Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
2) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
3) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you
were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have
2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2
(behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =
Day 2 =
Day 3 =
Day 4 =
Day 5 =
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =
5b) How
is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are
looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to
do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your
behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once
you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in
your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
One thing that I really liked about this section was how it gave alternative options to use for aversive behavior instead of punishment. I really like the idea of the “toy timeout.” I really liked this idea because of instead of having to punish the children over fighting over a toy the parents can then just remove the object that is causing the aversive problem. Thus eliminating the problem and having to punish the children.
There wasn’t really one thing that I disliked about this section. I felt that all of the information I read in this section could be put to good use and was very valuable.
One thing that I will definitely remember is the idea of the “toy timeout” as stated before. I think this is memorable because it shows an alternative to having to punish one’s children. I think that this is something all parents should know about and should try to enforce with their own children. Another concept that I found to be memorable was “removing the NO’s” or the extent to which we can control the environment. If we can exert some control over our own environment to get the behavior that we want this can be very helpful. Like the example in the book if one removes the NO’s from the environment this can in turn the change what the children observe and how they react. Lastly, I will remember from this section the idea of DRO’s or differential reinforcement of other behavior. This is the idea of reducing a behavior which can be elicited by changing the environment. Changing the environment is something that we should always consider when implementing a behavior modification program.
Day 1= 0 snacking behaviors
Day 2= 2 snacking behaviors
Day 3= 0 snacking behaviors
Day 4= 1 snacking behavior
Day 5= 2 snacking behaviors
Day 6= 0 snacking behaviors
Day 7= 3 snacking behaviors
My project is going alright so far. It, just like the water drinking activity, is difficult to keep track of data just because it is something that I am not use to doing. My reinforcement plan seems to be working and hopefully my behavior continues to decrease as I continue to implement the plan.
Terms: behavior, antecedents, environment, behavior modification, aversive, punishment, differential reinforcement of other behavior
1. I really liked coming up with examples on how I would change the antecedents of a certain behavior. It helped me figure out different variations of antecedents and how they could all work in conjunction with one another to either induce reinforcement or deter punishment. For example, one of the examples dealt with controlling the environment when I gave up junk food and my roommate was eating junk food in front of me. I could remove myself from the room entirely or in place of eating junk food, I could eat healthier snacks in place of the junk food. Perhaps this would cause my roommate to notice my healthy eating and begin eating healthier as well.
2. I didn't dislike anything in this section. It was straightforward and generally an easy read.
3. I will remember that differential reinforcement of behavior is essential in eliminating undesirable behaviors without using punishment. Instead of punishing for emitting the target behavior, I could reinforce incompatible behaviors. For example, instead of punishing for smoking, I could find alternative behaviors that deter me from smoking. I could chew sunflower seeds or drink a soda instead. Secondly, I will not forget the Premack principle. "A person will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior." Sounds simple enough and it generally is, but changing behaviors takes willpower along with reinforcement. Lastly, I will not forget behavioral hierarchies and behavioral chains and how they relate to the Premack principle. If my target behavior was to increase my running to 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times per week, they I would first create a list of behaviors I engage in on a regular basis. Television and eating food are high on my list while running is closer to the bottom. What behavioral hierarchies essentially teach us is that we do not need to use tangible objects for reinforcement, we can instead use high frequency behaviors. If we are still having trouble reducing the target behavior or emitting the target behavior, we may need to look at our behavioral chain that lead up to the behavior being emitted. Oftentimes, one of the events in a behavioral chain can elicit the target behavior. Rearranging the behavioral chain essentially involves restructuring the antecedents.
Week #2
day 1= 30 minutes
day 2= 30 minutes
day 3= 20 minutes
day 4= 35 minutes
day 5= 5 minutes
day 6= 0 minutes
day 7= 0 minutes
average= 17 minutes
5. The project is going well but I am having trouble finding a reinforcer to increase my running behavior. I emailed Dr. Maclin before reading this section and he introduced me to the Premack Principle and how I could use high frequency behaviors to reinforce low frequency behavior. This week I will attempt to find a worthy behavior and document my progress.
terms: punishment, reinforcement, emit, differential reinforcement, Premack principle, behavioral hierarchies, behavioral chain, target behavior, antecedents, elicit
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this section a lot because it took a look at behavior modification in a different direction. This whole semester we have been talking about changing behavior through reinforcement or punishment so it was interesting to hear information on changing the antecedent.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing about this section that I particularly disliked because it was a short glimpse that explained the concept very well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is how useful it can be to change or remove the antecedent rather than a reinforcer. I will remember this because we have never approached this concept before although it is a fairly obvious one it is nice to have examples. Another thing I will remember from this section is the Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior and how they are effective in reducing the behavior that is elicited when the environment is changed. The last thing I will remember is the concept of toy time outs because it can be applied to almost anything. With using this type of behavior modification, one can change the environment by removing an antecedent as well as disrupting the operant behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = N/A
Day 2 =16
Day 3 =N/A
Day 4 =18
Day 5 =17
Day 6 =19
Day 7 =19
Average = 17.8
4b) My project is going well so far although I have yet to reach my goal. It has been a week of late nights with papers and projects so I was able to work extra hard at adding more pull-ups in order to get my extra time of sleep in the morning.
Terminology: behavior modification, reinforcement, punishment, antecedent, reinforcer, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, elicit, and operant behavior
Section 5.4,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I really enjoyed reading the parts about using behavior modification with children. Up until now it has been focused on changing self-directed behaviors, but now we are beginning to understand how alter the behaviors of others. I think this was interesting to read because several of us in the class will most likely go on to have children someday.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
From this section there is nothing I can pinpoint that I disliked. All of the information presented was interesting to read and professionally written. I was not left with further questions that needed clarified.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the part on toy time outs rather than placing a child in a time out. This way the child, itself, is not being punished, but he or she is still able to grasp that it was not a desirable behavior that was emitted. The child being put into time out is negative punishment. Putting the toy in time out is still not reinforcement, which behavioralists prefer to use, but instead it is changing the environment by removing the antecedent of the fight. Thus, this disrupts the operant behavior of arguing and fighting over the toy. This is helpful for those who want to raise a child using behavioral methods.
b. Another portion I will remember is to try to reduce the frequency a child says “no.” Often children respond with the word “no” when they are little. This is done through observational learning, because they have most likely heard a parent say “no” to them. If the environment or antecedent is controlled, the child can only emit behaviors that are safe and appropriate. Therefore, the parents will not need to say “no” as much, and this is important to try to reduce the terrible twos.
c. We can control the environment to reduce aversive behaviors, as well as, control the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. It is the desired behaviors that are incompatible with the undesirable behaviors that we are trying to reduce. This can be done by Differential Reinforcement of Other (DRO), which is very valuable for behavior modification, since we typically want to change behaviors and want to find ways to reinforce rather than punish. This leads to a more desirable consequence.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Sunday = 0 minutes
Day 2 = Monday = 75 minutes
Day 3 = Tuesday = 50 minutes
Day 4 = Wednesday = 75 minutes
Day 5 = Thursday = 50 minutes
Day 6 = Friday = 180 minutes (of walking)
Day 7 = Saturday = 0 minutes
Sum = 330 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavioral intervention is going well. It has been helpful that I have signed up for another class, and this change is something I can fit into my schedule. I am feeling more energized and will hopefully begin to see more results of my behavior project soon. I am able to monitor my progress through my behavioral diary in my planner.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: self-directed behavior, behavior, punished, desirable, emit, negative punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, operant behavior, frequency, observational learning, aversive, elicit, Differential Reinforcement of Other (DRO), reinforce, punish, consequence, behavioral intervention, behavioral diary
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked this section not only because it definitely helped me fully understand what it means to change the antecedent, but it also taught me new lessons about parenting. Like how children learn a lot through observational learning, so changing our environment where we won't have to say "no" very often will help keep children from becoming more rebellious.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It's hard to say I disliked anything in particular in this section. I only wish it was longer or gave more examples with about raising children, but that's more of a personal preference since I want to work with children.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that reinforcement is always more effective than punishment, that you can manipulate your environment to lead to more desired consequences and that leading through example is very helpful in behavioral modification of others.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Time went to bed
Day 1 = Went to bed at 2, slept 3:30a-10:30a
Day 2 = Slept 2a-10:30
Day 3 = 2-10
Day 4 = 1:45a-12p
Day 5 = 2a-12:20p
Day 6 = 12:20a-9:40
Day 7 = 2a-8:45a
Average = 1:45a bedtime, slept 8.7 hours
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It's going overall great. I'm starting to get more of a steady sleep schedule, but I have been having trouble keeping up with the rewarding myself. It's seems I want to succeed with this behavioral intervention more than I want my reward.
Terminology: antecedent, observational learning, reinforcement, punishment, manipulate, consequence
1. Something I really liked about this section was the scenario about reducing the intake of sweets and reading other options of things to do to reduce the intake. I really like this part because I have a problem with eating junk food just because it’s readily accessible and easy.
2. Something I didn’t like much about this section was that after the discussion of changing or manipulating the environment, it ended with saying the environment is difficult to control and that changing it isn’t always an option. I didn’t like this because the beginning gave us hope and the ending kind of took it away.
3. Three things I will remember:
a. Removing objects from environments is a very successful way to change the antecedent, because this seems like the most easy way to go about making differences in our lives.
b. Changing the environment is always an option when trying to enforce a good behavior and it helps to complete the enforcement, because sometimes I forget how easy it is to make a small change that begins a big change.
c. The example about the roommates because I will be living with three new girls next month and I have been trying to make healthier life decisions but I think it will become a problem once I live with three other young college girls.
a. Day 1: 60 min
b. Day 2: 0
c. Day 3: 0
d. Day 4: 20 min
e. Day 5: 0
f. Day 6:0
g. Day 7:55 min
h. Average: 19 min
5. This past week didn’t go so well. There was a lot of distractions and events that occurred which definitely took a toll on my progress.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked the two boxes asking us to describe 3 environments we have little control over in our own lives and the next boxing asking how we might control this environment. It really made me stop and thing and challenge myself on a different level than I had done with my own project.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There was nothing in this chapter that I did not like. It was very short, easy, and quick to the point.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things that I will remember from this chapter are that we can make changes in the environment that will make changes in our behavior. By changing the antecedent in a environment you can significantly modify the behavior. Lastly, DRO are an effective way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 (Monday) = 0
Day 2 (Tuesday) = 0
Day 3 (Wednesday) = 1
Day 4 (Thursday) = 2
Day 5 (Friday) = 3
Day 6 (Saturday) = 2
Day 7 (Sunday) =0
Average = 1.14
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project has been going even better than I planned so far. My antecedents must be working better than I thought they would because my behavior has increased so much more over the has been so much fun I didn’t even return home this weekend, which was my reinforcer. By changing my antecedents and trying just a little bit harder my target behavior has not only increased but also elicited the behavior of my friends contacting me more to hangout and do the things I like to do as well.
Terms: Antecedents, reinforcer, target behavior, elicited, DRO
1.Something I liked from section 5.4 was the part about observational learning and removing the NO from children. I liked this part because I love working with children and used to work in a daycare so I always was taught to try to avoid saying NO as much as possible. This section clarified really why. I also really liked the amount of everyday life examples. They were easy to come up with and they made me understand better.
2.There really wasn’t anything I disliked about this section. If I had to pick something out it would be that this section kind of seemed like common sense. If we wanted to drink less alcohol, we would do certain things that work best for us and I just feel like it’s something that didn’t really need to be written down.
3.Three things I’ll remember from this section is that it’s important to try to remove the NO’s when teaching children. I’ll remember this because I have and will continue working with children to it’s important to know. Next, I’ll remember that even though we can’t always control our environments, we can usually manipulate it. I’ll remember this from the parole example. If you live around people on parole, it isn’t likely that you can just move. It is likely though that you can join activities or go on long walks or something like that. Lastly, I’ll remember that it is possible and feasible to manipulate our antecedents. I’ll remember this because up until this point, I haven’t actually thought about changing our antecedents to accomplish something we want or something we want to change.
Day 1= went to the gym
Day 2= didn’t go to the gym
Day 3= didn’t go to the gym
Day 4= went to the gym
Day 5= didn’t go to the gym
Day 6= didn’t go to the gym
Day 7= went to the gym
Average: went to the gym 42% of the week. Needed to go atleast one more day to receive my reward.
My behavior project is going okay so far. Whether I go to the gym or not usually depends on if I work that night or not and not this behavioral project. I need to not let work get in my way of working out.
Terms: observational learning, manipulate our environment, antecedent
1.) One thing I liked most about this section was learning about toy time outs since it will be very helpful for the future when I decide to have kids, and it also will help at my job coaching gymnastics to children and sharing the equipment and toys that are there.
2.) One thing I liked least about this section was reading about observational learning since we cover that topic in many other psychology classes, and was bored rereading what I already know.
3.) Some things I will remember from this section was the process of the toy timeouts. Rather than punishing the child by putting them in a time out situation, negative punishment, use the concept that the toy has created and the toy needs to be punished by getting a time out. I will remember that differential reinforcement of other behaviors are an effective way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment. I will also remember that changing the antecedent should always be considered
when implementing behavior modification.
4.) Week 2 Cardiovascular exercise in minutes
Day 1= 250
Day 2= 220
Day 3= 235
Day 4= 195
Day 5= 300
Day 6= 360
Day 7= 105
Average= 237.86
Terms-Observational learning, punishment, negative punishment, differential reinforcement of other behaviors, behavior modification, elicit, antecedent
1. A) I liked the parts that focused on how behavior modification can be used in parenting B) because I want to be a parent one day and I found the suggestions and explanation of observational learning helpful.
2) I honestly really enjoyed this section, but my only criticism of it would be that I wish it had even more examples of changing the antecedent.
3. A) I’ll remember the tip about changing the environment for healthy eating by freezing snacks by freezing them because I’d never heard of doing that before. B) Second, even with environments that are difficult to control, there’s usually a way to have some control over it because it’s reassuring to know that something can always be done. C) Third, that removing an object that causes an undesired behavior is an option because it’s an option I often forget about.
4a) Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =35 min. (2x)
Day 2 =35 min. (2x)
Day 3 =50 min. (2x)
Day 4 =45 min. (2x)
Day 5 =0 (0x)
Day 6 =5 min. (1x)
Day 7 =0
Average =24.28 min.
4b) The behavioral project is going great so far. I’ve increased my average time spent meditating by 14.85 minutes, which I consider a great improvement. There were also many more times that I meditated twice a day than last week.
5) behavior modification, observational learning, environment, antecedent
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the section about removing the NOs in the environment. This is especially useful with younger children and it’s not something I’ve ever really thought of. I think it could translate to my job right now where I work with adolescents. I have to say no so often and it often escalates them. No one wants to hear “No” when they really want something. I’ve noticed that I have begun rephrasing my answers at times to include the possibility IF they do something first or I will ask them their own question if it seems like an unreasonable request. Overall I just hadn’t realized how much control we have over every situation if we take the time to look at it and find ways to modify the environment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I actually found the topics in this section to be interesting so the only thing I can think of that I disliked is that it was short and it could have included more information or examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that we can reduce undesired behaviors by controlling the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the behaviors we want. This seems like a lot of work but if you think about what the undesired behavior is and what could be causing it in the environment then you can pinpoint the antecedent and work on manipulating that to help modify the behaviors that follow it. The second thing I will remember is that we are able to remove the NOs in the environment and that this is an effective way to potentially help with the terrible twos because infants/kids learn through observational learning. So if we set the example of rarely saying the word “No,” then kids will be less likely to use that word when their parents ask them to do something. The third thing that I thought was important is that manipulating the antecedent is one of the most powerful ways to modify a behavior. It makes sense to change the thing that encourages the behavior rather than the behavior itself.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Tues - 0
Day 2 = Wed – 2
Day 3 = Thurs – 0
Day 4 = Fri - 0
Day 5 = Sat - 2
Day 6 = Sun - 0
Day 7 = Mon - 4
Total Reports= 8
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
This week I accomplished a lot of my reports but I was behind from last week. This week I was able to catch up on all but two reports and I plan to finish those tomorrow before my team meeting so that I am able to successfully complete my goal. I have found that I am doing better at making time to do the reports but I still struggle with getting them all done. I also still need more time to decide if the reinforcement works because I failed last week so I didn’t get to eat with my co-workers but I did then finish two weekly reports the next day so that may or may not have been due to the lack of a reinforcement.
5) Terminology: remove the NOs, modify, escalate, reduce, undesired behaviors, antecedents, elicit, manipulate, observational learning, behavior, reinforcement
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section is it was comprised of mostly examples. I liked the examples because they make the content clearer and also give real life scenarios that some students may be trying in their behavioral change project. I particularly liked the "emitting the NO's" example because it showed how you can manipulate an environment to avoid having to punish in the first place, which is what we're striving for in our projects.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was the toy time out example. I liked the idea of it, but the example still involved punishment which is not what behaviorist strive for, so it was slightly conflicting.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that changing a behavior takes work, forethought, discipline, and reflection. I have found that when trying to do my behavioral change project that these are all extremely accurate, especially the reflection phase.
Another thing I will remember from this section it that DRO (Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior) can effectively reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment.I will remember this because of the many examples provided with the junk food scenario.
Lastly, I will remember the "safe room" example because it seemed like a very good parenting idea to remove all breakable things and childproof and create a room where the child will not have to be told "no" as often
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 30 min
Day 2 = 0 min
Day 3 = 25 mim
Day 4 = 30 min
Day 5 = 20 min
Day 6 = 0 min
Day 7 = 0 min
Average = 19 min/day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavioral change project is going decently well. I have already modified my means of recording my data as well as my reinforcement. I now record how much time ran in my school planner because I almost always have it with me and that is where I record other important things. My reinforcement was going to be a recovery drink after my run, but I found that generalizing the reinforcement to being able to drink something other than water that day was more reinforcing to me. I find the most difficult part of this project is finding time in the day, as I am extremely busy at this time of year with school, work, internships, and preparing for graduation.
Terms: Emitting the NO's, behaviorist, punishment, reinforcement, work, forethought, discipline, reflection, reinforcer, antecedent and DRO.
1. I liked the section on changing the environment. It provided lots of examples of ways people can change their behavior or the behaviors of others by changing a few things in the environment. It also allowed us to create our own ideas of things that we can do to change specific behaviors, such as how to decrease our alcohol intake or avoid getting speeding tickets. Changing the environment changes what behaviors the subjects will emit.
2. I found the section on differential reinforcement of other behaviors to be a less interesting section. The behaviors given as examples all seemed silly to me. This might be because I often want snack food and become easily frustrated when I am unable to have any. I also had a hard time thinking of ways I can change my behaviors in environments that I have little control over. I prefer to attempt to change behaviors through punishment and reinforcement, both positive and negative.
3. I will remember that the antecedent is the environment and context from which all behaviors emerge. Controlling the antecedent is thought to be a way to control the behavior that is occurring. I will remember that if you have a behavior you want to change, you can start another behavior that cannot coexist with the behavior you want to stop. I will also remember that changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring will disrupt the behavior and cause it to cease.
Day 1- no nap
Day 2- no nap
Day 3- no nap
Day 4-no nap
Day 5- no nap
Day 6- no nap
Day 7- no nap
My project is going exceptionally well, but I think that had more to do with the circumstances I was under last week, rather than my decisions to emit a certain behavior. I normally nap Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays when I am done with class (around noon). I cannot nap on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have class from 11-5. This week, I had to work m,w,f from 12-5, so I was unable to take a nap. This week I do not work until later on Monday and have Wednesday off as well, so it will take more willpower for me to keep up my behaviors. This week will definitely be more about discipline than the previous week.
environment, behavior, decrease, emit, DRO, punishment, reinforcement, positive, negative, antecedent, context, emit, discipline
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Although I have already known how important the antecedent is to our behavior, this section reinforced my knowledge and helped me better understand how to, in order to avoid a behavior, change the antecedent successfully.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like that this section was so short, that sounds a little odd for a college student to say, but I wish there would have been more information in here. Possibly give more examples or explain other aspects of the antecedent.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Although it is something I didn't necessarily learn from this section, this section has definitely reiterated the fact that changing the antecedent is a powerful way to modify behaviors. I have done this, prior to this class, without even knowing it. We all have certain situations or people that may impact us aversively, so we merely stay away from those people or situations. Understanding how and why it works is something that this class has taught me.
Again, although this was not something new in the section, DRO, or Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, is understood as: in order to reduce an unwanted behavior, you need to reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior. So by eliminating the object or item that is causing the unwanted behavior and reinforcing something different, you change the antecedent and therefore are not obligated to punish because the undesirable behavior never even occurred.
Observational learning, or learning by example, can be a dangerous thing. Our children learn from our behaviors and begin to do them themselves. By changing our antecedents and therefore our behaviors, we can better impact our kids, or the kids around us. A very simple solution.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 6 servings
Day 2 = 7 servings
Day 3 = 7 servings
Day 4 = 7 servings
Day 5 = 5 servings
Day 6 = 6 servings
Day 7 = 3 servings
Average = 6 servings
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I'd say it is going fairly well so far, although, I do not think that I am very reinforced by my reinforcer. I told myself that one day a week (Sundays) I would not have to worry about eating the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Yet, I do not find myself looking forward to that day or excited about getting to eat other foods. I am more reinforced by the fact that I am changing my eating habits in a desirable way and this will lead to a healthier lifestyle.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, behavior, reinforced, DRO, punish
1.a.b.) I really like the idea of the "toy time out" I babysit my little cousins a lot and this idea could help. The kids will see it as the toy was bad and not them. I love the idea of changing the antecedent instead of adding punishment or reinforcement.
2.) There was nothing I did not like about this section. I found it very easy to read and understand. I liked it because finally we are talking about the antecedent and not the behavior.
3.a.b.c.) I think I will remember is Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. This is where we reinforce a different behavior to distract from and undesirable behavior. I will also remember that we can always change our environment to affect our behaviors. I will remember this because I think it is a great idea and something I do not normally think to do. Lastly, I will remember the ABC's to change a behavior. I will remember this because we have been talking about it all semester.
4.a.) The bed time thing is not going so hot for me.
Week 2:
Day 1=yes
Day 2=no
Day 3=yes
Day 4=no
Day 5=yes
Day 6=no
Day 7=no
Average=42% of the week I went to bed when I was suppose to.
4.b.)I really want to get on a better sleeping schedule but this is much harder than making sure I drink more water. My changing my bed time I am changing the whole structure of my day. I normally do most of my homework or paperwork for my sorority late at night because I have class and meetings in the morning and then I work all afternoon until 11 at night. I have to change my time management skills in order to fit everything in and go to bed before 12:30 am on school nights.
5.) Terms: antecedent, reinforcement, punishment, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, "Toy Time Out", environment
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really liked this section as a whole since it helped me understand what I need to do for my behavior project. The section talked about how I need to control the antecedent of the ABC’s behavior modification in order to change an undesirable behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-The part I liked the least would be the examples since there was not much I did not like about this section. The section as a whole was very helpful and easy to understand.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Three things I will remember from this section would be the most important components of the chapter. The first would be the importance of changing the antecedent in order to stop an undesirable behavior. I really like the examples that were giving about kids and controlling their environment. The second thing I will remember would be the differential reinforcement of other behavior. It was a good reminder for my project that I need to reinforce a desired behavior. The last thing I will remember would be the examples of how I could change my behavior. For example, if I wanted to change my behavior of sleeping in, I need to think about how I have my environment set up.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =5
Average = 4.57
4b) My behavior project is not going as planned thus is far. I still have a problem waking up in the morning due to having vivid dreams about waking up or barely hearing my alarm that I snooze them without realizing they went off. I talked to professor Mac Lin already about certain ways to alter my reward or how I wake up in the morning. This week I am going to try changing my alarm sound in order to startle me awake. Maclin suggested getting an alarm clock that plugs in and set in across the room so I have to actually get up. I have not had time to go get one… but he also suggested that I allow myself to sleep in on the weekends and I have to wake up during the week days. Same time every day. I need to emit a new behavior in order to alternate the function of my behavior. I need to treat sleeping in as a reward instead of an everyday behavior.
5) TERMS: emit, behavior, function of behavior, reward, antecedent, undesirable, ABC’s of behavior modification, antecedent, differential reinforcement of other behavior, reinforce, desired,
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that there was an example. I understood the information, but it made it much easier to use it in real life.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't dislike anything about this chapter. It was really easy to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that instead of punishing children when they are fighting over a toy to remove the toy from the situation. Also instead of telling my child no all the time, I will remember to make the area as safe as possible so I don't have to repeatedly tell my daughter no. As well as not having to worry about there getting into anything, or hurting herself. I will also remember DRO in that we can control to environment to reduce undesired behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =o
Day 2 =1hr 15min
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =1hr 30 min
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =23.5 minutes per day.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I didn't exercise 4 times a week for an hour each. I have been really busy and trying to juggle everything has been sort of difficult. This week I am going to try to budget my time better, and not waste time.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, DRO
Section 5.4
1 a&b) I really liked that this section had a lot of good advice and ideas when it came to changing antecedents. I also liked that this section gave exercises to break down antecedents that we usually do not have control over in every day life.
2) I didn't really dislike anything about this section. It was very brief, but I felt that it contained enough information that was easily understood by me.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that an operant behavior can be disrupted by changing an environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring.
I will also remember that DRO can be effective ways of changing an unwanted behavior because I am using DRO in my behavioral change project
I will also remember that changing antecedents/environments are very powerful in behavior change because if certain "triggers" can be avoided, there is less likelihood that the unwanted behavior will occur.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 8 cigarettes
Day 2 = 10
Day 3 = 10
Day 4 = 12
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 11
Day 7 = 0
Average = 7.8 cigarettes
4b) My behavior project is going very well. I smoked an average of 13 cigarettes/day last week, but after implementing my change, I am down to an average of 7.8 cigarettes/day.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terms: antecedents, behavior, operant behavior, DRO,
1) One thing I really liked about this section was although it was a shorter one, it got right to the point and gave a lot of good information within the little amount of text. I also liked how in the information we got, there was also everyday examples which made it easier for me to relate to if I wasn’t sure on the meaning of a word or what was actually meant by it.
2) One thing I disliked about this section was the topic about DRO. I feel like that could have been elaborated a little more besides the candy example that it covered because thinking of an example of that seems to be harder since I don’t quite understand what it really means.
3) The first thing I will remember from this section is that antecedents form the environment and context for all behaviors. I will remember this because it is used in a variety of things including children, which I often babysit. By changing the antecedent (environment) it can reduce the negative behavior that children portray and they will only emit safe and positive behaviors as a consequence. The second thing I will remember is that even when the environment seems difficult to control, there’s usually some way to exert control over it. I will remember this if I ever want to change a behavior that someone I live with doesn’t want to change. If I want to stop drinking pop but my fridge is full of pop I can ask my roommate to put it somewhere else, which is changing my environment. The third thing I will remember is differential reinforcement of other behavior because in the section it talked about replacing the junk food with a bowl of fruit and by adding that extra step that is incompatible with the previous behavior it helps reinforce that modification even more.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =2.5 miles
Day 2 =3 miles
Day 3 =2 miles
Day 4 =3.5 miles
Day 5 =1 mile
Day 6 =2 miles
Day 7 =0 miles
Average = 2 miles
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going good so far but is more challenging than I expected it to be. I thought gradually increasing my miles wouldn’t be as hard as it is and the reinforcer, which is a smoothie after every time I run on the treadmill, isn’t as desirable as I had previously thought. It’s getting harder to push myself because I don’t have much motivation to do so.
5) Terms: antecedent, consequence, emit, behavior, reinforce, differential reinforcement of other behavior, environment, desirable
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section was super short and easy to read. I also really liked how the section explained how to change antecedents or alter them for the most success in behavior modification. This section will really help with our own behavior modifications and during this week our behavioral intervention, especially with the emitting of the NO’s in which it is important to strive for reinforcement rather than punishment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I wish there were more examples for changing the antecedents, specifically in different situations. I also felt like it was a bit repetitive and there was very little new information. Other than that I found this section quite enjoyable.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that there are a number of different ways to modify or alter the antecedent to get a desirable behavior and consequence. This can be the most effective when altering the environment so that it becomes less of the idea of a punishment. One example is toy time outs in which a parent can give the toy a timeout rather than the child; another idea is to remove or limit the use of “NO”. This is important to remember so that the individual lessens the use of punishment and tries to avoid it all together. The second thing I will remember is the use of DRO (differential reinforcement of other behavior) and how it is used to change the environment and elicit a certain behavior. For the example of junk food one can choose to alter the desire to eat the junk food by freezing them, purchasing foods you have to make rather than easy food, have someone hide the food, make smaller portions, and don’t buy in bulk. This is important because it forces the individual to become aware of their environment which therefore makes them become more aware of their behaviors and eventually the consequences. The third thing I will remember is how important it is to change your antecedents by altering the environment to best suit and elicit a desirable behavior. For example, with my behavior I will alter my environment by not purchasing junk food and by picking smaller plates in the dining centers to limit my food intake.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1 snack
Day 2 = 1 snack
Day 3 = 2 snack
Day 4 = 2 snack
Day 5 = 1 snack
Day 6 = 0 snack
Day 7 = 0 snack
Average = 1 snack
4) How is your behavior project going so far?
It is going very good, however, I feel as if I need a new method for collecting my data, maybe I will start collecting calorie intake rather than how many snacks I eat a day.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
punishment, reinforcement, behavioral intervention, behavior modification, behavior, antecedents, emit, desirable, DRO, elicit, consequence
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the examples given at the beginning of the section that illustrated changing the antecedent in creative ways. The toy time out is something that I would not have thought of to stop children from fighting over it. I probably would have used some form of punishment to stop the fighting, even though using reinforcement is better. Changing the play environment to reduce how often a child says “no” is also a good idea. I agree that children learn through observational learning, and many are told “no” or “stop that” when their play activities are disruptive or dangerous. Having a room where they can play freely could also help them learn where it is appropriate to emit certain behaviors. If they are reinforced by a parent telling them “You are playing so nice in here, thank you for not doing it in the living room”, they may learn to associate the playroom with play and the living room with sitting quietly, for example.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything in this section that I really disliked. I thought the exercise boxes were useful in helping me think about the antecedents to the example behaviors and how I might change them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember that controlling the environment is not always easy, but it can usually be done in some way. Sometimes you may actually have to physically distance yourself or avoid an environment that elicits undesirable behavior when you can’t change the environment itself. If you are trying to quit drinking, you might do things such as avoid going to bars after work, or go out to places like the theater that don’t allow you to drink.
b) I will remember that differential reinforcement of other behavior is another way that you can change the antecedent to a behavior. For example, if you are trying to decrease the frequency of watching TV, you could use DRO to increase the frequency of reading books. You might place the remote in another room or take the batteries out and leave them in a drawer, but leave a book next to the couch or wherever you sit to watch TV. This may help you to emit the reading behavior more often because the antecedent has been changed from a readily available remote to a readily available book.
c) I will remember that understanding the ABC’s of a behavior can tell you about the antecedent, and sometimes changing the antecedent is the easiest way to change a behavior. This can work whether you are trying to increase or decrease a target behavior, and can work for self-directed behavior change and other-directed behavior change.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Caffeine 0 oz, Non-caffeine 12 oz
Day 2 = 0 oz, 12 oz
Day 3 = 0 oz, 22 oz
Day 4 = 0 oz, 12 oz
Day 5 = 0 oz, 12 oz
Day 6 = 0 oz, 0 oz
Day 7 = 0 oz, 15 oz
Average = Caffeine 0 oz, Non-caffeine 12.14 oz
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I think that my project is going well so far. I met my goal this week of not drinking anything with caffeine after 6:00, and did really well about using DRO to replace it with non-caffeinated beverages almost every day. I reinforced myself at the end of the week because my main target behavior was to decrease consumption of caffeinated beverages, which I was able to do. I think that I will be able to continue to meet my goal in the following week as well.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, observational learning, emit, behavior, associate, elicit, differential reinforcement of other behavior, ABC’s of behavior, target behavior, self-directed behavior change, other-directed behavior change
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that it really goes more into reinforcers. It talked about how choosing a reinforcer is important and can have a huge effect is rather or not it will work. And I liked how it went into reinforcers and how they can be both primary and secondary. The primary reinforcer is the main one and real important but the secondary reinforcer can be very important to even though they are smaller.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I did not like about this section or that I liked least is that the section is that is was really long with a lot of information. But other than that I liked this section and found it to me interesting and informative.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I remember from reading this section is everything I learned about the Premack Principle. And that what it says is that people will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. That goes with that your do the little things if it means that you can get the good stuff. That also goes with another thing I learned about people and reinforcers is that people will delay gratification and don’t have to reinforced right away because they can save the reinforcers for later. The second thing that I learned is that behavioral hierarchy is something that is put into place to determine what events can be used as reinforcers. And that in order to get behavioral hierarchies you have to watch behaviors or you can self-report them. The third thing that I learned is that a reinforcer is not a reinforcer if it doesn’t do its job in reinforcing. What it means for a reinforcers to work it has to increase the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated in the future.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =6
Day 4 =5
Day 5 =4
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =3
Average =4.42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Its working well I have figured out what reinforcer will work best and it is doing a good job. Another thing that is helping me is that I have my roommates taking apart in the same behavior. Having others around you that are helping you keep on track and make sure that I reinforce right.
5) terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcers, primary reinforcer, secondary reinforcer, Premack Principle, high frequency behavior, low frequency behavior, delay gratification, behavioral hierarchies.
section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
i liked the part on removing the "nos". That saying no to everything is negative punishment and just by making say a play room for kids can use positive reinforcement and make it less likely you will have to say no to everything
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
there was nothing i disliked in this section
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a-Toy time out, that instead of putting a kid in time just remove the toy
b-removing the No's. That instead of saying no , create an environment where the correct behavior will occur.
c-Changing the antecedents is a powerful way to modify
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =1.5
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =.5
Day 7 =1.5
Average =1.35
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I think my behavior project is going really well so far. I am trying to watch less TV and not just have the TV on all the time. I am watching less overall and even on my reinforcement day where i am allowing myself to watch as much as i want i am not wanting to. I am finding other activities to do that i find more enjoyable and more productive
5)antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, behavior
1. What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was how it was broken down. It just looked at one part of the ABC’s in detail. It was nice to have a section only focus on antecedents.
2. What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I disliked about this section. Everything that was in the section was useful. Overall it had good examples and was well written.
3. What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember is observational learning. Observational learning is learning by example. This is how two year olds learn the word no. Another thing that I will remember is Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. It is sometimes referred to as DRO. It is when we reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with an undesirable behavior. We use DRO to reinforce behaviors that we would otherwise punish. The third thing that I will remember is that you can disrupt an unwanted behavior by changing the environment or antecedent. An example of this would be if a toy is causing two kids to emit a fighting behavior removing the toy would change the environment and cause the kids to stop emitting the fighting behavior.
4a. Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =30 min.
Day 2 =45
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =45
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =17.14
4b. How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going pretty good. I was able to meet my goal the first week with reinforcement. So far rewarding myself at the end of the week has worked out good. The next thing I will try and do is up the amount of exercise I do per week.
Terms used: antecedent, observational learning, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, behavior, environment, punish, emit.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked was the examples over changing antecedents of a certain behavior. I had to really think of different variations and examples of antecedents and how they could all work together with one another to either help the reinforcement or help the punishment. This could really affect the consequences and help change the aversive emitted behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t really much I didn’t like about the section. It was pretty easy to understand and had good information.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. One thing I will remember is that differential reinforcement of behavior is essential in eliminating undesirable behaviors without actually using punishment. Instead of punishing the target behavior, you can use reinforcement on behaviors.
b. Another thing I will remember is the Premack principle. A person will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. Changing behaviors takes a lot of reinforcement and motivation, so that’s why it’s so hard to change elicited behaviors and use behavior modification.
c. Lastly, I will remember is differential reinforcement of other behavior can effectively reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment itself. And how it relates to the ABC’s. I will remember this because I really related well to the junk food example.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 2 miles
Day 3 = 2 miles
Day 4 = 1 mile
Day 5 = 1 mile
Day 6 = 2 miles
Day 7 = 3 miles
Average = 1.57 miles
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going well. I’ve improved by reaching 3 miles in some of my days. The first day I definitely slacked off but I feel I have been catching up and making up for it. I have been recording it in my agenda as my behavior journal. My reinforcement has been going out with my friends Tuesday night and enjoying a probably unhealthy meal.
Terms: Consequence, behavior modification, punishment, emit, reinforcement, differential reinforcement, Premack principle, target behavior, elicit, antecedents, frequency of behavior, desirable behaviors, undesirable behaviors, aversive, behavioral journal, differential reinforcement of other behavior, ABC’s.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the section on DRO. It helped me finally understand more of what it meant when I read the example of the sweets. It also was easier for me to remember and relate because we all have been there or at least in a similar case scenario.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked necessarily. I liked that there were very detailed examples so I just wish there were more of them throughout to help me get the terms down better!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember observational learning because I have heard this term many times in my other psychology classes and it is simply learning by observation/example. This is one of those kinds of terms where the definition is essentially in its name. Also, I will remember that a successful way to change your behavior is to change the antecedents. This makes sense because antecedents help set up our environment in which our behaviors occur. Thirdly, I will remember DRO because of the junk food example. It helped tie the idea in by giving specific ideas to change the environment to elicit healthier behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 4 servings of fruits and vegetables
Day 2 = 2 servings of fruits and vegetables
Day 3 = 4 servings of fruits and vegetables
Day 4 = 1 serving of fruit and vegetables
Day 5 = 4 servings of fruit and vegetables
Day 6 = 4 servings of fruit and vegetables
Day 7 = 6 servings of fruit and vegetables
Average =3.6 servings of fruit and vegetables
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going pretty good. The hardest part for me was the weekend. It was my best friend’s birthday so we went to Chicago and enjoyed the yummy/ rather unhealthy food there since we don’t get to go there as often. It is also hard if I am with someone and they want to get one of my favorite junk foods to say no. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. It is kind of hard to get all the servings in so I’m honestly trying to incorporate fruits and vegetables in each meal and try to buy more drinks like v8 that already have servings of fruits and vegetables in them. For the most part, taking pictures of my food helps me be more aware of what I am putting in my body and having a friend to eat my healthier foods with makes it much easier to eat healthier!
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
DRO, observational learning, antecedent, behaviors, elicit, and environment.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the example about removing the no's because children do learn from observational learning and if we remove the no's and put them in a safer environment. Then when the parents use no less, the kids are less likely to as well
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn't really dislike anything, I thought that the subjects were relatable and relevant to other other topics we have already covered in class
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what differential reinforcement of other behavior is because it is helpful that the antecedent is a main factor on the behavior
I will remember the toy timeout example because I have seen it happen often and i'm sure it happened to me as a kid where the toy is removed from the incident and put in "time out" where that may not always be the best way to solve a problem, but does still change the environment/antecedent
I will remember that changing the environment can be helpful in changing a behavior but could also change it in a negative way as well.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 20
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 60
Day 4 = 60
Day 5 = 40
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 25.7
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going good for the most part. I some times go over my goal of running 30 minutes per day so that is good, but on weekends it is hard to run when I am either busy or out of town and off of my routine that I have going during the week. Also days that I work evenings it is harder to get in a run because I usually run in the afternoons. It helps that it has been nice out so I can run outside which is more enjoyable than the treadmill
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: target behavior, antecedent, punishment, differential reinforcement of other behavior, toy time out,observational learning
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section went into so much depth about an already known concept of antecedents. I liked this because it gave examples of how much effect manipulating your environment can have on behavioral modification. It also had us practice using creativity in thinking about how to manipulate these situations when there is not a clear solution.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything in this section because it was easily understandable, had good examples, plenty how practice situations, and it summed up everything good at the end.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) means. I will remember this because it has been reviewed in other sections, and I am able to connect this term better with another well-known term, antecedent.
I will remember that changing the environment should always be considered when you want to change a behavior. This is because it is very powerful in changing the frequency of behaviors, modifying behaviors, and disrupting operant behaviors.
I will also remember that changing antecedents can either remove something from an environment that can elicit an undesirable behavior or add objects that can elicit desirable behaviors. I will remember this because the examples given made it easy to understand both examples.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 100% Day 2 = 75% Day 3 = 50% Day 4 = 60% Day 5 = 0% Day 6 = rest day Day 7 = rest day Average = 59%
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It has not been going the greatest. I have had a problem with the achievable and ability aspects of this project. It has not been achievable because I was at Iowa State Friday, and I did not have the resources of a gym. I have also not had the ability to lift as much as I want because I have had a shoulder injury. I also need to think about changing my target behavior because the percentages vary day to day due to the different amount of lifts.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedents, environment, behavioral modification, DRO, operant behaviors, elicit, achievable, ability, target behavior.
1) What I really liked about this section that, although it was one of the shortest (if not the shortest) section we’ve read, it still had enough information to be able to get to the point without feeling like it left any information out or having any extra or unneeded information left in. It was also fairly easy to read, which made it easier to retain information gathered from the section.
2) I didn’t really find anything about this section that I disliked. But if I had to choose something I’d say that I disliked that it was incredibly short. While I do like reading as little as possible, I did feel like that more could’ve been added into this section.
3) a) I will remember the concept of the toy timeouts. I think the idea of taking away the cause of the problem (the toy) rather than punishing the child is actually an incredibly smart concept and makes a lot of sense. B) I will remember that the definition of “observational learning” means to learn by example. To me, the concept itself is incredibly self-explanatory. We witness the examples be set around us and therefore learn from the examples that we observe. The example of reducing telling “no” to children when they misbehave with toys and instead put them in a room where they can do that sort of thing, I believe, grasps this idea very well. C) I will also remember that DRO, Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior, involves exerting some control over the environment when the environment itself cannot be easily controlled.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =578
Day 2 =789
Day 3 =574
Day 4 =697
Day 5 = 798
Day 6 =612
Day 7 = 751
Average = 685 words
4b) I think my behavior project is actually going really well. I’ve determined the antecedent that I work best in is during the evening hours (around 10pm). By working around that time period, I find that my target behavior of writing 750 words a day is actually getting a lot easier. There are, of course, some days that are harder than others to get to that point mainly because I’m writing a creative story, so depending on where the story is at I could either be flowing through incredibly swiftly or might have slight writer’s block and need to stop for the night.
5) toy timeouts, punishment, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behavior, environment, behavioral intervention, behavior, antecedent, target behavior.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I really liked the whole idea of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. This way of changing behavior really makes a lot of sense to me! It makes me think of ways for me to eat healthier just by changing my antecedents. For example the Idea of giving bad food to roommate or even freezing it sounds like a good idea. Because it would make you think is it really worth it or not.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything I didn't like about this section. It was easy to follow and actually enjoyable to read compared to others.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Some things I will remember is that We can make changes in the environment that will make changes in behaviors. This is a good thing to know and remember because it makes sense first off and it does actually work. The second thing I will remember is that changing the antecedent is a great way to modify the behavior that needs to stop or change. Lastly I will remember DRO.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =2
Average = 2.5
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Well my project was going pretty well till I went on Vacation to Miami and I did not stick to eating good or healthy so for this week my data might be a little skewed.
5) Terms: Antecedent, DRO,target Behavior, environment,
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example of changing behavior by disrupting it. This is a very simple way to modify behavior, but it is often not thought of because it is a more peculiar way to elicit desirable behaviors. The example of putting the toy in timeout was a very vivid and memorable example of this type of behavior modification and it really put the concept in perspective. Disrupting the behavior may also be easier than having to think about punishing or reinforcing a target behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The concept that I liked the least was the implication that often we have little control over our environment and therefore limited control over changing the antecedents. I disliked this because I am a control freak and the implication that I am not as in control of my surroundings as I want to be terrifies me. I do however like the idea that possibly with some creativity it is possible to regain a little bit of control over the antecedents.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
(1) Behavior modification takes deliberate awareness of the antecedents, the target behaviors and the consequences. I will remember this because it makes so much sense, and it explains so well why so many people fail to achieve the behavioral interventions that are strived for, especially with New Year’s resolutions.
(2) Changes in the environment can be significant in changing the frequency of either a desirable or an undesirable behavior. I will remember this especially when it comes to dieting. The idea of removing junk food or at the very least putting it in a location that makes it more difficult to get to, a.k.a. needing to enter into an extinction burst to get said food, or making healthier choices more easily accessible is very salient to me and makes it easy for me to grasp the concept of changing the antecedents.
(3) Changing the antecedents is not always easy. Sometimes changing the environment takes more work than other times. I will remember this because of the parole example. I had never thought about the implications of many parole members living in the same community and the need to refrain from being around other parolees. This new take on this strengthened the learning that had taken place with the example of removing the NOs in terms of a child in the terrible twos, removing the temptation or removing oneself from an environment where a given behavior is emitted.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =2
Average =.714/day
4b) How is your behavioral project going so far?
I would say my behavior project is going fairly well. I have reduced the amount that I have been emitting my target behavior from my baseline prior to behavioral intervention. However I have not reached my desired return to baseline of never emitting the target behavior. I believe that with continuous attention to the antecedents and consequences and with proper reinforcement for desirable behaviors I can reach my goal of extinction for this behavior. I may need to give myself a taste for my reinforcer, functioning as an establishing operation by then using deprivation during the behavioral intervention unless said reinforcer is earned. I believe that this would make my reinforcer more reinforcing and it would reduce the frequency that I emit the target behavior that I am trying to extinguish.
Terms used in this post: elicit, behavior modification, punishing, reinforcing, target behavior, antecedents, consequences, behavioral intervention, emitting, baseline, return to baseline, reinforcement, extinction, reinforcer, establishing operation, deprivation, reinforcing, extinguish, extinction burst
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how useful this section was. The roommate who eats junk food directly applies to the difficulties I have come across in my project for this class, except in this case I am the roommate.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked in this section. It’s all review and was actually useful in helping me achive my goal I set in the project.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is toy time outs. I have been using this method of controlling the environment at work (I work at a daycare). When kids are fighting over a toy, or not listening because of the toy, I just take the toy away for the day. This fixes the problem behavior by placing an aversive valence on loosing toys. The second thing I will remember is removing the NOs. This can be done in any situation, more effectively in certain situations, and is an effective way to control the environment so it produces the desired outcome. The third thing I will remember is all of the suggestions for dealing with how hard it is to reduce the amount of sweets eaten. Since a sweet treat is my reinforcer for the project, these tips will help reduce the temptation to eat a sweet.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =1
Average =1.5 healthy meals a day.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I think the project is going well enough. I have had modify the target behavior slightly to make it more reasonable for me: instead of eating two salads a day-I will eat two healthy meals a day. This acts as a reinforcer because I won’t get burnt out on salads but will still achieve my goal of eating better.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Toy time outs, controlling, environment, behavior, aversive valence, removing the NOs, desired outcome, reduce, reinforcer, target behavior, modify, reasonable, goal, achieve.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked from this section was the example given for changing the antecedent, removing the No's. I found the section to be very relateable and easy to follw because I have to be around children on a regular basis. I never though about HOW toddlers learned to say no so often. I thought this was a good way to convey observational behavior as well as changing the antecedent. The toddlers learn to say no so frequently because they are observing it from the adults. By changing the antecedent we can change the aversive behavior the toddler is emitting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least form this section was the number of sections or practice boxes that gave us different examples of changing the antecedent. While having practice in changing antecedents proved to be helpful, I didn't think I needed 3 different practice boxes conveying the same concept.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is that changing the antecedent can actually be far more siple than I had originally though. The example given with the toddlers made the concept seem very simple. Even though completing the boxes proved to be slightly more difficult, I still found this concept to be fairly straightforward and thought the text provided a very clear explanation. Something else I will take away from this chapter is that it is often the context that triggers the undesirable behavior to take place. If you only smoke when you get drunk, then don't get completely wasted. The context is definitely key in this chapter. Lastly, I will remember that if we use differential reinforcement of other behavior, we can condition a desirable behavior that is incompatible with the aversive behavior. I will remember this because instead of biting my nails, I could chew gum, keeping me from biting my nails.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Minutes of Cardio
Day 1 =30
Day 2 =10
Day 3 =60
Day 4 =40
Day 5 =40
Day 6 =40
Day 7 =30
Average =35 minutes of cardio/day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far I have been doing well in completing at least 20 minutes of cardio (running/walking or biking) 6 days a week. However, I have found that the true reinforcement for me is writing it down instead of getting on facebook after.
5) Terminology: Aversive, Desirable, Observational Behavior, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, antecedent, behavior, Emitting, undesirable
1) One thing I really liked about this section is that it is very short and there was not very many boxes we had to emit the behavior of filling in.
2) There really wasn’t anything that disliked about this section other than I hate filling in the boxes and that this assignment due on Mondays.
3) One thing I learned from this section and will remember is that the antecedents form the environment and context for all behaviors. I think this is something we have learned from the first section but it is important for us to focus on the antecedent and how it affects our target behaviors. Another thing I will remember is that a toy time out is when someone puts the “toy” that caused the behavioral problems with a child in timeout instead of the child. This is removing the antecedent. Another thing I learned is children learn through observational learning. This happens around the age of two. Many parents control the antecedent so a child makes safe decisions and can’t get into anything. Many parents try to control the environment rather than punishing the child for getting into everything.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =yes
Day 2 =yes
Day 3 =no
Day 4 =no
Day 5 =yes
Day 6 =yes
Day 7 =no
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? My project is not going as well as I hoped. I think I need to change the reinforcer because I’m not very motivated by the one I have in place now. I also feel like I don’t have time to workout because I am working four jobs right now and school so I am feeling very overwhelmed so maybe I need to change my target behavior to managing time first.
Terms: antecedent, target behavior, reinforcer, emit, toy time out, observational learning, and motivate,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked this whole section. I feel like I can use everything I learned in this section, especially the part about parenting. I am a nanny so these tips can help me when teaching the kinds right from wrong.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There was nothing I didn't like about this section. I actually really enjoyed this entire section. I found it an easy to follow read and the examples were all relateable or easy to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the concept of toy timeout. I think this is a neat concept to remove the antecedent that is causing the issue rather than using punishment as the behavioral modification. I will also remember the part about operational learning and trying to remove no's from the conversation and training process. This kind of goes hand in hand with the toy timeout, by just removing the problem can reduce the particular behavior. Lastly I will remember to achieve behavioral success often times you have to be very deliberate which requires you to be aware of your environment, your behaviors, and the consequences to the behaviors. It is important to be aware of everything around you when trying to be successful in changing behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 1
Average = .42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? It is not doing to well, I think I need to come up with a better reinforcement because I have continued to bite my nails.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Behavior modification, antecedent, consequence, punishment, operational learning.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the amount of examples for different environments that could use a change to the antecedent to have a more desirable outcome. It forced me to think of behaviors that I emit and where I do it and under what circumstances I do it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked listing three things that one could do to avoid environments that cause one to get a ticket. It seems like there isn’t really a way. If you are driving, there are always laws. So the only way to avoid it is by not doing it. I don’t know how one could avoid the environment.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the “toy timeouts.” I would have never thought to give the toy a time out to punish the child. It makes more sense though. It is just removing the problem. It is making it not even an option to fight about.
I will also remember the ways listed to avoid junk food. These are actually changes that would elicit healthier eating from me. I think I will probably implement most of them!
I will remember to use DRO’s when trying to control environments in which I eat poorly. I could reinforce myself when I eat healthy.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 3
Day 7 = 3
Average = 2.2
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going okay. I probably need to do better at my “diary.” I am forgetting when I had fruits and vegetables at meals. I think if I do that it the next week I will hold myself more accountable.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: antecedent, desirable, behaviors, emit, DRO, reinforce, elicit
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section was easy to follow along. We were already familiar with the terms that were presented in this section, so it was easy to understand. We were able to take information that we already learned and able to apply it to our behavior modification projects in terms of changing antecedents to make it easier. It’s nice to be able to learn how to change our antecedents to be able to continue reinforcement rather than punishment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was very clear and straightforward. I can’t say that there was anything that I disliked because I wasn’t left with any lingering questions. If there was one thing that I liked the least, it would be the fact that it didn’t include any new concepts. Some of what was presented in this section almost seemed like common sense after reading it, so having some new terms would have added to the section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is that by changing antecedents, we can change the frequency of our target behaviors. This was the overall concept that was referred to throughout the section by means of examples, so it stuck with me. I will also remember the idea of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO). This was a topic that we briefly discussed in a different section and I thought that it was relevant to the concepts in this section. By changing the environment, we can elicit a new, desirable behavior in order to reduce an aversive behavior. Another thing that I will remember from this section is that sometimes changing the environment isn’t always possible, but there are ways to work around it in order to still be able to have a successful behavior modification program.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 1
Average = 1.3
4b) My behavior project is going pretty well so far! I haven’t had many days where I haven’t reset my alarm clock at all, but it is getting a lot better. I was used to resetting it almost three times every day, and I have reduced it quite a bit. I’m not exactly where I would like to be yet, but I am seeing results.
Terms: reinforcement, reinforcer, antecedent, target behavior, DRO, elicit, emit, desirable, aversive, behavior modification program, punishment
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedents).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) I really liked how this section talked about how parents can do aversive behaviors to change a child’s behavior, and the environment that is causing it rather than punishing the child. Instead of giving the child a time out they give toy time out instead. I have heard of it being called “fresh start” before. It sounds like basically the same thing and not so negative towards the child. Fresh start is where the toy or whatever is causing the problem is removed and it gives the child a chance to start fresh with a new toy. I think these are great ideas.
2) I liked everything in this section and I thought that it was all useful information for us to know.
3) One thing I will remember from this section is the toy time out, because I have learned something similar before, and I feel like this is a great idea, it gives the child a chance to start over without punishment. Another section I think I will remember is reducing how much a child says “no.” Children learn this behavior from their environment and parents when they are told “no” all the time, so they pick up on the refusal and think it is ok. A third thing I will remember is how we can control the environment to reduce adverse behavior. This would be just like the toy time out. If the environment is changed it gives the person a new start, and can reduce the anxiety or behaviors it may be causing.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3 hours
Day 2 = 2 hours
Day 3 =2 hours
Day 4 = 3 hours
Day 5 =2 hours
Day 6 =1 hour
Day 7 =2 hours
Average = 2.14
4b) My behavior project is difficult right now because I have never really tried regulating the amount of time I have spent on my computer or netflix, but it is going ok I have found other things I could do, but I still get distracted.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) aversive behaviors, punishment, toy time out,
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was very straightforward and descriptive. I can easily see how to apply the information in this section to my behavioral change project. For example, I can change the antecedents to my push-up and sit-ups behavior. I know that I would prefer to shower after working out, so I will plan to do my push-ups and sit-ups (target behavior) right before I take a shower at night, so I can set an alarm at night to remind me to start my push-ups and sit-ups before I take a shower. In this case, the alarm will act as an antecedent and a discriminative stimulus.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The examples in this section, particularly Calhoun’s sweets, discuss a behavior which we are looking to decrease. It would be helpful to have an example of creatively adjusting antecedents in the case where we are wanting to increase the target behavior.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that changing the antecedents is sometimes helpful for changing a behavior. If we are looking to modify a behavior, we should examine the antecedents and how they affect the target behavior. We should also consider whether they can be changed to help instigate the desired changes in the target behavior. I will also remember this sometimes takes some creativity. For example, when young children are two and three, they are observational learners, meaning if they experience “No” often, they will adopt this behavior as well. In this case, we can modify the environment to limit the “No’s” which are necessary, hopefully reducing the child’s tendency to use “No” as well. Thinking through the circumstances of the child’s developmental learning and using this knowledge to modify the environment, and therefore the behavior utilizes some creativity on our part. Finally, I will remember we can sometimes modify behavior through differential reinforcement of other (DRO). DRO involves replacing a behavior we wish to decrease with a behavior we wish to increase. By looking at the reinforcement side of a behavioral change project, we are able to use reinforcers which are generally more successful.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Sunday = 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups
Day 2 = Monday = 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups
Day 3 = Tuesday = 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups
Day 4 = Wednesday = 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups
Day 5 = Thursday = 0 push-ups, 0 sit-ups
Target Behavior: Complete 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups 5 days a week (Sun-Thurs)
Average: 8 push-ups, 8 sit-ups per night
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Since beginning reinforcement, I have noticed I am motivated to exercise (do push-ups and sit-ups) when I have nothing going on, or when I am already at the WRC for fitness classes (antecedent). When I have other plans, such as on Thursday, I am not likely to do them. I would suggest allowing a make-up on Friday or Saturday or limiting my target behavior to four days a week, which is still an increase over the baseline.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, behavior, observational learner, environment, DRO, reinforcement, reinforcer, baseline
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section gave ample examples of changing the environment. This section was able to break down how the environment is the antecedent and that changing the environment can change ones behaviors. I also liked the fact that it gave examples where changing the environment can be hard, but it is still possible to alter ones behaviors and environment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I disliked in this section. It was straightforward and easy to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the “Removing Nos” section. I will remember this because it described how children learn by observational learning, and repeat what they hear. This section was interesting because it stated to change the environment to make it so it was arranged to allow the kids to do everything in the room. I think that arranging the environment to not have to use no is an important task.
b. I will remember that we can control the environment to help elicit the behaviors we are trying to increase. This happens by making the behavior we want to decrease incompatible with the desired behavior. This is done by using DRO’s (differential reinforcement of other behaviors). By changing the environment that behaviors are reinforced because the undesired behaviors are incompatible with the new environment.
c. I will remember that we can always exert some control over our environment. I will remember this because at times I feel I cannot control my environment but the exercises proved to show me that I can always have some control.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Completed LBD Challenge
Day 2 =Completed LBD Challenge
Day 3 = Completed LBD Challenge
Day 4 = Completed LBD Challenge
Day 5 = Did not complete
Day 6 =Did not complete
Day 7 = Completed LBD Challenge
Average = 5/7 days completed
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I started my exercise challenge well. At first I wanted to do a challenge and running. I realized it was unrealistic simply because I did not have enough time to complete both. When I documented if I did the work out challenge or not I did an all or nothing. Day 5 and Day 6 were a challenge. This was because I had a bad knee due to being kick in it pretty hard at work. I did not want to make my injury worse so I had to take a few days off to let it heal and stop aching. I still counted it as not completing because I did not do the challenge.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) environment, antecedent, behavior, observational learning, DRO, reinforcement, reinforced, elicit,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed reading about the Toy Time Outs. I’ve always found this extremely amusing. The toy needs a time out? How *exactly* did it contribute to the unnecessary play? While I agree it disrupts the operant behavior of fighting and arguing, I’m not a huge fan of the concept. The child needs to learn that they’ve done something wrong. They need the time-out. However, I think the situation could be different with a puppy. It’s difficult to give them a timeout, but taking a toy away and then returning it later (when they’re behaving) could have a profound behavioral effect.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It’s not necessarily that I didn’t like the part of the reading about the “Terrible Twos” I just always find that descriptor irritating. I realize language becomes a large part of a child’s life at this time and that they are very impressionable and mimic what adults around them have said…but can you truly categorize a child’s growth like that? Oftentimes I hear mothers say, “She’s going through the terrible twos,” and the child seems just fine to me…only to have another mother reply, “You just wait, three is MUCH worse,” Honestly, I think you can find fault in any behavioral stage. It’s about changing the environment, from a behavior modification standpoint, certainly, but I think big picture, it’s about changing perspective.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior was an interesting topic. The junk food example definitely made the topic more memorable. It’s an incredibly applicable concept since many college students reading this book have probably struggled with feeling like they’ve kept the “Freshman Fifteen” around. However, I think it’s applicable for lots of other situations, too. I could easily see this being executed with someone who had a problem watching too much TV just by having a roommate child-lock all the TV channels!
b. Every time I see the word “manipulate” I immediately think of the first day of class where we discussed the connotation of the word. Even though this was not a main topic, there was mention of it when the section covered controlling our environment. I’ve had multiple conversations on the topic of that simple word (manipulate) explaining that it’s also a GOOD thing, despite the socially constructed negative connotation. For example, “manipulating” someone into a positive decision, like choosing fruit over candy, isn’t a bad thing!
c. I am continuously impressed by how influential the environment is on the frequency of target behaviors. I think to behaviors in the past I’ve tried to change and behaviors I’ve watched other people change. My boyfriend recently quit smoking and totally changed his environment. No longer is there any reminders of the cigarettes and he has been working to modify his behavior. Instead of grabbing a cigarette, he instead chews a piece of gum. A much healthier, beneficial change, merely from removing/replacing something negative in his environment.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = yes
Day 2 = yes
Day 3 = no
Day 4 = no
Day 5 = yes
Day 6 = no
Day 7 = yes
Average = running 57% of the time during the week
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Since I’m a fair-weather road-runner, it’s been difficult with the changing weather. We’ve had some beautiful days that have been great to go running with the puppy. However, rainy and snowy days have slowed me down. It feels great getting out and running again after being cooped up inside for so long. It actually feels good – I appreciate having tense muscles because I can tell I’ve been working and that makes me feel awesome. I’m just hoping for some consistent weather so I can turn this into a steady behavior.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Operant behavior, behavioral, environment, behavior modification, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors, target behavior, manipulate, modify
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the example of removing the NO’s. I liked this example because it was one I could relate to since I have two nephews and one niece who went through the terrible twos. Before I read this I hadn’t made the connection that the reason children say no all the time is because we teach them by demonstration of our own behavior. Children model our behavior so they are only doing what they see us do or say what they hear us say. Now I know that this behavior of the terrible twos can be reduced by the behavior we demonstrate to our children and that we can modify that behavior for the better of the child and ourselves. This will be very helpful for when I have my own children.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really liked this section a lot and there wasn’t anything that I liked the least. All the information given was helpful and was very interesting.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that changing the antecedent makes a big difference in modifying the behavior. It seems like controlling the antecedents in the environment controls the behavior. Another thing I will remember is that we should keep in consideration to change the environment when wanting to implement a good behavior. I will remember this because of the removing the No’s example. Another thing I will remember is that reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the one we want to change can actually help reduce the behavior we want to change, which is the differential reinforcement of other behavior. I will remember this because of the junk food example.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0 pts
Day 2 = 12 pts
Day 3 = 9 pts
Day 4 = 3pts
Day 5 = 6pts
Day 6 = 7 pts
Day 7 = 5 pts
Average = 6 pts
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I feel like my project is going okay so far but I feel like the reinforcement schedule I am using needs to be modified to make this project more effective.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5)Terminology: modify, behavior, antecedent, implement, reinforcing, differential reinforcement of other behavior, reinforcement schedule, modified
Section 5.4
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example about the terrible twos. I knew from the beginning that behavioral modification could really help with child rearing, and I understand and believe in the concept that children are blank slates and are taught how to be social and interact in the world like a normal human being. It makes a lot of sense that a child would learn (and emit) the word "no" from parents and others, but I hadn't really thought of all the antecedents in which we tell children "no," & how just limiting one's own frequency of saying "no," as a parent, could drastically alter the amount of times (& in what contexts) a child might use that word.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like one of the exercises, "what are three environments that you have little control over in your daily life?" This is because we rarely have no control over the environments we are in. If we are unhappy with an environment, we can make decisions in order to keep ourselves out of that environment. If our roommate does something often that makes us fight, we can talk about it or limit interaction, therefore changing the environment. Even with work or school, if we are not happy in those environments, we can chose to drop classes or get a new job so that we do not have to be in a particular environment. Everything is under our control if we acknowledge our own behaviors and in what contexts they occur.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Observational learning: to learn by example. I'll remember this because the definition is stated in the name, and we all learn how to do things (social, mechanical, linguistic, etc.) by watching adults and others emit a behavior following a certain antecedent, and we ourselves begin to mirror this behavior in order to learn how to interact appropriately with others and in our society.
b) Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. I'll remember this because its just reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the adversive behavior one is trying to reduce. Plus, when it was used with the examples in section 5.4 (like junk food), it made it easier to understand this concept.
c) Change the antecedent. If you change the environment that surrounds you, it makes it much easier to avoid temptations that may make you fall back into your old behaviors. That's a reason why, after people complete drug rehab, they find themselves in need of a new environment and a new ground of friends so that similar antecedents that were followed by a drug/alcohol abusing behavior are not present and do not encourage this behavior again.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = n/a
Day 2 = walked to class
Day 3 = Road bike
Day 4 = Road Bike
Day 5 = Road Bike
Day 6 = Drove car
Day 7 = n/a
Average = 4/5 day used alternative transportation
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I think it's going really well. I have decided that if I do not comply with my behavior modification (there's a reason that I do not emit the target behavior I was supposed to), I will either a) not drink coffee, which is bad for everyone involved or b) not use any coffee creamer. This is kind of like a punishment because I hate the taste of plain coffee and if I don't have coffee in the morning, I can't stay awake the rest of the day.
Terms: behavioral modification, emit, antecedents/environment, context, differential reinforcement of other, observational learning, reinforcing, target/behavior
1) I really liked the discussion and incorporation of environment being a crucial factor in the succession of a behavioral intervention. When I am working at the Juvenile Detention Center with a noncompliant and argumentative student, I will remove him and myself from each other and situation. I like to send the student to his cell for a 15 minute break. After 15 minutes, I will reunite with the student to continue working if the student has calmed down. If after the 15 minutes the student has not calmed down or refuses to return, they will stay in their cell for the remainder of school.
2) There really isn’t anything I dislike about this section, other than the lengthy examples of DROs.
3) The first thing I will remember from this section is the example of toy time outs. While reading this example, I realized that I often emit this method to extinguish a disruptive behavior, or disrupt the operant behavior. When I was working at a daycare, I liked to enforce this intervention so I did not draw attention to the situation. I would remove the toy or object from the situation and tell the children to find something else. I felt if I made a spectacle by placing the disruptive children in time out, I would be reinforcing the observant children’s need for attention causing them to become disruptive as well.
The second thing I will remember from this section is the concept of observational learning, which is learning by example. My only concern with the example of removing the “NOs” is that I think the “safe” environment could potentially lead that child to develop disruptive behavior in the future. While observational learning might account for the terrible twos, I think a no restrictions room could develop an uninhibited personality that has difficulty with authority.
The third thing I am going to remember is the differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO). From the reading, DRO appears to encompass all the different techniques to change the antecedent. When we reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior, we change the environment (antecedent) which disrupts the operant behavior.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention) Morning Yoga 7x/week
Day 1 = 0 min
Day 2 = 15 min
Day 3 = 0 min
Day 4 = 10 min
Day 5 = 0 min
Day 6 = 15 min
Day 7 = 0 min
Average = 5.71 min
4b) this past week was very difficult. I tragically lost a good friend in a motorcycle accident, my other friend was in a drunk driving accident, along with other personal stress. I had very little motivation and time to do my yoga routine, even though it might
have benefited me.
5) environment, behavior intervention, DROs, toy time outs, emit, extinguish, disruptive behavior, disrupt the operant behavior, enforce, reinforcing, observant, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behaviors, antecedents, consequences, undesirable behavior.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed that this section discussed how to use behavior modification on children. I have a little sister and a young niece that it would be helpful to know this information.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt that all the information in this section was useful and it was very well written.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember that reinforcers do not have to occur right away. There can be some delayed gratification.
b) Changing the antecedents are a powerful way to modify certain behaviors.
c) I will remember a toy time out. Removing the toy instead of putting the kid in time out is something that I have personally seen work before.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 =30
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =30
Day 5 =60
Day 6 =30
Day 7 =0
Average = 21
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
The project is going well so far, I have noticed an obvious increase in the amount of time I spend working out. Also, with working out more, I have noticed that I have been eating healthier.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Behavior modification, reinforcer, antecedent, modify
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the example of toy time outs. I felt that this example gave me a really good idea of how to change the antecedent in a given situation. It was really helpful for me that it was written out in the way that removing the toy disrupts the operant behavior fighting and arguing. I feel that this example explained the topic very well in a way that is very easy to relate to the real world.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There really was not anything that I particularly disliked in this section. I felt that everything we learned was pretty important and I enjoyed reading about it!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is what a DRO is. DRO stands for differential reinforcement of other behavior. The section states that this is that one way to reduce a behavior is to reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior. Now, this definition made no sense to me at first, however the example regarding Calhoun and eating junk food really put it into a way that I could understand, and it is a result of this that I will remember what a DRO is from this section. Another thing I will remember from this section is that one thing to consider when making a behavior change to consider changing the environment. In the Calhoun example, he wanted to quit eating junk food and one of the things he did was place a bowl of fruit on the table. This is changing the environment because now instead of having only junk food readily available, there is lots of healthy food just sitting there ready to be eaten. I will remember this because I feel that this is an important tip to know when you are trying to implement a behavior modification. Lastly, I will remember that changing the antecedent is a really good way to modify a behavior. I discussed this earlier in the example regarding the toy time outs. I believe I will remember this because, again, I feel that this is important in trying to change a behavior. Also, I feel that this was explained in a way that made it really easy to understand with examples that I will remember, which will make me take more away.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 Work out 3 times per week
Day 1 =Nothing
Day 2 =2.3 Mile Run
Day 3 =1 Mile Run
Day 4 =Stairs
Day 5 =Nothing
Day 6 =Volleyball Tournament
Day 7 =Nothing
Average =Again, I am not sure how to make an average of my days I worked out, so I guess for this week I worked out 4/7 days.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going pretty well now! At the beginning it was a little difficult because the original behavior I wanted to change was to go for runs more. However, Iowa's weather had a different plan and made that very difficult. So I decided to change my behavior to just working out in general. This has made it a lot easier for me to perform as well as easier for me to record. All in all, I am beginning to see a change because not only am I using my reinforcer, I also know that I need to do this for homework so it is an added motivation!
Terminology: toy time outs, antecedent, operant behavior, DRO, reinforce, behavior modification,
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed the idea of taking out "NO" from the vocabulary we use with children. It makes everything seem so much more happy when you don't have to constantly tell the child NO when they want to do something. Making the environment safe so that you don't have to use the word "NO" as much is a really good idea as well. It is simple but can make such a huge impact.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This was one of my favorite sections, I enjoyed the examples and how we relate it to children. It is also filled with helpful ideas and thoughts I liked how this section was set up!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the analogy DRO Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior and that one way to reduce a behavior is to reinforce a behavior that in
incompatible with the undesirable behavior. And how we can change almost any antecedent in our own way to change the behavior and outcome; changing the antecedent is a powerful way to modify behaviors. Also and lastly, I will remember that with changing behaviors Changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring can disrupt the operant behavior expected.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1 (sunday)
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =2 (Friday)
Day 7 =1 (Saturday)
Average = 0.5 meals ate out per day.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I have found that it is going very well for me during the week when I am focusing on eating well, exercising and be healthy but on the weekends when I work a lot and don't have time to exercise or eat well I tend to eat out at places I shouldn't and not care as much using the excuse "it's the weekend" or "I will start again on Monday."
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, DRO, Reinforce, Behavior Modification.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Changing the antecedents is a powerful way to modify behaviors. I like this because it was one of the very first things discussed in class. If we modify/change the antecedent we can either make it easier to modify the behavior, eliminate it, or make it even harder to modify the behavior, this also depends on the environment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Most of this stuff was review, as far as the terms, and how they relate and can be used to modify behavior. Although it was somewhat a review new examples were used make things more clear and solidifying previous lessons.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Toy time outs rather than placing a child in a time out was a really good example. This way the child, itself, is not being punished, but he or she is still able to grasp that it was not a desirable behavior that was emitted. The child being put into time out is negative punishment. Putting the toy in time out is still not reinforcement, but instead it is changing the environment by removing the antecedent of the fight. Thus, this disrupts the operant behavior of arguing and fighting over the toy.
-DRO is essential in eliminating undesirable behaviors without using punishment. Instead of punishing for emitting the target behavior, I could reinforce incompatible behaviors. For example, instead of punishing for nail biting, I could find alternative behaviors that deter me from biting, like squeezing a stress ball or exercising, this wouldn’t allow me to perform the behavior and keep my mind occupied. The exercise for a good part of the day, and the stress ball for when things slow down and I become more tempted to perform the behavior.
-Changing the environment should always be considered when implementing a good behavior modification program. The best way to explain and demonstrate this was mentioned in the text; We can remove objects that might elicit undesirable behaviors and replace them with objects that elicit desirable behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =2
Average =1.86 times on average
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Well right away its clear that I’m performing the behavior less on average, and per day. I think this is mainly due to the fact that I’m trying to change my behavior and now am more aware of it.
I failed to stop my nail biting for a minimum of three days, in order to be reinforced. But I was still tempted to watch my favorite shows and did so. I either need to come up with a new reinforce, or move up my schedule for reinforcement to everyday or every other day.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior, antecedents, environment, behavior modification, punishment, differential reinforcement of other behavior, target behavior, elicit
1)this section had a lot of good advice and ideas when it came to changing antecedents.also liked that this section had exercises to break down antecedents that we usually do not have control over in every day life.
2) nothing to dislike in this one
3)operant behavior can be disrupted by changing an environment while an unwanted behavior is occurring.
DRO can be effective ways of changing an unwanted behavior. also remember that changing antecedents/environments are very powerful in behavior change because if certain "triggers" can be avoided, there is less likelihood that the unwanted behavior will occur.
Day 1 = 4 times i took my pills on time
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 4
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
4) my behavior project is going ok. i took my pills on most days when i was supposed to
1. Something I really liked about this section was when it talked about how even if an environment seems difficult to change, there is always something you can do to assert some control over it. The example I used was eating healthier foods. The environment I can’t control very much is the Rialto, because they are always going to serve some sort of greasy food and rich desert. A way to control the environment more is to sit near the healthy food, and try to use avoidance and not even walk by the pizza or sweets.
2. There was nothing I really disliked about this section, however I did have a hard time understanding the toy time outs. I understand the concept of it, but I’m not sure how this will reduce the arguing behavior when it’s being emitted. Plus, if they are experiencing different behavior methods in school, for example the child being put in the time out, I feel like they might be confused by the two methods.
3. Three things I will remember from this section are:
a) Instead of using the word “no” all the time in front of your child, you should change the environment so you don’t have to say no to them. If they have a room where they can do whatever they want in it, then they are also less likely to get into trouble. And the adult playing in that room often with them will strengthen the relationship.
b) Although some environments may be difficult to change, there is always a way to somewhat control the situation by modifying your own behavior to elicit a more favorable outcome. This could be avoiding the situation, or simply sitting somewhere else where you will not be tempted to go back to the original behavior you are trying to reduce.
c) Antecedents are important to look at when you want to change a behavior, thus leading to a more pleasurable consequence, such as meeting your goal. Changing the antecedents is like modifying the environment so that you are less likely to emit the undesired behavior.
Day 1= 19:20 mins
Day 2= 0 mins
Day 3= 17:07 mins
Day 4= 0 mins
Day 5= 16:15 mins
Day 6= 23:59 mins
Day 7= 0 mins
Average= 10:58 mins
4b. I think so far it's going really well. I have actually started to really enjoy and look forward to my time running. I think I might need to find a new reinforcement though because I am starting to do it because I want to. Which I know is the goal, but I don't feel like my old reinforcer is as reinforcing. On the days I didn't run, it's mostly because I really couldn't find time to those days. I need to start scheduling it into my routine.
5. Terms: avoidance, emit, elicit, antecedents, consequences, pleasurable, behavior, reinforcer, reinforcing
1) One thing I liked from this section was the fact that the section had a clear purpose and focused on the main idea that people can change antecedents and environments in order to change behavior. I liked this because most of the examples in the section were helpful, all of the information made the section easy to read, and the information was clear and showed how much antecedents can impact behaviors.
2) One thing from this section that I did not like is when I had to practice with the idea of changing an environment that is in my own life, and I had to write down how I could change it. I did not like this because even though this chapter was helpful and easy to understand, I had a difficult time figuring out how the environments that I experience can be changed after I change antecedents. I believe that I was able to figure out how I can change my environment, but it was difficult to see any ways that I could do that. For example, I could possibly change the environment of my loud dorm hallway by putting up signs that say “Be quieter.”
3) One thing from this chapter that I will remember is the fact that a change in antecedents can elicit a change in behavior of other people. I will remember this because it was very clear in this chapter, and I thought this was an interesting concept that I will keep in mind. I thought it was interesting, because normally people think about the way that consequences can affect behavior, but this reading section helped me to realize that antecedents can also have a huge impact on behaviors. Another thing from this section that I will remember is the idea that certain behaviors emitted can change antecedents, which can lead to a change in behavior. These behaviors that change antecedents can be positive behaviors. I will remember this because it seems like a great idea to me for a person to use good behaviors in order to change behaviors that they consider undesirable. It seems like a productive way to modify or replace behaviors with more desirable target behaviors. A third thing from this section that I will remember is the example of “toy timeouts” that was used to show that toys can be taken away from children and put in “toy timeout” in order to change the environment and modify children’s behavior. I will remember this because I thought it was a very strange and unique idea, and that caused it to be a very memorable concept for me. Even though it is likely effective, it seemed very odd to me.
Data for Week 2 (hours of exercise)
Day 1=1
Day 2=0
Day 3=1
Day 4=0
Day 5=1
Day 6=.75
Day 7=1
Average =.68 hours
4b) My project seems to be going well so far. My average exercise time per day has increased by a little bit, but my number of times that I exercise per week has remained at 5 days per week. My reinforcer, which is a nightly snack on the days that I exercise, is apparently working to cause me to exercise for longer during the week, which is a pleasant target behavior.
Terminology: behavior, reinforcement, consequences, target behavior, elicit, antecedents, environment, modify, desirable behaviors, emitted.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I loved every bit of this reading. I went through a period of my life where I put myself in a terribly unhealthy dorm room environment. On top of eating unhealthy meals in the dining area, I had unhealthy snacks that I continuously ate in my dorm room. This forced me to change my environment and this thereby changed the antecedent of my poor eating behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I loved this reading, but I think the part about removing the “No’s” was put into a much simpler context than it really is. That is not easy for a person to not say “no” to their child when they do something wrong.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that changing the environment around you is a powerful behavior changer.
I will remember that toy time outs are a good way to help kids change their behavior. I have never heard of that before, but I know I may use it someday.
I will remember that differential reinforcement of other behavior is a successful way of replacing a bad behavior with a good behavior.
I will remember all of these things, because they are easily relatable to everyday life!
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 14,000
Day 2 = 10,000
Day 3 = 8,000
Day 4 = 7,000
Day 5 = 6,000
Day 6 = 11,000
Day 7 =12,000
Average = 10,000
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It is becoming better. The average is looking good, but I need to make sure that I am reaching 10,000 steps each day instead of just some days.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
Terms: Environment, Antecedent, Behavior, No’s, Context, Toy Time Out’s, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how relatable it was. The scenario regarding reducing the intake of sweets and the examples provided for other options was very interesting and helpful. I think everyone could relate somewhat to that and take the advice it had provided.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
As far as something I disliked in this section although it provided me with lots of insights and examples for things to do when trying to fix a bad behavior I found a lot of it to be just common sense. And that you could figure out for your own personal self what works best for reducing something.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing that I will remember from this section is how important it is to remove the No’s when dealing with and teaching children. I’ll defiantly remember this because one of my part time jobs is working in a daycare so it’s pretty important to know. Next I will remember the Premack Principle and that people will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. That just made common sense to me so it’s easy to remember. And lastly I will remember this key advice that when there is a variety of reinforcer options that exist, it is often a good idea to choose a reinforcer that compliments the behavior that you are modifying. That just made a lot of sense to me because in a sense then you are also improving the behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =60min
Day 3 =45min
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =60min
Day 6 =60min
Day 7 =30min
Average =51
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I would say it is going really well so far. I’ve been pretty disciplined and motivated to stay on track and get to the gym. The colder weather has had a bit of a negative effect on me but other than that it’s been going well.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Premack Principle, behavior, reinforce, low frequency behavior, high frequency behavior,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked learning about antecedents and how we can exert so much control over others behaviors by just manipulating the environment. It could be a much easier way to change a behavior. By changing the antecedent we would be able to change people's behavior without them even knowing it. I have been thinking about antecedents a lot because I have been wanting to change the behavior of my neighbors. They always draw inappropriate things on my whiteboard so I changed the antecedent by taking away the dry erase marker.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- There was nothing I disliked about this section. It could have been a little longer but I thought all the examples were very relevant and I appreciated that
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?- I will remember that a way to change the antecedent is to disrupt the operant behavior. By disrupting the behavior we change the antecedent and avoid punishment. Another way to change the antecedent is to watch the language we use, especially around young children. They are observational learners so if we don't engage in bad behaviors around them, changing the antecedent, they won't emit the behavior so then there is no chance for punishment. We can change the reinforcement for behaviors that are incompatible with an undesired behavior, which is the differential reinforcement of other. This is a useful way to change our behaviors.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Number of times looking at social media on my phone
Day 1 = 20
Day 2 = 25
Day 3 = 18
Day 4 = 19
Day 5 = 22
Day 6 = 20
Day 7 = 28
Average = 21
4) How is your behavior project going so far?- I think my behavior project is going well so far. It is kind of eye opening how much I am on my phone, and it is very annoying to me how much I am on it instead of interacting with others. I am looking forward to using my behavioral intervention
5) Terminology: antecedent, behavior, punishment, reinforcement, emit, operant behavior, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked from this section was the part about Toy time outs. I think this concept makes a lot of sense. Instead of placing kids in time out, the object they are fighting over is removed from the situation. This way, the toy is in “time out” and the kids are not. They have to accept that they cannot play with the toy and must move on to a different activity. The behavior they were emitting because of the toy would lead to the toy time out. This toy time out could be seen as negative punishment because it is removing an object to decrease a behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I did not like in this section was the part about removing the “NO”s from a situation. I understand that children learn through observational learning and typically go through a phase where they constantly say “no”. However, I do not think that is necessarily a bad thing. I think it is part of normal child development and it is okay for children and adults to use the word “no”. Although you can create situations where children are protected from saying no by covering outlets, removing harmful toys, etc., all factors can never completely be removed. It is important when kids get older that they are able to hear the word “no” and not become distraught over it. Life is full of “no”s.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that it is possible to manipulate your behavior to reduce certain behaviors. For example, if you eat too many sweets, you can change the antecedents to change your overall behavior. Changing antecedents could include putting sweets in an area that is hard to reach, replacing sweets with fruits, having roommates hide sweets, or making smaller portions of the snack in little bags. All of these are simple ways to decrease the behavior of eating sweets by making simple changes to your environment. Another thing I will remember from this section is what Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors is. This is that one way to reduce a behavior is reinforcing an incompatible behavior. The example with sweets can apply to this as well. Buying fresh fruit and reinforcing yourself by allowing yourself to eat it whenever you’re hungry can help curb your sweet tooth for a sugary sweet. The last thing I will remember is that changing the environment should always be considered when you want to change a behavior. Antecedents are often overlooked but they are one of the most powerful things you have control over.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Number of sweets eaten in the Piazza
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 0
Average = 0.29
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going better this week than last week. I have been trying to eat no desserts in the Piazza. I caved at dinner twice this week, but now I know it is possible to go without desserts. I would love to keep up this behavior of skipping dessert in the Piazza. I feel better when I do not eat so much sweets and it is better for me as well. I think it will get easier to skip the desserts in the Piazza as time goes on and I get more used to it.
Terms: toy time outs, behavior, “NO”s, observational learning, emitting, negative punishment, manipulate, antecedents, differential reinforcement of other behaviors
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section was the examples it gave. At the beginning it related the material to children. I also liked the junk food example. I think I like it so much because I can relate to it!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really can’t say I disliked anything. Everything was written easy to understand and follow! I really enjoyed reading this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember is changing the environment while an undesirable behavior occurs can function to disrupt the operant behavior.
-One thing I will remember is that we can change things in the physical environment. We can remove objects that might elicit an undesirable behavior. Changing the environment is such a powerful way to increase the frequency of the target behavior.
-One thing I will remember is Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior is one way to reduce a behavior. With DRO’s you reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =20 minutes
Day 2 =10 minutes
Day 3 =o minutes
Day 4 =30 minutes
Day 5 =20 minutes
Day 6 =5 minutes
Day 7 =10 minutes
Average =13.5 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavioral project is going good so far. Using shopping as a reinforcer is a really good idea for me. It really motivates me to keep working out daily. I have been really motivated to stay on track. I can’t wait to start feeling healthier and getting more in shape!
5) Terms:
Operant behavior, undesirable, elicit, frequency, target behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior, antecedent.
Section 5.4
1. What was your favorite part about this section? why?
My favorite part about this section was I liked the way all the examples had different meanings. For example: their are many different ways to stop snacking so much.
2. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why>
My least favorite part about this section was the example about the toy.
3. What are three things you'll remember from this section?
A. The first thing I will remember is what behavior does. When you don't want a certain type of behavior to reoccur again you try and distract that certain before from happening again
B. The second thing I will remember is what the ABC's of behavior change are.
C. The third thing I will remember from this section is how you can change the antecedent to stop an unwanted behavior.
4. Week two
Day one 1 hour
Day two 1.5 hours
Day three 2 hours
Day four 2 hours
Day five 3 hours
Day six 2.5 hours
Day seven 2 hours
Average 2 hours
4b. How is your behavior project going?
My behavior project is pretty much staying the same I really need to buckle down and increase my study hours more throughout the day.
5. Terms used: Behavior, antecedent, differential reinforcement, undesirable, ABC's, behavior change
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I really enjoyed all the examples used to explain concepts. I would have never thought that changing the antecedent could actually create such a dramatic change in behaviors. By using the examples such as the two children fighting over the toy, or putting the child in a safe room in order to help make the terrible twos easier, I was able to realize how much of a difference antecedents can make. I also enjoyed the example of differential reinforcement when dealing with junk food. If you remove the junk food, it is less attempting and if you replace it with fruit instead, it helps a lot.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the fact that it was probably the longest section we have had to read so far because it was 18 pages long but I learned a lot and it was the only section we had to read for this assignment so I can't complain.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section for sure is the premack principle because we discussed it in class and now I just read about it again. I also tend to use it in my daily life when I want to engage in a high frequency behavior but tell myself I need to do the low frequency behavior first. The second thing I will remember is that reinforcers can be either primary or secondary because usually they work either way and it's an easy concept to remember. Lastly, I will remember that if a reinforcer does not work, I MUST find another reinforcer instead because otherwise it will not change the behavior the way I want it to. I will remember this because it is very important and also because we have talked about it previously during class.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = no shopping
Day 2 = no shopping
Day 3 = no shopping
Day 4 = no shopping
Day 5 = no shopping
Day 6 = went shopping, spent $8
Day 7 = no shopping
Average = $8 spent
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far it is going VERY well, because I need to save money for Christmas presents which is also a huge reinforcer for me not to spend any money on myself. I have only gone shopping once since I have started this project.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: antecedent, behaviors, differential reinforcement, premack principle, high frequency behavior, low frequency behavior, reinforcers, primary, secondary
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the terrible two's example because it was a relatable topic. Most everyone knows or has a family member that age and seeing how easy it is to modify their behavior by simply changing the antecendent is interesting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I agree that it is important to remove anything that could harm a child before they are aware of the consequences but I am not sure removing NO completely is necessary. We use NO to govern some of our behaviors. We can't be sheltered from everything.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? 1. Antecendents form the context and environment for all behaviors. 2. By changing the environment we can change behaviors. 3. DROs are a good way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0 minutes
Day 2 =30 minutes
Day 3 =30 minutes
Day 4 =0 minutes
Day 5 =60 minutes
Day 6 =30 minutes
Day 7 =0 minutes
Average =21.4 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I am struggling to meet my goal everyday. I did not realize how hard it would be to fit in around work and classes.I am going to try and come up with a new strategy to get the behavior changed.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms:behavior, antecedent,consequences, environment, elicit, DROs.
Reading Activity Week #13
5.4 (Changing the Antecedents)
1.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked all the examples given. It helped me visualize/realize all the different situations we may face and how much of an effect changing the antecedents can have on it. I have young siblings and I have also worked at a daycare, the examples were really relatable.
2.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that we did not learn any new terms in this section. But overall this section was relevant.
3.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that by changing the antecedent, we can substantially modify the behavior. It is important to remember this can be useful in all situations.
I will remember that DRO (Differentia Reinforcement of Other Behavior) can be an effective way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment.
I will remember to keep in mind that changing the environment or other antecedents can be useful when first implementing a new behavior modification program. If it is at first unsuccessful, I can tweak the antecedents to elicit a more favorable outcome.
4a.) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 2 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 3 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 4 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 5 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 6 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 7 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Average = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
4b.) How is your behavior project going so far? Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Honestly, really badly. It’s been difficult to meet my target behavior because I had a sinus infection, ear infection, and bronchitis.. The last thing on my agenda was to workout. I spent a lot of time sleeping and drinking water though!
5) Terminology: antecedents, behavior, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors, elicited, behavior modification program, elicit.
1. I like the terrible two example for how behaviors can be the antecedent for other behaviors. Since a child around the age 2 is a sponge for information, and learn from observational learning, they are prone to entering the "no" stage. Instead of having to tell the child no constantly for getting into undesirable situations you can just make alterations to their environment. As a consequence to these alterations, you will have a safer environment for the child and they won't need to be told no as often.
2. Not really anything to dislike about this section, so just to get something for the sake of this conversation I would say there may be a lack of importance put on the ability of changing the environment in order to modify behavior. It really isn't that hard to do, but can be so effective. You can elicit a more desirable behavior from a child by simply putting there toys away at night so they can't play with them when they should be sleeping. So easy to manipulate.
3. A) I will remember that it is very possible to have a behavior act as an antecedent to another behavior.
B) The fact that it takes so much work and recognition of the problems attributed to goal achieving (both before and after the target behavior is emitted) there are many failed goals.
C)Differential Reinforcement or Other Behavior is another possibility for trying to meet goals successfully since this allows for a change in the environment that could hinder your successes.
Day 1=10
Day 2=18
Day 3=12
Day 4=18
Day 5=15
Day 6=17
Day 7=15
average 15 f bombs
The number of times saying the f word throughout the day is going down, but is still obviously being say more than it should be.
terms: Behaviors, antecedent, observational learning, consequence, elicit, desirable behavior, target behavior, emit, Differential Reinforcement and Other Behavior
1) One thing I really like about this section was the example of the toy time outs. Many of the concepts we discuss are good advice for parents, but this was specifically gears towards them. I think it is hard for parents to find ways to modify their children’s behaviors without using punishment. But changing the child’s environment or antecedents is a great way to accomplish this. Putting the toy in “time-out” will take the toy out of their environment and make it impossible for them to emit the undesirable behavior.
2) One thing i did not like about this section was that it was hard to come of with examples for some the exercise boxes. For instance, I had a hard time coming up with ways to manipulate my environment/antecedents to get fewer speeding tickets. I had trouble coming up with realistic ways to do this.
3) A. I will remember that it is sometimes difficult to remove yourself from the environment or change it, but that does not mean that it isn’t possible. It will just require some work, forethought, discipline, and reflection. Even in the extreme example of being on parole, there are still ways to avoid talking to others on parole (join habitat for humanity or enroll in a community college). B. I will also remember we can manipulate our antecedents to promote differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO). If our environment promotes a behavior that is incompatible with our target behavior, we will be less likely to do emit the target behavior and it will elicit a preferred behavior. Putting healthier food in the fridge will cause you to eat healthier food and less sweets. C. Finally, I will remember that changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring can function to disrupt the operant behavior. This is demonstrated in the toy time out example. When the toy is taken away, target behavior (like steeling or fighting over the toy) is extinguished.
4) Day 1 = 30 min
Day 2 = 80 min
Day 3 = 45 min
Day 4 = 40 min
Day 5 = 25 min
Day 6 = 40 min
Day 7 = 60 min
Average = 45.7 min
My project is going well so far. My reinforcer appears to be working because my average for this week is significantly higher than last week’s. I do think that my target behavior (studying for the GRE/preparing grad school application) is also being increased because of approaching deadlines.
Terms: toy time out, punishment, emit, environment, antecedents, differential reinforcement of other behavior, DRO, target behavior, elicit, operant behavior, disrupt, extinguished, and reinforcer
Section 5.4:
1) One thing I liked in the section was the introduction of emphasis on changing the environment to elicit desired behaviors. I liked this because it will be very helpful in the current behavioral project and any future behavior change I want to make or maintain for myself or others.
2) The only thing I didn’t care for much in this section would be the repeating of DRO concept. It didn’t seem to add much, besides a reminder of how it’s used, to this section, so that’s why I liked it least.
3) I will remember from this section the way to deal with terrible twos, how antecedents can be manipulated to disrupt an operant behavior and prevent an undesirable behavior, and that every environment has some way to be changed. I will remember how to deal with terrible twos because I never realized the reason they act terrible is because they learn these new and “terrible” behaviors with observational learning. This will be very helpful in knowing for the someday that I have to raise a child, and knowing is half the battle. I will remember the way antecedents can be manipulated to disrupt operant behaviors because it can be effectively used to change behaviors, such as with dogs or children, without being aversive. This will be useful because I’m helping my dad and brother train a very submissive puppy whenever I’m at home, so when I see a way to disrupt operant behaviors I can tell them and help them. Lastly, I will remember that every environment can be changed to help elicit desired behaviors because this section had us work through changing a variety of situation’s environments.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 45
Day 3 = 60
Day 4 = 55
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 22.9 minutes
4b) My behavioral project is going well so far, I’ve emitted the target behavior of going to the gym 3 times, and did my full work out of lifting weights and 30 minutes of cardio.
5) Terms: emitted, elicit, operant behavior, antecedent, behavior, environment, DRO, aversive, desirable, undesirable, observational learning
Reading Activity Week #13
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The examples given were very descriptive and helpful. I liked the toy time outs, and removing the “NOs” to explain observational learning. The examples throughout the section gave a clear argument for controlling the environment as much as possible.
I also really liked the tips for how to reduce consumption of sweets!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There really was nothing I disliked in this section. The examples were great and there were a lot of real-life things that I can apply to my life every day out of this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Right away in the section, toy time outs were discussed. When children fight over a toy, instead of the child being punished, the toy is often taken away. The section said it doesn’t make much sense to the behaviorist, and I never thought of it that way. Instead of going about the situation how a behaviorist might, taking the toy away changes the antecedent and disrupts the operant behavior of fighting over the toy.
Differential Reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) is to reduce a behavior by reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the undesired behavior. It has been discussed in previous sections, but the junk food/fresh fruit example stuck with me this time. It is a good way to influence behavior.
Changing the environment is a very important part of implementing a good behavior modification program.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
(numbers show how many of the 3 daily meals I prepared at home)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 2
Day 7 = 3
Average =
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It is going alright! This week I worked on planning meals better, and followed through fairly well. It means getting up a little earlier each day to prep versus just grabbing something quick when I get to campus in the morning, but so far, so good.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Observational learning, behaviorist, antecedent, operant behavior, DRO, reduce behavior, reinforcing, behavior modification program
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked about this section was the scenario about reducing the intake of sweets and reading other options of things to do to reduce the intake. I really like this part because I have a problem with eating junk food just because it’s readily accessible and easy.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was reading about observational learning since we cover that topic in many other psychology classes, and was bored rereading what I already know.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. This is where we reinforce a different behavior to distract from and undesirable behavior. I will also remember that we can always change our environment to affect our behaviors. I will remember this because I think it is a great idea and something I do not normally think to do. Lastly, I will remember the ABC's to change a behavior. I will remember this because we have been talking about it all semester.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 60
Day 3 = 80
Day 4 = 45
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 26.42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavioral project is going better than I thought it would. My friend just helps me elicit my behavior so that I will actually emit my target behavior which is working out at least 30 minutes 5 times a week. Last week I only did 3 days but I think its better than nothing and we didn’t start until Tuesday. I feel that as long as she works out with me I will be able to complete this and continue working out.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Observational Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, Reinforce, undesirable, ABC's, behavioral project, elicit, behavior, emit, target behavior
Reading 5.4:
1.One thing that I really liked about this reading was how many examples were used to help explain the different things discussed. I really enjoyed the toy and sweets examples for how manipulating the environment and antecedents can effectively change a behavior.
2.There wasn't anything that stood out to me as being something that I disliked. Much of the information was repetitive from previous readings but it was good to review these things especially since they are pertinent to our behavioral change project.
3.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is that manipulating the environment can be effective in modifying behavior. By changing the environment we are then not able to do the behavior that we are trying to decrease or we make it easier for ourselves to do the behavior that we are trying to increase. Manipulating the environment can tie into observed learning because as parents we can manipulate the environment in order to not teach our kids different behaviors or try to reinforce a behavior that is being emitted. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is differential reinforcement of other. Although this is something that we have discussed several times, I think it is an important topic to discuss especially in regards to our behavioral change projects. Reinforcement is more effective and easier to do then punishment when trying to change behaviors so if we have reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the behavior we want to decrease then we will have better results. The last thing that I will remember from this reading is premack principle. The premack principle is about reinforcing low frequency behaviors with high frequency behaviors. We have discussed this in class and it was discussed in the ted talk we had to watch for today. I think it is an interesting topic and can be beneficial when trying to find a reinforcer for our projects. I also thought it was interesting and beneficial to know about a behavior hierarchy when trying to determine what a low frequency and high frequency behavior would be for us. I think all this information is important when trying to determine a good reinforcer for our projects.
Behavioral Change Project:
4.Week 2 (intervention)
Day 1: 30 min
Day 2: 30 min
Day 3: 0 min
Day 4: 1 hour
Day 5: 30 min
Day 6: 0 min
Day 7: 30 min
Average: 25.7 minutes
5.My behavior change project is going pretty well. I did miss one day of working out and so I had to work out extra the next and I worked out on Sunday because I felt bad that I had skipped. Part of the problem I think was my reinforcer so I am trying to find something better for this week.
TERMS: antecedents, observed learning, reinforce, emitted, different reinforcement of other, punishment, premack principle, reinforcer, behavioral hierarchy
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a: I really liking the idea of removing the “nos” with children. This can be done by controlling the environment because it is believed that controlling the environment will control behavior. Sometimes you cannot control the environment, so I also like the idea of finding creative ways to manipulate target behavior when the environment cannot be controlled. The antecedent is a way we can predict behavior and consequence, so by controlling or changing the antecedent the behavior can be controlled.
b: I like the idea of removing “nos” because it acts as a punishment and reinforcement is more beneficial to elicit a behavior. I like the idea of finding creative ways to manipulate behavior when the environment cannot be controlled because that way to behavior is more likely to be emitted.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t one thing I disliked about this section. The information was very rewarding and beneficial. One thing I think that may be difficult is changing the environment to elicit desirable behavior. This would be difficult because sometimes the environment is beyond your control which means it will take more work to manipulate behavior.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember is toy time out. I will remember this because it is an alternative to punishing the child. As stated earlier punishment is less beneficial that reinforcement. By taking the toy away the toy we control the environment to remove the fighting and arguments. I will remember this because it is a beneficial procedure to parenting and I can apply it in my everyday life when I watch my cousins or when I nanny.
I will remember the idea of removing the “nos.” I will remember this because it is also a beneficial procedure when parenting because children learn by observation and when they get into their terrible two stage is the parent always says no they will pick up of that and start saying no all the time. By controlling the environment the saying no behavior can be controlled.
I will remember differential reinforcement of other behavior is an effective way to reduce a behavior. I will remember this because by reinforcing an incompatible behavior the unwanted behavior will likely decrease.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1 hour workout (ran 30 min)
Day 2 = 1 hour yoga
Day 3 = 1 hour workout
Day 4 = 1 hour workout (ran 30 min)
Day 5 = 1 hour yoga
Day 6 = rest day
Day 7 = rest day
Average = 1 hour of running
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going well. It isn’t very hard for me to manipulate by behavior for this project because I work at Kosama (a gym) and at the rec center on main street. I run at the rec center after I get done coaching. It makes it easier for me to emit this behavior because the rec has a track. The environment really makes it easier to complete my behavior goals.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, observation learning, punishment, reinforcement, DRO
Section 5.4
I like that this section tries to help us understand and prevent the terrible twos to some extent. I had such a hard time with all of my siblings going through that stage and I would have tried just about anything to get them to stop being obnoxious during that time in their lives. I found it comforting that it is as simple as observational learning. With that in mind, it may become easier to omit the behaviors that parents don’t want to happen.
I didn’t like that this talked about parolees just because I have had so many situations in my family that this would have been helpful for. I think that by changing the antecedent is a perfect idea for this particular situation, but sometimes it can be easier said than done because the people who live with the parolee are very easily manipulated or seen as enablers. I agree that this is a possible solution, I just wish it was as easy as the section said.
I will remember that sticking a sweet treat in the freezer is an easy way to omit an impulse behavior. I think that this will be helpful because I am such a snacker, and making them out of site is a good way of keeping them out of my mind.
I will remember that a good way of actually changing a behavior is by changing the antecedent or the environment. I think that sometimes I am way too comfortable with how my environment is and that leads me to slack and make excuses. By changing it, I will never be too comfortable therefore falling into bad habits.
I will remember that time outs for the children are less effective than toy timeouts. I think this was important for me because I can also use this philosophy when trying to alter a behavior in an adult. I think that everyone has their own “toy” that means enough to them that taking it away for a certain amount of time could be useful. I just have to be careful, adults are more likely to press charges for stealing than children are.
Day 1(Sunday)= N/A
Day 2= Finished Tuesday before 12:30
Day 3=finished by 11pm
Day 4= Finished by Thursday morning 1:00
Day 5= Finished by 6pm
Day 6= N/A
Day 7=N/A
Average=Finished one day late (this means that though my assignments were due or ideally due on these days, I finished them the next day at the specified time)
I think that, believe it or not, the project is going pretty well because I have been getting all of my assignments and quizzes done. I think that the only thing I really need to focus on for this coming week is getting them done in a timely fashion. I keep putting it off until the very last minute every time, and I think that if I just have a more demanding schedule, I will do just fine in getting them in before the deadline. By getting in the right routine,
I should be able to do this without even thinking about it. This week, I am going to try and set s specific time that my assignments need to be done so that I have it in my head that there is no excuse for not getting them done by that time.
Terms: prevent, observational learning, manipulated, enablers, antecedent, omit, impulse behavior, environment, toy timeouts, philosophy, alter
Section 5.4
1. I like the example of removing “NOs” from the environment. Everyone learns through observational learning so to create an environment as an antecedent that will reduce the amount of times a child observes their parents saying No will in turn decrease the chance of them emitting that behavior.
2. I liked this chapter. It was an easy read and flowed really well so I can’t find necessarily anything I disliked about it. There were a few more grammatical errors that threw me but otherwise I liked the structure of this chapter.
3. It is an important reminder that we can most always find creative ways to control or manipulate our environment around us. We don’t have to be just subject to other peoples wants and desires, we have control and it is important that people learn how to use that knowledge to help themselves be better people. I also will remember the tips on how to reduce your consumption of sweets when they are around. Some of them are very clever and definitely would work for me. I liked the one about having your roommate hide the candy, and every time you wanted a piece you had to ask your roommate for one. That would limit my intake considerably.
4. a) Day 1=Yes (1)
Day 2=Yes (1)
Day 3=Yes (1)
Day 4=Yes (1)
Day 5=Yes (1)
Day 6=No (2)
Day 7=Yes (1)
Average= 1.14
b) My behavior project is going pretty well. I have made sure that I have easy to grab breakfast food that I can take on my way to class. What I didn’t account for was that I went out of town last weekend and hadn’t thought of an alternate plan for making sure I had breakfast. That is why I missed having breakfast on Saturday.
5. Environment, observational learning, antecedent, emitting, behavior, manipulate/control, behavior project.
1) Toy time outs are a great replacement of child time outs. When my son elicits behaviors from me because he is not doing what he should by emitting aversive behaviors of his own, I feel trapped. Time-outs seem to only put the problem on hold and is never really effective. The function of times outs is to create and extinction of unwanted behaviors, but when a child is put in time out there is the possibility that other undesirable behaviors could replace the initial behavior. If I were to try to put the toys or other objects in time out, the punishment is displaced onto the object rather than my child.
2) Observational learning is taking place at my house every day. I have a tendency to emit aversive behaviors, such as yelling the moment that I become upset. I started doing this when I was little because my mother was always screaming about something or other, and I have noticed that when I revert back to those negative attitudes, my son sees them and models the same behaviors. I do not want my son to be in an environment that teaches aggressive reactions to aversive antecedents, the consequences of that are far more than just immediate emotional discomfort. I am hoping that the behavioral intervention will be helpful so that I can save me from myself.
3) a. Removing the usage of the word "no" from correctional verbaige by changing the environmental antecedent can foster a learning environment that does not include punishment. Antecedents elicit certain behaviors, but antecedents can be changed in order to modify potentially aversive behaviors. The environment can not always be changed, but some control is always present. If people were to realize that they are not powerless in any situation, desired modification can be achieved. b. Awareness of the environment is crucial for change. The text describes behaviors as being antecedents to other behaviors, and if a person wishes to alter aversive behaviors, deliberate action is necessary. I have been in many situations where I have felt powerless over my circumstances, but now looking back I wish that I had realized that I could change what was undesirable into something that would work for me. If I had known then what I know now, situations would have gone much better for me. I believe a person's realization that they always have some degree of control would give people hope where there is otherwise defeat. c. Operant behaviors can be disrupted when removing aversive antecedents from an environment according to the text. Undesirable antecedents elicit undesirable behaviors, likewise desirable antecendents elicit pleasurable behaviors. If "good" behaviors can be encouraged through the deliberate use of positive environments then it could be used to reduce problems within society.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =3
Average = 2.7 episodes/day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? There is evident improvement in respect to the amount of yelling episodes I display per day within the past week, where the behavioral intervention has been employed. By altering my environment, and being made consciously aware of how many times I respond with anger, I am able to stop before I start.
5) Terms: elicit, emit, aversive, desirable, function, extinction, behaviors, punishment, oberservational learning, antecedents, consequence, behavioral intervention, operant behaviors
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked the examples about antecedents in this section. It really made me realize how changing an environment can impact a behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought this chapter was really helpful and informative.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?I will remember that changing antecedents can change a behavior because of the examples used in this section. I will also remember that opervational learning is when a person learns based on watching another. I will also remember that you should surround yourself with antecendents that cause the target behavior. The examples in this section were helpful and cause me to remember the information.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =1
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 0
Average =.87
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? I have been doing better than normal on getting my target behavior but I still am struggling on getting motivated. The reinforcement isn’t encouraging me to run every single day.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, behavior, reinforcement, observation learning, differential reinforcement, environment
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) I really liked learning about changing the antecedent because I’ve been wondering about this for awhile now. If we are so influenced by the environment that we are in and that plays such a huge role on what sort of behaviors we emit, than how on earth are we supposed to change those antecedents, or what does someone else have to suggest? I’ve been thinking for myself about why it is that I take such long showers. The environment that I’m in before is usually being cold, sweaty, and tired in my apartment. So, how do I change that? Do I wrap up in some blankets like fifteen minutes before? Do I wash my face before I eat and then just wait to shower until right before I go to bed? It’s nice to have some reassurance that I just have to test these out for myself to see what works and what doesn’t. I also really enjoyed the paragraphs that discussed the child interventions. I’m going to use them when I have kids and also with some of the kiddos that I babysit. I really liked the removing the “no’s” because I work with quite a few 2 year olds and I’m always like… what the heck do I do? Although I might not be able to create the super safe environment for the kids I babysit, I can probably make that happen when I actually have kids. Kids learn observationally- observational learning- so when they hear me saying it all the time, they’re going to repeat it. If I can create an environment where I don’t have to say no all the time I might get to bypass the whole “terrible two” stage… or at least have a little less of the “terrible” part of their 2nd year of life.
2) The only thing I really didn’t like was that it’s so vague. You kind of have to play around with different ideas because there are going to be plenty of times when we don’t have much control over the environment. The only reason I don’t like that is because I really like an exact answer to my problems. But, that’s just life, I guess.
3) One thing I’m going to remember about this section is that antecedents have the power to make or break a behavior. This is so essential to understanding behavior modification. We’ve talked about it in some previous chapters, but it’s really starting to sink in here and become part of how I understand behavior. I’m going to remember that DRO, or differential reinforcement of other behaviors. This is the idea that we can control the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. I’m also going to remember that I can use a toy timeout. So, if my kiddos fight over toys, I can put the toy in timeout. It removes the antecedent and it also probably is a little aversive for the kids because they love that toy, obviously and we can talk about an appropriate behavior for when the toy comes out of time out.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 15 min
Day 2 = 20 min
Day 3 = 14 min
Day 4 = 20 min
Day 5 =16 min
Day 6 = 21 min
Day 7 = 37 min
Average = 20 min
4b) It’s going really well! The reinforcer that I’m using- a long shower on Sundays- is working really well. Apparently I’ll do a lot of things for a nice long hot shower at the end of the week, so I might put other stipulations on my reinforcer, like I have to have gotten all of my homework done or something before I can have it. It’s also going to be especially easy these next two weeks because I don’t have cross country practice, I have a little break. So, that’ll help me quite a bit, I think.
TERMS: Antecedent, emit, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, observational learning, and DRO.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked reading about the idea of putting the toy in time out rather than the child, because we do know so much about how punishment is not really a good thing and it hurts rather than does something for the child. So by putting the toy in time out when two children are fighting over it, it would make it a better situation for the children simply because they have to find a different toy to play with and not argue over the other one and hopefully they will forget about the other toy and continue to play nicely.
If we put the two children in time out this would then create a horrible environment for the children and it is starting to punish them for having a bad behavior at the house or wherever they may be.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing in this chapter that I did not like, but one thing that I may have not liked was the fact that I kept scrolling to find out if there was more information hiding in the section but it just went right to 5.5. I was a little disappointed in that simply because I wanted to continue reading rather than have such a short section to read about.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Getting the word no out of your house is a great idea. I will remember this idea because when we use the word no in our vocabulary the child then picks up that word through observational learning. The children have the phase terrible twos and say this word a lot. As parents the word no should be thrown out and not used because then the child won’t be able to pick up on our behaviors as well and use it as much.
b. As a human we have the power to control our behavior and our environment to change that behavior. We can change the antecedents around us to get that behavior to change and reduce the undesired behavior. Like in the example from the chapter, someone had a food choice or candy that the roommate did not want to eat so what they could have done was put the desired food in the freezer so it would be harder to get at and they would have to thaw it out; so instead they had fruit lying around. This would be an example of DRO (differential reinforcement of other behavior). I will remember this because I have used this technique in my own house with our crappy frozen pizzas and other things that my family loves to eat when I am on a healthy diet.
c. Even though it is hard to change the environment around the behavior it can still be done and there is a way around it. I can remember this tid bit because it is very hard to change the environment in which we do our behaviors, but I have already begun to change my environment in which I do not have my alcohol or sweets in a place that is easy to get to them.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =15 times
Day 2 =22 ""
Day 3 =16 ""
Day 4 =12 ""
Day 5 =10 ""
Day 6 =10 ""
Day 7 =14 ""
Average =14.14 times
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going alright so far. Even though we are only in the second week of doing things, I can already tell that my habit is coming to a slow halt. I am using 3 pieces of candy on Sundays when I am under my average goal of 20 times picking at my lip. I feel like this is going to be a great idea and I may have to change my goal and lower it at some point. My pieces of candy should help as a great reinforcer.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishment, observational learning, behavior, DRO’s, habit, environment, reinforcer,
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that there was a summary at the end of the section. The last couple of sections didn't have one and having a summary makes it easier for me to understand the material.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not anything I disliked about the section. I thought that it provided good examples while being short and to the point.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I learned that a good way to get your 2-year-old to stop saying "no" is to have a room that child can do anything in so that you, as a parent, never have to tell him/her "no" since children learn from observational learning.
b. I learned that it is possible to control our environment by changing our behavior. I'll remember this because of the example of someone who is a probation/parole officer running into clients who are on parole.
c. Changing the antecedent is a good way to change/modify behavior. I'll remember this because after what we've learned in class so far, it seems obvious.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 9:30
Day 2 = 8:15
Day 3 = 9:00
Day 4 = 9:20
Day 5 = 8:20
Day 6 = 9:20
Day 7 = 8:45
Average = approx. 9:00
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far, it is going okay. I have been noticing that while I may not get out of bed right at 9:00, I have been getting into the habit of getting up considerably earlier.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
behavior, antecedent, environment, habit, observational learning
Section 5.4
1.) One thing I really liked about this section was that it focused on what we can control about our environment and our decisions. I think people in general tend to try and justify their behaviors by focusing on the lack of control they felt they had, so this was a good read on learning to focus on what you can do differently.
2.) One thing I didn't like that much about this section was that some of the information was literally close to, if not the exact same, as material that we have read before. Again, I just felt this section was a bit redundant.
3.) One thing I will remember is that although we may not be able to change our geographical location, we can control whether or not we join groups and who we choose to surround ourselves with, which can make a difference with changing behavior. Second, I will remember that similarly to how we can remove or change things in our environment, we can also add or put antecedents into place in our environment to make us more likely to elicit desired behavior. This is called Differential Reinforcement of other behavior. Lastly, I will remember that it's important to have a support system if you're trying to change/modify a behavior because sometimes it may require asking favors of them to help elicit the desired behavior.
4a.) Day1= 1 hour
Day 2= 30 minutes
Day3= 30 minutes
Day4=1 hour and 15 minutes
Day5= 1 hour
Day6= 45 minutes
Day7= none
b.) So far, this project has been slow for me. I am not making as big of strides as I'd like to see, but I'm trying to cut myself slack because I was ill and feverish this past week so I didn't have as much motivation, but I was happy to have spent some time on schoolwork throughout the weekend.
TERMS: Environment, behavior, antecedents, elicit, differential reinforcement,
1) One thing I liked in section 5.4 is the section on removing the “no’s”. I agree with the book on the stage of the terrible twos. My nephew is two and he does not like to listen and always says “no” whenever you say “no” to him. Your “no” elicits a “no” from them. I agree with the book about making an environment where they are free from the behavior of saying “no”, but I also believe that you just can not trap a kid in a room for most if not all of the day to influence them to not say “no” every time. I feel that no matter what you do, your child is going to go through some form of the terrible twos with repeating the word “no”. It’s just to the extent to how much you use it with them.
2) One thing I didn’t like about section 5.4 is the repetition of how we can manipulate our environment. I understood it after the first example and thought it went a little too deep into explaining it out. But there were very good examples given. Even with the excess of examples, I still know the information and it didn’t confuse me. I feel like that is really all that matters.
3) Three things I will remember from this section include observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO), and toy timeouts. I will remember observational learning because it reminds me of my nieces and nephews. Whenever I go and see them, the observe me and do whatever I do. One example is when I came over to paint their play room, they all wanted to paint with me. So I gave them brushes that were dry and told them to paint the wall that was already dry. They also will copy me in little behaviors. Whether that is eating on a blanket, wearing a camo shirt, or not wearing shoes outside. I see it everywhere when I am with them. I will remember differential reinforcement of other behavior because it is something that is occurring in my life and in my dorm room. My roommates will bring in candy and I am trying to eat healthy, so they won't get them out when I am in the room. Also, I cannot do homework and listen to music. My roommates know that when I am in the room that they listen to music with headphones or when I am not in the room. I will remember toy timeouts because I have never heard of this before and thought it was funny and interesting. The fact of putting a toy in timeout made me laugh. Seeing the way it will influence the kids also was very interesting.
4a) Week #2:
Day 1: 3/3
Day 2: 3/3
Day 3: 3/3
Day 4: 4/4
Day 5: 1/4
Day 6: 0/0
Day 7: 0/0
Average: .6= 14/17
4b) My behavior project was going okay until Friday. Once Friday came, I lost focus and did not get very much homework done. Instead of doing homework Friday I decided to watch eight episodes of Once Upon A Time. So, my reinforcement became all I did that day.
TERMS: elicits, manipulate, behavior, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO).
1. My favorite thing about this section was the concept that even when the environment is difficult to control, there is usually some way to exert some control over it. This was my favorite part of the section because there are often situations where I feel I have no control and these moments make me feel really anxious. So, learning I can have control over situations even though it feels like I don’t gives me a hope and encouragement to figure out what I can control in those situations to reduce my anxiety.
2. My least favorite part of this section was the toy time out example. This was my least favorite part of the section because when I thought about implementing this behavior modification technique when babysitting, I didn’t see how it would work. I don’t think this technique truly allows the child to see that the behavior they were emitting of fighting over a toy is not appropriate. I think the technique could probably work if the parent didn’t say the toy was going to have a time out, but just take the toy away. That way it is a slight form of punishment, they lose privileges to play with the one toy, but they still are able to play with any of their other toys.
3. The three things I will remember form this section are:
A. that antecedents form the environment for all behaviors. I will remember this concept because when I thought about this, I was filled with amazement. I never thought deeply about how true this is. For example, what restaurant I go to determines the food that I order. The antecedent for every single behavior I emit determines the specifics of the behavior.
B. that observational learning is learning by example. I will remember this concept because of the removing the “NO’s” example. After reading how changing the environment a child is in to reduce the amount of “NO’s” a parent must say can in turn reduce the amount of “NO’s” a two-year-old says because they learn this phrase from their parents, I clearly understood this concept. I also will remember it because after reading about this concept and the example that went along with it, I immediately thought about how I want to integrate this into my parenting style when I am a parent.
C. that the differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) is to reduce a behavior by reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the undesired behavior, and we can control the environment to contain antecedents to elicit appropriate behaviors. I will remember this concept because of the example in the text, placing a bowl of fruit out for snaking instead of a bowl of sweets. This simplistic example got me thinking about how I can easily implement a DRO when trying to implement behavior modification by simply swapping something out in my physical environment. This personal example also increased my remembrance of the concept.
4A. I am collecting data on how many minutes it takes for me to get out of bed from the time my first alarm goes off. My reinforcer is being able to watch Netflix if I get out of bed right away that day.
Day 1= 0 minutes
Day 2= 0 minutes
Day 3= 0 minutes
Day 4= 0 minutes
Day 5= 0 minutes
Day 6= 0 minutes
Day 7= 2 minutes
Average= 0.29 minutes
4B. My behavior modification project is going great so far. I have only had one day where I did not achieve the behavior I am trying to modify. Not feeling rushed in the morning makes my days start off on a much more positive note, adding an additional reinforcer than just being able to watch Netflix if the behavior is emitted.
Terms: environment, antecedent, behavior, emit, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO), elicit, behavior modification, reinforcer
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? - One thing I really liked that was in this section was that it is a really helpful chapter regarding our behavioral change project. It stresses the importance of the antecedents (environment) and reinforcement. Reinforcement can be primary or secondary and doesn't have to be immediate; we can save it up and use it all at once.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? - One thing I liked least about this section was that it made some points about reinforcement that might make me want to change my reinforcement for my behavioral change project. Right now my reinforcement is one hour of extra free time on the weekend days for every day I get all three sub-goals completed throughout each day of the week. The reading says it is a good idea to choose a reinforcer that compliments the behavior I am trying to modify -which is increased productivity. More free time seems contradictory to the behavior I'm trying to modify.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? - Three things I will remember from this section:
1. The PreMack principle states that people will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior.
2. To figure out what my low and high frequency behaviors are, I should use a behavioral hierarchy.
3. A behavior chain can show the series of behaviors and how one behavior leads into the next behavior.
I will remember these things because the PreMack principle was a term we also talked about in class and learned about in our online assignment last Thursday. The other two terms were terms that stood out the most to me in this chapter.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 =3
Day 6 = (Weekend reinforcement)
Day 7 = (Weekend reinforcement)
Average = 2.6 out of 3 sub-goals met per day.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? - So far my project is going pretty well. My average at the end of my second week was better than the first week. I can notice myself being more productive and I make myself aware of my goals each day to help me. I will continue with the sub-goals and reinforcement as I have them for now to help me reach my target behavior of being more productive.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Antecedents, environment, reinforcement, PreMack Principle, behavioral heirarchy, behavior chain, target behavior, behavior, goals.
1. One thing that I really liked about this section was it was an easy read. The materiel covered was very interesting. The section just seemed to flow. It also gave great tips on how to elicit the target behavior that you want just by controlling the antecedent.
2. If I had to say that anything was wrong with this section it would be the simple fact that it is too short. It also gave an example that I feel a lot of students myself included would not connect to, I am talking about the parole example. Yes it gives a perfect example of manipulating the environment to get the behavior that you want but I don't feel as if I will be in that situation.
3. The first thing that jumped out to me was the interesting concept of toy time outs. This will stick with me because it goes against what behaviorists see as the better option of using reinforcement instead of punishment. You can not do behavioral modification on a toy but by "punishing" the toy you remove the stimulus that is causing the averse behaviors. This also disrupts the operant behavior which can improve the situation as a whole. I think the whole concept is brilliant.
B. The second thing that I will remember is that antecedents are behaviors too. I think this hit me like it did because I just broke up the ABC's and thought they had to stay in their sections. This just showed me that they do not have to stay in their section and that will stick with me.
C. The third thing that I will remember is that Differential reinforcement of other behaviors is a very powerful tool to change behaviors. This is because it is reinforcing the pleasurable behaviors instead of punishing the one we want to change. I think this will stick with me because it is a great tool to have on my belt for the future.
4a. week #2 behavioral intervention
Day 1 30
Day 2 15
Day 3 -30
Day 4 10
Day 5 -120
Day 6 -180
Day 7 50
Average= -32.14 before midnight
4b. I am achieving results that it is working my average is getting closer to positive minutes before midnight. On Friday it was really bad because that was my reward. The other days were supposed to be before midnight so I am struggling some but making head way.
5. terms used- Elicit, target behavior, antecedent, manipulation, environment, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, behaviorists, behavioral modification, stimulus, averse, behaviors, ABC’s, operant behavior, pleasurable, differential reinforcement of other behaviors,
1) I really liked that this section was very short, sweet, and to the point. It started off with a very relatable example to me with the toy timeouts. This made me want to read the section because it already had my interest. The following examples were very easy to follow and that mad the section easy to read and understand. I also enjoyed the example of the roommate snacking. This was also a very relatable example for me because one of my roommates does this very same thing!
2) There wasn’t really anything that I didn’t like in this section. I felt as though all of the information was relevant and easy to follow.
3) One thing that I will remember from this section is the first example of the toy timeouts. This is an idea that is very familiar with me because over the summers I work in a daycare with the two year old classroom. This is a method that I use frequently because it usually works. The problem behavior that we are trying to reduce will typically continue if there is a similar toy around that can act as a new antecedent for conflict. I will also remember that we can almost always do something to change our environment and therefore remove the antecedent to a problematic behavior. If I am trying to cut back on sweets and my roommate likes to eat Little Debbie snacks in front of me at night, I can do something about it. I can ask her to keep them in her bedroom where I won’t be tempted to steal one, I can ask her not to eat them in front of me, or I can leave the room when she gets them out to snack. These are all valid ways of changing the environment and therefore influencing the antecedent of snack eating. Another thing that I will remember is that through the use of differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO), we can not only change the environment to remove/reduce the antecedent of the undesirable behaviors and increase/add the antecedent of the incompatible behavior.
4) Continuing on with my odd method of measurement: 12:00=0, 1:00=1, 1:30=1.5, 2:00=2, etc.
Day 1: 1.5
Day 2: 1
Day 3: 1.5
Day 4: 2
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 4
Day 7: 5
Average: 2.4
My project is going alright but not great. I am not sure what to do in order to make it more successful either. The reinforcement is nice and I do have the desire to go to sleep earlier but some nights I just can’t seem to make myself do it. I know that we are supposed to use reinforcement, but perhaps some measure of punishment would help be a better incentive.
Terms: behavior, antecedent, reduce, punishment, increase, differential reinforcement of other (DRO)
1) I liked how the section talked about manipulating the antecedents in the environment past just saying that we need to do so. It was also discussed in a manner that brought up things I hadn't thought about. From reading “removing the NOs” I automatically thought of another approach to avoiding nos, but this time they come from the child; when you ask them a question, simply give them a choice of two behaviors to emit and you will essentially elicit desirable behaviors.
2) I disliked that the toy timeout considered the removal of the toy to not be a punishment. The point of removing the toy was to reduce the target behavior's frequency, and even though it was removing an antecedent, it wasn't differential of any alternate behaviors or any other form or reinforcement for the child and still served the function of a punishment.
3) I will remember to change my antecedents to solve issues during behavioral interventions and differential reinforcement of others in order to get the most affective change. I will also remember to be setting an example in my antecedents to make sure the kids maintain observational learning. Finally I will remember that you can use Differential reinforcement to disrupt behaviors by the example of the frozen sweets being unfrozen with the consequence of not getting the function of a quick treat.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 6
Day 3 = 5
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 6
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 4
Average = 5.2 good source of fiber snacks
4b) My self-directed behavior is going well thus far, it was working well enough that I had to change my reinforcer to a shorter length show.
5) reinforcement, target behavior, punishment, frequency, antecedent, function, differential reinforcement of alternate behaviors, emit, elicit, desirable, behavioral intervention, differential reinforcement of other behavior, maintain, observational learning, consequence, self directed behavior, reinforcer
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked this section a lot because it took a look at behavior modification in a different direction. This whole semester we have been talking about changing behavior through reinforcement or punishment so it was interesting to hear information on changing the antecedent.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn't like that this section was so short. I wish there would have been more information or more examples about the aspects of the antecedent.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. One thing I will remember is that differential reinforcement of behavior is essential in eliminating undesirable behaviors without actually using punishment. Instead of punishing the target behavior, you can use reinforcement on behaviors.
b. Another thing I will remember is the Premack principle. A person will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. Changing behaviors takes a lot of reinforcement and motivation, so that’s why it’s so hard to change elicited behaviors and use behavior modification.
c. Lastly, I will remember is differential reinforcement of other behavior can effectively reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment itself. And how it relates to the ABC’s. I will remember this because I really related well to the junk food example.
4a) Week #2 Walking 6,000 steps per day. (CHANGED)
Day 1 = 2,291
Day 2 = 1,593
Day 3 = 2,606
Day 4 = 3,903
Day 5 = 5,717
Day 6 = 2,435
Day 7 = 2,847
Average = 3,056 steps per day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? My project is going...not so great. I have to realize that I am not going to make 10,000 per day. If I want results, I have to set my goals to something that is in reach. That is the only way to achieve my goal. I don't want to make it a really easy goal, but I do have to be realistic. My new goal is 6,000 steps per day. I think this is a good resolution. This is a goal I am close to now, but will have to really work at getting the couple thousand extra steps I am lacking.
5) Terms: Antecedent, differential reinforcement, reinforced, punishment, Premack principle, behavior, elicted, goal
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how short and to the point it was because sometimes when the sections are too long I lose interest in reading ¾ of the way through.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
While reading through this section, I did not find anything that I didn’t like. It was a quick read and thoroughly explained the terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I’ll remember from this section is that observational learning is learning through example because they are words that correlate with each other so it’s pretty easy to remember. Another thing that I’ll remember is that we can always find new ways to manipulate our environment because we can always change some sort of aspect of the antecedent of a situation. Lastly, I’ll remember that differential reinforcement of other behavior is an effective way to reduce an undesirable habit and relies on the environment because of all the examples that were used throughout were really relatable.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =3 times
Day 2 =3 times
Day 3 =2 times
Day 4 =3 times
Day 5 =6 times
Day 6 =4 times
Day 7 =3 times
Average =3.43 times
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far my project is going alright. I feel like most days I’ve made a lot of progress; however, the only reason it hasn’t been entirely successful is because I still have days that I go over the amount that I’ve allotted myself. I’ll always have room for improvement, but for now I can see how much more aware of my surroundings I am.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terms: Observational learning, manipulate, behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how short and to the point it was because sometimes when the sections are too long I lose interest in reading ¾ of the way through.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
While reading through this section, I did not find anything that I didn’t like. It was a quick read and thoroughly explained the terms.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I’ll remember from this section is that observational learning is learning through example because they are words that correlate with each other so it’s pretty easy to remember. Another thing that I’ll remember is that we can always find new ways to manipulate our environment because we can always change some sort of aspect of the antecedent of a situation. Lastly, I’ll remember that differential reinforcement of other behavior is an effective way to reduce an undesirable habit and relies on the environment because of all the examples that were used throughout were really relatable.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =3 times
Day 2 =3 times
Day 3 =2 times
Day 4 =3 times
Day 5 =6 times
Day 6 =4 times
Day 7 =3 times
Average =3.43 times
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far my project is going alright. I feel like most days I’ve made a lot of progress; however, the only reason it hasn’t been entirely successful is because I still have days that I go over the amount that I’ve allotted myself. I’ll always have room for improvement, but for now I can see how much more aware of my surroundings I am.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terms: Observational learning, manipulate, behavior, differential reinforcement of other behavior,
1) I really liked the example of how changing the antecedent by modifying the environment at home changed the child’s behavior of saying no. While this example is not something I’ve personally experienced exactly (my daughter never went through the no stage) she has modeled other behavior of mine that I rather she hadn’t. This example makes it very clear that changing the environment changes the antecedent which therefore changes the behavior. While you can’t always exactly change the environment completely there are things you can do. This is important for me to learn because it will affect how I parent. As a new parent everyone is constantly giving advice, and pushing it on you. I remember people telling me to do different things constantly, and hearing a lot, ‘she’s going to need to learn eventually you might as well start now’, because I would try and make it so the need didn’t arise. For example putting things out of reach that I didn’t want her playing with instead of continually monitoring her and telling her no, some people saw this as lazy parenting and that I was doing it wrong. I felt that she was young and could be taught it at a later age. Now I see that even adults do this to modify their own behavior so there was nothing wrong with what I was doing.
2) I really liked everything in this section, so I what I choose to ‘like least’ is probably going to sound like I’m nit picking, but I guess I kind of am. But hey you said to pick something! I’d have to say your advice on not eating sweets, like the examples of things you could do to avoid eating so much. Your idea of baking small amounts and freezing them is probably not going to work on someone who craves sweets. Why would freezing them work? They are still available, right in the kitchen. The idea of portioning them out is not the best either. Yeah then you know how many ‘portions’ you eat, but to a person craving sweets, portions usually don’t even matter. Also just putting stuff in the freezer in general. Science says if you can get over your craving for so long it will go away, when it comes to food at least. I find this to be so untrue. When talking about something with friends that we’re craving, even if we don’t get it that day, it will be discussed for days if not weeks until we get it. Maybe some of this works for people, you’re just getting this from a sweets addict =).
3) 1. That changing the antecedent is a good way to modify behavior. This will be easy for me because I relate to the 2 year old getting into everything example, that modifying the environment therefore changes the antecedent by the word ‘no’ not needing to be said in the first place. 2. Observational behavior is learning by watching others. This is something I’ll remember because I learned it a long time ago. 3. Changing the environment is a good way to change your behaviors. The reducing sweets example will help me remember this. Finding ways to modify your environment even though your room mate has things is something I’ve experienced and I think will help get this idea through to me.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2/2 Y
Day 2 = 0/1 N
Day 3 = 1/1
Day 4 = 1/1
Day 5 = 0/1
Day 6 = -/-
Day 7 = 1/1
Average = 5/7
4b) My behavioral project with making myself be on time to class and work is working out surprisingly very well. All the years I’ve tried to be on time this is the best I’ve ever been. Well I have had a few slip ups, I’m not expecting myself to be perfect. I have a three year old and things just come up. I’ve been keeping track daily on if I’m on time or not so my recording is working out well. Only time I messed up was reinforcing myself even though I didn’t hit my target behavior, I gave in and did it anyway. I promised myself not to do that again so we’ll see how it goes!
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) antecedent, observational learning, behavior, environment,
Section 5.4
1 a&b)One thing I really liked about this section was the section about DRO's or differential reinforcement of other behavior because one way to reduce a behavior is to reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior. For example replacing sweets such as baked goods with sweets such as fruit, containing natural sugars. Another example: when I need a study break, instead of going to buy a coffee which costs money and contains a lot of bad ingredients, I can get my energy up by doing jumping jacks or push-ups. This will increase my blood flow/energy/alertness and I will become more fit while avoiding spending money and adding calories.
2)The part I disliked in this section was the idea of toy time outs and removing no's. I understand the concept but it seems a little ridiculous to me. Sometimes a kid has to hear no, but I know that is just the material being presented.
3 a,b&c) I will remember observational learning because people learn so much through observation. I know I am constantly observing others and trying to figure out their motivations behind emitting a certain behavior, or trying to understand their thought process. I learn A LOT by observational learning, as do many of us.
I will also remember how major changing your environment is because the reality of this has proven true in my experiment. The second I changed my environment and only went to the dinning center when I was hungry, my behaviors started to change. I didn't feel the deep desire to go socialize with my staff, but was content to finish the task at hand until I was hungry. I also know that only grabbing one plate and only allowing myself in the healthy areas of the dinning center made a huge difference as well. Environment is huge!
The last third thing I will remember from this section is removing no's and how behaviorists do not like to use punishment. I will remember this because I think it is a little extreme. I understand not wanting to use punishment, but there are times a child has to learn no and has to be punished. It cannot be rainbows and butterflies all of the time because they will not be treated that way in the world and you want your child to have some type of spine.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =7
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =7
Day 6 =7
Day 7 =7
Average = 6 check marks
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? So far my behavior project is going wonderfully. I struggle to find a real reinforcer that is actually reinforcing aside from the fact that I will loose weight, fit into my clothes better, feel better about myself, feel more motivated, and feel more confident. I would say those motivate me the most. Although I am trying to find a motivator such as getting to eat a mango at the end of the week if I do well or getting to rock climb. Those seem to not be good reinforcers for a variety of reasons, such as I don't have time to go buy a mango each week and I don't always have time to go rock climbing. I am very motivated to change my eating behaviors though. By changing my environment (antecedent) of not going to the dinning center all of the time and limiting the amount of food I can take to one plate and one dessert a day, lead to the behavior of eating the limited amount and consequences of feeling like I am overcoming a huge obstacle. So far I know I have improved drastically.
5)Terms:DRO's, differential reinforcement of other behavior, behavior, reinforce, undesirable, toy time outs, removing no's, punishment, punished, environment, observational learning, emitting, reinforcer, reinforcing, antecedent, consequence
1) One thing I really liked from the section was a couple of parts about parenting. First, I thought the idea about toy time outs was very interesting. When two children are fighting over a toy, the toy is put in a timeout for negative punishment, instead of one or both of the children. This removes the antecedent of the fight and disrupts the operant behavior of fighting and arguing. I thought this was very interesting. I’ve never seen or heard of a parent doing this. I think it could really be useful. The children understand they did wrong, but they aren’t directly punished. The toy is punished. Either way the children aren’t playing with the toy. The other thing on parenting was to remove the NOs. Many children go through their “terrible twos” when they learn the word no and constantly say it to their parents. This could be due to the fact that children learn by example, also called observational learning. The way to fix this is to remove things from a room that would cause the parents to say no to their children. Creating a safe room for children will help to control the environment (antecedent). I think this tactic could be very useful as well. Since children definitely learn from example, they wouldn’t have their parents saying no to them for what seems like everything to them. Whether it be outlets, sharp corners, things on a table, etc., removing these things could be very helpful in raising children.
2) I thought this section was very interesting, so I had a lot of trouble deciding what I liked the least. If I had to choose, I would say that I didn’t like the example in the Reducing the Nos section involving people on parole. The main reason is that I like the examples to be relatable to my life. I’ve never been on parole, and I don’t know anyone who has been, so I wasn’t able to relate to it.
3) One thing I’ll remember from this section is the material on different parenting strategies that could be helpful to use. Putting the toy in timeout, rather than the children will help as the children won’t have to experience being punished, and the parents won’t have to punish their children. Both things are very hard to do for the people involved. Putting the toy in timeout still involves the action of taking the toy away from the children. Another thing I’ll remember is the removing the NOs from an area being a very good strategy. This makes it so children don’t have to hear the word NO for everything they try to do. Instead, they can play and do what they want without having to worry about being told NO all the time. The third thing I’ll remember is the material on Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. I really liked the example used with junk food. If someone wanted to stop eating junk food and his roommate kept bring sweets into the home that were available to everyone, it makes it much more difficult to stop eating junk food. Then, the individual would ask the roommate to keep the junk food in his room and eat it when he wasn’t around. Then, the individual bought fresh fruit and made it available to everyone. Then, the roommates would begin eating the fruit as a snack as it becomes the most accessible.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 50 min
Day 2 = 0 min
Day 3 = 45 min
Day 4 = 0 min
Day 5 = 60 min
Day 6 = 0 min
Day 7 = 30 min
Average = 26.43 min
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It is going very well so far. My goal of exercising 45 minutes a day 4 different times during the week has almost been spotless. During the first two weeks, I have met my goal 7 out of 8 days.
5) negative punishment, antecedent, operant behavior, observational learning, differential reinforcement of other behavior
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the detailed examples in this section like for example the toy timeout example. This really helped me understand the concept better as to why punishment on the toy is better than the child.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything that I didn't like from this section. I see the summaries are coming back, and I like that!
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from reading this section is:
1)It is better to put the toy in timeout instead of the child, because then the child would not have to feel the effects of punishment.
2)I will remember that operational learning is a person learning based on watching another person.
3)I will remember that some environments may be difficult to change but there is always a way to somewhat control the situation by modifying your own behavior to elicit a more favorable outcome.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =5 biting behavior
Day 2 =8 biting behavior
Day 3 =4 biting behavior
Day 4 =3 biting behavior
Day 5 =4 biting behavior
Day 6 =7 biting behavior
Day 7 =6 biting behavior
Average =5.28 biting behavior
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far my project has been going well. I find it has been getting easier. I catch myself from biting my nails, something I haven't been able to do that before starting my behavior project.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavioral project, elicit, operational learning,
Realized I posted this to RA #12 on accident.
a&b) I liked the section that discussed having roommates that effect antecedents. I have had a roommate for the last year and a half. Although we get along great, some things that she does influence my behaviors. For example she keeps Dr. Pepper in the fridge all the time. Seeing it every day and having her drink it makes me crave pop as well. With the current behavioral change project I am rewarding myself with pop on the weekends. Her behaviors make that more difficult to stick with. One way I could help to change the antecedents could be to ask her to refrain from drinking pop around me and keeping her pop to the back of our fridge out of my sight. This section is definitely useful to me in the future when I will have even more roommates.
2) Something I liked least about this section was differential reinforcement. I don't quite understand why we can't reward target behaviors we are trying to decrease. We've talked about it a few times in class, in fact spent a day on it, and it's been mentioned in numerous other sections. It is a concept I'm not sure that I completely agree with and am confused by. Otherwise there wasn't much about this section that I didn't like.
3 a,b&c) By changing the antecedents around you, it can help modify your behaviors. This is especially useful right now as the class does behavioral change projects. It might also be helpful at this time while everyone is preparing for finals and end of the semester projects. We have to learn how to effectively manage our time and antecedents have a sufficient impact on whether or not we are successful. Learning by example is called observational learning. This is a way that children learn behaviors from their parents. Children learn to say “no” because their parents' say “no” to behaviors the child/s are emitting. This could also be the case if parents curse in front of their children. Finally, I will also remember that not only does controlling the environment work when you are living with other people, but also for something like avoiding speeding tickets. For example you could drive a car that doesn't go as fast, teach ourselves to regularly set the cruise at the speed limit, or avoid driving on roads with heavy cop traffic.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention): Minutes Working Out
Day 1 = 0 mins
Day 2 = 30 mins
Day 3 = 40 mins
Day 4 = 0 mins
Day 5 = 30 mins
Day 6 = 30 mins
Day 7 = 0 mins
Average = 18.5 mins
4b) So far I am pleased with my behavioral change project. I'm reinforcing myself on the weekends by letting myself eat candy and have pop. I am using the schedule of reinforcement similar to fixed ratio. I am rewarded on the weekends only if I have worked out for a minimum of 30 mins at least 4 times a week. In some sense this could also be fixed interval because it is on the weekends. However, if I don't work out a minimum of 4 times before the weekend I can't reward myself until the following weekend. This is why I am leaning it more towards fixed ratio.
Terms: Schedule of Reinforcement, Fixed Ratio, Fixed Interval, Antecedents, Behaviors, Differential Reinforcement, Target Behaviors, Behavioral Change, Emitting, Observational Learning.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the beginning section on the toy. The idea of removing antecedents didn't make much sense to me as I was confused how you could remove part of an environment. (Basically I think too hard about everything and don't notice the obvious half the time.) This section helped clear my confusion!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The immediate second section of the chapter talking about removing No's. I find there is nothing wrong with saying no to a child. The child cannot be put in a bubble its entire life to protect it from learning no. Because once it gets out of the house, its going to hear no and not understand how serious that word can be. If you cover all of the outlets and put EVERYTHING up out of reach, the child will never learn a total sense of discipline.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Giving toys a "time out", because you can only use reinforcement so much. Every now and then, punishment is necessary and unavoidable. This proves that sometimes it can be for the better and teach a lesson.
b) DRO, Specifically the sweets example. Because we as Americans think we require instant gratification. If we make the tempting yet undesirable behavior harder to achieve, we're often too lazy to go that far in order to elicit it.
c) The overall power of changing antecedents. Sometimes reinforcement and punishment aren't enough. Making the undesirable behavior harder to elicit by changing what sparks the desire, makes it less likely to occur.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = NO
Day 2 = NO
Day 3 = NO
Day 4 = NO
Day 5 = NO
Day 6 = NO
Day 7 = NO
Average = NO
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far it is going alright. I get out of habits very easily and will look at my post its intended to remind me to wash my face and think about it but go to do something else I'm in the middle of doing already and forget. Basically my idea went to shambles during Thanksgiving break because I got out of my usual rhythm that was hard enough to keep as it was.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, Punishment, Behavior, Elicit, Antecedent, DRO, Environment, Discipline.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked this section not only because it definitely helped me fully understand what it means to change the antecedent. It gave me new ideas about parenting. Children learn a lot through observational learning, so changing our environment where we won't have to say "no" very often will help keep children from becoming more rebellious.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It's hard to say I disliked anything in particular in this section. I only wish it was longer or gave more examples with about raising children, but that's more of a personal preference since I want to work with children.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that reinforcement is always more effective than punishment, that you can manipulate your environment to lead to more desired consequences and that leading through example is very helpful in behavioral modification of others.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
hours of sleep
Day 1 = 3- 7:15
Day 2 = Slept 2a- 5:20
Day 3 = 2a-7:15
Day 4 = 12:30a-8:20
Day 5 = 3a-9:00a
Day 6 = 12:20a-9:40a
Day 7 = 2a-11:00
Average = 2 am bedtime, slept hours 6.29
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It's going overall great. I'm starting to get more of a steady sleep schedule, but I have been having trouble keeping up with the rewarding myself. It's seems I want to succeed with this behavioral intervention more than I want my reward.
Terminology: antecedent, observational learning, reinforcement, punishment, manipulate, consequence
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the number of examples that were used in this section related to changing the antecedents and differential reinforcement of other behavior. I found the examples to be helpful in gaining a better understanding of concepts in the section. They also gave me an opportunity to practice and check for understanding.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was really nothing I disliked about this section. I felt that all of the information included was important and necessary for me to gain a full understanding of the topic. If I were to change one thing about this section I would maybe change the order of the examples; start with the examples where it seems like there is less hope for change in the behavior and in the environment and then move into examples where there is more hope for change in behavior and in the environment. This is probably just a personal preference because I don’t like leaving my readers feeling like they may not be effective or able to change.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember this section is the example about the toy time outs. I found this example to be interesting and highly relatable because I can remember my parents doing this to my sister and I as children as well as I myself using this tactic as a nanny when I was taking care of two sisters. I liked this choice of behavior modification because while the girls were still upset with me, they did not feel like they were being negatively punished, instead the toy was. Because the situation felt less aversive to them, they were able to not as upset and were able to continue playing with something different.
Another concept I will remember is related to the example used about the terrible two’s in removing the “NOs”. I will remember concept because I remember talking about it in my parenting class last fall and talking with a parent about it recently when they asked me about their child’s behavior and if it was developmentally appropriate. The advice you mentioned in the text, with the exception of the behavior modification terms is what I tell parents when they ask about the terrible twos. If you are able to control antecedent or environment, the only behaviors a child would emit are safe and appropriate. A similar example would be to a puppy. If you just got a new puppy and they’re being trained, if you remove any of the furniture or anything you do not want to be destroyed. If you control the antecedent by removing the things you do not want them to chew on or ruin, the behaviors they will emit are more likely to be the behaviors that are desirable. This will reduce the amount you will have to punish or negatively reinforce the puppy’s behavior.
A third concept I will remember from this section is the idea of differential reinforcement of other behavior. I will remember this because of the example given in the text. Reducing the behavior undesirable behavior by emitting desirable behaviors that are incompatible with the undesirable behavior will help to us to reach our target behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 8,016
Day 2 =7,892
Day 3 = 6,899
Day 4 = 9,893
Day 5 =7,459
Day 6 = 8,765
Day 7 =8,343
Average = 8,181
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far my project is going well. I am meeting my target behavior almost 60% of the time. I would like to see that continue to increase. On average I am meeting my target behavior. One trouble I am seeing is that I am not being reinforced enough, but being reinforced in the fixed interval of once a week with a new song download. I believe that I need to be reinforced daily at the beginning and then I can taper my reinforcement off once my behavior has become more habitual. As I move into next week, I plan to reinforce myself more frequently and see if that has an impact on me reaching my target behavior daily.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terms: differential reinforcement of other behavior, undesirable behavior, desirable behavior, emitting, target behavior, negative reinforcement, punish, antecedent, behavior modification, aversive, fixed interval
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how useful this section was. The roommate who eats junk food directly applies to the difficulties I have come across in my project for this class, except in this case I am the roommate.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked in this section. It’s all review and was actually useful in helping me achieve my goal I set in the project.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is toy time outs. I have been using this method of controlling the environment at work. The second thing I will remember is removing the NOs. This can be done in any situation, more effectively in certain situations, and is an effective way to control the environment so it produces the desired outcome. The third thing I will remember is all of the suggestions for dealing with how hard it is to reduce the amount of sweets eaten. Since a sweet treat is my reinforcer for the project, these tips will help reduce the temptation to eat a sweet.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = (Sunday)- 3:30am
Day 2 = (Monday)- 10:30pm
Day 3 = (Tuesday)- 10:15pm
Day 4 = (Wednesday)- 12:30am
Day 5 = (Thursday)- 3:30am
Day 6 = (Friday)- 2:15am
Day 7 = (Saturday)- 1:30am
Average = Around 1:00am.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
This project isn't going as well as I hoped for. Although it is very difficult for me to get to be at my original goal of 10:30pm, due to working at a bar until either 10pm or 2:30am. I think that I should have made it so that just on the weekdays I should get to bed by 10:30pm because on the weekends it just isn't possible.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Toy time outs, controlling, environment, behavior, aversive valence, removing the NOs, desired outcome, reduce, reinforcer, target behavior, modify, reasonable, goal, achieve.
Reading Blog #13
Cassidy Monaco
5.4 (Changing the Antecedents).
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked reading about the concept of toy timeouts. I had never thought of this idea before, but I could easily use it with my daycare job. It makes a lot of sense to simply remove the toy from the situation by “putting it in timeout” because the toy is what caused the fight to begin with. I really like this idea. I also liked that this section was very short and we only had to read and write about one section this week.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked filling in the boxes about three things that I have little control over in my daily environment and how I might be able to control it. I thought this was redundant and a waste of time. The point of this section was to show that you usually have control in some way over things you feel like you don’t have any control over, which I disagree with, so I did not like this section. I am also confused about why sections 5.4 and 5.5 were combined together in one link to the text.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the examples given for how to control the consumption of sweets because I really liked the examples and thought they would be easy to apply to my own life. For example, put them in the freezer so they have to be defrosted first, then the impulse of grabbing a sweet snack right away is reduced, have your roommate hide your sweets because chances are you will feel too embarrassed to ask all the time for a piece of chocolate, or do not buy them because “out of sight, out of mind”. These are all behaviors that change the antecedent of another behavior, which is eating less sweets.
b) This leads to the idea that changing the antecedents is a powerful way to modify behaviors. We can make changes in the environment that will make changes in behaviors, such as the examples above.
c) I will also remember that changing the environment should always be considered when implementing a good behavior modification program because I work in a daycare, so I will use this idea, such as the toy timeout example, when I need to modify the behavior of a child.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = no
Day 2 = yes
Day 3 =yes
Day 4 = yes
Day 5 = no
Day 6 = no
Day 7 = no
Average = I worked out three of seven days last week.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far, my behavioral project is going alright. Week three I started the Advocare Challenge, so this should help increase my days per week that I workout because I am working really hard to stay motivated during the challenge. On days 5, 6, and 7, I went home for the weekend and day 7 was Easter, so this gave me lower motivation to exercise on these days. However, my week three results should look much better.
TERMS: behaviors, antecedents, modify behaviors
Section 5.4
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the discussion about changing the antecedents to change the behavior. As I have been trying to modify my own behavior for this class, I have come to realize how potent antecedents are in eliciting behavior that I am trying to change, whether that is helpful or hindering. I also enjoyed the various examples of changing the antecedent that were provided to help illustrate the point, such as the example about the roommate who was trying to stop eating junk food. The roommate asked his other roommates to eat their sweets in private or when he wasn’t around and he also agreed to put fruit on the table for everyone to eat in order to elicit healthy eating behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I liked the whole section, there wasn’t anything that I disliked.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the concept of “removing the no’s” and “toy time outs” because I think these are valuable lessons in behavior modification. These concepts can be applied to other individuals, not just infants, but it helps point out that removing the antecedent will modify whether the behavior is emitted or not. I will also remember that to change behaviors, we must change antecedents. If you keep being presented with the same antecedents, you will continue to emit the same behavior over and over again versus if you change the antecedents, then you will emit different behavior. Finally, I will remember the differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) because this is a way to change a situation that would usually be treated with punishment into one that is treated with reinforcement. For example, let’s say you are trying to quit drinking pop or lessen your consumption of it, instead of punishing yourself every time that you drink the pop, you find other substitutive behaviors that you can reinforce. You can reinforce yourself every time you drink water, juice, or coffee—if you are drinking these liquids, then you will most likely be lessening your consumption of pop and you will be reinforcing yourself in the process, which is much more enjoyable.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0 meat eating behavior
Day 2 = N/A
Day 3 = N/A
Day 4 = 0 meat eating behavior
Day 5 = 1 meat eating behavior
Day 6 = 0 meat eating behaviors
Day 7 = 0 meat eating behaviors
Average = .2 meat eating behaviors
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
In some contexts/environments my project is going well, but in others it is not. I have found that on days when I don’t walk past the stations at the dining center that provide meat, I am successful and do not even think about eating meat; when I do walk by the stations providing meat, I have to remind myself that I can’t eat it, which is sometimes difficult. The one time that I ate meat this week when I wasn’t supposed to, I was out to eat with an organization and they only had two entrée options, both of which contained meat. In that context I didn’t really have the option of saying no to the meat and I did not even think about being unable to eat meat before I went to this dinner. In that context I know I had control in the sense that I could have refused to eat the meal, but I felt like that would be rude and unrealistic (since I was really hungry and the food sounded awesome), so I ate the meat. I feel like switching to a weekday vegetarian will be a lot easier when I am cooking my own foods and do not have to be confronted with meat options at almost every meal. I am still working on how to be able to control the antecedents in my environment to help make this behavior modification successful.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, elicit, emit, differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO), punishment, reinforcement
Section 5.4
1) I liked the very first example in the section about how its common for people to remove a toy that children are fighting over rather than remove one of the children. That is one of the most common examples of the power of the antecedents in behavior. Environment is one of the most important aspects of people’s behaviors and this section just made me more aware of that fact.
2) There was not anything in this section that I disliked. It was all very easy to follow and the examples and fill in the blanks were very helpful for me to better understand the content covered in the section.
3) (a) I will remember that observational learning is learning by example because of the examples that were used in the section. (b) Controlling the environment helps to elicit and emit certain behaviors. I can remember this because it is something that seems so obvious but it’s commonly overlooked when trying to change a targeted behavior. (c) Lastly I will remember that changing the environment while an undesired behavior is occurring could disrupt the operant behavior. I will remember this because, like before, it is something that seems like common sense but is over overlooked when one is trying to modify their behavior.
4a) Week #2 of Behavioral Intervention:
Day 1 = 6
Day 2 = 7
Day 3 = 6
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 7
Day 6 = 5
Day 7 = 5
Average =5.86
4b) I can see a slight improvement with my behavioral intervention. My reward is working, just as it did when I increased my water consumption. I am egger to see if the behavior continues to decrease or if it will plateau out and will have to alter or change my reward in order to improve my behavioral modification.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terminology Used: reward, behavioral modification, observational learning, behavior, antecedents, targeted behavior, emit, elicit,
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section was when it discussed the idea of “Removing the No’s.” As a babysitter of young kids, I know exactly what they are talking about when the mentioned the “terrible twos.” I never really thought that the reason why the kids start saying no all the time is because they hear it so much from their parents and other individuals who watch them on a regular basis. It is a great idea to make a room extremely safe so that you don’t have to constantly remove the child from a dangerous situation and tell them no. However, I was wondering when reading this part, how the child will learn not to put their finger in the socket, or play with the lamp? I liked this because it will benefit me as a babysitter, and someday as a parent as well!
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was that it gave us activities to do, but it didn’t tell us if we were right or wrong, or give examples of answers that they were looking for. I think throughout the textbook, we should be able to go to an answers page or something similar to that idea to see if we are on the right track on not with the activities we are given throughout the sections of the book, that way, I will know if I need to ask further questions about a topic in class or not.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember because it could be beneficial if need be is that, “Even with limited resources and control of the environment we can most always find creative ways to control (manipulate) our environment. We can almost always change some aspects of the antecedent (Maclin P.2 ABC’s).” This is important to remember because even when we think we can’t change something, we can remember that we might have to be creative and work harder to think of an idea to do so. Next, I will remember that differential reinforcement can be used to reduce a behavior. This is important to remember because it is a tool you can keep in your toolbox and use later if you want to change or reduce a certain behavior. DRO is used to reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the behavior you are trying to reduce, which will help extinguish that unwanted or undesirable behavior. Lastly, I will remember, because it was an important aspect of the section, is that a successful way to change behaviors is to change the antecedents. This will be helpful for our behavioral change project that we are collecting data for right now.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2.77
Day 2 = 3.49
Day 3 = 2.65
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 6.00
Day 7 = 15.00
Average = $4.27
4) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far so good, I can already tell that just by collecting baseline data my behavior is changing because I am more aware of it because I am constantly writing stuff down and keeping track of what I am spending my money on. It is crazy to me that changing a behavior can be as simple as being familiar with the behavior and brining to your attention more.
TERMS: environment, control, antecedent, manipulate, extinguish, differential reinforcement of other, behavior, reducing
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This was my favorite section so far because it is what I do best! I have become a pro at avoiding situations where I would be encouraged to drink by filling my weekend with work or meetings or plans that are different than the party scene. I also will bring a bottle of green tea if I do go out so people do not ask me if I would like a drink. By changing my antecedents I have made it easier to avoid certain behaviors and therefore have a positive consequence of never having been hung over, caught doing something illegal, and having less than appropriate memories.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This was my favorite section so I did not dislike anything. In better words, I liked everything in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A)One way of changing the antecedent to reduce the consumption of sweets is by purchasing sweets that you have to make. That way you are only going to make them if you are really in need of a sweet. I will remember this because I think this is a neat idea that I have never thought of that is a great way to reduce a target behavior.
B)Changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring can function to disrupt the operant behavior. I will remember this because of the “play room” and toy time out examples at the beginning of the chapter. At first I thought they were crazy, but I understand now how they could reduce tempertantrums in children.
C)Even when the environment is difficult to control, there is usually some way to exert some control over it and there for elicit the desirable behavior. This I will remember because of all of the example that I had to fill out on how I might control an environment in a plethora of situations.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1hour of extra exercise
Day 2 =0 hours
Day 3 =1 hour of extra exercise
Day 4 =0 hours
Day 5 =1hour
Day 6 =.5 hours
Day 7 =0 hours
Average =.5 hours
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going okay, but it is kind of harder to emit an extra hour of exercise because I have taken a new job that allows me to teach a spin class at 8am; thus, I am working out on my own at 6am, showering, then working out again from 8am until 10 am then showering and going to classes. If I am going to keep this target behavior up longer I will need to revise my schedule and contingencies, as right now my reward is not effective because I don’t have the time to reward myself in between.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, operant behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I though the section on the ‘terrible twos’ was great parenting advice! Raising a kid is extremely hard work and the behavioral techniques discussed can mitigate a lot of stress. Removing certain objects reduces the number of antecedents that lead to undesirable behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There could be a whole book on parenting techniques written by a behaviorist (and there likely is). Parts of this chapter was only a glimpse into that, but the whole chapter could’ve been parenting advice; that would be nice since many of us will go on to be parents in a few years. The part on children using observational learning and removing the ‘NOs’ from the environment is a good example of this.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Noteable parenting advice: 1. Remove the ‘NO’s’ from the environment by creating a safe play room. 2. Toy timeouts are a good way to remove the antecedent to an undesirable behavior and disrupt the operant behavior. 3. Replacing the unhealthy snacks around your house with fruit changes the environment, something we usually have some control of, and makes eating healthier easier.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1hr
Day 2 =.5hr
Day 3 =0hr
Day 4 =0hr
Day 5 =0hr
Day 6 =0hr
Day 7 =1hr
Average = .35hours per day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Unfortunately I’ve been pretty busy this week and haven’t made writing much of a priority. That’s sad given that I won’t have much time to do this during the summer. Once I tie this in with a reward I hope it’ll improve.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Observational learning, behavior, antecedent, undesirable, disrupting the operant behavior, change the environment
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was the part on Premack Principle. Premack Principle states that people will engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. For example, my mom would always tell me, “practice playing piano for an hour if you want to go out with your friends.” I like this because I think it is something that happens in our every day lives, and I can relate to it really well. Also, we can use this to elicit a behavior that we desire from others.
2 ) One thing that I liked least from this section was the part on toy time outs. I couldn’t really grasp the idea of it. I think it would help more if there were more examples, or if the definition was clearer.
3 a,b&c)
a. One thing I will remember is that Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior can help reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment. I will remember this because we have talked about DRO in our previous section and I think it is really interesting.
b. I will remember that a successful way to change behaviors is to change the antecedents (environments). I will remember this because I think it makes sense and because the entire section explained about how controlling the environment (antecedent) can help emit the behaviors that are desirable.
c. I will remember the idea and definition of Premack Principle because it was what I liked most about this section, and I could relate events that are happening around me to it.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention):
Day 1 = 10 minutes
Day 2 = 10 minutes
Day 3 = 5 minutes
Day 4 = 0 minutes
Day 5 = 5 minutes
Day 6 = 5 minutes
Day 7 = 0 minutes
Average = 5 minutes
4b) So far my behavior project is going well. Unless the weather condition is bad, otherwise I would try my best to run as much as I can. I would say I am progressing slowly but steadily. Since I cannot reinforce myself now with chocolate, because I was only going to reward myself if I run for an hour every week, I get strongly motivated from the deprivation of chocolate. My friends come to my house often and we would always have chocolates while watching movies together. Because of this, I would motivate myself to run more. I also have friends who go to the gym frequently. So I would tag along whenever they go to the gym. However, I haven’t been exercising a lot ever since I was a kid. I get dizzy if I run for more than a minute on the treadmill, and my vision becomes blurry. Therefore, I have to take it slowly and work my way up. In summary, I think I am progressing towards my goal.
5 ) Terms: Premack Principle, behavior, elicit, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior, antecedents, emit, desirable, reinforce, deprivation.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Section 5.4 further explained how those who do not understand behavior modification terms will continually attempt to modify a behavior by punishing rather than reinforcing positive behavior. This chapter also explains how changing the environment will result in more efficient and successful behavior modification. The examples given were creating a safe room to promote saying no but eliminating unsafe behavior, the other example with the sweets gave great examples of how to creatively make healthy decisions into easy decisions.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I didn’t like about this chapter was how the downside of saying no was never really explained, it more just implied that we don’t do that without reminding us of the reason why punishment was bad. I know why it’s bad but I felt that a refresher would have been fitting.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
• Changing the antecedent to make positive behaviors easier to emit is a powerful way to extinguish negative behavior.
• Changing the environment is a form of disrupting operant behavior.
• Differential reinforcement of other behavior works by reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the undesired behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 1
Average = 3 times eating out
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
The week that we took our baseline I ate out 11 times, this number was higher than most weeks since I was traveling. Taking a guess I would say on any other normal week I go out to eat 5-7 times, since I am now consciously tracking how often I eat out the number has dropped to 3. 3 is a good number and I would like to modify my behavior to consistently eat out > 3 times a week.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior modification, punishing, reinforcing, extinguishing, differential reinforcement of other behaviors, emit
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked about this section is that it really gave me more information and helped me understand exactly what it is that I need to do to complete my behavior project. I also really liked how short this section was. Although it wasn’t very long, I felt it was really effective. Everything was very too the point and I thought that it was really easy to see what the message was that I was supposed to take away.
2) I honestly can’t think of a single thing that I didn’t like about this section. I really have nothing to complain about. Usually I’m not really a big fan of the boxes in the sections that we are supposed to fill out, but in this section I found them to be really helpful which was surprising to me.
3 a,b&c) One thing from this section that I will remember is the Premack Principal. The Premack Principal states that people will emit a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency one. An example of this is when your mom would tell you that you could have ice cream after dinner if you ate all your brussel sprouts.
A second thing that I will remember is the term observational learning. Observational learning means that people learn by example. This is a term that I have heard before, but the example given in this section made it really easy to remember. My stepmom runs a daycare so I have absolutely seen the idea of observational learning play out in real life.
Lastly, I will remember that changing the antecedent is not always an easy task. The example given about parole really helped me to understand this. I always figured that the antecedent would be one of the easier aspects of an experiment to change, but this section made it obvious that this is not always the case.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3 hours
Day 2 = 2.5
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 2.5
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =3
Average =2.5
4b)So far, my behavior project is not going too well. It is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. For one thing, I am trying to change my sleep patterns, which is easier said than done. I think that once I finally do get the hang of it, it will be really beneficial and I will be really happy that I took the time to do it.
TERMS: Premack Principal, emit, behavior, low frequency, high frequency, observational learning, antecedent,
1. I really liked the beginning of the chapter where the toy was put in timeout. It is a smart way of decreasing the frequency of an unwanted behaviour. By putting the toy in timeout, the kids will not be able to continue fighting over the toy, and they will not experience the negative emotions that often comes with punishment. By not punishing the kids for fighting over the toy, adults can reinforce them for not fighting, and the kids will eventually learn to put the toy in time out because being reinforced for not fighting is more rewarding than being punished for fighting. This is really interesting because it puts parenting into a different perspective. It is often hard to deny children of something they want and upset them, not only does it bring negative emotions to the children, they are less likely to learn the wanted behaviours.
2. There is nothing to dislike about this chapter except it is a little too short and I really enjoyed reading it.
3. I will remember that parenting does not have to involve any aversive experiences. Punishments or negative reinforcement do not have to be one of the parenting tactics. But instead, redirect the behaviour after removing the antecedent which causes the unwanted behaviour, and reinforce the new behaviours emitted after the antecedent was removed. Then, I will remember that I can always ask others to help modify my behaviours if I feel little control over my own behaviours. Lastly, I will remember that it can be creative and fun to modify the environment in order to have more control over our own behaviours. I will remember these three things because the chapter has made it really easy to retain the information.
4. Day 1=44. Day 2=126. Day 3=113. Day 4=70. Day 5=55. Day 6=48. Day7=71. Average: 75.3
I feel very positive about my behavioural project because I can feel that I use my phone significantly less, and that I will think twice before picking up my phone for no reason at all. I am able to focus on homework more because I use my phone less and has become less distracted. I also am spending less money because I do not go onto shopping apps for no reason. I also hide my phone somewhere less approachable, or somewhere that requires moving myself or repositioning myself. I carry my phone around with me less often and am feeling happier because I am not always constantly be waiting for some notification on my phone. It has been a great experience detaching myself from my phone, while getting reinforced for using it less almost every day (except days where I really crave my phone and social media and shopping apps). Overall, using my phone less has been successful.
TERMS: reinforcement, reinforcing, reinforce, rewarding, punishment, negative reinforcement, aversive, antecedent, consequence, behaviour, remove, modify
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I like all the examples given for changing the antecedents. It made it easier to understand the concept of changing the antecedent. It also helped give me an idea of how to change an antecedent in the environments that are controlled or uncontrolled.
2) I wish it would have elaborated more on the DRO, Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. I was slightly confused on how that integrated into the topic of changing antecedents. I also wish it would have just been a little bit longer so I could really understand the topic.
3 a,b&c) 1-Antecedents play a HUGE role in behavior modification. These set the stage or elicit a target behavior, and control whether the behavior is emitted. We sometimes need to change the environment, to change the target behavior. This is because environment controls behavior.
2-Sometimes we come into conflict when attempting to change behavior because we have little control over the environment. However, we still can almost always still change some parts of the antecedent. These usually have to be creative in order for us to manipulate the uncontrolled environment. For example: if I want to quit drinking but I'm a college student and all my friends drink, I can change the environment I have little control over, by not putting myself in these risky environments I might be tempted to drink. Such as bars/house parties.
3-DRO's are like behaviors that work as antecedents against the other behaviors. It gave an example of eating too many sweets. Instead of complete extinction of the behavior of eating sweets we could use another behavior against it to decrease us eating so much. For example, put all the sweets in the freezer. This is a behavior, but acts as an antecedent. If the food is frozen, you are less likely to eat the sweets because you will have to wait for the sweet to thaw out.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1.5 hours
Day 2 =0 hours
Day 3 =3 hours
Day 4 =2 hours
Day 5 =0 hours
Day 6 =3 hours
Day 7 =2.5 hours
Average =1.7 hours
4b) My behavior project started off rough. I thought it would be good to try and increase exercise behaviors, but currently this is unrealistic for my class and work schedule. I couldn't fit it in, and I found that my bigger problem was not spending enough time studying and doing home work. I was falling behind in my school work and procrastinating, so for my intervention I changed my target behavior to time studying and doing homework, and wished to increase it. My goal is to at least spend 3 hours a day doing schoolwork, of any kind, each day. My reinforcer is I get to spend one of my weekend days off, with my friends, and don't have to do any homework/studying. So far this has been more successful than my attempt to add a routine in that can't fit into my schedule. I have been successful in just increasing a behavior I was already doing (partially), so I can be more successful and focused in schools.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Terms: antecedent, DRO (Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors), behavior modification, elicit/emit, behavior, target behavior, extinction, intervention, reinforcer.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example of toy time-outs as controlling the environment surrounding the behavior. This is interesting to me because people typically punish their child for a certain target behavior and not the toy
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the DRO part of this section because we have reviewed it so many times that its already stuck in my brain.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember DRO because we have reviewed it so many times, I will remember removing the No's example as well as the toy time-out example because they are so unique.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2 times
Day 2 = 2 times
Day 3 = 3 times
Day 4 = 1 time
Day 5 = 2 times
Day 6 = 3 times
Day 7 = 4 times
Average = 3 times
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Good so far; I find myself catching myself going to crack my back and stopping because I know I will be held accountable for my behavior because of this project. Creating a baseline has also helped me a lot.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
TERMS: behavior, DRO (differential reinforcement of other behaviors), target behavior, baseline
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example in at the very beginning about removing the toy from the situation which disrupts operant behavior and completely removes the antecedent, because I have a lot of younger cousins and relative and this can be very useful when dealing with small children.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The examples of sweets being around the house and having a roommate who keeps sweets were clarified but was hard to find examples on reducing speeding tickets and it would be nice to have a little more clarity
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Differential reinforcement of other behavior allows us to decrease the chances of an unwanted behavior and increase a desirable behavior, because this will help with my behavior intervention for class and others throughout life; changing antecedents can help change behaviors, again because this will help with behavioral interventions; and that environment is difficult to control but there is usually some way to control it, again because it will help with behavioral interventions
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 3
Day 7 = 3
Average = 2.5
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going extremely well. I think part of the reason I am enjoying success is awareness and fear of embarrassment more then anything. Those first couple of days I had trouble thinking of a consequence to reinforce myself. I finally decided that if I had three vegetables in a day that I could have a desert at my last meal or some sort of sweet. I do not want to use continuous reinforcement though because sweets everyday would defeat the purpose of eating veggies. I think moving forward that I will attempt to reinforce using a fixed ratio schedule reinforcing every other day or every three days I eat the full 3 vegetables (eating 3 vegetables is the target behavior). So if I used the previous week’s data I only would have been reinforced on day 5 (after 2 target behaviors) or 6 (after 3). I’ll probably start with two and see how it goes.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Operant behavior, antecedent, differential reinforcement of other behavior, behavior, behavioral intervention, environment, consequence, reinforce, continuous reinforcement, fixed ratio, reinforcing, target behavior
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that it talked about discipling children. I work at a daycare so I continuously see people doing the “toy time out” and also trying to “remove the NO’s.” I never really thought about the idea of taking the toy away as being apart of this discussion. I believe most people do it as a way to punish the children too.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t really a specific idea that I didn’t really like. This section wasn’t too long and got the point across.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember from this section is that you have to control your environment in order to get to the goal that you are wanting. If you continue to put yourself in situations that wouldn’t allow you to reach it, it will make it hard. The next thing that I will remember is that taking away toys from children in a form of disrupting the operant behavior. The last thing that I will remember is that if you take things away from the beginning, it will influence the behavior later. For example, if you put things away that you wouldn’t want your children to have then they will never have the opportunity to get in trouble for trying to get them.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1.5 miles
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =1.5
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =2
Average =1 mile
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going extremely well actually. Within the next couple weeks I’d like to increase my behavior from six miles a week to ten or so. I want to better my exercising by the end of the summer.
5) Terminology: toy time out, removing the no’s, punish, disrupting the operant behavior
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is that it talked about discipling children. I work at a daycare so I continuously see people doing the “toy time out” and also trying to “remove the NO’s.” I never really thought about the idea of taking the toy away as being apart of this discussion. I believe most people do it as a way to punish the children too.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t really a specific idea that I didn’t really like. This section wasn’t too long and got the point across.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember from this section is that you have to control your environment in order to get to the goal that you are wanting. If you continue to put yourself in situations that wouldn’t allow you to reach it, it will make it hard. The next thing that I will remember is that taking away toys from children in a form of disrupting the operant behavior. The last thing that I will remember is that if you take things away from the beginning, it will influence the behavior later. For example, if you put things away that you wouldn’t want your children to have then they will never have the opportunity to get in trouble for trying to get them.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1.5 miles
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =1.5
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =2
Average =1 mile
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going extremely well actually. Within the next couple weeks I’d like to increase my behavior from six miles a week to ten or so. I want to better my exercising by the end of the summer.
5) Terminology: toy time out, removing the no’s, punish, disrupting the operant behavior
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I liked reading about tangible reinforcers because it helped me modify the reinforcer that I am using for my behavioral intervention project.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-there wasn't really anything I disliked about this section. I thought every thing in this section was import to behavior modification and I actually used some information from this section to modify y behavioral intervention project.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember that reinforcers can be primary or secondary, It is important to choose a reinforcer, and delayed gratification is not receiving a reinforcer directly after a target behavior is emitted. All of these were explained to make it easy to understand the content.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =3
Day 7 =0
Average =2.5
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
- So far my behavioral intervention project is frustrating. Biting my nails is a very bad habit that I emit, and I thought that extinguishing this behavior was going to be easier than it has been. I also picked a pretty time consuming (repainting my nails) so it has been difficult to follow through with with punishment after emitting the behavior of biting my nails.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-reinforcer, reinforcers, primary, secondary, delayed gratification, target behavior, emitted, emit, emitting, behavior, behavior modification, extinguishing, punishment, behavioral intervention, tangible reinforcer
1a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in this section? Why?
I really liked the examples in the beginning especially the example about the terrible twos because it made the most sense to me. I really think that by changing the antecedent you can really modify the behavior. For the terrible twos example, they said that if you place the kids in a room where they can't do any damage to furniture or anything and have that be their play room then it would reduce the terrible twos. They say putting kids in a play room where they can't do any harm will reduce the terrible twos because kids lead by example and if the parent is saying no all the time then by placing them in a room where the parent doesn't need to say no, it will reduce the kids saying no and terrible twos. I think the example of the terrible twos is a good prime example of changing the antecedent and how it will modify behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought the entire section was good, but I'd have to say that I wasn't a big fan of the other examples in the beginning because I found the terrible twos one is my favorite which is why I'm not a big fan of the other examples.
3 a&b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- The first thing that I will remember is the fact that changing the antecedents is a powerful way to modify behavior. Another thing that I will remember is the example of the terrible twos. I will remember this because my sister is pregnant and is due in June and I feel that when my nephew turns two, I will remember this section and try and help reduce the terrible twos. I will also remember that we can change the environment that will make changes in the behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks worth of base line data. Report week #2
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1- 10 times
Day 2- 4 times
Day 3- 6 times
Day 4- 6 times
Day 5- 14 times
Day 6- 6 times
Day 7- 30 times
Average- 10.86
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
The behavior project is going really good. Sometimes its hard to keep track of all the times I swear, but I will mark them the next day if I forget one day. I've already noticed a pattern. I've noticed that my target behavior is worse when I'm either out with friends or doing some kind of physical labor and getting hurt while doing it.
5) Once you are done with your post make a list of the terms & terminology you used in your post.
-terrible twos, antecedent, modify behavior, target behavior, baseline.
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
After reading section 5.4, I discovered that there was one thing that I really liked about this section. One thing that I really liked in this section was “Toy Time Outs”. If you are able to control the antecedent then you can control the behavior. With that being said, Toy Time Outs consists of removing a toy that kids are arguing/fighting over, as they often do. Instead of using negative punishment to punish the child(ren) for fighting/arguing over the toy, the toy ends up being punished by being removed from the situation in order to avoid further issues that may arise between the children.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I particularly disliked in this section. I found all of the information valuable and easy to read and understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
There are three things that I will particularly remember from this section. The first thing that I will remember from this section is, “removing the Nos”. Most people are familiar with the terrible two’s that kids go through at the age of two. During this life phase, the kids often say No repeatedly. This occurs because children learn by example. This is known as observational learning. Another thing that I will remember from this section is that a reinforcer can be an event. Most people, including myself, think of reinforcers as tangible objects or rewards. However, we can reinforce ourselves with the opportunity to do something instead, making the reinforcer an event rather than a tangible object or reward. The third thing that I will remember from this section is the Premack Principle. When it comes to the Premack Principle, researchers were able to discover that they could get humans and other animals to emit a certain behavior, for the opportunity to do something. They can achieve this by having people and/or animals engage in a low frequency behavior for the opportunity to engage in a high frequency behavior. I will remember these three things from this section, because I find these concepts to hold valuable information when it comes to behavior modification.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 30 minutes
Day 2 = 45 minutes
Day 3 = 45 minutes
Day 4 = 60 minutes
Day 5 = 60 minutes
Day 6 = 30 minutes
Day 7 = 20 minutes
Average = 41.42 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going well. It can be difficult to get a workout in on especially busy days, but I am still finding time to do so (even if it is just for a little bit). My reinforcer is still working well, however, I think that I will have to change it by next week, since it is slowly not having as important of an affect on me and will start lowering my workout behavior.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms- antecedent, behavior, negative punishment, punished, observational learning, reinforcer, reinforce, Premack Principle, emit, behavior modification
1. A. I really like the focus on changing the antecedents/environment to modify behaviors.
B. This is something that interests me because before I decided on clinical psychology I wanted to be a drug abuse counselor because such things have impacted my own life. One of the things you hear a lot, and that I had to do, is to change your environment, the people you associate with, and other things that I now realize are antecedents.
2. A. I didn't really dislike anything about this section.
B. It was short and contained a lot of interesting and useful information. There wasn't anything for me to dislike.
3. A. I will remember that changing the environment or antecedents should always be something that is considered when attempting to modify behavior. I will remember this because this section talked a lot about it, and I have had to practice this in my own life.
B. I will remember that it is possible to change antecedents in order to elicit behavior compatible with DRO. I will remember this because it wasn't something that occurred to me before- I knew about changing the environment, but I never thought about using the environment to elicit the incompatible behavior in DRO.
C. I will remember that changing the antecedent/environment while a behavior is underway can be used as a way to disrupt the operant undesirable behavior. I will remember this because it is another thing that I didn't think of before. Disrupting a behavior by changing the antecedent that elicits it seems like a very good idea and doesn't need to involve punishment.
4. A. Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3 hours
Day 2 = 2.5 hours
Day 3 = 3.5 hours
Day 4 = 3 hours
Day 5 = 3 hours
Day 6 = 2.5 hours
Day 7 = 2 hours
Average = 2.8 hours
4. B. My behavioral intervention seems to be going well. I knew that this would be a tough one, but I improved my average study time by about 20 minutes per day.
5. antecedent, behavior, elicit, DRO, incompatible behavior, operant behavior, punishment, behavioral intervention
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
--The one thing I found really interesting is the toy time out example of parenting. Most of the time kids fight over toys and the one that is causing the no sharing or vice versa is the one that gets the time out. This toy time out example is the opposite; rather than punishing the child and putting them in a time out which would be negative punishment, you punish the toy and put the actual toy in a time out. This changes the environment by removing the antecedent of the fight and it definitely disrupts the operant behavior of fighting and arguing. I really found this interesting and actually could be useful to a lot of kids and maybe even mine someday.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
--There actually wasn’t really anything I dislike or liked least in this section. I found this section to be really easy to read and understand. All the information was very straightforward and explained each concept really well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
--First, I will remember that changing or removing the antecedent rather than a reinforcer is very useful. I have never heard of this concept or approach before is the reasoning why I will remember it. Another thing I will remember is the punishing a toy example instead of the child itself. Which this example removes the antecedent of the fight and disrupts the behavior of the children. Its always good to change the environment because it enforces a good behavior and helps to complete the enforcement. Lastly, is ill remembered that differential reinforcement of other behaviors are an effective way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =Yes
Day 2 =Yes
Day 3 =Yes
Day 4 =Yes
Day 5 =Yes
Day 6 =Yes
Day 7 =Yes
Average =Yes
4b) how is your behavior project going so far?
--My behavioral project is actually going well so far. I couldn’t be happier with the change I made by washing my face every night and morning to the reinforcer of buying more things for my face. I have become really good at washing my face both times but I can definitely tell when I do not.
Terms: Disrupt the Operant Behavior, punishment, negative punishment, antecedent, differential reinforcement, reinforcer, elicited.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked most about this section was that it discussed disciplining children. I work with children quite a bit and I see all kinds of ways people try and discipline children. The idea of toy time outs is really intriguing because I know that toys are what usually causes children to get into trouble in the first place (fighting over them, hitting with them, etc.) so taking away the toy instead of just using punishment on the child would be effective.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I really disliked about this section. It was all pretty straightforward and easy to understand with good examples. I was a little confused on why sections 5.4 and 5.5 were both included with one link, however.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is that changing the physical environment and antecedents can help change a behavior. We can remove objects that might elicit undesirable behaviors and replace them with objects that cause us to emit desirable behaviors. Changing the environment is a powerful way to increase the frequency of your target behavior. I will remember this because it is important to remember if you want to change a behavior, especially when working with children. Another thing I will remember is that differential reinforcement of other is also an effective way to reduce a behavior and can be elicited by changing the environment. Differential reinforcement of other is reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior to reduce it. Finally, I will remember that sometimes the environment is difficult to control, but there is usually some way you can still exert some control over it. These three things were explained well enough and had enough examples for me to be able to remember them pretty easily.
4) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 7.5 hours of sleep
Day 2 = 8.5 hours
Day 3 = 8 hours
Day 4 = 9 hours
Day 5 = 7 hours
Day 6 = 7 hours
Day 7 = 9.5 hours
Average = 8.07 hours of sleep per night
4) How is your behavior project going so far?
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
My behavioral project is going pretty well. It is really hard for me to force myself to go to bed early enough to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night, but I am starting to see a difference in my behaviors. Sometimes I don’t have to be up early the next morning, so I still stay up late because I know I get to sleep in and get more hours of sleep. I need to start just going to bed earlier every night so I can get up at a decent time the next day every day. Overall, I still feel like I can see improvements in my sleeping behaviors. If I keep it up with the behavioral intervention, I think I can make myself start going to bed earlier.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Elicit, emit, punishment, undesirable, differential reinforcement of other, behavior, reinforcing, antecedents
a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that it pointed out that to change a behavior, one has to be aware of antecedents and everything else going on in behavior modification.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the examples about children. I didn't think they were applicable right now. I would have appreciated examples relating to the behaviors we are trying to change in class (smoking, nail biting, swearing, class attendance, etc.)
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that differential reinforcement of other works as well for antecedents because changing the antecedent can be as effective as reinforcing other behaviors. I will also remember that many experts believe that by changing the environment can change behaviors -- which sounds a lot like social engineering from an earlier chapter. I will also remember that to change a behavior you have to be aware of what is going on. I understand now that this is why I haven't been effective at changing my behaviors -- I am very passive about the awareness of my behavior (probably as a way to save face).
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0/2 classes attended
Day 2 = 1/1 classes attended
Day 3 = 0/2 classes attended
Day 4 = All classes cancelled
Day 5 = 0/2 classes attended
Average = 1/7 classes attended; this is really sad
I noticed that I justified this by saying that I had a test and two large papers due that week. I still should have been going to class.
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Not well. As noted in today's reading, for effective behavioral changes to occur, one needs to be deliberate and aware of what is going on. My behavior I want to increase is going to class. I seem to not be so aware of when I choose to and when I don't (usually because I decide in the morning when my alarm goes off and I'm tired). I need to make myself be more aware and observant of my decisions (as well as the consequences)
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior modification, differential reinforcement of other, social engineering
Section 5.4 Changing the Antecedents
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about the section was the concept of toddlers learning and repeating back the behavior of saying no. If you are unaware of how that behavior comes to be, through observational learning, then you just keep doing what your parents did with you and their parents did with them. By understanding that learning you can remove instances where the child would hear that from the parents mouth and thus the child only has observed positive instead of negative feedback.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I understand the overall concept of toy time outs but it still kind of confuses me. I guess I always assumed that it was a child or person’s behavior elicited by themselves or their feelings rather than a toy or object causing it. How would you also know when to reintroduce the object or toy, what happens if one child assumes it as punishment for having it taken away?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Changing in the environment can be changed even in environments where it doesn’t seem like you have any control. I think this is similar to learned helplessness, we assume something can’t be changed so we don’t make the effort. However, a little creativity can go a long way.
b. Things that don’t initially seem like behaviors actually alter the environment enough to change other behaviors. An example is sectioning off a treat to start, this makes future behaviors compatible with the previous behavior and less like a punishment.
c. Behavior modification and changing the antecedents takes time and commitment, which is why they are relatively unsuccessful for many people. Having gone through these practice runs and understanding it will take time will lead to success.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average = 1.43
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Not too bad. I never realized how much I actually ruin my nails due to my behavior but even just paying attention to my behavior I have decreased it because I’m worried about ruining my pact to myself. There was one day during speech competition I got really nervous and I told myself it is ok to ruin a few, they grow back and now is not the time to restrict myself from that. On days I have been taking it really easy because I’m so exhausted from traveling or days I only traveled I barely if at all touched them, and I think that demonstrates that it is a behavior emitted highly due to stress and anxiety related.
Terms and terminology: elicit, behavior modification, antecedent, environment, punishment, emitted.
Reading Activity Week #13
Section 5.4: Changing the Antecedents
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked all of the information in this section. I think it is an interesting concept to be able to change the antecedents. It is almost like taking preventative measures or being proactive. If we can change the antecedents and manipulate our environments, then we will not even have a change to emit the target behavior that we are trying to change. This will all come in handy when we are working on changing our own behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I didn’t like about this section was how short it was. I liked all of the information and I felt that it was all really important to our learning about behavior modification, but I would have liked to have more. I think this section could have been much longer, or maybe even combined with another section. It is hard to write these blogs is the sections assigned don’t have much information.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. The first thing I will take with me from this section is the part about removing the “nos” from a situation. By controlling the environment and removing the “nos”, this will change the antecedent and the behavior will be less likely to occur in the first place. This makes total sense when we are talking about parenting or watching after a child. There are so many instances when a child will get into something that you don’t want them in and then you will have to tell them “no”. But this section urges that you can skip past the “no” phase when a child is in their terrible twos. If we remove the objects that we don’t want the children playing with, then there will not be a need to tell them no. It seems like such a simple task, but I don’t feel that many people do it. We could also relate this to our own lives. For example, say that I am trying to eat healthier. Every day I come home for lunch and I open up the cupboards to see a bag of potato chips, and every day I have to tell myself “no”. This would be a much easier process if I just removed the chips from the cupboard to begin with.
B. Another thing I will take from this section is the information of DROs (differential reinforcement of other). When we focus on a different behavior, it may help us to increase/decrease the target behavior. This is another way that we can change and manipulate the antecedent in order to change the behavior. We can use the example of trying to eat healthy to explain this as well. If we are trying to eat healthier, it will not help to have sweets or junk food out in the open and easily accessible to us. If we do different things with the sweets (i.e. put them in the freezer), then we will be less likely to eat them as often as we were. If we put our sweets in the freezer, they will have to defrost and they will take more work to get at. So if we do get at them, it will mean that we really wanted a sweet. This will be a good thing to remember, because sometimes it is hard to reinforce or punish the actual target behavior that we are modifying, so we must target other behaviors first.
C. The next thing I really took from this section was the information on other things we could do if our environment wasn’t readily under our control. One of the things really rang true from my own experiences. I used to smoke cigarettes and it took me a long time to finally kick the habit. For example, last year I was trying to cut back on my cigarette intake, but I wasn’t ready to not have access to them altogether. One day I gave my cigarettes to my roommate and I told her to hide them from me until I really seemed to need one or want one. This section talks about having someone else help you manipulate your environment (because obviously I cannot hide my cigarettes from myself). It also states that this is a good method because it is embarrassing to go back to your friend/roommate and ask for whatever it is you are trying to quit – and it is!
4) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 0 miles
How is your behavior project going so far?
My first week of the behavior project went really well and I met my goal of running 2 times a week (I even ran 3). But this last week, I did terrible. I didn’t run at all this week. And I know that it’s because last week was very busy for me. I worked 5 nights last week and I had several different homework assignments and things to grade for my TA position. Between all of my schoolwork and paid work, I had no time to run. I know that it only takes about 20 minutes to do the actual workout, but then I would have to factor in the amount of time it would take me to shower and cool down from the workout. I feel like the first week I pushed myself too hard because I really exceeded my expectations – which is why last week it was easier for me to shrug it off. I also feel like I have gotten too good at making excuses. I WAS really bust last week, but there were times when I chose to sit at home or go be with friends when I could have taken the time to get a run/walk in. I also never reinforced myself for the week that I did really well. I just kept thinking, “I’ll get to it.” But I never did. So I need to remember what I am learning in this course and start getting out there and running more!
TERMS: Remove the “Nos”, Control the Environment, Change the Antecedent, Differential Reinforcement of Other (DRO), Reinforce, Punish
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- One thing I enjoyed from this weeks blog was about the toy time outs. I enjoyed this section because it will help me when I am babysitting my nephew and he is naughty and what I should do to help me have him modify the behavior to the target behavior wanted.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-I really enjoyed this section. I enjoyed the examples and how we relate it to children. It is also filled with helpful ideas and thoughts I liked how this section was set up.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-I will remember what to do to try and change my new nephews bad behavior with the Toy time outs, and trying to remove the word NO.
-I will remember the Behavioral Chain and how the chain works to change the behavior.
-I will remember that you need to choose the right reinforcer to help make the target behavior easier to achieve.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
1= yes read a chapter a day
0= no, did not read a chapter a day
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =0
Average = About 50 percent reading a chapter a day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
-I emitted reading a chapter a day 4 of the 7 days so far and it has been tough to try and modify this behavior. However I did better than the first week. I am trying to Elicit this behavior to become more involved in class discussion.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Emit, Behavior Modification, reinforcer , Behavioral Chain, Toy time outs.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that there were specific examples given about how to remove antecedents from the environment to help solve problems we have in everyday life. I liked this because it shows us a few things that we can do to change our environment in a positive way.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt that there were too many boxes to fill out. I feel like some of these aren’t necessary.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Removing things in a room for a 2 year old to play with may help reduce the terrible twos. 2. DRO is an effective way to change a behavior. 3. Changing our environment can help change behaviors.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = $10.93
Day 2 = $15.87
Day 3 = $27.82
Day 4 = $3.64
Day 5 = $8.09
Day 6 = $13.57
Day 7 = $15.01
Average = $13.56
4b) how is your behavior project going so far?
Since I emitted the behavior of keeping track of how much money I spend each day (and what im spending it on) I have reduced the amount I spend on things. So far ive dropped my spending down to roughly $80ish dollars a week on groceries, beer, and food.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, antecedent, emit,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the concept of changing the antecedent as a whole. In this whole class, I never even considered changing the antecedent as a potential tool to use in behavior modification techniques.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I least liked how short the description of toy time outs were. I still don't feel as though I fully understand how one goes about this procedure.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = I will remember that considering changing the environment is important to consider in any behavior modification program.
B = I will remember that behavioral hierarchies are good to use to discover what an effective reinforcer will be.
C = I will remember that its beneficial to choose a reinforcer that compliments the behavior you're trying to reinforce when a variety of possible reinforcers are present.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 30
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 25
Day 4 = 40
Day 5 = 30
Day 6 = 20
Day 7 = 30
Average = 29.29 minutes/day
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavior project is going well. My reinforcer has been effective in raising the average number of minutes I read per day. I use a schedule of reinforcement known as a fixed ratio.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
terms: antecedent, consequence, behavior, schedule of reinforcement, fixed ratio, behavioral hierarchies, reinforcer,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the fact that there were specific examples of how the antecedents could be changed when someone has the desire to modify their behavior. It helped me to grasp the concept that environments can be controlled.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't really anything that I disliked about this section. I thought it was short and to the point and the information was easy to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a)I will remember that observational learning is learning by example. I will remember this because it is a concept that I am familiar with.
b)I will remember that differential reinforcement of the other is when you reinforce a behavior that is incompatible with the behavior in which you wish to modify. I will remember this because it is repeated information from previous sections.
c)Finally, I will remember that changing the antecedents is a effective way to modify behaviors. I will remember this because it was the main topic of this section.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
I had to change my target behavior last week because I found that modifying my initial target behavior was much difficult to incorporate into my everyday life than I thought it would be. For this reason I will be reporting my baseline this week. I also changed my target behavior to going to sleep at at least 12pm.
Week #1 (baseline)
Day 1 =2:30am
Day 2 =2am
Day 3 =1am
Day 4 =1am
Day 5 =1:30am
Day 6 =3:30am
Day 7 =2am
Average =about 2am
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
Since I am a week behind I have yet to incorporate my behavioral intervention.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
antecedents, observational learning, differential reinforcement of the other, reinforce, behavior, target behavior, behavioral intervention
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) what was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- One thing I really like was how important the antecedents are. They may change or help to achieve a target behavior but they definitely are important when trying to achieve a certain behavior. Along with this comes behavioral success. This part of the reading was very interesting because it is related to New Year’s resolutions usually, or to the goals we want to achieve. Therefore, I learn how important is to take in consideration your environment. Wants around you and what may or not may help you to achieve your goals. Also in order to turn a behavior into success it takes a lot of discipline, and work. However, 2if you really want to meet this goals, the antecedents, the behavior and the consequence play an important role. In order make a behavior successful the best way is to change the antecedents.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- There was not really something I really dislike because the exercises that were on the reading actually helped me to be aware of what environments I have little control in my life and how I can control this environment. For example one of them was going to sleep really late, but the best way to control this was actually setting an alarm a time where I should be done, stop procrastinating, and doing homework or what I need to do before taking a nap or doing something else.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember what 3 things I have little control in because I enjoyed the activity from this reading, it made me aware of my surroundings.
b) I will remember the term observational learning because as an example used in the reading children learn by examples.
c) I will remember how to achieve behavioral success. Because we need to be aware if our environment, wants around us and it also takes a lot on us when making decisions that can bring a positive or negative impact in our life.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 6onz of fruits and veggies
Day 2 = 8onz
Day 3 = 9onz
Day 4 = 8onz
Day 5 = 5onz
Day 6 = 4onz
Day 7 = 5onz
Average = 6.42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
- So far the project is going good, however since I am trying to increase the amount of fruits and veggies I consumed I noticed I tend to decrease them usually during the weekends. However during the week is a little more easier since usually I eat at the dining center so I have more choices.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
- Observational learning, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, target behavior, reinforce.
1. One thing i enjoyed in this section was learning how changing the environment will change the behavior. I liked the books example of people who are on parole would do much better if they were not surrounded by others in the same situation. This is a good example of how much the antecedent plays a role in what behavior we emit.
2. What I didn't like about this chapter was DRO. Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors, is similar to positive reinforcement. Reinforcing a good behavior instead of punishing a bad behavior. The only reason i didn't like this was because it was a little redundant. We could have learned about his earlier in the book.
3. I will remember DRO, the environmental effects on the behavior and observational learning. Dro is similar to positive reinforcement because it rewards good behavior when attempting to change a behavior. The environment can set the stage for all behavior depending on your situation, in the book a person on parole would have a much easier time doing good if he wasn't around others who were also on parole. Observational learning is how children learn from their parents. In the Removing the NO's section, This is again another example of how an environment can control behaviors.
Day 1- 600
Day 2- 0
Day 3- 600
Day 4- 0
Day 5- 600
Day 6- 500
Day 7- 500
b. My project has been going well, My reinforcer really only works when i get in and shoot so ill have to focus on getting in the gym more.
5. Observational learning, reinforcer, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement.
Section 5.4,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I really enjoyed reading the parts about using behavior modification with children. Up until now it has been focused on changing self-directed behaviors, but now we are beginning to understand how alter the behaviors of others. I think this was interesting to read because several of us in the class will most likely go on to have children someday.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
From this section there is nothing I can pinpoint that I disliked. All of the information presented was interesting to read and professionally written. I was not left with further questions that needed clarified.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the part on toy time outs rather than placing a child in a time out. This way the child, itself, is not being punished, but he or she is still able to grasp that it was not a desirable behavior that was emitted. The child being put into time out is negative punishment. Putting the toy in time out is still not reinforcement, which behaviorists prefer to use, but instead it is changing the environment by removing the antecedent of the fight. Thus, this disrupts the operant behavior of arguing and fighting over the toy. This is helpful for those who want to raise a child using behavioral methods.
b. Another portion I will remember is to try to reduce the frequency a child says “no.” Often children respond with the word “no” when they are little. This is done through observational learning, because they have most likely heard a parent say “no” to them. If the environment or antecedent is controlled, the child can only emit behaviors that are safe and appropriate. Therefore, the parents will not need to say “no” as much, and this is important to try to reduce the terrible twos.
c. We can control the environment to reduce aversive behaviors, as well as, control the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. It is the desired behaviors that are incompatible with the undesirable behaviors that we are trying to reduce. This can be done by Differential Reinforcement of Other (DRO), which is very valuable for behavior modification, since we typically want to change behaviors and want to find ways to reinforce rather than punish. This leads to a more desirable consequence.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Sunday = 40 minutes working out
Day 2 = Monday = 0 minutes working out
Day 3 = Tuesday = 50 minutes working out
Day 4 = Wednesday = 75 minutes working out
Day 5 = Thursday = 50 minutes working out
Day 6 = Friday = 30 minutes working out
Day 7 = Saturday = 0 minutes
Average = 35 minutes working out
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My behavioral intervention is going well. It has been helpful that I have begun going to the WRC with a friend. I am feeling more energized and will hopefully begin to see more results of my behavior project soon. I am able to monitor my progress through my behavioral diary in my planner.
Terms: self-directed behavior, behavior, punished, desirable, emit, negative punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, operant behavior, frequency, observational learning, aversive, elicit, Differential Reinforcement of Other (DRO), reinforce, punish, consequence, behavioral intervention, behavioral diary
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed learning how to apply these concepts to my life because it helps me improve certain aspects of my life that I want to improve.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t enjoy thinking about how difficult it actually is to achieve success in these situations.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? a) A behavioral hierarchy can be created to determine what events can be used as reinforcers; b) When a variety of reinforcer options exist, it is often a good idea to choose a reinforcer that compliments the behavior you are modifying; c) A behavior chain can be viewed as a series of behaviors where one behavior leads into the next behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 20 minutes Day 2 = 30 minutes Day 3 = 20 minutes Day 4 = 30 minutes Day 5 = 0 Day 6 = 25 minutes Day 7 = 25 minutes Average = 21.42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
The first week went well but the second week wasn’t as good.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Behavioral, reinforcers, behavior
1. One thing that I really liked about this section was at the beginning of the chapter when it was describing how we can manipulate an environment. I liked it because it was clear and gave a good amount of examples, as well as good examples in general. At first, I was going to say that it was something I didn't like about the section because I was thinking that we can't always have total control over our environment. I switched it to be the answer to this first question though because it addressed my issue and made me see it in a different light.
2. There wasn't really anything that I disliked about this section. Again, what I thought I was going to dislike, the section went over and explained it in a way that made sense to me. I think the examples were great and the exercises helped me to think and understand even better what was trying to be accomplished from this section.
3. Three things I will remember from this section: even when the environment is difficult to control or seems like we have very little control over it, there is usually always something we can do to exert some control and manipulation of it. Changing the environment can change our behavior or another persons behavior. Lastly, we can stop unwanted behavior by removing the antecedents from the environment or changing the antecedents.
4a. Week 2
Day 1 = 30 minutes of exercise
Day 2 = 25 minutes of exercise
Day 3 = 0 minutes
Day 4 = 35 minutes
Day 5 = 10 minutes
Day 6 = 10 minutes
Day 7 = 0 minutes
b. So far my behavior project has been challenging. It is harder than I thought to find time or make time to get in exercise. I think that I need to come up with a better reward. I also need to think about the final consequence and how it will end up making working out more likely to occur once I start seeing the consequence. I also could change my environment at times so that I am closer to a gym or change my antecedent by wearing more workout clothes to maybe help put me in more of a mood to work out.
Terms: behavior, reward, consequence, environment, antecedent, control, unwanted behavior, manipulate
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I find it so interesting that behavior can be controlled as simply as by controlling the antecedent. The situation that we are in can control our behavior. It can be that simple in some situations.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There is nothing that i dislike about this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
There is another way that you can change behavior and it is differential reinforcement which can manipulate behavior better in different situations.
When the environment is changed the behavior can be changed and this is an easy way to look at different ways to change behavior.
Changing the environment can allow desirable behaviors to occur instead of unwanted behaviors which helps people like changing the environment.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Did I wear them?
Day 1 =no
Day 2 =no
Day 3 =yes
Day 4 =yes
Day 5 =yes
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average =no
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
It has been hard to elicited the behavior of wearing my retainers more because I am lazy. I do not want to clean them or make time to clean them which makes me not want to wear them. I tend to get on a role and then I don’t wear them one night and then forget about them.
TERMS: differential reinforcement, manipulate, antecedent, elicited
1a&b) I really enjoyed the discussion behavior control in children in this section. Changing the environment by removing the antecedent can really manipulate a behavior of a child into a more positive one, specifically in the “toy time outs”. This behavior is seen in all small children, they’re fighting over a toy or using it as a weapon. By putting the toy in “time out”, it removes the antecedent of the fight or disrupts the operant behavior of fighting and arguing. Another way to improve young children’s behavior is by removing “no”. Creating a space safe, where children are allowed to do as they please, without being told “no”. This helps them to mimic this action, instead of just learning to say “no” to get what they want. Working in a daycare for a year, I’ve seen many children enact these behaviors, but I never knew what could be leading to them until now. I’m a big fan of practice makes perfect and using repetition as a strategy for learning, but there seemed to be a lot more bubbles than text. It could also be impart to graduation being three weeks away. As I have said before, it would be helpful in the later chapters to have this relate to our topics, even though the ones in the section are relatable.
2) There wasn’t really anything from this section that I didn’t like. I thought it was very to the point and it provided some really good examples that I can apply to my own life and how I can apply more behavior modification concepts to my own life. Some ideas that came to mind were controlling the antecedent more in my daily life. For example, one thing that bothers me in my apartment is the level of volume that my boyfriend listens to TV at night. It is always too loud, and I ask him every night to turn it down. He turns it down, but doesn’t learn from it because it is back at the same exact level the next night. So after reading this, I have decided that altering the antecedent could be the best way to control the volume to a reasonable level on a nightly basis. For example, I could provide him with a pair of headphones that he could use or split the cost of a pair of headphones so I am not disturbed.
3 a,b&c) 1. Environments can be shifted to change a behavior, specifically the antecedent of the situation. If the antecedent is removed or changed, it can completely alter the behavior and this is done in a variety of ways. Examples of this could be joining a new club, picking up a new hobby or actually a change of environment. 2. Using differential reinforcement of other behaviors we are able to control the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. This is an effective way to modify a behavior in a desirable way. This changes the environment to produce a positive change. The example in the text made a lot of sense. Trying to eat healthier by changing the food in the environment. Putting out fruits and vegetables, not having candy around, having smaller portions, etc.
3. Another way to change a behavior is by adapting the physical environment. We can remove objects that will elicit undesirable behaviors. This will help to increase the frequency of a desirable behavior. By incorporating differential reinforcement of other behaviors, we can change out physical things that elicit bad behaviors for ones that would elicit good behaviors.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = steps 15,590, active min 56
Day 2 = steps 13,772, active min 0
Day 3 = steps 18,735, active min 90
Day 4 = steps 7,582, active min 20
Day 5 = steps 16,893, active min 84
Day 6 = steps 11,584, active min 22
Day 7 = steps 5,552 , active min 0
Average = steps 12,815 , active min 38
4b) I would say that it’s going ok. I have realized that I take more steps then I thought I did. I also feel like my flex might not be as accurate when it comes to measuring my active minutes.
5) Terms: environment, antecedent, manipulate, toy time outs, disrupts the operant behavior, removed, differential reinforcement of other behaviors, elicit, desirable, adapting the, physical environment, undesirable
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a. I think my favorite thing about this chapter and maybe even this class is the concept of removing the “No’s.”
b. I like this because it applies to every behavior change we want to make. We also learned by “Observational Learning,” which is why most of us have the bad habits that we are trying to get rid of in the first place.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don’t like that choosing a differential reinforcement of other for food was to eat a different food. It is still encouraging eating. (I liked this whole chapter so I guess this is the only nitpicky thing I could find to criticize.)
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Removing the “No’s” is an effective way to change behavior. It makes sense and applies to every behavior that you want to change.
b. Differential reinforcement of other is when you find alternate behaviors to reward. We have discussed this in other chapters and it seems very important.
c. Changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is happening is called disrupting the operant behavior. I will remember this because it is also effective in turning a behavior around and has come up in previous chapters.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =20 min
Day 2 =20 min
Day 3 =0 min
Day 4 =21
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =22
Day 7 =23
Average = 15 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going really well. I decided that Tuesday and Thursday are going to be the days that I get breaks from working out because they are my busiest school and work days. I haven’t had any problems working out but the reward I chose isn’t very rewarding for me anymore. I am just happy that I have lost an inch off of both of my legs and two inches off of my stomach. I think that is enough to keep me going for now.
5) Terms: Reward, Observational learning, antecedent, differential reinforcement of other, disrupting the operant behavior.
1. A) I liked the example of toy time outs.
B) I liked this because it would be useful working in a daycare setting. Taking away a toy (negative punishment) is changing the antecendent and disrupting the behavior.
2. I dislike being in situations where I have little control over the environment. It's harder to change a behavior if you do not have control. It's like the example of having a roommate who has junk food when you are trying to stop eating junk food, it will be tempting because of the environment.
3. A) I will remember that many people believe if you control the environment you control the behavior. The antecedents can have a part in controlling the target behavior.
B) I will remember that with differential reinforcement of other behavior if you want a behavior to decrease you must reinforce a behavior that is not the same as the unwanted behavior.
C) I will remember that you can remove things from your environment that could elicit an unwanted behavior.
4. A) Week #2 Did I procrastinate or not?
Day 1: Yes
Day 2: Yes
Day 3: No
Day 4: No
Day 5: Yes
Day 6: No
Day 7:No
Average: No
B) I think that I need to change the reinforcement to one that I reward myself with something everyday. There was no change.
5. Terms: Negative punishment, behavior, antecedent, target behavior, reinforcement, differential reinforcement of other behavior.
1 a&b) This article did a very good job with focusing on the antecedents when attempting to change a specific behavior. I really liked the idea of putting the toy in timeout. Rather than punishing the kids, they took all the reason to do so out of play. By removing the antecedent that leads to punishment, punishment is no longer needed. I also really like the following paragraph with removing the NO’s. The article focused on kids and removing the NO’s, but I thought of it in a way of removing the NO’s I say to myself. Not having the option to punish myself for staying up too late would make changing my behavior very easy.
2) One thing that I dislike the most was that it focused a lot on children. I think opening up these ideas to a wider range of ages would have been very helpful.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that a useful way to change behaviors is to change the antecedents in your environment. This makes too much sense when avoiding emitting unwanted behaviors. I will remember the Premack Principle, because that is a principle I will begin to use on myself when my procrastination becomes strong. Another term that will be remembered is Behavioral Hierarchy. I think keeping track of behavior’s frequency is a good idea. Watching how often you drink compared to how often you study would be one thing I would like to look at.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2am-10am (Saturday night, Sunday morning)
Day 2 =1am-11am
Day 3 =1am-9am
Day 4 =2am-11am
Day 5 =12:30am-9am
Day 6 =3am-12pm
Day 7 =3:30am- 12pm
Average = 2:30am-10:30am
4b) My behavior project is going pretty good I think. This week I moved further away from my target behavior goal, but I think it was due to more of an empty schedule compared to other weeks.
5) Terms: antecedents, Premack Principle, punishing, Behavioral Hierarchy, emitting
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the further example of the DRO method of reinforcement. I liked the way it was explained in this chapter because it shows that it can work on changing others around you as well as yourself.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I disliked that it was all review, there has to be more than just the ABC’s in Behaviorist Psychology and I’m interested in learning more about the studies and how it is used today.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the updated DRO method because it can control the antecedents and elicit the behaviors internally and externally.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? So far it is going alright. I still am having trouble getting into the weight room on a weekend day. I have thought about it and I am going to change my reinforcer into going to a different restaurant every weekend. I believe this will increase the likelihood of my going to the gym on the weekend day because I am satiated with the Coke and although I may experience an extinction burst from the deprivation of caffeine and sugar I will for now on enjoy a somewhat healthy dinner which will make me more motivated and healthy in the long run as well.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Reinforcer, elicit, DRO, Satiated. Deprivation, extinction burst
I really liked learning about changing the antecedent. This is something that has been popping up a lot lately in my life because of our assignments. I try and control the environments that elicit my behavior of procrastination. I also really liked the paragraphs that discussed child interventions. These will really help me this summer when I am nannying two little boys. I liked the part about removing “no.” If I can create an environment where I don’t have to say no all the time it can really help foster a good relationship with the boys.
There was nothing that I really disliked about this section. I think the only change I would have prefered to have was longer sections. I kept scrolling to find more info and examples of real life applications, only to find none. I’m the kind of person that likes the answers to be right there, and it seems that this is something that is more trial and error. This annoys me, but unfortunately is uncontrollable since every situation is different.
The first thing I will remember will be getting the word no out of the household. I will remember this because if you use it a lot, then your child will learn to say it a lot. This is observational learning. When raised without the word, the child will not be able to pick up on the behavior and is less likely to have a “terrible twos” scenario. Secondly I will remember that as a person I have the power to control my behavior and my environment. I will remember that I have the power to manipulate my environment to elicit certain behaviors from myself. We can alter the antecedents to achieve a specific target behavior, to reduce and undesired behavior. I will also remember that antecedents have the power to make or break a behavior. We have talked about this some in previous chapters, but this is where this takes full force.
Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
4/6: 11am
4/7: 10am
4/8: 11pm
4/9: 9am
4/10: 10am
So far my project isn’t going that great. I am running into difficulty I am struggling with how to record my homework time. There are times where I will start working on my homework early in the day, but not be very productive, but the times when I do my homework in the evening I get my homework done quickly and efficiently. I also need to switch up my reinforcer, because my boyfriend and I are currently fighting. So being able to call him every night is not that motivating.
Terms: antecedent, elicit, observational learning, behavior, target behavior,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the part about the terrible twos. I found this very interesting from my perspective because my sister recently had a child and soon my niece will be going through the terrible two age range. I found the example they gave by removing the no’s to be extremely helpful because I can always give my sister a tip or two for implementing this own behavioral modification technique. Another way it is important is because I can emit this technique when I am babysitting. This can help the child elicit a behavior where they say no less often. By changing the topography of the area, I can easily help the child learn in a less hostile environment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t find anything that I disliked about this chapter, I found it interesting with much information.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section is how powerful changing the antecedent is to changing a behavior. This is important because it is another helpful tool that can help change behaviors. The second thing I will remember is differential reinforcement of other behavior. This tip is used to help reinforce a behavior that will prevent you from emitting the undesirable behavior. It is yet another powerful tool to use to help modify behaviors. The third thing I will remember is that changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring can help disrupt the operant behavior. This is important as it can be as easy as changing just one thing in the environment to disrupt the operant conditioning, such as removing sweets to prevent a binge.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
With my project, I am testing weekly, not daily. So far I have 3 weeks of information done
Week 1: $150
Week 2: $134
Week 3: $130
Average = $138
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
So far, I am doing a fairly god job at keeping myself from spending too much money. I haven’t used my reinforcement yet, but I don’t have much a wanting to spend money.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior, emit, topography, operant condition, elicit, differential reinforcement of other behavior, reinforcement,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was it stated many examples of changing antecedents to avoid undesirable behaviors which will then avoid punishments. I really enjoyed reading the examples as I could relate to them. My cat likes to scratch the mat and she gets punished by my mum by not giving her treats which I think is very aversive. My mum decided to take the mat away so that my cat would not scratch it. The mat, being the antecedent is now removed from my cat’s environment and she does not get punished anymore because the antecedent is not present for her to emit the behavior. As a result, my cat gets her treats as usual, which is reinforcing for her.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything in this section. I thought this section was easy to understand, follow through, and relate to my experiences.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Firstly, I will remember the toy time outs. This is easy to remember because kids often fight over toys or use toys as a means to hurt other kids. This example clearly depicts how parents should learn to change the antecedent, which is the toy, instead of punishing their kids for emitting undesirable behaviors such as fighting over the same toy or hurting another with the toy. Removing the toy (antecedent) from the environment will prevent kids from fighting and arguing (operant behavior). Secondly, I will remember the idea of removing the NO’s from the environment. Instead of having things that are available to children that they are not supposed to get access to, and continuously saying no to them, parents should consider removing the things that they are not supposed to get access to. By controlling the environment (antecedent) the only behaviors the child can emit are safe and appropriate. As a result, this will reduce the number of No’s from the parents. Finally, I will definitely remember differential reinforcement of other because it is a recap of the previous sections in the ABC’s book. This method is important in behavior modification as it is used to reduce a behavior by changing the antecedents.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 6.5 hours of sleep
Day 2 = 7 hours of sleep
Day 3 = 7 hours of sleep
Day 4 = 7 hours of sleep
Day 5 = 8 hours of sleep
Day 6 = 7 hours of sleep
Day 7 = 8 hours of sleep
Average = 7.21 hours of sleep
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
My project is going alright so far although I am yet to reach my goal of getting 8 hours of sleep every night. I am trying get at least 7 hours of sleep daily although sometimes I don’t because I have to study for exams and get my papers written. My reinforcer seems to be working alright for me.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Differential reinforcement of other, antecedent, operant behavior, punishment, reinforcer, reinforcement, aversive, undesirable, reinforcing, punishing.
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the part about parenting in the beginning of the section. I liked it because it is useful information that will help me in the future when I decide to have children. Children can be hard when their behaviors are not desirable. Giving the toy a timeout instead of the child is very effective in the way that it disrupts the antecedent.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't dislike anything about this section. I thought it was very interesting and easy to understand. I enjoy learning information I feel I will be able to use in the future.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the toy timeouts because this is something new to me and I want to try this on my cousins when I'm babysitting them. I think that this will be an effective technique for in the future. I will also remember the getting rid of "no" when raising a child. I will remember this because kids don't always have to go through a terrible twos stage and I will want to use this for when I have kids. I will also remember DRO because it was revisited in this section.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 120
Day 2 =180
Day 3 =120
Day 4 =60
Day 5 =60
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =120
Average =94 minutes
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
I think my behavior project is going well. If I am on campus I try to go to the library at least a little so I can be focused and productive. My reinforcer as Netflix is working well but sometimes I don't have time to watch anything therefore I'm not always being reinforced yet I still try to go to the library still.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used
in your post.
reinforcer, reinforcement, DRO, antecedent, toy timeouts, desirable, behavior, disrupted
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example you used with the toy timeout. It's an interesting idea: putting the toy in timeout because the toy needs to be punished. I did not think about doing this ever and interrupting the operant behavior of fighting. I want to use this someday.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really care for the section where it talked about the terrible two's and the removal of the "no's." I totally believe in observational learning so you can't really control what others are doing. The word "no" is going to come out, and I think it's more of a hassle to cut it out of your vocabulary.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. I will remember that you can modify behavior if you change the antecedent because of the junk food example. Instead of leaving the cupcakes on the counter, putting them in the freezer (antecedent) and waiting for them to thaw will make you less likely to eat them. 2. I will remember that DRO is a way to reduce your behavior because it gives you other options of how to go about that behavior. 3. I will remember that reducing the number of times you say no to a kid in their terrible twos will help decrease their outburst because they learn from observational learning and if you tell them no they are more likely to emit the behavior of saying no to people/things especially you as a parent.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1 cups
Day 2 = 2 cups
Day 3 = 0 cups
Day 4 = 1 cup
Day 5 = 0 cups
Day 6 = 0 cups
Day 7 = 0 cups
Total = 4 cups of coffee
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? My project is going better than I had expected it to go. I did not really think I could give up drinking coffee because I was drinking about 8 cups per week, so cutting it to 3 is definitely a hard task, but I am almost there! My reinforcer is helping me.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcer, punished, operant behavior, observational learning, antecedent, DRO, behavior, emit
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was the summary at the end of the section. I liked this because it give brief descriptions for the main points and that makes its easier to understand and remember. For example in this section, the summary has several points towards the subject of changing the environment and how that should always be considered for use in behavior modification programs that are aimed at undesirable behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I didn't like was that DRO stands for differential reinforcement of other behavior, and that's odd/slightly confusing because behavior is left out of the acronym.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One thing that i will remember is that antecedents form the environment and context for all behaviors. I will remember this because it's a basic important principle and that small statement sums it up very well. I will also remember the example of toy time outs. I will remember this because it's an example that shows how negative punishment can be the better option over reinforcement. It proves more effective because it changes the surroundings by taking away the fight's antecedent, as well as disrupting the operant behavior of arguing and fighting among the children. Lastly, I will remember that observational learning is what's learned by example. I Will remember this because that is the main way that children learn.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =2
Average =1.5
4b) How is your behavior project going so far? Awesome. I found it easy to curve my undesirable behaviors by simply changing up and preventing certain antecedents that would have the consequence of increasing the frequency of undesirable behaviors.
Terms: Behavior, DRO, antecedent, undesirable, behavior modification programs, toy time outs, negative punishment, reinforcement, disrupting the operant behavior, observational learning, frequency of behavior, consequence.
1 a&b) One thing I really liked that was in this section was the mention of the “terrible twos” because I have two young nephews so I could definitely relate. I remember my sister having to buy all sorts of safety things to help keep cupboards shut and protect their glass coffee table.
2) The thing that I liked least in this section was that DRO was explained yet again. I feel as though Differential Reinforcement of Other is getting satiated in this material.
3) The first thing that I will remember from this section is that changing the antecedent is the most effective way to influence the frequency of a target behavior. Sometimes rewards, punishment, schedules of reinforcement, extinction, and discriminative stimulus are not enough to impact the behavior so another change needs to be made. The next thing I will remember from this section is that changing the environment during the target behavior can disrupt the behavior. A change in the environment can elicit the person to stop emitting the behavior while it is occurring. An example of this is when Dr. MacLin asks the class to take out a piece of paper when were are being too chatty. This positive punishment (adding the thought of a potential quiz) to the environment will decrease the chatty behaviors. The third thing that I will take from this section is that DRO is still an effective way to change behaviors. Skinner believed that rewards were more effective than punishment, because no one likes to be punished. He was right! The main idea from this chapter is that the Antecedent is the most essential component of the ABC's because it typically determines whether the behavior will occur or not, and starts the process of building positive or negative contingencies.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =45
Day 4 =30
Day 5 =30
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average = 15
4b) My behavior project is going great so far. I like using Netflix and shopping as rewards for myself, and in addition to that I also feel more alert and I don’t seem to be napping as much as I used to. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues for next week too!
5) Differential Reinforcement of Other, satiated, target behavior, reward, punishment, schedule of reinforcement, extinction, discriminative stimulus, disruptive behavior, elicit, emit, positive punishment, antecedent, positive contingency, negative contingency.
Section 5.4
1a&b) The one thing that I really liked about this section is the part about removing the “NOs”. I really liked this because it makes a lot of sense. I have seen a lot of kids learn to continually say “No” to just about anything their parent say because they learn it through example which is called observational learning. This can be very harmful if the children are interacting with harmful environments and objects. However, by removing the NOs, the children will be in a safer environment which will elicit them to emit safe behavior.
2) The one thing that I did not really like about this section is the part about DRO because we have already learned this I tend to not read repetitive information.
3a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section are toy time outs, removing the “NOs”, and DRO. The reason why I will remember toy time outs and removing the “NOs” these are two ways of changing the antecedent and knowing ways to change the antecedent can be very important in controlling the target behavior and eventually modifying the behavior. As for DRO, I believe that I have read about it enough to remember what it is about and how it can be used as a part of the contingency in a behavior intervention project.
4a) Week 2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1: $0
Day 2: $45
Day 3: $0
Day 4: $0
Day 5: $97
Day 6: $120
Day 7: $0
Average: $37.43
4b) My behavior project has been really good so far. I have managed to cut my spending significantly and I think I will continue to use this reinforcer throughout the rest of the project.
5) Removing the “NOs”, observational learning, elicit, emit, DRO, toy time outs, antecedent, target behavior, reinforcer
1.The part of this reading I liked the most was the discussion about removing the no’s when attempting to modify a child’s behavior. I never really understood what could be done to manipulate a child’s behavior especially when they are in their terrible twos stage. It made complete sense to stop with the usage of saying no to the child because they do learn by example and pick up on us constantly telling them no which they return to us. To do that all a parent has to do is create a safe play environment where nothing dangerous can be accessible and everything that shouldn’t be played with up high and out of sight, which will in turn reduce the number of times a parent says no.
2.I liked everything about this section. I did like the fact that it was a shorter read and that the information was quite relevant and easy to understand, I felt that more material could have been added to this section.
3.I will remember that modifying or changing the antecedent can be helpful to change a behavior. It is important to analyze the antecedents and how they interact and effect the target behavior. Figuring out if the antecedent can be changed to help foster the desired changes with the target behavior. Another thing that I will remember is the part about toy timeouts. It is better to put the toy in time out rather than the child so that the toy is the one being punished but also the child understands that the behavior that they emitted was not a desirable one. Putting a child in timeout is a negative punishment by removing their freedom to move about, so instead removing the toy changes the environment and alters the antecedent so that it decrease the likelihood of the undesirable behavior occurring in the future. The last thing I will remember is differential reinforcement of other and how it is used to reduce a behavior by reinforcing another behavior that is incompatible with the undesired behavior. A great example is trying to eat less junk food so placing more fresh fruit that is easily accessible especially when hungry will increase the likelihood of eating fruit which in turn decrease the likelihood of eating junk food.
4.Day 1= 3 cups of vegetables
Day 2= 4 cups of vegetables
Day 3= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 4= 3.5 cups of vegetables
Day 5= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 6= 2 cups of vegetables
Day 7= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Average= 2.7 cups of vegetables
My behavioral change project is going very well considering it has only been the first week of the behavioral intervention with reinforcement. By recording every time I eat vegetables as well as the antecedents that proceed it I found it very helpful to find I tend to eat more vegetables while at school for lunch and at home for dinner because they are readily accessible. By making vegetables more accessible throughout the day I increase my changes of eating vegetables and eating the desired number of 3 cups per day in order to get my reinforcement of Coca Cola. If I continue to write down the antecedents that help my vegetable eating behavior then I can continue to eat less junk food which is the ultimate function of the target behavior.
5.Terms: Target Behavior, Behavioral Intervention, Reinforcement, Antecedent, Emit, Behavior, Negative Punishment, Punishment, Differential Reinforcement of Other
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed learning how to apply these concepts to my life because it helps me improve certain aspects of my life that I want to improve.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t enjoy thinking about how difficult it actually is to achieve success in these situations.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? a) A behavioral hierarchy can be created to determine what events can be used as reinforcers; b) When a variety of reinforcer options exist, it is often a good idea to choose a reinforcer that compliments the behavior you are modifying; c) A behavior chain can be viewed as a series of behaviors where one behavior leads into the next behavior.
4a) Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 20 minutes Day 2 = 30 minutes Day 3 = 20 minutes Day 4 = 30 minutes Day 5 = 0 Day 6 = 25 minutes Day 7 = 25 minutes Average = 21.42
4b) How is your behavior project going so far?
The first week went well but the second week wasn’t as good.
Please continue with your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
5) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Behavioral, reinforcers, behavior
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of this section was the idea of the safe room. We have talked about this once before because Otto said that he did this for his child. I have heard of many parents (even my own) talking about the terrible twos and it is interesting to read that they are just going through this because they are learning by example. During that age the child will be punished a lot by saying no and taking whatever the child is playing with away. It was also interesting to me to see that WE can manipulate our environment to make it how we need or want it to be. I also thought that the examples of eating less junk food were very helpful.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn't find anything in this section very boring because I think that all of these could relate to my life and because of the target behaviors we set a couple weeks ago, I have been trying to eat healthier as well as saving money and not eating out so much. The consequence of this will be to have more money and become healthier as a whole. So this section was very relatable and helpful in many of the aspects.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have talked about antecedents a lot in class throughout the semester and so this section touched up on that topic. We have also discussed how we can change our environment to help accomplish the target behavior. We have also talked about differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) throughout class discussions about how the target behavior can be emitted the most successfully.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Like I stated before, I thought this section related to me a lot because of the examples correlating so much with the target behavior I have set to change. I have actually tried to start changing my antecedents by buying groceries for myself so I don't eat out at restaurants. I have also started to buy foods that have to be put in the oven and baked for awhile so I don't just snack all the time like I used to either on chips or granola bars. My roommates and I are trying to change our behaviors together and have all used DRO to accomplish the goals that we want. We feel reinforced when we decide to eat healthy.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Did I eat out at a restaurant or get delivery
Day 1 = no
Day 2 = no
Day 3 = yes
Day 4 =yes
Day 5 =yes
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average = no
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My project is doing better than I honestly thought it would be. I learned to change my antecedents like this section talked about and have learned that I will obviously eat more in my own home and not order delivery so much when I have foods in the house that I like. If I could change anything about this I would maybe add in working out as well as the eating habits because I feel like each of these go hand-in-hand and could give me the best consequences (saving money and feeling more fit). I would also change an antecedent by going to the bank right when I get off work (waitressing) because it is easier for me to want to get delivery when I have cash and don't have to use my debit card.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
punished, manipulate, target behavior, consequence, differential reinforcement of other behavior, emitted, reinforced, antecedent, behavior
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought removing the “Nos” was an interesting concept because typically we just tell children no, but we do not try to prevent the children from getting into things by removing them from the situation entirely.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything least interesting in this chapter.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In my experience, we have tried to baby proof the house when my little brother was born, but with older kids around it made it hard to make sure that the house was completely baby proofed. As a result, I think my brother heard no a lot.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
At one point the text says to not buy in bulk, but I always have trouble with this because it is so much cheaper to buy in bulk.
I thought that removing the nos was a really interesting concept that I might take into consideration when I have children.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =0
Average =.57
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress? Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
My behavior project involves trying to eat out less. My project is not going as well as I would have liked because food is reinforcing to me, but I am trying to take away the reinforcer without actually having a reinforcer. I think I need to find a way to incorporate a reinforcer into my project. This week is also hard because I do not want to buy groceries before I go home for Thanksgiving break, so I am running out of food which means eating out more.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcer, behavior, no’s,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of this section was the information on parenting. The sections gave so many different examples on how to modify a child's behavior. One of my favorite examples from the section is toy time outs. the section mentioned that instead of punishing the child for arguing over a toy with its sibling, that you punish the toy. The section says that the toy needs to be punished by getting a time out. The next example I thought was interesting was the part about the "terrible twos" In the terrible twos the child's begins to say no to their parents. They start to say no their parents because they learned it from them saying it to them with observational learning.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found everything in this section to be very interesting. I can use all of the information later on in life when I have children of my own. I could also use some of the information from this section in my behavioral change project that I am in right now.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to me and what I already knew in the way that when my younger sister was little she went through the terrible twos and I was there to witness it. She went through pretty much what the section said. She started to say no my parents a lot more often then ever. My parents even mentioned she was going through the terrible twos and it was only a phase. They also mentioned that I went through them as well, but I was worse.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
From reading this section I found that there are two things that relate to my life from this section.
Like I mentioned before my parent went through the terrible twos with my little sister. She always said no to my parents. I now know from this section why she did that. She went through observational learning, and learned no from my parents. The second thing that relates to my life from this section is with Differential Reinforcement of other Behavior. This relates to my life because I might have my brother hide my headphones on a daily basis so that I cant find them and put them on. This is will help me not wear them.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1= 2 hours
Day 2= 1 hour 30 minutes
Day 3= 2 hours
Day 4= 2 hours
Day 5= 1 hour
average= 102 minutes
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress? Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
My behavior change project right now is so far so good. I am actually using my headphones a lot less while I am in public and also while I am in the library. I noticed that I am more distracted by outside sources though which isn't so good, so that may be why I wear my headphones a lot. So I can stay focused and get my work done. I wouldn't change anything if I had to do it again. I am doing every step right and I am documenting all things correctly as well. I have been reinforcing myself very well, and that is what I driving me to stay focused on my behavior change.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
terrible twos, observational learning, behavior,
1. I found that the toy time out concept was very interesting to learn about because I have seen parents do this technique but I guess I never really understood the meaning behind it. Now I can see and understand that instead of punishing the child for doing something inappropriate it is more relevant and better time well spent there is the use of a reinforcement. This is because it changes the environment by removing the antecedent of the toy, whether that toy was being fought over or it was used to hit another child.
2. This question always trips me up because there is usually never anything that I dislike about the reading. I am a new psychology major that came from the business major world so pretty much everything we learn about is really fascinating to me. So, long story short I found everything in this section to be interesting and I can completely relate everything to my life. This was probably one of my favorite reading assignments so far for this class.
3. We have touched on the topic of what an antecedent is and how it relates to psychology in earlier sections. This section was a little different because it put a spin on how a behavioral antecedent interacts with behavioral modification. This section introduced the concept of differential reinforcement of other behavior, this is defined by we can control the environment to reduce the undesired behaviors and we can control the environment so that is consists of the right antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. This is a new way to think about how an antecedent is portrayed in a behavioral setting.
4. I can relate the idea of hiding candy in places that are not in plain sight. Back home my mom always hid the sweets in our house in the most random places, but kept out fruits and vegetables right out on the counter so we would see that first and hopefully that would suffice for the time being. I can also relate to manipulating our environment to get the best possible outcome. Like I stated before, we do have candy in our house but my mom manipulated it so that we have to search for it to get it.
5. Studying More
Day 1= 4 hours
Day 2= 4 hours
Day 3= 3 hours
Day 4= 5 hours
Day 5= 4 hours
Day 6= 4 hours
Day 7= 5 hours
Average= 4.14 hours
5.b. I have seen progress so far in this project. I think that since I have to write down each day how much I have studied has helped motivate me to actually use my free time for good, instead of sitting around doing nothing. I would change the amount of studying I do at one time. I have definitely learned that breaking up study sessions into shorter but more frequent has been most beneficial for me. This is because I don’t get as burnt out as quickly and it has given me the ability to be actually very productive with my free time.
Terms: toy time outs, punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior modification, differential reinforcement of other behavior, elicit.
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting to realize that most people don’t meet their New Year’s Resolutions because they don’t realize how much work and planning it takes. They can’t just set a goal they need to be aware of their behaviors and antecedents in order to be successful.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found it all pretty interesting, I think it gave me new ways to look at my behavior and what causes it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section went back over things we have previously read and discussed in class. Especially about the project and planning out our behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
In this section I can relate observational learning to my job at the daycare easily. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives and mimicking them. How else would a two year old know how to act out going grocery shopping and washing dishes when they’re playing with friends?
I can also relate this section to my behavioral change project, I need to be more aware of the antecedents that cause me to either go to the gym and workout or not.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 34
Day 4 = 17
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 30
Average = 22.2
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I’ve noticed that when I go to the fitness area at my apartment complex my workouts are shorter, I end up having to make myself think of new workouts to do in order to meet my time. I should start going to the WRC more often. Some antecedents I could add to elicit longer workouts would be to plan out a time with a friend to go to the gym, one of my friends is actually a fitness major and I think she would be a good help.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Terms: behavior, antecedent, observational learning, elicit
1) I thought the section on removing the "NOs" was the most interesting section for me to read. I know from experience of dealing with little kids it is really easy when they are emitting a bad behavior to just yell no at them, but this section gave me a new perspective on how to elicit good behavior from children by changing the antecedent of the environment. I also thought it was interesting that if you are making a more positive environment, so you are not yelling no all the time they will be less likely to say no a lot because of observational learning. This information definitely comes in handy when I will have to deal with my own children in the future.
2) I did not find anything non-interesting in this section because I felt like all of the topics were really relevant to my life. As I was reading through the section I could think of times my parents implemented things on my siblings and me, things my teachers used to do, I was noticing behaviors I emit, etc.
3) We have talked about antecedents a lot in previous sections, and how they predict behaviors. This section elaborated on that knowledge though because it talked about how we can change the antecedents in our environment to elicit new behaviors.
4) I do not tend to buy sweets too often, but when I do it is really easy for me to go through them really fast. About a month ago I bought some mini cans of Vanilla Pepsi, and I have used one of the tactics in the reading (putting them in a place that requires more work for me to obtain the drink) to make me drink them less often. Instead of putting the cans in the refrigerator I have them on the top shelf of my closet. This helps me not drink them as often because I kind of forget they are there, and on top of that I like to drink them cold so I have to go through the extra effort of getting a cup and putting ice in it if I want one. It has really worked out for me, and I still have about half of the pack left!
Another thing that related to my life in this reading was the section about toy timeouts. When I was younger and my little sister and I would fight over a toy my mom would just take the toy away saying, "If you guys cannot get along then no one gets to play with this. You can have it back when you learn to play nice." This would calm us down a lot faster because we would want to play with the toy, so we would apologize to each other and share it.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 60 minutes cardio Day 2 = No exercise Day 3 = 30 minutes cardio Day 4 = No exercise Day 5 = 60 minutes cardio Day 6 = No exercise Day 7 = No exercise Average = 21.43 minutes on average
5b) My behavior project is not going too well so far. Last week my average working out time was higher than this week. It is hard for me to fit in the time of working out right now because I have so much extra homework and studying since the semester is coming to an end. I have had to devote a lot more time than usual to project and presentation preparation. I definitely think I would start this behavior intervention at a time when I was less busy ifI could, so I could actually immerse myself into the behavior modification process. I suppose some antecedents I could change would be to only wear "workout clothes" if I am going to workout, not as everyday wear. And set that workout outfit out so I will be more inclined to put it on and workout. I could put an alarm on my phone too that will sound to remind me to go workout.
Terms: toy time outs, behavior, emitting, elicit, antecedent, environment, observational learning, intervention
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
a. What I found really interesting is about removing the Nos. This is because you don’t want the child to be able to say no to you in the future, which will develop an attitude problem. This refers to the ‘Terrible twos.” I also loved about learning about observational learning. This is when you learn by example from our parents and adults in our lives. One way how to remove Nos from the environment is creating a safe room for the child to play. Another part I found interesting was Toy Timeouts. This is about how when a child is being bad like fighting over a toy, instead of putting the child on time out, you would put the toy on time out.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
a. Everything was interesting in this section. I really liked reading about changing antecedants because I didn’t quite understand ways to change antecedants and how we can change our environment, so I am glad I could read about it more so I could understand it. I really can’t find any sections that I didn’t find interesting because I feel that it was very helpful for all of us that want to be parents one day.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
a. I have learned about antecedants in previous chapters of the book and also in Introduction to Psychology. I’ve also heard about terrible twos from my parents when talking about personal experience. Lastly, I have heard about time outs and toy time outs in my parenting class.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
a. I can relate to toy time outs, because my parents would punish me when I was fighting with my cousins for toys they would take away the toy and that taught me the lesson because I really wanted the toy after that.
When talking about changing antecedants, I can relate to when I wanted to eat healthier and not eat junk food or drink soda. It was hard to do because I lived in a household that my parents only ate out all the time. I had to buy my own food since they would buy processed food and made sure I drank water.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention): watching less netflix
Day 1 = 1 hour
Day 2 =2 hours
Day 3 = .5 hours
Day 4 = 3 hours
Day 5 = 1 hour
Day 6 = 5 hours
Day 7 =2
Average = 2.07
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
a. My behavior project is really showing me how changing a target behavior can improve your life. I used to watch Netflix around 3-5 hours a day, and I’ve found by not watching it as much, I am using my time more wisely such as going into extra hours of work, organizing, and getting homework and studying done ahead of time. It has definitely made me feel less stressed.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, toy time outs,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the section regarding removing NO’s was the most interesting. I hadn’t really thought of changing the environment or antecedents so that you don’t even have to tell children no. Anything in the environment that they are in should be considered safe and have a yes associated with it. I wonder why more people don’t implement this strategy so that they could potentially make the terrible 2’s more bearable.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought everything was pretty interesting in this relatively short section because it all related to real life applications.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing that we have been continuously going over the last few readings is the concept of the antecedent, and this chapter continued how we can change the antecedents or environment to modify a behavior. We have also talked previously about how we can change our environment to achieve our target behavior. We also looked again at why people don’t usually reach the goals they set for their New Year’s resolutions.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One part that relates to me was the terrible 2’s because I have a niece who is now 4, but she was 2 a couple of years ago and she was more than a handful. It would have been helpful to understand how to manipulate the environment in that situation. Another thing that relates to my life is not buying quantity. I always seem to buy quantity because it’s cheaper per ounce or gram or whatever the scale is in. However, it could be helpful to buy in smaller quantities to change certain behaviors.
5a) Run 30 minutes a day, four days a week
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 30
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 30
Day 5 = 30
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 17 mins daily
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going well so far because I met my goal this week of running four times a week for thirty minutes so I wouldn’t change anything if I had it do over again. My reinforcement worked well this week and I was pleased when I got it at the end of the week. One antecedent that I could change is by laying my running clothes out every night before I go to bed so I see them the next morning reminding me to run.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, target behavior, modification, reinforcement, environment, New Year’s Resolutions
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part in this section for me was the section about removing the Nos. I thought this section was the most interesting because I have numerous little cousins and I never really thought about how they learned no. I did not connect the two that they are learning by us always saying no! But, by controlling the antecedent we can lessen the observational learning. I wonder if other people know about this because, if they did, I would think they would use it more often to lessen the terrible twos.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything in this section least interesting. This was a pretty short section to read and everything was pretty interesting. Also in this section I felt like we could relate everything to real life situations, so I could see how it could actually work in my life.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what I previously have learned in this book, because had talked about changing our environment to change the behaviors. This section also talked about why people do not reach their new year’s resolutions or goals in general which relates to our behavioral project.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to the terrible twos, because I have babysat and have numerous cousins who all went through that stage. If I would have known now what I did then, it would not have been so frustrating. When talking about eating healthy and having to modify our antecedent, I always had to ask my mom to hid the junk food where I would not find it, this increased my likelihood of choosing healthier food, which then increased my likelihood of reaching my target behavior.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =no
Day 2 =no
Day 3 = 60 mins
Day 4 = 60 mins
Day 5 = 75 mins
Day 6 = 45 minutes
Day 7 =60 minutes
Average = 43 minutes
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
It is going better than I expected. This week I worked out five days and only one of those days did I not get an hour of exercise in. If I were to do it again, I would maybe lessen the goal time of exercise I get in down to thirty minutes instead of an hour. This is my last semester, so I am extremely busy with homework, graduation stuff and attempting to find a job and place to live to get an hour of work out every day in. Some antecedents I could change would be to wear workout clothes only when I am going to work out and not just for lounging clothes, I could set an alarm on my phone to remind me to work out, I could also set my alarm to wake me up earlier in the morning, so I have enough time to walk to class which would give me a little more exercise in the day.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, observational learning, behaviors, environment, modify, target behavior,
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting in this section was re-learning about DRO’s. This was interesting to me because it was nice to have a little refresher to help remind me what DRO’s are. I think it is very interesting to know that we can manipulate the environment we are in.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was really anything that I didn’t find interesting. Reading about the toy timeouts was probably the least interesting because I am very familiar with this technique.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing I can relate to is is the toy timeout. I used to work at daycare and when two kids would fight over a toy we would take the toy away so that neither kid won, but rather they both had to find something new to play with. The second thing I can relate to is reducing the “no’s”. We also did this at the daycare, but instead of making a safe environment, we as staff we told to not use the word no when talk to the children. Instead, we would say “Please don’t do that” or other phrases like that.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention) met workout goal Y=yes N=no
Day 1 = Y
Day 2 = Y
Day 3 = Y
Day 4 = Y
Day 5 = Y
Day 6 = Y
Day 7 = Y
Average = Yes
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going well. It has been a long week of working out and I was very tired, but I am proud of myself for pushing myself to meet my goal of working out 6 days a week. I can already feel the benefits of working out. I feel healthier and more confident.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: DRO, manipulate, environment, toy timeout, reducing the “no’s”
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In section 5.4 I found the toy time outs and removing the no’s one of the most interesting parts. I thought that the toy time outs were interesting because it is an alternative way for parents to get the desired behavior that they want from their children. The toy time outs are when we punish the toy for emitting the undesired behaviors instead of punishing the child because this could result in more frequent times that the child acts out. We have learned that using negative punishment is not a good alternative for reinforcement but in this case we change the antecedent of the fight and then the environment is different for the child. The next interesting part of this section I found was removing the no’s in the environment. As a child goes through their terrible 2’s we obviously feel the need to punish the child by telling them no so they learn not to do or touch things that they should not but this is aversive. Instead of telling a child no and teaching them in an aversive way they suggested not going through this process at all, instead give them a space without any way that they can injure themselves and they can do whatever they want so there is no need to tell their children no.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
One part that I found uninteresting was the DRO or differential reinforcement of other behavior. I feel like we have covered this many times throughout the semester. I do understand the application is has for changing the antecedent because we can change the environment and bring alternative behaviors into the situation. If you had a problem with eating candies at night then you could hide them and instead buy fruits so you would rather snack on those than the candies. Also I found this section really short and I wish that there was a little more content that was involved.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what I already know about behavior modification because when we were in class we discussed removing the no’s with Professor Maclin’s child. It is more interesting when you can hear a personalized story and relate it to what you are learning. I think that this would be a really interesting way to raise a child and hopefully change their behaviors so you do not have to go through the stages of the terrible 2’s. The only downfall I could see with this is if you do not have a space for your child to have his or her own area to let them do whatever they want. Also we have previously learned about DRO’s and how they affect behavior change.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that I can relate to my life is the toy time outs. I do not feel like most parents would think to punish the toy rather than the child, in my case my parents definitely did not know this technic. When my brother and I would fight over a toy that he would inevitably steal from me we would get punished for fighting. I think we could have avoided many unneeded fights and tears if my parents would have used the toy time outs instead of punishing us. The next way that I can relate this section to my life is from the part about not being able to change our environments. I have a good friend that has a really hard time getting along with her roommates but at this point in time she cannot get out of her lease because it is a yearlong and she cannot move away because she is a student here. Instead she puts herself in environments or situations that she can be away from home more often by hanging at her other friend’s houses, working, or studying at the library rather than at home.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention)
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1:15-no
Day 2 =1:00-yes
Day 3 =1:30-no
Day 4 =12:15-yes
Day 5 =12:30-yes
Day 6 =2:00-no
Day 7 =1:30-no
Average = 30%
5b) How is your behavior project going so far. What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I think that my behavioral change project is going pretty well. Personally I am a lot happier because I am actually getting sleep. I think it is helping because I am actually thinking about going to bed earlier and knowing that I will get reinforced at the end of the week is making me want to achieve my goals. Even though I only went to bed on time less than half of the week I would want to change the time because I feel rested way more than I have in about the past 2 months. Some changes that I would make if I wanted to do it again is that I would have probably extended my time to 1:30 because I am a night person and I still feel very rested if I get to bed by 1:30, and I would have achieved my goals about every night besides one. The antecedents that I could change to help my progress would be that I could change my environment I do seem to get better sleep when I am at home in Des Moines at my parent’s house because it is so much quieter there than it is in my apartment complex.
Terminology: Behavior, punish, emitting, negative punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, environment, aversive, Toy Time Outs, Removing the No’s
Section 5.4
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section about removing No's was the most interesting to me. It was interesting to me because I guess I had never really thought about changing the environment compared to trying to modify the actual behavior directly through another tactic. By changing the antecedent, there is no need to tell the child no.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
A part that I did not find interesting in this section is when it discusses differential reinforcement of other behavior. It was mostly uninteresting because of us covering it in previous chapters.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I feel that this section relates a lot to my own personal experiences with younger siblings and having to help raise and govern their behaviors. This section also relates back to previous sections.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that I can relate to my life is the idea of the terrible two's through experiences with my younger siblings, especially my youngest brother. Thinking back to when my youngest brother was two, I wish I would've known what I do now, so then I could have modified the antecedents when dealing with a behavior. Another way this section relates to my life is through toy timeouts. I used to experience this, but now I get to reinforce this with my younger siblings. One of my younger brothers is only a year older than my younger sister, so they usually fight a lot, especially over toys. So either my parents or I have to step in and take away the toy from both of them until they learn to get along.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention).
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = Worked on homework for three hours Day 2 = Worked on homework for three and a half hours Day 3 = Worked on homework for four and a half hours Day 4 = Worked on homework for five hours Day 5 = Worked on homework for four hours Day 6 = Worked on homework for two hours Day 7 = Worked on homework for an hour Average = 3.2 hours
5b) So far it has been working very well. I have been keeping at or above my goal, with the exception of a few days (mostly because of being busy during the weekend). I have had a large amount of homework so that has definitely been motivating me to reach my target behavior. If I could do this experiment again, I would make the goal more specific to certain days and increase the reinforcer.
6) antecedent, differential reinforcement of other behavior, terrible two's, toy timeouts, target behavior, reinforcer
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the examples of the toy time outs and removing the no’s was very interesting to read. I had known about how you can change the environment to change a behavior, but I hadn’t thought about how it relates to the antecedent. Removing the toy from the environment of the fighting children was a whole new way for me to see that situation, instead of punishing the children, the toy was the thing removed. Not punishing the children can be better for them as well. That’s a principle that can be applied to a lot of things, considering punishment doesn’t always work the best to change a behavior. It seems as if changing the antecedent/environment can be a better way to change a behavior because then the thing that’s causing the behavior isn’t even there in the first place.
I also thought reading about the differential reinforcement of other behavior was interesting. I couldn’t quite remember how it worked, but I was glad to have the refresher. I think it’s an interesting concept to try and counter the behavior you’re trying to change. In theory it seems like it would work pretty well, although I haven’t actually tried it.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I really like everything in this section. I liked reading the different suggestions for changing an environment to help elicit the behavior you are trying to change.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had already known that you could change the environment or antecedent to change a behavior, like I mentioned above, but I didn’t know how it related to behavior modification until now. Changing the environment can have a big impact on which behavior you want to emit, and when you shape the environment, it can help elicit your target behavior. I have also learned in previous sections how powerful antecedents can be when it comes to predicting behavior, which is reemphasized in this section.
I had also known that sometimes you just have little to no control over the environment and aren’t able to change it to help elicit certain behaviors. Even when you don’t have control over the whole environment though, there are still parts of it you do have control over, such as suggested in the parole example. Even being able to change just a little bit can still be helpful.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing I can relate to my life is differential reinforcement of other behavior. From experience, it does not benefit me to try and punish myself for a behavior I’m trying to change. So instead, I think I should try using DRO in the future to see how it works. From reading about it I already think it will work better than trying to punish myself. As behaviorists suggest, some sort of reinforcement seems to work better than using punishment.
Another thing I can relate to my life is having little control over my environment. Sometimes, especially as a college student, I don’t have a lot of control over what is going on around me. However, despite that, there are still many other things I can control. I could find other things within that environment that I could change to make sure I can engage in my target behavior.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =1
Average =1.2 times per day where I emotionally/binge ate
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going much better than I thought it would. I’m beginning to learn more about the antecedents and what is causing the emotional/binge eating behaviors I was engaging in. My target behavior is to decrease that type of eating, but including more details. Anyway, the recording is helping me discover the antecedent to the behavior I’m trying to decrease, and now that I’m starting to see the pattern I am able to try and change my environment/antecedents to change the outcome. I think the only changes I would make would be in how I define my target behavior, but I think it is still specific enough for my goals. Some antecedents I could change include eating enough at meals to feel fully satisfied and not like I need to binge eat on something after. I could also change the antecedent by setting gum out on my desk to be readily available to chew instead of going to food.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Terms: antecedent, target behavior, decrease, differential reinforcement of other behaviors, reinforcement, punish, punishment, elicit
Reading Activity Week 13
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedants).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The area I found to be the most interesting was when they were talking about “No” and wanting to limit it in an environment. I thought it was interesting that they made comments of changing the environment so that the parents do not say “No” which will then lead the child to do as their parents did. It was different because usually a person is focused on changing ones behavior, so I thought they would just change the behavior of the child. However, I like that they changed the behavior of the parents to limit that behavior of the child.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting area was the last part talking about environments that are difficult to control. I thought this was the least interesting because I knew this idea that even though an environment is difficult to control there is always something that can be done. This summer was one of those circumstances for me with my job. For me this was just reiteration of information that I already knew from my own experience, but is beneficial to know.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing that I already knew was the concept of observational learning. This was mentioned in other of my psychology classes of how other especially children follow and do what they see. I also, knew that information from my own experience of learning many things throughout my life from my parents like others. Another thing that I knew from this section was the idea of changing the environment to be in favor of the behavior you are wanting to change. I knew this from my experience of being in environments that were not beneficial to me changing my behavior so I had to learn to change them.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section is observation learning and “Toy time outs”. Observation learning was most of my life when I was young. I learned many things from watching what my mother did. Today people make comments about how my mother and I act the same way and that is mostly because I copied many of the actions she uses. For example, I learned my manners of after someone invites myself over to send them a desert. For “Toy time outs” I used this idea when I would teach swim lessons. I would have children fighting over which kickboard they wanted to use. Instead of having all the children sit out I had the kickboards sit out and they did kicking without them.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 30 min meditation, end of day stress level 4
Day 2 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 3
Day 3 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 5
Day 4 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 2
Day 5 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 1
Day 6 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 4
Day 7 =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 1
Average =30 min meditation, end of day stress level 2.857
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
The project is going well, but it could have been better. The meditation has not been a problem attaining each day and I can tell that it is reducing my stress at least at the end of the night. Having to reinforce myself at the end of each week seems like it does not need to be necessary sometimes because I enjoy the meditation. However, I feel that there are other factors throughout my day and at night that can change my stress level. Usually at night I am less stressed than during the day because it is my time to relax. Whereas during the day I am more stressed and I should be more focused on fixing that specific time of stress. I think that my project was too broad and I need to have a more specific target behavior. Overall, I should have focused specifically on my stress than adding in meditation.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms: observation learning, toy time outs, environment, target behavior
1. During this section I thought reading about differential reinforcement of other behaviors was interesting. I like how it uses the environment to get the desired target behavior. Instead of just suffering with temptation of the sweets in the example, they did something to the sweets so it would deter the individual from being able to have it. It is cool to think that all of the behaviors are antecedents to other behaviors.
2. I really did not find anything to be uninteresting in this section. I feel like during the whole section there was meaningful information about changing antecedents and the environment. I could not even think of something I disliked if I tried because I feel like they all go hand in hand with each other.
3. This relates to what I have already learned about antecedents because it just added onto my understanding of antecedents coming first. I just learned more about how changing the environmental antecedent can change the behavior and ultimately the consequence.
4. Two things from the section I can relate to life are the terrible two’s and saying “No”. I am the oldest in my immediate family with seven siblings. I have gone through many times where my siblings have been in the “terrible two’s” and some are worse than others. As long as you disrupt the operant behavior like fighting right away it is not so bad. However, along with the “terrible two’s” comes the word “No”. I’ve realized from this chapter that it is not just because all kids say no during that period of time, but because that is a lot of what the parents are saying to them. They are just taking part in observational learning. Saying “No” by children happens a lot in my family.
5a. Week 2 (drinking one pop a week)
Day 1: 2
Day 2: 3
Day 3: 0
Day 4: 3
Day 5: 0
Day 6: 0
Day 7: 1
Average: 1.28 glasses a day
5b. The project is going well because my average since last week has gone down! However it is very difficult for me because I work around a pop machine all day with free drinks and water is not a fast option unless I want to walk down the hallway. It is difficult for me to drink water there when I need to have a quick break. I think I am going to bring the water bottle to work like I do but instead of leaving it in the back room I am going to put it under the counter where I am working so I can take a quick drink when I need to. It would help me progress because it would eliminate the temptation of emitting the wrong behavior of drinking pop.
Terms: differential reinforcement of other behaviors, target behavior, behavior, antecedent, consequence, disrupt the operant behavior, observational learning, emit
What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the part about removing the “NOs” the most interesting, mostly because I have a cousin that, although five now, still appears to be stuck in her terrible twos. She is constantly telling my aunt “No”. I never really thought about the fact that it could be observational learning, but it would make sense since kids tend to mimic everything around them. I feel like by removing the “NOs”, the environment would be much more positive, and maybe even reinforce the child and parent alike.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I really did not find anything least interesting in this section. I found this section to be relatable, because I have worked with kids since I was 14.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have already talked in class a little about changing the antecedent. I think that without noticing it, it is something that we have been apart of. I also have talked about observational learning in my other classes.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that I can relate to from this section was changing the antecedent. We have an extra room in our apartment that is technically my fiancés. They were using it as a game room, until our roommate basically took over the room as his own. So, we moved the gaming stuff out and put a desk in there. Now it is a room for studying.
Another thing that I can relate to is the example used for differential reinforcement of other behavior. Except, the one with the treat issue is my cat. We made the mistake of training him to come to bed with the sound of the treat bag, and over time he got fat. He even learned where we kept them and tore the bag open, eating most of them. We decided that he needed a diet. So now, in order to get him to go to bed, we lure him in with one of his toys, which also gives him exercise.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 12 minutes
Day 2 = 12 minutes
Day 3 = 15 minutes
Day 4 = 0 minutes
Day 5 = 15 minutes
Day 6 =0 minutes
Day 7 = 15 minutes
Average = 9.857 minutes
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
When I started, my target behavior was to run 30 minutes five times a week. I underestimated how difficult this would be, especially for someone who hasn't ran since like high school. Instead, my target behavior is still to run five days a week, but my goal was to increase it five minutes each week, and be able to keep that constant for three or more times. By doing this, my project is going much better than it was when my goal was 30 minutes each time. I think that if I did this again, I would try to find a better reinforcer. Because I feel like I am running such short times, sometimes it doesn't seem worth it to even bother leaving my apartment to go run, and I think that part of that is that my reinforcement is strong enough. I would also try to be more realistic about what I can do. I think I liked the idea of running that much, but I couldn’t physically do it.
Terms: observational behavior, antecedent, differential reinforcement of other behavior, target behavior, reinforcer, reinforcement
1) What did you FIND interesting in the section? Why?
I found the treat part to be interesting, yet useful. This is due to the fact that I sometimes have problems with eating too many sweets when they're put right in front of me. In this case, I will make sure that someone else hides them, or I will only buy enough for the time being so I will have to go to the store to get more.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I wouldn't say there was anything in this section that I could find uninteresting. Most of it explained helpful scenarios in which you could help change the environment/antecedent in order to benefit your behaviors.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what we have been talking about all semester, which is antecedents. This section just helped to explain how you can set an antecedent in a given situation in order to help your behavior in the long run.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to observational learning, because I am a person that has to learn things hands-on instead of following by how I am told. This occurred a lot at a young age, whether it was climbing on the counters, hopping fences, etc. I can also relate to the eating sweets portion of the section, because I tend to eat a lot of sweets when they are around. For this reason, I will either have someone hide the treats, or I will have to go to the store to get more.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to CONTINUE collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Attend Class for the rest of the semester
Day 1 = n/a
Day 2 = n/a
Day 3 = n/a
Day 4 = Yes
Day 5 = n/a
Day 6 = n/a
Day 7 = n/a
Average = Attended the one class available
5b) How is your behavior project GOING so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to HELP your progress?
I would say that my behavior project is coming together very well. So far I have attended every class since setting this goal. If I were to do this again, I would set this goal earlier on in the semester in order to get more attendance points. I could help my antecedent of going to class by eating lunch in Cedar Falls, which sets me up for attending the class since I would be in town.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Antecedents, environment, observational learning
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedents).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought this whole chapter was very interesting. I thought I could relate to a lot of the topics with being a nanny, dad on parole and always wanting sweets. Changing the environment is something people don't always go to first to change behavior but it is a powerful way to increase the frequency of the target behavior.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn't find anything in this chapter the least bit interesting.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have gone over all of these topics/terms in this class: Antecedent. Behavior. Consequence. Target behavior. Reinforcement. Punishments. Emit. Elicit. Reduce a behavior by reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with the undesirable behavior. People are unable to meet their New Year's resolutions.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I nanny for three children and one is most definitely going through the stage called the “terrible twos” where he constantly says no to everyone. He has observed this in his learning because us adults are continually saying no to him. I will now try to create an environment where I can remove the nos. I will then be able to control the environment and emit the behaviors the child was doing by creating a safe and appropriate environment. My dad is on parole and I am always aware of how he is creative in the ways to control his environment. I always want sweets and it's hard to cut back when you have roommates that bake all the time. All those ideas on how to change the environment are all behaviors that I could try at home.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = none
Day 2 =ate 1 cookie
Day 3 =none
Day 4 =none
Day 5 =ate three bites of the sea food special
Day 6 =none
Day 7 =ate two french fries
Average = 2.3, 3 times a week
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
It is actually going better than I thought. I worked four times this past week and cut back on my eating at work but still sneaked some bites in there, one day I worked and didn't eat anything. This was good! Although I don't want to eat at all when I'm at work, this week compared to my baseline had fewer amount of food which is also good. I feel as though If I could do it again I would have more of my staff aware of what I was trying to do and have them help me towards my goal. It's hard to change the environment at work because there is always food at a restaurant but I could ask my managers to hide the food from me or simply remove it from the server station and keep it in the kitchen or the dish room to be thrown away this would help my progress. Also the staff could put the food away right away instead of leaving it out being easily assessable for everyone. This way I would have to get it out if I really wanted to eat.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent. Behavior. Consequence. Target behavior. Reinforcement. Punishments. Emit. Elicit. Observational Learning.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-Removing the antecedent. Removing an antecedent can stop the behavior and consequence and is way where you are punishing the person but the object or situation.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-DRO, other material was more interesting and I think it is actually hard to coordinate the example in a real situation unless your roommates personalities were suited for it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Antecedents is a previous concept from prior chapters.
“Terrible twos” was talked about in developmental psychology.
Observational Learning talked about in other classes
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- Removing something from the environment and changing the antecedent can be used when I have kids.
- The example with the roommates and sweets I could try to use since I am trying to eat better and have three roommates.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0 miles
Day 2 = 2 miles
Day 3 = 0 miles
Day 4 = 2 miles
Day 5 = 0 miles
Day 6 = 0 miles
Day 7 = 2 miles
Average = .86
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
-Not as good as I hoped, homework, my job, and plain lack of commitment has made my results not work as well as I like. Hard to use leisure time as a reinforcer when you don’t have time for leisure time anyway. Would use a different reinforcer of goal that can be used with any type of schedule.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
reinforcer, antecedent, observational learning, goal, punishment, behavior, consequence, DRO
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the idea of a toy timeout very interesting. As a child I never experienced this and therefore as an adult I would never have thought of just removing the problem toy instead of removing the misbehaving child.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Overall this was a very interesting chapter. I can’t think of a part that was less interesting than any other.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In a previous reading we had touched on the idea of differential reinforcement of other but this chapter went deeper into the subject.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I believe that I will integrate the idea of a safe play room and the toy time out into my parenting style when I become one. They seem like easy techniques to utilize. I also recognize the changing of the antecedent in when I am trying to lose weight. I will remove all junk food from my house so it is out of sight out of mind.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2040 Cal
Day 2 = 3645 Cal
Day 3 = 1735 Cal
Day 4 = 2451 Cal
Day 5 = 1930 Cal
Day 6 = 1840 Cal
Day 7 = 2256 Cal
Average = 2272 Cal
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
Overall I think it’s being effective. I did have one day that I was way over my goal for Calories but I attribute that to stress. I indulged that day to help alleviate that stress. Days that I was not healthy I didn’t get to use Netflix which was effective at first. Later I just was happy watching whatever was available to me though so a new punisher might be needed.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
Terms/ behavior, punisher, reinforcement, differential reinforcement of other
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting was the idea of toy time outs. I found this interesting because it punishes the toy, an inanimate object, instead of the children. It also changes the environment that removes an antecedent of fighting, and instead elicits wanted behaviors from the children. Perhaps if this technique is used moving forward it would allow a particular behavior to become extinct, as the kids may go through the extinction burst of trying to get the toy back and stop fighting and make everything great, and once this has been conditioned, the kids will no longer fight over toys because they lose them.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the part on differential reinforcement of other behavior to be the least interesting. The way I understood this section was that instead of emitting an undesired behavior, a person would be reinforced by doing something else. So instead of eating Kwik Star food five days in a row, the person would instead by easy inexpensive microwavable meals that they are being reinforced to eat those by time and cost instead of visiting the gas station for supper.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section builds on how to reinforce desired behaviors instead of punishing, and even gives a few new outs on how to reinforce a person even if it is indirectly. It also builds on the ideas of behaviorists in that punishment is not the proper method to changing behaviors, but instead it is reinforcement that is crucial to changing behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life are toy time outs. This is something that didn’t happen with my younger siblings, and when my sister would fight with any of my older brothers my stepmom would always take her side and punish my brother. Instead of ridding the house of the fighting, she taught my sister to scream and get her way. This was another reason why I found this interesting.
Another thing that I found relevant to my life is me changing my swearing habits. This section brings about thoughts on how to reinforce different behaviors or to change the antecedent to bring about the best possible results.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2** = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4** = 2
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7** = 15
Average = **(17/3)** = 5.67
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I would say my behavior project has been going well minus the one hiccup of this past Sunday. This passed meeting was not a normal one, it was elections and I was frustrated with some of the outcomes, hence the high number. But the other meetings have been going well and I have maintained a consistently low number of swear words.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Punishes, environment, elicits, antecedent, behavior, extinction, extinction burst, conditioned, differential reinforcement of other behavior, reinforced, emitted, behaviorists,
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedents).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-I find it interesting that we are able to emit different behaviors and change our environment to change our antecedents. I believe that there may be a solution to many issues when we are trying to modify several behaviors. I would like to have a better understanding on how to change environments so I can easily modify behaviors but I know it may take a while and some practice before it comes natural to me. I really liked the idea of changing the environment for two year olds during their terrible twos. It is definitely true that most people are used to saying “no” and children learn that behavior very quickly. I never really thought about how we are able to manipulate the environment in different ways to be able to control your antecedents. I liked to DRO section of the reading because it is definitely a great way to modify behaviors but we don’t think of them as behaviors or think of DRO’s often.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-I find it very interesting that we can change the antecedents to modify behaviors but I feel like I have not had enough practice with doing this so it was hard to think of my own ways to change environments.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned?
-Changing the environment changes antecedents
-Children learn from observational learning
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I use DRO’s more often than I thought
-I never thought about DRO’s so it was also hard to fulfill the wanted task.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 32.4 oz Day 2 = 16.2 oz Day 3 = 48.6 oz Day 4 = 16.2 oz Day 5 = 40.4 oz Day 6 =24.2 oz Day 7 = 48.4 Average = 32.34 oz
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
-My project was really difficult to measure before because I felt like I constantly had to measure my milk intake. I also found that some foods were weird to combine with milk so at some points I had to sacrifice drinking milk towards my project goal. I ended up getting a new insulated water bottle and was able to measure my milk by the size of the water bottle and since it kept my milk cold, it was really nice to be able to just drink of out of rather than having to keep going to my fridge to get cold milk. I also was able to measure how much milk I drank while eating cereal by using a measuring cup and then putting the milk in a bowl afterwards. I felt weird measuring my milk intake but then it started to become easier to do and I was more likely to drink milk because it was finally cold milk and easier to measure. Before, I felt like it was such a hassle to try and measure it constantly. I was being asked by my boyfriend why I kept drinking milk and he started to drink milk with me and even started drinking chocolate milk too which reinforced me to drink more milk. We kind of had a mini competition on milk drinking during dinner one night! Having someone else doing the same behavior as you is always comforting and it made me want to continue drinking milk since he is too.
6) emit, behaviors, environment, antecedent, modify, terrible twos, manipulate, DRO, reinforce
What did you find most interesting about this section?
Well first off I have to say I really enjoyed the portion of the reading regarding toy time outs. Never before had I heard of such a concept but I thought it was a very effective way of handling such a difficult situation. As a teacher, when you see two students fighting over a toy, who is at fault? Who can you condemn for the fight? Instead of punishing one student or the other, by removing the toy and placing it in time out, you are removing the antecedent. I had not thought of the the idea that a toy could be used as the antecedent for a situation but it makes perfect sense! As a future parent and educator I think that this is an effective method of teaching the child the concept of sharing, and if a toy or object cannot be shared, then it will be removed, thus punishing both students. By removing the desired object, both students are indirectly punished, therefore removing the feelings of resentment and anger directed at fellow peers and/or the teacher. I feel that this is a concept I could apply to my future teaching, seeing as how I will have to be able to monitor behaviors of my students. Through this reading I see that one direct way I can affect the behavior of my students is by providing a positive atmosphere and a safe environment. Eliminating any possible “no” situations will assist in the behavioral development of my students and it will be more effective than merely punishing the students.
What did you find least interesting?
Reflecting upon this reading, I have to say that I don’t really have anything negative to say. Again, another lovely short reading that enabled me to digest the concepts being discussed. The concepts in this reading were very interesting and gave me a new perspective on dealing with potential “no” situations and how to eliminate teaching my students some of these undesirable behaviors.
How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Well, in previous chapters we learned about ways you could change the antecedent (environment) to alter an individual’s behavior. However, this reading really cleared up what the concept of the antecedent all entails. I was unaware that something such as a toy could set the stage as the antecedent, but it made sense after I reflected upon the reading. This reading really stressed the importance of the environment and how it directly affects the behavior, and how if you alter the environment in any way it can have an affect on the behavior being omitted.
Also, the second half of the reading discussing how you can feel powerless in certain environments appeared to be quite common knowledge. I know that there are some environments that I am unable to control, such as my parents house. I know that when I am in their home I must abide by their rules. However, I also know that there are ways I can slightly alter by environment based on elements that I myself can control, as referenced in the parole example. In one of my other psychology classes it talks about how individuals who feel less in control of their lives or environment can cause unnecessary stress which can lead to chronic diseases later in life. Individuals who are of lower socioeconomic status often feel this way which is why it is important that they (as well as everyone else) feel that they can alter at least some aspects of their environment, being them small such as keeping a clean/nice apartment or large such as moving to a new/safer neighborhood.
Based on what you read in this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Look at the reading, I have to say that the first thing that comes to mind is that it is important for me to feel that I have some control over my environment. This semester I am living with my boyfriend and his three roommates and sometimes I feel as though I have very little control of my surroundings. I don’t feel like I can really ask the guys to pick up their stuff since I don’t really live with them, since my boyfriend covers my portion of the rent. However, although I may not be able to control the behavior of the other roommates or control the cleanliness of their personal spaces, I am able to control my own behavior and make sure that the space I occupy as well as the common space is at least kept clean/functional. This way my target behavior of doing my homework for school is not affected by a smelly/disgusting apartment.
Another way I could relate this reading to my life is to apply differential reinforcement behavior. Whenever I try to alter a behavior say for example exercising more frequently, using punishment whenever I fail to maintain the workout routine I have is not at all effective. Personally, a way I could apply this reading to my life is by utilizing DRO instead to see how this option would work for me and my situation. After all, the punishment has been proven to be least effective at enforcing change and most effective at developing forms of resentment towards authority or the target behavior in general.
a: Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week’s worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 ( Behavioral Intervention)
Day1: 1
Day 2: 0
Day 3: 2
Day 4: 3
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 2
Day 7: 0
Average: 1.43 times per day that I end up “grazing”
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (Note: Don’t just say “good”. We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I gotta say that my behavior project has been difficult but well worth it. The other day I went to the grocery store in order to have more fruit on hand for my smoothies. My mom would be happy to see that this class enables me to get good use out of the blender she gave me last year for Christmas. By having the resources accessible I can’t use the excuse of “not having anything to make the smoothies with”. Plus, I have asked my roommates to kindly hide their munchy food “out of sight, out of mind”. As I am typing this, sitting at the kitchen table I can’t see any junk food which is a huge improvement. However, walking past biscotti’s has proven to be difficult. I had to change my route to class so I wouldn’t buy any food to snack on. Another way of controlling my environment is that I went and bought gum so now I have that to chew on when I get an urge to graze. After this reading for the week, it made a lot of sense about how antecedents/ environmental factors really affect my behavior. I see already how altering my environment has affected my behaviors and how I have altered my behavior to fit this assignment.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Terms: Target behavior, differential reinforcement, reinforce, antecedent, punishment, baseline,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One of my favorite things to read about in this section was the section “removing the No’s.” I enjoyed this section and it also reminded me of the very beginning of our classes, when you told us that you completely raised your youngest son on behavior modification and part of this was removing all the no’s in his environment. Another thing I found interesting was the differential reinforcement of other behaviors. This was something that I hadn’t ever previously heard of in the past, so I really enjoyed reading about this section as well.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I really liked this section, I felt it rounded out behavior modification and ways in which to best employ this in using this technique. Lastly, the thing that stuck out most in my mind in this section was about changing the environment. In the notes section, it was stated that in order to best change a behavior, a person must first change the environment. I believe that this is something key that I will need to remember for years to come.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing that was widely discussed from this section was the power of changing an antecedent. If a person is able to do something like that, there are much more liked to elicit a more desired behavior. This was something we spent much of our time on at the beginning of the semester and I think it was an important thing to brush up on again.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Since starting this class, one big thing that I have started to do with my nieces is to change the environment. I think that directly relates to removing the no’s. I now try to change the environment so I don’t have to tell them no. The other way this can be related back to my life is trying to change an antecedent to better modify my behavior. I have noticed this especially with our current behavior modification project.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 12,045
Day 2 = 12,805
Day 3 = 14,008
Day 4 = 13,206
Day 5 = 11,688
Day 6 = 13,135
Day 7 = 15,289
Average =13,168
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
So far, I have really enjoyed this behavioral project. I chose to try to make the goal of walking 12,000 steps per day. This week, I was shy of 12,000 one day, but my overall average on the week was just over 13,000 each day. Some antecedents that help my progress are going to the gym and walking to class. This is something that I had always tried to do, but now I find myself making myself do these in order to achieve my goal for each day.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
Terms used: reinforcer, antecedents, elicit, behavior, behavior modification, and differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO).
1. I found interesting this whole section because I see the importance of the antecedents in behavior modification and how changing them can make an impact in the environment and therefore in the behavior as well. I liked the idea of removing the No’s because I have also been trying to work on that so I live in a more positively way.
2. I found the whole section very interesting because it was short and concise so there is no time to get bored reading it.
3. In my opinion this section was relate to the previous ones in which we talked about DRO (differential reinforcement of other behaviors). This is similar to changing the antecedents because what it does is reinforce others behaviors, so in some way you are still changing the environment and modifying the behavior. I also had previously heard about the observational learning and how little kids learn what they see.
4. Since there were a lot of examples in the section I can relate to some of them. I have used the toy time outs before when I have babysat my little cousin and my little neighbors because they use to fight all the time to see who gets the bigger car. And I would relate myself to the removing-candy behavior because I wanted to less candy, so I used to buy smaller portions of candy.
5a. Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2 times
Day 2 = 2 times
Day 3 = 1 time
Day 4 = 0 times
Day 5 = 1 time
Day 6 = 1 time
Day 7= 1 time
Average= 1.14
5b. This behavior project is going well so far. It is something that I have always wanted to do and now I think I am closer to my goal. I still haven’t reached my goal yet of eating healthy food every day of the week but I won’t give up this time because I am really looking forward to that manicure. I have been writing down what time in the day it is more likely for me to eat healthy and I realized it is in lunch time because at the end of the day I rather have something I like better. Therefore I am going to change it this next week so I will try to have my healthy meal of the day at lunch, or at least have some fruit as a dessert so I can reach my goal. I have noticed that it is more likely for me to have fast food during the weekend so I will change the antecedent by trying to maintain occupied during the weekend with different activities.
Antecedents, behavior modification, environment, removing no’s, DRO (differential reinforcement of other behaviors), observational learning, goal.
Section 5.4
1) The one thing that I really liked about this section is the part about removing the “NOs”. I really liked this because it makes a lot of sense. I have seen a lot of kids learn to continually say “No” to just about anything their parent say because they learn it through example which is called observational learning. This can be very harmful if the children are interacting with harmful environments and objects. However, by removing the NOs, the children will be in a safer environment which will elicit them to emit safe behavior.
2) The one thing that I did not really like about this section is the part about DRO because we have already learned this I tend to not read repetitive information.
3) The one thing from this section that I have learned previously is toy time outs. Although I have not actually learned the term toy time outs, but because it is such a normal technique of punishment for kids, it is something that most of us know. Toy time outs is also a way of changing the antecedent and knowing ways to change the antecedent can be very important in controlling the target behavior and eventually modifying the behavior.
4) The two things from this section that I can relate to my personal life are removing the “NOs”, and Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO). I can relate removing the "NOs" to my personal life by relating it to my behavioral intervention project. During my behaivoral intervention project to reduce my spending on shopping a week, I removed the "Nos" so that my project would be more effective and I found out that the "Nos" are definitely a very vital part of my target behavior. As for relating the Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior (DRO) to my personal life, is by how it can be used as a part of the contingency in a behavior intervention project.
5) Week 2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1: $0
Day 2: $45
Day 3: $0
Day 4: $0
Day 5: $97
Day 6: $120
Day 7: $0
Average: $37.43
6) My behavior project has been really good so far. I have managed to cut my spending significantly and I think I will continue to use this reinforcer throughout the rest of the project.
7) Removing the “NOs”, observational learning, elicit, emit, DRO, toy time outs, antecedent, target behavior, reinforcer, punishment
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really liked reading about how it is better to change the environment to modify behavior, because it changes the antecedent. In a way, this almost makes behavior modification seem simpler to accomplish.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The little activity boxes are boring to me because they don’t really help me retain the information anymore than if I didn’t do them.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section brought back up that behaviorists prefer to use reinforcement instead of punishment. We have talked about this in class too. From what I can gather, it is much easier and more motivating to look at modifying behavior as a good thing rather than as a penalty.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This section talks about how children learn from observational learning. I have nephews and a niece all around the age that is talked about in this section, and one day hope to have children of my own. So this will help me in understanding that it is better to remove the No’s from the environment, because otherwise that is what will increase the stage of the “terrible two’s” where children essentially just scream no at you.
This section also talks about disrupting the operant behavior, which means that it is better to change the environment to stop the behavior, which also applies to raising children.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 3
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 4
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average = 2.3
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I have had a little trouble at first, because I used being able to have time designated to play a video game as my reinforcer, however, this doesn’t work well when I don’t have that time to designate because of work and school. When I know I won’t be able to engage in my reinforcer, I just drink the Pepsi anyways. However, later in the week when I have less homework due is when I do better at reaching my goal. So maybe I should see if there is a way to space my homework out differently, that way I have a little amount throughout the whole week, instead of a lot at the beginning and almost none at the end.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Reinforcement, punishment, modifying, behavior, observational learning, environment, disrupting the operant behavior, antecedent
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- The thing that I found to be most interesting was the section on differential reinforcement of other behavior. This involves changing, and controlling our environment to elicit the best possible outcome of emitting our target behavior. I liked this section because it used a good example that I think a lot of us could struggle with, that being junk food. And it explained it in a way that made the idea of differential reinforcement of other behavior both easy to understand and interesting. I also found the tips to the examples to be helpful if I ever wanted to change me eating behavior these are tricks I might use now.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- For this section the thing that I found to be the least interesting was all the text boxes. I understand that asking for examples, and practicing is a good way to review and make sure you understand the material, however I felt that the point could have been understood with one example.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
- this section relates to what we previously have learned because we have discussed in many chapters the ideas of antecedents. We have talked about how antecedents affect behaviors and consequences, but in this chapter we expand on our discussion of antecedents and explain how we can change them.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- one thing that relates to my life is this idea of removing the NO’s. I don’t have a kid but my roommate did just get a young kitten. Normally we leave some of our junk laying around and we have to constantly take things away from him and tell him no, but by removing some of these things and adding other toys that he can play with instead then we can reduce the No’s and keep everything safe. Another thing I can relate with is the Differential reinforcement of other behavior. like the example this section used I have roommates who eat a lot of junk food. While we are all health, I still like to try to eat on the healthier side, but it is hard to do when I open my fridge and see frozen pizzas and hamburgers.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2 hours
Day 2 = 2 hours
Day 3 = 30 min
Day 4 = 1 hour
Day 5 = 1 hour
Day 6 = 0 hours
Day 7 = o hours
Average = .9 hours
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
- so far things are going a little rocky, I have being trying to elicit myself to exercise more but I have been faced with some set backs, such as school and work. However when I am able to exercise and reward myself I feel good, reinforced and motivated to continue to work towards my goal.
Terms: Differential reinforcement of other behavior, target behavior, elicit, emit, behavior, antecedent, consequences, reinforced, reward, NO’s, environment, reinforcement.
Section 5.4
1.) What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I found it interesting to think about ways in which we can change our environment to elicit certain behaviors, and inhibit other behaviors. I found this interesting because I think it's common sometimes to feel that they have no control over certain aspects of their lives. This section really put it into perspective that certain aspects of our environments can be altered so that differences in behaviors can happen.
2.) What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn't find anything uninteresting in this section. I felt it to be an easy, good read. I thought it made some really good points.
3.) How did this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section was the same as what I've learned previously since I have taken this class before. Nothing in this section was new to me, but I was able to think of new ways I've seen these things happen in my life or in the lives around me.
4.) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing I thought about when I read this section was my old job. I used to work with recovering addicts and alcoholics. It's interesting because the relapse rate is very high. One thing that was very common for the clients to say was that it's hard for them to leave treatment and go back to the same streets they came from. So many of them go right back to the same neighborhoods they came from, so they know exactly where to go to get drugs and the majority of their "friends" are other users. The clients really felt powerless. We tried to work with them on changing things in their environments to help elicit healthier behaviors and to help facilitate them spending time with healthier individuals. However, it's usually just easier for them to go back to what they know and what they're familiar with, so unfortunately, many of them relapsed.
Another way this relates to my life is with my current living situation. I have an awesome roommate, but we both hate to cook. We've lived together now for almost two years. I've tried dieting several times while living with her because I know my eating habits have gotten bad since living with her, but it's so hard because she usually gets fast food almost every single day. And then at the times I'm feeling weak, she uses that as an opportunity to convince me to go get food with her and then I end up ruining my whole attempt to change my eating habits. It's hard because we've both at times reinforced each others' bad habits. So, I've struggled to make those changes in my environment so that I can implement a diet plan and actually stick to it.
5a.) Week 2
Day 1 = 30 minutes.
Day 2 = 0 minutes.
Day 3 = 0 minutes.
Day 4 = 1 hour.
Day 5 = 35 minutes.
Day 6 = 45 minutes.
Day 7 = 1 and a half hours.
Average = 37.14 minutes.
5b.) My behavior project didn't do well this week and I can actually tell. I haven't been feeling very well and I've been having really bad anxiety. I've noticed a change in my attitude which is a result of me just not taking care of myself. This is why I chose this to be my behavior project because I know it's hard on me when I don't take time to myself often enough because of my issues with anxiety, etc.
TERMS: Reinforce, elicit, behavior, environment,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part in the section to me was about removing the NOs. I found this as the most interesting part of the section because of how it related to the class. I remembered how you said you had raised your son by this idea of emitting NOs from his daily life. How a person learns by example in observational learning rather than learning by punishment just sounds like the better option to me.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of this section was Differential Reinforcement of Other behavior. The reason this was the least interesting part of the section was because of how much it was like some of the other chapters we have read. We talked earlier about how undesired paired with the behavior we are trying to reduce will work well, and this was similar.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what I have already learned because, like I said earlier, removing NOs was talked about in class. This makes a lot of sense to me now, but it hasn't always been the most clear part of the class. I used to think that removing NOs applied to everything, like training dogs. Because of this, every time you would mention giving a dog a firm NO, which really confused me.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life from this section are controlling environments and DRO. Controlling environments relates to my life because it is something I need to deal with every day. I have to wash my dishes to prevent my roommates from getting mad. DRO relates to my life because I stop myself from buying popcorn every time I go to Hyvee so I won't be able to eat popcorn for a snack at night.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1 hour
Day 2 = no
Day 3 = 1 hour
Day 4 = no
Day 5 = no
Day 6 = 1 hour
Day 7 = 1 hour
Average = 4 out of 7
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going about how I thought it would go but I think I may be plateauing. I'm starting to think that I may not have picked the best behavior because I am finding it tough to go workout more than 4 times a week. When I am not too tired to go, I am stuck working or doing homework at the best times to go.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
emitting, observational learning, punishment, differential reinforcement of other behavior, undesired
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section about changing the antecedent to be interesting. I suppose I had not thought that the environment could play such a large role in certain behaviors. I did not know that the environment could trigger a maladaptive behavior due to past experience.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
At the very end, in the summary section, it states that the environment should always be considered when manipulating behaviors. I feel that this is useful information but that it is not always practical. Yes, it is possible to change the antecedent in certain situations but it can be seriously limited. For example, in the reading there was mention of a parolee living in a section of town filled with multiple parolees. The parolee has limited ways to change the environment. Yes, the individual can move out of the environment as much as possible but where are the funds for transportation coming from if they cannot find employment due to his or her status as a ‘parolee’? I feel that in certain situations outside agencies need to be called in to assist individuals with either changing their environment completely or working to limit an individual’s exposure to his or her maladaptive neighborhood.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
In previous sections I learned about differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO). I vaguely remember learning about this term at the beginning of the semester. Working with a compatible or incompatible environment is an interesting concept. If you pair the environment with a specific behavior it is amazing how much it can increase or decrease the desirable versus undesirable behavior patterns of an individual.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I found it hilarious when I read the example of Calhoun and junk food. This must be a common issue because I definitely have this same issue. I wonder if my horrid eating habits are affecting my roommates in any way. I can specifically remember, one moment at least, where I was eating popcorn and my roommate told me that she was hungry too and then grabbed a snack. I truly hope I am not encouraging snacking with my stress eating behaviors.
Another way I found this material similar to my life was when I read the part about saying “no.” Rather than explicitly stating that my clients, who consist of mentally and physically disabled individuals, cannot do something I must strongly suggest (i.e. prompt) them to try another route. For example, one of my clients likes to spend money that she does not have. She does not like the concept of saving her money but her guardian would like us, as Direct Support Professionals, to have her save the money she receives and/or earns. I am not allowed to tell her “no, you cannot spend money on this item,” because of she has the fund she can spend them on the items she wants. The issue is that she likes purchasing yarn rather than saving up for something nicer. I have to indirectly prompt her to save her money and oftentimes she refuses to listen to my suggestions. Maybe applying behavior modification strategies will help with changing her maladaptive behavior style.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 2 hrs.
Day 2 = 0 hrs.
Day 3 = 0 hrs.
Day 4 = 2 hrs.
Day 5 = 1 hr.
Day 6 = 1.5 hrs.
Day 7 = 0 hrs.
Average = .92 hrs. (55.2 min.)
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going poorly. The past month has been stressful and I have not coped well with the strain on my school life, work life, and social life. I tried to recall the exercise that I accomplished, but work and class, as well as weather, got in the way of my usual exercise routine. I have also recently developed a cough which makes it difficult to exercise without having to take a break every five minutes or so to have a coughing fit.
Terms: antecedent, environment, influence, maladaptive behaviors, experience, limitations, DRO, exposure
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found really interesting was that changing the environment can be a simple behavior to avoid emitted the undesired behavior. And this doesn’t need to be done all by yourself. If your roomie is displaying a behavior that is very tempting to the target behavior you’re trying to decrease, you can tell your roomie to hide their snacks (example).
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I didn’t think anything was uninteresting because it was all very applicable to my life.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- I had previously talked about DRO’s in another section and we have been learning all semester that the antecedent of a behavior is extremely important because it gives us a clue as to why we elicit certain behaviors. This is useful when making your functional assessment.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I related to removing the candy bowl with a fruit bowl to decrease my candy consumption. I have a terrible sugar addiction and I’ve tried this in the past. It did help but sometimes stress gets the best of me and I cave in to the candy temptations. Another way I related to this section was toy time outs. I’ve seen while volunteering at a daycare that removing the stimulus that was creating a problem was better than fully punishing the child, or children. The least amounts of times we punish the child, the better. We want to reinforce more than punish. Although this is negative punishment (because we’re removing the toy from the situation), it doesn’t hurt the child’s feelings.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 42.25 fl oz
Day 2 = 33.8 fl oz
Day 3 = 42.25 fl oz
Day 4 = 42.25 fl oz
Day 5 = 53.8 fl oz
Day 6 = 33.8 fl oz
Day 7 = 42.25 fl oz
Average = 41.48 fl oz
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
- My behavior project is going alright. Last week was a very stressful week so I didn’t do as well as I wanted to. Staying hydrated at work can be difficult because I’m really busy during the whole time. A change I would’ve made is to bring three water bottles with me to school and work and be sure to drink them all by the end of the night. That in itself is a type of antecedent because I’m preparing for the day by bringing the water with me and making it convenient. Another antecedent would be to just have water available everywhere I go so that I can’t make up an excuse.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
- Environment, behavior, emit, target behavior, decrease, DRO’s, elicit, antecedent, functional assessment, reinforce, negative punishment
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found the section about removing the “No’s” from a child’s environment to decrease the behavior of the the child having a “No” phase interesting. I found this interesting because it could also be possible to raise a child to not have other certain problematic phases (the “mine” phase, the rebellious teenager phase)
2) What did you find least interesting? Why? I didn’t find anything uninteresting, but something that did confuse me is the section about toy time outs. The section says that this is done in opposed to punishing the child, but wouldn’t this be punishing the child?
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? The importance of antecedents while modifying behavior has been discussed in previous chapters. Also, using DRO to reinforce a behavior that conflicts with an undesired behavior that would have been modified with punishment has been talked about in previous chapters
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
From being around children, I have witnessed the “No” phase and also the “Mine” phase. I also realized that these phases were brought on from observable learning where the child learned these behaviors from the adults. Also, changing the environment to change what you are eating relates to my life. When my whole family was trying to eat healthier, we went through our cabinets and gave away all of the foods that we would rather not eat, and bought healthier food to change our diets.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of baseline data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1.25 mi
Day 2 = 1.5 mi
Day 3 = 1.5 mi
Day 4 = 2 mi
Day 5 = 0 mi
Day 6 =0 mi
Day 7 = 1.25 mi
Average= 1.07 mi
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I’m not running as much as I would like to be, but how much I am running is better than not running at all. Something that I can’t change and that I will have to deal with is the weather because it’s been rainy and a cold in the morning (though I could run on a treadmill inside). Over all, I have improved since the beginning.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Environment, Behavior, Antecedents, DRO, Punishment, Reinforcement, Toy Time Out
1. The most interesting thing in this section to me would be about Toy Time Outs. This is where instead of having the kid misbehaving with the toy having to be punished, instead you turn it on the toy. I don’t know if this is what they mean in the book, but what I would say is that the toy needs a time out from play times because it doesn’t like being miss used.
2. The least interesting this that I read about in this section would be about Premack Principle. This wasn’t very interesting to me because we have done two assignments over this already so it’s just getting boring to learn about the same thing over again with the same type of definitions and examples.
3. Some things from this section that relate to what I already have known is Primary and Secondary reinforcements. Primary reinforcement is for example water food air or even sex while secondary reinforcements are learned for example an ice-cream cone gif card.
4. Based on what I read from the section that I read today some things that I can relate to my life would be removing the NO’s and about DRO which stands for differential reinforcement of other behavior. Removing no’s from the environment for children will make my life better when it comes to terrible twos because they won’t be able to tell me no as much because I’m not telling them no. Why some people with DRO is because they don’t realize in the first place that it takes a lot of work to modify a behavior. Most fill also fail because they don’t put enough effort into it to succeed.
5a. Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = zero calls
Day 2 = zero calls
Day 3 = one call 45 mins
Day 4 =zero calls
Day 5 =zero calls
Day 6 = zero calls
Day 7 = zero calls
Average = one call 45 mins
5b. my behavior project is going okay so far. I mean this because I didn’t get my weekly goal but I did get one pretty decent long call to her. Some antecedents I might add into my behavior project is to make sure to make double alarms so that way if I shut it off at one time because I am busy then at the other times I will most likely not be as busy.
6. terms: toy time outs, Premack Principle, behavior project, antecedent, interventions, primary reinforcements, secondary reinforcements, Removing the NO’s and about DRO
Section 5.4
1.) The most interesting in this was the references to parenting. I liked the way the toy had the time out instead of the child as this makes it more positive instead of negative. I feel that this would work exceptionally for my child, as she does not like being told she can’t do anything. She is more acceptable of one thing being taken from her.
2.) I was very interested in everything that this section said. It was not long enough to become disinterested, and there was only one section to read. This made it much easier.
3.) This section revolves around antecedents and how one can change their environment to have a better outcome with their behavior. It also touches on operant conditioning and dabbles in target behaviors and certain reinforcements.
4.) I can relate to the parenting techniques that were used, as I am a parent myself. In fact, I plan to use the time out toy on my child in the future. I also plan on using the removal of no’s on my next child, should that EVER happen.
5.) A. Day 1 and Day 7 I went to Yoga
Day 2-6, I was sick and unable to attend.
B. This led me to change my target behavior and say that I will attend Yoga 2 days a week (Saturday and Sunday) for 1 hour. I plan on having my child picked up before I go, so that I am not late as they will lock the door and not allow you to participate. All in all, my project is going okay. I am making strides and a conscious effort to attend. As long as I am not late, and am healthy I should not have a problem keeping up.
6.) Target Behavior, Antecedents, Operant Conditioning, Consequences, Reinforcement
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the section on removing “no” from the environment was very interesting. I have discussed this issue in other classes and have come up with similar ideas but often has one or two different components to it.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on differential reinforcement of behavior to be least interesting because I am not entirely sure I understand it yet. In my behavioral modification project I tried to use differential reinforcement of behavior but the convenience of eating out outweighs any reinforcement I can think of at this point.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
As I mentioned earlier I had discussed removing “no” from the environment in other classes such as developmental psychology. In almost all of my classes it has been agreed on that the target behavior is not elicit the behavior of telling the children no but in this classes it has also been discussed that there are times it is very essential to tell children no. These would be times of danger to themselves or others. For example if a child walks out into the street you might need to pull them back and tell them no but then an explanation is required to help them comprehend why that behavior should be extinguished.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to me life is not always being able to control the antecedent. I feel as though I am struggling with in my behavioral modification project because of my schedule I am not able to change the most essential part of being able to cook at home, being at home. The second thing that relates to my life is the suggestion of putting candy bars in the freezer to reduce the behavior of eating sweets but I know for a fact that this does not work for some people because my father puts candy bars in the freezer so he can eat them frozen.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =Cooked at home
Day 2 =Went out to eat
Day 3 =Went out to eat
Day 4 =Went out to eat
Day 5 =Went out to eat
Day 6 =Cooked at home
Day 7 =Cooked at home
Average =Out to eat 4 nights
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavioral project is not going very well. I did not realize how little time I spent at my apartment until I started tracking the behavior of when I eat at home or not. The times I am at home for dinner, for the most part, I cook for myself but it turns out I am almost never home before 9PM. This concerns me because maybe I am starting to get worried that I am over working myself and eating out is normally not very healthy so that is not helping keep me healthy either. I think if I were able to spend more time at home I would cook more often but because of my schedule it is not realistic for me to change that antecedent currently. I have tried to think of creative ways to manipulate my environment such as making my lunch but by the time I get home I do not have the desire to do it and I leave my house by 7:30 every so I do not want to wake up and do it.
6) Terms: behavior, antecedent, target behavior, behavioral modification project, extinguished, developmental psychology, manipulate, differential reinforcement of behavior, elicit, reduce
1)I liked the whole section because I think it was full of useful information and some tips for my life such as the toys time out and removing the “NOs”. I especially liked those two because I found them really useful to avoid some uncomfortable situations with kids and to be more confident about your parenting and teaching skills when handling situations.
2)There was nothing that I did not like and that I did not find interesting, I felt engaged with the whole section.
3)It talked about how changing the antecedent, the environment we can change behaviors and that was something we have already covered in past sections of this course.
4)The two things from the section that relate to my life are observational learning and environment. Observational learning is what we all have been exposed while we were growing up and depending on the relationship that we had with the person that performed those examples we have acquired them as rules that we follow because we thing those rules are the right thing probably just because we know that the person who performed them would have not done it if they were not the right thing to do. The second thing that relates to my life is environment. Depending on whether the reactions and the behaviors we emit are pleasurable or aversive we are going to shape our behavior modifying it to make it acceptable for us and others and this all depends on the environment the behavior is taking place and the answer that are being emitted.
5a) Day 1= No junk food
Day 2= No junk food
Day 3= No junk food
Day 4= Junk food (cinnamon roll and chips)
Day 5= No junk food
Day 6= No junk food
Day 7= Junk food (Pizza and burger)
Average= 1 day junk food
5b) Even though sometimes I am being tempted to eat junk food I think about my goal which I have on a piece of paper on my wallet so every time I open it to get money I see the paper and I stop myself if I was going to buy junk food. I think that the strategy of the paper on the wallet is working perfectly and I do not need to do anything else as long as it works this way almost always. Something I could change and do more often is to have fruits on my bag or any healthy snack so when I am hungry I can eat the fruit or the healthy snack so I do not need to go to the store where all the temptations are emitting the desired behavior.
6)Terms and terminology used: Antecedent, environment, behaviors, observational learning, toys time out, removing the “NOs”, pleasurable, aversive, emitted, reactions examples.
1. I found DRO to be very interesting in this section. I know we've discussed it before, but it is really cool to look at not only changing antecedents, but create antecedents that reinforce behaviors that are supporting our goal, and not ones that reinforce the target behavior we're trying to eliminate.
2. The least interesting part for me would be just changing antecedents, only because we've discussed that a little bit more than DROs.
3.This chapter expands more on the idea of antecedents, and taking our knowledge of antecedents and their power over behavior. If we change the antecedents, we can create ones that make our target behaviors more or less likely. We also revised DROs, and how those can help decrease behaviors we don't desire.
4. The changing of antecedents really relates to my life. If I change the antecedents surrounding my behaviors, such as the food available in my house, it changes the behaviors I emit. The extension of that is using antecedents to create DROs. If I make healthy food options the common antecedent in my house, it makes me more likely to eat healthy food, and I will be reinforced by still being satisfied by the healthier food option, instead of being reinforced for eating poorly.
5.I didn't end up working out this week. So my project isn't going great so far. I think part of this is because I started to feel a little sick this week, so I didn't end up putting as much thought into it. I think I need to continue changing my antecedents to encourage actually going out to the gym, have my clothes in my car. Another problem is that I often don't end up being done with class or work until after nine at night, which is wearing.
behavior, antecedents, DROs, emit, target behaviors.
1) The thing that I found most interesting in this section was the discussion on the topic of differential reinforcement of other behavior. You can make sure to control the environment so that it contains the proper antecedents to elicit the appropriate behaviors. I didn’t realize that changing the environment can also be thought of as just another behavior. I liked the idea that these behaviors are just antecedents to other behaviors.
2) Something I found least interesting in this section was the the discussion about changing the environment while an undesirable behavior is occurring. It was just a little confusing and I didn’t quite understand how the change of the environment can function to disrupt the operant behavior. I mean I think I get it somewhat, but I’m not completely sure. That’s why it was least interesting to me.
3) This section relates to what we already learned in previous classes because this chapter adds onto ways that you can help make your behavior modification stick and actually happen. By changing the antecedent and the environment, you can help keep away the desires to do the old behaviors so it’s easier to change.
4) The first thing that relates to my life is changing the antecedent to help making the behavior change easier. There were many times when I have to think and change what’s happening around me so that I am not tempted to go back to my undesired behaviors. So this week, I tried to stay off of my bed so the temptation to nap wasn’t there. The second thing that relates to my life is including others so that they help you keep to your schedule. If I know that my roommates will rat me out if I emit the behavior of napping.
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 0 hours
Day 2 = 1hr 30min
Day 3 = 0 hours
Day 4 = 0 hours
Day 5 = 0 hours
Day 6 = 0 hours
Day 7 = 2 hours
Average = 30min
5b) My behavior project isn’t going as well as I would hope that it would be. I’m just so busy and preoccupied with other things that they get in the way of keeping my good sleep schedule. I’m stressed about other classes and all these projects that I have to get done that I stay up super late getting everything done because I work during the day. But then the next day I’m so tired that I just can’t concentrate so I feel the need to nap. Even though I was proud of myself for cutting out a lot of naps, I wasn’t able to cut them out completely. But I know that the rest of the semester will still be really stressful and busy so I’m nervous for what will happen with my sleep schedule.
6) Terms: differential reinforcement of other behavior, environment, antecedent, elicit, behavior, modification, undesired, emit, schedule
1) Toy Time outs. I was really curious about the toy timeouts because it was the first time I have ever heard about it. I laughed when I first read it because of how stupid I felt reading it out loud. I mean you’re going to punish an inanimate object? What the heck? I don’t want to be viewed as crazy. But then I started to think about it and I wondered how I would react as a kid. Would I play nicely with it just in case my mom might think it was bad for me? And even just know typing this I think about things that my Mom said was bad for me and how I would do and show her everything that made it seem like it was a good thing so I could keep doing it. For instance, when I was young I could only fall asleep to the TV so instead of punishment my mom decided to say that the TV was causing my behavior of staying up, I know it is more of a punishment focus than a reinforcement focus, but as soon as my mom said that she might need to take the TV out of the living room because it was the reason I wasn’t able to sleep, I would try my hardest to fall asleep without the TV to show her that she was wrong. I guess looking back it was the threat that really made me focus on sleeping.
2) I honestly can’t say that something from this section was the least interesting. I like behavior modification and I can’t get enough, as corny as that sounds it’s the truth. I enjoyed learning about the DRO’s and how that can affect us and the modification implementations.
3) We read about the ABC’s before and the environment example about the party and the funeral really stick out in my mind. I connect that to changing the environment to change the behavior.
4) I knew and even practiced the DRO’s. In my house it was just like the sweets example but instead of sweets it was video games I had my roommate use my xbox and put it in his room so that I wouldn’t have temptation to use it. And when I would think about knocking on his door to get the xbox out I would say that it wasn’t a good idea that I had better things that I could do. It was a pretty close relation to my life. The second life example is that when I want to play with my dog I also don’t like to say no too many times and in a result I move all my valuables so that I don’t have to tell my dog no when he gets excited and bites for my shoe.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 200 min
Day 2 = 150 min
Day 3 = 150 min
Day 4 = 100 min
Day 5 = 0 min
Day 6 = 0 min
Day 7 = 50 min
Average = 92min
5b) To be completely honest I am rather embarrassed with my results I wanted to get an average of 120 min but I slipped up a couple days got behind another and even didn’t follow my intervention like I should have. It is better than last weeks numbers but I should do better than that. I might need to revise some of my intervention tactics.
Behavior, ABC's, DRO, Toy Timeouts, Antecedents, Envoirnment
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I really found quite a few things in this section interesting. The first thing I’d like to mention is the toy time out. It’s sort of intriguing that we could make the child feel bad about the toy being in time out instead of them feel bad about themselves directly. I also liked the part about “removing the NOs.” I used to nanny for a 1.5 year old little girl, and felt like I was saying no constantly—mostly for her safety. I would have rather not have said no all the time, and it would have been nice to have known of some of these ideas during that time. Such as making the area safer (which can be difficult, especially when not your home or limited money to make the area safer). I really did feel bad about it, and wished there were an alternative action to help her learn. It will be interesting to share these tips with moms I know.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I feel like this section was just a reiteration of the last couple about antecedents. The only thing I found uninteresting was the example about hiding the sweets, because I don’t eat many sweets.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have already learned about antecedents, and somewhat about changing them. We know that in order to change a behavior, sometimes we need to change the environment—or remove or add things to the environment to help change the behavior. Changing the antecedent may be the most powerful part of my own behavior modification—since the presence of cigarettes or the smell of smoke helps reinforce the behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Well, I can relate the toys and removing the NOs to my nanny experiences as well as experiences with my little brothers. I also have several mommy friends who like to take my tips and advice that I pick up from my psych classes! I also could relate the one example I didn’t have an interest in to my friends with “sweet teeth.” I could help them by sharing these tips. My old roommate always has issues with the “sweet tooth,” and I bet she’ll be happy to accept some advice!
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =2
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =0
Average=3.3, or about 3 cigarettes per day
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
It is going well, especially with not keeping cigarettes in the car now. This would count as changing the antecedent. Today I ran out, and am going to try and not buy any tomorrow—or see how long I can go without buying them. When I have tried to quit in the past I usually end up bumming one or two from a friend, which I will try and refrain from doing to help with my behavior modification project.
Terms: behavior modification, antecedent, environment, reinforce
After reading section 5.4, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Something that I found interesting in this section is toy time outs. I found this interesting because it is something that I can related to modifying my own behavior. Also because if you can control the antecedents, then you are able to control your behavior. Toy time outs make it some you do not have to use negative punishment to change a behavior.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was not anything in this section that I would say that I did not found interesting. A lot of the information from this section is things that will help me with my behavior project.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
One thing that I already knew from previous section is about antecedent from previous sections. This sections just added to what was already taught and it show how antecedent interact with behavior modification.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relate to my life is toy time outs. Being that one of my sister is 17 months a parts in age we were always fighting over toys and my mom would always threaten to take our toys if we did not stop fighting and started sharing. Another thing that relate to my life is terrible twos. Having 3 younger siblings I got a lot of experience with kids at the age of 2 and experiencing their bad behaviors.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 weeks’ worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 6 meals and snacks
Day 2 = 6 meals and snacks
Day 3 = 10 meals and snacks
Day 4 = 6 meals and snacks
Day 5 = 6 meals and snacks
Day 6 = 12 meals and snacks
Day 7 = 6 meals and snacks
Average = 7.4 meals and snacks
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
My behavior project is going really well so far. I have decrease the amount of food that I have been eating for the most part to 3 meals and 3 snacks each day having a reinforcement at the end week is helping motivate me to eat least and eat healthier meals/ snacks. One thing that I would change would to be to make sure I set a certain amount of meals and snacks that I can have each day. Also I would have like to added in some kind of exercise plan to help with losing weight. Another thing that I would change would be to make sure that I buy healthy foods and avoid buying junk foods. One antecedent that I would change that would help with my progress would be having money to buy the healthier foods. Another antecedent that I would change would be my emotional eating have to find a better habit.
6) Terms: behavior, negative punishment, toy time out, terrible twos, reinforcement, antecedent
1. The part of this reading I liked the most was the discussion about removing the no’s when attempting to modify a child’s behavior. I never really understood what could be done to manipulate a child’s behavior especially when they are in their terrible twos stage. It made complete sense to stop with the usage of saying no to the child because they do learn by example and pick up on us constantly telling them no which they return to us. To do that all a parent has to do is create a safe play environment where nothing dangerous can be accessible and everything that shouldn’t be played with up high and out of sight, which will in turn reduce the number of times a parent says no.
2. I liked everything about this section. I did like the fact that it was a shorter read and that the information was quite relevant and easy to understand, I felt that more material could have been added to this section.
3. I will remember that modifying or changing the antecedent can be helpful to change a behavior. It is important to analyze the antecedents and how they interact and effect the target behavior. Figuring out if the antecedent can be changed to help foster the desired changes with the target behavior. Another thing that I will remember is the part about toy timeouts. It is better to put the toy in time out rather than the child so that the toy is the one being punished but also the child understands that the behavior that they emitted was not a desirable one. Putting a child in timeout is a negative punishment by removing their freedom to move about, so instead removing the toy changes the environment and alters the antecedent so that it decrease the likelihood of the undesirable behavior occurring in the future. The last thing I will remember is differential reinforcement of other and how it is used to reduce a behavior by reinforcing another behavior that is incompatible with the undesired behavior. A great example is trying to eat less junk food so placing more fresh fruit that is easily accessible especially when hungry will increase the likelihood of eating fruit which in turn decrease the likelihood of eating junk food.
4. Day 1= 3 cups of vegetables
Day 2= 4 cups of vegetables
Day 3= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 4= 3.5 cups of vegetables
Day 5= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 6= 2 cups of vegetables
Day 7= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Average= 2.7 cups of vegetables
My behavioral change project is going very well considering it has only been the first week of the behavioral intervention with reinforcement. By recording every time I eat vegetables as well as the antecedents that proceed it I found it very helpful to find I tend to eat more vegetables while at school for lunch and at home for dinner because they are readily accessible. By making vegetables more accessible throughout the day I increase my changes of eating vegetables and eating the desired number of 3 cups per day in order to get my reinforcement of Coca Cola. If I continue to write down the antecedents that help my vegetable eating behavior then I can continue to eat less junk food which is the ultimate function of the target behavior.
5. Terms: Target Behavior, Behavioral Intervention, Reinforcement, Antecedent, Emit, Behavior, Negative Punishment, Punishment, Differential Reinforcement of Other
1) I thought the section about removing the “No” was interesting. I think it is interesting the idea of not using “no” on children so they don’t model it off of the parent. I think the idea of this would be very interesting to see in person to see the difference in the behavior of the child.
2) I thought this section was interesting, but If I had to pick a section I was least interested in would be toy time outs because I think this is something a lot of parents already do with out knowing they are using behavior modification. I have been using toy time outs at work and while babysitting for many years and I didn’t know they were actually a part of modifying behavior. Taking the toy away and saying you need a time out from the toy and the toy needs a timeout from you.
3) This section relates to things that I already knew about from developmental psychology I have heard about not saying “no” to children but I have never really learned much about it. I have learned about ABC’s in the course many times and Antecedents are a big topic in this section
4) I mentioned above that I have used a toy timeout before, which is something that I could use in everyday life through work or later with my own kids, or my niece and nephew. I also think it would be interesting to work on not saying no to a child I think it would be very interesting to do that with a child that you spend a lot of time with or your own children. I could do this with the children I nanny in the summer.
5) Day 1: ran 1.5 miles
Day 2: ran 2 miles
Day 3: ran 2 miles
Day 4: rest
Day 5: ran 2.5 miles
Day 6: ran 2 miles
Day 7: rest
Average: 2 miles a day
B: My project is going well, if I were to do this again I would go back and do it over I would give myself an extra rest day ever other week. So I would run 2 days in a row then rest and on rest day I would do yoga or bike instead of running everyday. I could change the behavior of when I go to bed so I have more energy so I could run more, or change the behavior of what I do the night before so I don’t feel bad the next day.
6) Toy time outs, behavior, antecedents, “no”, behavior modification,
1) The topic I found the most interesting from this section was differential reinforcement of other behavior. Even though we had learned about this previously in the text book, I understood the material much better reading it this time. Adjusting the environment to better facilitate behavioral change seems like a logical and natural step in behavior modification, but I feel that it is overlooked as people mainly focus on just their behavior. Emphasizing the importance of the environment is something I feel needs to happen more often in main-stream behavior modification.
2) There wasn’t really one specific topic that I found least interesting in this chapter. I thought that the material was applicable to what we are doing currently in the behavioral change project and that it was presented with relevant examples. If there was one thing I would pick out it might be that this was an entire section devoted to antecedents…which we’ve been studying since pretty much the first week. Like I said previously though; I think it was relevant to what we are learning and presented the material from a fresh perspective.
3) This chapter was sort of a final culmination of our understanding of the relationship between behavior and environment. It took what we learned throughout the textbook on antecedents and how they influence behavior and added the depth of concepts like DRO and how to elicit changes in operant behavior via the environment.
4) One thing I enjoyed about this section was the fact that all of it was almost directly applicable to my situation. My environment right now is less than ideal, and I feel that this is contributing to my stress levels which are not helping my behavioral change project at all. After this chapter I understand also that I need to reinforce behaviors that take the place of my hair-pulling behavior. Some of these might be using a stress ball or rubix cube while I’m at work, or wearing a hat to try and avoid pulling. These examples of DRO will hopefully be able to help me turn my luck around in my behavioral change project.
5) Day 1 =6
Day 2 =5
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =5
Day 6 =13
Day 7 =0
Average =5.57
5b) While I would like to say that everything is going fine in by behavioral change project, or make something up about how great it is going, it is actually not going so well at all. Because my behavior is a result of stress and this is what I would say has been the most stressful point in my life thus far, I have not had a lot of success in curbing my hair-pulling behavior. I’m not sure I would be able to change anything if I were to do it over again. The root of the problem is obviously stress but this is a time where stress is inevitable in my life. Antecedents that I could change to help my progress may be to do things that cause me to not have as much stress such as make sure the house remains clean, try to keep up on homework, or take time to have de-stressing sessions.
6) Terms: DRO, environment, elicit, reinforcement, antecedents, operant behavior, behavioral change project
1) I thought it was interesting how many experts believe that controlling the environment, like the antecedents to behavior, can control the behavior. I think this is interesting because I agree. I agree because I think it makes sense to me; certain behaviors occur due to the environment they are in and the antecedents that happen. I also understand this is a not-so-broad way; I like to think of the environment as very precise and not broad, kind of like the two examples in the text: the child's safe play room (more precise environment) and the side of town with more paroles (more broad environment).
2) I thought the tips about how to keep sweets away from your desires were kind of boring because I feel it is off topic of the reading.
3) We have discussed DRO's before, so that was a nice refresher. It briefly discussed goals and the effort that is needed to reach those goals through the ABCs, and we have discussed that in previous sections. Also, the points the reading made about changing the antecedents makes it possible to change a behavior, which is basically what we've talked about this whole semester.
4) One way this section relates to my life is the change of antecedents. With the change of behavior we are working on for class, I have had to change the antecedents, such as moving my phone away from me during homework, to decrease my behavior of looking at Facebook. Another way this reading relates to my life is when I babysit my niblings (nieces and nephews) and I try to decrease my use of NO. Since they are fairly young, they understand that no is negative, but I have realized that they think it's funny to repeat the behavior and disobey my punishment, so I have tried to reinforce them with candy or a fun event such as kickball in the backyard if they don't do the behavior or do a better behavior in place of the bad behavior.
5a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 85
Day 2 = 73
Day 3 = 32
Day 4 = 54
Day 5 = 60
Day 6 = 28
Day 7 = 47
Average = 54.14 minutes/day
This is recorded in minutes spent on Facebook.
5b) I was mistaken in week 10 about how long I thought I was spending time on Facebook each day just by last weeks data and this weeks data. I thought I was spending close to 3 hours a day on Facebook, but after doing my baseline data, I realized it actually wasn't that much. Even though I'm not spending as much time as I thought on FB, I still want to reduce my time on it. On average, I have decreased my amount spent on Facebook each week. I still would like to decrease it to an hour or less a day, and this weeks data shows that 5 out of the 7 days I was an hour or less, so I am pretty happy about that. I did reinforce myself to some Texas Roadhouse since I did decrease overall! I noticed when I am bored, trying to procrastinate my homework, or laying in bed trying to go to sleep is when I spend most of my time on FB. I am going to try to move my phone away from me when I am doing my homework so I don't get distracted by it and also just try to increase my willpower to not get on my phone while trying to go to sleep.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: baseline, antecedent, behavior, environment, punishment, reinforce, DRO, goals
Please read sections 5.4 (Changing the Antecedents).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the first few paragraphs to be really interesting in general because people often want changes and thing that just the behavior they emit will be enough. If you can change your environment to avoid the behavior in general, the outcome would be a lot better. One specific example I liked was wanting to reduce the amount of sweets someone consumes by only buying things you have to make. I know I have this problem and I would never take the time to make it.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t think anything was boring, but I got a bit thrown off by the example of being on parole because it didn’t seem like a very unlikely scenario so it was a bit hard to follow because of it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I guess all in all this relates to everything we have read about changing behaviors but from a different angle. I kind of remember going over something like this in a parenting class I took in high school. The example of making an environment where you will use the word “No” less I have heard of before.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example of how changing the environment can change the antecedent, behavior, and consequence in my life was choosing to do homework in a public, busy place last year. My whole first semester I really struggled to sit down with homework and to focus when I lived in a dorm with a roommate, hundreds of other people outside my door, a tv on…etc. I found that if I went to Panara, I focused best. Another example is when I lived with my boyfriend’s niece who is two. Her parents pushed us all to not yell “no” or use the word “bad”. If she did something wrong, we wouldn’t say “No!” we would say her name to get her attention and explain “you can’t hit the dog, you’ll hurt him.” So she never went through a No phase.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Because I am trying to change the amount of unnecessary spending on things I don’t absolutely need (like clothing and shoes) I use a weekly total instead of amount per day. Mast week I spent $86.27 which is less than what I normally spend. I am decently surprised and happy with this.
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I think for the most part this project is going really well. I have continuously lowered the amount I spend a week and I am much more conscious about what I buy. That same week I went to Mall of America with a couple friends and the whole time I was there I would just look around and tell myself if I really wanted something I would come back to it a little later. It gave me an opportunity to look for better deals and consider how often I would really use the things that I wanted to buy. So far the saving money part itself has been a pretty big reward. I feel less stressed about making ends meet as well. Unfortunately I don’t think I will be able to reward myself at the end of the month because I will be Christmas shopping, but I plan to be frugal when doing that as well.
Please continue reinforcing yourself if you achieve your target behavior during your behavioral intervention and continue to collect data.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Environment, Antecedent, Behavior, Emit, Consequence, Data, ABC, punishment, reward, reinforcement
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on Removing the “NOs” pretty interesting. I think we have all had the experience with a toddler of some sort repeatedly telling us “no,” even when it might not even make sense! This section explained that this is observational learning. It also discussed what behaviors parents or guardians often emit and why it elicits this response in children.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on toy time outs a little less interesting than other sections within the reading this week. However, it was interesting to see this common practice related to behaviorist concepts. Since taking the toy away and putting them in time outs are both examples of punishments, this automatically goes against what most behaviorist would prefer (reinforcement).
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
We have discussed many behavioral concepts that can relate to parenting. We have also discussed antecedents throughout the class, and we also discussed how antecedents have a great effect on the behavior and the following consequences.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This relates to my life right now as I am working on this behavioral change project. The antecedents are something I am struggling with on this project, as I believe my reinforcements is not working that well. I am looking to change the antecedents in order to further influence my reinforcer and prevent me from drinking pop and successfully changing my target behavior. Another way this could influence my life is through my daily behaviors, if I am wanted to stop drinking coffee in the morning for example, I could stop buying pop and throw out my coffee machine.
5a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #12) you were asked to continue collecting data on a target behavior. You should now have 2 week's worth of base line data. Report Week #2 below:
Week #2 (behavioral intervention)
Day 1 = 1
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average = 0.428
5b) How is your behavior project going so far? (note: Don't just say "good." We are looking for some depth and detail.) What changes might you make if you were to do it again? What are some antecedents you could change to help your progress?
I have been keeping track of my target behavior of whether I drink pop for the day or not on a wipe board in a public space. This helps me to stay motivated, as my roommates can see if I cheat for the day, and it also serves as a reminder as it is in the kitchen! I had a 4 day streak with no pop for this past week, so overall it was a good week! I need to work on finding a different motivator, something that is not a food reinforcement or a punishment would maybe help. I’m really looking to extinguish this behavior, therefore I need to find something a bit more extreme as my reinforcer. If I were to complete this process again, I would choose a better reinforcer and also add in a punishment, to make this more extreme.
6) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, reinforcement, punishment, extinguish, emit, elicit, toy time outs, antecedents, behaviors, consequences