Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 1.3 (Language of Behavior) and 1.4 (Some Behavioral Terms)
reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
2) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
3) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
6) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
7) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
9) How
has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about
behavior modification? How so?
10) Once
you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in
your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked getting to see behavioral language in its proper form. It didn’t take me long to realize it’s a lot easier than it originally looks. I also couldn’t believe how much a simple story can be changed when using behavioral language. I do think that it is extremely important to learn, understand, and utilize this type of language though. I say that because so many times I read journal articles or educational posts and I have a tough time truly understanding what they mean. This passage was pretty right on when it compared behavioral language to a foreign language. It practically is to anyone that isn’t familiar with it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think I disliked having to try and make sentences using the words elicit and emit. I know those are words that I might use in everyday language but it had me second guessing myself and wondering if my sentences even made sense. It’s weird how you can do something until you are put on the spot for it and then it becomes much harder to come up with examples. I also just disliked the feeling of not understanding Goldiamond’s quote about self-reinforcement.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that behavioral language has to be used precisely and accurately or it can convey a message much different than your intent. I also learned about Establishing Operation. It is used to make a reinforce more reinforcing. They used the example of depriving lab rats of food so that when you have them go through the maze to find the food they are more effective. I also learned that using behavioral language is very difficult at first. It truly does seem almost like a foreign language but that with a lot of practice you can become pretty effective at using that form of language.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed reading about deprivation. It is crazy to me how much you can control someone’s behavior by taking away things that they need. A good example of deprivation is greatly reducing a rat’s food so that when you want it to find the food at the end of the maze it will probably be quicker at finding it. If you carefully remove important things from someone’s routine it may be pretty easy to get them to behave in a way that will help them get their needs met. This amount of control is interesting to me because I think by knowing this you can guard against being controlled and you can also use the information in certain situations yourself.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think I’d have to say I disliked the part about emitting and eliciting again. I think I disliked it simply because I learned it once already in the previous section and it is a concept that I have a decent background education in already. I think it was probably just the most mundane and boring subjects because it was old information. I do, however, understand that it an important part of behavioral language so it never hurts to practice the language.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that a punishment is an attempt to decrease the frequency of a behavior and reinforcement is an attempt to increase the frequency of a behavior. I learned that behavioral language can be confusing but practicing helps to make it seem more natural. I also learned that operant behavior sets the occasion for reinforcement or punishment to occur.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These two sections really surprised me. I wasn’t aware that I would need to know how to use a completely different way of speaking in order to effectively communicate behavioral research. It was really tough to talk with behavioral language and it made me realize that behavior is a really complicated subject and is something that you really have to put some time and practice into.
8) Terminology:
Behavioral language, communicate, emit, elicit, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, frequency of behavior, establishing operation, Goldiamond
1.The thing that I really liked about this section was seeing how a simple story could be translated in to behavioral language. It made it a lot easier to learn with the story about the crow trying to get water.
2.The thing that I liked the least in this section was how long the intro was. It felt like it took a while to get to the specifics of behavioral language. I think one thing that could have made the intro shorter was getting rid of the Spanish parts.
3.Three things that I will remember from this section are extinction because I learned about it in my intro to psych class. Extinction is when a behavior is no longer being reinforced. I will remember establishing operation because of the examples used in the book. Establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more desirable. The third thing I will remember is that behavioral language is very specific. I will remember this because of the discussion we had in class about the differences between behaviors and behavioral classes.
4.The thing that I liked the most in the chapter was learning about discriminate stimuli. A Discriminate stimulus is any stimulus that sets the context for a behavior to occur. I found this interesting because it an easy way to manipulate someone’s behavior.
5.I disliked how all of the repeated terms that we have already covered in depth. Some of these terms were reinforcement, punishment, and target behavior. I already knew these terms so I didn’t need to go over them again.
6.Three things I will remember are discriminative stimuli because I found that section interesting and want to know more about it. I will also remember response which is a behavior that occurs because of the stimulus. The third thing I will remember is satiation. Satiation means that adding more reinformcent will not change the frequency of the behavior because the organism has had enough of the reinforcer.
7.My thoughts about behavior modification have changed in that the language of behavior modification is more specific than I first thought. I was also surprised at how many terms there are to know and how similar some of the terms are to each other.
Terms used: Extinction, establishing operation, discriminate stimulus, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, response and satiation
1) One thing that I liked about this section was how it gave us the opportunity to practice and make sure that we clearly understood the material. This section also made everything very straight forward and easy to understand. It gave multiple examples showing us how almost any sort of language can be translated into the language of behavior. This is a nice change from textbooks where it feels like you have to reread something three times before you actually understand what the author is trying to say.
2) There was nothing that I really disliked or liked the least about this section. I feel that all of the information was valuable to us being able to properly use the language of behavior.
3) One concept that I will remember from this section is an establishing operation. An establishing operation is a procedure that makes a reinforcer more reinforcing. I will remember this because the example of hungry I think is very relatable to everyone. When we are hungry that is the only thing on our mind and it seems as if we are willing to eat anything. Making the reinforcer much more powerful. I will also remember from this section what extinction is. Extinction, when previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced, also includes extinction burst. This will be an east concept for me to remember because it is emphasized throughout the section. Lastly I will remember from this section how our everyday language can be translated into behavior language once we know and understand the concepts. This was also discussed throughout the section and many examples were given both to read and practice.
4) One thing that I liked about this section was the many opportunities it gives the reader to practice using the new words and definitions that were introduced. I liked this part because practicing using the new words will make them much easier to remember and to incorporate into our language.
5) One thing that I liked the least about this section was that I thought in certain places the definitions could have been elaborated on a bit more to make the words and their definitions more clear. By making the definitions more clear then there would be an overall better understanding.
6) I will definitely remember from this section the concepts punishment and reinforcement because they have been discussed the most so far throughout the book. Also, in this section I feel that if the reader had any confusion at all about punishment or reinforcement it would have been cleared up. Another concept I will remember from this section is target behavior. Target behavior is concept I will remember because in previous sections this was a term that I had some confusion with, but this section, section 1.4, cleared it up. Lastly, discriminate stimulus is another term that sticks with me well. Discriminate stimulus gave a good example of a stop sign and that is the main reason of how I will be reminded of what a discriminate stimulus is.
7) After reading sections 1.3 and 1.4 behavior modification has shown me those terms that I thought I knew I really did not. For most of the terms and concepts I had the right idea, but many of them were more complex or slightly different than what I had originally thought. This will clear many things up in the future for this class.
Terms: behavior modification, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, discriminate stimulus, behavior language, extinction, extinction burst, establishing operation.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the section of this reading that dealt with Aesop’s Fables because it added to the information that was given about emitting behavior and extinction. It gave me a more concrete understanding of how to translate behavior from actual behaviors that can be observed to explaining them in behavioral terms. It is very important to be able to understand how to breakdown stories like this and explain them in terms that apply to behavioral modification. I like that it was not just an example about a specific behavior but it is a story that, although short, has enough parts in it to explain extinction and extinction burst.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The section I liked the least was the part about eliciting and emitting behavior because it is something that has been gone over before. It was something that had been discussed in section one of this chapter and I understood it the first time so I felt it was unnecessary to go over again. However, it was good to have review and write out sentences using the terms again as an activity because even if I understand it I still want to be able to generate my own examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
From this section I will remember that an establishing operation is something that makes a reinforcer more effective. Another thing that I will remember is extinction burst and how a subject will vary their behavior slightly in hopes of it increasing the chances of being reinforced. This is something that happens after extinction occurs and the subject is no longer being reinforced for a specific behavior. I have heard of extinction in behavioral modification but the extinction burst is a new term for me. The last thing I will remember from this section will be deprivation and how it is used to describe a subject having their reinforcers withheld from them.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I enjoyed most about this section is all of the writing activities it gives so a student can be sure they know exactly what they are talking about when it comes to these terms. I liked the sections where it asked to write examples of punishment, operant behaviors, and response as well as others because it challenges students to use as many terms as possible in the examples.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The section I enjoyed the least was probably the part about elicit and emitting behaviors. This is only because it is something I have understood from previous sections but I do understand its importance for future applications in this class.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
At this point I will definitely remember the differences between elicit and emitting behavior because they have been explained many times in other sections as well as this one. The section about discriminative stimuli is something I will remember because I really liked the example of the stop sign and how certain stimuli will influence people’s behavior differently. The last thing I will remember from reading this section is deprivation and how that is defined by withholding a stimulus, which serves as a reinforcement. I will remember this because of it being explained through the use of lab rats because my previous experience with behavioral modification has had to do with similar examples.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavioral modification have changed after reading these two sections. It had previously changed after reading sections 1.1 and 1.2 because I had not had very much experience with this subject in prior classes. After these two sections I understand that behavioral modification is a much more complex subject and that it is very much like learning a foreign language; you need to learn the fundamentals perfectly in order to advance to the more complex material.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, extinction burst, elicit, emit, establishing operation, reinforce, deprivation, and discriminative stimuli
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section is that the new vocabulary words were in boxes. It made them stand out and the definitions were very clear. I like how each one was followed by an example to help clarify the definition.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least in this section was the crow example. I thought there could have been a more relevant example that we can relate better to as college aged students.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is the establishing operation makes the reinforce more reinforcing. I will remember this because I thought of it as an antecedent, but usually always resulting positively. Another thing that stood out to me was deprivation because I already know what that word means, so it was simple to think of it in a behavior modification context. Another thing I will remember from the text is extinction because, once again it is a word everyone has heard before, so we only have to learn it in a new context, not starting from the beginning.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how the old vocabulary was pieced together with the new vocabulary in this section. Like it stated, behavior modification language is a building process and I thought this section did a really good job of demonstrating that.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I did not like in this section was that I already know the words emit and elicit, but I felt they took on a new meaning in this context and it was a little unclear to me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is discriminate stimulus because the traffic sign example made the definition very clear and easily applicable. Another thing I will remember is that satiation means that the frequency of behavior will not change with the addition of reinforcement. I liked the example of eating too much ice cream. Although you may love ice cream, you will no longer want to eat anymore after becoming full. Another thing I will remember is that response in behavior modification is the reaction to an applied stimulus. I will remember this because I thought it was strange that this definition was provided in this section and not in an earlier one.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I think the only thing that changed in my view of behavior modification is the amount of new vocab. I thought the majority of the basics were already covered but there was a bunch of new words to learn. I was not aware that behavior modification is like a foreign language, but I definitely am now.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
establishing operation, deprivation, extinction, elicit, emit, discriminate stimulus, satiation, and response.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like the crow story. It was interesting to see how a story could me translated into behavioral language.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the activities with having to use the terms reinforcement, reinforcement, reinforce and punishment, punisher, punish. I think it did help me with using them correctly in sentences though.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1- how important it is to use the right terms when describing behavior
2.that extinction occurs when a reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced because of crow example
3. That establishing operation makes the reinforcer more effective.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning the new terms, and i think by writing them down and making my own examples for each i will be more likely to remember them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
i disliked how reinforcement and punishment keep getting explained over and over. I feel like i already know what the mean and how to use them that they don't need to be reminded ever couple paragraphs what they mean
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1-what satiation means.That adding more reinforcement will not change the frequency of the behavior because the organism has had enough of the reinforcer.
2-the meaning of deprivation. Because of the example of taking food away from lab rats. When the food is given bake as a reinforcer. The rat will behave in a desirable manner to receive reinforcement
3-That behavioral language is cumulative and that stuff we learn in chapter 1 we will still use further on in the course
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I never realized there where so many different terms in behavioral modification and how it almost seems like a foreign language when you first start to learn but with enough practice the terms become more familiar and easier to use.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavioral,reinforcement, reinforcement, reinforce and punishment, punisher, punish,extinction, operation,satiation,deprivation.
1a&b) what was one thing you liked about this section and Why?
One thing I liked about the section was that the main vocab words were in boxes. I found this helpful because if I was ever confused about one of the words I could just read the box and get the general definition to help me understand the reading better.
2) What was one thing you disliked about the section? Why?
I didnt really dislike anything in the section, but I thought that there could have been more relevant examples that could have helped me further understand the concept
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from the section you read and why?
One thing I will remember from this section are a few of the vocab words like extinction and emit. They are words that I feel like I use a lot in daily life so they are useful to know
Another thing I will remember from this section is the example of being hungry because I feel like I can relate to that almost daily. Because i could relate to the example it helped me remember how the vocab words should be used. Another thing I will remember is that people who do not know very much about behavior modification may not realize just how precise with your words you have to be. Before reading the section I didn't have a good idea of exactly how precise you needed to be, but after reading it I feel like i have a good grasp on how the different words can be taken different ways.
4a&b) after reading section 1.4 what was one thing you really liked about the section and why?
what I liked about this section was how the old vocabulary was used with the new vocabulary and how it gave us spaces to write our own definitions and examples.I think this helps get a better idea of how the terms are used in real life when we can create our own examples relative to our own lives.
5) what was one thing you disliked and why?
Again there wasn't anything I really disliked, but I do think that some of the terms are just being repeated over and over again when I have already picked up on what they mean and how they are used.
6ab&c) what are three things you will remember from this section
I will remember satiation which is adding additional reinforcement without changing the frequency and deprivation which is basically the opposite which is withholding something
I will remember punishment and reinforcement because we have gone over them in every section so far
I will remember operant behavior because it seems like it is relevant to every situation because it is the behaviors that set up reinforcement or punishment to occur
7) Now that I have read these sections how have my thoughts on behavior modification changed?
I have realized how precise you have to be with your wording in order for things to come across as you mean them to. Other than that my thoughts on behavior modification have not changed much since the last section
8) Terms
reinforcement, punishment, operant behaviors, satiation, deprivation, extinction, emit
Section 1.3
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing I enjoyed most about this section was the part about extinction, because it was already something that I knew about. Also, it made it easier to learn about extinction bursts, which is something I mention below. The reason I liked this the most was because it is beneficial to have a review of what I have previously learned, so I am able to work off of the prior knowledge I have and learn more.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It was actually more challenging to properly use the language of describing behavior than I expected. When I was providing examples, I felt a little irritated, but I kept trying to get the concepts down, so I knew that I actually understood the material. (This relates to the first point I mention in the following section.)
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The statements about boredom and frustration really stuck out to me. This is something I will remember from the section, because it is a valuable way to look at the process of learning. Frustration means that a person is in the process of learning, while boredom means he or she has learned it already. To me, this means to keep moving on and trying to gain new insight, even when it is difficult.
b. The reinforcer is made more effective with the help of an establishing operation. This can be used by depriving the individual of what they want and/or need.
c. I will remember extinction bursts, and that it is where someone tries to vary their behavior with the hope that they will be reinforced again after extinction has occurred.
Section 1.4
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that there was some subtle humor in this section. The box where we were to write a sentence using the words emit, elicit, and French fries was an example of this. There is a little bit of comedy in this, but I also liked the fact that it gave me a little bit more of a direction by having French fries be involved. Other times, it can be rather difficult to come up with examples to use the terminology right off the top of my head, but this allowed me to come up with a more unique example.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section was how vague some of the definitions appeared to be. In my opinion, they could have included more details, so I was able to have a better understanding what exactly the word means. This could include using more examples, and not having the person who is reading the book come up with so many on their own.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that a target behavior is the specific behavior that someone is trying to increase or decrease the frequency of it occurring.
b. Another thing I will remember is that a response is a result of the stimulus that is presented. Also, some stimuli in the environment act as signals for certain behaviors to occur in response to the presence of the stimuli, and this is known as discriminate stimulus.
c. The difference between satiation and deprivation is something I will take away from this section. Satiation occurs when the organism has had its fill, and the reinforcement will not help in attempting to modify behavior. Deprivation is when a stimulus is withheld in the attempt to serve as a reinforcer to an organism.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
What I previously thought about behavior modification has changed, because I never realized how important the terms and use of language are to it. Through reading these sections, I am starting to view behavior as a more complex topic. From the in class discussion, it sounded as though it was as simple as acknowledging the ABCs, but I have found that writing about it and using the proper terminology is more difficult than I expected it to be.
Terms: extinction, extinction bursts, reinforcer, establishing operation, deprivation, emit, elicit, target behavior, response, stimulus, discriminate stimulus, satiation, deprivation, behavior, ABCs
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about the section was the crow story. It was a really good example and helped me understand more on behavioral language. It also made it a lot easier with the example to fully understand the terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about the section was not fully understand Goldiamond’s quote about self-reinforcement. I didn’t really understand what he wanted me to get out of that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember is about extinction. I learned some parts about extinction in my past psychology classes and always thought it was really interesting to me. I always questioned after learning about extinction how long you should really reinforce so that extinction doesn’t occur. I will also remember establishing reinforcement and how it makes the reinforce more desirable. That last thing I will remember is behavioral language is actually really specific in its own way. It has to be accurate and can be hard to grasp at first.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really enjoyed was how much this section helped me understand everything more. I felt I was getting a little lost with all of the terms but having this clear cut chapter really helped me. It’s nice that I can come back and review this chapter any time I need help.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked about this section was I was already pretty comfortable with the basic terms and didn’t feel the need to go over them again. It was nice to have it repeated so we make sure we know it well enough, but that was the only part I guess I would have not liked.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember from this section is how important punishment is compared to reinforcement. You usually only hear about how reinforcement changes behavior for the most part. But the readings have really helped me understand that punishment can be just as effective when it comes to behavioral changes. I also didn’t have a full good idea on what operant behavior is, but now I know that it sets the occasion for reinforcement or punishment. I will also remember that satiation means adding more reinforcement to a situation that doesn’t need it. It will not change the frequency of the behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)
Behavior modification has changed for me because I now have a more in depth idea on what it really is. I understand more terms and have more background ideas on it. I didn’t really think behavior modification had its own little language to it, and that it’s more complicated than I give it credit for.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, frequency of behavior, establishing operation, Goldiamond, extinction, satiation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about the section was the crow story. It was a really good example and helped me understand more on behavioral language. It also made it a lot easier with the example to fully understand the terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about the section was not fully understand Goldiamond’s quote about self-reinforcement. I didn’t really understand what he wanted me to get out of that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember is about extinction. I learned some parts about extinction in my past psychology classes and always thought it was really interesting to me. I always questioned after learning about extinction how long you should really reinforce so that extinction doesn’t occur. I will also remember establishing reinforcement and how it makes the reinforce more desirable. That last thing I will remember is behavioral language is actually really specific in its own way. It has to be accurate and can be hard to grasp at first.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really enjoyed was how much this section helped me understand everything more. I felt I was getting a little lost with all of the terms but having this clear cut chapter really helped me. It’s nice that I can come back and review this chapter any time I need help.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked about this section was I was already pretty comfortable with the basic terms and didn’t feel the need to go over them again. It was nice to have it repeated so we make sure we know it well enough, but that was the only part I guess I would have not liked.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember from this section is how important punishment is compared to reinforcement. You usually only hear about how reinforcement changes behavior for the most part. But the readings have really helped me understand that punishment can be just as effective when it comes to behavioral changes. I also didn’t have a full good idea on what operant behavior is, but now I know that it sets the occasion for reinforcement or punishment. I will also remember that satiation means adding more reinforcement to a situation that doesn’t need it. It will not change the frequency of the behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)
Behavior modification has changed for me because I now have a more in depth idea on what it really is. I understand more terms and have more background ideas on it. I didn’t really think behavior modification had its own little language to it, and that it’s more complicated than I give it credit for.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, frequency of behavior, establishing operation, Goldiamond, extinction, satiation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about the section was the crow story. It was a really good example and helped me understand more on behavioral language. It also made it a lot easier with the example to fully understand the terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about the section was not fully understand Goldiamond’s quote about self-reinforcement. I didn’t really understand what he wanted me to get out of that.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember is about extinction. I learned some parts about extinction in my past psychology classes and always thought it was really interesting to me. I always questioned after learning about extinction how long you should really reinforce so that extinction doesn’t occur. I will also remember establishing reinforcement and how it makes the reinforce more desirable. That last thing I will remember is behavioral language is actually really specific in its own way. It has to be accurate and can be hard to grasp at first.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really enjoyed was how much this section helped me understand everything more. I felt I was getting a little lost with all of the terms but having this clear cut chapter really helped me. It’s nice that I can come back and review this chapter any time I need help.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked about this section was I was already pretty comfortable with the basic terms and didn’t feel the need to go over them again. It was nice to have it repeated so we make sure we know it well enough, but that was the only part I guess I would have not liked.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember from this section is how important punishment is compared to reinforcement. You usually only hear about how reinforcement changes behavior for the most part. But the readings have really helped me understand that punishment can be just as effective when it comes to behavioral changes. I also didn’t have a full good idea on what operant behavior is, but now I know that it sets the occasion for reinforcement or punishment. I will also remember that satiation means adding more reinforcement to a situation that doesn’t need it. It will not change the frequency of the behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)
Behavior modification has changed for me because I now have a more in depth idea on what it really is. I understand more terms and have more background ideas on it. I didn’t really think behavior modification had its own little language to it, and that it’s more complicated than I give it credit for.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, frequency of behavior, establishing operation, Goldiamond, extinction, satiation.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the crow example. It helped to see how a story was translated into behavioral terms. This exampled helped to show what each behavior was and how it was reinforced. It also applied many behavioral terms and that was helpful in understanding what each of them meant. It is interesting to see how much a story changes when you apply the behavioral terms to it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I greatly disliked. I think over all in all the sections it would be nice if we had other examples to match our own up too. Even if it was posted separately, I think being able to see if my examples were close to others would help me to check to see if I was on the right track.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The first thing I will remember is establishing operation. This is important because it’s the “procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing.” This sets up the entire experiment and makes the reinforcer reinforcing.
b. The second thing I will remember is extinction. This is something that is important because it shows that when something stops being reinforced the behavior will stop.
c. The third thing I will remember is the crow example. This example helped to set in stone what establishing operation and extinction is. I liked this example because it reinforces what the section was about.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section defined the term and then explained this. I liked this because it helped me to understand what each term meant, and then gave me a chance to test my knowledge.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I disliked in this section. I felt like it was written well and explained each of the terms well.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember target behavior. The target behavior is the behavior you are trying to increase or decrease. I will remember this because the example that was given reminds me about getting the kids at my work to brush their teeth.
b. I will remember discriminative stimuli. I will remember this by the stop sign example. Everyone responds differently, each for a different reason, but mainly because they do not want to be punished, or they ran the sign and they were punished.
c. Lastly I will remember deprivation. Deprivation is used as a reinforcement, which I found interesting because when I think about deprivation I think about taking something away and being bad. This showed that it is not necessarily bad, but it helps to reinforce a behavior. The example about the rats helped me to understand what and how deprivation is used.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These two sections made me realize how large the field of behavior modification is. There are so many terms that we have to learn because of size of the field, and the many things that behavior medication can do. This shows that behavior modification is not just in the lab, but in everyday life, and in all of our actions.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforced, reinforcer, reinforcement, establishing operation, extinction, target behavior, discriminative stimuli, punished, deprivation,
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how clearly all of the vocab words were posted it made them all easy to define, find and remember. It will also make it easy for studying purposes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing in the section that I really disliked. I think more examples that we could more closely relate to our own lives would be helpful. Examples we can relate to always seem to make it easier to understand than just seeing definitions.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things that stick out to me at the moment would be the difference between reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforce. It is crucial to remember that although these three terms look so similar they are very different and they have different definitions depending on what context they are used in. This section was filled with vocab words to remember and remembering all of them is what I am trying to get to stick out to me in the section.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed coming up with out own examples and sentences for each of the vocab words. This really forces you to understand what you are reading about which will hopefully force you to be successful in learning all of the terms.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Although I enjoyed how clearly set up all of the vocab words were I did not enjoy how many vocab words were placed in such a small amount of space. It felt like it was so much to remember in such a little chapter. I understand that this is necessary in order to get all of the related terms into one section; I just felt as though it was easy to forget the previous words when so many new ones were being thrown at you so quickly.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A few of the things that stuck out to me in this chapter were reinforcement and punishment. I know we have looked at both of these terms before however this section really made it clear how different they both were. It is so important to know if you are being punished or reinforced in situations and using the examples, and coming up with our own examples will really help this stick with me I believe. I also think that stimulus will stick with me; learning that stimulus is controlled by a response was a big part of the section and it is also a very important concept.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I think that the only way that it has changed for me is that I have realized just how many terms there are in behavior modification. Along with that I realize that even if we have heard these terms before the definition in this class could differ someone from what we would have originally though the definition to be. I am going to start making notecards and really focus to memorize all of these vocab words successfully.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforced, reinforce and reinforcement. Stimulus and response. discriminative stimuli, punishment,and extinction,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how this section really broke down the language of behavior. The way the section was written made it easy to understand the different ways to describe behavior. I also like that even if the reader does not understand some of the key terms, such as extinction, deprivation, or satiation, they are explained again in the summary of the section. The different fables that were included in the text were also entertaining and helpful.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I enjoyed least about this section was going over emit and elicit again considering we had just gone over those terms in the previous section. I will admit that it did help me to understand a bit better though.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember that the language of behavior is different from the language that we use in our everyday lives, and I will try to think of different situations using the language of behavior.
b) I will remember the concept of establishing operation. I felt as though this was an important part of the section, and it would be very helpful when trying to reinforce a certain behavior.
c) I will remember that there are differences between reinforcement, reinforcing, and reinforcer. It took me a bit to understand this, but after reviewing it a few times, I understand better.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I really liked the different activities that the reader can do to help understand the reading material. Doing the questions that are scattered throughout the text help me to fully comprehend the main points in the section.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt as though a majority of the information in this section was repeated from other sections. Although this could be found as annoying or frustrating, it does help to really get the point across to the reader.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I remember the difference between emit and elicit. Since it was emphasized not only in this section, but in the previous sections, I feel as though they will be important key terms in the future.
b) I will remember establishing operation helps to increase the purpose of reinforcement. This has also been covered in other section. When it is repeated in later sections, I can grasp the information better.
c) I will remember the difference between satiation and deprivation. Satiation happens when the organism has had its fill, and the reinforcement will not help to modify behavior. Deprivation is when a stimulus is withheld in the attempt to be a reinforcer to an organism.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts and feelings on the language of behavior have changed. I realize now that the language of behavior is cumulative, and I will most likely be able to speak the language of behavior fluently by the end of the semester.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: emit, elicit, establishing operation, language of behavior, reinforcement, extinction, deprivation, satiation, stimulus, reinforcing, and reinforcer.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Understanding that language is a complex matter and it differs in many ways from person to person. It is not as important to know what something means literally, but being able to identify it in your life. The application of terminology has always been easier for me to identify with than actual meanings.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This chapter was pretty good overall, I learned a lot and the examples were very useful. I wish there were a little bit more of a definition to some terminology.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Being familiar with the terminology will help you think in a behavioral mindset with everyday life. One will be able to put a reason behind an action.
b. B.F. Skinner was saying that while there is a reason for our action, we control whether nor not we should engage in that action. If we are driving and the sun shines in our face, we can alter our route against the sunlight or we could improvise and put on sunglasses. Assuming we bought sunglasses ahead of time for an action of such.
c. Extinction being that a behavior that once had a reinforcement component to it no longer has that component. The inexistence of a behavior.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the terminology in this chapter. I recognized many of the terms and it put them into perspective. The examples were very helpful in which they were ones that I could relate to in my everyday life.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I did not like in the chapter would be the use of the term organism. It confused me at times, just the wording of it. I get the concept of the term but when trying to understand another term in its entirety; it makes it difficult with the use of the term organism thrown in the mix
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Elicited behaviors which are when an outside stimulus causes a certain behavior. Something’s we do in life are done unconsciously with no recollection of why we do it. This explains many of those behaviors.
b. Behavior has its own language, and to understand behavior you have to know it be able to identify the terminology of the language.
c. Reinforcements can lead good or bad behaviors. If an organism is deprived by the reinforcer from something that they hold to be a necessity to their life, they are willing to repeat positive actions for positive reinforcements.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts on behavior modification have changed immensely already. Now I understand that there is a reason we do everything we do, and there isn’t many “coincident” in everyday life.
Terminology: Elicit, Organism, Deprived,Stimulus, Reinforcer, Reinforcements, Behavior Language, Extinction
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked in this section was when the crow example was put into behavioral terms because it helped me to better understand the proper way to use the behavior terms and what they mean.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked the least in this section was the examples of elicit and emit because it still left me confused as to how they were different from one another because the example gave the same sentence with the two terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are: extinction occurs when previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced, deprivation occurs where food, water, or other rein forcers are withheld and that topographically similar means that it looks the same on the surface. I will remember extinction because I have been introduced to this term many times in psychology and ever since I was a kid and learning that dinosaurs were extinct. Also, I will remember deprivation as I have been familiarized with this term before as well and as a college student I am deprived a lot from sleep! Thirdly, I will remember that topographically similar means to look the same on the surface since the example of topographical maps show what the surface looks like and I remember looking at those different maps in geography class.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked that was in this section was the example for elicit and emit because when I first read about these two terms in the previous section I still found myself very confused but when the words were put in contextual example I found it much easier to understand the difference between elicit and emit.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something that I disliked from this section was the end I felt like a lot of the definitions were put on at the end and weren’t explained as well as the terms at the beginning of the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are: when reinforcement occurs, the frequency of the behavior which was reinforced will increase, when punishment occurs, the frequency of the behavior which was punished will decrease, and the target behavior is the behavior of interest for which you are attempting to increase or decrease in frequency. I will remember the first two as it makes sense that when you are reinforcing something; you want the behavior to reoccur whereas when you are punishing something you want to decrease the behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these two sections my ideas about behavior modification have not really changed but I feel more informed on how the process of behavior modification can be broken down.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, emit, extinction, deprivation, topographically similar, reinforcement, punishment, and target behavior.
1.One thing from this section I really liked was the story about the crow looking for water and the translation of that into behavioral terms. Getting a chance to read that same story in two different ways really helped me understand it better.
2.The thing I liked least from this section was how long the introduction part was. I just feel like there was a lot of unnecessary information in the part and to be honest, the longer the readings are, the most discouraged students are to read them. I feel like it could have just been summed up in a paragraph or two, not as long as it was. I also didn’t really like / understand extinction burst.
3.Three things I’ll remember from this section is the crow story, talking about extinction, and how learning about behavior is like learning a foreign language. I’ll remember these three things because first, the crow story was interesting to me and made me understand that part of the section better. I’ll remember reading about extinction because I’ve learned about that previously in other classes. Finally, I’ll remember how behavior is like a foreign language because even though I sucked at Spanish in high school, I stuck with it and was glad that I did because now I know some Spanish and wasn’t that bad. Just like you said in the introduction, stick with it, you’ll be glad you did.
4.Something I liked about this section was how they just straight up gave you words and definitions. They reviewed punishment and reinforcement and just told what they were in the simplest terms. That was nice to read something straight forward and not so complicated.
5.The thing I liked least about this section was the elicit and emit part. I think I just liked this part least because it’s hard to understand for me. I read it over a couple times, but I still think in the future I’ll get those two words mixed up.
6.Three things that I will remember from this section is that elicit and emit are not the same thing because I read that section carefully and trying to remember the two. I will remember the example how you are legally required to stop at stop signs, but some people still will blow right through it. I’ll remember this because it was an everyday example, something I could really relate to. And the third thing I’ll remember from this section is punishment and reinforcement. That’s something that’s tagged along since the beginning of class and also has been previously learned about in other classes, so it’s something I won’t forget.
7.Now that I’ve read these two sections the main thing that has changed about my thinking about behavior modification is that it’s a process like a foreign language. You don’t just wake up one day knowing all about behavior modification. It takes time and one thing builds off another so like I said before, we’ve talked about reinforcement and punishment since the beginning of class and it’s obviously something we will continue to deal with. It’s like one of the bottom building blocks. It’s also nice knowing now that if I don’t understand something, It will come to me. It was just nice to read that this type of information doesn’t just happen overnight.
8.Extinction burst, extinction, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, behavior
1.) The thing I liked most was Aesop's fables and how one can translate it into behavioral language since I never thought about changing a story into the same one by using behavioral terms.
2.) One thing I liked least was coming up with three sentences for the examples since I would rather just come up with one sentence and move on, but I see that coming up with multiple examples is harder than I thought.
3.) Three things I will remember from the text is the term establishing operation because I want to learn more on how to apply that word to modifying behavior. I will also remember the term extinction since I have learned about that word multiple times in other classes and sometimes it does not always have the same meaning. I will also remember that learning behavioral language is like trying to learn how to speak and understand a foreign language since I like learning new languages.
4.) One thing I liked from the text was the repetition over the vocabulary since it helps the memorization process by repeating the same thing over again.
5.) One thing I didn't like was that the chapter seemed long because it felt more like a summary over what we have learned so far, but it is very useful.
6.) Three things I will remember from the text is that behavioral language is like math, once you learn something it keeps building on for later information and usage. Another thing I will remember is the term discriminate stimuli since it was a new term I learned. I also learned that behavioral language is cumulative and repetition will help the learning process.
7.) These two sections have changed my idea of behavior modification because I never thought of the language of behavior as a foreign language or math, but now I see that it does build off itself and the redundancy and repetition will help my learning process for the course.
8.) Behavior modification, behavioral language, discriminate stimuli, extinction, and establishing operation
1. Something I really liked in this section were the examples given to display what speaking "behaviorally" looks like. For example, when I manipulated the door knob, I was punished. The examples help me see what talking "behaviorally" looks like.
2. Something that I liked least in this section was when we were given the chance to rewrite behaviorally the story, The Man Bitten by a Dog , we were not given an example of what it would look like correctly. I would have liked to compare my answer with the one I would have known was 100% correct.
3. Something I will remember from this section is that the language of behavior is exact and important to use correctly. This section of reading really stressed how critical it is to have our terms understood. Secondly, I will remember a good way to memorize the important terms is to use them in sentences and everyday situations instead of just memorizing their definitions. Finally, I will remember how elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do the behavior.
4. Something I really liked about this section was the way the definitions and examples given. The examples really helped me understand the vocabulary words.
5. Something that I disliked about this section was that it felt somewhat like reading a dictionary. I know that learning the vocabulary is important to understand material later in the sections, but this section felt like vocabulary word after vocabulary word.
6. Something I will remember in this section is the meaning of discriminative stimuli, which sets the stage for an operant response to happen. I remember this because of the stop sign example, and how no matter what behavior we emit, it will not change the fact of what the stop sign is supposed to legally represent. Another thing I will remember is that response is a behavior that happens because of the introduction of a stimulus, and that they are behaviors. Thirdly, I will remember that satiation is any extra reinforcement to an organism that won't differ the frequency of the behavior.
7. The only thing that has changed is that I am starting to realize how important knowing the difference between vocabulary terms such as reinforcers, reinforce, and reinforcement is.
8. Satiation, emit, elicit, reinforcers, reinforce, reinforcement, discriminitive stimuli, and stimulus.
Section 1.3
1.) One thing that I really liked in this section was the Aesop’s fables that were translated into behavioral terms. I liked this because it was a good example, and good practice, for seeing how everyday day events can be described in behavioral terms. I enjoyed translating the fable into behavioral terms because it helped me to recognize what parts of the story were elicited behavior, emitted behavior, reinforcement, and so on.
2.) One part of this section that I didn’t like was how precisely behavioral language must be used. I didn’t like this because it is confusing, and using the language incorrectly may change the meaning of what you intended to say. However, I do realize that this is very important, and the exercises in the section do help to better understand the proper use of behavioral language.
3.) One of the three things that I will remember from this section is the importance of behavioral language. I will remember this because using the proper language is essential for getting your meaning across. For example, if someone elicits a behavior, it means something different than if they emit a behavior, and mistakenly using one word for the other changes the context of the situation being described. I will also remember the meaning of the phrase establishing operation. I remember this because I think of it as being similar to the antecedent. What I mean is that while the antecedent sets the occasion for a behavior, the establishing operation establishes, or sets up, the effectiveness of reinforcement. Finally, I will remember the terms extinction and extinction burst. I will remember these terms because I thought about our pet cats and how they have displayed these actions. We give them treats when they come in for the night, and often they go through extinction because they want more treats, but we don’t give them extra. During the extinction burst they go to the door and want out, likely thinking that if they go out and come back in again they will get more treats. When that doesn’t work they begin to howl. I’m sure they are hoping that we will give them treats as positive reinforcement to make them stop, which would of course be negative reinforcement for us. Of course we don’t want to condition them to thinking that emitting this behavior will elicit us into giving treats to them, so we ignore them and they stop shortly.
Terms: behavioral, elicit, emit, reinforcement, establishing operation, antecedent, extinction, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, condition
Section 1.4
1.) One thing that I really liked in this section was the descriptions of the new terms that were introduced because they were clear and simple enough for me to understand. For example, the description of operant behavior made it easy to understand that these behaviors can be either reinforced or punished depending on the antecedent, and are not of themselves desirable or aversive.
2.) One thing that I didn’t like about the section was the amount of new behavioral terms that were introduced all at once. I know that all of these terms are important and that I need to know them, but it just felt to me like this section was a big vocabulary list (which maybe it is supposed to be). I did feel that using the boxes to use the new terms in our own examples was a fun way to add a break in the reading and to make sure that I understood the terms that I had just read about.
3.) Something that I will remember from this section is that many of these behavioral terms can be used together to describe a behavior. For example, a discriminative stimulus such as lights going down in a theater attempts to elicit an operant response such as the ceasing of conversation by patrons, who emit this behavior in order to avoid punishment such as aversive confrontation from the people behind them. I will also remember that deprivation can be an effective way of modifying behavior because it is an establishing operation that makes the reinforcer more effective, while satiation can occur when too much reinforcement is given which makes the reinforcer less effective. Finally, the third thing I will remember from this section is that a target behavior is a behavior that we specifically try to change through punishment or reinforcement procedures. An example could be parents teaching their child to say “please” by not giving them what they are asking for until they remember to say “please”.
After reading these sections, I understand that many of these terms can fit into a specific part of the ABC’s. For example, discriminative stimuli can be part of the antecedent because they set up the behavior that follows. Extinction burst is part of behavior because the subject will exaggerate or change their behavior during their attempt to get reinforcement. This section showed me what I had already been thinking, that the ABC’s are a good starting point for understanding behavior but that there are more complex and specific ways to think about behavior and behavior modification.
Terms: operant behavior, reinforce, punish, antecedent, desirable, aversive, discriminative stimulus, elicit, operant response, emit, punishment, deprivation, establishing operation, reinforcer, satiation, target behavior, reinforcement procedure, ABC’s of behavior modification, extinction burst
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The things I liked about this section was how the vocab was presented with many examples on how it is used and also sentences when they are used. I also liked the story of the crow and how it really brought together everything that was presented in the chapter and then about the crow. The chapter was once again very easy to follow and related too so I also liked that aspect of it too.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One of the things I disliked was how there is so many words to remember from each section. I also wished there would be more examples of each vocab word that we will need to know for the calls.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember is how to use the word establishing operations because it helps the reinforcer be more effective. For example when wanting rats to do things while testing they wont feed or let them drink so then they will do the job better because they know they will get food if the job or test that they are suppose to get done gets done. The second thing I will remember is that deprivations is when reinforcers are withheld to help make the experiment better like no food or water will make the rat do what ever you want just to get water and food. The third thing that I will remember from this section is that the language of behavior may sound foreign at first. Which to me it does but I know it will get better because we will be practicing using the words in context which will help us learn them.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this chapter a lot because it finally gave us definitions and examples of all the vocab words we needed to learn for this class. It also gave more examples to help understand it and writing articles to also help us understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about about this chapter was how each one had a section you could write an instance to use this word but we were only given one example of using the words. I wish there could have been a couple more examples for a few because a couple are unclear to me still.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section is that most of this is very repetitive and redundant and once you know it you will know it. I will also remember the difference between response and a target behavior. The response is congruent to a stimulus. The third thing I will remember is operant behavior it is relevant to every situation,it is the behaviors that set up reinforcement or punishment to occur
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavior modification have changed a lot know that I know more vocab that will help me understand what is being said in articles, in class and also in the text.
8. establishing operations,deprivation,operant behavior,response,target behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I like how this section gave a more through understand of the complexity of behavior and didn't sugar coat that it is difficult to learn.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I do not think this was a bad section at all and there wasn't much I didn't like. It was all written clearly and I was able to understand it really well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One thing I will remember is that BF Skinner quote. I do not think I'll remember the quote exactly, but I will remember it throughout future readings and keeping it in mind as we go on to learn more about it through the book. Another thing I am going to remember is when it says that language is complex and there are many ways to learn the same thing. They always say that English is one of the hardest languages to learn and I think if you look a the behavior stand point of it. The other thing I will remember is the term extinction in the usage here. Whenever I had heard that word before I would think of it in a term of evolution, not behavior.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I know in every section there are boxes to fill out, however I like how in this section, since there are terms that you want us to better understand, that there are example boxes after all of them to drill it into our brain a bit more and actually use the term rather than just reading it.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The only thing I can say I didn't quite like about this section is that it felt like there was so much to learn all at once. However in the beginning of the section it did say that it was going to do so.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the definition of target behavior because as we go on in this class, we will be learning to change some of our own behaviors and those will be our target behaviors so they will be used a lot. Another thing I will remember is where it talks about behavior having its own language. I'll remember it because I feel like behavior is just often over looked but when we look at it this way it becomes a completely different form of language. I will also remember establishing operation because it can be a negative thing that turns into a positive outcome by affecting the environment.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? I now have a deeper understanding of the importance of behavior modification and what it can really do and how the terms are so important into the understanding of behavior modification.
8)Extinction, behavior, emit, elicit, target behavior, establishing operation, behavior modification.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed learning about the language of behavior. This was a topic that I really had never thought of. It was a bit more complex and confusing then I thought it was going to be, but the examples and practices boxes given in the text really helped in my understanding.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really liked this section overall, it gave me a pretty good idea of what the language of behavior was. However, I do wish it went a little bit more in depth regarding some examples of topographical behaviors because where I totally understand the concept, I am not sure if I would be able to pick one out necessarily.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is to tell the difference between topographically similar behaviors that may be different. This is important to remember because even though things may look the same on the surface, they could be vastly different underneath and this is very important in regards to behaviors. Also that since languages can be translated differently and are very complex, this is the same with the language of behavior. Most importantly, it is very important to learn how to translate things form normal day to day language, into the language of behavior, like using words such as manipulated, or aversive.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section is all about terminology. I get confused by definitions a lot and having a chapter specifically for different terminologies of behavior modification really helped me understand a lot of the various terms. The examples are also really great and helped my understanding go to an evan further level.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It was really awesome having a chapter designated for terminology, however it did get a little overwhelming. Having a lot of terms thrown at me at once makes me confuse them a lot, but hopefully going through and continuously studying them should make that easier.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is the difference between emitted and elicited. I will remember this because I feel that this is important because at first the words seem so similar, but they have completely different meanings that are both very important. Another thing I will remember from this section is the difference between satiation and deprivation. Satiation meaning that you are adding something that won't alter the reinforcement of the behavior, and deprivation which is taking something away that acts as a reinforcement. Lastly, I will remember what an operant behavior is. I believe this is important to remember because they set the occasion for a reinforcement or punishment to occur, and reinforcement and punishment are both very large topics in behavior modification.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these two sections, I have realized how large of a topic behavior modification really is. When you just think about it, it seems like a simple small part of analyzing people, however there is so much more to it that makes it really important in the practice of psychology.
Terminology: topographically, manipulated, aversive, emitted, elicited, deprivation, satiation, operant behavior, punishment, reinforcement
1. I liked the Aesop’s Fable with the crow. The story, along with the explanation of behavior, show how everything can be related back to behavior modification, and that we are constantly being reinforced and punished for behaviors. It is interesting to see how pervasive the information we learn in this class is. It also used new terms, like extinction, which helped to solidify the term in my mind.
2. I liked the second story the least because I found it hard to explain the behaviors and wasn’t sure if I was doing it correctly. It would have been helpful if there was an answer given on the next page so that we could check our answers.
3. I will remember the difference between elicit and emit, because we practiced using them in sentences in the reading. Elicit is when you make the behavior occur, and emit is when you do the behavior. The repetition in the book allowed me to get a better grasp on some of the terms that make up the language of behavior modification.
I will remember that there are many ways to describe one behavior, and that knowing the correct terminology allows us to be as clear in describing the behavior as possible. I will remember this because of the different examples in the book that all described the same thing, but with differing levels of detail and clarity.
I will remember what extinction is because it was used in the crow story. Extinction is when a behavior that used to elicit reinforcement no longer does.
Extinction burst is when the subject tries a variety of behaviors to elicit a response after the response has been withheld. I will remember this because I like the term and the imagery I get when I think about it.
4. I liked that most of the terms that we were given in this section had examples to go along with them. This helped me to better understand how the term works in behavior modification and allows me to picture the term in a real world situation.
5. I disliked that there were so many terms in this section. I understand that we need to learn the terms before we can go much farther in this book and in this class, but it makes it harder for me to remember them when there are so many. I am afraid I will get them mixed up with each other.
6. I will remember that satiation is when you cannot elicit more of a response by adding more reinforcement. This is because the term is close to sated, in which you are full. Previously knowing another similar term that has the same root will help me to remember this term in the behavioral context.
I will remember that when using deprivation on rats, scientists will weigh them while they are free feeding (eating whatever/whenever) and restrict food until their weight drops to a proportion of the free feeding weight. This interests me because it is a way to further motivate the rat towards emitting the behavior that is wanted.
I will also remember the term establishing operation because it ties in with deprivation and free feeding. I find it easier to remember terms when they relate to each other, because knowing one term will allow you to use it as a guide to remembering the rest.
7. Since reading these last two sections, I have realized just how complicated behavior modification is. It is not just antecedent, behavior, consequence. There are many mitigating factors than can affect behavior. The fact that there are so many things that can impact behavior really interests me and shows me just how much thought has gone into this discipline and what it takes to modify behavior.
8. behavior modification, reinforced, punished, behaviors, extinction, elicit, emit, response, satiation, deprivation, free feeding, establishing operation, antecedent, consequence
1 a&b)I really liked the fact that this chapter described learning the language of behavior as like learning a foreign language because this made me realize that a lot of practicing needs to be done in order to fully understand this topic. I also liked that there were a lot of examples and how nearly everything can be broken down into behavioral terms (which will make practicing easier).
2) I disliked that there seemed to be a lot of terminology used in a short amount of reading. Although this was helped out a lot by giving examples for many of the new terminology.
3 a,b&c) I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because of the examples. It may seem odd to talk or think about an inanimate object (such as a stop sign) being capable of eliciting behavior, but after going through the examples I will definitely remember the difference. I will also remember what an establishing operation is because of the example of mice--the establishing operation being deprivation of food if food is going to be used as a reinforcer. I will also remember that satiation occurs when sufficient access to a reinforcer is allowed (because of its similarity to "saturation").
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked that section 1.4 built from section 1.3 by going over the terminology that was previously defined in section 1.3. I liked this because it helped me learn the terms and use them in more examples than I did in section 1.3.
5) I disliked that there again seemed to be a lot of terminology thrown out in a short section. However, after breaking it down and going over each term on its own, it helped me grasp the material better.
6 a,b&c) I will remember what an operant behavior is because of the example I came up with--a comedian telling an offensive joke that can either lead to reinforcement or punishment from the audience. I will remember that a target behavior is the behavior that one is trying to increase or decrease the frequency of. I will also remember that a discriminate stimulus is a stimulus that sets up an occasion for an operant response to occur using the example of a STOP sign (which is legally binding and may result in punishment in the form of a ticket if not obeyed).
7) I never realized that the terminology of behavior modification was like learning a new language that requires just as much practice and studying as learning a foreign language does.
8) Terminology: behavior, elicit, emit, establishing operation, deprive, reinforcer, satiation, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, discriminate stimulus, operant response
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked learning about extinction where previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced. I want to learn more about this because it sounds like a type of reinforcement where the person being reinforced finds their own way to gain reinforcement which sounds similar to self-reinforcement.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I did not like where we had to write sentences and distinguish between the behaviors. I just got confused and hope we will review those in class.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that behavior language seems like a very confusing concept until you learn all the pieces. I will also remember the establishing operations which is a procedure that makes the reinforcement more reinforcing. The last thing I will remember would be the extinction concept which I found very interesting.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked learning about the different aspects of behaviors such as operant behavior, target behavior and response. I look forward to learning more about these and start to learn about the basics of behavior modification.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I don’t think I disliked any of the aspects of this reading but I still don’t like reading about examples and then have to create an example. I don’t know if they are right or way off and I get confused.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the aspects of behaviors such as operant behavior, target behavior, and response. There will be different responses depending on the person. I will remember the differences of emitted and elicited behaviors. The last thing I will remember is discriminate stimulus where any stimulus which sets the occasion for an operate response to occur.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? After reading these sections, I realize there is a lot of things that go into behavior modification that I did not think of. Although there are things which overlap or just have a fancy name for them. I need to straighten all them out and once I do that I will begin to understand behavior modification.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Extinction, establishing operation, self-reinforcement, reinforced, reinforcement, behavior language, operant behavior, target behavior, response, emitted, elicited, and discriminate stimulus.
1. I liked how each section is slowly introducing new terms starting with ones we have already heard of. Occasionally classes I have been in do not review key terms before starting a new section and it becomes difficult to keep everything straight. No one thing in particular stood out from this section other than the practice boxes.
2. I disliked the fable we had to translate into behavioral terms. The fable with the crow seemed easy in comparison to the practice fable about the dog bite. It was hard to find the correct words to translate.
3. I understand the difference between elicit and emit. A stop sign elicits a braking behavior, while we emit the braking behavior. I understand the concept of an establishing operation in making a reinforcer more reinforcing, but can it also make a punisher more punishing as well? An example might be increasing fines the more speeding tickets you accumulate. I will remember Aesop's dog bite fable not making much sense.
4. I liked the practice boxes following each new term. It gave us practice coming up with examples of new terms right after we learned them.
5. I can't think of anything I actually disliked from this section. The terms becoming repetitious are helpful because they are drilled into your head.
6. I have a hard time understanding the difference between the targeting behavior and the operant behavior. I understand that the target behavior is what we are attempting to increase or decrease but how does the operant behavior fit into that? I will remember the satiation examples because I can relate to eating too much of something or drinking too much of something and then it not having the same appeal as before. Deprivation is an interesting topic because it involved intentionally withholding a stimulus from a person to increase a desired behavior. In some ways I feel as if the silent treatment falls into that category because it involved withholding communication from another individual with hopes that either increase or decrease a behavior.
7. I can slowly see how everyday life situations can be broken down by a behaviorist mindset. I don't know if I'm totally sold on the idea yet though.
8. elicit, emit, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, punisher, punishing, deprivation, satiation, operant behavior, target behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the way that the vocabulary terms were organized. Each term, for the most part, had its own section. When I needed a refresher, I was easily able to refer back to whichever term I wanted to review without having to reread through everything to find it. It was very easy to follow and understand this way. Being able to practice the terms made a huge difference as well. Having the term defined and explained, as well as a place to practice it all clustered together before moving on to the next term was a very effective way for me to learn the ‘languages’ of behavioral modification.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The part that I disliked the most in this section was the story about the crow. I understood the concept and I actually really liked how interchangeable the story was. The part that I didn’t like was the context in general. I wish that it would have been more relatable to psychology or life as a college student. If the crow story wasn’t, I at least wish the practice example would have been. I find that learning about something that applies more to my life and then applying it to other aspects is a lot more effective. The whole concept gave me a little bit of anxiety too, just because I didn’t realize how much a small story could be related to behavior modification.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember from this section is that learning the language of behavior modification is comparable to learning a foreign language. I thought that using this comparison was a good analogy and it made for a smooth transition into understanding the concepts. I will also remember the terms extinction and extinction burst. I will remember these because the text gave new meanings to both of the words and I was able to apply them to a behavioral stand point. I will also remember that practically any sentence with everyday words can be changed into a sentence with behavioral terms. I was so amazed with how the Aesop’s Fable was converted into behavior language and that point just stuck with me!
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I was really happy with the fact that all of the terms that we needed to know up until this point were defined, and even redefined. I think that building our knowledge of the terms in each section is very beneficial to remembering and applying them. Being able to refresh my memory on past terms and practice them while also being introduced to new terms and practicing them was very helpful. I also liked how the new terms were very concise in their definitions and the examples were easy to follow and understand. Having a break in between terms to practice is a great way to learn and remember the terms.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
While I already stated that I liked learning new terms and refreshing my memory on the old terms, I must admit that I thought the amount of new terms was a little overwhelming. Maybe it is a better learning technique to be familiar with all of the terms as the sections go on, but I thought that there was a lot of information to take in. This section seemed a little dry as compared to some of the others, but that is probably to be expected when it was meant to introduce terminology.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is that behavior language is a cumulative process that is better understood with repetition. Learning the words will get easier in time as they build up on each other through the sections. I will need to remember this in the case that I get frustrated when the terms don’t seem to make sense for some reason. I will also remember the term discriminative stimuli because it was a new term for me and I really liked the stop sign example. People are going to partake in different variations of the same event for different reasons all of the time. The reasons why they do these things are based off of these stimuli, and I find that pretty interesting. The third aspect of this section that I will remember is the difference between satiation and deprivation. I have talked about these terms in other classes, but I will easily remember the examples provided for these terms because I’m an animal lover!
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My view on behavioral modification has slightly changed after reading these sections. I learned that changing everyday terms into behavioral terms isn’t as scary as I had first anticipated. I know that it will take some time to understand all of the terms and be able to apply them to everyday situations, but I now know that it is possible and will get easier in time. I now understand that learning these terms is a lot like learning a foreign language, and that the more that I practice them, the easier that they will be.
Terms: Behavioral language, extinction, extinction burst, psychology, behavior modification, discriminative stimuli, satiation, deprivation, response
1) One thing I liked about this section was how it was broken down. It really emphasized the importance of wording when it comes to behavioral development and broke down how small changes in wording can change meaning altogether. It was laid out very simply and I understood it perfectly.
2) I guess the only thing I disliked about the section was how it got a little bit off topic at some points. While emphasizing how learning the terminology can be like learning a foreign language, it started to get specific as to what kind of foreign language. I'm a German minor, I know what it's like to learn a new language. It just seemed a little excessive.
3) Three things I will remember from this section are that the language of behavior is very precise and that we need to double check our wording before making a statement, frustration is a vital part of the learning process and that we should always carry through even if we are frustrated, and that almost anything can be reworded to fit the language of behavior, no matter how simple or complex a statement it is.
4) I really liked how this section's format was laid out. Each page was an organized layout of introducing the new term, defining it in layman's terms, using it in a sentence properly and compared it to what we had already learned. This kind of repetition is very helpful in nailing the information into our heads.
5) One thing I disliked about it is how there were new terms thrown at us all at once. Things like reinforcement, punishment, antecedent and target behavior were already learned and easy to remember. Terms like satiation, deprivation, emit and elicit were pretty easy to understand off the bat. But terms like discriminative stimulus and establishing operation might be more difficult to retain.
6) Three things I will remember from this section is how the terms elicit and and emit differentiate with each other, there are more facets to the ABC flowchart of behavior like discriminative stimulus and establishing operation and how satiation and deprivation can greatly affect behavior.
7) My thoughts on behavior modification has stayed about the same since the last two passages I've read. I have however learned more about terminology and wording and how those need to be watched closely to not miscommunicate the point trying to be made.
Terminology: Satiation, deprivation, emit, elicit, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation
1) I really liked the analogy of behavioral modification language being like a foreign language because that made me feel better when it took me so long to even sort of understand the Skinner quote.
2) The seemingly lack of new information. I felt like I was just being retested with the examples and practice boxes on information I already learned from the last section.
3) (1) I will remember what topographically similar behaviors are because the analogy of a topographical map will stick in my mind. (2) I will remember the complex nature of self-reinforcement because of the way that Skinner described it, and the fact that I took so long trying to decipher what he was saying. (3) I will also remember what extinction is because it is a term that I have heard many times before in previous psychology classes.
4) I liked the little comment in the text that said that I hope you read the text and are filling out the boxes. I also like that only those that read the text are going to understand this response. This, in addition to being quite funny to me, is a good example of eliciting a certain behavior.
5) Again this section sounds very repetitive. I understand that behavior modification is like a foreign language in that it is very cumulative, and I appreciate this warning coming early on in the class, but this section bothered me in that it made me feel like I was relearning all the information all over again, especially in the example/sentence boxes.
6) (1) I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because it was repeated so often in this section. (2) I will remember the application of satiation and deprivation because of the helpful analogous example of each being used in laboratory rats. (3) I will remember what an establishing operation is because this is a term that I thought I understood until I was forced to come up with an example; this action forced me to do further research on the internet to find examples that made the concept make more sense to me.
7) My idea of behavior modification has not changed that much. I understood that it was a subject where the vocabulary and language mattered a lot; I understood that it was a very cumulative subject; I understood the idea of behavior modification that was taught in these two sections, though specific terms may have been new.
Terms used: behavior modification, topographical, establishing operation, extinction, eliciting, behavior, elicit, emit, satiation, deprivation, self-reinforcement
1. A) The part that I liked from the reading covered extinction. B) I thought the extinction burst was really interesting. I’ve learned about extinction before, but never extinction burst. For some reason, when I previously would think of extinction, I wouldn’t think of it as a gradual process or that extinction itself could elicit different behavior than when there is a presence or absence of reinforcement or punishment.
2. A) The thing that I liked least about the section was how some of the material was repetitive from the last reading sections, such as the parts about reinforce/reinforcement/reinforcers and aversives. B) I was hoping to jump into the newer material, like establishing operation, sooner.
3. A) From this section I’ll remember how extinction is more applicable to all kinds of behavior than I previously thought, like how extinction was occurring in the crow tale when no efforts were working to get the bird water. B) Second, that an establishing operation increases the effectiveness of a reinforcer because it’s a new and interesting term to me. C) Third, I’ll remember that extinction bursts occur in-between a behavior being reinforced and that behavior being entirely extinct. I’ll remember this because it changed my view on reinforcement.
4. A) I enjoyed reading about satiation the most. B) The idea that there’s a threshold where any more desirable consequences won’t further reinforce a behavior is very interesting to me.
5. The thing I liked the least in the section was how much of it seemed like it was just a glossary. I’m eager to get past learning about terminology and into how we can specifically change behaviors.
6. A) I will remember that target behaviors are the behaviors that we’re focusing on in behavior modification. This will stick in my mind because it’s the name of what we want to manipulate. B) Second, that emitting a behavior deals with free will while eliciting a behavior is manipulating a certain behavior to happen or based off of antecedent stimuli. I’ll remember because the distinction is important when talking about self-motivation versus manipulation. C) Third, that discriminative stimuli set the occasion for a behavior, meaning that certain stimuli elicit certain kinds of actions. This is memorable because it reminds me of social cues and how they can be considered discriminative stimuli since they narrow what an acceptable behavior can be.
7. The mindset that the reading is now getting me to see is that behavior modification is much more all encompassing than I previously thought, like with extinction bursts or discriminative stimuli. I’m finding more and more that it is true that any behavior can be broken down into the ABC’s.
8) Extinction, extinction burst, elicit, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, reinforce, reinforcer, aversives, establishing operation, satiation, threshold, desirable, consequence, manipulate, emitting, antecedent, discriminative stimuli, set the occasion
In this section i liked how it related behavior to its own language and then used the example of learning a different language. It brings behavior into a whole different perspective.
I didn't like how at some parts it got a little wordy. It got off topic and sometimes hard to follow.
One thing i'll remember is that learning "behavior language" is like learning a new language all together. Another is the difference between emit and elicit, without reading the chapter the difference between them would be much more confusing. The third thing is deprivation and how it helps. Starving a human, or a rat, will make it more likely to eat when food is presented.
section 1.4
One thing i liked about this section is how it broke down all the old terminology again before introducing new vocabulary. that really helps to remember the old terms so they don't just get pushed out of your brain when the new ones come in.
I disliked how there were so many terms to learn in one time period, recapping the old terms was good, but just giving a few more would have been better than so many at once.
I will remember satiation, and why it is helpful to not become satiated, or have whoever/whatever you are trying to modify the behavior of, to not become satiated. I will also remember that language is cumulative and that is why its helpful to recall old terms before learning new ones. the third thing i will remember is how deprivation can be helpful in order to not let, whomever, become satiated.
I am realizing that there is a lot more to behavior modification than i had originally thought, that it is more of a language than just a subject in psychology.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior modification, satiation, deprivation, behavior language, emit, elicit,
Let us know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
1) In section 1.3, I like the use of the translation metaphor. Particularly, translating the fables into behavioral speak was a helpful exercise for understanding the language of behavior. I liked this exercise because I believe it will make it easier to use the language of behavior.
2) I wish there had been more examples of the correct usage of various behavioral terms in the exercises. I would have especially appreciated more examples for extinction and extinction burst. I like to be sure I have a thorough understanding of the reading, which is why I prefer having more examples over fewer examples.
3) After reading this section, I will remember the language of behavior is crucial to the study of behavior modification, and so I should take care to use it precisely. This is important because we need to be accurate when describing behavior. I will also remember establishing operations. An establishing operation is a procedure which makes a reinforcer more effective. For example, if a researcher is conducting an experiment where food is used as a reinforcer for a particular behavior, they may withhold food for a while. In this situation, deprivation occurs when the food has been withheld from the subject. This procedure makes the subject highly motivated to eat when it has the chance, and therefore increases the effectiveness of the reinforcer. When the subject obtains the food so that he is no longer hungry, satiation occurs. I will also remember that the language of behavior can be used in many situations, even to describe fables. I think the fables examples were useful because they serve as a good reminder of some behavioral terminology available in the story itself, as well as the general fact that behavioral speak can be applied to most circumstances.
Establishing operation, reinforcer, deprivation, satiation
4) In section 1.4, I enjoyed the many examples and exercises. I believe repetition helps me learn and remember concepts better. Since many of these terms are words used in my everyday language, I have had to be careful about relearning the more complex meanings used in behavior modification.
5) In this section, I wish there had been some short translation examples. After all of the practice throughout this section, I felt more confident in my knowledge of behavioral principles and felt ready to test them out.
6) From section 1.4, I will remember the relationship between a response and a target behavior. A response is a behavior that occurs as a result of a stimulus being introduced. The target behavior is the behavior we wish to change. For example, if I wish my roommate would clean her side of the room more often, my roommate’s cleaning behavior is the target behavior. In this case, the response would be her behavior to a given stimulus, which I may design to affect her behavior. I will also remember the relationship between satiation and deprivation. I was especially struck by the examples provided of lab rats. Satiation occurs when the organism is full, decreasing the affectivity of a reinforcement. For example, if the lab rat is full, he will not be motivated by the availability of food. On the other hand, deprivation occurs when stimulus is withheld, such as neglecting to feed the rat so make him hungry. Researchers can employ deprivation to increase the attractiveness of the reinforcement. When the rat is deprived of food, he will be more motivated to emit a behavior which leads to reinforcement, such as complete a maze. Finally, I will remember an establishing operation is a procedure which increases the affectivity of the reinforcement. This allows researchers to use deprivation to effectively motivate their test subjects. For example, if food (reinforcement) is withheld from a rat, he will be hungry. The rat’s hunger means he is more highly motivated to emit a maze-completing behavior, and therefore receive the reinforcement of food. By using an establishing operation, the researcher increases the desirability of the food to the rat.
7) After reading sections 1.3 and 1.4, my thoughts about behavior modification have changed. The language is more easily applied to a variety of situations than I originally thought. In addition, some of the terminology are words I thought I already knew. After completing the reading, I have found most words to have slightly different meanings or otherwise more complex definitions.
8) Terms: Response, target behavior, behavior, stimulus, satiation, deprivation, reinforcement, motivate, reinforce, emit, establishing operation, desirability
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
one thing that i really liked in this section was the translation of Aesop's fable about the crow. this made it easier to understand things and put them into the proper behavioral terms and from real situations.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
the think i disliked least would probably have been how hard it is to understand how precise behavioral language works without messing something up. i need to review it more but it would be nice to have more examples or explanations.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
i will remember that the language of behavior is precise and exact and should be understood in order to be used correctly. next, is extinction. this occurs when behaviors that were previously reinforced are stopped where deprivation occurs when things like food and/or water are taken away. with the help of a reinforcement, the establishing operation is more effective.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
one thing that i really liked was how terms were brought from the previous sections and reviewed. also the explanations seemed pretty straightforward.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
one thing that i disliked was the use of the word organism. it confused me a bit. also there were so many terms in this section it was hard to get a grasp on all of them. the examples were kind of boring.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
i will remember that behaviors that are emitted are operant behaviors and set up either reinforcement or punishment. i will remember the difference between elicit and emit. they were emphasized a lot. the emitted behavior is voluntary where the elicited behavior is caused by a stimulus. establishing operations makes the reinforcer more attractive or more reinforcing.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
i really had no idea just how important the language of behavior really is. i think its pretty cool how all of these things tie into everyday life and we don't even realize it.
operant behaviors, elicit, emit, punishment, reinforcement, reinforcer, emitted behavior, deprivation, language of behavior, extinction, establishing operation
1 a&b) I really liked referring to behavior modification terms as a different language because it is a good example of how terms like this cannot be memorized in one sitting, but rather learned over time, much like a different language, and that it also requires a lot of, dare I say, reinforcing to be able to effectively learn the terminology.
2) One thing I disliked was when it came to dealing with reinforcement, reinforce, reinforcer, punishment, punish, and punisher mainly because, although I’m aware of the definitions of each, a few examples of usage would have been nice. I feel like when I tried writing sentences using “reinforcer” I was urged to write sentences starting like “Sally was the reinforcer because…” I honestly struggle to find other ways to use the word “reinforcer.”
3 a,b&c) The three things I will definitely remember are: thinking of behavior mod terminology as a different language because the idea is actually very easy to concept because the terminology does need to be studied (much like a second language), the definition of “extinction” because the behavior definition of the word and the dictionary definition of the word are very similar, and also the same reason for “deprivation.”
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really like how, not only are we given just straight forward definitions, but we are also given “behavior” definitions of the word and also a chance to practice all of the terms in the given boxes. I really like this because I feel like it would be easier to learn these definitions a lot easier because of this.
5) What I disliked most about this chapter was that most, if not all of it, was just definitions. I actually felt overwhelmed by the time I finished reading the chapter. I realize that it states at the beginning of the chapter that it isn’t expected that we learn them right away. However, I still feel like the whole chapter being just definitions made me feel overwhelmed.
6 a,b&c) In combining all three into one (because it seems easier to do it this way) I will be able to remember the definitions for emit, deprivation, and satiation easier due to me having an understanding (albeit not complete) of the words before reading the chapter.
7) I definitely have a better understanding of how behavior modification terminology should be learned. I mean, I knew I had to practice the terms in order to learn and understand them. But, in comparing behavior terms to another language, it makes it easier to understand why I should learn like that.
8) Punish, punisher, punishment, reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, satiate, deprivation, emit, extinction.
Section 1.3
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the language used in behavior modification was compared to speaking another language and the examples that were used. I liked how examples were given of how normal language describing events could be translated to behavioral language because it helped me to see how terms are properly used and in what context. Reading some of the behavioral language interpretations scared me, but it also helped to put into perspective how to use the language and what parts of my everyday language should be altered when speaking in behavioral terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like trying to translate "The Man Bitten by Dog" story into behavioral terms; mostly because the story was so outrageous. I felt like I needed more examples of how to translate some of the terms and how to use them in more situations before doing that exercise. I really hope we touch more on translating normal language into behavioral terms in our next class so that I'm more accustomed to doing it and also have the ability to be corrected so I know that I am doing it right.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Extinction; I will remember this term because I may have been using it wrong in the past. Before, I had heard it in some of my other psychology classes and knew that it was the procedure of causing certain behaviors to no longer occur. However, I did not realize that it was the process of no longer reinforcing behaviors that had previously been reinforced. It puts a new spin on things because of course all behaviors are reinforced or punished in some way (even breathing, if you think about it), so it really makes me take into account just how much reinforcement and punishment play a role in our daily lives.
b. The difference between Emit and Elicit. As a previous English major I vaguely understand the difference between these words. However, in the context of behavioral modification it is extremely important to grasp the difference between these terms because emit is when a behavior is actually produced, whereas elicit is an event that causes a behavior to be produced. To mix those two around could be detrimental to correctly describing the occurrence of a behavior.
c. Establishing Operation. I'll remember this because of the examples given for it that described lab animals being deprived of (restricted of access to...) water or food in order to more readily elicit the response that researchers were hoping to see. I didn't like that an establishing operation could mean restricting such basic needs as eating and drinking in order to more readily obtain a desired result.
Section 1.4
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked learning about discriminative stimuli because I think, considering all cultural/social norms and rules, this is extremely important in considering why someone would or wouldn't do something. A good example is the bystander effect--the environment (amount of people present) directly affects how quickly and willingly people will be to do something. We all know there are situations where it is inappropriate to talk loudly or fart or laugh or do all three at the same time.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I am kind of confused by the term Operant Behavior. I kind of assume that it would be any kind of behavior that could possibly occur, because basically any behavior has the ability to be reinforced or punished because otherwise we wouldn't do anything (and even doing nothing could be a way of reinforcement or punishment). I just wish it was explained a little more plainly or explained a little bit more just so that we were all on the same page about exactly what kind of behavior it represents.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The difference between satiation and deprivation. I think it's wise to remember the difference and meaning of these terms because satiation is a state in which a person will be unresponsive to further reinforcement, whereas deprivation will make a person extremely likely to be responsive to reinforcement.
b. Discriminative stimuli. I'll remember this because, as I mentioned before, it shows just how much environment can influence our behavior and is a step towards understanding how our society unconsciously influences our behavior.
c. I will remember operant behavior because I don't clearly understand it and want this to act as a mental reminder to ask about it in class.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My definition of extinction has changed slightly from what I thought it meant before. Also, I'm a little bit more informed about the use of behavioral terms within research papers. I feel like I'm more aware of not only the meanings of some of these behavioral terms but also how they relate to the experiments that the terms often describe (such as the examples involving lab rats and how terms applied manipulating their behaviors.)
Terms/Terminology: Extinction, elicit, emit, behavioral terms, establishing operation, punishment, reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, operant behavior, discriminative stimuli.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 ) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was how stories can be changed into behavioral language, and it isn’t as hard as it sounds. I also liked how it made it easy for us to understand and gave us a spot for us to practice it.
2) When the section first started out, I wasn’t that interested, it was hard for me to read, when it was talking about the Spanish stuff, I could have also been distracted.
3) One thing I will remember from this section is how an establishing operation can make a reinforcer more effective and seems to have a positive effect. Another thing I will remember is that it is important that the right terms are used when describing behaviors. I will also remember extinction bursts, because the person changes their own behavior in hopes of getting the reinforcement again.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4) I liked this section more than 1.3, to me it was easier to read and a little more interesting. It also had more terminology which I liked.
5) There wasn’t anything thing that I didn’t like, I thought this section was very well written, and I liked the repeat of terms.
6) One thing I will remember from this section is how reinforcement is used to change a persons behavior to make it more desirable, along with punishment for those behaviors that are undesirable to make them desirable, or to make a person themselves not want what they would consider to be bad happen to them, even though someone else might view it as a reward. Another topic I won’t forget is operant behavior, where the environment is changed due to a behavior. Like taking a child out of a town to a better place so they can get away from their gang friends in hope of not going to jail. Target behaviros is the behavior that is wanted to be reached, the goal for the person.
7) I think depending on the situation if it is a negative situation I think that there should be a target behavior set in place and the good behavior should be reinforced, especially when it is children that are being worked with, because then they can learn right from wrong.
8) Target behavior, punishment, reinforcement, behavioral language, extinction burst, operation
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1)What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I learned about this section that even though it is very confusing it emphasizes how important the terminology is and how understanding the language is important to understanding how behaviors work.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how confusing the section was at times.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1)I learned that behavior language is an important part to understand behaviors, even though the language may seem foreign and confusing at times it is important because it can be used to describe behaviors precisely and accurately. 2) I learned the difference between extinction, which occurs in situations that were previously reinforced but are longer reinforced and establishing operation, a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. This is important to understand the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of reinforcement. 3) Extinction bursts are also important to remember because it is when during extinction the person begins to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. The crow story helped explain in a situation how it can be used.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how the chapter is set up to help the reader understand the important terminology, the definitions are defined and them the boxes ask readers to reiterate the definition and give an example of each important terms. Also the repetition is important to understand and remember the important terms to help modify behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Even though the terms are important and learning them as well, this section reads like a glossary and at times can be a bit tedious and boring.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1)I will remember that repetition and reiterating is an important part to understand behaviors and learning them because the more we understand behaviors the more we can modify and manipulate them. With this we can also control the operant behavior, what sets the occasion for a reinforcement and punishment and a target behavior, what we want to occur more often or less often. This is important to understand because it can be the starting place for behavior modification. 2) I will also remember emitted and elicited because it is repeated in this section and more examples are given to better the understanding of them. 3) I will also remember the difference between satiation, the introduction of any additional reinforcement to an organism and will not alter the frequency of the behavior which is being reinforced and deprivation, the withholding of any stimulus which serves as reinforcement to an organism. These are important to understand and remember because they include removing or withholding a desirable or undesirable reinforcement.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these section my idea of behavior modification has become more clear with the use of the terminology, so now I understand more about how much there is more to the modification of behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst, desirable, undesirable, organism, operant behavior, target behavior, emitted, elicited, satiation, deprivation, stimuli
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the Crow story. I find some key concepts and terms from the reading to be confusing and examples definitely help clear things up.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked rewriting the stories into behavioral terminology. I still don’t quite understand what a reinforcer/punisher is (unless it is the thing that makes the behavior more or less likely to happen?)- So that made it difficult to identify the key parts of the dog bite story.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that an establishing operation can help make a reinforcer stronger. The second thing I will remember is that there are two different types of establishing operations: Deprivation-where the reinforcer is denied and Satiation-where the reinforcer is given in plenty. The third thing I will remember is the term extinction burst, where the subject tries previously reinforced behaviors before moving on to new ideas if the previously reinforced behaviors did not work. These are the new important concepts and are necessary to understand behavior.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how all the key terms (Reinforcement, punishment, operant behavior, target behavior, response, emitted, elicited, discriminate stimulus, satiation, deprivation, establishing operation) were clearly defined. This made the ideas behind the words very clear and therefore made the words more easily understood.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I was unclear on operant behavior, mainly its definition. Is it the sum of what we have read yet, or something else? I do not like not knowing exactly why I did not understand a concept for a class, especially if I feel I should have learned it from the text.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the difference between emit and elicit. Elicit come first (causes a behavior) and emit is when the subject does a behavior in response to what elicited the behavior. The second thing I will remember is that a discriminate stimulus is a stimulus that sets the occasion (the antecedent) for the behavior and the consequence. The third thing I will remember is that discriminates stimuli can be ignored (like a law/rule) even though we know the consequences could be aversive if we experience any consequences at all.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts have not changed; behavior modification is very complicated process. All of the terms used show how complicated behavior modification to be if they are all necessary to learn how to change behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcer, punisher, establishing operation, deprivation, satiation, extinction burst, target behavior, emitted, elicited, discriminate stimulus, response, aversive, antecedent, behavior,operant behavior.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was it giving us an opportunity to practice using the material presented to us and making sure that we are fully understanding it. I also liked how it was easy to read, I didn’t find myself having to reread multiple times to make sure I fully understood the material. It was laid out very well with many examples of how language of behavior is translated.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked the least was the long intro. I didn’t feel like that Spanish part was useful to me, so I just skimmed through it to get into the actual material.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I will remember are using elicit and emit examples because I use that vocabulary often and also because there are things that I do in everyday life that causes me to elicit or emit. Another will be Extinction which means occurs in situations that were previously reinforced, but no longer reinforced. I will remember this a lot because it has been used a lot in my other psychology classes. The last thing that I will remember the most is Establishing operations which is making the reinforcer more reinforcing, I will and have used this a lot in research.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite thing was reading about deprivation and the example of free feeding weight with the rats. I liked it because it shows how you can modify behavior. I also feel that you can use deprivation in many different ways in everyday life. You can use this to control someone or you can use it to protect yourself from being controlled. It just seems very interesting to me on how you can modify anyone’s behavior by this.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt that some of the definitions could be more in depth, but the examples do help to get a better understanding.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Deprivation will be remembered most because it was very interesting to me the way it’s used to modify behavior. Target behavior because it gave me a better understanding on what it meant and it made me notice that I have many different target behaviors myself. Elicited and emit again because it gave me a more in depth definition than the previous section.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? My thoughts have changed a little bit because I never knew how behavior modification had it’s own language and it made me realize how much we use it everyday without really noticing it. It gave me a better background on certain things that I thought I knew.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Deprivation, target behavior, emit, elicit, extinction, establishing operations.
1) I liked being given several scenarios to practice sentences. While it may seem easy writing in a certain style, actually forcing myself to write and decipher different sentences took some concentration. I think the "new" meanings of the words are not terribly confusing. The use of these words are understandable. To me the use of these words are basically a non-specific, broader meaning. Like deprivation meaning a reinforcement is withheld. It similar to traditional language of being deprived meaning there is a lack (removal, withholding) of something beneficial. More specifically, like air, food, water, money, drugs. I am also easily able to link benefit to reinforcement.
2) What I dislike from this section was the heavy attention to the changes in language. I feel as though the introduction was expanded way longer than needed. After about 2 pages of reading how it may seem complex, I was ready to move on to actually learning to how to use the language. I found myself skimming through sections because I felt as it was redundant.
3) I will remember the meaning and use of the extinction, which is previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. I find this meaning easy to remember because I am reminded of the dinosaurs. You may wonder why this will help me, but i am able to quickly separate the 7 degree. To sum it up, dinosaurs are extinct (not around anymore) because they did not have the resources to survive. Well a behavior is going through extinction because it no longer has the resources to survive (no reinforcing behavior).
I will remember the meaning of satiation, which receiving sufficient access to the reinforcer. I find the meaning easy to remember because it is similar to saturation as meaning something is completely absorbed to all that it can be. Like a dish cloth being completely soaked in water, or a hardboiled egg being completely colored with dye.
And finally I'll remember an extinction burst because I think of situations involving drug addicts. While they are going through the extinction process (withdrawing from drug addiction) may try different tactics/resources in order to get the same reinforcement received when eliciting the drug. Or a simpler thought is when my cat who wants food, she knocks my personal items on the floor, or making a lock of annoying noise, attempting to get my attention.
Section 1.4
4) I liked all the vocabulary that was introduced. When I am reading, I feel as though I understand a meaning of a word better with a blunt definition first, followed by an example. In some psychology textbooks that I have had, the definition of word was never completely defined. With only examples and context clues, I feel as though I am left with the possibility of misinterpreting the meaning wrong. And therefore I could be using the word incorrectly and not truly learning.
5) In the beginning, I was a little annoyed having to rewrite about reinforcement and punishment. Yes, I did feel as though it was redundant, but fulfilling the purpose of the class I understand why are being asked to define those again.
6) One thing I am going to try hard to remember is the operant behavior is what is setting the occasion. Right now I am worried that I will have a difficult time remembering this term, I know it will actually available because I will focus more on not using it incorrectly. I need to remember that it is the behavior that is going to cause a reaction (behaviors of others).
If I can remember that target behavior and operant behavior are related, I should be able to correctly remember both. Target behavior is the desired behavior from the operant behavior. Both need to present in order for either to be valid.
And I am going to remember what a stimuli is because it is similar to the word stimulation. Stimuli are signals for certain behaviors to occur in response, these factors stimulate an action by sparking attention.
7) My thoughts about behavior modification have not yet changed. However, I am beginning to see how far back a manipulation can go to achieve a target behavior. I have slightly wondered how a behavior can truly be modified without being blatantly obvious. Learning these new terminology is stimulation my desire to learn how to connect the pieces
8) Manipulation, Target behavior, Behavior modification, Response, Stimuli, Operant behavior, Reinforcement, Punishment, Extinction burst, Extinction, Satiation, Reinforcer, Reinforced, Deprivation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section contained clear and cut examples of new terms, and previously learned terms. I also liked that everything was explained in a behavioral mindset.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The section was an easy read and really informative, but I found it a bit difficult to translate quotes, such as Goldiamond’s quote regarding self-reinforcement. I also had to spend more time than I thought it would have taken, coming up with examples for emit and elicit.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-The language of behavior is very precise because it is important to describe behaviors accurately. It is important to differentiate between a variety of seemingly similar behaviors that may be functionally different.
-Deprivation occurs where food, water, or other reinforcers are withheld. This is something I will remember due to the section explain how scientists use it in animals to do certain studies. I just found it interesting, something new.
-Extinction burst occurs during extinction and involves a variety of behavior similar to the behavior that was previously reinforced. The story of the crow and the use of the term makes the story, and in turn the term, memorable.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The descriptions of the new terms that were introduced were clear and simple, by filling in the boxes it forced me to learn the terms and how to properly use them, or hot to improve on what I do know. For example, the description of operant behavior made it easy to understand that these behaviors can be either reinforced or punished depending on the antecedent, and are not of themselves desirable or aversive.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section terms were the main point, I am learning new terms and how to better use them but it is getting redundant and repetitive. As stated, both foster learning. If frustration means you are learning, getting bored might mean that you learned it. I was definitely bored.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember from this section the concepts punishment and reinforcement because they have been discussed the most so far throughout the book.
-I will remember that a response is a result of the stimulus that is presented. Also, some stimuli in the environment act as signals for certain behaviors to occur in response to the presence of the stimuli, and this is known as discriminate stimulus. I like how it ties in together and certain behaviors are brought about by the environment.
-I will remember the difference between satiation and deprivation. I will remember this mainly because of the way it was described and its application, as far as scientific studies go.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I was not sure what to expect from the class. I had limited knowledge on behavior modification. But I am learning little by little, even though it is mostly terms at this point, but I am already gaining new insight and am begging to understand that there is a lot more to the class and behavioral psychology as a whole.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, emit, elicit, reinforcement, punishment, frequency of behavior, establishing operation, Goldiamond, extinction, stimulus, satiation, deprivation
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? The one thing I liked most about this section was how clear speaking behaviorally was exemplified. I feel as if I really understood that particular section and it was very easy to understand and apply to everyday life.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? Something I found difficult about this section was trying to understand the examples in the beginning when the stories about Spanish class were brought up. This part was very difficult to read and I think it could’ve been much more effective if different stories were used.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? The first thing I will remember is how precise you have to be with the language of behavior. The second thing I will remember is that deprivation is when food, water, or other reinforcers are withheld, and lastly I will remember that the language of behavior can describe almost all situations.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? In this section I liked that all of the vocabulary words were italicized, making them standout more than the others. I also found myself paying special attention to the italicized words because I knew that I would need to remember what they meant so I can use them in the future.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing I disliked were how many extra boxes there were to fill out. I know that they will help in the long run and are good for retaining information learned, but I wish there were more ways and different exercises to challenge us with.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the difference between elicit and emit, the fact that that language of behavior is cumulative, and the relationship between a response and a target behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? Just the idea of more vocabulary words and how different you can put things into terms that are more easily understood really changed my view on how I saw behavior in the first sections.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? The one thing I liked most about this section was how clear speaking behaviorally was exemplified. I feel as if I really understood that particular section and it was very easy to understand and apply to everyday life.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? Something I found difficult about this section was trying to understand the examples in the beginning when the stories about Spanish class were brought up. This part was very difficult to read and I think it could’ve been much more effective if different stories were used.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? The first thing I will remember is how precise you have to be with the language of behavior. The second thing I will remember is that deprivation is when food, water, or other reinforcers are withheld, and lastly I will remember that the language of behavior can describe almost all situations.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? In this section I liked that all of the vocabulary words were italicized, making them standout more than the others. I also found myself paying special attention to the italicized words because I knew that I would need to remember what they meant so I can use them in the future.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing I disliked were how many extra boxes there were to fill out. I know that they will help in the long run and are good for retaining information learned, but I wish there were more ways and different exercises to challenge us with.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the difference between elicit and emit, the fact that that language of behavior is cumulative, and the relationship between a response and a target behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? Just the idea of more vocabulary words and how different you can put things into terms that are more easily understood really changed my view on how I saw behavior in the first sections.
8) deprivation, reinforcers, behavior, elicit, emit, target behavior, behavioral language
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The things I liked about this section was how the vocab was presented with many examples on how it is used and also sentences when they are used. The chapter was once again very easy to follow and related too so I also liked that aspect of it too.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One of the things I disliked was how there is so many words to remember from each section. It got harder!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One of the three things I will remember is how to use the word establishing operations. It helps to clarify things. I will also remember that deprivations is when reinforcers are withheld such as food. Lastly, I will remember that the language of behavior may sound foreign at first. Which to me it does but I know it will get better!
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this chapter a lot because it finally gave us definitions and examples of all the vocab words we needed to learn for this class! It was very direct in here is the definition now give an example.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about about this chapter was how each one had a section you could write an example to use this word but we were only given one example of using the words. I felt that there could have been a couple more examples.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section is that most of this is very repetitive I feel it is almost beating a dead horse but in a good way. I will also remember the difference between response and a target behavior. The response is congruent to a stimulus. Lastly,I will remember operant behavior is very relevant to every situation, behavior sets up everything.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?I now realize that a lot more goes into behavior modification besides cause and effect.
8. establishing operations,deprivation,operant behavior,response,target behavior
1). I really liked the story at the end of the section, although I don't fully understand the behavior of language, "translating" the story helped me better understand the language.
2). The idea of behavior language is still confusing to me. There are a lot of different words that we need to remember and incorporate them into daily living. I think it will take time to remember them all and use them correctly in context.
3. A) The word Extinction was introduced in the section, and the definition is pretty simple. This is when a situation was once reinforced, but now does not require any. Of course we can all think of a situation where this occurs, yet we never knew the behavioral word for it.
B) The difference between elicit and emit were finally made clear in this section as well. Elicit is when we make a behavior occur, whereas Emit is the actual act of the behavior. The examples you set forth were very helpful in understanding and creating my own examples. I feel as though I was using them slightly incorrect before.
C) Finally the idea of Establishing Operation, which is the procedure that makes a reinforcer more reinforcing. At first this was slightly confusing because of the reinforcer/reinforcing usage. But after I read it a couple times, I understood and could think of my own examples for this phrase.
4). Oddly, I liked that we learned so many words. Although this section was all vocabulary, I enjoyed learning the definition and understanding in what context to use each of them. I also really liked the fact that our task was to define them in our own words and give our own example. Thinking of our own definition was a creative way of initiating the memory trip.
5). All of the vocabulary was also the thing that was most aversive for me. Although it may take a while for me to fully understand everything, I'm sure a little self-reinforcement would be beneficial here.
6. A) Operant Behaviors: is the network of factors and events involved in the behavior of human and non-human animals. These behaviors set up the behavior of reinforcement or punishment.
B) Target Behavior: This is the behavior itself that we wish to either reinforce or punish. Again, I knew what this was, but never realized what the proper term for it was. This is definitely an easy term to remember.
C) Satiation: this occurs when an organism can no longer be reinforced, or reinforcing them does not elicit the behavior. This will be an easy term to remember because it is similar to saturate, which means the same thing, in a different context.
7). I don't think that my view on BMod has changed, I feel that is has only widened. I know have even more knowledge in regards to understanding BMod completely and am one step closer to being able to use it.
8). Terminology: Behavior Language, Behavior, Extinction, Reinforced, Elicit, Emit, Establishing Operation, Reinforcer, Reinforcing, Aversive, Self-reinforcement, Operant Behavior, Target Behavior, and Satiation.
1. One thing I really liked about this section was the discussion on the many forms of language and ways of saying the same thing. Although the fact that language is generative has been taught to us since elementary, this section really puts it into perspective and lets you understand the many ways to manipulate language. It’s cool to think about the many ways you can express something, generally depending on your current behavior.
2. One thing I disliked about this section was the “do it yourself” activities, there were so many that it took me a little longer to get through the section. Although actually doing these activities actually helped me learn the terms.
3. I will definitely remember extinction burst because it seems to me as a form of regression almost. Like a little kid doing something for attention whether it be positive or negative. I will also remember how much of an impact using the correct terminology makes on describing behavior. Also I will remember the concept of establishing operation, because that seemed as though it was a very important part, perhaps even the focus of this section.
4. I liked that this new section went over main points learned in previous sections because when things are reiterated, I seem to understand them better as well as retain the information better.
5. One thing I don’t like too much about this section is the fact that there is so many new terms and definitions to remember on top of the old stuff. I know it’s to prepare us for what’s to come but it tends to be a little overwhelming.
6. The thing I will remember the most is actually to basics of combining the terms together to describe behavior, such as the relationship between elicit and emit, because it we reiterated so much. Deprivation is also a term I will remember because it completely strips your environment of stimuli but still serves as a reinforcer. I will also remember the terminology better because of all the do-it-yourself activities.
7. My thoughts about behavior modification have changed into a deeper more intricate knowledge, because I have learn more basis and the relationships between the terms and why knowing them are so important.
8. Emit, reinforcer, elicit, deprivation, establishing operation
1)One thing I really liked about the section was that right from the beginning it admitted that the language of behavior seemed like a foreign language and it was accurate. Reading the examples was hard to follow and they didn’t feel like they made sense because so much was going on. The multiple examples did help though when having to create our own language of behavior with different stories.
2)One thing that I liked least about the section was that even though the text warned that language of behavior was hard to understand I still had a really hard time understanding it and coming up with scenarios. I also didn’t really like how it spend just a little time on extinction and extinction bursts along with deprivation and satiation, they just seemed thrown in there.
3)Three things I will remember will be that establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing because the example they gave about the rat being deprived of food is easy to remember therefore I’m able to remember the definition better, that extinction bursts happen during extinction because that’s when a variety of behaviors similar to the behavior that was previously reinforced happen and they can result in anger, and that although the language of behavior may seem confusing at first it can be used to describe most situations because of the different range of examples given within the text.
4)One thing I liked about this section was that it went over previous words that I may have forgotten about and it helped refresh my memory. Words like reinforcement and punishment, elicit and emit, and a response and target behavior. I also liked how the new words we learned were better defined than the previous section so it helped me understand them more.
5)One thing I didn’t really like about this section was that it always seemed to repeat itself to get the point across about a certain term and after each section it asked for an example and how many additional terms you used in each one. I found myself just trying to get it done and not actually taking the time to understand it that well.
6)Three things I will remember from this section are how to combine multiple terms into a sentence because I had to do examples of them often, what satiation means and that to avoid it the person providing the satiation should establish and effective amount of reinforcement to allow the reinforcement to increase the desired behavior, and a better understanding of deprivation because it gave an example and used other terms like free feeding weight.
7)My thoughts on behavior modification have changed a little because there is a lot more to it now that what I originally expected. Learning the ABC’s of behavior modification is a lot easier than putting situations into ones that involve language of behavior.
8)Extinction, extinction bursts, deprivation, satiation, establishing operation, reinforce, reinforced, reinforcement, punishment, elicit, emit, response, target behavior, free feeding weight, behavior
Section 1.3
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that I learned so many new things that I've never know before. And in other books all u do is read but in this book and this section its gives me the opportunity to practice what I've learned.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
At first one thing that I didn’t like about this section was how picky the language but after it being explained why it is so important to know what words me what then I didn’t mind as much. I just think that it was a little confusing for me to come up with the answers at first but then I think I got the hang of it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing I will remember is that behavior modification is like its own language and that you have to use the right words in terms because they mean very specific things. The second thing that I will remember is when you gave the example of the Spanish teacher and how he taught by teaching songs and other things like that. I think that’s a really cool way to teach and I wished that by teacher was like that when I was in high school. The third thing I will remember is an establishing operation. I’ll remember this because the last sections that I read was about reinforcement and an establishing operation was something that made a reinforcer more effective.
section 1.4
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how in this section when it wanted me to give an example or write in the box it gave something to write about. I liked it because sometimes it hard to come up with something on the spot. Like once brushing your teeth was a topic or a food item.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn’t really like about this section is when it was talking about the relationship between elicit and emit. I was having a hard time understanding these two terms and so it was had to use them in examples.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One I will remember is that when talking about learning, when I get frustrated that means I am learning and when I’m bored that means that I have learned it. The second thing I will remember is what an operant behavior because I know about operant conditioning but know I understand how behavior differs from conditioning. The third thing I will remember is the target behavior and how that is the specific behavior someone is trying to increase or decrease.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
This section showed me more about something I already know about think operant conditioning and operant behavior. And my thoughts about behavior modification has changed because know I know about how specific and how many terms that it has. I feel like know if I were to read an article or something about behavior modification I would be able to understand the terms that we’re being used a lot more.
Reinforcement, establishing operation, elicit, emit, operant behavior, target behavior
1. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section gave us all the opportunity to learn by doing and it really made sure that we understood the material by providing us with valid and real life situation examples. The information was clear and to the point!
2. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really didn’t like the fact that this section was extremely repetitive, it started to get on my nerves to be completely honest. Although, sometimes it is good to bring up topics over and over again but to me it seemed like a little too much!
3. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember is that behavioral language has be used in the right manner and accurately or the message might be distorted or taken in the wrong context. I will forever remember the term extinction because it was addressed so much in this section. Deprivation is another term that I will remember because whenever I heard deprivation I always would solely think of sleep deprivation which I have had enough of throughout my college career. But now I know it is much more than that in the terms of BMOD.
4. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that important terms are topics were discussed in a manner where it was easy for me to remember and understand because of its repetitiveness and emphasizes on it, although at times it was annoying at the same time. I just know that I learn and retain information better when it’s pounded into my head and in this section that’s exactly what was happening. I really enjoyed the writing assignments, they were helpful.
5. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In some places throughout this section I felt like there was some terms or topics that needed to be more explained because I wasn’t 100% sure on what it meant. I feel like they could have expand a little more on certain things.
6. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Discriminate stimulus was a key term that stuck out to me and I will remember and I think that it solely because of how it was approached in the section. The example of the traffic sign really helped me understand the meaning of this definition. Operant behavior is something that I feel I will always remember because it is something that is always brought up in Psychology and it will always be relevant I personally believe.
7. Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I feel like in a way my thoughts about behavior modification has changed a little bit by me understanding that BMOD is more complex than I thought it to always be. There isn’t any simple answers and it’s more complicated than just changing ones behavior. In a way BMOD seems to be like an activity that I have never done before and it will take time to understand it in a deeper manner. In this section I also learned a whole bunch of new key terms which shockingly I wasn’t familiar with.
8. Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, Behavioral Language, Deprivation, Discriminate Stimulus, Operant Behavior
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section emphasized how important the vocabulary is at the beginning of the chapter, which elicited me to focus on each individual vocab word throughout the text. I also liked how many opportunities there were to practice these vocab words. This was reinforcement of the behavior of learning the vocab words because I knew I would have to apply the terms later.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I disliked was the comparing of behavioral modification language with Spanish. I liked this the least because I felt it was a little repetitive, and unneeded just because we saw how hard this language is through other examples. Otherwise then that, I felt the rest of the section provided good examples and were easier to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember was the difference is between elicit and emit. I will remember this because I had an aversive feeling of confusion after reading this part the first time. This made me reread the examples and complete a few extra practice problems relating to these words.
I will also remember the terms extinction and extinction burst, because the crow story gave me an easily remembered mental story to go back to. It was also easy to make a personal connection, about multiple times when my reinforced behaviors were no longer reinforced.
I will also remember the term establishing operation. I feel this term was much easier to grasp because it is a simpler concept. This term is also more remembered because it doesn’t involve similar forms or similar sounding words.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that the reading provided the discriminate stimulus of boxes that were meant to elicit a behavior to practice using the vocab words. This helped me avoid the satiation of vocab knowledge, because it allowed me to individually practice each one at a time besides throwing them all at me at once.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like that much is some of the vocabulary definitions, used other vocabulary terms in their descriptions. This did help me learn how to use this sections multiple vocab words, but it was just kind of confusing if I didn’t fully grasp the other terms yet.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the term discriminate stimulus because through the examples it made me realize and make the connection to just how prominent these stimulus are in our everyday life.
I will also remember the term satiated because it is a synonym to the word saturate, which is a pretty easy connection for me to make. The term is also pretty straight forward and easy to understand.
I will also remember the terms punishment and reinforcement because throughout each section these terms have really been an emphasis, and I have had many opportunities to practice these words.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavioral modification have changed for a few reasons. The first reason is I did not understand how much behavioral modification there is in our world, just about everything we do is the result of the habits formed by modification. The other thing I was not aware of is how much vocabulary there is that is going to be different from my other psychology classes.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicited, reinforcement, aversive, emit, extinction, extinction burst, establishing operation, discriminate stimulus, and satiation
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that it had some examples in Spanish. I could really relate to that since I am Mexican and it made the reading even more interesting. I know it’s not relatable to everybody but it is a way of seeing behavior modification as a learning language.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like the translations of the stories. I think that it confused me more and made translating seem hard. I know that we are just at the beginning of learning this “new language” and I hope with time I will fully understand how to translate into behavioral terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the language of behavior is essentially a “new language”. I will also remember that translating a story or sentence into behavioral terms will take some time in learning how to properly do it. And lastly, I will remember that extinction occurs when the previously reinforced behavior is no longer being reinforced.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how the terms were defined with detail. I really like this because it helps me understand the terms a lot better. I also liked how it made us define the term in our own words.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything that I did not like in this section. I really liked how the terms were used and how it provided examples from everyday life.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that these terms will be used throughout the semester. I will also remember that frustration means you are learning and that boredom means that you have already learned it.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I now understand that the terms we learn in the first part of the learning will stick with us as well as the ones we learned in this section. I didn't think of behavior modification as a cumulative process.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior modification, behavioral terms, extinction, reinforced
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked was trying to translate sentences into behavioral language because it was forcing me to learn rather than just reading how it works.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the excerpts from authors and behaviorists because it was too much to even understand when I am not yet comfortable with the language.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the comparison of behavior language to foreign language because it is something I struggle with so it makes sense.
I will also remember the idea of extinction and extinction bursts because they are terms that seemed easy to point out and understand.
Another thing I will remember is thinking of just random day to day behaviors and translating them to the language of behavior because it seemed silly to do so.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was that it just laid out terms and asked me to think of an example because this made me think rather than just reading it and forgetting it.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? \
One thing I disliked about this section was how tedious it felt. It is set up to make learning effective, but it went too far when that was how the reading as a whole was.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is the idea of satiation. I would have never considered that reinforcements can actually cease to reinforce after a certain amount.
Another thing I will remember is the idea of deprivation causing a reinforcer to be more reinforcing (an establishing operation). Deprivation makes me think punishment so it seems odd that it can increase the frequency of a behavior.
Another thing I will remember is how helpful the end tasks were. When I was asked to use a familiar word and to add as many other terms, it forced me to remember all the terms I have learned. It was actually easier than I thought.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Now that I have read the past two sections, I now see Behavior Modification as something that can actually be broken down into terms and procedures. It doesn’t seem so objective anymore. I also understand that it is like a foreign language and will take time to understand all the terms and processes just like any other subject.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology: behavior, extinction, extinction bursts, satiation, reinforcement, reinforcer, deprivation, establishing operation, punishment
1)i liked how it was all laid out. it was easy to understand it put things in to a simple form and the stories at the end were also a plus.
2) i know that this seams odd but i don't think that there was anything that i didn't like. the only thing that i can really think of is just the physical act of reading.
3)One thing that I will remember is that behavioral language has be used the right way or the message might be taken the wrong way. Extinction is something else that i will remember it is some thing i want to do with my smoking get to the point that i don't need it and reenforcing that wont be needed. the story of the crow will also be one of those things that i take with me
4)i like how the terms were defined it really makes it easy for me to learn this way, and these terms stuck with me.
5)maybe im just sucking up but i didn't dislike any of it.
6)Three things I will remember is that behavioral language once you learn something it keeps building on for later information and usage. Another thing I will remember is the term discriminate stimuli. I also learned that behavioral language is cumulative and repetition will help the learning process.
7) These two sections have changed my idea of behavior modification because I never thought of the language of behavior as a foreign language or math, but now I see that it does build off itself and the redundancy and repetition will help my learning process for the course.
Tessa Dinsdale (temp account)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the story about the pebbles and water. This behavior can be related to many things in life from grades to weight loss. If you see yourself losing weight, it reinforces you to keep going forward. The same happens with grades. If you see your grade point keep increasing, it reinforces you to keep working hard. I like how this was a life or death behavior that the character did. It made behaviors come off as very important – which they are.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I am struggling a little bit with writing sentencing containing reinforce, reinforcer, and reinforcement. It comes off as more complicated than it really is I think, but that will take a little more attention as we move forward.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that behavior modification language will be foreign to me at first, but that will change.
I will remember that it is important to know the different between reinforce, reinforcer, and reinforcement to communicate with other behavioralists.
I will remember that extinction occurs in situations that were previously reinforced, but are no longer reinforced.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked talking about satiation, because I love food. Sometimes I need to realize that the mini Reese’s peanut butter cups are no longer satisfying. That is a behavior that can be easily stopped by realizing this.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t particularly dislike anything about this reading. If there was something that confused me at first, it was the different between elicit and emit.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that elicited is the occurrence of behaviors which are casued by the presentation of a stimulus.
I will remember that deprivation is the withholding of any stimulus which serves as reinforcement.
I will remember that establishing operation is an alteration of the environment which serves to increase the chance that the reinforcer is reinforcing.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
It has a little bit. There has been no surprises about how it works, but I have definitely learned more with the new terms! I know it will take a while with how foreign all of it is still is to me. Some of the words such as deprivation and extinction are familiar, but now in a new way.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforce – increasing the frequency of a behavior
Reinforcer – the consequence that reinforces the behavior
Reinforcement – attempt to increase frequency of behavior
Extinction – reinforcement is no longer used if it was previously used
Satiation – additional reinforcement will not alter the frequency of the behavior
Deprivation – withholding any stimulus which serves as reinforcement
CML (temp account)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section is that it explained how precise the language of behavior truly is. I never realized how exact it was before reading this. The section explained that it is so exact, some scholars have written whole papers just on one behavioral term and how it should be used. Language is important and extremely powerful. Using one wrong word could change the whole meaning of whatever point you are trying to get across. Language of behavior must be so precise because it is being used to describe behaviors accurately and without confusion.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was the quote by Goldiamond about self-reinforcement. I could not figure out what he meant. It made me a little irritated that I did not understand the quote. I know in due time it will be easier to analyze these types of quotes once I become more comfortable with all of the behavioral terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that almost anything can be translated into behavioral terms. The example of the bird and the stones really made this clear to me. The whole story was translated into the behavioral language and it still made sense. Although, it did take a bit longer for me to wrap my head around the story when it was in behavioral terms. The story that started out as a cute story about a bird trying to figure out how to get water turned into a story about establishing operations, deprivation, extinction, and reinforcement. It was interesting to see this story come to life as a behavioral modification story. Next, I will remember that frustration means you are in the process of learning. If you are bored, then you are not learning anything new. I read this in the section and it really struck a chord in me. I was getting frustrated that I was not fully understanding some of the terms, but I realize that it is okay that it all does not come naturally. I am learning new material and broadening my understanding of behavior modification. Last, I will remember that extinction burst means that during extinction, one changes their behavior in hopes of getting reinforced. I will remember this term because I can just think of the story of the bird and the stones. The bird was experiencing extinction burst when he was trying to figure out which behavior will allow him to receive water.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section is that it clarified all of the terms I was a little confused about. It was nice to have a refresher on all of the terms and make sure that I understand the relationship between them. Before reading this section, I was confused about operant behavior even though I had seen the term before. Now I know that it is what sets the occasion for reinforcement or punishment to occur. It is a pretty simple term, but for some reason I did not remember what it meant until reading this section. Going over terms from the previous sections helped them stick in my brain and easier to use in my own sentences.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked were all of the boxes in a row at the very end that needed to be filled in. I like having the boxes mixed in in the section, but having one right after the other was a bit overwhelming and tiring. I think it is better and an easier task to handle when they are mixed in throughout the section instead of clumped together at the end.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
There are many things I will remember from this section. I will remember the relationship between elicit and emit. I have heard these two terms all my life and now I know how they relate to behavior modification. “Emit” refers to behaviors occurring voluntarily, and “elicit” refers to behaviors that occur because of something in the environment. Next, I will remember what a discriminative stimulus is. The example provided in the section helped me fully understand what this term means. A discriminative stimulus is anything that sets the occasion for a certain behavior to occur. The example provided is a STOP sign. When people see this, they know what behavior they should emit. Last, I will remember that commercials are a good example of an establishing operation. Commercials make whatever they are selling seem super attractive and necessary to buy. Establishing operations are all about changing the environment to increase the chance that the reinforcer is reinforcing to someone.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavior modification have slightly changed since reading these two sections. I have realized just how detailed and precise the language of behavior truly is. I did not realize previously how important it is to use the correct language. Describing someone’s behavior would be confusing and hard to communicate if the language of behavior was not so precise.
Terms: self-reinforcement, establishing operations, deprivation, extinction, reinforcement, extinction burst, reinforced, punishment, operant behavior, emit, elicit, discriminative stimulus, reinforce, establishing operations
Section 1.3
1. a&b) What was the one thing you really liked about this section? Why?
The main thing I really liked about this section was how important all the terms are, and how we will be going over and over them until we grasp a hold on them. Knowing how important these terms are is a huge positive reinforcement for me to get to know these terms better.
2. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
The one thing I didn't care for in this section was the comment made about how these vocab terms are going to be a foreign language to us. However, that's another reinforcement tactic for me to keep going over these terms.
3. What are three things you will remember from this section? Why?
First off I will remember that deprivation deals with the lack of food and water. When a rat for example is lacking in food or water once they can have either they will indulge. Secondly, I will remember that language is very complex and that you have to explain what you're talking about very clearly, too many behaviors are similar and can get confused for one another. Lastly I will remember that extinction is something that used to be reinforced but is no longer being reinforced.
Section 1.4
4. What was one thing you liked from this section? Why?
My favorite part of this section was the part about responses and how people react to certain situations. The example that was given in the reading was about two friends trying to pay their meters. One of the friends however didn't have any change so the other person helped them out. The kind of behavior displayed in this situation is positively reinforced. This kind of behavior is desirable.
5. What was one thing from this section that you disliked? Why?
The one part I didn't care for, or maybe I just didn't understand the term all the way was satiation. The ice cream example I didn't however, understand after eating a large amount of a certain type of food I wouldn't have an appetite for it either.
6. What are three things you learned from this section?
The first thing I will take away from this section is when someone responds with positive reinforcement like helping a friend pay their meter that kind of behavior is desirable, secondly I will remember that deprivation deals with lacking food and water in a given situation. Lastly I will remember what elicited means, and how there are many different ways to look at different situations. For example; driving into the sun while it is going down my cause you to put your sunglasses on.
7. Now that you have read sections 1.3 and 1.4, how has what your thought about behavior modification changed?
After reading these two sections thoughts about behavior modification have indeed changed. I never realized how complicated language can be, and how easily it can be misunderstood. Also, behaviors are everywhere literally! Also, we should want to increase the desirable behaviors as much as possible.
8. Terms used: Positive reinforcement, deprivation, satiation, elicited, desirable, extinction, reinforcement, response.
Section 1.3
1.) What was one thing you really liked about this section? Why?
After reading section 1.3, what I ended up liking about the section were the amount of examples used. It's true that this behavioral language can be difficult to understand at first, but the examples do help in working to better understand what is being said. I also found it to be kind of interesting how powerful the words are; like how different a sentence could be by just using one wrong term.
2.) What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
Although I liked the examples in a way to better relate to what was being said, so that I could better understand, I didn't like changing the stories at the end of the section into all behavior terms. I say this because I felt there was an over-usage of the behavior terms, which made the story more difficult to understand. I think maybe changing a few of the terms in the story to match the language of behavior would have sufficed in helping me to understand, but too many terms makes it incomprehensible to me and turns the story into a much more complicated way of putting thing.
3.) What are three things you will remember from this section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that researchers actually sometimes intentionally deprive rats from food and/or water to intensify their reaction to the food or water when they need them to for a study. A second thing I will remember is all the differences in terminology, like between the reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforcer. It's important to know the difference because they will mean completely different things when used in a sentence. Lastly, I will remember what it means to have an extinction burst. When one is experiencing extinction, they will change behavior to be reinforced.
Section 1.4:
4.) What was one thing that you really liked in this section? Why?
I liked that the example stayed the same and was consistent throughout the section. There were a lot of terms to take in at once in this section, but using the same example of the rat, but just incorporating the different terms made it easier to understand and to learn. It also went into greater detail about the all of the terms, which was helpful because we are learning a lot of terms at once so there are still some I'm kind of iffy about, but having it broken down the way it was in this section was helpful.
5.)What was one thing that you disliked in this section? Why?
The only thing I didn't like as much was the overload of the boxes at the end. I think it would have been easier had we filled out those boxes as they pertained to each new term that we were learning. That way, we read about the new term, read a definition and an example, and then practiced it while it was still fresh in our head right after reading about the term. I'm not sure why, but I also was confused with discriminate stimulus/stimuli.
6.)What are three things you will remember from this section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that nothing can necessarily force you to emit a behavior. There may be something that will elicit you to emit a certain behavior, but essentially it is your decision. I found that to be interesting. Another thing I will remember is the term satiation. It was really well explained in this section, and it makes sense that someone/something would stop responding to a stimuli if they've had their fair share of being reinforced. It's just like how people will stop eating because their full, so it also made it make more sense as to why researchers will deprive rats of food/water. And lastly, I will remember the term establishing operation. It makes sense that something in the environment may need to be changed in order for the researcher to get the behavior they're trying to reinforce.
7.) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I have realized that there are a lot more terms that go along with behavior and modifying it than I thought. It is interesting to think about how certain things may elicit someone to emit a certain behavior, but as a researcher, you have to know what kind of things will emit a behavior. For example, if you're trying to get someone to do something and you offer them a piece of chocolate for every time they do it, if they don't like chocolate, it won't work as a way to reinforce a behavior. So, behavior modification can definitely be a generalized thing, but it is also very individualistic.
Terms used: Behavior modification, satiation, elicited, emitted, extinction burst, establishing operation, discriminative stimulus/stimuli, reinforcement, reinforce, reinforcer.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the sentence that says giving up means only that you have ended the process of learning. I like this sentence because it is so true! It's okay to be frustrated because it's normal and that's how you get to where you want to be or learn what you want to learn. It's just apart of the learning process and isn't such a bad thing.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really could not find anything I disliked about this section except that I had to sit down on a friday night and read it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because I have heard those terms before and feel as if they are important terms to remember for future occurrences. I will also remember establishing operation because it's easy to remember and it just makes a reinforcer more reinforcing. I will also remember extinction because it's pretty much the opposite of establishing operation.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I enjoyed the part about target behavior because when looking at the ABC's it helps us better distinguish what exactly B is. I also enjoyed examples that were given because those helped me understand concepts a lot better.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the fact that it was 13 pages long, but it turned out to be interesting so I'm not going to complain about that.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will for sure remember operant behavior because I have learned about it in a previous psych class and now that I just read it again, it will hopefully stay in my head. I will remember what a discriminate stimulus is because it is related to an opernant response as it sets the occasion for an operant response to happen. I will also remember the relationship between a response and target behavior because after reading all these sections, I have a better handle on it and think I would be able to point them out if I had to.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
It has changed in the way that I feel as if I am becoming more knowledgeable and realize behavior modification and a little more complex than I had thought because there are many terms that go along with it and it is almost like learning a different language. It is also very interesting so I am excited to see what else I learn in this class.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: elicit, emit, establishing operation, extinction, target behavior, operant behavior, discriminate stimulus, response
1 a&b) I liked the introduction to the section. Comparing the language of behavior to being taught Spanish. It's an effective analogy, that honestly lifts a little weight off a person's shoulders if they don't feel like they are quite catching on.
2) I disliked all the example sentences we had to write. I wasn't confident in my answers and I felt like I was writing the wrong thing, therefore teaching myself the correct definition and use. I understand that in class we are going to go over it in more detail. However, it would be more helpful if it was explained before as well.
3 a,b&c) That an establishing operation makes the reinforcer more effective. Like having a person fast, to increase their chances of eating when given food. Having a person fast is called deprivation. And lastly that the language of behavior is very similar to any foreign language.
4 a&b) I felt that it was extremely effective having to rewrite the definitions in our own words. It serves as a way to better remember the terms and also helps us to use them correctly. In terms of the language of behavior, it helps for us to master it in our own way than trying to remember what was written in a previous section.
5) There wasn't a part of this section that I disliked. I felt that all of it was very informative and helped me understand behavior more, tying up loose ends and uncertainties in some areas.
6 a,b&c) A target behavior is what we decide to either reinforce or punish. Discriminative stimuli set the occasion for an operant response, similar to a sign. Satiation is when the reinforcer is no longer effective, like when you eat too much pizza and can't eat anymore.
7) I have learned a great deal more from this week to last. I'm finding that behavior modification is much more complex than I had originally thought. It's less about how one can manipulate a persons' behavior and more about how organisms' behavior works. How to increase and decrease behavior, and when a behavior no longer continues because of satiation.
Terms: Language of Behavior, Establishing Operation, Reinforcer, Deprivation, Target Behavior, Discriminative Stimuli, Operant Response, Punish, Satiation,
1.3 Language of Behavior
1.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in this section? Why?
I liked the story examples given in this section. It was interesting to first read the original story about the crow from Aesop’s Fable and compare it to the translation of the same exact story into behavioral terms. In a nerdy kind of way it was fun.
2.) What was one thing you disliked (or liked the least) that was in this section? Why?
One thing that I liked the least was coming up with examples that fit what we just learned. The reason why I found it difficult is it is hard to know if I am on the right track or correct with my answers. I don’t necessarily have any other peer’s examples I can compare mine to. I understand you gave us a couple explanations but I was there was more so I could expand my understandings.
3.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in this section? Why?
A.) I will remember the language of behavior is very precise! A misnomer can cause an error when trying to classify a behavior. Clear communication and understanding of behavioral terms is so important.
B.) I will remember that elicit is different than emit. Elicit is to make a behavior occur. Emit is to actually do that behavior. These are two completely new words to my vocabulary.
C.) I will remember, if I ever get frustrated, that learning and implementing these terms is like learning a new language. Be patient.
1.4 Some Behavioral Terms
4.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in this section? Why?
I enjoyed the fact that this section was a section for all the terms we have discussed. It even threw in a couple new terms like satiation, deprivation, and establishing operation.
5.) What was one thing you disliked (or liked least) that was in this section? Why?
I disliked this section for the same reason I admired it. This section was becoming repetitive.
6.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in this section? Why?
A.) I will remember that satiation indicates that introducing any additional reinforcement to an organism will not alter the frequency of the behavior which is being reinforced. Satiation is a completely new word to me. In less words, it means the organism has had its fill.
B.) I will remember that deprivation is the act of withholding any stimulus which serves as reinforcement to an organism. This procedure has been used on rats to elicit a specific behavior. When the rat emits the targeted behavior, it will be reinforced.
C.) I will remember that establishing operation is very important. It is key to be aware of what is reinforcing to your study subject. What will be reinforcing for a dog may not be reinforcing to a child.
7.) Now that you have read sections 1.3 and 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading sections 1.3 and 1.4, I realize how important it is to become familiar with the terminology used in behavior modification. It’s like learning a second language, you can’t skip the basic terminology because in the coming sections we will be learning new things based on what we have already gone over in the beginning.
8. Terminology: target behavior, reinforcement, reinforced, establishing operation, deprivation, satiation, elicit, and emit.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was that it explains learning behavior modification is a lot like learning a foreign language because that is exactly how I feel about it at this point in the class. I am hoping as with learning any new "language" that I will be able to understand these things soon.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don't really like the fill in the blank sections of these because I do not feel that just with the readings I have a clear enough explanation of what I could say. Even with your examples I find myself struggling to come up with what should be an accurate answer. If we went through a couple in class that may help clear up the confusion.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Behavior Modification is like a language and learning it may take some time.
I will remember that emiting is when you do a behavior and eliciting makes the behavior occur.
I will remember that extinction occurs in situations that were previously enforced but now no longer are.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how you had the wiki definition of the terms and then went into further detail explaining what each term was.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I still dislike the fill in the blank boxes because I do not feel like I am doing them correctly and that stresses me out because that is the kind of student I am.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that satiation will not alter the frequency of a behavior that is being reinforced.
I will remember that deprivation is withholding any stimulus.
I will remember that learning these terms and definitions now is important because everything from now on builds on these.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These sections did not really change what I thought about behavior modification as a whole. They did add new information that I will be able to apply later on however.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms- behavior modification, elict, emit, extinction, deprivation, satiation, reinforce.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked all the examples and stories that were given. The examples definitely helped me understand everything more and in more detail. I also really liked that all the vocabulary was given and defined. If I ever came across a word I didn’t know I could just keep scrolling and then find what it meant.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I disliked in this section other than just trying to process and fully understand the language of behavior. I think it all just takes time to fully understand a new concept you’ve never been taught before. It also took me a little longer than I thought to do some of the activities.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember all of the new vocabulary that was given. Such as- elicit which means to make a behavior occur. Emit which means to do the behavior. Establishing Operation is a procedure that will make the reinforcer more reinforcing. And extinction which occurs in situations that was previously reinforced, but is no longer reinforced.
b. I will also remember that when someone begins to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced it’s an attempt at extinction burst.
c. Lastly I will remember that when establishing reinforcement it helps makes the reinforcer more desirable for the individual.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the breakdown of this chapter. I think it was a nice quick review of all the terms to help refresh my memory. I think it’s also a very useful chapter to always refer back to when needed.
6) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked about this section. I thought it was very useful as well as helpful.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that establishing operations make the reinforcer more reinforcing for the target behavior.
b. I will also remember the real meaning of deprivation since before I had a different idea of what it was in my head. I will now remember it as allowing an organism to receive something reinforcing for it to survive.
c. And lastly I will have a better understanding and memory of the entire vocabulary that’s been given in previous chapters but that’s been reviewed once again in this chapter such as, reinforcement and punishment. And elicit and emit.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
To be honest since I didn’t have to much previous knowledge of behavior modification not much has really changed for me. Although I feel like I am learning so much so quickly so my knowledge for behavior modification is definitely growing.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Establishing operations reinforce, reinforcing, target behavior, deprivation, reinforcement, emit, elicit, extinction burst.
1) In this section, I really liked the examples that were used to show how terminology is used correctly. I liked this because it helped me to understand concepts and words better than if I would have had no example to use at all. For example, an example showed how to speak or write in behavioral terms. You can say a sentence like, "when I opened the door my friends gave me a dirty look, so I won't do that again." And the example for behavioral language use was, " Upon opening the door I was met with an aversive response from my friends inside, effectively punishing my behavior." These examples were helpful to me and my learning process.
2) One thing in this section that I disliked was the last part of the chapter when I was supposed to translate the story of the man bitten by a dog into behavioral language. I did not fully understand the story and I didn't enjoy translating it to behavioral language because of that. Even though it was valuable practice to translate it, I did not enjoy translating that story because I did not feel confident in my ability to understand that story.
3) One thing I will remember from this section is the definition of establishing operation. This is something that makes a reinforcer, reinforcing, or it is something that sets the stage for a reinforcer to influence someone's behavior. I will remember this because the examples helped me to learn it and I had never heard of this term before reading this section. Another thing I will remember is the concept of extinction, which occurs when situations that were reinforced are no longer reinforced, so the behaviors that were being targeted can stop. A third thing from this chapter that I will remember is the difference between the words elicit and emit. I learned that eliciting means making a behavior happen, and emitting means actually doing or performing a behavior. I will remember this because I had to create multiple sentences using these words, and although I did not like creating all of these sentences, it helped me to learn the difference between the words.
4) I really liked the breakdowns of the definitions of some of the vocabulary words. I liked this, because I did not always understand the word definitions clearly at first, but the more I read about the words, the more clearly I understood them and the more confidently I felt about the words. For example, I did not understand the first definition of operant behavior, but the more I read about it, the more I understood it. The definition was explained in simpler terms and in a broken down way, that helped me to learn it.
5)In this section, I liked most of the content, but I became tired of making definitions and examples of all the words. I felt this way, because it felt monotonous, but at the same time I knew it was helpful to me and would help me to understand the words better.
6)One thing I will remember from this section is satiation. I will remember this because I was eating cookies during this reading, and I wanted to use them as a reward and a reinforcement for studying, and I read about satiation and discovered that I did not want to eat too many cookies and become satiated with the cookies. Another thing I will remember from this section is the concept of discriminative stimulus. I will remember this because I did not understand this concept very easily until I read through the information about it multiple times and then I had it memorized and thoroughly understood. I understand that it is suggestive, in a way, of what behavior should occur, or it encourages a certain type of behavior. A third thing from this section that I will remember is how deprivation can affect behavior. I will remember this because I found it easy to understand and I have heard this term before. I will not forget about deprivation because I find it easy to understand and remember and I now know that it can set the stage for certain consequences to become reinforcers.
7)After reading these sections, I now understand more terms and language that are involved in behavior modification. I now know that deprivation and satiation can have a large impact on behavior that occurs. I also understand more about directions or suggestions that serve as discriminative stimuli. I realize that behavior modification often occurs as a result of discriminative stimuli and not just random antecedents or stimuli.
8) antecedents, stimuli, satiation, deprivation, operant behavior, punishment, reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, response, behavioral language, elicit, emit.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the connection between learning the language of behavior modification and learning a foreign language. This comparison made learning all of these terms less intimidating. Once I looked at it like learning a different language it lifted off a lot of pressure to know all of these terms at once. I can now see that it will take time and practice to become proficient in learning how to use all of the correct behavior modification terms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought that inclusion of the terms like establishing operation and extinction were a little bit disjointed; however, I do understand why they were included in the section to help with the translation of Aesop's fables. It was not as connected with the section about learning the behavior modification language. This is something minor that I picked out, other than that the only thing that I disliked about this section was the very long introduction.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One thing from this section that really isn't about behavior modification but that I really liked was the part saying "frustration just means you are in the process of learning (boredom means you learned it already, and giving up only means that you have ended the process of learning". This goes along with my first comment because learning all of these new terms is intimidating and those few words were very encouraging to me. They make me feel as though I will be able to have a firm grasp on the language soon enough. I will also remember that it is simple to translate between the language of behavior modification and normal English. If i ever have any difficulty remembering what a specific term means I could just try to put the situation into context and decipher it. Extinction burst was a term that I have never heard of so I will remember it. It reminds me of exercise we did on the first day of class where the student was being molded by the clicker to get a desired behavior but the student had to keep changing their behavior to get the reinforcement.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really like that this section has a lot of important terms in one place. I will be able to use this as my behavior modification dictionary of terms. I thought it was nicely organized and I liked how it gave a formal and an informal definition with examples for each term. I also liked how there were review terms in this section it makes it more complete.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There wasn't anything that particularly disliked about this section besides the repetitiveness of the word, definition, example format. If there were a more interesting way to just define words it would have made it a better read but I get that this is a text book and this kind of section needs to be included.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the connection between elicit and emit. Prior to reading this I did not know that emit was only a voluntary behavior I thought it was a term that could be used for any type of behavior. The examples that were given showing the ties between elicit and emit were very helpful in clarifying the differences between them. I was also glad that establishing operation was explained in more detail in this section. I liked that the relationship with reinforcement was explained more. I also liked learning that operant behavior was another way of saying setting the occasion.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? After reading these sections I feel more comfortable tackling the in's and out's of behavior modification.Section 1.4 is a very handy reference that I know that I will be using a lot in the future. These sections showed me that behavior modification isn't as scary and strict as it seemed to be before, it will all just take time.
8) Terminology: behavior modification, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst, reinforcement, elicit, emit, operant behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like how in this section you related it with Spanish class when you were younger. You mentioned how your Spanish teacher would make you practice words with songs. I liked all of the short stories used at the end and depicting the behaviors. It made it more entertaining to read!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t really like how there were so many charts to fill out. For example, when it said to use aversive in a sentence you had to give three different examples. I feel like one would have been ample. I wasn’t sure if my examples were correct. I like that we have to give examples, but in this reading I felt it was very tedious.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember that an establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. I’ll associate it with the food example given in the section. If you are really hungry then food can be used as a reinforcer, therefore food will be taken away from you.
-I will remember that there is a big difference between reinforce, reinforcer, and reinforcement. It’s important to differentiate them when communicating with other behaviorists.
-I will remember the difference between elicit and emit. Since this class started these words have been coming up a lot. I think they will be used a lot throughout the course. I have a very good understanding of what these two words mean now. Elicit is to make the behavior occur, while emit is to actually do that behavior.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how easy it was to follow this section. It was presented in a very organized way. The examples were very helpful so I could put two and two together. I liked the example with the ice cream. I really like ice cream so I related it to my own life.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really disliked that after reading this section there were numerous amounts of blanks to fill out. I read the material and I have a good understanding of it. Doing the boxes was very time consuming and tedious. I felt like some of them were very repetitive. I don’t think that it is beneficial to my learning.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember what a discriminate stimulus is—it’s any stimulus that sets the occasion for an operant response to occur. This tells you what to do. For example stops sign. When you are driving and you see a stop sign you come to a complete stop. (Well most people do!)
-I will remember what satiation means. Satiation indicates that introducing any additional reinforcement to an organism will not alter the frequency of the behavior which is being reinforced. For example, if you went to Olive Garden and had 10 breadsticks. If someone offers you more breadsticks they probably would not sound so desirable once you have consumed so many of them.
-I will remember what deprivation means. Deprivation is withholding any stimulus which serves as reinforcement to an organism.(usually necessary for the survival of the organism) Food would be a good example of this.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these two sections I learned that there is so much to behavior modification. There are so many terms you need to become familiar with. These past few weeks I have learned quite a lot by reading these sections. I still tend to get positive and negative reinforcement a little confused. I can see that it takes a lot of practice to really nail all these terms down and to get a good grasp on the concepts.
8) Terminology:
Reinforcer, reinforcement, reinforce, establishing operation, elicit, aversive, discriminate stimulus, stimuli, satiation, deprivation, target behavior.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked when it gave the words of B.F. Skinner in Spanish, simply because it gave me the time to somewhat refresh on my Spanish from high school. That was pretty interesting. I also liked how it tied that idea/concept into the reading and what we were going to learn about in this section of the book.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was really nothing that I did not like in this section. I loved everything about it and how much space it gave us to put examples down. That was a great idea for the book! So nothing was a dislike in my books!!!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. From this reading I will always remember to use the words often and the phrases I learn from this class/book. The repetition of these vocabulary words in class, such as: reinforcement, punishment and some words just as simple as behavior, will give me a leg up on the readings and discussions we have in class.
b. I will remember that it is okay to not understand some vocabulary words and ideas that we are talking about, but just to have an open mind and be able to interact with the class and use the correct terms in the correct ways. I will remember this because it is very important to use the language we learn in context and not just by definition and move on.
c. We need to use the correct terms in the correct context. We cannot use reinforce or reinforcement in the wrong context otherwise we will look like fools. With this class we should be able to know when and when not to use some vocabulary words. This will be a great challenge for me, simply because I get some words mixed up and the meanings also a little messed up. Language is also a complex idea.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how in this section it actually gave us the definition of the word and then it also gave us multiple examples of that word. That creates a mental note for me and makes me keep that in my mind for some time. I can always look back and think about the example that the section gave me and remember what the word actually meant rather than just remembering the book definition. I feel as if that is a harder way to learn the vocab words that we are trying to learn and understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again in this section I did not dislike anything. Everything that was in this section was very valuable and I could not take it for granted. If I had to dislike something, it would be that there was not enough key terms to get thrown at me. I want to be pushed with a challenge.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that there are three different ways to say the antecedent now. By giving us the definition of operant behavior, something that sets the occasion for the punishment or reinforcement to occur, is pretty much another way for us to say the antecedent. I will remember this because it gave us an example box like the section does for mostly all of the key terms.
b. Target behaviors are something that you want to either increase or decrease. I will remember this because we have used this term in class times previous to this section and I will try and use this term a lot more during our upcoming classes, so that gives me the memorization tool to remember this key term, what it means, and how to use it in certain contexts.
c. All in all I believe that I will remember a lot from this section. It does not necessarily have to a small portion of the section that I will remember. This entire chapter was full of great and valuable information that I will use in the future. It is hard to say what I will remember exactly, so putting everything in one bullet point is kind of taking the easy way out, but it is true. I will try and remember everything that was important from this section.
Like when I learn new definitions of words that I never knew before like the definitions of: satiation, discriminative stimuli, and others. I will try and use these words in the future and in the correct way. The way the section is set up will make it easier for me to remember all of these terms.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavior modification have not really changed. I knew that this subject would not be an easy one and that I would have to remember some hard definitions and key words, but it is a subject to push through. I have kept the same thoughts I believe about BM because again, it will not be an easy thing to get through, it will take lots of hard work and dedication to get through the semester and to grasp a great concept such as BM.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, punishment, behavior, language, vocabulary, B.F Skinner, operant behavior, antecedent, target behavior, satiation, discriminative stimuli, behavior modification
1) I liked the analogy the section used, comparing Dr. Maclin’s experience learning spanish in second grade and our learning the language of behavior modification. I liked it because it explained how something that seemed so hard could be made a lot simpler. Through practice and interaction, we will learn to use the language of behavior for any situation.
2) There wasn’t really anything I disliked about the chapter. At first I thought it was overcompensating to have an entire chapter devoted to the importance of using these terms, but by the end of the chapter I realized its importance.
3) (a) One thing that I will remember about this chapter is the term deprivation. Deprivation happens when reinforcers are withheld. I will remember it because of the example the book gave. If a researcher want a certain behavior to be elicit a certain behavior from rats and the reward is food, the food will be more reinforcing if the rats have been deprived of food earlier. (b) I will also remember the difference between elicit and emit. Elicit means to make a behavior happen while emit means to do the behavior. I know that knowing the difference between these and other terms like it is important because of the way the book emphasizes it. (c) One more thing I will remember is that almost anything we use in everyday speech can be translated to behavioral speech. I know that this is true through all the examples and exercises we did. I liked the exercised were there was a behavioral sentence, “Sam was reinforced when he manipulated the package”, that I could make into my own sentence, “Sam was excited when he opened his birthday present and got an Xbox.”
4) I liked how many exercises there were in this section. Making up sentences using the vocabulary terms really made them sink in.
5) I thought it was confusing how a lot of the terms had similar meanings. For example, establishing operation and deprivation seemed like the same thing because of way the book described them. Both could be depriving food from an animal to make the food reinforcing. I would like it if the difference between the two terms was more clear.
6) (a) One thing that I will remember is satiation. When I think of satiation, I will think of how I feel after eating at a buffet. Food will no longer be reinforcing for me after that. (b) I will remember that operant behaviors are those which set the occasion for either punishment or reinforcement. To remember this, I will think of a party. The things I do or say a party will get responses from the other people there and they will be either reinforcing or punishing depending on if my behavior was desirable or undesirable (c) I will remember that discriminate stimuli are stimuli which set the occasion for an operant response. I will remember this by thinking of a stop sign. We have the choice to stop but that doesn’t necessarily mean we do. The stop sign, however, tells you what the desired behavior is.
7) Before this class, I never thought about how something that was once reinforcing could lose its affects or even become punishing if the organism has been satiated.
Vocabulary terms: deprivation, elicit, reinforcing, deprived, emit, establishing operation, satiation, operant behaviors, desirable and undesirable, punishment, reinforcement, discriminate stimulus, operant response
1. I really liked the encouragement you provided in this part of the text regarding people not understanding the language attached to behavior learning. There seems to be a tight rope being walked on what word is to be used when, and like you have said with time it should start to get better. Example of this being the difference between reinforcer vs reinforcement and punisher vs punishment
2. There is nothing in this section that I would say I don't like, but something I like the least would have to be the added vocab such as establishing operation. I already am not an expert in the terminology of this class and hope I am not ultimately overwhelmed with more.
3. A) Just like learning a foreign language (which I have 4 years of Spanish) it is very important not to give up when the subject is frustrating because that means we are trying to learn. B)I learned the difference between elicit and emit, as eliciting is what causes the behavior and emitting is the actual act of doing the behavior. This should be easily remembered from the example of hunger and purchasing food. C) Lastly I learned that you can make a reinforcer even more reinforcing (establishing operation) which makes absolute sense that you can control something to be an even more powerful reinforcer through something such as deprivation.
4. I liked learning on satiation because I know it is something that people have ran into when they are trying to study/teach an organism something. You can only keep the reinforcement active as long it is exactly that... reinforcing.
5. Like I stated in the section 1.3 answer, I am not a fan of even more terminology being added. I am although assuming you are correct that through practice they will ultimately make sense by the end of the semester and that is what truly matters.
6. A) I learned that you have to keep the reinforcement active in order for whatever you are trying to work with on a certain organism effective. If the organism is satiated it will no longer be an effective means of learning. B} I learned that certain stimuli trigger a behavior out of us, such as the example that when some people approach a stop sign they actually stop, some California stop, while others don't touch their break pedal... it all depends on what kind if stimulation the stop sign gives us. C)Establishing operation can be applied to an experiment for more effective and predictable results. You can use food as a more influential reinforcement technique if a lab rat hasn't ate as much as a rat who has regular eating habits being practiced.
7. My thoughts have changed on behavior modification because I was not aware that you could make such a minor change to an experiment like not feeding a rat its normal amount of food. If you were to do so you could get the rat to do even more in order for it to get the food it desires.
8. terms: Reinforce, reinforcement, punisher, punishment, establishing operation, elicit, emit, deprivation, satiation, stimuli, stimulation
Section 1.3
1 a&b) I really enjoyed the section that compared learning the behavior of language to learning a foreign language or listening to English with a heavy Scottish accent. This really helped me because I am a Spanish major (as well as Psychology) and learning a foreign language can be very difficult, frustrating, and rewarding. This will help when I am frustrated with behavioral terms, writing sentences, and applying terms to situations that can be explained using other terminology. I will remember to take a deep breath and keep pressing on. The fact that you realize learning a new way of speaking can be difficult, even though you have complete understanding of the vocabulary is refreshing as well, because I know you will have patience and confidence in your students. We will learn and grow with perseverance, AKA we will be positively reinforced as a consequence of trying hard.
2) The section I liked least was trying to translate "The Man Bitten by the Dog" story, from a story written in everyday English terms to behavioral terms. This was a difficult task and did not have someone next to me responding aversely or pleasurably to the way I was rewriting the story. Not knowing whether or not I was writing it correctly was difficult because I wanted to do the assignment properly and learn the material correctly.
3 a,b&c) I will remember writing sentences about each word, punishment, punisher, punish, reinforcement, reinforcer, and reinforce because each word carries its own meaning. The exercise did a great job of bringing my attention to the differences between each word and how each word can only be used in fitting circumstances. Sometimes it was difficult to use the word in is rawest form. Sometimes I wanted to use reinforced or punished, but to use it in the present tense took some thinking.
The next thing I will remember from the section is reading the story about the bird and its translation into the language of behavior. It was very impressive how the story was translated and still made perfect sense. When it came time for me to translate the story about the dog, I had quite a bit of difficulty because I had never translated a story into behavioral terms. Thinking back to the story about the bird, I was impressed at how it was translated and still made sense, although I have not learned the terms well enough to apply them appropriately. I need more practice.
The last thing I will remember from this section is learning Establishing Operation, extinction and extinction burst because I did not realize there were terms describing these behavior patterns. I was surprised to find out Establishing Operation signified a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. Extinction occurs in the situations that were previously reinforced but are no longer reinforced and extinction burst occur during extinction where a person begins to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. I began to apply these terms to different circumstances in my life that have occurred.
Section 1.4
4 a&b) I really enjoyed coming back to the basic terms and defining them as well as using them. Practicing these terms and repetition aid in the learning process much more than learning them once, moving on, and not returning to the terms. The terms are more engrained in my brain and coming at them from different angles also increases the likelihood that I will remember them and use them correctly in the future.
5) The thing I least liked was the distinction between Operant Behaviors, Establishing Operation, and Discriminate Stimulus. It is hard for me to distinguish between the three and understand them fully. I also feel like I cannot apply them properly. I will need more practice with these three terms and how to use them. More clarification would be wonderful.
6 a,b&c) I will remember deprivation and satiation because they are part of human life. When we are deprived of something, there is an instant response that will reinforce behavior or punish behavior. They are concepts that are easy to remember and we practiced using them a lot in section 1.4.
The second thing I will remember from this chapter is that ideas, concepts, and vocabulary will only build more and more from here on out. I need to remember and know how to use these concepts now so I do not get behind. I am already having a little bit of a tough time distinguishing a few of the terms, so I will have to make sure to continue practicing.
The third part of this section that stuck out was emitting and eliciting. We learned about these two terms in either section 1.1 or section 1.2 but I did not realize emitting was a voluntary behavior and elicit refers to the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of the stimulus. This distinction was made very clear in section 1.4 and I found it very important in understanding the difference between the two terms and how to use them properly in sentences.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? I originally thought behavior modification would not be much of a challenge, but after learning that there is an entire different "language" associated with behavior modification, really puts the class into perspective. Learning the "language" as well as concepts adds much more to the class. I also realized in section 1.4 that the distinction between some concept is small, but definitely present and very important. At times it is hard to keep them separated.
8) Positive reinforcement, consequence, behavior, aversely, pleasurable, punishment, punisher, punish, reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst, operant behaviors, establishing operation, and discriminate stimulus, deprivation, satiation, emit, elicit, stimulus.
1) I appreciated the use of the language analogy during this section of the textbook. This made the material more relatable to me and made sense to relate behavior to learning a language. I enjoyed the way this chapter was set up and focused on both encouraging the reader to work on their behavioral modification vocabulary and reassuring them that is was okay if everything was confusing.
2) I was a bit overwhelmed with the amount of vocabulary suddenly introduced in this chapter as I was just getting used to the old vocabulary and I feel as though this section could have benefited from being split up into old and new information.
3) From this chapter I believe I will remember best when the exercises encouraged the reader to describe daily behaviors and determine whether it was punishment or reinforcement. This section provided practical information about ways to practice the behavioral modification vocabulary. I will also remember the reassurance in this chapter that not understanding everything at this point is okay and practice will help. The next thing that will really stick with me is that frustration is good because it means you are in the learning process.
4) I liked the review of vocabulary at the beginning of this chapter which really eased the reader into the new stuff. I also liked the emphasis on using and practicing the material being taught.
5) During this chapter some of the practice exercises got a bit redundant and unnecessary and I unfortunately lost interest because I didn't want to do the exercises or be interrupted from the material.
6) I will remember the satiation example with ice cream because I can totally relate to that feeling. I always want more ice cream again though. I also feel as though I finally understand setting the occasion better. The extended examples helped me to understand how this term is used. I also really liked the example using french fries to create a scenario using emit and elicit.
7) Reading these two more sections have changed slightly my thoughts on behavioral modification. We were previously learning some relatively broad concepts as they relate to Bmod but in these section I feel like we have begun to start diving into more detailed concepts such as discrimitive stimuli. Terms such as these make the reader understand more and more all the component that go into behavioral modification. Many of the terms are also starting to work together and make sense as a large group such as extinction, deprivation, and how they change based on positive or negative reinforcement or punishment as well and the antecedent and consequence.
8) Behavioral modification, punishment, reinforcement, satiation, emit, elicit, discrimitive stimuli, setting the occasion, extinction, deprivation, positive, negative, antecedent, consequence
1) One thing I really liked about this section was how interactive it was. I thought the different boxes of examples it had helped a lot in the application of writing with the language of behavior, however, I wish that there was a way we could get feedback on those boxes to make sure we were learning about them correctly.
2) One thing I didn't like very much were the parts in Spanish. I understand they were put there to show how the behavioral language can seem foreign, but I feel like they just made the overall concept harder to understand. At first before I got to the summery at the end of the chapter, I wasn't sure why there was so much Spanish in the opening and throughout the chapter.
3) Three things I will remember about this section are:
a) How different behavioral language can be from informal language. The example of the crow story from Aesop's fables showed this when it was translated into behavioral terms, the story seemed more formal and precise in the behaviors the crow was emitting to satiate its thirst.
b) The difference in definitions between the words "elicit" and "emit". I liked how they came out and said that eliciting is when you are making a behavior occur, and emitting is actually doing the behavior.
c) What is meant by the term "establishing operation". The example they gave where they didn't let the mouse eat so it would go through the maze to get the food was really interesting. It was easy to mentally picture what they were talking about.
4) I really liked in the section where they reviewed all of the terms we have learned so far in the text. It really helped refresh what each word meant and what the new terms were in this section.
5) There was not much I didn't like about the section. It was pretty straight forward with the terms.
6) Three things I will remember from this chapter are:
a) The term "deprivation" and what it can do to an organism. In deprivation, you are taking away something that could be reinforcing to the organism. I thought the concept of it was very interesting in trying to modify its behavior.
b) What a discriminate stimulus is. Learning that it is any stimulus which sets the occasion for an operant
response to occur. I really like the detail they put in describing what this term means.
c) The relationship between satiation and deprivation. While in deprivation you are taking something away, the text says satiation indicates introducing any additional reinforcement to an organism will not alter the frequency of the behavior which is being reinforced. I have never thought about these terms in this context before.
7) My thoughts on behavior modification have changed in the sense that the terminology is a lot more complex and diverse than I thought it was. I can easily see how terms like "emit" and "elicit" can be easily confused. But I really like how the text book gives a lot of detail, and examples, on what each term means and how it gives you the opportunity, as the reader, to try and come up with your own examples on what you think the definitions are.
8) Terms: emit, satiate, elicit, establishing operation, deprivation, reinforcement, discriminant stimulus, operant response
1. I like the approach that was taken to the beginnings of the behavioral language.
B.I liked this because instead of just throwing a lot of terms at us to memorize such as extinction then moving on, it had us use them in sentences. I think that is a great way for people to learn a new language of sorts.
2. I did not like the fact the "translations" were not provided.
B. I did not like this because I am a curious student and when these complicated statements were given such as some of B.F. Skinner. When I am told "The place of operant
reinforcement in self-control is not clear," I would like a "translation" for it just to satiate my need to know.
3. I think that this section is pretty clean on several points that I will remember the first being that the behavioral language is very complex. This is because of the examples given and how hard they were to follow this showed me that sometime english can be foreign to me also when used in behavioral language.
B. The second thing that I think I will remember pretty well is how precise the behavioral language is. Just in a short story about a crow looking for water there was so many terms used.The precise also gave me a better in understanding or extinction and extinction burst.
C. The third thing that I will remember is deprivation is used to help researchers study animals such as lab rats. This is because at first this struck me as harsh but then I realized that it would not hurt them long term. Deprivation also serves to make the reinforcer stronger so it makes the test easier to do and understand.
Section 1.4
4. One thing that I really enjoyed about this section of reading is that like section 1.3 it challenged us to use them in sentences instead of just telling s what they ment.
B.I liked this because I think it will make them stick a bit better in my head.
5. One thing that I dislike in the section is I did not like that the broken down definition of the word was given before we had a chance to take a stab at what it ment.
B. This is because after I read the broken down version that is what I wanted to write down. This made it a bit harder to just use my own words.
6. The first thing that I think I will remember pretty well is that behavioral modification is cumulative. I will remember this because I thought it was pretty well drilled through out the whole section of reading.
B. The next thing that I will remember is the relationship of satiation and deprivation. This is because the example of the lab rat being satiated and deprived stick out to me very well.
C. The third thing that stuck out to me and that I will remember is that all the terms covered in this section are not separate entities completely they can all be used together to specifically explain or describe behavior.
7. These two chapters have not so much change my thoughts about behavioral modification but expanded it. I did not realize how big the behavioral modification vocabulary was. Also this reading has scared me some what for what is a head just from the complexity of the terms being strung together.
8. Terms used- extinction, satiate, operant reinforcment, behavioral language, extinction, extinction burst, deprivation, reinforcer, satiation, deprivation, satiated, deprived
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning that phrasing in the language of behavior modification follows a certain framework. As the text points out, there are many different words that can used to describe a situation; having to use precise words will help me to understand the aspects involved in the sequence of behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Translating the fable of “The Man Bitten by a Dog” into behavioral speak.
After the establishing operation of being bitten by a dog, a man emitted a searching behavior for someone to elicit a negative reinforcement of healing. A friend, after a meeting and learning behavior, emitted the suggestion that the man feed a piece of bread with his blood to the dog to elicit the extinction of the aversive biting behavior. The bitten man emitted a laughing behavior at the advice and said, “Why? To emit that feeding behavior would be like reinforcing every dog in town to bite me.”
Please let me know what parts I got wrong (or right). Most likely too many ‘behaviors’.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Behavior modification requires a precise language to accurately describe behaviors, but it can describe most situations.
Deprivation and satiation can both be used to create an establishing operation that makes a reinforcer effective.
Extinction bursts happen when a subject uses behaviors similar to the behavior that caused reinforcement.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The definitions provided for our previous vocabulary. My confusion over the last section shows that I haven’t yet grasped the all of the terms correctly. This section will make for good study guide.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I tend to want to use behavior/response/consequence interchangeably. Is an operant behavior the same as a stimulus (or establishing operation)? Or should the terms stay differentiated?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Frustration over learning the different terms mean that I’m trying to learn and shouldn’t give up.
Behavior modification is a language that builds upon itself.
The vocabulary itself is a discriminative stimulus to study.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Behavior modification has a complex yet simple dialect. The precision required for speaking the language will help me in applying it to a number of everyday situations.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Establishing operation, elicit, emit, negative reinforcement, reinforcement, deprivation, satiation, extinction, response, consequence, operant behavior, (discriminative) stimulus.
Section 1.3
1) One thing I really liked about this section was practicing using behavioral terms in both translating and creating. It was very helpful with understanding them after reading examples.
2) One thing that I disliked was the first pages saying the same things many times, using different words. It was a creative way to point out that language is generative, but it was repetitive after the first couple of times. They kept saying that the language of behavior is very specific and it matters if it is used correctly. And it kept explaining that it could sound confusing, like a foreign language. Which is definitely important, but it doesn't require repeating for many pages.
3) Three things I will remember from this section are establishing operation, extinction, and the facts about the language of behavior. I will remember establishing operation because it is new to me and it is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing. I will remember extinction because it explains how behaviors that were previously reinforced, but are no longer reinforced stop being emitted. I will remember the facts about the language of behavior because repeated for many pages.
Section 1.4
4) One thing I liked that was in the section was the layout of all the terms with clear definitions. This really helped clear everything up and explain them individually.
5) I don’t think there was any particular thing I disliked in this section. It all seemed very helpful and interesting.
6) Three things I will remember from this section would be satiation, discriminate stimulus, and operant behavior. I will remember these because they are the most new terms to me, and they are interesting. I was not aware they termed operant behavior before, but I knew there were other factors involved in human behavior. Since this is new to me, so would discriminate stimulus because it sets the occasion for an operant response to occur. Satiation I will remember because in the last section it was mentioned at the end but not in the section itself. So my interest was sparked and now its been explained more.
7) Now that I have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, what I thought about behavior modification hasn’t really changed. It’s still manipulating behavior but with precise technics that I’m learning.
8) Terms: emitted, generative, extinction, establishing operation, reinforce, reinforcing, behavior, reinforced, satiation, discriminate stimulus, and operant behavior
Reading 1.3
1.The main thing that I liked about this reading was the useful examples that were integrated into the reading. For example the crow story and the dog story were great examples of integrating behavioral language into a common story. This helped me understand that reinforcement, punishment and extinction can be seen in everyday situations. The crow story was particularly helpful because it gave the translated example which made it easier to understand each of the vocabulary terms and made it easier for me to practice translating the dog story.
2.The main thing that I disliked about this reading was not having examples below the areas that we were supposed to create answers ourselves. It may have made it easier to compare my answers to something else so that I knew if I was on the right track or not. It may be beneficial in the future to have these examples on separate pages just to make the students feel more confident in their learning abilities.
3.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is the term establishing operation. Establishing operation means that the environment is altered to ensure that the reinforcer is actually reinforcing a behavior. I will remember this term because I had not heard of it before and because of the example used to explain the term. I thought the example of the establishing operation of modifying the lab rats target behavior to be food deprivation was very helpful because I was able to picture in a real life scenario what this term was. The second thing that I will remember from this reading was the idea of extinction. Although I have heard of this term before it was good to have a refresher and a better context of what it means and how it is used. I think it was good to give examples of what extinction is and then how to use in it a real life example. The last thing that I will remember from this reading is that behavioral language is much different from language we use on a daily basis. Although they can mean the same thing behavioral language is much more precise and accurate when it comes to describing particular behaviors and events.
Reading 1.4
4.The main thing that I liked about this reading is the structure of this reading. It made it easy to follow when each of the terms were separated from one another with the definition and then a breakdown of that definition. It also helped that there were practice areas after each term to elicit full understanding of that word before moving on. This will be helpful later on because I can return to this reading section as a good tool and it will be easy to follow.
5.For this section there was nothing that stands out to me that I disliked. I really like how it reviewed previous words to ensure we are remembering them, as well as including a few new terms. I thought this reading was well structured and was a great review of the old words and a good introduction for the new words.
6.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is the term discriminative stimulus. I will remember this term because it was one that I had not been exposed to. I also will remember this term because of the stop sign example used to explain. The stop sign example greatly helped me remember that discriminative stimulus is something that sets the occasion for an operant behavior, and that the operant behavior may be different for everyone but the discriminative stimulus is the same. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is the term satiation. Satiation means that by adding additional reinforcement to an organism will not alter or elicit behavior. This means that the organism has already been reinforced to the point that further reinforcement would not alter behavior. I will remember this term because I had not heard of it before but it makes sense that an organism could reach a certain point that not more reinforcement works. The last thing that I will remember from this reading is the term deprivation which means to withhold any stimulus which serves as a reinforcement to an organism. I will remember this term because I had not heard of it before and the explanation and examples used were beneficial. The examples helped me compile a full understanding of the term and how it is used in real life scenarios.
7.My thoughts on behavior modifications have not necessarily changed but my understanding has grown. I found out in the last readings that behavior modifications was much more complex than I had previously thought and these readings reinforced that. Behavior modifications is made up of several pieces and that is what these readings taught me and has expanded my knowledge of the field.
TERMS: reinforcement, punishment, extinction, establishing operation, reinforcer, behavior, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, set the occasion, operant behavior, satiation, elicit, organism, deprivation, stimulus
1) I really appreciated the comparison of Aesop’s story of the crow, and how it can be translated with the behavior terminology. It allows me to understand the motive, and the relevance to the terminology that is supposed to be used when describing behaviors.
2) What I most disliked was the application of the story of the dog, also one of Aesop’s fables. I see the previous story and I understand it when I read it, but it’s intimidating to put into words. Using terms such as eliciting and emitting, are easy for me to use in everyday language, but thinking of things in terms of “extinction or responses” makes me feel “stuck.”
3) a. I will remember that some behaviors may seem similar, but that their functions are very different, and that the correct terminology must be used in order to distinguish the pleasurable or aversive behaviors. b. I will remember that I am not the only person in the world to be confused about these new terms, because they really are like learning a new language. c. And, I will also remember that language is fluid, and it changes based on interpretation, and usage which can make its understanding difficult. I will remember these things knowing that I need to press on, and that the chapters elicit the need to study, and that I as a student need to emit studying.
4) I liked that this section reiterated punishment and reinforcement, also allowing me to define it in my own words. I learned that operant behavior is what determines if punishment or reinforcement will occur in any given situation. There are a lot of terms in this chapter with their definitions, and that has inspired me to make flash cards so that I can easily access them when need be, “remembering” being the target behavior.
5) I feel like there are so many terms being introduced that I cannot keep up with them all, and that learning each term, as well as learning how to apply them in writing is frustrating. I would like to be able to go over the terms and how to apply them in relative sentences in class.
6) a. Establishing operation means that a reinforcer is legitimately reinforcing, rather than being ineffective. I will remember this because of the explanation of commercials, and that companies need to make sure that their marketing campaigns are actually drawing in customers. b. Satiation and deprivation will be remembered because they remind me of my economics class that I took a few years ago. c. A discriminative stimulus tells an organism “what to do.” I’ll remember that because everyday things, like traffic signs, are all around me.
7) My thoughts on behavior modification are that 1. I need to find a new studying tactic, and 2. that once i understand the terms, and how they are used together, it will be a no-brainer as far as application goes.
8) behavior, elicit, emit, extinction, responses, pleasurable, aversive, target behavior, operant behavior, punishment, reinforcement, reinforcer, establishing operation, satiation, deprivation, discriminative stimulus, organism
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the association between learning behavior modification and learning Spanish. I could especially relate to it because I remember learning the ‘a, e, i, o, u, el burro sabe mas que tu’ in my Spanish classes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing that I did not look about the section is that I still do not fully understand what “satiation” means.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section?
a) I will remember that learning the language of behavior will seem complex at first, but the more I use it the more I will understand it.
b) An easy way to start learning is to practice talking about every day events in behavioral terms.
c) I will remember that elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do the behavior.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that throughout the section there was spaces to think about terms that we’ve learned so far because it helped to refresh my memory. I liked that there was new words thrown in with these old so that I could group them in my head, like operant behavior after punishment.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked was that there were so many terms to learn in one section and it was hard to keep them all straight when they were back to back.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I’ll remember that response means that a behavior occurs as a result of the introduction of a stimulus.
b) I’ll remember the example given for discriminative stimulus, a teacher stopping the conversation because class is beginning.
c) Since I had a question about it after reading section 1.3, I’ll remember that satiation means introducing another reinforcement without altering the frequency of the behavior being reinforced because it had it’s “fill”.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thought about behavior modification has not changed, but I do have a better understanding of the terms now that I read the text and filled out the examples of many of them.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior modification, elicit, emit, language of behavior, satiation, operant behavior, response, stimulus, discriminative stimulus, reinforcement, reinforced,
1.I really liked your examples about Spanish and how you compared it with behavior. Comparing it with something else was a reinforcing for me because I have taken Spanish before and know the process. This type of learning process helps the desired outcome of my target behavior which is to learn more about behavior and increase my learning in behavior modifications.
2.One thing I didn't like about this section was having to use the words elicit and emit in sentences. I didn't like this because it isn't an everyday thing for me yet so I am not use to having to use the words and need to get use to using them.
3. One thing that I will remember about this section is that the language of behavior is very precise because it is an important detail to know and I feel like I have heard it said already a few times during class. Another thing that I will remember is that the language of behavior is specific because it has to be. It has to be specific because if it is not it may not work as well on the person you want it to. The third thing that I will remember is that you took Spanish is in second grade. I will remember this because I tend to remember things (even I don't want to) that are not very useful to me and are random facts about other people.Also because it shocked me because we didn't get the chance of learning a foreign language in elementary school.
4.I liked reading about deprivation because that part of science is interesting to me. I think it’s interesting how depriving someone of something they want to get them to act in a certain way is cool. It also makes me glad that my dad didn't take this class when I was in high school because he probably would have deprived me from my phone to clean around the house more. I will also always remember what reinforcement is because we have used this a lot lately and we always discuss if the behavior is being reinforced or punished and if its a punishing behavior or not as well.
5.I didn't really like that the entire section was vocabulary words because I like reading more story like books/text. However, I did the examples used to describe them more in depth.
6.Three things I will remember from this section are deprivation, satiation, and what free feeding is. I will remember deprivation because of the examples used and also because it relates to my life. I will remember what satiation is because I also learned about this is developmental psychology so now it’s starting to stick even more and my information and examples are coming back to me. Now, I’ll remember what free feeding is because it is easy to remember, but also because we do this at home with my dogs. However, we don’t not do it so they have probably reached over the free feeding weight that researchers would set for them.
7.After reading both sections my thoughts about behavior modification has not changed. It is just increasing my information now.
8.Terms Used: Reinforcing, target behavior, behavior, desired, behavior modifications, elicit, emit, reinforcement,punishing, punishment, deprivation free, feeding weight
1) One thing I really liked while reading the section was the material on the language of behavior. The content stated that the language on behavior is very specific, and it’s very important that it’s used correctly. Comparing it to a foreign language was something I thought was very interesting as well. I never realized how simply complicating the language of behavior could become. I say simply complicating because one simple mistake could make things completely wrong. I also really liked the examples they used for the words emit and elicit.
2) There was nothing in the section that I disliked while I reading. The thing I liked the least was the material about establishing operation. I guess the reason was because that section was very brief. However, I did like the example they gave about hunger. Establishing operation involves making the reinforcer more reinforcing. The example was that if someone was hungry, then depriving one of food for awhile would make that food taste that much better.
3) One thing I will remember from the section was the material about the language of behavior. I didn’t realize how complex and specific the language of behavior could be, and it’s interesting how one little mistake could make things inaccurate. Another thing I’ll remember is the material on extinction and extinction burst. Extinction occurs in situations that were previously reinforced, but aren’t anymore, and extinction burst occurs during extinction when people change their behavior in hopes of being reinforced. I really enjoyed the example about the crow trying to get the water by dropping stones into the water to make it rise. The third thing I’ll remember was the statement that the language of behavior can be used to describe almost every situation. This was represented in the same situation involving the crow, water, and stones. It was also used in an example about the man being bitten by a dog. That example asked to translate the situation into behavior context, which was fun to try.
4) The one thing I really liked was how the section as a whole kind of gave a review of different terms and explained them in another way. I liked this a lot, because I think most of the information the section reviewed is very important for us to know to be able to further understand behavior modification. One statement I really liked was that the language of behavior is cumulative. With that being said, I think it’s very important for us to keep remembering and applying these terms and concepts down the road.
5) I guess the thing I liked the least was reviewing the material on satiation. This states that introducing new reinforcement to an organism won’t alter how much the behavior is reinforced. I think the reason I liked this the least was due to the example they used to explain it. It didn’t help me have a complete grasp on the term.
6) One thing I’ll remember from the section is the statement that the language of behavior is cumulative. I like that a lot as it’s much easier to remember things as we just keep adding material to it, rather than learning about it, then forgetting about it altogether a couple of weeks later. Another thing I’ll remember from the section is the review of antecedent, behavior, and consequence. I felt this was a very important reminder as it was one of the first things we learned about, if not the first. Also, all behaviors have the ABCs, so it was important to get a nice little review of them. The third thing I’ll remember is the review on reinforcement and punishment. Just like with the ABCs, I thought it was very important to review that information. A reminder of the differences between positive and negative reinforcement and positive and negative punishment was nice, too.
7) Even though I wasn’t introduced to too much new information about behavior modification in the readings, it still changed what I think about it. The main takeaway I had from the readings was the material about the language of behavior. I learned that it is very complex, almost like learning a foreign language. I also learned that it’s very important for people to use the language of behavior properly, or the accuracy of the statement could be decreased. Like I’ve said many times before, it’s getting more and more interesting as we’re getting deeper and deeper into the content of this course.
8) Establishing operation, Reinforcer, Reinforcing, Language of behavior, Extinction, Extinction burst, Satiation, Behavior modification, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement, Punishment
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like comparison between learn Spanish and learning the language of behavior. The reason I like this comparison is because it compares it to something similar to something I have already done, learning French.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There is nothing that I disliked about this section, but I am little nervous about the new terms. Having never studied behavior modification before and not coming from a psychology background, I feel like I am a little behind.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember you story of learning Spanish in second grade. Because of your story, I will probably better remember the point you made about the language of behavior; stories help me to remember things easier.
I will remember that the language of behavior is complex and must be used properly, but the more I practice using it the better I will get and the easier it will be to understand.
I will remember the term extinction, meaning when a behavior was previously reinforced, but is no longer reinforced.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the through explanation of each of the terms. I found this to be helpful because it was very clear and will be a helpful reference as I continue to become more comfortable with the new terms. I also liked your analogy between learning behavior modification and learning a foreign language. I found your analogy to be encouraging and helpful.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how this chapter read; it read much like a dictionary or a list of terms. I have enjoyed previous chapters much more because they read like a story.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between elicited and emitted behaviors. Emitted behaviors are behaviors done by your choice, no one is influencing you. Elicited behaviors are behaviors where a stimuli is causing you to perform the behavior.
Target behaviors are the behaviors that we either want to see more of or less of.
Deprivation is when you don't allow someone to have something that they want or need to survive. I found it interesting how if you deprive someone of something that it can be a good source of reinforcing the desired behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I don’t know that my thoughts about behavior modification have changed, but I definitely have a better understanding of what behavior modification is.
8) Terms: Elicited, emitted, stimuli, deprivation, desired behavior, topographical behaviors, reinforce, extinction
1) I really liked that almost everything in this section was described in terms that I could easily understand. I also liked that it continued to talk about the way that terms should be correctly used.
2) I disliked that there were sections in which behavioral language was compared to Spanish. That would have been fine, except there were phrases in Spanish which were never translated to English. I got distracted and fixated on them because I know Spanish fairly well but I don’t know those words or phrases. It was very frustrating to not know what they meant, even though it didn’t matter to the context of the passage. I sometimes get really distracted and fixated on the little things that don’t actually matter, and this is just an example of that.
3) I will remember that behavioral language is very specific because it was emphasized so heavily. I think almost every other sentence was emphasizing that fact. It was also stated at one point that scholars can write entire papers on how just one term is meant to be used. I will also remember that self-reinforcement is only works when the reinforcement is used correctly. If someone chooses to reinforce themselves with brownies, then brownies need to only be eaten after the desired behavior is accomplished. The final thing that will really stay with me is the huge difference between the fables from Aesop and the way they sounded translated into behavioral terms. The fables were really simple and easy to follow, but when they had been translated into the behavioral terms I could hardly recognize that they were the same story. I guess that is just another example of how many different things go into a behavior or how many behaviors go into an activity without them being stated outright.
4) I enjoyed that there was a review to the previous terms and concepts, but it wasn’t overstated. Sometimes I become annoyed when teachers or text beats an idea into us by repeating it so many times that I’m not even paying attention by the end. This text likes to reiterate ideas but not to the point where I am bored reading it. I also really enjoy the concept of “put this into your own words” where you can rephrase the definition of something so that it suits you better than maybe the dictionary definition does.
5) I disliked that this section seemed to be entirely about the definitions of works that should already been in our repertoire, along with a few new words.
6) I will remember the definition of discriminate stimulus because of the text example of the stop sign. This stuck out to me because I have been a passenger in a car that has received a ticket because of not stopping at a stop sign. I always make it habit to stop completely, however there are times when the sign is not seen and then the regular response is not taken. I will also remember the definition of satiation because of the ice cream example. This is mostly because I was eating ice cream while reading this section. With the mention of ice cream in the text, I actually thought about why I had stopped eating mine when I did. I knew that if I continued to eat, I would get a stomach ache which is aversive, and I did not want to experience that currently. Another thing that I will remember is the definition of operant behavior. Operant behavior is the “network of factors and events involved in the behavior of human and non-human animals.” However, this definition from the text seems like a bunch of nonsense. Operant behavior is what gives way to either reinforcement or punishment.
7) My ideas on behavior modification haven't really changed so much as they have expanded. All of my previous ideas still hold true while adding other concepts as well. Last chapter I was unfamiliar with the terms operant behavior, discriminate stimulus, satiation, and deprivation.
8) Terms: behavioral language, aversive, discriminate stimulus, satiation, behavior modification, operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, deprivation,satiation
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed learning how language truly has an affect on the classification of a behavior. We can use a descriptor that would classify the behavior in a different way than what we had intended when trying to verbally or through written word describe what we saw for classification. This dilemma is easily seen through the phrase Dr. Maclin provides us: topographically similar. Topographical similarities appear the same when viewed from the surface, however, there is a functional difference that is found when digging deeper. You would only be looking at the surface of the descriptor and not the underground meaning for classification.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Through our text and Dr. Maclin remind us that it is ok to be confused yet, I still become frustrated with myself when I do not feel I have fully grasped the concept. For example, page 2 of section 1.3, Skinner’s writings on self-reinforcement. I’ve read such things before, but didn’t fully process what he was saying. (In other words, this section is making me think and start to find pieces to the puzzle that may alleviate future confusion of such writings.)
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Topographical Similarity – If you think about it, many people observe in the topographical way. By this I mean that we barely brush the surface of why someone has or acts a certain way because we have trained ourselves to skim the surface and not take a full moment to process.
b) Language of behavior is similar to learning a foreign language. Once you learn the basic structure of how the language functions, it becomes easier to interpret and utilize in the future.
c) The crow story from Aesop’s Fables example. I liked that the information was first presented and then the example on translating the story into behavioral language was provided. This allowed for me to have a better grasp the concept of the terms: establishing operation (I think of this as the starting line for the process of reinforcer to become more reinforcing) and extinction (the finish line of what is no longer reinforced).
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section provides the terminology and definition. For some students, such as myself, we like having a definitive explanation of the term. This is also a helpful section that is easy to refer back to quickly refresh the terminology we will use throughout the semester assignments and readings.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t really anything within this section that I didn’t care for, however, if I must choose something… The example on page 6 of Section 1.4’s example of ice cream for explaining satiation. The only reason I say this is because of my response to the use of the phrase “ice cream”. The stimulus for me; was the written word “ice cream”. Unfortunately, I do not have any at the house at this time. The example did help demonstrate why researchers must be diligent of satiation or the use of, in this case food, would no longer serve as reinforcement as the rat was already full and the desired behavior would be less likely to be achieved continuing to use food as a reinforcement once the rat was satiated.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) This section, 1.4, will be a very handy section to have for reviewing terminology that we will use throughout this semester. The examples included also assist in demonstrating how the terminology works in terms of learning behavioral language. It is part of the building blocks to learning this “new” (to me) language.
b) Language for behavior is similar to mathematics. As Dr. Maclin’s example explains, we learn the basic building blocks of mathematics at a young age (starting with addition) that is then later applied to more difficult areas within mathematics (e.g., algebra, physics, etc.). Without learning the foundation information, we cannot successfully navigate and interpret the problems or situations we will face in the future.
c) The terms Target Behavior. There are times as a parent we have target behaviors that we work to modify (either increase or decrease) so that the desired behavior may be achieved.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Behavioral Language. I did not realize how much we take language for granted at times. These last two sections remind me that language is a complex thing, but once you have learned the basics or “building blocks”, the language is more easily translated as meaning what it was truly meant to be or describe. I took this class because I find there are some behaviors of mine that I would like to change. I still find this class extremely interesting.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Topographically Similar, Establishing Operation, Extinction, Satiation, Target Behavior.
1. Coming from a different country and not only learning my native language and english, I can relate to not quite understanding behavior. This particular part of this section of behavior being a foreign language is understanging, in that the terms and behaviors are like another language to us. The more that we write and talk about it the more will comprehend.
2. I dislike trying to figure out examples for to describe three day to day events in behavioral terms. I didn't quite understand the examples given.
3. Rephrase in from my first point, I will remember that you don't have to understand behavioral right now, but there will be a time for it.
The story of the crow, I understood more of the term of extinction by reading this short story.
That the language of behavior can describe all situations, which is what helps us for our daily interaction with others.
4. I liked section 1.4 overall, I feel like it went more in depth of the vocabulary and gave more examples in order to better understand.
5. I didn't dislike one thing.
6. I will remember target behavior from the reading, becuase they seems like a good example of a behavior that we an use to change something about ourselves.
We can generate a response based on the environment all around us, according to discriminative stimuli.
Deprivation acts an a reinforcement in order to achieve a goal. The section of depriving rats, makes this definition stand out more.
7. There is so much to do with behavior modification, I feel like I don't know anything about it at this point which is good becuase all the reading and terminology makes me be more interested in this topic
8. Terms: discriiminative stimuli, target behavior, behavior, deprivation, reinforcement, extinction, language
1. My favorite thing about this section was learning about how an everyday activity can be described using behavioral terms. This was my favorite part of the section because in the previous reading assignment my view of behavior modification was changed from seeing behavior modification as something only done in the clinical setting to something that is in my every moment of every day. This new knowledge of how behavior terms can be used to describe everyday activities therefore reinforced my new view of behavior modification.
2. My least favorite part of this section was the last activity in the section, transforming the fable into behavioral terms. This was my least favorite part of the section because I found it very difficult and it took up much more of my time than anticipated because it felt like I was trying to write something in a foreign language. It was also my least favorite part of the section because after completing the exercise, I still didn’t know if I used the terms in the correct form.
3. The three things I will remember from reading this section are:
A. The concept of establishing operation, the process used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. I will remember this concept because it was a concept I didn't think was possible until I read it, I didn't think a reinforcer could be more reinforcing than in its natural form, but yet with deprivation, withholding a reinforcer, the reinforcer becomes even more powerful.
B. The concept of extinction burst, when during extinction, previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced, the person beings to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. I will remember this concept because of the crow story rom Aesop’s Fables. When the extinction burst of the crow was described, him trying everything to get the water from the pitcher, I had a vivid mental picture of the crow emitting this extinction burst, the crow frantically running into the pitcher to get the water.
C. The difference between the concepts of elicit, makes a behavior occur, and emit, doing the behavior. I will remember this because of one of the sentences I wrote for the practice exercises: The smell of the cookies elicited a sugar craving feeling. The child emitted the behavior of eating cookies. The word elicit has a “C” in it, like cookies which made the behavior occur. Writing down this example allowed me to make this connection and therefore helped me to remember the difference between the terms.
4. My favorite thing about this section was the concept of discriminative stimulus. I liked this concept because it really helped to put into perspective for me why we follow laws and why we follow social customs, it is because they are all discriminative stimuli. They all signal to each person the same response. For example, receiving a gift elicits the response of saying “thank you.”
5. My least favorite thing about this section was the sentences we had to write at the end of the section. This was my least favorite part of the section because I found it very difficult as writing in behavioral terms is still a new concept. At this point I think I can easily write a sentence using one behavioral term, but pushing myself to write a sentence with more than one term in it is very challenging, which is why I had to continue to keep in mind how much I was learning as I worked through the practice exercises.
6. The three things I will remember from reading this section are:
A. The concept of satiation, the organism has had its fill and providing reinforcement will not help modify the behavior the reinforcement was trying to modify. I will remember this concept because of the Ben & Jerry’s example given after the term. I love ice cream and often times when I consume it, I eat it until I am completely saturated and any reinforcements of food will instead be aversive.
B. The concept of target behavior, the behavior interested in increasing or decreasing. I will remember this because as I was reading I knew the term will be something that will be very impactful as I continue to learn how to apply behavior modification to my life. I will not be able to modify my behavior if I don’t know what the target behavior is I am trying to modify.
C. The concept of operation behavior, the behaviors that set the occasion for reinforcement or punishment. This is a concept I will remember because of the simplicity I found the definition to be. When I read the definition I thought about how simple the term is, it is the B of the ABC’s. Thinking about the term from this angle made it easily stick in my mind and made it easy for me to come up with examples.
7. After reading sections 1.3 and 1.4 my thoughts about behavior modification has changed from viewing it as this simplistic, universal concept, to this complex, universal concept. I still see how behavior modification is applied anywhere and everywhere, in fact these two sections helped to reinforce this concept, but I now view it as more than a simple concept. After learning the ABC’s it seemed to me that there wasn't more to learn about behavior modification, but after reading these sections I see it is more complex, requiring constant practice and a new way of thinking.
Terms: Behavior, Reinforcement, Establishing Operation, Reinforcer, Reinforcing, Deprivation, Emit, Elicit, Discriminative Stimulus, Satiation, Aversive, Target Behavior, Operation Behavior Response
1 a&b) I really enjoyed how relaxed this section was. It was very easy to understand and logical. I enjoyed the idea that this is like learning a new language and that we all kind of have to put it together and learn how to write sentences and statements using the words we have learned. I really thought it was interesting trying to come up with an answer to what I thought B.F. Skinner was saying. I also enjoyed discerning for myself what certain things mean. I’m sometimes too much of a perfectionist and take things straight out of textbooks and never end up applying the terms in my own life.
2) Although I did enjoy the exercises that made me think out of the box… I was getting a little frustrated because I didn’t want to do them anymore. Hey, I’m a student. Sorry. I just got a little anxious. :)
3 a,b&c) I’m going to remember that this class is kind of like learning a new language and it’s going to take time and effort- along with that this language is generative- there are lots of ways that we can describe a behavior’s sequence. I’m going to remember Establishing operation as a way to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. So, if we’re deprived of food for a period of time, when we get to eat after doing a certain behavior, it’s going to make us highly motivated to do this again. Third, I’m going to remember an extinction burst as being extinction when someone starts to change their behavior when trying to figure out how to be reinforced. So, it’s like when the bird is struggling to find a way to get the water out of the jar.
4 a&b) I really liked the way I had a definition and then had a follow up paragraph to determine for myself what that definition really means. Sometimes words can be kind of mumbo-jumbo and I’m writing all of these definitions, but I’m not sure how much I’m really comprehending. So, this section made it really really easy to do that and made me write it… sometimes just think it- out.
5) I had a little bit of trouble when I got further into the reading because each definition contained other terminology that was discussed previously and I kept rewinding to figure out what each meant. So, sometimes that made me a little weary, but it’s definitely good for me! I totally understand that, it’s just the worst thing I could think of about this section.
6 a,b&c) I’m going to remember operant behavior because it’s tripped me up a little bit in the past. But, I’m going to get it this time! Operant behaviors kind of set the stage for reinforcement or punishment. So, if I’m talking in a super obnoxious Jersey accent, I’m setting the stage for myself to be punished- if people think I’m annoying and stop talking to me- or reinforced- if people think I’m absolutely hilarious and laugh at my accent. I’m going to remember discriminate stimulus because it kind of goes hand in hand with operant behaviors. Discriminate stimulus is pre-operant response. So, it’s kind of like a signal to do something and we get to choose how we’re going to respond to this stimulus. Finally, I’m going to remember satiation as being a plateau for reinforcement- we can only reinforce so far before reinforcing becomes stagnant and the organism no longer responds to the reinforcer.
7) Obviously there is quite a bit about behavior modification that I’ve learned upon reading these lovely pages of eloquently written pages of text. No, but for real. I’m pretty positive that I’m a lot more comfortable with the reinforcement and punishment difference. I now understand that this is like a new language and I’m going to really have to apply myself and apply these outside of textbook definitions. I think that there is a lot to be said about behavior modification in terms of how far we can go with it considering extinction and satiation- which is something I’ve taken away from this reading.
Terms: Behavior, reinforcement, punishment, establishing operation, extinction, operant behavior, discriminate behavior, satiation, reinforcer
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? One thing I really liked about this section was that we can use this type of behavioral language to describe most all situations. It will be helpful to know this because it will be used throughout the rest of the semester.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? One thing I disliked about this section is that the language of behavior is like learning a foreign language. It will be really difficult to learn at first and will need lots of practice to understand it and use it correctly.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things I will remember from this section:
1. Extinction is when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced.
2. Establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing.
3. Deprivation is when reinforcers are withheld.
I will remember these terms because they were used in a story context and helped me understand them better.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? - One thing I liked about this section was that as I read about all the terms, they are all relative to everyday situations, which make them easier to understand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? - One thing I disliked about this section was that because all this material is cumulative, it can become a little repetitive and frustrating, but I am slowly learning it all.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things I will remember from section:
1. When you don't allow an organism to receive something that is reinforcing, often something important for survival, it is called deprivation.
2. When introducing additional reinforcement to an organism won't alter the frequency of its behavior, it is called satiation.
3. Anything that sets the occasion for punishment or reinforcement to occur are called operant behaviors.
I will remember these things because I wrote out good examples in the writing exercises to help me remember them.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? - After reading these sections, my view on behavior modification is that it can be very nit-picky and specific. However, all these terms are relatable to everyday experiences in life. With that, I hope to learn this material easier as compared to material from other classes. I'm having a little trouble with some terms because they can become confusing with how similar they are to other terms, but otherwise I am learning the material fairly well.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Language of behavior, reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, extinction, establishing operation, deprivation, operant behaviors, satiation.
Sorry, I forgot to put my name. Ryan B Brown
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how learning the language of behavior was compared to learning a foreign language. It will take time and effort to understand how to “speak” in the language of behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought this was an interesting section and disliked nothing about it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that an establishing operation is something used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. I will remember this because it is something used often in studies. The reading gave the example of depriving rats of food as an establishing operation so they will be reinforced with food for doing what they’re supposed to. Another thing I will remember is that extinction occurs in a situation where previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced, and an extinction burst happens when the person varies their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced during extinction. The final thing I will remember is that satiation occurs when “sufficient access to the reinforcer is allowed”. If the subject was being reinforced with food, satiation would occur when the subject got full.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the way this section combined old and new vocabulary. It was nice to have some stuff that I already learned to complement the new stuff.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Even though the reading explained the terms well, there was a lot of terms to read and learn in this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that emit and elicit do not mean the same thing as I would have thought before reading this section. Another thing I will remember is that the target behavior is the behavior that one is trying to increase or decrease the frequency of. Finally, discriminative stimuli allow us to generate a response based on the situation in which such stimuli occur. All of these things are important to understanding the language of behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I’d say my thoughts and opinions on behavior modification have stayed about the same, but I’m definitely more informed. I know more parts to better understand behavior modification and how it works and I feel better equipped to use the language of behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Language of behavior, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, extinction, extinction burst, satiation, emit, elicit, target behavior, discriminative stimuli, behavior modification
1. a&b) One thing I really liked that was in this section was the fact about how learning the language of behavior is like learning another language. Over the summer I started to learn Greek and it was really hard. Going through a lot of the behavior things, I have also found it hard and was frustrated with myself because of it. Having the relation of it like a language makes it easier to approach the language of behavior.
2) One thing I liked least about this section would be the part with elicit and emit. I am understand the definitions of them but writing sentences using the two words was very hard. I still only have one sentence for each written down. Elicit isn't too difficult for me but emit is difficult and it always leaves me in question of if I understand it right.
3 a,b&c) One thing I will remember from this section is the way one can speak behaviorally and if you do not know all the terms it is another language to you. When it says "When I manipulated the door nob, I was punished." I was very confused and was trying to figure this out. Once it was clarified I understood. But I won't forget the significance in speaking behaviorally.
A second thing I will remember from this section is the term establishing operation. I will remember this because I liked the story with it and it put a name to making a reinforce more reinforcing. Like the rat and it's food that was given as an example.
A third thing I will remember from this section is the term extinction. I will remember this because of the story of the crow. Last year when I took Intro to Psychology, we watched a video on a crow doing this. So reading this crow story made me remember and connect the things I have learned now to make the crow story more clear.
4 a&b) One thing I really like in this section is the definitions of the vocab words and the having to give your own definition as well as an example. This allowed me to think of each word a bit deeper and to relate it to my life by giving an example. This actually helped me understand emit and elicit a little more, but I am still confused about them.
5) One thing I liked least in this section was the last part of the section where we are to use a term in a sentence and add terms to it. I didn't like this because I am not confident in my language of behavior and get confused when I try to make additions and make sentences like the examples they gave in section 1.3.
6 a,b&c) One thing I will remember from this section is the term satiation. I will not forget this because I had a hard time thinking of an additional reinforcement not altering the frequency of a behavior that is being reinforced. I also found it interesting to finally put a term to that definition.
A second thing I will remember from this section is the term deprivation. I will remember this because I knew that the definition was a thing, but I never new there was a term for it. Learning about deprivation helped me make sense of it in general.
A third thing I will remember from this section is the term establishing operation. This also helped me put a term to the idea of reinforcement on others. Also, I have a friend who is having troubles with another friend and I was telling her to basically establish an operation and I hadn't heard of the term before. So I thought that was really cool.
8) TERMS: language of behavior, elicit, emit, manipulated, punished, establishing operation, reinforcement, extinction, satiation, deprivation, establishing operation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Understanding that language is a complex matter and it differs in many ways from person to person. It is not as important to know what something means literally, but being able to identify it in your life. The application of terminology has always been easier for me to identify with than actual meanings.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least was coming up with three sentences for the examples since I would rather just come up with one sentence and move on, but I see that coming up with multiple examples is harder than I thought.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because of the examples. It may seem odd to talk or think about an inanimate object (such as a stop sign) being capable of eliciting behavior, but after going through the examples I will definitely remember the difference. I will also remember what an establishing operation is because of the example of mice--the establishing operation being deprivation of food if food is going to be used as a reinforcer. I will also remember that satiation occurs when sufficient access to a reinforcer is allowed (because of its similarity to "saturation").
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I was really happy with the fact that all of the terms that we needed to know up until this point were defined, and even redefined. I think that building our knowledge of the terms in each section is very beneficial to remembering and applying them. Being able to refresh my memory on past terms and practice them while also being introduced to new terms and practicing them was very helpful. I also liked how the new terms were very concise in their definitions and the examples were easy to follow and understand. Having a break in between terms to practice is a great way to learn and remember the terms.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It was really awesome having a chapter designated for terminology; however it did get a little overwhelming. Having a lot of terms thrown at me at once makes me confuse them a lot, but hopefully going through and continuously studying them should make that easier.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is that behavior language is a cumulative process that is better understood with repetition. Learning the words will get easier in time as they build up on each other through the sections. I will need to remember this in the case that I get frustrated when the terms don’t seem to make sense for some reason. I will also remember the term discriminative stimuli because it was a new term for me and I really liked the stop sign example. People are going to partake in different variations of the same event for different reasons all of the time. The reasons why they do these things are based off of these stimuli, and I find that pretty interesting. The third aspect of this section that I will remember is the difference between satiation and deprivation. I have talked about these terms in other classes, but I will easily remember the examples provided for these terms now.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts on behavior modification have stayed about the same since the last two passages I've read. I have however learned more about terminology and wording and how those need to be watched closely to not miscommunicate the point trying to be made. I now understand that the terms we learn in the first part of the learning will stick with us as well as the ones we learned in this section. I didn't think of behavior modification as a cumulative process.
8) Terms: satiation, deprivation, behavior modification, discriminative stimuli, elicit, emit, reinforcer, behavior language
1 a&b) I liked the real life examples that usually explain
these concepts in good and thoughtful context.The Aesop tale's were really good example's because it showed the way behavioral actions, reinforcement and extinction could be used in our reading. It also made it quite clear that these scenarios happen all around us all of the time. The lab rat example was a good one because it used a true scenario from little-known walks of life. It makes the learning very interesting.
2) I didn't like that the text said "In spite of his
extinction burst, none of his behaviors were reinforced." which left me confused as to whether the extinction is supposed to be a usually successful attempt at rapidly eliciting behaviors in hopes of achieving reinforcement or whether it leaned more toward the given definition of the period where reinforcement is no longer achieved.
3 I will be conscious to remember that an establishing operation is a term for an underlying effect that I wasn't previously sure was represented as/or important. I will remember what was said about struggling while learning and that it only means you're succeeding where being bored would just mean you weren't learning. I will remember to think of all of this as a different language while learning so that I don't become discouraged with the comfort of knowing it will all make sense soon.
4 a&b) I liked that the section went through all of the terms we had already had and not only defined them but also explained them again in a little bit different context.
5) I didn't like that operant behavior wasn't described very well, It closely resembled that the A from abc's of behavior, Antecedent. I would like a little more clarification between the two.
6 I learned that discriminate stimuli set the occasion for certain behaviors to be emitted, but it is just as common to have behaviors that are the exact opposite or at least somewhat different from what it tries to elicit because the very suggestion that you should do something in a situation can have various affects. I learned the difference between elicit and emit, which is that elicit is behavior that is a response to a stimulus whereas the emitted behaviors are those done voluntarily. I will also remember that deprivation which is withholding of stimulus can actually be used as reinforcement also.
7) My thoughts of behavior modification haven't really changed between these two sections but I have become more informed on the process of recognizing behavior stimulus.
8) Elicit, extinction, establishing operation reinforcement, operant behavior, deprivation, emitted, discriminate stimuli
1 I really liked the example boxes of describing daily events in terms of reinforcement or punishment and then correctly making sentences using behavioral terms elicit, emit, reinforce, and aversive. I liked these because they helped me remember and apply the terms.
2) I didn't like finding three daily events and describing them in behavioral terms. I find it harder to analyze my personal life than another persons.
3 a Elicit means to make a behavior happen and emit means to do a behavior. I will remember these because of the example that was given and working out examples myself.
b Establishing operation makes the reinforcer more reiforcing. I will remember this because of example used about depriving rats of food to help run a maze better.
c Extinction burst is when during extinction where a person begins to vary their behaviors hoping to get reinforced. I will remember this because of my developmental psych class Dr.Lefler talked about extinguish a behavior by kids such as ignoring them when they scream about ice cream.
4 I liked how to section relates back to the previous sections by using terminology helping us remember and building our knowledge.
5) I disliked the definitions for operant behavior and establishing operation. I did not fully understand the book definition and examples so I am unsure of what they currently mean.
6 a I will remember that discriminate stimuli lead to a variety of potential responses depending on the situation. I will remember this because my own example of a sign in the theater telling people to turn their phone on silent or off.
b Also I will remember that satiation is when an organism is satisfied and can't be reinforced anymore than it currently is. The visual of the person full of ice cream and is temporarily sick of it is something I have personally experienced.
c Deprivation is when you with hold a stimulus. Many resercher do this with food and rats.
7) I have more terminology to use and to properly describe parts and break down the ABC's.
8) reinforcement, punishment, elicit, emit, reinforce, aversive, elicit, establishing operation, reinforcer, extinction, extinction burst, operant behavior, discriminate stimuli, satiation, deprivation
1.I liked how it was made clear or made it seem okay to have trouble learning the language in the beginning. It didn’t appear there would be an aversive consequence to not understanding the language this early in the semester. I liked that it was made clear because it made me feel like I wasn’t behind or not good at this subject. Even though it’s early in the semester I feel obligated to already know this stuff, or expect myself to learn it easily.
2)How confusing the exert from Goldiamond’s paper was. I kept feeling I was on the verge of understanding it, then I would lose that sense as soon as I read a few words forward. I rethought it over and over and still couldn’t get an idea of what it meant. It was probably so aversive to me because it was so confusing as a beginner in this area. I felt so sure of what one part meant then had to start over at what it could possibly mean, and went over it and over it again and again, still not able to understand it completely.
3a)Manipulating doesn’t necessarily mean bad. Your example of manipulating the door handle to open it will stick in my memory.
b)Frustration means you’re in the process of learning it. I’ll remember that because I’m going to tell myself that when I’m frustrated. I get frustrated alot, to the point my three year old daughter has been asking me if I’m frustrated since she was probably two.
c)Establishing operation. I will remember this because I use it when I go to the bar. By tipping more and more the server makes it a point to check on me often.
4a)I really like how we were given a definition, multiple examples, then asked to redefine the term and give our own examples. Not only did we use the term once, but multiple times throughout the section.
b)I think reading and using the word over and over ingrains it into my memory better. Also it lets me see it used in many ways, which adds dimension to how the word can be used. I like knowing the actual definition and putting it into my own words as well, which sometimes makes it easier for me to understand. I think the repetition will reinforce my understanding of the vocab.
5)The section where we were told to use as many extra words as possible, and add them up in the end. This part was only least liked because seeing the actual number after adding it up was a discriminative stimuli causing me to feel like I wasn’t trying hard enough and emit disappointment in myself.
6a)establishing operation. It makes me think of all the new neat things they add to cell phones continuously making us want to buy the newest one.
b)Deprivation. Because as I work on this assignment so late in the night, I feel I’m depriving myself of sleep and I want it more and more.
c)Satiation. I’ll remember this term because of the same thing. When it comes to sleep all I want is to be satiated and I feel it will never happen!
7)They have changed a little bit. I’ve realized there’s a lot more technicality than I once thought. When starting this class I figured it would consist of more words I’m already familiar with, but now I see I will learn a whole new set of vocabulary words. I didn’t think about so many terms being used that would be hard for me to understand.
8)Aversive consequence, Aversive, Manipulation, Establishing Operation, Reinforce, Discriminative Stimuli, Emit, Deprivation, Satiation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) One thing that I really liked from this section was the idea of establishing operation.
b) I like the idea of establishing operation because it makes the reinforcer more reinforcing and more likely for the target behavior occur.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?I didn’t really like the written assignments in this section. They were a bit confusing and I wasn’t really sure what you were looking for.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1) I will remember that establishing operation is used when the reinforcer
is more reinforcing.
a) I will remember that establishing operation is used to be more reinforcing because the target behavior is more likely to occur if establishing operation is used.
2) I will remember deprivation is a way researchers in a lab use establishing operation on rats.
b) I will remember deprivation is an establishing operation because if food is taken away they are desperate for food and more likely to emit the behavior.
3) I will remember reinforcement is to increase target behavior and punishment is used to decrease target behavior.
C) I will remember reinforcement and punishment because we went over it many times in class.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) One thing I liked about this section was it really explained the terms.
b) I liked that it explained the terms because now I have a better understanding on some of the vocabulary.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a) One thing I disliked about this section was repetition.
b) I feel like I understand the material, so having to read about it again gets monotonous.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1) I will remember that target behavior is the behavior we are trying to increase or decrease.
b) I will remember this because in order to modify behavior you need to choose a specific behavior because a person/animal could emit many different behaviors.
2) I will remember discriminate stimulus is any stimulus that sets the occasion for an operant response.
b) I will remember discriminate stimulus because it acts as a signal for particular behavior to occur.
3) I will remember satiation and deprivation.
c) I will remember satiation and deprivation because these are two factors that may affect the target behavior to occur.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thought about behavior modification has not changed because I have been briefly introduced to these concepts before, however, I did not realized there was so much more to it.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Terms used:reinforcement, punishment, emit, discriminate stimulus, establishing operation, target behavior, deprivation, satiation,
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really found it helpful that in this section it talked about understanding behavior was like learning a foreign language. It really made me grasp the idea that it isn’t easy to learn how to talk behavior. It is something that takes a lot of time because there are a lot of complex terms to really learn and understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t really understand topographically. The definition and example didn’t really get me to understand the term.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember extinction because of the example about the crow. It was a really detailed example that talked about how the crow was really deproved from water, and it was willing to do whatever it took to get water even if it he was in the peak of exhaustion during the extinction bust. I will also remember establishing operations because it is something that Dr. Maclin talked about in class. He said that his son stopped caring about allowance, so he stopped giving it to him for awhile. This term is something people use a lot in manipulation.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked how this section recapped on all the terms learned so far. It was really getting me to relook at the terms and try to understand them again.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t really like the WIKI definition added in this section because they kind of made the term confusing. I am someone who needs a clear definition and only a clear on before I understand a term. If you add something to complex it just confuses me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember and have a better understanding about reinforcement and punishment because it reviewed them and gave more examples on the terms. I will remember what operant and target behaviors because these two things work together. Operent behaviors sets the background or the scene for the target behavior. The target behavior is what we are looking to increase or decrease.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? I realized that behavior is far from simple. There are a lot of terms that are used to describe every situation. It is a lot like learning a foreign language, so I should not get frustrated.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Topographically, Establishing operations, extinction, extinction bust, deprivation, reinforcement, punishment, operant behavior, target behavior,
Let us know if you have any questions,
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section compared it learning behavior modification as a foreign language. Once the book, translated the stories into behavior modification terms it really did seem like a foreign language. It changed my perspective of how to look at the terms instead of thinking of it just as vocabulary and looking at it like a language.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt like this chapter was written well and did not dislike anything from this chapter.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember extinction which occurs in situations that were preciously reinforced, but are no longer reinforced.
b. I will also remember establishing operation because in the book it described it as withholding water to get the rats to press a lever to receive a sip of water.
c. I will remember extinction bursts because it reminds me of a drug addict going through withdraws and they do anything they can to get their drug of choice.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the fact that it went over the vocabulary terms again to make it much more concrete in my head.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I liked least in this chapter is that you used a wiki definition. Every teacher I have ever had told us not to use Wiki because it is false information, even though these are correct definitions it kind of through me for a loop.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.I will remember satiation because it is when adding any more reinforcement won't alter the frequency of the behavior. It reminds me of obedience classes for dogs when they tell you only to give a small piece of food each time.
b. Operant behaviors set the occasion for the reinforcement or the punishment to occur.
C. I will also remember target behavior because it is the behavior you are attempting to alter, which is the whole point of behavior modification.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I know believe that altering someones behavior isn't going to be easy to do, now that it was described as a foreign language.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, establishing operation, extinction burst, satiation, operant behaviors, reinforcement, punishment, target behavior.
1) I like the distinction of self-reinforcement. Each of us emit behaviors that we would like to modify. Self-reinforcement acknowledges that the individual has the ability to obtain or abstain from the reinforcer depending on whether or not the desired behavior has been emitted. Being aware of this, people can consciously, and hopefully affectively modify their own behavior.
2) I did not care for the boxes in the reading that asked to simply use the terminology in sentences. I felt forced and was rather boring. I hope that is a sign that I am learning the material. I will devise a reinforcement procedure for completing this boring activities, hopefully to increase the emitting of doing memory building exercises.
3) I remember reading about establishing operations, which are used to ensure that a reinforcer in a reinforcement procedure is effectively reinforcing the target behavior, hopefully emitted, of which researchers are trying to elicit. I remember reading that extinction bursts happen when extinction occurs. The researcher may cause extinction to happen by discontinuing the reinforcer. This usually cause the test subject to emit the target behavior or even emit random behaviors.
4) I appreciate how deliberate and straight forward this section was. The section covered more terms than usual, but it did it at a good pace. By asking for examples, it made sure you understood each term before moving on to the next one, which also gave time for the information to resonate a bit.
5) I was not a big fan of how repetitive the chapter was. It soon became boring. But this is just a sign that I am learning the information. I am absorbing the information at a steady rate, and in a roundabout way is exciting. There was only one definition I though was lacking, operant behavior. I will need to get some of the details cleared up either by further examination of this section or perhaps prodding of the professor’s brain.
6) I remember reading about satiation as well as deprivation. I feel these two terms are polar but go hand-in-hand. Researchers must be careful to avoid satiation, because if the subject receives too much of the reinforcer it may loss its appeal, rendering the reinforcement procedure ineffective. Deprivation is more a deliberate withholding of a reinforcing stimulus. Deprivation is most commonly used as an establishing operation. I also read about target behavior. It is important for researchers to identify and recognize which behavior they are trying to reinforce or punish.
7) My opinion on BMod is more confirmed than changed. I knew that it had particular terminology. It has only become clearer that the correct understanding application of this terminology will be necessary when studying and practicing BMod effectively.
Key terms: reinforcement, punishment, elicit, emit, establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst, self-reinforcement, reinforce, operant behavior, satiation, deprivation, target behavior
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was that it was stressed how important the language of behavior modification is. One statement with improperly used behavior modification terms can have severe consequences on what you are trying to say is occurring with a behavior. This section really got that point across.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I found that I didn't dislike much from this section. I felt it had a clear point to it and even found the boxes and writing examples very helpful to help me understand things. Compared to past chapters and how I felt about the boxes, this time I really appreciated them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are; One, language is specific and generative. This is an important thing to remember because as I stated in question 1,using the terms incorrectly will not only make you look idiotic, but it also messes up what you are trying to say about a behavior. Secondly, elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do the behavior. Knowing the difference in these similarly sounding words can help identify what caused the behavior who did the behavior. Lastly, I learned and will remember that establishing operations are procedures that make a reinforcer more reinforcing because I will think of the example of rats being deprived of food to get them to push a lever that dispenses food.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was that the terms weren't just presented and then the next one was presented, but that there were multiple examples given with each one. It really helped me get a better grasp of how the terms are used in behavior modification.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn't like was the sheer number of terms in this section. Although, adequate examples were given, I felt it was a lot to take in for one section. I'm not sure if there could be anyway to split the section up or not but I feel that doing so would be better for the reader.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are; One, reinforcement is increasing the likelihood of a behavior to occur again. This is something that I will remember from here but also from class because we have hammered it in to my brain. Understanding that reinforcement increases the likelihood of the behavior is like laying the foundation to a building. From their you can add more terms like whether it was a positive or negative. Secondly, and yup, you can guess it, is that punishment is decreasing the likelihood of a behavior to occur again. Like reinforcement knowing this is critical in being able to move forward in understanding the language of behavior modification. Lastly, descriptive stimuli allow us to generate a response based on the situation in which such stimuli occur. This is important to remember because the descriptive stimuli tells us in what way to act.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Well after reading these sections it all kind of made sense, especially after today's class (Sept 11) since I mistakenly did next weeks assignments instead of this one. What really changed in how I see behavior modification isn't much. Instead it more than anything confirmed much more. I'm starting to see the applicable use of it in everyday life. How it is very complicated especially in its language, but that once understood can lead to great horizons of influencing and changing behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Behavior modification, behavior, consequences, deprived, elicit, emit, establishing operations, descriptive stimuli, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing, punishment, positive, negative, response, stimuli.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that it has activities and exercises included to help us understand the information. I thought I understood certain things until I got to the exercises. Therefor, it made me go back to figure out what I wasn't fully understanding.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I still do not fully understand some things after just reading them. More specifically, the extinction and establishing operation exercises. I re-read the man who was bit by the dog story multiple times as well as referred back to the crow and the pitcher story with no luck in figuring out how to translate the man who was bit by the dog.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) How to use elicit and emit in the same sentence. Because after reading through it as well as going over it in class, it was easier to understand.
b) The concept of Establishing Operation. Because, given the examples in the book and in class, I was able to see how it can be used for the simplest things in every day life and connect it to my own. I've seen friends of mine use this concept in order to get the desired behavior from their children.
c) The concept of extinction. Because, I was able to connect the concept with my life. When I was a growing out of the allowance phase, my mother quit paying me to do my chores and instead just expected me to do them.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The areas where it gave us the opportunity to rephrase certain terms in our own words. Because, by doing so, it helps me understand it rather than memorizing the given typical textbook definition.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I dislike learning solely from just books. I learn best skimming the book material, seeking out what I don't understand, and then paying particular interest to it in class as well as asking questions about it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Discriminate stimulus, because now every time I look at a stop light that's all I will think of...
b) Satiation, because I feel like I've heard the term and been taught it before.
c) Deprivation, because it is a common term that speaks it's own definition.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
It is much more complex than I originally thought. I thought a lot of this would be common sense. When, in reality, these terms and concepts are hard to wrap my head around. I have seemingly been raised to believe the complete opposite. Or, at least, different definitions of certain terms have been pushed into my head. (i.e. Positive reinforcement and Negative reinforcement in this case does not mean good and bad)
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Extinction, Establishing Operations, Behavior, Positive Reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Discriminate stimulus, Satiation, Deprivation.
1) I liked how this section broke down the language of behavior. The way the section was written made it easy to understand the different ways to describe behavior. I also like that even if the reader does not understand some of the key terms, such as extinction, deprivation, or satiation, they are explained again in the summary of the section.
2) My only complaint is that I wish there had been more examples of the correct usage of various behavioral terms in the exercises. I would have especially appreciated more examples for extinction and extinction burst. I like to be sure I have a thorough understanding of the reading, which is why I prefer having more examples over fewer examples.
3) I will remember was the difference is between elicit and emit. This will be memorable because I had an adverse feeling of confusion after reading this part the first time. This made me reread the examples and complete a few extra practice problems relating to these words. I will also remember the terms extinction and extinction burst, because the crow story gave me an easily understandable story to go back to. It was also easy to make a personal connection, about multiple times when my reinforced behaviors were no longer reinforced.I will also remember the term establishing operation. This term is also more memorable because it doesn’t involve similar forms or similar sounding words.
4) I really liked how the terms were defined with detail and common examples. This helps me understand the terms a lot better. I also liked how it made us define the term in our own words.
5) In some places throughout this section I felt like there was some terms or topics that needed to be more explained more (more examples) because I wasn’t 100% sure on what it meant. I feel like they could have expand a little more on certain things.
6) I will remember that elicit is the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus. Also, remembering that deprivation is withholding any stimulus which serves as reinforcement.
7) Since the past two sections have been read, I now see Behavior Modification as something that I can actually start to break down into terms and procedures. It doesn’t seem quite so confusing anymore. I also understand that it is like a foreign language and will take time to understand all the terms and processes just like any other subject.
8) Terminology: extinction, deprivation, satiation, elicit, emit, establishing operation, extinction burst, adverse, reinforcement, stimulus,
Reading blog #3
Section 1.3 (Language of Behavior)
1) I really liked the summary section of this chapter. I thought it summarized the main points very well and helped me to force the main ideas and their meanings into my head.
2) I thought this section was rather boring. It did not introduce very many new ideas, but instead focused on how the language of behavior is complex. To me, this was fairly boring because I am more interested in learning new ideas, which the last two sections were full of.
3 a) The language of behavior is very complex and specific. This idea was pounded into my head throughout this entire section.
b) I will remember that an establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing, such as depriving mice of food so they will be more willing to complete the task that it takes to earn food. This then makes their earning of food more reinforcing because they enjoy it more.
c) Topographical is a new term I learned in this section. It means something that looks the same on the surface. I remember it easily because the book used the example of a topographical map.
1.4 (Some Behavioral Terms)
4) I liked that this section was a review of the important terms we have learned so far. This is helpful in learning and remembering these terms, and helping us to be able to use them effectively and correctly in sentences when talking about behavior.
5) There was nothing about this section that I disliked because I thought it was very helpful to take a break from learning new terms and ideas to review everything we have learned so far. I wish every textbook was set up in this way.
6 a) I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because this section reinforced the definitions. Elicit refers to the occurrence of behaviors that are in response to a stimulus. Emit refers to occurrence of a voluntary behavior.
b) I will remember the relationship between antecedent, behavior, and consequence because we have discussed in class and read about this in each section of the book so far.
c) I will remember that redundancy and repetition fosters learning because this section helped me to realize that taking a break to slow down, look back, and review what we have learned so far is the best way to keep the information in your brain.
7) These chapters did not change my idea about behavior modification because they were mostly just review of terms and ideas. However, the discussion we had in class on Thursday about whether or not modifying someone’s behavior is good or bad changed my opinion on this. I originally thought that behavior manipulation of a person was bad because “manipulation” has a negative connotation. However, I realized that you can manipulate some one’s behavior to benefit them or others, which is not as negative as I originally thought.
8) TERMS: language of behavior, reinforce, reinforcing, topographical, elicit, emit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, modify, manipulate
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the focus on language. I think that the specifics of language are something that people don’t often think about when taking a psych course. I know that I tend to think, “Well, it’s not like this is an English class, so my language skills really don’t matter.” But, this section shows that this is absolutely not the case. I think that it is really interesting that miniscule discrepancies in your language, even down to a few simple letters, can completely change the meaning of your statement. I think that this will make me much more sensitive to the language that I use in this class.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t really like about this section was the portion when there was the opportunity to create sentences of your own by speaking behaviorally. I think this has to do with my own lack of creativity rather than anything else. I found it pretty difficult to come up with sentences. I guess you could say that I found the experience to be adverse, but I guess that means I’m learning!
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section focused on a lot of the vocabulary associated with behavior modification. As I have said before, I find it much easier to learn about a new topic when I have a pretty good grasp on various terms that are going to be used. There is nothing I hate more than reading a text and encountering a number of words and terms that are confusing and foreign to me. I really liked this section because I think it not only helped clarify the things we have already learned about, but I think that it will also assist in my learning in the future.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked was where the section was placed in the book. I’m sure that there is very good reason for it being where it is, however I think that for myself personally it would have been beneficial to have this information at the beginning when I was just starting to learn these things.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Some of the things that I think I will remember from this section are the differences between operant and target behaviors. I thought that these distinctions were really interesting and were a perfect example of how a simple prefix can completely change the meaning of a word. I also think that I will remember the difference between emitted and elicited; although, I think that this distinction will take some time to master. These two words seem really similar to me and I can see how a lot of people (including myself) could get them mixed up. I like that the book did such a good job of laying out clear cut definitions and examples of what makes the words different.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
One way that my idea about behavior modification has changed is that I feel I have learned more about the process of modifying behavior. For instance, one thing that I found very interesting was the introduction of the term extinction. I had never before heard this term used in a psychological sense and I thought it was really interesting. Extinction refers to when a behavior that has previously been reinforced is not reinforced anymore, and is often quite averse to the person in question. The example used in the book was the fable of the crow. I thought that this was interesting because I not only learned a new word, but I also was able to extend my knowledge of behavior modification.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Reinforcement, Adverse, operant, target, emitted, elicited, response, extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked talking about day to day things in terms of behavior. You don’t think of things in that way as you go about your day. I sat down and though for a little while after about what my day would be like if I though about it all behaviorally, and it seemed really weird.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It seems really complicated. I did not think that learning to make some of these sentences in terms of behavior would be as complicated as it is. I had to really go back and reread a lot to make sure I had it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Behavior language is complicated, describing day to day activities in terms of behavior, and the fact that you can translate anything behaviorally.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked reviewing the old terms. To be very honest I liked the old terms because they are familiar and I understood the new ones presented, but new things are always harder to learn.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I like learning new things, but it seemed like there was just so many in this section and it is hard to remember them all.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The difference between eliciting and emitting a particular behavior, that a target behavior is something you are trying to change, and the fact that behavior language builds on itself and you have to know the basics to move on.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
It has changed in the fact that I did not realize that there would be this much depths in it, especially with all the terms. It will be hard to get all these terms down.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, day to day activities, eliciting, emitting, target behavior
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked in this section was the establishing operation and extinction. I've learned about the experiment with rats using bells and maze, and I've heard about the story about the crow that was thirsty. When the story was translated into behavioral terms, it sounded really interesting. Establishing operation is like a higher level of reinforcement and when I try to apply the idea of establishing operation and extinction to daily life, it just makes a lot of sense.
2) There is nothing that I disliked about this section.
3) 1. The definition of establishing operation and extinction, because I've read the experiment and story behind these before.
2. The difference between elicit and emit. Because it was the easiest to understand in this section.
3. The language of behavior may at first seem like a foreign language. I really didn't understand the first part of the section, but as I went through, it became clearer.
4) One thing that I really liked about this section was the in depth explanation and examples for every terms. It is so much easier to understand the terms with all the clear explanations.
5) One thing that I disliked about this section was that there were too many terms to learn, and it was very overwhelming.
6) 1. The definition of reinforcement and punishment. It has been repeated in the course a lot and it was being defined over and over again during class.
2. The definition of discriminative stimulus. It was really confusing to me at first but after looking for different examples from the website, it became clear to me and therefore I will remember it.
3. The definition of deprivation because I think that people are always deprived of something and because it is everywhere, it is easy to remember.
7) After reading section 1.3 and 1.4, I learned a lot of new terms that can be related to our daily lives. The terms used in section 1.1 and 1.2 were being defined and explained again in section 1.3 and 1.4, and there were also added explanations to them. By slowly adding a little more information about these, it makes it a lot more fun and easier to learn. It changed my perspective on how much new vocabulary I'm going to need to talk about this subject.
8) Establishing operation, extinction, reinforcement, elicit, emit, behavior, punishment, discriminative stimulus, deprivation
A. I really liked the importance placed upon terminology.
B. Learning better ways to convey information is generally interesting to me.
2. I didn't dislike anything... this will probably always be my answer to this question. I wouldn't study psych if I found these things boring!
A. I'll remember the importance of using the correct vocabulary when talking about behavior modification.
B. I'll remember the terms extinction and extinction burst.
C. I'll remember how terrible converting Aesops stories into behavioral terms makes them sound.
Why I'll remember these things: They either stood out as very important ideas or they were interesting. Or both.
A. I liked the introduction of the new terms, the challenge to use many of them in a sentence, and the french fries... to keep it interesting.
B. The same reason as always I suppose. I like psychology, and this terminology is required to effectively communicate about behavior.
A. The only thing I noticed was the multitude of boxes to fill in.
B. I understand the usefulness of repetition, but even knowing why I need to do it doesn't make it fun to rewrite a definition I just read in my own words.
A. I'll remember the terms deprivation and satiation. I'll remember these because they are related in a way, and because they are words I already knew and used in a different context.
B. I'll remember establishing operation and discriminatory stimulus because I had to fight to get them in to one of the "use as many of the terms as you can" boxes.
C. I'll remember the other simpler terms like emit, elicit, reinforce, reinforcer, punish, punisher, reinforcement, punishment, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, and operant behavior because understanding and knowing them is important to understanding and being able to use the more advanced terms and in understanding behavioral language at all.
7. The only thing that changed is my understanding oh exactly how specific the language is going to be.
8. emit, elicit, reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, punish, punisher, punishment, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, operant behavior, discriminatory stimulus, establishing operation, deprivation, satiation, extinction, extinction burst
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was the way a simple story (The Thirsty Crow) was translated in to behavioral language. It gave me a good sense of what it meant by emitting a behavior, extinction, and getting reinforced all in one story. It sounded so easy to use behavioral language in a simple behavior although I take forever to come with examples of day to day events using behavioral language.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not understand the section on extinction burst very well. I wish it could have been elaborated a little more.
3) a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because I was confused about these two terms at first but then when I understood it, it is easy to remember. Elicit means to make a behavior happen and emit means to actually perform the behavior. Also, I will remember establishing operation because of the example of the deprived rats running in a maze and how motivated they are to press the levers for a sip of water. Lastly, I will remember that almost any behavior can be translated into behavioral language.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the way all the terms were explained. They were introduced and explained with examples which made me better understand the terms. I would have been confused with the terminologies if examples were not presented.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like filling in the boxes very much because there were too many. Also, I felt that there were too many terms to learn in just one section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is target behavior because it is something that we want to occur more frequently or less frequently. Besides, I will remember what discriminate stimulus is. It is anything which sets the stage for an operant response to occur. I will also remember the difference between satiation and deprivation. Satiation is when additional reinforcement is offered to an organism, it will not help to alter the frequency of the organism’s behavior. Whereas, deprivation means preventing an organism from receiving something that is reinforcing.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these sections, my thought about behavior modification has changed in the fact that behavioral language can be applied to any behavior that is emitted. Although I find it difficult to apply behavioral language at this point, I belief that I will get good at it by the end of this semester.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral language, elicit, emit, reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, deprivation, satiation, organism, operant response.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite part of this section was the use of examples. The stories about learning spanish in a certain way made me think about how it'll be for us when we learn the terminology for this class. I also liked the activity boxes that had us explain why something was a punishment or a reinforcement because it helped us think of it in real life situations.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked least about this section was the sections about writing sentences using the words punish, punishment, and punisher (same with reinforce, reinforcement and reinforcer) because it seemed to be something that everyone should already know.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember would be the spanish story, the dog bite story, and the use of the word extinction. I will remember these things because examples are easy to remember for me, and the word extinction in BMod terms means the same thing extinction does in everyday terms.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked most about this section was the repetition of the terms we already learned because it reading the word and the definition over and over again helps with memorization.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything in particular that I disliked about this section, I think it was a good section to read because of the review. The only thing I'd say was hard was when the section introduced new words after reviewing the rest of them, but that is to be expected when learning!
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember to think of Skinner when I think of operant behavior, and i will remember the definitions of reinforcement and punishment. I think those are engraved in my brain at this point.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavior modification haven't changed much because the majority of section 1.4 was reviewing the terms that we have already learned like punishment, reinforcement, operant behavior, target behavior, response, emitted/elicited, etc. When the section introduced new terms like satiation and discriminate stimulus, it changed my mindset about behavior modification a bit because it is getting slightly more difficult.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
punishment, reinforcement, operant behavior, target behavior, response, emitted/elicited, extinction, satiation and discriminate stimulus
Section 1.3
1)What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example of the crow story where the story was given in plain English and then translated to the language of behavior. I really liked that because it is still hard to separate the definitions of words that we learned to use in everyday English from the definitions that are solely reserved for behavior. That story was a good example of how we can begin trying to translate everything into behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least was filling out the bubbles, but not knowing if I was giving correct answers (or accurate answers). The bubbles are great exercises to practice using behavior language, but sometimes I wonder if I am using the words in the correct way, so I do not like that there is nothing I can double check my work with.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember establishing operation because that is something that will make it more likely for someone to elicit a desired response, so it may be important when trying to modify someone’s behavior. I will remember extinction because that is the fluctuation in response/behavior when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. This will be important in behavior modification because we cannot always, continually, and infinitely reinforce a certain behavior that we are trying to change in someone else. There will come a time when we do stop reinforcement and it will be important to know how that person (or animal) will react when that time comes. I will remember that it is important to try to translate regular English into behavior language because that is a vital part of behavior modification, you must be able to explain the antecedent, behavior, and consequence of that behavior and how you are going to use punishment or reinforcement to increase or decrease the desired behavior.
Section 1.4
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that all of the behavior modification terms were given and defined for us in this section. Even though it is slightly redundant for some terms, it is useful to continue going over the definitions and examples of them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I found some of the definitions slightly confusing, especially when they weren’t given with an example. I am still a little unsure of the exact definition of operant behavior, but I feel that I have a grasp of the general meaning of the phrase. That term was used in an example and I think that is why I am having a little more difficulty fully understanding the phrase.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember discriminative stimulus, since I believe that these stimuli are the ones in our environment that influence our behavior the most without us even realizing it. For instance, when the lights in a theater go down, everyone stops talking and puts their phones away. No one told us to do so and there isn’t even a sign that says to be quiet, and yet the dimming of the lights elicits that behavior in everyone. I will remember satiation because if someone is satiated, then you will no longer be able to modify their behavior. I will remember deprivation because the withholding of a certain stimulus is what gives rise to establishing operation, which makes it more likely to emit a behavior.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I am now realizing how complicated the language of behavior modification is. I didn’t realize that there would be so many specific terms for the language of behavior.
Terms: establishing operation, elicit, reinforced, extinction, antecedent, behavior, consequence, punishment, operant behavior, discriminative stimulus, satiation, deprivation
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how there was many examples, it made it so someone could practice what the book is trying to explain,
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything I did not like but maybe some reminders of past terms could be helpful.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The lanuage of behavior is very specific and it matters if it is used correctly (words and phrases matter and should be understood). Elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do a behavior. I will remember that because of the examples given in the books. Also that words like reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing, etc all have different means and that is how many things language are. Learning about behavior modification is like learning a new language.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
It is nice to have a chapter to go back to with terms to look at.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think there needs to be more context and less boxes. I felt that sometimes there really wasn't much detail on the terms.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
If any organism behaves in a manner that leads toward something desirable, the opportunity for reinforcement may occur, thus making it much more likely that such a behavior will occur again in the future. To me this was a good definition of reinforcement and one that seems easy for me to understand. Operant Behaviors are those which set the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment.Lastly that the language of behavior modification is a cumulative process, everything is connected and needs to be remembered to know what's going on in the next chapter.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Behavior modification is like learning a new language that can be applied in everyday life. Terms are very important. It is important to see that it is cumulative and should be understand to go on to the next step or chapter.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, Emit, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinforcing, organism, punishment, Operant Behaviors
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed that instead of just listing terminology, it is first explained how important terminology is in the Behavior Modification world. This makes me pay more attention to it and learn it more precisely.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like that there really wasn't a clear definition of self-reinforcement. I was really confused and I felt it lacked a strong definition that was relate-able.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the importance of the language -- because if I don't I won't be taken seriously in this discipline. I will remember to keep my previous definitions of words at the door because they are not always the same in BMod. I will remember that what we are learning now are building blocks and that they will be needed later to build upon. Otherwise I will have to relearn them.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed that the definitions were given and then explained. And then we were told to put it in our own words. This allowed me to think about it rather than just breeze over the definitions -- and hopefully help with learning them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the sheer volume of examples to fill out. The amount of them makes me less likely to do it. Having three examples for each idea helps to learn and reinforce but seems to keep me from wanting to do it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that Behavior Modification refers to more than just humans -- but rather all organisms. This makes it applicable to multiple situations. I will remember that the Target behavior is what you are aiming for. This pun helps me to learn what it means. I will remember that emitted and elicited are the "scientific" ways to describe phenomena when discussing Behavior Modification -- because this is how we speak in the Behavior Modification world.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These sections have helped me to establish within my own opinion that Behavior Modification is a testable science with a distinct language -- that is crucial to utilizing the science.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
elicit, emit, target behavior, reinforce, self-reinforcement
Section 1.3
1ab. Something I really liked about Section 1.3 was soon I will be able to understand more and also learn more about how to speak fluently in, “behavior” language. It is really intimidating now, but I am excited to understand what I plan on studying better. I enjoyed it because it will broaden my abilities as a student, as a psychology major, and as a future occupational therapist. Another thing I liked about this section was the practice opportunities I had to better understand.
2ab. Something I disliked about this section was how intimidating it is. I honestly had to reread this section a few times to really understand what I will be doing and what is expected of me later on. Since I don’t quite have the jargin down for this matter I feel as if I am not going to succeed. I also on the other hand then become more excited for what I will learn. I also missed class because I was sick and I found it more difficult to understand the terms that were stated in this section. Im hoping that if I look over a friends notes before class on Thursday that I will have a better understanding of what these words mean
3. The three things I will remember from section 1.3 are how to change sentences behaviorally like the example about how someone “manipulated” the door.
Another important thing I will remember from section1.3 is extinction, and that it occurs in situations were previously reinforced and no longer are. I remember that by thinking of situations where a kid used to get a treat for going to the bathroom and when it is no longer considered a skill the parent stops giving a treat for going to the bathroom. The response is normally negative during what is considered the “extinction burst”
Another thing I will remember from 1.3 is that deprivation reinforces more behaviors. So depriving people of food or drink.
Section 1.4
4ab. Something I really enjoyed about this section was learning more principles and understanding the terms more. I also felt a lot more comfortable with the terms in this section because I have learned them before. So reading this section was reinforcing my prior knowledge from previous courses
5ab. something I didn’t like about this section was the discriminative stimuli, I understood it more as I read it repetitively but at first it didn’t really click well for me.
6.Three things I will remember from section 1.4 is what a target behavior is. It is what you want to increase or decrease in behavior. So I wouldn’t want to pick my nose and would try to decrease the frequency or that, but something I would like to increase is how often I drink water throughout the day
Another cool thing I learned in this section is the difference between emitted and elicited. Elicited is an occurance from a planned or unplanned stimulus, whereas I look at emitted as a planned behavior or decision. Another interesting thing I learned and will remember from this section is what a deprivation is. It is withholding something to get a desired response or action. So for instance I wouldn’t give my dog food until they were sitting behind me and didn’t bark for a few hours.
7. Now that I have read these sections my thoughts on behavior modification have changed slightly. I did not realize in its entirety how manipulative behavior modification is. I also didn’t realize how subconscious or conscious shaping a new behavior can be. It is really cool that we have way more power than we think we do.
Terms Used: behavior modification, elicited, emitted, target behavior, desired response, language, manipulated, extinction burst, negative, deprivation
1) I enjoyed when the section discussed how becoming more familiar with the terms and being able to use them fluently would ultimately put someone in a better position to view the world and peoples’ actions from a behavioral perspective. That reinforced the reason for the section and created a clear motive for learning the context with in the text.
2) One thing I disliked in this section was when it first started to refer to things in the proper behavioral terms. I did not dislike this because of the information it was covering. I disliked on the sole factor that it sounded so unfamiliar and strange to phrase things in that manner. The section definitely made it clear that practice on this topic is very essential.
3) (a) I will remember who strange it was to first hear the ABCs of behavior phrased in correct behavioral terms. (b) Also, practicing explaining and interpreting behavioral events will take practice, just like understanding any other language, but will ultimately help one to see the world from a behavioral perspective. (c) More of the fine print material in the section that I will remember is that extinction is when a behavior is no longer reinforced, while deprivation is withholding of certain materials.
4) This section is a little overwhelming because it defines so many terms and you feel like it will be impossible to remember all of the terms, but I liked how there was sections in the text that went into more detail describing the terms. These paragraphs gave me a little time to breath and take the time better understand the term as a whole rather than just the definition.
5) Like I stated above, I did not really enjoy this section defining so many terms just because it seemed overwhelming to be able to understand/memorize all of the definitions. I understand that it is a necessity to known all of the definitions by heart but that does not change the fact that it’s a bit overwhelming thought.
6) (a) I will remember that learning and understanding the definitions of the behavioral terms is essential to understanding behavior modification. (b) Operant behavior set the occasion for reinforcement or punishment to occur and will always occur before either of those actions take place. (c) Lastly, target behaviors can be the increase or the decrease of the occurrence of a behavior. I sometimes automatically assume that when discussing a target behavior that one wants to increase that behavior so I will now remember that it can go both ways.
7) I am now starting to look at behavior modification as a topic that you need to always be learning new things and applying things as you go. It’s a subjects that involves building on what you learn before and being able to pull information from areas that other people may overlook. The language involved in behavior modification is a very cumulative and is very essential to the overall understanding on behaviors.
8) Behavior Modification, Reinforcement, Punishment, Target Behavior, ABCs of Behavior, Deprivation, Extinction
1) I enjoyed when the section discussed how becoming more familiar with the terms and being able to use them fluently would ultimately put someone in a better position to view the world and peoples’ actions from a behavioral perspective. That reinforced the reason for the section and created a clear motive for learning the context with in the text.
2) One thing I disliked in this section was when it first started to refer to things in the proper behavioral terms. I did not dislike this because of the information it was covering. I disliked on the sole factor that it sounded so unfamiliar and strange to phrase things in that manner. The section definitely made it clear that practice on this topic is very essential.
3) (a) I will remember who strange it was to first hear the ABCs of behavior phrased in correct behavioral terms. (b) Also, practicing explaining and interpreting behavioral events will take practice, just like understanding any other language, but will ultimately help one to see the world from a behavioral perspective. (c) More of the fine print material in the section that I will remember is that extinction is when a behavior is no longer reinforced, while deprivation is withholding of certain materials.
4) This section is a little overwhelming because it defines so many terms and you feel like it will be impossible to remember all of the terms, but I liked how there was sections in the text that went into more detail describing the terms. These paragraphs gave me a little time to breath and take the time better understand the term as a whole rather than just the definition.
5) Like I stated above, I did not really enjoy this section defining so many terms just because it seemed overwhelming to be able to understand/memorize all of the definitions. I understand that it is a necessity to known all of the definitions by heart but that does not change the fact that it’s a bit overwhelming thought.
6) (a) I will remember that learning and understanding the definitions of the behavioral terms is essential to understanding behavior modification. (b) Operant behavior set the occasion for reinforcement or punishment to occur and will always occur before either of those actions take place. (c) Lastly, target behaviors can be the increase or the decrease of the occurrence of a behavior. I sometimes automatically assume that when discussing a target behavior that one wants to increase that behavior so I will now remember that it can go both ways.
7) I am now starting to look at behavior modification as a topic that you need to always be learning new things and applying things as you go. It’s a subjects that involves building on what you learn before and being able to pull information from areas that other people may overlook. The language involved in behavior modification is a very cumulative and is very essential to the overall understanding on behaviors.
8) Behavior Modification, Reinforcement, Punishment, Target Behavior, ABCs of Behavior, Deprivation, Extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how you gave definitions to the terms followed by using the terms with different examples. It helped me fully understand what the definitions of the terms we are using are.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
For me, I lost interest in the reading a little over half way through it. It started to get too in depth with all of the different definitions and examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember these three things from this section: 1. The difference between elicit and emit. Elicit is to make the behavior occur whereas emit means to actually do the behavior. 2. Establishing operation is a procedure that makes a reinforcer more reinforcing. 3. Language of behavior is very specific, and it can be used in just about almost everything.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how you gave the term, definition, and then followed it with an example. I learn best with terms followed by examples, so I really appreciate when the text is like this.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt like this section was rather repetitive. I feel like I had a grasp on some of the terms the first time around.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? 1. Target behavior is the behavior at which you increase or decrease the frequency of this happening. For example, wanting to decrease the frequency of drinking soda, "drinking soda" would be the target behavior. 2. Satiation is where the organism has had its fill of something and no longer desires this. For example, eating a whole tub of ice cream can make someone not want anymore ice cream, and ice cream could become not desirable anymore. 3. Discriminate stimulus is any stimulus which sets the occasion and tells you what to do more or less.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I feel like I have a better understanding over the topic of behavior modification after learning all of the terminology in these two sections. They helped me understand some of the things that I did not really think about before reading.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, emit, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, language of behavior, target behavior, satiation, discriminate stimulus
1. What is one thing you really liked about this section and why?
-I really liked how the book used the fables as an example on how to translate “normal English” into “the language of behavior”. This helped my understanding of what will be expected of me in the sense of understanding how to apply behavioral terms to real life examples.
2. What is one thing you dislikes about this section? Why?
-I sort of wish there was an example in this section other than the fables that showed how I might use behavior language in a clinical setting, or if I will use it in “real life” outside of this class. If at all possible is this something we can talk about in class of Thursday?
3.What are three things you will remember from this section you read and why?
A) I will remember the difference between Elicit and Emit because I was able to see a few examples on how they apply in real life. I particularly like the example of “The stop sign elicited a braking behavior. The driver emitted the braking behavior.” I think that is a very clear example that will help me remember the difference.
B) I will remember that the word establishing operation is used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. Because of the story of the crow. The establishing operation was the deprivation of water and that is what made the crow behave the way he did.
C) I will remember that extinction bursts occur when during extinction the person begins to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. I had briefly heard this word during research methods as being used as a control variable
4. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really liked how this section was set up. I think it helped a lot to have the word, then a definition, then an explanation of the definition and then having us try to explain it and use it. This chapter helped me understand what each word meant in itself and it got me to think about how I understood it.
5. What was one thing that you disliked that was in the section? Why?
-There was not much that I disliked about this section. It clarified the vocabulary for me and I really needed that. I wish the examples would have been more interesting.
6. What are three things you remember from this section and why?
A) When we buy things at stores we are reinforcing our attraction to the commercials that elicited that behavior.
B) I will remember that a free feeding weight is recording the weight of the rat when it is allowed to eat when it needs to. This has to do with behavior modification because when a rat is not deprived of food it has little motive to work for food.
C) Discriminate stimulus is any stimulus which sets the occasion for a operant response to occur. This means that the stimuli in the environment act as signals for certain behaviors to occur in response to the presence of such stimuli. These are like stop signs.
7. Now that you have read sections 1.3 and 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)
-I didn’t realize that behavior modification had so many special terms and that it required understanding it as though it was a special language.
Terms I used:
Deprived, Operant response, stimuli, free feeding weight, reinforcement, Elicit, Emit, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, Extinction,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This section explained the terms in an easy to follow fashion, an example being the crow and the pitcher. First it was told in general terms followed by an explanation using behavior modification terms. Seeing bmod information presented in everyday terms helps to emphasize how much behavior modification are used in everyday scenarios that are overlooked.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only issue I had with this chapter was elicit and emit being explained so closely during the section. If they explained them less clustered during the section I feel it would have been easier to comprehend the difference.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Establishing operations is used to make a reinforce more reinforcing (example: making food taste good)
b)Extinction is a term that refers when a situation where previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced.
c) Language used in behavior is precise, being able to distinguish between specific terms is similar to learning a new language.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This chapter has a lot of terminology, and it refers back to other terminology from other sections. The chapters are starting to come together and we are getting more in depth with what behavior modification is. There are few real world examples in this section but the information is presented well.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this chapter, the information was presented upfront. That being said with all of this new terminology being explained and used the reading was a bit dense. The pacing of the information was almost too quick to fully comprehend what was meant.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) Operant behavior refers to the network of factors and events involved in the behavior of human and non-human animals, more in depth operant behaviors are who which set the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment.
B) Elicit means to make a behavior occur. Emit means to do the behavior.
C) This section really drove home how cumulative the learning of behavior terminology is. You cannot understand the bigger picture if you don’t understand the smaller areas.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These two sections have given me more terminology to familiarize myself with before saying that I understand behavior modification.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, Emit, Operant Behavior, reinforcement, extinction, desired response, deprivation, extinction burst.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- The one thing I really like about this section is how the explanation towards learning new vocabulary is related to learning a new language. It is not the same learning a new language and focusing only on definitions and words, instead is more how to apply it and where. The relations towards spanish in this case, was very interesting and gathered my attention a lot.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I dislike where the big quotes, since I am not used tot he terminology yet and the exact meaning since I am still learning how to apply them, it took me a while to actually understand the quotes. However, it was a very interesting reading so I did not get bored that easily.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the new terminally extinction.
b) I will remember how to apply ore often the words punishment, reinforcement and operational behavior.
c) I will remember how learning new terminology could be related to the learning of a new language.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- What I really like in this chapter was the new terminology. Some of this words I have heard them before, but did not used them on a daily basis because I found other words easier to use. However, the examples in the reading helped to have more practice and try to apply these new words more often. Also it was a new clarification at the end to keep in mind that this new terminology will be applied till the end of the semester so we should always practice and remember them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I liked the least was the wiki definitions. This is because I don’t really use wiki at all because it is known for a not that valid source however, it was not bad but the explanation followed by the definition was more helpful.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the new terminology like elicited, emitted and deprivation and to practice them.
b) I will keep in mind all the new vocabulary must be in my mind because we will use very often.
c) I will remember the rat examples since they were used a lot.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
-My thought towards behavior modification has not change yet at all, is just learning the new vocabulary. Maybe with different sources like videos, pictures or different topics might change a little but so far I don’t really see a reason for my thought to change.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, emitted, elicited, deprivation.
1. Before reading this section of the book I thought that behavior modification was more about the ABC’s . I This is because the first two sections were more about the ABC’s and I also didn’t realize how much and how important terminology was going to be to understanding behavior modification. I really don’t know why I thought this. Just it has been a huge surprise with how much there really is.
2. The first thing that I really remember is seriously how important terminology is. I’m honestly starting to panic about how much there really is. And how different one word can be but in slight variations. I know that I am going to remember it because right now I’m in a panic about all of it.
3. The second thing that I am going to remember is establishing operation. I will remember that it used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. And how I know this is because I feel bad for the lab rats being deprived food or water so that they will be more compelled to do something for the food and water.
4. Finally I will remember the story about the crow and how he would drop the stones in the water so that he could rise the water level so he could drink. He was experiencing extinction from not being able to drink the water, so he would had have died, to then learning about the stones which after one stone his behavior was reinforced by getting a little bit closer to the water. I will remember this only because the bird almost died (extinct) and then after dropping a stone repetitively because of reinforcement he lived.
5. I liked how there were stories. The stories helped to understand the vocabulary better. And for some reason this chapter in the beginning made me laugh out loud a little bit. I’m really enjoying actually reading from this book while in other classes I seem to be doing everything I can to avoid the reading.
6. What I didn’t enjoy in this section was the second writing portion. I had a very difficult time trying to figure out how to go about doing this. I wish I could have asked more questions in class before having it due.
7.. I don’t think that this section is really changing what I think about behavior modification. Only because before I really started taking this class I didn’t put very much conscious thought about specific behavior modification. So everything that I have been reading has just been making sense and adding in.
1.The first thing I am really going to remember is reinforcement and punishment. That when you reinforce you will want to increase behavior while punishment you want to decrease behavior. This is because we have gone over these two terms repetitively
2. The second thing that I am going to remember is the word deprivation and how it means holding back a certain stimulus to try to get something to do what you want it to do. I know that I will remember this because deprivation like deprive means that you hold something back.
3. The third thing that I will remember target behavior. Because it just fits in with thinking that the behavior of a certain thing (target). It is quite obvious.
4. What I liked about this chapter is that the vocabulary is starting to make a little more sense. It goes into more detail about how we can use the words and more in depth.
5. I’M STILL HAVING A HARDER TIME UNDERSTANDING OPERANT BEHAVIOR! If we could please go over this more in class that would be awesome!
6. My opinion of behavior modification is still about the same. I’m still just going along with the class and learning as I go. In this chapter though a lot of terminology was clarified which was nice!
Terms: Behavior, Reinforcement, establishing operation, reinforcing, reinforcer, extinction, deprivation, punishment, target behavior, operant behavior.
1. I enjoyed the examples of terms being used in proper sentences and paragraphs. It is confusing, and very much like learning a new language. But I was able to practice using the terms by learning the examples provided, and with those examples, I was able to get a feel of writing/speaking behaviourally. I also really enjoyed being able to practice interpreting a whole normal English story into a behavioural English story! I did not know if I could do it, but I broke the paragraph down into little pieces of information, and paired those information with the terms I learned, and put everything together to form a paragraph that was written behaviourally. I am still not sure what I had written down is correct, but I enjoyed being able to try out the paragraph on my own.
2. I cannot say that I like certain things about this chapter less than the other, because this chapter is very enjoyable overall. But I get frustrated and confused with behavioural paragraphs. I understand sentences just fine, but when numerous sentences are put together and I have to interpret a paragraph, that’s when things get harder. But being frustrated means I am learning, so it is worth it overall.
3. I will remember how to translate from normal English to behavioural English since I voluntarily emitted the practice behaviours with the boxes provided. I will also remember how to translate from behavioural English back to normal English for the same reason. The last thing I will remember is how to define terms in my own words, with the practices I got, I realized that it is easier to remember a term, and the knowledge will remains with me for a longer period of time, if I could define it with my own words. If I only stuffed my head with the definition provided by wiki, I would forget it as soon as I moved on to the next paragraph.
4. I enjoyed being able to learn new terms and find connection between the new terms in this section and other terms I learned previously. The writing practices also allowed me to understand the terms better and for longer period of time. The boxes also helped me think about the terms, instead of blindly learning the definition. Being able to think about the term and why they are important really helped me understand behaviour modification and its root.
5. The amount of new terms in this section is a little bit overwhelming. The whole chapter is a lot heavier than the previous ones, and it required more effort. There are old terms that are mentioned repetitively and I was bored by the repetition. But as mentioned in the previous chapter, being bored by something means I’ve already learned it, so I am glad I’ve learned the terms I needed to learn. I just need to feel more comfortable with the new terms in this chapter.
6. I will remember how important it is to define target behaviour, because if I am to manipulate someone’s behaviour consciously, I will need to know what behaviour I am manipulating. I will also remember the diagram that shows the relationship between occurred behaviour and the delivered reinforce. The diagram helped me a lot in understanding this section and I think this diagram will be a useful tool to aid my understanding of the upcoming sections. I will also remember to measure the target behaviour before an intervention, since I will need to know whether the intervention was a success or otherwise.
7. My thought about behaviour modification changed. It appears more complicated to me now. I thought it was all about reinforcing and punishing behaviours and viola! I get the results I want. But apparently there are much more to it than I previously thought.
TERMS: emit, behaviour modification, reinforce, punish, intervention, target behaviour, behavioural, manipulate
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how it explained the importance of the classification of behaviors or events, and being able to observe behaviors and put them in difference categories or classifications. I also liked the example of thinking of behaviors like a topographical map, the behaviors might look the same on the surface but they may be different when you look at them deeper. I really liked this part of the section because providing examples and helpful ways to remember different content is helpful to my style of learning.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I least liked was when we were challenged to interpret what B.F. Skinner was saying in one of his books he wrote. It isn’t that I didn’t like this section, it was just a bit frustrating because I am not familiar with the language quite yet so it made it really difficult to try and understand what he was saying.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section are; that the language of behavior is very precise because it is important that we describe behavior accurately because it is important when trying to figure out what type of behavior is being emitted. Also, I will remember not to get too frustrated with learning all of the terminology at first, because it is like learning a foreign language, it takes time. Lastly, I will remember that operations help to make reinforces more effective.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was how it went through a lot of the definitions we have talked about in previous sections. It listed the term, the definition, and an example. I found this really helpful not only because I learn well from examples, but also because adding new old terms to the explanation of new terms helps to refresh your memory of what you have already learned.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I had a hard time figuring out the difference and keeping straight the two terms, elicit and emit. I think this is because I have used them interchangeably in the past and now I know that they mean two different things.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between emit and elicit because I spent time trying to figure out the difference for a while. Also, discriminative stimuli may lead to a variety of potential responses depending on the situation. Lastly, withholding any stimulus will lead to deprivation.
Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Since I am still getting used to using BMOD terms, I still think BMOD is a lot more complex then I first thought. I am interested to see if my thoughts on this change as I get more comfortable with all the terminology.
terms:BMOD, elicit,emit, deprivation, discriminative stimuli,operations, classification, reinforcer, behaviors
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how it thought me the correct way to use "behavioral language" and the fact that we get to give our own examples. I liked this because it was something new to learn and interesting to me. I'm interested in how to explain behavior with clear cut language to describe what is going on.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought this section was a little overwhelming with how many boxes and examples to fill in. It was a little difficult for some and I'm not really sure if I'm correct.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. I will remember that these terms are the base of the class and with time will become more familiar to me and allow me to learn new material easier. 2. I will remember that describing behavior is very specific. 3. I will remember what extinction means: occurs when situations that were previously reinforced, or no longer reinforced.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how I was more comfortable with the "behavior" language because it allowed me to understand the new terms a little better that were introduced.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought there was a lot of new terms introduced which confused me a little. I think I need to reread this section a couple times to fully understand all of them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Target behaviors are want we want to occur more or less often. 2. Operant behaviors are behaviors that set the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment to occur. For example, if my dog jumps on people, the behavior of jumping sets the occasion for punishment to occur. 3. Emitted vs. Elicited: Emitted refers to the occurrence of voluntary behaviors and Elicited refers to the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus. So an example of elicited would be handing out a syllabus in class, reading it would be emitting the behavior. I will remember this because these are examples I can refer back to in the sections.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts have changed a little because I didn't really know about "behavior" language and now that I'm actually learning about it, I perceive the class differently.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target Behavior, Elicited, Emitted, Operant Behavior, Extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how the subject matter what broken down, with good doses of humor, and making it simple yet precise. In this study we need to be exact, and labeling certain environmental forces with the correct terms is vital. The terms are often easy to understand because they’re words we already know the meaning to, and we’re just applying them to a new situation, such as emit, elicit, reinforce, punish, etc..
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Establishing operant was a confusing term at first. I now know is means to set up the condition for the reinforcement to be stronger (such as deprivation of food to make food more rewarding).
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing from this section to remember is the importance of language. We need to be very specific. The second is establishing operant, which is to make a reinforcement stronger. Extinction is the process of stopping rewards for a certain behavior so that it is no longer used.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Some of the cool stuff was thinking about how I can use this new information. We’re starting to form the base of the knowledge we can use to change not only our own behavior, but those around us as well. It’s giving terms to a lot of stuff we already knew (reinforcement, punishment) and having us think about it in ways we haven’t done before.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Some of the terms can be confusing at first. Terms like discriminate stimuli(stimuli that set the occurrence for an operant response) and operant behavior(behaviors that set the occurrence for punishment or reinforcement) take some rereading and thinking.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Discriminate stimuli are stimuli that set the occurrence for operant response to occur.
Operant behaviors are behaviors that set the occurrence for punishment or reinforcement
Operant response is behavior that is modifiable by consequences.
These are the three terms I had the hardest time comprehending in this chapter; but, I’ll remember them better now that I understand them.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)? I don’t think my views on Bmod have changed much with this section. I’m glad I’m learning some new terminology and can apply these things to my own life. I’m sure we’ve all experienced extinction blast where we get frustrated doing a behavior that was previously reinforced but is now ineffective.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punisher, reinforcement, extinct, operant behavior, operant response, discriminative stimuli, establishing operant, emit, elicit
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really like how much depth they put into these sections. They go into really good detail. I like how they explain a concept throughly.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-Particularly, I didn't like the boxes in this section. Some of the boxes were hard to fill out than the others. It was hard to come with sentences that fit what they were asking us to write.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember that language is very complex. I will remember that there are many different ways to say the exact same thing. I will also remember the difference between reinforce, reinforcement, and reinforcer.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in this section? Why?
- I really liked the definition of all the terms. I also liked that they gave several examples for his term. It helped me get a better understanding of the terms. I also really liked the boxes.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I liked the boxes, but sometimes it was hard to come up with a sentence to fit what they were asking us. Also, there were a couple terms that were unclear and the examples didn't help much. Operant behavior is one term that seemed a little confusing to me.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember the difference between Emitted and Elicited. Emitted refers to the occurrence of voluntary behavior, while elicited refers to the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus. I will also remember that when you want to increase the likelihood of a behavior happening in the future you reinforce it while on the other hand, when you want to decrease a behavior you will you punishment. Also, I learned that a discriminative stimulus is any stimulus which sets the occasion for an operant response to occur.
7) Now that you have read section 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you though about behavior modification changed (or not?)
- Reading these sections has made me realize that there is a lot to behavior modification. There is a lot of terms used in BMOD. I like how each term is different, but somehow relates to each other.
8) Once your done with your post make a list of terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Operant behavior, reinforcement, punishment, elicited, emitted, behavior.
Section 1.3-
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about section 1.3 is the definitions of elicit and emit. Elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do the behavior. I thought the definitions were clear and I liked the example that was provided with the definitions.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this section was the introduction of it. I thought it was too lengthy and made me less interested in the topics to be discussed later on in section 1.3.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The three things I will remember from this section would have to be the following three definitions: establishing operation, extinction, and extinction bursts. The definition of establishing operation is a procedure that makes the reinforcer more reinforcing, the example used was being deprived of food which made you more motivated to do something when you have a chance to eat. The definition for extinction is that it occurs in circumstances that were previously reinforced but are no longer reinforced. The third thing I will remember is the definition for extinction bursts. This occurs when during extinction where the person begins to vary their behaviors in hopes of being reinforced. I will remember these three definitions because they are new to us in language of behavior modification.
Section 1.4-
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in this section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about section 1.4 is that it reviewed all of the definitions we covered thus far in the chapter. This was a good review since all of the terms were put together.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked in section 1.4 is I thought that some definitions could be more elaborate and more distinctive from similar words and their definitions. I think that it would be more clearer for me to understand the differences between some of the definitions we have.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember front reading this section would include the definitions for: deprivation, satiation, and discriminative stimuli. The definition for deprivation is to withhold a stimulus which serves as reinforcement to an organism. The definition for satiation is that it indicates that introducing any additional reinforcement to an organisms will not alter the frequency of the behavior which is being reinforced. The other definition that I will remember from section 1.4 would be discriminative stimuli. Discriminative stimuli allows us to create a response based on the circumstance in which such stimuli occur. I will remember these three definitions because I found these definitions interesting especially the discriminative stimuli.
7) Now that you have read section 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you though about behavior modification changed (or not?)
After reading these two sections, I am now able to realize how specific the language of behavior modification can be and how many terms there are to it.
8) Terms: elicit, emit, establishing behavior, extinction, extinction bursts, deprivation, satiation, discriminative stimuli, reinforcement, behavior.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really liked how everything was broken down into explanations and then examples and then we were giving a space to put the explanations into our own words and give our own examples. This made understanding the new terms an easier process.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- There wasn't really anything that I disliked in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember that a behavior is elicited which in turn emits a behavior response. I will also remember that establishing operation is basically depriving someone of something that is usually used as a reinforcement in order to make the reinforcement more reinforcing. I will remember this because the examples used were very easy to relate to.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-Once again I liked how we were given an opportunity to put the explanations of behavior terms into our own words and give our own examples, it provided as good practice.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-Discriminative stimulus was a confusing concept in the beginning just because when I think of discriminative I think of it as being something negative. The examples really helped me gain a better understanding of discriminative stimuli.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember that behaviors are elicited due to presentation of a stimulus, which then emits a behavior response. I will also remember deprivation is withholding a reinforcement stimulus. Establishing operation is altering the environment in order to increase the chance that the reinforcer is reinforcing for the person.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
-My thoughts about behavior modification haven't really changed. I am just learning new terminology that I can apply to life and situations that I previously didn't have an exact term to describe.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Behavior, response, emit, elicit, discriminative stimulus, establishing operation, reinforcement, deprivation, reinforcer, reinforcing
Section 1.3
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I definitely liked that it the beginning of this section you talked about how taking behavior modification is like taking a class in foreign language. I liked that you described that what was going to happen in a large portion in this book and also the fact that you stated what would be required throughout in class activities and homework assignments. You made me feel better about the class as you stated, when you become familiar with the terms, then fluent with the language behavior you will be in a much better position to view and understands the worlds behavioral perspective. I like that the concepts of this class will help us understand the outside world’s behavioral viewpoint.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I disliked the most in this section was how everything was combined and wasn’t very explanatory. I seemed to have got really confused easily in this section. I feel like it was hard to learn anything when I just was focused on doing the homework and it was easy to overthink because there were so many terms and processes of so many behavioral term.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
In this section I will remember, 1) the definitons and meanings of frustration and giving up. I never knew that frustration means that you were just in a process of learning, I looked at it as you were so unsatisfied with what was going on that you just wanted to be done with it and so forth with giving up. 2) i will remember elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to do the behavior. 3) the language of behavior can be used to describe most all situations. I will remember these three things the most because it was things that stood out to me the most and things that I have already learned in other classes.
Section 1.4
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked most in the section 1.4 is that you gave us the definitions of all these terms that we have either learned or just starting to learn. You give us a chance to read over these definitions and then tell us to come up with our own definitions and give an example. What I’m meaning is that I like the fact that you give us full definition’s that you haven’t before and let us think of real definitions and examples by ourselves.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was never anything one thing that I didn’t like in this section it was just the fact that reading the section to forever because of ALL the activities that were required along with the reading. By the time I got to the end of the section I forgot a lot of the stuff I learned cause I was so focus on getting that part down and right.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Things that I will remember the most in this section 1.4 is 1) target behavior and its definition: the behavior of interest for which you are attempting to increase or decrease in frequency. I will remember this because before this section I never really understand it but now I do. 2) I will remember the term discriminate stimulus which is any stimulus that sets the occasion for an operant response to occur. And that discriminative stimulus is all around us in the environments we encounter. This is because I have never heard of this term before unlike the other terms stated in the section. 3) I will also remember the difference between satiation, providing it with reinforcement and deprivation, do not allow reinforcement.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading the sections 1.3 and 1.4 my perspectives on behavior modification haven’t really change. I just now know that the concepts all relate so much and it is complicating to think how behavior modifies all these terms and the terminology.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcment, deprivation, satiation, operant response/conditioning/behavior, discriminative stimulus, target behavior, frustration, giving up, emit, elicit, punishment.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked being able to interact with the reading during definitions. Using examples from my own day to find reinforcements and punishments are fun and challenging at the same time.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again I liked the least that there are many different terms that are similar but have very different meanings.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the definitions for Establishing Operations, Extinction, and Extinction burst. I will remember these because they are all new terms from this chapter.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed picking up some new vocabulary words used in behavior modification. They do not seem to hard to remember and are pretty self explanatory.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
A little to many boxes to fill out this time!
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the terms Discriminate Stimulus, Target behavior, and Operant Behavior. These are the terms of this section that I have to have to most practice with.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I have the same feelings towards this class. I know Behavioral psychology to be very scientific and mathematical in response to Freud’s theories of the unconscious, behavioral psychologists want to be able to see what is taking place.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Discriminate Stimulus, Satiation, Deprivation, Establishing Operation, Extinction burst, Extinction
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the section focused how it is important to use the behavior terms to describe the different actions that we observe so that what we report is universal.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the ending of the section where we are to interrupt the story because I did not understand it and do not believe that it was entirely relevant.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between elicit and emit because I had to practice.
I will remember that self- reinforcement is an interesting concept because it is up to us to decide if the consequence is a reinforcer or a punisher or if it has the power to change a behavior.
I will remember that establishing operation is the "big word" for something that makes a reinforcement more reinforcing.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the section emphasized the definitions of the behaviorist words and made us use them. I like this because it can help us to elicit the behavior of using these words in real life and it helped with understanding the concepts.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything about this section because it was a very helpful section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the words that we are learning are important to understand and use because we are going to build from here.
I will remember the difference between operant behavior and target behavior because I originally thought that these were the same thing.
I will remember Satiation and what it means. I thought that this concept was very interesting and when you think about how some punishments and reinforcements are done in real life it goes against the concept of satiation.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I realize (as stated above) what self reinforcement really meant and how it is up to the person (or animal) to change their behavior. I thought that it was interesting that we hold the power based on the behavior that we emit to discriminative stimuli.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, behavior, self reinforcement, discriminative stimuli, consequence, satiation, punishment, reinforcement, operant behavior, target behavior, emit
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that it doesn't just limit the possibility of changing a behavior in humans, but that you can also change behaviors that you don't like in animals as well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really like how there were sections where I just felt were rambles more then me actually reading something important.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that language is very difficult to learn and understand completely, especially the language of behavior. The second thing I will remember is that if you get bored doing something it is because you've already learned it or know how to do it. The final thing I will remember is that extinction occurs in a situation where previously reinforced behaviors are no longer reinforced.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this section because it was a basic overview of all the words that we should be able to know and learn throughout the semester.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
At the same time, I didn't really like that the entire section was vocabulary because I knew most of the words that were covered.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Establishing operations is an alteration of the environment which serves to increase the chance that the reinforcer is, indeed, reinforcing to an organism. The second thing I will remember is that deprivation is withholding any stimulus which serves as reinforcement to an organism. The last thing I will remember from this section is that behaviors which are emitted are typically operant behaviors which set
the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts on behavior modification haven't realy changed at all. I still think that its mostly about changing people's behaviors, but now I know more ways which I could manipulate people to change their behaviors.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
extinction, establishing operation, reinforcer, reinforcing, reinforcement, punishment, behavior.
Section 1.3
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I think the thing I enjoyed most about this section was the honesty. Most textbooks will throw terms at you and expect you to just absorb the information like some sort of knowledge sponge. But this section explicitly states that it is okay to not understand some of this behavior modification stuff at first. This section admits that the course material can be confusing at first. But it also reassures that it will get easier. There were certain parts that I read and it was initially hard to wrap my mind around. Some things in the first couple of sections were a bit confusing. And even our in class discussion showed that these concepts could be hard to grasp. So I am glad that this section covered the fact that it can be difficult when first presented. I know that it’s not just me!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked least about this section was the confusion. Some of the terms and concepts were hard for me to understand. But I am sure that once we go over the topics in class I will be more able to grasp them. Last week I was having trouble with a couple of terms, but after we met in class, I was more able to understand the concepts. Even though this section was a little hard to read through – it still reassured me that that was okay! (which was what I liked most)
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The first thing I will remember from this section is that the language of behavior is very precise. This was discussed in section 1.2. Section 1.2 explains the difference between reinforcement, reinforcer, and reinforcing. Before reading that section I would not have known that difference. And before reading this section, I would not have known how to describe that difference. So I will remember that the language of behavior is precise.
b. Another thing I will remember from this section is the difference between elicit and emit. To elicit a behavior is to make the behavior occur. But when a behavior is emitted, it means that the behavior was actually being done. For example, drinking a lot of water can elicit a feeling of having to use the restroom. And the feeling of having to use the restroom will make a person emit the behavior or excusing themselves. It will be important for me to be able to decipher between the terms elicit and emit. So I will remember the difference between them.
c. The third thing I will take from this section is the difference between deprivation and extinction. Deprivation is an establishing operation that makes a reinforcer more reinforcing. The example that the section gives is when a lab rat is deprived of water for a certain amount of time. Then that lab rat will probably be more motivated to run through a maze if he is offered some water. But extinction is when you have a situation that was once reinforced and is no longer reinforced.
Section 1.4
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the overall layout of this chapter. It was easy to read through and see what behavioral modification terms were where. I was easy to understand, and it will come in handy for later use in the course. This section will be helpful because it just goes over the main terms used in behavioral modification.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I didn’t really like about this section was the pair of terms: operant behavior and target behavior. I understand what target behavior is. But I do not see the difference between the two. Operant behavior is something that sets the occasion for a reinforcement or a punishment to occur. And a target behavior is the behavior that we try to increase or decrease in frequency. A target behavior is something that we are essentially trying to change. Can’t operant behavior be changed as well? Or be made more or less likely to occur? Can a target behavior be an operant behavior? These two things were just really hard for me to separate from one another.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. The first thing I will take from this section is that the language of behavior is cumulative. This is the case because we are constantly adding on things to what we have already learned. So now after both sections, we know that behavior language is both precise and cumulative.
b. The second thing I will take from this section is the idea of satiation. I think that satiation will be an important term to know throughout the semester. Satiation is when you add more reinforcement but it doesn’t alter the frequency of the behavior that is happening.
c. The third thing I will take from this section to remember are all of the great examples. I have never had a “textbook” that makes us fill out so many of our own examples. I think that that will really help my learning about behavior modification. And the examples are also something that I can keep and go back to look at if I ever have questions about certain terms and things.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
After reading these sections, I have started to think that behavior modification is a lot more complex than I originally had imagined. There are many terms that we have learned thus far, and some of those terms are hard to understand. I am just glad that these sections lay out the terms in the way that they do. These sections let us know, as readers, that it is okay to not fully understand the language of behavioral modification at first. So even though these sections can be difficult to read through, they are also reassuring and helpful.
TERMS: Behavior, Reinforcement, Reinforcer, Reinforcing, Elicit, Emit, Deprivation, Extinction, Operant Behavior, Target Behavior, Cumulative, Satiation
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked about this section of the book was how well the translation of a story to a behavior sentence was explained. It made it much easier to translate the story at the end by myself because it was explained in a much simpler way.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The beginning of the section was very easy to understand and follow, however, when we dove deeper into the section I fell like it got a bit more complex very quickly. Although everything was explained very well, I think it was a lot to throw at the reader.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. I will remember that establishing operation is something that reinforces an existing reinforce. 2. An extinction happens in situations where something was reinforced and now it no longer is reinforced. 3. The language of behavior is very specific and many of the words used within it can be used in many different ways, so be careful how we express things when writing in this class.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that each word was given a definition and then also explained a bit more clearly. This really helped me learn how to word should be used correctly in a sentence.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I feel like this chapter included a very large amount of words that we needed to memorize very quickly. I understand that all of these things will be used when moving on to later in the book, but it just seemed like a lot of information very quickly.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. the first thing I will remember about this section is almost all of the definitions of these words. They were very clear and easy to understand and obviously important. 2. I will also remember how to use these words in a sentence when describing something in my writing. 3. I will remember that the language of behavior is cumulative and you cannot forget things we learned in chapter 1.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
The only thing that has changed about my thoughts on behavior modification is that I realize how important it is to learn and remember everything from these first few chapters because this subject is cumulative and these things must be remembered in order to progress in the language of behavior.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that this section as a whole is a section that is dedicated to the importance of using the correct terminology when speaking from a behavioral perspective. It has shown me that I need to be careful with the specific terms I use when completing assignments or speaking in class.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything in particular that I disliked, but this section does have me feeling nervous. I'm worried that I will get frustrated and use terms incorrectly, and I'm worried that I wont learn it as well as one probably should.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A - The first thing I will remember is that nearly any situation can be translated into speaking from a behavioral perspective. This will teach me to actually view the world from a more behavioral standpoint even after the class is finished.
B - The second thing I will remember from this section is that it is okay if I become frustrated with trying to learn the language of behavior, this section is another part that I liked, because inability to learn something I need to learn is a very big anxiety of mine, and I become easily frustrated.
C - The third thing I will remember from this section is the difference between what it means to elicit a behavior and to emit a behavior. I had never really thought about the differences, but I am actually confident I understand how and when to use each word.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that this section gives actual definitions in the text. We discussed this in class last Thursday, and I am definitely a person that likes to have clear cut definitions. I understand this is not always possible, especially in the language of behavior, but I am glad that there are some terms that can be clearly defined.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I least liked that some parts are becoming redundant to read. Having said that, however, it is highly important to note that this simply means I am beginning to really learn some of this information, just like it states in the summary of this section, that redundancy and repetition is good, and it means that I am learning.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A - I will remember what the relationship between satiation and deprivation is. These two terms seem to me that they are often used in behavior modification, and given that they have definitions provided, I will remember them.
B - The second thing I will remember from this section is what an establishing operation is. I can relate and draw connections from this term to other terms we've learned. I feel that I am starting to see the connections between these terms, enabling me to understand how to use them.
C - The third thing I will remember from this section is what a discriminate stimulus is. This was a new term for me, but having a definition and understand what the individual words in the term mean will help me understand how to use this phrase correctly.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
These sections have not particularly changed what I thought about behavior modification. From the first two sections of the book I could tell that I was going to constantly be broadening my knowledge, so I have grown to expect that the further we delve into what behavior modification is.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: elicit, emit, behavior, satiation, deprivation, establishing operation, discriminate stimulus.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example of the story and it being translated into behavioral language. I think this helped me to better understand the behavior and how to change different scenarios into behavioral language
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t like trying to change examples into behavioral language, not because I didn’t find it helpful, but because this was difficult from me and I’m not sure that I’m doing it even close to right. This section was very challenging for me to understand, but with time I’m sure I will get the hang of it.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the terms elicit and emit. Elicit means to make a behavior occur and emit means to actually do the behavior. These terms seem simple to me and easy to remember. Along with the term extinction because this is when a behavior is not longer being reinforced.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section built off of the last section when it came to the terms. I think that this helps to make sure we know the previous terms and also how they go along with the new terms. I liked that there was so many opportunities to make our own examples.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Just like the last section, coming up with examples was a challenge, but just because it’s new to me and maybe if there was more in depth definitions or examples it would come to me better.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Response which is the result of a stimulus, deprivation which is withholding a stimulus as reinforcement, and target behavior which is the behavior you are trying to increase or decrease from occurring.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Nothing has really changed, but I have definitely gained more knowledge. I had no idea coming into behavior modifications that I was going to be learning a new language. This is definitely going to challenge me, but I’m looking forward to really getting to know the behavior language.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior language, target behavior, response, deprivation, elicit, emit, extinction, reinforcement
1. I really liked how this section related the language of behavior to Spanish. It made it a lot easier to relate to and to understand what is trying to be taught.
2.What I didn't like about this section was how confusing some of the terms were. I thought the difference between elicit and emit were kind of confusing when comparing the two and I'm afraid that I will get them mixed up. There are a few other terms that also seem confusing, but I'm sure the more that I practice them the easier they will become to understand.
3. One thing that I will remember is the importance of the terminology and language in behavior modification. I didn't know that behavior really had it's own language. I will remember this because it is a very important part in the class. I will also remember that behavior is like Spanish and I might not understand it right away, but the more I use the language, the more I will be able to understand it. This will help me gain confidence in the class. The last thing I will remember is to know the difference between similar terms and how to use them the right way. This will be important throughout the class.
4. I really liked that this section gave the definition for terms, and then gave a very relevant example of how to use them. It made the terms easier to understand.
5. There wasn't anything specific that I didn't like about this section, again I am just worried about all of the terms. I am going to have to find a way to not just memorize them, but to fully understand them in order to make the class easier and to do well in the class.
6. I will remember what satiation is: when adding on reinforcements, it will not be an influence in what is already being reinforced. I will also remember deprivation: which is not giving anything to an organism that is a stimulus to reinforce. The last thing I will remember is the importance of the target behavior and the response. The target behavior is really important because it is what you want to happen based on the antecedent, behavior, etc.
7. My thoughts on behavior modification have changed by becoming a bit more worried on how this class is going to go. The amount of terms even so far have been a little challenging and again, I am really going to have to find a way to learn and understand the terms.
8. satiation, reinforcements, deprivation, target behavior, response, antecedent, behavior, elicit, emit.
1) A. I liked when elicit and emit were added into the chapter.
B. I liked that they were added because they were built on reinforcement, punishment, and behavior.
2) I least liked translating the stories without knowing if I was translating them right.
3) A. I will remember that elicit is making a behavior or action occur.
B. I will remember that emit is to actually do the behavior.
C. I will remember the story about the man who was bitten by the dog and how his friend told him to dip some bread into his bloody wound and give it to the dog.
4) A. I liked that I learned about discriminate stimulus.
B. I liked this because I have never heard of this word.
5) The thing that I least liked that we keep going over the same terms that we have spent a lot of time on already.
6) A. I will remember target behavior and that it means a certain behavior that a person is trying to increase or decrease.
B. I will remember the definition of discriminate stimulus and that it means setting a certain occasion for an operant response.
C. I will remember statiation means that there is something new will be added to reinforce that there will not change the frequency of the behavior that is being reinforced.
7) Nothing has changed from what I thought about behavior modification. I have just been getting more new information about it, like definitions.
8) Terms: Elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, behavior, discriminate stimulus, target behavior, statiation.
Section 1.3
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the fact that each concept was explained in great detail. After every concept, there were examples and then boxes for us to practice. This was my favorite thing about the section because it helped me better understand the new terms that were discussed in it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I can’t really find anything that I dislike about the section because of how well each concept was explained.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is the difference between elicit and emit. Elicit means to make a behavior occur, and emit means to actually do the behavior. I will easily remember this because it is not a hard concept to remember and there were good examples provided. Another thing that I will remember is that the language of behavior is very precise because it is important to describe behaviors accurately. I will remember this because it is repeated quite a bit in this section and in others before this. A third thing I will remember is that extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. I have seen this concept in classes before this, so I will remember it from this section.
Section 1.4
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Just like in section 1.3, I liked that there were plenty of examples and a lot of boxes for us to fill out and practice for ourselves. This really helps me understand the concepts a lot easier.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One of the things I disliked about the section is that one of the ideas was still confusing even with examples and practice. One of these ideas is discriminative stimulus. Another thing I kind of disliked is that some of the words talked about in this section were discussed in the previous section, so it seemed a bit repetitive.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is the definition of deprivation. The definition is withholding any stimulus that serves as reinforcement to an organism. It was explained well in both sections. I will also remember that a target behavior is the behavior of interest for which you are attempting to increase or decrease in frequency. I have had this concept in classes before this, so it will be easier to remember. A third thing I will remember is that the language of behavior is cumulative and can be repetitive. This was emphasized in this section and it makes sense for us to learn better.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts about behavior modification haven’t changed all that much. These two sections just introduced new behavioral terms for me to use in describing behavior and applying things to real life.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, elicit, emit, extinction, reinforced, discriminative stimulus, deprivation, reinforcement, target behavior
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was the fact that it gave an example after a new term was introduced. It makes it easier for me to understand a concept not only when it is defined, but when it's described in a real world situation.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked the least about this section was that it was a little confusing. I find it difficult to speak or write behaviorally because everything has to be so precise.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is the concept of deprivation or when reinforcers are withheld. I will also remember the term satiation or when sufficient access to the reinforcer is allowed. I will remember these terms because they are terms that I've heard before. Lastly, I will remember that the language of behavior is very precise. In reading this chapter I have learned that it is very easy to confuse terms and this is why I will remember.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was that it went over some of the terms that have already been discussed. I liked this because I tend to sort of forget concepts once I've read them and moved on so the repetition keeps the concepts in my mind.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn't like about this section was the fact that there weren't examples given about all of the concepts that were defined. There were places in which to write your own examples but I find the examples that the text gives helpful.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Two things that I will remember about this section are the definitions of reinforcement and punishment because it was repetition from a previous section and it keeps it fresh in my mind. I will also remember the definition of elicit because of the example provided in the text.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Before reading these sections, I never realized how many terms and concepts you need to understand in order to be precise in your understanding of behavior modification.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Deprivation, satiation, reinforcer, behavior, elicit, reinforcement, punishment
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1) I really liked that it explained that the language of behavior modification is very complex and it is okay to not to get it right away. I liked how it challenged me to think a bit critically. It was difficult, but at the same time comforting because it let the reader know that it would take time to develop the new terminology. I like how the new terms were also explained simply and with examples so they were easier to understand. I liked reviewing reinforcement and punishment and the terms elicit and emit and aversive.
2) I least liked the ending where it asked you to translate the story into behavior modification terminology. I didn't know how to do it, and was confused as how to do it. It was complex and confusing and I think this is why I disliked this section so much. The concepts I didn't follow well was the establishing operation, and extinction burst.
3) Three things I will remember from this section are; a-the language of behavior is super complex. This made sense to me as it is a confusing language to understand, and it compared it to learning a foreign language. It cannot be done overnight. b-I also learned how to better understand statements written in behavioral terminology. It still is difficult for me, but easier than before, by having to do it through the exercises given. c-I learned how to better use the terms aversive, elicit, and emit. Elicit and emit are confusing to me sometimes, so the practice helped me remember the difference.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4) I like how it went through and defined all the previous terms we had learned just so you can get a better understanding. I like how it asked you to write your own definition for things so you could explain what it meant to you and give an example of your own. I like how it also introduced new terms. It gives actual definitions and I liked that.
5) Some of the material was repetitive. It felt like I had to write the same kind of thing over and over in this section. Then again, this is important to practice so it becomes more familiar material. Also, since I'm a beginner at behavior modification terminology it's good to get drilled on it till it becomes automatic.
6) The 3 things I will remember from this section is; a-I will remember the term discriminate stimuli because it was new for me. It's also still confusing for me. This term is supposed to mean it sets the occasion for the response. b-I also learned how to better define punishment and reinforcement through the exercises and having to give examples. c-I also now better understand the terms operant and target behavior. Operant behavior is like the antecedent & "sets the stage" for either reinforcement or punishment. Target behavior is the behavior you wish to manipulate to either increase or decrease its frequency.
7) My idea of behavior modification is that it is much more difficult and complex and confusing than I initially thought. Some things are not defined as what they sound like they would be. Making the adjustment is going to take time and practice, and I didn't know this would be the case.
8) Behavior modification, reinforcement, punishment, elicit/emit, aversive, est. operation, extinction burst, discriminate stimuli, operant and target behavior.
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The exercises along the way are really helpful because it’s still a hands on learning experience even though its being taught online.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The Aesop fable examples provided that we had to turn into behavior modification language seemed kind of difficult versus just a normal paragraph about something because its almost too complicated to translate.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the language of behavior is very precise because its important to describe behaviors accurately. I will also remember the language of behavior can be used to describe almost all situations. And lastly that an establishing operation helps make the reinforce more effective.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the examples provided and the wiki definitons and how that relates to behavior modification because it helps make the concept clear to me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There were a lot of terms in this section and it makes it harder for me to remember them and differentiate between them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One) The language of behavior is cumulative. Two) For an establishing operation to be effective, it needs to ensure that an organism’s behavior will be modified based on the type of reinforcement being used. Establishing operations make the reinforcer more attractive or more reinforcing. Three) In deprivation, you do not allow an organism to receive something which is reinforcing, often by virtue of the fact that it is necessary toward the survival of the organism.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I had no idea it was going to be just like learning another language, one that is so similar to what I’m used to, but still rather precise and distinct in its own way.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Language behavior
Establishing operation
Section 1.3
1 a&b) The part I really enjoyed in this section was attempting to ‘translate’ the behavior language sentences. It was really crazy trying to interpret what each of these statements meant.
2) The part I liked least the low amount of examples. I was trying really hard to come up with examples for the sentences but I could only think of previous section examples, it would have been interesting if there was an environment or situation prompt to help us the language.
3) Three things from the reading I will remember:
a. Extinction burst where a person varies their behavior in hopes of reinforcing it. The first day of class you attempted to start the projector and kept trying different angles with the remote and you mentioned this language for behavior, it is cool to understand that to an extent now.
b. The story about the bird using the rocks to get water. It was really interesting to see how complicated behavior language is but also how much it explains when used. It was also helpful to see how each of the concepts like extinction burst, reinforcement and deprivation all work together.
c. Satiation or when sufficient access to a reinforcer is allowed explains why reinforcing rats in maze runs with food or water is so powerful. It is cool to understand concepts that you observe or know and a deeper level.
Section 1.4
4 a&b) One aspect about this section that I really liked were the fun examples and prompts for writing my own sentences. From French fries to ice cream, I’m just glad I wasn’t hungry when I read this section! I enjoyed it because it made learning and applying the terms more practical but also fun.
5) One thing I like least was the amount of write a sentence and use as many other terms as possible in the last part of the section. This was mainly because after the first few boxes my brain was tired of figuring out the combinations and definitions of the words together.
6 a,b&c) Three things I will remember from this section are:
a. How terms build on one another. I am already starting to notice how they intertwine and why it is important to be able to distinctively the difference between reinforcer and reinforcement for down the road. If you don’t solidify what is going on at each level, combining them gets tricky.
b. The difference between emitted and elicited. Emitted is when a behavior is voluntary in a given situation and elicited is when a stimulus causes a behavior to occur. The words are very similar but their relationship to behavior is very different.
c. The important of recognizing operant behaviors versus every day behaviors. Operant behaviors are highly to behavior modification and the changing of behavior due to consequences so being able to tell the difference will be important.
7) After reading these sections the most significant change in understanding of behavior modification for me is how complex it is. Especially after going through preliminary terms in 1.4 I was surprised at the subtle differences between some and some concepts or words I didn’t know or wouldn’t know how to use correctly such as discriminate stimulus.
8) Operant behaviors, discriminate stimulus, emit, elicit, modification, reinforcer, reinforcement, satiation, extinction, extinction burst, deprivation
Section 1.3
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a. I liked the examples of how to translate the stories into behavior language.
b. The examples helped me figure out how to use the language of behavior modification better because I could look back and forth from each paragraph to see how each sentence was translated.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a. I disliked trying to come up with a regular behavior and translating it into behavior language.
b. I am not creative and getting use to speaking in the language of behavior is something that is going to be hard to do. I know it will get better but for now, it is difficult.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember that understanding the language of behavior is important because if it is not spoken correctly, something that you meant to mean could turn into the opposite if you use the wrong words.
b. I will remember establishing operation means making a reinforcer more reinforcing because of the example of starving the rats to make food more reinforcing. It sticks out in my mind because it seems cruel. It would be interesting to apply it to humans.
c. I will remember extinction bursts because of the example given to us on the first day of class where Dr. MacLin was holding the remote a bunch of different ways but the projector still didn’t come on. After that, the behavior was totally extinct because it was not reinforced.
Section 1.4
4) a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a. I liked how clear cut each definitions were explained.
b. I liked this because there was a lot of vocabulary thrown at us in this section and having the definition and a re-explanation of the definition helped me remember and really soak up what I was reading. Also, I felt that coming up with examples really helped my understanding with this vocabulary in particular.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a. Operant behavior is something that I am confused about.
b. I’m not sure if operant behavior is something that happens on its own without any stimulus. Can operant behavior be shortened to behavior or would that be wrong?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember what target behavior is because it is a big part of behavior modification, targeting a behavior you want to increase or decrease.
b. I will remember the difference between elicited and emitted because those words are used in everyday life. An example would be “To elicit fear out of someone.”
c. I will remember that reinforcement is a change in the environment that will increase a behavior because it is something that has been repeated in all of the reading assignments.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
My thoughts on behavior modification have not changed but my knowledge of behavior language has been added to.
8) Terms: establishing operation, extinction, extinction burst, reinforced, operant behavior, target behavior, elicited, emitted, reinforcement.
1.I enjoyed the explanation of how the language of behavior is a foreign language in and of itself. After reading the last portion of 1.3 I was really confused as to what I was doing. Unfortunately, I still do not quite understand how to effectively use the all of the terms that I have learned thus far.
2.I disliked the lack of examples on how to effectively use all of the terms and produce a well scripted behavioral paragraph. The lack of examples do not help with my learning style.
3.There is a difference between elicit and emit. It helps to understand those terms in order to use them properly in describing behavior. The fact that behavior is a language, or that it can be translated into a language. Language can be very complex, but fun to learn. Once learned it can be used in many different ways. Lastly, the use of Aesop’s fable to demonstrate the language of behavior. I did not realize how much there was to language before reading this section.
4.I really enjoyed returning to previous terms that were discussed in the earlier sections as a refresher for the definitions and uses of the words. It helped to have the definition given and then have to define the term using my own words.
5.In this section there was not much to dislike. The reason being that it was more of a reminder of some of the terms that we used such as reinforcement, emit, and others. However, it was also an introduction to new words such as discriminative stimulus.
6.The terms that we have discussed are part of the behavior language. They are necessary to accurately describe behavior and present that which is being done. In addition, examples that help to understand the meaning of the words in order reinforce my learning. Lastly, all of the terms are critical for my learning and success in this course.
7. There is way more to behavior than I previously thought. In fact, behavior is more of a language than just actions that we perform on a daily basis. My understanding of behavior has definitely been broadened.
8.Terms used: elicit, emit, behavior, reinforcement, reinforce, discriminative stimulus,
Is it possible to go over the differences between reinforce, reinforcer, and reinforcement; including the same for punishment.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I enjoyed the bit of humor because it makes the text more enjoyable to read and I probably would have fallen asleep without it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-There was nothing notable that I disliked, however, there was a few confusing sentences that i had to reread once or twice.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember the story about the bird dropping the stones, because that's pretty interesting. I will remember extinction bursts, because that word sounds intense. Lastly, I will remember the Spanish bit a about the songs because it reminded me about my Spanish teacher when I was a small child.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I like how the terms are very distinguishable in the paragraphs are have detailed descriptions to help give a solid idea of it.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think that there could have been a few more examples for some things, that makes it easier to get a clear cut understanding of what the book means.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember satiation an deprivation, because they mean just about exactly what you'd assume they'd mean. I will also remember the rats and the process called free feeding weight - I will remember this mostly because it is an interesting example of reinforcement that I had yet to learn about. Lastly I will remember the definition for operant behaviors, because I don't think I've ever had a real good explanation as to what is meant by behaviors that are operant.
7) read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I now think about behavior modification in a more accurate and correct term, type of way, since I'm starting to get a use and understanding of all the new terms.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. satiation, deprivation, reinforcement, operant behavior, extinction bursts.
1. One thing I liked about section 1.3 was the fact that the author describes it as learning a new language. The reason I chose this was because I enjoy broadening my language skills. I also like that we're going to be learning it through speaking it practically, not just focused on the terminology with no application.
2. One thing I didn't like was the specific definitions of elicit and emit. I didn't like it because I knew that it would be difficult to tell between the two when trying to define things. According to the author elicit means to make behavior occur like the smell elicited his hunger. Emit means to perform a behavior like the person emitted the behavior of purchasing food.
3. The first thing I will remember about this section is how behavior is similar to learning a separate language. The second thing I will remember are the two definitions of elicit and emit. The third things I'm going to remember are deprivation, satiation, and extinction and how they are used in behavior modification.
4. For section 1.4, the part that I like was when they were talking about discriminate stimulus. The reason I like this is because discriminate stimulus sets the occasion for an operant response to occur. The author gives the example of a stop sign as an example. The stop sign is the stimulus that elicits a response such as stopping.
5. The part in section 1.4 that I didn't like was the way they explained establishing operation. I didn't like how he explained that an establishing operation needs to ensure that an organism's behavior will be modified in order to be effective. For some reason, that definition didn't quite sit well with me.
6. The first thing I will remember from this section is the fact that learning behavior will be cumulative, like learning a language. You will continuously grow and learn more while using things you've already learned. The second thing I will remember is the fact the relationship between satiation and deprivation. The third thing I will remember is that one must establish operation properly in order to elicit behaviors in individuals.
7. After reading these last two sections, my view has skewed slightly to understanding that behavior modification is an adaptive process. I've also come to realize that it's not always gonna work in one go.
8. Terms: elicit, emit, deprivation, satiation, extinction, establishing operation, discriminate stimulus.
1. One thing I enjoyed in section 1.3 was writing out what I thought Goldiamond meant in the quote about self-reinforcement because it forced me to think it a different, interesting way.
2. There was nothing in this sections I specifically did not like.
3. Three things that I will remember from section 1.3 are (1) that the language of behavior is specific and that it matters if it is used correctly, (2) it is important to differentiate between a variety of behaviors that may be seemingly similar, but are functionally different, and (3) the difference between elicit (make the behavior occur) and emit (do the behavior)
4 One thing that I really enjoyed in section 1.4 was that there was an explanation after each definition. The explanations really helped me to understand the meanings in a deeper way.
5. There was nothing in this section I specifically did not like.
6. Three things I will remember from section 1.4 are (1) the definition and understanding of a target behavior is, (2) the definition and understanding of what satiation is, and (3) the definition and understanding of what deprivation is.
7. I feel like I have already gained a deeper understanding of what behavior is and how it functions. I thinking this book does a great job of starting from the ground up to allow for the creation of a stable foundation of knowledge. With the knowledge I have already learned I am starting to understand the function of behavior modification.
8. Terms: self-reinforcement, behavior, elicit, emit, target behavior, satiation, deprivation, behavior modification.
section 1.3
1) One thing I liked about this section was how it was broken down. It really showed the importance of wording when it comes to behavioral development. It also broke down how small changes in wording can change the meaning altogether. It was laid out very easily and it made it easy for me to understand.
2) There was nothing notable that I disliked, however, there was a few confusing sentences that i had to reread once or twice.
a. Being familiar with the terminology will help you think in a behavioral mindset with everyday life. One will be able to put a reason behind an action.
b. B.F. Skinner was saying that while there is a reason for our action, we control whether nor not we should engage in that action. If we are driving and the sun shines in our face, we can alter our route against the sunlight or we could improvise and put on sunglasses. Assuming we bought sunglasses ahead of time for an action of such.
c. Extinction being that a behavior that once had a reinforcement component to it no longer has that component. The in-existence of a behavior.
4) I enjoyed coming up with out own examples and sentences for each of the vocab words. This really forces you to understand what you are reading about which will hopefully force you to be successful in learning all of the terms
5) I can't think of anything I actually disliked from this section. The terms becoming repetitious are helpful because they are used over and over again to become stuck in your head to understand.
6) Deprivation, I will be remembered most because it was very interesting to me the way it was used to modify behavior. Target behavior because it gave me a better understanding on what it meant. Elicited and emit again because it gave me a more in depth definition than the previous section.
7) My thoughts about behavior modification have not yet changed. However, I am beginning to see how far back a manipulation can go to achieve a target behavior. I have slightly wondered how a behavior can truly be modified without being blatantly obvious. Learning these new terminology is stimulation my desire to learn how to connect the pieces
8) Behavior, deprivation, extinction, repetition
1a&b) One thing that I really liked in this section was the emphasis on how important proper language use is. We are currently discussing some aspects of this in my Memory and Language course, and I always really enjoy when my class materials tie together.
2) One thing that I disliked in this section was the Aesop fable and having to translate it into behavior language. I felt as though this may be a better exercise for the end of section 1.4 because after reading 1.3 I still didn't feel very comfortable with my bmod vocabulary skills.
3 a,b&c) The first thing that I will remember from this section is the importance of using correct and precise language when discussing behavior. The second thing that I will remember from this section is the definitions of Establishing Operation and Extinction. I had heard of these prior to this class in an intro to psychology course, and I had understood the gist but I know have a better grasp on what they truly mean. The third thing that I will remember from this section is the Aesop fable about the man bites by a dog, because I thought it was really exotic that his friend suggest him to take bread to the dog that bit him.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) One thing I really liked about this chapter was the organization and the presentation of words, definitions, and examples. It had a nice flow and was easy to follow.
5) One thing that I disliked about this chapter was that I felt as though the definitions of emit and elicit were very similar. I understand the difference, but I can also see how one situation could be an example of both. For example, when the friend doesn't have enough money for the parking meter, I voluntarily give her money (emit), but couldn't the fact that she doesn't have money function as a stimulus as well?
6 a,b&c) The first thing I will remember from this section is that elicit and emit have two completely different meanings, although I still don't quite understand why. The second thing that I will remember from this section is that it is a better idea to use "organism" when referring to a person/animal because it sounds more intelligent and does a better job accurately describing that it could be any living thing emitting the behaviors. The third thing I will remember from this section is what satiation means, because I had never heard that word before. I've learned quite a bit of new vocabulary in the first few weeks of this course.
7) Now that I've read these sections, I am able to describe behavior modification using correct and more applicable language, but my thoughts about the process itself have not actually changed.
8) Establishing Operation, Extinction, Emit, Elicit, Satiation
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this was that you used a lot of different examples to help understand. This section was more difficult to read compared to the last two but with all the examples, it made it easier to try to comprehend.
2.What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing that I found difficult was the lack of different definitions. The examples made it easier to understand but I would find it easier if the definitions were more clear.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I took from this is that the language of behavior is very difficult to read. I never really thought about it before due to the fact that I never had to read it or write it. I never had to learn the different terminology. Another thing that I will remember is that the language is easy to translate if you know the words. It will take some time to do so but it can be done. The last thing that I will remember from this section is that establishing operation is used to make a reinforcer more reinforcing. For example, they used examples of different animals and depriving them of something they need.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was the explanation and descriptive paragraphs. I’m not good with vocabulary so lots of explanations and examples helps me.
5. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing that I found about this section was that there was too many words in this sections. Like you said in the last section, these are words that you have to frequently use or study in order to understand them. By saying that, all these words are crammed into this making it hard to understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember about this section is that you have to know exactly what the language of behavior means in order to use it. A lot of these words have a opposite or can be replaced by another one and still make sense. Another thing that I will remember is the difference between emitted and elicited because I didn’t exactly know the difference before. The last thing that I could take out of this section is that you can respond to a behavior according to the stimulus. People will react to the stimulus differently than others.
7. Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
The thought of behavior has changed a little due to the fact that it seems rather confusing. It will take a lot of time to understand the different concepts in order to completely comprehend. But I am still looking forward to learning about it even if it doesn’t come easy to me.
8. Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcer, reinforcing, deprive, emitted, elicited, stimulus
a. I really liked how the story about the crow needing water was translated into behavioral terms. It made me think deeper into how I would like to word things.
b. I also thought the comparison with speaking Spanish and using proper behavioral terms a somewhat similar, because it helped things become more clear on what we will be attempting to learn in this class.
I didn’t really like doing the elicit and emit, because it seemed kind of repetitive and easy, but still think it was helpful.
a. I will remember what Noam Chomsky discovered on language being generative and that there are often many ways to describe a behavior’s sequence. That really made things click in my head.
b. Going along with what I said above, I also will remember, “Frustration just means that you are in the process of learning.” I thought that is a good motto to have when the going gets rough.
c. Also going along with what I just said (I really just liked that whole paragraph), I liked the sentence, “Giving up means only that you have ended the process of learning.” Again that is another strong quote that I may have to live by from now on, and something I will have to share with my friends.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
a. I really liked that Wikipedia was referenced. To me that is a stick-it-to-the-man because in high school all of my teachers would freak out if they saw us using that site.
b. I liked learning that operant behaviors are those that set the occasion for either reinforcement or punishment. Knowing that the factors and the events involved affect the behavior of someone or something is a big deal in interpreting how they could be affected.
I really don’t like this question… But one thing that I liked the least was that we read over things we just learned in the last section, which I read 7 minutes ago.
a. & b. I will remember what emitted and elicited means (emitted- indicates the existence of voluntary behaviors) (elicited- indicates to the occurrence of behaviors caused by the stimulus gave). These definitions will help a lot in this class.
c. I will remember that all responses are a reaction to some kind of stimuli, but similar stimuli could cause a different behavioral response. This helps make sense of why some behaviors are different for different people in different situations
Yes, again I do believe what I thought about BMod has changed. Speaking in behavioral terms really seems to change the game of how you want to come off to someone, and how you want him or her to interpret what you say.
Behavioral terms, stimulus, elicited, emitted, punishment, reinforcement, behavior’s sequence, interpret, voluntary,
1.I liked getting a better understanding of emit and elicit. I knew a little bit about them, but it was nice to get a better definition of the terms, and then practice what they mean.
2.I think one thing I disliked was having to come up with multiple examples. I could easily get the first two, but the third was often more difficult. I understand this is helping me become a better student, but that doesn’t make the process any less aversive during the process.
3.I will definitely remember the difference between emit and elicit. I used to get them confused, and after the practice I don't see myself forgetting anytime soon. I will also remember how to translate behavioral speak into a more understandable language. Once again I think this is due to the practice examples. Lastly I will remember the definition for establishing operant, this is due to the statement on starving rats. It was shocking to me, and caused an aversive response.
4. I liked how we got to see both sides of the spectrum between satiation and deprivation. We see the difference in what giving too much can do to changing behavior, and what giving too much can do. On the one hand if you feed a rat too much food during the experiment he will stop doing the target behavior. IF you do the opposite, that food then has a highly pleasurable valance, and elicits the target behavior.
5.I think the thing I dislike the most is the number of terms that we will need to learn. Right now its all kind of a jumble of words and definitions in my head. I am currently trying to unmuddle the definitions of establishing operation (change in environment to increase reinforcement) and operant behavior (set of factors that elicits specific behaviors) .Hopefully with time and practice these, and more, will make more sense.
6. I really enjoyed reading more about satiation, I think finding that line of satiation and still responsive could be interesting.You obviously don't want to over feed it, but you certainly don't want to starve it either. I will also remember discriminative stimulus.I think studying discriminative stimulus could be intriguing. Conducting a study to test peoples response to an aversive valance could be fun. Along that line, I will probably remember deprivation for the fact that it would help run an experiment.
7. I think my thoughts on behavior modification are very perplexed. I didn’t expect it to basically have its own language. All of these terms I know their basic webster dictionary definitions, but now they have these new meanings and variations.
Terms: Emit, elicit, aversive, establishing operant, satiation, deprivation, target behavior, valance, operant behavior, discriminative stimulus,
Section 1.3
1. One thing I really liked from this section was Aesop's Fable of the crow & the pitcher. It was motivational and inspirational and included several life lessons all wrapped in one story (ie: desperate times call for desperate measures. If at first you don't succeed, try again. When there's a will, there's a way). It shows that we should do whatever we can within our power to reach our goals. To keep going after your dreams even if there are obstacles.
2. I disliked when they changed the story into behavioral terms because suddenly the story lost its' meaning. I think there are some things just better left in everyday terms.
3. I will remember that the language of behavior is much like learning a foreign language, because I was thoroughly confused and had a difficult time understanding. Second, I will remember extinction because it helps to eliminate a behavior (I always think of the example of a student raising his hand too much in class so the teacher stops calling on him). And lastly, I will remember that the language of behavior is cross-situational, spanning almost every situation, because I can so easily apply it to my everyday life now that I've been learning behavior modification.
Section 1.4
4. I really liked the discriminative stimulus and how it was explained using the stop sign example. I got a laugh out of that because I actually made a "California Stop" and rolled through a stop sign here in CF, and ended up getting pulled over by a state trooper and issued a $200 ticket. Needless to say, I fully understand the meaning of stop signs now and always make complete stops.
5. One thing I didn't like was giving all the terms, definitions, and examples. It seemed monotonous and repetitive and kind of overkill.
6. I will remember that a target behavior is a behavior you wish to increase or decrease, because I relate it to "good" and "bad" habits. Second, I understand the relationship between elicit and emit. Elicit may arouse a feeling, but emit is the choice to act on it. (ie: My friend's French fries elicited a salivation response, and in turn, I emitted an eating response). Lastly, I understand satiation because the root of "satisfied" is in the word, meaning you have reached your fill and the reinforcer no longer has an effect.
7. My view on behavior modification has expanded because I now understand the relationships between terms more clearly. (ie: I understand the relationship between deprivation and satiation, and also understand how deprivation and establishing operations go hand-in-hand.)
8. Terms: Behavior Modification, Extinction, Discriminative Stimulus, Emit, Elicit, Deprivation, Satiation, Establishing Operations.
1. One thing that I really liked in this section was learning the new vocab. "emit" "elicit" The vocab in this section was a little easier to understand than the last few sections.
2. One thing that I really didn't like was learning how to talk in the language of behavior. It wasn't necessarily hard to learn just confusing. It is a different way of thinking about our behaviors and it is difficult to change a habit.
3. Three things I will remember from this section is how to break down my behaviors and explain in the language of behavior. Learning to talk like this, “upon opening the door I was met with an aversive response from my friends inside effectively punishing my behavior" was certainly a different experience. Second I will remember some of the vocab such as "emit" "elicit" "aversive" . Lastly I will remember just how often you can translate your daily behavior into the language of behavior. Every action throughout the day can be changed.
4. I liked this entire section because it was one big review. I liked how they gave examples on each term then asked for you to provide some more examples as practice.
5. There was nothing specific I did not like about this section.
6. What I will take away from this chapter is a better understanding of all the terms. This section was very easy to read and helped a lot in my understanding of the material.
7. Now that I have read these two section I wouldn't say my view on behavior has changed but rather my understanding of it. Especially in section 1.4, the terms became a lot more clear and in 1.3 I understand the language of behavior a lot more now.
8. Elicit, Emit, Response, Target Response, Establishing operation, Satiation, Discriminative Stimulus.
1 a&b) One thing I really liked in this section was when we were told to translate the behavioral terminology into everyday circumstances. I just found that fun. I also enjoyed beginning to read about the different way that behaviors create certain reactions.
2) One thing that I disliked, even though I just said I enjoyed it, was translating the fable into behavioral terminology. I am finding that it is easy for me to turn the latter into something more understandable. But creating the terminology out of something else was difficult for me. It wasn't that I disliked it. I just found myself getting frustrated.
3 a,b&c) I remember that there is a difference between emitting and eliciting a behavior. Emitting is when you make a behavior occur, like whistling to make someone stop talking. Where emitting is the actual behavior, which in the case of my last example would be people stop talking.
4 a&b) I really enjoyed this section, I think my favorite part was using all of the terminology in the boxes at the end. It is interesting to me how every different term relates to another. For example, in order for a response to occur, there needs to be an operant. Then there is either a reinforcement or punishment depending on the behavior. These are all things that make sense, but it is nice to be able to put words to the actions and be able to understand why behaviors occur a little better. Which, I understand, is the whole point of this class.
5) One thing that I disliked, was the amount of terms that were being thrown out all at once. It made me a little overwhelmed and I had to go back and refresh my memory. But I understand that it is just how the section needed to be.
6 a,b&c) Three things I will remember most from this chapter will be satiation, discriminate stimulus and deprivation. Mostly because when I read about satiation I was reminded when I went the the jelly belly factory and was told I could eat as many as I wanted, I ate so many jelly beans I wasn't able to eat them for almost 10 years. Even now I will only have a couple if they're in front of me, but I will never seek them out. I will remember discriminate stimulus because the example made me think about how different people act on the road. You can usually tell who has had more speeding tickets or tickets in general based on their reactions to different traffic signs. Finally, deprivation stuck with me because as one of my examples I used sleep deprivation. And I know personally, if you want me to do anything when i'm tired and promise sleep at the end. I will most likely do it to my very best ability.
7) My ideas haven't really changed, I just have more of an understanding of why things happen in certain orders. These past sections made me very excited for the rest of the class.
8) behavior terminology, elicit, emit, punishment, reinforcement, operant behavior, deprivation, discriminate stimulus, satiation
Section 1.3
1a&b) The one thing that I really liked in this section is the fact that we are not expected to understand something that we read immediately in this section. For example, the passage B.F. Skinner presented which was “The place of operant reinforcement in self-control is not clear, in one sense, all reinforcements are self-administered since a response may be regarded as “producing” its reinforcement…” The reason is because as a student, it was rather complicated to understand and with this expectation, I feel more comfortable learning without the pressure of immediately grasping what is thought.
2) The one thing I liked the least was the complexity of the language of behavior. As Noam Chomsky discovered, language is generative and there are often many ways to describe a behavior’s sequence. I did not really like this because it makes it harder to grasp what I am learning. Although with enough effort, understanding the language of behavior should be fine.
3a,b&c) The three things I will remember from what I read in this section are the classification of behaviors or event, how behaviors can be topographically similar and yet may be functionally different, and the difference between reinforcement and punishment. The reason why I will remember all these three thing are because I read it over and over to make sure understand what I was reading. Especially how a behavior can be topographically similar but serve different purposes.
Section 1.4
4a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is the introduction of the terms “emitted “and “elicited”. The reason being that these terms are used very often but in terms of the language of behavior it has a slightly different and in-depth definition. Emitted refers to the occurrence of voluntary behaviors and elicited refers to the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus.
5) The one thing I did not like is the definition that was given for “reinforcement” and “punishment”. The reason why I disliked these definitions were not because I disagreed with it but because I feel that it would be easier to understand by giving these terms one definition and not adding new meaning at each subchapter.
6a,bc) The three things I will remember from this section are the terms emitted, elicited and discriminated stimulus, The reason is because every time new terms are introduced it sparks an interest in me to understand what it means and retain that knowledge.
7) After reading these sections, the one thing that changed in my opinion of behavior modification is that it is a field that goes very in-depth into certain regular, everyday processes and attempts to explain behavior through a set behavioral rules.
8) reinforcement, punishment, elicited, emitted, discriminated stimulus and topographically.
1.) I liked how precise this section was. Since it is discussing language of behavior and stressing that the language of behavior is so precise, I liked how all the definitions were very clear. I didn’t have a question about anything in this section because everything was explained well.
2.) I liked this section. Like I said, it was straightforward and clear.
3.) I will remember that language is precise. Especially behavioral language because common words, such as positive and negative, have different meaning when it comes to behavioral modification. I will remember that an extinction burst is when the behavior that is trying to be eliminated occurs. This is because the behavior used to receive some sort of reinforcement, and the person is looking to receive that reinforcement. It is basically a last attempt to receive a reward before the behavior is eliminated. I will also remember that establishing operations make the reinforcer more reinforcing. This is anything, like food or water, which will cause you to want the reinforcer more.
4.) I liked the simplicity of this section. Examples were used when needed, but everything else was straightforward. It was a key word, then a definition, then and an explanation. I like that even if it gets a little repetitive sometimes.
5.) I simply didn’t think this section was necessary. Everything and all the definition had been brought out in previous sections. There was no new information. Some things may have been explained in a little more detail, but that just made me think that detail could have been added to the earlier sections.
6.) I will remember that the target behavior is the thing which you are trying to increase (or decrease) with operant learning. Defining a clear and concise target behavior is important if you want to measure it accurately. I will remember that emit means to do a behavior. There is an antecedent, then someone emits a behavior, then there is a consequence. Often confused with emit, I will remember that elicit means to produce a behavior. An antecedent elicits a behavior, and then there is a consequence.
7.) My idea of behavior modification has not changed much with reading these sections. The only thing is that I was reminded that behavior modification is a process. It doesn’t happen in one attempt at reinforcement or punishment, but rather it takes multiple tries to establish target behaviors.
8.) extinction burst, reinforcement, punishment, establishing operations, operant learning, emit, elicit, target behavior.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how it explained the importance of the classification of behaviors or events, and being able to observe behaviors and put them in difference categories or classifications. I also liked the example of thinking of behaviors like a topographical map, the behaviors might look the same on the surface but they may be different when you look at them deeper. I really liked this part of the section because providing examples and helpful ways to remember different content is helpful to my style of learning.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I least liked was when we were challenged to interpret what B.F. Skinner was saying in one of his books he wrote. It isn’t that I didn’t like this section, it was just a bit frustrating because I am not familiar with the language quite yet so it made it really difficult to try and understand what he was saying. However, after finishing the section, going back and reading it again made it easier to understand. Just like a lot of other things in school, the more you read through it and break it down the easier it is to understand.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section are; that the language of behavior is very precise so it is important that we describe behavior accurately because it is important when trying to figure out what type of behavior is being emitted. Also, I will remember not to get too frustrated with learning all of the terminology at first, because it is like learning a foreign language, it takes time. Lastly, I will remember that operations help to make reinforces more effective. All three of these things are important to remember in order to make my future reading and assignments easier to understand and complete.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was how it went through a lot of the definitions we have talked about in previous sections. It listed the term, the definition, and an example. I found this really helpful not only because I learn well from examples, but also because adding new old terms to the explanation of new terms helps to refresh your memory of what you have already learned.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I had a hard time figuring out the difference and keeping straight the two terms, elicit and emit. I think this is because I have used them interchangeably in the past and now I know that they mean two different things. One way that I believe I can improve my knowledge on these topics is by using them as much as I can in my future blog posts. We talked about how using as many terms as we can in our blog posts as we have discussed in class will help us get into the habit of using the language of behavior modification.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between emit and elicit because I spent time trying to figure out the difference for a while. The term emit means to do the behavior. Elicit means to make a behavior occur. For example, the cold whether outside makes me put on my winter coat. Cold weather makes the behavior occur of putting on my coat. Also, discriminative stimuli may lead to a variety of potential responses depending on the situation. Lastly, withholding any stimulus will lead to deprivation. So if you were giving a dog a treat every time it did the desirable behavior and all the sudden you stopped giving the dog treats, it will lead the dog to experience deprivation.
Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Since I am still getting used to using BMOD terms and the language that comes along with it, I still think BMOD is a lot more complex then I first thought. I am interested to see if my thoughts on this change as I get more comfortable with all the terminology. Also, I have realized that almost every behavior we do big or small can be broken down through the language of behavior modification.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how it explained the importance of the classification of behaviors or events, and being able to observe behaviors and put them in difference categories or classifications. I also liked the example of thinking of behaviors like a topographical map, the behaviors might look the same on the surface but they may be different when you look at them deeper. I really liked this part of the section because providing examples and helpful ways to remember different content is helpful to my style of learning.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I least liked was when we were challenged to interpret what B.F. Skinner was saying in one of his books he wrote. It isn’t that I didn’t like this section, it was just a bit frustrating because I am not familiar with the language quite yet so it made it really difficult to try and understand what he was saying. However, after finishing the section, going back and reading it again made it easier to understand. Just like a lot of other things in school, the more you read through it and break it down the easier it is to understand.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section are; that the language of behavior is very precise so it is important that we describe behavior accurately because it is important when trying to figure out what type of behavior is being emitted. Also, I will remember not to get too frustrated with learning all of the terminology at first, because it is like learning a foreign language, it takes time. Lastly, I will remember that operations help to make reinforces more effective. All three of these things are important to remember in order to make my future reading and assignments easier to understand and complete.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was how it went through a lot of the definitions we have talked about in previous sections. It listed the term, the definition, and an example. I found this really helpful not only because I learn well from examples, but also because adding new old terms to the explanation of new terms helps to refresh your memory of what you have already learned.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I had a hard time figuring out the difference and keeping straight the two terms, elicit and emit. I think this is because I have used them interchangeably in the past and now I know that they mean two different things. One way that I believe I can improve my knowledge on these topics is by using them as much as I can in my future blog posts. We talked about how using as many terms as we can in our blog posts as we have discussed in class will help us get into the habit of using the language of behavior modification.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between emit and elicit because I spent time trying to figure out the difference for a while. The term emit means to do the behavior. Elicit means to make a behavior occur. For example, the cold whether outside makes me put on my winter coat. Cold weather makes the behavior occur of putting on my coat. Also, discriminative stimuli may lead to a variety of potential responses depending on the situation. Lastly, withholding any stimulus will lead to deprivation. So if you were giving a dog a treat every time it did the desirable behavior and all the sudden you stopped giving the dog treats, it will lead the dog to experience deprivation.
Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Since I am still getting used to using BMOD terms and the language that comes along with it, I still think BMOD is a lot more complex then I first thought. I am interested to see if my thoughts on this change as I get more comfortable with all the terminology. Also, I have realized that almost every behavior we do big or small can be broken down through the language of behavior modification.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how it explained the importance of the classification of behaviors or events, and being able to observe behaviors and put them in difference categories or classifications. I also liked the example of thinking of behaviors like a topographical map, the behaviors might look the same on the surface but they may be different when you look at them deeper. I really liked this part of the section because providing examples and helpful ways to remember different content is helpful to my style of learning.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I least liked was when we were challenged to interpret what B.F. Skinner was saying in one of his books he wrote. It isn’t that I didn’t like this section, it was just a bit frustrating because I am not familiar with the language quite yet so it made it really difficult to try and understand what he was saying. However, after finishing the section, going back and reading it again made it easier to understand. Just like a lot of other things in school, the more you read through it and break it down the easier it is to understand.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things I will remember from this section are; that the language of behavior is very precise so it is important that we describe behavior accurately because it is important when trying to figure out what type of behavior is being emitted. Also, I will remember not to get too frustrated with learning all of the terminology at first, because it is like learning a foreign language, it takes time. Lastly, I will remember that operations help to make reinforces more effective. All three of these things are important to remember in order to make my future reading and assignments easier to understand and complete.
What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I really liked about this section was how it went through a lot of the definitions we have talked about in previous sections. It listed the term, the definition, and an example. I found this really helpful not only because I learn well from examples, but also because adding new old terms to the explanation of new terms helps to refresh your memory of what you have already learned.
What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I had a hard time figuring out the difference and keeping straight the two terms, elicit and emit. I think this is because I have used them interchangeably in the past and now I know that they mean two different things. One way that I believe I can improve my knowledge on these topics is by using them as much as I can in my future blog posts. We talked about how using as many terms as we can in our blog posts as we have discussed in class will help us get into the habit of using the language of behavior modification.
What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between emit and elicit because I spent time trying to figure out the difference for a while. The term emit means to do the behavior. Elicit means to make a behavior occur. For example, the cold whether outside makes me put on my winter coat. Cold weather makes the behavior occur of putting on my coat. Also, discriminative stimuli may lead to a variety of potential responses depending on the situation. Lastly, withholding any stimulus will lead to deprivation. So if you were giving a dog a treat every time it did the desirable behavior and all the sudden you stopped giving the dog treats, it will lead the dog to experience deprivation.
Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
Since I am still getting used to using BMOD terms and the language that comes along with it, I still think BMOD is a lot more complex then I first thought. I am interested to see if my thoughts on this change as I get more comfortable with all the terminology. Also, I have realized that almost every behavior we do big or small can be broken down through the language of behavior modification.
1.There were a few things from this reading section that I enjoyed. I liked the crow example and how it was put into behavioral terms. Seeing the story in two different ways helped me understand how to use the language of behavior easier and correctly.
2.The only thing I disliked from this section was sometimes being confused and continually using the behavioral language correctly because using it incorrectly can completely change the meaning of what was intended. The vocabulary and remembering it all without having to go back to previous readings was a challenge at times and frustrating but soon with enough repetition it will be easy.
3.One of the things that I will remember from this section is that it is important to understand that behaviors may seem similar but actually may have different functions. Topographically similar behaviors mean that the on the surface different behaviors look the same, although they may serve different functions such as waving can look the same yet function differently from waving goodbye or waving to cool yourself off. Another thing I found that I will remember from this section is the difference between elicit and emit and that elicit is when you make a behavior occur and emit is when you do the behavior. The third thing I will take away from this section is extinction and how it was used in conjunction with the story of the crow and that extinction is when a behavior that used in situations that were previously reinforced but now are no longer being reinforced.
4.I really liked this section and how it defined all the terms and vocabulary easily and that it even went over past terminology which help refresh my mind and kept those meanings in my head. I like having to constantly apply the same terms from both this section and previous sections for the examples because constant repetition helps me learn things a lot faster.
5.The thing I liked the least about this section was that it was sort of term and vocabulary heavy almost like a dictionary and was difficult to continuously remember what each term meant while trying to remember the new ones so it was hard to get down the meanings of all the terms and to know how to use them all correctly.
6.One of the things I will remember from this section was the term satiation and that it adding any reinforcement to an organism will not change the frequency of the behavior that is being reinforced. Another thing I learned was deprivation and to not confuse it with satiation. Deprivation is withholding any stimulus that serves as reinforcement to an organism. The last thing I took away from this section was that a discriminative stimulus sets the occasion also known as the antecedent for the behavior and the consequence.
7.After reading these two sections I have come to realize that behavior modification is a lot more complex than I first thought it was. There are so many terms and meanings to remember in order to properly understand how behavior modification works and that it takes a lot more effort and time to be able to know how to use behavior modification.
8.Terms: Deprivation, Satiation, Discriminative Stimulus, Topographical Behavior, Emit, Elicit, Reinforcement, Extinction
RA 3
1. One thing that I really liked in this section was learning the new vocab. "emit" "elicit" The vocab in this section was a little easier to understand than the last few sections. After learning these new vocab words it will be easier to speak the language of behavior.
2. One thing that I really didn't like was learning how to talk in the language of behavior. I did not like this because I have never done this before. Talking in the language of behavior is different, I’m not used to it. Saying, “the boy didn’t wear a helmet and got a bruise on his head because of it” is a lot easier to say than, “The boy did not emit the target behavior of wearing a helmet therefore the consequence of failing to emit that behavior is something aversive, getting a bruise on his head. A harsh form of punishment.” It is a different way to think about behaviors.
3. Three things I will remember from this section is how to break down my behaviors and explain in the language of behavior. Like I said before this is all new and will take a lot of concentration when speaking in the language of behavior. Learning to talk like this, “upon opening the door I was met with an aversive response from my friends inside effectively punishing my behavior" was certainly a different experience. Second I will remember some of the vocab such as "emit" "elicit" "aversive". Lastly I will remember just how often you can translate your daily behavior into the language of behavior. Every action throughout the day can be changed and broken down into the language of behavior.
4. I liked this entire section because it was one big review. It helped clarify any confusion I had with the past chapters. It was also helpful to participate in the activities in this section and give examples for “what is punishment/What is reinforcement?”
5. It was a little confusing understanding operant behaviors and discriminative stimulus. Operant behaviors are those that “set the occasion” for either reinforcement or punishment to occur. Discriminative stimulus sets the occasion for a operant response to occur. The discriminative stimulus is a little more confusing to understand. I wish it was explained a little better for my sake.
6. Three things I will take away from this chapter is the two vocab words discriminative stimulus and operant behaviors. These were hard to fully understand which required me to study these a little more. I will remember the past few sections a little better because this section was a little bit of review. The last thing I will remember is important the environment can become through establishing operation.
7. Now that I have read these two sections 1.3 and 1.4 I would say I have certainly learned more and my thoughts have changed. I thought changing a behavior was as simple as rewarding someone when they did one thing then punishing them for doing the opposite. Obviously there is much more that goes into behavioral modification.
8. Elicit, Emit, Response, Target Response, Establishing operation, Satiation, Discriminative Stimulus, Operant behaviors.
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found really interesting was learning how to speak behaviorally. Like the book says, it is difficult to do this right away but it definitely opens your mind to a new way of thinking. Once a person is fluent in behavioral language, people watching would be much more entertaining!
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I honestly didn’t find anything boring because it was all new information to me. I thought the whole section flowed well and was easy to follow.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- It related to our first in class meeting where Dr. Maclin told us we would need to learn his new language in order to be speaking correctly. For example, positive and negative have different meanings in behavior modification compared to the normal English translation. When I read about extinction and extinction burst, it reminded me of Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment with the dog being reinforced with food when it responded to the bell.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- Considering that psychology is my major and I want to attend graduate school for counseling therapy, being able to speak behaviorally will be very important because I will be helping people change their behaviors that they’ve emitted their whole life. Secondly, being able to raise children will be a bit easier if I could think behaviorally because I’d be able to realize why they behaved a certain way and have an easier time thinking of reinforcement and punishment procedures.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I realize when reading this section is that it’s going to take some time and a lot of practice for me to understand the behavioral language. It is already difficult to make sentences using the new terminology.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I didn’t find anything uninteresting; it was just difficult to understand the reading quickly because I needed to make my own correct definitions for the terms and that took me a while to do.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- This section relates to the other three sections we’ve read because it explained the terms in depth and gave some more examples. I had to make up scenarios and sentences using words I learned in the past reading and relate them to the new words.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- Something that relates to my life are discriminative stimuli because those are everywhere. I behave a certain way when a discriminative stimulus occurs. For example, when I come to a stop sign, I fully stop because I don’t want to risk receiving a ticket. I was punished to continue this behavior because in the past I was pulled over and given a warning for not completely stopping at a stop sign. I’ve also related to satiation during Thanksgiving. Everyone brings over amazing food and I want to eat a bit of it all because it looks so good. I tend to overeat past my normal level of being full and will become stuffed or will feel ill. At one point, food was a reinforcer towards my hunger pains but it became satiation when I overstuffed myself.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
- It made me realize that behavior modification has a whole language that needs to be learned and understood if I want to follow along and use in my life. There’s more to modifying a behavior than just simply trying to change it. There are steps and different processes that can be used when modifying a behavior and it is more difficult than some people may think.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
- Behavioral language, behavior modification, extinction, extinction burst, Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment, reinforced, responded, emitted, reinforcement and punishment procedures, discriminative stimuli, satiation, punished, reinforcer
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Even though I was not found of the first section of the reading I did find it interesting how they make comments about behavioral language looking like another foreign language because that is how I slightly felt. It was interesting because I could read the words said by B.F. Skinner but I was not sure what he was trying to state. A different concept than I am used to with reading passages that are in English. I also found it interesting that in the sentences given as examples used multiple terms of behavior language. Usually in sentences teachers tell you not to add so many words, but in the exercise in the book they want you to use a ton of behavior language. The last thing that I found very interesting was the effect of establishing operation. I did not think about depriving someone of something to make them more likely to do something to get the reinforcement of their behavior. The simple things that can be done to get someone to do something seems so complex and as I learn more it seems simple but complex at the same time.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing that I found least interesting is the first part where they talk about the specific terms that mean specific things. I am not keen on reading the same thing on the language of behavior since this should be an easy concept. There is also no form of interest because I do not like learning about language and anything of the sort. Also, the part where it mentioned about writing in the language. However, I do think that the information is important for someone to know and learn or the explaining of some words of behavior modification so they know what they are explain or talking about.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to the past sections when they mentioned the differences of reinforce, reinforced, reinforcement. At the beginning of this chapter they mention the importance of knowing those differences in the language of behavior and that throughout the chapters more of the language will be there along with practice. This chapter and many more are going to relate to two things already learned. One the ABC’s and the language of behavior. In these chapters and the ones before seem to stress on the factor of using the ABC’s and the language with it to describe ones behavior and how it got there. However, this specific chapter focused more on the writing aspect of the language and what you can do with which has building off of what was in the previous chapter. This makes it easier to start with the basics of behavior modification and keep building on the small concepts to make bigger ones.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that I can relate to my life is when the author was talking about their Spanish class and learning the words through interacting and speaking with their teacher. I know that when I took Spanish I had teachers that did not interact and you took down notes every day, but when I had another teacher that the whole class period was discussion based but in Spanish I learned a significant amount more of words than my lecture class. Being able to use the words and put them into sentences whether writing or orally that is more helpful than just reading a book and writing down notes. Using any form of language can make a difference in ones learning. The second thing that I can relate to my life is small, but significant enough for me to remember. The line were they are talking about how understanding the language is difficult they state “Frustration just means that you are in the process of learning (boredom means you learned it already).” My mother and other professors that I have had said around the same quote that the book did. The statement is true and I can already feel myself getting frustrated with the area which means I am leaning and doing what the book expects.
After reading the second section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I thought was interesting is the fact that in social environments or settings a person’s actions that are either desirable of undesirable of the person can be reinforced or punished. I think that is interesting for two reasons. One that our environment shapes so much of what a person does in their everyday life. Second that the social norms that the world has developed might seem right to those people, but we made up the norms and someone that does not follow the norms of society could be punished for not following the norms that were made up. The norms in our society could be different norms in other societies.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Once again we have more terminology to learn. I do not find vocabulary and language to be my favorite area of study, but it needs to be done in order to learn more about the area of behavior modification.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This may sound redundant but the beginning portion of the chapter is very much so of the section 1.3 where they go over more terminology and vocabulary. The terminology of reinforcement, punishment, operant behavior, and more was in this chapter that was in previous chapters. However, in this chapter the book is waning the reader to put the definition in their own words. This allows the reader to see if they truly have an understanding for the word and meaning.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is deprivation, especially is the deprivation is food. I have noticed right before any meal that if something needs to be done I would do so. For example, my mother would not give me any snacks and then right before meals she would state that we could not go get dinner until my bed was made I would run upstairs and make my bed as quickly as possible so I could go eat because I was so hungry. Depriving me of food could get me to do almost anything because I love food so much. Which makes me consider if someone could use someone’s likings against them to change their behavior quicker. The second thing that is related to my life from this chapter is the occurrence of voluntary behaviors or emitted. I would always be put into situations by friends or even family that leave to make a decisions based if I want a punishment or reinforcement. I usually went the reinforce route, but sometimes I would be mad and take the punisher route. Either way I seem to run into that situation even now in my life. I wonder if people do it on purpose or are just not aware of what we are capable as humans.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These reading sections in particular have made my view of behavior modification slightly negative. I thought we would be spending most of our time learning about how to actually modify someone’s behavior. However, these two chapters have been focusing on language and more terms to use. On the other hand this might seem to have changed my thought of the area, but from being in school I understand that someone must understand the terminology before they can actually learn how to do something in this case manipulate someone’s behavior. I am excited to read more chapters to see what other surprises in this area that I did not know.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms: B.F. Skinner, behavior modification, deprivation, depriving, emitted, punishment, punisher, reinforcement, reinforcer, operant behavior, reinforce, reinforced, ABC’s, and language of behavior.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the connection to learning the behavior language and a foreign language to be interesting. The example is well thought out and makes logical sense, and it also strengthens the fact that there will be struggles yet it is worth it in the end.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the changing the stories into behavior language to be the least interesting. I thought this was least interesting because although it makes the point clearly, talking behavior isn’t something that is done 24/7 and instead done in specific scenarios, whereas stories are universal. I just felt like I read two completely separate ideas when in fact it was one.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The section builds on the vocabulary from the first two sections, using words like aversive, emits, elicits, etc. and keeps the constant use of behavior vocabulary going.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The notion of learning behavior language as a foreign language as I like many others have taken foreign language classes and I understand the difficulties that come with the nature of it.
Secondly, the idea of extinction as a behavior, throughout my childhood I have had many behaviors that have gone through this process and I no longer emit them, i.e. sucking my thumb as a baby.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The section wasn’t all too interesting because it was strictly vocab and examples. It is important, but important things tend to be on the less interesting side. However, it was set up in an easy to follow and understand pattern which is always good.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Nothing was least interesting, it was strictly vocab. Because of this, it was more like looking at a personal dictionary with a person’s connotations behind the words than anything.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Similar to the last section, it is building. We are working on building the foundation for which the class builds on, so it is all slowly making the base.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Learning things as a dictionary. This section was set up easy to read and understand as I aforementioned, but it was nothing but vocab, it was very stereotypical of any class in any major and how it requires us to know and regurgitate the words back to the professor even if it is in a unique way.
The second thing that relates to my life is literally everything. My responses are an emitted behavior that had this assignment as a discriminate stimuli for me. Everything is related to every action I take, which is slightly eerie.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Behavior language can describe literally anything, every moment there is something that can be described, whether there are punishers or reinforcers is another thing.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Behavior Language, reinforces, punishers, aversive, elicits, emits, extinction, discriminate stimuli.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the comparison of behavior modification to Spanish was interesting. After reading about how Spanish was taught to you it made sense that the best way to learn the behavior modification terms was through repetition of use. Before when I thought about such terms like reinforce, reinforce, and reinforcement I didn’t think much about the difference between them, but now that I have used them a few more times I am starting to understand their meanings and uses better. The more I use the terms and work through them the better I will be able to apply them from the behavioral perspective.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t really find anything in this section that wasn’t interesting. I like the discussion about the complexity of language and how we might not know what it all means at first, but we just have to learn it and then use it to understand.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section related to what I already knew about how complex language can be. You might think you know what a word means, but it could mean something else you had never heard of before when talking about a different subject; such as in behavior modification. It’s also possible to say the same thing, but in different ways using different words, as with a few of the examples given in section 1.3. The examples took a certain phrase and used as many behavioral terms as would make sense, which made it seem confusing until you broke it down and thought about what the words meant.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that I can relate to my life is the use of behavioral language. Once I become more accustomed to the words and their meanings and uses, I will be able to use them more and apply them to behavioral situations. I’ll know how to manipulate a behavior to elicit a certain consequence.
Another thing that relates to my life is the precision of language. If you aren’t precise with what you are saying, it’s very easy to become confused. Miscommunication can cause a lot of issues which is why it’s important to be clear about what you are trying to say and use it in the correct way.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found most interesting in this section was discriminate stimulus. That is a term I had never heard before and it was fascinating to read about. I didn’t know there was actually a phrase that could be used to describe what sets the occasion/tells you what to do. I also didn’t know about all the different things that can be considered discriminate stimulus, such as people, places, or things in the environment. They can all have an impact on your behavior and lead to different potential responses.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the parts that had me repeatedly give examples were the least interesting. Some of it seems repetitive, which I know helps in learning, but as part of the chapter I’m more interested in what the reading is than making up examples.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Some of what I already knew came from our first few sections of readings. I had learned the definitions to many of the words re-defined and explained, but this section just reiterated them. Re-reading and thinking about those terms will help me remember what they mean and more likely to be able to use them in phrases.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates from this section is the use of reinforcement. If I behave in a way that leads me to a desirable outcome, then it is likely that reinforcement occurs, and I will continue to behave in a way that gets me that outcome. I do that that in my life now.
Another thing that relates to my life is the feeling of satiation and deprivation. When I am fulfilled and feel satiated, in hunger for example, then I don’t feel the need to eat anymore. However, when I feel deprived of something, I just want it more and more and it feels like I can never get enough of it.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading these sections has made me even more interested and positively influenced what I thought about behavior modification. I didn’t know some of the terms and reading and learning about them is making me realize there is a lot that I don’t know about behavior.
Terms: reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, elicit, consequence, discriminate stimulus, desirable outcome, satiation, deprivation
RA 3
1. What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The language of behavior modification is very different, when speaking in this new tongue I constantly remind myself of what’s right and what’s wrong to say. What I found interesting is learning how to speak in the new language that is the language of behavior. I never thought about how important it really is to describe the behavior precisely and accurately. For example, when we discuss the word reinforcement, there are three different ways this word can be used; reinforcement, reinforce and reinforcer. It makes a big difference when you use one vs the other. This brings to mind the term topography. This word is used to describe what the surface looks like. When used in the language of behaviorism topography means that two behaviors look the same on the surface but may have different meanings. Take for example waving hello and waving goodbye, the two behaviors are identical in appearance but mean polar opposites. I found all of this interesting because it helped clarify a lot of things for me.
2. What did you find least interesting? Why?
This section was pretty much about one thing, the language of behavior. There were different subtopics but those were to help me understand how to speak in the language and understand the language a little better. I can’t really say I didn’t like a certain topic in this section because, like I said before, it was all the same thing. I guess the least favorite topic to read was the section that had me describe three day to day events in behavioral terms. The reason I didn’t like this was because I’m not yet very fluent in the language of behavior so I struggled a little at first.
3. How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Like most sections I found that this section again built on top of what we learned in past sections. As well as using similar vocabulary it again emphasizes the importance of speaking the language of behavior clearly and precisely. The language of behaviorism and its importance relates back to section 1.1 “The ABCs of behavior Modification” when it talks about how the antecedent needs to come before the behavior then the consequence will follow. The language of behavior requires the ABCs in this order because the antecedent will set the stage for a behavior to be emitted then the consequence will either be aversive or pleasurable. Depending on the consequence and if it is reinforcing or punishing the behavior will occur more often or less often. This section also hints on the different functions a behavior can have meaning the topographical function.
4. Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This might be a stretch but I can relate to the language of behavior to basketball. What I mean by this is that, like the language of behavior basketball needs to be played very precisely and accurately. When you speak in the language of behavior you need to break down each individual action then include the consequence and whether or not the consequence will increase or decrease the likely hood of the behavior happening again. In basketball each individual play needs to be run to perfection if it will result in the addition of points or not. If one person cuts corners or does not go as hard as he can the play will collapse just like the explanation of behaviors. The second thing that I can relate to is the importance of practicing. If I wish to master the language of behavior I understand that I need to practice, again just like basketball I need to practice every day if I wish to have any success.
5. What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Like the previous chapter again there is an emphasis on repetition and how this will help you understand the language of behavior. They also comment that the language of behavior builds on itself. What I found interesting in this chapter was how they go in even more depth in the language of behavior. Instead of just a consequence we learn that a consequence can either be reinforcing or punishing. Behaviors now become target behaviors and operant behaviors, meaning the network of factors and events involved in the behavior of human and non-human animals. This means they set the occasion for reinforcement and punishment. They also discuss target behaviors which is basically the behavior that you are focusing on and trying to increase or decrease the likely hood of it from happening again.
6. What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting were the terms after page 5. The reason I found this lest interesting was because it started to become a little more difficult. These terms included discriminative stimulus, satiation, deprivation and establishing operation. After studying these terms I think I fully understand them but at first I found it difficult to understand.
7. How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc
This section again builds off the previous one. I now understand that the environment is altered as a result of an individual behaving in a certain way, operant behavior. This section also broadened my language of behavior vocabulary with multiple new terms. If I were to attempt to explain a specific behavior over others I now know to refer to that behavior as a target behavior. As well as a behavior that occurs as a result of the introduction of a stimulus, response.
8. Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can think of many a times where I was trying to specify a specific action to another person but struggled to communicate well enough, this section is similar to that process of identifying a behavior accurately and precisely. I can also relate to satiation and deprivation. I try to deprive myself of unhealthy food like candy, chips and chocolate, not very successfully I might add. The deprivation of these stimuli will help me in the long run at becoming fit and a lot healthier. I think it is very important that I avoid these stimuli in order to stay in better shape.
9. How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Well my understanding of behavioral modification has certainly increased. I would say that the sections have influenced my understanding of behavioral modification more so than changing an opinion. I certainly did not expect the language of behavior to get more complicated, it is probably a good thing however. The more I learn the better I can express my thoughts and ideas of behavior while making sense.
10. Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Elicit, Emit, behavior, punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior, operant behavior, response
Megan Hasley
Please read sections 1.3 (Language of Behavior) and 1.4 (Some Behavioral Terms)
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought it was really interesting that the language used for behavior modification is so specific and needs to be kept that way for a reason. Before this class I did not realize that using words like reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforce could mean such different things.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was not anything specific in this chapter that I thought was least interesting. I think that everything that was included was relevant and important.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had already learned that there was a difference between words like reinforcement, reinforce, reinforce and punishment, punish, and punisher but I think this chapter just helped add to that knowledge. It explained how important it is to make sure you’re using the correct terminology.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
1. I learned Spanish in high school, and relating behavior modification to learning a new language is a helpful analogy. I think that learning the correct vocabulary for behavior modification is very similar to learning a new language.
2. Translating the behavior modification text into words that are easier to understand was also relevant because sometimes you need to translate words in different ways in order for them to make the most sense.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the new terminology to be very interesting. Learning about deprivation was interesting because I think deprivation could be one of the strongest motivators in behavior modification. If you take something away, people will respond to it.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought the least interesting part was when the language of behavior was related to math. Personally, I am not good at, or fond of math. Even just thinking about it makes my brain shut down.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what I already knew because it expanded on a lot of terms. The terms that were discussed today I had discussed briefly in other classes, but had never gone into as much depth before.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Satiation relates to my life because I have experienced that in terms of eating too much, and then being offered more food.
I also think that establishing operation applies because I see a lot of commercials that establish operations; therefore I think it affects all of us.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I expected behavior modification to be complex, but I think with all of the different terms it is more complex than I had imagined. I did not expect for there to be a difference between terms like reinforce and reinforcer. I think that has been the most surprising thing.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
TERMS: behavior modification, reinforcement, reinforce, and reinforce, punish, punishment, punisher, deprivation, satiation, establishing operation,
1. There were a few things from this reading section that I enjoyed. I liked the crow example and how it was put into behavioral terms. Seeing the story in two different ways helped me understand how to use the language of behavior easier and correctly.
2. The only thing I disliked from this section was sometimes being confused and continually using the behavioral language correctly because using it incorrectly can completely change the meaning of what was intended. The vocabulary and remembering it all without having to go back to previous readings was a challenge at times and frustrating but soon with enough repetition it will be easy.
3. One of the things that I will remember from this section is that it is important to understand that behaviors may seem similar but actually may have different functions. Topographically similar behaviors mean that the on the surface different behaviors look the same, although they may serve different functions such as waving can look the same yet function differently from waving goodbye or waving to cool yourself off. Another thing I found that I will remember from this section is the difference between elicit and emit and that elicit is when you make a behavior occur and emit is when you do the behavior. The third thing I will take away from this section is extinction and how it was used in conjunction with the story of the crow and that extinction is when a behavior that used in situations that were previously reinforced but now are no longer being reinforced.
4. I really liked this section and how it defined all the terms and vocabulary easily and that it even went over past terminology which help refresh my mind and kept those meanings in my head. I like having to constantly apply the same terms from both this section and previous sections for the examples because constant repetition helps me learn things a lot faster.
5. The thing I liked the least about this section was that it was sort of term and vocabulary heavy almost like a dictionary and was difficult to continuously remember what each term meant while trying to remember the new ones so it was hard to get down the meanings of all the terms and to know how to use them all correctly.
6. One of the things I will remember from this section was the term satiation and that it adding any reinforcement to an organism will not change the frequency of the behavior that is being reinforced. Another thing I learned was deprivation and to not confuse it with satiation. Deprivation is withholding any stimulus that serves as reinforcement to an organism. The last thing I took away from this section was that a discriminative stimulus sets the occasion also known as the antecedent for the behavior and the consequence.
7. After reading these two sections I have come to realize that behavior modification is a lot more complex than I first thought it was. There are so many terms and meanings to remember in order to properly understand how behavior modification works and that it takes a lot more effort and time to be able to know how to use behavior modification.
8. Terms: Deprivation, Satiation, Discriminative Stimulus, Topographical Behavior, Emit, Elicit, Reinforcement, Extinction
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the way that you introduced the chapter in the beginning. I like the examples that you use and how you define each word perfectly. I loved the story that you used about how you learned Spanish (I speak fluent Spanish so I found it amusing). I also like that you are understanding that most of us students have no understanding of the behavior modification language, as we are just now learning. Most professors expect you to understand things like that right away which can be very frustrating. It was interesting to learn about establish operation because I didn’t realize that researchers actually used that certain procedure.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
When I had to give examples, I got kind of frustrating the harder they got. I felt like the questions were intimidating and I didn’t know whether my answer would be right or wrong. But you did say that it’s okay to be frustrated because that means that we are learning. I hope so! I also thought there was far many examples.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
- This chapter relates to what I already knew by what we read in the previous chapters. We learned how to use reinforcement, reinforcer, punishment and punisher correctly. We got more in depth with the words we learned in the previous chapters to make the language easier to understand.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is how learning a different language can definitely be challenging. It felt nice to know that I am not the only one that is probably struggling on learning about the behavior modification language. Another thing that relates to my life is that I speak fluent Spanish and you included examples based off of your own personal life to help us understand that being new to the language is okay and that sometimes you have to go through the frustrating part to really learn. Some of the Spanish examples made me laugh and it really made me feel included to know that you found my language difficult at one time and that you also went through that frustrating patch.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found that I really like that you constantly go over the terms that we have learned in the first chapters because that means we are just learning more and more about each term. I really enjoyed the boxes in this chapter and found them very beneficial. I love how you use humor to persuade us to answer the questions. For example, you made us use french fries while using the words elicit and emit.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I really enjoyed this section and found everything very interesting in this section.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
It was a great review of many of the things we have previously learned but with a few new terms that we just learned as well. It was really helpful to define each word on our own and think of examples that would fit that term.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is that this section really makes you think about what each word means and define it on your own. I really like this because this is how I study and learn the best. It is a lot easier for me to break things down rather than spilling a whole bunch of information down my throat and expect me to learn it right away. Another thing that relates to me is that I love that you use humor in your writing. This is definitely my style of reading and it makes it so much better to read.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because I thought it would be so much easier to learn about how we behave but now I am like, “dang these are a lot of terms” which means it is a lot more complicated than what I thought.
10) Behavior, modification, language, establishing operation, reinforcement, punishment, punisher, reinforcer, elicit, emit
1.I think extinction is an interesting topic because it brings together reinforcement and the result of reinforcement. To me that is an interesting way to look at things. Seeing how reinforcement works and seeing it work is interesting.
2.I thought that using the terms in sentences was the most boring part of this section because most of the terms were ones that we have been using in previous classes for psychology.
3.This section relates to what I already know because I knew a lot of the terms that it had us using and talking about. It talked about language and how important it is and we have discussed that other classes. Also from the last chapter discussing reinforcement and punishment came up in this section to. With how and when to use the terms in sentences.
4.The first thing that would be relatable to my life is extinction, just seeing it happen and seeing how reinforcement quickly it happens if it happens after one time or if it takes multiple reinforcements to make a behavior extinct. The second thing that is relatable to my life is using the different terms in real life sentences other than just definitions. Trying to explain some of the terms to people that don’t know anything about them is hard. With the practice that we used in this chapter that will help use the terms in sentence that I would use on a day-to-day basis.
5.Target behaviors were interesting to learn about. I think it was interesting to learn about because I didn’t know much about them before. I think having a set behavior trying to achieve is a good goal.
6.Learning more about punishment and reinforcement. I have learned about it in a lot of psychology classes and it is repetitive. I think it is an interesting topic but just rereading about it gets old.
7.Like I mentioned before I did know about a lot of these topics before this reading because of the previous classes that I have taken but it was a good refresher about some of the topics such as operant behaviors.
8.Target behaviors relate to my life because I can use this knowledge at work with children and it will be a new way for me to set behavior goals for them. I think establishing operation will be useful in my everyday life, I think I could use this in my work setting as well.
9.So far it is a lot of the things I have already learned in other psychology classes, and I didn’t think I was going to know much about behavioral modification before we started but know I think I am going to know more than I thought I did.
10.Reinforcement, punishment, target behaviors, operant behavior, extinction,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I personally found the example of connecting behavior modification to learning a foreign language to be very interesting because it isn’t something that you would make that connection with easily.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There wasn’t one thing that stuck out as being uninteresting. Some of the terms are terms we have previously learned in other classes, but that is the only part that I would consider uninteresting.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
A lot of this section relates to previously learned words such as reinforce, reinforcement, reinforce, and punishment that we have discussed in other classes as well as in this one. But, in this section we went much more into detail about the differences of these and how each word is similar yet means a different thing.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing I can relate to my life is learning a foreign language and the difficulties that many people face when first learning them. The other thing that can be related to my life is the idea of behavior extinction. One behavior that I have grown out of is biting people. When I was young this was something I was known for doing but I now, no longer emit that behavior.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
My favorite thing in this section was about deprivation and what it really meant in terms of modifying a persons behavior. I think I liked this part most because I have never thought of this term as a use of leverage that you could use on someone.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t find anything overly uninteresting but the part that discussed the relationship of the antecedent, behavior, and consequence was something that we had previously gone into great detail in the chapters before.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section talked a bit about deprivation. This is one thing that I think we all know the general concept of but I really liked reading about it in terms of how it can affect a person’s behavior and how you can control an organism by depriving it of something.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example of how this section can be related back to my life is the part about deprivation. Deprivation is something I think everyone has gone into at one time or another whether it was sleep, food, or social deprivation. Another area that can be related to my life is the use of reinforcements. I think that reinforcements are something that pushes everyone to do a little better.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have made me realize that so many of these terms can be related back to a variety of things that we face in every day life that we don’t even realize have to do with modifying a persons behavior. An example of this is reinforcements and deprivation. Both of these things have the ability to modify a person’s behavior and we often probably don’t even realize it is what we are trying to accomplish.
Terms used: deprivation, behavior, modification, behavior extinction, emit, antecedent, and consequence.
1) The thing I found most interesting about this section was how when the stories were “translated” into behavior modification terms, they became much more descriptive and brought the stories from a basic reading level to one that seemed much more intelligent.
2) It was not that I found any one section least interesting but I did find the portion on extinction burst to be a little confusing. I understand that extinction is when a behavior is no longer reinforced but I do not understand how you can consider an extinction burst something under that extinction category because this happens when behavior is changed and is now reinforced. It seems odd to mean to continue to use the word extinction if a behavior is being enforced but things meaning something other than expected often comes with learning new things.
3) This section relates to the previous sections we had read from this book because we are learning new things about behavior modification but it also relates to many other psychology or specialized courses I have taken because you need to learn how to correctly talk about or describe things before you can master any topic.
4) The first thing that relates to my life is how the new vocabulary can be viewed as a foreign language. I am currently attempting to learn a second language and I often make up songs or rhymes to help me remember things but I do not only make up these songs or rhymes to help me remember the foreign language but any concept that is new to me. The second thing from this section that relates to my life is the deprivation. I have younger siblings and I would often not let them have a snack or candy until they accomplished something very large. This meant that there were times when I did not reward them for their small accomplishments.
5) I found the layout of the section itself to be extremely interesting and helpful. It was nice to have the terms clearly stated with not only a definition but also an example that would help us better understand the concept of the term. Specifically I liked how the example of the rat was used not only for the example in the definition of establishing operation but also in deprivation. This helps show that one scenario can be used to show many things but also that within one scenario there are many different components of behavior modification happening.
6) I found the portions of this section on discriminate and discriminative stimuli to be the least interesting. I think is because these are the sections I found most confusing but I am use with practice they will become clearer.
7) As stated within this section this class relates to not only a foreign language class but also to a math class. You are learning new concepts but these are concepts that are going to be referred to and built off of throughout the entire class.
8) The first thing from this section that relates to my life is the portion on satiation. The biggest example I can think of for this is children in the summer time. At the beginning of summer they view the free time as a reward that should not be wasted but near the end of summer they are sick of free time and ready to get back to school. This often happened to me as child and I now realized it is because I was satiated with the reward of free time. The second thing that relates to my life is that the definitions were taken from Wiki. We are told throughout school that this is not a reliable place to get information but I believe that if you are using this information as a starting point and are double checking that is correct, it can be a perfect sound place to start.
9) These readings have influenced my initial thoughts about behavior modification in the sense that I am now realizing how much I have to learn. I was hoping that since I took motivation and emotion many of the concepts would apply (and I think many will) but there are also many things that are completely new and that is extremely exciting.
10) behavior modification, extinction burst, extinction, reinforced, deprivation, reward, establishing operation, discriminate stimuli, discriminative stimuli, satiation
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found the most interesting, was when normal sentences were translated into the specific behavior language. This is because even though I know what the words reinforcer, punisher, reinforce, punish, etc. mean, I was still really confused when day to day behaviors we translated into to behavior language. Because of this I think it will just talk some practice on my part to become more familiar with the specific language.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing that was least interesting to me was when the fable by Aesop was translated into the specific behavior language. I found it to be a little excessive, because it ruined the story and made it more of hassle to read and just ended up confusing me for awhile.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
It relates to what I already know because it talks about using the words punishment, punisher, reinforcement, reinforcer in sentences. I may know what the words mean, but to be able to differentiate between them and actually use them in a sentence is completely different and a lot more challenging.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The section about the difference between elicit and emit plays a role in my life because I tend to use those words interchangeably, but I should stop that because they mean different things. The second thing is when it talks about learning Spanish by speaking it rather than just listening to it being spoken. I was taught spanish the same way, and have always been a hands on learner.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I didn’t realize how much terminology there is when it comes to talking about behavior modification. I am looking forward to becoming more familiar with these words and being able to use them when talking about behavior.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There wasn’t anything I didn’t really find interesting. However, I didn’t care for the fact that the book threw so many new terms at us at once. They are all rather similar and I found myself having to re-read things in order to completely comprehend exactly what I was reading.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what I already know previously because I have heard these terms in my everyday life, I have just never used them when talking about behavior modification.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Like I said, I have used some of these “new” terms in my daily life, I now just need to get more comfortable when using them to talk about behavior modification. Another thing that relates to my life is when it talks about commercials. I never realized that you could apply behavior modification to the commercials we see on TV everyday.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading these two sections made me realize just how complex behavior modification can be. It is not just, ‘Billy did this, because such and such happened to him”, that is just the surface of what behavior modification is all about.
Terminology: behavior modification, reinforcer, reinforcement, punisher, punishment, elicit, emit, reinforce, punish, behavior
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
First off, the Spanish story was my favorite part. Secondly, I appreciate that I have come in knowing next to nothing about behavior modification and you are helping me understand in the simplest way possible. The way everything is explained to me has helped me so much in learning these chapters. My favorite subject in this section was establishing operation. I have witness with training my dog what the text was talking about; using food as a reinforcer.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Extinction burst I think captured my attention the least. I had to read over it multiple times to even understand what was happening. After understanding it, I’m just not impressed by it. Not your writing, but the topic in general. I struggle with random stuff like that.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section talks more about reinforcement and the components that fall under it. We learned how to use them in the correct way as well as use them in more depth. We also reuse a lot of terms and use them in different ways and that helps me to remember what they mean and how to use them properly. It makes
- This chapter relates to what I already knew by what we read in the previous chapters. We learned how to use reinforcement, reinforcer, punishment and punisher correctly. We got more in depth with the words we learned in the previous chapters to make the language easier to understand.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I have used deprivation a little in my life doing various psychological things here and there such as depriving myself of food in order to get certain tasks done. Another thing is when the text states behavior is like learning another language. It just made me think of when I was learning sign language in high school and I had to really think about it to catch on.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
My favorite part of this section is where the text states “if frustration means you are learning, getting bored might mean that you learned it. Both are good information.” Because that makes me realize and understand that all of my struggles serve a purpose and it’s okay to be frustrated sometimes. It’s also okay to be bored because that might mean that I already know the information.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I enjoyed this section but if I had to decide, I would say learning about operant behavior was least interesting solely because I’ve learned it time and time again while doing various experiments with it.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section basically reviewed what we have previously covered, especially with antecedents, behaviors and consequences as I do love that topic.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Target behavior relates to my life because without even realizing it, I do a lot of targeting behavior. Examples would be going to bed at a certain time each night, or eating fruit in the morning. Another thing that relates to my life is satiation. I have oftentimes used snacks as a personal reward for completing tasks, such as pieces of candy. Once my sweet tooth goes away after about 3 pieces, I am satiated, and it no longer helps me finish my tasks.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because I thought it would be so much easier to learn about how we behave but now I realize how many terms there are and the differences between each of them and I find myself wondering if I am academically capable.
10) Behavior, modification, language, establishing operation, reinforcement, punishment, punisher, reinforcer, elicit, emit
While reading this section, I was very interested in how behavior has its own "language." I found it a little difficult at first while reading some of the passages with the behavior terminology, but thats why I was interested: it was a challenge. I read slowly and comprehended each word and terminology. I liked reading it and I actually spoke out loud with the terminology and I felt very sophisticated and intelligent. I thought it was engaging taking the story of the man who was bit and emitting the behavior language from the story to create what seems like a different story.
I found that reading about establishing operation disinterested me. I guess its because I didn't understand it fully at first and that was frustrating. But after reading further and working harder to understand it completely, it made more sense and I could use towards writing a behavior language sentence.
Well, being that it talks about behavior and how we can manipulate it relates to our previous readings. It speaks about reinforcement and how there's different terminology we should know such as reinforcer and reinforce and how it is incredibly important to know the difference.
I feel like extinction relates to my life sometimes because I will crave something sweet, but when I look in my fridge, freezer, or cabinets, I become disappointed because I don't have any sweets for my craving. Another thing that I can relate to in my life is satiation. For example, studying. I feel motivated at first to study, but by the time I am done studying, I am just sick of it.
I found that almost every term in behavior language relates to one another is some way. For example, elicit and emit relate to one another in that something/someone elicits something, and we emit it. Also, the relationship between a response and target behavior: the target behavior is a behavior you want to get from yourself or something/someone else, the response is what you get from them. It is interesting how this works.
I didn't find anything very disinteresting. These were all terms that I want to know and need to know so I read and tried my hardest to comprehend. I felt interested in this section because I feel motivated to know these terms.
Most of the terms mentioned were already used in previous sections, which was a good refresher. Like it said in the section, behavior language is very cumulative and you can't just learn it and forget about it, it carries on through the whole process.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I feel like deprivation relates to my life in some degree, especially living away from home. I feel deprived of my family and the love I get from them when I am not around them. Another would be target behavior. I am a nail biter, and my goal is to stop biting my nails, making my target behavior be not to bite my nails.
It is becoming more complex, which I like. It isn't simple as I first thought. I figured, oh, give a punishment, they will stop, or oh, give a reinforcer, they will continue to do the behavior, but it is more complex than that. It depends treating on the environment and how you go about the modification.
Terms used: behavior modification, elicit, emit, target behavior, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, extinction, establishing operation, satiation, response, deprivation
(extra credit)
Section 1.3
1)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Overall I thought this section was pretty interesting. If I had to choose I would say that the whole language of behavior being its own language was the most interesting. I found this interesting because I’ve never thought of it that way. It has to be very specific in order to communicate the message across.
2)What did you find least interesting? Why?
The history of Skinner and Goldiamond and their research is something that I find least interesting when reading this section. I don’t enjoy reading facts about history over and over again and sort of loose focus while going over the material.
3)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates with the previous sections by discussing reinforcement and how the terms within that word can mean different things such as, reinforce and reinforce which again is very specific.
4)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The part talking about establishing operation is a topic that stuck out to me while reading because I could relate the example used to my life. It mentioned how when you’re hungry just about anything tastes good which is so true. I also find myself depriving myself of that food to be motivated when I do get the chance to eat it. Another thing that related to my life is language as a whole. I took Spanish in high school and went overseas to Haiti and it is so important to be precise on what it is you are trying to say to get the correct meaning across.
Section 1.4
5)What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought learning about the relationship between a target behavior and a response was pretty interesting. I know everything has a response and the target is something you can increase or decrease for that changes frequency. I thought this was interesting because this occurs all of the time yet I never take into account the target behavior that I am hoping for.
6)What did you find least interesting? Why?
There were a lot of terms in this section. A lot were repeats so I would say that most weren’t that interesting because it wasn’t new material that stuck out. I think it’s good to review them though because I can always go over it again.
7)How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Again, like I said earlier it is a lot of repeats of terminology in this section of what has already been covered if not in the previous sections of this class, another class already taken. So this section relates to a lot of knowledge learned in other courses.
8)Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I would say relating these terms into my everyday life are something that I notice I can work on more. It’s a process and I will start to realize and look out for these certain behaviors. Another thing that I found in relation to my life is depriving myself of food once again, because in the previous section I used this as an example so that the motivation of being able to eat the food will be that much better.
9)How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Behavior modification has a lot of the same terms from previous courses and I’m going to enjoy learning more specific ones relating to behavior as we go therefore I can become more aware of my surrounding and the behaviors all around me.
10)Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Language of behavior. Skinner and Goldiamond. Reinforcement, reinforce, reinforcer. Establishing operation. Deprivation. Target behavior. Response.
Section 1.3
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the comparison between learning a foreign language and learning the language of behavioral psychology to be very interesting. I enjoy seeing cross curricular connections and this concept definitely made sense to me. To develop fluency and understanding of any concept there needs to be a lot of practice involved with utilizing the information used, otherwise you are merely reciting and regurgitating the information. Personally I felt that introducing the new terminology like you would in a spanish or foreign language class was very effective and it helped me gain a better understanding of the vocabulary we are expected to use.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I would have to say that the story of the man bitten by the dog was not exactly my favorite part of this assignment. I understand that sometimes there is a need to analyze documents for this class but personally I did not enjoy this story. At first I was a little confused about what exactly I was supposed to specifically translate: was I focusing on the actions of the man bitten or on the man giving the advice?Am I supposed to assess the causes as to why the dog bit the man in the first place? I found this a tiny bit confusing and the story all in all to be a little dull.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Well it appears that this chapter just expanded upon the previous sections we have ead. In section 1.1 it talked about the initial focus of Behavior Modification and how all behaviors can be boiled down to a basic ABC model: antecedent, behavior, consequence. The reading explained how consequences were typically dealt onto us by our parents, peers, or society. In section 1.3 we focused on the two terms reinforcement and punishment, and as a result showing the ways that they connect with the ABC model. We went very in depth with these terms and were given a more concrete definition of their purpose in the language of behavior. We also focused on how some consequences were more aversive than others, a term merely hinted at in section 1.1.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Given the fact that we have spaces to respond to these questions, I have already been given the opportunity to reflect upon the ways this reading can apply to everyday life. What I find most interesting is assessing the idea of punishment and reinforcement usually weighs in on behavioral choices. For example, in the first exercise it asks us to describe three day to day events in behavioral terms. It did not take me very long to find ways that our behavioral terminology could be used in my everyday life, especially when the focus was on reinforcement and punishment. For my own intentions, I find it interesting to look at my actions and the actions of my peers through this behavioral lesne. Witnessing how certain consequences weigh heavily upon decisions pertaining to my behavioral choices as well as those around me is really quite fascinating.
Section 1.4
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting how many written examples were included in this section for us to fill out. This section was all about making sure that we understood the definitions of the vocabulary being discussed and being able to use the vocabulary coherently in a written context. All of this practice definitely hammered home the definitions of these terms and I got plenty of experience trying to find creative ways to use these words in sentences pertaining to my everyday life.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
After awhile it became a little redundant using the same words repeatedly in different exercises. I understand the point is to provide the student with different contexts in which to think and use the terminology but after awhile I felt myself wanting to learn more information about different aspects of behavioral psychology.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
It isn’t hard to see that each of these sections are expanding upon one another as we gradually progress forward. In previous sections we had discussed the purpose of terms such as reinforcement and punishment all encompassed. This section however further expanded upon these terms with the addition of new vocabulary such as target behavior, discriminate stimuli, satiation, deprivation, and their effects upon reinforcement and punishment.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Discriminative stimuli is a term that heavily relates to my life. As a music major here at UNI, I am very much aware of the impact that music has upon the mind and the soul. When listening to music, the person is having an aesthetic experience that is unique to each individual. Music helps draw on emotions, experiences and ideal, leading to a wide range of responses, thus making it a discriminative stimuli.
As for deprivation, I am currently trying to deprive myself of Netflix in order to have a more productive study session. In the reading, the example of deprivation in order to improve behavior was far more severe, such as withholding food from the rat. In my own experience I am not withholding something as essential as sustenance required for life, but I am withholding something that has been used as a tool for reinforcing productive behavior in the past. Unfortunately I had become too satiated with Netflix that it was becoming far less effective.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Throughout my reading thus far, I have become far more aware of the fact that my behavior is significantly impacted by the concept of punishment and reinforcement. I also learned that there are many more terms that can be utilized when describing, observing, and analyzing my own behaviors as well as the behaviors of others. These concepts can be applied to my daily life and it is almost scary to see the connections between my daily life and what we are learning in class.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
discriminate stimulus, response, satiation, deprivation, punishment, reinforcement, target behavior, aversive
1) What did you find interesting in the first section? Why?
I found the concept that the language of behavior being compared to learning a new language was an interesting way of explaining the topic. It made it very clear that learning the language of behavior can at first be frustrating and difficult, but after a lot of practice and time – things start to make sense.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The sections that I found the least interesting were those that were dedicated to reinforcement and punishment, since we had already learned about that in the previous readings.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
As I said above, we just learned about the concepts of reinforcement and punishment, so it relates to what we just recently learned in this very class. It also relates to experience learning a different language, in that this may be challenging and require patience and practice to full understand the concept of the language of behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can easily relate the concept of learning a new language because I have taken several years of Spanish – and I STILL struggle with it. I can understand quite a bit, but it still is definitely something that does not come naturally for me. I can also relate this to my confusion when communicating with some people at times – or vice versa. Sometimes a clear behavior for one person can be a confusing one for another person. For example, if a roommate leaves a shirt on their chair because they want to wear it the next day – they may get frustrated when their roommate has folded the shirt up and put it in the closet, thinking it was just out of place.
5) What did you find interesting in the second section? Why?
I am glad we reviewed all of the terms from the previous sections – it was really helping just pulling all of the concepts together.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I suppose I found the section relating back to reinforcement and punishment least interesting – simply because this is a concept that is not new to me and we have already gone over it.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
All of this chapter seemed to relate to what we have previously learned in this class. Also, many concepts are review from basic high school biology, as well as Intro to Psych.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
In reality, basically everything in this chapter relates to my life. A few solid examples would be if I am acting out a behavior, such as washing the dishes, this is a behavior I am emitting. Another example would be if I study hard for an exam, and then do really well on the exam, that would be an example of reinforcement.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Honestly, since most of this has been review it has influenced my original view about behavior modification all too much. If anything, it has made it seem a little more complicated, regarding the language of behavior concept.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Elicit, reinforcement, punishment, language of behavior
After reading section 1.3, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The exercises along the way are really helpful because it’s still a hands on learning experience even though its being taught online.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The Aesop fable examples provided that we had to turn into behavior modification language seemed kind of difficult versus just a normal paragraph about something because its almost too complicated to translate.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the language of behavior is very precise because its important to describe behaviors accurately. I will also remember the language of behavior can be used to describe almost all situations. And lastly that an establishing operation helps make the reinforce more effective.
After reading section 1.4, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the examples provided and the wiki definitons and how that relates to behavior modification because it helps make the concept clear to me.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There were a lot of terms in this section and it makes it harder for me to remember them and differentiate between them.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One) The language of behavior is cumulative. Two) For an establishing operation to be effective, it needs to ensure that an organism’s behavior will be modified based on the type of reinforcement being used. Establishing operations make the reinforcer more attractive or more reinforcing. Three) In deprivation, you do not allow an organism to receive something which is reinforcing, often by virtue of the fact that it is necessary toward the survival of the organism.
7) Now that you have read sections 1.3 & 1.4, how has what you thought about behavior modification changed (or not)?
I had no idea it was going to be just like learning another language, one that is so similar to what I’m used to, but still rather precise and distinct in its own way.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Language behavior
Establishing operation
1a&b) The one thing that I really liked in this section is the fact that we are not expected to understand something that we read immediately in this section. For example, the passage B.F. Skinner presented which was “The place of operant reinforcement in self-control is not clear, in one sense, all reinforcements are self-administered since a response may be regarded as “producing” its reinforcement…” The reason is because as a student, it was rather complicated to understand and with this expectation, I feel more comfortable learning without the pressure of immediately grasping what is thought. 2) The one thing I liked the least was the complexity of the language of behavior. As Noam Chomsky discovered, language is generative and there are often many ways to describe a behavior’s sequence. I did not really like this because it makes it harder to grasp what I am learning. Although with enough effort, understanding the language of behavior should be fine.
3a,b&c) The three things I will remember from what I read in this section are the classification of behaviors or event, how behaviors can be topographically similar and yet may be functionally different, and the difference between reinforcement and punishment. The reason why I will remember all these three thing are because I read it over and over to make sure understand what I was reading. Especially how a behavior can be topographically similar but serve different purposes. A side note would be that I will remember not to mistake topographical behavior with a functional behavior.
4a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is the introduction of the terms “emitted “and “elicited”. The reason being that these terms are used very often but in terms of the language of behavior it has a slightly different and in-depth definition. Emitted refers to the occurrence of voluntary behaviors and elicited refers to the occurrence of behaviors which are caused by the presentation of a stimulus.
5) The one thing I did not like is the definition that was given for “reinforcement” and “punishment”. The reason why I disliked these definitions were not because I disagreed with it but because I feel that it would be easier to understand by giving these terms one definition and not adding new meaning at each subchapter.
6a,bc) The three things I will remember from this section are the terms emitted, elicited and discriminated stimulus, The reason is because every time new terms are introduced it sparks an interest in me to understand what it means and retain that knowledge.
7) After reading these sections, the one thing that changed in my opinion of behavior modification is that it is a field that goes very in-depth into certain regular, everyday processes and attempts to explain behavior through a set behavioral rules.
8) reinforcement, punishment, target behavior, elicited, emitted, voluntary behavior, discriminated stimulus, topographical behavior, functional behavior.
1) I found learning about extinction interesting. I liked reading about how even once a behavior is conditioned it can be stopped or modified into a new behavior. That makes me feel better about behavior modification because if something goes wrong extinction can be implemented.
2) I found learning about the language of behavior least interesting to learn about. I don’t like how there is a certain language used in place of certain words. I get that it makes it seem more official in some ways but in my opinion it is pointless to use certain words like emit, elicit, etc.
3) This section relates to what I’ve previously learned about reinforcement. I took a psychology class in high school where we spent a large portion of the class talking about different types of conditioning and reinforcements and punishments.
4) Two things that relate to my life from this section are reinforcement, and aversive stimuli. I have a dog and he get reinforced all of the time. Everytime he sits when I tell him or does something good he gets a treat to reinforce his behavior. Aversive stimuli relates to my life because I have tastes that are aversive to things that have a weird taste. I am a very texture person when it comes to food.
5) I found it interesting learning about different discriminative stimulus’. It was weird to think about how there are different objects, people, or things that are all around us that signal something for us to do. Most of the time we don’t even realize it.
6) I found it least interesting to learn about satiation. I just thought that part of the section was not very interesting compared to the rest of the section. In my opinion it didn’t really have as much information about it compared to the rest of the section.
7) This section relates to information I have already learned about reinforcement and punishment. Classes in school always highlight those two but it was nice learning about different things relating to behavior modification.
8) Two things that relate to my life from this section is discriminative stimulus and target behavior. Discriminative stimulus’ are all around us and we do not realize it. For example, when students go into a classroom before class starts they start talking. When the teacher walks in most of the time the class gets quiet because that is a sign that class is going to start. Target behavior relates to my life because I babysit and I have to get them to brush their teeth. I have to reinforce the behavior of brushing their teeth in order to get them to brush their teeth on their own when I am there.
9) Reading these sections have influenced my thought about behavior modification because it showed me that it is more than just reinforcement and punishment that I originally thought when I took psychology in high school.
10) Terms: reinforcement, behavior modification, discriminative stimulus, target behavior, punishment, satiation, aversive stimuli, emit, elicit, extinction
1) I found learning about extinction interesting. I liked reading about how even once a behavior is conditioned it can be stopped or modified into a new behavior. That makes me feel better about behavior modification because if something goes wrong extinction can be implemented.
2) I found learning about the language of behavior least interesting to learn about. I don’t like how there is a certain language used in place of certain words. I get that it makes it seem more official in some ways but in my opinion it is pointless to use certain words like emit, elicit, etc.
3) This section relates to what I’ve previously learned about reinforcement. I took a psychology class in high school where we spent a large portion of the class talking about different types of conditioning and reinforcements and punishments.
4) Two things that relate to my life from this section are reinforcement, and aversive stimuli. I have a dog and he get reinforced all of the time. Everytime he sits when I tell him or does something good he gets a treat to reinforce his behavior. Aversive stimuli relates to my life because I have tastes that are aversive to things that have a weird taste. I am a very texture person when it comes to food.
5) I found it interesting learning about different discriminative stimulus’. It was weird to think about how there are different objects, people, or things that are all around us that signal something for us to do. Most of the time we don’t even realize it.
6) I found it least interesting to learn about satiation. I just thought that part of the section was not very interesting compared to the rest of the section. In my opinion it didn’t really have as much information about it compared to the rest of the section.
7) This section relates to information I have already learned about reinforcement and punishment. Classes in school always highlight those two but it was nice learning about different things relating to behavior modification.
8) Two things that relate to my life from this section is discriminative stimulus and target behavior. Discriminative stimulus’ are all around us and we do not realize it. For example, when students go into a classroom before class starts they start talking. When the teacher walks in most of the time the class gets quiet because that is a sign that class is going to start. Target behavior relates to my life because I babysit and I have to get them to brush their teeth. I have to reinforce the behavior of brushing their teeth in order to get them to brush their teeth on their own when I am there.
9) Reading these sections have influenced my thought about behavior modification because it showed me that it is more than just reinforcement and punishment that I originally thought when I took psychology in high school.
10) Terms: reinforcement, behavior modification, discriminative stimulus, target behavior, punishment, satiation, aversive stimuli, emit, elicit, extinction