis, neutral stimulus, salient, conditioned stimuli, conditioned response, unconditioned stimuli, reinforcer, emit.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section was the video to demonstrate the point the book was trying to make and the past part of behavior modification. I really like having good examples included in the sections to help me make sure I understand the terms, so the video really helped me. It helped me grasp better on the Law of Effect Thorndike creates.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I guess I disliked was that I didn’t know who Thorndike was as a psychologist. I’ve never heard of any history from him so it made the chapter a little more unfamiliar for me. The section was also shorter so I didn’t get as much out of it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) One thing I will remember is the Law of Effect Thorndike created and how it relates to behavior modification. The law explains how he believed learning is brought on by a subject’s individual experience. And that if our behaviors are followed by a positive outcome, we will probably remember it.
b) The Law of Regency also interested me because it talked about how the most recent response is the one that will mostly likely to occur again. This really explains more on how consequences, reinforcement, and how behaviors work in general.
c) The last thing I will remember is how Law of Exercise works. Law of Exercise states that through repetition, our associations will be strengthened. I’ll remember this because this law occurs so much in our lives. Like practicing a sport and getting better at it.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section was the details about Pavlov and the experiments he had before creating Classical Conditioning. The only details I really knew about him before was the typical bell and stimulating salvation with dogs experiment. So learning about how he made the conclusions and learning more about the history there was really cool.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked was how wordy it was. I thought there were a lot of terms thrown in there at once and maybe could have used other examples or described in other ways. It just seemed like a lot in one section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) The first thing I will remember is there has to be regularity in your experiments so that the association can occur. If there isn’t any good repetition in what you’re trying to change, as association will not occur which will make the experiment much more unlikely to be unsuccessful.
b) I will also remember that a stimulus has to be presented so many times for the association to be made clear. Otherwise then there’s no apparent pattern to the individual and the association probably won’t be made.
c) The last thing I will remember is neutral stimulus has to be salient. Meaning it has to be something that will be noticed in the environment.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 6
Average = 4.28
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I’m doing better. I have not met my target behavior most days though. It’s difficult for me to remember recording my behavior every day because I’m a very involved student and don’t make the time I should to eat lunch and spend time thinking about how much water I should be drinking daily. I’ve been using working out more as reinforcement which actually has been helping. I’m not quite sure if I’ll be able to keep this as a habit after we stop keeping track though since I probably won’t be emitting reinforcing myself as much.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? If we were to do this again, I probably would have bought a water bottle the first week so I would have had reinforcement sooner. I would also try to include something as a reward for drinking so much water in a day.
9) Terms: Behavior, behavior modification, Law of Exercise, consequence, reinforce, Thorndike, Law of Recency, Law of Effect, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, Pavlov, Classical conditioning, association, stimulus, neutral stimulus, salient, target behavior, emit.
Section 3.1
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This was one of our shorter sections, and I really enjoyed that. The material was quick and to the point, so it did not feel like it was dragging out. Sometimes with something being short, the content may be unclear, but this section was basic and easy to understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section, there were not a whole lot of new terminologies, so I had to really try to distinguish what the most important parts in the text were. I would have liked to learn more in this section of the chapter.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that we use trial and error all the time in everyday activities. It is how we learn to associate positive outcomes with a certain behavior. Successful attempts are stamped in, and associations with unsuccessful attempts were stamped out. Also, behaviors that are unsuccessful, not followed by desirable outcomes, or followed by aversive outcomes will be stamped out. This is more formally known as The Law of Effect. This is something I will remember, because I use trial and error attempts and the Law of Effect all the time in real life, and thus, it is valuable to know that it is a part of behavior modification.
b. There are also two other laws that Thordike developed. These include the Law of Recency and Law of Exercise. The Law of Recency indicates that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. Repetition of the associations can be strengthened through the Law of Exercise. I will remember this, because it is useful in predicting the behavior of others, especially if the person had a desirable consequence. The desirable consequence is reinforcing the behavior and is more likely to occur under the conditions of a similar antecedent.
c. It is essential to remember how to construct a graph. It is to include a title, y-axis label, y-axis values, x-axis label, and x-axis values. The y-axis demonstrates what we are measuring, and the x-axis label is how often it was measured. Often, graphs are required in research for psychology, so it would beneficial to reading and creating a graph if you are able to distinguish the different components of one.
Section 3.2
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed seeing behavior modification from another angle. Throughout most of this semester, we have seen a response lead to a certain stimulus, but there is also the stimulus response relationship, like Pavlov was studying. When trying to determine whether it is the stimulus response or the response stimulus relationship, a person should ask themselves if the stimulus came before or after the behavior. I liked having my previous beliefs being challenged and learning new things.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I liked least about this section was the necessary conditions that make a neutral stimulus become a conditioned stimulus (CS). This includes the stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, and number of presentations. Although, there was a definition for salient, I was not really sure what it meant, so it made it challenging to interpret this part.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I found it interesting that there was more to Pavlov’s experiments than I have heard in previous classes. It was not just using the bells as a CS to elicit the conditioned response (CR). There was also the use of shapes that determined whether or not the dog would receive food and should emit the salivating behavior. I was also intrigued by how Pavlov changed the shapes to be more similar until it was too difficult for the dogs to distinguish whether salivation should occur. This could elicit learned helplessness or aggressiveness. Pavlov referred to these as experimental neurosis.
b. Last semester I took Sensation and Perception, and the course content described excitatory and inhibitory responses of the neurons, so this is something I will remember. Pavlov correlated the aggressive behavior the dogs emitted as an excitatory response, and the unresponsive behavior was from inhibitory signals that were affecting the neurons in the brain. This provides an example to retain information from a previous class.
c. The topography of the CS and unconditioned stimulus (US) are different, so there is little topographical similarity between the two. They are functionally similar, because they elicit the same response. However, the problem is that the unconditioned response (UR) and the CR are both topographically and functionally similar. This makes it difficult to tell them apart. This was something I found to be interesting, and I spent a little extra time trying to commit this to memory because it is valuable information to consider for classical conditioning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 72 oz
Day 3 = 56 oz
Day 4 = 56 oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 48 oz
Day 7 = 56 oz
Average = 59.43 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Although, my target behavior was not met, I am proud of my accomplishment, because this is more than I normally drink, which was approximately 48 oz of water a day. I did not meet my target behavior each day, and I did find it to be difficult to measure and record my water intake. The reinforcer, of watching a new movie, would have been more reinforcing if I did not have such a busy week. I did not feel as though I had time to watch the movie, so I did not strive to reach my target behavior as much as I would have if it was more of a low key week. I realized that my progress is contingent upon what I have going on in my life, and there are certain establishing operations that make my reinforcer more reinforcing. No, I do not think I will continue to drink 64 oz of water without a reinforcer, because I could not accomplish this goal when reinforcement would have been provided. Next week will be a more relaxed week, so I will continue to emit the behavior of drinking at least 64 oz of water a day for the next week.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would replace the water in my water bottle more often, because I am more likely to drink it if it is cold. I would also maybe use a clear water bottle instead of one that I cannot see through, so I am able to visually monitor how much I am drinking. Another behavior I would like to change through the use of behavioral methods would be eating a serving of fruit at every meal and a serving of vegetables for two meals a day.
Terms: trial and error, behavior, desirable, aversive, The Law of Effect, The Law of Recency, The Law of Exercise, consequence, antecedent, response stimulus relationship, stimulus response relationship, stimulus, necessary conditions, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus (CS), stimulus salience, regularity or presentations, number of presentations, elicit, conditioned response (CR), emit, learned helplessness, aggressive behavior, experimental neurosis, response, topographically similar, unconditioned stimulus (US), functionally similar, unconditioned response (UR), classical conditioning, target behavior, reinforcer, contingent, establishing operations, reinforcement
1. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the video about the puzzle boxes. It helped to see a puzzle box to know how it worked. It also made the rest of the chapter easier to understand.
2. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked the least about this section was the photos of the puzzle boxes at the end of the section. It didn’t teach me anything new. It also did not further my understanding of how puzzle boxes work.
3. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of Effect, the Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. The Law of Effect is when a behavior is followed by a positive outcome the association between the behavior and consequence is strengthened. The Law of Recency is that the response most likely to occur is the most recent response. The Law of Exercise is associations between the behavior and consequence are strengthened by repetition.
4. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the example at the end of the chapter. They showed me that I was on the right track. I also liked how they made me apply what we are learning to real life situations.
5. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked the least was the intro about Pavlov’s initial study of dog’s digestive systems. I found it to be a boring intro to the topic. It also didn’t directly relate to the topic of classical conditioning.
6. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, and the number of presentations are important in making the neutral stimulus the conditioned stimulus. Stimulus salience means that the stimulus has to be noticed in the environment that it is in. The regularity of presentations is important because if the neutral stimulus is presented randomly the association between the neutral stimulus and unconditioned response will not be made. In order to change the neutral stimulus to the conditioned stimulus the number of presentation is important because it takes more than just a few times to make the association.
7a. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =5 8oz glasses
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =5
Average =5.14
7b. How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?
I did not meet the goal of drinking 64 oz. a day. I did however increase the amount of water I drank. I found it difficult to measure how much I drank because I didn’t always do it in easy amounts to measure. An example of this is when I would get a drink from a drinking fountain. I think that I chose a good reinforce because it did get me to increase the amount of water I drank. Since I wasn’t able to drink 64 oz. of water a day with reinforcing myself I don’t think I will be able to do it if I don’t reinforce myself.
8. If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I was asked to do this again I would reward myself every day for drinking 64 oz. of water instead of at the end of the week. Another behavior I would like to change using behavioral methods would be to exercise more.
9. Terms used: puzzle box, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, behavior, consequence, Pavlov, classical conditioning, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, stimulus salience, unconditioned response,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was really just that it was all about Edward Thorndike. You hear a lot about a lot of different scientists in a variety of psychology classes, but I had never heard of him. So basically, the entire content of this section was entirely new information to me.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything I disliked about this section because it was all new information to me. I found pretty much everything entertaining and informative.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that Thorndike was a researcher interested in animal intelligence. I will remember this because I found it interesting since I feel that the majority of psychologists who are researchers focus mostly on the human mind, so I found this especially interesting. I will also remember that Thorndike’s “trail and error” suggests that over a period of attempts some attempts will lead to success. I believe this is important to remember especially in a research situation because most people would feel let down when something fails, but they just need to remember that they will have some success. Lastly, I will remember the three laws that he came up with: the law of effect, the law of recency, and the law of exercise. I will remember these because I feel that these are three pretty important concepts to remember when performing an experiment.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was that it really went into detail regarding Pavlov's work. I had heard about Pavlov and what he did with classical conditioning in just about every one of my psychology classes thus far. However, none of the classes went into detail about him like this section did. I enjoy reading about his work so this section was extremely entertaining to me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There really was not anything that I disliked in this chapter. I guess since I did have some previous knowledge about Pavlov it was a little repetitive, but I still really enjoyed all the information.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is what US, UR, CS, and CR represent. A lot of the time shortcuts like this are used in text and I don't remember what they are, so I liked that this section gave examples for which each one represents. I especially liked how it was laid out in that chart. I will also remember that Pavlov had an invention called Pavlov's pouch. I will remember this because it is a big contribution that he made towards the study of digestion. Lastly, I will remember that the UR and CR will be similar. This topic did confuse me a little at first, so I made sure to really review it which is why I feel that I will really remember this.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =40
Day 2 =40
Day 3 =32
Day 4 =40
Day 5 =56
Day 6 =56
Day 7 =32
Average =42.3
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did a lot better then I though I would do overall, but I still was not able to drink 64oz a day. I think I just choose to drink things other then water so often that I begin to forget that I haven't drank much water that day. It was really hard for me to measure and record my behavior because I would just drink water at times as a habit and forget that I was keeping track of how much I drank. I also had some trouble because I drink from a water bottle and I just had to guess how many ounces my water bottle held because I could not find the exact amount anywhere on the bottle. My reinforcer I believe still was a good choice because I know that once I begin to get to drinking the 64oz a day, I think I will deserve a new water bottle because I know that I will use it a lot. As of right now, I believe I still need to use my reinforcer to drink the 64oz of water a day. Once I get in the habit of it though I think it'll get a lot easer because it will be second nature for me to constantly be drinking my water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think if I was to do this again, I would try to come up with punishments to help me drink the 64oz of water as well. For example, anytime I decided to get a soft drink instead of water, I had to drink a full glass of water as well to compensate for the soft drink. I also believe that I just need to be more consistent and almost just force myself to drink water, especially with meals, instead of choosing a more sugary drink.
Terminology: reinforce, punishment, Thorndike, trial and error, success, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, Pavlov, classical conditioning, US, UR, CS, CR, Pavlov's pouch
1.) One thing I liked about this section was learning about the puzzle box that tested animal intelligence since it was interesting.
2.) One thing I liked least was that the study could be considered unethical, since some may think it could be considered animal cruelty, and the study may not even be a good way to measure intelligence.
3.) Three things I will remember are stamping in is successful outcomes in law of effect, the heyday of behavioral research lasted around 70 years, and trial and error since it was some new information learned.
4.) One thing I liked about the section was learning in depth of the commonly known Pavlov experiment since it helps with a better understanding of the study.
5.) One thing I liked least was re-reading about the study since every psychology class seems to talk about it and can be boring to go over it.
6.) Three things I will remember are conditioned reflex, experimental neurosis, and neutral stimulus since they are new things I have learned.
7.) Day 1= 30 ounces
Day 2= 33 ounces
Day 3= 38 ounces
Day 4= 36 ounces
Day 5= 48 ounces
Day 6= 52 ounces
Day 7= 58 ounces
Average ounces= 42.14
I did not do as good as I like and even one day drank less than the day before. I did not reach my target behavior unfortunately and know I need to drink 64 ounces a day. It was difficult to remember to record and measure how much I drank periodically throughout the day since it is not what my normal behavior is. Once I make it to 64 ounces and will keep trying everyday to, I will reward myself for it.
8.) If I were to do this again I would take a water bottle to every class and also to the gym and look at the clock and drink every 20 minutes or so. I would like to change my behavior of eating too many sweets after I workout or eat something.
Terms: Target behavior, conditioned reflex, experimental neurosis, neutral stimulus, Pavlov, stamping in, law of effect, trial and error, and puzzle box
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the video about how Thorndike used the puzzle box and cats to understand animal intelligence i liked this because it was interesting and i had never heard of Thorndike before
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
i liked the graphs the least, only because Thorndikes was not labeled
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a- that “trail and error” suggests that over a
period of attempts
some attempts will lead to success. Those attempts
will be more likely
to be repeated and thus learned.because of the cats and the puzzle box examples
b- that important parts of a graph are the, title,y-a
xis label and numbering, the x-axis label and numbering. because of being confused by Thorndikes first graph
c-that trials followed by failures or aversive outcomes will be stamped out and the associations will be weakened. because of having to come up with examples.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why
i liked reading about Pavlov's experiments.because I have heard about them in other classes i have taken but this section went into more detail
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
i disliked reading how as a result of Pavlovs procedures to the dogs how they where negatively effected, like becoming lifeless and unresponsive, or aggressive and trying to rip their harness off.Because i felt bad for the dogs
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a-that classical conditioning the stimulus and the response start off as biologically relevant. Because of the example of the bunny blinking
b-that in order for something to be salient it has to be noticed in the environment. because of the door bell example, when we hear it we answer the door, if it was not heard we would not respond
c-that the UR and CR will be similar. because of having the examples with the tequila and the one with being stung
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =64
Day 2 =64
Day 3 =64
Day 4 =92
Day 5 =64
Day 6 =64
Day 7 =64
Average =68 oz
7b) How did you do overall?
Did you meet your target behavior each day?
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall i did really good, i meet my target behavior everyday.It was not difficult measuring and recording because i bought a 32 oz water bottle and just made sure to fill it 2x a day and finish it so i would meet my goal. The reinforcer i choose wasn't a good choice, because i choose going out to eat if i meet my goal, but i tend to go out to eat every weekend so that wasnt motivational enough for me.i think i will continue to drink 64 oz of water a day because i thought it was easy to do,and i feel healthier i guess because of it
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I might change what reinforcer i would use, but it really didn't effect my goals.
Another behavior i would like change by using behavioral methods is taking vitamins everyday or watching less TV
9) Thorndike,trail and error,aversive,success, negatively ,unresponsive, aggressive, classical conditioning, stimulus, response, biologically relevant, Pavlov,salient,target behavior, UR, CR
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
one thing I liked about this section was shorter and was only about thorndike and not a lot of different things put together because it helped me stay focused on what the section was about
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
there wasn't really anything I disliked, I felt that the material was relevant and gave new terms that I had not heard of previously
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember who thorndike is because the whole section was about him and how he dealt with animal behaviors more than human behaviors
- I will remember the Law of effect because it seems relevant to daily life
- I will remember how incorrect behaviors will eventually be "stamped out" because they are not being reinforced
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was about Pavlov and went into detail about some of his works and the examples given in the section were also helpful in learning the terms
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought the section was a little boring and that there were a lot of words thrown into certain paragraphs that made it harder to concentrate on what the main term was for that certain paragraph
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember the difference between stimulus response and response stimulus because the examples where you had to fill in which one it was were helpful and relevant
- I will remember conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response and conditioned response because I have heard of them before and reading them again was helpful
- I will remember that salience means that it has to be noticed in the environment for it to make a difference
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =40
Day 2 =32
Day 3 =48
Day 4 =32
Day 5 =48
Day 6 =40
Day 7 =32
Average = 38.86 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. No I didn't meet the target behavior each day and it was hard to remember to record and measure each time I was drinking water, especially if it was when I was out somewhere. I think my reinforcement of caffeine later in the day if I drink water throughout the day as well. I definitely drank more than I thought I would and will probably continue to try and drink more water because it made me feel healthier and the reward of caffeine was helpful too, but I also think I could maybe do it without being reinforced as well.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I think I would just focus more on how much I am actually drinking instead of just estimating sometimes and also get a better reinforcer that would motivate me even more. Another behavior I would like to change that goes along with drinking more water is to cut down on drinking pop. I could do this maybe by substituting water or another drink in place of the pop.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Thorndike, reinforcer, trial and error, law of effect, stamped out, Pavlov, classical conditioning, UR, US, CS, CR
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed learning about Thorndike’s Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise because they were all things I have learned in the past and were easy to understand. The Law of Effect was the one that stood out the most because I could easily think of examples and fill out the boxes. One example I gave I gave to study animals intelligence with the Law of Effect was dogs learning new tricks.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-Although I enjoyed reading the section of Thorndike’s Laws, I had a difficult time thinking of examples for Law of Recency. Could we go over this in class?
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I will remember will from this section will be Thorndike’s Law of Effect because it was mostly a review and I enjoyed thinking of other studies that would test an animals’ intelligence using reinforcement. I will also remember Law of Recency as well as Law of Exercise because I had trouble thinking of examples and wished we had more to read over. The last thing I will remember the importance of trial and errors in our research. Trial and error is a way of learning about a variety of behaviors which we will be either rewarded or punished for.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed the last two pages of this section where we were giving examples and had to identify the neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, and unconditioned response. Since I have struggled in the past to understand the terms without knowing if I am doing them right, I really liked the fact that this section gave us the answers. I could make sure I was understanding the material correctly as well as double check my answers.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-One thing I did not like in this section was the examples of conditioned stimuli in my own environment. I could not think of examples that would fit then I was confused on the difference between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. Luckily, the following section where it gave examples and the answers really helped me out.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Three things I will remember from this section would be the importance of the stimulus/response relationship and how it plays a role in classical conditioning. I need to remember to ask myself which came first the stimulus or the response. The next thing I will remember would be in order to have a neutral stimulus; it has to be salient which means it needs to be noticed. Like road construction signs which are neon orange or police lights which flash bright colors and are accompanied by sirens. The last thing I will remember will be the whole process of classical conditioning. CS, US, CR, and UR can be easily confused but I just need to remember what has been changed into the conditioned response and what the neutral stimulus in the situation is.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 70 oz
Day 2 = 56 oz
Day 3 = 64 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 56 oz
Day 6 = 70 oz
Day 7 = 70 oz
Average =64.3 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
-I did very well overall for the week in drinking around 64 ounces of water. I did not meet the target behavior every day. I was not very hard keeping track of how much water I drink because I have a 28 ounce water bottle and I marked it with times in which I need to finish it. I filled the water bottle twice a day and then have a glass of water with my dinner. Sometimes I would drink about three of my water bottles. The times on the bottle made me keep up with the amount of water I wanted to drink each day and my reward was to get a dessert or treat at the end of the day. It was a good way to unwind and relax before I went to bed. I think I will because now the times are on the water bottle and it makes me more aware of the amount I should be drinking each day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
-If I was asked to do this again, I would try to drink a glass in the morning, a glass before each meal, and one at the end of the day as well as through the day in class. This would get me close to the amount of water I am supposed to drink every day. Another behavior I would want to change would be working out every day even if It was only for 30 minutes. I tend to make excuses and find reasons not to go. If I make a set time to go every day and not back down, I believe I would do better at going.
9) TERMS: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, trial and error, reinforcement, rewarded, punished, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, classical conditioning, stimulus/response relationship, neutral stimulus, salient, response, stimulus,
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section was the pictures of Thorndike's puzzle boxes. I thought the old pictures were cool and it was neat how he made them himself.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section was how it mentioned all behavioral testing during this time was done on animals. I feel that behavior is simple and, most of the time, not harmful to test on humans and would cause a more accurate demonstration.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is Thorndike's Law of Effect which is essentially trial and error. This was one of the first examples of how positive and negative reinforcement alter behavior.
Another thing I will remember from this section is the term Methodological construct which is a way to indirectly measure something. I will remember this because it was terminology I had not heard before.
Lastly, I will remember that the y-axis measures what were trying to measure and the x-axis represents measurement periods because this is a concept that has been instilled in me since high school.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was when they talked about Pavlov training dogs to distinguish between shapes. I did not know about this experiment and found it very interesting.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was the neutral stimulus definition. I thought it was confusing and I still do not understand the concept. I also did not know what salient meant and the chapter used it repeatedly without going into detail.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember about this section is the learned helplessness example with the dogs becoming unresponsive because it is review and we have talked about this specific example in class before.
Another thing I will remember is that if the stimulus occurs before the behavior, it is classical conditioning because of the dog example and Pavlov developing this concept.
Lastly, I will remember that operant conditioning is something that occurs naturally, such as the bunny eye-blink example. No one has to teach a bunny (or human) to blink.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 6 8oz glasses
Day 2 = 7
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 =5
Day 5 = 7
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 8
Average = 6.7
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did okay overall. I did not meet my target for everyday, but did well on average. It was not difficult to measure and record if I remembered to do it. I use a water bottle that has oz measurements written on the side so it would make things simpler for me. The reinforcer I chose was to give myself a coffee or energy drink if I reached 7 or 8 eight ounce glasses of water for the day. It was a good way to reinforce I think. I think that I will continue to drink more water on average without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would start using the reinforcer a week earlier because I did see better results after implementing that. Another behavior I might change using behavioral methods is getting to the gym as often as I would like.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect,trial and error, methodological construct, x-axis, y-axis, measurement period, neutral stimulus, learned helplessness, operant and classical conditioning.
1. i really liked all the pictures as well as the video. i liked that it showed how he used the puzzle boxes on cats as a way to figure out the intelligence of animals. i thought it did a good job explaining what Thorndike was doing.
2. there wasn't a whole lot that i didn't like from this section. i wasn't fond of the part about animal testing but otherwise it was all good information and not too overwhelming.
3. a) the law of effect is when behaviors or responses have a positive outcome and the association is strengthened. unsuccessful behaviors or not positive outcomes causes the associated to be stamped out. through repetition, the association will be strengthened. it is known as trial and error.
b) the x axis represents the measured periods in a graph while the y axis represents what is being is important to label the parts of a graph as well as numbering.
c)the law of effect says that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur while the law of exercise states that the association will become stronger through repetition.
4. i liked the picture on the bell and the conditioning. i am a visual person so this helped me understand the differences that were confusing on conditioned responses/stimulus vs. unconditioned responses/stimulus
5.i didn't like how much information there was. there seemed to be lots of vocabulary and it just was a lot to process. also, i was confused on the differences between the different responses and the stimuluses. there was just a lot of things and abbreviations to remember.
6. a) Pavlov's experiement produced the learned helplessness from the dogs. they became unresponsive because they didn't know what to expect or do. we talked about this in other sections so this was another good example.
b)classical or respondent conditioning is seen as a stimulus response relationship. in the presence of a stimulus, a response occurs.
c) a neutral stimulus needs regularity in its presentation. In order for the stimulus to become conditioned it has to be presented regularly.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 7 8oz glasses
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =8
Average =7
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
overall, i did pretty good. i did not meet my target for each day. it was slightly annoying just having to write it down or even remembering to write it down. the reinforcer i chose was to get dessert each time i hit the goal and i think this was a good one just because i love sweets. im not sure if i will be able to do that without being reinforced but i feel like the more i do it, the more likely i wont need a reinforcer and it will become a habit.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
if i were to do this differently, i would add something like a reinforcer to motivate me to drink more water and hit my goals each day. another behavior that i would like to use this on would be either working out more or eating when i take my medication as well as taking them.
9) reinforcer, law of effect, law of exercise, trial and error, x and y axis, neutral stimulus, learned helplessness, classical and respondent conditioning, stimulus, conditioned responses/stimulus, unconditioned responses/stimulus, stimulus response relationship
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the example of the cat in the box. Today in my Biopsychoology class we discussed something similar. It was the Morris Water maze. Which is some-what similar to this example, so it was easier to understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don't understand the Law of Recency and what are examples of that. I am unsure of the definition.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Thorndikes box because I can relate it to the example from my other class. I will also remember that his study had some flaws. As shown in the last graph he wasn't descriptive of the y-axis, x-axis, the time period, etc. I will also remember trial and error because you need to try different things in order to get a reward from it. In doing so you will repeat the thing that worked.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like the examples that we fill in the answer (on Page 3). I like it more because I can get a direct answer and know if I am doing it right or wrong.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I like that I can relate to the class from other classes, but it seems like Pavlov's study on dogs is very common to teach from high school up. It was nice to have that previous knowledge, but I didn't feel like I learned a lot from the beginning of this chapter.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the salient stimuli because I am not sure if I got the hang of it yet. Also I kept getting mixed up with US because I kept reading it as United States. I will also remember the example of the air puff because Professor MacLin uses it a lot in class.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =3 glasses
Day 2 =4 glasses
Day 3 =4 glasses
Day 4 =4 glasses
Day 5 =3 glasses
Day 6 =2 glasses
Day 7 =3 glasses
Average =3.3 glasses
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did better for how much I usually drink. It was still hard remembering my water bottle and to fill it up consistently. I think it was a good choice, however I think that since I am starting to exercise it is easier to meet my goal because I am more active and want more water. I think I will continue as long as I work out and stay active.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would rather do it more for myself than for my daughter. As much as a motivator she is for me, I think doing it for myself would be more rewarding.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Recency, trial and error, salient stimuli, US
1. I liked how Thorndike used the trial and error method as well as integrating the Law of Effects into his research. To me these are interesting topics because like behavioral terms, they can be generalized to a variety of different situation. Thorndike limited his thinking to animal intelligence but the reading discussed that if we understand animal intelligence it can help us understand human intelligence as well. For example through trial and error I have effectively become the human being I am today. Throughout my life there have been times where I have failed on multiple occasions but have learned from those mistakes. Take for instance the game of Monopoly. As a young kid I did not understand the game but through playing more often, I have learned how to play effectively. Furthermore, as the law of effect states my positive outcomes from the game are stamped in thus resulting in a stronger association.
2. There was not one thing I liked least about the section. If anything I like the change of pace from all of the behavioral terms we have been learning to a more historic view of behaviorism.
3. Of course I will remember the law of effect. Not only can successful behaviors be strengthened through association, but negative outcomes can be stamped out so they are less likely to occur in the future. In addition, the law of exercise states that through exercise or repeated exposure, a stronger association can be strengthened. I can relate this to my Monopoly example in the first question. Lastly, I will not forget the performance of imaginary cat graph on the last page. Basically this expands upon the law of exercise stating that repeated trials of a particular task will result in a stronger response.
4. I find Pavlov's surgical procedures on dogs interesting. Pavlov had the knowledge to sever the salivary duct and reroute it to the exterior in order to put test tubes near the dog's mouth. To me this is a fascinating procedure that revolutionized the way we think about behavior. He termed this psychic secretion when a dog would salivate upon the arrival of the food distributor.
5. Again there wasn't anything I disliked about this section. To me it was straightforward and easy to follow. No complaints.
6. I will remember that a CR and UR are similar both topographically and functionally (as they are usually the same behavior) but differ slightly in exactly what caused the response to be emitted. What it the CS or the US. Secondly, I understand what Dr. Maclin meant about the difference between a stimulus-response and a response-stimulus. A stimulus response essentially means that in the presence of a stimulus, a response occurs. For example, the sight of a certain food (stimulus) could signal hunger (response) for some people. This differs from a response-stimulus relationship because in this scenario a response will come first. An example could be putting your card in an ATM (response) and being reinforced with money (stimulus). Finally, I can explain how a neutral stimulus can becomes a conditioned stimulus through conditioning. For instance if a bright light is simply spotted by an individual, it is salient, meaning it has nothing associated with it YET but could be conditioned to elicit a response. In this case a bright light could signal that the garage is being opened. If the bright light is presented a sufficient number of times, it will be associated with the opening of a garage.
day 1 =6 glasses
day 2 =5
day 3 =6
day 4 =4
day 5 =5
day 6 =5
day 7 =8
7B. Honestly it was a challenge for me to remember how many glasses I drank throughout the day. I finally starting filling a water bottle that holds about 24 oz at a time so it became easier to monitor my total. My reinforcer (saltine cracker) did not work so I will come up with a better one. One potential reinforcer could be simply going to the bathroom after I drink a full bottle of water.
8. I would change my reinforcer to make it more reinforcing
9. stimulus-response, response-stimulus, generalization, psychic secretion, reinforcer, trial and error, law of effects, law of exercise, CR, UR, CS, CR
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the idea of methodological construct. You can’t always measure things directly, so it is helpful to have a term to describe how it is measured. It is helpful in studies like the “puzzle box.”
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was the section where I was asked to think of some other ways to study animal intelligence. I don’t think I know enough about studies and methods to think of things after hearing about only a few examples like the puzzle box and operant chamber.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the graphs. It is something I’m familiar with and when you already have background knowledge, I think things stick in your head easier.
I will also remember the puzzle box to tests the cat’s knowledge. It was a main part of the section and when a section is mostly about one thing, it tends to stick in your head. I think it also made it easier to understand Thorndike as a researcher as well.
I will remember the Law of Effect because it reminded me of reinforcement. If a positive outcome is reached, the association is “stamped in,” meaning the individual will keep doing the target behavior. This is what reinforcement teaches people (to continue doing something).
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that “psychic secretion” explains that the dog salivates even when he hears the researchers footsteps. I think I just liked this because I would never think to call it “psychic secretion.”
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that “experimental neurosis” occurred. It seems like that could really make the study faulty. If certain dogs were aggressive and others weren’t, how could they have a medium?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the fact that Pavlov began studying physiology. It’s crazy how he ended up studying psychology. Two completely different sciences don’t usually interest one person at the same time.
I will also remember determining whether certain situations were SR or RS. It helped me to better understand, and when I’m given the answers below, it assures me that I’m learning the right way. I will remember this because I spent some time on it to make sure I understood it.
I will also remember what salient means. It was a part of the section that I was constantly thinking of other examples so I would remember it. I came up with a lot of similar ones listed as well as a car horn and fire alarm.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 40 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 = 48 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 56 oz
Day 7 = 64 oz
Average = 55 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I did well. I got really close to the average I was hoping for. I did not meet my target behavior EACH day. It was not too difficult because I have a bottle that has the amount of ounces labeled. However, when I eat in the Rialto, I have to assume the glasses are over 8 ounces. The reinforcement I chose may not have been the best choice, but it was the tastiest!! I should have picked a reinforce that was healthy. I think I will continue to drink the target amount because it just feels reinforcing to say, “Oh I don’t drink pop,” or “I drink a lot of water.”
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I was asked to do this again, I would probably carry around my water bottle everywhere. I would also ask a friend to try it so I remember to keep up! I might like to try spending less money at the bars. I could decrease my normal amount and spend it on a new pair of shoes if I reach a certain goal.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: methodological construct, operant chamber, reinforcement, positive outcome, target behavior, psychic secretion, experimental neurosis, salient, stimulus-response, response-stimulus
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
A thing that I really liked in this section was the option to watch the video on the mechanism that is used to demonstrate the Law of Effect. This helped me understand better how the Law of Effect works, and how it truly is trial and error.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don't believe that there was anything in this section that I disliked. However, if I had to choose something it would be the listing of the 3 examples of trial and error learning. I think that the concept of trial and error is a very familiar to me, so I found it unnecessary.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect by Thorndike. I will also remember the Law of Recency (the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur). Lastly, I remember the Law of Exercise (through repetition the associations are strengthened). I will remember all of these laws because I don't believe I have ever heard of them before and I can't remember having learned about Thorndike. I find these laws very interesting, and I think they will be very easy to remember because of the way they were described.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked from this section was the boxes where it gave you a chance to test your knowledge about stimulus response and response stimulus to help you not get mixed up. I really really liked this section because I saw that after I was done I saw the answers under the last box. I liked that I could test my knowledge and be certain of my answers.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something that I had difficulty with or disliked in this section was that Pavlov gets a bit repetitive and drilled into me. I just find it hard to get anything I haven't already learned from the information on Pavlov. (With the exception of how he was able to isolate a part of the dogs stomach.)
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is how Pavlov created a procedure that allowed the isolation of a section of the dog's stomach so that the ingested food would not enter and contaminate saliva. I know this doesn't have a whole lot to do with our behavior modification section, but I feel like I've learned a great deal about Pavlov, but I have never heard that. I will also remember that Pavlov referred to the behavior of the dogs beginning to salivate upon hearing the sounds of footsteps of the researcher as "psychic secretion." Lastly, I will remember that a neutral stimulus must be regular in its presentation.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 3-16oz
Day 2 =4-16oz
Day 3 =4-16oz
Day 4 =4-16oz
Day 5 =4-16oz
Day 6 =4-16oz
Day 7 =4-16oz
Average =3.85-16oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I think I did ok. While I did not reach my goal for everyday (I forgot the day after to try for 64oz), I'm happy with my efforts. It wasn't super difficult to keep track of the amount of water I drank because I drank them in 16oz bottles. I think the reinforcer I chose was a very good one. I chose to drink a bottle before I ate, and I think hunger was a very good motivation tactic. I think that if I stop using food as a reinforcer then I will not continue to drink enough water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think that if I were to do anything differently, it would be to drink more water before I ate to reach above the requirement. A behavior I would change using behavioral methods would be to stop biting my nails.
9) Terminology: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, behavior, reinforced, stimulus response, response stimulus, neutral stimulus. reinforcer
1) What I really liked about this section was that there was hardly any terms to try to remember. I like this because I don’t feel swamped by the end of the section trying to remember all of the vocab that was mentioned. It’s also a nice change in that this section was not just about vocab either, but also gave some historical background.
2) The one thing I disliked about this section was the very last sentence that said we would have to label graphs sometime in the future. I am not the best at graphs. At all.
3) a) I will remember the “trial and error” because, I feel, it is common sense to understand what trial and error means. Maybe that’s just me. b) I will remember the Law of Effect because it states that once a behavior is followed by a positive outcome, that behavior will then be stamped in. c) And I will try my hardest to remember who Thorndike was and what he theorized. All I have to think about is that he’s the man that dealt with the cute cats.
4) I really like the picture that shows the UR, US, CR, and CS, and the progression to get from the UR and US to the CR and CS. I feel like it easily represents it and helps with memorization of the terms.
5) I felt myself having to reread a few parts two or three times before I was able to get a grasp on a few parts of the section.
6 a) I will remember that stimulus response is different from response stimulus b) I will remember that a neutral stimulus must be presented a number of times before association occurs. C) I will also remember that although US and CS are functionally similar, they are topographically different.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 32 oz
Day 2 = 32 oz
Day 3 = 40 oz
Day 4 = 40 oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 48 oz
Day 7 = 40 oz
Average = 42.3 oz
7b) Well I did drink more than I did the week before, but still not as much as I had wanted to drink? It wasn’t too hard to measure and record. I basically did a tally system where when I finished a glass of water I would mark a tally. I probably could’ve used a different reinforcer. Pop probably wasn’t a good choice to reinforce me. I will try my best to drink even more water this time around because of the exercise program that I started.
8) I would probably carry a water bottle with me wherever I go just so when it runs out I can immediately go fill it.
9) trial and error, Law of Effect, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, functional, topographical, behavior, neutral stimulus
1. One thing I will remember most about this section is the Law of Effect, because it’s literally like the domino effect. I think it’s cool that there’s a term for when we are put in unfamiliar situations and begin to elicit questionable behaviors.
2. Something I didn’t like much about this was the talk about all the animals that had been tested. I know it’s not crude, but it still makes me feel bad.
3. Three things I will remember most about this chapter; the Law of Effect because it explains exactly what humans do when they want a desired outcome, the Law of Recency because it takes the law of effect into more depth based on response time, and Law of Exercise because it also takes the law of effect more into depth and states that through repetition, the associations are strengthened.
4. One thing I really like about this section was learning about the conditioned reflex. The reason I really like learning about this was because I could definitely relate. I LOVE sour candy and every time I even think about that candy (now) my jaws tingle and I begin to salivate.
5. The thing I didn’t like much about this section was the fact that it just kind of drug on. I felt like in order to really comprehend what the section was saying, I would have to reread parts over and over.
6. I will remember conditioned response because I think the whole concept of it is pretty cool; how you can train someone/something to react to a stimuli how you want them to. I will also remember that in order to get a conditioned response, it must be repeated over and over otherwise you will not get the desired response. The last thing I will remember is how to determine the difference between the two types of learning.
a. Day 1: 64oz
b. Day 2: 124oz
c. Day 3: 100oz
d. Day 4: 124oz
e. Day 5: 96oz
f. Day 6: 100oz
g. Day 7: 130oz
h. Average: 105oz
8. Something I would do differently if redoing this assignment would do it with something other than water. I already drink a healthy amount of water, although increasing it was a good challenge. Another behavior I would like do this with is not finishing an assignment all at once. I generally begin an assignment then take a break then do a little more then get distracted, which makes the assignment take longer overall.
9. Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Law of Effect, continued reflex, stimuli, conditioned response.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I liked the most in this section is that when talking about the puzzle box and how it works there was actually a video with it to help explain what is going and show an actual puzzle box with a cat in it. This helped me understand what a puzzle box actually is and how it works with a cat.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing in this section that I disliked the least was talking about the graphs and what goes on the x and y-axis and the title. I would hope as a college student people would know what goes on the x and y-axis.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? From this section I will remember that “trail and error” suggests that over period of attempts some attempts will lead to success. Meaning that if the attempts are successful they will remembered just like the action of starting a car we would always remember how to start your car. I will also remember that "stamping in" because when its stamped in the learned behavior is strengthened.The third thing I will remember is that all graphs need a title.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how it went it to great details about the different types of stimuluses. This helped me to understand which one goes with which action or response.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn't like in this section was for some of the examples it gave the example but not the answer yes they are obvious answers but I would still like the satisfaction of getting them right and checking them with the right answer.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the difference between the UR and the CR. I will also remember that Psychic Discretion is when the dog salivated when it heard footsteps meaning the footsteps are associated with the food. I will also remember that the Americans were only interested with his research related to learning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =7
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =5
Average =6.4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day?
I managed to do better then the week before and I almost met my target behavior.
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day?
Yes it was difficult for me to keep track. I think a few of the days I drank more glasses of water then with what i recorded.
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice?
I think my reinforcer was a good choice but not realistic. I think getting a piece of candy is more realistic then your favorite food.
Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?
I think for me I will keep trying to because drinking water is more healthy for you then other things.
Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would try harder to remember to record when I drank water and not just assumed I drank as much as a think I did.
9) Trial and error,Unconditioned response, Conditioned Response, Puzzle Box, x-axis,Y-axis, Stamping in, an title
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 ) one thing that I really appreciated about this section was that there was a video, I think it helps to show and explain what is going on a lot better. I never really liked having online text books before, because I like having something that I can physically hold, but I guess that is one of the benefits of it being online and I liked it.
2) I thought this section was very relevant, so there wasn’t anything that I disliked.
3 ) One topic I will remember from this section is the Law of Effects. Basically, if our behavior is followed by a positive outcome, we will remember it. This was a part of Thorndikes research. I will also remember the Law of Exercise, because it seems like common sense to me. The more we spend time practicing something, the better we will get, same with memory and recalling things. Another thing I think I will remember because I thought it was interesting was that behavioral research didn’t start til about 70 years ago, I found this interesting because people have been studying psychology for quite a while.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4) One thing I really liked in this section was where I had to determine if certain things were a stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, or an unconditioned response. I feel like it helped me better remember what they were and decipher between them.
5) I guess what I least liked was the section of Pavlov, just because I have learned so much about him in all my other classes. But otherwise I found this section to be helpful and interesting.
6) One thing I will remember is that a stimulus has to show up many times for there to be an association that a person makes with it. If it is not, the person will not see a pattern. I will also remember stimulus salience which is where the stimulus has to be seen in the environment that it is in. I will also remember Pavlov, because I have learned about this in many classes.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 32 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 = 24oz
Day 4 = 48 oz
Day 5 =48 oz
Day 6 =24 oz
Day 7 =24oz
Average = 35.4 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. I did better, but I did not meet the target behavior. It was difficult to drink that much water, because I only drink it when I am thirsty. It was hard to force myself to do it, and a couple of the days I forgot to keep track so I had to make a guess of what I drank. I will keep trying to drink 64 oz.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I would try to work out more, because when I work out I tend to drink more water. I would also have to make more time to work out in my schedule.
9) Law of Effects, Law of Exercise, recall, stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response,
Section 3.1
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the fact that this section was simple and to-the-point. It was a bit shorter, but there wasn’t much that was unclear about the material that was covered. I like when concepts aren’t over-explained. I can lose interest when I’m reading very quickly, so I really liked that this section was clear and concise.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I can’t say that there was much from this section that I disliked. I wasn’t very familiar with all of Thorndike’s theories, so learning about him was very interesting to me. This section was full of relevant information!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Thorndike was interested in animal intelligence, and used cats for his primary research. This will stick with me because I am also interested in animal intelligence and I like when we can relate experiments used on them to human behavior. I will also remember that not all attempts will lead to success, but those that do lead to success will lead to repetition and be learned more easily. I think I will remember this because of how relevant it is to everyday encounters. Lastly, I will remember about the ‘stamping in’ concept and how those associated with aversive outcomes will be ‘stamped out’ and not associated as strongly as those trials that are associated with desirable outcomes.
Section 3.2
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked learning about Pavlov and his theories in more detail. Almost every psychology class that I have taken has touched on this phenomenon at some point, but we have never gone into such detail regarding the breakdown of behavior. It was nice to put this concept into a new perspective and learn about it from a different angle. In addition, it was nice to be able to take what we have been learning about in class and apply it to Pavlov’s work. Seeing the similarities was cool, but being able to decipher the differences was even better!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This might seem a little silly, but the part I disliked was reading about the reactions from the dogs. I am an animal enthusiast, and I do feel bad for animals that get a lot of hard research done on them. When the text talked about how the dogs became unresponsive and aggressive, I felt a little bad for them! Negative aspects can come about in any experiment, regardless of if the subjects are humans or animals. I understand that negative effects are beneficial to our learning, too. I just can’t help but to feel a little sorry for the poor dogs!
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A part of this research that really interested me was how Pavlov used experimental neurosis to help the dogs distinguish different shapes. I wasn’t very familiar with this part of his research before. I will also remember the invention of Pavlov’s Pouch. I remember touching base on this invention a few semesters ago, but I think it’s very interesting and the picture will help me to remember it! I will also remember that the UR and CR are topographically and functionally similar, and that I need to be careful when trying to distinguish the two apart from each other. Sometimes I make little mistakes like that, so this will help me to remember to slow down and double check my work when talking about these two responses.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 42 oz
Day 2 =48 oz
Day 3 =52 oz
Day 4 =64 oz
Day 5 =40 oz
Day 6 =80 oz
Day 7 =48 oz
Average = 53 oz
7b) Overall, I think I did a decent job of drinking an adequate amount of water. While I didn’t get to an average of 64 ounces, I was pretty close! I like to buy the big 3 Liter bottles of water from the gas station and drink those throughout the day when I’m feeling dehydrated, so that’s what I did! My reinforcer probably wasn’t the most enticing, even though it was desirable. If I want a glass of wine at the end of the week, I would have done it regardless of how much water I drank! It was hard to remember to measure my behavior daily, but it was easy to estimate how much I drank depending on how much of the water bottle was empty as compared to the beginning of the day.
8) If I were to do this again, I would have made the task more intrinsically valuable. I would have taken the time to make it a point to write down everything and make it worthwhile. Drinking water is important, but I just drink it when I feel like it, not because I know I should. I would make my reinforcer a little more alluring, and something that I couldn’t do on an everyday basis (if I wanted to).
9) Reinforcer, behavior, experiment, aversive, desirable, positive reinforcement, intrinsically valuable, unresponsive, aggressive, Thorndike, Pavlov.
More terms! Unconditioned response, conditioned response, Pavlov's Pouch, experimental neurosis. :)
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the abundance of practical application that this chapter had to everyday life, such as trial and error learning which is a part of everyday life. While other chapters have had material that is very applicable to our lives, it is almost always in a more subtle or more complex way. Trial and error learning is very recognizable and does not take much effort to detect in the world outside of the classroom.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the use of positive and negative to refer to outcomes because it has been ingrained in my mind that positive and negative have very specific uses in behavior modification, and this was an incorrect use of the terms.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Thorndike’s three laws: (1) Law of Effect which basically states that the effect of a behavior will determine whether it is “stamped in” or “stamped out”, meaning that a pleasurable outcome will lead to the behavior being stamped in and an aversive will lead to it being stamped out; (2) Law of Recency which states that the most recent behavior in a chain will be the one that is stamped in or in which the association is strengthened; and (3) Law of Exercise which states that repetition of behaviors and their consequences will lead to associations being strengthened.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the experiment that Pavlov created to test whether dogs could discriminate their responses between different shapes. This is interesting to me because it seems odd that a dog could be taught the difference between two different shapes and then emit a different response based on which shape was in front of them. The application for this type of learning however is apparently outside my knowledge because other than the experimental curiosity, it seems like useless information to have.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the term psychic secretion to describe what is now known as the conditioned reflex. I have no real reason for disliking this term other than it just sounds gross. Conditioned reflex is a much nicer term for the same phenomenon.
I also really disliked the term experimental neurosis to refer to the unresponsiveness or aggressiveness of the dogs when Pavlov made discrimination between the two different shapes less distinguishable. This is another example of the preferable term used today of learned helplessness.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember (1) how only the parts of Pavlov’s research that were ever actually promoted in the U.S. was the parts that supported Thorndike’s and Watson’s research because while this does not entirely surprise me, it still does not sit well with me because research should be shared for the sake of a growing body of knowledge, not just because it is relevant to our own research; (2) that the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus can be both topographically and/or functionally similar before conditioning, but are functionally similar after conditioning because they both elicit the same response; and (3) a stimulus is only neutral if before conditioning it did not elicit the unconditioned response.
7a) Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =70
Day 2 =50
Day 3 =40
Day 4 =70
Day 5 =60
Day 6 =70
Day 7 =70
Average =61.4oz per day
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?
Overall I did better than the previous week, but there were still days where I did not meet my goal. It was very difficult to measure and record each day because I often do not think about it and I just fill up my waterbottle when I notice it is getting low, and I don’t think to record it every time.
The reinforcer I chose was a decent reinforcer, but I feel that there were others that might have been more effective at getting me to drink my goal amount of water each day.
I think I may continue to drink at least 64oz of water each day for a few days while it is still fresh in my mind, but in the end I think extinction will take over and I will forget to keep track and self-reinforce my water drinking habits.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would chose a different reinforcer; I would try to use self-reinforcement each time I drank a full waterbottle with smaller reinforcers because I feel that if I am reinforced more often at a continuous reinforcement schedule rather than a fixed-interval schedule I will be more likely to emit the target behavior each day.
Terms used in this post: trial and error learning, positive, negative, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, psychic secretion, conditioned reflex, discriminate, emit, response, pleasurable, aversive, experimental neurosis, learned helplessness, reinforcer, extinction, self-reinforce, self-reinforcement, reinforced, continuous reinforcement, fixed-interval schedule, target behavior, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, topographically, functionally, conditioning, elicit, neutral
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I felt as though this section was more specific and to the point than previous sections. It was shorter, but it was easier to follow along. Also, including a video was an interesting touch.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was good and well written, but the animal testing was a bit overwhelming to go through.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember Law of Exercise. This law states that through repetition, our associations will be strengthened. It’s like practice makes perfect.
B) I will remember the Law of Regency. This explains how consequences, reinforcement, and behaviors work in general.
C) Lastly, I will remember that trials followed by failures will be stamped out and the associations will be weakened.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how this section was broken done and so many different examples were used. It made this section really easy to understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was easy to understand, but it seemed a little boring.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember that neutral stimulus has to be noticed.
B) I will remember from this section is what US, UR, CS, and CR mean.
C) I will also remember that classical conditioning the stimulus and the response start off as biologically relevant.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 7 eight oz glasses
Day 2 =7
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =8
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =8
Average = 7.5
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I did pretty well. I drank a lot more water than I normally do, and I think that is because my reinforcer really helped. Now, I feel that I am used to drinking a lot of water and I will probably continue to drink more water even without a reinforcer.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would want to increase the amount of fruits I eat throughout the day.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: law of regency, law of exercise, classical conditioning, reinforcement, reinforcer.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was interesting. I thought it would be boring as that is how history usually turns out to be.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like how bad I felt for the cats in Thorndike’s original experiment. I could picture how scared the cats probably were from how Thorndike described their reactions until they learned how to escape from the puzzle boxes.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the graph. It made it crystal clear how the number of times a cat was put in the same puzzle box (the stimulus) positively impacted the amount of time it took the cat to escape from the box (response). The second thing I will remember is the puzzle boxes were designed by Thorndike. The third thing I will remember is that the Law of Effect says that if a behavior is connected to a positive outcome, the behavior will be repeated (strengthened). These are important pieces of information from the reading.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section went into more detail within the Pavlov saliva experiment. I was curious and now I don’t have to be.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I know these experiments are necessary, but I felt bad for the dogs in the target shape experiment. The dogs eventually gave up/or became angry when the shapes became too hard to recognize.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that these experiments helped refine the stimulus/response relationship that we have been essentially working with since day one of this class, and anytime we learned to assimilate a stimulus and response. The second thing I will remember is Pavlov originally called when the dogs began to salivate “psychic secretion” because it’s a just a fun fact. The third thing I will remember is that Pavlov managed to teach dogs shapes using classical conditioning these are important concepts to know.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =3 16oz
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =3
Average =3.1 glasses
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did okay, I did not meet my target behavior of 8 glasses of water a day, but 3 glasses a day is good place to start from. It was hard to keep track of the water I drank, because forgot by the end of the day when I went to write it down. I need better reinforcer, maybe a daily reinforcer, rather than a weekly reinforcer.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would write down the number of glasses I drank as I drank them so I would not forget.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Puzzle box, stimulus, response, Law of Effect , behavior, positive outcome, strengthened, stimulus/response relationship ,“psychic secretion”, classical conditioning, reinforcer.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section used multiple graphics and a video to illustrate the point of Law and Effect. I liked this because the whole section was based around this concept, and other concepts like The Law of Recency and The Law of Exercise were built on it as well. So it made this section very understandable.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how the three definitions of Law of Effect, The Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise were kind of broad in this section. This is because, even though I understand these concepts, I feel the terms were almost too easy, and I will somehow mess them up later.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what the term Law of Effect means, because the chapter did a good job explaining this concept. Also the video gave a good visual about the cat’s trial and error, and how the positive behaviors of getting out of the box are stamped in, and emitted more often.
I will remember the terms The Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise, because the vocab words recent and exercise are easy to connect to the cat examples and trial and error.
I will remember that this research was being done over 70 years ago, because of the graph did not have a x or y axis like we have currently, and the technology Thorndike used was very primitive to what researchers use today.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section taught us the necessary conditions to make a neutral stimulus to become a conditioned stimulus. I liked this because there was a nice transition of the previously learnt information, to avoid confusion. I also like this part because each of the three terms were very understandable through the easy examples and practice opportunities.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like how the beginning of this section went into detail about Pavlov’s other past research. I know this section was meant to give his history as well as the research leading up to his behavioral modification findings, but it just initially confused me because of the neuron things were mixed with the conditioning things.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Neutral Stimulus must be salient in order to be a Conditioned Stimulus. I will remember this because it makes sense that the stimulus has to be noticed in order to pair the two together, to get the response. Also the examples and the workspace helped me further learn the information.
I will remember the stimulus classes of topography and function. I will remember these better because the example of a US and CS, puts a behavioral modification meaning to these terms, to help me connect the ideas.
I will remember the difference between the UR and CR. I will remember this because the graph made it too easy not to understand. It also helped to remember this concept because the section said if it’s an unconditioned stimulus its an unconditioned response and vice versa. It also said not to overthink it.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
each glass is 80z *
Day 1 = 8 Day 2 = 7 Day 3 = 7 Day 4 = 9 Day 5 = 8 Day 6 = 7 Day 7 = 9 Average = 7.86
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz. of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz. water for the next 7 days.
I did pretty good, I was only 1 total glass away from meeting my target behavior average. It wasn’t too difficult because I marked where 8 oz. was on a cup and I tallied after every glass I drank. Going to a movie was not a good reinforcer because it should have been more of a continuous reinforcer, rather then a fixed ratio reinforcer so I don’t know if it really made a difference because I was not really being reinforced much. I probably will drink more water, now that I am not being reinforced because I liked how drinking more water made me feel.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would have done a smaller reinforcer more often so my mind could have made an association between the behavior and consequence. I would like to use behavior methods to lift more often.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
The Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, The Law of Exercise, emit, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, salient, stimulus, stimulus classes of topography and function, US and CS, UR and CR, target behavior, continuous reinforcement, and Fixed ratio reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the video included within the section. It was a nice break from having to read, plus it helped teach the lesson easier
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really think it was all that necessary to include that researchers sometimes have to build their own equipment. I think I could've drawn that conclusion on my own.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the video about Thorndike's cat box, I will remember the law of effect and I will remember the concept of methodological construct.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section explained conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli and unconditioned response. It written really fluidly and I fully understood the concept.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really like the illustration at the beginning. I'm kind of squeamish, so I could've done without that.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the example with the bunny and the puff of air, I will remember the difference between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and I will remember the concept of a neutral stimulus.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 8 cups
Day 2 = 9c
Day 3 = 11c
Day 4 = 9c
Day 5 = 9c
Day 6 = 8c
Day 7 = 8c
Average = 8.9c
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I met my goal everyday because the reward of Nutella is enough to get me to do almost anything. It was easy to remember since I always drink water at home out of the same water bottle, which is exactly four cups. I kept record of how much I drank on my phone, and I use my phone constantly throughout the day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I could replace other drinks I drink throughout the day for water. I drink lots of coffee and pop, so I could have substituted those with just water. I also could have set it at a schedule, instead of chugging three cups before midnight so I can have some Nutella (don't worry, that only happened once or twice).
Another behavior I could change using behavioral methods would be my sleep schedule. It's pretty screwed at this point, but if I recorded and rewarded myself whenever I got 8 hours of sleep, I could maybe fix that too.
Terminology: conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli, unconditioned response, neutral stimuli, methodological construct
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how short and to the point this section was. It stuck with mainly one clear example with the cat and branched off of the example to explain different points. I liked that we stuck with one subject throughout the section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The terms that we needed to learn weren't really listen clearly with clear definitions. They all had examples using the cat experiments but the definitions weren't printed out for us.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the term "stamped out" and how stuff can be stopped because it didn't get reinforced. I will remember the laws starting with the Law of Effect that Thorndike created and how learning is brought on by the individual or subjects experience. Law of regency and how the most recent thing is likely to occur again.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The intro to Pavlov's experiment was really interesting where they explained how he placed the devise on the dog "Pavlov's Pouch" and how they performed surgery on the dog to place everything as needed for the experiment.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The experiments were kind of hard to follow after so much reading about them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the term "psychic secretion" because it was placed with the dog and was the first time they realized that the dog was salivating before the food even got there, just by the footsteps of the person bringing the food.
I will also remember that Pavlov's work went far beyond just a dog salivating to a bell like he is sometimes known for and his work with classical conditioning was very important to the history of psychology.
Also stimulus salience and how the stimulus has to be noticed in the environment that it is in.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 5 cups
Day 2 = 5 cups
Day 3 = 4 cups
Day 4 = 7 cups
Day 5 = 3 cups
Day 6 = 8 cups
Day 7 = 8 cups
Average = 5 cups
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without beings reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did pretty well overall, drinking water has been something I have been working on for a long time so trying to get in my 8 cups a day is something I had been used to. I pretty much always reach my target behavior when I am thinking about it, but days that I am busy and don't think about it as much I have trouble meeting my goals. I don't think my reinforce has helped me mainly because I think I picked something stupid that I don't really care about. My real reinforcement should be being healthier, which will help with getting in shape and will be rewarding while on spring break.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would probably write down more often when I am drinking water or find a way to remind myself to drink the amount of water to reach my goal every day.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect, Law of Recency, reinforcement, rewarded, punished, classical conditioning, stimulus/response relationship, neutral stimulus, salient, response, stimulus,
1. I liked learning about how Thorndike created the puzzle box and how he measured learning in cats. Thorndike rigged the boxes so that they would only open if a lever was pulled and put the cat inside. The cat would try a range of maneuvers to get the box open. Eventually the cat would perform the action that led in their freedom from the box. The cat would be put in the box repeatedly, until eventually they learned to do the correct response as soon as they were put in the box. This showed learning. The time difference between each trial quantified the learning to a time frame. I liked this because I enjoy learning about how animals are used in research and the roles that they have played.
2. I disliked the trial and error boxes where we were supposed to give examples. We encounter trial and error in our daily lives, so it seemed to be unnecessary.
3. I will remember that you can quantify how much an animal learned by the time differences of them escaping from the puzzle-box. This is because it was an interesting way to quantify research. I'll remember that the law of recency states that the most recent action is the one that is the most likely to reoccur, because the name of the law gives it away. I'll also remember that the law of exercise says that repetition strengthens actions.
4. I liked learning about Pavlov training the dogs to recognize different shapes and pair one with the arrival of food. I found this interesting because I did not really think about the fact that dogs can recognize shapes and tell one from another. It makes sense, but I guess I just assumed they didn't notice things like that.
5. One section I did not like was the one that described how Pavlov separated the saliva from the food in the dogs he was studying. To do this he had to isolate the saliva ducts, cut the dog's cheek, and reroute the duct to the outside of the dog. I didn't like this section because it was sort of graphic and I imagine that this was not pleasant for the dogs.
6. I will remember that experimental neurosis is the aggressive or unresponsive behavior that a dog shows when unsure about whether to expect food. I will also remember I will remember that an unconditioned response is not taught and that a conditioned response is. I will also remember that a neutral stimulus must be salient, must occur regularly, and must be presented a sufficient number of times in order to work.
1. 25 oz
2. 34 oz
3. 50 oz
4. 60 oz
5. 29 oz
6. 40 oz
7. 30 oz
avg. 38.3
I did not reach my goal any day. I think it was because I would forget for a good period of the day and would spend the rest of the day trying to catch up. Days that I workout I drink more water. I don't think my reinforcer was quite good enough, but I didn't want to make it something too good. I don't think that, as of yet, I would be able to make my goal without being reinforced.
8. If I were to do this again I would leave myself notes reminding me of what I was doing. I would also pick a better reinforcer and ask other people to keep me accountable as well.
9. Thorndike, puzzle box, learning, action, response, trial and error, law of recency, law of exercise, Pavlov, experimental neurosis, aggressive, unresponsive, behavior, unconditioned response, conditioned response, neutral stimulus, salient
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section wasn’t about learning more terms or even about using behavior modification but rather looking at the history of behavior modification. I thought it was really neat that there is a section in the textbook that has the different points of view about how behavior modification can be used and different psychologist coined different terms. I also thought the video clip was nice, especially since that is one of the benefits of having an online textbook.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was rather short so therefore there wasn’t anything to dislike.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is Thorndike and how we came up with the “trial and error” to “stamp in” and “stamp out” behaviors. This is important to remember because he was the psychologist that came up with this way of learning and it is a beginning idea for behavior modification. The second thing I will remember is the difference between The Law of Effect, states when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes that associated with “stamped in” behaviors, The Law of Recency, which states that the most recent response is the most likely to occur, and The Law of Exercise, which states that through repetition associations are strengthened. This is important to remember because it is the basic learning on how to control and change behaviors through different responses. The third thing I will remember is the actual experiment with the cat and the maze. This is important to remember because it was the experiment that led Thorndike to coin all the laws and figure out different ways for behavior modification.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this section because it went into greater detail about classical conditioning or the discovery of the conditioned reflex. The one thing I liked about this section was how the section went into what Pavlov was searching for, which was a new way to experiment with neurons.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn’t really like was all the boxes towards the end when we were given a sentence and asked to figure out the neutral, CS, US, CR, and UR, mainly because I don’t really have a full grasp on the definitions and examples that filling the boxes out was stressful and confusing to me because I didn’t know if I got them right or not, and if not then that really meant that I didn’t understand the definitions.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is Pavlov and his research in developing Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning, or respondent conditioning. This is important to remember because he thought of a different reason than Thorndike for behavior modification. It is also important to remember because he experimented with neurons and conditioned reflexes. The second thing I will remember is for anything to be a neutral stimulus is it has to be salient (noticed in the environment), it has to be regularity in it presentation (has to have regular association), and it has to be presented a sufficient number of times before associations occur. These are important to remember because these are the criteria for a neutral stimulus and they are what you have to remember for a stimulus to be a neutral stimulus. The third thing I will remember is that along with behavioral classes there are stimulus classes as well, such as mushrooms and coffee cups, where they can either have similar topography and different functions or they can have different topography and similar functions. This is important to remember because it is essential, as well as with behaviors, to determine the stimulus rather than the stimulus class.
7) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 70 oz
Day 2 = 64 oz
Day 3 = 72 oz
Day 4 = 66 oz
Day 5 = 70 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 62 oz
Average = 66.9 oz
7) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I met my target behavior, drink 64 oz. of water a day, however, it was a bit difficult because now the measuring and awareness of the amount I drank became brought to my attention more and so it because a conscious thing rather than an unconscious think like it normally is for me. My reinforcer was a good choice but now I would like to try weaning off of pop and replace the reinforcement with a new stimulus. I think I will continue drinking water like normal but I would like to change my reinforcement to something else, preferably healthier.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would do this differently, like I said before, by changing my reinforcer to something healthier rather than pop. So, if anything, another target behavior I would have is to drink less pop, specifically regular pop, or my favorite/preference choice, cherry Pepsi.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcer, target behavior, stimulus, behaviors, “trial and error”, “stamp in”, stamp “out” , the law of effects, the law of exercise, the law recency, response, classical conditioning, conditioned reflexes, neutral stimulus, CS, US, CR, UR, Pavlovian conditioning, respondent conditioning, behavioral classes, stimulus classes, topographical, functional, salient
1.Something I really liked about section 3.1 was learning about animal intelligence. I think it’s pretty cool that we have so many studies about that. I liked the study about cats performing different behaviors in order to open a door. It was pretty interesting. I also liked the illustrations and how this section was pretty short. Long sections are more difficult to read for me.
2.There wasn’t really anything I disliked about this section but I had a harder time coming up with examples of different ways to test animal intelligence. First, I thought this was kind of random and didn’t exactly need to write down examples, but I couldn’t think of any, anyway.
3.Three things I’ll remember from this section are the Law of Recency because well, it pretty much says it in the name. The most recent behavior is likely to happen again. I’ll remember the study with Thorndike and the cat trying to open the door through trial and error. Finally, I’ll remember the graphs and how Thorndike’s was pretty flawed with no labels or title or anything.
4.Something I liked about section 3.2 was the examples at the end. It was like a mini test and I actually liked that it tested us and gave us the correct answers at the end.
5.The part I disliked most about this section was when it talked a lot of Pavlov. I feel like it could have way more quickly and easily explained the dog/salivation study, which I’m familiar with, in a much easier sense than it did. And quickly explain the US, CS, UR, and UR because that’s something I believe we have kind of gone over before.
6.Three things I’ll remember from this section is Pavlov’s experiment with the dog and salivating when it comes to food and the bell. I’ll remember this because it’s something I’ve learned about before in depth and it was the whole first couple pages of this section. Next, I’ll remember the difference between the stimulus response and the response stimulus relationships. I’ll remember this because it was easily spelled out for us which is which. Did the behavior come first, or second? Lastly, I’ll remember that salient stimuli is a stimulus that is noticed in the environment. I had a pretty easy time coming up with three examples and also three circumstances where that specific stimuli wouldn’t be considered salient.
Week 2:
Day 1= 6
Day 2= 6
Day 3= 6
Day 4= 5
Day 5= 5
Day 6= 4
Day 7= 6
Average= 5.42
Overall, I drank more water this week than I did last. But honestly, I think it was more because I was thinking about recording myself rather than reinforcing myself with candy. I’m not sure the exact ounces I drank, because I recorded glasses of water instead, but I think I should still be drinking a little more each day. It wasn’t difficult to record and measure my behavior; after I drank a glass of water I would just write down a tally in my notebook and at the end of the day, I added them all up. I don’t really think the reinforcer I chose was that good. I mean, candy isn’t that much of a reinforcer for me seeing as I did better drinking water just because I knew I was being “observed” or recording myself. I think I can defiantly drink a lot of water without being reinforced.
8.If I were to do this again, I would choose a different reinforcer for myself. Candy isn’t much of a motivator to drink more water, but I’m not really sure what would be for me. Another behavior I could try changing is my daily workout. If I work out for at least 45 minutes, I could reinforce myself. That way, I would be less likely to just stop my work out at 30 minutes and just keep going for another 15 minutes.
9.Law of Recency, Unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, stimulus-response relationship, response-stimulus relationship, salient, reinforcing, reinforcer
Section 3.1
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I liked learning about the Law of Effect because it basically encompasses the reason why any living thing emits the behaviors that it does. If the mind had no retention according to the Law of Effect, we would never be able to create shortcuts or associations to help us to things faster. We would never remember how to do anything, and we’d be more threatened by extinction every day. The Law of Effect also states that behaviors that go unreinforced get stamped out, which is the basis of extinction. If this wasn’t true of our brains, we wouldn’t be able to remember what behaviors got us sick or hurt both emotionally and physically.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I think that the Law of Recency was not explained thoroughly enough. I kind of understand the concept, but there was only about half of a sentence explaining the concept, and then we were expected to come up with examples of it. If there had been examples in the text, it would have made it much easier to understand the Law of Recency and how to apply it to behavior modification.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Associations. These help us to make connections between things, whether they be groups of people or the consequences of a behavior, they help us to skip the learning process and remember the consequence of the learning experience.
b. Law of Effect. The law of effect states that when a positive outcome follows a behavior, it becomes stamped into the mind and we’re more likely to repeat the behavior. The association is then strengthened. I’ll remember this concept because it’s the basis of reinforcement and the reason why we do most of the things we do, in the way that we do them.
c. Law of Exercise. I’ll remember this because it goes along with the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” That’s because the Law of Exercise states that associations are strengthened through repetition. We may have successfully put the puzzle together the first time, but it took hours; the second and third time we do it we reduce our time and more easily complete the puzzle.
Section 3.2
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I liked the explanation about unconditioned stimuli, conditioned stimuli, and unconditioned responses and how the US and CS were similar to topics we covered earlier, including how they may not be topographically similar (the stimuli were not similar in the example), but they were functionally similar because they both elicited the same response. Not only did this remind me of what we’d been talking about earlier, but it helped me to better understand the concepts discussed in this chapter, as well as topographical and functional, which were discussed in a previous chapter.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I didn’t like hearing about the experiments that Pavlov performed on the dogs he used as research subjects and the experimental psychosis that resulted from some of his work. This is probably because I’m an animal lover and I don’t see what the need was to go to some of the extremes that he did in order to measure salivary secretions and the like. I thought it was a bit disgusting, even though I also see that it led to the collection of some important data.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The neutral stimulus must be presented a sufficient number of times. I’ll remember this because it’s very similar to the Law of Exercise, which states that associations are strengthened through repetition, and in this case it takes a certain number of times before the neutral stimulus can be recognized as being that, therefore repetition must be used to ensure the association between the behavior and the neutral stimulus is strong.
b. Conditioned stimulus (CS). I’ll remember this because (even though this isn’t an accurate example) it reminds me of when I stub my toe. I begin swearing and cradling my toe before the hurt even hits me. In this case, though, a natural response, therefore an unconditioned response (UR), happens in the presence of something other than an unconditioned stimulus (US). In this case, the UR happens in the presence of a CS because the animal or human has been trained to associate the CS in place of a US.
c. Unconditioned response vs. conditioned response. I know I’ll have a bit of trouble keeping these two separate, so I figured by writing out their definitions here I would be better able to remember them. A conditioned response is a response that occurs because of a conditioned stimulus, whereas an unconditioned response happens because of an unconditioned stimulus. The latter definition is more of a natural occurrence, whereas the conditioned response and stimulus are both conditioned to be reacted to in a particular way and cause a certain behavior.
Water reinforcement
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 68 oz.
Day 2 = 64 oz.
Day 3 = 72 oz.
Day 4 = 76 oz.
Day 5 = 64 oz.
Day 6 = 80 oz.
Day 7 = 88 oz.
Average = 73 oz.
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
-I drank 73 oz. per day on average and yes, I met my target behavior each day of emitting the behavior or drinking 64 oz. or more per day. It was definitely difficult remembering to record each time I had a glass of water, and it was hard getting in the rhythm of drinking that much water per day, but eventually it became easier I began drinking more than I needed to. I believe that my reinforcer of taking myself out to dinner was a great choice, as it could also act as a reinforcer for doing my homework, being productive at my job that week, etc. I will try to continue drinking 64+ oz. of water per day because I know that a reinforcer could be just knowing that I’m being healthier.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this differently, I would have probably changed my reinforcer to one that wasn’t so expensive, and something that would be just as healthy for me as drinking that much water.
I would love to change my smoking habit or my exercise habit. I’ve been thinking about doing both for a long time and have succeeded recently in changing my food intake to include more fruits and veggies and less processed foods, but the reinforcer in that situation is that the food tastes great. I have already begun to think of reinforcers for cutting back and eventually quitting smoking, but the exercise habit is hard because of the limited amount of time I have after school, work, and homework.
Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforcer, consequence, extinction, Law of Effect, associations, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, repetition, presented a sufficient number of times, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, functional, topographical, elicited, experimental psychosis, conditioned response
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was at the beginning of how Thorndike was introduced in the chapter. The first thing I really liked was the video that showed the experiment; since I am a visual learner it was really nice to be able to actually see what happened during the Thorndike Puzzle Box. Then after the video there were graphs and a diagram that also helped me understand what the experiment was all about and the conclusions of it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The end of the section is what I liked the least because it seemed like it just rushed through the last few terms and did not explain in detail as much as the terms and Thorndike’s Puzzle box experiment was.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember trial and error learning because it is something that is a frequent occurrence for me. The other week my friend’s car wouldn’t start so we put the jumper cables on and after it didn’t start still, we waited and then kept pressing on the gas until it eventually turned on. I will also remember the Law of Recency because it is the most recent response is most likely to occur, so recency and recent connected instantly in my mind since the word is basically in the definition. Thirdly, I will remember the Law of Exercise since it states that through repetition, the associations are strengthened. This linked me to exercise and weightlifting and obviously the more often you exercise/ more you practice, it is more likely you will be fit and strong, just like this association.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked was how this whole section flowed together; it kind of started as a narrative with Pavlov’s life. I thought it was interesting because there was a lot that I did not remember or know about Pavlov so it was nice to get a thorough review of his main contributions and how his contributions were set out to America.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn’t like was that it included some terminology that I was familiar with but did not necessarily remember like neurons. Since I didn’t remember what some of these terms meant, it made certain paragraphs harder for me to grasp.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember stimulus→response and response→stimulus relationships because we have been working with the response→ stimulus up until this point and now the opposite; stimulus→ response is just the opposite. It makes me think of how I feel when I am watching commercials and see all of these different food advertisements that cause me to become hungry. A third thing that I will remember is the neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation because if it doesn’t then the association between the neutral and unconditioned reflex won’t occur. It made me think of when I was in intro to psych, we did an experiment in our class where I was sprayed in the face after I read every letter b, and eventually any time I read the letter b I would automatically flinch because the UR and neutral stimulus were paired together.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 64 oz
Day 3 = 70 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 50 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 80 oz
Average =65 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did pretty well overall in that my average was 65 oz per day. My only downfall is one day I forgot about it so I did not meet my goal of 64 oz that day. It was kind of difficult to measure it everyday but since most of the time I was drinking out of a 32 oz water bottle, I just made sure that I finished it and refilled it once but there was a couple days I forgot the water bottle so then I ended up either drinking more which was definitely fine but one day I totally forgot and didn’t start drinking water until later in the day so I didn’t get quite up to 64 oz. I think that my reinforce was not the best because I only had the idea of going to a movie and then didn’t even end up going because my mom came up this weekend and by the time we got out of dinner it was too late. I think that I will definitely still continue to drink water without being reinforced especially because the air in my house is so dry that my throat gets scratchy so the water feels good going down my throat. Also, I work out a lot and usually remember to carry around my water bottle, so it is easy for me to drink a whole water bottle even just during my work out.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would have made it so the thing that was reinforcing me would happen more often, so I could get the reward more instantly like a piece of chocolate everyday I am successful in drinking water or having my friends participate with me as well to help remind me since I forgot a couple days. I would definitely like to change my sleeping habits and procrastinating habits, I say it every semester that I will get better, but I never do.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Thorndike, Thorndike Puzzle Box, trial and error learning, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Pavlov, response and response→stimulus relationships, neutral stimulus, unconditioned response, and reinforce.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked watching the video that was linked in this section, showing how Thorndike observed cats escaping from a puzzle box. I think it is interesting that he used cats, since most people believe that cats can’t be trained easily. My family has cats, so I have seen firsthand how clever they can be. For example, we had a cat that knew that the doorknob opened the door so that he could go out. He stood on his back legs and batted the doorknob whenever he wanted out. I’m pretty sure that if he was actually able to turn the doorknob he would have let himself out.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything in this section that I particularly disliked. I liked reading about how Thorndike and B.F. Skinner made their own equipment for their research experiments. It was interesting how Thorndike made his puzzle boxes from things he basically found in the trash. I think that this shows that learning and behavior modification don’t necessarily have to be overcomplicated.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) One thing I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect. I will remember this because it was easy to understand how we use trial and error to learn. If anyone has ever tried to fix something themselves, they probably needed a few tries and a few mistakes to figure it out.
b) I will also remember the Law of Recency because often when trying to figure out a problem people will associate the last action they did with fixing the problem. Then, when the same problem occurs again they will try the action that worked the last time first. However, if they were emitting rapidly varying behaviors because of extinction burst they might not know which behavior to associate with reinforcement.
c) Similar to the associations made with the Law of Recency, Thorndike believed that behaviors which did not lead to reinforcement, or led to punishment, would be stamped out. The text described this as unlearning, but I disagree with the use of the word unlearn. The reason is that I think that unsuccessful behaviors are generally learned to be associated with failure, or lack of reinforcement, but are not forgotten. Sometimes an unsuccessful behavior might be stamped out, and when a situation elicits the behavior again in attempt to gain reinforcement, the resulting lack of reinforcement will likely elicit a response of “Now I remember why I don’t do that!”. The Law of Exercise says that if this type of behavior, or a behavior that is reinforced, is punished or reinforced enough then the behavior will be strongly associated with either punishment or reinforcement.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the part about how Pavlov didn’t just teach dogs to salivate when they heard a bell. I think this is what most of learn when we first hear about classical conditioning. Before reading this section I didn’t know that Pavlov had done other experiments, such as teaching the dogs to discriminate between different shapes that signaled either reinforcement or no reinforcement. I found it interesting that he did other work, but I don’t know if I agree with his experiment.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least in this section was Pavlov’s experimental neuroses conditioning on the dogs. I understand that it was a different time period and that ethical standards were different, but I didn’t like the idea of the dogs being conditioned to be aggressive or being in a state of learned helplessness. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as I’m thinking, though. I will admit it was interesting that the dogs’ responses to the stimuli that they could no longer discriminate would be so different, and I wondered why some would be controlled by excitatory neurons and others by inhibitory neurons.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the difference between stimulus response and response stimulus relationships. I will remember that a stimulus response relationship is based on classical conditioning, in which a stimulus elicits a response. I will remember response stimulus relationships by thinking of them in the way that the text suggested, which is as behavior and consequence.
b) I will also remember that there are different stimulus classes which can be topographical or functional, similar to behavioral classes. An example of a functional stimulus class from Pavlov’s experiments would be the bell and the geometric shapes he showed the dogs to signal food, because they both were meant to elicit salivation in the dogs. An example of a topographical stimulus class could be a buzzer, because in the context of a basketball game it could signal the end of a quarter, but in the context of a factory it might signal a danger alarm.
c) Finally, I will remember the necessary conditions that are needed for a response to be conditioned. Stimulus saliency means that the neutral stimulus, or stimulus that is trying to be conditioned to elicit the conditioned response, has to be noticeable in order to be effective, otherwise it is not a good stimulus to use. There must also be regularity of presentation of the neutral stimulus. If there is not, then it will not be associated with the unconditioned response and may not become the conditioned stimulus. If the neutral stimulus is presented every time the unconditioned stimulus is presented, the association will become stronger. Lastly, the number of times the neutral stimulus is presented is important. Even if the neutral stimulus is presented regularly with the unconditioned stimulus, if it is presented too few times then that can also cause the association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned response to be weak.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 60 oz
Day 2 = 20 oz
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 20 oz
Day 6 = 12 oz
Day 7 = 0
Average = 16 oz per day
7b) How did you do overall?
I did well the first day, and then not so good after that.
Did you meet your target behavior each day?
No, I was well short of my goal each day.
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day?
No, I kept a sheet of paper with a column for the week on it. I made a tally mark on each day for each glass (approximately 10 oz) of water I drank.
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice?
Probably not, but I couldn’t really think of anything that I could reinforce myself with.
Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?
I probably won’t drink plain water until it starts getting warm outside.
Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I did this again I would have someone else give me the reinforcement for meeting the goal, rather than reinforcing myself. Another behavior I might like to change is how I constantly check the time, either on my phone, my watch, or a wall clock.
Terms: Thorndike, B.F. Skinner, learning, behavior modification, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, emit, variable behavior, extinction burst, reinforcement, punishment, elicit, Law of Exercise, Pavlov, classical conditioning, discriminate, experimental neuroses, learned helplessness, excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, stimulus classes, topographical, functional, behavioral classes, context, necessary conditions, stimulus saliency, neutral stimulus, conditioned response, regularity of presentation, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus
1. A) A part that I enjoyed from the section was learning about Thorndike’s puzzle box and the link to the youtube video with the cats B) because I find watching videos and learning about old psychology interesting.
2. I guess I disliked the section about the graphs because it’s a very basic review.
3. A) Three things I’ll remember from the section include the law of effect (when an association is formed after a behavior is followed by a desirable outcome) because it is a term that can describe learning, B) the law of regency (that the most recent response is the one the association with the outcome will be linked to, which makes it most likely to recur) because it is an explanation for why a specific behavior gets paired with a consequence, and C) the law of exercise (the association is strengthened through repetition) because it explains the old saying “practice makes perfect”!
4. A) I liked learning about the background of Pavlov and the Pavlov Pouch and rewiring the salivary glands B) because I never had be informed why it was so easy for Pavlove to collect the saliva samples.
5. My least favorite part was the section about the topographical and functional differences between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus because it was confusing and I needed more examples.
6. A) I’ll remember that stimulus response and response stimulus are the two types of learning because I had never thought that there were just two ways of behaviorally categorizing learning, B) that the stimulus and response start out as being biologically relevant in classical conditioning because previously I didn’t realize that this system had these limits, C) that the neutral stimulus being paired up with the stimulus and response must be salient because otherwise it won’t be effective at interfering with behavior.
7a) week #2:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =7
Average =5.42 glasses
7. B) Overall, I did decently. Two days I met the goal of 6-8 glasses, but the rest of the days I fell short. However, I know I definitely had trouble accurately recording my behavior since I would forget to write down drinking throughout the day. The reinforcer was not a good choice. I need more of a continuous reinforcer in order for the reinforcer to be salient. I think that I will continue drinking the same amount that I have.
8. To do this differently I would use continuous reinforcement or fixed ratio reinforcement, like a fun youtube video break or playing one game of Candy Crush every time I finish a drink. Another behavior I probably would change would be setting aside 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
9) continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, behavior, reinforcer, Thorndike’s puzzle box, law of effect, law of regency, association, consequence, law of exercise, topographical, functional, stimulus, conditioned, unconditioned
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I had not heard of Thorndike yet in any of my psychology class, so all of this section was new information for me. I also liked how he was interested in animal intelligence and how he affected the behaviors of the cats by positive consequence, this section kept me interested throughout.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There was not anything in particular I did not like about this section, it all seems relevant and new.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the law and effect because it has to do with trial and error and can be applied to any aspect of behaviors in everyday life. Adding on to that I will also be able to remember the law of regency and and law of exercise. Especially when you see how Thorndikes work went to to influence Skinner's ideas. Another thing I will remember are the X and Y axis and what exactly they are showing. I have learned this many times but it stood out to me again and I should have no problem remembering it.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I like how this goes in to a lot of depth about Pavlov's study with the dog. I have heard about this particular study a lot but I feel as though this section goes into great detail and I am hearing it in a different way than I had before.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing I didn't like was Pavlov's use of experimental neuroses. It seems as though he is trying to put a lot of different things into the study. This is not anything against the section I suppose, just the procedure.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is at the beginning of the reading they talk about the addition of the fistula. The honest reason I will remember this is because I had been watching Grey's anatomy a lot lately and one of the doctors keeps talking about the fistula and I had no clue what she is talk about, but now I know. I will also remember that in classical conditioning the stimulus and the response start off as biologically
relevant. The example given is about a bunnies reflexes with their eye and it also applies humans as well. I feel like when given a clear and relateable example I tend to remember the item better. I think I will also that a stimulus regularity in its presentation because it makes sense to me that if there is no rhyme or reason as they say that an association between the the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned reflex will not occur.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 = 4
Day 7 = 4
Average = 4.3
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. I did not reach my target behavior, however I did increase my consumption of water which is a good start to my target behavior. I did not seem to use a reinforcer other than having my water bottles with me throughout the day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I think I would make it more of a priority and not drink anything else throughout the day until I had reached my 64 oz of water first.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Unconditioned reflex, neutral stimulus, classical conditioning, fistula, experimental neuroses, behaviors, positive consequence, target behavior, reinforcer, law and effect.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really liked how the laws of effect, recency and exercise were described. I liked this because it described them simply enough that the concepts weren't confusing at all and gave good examples of how they might relate to every day situations.
2) I didn't really dislike anything in this section. There was not that much information and the section was very brief and I felt that everything was explained adequately.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that trials that lead to reinforcement are 'stamped in' and the strengthening of associations. Behaviors that lead to failure will be 'stamped out' and those associations will become weaker.
I will also remember that behaviorism research and was at its most popular for a period lasting 70 years.
I will also remember how graphs are labeled: the y-axis is what we are trying to measure, the x-axis represents the measurement periods.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked that Pavlov's research was discussed in more detail because normally you just hear the classic example of his dogs eventually salivating to the sound of a bell. I am also very interested in conditioned responses as well, so this section was a very interesting read.
5) I did not really dislike anything about this section as conditioned responses are very interesting to me and this section did a good job at discussing the basics of it.
6 a,b&c) I will remember the differences between conditioned response unconditioned response and unconditioned/conditioned stimulus because I have remembered these since Intro to Psychology
I will also remember the difference between classical conditioning (S->R) and the response stimulus (R->S) because they are pretty self-explanatory.
I will also remember that neutral stimuli must be salient in that if they are not noticeable they have no way of becoming conditioned stimuli.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 8
Day 2 =9
Day 3 =7
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =8
Average =7.5
7b) I did better overall than I did the week before when we started monitoring how much water we drank in a day. I did not meet my target behavior each day mainly because I sometimes get busy with school and work and sometimes didn't drink as much water as I should. I actually ended up switching reinforcers from rewarding myself with something sweet when I drank 8 glasses a day to using lower levels of anxiety as a reinforcer--which ended up being a better idea. It was kind of difficult monitoring my water drinking habits each day because the only access I have to water most nights is through a drinking fountain at work, so I had to estimate how much water I drank on most of the days.
8) I would stick with the negative reinforcer of decreased anxiety instead of the positive reinforcer of something sweet to eat for meeting my goal. Drinking enough water throughout the day does decrease anxiety and that is much more motivating than a piece of candy or something along those lines. I really want to apply behavior methods when it comes to quitting smoking, but I feel like I need to have a better grasp of the different methods before I try to apply them to something as daunting as quitting smoking.
9) Terms: Law of Effect, Recency, and Exercise; reinforcement, conditioned/unconditioned response/stimulus, classical conditioning, response stimulus, neutral stimuli, positive reinforcer, negative reinforcer
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I loved reading about “stamping out” behaviors. We are still working on training Hope, our puppy, and she has already learned to go to the bathroom outside because #1, she gets a treat, and #2, she doesn’t get spanked for going inside (stamped out behavior – yeah!).
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I continue to have mixed feelings on the use of animals in science. As a farmer, I can recognize the necessity in certain situations, but occasionally I find things a little unjust and arbitrary…like forcing an animal to continuously run through a maze.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will most definitely remember trial and error because I’m watching it executed at home. Hope is exceptionally smart, despite being deaf and half blind. For example, she’s really learned from trial and error how to climb/descend the steps. It’s pretty cute to watch
b. The Law of Exercise means that repetition strengthens the associations of a certain behavior and I’m loving seeing that with Hope. She completely understands if she goes to the bathroom outside and waits on the step for us to take off our boots she gets a treat, because we continuously repeat this with her.
c. Due to another class I’m in, I will definitely remember that behavioral research was popular for approximately 70 years… this is largely in part to the fact that I was just tested over it!
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed reading about Pavlov (again) due to training my own dog. It’s funny because Hope picks up on things, just like the dogs did salivating. She knows that if we go in the bedroom and close the door it’s time for bed and will sit at the edge of the bed and whine so she can be helped in, too.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was all the abbreviations. It’s difficult to remember/learn when they are abbreviated so quickly within the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the term salient, as I have attributed it to my puppy, Hope. Her bark is very salient when she is playing.
b. Neutral Stimulus – Hope presents a regularity in her presentation of sitting at the bottom of the stairs, as referring to neutral stimulus. When she sits at the bottom of the stairs, we understand that she is conditioning us to take her outside to the bathroom.
c. We have associated sitting at the bottom of the stairs with needing to go potty because she has presented this behavior to us a sufficient number of times. Therefore, this continues to be an example of a neutral stimulus.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 4
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 3
Average = 2.4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
It was difficult to continue to drink water. I have started carrying my water bottle more frequently, but I found myself forgetting to drink it a lot of the time (and to write it down!). Ice cream as a reinforcer was okay…but since I didn’t meet my goal, I didn’t go to Cold Stone. I think when the weather gets warmer and I can run outside more that I will definitely be able to drink more water without the reinforcer of ice cream, because I’ll be doing it in the name of exercise.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again, I would wait for warmer months so I could start running immediately again! Another behavior I would like to change using behavioral methods would be procrastinating doing my opinion column!
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Stamped out, behaviors, trial and error, The Law of Exercise, associations, behavioral research, Pavlov, salient, neutral stimulus, regularity, conditioning, associated, sufficient number of times, reinforcer, behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that it shows the beginning right at the beginning to show how thorndike did his experiment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed this section! It was kind of short, but it got to the point.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The law of effect is when behaviors are followed by a positive response, they are "stamped " into memory. The law of recency is the most recent response is more likely to occur. The law of exercise is the more you keep repeating a response the more likely for it to occur.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
It went more in depth about Pavlov than I've ever learned before and also used many good examples!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
At some points it was hard to follow.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The differences between the UCS UCR the CS and CR.
The procedure Pavlov used to get the dogs to be condutioned to salivate to the bell.
The neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 7
Day 2 =9
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =9
Day 5 =9
Day 6 =10
Day 7 =8
Average =8.5
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I made my goal all but the first day due to work. It wasn't difficult because I have a marked water bottle so i know finishing it 3 times is my 8 cups a day. My reinforcer was good, but I may need to choose different ones for future weeks
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I would try harder to go beyond my goal. I would probably do biting my nails with some sort of punishment
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.punishment reinforcer UCR UCS cr CS law of effect law of recency law of exercise neutral stimulus
Section 3.1 Edward Thorndike
1) In section 3.1, I liked that the reading was short and sweet. Many of the sections so far have been lengthy and repetitive given the content provided. I liked that this one was shorter because it allows me to gauge my learning at my own pace.
2) On the other hand, section 3.1 covers early behavior modification history, which is not that interesting to me and has been covered at length in my other psychology classes.
3) In 3.1 I will remember Thorndike and many researchers at the time were forced to create their own research equipment, such as the puzzle box. I will also remember the Law of Effect refers that positive outcomes encourage behaviors which they follow to reoccur more frequently. In this section, I will also remember it is important to be precise when reporting research data. We have a much higher standard in data analysis today than was available at the time of Thorndike’s research.
Section 3.2 Ivan Pavlov
4) In section 3.2, I liked how we reviewed topographically and functionally similar stimuli and behavior, since we haven’t gone over that in a couple weeks.
5) I thought 3.2 was too repetitive. Once again, in an upper level class I feel like we should all be aware of how conditioning works. Also, the diagrams did not match the examples given in the text.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Pavlov studied psychic secretion, the phenomenon he observed when the dogs salivated (CR) after hearing footsteps (CS). I will also remember the difference between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus. A neutral stimulus is one we do not have a response for, an unconditioned stimulus is one we do not have a learned response for. In other words, UCS is the stimulus which elicits a natural reaction. I will also remember the discussion of S->R and R-> causation in this section. These are two methods of looking at learning. So far in class we have been talking about behaviors occurring before the consequence (R->S). Pavlov studied how behavior (the response) is elicited by the stimulus condition (S->R).
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 12
Day 2 = 10
Day 3 = 9
Day 4 = 8
Day 5 = 9
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 8
Average = 9.14
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I did meet my target behavior each day. Although I found it difficult to monitor my water intake in Week 1, I think my consistent awareness of drinking water reminded me to record each day. Also, it was like meeting a goal each day by recording a goal of 8 glasses of water. I’m not sure that I was motivated by my reinforcer. I think it was a good choice, because I love chocolate, but I’m already motivated to drink more water, I just never really had a good reason to force myself to do it before.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would use behavioral methods to encourage myself to make more healthy eating choices. More specifically, I would like to eat more vegetables each day and fewer unhealthy fats. I would also train myself to eat smaller meals more frequently.
9) Terms: Law of Effect, neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, topographically / functionally similar behavior/stimuli, behavior, consequence, stimulus, response, reinforcer
1.)a.b. I really liked having the Youtube video for thorndlike- puzzle box. I know I could always look up videos on my own to help me but having it readily available was really nice. The video helped to explain the concept better.
2.)Once again I did not like having the graphs. The graphs just confuse me more.
3.)a.b.c. One thing I will remember is The Law of Effect because to me it basically means that once the light bulb goes off in our head that something good happens when I do this it is there forever. I will also remember The Law of Recency because it seem a little obvious to me that the last response will most likely happen again. I will lastly remember the Law of Exercise because it is the idea that through repetition these ideas of association become stronger. This is just like physically working out. When we exercise our muscles get stronger just like our associations.
4.)a.b. I like the fill in boxes in this section. I do not always do the boxes but this time I did because these new terms were more difficult for me. I felt that the boxes helped a lot.
5.)I did not like how "wordy" this section was. I felt there was an easier way to get the terms across.
6.) a.b.c. One thing I will remember is the differences between conditioned response unconditioned response and unconditioned/conditioned stimulus because we have gone over them multiple times. I will also remember the difference between classical conditioning and the response stimulus because I am being to be able to identify them. Lastly, I will remember that neutral stimuli must be salient because this is something I need to work on because this concept is difficult for me.
7.) b.I did good. My average was really close to what we were suppose to have.I will continue to drink more water and pay attention to how much I drink. No I did not meet my target everyday. This was extremely difficult. I did not chose a good reinforcer because I chose candy.
8.)I would try harder to monitor it and make sure I was reaching my goal. Most days I forgot until half way through the day and then I would drink a ton of water to do good.
9.) reinforcer, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section went into the history of behavior modification, particularly Thorndike.
Thorndike was a pioneer not only in behaviorism and in studying learning, but also in using animals in psychology experiments. I liked this because it reminded me of a previous class, history and systems, in which the history of psychology was studied.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The section focused on Thorndike and his contributions to psychology as well as his research, I can’t really think of anything I don’t like.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Thorndike’s “trail and error” suggests that over a period of attempts some attempts will lead to success. Those attempts will be more likely to be repeated and thus learned. One of the most basic ways people learn.
-Learning involves the ‘stamping in’ and strengthening of associations. Trials followed by failures or aversive outcomes will be ‘stamped out’ and the associations will be weakened. Learning by behavior modification.
-Thorndike used a maze-like contraption called a puzzle box to evaluate how cats learn to escape from the box. It’s interesting the contraption he came up with so it makes it memorable.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Classical conditioning is a type of learning that had a major influence on the school of thought in psychology known as behaviorism. It was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, of which is the focus of the section. Every time I read about Pavlov I find different things interest me about it and I look at the experiments differently. Its mainly why I liked the section.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The UR, US, CR, and CS were a bit annoying to memorize the abbreviations, but that’s about it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-The procedure that Pavlov used to create the experimental neuroses was to classically condition dogs to discriminate different geometric shapes. Just as a bell can function as a stimulus to elicit salivation, other stimuli could also elicit salivation using classical conditioning. Pavlov initially trained the dogs to discriminate between either a circle shape or a square shape. I read and reread Pavlov’s experiments and procedures, but this is new information for me.
-The neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation. If there is no “rhyme or reason” for when the neutral stimulus occurs, then an association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned reflex (UR) will not occur. Simple fact and easy to remember.
-Pavlov found that his dogs would salivate at the sound of footsteps. He called this psychic secretion. I didn’t realize the salivation with the dog was originally paired with the sound of his footsteps.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 32
Day 2 =40
Day 3 =32
Day 4 =32
Day 5 =64
Day 6 =24
Day 7 =32
Average =36
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforce you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did better than the week before, but still not that close. I’ve become more conscious of what I drink and try to remember to keep track of everything. I usually just fall back into my usual drinking behaviors. It was difficult to record my own behavior and it may not be completely accurate because I would record what I dank and try to remember. The reinforcer I chose was a good one because I was immediately rewarded for drinking my water with my favorite treat, cranberries. We use them in the cakes at the bakery I run and we always have them on hand. I usually munch on them but I’ve decided to use them as a reinforcement.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
Ive seen people who drink water heavily and they carry around a giant jug of water with marks at every 8ozs, or at every hour, reminding them when or how much to drink. I think that would definitely work.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, behavior modification, Law of Exercise, consequence, reinforce, Thorndike, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, Pavlov, Classical conditioning, association, stimulus, salient, target behavior, trial and error, experimental neurosis
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really enjoyed about this section was how short and to the point it was. I find it much easier to grasp and understand the subject material when not so many things are combined into the same chapter. This kept the material very straight forward and easy to understand Thorndike’s concepts and methods.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There really wasn’t anything I dislike while reading this chapter. Sometimes when the material is very short, I wonder if I should have learned more. But once I tell myself that I really can understand everything the first time, it becomes much more of a relief.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
When behaviors or responses are followed by a positive outcome, the association is strengthened. Behaviors that are unsuccessful, not followed by positive outcomes, or followed by aversive outcomes, that would be considered unlearned. Thorndike’s trial and error says that over a period of attempts some attempts will lead to success and those attempts will be more likely to be repeated and in conclusion, learned.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Not only did I enjoy the length of this chapter as well as the first but I also enjoyed the fact that I still was able to retain the information, which seemed to be a bit more dense in this chapter than the last. Pavlov has been a name repeated in every psychology class I have taken but I also really enjoyed going so much more into depth on his practices.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Once again, I did not notice anything that made it hard to read or comprehend the information given. I really enjoyed this chapter as well. Even though I have heard about Pavlov in the past, this chapter informed me much more than I imagined and I really enjoyed that.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
There has to be regularity in your experiments so that the association can occur. A neutral stimulus needs to be salient or something that will be noticed in the environment. Also things that are salient can also become not salient due to the circumstances of the environment . I will also remember that a stimulus has to be presented a certain number of times in order for an association to occur.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 58oz
Day 2 = 60oz
Day 3 = 54oz
Day 4 = 40oz
Day 5 = 68oz
Day 6 = 60oz
Day 7 = 40oz
Average = 54.28oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I didn’t do as well as I could have this past week. I also did not meet my target behavior. Usually I get much more water than I did this week, partially because it wasn’t as fun to do it when I am supposed to be tracking it. the behavior I chose to reinforce didn’t really work, because thinking back now I don’t even know what I chose. I will go back to not thinking about it and in turn, im guessing intake will go back up again.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do it again I probably would have picked a more reinforcing reinforcer, since clearly mine didn’t even stay with me. Another behavior I would like to change using this method would be to stop cracking my knuckles.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: reinforcer, responses, adversive, behaviors,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section had a video included to show Thorndike’s puzzle box. I liked it because it gave me a visual of what he was doing with the cats in the puzzle boxes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked everything in this section because it was interesting to learn about Thorndike’s puzzle box and how he measured animal’s intelligence.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Thorndike studied and was interested in animal’s intelligence. I will also remember that the “trial and error” suggests that some attempts will be successful and other won’t, and the ones that do are more likely to be repeated and learned. Lastly I will remember that Thorndike did not properly label his graph to show that cats were learning.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how the classical conditioning was explained and also how it was shown in the figure in the reading. I had already learned this in other psychology classes but it was good to have it refreshed in my mind.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I did not like in this section. I really liked how everything was explained.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Pavlov did not start out as a psychologist. I will also remember that Americans were mostly interested in Pavlov’s research that was related to learning. Lastly I will remember the bunny example for classical conditioning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =6
Day 2 =7
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =8
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =8
Average =6.9
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did not meet my target behavior each day, but I did meet it twice. I feel like the reinforcer I chose was not the best one for me. But I will continue to to achieve my target behavior because drinking water has it’s health benefits.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would choose a different reinforcer that would be a stronger motivation to achieve my target behavior. Another behavior I would like to change is procrastination.
9) terminology: target behavior, reinforcer, classical conditioning, “trial and error”, puzzle box
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was all the visuals that it had. It had a video to go to that showed Thorndike’s puzzle box and other pictures and charts. I’m a visual learner so it really helps me understand what the book is talking about when it actually shows. This is something I like better than just having the book tell me things and that causes me to have to imagine what it is talking about and could cause me confusion if I don’t get it right.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like about this section is that it was kind of short. I found the topics and Thorndike’s studies to be very interesting and I wish there was just a little bit more because I want to learn more.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember is how Thorndike’s puzzle box really worked. I know how it was set up and how it worked after reading about it and looking at the picture and watching the video about it. Another thing I will remember is the process of trial and error. And how it can take many times in order to get something totally correct and that you have to keep trying before you can figure out the best way. Like the cat eventually learning to effectively escape. The third thing that I liked about this section was it is really important to remember how to make a good graph. That you need to have a title, y-axis label, y-axis values, x-axis label, and x-axis values or it wouldn’t be right. The y-axis is what you’re measuring, and the x-axis label is how often
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked about this section that I learned new things about something that I thought I know a lot about. I have learned a lot about Pavlov and what his studies were about and what his found out. But I still learned new things like that Pavlov began his career as a psychologist studying digestion.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like about this section was that it was just use letters and not words when talking about things. Like when it talks about the conditioned stimulus or unconditioned response it would use the letters CS and UR and I would forget which was which and I would get confused sometimes about which one it was talking about.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is Pavlov came up with the term psychic secretion when he found that his dogs would salivate at the sound of footsteps. The second thing I will remember is the differences between conditioned and unconditioned stimulus and responses. The third thing I will remember is that the neutral stimulus must also have regularity in its presentation. And that the stimulus has to be presented regularly for it to become conditioned.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =10
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =8
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =8
Average =6.42
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Yes I meat my target behavior because I diffidently drank a lot more water this week than I need last time. Yes I was hard to record every day because I am really busy and forget to do a lot of things. One day I forgot to do it so I had to sit down and think the next about how much water I drank. Yes I think by reinforces was good one because it got me to want to drink more water for sure. I think that I would drink more water now that I know that I feel better when I drink more water but if I am stopped being reinforced than I won’t be able to drink as much as I do when I am reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do it again I might change my behavior of cleaning under my nails with my teeth. It’s like biting your nails but I don’t actually bit the nail off. I would want to stop doing it because it’s not good for my teeth or my nails. I want to stop to because it is gosh and extremely unattractive.
9) terms and terminology
target behavior, reinforcement, reinforcer, psychic secretion, Thorndike’s puzzle box, conditioned and unconditioned stimulus and responses, trial and error,
ion 3.1
1) One thing that I really liked about this section is that it was really short and it was about something that most of us have some back ground on.
2) One thing that I disliked about this chapter was that I thought it had a lot of boxes for us to fill in. I also thought it would have been neat to see more pictures of Thorndlike’s experiments.
3) A few things that I will remember from this chapter is that Thorndike did his experiments on cats. I really like cats so I think I will remember this. It makes me want to see if my cat can figure out how to get out of a puzzle box. Another thing I will try to remember from this chapter is that Law and Effect was created by Thorndlike and it means that when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes that we tend to remember things more. I will also remember some other terms that went along with Law and Effect like The Law of Recency which means that our most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. Another term that is tied into Law and Effect is Law of Exercise which means that the more we do something the better we get at that target behavior.
Section 3.2
1) One thing I really liked about this section as well was that it was very short. I also liked that there was not as many boxes to fill in.
2) One thing I didn’t like was that it talked so much about Pavlov because I feel like its one of the first things we learn as psychology majors but there was something new that I didn’t know which was nice about reading his experiment.
3) One thing I learned about Pavlov’s experiment was that psychic secretion was when someone has a response to a stimulus even before it happens. This was later called Conditioned reflex. Another thing I learned was that Salient means that something has to be noticed in the environment. I have heard this term before but I didn’t fully understand what it meant but now I do. Another thing I will remember is that for something to be a neutral stimulus it has to be salient.
4) Every day for the seven days I was able to hit the 64oz we needed to drink. I quit counting my ounces after the 64oz. It was still really hard for me because I didn’t space the water out during the day so I found myself chugging water at night which is a terrible idea because I got up four times in the night. I still met my target behavior for each day and some days I consumed more because of exercising. I feel like it was not difficult to measure because I drank out of a 16oz water bottle so I just counted the bottles. I did like the reinforcer I choose but when I went to drink my doctor pepper I felt so guilty because I have given it up for so long. I think that I will continue to drink 64oz of water because I feel better physically but I think I will try and change my reinforcer because I feel guilty.
5) One thing I think I would try and do differently is try and space out the water consumption. I also want to change my reinforcer but I’m not sure yet what I want to change it to. Another target behavior I would like to change in the future is cutting out processed food but I don’t have strong enough motivation yet for that so I am going to just start by cutting out a few things I consume that are processed. (The added hormones in processed food are not good for us)
Terms: Salient, Target behavior, conditioned reflex, neutral stimulus, psychic secretion, reinforcer, motivation, Law and effect, Law of recency, law of exercise.
1. I enjoyed watching the video because it gave me a better understanding on the law of effect mechanism. I was having a hard time understanding this term beforehand so this helped me understand better and it was fun being able to learn in a different manner; like watching a video. It made it a little more interesting.
2. I was kind of bored with this section because Thorndike has been talked about in a lot of my classes and it just gets to be repetitive to me! Thorndike is important, but I just couldn’t get into this section because of knowing a lot about him and what he is known for already.
3. I will remember what trial and error is as it seemed to be extremely important in the study of behavior. I will remember that it takes multiple times in order for success to happen in some cases. The second thing I will remember would be who Thorndike was and what he was known for. I learned about him in History and Systems so it helped with me in remembering who he was. The last thing I will remember would be that incorrect behavior will eventually be “stamped out,” because the behavior isn’t being reinforced. Law of effect will always stick in my mind as well too because it seems to be very important and an interest to me personally.
4. I enjoyed having to decide which stimulus’ and responses went with each thing. This gave me a better understanding on the terms and made it interactive, which is the type of learning I do best with! I know understand the terms: conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, and unconditioned stimulus. This really helped since these can get mixed up easily and I have always struggled with this before as well.
5. Reading about Pavlov got boring to me just like Thorndike since I have learned about both of them from the start and it’s repetitive. Yes, needed but boring to me! There was a lot of terms that I learned and ways to learn them better so the rest of this section was good, just wish it was more interesting to me. His findings and research is important to the study of psychology, it just has always been pounded into our heads.
6. The first thing that I will remember would be the difference between response stimulus and stimulus response. I was confused at first given these two terms would seem to mean the same thing but I know fully grasp the concept. The second thing I will remember will be the abbreviations for unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, and conditioned stimulus. The last thing I will remember from this section will be what neutral stimulus is and its purpose especially since I didn’t quite understand it before this section.
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 = 52 oz
Day 3 = 72oz
Day 4 = 58oz
Day 5 = 64oz
Day 6 = 70 oz
Day 7 = 58oz
Average = 62.57oz
7b. For me, I think I did a pretty good job and I even bought a shirt for my good behavior which was my original reinforcer. I lost 4 pounds which is awesome to me even though I can’t give all the credit to just drinking water; it definitely helped though! I think my reinforcer was a good choice for me because getting new clothes is a “treat” for me because I don’t shop much! It also makes me feel good when I have new clothes, so I’m glad I made that my reinforcer. I actually do think that I will drink more water more often, maybe not 64oz but, definitely more! Not having pop or juice in the house was also a wise choice in helping me not drink anything but water! I came so close for my average to be 64oz, but I am so happy with 63oz; huge accomplishment for me personally!
8. I don’t think I would change anything because for me it was successful especially since it is usually a chore to drink water since I know there is more things that taste better than water! Another behavior that I would like to change using a behavioral method would be not to be so impulsive.
9. Stamped Out, Incorrect Behavior, Thorndike, Behavior, Reinforcement, Law of Effect, Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Response, Conditioned Response, Pavlov, Behavioral Methods, and Neutral Stimulus.
1) One thing I liked about this section was Thorndike conducting his study with cats. Even though it is now look upon as cruel, I like it because I am a cat lover and convinced my cat has a very good memory. But what is a positive reinforcement to her, is an aversion to me.
2) There was nothing I disliked in this chapter. It was short and to the point, had pictures and a link, and of course had cats.
3) The first thing I will remember is that Thorndike used reduction of time to escape as a measure for how much the cat has learned. I associate this theory with my own cat who, as mentioned earlier, is becoming very quick when running away from her naughty behavior.
The second thing I will remember the Law of Effect with trial and error. The emitting of variety of different behaviors without reason until there is success. We emit trial and error techniques every day, so often that sometimes we can’t remember what we did.
The third thing I will remember is the Law of Exercise. I will remember the associations are strengthened through repetition because the concept of physical exercise is to strengthen muscles that build over time.
4) I liked that we learned a bit more about Pavlov’s research beyond the dog salivating from the sound of a bell. I think it is cool that he was able to classically condition the dogs to differentiate between shapes.
5) At first, I was not terribly thrilled to read about Pavlov. I feel as a psychology major, he is one of the researchers that is talked about often but with little information.
6) The first thing I am going to remember is CS (conditioned stimulus), CR (conditioned response), US (unconditioned stimulus), and UR (unconditioned response). I will remember this because S and R have the same meaning, and C and U are opposites of each other.
The second thing I am going to remember is that CS and US have more functional similarities than topographical. While these stimuli may not look the same, they may cause stimulate similar actions.
The third thing I am going to remember is that CR and UR are both topographically and functionally similar. I’ll remember because responses can look the same but also elicit the same behavior.
Day 1 = 32 oz
Day 2 = 16 oz
Day 3 = 32 oz
Day 4 = 32 oz
Day 5 = 16 oz
Day 6 = 8 oz
Day 7 = 48 oz
Average =22.14 oz
7b) Overall I did better than last week, except for Saturday. I did not meet my target behavior any of the days. It was not difficult measuring and recording each day because my camelback was easier to calculate. My reinforcer was not a good choice because I drink wine often. Probably, I really do need to drink more water because I noticed I better after.
8) I would probably change my reinforcer because I drink wine often, so even though I did not reach my target goal I would still drink wine. I’d like to change picking at my face.
9) Thorndike, positive reinforcement, aversive, reduction, Law of Effect, trial & error, emitting, emit, Law of Exercise, repetition, Pavlov, classically condition, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, functionally, topographically, elicit, stimulate, stimuli, behavior, target, reinforcer.
1)I liked the movie
2) nothing really
3) Thorndike's cat box,law of effect,the concept of methodological construct.
4) how you explained conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli and unconditioned response. it was easy for me to understand
5) really nothing. this question is always hard for me. im not a big reader
6) the bunny thing and the puff of air, I will remember the difference between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and I will remember the concept of a neutral stimulus.
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 = 6
Day 3 = 8
Day 4 = 7
Day 5 = 9
Day 6 = 10
Day 7 = 9
Average = almost 8
7)well on average i met met the goal but holy smokes i havent drank that much water since i was in iraq. i like drinking my mt.dew it made me pee more.
8) it would be hard but replacing the pop with water or maybe water with just a little flavor in it might help. something else i could work on is taking my pills on time and not skipping.
Week 7
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked was the incorporation of the video added to this section. I think sometimes it makes it easier to listen and learn verses reading it all and learning. I thought it made learning about the Law of Effect Thorndike creates and how he produced it a lot more fun than reading about it all.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section didn’t provide anything that I disliked. This section was a lot shorter than previous sections but still provided useful information.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect. It’s basically a trial and error and after doing something that works positively the behavior will be repeated. I will also remember the Law of Recency which states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. And finally I will remember The Law of Exercise which states that through repetition the associations are strengthened.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the layout of this section. I thought it really helped reinforce the information that was previously taught and helped make you sure you really knew it. It tested us on different scenarios that later had you determine if it was a condition stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, or unconditioned response.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really dislike anything about this section other than I didn’t find I learned a whole lot. I’ve learned about Pavlov since high school psychology classes so I had already had a ton of previous knowledge.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember from this section is that the procedure that Pavlov used to create the experimental neuroses was to classically condition dogs to discriminate different geometric shapes. Another thing I will remember from this section is conditioned stimuli and conditioned response which is something that is trained, like dogs salivating to footsteps. Lastly I will remember that neutral stimulus has to be salient. Also meaning it has to be something that will be noticed in the environment.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =3
Average =4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I felt I did pretty well; I did do better last week though. I met my target behavior most of the days but not every day. I didn’t find it to be difficult to measure and record each day because I would just note it in my phone every time I finished a whole water bottle. The reinforcer that I choose was a good choice. I do believe I will start to continue drinking 64oz of water because I feel like I have made it a habit now.
9) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I don’t think I would really do anything differently, I thought the way that I set this up for myself and even my reward worked out really well for me personally.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Exercise, Thorndike, Law of Recency, Law of Effect, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, Pavlov, stimulus, neutral stimulus, salient, target behavior, reinforce, conditioned response, a condition stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the whole point of a cat actually figuring out a way to escape a complicated box. I associate cats as a pretty dumb animal. With that being said, most animals are. I think that occasionally they get lucky and portray themselves as smart. Yes, some are trained. However, I am realizing this is simple behavior modification by owners and trainers. It is still baffling my mind how this cat figured it out.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t particularly like the animal cruelty part of it. I think there are some lines when it comes to using animals as experiments.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the Law of Effect is through trial and error an organism will eventually learn to effectively escape or behave a certain way to be reinforced.
I will remember that the Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur.
I will remember that the Law of Exercise states that through repetition the associations are strengthened.
I will remember the differences between these three things, because they can be easily confused.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part where the dog was conditioned to salivate to the bell. It is interesting how you can mess with the behavior and mind of the dog to do what you want it to. The time it took for that conditioned stimulus to make an impact on the dog is
pretty cool.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like how confusing it got when trying to determine unconditioned and conditioned responses. It seemed pretty easy reading about it but it actually became kind of difficult.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that it is important to know if the response came before the stimulus or vice versa.
I will remember that a neutral stimulus has to be salient.
I will remember that the neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation. It can’t occur once in awhile.
I will remember all of these things if I ever want to change the behavior or someone or something.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 9
Day 2 = 9
Day 3 = 9
Day 4 = 9
Day 5 = 12
Day 6 = 12
Day 7 = 6
Average = 9
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did better. I met my target behavior each day and some days even over. It was not that hard when I was decently good at drinking water before. The reinforcer, feeling good, was definitely working. I will definitely continue to drink this much water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would put the experiement into terms of fiber. You can always use more fiber in your diet.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Law of Effect, Reinforce, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, conditioned, behavior, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, response, stimulus, neutral stimulus
Reading Activity Week #7
3.1 Thorndike
1.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed reading about Thorndike’s interest in animal intelligence, more specifically cats. I love cats and always thought of them to be pretty smart. I also like how we are now getting into more detail about the history of how it all became about. Interesting to learn that the “heyday” of behavioral research lasted 70 years.
2.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There is nothing in particular that I did not like in this section. It was a little shorter than the past few sections, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. This section was well-written and still contained a lot of new information.
3.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) I will remember that trials followed by failures or aversive outcomes will be “stamped out” and the associations will be weaker. This is important to remember in relations to understanding animal intelligence. We cannot communicate with them of a verbal level but they still learn a level of understanding through this.
b.) I will remember y-axis represents what we are trying to measure and the x-axis represents the measurement periods. This was an important refresher to me because graphs are not my favorite.
c.) I will remember that methodological construct is a way to indirectly measure something.
3.2 Pavlov
4.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting to learn more about Pavlov. I had never heard about the Pavlov pouch before reading this. To me it’s kind of creepy how he isolated a part of the dog’s stomach through a fistula tube so the ingested food would never enter the mouth and contaminate the saliva. I also liked how there were answers we could reference back to for the questions posed about the neutral stimulus, CS, CR, US, and UR. That was pretty helpful to see if I was on track with my thinking.
5.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Personally, I wish there was more SR and RS examples given. At first it was difficult to get in the right mind set to think if the stimulus or the response occurred first. It was also difficult to understand how neutral stimulus occurs in the environment as salient.
6.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) I will remember that the neutral stimulus has to be salient, must have regularity in its presentation, and must be presented a sufficient number of times before association occurs.
b.) I will remember there is a difference between the stimulus/response and the response/stimulus.
c.) I will remember that short hand that is present in this chapter. CS stands for conditioned stimulus, CR stands for conditioned response, US stands for unconditioned stimulus, and UR stands for unconditioned response.
7a.) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 52 oz
Day 2 = 32 oz
Day 3 = 52 oz
Day 4 = 52 oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 52 oz
Day 7 = 45 oz
Average = 50 oz
7b.) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, my keeping track of my water intake I have increased my weekly average by 12oz. I have not successfully obtained my target behavior of consuming 64oz daily. I do not think the reinforcer I chose is a good choice. I have found it difficult to not only keep track of how much water I drink, but to actually drink that much water on a daily basis. I work three days a week and go to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am constantly doing something and often forget to bring only my water bottle. I will being to work harder on drinking the week and reaching my target behavior of 64oz.
8.) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again I would definitely take some precautionary actions to elicit myself to drink more water. For example, always have a water bottle with me. When going out to eat or over at a friend’s house, drink water instead. There are several different behaviors I would love to try and change using behavioral methods. Saving money or spending less money, however way you want to look at it, would benefit me immensely.
9.) Terminology: methodological construct, stimulus/response, response/stimulus, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, reinforcer, elicit, target behavior.
Section 3.1
1. What was one thing you liked about the section? Why?
The part I liked most about this section was how Thorndike believed that if it took a cat 30 seconds to escape and only 20 seconds to escape the next time, that 10 second time difference meant that the cat was learning.
2. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
The part I disliked about this section was what happens when the cat is unsuccessful at escaping from the cage? Is it possible for a cat to stop and think about what it's trying to do before it does it.
3. What are 3 things you will remember from this section?
The first thing I will remember is the Law of effect, secondly I will remember what the Law of Recency is. It is the most recent response that is most likely to occur. Lastly I will remember what the Law of exercise is. The Law of exercise is through several repetitions the associations are strengthened.
Section 3.2
4. What is one thin you liked about this section? Why?
The one thing I liked about this section is how Pavlov studied the digestive system using dogs. How this works is Pavlov isolated part of the dogs stomach. Pavlov also studied the salivary glands, he measured the salvation from the different dog foods.
5. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
The part I didn't like was that Pavlov had to perform operations on these dogs.
6. What are 3 things you learned from this section?
The first thing I learned was how Pavlov studied dogs digestive system, the second thing I learned was what a conditioned reflex was, and lastly I learned what learned helplessness was.
7. 7a.) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day one= 50 oz
Day two=45 oz
Day three= 55 oz
Day four= 50 oz
Day five= 55 oz
Day six 60 oz
Day seven= 60 oz
Average= 53 oz
7b.) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I met my goal of drinking at least 50 oz of water, 64 oz of water is a lot of water to drink in one day. The reinforce I choose to use was very helpful reminder for me to continue to drink more and more water each day.
8.) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this water experiment again I would keep better track of exactly how much water I was drinking. I would also pick a better reinforce, and remember to always carry my water bottle around with me.
9.) Terms used: reinforce, Law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, Thorndike, Pavlov, conditioned reflex, and learned helplessness.
1) In this section, I really liked the way that some of the definitions were simply explained. For example, trial and error learning, the law of recency, and the law of exercise were all explained very simply. I liked this because it helped me to learn the definitions easily without being confused, and these simple definitions were enough for me to be familiar with the concepts and be able to create examples of when these concepts are applied in real life.
2) I did not like coming up with examples of how animal intelligence can be studied. I did not like this, because I was only able to think of a few examples, and those examples were the obvious examples that are spoken about in many psychology classes, such as the example of a cat learning how to escape from a box. I did not feel confident about thinking about the examples, but I know that animal intelligence tests can be useful for studying behavior modification.
3) One thing from this chapter that I will remember is the law of recency. I will remember that this law states that the most recent response is likely to happen again in order for an organism to receive a consequence, and I will remember this easily because the name “law of recency” is very easy to remember and it sort of explains itself. Another thing from this section that I will remember is the concept of trial and error learning. I will remember this because I have learned this concept before reading this section, and I was already aware that trial and error is used many times in my life, including times when I can’t get my dorm room key to work, or when I can’t get the playstation to do what I want it to do. I use trial and error in these situations to see how I can obtain a desirable consequence of an unlocked door or a functioning playstation. A third thing from this chapter that I will remember is the law of exercise. This is the concept that associations become stronger and more familiar through repetition of behaviors. I will remember this easily because repetition is used in physical exercise and that makes it easy for me to remember that the law of exercise involves repetition.
4) In this section, I liked learning about pavlov and the work he did when studying salivation responses in dogs. I liked this because I have learned about pavlov and his research with dogs in the past, but this information was brand new to me and I had no idea that he had done so much with the study of salivation.
5) In this section, I disliked the information about how shapes were involved in the learning of dogs and how they signaled the arrival of food or the lack of the arrival of food. I did not like this part because at first, I was very confused about this concept and did not understand it at all. After I went back and re-read this section and became more familiar with it, I was fine with the concept and I understood it.
6) One thing that I will remember from this chapter is the fact that the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are topographically different, but after conditioning occurs, they become functionally similar. I will remember this because it made a lot of sense to me and it helped me to be more familiar with the concepts of unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus. Another thing from this section that I will remember is the concept that a neutral stimulus needs to be salient, or easy to notice in the environment. I will remember this because it made sense to me and it was easy for me to come up with examples of salient stimuli, such as a bright flashing light. A third idea from this chapter that I will remember is the difference between a stimulus-response relationship and a response-stimulus relationship. I will remember this because the names of these relationships make the difference easy to remember and the names explain the definition of these relationships.
Day 1 = 101
Day 2 = 101
Day 3 = 101
Day 4 =152
Day 5 = 101
Day 6 = 60
Day 7 = 71
Average = 98.1
7B) Overall, I did not do well at reaching my target behavior of drinking 110 oz of water per day, because I only reached that on one of the days. I now realize that I do not want to drink that much water in a day, and I would like to only drink 95 oz of water per day. It was not difficult to record my water drinking behavior each day, but I realize that I needed to mark down some measurements on my bottle in order to keep track of my water consumption on days when I will not be able to fill my bottle up entirely, every time I fill it up. Then I can make sure that I am always able to record my behavior. My Pancheros burrito was a bad reinforcer, because I did not have time to go to Pancheros, even if I would’ve reached my target behavior. I think I will continue to drink at least 95 oz of water per day, even without an added reinforcement, because I know that water is good for me.
8) If I were to do this again, I would make many measurement marks on my water bottle so that I can measure how much water I have drank, without having to fill up my entire bottle every time that it’s empty. I would be interested in changing my reading behavior, and I would like to increase the amount of time I spend reading the Bible every day, using behavioral methods.
Terms: target behavior, response, measurement, topographical, functional, salient, law of recency, trial and error learning, law of exercise, neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, reinforcement, association, repetition, Pavlov.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked how this section was short and to the point. I thought it was informative but there wasn’t a lot of fluff which is boring to read. Also the illustrations were nice to have.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There really wasn’t anything about this section that I did not like.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that the Law of Effect states that behaviors that are unsuccessful will be stamped out or unlearned. I will remember that the Law of Recency is that the most recent response will most likely occur. I will remember that the important parts of a graph are the y-axis, x-axis, and title.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the background information on Pavlov and his work. It helped gain a better understanding of what he did.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I found this section to be a little confusing. I still have a hard time remember what everything means.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? A neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation, because without it the association between neutral stimulus and UR will not occur. Anything used as a neutral stimulus must be salient or noticed by the environment. Before association can occur a neutral stimulus must occur a sufficient number of times.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 5 bottles
Day 2 = 4 bottles
Day 3 = 2.5 bottles
Day 4 = 4 bottles
Day 5 = 4 bottles
Day 6 = 3 bottles
Day 7 = 2 bottles
Average = 3.5 bottles
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. I didn’t do as well as I wanted overall. I also only met my target behavior on the 1st day. It was hard regulating my behavior based on how busy I was that day. I think I will need to continue to reinforce my behavior.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I would use a bottle that has measurements on the side. I would also like to reduce my spending habits.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Law of effect, law of recency, y-axis, x-axis, title, neutral stimulus, unconditioned response, behavior, Pavlov
Section 3.1
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked learning about how Thorndike liked using animals and his experiments with cats. I thought it was interesting how he used the puzzle box with cats. I also thought that cats are an interesting choice of test animal. I like learning about the experiments and the research behind all of the laws and theories
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- There wasn't anything that I disliked in this section. It was really concise and to the point and I appreciated that a lot.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?- The three things that I will remember from this section are the three laws that Thorndike came up with which are the Laws of Effect, Recency and Exercise. The Law of Effect states that associations with successful attempts would be stamped in and associations with unsuccessful attempts would be stamped out. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is most likely to reoccur. The Law of Exercise states that through repetition the associations are strengthened. These laws will be useful in the future and can be applied to many behavioral situations.
Section 3.2
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked the history behind Pavlov it was interesting to learn about the other experiments he did other than just conditioning dogs with bells.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- I thought that this section drug on a lot. I didn't like the abbreviation of UR, US, CR, and CS. I understand that it is easier to abbreviate but it is very confusing to me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?- I will remember that it is easiest to tell what kind of learning occurred by asking if the stimulus came first or if the behavior came first this will tell you if it is a stimulus/response relationship or a response/stimulus relationship. The three necessary conditions for a neutral stimulus are: stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations and the number of presentations this will help turn the neutral stimulus in to the conditioned stimulus. I will also remember that there is little topographical similarity between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus but they are functionally similar in that they will elicit the same response.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 32oz
Day 2 = 64oz
Day 3 = 16oz
Day 4 = 40oz
Day 5 = 64oz
Day 6 = 32oz
Day 7 = 52oz
Average = 43oz
7b) How did you do overall?- I think I did decently overall. I met my goal two times out of the seven days but I still drank a fair amount of water throughout the day. I could have done better. Did you meet your target behavior each day?- I did not meet my target behavior each day. Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day?- It was difficult to record my behavior. If I drank from the drinking fountain or used the cups in the dining center it was harder to record the exact amount of water I drank. It was easier using my water bottle that has the measurements down the side. Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice?- The reinforcer was a good choice, I got to take a break and watch an episode of Parks and Recreation and I wanted to finish the season so I was more likely to meet my behavior so I could get my reinforcer. Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?- Yes I do believe I will continue to drink water. It is my choice of drink behind milk and orange juice, I don't drink soda very often and water is healthy and an important part of a good diet.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently?- I would find an easier way to record how much I drank and only use my water bottle so I could get a more accurate reading of the amount of water I drank. What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?- I would like to stop looking at my phone so much.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post-Thorndike, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, reinforcer, target behavior, Pavlov, UR, US, CR, CS, stimulus, response, salience, topographical, functionality, elicit
1. So far this chapter has been my favorite because it combined many good visuals with relevant and interesting data. It read like I would find it in a quick biography of interesting facts on Edward Thorndike and his puzzle boxes, not a textbook.
2. In general, I think this chapter could have been even more valuable if some of the material was expounded on. Some examples include when the Law of Effect, The Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise are discussed. I believe those laws could have been worked into the previous discussion on the puzzle boxes and Thorndike’s work with cats.
3. One of the things I will remember about this chapter is Thorndike’s development of the Law of Effect. The use of the term “trial and error” is very relevant to what we do on a day-to-day basis, so it was an easy law to relate to. I remember countless times trying to think back and pin-point what was the last thing I did that made my old charger work, or stopped my cousin from crying. This law is very much a part of our daily lives. Another thing that I will remember from this chapter is the point that why don’t the unnecessary behaviors emitted before the behavior that caused the positive outcome become part of a routine to receive the consequence. The chapter continues to say that the reason these unsuccessful behaviors don’t become part of the routine is because there was no direct positive outcome and so these behaviors get stamped out. The third thing I will remember from this chapter is the urban legend that Thorndike collected discarded boxes and hardware from random places like the back alley in order to make his puzzle boxes. This, I believe, lends him a bunch of credibility and can-do spirit.
4. I liked that this chapter explained more in depth about research I learned about in High School. Pavlov’s dogs are common discussion points in psychology classes, yet I never knew how Pavlov collected, measured, and analyzed the saliva. Pavlov created a whole surgical process to fit what her wanted to research.
5. While I found the information in the chapter very helpful and relevant, the last half struggled to keep my attention and I lost interest quickly in the multiple examples and explanations as related to conditioned and unconditioned stimulus, and conditioned and unconditioned response.
6. The first thing I will remember about this chapter was at the very beginning and really started the chapter off right. I had no idea that Ivan Pavlov had won a Nobel Prize for something other than the research I seem to hear about in all of my psychology classes. I found it very interesting that he had surgical expertise and invented something called the Pavlov Pouch to isolate a section of a dog’s stomach. The image included in the text is one that I could not forget easily. I also found it very interesting that this chapter explained the term used by Pavlov called experimental neurosis. The description of Pavlov gradually altering the shapes he had conditioned to signal food or no food was very vivid, and I could definitely imagine why the animals would exhibit either unresponsiveness or aggressiveness. I also appreciated the use of topographical and functional as it relates to conditioned and unconditioned stimulus. It was a nice review over terms without specifically saying that, and in fact using past terms to describe new terms.
7. a) Day 1= 64 oz
Day 2= 64 oz
Day 3= 64 oz
Day 4= 48 oz
Day 5= 64 oz
Day 6= 24 oz
Day 7= 64 oz
Average= 56 oz
b) I did okay overall considering I am not used to drinking more that 24 oz on a normal day. I did not meet my target behavior everyday. I started off strong but once I hit my first lapse it was harder for me to continue. I didn’t have difficulty measuring because I used the same glass to drink all my water and I had measured it previously to determine how many oz. it held. I don’t think I will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced since I couldn’t even do it with reinforcement, but I do think I will be more aware of making sure I drink water.
8. If I were to do this again I would figure out a breakdown schedule of when I need to drink a certain amount of water. I think I would break it down by 16 oz and say that I need to drink 24 oz by noon or something similar. Another behavior I would like to change would be eating breakfast every day.
9. Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Puzzle boxes, trial and error, behavior, emitted, positive outcome, consequences, unsuccessful behaviors, stamped out, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, Pavlov pouch, experimental neurosis, exhibit, unresponsiveness, aggressiveness, topographical, functional
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was how simple it was to understand. It was short and sweet, and very to the point. It wasn’t as long at the other sections that we have read previously.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really can’t say I disliked anything. Everything seemed very well organized in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember is that The Law of Effect states that when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes, that association is stamped in. The association is then strengthened. If behaviors are unsuccessful, not followed by positive outcomes, they will be stamped out.
-One thing I will remember is that the Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the most likely to happen again.
-One thing I will remember is that Thorndike’s “trial and error” suggests that over a period of attempts, some attempts will lead to success. Those attempts will be most likely repeated and learned by individuals.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One think that I really liked about this section is that there were a lot of examples for classical conditioning. They gave the eye blink example with rabbits. That really helped me understand what the unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, and neutral stimulus are.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Once again, I can’t really say I disliked anything. Towards the beginning of the semester there were a lot of things that I disliked about the sections, but now they seem to be getting a lot better!
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember from this section is the Ivan Pavlov began to notice that the dogs would begin to salivate when they heard the footsteps of the arriving researcher. He referred to this as “psychic secretion.” He would try to sound proof rooms and also experiment with soft soled shoes so that the dogs would not hear them. (Conditioned reflex)
-One thing I will remember is that Pavlov used a procedure to classically condition the dogs. The procedure he used to create the experimental neuroses was to classically condition the dogs to discriminate different geometric shapes. Other stimuli could elicit salivation using classical conditioning. Pavlov referred to unresponsiveness and aggressiveness in dogs as “experimental neurosis.”
-One thing I will remember is that anything can really be used for a neutral stimulus. The important thing to remember is that it has to be salient. It needs to be noticed in the environment, like a door bell that can be heard. A soft tone would not be considered salient.
7a) Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 = 7
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 6
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =5
Average =6 cups
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice?
I did a lot better than last week. I have increased my average by more than a cup for the week! It was a little difficult recording my behavior. For example, when I would go out to eat I would get refills on my cups, so I had to keep track of all of those. Also, when I would get a drink at school, I had to keep track of that. I didn’t have a measuring device for drinking from the water fountain, but I just estimated it. I went out of town for a few days, so I think that messed up my water intake a little. It completely slipped my mind! The reinforcer I chose was a really good on. Every time I would grab a glass of water I would think of my reward for the end of the week! I’m not quite at 8 cups, but I am definitely drinking more than I have been when I started! When I meet my goal I will definitely continue to drink water without being reinforced. I think I have conditioned myself to drink water on a regular basis.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again, I would probably use a water bottle instead. That way I would constantly have one on me and I would drink more water. I drank water from glasses mainly. Another behavior I would like to change would be procrastinating. I always wait until the last possible minute to do something. I think I would be a lot more productive if I didn’t put things off all the time. If I were to do this, I would use going out with friends as a reinforcer. If I finish all of my homework on time, I would allow myself to hang out with my friends and relax.
9) Terms:
Psychic secretion, The Law of Effect, The Law of Recency, trial and error, behavior, response, conditioned reflex, discriminate, elicit, classical conditioning, experimental neurosis, stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, salient, neutral stimulus, reinforcer.
1) Something I really liked about this section was learning about the puzzle boxes Thorndike used on the cats. I thought it was clever that he measured their learning by how fast they were able to escape the box.
2) This chapter was pretty short and informative, so there was nothing I really disliked about the reading.
3) Three things I remember from this section are:
A) Trial and error is a major tool used for learning. It's the way people have been learning for centuries. When a new behavior is emitted and it's followed by a pleasurable response, than that behavior is learned and stored.
B) Trials, or behaviors, that lead to an aversive response are "stamped out", so these are not learned. Or at least the organism emitting this behavior knows what not to do, so it's less likely to be repeated.
C) When something is learned, it is strengthening associations. So the organism emitting the behavior learned something through the trial and error process.
4) I really liked in the chapter how they went into more detail about the salivating dog experiment. I think that learning about how a conditioned response and a conditioned stimulus are formed was very cool.
5) I didn't like the example of the boy who cried wolf. Although it was explained okay, I still didn't understand how it related too much to what it was trying to say.
6) Three things I will remember from this section are:
A) The unconditioned response and the unconditioned stimulus are things that are natural and don't need to be taught.
B) There needs to be regularity for the connection to be made. For example, If the bell occurred, but no food was presented, then the dog wouldn't have associated the sound with food.
C) The neutral stimulus has to be salient for it to work. This means that it has to be noticed in the environment.
Day 1= 10 oz
Day 2= 8 oz
Day 3= 0 oz
Day 4= 16 oz
Day 5= 20 oz
Day 6= 0 oz
Day 7= 10 oz
Average= 9.14 oz
b) I think overall I could have done a lot better. I wasn't very good at reinforcing myself or keeping myself on track. I definitely don't think I met my target behavior each day. For me it wasn't too difficult to measure because my water bottle has measurements on the side to show how much water I drank. So I usually just drank out of that. The reinforced I chose was a glass of pop at the end of the week, which wasn't a good choice in hindsight because I was trying to stop drinking pop. I am going to try to drink enough water, but I think I will have to think up a new reinforcement.
8) If I were to do this again, I would definitely pick something news a reinforcement for drinking water. Maybe also throwing in a punishment of doing sprints or something, or having someone hold me accountable that I can count on.
9) Terms: trial and error, behavior, response, emit, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, reinforcer, stimulus, salient, reinforcement.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I personally enjoyed the link for the youtube video about Thortdike's puzzle box in the section because it made me exited to watch a short clip related to the section. It helped me better understand the section as well as help me get excited about what we are learning in class. I also enjoyed how this section was not very long.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I dislike all the graph terms such as y axis, x axis, and title because I have known these since I was in first grade and had to use them my entire life therefore I am kind of bored of them and think that perhaps we should use different terms that are more fun and make more sense.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the law of effect which states that unsuccessful behaviors not followed by positive outcomes, or followed by aversive outcomes will be stamped out or unlearned. This will be remembered because I feel as if it is an important statement and is true within every day life. Another thing I will remember is the law of recency and the law of exercise because they are somewhat related and therefore that makes them easier to remember. Law of recency says the most recent response is the one most likely to reoccur whereas the law of exercise says with a lot of repetition associations can be strengthened. I will also remember the x and y axis labels and what they stand for because I have learned this since about elementary school.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed learning about Pavlov because I feel as if he is extremely interesting especially when talking about his experiments dealing with classical conditioning and conditioned reflexes. I find it very fascinating and fun to learn about.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I dislike the term Pavlov used call psychic secretion because it sounds very disturbing. I just do not enjoy that term at all and I honestly don't have a good explanation for why I don't but I just would prefer to not used that term because I think it's strange.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this chapter is the experiments Pavlov did with the dogs when he made the salivate because I had learned about it before in highschool therefore I think it would be easier to remember. I will also remember the term experimental neurosis because I like that term and know that its used with either aggressive dogs or unresponsive dogs that are under the control of inhibitory neurons. I will also remember what a salient is such as snapping your fingers or a door bell because I found that term to be funny since it can be used to describe many different types of events in the environment.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 5
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 5
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 5
Average = 5.14 glasses
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I highly increased the amount of water I drank per day although I did not fully reach my target behavior. It was difficult to measure and record my behavior every day and at times I would forget so I would estimate. My reinforcer was a good choice because it made me want to drink more although apparently that wasn't good enough because I still did not reach my goal. I do not think I would continue to drink 640z of water a day without being reinforced but I will continue to do so for this class.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I probably would have found multiple different types of reinforcers rather than just one because I feel as if that would have been more effective toward reaching my target behavior. I would probably decide to run more that way I am thirsty and therefore will want to drink more water.
Terms: puzzle box, thorndike,x axis, y axis, law of effect, aversive, law of recency, law of exercise, classical conditioning, conditioned reflex, psychic secretion, experimental neurosis, inhibitory neurons, salient, target behavior, reinforcer
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how Thorndike studied the ratio style of scheduled reinforcement of cats trying to escape from the box.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I am not a fan of Thorndike's style of graphing his results without and labels on the x axis or y axis. Makes it very hard to follow, and in a way discredits him in my opinion.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember the almost hierarchy that is implied with learning mechanisms by animals. If an animal with a lower ability to learn
B) I learned that the Law of Effect argues that behaviors that do not warrant a pleasurable outcome will be stamped out and unlearned.
C) Lastly that the Law of Exercise states that the more a behavior is practiced the stronger it will become imbedded in the brain. These come from having non aversive outcomes.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the time put into helping us learn the difference between what is conditioned and unconditioned responses and stimuli.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I am not positive I understand the sentence: "If the bell was of a certain pitch that we could detect it with the human ear, it would not be salient." To me that is salient.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A)I feel like I understand that salience is when something is simply noticeable, and that when things are not salient it cannot be a neutral stimulus.
B)Unconditioned responses are ones that do not need to be learned such as when air hits the eye and we blink. That is just a natural reflex.
C)The relationship between a stimulus and response isn't a one way street, as both can cause the other to occur.
Day 1= 40 oz
Day 2= 40 oz
Day 3= 36oz
Day 4= 72 oz
Day 5= 80 0z
Day 6= 56 oz
Day 7= 80 oz
7) I felt like I did pretty good, I already drink a lot of water since I don't drink any soda. My reinforcer was that I could watch sports at night as long as I was constantly drinking water, and since I am a huge sports fan this worked great.
8) I think if I were to do this again I would consider drinking the water more spread out through the day because I would drink almost all of the water in the evening and would need to use the restroom plenty in the middle of the night.
terms: Ratio scheduled reinforcement, x axis, y axis, learning mechanisms, pleasurable, aversive, conditioned, unconditioned, stimuli, response, salient, neutral stimulus, , reflex, reinforcer
1. Something that I really enjoyed about these section of reading was the YouTube video of Thorndike's puzzle box. It was really helpful to me in picturing what these boxes were and what they did.
2. One thing that I did not enjoy in this section of reading was it seemed to skim over two of the three laws that Thorndike came up with. The law of exercise and the law of recency could of been talked about more. They were just mentioned in the paragraph briefly. I would of enjoyed a more in depth part on them.
3. This section was short and sweet but I think that a lot of great information was packed into these few pages.A) The first thing that I think I will remember is that the "Hay day" of Behavior research was from about 1900's to 1970. It is still going on today but that was when it was really prevalent. B) The next thing that I think stood out to me was the Law of Effect. As stated in the reading it is going to be important in the future also it stuck out because it is simple but makes absolute sense. Positive out comes stamp in the behavior while an adverse outcome stamp it out. C) The third thing that jumped out to me in the reading was that researcher would build their own equipment. This makes sense because they may be the first person to research this topic like an operant chamber.
4. I really enjoyed the pictures in this section they really helped me digest what I was reading. Visual aspects to reading help cement things into my mind. The diagram about the Pavlov Pouch really helped me picture what was going on.
5. I honestly would of liked to have more diagrams in this section to help explain some of Pavlovas work.
6. In this section there were a lot of helpful tid bits. A) the first thing that stood out to me in this chapter was Psychic secretion I know that it was an incorrect thought by Pavlov but the idea of it all was fascinating. That the dogs just knew to salivate. It also led to his further findings that paved the way for classical conditioning. B)The next thing that stood out to me was that during Pavlov's research led to driving dogs insane or making them elicit very little to no response. Messing with their neurons to make them change that much was very interesting. C) The third thing that stuck out to me was the fact that only some of Pavlov's work was used in America. Americans only used the part that supported the researching of how people learn. Also on that note how much the language barrier kept the research of Pavlov out of the American research.
7A.Week #2
Average= 74.57 ounces/per day
7B. I did pretty well there was only one day that I did not make my goal of drinking at least 64 ounces every day and even then I only missed it by a few ounces. Yes I did enjoy the reinforcer that I chose it made me look forward to it at the end of the week and helped me keep on track during the week. I was on average drinking about sixty four ounces any way so yes I do believe that I will continue to drink at least sixty four ounces or more.
8. I think that if I were to do it again I would do it about the same way that I did it this time. My water bottle was a great way to measure how much I drank because it had a measuring amount on the side of the bottle. I do not think that I would do anything differently besides drinking more water on average. Another behavior that I would like to change is my sleeping habits the target behavior being to be in bed trying to sleep by eleven thirty each night.
9) Terms used- Thorndike, puzzle box, behavioral, Law of exercise, Law of recency, Law of Effect, Stamp in/out, Adverse, Behavior, Operant chamber, Pavlov Pouch, Pavlov, psychic secretion, classical conditioning, reinforcer, Target behavior
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked from this section was the whole part about the Law of Effect. I do not remember learning this in my Intro to Psychology class. I liked this part because I can see how it truly applies to everyone’s life. If a certain behavior is emitted and it is followed by a positive outcome, that is stamped in. It does not matter if you are human or an animal, it will most likely be stamped in. We do not want things to be aversive, so naturally we respond well when there are positive outcomes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This is the first time I have not had at least something small that I disliked from a section. It was straight forward, to the point, and I understood all the concepts thoroughly. It was nice to have a shorter read, but to still understand all the material.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First, I will remember that Thorndike made maze contraptions out of random materials he could find. Even though it was random materials, he was able to use it for scientific studies and get results. This was something unique to him and it stuck out to me. Second, I will remember that trials that are followed by failures will lead to those behaviors being stamped out. People and animals do not like failure or aversive outcomes, so they will stamp it out. Last, I will remember that the y-axis represents what is being measured and the x-axis represents the measurement periods. I think this is something important for all psychology students to have engrained in their brain!
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section is the approach the author took on explain Pavlov and his dogs. I had learned about this in a previous class, but this section went into great detail which made it more entertaining to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
If I had to pick, one thing I disliked from this section was the part about US, UR, CR, and CS. I know not everyone has learned these terms, but we went over it for a long time in Intro to Psychology, so it felt repetitive to me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First, I will remember what psychic secretion is. I will remember it because I think the name is humorous. Pavlov discovered that his dogs would start drooling just from hearing his footsteps, and he came up with this term for it. Next, I will remember the differences between US, UR, CR, and CS. I will remember these because I learned them in my intro to Psychology class, so going over it again helped it get stuck in my brain. Last, I will remember that understanding the conditioned reflex can help understand the human mind.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 40 oz
Day 2 = 50 oz
Day 3 = 30 oz
Day 4 = 55 oz
Day 5 = 60 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 60 oz
Average = 51 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I was close but I was not very consistent. I did not reach my target behavior each day. I found it a bit difficult to accurately measure the water I was drinking each day. Sometimes I would drink water at my meals in the dining center and if I did not drink the whole cup, it was hard to judge how much I drank. I used a water bottle for all my other times which was much easier to track. I am definitely going to continue to strive to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced. I need to drink more water and I can already tell that it is making me feel better and more awake.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
Next time, I want to be more accurate in my measuring and I want to try harder to reach my target goal every time. I got close many times, but I want to reach my goal so I can reinforce myself. Another behavior I would like to change using behavioral methods is eating more healthy food. I eat pretty normal portions of food, but I do not have enough vegetables and grains.
9.) Terms: Law of Effect, emitted, aversive, positive outcome, Thorndike, behavior, psychic secretion, conditioned reflex, Pavlov, US, UR, CR, CS, target behavior, reinforce, reinforcement, behavioral methods, x axis, y axis
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I really enjoyed that this section had a video for a visual and I find it very Thorndike animal intelligence research very interesting.
b.I liked the video because I am a visual learner, also I find it interesting that he can manipulate a cat to get out of the “puzzle box.”Not only did he manipulate the cat to emit the behavior of opening the door he also taught it to do it faster using methodological construct.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like that there wasn’t many examples in this section. I learn and apply the reading when real life examples are given.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.I will remember Thorndike's method of trial and error is called the Law of Effect.
i.I will remember this because we use this law in everyday life.
b.I will remember Thorndike created the Puzzle Box to study animal intelligence by manipulating a cats behavior.
i.I will remember this because I find it very interesting he manipulated the cat to get out of the Puzzle Box in 10 seconds after several trials.
c.I will remember the Law of Recency and Law of Exercise or associated with the Law of effect.
i.I will remember this because they both are important for learning.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I really like that this section went into detail with Pavlovs study of conditioned reflex.
b.I like that it went into detail because before the section I just knew that basics of his study.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought this was a good section that explained the material very well. There wasn’t anything I disliked about it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.I will remember Pavlov studied the condition reflex.
i.I will remember this because it relates to manipulating behavior and learning.
b.I will remember the unconditioned response and the conditioned response are similar.
i.I will remember this because they are similar and easy to mix up.
c.I will also remember the Pavlov taught dogs to discriminate between different shapes.
i.I will remember this because I find it amazing that he could do this and it may lead to learned helplessness if the shape is similar.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 96 oz
Day 2 = 120 oz
Day 3 = 92 oz
Day 4 = 120 oz
Day 5 = 100 oz
Day 6 = 80 oz
Day 7 = 120 oz
Average = 104 0z (13 cups)
7b) How did you do overall?
Overall I did about the same as week 1. I drank about one less cup in week 2 than week one. I drink more than 8 cups of water a day, so overall I met the target behavior.
Did you meet your target behavior each day? Yes I met my target behavior each day.
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? It wasn’t difficult for me to measuring my behavior each day because I am very self aware of what I eat and drink. Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? I decided to choose a massage for my reinforcement. This was a great choice because it was very relaxing. Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? I already drink more than 64 oz so it won’t be difficult for me. Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I already do this, but for people who struggle drinking water should try adding a lemon to their water or some flavored packets that don’t contain much sugar.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
3.1 terminology: Thorndike, animal intelligence, methodological construct, emit, puzzle box, behavior, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise.
3.2: Ivan Pavlov, conditioned reflex, unconditioned response, conditioned response, discriminate
Reading 3.1
1.The part of this reading that I liked the most was the part about the different laws that Thorndike created. I think it is cool to look back at people’s experiments and see where our basic understanding of psychology comes from. These are such common sense ideas to us now but back then it took research to understand these phenomenons.
2.The part of this reading that I liked the least was that this reading was shorter and did not have much information in it. Thorndike’s findings are ones that we learned about in intro classes and therefore I felt most of the information was repetitive and that I didn't learn much. I also didn't like the section about graphs because it felt like an afterthought with little information.
3.The first thing that I will remember from this chapter is the Law of Effect. The Law of Effect states that when behaviors are followed or associated with positive outcomes then that association is strengthened. I will remember this because it is an important part of behaviorism and is a major part of the reading. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is the Law of Recency. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the one that is most likely to occur. I will remember this term because it makes sense. The response that is the most recent is the one that will likely occur again because of its recency. The third thing that I will remember is Law of Exercise. I will remember this for the same reason that I will remember the Law of Recency. The Law of Exercise states that repetition will make an association grow in strength. This is a logical way of thinking about behavior because the more times a behavior is repeated the more likely we are to remember the consequence whether it be good or bad.
Reading 3.2
4.There were two things that I liked about this reading. The first being that it gave more details about Pavlov and how he came to find classical conditioning. I liked that it gave the background to his experiment and how he manipulated different parts of his experiment to find different results. The second thing that I liked about this reading was that the practice examples had correct answers listed. This meant that I could do the practice problems and actually learn from them based on what I was doing right or wrong.
5.The part of the reading that I liked the least was that the reading seemed very wordy. There was a lot of information was did not add to my understanding of Pavlov and just added more material to read.
6.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is experimental neurosis and its relationship with discrimination. Experimental neurosis as Pavlov described was when the dogs could not discriminate between the circle and the square which made some of the dogs become aggressive or lack response at all. This was form of insanity. I will remember this part of the reading because it was interesting and I feel like this is the least talked about part of Pavlov’s research and findings although it is also extremely important. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is the differences between stimulus/ response situations and response/stimulus situations. I think this is an important concept because it helps me understand the overall premises of classical conditioning. I liked the way that this was explained in the reading. The last thing that I will remember from this reading is the different parts of classical conditioning. I think this reading broke down the differences between UR, US, CR, and CS really well. I think this was a supplemental reading to our previous reading on classical conditioning which just furthered my knowledge. I will also remember this because the activities with the right answers was extremely helpful.
7.Day 1: 3 18 oz water bottles (54 oz)
Day 2: 4 18 oz water bottles (72 oz)
Day 3: 3 18 oz water bottles (54 oz)
Day 4: 4 18 oz water bottles (72 oz)
Day 5: 2 18 oz water bottles and 2 8 oz cups of water (52 oz)
Day 6: 4 18 oz water bottles (72 oz)
Day 7: 4 18 oz water bottles (72 oz)
Average: 64 oz
8.I think the fact that I was recording how much water I drank really affected me, but I did reach my goal for most days. For some days I was under 64 oz but my average was right on the spot. My reinforcer also was a good choice for me because there was a pair of shoes that I really wanted and I told myself if I increased my water intake I could buy them, and so I did. However, I don’t think this reinforcer or the behavior of increasing water intake is a strong enough motivation for me.
9.If I were to do this again I would choose a different reinforcer that may have long term effects rather than short term. I would also choose a different behavior to reinforce such as exercising more.
TERMS: Thorndike, Law of Effect, association, behaviorism, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, consequence, Pavlov, classical conditioning, experimental neurosis, discrimination, stimulus, response, UR, US, CR, CS, reinforcer, behavior, motivation
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was about animal intelligence and that Thorndike used a cat. I think animal intelligence is interesting because I want to know what is similar in human to animals and what part of minds differ from one another. I also just really love cats so I thought it was also cool. It’s interesting that cats or any other animal they tested things on did similar things humans do for desirable outcomes. Or even similar things when undesirable outcomes occur.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really not like anything from this chapter. It was hard to because it wasn’t very long at all and everything fit together.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the y-axis represents what we are trying to measure and the x-axis represents the measurement periods. I will remember these two things because I have been taught these over and over throughout my entire education since elementary school. I will also remember that the Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur and that the Law of Exercise states through repetition the associations are strengthened. I will remember these because recency is like recent and it makes sense to repeat the most recent thing you remember. I will remember the Law of Exercise because the more you do something or exercise the greater the outcome or the better you remember it.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought that how Pavlov trained the dogs to discriminate between shapes, circle or square, was super cool. I thought that was very interesting and cool that they began to process which shape went with what.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really not like anything about this section. However if I had to pick one thing I didn’t like it would have to be the process of Pavlov cutting into the dog so he could do his experiment. I know that this had to be done back then and it was allowed it just doesn’t sit easy for me because I am an animal lover.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the process of Pavlov and how he discovered that dogs secreted saliva when the person that gave them food was around/their footsteps (psychic secretion), before the food was delivered to them and when it was in front of them. I will remember this because Pavlov was very and still is appreciated to this day. His work gets told and explained in other classes that I am in as well so I also hear a lot about this. I will also remember that the procedure he used to create the experimental neuroses was to classically condition dogs to discriminate the different shapes. I will remember that because it is interesting that they can discriminate different shapes just like humans. I will also remember that condition reflex is Pavlov’s theory of all of what I said above. It is what he referred to his research as and that it would assist researchers in understanding the human mind.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64
Day 2 = 58
Day 3 = 72
Day 4 = 64
Day 5 = 64
Day 6 = 58
Day 7 = 64
Average = 63.4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I didn’t meet the goal two out of the seven days. It was not hard to record or measure my behavior every day because I drank out of a certain water bottle and knew how many ounces it was. My reinforcer was pretty good because I desired to drink something other than water but I was sick and wanted/decided to drink Gatorade and sprite. I’ll continue to drink water without being reinforced because I can switch between water and Gatorade or have flavored watered.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would probably change what I reinforced myself with. A greater reinforcer may have made me try to drink more water but something else to drink might not have been the best reinforcer because I wasn’t really thirsty.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Desirable, undesirable, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise behavior, reinforcer, reinforced, secreted, psychic secretion, experimental neuroses, classically condition, discriminate
Section 3.1
One thing that I really liked about this chapter was that it was short. I tend to pay closer attention to short chapters because it feels like the chapter is going to explain all of the important information in a quicker form. Since I took less time to read it, I could take more time to understand the actual points in the reading.
I think the boxes that Thorndike used were a little creepy. I know that this occurred a long time ago and the resources were limited compared to now, but it just seemed like they were used for a much darker reason than to test if a cat can get out of it. I know that that has nothing to do with the reading of the passage, but that was just something that stood out to me.
I will remember the video on youtube that illustrated how Thorndike conducted his tests. I think that the fact that the cats got out of those boxes that quickly was very interesting. It makes you wonder what they do at home when no one is around.
I will remember the Law of Recency because it makes sense that the most recent behavior would be the one that is repeated, especially in this type of situation. This can be applied to humans too, however. I think that it’s pretty common for people to repeat a behavior that just occurred if something gave them a reason to.
I will remember how to properly label a graph because I have been graphing for easily 10 years now, this was just a helpful reminder that we need to have all of our points on there and have everything labeled. That shouldn’t be a problem.
Section 3.2
I liked the part where it gave real world examples about conditioning. It was easy to relate to, and I thought it was a funny example because it is totally true.
I didn’t like how similar Pavlov’s Pouch is to gastric bypass surgery. It looks and seems like the same thing that patients go through, and though it is odd, it makes sense that that is what Pavlov would focus on since that’s what the patients use to refrain from being hungry after they receive the surgery. It was just weird how similar the idea was.
I will remember how Pavlov conducted some of his research with the help of surgery. I will remember this because it just seems cruel to put the dogs through that, but at the same time, without these procedures, we might not know anything about why the dogs salivate.
I will remember that you need to expose the neutral stimulus as many times as possible for it to work, but it also much be after or before a certain event every time. This will help in the conditioning process because it requires a sufficient number of times for the behavior to be reinforced.
I will remember the chart for salivation that it gave us toward the end of the chapter. It makes sense to have the visual there to walk you through how something happened. It was a very simple and to the point representation.
Day 1- 2 glasses-50 oz
Day2- 3glasses- 65oz
Day3- 1 glass-40 oz
Day4- 1 bottle- 50oz
Day5- 3 glasses-65oz
Day6- 1 bottle 50 oz
Day7- 1 bottle- 82 oz
Average= 57.43
I did decently, it was hard this week because I had a lot of situations where I would normally opt for water but I ate out with people or had a special occasion that took away my normal choice. I did not reach the goal of 64 oz per day this week. The most difficult thing was when I would go an entire day and then try to remember exactly what I drank that day. That got better over the week. My reinforcer was pretty good. I think that not bringing money with me was helpful since that made it literally impossible to buy anything else. I will try my best to keep drinking the water past this assignment because it’s pretty easy to just be more conscious of what I’m drinking. If anything, it’s a good goal to have.
I would make it so that I already had the water planned out for how much I would drink and at one time. Instead of hoping that I would drink it over the course of the day, I would just already know exactly when I would being drinking it. I would like to try and change the amount of time that I procrastinate while doing my assignments. It’s clearly a mentality thing that I need to change, but I have a hard time not letting my head get in the way of my actions.
Terms: reinforcement, Pavlov, conditioning, neutral stimulus, Law of Recency, Thorndike, Pavlov’s Pouch, reinforcer
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how learning 1 vocabulary term was then surrounded by other vocabulary words and it gave me a better sense of what those words actually meant and it helped put things into context.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I dislike the fact that I am reading about something I have already learned about in 4 or 5 different classes in psychology, but I guess it is a good learning tool and it is good to reread something after not visiting the subject in over a year.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. We emit a variety of behaviors until one behavior is successful. I will remember this because it happens in my daily life. I do a bunch of things to try and turn the Tv on but when in reality half of the time it is because of my remote batteries.
b. I will remember Law of Effect because it is an important idea to understand when learning about Thorndike.
c. I will remember that Thorndike’s Law of effect will have a major impact on Skinner’s new ideas of operant conditioning. I will remember this because most of the time 1 thing can often lead to the development of new and exciting ideas in the future.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked reading about the Pavlov Pouch. I have never heard of this experiment before with Pavlov’s work. So much I hear about this man but I have never heard about this. It sounds like an amazing experiment; this idea really caught my attention.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not a section in this reading that I did not like reading about. Everything in this section was very pleasing and I have heard it before but every time I read about Pavlov I just get excited and what he did was very interesting so I am glad I got to reread about him during this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Classical conditioning will always be a part of Pavlov’s experiments and classical conditioning affected so many of his experiments. This will be something I remember because I have heard about classical conditioning before in classes and I have used it in my life as well.
b. I will remember the different experimental neurosis: learned helplessness and when the dogs became aggressive and tore at their harnesses. I will remember these because of the examples that they use in this section because I am a very visual person.
c. Neutral stimulus can be conditioned under necessary conditions. I will remember this because it happens in my own life such as the example that was given in the section about eye blinking.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =160oz
Day 2 =64oz
Day 3 =64oz
Day 4 =64oz
Day 5 =96oz
Day 6 =160oz
Day 7 =160oz
Average =109.7 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I ended up doing pretty well overall, I forced myself to meet my target behavior each day and when I knew I was getting low on a day I kept drinking every half hour to make up for the lost ounces. I never really needed a reinforcer because I was already hitting that target behavior of 64 ounces a day. I will for sure continue to drink 64 ounces a day without being reinforced because of my athleticism.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would have used a gallon of milk container rather than a water bottle, but I’m not sure if that would cause me to water-log myself and drink more water than I should or if it would cause me to not drink as much.
Another behavior I would like to change is to not drink as much alcohol as I do when I am on the hill especially during friendly gatherings.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, Pavlov’s Pouch, Classical Conditioning, Pavlov, experimental neurosis, learned helplessness, conditioned, neutral stimulus, Law of Effect, Skinner, operant conditioning.
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section is that it was shorter and got to the point, while giving a great explanation of who Thorndike was and what it was that he studied. I liked this about this section because compared to the other longer sections this was short, sweet and got to the point with great descriptions.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I'm not really coming up with anything that I disliked from this section. I thought it was a great informational section about one of the early behavioral researchers.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things that I will remember from this section are:
1. Thorndike studied cats because like other researchers, he believed that animal intelligence and the way they learn things is similar if not applicable as to how humans learn, and human intelligence is.
2. Thorndike called the reduction in time that the cat took to escape from the puzzle box each time as the methodological construct for intelligence. I will remember this because its important in understanding how the cat learned and the concept Thorndike was going for.
3. There are important parts to a graph and they are the x-axis, y-axis, and title. I will remember this because I know I'll see a bunch of graphs and have to read and understand them.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked in this section was the explanation of Pavlov and his Pouch experiment. I don't remember that from my Intro to Psych class at all. Guess I learn something new everyday.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I found I really disliked from this section was nothing really. Again, like the first section of Chapter three I felt everything was very informational and in ways a refresher on Pavlov and classical conditioning from my early psych classes.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I will remember from this section are:
1.The conditioned reflex is the stimulus response relationship, stimulus before the response, not what we have recently been learning about which is the response stimulus relationship, response before stimulus. I will remember this difference because of Pavlov and his experiment with the dogs stomachs and saliva.
2. The neutral stimulus can be anything but has to be salient. I will remember this because of the examples given in the section such as a doorbell. Salient means it has to be noticed in the environment over the white noise.
3. The neutral stimulus must also have regularity in its presentation and be presented a sufficient number of times. I will remember this because without these things the neutral stimulus won't become the conditioned stimulus.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =68
Day 2 =64
Day 3 =60
Day 4 =55
Day 5 =65
Day 6 =70
Day 7 =64
Average =63.71
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did okay, I either was equal to or greater than the 64oz goal everyday except for the day that I only drank 55oz. I found it to be kind of difficult the first day especially because I felt I was forcing myself to drink water, but after I got better about making sure I had a water bottle with me and had water at my meals instead of juice, it made it easier. The reinforcer I chose was a good one I felt was an okay one since I had the bag of jolly ranchers in my room and saw it everyday when I woke up and when I went to bed and hit my target behavior goal. I think I can continue drinking a lot of water, but we shall see if its more or less (not by much I'm guessing) than the 64oz.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would probably get a bigger water bottle. I kept refilling a plastic one you get from a gas station or the union everyday. I could have gotten the liter bottle of water instead of the regular 24oz. Another behavior I think I might want to change using behavior modification would be cursing. I curse a lot I realized when I'm at home or around friends.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Behavior modification, target behavior, conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, salient, classical conditioning, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, conditioned reflex, methodological construct for intelligence.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? - One thing I really liked about this section was that it covered animal intelligence. We are going over this topic in two of my other classes currently, so it was reinforcing to my learning to read about it again and understand it for all three classes. Also, I thought it was pretty cool that researchers would build their own equipment for experiments.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? - One thing I didn't like about this section was how Thorndike would not label his graphs that represented his findings. It is important to thoroughly label a graph so the findings/results of a study can be determined by just simply looking at the graph.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things I will remember from this section:
1. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the most likely to occur.
2. Associations are strengthened through repetition according to The Law of Exercise.
3. The Law of Effect says when behaviors are followed by positive outcomes, the associations are stamped in. Similarly, it states that behaviors that are not followed by positive outcomes are stamped out.
I will remember these things because they are all three important points of a short chapter and they are all inter-connected.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? – One thing I really liked about this section was that I had learned about Pavlov’s classical conditioning and had some background knowledge on it. I liked how it went more in depth about it however, for example how he found some dogs were under the control of different neurons and it was referred to as “experimental neurosis”.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? – One thing that I liked least about this section was how it can be confusing how the topography of the unconditioned stimulus is different from conditioned stimulus, but the functionality of them is similar because they elicit the same response.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? – Three things that I will remember from this section:
With classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus……
1. Must be salient
2. Must have regularity in its presentation
3. Must be presented a sufficient number of times
I will remember these three things because the reading provided good examples for each and I can relate these things back to what I learned about Pavlov’s classical conditioning in Intro to Psychology.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 8 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 2 =8 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 3 = 9 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 4 = 9 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 5 = 8 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 6 = 9 - 8 ounce glasses
Day 7 = 9 - 8 ounce glasses
Average = 69 ounces of water per day
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. -
Overall I did pretty well. I met my target behavior each day and even exceeded it a few days. I didn't think it was very difficult measuring and recording my behavior each day. All I did was make a tally mark on my notepad in my iPhone every time I drank one 8 ounce glass of water. I think the reinforcer I chose (some Starbursts) was good because it was something small and something that won't hurt my health if consumed moderately. I think I will continue to drink 64 ounces of water per day even without being treated to a reinforcer because I felt better when I drank more water every day, which was reinforcing in itself.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? – If I were to do this again I would maybe try having water bottle that could hold up to 24 ounces of water. This way I wouldn’t have to mark down a glass after 8 ounces, I could just mark down three glasses when I finished the water bottle.
Another behavior I would like to change using behavioral methods would be to set up a target behavior of getting my homework done at a certain time every day and reinforcing myself at the end of the week if I follow through.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Reinforcing, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Law of Effect, stamped in, stamped out, target behavior, reinforce, classical conditioning, experimental neurosis, neutral stimulus, topography, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response.
1) One thing I liked about this section was the visuals and youtube link. These helped make the reading much more understandable and interesting.
2) One thing I did not like is that I still don’t really understand is how Thorndike made the distinction between intelligence and behavior modification. I think the text should have made it more clear when the Law of Effect become associated with behavior modification and not the intelligence of animals.
3) A. One thing that I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect. I will remember this by thinking of the puzzle box. The cat discovers how to get out of the box through trial and error. If it behaves in a certain way and the consequence is the door opening, then the cat will associate the behavior with the door opening and emit that particular behavior when placed the box. B. Another thing I will remember the Law of Recency. The cat will emit the behavior that it did most recently before the door opened. The association is also strengthened if this is repeated multiple times. This is called the Law of Exercise. C. Lastly, I will remember the proper parts of a graph. The image given in the book made the important part very clear. There is the title, the y-axis label and numbering, and the x-axis label and numbering.
4) I liked how this Chapter described Pavlov’s research in more detail. Pavlov’s experiments were much more than dog’s salivating when they heard a bell. Pavlov also helped understand excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Some of the dogs became highly agitated and would rip at their harnesses while other dogs would become listless. This is called experimental neuroses.
5) Something I disliked was how easy it was to over think some of the concepts presented in the chapter. For example, in the stimulus/response relationship it was very hard for me to understand when the response was before the stimulus. In the vending machine example, I thought of the vending machine as the stimulus and putting money in as the response when it is actually putting the money in as a response and getting money in as a stimulus. I wish the text had explained the difference more.
6) A. I will remember the difference between Unconditioned Response and Conditioned Response. These two are hard to distinguish because they are functionally and topographically similar. The important thing to remember is that the Unconditioned Response comes after the Unconditioned Stimulus and the Conditioned Response comes after the Conditioned Stimulus. B. I will remember that for a neutral stimulus to become a conditioned stimulus it must have regularity in its presentation. To remember this I will think of the boy who cried wolf. If the cry for help is a poor predictor for danger, it will be ignored when there really is danger. C. I will also remember that it must be presented a sufficient number of times. If the tone was only used once, the rabbit might have thought it was only a fluke and not associate it with the air puff.
7) Day 1 = 68oz Day 2 = 64oz Day 3 = 66oz Day 4 = 64oz Day 5 = 64oz Day 6 = 64oz Day 7 = 60oz Average = 64.28oz
I managed to reach the goal but I struggled to drink that much water everyday. I could only get the bare minimum or a little less most days. It wasn’t too difficult to measure my water intake because I usually drink out of water bottles. One of the water bottles I own even has ounce measurements on it. My reinforcer was okay. It could have been better because it was something I would do normally anyway. I don’t think I would drink that much water again without being reinforced because it was not very enjoyable to drink that much water.
8) If I were to do this again, I would change my reinforcer. I would make it something really exciting that I don’t usually get to do. Another behavior that I would rather change in my life right now is exercising more.
Terms: Thorndike, Law of Effect, consequence, emit, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, y-axis, x-axis, Pavlov, excitatory and inhibitory neurons, experimental neurosis, stimulus/response relationship, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Response, functionally and topographically, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and neutral stimulus.
1) I really liked that this section included diagrams and pictures of the things that were being discussed in the text. I am a hands on type of learner so pictures help me when I cannot visualize things.
2) One thing that I did not like about this section was that I didn’t think that there was much content. The section was only six and half pages long and about four of those pages were pictures or textboxes that I am not going to fill out.
3) I will remember that Thorndike created three rules The Law of Effect, The Law of Recency, and The Law of Exercise. The Law of Effect says that when behaviors are followed by positive event or outcome, that association is remembered. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is most likely to reoccur. The Law or Exercise states that with repetition, positive associations will be remembered. I will remember all of the distinctions between these laws. I will also remember that the important time for behavioral research was from about 1900 to 1970. I hadn’t realized that not much had been done to improve upon those discoveries since then.
4) One thing that I enjoyed about this section was that it discussed Pavlov before he was known for his salivating dogs. I didn’t know before this that he has won a Nobel Prize or that he was known as a physiologist.
5) I did not like that this section was dedicated entirely to Pavlov. In Intro we learn the basics about Pavlov and this was mostly just a repeat on what I had already learned.
6) I will remember that Ivan Pavlov was the discoverer of the conditioned reflex response. I will also remember that Pavlov was the first to discover that salivation comes before food. Before Pavlov, scientists thought that salivation occurred when in contact with food. I will also remember the definition of “salient”. Salient basically means relevant, or noticeable within the environment.
7a) …
Day 1: 72 oz
Day 2: 64 oz
Day 3: 56 oz
Day 4: 64 oz
Day 5: 56 oz
Day 6: 64 oz
Day 7: 64 oz
Average: 62.8 oz
7b) I think I did very well overall. There were only two days that I did not meet the 64 oz goal, and even then I only missed it by a cup. There was even a day when I drank beyond the 64 oz goal. I don’t think that my reinforcer was necessarily the best choice because I can usually take or leave a candy bar. However, drinking 64 oz of water a day was almost doubling how much I had previously been drinking so I’m not sure any reinforcer would have helped. I just had to consciously remind myself to drink more water. I think that I can continue this water drinking behavior without reinforcement because I didn’t choose the best reinforcer anyways.
8) One important difference that makes in impact on success or failure is desire to change a behavior. I wasn’t really interested in changing my water drinking behaviors, but I am interested in changing other things. I would really like to create a more consistent sleep schedule for myself. Many nights I have trouble sleeping so I don’t fall asleep until the morning hours. I would like if I could make it a habit of being in bed by one am and being awake by nine am.
Terms: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, salient, Thorndike, Pavlov
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked how it was about Edward Thorndike and the cat experiment because I had never learned about that before. It was interesting to learn about the development of trail and error
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I feel like this chapter related nicely together and there really wasn’t anything I didn’t enjoy about it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise. I will remember these because they are all defined within their name. Law of Effect is that a behavior will occur if it is followed by a positive reinforcement. Law od Recency means that the most recent response will be the behavior that is likely to reoccur, and Law od exercise means that through repetition a behavior will most likely occur.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked leaning about how Pavlov was more than just the experiment using the bell and salvation. It was interesting to learn about the “Pavlov Pouch”
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I really disliked the SR and RS stuff because I thought it was confusing
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the Pavlov Pouch because I thought the experiement was interesting to learn about. I will remember conditioned stimulus because it is something that is trained to cause a response. I will also remember the eye blinking example because it really showed and demonstrated unconditioned respose of the eye automatically knowing when to blink.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2: Day 1 = 10 cups Day 2 = 8 cups Day 3 = 8 cups Day 4 = 9 cups Day 5 = 7 cups Day 6 = 11 cups Day 7 = 11 cups Average = 9.14
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? YES I BET MY GOAL!
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? It was hard to estimate your quick drinks that werent out of a cup or a bottle that you knew the number of ounces in. (drinking fountains
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? YES!
Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? I don’t think I will because I really had to thin about my behavior and force myself to drink water.
Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? I would use the same water bottle or cup
What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I would like to quit biting my nails
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Trail and Error, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Pavlov Pouch, Stimulus, Response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus
1. My favorite thing about this section was the video embedded into the reading that illustrated how a Thorndike puzzle box worked with a cat. This was my favorite part of the section for two different reasons. The first is because having this visual allowed me to understand more about how Thorndike did his research and therefore I understand his results more clearly. Second, the audio that went along with the video described the concepts Thorndike was able to define after this experiment. Hearing these concepts described along with the visual made it very easy for me to comprehend and remember when I read the information in the text after watching the video.
2. My least favorite part of this section was learning about how Thorndike’s early puzzle boxes were very crude to the animals and other early behavioral research didn’t treat animals kindly. This was my least favorite part of the section because it made me cringe inside thinking of animals being mistreated. Even though I am not a huge fan of animals, I never owned any pets growing up, the idea of an animal being mistreated in order for us to learn about behaviors makes me upset and not want to be as supportive of the research.
3. The three things I will remember from this section are:
A. the concept of the Law of Effect, which states that when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes, the association is stamped in or strengthened and when the behaviors or responses are followed by negative outcomes, the association is stamped out, or unlearned. I will remember this concept because the first time I read the term it was not clearly defined, but after further reading I was able to read a straightforward definition. This transition in my mind from confusion to clarity really helped me to remember the concept. I will also remember this concept because it was the main point of the section; it was the main finding from Thorndike’s research which was the theme of the section.
B. the concept of Law of Recency, that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. I will remember this concept because while reading about it I easily pictured the cat in the puzzle box going into the box for the second time and immediately doing the last thing he did the previous time he was in the box in order to attempt to escape. I will also remember this concept because when I thought of examples of this occurring in my own life I realized how often this occurs for me personally, deepening my understanding of the concept.
C. The concept of methodological construct, a way to indirectly measure something. I will remember this concept because when I read the term within the body of the section I was really confused as to what it meant and after reading further my confusion wasn’t cleared. It was not until the summary of the section where I was able to read the definition of the term, making it stick in my head since my confusion was finally resolved. I will also remember this concept because it was applied within Thorndike’s research; his methodological concept for intelligence in his puzzle box research was the cat getting out of the box faster.
4. My favorite part of this section was learning the necessary conditions to make the neutral stimulus become the conditioned stimulus: stimulus salience-noticed in the environment, the regularity of presentations-reason for the stimulus to occur, and the number of presentations-must be presented a sufficient number of times before associations occur. This was my favorite part of the section because I think learning these three conditions is what make classical conditioning most applicable to my life. If I would want to implement the classical condition procedure into a situation in my life I would have to make sure the unconditioned stimulus meet these three criteria or the procedure would fail.
5. My least favorite part of this section was learning about Pavlov’s experimental neuroses with classically conditioning dogs to discriminate between different geometric shapes. This was my least favorite part of the section because I found the way this experiment was explained confusing, I couldn’t visualize the experiment. It was also my least favorite part because I didn’t see the point of this experiment in relation to the importance of classical conditioning in behavior modification. The salivation experiment was easier for me to make this connection with.
6. The three things I will remember from this section are:
A. The only part of Pavlov’s work that was promoted in the U.S. was the work that supported Thorndike and Watson. I will remember this because I was very shocked when I read this information. I always thought of Pavlov’s work being very influential in the U.S., so learning that not all of his work has had prevalence in western psychology came as a shock to me, making the fact stick in my mind.
B. The unconditioned response and the conditioned response are both topographically and functionally similar. I will remember this concept because ever since I first learned about classical conditioning I would always get the two different types of responses confused, but reading the information in this section helped to clear this confusion up, causing me to remember the concept concretely. To distinguish between the two responses, you simple must ask yourself what elicited the response.
C. Ivan Pavlov’s importance in the study of behavior modification. After reading the entire section about different research of Pavlov I will never forget that his research has significant impact on the study behavior modification, specifically that he is the reason why we study classical conditioning in every psychology class.
7 A.
Day 1= 64 oz
Day 2= 66 oz
Day 3= 48 oz
Day 4= 34 oz
Day 5= 40 oz
Day 6= 64 oz
Day 7= 64 oz
Average= 49 oz
7 B. Overall I did not succeed in this project, I didn’t meet my target behavior each day. The three days I didn’t meet the target behavior I was traveling in a car for most of the day so I was unable to drink the expected amount of water without having to make frequent rest stops. It wasn’t difficult for me to measure my water intake because I drink out of the same water bottle every day. The only times it was difficult to measure was when I drank water at restaurants. I don’t think the reinforcer for my behavior was a good choice, I think I needed to have a reinforcer that involved my competitive nature, I needed someone else to challenge me to complete it, this is what really motivates me. I think I will continue to drink 64 oz of water each day because now I am competitive with myself to complete the task since I didn’t last week and I saw the difference drinking the 64 oz of water did for my health, it made me feel much more energized and healthy.
8. If I were to do this again I would have my reinforcement be given by someone else which with activate my competitive side, increasingly the likelihood I would change the behavior. Another change I might try receiving a reinforcer at the end of each day, pushing me individually every day instead of through the collective time. Another behavior I would like to change using behavior modification would be minimizing the amount of Netflix I watch.
9. Terms: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, methodological construct, necessary conditions, stimulus salience, regularity of presentations, number of the presentations, experimental neuroses, classical conditioning, discriminate, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, elicited, topographically, functionally, response, reinforcement, behavior, reinforcer, behavior modification
1) I liked reading about animal intelligence. I think animals are SO so smart and so to read about a guy who thought they were smart enough to figure out how to get out of a cage and then progressively get better at it was great. My kind of man. Seriously, we need more bros out there like Thorndike who think kitties are smarty pants.
2) I wasn’t a big fan of how mundane this was. I just felt like it was kind of commonsense stuff for a good chunk of this section and I didn’t get to take down too many notes just because a lot of it was a history lesson… which I like and don’t like all at the same time.
3) I will first remember that Thorndike’s methodological construct was the idea that cats getting out of the cage faster were more intelligent. I’m going to remember that the law of effect is when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes. The association is strengthened and explains how the unnecessary behaviors do not become part of a routine to do some behavior. I’m going to remember that behaviors that aren’t followed by positive outcomes, or followed instead by aversive outcomes will be stamped out- or unlearned. This is very very similar to extinction.
4) I really liked reading about Ivan Pavlov’s history. It was really interesting just because I’ve always wondered like how on earth this dude ever decided “Hey, guys! Let’s measure how much a dog salivates when I put food in front of him!” That’s seriously weird. But, now that I understand that he was researching how salivation worked, it all makes sense and it’s definitely not as strange. In fact, it’s interesting and I very much enjoyed that.
5) I felt like it was kind of redundant. In terms of refreshing our memories and really driving the point home, I totally get it. But, at the same time, I felt like it was a repeat of things I’ve already read over a few times in other classes and at least once in this class. I was just a little bored.
6) I will remember that experimental neuroses was when Pavlov classically conditioned dogs to discriminate different geometric shapes. He used a square and a circle and slowly began to distort their shape so that it was hard to distinguish between the two and then eventually the responses were terminated because they could no longer distinguish between the two. I will remember that neutral stimulus have three guidelines that must be met in order for them to be neutral stimulus. The first is that they must be salient: the must be noticed in the environment. The second is that it has to have regularity in its presentation otherwise the association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned reflex won’t occur. The third is that it must be presented a sufficient number of times before the associations can occur. Conditioned and unconditioned stimulus are not topographically similar, but they are functionally similar- they elicit the same type of response.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 27 oz
Day 2 = 34 oz
Day 3 =62 oz
Day 4 = 54 oz
Day 5 = 59 oz
Day 6 =25 oz
Day 7 = 40 oz
Average = 43 oz
7b) Overall, this went pretty poorly. I did not, in fact, meet my target behavior each day. It was difficult measuring and recording my behavior just because I’m not really used to it. The reinforcer wasn’t a good choice. I usually allow myself the pleasure of watching a movie on the weekend anyway because I’m constantly doing homework and practicing and keeping up with my other commitments, so it’s already something I do, I guess that wasn’t such a smart idea.
8) I’m would change my reinforcer to letting myself go shopping for makeup.
TERMS: Thorndike, animal intelligence, methodological construct, trial and error learning, law of effect, aversive, extinction, experimental neuroses, classical conditioning, Pavlov, neutral stimulus, unconditioned reflex, CS, and US.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
A) I enjoyed reading more about Thorndike’s experiments with cats and the behaviors the cats emitted when trying and then successfully escaping the box.
B) Understanding why an organism emits a behavior in different environmental events has always been intriguing. My husband and I enjoy people watching. He is very good at this as he likes to step back and watch without engaging and I enjoy engaging and watching. Since pursuing my goal to earn a degree in Psychology, we’ve begun to discuss the different behaviors we observed and speculate the different motivations and emotions the individual experienced. It has been a fun way to engage in the information I am learning about between my Behavior Modification, Motivation & Emotion, and Social Psychology classes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this section and do not have any constructive criticisms to provide.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise
Law of Effect
- When an organism receives positive outcome feedback from a behavior or response, the association is strengthened.
Law of Recency
- This law is stating that the most recent response is most likely to reoccur.
Law of Exercise
- This law states that repetition of a response/behavior the associations strengthen.
B) The peak of behavioral research spans about 70 years.
C) Graph Axis Labels
- What is being measured
- How often the (What) was being measured
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
A) I enjoyed learning more about how Pavlov came to study the dog-emitted behavior of salivation and his surgical expertise that allowed Pavlov to more accurately conduct this research.
B) I knew of Pavlov’s studies in an overview sense, but this section provided the information that I had glossed over in my previous studies.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the surgical procedure that had to be done on the animals; however, I understand how this procedure made the difference in a more accurate measurement.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) Pavlov started out as a physiologist studying digestion. It was his research on salivation with dogs that led to his discovery of what he called the “Conditioned Reflex” and how the brain functioned.
B) S->R = Stimulus/Response – When a stimulus is present, a response occurs. R->S = Response Stimulus – The behavior and then consequence.
C) The process of conditioning. The example of introducing a bell to elicit salivation demonstrates that at first the bell is a neutral stimulus. The necessary conditions of adding the bell with food, produces salivation. At the end of the conditioning response, the sound of the bell produces salivation.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 4 oz.
Day 2 = 6 oz.
Day 3 = 8 oz.
Day 4 = 12 oz.
Day 5 = 4 oz.
Day 6 = 8 oz.
Day 7 = 14 oz.
Average = 8 oz.
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, there was an improvement. Unfortunately, I did not meet my target behavior each day. It was difficult to measure and record my behavior for drinking water as I did not drink water from a bottle that measured the ounces. Drinking from a water fountain also made it difficult to calculate the amount of water I consumed. I did not choose a sufficient reinforcer. No, I am currently dependent on caffeine in efforts to keep up with my current responsibilities.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
As I do not consume enough water a day, I believe I should choose a different reinforcer and increase the frequency in the schedule of reinforcement in the beginning. I believe I would need to use a Fixed Ratio for the first couple weeks and then could move to a Variable ratio. I would like to reduce my caffeine intake and quit smoking. The target behavior I would prefer to concentrate on would be to quit smoking.
Emit, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Conditioned Reflex, Elicit, Reinforcer, Schedule of Reinforcement, Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio
Section 3.1:
1.) One thing I really liked about this section what that there were both pictures and a video to help illustrate what Thorndike did. It helped to create a visual and see clearly what was done to test the intelligence of the cats. The graph was also helpful in displaying the way it worked over time for the cats and how Thorndike measured the learning that was happening for the cat. I never thought about trial-and-error that much, although it's something we do in our everyday lives, so it was definitely applicable to real life examples. It makes sense because we always emit certain behaviors waiting for some kind of outcome to let us know if what we're doing is working or not and when we finally experience a positive consequence, our behavior is reinforced and will likely reoccur.
2.) The only thing I really didn't like was just how Thorndike initially conducted his studies. I say that because it was kind of crude to the animals, but it wasn't something that I disliked enough that it kept me from reading and understanding the section. So, other than that, there really wasn't anything that I didn't like. It was an easy section to read and comprehend and it flowed nicely.
3.) First, I will certainly remember the way in which Thorndike studied animals' intelligence. Although I don't entirely I agree with it, I do think that the way he did it produced results that could definitely be applied to how humans and other animals experience the learning process. I will also remember the difference between stamping in and stamping out. I'm not sure I understand why those were the terms use to describe this process, but it does make sense that when we figure out what behavior it was that we emitted that elicited the positive consequence, we can "stamp in" that behavior and know for future reference what we had to do to have the behavior reinforced. In the same aspect, it makes sense that we would "stamp out" any of the unnecessary behaviors, ones that elicit either no response or a negative consequence. Lastly, I will remember that this whole section essentially described what Thorndike called the Law of Effect. We will emit behaviors more frequently if we experience a positive outcome, and less frequently when we experience no outcome or an adversive one.
Section 3.2:
4.) One thing I liked about this section was that there was a lot more information on Pavlov's work. I've taken a number of courses in psychology, so I am no stranger to Pavlov. However, there was a lot of information in here in regards to his work and how he conducted his research that I think has been left out of a lot of psych classes. A lot of times, I think the other classes seem to just keep it to the basics, but there was much more work involved in his research than I realized.
5.) One thing I didn't like about this section was that I felt there was kind of an overload of information. For the most part, I understand what we're learning and I find I am able to read through the sections pretty smoothly. I eventually get the hang of what's being talked about, but this section did make it more difficult just because I felt like there was a lot being thrown my way at once. Of course, I could just been over thinking it, too, but my brain tends to complete shut information out when it starts to get overwhelmed.
6.) One thing I will definitely remember is that there is a difference between and SR relationship and an RS relationship. I think I'll remember this because it was described very well, and the examples used to help us decipher between an SR and RS relationship was helpful. It makes sense that an SR relationship describes one in which the stimulus occurs first, eliciting a response. And and RS has the behavior occur first, and the response second. Also, I will remember Pavlov's usage of "experimental neurosis." I understood what it meant when he said that dogs that displayed higher aggression were experiencing excitatory neurons, while dogs that didn't seem to react at all were experiencing inhibitory neurons. Lastly, I will remember that a stimulus needs to be salient. If a stimulus isn't salient, a response won't occur. Therefore, the stimulus is ineffective, whether it's unconditioned or conditioned.
7a.) Day 1= 12oz
Day 2= 6 oz
Day 3= 18 oz
Day 4= 18 oz
Day 5= 26 oz
Day 6= 30 oz
Day 7= 28 oz
Average = 18 oz.
7b.) Overall, I feel that I did better than expected. I'm honestly not really much of a water drinker, which I know is unhealthy. I'm still working on breaking at least 10 years of bad habits. And I didn't meet my target behavior everyday, but I saw improvement throughout the week and was proud of myself because of how little amount of water I drink normally. The reinforcer I used worked a little, but honestly, it was just sort of a matter of forcing myself to do it. Also, I think having to write down how much water I was drinking, made me actually aware of how little I normally drink which encouraged me to drink more water mainly out of guilt and embarrassment. I don't know if I will get to 64 oz. Obviously, that would be ideal, but I will continue to set myself realistic goals and hopefully reach them at a steady pace.
8.) If I had to do it again, I think I would have tried to find something different to be my reinforcer. My reinforcer didn't necessarily not work, but it wasn't overly encouraging. What drove me to drink water more than anything was the embarrassment I felt after taking the blinders off in regards to some of my unhealthy daily habits. A behavior I really would like to work on is picking at my lip. Years ago, I developed a nervous habit of picking at my bottom lip until it would bleed. I still do it today and often times, my lip is sore and looks kind of cut up. It also went from being a nervous habit to being something I just do when I'm spacing out, bored, deep in thought, etc.
9.) TERMS: Salient, Unconditioned/conditioned response, reinforcer, positive/negative consequence, stamp in, stamp out, adversive response, elicit, emit, Law of Effect, SR/RS relationship, response, stimulus, excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, experimental neurosis.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the video that you posted in this section. It help me see what Thorndike's puzzle-box was actually like instead of just reading about it. It proved to me Trial and Error and Law of Effect.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt this section could have a more content or examples of trial and error, The Law of Recency and The Law of exercise. I understand the difference between each of Thorndike's Laws but I feel it would have been beneficial to have them defined in a sentence to reinforce my learning.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Thorndike's Laws( Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise) because they are all defined in their names it would be hard to get them confused. I will also remember Trial and Error because growing up we all have done this numerous times, without even realizing it was behavior modification. Also, I will remember that learning involves the letting in and strengthening of associations.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I thought was interesting about this section was that Pavlov actually was a physiologist or that he won the Nobel Prize. In our psychology classes, we just hear about how he conducted an experiment to make dogs salivate at a ring of a bell, but to know he did that and created the Pavlov pouch was cool!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section is that it is completely based on Pavlov. I know that he played a HUGE role in Behavior Modification, but as a psychology major, I am getting tired of hearing about him and his experiment.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Pavlov Pouch because it reminds me of Gastric Bypass surgery which makes the stomach smaller so the body does not digest so much food. Also I will remember that the unconditioned response and the and conditioned response are the same thing, but after being reinforced with a unconditioned stimulus.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 72 oz
Day 2 = 64 oz
Day 3 = 64 oz
Day 4 = 56 oz
Day 5 = 80 oz
Day 6 = 56 oz
Day 7 = 64 oz
Average = 65.14 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I did well. There was only one day where I did not meet my target behavior, but other days where I went above it! The reinforcer of Olive Garden with my roommates seemed to be a good one because I drank, so much more water than I would have if I had not set this goal for myself. I may not drink 64 oz a day, but I will drink more than I have been! I feel better drinking water for the passed two weeks than I had when I would drink pop.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I had to do this again, I would make sure I brought my waterbottle with me where ever I went. Some days, I drank out of the water fountain and had to guestimate how much water I actual took in which can be challenging. Another thing, I could attempt to change with behavioral methods is to work out more than I do.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Trial and Error, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, reinforce, behavior modification, Thorndike, Pavlov, Pavlov Pouch, unconditioned stimulus, target behavior,
1 a) What I liked most about this section was that it was on learning, and with animals. I love animals and am always interested in seeing how their brains work. I’ve seen shows with cats and dogs performing and I always thought it was so amazing how people can teach their animals to do some of the things they do.
2) Overall I liked this section. If I had to choose one area I disliked more so than others it would probably have to be all the information about Thorndike’s box. The in depth details about its measurements and then the diagrams. I just feel like it was too much, or unnecessary information. Maybe not for everyone but personally I am not interested to know that much about it.
3) 1. The law of exercise- defined as through repetitions, associations are strengthened; This is something I will be able to remember because exercise usually involves lots of repetitions. 2. How to read the type of graph presented in this section. This will be easy for me since I’ve studied graphs in years of math classes. 3. Trial and Error learning; That something I can remember easily because we all do it every day.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4) I most liked how this section went in depth about Pavlov, and how his study on dogs salivating was done. I enjoy this because in all the years of psychology classes, learning about this over and over, it is just now that I learn he performed surgery on the dogs, and rerouted things. I had no idea this experiment went as far as it did, I really had no idea.
5) The multiple terms that all sound alike! Unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, etc. I don’t not like them, it’s just hard for me to remember a lot of new things at once and since they all sound so much alike it can get confusing.
6) 1. Stimulus response- in a presence of a stimulus, a response occurs. That’s easy to remember because it’s totally self explanatory, exactly how it sounds. 2. Response Stimulus- When the response comes first. Like before, this term is self explanatory and is exactly how it sounds as well. 3. Pavlov began his career studying digestion. This is something I’ll remember because I got to see his famous salvation study fully instead of part way- and turns out he’s more a doctor than I knew.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = -
Day 2 = -
Day 3 = -
Day 4 = 40 oz
Day 5 = 68 oz
Day 6 = 56 oz
Day 7 = 40 oz
Average = 51 oz
7b) I feel like I didn’t do horrible- when I actually remembered to make myself drink and track it. The hardest part for me is reminding myself to drink, and recording it got hard on days where I was super busy or at work. It was hard for me to remember, I should have alarms in my phone. I allowed myself to drink a dr. pepper without feeling guilty to reinforce my behavior. That probably wasn’t the best idea because it’ll be hard for me to continue to do it without the dr. pepper because I’m totally addicted to it now. I love love love dr. pepper and get super addicted to it when I drink it a lot.
8) If I were to do this again I would put reminders in my phone to remember to be drinking more, and to be keeping track of how much. I think I’m just so busy throughout the day I forget to drink, because I don’t really ever feel thirsty so it has to be forced. Another behavior I would like to work on changing would be my constant procrastination. Its 12:37am right now, and I am just now getting to this assignment. I’m just unable to figure out if I am really procrastinating, or literally have my schedule so tight that I have no time.
9) Graphs, Laws of Exercise, Trial and Error learning, Pavlov, Stimulus response, Response stimulus, salvation,
1 a&b) I appreciated the addition of the visual and the video that accompanied the Thorndike box because it helped me understand what was going on in that study as the description didn't entirely help me see how the behaviors were elicited. The video also helped me see how the behaviors were initially unconditioned responses and then turned to conditioned responses as it related to a raise in methodical construct for intelligence.
2) The thing I liked least would be that I am still confused on how Thorndike could use time alone to conduct a reputable chart as to learning behaviors. He may have used other measurements like repetition of behaviors to graph something, but I would still be confused as to how that worked. If he only used time then this is more of a critique on his work I suppose.
3 a,b&c) I will remember how the law of trial and error was influenced by Thorndike due to his use of cat cages who's images will likely stick in my mind. His project will also help me remember the two other laws that he influenced. The law of recency will stick well because I've always kind of considered the idea that the most recent response is most likely to occur and the law of exercise that practice makes perfect essentially.
4 a&b) I really liked the analysis of the Pavlov experiment to the point that it explained his surgical procedures. I am mostly glad to see this because I had never seen it in any other example of Pavlov's work in any classes or otherwise. It puts into perspective just how he came up with the idea of unconditioned stimulus and response from classical conditioning to how he worked on creating and relating his work to conditioned response and stimuli in operant conditioning.
5) I didn't like that the surgical procedure on the stomach wasn't discussed further, I'd like to have known how it would relate to the conditioned reflex, or if it had anything to do with the aggressiveness or the listlessness described in the experimental neurosis. I would also like to know if it was also considered apart of the Pavlov pouch, as if both procedures were always done on the dogs or if they were done intermittently.
6 a,b&c) I will remember that a neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus that elicits a conditioned response after a certain number presentations and conditions have been met due to the bunny example and how it applies to humans similarly. I will also remember the Pavlov experiment because Pavlov kind of rhymes with dog and after reading this chapter, every time I think of Pavlov's dogs I think of the picture of the Pavlov pouches.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =64oz
Day 2 =60
Day 3 =60
Day 4 =48
Day 5 =64
Day 6 =64
Day 7 =64
Average =60.5
7b) I came very close over all, it was hard to get to 64 oz since my water bottle only went up to 12 oz, however I still managed to do it most of the time. My reinforcement was playing a video game match every time I drank a water bottle’s worth of water, which was very rewarding and helped make homework breaks a little easier. I heard somewhere that it takes 21 days to create a habit, which is pretty reflective of how long I feel it would take for me to be able to drink this much automatically.
8) I don't think I would necessarily do the assignment differently, but I would like to work a little bit harder at it. I would like to use behavioral methods to motivate me to go to bed at a decent time, or find out different methods of feeling more awake and keeping up motivation to do responsibilities and then reinforce those behaviors. This might mean that I have behaviors like ignoring my alarm, taking naps and playing video games or surfing the web that I will need to understand the baseline of and bring under behavioral control.
9) Methodical construct, Law of recency, Law of exercise, Behavioral control, baseline, elicited, unconditioned response, conditioned response, conditioned stimuli, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimuli, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, Pavlov pouch, experimental neurosis, conditioned reflex.
Section 3.1:
1) One thing that I really liked from this section learning something new about the origins of behavioral research. I didn’t know that it started with studying cats in boxes, and let alone how they escape from them. I didn’t ever think of watching how fast a cat could escape a puzzle box could be a method to study learning behaviors.
2) I didn’t find anything to dislike from this section. This section seemed to be clear, to the point, and still spark some interest on the beginnings of behavioral research.
3) I will remember Thorndike’s Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise from this section. I will remember these because they are new to me, and open a door of explanation about behavior. I knew about using trial and error as a method of learning something and creating associations with outcomes, but having a term that is clearly defined helps me use and identify it in other people and animals. The same idea of applying and using these newly defined laws to identify other patterns of behavior is why I will remember the Laws of Recency, the most recent response is most likely to be repeated, and the Law of Exercise, which is when associations are strengthened after repeating them.
Section 3.2:
4) One thing that I really liked from this section was in depth explanation of Pavlov’s research. I mean you run into his research in almost every psychology course, and they usually just briefly explain the conditioning to a bell and what not. But learning the specifics of how it was first the footsteps of researchers eliciting the dogs to salivate that he noticed and called the psychic secretion, is all interesting. It helps explain how he went from that concept and idea to the conditioned reflux idea to explain how the human mind functioned.
5) One thing that I disliked from this section was the detailed explanation of Pavlov’s surgical experiments. It was distracting me from the reading when thinking of what these dogs may have looked like with saliva ducts all rerouted to the exterior and the stomachs altered. It puts gross and painful images into my mind.
6) I will remember how to identify the unconditioned response from the conditioned response because it was well stated and explained with a diagram too. I know that the key thing to ask is what elicited the response? If it was the unconditioned stimulus, then it is the unconditioned response; if it was the conditioned stimulus, then it was the conditioned response. Another concept I will remember is the idea of two different methods of learning, one being a stimulus response relationship, and the other being response stimulus relationship. I had never really thought of a way to categorize the different learning methods I already knew about until this. Before, I just thought of it all as just a bunch of definitions, explanations and different researchers, all in their own little bubbles. Now I know that classical conditioning is a stimulus response relationship and operant conditioning is a response stimulus relationship in learning. The last thing I will remember from this section would be the necessary conditions for the neutral stimulus to be conditioned. I’ll remember these because they make sense and without them, would make this form of conditioning very frustrating to perform. It requires the stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, and the number of the presentations. For something to be conditioned to a neutral stimulus, the stimulus needs to get their attention, be presented the same and with connection to the unconditioned stimulus, and more than once in order for it to stick. This makes sense to me, but I had never seen it parted out like this with terms. This was very helpful.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 67.6 oz
Day 2 = 67.6 oz
Day 3 = 67.6 oz
Day 4 = 67.6 oz
Day 5 = 59.5 oz
Day 6 = 62 oz
Day 7 = 67.6 oz
Average = 65.6 oz
7b) Overall, I think I did well, I exceeded my target behavior of drinking 64 oz each day by drinking 65 oz on average each day. It wasn’t difficult measuring my behavior each day because I drank bottle waters, which always measured the same amount of water. Recording my behavior was pretty easy too. I would mark a tally on my laptop how many I bottles of water I and also keep track in my head. My reinforcer was a good choice at first because every time I had some water or seen my bottle I would remember that I was getting those Dr. Martin boots at the end of the week if I drank enough water. The problem with the reinforcer later was when I went to buy the boots they were no available and backordered until the 16th of October, and from there they became less reinforcing because I couldn’t get them when desired. I don’t think I would keep drinking this much water without being reinforced because it was lot of water and I usually would drink a bottle in a 5-10 minute sitting, ending up pretty bloated. I’m going to continue reinforcing myself for drinking 64 oz water on average each day for the next 7 days. However, I will be using back massages as a reinforcer this time. I will receive 5 minutes of a back message per water bottle I drink each day. So if I drink 4 bottles of water, I will get a 20 minute message at the end of the day.
8) If I were to do this again, I would try to find a more immediate form of reinforcement that wasn’t something I would loss interest in after a while. Another behavior I would like to change using behavioral methods would be exercising. I would like to increase the amount of time I spend exercising.
9) Terms: reinforcer, reinforcement, target behavior, elicit, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, unconditioned response and conditioned response, neutral stimulus, classical conditioning, necessary conditions, operant conditioning, the stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, the number of the presentations, psychic secretion, and conditioned reflux
1) This section made it really easy to understand Thorndike's successes of studying behaviors in animals. Thorndike was interested in animal behaviors, but those behaviors can also be applied to human behavior. I like his use of the puzzle box, and how he was resourceful in its construction, devoting his time and efforts into the experiment itself. Thordike's cats learning to escape are much like Skinner's pigeons in that they exercise a learning behavior, they are rewarded with escape. I find it to be interesting that the behaviors of animals and humans are so alike.
2) This chapter was relatively short and easily understood, so there was nothing that I found to be lesser appreciated that anything else within this chapter, other that I suppose wondering what Thorndike's other accomplishments were, or if he only used cats within his experiments. I suppose I also wonder, what Thorndike's experiements accomplished to directly explain human behavior.
3) A. Thorndike's Law of Effect stated that the positive associations are what cause organisms to learn and repeat behaviors. B. Law of Recency is where the “most recent response is the most likely to reoccur.” C. Law of Excercise states that continuous exposure means that positive affiliations are strengthened. All three of these laws designed by Thorndike are pretty explanatory and easy to remember because their titles describe them so acutely, making them difficult to forget.
4) This section expands on the knowledge of Pavlov that students have been given since elementary science courses. Everyone who has participated within a public school science class has heard of Pavlov, and his discoveries changed an entire way of thinking about conditioning. And I had not previously know that Pavlov had exercised surgical procedures on his test subjects, so that he could analyze their saliva.
5) The initial confusion over CR, CS, UCR, and UCS, as well as neutral stimuli always overwhelm me. The overview of conditioned responses and stimuli, compared to unconditioned responses and stimuli, were especially helpful, because I always seem to get them confused, even when they seem so obvious, I feel like I get overwhelmed by the terminology even though I understand the functions. So to be able to have them described in detail will help me to decipher them from now on.
6) A. Pavlov created an experiment that would analyze salivation responses of dogs to stimuli, but he also implemented research modern to his time about neurons and he attributed the dogs aggressive or unresponsive behaviors to “experimental neurosis.” B. In order for an organism to take notice of a neutral stimulus it has to be salient. Salient stimuli are those that are obvious, and not easily overlooked. C. In order for a conditioned response to be attained, a stimulus must be regularly presented, if it is random, or changed in the case of Pavlov making his circles and squares similar so that they dogs could not easily identify them, the expected response won't occur.
Day 1 = 35 oz
Day 2 = 50 oz
Day 3 = 45 oz
Day 4 = 50 oz
Day 5 = 55 oz
Day 6 = 60 oz
Day 7 = 45 oz
Average = 49 oz approximately
7b) I did much better this week than the last week at drinking more plain water. I did not meet my target behavior any of the days of the week, I had more to drink than described by my water chart, and obviously other beverages are made up of water, but that doesn't mean that they are hydrating to the body. It wasn't difficult to measure because I use a water bottle that has the ounces on the side, so that part was easy. It was the documentation of those ounces that was hard to remember. I believe I will need a better reinforcement for myself in order to achieve drinking more water within a given day.
8) If I were to do this again, I would do it under conditions where less outside stressors were involved, so that I could focus on my goal. Another behavior I would like to focus on is smoking. I haven't smoked for two weeks, and I am hoping it's permanent, but I've been quitting smoking for the last seven years and it hasn't stuck so far, so maybe I need to better reinforce myself.
9) Terms: reinforcement, behavior, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, reinforce, organisms, exposure, CR, CS, UCR, UCS, neutral, salient
Section 3.1
1 a&b) I really liked the video link that took us to the video of Thorndike's Puzzle Box with the cat. It was great to see Thordike's methodological construct for intelligence put to action. It also talked about how originally the cat emitted behaviors in a trial by error manner, but once the cat received reinforcement for its actions (a pleasurable consequence of escaping), the cat had then learned. Once the correct operation of behaviors had been learned, the cat could escape more rapidly. This concept then tied into the Law of Effect, the Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise which I really enjoyed, because they all play a part into learning.
2) There was not really anything I did not like in this section..but if I had to give you something, I would say the fact that Thorndike's original puzzle boxes were described as 'crude.' The word crude makes it sounds as though his boxes were torture chambers or something awful.
3 a,b&c) I will remember the Law of Effect, because it exists in our every day interactions and the name suggest its meaning. If we do something and it is positively reinforced, they we will be more likely to emit that behavior in the future. The behavior, due to the consequences, will be strengthened.
I will also remember the Law of Recency because this too, is something that applies often in life and I have learned about in other classes. The most recent response is more likely to reoccur. In other definitions outside of Behavior Modification class, the concept is reflected although different. The more recent an event has occurred, the more likely you are to recall those events. For example, if I just heard about 3 plane crashes, I am more likely to think plane crashes happen more often than people getting attacked by alligators.
The last thing I will remember from this section is trial and error. Trial and error exists in much of the behaviors we emit. If we are positively reinforced, we are more likely to reinforce those behaviors, but if we are punished, we are more likely not to emit those behaviors. These can only be discovered through trial and error, whether it is escaping from a puzzle box or talking to our friends and reading their facial expressions or body language. It is constant trial by error (constant pleasurable/unpleasurable feedback as well as reinforcing or punishing).
Section 3.2
4 a&b) I really love how this section gets into the biology of an organism (the human body). I absolutely love biology and discussing neurons, conditioned reflex, eliciting salivation, the brain, etc. This section really drew my attention. From this, the concepts of stimulus response (US, CS, UCR (UR), UCS (US)) were discussed. I had previous knowledge on these stimulus responses, but this chapter goes in much more depth.
5) I liked the section about US, CS, UR, and US least because at times they can be confusing and jumbled. When I think of each individually they make perfect sense, but when they are thrown around in sentences and we go back and forth between the terms (acronyms), it takes a lot of processing to make perfect sense.
6 a,b&c) I will remember Pavlov Pouch, because the saying has a ring to it, it is very catchy. This will in turn help me remember the idea/story behind it. This was done so that acids from the stomach would not affect/contaminate the saliva (originally performed in a dog).
I will also remember the term salient. Originally I did not know what this meant, but the description provided helped me to learn the word and retain its meaning. I will remember that salient means, it has to be noticed in the environment. The stimulus can not be soft or dampened, not only audibly, but visually as well.
The last concept I will remember is this section continues on the subject of learning and how we learn. This section starts to dig deeper into the concepts of learning and how information about learning was being discovered throughout the world. All the information acquired helps develop an understanding about our behavior and how we learn. Stimuli, conditioned reflex, all the stimulus classes, recency, etc. have a large contribution to how we understand people and animals and what triggers certain behaviors (memory and intelligence).
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =10
Day 2 =10
Day 3 =9
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =7
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =6
Average =8.286
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did pretty well overall. I met my target behavior all but 2 days, which is pretty good. I can also give you an explanation for why I did not meet my expectations those two days. When I eat a lot in a day, I tend to drink less because I want more room in my stomach for food and I want to avoid the pains of being over stuffed by drinking a huge glass of water after each meal. This time around it was much harder to remember to record the numbers. Instead of marking them off on a sticky note I had with me at all times, I had to look back and recall the amount of water I had each day. The reinforcer of feeling better and more with it was definitely a good choice, because every time I start to feel bad, tired, dehydrated, I go straight to drinking water. I naturally crave a lot of water, so the reinforcer worked to get me up to the number of glasses I needed each day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
Next time, I would try to remember to tally them more consistently throughout the second week of keeping record. The first week it was fresh on my mind (the Law of Recency), but the second week, it was put on the back burner, especially since I hit my target most every day. I would also like to change my eating behaviors and keep them more consistent! Not eating desserts every meal or if I do, a very small dessert.
9) Terms: Thorndike, Puzzle Box, methodological construct, emit, behavior, trial by error, reinforcement, pleasurable, consequence, operation of behaviors, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, positively reinforced, response, behavior modification, punished, punishing, unpleasurable, conditioned reflex, elicit, salivation, stimulus response, CR, CS, UR, US, Pavlov Pouch, salient, stimulus, stimulus classes, target behavior, reinforcer
1) One thing I really liked in the section was the material on Thorndike’s interest in animal intelligence. He set up a study where he had a can learn how to manipulate strings and levers built into a box allowing a door to open and then freeing the cat. He thought as the cat learned how to manipulate the door, it would get faster and faster at escaping the box. This was his methodological construct for intelligence. His results showed that the cat did get faster and faster at escaping as they learned more and more about escaping the box. This really interests me, because I really enjoy learning about different animal testing. I haven’t seen much about testing on cats, so it was very intriguing.
2) In this short section, it was difficult for me to identify what I didn’t really like. If I had to choose something, I would say the material I liked the least in this section was the brief section on what’s included on the graph, like the title, y-axis representing the dependent measure, the y-axis values, the x-axis label, and the x-axis values. The reason being was that it was review for me. I’ve already taken Research Methods and other courses that explained graphs, so it was information I’m already pretty familiar with. However, it’s always nice to have a good little review to make the information fresh again.
3) One thing I’ll remember from this section is the material on Thorndike’s study on the cats. He used trial-and-error, so the cat would eventually learn how to escape. Like I said for question one, I really enjoy learning about different animal testing and animal intelligence. This one I especially liked, because I haven’t seen too much with people using cats for research. It was nice to learn about something different than the normal mice/rats, birds, and monkeys. Another thing I’ll remember from this section is the material on the Law of Effect. This is when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcome, the association is strengthened. This was applied to the study on the cat escaping from the box. I’ll remember this, because it helped to explain the results of the cat study. When the cat made successful advances on escaping, it would stick with the cat and become learned. The third things I’ll remember from this section are related to the Law of Effect, and that would be the Law of Exercise. This states that through repetition, the associations are strengthened. Also, the Law of Recency which states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. I like how Thorndike developed the three different laws of learning, giving different reasons for the different behaviors.
4) One thing I really liked in the section was on Pavlov’s work on the conditioned reflex. In one study, Pavlov used dogs for an experiment. In the study, Pavlov wanted to classically condition dogs to discriminate different geometric shapes. He first tried to train the dogs to discriminate between either a circle shape or a square shape. He would do this by giving the dog food for the circle to create salivation, then he wouldn’t give any food when the square was shown. He then began to alter the shapes until the point the dogs couldn’t recognize them. I’ve learned about this previously, but it was really nice to get a more detailed report of what it was all about. He was big in the findings for Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning, and respondent conditioning. The intelligence of animals is something fascinating, and I really enjoy learning about the man’s best friend as being the test animal.
5) The thing I liked the least from the section was the material on UR, US, CR, and CS. This was due to it confusing me from time to time while I was reading it. It was a lot of terms, and it was difficult to remember what the different initials stood for. It just became frustrating at times, but it all made sense in due time.
6) One thing I’ll remember from this section is that Pavlov won a Nobel Prize for his work on digestive processes. He used dogs as animal subjects. He also invented the Pavlov Pouch, which was a procedure allowing Pavlov to isolate a section of the dog’s stomach so that ingested food would not enter and contaminate the saliva. I never knew Pavlov won a Nobel Prize, but it definitely doesn’t surprise me. This was just the start to many different great contributions from Pavlov. Another thing I’ll remember from this section is Pavlov’s study using dogs on the conditioned reflex. In the study, the dogs were to discriminate different geometric shapes. I really liked the study. It was interesting that the dogs were able to discriminate between the shapes. However, when the shapes were altered to a certain extent, the dogs were unable to differentiate. I find it to be fascinating how different animal’s minds work. The third thing I’ll remember from the section is the example on unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. A puff of air is blown into a bunny’s eye and it blinks. It was a reflex, and it didn’t need to be taught to the bunny. This was a great example that helped me understand unconditioned stimulus and responses. It’s interesting that people can just react a certain way, and it doesn’t need to be taught. It’s just one of those things people are born with the knowledge and know-how to do.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 68 oz.
Day 2 = 60 oz.
Day 3 = 80 oz.
Day 4 = 42 oz.
Day 5 = 48 oz.
Day 6 = 52 oz.
Day 7 = 80 oz.
Average = 61.4 oz.
7b) I did pretty well overall as I almost met the goal average of 64 ounces per day. I did not meet my target behavior each day. I only reached it on 3 of the 7 days. It was difficult measuring and recording my behavior each day, because I would forget what I had to drink or forget to mark down what I had to drink. The reinforcer was a good choice as it helped my water drinking increase dramatically from last time, even though I still failed to average 64 ounces per day. I don’t think I’ll continue to drink 64 ounces of water per day, since I wasn’t even able to do it this time around. However, I do think I’ll drink more water now as I liked how I felt more when I had more water.
8) I would monitor my water intake differently. I would get a bigger bottle of water that I knew how many ounces it held, rather than just drinking out of cups at my house. Another behavior I’d like to change using behavior methods would be the drinking of pop. This water experiment actually helped limit my pop drinking, so if I continue to try to drink more water, then maybe my pop drinking will continue to stay down as well.
9) Animal intelligence, methodical construct for intelligence, y-axis, x-axis, trial-and-error, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, conditioned reflex, Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning, respondent conditioning, UR, US, CR, CS, Pavlov Pouch, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, target behavior, reinforcer
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how short this section was. The material was quick and to the point, so it did not feel like it was dragging out. Sometimes with something being short, the content may be unclear, but this section was really easy to understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section, there were not a whole lot of new vocabulary words, so I had to really try to differentiate what the most important parts in the text were. I would have liked to learn more in this section of the chapter. But other than that, it was fine.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I’ll remember from this section are Thorndike’s laws: The Law of Effect, Law of Regency, and the Law of Exercise. I’ll remember the Law of Effect because the definition is like a cause and effect situation that is easy to understand. I’ll remember the Law of Regency by associating the ‘most likely to occur’ response and regency because it reminds me of royalty and they’re the most important. Lastly, I’ll remember the law of Exercise because when you exercise you do an exercise over and over.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I like about this section was how easy the material was to understand and how well it was explained. Sometimes terms that are too similar in the title are hard to tell apart, but since they were easily and clearly explained, it’s easier for me to understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was the amount of background information the section had. Sometimes background information is helpful, but for this section I didn’t think some of the history of his experiments was necessary when it comes to learning the material.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
From this section I’ll remember the difference between Stimulus Response and response stimulus because they are the opposite of each other and it’s not hard to tell what the stimulus is and what the response is in a situation. I’ll also understand the eye blink response because the rabbit example is something I’ll remember and the conditioning is something that can also be applied to humans. Lately I’ll remember that a necessary condition must be salient because it makes sense that the stimulus must be present and noticeable in the environment.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =64 oz
Day 2 =64 oz
Day 3 =64 oz
Day 4 =48 oz
Day 5 =64 oz
Day 6 =64 oz
Day 7 =64 oz
Average =61.7 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I believe I did really well. I met my target behavior every day besides one. Measuring and recording my behavior each day was not difficult because I just counted how many water bottles I drank. Once I finished one, I refilled it right away. My reinforcer was a good choice because I don’t get cold stone often because it’s expensive and I’m broke, so it was a nice incentive. I definitely think I’ll continue to drink this much water without rewarding myself because it’s good for me.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again, I don’t think I would do anything differently. I believe the way I went about it was pretty basic and easy to do. A behavior that I would like to eventually change using behavioral methods would probably be going to bed at a decent time. I have a horrible tendency to stay up until three in the morning and I am super tired the next day.
9) Terms: reinforcer, target behavior, eye blink response, stimulus response, response stimulus, law of exercise, law of regency, law of effect, necessary condition, stimulus salient
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that there was a video of the Thorndike puzzle box to give more of a visual while I was learning about the methodological construct.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything I disliked. I thought that the examples made the material easy to understand and there wasn't a lot of new terms so it was easy to keep track of them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the graph because I am already very familiar with graphs and x and y-axises.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the new info on Pavlov. I never knew that he performed surgical operations on dogs to better understand why they salivate.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything that I disliked. I felt that there was plenty examples for each term which made it easy to understand the material.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the mushroom being a good example of a stimulus class because it it easy to remember that they can fill you up, kill you, or get you high.
b) I will remember that the UR and CR are similar because it was review from psych classes that I've taken in the past
c) I'll remember that American's were mostly interested in Pavlov's research as it relates to learning because that is all I knew of his research util I read this text.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 48 oz
Day 2 = 56 oz
Day 3 = 72 oz
Day 4 = 68 oz
Day 5 = 46 oz
Day 6 = 52 oz
Day 7 = 68 oz
Average = 58.6 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, the second week I drank more water than the first week because of my reinforcer. I found it difficult to measure and record my behavior because I was constantly drinking out of different cups (not just bottles of water). I thought that my reinforcer was a good choice because it motivated me to drink more water. I do think that I'll drink more water now because after this exercize I'm more aware of the fact that I need to be drinking more water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again I would drink out of the same water bottle every day to make it easy to measure exactly how many ounces I'm taking in at a time. Another behavior that I could change is doing more homework every single day rather than doing all of it in just one day.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
methodological construct, x-axis, y-axis, Thorndike, Pavlov, stimulus class, unconditioned response, conditioned response, reinforce, behavioral methods.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section was the video to demonstrate the point the book was trying to make and the past part of behavior modification. I really like having good examples included in the sections to help me make sure I understand the terms, so the video really helped me. It helped me grasp better on the Law of Effect Thorndike creates.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don't understand the Law of Recency and what are examples of that. I am unsure of the definition.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is Thorndike's Law of Effect which is essentially trial and error. This was one of the first examples of how positive and negative reinforcement alter behavior. Secondly, I will remember from this section is the term Methodological construct which is a way to indirectly measure something. I will remember this because it was terminology I had not heard before. Lastly, I will not forget the performance of imaginary cat graph on the last page. Basically this expands upon the law of exercise stating that repeated trials of a particular task will result in a stronger response.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the last two pages of this section where we were giving examples and had to identify the neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, and unconditioned response. Since I have struggled in the past to understand the terms without knowing if I am doing them right, I really liked the fact that this section gave us the answers. I could make sure I was understanding the material correctly as well as double check my answers.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One part I did not like in this section was the examples of conditioned stimuli in my own environment. I could not think of examples that would fit then I was confused on the difference between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. Luckily, the following section where it gave examples and the answers really helped me out.
6 a,b&c) I will also remember determining whether certain situations were SR or RS. It helped me to better understand, and when I’m given the answers below, it assures me that I’m learning the right way. Secondly I will remember this because I spent some time on it to make sure I understood it. Lastly, I will remember what salient means. It was a part of the section that I was constantly thinking of other examples so I would remember it. I came up with a lot of similar ones listed as well as a car horn and fire alarm.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 70 oz
Day 2 = 56 oz
Day 3 = 64 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 56 oz
Day 6 = 70 oz
Day 7 = 70 oz
Average =64.3 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did very well overall for the week in drinking around 64 ounces of water. I did not meet the target behavior every day. It was not very hard keeping track of how much water I drink because I have a 28 ounce water bottle and I marked it with times in which I need to finish it. I filled the water bottle twice a day and then have a glass of water with my dinner. Sometimes I would drink about three of my water bottles. The times on the bottle made me keep up with the amount of water I wanted to drink each day and my reward was to get a dessert or treat at the end of the day. It was a good way to unwind and relax before I went to bed. I think I will because now the times are on the water bottle and it makes me more aware of the amount I should be drinking each day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I was asked to do this again, I would try to drink a glass in the morning, a glass before each meal, and one at the end of the day as well as through the day in class. This would get me close to the amount of water I am supposed to drink every day. Another behavior I would want to change would be working out every day even if It was only for 20-30 minutes. I tend to make excuses and find reasons not to go. If I make a set time to go every day and not back down, I believe I would do better at going.
9) Law of Effect Thorndike, Law of Recency, Methodological construct, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, target behavior, salient
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) I really enjoyed the use of the video to show the law of effect and law of recency.
b) The demonstration explained the concept very well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a) There wasn't anything I disliked.
b) Because it was very well laid out with a review leading into the new material and I understood the concepts very well as soon as I read them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Thorndike's Methodological Construction: Because the video of the cat and the puzzle box will stick in my mind.
b) The 3 different Laws: Because they coincide with one another. The law of effect is based on the law of recency which are both correlated with the law of exercise.
c) Trial and Error learning: Because it is so often used in daily life.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) The use of Pavlov's dog experiment as an example/explanation.
b) Because once it all wrapped itself up together in the end, I understood the concept.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a) I was slightly confused at the beginning.
b) The information was a little harder to grasp, it took me a while to make the connections until further on in the reading.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Excitatory Neurons and Inhibitory Neurons, because their names speak for themselves and allow me to connect the word with the definition right away. The Exitatory neurons influence the aggressive behavior in the dog. The Inhibitory Neurons influence the listless behavior in the dog.
b) Experimental Neurosis, because it coincides with the Excitatory Neurons and Inhibitory Neurons.
c) Stimulus/Response Relationship, because, it is going back to the beginner basics of B-Mod. Whenever a stimulus occurs, a response follows.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 40oz
Day 2 = 45oz
Day 3 = 35oz
Day 4 = 40oz
Day 5 = 40oz
Day 6 = 40oz
Day 7 = 30oz
Average = 38.57oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I feel like I am progressively getting better. Towards the end of the week I tend to not do as much, therefor I don't get thirsty as often. But anytime I think about getting a drink, I do it rather than just saying I'm too busy or I'll do it later. I've always been very bad about that. I carry my water bottle everywhere (or at least try my best to) but I occasionally forget, so I scope out all of the drinking fountains and always try to take a drink if I pass one.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
Target behavior: I would set a daily morning reminder to grab and fill up my water bottle for the day and try and keep a note pad in hand to record each time I take a drink in a drinking fountain as well as note my water bottle level at the end of the day rather than just the water bottle level. Because I then have to estimate my water intake trying to remember every time I visited a drinking fountain that day.
Consequence: Have an accurate record of my water intake and therefor, go from there on either improving or maintaining that behavior level.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of recency, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Behavior, Response, Stimulus, Stimulus/Response relationship, Experimental Neurosis, Excitatory Neurons, Inhibitory Neurons, Target Behavior, Consequence.
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section provided a solid history and introduction into who Thorndike was as a psychologist and what his contributions were. I found methodological construct for intelligence and other learning theories to be interesting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I truly enjoyed this section, there was nothing that that I liked least or didn’t like about this section. I found this section to be helpful in explaining not only Thorndike and his contributions to psychology including his theories, but also in serving as a friendly reminder about how graphs are used and where your information should be inputted on a graph. If there had to be something that I did not like about this section it would be that it was not as long as some of the other sections or provide a lot of information about Thorndike and his psychological theories.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The law of effect was one of my favorite concepts from this section because it is applicable to the real life situations, especially in development. As a child at least for me, I was able to learn a few things such as dressing myself and interacting with others through trial and error. For example, if it was fall day in preschool, my parents would allow me to wear a summer dress, snow boots, and no coat; they would always pack me extra clothes in my backpack that were appropriate for the weather, but I learned through trial and error that that was not the best outfit for the weather during that seasons. I would emit a variety of behaviors or try a few different clothing combinations before I found the combination that positively reinforced my behavior.
The law of exercise is another concept I will remember from this section. This piece of information stuck out to me because this theory states associations (what worked) between a stimulus and a behavior are strengthened through repetition. What this means is that the more you do a certain task, you will expect the same outcome. For example, when my dog comes in from outside she expects a treat for coming in when she is called because in the past when she has emitted that behavior that is the response it has elicited. Along with that she now believes the more times she goes outside the more treats she will get.
The third concept I will remember from this section is the law of recency. This law states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. I remember this theory because it is also one that I am able to relate to my own life. An example is when I start my car in the morning; this is a behavior I perform many times a day. The target behavior is for the car to start and because it always does this is the response I have come to expect from my car. If for some reason it decided not to start, this theory would not apply to me anymore.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed having the opportunity to learn more about Pavlov. This section went to a fair amount detail about Pavlov and his many contributions to the world of psychology. I also found it interesting to learn about his experiment where dogs were able to tell apart different geometric shapes; I had never heard of him doing this experiment before so it was interesting to read about.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was the use of abbreviations, I have trouble remembering what abbreviations stand for as I am reading them. I am able to overcome this by taking notes in the margins to help me to remember better, but at times it was confusing for me. It did help to make it less confusing that you typed the whole word out next to the abbreviation for the few times you had it in the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is the difference between the stimulus response relationship and the response stimulus relationship. I will remember this because stimulus response relates to the presence of the stimulus and then the response occurring and the response stimulus means that the response will occur first. For example, the presence of your significant other (stimulus) could signal happiness (response) is an example of stimulus response. An example of response stimulus would be if you put your hand on a hot stove and you pull your hand away (response) and then you turn off the stove (stimulus).
Another concept I will remember is salient. Salient was used in the section when referring to because they can be heard or noticed over the background noise including visual noise. I reading this definition and part of the section I thought about my dogs and how I train get their attention. If the methods I am using to get their attention are not salient, this may be why I am having trouble getting or maintaining their attention.
A third concept I will remember is the conditions that must be met for a stimulus to be considered neutral. The first condition is that it must be salient. As mentioned above, that means it must be heard and/or noticed over the background noise. The second condition is that it must have a sense of regularity in its presentation. What this means is that if there is no rhyme or reason for when the neutral stimulus is to occur, and then there will be no association. The final condition that must be present is that the neutral stimulus must be presented a sufficient number of times before an association will occur. If it does not occur enough times, there will be no set response. I will remember this because this idea was something that was new to me and I was not aware there was set criteria for a stimulus be considered neutral.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =60 oz.
Day 2 =80 oz.
Day 3 = 60 oz.
Day 4 =40 oz.
Day 5 =40 oz.
Day 6 =60 oz.
Day 7 =40 oz.
Average = 54.2 oz.
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I think I did okay. Overall I did increase my water intake, but not to 64 0z. a day average. I did not meet my target behavior of the 64 oz everyday of the week, although on day 2 I exceed 64 oz and on days 1, 3, and 6 I was within 4 oz of my target behavior. I believe my reinforcer is a good choice, I just need to ensure that I am holding myself accountable for only reinforcing myself for when I meet my target behavior, not just when I want to reinforce myself. I do think I can continue my water drinking behavior without being reinforced to do so. I noticed on the days that I almost met or exceed my target level for water intake I felt better; this may be enough reinforcement for me to continue this behavior after this experiment.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
9) Terms: Elicit, emit, methodological construct for intelligence, law of effect, positive reinforcement, trial and error, law of exercise, associations, stimulus, behavior, repetition, target behavior, reinforcer, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, salient, neutral stimulus
8) I would be more consist about reinforcing myself when I am doing well and ensure that I am not reinforcing myself when I am not meeting or exceeding my target behavior. Depending on the behavior I would chose in the future, I might also chose a different reinforcer. While juice and Starbucks may be effective/semi-effective reinforcers when used properly now, they might not be the best reinforcers for another goal or behavior change for me in the future.
3.1 (Thorndike)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? From this section, I really liked how Thorndike’s ideas are parallel with what we today most commonly call “cause and effect”. His law of effect, in which a behavior that is followed by a positive outcome is stamped in, is very similar to cause and effect. The cat in the puzzle box emits the behavior of bumping the lever (cause) that makes the box open (effect). Therefore, he remembers the cause that elicited the effect, and it leads him to emit this behavior again.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I dislike how Thorndike experimented on animals in a crude way by trapping them in a small box. Since we cannot experiment in these ways on humans, researchers like Thorndike experimented on animals and then use their findings to draw conclusions about humans, since learning occurs in similar ways between animals and humans. Although his research has been very important to psychology, it is not very ethical to experiment in this way on animals.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Thorndike’s law of effect states that when behaviors or responses cause a positive outcome, that association is stamped in and we remember it. Also, if it does not lead to a positive outcome, it is stamped out. I will remember this and Thorndike’s other laws because they are all related in the sense that they explain how and why we form associations of cause and effect.
b) The law of recency says that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. This is easy to remember because it reminds me of another rule, the recency effect. They are similar because they both cause us to think of the most recent thing we saw, heard, or did.
c) The law of exercise means that through repetition, the associations are strengthened. Therefore, the more times we do something, or exercise a behavior, the easier it is for us to remember. To me, this is common sense.
3.2 (Pavlov)
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section was a very in-depth review of classical conditioning. I have learned about classical conditioning and Pavlov’s dog experiment multiple times in many different classes, but this section included a lot of new details and aspects of the experiment that I have never heard of before.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I also dislike how Pavlov experimented on dogs. I knew he used dogs to research classical conditioning regarding the dog’s salivation, but it seems mean and unethical that he cut them open to insert test tubes in their cheeks for his research purposes.
6 ) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) One thing I will remember is how to differ between the two types of learning, stimulus response or response stimulus. I can ask myself, did the stimulus or the behavior (response) come first? This is important to remember because it will be very helpful.
b) I will remember the difference between unconditioned response, which is a reflex, and conditioned response, which is the learned behavior. These are the basic yet extremely important components of classical conditioning.
c) I will also remember the difference between unconditioned stimulus, which is the trigger to the unconditioned response, and the conditioned stimulus, which is something with which we learn to associate with a certain behavior.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 108
Day 2 = 124.9
Day 3 = 116.9
Day 4 = 91.9
Day 5 = 100.7
Day 6 = 108
Day 7 = 112
Average = 108.9
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I did well. My average for 7 days was over my 100 ounce goal. I met my target behavior each day except for one, where I was 8 ounces short. I should’ve just guzzled some water before bed and I could have reinforced myself for meeting my 7 day goal! It was easy for me to track this because I have a water tracking app on my phone. I will try to continue to drink more than 100 ounces of water per day and reinforce myself if I meet the goal next week!
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? If I were to do this challenge again, I would force myself to drink a certain amount of water at specific times of the day. For example, I must finish a 25-ounce water bottle during the time I am getting ready in the morning. Another behavior I would like to change is my exercise routine. I seem to feel very unmotivated lately, so behavioral methods such as reinforcement might help this.
TERMS: behavioral methods, reinforcement, ethical, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, emits, elicited, reinforce, target behavior, stimulus response, response stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response
Section 3.1
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I found Thorndike’s theories to be very interesting, especially since I think we can also apply his theories to his behavior during his research. For example, the Law of Effect is present in his construction of the puzzle box—I am sure that he did not build the perfect puzzle box the first time, it took some trial and error to create an effective puzzle box that would eventually elicit door opening behavior from the animals. I also thought the graph of cat #12 was interesting because it was in a zigzag pattern, the first time the cat was in the box was the longest amount of time that it took the cat to trigger the door mechanism, the second time the cat was in the box it immediately emitted the behavior to open the door (Law of Recency), but then the amount of time it took for the cat to open the door the third time was longer than the second time. I would be interested to know how much time was between the sessions the cat was in the box because the Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise can be seen in this graph, but the Law of Recency was stronger during the 2, 4, 6, etc. trials, so I am wondering what was causing this zigzag pattern to occur.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I liked least about this section was that it did not include very many real world examples of Thorndike’s theories.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of Effect, Recency, and Exercise because these are mechanisms that reinforce behavior and explain why some behaviors are more reinforced than others. These theories are also important because the Law of Recency may influence how superstitious behavior arises because an individual will attempt to emit the same behavior that resulted in reinforcement the first time in every subsequent time they perform the behavior.
Section 3.2
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I appreciated that there was a paragraph explaining how to differentiate between operant conditioning and classical conditioning because sometimes it is hard to keep those two types of learning straight. Operant conditioning involves a response stimulus (R→S) relationship, which is what we have studied so far in class. Classical conditioning involves a stimulus response (S→R) relationship, which is new to us in this section. In order to know which type of learning we are dealing with, we can simply ask ourselves, “did the stimulus come first? Or did the behavior (response) come first?” By asking ourselves that (and keeping it simple) we can know whether we are talking about operant versus classical conditioning. It is important to know the difference between these two methods of learning because the way the learning is presented will affect how the learning occurs and will also affect whether the learning remains permanent or extinguishable. I also really liked the mini quiz activities because it was a helpful way to make sure we are learning the material correctly.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The discussion on topographical and functional similarities and differences between behaviors was confusing. I believe that there were a lot of unintended typos in this section, which led to a lot of mixed messages on whether or not certain stimuli or responses had similar topography or function—so that differentiation is still hazy for me.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember how to differentiate between classical and operant conditioning (as discussed above) and I will remember the necessary elements to make the neutral stimulus become the conditioned stimulus (CS): stimulus salience, regularity of presentation, and the number of presentations. A salient stimulus is one that the individual will be able to differentiate from other environmental stimuli, such as a loud noise, and this is important because if the individual does not respond to the conditioned stimulus, then you will not be able to associate it with an unconditioned stimulus (US). The regularity of presentation is important because if you do not consistently pair the US with the CS, then the individual will not associate the two stimuli, which will also result in a failure to be classically conditioned. Finally, the number of presentations is important because if you only present the US with the CS once, the individual will not realize that those two things are supposed to be associated. It is important to remember these three elements of classical conditioning because without them, you will never be able to condition a certain behavior.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 76
Day 2 = 76
Day 3 = 76
Day 4 = 51
Day 5 = 76
Day 6 = 51
Day 7 = 76
Average = 68
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
While I did not reach the goal of 64 oz every day, I did improve my overall drinking behavior by drinking more water this week than I did the week before. I used a water-tracking app on my phone to measure how much water I was drinking every day, but that was difficult because I could only input the amount of oz I drank when I finished my water bottle, so on some days I drank most of a bottle of water, but didn’t put that into the app because I hadn’t fully drank the whole thing, so I believe that on days where the app said I only drank 51 oz, I believe I actually drank more than that. My reinforcer was to watch Criminal Minds every day that I reached my goal, which worked for the first few days, but then I became very busy and didn’t have time to watch an episode of Criminal Minds when I met my goal on later days in the week, so I wasn’t able to enjoy my reinforcement even when I reached my goal sometimes. I think I will continue drinking roughly 64 ounces of water a day without being reinforced because it has now become somewhat habitual so I think I can easily try to keep it as part of my daily routine.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I had to do this again, I think I would set myself up better for success. In class we talked about giving ourselves a reinforcement at the end of the week even if we only met our goal 4x that week instead of needing to meet the goal every day. I think that would have been more realistic for myself because I had set a reinforcement at the end of the week to buy myself a leisurely reading book if I met my goal every day, but I obviously do not get that reinforcer since I did not reach my goal every day, and even on days that I did reach my goal I did not get to enjoy Criminal Minds as a reinforcer. In the future, I would make sure that my schedule better allows for my reinforcers and that I set myself up for success and not failure.
Terms: behavior, Law of Effect, puzzle box, elicit, emit, Law of Recency, reinforce, superstitious behavior, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, extinguish, topography, function, conditioned stimulus, stimulus salience
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was the in depth detail of a peticular study of the intelligence of cats. I liked how Thorndike figured out that the cats were not necessarily learning but they were remembering that they get reinforced a fixed ratio of times instead of a flash of insight and understanding the situation and how to respond
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed this entire section, nice and short and to the point
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that when using a study sometimes the results can mean more than one thing. I learned high a cat’s intelligence is and that food serves as a good reinforcer for almost anything.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the more in depth look at the Pavlov dog story. Most of the time it stops with the footsteps to the bell salvation response. I enjoyed learning that there is a Stimulus that causes a response as well as what we have learned a Response causing a stimulus
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I disliked reading about Pavlov dog experiment again because it is one that I have read many of times.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that a stimulus can cause a response, I will remember that Pavlovs dog experiment went into dog temperament, and I will remember that there are learned helplessness and aggression built into dogs as well as humans
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =5
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =4
Average =4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. It is difficult to drink water because I am trying to cut back on pop so I am going through the caffeine withdraws. Hopefully now that I started to lift weights again it will help my reinforcer become more reinforcing by depriving my muscles of needed oxygen and body of water
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? I would make my reinforcer more reinforcing, I believe my reinforcer was to be able to drink a pop and it ended up not working because I would drink more than that one pop anyway
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Positive negetetive reinforcement, elicit, emit, target behavior, stimulus, behavior, response
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in section 3.1 was having the video to incorporate along with the text. It can be easier to comprehend a concept by using more than one form of a learning technique. For example in this section, we were able to read and view a video that went along with the context.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not find anything that I disliked from this section. I found all of the information provided to be useful and important when it comes to behavior modification. I had never heard of Thorndike before, so it was interesting to learn about how he contributed to psychology by studying the intelligence of animals.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things that I will remember from section 3.1 would be the three laws that were discussed in this chapter. The three laws are: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise. The Law of Effect states that when a behavior or response is followed by a positive outcome, the association is stamped in. Making the association to the desirable outcome to become more strengthened. However, when a behavior is unsuccessful or followed by an aversive outcome the association will be stamped out, also known as unlearned. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur. And thirdly, the Law of Exercise states that by having repetitive behavior the associations will be strengthened.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was that it went into more depth about Pavlov's research. Normally went Pavolv is talked about you just hear about classical conditioning by using dog bells to see how much a dog would salivate upon hearing the noise. I never knew that Pavlov would make incisions into the dogs cheek and reroute the salivary ducts to the exterior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked in this section was reading about Pavlov again since it has been very redundant to me, since I have heard about him in school multiple times now.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section is that there is little topographical similarity between the CS and the US. By remembering this, it will help me remember the difference between these two definitions. I will also remember the necessary conditions needed to make a neutral stimulus into a condition stimulus. These necessary conditions include: stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, and the number of presentations. The third thing that I will remember from section 3.2 is what it means for something to be salient. In order for it to be salient it means that you would have to notice it in the environment. I will remember these things because they seem to be significantly important when it comes to behavior modification.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =8
Day 2 =7
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =7
Day 6 =6
Day 7 =5
Average =7
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days. I think that I did a pretty good job overall. Somedays it was difficult to record my behavior, because I would forget how much I had drank earlier in the day, so I need to work on recording the information immediately rather than wait to the end of the day to do so. I did not meet my target behavior everyday unfortunately. I wish I would have had a better reinforcer to motivate me to try harder at reaching my target behavior everyday. I would try to continue to reinforce myself to drink 64 ounces of water per day, just because I know there are many health benefits to drinking water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? If I was able to do this again, I would make sure that my schedule allowed for me to fit my reinforcer in at the end of each week. Another behavior that I am trying to change is to stop swearing. Every time I catch myself swearing I had another squat into my workout making it a positive form of punishment. I think that this is helping me reach my target behavior because when I do swear, I am now more able to recognize that I emitted such behavior.
9)Terms- Behavior modification, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, response, behavior, aversive, classical conditioning, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, stimulus salience, regularity of presentations, number of presentations, salient, reinforcer, target behavior, positive punishment
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked learning more about Thorndike because I haven’t learned as much about Thorndike in previous psychology classes. I also liked that there was a video attachment in the reading because it showed what we were learning about and it helped my understanding before I was done reading that section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked least that this section starts by saying that the heyday of behavioral research lasted 70 or so years. My question is, is how do measure that the heyday was then…is it only because we are not necessarily creating new theories on behavioral learning?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) The Law of Effect basically states when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcome that association is stamped in. More specifically, the association is strengthened. I will remember this because of the second part where the aversive outcomes are stamped out. This is easy to understand because it is applicable in almost everything we do. I think of trying to start my car on cold days when just hipping in a turning the key doesn’t work.
b) Thorndike’s “trial and error” suggests that over a period of attempts certain attempts lead to success and those behaviors are learned. This is the overall message in the chapter and is easy to remember because it is an umbrella concept.
c) The law of Exercise states that through repetition the associations are strengthened. This is a simple concept, but it is even easier to remember because I already associate the words exercise and strength so I just have to remember that what is repeated is strengthened.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought it was cool to learn more about what Pavlov was studying before he studied “classical conditioning” I had never heard the full story on how his research was started. I think it is important for students to learn more about what researchers were looking for before they discovered what we now know as their theories. It shows both parts of psychology, both research and applicable.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the section on the differences between stimulus response relationship and the response stimulus. I found this to be confusing and could use more time on this in class.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
aThe UR and the CR are similar. This always confused me in my early years of psychology, but now I think I have it down and figured out.
B) The tone in both Pavlov’s salvation experiments and the bunny experiments is a neutral stimulus at first. These two experiments are similar and they help me remember the order of stimulus and response.
C) After repeated trials the unconditioned response will turn into a conditions response with the pairing of a conditioned stimulus. This will be easy to remember because it is covered in almost all psychology classes.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 5 25oz bottles of water
Day 2 = 3 25oz bottles of water
Day 3 =3.5 25 oz bottles of water
Day 4 =3 bottles of water
Day 5 = 3.5 bottles of water
Day 6 = 4 bottles of water
Day 7 =4 bottles of water
Average =3.71 Bottles (about 90 oz of water)
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I feel as though I did very well. I found that if I carried the water bottle with me everyday it was easy to meet my target behavior. The only thing that made it difficult to measure my target behavior was when I drank water outside of my water bottle, for example when I had a glass of water at Carlos o Kellys on Saturday night when we went out for dinner. I think for a while I can keep drinking 64 oz of water but I need to come up with a better reinforcer other than “feeling good” because there will be extinction of that quickly.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do it again I would have a physical reinforcer of some sort. I would maybe chose a small desert at the end of the day if I reached my goal rather than just having it be based off of pure “do it because I need to.” Another target behavior I would like to emit is spending at least 30 minutes every other day doing cardio on my own (meaning outside of the classes I teach) I would use smoothies as a reinforcer for this.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of effect, Thorndike, trial and error, law of exercise, target behavior, extinction, conditioned stimulus, classical conditioning, unconditioned response, neutral stimulus, emit, reinforcer
Section 3.1
1) I enjoyed that this section used videos to cover more of the information and had pictures of Thorndike’s actual puzzle boxes that were used in his experiments. Seeing the visuals of the puzzle boxes helped me to better understand the information and Thorndike’s found results.
2) There was nothing that stood out greatly as something I disliked in this sections. I could have benefited from a little bit more in-depth information about The Law of Recency and The Law of Exercise and how they occur in our daily lives because I found those two topics interesting.
3) (a) I will remember that Thorndike was interested in animal intelligence and tested cats’ abilities to escape from a box. I will remember this information due to the linked YouTube video because I am able to remember things more easily if I am able to connect it to something visual. (b) The Law of Effect is essentially trial and error, which will be easy to remember because trial and error is based off of what behaviors cause each specific reaction. I will be able to remember this due to how often I see trial and error occurring in my everyday life. (c) Lastly I will remember the Law of Exercise, which states that repletion causes the strengthening of associations. After being in organized sports from a very young age, this concept is a reoccurring topic that was engraved into my head so it is not something that I will have trouble remembering.
Section 3.2
4) I enjoyed this section because I have always found Classical Conditioning to be a very interesting topic. I loved being able to learn about the topic in a great depth.
5) What I mainly disliked is how Pavlov treats the dogs. It really has nothing to do with the sections overall, but this is the first time I am learning about the actual surgical procedures that Pavlov administered to the dogs. I just really do not like when dogs (or any animals) are the subject of experiments such as this one, but it was a different time back then and the research did provided a great deal of information. But in means of the section as a whole, there was nothing that I really disliked.
6) (a) I will remember the overall concepts of conditioned reflexes because that was one topic that Pavlov’s research really seemed to stress and expand off of. (b) Learned helplessness is another topic I will remember from the section because I can see examples of this with people throughout my life. Even though he discovered it in a rather cruel way, Pavlov was able to discover a behavioral trait that occurs in animals and allowed people to notice how it occurs in humans as well. (c) Lastly I will remember the difference between stimulus and response. I will be able to remember this information due to the question posed within the text: “did the stimulus come before or after the behavior?” This will help me be able to distinguish the two terms much easier.
7a) Water Consumption (Week #2):
Day 1 =4 cups
Day 2 =4 cups
Day 3 =6 cups
Day 4 =5 cups
Day 5 =5 cups
Day 6 =6 cups
Day 7 =6 cups
Average = 5.14 cups
7b) Overall I increased my water consumption during the second week, I was able to meet my target behavior for five of the seven days (I set the target behavior of drinking at least five cups of water each day in order to better record my progress) I did not find it difficult to measure/recording my behavior each day because I attacked a piece of paper onto my water bottle and was able to keep track directly as the behavior occurred. The reinforcer I chose was very helpful in adjusting my habits because it was a behavior that I found enjoyment. Decreasing the use of the behavior I used as a motivator cause an aversive effect, which caused me to greatly increase my water consumption. I believe that I will continue to drink this amount of water without being reinforced because it has not assimilated into my daily routine and, out of this developed habit, I am now drinking more water.
8) If I were to do this again I would want to try to use more of a schedule of reinforcement, more specifically and fixed interval. I believe that would increase the targeted behavior at a faster pace.
9) Terminology Used: reinforcer, aversive, motivator, assimilated, behavior, The Law of Effect, trial and error, The Law of Exercise, The Law of Recency, targeted behavior, fixed interval, schedule of reinforcement, conditioned reflexes, learned helplessness, behavioral trait, classical conditioning
Section 3.1
1) I enjoyed that this section used videos to cover more of the information and had pictures of Thorndike’s actual puzzle boxes that were used in his experiments. Seeing the visuals of the puzzle boxes helped me to better understand the information and Thorndike’s found results.
2) There was nothing that stood out greatly as something I disliked in this sections. I could have benefited from a little bit more in-depth information about The Law of Recency and The Law of Exercise and how they occur in our daily lives because I found those two topics interesting.
3) (a) I will remember that Thorndike was interested in animal intelligence and tested cats’ abilities to escape from a box. I will remember this information due to the linked YouTube video because I am able to remember things more easily if I am able to connect it to something visual. (b) The Law of Effect is essentially trial and error, which will be easy to remember because trial and error is based off of what behaviors cause each specific reaction. I will be able to remember this due to how often I see trial and error occurring in my everyday life. (c) Lastly I will remember the Law of Exercise, which states that repletion causes the strengthening of associations. After being in organized sports from a very young age, this concept is a reoccurring topic that was engraved into my head so it is not something that I will have trouble remembering.
Section 3.2
4) I enjoyed this section because I have always found Classical Conditioning to be a very interesting topic. I loved being able to learn about the topic in a great depth.
5) What I mainly disliked is how Pavlov treats the dogs. It really has nothing to do with the sections overall, but this is the first time I am learning about the actual surgical procedures that Pavlov administered to the dogs. I just really do not like when dogs (or any animals) are the subject of experiments such as this one, but it was a different time back then and the research did provided a great deal of information. But in means of the section as a whole, there was nothing that I really disliked.
6) (a) I will remember the overall concepts of conditioned reflexes because that was one topic that Pavlov’s research really seemed to stress and expand off of. (b) Learned helplessness is another topic I will remember from the section because I can see examples of this with people throughout my life. Even though he discovered it in a rather cruel way, Pavlov was able to discover a behavioral trait that occurs in animals and allowed people to notice how it occurs in humans as well. (c) Lastly I will remember the difference between stimulus and response. I will be able to remember this information due to the question posed within the text: “did the stimulus come before or after the behavior?” This will help me be able to distinguish the two terms much easier.
7a) Water Consumption (Week #2):
Day 1 =4 cups
Day 2 =4 cups
Day 3 =6 cups
Day 4 =5 cups
Day 5 =5 cups
Day 6 =6 cups
Day 7 =6 cups
Average = 5.14 cups
7b) Overall I increased my water consumption during the second week, I was able to meet my target behavior for five of the seven days (I set the target behavior of drinking at least five cups of water each day in order to better record my progress) I did not find it difficult to measure/recording my behavior each day because I attacked a piece of paper onto my water bottle and was able to keep track directly as the behavior occurred. The reinforcer I chose was very helpful in adjusting my habits because it was a behavior that I found enjoyment. Decreasing the use of the behavior I used as a motivator cause an aversive effect, which caused me to greatly increase my water consumption. I believe that I will continue to drink this amount of water without being reinforced because it has not assimilated into my daily routine and, out of this developed habit, I am now drinking more water.
8) If I were to do this again I would want to try to use more of a schedule of reinforcement, more specifically and fixed interval. I believe that would increase the targeted behavior at a faster pace.
9) Terminology Used: reinforcer, aversive, motivator, assimilated, behavior, The Law of Effect, trial and error, The Law of Exercise, The Law of Recency, targeted behavior, fixed interval, schedule of reinforcement, conditioned reflexes, learned helplessness, behavioral trait, classical conditioning
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how simple his findings were. His experiments weren’t very complex, so everything that he discovered was relatively easy to understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I disliked about this section was just how crude these little puzzle boxes were. They seem a bit medieval and could potentially cause a lot of harm to the animals involved.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. through trial and error, successful attempts to do something will be remembered, while unsuccessful attempts will not be attempted again. 2. Learning requires the “stamping in” or remembering of a certain behavior. 3. How to construct or read a basic graph.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I found it interesting that some of the dogs seemed to go “insane” and tear at their harnesses and then others would do almost nothing.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Much of the stuff he did confused me a bit, such as the circle and square thing. What exactly were these? Did he just draw them with his finger, or did he have some kind of object shaped like a square and a circle?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. His work is mostly seen as a stimulus→ response relationship. 2. In some cases, the behavior emitted can be considered the CS or the US. 3. I will remember how to determine if the response is UR or CR.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64 oz.
Day 2 = 84 oz.
Day 3 = 64 oz.
Day 4 = 64 oz.
Day 5 =75 oz.
Day 6 = 64 oz.
Day 7 = 80 oz.
Average = 70.7 oz.
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I made certain that I drank at least 64 oz. a day so that by the end of the week I could order myself a pizza. It wasn’t too difficult considering the fact that I believe I need to drink more water anyways, so I had motivation to continue drinking it. The pizza was definitely a good reinforcer. I do think that I will continue to drink at leas t 64oz. of water without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
Nothing. I believe that drinking water is a good thing to start with because its healthy for you and most people don’t get enough water daily.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Consequence, behavior, emit, elicit, positive, conditioned response, unconditioned response.
Section 3.1
1 a&b) One thing I liked about this section was learning about was the puzzle boxes. They weren't something I had heard of before. Many Psychology students have heard of Pavlov and his work with the drooling dogs. But I hadn't heard of the puzzle boxes before. It's an interesting way of studying how animals learn and adapt.
2) I didn't really think there was anything I didn't like or understand, it was a fairly straight-forward and uncomplicated. I don't really have anything to complain about for this chapter.
3 a,b&c) The three things I will remember are 1. Law of Effect- This means when a behavior is followed by a positive or reinforcing outcome then that will be associated and the organism will remember that association. It also states that behaviors that are met with negative outcomes will be forgotten. This makes sense because if we had to remember everything or every way we tried to do something our brains would be on overload. Instead our brain is able to store only the important things, like how we succeeded. 2. Law of Exercise- this states that the more times we do something the stronger our associations become. This also makes sense because repeating things helps us remember, so why wouldn't repeating things help our brains to make associations even stronger. 3. Law of Recency- This basically says that the most recent of response will be the most likely to happen again. Another law that makes sense because when we naturally remember the most recent things that have happened to us.
Section 3.2
4 a&b) One thing I liked about this section was learning more about Pavlov, like many other psych students I had heard of Pavlov before. However I didn't know many of the specific details of what his original research was about. I did not know that he was studying the digestive process of dogs, I just knew the part about the ringing bells which caused the dogs to drool.
5) One thing I didn't really like about this chapter was that the UR and the CR are hard to understand. It was explained well in the text, it will just take me awhile to make sure I have the two strait and don't get them confused.
6 a,b&c) The three things I will remember are 1. Conditioned stimulus- This is something that needs to be conditioned, If it was just by itself it wouldn't invoke a response. 2. Sufficient number of times- This is important because you want the organism to be able to be able to understand the stimulus and respond properly to it. If you do it too few time the organism won't be able to comprehend that the stimulus means anything. 3. Salient- This means it must be noticeable. If it just blends in with the surroundings we won't take any notice of it.
These readings have really built on what I knew about behavior modification. Like I said before I already knew of Pavlov's work however from this chapter I took a more in depth look at his actual studies and how he conditioned them. These chapters also continued to build on unconditioned, conditioned stimuli and responses.
Day 1 =9
Day 2 =9
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =10
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =11
Day 7 =15
Average =9
7b) Overall, I’ve done better I used to go days without drinking water. I would normally just drink soda pop, milk, or juice. I didn’t necessarily meet my target behavior most of the days though. I had sort of a difficult time always remembering to pay attention and monitor what I drink for water. My reinforcer was a pretty good choice but I may have cheated and had an extra soda pop here and there. There is no way that I could get myself to drink as much water as I normally did without some form of reinforcement.
8) If I had to do this again I would set reminders everywhere. So that I could always see them to remind myself. Like posted notes everywhere. I would also need to set only the exact amount of soda pops that I would get from drinking 64 oz and not have any extra.
9) terms: salient, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, law of recency, law of exercise, law of effect, reinforcer, reinforcement.
1.) I liked the video. Even though it said basically the same thing as the reading, it was cool to see the puzzle box in action. I think that seeing the cats do the tasks in the live puzzle box will help me remember it far better than simply reading about it.
2.) I thought this section was pretty good. The information was clear and not much was left unsaid.
3.) The three things I will remember are the three laws that Thorndike proposed. The law of effect is basically trial and error. If something works to solve a problem, then doing that behavior is “stamped in” and more likely to be repeated. If something doesn’t work to solve a problem then that behavior is “stamped out.” The law of recency says that last behavior to occur is likely to occur again. Like if the last thing the cat has to do to get out of the box is push a string with its nose, then that behavior is likely to occur when the cat is placed back in the box. And the law of exercise says that repetitive behaviors are stronger. If the cat does something successful over and over again, then that behavior will be very strong.
4.) I really liked the background on Pavlov. In every psych class his work is talked about and I’ve always known him simply as “that dog guy” because that is all that is ever taught. It was very interesting to read about his work with excitatory and inhibitory neurons. I really enjoyed this new perspective and insight instead of reading the same old thing about Pavlov.
5.) I thought this was a vey good section. It was a little wordy and kind of difficult to get through without reading a couple of times, but in the end I think it did a great job of explaining all of the different stimulus and responses in classical conditioning.
6.) I think I have said this before, but I still sometimes get confused with the different aspects of classical conditioning. Which one is which and which one causes the others and all of that is hard to keep straight. But this section does a great job of that and will help me remember and keep everything straight. The unconditioned stimulus is the thing that makes an unconditioned response occur. The unconditioned response is a naturally occurring behavior. The conditioned stimulus is at first paired with the unconditioned stimulus and it is begins to be associated with the unconditioned response. After a while the conditioned stimulus will elicit the conditioned response. I think the hardest part has always been whether a behavior is an unconditioned or conditioned response since often they are the same behavior, and it all comes down to what caused that behavior.
7. Day 1: 2 (32oz bottles of water)
Day 2: 2.5
Day 3: 2
Day 4: 1.5
Day 5: 2.5
Day 6: 2
Day 7: 1.25
Average: 1.9 water bottle per day
Overall I did well. 1.9 bottles of water per day translates to just over 60oz per day. Some days were better than others, and if I hadn’t forgotten to drink water on the last day, I think I would have been over the target.
8.) I think that associating any type of eating with drinking water would work well. Even snaking throughout the day would be associated with water drinking and I think this would help to increase water consumption.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about the section was the overall idea of learning more about Thorndike. In intro to psychology we briefly talked about his work, but it was interesting to read about it in relation to what we have been talking about in class and previous sections of the text. I also really enjoyed the clip that was attached to the section. We haven’t had a clip to watch in any of the section before and since I am a visual learner this helped to understand the material and also learn more background information about Thorndike as well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was that it didn’t go into more detail about the graphing. Hopefully when we have to label the graphs and work with them more closely we will go into more details about how the graphs were created and what exactly they represent.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I learned and will remember is that Thorndike’s cat’s used trial and error regularly in trying to escape from the puzzle boxes. The cats would try multiple different behaviors and as soon as one of the behaviors was rewarded by the door opening, the cat would remember that behavior. We can relate this to the idea of extinction burst. Another thing I will remember is what the Law of Effect is. The Law of Effect basically states when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcome that association is stamped in. More specifically, the association is strengthened. I will remember this because it was a large part of what the section was all about. I will also remember that with the Law of Effect, unsuccessful behaviors don’t become part of the routine so we don’t have to remember those behaviors. I will also remember that Thorndike came up with two other laws. The Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is likely to occur. And The Law of Exercise states that through repetition the associations are strengthened. Just like an athlete will practice shooting a basketball over and over and eventually that exercise of shooting a basketball will strengthen and they will get better.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was that it exaplined that Pavlov’s experiments were more than just making dogs salivate, which is what many people think of and remember when they hear Pavlov. During this time researchers were also were just starting to discover the functions of neurons and Pavlov’s work with the salivating dogs helped with research and understanding. I liked this because it went into more depth, and it explains how Pavlov’s work with the salivating dogs has a lot more depth to it, which I found really interesting.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
At first I found the part of the section about the CS, UR, SR, and RS was confusing. However, once I reached the exercises it was a lot more helpful and continued to make since. I am hoping in class on Thursday we will discuss this further and I will be more comfortable with this material.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that during Pavlov’s study he learned that salivating was not just because the dog came in contact with food but salivating occurred before the dog came in contact with food. I will also remember that Pavlov referred to his line of research as the Conditioned Reflex. He believed that in understanding the conditioned reflex he could understand the mind. This will be helpful in my future of studying psychology, if I run into more information about this, I will know what it means and also who came up with it. Pavlov found that his dogs would salivate at the sound of footsteps. He called this psychic secretion. I will remember this because I thought it was interesting that he had to sound proof rooms in order for the dogs to not start to salivate just by the found of his footsteps, because they associated this with being fed.
7) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 60 oz
Day 2 = 58 oz
Day 3 = 68 oz.
Day 4 = 55 oz.
Day 5 = 60 oz.
Day 6 = 65 oz.
Day 7 = 55 oz.
Average = 60 oz.
7) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I’d say I did pretty well. I didn’t meet my target behavior every single day but I came close on all of them if I didn’t achieve the target behavior. It wasn’t too difficult to measure because I drink out of a water bottle every day that is 24 oz. So I just remember how many bottles of water I drank that day and add it up. I think the reinforce I chose was a really good idea. It was a treat that I got to have a pop if I reached my goal. However, it isn’t so necessary that I won’t be able to continue drinking water without the reinforcement of a pop.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
What I would do differently is I would fill up a large container of water that was 64 oz. or more so that I knew each day how much water I needed to drink right from the start of the day. That way it is easier to measure and I know how much progress I am making throughout the day. Another behavior I may want to change is my behavior or eating past 8:00 at night. I know that it isn’t healthy to consume large amounts of food past this time and I would like to change my behavior of doing so.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, extinction burst, behavior, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, reinforcement, consequence, reward, UC, RS, SR, conditioned reflex, psychic secretion
1 a&b) One thing I really liked learning about was Thorndike's idea of the Law of Effect. The chapter elongates and tells us more on how a positive reinforcement leads to an increase in the cat emitting the desired behavior. Thorndike also discusses how doing the behavior with out reward can lead to the behavior being “stamped out”, aka extinction.
2) I really didn’t dislike anything in this chapter. I find the puzzle boxes and thorndike’s ideas pretty interesting.
3 a,b&c) I know I will remember the Law of Effect, mostly because it makes sense. Basically you do a behavior, get rewarded, and you are led to believe that emitting that behavior will result in a reward. I will also remember the Law of Exercise, because once again it makes sense. The more often they emit the behavior, the more times they get rewarded, thus strengthening the association. Lastly from this chapter Thorndike’s ideas pertaining to his Law of Recency, I will remember, that if rewarded, the cat is more likely to repeat the previous behavior, in hopes of gaining the reinforcer.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I liked going further in depth with Pavlov’s experiments. We always learn about the bell and meat powder, but I have yet to really learn about him conditioning the dogs to respond to a shape stimulus.
5) I didn’t really find anything in this section that I disliked. I think the only thing I wish was different was the length of the chapter. At first I thought it left more learning to be desired, but then I realised that even with the short section I still understood the material.
6 a,b&c) One thing I learned about Pavlov’s experiment was that he discovered, what he called, psychic secretion. This was later referred to as the conditioned response. Another thing I learned was that salient means that something has to be noticed above the noise in the environment, for it to be effective. Another thing I will remember is that for something to be a neutral stimulus it has to be salient.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
2/17 Day 1 = 50oz
2/18 Day 2 =30oz
2/19 Day 3 = 78oz
2/20 Day 4 = 60oz
2/21 Day 5 = 30oz
2/22 Day 6 = 60oz
2/23 Day 7 = 70oz
Average = 45oz
7b/8) Overall I did worse this week, last week I was just under 60oz a day. I was much busier this week with work, so getting proper water intake during my shifts was difficult. I think my choice of a reinforcer was less effective than something else could have been. I think I can make subtle changes to increase my daily intake of water. For starters I am going to change my reinforcer to being able to call my boyfriend at night if I successfully drank all my water that day. This is much more motivating than the promise of a new water bottle at the end of the week. Another behavior I might like to change is talking with my siblings more often.
9) Terms: Law of Effect, positive reinforcement, emit, desired behavior, Thorndike, extinction, behavior, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, reinforcer, psychic secreation, conditioned response, salient, neutral stimulus,
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought that the history was really interesting and is important to understand the topics we are talking about.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought this section was filled with information that was important so I don’t have anything bad to say about this
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is Thorndike developed the Law of Effect. That states when behaviors are followed by positive outcomes, that is association is stamped in or strengthen. When a behavior is unsuccessful, not followed by positive strengthens, or followed by aversive behavior will be stamped out or unlearned. It also talked about some important parts of a graph, they are a title, y-axis label and numbers, the x-label and numbering.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I think like the first section, it talks a great deal about important history. Pavlov is more well-known but normally you don’t get too in-depth about him.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section like the last one was filled with good information so I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember that Pavlov started his research studying digestion. I did not know that before this and that is interesting to me. His work with conditioned reflex was not translated until 1927, I would have thought that it would have been sooner than that since it was done in the 1890s. When it came to his research and Americans, they were most interested in his research as it relates to learning. You can see that in the way it is taught in the states.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =50oz
Day 2 =640z
Day 3 =52oz
Day 4 =60oz
Day 5 =50oz
Day 6 =50oz
Day 7 =64oz
Average =55.714
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I think I did better than I did last week but I still would like to do better. In the long term, I could do this without reinforcement but to begin with I think I would need to use sometime of reinforcement to make myself want to do drink so much water. I believe after so long, it can become a habit that I just drink so much water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would use a different method of recording the information and I plan on doing that this next week.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect, Positive outcomes, aversive behavior, unlearned, reinforcement, conditioned reflex, learning.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-One thing that i really liked was the depictions of the different experiments, such as the puzzle box. They helped to really give me a good idea of how the experiment went about and what it looked like. Often, you're told about these different experiments and they sound very interesting, but it can sometimes be hard to correctly imagine it in your mind. So that was nice.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that i disliked was the old blurred photos of the different puzzle boxes. Not that it's a big deal, but it would be enjoyable to be able to see the differences between the separate contraptions.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the example of methodological construct with Thorndike's cat's. I will also remember the 3 separate laws: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise because they are very self-explanatory. Lastly I will remember the ingenuity of these older researchers and how they came up with various contraptions to measure specific variables.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- One thing I liked was the pictures of what comes when, when dealing with things like the uncontrolled stimuli/controlled response/etc., because those pictures give a breakdown that's easy to comprehend and make sure you're on the right track as to what each term is signifying.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that i disliked was Example 2 - been there, done that - It's like 8th grade all over again.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing that i will for sure remember is the Pavlov Pouch, because that's a pretty crazy idea to come up with, especially at that time. I will also remember that people originally thought that coming into physical contact, with food, was the reason that dogs salivate. That just seems like quite a different view point as to how we would look at it in today's age. Lastly, I will remember the term psychic secretion, just because that sounds like something that's related to a separate topic, rather than psychology.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =216oz
Day 2 =264oz
Day 3 =240oz
Day 4 =216oz
Day 5 =240oz
Day 6 =120oz
Day 7 =192oz
Average =178oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
-Overall, I did pretty great and I was able to emit my target behavior enough so that I was able to meet my goal. It wasn't difficult to measure, but accurately recording was a bit more difficult and I'm sure there was a day or two where I left out and didn't count a bottle of water. I do think my reinforcer was a pretty solid choice and I know i will definitely continue drinking even with out my reinforcement.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
- One thing that I probably would do differently is by starting off drinking not enough water, that way it would be more difficult to reach my goal and I'd feel cooler when I met that goal. I'm not perfect, so there's many many behaviors that I would enjoy trying to reinforce or push into extinction. One behavior I'd like to change is spending time with my father, It'd be great to be around him more.
9) -Terms: Psychic secretion, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise, uncontrolled stimuli, controlled response, emit, target behavior, reinforcer, extinction.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that it included good diagrams and a video to create a visual of what we are learning. I had never heard of Thorndike before, so it was nice to see his concepts instead of just reading them.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was the section about the imaginary cat at the end. I didn't really understand what that was talking about and it didn't seem to connect to the rest of the section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Thorndike puzzle box, the Law of Recency and the Law of Effect. These three things are things I will remember because the puzzle box explanation was accompanied by the picture, and the Law of Recency and the Law of Effect were explained very well and the names pretty much explain what they are.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked when the section talked about Pavlov's original theory and experiments because when we think of Pavlov, we only think of his classical conditioning experiment and really there is so much more to it.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really like how long this section went on; I feel like it kept repeating itself and expanding with more information than was necessary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, and Unconditioned Response. These are review which makes them easy to remember, but I like to use them and practice them in every day situations, which again, helps me remember them.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 74 oz
Day 2 = 58 oz
Day 3 = 60 oz
Day 4 = 70 oz
Day 5 = 83 oz
Day 6 = 108 oz
Day 7 = 80 oz
Average = 76.14 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I generally met my goal of atleast 70 oz of water per day (I challenged myself a bit more because the original 64 oz wasn't very hard for me). I downloaded an app that helps me track how much water I'm drinking, so it was very simple for me to record how much I was drinking. The reinforcer I chose was a good choice, my skin actually feels clearer than before, which may be a placebo effect, but it kept me going. I will continue to drink atleast 64 oz of water a day without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this again, I would pick an even higher goal that seems completely out of reach so that I can challenge my self to be healthy in a fun way. Using behavioral methods, I could change my behavior of biting my nails.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Thorndike Puzzle Box, Law of Recency, Law of Effect, Pavlov, Classical Conditioning, Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, Unconditioned Response, reinforcer
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed reading about Thorndike and the Thorndike puzzle box. This is a researcher that I haven't really heard to much about so reading about him and comparing his methods to B.F. Skinner's operant conditioning was interesting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- There was nothing that I disliked about this section. It was easy to follow and interesting to read.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-The law of effect is when behaviors are followed by a positive outcome which makes the behaviors stamped in and when a behavior is followed by a negative outcome the behavior is stamped out. The law of recency is when the most recent response is most likely to occur, this is easy to remember because the name basically explains the law. The law of exercise states that with repetition behaviors are strengthened, the name of this law also is makes the meaning easy to remember.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I never realized that Pavlov did surgical experiments on dog to figure out what causes salivation, so this was interesting to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- This section was a little confusing to read just because there was a lot of information.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Classical conditioning is a stimulus response. A neutral stimulus has to be noticeable in the environment. I will also remember CS US CR UR because reading was a good reminder of what I have learned in previous psych classes.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =4 (101.6 oz) Camelbak water bottles (750 ml each)
Day 2 =3 (76.2 oz)
Day 3 =5 (127 oz)
Day 4 =4 (101.6 oz)
Day 5 =3 (76.2 oz)
Day 6 =3 (76.2 oz)
Day 7 =4 (101.6 oz)
Average = 94.4 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
- Overall, I did really well and met the target behavior every day. I didn't think changing this behavior was hard. I really wanted to reach the goal because my reinforcer was something desirable. I think I will continue to drink 64 oz a day because it is not a very hard task.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
- If I was to do this again I would choose to change my behavior of biting my nails because it is a really bad habit that I have and would like to change. I also think it would be more challenging than trying to drink more water.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, behavior, reinforcer, target behavior, Thorndike puzzle box, operant conditioning, Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, Thorndike, classical conditioning, stimulus response, CR, CS, UR, US
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 what was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really like in this section was the study by Thorndike related to the cat study. He believed in the intelligence in animals. I am a person that loves animals. I have a small dog and she is the most intelligent adorable doggy in my life. My mom do not think animals can think but personally I do. This study gathered my attention because of how important animals are to me and it was very interesting to see how Thorndike tested his hypothesis.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I like the list were probably the graphs. This is because I am not really good at graphs however it was nothing that I totally hated it but I kind of found it a little aversive.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) The cat improvement from 30 to 20 second after the first trial because it is an example of cats learning how to emit a certain behavior after a few times.
b) Thorndike theory of intelligence among animals because I agree with him.
C) Trial and error theory form Thorndike because after different attempts, it leads to learning.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- What I liked about this section is its relation to the theory of learning from Thorndike, with the examples of the dogs salivating.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I dislike the most where the examples, I found them kind of hard to understand and they confused me for a bit.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section?
a) I will remember the experiment of the dogs salivating and the process, because of the picture it was given that helped to understand better the experiment.
b) I will remember the process of conditioning and CS, CR, UR, US.
c) I will remember as well about Pavlov’s life because it was descriptive at the beginning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 8 glasses
Day 2 = 7 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 8 glasses
Day 5 = 7 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 7 glasses
Average = 6.85
7b) How did you do overall?
-Overall I think I am doing good. However there are usually certain days were I don’t really drink as much as water as I should.
Did you meet your target behavior each day?
-I didn’t meet my target behavior at all every day but I tried.
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day?
- It was kind of difficult because I actually needed to count them and try to be as accurate as possible but it was alright.
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced?
- I think it was a good reinforce and I think I will continue drinking without a reinforcer because to be honest water is healthy and is beneficial for your own health so why not do it.
Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
- If I would do this again, I don’t think I will change something just to keep reminders that keep me on track of my goal.
- I would probably try to eat a bowl of salad without dressing before every lunch and dinner to be healthier.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, trial, error, emit, antecedent, consequences, conditioning, Thorndike, Pavlov, classical conditioning, CS, CR, UR, US, reinforcer
Reading Activity Week 7
Section 3.1
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked most about this section is that we can relate the behaviors of cats to humans. The tasks are different, but the effects and findings are the same. Thorndike’s cats were put in boxes that could be opened using a lever/pulley type system. The cats obviously were not aware of how they could exit the box, but after trial and error learning occurred, they were able to eventually get out. It happened slowly at first, and as they continued to learn, they were able to escape faster. This was interesting in and of itself, but we can also see these types of learning behaviors in humans. The example the section gave was when a person’s car won’t start. When your car won’t start, you will start emitting many different behaviors. You may look under the hood, mess with the pedals, jiggle the keys, etc. And once you get your car to start, you will link one of those certain behaviors to the car starting. For example, if you jiggle your keys and then the car starts, you will remember that, and you will be more likely to jiggle your keys the next time your car won’t start. Even though the behaviors and the levels of intelligence needed are different, the outcomes are the same. The trial and error process occurs, and the Law of Effect stands true.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section was the part on The Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. These are both very interesting and important when learning about behavior modification, but there was not very much information on them. They were introduced in the section very briefly. I would have liked to have gotten more information on these two laws because I feel that they will be important later in the course.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. The first thing I will take from this section is the concept of trial and error learning. I have heard of this concept before, but I have never had it explained – especially in behavior modification terms. This is something that happens more often than we think. With trial and error learning, a person attempts many different behaviors until one is eventually reinforced. The example this section gives is when a person’s car won’t start. I could easily relate to this because just last week my car wouldn’t start. There were many different things I tried after I found that it wouldn’t turn over. I pumped the brake pedal, pumped the gas pedal, messed with the gear shifter, and even moved the steering wheel. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so after all of my routine “checking” I vigorously jiggled the key while it was in the ignition. Finally, after much trial and error, my car started! And I remember thinking to myself, “It must have just been an issue with the way my key was in the ignition”. But I can’t know that for sure. That just happened to be the behavior that I was reinforced for. So the next time my car won’t start, I will be more likely to jiggle the key the first time.
B. The second thing I will take with me from this section is the information on the Law of Effect. Thorndike came up with the Law of Effect when he was testing his cats on their ability to escape boxes. The Law of Effect states that we are more likely to remember the behaviors that we were reinforced for. Obviously we don’t need to remember the behaviors that didn’t work. That would be useless and give us an overload of information that we don’t need. Since our minds can sort out the things we need from the things we don’t need, we are able to only retain the behaviors that prove to be successful in getting us the reinforcement we are working towards. The Law of Effect will be important to remember because it is closely related to trial and error learning and it will help in modifying a person’s behavior.
C. The third thing I will take from this section is the information on The Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. The Law of Recency says that the most recent response is more likely to reoccur. This makes sense with the car not starting example. The most recent behavior emitted was the key jiggling, and it was the most recent because directly after it, the car started. This will make it more likely to happen again (the key jiggling). And the Law of Exercise says that associations are strengthened through repetition. This would make sense as well. The more you are able to associate two things with one another (jiggling keys with the starting car), the more likely you will be to attempt that behavior again. These laws are both important to remember when learning about behavior modification.
Section 3.2
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked most about this chapter was mainly about the experiments that were performed on the dogs. I think that this kind of research is so interesting. We can see how to elicit certain behaviors out of dogs and other animals (they also gave the example of a rabbit and a puff of air to the eye). Once we know how to elicit behaviors out of these animals, we can start relating these findings to humans. I have read about Pavlov and his dogs before, but I have also heard about different experiments performed on children that had similar findings. When you pair a neutral stimulus to an unconditioned stimulus, you can start the conditioning process and eventually get the test subject/participant to behave in a certain way once the stimulus becomes conditioned. This is all very important to remember when learning about behavior modification.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section was how much information it contained. I thought it was all interesting and it relates very well to the rest of the course material. I will be able to use all of this information later on in the course and relate it to other behavior modification terms. It will prove helpful when I try to change my own behaviors (or the behaviors of others). But I just felt like there was so much to take in. I suppose that just proves that Pavlov was very important to the field and learning about behavior! I also got very confused when the section went on about how the unconditioned response (UR) and the conditioned response (CR) look functionally and topographically the same. But it did say that we would get confused at first, so at least I was warned!
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. The first thing I will take with me from this section is the idea of “experimental neurosis”. Experimental neurosis was a term that Pavlov came up with when he was working with the behavior of dogs. Pavlov trained his dogs to respond certain ways to certain stimuli (although they didn’t know they were). Pavlov conditioned his dogs to know that seeing a circle shape meant that they were going to get food and a square shape meant that they were not going to get food. But Pavlov started to shift the shapes so that they dogs couldn’t identify whether they were circles or squares. This caused two different responses. The first was that the dogs would become unresponsive (similar to learned helplessness) and the other response was that the dogs would become aggressive. Pavlov referred to both of these responses as experimental neurosis. These responses can also be seen in humans. So these will be important to remember when learning about behavior modification.
B. The next thing that I will take from this section is that there are three necessary conditions to make a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus. The first is that the stimulus has to be salient. This means that it has to be noticed in the environment. The example the text gives is that of a doorbell. A doorbell elicits a door answering behavior – but it only does so because it can be heard (noticed in the environment). If you are playing loud music, and the doorbell rings (you can’t hear it), then there will be no door answering behavior because the stimulus was not salient. The second thing is that the stimulus must have regularity is presentation. There must be a reason for us to make a connection/association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned reflex. The example the section gives is about the “boy who cried wolf”. He is supposed to cry wolf when there is danger, but he begins to cry wolf when there is no danger. Since he cries wolf when there is no danger, people start to ignore him. The neutral stimulus will no longer elicit a conditioned reflex. And finally, the stimulus must be presented a certain number of times until an association can occur. If the stimulus is only presented once, we cannot be sure that the stimulus is what is causing the reflex. We must keep in mind these three things: the stimulus must be salient, it must have regularity in presentation, and it must be presented a sufficient number of times in order to become a conditioned stimulus.
C. The third thing I will take from this section is the little chart at the very end that describes the difference between the UR and the CR even though they functionally and topographically look the same. The concept is confusing, and I will probably end up overthinking it (just like the section says not to!). But this chart will help me out a lot when remembering how to tell the CR and the UR apart from each other.
7) Please fill out the information below for week #2 water drinking:
Day 1 = 32
Day 2 = 72
Day 3 = 72
Day 4 = 64
Day 5 = 48
Day 6 = 48
Day 7 = 72
Average = 58.29
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I didn’t do as well as I had hoped. I didn’t meet my target behavior every day. I found that it was more difficult than I had anticipated. There were times I wouldn’t remember to drink water like I had planned. I had to make a conscious effort to get in 64 oz. a day – which was hard. The reinforcer I chose was also not a good choice. I chose to reinforce myself at the end of the week if I met my goal every day. We discussed in class that this was a bad way to start. I basically set myself up for failure. I did meet my goal 4 days out of the 7 day week. I should have started with reinforcing myself after every day that I drank enough water. I could have also reinforced myself if I met my goal a certain number of days out of the week (3 out of 7?). I will need to reinforce myself differently this next week. Since last week I was able to meet my goal 4 out of the seven days – this week I will reinforce myself if I can meet my goal 5 of the 7 days this week.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were to do this sort of activity again, I would reinforce myself differently. I chose to reinforce myself at the end of the week, if I had met my goal every single day that week. But I ended up not making my goal the very first day, which gave me absolutely no motivation to continue on. Since I had promised myself a reinforcer at the end of the week, I would no longer be getting that reinforcer – and I knew that at the very beginning of the week. Next time I do something like this, I will be sure to reinforce myself after every time I meet my goal. That would be a much better strategy to begin with. And after I start to get the hang of things, and the behavior becomes more familiar, I can set harder/more long term goals for myself.
TERMS: Trial and Error Learning, Behavior Modification, Reinforce, Law of Effect, Thorndike, Behavior, The Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Emit, Experimental Neurosis, Pavlov, Learned Helplessness, Aggressive, Salient, Elicit, Regularity in Presentation, Unconditioned Reflex, Presented a Sufficient Number of Times, Conditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Response
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoy the history behind psychology and I feel that it helps give a better understanding of where we are today as a field. This chapter was immensely interesting to me because of this, Thorndike played a huge role in behavior modification with his study of animal intelligence. The video used to help illustrate the puzzle box was very helpful.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The box “what might be some other ways to study animal intelligence” didn’t seem helpful to me, there aren’t other methods discussed for animal intelligence testing and just felt out of place with the chapter.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
• Trial and error can also be seen as the path that leads to extinction burst.
• The law of effect states that behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes that association is stamped in.
• Thorndike developed three laws of learning; Law of effect, law of recency and the law of exercise.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Throughout the previous chapters we have been briefed over the contributions Pavlov made towards understanding behavior modification, this chapter explains that Pavlov did more than just have a dog salivate when he hears a bell. I really enjoyed reading this chapter because it detailed the work that has been referenced and made it seem more impactful and intricate.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There were words that were used and then given explained with another word, examples; Unresponsive=learned helplessness, aggressiveness/unresponsive =experimental neurosis. I felt confusing and I would have preferred straight up definitions.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
• Anything that could be used as a neutral stimulus has to be salient. (noticeable in the environment)
• Initially Pavlov referred to his line of research as “psychic secretion”. This is due to Pavlov noticing that dogs salivated prior to the arrival of food.
• Pavlov created experimental neuroses by classically conditioning dogs do discriminate different geometric shapes.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 = 64oz
Day 3 = 64oz
Day 4 = 48oz
Day 5 = 64oz
Day 6 = 56oz
Day 7 = 56oz
Average = 59oz/day
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I did better than last week with no reinforce in place but I still did not meet my goal every day. Measuring wasn’t hard at all but might be slightly inaccurate. I have an 8 ounce bottle that I refill each time as necessary and I roughly guess when I am out eating the amount of water I drink. The reinforce I chose wasn’t a good choice as I wasn’t able to squeeze in 4 hours of video games a day and therefore wasn’t able to reinforce my behavior as well as it being administered later upon reaching my goal. I think that from this I will definitely drink more water than before but I cannot say if I will have a goal of drinking 64oz of water daily without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I was to do this again I would have chosen a simpler, easier to administer reinforcer. Being allowed to play video games for a set amount of time was hard to allow given my schedule each day. A behavior that I would try to change with this method of reinforcing would be increasing my time spent studying, with a simple reinforce of food for time spent studying.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Trial and error, Thorndike, puzzle box, animal intelligence, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, Pavlov, unresponsive, learned helplessness, aggressiveness, experimental neurosis, psychic secretion.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I think Thorndike’s idea for the puzzle boxes was pretty intelligent for the time. Although it was very simple it was effective at gathering important information on behavior. This section got me interested in searching for some of the current research on behavior that’s been done in the past twenty years or so.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The mythological construct was interesting. At the time, how did Thorndike know the measure was measuring what he thought it measured (validity). His idea certainly makes sense, but measuring learning is a complex metric. I suppose the same goes for math problems though; i.e. the less time it takes you to do a math problem the more you have ‘learned’ about that type of problem.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Some of the first methods to measure learning consisted of puzzle boxes and tracking the rate at which they were solved. Learning can often be a trial and error process. Not all behaviors that lead to the reward need to be remembered; other, less fruitful behaviors, will be extinguished.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the explanation of conditioned responses and conditioned stimuli. It can be fairly confusing at times but, the book does a good job breaking it down. The diagram was really what helped to drive the concepts home.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I least liked was either reading about Pavlov’s dog experiments because they seemed very grotesque or, the conditioned stimuli and response part because it’s a more involved subject. The theory of CS and CR seem simple now but, I expect to encounter a learning curve when we apply these concepts.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Pavlov was doing some weird experiments with the digestive system of dogs, not just analyzing salivation at the mouth like I previously thought. Some valuable behavioral information was obtained though, such as the CS and CR theory. A neutral stimuli needs to be salient (i.e. noticeable in the environment) for it to become associated with another stimuli that follows it.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 =42oz
Day 3 = 64oz
Day 4 = 64oz
Day 5 = 420z
Day 6 =21oz
Day 7 =
Average =21oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I didn’t meet my target behavior each day but I did better than the previous week. It wasn’t hard since I know I need to drink my metal water bottle three times over in the course of a day. I didn’t even really think about the reinforce that much, that is to say it had a low valence. Given that drinking this much water is very good for me I think I’m going to continue even without a reward.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would probably choose a different reinforce. Going into the future I would like to change the bad habit of biting my finger nails when I’m reading a text book. I may want to increase the valence of my reward or include a punishment such as running laps if I fail.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Conditioned stimuli, conditioned response, valence, neutral stimuli, salient, learning, behavior,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing I really liked about this section was that I already have a lot of knowledge of Thorndike from another class, so it's nice to have a refreshment of important people significant in the psychology field. I also like that I learned the role he played in the aspect of behavior modification.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least was the lack of behavioral terms that were used in this section. I feel like using the vocabulary over and over continually makes me better at speaking the language of behavior.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = The first thing I will remember from this section is what the law of effect is.
B = The second thing I will remember from this section is the importance of Thorndike's law of effect on Skinner's later operant behavior studies
C = The third thing I will remember from this section is how to properly make a graph based on the way Thorndike made graphs
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section was a nice refresher on the works of Pavlov as it relates to behavior modification. I really like Pavlov and so I found this section very interesting to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the lack of behavioral terminology used in this section, like the last. However it is understandable, because the topic is so narrow.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = The first thing I will remember from this section is the difference between a response / stimulus relationship and a stimulus / response relationship.
B = The second thing I will remember from this section is the relationship between behavior and salience.
C = The third thing I will remember from this section is what learned helplessness is and when it occurs
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 9
Day 2 = 9
Day 3 = 10
Day 4 = 10
Day 5 = 8
Day 6 = 10
Day 7 =10
Average = 9.42
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did very well overall. I met my goal each day and many days I beat my goal. It was not difficult to measure or record my behavior. I used a good reinforcer. I know it was good because it worked. And I will continue to drink plenty of water a day, and I probably wont need to be reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I wouldn't do anything differently, but I would rather change my eating habits rather than water-drinking habits.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior, target behavior, reinforced, reinforcer, learned helplessness, salience, response, stimulus, operant behavior, law of effect,
1 a&b) I like how it spent the whole section discussing some history, specifically Thorndike. I like how it went over the puzzle boxes he created for cats, which was made to determine animal intelligence.
2) I guess it was kind of a short section, otherwise nothing. It was just a lot to sum up in a small time.
3 a,b&c) 1-Like the cat in the puzzle boxes we use "trial and error" behavior all the time in real life. And example could be trying to get ahold of an individual. We would try different methods, social media, texting, phone calls, etc. till we find which one works and allows us to finally reach our goal, reaching the person. 2-Associations are strengthened if they are followed by a positive response/outcome. 3-On the contrary, behaviors which are unsuccessful/are not followed by positive outcomes will have weak associations.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I liked how this section goes over the history of Pavlov and his contribution to psych with his salivating dogs.
5) I guess one thing I didn't like was some of the confusion in the exercises. I think this is because I'm not a 100% with all the terms yet.
6 a,b&c) 1-The neutral stimulus must be regularly presented in the experiment or the association won't work. 2-After this the neutral stimulus must/will be conditioned, or otherwise known as a conditioned stimulus. 3-the neutral stimulus must also be presented a number of times to make associations occur and successful in the experiment. (All of these can be seen through Pavlov's dogs experiments)
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =2bottles
Day 2 =2 bottles
Day 3 =2 bottles
Day 4 =2 bottles
Day 5 =2 bottles
Day 6 =3 bottles
Day 7 =3 bottles
Average =16 bottles...384 oz.
7b) I did okay. I didn't reach my goal till the very end of the week. Mostly because I would lose track and forget about it. The reinforcer did okay, but still didn't make a huge difference in whether or not I met my goal, so it wasn't the best reinforcer. I think it was very difficult trying to keep track of this everyday. I think it can be continued though if I pay close attention to it.
8) Be more organized and close watching of what I drank each day, and really make sure to get all the water in I needed to. Something I might do differently is maybe keep track of how much of the other drinks I have that are not water, and try to cut back on those. I think another behavior I would try this on is just eating better, and maybe exercising more.
9) Thorndike, puzzle boxes, animal intelligence, trial and error, associations, Pavlov, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, reinforcer, positive, behavior.
1 a&b) One thing I really like in this section was the images of puzzle boxes that were provided. I am a visual learner, and associating pictures with text materials
2) a&b) One thing that I disliked that was in this chapter was Thorndyke's methodological construct for intelligence was not explained as thoroughly as some other things in the chapter. I would have liked more examples of it.
3 a,b&c) The first thing I will remember from this section is that The Law of Effect is that when a behavior/response elicits a positive outcome, an association between the behavior and consequence is strengthened. The second thing I will remember from this section is that The Law of Recency is a portion of the Law of Effect. It states that the most recent response following a behavior is the one that is most likely to occur. An example of this would be pumping the gas 3 times, and your car won't start. Then pumping the gas 4 times, and your car does start. According to the LoR, pumping the gas 4 times will occur next time your car doesn't start. The third thing I will remember from this section is that the Law of Exercise is the second component of the Law of Effect. This law states that associations are strengthened through repetition. If every time your car doesn't start, you pump the gas 4 times and it starts to work, the association between pumping gas 4 times and starting your car will become stronger.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) One thing I like that was included in this chapter was the explanation of how Pavlov cam about his idea of "psychic secretion" and how that developed into his behavior theory.
5) One thing I disliked about this section is that the meaning of stimulus classes could have been explained more thoroughly. I read the section several times and still do not understand how it is different from topography and functional classes.
6 a,b&c) The first thing that I will remember from this section is that there are two kinds of learning. (S->R) and (R->S). The type of learning that occurs is dependent upon whether the stimulus or the response comes first. The second thing I will remember from this section is that there are 3 necessary conditions that must be present in order for a neutral stimulus to become a conditioned stimulus. They are: Stimulus salience, regularity of presentations, and the number of presentations. The third thing that I will remember from this section is that the Unconditioned response and the conditioned response are both topographically and functionally similar. I have always struggled with labeling portions of a behavior sequence, and this simple statement really helped me nail the examples that followed!.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 9
Day 2 = 9
Day 3 = 9
Day 4 = 9
Day 5 = 9
Day 6 = 9
Day 7 = 9
Average = 9
7b) Overall I did great. I drank plenty of water this past week. It's pretty easy for me to drink a lot of water, because I have a 24oz tumbler that I use (counts a 3 8oz glasses). I made it a goal to drink 3 of them each day, and to reinforce myself-- I was allowed to eat one of the chocolates my boyfriend gave me for valentines day after I finished my 3rd cup of water. I actually noticed that I have a little more energy and that I'm going to the bathroom more. I'll probably keep drinking this much water throughout the next few weeks because I like drinking water and I still have some chocolates left to use as reinforcement.
8) If I were to do this again I would probably try to make sure that I'm drinking plain water. I always drink water with Mio in it, to add some extra flavor. Maybe I can reinforce myself to drink water without Mio in it to see if the same reinforcer has an equal effect on a different target behavior. Aside from drinking water, another behavior that I would like to change is my lack of exercise.
9) Law of Effect, behavior, response, elicit, consequence, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, psychic secretion, topography, functionality, necessary conditions, stimulus salience, regularity of presentation, number of presentations, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, reinforce, target behavior.
1. It was pleasurable to have learnt about the history of learning in such short and concise section, along with the chance to watch a supplementary video. The video helped illustrating the words and the pictures, making the methods Thorndike used easier to understand.
2. I have not been fond of graphs for the past 20 years on earth and I still cannot crack a smile when I see a graph today. Nonetheless, the graph at the end of the section was the least favourite feature.
3. The definition of the Law of Effect, the Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise will retain in my memory at least until the end of this course, because the definition was very well explained. I will also remember how the puzzle box works since I am able to read about it, see the figure, and watch it. I will also be able to recall the trial and error effect, and what it means in learning, the puzzle box experiment helped me understand how a cat can learn, as well as how a human can learn just like a cat.
4. I enjoyed being able to learn more about Pavlov. It was rather surprising to know that he did more than just making dogs drool when hearing a bell.
5. I disliked the amount of information and especially abbreviations in this section, it seems like this section makes up for the previous one in terms of information. The abbreviations were confusing. But I figured it out soon enough.
6. I will remember that CR and UR are similar in terms of topographically and functionally, because of the depth of the explanation provided. It was a little confusing at first but I was able to figure out that they differ in terms of the cause of the behaviour. I will also remember the difference between SR and RS, and be able to decide whether a situation belong to which one because the three practice scenario was very helpful. Finally, I will remember that the neutral stimulus has to be salient and consistent, as in it has to be noticeable. I will remember this because I thought about how I changed my dog’s name from Tele (terrible name) to Pascal (Blaise Pascal, what a cool name) when I took him home from the shelter – I called him Tele Pascal for a day before he responded to Pascal.
Day 1 = 0 times
Day 2 = 2 times
Day 3 = 0 times
Day 4 = 4 times
Day 5 = 3 times
Day 6 = 5 times
Day 7 = 2 times
Average = 2.3 times
I did terrible. Although I reminded myself every day to walk the dogs 10 times, I find it impossible to walk him at all some days due to the Siberian weather of Iowa. I did not meet my target behaviour at all. It was not difficult to measure the frequency of my target behaviour because I have a blackboard by my door, so I put a tally mark on it every time we walked the block. The reinforcer was not a good choice in a sense that I do not care about it anymore as soon as I open the door and the wind hit my face, I usually retrieve back to the house and let the dog do his business off leash on the grass by himself, instead of walking him. I do not think I walk the dog without being reinforced.
8. I would perhaps reinforce myself more frequently, rather than once a week. I would reinforce myself with more crucial reinforcer, such as food and water, instead of an unnecessary handbag. I would also work on extinguishing my cell phone use, or when the weather gets warmer, reinforcing myself for early morning runs with my dog.
TERMS: reinforcer, reinforcing, reinforce, reinforcement, Thorndike, Pavlov, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, CR, UR, SR, RS, behaviour, target behaviour
Section 3.1 Thorndike
1 a&b) One thing I really liked that was in the section was the concept of the Law of Exercise, how repetition strengthens an association. This is interesting because I see myself do this with changes I try to make in my behavior, the more I repeat it the easier it is to commit to, it essentially becomes common place instead of a change I am trying to make.
2) The thing I liked least was the graphing section. It will make more sense when I try a few but looking at just one example and connecting the necessary aspects with what the graph looked like was initially confusing.
3 a,b&c) Three things I will remember from this section include:
a. Methodological construct- indirect measure. I will remember this because especially with behavior modification there are instances where we cannot directly measure learning, knowing that will allow us to get as creative as Thorndike’s puzzle box.
b. Law of effect, the idea that successful attempts will create associations that will stamp in behavior, and the others will be unlearned. I will remember this because it is important to key into what behavior you want an individual to mark as successful in order to reinforce wanted behaviors.
c. Law of recency, the most recent response most likely to occur. Similar to the last reason, know what behavior to reinforce and also when to reinforce it will get us closer to the goal.
Section 3.2 Pavlov
4 a&b) One thing I really liked in the section was the explanation on how to keep classical and operant conditioning separate. Whether the stimulus comes first or the behavior comes first determines this difference and that distinction is very interesting.
5) One thing I disliked in the section exercises on what was the conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response etc. The most confusing part was the addition of neutral stimulus option, I got a lot of them mixed up when trying to decipher them from a situation.
6 a,b&c) Three things I will remember include:
a. “Psychic secretion” – I will remember this mostly because it is such an interesting term but also because it was the base for conditioned reflex and the base for classical conditioning.
b. The requirements for making associations: stimulus salience, regularity of presentation, and presented a good amount of times. I will remember this because if even one of these is missing behavior modification might not work or at least won’t be as effective as it needs to be.
c. The US and the CS are topographically different but functionally similar. This is really interesting because I had not thought about it that way. They need to be functionally similar to allow pairing, regardless of how they look.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 80 oz.
Day 2 = 70 oz.
Day 3 = 70 oz.
Day 4 = 50 oz.
Day 5 = 90 oz.
Day 6 = 90 oz.
Day 7 = 70 oz.
Average = 74.29 oz.
7b) I did pretty well over all, if there were days that I drank less than my goal it was due to circumstance (such as being in a car for 6 hours). I did reach my target behavior every day. Sometimes it was difficult recording my behavior every day, however I found a phone application called plant nanny that allows you to input your goal. As you drink a certain amount of water you emit a feeding behavior for your plant the same amount and by the end of each day you level up and your plant grows. The app worked as a partial reinforcer, a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement, but I allowed myself to have a fun meal or drink if I completed my goal weekly. I think this reinforcer worked well because I get bored with things easy and mixing up the reinforcer kept my motivation up. I think I will continue to drink water without a reinforcer because it is one, almost a habit at this point and two, because like mentioned in class I am feeling better and noticing differences in my body.
8) If I had to do this again, I would stick to the same water bottle or space out my water drinking better throughout the day. Only a few times I tried to compensate or I ran out of time to drink 50 more oz. of water. I have already noticed myself being able to discipline other behavior that I don’t like that I do. I would like to apply this to brushing and flossing my teeth, wearing my retainer, as well as not peeling my nails and hang nails (it is a really bad habit that I do mostly when I am bored or nervous so I am trying to do something to keep myself occupied).
9) topographical, functional, behavior, target behavior, reinforcer, operant, conditioned, salience, associations, emit, stimulus, methodological construct, fixed interval, schedule of reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed Thorndike’s methodological construct about how he study the cat and the puzzle box. This was interesting to me because it was easy to read, unlike most studies, and it was interesting how the cat learned how to open the box.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I thought they could have talked more on the differences between Law of Effect, The Law of Recency
and Law of Exercise. It did not give very good details on the difference.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-The Thorndike study because i thought it was interesting how you can manipulate an animals response.
-Trial and Error. I already knew this but never really used the theory, but after reading this i think i will be more likely to use trial and error more often.
-I will remember how cats took less time after each and every trial performed. This shows the more you do something the faster you will be able to do it the next time around.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I will remember the Pavlov experiment with the dog and saliva and how if you do a behavior so much, ring bell give treat, then the dog will always think when they hear a bell they will get a treat. They get a treat they saliva in there mouth and when they hear a bell they will always have saliva in their mouths.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I always get the CS, US, CR, and UR mixed up and I dont think this article help me with figuring it out.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember the Pavlov experiment with the dog, and how the dog has saliva in their mouth when they hear a bell and get food.
- I will remember that a neutral stimulus must be presented a number of times before association occurs.
-I will also remember what salient means. It was a part of the section that I was constantly thinking of other examples so I would remember it. I came up with a lot of similar ones listed as well as a car horn and fire alarm.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Measured by 8oz glasses
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =5
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =9
Average = A little over 6 glasses
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
-I did better then the week before by a little over 8 oz of water a day, however i was short of 64 ounces of water a day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
- I think i would give myself a reward for meeting the amount of water healthy for the day. I am unsure exactly what kind of reward and if i would reward myself every day but a reward would give me more motivation to drink water.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Trial and error, Thorndike experiment, puzzle box, reward, neutral stimulus, Pavlov experiment,Law of Effect, The Law of Recencyand Law of Exercise.
1 a&b) The thing that I liked the most about this section was not only how easy it was to read, but how easy it was to understand. I feel as if the definitions and examples given did a great job of conveying the intended message. As a result, I feel that I was able to retain a lot of information. I really liked the use of photos as well as the video. I am a very visual person and so being able to have a visual representation of the things that were being talked about was very helpful
2) One thing that I disliked was that I felt as if there could have been a bit more information on the importance of the graphs. It seemed like they were kind of just thrown in to the text and there wasn't really any context as to why they were so important to be learning about.
3 A) I will remember that Thorndike used the cats increased speed of escaping as his methodical construct for intelligence.
B)I will remember that the law of recency means that the most recent behavior that was emitted will be the most likely to reoccur.
C) I will remember that the Law of Exercise means that the behavior that is emitted the most frequently will be the one that is strengthened the most.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked that this section was a lot more in depth than other sections. There was a lot of information available in this section and everything was explained very thoroughly. I think that the in depth nature of this chapter made learning easier.
5) The thing that I liked the least about this section was the part where it discussed the experiments that Pavlov did on the dogs. I knew about this experiment but I had never read an in depth explanation about what exactly the experiment entailed. It made me pretty uncomfortable to read about him surgically altering the dogs digestive tracts. While I know that the information he was able to collect has been very useful, it still makes me uncomfortable to think of those dogs being operated on.
6 a,b&c)A) I will remember the difference between a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, as well as what needs to happen in order to make something a conditioned stimulus.
B) I will remember that in order for something to become a conditioned stimulus, it needs to be paired with an unconditioned stimulus which produces an unconditioned response.
C)I will remember that in order for a neutral stimulus to become conditioned, it must be salient. That means it must be able to be recognized in the environment.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =8
Day 2 =8
Day 3 =7
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =7.5
Day 6 =9
Day 7 =9
Average =8
Overall, it was pretty difficult to meet my target goal each day. I think that I have been so used to being dehydrated that it has just become a natural part of my life. It was difficult at first for me to remember to log all of the water I drank each day. I really had to remind myself not only to drink, but also to write down how much I had and when. I think that the reinfrcer that I chose was good. I started adding grapefruit to my water in addition to lemon. Grapefruit is my favorite food so this made drinking water even more reinforcing. I think that it would take a bit longer reinforcing myself before I will be able to drink 64 oz a day without being reinforced. I don't think that two weeks has really been enough to snuff out my bad habits of dehydration.
8) I think one thing I might to differently would be to just buy a water bottle that holds 64 oz. that way, I could just fill it up once in the morning and then I would know exactly how much I had to drink that day. It would help eliminate the confusion of trying to remember how much I had to drink.
9) conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, reinforcer, salient, emit, stimulus, law of recency, law of exercise, methodical construct
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about that the law of effect building that association, because I have a dog and the law of effect applies to a lot of things I teach her.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I would have preferred dogs over cats in the example. On a serious note, it was a short chapter and there were not a lot of terms to be learned.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The law of effect is when a association happens between a positive consequence and a behavior, the “heyday” of behavioral research was from 1900 to 1970, the law of exercise being that the more often the association happens the more it sets in.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I just like learning about classical conditioning in general and how it can be used. We’ve talked about it in other classes and it is very logical and makes a lot of sense to me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The amount of terms. The last section it felt like we were shorted in terms, but this section made up for it. It will be hard to remember all of them and distinguish between them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The neutral stimulus has to be presented a number of times for an association to happen, the topography between the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus are usually different but the functionally becomes the same when they elicit a certain response, the unconditioned response and the conditioned response can be the same topographically and functionally and be difficult to tell apart
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 6
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 4
Average = 5.4
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did a little better. From the numbers above it doesn’t look like I am getting my full 64 oz. but I am because they are bigger than 8 oz. glasses usually. I am having a tough time picking a reinforcer that works, because when I am drinking water it is usually on the fly and I have to move right to my next thing. The health benefits does act as a reinforce to me in some ways though.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods? Actually setting aside time to have a better reinforcer reinforce the behavior better. I keep a weekly calendar and set aside time to study and do homework on it. I would like to follow that studying schedule more then I do. I find myself getting away from it and saying oh I’ll get to it another time and always end up procrastinating.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of effect, consequence, behavior, neutral stimulus, association, topography, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, functionality, elicit, unconditioned response, conditioned response, classical conditioning, reinforcer, reinforce
1. I liked how many visual examples that this section gave. Again, I am a visual learner and it helped me understand what the section was trying to explain. The youtube video was also interesting and helpful. The puzzle boxes were interesting to learn about and to see what they might have looked like.
2. What I didn't like about this was the graph. I am not excited to be using graphs if that is what is in our future because they have always kind of confused me.
3. I will remember the three laws that Thorndike created:Law of effect, Law of Recency, and Law of Exercise. He used a puzzle box to see how cats would escape. Finally, he has a trial and error theory that says over a series of times your try something, you will succeed. Then, that action will be repeated to successful again.
4. I liked learning more about Pavlov and his past. I didn't know that he did surgeries on dogs stomachs and salivary glands for research. It is interesting to learn about that and to see where he started.
5. I don't like how what we have been learning and now this response stimulus is different because to me they seem very similar. I will have to get used to them being different and be up for the challenge of learning the differences between the two.
6. I will remember that Pavlov did his first experiments on dogs. He came up with the stimulus response, which is different from response stimulus. He also figured out that dogs who were aggressive were using excitatory neurons and unresponsive dogs were using inhibitory neurons.
7. 1=48 oz
2 = 56 oz
3= 64 oz
4=48 oz
5= 56 oz
6= 56 oz
7=56 oz
Avg. 54.8 oz
I feel like I did a decent job with this. I didn't exactly meet my goal but I was still did a pretty good job trying. I drank almost 64 oz of water a day almost every day and so I am proud of myself for that. I have always been a big water drinker so I feel like I could have met the goal easily but it was actually a lot harder than I expected! I will continue to work on drinking the required amount of water a day.
8. I would try and do better by reinforcing myself more often. Maybe having a small reinforcer if I can go two or three days drinking the correct amount of water in a row. Also I need to continue to think about how important it is so that would help as well. I might even punish myself by taking away candy or pop the next day if I don't drink the correct amount of water the day before.
Terms: reinforcing, reinforcer, punish, experiments, Pavlov, stimulus response, response stimulus, excitatory neurons, inhibitory neurons, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, trial and error, puzzle boxes.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The one thing that I really liked from section 3.1 was when the text was talking about Thorndike and his puzzle box. It was interesting to see how originally the cat emitted what would be similar to an extinction burst when placed into the box. The text explains that as the cat would emit a certain behavior, then his behavior would be reinforced with the door being opened. This helped to explain Thorndike’s tests with cats and learning. It also helped explain the Law of Effect. The Law of Effect states that when behaviors are reinforced or followed by a positive outcome, then association is stamped in.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn’t like from this section was how briefly they covered the Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. According to the text the Law of Recency states that “the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur”. This means that if the cat moved its paw a certain way creating the box to open, then that behavior is most likely to be used again to open the box. The Law of Exercise states “through repetition, the associations are strengthened”. This means that the more times the cat emits the behavior to open the door, the more is shows learning has occurred. I just felt the text could have gone into a little more detailed discussion when it came to these points.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section are the three laws Thorndike created: The Law of Effect, the Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise. These three laws are important as it helps explain how learning can occur through reinforcement. The second thing I will remember from this section is how animals were used to help generalize intelligence. This is important as it shows that researchers believed that animals followed a general guideline of intelligence and as a rat or a cat may emit a behavior, then a human may as well. The third thing that I will remember from this section is that trials met with aversive outcomes will stamp out behaviors. This is important as it helps explain punishment and gives greater detail into behavior modification.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how they went into great detail about Pavlov. Instead of just being associated with dogs salivating when hearing a bell, they talk about he focused most of his studies on the conditioned response of dogs. As like the other researchers of his time, he thought that by understanding the dogs, he could understand humans. It really interested me when the text talks about him trying to get the dogs to discriminate against geometric shapes. This experiment helped him coin the term “experimental neurosis”. He explained this by saying the aggressive dogs were under the control of excitatory neurons, while the unresponsive dogs were under the control of the inhibitory neurons.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked from this section was how there is both a stimulus/response relationship along with a response/stimulus relationship. This just creates confusion when it comes to deciding whether or not the stimulus creates the response of the response creates the stimulus. I just didn’t think the text explained the difference all too well.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this text is the terms that Pavlov coined: such as unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, etc. These terms are all important in understanding conditioning. The second thing I will remember is how salient stimulus’ have to be naturally occurring. This is important because it helps us understand that stimulus’ don’t necessarily have to be brought upon by a physical presence, they can be brought on naturally and cause responses naturally. The third thing I will remember is the order in which Pavlovian Conditioning occurs: unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response. This is important as it helps us understand how behaviors can be created through certain stimuli.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 72 oz
Day 2 = 64 oz
Day 3 = 86 oz
Day 4 = 72 oz
Day 5 = 72 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 72 oz
Average = 72 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did pretty well as I did meet my overall target behavior for each day. It wasn’t difficult at all measuring my total water intake every day as I used the same water bottle for each day. The reinforcer that I chose was just the knowledge of knowing how it will help my health. I don’t think I will have a problem continuing this habit without any physical reinforcer as I am already doing a pretty good job without a reinforcer.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
One thing that I would do differently would be to reward myself with some chocolate as I love chocolate.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Behavior, Reinforcer, reinforcement, target behavior, extinction burst, emit, association, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, reinforcement, punishment, stimulus, response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, salient stimulus, conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how there was a video included, I feel like I was able to see a better picture of what Thorndyke was really studying. This video helped me to understand better.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how the boxes looked so make shift looking because I feel like there could have been nails poking out to harm the animals in them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Thorndyke used puzzle boxes and was interested to animal intelligence. I will also remember that attempts that lead to success are more likely to be repeated and learned. I will remember this because it is the main points of this section.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part about the rabbit and the eye blink because it gave me a different perspective of what Pavlov discovered.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how Pavlov measured the salvation amounts by rerouting the salvation gland to the dogs cheek, I thought this was a little cruel and unusual.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Pavlov used dogs to research salvation, unconditioned stimulus and response along with condition stimulus and response. I will remember these because this was the basis of Pavlov's research.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 55 (3 water bottles)
Day 2 = 45
Day 3 = 72
Day 4 = 55
Day 5 = 55
Day 6 = 36
Day 7 = 72
Average = 55.7
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I think I did fairly well, I'm not much of a water drinker because I drink other things such as coffee, milk, and juice so if those were included I think I would be over 64 oz of liquids each day. I used netflix as a reinforcer, I feel like it did work because I would still try to drink a lot so I could reward myself by watching netflix. I found my self drinking a bunch of water so I could watch netflix but I would give up after drinking so much at one time. I think I will continue to drink more water than I usually do because I have found myself to feel better overall with my health.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would exclude all other liquids from my diet and just focus on drinking the water when I'm thirsty. Another behavior I would like to change is biting finger nails by reinforcing netflix if I do not bite them for the day.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
1. A+B. I thought the Law of Effect and trail and error learning were both interesting. It is always fun to learn how basic things in the animal mind work!
2. A+B.I didn’t really like how little time was given to the other laws. While I understand why, it left me curious and I had to google more information.
3. A. I will remember the Law of Effect because I found it interesting. Learning constants which lead to how an animal behaves and learns is fascinating.
B. I will remember trial and error learning. I’ll remember it because we do it nearly every day and already call it “trial and error”.
C. I will remember that Thorndike was interested in animal behavior because it is believed that what is learned from “lesser” species can be generalized up to human. I’ll remember this because we still do animal research today and I find that interesting.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4. A+B. The fact that Skinner was a notable surgeon and came up with a way to surgically reroute saliva to the exterior of the body by using a piece of small intestine as a tube. While slightly morbid if you aren’t used to that kind of image (horror movies and such) it struck me as ingenious to aid in his study.
5. A+B. I didn’t really like that the relationship between stimulus and response was written 3 different ways without saying which was “best”. It showed the arrow, S / R, and just the words in sequence. I just like it when things have common syntax.
6. A. I’ll remember experimental neurosis because I reread that section many times thinking I had missed the definition when the definition was actually a ways down the same page and not above it.
B. I’ll remember that Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning, and respondent conditioning all refer to the same thing (Pavlov’s work). I’ll remember this because awhile ago I read an article which used “respondent conditioning” and now I finally understand what it meant.
C. I’ll remember unconditioned and conditioned stimulus and conditioned and unconditioned response. I’ll remember this because it follows a logical patter and my brain likes that. Also, I’ve been taught it in every Psychology class I’ve ever taken. It’s important though, so that’s more than ok.
7. A. [My water bottle is 32oz and it’s all I drink water out of so I get pretty good measurements. Also, I love water.]
Day 1 = 160oz
Day 2 = 128oz
Day 3 = 192oz
Day 4 = 128oz
Day 5 = 256oz
Day 6 = 160oz
Day 7 = 128oz
Average = 164.6oz
B. It wasn’t difficult since I’m already way over 64oz. I posted the blog last Monday saying that I was over but my internet was going in and out so even though I thought I posted it I guess it didn’t go through. I tried to look through other assignments in case I posted in the wrong one but didn’t have any luck yet.
8. I can’t answer the first part since I didn’t take part in the experiment on accident, but I would like to change my meal eating behavior. I get really engrossed in things when I am working on them and forget to eat, so eating on a daily schedule would be good for me.
9. TERMS: Law of Effect, trial and error learning, stimulus, response, experimental neurosis, Pavlovian conditioning, classical conditioning, respondent conditioning, unconditioned response, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the fact that this section was about Thorndike -- he played a crucial role in behavior modification but until this point I had never heard of him. Since he was basically the founder (or in my eyes) why haven't I heard of him yet?
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really disliked that in his time he used cats in not such a humane way. I guess this is why I am thankful for the ethics board and things like that. But I guess things of this sort help us to make better decisions in the future.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the Law of Effect is basically trial and error and then trying to recall what worked. I can relate this to the first car I had. I had an '88 Cutlass Cierra and it only started if you performed a series of events just right -- ones I figured out after many trials and errors. I will also remember the law of recency -- the idea that I used the most recent thing happened to try and make it work (like what series of events would start my car). I will also remember that the law of exercise is what I use on my dad. Through repetition associations are strengthened. The more times I am rewarded with a behavior (gas being put in my car) the more likely I would be to do the stimulus again.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed that this section of the book illustrated taht Pavlov was more than just dogs and salivating. Well, maybe he was just dogs and salivating but he had other focuses.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that they stated that some dogs become agitated or helpless but couldn't (or didn't) distinguish how they knew it was excitatory or inhibitory neurons.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that when it comes to stimulus-response or response-stimulus sometimes we need to forget the antecedent because simple is always best. I will also remember that neutral stimuli must be salient. Without salience it is not effective. I will also remember that regularity is important. If a stimulus isn't reinforced enough times it won't be established. This works in all facets of behavior.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 48 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 = 24 oz
Day 4 = 24 oz
Day 5 = 48 oz
Day 6 = 48 oz
Day 7 = 24 oz
Average = 37.71 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall I'm doing okay. I know the "target" is 64 but I don't believe this to be reasonable for me. I'm not great about drinking a whole lot of water. I just keep a sheet of paper with the days and how many bottles of water I drink. I think my issue is is that I don't remember that I am doing this and therefor don't try very hard. I also am not very motivated to drink more water. If I was more motivated, I think this would be different.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would keep reminders to drink more water. I just need to remember more and be more motivated. I think I would like to eliminate nail biting.
9) law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise, stimulus, behavior, neutral stimuli, response-stimulus, stimulus-response, antecedent, salient
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked were the images provided in this section. The pictures helped me to understand and grasp concepts easier.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn't like about this section was that it was so short so it didn't go into a lot of details on some of the topics.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that trials that result in a failure or something aversive will be "stamped out". On the other hand, if the outcome is reinforcing, the learning will be "stamped in". I will remember this because it makes sense to me that something aversive would lessen the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future and something positive would increase it. Another thing that I will remember is Thorndike's use of puzzle boxes to evaluate how cats learned to escape. I will remember this because I found it very fascinating.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked were the sections that asked you to determine the answers to the examples provided. I like the opportunities to practice applying the information. I also really liked that the answers were provided so I knew if I was really understanding the information.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I did not like were all the abbreviations like RS standing for response stimulus throughout the text. I find myself forgetting what the abbreviations stand for and then I have to search through the text.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember is that Pavlov started his career studying digestion. Another thing that I will remember from this section is Pavlov's study of dogs and their salivation responses. I will also remember that the researchers in America were mostly interested in Pavolv's research in the way that it related to learning. I will remember this because it's information I've learned in previous classes so it was just a refresher.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =24
Day 2 =32
Day 3 =32
Day 4 =48
Day 5 =48
Day 6 =56
Day 7 =32
Average =38.8 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I think that I did alright with in the attempt to reach my target behavior every day. I started out not drinking much water everyday so I attempted to drink between 40-48 oz everyday rather than the 64. It was not difficult for me to record or measure my behavior everyday. I think that the reinforcer that I chose, Netflix, was a good reinforcer because I really enjoy watching it. I think that I will continue to drink more water than I had been previously but I don't think that I'll be drinking up to 64 oz a day.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I were asked to do this again I wouldn't have allowed myself to indulge in Netflix in the first few days because it made it less reinforcing. Using behavioral methods, I would like to change my use of profanities.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Aversive, stamped out, stamped in, reinforcing, behavior, Thorndike, puzzle boxes, response stimulus, Pavlov, target behavior, reinforcer, behavioral methods
Terms Used: unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, condition response, reinforced, reinforcer
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I liked how simple these definitions were and I liked the fact that all of the things that were wrong with the graph were pointed out.
b.It will be easy to remember what the Law of Effect is and I didn’t realize that anything was wrong with the graph so I was glad that that was brought to my attention.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a. I disliked that Thorndike used cats because I want a more human example. I also would like an example of how the law of effect is used in stopping behaviors like emotional eating or self-harm or bullying.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.I will remember that law of effect is a term used for the period of time where we use trial and error to get what we want. I will remember this because the example of the cat in the box.
b.The law of recency is when the behavior that just happened is reinforced so it is likely to happen again. I will remember this because the definition is basically spelled out in the name.
c.Making sure that your graphs are labeled correctly needs to happen. This is used in all research and if they are not labeled correctly, the graph can become confusing and invalid.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I like the definition of psychic secretion.
b.It can apply to anything in life and it is a different term for conditioned stimulus.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a. I think it was cruel for Pavlov to put test tubes next to open holes in dogs mouths and it makes me sad that some of the dogs went insane. There are too many different ways that that could have been researched but animal cruelty was used. Oh well.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.Neutral stimulus is something in the environment that we can notice but doesn’t cause us to react. You can make a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus.
b.Stimulus response relationships happen when the stimulus elicits a response. I relate it to high school when the bell rang for lunch and everyone would get hungry at the same time because of the sound.
c.Pavlov actually wanted to study the salivary glands and that is pretty much how he discovered conditioned stimuli and responses. This is memorable because of the way he went about collecting data and the freaky surgeries he did on the dogs to see what effect saliva had on digestion.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 =64 oz
Day 3 =96oz
Day 4 =114 oz
Day 5 =82 oz
Day 6 =114 oz
Day 7 =64oz
Average =85oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did very well, I met my target each day and sometimes I drank more. I have an app on my phone to track how much water I drank so that made it easy for me to record. I also enjoyed getting skittles on Sundays if I met my goals and I think I will stick with this because drinking water became a habit.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I wouldn’t do anything differently because what I did worked and it wasn’t aversive to do so. I don’t think I will stop drinking water because I feel better too. I would like to try the behavioral techniques to stop my emotional/ boredom eating.
9) Terms: Law of effect, Law of recency, reinforced, aversive, psychic secretion, conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, stimulus, response, elicit.
I liked that the law of effect was discussed because it is such a cool phenomenon that occurs without us knowing. It makes you take a step back and think woah, humans are smart.
I liked everything about this chapter because I thought that it was all relevant information.
Thorndike is the person who came up with the idea of puzzle boxes and he experimented with cats.
The law of effect is when we as humans (and other animals) can sort out what works and what doesn’t work in order for us to learn efficiently.
I learned that in order to have a good graph you need an x and y axis because Thorndike did not have one.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
I really liked the diagram of the US, UR, ect. information and explaining how timing is everything when determining different responses. I liked it because it helps with visual learning.
I disliked that the information about Pavlov was so detailed when the information we needed out of it was at the end of that part and simple. I thought it maybe could have been condensed so that we could focus on the conditioning aspects.
I will remember that Pavlov did surgery on the dogs in order to collect and measure the salvia because I did not know that before. It is like missing a piece to the puzzle.
I will remember that Pavlov is behind the construction of the ideas of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus/response because that is a major part of what we are learning about.
I will remember that in order for something to become a stimulus it needs to be salient.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 28 oz
Day 2 =32 oz
Day 3 =32 0z
Day 4 =56 oz
Day 5 =56 oz
Day 6 =32 oz
Day 7 =40 oz
Average = 39.4 oz
I was not able to reach 64 oz a day any of the days no matter how hard I tried. I was able to work on it and improve from last week. I am not used to drinking that much water so it was hard for me to all the day long. The reinforcer that I choose was netflix and it was not a good reinforcer because I did not really have time to watch it. It wasn’t very hard to measure how much I was drinking. I think that after I am in the habit of drinking that much water it would be easy to do without a reinforcer.
I was really busy last week and traveled a lot so if I were to do it again I would pick a time when I could get into a routine. I would reward myself with something different and more enticing. Another behavior that I would like to target and change would be wearing my retainers every night. This one may seem silly but I do not emit this behavior on a regular basis.
Terms: behavior, emit, reinforcer, target, stimulus, salient, conditioned/ unconditioned response/stimulus, Law of Effect,
1 a. I liked the video of Thorndike and his experiments about cats. I liked this video because it explained how the Thorndike came to establish Law of Effect.
b. I also liked how the term extinction burst was tied into the idea of Law of Effect. It makes sense that how an organism learns is through trial and error (appropriate and inappropriate behaviors).
2. One thing I liked least was that Thorndike based the cat’s learning on improved times of how long it took to escape. I disliked that idea because maybe it wasn’t just if the cat was learning or if the cat was just going through the motions. That question could be answered by having the cat do the same obstacle the next day. I don’t know if Thorndike did do that or not, but it was stated in the reading.
3 a. I will remember that Thorndike was the first to come up with the Law of Effect and how learning is done because it is a very important thing to know.
b. I will remember that learning is done through association because that helps make sense of what behaviors exactly need to be emitted to get the consequence wanted.
c. I will remember the Law of Exercise means that through repetition the associations are strengthened. This will be remembered because I think back to when I first began to shoot a basketball. I was able to keep the movements in my shot (behaviors) that was needed and get rid of the extra movements.
4 a. I liked that Pavlov’s research was well explained into as much detail as it was because how he conducted his research was mind-blowing on how he thought to do it.
b. I liked and was very interested in how the dogs did not all respond the same way (aggressiveness and unresponsiveness) because that somewhat confused me on why that would be. I never would have thought that dogs would be different in the way they responded towards food.
5. On thing I liked least was the term experimental neurosis because I am still confused on what that exactly means.
6 a. One thing I will remember is that dogs react to food before food is even presented to them. I think it is crazy that to dogs seeing is not believing, they know when food will be laid out in front of them before it at all has been, which is know as the psychic secretion.
b. I will remember that there is a difference in the stimulus response relationship and the response stimulus relationship because that at first was confusing to me. In Pavlov did not work with how the response was affected by the stimulus, he worked with how the stimulus affected the response.
c. I will remember the term neutral stimulus because that was very relevant in Pavlov’s experiments. Neutral stimulus could be anything noticed in the environment. In Pavlov’s experiment air blowing in the eye was the neutral response because that could happen anywhere at anytime.
Day 1 = 9 glasses of water
Day 2 = 6
Day 3 = 8
Day 4 = 7
Day 5 = 8
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 10
Average =8 glasses of water
7b. Overall I thought I did very well and am glad that I took this experiment pretty seriously. I did meet my target behavior with an average of 8 cups (80z) of water each day. I did however feel as if I cheated a little. Before the last day I calculated how many glasses I would need to reach the goal of 8 cups a day and drank exactly 10. I did not find it difficult to measure and record my behavior as I did it with a friend that had a New Years Resolution to drink more water. Being teamed up with a partner made things much easier. The reinforcer I chose was an ok reinforcer. I chose skittles, which I do love, but not enough to make me drink more water than normal. Two times I was unable to use a reinforcer due to the 23rd market running out of skittles which could have affected my performance possibly. I don’t think that I will be able to drink that much water a day every day, but I do think that I will improve in the amount each day compared to past times. I think that I am still in the learning process of drinking more water.
8) If I was asked to do this again, I would definitely use a different reinforcer. I would use one that I really enjoy, one that I would be upset not to get at the end of the day. Another behavior that I would like to change would be procrastination. I don’t think I would use a reinforcer in hopes of getting rid of that bad habbit. I think I would use negative punishment. I would have to set dates things need to be done by, and if they are not, I would not allow myself to go out on Thursdays, and do homework that I did not already do, or do future homework.
9) reinforcer, behavior, negative punishment, neutral stimulus, stimulus response relationship, response stimulus relationship, Law of Effect, association, experimental neurosis, psychic secretion, Neutral stimulus
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I really liked about this section was the theory that cats learn by trial and error. However, that is not only true for cats, but it is also true for humans as well. Understanding that we learn by trial and error helps to increase the rate at which we learn. Furthermore, if we can learn from other peoples trial and errors that will increase our learning substantially.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I did not really like is that this section did not give enough examples of the law of recency, and law of exercise. I understand the concept however, it would be more helpful if there were more examples provided to solidify my understanding of the concept.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First is that learning is done by trial and error. As mentioned before, learning can be increased by observing the trials and errors of others so that we do not have to make our own mistakes that other individuals have already made. Second, while in the learning process of trial and error mistakes that have positive outcomes guiding our learning in the right direction will be the step that we need to remember. In other words if we fail 15 times, but the 15th fail gets us a positive outcome that is all that matters. This demonstrates the law of recency. Finally, the graph that was presented toward the end of the section. This is an example of the kind of graphs we will be constructing throughout this course.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section of the book gave more insight into the experiments that Ivan Pavlov was conducting. Ivan Pavlov was introduced in the introduction to psychology, but it merely scratched the surface. This section goes into greater detail on the experiments that Mr. Pavlov conducted.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I wish that there would have been more real world human examples of the items discussed in the section. Looking at multiple examples from the human examples helps to give a greater understanding.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First, understanding the conditioned reflex can only enhance our understanding of how to effectively utilize the tools that we have gained from behavior modification in manipulating behavior. Secondly, there is a major difference between stimulus and response learning, as well as, response and stimulus learning. Knowing the difference between the two relationships help to identify which type of learning is occurring. This is also a major part of distinguishing between operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Finally, any neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus as long as it meets all of the criteria: salient, regularity in its presentation, and presented in a sufficient number of times. All of these factors need to be met in order for the neutral stimulus to become a conditioned stimulus.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 0 glasses
Day 2 = 0 glasses
Day 3 = 5 eight ounce glasses
Day 4 = 6 eight ounce glasses
Day 5 = 3 eight ounce glasses
Day 6 = 8 eight ounce glasses
Day 7 = 4 eight ounce glasses
Average = 3.7 eight ounce glasses =29.68 ounces of water
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I did worse this week than I did in my first week. I did not meet my target behavior. The reason for this is a poor one, I did not have my 18 ounce water bottle to take with me wherever I went so that I could keep refilling my water and monitor how much my water intake was. It was not difficult recording my behavior each day, because I keep a tally throughout the day of exactly how many cups I have drank and record it on a sheet of paper later on when I am getting ready for bed. I need to choose a different reinforcer, because I am currently on a continuous reinforcement schedule which is hindering my progress. I do not thinking that I would be able to drink 64 ounces of water without some kind of reinforcement, because I do not drink water as frequently as I am now.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
If I had to do this again I would change my schedule from continuous to intermittent. As well as make it a variable interval so that the reinforcer would be more reinforcing. Another target behavior would be going to bed before midnight.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Conditioned reflex, manipulating behavior, behavior modification, stimulus, response, learning, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, salient, regularity in its presentation, presented in a sufficient number of times, target behavior, behavior, reinforcer, continuous reinforcement schedule, reinforcement, intermittent
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I enjoyed about this section is the addition of a video to illustrate the point the book was trying to make. This is one of the benefits to having an online textbook such as this is that you are able to incorporate web links to supplement the learning. The video was a good addition because it gives the reader a first hand look at the Law of Effect Thorndike creates and how he was able to produce it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I cannot say there was anything from this section I liked least because I found all of the information to be very important. Thorndike is a psychologist I was unfamiliar of before reading this section so I found it all to be very interesting. If there had to be anything I disliked it would be that this section was shorter than others and did not provide any other information on Thorndike or his other theories.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of Effect Thorndike created and how he believes learning is brought on by a subject’s individual experience. Thorndike’s Law of Regency is also interesting and important when it comes to his puzzle boxes because it deals with the most recent response is the most likely to occur. The last thing I will remember from this section how incorrect behaviors will be “stamped out” and create weaker associations.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section went into greater detail about Pavlov and his experiments prior to his creation of Classical Conditioning. All I have ever heard about Pavlov is his use of a bell to stimulate salivation in dogs but it is not often that a textbook talks about how he also taught these dogs to associate shapes as well. I also enjoyed how the book describes how he eventually made his conclusion about classical conditioning seeing as he was originally studying the digestive processes.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this section but I was not particularly fond of how the book talked about what Pavlov originally named the parts of classical conditioning such as psychic secretion and conditioned reflex. I already understand the working parts of this concept but the old out of date terms were confusing.6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is how Pavlov used experimental neurosis to assist dogs in associating between different shapes because this is part of his research I did not know much about. Another thing I found interesting that I will remember is the concept of learned helplessness as it is a term I forgot about since my intro to psychology class years ago. The last thing I will remember does not have anything to do with psychology but I never knew that Pavlov had received a Nobel Prize and it was interesting to learn something about him beyond classical conditioning.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 3 16oz
Day 2 =2 16oz
Day 3 =1.5 16oz
Day 4 =2 16oz
Day 5 =1 16oz
Day 6 =3 16oz
Day 7 =4 16oz
Average = 3.6 16oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did better than the week before because based on this assignment I was more conscious of my overall water intake each day. I did not meet my target behavior any of the days which was attempting to drink half my bodyweight in fluid ounces each day. It was difficult to record my own behavior and it may not be completely accurate because I would record it at the end of the day and sometime I would drink water from a glass or a drinking fountain so it was impossible to be completely sure of my fluid ounces each day. The reinforcer I chose was a good one because I was immediately rewarded for drinking my water with the Mio water flavoring. I doubt I will continue to drink 64oz of water each day without being reinforced because I did not always meet my goal while being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would make a log that I would have to fill out after every water bottle I drank in order to have a more accurate reading on how much water I had consumed. Another behavior I would like to improve is to start taking my vitamins more regularly.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect, Law of Regency, behaviors, Classical Conditioning, psychic secretion, and conditioned reflex
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked about this section was the video of Thorndike and his experiment with the cat. This video is interesting because it shows how Thorndike came to develop the theory of Law of Effect.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I disliked about the section; I thought it was interesting.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that a methodological construct is a way to indirectly measure something. I will also remember that learning involves the stamping in and strengthening of associations. Finally, I will remember that trials followed by failure (something aversive) will be stamped out and the associations will be weakened. These concepts were explained well in this section.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the section went into detail about a lot of Pavlov’s research. It is really interesting.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like that there were so many abbreviations (like SR) because I found myself forgetting what they stood for as I was reading the section. I had to go back and see what they meant.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that Pavlov is behind the idea of classical conditioning and the unconditioned/conditioned response/stimulus. I will also remember that Pavlov experimented on dogs by performing surgery on them to collect, measure, and analyze saliva that results from different food stimuli and different conditions. Finally, I will remember that the neutral stimulus must have regularity in its presentation and it must be presented a sufficient number of times. I will remember these concepts because the section was interesting and these were explained well.
7) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 96 oz
Day 3 = 64 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 32 oz
Day 6 = 96 oz
Day 7 = 56 oz
Average = 67.4 oz
7) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
Overall, I think I did pretty well. I drink a lot of water anyways, so it wasn’t super hard for me to try and drink more. I did not meet my target behavior each day, as there were two days that I didn’t get at least 64 oz. It was not difficult measuring and recording my behavior each day. My reinforcer was candy, which is a good reinforcer. I think I will continue to drink a lot of water each day without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I wouldn’t do anything differently; I think I did pretty well. Another behavior that I might like to change using behavioral methods is how often I am watching Netflix. I want to spend less time watching Netflix and more time doing things that are a bit more productive. (I don’t want to stop watching it completely; I just want to spend less time watching it).
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, reinforcer, reinforced, behavior, methodological construct, aversive, law of effect, classical conditioning, unconditioned response/stimulus, conditioned response/stimulus, neutral stimulus
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was shorter and was only about Thorndike and not a lot of different things put together because it helped me stay focused on what the section was about
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything I disliked, I felt that the material was relevant and gave new terms that I had not heard of previously
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember who Thorndike is because the whole section was about him and how he dealt with animal behaviors more than human behaviors. I will remember the Law of effect because it seems relevant to daily life. I will remember how incorrect behaviors will eventually be "stamped out" because they are not being reinforced
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was about Pavlov and went into detail about some of his works and the examples given in the section were also helpful in learning the terms.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought the section was a little boring and that there were a lot of words thrown into certain paragraphs that made it harder to concentrate on what the main term was for that certain paragraph.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between stimulus response and response stimulus because the examples where you had to fill in which one it was were helpful and relevant. I will remember conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response and conditioned response because I have heard of them before and reading them again was helpful. I will remember that salience means that it has to be noticed in the environment for it to make a difference
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =64oz
Day 2 =32oz
Day 3 =48oz
Day 4 =32oz
Day 5 =96oz
Day 6 =64oz
Day 7 =32oz
Average = 52.57 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
No I didn't meet the target behavior each day and it was hard to remember to record and measure each time I was drinking water, especially if it was when I was out somewhere. I think my reinforcement of rewarding my self with ice cream wasn't a good enough reinforcement since it didn't work out so well. I definitely drank more than I thought I would and will probably continue to try and drink more water because it made me feel healthier. I also drink a lot of Gatorade so its hard for me to only count water when Gatorade is still hydrating.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I think I would just focus more on how much I am actually drinking instead of just estimating sometimes and also get a better reinforcer that would motivate me even more. Another behavior I would like to change that goes along with drinking more water is to cut down on drinking pop. I could do this maybe by substituting water or another drink in place of the pop.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Thorndike, reinforcer, trial and error, law of effect, stamped out, Pavlov, classical conditioning, UR, US, CS, CR
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the experiment carried out by Thorndike to demonstrate the trial and error learning and the Law of Effect. It was very clear and it helps to explain the Law of Effect. In his experiment, the cat took 160 seconds at first to escape the box, then the time it takes to escape the box fell to 6 seconds over 24 trials at the end. This shows that the cat had to keep trying at first to escape the box until it slowly recognizes the correct way and emits the correct behavior. Because the Law of Effect states that when behaviors (cat trying to escape the box) are followed by positive outcome (escaped the box), that association is stamped in. Therefore, it took the cat lesser time to escape the box after a few trials.
2 ) One thing that I disliked most that was in this section was the part on Law of Exercise and Law of Recency. I feel that there was a lack of explanation for these two laws and that it would help me understand more if examples were given.
3 )
I will remember that Thorndyke was interested in animal intelligence because in this section, it shows that his experiment was associated with animal.
I will remember the experiment carried out by Thorndike because it was really interesting and it really helps to explain the trial and error learning and the Law of Effect.
I will remember the definition of Law of Effect because it makes a lot of sense and because it happens in our daily lives. For example, parents punish children for not cleaning their room. Because the behavior leads to an aversive outcome, the behavior will “stamp out”.
4 a&b) The entire experiment was very interesting to me. Up until the last psychology class I took, I’ve only learnt about the basic stuffs about Pavlov’s experiment. This is very in depth and it explains a lot more about the dog’s salivation response. I also like how Pavlov soundproofed the room to prevent environment sounds to trigger the dog's "psychic secretion” behavior.
5 ) There was nothing that I disliked that was in this section. I felt that it was all an extended information to everything that I’ve learnt so far. For example, the Pavlov’s experiment in general, the conditioned and unconditioned stimulus, and the conditioned and unconditioned reflex.
6 )
I will remember that Pavlov named the salivation behavior of his dogs the “psychic secretion”. Because it is interesting how he came up with that term. Psychic to me means being able to see what’s coming before it approaches and it is the same to this experiment. Because the dog salivates before the appearance of food.
I will remember the definition of unconditioned reflex because the eye blink example given was very clear and the explanation on it was very detail.
I will remember that the unconditioned reflex and the conditioned response are both topographically and functionally similar and the way to tell them apart is that the unconditioned stimulus elicits the unconditioned reflex, and the conditioned stimulus elicits the conditioned response.
7 )
Day 1 = 5 cups
Day 2 = 5 cups
Day 3 = 7 cups
Day 4 = 7 cups
Day 5 = 8 cups
Day 6 = 7 cups
Day 7 = 8 cups
Average = 6.7 cups
7 b) I did not meet my target behavior every day but the amount of water I drink has increased since last week. It was rather difficult to measure and record my behavior each day because I don’t always remember that I have to do this. The reinforcer was a good choice, and I do not think that I can continue this drinking behavior without being reinforced. Because the chocolates are what keep me drinking.
8 ) I would like to change my procrastination behavior. However, I would not punish myself each time I procrastinate. Instead, I would reward myself with more time to watch movies every time I study.
9 ) Trial and error, Law of Effect, emits, behavior, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, punish, aversive, psychic secretion, unconditioned reflex, conditioned response, topographically, functionally, unconditioned stimulus, elicits, conditioned stimulus, target behavior, reinforcer, reinforced.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-One thing that I really liked in this section there was actually a video explaining Edward Thorndike study of how cats could escape from the confinement of a wooden cage. The video was so cool to see the cat actually operate the latches and figure them out. The cat legitimately learned how to manipulate the latches and strings which then allowed the door to open and the cat escaping. The cat escaping was Thorndike’s methodological construct for intelligence. I overall really liked this study because it was dealing with cats!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-This section was actually pretty interesting but when they started to talk about Thorndike’s Law of Effect, The Law of Regency, and The Law of Exercise I then actually started to get confused. I looked these Laws up online after being confused.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1) I will definitely remember that Thorndike developed a study about cats and how they would manipulate the strings and latches to escape. I really thought this study was cool to figure out how intelligent cats were.
2) Also, through “trial and error” the cat would then escape. The cat will figure out how intelligent he/she is by emitting a bunch of behaviors before figuring it out. Some behaviors would lean into a positive consequence. I think this type of stuff can be used on humans too, not nesscessary the box thing but emitting a bunch of behaviors before figuring something out. I will remember this because it explains Thorndike’s study.
3) I will remember the graphs features like y-axis and x-axis because I have learned these things in class before and will be ready to make graphs in the future sections.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-Not only did I love the last section because it was dealing with cats in Thorndike’s study but I now in this section Pavolv does a study on dogs. I like these studies dealing with dogs and cats because animals interest me! Pavolv studied digestive process of dogs which he one Nobel Prize. He’s procedure included isolating a part of his stomach so it would block ingested food and contaminate the saliva. His technique allowed him to figure out that dogs were produce saliva before consuming food. I thought this study was very interesting!
4) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I mean the section was very explanatory but it was another section that was full of so much information. I just kept getting overwhelmed with all the information that you presented us.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1) I will remember that “it has to be salient” means that it must be noticed in the environment. And that a neutral stimulus must be be salient so that it is detected above the other environmental stimuli present.
2) I never knew that Pavlov started his career by studying digestion. This is something I will remember because I have learned so much about him but never knew he started his career by something so crazy.
3) Pavlov came up with a term called, psychic secretion. Thus meaning that dogs would savilate at the sound of footsteps. I found this very interesting.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =60 oz
Day 2 =48 oz
Day 3 =36 oz
Day 4 =48 oz
Day 5 =60 oz
Day 6 =60 oz
Day 7 =36 oz
Average =49.7 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
-Overall I did not do to well and I did not reach my goal. I mean I truly think I drink a lot of water but not to what the “standards” are of drinking how much per day. I did end up having a pop because to me I truly thought I drank a lot more water than normal. I did not meet my target behavior that I stated but meet more than I thought. I never had a problem recording my data each day because my waterbottles state how many ounces they are. I think I will continue to drink a lot of water because it makes me feel better.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
-I don’t think I would really change any behavior differently because to me myself, like I said, I drank a lot of water and feel a lot healthier just don’t drink to the “standards” some days.
Terms: Consequences, Behavior, Target Behavior, Psychic Secretion, Neutral Stimulus, Thorndikes Study, Manipulate, The law of effect, Law of regency, law of exercise, Methodological Construct.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that we are starting to learn specific theories and ideas about a certain person. We starting talking about Thorndike in this section for example.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing that I didn’t like the most is that I’ve never heard of Thorndike. Throughout all of the psychology classes, his name has never been brought up or at least it’s not one that stands out in my memory.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will learn from this section is the Law of Effects because Thorndike taught us how animals learn. Another thing that I will take from this is that he experimented with cats trying to get out of a box. The last thing that I will take out of this is the features of a graph since we will be learning about it in the next couple chapters.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was the idea about the different stimulus and responses that we learned about. It is starting to make this chapter more descriptive and interesting.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really dislike anything about this section but one thing that I didn’t particularly like would be that he did his experiment with dogs. He tried to train them a certain way by rejecting their food.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will take out of this is the idea of stimuli coming before the response. I didn’t think about it before reading this section. The next thing that I will take out of it is that we used his research a lot to explain learning behaviors. The last thing that I will take out of this is that the dogs didn’t only react to the presence of food but also the sound of people walking towards them. This is how his experiment starting.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2: Day 1 =32 oz
Day 2 =48 oz
Day 3 =64 oz
Day 4 =32oz
Day 5 =64 oz
Day 6 =32 0z
Day 7 =16 0z
Average =41.14 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I think that I did terrible. I definitely have room for improvement. I only meant the goal two out of the three days. I find it difficult to drink that much water in a certain day. I don’t find myself wanting water that frequently. I don’t think that I could go a normal day drinking that much water.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would try to do better but in reality I don’t think that I would be reinforced by doing this. I would like to reinforce myself to working out on a daily basis. I want to get back into shape.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effects, stimuli, response, reinforce
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how you incorporated the Thorndike-puzzle box video. I am a visual learner, and I like seeing exactly what they are talking about, so this really helped me understand the concept more.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I would have liked to see more pictures/videos of Thorndike's experiments.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? 1. The Law of Effect states that whenever a behavior is followed by a positive outcome, the association is remembered. I will remember this because you gave the example of Thorndike's experiment with the cat getting the door to open. Since the positive outcome was the door opening, this will be stamped in. 2. Trial and error is where there are repeated attempts of certain behaviors occurring, and they eventually lead to success. I will remember this because the cat in Thorndike's experiment tried things many times until he eventually succeeded. 3. The Law of Recency states that the most recent response is most likely to occur.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I actually enjoyed reading more about Pavlov. A lot of Psych majors hate reading about Pavlov because he seems to be talked about in every psych class, but I enjoyed getting more in depth about his research.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It started to get a little confusing for me. I needed a few more examples about how UR and CR and topically and functionally similar.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Pavlov's dogs would salivate at the sound of footsteps, which is called psychic secretion. The dogs knew the food was coming. 2. UR is what your reaction/reflex is. For example, you get into a shower with hot water, and for the first time, your UR is jumping back out of the water. 3. The CR is what happens when the action has occurred before, so the behavior is conditioned to happen. For example, if the water has been too hot in the shower before, the CR is you jumping back out of it.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 66 oz
Day 3 = 65 oz
Day 4 = 65 oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 68 oz
Average = 65.1 oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I met my target behavior every single day this week. Using something pleasurable to me such as chocolate really helped me. I am a chocolate fanatic, so I kept good track of how much water I had been drinking so I could reinforce myself with some chocolate. The reinforcer I chose was a great choice. I hope I am able to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced, but I plan on reinforcing myself for another week at least.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I do not think that I would do anything differently if asked again to do this. A behavior I would try changing would be going to bed at an earlier time because I need to get more sleep.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Law of Effect, behavior, trial and error, Law of Recency, UR, CR, psychic secretion,
Section 3.1
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed reading about Thorndike’s Puzzle Boxes. It is interesting to me what he used to make his puzzle boxes, as well as how the cats were able to learn how to get out of the boxes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked about this section. I thought the information in this section was useful information to learn. I enjoyed reading this section.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
After reading section 3.1 I will remember how Thorndike made his puzzle boxes to experiment on a cat’s intelligence and its ability to learn. I will also remember that Thorndike developed the Law of Effect (when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcomes, that association is stamped in and when behaviors are unsuccessful, not followed by positive outcomes, or followed by aversive outcomes that will be stamped out). I will remember Thorndike also developed the Law of Recency (the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur) and the Law of Exercise (through repetition the association are strengthened). Finally, I will remember recall how to make a graph after studying the one in this section. I know that a proper graph needs (1) a title, (2) the y-axis should represent the measure and have values, (3) the x-axis should represent how often measurement took place and have values. I will associate Thorndike’s puzzle boxes with the three laws Thorndike developed.
Section 3.2
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I find the research Pavlov conducted very interesting, specifically his ideas about the conditioned reflex and understanding the human mind.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked in section 3.2. I enjoyed learning the new information. The explanations of new material were helpful.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
After reading section 3.2 I will remember how to tell the difference between classical conditioning (stimulus → response) and behavior → consequence (response → stimulus). Thus far in the semester we have learned behavior → consequence in class. I will remember this by asking myself what came first, the stimulus or the response (behavior). I will also remember the difference between unconditioned (untrained) and conditioned (trained). I will remember this because I feel I have an understanding of the concepts. I understand that an unconditioned stimulus elicits an unconditional response and that a conditioned stimulus elicits a conditioned response. In addition, I will remember that a once neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus this association occurs if the neutral stimulus is present for a sufficient number of times. Finally, I will remember there are both topographical and functional classifications of stimuli. I will remember this because I understand that we can have a stimulus class that look similar and we can have a stimulus class that has the same function.
Week #2 – data collection
Day 1 = 5 cups
Day 2 = 7 cups
Day 3 = 6 cups
Day 4 = 8 cups
Day 5 = 8 cups
Day 6 = 7 cups
Day 7 = 9 cups
Average = 7.14 cups
7) I did better overall this past week. I was not thought able to meet my target behavior each day, but overall I improved from the weeks past. I was able to get more sleep, which helped me to make it to the gym, almost everyday (missing just two days). With drinking more water I was able to recover quicker after a workout. I believe that I will continue improving; getting more sleep, making it to the gym daily, and trying to drink more water throughout my days.
8) I would like to change my behavior of smoking cigarettes. The reinforcement would be that I would feel physically better. I would be able to increase my endurance and have better workouts. I already really enjoy working out, but without a habit of smoking I would be able to have better workouts, which would increase my level of enjoyment.
TERMS: Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, conditioned reflex, stimulus, response, behavior, consequence, unconditioned, conditioned, elicits, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, topographical, functional, target behavior
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was the puzzle box that Thorndike designed to study how cats learned to escape from the box. He tested the intelligence of the cats via this method. I like it because I can relate to my pet hamsters that I used to have when I was younger. I used to put them in a box that has a little door and wait to see how long they took to get out of the box. I also enjoyed watching the video that illustrated how the cats emitted trial and error in figuring out how to get out of the box by pulling latches and strings.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least was that Law of Recency and Law of Exercise were not well explained. I wish they were explained and supported with examples just like the Law of Effect.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Firstly, I will remember that Thorndike tested the intelligence of animals (cats) using the puzzle box. I will remember this because I can relate to it as I have tried this with my pet hamsters before. Another thing I will remember is trials that result in positive outcome is stamped in which means they are reinforced. Therefore, the target behavior will be emitted again in the future. Lastly, I will remember the Law of Effect as it states that behaviors that result in consequences that are positive will be remembered. Since this is the key of Thorndike’s experiment, I will remember it better.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked was this chapter talked about the history of Pavlov’s classical conditioning technique in depth. Before reading this chapter, I never knew that he used geometrical shapes to elicit salivation. All I ever knew of before reading this chapter was the use of bell to stimulate salivation.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I did not like very much in this section was that there were too many terms (ex: psychic secretion, experimental neuroses, stimulus salience). It got really confusing as I was reading through the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Firstly, I will remember that Pavlov used geometrical shapes (circle and square) to elicit salivation in dogs because I never knew about it before reading this section and I find it very interesting. Secondly, I will remember is that a neutral stimulus must be salient or noticeable in order for it to be a conditioned stimulus. Thirdly, I will remember that the neural stimulus have to be presented regularly. If the stimulus is not presented regularly, there will not be association between the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned reflex.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 4 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 4 glasses
Average = 4.4 glasses
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I think I improved from week #1. It was difficult for me to consistently remember to refill my glass every time. My reinforcer (snicker bar) did help a little bit. I think drinking water is a good practice because it keeps you hydrated throughout the day. Therefore, I will continue to drink 64 oz water without being reinforced.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
One behavior I want to change is getting enough sleep. I try to get 8 hours of sleep every night but most of the times I fail.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Emit, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Law of Effect, trial and error, elicit, reinforce, reinforcer, salient, conditioned stimulus, psychic secretion, experimental neuroses, stimulus salience, neutral stimulus, consequence, unconditioned reflex, behavior.
After reading section 3.1, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section included a video. I’m more of a visual person, so the video helped me understand better what the section was talking about.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really care for the review of graphs because I felt that most people should know how to make an effective graph, so I felt that it was unnecessary.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Trial and Error learning which is trying different things to get the result we want and then recalling the last thing you did that resulted in what we wanted to happen. Which also goes along with the law of effect, which is when a behavior is followed by a positive outcome the association is stamped in. The Law of Recency which means that the most recent response is more likely to occur again. The Law of Exercise which means that when things are repeated the associations are strengthened.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section went into detail about Pavlov’s work. I knew who he was and his work with making dog’s salivate, but there’s so much more to it than just that. It was a good review while also adding to what I already knew.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I found parts a little repetitive since most everyone should know who Pavlov is, but at the same time I thought the review was good. There was nothing that really stuck out to me that I didn’t like about this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Conditioned Reflex which is when a response happens without having to consciously think about it. When the dogs heard footsteps they would salivate without thinking about it because they knew that this means they were going to be fed. A salient is when something is noticed in the environment over the background noise. There are two types of stimulus classes: topographical which means that the stimuli all look similar, and functional which means that the stimuli all have the same function.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 =3- 16oz= 48oz
Day 2 =4- 16oz= 64oz
Day 3 =2- 16oz= 32oz
Day 4 =3- 16oz= 48oz
Day 5 =2- 16oz= 32oz
Day 6 =5- 16oz= 80oz
Day 7 =4- 16oz= 64oz
Average = 52.5oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did not meet my target behavior everyday. It was difficult remembering to record my daily behavior, especially if I had gone out to eat and remembering what I did all day. I don’t think I chose a good enough reinforcer to actually make myself really want to reach my target behavior. Self discipline is difficult for me and I don’t drink as much water when it’s cold out even though I know that I should.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would choose a different reinforcer and be better about recording my behavior. I would like to quit biting my nails.
9) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcer, target behavior, conditioned reflex, salient, stimulus class, trial and error learning, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise
1. I liked learning about how Thorndike used the trial and error method to measure the cats intelligence. It was interesting thinking about this from a researcher's point of view. Looking at the "performance of imaginary cat" graph you could see the cat actually learning after multiple tries.
2. This section was only six pages long, there wasn't much in the chapter to dislike. It was all pretty easy to follow and understand. The only thing that could have given me trouble was the pictures of the puzzle boxes. I understand how they worked and what their function was but it would be more interesting if we saw exactly how they worked.
3. I will remember the Laws this section touched on, The Law of Effect, The law of Recency and the law of Exercise. I will remember the system of Trial and error and how it helped the cats learn how to get out of the box. Lastly i will remember what "stamping out" means, trails followed by an aversive outcome will become "stamped out" and less likely to occur.
4. I enjoyed learning about how someone can become conditioned to certain stimulus. How an unconditioned response can become conditioned.
5. It was tough learning all the CR/UR and CS/US. After reading through the entire chapter it made more sense but reading a scenario and trying to identify what a Unconditioned Stimulus is would be difficult.
6. I will remember what the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response are. That a natural stimulus must be salient, easily recognizable and that Pavlov started his career by studying digestion.
1- 4 cups- 64 oz
2- 5 cups-80 oz
3- 7 cups-112 oz
4- 5 cups-80 oz
5- 6 cups 96 oz
6-6 cups 96 oz
7- 5 cups 80 oz
Average= 86.85 oz
7b. I think I did very well this week. I achieved well above my target goal of 64 oz, I averaged 86.85 oz a day. I think it was pretty easy for me to reach this goal because I have basketball practice nearly every day and water breaks are something I very much look forward to.
8. If I had to do this again I would try and bring a water bottle to class. This is something I did not do this first time around and I think it would help me achieve my goal.
9. Terms
Reinforcer, target behavior, conditioned reflex, salient, stimulus class, trial and error learning, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise.
Section 3.1
1a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is the video on Thorndike’s puzzle box. This video is probably one of my favorite part of all the sections combined. I really liked how Thorndike used the puzzle box to analyze the consequence of a cat escaping the box. It showed that although the first time the cat escaped was by trial and error but once it learns that and there was a reward – which in this case was food – after escaping the action would be stamped onto the cats mind.
2) The one thing that I really disliked about this section was the Law of Effect because it states that when a behavior or response is followed by a positive outcome, the association is stamped in, or more specifically, strengthened. This is very scary because when I think about how certain negative behaviors can have rewards, such as stealing, without noticing it that action can be strengthened which would lead to more stealing.
3a,b&c) The three things I will remember from this section is the Law of Effect, Law of Recency and Law of Exercise. The reason is because these three laws connects a lot of behaviors and why some organisms do it. The Law of Effect shows when a reward is present, an action would be strengthened, the Law of Recency tells us that the most recent response is most likely to occur and the Law of Exercise touches on the aspect of repetition and how it is associated with strengthening an action or behavior.
Section 3.2
4a&b) The one thing I really liked that was in this section was the part on conditioned reflex. I really liked this because it explains how a response can become associated with a previously unrelated stimulus by pairing the previous unrelated stimulus with the response. This is very ingenious by Pavlov and it to me is a very interesting technique of behavior modification.
5) The one thing that I did not really like about this section is the part that talks about how the neutral stimulus must be presented a sufficient number of times before association occurs and that the association is not a causation but a correlation. I did not like this because, a correlation means that it does not prove that this method causes the previously unrelated stimulus to be associated with the response but instead states it as a correlation and that does not make sense to me.
6a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section is the conditioned reflex, salient stimuli and the question that asked to think of three conditioned stimuli in my environment. The reason why I would remember conditioned reflex is because it is vital to understanding Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning. As for salient stimuli, it is because for something to be used as a neutral stimulus it has to be salient which means it would have to be noticed in the environment and that made a lot of sense to me. Finally, the question that asked to think of three conditioned stimuli in my environment made me think about how some behaviors that happen around me are not something that happen for no reason but because of conditioning.
7a) Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 9 glasses
Day 3 = 7 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 7 glasses
Day 6 = 10 glasses
Day 7 = 9 glasses
Average = 7.29 glasses of water per day
7b) Although I did not meet the target behavior of 8 glasses (64oz) per day, I did manage to get very close with an average of 7 glasses of water per day. On a few days I drank more than 8 glasses which and the lowest was 4 glasses per day. This was a significant improvement over my previous water consumption which at times I can go a whole day without drinking a single glass of water. It was slightly difficult to measure the amount of water consumption in terms of glasses because when I did my exercises I drank from a water bottle, so I had to measure how many glasses of water can a water bottle fill and then count how many bottle of water I drank. Based on the results, I can safely say that my reinforcer was a good choice. However, I do not think I will continue to drink 64 oz. of water without being reinforced.
8) If I were ever to do this again, I would probably use a reward every time I drink 64oz. of water in a day. A behavior that I would like to change by using behavioral method is my smoking habit.
9) Thorndike’s puzzle box, consequence, trial and error, reward, Law of Effect, behavior, positive outcome, association, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, repetition, conditioned reflex, unrelated stimulus, neutral stimulus, correlation, causation, salient stimuli, conditioned stimuli, classical conditioning, target behavior, reinforce.
1.What I enjoyed about this reading section was the fact it wasn’t like the other sections with a lot of terms to learn and to use the correct terminology when talking about behavior modification. Instead this section talked more about the history of behavior modification and came to be. It was interesting to learn different perceptions of how to use behavior modification from different psychologists.
2.I liked almost everything from this section it was all very informative and interesting and wasn’t all about terms so I enjoyed it. Toward the end I felt that there could’ve been more about the last few terms and they could have been described in more detail with in depth examples such as Thorndike’s puzzle box but other than that it was good.
3.I will remember learning the law of effect. The Law of Effect explains that if our minds had no retention we could not create shortcuts to help get to thing faster. It is also stated that if a behavior is not reinforced it will become extinct. Another concept that I found to be interesting and memorable was the Law of Exercise where certain associations can become strengthened with repetition. Lastly I will remember the Law of Recency where the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur.
4.One of the things that I liked about this reading section was that it was about Pavlov. I enjoy reading about Pavlov’s work because his work is very interesting and fun to read about. It was amazing to learn how Pavlov collected and measured the saliva that the dogs produced and how it analyzed it, it led him to creating an entire surgical procedure for his research.
5.The reading was interesting for the most part and there weren’t really man dislikes except at the examples of unconditioned and conditioned stimuli and responses. It was just a lot of material and examples that were repetition to help understand the information but it was just too much for that section.
6.One of the things that I will remember from this reading is the difference between conditioned and unconditioned responses. An unconditioned response is a natural response that is not learned and can be also described as a reflex. A conditioned response is a response that is learned after paired with a conditioned stimuli. I will also remember the different parts of classical conditioning like the US, UR, CS, and CR. The last thing I will remember from this section is that in classical conditioning the neutral stimulus must be salient, have regularity in its presentation, and presented a sufficient number of times.
7.Day 1= 40 fluid ounces
Day 2= 46 fluid ounces
Day 3= 100 fluid ounces
Day 4= 56 fluid ounces
Day 5= 92 fluid ounces
Day 6= 88 fluid ounces
Day 7= 72 fluid ounces
Average= 70 fluid ounces
I did not have a target behavior for each day but instead for the entire week an average had to be met. I did increase my drinking consumption but was not able to reach my goal. It wasn’t difficult recording my consumption because I carried a 64 fluid ounce bottle and mentally noted each time I needed to fill it up. The reinforcer is a good choice but the schedule for reinforcement should be changed to increase the frequency of drinking an average of 80 fluid ounces a day.
8.I would choose a different schedule of reinforcement and maybe use a ratio like every time I hit 80 ounces I get an ice cream or a coca cola something to where I am continuously reinforced rather than waiting until the end of the week. I would also like to increase exercising but first I need to start in order to even increase the frequency.
9.Terms: Schedules of Reinforcement, Reinforcer, Pavlov, Classical Conditioning, Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, Thorndike, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, Associations, Neutral Stimulus
RA 7
1. I liked learning about how Thorndike used the trial and error method to measure the cats intelligence. It was interesting thinking about this from a researcher's point of view. Looking at the "performance of imaginary cat" graph you could see the cat actually learning after multiple tries. Of course the situation stayed the same so the cat would only have to emit the same behaviors and would be freed again.
2. This section was only six pages long, there wasn't much in the chapter to dislike. It was all pretty easy to follow and understand. The only thing that could have given me trouble was the pictures of the puzzle boxes. I understand how they worked and what their function was but it would be more interesting if we saw exactly how they worked. Also it would be interesting to see how the cat would respond if we made the required behaviors to be freed, more and more complicated. When would the cat stop learning and give up. What would be interesting as well is how quickly the cats behaviors would become extinct if we stopped rewarding the cat for emitting the behaviors.
3. I will remember the Laws this section touched on, The Law of Effect, The law of Recency and the law of Exercise. I will remember the system of Trial and error and how it helped the cats learn how to get out of the box. Lastly I will remember what "stamping out" means, trails followed by an aversive outcome will become "stamped out" and less likely to occur.
4. I enjoyed learning about how someone can become conditioned to certain stimulus. How an unconditioned response can become conditioned. Every class prior to this I have learned about Pavlov and his dogs, in this class we have gone far more in depth on this subject. The dogs learned to drool when they heard the bell ring. The bell became the Conditioned stimulus because this is what caused the dogs to drool in the end. The salvation became the conditioned response, The dogs were taught to drool to the sound of the bell instead of drooling when they see food.
5. It was tough learning all the CR/UR and CS/US. After reading through the entire chapter it made more sense but reading a scenario and trying to identify what a Unconditioned Stimulus is would be difficult. The book talked about Pavlov and his dogs, the bell at first elicited no response, and of course the food was the unconditioned stimulus because the dogs did not have to learn this, it was natural. The salvation to the food was also natural, unconditioned response. The bell would be rung before the dogs were presented the food getting them acclimated to the stimulus. The bell would eventually become the conditioned stimulus having been taught to respond to it. And the salvation would also become learned because they were taught to respond to the ringing of the bell.
6. I will remember what the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response are. That a natural stimulus must be salient, easily recognizable and that Pavlov started his career by studying digestion. I will remember the process of conditioning stimuli to response.
1- 4 cups- 64 oz
2- 5 cups-80 oz
3- 7 cups-112 oz
4- 5 cups-80 oz
5- 6 cups 96 oz
6-6 cups 96 oz
7- 5 cups 80 oz
Average= 86.85 oz
7b. I think I did very well this week. I achieved well above my target goal of 64 oz, I averaged 86.85 oz a day. I think it was pretty easy for me to reach this goal because I have basketball practice nearly every day and water breaks are something I very much look forward to. However if I were to record my data on a day that I do not have practice I think I would be below my goal.
8. If I had to do this again I would try and bring a water bottle to class. This is something I did not do this first time around and I think it would help me achieve my goal. Another behavior I would likely try to change is eat less sweets. Since I would have to reduce the times I emit this behavior I would have to punish myself and obviously I wont enjoy doing that. So I would have to find a way to reward myself for emitting a different behavior instead of punishing myself. I think reinforcing me eating tasty fruit and replacing the sweets would be a better approach to modifying my behavior.
9. Terms
Reinforcer, target behavior, conditioned reflex, salient, stimulus class, trial and error learning, law of effect, law of recency, law of exercise.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I find it interesting that we have learned everything about learning and the brain processes of learning through animals. It is interesting that cats have the same brain strategies as us as humans. I like the law of recency because I think that this is used a lot in our everyday life. We often times only remember the most recent things because they are the most fresh in our minds.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Trial and error was the least interesting to me because I felt that it was more like common sense. It seems obvious that you will learn something works by redoing it over and over and it doesn't surprise that the cats would learn how to get out of the box by continuing to try. This doesn't seem interesting just because I think that it is known to everyone who has taken psychology classes.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In introduction to psychology I learned the trial and error theory and I also have just seen this in my everyday life. This may be by me trying to get my TV to turn on and using different strategies to get it to work.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The trial and error, like I stated in previous questions would relate to my everyday life. If I cannot get something to fit into our cupboards, I try to readjust and reorganize to get the item to fit. This is an example of a small trial and error thing I may do in my day to day life. Another thing that relates to everyday life is The Law of Recency. I see this in my everyday life because I tend to only remember the most recent thing that happens to me with someone else, even if the thing they did was negative to me before the positive things they did.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Something again that I found interesting is that we are learning the behaviors that we, as humans, do everyday through animals like cats and dogs. The conditioning done here is also very interesting because they taught the dog how to associate shapes with salivating. I find this interesting because we have a pet in our apartment and it would be nice to teach her things like not clawing and ruining the furniture.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of this section to me was the response stimulus and stimulus response because I have learned about this in numerous classes in psychology and criminology. This helps me also though because it keeps it fresh in my mind so that I can remember it.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In a lot of my previous classes I have learned about responses and stimuli and how it relates. This is something that is touched on a lot during the introduction to psychology. I also have heard of Pavlov a lot in previous classes also.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Stimulus resposes happen to me everyday because like in the example, I get hungry everyday to get the response of getting hungry. This happens to me almost all the time. As well as staying up late which gives me the response of being tired the next day. Unconditioned responses also happen all of the time also. If someone steps on my toe my response is automatic and done without being taught.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This shows me, like in last weeks reading, that behavior modification has a lot of terms and a combination of many psychology classes.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 49 oz
Day 2 = 60 oz
Day 3 = 50 oz
Day 4 = 55 oz
Day 5 = 38 oz
Day 6 = 80 oz
Day 7 = 70 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I think that overall I did good because I am starting to notice how much I drink and taking it into consideration more often. This is important to me because I love to run and drinking water will help my running and the length I can run. I feel like I need to keep reinforcing myself however my running performance might also be a reinforcer for me also. I know drinking water will help my overall health also.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
unconditioned stimulus, reinforcer, punishment, unconditioned response, trial and error theory, response stimulus, The Law of Recency
What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-I really enjoyed how Thorndike measured animal intelligence. I really like animals so learning about how they behave and how we measure their intelligence really interested me. The puzzle boxes that Thorndike made were so weird and kind of interesting how he just went to an alley to get boxes. I definitely agree that behaviors are stamped in and stamped out.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-The graphs that Thorndike made were not the best! It was harder to understand them because I am so used to graphs being easy to read. I didn’t understand the graph that was labeled about an imaginary cat? That confused me.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-In my social psych class we just learned about recency and primary effects so it was nice to know something that I have recently learned. Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I enjoy animals a lot, so reading this section really interested me and it made it easier for me to read.
-I love the youtube video that were watched with cats. Cats are my spirit animal.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-What I found interesting was how Pavlov was able to create such an interesting object. The Pavlov pouch image was weird to look at but awesome at the same time. I wondered how much time it would have taken him to research and to come up with it. It was also interesting to me how Pavlov was so passionate to learn about dog’s brains and how they work. He was able to learn about how neurons work and tie it into his research. He was also able to teach dogs’ shapes that may inhibit or create salivation.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-Did not find anything uninteresting. Although trying to relearn US, UR, CS and all of that was so confusing. There was a typo in the reading that I noticed that caught my attention.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
-In Intro to Psych we learned about Pavlov’s salivating experiment but did not realize how extensive his research really was. I don’t think we learned about how he actually emitted his research and what all he had to do like we did in this chapter.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I liked learning about Pavlov’s experiment because it involved dogs and how they think
-This was a subject that I struggled with in intro to psych before
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
-It amazes me the type of research many people have gone through to understand our behaviors and how we learn from animals intelligence and compare it to humans.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two: Day 1 = 18oz Day 2 = 23 oz Day 3 = 36 oz Day 4 =28 oz Day 5 = 43oz Day 6 = 29 oz Day 7 = 36 oz Average = 30. 4 oz
10b) How did you do overall? I believe that I did a lot better than I did last week! It went up quite a bit. Did you meet your target behavior each day? I was not able to drink 64 oz of water every day because I am usually at work or at school and did not want to constantly have to go to the bathroom. Also it was hard to find different places that have water available. Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Yes it was hard to record more than measure my water. It was harder to record because I record my water on my cellphone sometimes and I would forget so I would have to write them down and it was frustrating because I love doing it on my phone because there’s an app that does the measuring for you and its great. What was your reinforce? My reinforce was getting a free day of homework. Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Yes it definitely was because it made me want to have just one free day of homework, I feel so stressed out at this moment so I think it’s something that I need. Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? I think I may try to, but it’s a lot harder when you aren’t being reinforced. Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
11) Terminology: Thorndike, animal intelligence, measure, puzzle boxes, behaviors, stamped in, stamped out, primary, recency, Pavlov, Pavlov Pouch, research, emitted, neurons, emit, inhibit, create, salivation
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found most interesting in this section was the puzzle box that was used on cats. I thought it was interesting because to me that was a very unique way to measure intelligence and learned behavior. I also think it’s interesting how the cats have the intelligence to get out of the puzzle box and learn over time the way to do it.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting is learning about the graph. Graphs aren’t interesting to me in general so looking and learning about the graph that Thorndike used did not peak my interest.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
From previous classes in the book I learned that when we do a certain behavior and there are positive consequences we are more likely to perform the same behavior to get reinforcement. This is like what the cats did. Overtime they learned what behavior got them out of the box and they emitted the same behavior to get the reinforcement.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing from this section that relates to my life is the Law of Effect. When I turn in my homework on time I get the positive reinforcement of a good grade and to keep getting the positive reinforcement I need to keep turning in my homework on time. The behavior is stamped in. Another thing that relates to my life is the Law of Exercise which states that through repetition associations are strengthened. When trying to teach my dog how to sit I repeatedly pushed down on her bottom and said sit. Through this repetition she learned the behavior.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found was the most interesting in this section was Pavlov. He first studied digestion with dogs but then wanted to study saliva in more depth. I thought it was very interesting how he started with digestion and then came up with classical conditioning by experimenting with dog salvation.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found was least interesting in this section was classical conditioning. I found this least interesting because I’ve already learned about it before from previous psych classes and because I already knew about it I found it repetitive to read.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
From previous psych classes I already knew and learned about Pavlov and the conditioned reflex where dogs salivated even before they got the food. I also learned previously about classical conditioning.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life from this section is unconditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response. When I try a new food the unconditioned stimulus is the new food while the unconditioned response is a happy feeling because the food tastes good. Before eating the food I didn’t know the food would taste good to me so it was not a learned behavior. Another thing that relates to my life is the conditioned stimulus and conditioned response. I will not eat onions because when I ate one it left a bad taste in my mouth so I am conditioned to not like them.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Since I already knew about Pavlov, the experiments he did, and the results I wasn’t influenced to think about behavior modification in a different way. I also knew about Thorndike from previous classes so these two sections didn’t influence me in any way.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 5
Day 3 = 5
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 3
Average = 4.3
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I didn’t do very well. I improved a little bit from last week but I did not meet my target behavior. I did drink more water but not enough. It wasn’t hard measuring and recording but I’m so busy each day that I forget to drink water and fill up my water bottle. My reinforcement was eating a bowl or ice cream at the end of the week if I reached my goal of 64 ounces of water. The reinforcer I chose was a good one for me because I don’t normally eat ice cream so it would have been great if I got some. I probably won’t drink the 64 ounces of water without being reinforced.
11) Terms: behavior, emit, reinforcement, law of effect, classical conditioning, Pavlov, Thorndike, salvation
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part about Thorndike and how he liked to study animal’s intelligence and how they process information. Thorndike showed how animals use many of the same brain processes of humans like learning strategies such as trial and error. I use trial and error all the time in my own life so this really interested me. However, the most interesting part of this section regarding Thorndike was how he didn’t have labels or basically anything on his graph. It’d be very hard to distinguish a graph that has no labels on it without knowing about the exact study, and even then, it would still be difficult. So my question is why didn’t he put labels when it would be so simply to just label the graph?
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part of this section that I found least interesting was regarding the laws that Thorndike came up with such as the law of effect, law of recency, and the law of exercise. I just felt like these were the least interesting because these laws are things that we already know, even if we didn’t realize it. He just came up with different laws for each of these things that we already knew.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This information was basically all new to me. I have never studied Thorndike before, but I do remember the concept of trial and error from my intro to psychology course.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Trial and error certainly relates to my own life. I always try different things out to see what works and then do away with what doesn’t such as studying for my statistics test. I studied the notes and homework’s for the last exam, but after I took the exam I believe that I could get away with just studying the homework’s, so for my next exam I will have a trial by using just the homework’s to see if I can still get a good grade. I would say that the law of effect relates to my life because whenever I have an aversive outcome in my life I usually try to steer clear of the behavior in the future.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The Pavlov pouch was the most interesting concept of this section to me. I thought this because it must have been very difficult to make this device to during this time period of almost 130 years ago where there wasn’t very much technology to use in creating it. I thought that the image helped explaining the device, however, it did take me a little bit to fully discover what the image was actually of. Pavlov is one of the most interesting psychologist to me, but I really liked this section because this is the first time that we talked about classical conditioning instead of operant conditioning.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of this section to me was regarding the CS, US, UR, and CR. This was partially because these were discussed in almost every other psychology class that I have ever taken and partially because these concepts can still be confusing.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This information built upon what I have learned in most other psychology classes. I had learned a lot about Pavlov in other psychology classes and classical conditioning, however, it was nice to have a fresh example of the bunny, bell, and air puff, instead of the classic dog, bell, and food example.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I have the several of these concepts relate to my everyday life and I don’t even realize it. Conditioned stimulus and conditioned response are very prevalent in my own life. For instance I know that I don’t like scary movies because I get scared and therefore I won’t even watch scary movies. Another thing that obviously relates to this chapter and my own life is through my dog. I have trained it in ways that one could say we learned from Pavlov.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Section 3.2 didn’t really change or influence how I feel about behavior modification because I had already learned pretty extensively about Pavlov and knew that he was an important part of modifying behaviors. However, Thorndike did provide some new information to me expanding on how we use trial and error and the law of effect.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 88
Day 2 = 64
Day 3 = 40
Day 4 = 40
Day 5 = 56
Day 6 = 80
Day 7 = 80
Average = 64
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did well on average, however, there were certain days that I didn’t meet my target behavior goal or even come close. However, it was a stark improvement from how much water I had drank the previous week. My reinforcer was to get B-dubs at the end of the week if I had an average of 64oz of water a day. However, I don’t know if this was a good choice because I didn’t meet my goal of 64oz each day as you can see there were three days that I didn’t meet my goal, but to reach my goal I drank even more than I had to too reach the overall average goal. I don’t think that I would be able to drink 64 oz of water a day without being reinforced.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Reinforced, trial and error, law of exercise, law of effect, law of recency, Thorndike, Pavlov, Pavlov’s pouch, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, CR, CS, US, UR, behavior modification
Megan Hasley
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought learning about the puzzle box was really interesting. I think it is amazing how the cats were able to get out quicker because they had learned and this was called the Law of Effect.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought everything in this chapter was pretty interesting. There is nothing specific that I would pick out that I think is uninteresting.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had previously learned about the law of effect in other psychology classes but I had never learned about the law of recency of the law of exercise. I thought it was interesting to see how you can build on the information.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
1. I think the Law of Effect relates to my life because if I am unsure how to do something it takes me longer the first time, but each time after that it is easier.
2. The law of recency applies to my life because I always repeat the action I just did instead of repeating all of the actions that I have done.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting that Pavlov cut a hole in the dogs cheek in order to collect saliva. I knew that he had experimented on dogs, but I had never learned exactly how it was done.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I also thought that this chapter was interesting as well, I do not think it was boring or uninteresting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had already learned about Pavlov’s research involving dogs and studying salivation, but I had never learned about his other work.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
1. I have used classical conditioning to condition my dog to know that if I open a certain cabinet he will get a treat.
2. I have seen people who have experienced learned helplessness. They do not try to help themselves because they are overwhelmed.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading about Pavlov’s experiments changed how I think because I did not know about most of his research. All that I had ever associated with him was that he rang a bell and dogs salivated. I was completely unaware of his experiments using shapes in order to classically condition the dogs to discriminate between the two. I thought it was interesting that this lead to experimental neurosis, and that the dogs seemed to behave in one of two ways: they either became aggressive or unresponsive.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =1
Average =1.3
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did not do very well overall. I actually did worse this week than I did last week. I was very busy this week so I was not very good about tracking my water. I had told myself that if I drank 8 glasses of water I could go to Pancheros. I think my reinforcer was a good choice because I love Pancheros, but I was not very motivated. I will try harder this week.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
TERMS: Law of Effect, law of recency, law of exercise, discriminate, classically condition, discriminate, unresponsive, condition, learned helplnessnes
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting how Thorndike studied animal intelligence. I had forgotten that Thorndike had created the puzzle box. Through trial and error, the cat would figure out a way to get out of the box. I do agree with Thorndike, that successful attempts were stamped in and unsuccessful attempts were stamped out. I also enjoyed that you included one of Thorndike’s graphs of the performance of cat twelve. This gave me a visual representation of how the cat learned. I do wonder though if behaviors are stamped out, what circumstance caused the cats time to raise near the end.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I felt that learning about trial and error was the least interesting. Trial and error seemed to be common sense to me because it happens so often in real life. I understand why it needs to be covered though.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have learned about Thorndike before in pervious classes, even though I sort of forgot what he did to contribute to psychology.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to trial and error. Trial and error occurs every single day even if we do not realize it. We typically learn from trial and error.
I can relate to the Law of Exercise. When I study I make note cards and go through them over and over. The repetition strengthens my knowledge.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found about Pavlov interesting, even though I have learned about him in pervious classes. I thought the Pavlov Pouch and how he collected salvia was interesting. Another thing, I thought was interesting was that Pavlov classically conditioned the dogs to salivate at different shapes, and how some dogs would become learned helplessness.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting was learning about how Pavlov classically conditioned the dogs, and the difference between stimulus response and response stimulus. This was boring for me because I have learned this in basically all of my psychology classes and some classes I took in high school also covered this. It was a good refresher though, especially since I learned what Pavlov was actually trying to accomplish when he did this experiment.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have learned about Pavlov in basically all of my psychology classes, so this was a refresher for me.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The eye blink example relates to my life. Every time I go to the eye doctor and they have to puff air into my eye, I start blinking more because I know it is going to happen. I have been conditioned to anticipate the puff of air.
Another thing I can relate to training my dogs. My dogs first had a neutral stimulus, then a conditioned stimulus, which led to a conditioned response
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Since I have learned about Pavlov in almost every class, learning about him now did not really impact my thoughts on behavior modification. This was a nice refresher on how stimuli becomes conditioned though.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 32 oz
Day 2 = 24 oz
Day 3 = 64oz
Day 4 = 96oz
Day 5 = 64 oz
Day 6 = 72 oz
Day 7 =80 oz
Average =61.71
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I drank 64oz at least. I did not make my target behavior the first two days. Typically I carry around a water bottle that has the number of ounces on the side, so when I drink from that it is easy to measure how much I drink, but sometimes I stop at a water fountain to get a drink in between classes, and that makes it a little bit more difficult to measures. When I drink from the water fountain I don’t really add it to my ounces I have drank because I don’t actually know how much each mouthful is. I love American Horror Story, so I do believe it was a good choice for me even though I did not reach my goal. I typically drink the 64 recommended ounces of water a day, so I do believe I will continue this without being reinforced.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Puzzle box, trial and error, Thorndike, Law of Exercise, Pavlov, classical conditioning, Pavlov Pouch, learned helplessness, stimulus response, response stimulus, condition, neutral stimulus, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus,
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found Thorndike’s puzzle box to be the most interesting thing in this chapter. I found it interesting because this box was able to help Thorndike measure the intelligence of animals, especially cats. This is what lead to the Law of Effect, which I also found to be interesting.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found trial and error to be the least exciting. I feel that these terms are relatively self-explanatory and there really wasn’t much to learn. Because of this, I lost interest in what I was reading.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This relates to what I learn in my biopsychology class. We talked a lot about testing animals and their intelligence. Infact we talked about Thorndike and his puzzle box.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Trial and error relates to my life because when I worked at a daycare I worked with the age group that was in the process of being potty trained. Sometimes the kids would tell us they had to go, other times them would just go in there pants. The more we encouraged them to tell us, the less accidents they had. The Law of exercise also relates to my life, because I have worked at the same place on campus for 4 semesters, I have been doing the same thing and the repetition has caused me to become more comfortable at my job. For example I am able to complete tasks quicker and more efficiently.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In this section I found it interesting how Pavlov measured the salivation of the dogs. This was interesting to me because I have never really heard of this experiment. I also found his concept of experimental neurosis to be interesting, especially since some dogs became aggressive and others became unresponsive.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the material about conditioned and unconditioned responses and stimuli to be the least interesting. This is because I have learned about this in almost every single psychology class i have taken. Therefore I knew all of the information that was being given to me, and treated as more of a refresher course.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Well like I said, I have learned about Pavlov in several of my other classes and already have knowledge of how stimulus and response work.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to my life is the eye blinking example because when I go to the doctor it is hard for them to get the puff of air in my eye, because I have been conditioned to expect the puff of air therefore my response is to blink more. Another thing that relates to my life is the experimental neurosis. Sometimes when I am trying to find the difference between things, I get upset and become rather frustrated, but other time I will just become helpless and do nothing.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These two sections really didn’t change what I thought about behavior modification because I have already learned about a lot of the information that was in these two sections.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 32oz
Day 2 = 16oz
Day 3 = 40oz
Day 4 = 48oz
Day 5 = 16oz
Day 6 = 32oz
Day 7 = 56oz
Average = 34oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I drank more water than I have been in the past weeks, but I did not meet my goal any of the past 7 days. It was only difficult to measure how much water I drank at work because I have to drink out of a water fountain. My reinforcer was a large pop at the end of the week. This was not a good reinforcer because I already had a bad habit of buying one everyday after work. I think I could drink 64oz but I would need to find a better reinforcer, or some way to help me be more accountable.
Terms: reinforcer, behavior modification, conditioned, response, experimental neurosis, Pavlov, unconditioned, stimuli, Thorndike, puzzle box, law of effect, law of exercise, trial and error
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting is the study that Thorndike did. He studied animals and how intelligent they were and how they process different information. In Thorndike's study he displayed to people how animals use to the same brain processes as us humans do. Examples of these processes are trial and error. He used cats to display trial and error and how the cat used this process to get out of the puzzle box. Thorndike said that the cat remember the successful attempts and forgot the unsuccessful ones to figure out how to get out the box better.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting in this section was the graphs. The graphs showed plenty of information. They just were confusing to understand completely.
They just didn't make sense.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In my previous classes I learned about the law of recency. reading about it in this section cleared it up for me a little more and made it easer to understand. It was easier because of the examples that they presented. I did like how this section went more into detail.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life from this is trial and error. When I first got to ollege I didn't know how to study. My first time studying didn't work out very well because I couldn focus on my studies. So I tried a different study metho and that worked a little better. So I added on to that study method and continue it still. I did trial and error to see what worked best. The second thing that relates to my life from this section is law of effect. this relates to my life in the way that once I do something and it doesn't work or turns out bad I for sure wont do that behavior again.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found interesting in this section was the experiment that Pavlov did. I thought this was interesting because of the way he collected saliva out of the dogs mouth.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting is learning about is US, UR, CS. I found this least interesting because in every psych class I have taken we go over that same topic. Even though we talk about it in every class it is still confusing at times.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what ive previously leanred is from my other psych classes with CS, CR, US, UR. It did build on what I previously learned and taught me how to use it in a different situation. We also talked about The Pavlov study in my intro to psych class last year.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life from this section is When I had a dog he was trained with classical conditioning pretty much without me even knowing it. I would pick up his dog bowls to fill them up, so when ever I would pick them up he would get very excited and hop around. The second way this section relates to my life is the way you can be influenced to a certain thing based of things that have happen in that same situation previously. You will react to it every time expecting the same outcome.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? I learned that they behavior modification has different aspects of every type of psych class that I have taken. it all ties together in understand how individuals work psychologically.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
day one = 24 ounces
day two = 16 ounces
day three = 26 ounces
day four = 24 ounces
day five = 24 ounces
day six = 20 ounces
day seven = 24 ounces
average = 22 ounces
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 ounces of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 ounces water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I honestly don't thin I did good at all. I didn't meet my target behavior on any of the days. It was very difficult to measure and record my behavior each day. I think that was the hardest part of this experiment definitely. My reinforce that I used was a mamba. I love mambas. And every time I drink water I ate a mamba which reminded me to continue to drink water sometimes. Yes my reinforce was a good choice. It helped a lot. I don't think I will be able to drink as much water without the reinforce there to remind me and reward me.
11) Terms: behavior, reinforce, reinforce, law of effect, law of recency, classical conditioning, Pavlov, thorndike
What I found most interesting about Section 3.1 on Thorndike was his experiment with the cat using “trial and error”. He was interested in animal intelligence and measured how fast it could take a cat to escape from a box. He thought that if the cat figured out how to escape, the cat should get faster at escaping every time. He developed what is known as the law of effect after this experiment. The law of effect explains that when behaviors are responded with a positive outcome, it is stamped in.
What I found least interesting was the graphs showing the performance of the cat in box A. This was very confusing to me, so I lost interest in it.
I learned about the law of effect in my introduction to psychology class and in social psychology a little bit, but it was only mentioned a little bit and never went into depth. This made the definitions clear to me where I can recall what they are.
I believe trial and error works in parenting with children. My neighbors have three kids and with their first kid, they didn’t exactly know what they were doing and through trial and error with potty training and handling behavioral issues, they knew how to handle their two other kids. Another way that relates to my life is the way I’ve handled conflict. When I was in middle school, I fed into when others would bully me and I quickly realized that if I retaliated then they would keep doing that. When I acted like the bullies didn’t exist, that they stopped the bullying.
What I found interesting in section 3.2 on Pavlov was how he measured the salivation in dog’s contact with food. We have always heard about the experiment and how it resulted, but never about how the experiment was done. In the section, it says that Pavlov used a surgical procedure by cutting a small incision in the dog’s cheek and rerouting the duct to the exterior.
What I found least interesting was the sections on conditioned and unconditioned stimulus. This is based on the fact that I have learned about this subject in every Psychology class I have taken in college. I feel it has been embedded in my brain and it is sometimes tiring to hear about.
I learned about Pavlov in high school in my psychology classes and I’ve learned about conditioned and unconditioned stimulus in introduction to psychology, social psychology, and many other major classes
The example that relates to my life was said in the book about eye blinking at the doctor. When the doctor puffs air in your eyes, you automatically blink your eyes more and more. This is a conditioned response to the puff of air. Another thing I relate to is my dog and training her. We have trained our dog to bring us one of her toys every time we walk into the door and now she will do it every time
Day 1=70 ounces Day 2= 62 ounces Day 3= 64 ounces Day 4= 72 ounches Day 5= 20 ounces Day 6= 50 ounces Day 7=60 ounces Average:56.85
When looking at the results, it has shown that I did meet my target behavior by drinking 64 ounces of water a day most days of the week. I am just reinforced by the fact that drinking water is healthy for you, and I am a health freak. Also, it is reinforced that it helps maintain and lose weight by drinking a lot of water. My reinforcer is a good decision, because it is working for me.
Terms: trial and error, law of effect, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, Pavlov, Thorndike,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
As a whole this was an interesting section seeing as I had never heard the history of Thorndike and his studies on cats escaping boxes. He measured how much time it would take them to escape and used that to test how much they had learned. I thought his term of the Law of Effect was an interesting concept, another term I hadn’t heard used before. It made sense the more I read about it, how the cat would retain the information that helped it escape but forget the stuff that made its attempts unsuccessful.
I thought the pictures of the crude boxes Thorndike made were really cool to see. It’s very impressive how he was able to come up with those boxes as well as all the experiments to test learning. Even though the graphs were crude and a little hard to make sense of, his findings were still extremely important and relevant and used in years to come.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This was a nice and short but yet informative section, so there wasn’t anything I found uninteresting. I enjoyed reading about the discovery of the cat’s learning and the different laws Thorndike discovered with his experiments.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing I had previously known was that we do tend to remember the things that worked for us and forget what didn’t work. I didn’t know it was called the Law of Effect until now but I did understand the concept of it. It makes sense that we will remember what worked for us once because we will likely want to repeat that success in the future. We’ll forget what didn’t work because it didn’t work, and there’s no need to keep track of strategies that didn’t serve us well. (Also called trial and error).
I had also learned previously how to read graphs, which helped me be able to understand Thorndike’s crude drawing of a graph, without the x and y-axis. But because I knew how to do that I was able to make sense of it and understand the information it was displaying a little better.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is definitely trial and error. I use that all the time to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I probably use it a lot more than I am aware of; some things are less obvious when it comes to trial and error learning. I learn what works based on an “experiment,” and when I get the result I want I learn to use it again for the future. However, when it’s the opposite and I get an undesirable result I learn not to use that method again.
I can also relate the use of graphs to my life. I have had to use them frequently in many classes I’ve taken through the years. Graphs are a good way to represent data as visual representation instead of just numbers. Sometimes seeing that data drawn out can make it much easier to read, understand, and apply. I had to learn how to properly label graphs with the x and y-axis, and how to put numbers on there accordingly. I can relate to the importance of proper labels; if a graph isn’t properly labeled it can become very confusing and difficult to read, such things I’ve experienced in the past. Thorndike’s non-labeled graph could easily be seen as difficult to read since it isn’t clearly labeled, fortunately I had some practice in reading and figuring out graphs.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the description of Pavlov’s experiments with the dogs was very interesting. I hadn’t ever heard about the surgical techniques he used to isolate the salivary glands and the rerouting he did the measure that salivation. His idea of using different soled shoes when approaching the dogs was also interesting. I enjoyed reading about how he classically conditioned the dogs to discriminate between geometric shapes and then how he gradually changed the shapes until the dogs could no longer tell the difference between them and didn’t know whether to salivate and anticipate food or not. Some of the dogs experienced learned helplessness while others became very aggressive overall.
I found reading about a neutral stimulus to be fascinating. There are necessary conditions to make the neutral stimulus become a conditioned response. Those include stimulus salience, the regularity of presentations, and the number of presentations. The salient stimulus has to be something that’s noticed in the environment above other stimuli present, otherwise it can’t be considered salient. Regularity in its presentation means there has to be a rhyme and reason for when the neutral stimulus occurs otherwise and association between the neutral stimulus and unconditioned reflex won’t happen. The neutral stimulus has to be presented a certain numbers of times before an association occurs; it can’t happen just once. It needs to happen a sufficient number of times before that association between the two is made.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This was another section I didn’t find anything I wasn’t interested in. Mostly all the information presented in this section was new to me in the way it was presented, which kept my attention fairly easily.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had briefly learned about Pavlov and his experiments with the dogs and bells before. It was a much simpler description I had learned, we just discussed how he used the bells to condition the dogs to salivate, but I learned in this section it was much more complex than that. However, I had learned the point that was trying to be made when he was using the bells to get the dogs to salivate because they thought they were going to get food.
I was familiar with the description of the discussion about a neutral stimulus needing to be presented a sufficient number of times. I knew that you need to present something more than once to make an association between the neutral stimulus and unconditioned response. The more times they are presented together the greater the association that will be made between the two, which is important.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate the stimulus response/ response stimulus to my life. I have experienced situations where the stimulus comes first and I will then respond. Such as with the example given of the girl seeing the 12:00 lunch time and beginning to get hungry, I have also looked at the time and realized it was lunch or supper time and then began to get hungry. I have also experienced the response stimulus relationship, where I have gone to a food place or food stand to get my food first.
Another thing I can relate to my life is the regularity of neutral stimulus in its presentation. If there isn’t a rhyme or reason for when the neutral stimulus happens, then an association or relationship won’t be made between the UR and neutral stimulus. I can relate that to my life in that if there isn’t a reason for when the neutral stimulus occurs for something in my life, then I’m not going to make that connection between the two and therefore not learn to expect it.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These readings have opened up my mind to all the different terms associated with behavior and behavior modification. I was surprised to discover how many more details were involved with Pavlov’s experiments than I had been taught before, which I enjoyed reading about.
I also didn’t know about Thorndike and his experiments either, and how he came about discovering the trial and error method. Learning that has influenced my thoughts in a positive direction and keeps me interested in what else I have to learn.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =67 oz
Day 2 = 62 oz
Day 3 =60 oz
Day 4 =66 oz
Day 5 =70 oz
Day 6 =66 oz
Day 7 =58
Average =64.1 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I thought I did pretty well. I didn’t meet my target behavior each day but I really tried to. It wasn’t too difficult measuring my behavior because I had a pitcher that held 64 oz of water that I would only drink out of. That made keeping track of how much water I had left to drink an easy task. My reinforce was that if I met my goal I’d allow myself to order some protein powder I’d wanted to but hadn’t yet, and it was a good one to choose. I’d really been wanting to order it and reaching this goal was an accomplishment for me so I decided to buy it. I do think I will continue to drink this amount of water even though I won’t have a reinforcer. The daily accomplishment of knowing I drank that much feels good, but I’ve also gotten used to drinking that much now so it’ll be easier to keep it up.
Terms: target behavior, reinforce, trial and error, neutral stimulus, UR, response stimulus/stimulus response, salient stimulus, sufficient number of times, association between neutral stimulus and UR, discriminate, learned helplessness, law of effect
Section 3.1
1) I found the information that we have learned about all the different types of brain processes and ability to measure intelligence through animals is very interesting. Thorndike's measurement of the cat's intelligence using the puzzle box was very clever and interesting to me.
2) The section on trial and error was the least interesting to me. It was somewhat of a review of what most people already know. It was interesting how it tied in with the puzzle box, but it was still a very easy concept that I already knew about.
3) Trial and error is a common occurrence in my life and other's lives, so it is very easy to relate to this section of the reading. The puzzle box can also be related back to the other animal experiments performed by Skinner and Watson.
4) One thing that relates to my life is the Law of Exercise, which can be shown when trying to get my roommate to turn of the light in the morning while I am still sleeping. I tell her multiple mornings in a row to shut it off. After about five times of telling her, she leave off the light in the morning. Another thing that relates to my life from this section is trial and error. When I first started college, that concept was a really big part of my life because I did not know the best way to study for myself, so I had to experiment with different types of studying and when to study. Once I found out what I liked, I could continue using that type of studying.
Section 3.2
5) I found Pavlov's experiment measuring the salivation of the dogs very interesting, particularly in his concept of experimental neurosis. The concept of experiment neurosis is a very intricate concept.
6) I found the section on conditioned and unconditioned responses to stimuli the least interesting because of how much we have already covered it in earlier sections.
7) In my Intro to Psychology class, we discussed Pavlov's experiments, especially this one measuring the salivation of the dog. It was a nice refresher to what we had discussed though.
8) One thing the relates to my life from this section is conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response it evokes, such as when I accidentally eat some mushroom. i have been conditioned to hate mushroom because the taste is terrible to me, so I have a conditioned response to spit it out if I eat it. I have learned to avoid mushrooms. Another thing that relates to my life is learned helplessness. This relates more so to my roommate. When she starts to feel that she has no control over how much homework she has to do, she starts to emit a helpless behavior. She then overlooks opportunities given to her to help, such as tutors and other peers in the class.
9) I knew that Pavlov was a very important contributor to animal experiments, but I did not know some of his other experiments, such as the use of shapes in order to classically condition the dogs to discriminate between them.
Day 1 = 32 oz
Day 2 = 40 oz
Day 3 = 30 oz
Day 4 = 60 oz
Day 5 = 56 oz
Day 6 = 42 oz
Day 7 = 62 oz
Average = 46 oz
10b) I did not do very well, especially since I went out to eat during the weekend, giving me more of a chance to not drink as much water when out with other people. It was a little difficult measuring the amount of water I drank, so I tried to use my water bottle that has the amount labeled on the side. My reinforcer I had chosen was to take a day all to myself and, although it was a good choice, it did not motivate me enough to emit the target behavior. I don't think I will continue to drink 64 oz each day without having some reinforcement.
11) measure intelligence, Thorndike, puzzle box, trial and error, Skinner, Watson, Law of Exercise, experimental neurosis, conditioned responses, unconditioned responses, conditioned stimuli, unconditioned stimuli, Pavlov, emit, learned helplessness, target behavior
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting that he must have used discarded wooden boxes and such for his puzzle boxes. The pictures in the book look as if he just threw some scraps of wood or whatever together. With the boxes thrown together like that, how safe was it for the cats that he put inside?
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was nothing in this section that I found uninteresting. This section was an easy read because it grabbed my attention.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We are getting into the history, or the people that got us where we are today. I feel like almost every class I have taken covers Thorndike at least a little. I had learned about the puzzle box when we talked about Thorndike in History and Systems of Psychology. It also relates to the previous sections that we have gone over, because Thorndike’s “learning” lead to Skinner’s conditioning.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to the Law of Effect. The first paper I write for a class is always iffy; it can go either way. However, let’s say I get an A on the first paper, I am going to make sure that I keep that style the rest of the semester, because that is what the professor must like. You learn what the professor likes, and when you get it right, you are rewarded, so you keep doing it. I can also relate to the Law of Exercise, because I feel like it is used a lot in this class. We go over things several times, sometimes to the point of extreme boredom, but the repetition makes us memorize and link together the topics.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I didn’t know that Pavlov had tried to sound proof the room, even using soft sole shoes. I found that really interesting. He really tried to make this a true experiment, by controlling everything that he could think of.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It’s not that I found anything least interesting, I have just heard about Pavlov and his dogs a million times it feels like. It gets exhausting reading the same things all the time. It’s like, you might reread a good novel a couple times, but you probably aren’t going to read it like 12 times.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have talked about Pavlov in almost all of my classes; him and his dogs are pretty famous in psychology. His research and findings in conditioning are an important topic that I feel all psychology classes, expect Cognitive Psych, tries to stress.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way is that I have conditioned my cat. I’m pretty sure this example works. Anyways, I used to yell “Chip, bedtime!” every night, and then I would shake his treat bag. He would run into our room, get into his bed, and I would give him a treat. I did that for long enough that he knew that he got a treat at bedtime. Now, all I have to do is say “bedtime!” and he runs straight to his bed. It is probably the cutest thing ever. If I have this right, saying bedtime is the conditioned stimulus and him going straight to his bed is the conditioned response.
Another way is basically the example in the reading of the girl looking at the clock at noon and getting hungry. I can go all day without being hungry, but once I see the clock hit 5PM, I am almost instantly hungry. Even if I was snacking before that, I am still super hungry as soon as I see it is 5PM. I think this is because when I first came to UNI and I lived in the dorms, my friends and I went to dinner at 5PM every night, never later.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
There is definitely a lot more detail than I was aware of. In other classes, we talk about this stuff and it feels like we spend a lot of time on it, but I have never learned this much about Pavlov, or even Thorndike.
Behavior Project
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 17oz
Day 2 = 34 oz
Day 3 = 17oz
Day 4 = 17oz
Day 5 = 17oz
Day 6 = 8oz
Day 7 = 25oz
Average = 19.3 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Oh, I did awful. I thought I had a great reinforcer. I chose a Scratch smoothie and cupcake. Who doesn’t love Scratch cupcakes?! I have never been a water drinker; I carry a water bottle around with me to classes, but it takes me from 9am to 3pm to drink the 17oz. I also find myself pouring myself a glass of juice instead of drinking water, and that isn’t helping me any. I wouldn’t say that recording how much water I drink a day was difficult, because I downloaded an app that tracks it all for me, and I have it on my home screen, so I see it every time I unlock my phone. Actually drinking water was the hardest part of this, and I don’t know if I need to choose a different reinforcer, or what. I guess this next week, I’m just going to have to try harder. Maybe I’ll get my fiancé to help me. Side note: I noticed that weekends, especially Sundays where I spend all doing homework at home, was the hardest day to drink water, and I’m not sure why.
Terms: Thorndike, conditioning, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Pavlov, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, reinforcer
1. What did you find most interesting?
I found the whole cat study to be very interesting. I really am enjoying this section because it is filled with things that I do not know at all. The fact that Thorndike studied cats, which doesn't happen very often, makes it even more interesting than the typical rats or dogs. Trial and error was very interesting in the puzzle box because a cat would emit a certain behavior and get a positive consequence but when they would continue to do the behavior the consequence changed.
2. What did you find least interesting?
It's not that I found the Law of Recency least interesting, it's that I didn't necessarily understand it. I figured the most recent behavior to occur is the one that caused the reinforcement or punishment so they either continued to do it or they discontinued to. So because I didn't understand how it worked and there wasn't more information on it then it was what I found least appealing or interesting.
3. How does this section relate to what you previously knew?
I think trial and error is apart of everyone's lives. I don't think people necessarily think "oh let's trial and error this project" they just kind of do it already. The procedure that Thorndike did with cats has been done many times with many different kinds of animals so that is a little known but the new stuff was the consequences.
4. What are two things in this section that can relate to your life?
One thing I can relate to is the law of effect. Many aspects of my life are based on positive outcomes and then I perform the right behaviors. Like getting good grades and trying the right behaviors to do the right things for the right grades. Another thing I can relate to but I think everyone relates to is the trial and error.
5. What did you find interesting in this section?
I found it very interesting about Pavlov surgically planning it so the dog didn't salivate when the food got in their stomach. I already knew everything about Pavlov and the classical conditioning stuff but it was really interesting on everything he went through to make it all happen.
6. What did you find least interesting?
I find all the labeling on what is conditioned and unconditioned to be redundant and repetitive because I feel like it is very obvious but sometimes it isn't obvious to other people.
7. What can you connect to what you previously learned? I have learned about Pavlov in every single one of my classes. But I can seem to learn something new about him every single time. Like this time, learning about how he tested everything..
8. What two things can you connect to your life?
I can connect the Unconditioned stimulus mostly to my life because I feel like a lot of things happened in my life that has caused many different responses but have not been consistent to condition my responses. Another thing I can connect to is the unconditioned stimuli having to be salient.
9. How has these sections influenced your thoughts on behavior modification?
These sections really give me the perspective of the successful tests on animals and I know that Thorndike believed in the evolution on animals and humans but I don't think that it really gives a good perspective on humans but sometimes it is really hard to get the controlled experiment on humans like they can on animals back in the day.
Day 1- 24oz
Day 2- 54oz
Day 3- 64oz!! :)
Day 4- 36oz
Day 5- 40oz
Day 7- 24oz
Average- 34.5oz
10b. I did okay during the middle of the week but that is when I am least busy and I am thinking about it and reinforcing it. I was able to sit and watch Netflix all day long on day 3 when I hit 64. But the rest of the days I became extremely busy and just didn't even care or think about it.
Terms: Pavlov, Thorndike, emit, behavior, UR, CR, US, CS, trial and error, behavior, target behavior, law of effect, law of recency,
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found it interesting that Thorndike used cats to study animal intelligence. I personally believe cats are pretty smart, my two kittens are able to get into numerous things and I always find myself “cat proofing” my apartment. I watch them get better at figuring things out too, as I have had them since they were 5 weeks old and they are now 6 months old. I have been able to watch their mental development and I think that whole area of study is rather fascinating. I have also used this class to teach them to come when I call their name by reinforcing with treats, and also to come to their food bowls when I tap the fork on the bowl and make a loud ringing sound. Now they come every time even if I don’t give a treat and they also are ready to eat as soon as they hear the can of cat food opening. So I personally been through the trial and error of encouraging a cat to learn something and figure it out faster.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found it least interesting that they built their own equipment, it seems unimportant and sort of obvious because I don’t think many people were building wooden boxes to test a cat’s intelligence at that time.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section builds on extinction burst that we have learned about a lot. If the cat is trying to escape and trying a lot of different things until one works, it will try remember that the next time it is trying to escape.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Honestly this can apply to us everyday. Usually when we are trying to be successful at something, let’s say school, we don’t figure it out immediately. There is definitely trial and error for what works, maybe when it comes to studying or test-taking.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I thought it was very interesting how Pavlov studied salivary glands in dogs because it seemed very advanced for that time period. The text explains it best, “He used a surgical process involving the isolation of the saliva ducts, cutting a small incision in the dog’s cheek and rerouting the duct to the exterior.” This gave him an accurate way to measure salivation resulting from different food stimuli and different conditions.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why? I found pretty much everything to be interesting because it helps understand the overall concept of classical conditioning.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Some of this section’s information I already knew but it really went into detail and I learned a lot more about classical conditioning than I had before.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? I’ve learned that we may not realize what are influencing our reactions. Am I hungry because I always eat at the same time every day and my stomach expects food at that time or am I actually hungry? I never thought about it that way before I read this chapter. I also learned I may have some negative associations from things that aren’t directly related. For example, when I was 6 I was hospitalized with pneumonia. They gave me orange sherbert flavored ice cream to reduce my temperature. For some reason, I hated that flavor. However, when I tried it again after many years and someone’s persistence, I found that I actually like it. Maybe it was the fact that I didn’t feel well at the time and did not want to eat at all.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? I’ve learned that it is in every aspect of our life and behavior and that if we look for it we can find a reason for what we do or why we do something and a way to change it.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 60oz
Day 2 = 50oz
Day 3 =65oz
Day 4 =30oz
Day 5 =45oz
Day 6 =20oz
Day 7 =40oz
Average =44.2oz
10b) How did you do overall? My average was 44oz, though I had one really low day because it was not an ordinary day.
Did you meet your target behavior each day? Not each day but I was close each time except one or two days.
Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Yes, I’m still not in the habit.
What was your reinforce? 2 beers at the end of the week.
Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Not entirely, I think I will choose something more motivating.
Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Probably not, I would need something more motivating too.
Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
trial and error
extinction burst
salivary glands
classical conditioning
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the idea of the animals solving the puzzle boxes interesting. On top of that the design of the puzzle boxes were interesting. I wonder if what different boxes had for different puzzles of if he just continually used the same design and puzzles over and over again.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found that the video was very helpful in understanding the concept and design of the puzzle boxes and in contrast the main reading portion was less interesting than the video.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had no previous knowledge of Thorndike and his experiments. This is similar to the classic idea of a lab rat in a maze solving it to get cheese though so I associate this with those experiments as well.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I am a fan of puzzle games and can say that I’ve noticed, once you learn how the game works solving the puzzles become easier and easier just as Thorndike observed with his experimentation. I also noticed in life that when something is new we do tend to use trial and error. When I get into a new car I like to press all the buttons to see what they do.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the story of how Ivan Pavlov started his conditioned behavior experimentation interesting. This is because it was a side effect of his true work at the time but in the end it is what he is more popularly famous for in the end.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on how a behavior goes from being unconditioned and natural to being a conditioned behavior a little tedious but necessary to drive the point home. I felt I understood the concept quickly.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had heard of Pavlov’s experiments with dogs. This also relates to the idea of behavior and consequence but reversed to the stimuli before the behavior. This section went a lot deeper into the concept of conditioned behavior.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This is the basis of clicker training in dogs. It is where you use a clicker and treats while teaching your dog and eventually you can phase out the treats and use the clicker to praise the dog with the same effect. Another way this relates to real life is how I am trained to the sound of a bell at work to signal that I am needed. Now even outside of work if I hear the sound of a bell I am compelled to look in the direction the bell came from.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I found the idea of the puzzle boxes interesting to the point that I researched some of the designs that were used in the past and what animals they have been used on.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
In an alternative to water intake I used a pedometer to track my steps walked and set myself a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day or 5 miles.
Day 1 = 12,586 steps
Day 2 = 11,322 steps
Day 3 = 9,056 steps
Day 4 = 10, 965 steps
Day 5 = 13,213 steps
Day 6 = 11,876 steps
Day 7 = 8,546 steps
Average = 11,080 steps
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I made my goal of 10,000 steps on average but there were a couple days that I did not make my goal. It wasn’t too difficult to record because I didn’t have to do any conscious watching of my steps as they were recorded by the pedometer and I just had to remember to write down the numbers every night. My reinforcer was a new pack of trading cards. I think It was a good reinforcer because I enjoy collecting the card and it made me take a conscious effort to make sure I was walking more and moving around instead of sitting around. Without the reinforcer I would probably not remember to make my steps and would become more sedentary.
Terms/ behavior, consequence, reinforcer, stimuli, unconditioned, natural, conditioned
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting is the study that Thorndike did. He studied animals and how intelligent they were and how they process different information. In Thorndike's study he displayed to people how animals use the same brain processes as us humans do. Examples of these processes are trial and error. He used cats to display trial and error and how the cat used this process to get out of the puzzle box. Thorndike said that the cat remembered the successful attempts and forgot the unsuccessful ones to figure out how to get out the box better.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I would have liked to see more pictures/videos of Thorndike's experiments.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This information was basically all new to me. I have never studied Thorndike before, but I do remember the concept of trial and error from my intro to psychology course.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to trial and error. Trial and error occurs every SINGLE day even if we do not realize it. We typically learn from trial and error.
I can relate to the Law of Exercise. When I study I make note cards and go through them over and over. The repetition strengthens my knowledge.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found Pavlov's experiment measuring the salivation of the dogs very interesting, particularly in his concept of experimental neurosis. The concept of experiment neurosis is a very intricate concept.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting is learning about is US, UR, CS. I found this least interesting because in every psych class I have taken we go over that same topic. Even though we talk about it in every class it is still confusing at times.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I had briefly learned about Pavlov and his experiments with the dogs and bells before. It was a much simpler description I had learned, we just discussed how he used the bells to condition the dogs to salivate, but I learned in this section it was much more complex than that. However, I had learned the point that was trying to be made when he was using the bells to get the dogs to salivate because they thought they were going to get food.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life from this section is When I had a dog he was trained with classical conditioning pretty much without me even knowing it. I would pick up his dog bowls to fill them up, so when ever I would pick them up he would get very excited and hop around. The second way this section relates to my life is the way you can be influenced to a certain thing based of things that have happen in that same situation previously. You will react to it every time expecting the same outcome.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
There is definitely a lot more detail than I was aware of. In other classes, we talk about this stuff and it feels like we spend a lot of time on it, but I have never learned this much about Pavlov, or even Thorndike.
Behavior Project
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please FILL OUT the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 64 0z.
Day 2 = 64 0z.
Day 3 = 64 oz.
Day 4 = 64 oz.
Day 5 = 64 oz.
Day 6 = 64 oz.
Day 7 = 64 oz.
Average = 64 oz.
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I would say that I did an amazing job on drinking the right amount of water. I was able to schedule and time out how much water I needed and it worked perfectly. I did not have a reinforcer by any mean, besides the fact that I wanted to drink a sufficient amount.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
trial and error, law of exercise, experimental neurosis, classical conditioning
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed reading about Thorndike's experiments with the cats and the puzzle box that lead to his methodological construct for intelligence. I have read about about and studied it before, but I just find it really cool how he was able to use the cats and their escape times to measure if they were gaining understanding of the puzzle box and how to get out.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The video was the least interesting because it was a monotone recap of what we had just read about the cats.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This shows us the behavior is guided by reinforcement and punishment. When the cats did certain actions to they were reinforced by getting out of the box. Other actions resulted in no forward progress in getting out of the box. They were then more likely to repeat the actions that lead them to getting out of the box. We also have a very good example of extinction burst here. The cats will freak out and commit many actions until they get out of the box.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I think the aspect of of the Law of Effect and trial and error learning relates to our life in many ways. It relates to homework assignments. Certain teachers like certain styles with homework and through trial and error we learn what each teachers' specific expectation is. We also learn about social interactions through trial and error. For example, certain people find certain jokes more offensive than other people would, but we won't know this until we learn it through trial and error.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed reading about the Pavlov Pouch. I had known about Pavlov's experiments where he trained dogs to salivate at a bell, but I had never heard of the Pouch before.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It was least interesting to read about the conditioned reflex because as a psych major you hear that term in almost every class you take.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I am learning about excitatory and inhibitory neurons in my biospychology class. It is one of the areas I am having difficulties in.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This relates to life we because we use animals to learn about human behavior. Pavlov used dogs to learn about conditioning and the different functions of certain neurons. It also could help with changing certain behavior. Just as Pavlov was able to emit a certain response from the dogs to certain stimulants, we can do the same to make that thing more or less desirable.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading about Pavlov specifically made me realize that even some of the cliche studies that we all hear about over and over again are more intricate than we may have originally realized.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =12oz
Day 2 =20oz
Day 3 =20oz
Day 4 =10oz
Day 5 =0oz
Day 6 =24oz
Day 7 =24oz
Average =15.7oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I didn't do great. I only reached my target behavior a couple of times. I tried to use the reinforcer of being able to have a treat (oreo balls) when I reached my goal. But on certain days I wasn't in the mood for sweets, so it was not a very effective reinforcer. I think if I can get to that goal and stay with it for a while it will turn into a natural behavior.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Methodological construct, reinforcement, punishment, action, extinction burst, behavior, law of effect, trial and error, Pavlov Pouch, conditioned reflex, excitatory and inhibitory neurons, emit, stimulants, desirable
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part of the section that I found most interesting was the Law of Effect proposed by Edward Thorndike. I found it most interesting because it was the only thing this section discussed, so it was pretty easy to narrow down what was interesting.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the variations of the Law of Effect, the Law of Recency and Law of Exercise to be the least interesting. I found these to be least interesting because the law stated is stating in scientific terms common sense. If recent response is reinforced it is likely to reoccur, and similarly, if something is exercised, or done over and over again, associations or behaviors are going to be strengthened.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to previous sections of the class because it is starting to discuss in detail the interactions between reinforcers and behaviors. It also gives a strengthened idea of why certain behaviors may be exhibited in scenarios, if they were recently performed the law of recency shows this, and the law of exercise shows why behaviors can be so difficult to break.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is the Law of Exercise and writing. In exercising my ability to write a paper, or practicing and through repetition, my abilities have vastly improved. Because of the strengthened conditioning I have went through in paper writing and classes I have gotten better associations with paper flow, sentence structure, and grammar, usage, spelling, etc. This is one scholastic example of the Law of Exercise.
Another example of how this section relates to me is the example of the Cat in the box and learning vs trial and error. The cat is able to get out, not necessarily by intelligence, but by trial and error. In my life, I have seen my younger siblings growing up practice this type of learning. Initially they don’t necessarily have the mental capacities to perform a certain behavior, but instead they just try and try and try and eventually the correct answer happens. A specific example of this would be those little kid shape matching toys. A one year old may be able to put the shape in the correct form, but that more times than not is complete luck, and it isn’t until they are older that they comprehend what a circle or square is that they can perform the behavior on a whim. I watched this progress through all my younger siblings as they grew up.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In this section I found the section discussing the in depth details of Pavlov’s work to be most interesting. I found this to be most interesting because I have heard a lot of work when it comes to Pavlov and his classical conditioning, but I have not heard much about the finer details like stimulus salience, regularity of presentations, and number of presentations as prerequisites for successful stimulus pairing before.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section about Pavlov’s initial salivation studies to be least interesting. It’s not that I don’t find this interesting, but instead I do not care much about the breakthrough of the conditioning and instead like to focus on the conditioning itself. It is however a nice fact to throw in people’s conversations when they believe they know all about Pavlov as only the conditioning guy.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In I believe every single psychology class I have ever taken the concept of classical conditioning is a topic that has been brought up. It also relates to behaviors because conditioned responses remind me of the antecedent – behavior – consequence structure of behavior modification. The consequence is paired largely with a behavior and can become habit, this is the same with the training, the stimulus is presented and a habitual behavior is elicited from the organism.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is the stimulus to response behavior. In my sophomore year of college fifteen of my friends and I lived on the same floor. Every day we would go to the dining center at 11:15 and 5:00 when it first opened. So even after that year, if that time came around I would preemptively get hungry and want to eat.
A second thing that relates to my life is the notion of regularity in presentation. In my organization, the role that I play is one that requires constant regular presentation of the same stimulus to get the continuous message across. It is a role that is easily undermined by inconsistencies, and when trying to have guys do what you want them to, they have to have the regular presence and practice of what you say so they don’t get confused.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Like I have said in about every section, behavior modification and common sense is vastly different and bmod is incredibly intricate. What common sense or even innate ideas for this start is much like the tip of the iceberg. But as the semester goes on, the deeper the understanding and concepts go, and it becomes more crystal clear how things work and why, instead of just understanding that it happens.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 3 8oz
Day 2 = 2.5 8oz
Day 3 = 3 8oz
Day 4 = 2 8oz
Day 5 = 2 8oz
Day 6 = 1 8oz
Day 7 = 2 8oz
Average = 2.2 80z ~17.5 oz per day
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall, I increased my water consumption by nearly double. I did not meet my target behavior each day, instead I was about half of what my goal was. Recording my behavior was difficult simply because not a lot of things have measurements readily available and I have to rely on guessing how much which is usually underestimated. My reinforce was a non-water beverage with a meal. The reinforcer I chose was not a good choice because I did not stick to water consumption alone during the week. My goal to start was 32 oz per day instead of 64 to get accommodated to the increase in water, however, without being reinforced I would not continue to drink this much water.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Edward Thorndike, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Reinforced, Pavlov, stimulus salience, regularity of presentations, number of the presentations, classical conditioning, conditioned response, antecedent, behavior, consequence, stimulus, elicited, response
1. I thought it was interesting to learn about how Edward Thorndike had a major impact on how B.F Skinner’s ideas of operant conditioning worked. Thorndike’s puzzle box was an interesting invention, because it led to the development of the law of effect and the law of recency. These two laws have a huge influence on how we think about individuals behaviors and how the brain solves problems, like escaping from a wooden box.
2. I found this section to be very fun to read. I remember learning about a few of these terms in high school psychology, but I never gave much thought to how it connects to my life and how I can apply it to the world around me.
3. This section relates to what I have previously learned because we have covered classical conditioning and operant conditioning, and this relates to that. The law of recency connects to those to terms by stating that the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur, and this is like in classical conditioning. We can also connect the law of exercise to classical and operant conditioning by looking at the familiarities, the law of exercise states that through repetition the associations are strengthened. This means that overtime if the behavior is corrected or praised enough, the individual will start to do this behavior on their own without having to think about it.
4. I can relate the law of exercise to my life. I played basketball for about eleven years of my life, I never did much practicing on my own until I got to high school and about half of the girls that were trying out would have to be cut. The tryout period was for about three weeks, and at the end of those three weeks people were going to be cut. I stayed after regular practice for another two hours so I could condition myself to make every shot and practice my defense. After working my butt off, I was one of the starters for every game in the season. I can also relate to the law of effect. While practicing for basketball tryouts I would try a new move or new way of shooting, but if it was unsuccessful and not followed with positive outcomes, I deemed it to be not worthy and stamped it out.
5. I found that the controlled stimulus, controlled response, uncontrolled stimulus, and uncontrolled response section was interesting to learn about. Just like how it was stated in the text, it’s easy to understand if you don’t think about it too hard, making it more complicated is not going to help. Another reason why I liked reading this section was because it is easily relatable to my own life. When I can connect something to my everyday life, it makes it more fun to learn about and I take away more from the reading.
6. It wasn’t that I didn’t find the salient section of the text interesting, it was more that I found it confusing. After doing the examples and really thinking about how this applies to my life, I found myself coming up with multiple examples. I still enjoyed reading about this concept, it’s just difficult to fully be interested in something when I don’t fully understand it.
7. We have talked about Pavlov and his experiment with the salivating dogs and how this was classical conditioning at its finest. In all of my psychology classes we have took time to talk about this experiment and how big of an impact it was for psychology and how this research helped other psychologist understand this concept.
8. I can relate stimulus and response to my life, because everything we do has a response and stimulus. I am hungry, I go make a sandwich for lunch. The stimulus is that my stomach is growling, and the response is for me to make food. Another connection I can make to my life from this reading is a salient stimuli. If I hear a loud crash while I’m driving, my immediate reflex is to shut my eyes and stomp on my breaks. Even though that isn’t really the safest reaction, that’s what my body does when I hear a loud noise.
9. This reading has influenced my thoughts about behavior modification by giving multiple examples and research studies about how an individual’s behavior is altered or changed by adding or subtracting a stimulus. This reading has restated that idea that this class has been and will teach me a lot of important and handy information about how behaviors can be understood.
10. Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 64 oz
Day 3 = 56 oz
Day 4 = 56 oz
Day 5 = 56 oz
Day 6 = 48 oz
Day 7 = 64 oz
Average = 58.3 oz
10b. I met my goal for every day. It was not very difficult to meet my goal and record my behavior for that past few weeks. My reinforcer was for every six cups of water I drank I could have a small can of soda. I will keep doing this because water is good for you and makes me feel more energetic during the day.
Terms: operant conditioning, law of effect, law of recency, classical conditioning, law of exercise, controlled stimulus, controlled response, uncontrolled stimulus, uncontrolled response, salient, stimulus, and response.
Section 3.1
1) What I found most interesting about Edward Thorndike was his development of the Law of Effect. As an athlete I learn my sport through the trial and error process. The trial and error also has another dynamic to it that most people don’t consider. As a shot putter I have to attribute a cause to the effect of a throw. If I don’t have a well progressed understanding of the application of behaviors I will not be able to manage the trial and error process efficiently.
2) I wouldn’t say that there was something that I found the least interesting, rather there was an absence of in depth comprehension of the laws. While I agree they are simple in concept I would like to know more about them and on a deeper level of thinking.
3) This section relates to what we learned about extinction and reinforcement. When the trial and error talks about “stamping in” I relate it to a reinforcement of a target behavior. When we say “stamping out” I can relate it to the process of extinction.
4) I imagine that I too, am like the cat trying to solve the puzzle. The only difference is that for the time being I have someone holding my hand. I connect this to throwing with my coach. My coach sees an obstacle before me and guides me through the correct procedure. As I get closer and closer I have to remember what I used to get there. I see it as a big house of trap doors. After you make it up another level of a house you have to watch out for the trap doors. As a coach you guide your athlete to side step trap doors, and remind them of other traps that they have already encountered. But here the issue is that there is no escape, there is no such thing as a perfect throw, so as I discover how to escape from one puzzle box of throwing, I find myself in another. Even if I am not throwing, something as simple as studying for a test can be connected to Thorndike’s puzzle boxes. When you study for a test the goal is to get a passing grade, or the grade you want. Sometimes however we fail to meet our goals. Like the cat in the puzzle box we look at what helped us the most what scenarios got us to successfully meet our goal. If we went to the movie theater instead of studying we stamp it out when it leads to an adverse grade. By the law of recency we take what successful behavior was applied and apply it again. And when we work through the law of exercise we then strengthen our interpretation of what it takes to study and get the grade we want. We then stamp in our experienced successful behaviors.
Section 3.2
5) Ivan Pavlov’s discovery and application of Conditioned Reflex was the most interesting thing in this section. As we look into conditioned reflex, like the salivation experiments, we think about our conditioned reflex. Low and behold we find that we have a plethora of conditioned reflexes that we had no idea about. Before we know it we think of our dog, our siblings, and parents, and attempt to find out why we were conditioned with that reflex, and what it means.
6) I didn’t really care to learn about the process of an Unconditioned Response into a Conditioned Response. I had learned about this study in my biology classes and it was just review I had no interest in looking into the process again.
7) In my biology class we learned about conditioning and the responses. We learned about what the brain connects to when in the process of learning skills. Here we discovered that a bird does many things on instinct but that it also emits many behaviors from conditioned responses. When we learned about Darwinism the first thing we discussed were squirrels on campus vs squirrels at the dog park. We learned that behaviors were conditioned by the presence of other life. Squirrels at the park have the conditioned response to fun up a tree no matter who is around. Squirrels on campus will at times eat out of your palm if you sit long enough. The conditioned reflex was different that’s how we began our Darwin talk.
8) Ducking when someone yells ‘four’ at the golf course. This is connected to my unconditioned response to ducking when objects are flying nearby. This is conditioned by the yelling of the word ‘four’ to duck. When I am home at my mom’s house I often turn the TV off when I hear footsteps. This is a conditioned response to when I was younger having my mom yell at me to turn the TV off at night. This connects to the response and reflexes.
9) Comprehension. As I look into behavior modification I often think of what events may alter behavior and what events may not. With these altercations of behavior I learn why they happen. Just knowing that they happen isn’t enough for me, with each week I learn more and more of my ‘why?’ answers.
Day 1 = 2L
Day 2 =3L
Day 3 =3L
Day 4 =3L
Day 5 =0L
Day 6 =4L
Day 7 =2L
Average =2.2L
10b) My reinforcement of assigning water bottles was very effective. I managed to maintain an above average score, however on the 5th day I was at a jungle juice party and I can’t recall ever drinking any water. On day 6 I had 2 bottles extra to drink to meet my standard for the day. I will continue to assign water bottles for the day to keep up with my need for hydration levels.
11) Terminology: Law of effect, trial and error, Edward Thorndike, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, Adverse, Stamp in, Stamp out, Conditioned Reflex, Ivan Pavlov, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Response, emit,
Reading Activity Week 7
Please read sections 3.1 (Thorndike) and 3.2 (Pavlov).
Section 3.1 Thorndike
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought that animal intelligence was a very interesting section. I think a lot of times I personally forget that not just humans are very intelligent. Animals are very intelligent creators and sometimes seems smarter than humans. Anyways I thought that it was amazing that cats do things especially in the case of where the cat is in the box tries many ways to get out until the goal is reached. As humans in situations we tend to do the same thing of trial and error till we receive the positive consequence or reward. In some ways we are similar to animals in behavior and I find that very interesting, which I am sure helps with research when they cannot always be performed on humans for ethical reasons.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I honestly enjoyed the whole section of the chapter. I knew about Thorndike from other classes, but I do not remember learning any of the things that were pointed out in the chapter. The section was also short which gave less room for me to find a section least interesting. If anything the first graph in the section I found least interesting because with not having the axis labeled did not help when wanting to read the table and is not useful. I was also confused as to why he did not label his graph.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The only thing that I knew from other classes was the fact that researchers used animals to use those studies to reference the results back to humans. For example, Pavlov with dogs, Thorndike with the cat, and B.F. Skinner with his pigeons. All of these studies were done with animals, but were referenced back to humans and how we interact and comparing the results of the animals to us as humans.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things that relate to my life from this section are trial and error and The Law of Recency. For examples, when I am trying to build something I am not big on reading instructions on how to build the structure instead I use trial and error till I get the structure to work or if I do not I start over with a different approach. Along with that same example when I finally figure out the way to get my structure to work I can remember only the last steps I took to receive my result. I can also use that process when solving a similar structure.
Section 3.2 Pavlov
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of the section which might seem small was the fact that Pavlov used a procedure of the surgical invention. I did not know from other classes on studying Pavlov that he performed surgery that isolated a section of the dog’s stomach so the ingested food would not enter and contaminate the saliva. Along with the tube made from the small intestine that was attached the on the abdominal wall. I thought this section was interesting because I have gone through many psychology classes so far and we have learned about Pavlov’s research with dogs and the conditioning, stimulus, and response etc, but never was it mentioned that he did surgery on the dogs. The reason this is interesting is because one I do not understand why this was never taught before with it being an extreme part of his research and two it is amazing how much dedication and results he received from doing this.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The area that I found least interesting was when he was talking about neurons. I am not big on that area and have never done well in science classes. I knew it was my least interesting area as well because when I got to the section in the reading I could feel myself get distracted and not being as assertive as in the beginning. I am not entirely sure why I feel this way other than that part did not excite my brain.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section mostly relates to my introduction to psychology where we talk about Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs. Along with operant conditioning, learned helplessness, stimulus, and response, etc. Pavlov is a main person that is studied in all beginner psychology classes because he did provide great work with his research.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things that I read from this section that relate to my life are unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. For example in my life, when it is around the time that I usually have lunch or dinner I can feel myself starting to think about food and wanting it more than other times of the day. The time around lunch or dinner being my unconditioned stimulus and the thinking of food is the unconditioned response.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
The sections did not necessarily change how I thought about behavior, because from other classes we learned about how animals can be used to study on to see how they interact and apply it to humans. If anything these chapters reminded me that behavior can be formed in animals as well as humans and on top of all of that those results of animals can be applied to humans. These chapters show that there is a whole other section of things that can be influenced with behavior.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 7
Day 2 =8
Day 3 =9
Day 4 =5
Day 5 =9
Day 6 =10
Day 7 =6
Average =7.71
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did horrible when trying to change my behavior. I was so focused on my classes and all of the other things going around me in my life I completely forgot about reinforcing myself. My reinforce was supposed to be a pop at the end of the 7 days but my observation is that my reinforcement was not strong enough or big enough of a reward to get me to drink lots of water and change my behavior. I do not think that every day I will continue to drink lots of water but hopefully with it getting colder outside I will to make sure I stay hydrated.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms: trial and error, The Law of Recency, Thorndike, Pavlov, B.F. Skinner, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, operant conditioning, learned helplessness, stimulus, and response
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One of the first things that was discussed was the idea of animal intelligence that Thorndike studied. Although sad, it was interesting that Thorndike built trap like structures to help test a cat’s intelligence. In these structures he also used the idea of trial and error to perfect his research on cat intelligence.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t really find anything in this chapter uninteresting. This was a short concise chapter with quite a bit of interesting information on Thorndike’s studies.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing that can easily relate to many things we face in everyday life is, trial and error. Trial and error is something we have all experienced. Through all of my classes, Thorndike’s cat intelligence study is something that I had not yet heard of, which surprised me a bit because it seems like a study that would be fairly popular among the psychology community.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One of the things we discussed was trial and error. I think this can easily be related back to life. For one example, trial and error with test taking. For my first test in one of my classes I chose to not study. After my grade reflected, I then chose to study much more for the second. I think this could be applied to the idea of trial and error. Another example of trial and error can be applied to athletes. As an athlete, when playing softball I think it took a variety of trial and error attempts to get the right consistency in a swing for hitting.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One of my favorite topics in psychology is learned helplessness. I find it super interesting that a person can learn to become helpless, yet it makes total sense. This topic is by far my favorite thing that we have discussed thus far. Although I have previously heard about this, it is always interesting to learn new information on a favorite topic.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Again, I really liked the topics that were discussed throughout this chapter. I found most of it all very interesting!
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
A conditioned response was something that was discussed that Pavlov did a lot of research on. I’ve read about a variety of Pavlov studies in other classes, especially the conditioning of dogs. This was one of the things that was brushed on in this section. Learned helplessness was another topic that was discussed. In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting topics that can be researched. Another thing that was touched on was a stimulus and response, both things that we have previously discussed in this class.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
An easy example that can be related to stimulus response is when a person becomes hungry at the sight of the time. I know I personally face this issue daily. Another thing that can be related back to life is the idea of salient. When my phone buzzes because I have a text, I not only receive a buzz but a bring flashing light goes off three times, always capturing my attention. I believe this could be an example of salient.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
After these readings, it has made me think about the idea of modifying the behavior of animals much more. Previously, I have only thought about modifying the behavior of my friends or family or how I could use this information when I am a parent. I am now thinking much more about the modification of a dog or cat and the research that could be done with it.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 5 water bottles
Day 2 = 4 water bottles
Day 3 = 5 water bottles
Day 4 = 5 water bottles
Day 5 = 4 water bottles
Day 6 = 3 water bottles
Day 7 = 4 water bottles
Average = 4.2 water bottles per day
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall, I did meet my target behavior for each day. I found it a bit more forceful during the weekend because I wasn’t as focused on the task and I didn’t have my water bottle within an arm’s length like I normally do during school. I didn’t find it too difficult to record this information because I just kept a tally system in my planner that I frequently use. My reinforcer was a free cheat meal, which was a good choice. I think that I can keep up with drinking a lot because I’m getting used to always having my water bottle on me.
Terminology used: Conditioned response, learned helplessness, trial and error, stimulus, response, salient, and reinforce.
Section 3.1
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found interesting was the fact that Thorndike even came up with the idea of a puzzle box for a cat to operate. I wonder what spurred his idea to study the intelligence of cats through the use of a puzzle box? This whole idea was fascinating to me that someone could come up with such a thing. I really enjoyed the picture included in the reading because they helped me visually comprehend just how difficult these puzzle boxes really were. Personally, I found this to be an interesting perspective and I am curious as to where he came up with the design for the puzzle boxes.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The lack of pictures pertaining to this particular topic. As a visual learner pictures would have been great assistance with helping to explain such abstract concepts. I did take the initiative to go online and look up some additional videos and photos to help me better understand the whole process of the puzzle boxes and to actually see the reactions of the cats as they maneuvered the boxes.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Back in my intro to psychology class I vaguely remember studying Thorndike and his use of puzzle boxes. I do like how this article built upon that knowledge and taught me more about the experiment process than I knew previously. I also wanted to mention how I enjoyed the mini lesson expanding upon the topic of extinction burst as discussed in the previous reading. That was a nice connection when talking about the cats initial behaviors upon being placed in the box.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Trial and error is definitely the greatest way I can apply this reading to my everyday life. I feel that I naturally use trial and error in my day-to-day activities as a student in college. When I am submitting an assignment (say for example an essay) at the beginning of the semester I put forth my best effort. Then when I get the score back along with feedback I typically modify my writing with the expectation that I will either be able to maintain my current grade or that I will improve upon it. In an essence, all homework is trial and error, as you try your best to prove your knowledge of certain topic and you either succeed or fail, which causes you to change. To go even deeper, life itself is trial and error, in an effort to "get it right".
The other way I can apply this to my life is the concept of the Law of Effect and trying to adjust my life based on positive outcomes. If I don't do well on an assignment, I attempt to change my environment, my study habits, etc, in an effort to see a more positive outcome.
Section 3.2
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What impressed me the most was the great lengths that Pavlov went in order to perform his experiment. I knew from previous classes that he had measured the saliva that secreted from the mouths of dogs, but I hadn't really known exactly how he had achieved it. The fact that he had surgically attached small tubes into the salivary ducts in the mouths of dogs in order to collect, measure, and analyze the salvation from dogs was quite impressive, and very gross. It made sense once I had thought about it, but initially I was shocked at such lengths he went to in order to study this behavior. The other thing that I found interesting was how Pavlov was determined to rule out any unintentional stimulus by soundproofing the rooms and the halls as well as having the experimenters wear softer shoes in order to limit the sound made by their footsteps.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I wouldn't say uninteresting as much as a bit confusing. The whole section on conditioned and unconditioned response was not that difficult to understand as long as I didn't over think it. I will admit I got a bit mixed up on a couple of the examples because I started to over analyze the situations but I think I eventually figured it out. Perhaps less explanations, more examples, and more visual representations. The visual aid in the section really did help simplify the whole concept.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Pavlov was a familiar name because we had studied his experiment with dogs previously in this class as well as in other classes. This was the first class however, that went so in depth with his study and provided additional information pertaining to his process.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
First off, that example involving the pigeons blinking with the puff of air made me have flashbacks from when I went to the doctor's office as a child. They would have you sit and focus on a red dot, then a little high pitched noise would sound and a puff of air would shoot into your eye causing you to blink. I was really bad at this because I would flinch at the puff of air every time, so it got to the point where I would flinch the moment I started to focus on the red dot. The nurses would get very upset with me. Applying this situation to what we have already learned, the conditioned response was the blinking and the conditioned stimulus, for me at least, was not the high pitch sound, but first catching sight of the red dot. I feel like I have other instances in my life of conditioned stimulus and conditioned responses which is another way I would relate this information to my life.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
The fact that dogs can feel depression the same as humans. Once upon a time I had two dogs who were brothers, Shadow and Chance. When Chance passed away Shadow went through what I thought was a state of depression but now my thoughts are confirmed by this reading, that dogs can feel the same emotions as humans. That being said, there are also ways that animal behaviors can be modified that can apply to humans as well.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1= 72 oz
Day 2= 72 oz
Day 3= 64 oz
Day 4= 68 oz
Day 5= 48 oz
Day 6= 80oz
Day 7= 24oz
Average= 61.14 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I did pretty good. I was not able to meet my goal every day and that was partially due to the fact that the days I did not meet my goal was because I was traveling those days. I find that when I am driving a long distance I don't want to drink a bunch of water since I will most likely have to stop to go to the bathroom. It was not difficult for me to measure how much water I am drinking because I have an app on my phone that allows me to track my progress. The reinforcer I used was the fact that if I met my goal I would buy myself a pack of oreos. Honestly not a very strong reinforcer because I truly don't need oreos and I have done well without them. I think I will continue to try to drink enough water each day but I will have to come up with a better reward than oreos.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Reinforcer, Puzzle Box, Pavlov, Thorndike, Law of Effective, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Response
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Law of Effect, I think that it explains a large of amount how animals and people learn and it is an interesting thought to conceptualize.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The graphing part at the end, it somewhat came out of nowhere and I have taken research methods and have learned about graphing already
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-Sorry to repeat myself but I have learned about graphing in research methods previously.
-I watched the Thorndike video in intro psych
-We briefly talked about Thorndike in history and systems.
-The concept that learning abilities the animals have humans have as well has been discussed in earlier readings and in other classes I have had.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-People, myself included, often use trial and error to learn.
-The graphing section can help me when I am making future presentations and assignment.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I have always found the concept of classical conditioning to be interesting. The first time I read\heard about it the concept seemed almost like some sort of magic or trick. The fact that you can give a response to an unrelated stimuli is really interesting to me.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find the details of pavlov's inventions and surgical techniques very much since I was more interested in classical conditioning aspect of his work. I understand it give context to how he made his discovery.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-Pavlov's study with the dogs salivating have been extensively talked about in intro classes.
-CS, CR, US, UR are concepts talked about in other classes.
-Pavlov was talked about in my history and systems class
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-Pavlov’s experiment is one of the first things I talk about things I learn in my major to people who think psychology is “all therapists”
-Regularity in presentation is something I will think about when I am trying to reinforce or teach people things.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Law of effect is a good way to explain the trial and error process and I had not thought of it conceptually. I did not understand the depths of Pavlov’s experiments as much as after the reading. I did not know of the law of recency and law of exercise before this. I also did not thinking of behavior modification in a scope that includes more than humans than when I started this class.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 56oz
Day 2 = 48oz
Day 3 = 72oz
Day 4 = 64oz
Day 5 = 48oz
Day 6 = 56oz
Day 7 = 56oz
Average = 57.14oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did improve but did not reach the target behavior everyday. It was not very difficult for me personally since my water bottle is 16oz and it was the only thing I would drink water from. I will probably drink some water without being reinforced since it is something I did some of before the experiment. The reinforcer I chose was a good choice since I would think about it when I looked at my water bottle.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Thorndike, Pavlov, Classical Conditioning, CS, CR, US, UR, Law of effect, trial and error, graphs
1)I would say that this section was just ok. I did not feel really engage with it and there was not really too much to get out of it. However, from all the section I would say that I liked the methodological construct for intelligence. I have never heard about that term so it was something new.
2)Like I said before this section was just ok so I would not say I did not like it but so far this was the section that I liked the least because there was not too much content. It talked about a few laws, methodological construct and trial and error learning but that is pretty much all. I did not feel engage with the section while I was reading it.
3)I have never heard about Edward Thorndike before this section so I was not familiar with the laws and the methodological construct of intelligence. However, I have learned about trial and error in past classes, this was not the first time I get in touch with someone who tries to measure intelligence through animals. Overall, I would say this section was half familiar, half new.
4)The two things from this section that relate to my life are trial and error learning and Law of Recency. Most of the knowledge that we acquired throughout our life implies trial and error learning. From babies to elderly, we keep acquiring knowledge through this system. Law of Recency is something that also applies to my life. Every time I get a pleasurable response when emitting a specific behavior, I will be more likely to emit that same behavior in that same situation in order to get the response I want.
5)I really liked the whole section. I have to say that it is always been kind of confusing for me but I think that after this section I have acquired a better understanding of the classical conditioning and its parts. I found interesting how unconditioned stimulus and response with repetition become conditioned stimulus and response.
6)There was not anything that I did not like or found not interesting.
7)I have already studied Pavlov and its classical conditioning. I have already covered the whole section in past classes so there was not really anything I did not know or I have not heard about before.
8)The two things from this section that relate to my life are classical conditioning and experimental neurosis. Our life is full of classical conditioning especially at young ages. When we want a baby or a young kid to do something we want them to do, we usually use unconditioned stimulus that leads to unconditioned response. If we want the kid or baby to keep emitting the same behavior, we will keep this system until it becomes conditioned stimulus and response. Experimental neurosis is not something that I usually pay attention to but it takes place. When we found ourselves in situations that we are confuse and we do not know how to react to stimulus, each of us have our own way to deal with those situations, sometimes we do not react to that confusion and we sometimes have an aversive reaction.
9)I did not feel really engage with the first section so it really did not have any effect on my opinion about behavior modification. In the case of the second section since I already learned about it and its relation with behavior, it did not really change my opinion about behavior modification either.
10a) Day 1= 64 oz
Day 2= 64 oz
Day 3= 64 oz
Day 4= 64 oz
Day 5= 64 oz
Day 6= 64 oz
Day 7= 64 oz
Average= 64 oz
10b) Setting a goal was really helpful to meet the daily target behavior and I met the goal every day. Having as a reinforcer the two sodas was a motivation because I like to drink soda every once in a while so it motivated me to meet the goal. After trying with a reinforcer and seeing that I can do it I think I will be able to meet the goal without that reward.
11)Terms and terminology used: reinforce, classical conditioning, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, aversive response, pleasurable, experimental neurosis, stimulus, trial and error learning, Law of Recency, methodological construct of intelligence.
1)I think the fact that this section pointed out what Thorndike was missing in his graph was extremely interesting because he was at the start of his field. People who are pioneers in their field often do not have the same terminology and standards as the people who come after them because they are paving a brand new road that has never been or very rarely been traveled before. I think we are able to read his graphs and label them in hindsight with things such as title, axis labels, and numbering.
2) I think the portion of the this section on how research often built their own equipment to be least interesting because until a research really knows what they are looking for I am not sure it would be possible for them to collaborate with anyone else.
3) Since I have previous taken History and Systems of psychology, I have learned about Thorndike and the influences he had on later psychologist. I think it also relates to things we have learned in this class because it leads into classic and operant conditioning.
4) I think this relates to my life because I have used similar tactics to train my dog to get what she wants. She knows that if she wants to go outside, a reinforcer, she needs to jump up on the door and ring the bell hanging from it, a target behavior. This is similar to the cats needing to push the string to open the door. The second thing that relates to my life is the idea of “trial and error”. I have often used this tactic in my life with things such as doing math homework or figuring out how to drive a stick shift vehicle.
5) I found the portion of this section on how a response can either be conditioned or unconditioned to be very interesting. As an outsider looking at this behavior and reinforcing it, I am not sure that I would care whether it was conditioned or not but I would care and hope to understand all of things that are going to cause the target behavior to occur.
6) I did not find the first portion of this section to be interesting at all because I actually strongly dislike reading about how Pavlov cut open dogs to study their salivation. I understand the significant impact it had on what was to come and how much of a break through it was but that does not mean I want to read about it multiple times a year.
7) This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc. I have learned about Pavlov in other classes but I think I always block out the section of how he readjusted the dogs anatomy to better study the salvation occurrences.
8) I think the largest relations I can find between my life and this section is that of the conditioned stimulus of the drawer of the refrigerator being opened. When my dog hears this noise she runs into the kitchen because through her experience she has learned that she will receive a piece of cheese by bothering whoever just opened the drawer. The next thing that relates to my life is how Pavlov did not start out as a psychologist. It is extremely interesting and relatable to me that many of the sciences are related. I am a Psychology/Sociology double major with a minor in communication studies but it never fails to amaze me how everything I learn in any class can be related to something else I know or have learned from something that might seem completely unrelated.
9) I am not sure this section has influenced my original thinking on behavior modification but it has made me think about what these researcher might be able to do with today’s technology. Would they come up with things that are completely new and unheard of but take them to levels even they couldn’t imagine? Also would they be able to build better equipment because resources, such as materials but also people, are more available to the scientific community around the world.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): Since I was already drinking the target amount of water I decided to reinforce myself every time I did the dishes. Since I was in the bad habit of doing my own dishes (not including rinsing out) only twice a week, I decided I would allow myself to eat a cupcake every time I did the dishes.
Day 1 =No dishes
Day 2 =Dishes
Day 3 =No Dishes
Day 4 =No Dishes
Day 5 =Dishes
Day 6 =No Dishes
Day 7 =Dishes
Average =Doing Dishes 3 times
10b) I did not meet my goal of doing the dishes every single day. It was not difficult to track my progress because the if I did not accomplish my goal the reminder was sitting in my sick. I think that eventually I would do the dishes without being reinforced but it would go back to not happening very often.
11. Terms: Thorndike, Title, axis labels, numbering, target behavior, reinforcer, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, trial and error, conditioned response, unconditioned response, behavior, reinforcing, conditioned stimulus
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Learning about the Law of Recency was interesting to me because it is a new term and I hadn’t even realized just how true it is.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Going over the Law of Exercise was the least interesting to me because when I read the term I had a good idea of what it meant already.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I think this section really tied into what we have already learned about Skinner and his methods. It showed us where he may have gotten some ideas from as well.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The Law of Exercise can be related to me in many ways, but the simplest would be training my dog, because the repetition is what helped him learn better.
I can relate to the law of recency as well because it’s a good example of trial and error. If I’m trying to do something and I’m sporadically emitting behaviors and I eventually get the response I desired, I’m going to assume that the last behavior I did resulted in the consequence that I wanted.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it very interesting to learn more about Pavlov’s work with the dogs, I wasn’t aware of what all he had tested and researched when working with them
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Reading about the unconditioned/condition stimulus and response was the least interesting to me because I feel like I already have a pretty good grasp on this topic.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section added on to my previous knowledge about stimuli and taught me more about Pavlov’s research.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can see how the fact that the neutral stimulus has to be presented a sufficient amount of times in order for the association to occur. This can be seen with training pets, because it often takes many many tries in order for them to get the desired behavior down.
The regularity of the presentation of the neutral stimulus makes a lot of sense to me, because if the stimulus and response aren’t happening together every time the behavior won’t be learned.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I don’t think that these sections influenced my thoughts about behavior modification, the basically went over what we have talked about this year in more detail or topics that I have learned previously.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =48 oz
Day 2 =56 oz
Day 3 =54 oz
Day 4 =64 oz
Day 5 =68 oz
Day 6 =72 oz
Day 7 =70 oz
Average =61.7 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did much better than I thought I would, I think now I’m used to having to drink water in order to make my goal. I’m using the same waterbottle that has markings of how much I’m drinking so it helps me keep track. My reinforcement of eating ice cream was good, I definitely want to meet my goal so I can reward myself with a sweet. I think that I will keep trying to drink my goal amount of water because I know that it is the healthy required amount for a person to drink every day.
11) Terms: law of recency, law of exercise, emit, consequence, neutral stimulus
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Section 3.1 talked a lot about Thorndike’s methods of testing animal intelligence and his famous puzzle box. I enjoyed reading about how Thorndike would study how a cat learned to manipulate strings and levers built into the box allowing a door to open thus freeing the cat. This section provided a very informative video on how these puzzle boxes would have looked and operated. There was also a graph that showed how quickly/slowly cats learned to escape the puzzle box. The cats behavior would be modified by the box, the cats would learn to emit a certain behavior in order to escape. It was surprising to see how quickly the cats learned to escape.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This section was rather short, there wasn't much in the chapter to dislike. It was all pretty easy to follow and understand. The only thing that could have given me trouble was the pictures of the puzzle boxes. I understand how they worked and what their function was but it would be more interesting if we saw exactly how they worked. Also it would be interesting to see how the cat would respond if we made the required behaviors to be freed, more and more complicated. When would the cat stop learning and give up. What would be interesting as well is how quickly the cat’s behaviors would become extinct if we stopped rewarding the cat for emitting the behaviors.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Thorndike’s puzzle box is very similar to previous chapters because the cat in the puzzle box must learn a new behavior in order to escape. The cats would learn through association, the cat would associate that last behavior with the door opening and emit that particular behavior upon being placed in the box again. Once target behavior was finally emitted the cat was rewarded by being free.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I think everyone can relate to the Law of Effect. The Law of Effect is when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcome resulting with the new behavior being learned or “stamped in”. For the most part people will tend to do things that are pleasurable, people will also be reinforced throughout the day by others who want certain behaviors to continue. I can also relate to behaviors being stamped out, after coming to college I have now stamped out the bad behavior of sleeping in. I realize there is a lot more i can do with my time other than sleep if I got to bed early and also wake up early.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I enjoyed learning about how someone can become conditioned to certain stimulus. How an unconditioned response can become conditioned. Every class prior to this I have learned about Pavlov and his dogs, in this class we have gone far more in depth on this subject. The dogs learned to drool when they heard the bell ring. The bell became the Conditioned stimulus because this is what caused the dogs to drool in the end. The salvation became the conditioned response, The dogs were taught to drool to the sound of the bell instead of drooling when they see food.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It was tough learning all the CR/UR and CS/US. After reading through the entire chapter it made more sense but reading a scenario and trying to identify what a Unconditioned Stimulus is would be difficult. The book talked about Pavlov and his dogs, the bell at first elicited no response, and of course the food was the unconditioned stimulus because the dogs did not have to learn this, it was natural. The salvation to the food was also natural, unconditioned response. The bell would be rung before the dogs were presented the food getting them acclimated to the stimulus. The bell would eventually become the conditioned stimulus having been taught to respond to it. And the salvation would also become learned because they were taught to respond to the ringing of the bell.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section talks about the process of conditioning, this is similar to Thorndike and his puzzle boxes because behavior are being modified/learned. Everyone has heard of Pavlov and his dogs, the process of conditioning dogs to salivate whenever they hear the sound of a bell is a famous experiment.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Im sure when i was a child my parents had conditioned me to behave many times. They may have even conditioned me on accident, I can remember times when I was staying up late watching tv and if i stayed up late i would get in trouble. I remember that whenever i would hear footsteps coming from down the hall that i would know my parents were coming and i needed to turn the tv off and act like i was asleep. I can also relate to the process of SR. Whenever i look at the clock around noon I usually start getting hungry.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Learning about famous psychologists is very interesting. Thorndike and Pavlov are very famous psychologists and their work will be studied for a long time. Learning more about their experiments has helped me understand the process of changing behaviors a lot better. From teaching pets how to behave to teaching children how to behave, these two psychologists have really helped.
1- 4 cups- 64 oz
2- 5 cups-80 oz
3- 7 cups-112 oz
4- 5 cups-80 oz
5- 6 cups 96 oz
6-6 cups 96 oz
7- 5 cups 80 oz
Average= 86.85 oz
10b. I think I did very well this week. I achieved well above my target goal of 64 oz, I averaged 86.85 oz a day. I think it was pretty easy for me to reach this goal because I have basketball practice nearly every day and water breaks are something I very much look forward to. However if I were to record my data on a day that I do not have practice I think I would be below my goal.
If I had to do this again I would try and bring a water bottle to class. This is something I did not do this first time around and I think it would help me achieve my goal. Another behavior I would likely try to change is eat less sweets. Since I would have to reduce the times I emit this behavior I would have to punish myself and obviously I won’t enjoy doing that. So I would have to find a way to reward myself for emitting a different behavior instead of punishing myself. I think reinforcing me eating tasty fruit and replacing the sweets would be a better approach to modifying my behavior.
Reinforcer, target behavior, conditioned reflex, salient, trial and error learning, law of
effect, law of recency, law of exercise, emit.
Section 3.1
I really liked reading about Thorndike's puzzle boxes. I thought it was interesting that many of the materials he found to make the early puzzle boxes came from scraps he found in alleyways. I have always been really interested in experiments that involve animals, and testing their intelligence so this section was really fun to read. Also, learning about The Law of Effect made me think a lot about all of the things my pet dog, and cat have learned since our family adopted them.
I did not find anything in this reading uninteresting. I really liked this section because it included a video, real pictures of the puzzle boxes Thorndike made, graphs/diagrams, and it was a shorter section. These things made this reading a lot more interesting to me, and it made it easier to read through.
The Law of Effect reminds me a lot of reinforcement. Reinforcement is when an individual emits a behavior that becomes reinforced by a reward (etc), and then the behavior will increase in the future. The Law of Effect, according to the text, says "when behaviors or responses are followed by positive outcome, that association is stamped in." These two concepts are very similar because they both deal with a behavior being emitted, something good happening (Either reinforcement, or a positive outcome), and the the likelihood of the behavior to happen again in the future.
As I was reading this section it reminded me a lot of the kitten we have at our apartment. We have had him for a little over a month now, and it has been really interesting to see the things he has learned, and the behaviors that he emits. I have definitely seen The law of Effect take place with our kitten (Simba). Two examples of how The Law of Effect has taken place with Simba are he now knows how to push open doors if they are cracked, and he knows how to get us to open the door if it is shut all the way. He learned that if he sticks his paw into the crack and then nudges the door with his head (These are his behaviors.) it will open (This is the positive outcome). He has also learned that if he cannot open the door, but sits next to it meowing (behavior) someone will come and open the door for him (the response from us leads to a positive outcome for him).
Section 3.2
I thought the first part of this reading was really interesting because I have never really learned about any of the work Pavlov did besides his work with dogs, specifically finding that dog's started salivating at the sound of a bell. I thought all of his other work that was put in to discover the conditioned reflex was really interesting to read about/important to learn.
The section I found least interesting was the one about neutral stimulus because it wasn't as complex as the US or CS, so it wasn't as fun to read. It was just the most boring out of everything else in this section.
In previous classes/this class I have learned about Pavlov, and his classical conditioning. I remember learning about researchers testing the eye blink response in bunnies from intro to psych, and determining that their are unconditioned stimulus', unconditioned responses, conditioned stimulus', and conditioned responses.
The first thing that popped into my head is a conditioned stimulus/response situation that has formed between my friend and me. I also go in her car all the time, and before you can open the door this loud clicking noise occurs - it has now become a conditioned stimulus for me. I will not opened the door (conditioned response) until I hear the click. It has become so conditioned that when I ride in other people's cars I am standing outside waiting to hear a click forever before I realize my friend is giving me a really weird look wondering why I am just standing outside of the car. I am so used to waiting to hear the click though I don't even notice I have been standing that for a really long time.
Another thing that related to my life was the response of jumping back from the water in the shower after someone flushes the toilet. Specifically when I still lived in the dorms you had to back away from the water, or it would really burn. There were so many toilets in the bathroom that you always had to be aware of when someone was going to flush. (Which is just disturbing because you don't want to think about someone going to the bathroom while you are showering.)
This section broadened a lot of topics for me that I had only learned a little bit about. This section mostly influenced me in the way that now I know so much more about all the work that has gone on to produce these research results.
10a) Day 1 = 7 cups
Day 2 = 6 cups
Day 3 = 7 cups
Day 4 = 5 cups
Day 5 = 8 cups
Day 6 = 6 cups
Day 7 = 6 cups
Average = About 6 1/2 cups a day. (6.43)
10b) Overall, I did better about drinking water than I did the week before. The first week the average amount of water I drank each day was 5.14 cups, so my average for this week was about a cup and a half more. However, I did not reach my target behavior of eight cups per day. It's not difficult to measure how much water I drink each day because I use the same water bottle throughout the day, and I know how much water it holds/how much of it I drink. (It is also not hard to remember when I refill it. I was using Papa John's pizza as my reinforcer, but I do not think it was a good choice to make. One reason it was a bad idea is because my roommate brought back pizza on Monday night, so then I didn't really care to have pizza again later in the week. Having pizza on Monday night obviously didn't reinforce me because I hadn't really even had a chance to complete my target behaviors. I will have to think of another way to use reinforcement for this week, so I will drink the 64 oz a day.
Terms: target behavior, reinforcer, reinforce, reinforcement, emits, behaviors, positive outcome, response, the law of effect, classical conditioning, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned reflex, neutral stimulus
Thorndike and Pavlov
1. I found the idea of the puzzle box to be most interesting. It is funny in a way that one day, Thorndike decided he would make something that will open by pressing a lever and stick a cat in to see how it went. The photos of the boxes were really interesting as well. I wish there was more information on how he got a bunch of cats to test and why the results in his graph seemed to vary.
2. I found the last part on the parts of a graph less interesting because I have had to do a million and a half graphs already.
3. We learned about methodological construct in my Personality class. Many times when people learn what behavior carries out good actions from others, we will continue to do it. If being stubborn your whole childhood helped you get your way, its pretty likely as an adult you can still be labeled as stubborn and possibly even rude.
4. One way this section related to me recently was when my car would overheat and no one could figure out why. It took a few times to figure out exactly what I would do when it would start smoking. It turned out that as long as I kept the car moving…it would keep itself cool. It was when the car would stop that it overheated. Another example is a girl I know named Marissa. Marissa is the youngest of her siblings by a 25 year difference and she is always super whiny. Her dad explained to me that when she was younger, if they told her “no” to anything she would throw a huge fit until she could barely breathe from crying until they let her have her way. Now when she asks to do something and they say no, she goes straight into a pretend panic so they will change their minds because she knows it works.
5. I thought all of this section was pretty interesting! I really liked learning about Pavlov. One thing that really surprised me though was how he measured the saliva. I have taken 5 different psych classes and none of them mentioned how he operated on the dogs to collect the samples. I guess I never really thought about how he measured it besides seeing it visually or swabbing their mouth. I also liked this section because it relates to most positive stimulus.
6. I didn’t care for the portion on neurosis or neuroses to be as interesting as the rest. I don’t think the content itself was uninteresting, but I just got lost because I was more interested in the study itself. I think it is all important though.
7. The part where he would manipulate shapes to determine rewards was talked about in one of my other classes. In class, our professor had us do it, saying if we got them all correct (differentiating between a circle and oval) we could get extra credit. Though when its so close to one or the other, it got really nerve wracking because no one was sure. So I know how the dogs felt.
8. One way is in teaching good and bad behaviors to children. We have talked about this in class a lot by offering rewards to kids when we want them to do something. So offering candy to a child if they clean their room will most likely lead to a better result then offering to put them in time out if they clean their room. Another example could be when you drink too much of something and it makes you sick…not ever wanting that again. So before, it was fun drinking Kinky because it tasted all right and would get you drunk. Then you had too much of it and threw it up for 4 hours the next day. Now the idea of drinking kinky makes you gag.
9. This section confirmed my expectations for this class. I really enjoy hearing the history of psychology.
10. Week 2:
11. Day 1 = 24oz
Day 2 = 16oz
Day 3 = 32oz
Day 4 = 32oz
Day 5 = 16oz
Day 6 = 64oz
Day 7 = 48oz
Average = 33.14 oz
10b. I did better than last week but I still did not meet my daily goal. It was difficult measuring because sometimes I don’t drink a full glass at once. I kind of thought that I didn’t need to reinforce myself because just being conscious of it would make me try harder…which one or two days it did make me chug a glass extra just because I needed to. I think I need to think of a better reinforcer and maybe get help from others too.
11) Thorndike, Pavlov, behavior, reinforcement, reward, neurosis, methodological construct, neuroses, puzzle box, graph
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- I found the experiment by Thorndike regarding the cat box to be very interesting. I found this to be interesting because the actual aspects of the experiment I found to be interesting. I also think it is interesting how this relates to other things besides a cat trying to escape.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- the part that I found to be the least interesting is the law of recency. This was because I understood the concepts before hand so therefor the reading about it wasn’t very interesting.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
- Thorndikes experiment relates back to what we have already learned because it is like extinction burst, which we learned about in previous class readings.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- This topic relates to real life in many ways. One way I can think of off the top of my head is when I learned to drive a manual. When I started I kept killing the engine when I let off the clutch but as I tried different things I learned that I had the press the gas as I let of the clutch. Another way this reading relates is when your fixing anything. You manipulate parts until something eventually works.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- I found the topic of Pavlov and his experiments along with his findings to be extremely interesting. Just about ever psych class you take will discuss Pavlov but I hadn’t learned about his experiments and his discoveries in this much depth in previous classes so I found this topic to be very interesting.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I found the topic about salient stimulus to be the least interesting because it was boring in my opinion and I was having trouble connecting it to its importance in psychology.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
- this relates to what I have learned in the past because I have taken different psych classes in the past and the majority of them if not all of them have discussed Pavlov and his findings on classical conditioning. However this weeks readings further expand on this topic and have improved my understanding of his experiments and findings. I have also referenced Pavlov in earlier posts for this classes topical assignments.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- this weeks readings relates to my life through things such as pets, I have pets like the majority of people and classical conditioning can be used to train them or manipulate their behavior. The response stimulus and stimulus response also relate to our everyday life because everything we emit either elicits a stimulus or it’s the stimulus that elicits a response.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
- this section has influenced my thoughts of of behavior modification because I have a better understanding of how certain target behaviors can be elicited from stimulus using Pavlov and Thorndike. This gives me a better understanding of Bmod as a whole.
Day 1 = 65 Day 2 = 63Day 3 = 66Day 4 = 60 Day 5 = 65 Day 6 =62 Day 7 = 70 Average = 64.7
Overall I did pretty good I didn’t meet my target every day but for most days I did. It was difficult to record my water intake because of the times I would drink I wouldn’t always be in a position to record my water. I used feeling healthy and hydrated as my reinforce and I think if was a good choice and I will continue to think of that.
Terms: reinforce, manipulate, elicit, emit, target behavior, classical conditioning, response stimulus, stimulus response, law of recencey, stimulus
Section 3.1
1. What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I thought it was interesting to learn about the concept of Law of Effect and how that applied to the cat that Thorndike used for his research. I felt it was interesting and definitely understandable to read about how this was learned as a result of a positive consequence. It was interesting to me because it just made sense and seemed applicable to things in life because we are more likely to emit behaviors when we experience a desired response to said behavior.
2.What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn’t really find anything uninteresting in this section. I have learned about Thorndike before and his research, but I felt like this section was an easy read and kept it simple and to the point. I also felt like it was interesting to read about learned behaviors and how they develop. I do think this section was a good stepping stone into the next reading section.
3.How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I have learned this information before, so it was the same as what I’ve learned previously. It wasn’t really new information to me, but it was laid out very clearly and that made it much easier to understand.
4.Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I would say that this applies to my life in many ways because there are so many behaviors I emit on a daily basis that I do naturally because at some point I was reinforced for doing so. For example, when I go to the bathroom, I lock the door. Now, as I’ve grown up, I’ve realized there are tons of different kinds of door handles and sometimes different ways to lock them, but at some point, I had to learn what I had to do to get out of the bathroom. So, now, I know to unlock the door handle and how to do it, even if it’s a different kind of door handle than what I’m used to. At some point when I was young, I was experienced a positive response to the behavior of unlocking the door handle from inside the room because it allowed me to get out of the room.
I also think that this whole section can apply to really anything that we learn and are able to develop a quicker way to do it after we’ve learned to do it. Another example for me is a work example. Before myself or any of my coworkers can leave at the end our shift, we have to do documentation on the clients. The first couple of times you do the documentation, you’re not entirely sure how they need to be laid out and how detailed they need to be, so it takes you a lot longer, but you’re always reinforced with being able to get off work when you’re done. Now I’ve developed a much quicker, but still efficient way to do the notes, and I still experience the positive outcome of being able to get off work and go home on time.
Section 3.2
5.What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I found it really interesting to read about how an unconditioned response and a conditioned response are the same thing, but there’s a process that moves it from being UR to CR. It was very interesting because essentially the response doesn’t change, but the process of conditioning just changes it from being a natural response to an unconditioned stimulus to a conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus.
6.What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t really find anything uninteresting in this section, but I did feel like it was a lot of information to have to digest. I think the section was a little difficult to understand and to be able to correctly decipher between the UR and CR, etc. However, I did think the section offered some good examples to help make it more clear and understandable.
7.How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section is exactly what I’ve read and learned previously from this class. As a psych major, I’ve also learned about conditioning and B.F. Skinner many times in other classes. So, none of the information was really new to me.
8.Based on what you read in this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example that comes to my mind involves my dog. At the house I used to live at with my roommate, we had a ceramic bowl in the living room filled with random items that didn’t really have a “home” in our house. One of the items in the bowl was my roommate’s laser pointer that she had for her cats. She got the laser pointer out one day to play with her cats, and we ended up discovering that my dog absolutely loves the laser pointer. She gets so excited and will change the laser all around the house. She doesn’t play with any other toys, but she loves this laser pointer. Initially, the laser pointer was the unconditioned stimulus and her playing with it was the unconditioned response. Then, we noticed that anytime someone made a noise with that ceramic bowl, my dog thought it was someone getting out the laser, so she’d instantly go crazy. So the sound of something hitting the ceramic bowl elicited my dog to emit a playful behavior and the sound became the conditioned stimulus while her excitement and readiness to play became the conditioned response.
Another example also involves my dog. I used to give my dog treats when I first got her to help adjust her to her new home and to help her get accustomed with going potty outside and such things. The treat I would give her served as the unconditioned stimulus while her eating it was the unconditioned response. Well, she had kidney stones and had to have surgery and now she’s on a special food to help prevent kidney stones reoccurring. I was given specific instructions that she cannot have treats or table scraps because it inhibits her body’s ability to prevent them from reoccurring. However, now, just the sound of me opening a bag of chips gets her excited and salivating because she thinks it’s a bag of treats. So now, any bag that sounds like a bag of treats is a conditioned stimuli while her salivating and begging for a “treat” is the conditioned response.
9.How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections haven’t significantly influenced what I previously thought about behavior modification because I’ve taken this class before and so I’ve read all these sections before. Rereading these sections just helps me to develop a stronger understanding.
10. A. Day 1= 32 oz
Day 2= 32 oz
Day 3 = 17 oz
Day 4 = 8 oz
Day 5 = 17 oz
Day 6 = 8 oz
Day 7 = 32 oz
11.I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, but I found an old water bottle that I used to use a lot because it measures at 32 oz, so it’s easy for me to measure how much water I’m drinking and it’s easier for me to reach that target behavior because it’s only two of that size water bottle. So, even though I didn’t do as well as I had expected, I did better than the last week. Because I like pop way too much, I used that as my reinforcer. I told myself I could have a can of soda after drinking all the 32 oz water in the water bottle, and I could have another can later if I had another full 32 oz water. However, this didn’t work out as well as I had hoped, but I feel good about it. I’ve also just started using lemon or strawberries to put in my water to help with the taste so I’ll be more likely to drink more of it.
12.TERMS: behavior, reinforced, reinforce, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, elicit, emit
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found this section interesting because it shows us where those scientist started and how they started learning and applying what they did. I think that the cat box was really interesting because well for one I like cats and two you can see how the progression of the animal learning occurred. I also liked the fact that it was relatively easy experiments and was easy to understand on a students end. I thought that the graphs were very easy to understand as well even though they lacked a lot of information but from the picture of it you could clearly see that the animals were learning and getting faster every time that they escaped. Another thing that I thought was interesting was that most of his experiments involved animals and not humans which I would definitely rather deal with animals than humans all the time.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing that I found least interesting about this chapter was actually how short it was, I mean when you take out all of the graphs and boxes to write in it was pretty short. I do not like the obnoxiously long sections but I was surprised there was not more information about Thorndike and his experiments/ laws that could be discussed.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I am sure in my other psychology classes that we had discussed Thorndike but I do not really remember learning much information about him. Just in general I knew about the law of exercise which states that through repetition associations are strengthened. I did not necessarily know that this is what it was called but I knew the general jest of the law.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that I can relate this section to my life is through my cat, Missy. As Thorndike studied animal intelligence he found that cats were learning to escape from his box faster and faster each time they were placed in it. I would be sitting outside of the house by our pool and my cat is and indoor/outdoor cat and all of a sudden she was outdoors but I was the only one home. When I went to go inside I saw that the screen door was cracked, she had learned to paw at the door until she could squeeze through. I watched her more and more as the summer went on and she became faster at opening the door, which is like the law of effect that Thorndike explained. The next thing that I can relate to my life is the law of recency that the most recent response is most likely to reoccur. This is like when Missy meows then gets food so she will likely meow again to get more food when she is hungry.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found this section very interesting because I did not know in depth about Pavlov’s experiments and how much surgical operations he did with the dogs like by putting all those different devices in them to gather data. I also liked the questions with the answers because I could check myself to make sure I understood the content. I really liked that we discussed neutral, CS, US, CR, UR because we briefly touched on this in a previous section and I was a little lost so now that we have discussed this in depth it is so much easier to understand.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found this section really interesting and did not find many problems with it. The only thing that I would say that confused me at times was how we abbreviate most of the responses that does get a little confusing but I understand that this is the behavior modification language.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
From this section I have somewhat already learned about responses from a previous psychology class but this has made it a lot easier to understand and comprehend them. I defiantly knew about Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs I just did not know all the details of the experiment like how he put all those devices on/in them.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that I can relate to my life is the example of the shower questions. At my home in Des Moines every time you flushed the toilet the shower became scolding hot so jumping back was a conditioned response but up here in my apartment when someone uses the bathroom while I am showering I still have that conditioned response when I hear the toilet flush, however this does not make my shower hot yet I still jump back. Another way I can relate this section to my life is with my dogs and Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs. Whenever I cook food one of my dogs begins to salivate, but as she grew into an adult every time I went into the kitchen and began opening the fridge or clanking glasses she thought I was going to have good smelling food so this became a CR.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification by explaining more in depth that of neutral, CS, US, CR, UR. I knew only so much about these and this section has really helped my knowledge of these subjects. The examples in the section helped my understanding because I could see how they fell into place in each situation that we do daily or witness.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention):
Day 1 = 16 oz water bottle x4
Day 2 =x4
Day 3 =x4
Day 4 =x4
Day 5 =x4
Day 6 =x3
Day 7 =x2
Average =16 oz water bottle about 3.5
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did well; I only met my target behaviors on the days that I ran because I need that extra hydration. I think it was pretty difficult to record 8oz glasses of water but since I have a water bottle that is 16oz I think it seems like a lot less work than drinking 8-8oz glasses compared to 4-16oz glasses. My reinforcer was that I would get to drink with my friends on Thursday night. I do not think my reinforcer was a good choice because I died off after I ran on Friday and I could have easily not went out then it would have been a useless reinforcer. I think I will continue to drink 64oz a day during the week because like I said I run 6 miles a day and I easily get dehydrated so I take my water bottle with me everywhere but on the weekends I am not as disciplined so I think I should think of a different reinforcer.
Terminology: Animal learning, Thorndike, Law of Exercise, Law of Effect, Law of Recency, Pavlov, neutral, CS, US, CR, UR
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of this section to me was the studies Thorndike did on the cat. I had not heard of this study before so I was very intrigued. It was interesting that he had to test to see if a cat could learn because that does seem pretty obvious to me, but I didn't think about how it was done through trial and error from its previous emitted behaviors.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of the section was about the cat unlearning. The point behind it was that the cat would not learn to do a behavior if the behavior didn't give the outcome the cat wanted or had an adverse effect the cat wouldn't learn it. I wasn't sure if they meant the cat wouldn't remember the behavior was wrong or the cat just would avoid doing it again which would still mean the cat learned to avoid it. This was the only part in the chapter that confused me.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The Law of Effects relates to a lot of the things we have previously read in this class. On the basis that a behavior followed by positive outcome makes the behavior get stamped in seems to come up at some point in every chapter.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I go through trial and error all of the time. Just last week in this class we were given the chance to redo some of the assignments we didn't get completely correct. For the most part, we were given this chance because we had just started the first few trials of the class and it was expected that we would have some errors coming shown in the TAs grades we were given.
The other thing I can relate to is the Law of Exercise. Every time I have a test to study for repeating notes over and over again is my main means of studying.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In many of the other previous assignments I bring up that the least interesting part of the section is when they discuss Pavlov because it gets bland and repetitive when I learn about it in every psychology class but in this section Pavlov was what held my attention. Going into more detail with things I have never read was very interesting. I had no idea about all of the surgeries he did to analyze, I didn't know he had to deal with the dogs hearing the footsteps and salivating, and I wasn't aware of him using circles and squares to make the dogs anticipate food.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part to me was the paragraphs on salient. It did not hold my attention like the other topics in the chapter and I had a hard time getting through that part of the reading.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section had many things that I have discussed in previous classes. Pavlov's Dog is something that gets brought up a lot in psychology classes. In biological psychology when we were discussing US and UR we had the same example of blowing air into a rabbit's eye.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I have a stimulus response where after I get done with my first set of classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday I have to eat lunch. Even when I'm not hungry I still eat at the same time every day. I have an alarm set in the morning making it a salient so it will wake me up at the right time.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
The biggest thing that changed for me was my understanding of Pavlov. Before I read these chapters I actually thought that his study was pretty lackluster and I was not sure why it was so famous. Now that I have read it and saw all of the work he put into it I can appreciate it better.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 = 40 oz
Day 3 = 40 oz
Day 4 = 32 oz
Day 5 = 40 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 32 oz
Average = 44.6 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did not reach the 64 oz per day goal that I was shooting for but it was definitely an improvement from last week. I think I did better because I was looking back at how bad I did the previous week and I knew I had to try harder. My reinforcer was a flavor mix in that I would add to my drink when I hit 64 oz. I think it worked because I really looked forward to having it on the last 16 oz. I didn't have a very hard time keeping track of this because I have a bottle with the amounts on the side of it that I use primarily for water. I should be able to keep drinking water without a reinforcer for the next week because I was not too attached to the flavor mix.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Thorndike, trial and error, emitted, unlearned, trial and error, Law of Effects, US, UR
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the puzzle box concept interesting. I had not known that he created the puzzle boxes from scratch. I thought that he had added devices on to a crude animal trap. I also thought it was interesting in the summary section how most scientists create their own devices. They have to think of the hypothesis they want to test and also build a contraption; it seems like being a scientist takes quite a bit of effort. I thought the discussion on how animals (and people) form new habits due to consequences that are experienced was interesting as well. I like the visible representation of learning.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found that the part right after the YouTube clip did not really add much to the video. It seemed like the material was repeated a few too many times.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have learned about the puzzle box in previous classes. I remember learning about the basic part of his research. I am not sure that it was covered in as much detail as this section was, because I do not recall learning about Thorndike’s Law of Effect. It was great to learn more about the correct behavioral terms (for example, after the cat escaped, it was positively reinforced with food).
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The trial and error concept reminded me of my studying habits. I have developed effective study habits through trial and error (reflected in how much I retain and my test scores). Another thing that relates to my life is the idea of shaping a response. With the water behavior project I am slowly shaping my behavior to a more healthy level. I am rewarding myself for drinking enough water by changing small parts of my behavior.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting that Pavlov began his career as a physiologist and then morphed into a psychologist. He laid the foundation for future studies into classical conditioning and stimulus related works. He could very well be considered a forefather of psychology, nearly Darwinian in scale.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I have already learned about the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus. I prefer learning new facts when I read each section. I understand that repetition is important for memory purposes but it can be tedious to read the same information in almost every psychology course I have taken up to this point. Although, I did like that this section had more detail than usual.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In my biopsychology course, my professor touched upon this topic. Because Pavlov was concerned with physiological changes and measurements this falls under the realm of biopsychology. She went over how Pavlov collected salivary recordings of when the dog suspected it was going to receive food—the anticipatory reaction (was it when the dog heard footfalls or heard the bell; how to manipulate when they salivated, etc.).
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that I immediately thought of when I read about Pavlov and his dogs was my own dog. I wonder if she salivates when I move toward the pantry door where her food is kept, or if she salivates when she hears me scooping her food out. I think it would be an interesting concept to test, but would require surgical skills that I lack (also, it wouldn’t be practical outside of a lab setting because too many variables would influence the results). Another thing that I feel relates to my life is the air being blown into the rabbits’ eyes. When a person visits the optometrist he or she has a similar reaction to the rabbit—they blink. A few months ago I visited one and was reminded of that when reading about the rabbit experiment.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Lately in this course there was discussion over operant conditioning, reinforcement and punishment, so it was nice to look at another conditioning that does not require a reward or punishment system. I feel that this section has made me realize that even though there are multiple sciences, there can be times where they overlap (I am specifically thinking of Pavlov the physiologist turned psychologist).
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 8 cups
Day 2 = 9 cups
Day 3 = 7 cups
Day 4 = 8 cups
Day 5 = 8 cups
Day 6 = 9 cups
Day 7 = 10 cups
Average = 59 cups/7 = 8.43
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did much better in week 2 than week 1. Once I thought about the assignment it made it easier to drink water. The only issue is that it was no consistent throughout the day. I drank a few throughout the day and then the remaining four or five at the end of the night. My reincorce was thinking about the graded assignment—receiving high marks is a definite motivator for me. I think I need a couple more weeks to be reinforced enough to drink water automatically. I will try and drink at least 64 oz of water for week 3, though.
Terms: puzzle box, hypothesis, consequences, habit formation, shaping, learning, Law of Effect, Thorndike, Pavlov, conditioning, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, reaction
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found most interesting in this section is the puzzle box. I really like seeing how animals think and behave. The puzzle box is a simple invention to test animals’ intelligence.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting in this section was the graphs. I enjoyed the reading because I can apply it to everyday life but I have trouble applying the graphs to everyday life, which makes it less interesting for me.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In the video that was in the reading there was food waiting outside the box for the cat. We learned in class that a positive reinforcement like that is going to make the cat want to escape even more to be rewarded.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This section kind of relates to my life because I have seen animal intelligence like the cat in the puzzle box example first hand. I grew up on a horse farm with indoor stables attached to an indoor arena with an area where we kept hay in the winter. One horse found out a way to open his stall and we would find him eating hay in the morning. We tried shutting the arena door to block off the hay but he kept getting out in hopes of being reinforced with hay again. I don’t know if he got quicker at getting out like the cat did but he sure was persistent. We ended up moving him to a different stall which he couldn’t figure out how to open up. I also thought of a maze when trying to think of how this relates to my life. I went thru a corn maze the other day and it took me a while to figure it out. But I went back a second time and I found my way out a lot quicker.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found most interesting in this section was reading about Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs salivating. I love animals, especially dogs, so anything to do with them catches my attention. But I also thought it was interesting how he accidentally found ‘experimental neurosis’ when some dogs acted aggressive, he said they were under the control of excitatory neurons and when some dogs were unresponsive he said they were under the control of inhibitory neurons.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t really find anything less interesting in this section. This section had some terms that I have heard or learned in previous psychology classes and I thought it would just be repetitive but I actually learned more and was interested the whole section.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have learned about classical conditioning in other classes. I like how this class makes us write out examples and really think about what it really is.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The only things I can really relate to my life are the examples themselves. The bell ringing leading to salvation. When my dog hears his my alarm go off he knows he gets food in the morning. So my alarm goes off he salivates. And the tequila example made me laugh because I had that experience with an alcohol. I ate a food that I was allergic to and got sick so now I can’t drink that alcohol anymore.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Like I say almost every week I am more and more interested every section. Unlike my other psychology classes I like how we are learning things we can apply to ourselves, and actually learning how to manipulate behaviors instead of just learning about the behaviors.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 67.6 (four bottles)
Day 2 = 84.5
Day 3 = 84.5
Day 4 =67.6
Day 5 =101.4
Day 6 =84.5
Day 7 = 67.6
Average =79.67
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall I did really well. I already drank a lot of water but I never really kept track of it. Drinking the water wasn’t a difficult task to do but measuring and recording the behavior each day was a little harder because my schedule is so weird I sometimes forgot and had to think back on it. I have been trying to be healthier overall and lose some weight. I told myself if I drank more than 64 oz a day I could go shopping and get some new clothes for work as reinforcement. So I went and got some dresses and felt great about myself, so I would say that it was a good reinforcer. I know I will continue to drink more than 64 of water a day without being reinforced because I like how just by doing it for a couple weeks I already feel healthier.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found was the most interesting in this section of Thorndike was about how he determined the cat’s intelligence through a “puzzle box”. This is basically where he put the cat in the box and watched and recorded the amount of times they tried to get out and how long each took. After a while he found out that as they learn the behavior is reinforcing, they are likely to do it again.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting thing that was in this section was about the graph. At first I didn’t understand it and so it wasn’t very interesting to me, but after I figured it out it was more interesting but not as interesting as the other parts of section 3.1. The graph shows how long it takes the cat to try again and also the amount of trails. As you look at the graph you notice that more trails they have, the less amount of time in between there is to try again.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The part of this section that relates to what I already know would be law of effect. I learned in one of my other classes is that the law of effect is trial and error until they keep getting reinforced. But that is all I learned and that’s it so it’s nice that this section goes more in depth by putting examples like when the cat had trial and error or law of effect to get out of the cage eventually.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section would be the law of recent and law of exercise. These two laws made me realize what happens when being reinforced in life for example the law a recency shows if I was a cat and my like action was to pull the lever and it opened, then I will most likely pull that lever again next time. An example for law of exercise would be if I kept pulling that lever it is getting strengthen or as Thorndike said stamped in.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found was interesting in this section was about what you needed a conditioned stimulus to be a conditioned stimulus. In order to get a conditioned stimulus you need three things. First is a stimulus that is salience which means noticeable. One example is a dog being able to hear the clock song. The second thing you need is the regularity of the presentations need to be constant. If you don’t have that then it won’t work. For example every day coming in to feed the dog when the clock song comes on. Lastly you need is the number of presentations. Before the dog figures that the clock song will be a conditioned stimulus, you have to present it a number of times for them to figure it out.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting thing to me was learning about the experimental neuroses, only because I’m more interested in the behaviors the dogs portrays instead of the biological aspect.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I’ve already have learned classical conditioning in another class but I like learning and reviewing over it again.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section would to understand that if someone is confused with the conditioned stimuli because they may be similar, can cause them to have aggression or an unresponsiveness.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
In these section, it hasn’t changed my though about behavior modification because I have learned a lot of this in other classes so I kind of expected that this would be in this class.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =51 oz
Day 2 =34 oz
Day 3 =68 oz
Day 4 =34 oz
Day 5 = 51 oz
Day 6 = 34 oz
Day 7 = 34 oz
Average =44 oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Well I did better overall but I didn’t meet my target behavior each day of 64 oz of water. It wasn’t that hard for me to measure and record the amount of water I drank because I stuck to one water bottle that I measured out before starting. My reinforcement was being to get a Starbucks mocha by the end of the week but I didn’t get that. The reinforcement was a good pick, but because a week is such a long time it didn’t work out so much. I think I will have to change my reinforcement to being able to have an ice-cream sandwich if I make it the first three days in a row and see how that works out and if I make the rest of the week too then I can get that Starbucks mocha.
11)terms: Thorn-dike, cat puzzle box, law of effect, trial and error, law of recent, law of exercise, stamped in, conditioned stimulus, salience, experimental neuroses,
I liked the pictures and sketches of the cat box for this section. I thought it was interesting that we got to see a drawing of it. It is neat to realize how smart animals are. It reminds me of the movie, “The Maze Runner,” where humans are the animals trying to get out. I can also relate to the cat, because I have been in corn mazes and haunted houses, where the goal is to find the end. Just like my main goal here is to finish my assignment by navigating through these questions one by one. The biggest thing for me is a case of motivation. The cat has a motivation to get out of the box, but does the cat feel a gratification when he gets out? We would feel gratification once we complete a task or make it through a maze. I have learned about these things in other classes. For example, in high school health class, we had to set goals for exercise and eating. We kept a daily journal of these types of habits. I feel like we can relate this to the cat. A learned behavior with a beneficial result can help reinforce the target behavior. Not really health-beneficial, but smoking cigarettes for me reinforces itself each time I smoke, but I am unsure if it is psychological or physical for me. There was not anything that I did not find interesting in this section.
Pavlov and his research with dogs is another classic example of classical conditioning. The salivation occurs upon different triggers (such as footsteps or ringing a bell), and not just upon the smell of food. We as humans probably have our own triggers, and do not even notice them. I’ve always found this to be interesting, and at my house also extremely annoying. My roommate’s dog comes running at the sound of the microwave or the fridge opening, and sometimes even just when he hears me in the kitchen. I take my food to my room at times to hide from his begging, and when I come out there will be drool all over the floor. The least interesting thing I read about was the salient stimuli. I did think though, that the neutral stimulus needing to be presented a sufficient amount of times to become the conditioned stimulus was interesting. A reliable stimulus for me is the sound of my roommate’s music as he pulls in the driveway. I know he will be walking in the door within a few minutes, and it took me a little while before I relied on that as routine.
Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =4
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =6
Average =4.29 cups
Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? I reinforced myself with allowing a sugary drink when I wanted one. Usually I don’t drink pop unless it is diet, and I try to avoid lemonade as well as juice and Gatorade. I really hate drinking my calories, but every now and then I crave it, so I allowed myself to indulge. Obviously I did not make my goal, so I kind of cancelled out all my water drinking with whatever sugary drinks I had—maybe not a good motivator.
Terms: Motivation, Reinforcement, Classical Conditioning, Learned Behavior, Behavior, Salient Stimuli, Target Behavior, Reinforce, Neutral Stimulus, Conditioned Stimulus
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section talked some about the history and I liked the extra resources because it definitely helps to get the point across.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't dislike this section at any point. I feel that this was the simplest one that I learned quickly.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the Law of effect. This is the trial and error and after doing something that works the behavior will be repeated. This reminds me of superstitious behavior, but it is not exactly like that.
I will remember the law of recency, which is a law stating that the most recent response is going to occur. I will remember this because it has a big impact on behavior modification.
Lastly I will remember law of exercise is the behavior is strengthened through repetition. I will remember this because the most effective way of changing behavior is doing it repetitively.
After reading section 3.2, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that his section had little scenarios that I had to determine if it was a condition stimulus, condition response, unconditioned stimulus, or unconditioned response. I like this because it gave me a basis to test if my knowledge and understanding.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was just dry and boring. I think it was because I have read about Pavlov a million times and I am just bored of reading with him.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember experimental neurosis. This is a phenomenon when Pavlov took to stimulus that were conditioned for two different things, and then made them look alike and causes his subjects to become confused and act crazy.
I will remember neutral stimulus and that it has to be salient. This means that it has to be something that will be noticed in the environment. Things that are salient can also become not salient due to the circumstances of the environment.
Lastly I will remember conditioned stimuli and conditioned response. This is something that is trained, like the dogs salivating to the bell. The bell was the conditioned stimuli. The bell was paired with unconditioned stimuli of food. This is all part of experimenting with behavior modification.
7a) You should now have an additional week's (week #2)worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 55oz
Day 2 =24oz
Day 3 =60oz
Day 4 =15oz
Day 5 =24 oz
Day 6 =24oz
Day 7 =55oz
Average =36.7oz
7b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days.
I did not complete drinking 64oz of water a day. I tried my hardest but I have never been good at consuming water. I always set myself a goal of drinking a bottle of water and then having juice or chocolate milk, and then more water before a soda. It's working and I'm cutting soda out slowly.
8) If you were to do this again (don't worry you won't be asked to) what would you do differently? What might be another behavior you would like to change using behavioral methods?
I would find a different way of reinforcing myself, simply because I have not been doing well with drinking water. I would probably use a different method, maybe a more enticing reinforcer. I am not sure what I would use, but something that would make me want to emit the behavior of drink water more frequently. I would also make a better way to chart my behavior of drinking water so that I could see it better throughout the day.
9) Law of effect, Law of rencency, law of exercise, experimental neurosis, neutral stimulus, salient, conditioned stimuli, conditioned response, unconditioned stimuli, reinforcer, emit.
1). I thought the law of Effect was interesting. It interested me because it was based a years of findings by Thorndike. I think this topic is interesting because it uses trial and error. It isn’t something that I knew much about before I read this chapter and it did a good job explaining.
2). I thought the video was boring because it was monotone and restated most of the reading. I think the video would have been a good information reference. I think the video was just a little long and boring.
3). This section related to what I already knew because I have heard of Thorndike and the puzzle box. This section went into more detail about Thorndike and his law of effect than I have ever learned. This relates to other class that I have taken. This related and builds on my knowledge.
4). I could use trial and error learning in my life. I could use this because we use it without even realizing it. Just like your starting the car example in the text. I think this is useful and I use it with the children on I work with on regular basis with puzzles. If the piece doesn’t fit I tell them to keep trying to turn it until it does. I also think I could use the stamping in and out. I think this shows how we learn and use trial and error. I think this could be useful because I could use it while I use trial and error.
5). I think this section was interesting and I think Pavlov’s work on conditioned reflex was the most interesting. I think this interested me because it was his primary work. With this he used Classical Conditioning, which is a major part of behavior modification. I think this is a very important topic to study in behavior modification.
6). I found reading about Pavlov’s dog experiment to be the least interesting. I think I found this the least interesting because I have discussed this topic in almost every single one of my psychology courses. I think it gets redundant to relearn the same things over and over.
7). This section has related to what I knew before reading the material many ways. I have studied Pavlov in other courses such as History and Systems, Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, and Developmental Psychology. This section also built on my knowledge because it went into more detail about Pavlov than I have studied before. Most of the other courses just briefly cover him and all his research as one topic on one slide.
8). I might be able to relate classical conditioning to my life in ways at the daycare. I think I could use it when I work with the children. I think I could use a salient stimulus while I use classical conditioning. I think I could use this with my niece and nephew and with the children I work with.
9). This section has influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because I didn’t think I would be learning about the history. I think it has improved my opinion of behavior modification and it’s relevance to psychology.
10). A: Day 1: about 60oz
Day 2: about 64 oz
Day 3: about 50oz
Day 4 about 60oz
Day 5: about 64oz
Day 6: about 70oz
Day7: about 70 oz
B: I did pretty well I got close most days. I didn’t reach my target behavior. It wasn’t difficult for me to measure and keep track of my data because I have a water bottle that marks the ounces that are in it and I just used the notes on my phone to keep track! No the reinforcer wasn’t a good choice for me because I clearly didn’t get enough water some days and I didn’t meet my target behavior everyday. I think I will try to continue to drink water because it is good for your body.
11). Law of Effect, reinforcement, target behavior, Pavlov, Thorndike, trial and error, classical conditioning, stamping in, stamping out, salient stimulus
1) I had previously read about Thorndike’s experiments so nothing was really surprising to me. Though I still found interesting how he wanted to study animal’s behavior and observed them in a box. I liked the idea of how this section was connected to the extinction burst because Thorndike observed how the animals emitted a variety of behaviors until they found the correct one to get out of the box.
2) There was nothing that I found less interesting since it was a short section really focused on Thorndike and I enjoyed reading about his experiments. And I also like cats very much so I think it was nice of him to use these animals and prove they can learn too by the Law of Effect.
3) As I mentioned I already knew about Thorndike’s experiments and his Law of Effect. I surely believe in the Law of Exercise that states that through repetition the associations you make between a behavior and its consequence are strengthened.
4) I would relate to my life the Law of Recency since I think it is common for everyone to remember the most recent event they lived, for example I am able to remember what I had for dinner tonight, but I can’t remember what I ate a week ago. Also I will relate “trial and error” to the example of getting something out of the oven and burning yourself, because from that error you will learn that you need an oven mat the next time.
5) Pavlov’s experiments are always really interesting because he received the Nobel for studying the digestion system and ended up stating one of the most important theories in psychology, classical conditioning. The thing that most surprises me is how he measured the saliva from the dog; cutting an incision in the dog’s cheek and rerouting the duct to the exterior.
6) I found least interesting the part where it talked about topographical and functional similarities because we already learned about them, but on the other hand it was good to start relating previous sections with new ones.
7) In my opinion this section was related to topographical and functional classes of behaviors but now we see they also work for the classifications of stimulus (stimulus classes), and secondly to the other type of learning we have been talking about until now which is operant conditioning.
8) There is couple of examples I would relate to my life as they are now conditioned stimulus. The sound of the coffee machine used to be a neutral stimuli until my mom started having coffee only when she was really upset so condionated response is now staying in my room. Also since the chapter talks about food, I realize that I relate the sound of the oven’s timer with really food my mom cooks.
9) The things covered in this chapter had already made an impact in the way I thought about behavior modification when I first learned about them because I had no idea you could turn the sound of a bell in a physical response as salivating and it was really shocking to me. I am excited to learn how to use this knowledge into day to day actions so I can make a difference in people’s lives.
Day 1 = 6 glasses
Day 2 = 8 glasses
Day 3 = 6 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 5 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 4 glasses
Average = 5.71 glasses
10b) I didn’t meet my target behavior every day expect for one. It’s not difficult to measure how much water I drink during the day because I just fill up my bottle which has a measure; it is really convenient all the fountains around campus to get water. The reinforcer was definitely not a good choice, because by the time I reached my first goal of 6 glasses of water I didn’t want to drink anymore, not even soda. I would probably not drink as much if I wasn’t being reinforced, but I decided to change my reinforcer and now I will let myself watch a tv show before going to sleep, which is something I really like doing, every day that I reach at least 7 glasses of water. I may also say I felt better this week and healthier.
Thorndike, behaviors, extinction burst, emit, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, consequence, Law of Recency, trial and error, Pavlov, classical conditioning, topographical and functional, stimulus classes, neutral stimulus, condionated response.
1. What I enjoyed about this reading section was the fact it wasn’t like the other sections with a lot of terms to learn and to use the correct terminology when talking about behavior modification. Instead this section talked more about the history of behavior modification and came to be. It was interesting to learn different perceptions of how to use behavior modification from different psychologists.
2. I liked almost everything from this section it was all very informative and interesting and wasn’t all about terms so I enjoyed it. Toward the end I felt that there could’ve been more about the last few terms and they could have been described in more detail with in depth examples such as Thorndike’s puzzle box but other than that it was good.
3. I will remember learning the law of effect. The Law of Effect explains that if our minds had no retention we could not create shortcuts to help get to thing faster. It is also stated that if a behavior is not reinforced it will become extinct. Another concept that I found to be interesting and memorable was the Law of Exercise where certain associations can become strengthened with repetition. Lastly I will remember the Law of Recency where the most recent response is the most likely to reoccur.
4. One of the things that I liked about this reading section was that it was about Pavlov. I enjoy reading about Pavlov’s work because his work is very interesting and fun to read about. It was amazing to learn how Pavlov collected and measured the saliva that the dogs produced and how it analyzed it, it led him to creating an entire surgical procedure for his research.
5. The reading was interesting for the most part and there weren’t really man dislikes except at the examples of unconditioned and conditioned stimuli and responses. It was just a lot of material and examples that were repetition to help understand the information but it was just too much for that section.
6. One of the things that I will remember from this reading is the difference between conditioned and unconditioned responses. An unconditioned response is a natural response that is not learned and can be also described as a reflex. A conditioned response is a response that is learned after paired with a conditioned stimuli. I will also remember the different parts of classical conditioning like the US, UR, CS, and CR. The last thing I will remember from this section is that in classical conditioning the neutral stimulus must be salient, have regularity in its presentation, and presented a sufficient number of times.
7. Day 1= 40 fluid ounces
Day 2= 46 fluid ounces
Day 3= 100 fluid ounces
Day 4= 56 fluid ounces
Day 5= 92 fluid ounces
Day 6= 88 fluid ounces
Day 7= 72 fluid ounces
Average= 70 fluid ounces
I did not have a target behavior for each day but instead for the entire week an average had to be met. I did increase my drinking consumption but was not able to reach my goal. It wasn’t difficult recording my consumption because I carried a 64 fluid ounce bottle and mentally noted each time I needed to fill it up. The reinforcer is a good choice but the schedule for reinforcement should be changed to increase the frequency of drinking an average of 80 fluid ounces a day.
8. I would choose a different schedule of reinforcement and maybe use a ratio like every time I hit 80 ounces I get an ice cream or a coca cola something to where I am continuously reinforced rather than waiting until the end of the week. I would also like to increase exercising but first I need to start in order to even increase the frequency.
9. Terms: Schedules of Reinforcement, Reinforcer, Pavlov, Classical Conditioning, Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response, Thorndike, Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, Associations, Neutral Stimulus
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the part that was explaining how Thorndike could tell that the cats were learning because I haven’t considered that the shortening of time it takes to do something as a sign of learning, more of a sign of skill, but this showed me another way to see progress.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the graphs least interesting because I understand things better when they are in words rather than in a visual display and it was easier to understand when the behavior that was being emitted was in words rather than on a graph.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I have already learned about Thorndike and his cat boxes in previous psychology classes. Also, the law of effect is very similar to extinction, which we have learned about in previous chapters.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I use the law of effect when I work with children, if they do something undesirable, then I will try to modify their behavior by not reinforcing their behavior with a desirable response or punishing them to make the aversive behavior extinct. Also, I use “trial and error” learning when doing new things because I often don’t read the instructions or look up how to do something, so I try to learn them myself.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the types and ways of learning interesting because I have associated behavior modification with changing behavior mostly through punishment and it is interesting to learn of more types of learning and reinforcement.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found learning about Pavlov’s dogs the least interesting because I have learned about him many times in the past, even back in high school.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This chapter mentioned that the UR and CR are topographically and functionally similar and we learned those terms a few chapters ago. Also, I haved learned about Pavlov in every one of my previous psychology classes.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I use regularity in presentation when I shake a bag of cat food and my cats run to me because if I didn’t feed them when they heard the bag shaking, they would not be as conditioned to the sound.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
In the beginning I was associating the term “behavior modification” with punishment to change behavior, but in this chapter, the ways for an organism to learn were dominant and it gave me more of an idea of how learning and reinforcement can be used in place of punishment.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 66
Day 2 = 25
Day 3 = 66
Day 4 = 75
Day 5 = 44
Day 6 = 66
Day 7 = 88
Average = 61.5
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Most of the time I do pretty well with drinking water, but I have trouble doing so every day. The days that are a lot lower are the days that I don’t work out. Usually when I do, not only do I drink more water when I’m working out, but also the rest of the day.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Thorndike, Behavior, Emitted, Learning, Aversive, Reinforcing, Punish, Desirable, Extinction, Conditioned
Section 3.1
1.) There isn’t a whole lot that I found interesting about this section. The fact that an experiment was designed based on how a cat can get out of a box was the most interesting part. And the fact that the cat got out was astounding.
2.) The least interesting was looking at the grafts and learning about the puzzle box experiment. Other that the Law of Effect and the Law of Recency, there wasn’t a whole lot in this section.
3.) This section kind of reminds me of Schrodinger’s cat in box theory where the cat is neither dead nor alive as long as the box remains unopened. This also refers to extinction burst, trying different ways to get the desired outcome.
4.) I’m not sure what relates to my life. I know that I use extinction burst quite frequently to get my way with my boyfriend, which has proved difficult. I can say that when parenting my daughter, it really is the last behavior that is remembered the most.
Section 3.2
5.) The most interesting was learning about inhibitory and excitatory neurons because these shows up that classical conditioning can train someone’s brain to relate to something either aggressively or indifferently; excited or upset.
6.) I found it not so much uninteresting to talk about saliva as it was unsettling on the stomach. I’m not one for dog kisses or slobber and reading/ thinking about saliva made my stomach role. But it was a very interesting way to show how inhibitory and excitatory neurons work.
7.) I had already read and learned about classical conditioning and Pavlov’s dogs. This was a good expansion on the subject as well as awesome at introducing another aspect of Pavlov.
8.) As a parent I feel I have this question easy as everything in behavioral modification directly relates to my role as a mother. Classical conditioning for instance, relates as it teaches my daughter to expect something from certain people, or types of things. It is second nature to know that a box with a ribbon on it is a present. It is also helpful to know just how the parts of the brain work so that we can best manipulate.
9.) My original though on behavioral modification has ever changed. It used to be that there wasn’t anything of substance to the course, then it became that it wasn’t a large genre that I would have to explore in depth. There is so much content and things to process, that I find that this class is my hardest at this point.
A.) Day 1= 2
Day 2=3
Day 3= 2
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =4
Day 6= 3
Day 7= 5
Average= 2.57
B.) I overall did better than I had, but I still need to drink more during the day. It was not difficult to measure and record, but to remember that I needed to drink the water during my busy work day.
C.) The reinforcer I used was Puppy Chow for drinking the most I could on day 7. This will continue and it will help me keep my goal.
Extiniction Burst
Inhibitory and Excitatory
Law of Effect
Law of recency
1. The part of the section I found most interesting was the bit about Thorndike’s Law of Effect and the puzzle boxes. Even though I had learned about this previously in History & Systems, I was still intrigued by Thorndike’s animal research and his association between humans and animals.
2. The part of the section that wasn’t as interesting to me was the review of graphs. I feel like I have been learning about x and y and how to plot them on a graph since roughly about 3rd grade so needless to say it felt a little redundant at this point.
3. Like I mentioned before, this section related to what I had learned previously about Thorndike and the behaviorists from History & Systems. This section however went into more depth with the Law of Effect and Law of Recency. The section also relates to what we learned previously in this class as it draws on what we have learned about extinction.
4. I thought Thorndike’s ideas on the order of species and how lower-order animals can shed insight on our human cognitions were intriguing but also applicable. I can apply this to how I treat animals and possibly use it as a platform to speak to some of my friends and family about animal rights. Trial and error or the Law of Effect is another aspect from the chapter I feel like I can easily apply in my life. It has come to the point in my academic life where I am applying for graduate school and I feel like I could read a million articles on how to best prepare or what words I should or shouldn’t use in a resume, but I feel like until I get out and experience some trial and error of my own I won’t have the same consequence.
5. I really enjoyed this chapter so it was actually difficult to pick one thing that I was interested in. If I had to I would say just getting to learn about the little details of Pavlov’s experiments. For example, I had no idea he controlled his research environment so strictly even going so far as to soundproof the rooms.
6. As I mentioned I really enjoyed this chapter and felt like it held a lot of useful information. That being said if I had to choose one thing I didn’t find quite as interesting as the others it would be the section on unconditioned responses vs. conditioned responses and conditioned stimuli. I felt like I would have understood it more clearly if it had actually been explained less, and felt a bit lost in all of the abbreviations and graphics.
7. I really enjoyed learning about Pavlov in History and Systems so I was happy to be able to take that background knowledge about his work and be able to better understand what we talked about in this section. It was also helpful to be able to apply the behavior modification jargon correctly in context with Pavlov’s experiments.
8. I feel like I can apply what I learned unconditioned and conditioned responses to my life. Determining whether someone’s behavior is a direct response or unconditioned as opposed to a conditioned response could be useful in counseling.
9. These sections were more of a review for me so they mostly just reaffirmed what I had learned previously. I did learn some new things about the history of some of my favorite studies, but as for how it influenced my perception of behavior modification I suppose it really just showed me that it is a very diversified sub-field that holds a lot of important research from psychology’s past.
10. 10a) Behavior Project (intervention)
11. Day 1 =50
12. Day 2 =75
13. Day 3 =125
14. Day 4 =100
15. Day 5 =75
16. Day 6 =25
17. Day 7 =50
18. Average = 71.4
19. 10b) Surprisingly I drank the same amount of water that I did last week. It wasn’t too difficult for me to record my water intake; I usually did so when I was at work or right before I went to sleep at night. My reinforcement schedule sort of fell through though, I was planning on renting a movie and watching it as my reinforcement or incentive and I didn’t have the time last weekend. Since I was drinking a lot of water before I began this project I feel as if I will continue to do so even after I stop reinforcing myself.
11. Terms: Law of Effect, puzzle box, Law of Recency, trial and error, unconditioned response, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus
1.I thought some of the most interesting parts of this section were learning about how Thorndike just created his puzzle boxes from junk he would find. It seems like such a far step from how we view experiments being conducted, everything must be made incredibly precise, but in reality, he just needed something that would serve his purposes. I also thought the law of recency was interesting. I mean it makes a lot of sense that it would be the most recent thing you would try again, and then I suppose if the most recent thing didn't work you would continue on trying to retrace your steps.
2.I would say the least interesting part for me was the section on graphs, just because I have spent a lot of time in my years of education learning how to interpret graphs.
3.This section relates to a lot of what we have studied because it is the basis for a lot of behaviorism that followed. It is a more basic version of a target behavior being reinforced by the consequence of the door opening. It also connects to a lot of the various mazes we have spoken about earlier in the class. We've looked at radial arm mazes and water mazes, which are kind of more advanced versions of the puzzle boxes. In addition it seems like the idea of the Law of Effect relates really well to why we develop superstitions. This one event seemed to make our desired outcome happen, so we emulate it to hopefully get similar results.
4. One way this connects in my opinion is the Law of Effect and superstition. Because we can make ourselves think that this once behavior we emitted resulted in a reinforcer, we start doing it more. And if we are reinforced, regardless of whether it's because of our behavior, we perceive it to be such. Another way it relates to my life is the period of increased time shown on the graphs of cats performance times in escaping. When there was a 24 hour break, the amount of time would increase again. This shows how when you cease performing an activity for a time, your ability to perform that task will decrease at least for a period of time. That certainly holds true in a variety of tasks I have done, be it from video games to mixing cement.
5.Something I found very interesting was how much more there was to Pavlov's research than just conditioned responses. I don't think that has ever really been touched upon in another class I've taken. The different responses different dogs had to his obfuscation of the discriminatory stimuli was very interesting.
6.The least interesting section for me was that of the process of conditioning responses, just because that is the part of Pavlov's experimenting that has been taught to me the most often.
7.This relates to the multitude of times I've been taught Pavlovian classical conditioning in seemingly 80% of the psychology classes I've had. This expanded on that teaching to explain how Pavlov was originally more of a biologist who fell into researching conditioning. It also expanded on his research in this field, explaining how he explored the different neuroses of his dogs in their responses to his stimuli becoming indistinguishable from one another.
8. Classical conditioning can be applied to real life in a great variety of ways. I know my dog certainly learned conditioned stimuli over the years. When she hears the opening of the food box, or the clanging of her bowl, she immediately knows it's time for food. Another way it relates to my life is the various conditioned stimuli and responses in my life. They trigger so many of our responses, you walk into the dining center and start anticipating your meal, even though you haven't even approached the food yet.
9. This has expanded my views of the scope of Pavlov's contributions to both science as a whole and more specifically psychology. In addition it was cool to see how Thorndike laid a foundation for a lot of behavioral psychology that came after him.
10. Day 1 -64 oz
Day 2 -64 oz
Day 3 - 40 oz
Day 4 - 35 oz
Day 5 - 20 oz
Day 6 - 25 oz
Day 7 - 35 oz
I would say I did better this week than I did in the first week. But the problem was I kept forgetting about drinking more water until late in the day and then I would binge drink water until I satisfied my goal. In addition, once I failed one day, my possibility of reinforcement was moot, so that decreased my motivation to emit the behavior. I think that I may change my reinforcement to being a reward of allowing myself a non water drink the next day if I drink enough water. I hope to continue drinking more water, because I can feel the difference in my singing due to being more fully hydrated.
terms: puzzle box, behavior, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, emit, reinforcement,classical conditioning, discriminatory stimuli, law of effect, law of recency
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found most interesting is that researchers found that the learning behaviors animals had were able to transfer and be related to how humans learn. It was almost important to learn that correctly labeling graphs is extremely important and without doing so, the graph would be very confusing and illegible.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I honestly found the section a bit boring because it was a very short review of things I’ve already learned in a previous class.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- This relates to our other chapters because if we want to measure and test a target behavior, we need to know how to make a graph and read it correctly. The graph also needs to make sense to everybody so that people don’t end up with different thoughts about the results. The section related to other classes because I had already learned about Thorndike’s puzzle box.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I’m going to attend graduate school with I graduate UNI and I will be doing research to obtain my degree. Meaning I will need to fully understand graphs and be able to easily make and explain graphs of behaviors. The “trial and error” concept sounded a lot like superstitious behaviors because we will emit a bunch of behaviors and suddenly a consequence will occur. We then try to remember the behavior we emitted before the consequence happened in order to increase the likelihood of it happening again.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found the most difficult concept to fully understand was conditioned/unconditioned stimulus and responses and the neutral stimulus. It was easy to understand the explanation but once I had to apply it to examples, it became pretty confusing.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- What I found least interesting was the back story of Pavlov’s research even though it’s important to know. I just thought it was boring but then it was interesting because it slowly became related to behavioral psychology with classical conditioning.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- I had learned about Pavlov in a previous class but now in depth to this section. I didn’t know the background of his research just the fact he made classical conditioning.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I related to the shower example of classical conditioning a lot because I lived in the dorms last year! This would happen every single time I took a shower and eventually once someone came in I was already preparing myself for the ice cold water that was about to come. At first I didn’t expect anything to happen and was suddenly surprised when they flushed and I got a brain freeze from the water. Another example that related to classical conditioning is my cat and canned food. The sound of a can opening didn’t mean anything to him until we gave him canned cat food a few times. And now whenever we open a can of food, for us not him, my cat will come sprinting in the kitchen and will beg us for his “cat food”.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
- These sections didn’t significantly influence my thoughts because I had already learned about these concepts in other classes but it was a good reminder and I was able to relate the concepts to new things I’ve learned in this class.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 2 bottles (0.99 liters)
Day 2 = 2 bottles (0.99 liters)
Day 3 = 3 bottles (1.49 liters)
Day 4 = 3 bottles (1.49 liters)
Day 5 = 3 bottles (1.49 liters)
Day 6 =2 bottles (0.99 liters)
Day 7 = 2 bottles (0.99 liters)
Average = 1.20 liters
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
- I didn’t do very well overall and I definitely did not meet my target behavior each day. It was a little hard trying to remember how much water I drank each day especially since I generally don’t stay hydrated. My reinforcer was to give myself a treat juice at the end of the week if I met the goal but it was not a good choice because I ended up drinking fruit punch during the fourth day and after that I slowly started to not care as much. I could possibly drink more water without being reinforced if I just stay on top of it and I’m hard on myself about staying hydrated. I will think of a different reinforcer for this next week.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
- Learning behaviors, graphs, target behavior, Thorndike’s puzzle box, “trial and error”, superstitious behaviors, emit, consequence, conditioned/unconditioned stimulus and responses, neutral stimulus, Pavlov, behavioral psychology, classical conditioning, reinforcer
1) Something that I found interesting in this section is how Thorndike observed an animal’s behavior to see that trial and error is how we eventually learn a behavior. I find this interesting because it’s cool to see how psychologists and researchers think when trying experiments out and how they come up with all of their ideas.
2) The part that I found least interesting was the discussion about graphs and how to properly label them. I have been learning about how to label graphs since I was in 4th grade, and it kills me every time a teacher goes over it again like we are just hearing about graphs for the first time in our lives. I know the difference between the x-axis and y-axis, and I know how to make a graph. So reading about that all again was my least favorite part of this section.
3) Since this whole class is about adding onto what we have previously learned, a lot of what was discussed in this chapter has to do with what we previously learned. But more specifically, when Thorndike was observing the cat’s behavior when trying to get out of the box, he talked a lot about the cat being reinforced for behaviors that got them out of the door. He talked about consequences for the cat emitting random behaviors and learning the correct ones that would get the cat out of the box.
4) The first thing that relates to my life is trial and error, there are so many times in my life when I learn what to do from trial and error. Whether it’s solving a math problem or figuring out how to act in a new situation. The second thing that relates to my life is the part about the graphs. There are many times in my life when graphs are used and important to know how to understand them and how to interpret them. More recently, it’s important that I know how graphs work because I am taking a research methods class where graphs are used a lot.
5) What I found interesting in this section is the talk about how Pavlov did more experimenting than just dogs salivating to bells. I found this interesting because I never learned in my classes before about how Pavlov looked into shapes as conditioned stimuluses as well, did surgery on the dog’s salivary glands, and psychic secretion. There was so much more that Pavlov contributed than I learned about in school.
6) What I found least interesting in this section is the talk about how it took a while for Pavlov’s work to be published in English and take off in America. This part of the section just seemed a bit unnecessary and wasn’t that interesting to me.
7) This section related to what we already learned in this class because it talked about how the US, UR, CS, and CR relate to the terms topographical and functional. By knowing and understanding these terms from before, it helped us better learn about the conditioning terms.
8) The two things that relates to my life are the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response because there are so many events that take place throughout my day that elicits me to emit a reflex. Like when a breeze blows past me (US) I automatically shiver (UR).
9) My views on behavior modification haven’t really changed from reading these sections because they were about topics that I have learned before. It has just helped to expand my knowledge a little more.
Day 1: 8 cups
Day 2: 6 cups
Day 3: 6 cups
Day 4: 8 cups
Day 5: 7 cups
Day 6: 5 cups
Day 7: 8 cups
Average: 6.9 cups
10b) Overall I did better than last week, but I still did not meet the goal of drinking 8 cups of water a day. My reinforcement of letting myself pick out a treat at the store of any price didn’t seem to be much of a motivator for me. Hopefully this next week I will do better.
11) trial and error, Thorndike, behavior, x-axis, y-axis, graphs, reinforced, consequences, emitting, Pavlov, US, UR, CS, CR, topographical, functional, elicit, behavior modification
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I find the entire concept of working with animals to learn more about human behaviors interesting. I thought it was interesting to read about how the various animals (i.e. pigeons, rats, cats, dogs, etc.) learn in the same way as humans, just at a “lower” level. I also found the entire concept of the “puzzle boxes” interesting. I think it’s particularly interesting that he used cats for this experiment. Why cats?
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section I found the least interesting was the part about graphing. I have never liked doing graphs and hearing that we have to make one at the end of the section is somewhat disappointing! I also found the breakdown of how to make a graph with appropriate labels a bit dull since that is stuff we learned about in high school The reminders are always nice, though!
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have taken History & Systems of Psychology so much of Thorndike’s work was review. We had learned about the puzzle box, the Law of Effect, the Law of Recency, and the Law of Exercise. I had also learned about graphing techniques in both high school and my statistics course.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I would say that the Law of Effect would apply to my life. The car example is actually a very appropriate example for my life because this happens to me all the time! My car wheel will get stuck and I have to move it a bunch of different ways before I can get it to work again – I usually remember the last move I make and start with that first the next time, since this behavior has been positively reinforced. Another thing that would apply to my life would be the Law of Recency. I tend to stick with habits that I have more recently developed…for example; I am an RA in Panther Village. If I document someone for a policy violation and I receive no negative comments – I will more than likely keep writing the documentations the same way.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the fact that Pavlov believed that his experiments were effecting the neurons in the dogs brains, since some of the dogs went “crazy” and others simply didn’t react. I realize that some of the dogs’ previous behaviors may have been different than those after the test, however I think it is interesting that instead of taking temperament into account first, Pavlov assumed it was a difference in subsequent neurons and whether they were excitatory or inhibited.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on the process of Pavlov’s experiment, AKA the rerouting of the dog’s biology. I am not very good about learning information regarding bodily functions or parts and I don’t like the idea of someone rerouting perfectly functional body parts for the sake of science. I especially found the part with the dogs cheeks disturbing.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had previously learned about Pavlov’s dogs in History & Systems of Psychology. I had not learned about the change in neurons however, and found this to be an interesting addition to what I had already learned.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Obviously, the result of Pavlov’s dogs relate to my life as I am a human and I eat food. For example, if I am hungry, I will as a mammal, begin to salivate. Another thing that could relate to my life would be the stimulus – response relationship. Anything in my life could be a stimulus, and I will always have a response to these stimuli. For example, if I get a feeling of a bug or a hair on my arm, I will freak out and slap my arm to make sure there is no bug there. The stimulus is the feeling on my arm and the response is me slapping my arm.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections helped me to understand the integration of behavior modification with historical concepts. For example, the hey-day for behavior modification was between the year 1900 and 1970. I also find it interesting that previous concepts I have learned about are actually examples of behavior modification concepts.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 7
Day 5 = 7
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 5
Average = 5.714
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
Overall, I did not meet my goal. While the amount increased compared to last week, I am still not drinking enough water. I did not meet my target behavior each day. My reinforcer was that I was actually starting to feel better on the days that I drank more water. I am hoping to start drinking more water by adding a negative reinforcement when I do not meet these requirements – AKA, eating something healthy that I do not like, like brussel sprouts. I am hoping that next week I will reach my goal.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Law of Effect, Law of Exercise, Law of Recency, puzzle box, positive reinforcement, target behavior, negative reinforcement, stimulus, response, Pavlolv, Thorndike
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
a. I really found the concepts of trial and error learning very interesting. I found it very easy to grasp, which helped a lot more with it being interesting. I also found that I could connect the trial and error learning with the law of recency effect. This is because if you keep trying to do things that will reinforce you to continue doing them the same way, and if that is also the most recent thing you have done that will only continue to reinforce someone to do things the same way.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
a. I really found the history aspect of the chapter boring. I’m not a huge fan of history, so reading through studies is always a bit harder for me if I do not find them interesting. I also found the graphs pretty boring to read as well.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
a. The only thing I can really relate to this chapter is the graph. Because in math in high school we would make graphs. The concepts and terms are fairly new to me, though I have heard of Thorndike before.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
a. One concept I can apply to my life is the law of recency. I am a resident assistant in Hagemann Hall, and I have a sophomore community. I have had trouble recently getting residents to attend programs, so the next time I plan a program I need to change the effectiveness of my advertising because my more recent attempt was a failure.
b. The other concept that I want to apply to my own life is the law of exercise. The law of exercise states that through repetition, association is strengthened. This can be applied to my life because, if I lock my door the items in my room will not get stolen, therefore I will only continue to make sure that when I am not in my rom the door is locked.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
a. One thing I found interesting is salient stimuli and how they differ from non-salient stimuli. The part of it that I found interesting was the fact that depending on how clear or unclear something was determined whether or not it was salient or not. It seems to me that saliency can definitely have an impact on behavior modification because something that is more salient has a higher chance of being responded to.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
a. The part of the section that I found to be not interesting was Pavlov’s experiment. I have heard about it before, so it was nothing new to me. It also was just a lot of reading and I found myself spacing off a lot while I read it, and it was harder for me to force myself to pay attention.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
a. In other psychology classes in both high school and at UNI Pavlov has definitely been talked about. The only difference is I felt like the section in the readings go a lot more in depth versus other classes and what they covered.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
a. One thing I can relate to my own life is saliency. I can identify things that are more salient than others and less salient than others. For example, my alarm clock in the morning is not as salient as the fire alarm going off.
b. Another thing I can relate to my life is a conditioned response. An example of a conditioned response would be when I am on rounds as an RA and I hear clinking of bottles by a door. I know that there is 99% chance there’s alcohol on the other side of that door, and I have to take care of the situation.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
a. These sections taught me more terms. It is easy to see how these terms can affect reinforcement whether it’s positive or negative. The history and experiments were helpful for explaining the terms even though they were a bit difficult to understand.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =7
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =8
Average =4.7oz
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I did a lot better this week compared to last week. I met my target behavior a few times, but not enough. It is hard to remember to record it usually. My reinforcer was a positive reinforcer to get healthier. I believe that my reinforcer was a god one. I will continue to drink water but I will still need reinforcement.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
a. Terminology: Trial and error learning, law of recency effect, reinforce, Thorndike, Pavlov, Law of Exercise, salient stimuli, positive reinforcement, conditioned response, negative reinforcement.
Section 3.1
1) I thought it was interesting how Thorndike's research suggested that the cats' attempts to escape would sometimes lead to success and they will be more likely repeated and consequently learned. This learning involved the "stamping in" and strengthening of associations through repetition, or otherwise known as the Law of Exercise.
2) I thought the part discussing how Thorndike's graph was lacking was kind of boring. I noticed right away how his graph was inadequate, so reading about it wasn't the most interesting.
3)In my research methods class, we spent a generous amount of time discussing graphs and research (how ironic), so the brief deliberation of Thorndike's graph brought back some information. I noticed right away some of the items his graph was lacking, such as the x and y axis, title, and the values. This is important in describing your research, so having the right information or information at all can be crucial. Also, in other classes, we have discussed Thorndike's research and how his puzzle boxes and cats show an amount of repetition and how there may or may not be improvement from this trial and error.
4) Well, like the section mentioned, we use trial and error everyday without even realizing it, usually. For example, yesterday I couldn't get my hair to look the way I wanted it to. So I would redo it several times until I got it right... Trial and error. Another example would be the first time I tried baking homemade cookies and I didn't put enough of a certain ingredient in, and the cookies tasted nasty (my dogs liked them, though). Through trail and error, I realized I needed more vanilla (I don't think I even put vanilla in the first batch).
I could relate to the part of the section where it discussed how the puzzle box was built and how the cat would escape. I relate to this because my father would build homemade cages for trapping raccoons, but since we didn't like killing the raccoons unless they were rabid, he built the cage so they could escape if they figured it out (in time). They were built very similar to Thorndike's boxes, but ours were very difficult. In the corner of the cage there would be a small lever that releases the spring that is holding the door closed, if they were able to find it and pull it, they were able to escape. Not very often were raccoons able to figure this out. We did notice from our camera, that the bigger raccoons, who were presumably older, were the one's to figure it out, and the rabid ones just freaked out.
Section 3.2
5) I thought it was interesting how an unconditioned response can change to a conditioned response depending on the stimulus (unconditioned or conditioned). The example with the bunny, bell, blowing air and blinking really helped me understand this concept. When air was blown on the bunny's face (US), it would blink (UR). If a bell was rung right before each time the air was blown (CS), the bunny would eventually learn that the air is coming and blink ahead of time, therefore making it a conditioned (or learned) response. I thought this was interesting because something so simple as a bell tone can change a behavior, making behavior very manipulatable.
6) I thought this section was incredibly interesting, so I don't think I found anything disinteresting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and response has been mentioned before, but this gives a more specific explanation of how they can be manipulative. Pavlov and his research was discussed in classes I have take before, such as Intro to Psych.
8) The unconditioned response changing to a conditioned response due to a conditioned stimuli related to my life in that it is a way of learning. For example, in volleyball, it would be natural for me to use my left hand when hitting the ball (since I am left handed). My coach wanted me to be able to hit with my right hand also, so right before I went up to hit the ball, she would smack a ball next to me to remind me to use my right hand. It took several times to get it down, and eventually, I knew that when she smacked the ball, she wanted me to hit with my right hand. It was sort of a way of communication during practice and games; if she didn't smack the ball, I would hit with my left hand, if she smacked the ball, I would hit with my right. Another example of how this section relates to my life is Pavlov's salivation research. At my grandma's, it was a rule that children couldn't be in the kitchen while she was cooking. So we wouldn't bother her until we heard her ring the bell telling everyone dinner was ready. When we heard the bell, we knew food was ready, so we would get hungry and our mouths would water because grandma's food is always good!
9) These sections have taught me that through trial and error, you are more likely to remember the successful attempt and therefore improve from it and "stamping in" the learned behavior. Also, behavior is very manipulatable. These two things influenced my original thought about behavior modification in that changing behavior, whether it is yours or something or someone else's, could be easier than you think. You can manipulate their behavior and get the result you want through trial and error and stamping in the successful attempts.
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 5
Average = 48.29 fl oz.
10b) I feel I really slacked when it came to reaching my goal of drinking strictly water for 7 days. I drank a lot of coffee during the week which didn't help me reach my goal. I didn't think it was difficult measuring or recording my behavior every day physically, but mentally, I was struggling because I wanted to reach it, but almost knew I wasn't going to so in a sense I was giving up. I literally needed to drink one more bottle a day and I could have reached it, so this week, that is my motivation, just drink one more bottle, Katie, you can do it. Even though I am not going to have a reinforcer this week, the intrinsic motivation is there and I want to complete this task.
Terms: consequence, Thorndike, Law of Exercise, x axis, y axis, trial and error, graph, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, behavior, Pavlov
1) I liked learning about the law of effect in this section because I don’t recall ever learning it before but it’s very interesting how it deals with behaviors. I like how this law is simple but other researchers and scientists were able to expand off of it to develop more of the ideas we know now.
2) Reading about trial and error was least interesting to me because I felt like trial and error was a concept learned about growing up. I felt like I already knew a lot of the main points about trial and error so I just got really bored and it kind of made me want to stop reading.
3) This section relates to what I already knew when it talked about the law of recency and his experiment with the cat to test intelligence. The law of recency is talked about in many psychology classes because it connects in many different types of psychology. Thorndike’s methodological construct for intelligence also relates to what I have learned about in previous sections because in a way it has to do reinforcement when the door would be opened from a particular response from the cat.
4) The law of recency relates to my life because just last week I had to go to the grocery store for my mom and she just told me a list. I got to the store and I thought I got all of the groceries but it turned out that I had only gotten the last half of the list because it was the last thing I heard. This actually happens to me all of the time if I do not make a list.
Trial and error also relates to my life because that is something I do everyday. There are a lot of things I come across on a daily basis that I have no clue what to do but I do not want to ask for help. An example of this would be learning how to get gas for the first time by yourself. You don’t want to ask anybody for help so you just push buttons you think are right until it is the right fit. This is just one example but I do it on a daily basis with many different things.
5) I liked learning about certain stimulus’ being salient. I found this an interesting topic because unlike the rest of the section it was something I had never heard of before. When you read about it and think about what salient really means it is kind of common sense in my mind, but it’s weird how classes never talk about it.
6) While reading the chapter I found the part about the topographical and functionality of the conditioned stimulus least interesting. While reading the chapter I didn’t really catch onto why we needed to know why the different classifications of stimuli. Those two topics do not interest me because I don’t understand why it is relevant to have to know the difference between the two.
7) This section relates to what I already knew about classical conditioning because we learn all about that in high school. However, it did expand on the unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, and the neutral stimulus by adding information about salient stimuli and different environments. It explained more about Pavlov’s dog experiment and what findings came out of it.
8) One thing that relates to my life from the chapter is the response stimulus (RS) because it happens everyday. For example, when I put money in the vending machine I get food. The stimulus of food came second because of an action of mine. Another thing that relates to my life is a neutral stimulus and salient. Being salient means that the stimulus can be heard. This happens to me all of the time because when I go over to my parent’s house for dinner I’ll watch TV in the basement and they will ring a bell when it is ready. Half of the time the TV is either too loud or I am too focused on the show I am watching to be able to hear the bell. In this case I wouldn’t be able to hear the stimulus because it wasn’t salient.
9) This section builds on what I originally thought about behavior modification because it expands on the knowledge I already had. Instead of thinking that reinforcement and conditioning was used when wanted or needed, I’ve realized that it happens on a daily basis and it’s second nature in some cases.
Day 1 = 64 oz
Day 2 =76 oz
Day 3 =52 oz
Day 4 = 80 oz
Day 5 = 24 oz
Day 6 = 0 oz
Day 7 = 12 oz
Average = 44 oz
10b) I believe overall I did better than I was doing before with drinking water. It was really difficult for me to measure exactly how much water I drank a day because I am really busy so sometimes I forget, and I am also in a sport so I can really only guess how much water I am drinking out of different water bottles during a practice. The reinforcement I set up last week was that if I drank 64 oz a day for a week then I could take myself out to Sakura. It worked well the first couple of days because it was still fresh in my mind, but after that I totally forgot about the reinforcement with my busy schedule. I think at this point I should come up with a new reinforcement because with the direction I am headed now I don’t think I would drink 64 oz of water a day.
11) Tems: Law of effect, trial and error, law of recency, Edward Thorndike, methodological construct for intelligence, Edward Thorndike, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, salient stimuli, classical conditioning, response stimulus, reinforcement
1)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The fact that Thorndike was interested in animal intelligence was something that I thought was very interesting in this chapter. I thought that testing on animals and studying how they learn is a great way to apply it to humans in the future. The fact that what you learn from studying animals can be generalized into humans always amazes me.
2)What did you find least interesting? Why?
The graph is something I found least interesting. I didn’t find the graphs interesting because the difference between the two isn’t something I find too important. I feel as though we could read Thorndike’s first graph and understand it without adding all the labels, although they are helpful.
3)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Thorndike goes way back to the into to psychology class I took in high school. I’ve discussed him and his findings on Law of Effect in every course since then. He has a huge place in history and his research is very important today.
4)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Law of Effect, trial and error is something that can relate to my everyday life in many ways. My first example would be taking exams in college I study yet am unsure on how this specific professor’s tests are like. In result I have a negative outcome of a poor test grade therefore I learned for next time I will study in a more effective way for that professor’s exams. Another example would be with my niece and helping her eat. I will not give her a glass without a lid because the negative outcome is she spills it everywhere. Next time I will remember to put a lid on her cup right away and not go through that again.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I find Pavlov’s research on salvia interesting and always have. I like how this section discusses how his research is much more than analyzing when the dog salivates. I also found it interesting that by accident is how Pavlov discovered how the experiment was affecting the neurons, excitatory correlated the aggressive behavior and the inhibitory was the other. Nothings by accident and has a purpose, that is why I found that part so fascinating.
6)What did you find least interesting? Why?
This history wasn’t very interesting in this chapter talking about American researchers and being primarily interested in his research. This doesn’t grasp my attention like some of the terms discussed.
7)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Pavlov and his research has been covered in my previous psychology classes. It’s not a bad thing to go over it again and again though because I still feel at times I get the conditions mixed up. This section also talked about topographical and functionally which were brought up in previous sections in this course.
8)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to the bunny in this chapter when I go to the eye doctor and they check for your pressure, they puff air into your eye. I can’t help but blink as my response, it’s natural and untrained, unconditioned. The book gave many examples of salient and one example that can relate to my life is when the microwave beeps at my when my oatmeal’s done, it’s noise that is over the background noise. Another example that relates to my life is with the regularity in its presentation, my niece cry’s out when she’s hurt or needs me but is lying, one of these times she’s really going to be hurt and need help but I will assume she’s kidding and ignore her.
9)How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Behavior modification is causing me to realize that all these terms really do go together and are important to one another. Studying about Thorndike and Pavlov allowed me to see that this is really all about behavior, behavior of escaping and learning the fastest way and all the different types of responses.
10a) Behavior Project (Intervention): You should now have an additional week's (week two) worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week while being under reinforcement as you attempt to maintain your target behavior of 64 oz per day. Please fill out the information below for week two:
Day 1 =2 glasses (64 oz)
Day 2 =1 glasses
Day 3 =2 glasses
Day 4 =1 glasses
Day 5 =2 glasses
Day 6 =2 glasses
Day 7 =2 glasses
Average =1.7 glasses
10b) How did you do overall? Did you meet your target behavior each day? Was it difficult measuring and recording your behavior each day? What was your reinforce? Was the reinforcer you chose a good choice? Do you think you will continue to drink 64 oz of water without being reinforced? Please continue to reinforce yourself for drinking 64 oz water for the next 7 days (week 3).
I improved this week. My target behavior was to drink two glasses a day, 64 oz and I came short two out of the seven days. It’s difficult being aware of what you’re doing all the time, I feel this caused me to become more alert. My reinforcer was to eat an Oreo. I feel as though it was a good reinforce because I love Oreos and I already had them at my house, it’s a nice treat and also limits to how many I ate each day. It was kinda bad at the same time because sometimes I wasn't at home when I was done with my 64 oz so I didn't have an Oreo near by. I think I will drink close to 64 oz a day without being reinforced.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Thorndike. Law of Effect. Trial and Error. Pavlov. Unconditioned Responses. Excitatory and Inhibitory.
Section 3.1
1) The one thing I really liked about this section is the video on Thorndike’s puzzle box. This video is probably one of my favorite part of all the sections combined. I really liked how Thorndike used the puzzle box to analyze the consequence of a cat escaping the box. It showed that although the first time the cat escaped was by trial and error but once it learns that and there was a reward – which in this case was food – after escaping the action would be stamped onto the cats mind.
2) The one thing that I really disliked about this section was the Law of Effect because it states that when a behavior or response is followed by a positive outcome, the association is stamped in, or more specifically, strengthened. This is very scary because when I think about how certain negative behaviors can have rewards, such as stealing, without noticing it that action can be strengthened which would lead to more stealing.
3) The things that can relate to what I have learned previously are Law of Effect, Law of Recency and Law of Exercise. The reason is because these three laws connects a lot of behaviors and why some organisms do it. The Law of Effect shows when a reward is present, an action would be strengthened, the Law of Recency tells us that the most recent response is most likely to occur and the Law of Exercise touches on the aspect of repetition and how it is associated with strengthening an action or behavior.
4) The thing that can relate to my life is the Thorndike's puzzle box because I was once watching the video on Thorndike's puzzle box and my mum happened to be behind me and she asked me why is Thorndike putting the cat in the puzzle box because my mom thought it looked a bit weird and I explained to her what he was doing and she said that psychologists are weird which I found quite hilarious.
Section 3.2
5) The one thing I really liked that was in this section was the part on conditioned reflex. I really liked this because it explains how a response can become associated with a previously unrelated stimulus by pairing the previous unrelated stimulus with the response. This is very ingenious by Pavlov and it to me is a very interesting technique of behavior modification.
6) The one thing that I did not really like about this section is the part that talks about how the neutral stimulus must be presented a sufficient number of times before association occurs and that the association is not a causation but a correlation. I did not like this because, a correlation means that it does not prove that this method causes the previously unrelated stimulus to be associated with the response but instead states it as a correlation and that does not make sense to me.
7) The things that relate to what I previously learned in this section are the conditioned reflex, salient stimuli and the question that asked to think of three conditioned stimuli in my environment. The reason why I would remember conditioned reflex is because it is vital to understanding Pavlov’s theory of classical conditioning. As for salient stimuli, it is because for something to be used as a neutral stimulus it has to be salient which means it would have to be noticed in the environment and that made a lot of sense to me. Finally, the question that asked to think of three conditioned stimuli in my environment made me think about how some behaviors that happen around me are not something that happen for no reason but because of conditioning.
8) Based on what I read, two things that can relate to my life are the conditioned reflex and that neutral stimulus has to be salient. The conditioned reflex means a response that is learned from a specific stimulus which in my case was fainting from getting an injection of any sort. It happened to me once when I was young and after that, every injection that I get causes me to faint. Next, salient stimulus means a stimulus that is distinct. In my case, using the example of fainting from getting an injection, the salient stimulus is the injection.
9) Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 9 glasses
Day 3 = 7 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 7 glasses
Day 6 = 10 glasses
Day 7 = 9 glasses
Average = 7.29 glasses of water per day
10) Although I did not meet the target behavior of 8 glasses (64oz) per day, I did manage to get very close with an average of 7 glasses of water per day. On a few days I drank more than 8 glasses which and the lowest was 4 glasses per day. This was a significant improvement over my previous water consumption which at times I can go a whole day without drinking a single glass of water. It was slightly difficult to measure the amount of water consumption in terms of glasses because when I did my exercises I drank from a water bottle, so I had to measure how many glasses of water can a water bottle fill and then count how many bottle of water I drank. Based on the results, I can safely say that my reinforcer was a good choice. However, I do not think I will continue to drink 64 oz. of water without being reinforced.
11) If I were ever to do this again, I would probably use a reward every time I drink 64oz. of water in a day. A behavior that I would like to change by using behavioral method is my smoking habit.
12) Thorndike’s puzzle box, consequence, trial and error, reward, Law of Effect, behavior, positive outcome, association, Law of Recency, Law of Exercise, repetition, conditioned reflex, unrelated stimulus, neutral stimulus, correlation, causation, salient stimuli, conditioned stimuli, classical conditioning, target behavior, reinforce.