Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
2) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
3) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
6) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
7) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
9) How
has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about
behavior modification? How so?
Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data
collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the
information below:
Day 1 =
Day 2 =
Day 3 =
Day 4 =
Day 5 =
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb
is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use
positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of
course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be
reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can
go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of
64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if
you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you
adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
11) Once
you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in
your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
1 a&b) What I liked about section 2.4 was when it gave a definite difference between punishment and extinction. I already knew how extinction worked but always thought it was part of punishment and not its own specific process. I now understand extinction is not a part of punishment because extinction deals with a behavior that was previously reinforced.
2) One part of this section I did not like was learning about discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli. The book does a good job defining these two definitions, yet I am still confused and would need further examples before I could adequately fill in the activity box.
3 a,b&c) I will remember the difference between punishment and reinforcement as I have said above because this is the first time I have encountered a textbook clearly explaining the difference between the two. I will also remember extinction burst because of the example given from the episode of Family Guy and that when extinction burst occurs the target behavior will increase in hopes of reinforcement. The last thing I will remember from this section is the concept of variability, again from the Family Guy example. Variability is a very interesting topic because of how closely it works with extinction burst and how often it is used in our everyday lives when we are looking for reinforcement.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) Although it requires a lot of extra time and work in this section I enjoyed the fact there were so many activities that were needed to be done. There were a lot of parts to this material that were very similar so it was nice to have enough practice to help clarify the confusing information.
5) Although I did like the fact there was a lot of room to practice with all of the activities I do feel that it could be a negative thing as well. I found the information confusing in some places and it would be nice for the book to provide more examples before students are asked to fill out that many activities.
6 a,b&c) The first thing I will remember is the difference between a fixed interval and a fixed ratio because these are terms I remember from my introduction to psychology course from a few years ago. Ratio being indicative to the number of times a behavior is reinforced and interval dealing with the timing. Another interesting thing I found in this section had to do with B.F. Skinner understanding how learning could be done more quickly and more slowly based upon the type of reinforcement schedule given. The final thing I will remember from this section is the idea of a post-reinforcement pause. This is when a subject will emit a specific behavior only up until the reinforcement is given to which there is a short break in the target behavior.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 16oz
Day 2 =1 16oz
Day 3 =2.5 16oz
Day 4 =1 16oz
Day 5 =.5 16oz
Day 6 =2 16oz
Day 7 =0 16oz
Average =1.29 16oz water bottles
7b) A good positive reinforcer I would be able to use to increase my water intake is the addition of a water favorer such as Mio or Spark. The positive reinforcement of adding these flavor enhancers to my water would be the good taste it adds to the water, which would more than likely increase my water intake each day.
8) Punishment, extinction, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction, stimuli, variability, target behavior , fixed interval, fixed ratio, extinction burst, post-reinforcement pause, reinforcement schedule, and reinforcement
1) One thing that I really liked about this section is how it went more in depth on the discussion of what extinction and extinction bust were. These were discussed in previous section, but for me things were not a hundred percent clear. With this section and the discussion on extinction and extinction burst I was able to get a much better understanding of these two concepts.
2) One thing that I liked the least from this section was the part on generalization and discrimination. The part that talked about these two concepts was a little unclear for me, making it difficult to understand.
3) I will definitely remember what extinction is from reading this section. Extinction is the process of stopping behaviors that were previously reinforced. I feel that I will retain this information a lot better from this section than in previous sections, because of the examples that were used. They were both relevant and easy to understand. Extinction burst is another concept that I feel will definitely stick with me from this section. I think that this concept will stay with me because after reading the examples I can think of times in my own life that my parents used extinction on me and I can remember the so-called “extinction burst phase” that would then happen. Variability is also another term that I will remember. I think this is an important part of extinction that everyone should know about. When the extinction burst is happening there will be variability because the individual is going to try harder and harder to get the reinforcement that they are no longer getting.
4) One thing that I really liked about this section was how it broke down each schedule of reinforcement and explained them well and used multiple examples. By doing this I think it made each schedule of reinforcement easier to understand and the concepts better able to be grasped.
5) What I liked the least about this section was the amount of information that was presented. I felt that there was a lot of material covered in this section, and possibly too much at times. It may have been better if it could have been broken up somehow.
6) One thing that will be memorable for me from this section is continuous reinforcement. To me this is very straight forward and the name says exactly what it is which is getting reinforced every time a behavior is emitted. I also feel that all four of the reinforcement schedules should be pretty memorable after reading the text because the section did emphasize these throughout its entirety. Lastly, I feel that the illustration of the graph with all of the reinforcement schedules is also something that I will remember from this section. The graph illustrated the amount of responses and also the amount of time it took for those responses to be emitted.
7) Day 1= 2, 8 oz glasses
Day 2= 3, 8 oz glasses
Day 3= 2, 8 oz glasses
Day 4= 4, 8 0z glasses
Day 5= 2, 8 oz glasses
Day 6= 8, 8 oz glasses
Day 7= 3, 8 oz glasses
Average= 3.4 glasses
Something that I can do to reinforce myself to drink more water is to carry a bottle of water around with me. This will make sure that I am not thirsty wherever I am at, and it will also allow me to drink more water throughout the day.
8) Terms: continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedules, emit, responses, extinction, extinction burst, variability, generalization, discrimination
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed reading about extinction and extinction bursts. I found it fascinating to learn the difference between extinction and punishment, and the behavior may increase in frequency, through an extinction burst, to obtain the desired reinforcement. To me, it also made sense that it could result in aggressive behavior, because the person wants the reinforcement and may continue to emit undesirable behavior due to the emotion they are feeling. It was the part in the section that best held my attention.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I disliked the part on generalization and discrimination, because I felt like they were not talked about separately. These two seem too close to each other to determine the difference, so I found that to be frustrating.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the difference between extinction and punishment. Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer eliciting reinforcement. The behaviors are extinguished when they no longer occur. Although, the procedure of extinction is considered to be aversive, it is different than punishment. Punishment can occur through positive punishment, where something aversive is added to the situation, or negative punishment, where something desirable is removed. Recognizing the difference between extinction and punishment is important, because they consist of different methods. Extinction is a great way to reduce a previously reinforced behavior.
b. Another key note to remember from this section is information on extinction bursts. This is where the behavior that was previously reinforced but is no longer reinforced will occur more often. Extinction bursts are often successful in eventually obtaining the desired behavior, which makes it difficult to extinguish the target behavior. The unwanted behavior initially increases and intensifies before it reduces in frequency. When someone is trying to eliminate a behavior, it is important to continue to stand their ground and not give into the behavior that was previously reinforced.
c. Superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior is thought to lead to reinforcement, but it is not actually directly related to the reinforcer. This may occur when reinforcement seems to come at random times and the individual has noticed there is a correlation between the behavior and the desired response. This is important to acknowledge, because it has the possibility of manipulating the individual’s behavior.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, my favorite part was that fixed, variable, ratio, and interval were all broken down into small parts and several examples were given. It was fairly easy to determine which was which from the examples and information provided in the book.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like that the box examples were not really spread out and basically required the same notation for each example within the box. I felt as though the examples for determining the schedule were better to use and were not quite as obvious.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that when a reinforcer is always reinforced it is referred to as continuous reinforcement (CR). This is not always the case in the real world, but it is important to get a behavior under stimulus control. This is important to remember, because it may be essential to getting a behavior to occur more often.
b. There are fixed ratio (FR) and variable ratio (VR) schedules. Fixed ratio is when the reinforcement will occur after a certain number of responses, and variable ratio usually has a set minimum and set maximum that the individual will be reinforced. Over time, the variable ratio will average out to being a certain number, but the number the individual is reinforced each time may be different. When I think of ratio, I will remember that it is referring to numbers. Ratios are useful for behavior modification.
c. There is also fixed interval (FI) and variable interval (VI). This is similar to fixed ratio and variable ratio, but it involves time, rather than numbers. Since this is a schedule for reinforcement it is something that can be utilized to increase the frequency of the target behavior occurring.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 7
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 6
Day 5 = 5
Day 6 = 7
Day 7 = 7
Average = 6.29
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I will reinforce myself with watching a movie I have not yet seen.
Terms: Extinction, extinction burst, punishment, behavior, frequency, reinforcement, aggressive behavior, generalization, discrimination, elicit, extinguish, aversive, positive punishment, negative punishment, superstitious behavior, reinforcer, response, fixed schedule, variable schedule, continuous reinforcement (CR), stimulus control, fixed ratio(FR), variable ratio (VR), fixed interval (FI), variable interval (VI), target behavior
1 a&b) I liked learning more about the extinction burst and how dangerous it can be if we reinforce it. This is interesting to me because at my job we attempt to extinguish behaviors all of the time. However, the kids are very persistent and at times it is hard not to give in. The text helped me to view this type of behavior in a more clear way and understand how bad it can be if I try to satiate them rather than continue with trying to extinguish their behavior.
2) I didn’t like the spontaneous recovery section because it was just the least interesting part of the section. Most of the text talked about how to avoid behaviors coming back and how to extinguish them properly, but this section mentions that at times those behaviors can come back even after being properly extinguished. That sounds a bit disheartening to me.
3 a,b&c) I will remember variability first because I like when the text mentions something that I see every day but don’t actively think about or am aware of. Variability is one of those things because it makes me think about how my kids at work will change their behaviors to mirror the target behavior I’m trying to get rid of without directly emitting the particular behavior they know they are supposed to stop. It adds this gray area that I have to decide how to act on and it can be confusing for the person attempting to extinguish the behavior. The second thing is that they will often change the pitch, tone, amplitude, or volume of their voices in an attempt to get what they want. They will beg, whine, and yell in hopes that you will give in. The third thing that I will remember is that the worst thing I can do in those situations is to give in to them. This is especially true at my job because if they cause a safety issues over something once and I give into them, they will cause an even bigger safety issue the next time if I attempt to extinguish the behavior again.
4 a&b) I liked relearning the difference between fixed and variable schedules and the different combinations that can be used when attempting to reinforce and classically condition a behavior. I enjoy learning about these schedules because it something you don’t really think about when attempting to bring out a behavior, but we use it way more often than we realize.
5) I disliked learning about the ration strain because it was a little confusing. It made sense that if we change the ratio too drastically they may stop responding until they understand the difference that was made. However, I just didn’t find this section as interesting as the others.
6 a,b&c) I learned that intermittent reinforcement includes four different types of combinations: Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, Fixed Interval, and Variable Interval. I will remember these four combinations because they are important when thinking about a target behavior you would like to change. The second thing that I will remember is that continuous reinforcement isn’t used as often as intermittent because it requires you to reinforce the behavior every time that it happens. This is important to know so that if you start off using continuous reinforcement, you can use a gradual decrease in the reinforcement to wean them off of your reward. The third thing I learned is that again it is very important to use behavioral language. It is becoming much easier for me and I have found that I am using it in my day to day life. It makes me feel a bit nerdy but it actually is more trauma sensitive and my job requires me to be very sensitive to the trauma that my kids have been through.
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =3
Average =3
7b) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I am able to drink the required amount of water for the week I could reinforce myself with a mountain dew because that’s what I usually drink and most of the reason why I don’t drink as much water. I think it would be a very good reinforce for me.
8) Terminology: extinction burst, reinforce, extinguish, spontaneous recovery, variability, pitch, tone, amplitude, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, ratio strain
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the Family Guy example for extinction burst because it made sense with the definition and was an example I could easily relate to.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like the section on superstitious behaviors because I feel that not everyone is going to act/react to stimuli the way you think they should or they will react. Everyone has control over their own behaviors, they are not always environmentally controlled.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is extinction is stopping the reinforcement of behaviors which have already been reinforced. I will remember this because it makes sense to me as people do not need to be reinforced every time to continue the desired behavior.
Another thing I will remember is the different forms of the word extinction. Extinction is a procedure (noun), extinguish is a verb and extinguished is an adverb. I will remember this because it is something we learned about in school a long time ago, but also helps with developing a better understanding of behavior modification language.
Another thing I will remember is that extinction occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced and punishment occurs when something aversive is added. This is a good way to distinguish between the two, as they both result in similar outcomes.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the continuous reinforcement example and saying that it is rare. This made sense to me because people do everyday activities without being reinforced every time, it's just a way of life. People do their jobs everyday and do not receive reinforcement every single time.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this chapter was the graphs showing the fixed and interval ratios because I thought they were confusing and did not add to my understanding of the terms.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is a ratio schedule means that the behavior is reinforced after a set number of times. I thought the rat example made this definition really clear.
Another thing I will remember is the definition of an interval scheduled reinforcement because I feed my cat around the same time every day and he bugs me around that time of day until I feed him.
Another thing I will remember is the abbreviations for continuous reinforcement (CR), Fixed ratio (FR), Fixed interval (FI), variable ratio (VR), and variable interval (VI).
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4 8oz glasses
Day 2 = 5 8oz glasses
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 4
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 2
Average = 3.9 glasses/day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I drink the required amount of water I can reinforce myself with a different, more tasty, beverage such as a coffee or energy drink.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction burst, superstitious behaviors, extinction, punishment, ratio schedule, continuous reinforcement (CR), Fixed ratio (FR), Fixed interval (FI), variable ratio (VR), and variable interval (VI).
1. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about the superstitious behaviors. A superstitious behavior is a behavior that is emitted but does not lead directly to reinforcement. I liked this because I was able to relate to it and think of lots of sports examples. When I played baseball in high school my team had lots of superstitious behaviors.
2. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked was the section on generalization and discrimination. I didn’t like this section because I found parts of it to be confusing. I found the discrimination the most confusing. I had trouble coming up with examples for discrimination.
3. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I will remember from this chapter are what extinction is, extinction is aversive, and what an extinction burst is. Extinction is when an organism is no longer reinforced for the target behavior. Extinction is aversive because it is upsetting for an organism when they don’t get reinforced for something they were previously reinforced for. Extinction burst happens when reinforcement is initially withheld. The behavior also becomes more intense and occurs with more frequency.
4. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why
I really liked the graph displaying all of the schedules of reinforcement. I found it helpful to see the information in a visual form. It also helped me understand the differences in each reinforcement schedule.
5. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I disliked the least was using the abbreviation CR for continuous reinforcement. I didn’t like this because it was the same abbreviation that was used for conditioned response in a previous chapter.
6. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that ratio schedules are based on a certain number of responses. I will also remember that an interval schedule is based on a certain amount of time passing before the reinforcer is given. The last thing I will remember is the difference between a fixed and variable reinforcement schedule. A fixed reinforcement schedule is when a reinforcer is given after a set amount of responses or time. A variable reinforcement schedule is when the number of responses or amount of time varies each time the reinforcer is given.
7. You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4.5 8oz glasses
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2.5
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =6
Average =3.4
What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz. water?
I will reinforce myself with going out to eat if I am successful.
8. Terms used: Superstitious behavior, generalization, discrimination, extinction, aversive, extinction burst, target behavior, reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, conditioned response, ratio, interval, fixed, variable
1. I liked the section on superstitions because I am an avid baseball fan and superstitious behaviors are common in the sport. One ballplayer in particular who engaged in superstitious behavior was Nomar Garciaparra. When Nomar was batting he would adjust his batting gloves after every pitch (behavior). His thought was that adjusting his gloves after every pitch would increase the likelihood he would get a hit (reinforcing behavior). In reality we know that adjusting gloves and getting a hit are not inter-related but since this believed to work for Nomar he engaged in the behavior.
2. I had trouble finding examples for generalization and discrimination in terms of behaviors. I found myself putting stereotypical attitudes down for generalization rather than actual behaviors. Some times it is difficult to come up with examples other than the ones we see in the text. I don't like to resort to the internet to find examples so I usually just make notes of this and ask in class.
3. I will remember that superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior that is thought to lead to reinforcment isn't actually related to it at all. Example would be tapping on a soda can after it has been shaken. Do we know if this actually decreases the likelihood of it exploding in our face or do we engage in the behavior because it has worked in the past. I have an easier time coming up with examples of extinction burst. One example I always find myself doing is when a store I want to go to is closed and I see a closed sign on the door (discriminative stimulus) I still get out of my car, peer through the door, try opening the door, perhaps call the store to see if anyone answers. Spontaneous recovery makes sense to me because if for example I know that store is closed on Sundays but I go back a different Sunday hoping that it is open, I have engaged in a spontaneous recovery behavior.
4. The term biological continuity is intriguing to me because it essentially shows that behaviorism is a reductionist science. As humans we can understand the basics of behavior by looking at a species that is lower functioning than us. We are "dumbing" down the behaviors to a more basic level in the hopes that we understand them.
5. I disliked coming up with examples for the fixed and variable schedules of reinforcement. It was difficult for me to come up with examples for a variable ratio schedule and a fixed interval schedule. Fixed ratio schedules (typing a key) and variable interval schedules (someone picking up your phone call) are easier to come up with. For me this was due mainly to unfamiliarity with the subjects. The more I am engulfed in this behavioral language, the sooner I will catch on.
6. One thing I attributed to this sections was how often I tip bartenders. I use a variable ratio schedule or reinforcement because I vary the # of times I give a tip (could be after one drink or the 3rd drink). I also find it interesting that variable ratio schedules of reinforcement are the most conducive to learning. This makes sense if we understand that the consequence became more reinforcing if the organism cannot tell when it will be administered. For example, if they know after every press of a button, a key will appear they don't understand the machine any better than if it only responds some of the time. If it only responds an average of 1-10 presses than the organism will attempt to figure out why they aren't being reinforced. Lastly, I will remember the schedules of reinforcment table in this section. Having them aligned in a 2X2 box actually made it easier to learn.
day 1= 4 glasses
day 2= 2-3 glasses
day 3= 3-4 glasses
day 4= 3 glasses
day 5= 2 glasses
day 6= 4 glasses
day 7= 3 glasses
I could have a saltine cracker every time I drink an 8 oz. glass. This in turn could make me more thirsty resulting in more glasses per day.
8. superstitious behavior, reinforc(ing)(ment)(er), discriminative stimulus, generalization, discrimination, fixed and variable schedules, ratio and interval schedules
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really enjoyed that this section further explained extinction and how it differed from punishment. I also liked how this section related the concept of extinction and extinction burst to examples in real life--I have previously used extinction to get people to stop unwanted behaviors without even realizing it.
2) I disliked the section on generalization and discrimination as I found it a little more confusing than the other sections on how they pertain to behavior modification.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that extinction has to do with no longer reinforcing a behavior that was previously reinforced.
I will also remember that extinction burst occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer being reinforced and the organism starts to become frustrated. This frustration can include a brief increase in the previously reinforced behavior or may even lead to aggressive behavior when it is no longer being reinforced.
I will also remember how superstitions are formed because this is something that you see all the time. I am not personally a superstitious person, but I do know some people who have associated unrelated behaviors with certain consequences and perform those behaviors almost every time they are trying to achieve that particular consequence.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I liked this section because of how technical it is and I tend to enjoy viewing things on a very technical level.
5) I disliked how many abbreviations there are for every term. There are a lot of terms in this section and I will definitely have to spend more time when it comes to mastering these terms.
6 a,b&c) I will remember that continuous reinforcement refers to receiving reinforcement for a behavior every time that behavior is emitted.
I will also remember that ratio refers to the number of behaviors emitted and interval refers to the amount of time that passes.
I will also remember that fixed refers to a set amount of time or behaviors before reinforcement occurs and that variable refers to an average amount of time or behaviors.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =5
Day 5 =7
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =6
Average =6
7b) I think that a good positive reinforcer for drinking 64 oz of water a week would be rewarding myself with some kind of good tasting food--such as something sweet or desirable--at the end of the week if I drink 64 oz.
8) Terminology: behavior, consequence, extinction, extinction burst, generalization, discrimination, aggressive behavior, superstitions, continuous reinforcement, emit, ratio, interval, fixed, variable, positive reinforcement.
1. One thing I really like about this section was learning about the process of extinction and how to properly use the terms, I just thought this was cool because it is literally just the opposite of reinforcement.
2. The thing I least liked was all the reiteration of extinction, only because I feel as though it was a very easy concept to grasp, although I could see how useful it’d be for someone who didn’t understand it so easily.
3. The three things I will remember: that extinction can occur without the control of an individual person, the term extinction burst, and the fact that in a lot of cases extinction burst leads the individual to reinforcement.
4. I liked learning about the operant chamber because I thought it was pretty cool how easy it is to condition something as minute as a mouse.
5. One thing I didn’t really like about this section was all of the terms that took previous terms more into depth. I didn’t like this because I think it will begin to get confusing when referencing back or trying to remember.
6. The three things I will remember from this section are: the differences between intermittent and continuous reinforcement, the skinner box, and the schedule of reinforcement.
a. Day 1: 96oz
b. Day 2: 120oz
c. Day 3: 90oz
d. Day 4: 100oz
e. Day 5: 55oz
f. Day 6: 50oz
g. Day 7: 96oz
h. Average: 86oz
8. Extinction, reinforcement chamber, intermittent/continuous reinforcement.
1.What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked was that it gave a good review of what extinction was and gave good examples that could be related to real life because it helped me understand it better than before.
2.What was one thing that you disliked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was some of the examples of extinction that were not relative to my life personally so it was harder to get those examples down
Three things I will remember:
1. I will remember the general definition of extinction and extinguishing
2. I will remember that an extinction burst occurs when the reinforcement does not occur right away so you do it more frequently ("mom, mom mom")
3. I will remember that Extinction and reinforcement go together
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
1.What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked was learning about the schedules of reinforcement because I thought they were interesting and could relate to my life depending on the situation.
2.What was one thing that you disliked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was that it seemed long for one section. I feel like the it could have been broken down in a different way maybe in two different sections or something
Three things I will remember from the section:
1. I will remember the difference between continuous vs. intermittent reinforcement
2. I will remember fixed, variable, ratio and interval types of intermittent reinforcement
3. I will remember how to combine fixed and variable with ratio and interval
Day 1: 4 8oz
Day 2: 3
Day 3: 5
Day 4: 6
Day 5: 4
Day 6: 3
Day 7: 2
Average: 3.85
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, extinguish, reinforcement, variable, ratio,fixed,interval, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement,
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really liked this section over extinction and the various details of it. It really helped me when it went through extinction bursts, variability, and spontaneous recovery. The example of the dollar in the vending machine made a perfect sense to me and was a great example to read through.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- I enjoyed reading everything in this chapter but I did not like to think of examples for discrimination and generalization. I think I may have confused the two during the example boxes. Generalization is emitting the same behavior in a variety of stimuli and variety of contexts. Discrimination is realizing the little differences between stimulus and contexts to be able to tell them apart. Although couldn’t be any example be both?
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-With this section, I have multiple things that I will remember from these sections since it had great examples. Like I say before, I loved the section over extinction, extinction bursts, variability, and spontaneous recovery because of all the great examples. They were very helpful in learning the material. I will also remember the section over discriminative extinction as well discriminative extinction stimulus, because it was very simple as well as easy to understand. The last thing I will remember is the discrimination and generalization because I am still trying to think of better examples that would help me understand. I wish we could have class between assignments so I could straighten things out.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I enjoyed learning about fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval which at first was a little confusing but soon I began to understand it. Ratio has to do with how many times or tries someone does before they receive reinforcement. Interval has to do with the amount of time passed. I really liked the part where it gave examples and gave us the answers. That way I could see what I did wrong.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-One thing I did not like at all in this section is having to think of examples. I am the worst at thinking of examples when they are all fairly similar. I wish each section could have examples with answers that way I can tell which ones I got right and wrong.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember the difference between ratio and interval because I understood the simple differences. When I think of ratio I need to remember numbers and when I think of interval I need to think of a set time. I will also remember the difference between fixed and variable which is where fixed is a set amount and variable could vary. The last thing I will remember from this section is continuous reinforcement where the subject is always rewarded every time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 3
Day 7 = 4
Average = 3.6
7b) If I wanted to drink more water per day, I plan on making a water bottle marked with times on it. So I would have to drink the water in the bottle by that certain time. If I do that, then I can treat myself with a treat such as a dessert I wanted. I hope to be hydrated more which will be healthier. I am trying to eat healthier so I have not been having many sweets.
8) TERMS: Extinction, extinction burst, variability, spontaneous recovery, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, discrimination, generalization, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, ratio, interval, variable, fixed,
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about the superstitious behaviors because the example about B.F. Skinner’s pigeon experiment was very interesting. Thinking about it, I see people emitting superstitious behaviors all the time. There are even commercials about it now (especially when it was getting closer to the Super Bowl, there was a beer commercial that specifically acknowledged this target behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think that I will have a little bit of trouble with discriminant extinction stimuli, just because of the fact that I also had a bit of trouble with discriminant stimuli in general (thinking up multiple examples can be difficult for me). However, with more exposure and practice, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Variability. I'll remember this because I notice variability of behaviors by children who are seeking attention from their parents. The pitch and frequency of their cries will change, depending on whether or not their parents are acknowledging their cries.
b. Extinction burst. I'll remember this because I was kind of confused when I first read about it (I didn't think it was accurate), but then I began to think back on instances of it throughout my life and became convinced of this phenomenon.
c. Generalization. This seems pretty obvious throughout my daily life--in my thought process and in my actions. For example, because of the common use of debt cards, I assume I can buy anything with it. Things get tricky, though, in instances where you need cash to pay (how can you tip your pizza delivery guy with your debt card? Found that out the hard way.)
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the "operant chamber" exercise in which we were encouraged to look this phrase up on youtube. I felt like I learned a bit about the history of operant conditioning and the psychologists involved in supporting this theory.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I didn't like was learning about the different kinds of reinforcement that have been used on me throughout my life, and the ones that employers can potentially use on me to get to do more work.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Continuous reinforcement. This kind of reinforcement is involved in nearly everything we do, if the action involves something mechanical like a toilet, our car, or the kitchen sink. If we are not continuously reinforced by these mechanisms, it elicits us to emit some kind of behavior in order to fix the problem, that way we will again be continuously reinforced by these mechanisms. I’ll remember this because of it readily relates to my world.
b. Intermittent reinforcement. In this case, we know we may not be rewarded every time, but we know that eventually we will be reinforced, and so we continue seeking reinforcement. A good example would be gambling—we’re never 100% sure that we’ll hit the jackpot, but we know that eventually the machine or dealer will lose and we will be rewarded with something. Intermittent reinforcement can also lead to superstitious behaviors, as the organism hopes that there may be some additional behavior that leads to more frequent reinforcement. I’ll remember this kind of reinforcement because I hate it when it is being used on me.
c. Fixed/variable vs. ratio/interval (kinds of intermittent reinforcement.) I will remember these because they are both similar, yet describe how intermittent reinforcement is handed out. Fixed scheduling means one will be reinforced after a certain number of behaviors, every time, whereas variable scheduling keeps a person guessing as to when they will be reinforced (although there are usually an average number of times.) Ratio scheduling is related to fixed and variable scheduling in that reinforcement depends on the number of times, though whether it’s a fixed or variable schedule depends on the person running the procedure. Interval scheduling can also relate to fixed and variable scheduling, but it has to do with the amount of time between each reinforcer; again, it depends on the researcher to determine whether it should be fixed or variable scheduling. So then one can have four types of intermittent reinforcement: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, or variable interval reinforcement.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 40 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 = 32 oz
Day 4 = 56 oz
Day 5 = 48 oz
Day 6 = 64 oz
Day 7 = 72 oz
Average = ~51 oz/day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
**Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.**
-Something that I could reinforce myself with would be going out to dinner. I rarely eat out anymore (money and healthier eating habit reasons), so if I can achieve this goal, I will reinforce myself by treating myself to somewhere like Olive Garden. :)
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
Terminology: superstitious behaviors, target behavior, emitted, discriminant extinction stimuli/discriminant stimuli, variability, extinction burst, generalization, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed scheduling, variable scheduling, ratio scheduling, interval scheduling, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, elicits, reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked getting a chance to use extinguish, extinguished, and extinction. It made me use the term in other ways than extinction. It helps me to understand better when I am practicing the term in other ways.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really like the idea of variability. It is said to be other behaviors emitted that aren’t being reinforced. This confused me because I can still see this as just the extinction bursts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the idea of spontaneous recovery. It made me laugh when thinking of an example. If I am no longer reinforced when I text a guy and go through an extinction burst, I get upset but eventually move on. When he starts talking to me again and reinforcing me by texting back, it is like I won.
I will also remember reading “Extinction is aversive.” I always saw punishment as aversive and reinforcement as desirable. It is just odd pairing the word aversive with extinction because I never thought of it as positive or negative.
I will also remember the discussion of people thinking all psychology majors are trying to “analyze” others. It made me laugh because it was so true. The stimulus of psychology majors has a stereotype. When I connect with a section in the reading, it makes the information stick in my head.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked going to search what an operant chamber looked like. It was a rat in a cage that is electrified. There was a speaker, signal lights, a lever, and a place for food to come in. It is also referred to as the Skinner box. B.F. Skinner used it to train animals. I liked this because it showed me a visual too.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that when the term “ratio schedule” was first used, it didn’t come with a definition. It was used to where I could use context clues to figure it out. However, I think it should tell the definition the first time so there is no confusion.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the idea of continuous reinforcement. We take for granted that when we type the letter “r,” that it will put an “r” on the screen. We don’t think of it as getting reinforced. We don’t think about it at all. When we expect to be reinforced with a pop at the vending machine, we are thirsty. We don’t think about typing the letter “r” for an hour before we do it.
I will also remember filling out the notations for certain reinforcements. It made you practice the notations as well as the terms themselves. I found myself having to go back and study them better to be able to fill this chart out.
I will remember when a story/situation was given and I had to come up with the reinforcement schedule. I really had to know the different types to do it. The stories/situations were helpful because it was put into “every day things.”
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 8
Day 3 = 5
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 7
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 8
Average = 6.7
All 8 oz or more
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I can reinforce myself with a pizza.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: extinguish, extinction, extinguished, reinforcer, reinforcement, punishment, desirable, aversive, variable, reinforced, emitted, behavior, extinction bursts, spontaneous recovery, stimulus, operant chamber, ratio schedule, continuous reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how the chapter was structured. The examples were clear and easily relateable. Also the distinction between extinction, extinction burst, and discrimination extinction was clear and I understood it really well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really like coming up with examples for the superstitious behavior. The only ones I could think of were the ones that are well known. Like step on a crack and you'll break your mothers back. I don't really think I have any superstitions about anything which made it the hardest for me.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what an extinction burst is because of the Family Guy example. Especially because I did that with my mom when I was younger. I'll also remember that extinction is aversive and what variability is as well.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I will never forget the boxes we had to fill out! There were many of them, but they helped with remembering the terms which was very useful.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really understand the section of the graphs. But I don't think it is because of the textbook, but more because my brain was fried from doing the before exercises.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that I )for Interval) is time related, and the difference between fixed and variable. Which fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is
between a set of numbers (such as an average of 2-6)
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =1 glass
Day 2 =1 glass
Day 3 =2 glasses
Day 4 =1 glass
Day 5 =3 glasses
Day 6 =1 glass
Day 7 =1 glass
Average =1.43 per day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I am a breastfeeding mom so the more water I drink I will supposedly produce more milk. So this will be a reinforcer and also feeling better! I always seem to chug a glass before I go to bed because I realize how thirsty I am at the end of the day!
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, extinction burst, variability, fixed ratio, interval, variable ratio, superstitious behavior, and discrimination extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I like the section extinction makes sense, wrapping it all together it really does make sense when it comes to emitting particular behaviors and this section just kinds of sums up why it happens.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I feel as though we are covering topics that we discussed in the first and second day of class, such as extinction. They use the example of the family guy episode, and we did watch that on the first day of class. Seems to be spread out to still be so thoroughly covering the same topic.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? When trying to change a persons behavior, extinction is very important to follow to confirm that they eventually understand that what they are doing is no longer okay. I will also remember spontaneous recovery because when trying to rid someone of their particular behavior, it is important not to relapse or else they will fall into spontaneous behavior and continue to emit that behavior to get what they want. I will also remember discrimination as it applies to generalization. When using generalization it is important to be able to discriminate to tell things apart.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? One thing I liked about this section is that there seemed to be a lot of boxes, or examples for us to fill out. I tend to be a visual learner, so it definitely helps when we have those to add on to the reading and understanding.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing I disliked about this section was all of the notations of the words. It makes sense and I understand why they are in there, I just felt like there were a lot and it will take a bit longer to be able to get them all down.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will easily remember the topic continous reinforcement because it seems to be pretty obvious, every time you emit a behavior, you will be reinforced every time. Another thing I will remember is the fixed interval definition. I recently got a pet rabbit, and she has kind of taken over my room. I have let her out because she is potty trained however she gets so mad when I put her in her cage. If I get her on a fixed interval schedule, she will be able to expect it more and know she will be reinforced with a piece of lettuce when she is out. In many of my other classes we have talked about B.F. Skinner, but in this section we dive into a lot of his research with animals and I think now that I have a more through understanding of him I will be able to remember his work better.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 2
Day 7 = 4
Average = 2.9
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I tend to drink all of the water that I take out and about with me. So if I want to drink more water, then I will just need to take two or three water bottles with me, rather than the usual one with a can of soda.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Generalization, discrimination, behavior, emit, extinction, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, fixed interval, reinforced
1.) One thing I liked about this section was learning in more depth on extinction since I didn't really know how to come up with examples as well before I read the section.
2.) One thing I liked least was the difference between punishment and extinction since I am still a little confused on the difference and need to get a good handle on the differences.
3.) Three things I will remember are extinction burst, variability, and spontaneous recovery and examples for these terms since they are new terms I have learned.
4.) One thing I liked about this section was learning the generalized word schedule of reinforcement, and then the discrimination terms that are the different types of schedules of reinforcements.
5.) One thing I liked least was the part on B.F. Skinner's operant chamber studies since it is not an interesting study.
6.) Three things I will remember are examples for continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, and FI, FR, VI, VR schedules since I am sure we will be quizzed on this.
7.) Day 1= 18 ounces
Day 2= 20 ounces
Day 3= 24 ounces
Day 4= 28 ounces
Day 5= 33 ounces
Day 6= 40 ounces
Day 7= 48 ounces
Average= 30.14 ounces
Once I reach my goal of drinking 64 ounces of water everyday, then I can reward myself with a glass of milk or juice instead of only drinking water when I am thirsty and some sweets.
8.) Continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio, operant chamber, generalization, schedules of reinforcement, discrimination, extinction burst, variability, spontaneous recovery, punishment, and extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this section because the examples were all very clear and specific, I also enjoyed the clear explanations of the distinctions between the extinction terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
All of the vocabulary terms in the section. I always seem to mix them up; having so many terms makes the reading very lengthy and hard to finish.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the definition of extinction, as it was went over very clearly. Also the extinction burst and how it difference in definition from just extinction.
I think I will also remember variability and how it related to extinction.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section broke down many of the terms such as; fixed, variable, and interpretation.
I always enjoy new examples of vocab words so that they can be remembered more clearly.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt like the examples in this section got long and annoying. I have a terrible time focusing on reading and when the section gets lengthy I start to lose focus.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that I (for Interval) is time related, and also hopefully remember the difference between fixed and variable. Where fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is considered between a set of numbers.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 4 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 6 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 4 glasses
7b) I can reinforce myself with feeling healthy and better about myself. Drinking large amounts of water during the day is associated with weight loss and a happier healthier lifestyle.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how they separated extinction in this chapter from reinforcement and punishment in the other chapters. I like this because if they incorporated extinction with these other two it would create an aversive feeling of confusion because of their similarity, and it especially it helped that a small section was dedicated to explaining the difference.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the generalization and discrimination section the least because it was the first thing in the chapter that went away from the basic information of extinction, so it was just initially confusing because I was able to discriminate the information right away.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what spontaneous recovery is. This is because the example of students who were not reinforced right away with having immediate access to the site, and they proceeded having an extinction burst of trying new combinations to get into the site. This helped me remember because I was one of those students, and I had a spontaneous recovery by trying it later in the night, thinking the problem would go away.
I will remember how superstitious behaviors are formed. This is because being a high school athlete I always had my superstitions, and I was naturally curious how this happens for me and many other athletes. In baseball the superstitious behavior we emitted was jumping the foul ball line in our introductions. This concept makes sense because we were reinforced once with a win, that we probably would have won anyways, and continued this behavior.
I will remember what extinction burst, variability, and aggressive behavior means when it comes to extinction. I will remember all of these because it is easy to connect these concepts with previous experiences. If my previously reinforced actions are no longer reinforced, extinction, it is just habit for me to have an extinction burst like when I retried my username and password 4 times, like my previous example. I used variability by trying multiple different usernames and passwords, and aggressive behavior usually always occurs like when I shut my laptop when it continued not to work.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section was broken up. This is because it starts out with the breaking up the main concept of schedules of reinforcement into continuous and intermittent reinforcement. These were then split up into ratio, interval, fixed, and variable reinforcement separately, with separate examples. They then incorporated them all together once we had a solid basic background to avoid confusion.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I probably like the least is I feel I was slightly saturated with some of this knowledge. Once I had a solid grasp of these terms, I feel there were almost too much reemphasis on the info and too many practice boxes. This at least for made me kind of skim through some of the information.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between fixed versus variable schedule of reinforcement. I will remember this because of my previous knowledge of the meaning of the term variable, can vary, and fixed, stays constant.
I will remember ratio vs. interval schedules of behavior. I will remember this because ratio is connected with numbers and interval is connected with time, with my previous knowledge. I will also remember these last two because of the easy examples and practice problems.
I will remember that intermittent reinforcement for the most part is better then continuous reinforcement. I will remember this because of the multiple charts that showed the difference between the 4 combinations. I will also remember this information because it makes sense there would be a post-reinforcement pause with fixed reinforcement because you know when you will be reinforced, so you might slow down your target behavior when you know it wont be reinforced.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 2
Average = 4.29
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I think a good positive reinforcer at the end of the week would be go to a movie and get a large pop.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Aversive, extinction, reinforcement, punishment, spontaneous recovery, extinction burst, generalization, discrimination, superstitious behaviors, emitted, extinction burst, variability, and aggressive behavior, schedules of reinforcement, variable, fixed, interval, ratio, continuous, intermittent reinforcements, satiation, and post-reinforcement pause.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section defined extinction and distinguished between extinction and punishment. Giving a clear definition helped me to understand how are different. I also liked how this section defined the different parts of extinction, like extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction and spontaneous recovery. Giving the parts of extinction was helpful because it defined the stages of the process of extinction.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I would have liked more examples of discriminate extinction stimuli. To me these examples are just like discriminative stimuli and I am not sure how they are to be distinguished.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember extinction burst. I will remember this because it reminds me of having a second wind before giving into sleep. Extinction burst is fighting and doing whatever possible to get the reinforcement.
b. I will remember that extinction is a process. That it does involved the burst, variability, and aggression when fighting to keep the reinforcement. Remembering that it is a process is important because it shows the stages of what happens to have an extinction of a behavior.
c. I will remember superstitious behaviors. I will remember this because it used the car example and I know that I have superstitious behaviors as well.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section had activities to check our understanding, and that it had answers. I liked this because it allowed me to see if I was grasping the concepts. It was espectially helpful because this section involved a lot reinforcement schedules. I also liked all the visual aids because this helped me to learn.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think this section covered a lot of material. I think it would have been nice if it covered a little less just so I could make sure I fully understood all the concepts.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I am going to remember intermittent and continuous reinforcement. I will remember this because intermittent reinforcement is a reinforcement schedule that only reinforces the emitted behavior on intervals. Continuous reinforcement is a reinforcement schedule that constantly reinforces a behavior, like turning the tv on.
b. I am going to remember Fixed Ratios and Fixed intervals. These are when a reinforcement schedule is using a fixed time to reinforce. Like using every 10 turns, or 10 seconds.
c. I am going to remember variable rations and variable internals. I will remember this because it is using an average reinforcement schedule, but it has a minimum and maximum time/turns between. This means that they have an average reinforcement of 10 turns or 10 seconds but can vary between 5 seconds and 15 seconds.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 0oz
Day 2 =0oz
Day 3 =8oz
Day 4 =0oz
Day 5 =8oz
Day 6 =0oz
Day 7 =0oz
Average =2.286oz (usually 0)
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I usually do not drink water. If I am dehydrated I will drink gateraid. I think my positive reinforcement for drinking water will be drinking a soda. I drink soda occasionally and I think that if I can drink the water then I can reward myself with a soda.
8) extinction, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, spontaneous recovery, punishment, reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ration, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, emitted, positive reinforcement
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed reading about superstitious behaviors. Growing up, I always thought that superstitions were silly, and I didn’t quite believe in them. In reality, I find myself doing some of these superstitious behaviors without even realizing it. These can be related a lot to sports, and I remember battling with some superstitious behaviors when I would tumble in gymnastics.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The section that I liked the least was about generalization and discrimination. While I think that I had a good grasp on the overall concept, there were still some aspects that I was confused over and I had a hard time coming up with examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that superstitious behaviors are thought to lead to reinforcement but are not actually directly related. This stuck with me because it was the most interesting section and I was able to relate it to my younger gymnastics years. I will also remember that extinction is related to punishment in the sense that they are both used to decrease behavior. I really enjoyed learning about the difference between the two. Lastly, I will remember that behaviors that have been extinguished can reoccur after time, which is known as spontaneous recovery. This will be easy to remember because I feel like this happens quite a bit throughout people’s lives, especially those who battle with addiction.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed relearning about variable and fixed ratios and intervals. Each concept was broken down and given helpful examples in order to differentiate between the four terms. It was easy to follow along and I feel as though I have a better understanding of all of them now.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought that this section presented a lot of information at one time. There were a lot of abbreviations and terms that I kept mixing up with one another. I understand that the more familiar I become with these terms, the easier it will be to keep them all straight in time.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First and foremost, I will remember that behaviors that are reinforced don’t have to be reinforced each time. I will remember this because it is a concept that we have touched on before and was reiterated at the very beginning of this section. I will also remember biological continuity and generalization from Skinner because I have always been very interested in the biological aspects of psychology. Lastly, I will remember that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different patterns of responding. This section was very interesting to me because I had not thought much about it before, but it actually makes a lot of sense when I apply it to my personal life.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 32 oz.
Day 2 = 48 oz.
Day 3 = 40 oz.
Day 4 = 32 oz.
Day 5 = 52 oz.
Day 6 = 48 oz.
Day 7 = 40 oz.
Average = 42 oz.
7b) I think that a good positive reinforcer for drinking 64 ounces of water each day would be to reward myself with something desirable, like a glass of wine at the end of the week!
8) Terminology: superstitious behavior, generalization, discrimination, reinforcement, extinction, extinguish, spontaneous recovery, fixed ratios/intervals, variable ratios/intervals, biological continuity, positive reinforcement, elicit, emit, desirable.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the great amount of examples of extinction. I liked this because I was getting extinction and punishment confused since both of them involve decreasing a behavior so I was having a hard time differentiating between the two concepts. However because of the various examples of extinction and having to come up with my own examples I understand the difference between the two.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked the least was the section on Discriminative extinction stimuli and Discrimination extinction. I feel like this is another example of two concepts that are very similar but obviously are different in their own way. I wish there would have been another example or two like there was with extinction to help clarify what sets the two apart from one another.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember Extinction because I have been exposed to this term a various amount of times already throughout this course and the examples that were in the reading helped clarify any last bit of confusion I had on this term.
I will also remember that Extinction and punishment are two very different procedures. As I mentioned above, this was hard for me to grasp- however since I was given a plethora of examples for both extinction and punishment, it will be easy for me to remember the difference from the examples.
Finally, I will remember Spontaneous recovery because this was something I could relate to right away. In high school I did track and I was always reinforced to run everyday- however, when I got injured, I was instructed not to run. Therefore, the behavior of running became extinct, as it was no longer reinforced. However, after I recovered from my injury, I came back and returned to running and was reinforced once again.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked from this chapter was how it was more interactive. For example, I liked that I was able to see on YouTube what an operant chamber is and get a better feel for what exactly happened. I am a visual learner so any video or pictures really help me learn the material better.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked was how the schedules of reinforcement were organized. I am used to being exposed to each of them in a square graph so it is easier to differentiate between them at the beginning. I feel like this way actually kind of confused me more because they were introduced separately then at the graph at the end.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember continuous reinforcement as it is pretty much what it says- being reinforced continually. It is straightforward and there was a good example with typing and how if continuous reinforcement was not used, then we would have gotten very frustrated from it.
I will also remember intermittent reinforcement because of the inter beginning to the word. As the example points out, when we call people, we may or may not get an answer from the person we are calling. It’s easy for me to think of this as something that is in between since sometimes we will get what we expect or want such as answer from the person we call but sometimes we don’t.
Thirdly, I will remember what a fixed interval is. This is always the one schedule of reinforcement that I was able to clearly understand because it is very straightforward and applies to my everyday life greatly. Because I get paid every other week, this is important for me to be knowledgeable of and is something that I can predict.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =60 ounces
Day 2 =80 ounces
Day 3 = 60 ounces
Day 4 = 60 ounces
Day 5 = 60 ounces
Day 6 = 40 ounces
Day 7 = 40 ounces
Average =57 ounces
7b) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Something I can reinforce myself with is going to see a movie. Since I am always trying to save money, I rarely go to the movies, however I really like going to the movies so this would be very reinforcing and give me something to look forward to at the end of the week.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, punishment, Discriminative extinction stimuli and Discrimination extinction, spontaneous recovery, reinforce, behavior, operant chamber, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed interval, reinforcer, and schedules of reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really like about this section was learning about the process of extinction and how to accurately use the terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked the section on generalization and discrimination least because I found it to be little more confusing than the other sections on how they related to behavior modification.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember extinction burst. I'll remember this because I was kind of confused when I first read about it and had to read over this section a few times.
b) I will also remember how discrimination applies to generalization. Discrimination is important when using generalization
c)Lastly, I will remember how variability relates to extinction.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked was learning about the schedules of reinforcement. I thought they were interesting and could relate to my life.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked most of the section; I just felt as though some of the examples got to be too long.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the difference between fixed and variable. Fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is considered between a set of numbers.
b)I will remember ratio vs. interval schedules of behavior. I will remember this because ratio is connected with numbers and interval is connected with time.
c)I will also remember continuous reinforcement because its involved in almost everything we do.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =6 glasses
Day 2 =4 glasses
Day 3 =4 glasses
Day 4 = 7 glasses
Day 5 = 6 glasses
Day 6 =3 glasses
Day 7 =6 glasses
Average = 5 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I think if I were to simply carry around a water bottle with me, I would end up drinking more water; or I could reward myself with Starbucks.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: extinction, reward,discrimination,behavior modification, reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed, variable,ratio, and interval.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section is when it uses a words not only does it tell you what the word means it also tells how the word is used. For example it tells you what the words extinction and extinguished mean. But then it also goes on to say that extinction is a procedure (noun), extinguish is a verb and extinguished is an adverb. By it doing this it helps not only understand the word but helps me be able to use it outside of clean and actually know what I’m talking about.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something that I did not like about this section is sometimes I would get two words confused like generalization and discrimination. This made it kind of hard to come up with examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something that I will remember is that extinction burst. I will remember that extinction burst occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer being reinforced. The organism will be frustrated and they might do more of the behavior or may even become aggressive. Another thing I will remember is that superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior is thought to lead to reinforcement, even though it’s not directly related to the reinforcer. This is something that happens because the organism found that there’s a connection between the behavior and the response that is wanted. The last thing I will remember is that generalization is something that occurs when people emit the same behavior even when they are under a variety of circumstances beyond what the behavior was originally learned in. So the organisim will take what they learned and have the same behavior in other places then where they were trained.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something that I really liked about this section is that it flowed and connected. Once it told you what a term meant then it would go on by connecting to the next thing. I also liked thee operant chamber looking at Skinner’s Box and looking at the on YouTube also helped me understand more.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really didn’t like about this section is just how long it was. It was a lot of information at one time and it took a really long time to read. I had to look back towards the beginning a lot because I couldn’t remember what it was talking about.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that for a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every time. I will also remember that remember what I learned about skinner and how he tested his learning theories on lab animals. That he also generalized his finding to humans because of the biological similarities to the animals. The third thing I will remember is that the word ratio means or is referring to the number of behaviors emitted and also that interval refers to the amount of time passing each reinforcement period.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =4
Average =4.85
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I drink enough water in the day then I can give myself a dollar to spend shopping on the weekend. So for every glass I drink I give myself a dollar and I added it up and that how much money I can spend shopping on the weekend.
8) terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, extinguished, emitted, reinforcement, Ratio, interval, extinction, operant chamber, extinguish, behavior, and superstitious behaviors
1) One thing I really liked about this section was that even though new concepts were introduced, we still read about them in previous chapters, they just were elaborated more. I also liked how they gave us examples of the concepts because they could be confused with other terms like with extinction and punishment.
2) One thing I liked least about this section was writing paragraphs incorporating the words like extinguish, reinforce, and behavior because it was harder than it seems. It took a while to understand the differences between the words and using them in the right context so that they made sense in a way that I could remember their meaning.
3) Three things I will remember are that extinction is stopping the reinforcement of behaviors that have been reinforced because it can decrease a behavior without it being a punishment, extinction burst is when there’s an increase in the amount of behavior because the individual tries harder to obtain reinforcement, and variability is when similar behaviors to the target behavior will be done in an attempt to get reinforcement because it relates to extinction and it’s important to keep these separate.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4) One thing I liked in this section was associating a slot machine example with ratio versus interval schedules of reinforcement because when reading their definitions it was hard to understand what they meant, but adding them with something in the real world made it more relatable and also makes it easier to remember in the future.
5) One thing I disliked about this section was learning the notations of the fixed and variable ratio and fixed and variable interval (FR10) (VI20) because it talked about how a variable can have a range and it got confusing adding the numbers and keeping track of the ratio and interval. It’s something I need to spend more time learning.
6) One thing I will remember is that a reinforcement can be so powerful that it only needs to follow the behavior once to be effective enough to maintain or increase the behavior because if I ever want to modify a behavior I can do so using a powerful reinforcer, that there are FR and VR schedules and ratio refers to numbers because there are so many things that fall under these categories that we do every day that can modify behaviors, and the 2x2 table of the different types of schedules because it is something I can fall back on if I need help remembering what goes with what schedule. It’s a good tool to use.
7) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =2 16.9 oz
Day 2 =2 16.9
Day 3 =3 16.9
Day 4 =1 16.9
Day 5 =2 16.9
Day 6 =1 16.9
Day 7 =2 16.9
Average = 1.86
Drinking more water is something that takes getting used to but if I got rid of something like pop and replaced it with more water. I could reward myself after 7 days with pop so it is a reason to keep doing it.
8) Terms: extinction, punishment, reinforce, behavior, reinforcement, extinction burst, variability, target behavior, ration and interval schedules of reinforcement, fixed and variable ratio, fixed and variable interval
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked all the examples given for extinction. Because i was having a hard time with extinction and punishment
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
i disliked having to come up with examples of my own because i thought it was hard
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a- what extinction burst is because of the family guy example
b-that superstitious behaviors are thought to lead to reinforcement but are not actually directly related i found this section very interesting
c-spontaneous recovery ,that behaviors that have been extinguished can reoccur after time like addictions
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
i liked breaking up the main concept of schedules of reinforcement into continuous and intermittent reinforcement, and then split up into ratio, interval, fixed, and variable reinforcement separately, with separate examples. They then putting them all together.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
there was nothing that i didn't like about this section
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a-Fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is considered between a set of numbers
b-what variable rations and variable internals are because it is using an average reinforcement schedule
c-the four types of intermittent reinforcement: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, or variable interval reinforcement
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =1
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =2
Average =72 oz week
7b) I will reward myself with going out to eat if i can drink 64 oz of water everyday through out the week
8) extinction, punishment,extinction burst,superstitious behaviors,reinforcement,spontaneous recovery,extinguished,schedules of reinforcement, continuous,intermittent reinforcement, interval, fixed,variable reinforcement
1) One thing I really liked about this section was that even though new concepts were introduced, we still read about them in previous chapters, they just were elaborated more. I also liked how they gave us examples of the concepts because they could be confused with other terms like with extinction and punishment.
2) One thing I liked least about this section was writing paragraphs incorporating the words like extinguish, reinforce, and behavior because it was harder than it seems. It took a while to understand the differences between the words and using them in the right context so that they made sense in a way that I could remember their meaning.
3) Three things I will remember are that extinction is stopping the reinforcement of behaviors that have been reinforced because it can decrease a behavior without it being a punishment, extinction burst is when there’s an increase in the amount of behavior because the individual tries harder to obtain reinforcement, and variability is when similar behaviors to the target behavior will be done in an attempt to get reinforcement because it relates to extinction and it’s important to keep these separate.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4) One thing I liked in this section was associating a slot machine example with ratio versus interval schedules of reinforcement because when reading their definitions it was hard to understand what they meant, but adding them with something in the real world made it more relatable and also makes it easier to remember in the future.
5) One thing I disliked about this section was learning the notations of the fixed and variable ratio and fixed and variable interval (FR10) (VI20) because it talked about how a variable can have a range and it got confusing adding the numbers and keeping track of the ratio and interval. It’s something I need to spend more time learning.
6) One thing I will remember is that a reinforcement can be so powerful that it only needs to follow the behavior once to be effective enough to maintain or increase the behavior because if I ever want to modify a behavior I can do so using a powerful reinforcer, that there are FR and VR schedules and ratio refers to numbers because there are so many things that fall under these categories that we do every day that can modify behaviors, and the 2x2 table of the different types of schedules because it is something I can fall back on if I need help remembering what goes with what schedule. It’s a good tool to use.
7) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =2 16.9 oz
Day 2 =2 16.9
Day 3 =3 16.9
Day 4 =1 16.9
Day 5 =2 16.9
Day 6 =1 16.9
Day 7 =2 16.9
Average = 1.86
Drinking more water is something that takes getting used to but if I got rid of something like pop and replaced it with more water. I could reward myself after 7 days with pop so it is a reason to keep doing it.
8) Terms: extinction, punishment, reinforce, behavior, reinforcement, extinction burst, variability, target behavior, ration and interval schedules of reinforcement, fixed and variable ratio, fixed and variable interval
Im not sure why this posted twice, sorry!
1.Something I really liked about section 2.4 was how it went into depth about extinction and extinction bursts. Before, I was kind of confused on the difference but this section really helped me.
2.Something I liked least about this section was when it talked about discrimination. It just didn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me and I was confused about the definition of discrimination. (detecting subtle differences between stimuli and contexts to be able to tell them apart)
3.Three things I will remember from this section is that extinction is when you are usually reinforced for something, and then suddenly not reinforced any longer. Secondly, I will remember the example about putting a dollar in the vending machine that has reinforced us before and that extinction is aversive. Finally, I will remember that superstitious behaviors are not directly related to being reinforced.
4.Something I liked from section 4.5 was the review of fixed and variable schedules. I’ve learned this before but haven’t learned or thought about it in a while and it was nice to review something I had previously learned.
5.Something I didn’t really like about this section was the amount of time it took to get through it. It was a really long section with a lot to fill out.
6.Three things I’ll remember from this section is that continuous reinforcement is getting reinforced for something every time. This is pretty easy to remember just because of the word continuous. Secondly, I will remember that fixed means a set amount of behaviors while variable means an average amount. Finally, I will remember the table that showed the different types of schedules (FR, FI, VR, VI)
Day 1= 4
Day 2= 4
Day 3= 5
Day 4= 6
Day 5= 4
Day 6= 7
Day 7= 5
Average = 5
If I can go at least 7 days drinking 64 oz. of water as a minimum, I will start reinforcing myself. If I drink my big water bottle of water every class, I will get to have some candy after class. This will reinforce me to drink more water during class to get candy after class.
8.Extinction, extinction bursts, discrimination, reinforced, aversive, fixed, variable, continuous reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how to actually use all of the terms the right way because of the examples of the different types of extinction. I also liked how you were told how to you extinguish, extinction and extinguished. By doing that and using examples really helped me to accurately know and talk about the three types.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I liked least in this section would be coming up with examples of a few of these terms like superstitious extinction and discrimination.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember how to use the 3 "E's". This is a very crucial thing to know for this chapter and how to use them while talking. I will also remember the extinction burst are when a burst of behavior is not reinforced like calling for your mom when she is talking to someone else or when someone is the only one laughing at something and everyone else just sits there and no one laughs with the other kid. The third thing I will remember from this section that extinguish is the verb of doing the action or procedure and not the noun.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I liked how in depth and the examples for the Continuos Reinforcement principle. With the examples of both the keyboard and the tv remote.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I personally would rather go over this stuff in class when meaning stuff I mean the main concept of ratios, intervals and also operant chambers that were discussed in this section of chapter 2. Then after class going on your own to learn more about it as a whole.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that skinner used rats and pigions to carry out his research with his operant chambers. I will also remember that continuos reinforcement is reinforced every single time that the action is committed. Which makes since hence the name of it. The last thing that I will remember is Different reinforcement schedules will elicit
different pattern of responding.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =7
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =6
Average =6.2
7b) I think carrying around a water bottle would do the trick to drink more and also rewarding myself with either a piece of candy or my favorite food would also help me stay on track with drink 8 glasses of water a day.
extinction,extinguish,extinguished, continuos reinforcement, reinforcement schedules, discriminative, superstitious extinction.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked in this section was how it described an extinction burst by using the illustration of Stewie trying to get Lois's attention. This visual really helps me remember this concept more easily.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked in this section was I wished it had given maybe a little more examples of spontaneous recovery. I'm not completely sure if I understand the concept fully. I feel like it may be just constantly checking up to see if you will be reinforced?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section was how it described the organism as "desperate", because I thought that was a perfect way to describe an organism going through extinction. Another thing I will remember from this section was how it established that giving into the extinction burst will only make things worse, and that the burst is a good indicator of how well the extinction process is working. Lastly, I will remember that a discriminative extinction simuli is alot like a heads up. No reinforcement will be provided for it.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked in this section was how it would allow us to practice writing the notations. I really felt like I needed the practice, and it helped greatly.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked least in this section was how it wanted us to search operant chamber on youtube. I wish it would just say a particular video, so I would know if what I was looking at was a good example.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember in this section is that if done properly, reinforcement only needs to occur after a behavior one in a while to increase a behavior. Something else I will remember is that continuous reinforcement will be abbreviated as CR, because I will need it continuously through learning behavior modification. Lastly, I will remember that there are several types of intermittent reinforcement, reinforcing behavior every now and then.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2-16oz
Day 2 = 1- 16oz
Day 3 = 1- 16oz
Day 4 = 2- 16oz
Day 5 = 2- 16oz
Day 6 = 1- 16oz
Day 7 = 2-16oz
Average =1.5 oz per day
7b) Something that I can use to reinforce drinking more water would be to make myself drink a glass before I begin eating a meal.
8) extinction burst, reinforce, spontaneous recovery, interval, discriminative extinction stimuli , operant chamber, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the example from family guy was used for extinction burst. I liked this because I have seen this show and I can make a connection between the two to help me remember what it means.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing in this section that I didn’t like. Everything in this section was good and made sense to me.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that extinction is related to reinforcement because in order for extinction to occur there needs to be a previously reinforced behavior. Another thing that I will remember is that extinction is very similar to punishment because they are both used in decreasing a behavior. Lastly I will remember that behaviors that have been extinguished can reoccur and that is called spontaneous recovery.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section had a lot of opportunities to practice the different schedules of reinforcement. I liked that because it helped me differentiate all the different kinds.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked everything in this section, but I did have some trouble coming up with my own examples for some of the schedules of reinforcement. I’m still having trouble thinking of real world examples.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that a behavior does not need to be reinforced every time to be under the control of reinforcement. I will also remember that there is a reinforcement that does get reinforced every time, which is called continuous reinforcement. Lastly I will remember that different schedules of reinforcement will elicit different patterns of responding.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 cups
Day 2 = 3 cups
Day 3 = 1 cup
Day 4 = 3 cups
Day 5 = 3 cups
Day 6 =3 cups
Day 7 =3 cups
Average = 2.7 cups
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I can reinforce myself with a lazy day/movie day at the end of the week.
8) terminology: extinction burst, extinction, reinforcement, punishment, reinforced, extinguished, spontaneous behavior, schedules of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, elicit
1) I really like how this section goes more in depth with extinction, because before I just figured there was only extinction and not the different parts of extinction that were explored for most of this section. I feel like it helped me grasp extinction better than before.
2) I get the difference between extinction and punishment, but I feel like the paragraph that says: “The main way to keep track of the difference between extinction and punishment is that extinction specifically involves a behavior that was previously reinforced. Extinction occurs when that behavior is no longer reinforced.” I can’t help but feel really confused when I read this because don’t both extinction and punishment previously have reinforced behaviors? I just feel like this paragraph is more confusing to me personally than it should be.
3 a) I will definitely be able to remember superstitious behaviors because the behavior mod definition of it closely resembles the dictionary definition of superstition. B) I’ll more than likely remember aggressive behavior because that, to me anyway, seems like a common sense term to know what that means just by looking at it. C) I think I have a good grasp on what extinction means, due to it being pretty close to the dictionary definition of the word.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 I really liked how we were given a “fill-in-the-blank” section for FI, FR, VI, and VR because it really helps trying to differentiate between the four different terms, because it took me a few rereads before I felt like I had a grasp on the differences between the four.
5) The graph didn’t really make much sense to me. I had a better understanding of FI, FR, VI, and VR just from the definitions. I also felt like this section was packed with more information than I could probably retain within one sitting.
6 a) I will definitely remember that there are different types of reinforcement (mainly because that’s all this section talked about). B) I will remember what fixed intervals are because it is a set amount of time before a reinforcement happens . C) I will also be able to remember the fixed ratio because it is a set amount of tries before a reinforcement happens.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 24oz
Day 2 = 24 oz
Day 3 = 24oz
Day 4 = 24oz
Day 5 = 40 oz
Day 6 = 32 oz
Day 7 = 32 oz
Average = 28.6 0z
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Well I’m going to start working out this coming week. So what I can do, since I’ll have to drink more water anyway to stay hydrated, if I drink the recommended amount of water throughout the week, then after the seventh day I will reward myself with one pop.
8) punishment, reinforcement, extinction, superstitious behaviors, aggressive behaviors, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio,
1) One thing I really liked about this section was learning about superstitions. Personally I have a great deal of superstitions, but many have been extinguished over the years. However, I do not know how I am reinforced with the current ones.
2) One thing I liked the least was the section about discriminative stimuli and extinction. I struggled most on this section because I feel they are extremely similar but actually extremely different.
3) I will remember extinction is similar to punishment because it is used to decrease behavior. I will remember that extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. And I will remember generalization occurs when people emit the same behavior under a variety of circumstances beyond what the behavior was originally learned in.
4) One thing I really liked about this section was branching beyond repetitive behavior terms. While I do like learning all the terms, I am ready to move to application and such.
5) One thing I liked the least was how long this section was. I am very intimidated by mathematical and statistical terminology, so I felt myself feeling overwhelmed again with the terms.
6) I will remember continuous reinforcement (CR) refers to getting reinforced every time a behavior is emitted. I will remember different reinforcement schedules will elicit different pattern of responding. And I will remember fixed refers to a set amount of behaviors (ratio) or a set amount of time (interval) while variable refers to an average amount (it will often include a range of acceptable values).
7a) Day 1 = 16 oz
Day 2 = 8 oz.
Day 3 = 16 oz.
Day 4 = 24 oz.
Day 5 = 16 oz.
Day 6 = 8 oz.
Day 7 = 8 oz.
Average = 13.71 oz
7b) For every full Camelbak bottle (24oz) that I drink during the day, I will be rewarded with one glass of wine at night.
8) interval, ratio, behavior, fixed, reinforcement, schedule, elicit, emitted, continuous, generalization, emit, reinforced, extinction, punishment, discriminative, stimuli, extinguished, superstition.
1. I really liked the examples given for extinction because they were imaginative and helped me to better understand what extinction is. Extinction is when a behavior that once got a response no longer does so. This causes the behavior to stop occurring or to change.
2. One section I didn’t like was coming up with examples of extinction. This was because I had difficulty with it and could have used more examples to go off of.
3. I will remember that an extinction burst occurs when a behavior that used to be reinforced is no longer reinforced, which causes the person to do the behavior more often in hopes of receiving reinforcement. I will remember this because Maclin used a family guy reference to show the behavior. I will also remember that variability occurs during an extinction burst where the subject tries similar behaviors in the hopes of getting a response. I will remember this because it also had a family guy reference and it makes sense that a subject would try something else in a last attempt to get attention. Another thing I will remember is that aggressive behavior may result from extinction. I will remember this because I have seen it happen when a child throws a tantrum and it can often result in a response (although this only reinforces the violence).
4. I liked the gray box that had us look up operant chambers on youtube. This gave me a nice change of pace from reading the textbook and allowed me to experience what an animal looks like in an operant chamber and the various behaviors they will emit.
5. One thing that I found less interesting were all the practice opportunities given for ratio and interval schedule and fixed or variable. I got the idea after the examples and did not feel like I needed to go through all the practice opportunities as well.
6. I will remember that continuous reinforcement is when you are reinforced each time you emit a behavior. Intermittent reinforcement occurs when you are only reinforced some of the time. I will remember these because they make sense and sound like what they mean. I will also remember that continuous reinforcement is abbreviated CR. I will remember this because it is being abbreviated this way in the textbook. I will remember as well that a ratio schedule of reinforcement is when you are reinforced after a certain number of times emitting a behavior and that an interval schedule occurs after a certain amount of time.
7. Day 1- 20 oz, Day 2- 25 oz, Day 3- 42 oz, Day 4- 45 oz, Day 5- 30 oz, Day 6- 25 oz, Day 7- 27 oz. Average- 30.57 oz.
I will reinforce myself for drinking 8 glasses of water a day by giving myself a piece of candy as a reward.
8. terms: extinction, behavior, extinction burst, reinforcement, variability, aggressive behavior, operant chambers, emit, ratio, schedule, interval, fixed, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, ratio schedule
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) One thing I liked about this section was it talked more on extinction and extinction burst. There were talked about in a previous section, but I feel like I better understand what they are about, and I think about people who seek the reinforcement, when it is taken away, so they will try to do that desired behavior to get the positive reinforcement that they had received before, and they want that gratitude of feeling good and know that they are doing good.
2) One part that I least liked about of this section was the part on discriminative extinction and the discriminative extinction stimuli. I think that I understand it, but have a hard time thinking of examples when trying to fill in the boxes. I have found different sections like this where I have a hard time thinking of examples other than the ones given.
3) I will remember extinction, because extinction is the process of stopping behaviors that were being reinforced in the past. This could be either positive or negative reinforcement. I will also remember variability, because they are things that we see every day. People will change their behaviors to copy what the desired target behavior is. I notice this a lot in children, because they want to be praised and show the adults that they are good or a “big kid.” Third, extinction burst is what happens when the reinforcing for a certain behavior has been taken away.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 ) One thing I really liked in this section was the graph of the cumulative number of responses and the time. I liked this because graphs help me see how the data looks rather than just reading it. It also shows how the stimuli are affected, and makes it easier to understand just how and how much the behavior can change.
5) I had trouble coming up with examples for the variable ratio. I was kind of confused in this part, and I think I may need some more explanation of it for me to be able to come up with some examples of my own.
6) One topic I will remember from this section is continuous reinforcement, because we use this at work. When a desired behavior occurs we give praise to show that the person did something good and right, that way they will associate the praising with the good behavior and want to maintain that. Intermittent reinforcement is where the person or we know that there will not be that reinforcement every time we do something. I also will remember the reinforcement schedule, because it was put into everyday life, so it is something that we can see each day.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 18 oz
Day 2 = 20oz
Day 3 =32 oz
Day 4 =20 oz
Day 5 =16 oz
Day 6 =16 oz
Day 7 = 20 oz
Average = 20.28 oz/day
7b) One thing that I think I can help do to increase my water consumption would be to work out and get back in that habit, I was pretty unfaithful to the gym this week, and I know that when I am at the gym or have worked out I always drink a lot more water to stay hydrated.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Extinction, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, desired behavior, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, negative reinforcement, target behavior, variable ratio, continuous reinforcement,
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the example of an extinction burst from Family Guy because it is a very good example of failed extinction and one that is very memorable. The behavior was very aversive to the mother, so she reinforced the kid for his behavior and because of the attainment of the reinforcer in the form of attention the behavior was not extinguished. This example was also a good example of the variability that is involved in the extinction process. This variability was shown in the numerous different names or topographically similar behaviors that the kid emitted to get the attention of his mom. (I wrote this sentence before I read the next paragraph in the textbook that talked about the connection between this example and variability)
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the example of the generalization of majoring in psychology leading to being a shrink. I understand that it is a very common generalization, and that is almost upsetting because I know that I have discriminated between the different areas of psychology, and so I do not like to admit that not everyone has reached that level. I like to think that everybody understands that a major in psychology does not mean I will necessarily become a shrink.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
(1) Extinction will almost definitely fail if the behavior that you want to extinguish is reinforced. I will remember this because it is a lesson that I have been learning all my life, especially in dealing with my little sisters. If you give in just one and reinforce them, even inadvertently, for a given behavior, it will come back full force and make future attempts at extinction so much more complicated and more difficult. This is a good example of using the correct schedule of reinforcement. In extinction, consistency in a lack of reinforcement is key.
(2) I remember the example of superstitious behavior in pigeons in an operant chamber. I remember this example because it made it clear that superstitious behaviors and the superstitions behind them may often simply just be due to random chance, such as whether a pigeon was reinforced with food after emitting a particular behavior, even if the reinforcement was on a completely random schedule the reinforcer of the food will elicit the superstitious behavior from the pigeon again in the hopes of reinforcement.
(3) I will remember the similarities and differences in extinction, reinforcement and punishment. Extinction is similar to reinforcement because of a previously reinforced behavior, and to punishment in wanting to decrease the target behavior. I will remember this because it is something that took me a while to work through, but something that was being taught to me throughout the entire reading.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the use of bartending and inquiring about more drinks because it demonstrates the complexity of schedules of reinforcement in everyday life and the overlap that can occur even in a given situation.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the example of continuous reinforcement involving keys on a keyboard because I have had a lot of experience with having this be more of an intermittent reinforcement. I was having problems with my laptop, and so about every third time I pressed a given key I would actually be reinforced with seeing the corresponding letter appear on the screen. (Again I wrote this response before finishing reading the example given in the textbook; that is the problem with typing my blog as I read the textbook)
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
(1) I will remember what the post-reinforcement pause was because when that topic was discussed in the textbook the image going through my head was a pigeon sitting down in his cage just staring at a watch waiting until he decided to start working for reinforcement again.
(2) I will remember the difference between interval and ratio schedules because I think of intervals more in terms of time and ratios more in terms of an x:1 context, so it is logical that in reinforcement it follows the same principle. Fixed and variable schedules are even more simplistic. The only even relatively tricky part about it is combining interval or ratio and fixed or variable, but with each, such as variable interval, the name explains itself (i.e. reinforcement of an emitted target behavior will be given after a variable amount of time).
(3) I will also remember the concept of continuous reinforcement because it is a very simplistic concept that if present in more areas of our daily lives than we realize, such as a remote control or a keyboard (most of the time). These are such simplistic examples that I would have never thought about it that way.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =50oz
Day 2 =60oz
Day 3 =60oz
Day 4 =50oz
Day 5 =60oz
Day 6 =70oz
Day 7 =60oz
Average =58.6oz
7b) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I can reinforce myself with a shopping trip if I meet the challenge of drinking at least 64oz of water a day for a week.
Terminology used in this post: extinction burst, extinction, aversive, reinforced, reinforcer, extinguished, behavior, variability, topographically similar, emitted, schedule of reinforcement, superstitious behavior, emitting, elicit, punishment, target behavior, generalization, discriminated, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, post-reinforcement pause, interval, ratio, fixed, variable, variable interval, continuous reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I really liked about this section is it touched base on subjects we have previously talked about and made sure that we understand exactly what extinction or extinction bursts exactly entitle and in regards to punishment differences.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about his section was the confusion between everything and in regards to what exactly to fill in the boxes. Examples are something I find hard to come up and all the boxes are hard to fill out because you don’t truly know what exactly a good example is.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the definition of extinction, a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced, and that extinction can be a reinforcement and a punishment, but more punishment because it is, in fact, an aversive procedure. This is important to remember because it can lead to the explanation of an extinction burst, which is an increasing in the behavior you are trying to decrease, such as the family guy clip with Stewie trying to get Lois’s attention. The second thing I will remember is variability, which is when during the extinction burst the individual or organism will not only emit the specific target but it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in attempt to receive reinforcement. This is important because it is crucial to understanding how desperate the individual will get when searching for reinforcement. The third thing I will remember is discriminative extinction which is when a stimulus in the environment indicated that no reinforcement will result for emitting a target behavior and that there will be no reinforcement even when there is normally reinforcement. This is important to understand because after a while, after the extinction burst and such then the individual will realize that they will eventually never get reinforcement and eventually end the target behavior.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I liked about this section was that there were a lot of examples of everything and there were quite a few boxes to fill out to help one really understand everything in this chapter. The graphs were really nice as well.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
A lot of this information was confusing and there were a lot of boxes to be filled out. There were also a lot of terms being thrown at me which didn’t help trying to understand everything there is to understand in this section.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is all the abbreviations. Continuous Reinforcement (CR), Fixed ratio (FR), Fixed interval (FI), variable ratio (VR), and variable interval (VI). This is important to remember because in the future they may be referenced as their initials rather than their names for simplicity sake and already in the chapter the boxes use the initials. The second thing I will remember is all the definitions of the types of reinforcement which is important to understand because different reinforcement schedulers will elicit different patterns of responding. The third thing I will remember is the difference between ratio and interval. Ratio which refers to the number of behaviors emitted while interval refers to the amount of time passing between each reinforcement behavior. I will also remember the difference between fixed and variable. Fixed refers to a set amount of behaviors or a set amount of time while variable refers to an average amount.
7) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 40 oz
Day 2 = 42 oz
Day 3 = 60 oz
Day 4 = 40 oz
Day 5 = 62 oz
Day 6 = 54 oz
Day 7 = 60 oz
Average = 52 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
For X amount (64 oz) of water I drink in the day then the addition of a pleasure stimulus, X amount (12 oz) of Cherry Pepsi, can be consumed in the day as well.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
pleasurable, stimulus, fixed, variable, ratio, interval, . Continuous Reinforcement (CR), Fixed ratio (FR), Fixed interval (FI), variable ratio (VR), variable interval (VI), aversive, target behaviors, reinforcement, emit, elicit, extinction, extinction burst, punishment, discriminative extinction, variability
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked the section on superstition and the experiment BF Skinner did with the pigeons. I never realized that even animals could emit superstitious behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing that confused me about this chapter was the paragraph or sentence on discrimination. I am struggling with the difference between discrimination and generalization and I wish the book would have had a more in depth or clear example.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that extinction will initially produce an extinction burst. An extinction burst is an increase in the behavior you are trying to decrease. Superstitious behaviors occur when the behavior is thought to lead to reinforcement, but is not directly correlated.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked that the examples were very easy to understand. It helped me make up my own examples to put inside the boxes.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? On the other hand it took me a lot more time to get through these two sections than the others. The boxes got confusing when there were so many, one right after the other. I had to really slow down and think about each one and what it meant, which is a good thing, but frustrated me at times.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? VR, stands for variable ratio, and usually has a set minimum and a sex maximum. VI, stands for variable interval, is indicated on a range of time. FI, stands for fixed interval, which means that schedules pay-out after a fixed or constant period of time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below: Day 1 = 4 water bottles
Day 2 = 5
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 6
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 4
Average = 4.85 bottles (20oz water bottle)
7b) One thing I have done in the past is to carry around my water bottle and every time I look at my water bottle, I make myself take a drink. I am going to try this again since it has worked in the past and made me feel much more energized and healthy. If it ends up adding to more than 64oz each day then I will reinforce myself with a glass of chocolate milk at the beginning of the next day instead of water.
Terms: emit, superstitious behaviors, discrimination, generalization, extinction, extinction burst, behavior, reinforcement, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed interval
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked in this section was the part about superstitious behavior. I liked this part because I can think of a lot of examples of how people use superstitious behavior. For example, a lot of sports fans may have a “lucky” hat or jacket that they may wear on game days because they think that it will help their team win, or there are some people who always play their “lucky” lottery numbers. They probably do this because at some point they were reinforced by winning a prize with those numbers and think that eventually they will win the jackpot with them. I also found it interesting that superstitious behavior applies to everyday behaviors such as starting a car. I had previously thought of superstitious behavior as only being concerned with good or bad luck, but I can see that it is concerned with any type of reinforcement.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not anything in particular that I disliked in this section. I thought that the parts about extinction were good review for me since we have not discussed extinction very much yet. I understand the concept, but the only part that may be a little difficult to remember is that extinction is not punishment even though it is aversive. If I can remember that extinction can only occur after reinforcement I will be okay.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) One thing that I will remember from this section is that even though extinction burst is aversive it is a sign of progress. If an organism is going through an extinction burst it means that they have realized that they are no longer being reinforced for their previous behavior. The hardest part about trying to control an extinction procedure would be not giving in to the attempts to gain reinforcement. My parents recently took in a stray cat that they had fed. After they had decided to stop feeding it, they were unable to ignore it when it would look in the window. If they had been successful at the extinction procedure, the cat likely would have started going somewhere else to find food.
b.) I will also remember that spontaneous recovery is resuming a behavior that had been extinguished. An example of this would be someone who discovers that their favorite snack is sold out at the store. They might walk away from the aisle and continue shopping. The behavior of going into the snack aisle did not result in the reinforcer of their snack. However, before they leave the store they might go back to the snack aisle and look for their snack one more time. This would be the spontaneous recovery of the behavior of going to the snack aisle.
c.) Finally, I will remember the difference between generalization and discrimination. Generalization is emitting one behavior in different situations, without taking the context or stimuli into account. When I was in high school, one of my friends came over to my house. As he was talking to my parents he was cursing a lot. His parents cursed a lot and didn’t care if he did either, however my parents don’t like foul language. He generalized the language that he used at his home to my home. Discrimination is being able to tell the difference between context and stimuli. After I explained the situation he was able to discriminate between the language he used when it was just he and I hanging out at my house, and the language that he used when my parents were around because he understood the difference in context.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked in this section was the part that used video game examples of the types of schedules of reinforcement. I liked this part because I play video games and it was easy for me to relate to these examples and think of examples of my own. For example, in some of the games I play a certain amount of experience points are needed to unlock special items. Since the price of these items doesn’t change they are on a fixed ratio schedule. Also, some enemies will drop pick-ups such as ammo or health, but not always. These items are on a variable ratio schedule.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like in this section was the charts with the results of the different types of schedules of reinforcement. I didn’t like this part because I didn’t quite understand what the charts were showing at first. After reading the section again I think I have a better understanding of how the charts show which type of schedule of reinforcement elicits the fastest response. The problem is I don’t understand how some of the lines on the chart become staircase or scalloped.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) One thing that I will remember from this section is the difference between ratio and interval. I know that ratio refers to a number of times that a behavior must be emitted before a reinforcer is administered. I also know that interval refers to an amount of time that must pass before a reinforcer is administered for emission of a behavior.
b.) I will also remember the difference between fixed and variable, and how they are used in conjunction with ratio and interval. If a ratio or interval is fixed, then the number of times a behavior must be emitted or the amount of time that must pass before a behavior is reinforced is predetermined and doesn’t change. If a ratio or interval is variable, then the number of times a behavior must be emitted or the amount of time that must pass before a behavior is reinforced is random. However, it can be within a minimum and maximum range around a number. For example, VI10 means that the behavior will be reinforced on an average of ten emissions, but it could be reinforced for less or more than that.
c.) Finally, I will remember Skinner’s idea of biological continuity. I think that it is interesting that the same behavioral principles can be applied to rats and other animals as well as to humans. I think that this is really amazing because it shows that the basic thought processes of many different organisms are similar, even if the overall intelligence of these organisms varies greatly. This makes doing research on certain types of behavior easier because, for example, it would be difficult to get a human to sit in an operant chamber while a researcher manipulated the schedule of reinforcement. But by observing animals researchers can generalize their behaviors and responses to how humans would react in similar “human situations”.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1 glass
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 2 glasses
Day 7 = 0
Average = 2.3 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I am able to drink 8 glasses of water every day for a week I will go see a new movie.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Terms: superstitious behavior, reinforce, behavior, reinforcement, extinction, punishment, aversive, reinforcement, extinction burst, organism, spontaneous recovery, extinguished, reinforcer, generalization, discrimination, emit, context, stimuli, schedules of reinforcement, fixed ratio, variable ratio, elicit, staircase, scalloped, ratio, interval, fixed, variable, B.F. Skinner, biological continuity, operant chamber
1. A) One thing I liked from the section was the addict example for an extinction burst B) because I like seeing these labels be applied to behavior we see in the real world. It’s comforting, even though drug abuse and withdrawal are aversive experiences, that these events and behaviors are predictable and can be explained.
2. A) I disliked how long it took to get to new information in the section because going through so much review can be dull. However, I did enjoy the section once there was new material, like any of the information after variability.
3. A) I will remember that punishment is often mistaken for extinction because it’s a helpful tip that will help me keep these two concepts straight. B) Second, that extinction is aversive despite it being a type of reinforcement. This is memorable because I know that aversives should be avoided when at all possible in behavior modification. C) Third, that extinction bursts often lead to continuing reinforcement and failed extinction. I’ll remember this because it’s good to know about extinction bursts for future parenting and that the behavior will get much worse before it gets better.
4. A) I liked how the section recommended youtubing operant chamber because I ended up enjoying the video I watched on it.
5. A) I disliked how chart/graph heavy the section was and how there were so many examples because it felt like the material kept reviewing itself.
6. A) First, that when first getting a behavior under stimulus control, continuous reinforcement is most effective. I’ll remember this because I hadn’t thought about how different schedules of reinforcement would be useful in different situations. B) Second, that ratio schedule of reinforcement deals with a certain number of responses being necessary for a reinforcement to be awarded. I’ll remember because ratio sounds like rate. C) Third, that interval schedule of reinforcement deals with how much time has to elapse before the reinforcement is given. I’ll remember this because I know that interval refers to time.
Day 1 = 7 glasses
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 7
Average = 5.29
7. B) I can reinforce myself with Chinese food at the end of the week if I make the target behavior.
8) extinction burst, aversive, variability, punishment, extinction, reinforcement, behavior modification, operant chamber, continuous reinforcement, stimulus control, ratio schedules of reinforcement, interval schedules
1. A) One thing I liked from the section was the addict example for an extinction burst B) because I like seeing these labels be applied to behavior we see in the real world. It’s comforting, even though drug abuse and withdrawal are aversive experiences, that these events and behaviors are predictable and can be explained.
2. A) I disliked how long it took to get to new information in the section because going through so much review can be dull. However, I did enjoy the section once there was new material, like any of the information after variability.
3. A) I will remember that punishment is often mistaken for extinction because it’s a helpful tip that will help me keep these two concepts straight. B) Second, that extinction is aversive despite it being a type of reinforcement. This is memorable because I know that aversives should be avoided when at all possible in behavior modification. C) Third, that extinction bursts often lead to continuing reinforcement and failed extinction. I’ll remember this because it’s good to know about extinction bursts for future parenting and that the behavior will get much worse before it gets better.
4. A) I liked how the section recommended youtubing operant chamber because I ended up enjoying the video I watched on it.
5. A) I disliked how chart/graph heavy the section was and how there were so many examples because it felt like the material kept reviewing itself.
6. A) First, that when first getting a behavior under stimulus control, continuous reinforcement is most effective. I’ll remember this because I hadn’t thought about how different schedules of reinforcement would be useful in different situations. B) Second, that ratio schedule of reinforcement deals with a certain number of responses being necessary for a reinforcement to be awarded. I’ll remember because ratio sounds like rate. C) Third, that interval schedule of reinforcement deals with how much time has to elapse before the reinforcement is given. I’ll remember this because I know that interval refers to time.
Day 1 = 7 glasses
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 = 7
Average = 5.29
7. B) I can reinforce myself with Chinese food at the end of the week if I make the target behavior.
8) extinction burst, aversive, variability, punishment, extinction, reinforcement, behavior modification, operant chamber, continuous reinforcement, stimulus control, ratio schedules of reinforcement, interval schedules
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked all the examples about extinction . It helps bring it to a better understanding of what it means
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I actually really enjoyed this section. I can't really pinpoint anything I particularly disliked.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that extinction is something we can control, such as with a child we may mean to extinguish a behavior. Another thing I will remember is we can also extinguish responses naturally. Such as a dog, just not getting a treat for his tricks as he gets better for them, may stop responding. The thrd would be that people change their behaviors to copy what they see in the everyday life. Variability.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section was nice because it did a little more applying the concepts
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It was pretty time consuming. But still helpful so I did not mind that much
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember, is the schedule of reinforcement. And skinners pigeons and how he got them and rats to learn the schedules
Different schedules elicit different reinforcement rates
Difference in fixed and variable intervals
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6cups
Day 2 =8 cups
Day 3 =5 cups
Day 4 =9 cups
Day 5 =8 . 5 cups
Day 6 =7 cups
Day 7 =4 cups
Average =6.8 cups/day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
Could make a system so when I go 7 days getting 64oz per day, I get to treat myself, either buy a new shirt,nor have a candy bar.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Elicit extinction extinguish reinforcement rate. Fixed ratio. Variable ratio.variability.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I was really interested to read about extinction in this section because my boyfriend and I just got a deaf and partially blind puppy and we are working on reinforcing her using treats. It was reinforcing for me to read this and to continue with what we’re doing so that we don’t cause extinction.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something that I found confusing was discriminative extinction and discriminative extinctive stimuli. They’re obviously defined as separate entities in the text, I’m just still a little confused.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will definitely remember the general concept of extinction, since we are training our puppy, Hope.
b. Spontaneous recovery is something memorable for me. I started out as an English major and love the flow of language and being able to use context clues to discern the meaning of concepts and spontaneous recovery is a really good example of this.
c. Superstitious behaviors was an interesting topic to me. Mostly I was amused by the naming, but it was curious to see how easy it is to confuse behavior related to trying to be reinforcing.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked reading about not constantly needing to reinforce a behavior for it to be under the control of reinforcement. Since we are busy training Hope, this is nice to know that we can continue to be effective if we don’t always reward her with a treat.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was a lot of information in this section, so I feel a little on overload. There isn’t a particular part I didn’t really understand, I’m just overwhelmed.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Variable Intervals was a great topic for me, as it’s entirely applicable to training Hope. We’re hoping to continue to see this type of an interval occur – she’s beginning to learn we only give treats if she goes to the bathroom in the correct spot or outside.
b. I liked looking at the graph of cumulative number of responses correlated with time pertaining to the post-reinforcement pause. It makes it easier to compare the four different measurements.
c. We know that Hope is beginning to understand when she will be fed, so it was interesting for me to learn what this is called – Fixed Interval. This class is beginning to be a lot more applicable to my life since we got her a couple days ago!
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 3
Day 7 = 4
Average = 3.3
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Something that can act as a reinforcer for me is ice cream. I love ice cream and will treat myself to Cold Stone if I go 7 days drinking 8 glasses of water per day.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcing, extinction, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinctive stimuli, spontaneous recovery, superstitious behavior, reinforcement, variable intervals, post-reinforcement pause, fixed interval
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was extinction and how it was completely different from punishment. And how extinction and extinction bursts work in real life. There were a lot of good example used in the chapter that really helped me get a better understanding. I thought it was also interesting how the behavior may increase in frequency with an extinction burst to reach a desired reinforcement.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was the part about generalization and discrimination. I got a little more confused on this part. I couldn’t really decipher between the two as much as I’d like to.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. I will remember the difference between extinction and punishment very well.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions. Extinction happens when a reinforced behavior is no longer eliciting reinforcement. The behaviors are then considered to be extinguished. Even though punishment and extinction processes are very different, they are still both considered to be aversive. Punishment and extinction can be tricky, but both have different methods to them.
B. Another thing I grasped from the chapter was extinction bursts. Extinction bursts happen when the behavior that was previously reinforced, but isn’t reinforced anymore, occurs more often. They are more reinforcing in obtaining the desired behavior, which makes it difficult to get rid of that target behavior. When someone genuinely wants to eliminate a particular behavior, it’s good to keep in mind about that behavior that was previously reinforced.
C. Another thing I will remember is superstitious behaviors. When a behavior is thought to lead to a reinforcement, but it’s actually not related to the reinforcer. If someone sees something occur more than once, even though it was random, they start to believe it’s a correlation. This can easily manipulate a person’s behavior. Example-black cats.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section was how everything was broken down into pieces. Getting more into behavior modification it’s good to keep things in simple terms so that way we don’t get completely lost in the process of learning more and more. Learning about fixed, ratio, variable, and interval helped understand more.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked about the section was the amount of information given. I was actually pretty overwhelmed by how much was given in one section. I did like learning about the terms, but I felt like it was a lot to cover in one section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. One thing I will remember is continuous reinforcement. Where the behavior is getting reinforced every time the behavior is emitted. It was pretty simple to understand and good examples were given behind it.
B. Another thing I will remember is what a fixed ratio is compared to a variable ratio. Fixed ratio refers to the reinforcement occurring after a certain number of responses. While variable ratio has a set averaged out to being a certain number, but the number the person is reinforced each time may be different compared.
C. Another thing I will remember is fixed interval compared to variable interval. Rather than numbers, this refers to time. Time frequency is very important when it comes to reinforcement. This can really make or break reinforcement.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 6
Day 7 =5
Average = 4.5 glasses
Something I can do to reinforce drinking more water would be carrying a water bottle around with me everywhere. Also, ordering water more when I go out to the movies, dinner, or other activities.
Terms: Extinction burst, punishment, behavior modification, frequency of behavior, behavior, extinction, generalization, discrimination, emit, extinguish, aversive, reinforcement, superstitious behavior, reinforcer, target behavior, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how well explained extinction was in this section. In the previous sections: it was just an outcome but in this section it was explained as a process.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don’t like that I feel I understand the difference between Discrimination and a discriminative stimulus. I thought I understood the concepts before this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that extinction is a process that happens when a previously reinforced behavior is not being reinforced anymore. Another thing I will remember is that extinction bursts only happen if the behavior is being extinguished. I think of it as the behavior’s last stand before extinction happens. The last thing I will remember is that generalization happens when people do (emit) the same behavior in different situations than the behavior was learned. These are all important concepts from 2.4.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section covered the various reinforcement schedules: Continuous reinforcement schedule and interval reinforcement schedule. Both types of schedules were explained well.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like how dry and sciency this section was because it made it hard for me to pay attention as I read it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is the two different kinds of ratios and intervals: fixed, and variable. The second thing I will remember is the types of intermittent reinforcement: fixed, variable, ratio and interval. The third thing I will remember is the concept of ratio strain, when the behaviors stop because the amount of responses required is too high when compared to the outcome. These are important terms and concepts to know.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =3 16oz cups(as for all the days)
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =3
Average =1.5
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I could do my Sunday night ritual of having a beer while watching Walking Dead if I drank all the water I was supposed to during the week.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, outcome, process, discriminative stimulus, Discrimination, behavior, extinction bursts, extinguished, generalization, emit, reinforcement schedules, continuous reinforcement schedule, interval reinforcement schedule, ratios, intervals, fixed, variable, intermittent reinforcement, ratio strain, responses.
1. one thing that i really liked was the explanation of extinction and extinction bursts. i liked the family guy example because it really stuck in my head and helped me remember exactly what the difference was.
2. i was not very fond of the generalization and discrimination. i found these to be confusing and kind of the same. i am not sure if i did the examples correctly either but i will ask in class.
3. a)Extinction is the process of stopping behaviors that were previously reinforced
b) i will remember that extinction bursts occur when a target behavior is looking to be reinforced. the family guy example with stewey repeatedly saying mom and then running away as soon as he got his answer, helps me remember.
c) discrimative extinction occurs when a discriminative stimulus like a sign shows that no reinforcement will be coming.
4. i liked how the variable, ratio, interval and fixed were broken down. it made it a lot easier to understand and the examples really helped.
5. i didn't really like how much information there was. it was kind of overwhelming to me and the ration strain was a little confusing.
6. a) continuous reinforcement (CR) is when there is a reinforcement every time there is a behavior
b) fixed is a set amount of behaviors or ratio. a set amount of time is an interval. variable is an average amount usually with a range.
c) when there are different reinforcement schedules, there is a different pattern of responding.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below: 8oz
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =4
Average =4.4
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week
i think a good positive reinforcement for drinking 64 oz of water a day would be for however many days in a row i accomplish this goal, i would reward myself to whatever i wanted like ice cream or dinner.
terms: extinction, extinction burst, target behavior, generalization, discrimination, discriminative, variable, ratio, interval, fixed, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1.)a.b One thing I liked about this section was extinction burst and how they used Stewie and saying "mom" over and over again for the example. This just helped to make it easy to understand and funny.
2.) One thing I did not like was Generalization. I cannot seem to wrap my head around the concept.
3.) a.b.c. One thing I will remember is extinction is the process of stopping a behavior by not reinforcing it. I will also remember extinguished is when that that behavior stops. Lastly, I will remember variability is when a person will try to emit similar behaviors to the one that was reinforced hoping to get that reinforcement. I will remember these things because I found them interesting and it is easy to think of examples of these in my life experiences.
4.)a.b.I liked that the section recommended youtubing operant chamber because the media is something that surrounds us and is easy to access for examples.
5.)I disliked all the graphs because I felt they made it harder to understand.
6.) a.b.c. I will remember that when first getting a behavior under stimulus control, continuous reinforcement is most effective.I will also remember that ratio schedule of reinforcement deals with a certain number of responses being necessary for a reinforcement to be awarded.Finally I will remember that interval schedule of reinforcement is how much time has to elapse before the reinforcement is given. I’ll remember this because I know that interval refers to time and I understand ratios.
Average 3.71
Reinforcement, emitt, interval,variability, extinction, extinguished, behavior, operant, generalization
1. In this section, I really enjoyed how it explained what extinction is and the examples really helped me personally relate so I could remember it more. Real life situations and examples are always good for me because it allows me to relate and when I can relate I remember better compared to examples that have nothing to do with the real world or my life. I also understood it in a better manner and I’m pretty sure I fully understand this key term.
2. In this section, the one thing that I liked least was the fact that there was SO many key terms. It made it harder to remember them more so than if there was less even though I know it’s needed. It just made it a little bit more complicated, so that was my least favorite; wish there was less and they were spread out at least.
3. One thing I will definitely remember is the key term of extinction because this chapter did such a great job of explaining it and giving good examples that related to our lives like the family guy example. The second thing I will remember is the definition and application of the term variability. The last thing I will remember is that extinction is aversive which I find to be a very important thing to understand and realize.
4. In this section, I really enjoyed that graph about the different schedules of reinforcement. I’m a visual learner so I really liked it because it helped me understand them and it kept my attention compared to just reading about it! I also really liked the activities that went along with this section so I was able to self-check my knowledge to make sure I fully understood.
5. In this section, the one thing I disliked the most was the fact that there was so much information slammed into a small amount. So, same as the other section. I feel like if it was spread out more it would have been an easier time but I also understand not everything can be easy!
6. The first thing I will remember from this section would be that there is actually several types of intermittent reinforcement, which means the behavior is only being reinforced ever so often. It was something I didn’t have knowledge of before this class. The second thing I will remember is what continuous reinforcement means and the fact that reinforcement is given when every behavior is done. The last thing that I will remember about this section is the difference between fixed, ratio, and interval.
Day 1 = 6 glasses
Day 2 = 6 glasses
Day 3 = 4 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 7 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 4 glasses
Average = 5.43 glasses
7b. I could reinforce myself with a new shirt or piece of clothing if I could 7 days drinking the grand total of 64 oz a day. Since drinking water is healthier I feel like I might lose some weight so a new shirt would be nice and a goal to work for since I hardly ever treat myself. Also, I know if I have a water bottle with or near me at all times, then I’d be more likely to drink it. Not having juice or pop readily available in my fridge would also be a great strategy to not drink anything but water.
8. Positive Reinforcement, Behavior, Schedule of Reinforcement, Extinction, Variability, Intermittent Reinforcement, Fixed, Ratio, Intervals, Continuous Reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was how detailed it went into extinction. When I first began reading the section I did not really understand the concept of extinction. So having all that information on extinction to read really helped me understand what it meant.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked that was in this section was the amount of key terms that it contained. I like learning new terms, but I don't like it when it seems like there are a ton thrown at me at one time. It made reading the section a little overwhelming.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is related to reinforcement, but similar to punishment. I will remember this because of the examples that the section gave that explained this to me really well. Another thing that I will remember from this section is what superstitious behaviors are. I had never heard this term prior to reading this section, so I chose to focus on this a lot when I was reading. Therefore, I really got this term and its meaning pressed into my brain. Lastly I will remember that there is variability in extinction burst. I will remember this because I did not understand it at first, but the example using Family Guy really helped me to understand what it meant.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked that was in this section was how a Skinner experiment was used to explain reinforcement. I like when an experiment is used to explain a topic because it makes the topic seem more realistic and gives me really good examples of how it is put to use.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I disliked about this section is similar to what I dislike in most. I felt that there were a lot of examples in this section, and when I do them I have no way of knowing if they are right or not. I feel like it is a waste of time to do all of them just to find out I was doing them all wrong. I just wish there was somewhere that all of the examples had solutions just so I could check to make sure I was on the right track.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is the different types of schedules. I will remember this because of the chart that was drawn. I understood this topic pretty well, but seeing the chart made me understand it a lot more. Another thing I will remember from this section is that for a behavior to be under the control of
reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every time. I believe this is important to remember because at first when going over reinforcement I thought that you did have to reinforce the behavior every time. This is important to know if you are part of a behavior modification experiment sometime in the future. Lastly, I will remember that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different pattern of
responding. Again I feel that this is very important to remember when it comes to the actual practice of behavior modification.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =4
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =4
Average =3.6
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Something I can reinforce myself with for drinking 64 oz of water in 7 days is buying myself a new water bottle. Since I obviously do not drink close to enough water now, if I do start to drink 8 glasses of water a day I could buy myself a new water bottle because if I have one that I really like I will want to carry it around with me everywhere, therefore I would drink more water.
Terminology: reinforce, extinction, reinforcement, punishment, superstitious behaviors, variability, extinction burst, schedules, elicit,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
After readying through this section, the concept of extinction is very clear to me. I liked how in depth you got with your explanations, and made clear the distinction between extinction and punishment, it was very helpful to me.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something that I am still confused about is the difference between discrimination and generalization. The definitions are very technical and your examples I found to be confusing. This is something that I definitely need help with.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The definition of extinction: the process of stopping the reinforcement of a behavior that has previously been reinforced. Although the definition may sound confusing, you explained it very thoroughly in this section and gave numerous examples for me to relate to.
The concept of an extinction burst, because the organism is no longer being reinforced as quickly as in previous encounters, it starts to act in an agitated manor. From there it can move into variability, where the actions and topography change, but the functions stays the same. And from there it can migrate into aggressive behavior, showing their inward emotions and even using expletives.
Lastly, the idea of superstitious behaviors, where organisms emit certain behaviors in hopes that it will increase the chance of something happening, although they are not always correlated. The word itself gives way to the definition and the examples you used were also helpful in understanding the concept fully.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I personally really enjoyed learning about schedules of reinforcement, although at times it was slightly confusing. Going through all of your examples and thinking of my own was really helpful once it got time to label which examples were what notation.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like all of the chart reading, that was confusing to me. It did, somewhat, help when you broke it down and explained each reinforcement curve, but I am still unsure of how to really read the original chart.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Continuous reinforcement seemed to be fairly self-explanatory, and once you defined it and gave examples, I am know categorizing everyday situations as being continuously reinforced.
The difference between fixed and variable reinforcement. Fixed is a set number whereas variable is more of an average, but also has a range (minimum and maximum). At this point in the learning process, I am able to distinguish the difference between them, but trying to pick one out of the four, I still need time to process it.
Also, the difference between ratio and interval. Ratio is a number of times, whereas an interval is an amount of time. Although these are simple aspects to understand, keeping the four types of reinforcement straight will take some time and verbal usage to perfect.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =24
Day 2 =32
Day 3 =16
Day 4 =24
Day 5 =8
Day 6 =32
Day 7 =40
Average =32
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
For me, water can sometimes get boring, every now and then I like to have something with more sugar. If I am able to make it the seven days with drinking 64oz each day, I will reward myself with something along the lines of pop, or alcohol.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, punishment, discrimination, generalization, reinforcement, reinforced, extinction burst, variability, topography, aggressive behavior, superstitious behaviors, emit, schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed, variable, ratio, interval.
Bre Gibbs
1) One thing I really liked about this section was how well it told us the difference between extinction and a punishment. Another thing I liked was that the examples were very descriptive and really showed the new terms we learned. (some examples can confuse me more) Another thing I liked about this section is that it didn’t have a lot of blocks that we had to fill out.
2) One thing I didn’t like about this section is that there was the term discriminative extinction and discriminative stimuli. I don’t really understand what the difference is. I thought a discriminative stimulus tells us what the outcome to a behavior will be also. I don’t get how no reinforcement when emitting a target behavior due to the stimulus in the environment is not the same as discriminative stimulus.
3) There are many things I will remember from this section and the first thing I will remember is that extinction is the process of stopping a reinforcement of behaviors which have previously been reinforceced whether it was a positive or negative reinforcement. I think I will remember this due to the example in the section about the family guy episode. I laugh because people reenact that episode all the time. (My brothers will do this to my mom when she ignores them but it doesn’t usually lead to extinction because my brothers eventually get her attention) Another thing I will remember about this section is extinction bursts. I know that this causes someone to emit the behavior even more. I see this all the time in little kids or with my dogs and their begging for food. I never give them scraps anymore but for a while they would beg even worse and now they don’t even try. Another thing I will remember from this section is that spontaneous recovery is when emitting a behavior reoccurs after a behavior has been extinct. I do this all the time when I’m home and on the south east side of town I always drive by my old high school even though its closed and not a school.
4) One thing I really liked about this section is all the boxes we had to fill in. I think the boxes really helped me understand fixed and variable ratios and intervals. Another thing I liked about this section is that the boxes and diagrams helped make this chapter really short.
5) There was nothing that I didn’t like about this section but I think the one thing that I liked the least is that the chapter almost talked too much about fixed intervals, fixed ratios, variable intervals, and variable ratios.
The three things that I will remember from this chapter is that Fixed Raito means that the number of times something happens an organism is reinforced, Fixed Interval means that and organism will be reinforced after a fixed amount of time. Another thing I will remember is that Variable Ratio means that the number of times something happens is the average a reinforcement might happen. The number of times it takes to get reinforced might vary. This is the same for a Variable interval except for it is time instead of actually emitting a behavior. I think this will be easy to remember because they use terms that I know which are “fixed” and “variable”.
7) Day 1 16oz
Day 2 80z
Day 3 24oz
Day 4 160z
Day 5 320z
Day 6 320z
Day 7 480z
7b) One way I can use positive reinforcement is by rewarding myself with a pop. I gave pop up in January but I realized that by giving them up for New Years I’m not really consuming any liquids. I know that I could easily drink 64oz a day of pop so I have decided that if I drink 64oz of water I will let myself have a pop at the end of the week.
Terms: Extinctions, punishment, discriminative extinction, discriminative stimuli, emitting, stimulus, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction bursts, spontaneous recovery, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval
1) I am already familiar with how extinction works but always thought it was part of punishment and not its own specific process. I now understand extinction is not a part of punishment because extinction deals with a behavior that was previously reinforced.
2) One thing that I liked the least from this section was the part on generalization and discrimination. The part that talked about these two concepts was a little unclear for me, making it difficult to understand.
3) - difference between extinction and punishment. Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer eliciting reinforcement. The behaviors are extinguished when they no longer occur. Although, the procedure of extinction is considered to be aversive, it is different than punishment.
- extinction bursts. This is where the behavior that was previously reinforced but is no longer reinforced will occur more often. Extinction bursts are often successful in eventually obtaining the desired behavior, which makes it difficult to extinguish the target behavior. The unwanted behavior initially increases and intensifies before it reduces in frequency.
- Superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior is thought to lead to reinforcement, but it is not actually directly related to the reinforcer. This may occur when reinforcement seems to come at random times and the individual has noticed there is a correlation between the behavior and the desired response.
4) One thing that I really liked about this section was how it broke down each schedule of reinforcement and explained them well and used multiple examples. By doing this I think it made each schedule of reinforcement easier to understand and the concepts better able to be grasped.
5) What I liked the least about this section was the amount of information that was presented. I felt that there was a lot of material covered in this section, and possibly too much at times. It may have been better if it could have been broken up somehow.
6) - Variability. variability of behaviors by children who are seeking attention from their parents. The pitch and frequency of their cries will change, depending on whether or not their parents are acknowledging their cries.
- Interval reinforcment is time related, and also hopefully remember the difference between fixed and variable. Where fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is considered between a set of numbers.
- Generalization.
7) Day 1= 16
Day 2= 20
Day 3= 20
Day 4= 20
Day 5= 20
Day 6= 20
Day 7= 20
Average= 19.42
A good positive reinforcer I would be able to use to increase my water intake is using water mix, flavoring the water. For some reason just changing the taste I can drink more water without getting that bloating feeling.
8) Terms: continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedules, emit, responses, extinction, extinction burst, variability, generalization, discrimination
1)I liked superstitious behaviors.
2) One thing that I didn't like was the part on generalization and discrimination. It was confusing to me
3)extinction is aversive, and what an extinction burst is. Extinction burst happens when reinforcement is initially withheld. The behavior also becomes more intense and occurs with more frequency.
4)i really don't know what i really liked in this section.
5just like the last question i really don't know what i disliked either. it all just a happened and made sense.
6) ratio schedules are based on a certain number of responses. that an interval schedule is based on a certain amount of time passing before the reinforcer is given. and last I will remember is the difference between a fixed and variable reinforcement schedule.
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =6
Average =3
i really don't know maybe drinking a pop.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part about superstitious behaviors. It is all too true that if you are reinforced for a certain way you behave, you will try to behave in the exact same way the next time. I had to do that with my old car. I thought that I had to push my remote start a certain way for my car to start in the winter. I hadn’t been aware then that my dad had actually fixed my remote without telling me.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like how confusing it got when talking about extinction and punishment. I had to reread that section about three times before realizing the difference.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that extinction is reducing the frequency of a behavior that was previously reinforced.
I will remember that an extinction burst is when reinforcement is withheld at first, the behavior will occur at a higher frequency and then lower.
I will remember that spontaneous recovery is when an individual may try to behave after extinction has occurred in the hope that something had changed and they would again be reinforced.
Knowing these details about these terms will help me keep aware of the differences in the reading. It is helpful to know why certain things happen and how long or how short they occur.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked all of the different examples that were given. If the examples had not been there, this section would have gone way over my head. When you have four different types of schedules, it is good to be able to distinguish clearly between them all.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It seemed a little wordy. Yes, I had said it was nice to have all of the examples. It was, however, a little drawn out. Sometimes less is more if you are still including real world examples.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that continuous reinforcement is where each response is reinforced.
I will remember that intermittent reinforcement is where not every single response is reinforced.
I will remember that there are four different schedules regarding this topic: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval.
I will remember these parts, because it was pounded into me in this reading the difference between all of the terms.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6 cups
Day 2 = 9 cups
Day 3 = 6 cups
Day 4 = 6 cups
Day 5 = 6 cups
Day 6 = 9 cups
Day 7 = 12 cups
Average = 7 cups
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I would say if you enjoy an occasional pop, you can reward yourself at the end of the week with a pop.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Superstitious Behavior, extinction, punishment, reinforcement, extinction burst, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really like this section because it helped me understand what extinction and extinction bursts are. I was confused by these concepts earlier.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought that there could have been a little more variety in the examples used. Sometimes using the same example over and over for different things confuses me because I can’t relate a certain example to an exact definition.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that extinction occurs when a reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. An extinction burst is when the behavior increases for a period of time before it decreases. In some situations spontaneous recovery could occur. This is when you know a behavior has been extinguished but it reoccurs.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the graphs and charts. They helped put things in a different perspective.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought this section was quite long and I had a hard time keeping track of everything.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that for a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement it does not need to be reinforced every time. I will remember that continuous reinforcement means the behavior is reinforced every time. I also learned that scheduled reinforcement can be used in everyday situations.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 2 glasses
Day 3 = 3 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 1 glass
Day 6 = 2 glasses
Day 7 = 2 glasses
Average = 8 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Reinforcement, positive reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, reinforced.
1. I greatly appreciate all the applicable examples provided in this text. They always help me to understand and apply the concepts in a meaningful way. I liked the examples given for Extinction. I was able to think of examples in my life where some of my behaviors may have been extinguished either purposefully or on accident if I didn’t get the reinforcement I needed to continue emitting the behavior.
2. I wish that their had been more expansion on the topic of discrimination extinction. I don’t feel as though I have grasped the concept. I understood discrimination extinction stimuli a bit better, but am not sure what the difference is between the two and what the significance is between discriminative extinction and stimuli.
3. I found the characteristics of extinction to be very interesting and the examples eye-opening. Extinction burst is something that I have noticed in other people but never had an explanation for it before now. I also found the example about drugs to be very telling. The variability characteristic makes sense too because I remember doing that when I was little. In order to get attention I would firstly try and be funny but if that no longer was entertaining I would move through being cute, or really good trying to get that attention. The other characteristic of aggressive behavior can be easily shown when observing the behavior of children. Usually they don’t get tired easily, and go through all these different characteristics of extinction, culminating in aggressive behavior that is usually the breaking point of parents because no one really expects someone to be aggressive even if it is just a slap or hair pulling.
4. I liked as always the inclusion of the graphics. I know that is helps me immensely to see the concepts as visually represented as possible. I was getting confused between all the intermittent reinforcers until I got to the multiple graphs that I could use to compare.
5. I was interested by the inclusion of that short paragraph on biological continuity, but I wished that it had applied to more of the concepts discussed in this chapter. Like discussing if animals still have the same reaction to different ratio schedules.
6. If I remember anything from this chapter, I believe it will be variable ratio, fixed ration, variable interval, and fixed interval. These concepts were emphasized in this chapter, which was a good thing because in general they can be very confusing. I liked the use of graphs and then of a bolded break down in the text. It helped me to sort out both the interactions and characteristics of each term.
7. a) Day 1 = 24 oz.
Day 2 = 36 oz.
Day 3 = 16 oz.
Day 4 = 64 oz.
Day 5 = 80 oz.
Day 6 = 24 oz.
Day 7 = 16 oz.
Average = 37. 143 oz.
b) My reward will be starbursts. Each day I complete drinking 64 oz. of water I will get 3 starbursts.
8. Extinction, extinguished, reinforcement, emitting, behavior, discrimination distinction, discrimination distinction stimulus, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, intermittent reinforcers, biological continuity, ratio schedules, variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval.
2.4 Additional Concepts related to Reinforcement and Punishment
1.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how clearly the definitions of the new terminology were described. I felt like this section specifically really stood out to me. I enjoyed reading the section about how aggressive behaviors emitted by the organism may be an indication of the internal emotions the organism is currently experiencing. Instantly so many events I have experienced working at Bremwood popped into my head. I can definitely agree with that statement.
2.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing in particular that I did not like in this section. Personally, I think this section was very well written.
3.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) I will remember that extinction and punishment is not the same thing. Often people will group these two together. Extinction is aversive but that does not necessarily mean it is punishment.
b.) I will remember that when extinction burst occur you MUST keep continuing extinction to be SUCCESSFUL. It is important to try not to give in to the organism even when the extinction burst itself becomes aversive to the individual controlling the extinction process.
c.) I will remember variability is when during an extinction burst, the organism will “become desperate” and not only emit the specific target behavior which no longer leads to the reinforcement but also emit a variety of other behaviors in an attempt to receive that reinforcement.
2.5 Schedules of Reinforcement
4.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I felt like we have begun to get into the “meat” of this class. I’m learning brand new terms and learning brand new concepts. For example, the meanings and differences between variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, and fixed interval. I find this exciting.
5.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really disliked the section about the graphs. I found it confusing to read. I felt like I could understand it better if there was someone I could directly ask questions towards and they could elaborate on what it means. I hope we discuss these in class.
6.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.) I will remember the difference between continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. Both are self-explanatory in their descriptive words but are important to be able to differentiate them.
b.) I will remember that ratio schedule is when a certain number of responses are required for the reinforcement to occur. A ratio schedule can be a fixed ratio (FR) or a variable ratio (VR).
c.) I will remember that an interval schedule is when a certain amount of time has passed before the reinforcement occurs. An interval schedule can be a fixed interval (FI) or a variable interval (VI). It is also important to become familiar with the abbreviations of these terms so we can recognize them while reading the literature.
7a.) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 32oz
Day 2 = 32oz
Day 3 =16oz
Day 4 = 64oz
Day 5 = 32oz
Day 6 = 16oz
Day 7 = 64oz
Average = 37oz (rounded to nearest ounce)
7b.) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I can go 7 days drinking at least 64 ounces of water I will take myself out to get a pedicure.
Pedicures make me feel good. Drinking a good amount of water daily will also make me feel good.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8.) Terminology: extinction, punishment, aversive, extinction burst, variability, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement.
Section 2.4
1. What was your favorite part of this section? Why?
My favorite part of this section was the part about extinction. We have discussed this term before, but the examples that were given in this section really helped me have a clear grasp about this term. If you want a certain behavior to stop you have to emit the before. The example you gave about the free sandwiches at the sandwich shop was really helpful. If you stop getting the free sandwiches eventually you will stop going to that sandwich shop.
2. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
The part I disliked about this section was extinction burst. The reason I disliked this term so much was because in order to gain someone's attention you have to basically be obnoxious. The example that was given was about Stewy from Family Guy yelling mom.
3. What are 3 things you will remember from this section? Why?
1) The first thing I will remember is the difference between extinction and punishment. "Punishment occurs when something adversive is added to the situation. Extension involves something that has already happened.
2)The next thing I will remember is what extinction burst is and how you want to try and prevent a behavior from reoccurring again.
3)The last thing I will remember from this section is what the term variability is. "If a person doesn't gain attention right away they will try different tactics in order to gain attention".
Section 2.5
4) What was one thing you liked about this section? Why?
The thing I liked most about this section was the topic continuous variables. For example; if your car always starts and suddenly stops working and you decide to get rid of your car then you have just experienced extension.
5)What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
The one thing I disliked about this section was intermittent reinforcement. This kind of reinforcement is reinforcement that is used every so often. I feel as if I might get this term confused with another term.
6)What are 3 things you will remember from this section? Why?
1) The first thing I will remember from this section is what a continuous variable is and how it can eventually lead to extinction.
2)The second thing I will remember from this section is what a ratio schedule is. A ratio scale is how many attempts it takes you do finish a task.
3)The third thing I will remember from this section is what a fixed interval is. A fixed interval is how much time has passed.
7)Day one=7
Day two=6
Day three=7
Day four=5
Day five=4
Day six=5
Day seven=5
7B) What is something you can reinforce yourself with for drinking 64oz of water?
I could allow myself to go shopping, or eat a piece of candy, like ice cream.
8) Terms used in this post: extinction, extinction burst, punishment, reinforcement, adversive, variability, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, ratio schedule, and fixed interval.
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked that this section went into depth about concepts that had only been briefly mentioned in previous sections. It was nice to learn about the many aspects of extinction. It really helped me understand the diversity of a single concept. The section about the context of exctinction was really helpful. There were many good examples in the section
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- I didn't like the section on generalization and discrimination. I didn't think that the terms were clearly explained and the section just confused me even more. The examples were not very clear.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that extinction is associated with reinforcement even though it is an aversive procedure, it would be easy to combine extinction with punishment. During extinction bursts an organism may try to use variability just by changing the topography of the behavior, this makes sense that an organism would try to do this because they just need to slightly alter their behaviors to see if they will be reinforced for them. Discriminative extinction stimulus offer a warning that no reinforcement will be offered. There seems like there are lots of discriminative extinction stimulus in everyday life.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked the depth that this section went into. Schedules of reinforcement could be very confusing because the terms all have very similar sounding names but each term was explained very well. I was also glad that this section was really focused on this one topic and didn't stick in other terms that we would learn about later.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- I didn't really like all of the graphs in the section. I spent a lot of time trying to figure them out but I ended up just getting more and more frustrated. I also thought that this section was quite long and kind of started to run together toward the end and it was a bit difficult to keep everything in order.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that ratio schedules are based off of a number of times a response is required for reinforcement and that interval schedules are based on time. I will also remember that fixed ratio schedules are a set number of times and an variable schedule is based on an average number of times a response is performed. I will remember that the pause in response after reinforcement is delivered is called a post-reinforcement pause
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 16oz
Day 2 = 16oz
Day 3 = 24oz
Day 4 = 16oz
Day 5 = 24oz
Day 6 = 16oz
Day 7 = 32oz
Average = 20oz
7b) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?- I can reinforce myself with watching an episode of a show that I like
8)Terminology- extinction, generalization, discrimination, reinforcement, aversive, punishment, extinction bursts, topography, variability, discriminative extinction stimulus, ratio schedule, interval schedule, fixed schedule, variable schedule, post reinforcement pause
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked most about this section was the examples, I felt really challenged at first with coming up with examples of extinction, extinguish, and extinguished. But even though I was challenged it required me to spend more time working on it and thinking about it thus requiring me to fully understand it and learn it in the end.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I found I particularly disliked in this section other than struggling with certain examples that I had to do. The one I had the hardest time with was coming up with examples of superstitions. I never really thought about superstitions because I don’t really have any, so I definitely struggled with that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing I will remember is that when reinforcement is initially withheld the behavior that used to be reinforced will occur more often, with that being extinction burst. I will also remember the examples used for it. Next I will remember variability and that it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors while trying to receive reinforcement along with emitting the target behavior. Lastly I will remember aggressive behavior because I was able to mostly relate to those examples and real life situations regarding aggressive behavior. It was also easy to remember because it followed the previous vocabulary that I learned about first so I was able to put them all together.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked most about section 2.5 was all the visual aids; they came in handy because it made seeing it easier to remember. I also thought everything in this section was broken down more nicely therefore making it a lot easier to understand and grasp the concept of it all.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was all the abbreviations of words broken down. I feel like since these terms are still all pretty new to me it was hard to always know exactly what term was being talked about. I also feel like this section was loaded with a ton of information that was a lot to all take in and try and learn at once especially after the section before.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing I will remember from this section is the different ratios and intervals: variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, and fixed interval. The examples used to describe them were very helpful. I will also remember continuous reinforcement and the other reinforcement schedules in this section. And lastly I will remember that fixed is only the certain amount of times a variable is considered between a set of numbers.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =4
Average =4.4
I think for me if I have an 8oz water bottle and I drink a full one every hour that would help me to reach the goal of drinking 8- 8oz glasses a day of water. As far as positive reinforcement for me completing the task I would reward myself with a piece of gum after finishing the water bottle of water.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Positive reinforcement, variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement, behavior, extinction, extinguish, extinguished, superstitions, extinction burst, target behavior, and aggressive behavior.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how clear the definitions were. Every new term was followed up with a really good example to make me grasp the concept well. For example, every time I think about extinction I will remember the example in the section about Ed and the classroom. This will really help me remember this!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Personally, there was really not anything I disliked. Everything seemed to flow very well and make sense to me.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember is that generalization refers to emitting the same behavior to a variety of different stimuli and a variety of contexts; while discrimination refers to detecting subtle differences between stimuli and contexts to be able to tell them apart.
-One thing I will remember is that extinction is aversive and it reduces the frequency of a behavior. Extinction and punishment are two very different things so people tend to get them confused. Extinction occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced. Punishment occurs when something aversive is added to the situation or when something desirable is taken away.
-One thing I will remember is that spontaneous recovery is the return of an emitted behavior after it has been previously extinguished. (driving to a place you know is out of business, but you used to go to all the time)
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was that this section really went into depth on the schedules of reinforcement. When I took introduction to psychology I remember getting them all confused. I liked how this section broke down each one. There were also a lot of helpful diagrams.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like the amount of graphs in this section. For me, it was a little confusing trying to decipher what they meant. There were just too many of them and I had no idea what was going on.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember is that interval schedules of reinforcement might require a certain amount of time to pass before reinforcement is given. The reinforcement comes after an interval of time.
-One thing I will remember is that a fixed ratio means a fixed number of times. For example, there might be a schedule where the pigeon must peck the key ten times before reinforcement occurs.
-One thing I will remember is that for a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every single time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 cups
Day 2 = 2 cups
Day 3 =4 cups
Day 4 =5 cups
Day 5 =5 cups
Day 6 =4 cups
Day 7 =6 cups
Average =4.1 cups
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Drinking 8 glasses of water will make me feel more hydrated throughout the day. Right now, I really don’t drink enough of water so this could benefit me a lot. In order to drink 8 cups of water a day for a week, I can reinforce myself with a chocolate cake. At the end of the week if I accomplish this task I am going to make a delicious cake. (and share it of course!)
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: Extinguished, positive punishment, negative punishment, spontaneous recovery, extinction, stimuli, emit, aversive, behavior, generalization, discrimination, interval schedules of reinforcement, fixed ratio, elicit.
1) In this section, I liked the information about superstitious behaviors. I liked it because it was very clear and informative, and I already have learned about superstitious behaviors in the past, but not with this much detail. I did not find it difficult to come up with examples of superstitious behavior such as a person itching their nose right before buying a winning lottery ticket, which could lead them to think that the itching actually led to the ticket being a winner, so they might do that again when they buy a ticket.
2) I did not enjoy learning about discrimination in behavior. I did not like this because I was confused about whether or not it related to discriminative stimuli, and I found it to be a confusing concept. After practicing examples of discrimination regarding behavior, I was able to figure it out more. I did not like it mainly because I was very confused about it for a little while and I had never heard of the concept before or what it had to do with people telling different contexts and behaviors apart.
3) One thing I will remember from this chapter is the concept of superstitious behavior. I will remember this concept because it was very easy to understand in this reading section, and I was previously familiar with it before reading the section, which made it very easy to remember and understand. Another thing I will remember is the fact that variability of behaviors can occur during an extinction burst. I will remember this because I understood it easily while reading this section, and I was able to come up with examples that popped into my head quickly and make good sense to me, such as the example of a dog rolling over in multiple different ways in order to receive a dog treat as reinforcement, even if the extinction process is occurring. A third thing from this chapter that I will remember is the concept of extinction. I will remember this easily because we have already learned a little bit about it, and I did not find this concept to be confusing. This made it easier for me to understand it and keep it in my mind.
4) In this section I really liked the way that the definitions of fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval, and continuous reinforcement were broken down and explained in detail. I liked this because it was simple when it was explained and it was easy for me to understand these concepts and practice them.
5) I did not like all of the practice examples in this section that I had to create for the different schedules of reinforcement. I did not like it because I felt like I was repeating similar ideas and I felt like I understood it well enough before I had to do some of the practice examples. Although I did not like it, I know that it was beneficial to me and helped me to remember the different concepts and schedules of reinforcement.
6) One thing I will remember from this section is the concepts of fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval. I will remember these concepts because I did not find them very confusing, and all of the practice that I did to take notes for this reading section helped me to remember the concepts. I will also remember that continuous reinforcement occurs when every response is reinforced. I will remember this because I had heard of it before and I understood it easily from this reading. A third thing from this section I will remember is the examples of continuous reinforcement that I came up with, such as using the “on” button on the computer, and I will remember this because I did not have trouble coming up with the examples or understanding the concept of continuous reinforcement.
Day 1=81 oz
Day 2=81 oz
Day 3=112 oz
Day 4=101 oz
Day 5=91 oz
Day 6=101 oz
Day 7=132 oz
Average= 100 oz
My reinforcer will be a burrito from Pancheros if I can reach my goal. Because I drink very high amounts of water, I will make my goal to be an average of 110 oz of water per day.
8) Terminology: continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, reinforce, extinction burst, extinction, superstitious behavior, discrimination, discriminative stimuli, process, schedule of reinforcement, variability, extinction burst.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I enjoyed how it started off talking about the terms extinction, extinguish, and extinguished because we had talked about extinction in previous sections therefore starting off with this was a great transition into the rest of this section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how the majority of the section was mainly all about extinction because at first I got pretty tired of reading that word over and over again throughout the 15 pages but towards the very end of the section it got better.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will for sure remember what spontaneous recovery because I thought it was very interesting and I now know there is a term used to describe when an emitted behavior returns after it has been extinguished. I will also remember superstitious behaviors because we had previously talked about them in class and they interest me a lot. Another thing I will remember from this section is that extinction is an aversive behavior because you are trying to stop that particular behavior and I feel as if it is an important fact to know and be able to understand for future references.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I really enjoyed how we had to look up operant chamber on youtube. I thought this was a fun way to learn about a new term because instead of having to think hard about it, we were able to learn it in a fun way by watching videos and then describing what we saw.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section I did not enjoy the amount of different activities we had to do for fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval because it was very time consuming and required me to really think. I still think it was important to do though because it helped me better understand and learn these concepts through practicing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
From this section, I will for sure remember continuous reinforcement because it is not difficult to remember at all considering it is just when someone gets reinforced every time a behavior is emitted therefore it would be continuous. I will also remember the term ratio strain because I thought it was funny how there was actually a word that had been invented describing post reinforcement pause. I will also remember the term intermittent because it is just another word for random.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = 1.5 glasses
Day 3 = 2 glasses
Day 4 = 1 glass
Day 5 = 4 glasses
Day 6 = 2 glasses
Day 7 = 1 glass
Average = 1.92 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I could reinforce myself by saying not only is it healthier for me but also will help me feel more lively as well. I could also use positive reinforcement by saying every time after I drink 2 glasses of water I get to eat an airhead which is a piece of candy I have really been craving lately. That would be good positive reinforcement, for me anyway. I could also go for a run and workout more to the point where I become thirsty and will crave water therefore I will be reinforced to drink water. This would be a negative type of reinforcement because I do not like running but it would probably work best for me.
Terms:extinct, extinguish, extinguished, spontaneous recovery, emitted, behavior, superstitious behaviors, aversive, operant chamber, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval,continuous reinforcement, post reinforcement, ratio strain, intermittent, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement
1. I really liked the examples this is Because of how they really just break a complicated subject down in easy to understand stories that are easier to remember then just the definition. Extinction is very close to punishment so these examples along with the punishment ones helped distinguish the two.
2. I felt as if us giving three examples was over kill when we were already provided with multiple examples above, maybe just having us do one would be a good test. It would also prepare us for classes on Thursday with something to talk about but again it would not be over kill.
3. That there is a difference between extinction and punishment. I thought extinction was apart of punishment because you are lowering the chance of behaviors happening. But the reading outright told me that I was wrong. It also gave a very clear definition of what is was along with telling me it was not punishment.
B.The next thing that stood out to me a lot was variability. It is interesting that a subject will become desperate if not reinforced. It shows the power of reinforcement. Another plus of this one is that the example is from a really funny show that I enjoy so it connected it to my life.
C. Superstitious behavior was another interesting read for me, because it was interesting it will stick with me more then the other stuff. Also as I read i started to think about somethings that I do that could be superstitious behavior.
4. I liked how towards the end of the chapter after we were given a lot of information about the four kinds of reinforcement schedules, variable ratios, Fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, it was put into real world terms like with the example of a waitstaff.
5. Something that really bugged me while reading this is how the use of bolded headlines started to fad as I went down the page. I like having the titles because its just an easy way to break up the reading. It also makes it look uniform to either use them or not, so this distracted me a bit while reading.
6. The first thing that is going to stick with me is that it is not just reinforcement but it has to subcategories of reinforcement. Contentious and intermittent reinforcement. I think this stuck out to me because it is something new about a fact that I was already antiquated with.
B.I really enjoyed reading about Biological continuity. It just makes the world seem to be more uniform, like everything is connected. If we can tell how a human behavior by using a pigeon that means on some level they are like us. That fact made me think and just peaked my interest even higher. Also when they talked about using operant chambers it made me wonder what those would be like for a person.
C. The third thing that jumped out to me was the fact that a behavior being reinforced does not require the reinforcement every time. I think this stuck out so much because I have always thought that reinforcement needed to happen every time for it to work and being proven wrong is a great way for something to stick out.
Day 1-64 ounces
Day 2-72 ounces
Day 3-64 ounces
Day 4-80 ounces
Day 5-56 ounces
Day 6-64 ounces
Day 7-72 ounces
AVG.-67.42 ounces per day
7b. I drink on average more then the recommended but a every so often I do not drink enough for the day. I will try to work on bringing my everyday intake up to 64 ounces a day. I will reinforce my self with a can of pop after the seven days if I hit my target.
Terms used- punishment, extinction, reinforcement, variability, Contentious reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, Biological continuity, variable ratios, fixed interval, variable interval, operant chamber, reinforcement schedule
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked from this section was the part about Spontaneous Recovery. I had heard this term briefly in other sections, and I never fully understood it. In this section, it went into great detail about how it is the return of an emitted behavior after it had been extinguished. It had many examples that offered different approaches to spontaneous recovery and now I know how to spot when something is a spontaneous recovery.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not much I disliked from this section, but if I had to pick something, it would be the part about generalization. The actual section about generalization was straight forward and clear, but I did not see how it fit with the rest of the section. I did not think it had much to do with the rest of the section and it just seemed a bit out of place. The rest of the topics flowed pretty well together except for this part.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that extinction can occur in different contexts. A human could extinguish another human’s behaviors or it something could naturally be extinguished. The book had good examples to illustrate this. A human example would be a mother who has a son who interrupts her. She had been reinforcing this by answering the son’s question when he interrupted. She extinguished the behavior by not responding to him when he interrupted. An natural example could be a man that buys a coke every day from a machine. If he puts his money in the machine one day and the machine doesn’t work, it could elicit the behavior of no longer using that machine. He does not get reinforced when he puts money in the broken machine, so this leads to extinction of the behavior.
Second, I will remember that extinction burst often occurs when an organism becomes “desperate”. They try to get reinforcement for behaviors that are similar to the behavior that is not being reinforced anymore.
Last, I will remember what discriminative extinction is. Discriminative extinction could be anything that indicates no reinforcement will be given for any target behavior that is performed. There was an example that tied in with the soda machine example from earlier that helped me connect terms in my head and remember what they all meant. It explained that an out of order sign on the soda machine would lead to discriminative extinction. A person wanting a soda will know that if they put their money in that particular machine, they will not get their soda.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked from this section was the very end of it. I was overwhelmed with the new information, but the section said “fear not” and put the information into perspective. There were many real world examples that helped me to organize all the new terms in my thoughts and grasp what they all meant.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I disliked from this section was the part about ratio vs. interval schedules of reinforcement and fixed vs. variable schedule of reinforcement. Although there were many examples, I could not fully grasp the meaning of the terms until I read over it a few times. I think it was confusing information, but definitely information that is necessary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that continuous reinforcement is a ratio schedule where every response is reinforced. I thought of an example that helps me to remember this term. A person experiences continuous reinforcement when emitting the behavior of playing the piano. When you press a key, you expect a sound to come out. If a sound came only once in a while, it would be frustrating and the music produced would be choppy.
Second, I will remember that continuous reinforcement is not necessary for a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement. If a rat presses a button to receive its food but does not receive food every time he presses it, the rat will most likely still emit the behavior of pressing the button.
Third, I will remember that ratio schedules of reinforcement is talking about the number of behaviors that are performed. I will remember this because the section says whenever “ratio” is mentioned, think of numbers.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
(1 glass= 8 oz.)
Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 3.5 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 1 glass
Day 6 = 4 glasses
Day 7 = 5 glasses
Average = 3.2 glasses
7b) To reinforce myself for drinking at least 64 oz of water a day, I will reinforce myself by buying a Reese’s Big Cup each Sunday and letting myself eat it happily with no guilt.
8) Terms: extinguish, behavior, extinguished, extinction, reinforcing, elicit, extinction burst, target behavior, discriminative extinction, spontaneous recovery, emitted, generalization, continuous reinforcement, ratio vs. interval schedules or reinforcement, fixed vs. variable schedule of reinforcement
1) I really liked how into detail they went with defining the terms "extinguish" and "extinction". The way they described them both as a procedure and a verb. The examples they used for the terms helped a lot in defining them.
2) One thing I disliked about the section was how the examples bounced around a lot. I thought it was good they had a variety of examples, but the way they jumped from example to example with not many transition was confusing at times.
3) Things I will remember from the section are:
a) That the term "extinction" is the procedure in stopping a behavior, and that it can sometimes be confused for punishment.
b) That if there is an extinction burst, in which the organism will continue to perform the same behavior more frequently in order to get a response with variability, than the extinction procedure is working.
c) Superstitious behaviors begin when random target behaviors that are emitted elicit a pleasurable consequence or reinforcement for that behavior. When the person is reinforced for that random behavior, they will continue to do it.
4) I really liked how interactive this section was. The boxes were great practice for what the terms meant in each section of the text.
5) I thought the abbreviations for things like fixed ratios and continuous reinforcement were confusing at first. The concept when added with numbers was really hard for me to understand, so I may have to ask questions about that later.
6) Three things I will remember from this section are:
a) Continuous reinforcement means getting reinforced with a pleasurable consequence every time a target behavior has occurred.
b) If there are different reinforcement schedules there will be different responses from that organism emitting the target behavior.
c) The term ratio means the number of behaviors an organism is emitting in order to elicit the proper response.
7) (a)
Day 1= 24 oz
Day 2= 16 oz
Day 3= 20 oz
Day 4= 20 oz
Day 5= 8 oz
Day 6= 12 oz
Day 7= 10 oz
Average= 15.71 oz
(b) A way I plan on reinforcing my self is with a cup of tea or an 8 oz glass of Code Red Mountain Dew with dinner at then end of every week that I reach my goal. Hopefully I will be able to stop drinking pop.
8) Terms: extinguish, extinction, behavior, punishment, emit, elicit, reinforce, consequence, extinction burst, superstitious behaviors, fixed ratio, continuous reinforcement, ratio
1 a&b) I liked the generalization and discrimination section. Specifically, I liked the example about people's generalizations of psychology students. Working back home at the local convenience store, everyone wanted to know what I was going to school. I'd explain I was majoring in psychology and 4 out of 5 times they'd say “Oh I bet your analyzing me right now,” or “Maybe you get help with the crazy people in town.” It got sort of old to hear, but I understood why they assumed that so quickly. It's nice now have an explanation as to why people do that.
2) The only problem I had with the section was that I felt discrimination and generalization could have been defined more to know the difference. Discrimination was discussed more and I had a difficult time thinking of generalization examples because I felt they were really similar. Other than that I liked the section and thought it was interesting and informative.
3 a,b&c) Superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior is thought to be reinforced, even though there is no connection. Discriminative extinction tells you when you won't be reinforced. Lastly, extinction first produces an extinction burst which is an increase in the behavior.
4 a&b) What I liked about the section was the last part explaining the different reinforcement schedules. It put the section into more understandable terms. Although, there would plenty of example to fill in, it was a harder section overall to grasp. But I felt the explanation at the end helped me understand it better.
5.) One thing I disliked was the graph sections. Typically I am very good at understanding graphs, but for some reason it confused me a little more than it helped me. Also, I understand why FI, FR, VR, and VI were used. But it was used so frequently I had to pause every time and think and make sure I wasn't getting things mixed up.
6 a,b&c) Continuous reinforcement refers to being reinforced every time a behavior is admitted. There are four different reinforcement schedules. Ratio is the number of behaviors emitted and Interval is the amount of time that passing before a behavior being reinforced.
7a) Water drank in the last week.
Day 1 = 24oz
Day 2 = 12oz
Day 3 = 36oz
Day 4 = 48oz
Day 5 = 60oz
Day 6 = 48oz
Day 7 = 12oz
Average = 34oz
7b) One way I could positively reinforce myself for drinking 64oz of water a day could be allowing myself to watch TV at the end of each day. It could also serve as negative punishment, if I don't drink enough water I won't get to watch my shows at night. This takes away something desirable and would decrease the likely hood of me not drinking 64oz of water a day.
Terms: Generalization, Discrimination, Superstitious Behaviors, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Discriminative Extinction, Reinforced, Reinforcement Schedules, Continuous Reinforcement, Interval, Ratio, Emit, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how in depth and detailed things were discussed in this chapter. I liked this because it helped me understand it in more ways and better. Like with extinguished and extinction. It explained me to me that extinction is getting a behavior that is reinforced to stop and in order to stop the behavior you have to extinguish it. It occurs when a behavior is no longer reinforced.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like how extinction and punishment are so closely associated but they aren’t related at all. I keep wanting to think that extinction is part of punishment instead of reinforcement because it eventually gets a behavior to stop occurring because it isn’t reinforced anymore. But I know it’s not punishment because it’s not punishing the behavior for occurring, it’s just ignoring it instead.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that extinction is a procedure that uses extinguished. I will remember this because in order to get someone to not emit a behavior that was previously reinforced they avoid eliciting it. Not reinforcing them or eliciting the behavior to even happen will make the behavior not occur anymore which extinguishes it.
I will also remember that even though extinction seems like punishment it is not. I will remember this because it involves just not reinforcing the behavior and doesn’t do punishing to stop the behavior.
I will also remember spontaneous recovery. I will remember this because I like the name actually. I think that life is more fun if people are more spontaneous and this word helps. It is the return of an emitted behavior after its been extinguished which I think spices things up! Like for an example if our child randomly starts doing a behavior like interrupting you again out of nowhere, you get shocked and wonder why they started doing it again.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked was learning about the schedules of reinforcement. I liked this because I thought they were interesting and could related to my life.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really didn’t like about this section is just how long it was. I thought it was a lot of information at once and I had to go back and reread to understand some things. Also, because I couldn’t remember what it was talking about.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between fixed and variable. Fixed is a certain amount of times and variable is considered between a set of numbers. I will remember this because it reminds me of science kinda with the different variables.
I will also remember ratio vs. interval schedules of behavior. I will remember this because ratio is connected with numbers and interval is connected with time.
I will also remember continuous reinforcement because its involved in almost everything we do.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 48 oz
Day 2 = 24 oz
Day 3 = 72 oz
Day 4 = 24 oz
Day 5 = 8 oz
Day 6 = 8 oz
Day 7 = 48 oz
Average = 33 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I can reinforce myself by after drinking the amount of water I reached in a day that I need (64 oz) I can drink whatever I want after like tea or Gatorade or even a soda. My giving myself something desirable for drinking water I’m using positive reinforcement. However, if I don’t drink enough water in a day I could use negative punishment by not letting me drink something desirable and having to drink more plain water which would be undesirable.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforce, desirable, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, undesirable, extinguished, extinction, behavior, extinguish, punishment, punishing, emit, reinforcing, eliciting, extinguishes, spontaneous recovery, emitted, fixed, variable, ratio, interval, continuous reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the examples this section gave us; like I have stated before in other blog posts, I LOVE examples because it gives me a clearer and better understanding of something rather than just stating it and moving on. Especially when the section talks about extinction; it is used so much in the section that I don’t think it will be easy to forget this term and I should be able to use it more frequently when doing a bigger assignment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like it in this section or any section for that matter when it says “we will later revisit this topic when dealing with ….” This irritates me because you brought it up to my attention now and I want to learn about it now. So now that the section has me thinking about schedules of reinforcement I want to learn about it right away, not sections down the road.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Understanding that Punishment and extinction are two very different procedures and are not the same thing. I will remember this because of the examples they use and how many times they have stated these examples. Repeated use is a lot more affective in my learning skills.
b. Ignoring someone can lead to extinction bursts or just extinction in general. I will remember this because I sat here for a few hours just trying to understand why and how this could be used in my everyday life with my niece.
c. An extinction burst is a way of understanding and knowing that the extinction is being successful and you are doing it correctly. I will try and remember this and understand it by using it in my day to day life. I love reading about how things like this can affect someone’s life.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Like I had stated from question 2, I really wanted to focus on schedules of reinforcement after the section stated that we will learn about it at a later time; I was way excited to find out that the next section was titled schedules of reinforcement. So I really liked finding that out in the beginning of the section. IT MADE THE ENTIRE SECTION ENJOYABLE!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really like the idea of me stopping in the middle of my reading to search a youtube video about operant chambers. This then kind of made me take time away from what I was trying to get done and made me search other youtube videos because of the side links the website has.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that operant chambers are a way to schedule the reinforcement and we will not get reinforced every single time but that is what schedules of reinforcement are all about. Also schedules are due to what is known as biological continuity (believing that all living creatures can be placed in order by complexity). I will remember this because of watching the operant chambers video and trying to place this idea into my own life and seeing what I can make of it.
b. Continuous Reinforcement schedules are initially to get a behavior under control. I will try and remember this idea because it seems like it should be very important later in our behavior modification class so by understanding it now I should have a better grasp on things linked to this later down the road.
c. I am going to try and remember the table that is located on page 12 of 23 from this section. It seems to me that it is a very interesting table and I should start to understand it but right now it is kind of on the sketchy side with little education behind it. I am sure that with time I will begin to understand and remember this table. It seems that it may be needed down the line with this class.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =96oz
Day 2 =190oz
Day 3 =128oz
Day 4 =128oz
Day 5 =96oz
Day 6 =96oz
Day 7 =190oz
Average =132oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I feel that because I hit the average a day for ounces of water I don’t have that much of reinforcement to do, but I feel as if when I do hit my target of 96 ounces a day that at the end of the week I am more likely to lose weight that I may have put on by going to the bars late at night and sleeping with alcohol in my system.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, Punishment, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Schedules of reinforcement, operant chambers, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement
Section 2.4:
1) One thing that I really liked that was in the section was the detailed explanation of superstitious behaviors. Before, this concept has been mentioned, but not explained in full detail. Knowing specifically that it is when an organism emits superstitious behaviors when thinking they relate to the reinforcement, even though the behavior isn’t directly related to it.
2) There wasn’t really anything in this section that I didn’t like. This section was well put together with clear definitions and examples, and I learned new concepts in detail.
3) One thing I will remember is extinction, and that it is different than punishment but produces similar results of reducing how often the target behavior is emitted. Punishment does this by introducing something aversive or taking away something desirable as a consequence to the target behavior that we want to decrease the frequency of. Extinction reduces the target behavior by no longer reinforcing it, and then the organism will no longer emit the target behavior because it will not expect a reward.
Another thing I will remember is how to identify an extinction burst and the importance of it. Recognizing that the organism is varying the behaviors it emits after increasing the frequency of them in effort to get reinforcement, and usually more intensely and aggressively than before, are the signs the extinction burst is occurring. The burst happens after reinforcement stops, and is a sign that extinction process is occurring. Once this extinction burst occurs, it is very important to not give in and reinforce the organism, because that will remove any progress made toward extinction.
The last thing I will definitely remember from this section is the difference between generalization and discrimination. Generalization refers to when an organism emits the same target behavior to different stimuli and contexts. Discrimination refers to when an organism noticing the differences between stimuli and contexts, and emitting the target behavior only to one stimulus and context specifically.
Section 2.5:
4) One thing that I liked that was in the section was learning about the concept of biological continuity. It’s an interesting notion to apply to organisms I think. I’ve always had a sense that learning mechanisms were similar in other animals and only changed some based on the complexity of the species. It’s good to know there’s a term for it.
5) One thing that I disliked about this section is how long it is. This section has a lot of new material in and seems to be almost too much for one section. The length of this made it harder to fully absorb the content because so much was explained.
6) The things I will remember most from this section would be the difference schedules of reinforcement: fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, and variable ratio. I will remember these because they were the most complex things in the chapter and took the longest for me to remember, understand and organize in my head. I now know it as the FI schedule is a set amount time between when the reinforcement is given. VI schedule is when reinforcement is given to the response after an unpredictable amount of time that is usually based on an average time. FR schedule is when reinforcement is given after some defined number of correct responses. Lastly, VR schedule is when reinforcement is given to an unpredictable number of correct responses, and this is based on an average usually too.
7a) How much water I drank for the last week:
Day 1 = 50.7 fl oz
Day 2 = 50.7 fl oz
Day 3 = 33.8 fl oz
Day 4 = 16.9 fl oz
Day 5 = 33.8 fl oz
Day 6 = 33.8 fl oz
Day 7 = 50.7 fl oz
Average = 38.6 fl oz
7b) I can reinforce myself with buying a new pair of Dr. Marten boots if I can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water each day.
8) Terms: reinforce, extinction burst, extinction, reinforcement, emit, superstitious behavior, discrimination, generalization, behavior, organism, punishment, target behavior, aversive, consequence, reinforcing, reinforce, stimuli, context, biological continuity, schedules of reinforcement, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio, and response
Section 2.4
1.The part of this reading section that I liked the most was that this reading had a lot of a good examples to help explain things. I think that this reading could get confusing especially with extinction and extinguished but with the good examples it made each of the concepts easier to understand.
2.The part that I liked least of this reading was the section on discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli. I did not like this part of the reading because I thought it was a bit confusing. I also thought that there was not much information provided on these two topics which made it more difficult to understand. I think that if good examples were used for these two terms then this part of the reading would be easier to understand.
3.The parts of this reading that I will most remember are the different parts of extinction. The first thing that I will remember form this reading is the different between extinction and extinguished. That one is the verb of the behavior ending due to not being reinforced and the other is the noun explaining the process. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is about extinction bursts. An extinction burst in when a behavior is no longer reinforced then that behavior will occur more often with more variability. I also learned about extinction bursts that they can lead to aggressive behavior. I will remember this section of the reading because we had discussed in class before and I thought this additional reading about it made me understand the concept better. The last thing that I will remember from this reading is the difference between generalization and discrimination. Although there are only slight differences it is important to understand the difference and I think the examples used and the section comparing and contrasting the two helped me understand the differences.
Section 2.5
4.The part that I liked the most about this reading was that there it gave us several chances to practice the differences between the different types of reinforcement and reinforcement schedules. This was a lot of information to take in at once and so having all these chances to practice was good. I also liked all the examples used because I think that it is very important to provide examples when concepts are very similar to one another.
5.There were two things that I did not like about this reading. The first one being although I enjoyed the practice I would have liked something to compare my answers to, to ensure that I was understanding the concepts and doing the assignments right. The second thing that I disliked bout this reading was that there was a lot of information to take in from this reading which made some of the concepts get confusing with each other.
6.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is the difference between continuous and intermittent reinforcement. I will remember this section of the reading because there were good examples used to explain the differences between the two. I thought the melon example was a great way to explain intermittent reinforcement. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is ratio versus interval reinforcement scheduling. I will remember this section because there was several chances to practice ourselves creating examples of each reinforcement schedule. I also liked the examples used for this section. The last thing that I will remember from this section is difference between fixed and variable schedule of reinforcement. This part of the section was a bit confusing but the examples really seemed to help me. At first I did not really understand the difference and had trouble coming up with examples of these but as there were more practice sections I think I got a better understanding. I think all of these parts of the reading will be remembered because the last couple of practice things combined all of what we learned and that helped a lot.
7.Day 1 = 4 18 oz water bottles (72 oz)
Day 2 = 2 18 oz water bottles (36 oz)
Day 3 = 2 18 oz water bottles (36 oz)
Day 4 = 3 8 oz cups of water (24 oz)
Day 5 = 2 8 oz cups of water (16 oz)
Day 6 = 3 8 oz cups of water (24 oz)
Day 7 = .5 18 oz water bottle (9 oz)
Average = 31 oz of water per day
8.The variation in my weeks’ worth of water that was reported was the fact that I went on a mini vacation to my brothers Navy graduation so I drank far less water than normal. However, in order to increase and reinforce my water intake to 64 oz a day I could at the end of this experiment and possibly in the future that when I drink the necessary amount of water for a week I could go shopping for myself or go do something fun that I wouldn't normally spend money on.
TERMS: extinction, extinguished, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, behavior, reinforced, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, generalization, discrimination, reinforcement schedules, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, ratio reinforcement schedule, interval reinforcement schedule, fixed reinforcement schedule, variable reinforcement schedule
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) I really liked this section because it explained the new terminology very well and there were plenty of examples.
b) I liked this because it is easier to understand and apply the information.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the confusion between extinction and punishment. I dislike this because they are easy to mix up since there is a lot of terminology to remember.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. I will remember extinction burst.
a. I will remember extinction burst because in class you gave many examples. I will also remember this because the behavior occurs even more when the person tries to get reinforcement and could lead to aggression.
2. I will also remember variability because it is associated with extinction.
a. I will remember variability because in order to try to obtain reinforcement that person may emit other behaviors to get the reinforcement.
3. I will also remember spontaneous recovery.
a. I will remember spontaneous recovery because the emitted behavior can return after being extinguished.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) One thing I really like is the fact that you don’t have to continuously reinforce someone/something for the target behavior to occur known as continuous reinforcement.
b)I like the idea of intermittent reinforcement because it is more effective and you don’t always have to continuous use reinforce for the target behavior to occur. I also really liked the answers to the questions were provided, so I was able to check my answers.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was the differences between the scheduled reinforcement. The different schedules get confusing and are easy to mix up. Ratio vs. interval and fixed vs. variable were kind of difficult to answer in the example questions.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1.I will remember that a behavior does not need to be reinforced every time for a behavior to be controlled.
a.I will remember this because I always thought the behavior needed to be reinforcement continuously.
1.I will remember the ratio refers to the amount of set behaviors.
a.I will remember this because I always get confused between ratio and interval, so I taught myself to distinguish the difference.
1.I will remember interval refers to the set amount of time.
a.I will remember this because I get ratio and interval mixed up, so I taught myself to clearly recognize the difference.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 128oz
Day 2 = 120 oz
Day 3 = 96 oz
Day 4 = 128 oz
Day 5 = 120 oz
Day 6 =120 oz
Day 7 =96 oz
Average = 115.43 oz (14 glasses)
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I personally drink a lot of water because I workout out a lot because I am a fitness instructor and water is essential to keep the body hydrated. However, I could reinforce myself with a pedicure or massage at the end of
the week.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: extinction, punishment, extinction burst, variability, reinforcement, spontaneous recovery, emit, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, target behavior, scheduled reinforcement, ratio, interval, fixed, variable
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I found I really liked from this section was the explanation of the different types of characteristics of extinction. I found it interesting that extinction bursts often occur after we realize that what we usually are reinforced for no longer are being reinforced and I get where variability comes from within extinction bursts. I really enjoyed that concept.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really seem to dislike this section at all. I found it very helpful and pretty easy to read and understand the concepts. The examples given with the terms made it easy for me to comprehend the ideas. I thoroughly enjoyed this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section are that extinction bursts occur when a behavior previously reinforced is no longer being reinforced. I will remember this because I see it and experience it everyday in life. Like for example, I was scrolling through Facebook earlier looking at posts and stuff and my phone froze. Naturally I attempted to scroll and it wouldn't work, so I continued to try scrolling multiple times and still got nothing. Finally, I turned my phone off. The next thing I will remember is variability occurs within extinction bursts and elicits similar behaviors to the original reinforced behavior. Again I will remember this because I see it everyday and experienced it myself with the Facebook scrolling. The last thing I will remember from this section is that extinction is not punishment, although people typically see the two as the same. Extinction isn't punishment because it specifically involves a behavior that was previously reinforced.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the visual and text box aids. They helped me grasp some of the idea about intermittent variables such as fixed/variable and ratio/interval ratios. The graphs were really helpful in recognizing and identifying when post reinforcement pauses occur.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn't like from this section was the lack I felt existed in true definitions of variable interval and variable ratio. There were examples but I still feel a bit shakey about their true meaning.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section is that terms such as fixed, variable, ratio, and interval determine how often or how soon a reinforcement for a behavior will occur. The next thing I will remember is that fixed intervals and fixed ratios will have a post reinforcement pause because the organism was reinforced and knows that it has to either act a certain number of times or wait a constant amount of time to be reinforced, while on the other hand variable types are constantly emitting the behavior seeking the reinforcement because they don't have a set reinforcement pattern. Lastly I will remember that to establish a behavior under stimulus control continuous reinforcement must be used because it reinforces the behavior every time it occurs.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =44oz
Day 2 =38oz
Day 3 =56oz
Day 4 =32oz
Day 5 =35oz
Day 6 =48oz
Day 7 =36oz
Average =36.3oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Going to the bathroom!? Haha, kidding! No, my reinforcer will be giving myself a treat before bed, and the treat will be a jolly rancher.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforce, reinforcer, post reinforcement pause, interval, fixed, ratio, variable, stimulus control, intermittent reinforcement, punishment, extinction, extinction burst, variability, emitting, elicits.
1) I really liked how this section went into extreme detail to explain why extinction and punishment are different. Until this point I would often get the two mixed up because the both result in a decrease of the target behavior. I now understand that extinction involves a previously reinforced behavior.
2) There wasn’t really anything I disliked about the section. I suppose would like the discriminative extinction section to have more detail because I still don’t understand why it is different from a discriminative extinction stimuli.
3) A. I will remember extinction burst because of the family guy example. Everyone remembers that scene where Stewie is trying to get Lois’s attention. When he is ignored, he ramps up his calls for mom in order to be reinforced. B. I will remember variation with the same family guy example. When Stewie calls out “Mom” and it doesn’t work, he tries “Lois”, “Mum”, and “Mummy” to see if any of those calls will work. C. I will also remember superstitious behaviors. I will just think of BF Skinner’s operant chamber and the silly birds running around in circles thinking that is correlated with what will get them food.
4) I really liked the charts describing the responding rates that different reinforcement schedules elicit. The chart made it much easier to understand which type of schedule causes the steepest line of responses and visualize a post-reinforcement pause.
5) It was extremely difficult for me to come up with examples of FI, FR, VI, and VR. I think that I am still having trouble applying these concepts to the real world and I wish the text gave a few more examples to help me understand.
6) A. I will remember Variable Ratio from the example of dial-up Internet service. Sometimes it takes a few tries to be reinforced but the amount of tries it takes is variable. B. I will remember Variable Interval by the example the example of starting an old car. Sometime you have to crank over the key a few minutes and sometimes just a few seconds. It takes a variable amount of time to be reinforced. C. I will remember the Fixed Ratio by the lawnmower example. It takes five pumps to be reinforced by the lawn mower in the example. No more or less.
7) Day 1 = 3 (cups)
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 4
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 3
Day 7 = 3
Average = 2.85 (cups)
8) To reinforce seven days of drinking 64oz of water for an entire week, I will get to go out to a movie with my friends.
Terms: extinction, punishment, target behavior, reinforced, extinction burst, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, superstitious behaviors, BF Skinner, operant chamber, reinforcement schedule, elicit, post-reinforcement pause, variable ratio, fixed ratio
1) I liked how extinction was deconstructed so that it could be more easily understood. Extinguishing a behavior does not happen immediately, nobody wants to lose a reinforcement. So an organism will fight to maintain the pleasurable reinforcement through the process of an extinction burst.
2) The explanation of spontaneous recovery was my least favorite. Not because of its explanation or example, but rather because I emit similar behaviors much like the example. Even though I know that I will not receive reinforcement, I will continue behaviors that fail to be reinforced time and time again.
3) a. I will remember that variability can be related to desperation of an organism when suffering from potential extinction of a reinforcement. If an organism is desperate it will emit many behaviors during an extinction burst-which is where the desperation comes in and the organism tries a variety of efforts to regain the reinforcement. b. During extinction when the organism is adamantly trying to regain the reinforcement by any means, it is then that a person can tell that the extinction process is working. I'll remember it, because when my son is whining and I want to pull my hair out I will simply think to myself victorious thoughts of extinction of aversive behaviors. c. Generalization occurs all of the time. I will remember this one because people are so quick to assign labels and stereotypes to just about anything or anyone.
4) I really appreciated the life application of the variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, and fixed interval explanation on page 18. Between the density of the text information, or the humming of the copier in the library and the chatting of the two women standing next to it, but it was really difficult to retain a lot of information about the ratios and variables.
5) I disliked that I got so confused in this chapter; there was a lot of information, and I was incredibly distracted.
6) a. Behaviors do not always require reinforcement, if a reinforcer was given everytime, it would lose its power over the organism emitting the target behavior-this is called intermittent reinforcement, as opposed to continuous reinforcement. b. Biological continuity uses the complexity and similarity of organisms, because learning mechanisms are similar is high complexity organisms and lower complexity organisms alike-which is a pretty amazing concept I think. c. Continuous reinforcement is necessary when first attempting to achieve control over a particular target behavior, so that the organism continues to strive for reinforcement.
7) Plain water intake per day, in ounces:
Day 1 = 30 oz
Day 2 = 30 oz
Day 3 = 40 oz
Day 4 = 20 oz
Day 5 = 16 oz
Day 6 = 30 oz
Day 7 = 30 oz
Average = 28 oz/day
I can use my potential ability to function better as a reinforcement for drinking more water. My issue is all of the other options that I choose (coffee) over plain water. A lot of what I drink is dehydrating, and then I forget to drink when necessary as well. When a person is thirsty they are already dehydrated. One thing I have started doing is adding lemon to my water, so that I have flavor, but not overpowering sweetness that drink additives usually have. I have also been trying to drink herbal teas instead of coffee or soda as well.
8) Terms: extinction, behavior, organism, extinction burst, reinforment, reinforcer, spontaneous recovery, variability, emit, pleasurable, aversive, generalization, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio, fixed variable, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, biological continuity, complexity
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? – One thing I really liked about this section was that I could apply how I’ve used some of these terms in my own life. For example with spontaneous recovery, there was a really good Mexican restaurant in my hometown that got closed when I was in high school. I found myself driving by its old location one day when I was visiting home from college. Another example is the superstitious behavior. I have a few of them, one of them being that I would wear a certain wristband before playing in my high school football games because I would believe we would win.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? – One thing I disliked about this section was that because there were so many sub-terms within extinction it got kind of confusing. For example, how extinction is related to reinforcement because it involves a previously reinforced behavior, but also extinction is similar to punishment because it is used to decrease behavior. Also, the fact that extinction is an aversive procedure.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from reading this section:
1. Extinction will produce an extinction burst.
2. You will then change the variability of your behavior.
3. Once behaviors have been extinguished, you might experience spontaneous recovery.
I will remember these things because I can recall quite a few experiences where I have gone through these 3 steps.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? – One thing I really liked about this section was that it had a lot of visual aids. The ones in particular being the graphs and charts for variable ration, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval. These helped because I am a visual learner.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? – One thing that I disliked about this section was just honestly that it was quite long. When I got all the way to page 23, I had some trouble recalling some of the information from the earlier pages because it was such a long chapter.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section:
1. When a behavior is reinforced every time it is emitted, it is called continuous reinforcement.
2. A behavior does not need to be reinforced every time in order for it to be under the control of reinforcement.
3. A different pattern of responding is usually due to different reinforcement schedules.
I will remember these things because they were three points I could recall at the top of my head before reading the summary bullet points.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 7 – 8 ounce glasses
Day 2 =7- 8 ounce glasses
Day 3 =7– 8 ounce glasses
Day 4 =8 -8 ounce glasses
Day 5 =9- 8 ounce glasses
Day 6 =8 – 8 ounce glasses
Day 7 =7– 8 ounce glasses
Average = 7.57 – 8 ounce glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Extinction, reinforcement, behavior, punishment, increase, decrease, aversive, spontaneous recovery, superstitious behaviors, extinction burst, variability, extinguished, variable ration, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedules.
Let us know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
1. One thing I really liked in this section was the part about extinction burst. I like extinction burst because I see it every day. I see it in my nephews whenever I go over to their house. Recently my sister-in-law was working with them on Hunter (the oldest boy) sharing his ipad with Drake (three years younger than Hunter). At first he didn’t mind it but would get mad and take it back whenever he wanted. He would get in trouble for this, and every time he did get into trouble his actions got worse. For a while I almost gave up on making him share and listening to his complaining and screaming, but then it stopped, and he was okay with sharing his ipad and only got mad when Drake did something to make him mad.
2.One thing I liked least about this section was the generalization and discrimination section. I understand the examples they give but, I do not understand how they tie in with generalization and discrimination. The definitions of them make sense in my head but then when I go to apply them I am very confused.
3. Three things I will remember from this section include extinction in general, spontaneous recovery, and extinction being related to reinforcement. I will remember extinction in general because this section is full of describing extinction and things to do with it. Spontaneous recovery is very interesting to me. I love the way our behaviors can change and just come back up again after it’s been gone for a while.
4. One thing I really liked in this section was all of the boxes for examples of fixed variable, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. This has made all of them make more sense and easier for me to distinguish between the four. Also, the what type of reinforcement schedule was used was very helpful.
5. There wasn’t anything I liked least about this section. I liked the set up and how this section was just focused on the schedules of reinforcement.
6.Three things I will remember from this section are continuous reinforcement, fixed, and variable. I will remeber continuous reinforcement because its a special type of ratio schedule and pretty easy to understand because the response is reinforced. Fixed and variable will be remembered because I was a math major last semester and we went through fixed and variable outcomes in my statistics class.
7. a) Amount of water I drank each day for a week:
Day 1= 59 oz
Day 2= 69 oz
Day 3= 45 oz
Day 4= 46 oz
Day 5= 44 oz
Day 6= 48 oz
Day 7= 69 oz
Average= 54.28 oz
7.b) One thing I can reinforce myself with if I go seven days drinking 64 oz of water would be that each week that I do it, I can get another fish for my fish tank.
8. extinction burst, generalization, discrimination, extinction, spontaneous recovery, reinforcement, behaviors, fixed variable, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval, reinforcement schedule, reinforcement, fixed, and variable.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how in depth and further explained concepts were by using a variety of situations. I liked that there were multiple situations to one specific concept because sometimes when we just learn about a concept in one way, it is hard for us to broaden our inferences when we try to apply it in more than one way. I also like that he used a Family Guy reference because it’s something that I watch regularly so the scene was easy to picture and remember in my head.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
If I had to choose something that I liked the least about this section was how much time was spent on each term. It is nice to have different examples and a clear explanation, but sometimes when something is talked about or explained for too long, the reader starts to lose interest in what they are reading. When a reader loses interest in the readings they tend to skip through a little bit which results in them missing information that may be important.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I’ll remember about this section is the definition of extinction because it’s the process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors which have already reinforced and I correlate the word extinct to dinosaurs so the “stopping” part will always come to mind. Another thing that I’ll remember is what extinction burst is because the reference from Family Guy is something that’s popular and something that sticks in your head so it will be easy to remember. Lastly, I’ll remember examples of superstitious behaviors because I love learning about different types of superstitions. Superstitious behavior will also be memorable because they’re behaviors that we do daily or have done and they’re behaviors that are interesting to observe.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I enjoyed while I was reading this section was how easily relatable the examples in this section were. The examples were things that we run into day to have or have emitted ourselves or observed other people doing. When you can relate something to everyday life, it is easier to remember and apply.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked while reading this section was the graphs. I like to learn from visuals, but the graphs were not explained much at all in the paragraphs so they almost seems redundant or not important to have added to the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I’ll remember from this section is biological continuity because I am a biology major and I love to learn about the links between humans and animals through genes and behaviors. I also will remember that continuous reinforcement and extinction are related because the example of the remote is easy to remember and a behavior that is simple and common. Lastly, I will remember that the classifications of intermittent reinforcement are fixed, variable, ratio, and interval because these are all terms that are heavily used in math. Because I have seen these terms so often, it is easy for me to remember and infer definitions/ concepts when distinguishing the differences of terms used in this section of Behavior Modification.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 1500 mL
Day 2 = 1875 mL
Day 3 = 1875 mL
Day 4 = 750 mL
Day 5 = 3000 mL
Day 6 = 1125 mL
Day 7 = 2250 mL
Average = 1767.86 mL –59.78 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I’m normally really good at drinking my 64 daily ounces; however, this week I have been really busy and stressed out so I was not as conscience of how often or how much I was drinking, or remember to drink consistently throughout the day. The positive reinforcement that I will use this week is if I reach 64 oz each day, I’ll treat myself to a “Love it” from Cold Stone—an unhealthy reward one day for 7 days’ worth of a healthy choice. ;)
8) Terms: extinction, reinforcer, reinforcement, extinction burst, superstitious behaviors, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement, emitted, intermittent reinforcement, fixed, variable, ratio, interval
1. My favorite part of this section was the vending machine example used to explain how extinction makes sense. This was my favorite part of the section because it helped me to put all of the pieces of the section together and fully understand the concept of extinction. Visualizing myself going through the vending machine scenario allowed the concept of extinction to sink deep into my head as visualizing examples helps me to remember concepts.
2. My least favorite part of this section was the concept of discrimination. This was my least favorite part of the section because this was the concept that I found the most difficult to understand. I think I had a difficult time understanding this concept because no examples were given in the section that introduced this concept; there were only examples of generalization. Examples help me to fully understand a concept because they allow me visualize the concept as the examples are often applied to situations I have been in before, or can easily be in. The best way I found to make sense of the concept of discrimination, detecting subtle differences between stimuli and contexts to be able to tell them apart, is with food, but these examples don’t help me understand discrimination in the contexts of psychology.
3. The three things I will remember from this section are:
a. the concept of variability, during the extinction burst when the organism will not only emit the specific target behavior which no longer leads to reinforcement, but it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement. I will remember this concept because of the Family Guy example, when the child calls his mom by several different names in order to gain her attention. I have seen this clip on commercials before so I was easily able to picture the scene and therefore easily understood the concept of variability. Now whenever I read the word variability I immediately picture this scene.
b. the concept of discriminative extinction stimuli, a warning telling the organism that no reinforcement will be provided, even if the target behavior that normally leads to reinforcement is emitted. I will remember this concept because of one of the examples I wrote down in the exercise. My example was seeing an “out of season” sign over your favorite latte flavor, signaling that if you try to emit the behavior of ordering your favorite latte flavor, your behavior will not be reinforced by receiving the latte. This example came out of a real experience of mine, pumpkin spice lattes are my favorite flavor of latte, but they are only able to be purchased during the fall season. Since this example I wrote down was a personal experience, it helped me to fully understand and remember the concept of discriminative extinction stimuli.
c. the concept of spontaneous recovery, the return of an emitted behavior after it has been previously extinguished. I will remember this concept because of the vending machine example given in the text. Even though a person tries everything possible to receive the snack from the vending machine and nothing works, the person will still try again the next day, or even the next hour with the hopes of being reinforced for their behavior. Since this example was my favorite part of the section and I can easily visualize the example, the concept of spontaneous recovery being a part of the example allowed me to easily remember and understand this concept as well.
4. My favorite part of this section was the examples of variable ratio reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, variable interval reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, and fixed interval reinforcement given where we had to figure out what type of reinforcement the example described. This was my favorite part of the section because it allowed me to apply the knowledge that I had learned, and furthermore, the answers were given which allowed me to check to make sure my understanding of the concepts were correct. Exercises like this I think best improve my learning, as they allow me to critically think and apply concepts, and check my responses.
5. My least favorite part of this section was the schedule of reinforcement response rates. This was my least favorite part of the section because understanding what all of the different aspects of the graph meant was difficult for me to comprehend, particularly when concerned with the slope of the line. For some reason, what I thought the slope means is much different than what it actually indicates which is the pace of learning. The lines with a steeper slope indicate faster learning and the lines with a more gradual slopes indicate slower learning. There is so many aspects of the graph I found it difficult to wrap my mind around all of them.
6. The three things I will remember from this section are:
a. the concept of fixed ratio, a fixed number of responses, and the concept of variable ratio, a variable number of responses. I will remember these concepts because I think the words used to describe the concept describe exactly what they mean which make it easy to understand and distinguish. I will also remember these concepts because of the amount of exercises that went along with the concepts.
b. the concept of fixed interval, a fixed amount of time, and the concept of variable interval, a variable amount of time. I will remember these concepts for the same reasons as I will remember fixed ratio, and variable ratio; the words used to describe the concept describe exactly what they mean which makes for easy distinguishing, and the amount of exercises focused on the concepts forces me not to forget them.
c. the concept that schedules of reinforcement can be applied in real life. I will remember this concept because as I was reading through this section I was thinking about how these schedules seem to be only applicable in the lab, but once I got to the end of the section I realized this is not true, and I am impacted by schedules of reinforcement frequently. This change of my frame of mind helped me to really remember the applicability of these concepts. The examples given in this section explaining how schedules of reinforcement are applicable to real life also helped enforce this concept as I was given proof of its usability.
Day 1= 60 oz
Day 2= 40 oz
Day 3= 40 oz
Day 4= 20 oz
Day 5= 20 oz
Day 6= 30 oz
Day 7= 30 oz
Average= 34 oz
To encourage my behavior of drinking 64 ounces of water every day for the next seven days, I will give myself the reinforcer of going to 4 Queens to get a pumpkin Snowstorm at the end of the week if I emit the required behavior.
Terms: extinction, discrimination, generalization, stimuli, variability, extinction burst, organism, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, discriminative extinction stimuli, extinguished, spontaneous recovery variable ratio reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, variable interval reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, behavior, reinforcer
1) One thing I liked about this section was the information on extinction burst. It basically explains that it gets worse before getting better. I liked this information because it’s something that relates to my life, and dealing with my daughter. Kids are super persistent and they’re that way because they know if they wear you down and irritate you, you’ll give in. I personally feel like my daughter will never give up sometimes, but reading this makes me feel confident about not giving in.
2) The one thing I liked least would probably be the part about superstitions. I am a somewhat superstition person, and honestly think there is more of a connection besides ‘it happened once it’ll happen again’ kind of thing.
3) 1. Extinction burst; Your example of family guy connects with me. I have a three year old daughter and experience that on a daily basis. 2. Extinction is an aversive procedure; I thought of how hard it is to deal with extinction sometimes, like having to hear mom a thousand times and ignore it. 3) spontaneous recovery; This comes to mind when I still drive by the house I grew up in, even thought I don’t live there anymore.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4)I was happy to read that you don’t have to reinforce a behavior every time in order for it to work. I think I liked that because it gives me hope that I can use reinforcement for modifying behavior. I feel like punishment is so much easier than reinforcement, but knowing that you don’t have to do it every time makes it seem easier and more likely I’ll be able to do it.
5) The different schedules! Although I liked seeing how it worked in different ways, it was so much reading that all sounded the same but yet different it got confusing. Ill have to go over it a few times before it fully is understood.
6) 1. Continuous reinforcement; this will be easy for me to remember because its definition is in its name. 2. Ratio; because this has been used in math and has to do with numbers- and I like math. 3. Fixed ratio; This is also self explanatory, the fixed meaning it’s a set thing, and ratio meaning it has to do with numbers.
7) totally spaced and forgot to do this.
8) terms: extinction, extinction burst, aversive, spontaneous recovery, reinforcement, punishment, continuous reinforcement, ratio, fixed ratio,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how they broke up extinction to explain it in more detail breaking down how extinction works to eliminate behaviors and the tactics organisms use to fight it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt the section was well written, but I will have to go threw it a couple times to remember the all of the vocabulary terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that extinction is aversive. When we do not get the outcome we are accustom to.
b. Discriminative extinction is when a stimulus tells us that no reinforcement will happen, like a out of order sign.
c. I will remember generalization because it happens when people emit the same responses to a variety of different circumstances.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how on the very first page of this section it told us which type of scheduling reinforcement happened more often and is more successful. Intermittent reinforcement is better than continuous reinforcement.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I was overwhelmed with how much information this section contained. There was a lot of activities to do, but I felt I didn't have enough examples to actually complete them correctly.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. A behavior does not need to be reinforced every time the behavior is completed. I remember this from high school because I had a teacher who always said we needed to retain the information after learning something. After being told a couple times you should remember that eliciting the behavior will end up with consequences.
b.Fixed Ratio is a fixed number of times. This could be like a person must do something 5 times before they are reinforced.
c. I will remember variable ratio because when I worked at four oaks my clients had to a certain number of points each day to be considered to move to the next level. This reminded me of the video game example in the book.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 16oz
Day 2 = 64oz
Day 3 = 8oz
Day 4 = 32oz
Day 5 = 16oz
Day 6 = 24oz
Day 7 = 0oz
Average = 23 oz a day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
If I can drink enough at least 64 oz of water a day, I will allow myself to go to Olive Garden with my roommates for our bonding experience, but if I cannot drink the 64 oz a day I will punish myself by making myself eat ramen noodles instead.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, behaviors, aversive, discriminative extinction, stimulus, generalization, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, eliciting, reinforced, behavior, fixed ratio, variable ratio, punish
Section 2.4
1 a&b) I really liked how this section talked about variability in extinction because I have experienced variability in extinction many times. After some time living in the dorms, it is very easy to eat desserts. After a while I catch myself eating these desserts and make an effort to end these habits. Eating the dessert, which usually reinforces me because it tastes good, quickly becomes positive punishment because I am adding fat to my body, which I do not want and I want to decrease this consequence, then leading to the process of extinction. When I am trying to extinct my dessert eating habits, variability kicks in. I begin to eat all sorts of somewhat sweet items that dance around actual desserts. Such as, peanut butter with honey on french toast. Not quite a dessert but it is still very sugary and bad-variability.
2) The part I liked least was the section on how extinction is aversive. Yes, extinction is aversive, but sometimes it is reinforcing! When I was trying to cut out desserts, it frustrated me to no end, but I was also super happy because I was able to fight my craving and desire, no matter how hard it was. In the back and forth of slipping up and being strong (process of extinction), I sometimes experience both aversiveness and pleasurableness.
3 a,b&c) Remembering aggressive behavior will be easy. When I try to extinguish my habits of eating desserts, and I am struggling to stop (still eating desserts), my mom will sometimes try to help. "Do eat that, remember you aren't eating desserts right now." And I will get upset and say I am just trying it or no I am starting tomorrow. It is easy to get upset, because you are already struggling with the extinction of the behavior.
I will remember spontaneous recovery because after I have extinguished my habits of eating desserts, many times I will eat desserts again in the future. Sometimes the habit of eating desserts comes back full force.
I will remember superstitious behaviors because I use to have many of them. I use to think that if I didn't brush my teeth for a certain amount of time, I would die and many other irrational superstitions that I of course knew were not true, but still held on to them (not anymore!) Many of my friends still have superstitious behaviors also, so I see those played out often. One of my friends will only ever deal with even numbers, not odd numbers.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) I really enjoyed researching operant chamber. It was different and fun, while also learning about a method of operant conditioning from B.F. Skinner. There were videos dealing with rats and birds, as well as an in-depth history on some other psychologists.
5) The part I liked least were the acronyms used. Examples include FR (Fixed Ratio), FI (Fixed Interval), VR (Variable Ratio), VI (Variable Interval ), and CR (Continuous Reinforcement). I rather use the whole word/phrase than remembering the acronyms. Although I really liked all of the practice using these acronyms and vocabulary.
6 a,b&c) I will remember ratio vs interval schedules of reinforcement. This concept is easy for me to remember because I have learned about interval and ratio scales in a variety of other contexts/classes such as stats and research methods. Ratio: when there are a certain number of responses needed for reinforcement. Interval when a certain amount of time passes before you are reinforced.
I will remember all the acronyms and what they stand for, FR, FI, VR, VI, and CR because there a so much practice and revision throughout the section. This section helped engrain these new words and ideas into your head so we can implement them correctly in the future. This chapter did a great job of helping you remember what we read.
The other thing that will be easy to remember is B.F. Skinner and his Operant Conditioning for animals. He dealt a lot with reinforcement and how animals did or did not emit certain behaviors. He discovered a lot about learning in animals and applied the concepts to humans.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =9
Day 2 =9
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =7
Day 5 =11
Day 6 =6
Day 7 =7
Average = 8.142
7b) For the most part I am already drinking 8 glasses or more of water a day, but reinforcers for those days I do not emit the behavior of drinking 8 glasses a day is eating less, which makes me feel better about myself because I do not want to gain weight. It also lessens hunger which is great because I do not like to feel super hungry all of the time. It helps digest my food. I get full faster so I eat less. I do not get headaches from lack of water/dehydration. There are MANY reinforcers to drinking 8 glasses a day which is why I usually drink 8 or more glasses of water a day. The days I do not drink very much water, I can definitely tell and I feel pretty awful...there is a drastic difference, which motivates me to drink even more water! I love, love, love water!
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8)Terms: Variability, extinction, reinforce, positive punishment, decrease, consequence, aversive, reinforcing, pleasurable(ness), aggressive behavior, spontaneous recovery, extinguished, superstitious behavior, emit, behavior, operant chamber, operant conditioning, FR (Fixed Ratio), FI (Fixed Interval), VR (Variable Ratio), VI (Variable Interval ), CR (Continuous Reinforcement), and ratio vs interval schedules of reinforcement
I forgot to mention in my post, #1 This is extinction because the reinforcement is no longer there. The taste which originally reinforced me, no longer reinforces me. I have become satiated and this satiation causes me to extinct my behaviors of eating desserts for some time. Not punishment.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really like how the chapter showed multiple examples on extinction and made it clear that even though extrinction is aversive it is not punishment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t like how it presented a new definition for discrimination. It through me for a loop. Whenever I see the word I second guess its meaning.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the meaning of extinction and how its different from punishment. I will remember generalization because of the psychologist example you used and how we talked about that example in class. I will also remember Extinction burst because of the family guy example. My sister and I use that exact quote all the time on our mom!
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked how you made us go to youtube and watch a video about the operant chamber. It made it a little easier to understand while reading
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought this chapter was really confusing. The terms were all so similar and I often got confused on what was what! I wish the terms were divided and covered seperatley.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Skinners Operant chamber because I watched a youtube video on it. I will remember that Fixed means exact or constant time. I will also remember that variable is a range of time. I took a lot of time trying to engrave this in my head to make understand the chapter a little easier.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 5 glasses Day 2 = 5 glasses Day 3 = 6 glasses Day 4 = 5 glasses Day 5 = 7 glasses Day 6 = 5 glasses Day 7 = 6 glasses Average = 5 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week. I tend to drink a lot of pop and I have been trying to extinguish this behavior, so I can replace all the pop I drink with water. If I drink 64oz a day I can reward myself at the end of the week with a pop.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, extinguish, extinction burst, discrimination, generalization, punishment, aversive, operant chamber, fixed, variable
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked at the beginning of the section how extinction was explained so thoroughly. I liked the sentences/examples using each version of the word to help understand how extinction/extinguish/extinguished are different. I also liked the section about the characteristics of extinction and the section about supersitions.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I disliked in this section. I thought the material was interesting and it was explained well. I enjoyed all the examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Extinction is the process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors which have already been reinforced. It occurs when an organism that has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced. Sometimes extinction can be mistaken for punishment.
Extinction and punishment are two different procedures. Extinction specifically involves a behavior that was previously reinforced and is no longer reinforced. Punishment is adding something aversive to the situation.
During an extinction burst, along with the target behavior, an individual may also emit a variety of other similar behaviors with hope to receive reinforcement for those behaviors.
The worst thing you can do is to give in when there is an extinction burst happening.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the first activity was to search a term on youtube. I liked doing this and like learning about things in ways other than reading.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I had a little trouble with the schedules of reinforcement sections. I had to re-read those a few times to understand them better. The examples were good and helped a lot, I just had trouble coming up with my own examples.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
We aren’t usually reinforced every single time a behavior occurs. When we are, that is called continuous reinforcement. If the reinforcement is done correctly, being reinforced every once and awhile is effective enough to maintain the behavior. When we aren’t reinforced every single time, it can be frustrating. Intermittent reinforcement is when we are only reinforced every now and then.
There are several schedules of reinforcement. Reinforcement could come after a number of times pressing a button or it could come every ten minutes (for example) regardless of how many times the button was pressed. Fixed Ratio (FR) means there is a fixed number of times a behavior must occur before the reward. Variable Ratio (VR) means that the reinforcement will come on average, maybe ten times. So, it may come after 10 times once, after 12 the next, and after 8 after that. Fixed Interval (FI) means the reinforcement comes after a fixed amount of time. The Variable Interval (VI) occurs within a range of time.
Pay periods are a good example of an FI schedule. An FR will elicit a high steady rate of responding with some pause.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 7
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 2
Average = 3.5
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Drink more water per day for a week and skip working out on the following Monday.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, superstitions, reinforcement, emitting, target behavior, punishment, aversive, extinction burst, schedules of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) I liked the Family Guy example.
b) It made me laugh and it demonstrated extinction extremely well. I think the best way to explain extinction to anyone is raising kids. Looking back now I realize my parents did it constantly when I was younger. They probably still do!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything in this section. It had a nice review at the beginning and led into the next lesson very well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Extinction, because it was so well described and put to example.
b) Variability, because I constantly do this in my life and now I can put a name to it. Now ever time I do things like this, this term will pop into my head.
c) Aggressive behavior, again, because I do this constantly in my life. I am a severely impatient person, and when something doesn't happen for me right away, especially when I'm used to it, I get very upset very quickly.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a&b) I love how everything we have learned thus far is brought back into play with each new thing we just learned. The fact that this all builds on itself makes it very helpful not only to learn, but also to comprehend.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything about this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Operant Chambers, because they so well set an example to continuous reinforcement.
b) Continuous Reinforcement, because it makes perfect sense. Also because it's name basically spells out what it is. When you "continuously" emit a certain target behavior, you expect to be "reinforced" in the same way as usual.
c) Interval schedules of reinforcement, because it requires a certain time for the reinforcement to occur. Therefor, it is scheduled in certain intervals.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 30oz
Day 2 = 25oz
Day 3 = 20oz
Day 4 = 35oz
Day 5 = 35oz
Day 6 = 30oz
Day 7 = 25oz
Average = 28.5oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
Terms Used: Reinforcement, Behavior, Target Behavior, Emit, Extinction, Variability, Aggressive Behavior, Continuous Reinforcement, Interval Reinforcement.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that there was numerous examples after each new term because it helped me to decipher between words like extinction, extinction burst, discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli since they all are different variations of the term “extinction”.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I disliked about the section. I thought that the terms were well-defined and good examples were given to help me remember each term.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember that spontaneous recovery is the return of an emitted behavior after it has been previously extinguished because I think that the words “spontaneous” and “recovery” speak for themselves.
b) I will remember that extinction is a process, just like reinforcement is a process because it helps me to remember what “extinction” means by thinking of the two together.
c) I will remember the difference between generalization and discrimination because the examples of the psychology major and “picky eaters”.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that there was so many places to provide my own examples because I think it’s easy to get confused between continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ration, and variable ratio.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this chapter is that there wasn’t as many examples for each term as there have been in other sections. I find it easier to learn when I can apply the terms to every day situations.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that the behavior does not have to be reinforced each time or it to be under the control of reinforcement. I will remember this because I’m teaching my dog to “lay down” right now and I do not have to give her a treat each time she does it in order for her to know that she did a good job.
b. I will remember that I should think of number when I think of ratio because that is what I have done in previous math classes.
c. I will remember that a fixed schedule is a fixed amount held constant because that’s what the term suggests.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 36 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 = 36 oz
Day 4 = 56 oz
Day 5 = 28 oz
Day 6 = 60 oz
Day 7 = 58 oz
Average =
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
Something I could do to reinforce myself to drink 64 oz of water per day is to reward myself with a beer before bed if I drink at least 64 oz of water that day.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, extinction burst, discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli, spontaneous recovery, reinforcement, generalization, discrimination, fixed reinforcement, variable reinforcement, fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio, variable ratio, ratio, fixed schedule,
1) One thing that I really enjoyed from this section was the clarification of the difference between extinction, extinguish, and extinguished. I was momentarily confused when the word extinguished was thrown into the mix but then it was clarified. This is like the difference between reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforcer or punishment, punish, and punisher.
2) Something that is disliked from this section was that it was a little difficult to wrap my mind around the idea that extinction and reinforcement were linked together rather than extinction and punishment. One would immediately think that they were opposite but that is just because of tricky phrasing, or so I believe.
3) One thing that I will remember is the definition of extinction burst. This will definitely stick in my mind because of the Family Guy reference in the text and because the clip was played in class. I will also remember that sometimes aggressive behavior occurs during extinction. This is like the last effort to get things to go a certain way. Another thing I will remember is the extinction is aversive. It isn’t a peasant experience to have to adjust to the new protocol of things when you liked the way that things worked before.
4) Something I really liked about this section was the excess or examples. I call it an excess, but without them I probably would have been very confused. When talking about reinforcement schedules, it is nice to have an example of how each one works.
5) My least favorite part about this section was that it tried to emphasize that we should remember abbreviations, like for continuous reinforcement (CR) or fixed ratio (FR). I usually hate abbreviations. Is it really so difficult to spell out what you’re looking for? If we did that then there might be far less confusion.
6) Something that I will remember is interval reinforcement. This is the idea that for a behavior to be reinforced, it does not have to be reinforced every time that the behavior occurs. Another thing I will remember is the difference between a fixed ratio and a variable ratio. This is fairly obvious, but a fixed ratio means that a behavior has to occur X number of times in order to receive reinforcement and a variable ratio means that there is no set number of times that the behavior must occur in order to receive reinforcement. I will also remember that fixed schedules of reinforcement result in either a staircase or scalloped pattern because of the accompanying graphs.
Day 1: 4 cups*
Day 2: 5 cups*
Day 3: 5 cups*
Day 4: 5 cups*
Day 5: 5 cups*
Day 6: 4 cups*
Day 7: 5 cups*
Average: 4.72 cups*
My main problem with drinking water is that after having so many glasses of it, it just tastes boring. So maybe I can reward myself with something tasty in return for drinking X glasses of water. Like: if I drink 64 oz. of water in this next week, I can reward myself with a candy bar.
*1 cup = 8 ounces
Terms: extinction burst, extinction, extinguish, extinguished, reinforcement, punishment, aversive, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, interval, variable ratio, staircase, scalloped
1) I really enjoyed reading about the characteristics of extinction. I found it to all really make clear sense and be equally as interesting. I learned a lot about extinction bursts and the variability within those extinction bursts. I also thought that relating it to the Family guy clip was hilarious because my roommate and I always mess with each other by doing that. I thought it was really interesting that there’s aggressive behaviors due to extinction bursts not being effective. And how true. If I’m not getting reinforced for something and I can’t figure it out, I’m going to get really really frustrated.
2) I didn’t like reading about superstitions. Superstitions are a ridiculous concept to me. They aren’t reinforced… so why would you have them? If you really think that wearing your left sock on your right foot is going to help your favorite QB get a touchdown… I mean, it might be reinforced every once in a while (especially if the QB is amazing) but then you’ve got to realize that it doesn’t actually work. I don’t know. I’m just not a huge fan of them.
3) I’m going to remember that there are certain contexts for extinction which may be under the control of an individual or may occur naturally- not under the control of an individual organism. I like to understand where behaviors come from and how things happen, so knowing that there are contexts will help me better understand the way extinction works. I’m going to remember what an extinction burst is. An extinction burst is when reinforcement is no longer working and the behavior that initially led to reinforcement will occur more often in an attempt to get that reinforcement once again. I’m going to remember this because the whole chapter was kind of based off of this idea and it’s pretty essential to understand. The last thing I will remember is discriminative extinction. This is when a stimulus in an environment indicates that no reinforcement will result for emitting a behavior. I’m going to remember this through the “‘closed’ sign hanging in a window” idea. You aren’t going to try to open that door because the stimulus provides a head up that they’re closed.
4) I liked reading about ratio schedules. I find it interesting that even in behavior modification, there’s organization and structure. A ratio schedule is basically a certain number of responses required for reinforcement to occur. There is a distinct difference between ratio and interval schedules. Ratio is a certain number of responses required. Interval is a certain amount of time before before reinforcement takes place. It can also be fixed or variable. Fixed means there’s a fixed number of times before the reinforcement is delivered. Variable means there’s a minimum and maximum number and the reinforcement will occur sometime in between the min or max.
5) I really didn’t like all the graphs and all the descriptions of which was which and all the abbreviations just got a little muddy for me (partially because I’m tired). So, I’ll have to go back and read through those sections again and really really try to understand them better.
6) When I think about schedules of reinforcement I’m going to remember that this was the use of operant chambers. The researchers used rats and pigeons to either press a button or peck a circle shaped key to get the reinforcement of food. I remember learning about this in intro to psych and I think it’s pretty telling that this deals with reinforcement and will remind me of a schedule. I’m going to remember that a ratio schedule is when a certain number of responses are required for reinforcement. I’m also going to remember that interval schedules require a certain amount of time before reinforcement is given.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 45oz
Day 2 = 53oz
Day 3 = 51 oz
Day 4 = 50 oz
Day 5 = 58 oz
Day 6 = 44 oz
Day 7 = 49 oz
Average = 50 oz
7b) I’m going to tell myself that if I can drink 64 oz of water per day for 7 days, I will reinforce this behavior by letting myself watch a movie that I have been wanting to see for a while (The Other Woman).
Terms: extinction, extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, reinforcement, contexts for extinction, ratio schedule, continuous reinforcement, interval schedules, fixed schedules, variable schedules, schedules of reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, and operant chambers.
1 a&b). I really liked the whole section. The idea of trail and error can relate to anyone. For example starting a new job and slowly perfecting the way you complete tasks. When you first start it may take awhile and not be done as while. By 6 months to a year the idea of struggling with the simplest tasks makes you laugh. I also liked this section because it reminded me of my dad and how if loved experimenting in the kitchen. He likes to make his own recipes and cook the same thing every week until he perfects it and figures out what combinations create the most desirable outcome.
2). There wasn't a part of this section that I didn't like. I found things were explained well, and it was interesting.
3 a,b&c). Thorndike built puzzle boxed to see how cats learned to escape, his focus was on animal intelligence. The y-axis shows what is being measured and the x-axis shows the periods of measurement. The law of effect explains that behaviors with positive outcomes are stamped in and negative outcomes are stamped out, by trial and error one is able to learn.
4 a&b). Again, I liked everything about this section. It is was a bit of a review for me, but I was able to relate it more easily back to my own life than when it was previously taught to me. I particularly like that the examples also had answers. It helped me understand it better and know if I was on track. I could then go back and figure out where I went wrong.
5). This section was a refresher on things I have learned in past courses. However, even though I was being retaught it, it was approached in a different way. There really wasn't a part of the section I dislikes.
6 a,b&c). Anything can be a neutral stimulus as long as it is salient and noticed in the environment. Neutral stimulus' must occurring regularly so an association can occur. Lastly, The neutral stimulus must also occur enough times for an association to occur.
7a) Please fill out the information below for week #2:
Day 1 = 68 oz
Day 2 = 68 oz
Day 3 = 40 oz
Day 4 = 64 oz
Day 5 = 44 oz
Day 6 = 44 oz
Day 7 = 68 oz
Average = 56 oz
7b). Overall, I feel I did relatively well. I did not reach my target behavior each day though, only on the days when I had football or a tv show to watch that night (which was my reinforcer). Measuring was not difficult for me because I have a water bottle with the ounces marked on it. I just refilled it when it was empty and was able to remember how many bottles I drank throughout the day. I think it was a good reinforcer because I drank enough water on the days I had something to watch. I could have found a better reinforcer that was effective every day. I honestly don't think I would continue to drink 64 oz of water a day, I typically don't drink as much water.
8) I would find a reinforcer that applied to me everyday, not occasionally. I would want to do this for some of my other behaviors such as swearing and drinking pop or monster.
Terms: Trial and Error, Desirable, Y-axis, X-axis, The Law of Effect, Animal Intelligence, Positive and Negative Outcomes, Neutral Stimulus, Salient, Association, Target Behavior, Reinforcer, Reinforcement.
Posted this in the wrong week.
1. One thing I really liked in section 3.1 includes the puzzle box. This shows the intelligence of cats and I love that. Cats are so smart. I like this because I have around 20 cats of my own back home and they are very clever. We have put them into our garage to keep them in for visitors and a few of them always find their way out somehow. When I was little my siblings and I would make houses for the cats and close them in their “house”. Somehow they always found some way to get out, and the more we put them back in, the faster they got out.
2. One thing I liked least about this section is the amount of detail about the Law of Recency and the Law of Exercise. I feel like more detail could have been in this chapter to help me understand them more. As well as examples given for them.
3. Three things I will remember from this section are puzzle box, Law of effect, and graphing. I will remember the puzzle box because I love cats and this reminded me of my cats intelligence. I am going to remember the Law of Effect because it is about the behavior of the cat getting out of the box. I will remember graphing because I was a math major and love statistics. So, the graphing is easy for me to put together.
4. One thing that I really liked about section 3.2 are the boxes of example problems about conditioning examples. I thought these were very helpful in a deeper understanding of conditioning. Having the answers to all of them on the following page was also very helpful because I was able to check to see if I was understanding conditioning right. If I wasn’t understanding them right, then I was able to see where I went wrong in my thinking.
5. One thing I did not like as much in this chapter was the way Pavlov did his research by doing surgery on dog’s stomachs. I think this is animal cruelty. Even though he got research results, I do not think this is a humane way of going about it. Just because they are not humans does not make it right to do things like this to them. If this was a human, I do not think that Pavlov would have gotten the Nobel Prize award.
6. Four things I will remember from this section include conditioned, unconditioned, stimulus, and response. I will remember these four because they are a part of conditioning. I remember unconditional and conditional because they both are sort of opposites. And I will remember stimulus and response because they are also sort of opposites. They can intertwine too. This includes conditional stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, and unconditioned response. With these, conditioning makes sense and puts some detail into how it all happens.
7. Week #2:
Day 1=72 oz
Day 2=78 oz
Day 3=86 oz
Day 4=102 oz
Day 5=88 oz
Day 6=64 oz
Day7=88 oz
Average= 82.57 oz
Overall I did great. I tried every day to have at least three 24 oz. water bottles and I exceeded that. I met my target behavior each day. The reinforcer I choose was a good choice, but I feel like I could have chosen a different reinforcer. I do not think I can just go straight into not being reinforced to drink 64 oz of water a day, but after a few weeks I think I could.
8. If I were to do this again I would spread out drinking my water even more than what I did, and make sure I always have water everywhere I go. Another behavior I want to change is my non desire to exercise.
9. puzzle box, Law of Recency, the Law of Exercise, Law of effect, conditioning, Pavlov, target behavior, reinforcer, reinforced, behavior, conditional stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned, unconditioned, stimulus, and response.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? One thing I really liked about this section was how well it told us the difference between extinction and a punishment. Another thing I liked was that the examples were very descriptive and really showed the new terms we learned. (some examples can confuse me more) Another thing I liked about this section is that it didn’t have a lot of blocks that we had to fill out.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I wish their had been more expansion on the topic of discrimination extinction. I don’t feel as though I have grasped the concept. I understood discrimination extinction stimuli a bit better, but am not sure what the difference is between the two and what the significance is between discriminative extinction and stimuli.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One thing that I will remember from this section is related to reinforcement, but similar to punishment. I will remember this because of the examples that the section gave that explained this to me really well. Secondly, I will remember is that extinction is aversive which I find to be a very important thing to understand and realize. Lastly, I will remember that spontaneous recovery is when an individual may try to behave after extinction has occurred in the hope that something had changed and they would again be reinforced
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? One thing I really liked about this section is all the boxes we had to fill in. I think the boxes really helped me understand fixed and variable ratios and intervals. Another thing I liked about this section is that the boxes and
diagrams helped make this chapter really short.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The one thing I disliked about this section was intermittent reinforcement. This kind of reinforcement is reinforcement that is used every so often. I feel as if I might get this term confused with another term.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? First, that when first getting a behavior under stimulus control, continuous reinforcement is most effective. I’ll remember this because I hadn’t thought about how different schedules of reinforcement would be useful in different situations. Secondly, that ratio schedule of reinforcement deals with a certain number of responses being necessary for a reinforcement to be awarded. I’ll remember because ratio sounds like rate. Lastly, that interval schedule of reinforcement deals with how much time has to elapse before the reinforcement is given. I’ll remember this because I know that interval refers to time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 16 oz
Day 2 = 16 oz
Day 3 = 24 oz
Day 4 = 16 oz
Day 5 = 24 oz
Day 6 = 16 oz
Day 7 = 32 oz
Average = 20 oz
7b) Drinking 8 glasses of water will make me feel more hydrated throughout the day. Right now, I really don’t drink enough of water so this could benefit me a lot. In order to drink 8 cups of water a day for a week, I can reinforce myself letting myself watch an entire college football game on Saturday. I rarely get to watch an entire game because I’m usually trying to get to much house work and playing with my boys as much as I can. Just thinking about having an opportunity to watch a whole game is pretty exciting. (Of course watching the Hawkeyes!)
8) Terms: Extinction, punishment, discrimination extinction, stimuli, reinforcement, aversive, spontaneous recovery, fixed and variable ratios, intervals, stimulus control, continuous reinforcement, ratio schedule of reinforcement, interval schedule of reinforcement
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that in this section you explained the difference between extinction and extinguished. I found this to be helpful because the first time I read this section I was confused about the usage of each of these words; extinction in the procedure, extinguish is the verb, and extinguished is the adverb.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least from this section was the paragraph that read “These signals are similar to discriminative stimuli except that they provide information about how emitting certain behaviors will not result in reinforcement, whereas discriminative stimuli signal the occasions when you will be reinforced.” This paragraph was confusing to me because I thought that discriminative stimuli provided a “heads up” that the behavior was not going to be reinforced which is exactly what these sign do.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from reading this section is that extinction is different from punishment because extinction involves a behavior that was previously reinforced; extinction happens when that behavior is no longer reinforced. Punishment occurs when something pleasurable is taken away (negative punishment) or something aversive is added (positive punishment). I will remember this distinction because punishment is a concept that I have became quite familiar with through reading about it in past sections and having it reiterated in relation to extinction helped to make the concept of extinction more clear.
Another concept I will remember from reading this section is the idea of extinction burst. I found this concept to be interesting because it reminded me of being a kid. When I would want to show my mom something at the store or some trick I could do at the park. I would call over to her or go over to her several times because in the past when I had emitted that behavior she elicited the target behavior: coming over to see what I wanted to show her. Usually it only took once or twice of me going over to her or calling to her to get her to come over and see what I wanted her to see. My example is similar to the one given in the section about the child in the show Family Guy. I will remember the concept of extinction burst because I was able to apply the concept to my own life. Whenever I am able to apply the material I am learning in class to my own life, I am able to gain a better understanding as well as remember it better.
The third concept I will remember from this section is the concept of spontaneous recovery. As I read through the example given in the section it reminded me of Four Queens during the winter. I currently live in Waterloo and sometimes on the way to campus I will intentionally take the highway in so I can drive down 1st street even though I know that Four Queen closed on November 19th and will not open until sometime in February just because I am hopeful that I will get a chocolate malt. In my example the target behavior is driving to Four Queens in order to get a chocolate malt that I am craving (reinforcement). Only to find out that Four Queens is closed until February (extinction). I will remember the concept of spontaneous recovery because I was able to relate it to something that occurs in my own life.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the explanations of continuous reinforcement, variable ratio reinforcement, variable interval reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, and fixed interval reinforcement. The through explanation and then the examples were helpful in allowing me to gain a better understanding of the concepts. Any time that I have the opportunity to apply the information I am learning in the text or in class to a real life scenario is helpful for me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not anything that I didn’t like about this section specifically. In general, I am not very good at recalling what abbreviations are so having to back in the section as I was reading to remember what VR or CR was, was frustrating for me. After about the second time of going back and looking up the abbreviations, it had became aversive enough that I wrote them down on a piece of paper so that I would remember them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is the concept of continuous reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement is a reinforcement schedule that occurs in a few different places in our lives. As mentioned in the section it occurs when we press a key on the keyboard for a computer when we are typing. It can also occur when we turn the key in the ignition of our car to start the car or when we press the “2 floor” button in the elevator to go to the second floor. I will remember this concept because I was able to use the information given the text to help me come up with my own example.
Another concept I will remember from this section is intermittent reinforcement. I will remember this concept because it is reinforcing that only occurs every now and then. This type of reinforcement is similar to the example mentioned in the text, that sometimes when we call our friend they will answer and other times they will not.
The third thing I will remember is that for a behavior to be under the control of a reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every time. I will remember this concept because in the beginning when reinforcing a behavior it is generally reinforced more consistently, but once it has became a habit it will start to naturally occur without the consistent reinforcement.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =20 oz.
Day 2 =20 oz.
Day 3 =40 oz.
Day 4 =60 oz.
Day 5 =60 oz.
Day 6 = 40 oz.
Day 7 =60 oz.
Average = 42.8 oz.
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I could reinforce myself by allowing myself to go to Starbucks at the end of the week if I drink 64 oz. of water each day. Daily I could reinforce myself by allowing myself to have a glass of juice at the end of day if I have drank the 64 oz. of water that I am suppose to drink each day.
8) Terms: extinction, extinguish, extinguished, discriminative stimuli, emitting, behaviors, punishment, aversive, positive punishment, negative punishment, extinction burst, target behavior, elicit, reinforcement, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, variable ratio reinforcement, variable interval reinforcement, fixed ratio reinforcement, fixed interval reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedule, intermittent reinforcement
Reading Blog #6
2.4 (Additional Concepts)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example about extinguishing the bad behavior of interrupting. Each time Julian interrupted, Jeanne made sure she didn’t respond to him. Because she did not respond, he did not get reinforced for interrupting, so the bad behavior was extinguished.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I least liked how aggressive behavior was included in the text as an italicized vocabulary term. While it is a possible that a person may react this way as a result of another person trying to extinguish the first person’s bad behavior, I do not think it should have been used as a vocab term.
3 What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) There are different variations of the same root word that mean different things. For example, extinction (noun), extinguished (past tense verb or adverb), extinguish (verb), or reinforce (verb), reinforced (past tense verb or adverb), reinforcer (noun), reinforcement (noun).
b) Discriminative extinction occurs when a stimulus in the environment indicates that no reinforcement will result for emitting a target behavior. I will remember this because it is a new term and I have always been confused about the discriminative terms. This one made sense to me.
c) Spontaneous recovery is the return of an emitted behavior after it has been previously extinguished. I already remembered learning this from previous psychology classes.
2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like the explanations of continuous and intermittent reinforcement. They were explained well and in a way that helped me to learn. It was like a light bulb moment for me. I feel like I really have a good grasp on these concepts, and I will remember them well (see below on question 6).
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section is all the different types of variables and intervals. It got very confusing and made me unmotivated to try to read and decipher the differences between them all. I will need more explanation on this in class.
6 What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I remember the difference between continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement is rare. Intermittent reinforcement is more common; it is more common to be reinforced some but not all of the times a good behavior is emitted, as this is more reinforcing.
b) An example of continuous reinforcement is pressing the “L” key on a keyboard. Each and every time I press the “L” key, I am reinforced because the letter “L” shows up on my screen.
c) An example of intermittent reinforcement is calling my boyfriend. Most of the time, he answers the phone, which is reinforcing. But, sometimes he does not answer, so I do not get reinforced. However, I this does not extinguish my behavior of calling him since I am reinforced most of the time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 91 oz
Day 2 = 123 oz
Day 3 = 81 0z
Day 4 = 91 oz
Day 5 = 90 oz
Day 6 = 107 oz
Day 7 = 100 oz
Average = 97.57 ounces
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
If I could go 7 days drinking a certain amount of water, I could reinforce myself by going out to dinner with friends at my favorite restaurant. While I already drink more than 64 ounces consistently, I want to increase my water drinking behavior to drinking 110 ounces of water consistently.
TERMS: behavior, extinguishing, extinguished, reinforced, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction, stimulus, emitting, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, emitted
Section 2.4
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked most about this section was the discussion of extinction burst. Extinction burst occurs in situations where a behavior is being extinguished and the person begins to emit the behavior over and over again in hopes of being reinforced. I liked this because when an extinction burst does occur, it can be quite entertaining to watch someone become very frustrated over certain situations. Other than the humor I find in extinction bursts, they are also important to be able to identify because it means that the process of extinction is working. When an individual emits an extinction burst, it is an indicator that the extinction process is, thus far, successful and that we cannot give the individual the reinforcement they are seeking.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The topic that I liked least in this section was superstitious behaviors. The reason I it was my least favorite topic was because I feel that I have a general gist of how these behaviors occur and what discriminative stimuli can elicit these behaviors, I still do not feel as if I have a complete grasp on the topic. I think I am confusing superstitious behavior with repetitive or habitual behavior. For example, someone locks their door every night before they crawl into bed, and even though they know they’ve locked their door, they still touch the door handle to make sure it is locked before actually crawling into bed (aka checking the lock a second time)—would this be an instance of superstitious behavior or something else?
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that extinction is associated with reinforcement because extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. This is important to remember because even though extinction is aversive, it is not punishment and it is important to know this distinction when discussing behavior modification and modifying behavior. I will also remember that extinction bursts are a sign that the extinction process is taking effect, even though extinction bursts usually result in the individual obtaining the desired reinforcer, it is important that you recognize an extinction burst for what it is so that you do not reinforce the behavior, thus making it more difficult to extinguish the behavior in the future. Finally, I will remember that during the extinction process an individual will show variability, which means that the topography of their behavior will differ in an attempt to be reinforced, this is another sign that the extinction process is taking effect.
Section 2.5
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I really liked that there were a lot of graphs and examples used when describing the different schedules of reinforcement. The examples and the graphs helped me to better understand the difference between each of the schedules and how they are operating in our everyday life.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked least about this section was that it was a lot of terminology to absorb from one module. I understand that it makes the most sense to present all of the schedules of reinforcement to us at once rather than only explaining two at a time, but it felt like a lot to try to comprehend at once. Another thing that I struggled with in this section was trying to think of examples of each of the schedules of reinforcement. I think I struggle with creating examples so much because these different forms of reinforcement are so ingrained in our behavior, or we have already been strongly conditioned, so we do not notice the all the behavior that falls into these categories.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the four schedules of reinforcement: fixed interval (FI), variable interval (VI), fixed ratio (FR), and variable ratio (VR). These are important to know because most of our reinforcement is delivered through these schedules, not through continuous reinforcement. I will also remember that variable ratio (VR) produces the greatest amount of responses in the shortest amount of time, thus it is the most effective form of reinforcement. VR is highly effective because the animal (or human) knows that the reinforcement is based on the number of times a behavior is emitted, but they do not know at what number they will receive the reinforcement, so they continually emit the behavior. Finally, I will remember that schedules of reinforcement are not as “black-and-white” as they may seem, by this I mean that there can be multiple schedules of reinforcement in place for the same behavior. The example used in the section to illustrate this point is the payment methods of a bartender—a check arriving every two weeks if a FI, the number of times you receive a tip for making a drink is based on a VR, and asking customers if they need a refill (if you ask too often or too much it decreases your tip, if you ask just right it will increase your tip) is based on a VI. These three schedules of reinforcement are all in effect at the same time to elicit bartending behavior because the bartender knows that if she continues emitting bartending behavior then she will eventually receive tips.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 45 ounces
Day 2 = 50 ounces
Day 3 = 45 ounces
Day 4 = 45 ounces
Day 5 = 50 ounces
Day 6 = 50 ounces
Day 7 = 50 ounces
Average = 47 ounces
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
In order to reinforce myself on the days that I drink the 64 ounces, I will watch one episode of Criminal Minds on Netflix. At the end of the week, if I have drank 64 ounces of water every day, then I will reinforce myself by buying myself a new book to read for leisure.
Terms: extinction burst, behavior, extinguished, emit, reinforced, extinction, superstitious behavior, discriminative stimuli, elicit, topography, variability, schedules of reinforcement, FI, VI, FR, VR, continuous reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how you gave examples to show the difference between extinction and extinguished because they seem pretty similar, and you helped me understand the difference between the two terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like how term heavy this section was. It seemed to have a lot of information in it, and it started to get hard to keep up.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. I will remember that extinction occurs when a behavior that was previously being reinforced is no longer being reinforced. The target behavior that is being emitted will hopefully decrease if extinction is done correctly. 2. I will remember the difference between generalization and discrimination. Generalization refers to emitting the same behavior to a variety of different stimuli; and discrimination refers to detecting the little differences between stimuli and contexts to tell them apart. 3. I will remember that superstitious behaviors happen when an organism believes that reinforcement happens at seemingly random instances. For example, you used that people at casinos sometimes pull the lever instead of pressing the button for superstitious reasonings.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how you had a lot of texts boxes in this section. They helped me understand what was going on in this section better.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I could not find anything that I really disliked about this section. It seemed organized, and I understood it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. CR is a ratio schedule where each response is reinforced. For example, I can see letters on my computer screen when I am typing which is continuous reinforcement. 2. Ratio schedule is where it takes a number of times for the reinforcement to occur. For example, when it's cold outside, it takes a few number of times for your car to get started. 3. VR will elicit a high and steady rate of responding with marginal pause.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =60 oz
Day 2 =45 oz
Day 3 =70 oz
Day 4 =60 oz
Day 5 =65 oz
Day 6 =60 oz
Day 7 =55 oz
Average =59.3 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I will try to reinforce myself with chocolate. If I can get myself to drink at least 64 oz of water each day, I will reward myself with a piece of chocolate. I will not let myself have any chocolate until this behavior is accomplished.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, extinguished, behavior, target behavior, emitted, reinforced, generalization, discrimination, stimuli, superstitious, CR, VR, elicit, ratio schedule
Section 2.4
1) I enjoyed how this section was arranged to cover all of the information involving extinction. I liked that this was not the first time we were introduced to the term extinction or extinguish and we could just expand on information we already had. It was not overbearing or stressful to learn about this section because all of the terms were already familiar and easily followed throughout the text. The examples in this section were also very helpful in enhancing my knowledge about behavior modification. I also enjoyed learning about spontaneous recovery because I feel like that was the first time the behaviors that are not as predictable were discussed throughout this text. It was interesting to learn about that because I have seen it in people in my life and was excited to begin to gain an explanation for such a behavior.
2) There was not anything that really stood out to me that I disliked. The overall organization of the text helped me understand how the information all went together and how it expanded off the previous information.
3) (a) I will remember that extinction is something that is separate from punishment, because I would normally lump the two together. This section helped me better distinguish between the two behavioral modification terms. (b) Also I will remember that extinction is a procedure because it is a noun and extinguished is an adverb, while extinguish is a verb. After the section covered this information in more detail I will remember to look at the context in which the word is being used in order to remember this information. (c) Finally, I will remember that the context for extinction is very important. Extinction could occur naturally or be a planned method of removing an aversive behavior. I will remember this information because I can relate to the example in the text and notice them in my own life and I found it to be very interesting.
Section 2.5
4) I liked that this section was able to give the official terms to behaviors that I had already exhibited. For example, when learning about fixed, variable, ratio, and interval intermittent reinforcement, I was able to recognize time in my life when I partook in all of those behaviors. This section was very informative and easily connected with my own behaviors, which I enjoyed and made learning about these behaviors a lot easier.
5) There, again, was not anything major that stood out to me as something I disliked in this section. At first it was a little overwhelming when learning about all of the different types of interval intermittent but at first them seemed more similar. But as the section continued they were easily distinguishable and the examples broke up the information very effectively.
6) (a) I will remember that intermittent reinforcement is more effective than continuous reinforcement because it causes the behavior to be exhibited more often. I thought that this behavior was the opposite and constant reinforcement is needed with behavioral aspects. Due to my misconception, I will remember this information that was covered in the section. (b) Similar to that information, I will remember that most of the behaviors in the real world are based on continuous reinforcement. We need that instant gratification in order to know that something is working effectively. This information is something I greatly overlooked, but due to the examples in the text, I can see more and more continuous reinforcement in our world and am able to understand and recognize it better. (c)
7a) Weekly Water Consumption:
Day 1 =3 cups
Day 2 =2 cups
Day 3 =2 cups
Day 4 =4 cups
Day 5 =1 cup
Day 6 =3 cups
Day 7 =4 cups
Average = 2.7 cups
7b) I drink a majority of my water after I eat supper in the evening, so I need to increase my water consumption throughout the mornings and afternoon. I could create a reinforcer of only being able to watch Netflix after I drink at least two cups of water. I normally watch Netflix in the afternoon so that timeline would cause me to increase my water consumption throughout the day. This would be considered positive punishment because I am adding the desired behavior of being able to watch Netflix.
8) Terminology Used: positive reinforcement, reinforcer, behavioral modification, punishment, extinction, positive punishment, aversive, extinguished, extinguish, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, exhibited, fixed, variable, ratio, and interval intermittent reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-In this section what I really like how we made a recall about the words we already knew. For example the words extinction, punishment and reinforcement. It was a good reinforcement using different examples for the use of this words, since it will stay in our mind for a longer time. Another thing I really like is the explanation of the extinction concept and how it can be related to other words like variability and distinctive extinction. In my opinion this word was mentioned in the previous chapters but in this chapter is focused more deeply.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I liked the least about this chapter were the example we needed to provide. They are useful because we learn constantly. However, towards the end I got tired when doing them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the word extinction because it was very explanatory.
b) I will remember the new terms such us discriminative extinction and variability.
c) I will remember most of the example I provide because they were a little hard to elaborate.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-What I really like about this section were the picture and the charts. Since it got a little confusing at a times it was nice to have the pictures to make it a little simpler. Also it was nice to learn more about the different types of reinforcements. Some of this are continuous reinforcement, different reinforcement schedules and VR, FR AND VI.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I liked the least in this section was the amount of examples we provided. It got a little confusing at first, and when trying to do the example exercises, it was a little aversive to elaborate them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember Skinner’s theory because it involved animals, and I really like animals so I found it pretty interesting.
b) I will remember the charts involving the fixed-interval schedule, because it took me a little time to understand it pretty well.
c) I will remember reinforcement overall because I always think reinforcement is a better way to change a behavior rather than punishment. Therefore, since this chapter focused on reinforcement I found it more pleasant to read it.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = Around 6 glasses of water.
Day 2 = 9 glasses of water.
Day 3 = 9 glasses of water.
Day 4 = 6 glasses of water.
Day 5 = 5 glasses of water.
Day 6 = 5 glasses of water.
Day 7 = 8 glasses of water.
Average = 6.85 glasses of water.
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
- Well this week I did not work us much as I used to, therefore I noticed a change in my drinking water habits. The days I actually worked out more, I drank more water than the others. In order to keep drinking more water I will keep working out on a regular basis but also instead of any pop or juice, chooses water instead. Also drinking always water in the morning and before and after a meal. If I achieve my goal of drinking at least 8 glasses of water regularly, I will drink Coke on a Sunday for lunch for example, but if I don’t achieve my goal, I won’t.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Aversive, Punishment, behavior, discriminative extinction, extinction, variability, variable, ratio, Fixed-interval schedule, reinforcemenT, positive reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the discriminate extinction because it’s easy to imagine. For instance, any ‘Out of order” sign is a discriminate stimuli. It’s cool how the book opens up a new way of thinking about things.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I re-read was extinguish. If I understand correctly, it’s the process of becoming extinct (like extinguishing a fire of making the fire extinct). When I learn these terms I think of situations where I can use the knowledge. So a kid is making vulgar jokes (and his friends think it’s funny). I tell the kids not to laugh at the vulgar jokes, the reward (laughter) is removed and behavior is extinguished (maybe after some extinction burst).
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Extinguish: the process of going extinct. Take away the reward and extinction will occur. Discriminative stimuli help us to understand when (or if) we’ll be rewarded.
Generalization is when an organism emits a behavior out of the context the behavior was learned.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
It’s interesting how behavior doesn’t have to be rewarded every time for us to perform a certain way. Fishing is one of those things where there isn’t a set interval or ratio but, if I keep casting in the right spot, I should be able to catch something. I like how all of this fits in well to an evolutionary perspective.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I least liked (but found interesting) was the part about Skinner generalizing the results he got from animal trails in the operant chamber to humans. The reasoning he used was that both non-human and human animals have biological continuity. He was likely right in this thinking but, without conclusive experiments using humans and schedules of reinforcement his thinking was merely speculative (and a little controversial for the late 1930s).
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
An organism does not need continuous reinforcement to perform a behavior. Schedules of reinforcement work to time the performance or keep an organism performing in order to receive a reward. Different schedules of reinforcement can be used depending on the frequency with which we want the organism to perform the behavior. Ratio means the number of times an organism performs a behavior before being rewarded while interval refers to time.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
I have a 21oz. water container so I’m going off how much I drank out of that each day
Day 1 = 21oz
Day 2 =30oz
Day 3 =21oz
Day 4 =42oz
Day 5 =42oz
Day 6 =21oz
Day 7 =42oz
Average =31oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I could say that if I drink 60oz everyday for 7 days I can reward myself by getting a nice IPA on draft at Gingers. But, since I’m starting on a Monday and will end on a Monday, I think I’ll use a dark chocolate candy at the end of the day as a reward if I’ve reached my goal of 64oz of water.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Discriminate stimuli, extinction, extinguish(ed) reward, Discriminate extinction, generalization, emit, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section focused on one topic and expanded on that topic throughout the entire section and that it gave good examples on each of the subtopics because it made it clear to me what I was supposed to be understanding throughout this section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This thing that I liked the least about this section was that some of the examples went into too much detail for a topic that didn’t really need it. I find myself getting bored when reading an example that has already explained itself and then it keeps going.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that extinction is the process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors which have already been reinforced and that it occurs when an organism that has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for emitting that same target behavior. The second thing I will remember from this section is an extinction burst, which is when reinforcement is initially withheld and the behavior that used to lead to reinforcement will occur more often. The last thing I will remember from this section is that behaviors that have been extinguished may reoccur after some time in what is referred to as spontaneous recovery.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that in this section when given some of the examples to do, it gave the key at the end because then I will know whether or not I am doing the activities correctly. I also really like all the charts that were shown throughout this section because I am a visual learning person and seeing the charts really helped me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t really anything that I didn’t like from this section. Everything was well layed out and gave good examples and activities to do to better understand the material.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that biological continuity refers to the belief that all living things in the world can be arranged according to their complexity. The second thing I will remember from this section is that continuous reinforcement refers to getting reinforced every time a behavior is emitted. I will remember this because it is a very easy concept. The last thing I will remember from this section is that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different patterns of responding.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 48oz (1 ½ Gatorade water bottles)
Day 2 = 80oz (2 ½ Gatorade water bottles)
Day 3 =32oz (1 Gatorade water bottle)
Day 4 = 48oz (1 ½ Gatorade water bottles)
Day 5 = 32oz (1 Gatorade water bottles)
Day 6 = 72oz (2 Gatorade water bottles)
Day 7 = 72oz (2 Gatorade water bottles)
Average = 54.86 oz (1.64 Gatorade water bottles)
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
If I drink 64oz of water a day for 7 day then I will get to reward myself with a trip to 4 Queens and get an ice cream treat.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, reinforcement, emitting, extinction, spontaneous recovery, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I really liked how this section took time to explain everything in detail including examples. It made reading and understanding the material easier.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- I think everything was explained well enough that I understand everything I read. Some topics I had to reread to fully understand them but there wasn't anything I disliked.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember what extinction means because it was explained in great detail. I will also remember that when a behavior stops occurring we say it was extinguished. I will also remember what an extinction burst is because it was explained in a way that made it easy to understand.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really like how we were given boxes to give our own examples, it made understanding the concepts a little easier.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-There was a lot of content in this section which is one thing I disliked. I had to reread multiple sections to make sure I fully understood the concepts.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember to use intermittent reinforcement rather than continuous reinforcement. I will remember that many behaviors in life are based on continuous reinforcement because there are multiple examples that I can think of. I will also remember that there are multiple types of intermittent reinforcement which are schedules of reinforcement
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 Camelbak water bottles (750 ml each or 25.36 oz)
Day 2 =3 (76.08 oz)
Day 3 =2 (50.72 oz)
Day 4 =4 (101.44 oz)
Day 5 =1 (25.36 oz)
Day 6 =1 (25.36 oz)
Day 7 =2 (50.72 oz)
Average =4.7 Camelbak water bottles or 47.09 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
- I will reinforce myself with purchasing a tanning package if I drink at least 64 oz of water each day for the next 7 days.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Extinction, extinguished, extinction burst, behavior, reinforce, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I really liked how this section took time to explain everything in detail including examples. It made reading and understanding the material easier.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- I think everything was explained well enough that I understand everything I read. Some topics I had to reread to fully understand them but there wasn't anything I disliked.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember what extinction means because it was explained in great detail. I will also remember that when a behavior stops occurring we say it was extinguished. I will also remember what an extinction burst is because it was explained in a way that made it easy to understand.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really like how we were given boxes to give our own examples, it made understanding the concepts a little easier.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-There was a lot of content in this section which is one thing I disliked. I had to reread multiple sections to make sure I fully understood the concepts.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember to use intermittent reinforcement rather than continuous reinforcement. I will remember that many behaviors in life are based on continuous reinforcement because there are multiple examples that I can think of. I will also remember that there are multiple types of intermittent reinforcement which are schedules of reinforcement
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 Camelbak water bottles (750 ml each or 25.36 oz)
Day 2 =3 (76.08 oz)
Day 3 =2 (50.72 oz)
Day 4 =4 (101.44 oz)
Day 5 =1 (25.36 oz)
Day 6 =1 (25.36 oz)
Day 7 =2 (50.72 oz)
Average =4.7 Camelbak water bottles or 47.09 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
- I will reinforce myself with purchasing a tanning package if I drink at least 64 oz of water each day for the next 7 days.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Extinction, extinguished, extinction burst, behavior, reinforce, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement,
1. I really liked how well it described the different types of extinction. I think extinction is a very interesting concept and I was not aware of all of the types and variabilities. I was unaware that there were multiple steps to the process. I think this section did a wonderful job in helping me understand those steps and what is important in the context of extinction.
2. What I didn't like about this section was learning about the superstitious behaviors. I don't think that it is a bad topic, I am just worried that it is going to be confusing to learn about and to think about those types of behaviors, versus, behaviors that are occurring because of a for sure reinforcer or punisher.
3. Three things that I will remember from this section are:
A: Extinction is another way to reduce a behavior.
B: Spontaneous recovery is when you emit a behavior that has been extinguished previously.
C: When extinction occurs the person might use variability to see if there is another way that they can achieve the reinforcer.
4. In this section I liked how B.F Skinner's chamber was used a lot as an example. It kind of drew it out for me in my head and it was very helpful for me to understand what I was reading.
5. Even though Skinner's chamber examples did help, I feel like this whole section was a little confusing. I feel like there was so much to think about and learn in one section that I kind of got frustrated. I am excited for class Thursday so that I can try and get a better understanding of everything in this section.
6. Three things I will remember from this section are:
A: CR stands for continuous reinforcement
B: For a behavior to be emitted continuously and more likely to occur from a reinforcer, the reinforcer does not need to occur every time.
C: There are different reinforcement schedules and each one of those will create a different pattern of responses from an individual.
7a. Day 1 = 48 oz.
Day 2 = 56 oz
Day 3 = 48 oz
Day 4 = 32 oz
Day 5 = 56 oz
Day 6 = 56 oz
Day 7 = 48 oz
Average = 50.5 oz
7b. I will reinforce myself by letting myself get ice cream at the end of the week if I am able to drink 64 oz. of water every day for seven days.
8. Reinforce, response, reinforcement schedules, behavior, emitted, reinforcer, B.F. Skinner, chamber, continuous reinforcement, extinction, variability, spontaneous recovery, emit, extinguished, superstitious behaviors, and punisher.
Section 2.4
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was when it explained the difference between extinction as it is used as a noun, verb, and adverb. It is helpful to know that the meaning of the word changes in certain situation. As a verb, I am going to extinguish his behavior of constantly talking out of turn. The process of extinction, used as a noun. And the behavior was extinguished after he was punished using it as an adverb. This was helpful because in previous sections talking about reinforcement and punishment as an adverb, noun, and verb, helped me to understand how it is supposed to be used when talking about it in different situations.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked least about this section was when it talked about aggressive behavior. I was just wondering after reading this section if this could apply to different situations and terms that we have discussed thus far in class. Couldn’t aggressive behavior occur after punishment as well? Not that I didn’t like this material, it just raised some questions and confusion after reading it.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that extinction is often mistaken by many people as punishment. I will remember this because, it is important to remember that extinction is NOT necessarily punishment, and you can use extinction in different situations besides punishment. The next thing I will remember about this section is that is you understand how the extinction process works, you will understand that when extinction burst occurs (an organism emits the behavior more often to try and obtain the reinforcement it is looking for) it is a good indicator that the extinction process is working. I will remember this because if I try to extinguish a behavior in the future, I will know that if I see this occur, I am doing it right! Last, something I will remember about this section is, that with some complex behaviors it is hard to extinguish the behavior because of variability. Variability is when an organism emits a variety of other behaviors in order to find reinforcement from the extinct behavior. Again, it is important to be familiar with this because if I try and extinguish a certain behavior in the future there is a lot to remember about the process and what types of difficulties there may be.
Section 2.5
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was all of the different opportunities to practice distinguishing from all the types of reinforcement schedules. I liked this because with reinforcement schedules, in order to get a hand at them you must practice practice practice in order to feel comfortable using them and understanding them.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was all the different graphs at the end of the section. I found these to be more confusing than helpful. Although sometimes discussion of Skinner and how he used scheduled reinforcement with his rats and pigeons is helpful, sometimes I can also be a bit confusing as well.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Well, I definitely will remember the difference between all the different types of reinforcement schedules. Ratio, meaning a number of times, and interval meaning after a certain amount of time. As well as fixed meaning constant and variable meaning it may vary from time to time. It is important to remember this because it will help a lot when trying to figure out what time of reinforcement schedule is being used. I will also remember the correct notation when trying to write out different types of reinforcement schedules, because that way when I see if in text in the future I will know and understand what they are trying to represent. Last, I will remember that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different patterns of responding.
You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 60 oz
Day 2 = 50 oz
Day 3 = 35 oz
Day 4 = 65 oz
Day 5 = 55 oz
Day 6 = 48 oz
Day 7 = 40 oz
Average = 50.4 oz
Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I think that a reinforce for me if I go each day during the week drinking 64 oz. of water is for me to enjoy a diet soda. I try to stay away from pop and I haven’t drank it in a very long time. So, it will be a very enticing reinforcement if I increase the amount of water I drink throughout the week.
Terms: emit, variability, aggressive behavior, extinction, extinguished, extinguish, extinction burst, punishment, reinforcement, reinforcement schedules, ratio, interval, fixed, variable
1) what was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I really like how much detail they go into exampling things, like extinction. I especially like the definition of extinction, where it discusses the target behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-Its hard to distinguish between an adverb and noun. Its hard to remember, which word is what, especially extinction and extinguished.
3) What are three things that you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember what extinction. Extinctions occurs when an organism that has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for emitting that same target behavior. I will remember this because I can relate it to an example. I will also remember the difference between punishment and extinction because extinction specifically involves a behavior that was previously reinforced. I will also remember that punishment occurs when something aversive is added to the situation.
Section 2.5
4) What was one thing that I really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I also liked how descriptive they are in this section. They explain things throughly. It helps me to better understand what they mean and I can apply it to something when there examples. For example, Biological continuity had a good definition that explained it well it had good examples too.
5) What was one thing that you really disliked (or liked least) that was in this section? Why?
- I didn't really like continuous reinforcement. It was hard for me to understand. There wasn't a very good description of it.
6) What are three things that you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember that a fixed ratio means a fixed number of times because its easy to remember. I will also remember what a variable ration is and a variable interval.
7) You should now have a week's work of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1: 12 oz
Day 2: 10 oz
Day 3: 8 oz
Day 4: 16 oz
Day 5: 12 oz
Day 6: 18 oz
Day 7: 20 oz
Average = 13.7 oz
Most people do not drink enough water each day. The rule of thumb is eight 8oz glasses a day We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
- I think if I could go 7 days drinking 64 oz of water, just the feeling of being healthier would all in all be reinforcing.
Terms: reinforcement, target behavior, extinction, extinguished, extinguish, fixed ration, variable interval, punishment, reinforcement, variable ratio, emit.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something in this section that I liked was the repetitiveness of it; reading about extinction over and over again helps me remember what it is and how to use the word.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked in this section was the superstitious behavior section because I didn't really understand what it had to do with Behavior Modification. It may be my own inability to understand it, but I thought it was a little confusing!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember generalization, discrimination and extinction because all of them are review from either past BMod assignments or previous psych classes!
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about biological continuity because the section was written in a way that helped me understand this new idea/concept better than I would've otherwise.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really dislike anything in particular about this section, i thought it was written in a way that helped introduce new ideas and terms to us easily and less confusing than just giving us a term to memorize.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember continuous reinforcement schedules because it is pretty self explanitory, and i'll remember biological continuity and intermittent reinforcement because they were explained very well in this section!
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 58 oz
Day 2 = 91 oz
Day 3 = 41 oz
Day 4 = 60 oz
Day 5 = 75.5 oz
Day 6 = 74.7 oz
Day 7 = 58 oz
Average = 65.45 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Although I am already drinking about 64 oz of water each day, something I could use to positively reinforce myself more is to reward myself with a nap for every day that I drink at least 64 oz of water. Adding this reward will increase the frequency of me drinking water throughout the day.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, superstitious behavior, generalization, discrimination, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement schedules, intermittent reinforcement, positive reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part about the spontaneous recovery because this is something that happens in life all the time and it was interesting to me that something the I thought was oblivious actually has a name for it and has been studied.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything about this section because I thought each new term had a clear definition that I understood and had clear examples of the new term.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember why extinction makes sense and why we have a spontaneous recovery from a result of extinction. I will also remember the difference between discrimination and generalization because the terms can be similar but slightly different. I will remember these new terms and ideas because of the examples provided in the text along with the examples I have come up with on my own.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the 2x2 table because it helped me to understand the different types of schedules. I liked this because it put it in simple visual terms that I was able to comprehend.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like the acronyms used in this section because I had to keep referring to earlier in the section to figure out which one was which. Since these were new concepts it was difficult to understand them in the graph section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember, the 2x2 table because it was clear to me, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio and fixed variable because there are clear definitions and graphs throughout the section and a page dedicated to examples and definitions.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 16 oz
Day 2 = 8 oz
Day 3 = 16 oz
Day 4 = 24 oz
Day 5 =16 oz
Day 6 =8 oz
Day 7 =32 oz
Average = 17.14
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
spontaneous recovery, extinction, discrimination, generalization, variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio and fixed interval
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the examples, especially the Family Guy one. Examples like that make the section more interesting to read. I also liked how in depth extinction was explained.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I really disliked about this section because the information was presented in a way that made it easy for me to understand the concept of extinction.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. A second thing from this section that I will remember is that extinction is an aversive procedure, but it is completely different from punishment. Finally, I will remember that behaviors that have been extinguished may reoccur at some time, which is referred to as spontaneous recovery. I will remember these three things from this section because they were clearly explained and some of the concepts were repeated.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the 2x2 table that helped illustrate the different types of schedules of reinforcement. This helped me get a better understanding of the concepts.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The things I didn’t like about this section were the other graphs and tables. I think they did more to confuse me than to help me. (Even though I thought the 2x2 table was helpful).
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different patterns of responding. Another thing I will remember is that continuous reinforcement refers to getting reinforced every time a behavior is emitted. Finally, I will remember intermittent reinforcement is only reinforcing a behavior every now and then. I will remember these three things because they were explained in a way that was easy for me to grasp these concepts.
7) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4 glasses (8 oz)
Day 2 = 5 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 6 glasses
Day 5 = 8 glasses
Day 6 = 7 glasses
Day 7 = 8 glasses
Average = 6.14 glasses
7) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
If I can go 7 days and drink at least 64 oz of water each day, I will reward myself at the end of those 7 days by getting myself some candy (I never eat candy and I love it). The reinforcer of candy will make me want to drink 64 oz of water per day for 7 days.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, reinforced, behavior, aversive, punishment, procedure, spontaneous recovery, extinguished, reinforcer, schedules of reinforcement, elicit, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, emitted, reinforcing
1 a&b) My favorite part of this section was about superstition, mostly because as a former athlete I had my fair share of silly superstitions. I knew that they were pretty ridiculous, but I did them anyway.
2) The thing that I disliked about this chapter was the difference between discrimination and generalization. It seems like such an easy concept, and there is a high chance that I am just making it more complicated than I need to, but I felt like every time I came up with an example for one it belonged as the other. Its not that I disliked the information, it was just confusing for me.
3 a,b&c) First, I will remember extinction bursts, because it was easy for me to come up with examples of this within every day life. Second I will remember variability, mostly because I thought about kids throwing tantrums and escalating. Again, it was easy for me to relate to. And finally Like I said before, superstition, I had many superstitions as an athlete and I still have mini superstitions throughout life, its a fairly widely known term.
4 a&b) I liked learning about continuous reinforcement, mostly because of the examples that I thought of. The main thought that stuck with me was how we always expect chair to support us, but then when they don't it is embarrassing and frustrating.
5) The one thing I 'disliked' in this chapter (if you could even call it that) was how wordy the explanation of fixed and variable intervals. I understand that it was to explain all the different ways things could apply and to make sure that we fully understood. It just got a little dry for me. I still was interested, this is just the part that I had to stop and take a little break.
6 a,b&c) Fixed and variable intervals will definitely be something that I remember, mostly because it was explained in such detail. I will also remember the operant chamber because of the video that I watched on BF Skinner.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 6 glasses
Day 3 = 7 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 6 glasses
Day 6 = 3 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 4.86
7b) One thing that I can reinforce myself for drinking enough water is extra time reading for fun during the week, or taking more personal time out on Sunday night.
Terms: superstition, generalization, discrimination, extinction bursts, variability, behavior, reinforce, continuous reinforcement, fixed interval, variable interval, BF Skinner, operant chamber
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that this section broke down the process of extinction to make it easier to understand. When I first thought about extinction I thought that it was related to punishment and was confused when it was related to reinforcement, but this chapter made more sense.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything from this section because I learned a lot about extion during this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
An extinction burst is when the reinforcer has stopped and it increases the behavior by a lot. The reason I will remember this is because of the example from family guy because I can relate.
I will remember what extinction is and how it works because this section thoroughly discussed it.
Aggressive behavior is a sign that extinction is working and I will remember it because it goes against what you think.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked least about this chapter is that there was a lot of new information in this chapter and it was fairly hard to comprehend it all.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I learned that there are schedules of reinforcement because not all behavior is reinforced all of the time. It is interesting that only certain amounts of reinforcements can still be effective to behavior.
I will remember the difference between fixed interval and variable interval because the example of the bartender was relevant to my life.
A ratio schedule depends on the number of times something happens, for example a rat pressing a lever.
Day 1 = 2 glass
Day 2 = 3 glasses
Day 3 = 2 glasses
Day 4 = 4 glasses
Day 5 = 2 glasses
Day 6 = 1 glass
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 19 ounces
7b) I will self- reinforce with netflix. I do not normally emit the behavior of watching netflix because of time constraints but I will find time to elicit watching netflix.
8) elicit, emit, self-reinforce, extinction, extinction burst, punishment, reinforcer, reinforcement, aggressive behavior, interval, variable, ratio schedule,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the explanation between extinction and extinguished. This will definitely help me remember the proper use of both words.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I least liked was the concept of spontaneous recovery. I'm not sure I fully understand why it occurs and whether or not it can be harmful or have an effect on behavior modification. I think further explanation will be needed.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = The first thing I will remember from this section is the relationship between generalization and discrimination in the context of behavior modification.
B = The second thing I will remember from this section is how superstitious behaviors are involved and come into play in behavior modification.
C = The third thing I will remember from this section is how extinction is related to punishment because they are both used to decrease the frequency of a behavior.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I really liked the practice situations. In this section in particular, they really helped me understand some of the concepts we're learning about.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I least liked were some of the graphs were difficult to comprehend or understand for me. I would need a more thorough explanation of the data these graphs are displaying.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = The first thing I will remember from this section is the relationship and differences between intermittent and continuous reinforcement
B = The second thing I will remember from this section is what biological continuity is and what its place is in behavior modification and the understanding of how an organism learns.
C = The third thing I will remember from this section is the differences between fixed and variable schedule of reinforcement.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 10
Day 2 = 9
Day 3 = 10
Day 4 = 10
Day 5 = 10
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 10
Average = 9.57
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
I make a point to drink between 1 and 1.5 gallons of water a day. I will have to adjust my plan
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Extinction, extinguish, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination, punishment, behavior, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, biological continuity, fixed schedule of reinforcement, variable schedule of reinforcement
3 things I’ll remember:
1. The first thing that I learned from this section is that extinction is not punishment. I know now that it is the removal of something previously reinforcing. I used to think that extinction was a punishing technique.
2. Another thing I will remember about this section is that when an extinction burst is occurring there is going to be a variable, like someone or something may try to get the reinforcer they want by doing different things.
3. I’ll remember what discriminative extinction it is a more specified removal of a reinforcement for a specific target behavior. But none the less there is a removal of a reinforcement or stimulus.
4. I liked how this chapter helped me to understand extinction. And also it talked about different characteristics of extinction.
5. I didn’t like the review portion of this section. Only because of how it was set up.
3 things I will remember
1. Intermittent reinforcement is a desired behavior but its not being reinforced every time that it happens. I will remember it because it is opposite to continuous reinforcement.
2. Then there is continuous reinforcement which is when something is reinforced every time that the behavior occurs. And continuous reminds me of all the time so the reinforcement will be all the time.
3. Third there si Fixed Ratio which is a more specific certain type of schedule. It is extremely defined
4. I really liked how there are abbreviations in this chapter for terminology only because it will be easier to remember a couple letters.
5. At the same time I also will be more likely to forget the real term for these abbreviations. These abbreviations will be a love hate relationship I believe.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 = 5
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 7
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 7
Day 7 = 10
Average = 6.3
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I think that a positive reinforcement strategy I could use would be that for 4 8 oz glasses that I drink then I can have a soda pop.
Terminology:, Behavior, Extinction, Extinction burst, , Target behavior, Reinforcement, Discriminative extinction, Continuous Reinforcement, Intermittent Reinforcement, Reinforcement schedules, Fixed Interval, Punishment
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in Section 2.4 was how in depth it discussed extinction. I thought that it was good to go more in depth about this, since in previous sections we only really discussed what the definition of extinction was. I also liked the many examples that were used in this section, one that stuck for me was a drug addiction and extinction burst.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything in section 2.4 that I disliked. I thought that the definitions in this section were clear and understandable, as well as the examples given with each definition given.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is that extinction is always aversive or unpleasant and also extinction is not the same as punishment. Another thing that I will remember from section 2.4 is extinction burst. Extinction burst occurs when reinforcement is initially withdrawn, the behavior that used to lead to reinforcement will occur more. The third thing that I will remember from this section is is the variability that may occur during extinction burst. Variability occurs during an extinction burst when an organism will not only emit the specific target behavior which no longer leads to reinforcement but will also emit a variety of similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement. The reason I will remember variability was because of the example from Family Guy, when Stewie called lois mom, mum, lois, and mommy to get her attention.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in section 2.5 was the 2x2 table that described the different types of reinforcement schedules, including fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, and variable interval.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like the length of section 2.5 it became to lengthy and uninteresting for me after awhile. I also disliked all of the boxes we needed to fill out. I would like to have the answers for the boxes to make sure I am on the right track.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember in section 2.5 is intermittent reinforcement. It occurs at random. Two other things that I will remember from this section is the differences between fixed ratio and fixed interval. Fixed ratio is the number of times that a behavior was reinforced. While fixed interval is the timing of reinforcement. I will remember these terms since we used them in my previous psychology classes.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =6 glasses (8 oz)
Day 2 =7 glasses
Day 3 =5 glasses
Day 4 =8 glasses
Day 5 =7 glasses
Day 6 =6 glasses
Day 7 =6 glasses
Average =6.42 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
8) Terms-extinction, extinction burst, aversive, punishment, reinforcement, behavior, variability, emit, target behavior, reinforcement schedules, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval, intermittent reinforcement
1) One thing I really liked in this section is that it explained extinction in good depth, so that I have a better understanding of it than I had before. I liked the addition of variability, discriminative extinction, and spontaneous recovery because they helped the process of extinction make more sense to me.
2) One thing I disliked in this section was that “operant chamber” was sort of just thrown in there and not elaborated on as well as I would have liked it to be.
3 The first thing that I will remember from this chapter is the distinction between generalization and discrimination. The example of psychologist/psychiatrist really made it make sense to me. The second thing I will remember from this chapter is an extinction burst, where the behavior is repeated many times in an effort to get a reward. The example of yelling “mom” over and over again really hit home, because I definitely do that a lot. The third thing I will remember is that spontaneous recovery is when a behavior returns after it has been previously extinguished. An example of this is a child who randomly threw tantrums but stopped because it was extinguished, suddenly throws a random tantrum because of something in the environment.
4 a&b) One thing I really liked from this section was the 2x2 chart that used measurement and frequency to determine which showed what schedule of reinforcement was being used. I am a visual learner, and I copied this down into my notes because I know it will be useful for me.
5) One thing I disliked about this section is that I felt like it was very redundant. This may be because I already understood the material from previous psychology classes, but I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again. I guess boredom is a sign of learning, though…
6) The first thing I will remember from this section is that there are five types of schedules: continuous, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval. The second thing I will remember from this section is that biological continuity is the belief that all living things can be arranged in accordance with their complexity. This means that knowledge of rats/pigeons can be applied to humans to help us further learn about behaviors. The third thing I will remember from this section is the issue of ratio strain, which means that the ratio of behaviors for an organism to receive a reward has grown too high, and they basically give up. I had never heard of this before, and I find it to be very interesting.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 9
Day 2= 9
Day 3 = 9
Day 4 = 9
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 7
Day 7 = 3
Average = 7 glasses per day
8) Extinction, extinguished, variability, spontaneous recovery, discriminative extinction, operant chamber, generalization, discrimination, extinction burst, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, biological continuity, ratio strain.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that there was more information given about the idea of extinction. Extinction is a concept that I have had some trouble grasping and I liked that there was some clarification in this section. I also liked the distinction between the terms extinction and extinguished.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything that i disliked about this section. All in all I thought it was very informative and helpful toward learning more about the terms. I think some of the past sections have been kind of wordy and have had too many terms in them so it was difficult to focus and really learn any of them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will definitely remember is the concept of extinction. Like I said above, I think that the extensive and in depth description and examples were incredibly helpful and will help me remember the concept in the future.
Two other things that I think I will remember are the ideas of generalization and discrimination. I liked the examples and the definitions and feel like I have a pretty good idea of how they all work together in the broad category of positive reinforcement.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section seemed to go more in depth with a few various topics. In the past, the chapters have covered a lot of ground. I think that focusing on a few terms is a lot better for learning.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked was how wordy this chapter was. It seemed like there was a LOT of text to wade through in order to get to the information which made it a bit dull.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I think I will remember is the difference between intermittent and continuous reinforcement. I thought that the definitions given were really good and will help me remember them. Another thing that I will remember is the difference between a fixed and a variable ratio.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =5 (8 oz.) glasses
Day 2 =8 glasses
Day 3 =6 glasses
Day 4 =6 glasses
Day 5 =7 glasses
Day 6 =5.5 glasses
Day 7 =8 glasses
Average =6 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
One thing that I think I could do to reinforce myself to drink more water is to add lemon to my water. I really like the taste of lemon. If I do this, when I emit a drinking behavior, I will be rewarded with the desirable outcome of tasting lemon. This will increase the likelihood that I will drink water again in the future.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcement, extinction, extinguish, positive reinforcement, emit, behavior, desirable,
1 a&b) Before reading this chapter I was confused on what exactly extinction is. I liked having a whole section dedicated to furthering that understanding.
2) The only part of this chapter I really didn’t like was the first writing example. I struggled to use all 3 variations of extinction.
3 a,b&c) I will now be able to recall that extinction is the intentional stoppage of a behavior that was previously reinforced. Before I thought it was mostly due to neglecting to reinforce, accidental not purposeful. I was also confused about what an extinction burst entitled. I now know that it occurs after the initial cease of reinforcement. It is when a subject starts to repeat the behavior, altering it, to try and gain the reinforcer. Lastly I will remember that superstitious behaviors don't actually influence the behavior.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked learning about how altering the frequency of reinforcement can increase or decrease the likelihood of a desired behavior being emitted. I liked being able to use the graph to see the difference between how quickly someone will learn under Variable-ratio, in comparison to Fixed- Interval.
5) I really enjoyed this chapter. The multitude of examples given helped make sure that I understood the ideas. The subject matter was also very interesting to me.
6 a,b&c) One thing I know I will remember is that just by changing how often you reinforce a behavior, you can increase the speed of learning. I will be able to recall that if I want the quickest results, I should use VR. By varying the number of times a subject must perform the behavior, I am more likely to get the subject to perform the task at a constant rate. On the other side of that, I will also remember if I have to be careful about setting a fixed interval. By doing that I can create an incidence of post reinforcement pause. When the subject knows that a certain period of time must pass, they are less likely to perform the behavior as soon as they are reinforced.
7a) 2/10 Day 1 = 48oz.
2/11 Day 2 = 60 oz.
2/12 Day 3 = 48 oz
2/13 Day 4 = 72 oz
2/14 Day 5 = 48 oz
2/15 Day 6 =72 oz
2/16 Day 7 = 48 oz.
Average = 58.29
7b) With My average being just under 60 oz. I can reinforce myself drinking 64 oz a day by allowing myself to buy a new water bottle. If I go every day during a 7 day period emitting a water drinking behavior, reaching my 64oz goal, I can buy a new gatorade water bottle.
8) extinction, reinforced, extinction burst, reinforcement, behavior, reinforcer, superstitious behavior, emit, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, post-reinforcement pause.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-In this section, 2.4 I really like the fact that it really expressed the definition of extinction and went into more depth unlike just stating the definition like the other chapters. Also most of the examples really helped when talking about extinction because before I have been kind of confused but now the examples helped.
2) What was emit one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-In section 2.4 there wasn’t anything that I didn’t like or liked least. This section was actually one of the better sections in the book so far because the amount of depth they went in about extinction, extinguish, extinguished, etc.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-1)I will remember that extinction is associated with reinforcement and punishment and extinction are two different procedures. Extinction specifically involves a behavior that was previously reinforced and punishment occurs when something aversive is added to the situation.
-2)I will also remember the definition of extinction burst which is when reinforcement is withheld, the target behavior that is used to lead reinforcement will occur more often. The behavior will increase.
-3)And last, variability is an organism that will only emit a certain target behavior which no longer leads to reinforcement but will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors as an attempt to receive reinforcement. This behavior occurs because the organism is not reinforced repeatedly.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really liked in the section when they talked about superstitions. This is because I played many sports in high school and had my fair share of superstitions and they progressively got worse as I went into college sports. I think anyone that has played sports knows what I am talking about.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-Their wasn’t much that I didn’t like in this section besides the fact that I got confused very easily and had to go back over the section multiple times while reading it and will probably go over it more before class.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-1) Fixed and variable intervals will be something I mainly remember. Thus is because I have learned about them before.
-2)Also, I will remember that different reinforcement schedules will elicit different patterns of responding. I will remember this because it stuck out to me when I got confused.
-3)Finally I will remember, that B.F. skinner was the first to discover and evelop much of what we know about schedules of reinforcement. I will remember this because it is said so much throughout the section.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4 waterbottles
Day 2 =3 waterbottles
Day 3 =4 waterbottles
Day 4 =5 waterbottles
Day 5 =3 waterbottles
Day 6 =4 waterbottles
Day 7 =5 waterbottles
Average = 4 waterbottles
-One water bottle is 25.36 ounces. .
-If I drink 64 ounces a day for 7 days, I will then get a soda pop.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Extinction, Extinguish, Extinguished, Reinforcement, Punishment, Aversive, Extinction Burst, Target Behavior, Emit, Behavior, Variability, Elicit, Reinforcement Schedule, Fixed and Variable Intervals.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section is how true all of this is. When the vending machine example was being explained, I can think of many times when I have tried to do just that. Flipping the dollar bill all over to get it to go in and then getting pissed at the machine because it won’t take the dollar still. I find it quite humorous that all of these things happen to people on a daily basis and yet we still continue to do them.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I honestly can’t think of one thing that I disliked about this chapter. I found it very informational and a lot of the things included in this chapter made me understand the material much better.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. The difference between extinction and punishment. 2. Spontaneous recovery is the return of an emitted behavior that has previously been extinguished. 3. Superstitious behaviors are created because a reinforcer has randomly been given to someone and they believe the reason they got reinforced was because of a certain behavior that they had emitted.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the examples for the items being described in this section. I feel that they helped me make more connections with the material than some of the previous sections.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing that I disliked about this section was how long it was. It seemed to continue to drag on for a long time.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Ratio schedule is when a certain number of responses are required before a reinforcer is provided. 2. Varying ratio yields the greatest amount of repsonses in the shortest amount of time. 3. If you are using a fixed-ratio schedule and increase the ratio too quickly, the organism being reinforced may begin to slow down or even pause due to the amount of extra work that has become required to get reinforced.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 30 oz
Day 2 = 40 oz
Day 3 = 25 oz
Day 4 = 50 oz
Day 5 = 60 oz
Day 6 = 40 oz
Day 7 = 60 oz
Average = 43.5 oz./day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
If I drink 64 oz. of water per day for a week, I will reinforce my behavior by buying myself a large pizza at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, positive, emit, emitted, respond, fixed-ratio, schedule of reinforcement, varying ratio, punishment, spontaneous recovery
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was that it went more in depth on the topic of extinction. When the concept of extinction was first introduced I was a little confused about but the information given in this section made it more clear for me.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't dislike anything from this section. I thought the definitions of the various terms were clear and they had good examples that allowed me to understand the topics.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is that extinction occurs when a behavior that had been reinforced previously is no longer reinforced. I will also remember that extinction is similar to punishment because they are both used to decrease the likelihood of emitting the behavior in the future. Finally, I will remember that spontaneous recovery occurs when a behavior that had previously been extinguished, occurs again after some time. I will remember this because the examples given in the text made the concepts clear and easy for me to understand.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section were the example questions that allowed you to determine what type of reinforcement schedule is being used in the examples. I also liked the fact that the answers were provided so I knew whether or not I was on the right track.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this section were all of the abbreviations for terms, such as fixed interval being referred to as FI throughout the text. I found myself forgetting what some of the abbreviations stood for and getting confused.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that different reinforcement schedules will elicit a different pattern of responding because it seems obvious to me that different ways of reinforcement will produce different results. I will also remember that a behavior doesn't need to be reinforced every time for someone to be under reinforcement's control. Finally, I will remember that continuous reinforcement is when a behavior is reinforced every time it is emitted.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =3
Average =2.3 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I will use positive reinforcement to elicit the behavior of drinking at least 64oz of water by allowing myself to watch an extra episode on Netflix for successfully emitting the drinking behavior.
8. Terms - Extinction, behavior, reinforced, punishment, emitting, spontaneous recovery, extinguished, reinforcement schedules, continuous reinforcement, elicit, fixed interval, positive reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really liked how extinction was broken down fundamentally into all the different parts. Each section took time to define it, give examples, then have you try practicing giving examples. It helped make the understanding of each concept easier.
2) I guess one thing I disliked was that it was a bit repetitive. But I also liked this because it was good practice too.
3 a,b&c) Three things I will remember from this section are: 1-Extinction is a process just like reinforcement, but is often confused with punishment because it is an aversive process to decrease behaviors. 2-Extinction bursts often cause the target behavior to get worse before it gets better. It actually is likely to increase before it decreases because the individual will become "desperate", seeking reinforcement for a once reinforced behavior. 3-Variability of the target behavior can occur during the burst when the individual becomes desperate for reinforcement. This means the topography can change, it looks different, but the function is consistent.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I also really liked how this section broke down all aspects to reinforcement and schedules of reinforcement. It went into great detail about the process and then had different exercises to help you practice learning the concept.
5) I think I liked least about this section was the exercises for practicing learning the concept because they were very different and some of them difficult to understand, at least for me.
6 a,b&c) Three things I learned from this section is; 1-The reinforcement process does not mean that the target behavior must be reinforced every time it is emitted to increase it's likelihood. In fact, you can go without reinforcing it sometimes. 2-Continuous Reinforcement however is a process of scheduled reinforcement where the target behavior DOES get reinforced every time it is emitted to increase the likelihood of it's occurrence. 3-There are different kinds of ratios to be understood in schedules of reinforcement such as; fixed and variable ratio. (I have yet to fully understand these concepts however)
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =1 water bottle
Day 2 =1.5 water bottles
Day 3 =2 water bottles
Day 4 =2 water bottles
Day 5 =2 water bottles
Day 6 =3 water bottles
Day 7 =1 water bottle
1 water bottle is about 24 oz.
Average =300 oz.
7b) If I drink the 64 oz a day for 7 days, I get to reinforce myself with a Dr. Pepper.
8) Extinction, reinforcement/punishment, aversive, increase/decrease, target behavior, reinforced, variability, topography/function, schedules of reinforcement, emitted, ratios, fixed/variable ratio.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like that this section was “new” it just barely touched on things that we had learned before and started moving us forward.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how long the parts on extinction were. I would have liked to talk more about research on how superstitious behaviors are formed because I thought that part of the chapter was interesting.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will know the difference between extinction, extinguish, and extinguished. I thought the Nanny example was a great way to show this
B) I will remember that spontaneous recovery is the return of an emitted behavior after it has been previously extinguished. This is easy to remember because it is what it sounds like.
C) I will remember the difference between generalization and discrimination because of the “how people respond when you tell them you are a psychology major” example in the book.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that we learned about how often to reinforce in order to make it effective, I think this is important and I was wondering about it in previous sections.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought this chapter was kind of boring. Necessary, and understandable, but boring because I associate ratios and intervals and such with math and I am not a fan of math.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember that ratio refers to the number of behaviors emitted while interval refers to the amount of time passing between each period. This is like statistics so I can remember this because it has been covered in outside classes.
B) I will remember that continuous reinforcement refers to getting reinforced every time a behavior is emitted. This is review from intro level classes.
C) I will remember that a Variable ratio is like collecting tokens in a game without knowing how many will get you to the next level. I will remember this because I have played games like this before.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4 glasses
Day 2 = 3 glasses
Day 3 = 1 glass
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 5 glasses
Day 6 = 1 glass
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average =3.14 glasses per day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
It would be reinforcing in itself because I have not been feeling well lately and I have a Military Ball coming up soon. I would like to feel healthy and have clear skin and feel healthy that day. I would be reinforced by the health benefits of being hydrated.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, extinguish, and extinguished. Ratio, emitted, interval, continuous reinforcement, Variable ratio, spontaneous recovery, generalization and discrimination, superstitious behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the section about extinction burst. I thought the example of family guy was funny. It made it very relatable and easy to understand because we have all done something like what Stewie did in Family Guy as little kids yelling for our parents.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli, because they seem to be the exact same thing as discriminative stimulus and that they are repetitive. They are both basically signs that something is going to happen.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Variability is when extinction happens and you start changing your behavior in order to try and get the reinforcer back, superstitions occur when someone emits a particular behavior and thinks that since they were reinforced that the behavior they are emitting will be reinforced over and over again, extinction burst occurs right away after something that is normally reinforced isn’t and it is the person emitting the behavior over and over again
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The idea of continuous and intermittent reinforcement. The ideas just really clicked for me being able to see that it is something constantly applied vs. not always applied.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
All the reinforcement schedules because it seems they are going to be hard to tell apart.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Reinforcement every now and then is intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement is when you get reinforced every time a behavior is reinforced
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 5
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 5
Day 6 = 4
Day 7 = 4
Average = 4.4
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction burst, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimulus, discriminative stimulus, variability, reinforcer, superstitions, emit, behavior, reinforced, reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedules
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that it all flowed together. It went from a little example to something more dramatic. All of the psychology terms in this section went with the same example but had a different explanation.
2. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything specific about this section that I didn’t like. It all made sense and had good explanations.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will take away from this section is that within reinforcement, extinction can happen. I will remember that this can stop the process of reinforcement. Another thing that I will take out of this will be that an extinction burst is when someone tries and tries to be successful. They want to succeed so bad. The last thing that I will take out of this is that people can become aggressive if they don’t get what they want out of the reinforcer. This will be helpful when trying to use this in practice.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section is that it gave multiple examples per term. It tried to make it easier for the reader to understand the concept.
5. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Unfortunately though, this section was extremely confusing. I didn’t like any part of it. It was one of the hardest sections to understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember is that a reinforcer can be known as continuous. This would be if the reinforcement continues to happen every time. Another thing that I will remember is that there is also intermittent reinforcement. This is when it doesn’t always happen. This last thing that I will remember about this section is that there is fixed and variable within the measurements of ratio and interval.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below: Day 1 =16 oz
Day 2 =24 oz
Day 3 =16 oz
Day 4 =32 oz
Day 5 =24 oz
Day 6 =40 oz
Day 7 =32 0z
Average =26.28 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
If I can drink around 64 oz or more for the next seven days I will reinforce my behavior by allowing myself to drink something besides water.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, aggressive, intermittent reinforcement, fixed, variable
1 a&b) Before reading this chapter I was confused on what exactly extinction is. I liked having a whole section dedicated to furthering that understanding.
2) The only part of this chapter I really didn’t like was the first writing example. I struggled to use all 3 variations of extinction.
3 a,b&c) I will now be able to recall that extinction is the intentional stoppage of a behavior that was previously reinforced. Before I thought it was mostly due to neglecting to reinforce, accidental not purposeful. I was also confused about what an extinction burst entitled. I now know that it occurs after the initial cease of reinforcement. It is when a subject starts to repeat the behavior, altering it, to try and gain the reinforcer. Lastly I will remember that superstitious behaviors don't actually influence the behavior.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked learning about how altering the frequency of reinforcement can increase or decrease the likelihood of a desired behavior being emitted. I liked being able to use the graph to see the difference between how quickly someone will learn under Variable-ratio, in comparison to Fixed- Interval.
5) I really enjoyed this chapter. The multitude of examples given helped make sure that I understood the ideas. The subject matter was also very interesting to me.
6 a,b&c) One thing I know I will remember is that just by changing how often you reinforce a behavior, you can increase the speed of learning. I will be able to recall that if I want the quickest results, I should use VR. By varying the number of times a subject must perform the behavior, I am more likely to get the subject to perform the task at a constant rate. On the other side of that, I will also remember if I have to be careful about setting a fixed interval. By doing that I can create an incidence of post reinforcement pause. When the subject knows that a certain period of time must pass, they are less likely to perform the behavior as soon as they are reinforced.
7a) 2/10 Day 1 = 48oz.
2/11 Day 2 = 60 oz.
2/12 Day 3 = 48 oz
2/13 Day 4 = 72 oz
2/14 Day 5 = 48 oz
2/15 Day 6 =72 oz
2/16 Day 7 = 48 oz.
Average = 58.29
7b) With My average being just under 60 oz. I can reinforce myself drinking 64 oz a day by allowing myself to buy a new water bottle. If I go every day during a 7 day period emitting a water drinking behavior, reaching my 64oz goal, I can buy a new gatorade water bottle.
8) extinction, reinforced, extinction burst, reinforcement, behavior, reinforcer, superstitious behavior, emit, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, post-reinforcement pause.
Section 2.4
1 a&b) The part I really liked about this section was the extinction and extinction burst behavior with the vending machine. I enjoyed this because not only have I hit a vending machine and continued to put in money when it didn’t work the first time, one of my favorite fun facts was how many people die from vending machines falling on them each year. It is just really neat to be able to pin point actual occurrences of behavior on a normal day to day basis.
2) One thing I disliked was the section on discrimination and generalization. I just did not like that section as much as the superstitious behavior, it just wasn’t as thought provoking, probably because I’m not a psychology major.
3 a,b&c) Three things I will remember from the reading include:
a. The difference between extinction procedures and punishment. They are the same in that they both involve something aversive that is meant to decrease the frequency of the behavior in the future but I will remember that extinction is when it is a behavior that was previously reinforced and is no longer reinforced. I will remember this because the approach is very different between the two and being able to discriminate between a situation that would be aided by one of them is important.
b. What extinction burst is. I will remember this because, knowing and understanding that the behavior will get worse before it gets better allows a person to know the extinction procedure is working but also not to give in, which would put a halt to what you are trying to accomplish.
c. How superstitions operate. I will remember this because it could prevent me from doing behaviors that are unnecessary and only psychologically rewarding. If I am able to notice that I or others are emitting behaviors that have no point, I could get a friend to stop twisting off the stem of an apple before they eat it every time.
Section 2.5
4 a&b) One thing I really liked about this section was how each of the schedules of reinforcement were broken down and there were real human life examples for each one so I could get a sense of how they play out day to day. I like it because I could separate their function better by getting a mental image of it happening.
5) One thing I disliked was the quick shift to just using the abbreviations like FR and VR without the names. The transition for continuous reinforcement was gradual enough I could follow but the other ones FI, VI, FR, and VR all happened at once and quickly so it took longer for me to absorb the function on top of what it was referring to.
6 a,b&c) Three things I will remember from the reading include:
a. Ratio schedule vs. Interval schedule or number or responses vs. time. I will remember this because they operate differently depending on what is happening/being reinforced as well as the context it is happening in.
b. Knowing that VR is more effective in the long run compared to FI. I will remember this because understanding the effectiveness of procedure can allow the process to work best the first time.
c. Post-reinforcement pause. I will remember this because when fixed schedules are used behavior will present in this manner after the reinforcement because they are able to predict when it will happen next. Knowing this will make me aware that it might happen or choose to use a different type of schedule to avoid it.
7a) Weeks’ worth of data
Day 1 = 7 cups
Day 2 = 10 cups
Day 3 = 7 cups
Day 4 = 4 cups
Day 5 = 10 cups
Day 6 = 11. 5
Day 7 = 11.5
Average = 8.71
7b) I am currently drinking about 70-92 oz. of water a day so if there are alternatives as you mentioned to adapting the assignment please let me know.
8) Terminology: extinction, extinction burst, behavior, post-reinforcement pause, emit, punishment, discrimination, generalization, ratio schedule, interval, continuous reinforcement.
1. One of the things that I really liked about this section is the in depth explanation of extinction and extinguish. The point is made in the section that extinction is not punishment. I like when there are detailed explanations and examples that help me understand the material better.
2. It would be better if there were more detailed explanations of discriminative extinction. I am not sure that I thoroughly understand how discriminative extinction works. For the most part, I understand that it works as a “heads up,” however, how does that relate to extinction.
3. First, I will remember that extinction is a process and if it were not a process it would be difficult to understand what part of extinction is occurring. Having knowledge of the extinction process prepares the organism to deal with the behavior appropriately. Secondly, extinction burst is the first step to extinguishing a behavior. This is the beginning stage of the process where the behavior increases in frequency by a greater percentage rate. Understanding variability is another way of understanding the process of extinction. With these few things and others it helps in understanding the process of extinction and therefore prepares the individual for the different stages that will occur. Also, it is important for extinction to follow through with the entire process. Knowing this steps helps with that process and following through.
4. The one thing that I liked about this section was the introduction to the schedules of reinforcement. Knowing about schedules of reinforcement helps to understand when reinforcement should take place and it helps with knowing what schedule would be most successful to implement.
5. This section does a good job on explaining the difference between fixed, variable ratios and intervals. However, the examples that we are asked to fill in are difficult to understand and I am not sure that I am doing them correctly.
6. Intermittent reinforcement is reinforcement that happens every once in a while and does not occur every time the target behavior is emitted. Using intermittent reinforcement in manipulating certain target behaviors could prove more successful than using continuous reinforcement. Knowing the abbreviations like CR and FR. The abbreviations are going to help me be successful in my behavior modification class and in the future field of psychology. Understanding the difference between fixed and variable schedules. Knowing the differences will help determine a successful method of implementing schedules of reinforcement.
7a. Day 1= three 18oz bottles of water
Day 2= six 18oz bottles of water
Day 3= two 18oz bottles of water
Day 4= zero bottles of water
Day 5= three 18oz bottles of water
Day 6= two 18oz bottles of water
Average = 2.6, 18oz bottles of water which is about 46.8, 8oz glasses
7b. I noticed that over the course of the six days that I was drinking water I did not have cravings for food or snacks. The water helped me to feel fuller at meal times. As a positive reinforcement, if I manage to drink 64 oz. or more than I will allow myself to drink a small glass of soda at dinner.
8. Terms: extinction, extinguish, punishment, discriminative extinction, behavior, variability, intermittent reinforcement, target behavior, emitted, manipulating, continuous reinforcement, positive reinforcement
1. a. I liked the section on Extinction Makes Sense because it helps put the extinction process into a better prospective.
b. I liked the part about BF Skinner and the pigeons because it was interesting to see why pigeons do the things they do.
2. One thing I disliked about this section was the part about Stewie attempting to get his mom’s attention because Stewie is the man, and he knows exactly what he is doing.
3.a. I will remember the term variability because that is something that I will look for when attempting to extinct a behavior and bring out the target behavior.
b. I will remember the term aggressive behavior because it helps make sense of why physically aggressive behaviors occur when they aren’t meant too.
c. I will remember the term spontaneous recovery because I thought it was interesting that it’s even a thing.
4. a. I liked the part how the 2x2 contingency table was used in reinforcement because it helps explain different kinds of responses to different or similar stimuli.
b. I liked doing all of the fill in the blank scenarios because they definitely bettered my understanding of FI and VI’s.
5. One thing I liked the least was the number of scenarios I had to work through because they took me a very long time. It’s all-good though, learned a lot.
6. a. I remember in a 2x2 chart that the y-axis is the total number of responses and x-axis is the times over time because that will help keep things straight when looking at a graph.
b. I remember the term variable interval because of the example of re-spawns for monster (for me zombies in COD) because it will help me remember that it is the passage of time that regulates the delivery of the reinforcer.
c. I will remember that ratio refers to the number of behaviors emitted while interval refers to the amount of time passing each reinforcement because that is important to behavior modification. It was very well explained in the text.
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =8
Day 7 =10
Average = 6
7b. A way that I could positively reinforce myself is to give myself a small bag of skittles (favorite candy) every time I make my goal. At the end of the week I could give myself a large bag of skittles
8. positively reinforce, behavior modification, variable interval, Extinction, variability, aggressive behavior, responses, stimuli
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I really liked that extinction bursts were described in more detail
b.Because we use this term when talking about behavior in class and I was still confused on the term but now I am not.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a. I think the difference between generalization and discrimination is confusing and I am confused as to how it can pertain to behaviors and why how it can be applied to changing behaviors.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.I will remember that extinction happens when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. I will remember this because we have talked about it a lot in class and it is important for punishment.
b.Extinction is an aversive behavior. I will remember this because I cannot think of a way it wouldn’t be aversive and I tried to think of examples for a good ten minutes.
c.Superstitious behaviors are when a behavior is not linked directly to the reinforcement. The first day of class, Dr. Maclin held the remote probably 20 different ways to try to turn on the projector and it didn’t work then he said, “This is considered a superstitious behavior because I think that holding the remote crooked is going to help.” But it didn’t.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a.I really liked the graphs that explained fixed and variable ratios and intervals,
b.Because it made this section easier to understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was difficult for me to follow because there was a lot of information thrown in here. I am under the assumption that variable ratios and intervals do not happen steadily like fixed intervals and ratios do but I’m not certain.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.Continuous reinforcement happens everywhere in our day to day lives. It is glaringly obvious but I never thought of it and that makes it memorable.
b.The examples of VI and FI being used in video games because it relates to my everyday life.
c.Schedules of reinforcement are very effective in controlling behavior. No one would work if they didn’t get paid on a fixed interval schedule.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 = 80oz
Day 3 =48oz
Day 4 =56oz
Day 5 =32oz
Day 6 =96oz
Day 7 =48oz
Average =60oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I don’t get myself candy that much so I can use it as a reinforcer for myself so at the end of 7 days of drinking the correct amount of water every day, I could get a pack of skittles.
8)Terms: extinction bursts, generalization, discrimination, extinction, aversive, superstitious behaviors, fixed ratios, fixed intervals, variable ratios, variable intervals, continuous reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement.
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the clarity of the explanations in some of the sections. The examples of real life events really helped me to understand the terms better and it makes it easier to study.
2) One thing that I liked least that was in this section was the discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli part. The entire section was really good and clear except this part. I think there weren’t enough examples and it was rather confusing for me.
3 a,b&c)
a. That extinction and punishment are very similar. Because I remember that punishment is to reduce the likelihood of a behavior from occurring again in the future and extinction simply means a behavior that was previously reinforced is no longer reinforcing and so the behavior extinguishes.
b. I will remember the definition of spontaneous recovery because I’ve seen it happen a few times. And the previous section talks about how a punishment is not effective unless it is aversive and heavy enough to stop a behavior. Since extinction has the same function as punishment, which is to decrease behavior, it probably needs to do the same in order to completely extinguish a behavior.
c. I will remember the definition of superstitious behavior because i’ve learned that in my management class and my professor gave us an example of superstitious behavior.
4 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the part on fixed versus variable schedule of reinforcement. It was very well explained and the examples and graphs were very helpful and they helped me to understand and remember the material better.
5) One thing that I liked least that was in this section was the format of it. It felt like everything was too similar and close together. It would have been better if the fixed and variable had their own sections.
6 a,b&c)
a. I will remember the definition of continuous reinforcement. Because it happens in our daily lives, and it is even happening right now as I do this assignment.
b. I will also remember the types of intermittent reinforcement, which are fixed or variable and ratio or interval. Because they connect and are somehow related to each other, and I’ve learnt this in my organizational management class.
c. For a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every time. It is more desirable and more effective to use intermittent reinforcement rather than continuous reinforcement. This is easy to remember due to the examples and explanations given. It is more reinforcing when we are deprived of something rather than being satiated, hence making it easier to reinforce.
Day 1 = 2 cups
Day 2 = 1 cup
Day 3 = 3 cups
Day 4 = 4 cups
Day 5 = 2 cups
Day 6 = 1 cup
Day 7 = 3 cups
Average = 2.29 cups
I can reinforce myself to drink 64 oz of water a day by rewarding myself chocolate after I drink a glass of water. Because I love eating chocolate. And since it is a consider a pleasurable reward, it can probably help to increase the probability of my target behavior from reoccurring in the future.
8) Discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, extinction, punishment, behavior, spontaneous recovery, fixed versus variable schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, fixed, variable ratio, reinforcement, reinforced, deprived, satiated, pleasurable, target behavior.
1. I really liked the example of extinction burst about the child hollering mom multiple times hoping that she will arrive.
B. I liked this because I when I was reading the definition I did not understand what it meant, but after reading the example it was more clear for me.
2. I disliked reading about extinction and extinguished again because I think I already understand it and already spent enough time on it.
3. A) I will remember that spontaneous recovery is when a behavior that has not been emitted begins again.
B) I will remember that aggressive behavior may result from extinction.
C) I will remember that extinction is aversive.
4. One thing I really liked about this section was how it adds on more about reinforcement such as continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement.
B) I liked this because I like learning about all the different aspects that play a role in reinforcement.
5. I least liked was learning about fixed ratio and variable ratio because I feel as if that is getting more into math and I just like the behavior part.
6. A) I will remember that a behavior does not have to be reinforced every time it is emitted to remain in control of it.
B) Different reinforcement schedules will make the pattern of responding different.
C) Biological continuity is the belief that all living things can be arranged by their complexity.
7. A) Day 1= 5
Day 2= 5
Day 3= 5
Day 4= 7
Day 5= 4
Day 6= 6
Day 7= 8
Average= 6.14
B) I think to reinforce myself to drink more water I need to exercise more.
8. Terms: Biological continuity, Reinforce, Emit, Variable ratio, Fixed ratio, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, aversive, aggressive behaviors, extinction burst, extinction, spontaneous recovery.
Reading Activity Week 6
Section 2.4
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I think the part that I liked the most about this section was the part about aggressive behavior. I know that it seems really obvious, but I don’t think it’s something I would have taken into consideration before reading this section. Extinction is something that can elicit aggressive behavior. For example, if you have been performing a target behavior that was previously reinforced, and you get that reinforcement taken away, wouldn’t that make you angry? I would not be happy if a behavior I was partaking in suddenly lost its reinforcing abilities. This can obviously cause some discomfort for the individual doing the behavior. And it will eventually elicit aggressive behavior, which makes perfect sense.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The part that I liked least about this section was the idea of an extinction burst. I understood the meaning and it was something that I’m sure happens all of the time with behavior modification. If you are trying to get rid of/stop some sort of behavior (especially a behavior that was once reinforced), there will come a point where you continue that behavior even more intensely in hopes that the reinforcement will return. The thing that I don’t like about this part of the section is that it makes the process seem even more difficult that it already may be. It also doesn’t tell us how to successfully withhold the reinforcement that used to be given to the target behavior we are trying to stop.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The first thing I will remember from this section is the concept of extinction. Extinction is when a target behavior is no longer being reinforced, which decreases the chance that the target behavior will happen again. The reason I will take this with me is because at first glance, you would assume that extinction is a form of punishment (since the behavior decreases). But extinction is in its own behavior modification category. Extinction is when you remove a reinforcement so the target behavior stops happening. For example, say you are training your dog to not go to the bathroom inside. You notice that when he does have accidents in the house, your roommate comforts him and pets him to make him feel better about having the accident. You ask your roommate to stop using that reinforcing behavior when the dog has an accident inside, and eventually the dog stops going inside because he isn’t getting comforted after it happens.
b. The second thing I will take from this section is the difference between extinction and punishment. When I first started reading the section, it was stated that extinction and punishment were different, but it took me a while to wrap my mind around that idea. But extinction is when you change a target behavior that was previously reinforced. Punishment is simply, when you decrease the likelihood of a certain target behavior from occurring. We need to remember that these are two different concepts and they should be distinguished from one another when discussing behavior modification.
c. The third thing I will remember from this section is that extinction is aversive. I feel that this can sometimes be forgotten. And I will remember this for the times that people don’t remember how hard extinction is. When trying to modify behaviors, there are going to be struggles, and it’s going to be tough. If you are trying to get rid of a behavior that was at one point reinforcing, it can cause a lot of bad feelings and emotions. Some people might think, “Well it was a bad habit (behavior), so you should want to get rid of it, and it should be easy.” But I feel that extinction is a prime example of the saying, “it’s easier said than done.” And that is why it will always be important to remember that extinction is aversive.
Section 2.5
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked the most about this section were all of the different boxed that we are supposed to give our own examples in. I like when there are more boxed like that to fill out because I feel that I am really applying the information and learning when I am able to do little mini activities throughout my reading.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I disliked most about this section was the part about all of the kinds of schedules of reinforcement. They were interesting to read about, and important to learn about for this course, but I think they are also going to be hard to remember and recall. There are 4 schedules of reinforcement. The first two are ratio and interval schedules of reinforcement and the other two are fixed and variable schedules of reinforcement. Like I said, these are all important and interesting, but they were all confusing to me as well. I feel that they all got thrown into the section together and they are hard for me to remember which one is which.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The first thing I will take from this section is the concept of continuous reinforcement (CR). CR is when a target behavior is reinforced every single time that behavior occurs. It was stated in this section that this is the case for most behaviors, which I found interesting. I know that reinforcement is something that happens to us very, very often, but I didn’t realize that most cases of reinforcement were continuous reinforcement (we were reinforced for that behavior before). The example talks about how when we push the “on” button on the remote, the television turns on. This is positively reinforcing. So every time you push the “on” button, you get reinforced (TV turns on). But the example also asks what happens when the TV doesn’t turn on one day? And I instantly thought about how upset I would be. I’d try to find new batteries, I’d smack the remote on the palm of my hand, and I’d do what I could to get it to work. So continuous reinforcement can help us to understand how difficult extinction might be to those experiencing that.
b. The second thing I will take with me from this section is the idea of ratio vs. interval schedules of reinforcement. When there are a certain number of responses required for reinforcement, this is called the ratio schedule. In the text it also says, “when you think of ratio, think of numbers”. This is perfect for me when trying to remember this information. Other schedules of reinforcement offer for some time to pass before reinforcement is given.
c. And the third thing I will take with me/remember from this section is the difference between fixed vs. variable schedule of reinforcement. The section says that a fixed schedule of reinforcement is the fixed schedule that remains constant. And the variable schedule of reinforcement is exactly the opposite of that. The variable schedule of reinforcement is not fixed. All of these terms will be important to learn and decipher from once they are learned.
7) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 48
Day 2 = 48
Day 3 = 80
Day 4 = 32
Day 5 = 48
Day 6 = 32
Day 7 = 32
Average = 45.71
8) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz. water?
I feel that I usually don’t drink that much water. Last week I found myself fighting a cold that continues to not go away, so I drank much more than usual (as you can see, day 3 was when I was feeling the worst). So this week will be especially difficult for me to drink 64 oz. of water a day. But something that would be very reinforcing for me would be to take a break from my schoolwork and my job to sit down and actually enjoy a movie I have been meaning to watch. So I will reinforce myself with a movie night once I am able to drink 64 oz. of water every day for a week.
TERMS: Extinction, Punishment, Behavior Modification, Reinforcement, Target Behavior, Aggressive Behavior, Elicit, Extinction Burst, Aversive, Continuous Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement, Interval Schedule of Reinforcement, Fixed Schedule of Reinforcement, Variable Schedule of Reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This chapter was interesting, like the other chapters it added more depth into previously learned vocabulary. Discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli and spontaneous recovery all built off of other concepts from earlier readings. The section about extinction making sense expanded my understanding of what extinction was more than just a definition.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Superstitious behaviors was my least liked concept this chapter, reading the definition didn’t help me place it anywhere within behavior modification. A behavior that is sometimes emitted and don’t directly lead to reinforcement because it isn’t not associated with a reinforcer or a behavior. It makes sense but doesn’t feel like it “fits” with the other terms in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is that extinction is always aversive, nobody likes not being reinforced. If you stop getting what you want from a behavior the behavior will stop. Another thing that I will remember is that superstitious behaviors emerge when an organism comes to believe that reinforcement occurs at seemingly random instances, an example the book used is that they believe they will win more if they use a slot machine lever rather than a button. A third thing that I will remember from this section is that generalization is a term used to describe a behavior emitted in a variety of situations other than the context that it was originally learned.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The reading did a very good job of distinguishing the different types of reinforcement schedules. Fixed ratio, variable interval and fixed interval are distinguishable to me now. In addition to context in which they are most effective.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt overwhelmed with information in this chapter, too much too soon. I mentioned in the 2.4 section that I liked how information from earlier chapter was expanded in this section. This section felt like a complete overflow of information and made for a dense and confusing read.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
This chapter gave me a great amount of information, of the things we learned about I will remember that each of the schedules of reinforcement have their strengths, FI will increase gradually with considerable pause, VR will elicit a high steady rate with marginal pause and FR will elicit high steady rate with some pause.
I will also remember that for a behavior to be under the control of reinforcement, it does not need to be reinforced every time. The situation the behavior occurs during will determine which schedule of reinforcement is the best.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 6 8oz glasses
Day 2 = 7 8oz glasses
Day 3 = 7 8oz glasses
Day 4 = 6 8oz glasses
Day 5 = 9 8oz glasses
Day 6 = 5 8oz glasses
Day 7 = 7 8oz glasses
Average = 7 8oz glasses
7b) I could allow myself to play a round of a video game(optional) for each 8-oz class of water I drink, each game last about 30 minutes so, so that would be about 4 hours of video games a day. This could be my form of intermittent reinforcement.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, spontaneous recovery, superstitious behaviors, extinction burst, fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, intermittent reinforcement.
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the example of the kid interrupting his parents while talking. I found it interesting because the kid is emitting that behavior in order to be reinforced by the parents attention, not even so much as to what they have to say. This was my favorite part of the chapter because my little nephew does this constantly and his dad tries to scold him which is not gong to extinguish the target behavior
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? It seemed that this chapter was a bit review with the exception of a few new terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that once an organism has experienced extinction to something the behavior will get worse before it gets better. The organism will have an extinction burst followed by variability before real progress is made.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the schedules of reinforcement are easy to remember based on if it is fixed over time or number of tries. Or varied a number of times or a certain amount of time.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? Lots of double checking reading to make sure I understand what is what when it comes to the levels of reinforcement
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that there are fixed and varied ways to elicit a reinforcement and that the varied ways are less effective because the organism is not sure when it will get its reinforcement. On the other hand having a fixed reinforcement causes the organism to get on a time frame and may not actually be learning.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Measured by .5 liter bottles
Day 1 =2 bottles
Day 2 = 2 bottles
Day 3 = 3 bottles
Day 4 = 5 bottles
Day 5 = 4 bottles
Day 6 = 4 bottles
Day 7 = 3 bottles
Average = 3 .5 liter bottles a day
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Reinforcement, organism, reinforcer, punishment, extinction, extinction burst, elicit, emit
1. One thing I liked about section 2.4 was a more detailed explanation about extinction. I liked this because even though we discussed it earlier in class, I still didn't have a full understanding of the concept. After reading this new section, I feel like I better understand it.
2. The part I didn't like was how extinction can often get confused with punishment. The text explains how extinction can be aversive. This means that it isn't enjoyable to the individual receiving it. The way to remember the difference is to remember that extinction involves the removal of a behavior previously reinforced.
3. One thing I will remember from this section is difference between extinction and punishment. The second thing I will remember is the extinction burst where the individual receiving the extinction will try harder to receive their reinforcement. The third thing I will remember is spontaneous recovery. That is when a previously extinct behavior reoccurs through more reinforcement.
4. The thing I liked in this section was when they explained the difference between continuous reinforcement and interval reinforcement. This helps me get a better understanding of real world applications of reinforcement that I otherwise didn't have.
5. The thing I didn't like about this section was when they were explaining ratio schedules and interval schedules. The only reason I didn't like this was because they used the example of a car not starting when you turned the key. It just made me think of my old car when it wouldn't start at times.
6. One thing I will remember about this section is that a behavior doesn't necessarily need to reinforced every time in order to be under the control of reinforcement. The second thing I will remember is how different schedules of reinforcement will elicit different responses and behaviors. The third thing I will remember is the difference between continuous and interval reinforcement.
7a. Day 1= 120 oz
Day 2= 75 oz
Day 3= 132 oz
Day 4= 104 oz
Day 5= 100 oz
Day 6= 72 oz
Day 7= 80 oz
7b. Something that individuals can use to reinforce themselves with a positive behavior such as drinking at least 64 oz of water could be with something they enjoy. If an individual really enjoys chocolate, they could reinforce themselves with a small piece of chocolate at the end of the day if they hit their target behavior.
8. Terms: behavior, reinforcement, elicit, punishment, extinction, continuous reinforcement, interval reinforcement, target behavior, reinforce, ratio schedules, extinction burst, spontaneous recovery.
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how it describes the process of extinguishing a aversive behavior through the process of extinction. I was a little foggy as to the exact definition till now.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I kind of feel like the variability of behavior section for extinction is not needed. Just seemed like a term where there's not much value to it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the term, generalization, because that's a pretty straight forward term. I will remember not to confuse extinction with punishment. Lastly I will of course remember Skinner's section on superstitious behavior.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the very first section, it gave useful information that would help you immediately understand the terms that were used. Also, I liked the graphs.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that Jerard thought for a moment that the thermostat might be broken...Like, when have you ever had a thermostat malfunction?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between continuous reinforcement and intermediate reinforcement. I will also remember the difference between ratio and interval. Lastly, i will remember the term biological continuity.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 192oz
Day 2 =240oz
Day 3 =264oz
Day 4 =240oz
Day 5 =240oz
Day 6 =240oz
Day 7 =216oz
Average =233.14oz
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Extinction, extinguish, aversive, variability of behavior, continuous reinforcement, intermediate reinforcement, ratio, interval, biological continuity.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed the section on Extinction, I enjoyed it because it broke it down and explained it well i thought.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I thought the section about extinction burst was very confusing and thought it was hard to understand.
I did not like this section because of that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember the differences between extinction, and extinguish.
-I will remember the section on aggressive behavior and how to extinguish that behavior.
-I will remember Spontaneous recovery, because it makes sense for me for the return of an emitted behavior after it was previously extinguished.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-One thing i liked was the section on continuous reinforcement. I enjoyed this section because it was very interesting to me and it was easy to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I was confused on the difference between fixed ratio and fixed interval, however i reread it to make it a little bit more clear.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember continuous reinforcement, because i thought it was easy to understand.
-I will remember intermittent reinforcement because it was interesting to me, and was easy to understand.
-I will remember the difference between variable ration and variable interval.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Measured by glasses of 8 oz.
Day 1 =3 glasses
Day 2 =5 glasses
Day 3 =6 glasses
Day 4 =2 glasses
Day 5 =7 glasses
Day 6 =8 glasses
Day 7 =4 glasses
Average =5 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
-Reinforcer for me would be to feel healthier, and not be so tired all the time.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Reinforcer, extinction, extinguish, aggressive behavior, Spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, fixed interval, intermittent reinforcement, variable ration and variable interval.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I enjoyed the section on Extinction, I enjoyed it because it broke it down and explained it well i thought.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I thought the section about extinction burst was very confusing and thought it was hard to understand.
I did not like this section because of that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember the differences between extinction, and extinguish.
-I will remember the section on aggressive behavior and how to extinguish that behavior.
-I will remember Spontaneous recovery, because it makes sense for me for the return of an emitted behavior after it was previously extinguished.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-One thing i liked was the section on continuous reinforcement. I enjoyed this section because it was very interesting to me and it was easy to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I was confused on the difference between fixed ratio and fixed interval, however i reread it to make it a little bit more clear.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember continuous reinforcement, because i thought it was easy to understand.
-I will remember intermittent reinforcement because it was interesting to me, and was easy to understand.
-I will remember the difference between variable ration and variable interval.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Measured by glasses of 8 oz.
Day 1 =3 glasses
Day 2 =5 glasses
Day 3 =6 glasses
Day 4 =2 glasses
Day 5 =7 glasses
Day 6 =8 glasses
Day 7 =4 glasses
Average =5 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
-Reinforcer for me would be to feel healthier, and not be so tired all the time.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Reinforcer, extinction, extinguish, aggressive behavior, Spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, fixed interval, intermittent reinforcement, variable ration and variable interval.
1. I enjoyed learning about extinction burst. How when a behavior that is usually rewarded all of a sudden stops being reinforced the behavior will become increased in hopes of being rewarded was interesting.
2. I guess I really didn't enjoy this chapter, it wasn't extremely hard just a little harder than usual.
3. I will remember how extinction burst increases the behavior for a short time in hopes of being rewarded. I will remember the new terms used because it's nice to learn new things instead of covering the same few words over and over again. The new terms superstitious behavior, discrimination and generalization were a nice change of speed.
4. It was interesting learning about why intermittent reinforcement is better than continuous reinforcement. Before reading this chapter I would have thought that continuous reinforcement was better than intermittent.
5. Learning the terms fixed and variable in the past bothered me so seeing it again was unpleasant. Specifically the terms VI, FI, FR and VR bothered me.
6. Hopefully this time around I will remember and be able to give examples of VR, VI, FR and FI. Learning why intermittent variable is better than continuous variable was interesting, I will remember that. I will remember the Skinner tests on learning theories, those were pretty interesting.
day 1- 7 glasses
day 2- 8 glasses
day 3- 4 glasses
day 4- 6 glasses
day 5- 5 glasses
day 6- 4 glasses
day 7- 4 glasses
average- 5.4 glasses a day
7b) If I go seven days drinking at least 64oz of water I will reinforce myself by buying myself a shirt I saw online the other day.
8. Terms
Intermittent reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
Fixed ratio
Fixed interval
Variable ratio
Variable interval
Extinction burst
Skinner learning chamber
Section 2.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the explanation of extinction in this section. Prior to reading this section I was unsure what extinction looked like, but now I have a much better idea of what it looks like and how it works as a behavior that was previously reinforced. I found it interesting that an extinction burst is often successful in eventually obtaining the desired reinforcement. I liked this because I feel it is good information to keep in mind if I intend to use the extinction process. I also found it interesting that during an extinction burst an organism will not only emit the target behavior, but it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
After reading section 2.4 I will remember the concept of Extinction (the process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors that have already been reinforced) and its characteristics (extinction burst, variability, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, and spontaneous recovery). I will also remember that a variety of contexts elicit extinction. Lastly, I will remember what superstitious behavior is by thinking of B.F. Skinner and his pigeons (although the behavior of the pigeon had no influence on the delivery of the food (reinforcer), the pigeon increased the frequency of circling to the left as it noticed the correlation of the behavior and the food delivery).
Section 2.5
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
It is interesting to me how we can relate behavioral characteristics of animals to humans. I like how reinforcement is broken down (continuous, intermittent, and so on) it is very logical. This section was helpful in distinguishing the different types of reinforcement. The 2x2 table was also very helpful!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked from this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
After reading this section I will remember the difference between continuous reinforcement (a special type of ratio schedule where target behavior response is reinforced) and intermittent reinforcement (the target behavior is reinforced every now and then). I will also remember that there are several types of intermitted reinforcement (e.g., fixed, variable, ratio, and interval). Finally, I will remember the differences between ratio (when a certain number of responses are required for reinforcement) and interval (requires a certain amount of time to pass before being reinforced). Along with that I will remember that both ratio and interval can be either fixed (a fixed amount held constant) or variable (on average).
Fixed Ratio (FR)
Variable Ratio (VR)
Fixed Intervals (FI)
Variable Intervals (VI)
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 Glasses
Day 2 = 2 Glasses
Day 3 = 3 Glasses
Day 4 = 2 Glasses
Day 5 = 4 Glasses
Day 6 = 6 Glasses
Day 7 = 5 Glasses
Average = 3.4 Glasses
I would feel reinforced just by reaching my target behavior, as it will be reinforcing to me because it will help me recover more quickly after my daily workouts, provided I am able to continue the trend. Drinking a sufficient amount of water is a target behavior for me already, yet, in the past couple of weeks I have not been reaching my target behavior, as I have been overly busy and I have not had time to make it to the gym on a daily basis (this week, so far, I have made it everyday). I have been replacing my typical water intake with a greater caffeine intake in the past couple of week. My reinforcement for my target behavior of making it to the gym everyday is that (1) I feel better, (2) I am better able to deal with stress, and (3) I am closer to reaching my overall fitness goal.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
TERMS: Extinction, Extinction Burst, Reinforcement, Extinction Process, Behaviors, Variability, Aggressive Behavior, Discriminative Extinction, Discriminative Extinction Stimuli, Spontaneous Recovery, Context, Elicit, Reinforcer, Continuous Reinforcement, Target Behavior, Intermittent Reinforcement, Fixed, Variable, Interval, Ratio, Fixed Ratio (FR), Variable Ratio (VR), Fixed Interval (FI), and Variable Interval (VI)
Section 2.4
1a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is extinction. This is because it is another way to reduce the target behavior other than punishment. Extinction occurs when an organism that is previously reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for the same behavior, another method to add to my list of “ways to stop smoking”.
2) The one thing I least liked about this section is the part about variability. This is because it talks about how during an extinction burst, not only will the organism emit the specific target behavior that no longer leads to reinforcement, it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement and when this happens an organism is not reducing a target behavior because it wants to but because it has to.
3a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section are extinction bursts, aggressive behavior and discriminative extinction. The reason being that it all shows me another alternative in reducing a target behavior that does not include punishment.
Section 2.5
4a&b) The one thing that I liked about this section is continuous reinforcement (CR). I liked this because as stated in the text, many behaviors in the real world are based on continuous reinforcement. It makes me think more about why I am doing a certain behavior and what reinforces it so that I keep doing it.
5) The one thing I least liked about this section was the part about Fixed versus Variable Schedule of Reinforcement. The reason why I liked this part least was because it took me awhile to fully grasp what it was about.
6a,b&c) The three things I will remember from this section are continuous reinforcement, biological continuity and operant chamber. The reason why I will remember continuous reinforcement is because it is a very powerful and effective reinforcement technique. As for biological continuity, it is a belief that left me intrigued because it states that all living things in the world can be arranged according to their complexity. Finally, I will remember operant chamber because I have always been interested in B. F. Skinner and his theories and the most interesting one in my opinion is operant conditioning. So the operant chamber is a vital part of this theory.
7a) Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = no glasses
Day 3 = 1 glass
Day 4 = 1 glass
Day 5 = 3 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 1 glass
Average = 1.85 glasses of water a day
7b) Something that can reinforce me to drink atleast 64oz of water would be exercise. Because I noticed on Day 6 I drank significantly more than the other days and that is because I exercised.
8) extinction, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, variability, extinction burst, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction, punishment, continuous reinforcement (CR), fixed schedule of reinforcement, variable schedule of reinforcement, biological continuity, operant chamber, operant conditioning.
1.) I have seen the Family Guy clip that is talked about, and I think it is a perfect example of extinction. I really liked how each behavioral term was explained then related to that clip. It added a nice element of humor into the reading.
2.) I liked this section and didn’t find much that I didn’t like. The only thing was the discriminative extinction discussion. It was short, and unlike the rest of the terms was only discussed briefly. I still understood it, but it could have had the same detail as the other terms to make it even more clear.
3.) I will remember that variability occurs when there is no reinforcement for a behavior that was previously reinforced and the person emits different, yet similar behaviors in hopes to get the reinforcement again. When Stewie starts to change the way he says “mom,” this is variability. I will remember that extinction makes sense precisely because it is aversive. It sucks to not be reinforced for something that you used to get reinforced for, and repeating that behavior eventually becomes upsetting. I will also remember that superstitious behaviors do not lead directly to reinforcement; rather they are associated with something that lead to reinforcement. Like Michael Scott says, “I'm not superstitious, I’m just a little stitious.”
4.) I like how each of the four types of reinforcement schedule is broken down and explained. These can get confusing sometimes, so this clear breakdown, with the graph, is very helpful.
5.) I don’t like the colored graph. Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but if all the lines started at the origin (which they should because the independent variable is time) then the last three lines (FR, VI, and FI) will basically overlap. It is misleading because without carefully looking at it, a quick interpretation of the graph would be that FR works second best at getting responses, VI works third best, and FI is the worst schedule. Each of these three lines ends at basically the same number of cumulative responses, which is the dependent variable and the important thing to consider. The graph makes these three schedules of reinforcement appear as though one is better than the other when the graph actually states that they are the same.
6.) I will remember that continuous reinforcement occurs after each time the target behavior is emitted. I will remember this because it is fairly straightforward- every time you do something you get reinforced. I will remember that ratio reinforcement occurs after a certain number of responses, whereas interval reinforcement occurs after a certain amount of time. I will also remember that fixed reinforcement occurs after a set number of responses that are equally spaced, whereas variable reinforcement occurs after a random amount of time or responses.
7.) Day1: 1.5 32 oz bottles
Day 2: 1.5
Day 3: 2
Day 4: 1.25
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 1.5
Day 7: 2
Average: 1.67
I think that the best reinforcer for me is at the end of each day, reward myself with a couple episodes of The Office on Netflix.
Terms: extinction, discriminative extinction, variability, superstitious behaviors, schedules of reinforcement, ratio/interval, fixed/variable, continuous reinforcement.
1. A. I liked most of this section because it dealt with concepts that I find interesting.
B. I find extinction, generalization, and discrimination very interesting- how behaviors stop, warp, and are applied only in situations that "make sense" (ones with discriminative stimuli present).
2. A. I liked this section. I didn't dislike anything enough for it to bother me.
3. A. I will remember that extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced, and possibly punished. It is the end of a behavior. I'll remember because the name makes sense.
B. I will remember that discrimination happens when differences in stimuli or contexts are learned and influence behavior. I'll remember this because I did a whole topical blog on it, and because we covered it a lot in class and readings.
C. I'll remember that generalization happens when a behavior begins to get emitted outside of the circumstance that it was first learned in. I'll remember this because, again, the name makes sense. The organism emitting the behavior starts to generalize the context in which it was learned.
4. A. I really liked how this section gave a lot of information on how to correctly administer consequences in order to make reinforcement work.
B. I think the different schedules and looking at where they are in use in our every day life is very interesting.
5. A. I disliked reading about Skinner again. I've learned a lot of the same information about him in every psychology class I've ever taken.
B. I understand that some people haven't and so it is needed, but just a small personal pet peeve.
6. A. I'll remember that ratio schedules of reinforcement can be either fixed or variable. Fixed denotes that the ratio is static and doesn't change- reinforcement will be given on a 1:x (x being the number of times the behavior must be emitted) always. Variable means that the x can change, meaning that a different number of emissions of the behavior might be needed to get reinforced.
B. I'll remember that interval schedules of reinforcement have to do with time. A fixed interval schedule means that reinforcement will be available every time that interval passes. If the interval is 5 minutes, a reinforcer can be giver for a behavior once every five minutes. Variable interval schedules of reinforcement change the length of the interval. This means that the amount of time between reinforcers is unknown, but that it will eventually be available.
C. I'll remember that continuous reinforcement means that every time the target behavior is emitted it will be reinforced. This is the same as a 1:1 fixed ratio schedule. The number of available reinforcements are essentially unlimited.
7. A. You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 64oz
Day 2 = 128oz
Day 3 = 128oz
Day 4 = 96oz
Day 5 = 128oz
Day 6 = 224 oz
Day 7 = 96oz
Average = 123.4oz
7. B. A possible reinforcer one could use to reinforce the behavior of water drinking could be that, if the goal is met (target behavior emitted), the person treats themselves to Cold Stone ice cream.
8. TERMS: extinction, generalization, discrimination, discriminative stimuli, reinforced, punished, behavior, stimuli, emit, consequences, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval SoR, variable interval SoR, fixed ratio SoR, variable ratio SoR, continuous reinforcement
After reading section 2.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was the difference between extinction and punishment. Extinction involves a behavior that was previously reinforced. Extinction occurs when that behavior is no longer reinforced. And punishment occurs when something aversive is added to the situation as in the case of positive punishment or when something desirable is taken away as in the case of negative punishment. I like it because it is an alternative of punishment since punishment is not an effective method to alter behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least was the difference between discriminative extinction stimuli and discriminative extinction. I am confused with these two terms because the examples that were given seemed similar, so, I couldn’t distinguish the difference.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Firstly, I will remember the term extinction. Extinction is when an organism that has been reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for emitting that same target behavior. I will remember this term because it is a better method to change undesirable behavior compared to punishment. Secondly, I will remember variability. This is easy to remember because I always see kids bugging their mothers for candies at grocery stores. When their mothers refuse to buy them candies, they show a variety of similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement. For example, they scream, cry, and sit on the floor, wanting to be reinforced. Lastly, I will remember that superstitious behaviors occur when a behavior that is thought to lead to reinforcement is not related to it at all. I will remember this because I can relate to it as I perform superstitious behaviors at times. An example would be slanting the remote control when the television does not switch on when I click the “on” button, keeping the remote control straight up. One time when I had the remote control slanted and hit the button, the television switched on.
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really like in this section was it explained all the schedules of reinforcement thoroughly. Although there were a lot of information on schedules of reinforcement in this section, I felt that I learned a lot about reinforcement in this section.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked least was there were too many boxes to fill in. Since this section had a lot of material to read, I took a relatively long time to just read and understand the material. Getting the boxes filled in was just time consuming for me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will definitely remember from this section is continuous reinforcement. This is because use continuous reinforcement to reinforce my pets when they emit a good behavior. Hence, I can relate to it better. Secondly, I will remember is interval scheduled reinforcement. This is because I feed my rabbits around the same time every day. At times when I pass their feeding time, they get very restless and emit the behavior of sticking their nose out of the cage as a sign of being hungry. Lastly, I will remember fixed ratio because this method is something I want to experiment with my cat. I want to train her to sit for at least 10 seconds when I tell her to sit. If she does, I will give her a treat.
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 4 glasses
Day 4 = 4 glasses
Day 5 = 5 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 6 glasses
Average = 4.6 glasses
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I will reinforce myself with a Snickers bar every two days if I drink a minimum of four glasses of water a day.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Schedules of reinforcement, reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, interval scheduled reinforcement, emit, extinction, punishment, reinforce, aversive, positive punishment, discriminative extinction stimuli, discriminative extinction, target behavior, undesirable behavior.
1.The part of the reading I liked the most were the sections that talked about extinction and extinction bursts. It was interesting to learn that extinction and punishment are related but also have their differences and that in fact an extinction burst may increase the frequency of the behavior instead of decreasing the behavior, to get the desired reinforcement. I also liked learning about superstitious behaviors and how it occurs. It often occurs when the organism is led to believe that the reinforcement is occurring at random instances.
2.There wasn’t a lot that I could find that I did not like about this section but the discussion on generalization and discrimination I found to be a little more difficult to understand than the other concepts in this reading section. It was tough at times trying to figure out different examples for both generalization and discrimination.
3.One of the three things that I will remember from this reading was the processes of extinction and extinction bursts as well as spontaneous recovery. Even after a behavior has become extinguished there are time that an organism can have a spontaneous recovery where there is a return of the emitted behavior after it has already been extinguished. Another concept I will remember is the extinction burst which occurs when a behavior that used to be reinforced is no longer being reinforced and will therefore cause an organism to emit the behavior more and more in attempts to receive the reinforcement. Extinction will fail if the behavior that is wanting to be extinguished is reinforced. The last thing I will remember from this section is variability and how it relates to extinction and the extinction burst. This occurs during the extinction burst when the organism will emit the target behavior but also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in desperation in hopes of obtaining reinforcement.
4.The part of this reading that I liked the most was the different types of reinforcement schedules and how they affect the likelihood of the target behavior occurring in the future. It was helpful to have each schedule of reinforcement broken down and explained in depth with great examples which helped me to understand all the concepts very quickly. The examples in the reading also helped me to come up with examples of my own easily to fill in the boxes.
5.The only things I found that I disliked about this section was the length of the reading as well as the graphs because I found them somewhat confusing. I tried multiple attempts to look at each graph and it would be more helpful if we talk about this in class so that I could ask questions about the graph and have someone help go over the material to help me understand it.
6.Of all the reading that was contained in this section, one of the things I will remember are interval schedules of reinforcement which require a certain period of time to elapse before the desired reinforcement is obtained. Another thing I will remember is the ratio schedules of reinforcement which means that a certain number of times the target behavior has to be emitted in order to obtain the reinforcement. The last thing I will remember is fixed and variable schedules of reinforcement. Fixed ratio is a fixed number of times the target behavior must be emitted to receive reinforcement, and fixed interval is a fixed period of time before the reinforcement is given. Variable ratio is a random or changing number of times that the target behavior is emitted in order to get the reinforcement and variable interval is a change in the period of time that must elapse before the reinforcement is given.
7.Day 1= 32 fluid ounces
Day 2= 56 fluid ounces
Day 3= 82 fluid ounces
Day 4= 36 fluid ounces
Day 5= 76 fluid ounces
Day 6= 88 fluid ounces
Day 7= 82 fluid ounces
Average= 64 fluid ounces
My reinforcement will be a medium Oreo Blizzard if my goal is obtained. My goal will to be able to average 80 fluid ounces (I drink more than 64 often so I instead chose 80) for the entire week staring on Monday and ending on Sunday night, and if I reach an average of 80 fluid ounces for the week I will get my blizzard after work Sunday night.
8. Terms: Schedules of Reinforcement, Fixed Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Ratio, Variable Interval, Reinforcement, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Spontaneous Recovery, Superstitious Behavior, Behavior, Emit, Punishment, Discrimination, Generalization, Target Behavior
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to me that an extinction burst almost always results in a failure of extinction. I also realized that extinction happens a lot in my day to day life. The example with the pop machine is a very frustrating extinction burst because that happened to me while in the union and makes me not want to use any pop machine with the chance of that happen.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the first part of this section least interesting because in chapter one we learned the definition of extinction as well as getting examples. We also have talked about it in class so I felt it was repetitive.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This relates to the previous chapters throughout the ABC's along with what I learned in my Developmental Psychology class. We learned that this can be a way to deal with children when they are going through the critical stages.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Something I thought about after reading the section was that maybe to reduce children freaking out would be to show more discriminative extinction stimulus to children. One way I could use this on the children I babysit is to put stimulus around the house that will indicate not to do something or that they will get in trouble if they touch or play with the breakables. The superstitious behaviors relate to me because during cross country meets I would often times, on the days of meets, make sure my daily activities were the exact same as the day I did really well at the meet. I would eat the same foods, I even had a lucky pair of socks that I would always wear. I notice now that putting those socks on would be my association to a reinforcer (winning).
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It is interesting to me that us as humans can learn the same way as rats and pigeons. This is interesting to me because there are so many ways that we have learned how humans behave because of these animals. Continuos reinforcement is also interesting and sounds very similar to just reinforcement in general.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting section to me was the fixed reinforcers and learning about intervals and ratios just because I have learned about some of these things in previous psychology classes.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
During intro to psychology that I took online I had learned about the variable ratio.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Interval schedules are used by my roommates and I everyday when we are cooking food because we have to wait for a certain amount of time to get the reinforcer or the food. Another example of a ratio schedule is how many times we have a meal and use dishes before we take turns washing them.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This shows me even more that behavior modification is a combination of many of the things I have learned in previous classes. I find it interesting that there are so many definitions throughout the reading also.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 1 glass
Day 2 = 2 glasses
Day 3 = 3 glasses
Day 4 = 1 glass
Day 5 = 1 glass
Day 6 = 4 glasses
Day 7 = 2 glasses
Average = 14 glasses
I will reward myself with a pop every Sunday if I drink a minimum of three glasses of water a day.
Interval schedules, ratio schedule, extinction burst, extinction, discriminative extinction stimulus, superstitious behaviors, reinforcer, Continuos reinforcement, intervals and ratios
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found interesting in this section is extinction burst. Extinction burst is when reinforcement is initially withheld, the behavior that used to lead to reinforcement will occur more often. I found this interesting because I would do this to my mom when I was a child. If I didn’t get her attention the first time I would keep on calling out to her until I received a response. My dog will also emit extinction burst. She will keep jumping at my legs until I give her attention.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found to be the least interesting part in this section would be where it talked about extinction. In previous classes we already talked a lot about this topic and I felt like I knew a lot about it already so therefore it was more boring to read.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
From previous behavior modification classes we discussed extinction in depth so I already knew what it was before this chapter.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my from this chapter would be extinction burst. I used to do this as a kid to my parents. When they didn’t answer my call the first few times I would keep repeating myself until I got their attention. The second thing that relates to my life from this section would be discriminative extinction. I will not go into a shop when it has a closed sign because I know I will not be reinforced by trying to go into the store.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found interesting in this section was the VR takes less time to elicit a response which means faster learning and the FI had the slowest learning. I would have thought the fixed interval had the fastest learning instead of the variable ratio.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting in this section would be fixed versus variable schedules of reinforcement. I learned about this in my intro to psychology class so that is why I found it the least interesting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
From previous psychology classes I already learned about the four different types of reinforcement schedules but other than that this is the first time I’ve gone into depth about this chapter in the book.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life from this section would be interval schedules. When I try and call my parents and they don’t answer I have to wait before they return my calls and the reinforcement comes after an interval of time. A second thing that relates to my life from this section is continuous reinforcement. Everytime I eat a meal or snack I am reinforced with the feeling of being full.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I didn’t realize there were many different types of reinforcement that involve different procedures. Each type of reinforcement has different response times and the speed of learning.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 3 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 2 glasses
Day 6 = 4 glasses
Day 7 = 4 glasses
Average = 3.5 glasses
10b) I will reinforce myself with a bowl of ice cream and the end of the week if I reach my goal or 64 of water.
11) Terms: Extinction burst, emit, extinction, discriminative extinction, fixed interval, variable ratio, reinforce
1) Something I found most interesting in this section was learning about generalization and discriminative. I liked learning about those two because I have heard of the two words before but I didn’t really know what they were. Now I understand more about what they entail.
2) One thing I found least interesting in this section was learning about extinction. I just feel like extinction and all of the other forms of extinction like extinguish and extinguished are common sense and boring to learn about. The only thing about extinction I liked learning about was the extinction burst.
3) This section relates a lot to what I already knew because it talks about spontaneous recovery where the action emerges again, extinction, and superstitious behavior. I have learned about those in previous classes growing up so it kind of just enhanced my understanding.
4) Two things that I can relate to my life from this chapter are spontaneous recovery, and discriminative extinction stimuli. Spontaneous recovery relates to my life because I am from Cedar Falls so every time I drive by another house that I spent my younger years in it brings back memories. Discriminative extinction stimuli relates to my life when I am babysitting my cousin and am trying to get her to stop depending on certain stimuli.
5) I found the topic of reinforcement schedules interesting because I liked learning the difference between the four. I liked that part in the section because I learned about it in high school and I liked how it refreshed my memory.
6) I thought the beginning of this section was very boring when learning about the different types of reinforcement like continuous and intermittent. I found this boring because I feel all we have done is learn about reinforcement. I know that is the class but learning about practically the same thing every week gets boring.
7) This section relates to what I have already learned because it adds on to everything else we have learned about reinforcement. It also relates to what I already knew with reinforcement schedules but this chapter went more in depth than what I knew before.
8) Two things that relate to my life are gambling with the variable ratio, and being reinforced every so often for behaviors. I went gambling just this weekend and did the slot machines for a little big but it runs on a variable ratio schedule because it only lets you win after so many times of trying. There are many behaviors that happen when you get older that you are reinforced for every so often like doing your homework. Some homework doesn’t really matter and isn’t graded but some homework is graded. All in all though there isn’t a lot of actual reinforcement for homework besides grades and that doesn’t happen all of the time.
9) This reading has influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because it makes me think about why we do things. We have ‘schedules’ for our actions and our behaviors. Everything we do is for a reason.
Day 1 = 1 glass
Day 2 = 6 glasses
Day 3 = 2 glasses
Day 4 = 4 glasses
Day 5 = 1 glass
Day 6 = 8 glasses
Day 7 = 1 glass
Average = 3.3 glasses per day
10b) If I drink my target behavior of 64 oz of water a day I can go out to eat to Sakura. I never go to Sakura because it is too expensive so that is a very good incentive to me.
11) Terms: reinforcement, target behavior, behavior, reinforcement schedules, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, discriminative extinction stimuli, spontaneous recovery, extinction, superstitious behavior, extinction burst, extinguish, generalization, discriminative, variable ratio
1) The topic that I found most interesting in this section was the term extinction burst. The reason why I found this topic interesting is because I have learned about extinction in my other classes but never extinction burst. But it actually makes so much sense! And I’m pretty surprised that no other classes have brought it up, because it is pretty important when talking about extinction.
2) The topic that I found least interesting in this section was the term generalization. The reason why I found this topic not so interesting is because it seemed to simple. I’m also a little confused about the difference between generalization and stereotyping. Are they the same thing? I just didn’t particularly like reading about generalization.
3) This section relates to what we have already been learning about in this class because it just builds onto the previous chapters. This section goes more in depth on the topic of extinction which was already mentioned in earlier sections. Although it does explain more about extinction and reinforcement in a way that hasn’t been discussed before.
4) The first thing that relates to my life from this section is extinction burst. The reason why this relates to my life is because it happens all the time. Whether I constantly refresh the webpage hoping that this time it will load, or keep calling my mom hoping that this next time she will answer. Extinction burst happens a lot in my life. The second thing that relates to my life from this section is spontaneous recovery. Just like the extinction burst, soon after usually comes the spontaneous recovery for me because I just won’t give up, and refuse to believe that I cannot be reinforced. So while I may give up on the website page loading, I may wait a few hours or a day and then come back and try again. Also with calling my mom, I may stop trying to call her for a little bit, but instead of just waiting for her to call me back, I might try calling her again in a few hours.
5) One thing that I found interesting in the second section is the fact that continuous reinforcement isn’t the best way to control a behavior because the target behavior is then more susceptible to extinction. This is interesting to me, because not only does this make more sense, it is actually easier for the person emitting the consequence to not reinforce the behavior every time.
6) The topic that I found least interesting in this section is the talk about Skinner and his findings on schedules of reinforcement. I have already learned a lot about Skinner and his experiments, so for me hearing all of it again wasn’t that interesting. It was better for me to hear about the real life examples.
7) This section again just adds onto what we have already learned in previous chapters. It talks more about reinforcement and how continuous reinforcement is not the only way that reinforcement can be effective. It just goes further into depth on different ways that you can modify behavior.
8) The first thing that relates to my life is continuous reinforcement because there are several things that I am continuously reinforced for every day. Every time I flip my light switch, my light turns on, and every time I put my key in my door, it unlocks. There’s just so many continuous reinforcers in my life. The second thing that relates to my life is the variable interval reinforcement schedule. When I text someone, there are some times when it takes just a few seconds before I get a reply, and then other times there are times when it takes maybe a few hours before I get a response from the person. However, no matter how much time passes between each response, I still text that person because I know that I will get reinforced with a response eventually.
9) Nothing has really changed about the way I think about behavior modification except that I forgot all the details and different processes that can happen to modify behaviors.
10a) Data
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 6
Average = 4.28
10b) If I can go 7 days with drinking 64oz of water each day, then I will reinforce myself with letting myself spend money on any treat I want, no matter the price at the grocery store.
11) extinction burst, extinction, generalization, reinforcement, spontaneous recovery, reinforced, behavior, continuous reinforcement, target behavior, emitting, consequence, reinforce, Skinner, schedules of reinforcement, variable interval, behavior modification
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I think it is interesting that extinguishing and punishment are so similar. I can see how the two could be easily confused. Had I not known that the two were different I think I would confuse them as well.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything that I considered least interesting; I thought this chapter was very interesting and relatable. I am in a parenting class and I can see extinction being a very good tactic for behavior modification in kids.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In my parenting class we have discussed ways to divert children’s attention or stop unwanted behaviors, and although it evoked this same concept it was not specifically called extinction.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is that my mom has used extinction in order to get my brother and I to stop certain behaviors. For example, when we were little we used to come into her room, so in order to get us to stop she started locking her door. Eventually we didn’t even try to go to her room.
Another thing that relates to my life is that I work at a golf course in the concession stand. At the end of the night we throw out whatever we do not sell. The raccoons would start to come out earlier in order to get the food we were throwing out. The behavior was being reinforced because when they came out earlier they were getting food.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I think the most interesting part of this section was BF Skinner’s research involving the reinforcement of animals. I always find research involving animals more interesting.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Although I realize it is important for future reference, I thought the section on the name of the reinforcement was a little dry.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have previously learned about BF Skinner and his reinforcement of animals, but not in this much detail. It was mostly just used as examples or in passing in previous classes.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Variable reinforcement is related to my life because on the beer cart at the golf course you never knew when or how much you would get tipped, but the more time you spent on the course, the more money you made.
When my dog wants to go for a walk he is reinforced when he sits still so that I can put his collar on. He knows that in order for us to go on the walk he has to sit still first.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has expanded my knowledge. I had never thought about slot machines or how they might be set up, and I find it interesting that they are set up in a way that is not completely random.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =1
Average =1.6
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
If I can drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week I can have Pancheros.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Extinguishing, punishment, extinction, behavior modification, reinforced, variable reinforcement
1) What did you find the most interesting? Why?
-It was interesting to learn the differences between punishment and extinction. The different examples given through out the reading make it a little bit easier to understand. Although it was hard to come up with my own examples. Some of the terms used in this chapter seemed familiar to me from different classes as well so it helped refresh my memory on each term. I liked reading about extinction bursts because it is very true that people get really impatient while trying to emit extinction and believe that the procedure is not successful or is aversive compared to the previous behavior (which I think it’s supposed to be up to a point). Learning about Variability was also interesting because it is very true that there are different ways to seek reinforcement to get the target behavior.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-I felt like it started to get really confusing at some points, which sometimes made it harder to come up with examples.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? -We talked about extinction before in previous chapters. We talked about how extinction may be mistaken for punishment and talked about a study that was done on extinction. I believe it may have been Pavlov’s experiment.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I tend to use extinction more often than I think but I never really noticed how I emit my behaviors to cause extinction
-I will be using extinction on my own children in the future but I also will try it on children when I am babysitting.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- I liked that you are trying to broaden our perspectives on the readings. I enjoyed learning about continuous reinforcement (CR) because it is definitely a behavior that I emit on a day to day basis. The different schedules of reinforcement where interesting but there was a lot to take in on them
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-I did like having to go to youtube because I felt like it was distracting to me. I like to be focused on the reading and answering the questions but once I routed myself to something different, it seemed to be distracting. The schedules of reinforcement seemed like a lot of information to take in at once because they all seemed the same, but different at the same time. The examples were too overwhelming
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-Learning about the operant chamber brought up how we learned about BF Skinners classical conditioning
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I use continue reinforcements (CR) daily
-I plan on using CR’s on others
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
-Behavior mod makes me frustrated and it’s cool at the same time. I have mixed feelings about it after these two chapters.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below: Day 1 =22 oz Day 2 = 18 oz Day 3 = 26 oz Day 4 = 20 oz Day 5 = 16 oz Day 6 = 24 oz Day 7 = 16 oz Average = 20.28 oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? If I can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz of water, I will use positive reinforcement by rewarding my behavior and earning myself one free day from homework
Terminology: punishment, extinction, Pavlov, emit, behavior, extinction burst, procedure, aversive, variability, reinforcement, target behavior, continuous reinforcement (CR), operant chamber, classical conditioning, schedules of reinforcement
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
My favorite part of this chapter was the use of the Family Guy example. I really enjoy this TV show, so I knew exactly what you were talking about. This allowed me to really understand what extinction burst was.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section that I found least interesting was discriminative extinction. This was my least favorite section because I found it hard to understand what it was at first. I had to read that section numerous times before I actually knew what it was talking about.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section builds on what I previously learned about extinction and extinction burst from this book. It gives me a little bit more in depth description on how to extinguish behaviors. This also builds on what I learned from my high school child development class. We learned about how to ignore the extinction burst, so get the children to stop those behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to spontaneous recovery and superstitious behaviors. I used to crack my jaw numerous times a day, after continuously getting yelled at by my mom I stopped. But last year, I moved my jaw and it cracked, and then I continued to crack it for a while. I grew up a pretty superstitious child. I never used to step on cracks in the sidewalk because I was afraid of breaking my mom’s back or I used to have a pair of “lucky” underwear. If I took a test or had a volleyball game, I would wear them because they would allow me to do well.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing that was most interesting to me was that we can learn the same as rats and pigeons do in operant chambers. Although, I figured learning about how lower level animals learn would help us learn about how higher functioning species learn I did not know it was that easy.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part I felt was least interesting was learning about the four different types of scheduled reinforcements. This was least interesting to me because I have previously learned about this in other psychology classes. This book though, gave me a deeper insight on how they work.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have previously learned about the four types of scheduled reinforcement. When I worked at four oaks we used fixed ratio schedules. If the children behaved correctly, they would move up a level, or get a prize.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Continuous reinforcement plays a part in my life every day. The example in the book was every time I press the A button on a keyboard I am reinforced by seeing an “A” on the screen. This is very true considering almost all of my homework needs to be typed. Another thing that relates to my life is a variable interval schedule. My roommate and I both shower at night. This is a variable interval schedule because the amount of time she or I spends in the shower varies.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has changed what I thought about behavioral modification because everything we do is on a schedule whether we realized it or not. This section made me realize this.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =64 oz
Day 2 = 32oz
Day 3 =32oz
Day 4 =64oz
Day 5 =24oz
Day 6 =8oz
Day 7 =16oz
Average = 34.29oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
If I drink 64oz of water every day I will reinforce myself by allowing myself to binge watch American Horror Story on Sunday night.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Extinction burst, discriminative extinction, extinction, behaviors, spontaneous recovery, superstitious behaviors, operant chambers, fixed ratio, schedules of reinforcement, reinforced, variable interval schedule, continuous reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the concepts of extinction burst and variability the most interesting in this chapter because they are one of the main reasons why people give up on the process of extinction even though both of these concepts mean that the process of extinction is working. Variability basically means that the organism will emit similar behaviors to the target behavior to receive reinforcement. Extinction burst basically means that organisms will try to increase their behavior to receive reinforcement that is currently being withheld. I think these are one of the reasons that we chose to use punishment so much more than extinction because extinction can take time, and it can be aversive to use extinction when you have to stop reinforcing a previously reinforced behavior
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section I found least interesting was about generalization and discrimination because I already kind of new the difference between these two concepts. Generalization refers to emitting the same behavior in a variety of contexts and discrimination refers to the subtle differences between context of situations and stimuli.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I already had learned about extinction from other classes and somewhat from this class. However, the characteristics of extinction were new to me such as variability and extinction bursts. The concepts of generalization and discrimination were also review for me from previous psychology classes. However, the rest of this information was new.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two concepts that relate to my own life from this section are superstitious behaviors and extinction burst. I know that a lot of time when I try the process of extinction in my own life I usually end up giving up because of extinction burst and because extinction burst can be so aversive to me personally. I also have some superstitious behaviors in my own life. I kind of know that these behaviors are reinforced at random, but I feel like I have a better chance of them being reinforced when I act on my superstitious behavior.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the first part of this section the most interesting regarding continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. It seems like that before this section, we only were talking about continuous reinforcement and simply calling it reinforcement. However, in daily life I believe that intermittent reinforcement is much more important because it occurs more frequently than continuous reinforcement. Intermittent reinforcement refers to being referred every now and then whereas continuous reinforcement refers to being reinforced every single time.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I would say that the least interesting part of this section is when the FR, FI, VR, and VI, were put into the context of video games. I think this because there were already a thorough amount of examples throughout the text before this section and video games are somewhat boring to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section built upon what we learned in previous sections talking about different types of reinforcement such as continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. I’ve also heard of the terms of fr, fi, vr, and vi in previous classes but this section went into much more depth about these concepts and how they are different from each other and how they elicit different responses.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Intermittent reinforcement relates to my own life because I am intermittently reinforced for different things in my life all the time. I get an A on a test, and usually the teacher doesn’t say anything, however, today my teacher said that the scores would be curved to the top score in the class, which was my score therefore intermittently reinforcing my behavior to study for the test and try to get good grades. Another concept that relates to my own life from this section could easily be variable ratio. I think that this could easily be put into my example above as being an example of variable ratio schedules of reinforcement because I was intermittently reinforced after a varying number of A’s.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This has greatly expanded my knowledge of behavior modification. The concepts that I enjoyed learning most about in both sections included extinction burst, variability, and intermittent reinforcement because I see these concepts in my everyday life. I also enjoyed how the last portion of section 2.5 talked about how these schedules of reinforcement relate to our everyday lives. We don’t even realize it, but we are using behavior modification all the time, whether effectively or ineffectively. Hopefully with this new knowledge, we can start using behavior modification more effectively.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 24
Day 2 = 48
Day 3 = 40
Day 4 = 40
Day 5 = 64
Day 6 = 24
Day 7 = 40
Average = 40
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
When I drink an average of 64 oz. of water a day, I will positively reinforce this behavior of drinking enough water by rewarding myself with Buffalo Wild Wings at the end of the week.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Reinforcement, aversive, emit, punishment, extinction burst, variability, generalization, discrimination, superstitious behavior, fr, fi, vr, vi, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, behavior modification, schedules of reinforcement
1.) One thing I found very interesting was in the first couple paragraphs of section 2.4. I found it interesting that extinction is not a form of punishment. I thought that since the reinforcement was taken away, that it made it a form of punishment, so that was an interesting read and now something to keep in mind when thinking about the two.
2.) What I did not find interesting was the discriminative extinction, but that was because I read the definition five times and I didn’t understand it, so it was frustrating
3.) This relates to what we have learned because we have been talking this whole semester about reinforcement and punishment. We have talked about it both in the lectures and in the readings, so it has been mounted into my head.
4.) One thing that relates to my life is extinction. I remember that my dad would make some jokes in front of people that weren’t very politically correct, so my mom would get mad at him but everyone laughed. He told me not to laugh at his jokes one day, so he would stop. Once I did, he thought about what he was saying. Also, I was kind of a trouble maker at work and when I would pull a prank or something my friends would encourage me. But my boss had a talk with everyone and that made them stop encouraging me. ]
5.) What I found interesting was the example of a continuous reinforcement. Continuous response is where every response is reinforced. It used the example of pressing on a keyboard and finding that letter. It is something I never thought of being a psychological behavior model. There are so much we overlook that we do, and we don’t even think about why we do it.
6.) What I did not find as interesting was talking about biological continuity. This was because we have learned in many classes about classification and how things are labeled.
7.) This relates to all the readings we have talked about reinforcement and our lectures in class. It also relates to what we have learned in Introduction to Psychology.
8.) The continuous reinforcement relates to my life every time Iam typing on a keyboard, because I expect the letter to pop up. When it comes to my meals at home, I always had specific times I would have food ready. Every night at 5pm, I expected to have my dinner because that was always when my mom fed me.
9.) This put everything I have learned about in Behavior Modification into perspective and also thought more about how it would relate to every day life thanks to the examples and the descriptions of it.
10.) Day 1= 80
Day 2=48
Day 3= 96
Day 4= 72
Day 5= 112
Day 6=96
Day 7=40
Average: 77.71
11. I always reinforce myself to drink more water by not having any alternative options around me. There is no soda or juice in my apartment so that is how I have been able to do it
Terms: reinforcement, exintiction, punishment, discriminative extinction, continuous reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found this whole section very interesting. I had never read so much information about extinction before, and I was just fascinated with it. I didn’t know about so many of the details behind how to make extinction occur. I didn’t know the difference between the terms extinguished and extinction, but now I do and I can practice using them in the write context. I really liked all the different examples given in the chapter to help explain the difference and use them in different situations. I was grateful for the distinction between extinction and punishment; that really helped clarify things better.
I enjoyed reading about extinction burst, a term I hadn’t heard of before this course, even though the description of it was familiar. I also thought the tie in with extinction burst and reference to the topography of the behavior was interesting and a good way to explain both terms. I had also never heard of spontaneous recovery, and really enjoyed reading about that. I was familiar with the description of the term and how it’s a behavior that will return after been previously extinguished, but I have never thought about it in its relation to behavior modification. Some of the examples given to help explain what it meant were very helpful and even made me realize I’ve experienced spontaneous recovery before.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There wasn’t anything in this section I didn’t find interesting. I was very fascinated about all the terms in relation to extinction and I went through the chapter fairly quickly because of that. It was a section I was able to relate to real life examples a little easier than some terms in other chapters.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section related to some behaviors that I’ve experienced, whether personally or not. I just didn’t know the terms for them or that they were related to behavior modification through extinction. I have dealt with extinction before without realizing it. I had learned that not reinforcing a behavior I previously had before would lead to that behavior occurring less often in the future.
I had also learned previously that when you quit reinforcing a behavior, the person can become very aggressive. It is very upsetting when you can’t get what you want and have got in the past. I have even done it myself, just like the example with getting the pop machine to take my dollar.
The superstitious behaviors section also related to things I’ve learned through experience. I’ve seen people who’ve emitted a behavior that happened to lead to reinforcement and then that person believes doing that exact behavior will lead to reinforcement again in the future. It doesn’t always happen that way, but they believe it will. I had a classmate who believed wearing a certain pair of unwashed socks would help them win the game, even when it didn’t always. He still refused to wash the socks on the off chance it could ruin their chances.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing I can relate to my life is the knowledge of how to use reinforcement to extinguish a behavior. If another person is emitting a behavior that I want to extinguish for some reason, I know have the proper information on how to do that and what to expect in the extinction process. I will know to expect an extinction burst and not to give in to it, that aggressive behavior will likely entail, and spontaneous recover when the behavior will reappear even though it will not be reinforced.
Another thing that relates to my life is personal use of the extinction process. When I was in elementary school I was used by a teacher to “set a good example” and extinguish another student’s behavior of trying to get attention of other students by any means possible. My teacher put him next to me and told me to ignore his behavior and not give him the attention he wanted. Eventually his behavior was extinguished because he I would not give him the reinforcement he wanted.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
This was a very large section with a lot of information covered. I didn’t know about schedules of reinforcement and thought it was interesting to read about the different types and meanings of those. It was neat to learn how B.F. Skinner came up with an operant chamber and used that to learn about schedules of reinforcement in animals.
I thought it was interesting that there are different types of intermittent reinforcement; fixed or variable and ratio or interval. I had never even heard of these different types before and it definitely opened up my eyes. Ratio and interval reinforcement can either be fixed or variable, which was another thing that I had no idea about. Given the examples, they made sense and I could totally understand them, but before this class I was clueless to all the different behavioral terms and the way everything can be classified.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This was another section I struggled to find something not interesting in. It’s been very easy these last few sections to keep my focus and enjoy the reading because it’s all new but yet applicable information.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Some of the examples given were things I had learned myself, just through experience, but I didn’t know there were actually terms and procedures for them. I had learned before that when you are continuously reinforced for something you expect to always be reinforced for it. But then one time you aren’t and it’s very upsetting for us. That can be related back to what I learned in the last section. When you are no longer reinforced for something you previously were there is a little bit of extinction burst, and then eventually extinction does occur. Like in the example with pressing the power button to turn on the TV, you are usually reinforced with the controller and the tv turning on. But when the tv doesn’t come on you usually furiously press the power button over and over again (extinction burst), but eventually quit pressing the button because it isn’t going to work.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing I can relate to my life is the beginning of an awareness. I am starting to recognize the use of behaviors relating to certain terms I’ve learned from the readings, more specifically, variable reinforcement. Today I realized that we use variable reinforcement when it comes to feeding one of our cats wet food. He has started to run into our house every time we open the door to go outside now because we feed him inside. He thinks that running inside the house will get him the food, but it doesn’t. We feed him on a variable schedule, some days and not some days.
Another thing I can relate to is the fixed interval schedule of getting paid. I get paid every 2 weeks on a Wednesday, and I know to expect that paycheck as long as I am employed there. However, I have also worked as a server, and despite the fixed interval of my paycheck every 2 weeks, I was under a variable ratio for tips. It would’ve been nice to assume I got tipped every time I waited on someone, but sometimes that didn’t happen.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section again opened my eyes to the complexity of behavior and behavior modification. I had no idea about the schedules of reinforcement or an operant chamber. I used to think reinforcement was such a simple thing but I am now finding out there is so much more to it than I ever thought.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =36 oz
Day 2 =48 oz
Day 3 =60 oz
Day 4 =52 oz
Day 5 = 32 oz
Day 6 =54 oz
Day 7 = 42 oz
Average = 46 oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline):
-Reinforcement for target behavior: Allowing myself to order a type of protein powder I’ve been wanting to try for a while.
Reinforcement, target behavior, schedules of reinforcement, operant chamber, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, extinction burst, extinction, intermittent reinforcement, extinguish, emitting, punishment, spontaneous recovery, topography, aggressive, superstitious behaviors
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Even though we have previously discussed the term extinction I still find it very interesting. After reading the example from the book about Ed disrupting the class by making them laugh I started to try to think of other occurrences like that that I may have encountered while in school. I find it interesting to think that once you stop reinforcing a behavior, the person stops doing that behavior. Later in this chapter it also discussed the difference between extinction and punishment, noting that it is important to remember that extinction was once enforced, but no longer is. Superstitious behaviors are another very interesting topic. I personally would consider myself superstitious, especially when it comes to sports. I think it is interesting that we all develop these weird superstitions that are really pretty meaningless.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I actually really liked this chapter. It discussed a lot of information on extinction and extinguished. I think I find this term most interesting because it is easy for me to try to use in everyday life when trying to deal with someone who does something I may not exactly like; yet I still feed into it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One of the first things that were discussed in this chapter was extinction, which is one of the things we have previously covered in an earlier chapter. Superstitions are another thing discussed in this chapter that I have learned about previously.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
One thing that I can relate back to my life is superstitions. They’re really pretty stupid but one of the biggest ones I had was during softball. Whether it was a game or practice, my softball bag had to be between two other of my teammates. Another thing that can be easily related to life is extinction. I used to think it was hilarious when my brother would fart around my mom but then one day I realized it really wasn’t that funny, and stopped laughing about it so he eventually stopped that behavior.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Continuous reinforcement is one of the first things I read about in this chapter. I found it interesting to read about but I had a lot of trouble trying to come up with a continuous reinforcement, even though I’m sure they are a very regular occurrence.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
One thing from this chapter that I found a bit confusing was the idea of fixed intervals and variable intervals. Unlike a lot of other definitions we discuss, this is one I hadn’t previously heard of.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing that we discussed in this chapter that I had previously knew about was the idea of a fixed ratio versus variable ratio. But after reading more about fixed intervals and variable intervals, I find them all a bit confusing because they are so similar.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One of the first things discussed that can be related back to life is continuous reinforcement. After thinking hard about this I realized one would be when you go to start your car, but it doesn’t turn over as a result of a dead battery. Another thing that can be related back to my life is using a fixed variable when using a slot machine at the casino.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have definitely opened my eyes to what a large field behavior modification can be and how one little term can help you think deeper into ways of manipulating a persons behavior to how you want them to act.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 24 oz bottles
Day 2 =2 24 oz bottles
Day 3 =4 24 oz bottles
Day 4 =3 24 oz bottles
Day 5 =3 24 oz bottles
Day 6 =2 24 oz bottles
Day 7 =1 24 oz bottles
Average =2.57 bottles per day
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
For me, another possible reinforcer that can be used, other than feeling healthier is being able to receive an extra cheat meal at the end of the week.
Terms used: extinction, reinforcer, punishment, superstitions, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval, extinguish.
1. One thing I found interesting in this section was when they talked about extinction burst. The reason I found this topic so interesting is because we have been learning so much about extinction, and now we are learning about extinction burst and how it works in behavior modification. Extinction burst is when the behavior intensifies when they aren't getting something they want. Extinction burst can determine is you ass or fail at modifying a behavior.
2.One thing i found least interesting in this section is when the book talked about generalization found this not interesting because it was really boring and it seemed really basic and simple to understand. Also in the section it made generalization sound exactly like stereotyping, but they are not the same. That was kind of confusing.
3. This section relates to what we already know in the way of how extinction works more in behavior modification. It tells us the extinction burst really effects the extinction. It gives more of an in depth view on how it all works. And if you don't go through with the extinction burst it can be a fail. We learned that we have to ignore the extinction burst.
4. One way I can relate to this section is when i was younger and my parents wouldn't give me what i wanted anymore i would use extinction burst. I didn't know that then, but I do now. The fact that i had a brother made the extinction burst even worse for my parents cause we would do it at the same time. It was a good technique for us to try and get what we wanted but we failed cause your parents held strong and ignored the extinction burst. So the extinction burst worked. Another way that this section relates to my life is I use to be really superstitious when i was a child. During sports I always wore the same socks in the games. And i always work hair ties on my wrist. i don't know how i developed this behavior but i had them. I am no longer superstitious though as I have grown up.
5. The most interesting part of this section to me was when the book talked about continuous reinforcement. I liked that they explained that continuous reinforcement is not the best way to control a behavior. The reason that this is because the target behavior is more probable to become extinct. This interesting to me because it makes more sense to me now.
6. What I found least interesting from this section is learning about scheduled reinforcement. i didn't like this because there are 4 different kinds of schedule reinforcement. The fact that there was 4 was confusing to me, which is why i found it least interesting.
7. This section relates to what we have learned in the class with the different types of reinforcements. They are always different reinforcements you can use to get someone to change their behavior, just have to make sure that it isn't a behavior class. This section talks more about hoe reinforcement can work and be more effective.
8. One way this section relates to my life is in continuous reinforcement. I am typing on the computer right now waiting for the buttons to pop up and it is continuous reinforcement. The second way this section relates to my life is interval schedules. this is in my life because i call my aunt all the time and she doesn't answer so i have to wait till she returns my calls and that is when the reinforcement happens.
9. These sections influenced what i thought about behavior modification in the ways i didn't know there was so many different ways and types of reinforcement that have different procedures. All the types have different response types. And they have different learning speeds.
10. day 1= 4 glasses
day 2= 4 glasses
day 3= 5 glasses
day 4= 3 glasses
day 5= 4 glasses
day 6 = 5 glasses
day 7 = 4
average is 4.14
10b I will reinforce myself with bdubs at the end of the week. If i reach my goal of 64 oz water.
terms: extinction burst, extinction, behavior, continuous reinforcement.
Section 2.4
1a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is extinction. This is because it is another way to reduce the target behavior other than punishment. Extinction occurs when an organism that is previously reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for the same behavior, another method to add to my list of “ways to stop smoking”.
2) The one thing I least liked about this section is the part about variability. This is because it talks about how during an extinction burst, not only will the organism emit the specific target behavior that no longer leads to reinforcement, it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement and when this happens an organism is not reducing a target behavior because it wants to but because it has to.
3a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section are extinction bursts, aggressive behavior and discriminative extinction. The reason being that it all shows me another alternative in reducing a target behavior that does not include punishment.
Section 2.5
4a&b) The one thing that I liked about this section is continuous reinforcement (CR). I liked this because as stated in the text, many behaviors in the real world are based on continuous reinforcement. It makes me think more about why I am doing a certain behavior and what reinforces it so that I keep doing it.
5) The one thing I least liked about this section was the part about Fixed versus Variable Schedule of Reinforcement. The reason why I liked this part least was because it took me awhile to fully grasp what it was about.
6a,b&c) The three things I will remember from this section are continuous reinforcement, biological continuity and operant chamber. The reason why I will remember continuous reinforcement is because it is a very powerful and effective reinforcement technique. As for biological continuity, it is a belief that left me intrigued because it states that all living things in the world can be arranged according to their complexity. Finally, I will remember operant chamber because I have always been interested in B. F. Skinner and his theories and the most interesting one in my opinion is operant conditioning. So the operant chamber is a vital part of this theory.
7a) Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = no glasses
Day 3 = 1 glass
Day 4 = 1 glass
Day 5 = 3 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 1 glass
Average = 1.85 glasses of water a day
7b) Something that can reinforce me to drink atleast 64oz of water would be exercise. Because I noticed on Day 6 I drank significantly more than the other days and that is because I exercised.
8) extinction, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, variability, extinction burst, aggressive behavior, discriminative extinction, punishment, continuous reinforcement (CR), fixed schedule of reinforcement, variable schedule of reinforcement, biological continuity, operant chamber, operant conditioning.
Section 2.4
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found spontaneous recovery very interesting because it is not a normal behavior that is exhibited and can be elicited by varying stimuli.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on generalization to be least interesting because it is fairly self explanatory. Although stereotyping is similar, I feel that both of these terms are fairly easy to comprehend.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section builds a lot on the terms previously discussed and builds on my knowledge of dealing with children's behaviors. With extinction, it occurs a lot in the development and modification of a child and their behaviors, which is what we discussed in my child development class.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is extinction. When it was time for my brother to do homework, my step-mom would hide the remote for the TV. After he found out that he couldn't get the remote to turn on the TV, he stopped looking for it and instead did his homework. The other example from my life is when I am trying to get my assignment to load but the internet won't work. So I turn off my Wifi and turn it on again hoping it will come up. I even restart my computer to try again, hoping that it will work. This is an example of extinction burst.
Section 2.5
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on continuous reinforcement very interesting. I knew that reinforcement was a somewhat ongoing way of modifying behavior but I had never really considered how it could also have the pleasurable behavior cease to be emitted, causing extinction.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the schedules of reinforcement to be the least interesting to, mostly because it was a lot of information that I really couldn't wrap my head around all at once. I found them to be somewhat interesting but they were a little overwhelming all together.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have already learned about Skinner in my intro to psychology class and have learned about his animal experiments but not in this much detail. This section also relates to all of the previous sections, it is just more in-depth in reinforcement and gives more examples of the different branches of reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example of interval schedules is when I am going to make food for lunch. I have to wait for a set amount of time while the food is being heated in order to receive the food (the reinforcer). Another example of how this section relates to my life is when I go over to visit my family and everyone has to sit quietly before we can start dishing our plates. We all know that we have to wait patiently and quietly in order to get our food, which is variable reinforcement.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This reading has made me realize that everything we do is in some way related to behavior modification. Whether we know it or not, we are on schedules of reinforcement and really don't
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 2 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 2 glasses
Day 6 = 2 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 2.8 glasses per day
10b) If I am able to drink 64oz of water every day, I will reinforce myself by allowing myself to have a day all to myself to relax and not do homework.
11) elicit, stimuli, generalization, extinction, extinction burst, continuous reinforcement, interval schedules, variable reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the idea of superstitious behaviors very interesting, I had never heard of animals performing these rituals the same as we would. It’s interesting to think of how many superstitious rituals we perform daily that are doing absolutely nothing.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This entire section was interesting I found all the information new except extinction but that was also elaborated on more deeply.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We had covered extinction earlier in this class. This was one of my topical blogs therefor I did research on the subject and learned a lot about the behaviors and extinction burst associated with extinction.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
First I’ve gone to casinos before and was told different things by the people I was with to increase my odds of a payout. Now looking back those where all probably superstitious behavior that those people had picked up themselves on previous trips. Second I myself have performed extinction burst and can think of the exact situations that were described in the chapter. The vending machine and the spontaneous recovery of placing money in the same machine to the result of no reinforcement again.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the idea of how the response times and when the responses occurred interesting on the graph depicting the four different reinforcement schedules. I found it interesting that after the subject figured out the schedule that their response could be predicted.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The early part of the section involving the introduction of the concept was a little stale but necessary for the learning of the material.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One this that I had previous knowledge about was a continuous vs a variable reinforcement schedule. This is from my own knowledge and from some of the research for previous topical blogs. We have many continuous reinforcements in our lives that they become difficult to distinguish.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to life is the concept of reinforcement schedules. I had learned from previous casino visits and shows on TV that casinos have ratio and interval payment schedules on their machines to keep you coming for more. Another thing I have noticed is that I have become more sensitive to the ideas of behavior modification in my real life. I have noticed and spoke about it with my girlfriend lately when we are in public and I notice a behavior modification concept in real life.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This has increased my confusion involving behavior modification for the moment but with a little time I think that these concepts will become less foreign and more mundane as we use them more and more often.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 1 gallon 128/ oz.
Day 2 = 1 gallon 128/ oz.
Day 3 = half a gallon/ 64 oz.
Day 4 = half a gallon/ 64 oz.
Day 5 = 5 bottles/ 85 oz.
Day 6 = 6 bottles/ 102 oz.
Day 7 = 4 bottles/ 68 oz.
Average = 91.3 oz. (I will preface this with the fact that I was sick and trying to maximize my water intake but I do drink the daily required 64 oz. on average in my everyday life normally.)
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
My reinforcer to continue drinking 64 oz. of water daily would be purchasing a pack of trading cards.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms/ Behavior, modification, reinforcement, interval schedule, continuous, variable, extinction, extinction burst, superstitious.
1. What is interesting about this section?
I found it to be very interesting the "side effects" of extinction. For example, extinction bursts and variability. Even after it was explained and it seemed like common sense it is just interesting how one term can connect all these other terms.
2. What did you find least interesting?
I found generalization and discrimination least interesting only because we had already been using those terms before we were given an exact definition. If in previous chapters we were never introduced to these words then they might hold more of an affect on how interesting they are.
3. How does this section relate to what you already knew?
This whole section is just an expansion of concepts we already knew. Adding extinction bursts and variability. It is still informative but I already knew what a lot of these concepts were and it was just like they wanted to give other ways to explain it.
4. What are two things you can relate to your life? With training a dog, you give it treats over and over to reinforce a certain behavior to continue. Then, with a trick, you stop giving them as many treats and, my dog, will continue to try to "shake" over and over when wanting a treat. Another thing I can relate to is the example of being a psychology major and getting the generalized statement.
5. What did you find interesting about this section?
I love learning about ratio vs interval reinforcement. Having a schedule reinforcement and having it work on animals is a crazy thing that I have always found interest in.
6. What did you find least interesting?
This section was very long and it was very filling with information but when I have to sit and go through all the things I did I just seem to lose interest myself.
7. How does this section relate to what you previously learned?
Like I said in number 5, I really love learning about ratio vs interval. I have done my research on it by myself for a project in another psychology class and how it works on cats. I even practiced on my cat and it was really difficult to even analyze it because cats are difficult. I first learned about it in introduction to psychology and have loved it ever since.
8. What are two ways this connects to your life.
One, I have done plenty of variable experiments in some of my previous classes. I really liked the graphs and it helped me understand the difference just a little bit better. Second, I think everyone can relate to continuous reinforcement because we all have something that we continuously reinforce ourselves with.
9. How has these sections helped your understanding of behavior modification?
It helped me really learn how complicated reinforcement can be. But I really, really enjoyed reading about all the stimuli and experiments you can do.
Day 1- 2 glasses
Day 2 - 1 glass
Day 3- 4 glasses
Day 4 - 3 glasses
Day 5- 2 glasses
Day 6- 3 glasses
Day 7- 5 glasses
Average- 2.8 glasses
10b. I will allow myself to drink 1 soda for every 8 glasses of water.
Terms- generalization, discrimination, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement, ratio vs interval, variability
1) The examples in the section were very interesting this time, and made it much easier to understand.
2) There were some parts that became kind of confusing. But once I read over them a couple more times, it became easier to understand.
3) We have talked a little bit about extinction in earlier sections. I also remember talking about discriminative stimuli in my other psychology courses.
4) I’m not sure if this count as extinction, but my roommate has a habit of forgetting his keys when he went to the bars. Without me knowing it, he had developed the habit of crawling through the living room window. I got tired of this, along with the mud he was tracking onto the carpet. So, I made sure that all the windows were locked. After trying the window once and realizing that it was locked, he stopped trying to come through the window.
Another way that it might relate to my life is that many people in my neighborhood use discriminative extinction stimuli without even realizing it. Every Halloween, there are several people that keep their front porch light off. This is a signal to all of the tricker-treaters that they should not waste their time coming to the door to ask for candy.
5) I liked the breakdown of the different kinds of reinforcement. I found it interesting that sometimes intermittent reinforcement sometimes works better than continuous reinforcement. To be honest, I had never thought about any other type of reinforcement other than continuous.
6) Sometimes I get bored with the repetition, but I guess it just makes everything easier to understand in the end.
7) We have talked about reinforcement in almost every section so far. This just builds on what we already know.
8) I don’t know if this works for an example, but my fiancé got a couple scratch offs this weekend. He was one letter away from winning $30,000 dollars. All he needed was a letter “I”. He went and bought more because he was so close. With these tickets, I think that it is built on a variable ratio schedule. The winning ticket only actually happens once every so many times. Another way that the reading applies to my life is that I guess I use intermittent reinforcement when I have to babysit my little cousin. Sometimes, when she does what she is told, I give her some sort of treat. I do not give this to her every time, and she seems to be really excited when she does get the treat.
9) This just adds to what we have already learned. I don’t think it has really changed my view of behavior modification that much; it has just expanded my understanding.
Day 1 = 8oz
Day 2 = 51 oz
Day 3 = 16 oz
Day 4 = 17 oz
Day 5 = 17oz
Day 6 = 42oz
Day 7 = 17oz
Average = 24oz
10b) If I can drink 64 ounces of water every day for the next week, I will treat myself to a cupcake and a pomegranate smoothie from Scratch.
Terms: reinforcement, extinction, discriminative stimuli, discriminative extinction stimuli, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, behavior modification, variable ratio schedule
1) The thing that I found to be most interesting about this section was the topic of extinction. I found this topic to be interesting because we have been talking a lot about reinforcement and how it can be used to increase a behavior but now we know a way to decrease a behavior that has been reinforced. I think this also interesting because when I personally think of behavior modification its not a topic I have thought about so it seems like a fresh concept for me.
2) The section that I found to be the least interesting is the discriminative extinction. I think it is because this is a harder concept to grasp and therefore is hard to focus and get interested in.
3) This section relates to what we already learned, because, we discussed these topics briefly in earlier chapters and are now expanding on them now. For example we learned what extinction is but now we are learning about how it relates to reinforcement.
4) I think the topic of extinction relates to our everyday life because in examples like training dogs, I have reinforced behaviors with certain reinforcers that I have then needed to change through the way of extinction. Anther thing that relates is extinction burst. This is because we have all been in a situation where we are in a sort or panic trying everything possible to get the response we want. For example trying to get your waiters attention, you might try there name first and end up raising your hand to get there attention.
5) I think the topic of continuous reinforcement because we always we talk about consistency being key to get a reinforcer to reinforce the target behavior. While consistency is key, if we do it right we can still reinforce a behavior without having to reinforce the behavior every single time it occurs.
6) I think I found the topic of schedules and reinforcements to be the least interesting because it just came off boring to me.
7) This relates back to when we talked about the importance of consistency. When we talk about continuous reinforcement consistency is still important.
8) Continuous reinforcement relates to my life because we dogs it is important to train them to do things such as potty outside, and it is important to reinforce them for performing that behavior. However at the same time giving them a treat every time for emit that behavior would be unhealthy for them so it is important to be able to reinforce that behavior without having to give them a treat every time. Another way this topic relates is when my fan breaks, and air stops blowing I know in need to get a new one.
9) After reading these sections I have a better understanding of behavior modification. I understand how different elements relate to each other.
10) Day1= 50oz Day2= 60 Day 3= 52 oz Day4= 40oz Day5 = 55oz Day 6 = 64 oz Day 7= 30 oz. I will be reinforced by being more hydrated and by feeling healthier.
11) Terms used: reinforcer, reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, target behavior, consequences, continuous reinforcement. Emit
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
After reading the first section 2.4 Additional concepts related to reinforcement and punishment, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The area that I found to be the most interesting was the area of extinction. I thought it was interesting to know that not only does punishment decrease a behavior, but extinction does as well. It is also interesting how similar that extinction and punishment seem the same. The reason that this seems so interesting is the fact that you would think there would be many ways to reinforce a behavior because you would want it to continue, but there seems to be more ways to decrease a behavior. Which to me seems interesting because it shows that society is more focused on diminishing a behavior than looking at the positives and bringing out positive behaviors. This also makes me wonder if people have more behaviors that need to be diminished than reinforced.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The area about variability was the area that I found to be the least interesting. I found this to be the least interesting because the information was clear to the point. When a person does not get their way they always change something till they receive what they want or all of the options are gone. This is a simple concept, but important to know.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section had everything new to me. I might have known some concepts from my own knowledge of trying things or heard something’s mentioned such as extinction, but did not go into this form of detail. The other things we learned in previous chapters was about aversive and the definition and examples, but I did not know that it is extinction. This was a very informational chapter and learned a lot more than others.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things I can relate to my life in this section are variability and aggressive behavior. When I would want my daddy to go get something from me I would ask and then I would keep asking and begging in different ways till he got me what I wanted. I would do it in multiple voices and pitches till I had either bugged him enough or he was tired of listening to me and got what I wanted. Continuing with this example, for aggressive behavior if the changing of my voice when asking for something did not happen I would result to hitting him in the stomach. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time it made him angrier. Thinking back on it I am not sure why I did it at all.
After reading the second section 2.5 Schedules of Reinforcement, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The area that I found to be the most interesting was ratio schedule and interval schedules or reinforcement. I thought that it was interesting that the amount of times something was done is a reinforcement because who thinks about that being a reinforcement. I also thought the concept of the interval and how quickly a person reacts could change the behavior of someone or even cause a behavior that might not be valued just from the interval being longer than expected because of some force. It is interesting to know that simple things like time and intervals have an impact on behavior.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The area I found to be the least interesting is the area about B.F. Skinner and the pigeons along with the biological continuity because as said below I have done research and know many things about him. Relearning something over and over again become repetitive and would have liked to have another example to broaden m learning.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to of course the areas of reinforcement that we have already covered in class. More specifically though the area of B.F. Skinner was mentioned in my previous classes and his research with rats and pigeons. I even wrote one of our topical research on B.F Skinner and his development with pigeons. However, during my research I did not know anything about operant chambers. I also knew from classes that if studies are done on say rats and pigeons that we can use that data to understand humans, but as above I have no idea that was called biological continuity.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things I can relate to my life in this section are continuous reinforcement and ratio scale. When I was a coach and now being a swim instructor I use continuous behavior with the children learning to swim. Every time that the person does something well I reinforce them with a good job, so they continue the behavior. They are being reinforced with me saying good job knowing that each time they are preforming something that I like and that they should continue to become a great swimmer. For ratio schedule when I try to open up my computer it takes many time before I actually get my computer open. That requires tries which is ratio schedule.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have influenced my thought about behavior because I am learning more. These sections have shown that there are more than one way to eliminate a behavior. Along with including things such as time and intervals that effect how a person will react causing a behavior that might not have been caused if the interval or time was different. Behavior modification just keeps becoming more complex but noticing that this all shapes the world we live in today.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 14 glasses
Day 2 = 9 glasses
Day 3 = 7 glasses
Day 4 = 20 glasses
Day 5 = 11 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 9 glasses
Average = 11 glasses
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
My reinforcement will be that at the end of the 7 days I will reward myself with a pop.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms: operant chambers, B.F.Skinner, extinction, punishment, reinforcement, variability, aggression behavior, ratio schedule, continuous reinforcement,
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the concept of spontaneous recovery to be the most interesting to me. I find this so interesting, because I think that also plays a role in how our minds work. I wonder why our minds work in this way. I am just intrigued but what the reason could be that would cause us to randomly emit a behavior that no longer gives us a reinforcement.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought that discriminative extinction was the least interesting. I think this because it just seemed like a common sense concept. I also think that since it is so similar to discriminative stimuli, that I already knew the basic of what it was, so I lost interest quicker.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This sections builds on to what we have already learned about extinction. it talks more about the different types of extinction. It also goes further to talk about the distinction between extinction and extinguished.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to my life is spontaneous recovery. I have actually been in the same situation and the example given in the book. There used to be a really good mexican place in my hometown with the best enchiladas. And I drove to it one day to get food, but it was gone. The second thing I can relate to is the aggressive behavior. I am not a very patient person. Therefore if i am emitting a behavior and not getting the result I want, I will emit a more aggressive behavior in order to get the reinforcement I am searching for.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the concept of ratio strain to be the most interesting. I think this was the most interesting mainly because I have never heard of this term. I also find it interesting because I have never really thought about how this could have an effect on reinforcement.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing that I found to be the least interesting was the section about continuous reinforcement. I think this was the least interesting to me because it is a rather easy concept. Because of of this once I fully understood the concept I began to lose interest in what the book had to say.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
The chapter build how reinforcement occurs in everyday life. It does this by talking about the different schedules of reinforcement, and why they occur.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to continuous reinforcement, because there are several different tasks that I do at work that always have the same result, and are therefore continually reinforcing me. I can also relate to to all of the schedules of reinforcement, because when I worked at a daycare, we would use all of these techniques. Sometime we would give out sticker when the kids picked up their toys.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has made me realize how literally every behavior we emit has a consequence whether it is a reinforcement of punishment. It has also made me realize just how complex behavior modification is. Its is not as simple as people think.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = 1 glass
Day 3 = 3 glasses
Day 4 = 2 glasses
Day 5 = 2 glasses
Day 6 = 6 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 2.7 glasses
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
In order to drink this amount of water I will have to cut back on my pop consumption. I can reinforce myself by allowing myself to get a large pop if I can go 7 days with 64oz of water each day.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
Terms: spontaneous recovery, reinforcement, punishment, reinforce, continuous reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, emit, behavior, discriminative stimuli, discriminative extinction, extinction, extinguished, aggressive behavior, ratio strain, consequence
1. I found that extinction burst was interesting because I have not thought about this concept. The definition of this is when reinforcement is initially withheld, the behavior that used to lead to reinforcement will occur more often. There will be an increased amount of the behavior as the individual tries even harder to obtain reinforcement. This is something that has happened to all of us, and that is why I think this concept is interesting because it’s something that everyone can relate to and now I can put a term to it
2. I feel like I say this in almost all of my blog posts, but I truly do find everything in these readings interesting, because most of this information is new to me and I love learning about all of it. I recently switched my major from business to psychology and I am just having a lot of fun learning about psychology and everything that goes into it.
3. This section talks a lot about reinforcement and a little of punishment. We have covered what reinforcement is and what it looks like in a social setting in almost all of the sections we have read so far. This relates because reinforcement is a big part of behavior modification. If we want a behavior to change, there needs to be a reinforcer.
4. I can relate all of this to my own personal life, but I will give a few examples of how extinction burst connects to my everyday life. For example, I give my dogs a treat every time they come in from going to the bathroom outside. They are conditioned to run back inside and straight for the kitchen expecting to see me with a treat in hand. If I am not there to greet them, they will start running around the house looking for me and barking. They are what the treat as a reinforcement, so they are running around trying to find me. This is an example of extinction burst.
5. While reading this section I found that the difference between intermittent reinforcement versus continuous reinforcement was interesting to read about. The difference is that intermittent reinforcement is when the reinforcer was very powerful and effective that the behavior only needed that one time to change. Whereas continuous behavior is when the reinforcer happens continuously, so that the behavior is being reinforced multiple times.
6. I didn’t find anything uninteresting to me but I had a hard time understanding what fixed versus variable schedule of reinforcement. I think I have a decent grasp of what fixed reinforcement is but I am having trouble relating schedule of reinforcement to my life.
7. We have covered the basics of what this section has been about so I feel like it has just been going a little deeper into what behavior modification. As I stated before, reinforcement has been talked about in previous sections. The concept of this is that reinforcement has many different layers, and there are many different categories that reinforcement is made up of.
8. The example about my dogs in the previous question can be applied here as well. Referring to the continuous reinforcement, when my dogs are expecting to get a treat after they came in by themselves they are being continually reinforced by me when they are given the treat. So they have an incentive to come in from outside without someone having to go get them.
9. This reading has opened my eyes to the fact that behavior modification isn’t only just about reinforcement and punishment, it consists of a variety of techniques and different categories.
10. Day 1= 8 cups
Day 2= 9 cups
Day 3= 9 cups
Day 4= 7 cups
Day 5= 8 cups
Day 6= 8 cups
Day 7= 9 cups
Average= 8.2
10b. To help reinforce myself to drink 64 oz of water I can give myself a reward for everyday that I complete this challenge.
Terms: extinction burst, reinforcement, punishment, conditioned, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement.
Section 2.4
1) I found really interesting all the extra information about extinction since I think it is a good way to modify behavior without using punishment. Throughout the characteristics of extinction we can difference it from punishment really easily looking for the extinction burst or the variability in behaviors. Also I was surprised about the superstitious behaviors because I know about them but never thought they would be a psychologic phenomenon.
2) I thought the generalization and discrimination effects were less interesting because they didn’t really go into many details and in my opinion they are interesting to talk about.
3) We already knew what extinction is from previous chapters but I didn’t know you could identify it from its characteristics. I liked going into more details because I think it can lead to a better behavior modification. I already knew about generalization and discrimination from other classes from back home.
4) I was really surprised to know about the superstitious behaviors from BF Skinner studies in this chapter and this is something I can definitely relate to. Since we are little our family and friends tell us about it and how if you don’t want bad lack you shouldn’t open your umbrella in a covered room for example. But now that I’ve grown older I’ve realized how these acts have no effect in my life so I don’t let my life be influenced by them. I will also relate myself to the extinction burst since when I babysit my little cousin he is so annoying trying to get my attention when he wants to play and he does all these funny faces so I will always try not to give him the attention when I need to do something else.
Section 2.5
5) The thing I most liked about the chapter was the last section that talked about using schedules of reinforcement because I want to learn how to use them in real life. The examples about the waitress were helpful and made the point that this can be used in real life and not just with animals.
6) It is not like it wasn’t interesting but the whole chapter was really confusing to me. The examples helped understanding the material yet it all seems so similar to me so I had a hard time putting it all together.
7) I think some professors of mine had already mentioned all the terms in this chapter but they hadn’t gone into as many details. It was good to have an example of which of them to have a better understanding.
8) For this question the first thing that came to my mind was how my dad always plays the lottery (which works differently in Spain). Even though he doesn’t win too often he still plays it because he enjoys the risk, so this is Continuous reinforcement; he gets satisfaction for playing it every day so he keeps doing so. Another example I can think related to this chapter is the card I got when I used to go to a hairdresser. Every time I went there I got a sticker so after ten times of going there I got a free haircut. This would be FR10 in which in order to get a free haircut (reinforcement) you need to go ten times to the hairdresser.
9) The thing that most surprised me was the superstitious behaviors and how we can relate a random act tot something we did when indeed it has nothing to do with it. I am looking forward to start changing my family and friends’ behaviors about these kinds of actions.
Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 4 glasses
Day 6 = 2 glasses
Day 7 = 5 glasses
Average = 3.85 glasses
10b) I will reinforce myself having a soda every 6 glasses of water and having also a cookie if I reach 8 glasses of water; and of course feeling healthier.
Extinction, punishment, behavior modification, superstitious behaviors, extinction burst, variability, generalization, discrimination, schedules, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, reinforce.
1. I think the section on superstitious behaviors and why they occur was interesting because the examples used were relatable and I don’t think many people realize why they believe in superstitions. For example, one year my mom was laid off from work on Friday the 13th. Though it was the only time she’s had something negative happen to her on that date, years later she still brings it up though it was most likely just a coincidence
2. Like most sections, I didn’t think anything was uninteresting though the recapping of extinction was information I already knew about. I liked that it went into detail much more and gave more examples of it.
3. I have heard in many classes the example of using extinction with negative behaviors in children. In the section it talked about kids constantly yelling “Mom. Mom. Mom.” and the mom starts to ignore it so sooner or later that behavior will stop because it isn’t reinforced any longer. This is also been discussed in previous chapters.
4. I would say the topic of variability related to a part of my life recently. My family and I have been out of the house a lot these last few weeks and our dog has been super needy. For awhile she would jump up on us and try to get attention that way but we would keep pushing her away. Recently, she started limping so we were all coddling her and checking to see what could be wrong. After about an hour she started running around without the limp, then started it back up when we started taking our attention from her. She kept increasing her behavior to get attention. The idea of Spontaneous Recovery has affected my life as well. For a long time my cousin who is 3 would throw huge fits whenever my uncle would leave him with a babysitter because he is so attached to him. After awhile he started getting better about it, until he stopped getting reinforced when he did well with it. He now continues to throw fits when my uncle leaves.
5. I thought the most interesting part of this section was the Schedules of Reinforcement because its simple to understand.
6. I honestly struggled to stay focused during this section because of all the statistical components of it…I think that its just because numbers are not really my thing, so it got confusing.
7. I’m honestly not really sure about this relating to things I already knew about. I felt like this was all relatively new information and parts of it I still don’t understand.
8. I feel like I really can’t relate anything from this section to my life except for the examples used.
9. I thought the first section I read supported what I thought of behavior modification but the second part really threw me off… I didn’t realize the ratio’s and diagrams would be a part of it but I guess it is important to track data.
10a. Day…. (in cups)
1) 2
2) 3
3) 3
4) 4
5) 2
6) 5
7) 2
Average: 3
10b. At first I thought about everyday that I am able to drink the full amount, I would give myself like .50 because that’s like $15 a month….but I don’t have money to pay myself anyway. I think I would like to combine this with another health conscious choice. I snack on sweets a lot. Everyday I have a chocolate bar, ice cream cone, cookie…whatever is in the dining center. So I am thinking I will hold out, and if on Sunday I drank my full amount, I can allow myself a sweet then. It’ll have to be something really good though, because chugging water for a week straight only to get a .74 cent candy bar won’t be worth it enough.
11. Behavior, Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, reinforcement, Superstitious
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed almost all of the 2.4 reading because it was very relatable. The whole time I was reading I was thinking in my head "I do that all the time", "Oh I remember doing that when I was younger", or "I hate when my younger siblings do that." It was kind of weird to realize a lot of the things I did when I was younger have an actual name for what I was doing. For instance, extinction bursts, I know there was a period of time where I would always call out for my mom until she answered. (Even doing the tone, volume, and pitch changes.) I did eventually get to the point where now I either call, text, or just go find my mom instead of yelling for her. I just think it's really crazy that I never knew extinction was a thing yet I am realizing I use it all the time on people, and they use it on me too.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The only thing I didn't really find interesting was the part on spontaneous recovery. I think it is mostly just because I didn't really relate to it. When I was reading it there wasn't a moment that clicked for me where I could remember an instance of me acting this out. I think a big reason for this is that I am only 20, but I have moved around to many different cities. So there was never really a time for me to develop a tradition of always going somewhere, or anything like that. I'm sure if I ever visited a place I use to live I would experience spontaneous recovery.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
When I read this I thought a lot about reinforcement, and punishment. I already thought reinforcement was a better tactic than punishment after previous readings, but now I also know about extinction. I think that extinction is better than punishment because it is less aversive, but I still believe that reinforcement is the best thing to use when you want to modify someones behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Some things that relate to my life are extinction bursts, and variability. While I don't yell for my mom anymore, my younger sister and brother do. It is funny to think I use to do it all the time because it annoys me to know end when they do it now. My mom use to respond to my siblings when they yelled out for her, but recently she has gotten to the point where she stops responding to them. This has caused them to have an extinction burst where they are yelling mom nonstop. (Very annoying.) They have definitely starting variability too: they say mom at different volumes, different languages, they will sing it, etc. I am looking forward to the time where they will realize there behavior isn't being reinforce any more.
Another example of extinction in my life is that I have had the situation where I am trying to get something out of a vending machine when my dollar won't work, and while the behavior eventually does get extinguished, for awhile I did stand there keep trying different ways to get the dollar to work.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I always think it's interesting to hear about the experimentation that is done on animals to prove these terms true. I just always find it interesting that animals will learn that certain behaviors will be reinforced, and that they will receive something desirable so they will modify their behaviors to receive rewards.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It's not that I found this reading uninteresting, but it was confusing to me. I think it was just a lot of information to take in at once, and the fact that the word ratio or interval seemed to be in every single term made it harder to keep them apart in my head.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I do not remember ever really learning about this in any previous classes, but I did not like the part towards the end about examples of the terms in video games. For some reason it just made the terms a lot easier for me to understand, and it gave me something I could relate to my life.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I could easily relate to the section where it gave examples of the ratios in video games. In the Crash Bandicoot games I play you have to collect 100 wumpa fruit to collect a new life, this is an example of a fixed ratio. There are also certain levels where you have to wait for a "boss" to respawn, this is an example of a fixed interval.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Like I previously said earlier in the post I use to think reinforcement was the best way to modify behavior, and that punishment was second best. But I now believe reinforcement is the best, then extinction, and the lastly punishment.
10a) Day 1 = six cups Day 2 = five cups Day 3 = five cups Day 4 = six cups Day 5 = five cups Day 6 = five cups Day 7 = four cups Average = About five cups a day (5.14)
10b) I don't think I have consumed 8 cups of water a day since high school, so I wasn't surprised by my results of only drinking approximately 5 cups a day. The positive reinforcement I am going to use on myself is if I drink eight cups of water a day for a week I will reward myself with Papa Johns. I believe this self reinforcement will work because I love Papa Johns, and drinking these eight cup a day will give me a feeling of accomplishment/the feeling I deserve some pizza.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforce, self reinforcement, extinction bursts, spontaneous recovery, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, aversive, behavior, variability, reinforced, extinguished, fixed ratio, fixed interval
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part to read about in my opinion was about the superstitious behaviors. I took a moment and realized just how true it is, that there are a ton of behaviors people emit expecting that they will be reinforced just because it coincidentally happened one time.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
To me the least interesting part of this section was going back over extinction, extinction burst and variability because we have already read and discussed this a few times in class.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section reiterated what I already knew about extinction and also added onto my knowledge of it.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Aggressive behavior is one thing from this section that I can see that relates to my life. Working at a daycare there can be some spoiled kids that you can tell often get their way, at daycare if they don’t they will resort to throwing tantrums and screaming until they get their way. Although all of the staff I have worked with always does their best to extinguish the behavior instead of letting the child get what they wanted. I can see variability with my dog, he knows to let us know he wants outside by standing by the door and waiting, however if we take too long to notice he will start to whine then we let him out. But sometimes if we’re busy or asleep and it’s taking us too long he will start barking until he’s let outside.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to learn the different types of intermittent reinforcement, I wasn’t really aware of the different types.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Reading about continuous reinforcement was the least interesting because it seems pretty self-explanatory to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had already learned the term intermittent reinforcement but now I have learned about the different types and how they all work.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I think that continuous reinforcement was definitely used with training my dog, he was given a treat every time he would shake his paw with our hand. Intermittent reinforcement is used with him because he gets a treat when he comes back inside, as long as he stays in his yard. Once he learned this we stopped rewarding him every time and just did it every now and then to keep the behavior going.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
After reading these sections it just amazes me at all the different ways one can use to teach and modify behaviors. Most people think it should be sort of straight forward but there are so many ways I had never known about. And some that work way better than others.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =28 oz
Day 2 =14 oz
Day 3 =42 oz
Day 4 =36 oz
Day 5 =40 0z
Day 6 =48 oz
Day 7 =48 oz
Average =36.6 oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
I’m going to reinforce myself with something sweet, since I’m trying to eat and drink healthy right now rewarding myself with a cookie or something like that would be awesome.
11) Terms: extinction, extinction burst, variability, superstitious behaviors, emit, reinforce, aggressive behavior, continuous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to me that an extinction burst almost always results in a failure of extinction. I also realized that extinction happens a lot in my day to day life. The example with the pop machine is a very frustrating extinction burst because that happened to me while in the union and makes me not want to use any pop machine with the chance of that happening.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I actually really liked this chapter. It discussed a lot of information on extinction and extinguish. I think I find this term most interesting because it is easy for me to try to use in everyday life when trying to deal with someone who does something I may not exactly like, yet I still find interest.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what we already know in the way of how extinction works more in behavior modification. It tells us the extinction burst really effects the extinction. It gives more of an in depth view on how it all works. And if you don't go through with the extinction burst it can be a fail. We learned that we have to ignore the extinction burst.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is extinction. When it was time for my sister to do homework, my mom would hide the remote for the TV. After she found out that she couldn't get the remote to turn on the TV, she stopped looking for it and instead did her homework. Another thing I can relate to is the example of being a psychology major and getting the generalized statement.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the most interesting part of this section was the Schedules of Reinforcement because its very simple to understand.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I did not find as interesting was talking about biological continuity. This was because we have learned in many classes about classification and how things are labeled.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have already learned about Skinner in my intro to psychology class and have learned about his animal experiments, but not in this much detail. This section also relates to all of the previous sections, it is just more in-depth in reinforcement and gives more examples of the different branches of reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The continuous reinforcement relates to my life every time I am typing on a keyboard, because I expect the letter to pop up. When it comes to my meals at home, I always had specific times I would have food ready. Every night at 5pm, I expected to have my dinner because that was always when my mom fed me.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This has greatly expanded my knowledge of behavior modification. The concepts that I enjoyed learning most about in both sections included extinction burst, variability, and intermittent reinforcement because I see these concepts in my everyday life. I also enjoyed how the last portion of section 2.5 talked about how these schedules of reinforcement relate to our everyday lives. We don’t even realize it, but we are using behavior modification all the time, whether effectively or ineffectively. Hopefully with this new knowledge, we can start using behavior modification more effectively.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please FILL OUT the information below:
Day 1 = seven cups
Day 2 = eight cups
Day 3 = eight cups
Day 4 = seven cups
Day 5 = six cups
Day 6 = eight cups
Day 7 = seven cups
Average = seven cups
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I will allow myself to have a can of pop for every eight cups I drink.
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
extinction burst, extinction, extinguished, behavior modification, Schedules of Reinforcement, biological continuity, classification, variability, intermittent reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In the section, I found two things to be the most interesting to me. First was the examples and relevancy each had. Normally examples in textbooks are something either well above or well below the appropriate audience for the book, however the examples in this section and the many others we have read have been on point for a collegiate level course. These examples with snack machines, generalized psych majors, and truly anything with alcohol make understanding the information presented easier to relate to. I also specifically found the section on extinction burst and caving in to be interesting. The idea of extinction is simple in practice and hard in execution, and with the many examples of how these major figures cave in and give in to the pressure of the burst. Because of this caving in, a lot of behaviors that people wish would be extinguished are close to extinction, but not fully gone.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on generalization to be the least interesting to me for the time being. I don’t expect it to get too much more in depth than the initial definition unlike other terms that have been introduced in the previous sections. Generalization is very simple and understandable even at face value, so it just wasn’t something that grabbed my interest.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Something from this section that was relate-able to previous sections is the obvious choice of extinction. The section expands on the intricacies of what extinction is, however it has been brought up in multiple discussions in class and previous chapters. It goes more in depth to talk about other beings being aids in the process as opposed to it all being focused on self. Extinction burst was also brought up which has been mentioned many times.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is the personal practice of extinction, for good or for worse. I used to do homework on Saturday’s or Sunday’s, but when getting my studies done became less reinforcing for me personally, I stopped the practice of doing any sort of school work. Essentially, what was once reinforcing, getting studies done and the stress lifted, stopped doing that, I stopped doing homework on these days.
Another thing that is relative to me, is the use of extinction burst in some behaviors. For example, in my life, I attempt to use it with some behaviors of fellow organization members. Some members are very hyperactive and tend to be loud and obnoxious and get a lot of laughs and attention from it; however it is detrimental to professional settings. So we attempt to cut out the reinforcement that the member feels, and in doing so he exhibits new behaviors to elicit the same responses. It is a classic example of what is to be expected in this.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting in the section was the thorough descriptions of the reinforcement schedules. I enjoyed relearning about the fixed interval/ratio and variable interval/ratio schedules in reinforcing behaviors. This was something I enjoyed learning back in my introductory class.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the thing to be least interesting to be continuous reinforcement. After rereading this snippet a couple of times and going over the examples, I just thought that, even though it makes sense, it is simply not practical in my opinion and although it works, I just did not enjoy it.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section thoroughly advances the idea of reinforcement and how to reinforce behaviors that are wanted. It also has what schedules work well and examples of when these schedules are used and how they are relevant in real life. Because of this it also shows the benefit of using reinforcement over punishment in developing behaviors.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is a poker website that I use on, now, a daily basis. The reason I use it, is because it has a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement for daily chip additions. So if I run low, and if I continue to visit the site, I am reinforced by getting more chips. Also this is a free poker website so I am not a funded gambling addict.
Another thing that relates to my life is the use of a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement with seeing guys at my house. With living in a house that 60 guys can frequent whenever they need, I can come home to nobody, just roommates, or 10+ guys who are there. This is how this schedule of reinforcement relates to my life.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reinforcement has been shown to be far above and beyond the best way to change or adapt behaviors that are wanted. It also is relevant that in my Ancient philosophy class in reading Plato’s Republic, they discuss justice and injustice, and in discussing this they agree that no human was bettered by punishment. It is highly relevant and a very old origination to a modernized thought.
It is starting to tie everything together in a more expert level.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1 8oz
Day 3 = 1 80z
Day 4 = 1 80z
Day 5 = 1 80z
Day 6 = 2 80z
Day 7 = 3 8oz
Average = 1.28 or 10oz per day
10b) I will use positive reinforcement of giving myself additional non water beverages through the following week if I can hit half the regular daily amount for the first couple weeks. After 3 weeks of straight success I will keep the same schedule of reinforcement, but want to hit the regular daily amount of 64oz per day.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Generalization, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement schedules, fixed interval, variable ratio, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on extinction burst and caving in to be interesting. The idea of extinction is simple in practice and hard in execution, and with the many examples of how these major figures cave in and give in to the pressure of the burst. Because of this caving in, a lot of behaviors that people wish would be extinguished are close to extinction, but not fully gone.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on generalization to be the least interesting to me for the time being. I don’t expect it to get too much more in depth than the initial definition unlike other terms that have been introduced in the previous sections. Generalization is very simple and understandable even at face value, so it just wasn’t something that grabbed my interest.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Something from this section that was relatable to previous sections is the obvious choice of extinction. The section expands on the intricacies of what extinction is, however it has been brought up in multiple discussions in class and previous chapters. It goes more in depth to talk about other beings being aids in the process as opposed to it all being focused on self. Extinction burst was also brought up which has been mentioned many times.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is the personal practice of extinction, for good or for worse. I used to do homework on Saturday’s or Sunday’s, but when getting my studies done became less reinforcing for me personally, I stopped the practice of doing any sort of school work. Essentially, what was once reinforcing, getting studies done and the stress lifted, stopped doing that, I stopped doing homework on these days.
Another thing that is relative to me, is the use of extinction burst in some behaviors. For example, in my life, I attempt to use it with some behaviors of fellow organization members. Some members are very hyperactive and tend to be loud and obnoxious and get a lot of laughs and attention from it; however it is detrimental to professional settings. So we attempt to cut out the reinforcement that the member feels, and in doing so he exhibits new behaviors to elicit the same responses. It is a classic example of what is to be expected in this.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting in the section was the thorough descriptions of the reinforcement schedules. I enjoyed relearning about the fixed interval/ratio and variable interval/ratio schedules in reinforcing behaviors. This was something I enjoyed learning back in my introductory class.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the thing to be least interesting to be continuous reinforcement. After rereading this snippet a couple of times and going over the examples, I just thought that it is simply not practical. After progressing through the class, it is easier to see the practicalities of it, and it is not a reinforcement schedule that you keep. Instead you start with this and ween off it to a different style of reinforcement, whether it be variable interval, fixed ratio, or any of the others.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section thoroughly advances the idea of reinforcement and how to reinforce behaviors that are wanted. It also has what schedules work well and examples of when these schedules are used and how they are relevant in real life. Because of this it also shows the benefit of using reinforcement over punishment in developing behaviors.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is a poker website that I use on, now, a daily basis. The reason I use it, is because it has a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement for daily chip additions. So if I run low, and if I continue to visit the site, I am reinforced by getting more chips. Also this is a free poker website so I am not a funded gambling addict.
Another thing that relates to my life is the use of a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement with seeing guys at my house. With living in a house that 60 guys can frequent whenever they need, I can come home to nobody, just roommates, or 10+ guys who are there. This is how this schedule of reinforcement relates to my life.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reinforcement has been shown to be far above and beyond the best way to change or adapt behaviors that are wanted. It also is relevant that in my Ancient philosophy class in reading Plato’s Republic, they discuss justice and injustice, and in discussing this they agree that no human was bettered by punishment. It is highly relevant and a very old origination to a modernized thought.
It is starting to tie everything together in a more expert level.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1 8oz
Day 3 = 1 80z
Day 4 = 1 80z
Day 5 = 1 80z
Day 6 = 2 80z
Day 7 = 3 8oz
Average = 1.28 or 10oz per day
10b) I will use positive reinforcement of giving myself additional non water beverages through the following week if I can hit half the regular daily amount for the first couple weeks. After 3 weeks of straight success I will keep the same schedule of reinforcement, but want to hit the regular daily amount of 64oz per day.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Generalization, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement schedules, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement, punishment, behaviors, positive reinforcement,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found most interesting was the section about superstitious behaviors because everybody has done this at least once in their life. It's actually pretty funny that we think emitting a certain behavior over and over again will elicit the desired response. I also found spontaneous recovery to be very interesting although I can't recall an example from my own life.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- What I thought was the least interesting was the review of extinction because we had already learned this and I used it in a topical blog post but I thought it was an important lesson to learn how to differentiate "extinction" and "extinguished".
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- The review over extinction relates to a few past sections as well as the terms extinction burst, topographical, and functional that were learned from chapter one.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- One thing that I relate to is superstitious behaviors because I ran track. I was a sprinter for seven years and all seven of those years I would do the exact same warm up before my races. When my heat up was up to the blocks and the started yelled "On your marks!" I would do the same routine (jog up, shake my legs, jump up really high, and stretch my legs back into my blocks). I would do this because I had it in my head that it would raise my chance of winning even though I was already very warmed up. Another term I relate to is discriminative extinction. I've seen this when I've closed for Cherry Berry. I would have the open sign off, the doors locked, lights dimmed, and the TVs off and people would still try to open to the door even after they've looked inside. The costumers were previously reinforced by opening the door with ease and getting frozen yogurt. But the store was closed and there were many stimuli that that signaled that. I've always thought it was a big humorous that people would still try to get in even though it was obvious I was closed.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- I found the section that applied schedules of reinforcement to every day life the most interesting. At first I was pretty confused by the terms ratio, interval, fixed, and variable. But by having relatable examples I was able to easier understand the information. But I'm still a bit confused by the differences, this'll just take time and practice to fix though.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I didn't think anything was uninteresting, but the section was really long so I got a little bored reading it. That's why the real life examples helped a lot because it helped refresh my brain.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- I've learned a little bit about schedules of reinforcement in my intro to psych class but not in this much depth. This section relates to all the other sections because you can just takes all of those terms and put them into a certain schedule, whichever would be most beneficial.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I relate to fixed intervals (FI) with both my jobs because I expect a paycheck every other Friday and Wednesday. If I don't get paid, extinction occurs and I will get ahold of my boss to fix the problem. This has happened before and a long time went by until I finally got paid. During that waiting period, I experienced extinction burst by continuously checking in with my boss asking if he had fixed the problem yet. I also relate to variable ratio (VR) with my TV remote. For a long time whenever I press the guide button, I could see all the channels and shows that were playing. A few months ago the button kinda broke so now I have to press it a couple times every time to make it work.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
- These sections have taught me that behaviors not only need to be reinforced or punished with certain processes but also with certain schedules to keep the target behaviors continuing. At first a fixed ratio/interval may work for increasing the target behavior but eventually a variable ratio/interval will be the best route because the reinforcer is given at unexpected times, making the person continue to behave the way we want.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 3 glasses
Day 2 = 4 glasses
Day 3 = 3 glasses
Day 4 = 3 glasses
Day 5 = 4 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 8.7
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
- If I drink at least 64 oz of water for 7 days I will reinforce myself by buying some type of treat juice (fruit punch for example) so that I can add some flavored liquids to my diet.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
- superstitious behaviors, emitting, elicit, desired response, spontaneous recovery, extinction, extinguished, extinction burst, topographical, functional, discriminative extinction, reinforced, stimuli, schedules of reinforcement, ratio, interval, fixed, variable, fixed interval (FI), variable ratio (VR), punished, target behaviors, reinforcer
1. The most interesting thing I learned in section 2.4 was extinction burst. To me this was interesting because I never would have thought about this before trying to extinguish a behavior. Basically, this is when you are in the process of trying extinguish a behavior that problem actually gets worse before the behavior is extinguished. For example when you want to get rid of a behavior like eating junk food, right before it is extinguishes, it gets really bad where all you can think is junk food and just how good it smells.
2. The least interesting fact in this section would be about just extinction. Although it is always good to review over stuff, that was just the least interesting because I’ve already learned it. The rest of the section was fun to learn about.
3. Something that was in this section that I have previously learned in class was discrimination. This is when you can’t detect the differences in stimuli in able tell they are apart from one another. I think was a good idea to bring back up in this section because it helped us to understand other newer things in the book, like superstitious behaviors.
4. Two things in this section that can help me out in my life would to understand extinction burst and that there is also sometimes aggressive behavior too when trying to use extinction. If I didn’t know about extinction burst and aggressive behaviors from trying to use extinction then I would not succeed trying to do so.
5. The most interesting thing in section 2.5 was about the intermittent reinforcement. I liked all the examples you gave with the variable ratio, fixed ratio, variable interval, and fixed interval. Even though I already know this from another class, it helped me understand it better. Ratios are the amount of times doing that behavior while interval is that time in-between the behavior before a reinforcer. Fixed is the exact same frequency and variable is sporadic.
6. The least interesting thing in this reading would be the biological continuity. This was the least interesting in this section but I also don’t think it was boring. It wasn’t as fun as the rest of it. Biological continuity is where all living things are organized by their complicity like learning mechanisms.
7. The section relates a lot to what I have already known. Even though I still think it’s interesting to learn about again, I also learning this in my psychology class in high school. I learned in high school all about the fixed, variable, ratio, and interval.
8. Two things that relate to my life would be post reinforcement pause and cumulative. I had not known that the word cumulative means random, which will help a lot in my later classes when they talk about this. Reinforcement pause will help me understand that if I’m trying to use a fixed interval that they will learn to wait a little before trying that behavior again.
9. This section of readings didn’t change what I thought of behavior modifications the class because I figured this stuff would be part of it. I learned most of this section in a different class, which I still got to understand them better at least.
Day 1 =64 oz
Day 2 =17 oz
Day 3 =32 oz
Day 4 =20 oz
Day 5 =17 oz
Day 6 =10 oz
Day 7 = 10 oz
Average = 24.3 oz
10b. the reinforcement that I would use to reach my target behavior of 64 oz a day would being able to get an A in this class, or being treated with a Starbucks mocha if I succeed.
Terms: Extinction burst, extinguish, extinguished, extinction, aggressive behavior, extinction burst, biological continuity, cumulative, fixed, variable, ratio, interval, reinforcement pause
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Extinction burst. I thought that the people do the behavior more when they are first denied to be very interesting and something that I have done before. I was amused by the family guy referenced and it was immediately visualized in my head as soon as I read it. I also have an interest in drug addiction and I thought it was an accurate example of what happens when people can’t find drugs in the reading and a very good connection to the concept.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Generalization and discrimination. It was a section that was pretty plain compared to the rest of the reading. It was not as thought provoking as the extinction and extinguish section happened to be and I also find superstitious behaviors more interesting and unique of a concept.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-Extinction has been discussed in previous sections of the reading. This section was much more detailed about the concept, however.
-Calling extinction aversive brought the concepts of aversive behavior up again from the other readings.
-Generalization and discrimination were discussed in previous psych classes.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I have noticed many examples of aggressive behavior in my life. For example when my stops getting what she wants she will get more aggressive with yelling or complaints.
- As someone that has worked at a few jobs that have a closing time we place a discriminative extinction stimuli whenever we close. We let people know that even though we are in the building closing up shop business hours are over when we turn on the closed sign and lock the door.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- I had always had the preconceived notion that reinforcement was just continuous reinforcement. I learned a lot of new concepts that I did not previously know with reinforcement schedules. Being fixed, variable, interval, or ratio it was all new to me.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-When discussing reinforcement schedules at the beginning I found the rat and pigeon examples to be really boring. It is hard to be interested when those were simpler and in lab settings and were hard to relate to me experiences.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
-The reading called back to the previous section when bringing up the extinction happens when reinforcement has stopped.
-Fixed, ratio, variable, and interval were all terms used in research methods although not necessarily in the same context.
- I have read of Skinner’s work with animals in previous classes.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-As an avid gamer I found the section that compared the reinforcement schedules to be very applicable to my experiences in game.
-As someone who has worked for wage pay and for tips I am family with the FI and VR pay schedules
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I now have a conceptual framework for schedules of reinforcement and I only really had continuous reinforcement in my head previously. I now have an idea of what to expect when I am trying to extinguish a behavior and what I will deal with when not enabling someone.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
in terms of 8 oz glasses
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =1
Average =2.71 8 oz glasses
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Each day that I drink 64 ounces of water in a day I reward myself with 30 extra minutes of game time then I normally allow myself. I normally limit myself during the school year but I feel this is a proper reinforcer.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
extinct, extinguish, reinforcement, variable, fixed, ratio, interval, discriminative extinction stimuli, aversive, schedules of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, extinction burst, B.F. Skinner
1.) The most interesting thing that I read in section 2.4, is about superstitions. This surprised me because this is not something I had ever thought to relate with behavior modifications. It made sense though as superstitious acts are behaviors, and could be potentially modified.
2.) To me, it’s not what I found least interesting, but what doesn’t immediately stand out. I personally love learning about psychology and modifying behaviors. This section reviewed extinction and extinguishing behaviors. I remember going over this before in class, because every time I go to Wal-Mart I look now for certain behaviors. Then I recall the story that was told about the father in the check-out line. I also think about this when I am trying to stand my ground with my own child to make sure I don’t give in.
3.) As stated above, extinction is something I think about almost every day. To extinguish a behavior is not new to me, but I cannot remember if it was this class or my other one.
4.) I love this class because most of the things we learn in this class directly relates to my daily life raising my child. I use extinction daily as my child can be a little difficult to deal with as she is a little diva (thanks to her grandparents). In turn, when extinction is successful, the behavior is then extinguished.
5.) What I found most interesting about section 2.5 is that yes, I do use a lot of this in my daily life without knowing the correct terminology. Continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement is something that has been trial and error in my daughter’s life. For the record, intermittent reinforcement works so much better as continuous reinforcement allows the child to get used to the reinforcement and making it so that it is no longer reinforcing.
6.) I think the least interesting thing I learned out of this section was about reinforcement schedules. This is valuable information that I will no doubt be putting to use in the very near future, but it was very wordy and I had to reread it several times to fully understand the concept.
7.) This relates as it expounds even more on the reinforcement side and shows the difference between extinction and punishment as the two are not mutually exclusive. The extinction behavior is not a punishment, but a separate procedure in its self.
8.) Two things that relate to my daily life are intermittent and continuous reinforcement and extinction. Intermittent and continuous reinforcement is something used to help with parenting my daughter. Reinforcement has started to become more infrequent as my child has grown. As the expectation of behaviors has become clearer and she has achieved the target behaviors, then reinforcement has been less.
9.) As always, reading these sections makes me realize how much I already used the terms that we are discussing. I also love that I am learning even more, and that I am able to test them out in real life! Though, I do not view my parenting as an experiment; I love my daughter very much. I do however realize just how much parenting is trial and error.
10.) A- Day 1= 1
Day 2= 2
Day 3= 2
Day 4= 1
Day 5= 4
Day 6= 2
Day 7=1
Average= 1.9 glasses/day
B – A reinforcer that I could use is to be able to watch Netflix at the end of the week. This is a treat for me when I am done with homework, but I can easily make it for drinking water.
11.) Target Behavior,
Continuous reinforcement
Intermittent reinforcement
Reinforcement schedules
2.4 Additional Concepts related to reinforcement and punishment
1) I have to be honest when I say that I really enjoyed the Family Guy episode with Stewie and Lois. When it was described in the reading I could perfectly picture that scene in my mind and it made the example of extinction burst all the more easy to comprehend. I definitely won't be forgetting that example any time soon. That being said, it was very interesting to see the potential dangers of reinforcing extinction burst. As a future teacher this is definitely a concept to keep in mind as I try to extinguish certain behaviors and not give into the child and his or her persistence. This article really helped me understand just how critical it is that I do not give into these behaviors despite the extinction burst and any possible variations that may occur.
2) Looking at the flip side of what I just posted, the portion of the reading that talked about how even though you work hard to extinguish certain behaviors certain behaviors can return, was a little bit depressing. As a teacher I will have to work hard to not only provide a positive learning environment for my students, teach them the course material, moderate behavior, meanwhile issuing reinforcement/ punishments as needed. I will already have enough on my plate as it is and to see all of my efforts at extinguishing certain behaviors all for naught could be quite disheartening.
3) I feel like I was very much aware of different forms of extinction burst and variability when I would work with kids at day camp or at Sunday School but I didn't have a true definition to go along with the behaviors I was observing. I didn't know the repercussions of my actions and I was not aware how severe it can be if I do not stick to my guns and resist the urge to give into my students. This will be a very difficult position for me and in a way it is a bit of a gray area of when to be sure that the behavior is extinguished since it could reoccur.
4) I can relate this to my life by using these methods in my future classroom. By taking this class I will be able to identify what behaviors I am observing and the different strategies to handle these behaviors. Most importantly I will be aware of the pros and cons that coincide with the use of these methods and I will be able to make better judgements in my classroom because of this.
Section 2.5 Schedules of Reinforcement
5) I was interested in the section that pertained to the fixed and variable schedules, as well as the multiple combinations that I can utilize when I attempt to reinforce and therefore classically condition a target behavior. As a future music teacher I will be asking my students to do some repetitive motions such as sing a 4 passage 4 times, play the correct fingering on the recorder 5 times, and find corresponding reinforcers to be used as either a fixed or variable schedule. These are useful tools that I can have to expand my methods of teaching and allows me to vary my teaching strategies.
6) The ratio strain was definitely my least favorite portion of this piece because I found it to be a bit confusing at first. After a few times through it I think I understand it: If we take the ratio and change it too much, then the subject may cease responding until they understand that there is a difference.
7) Okay I have to be honest when I say I haven't really learned any of the topics covered in this particular reading in any of my previous classes. This was basically new material that I am trying to absorb and apply to everyday life in order to help me retain it better.
8) Well the main idea that I can directly relate to my life is continuous reinforcement. Every day I am being reinforced in numerous ways for behaviors that I do, sometimes without even thinking. Turning the keys in my ignition, is almost habitual for me, because I am being continuously reinforced. Swiping my card at the grocery store and having my transaction being approved is another way I am being continuously reinforced. These are just a few of the ways I am being reinforced every day. The next obvious way I can relate this reading to my personal life is waiting for a snapchat response. Sometimes I get an immediate response on snapchat from a friend within minutes and other times it takes days. Regardless of the wait time I will usually respond to the person on snapchat because I am expecting that reinforcement. This is a prime example of variable interval reinforcement schedule.
9) I have to say that each new week brings new challenges, new concepts, and new ways that behavior can be modified, or in this case, extinguished. The different strategies covered in these few pages are so fascinating and learning the pros and cons behind these methods has been very eye opening.
Day 1 = 0 oz
Day 2 = 48 oz
Day 3 =24 oz
Day 4 =82 oz
Day 5 =24 oz
Day 6 =8 oz
Day 7 =8 oz
Average = 27.71 oz per day
10b) What is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Oreos are a severe weakness of mine, especially now that they have the Halloween oreos on the shelves at Walmart. If I meet or exceed my goal of the 64 oz of water per day, I will reward myself by purchasing a package of Oreos. (No, I do not plan on eating them all at once, just having them to snack on as needed).
Terminology: extinction burst, reinforce, target behavior, extinguish, variability, pitch, tone, fixed ratio, fixed interval, variable ratio, variable interval
Section 2.4
1) The one thing I found most interesting about this section is extinction. This is because it is another way to reduce the target behavior other than punishment. Extinction occurs when an organism that is previously reinforced for emitting a target behavior is no longer reinforced for the same behavior, another method to add to my list of “ways to stop smoking”.
2) The one thing I found least interesting about this section is the part about variability. This is because it talks about how during an extinction burst, not only will the organism emit the specific target behavior that no longer leads to reinforcement, it will also emit a variety of other similar behaviors in an attempt to receive reinforcement and when this happens an organism is not reducing a target behavior because it wants to but because it has to.
3) This chapter relates to what I already know about reinforcement from reading previous chapters which helped me understand the discriminative extinction even more.
4) The first thing that I can relate back to my life is the part about spontaneous recovery. This because I managed to quit smoking a while ago but after going back home for the summer and hanging around my friends who all smoke I started smoking all over again. Basically, I returned to emitting a behavior that I previously extinguished. The second thing that I can relate to my life is that extinction is aversive. While trying to quit smoking I kept feeling edgy and so frustrated all the time.
Section 2.5
5) the one thing that I found interesting about this section is continuous reinforcement (CR). I found this interesting because as stated in the text, many behaviors in the real world are based on continuous reinforcement. It makes me think more about why I am doing a certain behavior and what reinforces it so that I keep doing it.
6) The one thing I found least interesting about this section was the part about Fixed versus Variable Schedule of Reinforcement. The reason why I found this part least interesting was because it took me awhile to fully grasp what it was about.
7) The one thing that I can relate back to something I already learned is the Operant Chamber which I learned back in Intro to Psychology. I really liked the operant chamber because it makes it easier to understand how operant conditioning works.
8) The first thing that I can relate to my life from this section is the part about continuous reinforcement. After understanding that continuous reinforcement is the reinforcement we get every single time we emit a target behavior I started to remember a personal experience of learning how to play piano and how every single time I press a key I get a distinct sound. The next part that I can relate to my life is the part on operant chamber. I once was watching the video on operant conditioning and the operant chamber and my mum happen to pass by and she saw what I was watching and she asked me why was the pigeon in the cage. After explaining to her, she told me “Why are you psychology people so mean?” which made me wonder how different people perceive things when they understand the true meaning behind it.
9) to be honest, it hasn’t changed my thought on behavior modification that much because I already have a clear view of what it is all about from my extensive reading.
10a) Day 1 = 2 glasses
Day 2 = no glasses
Day 3 = 1 glass
Day 4 = 1 glass
Day 5 = 3 glasses
Day 6 = 5 glasses
Day 7 = 1 glass
Average = 1.85 glasses of water a day
10b) Something that can reinforce me to drink atleast 64oz of water would be exercise. Because I noticed on Day 6 I drank significantly more than the other days and that is because I exercised.
11) aversive, extinction, extinguish, emit, target behavior, reinforcement, variability, extinction burst, aggressive behavior, discriminative stimulus, discriminative extinction, punishment, continuous reinforcement (CR), fixed schedule of reinforcement, variable schedule of reinforcement, biological continuity, operant chamber, operant conditioning. Continuous reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found this section interesting because I liked the subject of extinction and I am glad that we got to focus more specifically on it. Extinction confused me a little bit because of the fact that I do get it confused with a type of punishment but now knowing the difference has helped me understand and distinguish between the two.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found that discriminative extinction and discriminative extinction stimuli just a little bit confusing. They are pretty similar so I was just a little lost with the explanations but if I re-read the section than I think that I will be able to eventually understand the difference.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I have previously learned about aggressive behaviors when extinction bursts happen from a previous class and partially just regular life experiences. I mean we have all seen children at grocery stores trying to get their parent’s attention and then just flipping out when they are not reinforced.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that I can easily relate to my life are that of generalization and discrimination and that of superstitious behaviors. With generalization and discrimination I get so irritated with this, it seems like whenever I tell someone that I am a psychology major I get the response “Ok, so can you read my mind” just because I said that I study psychology. I find this actually really annoying and unintelligent because it is generalizing that I would know how to do something like that when no one can even do that but just because psychology and they are not discriminating between pseudo psychology and actual psychology. The other way that I can relate this section to my life is in that of superstitious behaviors. I was just at a wedding on Saturday and after the reception we all went to Prairie Meadows Casino and gambled. I have never gambled in my life and I was watching my friends gamble. One friend in particular, Bryce, had some weird superstitious behaviors like only picking certain numbers in roulette or asking me to pick the colors for him thinking I could reinforce him winning! Unfortunately it worked and I had to follow him around all night picking numbers and colors.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought that the section about biological continuity was actually really interesting. That we can learn how higher functioning animals learn from lower functioning animals. I always did not understand how we could relate certain animals (rats/pigeons) to humans but with this it makes a lot more sense now. I also liked how it went more in depth with CR because we only slightly touched on that in the previous chapter.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part that I found least interesting was the fact that a lot of the subjects are abbreviated (such as FR,FI, VR, VI because it does get confusing but I understand that is how we have to understand and discuss in behavior modification. The graphs also confused me some but I did like the examples of the video games for better clarification.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This relates to what I already know because in stats we learned about ratio so I feel like that will help me remember ratio. It also helps to put in perspective of paychecks at work for either a FR or VR.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that I can relate to my life in this section was that of continuous reinforcement because I know that every day my car is going to start and I will be able to emit the behavior of driving however one day this was not reinforced because my battery in my car was dead. Another way that I can relate this to my life is the fact of FI for receiving my paychecks every two weeks because I definitely do not work at a job where I receive tips unless someone is feeling unusually nice.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have helped me understand extinction so much better now and reinforcement schedules. I did not know much about reinforcement schedules at all until I read this section. I was also really confused on extinction and how it is not a punishment so that section cleared that up for me.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4x 16oz glasses
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =5.5
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =2
Average = About 3.5 16oz glasses a day.
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? A reinforcer that I could use to drink more water might be that if I drink enough water I can have margaritas on Thursday with my friends.
Terminology: Extinction, punishment, generalization, discrimination, superstitious behaviors, reinforce, discriminative extinction, discriminative extinction stimuli, aggressive behaviors, extinction bursts, biological continuity, CR, FR, VR, VI, FI, emit, reinforcement schedules
Section 2.4
1.) What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I really found it interesting to read about and understand the concepts of extinction and extinction burst because it's very relevant and it's important to understand that it's something you have to be persistent with. While I read this section, I thought a lot about the show Supernanny because it's a show I used to watch quite a bit and the idea of extinction was used on almost every episode with the families because a very common issue these families had was that they were often reinforcing behaviors that they wanted to stop without even realizing they were reinforcing it. So there are many examples of this in that show because of how Supernanny has to teach the parents to stop giving them attention when they're throwing tantrums. The parents struggle at first because the tantrums get worse, louder and sometimes longer until they finally stop. So I found this very interesting, also understanding that it's different than punishment even though it is designed to stop a behavior.
2.) What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn't really find anything uninteresting in this section. I felt it was an easy read and the concepts were explained very well so that just made understanding the information a lot easier.
3.) How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Because I have taken this class once before, this information was all the same as what I've learned previously in this class. However, reading it again has allowed me to develop an even stronger understanding. It's also challenged me to consider how this is applicable in life.
4.) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two ways I can relate this to my life both definitely have to do with my dog. Both the behaviors are things that I previously reinforced and her behaviors became problematic. The first example with my dog is that she sometimes has a tendency to literally act like a child with me. She is very attached to me which I don't necessarily mind, but there are times when I'm having a conversation with someone and if I'm standing up, my dog with jump up and down at my feet until I pick her up. She wants to be held, so she will continue to jump up and down until I hold her. Up until recently I would pick her up and hold her because I wanted her to feel comforted and I just wanted her to stop jumping. However, I've recently realized that I'm reinforcing a behavior I shouldn't be. The other behavior is something she emits when someone's petting her. Either when I'm petting her or when someone else is petting her, if the person stops, my dog will take her paw and claw at your hand and use all of her muscles to try and drag your hand back to her to keep petting her. I used to think this was actually funny that she would do this, so I'd just give in and go ahead and pet her. Now that she's doing it to other people, too, I've started to recognize it as being problematic. However, other people also think it's funny because they're not around her much. So, other people will reinforce the behavior. Both of these behaviors have gotten worse, I'm still in the beginning stages, so my dog is at the extinction burst stage.
Section 2.5
5.) What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I felt learning about the schedules of reinforcement was really interesting because it all just makes a lot of sense. I think the opening part of talking about continuous reinforcement was very relevant because I know if something wasn't reinforcing me right off the bat, I probably wouldn't continue to stick to it.
6.) What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn't find anything in this section uninteresting. I will say that with all the different schedules of reinforcement it can get a little confusing, and it's one of those sections you have to read slowly and maybe even read multiple times just to be able to process everything. Otherwise, I didn't find anything uninteresting.
7.) How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
I've read this section before so this information wasn't new to me. As I said before, this is one of those sections that can be kind of confusing just to keep all the different schedules straight, but reading it again helped to strengthen my understanding and helped to make things more clear.
8.) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that this relates to my life is because of continuous reinforcement. There are many simple and basic behaviors that we emit in life and a big reason they're continuously emitted is because they're continuously reinforced. This can even be applied to behaviors we learn in our very early years because we are continuously reinforced to do things like walk, talk and take care of our hygiene, and then these simple things become part of our everyday routines for the rest of our lives. Another way this relates to my life is through a weight loss challenge I did once with friends of mine and it was set at a fixed interval so it was ever so many pounds we lost, we'd get reinforced with money.
9.) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading these sections hasn't really changed what I think about behavior modification. However, this section has enhanced my understanding of behavior modification and understanding that at the end of the day, whether it's through reinforcement, punishment or extinction, in order for a behavior to really change, one has to be persistent. It's not easy breaking habits or changing behaviors, so it takes time and it takes patience and understanding that the desired outcome won't always come right away. In fact, it rarely does.
10a.) Day 1 = 16oz
Day 2= 8 oz
Day 3 = 32oz
Day 4 = 16oz
Day 5 = 8oz
Day 6 = 8oz
Day 7 = 8oz
AVerage = 13.71 oz
10b.) A major problem for me is that I drink a lot more pop than I should. What I've done in the past that definitely worked for me was that I made myself drink a certain amount of water before I could have a can of soda. I didn't stick with it long enough for it to become a regular part of my daily routine, but I think that's something I could use to reinforce me is that I will allow myself to have a can of soda after I've had a certain amount of water.
TERMS: Reinforcement, punishment, extinction, extinction burst, behavior (modification), schedules of reinforcement, emit, continuous reinforcement, fixed interval
Section 2.4
1)I liked the whole section. It is a good thing to refresh terms for a little bit making little additions at a time since at the beginning of the semester, the first few sections were completely new with a lot of new terms at once. I found really useful the distinction between extinction, extinguish and extinguished giving examples for each of them. I really like that most of the sections include examples for the terms, it makes it a lot easier to understand the concepts by associating them to a real life situation.
2)Overall, I really liked the section. However, I have to say that I found a little bit disappointing that the title is additional concepts related to reinforcement and punishment and it talked most of the time about extinction which is related to reinforcement and there was almost nothing about punishment.
3)Even though there was a deeper explanation of extinction, this term was already introduced in the sections of last week so it was not really new. Overall, this section was full of concepts related to reinforcement and punishment which are concepts that we have already talked about in past sections.
4)One thing from this section that relates to my life is extinction burst. Sometimes, I try to ignore my teammates when I am doing something and they come to ask me something but some of them tend to call me so many times that I end up answering them so whenever they need anything from me they spend their time calling my name because they know I will answer at some point. The second thing that relates to my life is discriminative extinction. We all are surrounded by it, there is always an out of order, or closed road signs. Now that we are with the sidewalk closed due to constructions, I know that I cannot walk that way because is temporary closed.
Section 2.5
5)I really liked this section. It was full of useful and additional information about reinforcement and the types of reinforcement. The examples were really specific, helping me a lot to understand each of the concepts.
6)I liked the whole section so I will not say that there was anything that I did not find useful and helpful.
7)Reinforcement as a concept is something we have already covered in class. I also knew about schedules of reinforcement although I did not know the broad types of reinforcement and their functions.
8)The first thing from this section that relates to my life is continuous reinforcement. Like the example of the section, the action of pressing a letter of the keyboard and typing the letter makes us keeping pressing the keyboard when wanted to type something. Ratio schedule is related to this type of reinforcement. The second thing that relates to my life is fixed ratio. Every time I start the car I need to press the gas pedal twice before it starts.
9)The readings from this week more than change my concept of behavior modification are additional information to the knowledge I already had before about reinforcement and its types and punishment.
10a) Day 1= 4 glasses
Day 2= 5 glasses
Day 3= 6 glasses
Day 4= 7 glasses
Day 5= 7 glasses
Day 6= 6 glasses
Day 7= 8 glasses
Average= 6 glasses
10b) If I get to drink throughout the whole week at least 64 oz water, I can drink a couple sodas during the weekend.
11) Terms and terminology used: reinforcement, punishment, discriminative extinction, extinction burst, extinction, extinguish, extinguished, schedules of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, ratio schedule, behavior modification.
Section 2.4
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Spontaneous Recovery Why? Spontaneous recovery really makes you think about why you do what you do. I’m sure you’ve had moments in your life when you say “What was I thinking”. These moments make people like me wonder what else we do without thinking and why we emit behaviors similar to spontaneous recovery.
2) What did you find least interesting? Generalization and Discrimination Why? I just seems like a redundant topic. After you read the dictionary reference you should be able to grasp the understanding of it. I didn’t find it useful to learn about this in further detail. I understand the concept and context of it but it just wasn’t as intriguing as the other section’s topics.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc. I can relate this read to Sports Psychology. More specifically as a coach using sports psychology tools. We learn that when in the position of a coach wanting to make a change, you must follow a similar pattern as the extinction and reinforcement procedures. Superstitious behaviors, as well as aggressive behaviors are called, rituals and resistance, respectively. I can easily find the relation and understand the concepts quicker. We learn that superstitious behaviors as a coach need to be evaluated every game to keep the team in the same focus of why they won, while at the same time implementing ritual objects such as a stone you touch when you make a mistake to release the mistake into the stone ( get a quarterback in the right state of mind after an interception) have a certain balance and delicacy to follow.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Superstitious behaviors, as an athlete I continually practice the idea that consistency is the most effective tool in practice. This being said if I do something I better do it again unless it hurt my performance. Every athlete that I know has their own ‘tick’ that goes with them. I like to flaunt that ‘tick’ because it’s them, I like the idea of unique athletes. Second, also related to athletics, as you go through the course of a season you find behaviors to target with the objective of extinction. I’ve had to ‘break’ these bad habits, if you will, for the greater cause. This read showed me that I went through the same process of extinction outburst and variability as the examples showed.
Section 2.5
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? Intermittent Reinforcement, I enjoyed the different approach to the typical continuous reinforcement.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why? Anything that dealt with a graph. Because I hate graphs. They bore me to tears.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc. This class, Research Methods, Unfortunately reminded me of the section. I don’t like thinking about numbers, correlation and causation. I don’t like thinking about results in general. I’m more than interested about why the results came about, but I just don’t want to do the math process of finding the results. I’d rather spend my time asking questions to people who already know what the information holds.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Continuous reinforcement is a tool that is commonly used in coaching and coaching styles because of the level of commitment to consistency that it entails. But that being said my coach actually conducts more of an intermittent style, which is much harder to do. But it causes you to think! You can’t predict what comes next, which can be a good or bad thing depending to the context. My coach knows how to implement the right things at the right time.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? It made me think. Having to connect what happens in my life to the section helps me not only understand the section more but I have to understand the examples as well. After I find the connection I’m intrigued and look deeper into it. I try to find other examples and figure out if it was the best implementation of that idea. I continue to find more concepts and new ideas of behavior modification that I didn’t realize were out there. I can look and see how my coaching style has evolved as both and athlete and my coaches perspectives from these deep thinking.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =128 oz
Day 2 =56 oz
Day 3 = 64 oz
Day 4 =64 oz
Day 5 = 32 oz
Day 6 =24oz
Day 7 = 16oz
Average =54.42 oz/day
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week. I can generally get at least 64oz during the practice days because I always bring a 1L Smartwater water bottle with me to practice and finish one for each of my two sessions (Superstitious Behavior). When I don’t have practice I need to have a reinforcer with me. Currently my coach texts me during his lunch and dinner breaks to remind me to drink water by sending a text, I am a severe cramp-prone athlete, which help but during the weekend when all I want to do is drink or sleep I fail pretty bad with water. My 24 oz of water on the 6th day came from vodka waters I had at the bar. I might implement the concept of a 1L smart water and drink it twice during the day before I start my drinking.
11) Terminology: Emit, Spontaneous Recovery, Superstitious behavior, Aggressive behavior, continuous reinforcement, Intermittent Reinforcement, Target behavior, Behavior, Context.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the example about the vending machine and extinction interesting. I had not thought of such a simplistic behavior being applicable to a behavior modification course. I am a realistic individual and I like to think that theories I am learning about in school are applicable. This behavior mod course has been eye opening and has given me new perspective on how to approach troubling behaviors or increase positive behaviors. The “extinction makes sense” section was one of my favorites because it was realistic and included a common experience that I, and I am sure quite a few others, can relate to.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I was not a huge fan of the part that included the proper language when using extinction. I usually understand language quite well, but for some reason the difference in usage for extinction, extinguish and extinguished is confusing to me. I also had difficult separating reinforce, reinforcer, etc.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I remember that the previous sections included the definitions for reinforcement and punishment, as well as extinction. One difference is that this section goes in to much more detail than the past sections did. I also can recall learning about extinction bursts. I remember that the behavior will increase as the individual tries to find the reinforcement that is needed (hence the ‘burst’ part; I see the burst as a rush to find reinforcement).
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I could relate to the part where the child was calling for a parent. If I forgot to grab sunscreen for example and I was going to a football game. I would rush to the door and ask my parent to grab the sunscreen for me. If they did not open it quickly enough for my taste I would knock on the door faster. I would also knock harder so that she could hear it. I could also relate to the part on generalization, specifically one of the examples that was given about psychology majors. Some of my family members do not understand what the major consists of and tell me to “stop psychoanalyzing [them],” which is extremely frustrating.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the part about the different reinforcement schedules interesting. I was unaware of the many types of intermittent reinforcement (variable or fixed and interval or ratio). I feel like I will have a difficult time keeping them separated.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the graph over cumulative number of responses over time very dry. I am usually interested in visual displays of data, but response patterns were confusing. The “scalloped” versus the “staircase” format will be challenging to remember.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I remember learning about B.F. Skinner’s animal experimentation with rats and pigeons. I learned about the concepts and methods he used from a biological perspective rather than a strictly behavioral perspective. I learned about the chambers in which he carried out his tests but did not learn in great detail about schedules of reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I enjoyed the VR, FR, VI, and FI connections to video games. I can understand the concept much easier when I am able to view an applicable example. Another part of this section that relates to my life is continuous reinforcement. When I was younger one of my elementary teachers would consistently try to have everyone sit down for a lesson. Much of the time she had to continuously reinforce our behavior so that we would behave. I feel that she might have been able to improve our long-term behavior if she had tried an intermittent reinforcement style instead.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
As I get further into the readings I realize that, in my previous coursework, I had only skimmed the top of modifying behavior. I recognize a very small amount of terms that were used in the past and find it difficult to comprehend certain topics and create examples for those topics. I enjoy the challenge, but feel that the material is more difficult than I thought it was going to be.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 7
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 4
Day 7 = 6
Average = 4.71 glasses
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I am going to reinforce my behavior of drinking at least 64 oz of water by rewarding myself with a free day (a day where I can relax and not stress about school or work).
Terms: Extinction, Reinforcement, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Punishment, Generalization, Intermittent Reinforcement, Variable Ratio, Fixed Ratio, Variable Interval, Fixed Interval
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found most interesting was the paragraphs on extinction bursts. I thought this was the most interesting part because of the part on aggressive behavior. Seeing that the aggressive behaviors come from extinction made a lot of sense to me and was one of the easier things for me to grasp well in the section.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part in the section was extinction and extinguished mainly because we have already been discussing extinction and extinguished is just an adverb version of it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In a Motor Behavior class I took last semester we talked a lot about children and their eating habits. A lot of what we talked about was teaching children good eating habits. We were taught that the child would not get good eating habits if they knew they could throw a fit to get junk food. As a parent, babysitter, or brother or sister, we were told to not reinforce the behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things in this section that relate to my life are the examples on casinos and the picky eater part. Casinos relate to me because I am going to the casino for the first time this coming weekend and I'll try to avoid falling for any superstitious behaviors. I have also been called a picky eater before and I know I have not eaten some foods because I related them to another one like broccoli and cauliflower.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found interesting in this section was the manipulation of rats and pigeons. I thought it was very interesting when the animals would do a behavior condition to get the reward known as the ratio schedule.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This chapter was one of the most interesting ones we have done to date because a lot of the material was fairly new to me but the variable ratio would have been the least interesting part to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Previously in a biological psych class we talked about the rats learning that they had to press a lever multiple times to get their reward.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life are continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. I get continuous reinforcement every day from attending class that gives points for attendance. I get intermittent reinforcement from sometimes getting a thank you for doing tasks like hold a door or washing the dishes.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have really made me think more about how often I fall for some sort of superstitious belief. I do multiple things throughout the day that I assume make me receive a reward but really don't, like spinning the batteries in a remote to make it work. I would like to watch it better to see what else I do.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4 glasses
Day 2 =3 glasses
Day 3 =3 glasses
Day 4 =1 glass
Day 5 =2 glasses
Day 6 =2 glasses
Day 7 =3 glasses
Average =2.5
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I will reward myself with the addition of flavoring mix to my next drink to get myself to reach the 64 oz.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
behavior condition, extinction burst, reward, ratio schedule, aggressive behavior, extinction, extinguished, superstitious behavior, reinforcement, variable ratio, behavior condition,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found most interesting was the paragraphs on extinction bursts. I thought this was the most interesting part because of the part on aggressive behavior. Seeing that the aggressive behaviors come from extinction made a lot of sense to me and was one of the easier things for me to grasp well in the section.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part in the section was extinction and extinguished mainly because we have already been discussing extinction and extinguished is just an adverb version of it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In a Motor Behavior class I took last semester we talked a lot about children and their eating habits. A lot of what we talked about was teaching children good eating habits. We were taught that the child would not get good eating habits if they knew they could throw a fit to get junk food. As a parent, babysitter, or brother or sister, we were told to not reinforce the behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things in this section that relate to my life are the examples on casinos and the picky eater part. Casinos relate to me because I am going to the casino for the first time this coming weekend and I'll try to avoid falling for any superstitious behaviors. I have also been called a picky eater before and I know I have not eaten some foods because I related them to another one like broccoli and cauliflower.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found interesting in this section was the manipulation of rats and pigeons. I thought it was very interesting when the animals would do a behavior condition to get the reward known as the ratio schedule.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This chapter was one of the most interesting ones we have done to date because a lot of the material was fairly new to me but the variable ratio would have been the least interesting part to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Previously in a biological psych class we talked about the rats learning that they had to press a lever multiple times to get their reward.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life are continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. I get continuous reinforcement every day from attending class that gives points for attendance. I get intermittent reinforcement from sometimes getting a thank you for doing tasks like hold a door or washing the dishes.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have really made me think more about how often I fall for some sort of superstitious belief. I do multiple things throughout the day that I assume make me receive a reward but really don't, like spinning the batteries in a remote to make it work. I would like to watch it better to see what else I do.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4 glasses
Day 2 =3 glasses
Day 3 =3 glasses
Day 4 =1 glass
Day 5 =2 glasses
Day 6 =2 glasses
Day 7 =3 glasses
Average =2.5
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I will reward myself with the addition of flavoring mix to my next drink to get myself to reach the 64 oz.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
behavior condition, extinction burst, reward, ratio schedule, aggressive behavior, extinction, extinguished, superstitious behavior, reinforcement, variable ratio, behavior condition,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found most interesting was the paragraphs on extinction bursts. I thought this was the most interesting part because of the part on aggressive behavior. Seeing that the aggressive behaviors come from extinction made a lot of sense to me and was one of the easier things for me to grasp well in the section.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part in the section was extinction and extinguished mainly because we have already been discussing extinction and extinguished is just an adverb version of it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In a Motor Behavior class I took last semester we talked a lot about children and their eating habits. A lot of what we talked about was teaching children good eating habits. We were taught that the child would not get good eating habits if they knew they could throw a fit to get junk food. As a parent, babysitter, or brother or sister, we were told to not reinforce the behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things in this section that relate to my life are the examples on casinos and the picky eater part. Casinos relate to me because I am going to the casino for the first time this coming weekend and I'll try to avoid falling for any superstitious behaviors. I have also been called a picky eater before and I know I have not eaten some foods because I related them to another one like broccoli and cauliflower.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found interesting in this section was the manipulation of rats and pigeons. I thought it was very interesting when the animals would do a behavior condition to get the reward known as the ratio schedule.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This chapter was one of the most interesting ones we have done to date because a lot of the material was fairly new to me but the variable ratio would have been the least interesting part to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Previously in a biological psych class we talked about the rats learning that they had to press a lever multiple times to get their reward.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life are continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. I get continuous reinforcement every day from attending class that gives points for attendance. I get intermittent reinforcement from sometimes getting a thank you for doing tasks like hold a door or washing the dishes.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have really made me think more about how often I fall for some sort of superstitious belief. I do multiple things throughout the day that I assume make me receive a reward but really don't, like spinning the batteries in a remote to make it work. I would like to watch it better to see what else I do.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =4 glasses
Day 2 =3 glasses
Day 3 =3 glasses
Day 4 =1 glass
Day 5 =2 glasses
Day 6 =2 glasses
Day 7 =3 glasses
Average =2.5
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I will reward myself with the addition of flavoring mix to my next drink to get myself to reach the 64 oz.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
behavior condition, extinction burst, reward, ratio schedule, aggressive behavior, extinction, extinguished, superstitious behavior, reinforcement, variable ratio, behavior condition,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found the section on extinction burst to be extremely interesting. It is funny how people will change their behaviors, often to extremes, in attempts to get what they want.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why? I found the part of superstition least interesting because there are many reasons why this is something psychologists need to study superstition but there are also somethings that are just interesting to watch people do without reasoning behind it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
We have already talked about extinction and extinction bursts in previous chapters but it is interesting to have an educational explanation behind superstitions instead of the ones talked about by popular media.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? The first thing that relates to my life is extinction bursts in children. I have been a nanny for many families and I often get questioned by the parents on how I get the child to stop emitting a certain behavior. It was not until reading the examples from the text that I realized I stopped reinforcing the behavior I wanted to reduce and the child stopped emitting that behavior because even through the extinction burst (more like tantrums) I did not reinforce that target behavior. The parents were amazed because they often could not make it through the extinction burst without reinforcing the child. The second thing that relates to my life is superstitions. I grew up playing and watching many sports. By being around all of these sports I have watched many athletes do things the same way over and over again because that is something they did once before something good happened. For example a friend of mine did not wash his socks before a big game. His team was the underdogs but they ended up winning. By the end of the season my friend had extremely smelly socks because he thought that by not washing his socks they were going to continue to win.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found that section about how after something is reinforced there might be a pause before the behavior occurs again. I think the easiest example I can think of is a drug user. After they use there is an initial high and they are content for a little bit after until their desire to use again kicks in.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why? I found the section on Skinner assuming animal studies can apply directly to humans to be least interesting because I think that even though there is a great base behind that statement, the human mind has so many more components that cannot be understood by studying animals alone. These components might not even be understood by studying the human brain.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc. I do not think I can count the amount of classes I have taken, some outside of the psychology department, that discuss Skinner’s work and how it might apply to humans.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? The first thing that relates to my life is the example of the bartender. I myself am a bartender so it was interesting for me to think about it in behavior modification terms. It would make sense that the more drinks I make the more opportunities I have to make tips, variability ratio, but it is also interesting to take into account that the more a person tips the more I might go quickly I might respond to that person in the future. That person becomes a conditioned stimulus. The second thing that relates to my life is all the examples of casinos. Even though I have only been to one or two casinos in my life I have watched many documentaries on gambling problems and have noticed that many people try to figure out the “system”. Since these systems are based on variability in ratio and interval there is not really a way to figure them out and it ends up hurting many people.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? As I continue reading throughout this class I have learning that there are names for things I see in everyday life. It becomes easier to understand people’s behaviors and explain it to others when there is a name for what you are trying to describe.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 60oz
Day 2 =45oz
Day 3 =45oz
Day 4 =60oz
Day 5 =80oz
Day 6 =100oz
Day 7 =80oz
Average =67.14oz
11) extinction, extinction burst, behavior, emit, superstition, behavior modification, variability ratio, conditioned stimulus, interval, ratio
1) I liked how in the first section when they were talking about extinction and extinguishment they explained how extinction could sometimes be confused as punishment, and that also extinction is a process just like reinforcement which is why it is necessary to use the word extinguishment. Also, really loved the family guy reference. Stewie is hilarious.
2) It was hard for me to find things in the text that were not interesting, because I like the text and the way things are written. I guess I didn’t find how long the text was so interesting. Got pretty boring reading everything.
3) Like I said before you can definitely relate extinction in with punishment and reinforcement. It’s hard to answer this question because I believe everything in all the chapters is highly relatable. An example is how superstitious behavior is relatable to reinforcement, because even though there is a desired outcome(reinforcement) those who display superstitious behavior are not guaranteed to receive their reinforcer. They do it, because they believe it will make being reinforced more likely; Even though the chances are probably the same.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Superstitious behavior: I have a football jersey that I wear for every hawk-eye football game. It is my lucky jersey.
Spontaneous Recovery: I try not to drink Soda Pop at all. I will stop myself from drinking it for a really long time and reinforce myself by feeling(or thinking I feel) more healthy. However, I will sometimes spontaneously start drinking pop
5) I thought the comparing of animals learning to human learning interesting, because I agree with it. Understanding animals is an easy way to gain insight in ourselves.
6) Variable ratios, because I don’t like math. And variable ratios sounds like math.
7) Again, I find all of this material extremely relatable, because everything being discussed is about reactions and what elicits the reactions, and how to influence these reactions and behaviors to maximize the quality of our lives and relations with others.
Using animals behavior to understand our own-I saw a video of a rat dragging a whole pizza in it’s mouth one time. I’m sure it was bringing it back to it’s nest for it’s family to eat. The video said there was a whole bunch of rats in that area, because the pizza place had a lot of drunk customers who often discarded partially eaten pizzas. So rats lived close because of the reinforcement of pizza. I moved in to an apartment that was really close to a pizza restaurant… so in a way I'm kinda like the rats… I think this answer should count as two reasons
1.I think extinction in general is an interesting topic in section 2.4. I think it is fascinating that we can cause a behavior to stop occurring completely by reinforcement and punishment. Going into detail with extinction bursts and discriminative extinctions was very interesting because it covers a topic that is not well know to many people including myself. I didn’t know what discriminative behavior was before I read this section.
2.I didn’t think learning about what superstitious behaviors are was very interesting because I already knew what they were before we read about them in this section. I did how every think it was interesting to relate them to psychology and BF Skinner.
3.This section relates to what already knew because I knew what extinction was as a broad topic but this section broadened my knowledge of what they are and the details of them. It also built on knowledge that I had about superstitious behaviors because I did already know about them but the information following what the behavior is was new to me. I knew about generalization and discrimination before this section of chapter 2. But again it built on my knowledge of this topic because I didn’t know the details about it as much as it talked about. This relates to other psychology classes I have taken such as developmental psychology because we discussed extinction when we discussed behavior.
4.I could relate extinction to my everyday life because there are behaviors that the children have at the daycare that need to become extinct and working with the children to make those behavior become extinct with the proper knowledge of how it works. I think spontaneous recovery would be useful in life because if and when a behavior reoccurs I will now know how to react and why the behavior reoccurred and how to make it extinct again.
5.The topic I found interesting in section 2.5 was continuous reinforcement. I found this interesting because it relates to life and how most behaviors are based off of continuous reinforcement. I think it is interesting how it is related ratio schedule.
6. I found comparing the type of schedule types because I have talked about scheduled reinforcement before and how scheduled reinforcement works and the difference between each of the different types. I have learned about the different types before this class.
7.This section relates to what I already knew because I have learned about scheduled reinforcement before in my psychology courses and this section went into more details about them this helped expand my knowledge of fixed interval and fixed ratio and variable interval and variable ratio schedules.
8.I can relate continuous reinforcement to my life because it is the basis of almost all behaviors. You can see real life examples of continuous reinforcement everyday! Intermittent reinforcement I can relate to real life because it is the non-continuous form of reinforcement. I can compare the difference between the two different types of reinforcement and use the appropriate type when necessary.
9.Theses sections have influenced my opinion behavior modification because it emphasizes how important reinforcement is to this subject and how important it is to understand everything about it. This chapter changed my thoughts and shows me how much reinforcement influences behavior.
10. A: Glasses= 8 oz
1.4 glasses
2.5 glasses
3.7 glasses
4.6 glasses
5.4 glasses
6.3 glasses
7.6 glasses
B: If I drink 64 oz of water every day for 7 days I can buy myself the expensive juice I like
11.extinction, punishment, reinforcement, extinction bursts, discriminative extinctions, Superstitious behavior, Skinner, generalization, discrimination, spontaneous recovery, continuous reinforcement, ratio schedules, interval schedules, intermittent reinforcement.
Section 2.4 (Additional Concepts
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found interesting in this section is superstition. I find this interesting because I am a very superstitious person. I don’t mean to be but I catch myself doing superstitious things all the time. I would like to learn more about this subject.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting in this section is generalization and discrimination. I’ve noticed that the sections that I find the least interesting are the ones that are harder for me to understand. I think the examples were good, but I wish it would have gone more in depth.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what we already learned because it took extinction, which we already learned about, and broke it down. I think it helped me better understand it. I also knew some things about superstition, but never thought about it in a psychology way. I notice a few things about myself and being superstitious. I think this class will give me some tools to help me work on my superstitions.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that I can relate to my life are superstition and generalization. Superstition because I think I am kind of a superstitious person. The example of the car and how the person got it to start and continued that behavior is a lot like me. I can relate to generalization because when I told people I was a psychology major I got the “shrink” response. It’s annoying.
2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement)
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I find interesting in this section is the biological community. It’s the only thing that interested me and I looked up more about it online.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I find least interesting in this section is most of the section honestly. I was confused with a lot of it and lost interest easily. The schedules of reinforcement aren’t as interesting to me as the other topics we have learned about.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what I already knew because we know about reinforcement and in this section we learned about reinforcement schedules. In previous psychology classes I have learned about how pigeons and rats were used instead of humans for some studies, so I can relate that.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I read and re-read this section and I’m just having a really hard time with it. I can relate one thing because I taught my dog to go to his kennel when I say kennel. I used to give him a treat every time (continuous reinforcement) and now I only give him treats sometimes (intermittent reinforcement) but he still continues to listen.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because it took things that I knew about and made me think about them in a psychology way. I also think the second section sort of confused me.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 67.6oz
Day 2 = 67.6oz (four 16.9oz water bottles)
Day 3 =84.5oz
Day 4 =56oz
Day 5 = 67.6oz
Day 6 = 84.5oz
Day 7 = 84.5oz
Average = 73.19oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
I usually drink about four 16.9oz water bottles a day. Which is = to about 67.6oz. So I already drink right about the recommended amount of water. There are some days that I do slip up and not drink as much as I should though. I don’t drink any pop, energy drinks, or really anything else other than water so that helps. I think a way to reinforce myself for drinking at least 64oz of water in a day for 7 days would be to treat myself with something. I only spend money on myself if I have to buy something new, or if I feel that I have earned it by accomplishing a goal. So if I drink at least 64oz (or more) of water a day for a week I can go buy a new outfit
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Superstition, generalization, discrimination, extinction, continuous reinforcement, intermediate reinforcement,
1. I found discriminative extinction to be rather interesting. I think its interesting how superstitions are basically self created target behaviors that have no connection to the outcome outside of our heads. I also thought spontaneous recovery to be very interesting, because it shows how strong reinforcement can be. Even though we fully understand that there is no reward for a certain behavior anymore, we can still emit the behavior anyways.
2.I actually found pretty much every part to be pretty interesting, this section is all about further explaining extinction, and the various facets that make it work and interact with it, which is pretty interesting to me.
3.We've been discussing in class a little bit about extinction, and how extinction bursts work. The example of a little girl crying in Walmart was used at least once, where she started crying and her father ignored her, starting the extinction process, but then once she quieted down, he bought her the gum she wanted. The extinction burst is the full fledged tantrum, when merely asking her father didn't work, she increased the frequency of asking, then varied it in volume, then shifted to a similar behavior of crying. These variances are produced by the extinction burst.
4.I can definitely relate to the section on superstitions, because as a thespian and a musician, I certainly have picked up a few superstitions over the years. While I recognize these superstitions are fallacious, I still half believe them. They seem to have a self fulfilling prophecy type effect. If you do the behavior and something good happens, it is reinforced. If you do it and something good doesn't happen, you won't stop, because you assume you must have just not done it quite right. Extinction bursts also feels very relatable to me. I have definitely expressed extinction bursts in real life. An example is when my computer freezes. I touch the mouse and nothing happens. I'l start pressing it frantically, and with different pressures, desperately trying to elicit a response from my computer.
5. I thought the most interesting thing about this section was the graph of the various patterns of reinforcement and their affect on target behaviors. I just thought it was really interesting that fixed ratio has a natural dip after every reward because they know how long much they have to emit before being rewarded again, so they take a break. Also the scalloped nature of the fixed interval, where the behavior is only increased significantly around the time that they will next be rewarded for the behavior.
6.The part I found the least interesting was probably constant reward schedules. Because they would be really hard to use as a reinforcement schedule in real life situations. They can be used perhaps in the very beginning for a behavior, but would quickly become challenging to maintain.
7. We've already spent some time with reinforcement, and how it is a consequence that results in increasing the target behavior. This section expands on reinforcement and contextualizes it. We learned about reinforcement schedules, and their various effects, showing that reinforcement is a broader concept than initially discussed.
8.One thing related to my own life is the contextualization of the variable and fixed ratios, and variable and fixed intervals, in video games. I have played video games that do indeed reinforce in all of these manners, through seemingly random level ups, to fixed level ups based on experience earned. And i've played video games that require "farming" or killing of lots of monsters for experience, and those have been based on both variable intervals, and fixed. Constant ratio reinforcement schedules also apply to my life. When I order delivery, I always tip, regardless of service. And I order more delivery food than I probably should. So this constant reinforcement is in place for my delivery people. And while its less likely that my delivery man will just not deliver the food, since he has another reinforcement schedule with his employers, it might change the urgency with which he performs his job.
9.These sections helped broaden my understanding of the concepts of extinction and reinforcement patterns. I now understand that extinction results in extinction bursts, where frequency and variability of the behavior will be increases. Also there are different frequency ratios one can use when creating reinforcement schedules, and these also create different patterns of emitting the target behavior.
10. Day 1- 3 glasses
Day 2 - 2 glasses
Day 3 - 4 glasses
Day 4 - 2 glasses
Day 5 - 3 glasses
Day 6 - 5 glasses
Day 7 - 2 glasses
Average - 3
10b. The reinforcement for drinking 64 oz. a day I will use is rewarding myself with Taste of India if I succeed. I love Indian food, so it will be an excellent reward.
11. reinforcement schedule, behavior, target behavior, emitting, extinction, intervals, ratios, variable, constant, fixed, extinction burst.
1) Most interesting: Superstitious behaviors. I had never heard of superstition and its resulting behaviors in behavior modification before so I was interested to learn about them. Now that I have a better understanding of behavior modification it was easy to understand why some people develop superstitious behaviors due to loosely linked reinforcement.
2) Least interesting: Extinction/Extinguished. I actually am interested in the process of extinction and extinguishing behaviors, I just felt that it was an odd way to start the section and wasn’t really hooked by the content like I had been in previous chapters and sections. Going over the whole ‘adverb’ versus ‘verb’, and how the words should be used in sentences felt like a review as well. However I did enjoy getting to learn more about the characteristics of extinction such as variability.
3) Relate to previous chapters/learned previously: Obviously because this section was a bit of a review of extinction I could relate what we were learning back to previous sections of reading, but I also found myself remembering examples that we had talked about in class. Typically the model for this class is read then discuss; but due in part to the review this section provided it was a nice change to be able to put the examples from the text in context with those from class after the fact. I feel like it really helped me come full circle with understanding the material.
4) Unfortunately one of the things that I can relate to my life from this section is the aggressive behavior response that results from trying to extinguish a behavior. This comes in the form of one of my roommates who throws a fit whenever things don’t go her way. She will say increasingly hostile things to her partner (my other roommate) in order to elicit the desired response of either my roommate agreeing with her, doing her homework for her, etc. Another item from this section which I found relevant to my life was the variability that occurs in extinction. I observed this when attempting to fit a giant balloon into my car the other day and having to try multiple ways before it finally was able to fit. If this had not been successful the behavior of trying to get a giant storm trooper balloon in my small car would have been extinguished.
5) Most interesting: I found that I was interested most by the different types of reinforcement schedules and how they were presented in the text. By using so many different examples to explain them I feel like the text was trying to best communicate the material to students who may have different learning styles. These also helped me to better understand the material by seeing it presented in so many different contexts.
6) Least interesting: Although I did appreciate most of the ways that the ratio and interval were discussed some of the graphs that demonstrated them were a little unclear to me. I preferred the examples that were written-out or used scenarios from real life.
7) Relate to previous chap/what already knew: Because of having previously taken History and Systems and doing one of my 20 point projects on B.F. Skinner I already had some background knowledge about his work. The experiments he conducted involving pigeons were of particular interest to me and these were mentioned in this chapter.
8) One of the aspects from the chapter that relates to my life was that I often have to provide continuous reinforcement for my dog when I am trying to teach him how to do a certain trick or a behavior on command. Another subject that I relate to and appreciated was how the text used video game terminology to discuss the different ratios and intervals. I feel like this may have not been done in a normal textbook but really helped me apply what I learned from the section.
9) Influenced what you originally thought about bmod? Reading these sections has further supported the idea that all behavior can be categorized and systematically deconstructed or evaluated. Looking at topics like superstitious behaviors that I didn’t think would fit into the spectrum of bmod has opened to door to considering other behaviors that I didn’t pair with this class.
10a) Behavior Project:
Day 1 = 75 oz.
Day 2 = 125 oz.
Day 3 = 75 oz.
Day 4 = 100 oz.
Day 5 = 25 oz.
Day 6 = 75 oz.
Day 7 = 25 oz.
Average = 71.4 oz.
10b) If I can increase the target behavior by the end of this week I will allow myself some time to go rent a and watch a movie that I have been meaning to see this weekend.
11) Terms: superstitious behaviors, reinforcement, extinction, aggressive behavior, elicit, variability, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedules
Section 2.4:
I thought it was compelling how spontaneous recovery works. After reading about spontaneous recovery, I instantly started thinking about how I have had the action of spontaneous recovery. Spontaneous recovery is where an emitted behavior returns after it has been extinguished. This happens all the time! Not only in my life, but I see it in my friends' and family's lives also. This is actually quite incredible in the sense that extinction fails all the time: diets, training, etc. So this results in spontaneous recovery, I would assume. This relates to my life in that I have tried cutting unhealthy food such as pop out of my diet. This is extinction because pop was reinforcing to me; I loved it and I wanted pop all the time, but I stopped drinking it. After not drinking pop for awhile, probably about a month or so, I started drinking it again. This is spontaneous recovery because I just started drinking pop again after I extinguished the behavior.
Another thing I thought was interesting was generalization and discrimination. These two terms are definitely correlated with each other. Generalization is where someone makes a broad assumption of something whereas discrimination is basically categorizing these broad assumptions. I can definitely relate to the example in the section about telling people you are a psych major and they make the general assumption that I am analyzing them.. No. I can also relate in that I have a lot of different friends of different races. I have friends from Turkey and with all the news and everything going on with Syria and migration and war and stuff, people assume they are terrorists. They are wrong. Not EVERY Turkish person is a terrorist; some may be, but not ALL of them. This is true for some of my German friends.. "Oh they can drink!" No, actually I know many German people who either don't care for drinking alcohol or don't actually have a high alcohol tolerance. These are basic assumptions. People should discriminate (pleasantly, not aversively) instead of generalize because it may cause issues.
Reading these sections, I didn't really find anything very dry or uninteresting. As I keep reading, there are many review words, but its always good to review and the section always digs deeper with these terms. They aren't generalized anymore.
Like I just said, there are some words that are reviewed and discussed in more detail, so I knew these terms, but I've also knew some of these before these sections. Such as generalization and discrimination. Being that I am a junior in college, I would hope I have had these words added to my vocabulary at some point in time. Which I have in previous classes. They are basically discussed as the same, but in different contexts and different examples.
Section 2.5:
I thought the different scheduled reinforcers was very interesting. When I say scheduled reinforcers, I am referring to variable ratio (VR), fixed ratio (FR), variable interval (VI), and fixed interval (FI). This is an interesting way of looking at reinforcers and how/when they happen and how we can manipulate our "subjects". The example the section gave with the bartender gave me a better understanding of how these work together. I am a server, so I can easily relate to this. It mentions in the section that bartenders, and in my case a server, would get paid every two weeks or some fixed interval. This is true. Also, I would agree more with the variable ratio schedule when it comes to tips because you are not always guaranteed a tip every single time. Yes, it is expected and always nice to get a tip from every table, but this is reality and it doesn't always happen that way. Another thing that relates to my life is continuous reinforcement and my behavior to drink water. Every time I drink water, I eventually become quenched. This is continuous because I am always being reinforced when I drink water.
I didn't find anything uninteresting about this section because this was a fairly new section for me. I didn't know about the reinforcement schedules, so that was interesting to learn about. This section relates to other sections and classes by mentioning Skinner, of course, and reinforcement is a major part of this section.
Reading this section helps me understand how and when certain reinforcements happen and under what conditions. This influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification in that it is going more in depth and that gives me more information about b-mod. B-mod isn't just about changing the behavior, it is about how, when, and under what conditions you change a behavior.
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 4
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 2
Average = 3
I think I will reinforce myself with a 24oz fountain Mr. Pibb. I choose this because I know that if I am going to be able to drink 64oz of water a day, I will not be able to drink anything else besides water, so I will be treating myself with something other than water to drink.
Terms: Spontaneous recovery, extinguish, emit, extinction, behavior, aversive, discrimination, generalization, reinforcer, reinforcement, fixed, ratio, interval, variable, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement schedule
My water consumption was measured in bottles of water.. Each bottle is 16.9 fl oz. so...
Day 1= 50.7
Day 2= 33.8
Day 3= 33.8
Day 4= 67.6
Day 5= 50.7
Day 6= 84.5
Day 7= 33.8
This is obviously a give or take on perfect measures of water I drank. And it also depended on my activities while drinking water... e.g. : day 6, I drank the most, because I was the most active that day.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Overall I found the entire concept of extinction quite fascinating. As someone who hopes to be an eventual parent, while all behavior modification strategies would be helpful, this could be especially helpful during the terrible twos. The most interesting section for me was the extinction bursts section. I believe this goes right along with future children and how they scream for attention – one way or another. I found the entire concept of these bursts when they encounter the extinguishing process interesting and would like to learn more about it.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section I found the least interesting would have to be the section on variability. I honestly found it the least interesting because it is a math term and it is similarly used in this context. I hate math and I hate learning about variability, statistics, etc. However, the concept does make sense with the other content within this chapter.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We had previously touched on extinction in class therefore I had a decent understanding of the concept. I have also learned about variability throughout my middle school and high school math courses. I am actually currently learning about variability in my Psychological Statistics course. I really hate that class – mostly because I hate math in general!
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
As I previously stated, I love kids and would like to have my own someday. Extinction, along with many other behavior modification concepts would relate to my life throughout my parenting (specifically during toddler years.) This also relates to my life with the extinction bursts because whenever I babysit and the child does not get their way (and the previous reinforcement), they will repeat it and repeat it until it is either recognized or they give up and do something different.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the information about operant chambers very interesting. I had learned about this in other courses therefore it was somewhat familiar. I thought it was interesting how this relates to biological continuity and continuous reinforcement.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I honestly found the concept of continuous reinforcement less interesting than other sections. I found the typing example very confusing and did not clarify what exactly continuous reinforcement was. However, the remote analogy was helpful and now I believe I understand the concept of continuous reinforcement.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Obviously the operant chamber (Skinner) was familiar through Introduction to Psychology as well as History and Systems of Psychology. Continuous and intermittent reinforcement were new terms, but branched off of previous knowledge of reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Continuous reinforcements are an example of everyday life, for example, when you press a button on toilet, you expect it to flush, when you flip a light switch, you expect it to turn on, etc. Therefore, we are constantly continuously reinforced. Another example would be that intermittent reinforcement, such as knowing you will have to wait for the bus so you plan accordingly.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I am beginning to understand that behavior modification can be just as complicated as other areas within Psychology. I also was not expecting as many math terms within this subject!
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4 glasses
Day 2 = 3 glasses
Day 3 = 5 glasses
Day 4 = 5 glasses
Day 5 = 4 glasses
Day 6 = 7 glasses
Day 7 = 3 glasses
Average = 4.43 glasses (8 oz. each, rougly 35.43 oz. total)
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
-Something I can do to positively reinforce my water-drinking behavior would be that every time I drink eight 8 oz. glasses in
Terms: Extinction, reinforcement, continous reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, operant chambers, biological continuity
1. Prior to reading this chapter, I still was not exactly sure what exactly extinction was. In this chapter the use of the example of Stewie and Louis from the TV show Family Guy really helped me realize what extinction was. I found the concept to be very interesting particularly the example that used the drug addiction because it explained that it would hold the person off from being able to get the drugs that they wanted. I like how it also explained the problem with extinction and how eventually the people usually get what it is they want, which sometimes could be a good thing and other times could be a bad thing.
2. There was not really anything in the chapter that I did not find interesting. There were some parts that were harder to understand, such as the generalization section, but after reading it a few times and thinking it over I now understand the concept.
3. We have talked a lot about extinction in this class already and in previous chapters so that is something that I can kind of relate to the chapter. Another thing that I found relatable was the term discrimination. I have talked about this in a few other psychology courses here and I know the term fairly well.
4. One term that I can relate to my life is extinction. I know one thing right now that I have noticed in my life is that I use Snapchat less and less. This is because when I snap people, they never snap me back and it is really irritating. The more I continue on with Snapchat and people do not respond, the more I just do not really want to use it anymore which I think is an example of extinction in my life. Another way I can relate this to my life is through my job. Right now my residents attend some programs, but I believe it is only because I am begging them to come to them. If I completely stop asking them to come I do not believe that I would get any attendance because I was reinforcing them to come by begging them. However if I stop reinforcing my residents to come then the behavior will become extinct and they will not show up to my programs.
5. One thing I found to be pretty interesting was continuous reinforcement. This was mainly because it’s something you would not really normally think of, but it is something that can be applied to everyday life. For example when you press the button on an elevator, the elevator will always eventually come to the floor that you are on.
6. I found notation to be very uninteresting, but that was mainly because it was hard to understand.
7. I obviously had known about reinforcement prior to this section, but adding the continuous part of it definitely added a twist onto the concept of reinforcement. The idea of things constantly being reinforced when you do not really even realize it is very interesting.
8. I think that one thing I will definitely be able to relate to my life is thinking about continuous reinforcement is how I can relate that once again back to residence life and my job. Every time I encounter a policy violation I am always going to document that violation. Hopefully, by continuously documenting situations from various residents they will eventually stop violating policy. I think that one other way I can relate this to my life is reinforcement schedules. Every night at 10:00 P.M. the lights flicker in the hallways and this lets the residents know that it is quiet hours and the RAs will be coming through the building, so after about half an hour when the RAs have gone through the building people begin to be noisy again in the hallways because they know the schedule of when the RAs will be going on rounds.
9. After reading this section I feel like I have a lot more knowledge about how to apply more behavior modification related topic to life and my job.
10. Day 1= 0, Day 2=3, Day 3=2, Day 4= 2, Day 5= 1, Day 6=3, Day 7=1 Average=1.7 Glasses of Water. I think one thing that would help me drink more water is creating a visual to use to measure how much water I drink or a chart. That way I can fill out the chart and actually see how much water it is I am drinking every day.
11. Terminology: Scheduled Reinforcement, Continuous Reinforcement, Extinction, Discrimination, Ratio
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Some things that I found interesting in this section was extinction and punishment. I like this part of the section because the way that it was broke down and explain.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
One thing that I found least interesting was extinction burst because I found it very confusing and hard to follow at some points.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relate to what I already learned about punishment and little bit about extinction. This section explained extinction in detail and made extinction more understanding and explained the difference between punishment and extinction.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section are extinction and spontaneous recovery. I relate to extinction in my everyday life when I work with my brother trying to extinguish his aggressive behavior. I can also relate spontaneous recovery I will stop doing something for a while then every once in a while I will try doing it again.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One thing that I found interesting in this sections is Continuous reinforcement because I found this sections very intriguing and very easy to read and understand.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was not really anything that I can say that I dislike in this section.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relate to what I already knew about reinforcement from previous section. This section just expand on what we knew about reinforcement and adds continuous reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section are continuous reinforcement and intermittent reinforcement. Continuous reinforcement is something that I do regular without really thinking about things. For example anytime that I would open door or turn on the stove to cook I am reinforcing continuous reinforcement. Now that my dog is trained I use intermittent reinforcement with him instead of continuous reinforcement when giving him treats.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section haves increase what I know about behavior modification. Also have given me some ideas on how to elicit a better behavior.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 4oz
Day 2 = 4oz
Day 3 = 4oz
Day 4 = 4oz
Day 5 = 4oz
Day 6 = 4oz
Day 7 = 16oz
Average = 5.71oz per day
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
A reinforcer to drinking 64 oz of water per day each week I would get a crunch ice cream cine from Dairy Queen.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms: reinforcer, elicit, behavior, extinction, extinction burst, punishment, continuous reinforcement, reinforcing, behavior modification, intermittent reinforcement, extinguish, aggressive behavior, and spontaneous recovery
Section 2.4 and 2.5
1)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Generalization and Discrimination grabbed my attention while reading when it discussed what people always assume about being psychology majors. It is very true and now I understand their assumption about my analyzing them because they haven’t learned to discriminate between the different types of people who are studying psychology and different areas within the field.
2)What did you find least interesting? Why?
Spontaneous recover, I did not find this interesting because I don’t think it relates to my life and didn’t find it interesting to read about. Maybe I’ll experience it someday or become more aware of it now that I’ve learned more about it.
3)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Section 2.4 relates to previous chapters because it goes more in depth on extinction and other terms learned. It adds on to the knowledge of terminology with reinforcement and punishment. It also relates back to topography from previous section with how the behavior functions with variability. Generalization was discussed in Chapter 2. B.F. Skinner has also been talked about with this research in this book and in other courses as well.
4)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Extinction bursts is a term that can relate to my life much like the example from the book. I nanny for three children and the oldest who is four years old calls my name over and over again to try and grab my attention. I can sense that when her mother is around she gives her attention right away. Whereas I on the other hand do not assist her right away which results in this extinction burst. Another thing that relates to my life would be how when people find out I’m a psychology major they assume I’m going to analyze them. This relates to the chapter because it discusses how people haven’t discriminated between the different people and the different types of psychology their studying.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Towards the end when the book discusses real life situations and scenarios that relate to schedules of reinforcement. I found this the most interesting because I could relate to the terms. I was getting bored with the graphs and terms before this section while reading and was relieved when it began to switch over to what we can relate to as readers.
6)What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section I did not find that interesting was when all the graphs were being displayed and the section on time. There was a lot of information we as the reader couldn’t relate to. It seemed to drag and go over my head at times. The book mentioned itself that you may be slightly disillusioned from reading that section.
7)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I have learned about fixed, variable, ratio and interval in previous classes. B.F. Skinners studies are also brought up again in this section, he is another one that I’ve learned about in other classes and also in previous chapters of this book.
8)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Continuous reinforcement relates to my life as I type this sentence because I am being reinforced everything the letter I touch gets put up on the screen. Another everyday life relation from this section would be how the book talks about fixed interval being an example of getting paid every two weeks. With all my jobs money is a secondary reinforce due to this. I also use schedules of reinforcement while waitressing using more of a variable interval when knowing I need to approach them and give them drinks within a given time frame.
9)How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section didn’t really influence what I originally thought about behavior modification. I would just say that as I continue to read section after section I am amazed at how much this goes on in the everyday life. I am becoming more aware of the behaviors around me and how things work in this world.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =1
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =2
Average =1.57 glasses
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Buying flavored packets of crystal light or propel to put into my water bottle so I don’t get tired of how it tastes and I enjoy drinking the liquid and stay healthy by doing so.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Generalization. Discrimination. Reinforcement. Punishment. Spontaneous Recovery. B.F. Skinner. Extinction Bursts. Schedules of Reinforcement. Fixed. Variable. Interval. Ratio. Continuous Reinforcement.
Please read sections 2.4 (Additional Concepts) and 2.5 (Schedules of Reinforcement).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found extinction interesting because it the process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors which have already been reinforced. This seems like something everyone wants to do in at least one way in their life whether or not it’s towards themselves or their kids, pets, etc.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Generalization because it seems like mostly common sense knowledge that most of us all know.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Extinction builds on what we have learned about the ABCs and the process of behavior and how to successfully modify it.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? I would have to say extinction because sometimes I try the same thing more than once and hope for a different result, even though there might never be one.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? Continuous reinforcement was interesting to me because I never thought of it as an event that just happens naturally, I always thought of reinforcement as a conscious effort to reinforce a behavior.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why? Learning about the different schedules of reinforcement because it was kind of boring.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? This section continued to build on what we have learned about behavior patterns learning about those helps us modify them by first understanding them.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Overall schedules of reinforcement is relatable in my life. Everyday I have a schedule and once I get everything done (class, work, homework, cleaning) then I can do whatever I want. That is reinforcing me to get it done fast and concentrating instead of dragging it on because in the end I would waste more time that way.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? I didn’t really have an idea of how behavior was modified before the class but once learning more it makes a lot of sense and is presented in a fairly simple manner.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 20oz
Day 2 = 40oz
Day 3 = 30oz
Day 4 = 25oz
Day 5 = 45oz
Day 6 = 60oz
Day 7 =40oz
Average = 37.14oz
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? 2 beers
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
schedules of reinforcement
behavior modification
Continuous reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on extinction burst and caving in to be interesting. The idea of extinction is simple in practice and hard in execution, and with the many examples of how these major figures cave in and give in to the pressure of the burst. Because of this caving in, a lot of behaviors that people wish would be extinguished are close to extinction, but not fully gone.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on generalization to be the least interesting to me for the time being. I don’t expect it to get too much more in depth than the initial definition unlike other terms that have been introduced in the previous sections. Generalization is very simple and understandable even at face value, so it just wasn’t something that grabbed my interest.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Something from this section that was relatable to previous sections is the obvious choice of extinction. The section expands on the intricacies of what extinction is, however it has been brought up in multiple discussions in class and previous chapters. It goes more in depth to talk about other beings being aids in the process as opposed to it all being focused on self. Extinction burst was also brought up which has been mentioned many times.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is the personal practice of extinction, for good or for worse. I used to do homework on Saturday’s or Sunday’s, but when getting my studies done became less reinforcing for me personally, I stopped the practice of doing any sort of school work. Essentially, what was once reinforcing, getting studies done and the stress lifted, stopped doing that, I stopped doing homework on these days.
Another thing that is relative to me, is the use of extinction burst in some behaviors. For example, in my life, I attempt to use it with some behaviors of fellow organization members. Some members are very hyperactive and tend to be loud and obnoxious and get a lot of laughs and attention from it; however it is detrimental to professional settings. So we attempt to cut out the reinforcement that the member feels, and in doing so he exhibits new behaviors to elicit the same responses. It is a classic example of what is to be expected in this.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting in the section was the thorough descriptions of the reinforcement schedules. I enjoyed relearning about the fixed interval/ratio and variable interval/ratio schedules in reinforcing behaviors. This was something I enjoyed learning back in my introductory class.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the thing to be least interesting to be continuous reinforcement. After rereading this snippet a couple of times and going over the examples, I just thought that it is simply not practical. After progressing through the class, it is easier to see the practicalities of it, and it is not a reinforcement schedule that you keep. Instead you start with this and ween off it to a different style of reinforcement, whether it be variable interval, fixed ratio, or any of the others.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section thoroughly advances the idea of reinforcement and how to reinforce behaviors that are wanted. It also has what schedules work well and examples of when these schedules are used and how they are relevant in real life. Because of this it also shows the benefit of using reinforcement over punishment in developing behaviors.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is a poker website that I use on, now, a daily basis. The reason I use it, is because it has a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement for daily chip additions. So if I run low, and if I continue to visit the site, I am reinforced by getting more chips. Also this is a free poker website so I am not a funded gambling addict.
Another thing that relates to my life is the use of a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement with seeing guys at my house. With living in a house that 60 guys can frequent whenever they need, I can come home to nobody, just roommates, or 10+ guys who are there. This is how this schedule of reinforcement relates to my life.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reinforcement has been shown to be far above and beyond the best way to change or adapt behaviors that are wanted. It also is relevant that in my Ancient philosophy class in reading Plato’s Republic, they discuss justice and injustice, and in discussing this they agree that no human was bettered by punishment. It is highly relevant and a very old origination to a modernized thought.
It is starting to tie everything together in a more expert level.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1 8oz
Day 3 = 1 80z
Day 4 = 1 80z
Day 5 = 1 80z
Day 6 = 2 80z
Day 7 = 3 8oz
Average = 1.28 or 10oz per day
10b) I will use positive reinforcement of giving myself additional non water beverages through the following week if I can hit half the regular daily amount for the first couple weeks. After 3 weeks of straight success I will keep the same schedule of reinforcement, but want to hit the regular daily amount of 64oz per day.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Generalization, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement schedules, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio, continuous reinforcement, reinforcement, punishment, behaviors, positive reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I liked reading about extinction, because it is nice to know that you can stop aversive behavior by simply stopping the reinforcement for that behavior.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It was boring to read about the difference between extinction and punishment. It was useful information, but the wording made it boring to read.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section shows us that there is another way to modify behavior that is not reinforcement or punishment, extinction (the removal of reinforcement, but not it is not punishment).
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
We can learn how to use extinction to extinguish behavior. For me this seems very useful when dealing with children. For example, if you had been giving a child candy to stop crying, they know that if they cry they will get candy (reinforcement for crying). If you stop doing this it stops giving them reinforcement for crying (extinction). This will cause the behavior to stop (be extinguished).
We can also learn how to deal with extinction bursts. This is when the no longer reinforced behavior is emitted a lot in hopes of gaining the reinforcement. But if you stand firm and do not give in and provide the reinforcement, the extinction will be successful.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting to learn about the operant chambers that were used to test reinforcement schedules with rats. I think the fact that we can learn about ourselves by learning about rats (biological continuity) is really cool.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It was least interesting to read about things like the ratio schedules, because I naturally find that kind of stuff boring, even if it is important. I find it harder to focus and take in what I am reading with that kind of stuff.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section told us that contrary to what we would think, it is actually better to have intermittent reinforcement, rather than continuous reinforcement.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
We can learn how to set up reinforcement schedules to modify a behavior properly, and we know now that it is better to use intermittent reinforcement.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I would have thought that it would be better to continuously reinforce a behavior, rather than reinforcing it from time to time.
10a) Behavior Project: You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 1 cups
Day 2 = 1 cups
Day 3 = .5 cups
Day 4 = 1 cups
Day 5 = 0 cups
Day 6 = 0 cups
Day 7 = 1 cups
Average = .64 cups
10b) Behavior Project (Baseline): Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water? Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
extinction, extinguish, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, emit, aversive, extinction burst, operant chambers, reinforcement schedules, biological continuity, ratio schedule, intermittent reinforcement, continuous reinforcement
After reading section 2.5, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about biological continuity because the section was written in a way that helped me understand this new idea/concept better than I would've otherwise.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really dislike anything in particular about this section, i thought it was written in a way that helped introduce new ideas and terms to us easily and less confusing than just giving us a term to memorize.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember continuous reinforcement schedules because it is pretty self explanitory, and i'll remember biological continuity and intermittent reinforcement because they were explained very well in this section!
7a) You should now have a week's worth of data collected on how much water you drank each day for a week. Please fill out the information below:
Day 1 = 58 oz
Day 2 = 91 oz
Day 3 = 41 oz
Day 4 = 60 oz
Day 5 = 75.5 oz
Day 6 = 74.7 oz
Day 7 = 58 oz
Average = 65.45 oz
7b) Most people do not drink enough water per day. The rule of thumb is eight 8-oz glasses a day (64 oz or about 2 liters). We would like you to use positive reinforcement to increase the amount of water you drink each day. Of course drinking water might make you feel healthier and that in itself may be reinforcing, what is something that you can reinforce yourself with if you can go 7 days drinking at least 64 oz water?
Keeping that in mind, for the next 7 days try to make your target behavior of 64 oz water so you can get your reinforcer at the end of the week.
Although I am already drinking about 64 oz of water each day, something I could use to positively reinforce myself more is to reward myself with a nap for every day that I drink at least 64 oz of water. Adding this reward will increase the frequency of me drinking water throughout the day.
P.S. if you are already drinking 64 or more oz of water let us know and we'll help you adapt the assignment to your current water drinking behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, superstitious behavior, generalization, discrimination, biological continuity, continuous reinforcement schedules, intermittent reinforcement, positive reinforcement