Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
2) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
3) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did
you find interesting in the section? Why?
6) What
did you find least interesting? Why?
7) How
does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based
on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your
life? How so?
9) How
has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about
behavior modification? How so?
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you
were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should
have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1
Day 1 =
Day 2 =
Day 3 =
Day 4 =
Day 5 =
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =
Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your
target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In
reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target
behavior look like?
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology
you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Let us
know if you have any questions,
--Dr. M
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed how this section was structured by giving an introduction to rule governed behavior and then by going into detail about specifics like how things like deadlines can be used to govern behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked about this section was the fact that there was no summary provided. It did not necessarily hinder my learning in this section but I like the summaries at the end because it is a useful recap tool.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section is how rule governed behaviors can elicit certain behaviors by socialization within a culture even when there is not punishment or reinforcement needed. This was the example of how it is a taboo to have sex with members of your family and everyone knows this without having to experience it for themselves. Another thing I will remember from this section will be how specific rules that we ourselves learn through experience can be handed down to others. The last thing I will remember is how rules for governed behavior can almost be anything an antecedent is within its own context such as a deadline controlling our behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked from this section was how it broke the steps to modifying a behavior down and explained them thoroughly and then went a step further by listing them out in order. It makes it very easy to understand, as it is a very straightforward process.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not really anything I particularly disliked about this section. The information was all new and it was prevented in a very simple way so I have no complaints for section 5.3.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section will be the idea of a functional assessment of behavior and how it is used to identify the environment and how the outcomes of the behavior maintain it. The second thing I will remember from this reading is how a direct assessment is about observing and recording behaviors either by you or from another individual. The last thing I will remember is the use of indirect assessments being the most accurate because the observers are less biased.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 15
Day 2 =15
Day 3 =N/A
Day 4 =17
Day 5 =16
Day 6 =17
Day 7 =N/A
Average = 16 pull-ups
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
rule governed behavior, behavior, elicit, punishment, reinforcement, functional assessment, direct assessment, and indirect assessments
One thing that I really liked about this section was the idea of rule governed behavior. I liked this concept of the section because although the concept is very easy to grasp and understand I had never thought of it in these terms. Some of the most simple rules and ideal that we follow and engage in every day are considered rule governed behaviors which I find to be very interesting.
One thing that I liked the least about this section was the part discussing what experts say. I was unsure if this was saying that a rule governed behavior had to be developed or installed by a superior such as the government or an expert or if it is just any rule that one follows that is governed by their behavior. It would have been helpful if this part had been clearer.
One thing that I will obviously remember from this section is the overarching idea of rule governed behavior. That rule governed behavior is a behavior that is maintained by the obligation of maintaining order when the antecedent is verbal. I feel personally that the most important part of this concept to remember is that the antecedent has to be verbal and not just a situation. Another idea that I found memorable was that rule governed behavior can be drastically different depending on your environment. This can include the government or country one is in or even the culture. This can include things such as what side of the road is the correct side to drive on or what the drinking age is. Lastly, I will definitely remember that many times we learn the consequence or the consequence can be evident from the rule governed behavior. These behaviors can also be spelled out on signs, such as a stop sign
One thing that I liked about this section was how it went over and reviewed what we have learned in past sections before moving onto the next. I liked this because I find it very beneficial to discuss what has been recently taught and review this before jumping into the next subject. It refreshes the reader on what they just read so everything that follows can be that much clearer.
What I disliked about this section was how it gave us many examples to practice with, but did not follow up with the answers. I feel that if the answers or at least some of the possible answers were provided it would be helpful to the reader and help them know if the answers or ideas that they had were correct or not.
One that I will remember from this section is the idea of functional assessments of behaviors. This is designed to help develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of a behavior. I think understanding this concept is important for everyone to understand that is either learning about behavior modification or is trying to modify their own behavior. Understanding this concept could make the process much more doable. I will also remember direct assessment from this section. Direct assessment has to do with recording and observing the behaviors which can be done individually, by others, or electronically. This is done under natural circumstances and makes it easier to understand why a behavior happens when it does and the details that take place during the behavior. Lastly, I will remember the concept indirect assessment. Indirect assessment usually involves a questionnaire or interview that the individual goes through. During the interview the ABCs can be identified and the function of the behavior. This type of assessment can be used when the individual themselves may not be able to identify and evaluate the ABCs and the function of the behavior themselves.
Day 1= 2 snacking behaviors
Day 2= 1 snacking behavior
Day 3= 2 snacking behaviors
Day 4= 0 snacking behaviors
Day 5= 2 snacking behaviors
Day 6= 0 snacking behaviors
Day 7= 1 snacking behavior
Total= 8
Avg= 1.1 per day
A functional analysis of my behavior might be to ask my roommates to observe my snacking behavior while also doing so myself. Then after they observe we can discuss what we thought the ABCs or the function of my behavior was and see if we agree or not in our observations.
Terms: direct assessment, indirect assessment, behavior, modification, functional assessment, rule governed behavior, ABCs, consequence
section 5.2
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how it specified what other functions the examples may have. For instance, when it explained how deadlines are a ruled governed behavior, it also mentioned how deadlines can function as antecedents and discriminative stimulus as well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was the part on the experts. It said that sometimes we can adopt a rule without experiencing the consequence, which made sense to me, but it also could have been applied in the earlier part of the text about governed or known rules, such as not having sexual relations with relatives. I assume many have not experienced the consequence of having sex with their relatives, but it is something that is socially developed, not necessarily by experts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that a rule governed behavior is maintained through obligation of maintaining order. This definition made a lot of sense even without all the examples. Without any societal rules, for example, there would be complete anarchy. Without religious rules, there would be no religious practice.
Another thing I will remember from this section is that some individuals may emit behaviors that deviate from established rules because they probability of punishment is low or nonexistent. I liked the example of blowing through a stop light at 4 am because there is a low probability of getting caught and getting a ticket (punished).
Lastly, I will remember that we can adopt rules without directly experiencing the consequence, but we execute it by verbally reminding ourselves. I will remember this because of the speeding example. If you are used to going fast, but remember that a cop is sitting there sometimes, it might take a few times reminding yourself before the slowing down becomes an automatic response and the rule becomes the antecedent.
section 5.3
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The part of this section that I liked best was the first couple paragraphs laying out the steps of behavior modification. It was great review and also utilized all our vocabulary in relation to our behavioral change project in a way that was very clear.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was that the functional assessment was simply combining the ABC's of behavior with examining the function of the behavior. I thought that it was mostly a review section, which was fine because it made the material more clear.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that devising an intervention is coming up with new antecedents and consequences. Once we know what elicits the target behavior (antecedent) and what maintains the behavior (consequence), we can tweak them through our intervention.
Another thing I will remember from this section is a functional hypothesis can help tweak the antecedent and consequence. This is an idea of why one believes the behavior is occurring and when, which will greatly help with my behavioral change project. If the intervention does not work, we may need to go back and change the intervention or even our functional hypothesis all together.
Lastly, I will remember that functional analysis can be both direct and indirectly coordinated. I will remember this because it reminded me of me doing assignments on my own as direct functional analysis, then coming to class and being asked specific questions about it by Dr. Maclin as the indirect functional analysis.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Target behavior: increase number of days per week I run from around 2-3 to 5-6. Shooting for 30 min. each day
Day 1 = 40 Min
Day 2 = 25 min
Day 3 = 0 min
Day 4 = 15 min
Day 5 = 0 min
Day 6 = 0min
Day 7 = 0 min
Average = 11.43 min
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I work out more times per week than I run(bootcamp, abs, legs, etc). I plan on continuing my other work out routines and by focusing on increasing my running specifically, I will increase the amount of cardio I get in. So working out elicits my running behavior and the consequence will be me getting more cardio.
A: Working out
B: Running 4-5 times a week
C: Get more cardio in
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Function, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, consequence, elicit, emit, rule governed behavior, punishment, reinforcement, behavior modification, intervention, functional hypothesis, and functional analysis.
1.) One thing I liked about this section was learning more about rule governed behavior since I before reading the section I didn't really know too much about it, and liked knowing more.
2.) One thing I liked least about this section was reading about sources of rules, because it was pointless to read since it is common sense.
3.) Three things I will remember are some examples of rule governed behavior, sources of rules, and get organized to increase efficiency since they are important to every day life.
4.) One thing I liked most about this section was the functional assessment of behavior since this is important and pertains to our current project right now.
5.) One thing I liked least was the redundancy overview over the steps to behavior modification since it is boring to reread, but it is always nice to have a recap at times.
6.) Three things I will remember are experimenting with behavioral interventions, hypothesis, and indirect assessment since these are terms that are important to our project.
7.) Week 1- Minutes of cardiovascular exercise
Day 1= 160
Day 2= 150
Day 3= 250
Day 4= 240
Day 5= 150
Day 6= 300
Day 7= 100
Average= 192.86
I love working out, but cardio is not my strong suit, so I want to start doing more of that by taking the dog out on more walks and runs, running at the track, I do cardio the whole time at my job doing gymnastics, being at the gym for hours most days of the week, walking to classes and shopping. Being at the gym all of the time and living a healthy and active lifestyle and working at a gymnastics academy elicits the consequence of being more fit and doing cardiovascular exercise.
Terms-Elicit, consequence, experimenting, hypothesis, indirect assessment, functional assessment, rule governed behavior, sources of rules, behavior modification, behavioral intervention
Sections 5.2
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite part was the section where it was more in depth on discriminate stimuli, because it became easier to understand. There was more information on it, and I was able to understand that although discriminate stimuli are antecedents, they may provide a warning that a particular consequence may result. I liked this part best, because I was able to expand my knowledge base about discriminate stimuli and relate it to real life examples.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I can point out that I disliked from this section. The information was clear and easy to understand. Thus, I was not left with questions or frustrated from the reading content.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. From this section, I will remember that rule governed behavior can result from norms, morals, or ethical standards that the individual has learned and established throughout the years. The behavior that is emitted is not a type to receive punishment or reinforcement for, but instead, the person decides whether or not to emit the behavior. If the person knows it is unlikely that they will be punished for a behavior, it is more likely that it will elicit the response of that behavior. As a future social worker, this is important information, because if we do not hold someone accountable for their actions, they may be more likely to emit undesirable behaviors that do not have extrinsic value to society.
b. A rule includes getting organized as a means to increase efficiency. An expert can give us advice or it is something the individual learns through experience. The rule typically becomes the antecedent for the behaviors. Thus, if a desirable consequence occurs from listening to the expert of if the person avoids an aversive consequence from their prior knowledge, it tends to increase the frequency of the behavior reoccurring, which means that it is valuable information for behavior modification.
c. Deadlines can function as the rules governing the target behavior in addition to being antecedents and discriminative stimuli. Thus, they warn the person of the consequences that may occur when behaviors are time sensitive. Some signs, which are a discriminate stimulus, serve as the antecedent and clearly spell out the consequence, but not all explain what the consequence will be. So it is important to pay attention to rules, because they may foreshadow an aversive consequence.
Section 5.3
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite section was on the difference between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I was able to distinguish the difference between the two types of assessment, and it also pointed out that those in behavior analysis are not always trying to modify their own behavior. Instead, they may be asked to modify the behaviors of others.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked reading about the schedules of reinforcement and leaning out through reducing the times the organism is reinforced. This is because I have read about it in several sections and feel as though I have a grasp on it. It seemed repetitive and unnecessary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. From this section, I will remember the purpose of a functional assessment. The individual can investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it, so he or she can design and intervention to decrease the frequency of the behavior if it was one that is undesirable. It is important because it can help determine the intervention for a behavioral change project.
b. After a baseline of existing behavior is established, the person forming the hypothesis can begin experimenting with behavioral interventions. This is important to remember, because those trying to modify behavior need to test and be aware of whether or not their hypothesis is correct, and this can be examined through if the intervention is successful.
c. A functional analysis of behavior can be either direct or indirect. Observing the behaviors as they occur is direct, and indirect is when the information is gathered about behaviors through 2nd party sources. Indirect may also involve the use of an interview or questionnaire and may be less subjective. Knowledge of direct and indirect assessment may determine which method of observation and recording behaviors is utilized for different interventions, which is helpful in behavior modification.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Sunday = 0 minutes
Day 2 = Monday = 0 minutes
Day 3 = Tuesday = 50 minutes
Day 4 = Wednesday = 0 minutes
Day 5 = Thursday = 50 minutes
Day 6 = Friday = 0 minutes
Day 7 = Saturday = 0 minutes
Sum = 100 minutes per week
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will collect the information on my target behavior through a direct assessment. As I complete my workout, I will use my planner as my behavioral journal and monitor my ABCs during baseline and intervention. It is best to record things right away, so it is more likely to be accurate.
Terms: discriminate stimuli, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, punishment, reinforcement, punished, elicit, response, undesirable, extrinsic value, desirable, aversive, frequency, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, schedules of reinforcement, leaning out, organism, reinforced, functional assessment, intervention, baseline, experimenting, behavioral journal, ABCs
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section is what was talked about right at the beginning. Everyone knows about certain rules even though they are most of the time never really talked about out load. This section gave those types of rules a name rule governed behavior which means that people behave in certain ways because it keeps things running smoothly. I liked this part because I liked that I know what it was talking about and the fact that these rules were given a name because I wouldn’t know what to call them.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?’
One thing that I really didn’t like about this section is that it didn’t have a summary at the end. I like to have a summary because it helps me to remember all the important things in the section. I also don’t like that there’s no summary because later on when I’m looking back in the book and I’m trying to find a certain topic I will not be able to just go through the summaries and I will have to read though the whole section just so find one little thing and that will take so much time.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember form what I read in this section is that some people could emit behaviors which deviate from established rules because they think or know they will not get punished. Also am example of this that was given that I will remember is that if its four in the morning and there’s a stop light but their no copies around then you won’t stop because you know that you will no get caught or get a ticket. The second thing that I will remember is the topic of sources of rules. And that they can be government society, cultures, holiday traditions, family traditions, peers, attorneys and ourselves. Another also with those rules that I learned is that the rules vary from country to country and some countries have rules that you drive on the right side of the street while in others you drive on the left side. The third thing that I will remember is that organization increase efficiency the more organized you are the more you can get done in a shorter amount of time.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the last paragraph. I thought it was a good way to end the section because it closes on all that was said in this section. And it also is a good lee way into the next section.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t really like about this section is the fact that it would introduced new terms and then it would add more and more and build onto the terms. It I didn’t understand what the first term meant then I would be lost as to what they were saying when they were adding onto the term that I didn’t know about or understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from what I read in this section is that it is critical to take note of the circumstances in which the behaviors occur so we can use this information to conduct a functional assessment of behavior. The second thing that I learned and will remember from this section is that once I have a hypothesis of how the behavior is functioning and the circumstances in which it occurs, I can begin experimenting with behavioral interventions. And that it is called experimenting because after all it is only a hypothesis of why the behavior is occurring in the first place. The third thing that I will remember is that direct assessment Involves the observation and recording of behaviors and that the recording can be done by the individual, by others or electronically.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =3
Average =1.74
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis of my target behavior might look like I would see that the behavior I want to eat better and get healthier foods. Then I would identify how I will reinforce myself and when I will be doing the reinforcing and what would work the best for me. Then I would change what I had to in order to get the best results that I can and keep recording to see where my process is going at all times.
8) terms and terminology
functional analysis, observation, recoding, hypothesis, behavior, experimenting, direct assessment, emit, rule governed behavior, sources of rules.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked giving examples. This section seemed easy to give real life examples. I think because our society relies a lot on rule governed behaviors and the consequences that come with them.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that “only read your email at the most twice a day” was a piece of advice from an efficiency expert. I was stuck on this comment because I realized I check mine way more than twice a day. I hate when I’m reading something that makes me realize I should be changing a behavior of my own when I’m just reading a section for class.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the part about learning from experience that a cop is at a certain location to decrease a driver from emitting a behavior that is not desirable to a cop. It makes sense that people learn from others about where cops are because of their experience. It also serves as an indirect discriminative stimulus. The person is telling us that we will get punished if we do not act in a certain way on the corner where the cop is usually located.
I will remember the advice from efficiency experts saying not to “handle paper work more than once.” This made me realize it is time for a behavioral intervention. I save a lot of paper and instead of filing it or throwing it out; I keep it until I look at it again and again until I have random folders of documents.
I will remember learning that rules are essential to target behaviors because they elicit behaviors, acting as antecedents. I would never have guessed that rules can be used like that, but it makes sense since it dictates our next move.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the two different assessments (direct and indirect) used to form a functional analysis of a behavioral intervention. It seems quite useful to have both rather than just the direct assessment. I would have never considered people with autism or individuals who can’t, for whatever reason, give feedback or participate in order to get meaningful results.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the process of a functional assessment as a whole. It seems so difficult to intervene in which one changes antecedents in order to get better consequences.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the 6 steps of behavior modification because it seems like that is the assignment in the same order on our beginning topical blogs. We listed most of these steps when referring to a video or article.
I will also remember the idea that an intervention to a hypothesis is not always going to work on the first experiment. I used the example of excessive snacking after dinner because I do that regularly. I tried to think of what I could do to decrease that behavior, and I realized that it actually will take several experiments to find the target behavior needed to decrease the original behavior from the baseline observation.
I will remember doing the exercises. I remember thinking of the functions of smoking and not exercising because these are problems I have. It helps learning when things can relate to your personal life. I realized that I smoked because I want something to do when I’m drinking. I don’t exercise because I’d rather watch Netflix or sleep. It forced me to think of possible interventions needed.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
# = # of meals with fruits and vegetables
Day 1 = 1
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 3
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average = 1.5
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis for eating more fruits and vegetables would be in a direct assessment because I would pay attention to the behavior occurring and what elicited the behavior. I would not need to interview anyone because the behavior modification is being done to me. Indirect assessment couldn’t really be effective in the behavioral intervention I am seeking.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: rule governed behavior, consequence, emit, behavior, desirable, discriminative stimulus, punishment, behavioral intervention, target behavior, elicit, antecedent, functional analysis, direct assessment, elicit, behavior modification, indirect assessment, baseline, experiment, function, functional assessment
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the chapter was short and to the point. I appreciated that this chapter made me look at my behaviors and see what behaviors I do that deviate from rules.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This chapter was short and sweet. The only thing I got a little tripped up on the three rules for religious behavior. I am not a very religious person so I wasn't really sure o put there.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that even children understand rules, so as my daughter becomes older my fiancé and I will need to watch our behavior so she does not acquire our adverse behaviors. Another thing I will take away is knowing that some people emit behaviors that deviate from established rules. Here I thought of how when my fiancé is at work I will sneak a tub of ice cream home and eat all of it and then hide the ice cream tub under trash! He is trying to be a health buff right now, and gets upset with me when I deviate from "healthy" eating. So I do so when he is not home! Lastly I will remember that deadlines are antecedents and discriminative stimuli. This blog assignment is due today at midnight (a deadline) so I am doing it before it is due so that I can get a grade, whereas if I turn this in late I will not get a grade and then do poorly in this class.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the content of this chapter. It was interesting and I liked that it helped me with my behavior modification project.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't really know what to put for a couple of the boxes. It asked us to use the example of the person who eats lunch, dinner, but snacks all night and write up an intervention. I have no experience in this and had no clue what to write down for that.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what direct assessment is. It is where the individual keeps record of their behaviors, whether it be pen and paper, or on a phone. This is how I am recording my behavior (through 'notes' in my phone). The second thing I will remember that indirect assessment involves a questionnaire or interview. This is done for people who are unable/unwilling to communicate. I will also remember what leaning out is. This is because for my Bmod project I am working out (running and weight lifting) for an hour a week. I am rewarding myself with socialization with a friend and tanning. However since tanning is bad for you, and summer is upon us, I don't want to continue it after June 1. So towards the middle/end of May I want to start leaning myself off of it.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =Mon-0 min
Day 2 =Tues-30 min
Day 3 =Wed 10 min
Day 4 =Thursday 20 min
Day 5 =Friday-10min
Day 6 =Saturday 90 min
Day 7 =Sunday 0min
Average =Monday 90 min
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analyses for running and lifting weights would be a direct assessment. This is because I will be recording the data.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Direct assessment, indirect assessment, leaning out, adverse, emit, established rules, antecedent, discriminative stimuli
1 a&b) I liked the section about how signs are a rule governed behavior and that some signs involve direct consequences while others don’t give the exact consequences they are just things we should know. I liked this section because it made me aware of a small but important behavioral cue. I don’t often think about signs and how they are able to control my behaviors. However, just while reading this section I immediately though of signs in construction areas that specifically tell you how much you will be fined if speeding. Then there are other signs that are vague such as stop, yield, speed limit ahead, etc. All of these signs mean something and they don’t tell us what could happen if we don’t follow them. However, we are usually reinforced to decrease our behaviors of not following those signs by either being pulled over or getting in accidents or near accidents when we don’t abide by them.
2) This section was pretty brief but the content it covered seemed important and interesting. If anything could have been different I guess it could have been a little longer but I feel like it was a good section of helpful information.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that the sources of rules can come from multiple things such as our government, society, culture, family traditions, peers, and even ourselves. I also learned that rules emerge from the contingencies that we are under. I particularly liked the example of driving by a cop at the same spot every day and that reinforcing your behavior to slow down before you pass them. This is a highly effect rule and it works really well on me. I know what stretch of which roads I probably shouldn’t be speeding on. The third thing I will remember is that signs are a rule governed behavior, usually put in place by our government and that they can include consequences but some don’t. I will remember this because it really drew my attention to the fact that there are many signs that imply consequences because of reinforced behaviors or consequences we have experienced or been warned about.
4 a&b) I liked the section that pointed out that when a behavior occurs it is almost always being reinforced and it is our job to break the behavior down and figure out what is actually reinforcing it. Breaking down a behavior is not always as easy as it seems and it can take many times to actually get to the bottom of why a behavior is occurring. This section interested me because it gave a good example of just how many layers might have to be pulled back before you actually get to the root of the problem.
5) I disliked the section on direct and indirect assessment probably the most because it seemed a bit dry. It didn’t have any really interesting content and it was just more factual rather than filled with examples.
6 a,b&c) I will remember the six steps to behavior modification because they are really important to know in order to effectively change a behavior. They are: 1) describe target behavior; 2) describe consequence; 3) describe antecedents; 4) examine ABC’s – functional assessment; 5) devise new antecedents and consequences; 6) evaluate outcome. Another thing I will remember is that it is important to examine the functions of a behavior in order to help develop a working hypothesis of why the behavior is actually occurring. This is important because there is usually more to a behavior than we originally perceive and we need to be able to get to the bottom of it. The third thing I will remember is that many times we will have to change and tweak our target behavior and the contingencies until we get the actual behavior right. It is actually rare to peg the target behavior the first time.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Tues - 0
Day 2 = Wed - 0
Day 3 = Thurs - 0
Day 4 = Fri - 0
Day 5 = Sat – 2 reports done
Day 6 = Sun - 0
Day 7 = Mon - 0
Average = 0
My requirement is to have my four reports done by 10 AM on Tuesdays…the two reports I finished were reports from a previous week so I recorded them but they will not actually count towards my goal.
7c) My target behavior is to finish my reports by our team meeting every week. The overall behavior I am trying to change is procrastination or time management. I want to improve on my ability to use the time I have more effectively and not put things off until it is impossible for me to accomplish the tasks I need to get done.
A=Time management
B=Finish reports
C=Be able to eat with my team
8) Terminology: rule governed behavior, behavioral cue, direct consequences, contingencies, reinforce, direct and indirect assessment, antecedent, functional assessment, functions
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really liked that this section provided a very good description of rule governed behavior. I think that this section once again did a good job describing the topic and had numerous examples to help further understanding.
2) I disliked that there was not a summary at the end of the section because the summaries at the end of sections helped to bring everything together and helped me retain information from the sections much better.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that deadlines are a form of rules that govern behavior because they are both antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well.
I will also remember that we often adopt rules even if we have not experienced the consequences associated with the rule simply because we tend to follow the advice of experts.
I will also remember that sources or rules can come from many areas, including government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, peers, attorneys, ourselves, etc.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked that this section had more information on how to modify target behaviors and gave more detailed advice about our own behavioral change projects.
5) I did not really dislike anything about this section because it gave good examples and was very helpful on how to maintain behavioral change and I took away to not get frustrated if my original method of cutting down on cigarettes doesn't work.
6 a,b&c) I will remember that behavioral change requires a lot of effort and detailed observation because a lot of information needs to be collected in order to successfully increase or decrease a target behavior.
I will also remember that direct assessment involves the individual recording their own behaviors either through a behavioral diary or through other means.
Indirect assessment is having outsiders observe an individual's behavior. This method can be better because outside observers can be more neutral than an individual recording their own behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =17
Day 2 =10
Day 3 =10
Day 4 =8
Day 5 =30
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =17
Average = 13.3
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I am going to be making heavy use of DRO in this behavioral intervention. My main triggers for lighting up a cigarette are getting into my car and drinking alcohol (which only occurs about 1-3 times a month). I am going to chew a stick of gum instead of chain smoking while driving, skip smoke break at work, not allow myself to have a cigarette until I finish homework or studying and avoid drinking alcohol as possible. These alternative behaviors will be rewarded by better grades, more money in my paycheck and more money in the long run because I won't be having to buy a pack every other day like I have been for the past few years. I will directly assess this behavior because I am the only one observing the behavior.
8) Terms: rules governing behavior, deadlines, antecedent, discriminative stimuli, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really liked that this section provided a very good description of rule governed behavior. I think that this section once again did a good job describing the topic and had numerous examples to help further understanding.
2) I disliked that there was not a summary at the end of the section because the summaries at the end of sections helped to bring everything together and helped me retain information from the sections much better.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that deadlines are a form of rules that govern behavior because they are both antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well.
I will also remember that we often adopt rules even if we have not experienced the consequences associated with the rule simply because we tend to follow the advice of experts.
I will also remember that sources or rules can come from many areas, including government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, peers, attorneys, ourselves, etc.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I really liked that this section had more information on how to modify target behaviors and gave more detailed advice about our own behavioral change projects.
5) I did not really dislike anything about this section because it gave good examples and was very helpful on how to maintain behavioral change and I took away to not get frustrated if my original method of cutting down on cigarettes doesn't work.
6 a,b&c) I will remember that behavioral change requires a lot of effort and detailed observation because a lot of information needs to be collected in order to successfully increase or decrease a target behavior.
I will also remember that direct assessment involves the individual recording their own behaviors either through a behavioral diary or through other means.
Indirect assessment is having outsiders observe an individual's behavior. This method can be better because outside observers can be more neutral than an individual recording their own behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =17 cigarettes
Day 2 =10 cigarettes
Day 3 =10 cigarettes
Day 4 =8 cigarettes
Day 5 =30 cigarettes
Day 6 =1 cigarette
Day 7 =17 cigarettes
Average = 13.3
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I am going to be making heavy use of DRO in this behavioral intervention. My main triggers for lighting up a cigarette are getting into my car and drinking alcohol (which only occurs about 1-3 times a month). I am going to chew a stick of gum instead of chain smoking while driving, skip smoke break at work, not allow myself to have a cigarette until I finish homework or studying and avoid drinking alcohol as possible. These alternative behaviors will be rewarded by better grades, more money in my paycheck and more money in the long run because I won't be having to buy a pack every other day like I have been for the past few years. I will directly assess this behavior because I am the only one observing the behavior.
8) Terms: rules governing behavior, deadlines, antecedent, discriminative stimuli, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how short and precise this section was. It was easy to understand also, through the quality examples. When the sections are short like this, it works as a discriminate stimulus because you know you can look into each part in depth and not be punished with spending a lot of time.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing in this section I disliked, it was an easy read, precise, good examples, and had helpful sample problems.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what rule governed behavior is. I will remember this because of its wording is pretty easy to understand, and I was able to connect this concept with class lectures when we talked about stop signs and other antecedents.
I will remember religion is a big part of rule governed behavior. I will remember this because it makes sense that the rules put upon us by our particular religions can be considered obligations to our church or Gods on how to behave.
I will remember that we can adopt a rule through never experiencing punishment or reinforcement or through contingencies we are under. This is because you can just connect rules we face everyday to two of these categories. Examples would include believing in a certain religion because a religious expert may say it can lead to an afterlife. One where contingencies might take effect is if you are in a new work place, you will know the rules of what is and isn’t accepted by being around that certain environment.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section could kind of be connected with experimental method. This is because there is a research process, developing hypothesis, experimenting (behavioral intervention, and controls (baseline). I like this because experimental method has been engrained in my knowledge, and it was easy to connect the new information to.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like how there was not a summary in this section. This is just because there was a lot of new information in this section, and it would be nice to have a refresher at the end.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what functional assessment means. This is because it makes sense in order to have a quality behavior intervention program you must research the ABCs to develop a hypothesis of what antecedents and consequences are reinforcing this behavior in order for change to occur.
I will remember that in most cases it is good to redefine or tweak the target behaviors and intervention. I’ll remember this because it is good to have a dynamic behavioral modification program, because it is good to experiment with contingencies to figure out the best reinforcement schedule, target behavior, or reinforce.
I will remember the term natural contingencies because I can connect it with our class lecture about how some people can just change a behavior due to how it makes you feel or praise.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 60% Day 2 = 62.5% Day 3 = 40% Day 4 = 60% Day 5 = 12.5% (due to injury) Day 6 = rest day Day 7 = rest day Average = 47%
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The antecedent of what I lift each day encourages how much I do, the environment of where I lift does not allow me to do what is on my workout plan sometimes, the consequence of my behaviors are reinforcing in that I feel better, and punishing because I hurt my shoulder.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Discriminate stimulus, rule governed behavior, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, contingencies, environment, hypothesis, behavioral intervention, baseline, functional assessment, intervention program, target behavior, dynamic behavioral modification program, reinforcement schedule, natural contingencies
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I really liked about this section was the explanation of how our day by day behaviors are built around the ABC’s, especially unconsciously. For example, an antecedent would be going to the bathroom, the behavior would be washing your hands, and the consequences would be not getting sick. Plus I really liked how this section was easy to read and quite short, also the boxes were helpful.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I disliked about this section was the beginning section where the explanation of all the rule governed behaviors were described, this section was a bit unneeded. Also how the rules vary for country to country, I found this section kind of unnecessary.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the definition of rule governed behavior, which is behavior maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal and can result by establishing norms, morals, or ethical standards. This is important to remember because they are established throughout history and socialization. The second thing I will remember is how deadlines can act as antecedents because they can set or determine the consequence and they can also be discriminative stimuli because they are time sensitive. This is important to remember because by determining the consequence you can alter the behavior so that the consequence can either be desirable or aversive. The third thing I will remember is how the rule governed behavior can rely on the situations and locations, such as religions, laws, or countries. This is important to remember because by determining the antecedent and understanding the differences you can alter your behavior so that the consequence is desirable.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section had a review section in the beginning. I like how this section defined the functional assessment of a behavior and how to modify a behavior we must understand its function first. When we find the function of a behavior we can then monitor and alter the reinforcements and design an intervention. This section is very helpful in understanding why we have a certain behavior to begin with.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing I liked least about this section was the repetitiveness about the steps of behavior modification. I also wasn’t a fan of all the boxes. Otherwise I didn’t really find anything bad about this section.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is that the function of a behavior is important to understand when modifying a behavior. For example, my behavior is binge snacking/eating and the function of this behavior is to subdue hunger or for entertainment when I may be bored and think I am hungry. This is important to remember because to learn how to have reinforcements and interventions first is to understand the function of a behavior so you can find a reinforcement or different behavior to replace with it. The second thing I will remember is the difference between indirect and direct assessment. Direct assessment is when an individual observes the behaviors when they occur and records them whereas indirect assessment gathering information about the behavior from others such as parents, teachers, caregivers, and counselors. This is important to remember because there are different ways to observe and analyze our behaviors, some may include the direct assessment, others indirect assessment, or even sometimes both. The third thing I will remember is the steps involved in behavior modification. 1) describe the target behavior (cutting down on binge eating/snacking) 2) describe the consequences (gain/lose weight) 3) describe the antecedents (hunger/boredom) 4) examine the ABCs (Functional Assessment) (subdue cravings or entertainment) 5) devise new antecedents and consequences (boredom and lose weight) 6) evaluate the outcome (the less I snack/binge eat the more weight I will lose). These are important to remember because they are the steps to behavior modification and success in altering a behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 3 snacks
Day 2 = 2 snacks
Day 3 = 2 snacks
Day 4 = 3 snacks
Day 5 = 1 snack
Day 6 = 0 snack
Day 7 = 3 snacks
Average = 1.7 snacks
7) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis might be more of a direct assessment because I will update daily my calorie intake during snacks and meals. I will have a journal keeping track of my calories, pounds, and reinforcement schedule. Naturally I will combine my diet with exercise but I already exercise regularly so I didn’t see the need to reinforce or alter that behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Antecedent, consequence, behavior, rule governed behaviors, deadline, discriminative stimulus, desirable, aversive, reinforcement schedule, functional analysis of a behavior, reinforce, reinforcement, interventions, direct assessment, indirect assessment, target behavior,
1.What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was the boxes. They fit really well with the topic. The boxes also made me apply what was in the chapter to real life.
2.What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked that least in this section was part about increasing efficiency. I felt that this didn’t have much to do with rule governed behavior. I understood the how the examples were ruled governed behavior but I didn’t get way they needed their own section.
3.What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rule governed behavior is where a behavior is emitted because of rules or norms and is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order. An example of this would be a stop sign. The government has made a law that says you have to stop at the sign. The second thing that I will remember is that some people don’t follow the rules because they think that they won’t get caught. I will remember this because I have also learned about it in my criminology classes. The third thing that I will remember from this section is that the source of the rule can come from many places. They can come from the government, religious practices, cultures, our family, and society are just some examples.
4.What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked was how this section was laid out. It broke down all of the steps involved in the behavior modification process. I also found it help how each step had many details and examples.
5.What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked the least in this section was no example was followed throughout the entire process. I think that it would have been helpful to see the same example for each of the steps in addition to the other examples.
6.What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is that it is common to experiment with behavioral interventions. Sometimes we have to change the reinforcer or modify the target behavior in order to change the behavior. I will remember this because it is important to know that that behavior change doesn’t always work out on the first try. The second thing that I will remember is direct assessment. This is the observation or recording of the behaviors. The last thing that I will remember is indirect assessment. This is usually done with an interview or questionnaire. Indirect assessments are done by a different person than the one who is doing the behavior modification. This can be beneficial because sometimes others are more subjective and less biased than the person doing the behavior modification.
7a. Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 weeks’ worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0 min
Day 2 =30
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =4.2
7b. Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c. In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will use direct assessment to record my behaviors. I will record them using an app on my phone. I will also take notes about the antecedent and what is happening when I emit the behavior. After the first week of being reinforced I will reevaluate the reinforcer I chose to see if it work and if it doesn’t I will change it to something else.
Terms used: rule governed behavior, emitted, behavior modification process, behavior change, experiment, direct assessment, indirect assessment, behavior modification, antecedent
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked that the chapter was straightforward and gave good examples but wasn't extremely long. It helped me get the main ideas better than reading a huge section and trying to sort it out.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasnt really anything I disliked in this section. I understood the section and thought that it really applied to some aspects of my life and made me think about which behaviors in my life are rule governed and why
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rule governed behaviors are those that we establish based on social norms, morals and ethical standards. I find this easy to remember because a lot of everyday behaviors fit into this category.
I will remember that there are many sources of rules and these sources affect which behaviors we emit and at what times.
I will remember that a lot of rule governed behaviors are affected by things like religion because I consider myself a somewhat religious person and when I think about it because some of my behaviors are based on religious principles
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I like that it added on to functional assessment because it helped me fully understand the concept and connect it to certain behaviors
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought that the review could have been cut down some because we have been talking about it all semester so some of it was really repetitive
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember what indirect vs direct assessments are because it makes sense that direct is when you directly observe it
I will remember the steps involved in the behavior modification process because we have been talking about it all semester and I have caught on after reading about it every week
I will remember that in order to start a behavior modification you should establish a baseline and then experiment with the behavior you want to change
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 30 minutes of running
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 60
Day 5 = 45
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 23.7
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? The target behavior I am doing is trying to run 30 minutes a day. The function of the behavior is to build leg muscle and increase my stamina. Right now I only run 20-30 minutes a few days a week and having my friend run with me as well will also help motivate me
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
target behavior, function, emit, rule governed behavior, sources of rules, direct assessment, indirect assessment, baseline, functional assessment
1) One thing I really liked about this section is that it was really short but we learned a lot in the short amount of text. I also thought this section had good examples to help understand the text.
2) One thing I liked least about this section was the boxes that had the antecedent, behavior, and consequence because I didn’t get how taking a pizza out of the oven and washing the car fit into what this section was focusing on.
3) One thing I learned from this section is that Rule Governed Behavior can result from establishing norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history. I think I will remember this because we have many rules in our society that we emit just because we are told that they are right. Another thing I will remember from this section is that we need to look at the source of the rules. I think this is important and I will remember it because I like to travel and in some parts of the world their rules and behaviors differ from the rules and behaviors we emit her in the US. Another thing I learned and will remember is that we develop rules for our behaviors based on observations we have acquired about the environment. I think the example in the book about Jan knowing there is usually a cop on a particular corner was a good example.
4) One thing I liked about this section is that it had a lot of review but broke it down even further than it did in other sections.
5) One thing that I didn’t like is that I thought it had a lot of repetitive boxes to fill in.
6) One thing I learned in this section is that function assessment of a behavior is important in changing a target behavior. The antecedent is very important to figure out. Another thing I learned in this section is that it is important to come up with a hypothesis for by the ABC’s occur. We need to look at the function and topography of a behavior. Many behaviors may look different but function the same so we need to take into account those behaviors if they function the same as the target behavior we want to change. Experimenting is another important part in the functional assessment and in changing a target behavior.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =0
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A= being in my house
B= walking/running on my treadmill
C= achieving my goal
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, rule of governed behavior, emit, source of the rule, environment, target behavior, functional assessment, function, topography, and experimenting.
1) One thing I really liked about this section is that it was really short but we learned a lot in the short amount of text. I also thought this section had good examples to help understand the text.
2) One thing I liked least about this section was the boxes that had the antecedent, behavior, and consequence because I didn’t get how taking a pizza out of the oven and washing the car fit into what this section was focusing on.
3) One thing I learned from this section is that Rule Governed Behavior can result from establishing norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history. I think I will remember this because we have many rules in our society that we emit just because we are told that they are right. Another thing I will remember from this section is that we need to look at the source of the rules. I think this is important and I will remember it because I like to travel and in some parts of the world their rules and behaviors differ from the rules and behaviors we emit her in the US. Another thing I learned and will remember is that we develop rules for our behaviors based on observations we have acquired about the environment. I think the example in the book about Jan knowing there is usually a cop on a particular corner was a good example.
4) One thing I liked about this section is that it had a lot of review but broke it down even further than it did in other sections.
5) One thing that I didn’t like is that I thought it had a lot of repetitive boxes to fill in.
6) One thing I learned in this section is that function assessment of a behavior is important in changing a target behavior. The antecedent is very important to figure out. Another thing I learned in this section is that it is important to come up with a hypothesis for by the ABC’s occur. We need to look at the function and topography of a behavior. Many behaviors may look different but function the same so we need to take into account those behaviors if they function the same as the target behavior we want to change. Experimenting is another important part in the functional assessment and in changing a target behavior.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =0
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A= being in my house
B= walking/running on my treadmill
C= achieving my goal
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, rule of governed behavior, emit, source of the rule, environment, target behavior, functional assessment, function, topography, and experimenting.
1. I really enjoyed the simplicity of the section. Often times I get bogged down my reading course material before the start of class so it was nice to have a shorter reading this time. I also liked how Dr. Maclin used everyday examples to highlight important aspects of rule governed behavior. I would almost liken rule governed behaviors to those of social norms because they are both behaviors we learned through association and continue to emit throughout our lifetime.
2. This section was an easy ready. I have no complaints/dislikes about it.
3. I will remember that rule governed behavior can result from ESTABLISHED norms, morals, or other ethical standards. Meaning that over time we continue to emit these certain behaviors based on prior conversations or socialization procedures. A perfect example of this would be taking an opinion from someone at face value and then strengthening that opinion through further association with the behavior and consequence. Dr. Maclin gave an example of a women noticing a cop at at a certain spot on the road multiple times and then emitting future behaviors based on the assumption that the cop will be there. Secondly, rules can become the antecedent for behaviors. We are told throughout high school and college not to drink and drive. This is an antecedent that serves to elicit a safe driving behavior. Finally along with rules or law that serve as antecedents so to do deadlines. If Maclin says we need to have our graph completed by Friday of a certain week, he has successfully used the deadline as a discriminative stimulus for us to turn in our homework on time. The consequence of me emitting the target behavior is that the homework will not be counted late and I am therefore more likely to be reinforced with a good grade.
4. I liked how the section reviewed the steps in the behavior modification process. While I didn't learn anything new, it was important for me to take stock of my current knowledge and expand on it with more sophisticated concepts. Furthermore, I understand better how behaviors can differ in terms of functionality (what purpose they serve) and topography (how the behavior looks).
5. Again, I had no problems with this section. It was straightforward and there was nothing to dislike about it.
6. "If a behavior occurs, there is generally something reinforcing it." This is one of those quotes that when put in this context almost turns a light on in my head. It makes sense in the most simplest form. Why would an organism engage in a behavior if it is punishing? The simple answer is that they wouldn't. As human beings we are biologically wired to emit behaviors on a continuous basis when reinforcement is involved. It puts more of an emphasis on B.F. Skinner's quote about avoiding punishment and using reinforcement whenever possible. I will also not mix up functional behaviors and topographical behaviors anymore thanks to the middle finger example in this section. Why would someone give the middle finger when driving? Perhaps they were merging into another lane and the person ahead of them wasn't going fast enough. The middle finger looks the same regardless of where we emit it (topography) but in this instance it served to move the slow driver to the other land (function). In addition, the association between using the middle finger and eliciting a lane change response was strengthened. The merging driver was reinforced by using the middle finger. Lastly, I understand the importance of functional assessments. We can either use a direct method which is potentially better at understanding why a target behavior occurs, or we can use indirect method where we get intel from other sources. I remember the two by understanding that an indirect method is like using questionnaires or asking friends/family members who are associated with the person seeking the intervention. It is important to use functional assessments because we are better able to evaluate how our intervention is working. In my example, if I wanted to increase my running behavior, it would first be important to identify my target behavior more fully. What constitutes running? Over time and after careful evaluation of my behavior, it may seem as if the reinforcer is no longer helping elicit the behavior or that it may not be needed anymore. Through functional assessments we can what works and what doesn't on a behavioral level of understanding.
day 1= 0 minutes
day 2= 0 minutes
day 3= 20 minutes
day 4= 30 minutes
day 5= 10 minutes
day 6= 40 minutes
day 7= 0 minutes
average = about 15 minutes
In order for me to adhere to my running regimen, it becomes important for me to find a good reinforcer. Every reinforcer I can think of involves food and/or spending money on luxuries I might not be able to afford. I thought that running would produce more of a natural contingency in that I feel good about myself, but that hasn't seem to be working either.
terms: functional assessment, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, punishment, reinforcement, rule governed behaviors, disrciminative stimulus, direct assessment, indirect assessment, emit, elicit, functional behaviors, topographical behaviors
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was that it covered a whole new topic that we had not even begun discussing. I do like that a lot of the sections review material that has already been discussed because it acts as a review, but I had no clue what rule governed behavior was so it was nice to learn something completely new by reading this section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There really was not anything that I disliked in this section. I liked the fill in boxes because it was easier to learn what a rule governed behavior really was by trying to think of my own examples. Like usual though, it is kind of annoying that we will not go over those boxes in class.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from what I read in this section is what a rule governed behavior is. I will remember this because I had no clue this was even a thing before reading this section. Considering the whole section was based on this topic, I will remember it. Another thing I will remember from reading this section is that these "rules" can come from anywhere. They can be anything from a family rule, to a legal law. Lastly, I will remember that deadlines can function as a rule governing behavior. Not only are deadlines antecedents, they are also discriminative stimuli. I will remember this information because I believe it is very important when figuring out whether or not something is a rule governed behavior.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked that was in this section was how it went into more detail regarding the functions of behaviors. We have learned a lot about ABCs and what the antecedent and consequences can be of behaviors, but we have not really looked into what the function of each behavior is. I find that the function of the behavior makes determining the antecedent and consequence easier, so I liked how this section really discussed that.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this section was how repetitive the boxes were. I do not think it was necessary to write the function and interventions of five different behaviors. After reading everything about functions and then doing one I felt that I had understood plenty and the other four example boxes were kind of just a waste of time.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from what I read in this section is that the functional assessment of behavior is to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationships between the ABCs of behavior. I will remember this because I feel this is very important to know, especially if you are stuck trying to make the ABCs of a behavior. If you first figure out the function, it'll make figuring out the ABCs much easier. Another thing I will remember is that direct assessment is when the observation and recording of the behavior is done by the individual, others, or electronically. I will remember this because I feel that it is important when keeping track of a behavior that you are trying to change. Lastly I will remember that indirect assessment is when you use an interview process or questionnaire to collect information. I will remember this because I feel that it is important to be able to differentiate between direct and indirect assessment.
7a)Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =Stairs
Day 2 =Nothing
Day 3 =Nothing
Day 4 =30 minute workout
Day 5 =Nothing
Day 6 =Nothing
Day 7 =Nothing
Average =I am gauging my assessment based on how many days out of a week I workout so I am not sure how I would make an average for this.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A= being bored
B= going for a run/workout
C= feeling better
Terminology: Rule governed behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimuli, function, consequence, behavior, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I actually really enjoyed the fact that he explained rule of governed behavior. Although we have talked about it before, like the stop sign, it was good to fully understand how rule can influence our behaviors, or even the consequence of our behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I've noticed that with the past couple sections, there hasn't been a summary at the end. Although I still read through the information and pick out the important stuff, it is still helpful to have a summary of the most important points.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Rule governed behavior can stem from numerous sources, the government (laws), society, cultures, family traditions, peers, and even ourselves. There are rules and laws all around us, some punishable, and some that are just frowned upon.
Rules become the antecedent for our behavior, and may also emerge from our contingencies. Often times, we are confronted with rules that scare us so bad that we alter our behavior in order to avoid the consequence.
Although there is rule governed behavior, some people are not fazed by this. Many of us follow these rules because we are fearful of the consequences that may follow. Yet, there are those people who seem to only defy the rules and laws.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the in depth explanation of how important the ABC's are to the analysis process of a certain behavior. This process is designed to help us develop hypotheses that describe the relationship between the ABC's of the behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section had relatively easy information, talking about direct and indirect assessment, is nothing new. Also the fact that there wasn't a summary again.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
There are six steps to the behavior modification process: describe the target behavior, describe the consequences, describe the antecedents, examine the ABC's (functional assessment), devise new antecedent and consequence, evaluate the outcome.
Direct assessment involves observation and recording, which can be done by individuals, others, or electronically. These observations are made under naturally occurring conditions, and include when the target behavior occurs, what happens as a result, what may have elicited the behavior, and writing the ABC's down in a behavioral diary.
Indirect assessment involves the interviewing process or questionnaires. It is during the interview that the ABC's are determined as well as the function of the behavior. Indirect assessments are necessary when the individual is unable to communicate or unwilling to communicate. In indirect assessments, outside observers may also be less subjective.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2 servings
Day 2 = 3 servings
Day 3 = 2 servings
Day 4 = 4 servings
Day 5 = 4 servings
Day 6 = 5 servings
Day 7 = 2 servings
Average = 3 servings
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
It will help me look at the antecedent and consequence of eating more fruits and vegetables. Which in turn will hopefully reinforce my behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule of governed behavior, consequence, antecedent, contingencies, ABC's, direct/indirect assessment, behavior modification, target behavior, elicit.
sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that this section was short and and was very simple to understand
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Nothing i really disliked at all, i guess if i had to say something it would be filling out the boxes only because it takes more time
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a-what rule governed behavior is because the whole chapter was basically about it
b-that deadlines can function as a rule governing behavior.That deadlines are antecedent and they are also discriminative stimuli.
c-that there are many sources of rules and these sources affect which behaviors we emit and at what times.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that was in this section was how it went into more detail regarding the functions of behaviors.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the box where we had to come up the functions of certain behaviors i thought it was kind of repetitive
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a-that function assessment of a behavior is important in changing a target behavior.
b-that experimenting is another important part in the functional assessment and in changing a target behavior
c-that in order to start a behavior modification you should establish a baseline and then experiment with the behavior you want to change
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =4.5
Day 3 =5
Day 4 =4
Day 5 =6
Day 6 =4
Day 7 =3.5
Average =4.4 hrs
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I turn on the tv whenever i am in my room
8)governed behavior, consequence, antecedent, contingencies, ABC's, direct/indirect assessment, behavior modification, target behavior, base line, functional assessment,discriminative stimuli.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked from this section was giving us deadlines as an example of governed behaviors. I felt this helped me understand the concept of governed behaviors much better. Using deadlines helps demonstrate a rule as an antecedent and a consequence that is a norm of society.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked least from this section was the section were it talked about increasing efficiency. I didn't like this section because (what I understood from it), is that we just take the advice of experts or even friends without testing it out for ourselves. However, I feel like it's not that simple. I think we may take their warning or advice into consideration, but I don't think we just readily comply.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section was the concept of governed behaviors. I thought the text gave an exceptional definition as well as examples. Describing them as rules we keep as a society, helped them stick in my mind. I'm always fascinated how we're held to norms just because it would be awkward if we broke them. Something else I will remember from this chapter is the sources of rules. Rules can come from a variety of places (like peers, society, and culture, and so on..) Even how different areas of the world can have different laws for the same basic concept (like drinking.) Lastly, I will remember that rules act as antecedents. Rules shape our behavior, making them perfect antecedents, and some can even spell out the consequences for us!
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked from this section was how it stressed the importance of being specific in making your goals. I feel as this is a concept that is consistently being drilled into us. I like this because, this is something that I often forget. I am too often vague with my goals, which makes them too difficult to reinforce.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I liked least from this section was the amount of practice boxes we were given. I didn't feel I needed that much practice, especially with all the 'function' boxes. I felt like it was more a matter of opinion and guessing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Something I will remember from this section is functional assessment. I will remember this because I feel the text gives a good example of the giving the middle finger and it serving a function. Somethig else I will remember from this section is that there are common behaviors that serve several functions. The book gave the example of eating. When I think of eating I just think I eat because I'm hungry, but I eat because I'm bored or simply just because I know something will taste good. Lastly, I will remember direct assessment. Direct assessment means observing and recording behaviors. I will remember this, because this is very important, especially with our projects of collecting data on a target behavior we have chosen to monitor.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Minutes of cardio
Day 1 = 30
Day 2 =40
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =30
Day 6 =30
Day 7 =0
Average = 18 minutes of cardio
7.what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Keeping record of the number of minutes I do cardio.
Terms: Governed Behavior, antecedent, consequence, increasing efficiency, sources of rules, target behavior, direct assessment, functional assessment, functions, behaviors
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This was a quick and easy read! One thing I really liked was how the section provided a lot of relatable examples to describe governed behavior. It was interesting to put in perspective why I do the things I do or do not do because of government, society, rules from my parents, and etc.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section is I feel like it just stopped and didn’t give any concluding paragraph or summary. I enjoy reading the summaries at the end because they help me review the key points of the reading and help me remind myself of the concepts discussed.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that some behaviors are emitted by individuals because of social procedures within a given culture. This sticks with me, as there are so many things that are taboo in our country like if someone waves at you, it is only polite to wave back or as they discussed, it is heavily looked down upon to have any sexual relations within a family. Another thing I will remember is self governed rules can be set on an individual basis. This differs on an individual basis, as something I think is right may not be what another person thinks depending on our backgrounds or the way we were raised. Thirdly, I will remember individuals may not emit a behavior because they do not think they will get punished. The example in the book talks about not stopping at a stop sign at 4am because you are not likely to be caught by a cop and there is no one else around. I know I have been I this position multiple times and will say that I did not stop before and did not get caught.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the beginning of the section gave us a review of behavior modification and went over the first three steps that we have been working on and then led us to the rest. I enjoyed this because it was nice to read over the steps again because there are six I forgot exactly what went into it. I also liked it because it helped clarify a couple of the steps I was confused on.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I disliked that the reading just ended without any conclusive thought or summary. As I mentioned above, it is nice to use as a reference when I finish the reading to give me a review over the key terms and ideas.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember direct assessment because it involves recording down behaviors and observations. To me this makes sense because when you are doing any kind of research you need data and the way to record is going along with the behaviors. I will remember indirect assessment, which involves questions or an interview because it is not just simply the recording of the behaviors but it is taken mostly from another’s perspective. Lastly, I will remember functional assessment because it is there to help you develop a hypothesis of the relationship of the behavior and the ABCs. I think of it like assessing what I am doing, when I am doing it, and getting to why I might be doing or not doing this certain behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
My target behavior is to eat 4-6 servings of fruits and vegetables each day
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 serving of fruit
Day 2 = 2 servings of fruit
Day 3 = 0 servings
Day 4 = 1 serving of vegetables
Day 5 = 1 serving of fruit and 1 serving of vegetable
Day 6 = 0 servings
Day 7 = 2 servings of fruit and vegetables
Average = 1 serving of fruit and vegetables
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Mine will most likely be a direct assessment as I am recording down everything I eat per day. Since I always have my phone on me, I take a picture of each meal or snack I have throughout the day. From there, I record how many fruits and vegetables I am eating with my meals.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Governed behavior, behaviors, emit, behavior modification, direct assessment, indirect assessment, functional assessment, target behavior, baseline, and intervention.
1) One thing I really liked about this section was all the different types of examples it gave about rule governed behaviors and how I was able to relate them to my life. I didn’t even realize that they are all around me until I read this section and now knowing some examples will help me remember the definition and aspects of rule governed behaviors.
2) There wasn’t anything that I disliked about this section because it was pretty clear cut and easy to follow, however, I enjoy when there is a summary because sometimes it reviews something that I didn’t quite understand in the text.
3) The first thing I will remember from this section is that the rule governed behaviors can stem from a variety of sources including the government, society, holiday and family traditions, and ourselves because these rules become antecedents and depending on the source the antecedents can be drastically different in context. It’s important to study and understand these rule governed behaviors. The second thing that I will remember is that rules are important to our behavior because they act as antecedents and help us determine what behaviors we will emit as consequences. The third thing I will remember is that deadlines function as rules governing behavior and act not only as an antecedent but a discriminative stimulus because I am a college student and have to deal with this type of antecedent on a regular basis, along with the aversive consequences if I don’t follow them.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) One thing I really liked about this section was how it reviewed our previous vocabulary but also added new terms in without making it confusing. I was able to read through it and comprehend what I was reading without having to go back through and reread it. The review of the terms was helpful because some of them I couldn’t really remember.
5) One thing I disliked about this section was all the examples of other behaviors it asked us to do. I understand that the more practice the easier it is to understand, but I would rather focus on the behavior I am working on rather than learning about a behavior I wouldn’t have to change (ex. nail biting).
6) The first thing I will remember is that through functional assessment of behavior I am able to look more into the behavior and what is reinforcing it so I can design an intervention to decrease the behavior if it is undesirable to increase it if it is desirable because I will need to use this for the behavior I am trying to change in class. I can also use it to help me outside of class if I am having troubles modifying a behavior. The second thing I will remember is that we can examine the functions of a behavior to help develop a hypothesis of why that behavior occurs in the first place because if we want to eliminate that behavior it will be easier knowing why it occurs. The third thing I will remember is that it’s good to have more than one hypothesis because usually the first experiment intervention isn’t the right one so it’s important to have another idea to fall back on.
7)Week 1 (Baseline)
Number of miles ran on a treadmill
Day 1 =2 miles
Day 2 =1.5 miles
Day 3 =1.5 miles
Day 4 =2 miles
Day 5 =1.5 miles
Day 6 =1 mile
Day 7 =0 miles
Average =1.36 miles
7) My functional analysis would be direct assessment because I will update my behavior journal every day after I work out, even including the days that I may skip. This will include when my target behavior occurs and the consequence of it. I will also try to remember to record in my journal as soon as I am done because that is important with direct assessment.
8) Terms: Rule governed behaviors, aversive, consequence, behavior, emit, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, functional assessment, reinforcement, undesirable, desirable, modify, function, hypothesis, experiment, intervention, direct assessment
Section 5.2
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning about rule governed behavior, and the different aspects of it because I also like Sociology and it's amazing how much the two collided. A lot of these rule governed behaviors are behaviors that are only emitted because we have learned to obey them from other people or agencies in our society, and this is why we know how to behave a certain way.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Some of the "expert" opinions were silly. Otherwise, the information in this chapter was very useful.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a)Rule governed behavior: I will remember this because it encompasses a lot of human social norms and opinions towards various topics like family structure, laws, procreation, etc.
b)Sources of rules: I'll remember these because it's basically any agent that can influence the behavior of one or more people (or themselves) or physical beings.
c)Signs and deadlines often spell out the behavior and the consequence that will ensue if we disobey them. I had never really thought of these in behavioral terms, even though that seems extremely obvious now.
Section 5.3
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the act of behavior modification was broken into 6 steps that clearly outlined how to modify a behavior. It could be really useful as a guide to changing other behaviors (like my roommate and her messiness).
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't feel like I totally understood what a functional analysis was until the end of the section--I was very wishy-washy about it, and I still kind of am, though I hope I got it right in Q7c.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) Experimenting: I'll remember this because there were different instances when training my dog, Lily, in which I had to try different methods of reinforcement in order to train her to emit the behavior I wanted. Sometimes I had to try many different methods before I found one that really stuck.
b) Direct assessment (of behavior): I'll remember this because when I was combating my nail biting habit in the past, I had to keep a mental check on myself to prevent myself from putting my fingers near my mouth, unless I was eating. I also mentally recorded times my fingernails were dirty/needed trimmed so that I could clean them/shape them ASAP.
c) Indirect assessment: I'll remember this because the name kind of speaks for itself--collecting data about a behavior indirectly. It reminds me of counseling in which the counselor speaks with both the teenager and the parent in order to assess what behaviors are most troublesome to the parent, and how willing the teenager is to identify and admit to this behavior and the antecedents of the behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Drove
Day 2 = Drove
Day 3 = Drove
Day 4 = Drove
Day 5 = Drove
Day 6 = Drove
Day 7 = Drove
Average = Drove to school 5/5 days
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis (or hypothesis) of my target behavior, 'driving myself to school', would be that it is more convenient, or faster than alternative transportation methods. Another hypothesis is that I like smoking a cigarette directly before class, and driving enables my smoking behavior. Another hypothesis is that I am tired in the morning and would rather not complete so much exercise when I'm that tired.
The main hypothesis, though, is the first one, in that it is faster to drive myself to school than to use alternative transportation (walk, ride bike, ride bus, get a ride from friend).
Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, consequence, behavior, sources of rules, signs, deadlines, experimenting, reinforcement, direct assessment, indirect assessment, antecedent, experimenting, hypothesis, target behavior, functional analysis, behavior modification
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the idea of rule governed behavior. I like how we take something that we all follow and put a name with it and a way of explaining it. The section was vey clear with examples and it made it easy to relate and follow along with.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed this section and found the reading to be more enjoyable than the others. What I don't like about this is more of a complaint toward the blog. I wish sometimes we would switch up the question we have to answer, it just gets so tedious it makes it difficult to want to put effort into a reasonable response sometimes.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the rule governed behavior and how we can apply it all around us; the example that was easiest to understand would probably be the one on religion. Most of us follow some sort of religion however, many of us don't fully understand why we do some of the things that we do within our religion. I will remember how important deadlines are and how when they are set and accomplished can affect the outcome of the consequence. Lastly, I will remember that sources can come from many areas such as; including government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, ourselves, and others.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the review on the steps involved in behavior modification. It is nice to refresh our memories on the simple stuff that we started out learning because it always comes back and ties in with the more difficult terms we are learning.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section felt so long, there was so much reading in between examples I lost focus a lot and had to keep going back and starting over.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the review on functions and how something simple such as "eating" can have so many different functions. To different people eating can have different extreme functions from over eating to under eating. I will remember the term "experimenting with behavioral interventions" and why we use the term experimenting because it is just our hypothesis on what will work, or why that person is doing this behavior such as over eating. Lastly, with the first two things, I will remember that the purpose of an intervention is to DECREASE the behavior that is occurring.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
My goal was to stop eating fast food at all, it is so easy to do when I am busy and on the go but I don't want to eat it anymore for health reasons. Also with that would be to stop eating at restaurants all together (it will also help me save money).
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1 meal
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average =
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Mine would be a direct assessment because I am actually recording each time I eat the food that I shouldn't be eating.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Rule governed behaviors, consequence, behavior, antecedent, functional assessment, reinforcement, undesirable, function, hypothesis, experiment, intervention, direct assessment
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked learning about rule governed behavior. Before reading this I had never thought of societal norms to be defined in ways that would fit into behavior modification. I also thought the boxes to give examples really helped me in understanding each part of the section.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The only thing I did not like about this section was that there were not bullet points at the end to sum everything up and go over the new terms and main points. It helps me to retain everything at the end and better understand what I just read.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Rule governed behavior is behavior is which is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. I will also remember that within rule governed behavior the rules can change very quickly depending on culture, place, time, religion, etc. Deadlines are a form of rules that govern behavior due to having antecedents and discriminative stimuli.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked all the examples and how slowly and thoroughly the section discussed each piece we needed to be aware of in our own behavior modification projects. It helped me a lot when going through my own step by step and making sure I had my own project set up how it should be.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I also did not like that this section also had no summary at the end. I like having the definitions and important things to remember easily accessible and summarized to better understand everything once again.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? One thing I will remember is how to begin experimenting with behavioral interventions in order to make a hypothesis of why the behavior is occurring in the first place. I will also remember that the baseline is used to determine changes due to the experimentation. The intervention is designed to decrease the behavior, or decline the frequent of the target behavior following an intervention.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 0
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? Identifying the biggest antecedents that go along with engaging in time with friends more often will be very helpful when trying to figure out what the best time for me to hangout and that correlates with both of our schedules. After determining the antecedent, the behavior or hanging out will follow, resulting in the consequence of me getting to go home on the weekend and still maintaining my time with friends well.
Terms: antecedent, consequence, behavioral interventions, hypothesis, target behavior, rule governed behavior
1. A) I enjoyed the part on efficiency B) because I hadn’t heard of efficiency experts yet and found it interesting.
2. I didn’t like how short the section was because I actually really enjoyed the topic.
3. A) I’ll remember that rule governed behavior usually has a verbal antecedent because this fits with my life experience of being told what to do and what not to do. B) Second, that deadlines are both antecedents and discriminative stimuli because deadlines are a type of rule governed behavior (which is normally an antecedent) and because it tells us what to do. C) Third, that emitting a behavior that goes against rules can happen because people find situations where they perceive they won’t receive the consequence.
4. A) I liked how the section taught that behavioral modification requires experimenting B) because I find it reassuring that you don’t necessarily have to have the right reinforcements right off the bat and also because it means that if one reinforcer didn’t work, you just need to keep trying others out.
5. I didn’t like how this section and the one before it didn’t have a summary because it didn’t feel as complete as the other sections.
6. A) I’ll remember that the purpose of a functional assessment is to examine the ABC’s because this is what I’m having to do in my behavior modification project so I can better understand what sets the occasion for and reinforcing my behavior. B) Second, that baseline is the equivalent to a control group because with it we can see how the intervention has changed the behavior. C) Third, that functional analyses can either gather information directly or indirectly because one deals with observing a behavior while the other deals with outside people’s opinions.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =25 min. 1X
Day 4 =
Day 5 =
Day 6 =25 min 1X
Day 7 =16 min 1X
Average =9.43 min a day
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I’ve been noting what antecedents are occuring before I meditate. I’m either making oatmeal which takes 30 minutes (similar amount of time as I need to meditate), doing laundry and can’t do anything else that takes up that specific pocket of time, or it’s 3:30 and the weather is nice outside. All these things have occurred before my target behavior. So ones of my ABC’s could look like this:
A=Making oatmeal
C=Satisfactory start to the day
8) efficiency, discriminative stimuli, antecedent, rule governed behavior, consequence, emitting, behavior, sets the occasion, behavioral modification, functional assessment, experimenting, intervention, directly, indirectly
1. What was one thing you liked about the section?
a. I enjoyed reading about the rule-governed behavior, especially with the example (“People in the same family can’t have babies.” Gage 7 yrs.). I have a niece and two nephews and I remember them telling me similar things when they were little, I just didn’t know it was called rule-governed behavior. It also makes me think of people violating this rule and all the different reality TV shows with cousins who are married!
2. What was one thing you disliked, or liked least?
a. It was difficult to think of rules I only follow because they are the law. The first two laws that came to mind were speed limits and cross walks. However, I’m notorious for speeding and jay-walk if I need to!
3. What are three things you will remember?
a. Until this class I never thought about every day behaviors being governed by rules. Baking pizza, washing the car, or reading prior to class just seemed like common sense and I had never attributed them to behavioral routines.
b. I had never heard of only checking email once, at most twice a day, for increased efficiency. Obviously, as a college student, this isn’t a luxury I have the opportunity to take advantage of. However, it was interesting to see an expert had advised this. I also had never been introduced to the idea of an efficiency expert saying not to handle paperwork more than once. This rule may be helpful to manifest in my own behaviors.
c. I will definitely remember deadlines functioning as rule-governing behavior. Since this is very applicable to my life with all the payments I’m responsible for: rent, car payments, insurance, and even gas! It is definitely something that I have to plan in advance for so I can be sure I’m working enough to pay for all the bills I accrue.
4. What was one thing you like about the section?
a. The repetitiveness of the behavior modification process has served as a continuous reminder and allowed me the opportunity to keep practicing the steps. It is for this reason that I am able to remember the behavior modification process better, as I am constantly seeing it and being asked to use it.
5. What was one thing you disliked, or liked least?
a. Direct assessment is a difficult task. Oftentimes if it’s a behavior the individual doesn’t want to change (like giving up a bad habit such as smoking or pop-drinking) and they’re the one monitoring it, they might just fudge the assessment a bit….. “…well, I only had one, so I won’t count it….”
6. What are three things you will remember?
a. Breaking down the function of eating and it’s different purposes was very interesting. I had never thought of the different functions that eating could fulfill; hunger, boredom, comfort, etc. Furthermore, I never think of eating being the behavior that needs changed, I think of something to counteract it, like running.
b. Every time I hear the word “intervention” I think of extreme behavior habits, like alcoholism or drug abuse. However, I have never thought of it in the context of more mild-moderate behaviors such as eating. It makes me think of the TV show, The Biggest Loser and how many different habit breaking interventions they must exhaust before airing the successful one on TV.
c. Every section builds on the last section and on previous ideas we’ve discussed. I had no idea there were so many elements and processes were involved in changing a behavior or even just observing one. From functional analysis to the intervention, I’m continuously learning about behavior development and how to go about rerouting them for a more successful, healthy lifestyle.
7. Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline of Zero Running Activity)
Day 1 = X
Day 2 = X
Day 3 = X
Day 4 = X
Day 5 = X
Day 6 = X
Day 7 = X
Average = --
8. Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
9. In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
a. A Functional Analysis of my target behavior would look like not only self-recording, but having my boyfriend (who lives with me) keep track of the times/lengths I ran as well. If I were doing poorly (as reflected by my baseline) we could look at the ABC and decide if my intervention needed changed or improved.
10. Terms/Terminology:
a. Rule-governed behavior, efficiency, repetitiveness, behavior modification, process, direct assessment, function, intervention, functional analysis, development, ABC
1. What was one thing you liked about the section?
a. I enjoyed reading about the rule-governed behavior, especially with the example (“People in the same family can’t have babies.” Gage 7 yrs.). I have a niece and two nephews and I remember them telling me similar things when they were little, I just didn’t know it was called rule-governed behavior. It also makes me think of people violating this rule and all the different reality TV shows with cousins who are married!
2. What was one thing you disliked, or liked least?
a. It was difficult to think of rules I only follow because they are the law. The first two laws that came to mind were speed limits and cross walks. However, I’m notorious for speeding and jay-walk if I need to!
3. What are three things you will remember?
a. Until this class I never thought about every day behaviors being governed by rules. Baking pizza, washing the car, or reading prior to class just seemed like common sense and I had never attributed them to behavioral routines.
b. I had never heard of only checking email once, at most twice a day, for increased efficiency. Obviously, as a college student, this isn’t a luxury I have the opportunity to take advantage of. However, it was interesting to see an expert had advised this. I also had never been introduced to the idea of an efficiency expert saying not to handle paperwork more than once. This rule may be helpful to manifest in my own behaviors.
c. I will definitely remember deadlines functioning as rule-governing behavior. Since this is very applicable to my life with all the payments I’m responsible for: rent, car payments, insurance, and even gas! It is definitely something that I have to plan in advance for so I can be sure I’m working enough to pay for all the bills I accrue.
4. What was one thing you like about the section?
a. The repetitiveness of the behavior modification process has served as a continuous reminder and allowed me the opportunity to keep practicing the steps. It is for this reason that I am able to remember the behavior modification process better, as I am constantly seeing it and being asked to use it.
5. What was one thing you disliked, or liked least?
a. Direct assessment is a difficult task. Oftentimes if it’s a behavior the individual doesn’t want to change (like giving up a bad habit such as smoking or pop-drinking) and they’re the one monitoring it, they might just fudge the assessment a bit….. “…well, I only had one, so I won’t count it….”
6. What are three things you will remember?
a. Breaking down the function of eating and it’s different purposes was very interesting. I had never thought of the different functions that eating could fulfill; hunger, boredom, comfort, etc. Furthermore, I never think of eating being the behavior that needs changed, I think of something to counteract it, like running.
b. Every time I hear the word “intervention” I think of extreme behavior habits, like alcoholism or drug abuse. However, I have never thought of it in the context of more mild-moderate behaviors such as eating. It makes me think of the TV show, The Biggest Loser and how many different habit breaking interventions they must exhaust before airing the successful one on TV.
c. Every section builds on the last section and on previous ideas we’ve discussed. I had no idea there were so many elements and processes were involved in changing a behavior or even just observing one. From functional analysis to the intervention, I’m continuously learning about behavior development and how to go about rerouting them for a more successful, healthy lifestyle.
7. Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline of Zero Running Activity)
Day 1 = X
Day 2 = X
Day 3 = X
Day 4 = X
Day 5 = X
Day 6 = X
Day 7 = X
Average = --
8. Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
9. In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
a. A Functional Analysis of my target behavior would look like not only self-recording, but having my boyfriend (who lives with me) keep track of the times/lengths I ran as well. If I were doing poorly (as reflected by my baseline) we could look at the ABC and decide if my intervention needed changed or improved.
10. Terms/Terminology:
a. Rule-governed behavior, efficiency, repetitiveness, behavior modification, process, direct assessment, function, intervention, functional analysis, development, ABC
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked that was in this section was that religious rules were used as an example for rule governed behaviors. I guess I wouldn’t have thought of them as being a rule governed behavior myself. I liked this example because I could relate to it. I feel like rule governed behaviors are like the laws we have to follow in society even if they are not written laws.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I didn’t like in this section. I feel like it was well explained and the examples given were relatable and easy to understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the sources of the rule governed behaviors vary, such as government, culture and family traditions. I will remember this because the examples given varied with some of these source. I will also remember that we emit behaviors that deviate from the established rules when there is a low probability for punishment. I know I do this when I’m speeding on the road back home because there is usually no cops on my way home. So I know I will not get a speeding ticket on my way home. I will also remember that a lot of our day to day behaviors are rule governed. Some behaviors that are rule governed for me are to turn off my bedroom light when I leave my apartment, and to wash my dishes after I use them.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the functional assessment was explained in terms of research. I liked this because I know those terms from previous classes I have taken and they’re terms I understand. It makes the functional assessment a lot easier to understand in the behavior modification process.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything in this section that I didn’t like. I thought the whole section was interesting and good information.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that a hypothesis is developed as a basis for future intervention when wanting to decrease or increase a behavior. I will remember this because hypothesis can be modified when doing experiments or research. I will also remember that the baseline is like the control group in an experiment because the baseline is the thing we want to compare to when we are doing our reinforcement. Lastly, I will remember that the direct assessment is the observation or recording of the behavior. I will remember this because the word direct assessment is kind of obvious to me that it will involve observations.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Points are based on how many good behaviors were done per day.
Day 1 = 6 pts
Day 2 = 4 pts
Day 3 = 7 pts
Day 4 = 7 pts
Day 5 = 6 pts
Day 6 = 6 pts
Day 7 = 4 pts
Average = 5.7 pts
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis for my target behavior (eating habits) would be eating unhealthy when I am around friends (antecedent), and then feeling guilty for making bad eating choices later (consequence).
8)Terminology: consequence, antecedent, target behavior, functional analysis, direct assessment, hypothesis, intervention, reinforcement, baseline, observation, functional assessment, behavior modification, rule governed behaviors, established rules, punishment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how this section explained rule governed behavior and then gave examples. I think that this helped my understanding of the concept, as well as show how many behaviors we have, and how many stimuli control our behavior. I really liked the lay out of this section because I think it helped to reinforce the information that was being explained.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like that a summary was not provided. I liked having the summaries because it allows me to review, and check my understanding of the section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember rule governed behavior. I will remember this because it used the example that it is norms that have been established and morals. I will remember this because my morals were highly influenced by my family, as well as the norms of society. I found this interesting because it is something that is not reinforced or punished.
b. I will remember that the behavior we emit can deviate from the rules due to knowing the punishment will not come. I found this interesting because this is how I decided my behaviors growing up. If I knew my mom would not punish me, I would emit a behavior against the rules simply because I would not be punished for emitting the behavior.
c. Lastly I will remember that behaviors are decided on increased efficiency, as well as what we are told. We follow many rules and emit the behaviors according to these rules due to being told. It is interesting because I can define behaviors that I have picked up, even though I have not been punished or reinforced for changing the target behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section went into detail about functional assessment. Defining it and then giving examples really helped to reinforce the concept. I also like how the section was easy to read and understand. It was helpful to have the exercise boxes because it allowed me to test my knowledge along the way.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I again did not like the summary missing. I think the summary helps me to check my understanding of what was said, as well as a reminder as I relook over the material before class
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the steps involved in behavior modification. There are six steps to help change the target behavior. I will remember this because it is extremely important and is something that I will use when implementing my behavior modification plan. The steps are important because it uses the behavior, and the current antecedents and consequences, and then forming a new antecedent and consequence based on the functional assessment.
b. I will remember the functional assessment. This is an assessment of behavior to determine a hypothesis of the ABC’s. This is important because it helps to define the function of the behavior and what is reinforcing the current behavior. The functional assessment is important simply because it allows you to have a reason behind the behavior and a way to change the behavior.
c. I will remember a direct assessment and indirect assessment. A direct assessment uses a observation and recording technique. This is used to see the target behavior and the consequence and then it allows for someone to go back to see what is reinforcing the behavior. An indirect assessment is either an interview or questionnaire. This allows someone to assessed in a less aversive way, and it works well for those who cannot communicate well. I will remember these because I will administer types of functional assessments in my future career.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =0
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is exercise. Before I did not exercise beside walking to classes and around campus. I also would have to exert myself at work. My definition of exercise is doing the LBD 30 day challenge, and some form of jogging (outside or treadmill) at least 3 times a week. The functional analysis of my behavior before I changed would not exist. Simply because I did not work out at home. If I were to be at a gym, then my behavior of working out would increase, and I would exercise and then feel better. I wanted to work out simply to burn of excess energy and the adrenaline from work. I also wanted to gain some strength especially with the field that I am working in.
8) behavior, stimuli, reinforce, rule governed behavior, punished, emit, increased efficiency, target behavior, steps of behavior modification, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment, ABCs
1. One thing I really like about this section was the example that concluded with “even a seven year old knows this.” I liked this because ending with that quote helped me better grasp the idea of rule governed behavior.
2. Something I didn’t like about this section was how short it was. I didn’t like that it was short because I was really interested in this aspect of bmod and wanted to learn more.
3. I will remember that rule governed behavior can be known also as a norm, because this made it easier to understand.
a. I will also remember that rule governed behavior is not universal, it varies from society to society, religion to religion, and culture to culture because of the “source of rules”
b. I will also remember that “rule governed behavior” can be passed down by ones own experience to a friend who has not experienced it.
4. One thing I really like about this section was the outline of steps involved in the behavior modification process. I liked this because it literally look everything we have learned thus far and put it together like a formula, which gave more meaning what we have learned as a whole.
5. I didn’t like the example involving eating/food because it kind’ve confused me and I didn’t understand the relevance to the situation.
6. The three things I will remember:
a. I will remember that direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors, because that seemed like an important part of this section.
b. I will remember that functional analysis can be both indirectly and directly coordinated. I will remember this because I had to look this up separately because I originally didn’t understand the difference.
c. I will also remember what natural contingences are because I feel as though our own personal fulfillment of doing a desired behavior is more important than what we promise ourselves.
7. Week 1 (baseline)
a. Day 1: 30 min.
b. Day 2: 60 min.
c. Day 3: 0 min.
d. Day 4: 0 min.
e. Day 5: 30 min.
f. Day 6: 15 min.
g. Day 7: 75 min
h. Average: 30 min.
8. Desired behavior, natural contingences, rule governed behavior, direct assessment,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the idea of rule governed behavior. I liked the concept because even though the concept is easy to get, I never really thought of this idea. Some of the simplest ideas and norms we never really take a second to think about. It’s interesting to think that we use rule governed behaviors daily.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked the most was the part on the experts. It mentioned that we can adopt a rule without experiencing the consequence, or it could have been applied in about governed or known rules. Some of the examples I came up with I’m assuming were probably socially developed, and not created by the experts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. One thing I will remember is that a rule governed behavior is maintained through obligation of maintaining order. This became a simpler idea after hearing about the examples to me. Without any social rules or norms, we would live in a very different world.
b. I will also remember that some individuals may emit behaviors that deviate from social norms or established rules because the probability of punishment is low or nonexistent. I could really relate to the driving example, except I speed in areas that I know cops aren’t usually around.
c. The last thing I will remember is we can adapt rules without directly experiencing the consequence. I will remember this because of the red light example, because I literally do this with the speeding example I do. I have to remind myself still before slowing down for it to become an automatic response and the rule becomes the antecedent.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the difference between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I thought it was interesting that behavior analysis is not always trying to modify their own behavior. It may be about modifying the behavior of others.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was the schedules of reinforcement and leaning out by reducing the times the person is reinforced by using random reinforcement, ect. It seemed almost repetitive.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the purpose of a functional assessment. The person can investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it, so the person they can design and intervention to decrease the frequency of behavior if it is undesirable.
b. I will also remember after a baseline of existing behavior is established, the person forming the hypothesis can begin experimenting with behavior interventions. People trying to modify their behaviors need to be aware of their hypothesis, and if it is accurate.
c. A functional analysis of behavior can be direct or indirect. Observing behavior as they occur is direct, while when the information is gathered about behavior through another source is indirect.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 mile
Day 2 = 0 miles
Day 3 = 1 mile
Day 4 = 0 miles
Day 5 = 0 miles
Day 6 = 0 miles
Day 7 = 2 miles
Average = .57 miles per week/ sum- 4 miles
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will collect information from my target behavior through direct assessment. After I complete running a mile, I will use my behavior journal to monitor my ABCs during baseline and intervention. I will record right after every workout.
Terms: Random reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, punishment, reinforcement, direct assessment, indirect assessment, undesirable, desirable, functional analysis, frequency of behavior, indirect assessment, schedules of reinforcement, leaning out, experimenting, reinforced, intervention, ABCs, behavioral journal, baseline.
1. I liked the part that talked about how we emit or don't emit certain behaviors based on what is acceptable in our culture. This is not something that we are punished or reinforced for, but we still have these rules in our minds. This is something that I haven't thought about in the context of behavior modification before and seemed really interesting.
2. I didn't like the section on getting organized. It seemed like the rules put in place to make someone more efficient were arbitrary. I would like to hear the reasoning as to why we should do one thing and not do another.
3. I will remember that whether we emit a behavior or not is based off of the rules, but also whether we will be punished for breaking them or not. I will remember that rules can be handed down, like warning someone to not speed in a certain area to avoid getting a ticket. I will also remember that deadlines can function as rules and dictate behavior. If we know that missing a deadline will result in a punishment we are more likely to meet the deadline.
4. I liked the section where we came up with different functions for one behavior, such as smoking. This allowed us to delve deeper in to the psyche of a person and helped me to realize how many reasons there may be for any particular behavior.
5. I liked least the section on indirect or direct assessments. and indirect assessment relies on a questionnaire or interview with your subject, whereas a direct assessment is done with observation. I did not like this section because it was pretty obvious what each one was.
6. I will remember that examining the ABC's is an example of a functional assessment. This is used to help develop a theory or hypothesis regarding the relationship between the behaviors and the environment. I will remember that behaviors can have different functions but the same topography or vice versa. I will also remember that if a behavior has multiple functions you may need to have different interventions for each function.
Day 1- nap
Day 2- no nap
Day 3- nap
Day 4- no nap
Day 5- no nap
Day 6- nap
Day 7- no nap
I will use direct assessment to collect information on my target behavior. I will look at the circumstances surrounding my behaviors to better understand the antecedents and will also look at the consequences of my behavior.
emit, punished, reinforced, behavior modification, efficiency, rules, deadlines, behavior, functions, indirect assessment, direct assessment, abc's, functional assessment, hypothesis, topography, intervention
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the structure and simplicity of this section. A lot of times, I almost feel overwhelmed about all of the information that is presented in the section. Having short, concise sections is very appealing to me. I also like when examples are used that are easily applied to everyday life. If examples are relevant to me, I’m more likely to retain them and see where I apply them throughout my day.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Honestly, there wasn’t anything that stood out to me that I didn’t like. The reading was clear and concise, which made the reading more enjoyable. If I had to pick one thing, it would be that there wasn’t a chapter summary. I really like having those to make sure that I grasped all of the concepts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will definitely remember the overall idea of rule governed behavior, and how some people emit behaviors solely on verbal antecedents, or because society elicits them to. I will remember this because it was the main idea of the section and was referred back to the entire time. Another concept that I will remember is how culture and location can be an influence on governed behavior because certain environments have different rules and social norms. Lastly, I will remember that governed rules can be set on an individual basis. People can be raised differently, and different conscious decisions might be made due to the fact that governed rules can be individually based.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was how we reviewed the steps of the behavior modification process. Due to the fact that we are in the middle of our behavior modification projects, it was important to me to refresh my understanding of the process with baselines, interventions, different functions and how to devise new antecedents and consequences.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
This section was a lot like the last one, where it was pretty clear, concise and easy to read. However, I would have liked a summary to ensure that I didn’t miss any main points.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that comes to mind is the purpose of the functional assessment. By using this, individuals are able to understand certain undesirable behaviors and determine what is reinforcing it, which makes designing an intervention easier. I will also remember that functional analyses of behaviors can be direct or indirect. If someone observes a behavior as it occurs, it is considered direct. However, if someone gathers information about behaviors through a different source, it is indirect. I will also remember that control groups and baselines are very similar because they don’t occur during or after an intervention. It is the naturally occurring behavior that is used to compare and measure how the intervention has changed the behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 2
Day 4 = 3
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 1.7
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is to wake up on my first alarm clock, so my functional analysis would probably be more of a direct assessment. I sleep alone in my own room, so no one else really knows how many times my alarm clock gets reset before I finally get up. Recording how many times I do this will fulfill the assessment.
8) Terms: Antecedent, target behavior, consequence,
governed behavior, elicit, emit, undesirable, behavior modification, reinforcement, indirect assessment, direct assessment, baseline, intervention, functional assessment,
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section discussed where the rules we have come from. Knowing where a rules comes from is a big indicator of how likely someone is to follow it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked about this section, it was easy to read and interesting.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is a certain type of behavior is called rule governed behavior, this behavior is just a rule that is a rule because the antecedent is verbal. The second thing I will remember is there are nine sources of rules: the government, society, culture, traditions (holiday/family), peers, attorneys, and ourselves. The last thing I will remember is that the severity of the consequences for breaking rules-aka getting caught- is the main factor is deciding whether or not a person will follow the rules. These are important concepts to know.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One of the most important steps of changing a behavior is evaluating the results from attempt to change the behavior. Functional assessments give a lot of info on the success of goals.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
It disliked how boring this section was. I understood everything in it, it just seemed longwinded to me.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is there is six steps of the behavioral modification process: defining the target behavior, defining the consequences, defining the antecedents, functional assessment, revise antecedents and consequences, and lastly evaluating the outcome. The second thing I will remember is a functional assessment is when a person looks at the situation that impacted the behavior. The third thing I will remember is that knowing the reason behind a behavior is very important in increasing or decreasing the behavior depending on what the goal in question is. These are all important things to know.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =2
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =1
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =1 salad a day
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Looking and feeling better.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rules, rule governed behavior, behavior, antecedent, sources of rules, severity, consequences, Functional assessments , defining the target behavior, defining the antecedents, functional assessment, revise antecedents and consequences, evaluating the outcome, increasing, decreasing.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In all honesty, my favorite thing about this section was how short it was. But educationally-wise, I liked the amount of visual charts provided since I'm a visual learner.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't necessarily dislike the section at all, but I didn't find it necessary that rule-governed behavior needed its own section to be discussed. I feel it could have been worked into another section since all the information provided felt repetitive.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rules have various sources, I will remember the rules for efficiency and I will remember how deadlines work in rule governed behavior
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the list of steps involved in the behavior modification process at the beginning. It's good to review these things especially since that's the whole premise of the class.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Some of the examples provided for the functionality of certain behaviors were confusing. Like what functions do eating serve? Usually eating serves curing hunger pangs and there's not much else you can do to quell those. I couldn't really think of other options to ease that.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the difference between direct and indirect assessment, I will remember how similar topographies serve different functions and I will remember the importance of experimentation during behavior modification
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Slept from 2:45a-10:40a
Day 2 = 3:15a-1p
Day 3 = Went to bed at 2, slept from 5a-1:30p
Day 4 = Went to bed at 2, slept from 3a-12:15p
Day 5 = 2:35a-2:45p
Day 6 = Went to bed at 1, slept from 2:15a-12:45p
Day 7 = Went to bed at 2, slept from 4:15a-12:45p
Average = 2:14a bedtime, 9.5 hours of sleep
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is to get my sleep schedule more healthy and normal, so my functional analysis has been recording in my phone what time I go to bed and what time I wake up. If I don't fall asleep around the same time I went to bed, I'll be sure to record that too to see just how much sleep I'm actually getting. Some nights I'll go to bed at a certain time but have difficulty falling asleep.
Terminology: rule governed behavior, efficiency, deadline, functionality, direct assessment, indirect assessment, topography, experimentation, target behavior, functional analysis
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I like that this was a short section, but still had plenty of material to cover. I feel like I was able to follow it very easily and understand everything I was reading.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I was not a fan of the examples in this section. They were not bad by any means, but they kind of felt like they were put in there just to be in there, rather than to add to the reading.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the section, get organized-increase efficiency mostly because of the example. I have become quite the avid hoarder, to where as I will find something look at it and put it back deciding to deal with it later rather than just making my decision then and there. In that same section I will also remember the importance of using deadlines as an antecedent. It will be helpful when thinking about my target behavior, and knowing I will be reinforced rather than punished if I just follow the preset deadline. I will also remember the term Rule Governed Behavior simply because it is something we come across everyday. I never really thought about it in this sense, but I have always followed the unwritten rules. Having a term for it I think will make me more aware of the certain rules in the future.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked that the first part of this section was kind of a review. I liked how it was written because it did not feel repetitive like reviews often times do, but it felt more beneficial and refreshing to have that there before leading in to the rest of the reading.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The thing that I liked least in this section was that the examples did not follow throughout like they have in past readings. It makes it much easier to connect the dots when that is the case.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember the term functional assessment because it is a new term and it applies to our current attempt to modify our own behaviors. It helps me get a better understanding of the ABC's of my own behavior. I will also remember the six steps involved in behavior modification to help change the target behavior. I will remember this because it is something that I can use when enforcing my behavior plan. The steps are good to know because they uses the target behavior, and the current antecedents and consequences, and then forming a new antecedent and consequence based on the functional assessment. Lastly I will remember that behavior modification is a dynamic process that involves careful recording of the behavior. I will remember this because I have already noticed the importance of actually recording what you are doing to be sure you are following through and committing to the modification.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below: I actually changed my behavior to stop biting my nails with my reinforcement being a new bottle of polish at the end of the week.
Week 1 (Baseline)
How many times I bit my nails.
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 1
Average =.42
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? A functional analysis for my nail biting would be a direct assessment because I would be assessing myself while I do it. I am fully aware every time I bite my nails that I wish I wasn't but I do it anyways.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Target behavior, antecedent, reinforced, punished, rule governed behavior, functional assessment, modify, behaviors, behavior modification.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked how it gave you ways to become more efficient and organized. I think thats something really important to know how to do. Also just how it breaks down governed behavior, it made it really easy to make sense of it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like how there was no summary. Usually reading through and their eating the summary really helps me pull it all together after reading through the whole chapter.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Governed behaviors are behaviors that come without a direct reinforcement or punishment. They gave really good examples that helped make good sense of it
Adopting a rule and becoming organized and efficient with that rule is easier when you verbally remind yourself everyday of that rule
Rule governed behavior can be things you do because of what you've adopted, or things you don't do because of things you've seen or heard in the past
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how it lays out the steps of behavior modification because it really helps pull what were doing into perspective.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
again, missing the summary
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Functional assessment it examining your abcs and finding an intervention in order to decrease undesirable behaviors
If any behavior is continuing, there is something reinforcing it (giving the finger)
baseline is there to test your hypothesis just like in a lab experiment
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =1 workout
Day 2 =1 workout
Day 3 =0 workouts
Day 4 =1 workout
Day 5 =1 workout
Day 6 =0 workouts
Day 7 =0 workouts
Average =
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
If i continue working o ut, what will my results be, an how i could stop myself from skipping workouts
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
functional analysis, efficiency and organization, reinforcement, rule governed behavior,behavior modification, baseline
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Behavior is primarily controlled by a verbal description of a contingency of reinforcement or punishment. The description usually describes the behavior, the SD for this behavior and the typical consequence for this behavior in the behavior in the presence of the SD.
I like the idea behind rule governed behavior. We all know and understand these “unsaid rules” so giving it a name and a definition I like.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Sources of Rules. Sources of rules can be government (federal, state, local), society, cultures, holiday traditions, family traditions (we eat at the table and not in front of the TV), peers, attorneys (“I agree to conditions and terms”), and ourselves. Rules vary from country to country, some countries have rules that you drive on the right side of the street while in others you drive on the left side. Different countries have different laws regarding drinking age (or even if drinking is allowable), smoking age, voting rights (some countries have no voting at all), and different rules about who can enter their country.
Liked it the least because it points out the obvious.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- A rule governed behavior is maintained through obligation of maintaining order. This definition made a lot of sense even without all the examples.
- Individuals may emit behaviors that deviate from established rules because the probability of punishment is low or nonexistent. I liked the example of blowing through a stop light at 4 am because there is a low probability of getting caught and getting a ticket (punished).
- We can adopt rules without directly experiencing the consequence, but we execute it by verbally reminding ourselves. I will remember this because of the speeding example.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Functional analysis in behavior analysis employs principles derived from the natural science of behavior analysis to determine the "reason", purpose or motivation for a behavior.
I think this is an important part of behavior modification. If we can understand why a behavior is being performed we can easily implement a plan to change, reinforce, or punish the behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked least about this section was that the functional assessment, it was not what I thought it would be. This left more like a review.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- Devising an intervention is coming up with new antecedents and consequences. Once we know what elicits the target behavior (antecedent) and what maintains the behavior (consequence), we can modify them through our intervention.
- Hypothesis can help modify the antecedent and consequence. This is an idea of why one believes the behavior is occurring and when, which will greatly help with my behavioral change project. If the intervention does not work, we may need to go back and change the intervention.
- Functional analysis can be both direct and indirectly coordinated. An example would be studying then taking a test on what was studied.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =4
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =0
Average = 2 times a day
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis (or hypothesis) of my target behavior, stop biting nails, would be that it relieves stress or anxiety. Which is the one im sticking with, while observing my behavior I realized the majority of the time I spent biting my nails involved the thought of upcoming stressful work, homework, test and so on. A small majority was due to boredom or something being off or uneven on my nails.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
rule governed behavior, emit, consequence, behavior, sources of rules, signs, reinforcement, direct assessment, antecedent, hypothesis, target behavior, functional analysis, behavior modification
1.a.b.)I loved how it listed ways to be more organized and efficient! I need to work on this.
2.) I did not like that there was no summary. The summary helps wrap the chapter all up so it makes more sense.
3.a.b.c.)I will remember that rule governed behaviors are social norms. I will remember this because I already knew what social norms were. I just did not have a name for them. I will also remember that rule governed behaviors can be adopted or just learned through observation. I will remember this because I have emit behaviors that are learned and adopted. Lastly, I will also remember that if you adopt a new rule, it is important to say that rule out loud every day. I will remember this because it is a good tip.
4.a.b.)I liked how simple and straight to the point this chapter was. I liked it because it was easy for me to understand and relatable to my life.
5.)I wished there would have been a summary. They really help me a lot!
6.a.b.c)I will remember that baselines and control groups are very similar. I will remember this because I always get them confused. I will also remember that experimentation is very important in behavior modification. I will remember this because it makes sense. Lastly, I will remember the steps for the behavior modification process. I will remember this because it is basically review.
7.a.)I changed mine to going to bed by 12:30 am Sunday through Thursday. By yes or no.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =yes
Day 2 =no
Day 3 =yes
Day 4 =no
Day 5 =yes
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average =42%
7.c.) At the end of all this hopefully I have a more normal sleeping schedule.
8.)baseline, control group, behavior modification process, emit, rule governed behaviors,
a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
After reading this section, it was much easier to understand the rule of governed behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I disliked was the fact that there was no ending summary or key points.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember that the rule of governed behaviors can stem from sources such as government, family, and society.
B) I will also remember that rules are important to our behavior.
C) I will also remember deadlines function as a rule-governing behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
From this section, I liked how the functional assessment was explained in the terms of research.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, the only thing I disliked about this section was that the summary was missing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember functional assessment. This is determined by the ABCs of behavior. This also helps to define the function of a behavior.
B) I will remember the steps involved in behavior modification. This is pretty important and the six steps are needed for implementing behavior.
C) Lastly, I will remember indirect assessment and direct assessment. Direct uses observation and indirect uses interview or questionnaire.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =o
Day 3 =30 min
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =30 min
Average =8.5
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is exercising. Before I would exercise every once in awhile when I had someone to go to the gym with. I want to work out about 4 days a week performing some sort of exercise that will raise my heart rate and make me sweat.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
governed behavior, rules of behavior, deadline fuction, rule-governing behavior, functional assessment, ABC’s, behavior modification, indirect assessment, direct assessment.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this section discussed where the rules we have come from. Knowing where a rules comes from is a big indicator of how likely someone is to follow it. Whether it be a law or something religious.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like that a summary was not provided. I liked having the summaries because it allows me to review, and check my understanding of the section. I also didn't like how short it was because I found it very interesting to think about these type of things.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section was the concept of governed behaviors. I thought the text gave an exceptional definition as well as examples. Describing them as rules we keep as a society, helped them stick in my mind. I'm always fascinated how we're held to norms just because it would be awkward if we broke them. Something else I will remember from this chapter is the sources of rules. Rules can come from a variety of places (like peers, society, and culture, and so on..) Even how different areas of the world can have different laws for the same basic concept (like drinking.) Lastly, I will remember that rules act as antecedents. Rules shape our behavior, making them perfect antecedents, and some can even spell out things for people.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
this section was a lot like the last one, where it was pretty clear, concise and easy to read. However, I would have liked a summary to ensure that I didn’t miss any main points
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I didn't like about this section again was how there was not a review at the end to help make sure you understand the main concepts of the section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
ill remember that behavioral change requires a lot of effort and detailed observation because a lot of information needs to be collected in order to successfully increase or decrease a target behavior.I will also remember that direct assessment involves the individual recording their own behaviors either through a behavioral diary or through other means.Indirect assessment is having outsiders observe an individual's behavior. This method can be better because outside observers can be more neutral than an individual recording their own behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =2
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =0
Average =.5
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I wasn't very conscious on what kinds of foods I would eat or order. Now I want to eat mostly healthy foods and not a lot of processed foods.
1)it was brief but with it being short i thought that there was good information and it was a easy read which i like. the examples were good and i understood it.
2) even though thought that the examples were good there were a few that i thought that were unneeded.
3) that we develop rules for our behaviors based on observations we have acquired about the environment, also that we need to look at the source of our rules, why they are the way they are.rule governed behavior can result from establishing norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history.
4) the reviewing and how it broke things down
5) the boxes that i was asked to fill in.
6) function assessment of a behavior is important in changing a target behavior. The antecedent is very important to figure out. that it is important to come up with a hypothesis for by the ABC’s occur. we need to look at the function and topography of a behavior. how many behaviors may look different but function the same so we need to take into account those behaviors if they function the same as the target behavior we want to change.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =0
A= being depressed and anxious
B= taking my pills
C= better life and being happy
1) What I liked most about the chapter was how into detail it went about how outside forces are antecedents to our everyday lives. I also liked how many visual examples it gave of how the outside rules govern our behavior.
2) While I usually enjoy the interactive question boxes, I disliked the one that asked about what are rules that I follow now that I wouldn't follow if they weren't laws. I thought this question was very confusing and it was hard for me to understand. I thought it was asking the same thing as the box that asked which laws do I follow occasionally.
3) Three things I will remember from this chapter are:
a) Some of the "laws" that govern our behavior are ones we create out of our own experiences. Similar to the example in the chapter, I also knew where all the cops like to hide in my hometown. So when I was almost to a spot, I would always be going the speed limit. This was my rule governed behavior.
b) Sources of rules can be rules that originate from family traditions to the government passing state laws. To me, they seemed like the discriminative stimulus to create the laws.
c) Signs are also examples of rule governed behavior. We trust signs to tell us what to do, and where we should be going. They also tell us behaviors and consequences so that we can modify our behavior so we don't have to elicit the aversive responses. An example of this would be the signs I pass going down the interstate that say how many traffic deaths there have been in the past year as a result of phone use while driving. Clearly, this sign makes me want to use my phone less when I'm going down the interstate. However, I wonder how many traffic deaths occur every year from being distracted by the flashing signs telling us to drive safer?
4)Something I really liked about this chapter was how it summarized all that we have learned about the ABC's thus far. It's nice to have a refresher on these once in a while. I also liked how it laid out the steps and talked about exactly which two we were focusing on in this section. Sometimes when you go over the same concepts over and over, it's hard to remember half way through what they are actually trying to stress here.
5) I thought everything in this section was helpful and informative. So there wasn't really anything I disliked.
6) Three things I will remember about this section are:
a) To help with decreasing an unwanted behavior, it's good to use functional assessment to see what is related to the antecedent to elicit that specific behavior. If you can modify what those are, and use the right kind of intervention, than it will be easier to change the behavior being emitted.
b) Although something's may look and sound the same, like giving the finger, or going for a run, they have many different functions that are tied to those behaviors. So to figure out why someone does the behavior, you also have to hypothesize the different functions it could have.
c) When someone is giving a direct assessment, they are recording the behaviors that are being emitted by themselves or others. This could be done through a use of a graph or behavioral journal.
Day 1- 20:26 min
Day 2- 0 min
Day 3- 18:25 min
Day 4- 0 min
Day 5- 16.37 min
Day 6- 0 min
Day 7- 0 min
Average- 7:55 min
7b) I shall.
7c) My functional analysis would be that I want to get into the habit of running everyday. Since I started it has shown to be a great stress reliever and overall makes me feel better. I am doing a direct assessment by recording my behaviors into a journal.
8) Terms: antecedent, behavior, rule governed behavior, discriminative stimulus, elicit, aversive, functional assessment, emit, direct assessment
Section 5.2
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I liked how straightforward and easy this section was to understand. A lot of it was common sense but it was nice to see how easily our behaviors could be controlled because someone or something gave us an arbitrary guideline. I also liked the diagrams using the antecedent being the governing rule and the behavior and consequence, it was nice to have a visual interpretation of this subject matter.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- There was nothing I disliked about this section. It was really easy to read and it was nice to get a different perspective on something that most people don't realize happens to them every single day
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?- There are many rule governed behaviors and the rules come from many different sources, from high authorities or just from personal experiences. We can create rules for ourselves to become more organized and efficient. Most of the time we will follow these rules even without a substantial reinforcer. Signs and deadlines could be a discriminative stimulus but also act governing rules.
Section 5.3
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?- I really liked the amount of detail that was put into this section. I feel like this section really described what behavior modification is and the steps and processes it takes to really change a behavior. I think that functional analysis is a very important part of the process of behavior modification and I was glad that we got to explore it in this section. I thought everything was well written and very clear.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?- I disliked that this section was introduced so late in the semester. I feel like we should have learned about this immediately after we learned what antecedent, target behaviors, and consequences are. I feel like it is such an integral part of this course that we should have gone into detail about it much earlier.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?-Functional assessment is looking at the behavior and trying to discern why the reinforcer is continuing to elicit the behavior. This is very important because without knowing that we form a hypothesis about the behavior then nothing would be in question and get changed. It is important to come up with many ideas for hypothesis and be able to modify the intervention to work with the behavior. This allows more room if errors do occur. There are two types of assessment, direct and indirect. These two types are both very useful in their own ways and offer different points of view on the behavior which can be useful in creating a good intervention
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Target Behavior: Checking Twitter,Facebook and Instagram on my cell phone
Day 1 = 17 times
Day 2 = 19 times
Day 3 = 10 times
Day 4 = 12 times
Day 5 = 22 times
Day 6 = 18 times
Day 7 = 21 times
Average = 17 times
7) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?- I look at my phone because I am bored and it gives me something to do. It is reinforcing because it relieves my boredom.
8) Terminology- antecedent, target behavior, consequence, elicit, rule governed behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, functional analysis, reinforcer
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the structure of this section and how well it overall explained rule governed behavior. It also provided plenty of examples to ensure our understanding of governed behavior. It really helped put into perspective how many behaviors we really do have, and how many stimuli can control our behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I liked least about this section was not having the summary provided at the end. I tend to rely on that as a recap for me to help reinforce all the information that I had learned in the section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing that I will remember from this section is ruled governed behavior. This was really easy for me to remember because it says that norms have been established and morals. And I couldn’t agree more, I think everyone is shaped and influenced by their society and close friends and family. The second thing that I will remember is that certain individuals will emit behaviors that stray from social norms just because the chance of punishment is low. And lastly I will remember how culture and your location can be a huge influence on governed behavior because certain areas have different rules and social norms.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked and appreciated about this section was how it went over the steps of the behavior modification process. I thought the timing of this was useful since we have just started out project so it was very helpful in reviewing baselines, interventions, different functions, and how to devise new antecedents and consequences.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything that I particularly disliked other than not having the summary at the end of it again. I just find that summary to be very helpful an ensuring you caught all the main important points.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First thing that I will remember from this section is the functional assessment is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior, along with identifying the environment in which the behaviors occur and how the outcome of the behavior function to maintain it. Secondly I will remember functional analyses of behaviors can be direct or indirect. When observing a behavior as it is, it is considered direct. Lastly I will remember the six steps of the behavioral modification process. The six steps include- defining the target behavior, defining the consequence, defining the antecedents, functional assessment, revise antecedents and consequences, and lastly evaluating the outcome.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =45 min
Day 2 =60min
Day 3 =45min
Day 4 =60min
Day 5 =40min
Day 6 =
Day 7 =
Average =50min
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis of my behavior could be to have my friend who I work out with help observe how long we work out for and what we do at the gym. And then talk about what we thought the ABCs or the function of y behavior was.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
defining the target behavior, defining the consequence, defining the antecedents, functional assessment, revise antecedents and consequences, evaluating the outcome. Consequence, functional analysis, functional assessment, baselines, interventions, ruled governed behavior, social norms.
1) I really liked the chapter started right away with a quote from Gage as an example. I think personal examples are important for understanding how the principles we are learning fit into our everyday life. Gage’s quote “People in the same family can’t have babies” demonstrates that we are unconsciously aware of rule governed behaviors even at a young age. Since we were born, we were bound by the norms, morals, and ethical standards of our culture.
2) One thing I did not like about this chapter was how broad the term “rule governed behaviors “ is. The section first made it seem that they were about the social rules of our society/culture, but it I found that it can also be any kind of situation where the antecedent is verbal. For instance, deadlines can be rule governed behavior. I still think it will take some more reviewing before I completely understand rule governed behavior.
3) A. I will remember what the sources of rules are. They are the sources (friend, family, government, culture, society, or even ourselves) that create rules that govern our behavior. I will remember this by thinking of the Gage example. His belief about who should make babies came from his culture. B. Another thing that I will remember is that rules emerge from the contingencies we are under. I know that I do not want to speed in an area where there is a cop. These contingencies can be learned either from our own observations or the observations of others. B. I will remember that signs are an example of rule governed behaviors as well. They function as an antecedent and sometimes clearly lay out the consequence. I will think of a stop sign for this example. The antecedent is a stop sign and the consequence could be a variety of things. I could get a ticket, I could hit another care, or I could simply annoy other drivers.
4) I liked how the section said that we are constantly modifying our behavior interventions. Because I know this, I will feel better about modifying my own behavior project if that becomes necessary.
5) I wish that the section had given an exact definition of functional assessment. The section described in detail the process of functional assessment but it did not give an explicit definition. I would just like to see if my understanding of functional assessment matches what it really means.
6) A. One thing I will remember about this section is that behavioral interventions are like experiments. We must form a hypothesis and through experimenting our behavioral interventions we will be able to tell if our hypothesis was correction. We also use a baseline as our “control group” like in a laboratory experiment. This was a new way of thinking about interventions for me, so I think I will be able to remember it very well. B. Another thing I will remember is that is that we must find out the function of our target behavior in a functional assessment in order to find an appropriate intervention. For this I will think of the flipping another driver off example. If the function of that behavior was to get the other car to move we can begin to think of other behaviors that could elicit that same consequence. C. I will also remember that functional assessments can be direct or indirect. I will remember direct assessment because that is how I will be recording my own behavioral project. I am observing and recording my own behaviors under their naturally occurring conditions. Indirect assessments are different in that they involve the use of an interview or questionnaire. These are often necessary when the individual is unable or unable to communicate. I will remember this because someone with autism would need to make us of indirect assessments.
7) Day 1= 0 min
Day 2= 55 min
Day 3= 30 min
Day 4= 25 min
Day 5= 10 min
Day 6= 50 min
Day 7= 5 min
I think the function of my target behavior is to get a good score on the GRE and to get into graduate school. The function of my avoidance of studying is that I don’t have very much time and I often to my other “required” homework first.
Terms: rule governed behaviors, antecedent, deadlines, sources of rules, contingencies, signs, function, consequence, behavior interventions, functional assessment, experimenting, hypothesis, baseline, control group, target behavior, elicit, direct and indirect assessment
1) One thing I liked from this section is the fact that laws were related to the concept of rule governed behaviors in order to explain that rule governed behaviors often help to maintain order and they can come from morals, ethics, or rules from the past. I like that it was explained in a way that related laws to the concept, because it helped me to understand it easily and realized what rule governed behaviors are.
2) One thing from this section that I disliked was the fact that I needed to practice and write down rules that I only follow sometimes. I did not like this because at first I did not understand how it related the rest of the reading at all, and it was difficult at first to come up with examples. After I read it again and thought more about it, I realized that this related to rule governed behaviors because there are some rules that people do not follow because they realize they can disobey rules and not actually be punished for it.
3) One thing from this section that I will remember is the fact that deadlines can be used as rules that govern behavior. I will remember this because I made sure to write it down because I had never heard of rule governed behaviors until now and I did not realize that deadlines were related to this at all. Another thing from this section that I will remember is the fact that there are signs that display a rule to follow and the signs can sometimes point out what the consequence of a certain behavior is. I will remember this because I believe it is a very simple concept that would be difficult to remember, because I have seen signs like that, such as a sign that says how much a fine will be for speeding in a construction area. A third thing from this chapter that I will remember is that rules can vary from place to place, or country to country, including laws about drinking ages. I will remember this because I already knew this concept. My friend from Germany told me this once, and I thought it was very interesting, and that past experience will help me to remember this idea.
4) In this section I liked the way that the concept of intervention, which involves changing something in order to decrease or increase a certain behavior, was explained and the fact that I had to practice it with a couple of different target behaviors. I enjoyed this because the definition was simple, easy to understand, and the practice helped me to become familiar with it.
5) In this section I did not like the concept of functional assessment. I did not like this because I found it confusing and frustrating to try and understand for a while. After reading more about it, and re-reading certain parts of this section I now feel better about the concept and understand that it basically involves the examination of antecedents, consequences, and behaviors, in order to help a person understand the way that the ABC’s relate and impact each other. I enjoyed reading about the concept more after I started to understand it.
6) One thing I will remember from this chapter is the fact that functional assessment can occur directly or indirectly. I will remember this because it was clearly explained, and the difference between the two was explained in a way that it was easy to understand and keep it in mind while I was taking notes. The difference between the two is the fact that direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors, while indirect assessment involves interviews, questionnaires or other ways that don’t involve natural observation. A second thing from this section that I will remember is the fact that a “leaner” reinforcement schedule involves less reinforcement occurring. I will remember this because it was an interesting concept and term to me that I have never heard of until today, so I took notes on it. A third thing from this section that I will remember is the idea that a baseline in measurements is similar to a control group that is used in experiments. I will remember this because I already had thought about the fact that the two things were similar, and this helped me to keep that idea fresh in my mind and continue to think about the fact that a control and baseline are very similar.
Baseline Data (hours of exercise)
Day 1 .75 hours
Day 2 1 hour
Day 3 0 hours
Day 4 0 hours
Day 5 .75 hours
Day 6 1 hour
Day 7 .75 hours
Average .61 hours
7b) I will begin using intervention
7c) A functional analysis could involve me recording my exercise behavior and marking down how long I exercise, and then I need to mark down the antecedents and consequences that I have provided myself with to examine the way that my antecedents and consequences affect my target behavior, which is exercising to get in better shape. The function of my exercise is to be healthier, stronger, to look better, and to be in better shape overall. It can also function as a fun activity, and it makes me feel less stressed. I can directly observe and mark down my exercise habits.
Terminology: ABC’s, target behavior, antecedents, consequences, behavior, rule governed behaviors, intervention, functional assessment, indirect, direct, observe, reinforcement, leaner reinforcement, functional analysis, baseline, control group, experiment.
1. What was one thing you liked about this section? Why?
The one thing I liked about this section was how different antecedents can control a person behavior.
2. What was one thing you disliked about this section?
The one thing i disliked about this section was that there wasn't a summary at the end of the section like there normally is.
3. What are three things you will remember from this section
A. That deadlines can help rule govern behaviors
B. Another thing i will remember is that behaviors occur because of certain challenges we are going through.
C. Signs are a good way to know that you should follow laws, for example speed limit signs, once you get a ticket you're going to be less likely to speed again.
Section 5.3
4. What was one thing you liked from this section? Why?
The one thing i liked most about this section was how you mentioned that we keep try to modify our behaviors.
5. What was one thing you disliked about this section? Why?
There wasn't necessarily something i disliked about this section, i enjoy reading the chapter summaries in textbooks so maybe add those back in.
6 What are three things you will remember from this section.
A. if you want to try and decrease a certain behavior you need to try and figure out whats causing that certain behavior and try emitting that behavior.
B. i will remember what a functional assessment is
C. lastly i will remember that functional assesments can be indirect or direct
7. Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)studying
Day one: 1 hour
Day two: 2 hours
Day three: 2 hours
Day four: 2.5 hours
day five: 3 hours
Day six: 2.5
Day seven: 1.5
Average: 2 hours
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I think my target behavior is a good behavior that i need to work on. I need to learn to focus more on my school work rather than what is on tv or on social media.
8. Terms used: behavior, functional analysis, indirect, direct, emit, governing behaviors, antecedents
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the examples provided. I enjoyed how there was a diagram of the antecedent, behavior, and consequence for rule governed behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I honestly cannot say I didn’t dislike anything. I think this section was put together very well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember from this section is that deadlines can function as rules governing behavior. Deadlines are antecedents and discriminative stimuli. They inform us of the consequences that might occur when behaviors are time sensitive.
-One thing I will remember is that ruled governed behavior can result from established norms, ethical standards, morals, or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history.
-One thing I will remember is that depending on the rules as antecedents and the consequences to adhering to the rules can greatly alter our behaviors.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section was how easy it was to follow. There was a nice flow about it, everything made a lot of sense.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this section was the abundant amount of fill in the blanks we are required to fill out. Other than that, everything was great!
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-One thing I will remember is the functional assessment of a behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABC’s of behavior. Through functional assessment we can begin to investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it.
-One thing I will remember is that the six steps involved in the behavior modification process: describe the target behavior, describe the consequences, describe the antecedents, examine the ABC’s, devise new antecedents and consequences, and evaluate the outcome.
-One thing I will remember is that direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors. Indirect assessment might involve the use of an interview process or a questionnaire.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = none
Day 2 = 20 minutes workout
Day 3 = none
Day 4 =15 minutes workout
Day 5 =none
Day 6 =none
Day 7 =none
Average = 5 minutes
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
I will!
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis would be starting to work out every day for half an hour to feel better about myself and get in shape. Working out every day will get my heart rate going and make me feel more energized. By reinforcing myself daily it will make me less likely to skip workouts.
8) Terms:
Deadlines, discriminative stimuli, antecedents, consequences, stimuli, behavior, ruled governed behavior, established norms, indirect assessment, direct assessment, functional assessment, ABC’s, hypothesis, reinforce.
5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior)
1.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I liked how clearly it explained what rule governed behavior is. Often times we do not question why we do things or why we do not do things. We do things because of our socialization procedures. This results from our established norms, morals or ethical standards.
2.) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt like this section was lacking in information compared to previous sections. It also did not provide a summary, which I usually find pretty helpful in revisiting what I had just read over the section.
3.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember rule governed behavior is a behavior which is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal.
I will remember there are many sources of rules in today’s society, including, the government, culture, family traditions, and even peers.
I will remember that depending on the rules as antecedents and the consequences to adhering to the rules (or not adhering to) can greatly alter our behaviors.
5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior)
4.) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
In this section I liked how it clearly laid out the steps in the behavior modification process. Step four, examining the ABC’s, was clearly labeled the stage where the functional assessment takes place.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
In this section, I disliked how short it was. Just like in section 5.2. Again, there was not summary present.
6.) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the six steps of the behavior modification process. It will be important to remember these steps when I personally want to make a change in my behavior or when helping another change their unwanted behavior.
I will remember that when we know what is reinforcing the behavior we can change the contingencies and perhaps extinguish the behavior.
I will remember
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 weeks’ worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 2 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 3 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 4 = 10 minutes of cardio, 40 minutes of weight lifting
Day 5 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 6 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Day 7 = 0 minutes of cardio, 0 minutes of weight lifting
Average = 1.4 minutes of cardio, 5.7 minutes of weight lifting
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I want to complete at least 60 minutes of cardio a week and 60 minutes of weight lifting a week. I decided I will have two reinforcers but at different intervals. My intentions are to go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. If I complete 20 minutes of both cardio and weightlifting each day I go, I will reinforce that behavior by getting a hydro massage. I think this will be a great reinforcer because they only way I can get a hydro massage is if I actually go to the gym. The hydro massage beds are owned by the gym I attend. The idea of getting three hydro massages a week will increase the likelihood I will complete my target behavior. That reinforcer has a fixed interval reinforcement pattern. I also want to put into place a week long reinforcer. If I successfully complete all 60 minutes of both cardio and weightlifting I will reinforce that behavior by taking a long, hot bath.
8) Terminology: rule governed behavior, antecedents, consequence, target behavior, behavior modification process, contingencies, extinguish, functional analysis, fixed interval.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? The definitions and examples made it clear what the section was about.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? It seemed a little rushed and not a ton of information was provided.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember ruled governed behavior is is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. I will remember some behaviors are either emitted or not emitted based on socialization structures of certain cultures. There are many different sources of rules including government, society, culture, holiday and family traditions, peers, and ourselves.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I liked that this section went over what we have previously read because it helped refresh my memory.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I didn’t have a problem with this section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?I will remember the 6 steps in the behavior modification process 1. Describe the target behavior, 2. Describe the consequences, 3. Describe the antecedents, 4. Examine the ABCs, 5. Devise new antecedents and consequences, 6. Evaluate the outcome. I will also remember the functional assessment of behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. I will remember that assessment can be either direct or indirect.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0 minutes
Day 2 =0 minutes
Day 3 =0 minutes
Day 4 =0 minutes
Day 5 =0 minutes
Day 6 =60 minutes
Day 7 =0 minutes
Average = 8 minutes
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? I want to do 60 minutes of cardio and weights at least twice a week. My reinforcers will be 2 episodes of Netflix for every 60 minutes of activity.
Terms: rule governed behavior, antecedent, behavior, emitted, socialization structures, behavior modification process, target behavior, consequences, ABCs, assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the explanation that rules can govern our behavior for many various reasons. It could be our government establishing laws, our family passing down some moral code, or a learned assimilation that we make from past experiences.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I noticed in the first paragraph when talking about having sexual relations in America that we know that it is not acceptable, and that even a 7 year old is aware of this. I am not sure if there was an assumption that it is an innate trait of Americans or that we learn this from our culture.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the
A)Deadlines are not only antecedents, but also a discriminative stimuli in that they make us aware of possible future consequences if the deadline isn't met.
B)When we adopt rules from others we are simply entrusting them to be putting us in a situation that fits our morals.
C)Signs are antecedents to behavior, and some are detailed enough to tell us what consequence will occur if the behavior is not followed. (May receive a fine double that of a normal one if you speed in a construction zone)
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the mentioning in this section that even if your intervention is experiencing success you must still prepare and look for ways to alter it to make it even more productive. Worst case scenario you may be capable of leaning out the amount of times needed to to be reinforced to continue the target behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I am a little confused on when you would use the indirect assessment since that is a questionnaire or interview. It is said this is a good option if one is severely autistic and not capable of communicating, so who are you interviewing?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A)A functional assessment is crucial in order to recognize why the behavior occurs, both what happens beforehand and what is the consequence of it.
B) There are two types of functional assessments in direct and indirect. I discussed indirect previously, and direct is where you personally observe the ABCs of the target behavior and make a hypothesis off that.
C)A behavior may have the same topography, but different functions such as saying the "f" word, so that is why it is vital to assess the antecedent and consequence of the behavior prior to intervention.
Baseline of "f" words
Day 1= 17
Day 2= 23
Day 3= 15
Day 4= 25
Day 5= 11
Day 6= 25
Day 7= 30
The functional analysis of me saying the "f" word is hard to really out a finger on. I lived in a household where no one watched their mouths, I work construction, and watch sports every chance possible. I also am Christian, so on Sundays there seems to be a hyperawareness to my mouth as opposed to the other 6 days.
terms: Rule governed behavior, assimilation, antecedents, discriminative stimuli, deadlines, consequences, reinforced, leaning out, target behavior, indirect assessment, hypothesis, topography
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part that talked about the influence experts have on us. It said that people are quick to adopt a rule, even if they have never experienced the consequences, if it was something an expert recommends. We take the advice of the expert and remind ourselves what they have said. We believe that they know what is best.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I did not like from this section was the boxes with the Antecedents, Behaviors, and Consequences. Although I know that it is good to have repetition throughout the semester, this is something we have gone over numerous times. I felt that it was not too helpful because I already knew the information well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember is that rule governed behavior can come from a variety of sources. It could be because of norms, religious beliefs, or ethical standards for example. Some rule governed behaviors are emitted because that is what is socially acceptable, but depending on the individual this can change. Another thing I learned is that deadlines can act as antecedents and discriminative stimuli. This is because deadlines let us know of consequences that might happen if we do not complete something by the deadline. Last, I will remember that there are many sources of rules. Examples are government, traditions, the people around us, or society as a whole. Rules can come about from just about anything!
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked from this section was being able to expand my knowledge on interventions. I had previously known what interventions were, but this section put interventions in a new light. I realized that it is really all about behavior modification. Interventions are used to either increase or decrease a behavior. You know if an intervention works if there is a steady decline or steady incline in behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not much I did not like in this section! I think the only thing I did not like is the amount of boxes I had to fill in. I felt like it was a bit excessive and took quite a long time. Besides that, the information was great and easy to understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember about this section is that hand gestures can function similarly as verbal words. For example, giving the finger functions the same as the f-word. Giving the finger is likely in driving situations when verbal communication is not possible. The next thing I will remember is what a baseline is. I will remember because we have talked about it in class and the section thoroughly explained it. A baseline is like a control group in a research project. It is to see the behavior a person starts out with before reinforcement or punishment come into play. Last, I will remember what direct assessment is. It involves observing behaviors in naturally set conditions and recording these behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Amount of Piazza desserts eaten
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 1
Average =1.1
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis of my target behavior of eating desserts in the Piazza is that it makes me happy to eat tasty treats. Once I am in the habit, it is hard for me to avoid the dessert table.
Terms: rule governed behavior, norms, emitted, consequences, antecedent, discriminative stimuli, deadline, sources of rules, behaviors, baseline, reinforcement, punishment, direct assessment, behavior modification, intervention, target behavior
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting how there are so many things in life that we know or just do without even thinking about. We don't have to create those type of behaviors because we have grown up with them or just had some of instinct. An example of this type of behavior would be events dealing with social norms.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how there was no summary in the end of this section because I enjoy reading the main bullet points to review what specific terms and key points the section talked about. This helps me to remember them in the future.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First of all, I will remember that rules are important to our behavior because they act as antecedents. I will also remember what rule governed behavior is because they are behaviors that can be established from social norms, morals, or ethical standards. Lastly, I will remember that deadlines can also function as rules governing behavior because deadlines are antecedents as well as descriptive stimuli.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed how each step for describing behavior modification was shown. This gave me an idea of how much we have learned so far, compared to the steps that we need to learn about yet and how far along we are in the process of learning about them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the amount of terms used in the section because it was a handful trying to remember what they meant as I kept reading on. Also, there was no summary provided again which is something I enjoy to look at once in a while to make sure I fully understood the concepts of that section.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will try to remember each of the six steps of behavior modification because I feel as if these steps are extremely important and almost as if they are the main focus of this class. Not only that, but I also feel that if I remember these steps, they will be extremely helpful to me in the future. Also I will remember what a functional assessment of behavior is because it was described throughout the entire section. Lastly, I will remember that the functional analysis of behavior can be either direct or indirect or both. This is important to understand as well because they could be one or the other and in some cases even both.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = no shopping
Day 2 = no shopping
Day 3 = no shopping
Day 4 = no shopping
Day 5 = no shopping
Day 6 = no shopping
Day 7 = went shopping
Average = 1 day of shopping
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Terms: behaviors, instinct, social norms, rules, baseline, morals, ethical standards, rule governed behavior, descriptive stimuli, behavior modification, functional assessment, indirect, direct
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is to save money instead of spend it. I am going to control/decrease the frequency of this behavior by controlling the antecedents in order to prevent it from happening as often. My reinforcer will be that I will be able to go shopping every other week after I've saved up money if I don't go shopping before then.
Section 5.2:
1) One thing I liked in the section was the examples described in it. I liked it because they really helped me understand what the term was all about.
2) I didn’t find anything to dislike in this section because everything in it seem inclusive and well described.
3) I will remember from this section the three different forms of rules that govern behavior. One form I will remember is the form of rules governed by behavior in signs because I encounter this on a daily basis, and feel very familiar and comfortable with this concept. The second form was that of government or country laws. I will remember this form because there are definitely certain laws I always follow because the consequence of not following them is aversive or dangerous, but on the other side of that there are certainly laws I disregard when I know I won’t get caught. The last form I will remember is cultural and normative forms of rules that govern our behavior. I’ve always know about norms and how they affect our behavior but I never thought of them as rules and in the context of this behavioral concepts, so now I will remember them under this new light.
Section 5.3:
4) One thing I liked in the section was again the amount of examples was adequate to increase my ability to understand how analyzing behaviors worked, which I always favor making learning easy.
5) Again, I didn’t really find anything in this section to dislike because it helped with our projects and also helped describe behavior modification analysis on others.
6) I will remember indirect and direct assessments, and the steps that aid in functional assessment. I will remember direct assessment because it is how I am currently assessing my behavior for the behavioral project. I use a behavioral diary in my phone to note what happened before I go to the gym, what I do in my work out, and the consequences after that. Indirect assessment I will remember because it is part of how behavior modification is used in the world outside of us, as in professions and therapy. The interviewing others reminds me a lot of videos I’ve seen on autism therapy and other behavioral therapies. I will remember the steps that help functional assessment occur because I will be using them for my behavioral project. I will evaluate the target behavior, the antecedent, and the consequence. I will then use a functional assessment based on these to formulate a hypothesis on why this behavior happens, and attempt to change the antecedents and consequences to increase the desired behavior.
7a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 minutes
Day 2 = 0 minutes
Day 3 = 0 minutes
Day 4 = 0 minutes
Day 5 = 0 minutes
Day 6 = 0 minutes
Day 7 = 0 minutes
Average = 0 minutes
7b) I will begin my behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, a functional analysis of my target behavior would be: The function of going to the gym and exercising is to make me feel healthier and more physically fit and it occurs most when I’m near the gym and have my gym clothes with me.
8) The terms and terminology: norms, culture, rule governed behavior, antecedent, consequence, desired, target behavior, functional assessment, indirect assessment, direct assessment, autism, behavioral therapy, hypothesis.
Reading 5.2
1.The part of the reading that I liked the best was how there were several examples given explaining what rule governed behavior was. I liked that so many examples were given because then it was easier to understand in different context.
2.I disliked that there was no summary at the end of the reading. I liked to read those because I sometimes feel that the simplistic form that they are written can help me understand the overall objective of the reading. Luckily, this reading was pretty short and easy to understand but I would have liked it more if there was a summary.
3.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is what rule governed behaviors are. Rule governed behaviors are behaviors that are affected by rules that have been put into place. I will remember this because this is what whole reading was primarily over and because I feel rule governed behavior is very common and happens every day. The second thing that I will remember from this reading is that people will emit behaviors that deviate from societal norms because they know that they can get away with it without being punished. This is important to remember because if we use rule governed behavior to change people’s behaviors then we have to know that they may sneak around the rule in order to avoid the adverse effects. The third thing that I will remember from this reading is that consequences can be learned from rule governed behaviors. Many times the rule will tell us the consequence which then effects our behaviors. This is important to remember because if we are observant of the rule then we are able to determine if the consequence will be positive or negative.
Reading 5.3
1.I liked this section because it was easy to read and understand. I thought that the content in this reading was thoroughly explained. I think this reading also had a good amount of information in it. Sometimes the readings have too much information in them and it’s hard to follow but this reading did not have that problem.
2.The thing that I disliked about this reading was that for all the examples there was no way to check to see if my answers were right or along the right track. I like the fact that there are examples however I dislike that I can’t check my answers.
3.The first thing that I will remember from this reading is what a functional assessment of a behavior is. Functional assessments allow us to make hypotheses as to why our behaviors are occurring or not occurring and how to intervene on them. This is important to remember because functional assessment can help us during our behavioral change projects when trying to find a good intervention. The second thing that I will remember from this reading experimenting is important. Functional assessments can result in having many hypotheses and then experimenting with those hypotheses to find a good intervention is important. This is important to remember because our first intervention or reinforcer may not be the best and not lead us to our intended results, therefore experimenting is important. The third thing that I will remember from this reading is that functional assessments can either being direct assessment or indirect assessment. This means that functional assessment can happen while directly observing the behavior or by gaining information from a second source about the behavior. This is important to remember because using second sources could be advantageous to understanding a behavior.
Behavior Change Project
1.Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1: 0 minutes
Day 2: 30 minutes
Day 3: 15 minutes
Day 4: 30 minutes
Day 5: 0 minutes
Day 6: 0 minutes
Day 7: 0 minutes
Average: 11 minutes
2.I will collect information on my target behavior through direct assessment. As I do my workouts I will record the antecedents in my behavioral journal. I can then assess my ABCs during my intervention and possibly alter my intervention depending on my antecedents.
TERMS: rule governed behavior, emit, behavior, punishment, consequences, functional assessment, intervention, experimenting, reinforcer, direct assessment, indirect assessment, antecedents, behavioral journal, ABCs
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the section that went more in depth on discriminate stimuli. I liked it because it helped me understand it better and it became easier to me. The more information on it helped me understand that although discriminate stimuli are antecedents, they may provide a warning that a particular consequence may result. I also liked this section best because I could relate it to real life examples.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
For the most part I liked everything in this section. The most difficult part for me was understanding governed behavior. However, filling in the boxes helped me understand what a rule governed behavior really was by making me think of my own examples.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section was the concept of governed behaviors. I thought the text gave an exceptional definition as well as examples. Describing them as rules we keep as a society, helped them stick in my mind. I'm always fascinated how we're held to norms just because it would be awkward if we broke them.
Another thing I will remember from this section is the sources of rules. I will remember this because I can tie it into the governed behavior concept. Also because rules can come from a variety of places, for example different parts of the world can have different laws for the same concept.
Another thing I will remember is that rules act as antecedents. Rules shape our behavior, making them perfect antecedents and some even spell out the consequences for us.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was how it reviewed our previous vocabulary but also added new terms in without making it confusing. I was able to read through it and comprehend what I was reading without having to go back through and reread it. The review of the terms was helpful because some of them I couldn’t really remember.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was all the examples of other behaviors it asked us to do. I understand that the more practice the easier it is to understand, but I would rather focus on the behavior I am working on rather than learning about a behavior I wouldn’t have to change (ex. Working-out more).
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that the purpose of intervention is to decrease the behavior that is occurring.
I will also remember that the baseline of an experiment is used to determine changed throughout the experimentation.
Another thing I will remember is that functional analysis can either gather information directly or indirectly because one deals with observing a behavior while the other deals with outside people’s opinions.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 minutes
Day 2 = 0 minutes
Day 3 = 0 minutes
Day 4 = 0 minutes
Day 5 = 0 minutes
Day 6 = 0 minutes
Day 7 = 10 minutes
Average = 1.4 minutes
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will collect my working out information on my target behavior through a direct assessment. As I complete my workout I can use my charts as a behavioral journal and monitor my ABC’s during baseline intervention. It is best to record things right away so that it is more accurate.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Target behaviors, ABC’s, behavioral journal, discriminate stimuli, antecedents, consequence, governed behavior, behavior, intervention, decrease , baseline, experiment, experimentation, functional analysis, directly, Indirectly, observing
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I really liked this section because it made really good points on why some behaviors may occur. Rules are a major factor in how people behave and I found it interesting to think about behaviors in this direction.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I really didn’t find anything wrong with this section. I really enjoyed the ideas and points about how our behaviors are governed by rules.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that a majority of a persons behaviors occur because of rules. I will remember this because it is what the sections was about. I will also remember that organization increases efficiency. I have always struggled with organization, so reading about this was helpful. It made me realize that organization could start by setting limitations on your actions and only focusing on specific task at a time. It will also remember that deadlines are helpful in governing a persons behavior. This will help with my organization and goals!
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed how the behavior modification processes was broken down into steps. I liked this because I have never looked at it as steps and it was a helpful review and made it even easier to understand!
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I thought this section was really helpful overall. It covered functional assessment and described how we can eliminate a behavior by experimenting an replacing it with a target behavior.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that the ABC’s are a major part in functional assessment because it lays out what we are looking at. I will remember indirect and direct because those are the ways of determining a baseline for the target behavior. I will also remember the steps in the behavior modifaction because it was reviewed in a helpful way.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2 miles Day 2 = 0Day 3 =0 Day 4 = 2miles Day 5 =0 Day 6 = 1 mile Day 7 = 0 Average = .7
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? I may look at what causes me to skip out on running or what encourages me to run. I struggle with fitting it into my schedule because my schedule varies. I need to look at when I found time to run, how I felt before and after. This will help determine a set time I could make myself run and be useful in finding encouragement.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, direct, indirect, functional assessment, baseline, rules, deadlines, target behavior, reinforcers
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the part where they talked about social standards. It talked about how family members should not make babies together. That is so blatantly obvious to most everyone, but some other things are not as obvious. I had a professor who made her husband take her last name. She fought social norms so hard. Rule governed behavior was not her favorite thing in the world.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I didn’t like about this reading was that it shows how controlled we are by society. We can be punished and reinforced at such efficiency that we subconsciously follow the society’s rules without a blink of an eye.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rule governed behavior can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history.
I will remember that anything from a “stop” sign to a friend giving me a heads up about slowing down in road construction are rules in society that I follow every day.
I will remember that rules are antecedents, simple and clear.
Knowing these things will help me understand better when I am living life and realizing how I behave toward society.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how it read in a short paragraph about throwing the finger in traffic. I like how they said that there could maybe be a different and nicer way to get the point across. It was something so small, yet if more people thought that way big changes would happen in the world. Topographies and functions vary widely for sure.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I think that being super technical and meticulous is great for some behavior modifications, but I don’t think it is necessary to record and interview for the little behavior changes.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that focusing on the ABC’s until the end is what will help you progress and succeed.
I will remember that experimentation and hypothesis testing are extremely important and are meant to find out if the behavior change will succeed or fail.
I will remember that leaning out the reinforcement schedule is when you wean off of the reinforcement because you are becoming so good at changing a behavior.
All of these things will help me when I try to change my behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 7,000
Day 2 = 8,000
Day 3 = 10,000
Day 4 = 5,000
Day 5 = 4,000
Day 6 = 5,000
Day 7 = 2,000
Average = 6,000
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will record how many steps I take each day. I will investigate on days why I did not reach 10,000 steps.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Rule Governed Behavior, Punished, Reinforced, Rules, Antecedents, Topographies, Functions, Behavior Modification, Interview, Record, Experimentation, ABC’s, Hypothesis Testing, Leaning Out, Reinforcement Schedule
1 a&b) Overall, I like the whole section. I found the topic of rule governed behavior to be interesting. It seems a very obvious topic, and contributes to how our behaviors are influenced. I liked this topic because it made me realize how many things I do that are unconsciously punished or reinforced. For instance, at family gatherings I make sure and hug every Aunt when I arrive or else one will be upset. It has become an unspoken family rule, and causes me to hug every aunt to avoid punishment, even though it may be minor.
2) The only part I disliked about this section was about increase efficiency and expert advice that one might listen to. Checking email at most twice a day seems a little silly, but only because I disagree. At most doesn't quite make sense if talking about being efficient. However, the other expert opinions seems a little more logical to me.
3 a,b&c) First, that some signs serve as an antecedent or discriminative stimulus. They may or may not indicate that a certain behavior will be reinforced and also clearly state what the consequence will be. For example, a sign saying the shower is broken tells you you won't be reinforced for turning the shower on. Rule governed behaviors can originate from religion, government, family, etc. A deadline can also be a type of rule governing behavior. You might have a paper due, but have to go to work before class. Therefore, the two events cause you to write it earlier than perhaps wanted.
4 a&b) I liked the section about leaning out reinforcers and that it might be useful in behavioral intervention. Rewarding yourself continuous might be enjoyable but if it becomes realistic something you can't budget any longer leaning out can be very helpful. Sometimes we forget that reinforcers might potentially not be as effective over time. I think it's important to recognize these times. Knowing when to change your schedule of reinforcement will help for behaviors you might feel need to be changed in the future.
5) The only thing I slightly disliked from this section were the practice examples. Practice and repetition is good, and helps to learn the topic better. The examples I am specifically talking about are the ones of describing the function of a behavior and the possible intervention that one might try in order to alter the behavior. Overall, I liked this section on functional analysis. I found it useful and relevant the everyday life.
6 a,b&c) Direct assessment is observing and/or recording naturally occurring behaviors as they are happening. Recording our own data in the behavioral change project is an example of this. In indirect assessment typically an interview is held with someone who has observed the behaviors or who is doing it. In functional analysis both assessments might be used to determine the best intervention. Dynamic behavioral intervention, as mentioned in this section, may require changing schedules of reinforcement, the reinforcer. All this helps to effectively change the behavior.
7a) Week 1 (Baseline) Minutes Working Out
Day 1 = 0 mins
Day 2 = 0 mins
Day 3 = 0 mins
Day 4 = 30 mins
Day 5 = 0 mins
Day 6 = 0 mins
Day 7 = 0 mins
Average = 4.2 minutes
7c) It would be done by direct assessment. I would record how often I work out, the time of day and anything else that happens to allow me to work out. Working out functions to help me feel better, helps me drink more water and get a better nights sleep. Not working out functions as saving time to get homework finished, and go to work. I can record the minutes I work out for and see if I worked or had assignments to complete that day or not. Potential interventions to increase the behavior of working out is going to bed earlier to wake up and work out before class. Also doing homework in advance or keeping up on assignments so I can't use homework as an excuse not to workout.
Terms: Rule Governed Behavior, Punished, Reinforced, Punishment, Behavior, Behavioral Modification, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimulus, Consequence, Functional Analysis, Direct and Indirect Assessment, Behavioral Intervention, Reinforcer, Schedules of Reinforcement, Function.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 ) I really liked reading about these kind of rules because it’s so interesting to think about how an individual acquires these, then applies them to their own lives, and finally how the rules play a role in the socialization of an individual. I also like reading about this because I myself am a HUGE rule follower. I was so much of a rule follower that my classmates in high school called me the “nun” because they knew I would never ever break the rules. It got harder as I progressed through my life and into college. I was never invited to social gatherings where someone… or all of them… were doing something questionable or breaking laws because they all knew I wouldn’t. Don’t worry, it’s gotten much easier now that I’ve established myself as a designated driver. I LOVE to go out and dance with all my friends. I’m very social and I would do just about anything for a good party, I just don’t drink. And now, the people in my circles know that, respect that, and they expect me to be there for them at 2 am when they need a ride home from shark tank… and I love to be that for them. :) Also, after typing my answer to number two, I realized that in a way, I do live by my own rules. Cultural norms in the college world tell me to go out on the weekends, live recklessly, turn up, go crazy, and get smashed. But, I live by my own rules and I might know how to let loose and shake it up on the dancefloor, but I’m doing it without the consequences and that makes me smile.
2) Since I am such a rule follower, this kind of struck up some cognitive dissonance within my mind. Since these are rules that govern behavior, that means that my behaviors are governed, and not necessarily by myself, but by a set of rules. Which, for a 20 year old is kind of opposite of what you want to be hearing, ya know? Like, I want to be that person who lives by my own rules and doesn’t do what the world tells me to do… I know I kind of covered for this in the previous paragraph, but it’s still a little upsetting because I’m living by the rules of my parents and my religious insights. But, I guess I can handle that. And who knows, if Freud is right, maybe I’ve got a lot of defense mechanisms to deal with the competing forces of my id and superego.
3) I’m going to remember that rule governed behavior is that which is maintained through the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. These rules can come about through the establishment of a number of formal rules and standards that an individual has adapted throughout their lifetime. I’m going to remember this because it’s what the whole section is about and I think it’s pretty essential. I’m going to remember that sources of rules can span anywhere from governmental rules, societal rules, holiday traditions, to family traditions. This is so important because these are the things that end up reinforcing the rules and sometimes these sources punish to keep the individuals under the span of control following those rules that they set in place. When it’s a rule in your family to keep your elbows off of the dinner table and you put your elbows up on the table, she will probably punish you to keep you from doing it again. I’m also going to remember that rules emerge from the contingencies we are under. The example in the book uses the name Jan, which is the name of my aunt, so it’s easy for me to remember that Jan was driving around a corner and she usually sees a cop, so she has to slow down. Because Jan knows that there is usually a cop around the corner, she derived her rule about slowing down at the corner because of the environment she was in. Great job, Aunt Jan!
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) One thing I really liked about this section was that it gave a list of steps to assessing behavior and it gave a routine. I like routines and I like lists. So, when it told be that you start with a behavior to reinforce or punish, move to determining a target behavior or a behavior modification, etc. it put a smile on my face knowing that there is a little bit of method to the madness. I am such a conscientious individual that it kind of stresses me out when there isn’t a plan for attacking things like this.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
6) I’m going to remember that examining the ABC’s of a behavior is functional assessment. I think this is a central theme to this section and so I’m going to need to remember it. I’m going to remember that functional assessments help develop a hypothesis about the relationship between the ABC’s of behavior. It identifies the environment in which the behavior occurs and how these elicit an outcome of the behavior function. Again, these are pretty central to understanding this section and they’re going to help me with my project, so I definitely need to remember these and keep them heavy on my brain. I’m also going to remember that when using interventions, it’s really rare to get the correct intervention the first time. Most of the time, I’m going to have to keep dialing in and tweaking the reinforcer or punisher to make sure that I can adequately modify the behavior. This is important so as not to get too frustrated when everything doesn’t work out the first time around.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 28 min
Day 2 = 35 min
Day 3 = 32 min
Day 4 = 38 min
Day 5 = 18 min
Day 6 = 46 min
Day 7 = 13 min
Average = 30 min
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I think for me, the more worn out I am from the day and the colder it is outside/ if I have taken an ice bath before hopping in the shower, the more likely I am to stay in the shower longer. One of the consequences to this is that I’m going to get warmed up after the shower, but I’m also going to be made fun of by my roommates for taking too long, and maybe even reprimanded because I’m upping the water bill.
TERMS: Rule governed behavior, behavior, punish, reinforce, Freud, id, super ego, sources of rules, cognitive dissonance, contingencies, and functional assessment.
Section 5.2:
1.) One thing I really liked about this section was that it was an easy read and it made complete sense. Rule governed behavior is something that applies to everyone in their everyday lives, and I think anytime we learn material that is more applicable to ourselves, we remember the material and learn it a lot better.
2.) There really wasn't anything I didn't like about this section. I felt it was an easy, comprehensible read. Not only was it applicable to everyone, but there were many good examples used to help better illustrate the material which I felt was helpful, too.
3.) One thing I will remember is that rule governed behavior helps dictate behaviors we will choose to either emit or not emit based off the consequences, the severity of the punishment and the likelihood of suffering the consequences. Secondly, I will remember that rule governed behavior doesn't necessarily have to be a law. It can also be something society has adopted as a moral or a norm. Lastly, increasing efficiency happens through emitting a behavior we have never experienced based off what others tell us, specifically experts. When we experience the desired or anticipated consequence, we are reinforced and therefore will likely emit the behavior again.
Section 5.3:
4.) One thing I really liked about this section was the introduction of making a hypothesis about why a behavior is occurring. I liked learning about this concept because it's important to identify why a behavior is happening in order to conduct the intervention.
5.) One thing I didn't like about this section was the fact that it seemed very repetitive. This section seemed like a massive summary on almost everything we've learned about behavioral interventions. So some of this material seemed redundant.
6.) One thing I will remember about this section is that it's important to come up with more than one possible hypothesis because the first intervention may not be effective. Secondly, I will remember that it's not uncommon for interventions to need to be tweaked a little bit. You may have to change contingencies and/or consequences just depending on how the intervention is going and being realistic. Lastly, I will remember that the goal of an intervention is that the consequences rely more heavily on "natural contingencies," so that the desired behavior will start occurring more naturally, or that the undesired behavior will eventually stop happening.
7a.) I measured this based off of hours spent on school work. I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I allowed for time spent in class to count towards the amount of time I spent on school work on those days.
Day1= 30 minutes
Day2= 1 hour and 15 minutes
Day3= 1 hour and 10 minutes
Day4= 2 and a half hours
Day5= none
Day6= none
Day7= 1 hour
7b.) N/A
7c.) I have a difficult time spending the appropriate amount of time on school work, mainly because I have a difficulty concentrating. This is something I am exploring, as I am being tested for ADHD in the next couple of weeks, but my mind often races, making it difficult for me to focus on one thing for too long. I also get distracted easily. I know these factors will make it more difficult for me to conduct this intervention, but I plan to record the amount of time I spend on homework, rewarding myself with free or down time to do whatever I choose.
TERMS: Rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, consequences, punishment, efficiency, reinforced, hypothesis, behavioral intervention, natural contingencies
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked learning about deadlines and how they can also function as rules that govern behaviors that we do. They’re antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well. If we forget to pay a bill for some reason then there will be consequences for that behavior and we will or could be punished for that behavior therefore, we will change our behavior around that first behavior. If we do pay the bill on time then our behavior will be reinforced somehow.
I liked reading about this because I have never read so much into or about the idea of how socialization and rules that the government or society puts on us can change the way we act and behave.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really disliked the fact that there was absolutely no summary at the end of the section. It just said “summary to be provided later.” I was waiting 8 pages for a great summary, but then I get nothing. With all of that aside there was absolutely nothing in this section that I did not like, so I had to come up with something that would fit in this area, so I put in place the idea about something that we usually have at the end of the section but then we don’t get it at the end of this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Rule governed behaviors are used in many different scenarios such as: people using these governed behaviors due to perceived sense of obligation to the rules, some are also emitted or not emitted by people based on socialization in the culture, and some people also emit behaviors based on the fact that they think and know that they won’t get punished. I will remember this because we kind of use these ideas in criminology. We know that people do certain behaviors based on socialization and the idea that they know that they will not get caught.
b. We can use Sources of rules as antecedents when looking at behaviors and consequences. So when someone or society places a rule on the country or person then the consequences if we do break those rules will alter our behaviors. I will remember this because it also is placed into the ideas of criminology and it is used in our everyday lives. I just never knew that there was such a term for this idea and that it could be used in behavior modification. With these rules they alter every behavior we do.
c. Rules can emerge from the contingencies we are under. Like the behavior we saw from the example in the book about Jan and her speeding addiction around the corner, but once she saw the officer with the radar speed gun she began to slow down around the corner not just once but every time she goes around it because she thinks that the officer is going to be around the corner again. I will remember that we change our behaviors based on past experiences and we then begin to pass on our experiences and they then can be learned directly. I will then remember this because I use this in my everyday life. I have passed down so many experiences like this that I believe I am a person who uses this.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked reading about in this section would have to be the idea behind experimenting with behavioral interventions. This goes along with our project that we are trying to do right now. By trying to diminish or stop a certain habit or negative behavior we are experimenting with different behaviors and different ways that we can slow this behavior down. I feel as if this is something that I liked because it is something that we are working with right now and I can put some things into real life context and not just read about something random.
I like to be able to put some meaning behind what I read, even though I should do this with everything that I read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like through the chapter was how many example boxes you wanted us to write in. I mean I understand that we have to write in the boxes to get a better understanding of the material; but I feel as if when I fill these out it is a waste of time because we do not talk about these boxes as much in class as we kind of used to do. When we were in the first few weeks of class and doing these blogs we talked about the example boxes a lot more often and got us engaged in the material. Now I just feel like it is an obligation that I must do to make sure that I understand the material, but with no direction and help in class about these boxes, how am I supposed to understand the material even more?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. Everything that we have learned in this class is pretty much summed up in the first few paragraphs of this section and then it begins to talk about the functional assessment of behavior. I feel as if this idea is something that we will be looking at and doing a lot while we are working on our own behavior modification. We should be writing down what happens after we do the said behavior so we can use the information and put it into the assessment.
I will remember this because I have already begun to look at the consequences of my elicited behavior throughout the last week of the assignment and I have already realized that I should not be doing this behavior because of the consequences, they are a huge negative aspect of my life.
b. By using the functional assessment we can start to investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing so we can create a design an idea to decrease or increase the undesired behavior. I will remember this because I will have to begin to understand how to use this for our behavior assignment. I believe I have already begun to do this and understand this concept pretty well.
c. We know that with behaviors there are different ways we can do it and different functions that the behavior serves; we call this topography and functions. When we look at the different behaviors like for example eating, we can see that it has the same topography but eating can serve many different functions. I will remember this idea because we have talked about these two dynamics a little bit before in other sections but I am glad that we are talking about it again to rebuild some of the knowledge about these two topics that I may have lost.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 weeks’ worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 = 9
Day 3 = 12
Day 4 = 15
Day 5 = 16
Day 6 = 14
Day 7 = 11
Average = About 12 Times I picked my lip during the week.
p.s I changed my behavior because I don’t want to have people in class thinking that I am an alcoholic or that I have a problem on the weekends when I do drink, so I changed my behavior to trying to get myself to stop picking my lips when I get anxious or nervous.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I feel like a functional analysis of my target behavior would look quite normal. I would have a simple scientific breakdown of my behavior kind of like what they showed in the steps 1-6. I would have to involve a baseline for my behavior, a.k.a what we just did for this section and then I would have to follow up with that by having interventions with my behavior or myself. Also making sure that I know that there may be a different function and topography of my behavior; all different things that I would have to put into accommodation when looking at the functional analysis of my behavior.
I feel like I need more help with this subject when looking at my target behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Deadlines, Rule governed behaviors, Behaviors, antecedents, discriminative stimuli, consequences, punished, reinforced, sources of rules, socialization, contingencies, functional assessment, topography, functions, intervention
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting reading about rule governed behavior because it is something that is in everyone's day to day life.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The only thing I didn't like about the section was that there was not a summary. I like reading the summary before going through the pages so I can get a feel for what's most important to pay attention to.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. the example of a rule governed behavior about incest because it is something that everyone knows is unlawful/wrong to do
b. rule governed behavior greatly alters our behavior without much conditioning
c. the rule is the antecedent for the behavior. I'll remember this because once you hear that you should/should not do something you remember to behave like that causing the consequence.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the idea of functional analysis because it forces you to look at what is going right in your behavior modification and continue to perform that action.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I did not like that there was not a summary because I like to look at the summary to make sure that I don't miss anything important.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. it's normal to change the target behavior. I will remember this because I have changed my behavior before to produce a different consequence.
b. Direct assessment uses observation and recording behaviors as they happen I will remember this because you are directly seeing the behavior that you are studying.
c. Indirect assessment uses interviews or questionnaires. I will remember this because you learn what's happening secondhand from what someone says, not from directly seeing it yourself.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 8 am
Day 2 = 9:15 am
Day 3 = 10:30 am
Day 4 = 9 am
Day 5 = 10 am
Day 6 = 9 am
Day 7 = 9:15 am
Average = roughly 9:10
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The functional analysis is: if I go to sleep by 1:30am, I can easily wake up by 9:00am.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
rule governed behavior, conditioning, antecedent, behavior, consequence, functional analysis, behavior modification, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section talked about it right at the beginning. Everyone knows about certain rules even though they are most of the time never really talked about out loud. This section gave those types of rules a name, rule governed behavior, which means that people behave in certain ways because it keeps things running smoothly. I liked this part because I knew what it was talking about and the fact that these rules were given a name because I wouldn’t know what to call them.
2) I disliked that there was not a summary at the end of the section because the summaries at the end of sections helped to bring everything together and helped me retain information from the sections much better.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is the definition of rule governed behavior, which is behavior maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal and can result by establishing norms, morals, or ethical standards. This is important to remember because they are established throughout history and socialization. The second thing I will remember is how deadlines can act as antecedents because they can set or determine the consequence and they can also be discriminative stimuli because they are time sensitive. This is important to remember because by determining the consequence you can alter the behavior so that the consequence can either be desirable or aversive. The third thing I will remember is how the rule governed behavior can rely on the situations and locations, such as religions, laws, or countries. This is important to remember because by determining the antecedent and understanding the differences you can alter your behavior so that the consequence is desirable.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4.What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? One thing that I really liked was how this section was laid out. It broke down all of the steps involved in the behavior modification process. I also found it help how each step had many details and examples.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I disliked that the reading just ended without any conclusive thought or summary. As I mentioned above, it is nice to use as a reference when I finish the reading to give me a review over the key terms and ideas.
6.What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? The first thing that I will remember is that it is common to experiment with behavioral interventions. Sometimes we have to change the reinforcer or modify the target behavior in order to change the behavior. I will remember this because it is important to know that that behavior change doesn’t always work out on the first try. The second thing that I will remember is direct assessment. This is the observation or recording of the behaviors. The last thing that I will remember is indirect assessment. This is usually done with an interview or questionnaire. Indirect assessments are done by a different person than the one who is doing the behavior modification. This can be beneficial because sometimes others are more subjective and less biased than the person doing the behavior modification.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Walking 10,000 steps per day
Day 1 = 256
Day 2 = 104
Day 3 = 569
Day 4 = 416
Day 5 = 3,132
Day 6 = 786
Day 7 = 1,674
Average = 991 steps per day
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data. OK!
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Mine will most likely be a direct assessment as I am recording all my steps per day. I always have my phone on me, and my phone has a built in pedometer and breaks down a lot of relevant information. From there, I can check it nightly and know what I have to do to make up the difference the next day. Hopefully I won't have to do any catching up!
8) rule governed behavior, behavior, obligation, antecedent, deadlines, discriminative stimuli, consequence, behavior modification process, behavioral interventions, reinforcer, target behavior, emit, direct assessment, indirect assessment, subjective
1) Rule governed behaviors are behaviors that people emit or avoid based on societal acceptance. People follow norms whether they realize it or not based on the extrinsic and intrinsic values that we place on behaviors based on the context. The function that these behaviors serve is to avoid social lashing, gain praise, or maintain social tranquility.
2) It was a very short chapter, I feel that more could have been added to the content so as to have more clarity and understanding.
3) a. Deadlines as an antecedent are a powerful force for me. The text describes deadlines as a discriminative stimuli to accomplish goals within a certain time frame. I do this all them time, as I am a partial procrastinator, but my problem is that when I do this I get overwhelmed and sometimes turn assignments in late. b. In order to discontinue procrastination, the text also describes efficiency and organization allows a person to be productive. Relative to the example in the text, my Dad and I exchange calls all of the time when the cops are out and about trying to be sneaky. c. Rules act as antecedents so that we can know to avoid aversive consequences or to expect desirable outcomes. Rules can be in the form of laws, societal or familial expectations, etc. and can be sourced out of many circumstances.
4) A functional assessment allows an individual to determine what function the target behavior serves. If the function is not known or measured, then little can be done to effectively change that behavior or replace it. In my case my target behavior is yelling, I need to figure out why I am so prone to verbal aggression, and what function it serves to yell. Frankly it doesn't do any good for me to yell, and it only makes me feel worse, but I am a woman of many vices I suppose.
5) The text says that we need to be aware of what triggers the target behavior that we want to change. I get frustrated trying to discover the antecedent to my behavior because they are always so different, but the consequences are always the same and always aversive for any party involved. I want to be able to pin point specific antecedents so that I can effectively execute an intervention to change my behavior.
6) a. Experimenting and a behavioral intervention refers to discovering what discriminate stimuli lead to the target behavior. Experimenting refers to making hypotheses about the contexts under which we emit out behaviors that we want to eliminate or change. b. Direct assessment is done through the individuals assessment of themselves, or through an observer assessing an individual. This allows for the first hand and immediate discovery of when behaviors occur so that they can be better understood. With this understanding an intervention can take place to punish, reinforce, eliminate or change behaviors. c. Indirect assessment is done after the behavior has occurred through the use of questionnaires and interviews according to the text. Both of these assessment types allow for the documentation, analysis, and intervention of a target behavior.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 5
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =7
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =4
Average =5.3 episodes
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? It will look like I'm out of my fucking mind. I get upset in almost every situation; I have high anxiety levels almost chronically, and a short temper. A functional analysis will show that I have a tendency to yell whenever I can feel my anger rise.
Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, behavior, extrinsic value, intrinsic value, context, antecedent, consequence, discriminative stimuli, functional analysis, function, experimenting, intervention, direct assessment, indirect assessment
1. One thing I really liked in Section 5.2 is the examples that were given of our day to day behaviors that are rule governed. This helped me to understand what all it meant by being rule governed and how it played out in the behavior. The fact that they gave you an example of an antecedent, behavior, and consequence helped a lot. Also that they gave you more than one example, as well as a spot for us to try it out and chose our own examples of rule governed behavior using the ABC’s.
2. There was nothing in this section that I didn’t like. I liked the length and the clarity in everything in the section. As well as the examples given and the examples asked of us to fill out. One thing I do wish though is for there to be a summary at the end.
3.Three things that I will remember from this section include rule governed behavior, sources of rules, and deadlines. I will remember each of these because they were all important topics in the section. I will specifically remember rule governed behavior because we run into that every single day. I did not realize that behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal was an actual word. I never really thought about it till reading this chapter. Sources of rules will be remembered because it is an easy, general thing to know. I feel like everyone should know about sources or rules without reading about it. I will remember deadlines because it was another one of those moments when I realized that deadlines really are a big part in our lives and impact us a lot. I never stopped and thought about how deadlines elicit different responses.
4. One thing I really liked from section 5.3 is the boxes that asked us about functions and interventions. I enjoyed every one of them. They helped me understand what a function is and what an intervention is. It also helped me to relate these terms to the real world.
5. One thing I did not like as much from section 5.3 is how it did not talk more about random schedule. I do understand that it will be in the next schedule, but I still wish it could have been more descriptive.
6. Three things I will remember from this section are functional assessment, direct assessment, and indirect assessment. Functional assessment will be remembered because it is what most of this section is about and it helps to make a hypothesis on your ABC’s. I will remember direct assessment because it is just the observations made on a behavior. With indirect assessment, I will remember it because it is getting information about a behavior using an interview or questionnaire process. I was able to connect to both direct and indirect with examples in my day to day life.
7. a) week 1 baseline:
Day 1: 1/4
Day 2: 1/3
Day 3: 2/3
Day 4: 1/2
Day 5: 0/3
Day 6: 0/0
Day 7: 0/0
Average: .25
7b) Behavior intervention: Read for 20 minutes before bed.
7c) A functional analysis of my target behavior would look like:
Functions: doing my list of homework
missing one
Interventions: getting to read
not getting to read
8) Behavior intervention, Intervention, Functions, functional analysis, target behavior, baseline, random schedule, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment, hypothesis, ABC’s, antecedent, elicit, behavior, consequence, rule governed behavior, sources of rules, and deadlines.
1. My favorite part of this section was the term rule governed behavior, behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. This was my favorite part of the section because of how the term was introduced initially, with the quote from Professor Maclin’s son. Starting the section with this funny quote by his son made me laugh, and therefore really like the term the quote was associated with. This was also my favorite part of the section because since I clearly understood this term, making the rest of the section easy and enjoyable to read.
2. My least favorite part of this section was learning about how we often take the advice of an expert, create a rule, and execute it by verbally reminding ourselves without actually experiencing the advice personally before emitting it. This was my least favorite section because realizing how often I do this made me upset. I don’t want to be the kind of person that just takes the advice of someone else without critically thinking about it. I don’t want to be a person easily influenced by others, but instead a person who knows who they are and stays true to their self. Because I had such negative feelings occur within me when reading this section it became my least favorite part.
3. The three things I will remember from this section are:
A. that deadlines can function as rule governing behavior. I will remember this because as soon as I read about this section I thought about registering to run races. When you register to run races you often have to register by a certain date otherwise the price goes up. I know this because I personally have experienced the pressure this type of deadline has on my behavior. Because I was able to make this personal connection to the concept I will easily be able to remember it.
B. that rules are important to our behavior because they act as antecedents. I will remember this concept because of the examples in the text with the boxes and the arrows. It is easy for me to remember something when I have a visual, so seeing the rule be placed in the antecedent box and then seeing how it affects the rest of the ABC process really helped drive this concept in my mind.
C. that signs are an example of governing behavior. I will remember this concept because when I read this I immediately pictured myself in my car and thought about all of the different signs I read and see while driving and how each one of them impacts the behaviors I emit. This visualization I had while reading about this concept makes it easy for me to remember the concept.
4. My favorite part of this section was the listed 6 steps in the behavior modification process. This was my favorite part of the section because I am a very list minded person. I live my life with lists; lists of what to buy, what to do for the day, the week, etc., so seeing the behavior modification process in a list form clicked instantly with me because lists are the way I think. Since seeing this list made it easy for me to think through the process because lists are how I think best, it became my favorite part of the section.
5. My least favorite part of this section was reading about how it is not uncommon to continually change and redefine different aspects of the behavior modification process such as the target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, and the reinforcer. This was my least favorite part of the section because once I start something, I don’t like to stop and change things, I just like to keep going on the path I started and get it done. I think I would have changed majors in college if I wasn’t so anal about staying on my original path. Since change is not something I like to experience once I have started something, reading about how this is almost always necessary on some level when conducting behavior modification was my least favorite part.
6. The three things I will remember from this section are:
A. the concept of functional assessment, investigating a behavior and developing a list of possible reasons for the behavior that can then be framed in terms of several hypothesis. I will remember this term because although this was the main focus of the entire section, I didn’t have a clear understanding of the term until the last paragraph of the section. I read the whole section without fully understanding the concept, but once I got to the last paragraph and read the explanation of the term it all made sense to me. This last minute realization made the entire section make sense is why I will remember this term.
B. the concept of direct assessment, the observation and recording of behaviors done by the individual, others, or electronically. I will remember this concept because when I read about the two different types of assessments possible I immediately began thinking about what category the assessment I am doing in my behavioral change project fits into. Therefore, when I read about direct assessment I knew this is the type of assessment I am currently doing and this connection makes it easy for me to remember the concept.
C. the concept of indirect assessment, the use of an interview process or questionnaire with the goal of determining the intervention that will have the greatest likelihood of changing the individual’s behavior. I will remember this concept because when I was reading about indirect assessment I didn’t see the point of this type of assessment because direct seems much more reliable and effective, but after reading on I realized this form of assessment is very necessary with individuals who can’t communicate, are unwilling to communicate, or can’t think in the big picture. This turn in my frame of mind makes this concept easy to recall.
7. How many minutes it takes for me to get out of bed after the sound of my first alarm:
Day 1= 21 minutes
Day 2= 17 minutes
Day 3= 16 minutes
Day 4= 16 minutes
Day 5= 20 minutes
Day 6= 30 minutes
Day 7= 10 minutes
Average= 18.5 minutes
A functional analysis for this behavior will look like a direct assessment, as soon as I get out of bed, I immediately grab my phone and write down in a note how many minutes it took for me to get out of bed after the sound of my first alarm. I think this direct assessment will show that the function of me not getting out of bed right away is to get more sleep and/or to catch up on social media before starting my day. I think the direct assessment would reveal that the consequence for my behavior is being rushed to get ready and eat breakfast before leaving for class, but I normally make it to class on time anyway. And the consequence for my behavior on days when I go to work right away in the morning is being late for work, which there is no punishment for. The days when I have to work are the days it takes me the longest to get out of bed after my first alarm.
Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, behavior, antecedent, ABC, behavior modification, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, reinforcer, functional assessment, hypothesis, direct assessment, indirect assessment, intervention, function, consequence, punishment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the idea of rules of governed behavior because it is a set of “rules” as to why we behave in society. These source of rules can vary from government, traditions, culture, etc. I like rules of governed behavior because it gives us structure of how we should behave. If we didn’t have these rules then society would be chaotic. I also like that rules of governed behavior acts as an antecedent because if you follow the rule then the consequence will likely result to a emitted desired behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I don’t like the idea that some rules/signs do not spell out the consequence. Unless someone as experienced the previous behavior or knowledge has been passed down then the consequence is unknown.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rule governed behavior is behavior emitted by maintaining order.
I will remember this because they are rules established by morals, norms, or ethical ethical standards.
I will remember that rule of governed behavior can alter our behavior by taking the antecedent and consequences into consideration.
I will remember this because it is important to understand rule governed behavior if you are associating with another culture or country, so you don’t get into a bad situation.
I will remember sometimes we adopt a rule without ever experiencing the consequence.
I will remember this because I use this all the time to adopt healthy behavior and become more efficient.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like how this sections gets to the point and breaks down the behavior modification process into 6 steps. The six steps include describe the target behavior, describe the consequences, describe the antecedents, examine the ABC’s, devise new antecedents and consequences, and evaluate the outcome. I like how it breaks it down into 6 steps because it is easy to follow.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I dislike the idea of leaning out because if someone is only reinforced sometimes then the target behavior might not keep occurring.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember you need to determine a baseline measurement over a period of time before you can conduct a function assessment.
I will remember this because without the baseline you cannot conduct a function assessment.
I will remember the intervention period involves making new consequences and new antecedents that involve a set of steps for the behavior modification process.
I will remember the intervention period because it is the start of the new behavior process and is very important to follow the steps.
I will remember that the functional assessment allows us to develop a hypothesis with the relationship to the ABC’s.
I will remember this because it is essential to know how the ABC’s affect the target behavior to start the intervention process.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 hour workout
Day 2 = 1 hour workout and Ran 30 min
Day 3 = 1 hour workout
Day 4 = 1 hour work out and Ran 30 min
Day 5 = 1 hour workout
Day 6 = 1 hour workout
Day 7 =Rest day
Average = 1 hour running per week
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Step 1: Describe the target behavior: Run 30 min twice a week
Step 2: Describe the consequences : Improving strength speed and endurance
Step 3: Describe the antecedents: Running at the rec
Step 4: Examine the ABCs (Functional Assessment)
A: Running after my 1 hour workout
B: Running 30 min
C: Improving speed and endurance
Step 5: Devise new antecedents and consequences
Antecedent: running outside with GPS
Consequence: Hills and new ground will improve strength
Step 6: Evaluate the outcome
The outcome of running outside will make me stronger by running hills and tracking my miles for longer distances
Terminology: rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, source of rules, antecedent, behavior modification, ABC’s, functional assessment, intervention, target behavior
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked in this section was the discussion about rules. This was interesting to me because I never really thought of those type of rules as a part of behavior modification.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like from this section that there was no summary section. I really find the summary section very helpful as a quick little review thing.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are:
1.) Some behaviors are emitted based by individuals solely on socialization procedures based on cultures. I will remember this because I think of some religions or like over in Japan where its not socially acceptable to shake hands with someone but to bow as a sign of respect.
2.) Rule governed behavior can result from established norms, morals, or ethical
standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history. I will remember this because it is important to remember when thinking about rule governed behaviors.
3.)I will remember is that rule governed behavior helps dictate behaviors we will choose to either emit or not emit based off the consequences, the severity of the punishment and the likelihood of suffering the consequences.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was that not only was it said that it is okay to modify our intervention behaviors but that in doing so you will be able to have a greater chance of having success.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked from this section was that there wasn't a summary again at the end of the section. There was a lot to learn in this section I felt. And that there were no correct answers given for the examples. The examples are helpful but I want to know if what I'm putting down is correct or not so I can be better.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section are:
1.) I’ll remember that the purpose of a functional assessment is to examine the ABC’s.I will remember this because this is what I’m having to do in my behavior modification project so I can better understand what sets the occasion for and reinforcing my behavior.
2.) I will remember that we can examine the functions of a behavior to help develop a hypothesis of why that behavior occurs in the first place. I will remember this because if we want to eliminate that behavior it will be easier to know why it occurs.
3.) I will remember that functional analysis can be both direct and indirectly coordinate. I will remember this because it is what I will be using when assessing my own intervention project.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =6 biting behavior
Day 2 =8 biting behavior
Day 3 =11 biting behavior
Day 4 =13 biting behavior
Day 5 =7 biting behavior
Day 6 =4 biting behavior
Day 7 =5 biting behavior
Average =7.71 biting behavior
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Mine will most likely look like a direct assessment as I am recording my behavior every time it occurs by making a tally mark on the notepad on my phone. At the end of every night I can review my day and the amount of times the behavior occurred. This will help me be able to make adjustments as I go.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Behavior, behavior modification, rule governed behavior, emitted, antecedent, consequence, direct assessment, functional assessment, functional anylasis, reinforcing, consequences, indirect assesment
1.I liked how straight forward the section was. It was a very easy and enjoyable read in my opinion. It only asked for a few examples in the boxes so that was nice, did not feel repetitive.
2. One thing that I did not like about this section was it seemed to end abruptly and also had a lot of left over pages. Unless my computer would not load it all it had a few extra blank pages and it was missing the summery page. I like to read the summary page to reaffirm my understanding of the reading.
3. The first thing that popped out to me in this section is how much rule governing behaviors are apart of our lives. This stuck out to me I think because I thought about my life and how my actions are governed by my family religion and Laws. They all elicit different actions out of me. Depending the group I am with or more influenced by I will emit different behaviors.
B. The next thing that stood out to me was the fact that I hold true to the thought that people will not follow rules if they do not think they will be punished. I think this will stay with me because there are several things that I do when I know I wont be caught that are against the rules.
C. The third thing that will stick with me for several reasons is how big a part the antecedent plays in our behaviors. The reasons behind this are it has been drilled into our heads as a huge part of behavioral modification, but also I have seen it in my life. An antecedent decides whether I will be punished or reinforced for a behavior depending if it is positive or aversive behavior for the situation.
4.The thing that I enjoyed the most about this was a nice review and break down to the steps of behavioral modification. I think this was a great place before it before we leap to another section like functional analysis of behaviors.
5.One thing that I did not like from this section or at least liked less about it was that so much of the space was taken up by different example boxes for the same thing. It was not as good for me because it felt so repetitive when we could of been moving forward in the class.
6. The first thing that jumped out to me when I was reading was honestly the difference between topography and function. We have already talked about these two and I believe that is why it popped out to me. Because it has been mentioned several times it is really stuck in my mind.
B. The next thing that I saw that I think will stick with me is direct and indirect functional assessment. Assessing how people behave is an very important part of behavioral modification so I think knowing the difference of two ways of doing that will be important. The importance of these two topics is what made them stick out to me.
C.The third thing that I think will stick with me better then the other information is the fact that behavioral modification is not able to be done the same way to everything or everyone it is applied to. The consequences will be different for every person. I think this will stick because it shows how malleable the science of behavioral modification can be. You could use self-directed behavioral change or have someone help you.
7a. My behavior is to go to sleep before midnight i have be measuring the minuets before midnight I go to sleep. positives are before midnight and negatives are after.
Day 1= -64
day 2= -70
day 3= -120
day 4= -30
day 5= -43
day 6= -160
day 7= -30
AVG= -73.85
7B. My intervention will be a cheat day on Fridays to stay up to reward myself
7C. My assessment will be a direct assessment and will look like me taking down the time I try to begin to fall asleep at night in my bed. That is the antecedent the behavior is to try to fall asleep before midnight. I want to see how the A and the B effect the Consequences of my nights sleep.
8. Terms used- rule-governed behaviors, elicit, emit, behaviors, punished, antecedent, behavior modification,reinforced, pleasurable, aversive, functional analysis of behaviors, topography, function, direct and indirect functional assessment, self-directed behavioral change
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? - One thing that I really liked that was in this section was that "rule governed behavior" was a new topic and had some new learning material. Lately, the stuff we have been covering has been repetitive of previous material so it was nice to start something new.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? - One thing that I liked least about this section was that the "source of rules" can be a broad area and have some grey area. Source of rules vary from country to country and they can sometimes be hard to distinguish them unless you are specifically looking for them.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? - Three things I will remember from this section:
1. Rules act as antecedents of our behaviors.
2. Not all rules directly tell us the consequences of our behaviors if we do not follow the rules.
3. Deadlines are rule governing behaviors and are antecedents as well as discriminative stimuli too.
I will remember these things because they were the points of information I could recall without looking back at the text.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? - One thing I really liked that was in this section was that it is a really helpful chapter regarding our behavioral change project. It stresses Point #4 of the Behavior Modification Process which is "Examine the ABC's (Functional Assessment)". It will help develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABC's of behavior in my project.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? - One thing that I liked least about this section was that I sometimes have a difficult time fully understanding topographies and functions of behaviors. I will sometimes get them mixed up and confuse them with each other. This section relies on topographies and functions of behavior when behaviors are being organized.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? - Three things that I will remember from this section:
1. Functional assessment will help develop a hypothesis to become the basis for future intervention to increase the desired behavior and decrease the undesired behavior.
2. There should be a steady incline in the frequency of the target behavior if the intervention is designed to increase the behavior.
3. There should be a steady decline in the frequency of the target behavior if the intervention is designed to decrease the behavior.
I will remember these things because they were the points of information in this section that I believed were the most important.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 =3
Day 6 = Weekend (reinforcement)
Day 7 = Weekend (reinforcement)
Average = 2.2 out of 3 sub-goals met per day.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data. - Okay.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? - For my sub-goal #2 which is nap taking, I can look at the topography and function of my naps. The main function of my naps it to take them because I'm tired and I want to be more alert and refreshed upon waking from my nap. However, sometimes my function of my nap is different. Sometimes I will take one just because I have some free time and it sounds relaxing even though I may not be all that tired. My naps all have the same topography, but serve the same function.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terminology used: Rule governed behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, discriminative stimuli, behavior modification, functional assessment, hypothesis, behavior intervention, desired/undesired behavior, topography/function of behavior, target behavior, reinforcement.
1) I really enjoyed the fact that there was a simple concept that was clearly explained. There was also not much deviation from the concept so I didn’t really find anything that was irrelevant.
2) The only problem I had with this section was that when I finished and went to write this, I couldn’t recall anything. There was nothing in this section that clearly stuck in my mind. Because of this, I had to read the section over again.
3) I will remember that the sources for rule can be anything. They can be society, government, peers, family traditions or any number of other various things. I will also remember rules act as antecedents to our target behaviors. I will also remember that deadlines are a form of rules that govern behavior because they are both antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well.
4) I really like how his section broke down all of the steps that are involved in the behavior modification process. I hadn’t necessarily thought of all of these things as separate steps before so I liked seeing them all as separate things.
5) I did not like that this section seemed really repetitive. I felt like I already knew most of the things that it was saying so the review was sort of irrelevant for me.
6) I will remember that behavioral change requires detailed observation because a lot of information needs to be collected in order to successfully increase or decrease a target behavior. I will also remember is that the function of a behavior is important to understand when modifying a behavior. I also will remember is that it is common to experiment with behavioral interventions; it is sometimes necessary to change our reinforcer or reinforcement schedule in order to see the results that we want.
7a) Baseline: Since my goal is to go to bed before 1 am, I will equate each hour with a number. 12=0, 1=1, 1:30=1.5, 2=2, 3=3 and so on; obviously the lower number is better. (If this does not follow my later patterns, then I shall change my scale.)
Day 1: 2
Day 2: 4
Day 3: 2
Day 4: 5
Day 5: 1.5
Day 6: 3
Day 7: 2
Average: 2.8
7c) My target behavior is to be in bed by 1 am without the distraction of technology. I feel as though a direct assessment fits my behavior best. I sleep alone about half of the time and the other half I sleep with my girlfriend. When I am alone, no one knows what time I actually go to bed except for me so it is up to me to make this decision. When I sleep with my girlfriend, we try to go to bed at the same time so as not to disturb the one who is sleeping. Because of this, if one of us wants to stay up, then we both do. However, with her help I think that we can both make an effort to go to sleep earlier. When I am alone, it is all up to me. In either case, I will record the success (or not) when I awake in the morning.
Terms: rules, antecedents, discriminative stimuli, target behavior, deadlines, observation, reinforcer, reinforcement schedule, direct assessment
1) I really liked this section. The sources of rules had to be what I enjoyed most. You think rules and think laws, or parents, things like that. When in actuality family traditions and our friends even set rules that we follow, sometimes without knowledge of the manipulation. All the different rules we follow typed out like that made me think deeper into it, like the reason we really do follow all these rules. How things like traditions shape our behavior so much without us even really realizing it.
2)I really enjoyed this section. It wasn’t too many new terms and had a lot of information at the same time. However I wish there would have been more information on efficiency experts and more about what they do.
3) 1. That our rules are governed by many different things, not just laws or social norms; This was one of my favorite areas of the section so it is something easy for me to remember. 2. Some behaviors are emitted as a cultural norm; I think of a cultural anthropology class when reading that, I learned about a lot of things that seemed so odd to me and normal to those in other cultures. 3. How our day to day activities are governed. Your example of just taking a pizza out of the oven in time makes that clear to me.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) I liked how this section explained the importance of observing your behavior to figure out the antecedent that works for achieving the desired behavior. This is something I definitely need to figure out. I have always wondered what I can tweak in the morning in order to achieve enough time to get ready to be on time. It seems even when I’m early I’m late, so this will be interesting to keep track of.
5) This section was really good and I didn’t dislike any of it. If I had to choose one thing that wasn’t the best it would probably be the mention of topography and function again, like describing them again. I feel like we should have these terms down by now and shouldn’t need examples again.
6) assessment means observing your behavior and recording it. That’s something I will remember since we will be using it in our assignment. 2. Indirect assessment involves interview or questionnaire. Which is memorable because it is the exact opposite of direct. 3. Recording your information sooner rather than later is best. This is something to remember because this is where I’ve gone wrong with this in the past.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = yes 2/2
Day 2 = no 0/1
Day 3 = yes 1/1
Day 4 = yes 1/1
Day 5 = no 0/1
Day 6 = no 0/1
Day 7 = 0/0
Average =
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
I decided to do my behavior on my tardiness. More specifically, I decided I did not want to be late to things anymore. “Things” meaning to class/work/ or anything that has a specific time I need to be there. For example I was supposed to be at my dad’s for breakfast last Saturday at 10 and was super late, that’s something I need to stop. I’m kind of unable to track this, especially if it becomes a graph. For this week I’m putting yes/no’s and the number of times I was on time over opportunities to be on time. I don’t know how this will work. . like for days where I have nothing going on. . what will I say?
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A) Only snoozed twice
B) skipped shower
C) Got to work 10 minutes early
8) terms: sources of rules, efficiency experts, direct assessment, indirect assessment, target behavior, observing, topography, function,
1) One thing I liked about the section is that rule governed behavior related to the stimulus control discussion we had in class about signs. We only listen to signs based on our perception of the likelihood that punishment will occur. We emit the behavior because the punishment isn't salient enough, but with the cameras on the red lights as new added antecedents now some people will underestimate the time-frame in which they can be caught for the target behavior and punished.
2) There wasn't anything I didn't like so I'll say another thing that I did like. I liked how the section was very descriptive about these rule governed behaviors as an antecedent. I hadn't really thought about the possibility of a rule, that is given internally, could be an antecedent even though it makes sense since antecedents govern behavior.
3) One thing I will remember is that rule governed behavior is basically symbolic antecedents that elicit certain behaviors, due to the red light example. Another thing I will remember is that a rule doesn't need to be obtained through trials and tribulations or reinforcement and punishment, some rules are very social and cultural based and we just avoid them at all costs, I will remember that because of the seven year old Gage quote. Finally I will remember that rule governed behaviors usually only work when the consequence is foreseeable, like the stoplight at four o'clock in the morning.
4) I particularly enjoyed the sentence “ Having a well defined target behavior allows us to focus on the specific problem and learn what elicits the behavior (antecedent) and what maintains the behavior (consequence).” This really exemplifies what antecedents and consequences are to behavioral interventions. I also like the way these two elements of behavioral intervention were then related to functional assessments.
5) I disliked that the section went over the entire process of behavioral modification because I believe we learned most of it sequentially while periodically reviewing it all already.
6) I will remember that functional assessments are used to figure out why you continue a behavior and help you find alternatives that serve the same function, or may be in the same behavioral class but be better or healthier for you that you can use differential reinforcement to change and be able to maintain said changing. I have also learned that interventions are like experiments since you will only know if your hypothesis about the cause of a target behavior is correct by the success of an intervention. Lastly, I have learned that there are direct and indirect assessments for which the former is assessed by the subject themselves while the latter refers to assessments collected by someone very close to the subject.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =14
Day 2 =12
Day 3 =14
Day 4 =30
Day 5 =12
Day 6 =14
Day 7 =14
Average =16 grams of fiber
7c) I don't have a problematic behavior, but the functional analysis is that at baseline I don't intake the proper amount of fiber per day, I use it for the function of feeling good overall, I need to find other higher fiber foods or drink more of my fruit shakes.
8) rule governed behavior, stimulus control, punishment, salient, behavior, emit, time-frame, target behavior, antecedent, elicit, reinforcement, behavioral intervention, functional assessment, serve the function, behavioral class, differential reinforcement, maintain, baseline
Section 5.2
I liked that it mentioned that there are many books out there that help people increase efficiency because I just started reading one last week and I literally do exactly what the section said. If I read something in that book that seems easy enough to implement then I try very hard to keep up with that behavior.
I didn't know why the section ended the way it did, I was confused a little just because it is consistent then just ends abruptly almost in the middle of a sentence.
I will remember the concept of rule governed behavior because it is such a common thing in our society, and noticing this may help me understand the social roles and norms that happen everyday.
I will remember that getting organized will help me increase my efficiency in my daily life because I will get more done and not waste as much time on the small unimportant tasks that I would normally let take much longer than necessary.
I will remember that deadlines are a way for parents, teachers, and authority figures to control when things happen in their households, classrooms, etc. I guess it helps me understand that the deadlines are more for their convenience than they are for making it hard on the person completing the task.
Section 5.3
I liked that this section basically told me exactly how to monitor and change my target behavior for the project that we are doing for class. I thought that I knew how to do it before, but this helped solidify that I was making the right changes and gave my some new ideas about the procedure.
I didn't like that this section made me feel bad about not having my behavior perfectly down yet because after doing this assignment, I think I finally figured out what works for me when completing the assignments that I need to in order to reach my goals.
I will remember that there are 6 steps in the behavior modification process that are crucial in getting anything accomplished with a target behavior change. Looking through them, I never would have really thought about reinforcing a better behavior being set up like this. Really all you have to do is change the antecedent and desired consequence. Seems simple.
I will remember that I need to have a tentative hypothesis about what my goal is and how I am going to change the target behavior because by doing this I will have a clear idea of what I am monitoring and looking for.
I will remember that I might not actually have the correct intervention the first time that I try one because I am a perfectionist, so it may be hard for me to see myself as “failing” at this task. However, if I know that this is a common thing that I can expect to happen, I will be less likely to feel bad if it doesn't happen right away.
Week 1:
Day one (Sunday): N/A
Day 2: finished by 11pm
Day 3:failed to finish assigned material (until Wed 1:55)
Day 4:failed to finish assigned material (until Thursday 12:30)
Day 5: Finished every assignment by 5:00pm
Day 6: N/A
Day 7: N/A
Average: Finished assignments one day later than deadline
I think that a functional analysis would look like I tend to put things off when I have activities in the afternoon, or evening, planned. When I have something exciting in the evening, I do not get my work done during the day. Instead I put it off until afterward which makes it hard to really get anything done in a timely manner, especially if unexpected things come up after the planned events. After observing me in this one week, I think that it is safe to say that I have priority issues with school versus other commitments in my life.
Terms: efficiency, rule governed behavior, social roles, norms, deadlines, target behavior, 6 steps in Behavior modification, reinforcing, antecedent, consequence, hypothesis, intervention, functional analysis
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) One thing I liked was the introduction to Role governed behavior
b) We haven't learned very much new material and the class has recently gotten extremely repetitive and boring because of it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a) Normally there's a little review of at the beginning of the chapter that ties the newly introduced material into the older material. There wasn't this time.
b) It helps me connect the concepts better.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember the organization segment, because I have a hard time staying organized and I'm constantly told I need to work on it.
b) Rule governed behavior, because it reminds me of my sociology class and relates to a lot of things that we learned, specifically "norms".
c) The some people emit rule governed behaviors solely because they feel an obligation to, while others don't because they just simply don't feel that it's necessary.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
a) The small review section at the beginning
b) It helps me be able to put my thoughts and attention where it needs to be specifically for what I'm about to read.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
a) I didn't like the repetitiveness...again...I enjoy a small review but the entire chapter seemed to just be a repetition of everything we've learned all over again. I feel like this, along with many other chapters, could be condensed, put together, and or just completely eliminated from the entire class.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) The ABC's-We learned about them already.
b) Functional Assessment-I feel like its the same things we've been talking about the entire semester, now we're just putting a name to it?...
c) That different behaviors can serve different functions. (Again, because we learned it already.)
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Succeeded to wash face before bed
Day 2 = Succeeded " "
Day 3 = Succeeded " "
Day 4 = Succeeded " "
Day 5 = Succeeded " "
Day 6 = Failed
Day 7 = Failed
Average = Washed face before bed 5/7 days.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I am washing my face before I am allowed my relaxation time in bed or to sleep. The function is to wash my face to keep it from breaking out.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, ABC's, Functional Assessment, Function, role governed behavior, organization.
1) One thing I really liked from the section was the material on rule governed behavior. These behaviors can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules that have been followed throughout history. I really liked the example that even a seven year old knows that people in the same family can’t have children together. The example really helped me understand exactly what rule governed behaviors were.
2) I liked all of the content from this section. I thought it was very interesting, and I really liked the examples provided. However, I didn’t like that there wasn’t a summary at the end. I always like reading the summary as it gives a nice reminder of everything I had just read. Sometimes it’ll help me remember a section or simply get a better understanding of that particular material in a section.
3) One thing I’ll remember from this section is the material on rule governed behaviors. Over time, everyone learns of these behaviors and follow them. The example really helped me understand what this was. A child at the young age of seven even knew that people in the same family couldn’t have children together. Another example is that some religions don’t celebrate birthdays. That would be kind of weird to not have your birthday acknowledged. It would just be considered another day. Another thing I’ll remember is the sources of rules. There are many different sources of rules. They can be government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, family traditions, peers, attorneys, and ourselves. To go along with that, rules can be different in other countries. For instance, some countries have rules to drive on the left side of the road, while others have rules to drive on the left. The rules serve as antecedents and the consequences to following those rules or not following those rules can alter people’s behavior. Once again, the examples really helped me understand the material as they were very good. The third thing I’ll remember is the material on deadlines. Deadlines can function as rules governing behavior. Deadlines are also antecedents and discriminative stimuli. An example could be someone purchasing tickets. If there is a deadline to buy tickets, the cost of the tickets would be much less if they are purchased before the deadline. The consequence would be spending less money if the deadline were met.
4) I really liked learning more about interventions. If an intervention is designed to decrease the behavior, then a steady decline in the frequency of the target behavior should be the result. If an intervention is designed to increase the behavior, then a steady increase in the frequency of the behavior would be the result. If there is not a change in the behavior, then the intervention needs to be altered. It’s very rare to find the right intervention the first time. I really liked learning more about this. I have obviously always heard of this because of extremes of people having interventions for individuals with drug and alcohol problems. However, I had never actually learned of the specifics of interventions, and I found the material to be very interesting.
5) One thing I disliked in the section was all of the example boxes. I understand that the practice will definitely help us learn the material. However, I thought there were a lot more than what was necessary. I think most of the other sections have the proper amount of practice boxes, but this section over did it a bit. Another thing I didn’t like in this section is that there wasn’t a summary at the end. This section, particularly, had a lot of content, so I really think the summary could have really helped me remember everything.
6) One thing I’ll remember from this section is the review of the functions and topographies of different behaviors. I really liked the example of students using behavior modification to decrease the frequency of saying the f-word. This was a really good example, because it would apply to me. I say the word much more than it should be said, and I’m working toward limiting the use of the word. I use it in many different functions, like when I’m mad or when I’m shocked. There are many different functions that it can be used, but the topography is the same. Another thing I’ll remember is the material on interventions. The material was very interesting to me, so it’ll be easy for me to remember. It seems that interventions are a work in progress kind of thing. It’s usually not hit right on the head from the beginning. People need to tweak it and make the necessary changes in order to assure the intervention will be a successful one. The third thing I’ll remember from this section is the difference between direct and indirect assessments. Direct assessments involve the observation and recording of behaviors. The recording can be done by the individual, by others, or electronically. Indirect assessments might involve the use of an interview process or a questionnaire. These are usually necessary when an individual is unable to communicate, unwilling to communicate, or unable to access the larger picture. It seems that direct assessments are used much more often than indirect assessments, but I like that there is an alternate route if necessary.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 60 min
Day 2 = 0 min
Day 3 = 60 min
Day 4 = 0 min
Day 5 = 45 min
Day 6 = 0 min
Day 7 = 50 min
Average = 30.7 Worked out for 45 minutes 4 out of 7 days
7) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will collect the information on my target behavior through a direct assessment. I will keep a log in my phone of how many minutes I exercised each day of the week. I will then examine how I did and determine whether or not there needs to be changes made. One possible way I could use an indirect assessment is if I were to work out when my roommate does. That way he could help me remember to log when and how long we worked out. However, it is unlikely this will be used as our schedules don’t line up to be able to work out together.
8) rule governed behavior, sources of rules, antecedent, behavior, consequence, deadlines, discriminative stimuli, interventions, frequency, target behavior, functions, topography, behavior modifications, direct assessment, indirect assessment
1 a&b) I liked the section that discussed having roommates that effect antecedents. I have had a roommate for the last year and a half. Although we get along great, some things that she does influence my behaviors. For example she keeps Dr. Pepper in the fridge all the time. Seeing it every day and having her drink it makes me crave pop as well. With the current behavioral change project I am rewarding myself with pop on the weekends. Her behaviors make that more difficult to stick with. One way I could help to change the antecedents could be to ask her to refrain from drinking pop around me and keeping her pop to the back of our fridge out of my sight. This section is definitely useful to me in the future when I will have even more roommates.
2) Something I liked least about this section was differential reinforcement. I don't quite understand why we can't reward target behaviors we are trying to decrease. We've talked about it a few times in class, in fact spent a day on it, and it's been mentioned in numerous other sections. It is a concept I'm not sure that I completely agree with and am confused by. Otherwise there wasn't much about this section that I didn't like.
3 a,b&c) By changing the antecedents around you, it can help modify your behaviors. This is especially useful right now as the class does behavioral change projects. It might also be helpful at this time while everyone is preparing for finals and end of the semester projects. We have to learn how to effectively manage our time and antecedents have a sufficient impact on whether or not we are successful. Learning by example is called observational learning. This is a way that children learn behaviors from their parents. Children learn to say “no” because their parents' say “no” to behaviors the child/s are emitting. This could also be the case if parents curse in front of their children. Finally, I will also remember that not only does controlling the environment work when you are living with other people, but also for something like avoiding speeding tickets. For example you could drive a car that doesn't go as fast, teach ourselves to regularly set the cruise at the speed limit, or avoid driving on roads with heavy cop traffic.
4a) Week #2 (behavioral intervention): Minutes Working Out
Day 1 = 0 mins
Day 2 = 30 mins
Day 3 = 40 mins
Day 4 = 0 mins
Day 5 = 30 mins
Day 6 = 30 mins
Day 7 = 0 mins
Average = 18.5 mins
4b) So far I am pleased with my behavioral change project. I'm reinforcing myself on the weekends by letting myself eat candy and have pop. I am using the schedule of reinforcement similar to fixed ratio. I am rewarded on the weekends only if I have worked out for a minimum of 30 mins at least 4 times a week. In some sense this could also be fixed interval because it is on the weekends. However, if I don't work out a minimum of 4 times before the weekend I can't reward myself until the following weekend. This is why I am leaning it more towards fixed ratio.
Terms: Schedule of Reinforcement, Fixed Ratio, Fixed Interval, Antecedents, Behaviors, Differential Reinforcement, Target Behaviors, Behavioral Change, Emitting, Observational Learning.
Section 5.2
1 a&b)I really liked the idea of ruled governed behavior, because it really governs a majority of what people do. The definition states it perfectly, rule governed behavior can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards, or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout history. I know this is true in my life across the board although there a certain areas that affect me less than others. For me my faith in God has a huge impact on my behaviors and act as antecedents because I know the consequences. I follow God's way very closely, where as I do not always adhere to social norms that may govern others behaviors, because I like to live my life the way I am and not concerned about others perceptions. Their judgement about me one way or the other does not act as an antecedent to my behaviors because I am not too concerned about the consequences (most of the time).
2)Honestly there wasn't anything I did not like about this section. Maybe provide a bulleted list/summary at the end of the reading like you usually do.
3 a,b&c) I will remember rule governed behavior because it is a huge part of everyone's life around the world (not that other concepts in behavior modification aren't), but I really pay attention to the context in which people live. All of our circumstances affect our behavior such as religion, norms, and culture.
I will also remember increasing efficiency because the more you do something, the more likely you are to emit the behavior in the future and sometimes that is inefficient. We need to make our behavior efficient. I use to compulsively check things, such as my email and it wasted a lot of time.
Deadlines will also be remembered because they are definite antecedents. If a deadline is approaching, you know you need to meet the deadline otherwise there could be serious consequences, such as loosing a job.
Section 5.3
4 a&b)I really liked functional assessment of behavior because it is very user friendly. The ABC's are so clear cut, make sense, and are very applicable. You look at was precedes the behavior, the behavior, and then the consequence. Then you look to change the antecedent, to change the behavior, which in change alters the consequence. Making a plan is very attainable with this set up.
5)The part I liked least was some of the examples were not very clearly defined or stated, they could be presented more clearly and fully. This would help when applying the new terms/concepts.
6 a,b&c) I will remember direct assessment because many times when I will evaluate why I do the things I do. I will ask myself, what does this behavior mean and how is affecting me/what are the benefits of this behavior. Then I will either take steps to change my behavior or to maintain the behavior if it is a good one.
I will also remember indirect assessment because many times when I did a direct assessments of myself in areas I did not want to change or did not know how to change, my mom would be doing an indirect assessment of my behavior, telling me what she thought. It was from a 2nd party source. She could often see antecedents and discriminative stimuli that led me to emit behaviors that I did not always understand.
I will also remember natural contingencies because many times when I am changing a behavior, they turn over to natural contingencies pretty quickly and the reinforcers loose their reinforcement quickly. This is also true in the reverse. I can break them and revert to old habits quickly as well.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
For my behavior I am trying to eat less. Each meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner I can only have 1 glass of water and one plate of food, also I can only have 1 dessert a day. This leaves me with a total of 7 boxes to check. My goal is to get as close to 7 checks marks a day equally 49 check marks a week. So, for each day I will receive 0-7 check marks.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =4
Average = 3.9 check marks
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? A functional analysis of my target behavior is to first look at the environment affecting my behavior and the consequences that come from that (ABC's). Right now, the environment that causes my behavior of eating too much is going to the dinning centers for each meal, everyday throughout the week. This results in the behavior of eating and the consequence is eating too much/gaining weight. I have analyzed the function of my overeating, which is stress relief and for social reasons. I will change this behavior, by changing my environment-so only going to the dinning centers a couple times a week, which will result in eating, but the consequence will be, not overeating throughout the whole day. I am allowed to eat 1 plate of food while in the dinning center, 1 should drink at least 1 glass of water with every meal (so I get full with water instead of purely food), and I am allowed one dessert a day. In all I should try my best to check 7 boxes a day or 49 a week, meaning I followed all these guidelines. There is room for mistakes, which will help me stay dedicated because it is achievable and I am not setting my standards too high. This is reinforcing because I finally feel like I can overcome my problem with eating, it is attainable and I have a specific plan. If I abide by these rules and get at least 40 out of the 49, I can reward myself with a mango or rock climbing.
8)Terms: Rule governed behavior, behavior, antecedents, consequences, behavior modification, increasing efficiency, deadlines, emit, functional assessment of behavior, ABC's, direct assessment, indirect assessment, discriminative stimuli, natrual contingencies, reinforcers, reinforcement, target behavior, functional analysis, reinforcing
1 a&b) I really liked that this section had a very detailed description of rule governed behavior. I think that this section once again did a good job recounting the topic and had numerous examples to help further understanding.
2) I disliked that there was not a summary at the end of the section because the summaries at the end of sections helped to bring everything together and helped me retain information from the sections.
3 a,b&c) One thing I will remember from this section is what rule governed behavior is because the wording is pretty easy to understand, and I was able to connect this concept with examples about stop signs and other antecedents. I will also remember how the rule governed behavior can rely on the situations and locations, such as religions, laws, or countries because by determining the antecedent and understanding the differences, you can alter your behavior so that the consequence is desirable. Lastly, I will remember that we need to look at the source of the rules because it’s important information to have when traveling and in some parts of the world their rules and behaviors differ from the rules and behaviors we emit in the US.
4 a&b) One thing I liked from this section was how it stressed the importance of being specific when it comes to making your goals. I feel as this is a concept that is consistently being instructed to us. I like this concept because I often forget about it and this way I’ll always remember it.
5)I disliked that the reading just ended without any conclusive thought or summary. As I mentioned before, it is nice to use as a reference when I finish the reading to give me a review over the key terms and ideas.
6 a,b&c)
One thing I will remember from this section is that it is important to examine the functions of a behavior in order to help develop a working hypothesis of why the behavior is actually occurring because there is usually more to a behavior than we originally perceive and we need to be able to get to the bottom of it. Another thing I will remember is the difference between indirect and direct assessment because direct assessment is when an individual observes the behaviors when they occur and records them whereas indirect assessment gathering information about the behavior from others such as parents, teachers, caregivers, and counselors. Lastly, I will remember that in most cases it is good to refine or slightly change or modify the target behaviors and intervention because it is good to have a dynamic behavioral modification program; it is good to experiment with contingencies to figure out the best reinforcement schedule, target behavior, or reinforce.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =3 times
Day 2 =5 times
Day 3 =2 times
Day 4 =3 times
Day 5 =2 times
Day 6 =4 times
Day 7 =4 times
Average =3.29 times
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My targeted behavior is to limit myself to accessing social media 3 or less times a day. By staying off social media for no more than three times a day I’ll be able to open more of my time and attention to the things around me. The antecedents would be any environment such as class, work or hanging out with friends that would make me want to go on social media to fill time.
8) Terms: antecedent, targeted behavior, emit, functions of behavior, intervention, rule governed behavior, indirect assessment, indirect assessment, reinforce
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the examples that were given throughout the section; I found them to be helpful. I also liked that the content in this section was easily relatable to what I am learning in my social psychology and family assessment classes. Relating holiday and family traditions to rule governed behaviors were a tie I was able to make between my classes.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I did not like about this section was that there was no summary provided at the end. I like having a summary at the end of the section so that I am able check for my understanding and ensure that I am picking up on the main points that are being expressed through out the section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that there are many reasons in which individuals chose to emit or not emit rule governed behaviors. For some individuals they may adhere to rule governed behavior because of a value or belief they hold causing them to emit or not emit the behavior. They may also be based on culture. For example related to culture, in our culture it is appropriate for women to start a conversation with a man, but in another culture that may not be something that is acceptable.
Another thing I will remember from this section is that some rule-governed behaviors are set through experiences that are handed down by others or through experiences we have had on our own. Reading that statement reminded me of my family and rules of behavior that have passed down in our family that were set by past experiences. For example, in my family it is a rule that we spend holidays together; it may have started as a rule but it is also a tradition.
A third thing I will remember from this section is that some rules are both behaviors and rules such as the rule mentioned in the text, “checking our email at most twice a day.” This may be a rule we have set for ourselves even though have not experienced any consequences or averse effects, we may simply do it so that we are being efficient with our time and able spend time doing other things during our day that we enjoy.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section is that it had very through explanations of each piece of functional assessment of behavior. I also liked that it gave a brief review of some of the previous material we had covered up that point on punishment, reinforcement, the roles that antecedents and consequence have on behavior and then an overview of the steps involved in the behavior modification process.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
For this section, there was not anything that I disliked. I found it to helpful overall in gaining a better understanding of the next step I needed to be taking in the process of completing my project.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is that in a functional assessment of the behavior, you are investigating the behavior and what is reinforcing it so that you can develop the best intervention to increase or decrease the behavior to reach the target behavior. I will remember this because before reading this section, I did not have much prior knowledge about what functional assessment was or what it entailed.
Another thing I will remember from this section is that it is important to have a clear idea of what the behavior means (function) even when it sounds or looks similar to another behavior (topography). It is important to have this understanding because the intervention that will work best for someone who is sticking their finger up because they flipping some off is different than the intervention that will work or is needed for the person who is pointing with one finger and would like to adjust their behavior by not pointing at all or pointing with two fingers.
A third thing I will remember is the different types of assessment. The first type of assessment is direct assessment. It is used with individuals who are willing and able to track or record their own progress or have that progress charted by someone else or through technology. This is the type of assessment I used for my project by charting my steps for myself through the use of my mobile fitness app on my phone. The other type of assessment is indirect and it is typically done through the use of interviews or questionnaires. Many times this type of assessment is chosen when the individual is unwilling or unable to communicate or does not have access to the larger picture/world around them.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 6,005
Day 2 =7.894
Day 3 =8,893
Day 4 =8,012
Day 5 =6,478
Day 6 =7,789
Day 7 =7,449
Average =7,502.9 steps
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The behavior I am going to keep track of is my daily walking by steps on Fitness app via my phone. I chose this behavior because I have a larger goal of losing weight and increasing my exercise. I will walk at least 8,000 steps a day, to increase my daily walking and easy into increasing my daily exercise. Increasing my walking elicits more cardio into my daily and the consequence of this behavior is feeling better about myself physically and emotionally, intake of more water, and finding a way to input exercise into my daily schedule.
A: Increasing walking
B: Walking 8,000 steps a day
C: Getting my daily exercise in
8) Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, ritual, behaviors, consequence, aversive, punishment, reinforcement, antecedents, behavior modification process, topography, function, functional assessment of behavior, indirect assessment, direct assessment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This was a quick and easy read! One thing I really liked was how the section provided a lot of relatable examples to describe governed behavior. It was interesting to put in perspective why I do the things I do or do not do because of government, society, rules from my parents, and etc.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section is I feel like it just stopped and didn’t give any concluding paragraph or summary. I enjoy reading the summaries at the end because they help me review the key points of the reading and help me remind myself of the concepts discussed.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that some behaviors are emitted by individuals because of social procedures within a given culture. This sticks with me, as there are so many things that are taboo in our country like if someone waves at you, it is only polite to wave back or as they discussed, it is heavily looked down upon to have any sexual relations within a family. Another thing I will remember is self governed rules can be set on an individual basis. This differs on an individual basis, as something I think is right may not be what another person thinks depending on our backgrounds or the way we were raised. Thirdly, I will remember individuals may not emit a behavior because they do not think they will get punished. The example in the book talks about not stopping at a stop sign at 4am because you are not likely to be caught by a cop and there is no one else around. I know I have been I this position multiple times and will say that I did not stop before and did not get caught.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the beginning of the section gave us a review of behavior modification and went over the first three steps that we have been working on and then led us to the rest. I enjoyed this because it was nice to read over the steps again because there are six I forgot exactly what went into it. I also liked it because it helped clarify a couple of the steps I was confused on.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, I disliked that the reading just ended without any conclusive thought or summary. As I mentioned above, it is nice to use as a reference when I finish the reading to give me a review over the key terms and ideas.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember direct assessment because it involves recording down behaviors and observations. To me this makes sense because when you are doing any kind of research you need data and the way to record is going along with the behaviors. I will remember indirect assessment, which involves questions or an interview because it is not just simply the recording of the behaviors but it is taken mostly from another’s perspective. Lastly, I will remember functional assessment because it is there to help you develop a hypothesis of the relationship of the behavior and the ABCs. I think of it like assessing what I am doing, when I am doing it, and getting to why I might be doing or not doing this certain behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
My target behavior is to get to bed by 10:30 during weekdays and Sunday.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = (Sunday) 10pm
Day 2 = (Monday) 11:15pm
Day 3 = (Tuesday) 10:45pm
Day 4 = (Wednesday) 11pm
Day 5 =(Thursday) 10:15pm
Day 6 = (Friday) 3:30am
Day 7 = (Saturday) 3am
Average = Is around 10:55pm weekdays and 3:15am on weekends.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Mine will most likely be a direct assessment as I am recording every time I get to bed. I make sure to keep a note pad next to my bed so I can write down the time each night when I go to bed. It's hard to average time and I might need to change my target behavior to 11pm due to the fact that I work until at least 10pm or later Wednesday through Sunday.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Governed behavior, behaviors, emit, behavior modification, direct assessment, indirect assessment, functional assessment, target behavior, baseline, and intervention.
Reading Blog #12
Cassidy Monaco
5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior)
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the examples provided. I enjoyed how there was a diagram of the antecedent, behavior, and consequence for rule governed behaviors.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I felt like this section was lacking in information compared to previous sections. It also did not provide a summary, which I usually find pretty helpful in revisiting what I had just read over the section and understanding what the main points that I am supposed to take away from the section are.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) I will remember rule governed behavior is a behavior which is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal.
b) I will remember that deadlines are not only antecedents, but also discriminative stimuli in that they make us aware of possible future consequences if the deadline isn't met.
c) I will remember that there are many sources of rules. For example, government, traditions, the people around us, or society as a whole are sources of rules. Rules can come about from just about anything and anywhere.
5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked from this section was learning more about interventions. I had previously known what interventions were, but this section gave me more knowledge. I realized that it is really all about behavior modification. Interventions are used to either increase or decrease a behavior. You know if an intervention works if there is a steady decline or steady incline in behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the amount of terms used in the section because it was hard trying to remember what they meant. Also, there was no summary provided again which is something I read carefully at the end of each section.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a) One thing I will remember about this section is that hand gestures can function similarly as verbal words. For example, giving the finger functions the same as the f-word. Giving the finger is likely in driving situations when verbal communication is not possible. I thought this was interesting because I had never thought about it before.
b) I will remember what a functional assessment of a behavior is. Functional assessments allow us to make hypotheses as to why our behaviors are occurring or not occurring and how to intervene. This is important to remember because functional assessment can help us during our behavioral change projects when trying to find a good intervention.
c) I will also remember that the baseline of an experiment is used to determine changed throughout the experimentation because we talked a lot about this in class last week.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Usually, I only exercise about 2 times per week, so this is my baseline.
I tracked my behavior by marking if I exercised (yes) or did not (no) on each day of the week.
Day 1 = yes
Day 2 = yes
Day 3 = yes
Day 4 = no
Day 5 = no
Day 6 = yes
Day 7 = no
Average = I exercised 4 of the 7 days of the week.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis of my target behavior of exercising 5 or 6 times per week would include a hypothesis of why I am exercising or not, and how to intervene. For example:
I believe that I only emitted the behavior of exercising 4 times last week, compared to my target behavior of 5 to 6 times, because I was very busy preparing for three upcoming exams. I can intervene by making time for working out each day after work, and therefore spending less social time with my friends, because I want to meet my target behavior of exercising 5 or 6 times per week.
TERMS: antecedent, behavior, consequence, rule governed behavior, interventions, functional assessment, target behavior, intervene, emitted
Section 5.2
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the section highlighted that rule governed behavior has many different sources and is different in every culture. This is important when we try to modify the behavior of someone who is not from the same culture as us. For example, in China, college students emit running behavior on their way to class, that is a rule governed behavior in their culture (it is elicited by being on campus where other students run to class). If I were to try to modify a Chinese student’s running behavior, it is important to know that the antecedent is a rule that says “College students run to class” because that has a different function than someone who elicits running behavior because they are late for class, in which their antecedent is “I’m late for class.” I also really liked that the material presented in this section was completely new.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was no one thing that I liked least about this section. I thought all of it was interesting.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that rule governed behaviors have different sources. I will remember that individuals do not have to experience the consequence of emitting a behavior before they begin emitting that behavior; individuals simply here a rule, emit the behavior, and hope that the consequence is one that they desire. Finally, and probably most importantly, I will remember that rules are antecedents.
Section 5.3
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that all of the steps of behavior modification were provided for us. I think it is important to continue using behavior modification language and reiterating the steps involved with it. This is very important because in order to successfully modify behavior (in yourself or others), you must follow these steps. You cannot just jump to step 5 “Devise new antecedents and consequences” without first understanding which current antecedents elicit behavior and what consequences reinforce that behavior. Once you understand what the target behavior is and why it is being emitted, then you can finally begin to modify this behavior. It is also important to know that you probably won’t be completely successful on your first try, behavior modification is a process of trial and error.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I disliked about this section. I found the whole thing very interesting!
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the 6 steps of behavior modification because, as I said earlier, these are very important when trying to change any behavior in yourself or others. I will also remember that the functional assessment of a behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABC’s of behavior, which will make you more successful in modifying behavior in the long run. Finally, I will remember that if the intervention does not change the frequency of the target behavior, then we either need to alter the intervention or we have to go back and re-evaluate our functional assessment and hypothesis, this is a process of trial and error.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) (March 19-March 25)
Day 1 = 1
Day 2 = 2
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 2
Day 7 = 3
Average = 5.8 times I eat meat during the week
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is eating meat (red meat, chicken, and fish; eggs and dairy are okay) Monday through Friday as I attempt to become a “weekday vegetarian” in order to lessen my ecological footprint. I believe that my analysis would reveal that antecedents that act as establishing operations, thus triggering me to eat lots of meat, is eating at home or “home-cooked meals” since my family usually has a main dish of some sort of meat and it tastes really good since it is home-cooked. It is also extra reinforcing to eat with my family because I enjoy spending time with them. And a consequence of eating with my family is feeling happy. Other antecedents that lead to meat eating are eating in the dining center, but this antecedent is less powerful than eating meat at home since there are vegetarian options in the dining center and there are ways for me to check the menu and find vegetarian dishes before I actually go to eat. And the food at the dining center doesn’t taste as good as at home. It is also helpful to know what will be offered at meal times so that if there is something (such as bacon) that I really enjoy being offered, then I can make sure to avoid the station that is serving it. So in implementing my behavior intervention, I will need to begin checking the dining center menu before eating and possibly only visiting my family on Saturdays and Sundays, so that way I can still enjoy eating meat with them (and possibly use it as a reinforcer for not eating meat during the week!).
Terms: rule governed behavior, behavior modification, emit, elicit, behavior function, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, functional assessment, frequency, establishing operation, reinforce
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this chapter, because it helped me once again put all the pieces together that we have been learning these past weeks was the diagram that showed examples of rule governed behavior using the ABC’s in our daily life. I didn’t realize how many of my day to day behaviors are emitted because of rules that we follow, simply without knowing it. For example, we take the pizza out of the oven because we don’t want it to get burned (antecedent), then we emit the behavior, take out the pizza, and lastly the consequence occurs of eating good pizza because it isn’t burnt.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t’ find anything in particular that I disliked about this section, so I will share another aspect of the section I liked. I found the part of the section that talked about how rules can be handed down really interesting. I think I found this interesting because we don’t break it down and think about it in our daily lives, we just do it. The example with Jan and how she slows down and a particular spot really hit home to me because back home, there is a particular parking lot in town on the street our high school was at that a cop always hides at. I have learned from experience to slow down, even when there isn’t a cop in sight. And, I have told my friends and they have told their friends, so this has been passed down throughout our whole school. These types of examples, ones that I can relate to my own experiences are really helpful at understanding the material better throughout the section.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from this section is all the different sources of rules. These sources include; government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, family traditions, peers, attorneys, and ourselves. I will remember this because we don’t normally think of more than just a few sources when we think about all the different types of rules we abide by. Secondly, I will remember that depending on the source and the antecedent our behaviors may be greatly altered. This is important to keep in mind when you are viewing behavior and how we can change people’s behavior or try and figure out why certain behaviors occur. Lastly, I will remember that rules become antecedents to our behaviors, and ultimately if we establish rules we can become more organize and live more efficient lives.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section is how it broke it down. At first, I thought this section was going to be really confusing because it is something that I am not familiar with, so I was learning it for the first time. However, the way it was broken down and then supported by examples really helped me. It also helped me because it had a lot of practice activities, or places we have to fill in the answers, and those help get you actually thinking on your own about the material.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I wish this section would have included would have been to go through all the steps of the behavior modification process at the end, including the functional assessment and the new antecedents and consequences as well as how the outcome turned out. It showed us at the beginning of the section the 6 steps that occur, I just think it would be helpful so that we could see all the process put together. Why? Because we have looked at a lot of the pieces of behavior modification separately, I think now it would be helpful to start putting them all together with examples from start to finish.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember is why we conduct a functional assessment. It is important to understand why you do something so that you know how it is benefitting you. “Functional assessments are designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. It is used to identify the environment (antecedents) in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it (consequences) (Maclin p.2 ABC).” Another thing I will remember is that examining the functions of behaviors is important when trying to develop a working hypothesis. I will remember this because it is an important step in conducting a functional analysis. Last, I will remember that if we know what is reinforcing our behavior, we can change the contingencies and hopefully extinguish the behavior from occurring in the future.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = $3.25
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = $24.00
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = $8.00
Day 7 = 0
Average = $5.03
7) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Step 1: Describe the target behavior Step: Reduce the amount of money spent on fast food and sit down restaurants
Step 2: Describe the consequences: I will have more money in my bank account to put toward school
Step 3: Describe the antecedents: The antecedent to my behavior is going out to eat for the social aspect of hanging out with friends
Step 4: Examine the ABCs (Functional Assessment): My hypothesis to the relationship between the ABC’s of my behavior are that I want to go out to eat with my friends because I feel that is the only time I have to get together with them, so I don’t want to say no, because then I may not see them that week and I will miss out on the good time they are having. However, I know that my consequence of not going could save me money and when I will in the long run how that will help me with my student loans, I hesitate to go. For my intervention, I may try eating before I go, so I will save money but still get to go and experience that social aspect, or, I can ask one of my friends if they would want to split a meal so it would be cheaper.
TERMS: rule governed behavior, antecedent, behavior, emit, emitted, consequence, rules, sources, functional assessment, extinguish, hypothesis, ABCs, working behavior, functions
Section 5.2 Rule Governed Behavior
1) One thing that I really liked in this section is how deadlines works as rule governed behavior. I had never thought that for some people this is a very strong behavior response to get something done on time but for others it is minor incentive. Either way, a deadline is taken into consideration when emitting a behavior.
2) One thing that I disliked in this section was a brief mention of cultural rule governed behavior. Of course I know a decent amount of then implemented in the United States but the fun fact about not celebrating birthdays was really interesting. It would have been neat to have a few more examples of these.
3) Three things I will remember include:
a. Ruled governed behavior is an anything like norms, morals or ethical grounds that cause people to act or avoid specific action. I will remember this because the antecedent is usually verbal or a given in culture instead of an environment or other behavior.
b. Ruled governed behaviors come from different sources. I will remember this because the source can highly dictate to what degree an individual will adhere to the rule.
c. Rules can influence behavior not experienced. Although this leaves no room for natural trial and error, essentially “rules” or sayings can elicit behaviors before alternatives are attempted.
Section 5.3
4) One thing I really liked from this section is the mention of recording the consequences in the baseline. I know they are important in modification but I only ever paid attention to what caused my behavior and not the consequence because the consequence was not something I think about when I bite my nails it is just something I deal with.
5) One thing I did not like is the mention of the second method as a second person perspective as it still can include the individual undergoing the modification. I understood it as the reading went on but it was confusing initially.
6) Three things I will remember:
a. Behavior can be measured from either a direct or indirect method. I will remember this because although both methods work either may be more effect in certain situations.
b. Record the baseline occurrence of the behavior but also the consequence and the antecedent. This is important because the rate of the behavior often mirrors an environmental factor or result of the behavior.
c. Changing the target behavior. Sometimes the initial behavior no longer needs reinforced as it will happen naturally so it is important to change the reinforcement schedule as to not get satiated or to switch it completely.
7a) 1 week's worth of base line data:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 4 occurrences/violations
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 1
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 8
Day 7 = 4
Average = 3.14
7c) A functional analysis of my target behavior
My target behavior is peeling off my nails and pulling/picking my cuticles. I have so far during my baseline assessment noticed that I do this behavior because of stress, worry, and boredom which is sometimes intentional and sometimes unconscious until it starts to hurt. The consequence of this behavior tends to redirect my mind from what was stressing me out but also pain, bleeding, and sometimes more annoyance/inconvenience. Knowing these things would help me implement a reinforcement process that would help with one of the antecedents and eliminate the need of the consequence.
Terms and terminology: antecedent, behavior, rule governed behavior, emit, elicit, satiated, reinforcement schedule, target behavior.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like when it gave the example of deadlines, because I think it was a good example of rule governed behavior. It spells it out well. I just like that there was a lot of examples of it in general.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The chapter was short. It was obviously quick to read, but you don’t get as much out as other chapters. Also having a summary is a good recap and this did not have one this time.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Some behaviors are emitted (or not) because of the socialization procedures of culture because that is clear to understand and I can think of a lot of instances of that, some people will emit behaviors that do not follow rules because they know they will not be punished because it is easy to remember with the traffic example and we have all driven 5 over the speed limit at some point, deadlines function as rules for governing behavior because life is full of deadlines especially in college
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the examples and how in depth they go, especially the two at the beginning about driving and eating. This helps understand the concepts better.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Although the examples were pretty good and the point was gotten across. I got a little confused with some of the stuff at the end and I feel like the chapter just did not flow as well as previous chapters did in terms of concepts linking well. This made it a little harder to follow.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Functional assessments of behavior are used to help start a behavioral intervention because if I ever want to do one outside of this class I’ll know what I need to start with, we don’t always do the correct behavioral intervention the first time so I know that if I fail to try again and that it is common to not get it right, if you are successful in your behavioral intervention you still might want to make changes and this will help me to continue success in my behavioral interventions in the future in this class and after this class
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2 veggies
Day 2 = 2 veggies
Day 3 = 0 veggies
Day 4 = 0 veggies
Day 5 = 1 veggies
Day 6 =3 veggies
Day 7 = 1 veggies
Average = About 1.3
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
First off, I was considering trying to cut back on sweets. I collected data for both veggies and sweets, but I think just focusing on increasing vegetables will do for this class (I will be trying to cut down on sweets though not for class). I think the antecedent changes for me. Usually it will just depend on what the dining center is serving (I eat at the dining center 80-90% of meals) so if I do not like any of the available vegetables they have for a particular meal then I usually do not have any and if they have ones I like then that elicits me to emit the behavior of eating the vegetables. The consequence of eating them is better health directly with the benefits of the vegetables and indirectly because I will not be as hungry and won’t eat as many bad things (fries, potato chips, etc.)
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule governed behavior, emitted, behaviors, punished, deadlines, functional assessments of behavior, behavioral intervention, elicit, emit, behavior, antecedent, consequence,
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
Please fill out the boxes in the readings you may be quizzed on them in class.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in section 5.2 is the concept of rule governed behavior. Many of our everyday normal activities are considered to be rule governed behaviors. The reason that I liked this concept is because I found interesting and it made me think of other everyday behaviors that I emit could be considered rule governed behaviors as well.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked in section 5.2 was the lack of a summary at the end of this section. I find the summaries to be very useful when trying to review each section before tests.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from section 5.2 would include what a rule governed behavior is. A rule governed behavior may result from morals, norms, or ethical standards or from rules that an organism held throughout its history. Another thing that I will remember from this section is that specific rules that we may learn ourselves can be handed down to other people. The last thing that I will remember from section 5.2 is that many times we learn a consequence, or that a consequence can be evident from rule governed behaviors, such as a stop sign. I will remember these because I believe that they will be very important concepts throughout behavior modification. I also find these three concepts to be very interesting to me.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked from this section is that it had broken down the steps to take when modifying a behavior. This made the concept very easy to understand since the steps were broken down so well.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There isn’t anything that I really disliked in section 5.3. However, it did lack a summary, like section 5.2 did. Which I find having a summary at the end of each section to be very helpful.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Three things that I will remember from this section is that in order to formulate a new intervention, we have to come up with new antecedents and consequences. Once we can figure out what elicits the target behavior and what maintains the behavior, we are then able to change them through various interventions. Another thing that I will remember from section 5.3 is the concept of functional assessment of a behavior. Functional assessment can be used to identify the environment and how the outcomes of the behavior sustain it. The third thing that I will remember from this section is indirect assessment. Indirect assessment usually consists of a questionnaire or an interview that an individual partakes in. When being interviewed, the ABC’s of behavior modification can be identified and also the function of the behavior. Indirect assessment may be used when individuals are unable to identify and evaluate their own ABC’s of behavior modification. I will remember these three things from section 5.3, because I believe that they will be important concepts throughout behavior modification. Not only do I think that these three concepts will be important throughout behavior modification, but I also find these concepts to be very interesting.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 30 minutes
Day 2 = 20 minutes
Day 3 =0 minutes
Day 4 =30 minutes
Day 5 =45 minutes
Day 6 =30 minutes
Day 7 =0 minutes
Average =22.14 minutes
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
In reference to section 5.3 a functional analysis of my behavior would include the collection off information of my target behavior through direct assessment. I will record things right away, so my data will remain to be as accurate as possible.
8) Terms- rule governed behavior, behaviors, emit, consequence, intervention, antecedents, elicits, target behavior, functional assessment, indirect assessment, ABC’s of behavior modification, functional analysis, direct assessment
Section 5.2, Rule Governed Behavior
1) I really liked the information covered in this section because it was all information I had noticed in my daily life but the section is the first thing to cause me to see in from a behavioral perspective. It caused me to think about my different behaviorism and reactions to certain things and be able to understand where they come from. The examples in this section were also very helpful in understanding and applying the information.
2) There was nothing in this section that I really disliked. All of the information was clearly stated and described. I was able to connect all of the information to previous section and was not confused by any of the material.
3) (a) I will remember that rule governed behavior causes certain behaviors to be emitted or intentionally not emitted because of norms, morals, or ethical standards because I can think of numerous examples of this and ways it showed up in my own life. (b) Rule governed behavior is not a behavior that requires punishment or reinforcement. I will remember this because of the definition of rule governed behaviors where they are more expected behavior rather than ones that need to be learned/taught. (c) Things such as deadlines and efficiency can function as rule governed behaviors. I will remember this because it was interesting to think of these two things with the means of behavior modification. I recognize both of these aspects in my daily life but after reading this section I now understand their influence on other behaviors and their connection to behavior modification.
Section 5.3, Fictional Analysis of Behavior
4) I enjoyed this section and how it covered more of people trying to figure out why they emit a certain behavior rather than just trying to get rid of it. This section reminded me of the quote about keeping your enemies closer. In order to change an undesired behavior you need to fully understand it and thing associated with it. This section helped me realize that better than previous sections.
5) I didn’t really dislike the recap at the very beginning of the section but my brain definitely went into auto pilot while reading it, due to the fact that we have gone over so much. Maybe it is a good sign that that information seems like common knowledge to me now, but for me it seemed like talking about it in as much detail as it did was something that wasn’t really needed.
6) (a) I will remember that the functional assessment of behavior is used to develop a theory or hypothesis to understand the relationship between the ABCs of behaviors. I will remember this because the previous sections tell one that understanding the antecedents and consequences and how they effect a behavior are keys to changing the target behavior. The functional assessment is something we have already done without really knowing exactly what it is. (b) Also, being able to distinguish if a behavior is topographical or functional is important for the functional assessment of the behavior because one needs to understand why the behavior is being emitted. (c) Lastly, because I exhibit this problem a lot when trying to modify my behavior, I will remember it is not uncommon for one to continually change or refine their targeted behavior and other contingencies.
7) I want to change my behavior of grazing/snacking throughout the day rather than eating set meals. I recorded all of the times I snacked throughout the day, I did not count when I sat down and eat an actual meal. The amount of food I eat did not matter. I counted it even if it was a small piece of food. I would prefer to extinguish this behavior all together and only eat at three times throughout the day.
Week #1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 7
Day 2 = 7
Day 3 = 8
Day 4 = 6
Day 5 = 8
Day 6 = 9
Day 7 = 12
Average = 7.14
7c) A functional analysis of my target behavior would include the reasons why I snack throughout the day rather than eat set meals. I would think it would have more to do with impulsions and boredom, as well as ways that I was raised and how my family eats at certain times at home. I feel that a direct analysis would be the most beneficial in my behavior modification attempt.
8) Terminology Used: rule governed behavior, emitted, punishment, reinforcement, behavior modification, deadlines, efficacy, extinguish, ABCs of behavior, functional assessment of behavior, antecedents, consequences, target behavior, topographical, functional, direct analysis
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the example about efficiency when it talked about the cop and our "rules" we make for ourselves without consciously making it a rule. I like this because it is relatable to us.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I least liked the part about the rule governed behavior because it is very confusing. After reading through it a few times, I still don't fully understand what it is.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the sources of rules, how to increase efficiency, and I will remember the police man example because these are all things we have either talked about before, or are relatable to us.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how the steps for the behavior modification process were laid out in the section so that instead of having to search paragraphs for them, they were right there, making it easier to remember them.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked in this section was how long and repetitive it got. I felt like it was telling us things that we already know.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember random schedule, direct assessment and functional analysis, because these have either been talked about in this class or previous psychology classes.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 3 times
Day 2 = 2 times
Day 3 = 3 times
Day 4 = 4 times
Day 5 = 3 times
Day 6 = 2 times
Day 7 = 5 times
Average = 3.14 times
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The target behavior that I am trying to change is cracking my back. Through this baseline week, I have found that I tend to do this right when I wake up and sit on the edge of my bed, and I also do it in class when my back gets stiff. Knowing the antecedents for my behavior now, I will be aware of when I'm tempted to crack my back and prevent this behavior.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
TERMS: rule governed behavior, efficiency, sources of rules, behavior modification process, random schedule, direct assessment, functional assessment/analysis, target behavior, baseline, antecedents
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The thing I really liked was the mention of deadlines as a function to rule behavior. Reading the opening paragraphs I had imagined the types of things we use to govern our behavior, but I had not thought of deadlines prior to reading about it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was the relative lack of newer terminology as it pertains to behavior modification. The only ones I noticed were antecedent, consequences, reinforcement, punishment and emit, I wish there would have been more recent terms that I am less familiar with.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = I will remember what rule governed behaviors are
B = I will remember that rules become antecedents for our behaviors and target behaviors
C = I will remember the different sources of rules we have that make us elicit behaviors.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the step by step instructions it gave for the behavior modification process, describing target behavior, describe consequences, describe antecedents, examine the ABC's, devise new antecedents and consequences, and evaluate the outcome. I also like the whole idea of functional assessment.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was that I am still a little confused on the specifics of functional assessment, and I need more practice on it.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A = I will remember, generally, what functional assessment is.
B = I will remember the six steps of behavior modification.
C = I will remember that we experiment with behavior modifications after we have a hypothesis.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 20 min
Day 2 = 30 min
Day 3 = 0 min
Day 4 = 30 min
Day 5 = 10 min
Day 6 = 30 min
Day 7 = 30 min
Average = 21.43 minutes
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is reading on my own. I am trying to read more, and I estimated that I wanted to try and read 30 minutes a day. Through this baseline week I discovered I need to try a bit harder. Antecedents for this behavior would be not procrastinating homework till later at night, thus giving me more time for reading instead of cramming in homework. A functional analysis would also include reasons why I have more or less time some days to read. I think direct analysis would be most effective for me.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, elicit, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, direct assessment, functianal analysis, target behavior, baseline
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I liked that this section was easy to understand as I read, I didn't have to go back and reread things multiple times.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-The only thing I disliked in this section was the example of sexual relations with your family, just because its kind of a weird example.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-Three things I will remember from this section are that sources of rules can come from a variety of different people, society, government, etc. I will also remember that rule governed behavior can result from norms, morals or ethics. I will also remember that rule governed behavior is behaviors emitted because of an obligation to maintain order. All of theses were explain clearly so i will be able to remember them.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I liked the variety of different examples in this section, it made the content easier to understand because it was put into different situations.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-three things I will remember are that a functional assessment of behavior is a hypothesis that is a bases for future interventions to decrease behavior, we can see what is reinforcing a behavior and direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors. Indirect assessment involves the use of interviews or questions.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =4
Day 3 =7
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =4
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =5
Average =4.7
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
-I am trying to extinguish emitting the behavior of biting my nails. During the baseline week I realized that I tend to emit biting my nails in nervous or bored situations. Since I know what situations are antecedent for my behavior in the future when the antecedent occurs I should be able to not emit the behavior of biting my nails.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-extinguished, emitting, behavior, baseline, antecedent, indirect/direct assessment, functional assessment of behavior, reinforcing, rule governed behavior, emitted
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that it was well understood that rules aren't just rules made by the government or other entities -- they can also be things like social norms. I find these to be very large enforcers of rules -- I'm more likely to not do something deemed abnormal in society than I am to not speed while driving even though it is illegal and punishable.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I wish it was explained why rule governed behavior works so well. I know that it does, but why? What about these things makes us obey? Is it biological or strictly so we don't get punished? I wish this was explored more.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that we emit behaviors that are deemed appropriate, or don't emit behaviors that aren't appropriate by rule governed entities. I will also remember that rules can be made by things that aren't necessarily rule makers, like our experience. We can remember when we were punished or possibly punished and learn and gain rules for that experience. I will also remember that rule governed behavior is meant to maintain order. Which is a refreshing change from social engineering which basically brainwashes people to create order.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like that it was very cleanly laid out the steps of behavior modification. While I feel we got all of this information from reading the chapters seeing it written out that plainly really helps to understand the process.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I didn't like was also in the steps of behavior modification. I feel like the ideas of reinforcement and punishment were lost and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out where to put them in. I'm assuming it would be step five but I am unsure.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that direct assessment is when you record your observations (or someone else does) directly after a behavior is emitted. I will remember that indirect observation occurs later -- through interview or questionnaire type format. I will remember that indirect assessment is particularly useful in populations where recall after behaviors may not be that great -- whether they can't recall, refuse to, or are unaware. This is especially important for me because I work with people with dementia and they fall into this category.
Classes skipped is what I'm looking at. Because I only have class 5 days a week I am only looking at 5 days of data for my baseline. For my average I am just going to be giving a percentage of the week. This is what I want to go off of when I reinforce anyway.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Attended 0/2 classes
Day 2 = Attended 1/1 class
Day 3 = Attended 2/2 classes
Day 4 = 1 Cancelled class, 2/3 attended classes
Day 5 = Attended 0/2 classes
Average = 50% of classes attended for the week
Now that I look at the numbers I'm really ashamed that I don't go to class more often.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional assessment of my behavior indicates that when I don't get an adequate amount of sleep I am more likely to skip classes (the antecedent). To increase the likelihood of going to class every day I should get more sleep. The consequences of my behavior (skipping class) is missing out on lecture material. While this doesn't hurt me every day close to test time it is very stressful. Because there is quite a time difference between when I skip and test days it is hard to make myself stop.
8) consequence, antecedent, behavior, rule governed behavior, social norms, functional assessment of behavior, emit, social engineering, direct assessment, indirect assessment, baseline, behavior modification steps
1 a&b) One thing I really liked about this section was that it brought up a topic of Behavior Modification that we hadn’t learned about yet, Rule Governed Behavior, which was nice because many of the past sections have been review or there wasn’t much introduction of new vocabulary.
2) The thing I liked the least about this section was that the example were very vague, and I thought could have easily been applied to either punishment or reinforcement as well as Rule Governed Behaviors. I didn’t like that there wasn’t much of a distinction in the explanation.
3 a,b&c) The first thing I will remember from this section is that rule governed behavior is where the behavior is maintained via obligation, norms, morals, ethical standards, or rules. It isn’t based on punishment or reinforcement like the other types of behavior manipulations we’ve discussed. The second thing I will take from this section is that being organized increases efficiency. The rule “check our email at most twice a day” elicited someone to emit the behavior of only checking their email twice a day. Because of this, the person had more time and was more efficient with email checking. This “rule”, which was executed verbally, acted as an antecedent to a behavior and the consequences was increased efficiency. The third thing I will remember from this section is that deadlines can function as a rule of governing behavior because they act as antecedents (as do rules). For example, if ticket prices are $15 pre ordered, and $20 at the door, the behavior of pre-ordering tickets will increase because of the deadline that was placed on the behavior.
4 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was how modifications in the behavior changing process were related to hypothesis and experiments. Those are two things that I understand very well, and putting it in different terms helped me to better understand the concept.
5) The thing that I disliked the most in this section was that it asked for so many examples. I felt as though one example would have been enough and the work was pretty tedious.
6 a,b&c) One thing that I will remember from this section is that a functional assessment of behavior is where the function of a behavior is assessed in order to form a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABC’s and to help better modify the behavior by reward, punishment, or intervention. The second thing I will remember from this section is that there are two ways to assess a behavior: Direct and indirect. Direct assessment is where a person observes and records behaviors or variables. Indirect assessment is where a person uses an interview, questionnaire, or talking with a person who is familiar with the situation in which the target behavior occurs. The third thing that I will remember from this section is that ‘leaning out’ is the process in which someone reduces the times they are reinforced for a certain behavior. An example of this is giving yourself a cookie every other time you take the trash out instead of every time. This schedule of reinforcement is beneficial if your reward is getting satiated.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 minutes of cardio
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 45
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 6.42
7c) The function of me doing more cardio could be to strengthen my heart, to help live a healthier life, to have my energy, to lose weight, to keep me busy, and to watch less Netflix. I personally want to do more cardio so that I have more energy throughout the day. My hypothesis is that if I do more cardio I will be less likely to nap during the week.
8) Rule governed behavior, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, deadline, intervention, functional assessment of behavior, leaning out, satiated, schedule of reinforcement, function.
1. A. One thing that I really liked in this section was the explanation about the sources of rules.
B. The idea of where social norms and other causes or our behavior come from has always interested me. The various combinations of antecedents for us to use to discriminate, and consequences for us to cause, and how they vary from place to place and time to time is very interesting.
2. A. One thing that I disliked was the lack of a summary.
B. I like to use the summary to check if I took notes over the correct things (if what I thought was important was actually important). Without it I feel less confident in my own notes.
3. A. One thing I'll remember is that the rules that govern rule governed behavior are verbal antecedents and can come from established norms, morals, or ethical standards. I'll remember this because how our behavior is controlled by society and our environment is fascinating.
B. I'll remember that some things, like deadlines, can be an antecedent, a discriminative stimuli, and a rule governing behavior. It functions as a rule due to being an antecedent, and a discriminative stimuli because they inform us of consequences that might occur due to time specific behaviors.
C. I'll remember that we can acquire rule governed behaviors from things like self help books- even though we never experience the conditioning that led to the discovery of the rule, we make the rule an antecedent and it governs our behavior that way.
4. A. I liked how this section was about the creation and testing of hypothesis.
B. Hypothesis testing via experimentation is the bread and butter of science, and it's awesome to see it laid out for behavior modification like this.
5. A.I disliked how this section didn't have a clear, cut example of what a functional assessment of behavior should look like.
B. I know that there were many examples of finding the functionality of a behavior, and of forming hypothesis about how the ABCs are related. When I learn new terms like this I really like to be able to see a 'template format'. I like to have a way that I know is correct to communicate something new instead of feeling like I'm just writing out the parts of it when there ma already be a standard format people use.
6. A. I will remember that the first purpose of functional assessment of behavior is to identify the antecedents that elicit the behavior, and the outcomes/consequences that maintain that behavior. I will remember this because it makes sense- you are assessing the function of a behavior and what keeps that behavior happening.
B. I will remember that a second purpose of functional assessment of behavior is to develop a hypothesis about the relationship between the antecedent, behavior, consequence. Once this hypothesis is developed you can then move on to testing it using a behavioral intervention. I will remember this because developing and testing hypothesis is the bread and butter of science- it only makes sense to do it for behavior modification as well.
C. I will remember that when you design a behavioral intervention and implement it, you are testing your hypothesis by experimentation. The hypothesis that you develop using the functional assessment isn't proven, and so it must be tested. To test it you design and implement your intervention- your plan to increase or decrease a behavior using behavior modification techniques. I will remember this because it makes sense- this is what you do with a hypothesis- you test it.
7. A.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Target Behavior: Increase the amount that I study for my classes to at least 4 hours per day.
Day 1 = 2 hours
Day 2 = 1.5 hours
Day 3 = 3 hours
Day 4 = 2 hours
Day 5 = 2.5 hour
Day 6 = 4 hours
Day 7 = 2.5 hours
Average = 2.5 hours/day
7. B. Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7. C. There are many antecedents that can cause me to emit the behavior of studying for my classes. Some include being enrolled in classes, being assigned reading or homework, or having a test in the near future. The behavior of studying for my classes functions to help me learn the content of the courses that I am enrolled in. The consequences that are reinforcing of this behavior are that I feel better prepared and more confident for class, I do better in class, and I feel better about how prepared I am to move forward in my education. The consequences that are punishing are that I have less time to do with as I wish, and I have a tendency to get migraine headaches if a look at something too close to my face for long periods of time. My hypothesis is that whenever one of the antecedents that can elicit this behavior occurs (such as I realize that I have a test soon) I emit the behavior of studying for class because the consequences that act as reinforcement outweigh the ones that act as punishment.
A behavioral intervention that I could use to experiment on this hypothesis to test it and try to increase the frequency of this behavior would be to minimize the punishing consequences of studying by taking a pain killer about one hour in to a study session to stave off any headaches I might get. I would then want to try and get the antecedents to be as common as possible. I could do this by getting a big calendar on my wall and writing down all of my assignments and test dates so that I can always see them. This will set the occasion for making me want to study by reminding me about assigned readings, tests, and assignments. I could then plan to reinforce my studying behavior by giving myself a reinforcer (video game time) if I meet my goal study time of 4 hours per day. My studying behavior will also (hopefully) be naturally reinforced when I see my grades go up. If this behavioral intervention plan worked, then my hypothesis was probably correct.
8. TERMS: rule governed behavior, social norms, antecedent, discriminate, consequences, behavior, discriminative stimuli, hypothesis, experimentation, behavior modification, elicit, emit, behavioral intervention, functional assessment of behavior, reinforcing, punishing, reinforcement, punishment, natural reinforcement
1.) I liked how this section got directly to the point. There was no lead in necessary and this section was straightforward. Everything made sense and there was no extra filler to muddle me down.
2.) This section was rather short and, like I have said, straightforward, so there wasn’t anything that I didn’t like.
3.) I thought the discussion on laws was very interesting. I will remember that the government is a big source of rule governed behavior. They make laws, like which side of the road to drive on, that people follow either voluntarily or sometimes through force. I will also remember that you should only handle paperwork once. I tend to have papers strewn across my desk that requires attention from time to time just to organize and clean up. I have never heard tip from the experts, so I will remember to either file paperwork or throw it away. Thirdly, I will remember that rules govern our behavior because they act as antecedents that inform us of the consequences. A sign is a perfect example, telling us not to speed in a construction zone otherwise we will be fined.
4.) This is, so far, the most helpful section. One of the reasons I took this class was to see if I could get tools to change other people’s behaviors, and this is an essential tool. The previous sections were all about describing, but this seems to be more of the action part of the process. I liked the section as a whole.
5.) There wasn’t much I didn’t like in this section. I thought the examples were good, and showed the concepts well.
6.) I will remember that this is process. We have to formulate a hypothesis, then experiment to see if our hypothesis is correct and if it will succeed. This process can take time and adjustments; we rarely get everything right on the first go. I will also remember direct assessment. This is when the behaviors are directly observed and recorded. This occurs in the natural setting and happens in real time. As opposed to indirect assessment (the third thing I will remember), which involves another source. This assessment is not direct observation, rather it includes things like interviews and questionnaires.
7.) Week1
Day 1: 3 hours
Day 2: 2 hours
Day 3: 2.5 hours
Day 4: 2 hours
Day 5: 1 hour
Day 6: 1 hour
Day 7: .5 hours
I discovered that I use the internet only when I am sitting in my apartment. When I am hanging out with friends, or going home (for Easter), I tend to not ever get on the internet. So this baseline may not be as accurate as I’d hope. I think this may also lead into the functional assessment of the behavior. I'm on the internet because I’m sitting at my desk. I could be sitting anywhere else and not feel compelled to get on the internet, so maybe changing the behavior is as simple as not sitting at my desk.
Terms: rule governed behavior, antecedents, consequences, hypothesis, direct assessment, indirect assessment, baseline.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought opening with a quote form a 7 year old was a cute idea for explaining rule governed behavior. “People in the same family can’t have babies.” Hahaha ,cute.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked about this section. I guess it sort of repeated itself?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember That a rule governed behavior is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is a verbal. I will remember this because of the many examples the book provided such as what the 7 year old was told about not having babies with family members.
B) Some people deviate from rule following because they know the consequence (if punishment) will only happen sometimes, or varies. The example of blowing a red light at 4 am because we know a cop will not catch us is how I will remember this.
C) Sometimes we emit a certain behavior based on the contingencies we are under. I will remember this because of the example of Jan slowing down because she has observed a police officer multiple times at a corner.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like the steps in this section were listed first then explained.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I miss having a summary at the end of the sections, especially when I go bad to study for tests. It made it simpler to check if I understood the vocabulary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) The functional assessment of behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. It is used to identify the environment (antecedents) in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it (consequences). I will remember this because it is an important step in my health promotion classes as well. It is important to assess if our behavior change is working.
A) Some behaviors have a similar topography but different functions. I will remember this because it as been repeated many times now.
B) Just like a lab experiment, to test our hypothesis we should have an existing baseline of the occurrence of the behavior prior to the intervention. I will remember this because the baseline is like having a control group.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average =0
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I discovered that I don't add in extra exercise at all other than when I am teaching, especially during busy weeks like last week. I know that in order to increase this behavior I am going to have to wake up early and leave my apartment before I even think about the behavior. I am going to have to set certain times when I am going to emit this behavior as well because I will not do it unless it is planned.
Rule governed behavior, consequence, emit, contingencies, antecedent, functional assessment of behavior, topography, function, hypothesis, baseline,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I thought opening with a quote form a 7 year old was a cute idea for explaining rule governed behavior. “People in the same family can’t have babies.” Hahaha ,cute.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything I disliked about this section. I guess it sort of repeated itself?
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember That a rule governed behavior is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is a verbal. I will remember this because of the many examples the book provided such as what the 7 year old was told about not having babies with family members.
B) Some people deviate from rule following because they know the consequence (if punishment) will only happen sometimes, or varies. The example of blowing a red light at 4 am because we know a cop will not catch us is how I will remember this.
C) Sometimes we emit a certain behavior based on the contingencies we are under. I will remember this because of the example of Jan slowing down because she has observed a police officer multiple times at a corner.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really like the steps in this section were listed first then explained.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I miss having a summary at the end of the sections, especially when I go bad to study for tests. It made it simpler to check if I understood the vocabulary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) The functional assessment of behavior is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. It is used to identify the environment (antecedents) in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it (consequences). I will remember this because it is an important step in my health promotion classes as well. It is important to assess if our behavior change is working.
b) Some behaviors have a similar topography but different functions. I will remember this because it as been repeated many times now.
c) Just like a lab experiment, to test our hypothesis we should have an existing baseline of the occurrence of the behavior prior to the intervention. I will remember this because the baseline is like having a control group.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average =0
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I discovered that I don't add in extra exercise at all other than when I am teaching, especially during busy weeks like last week. I know that in order to increase this behavior I am going to have to wake up early and leave my apartment before I even think about the behavior. I am going to have to set certain times when I am going to emit this behavior as well because I will not do it unless it is planned.
Rule governed behavior, consequence, emit, contingencies, antecedent, functional assessment of behavior, topography, function, hypothesis, baseline,
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I enjoyed the examples of rules that govern our everyday living. I found them funny and also very helpful.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not like how there was not a summary at the end of the chapter because I usually go through it to make sure I understood the material.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Some rules clearly spell out the consequence if we break them. 2. We have many rules that govern our everyday life and may not even know it. 3. Some may deviate from rules because they think they will not be punished for breaking them.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how everything about step 4 (examine the ABCs) is clearly spelled out and explained so that I am able to get a firm grasp on the concept.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Although it is clearly explained, I feel that the entire chapter could have been a bit shorter because it continued to repeat certain things.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
1. Direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors, either by the individual or electronically (video taped). 2. Indirect assessment calls for interviews from the person doing the behavior or even people who notice the person emitting this behavior. 3. Tweaking the target behavior is a normal occurance.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = $22.75
Day 2 = $18.63
Day 3 = $8.04
Day 4 = $4.43
Day 5 = $35.89
Day 6 = $43.42
Day 7 = $15.76
Average = $21.27
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
First off, I would look at the antecedents that are making me spend money. Some antecedents would be a want for something, hunger, thirst, and peer pressure.
Things like energy drinks, beer, pizza, and then going out to eat are all things that I tend to spend money on that I don’t necessarily need. My friends may influence me to go out eat or to the bar instead of staying in and cooking or drinking at home. This all causes me to spend more money.
A few things that I can do to decrease my spending habits are keep a log of how and how much money I am spending. I can also allow for one or two days a week to go out to eat or drink.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Behavior, antecedent, consequence, emit, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment, target behavior.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- What I really like about this section was the rule governed behavior explanation. It was nice to have a relationship between behaviors and morals, ethics, norms and all this related to society. It was interesting to know that some behavior are emitted depending on where the person grew up, the culture the grew up in and the traditions. Every country around the world have different behaviors. For example when saying Hi to someone, you may give one or two kisses or not even kiss. This behaviors may vary depending not he culture and the society. As an International student it was nice to keep this in mind and to find out about this while reading it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- One thing I like the least where the examples. Again I know they are helpful but I somehow feel that they add more work than needed. However it does help to the understand of the different terms and concepts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) How behavior might change from country to country because depends on their society, culture and traditions.
B) How to increase efficiency when performing a task. Therefore adapting new behaviors that will help us to improve our performance. Keeping in mind the antecedent, behavior and consequence.
C) Rules may vary from country to country changing the behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- What I like about this section was the refresh that we had at the beginning of the chapter of the steps involved in behavior modification. Since this chapter focused step 4 it was nice to go more in depth about it. Functional assessment of the behavior is an important step towards behavior modification. Also experimenting is an important part of this chapter and the word stayed in my mind once I finished reading the chapter.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- What I dislike of this chapter was probably the length of it. It was kind of long and it got boring some times. However, it was nice to read about the importance of the antecedents, behavior and consequence in different examples. Overall it was long but interesting chapter.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A) I will remember the steps involved in behavior modification.
B) I will remember why experimenting it part of behavioral interventions.
C) I will remember Direct assessment because of the observations it involves.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 5 ounce of fruits and veggies
Day 2 = 7 ounce
Day 3 = 6 ounce
Day 4 = 5 ounce
Day 5 = 8 ounce
Day 6 = 4 ounce
Day 7 = 5 ounce
Average = 5.71 ounce of fruits and veggies.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
Intervention in this case might be the desserts area.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? antecedent getting healthy fruits and vegetable, behavior eat them and as a consequence improve healthy life style.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Direct assessment, functional assessment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, experimenting, rule governed behavior, culture, society.
1. One thing that I liked about this section was the examples at the beginning. They helped me achieve a better understanding of what a rule governed behavior was.
2. One thing that I didn't like about this section was learning about efficiency and rule governing behavior. I didn't like it because it was confusing to me and it was confusing to think of an antecedent, behavior, and consequence myself as an example.
3. Three things I will remember: Rules are important to our behavior because they act as antecedents, deadlines can be used as antecedents to rule governed behaviors, and there are many sources of these rules such as: government, society, culture, traditions, etc.
4. What I liked about this section was how it kind of gave a brief overview of a lot of what we have learned so far. It was nice to kind of see it all put together.
5. There really wasn't anything that I disliked about this section. I think that it all was explained very well and great examples were given throughout.
6. Three things I will remember: direct assessment is the direct observation/ recording of behaviors while indirect is surveys and questionnaires. Step four of the behavior modification process is functional assessment. Through functional assessment, you can see what is affecting the behavior and increasing or decreasing it to provide an intervention or to keep it going.
7. Week 1 (baseline)
Day 1 = 35 minutes
Day 2 = 20 minutes
Day 3 = 0 minutes
Day 4 = 30 minutes
Day 5 = 0 minutes
Day 6 = 25 minutes
Day 7 = 0 minutes
7c. An antecedent would be the desire to get more exercise. The behavior would be doing some sort of exercise every day. The consequence would be being healthier and stronger overall.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, direct assessment, indirect assessment, observation, behaviors, baseline, functional assessment, intervention, increasing behavior, decreasing behavior, deadlines, rule governed behaviors, efficiency
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was the main idea which is rule governed behavior. I liked rule governed behavior the most because it was easy to understand and it was self-explanatory. The examples were easy to relate to people’s life in general. For example, most of us speed through red light when we know that there are no police cars around us. We emit this behavior because we know that we are not going to be punished.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There is nothing I disliked in this section. All the materials were new and informative to me. Also, I felt that the material was easy to read, understand, and relate to events in my life.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Firstly, I will remember that rule governed behavior is a behavior which is maintained through the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. I learned that this concept emphasizes on antecedent and the antecedent had to be verbal and not just a situation. Secondly, I will remember rules can come from a variety of different sources, and rules vary from one country to another. In my country, Malaysia, we drive on the left side of the road whereas, in the U.S., people drive on the right side of the road. Lastly, I will remember that deadlines can function as a rule governing behavior. This is because deadlines act as discriminative stimuli that inform us whether the consequence would be a reinforcement or punishment.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked in this section was the steps of modifying behavior. I like that it was broken down to 6 steps which made it easy to understand and follow through.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I did not dislike anything from this section. I liked the fact that it reviewed the previous materials in steps 1, 2 and 3 of modifying behavior, continuing with steps 4, 5 and 6 with new materials.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember functional assessment of behavior as an important idea in this section. Functional assessment is designed to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABCs of behavior. It is used to identify the environment in which the behaviors occur and how the outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it. This is because functional assessment of behavior can be used to investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it so we can design an intervention to decrease the behavior if the behavior was undesirable. Next, I will remember direct assessment. Direct assessment is recording and observing the behaviors which can be done individually, by others, or electronically. This is done under natural circumstances and makes it easier to understand why a behavior happens when it does and the details that take place during the behavior. Lastly, I will remember what indirect assessment is. Indirect assessment involves the use of an interview process or a questionnaire. The assessment can include interviews with people whom the individual is close to. The goal of indirect assessment is to determine the intervention that will have the greatest likelihood of changing the individual’s behavior.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Target Behavior: getting 8 hours of sleep every night.
Day 1 = 6 hours
Day 2 = 5.5 hours
Day 3 = 7 hours
Day 4 = 7 hours
Day 5 = 7.5 hours
Day 6 = 8 hours
Day 7 = 8 hours
Average = 6.5 hours
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional assessment of my behavior presents that when I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep, I snooze the alarm in the morning and end up waking up late and being late for work in the morning. The antecedents that cause me to sleep late and not get enough sleep are doing assignments and studying at night because during the day I have classes, student organization meetings, and work. The consequences of getting 8 hours of sleep are I am energized during the day and I am able to concentrate in class and study or do my assignments afterwards without feeling tired. My hypothesis is if I manage my time by dropping one or two of my work shifts to get all my homework and studying done during the day, I will be able to get to bed early and get 8 hours of sleep, waking up refreshed and not being late to work.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule governed behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforcement, emit, target behavior, deadline, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment, deadlines, discriminative stimuli, hypothesis.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
An interesting part of this chapter was the way rules form given the contingencies we’re under. Given that we want to avoid negative consequences, we can create rules (or choose to follow the ones already in place) to avoid punishment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I think could’ve been covered more was why we adopt rules which we have never observed the consequence to; for instance, taking advice from a self-help book. We’re not sure what the outcome will be but, we believe it’s going to be good and thus we follow the rules it lays out.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
Rules function as antecedents. Rules require contingencies for them to have any effect in altering behavior. Know the rules well so you can break them properly (i.e. know when you won’t get punished).
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
The part on functional assessment was interesting. It takes a lot of observation to understand the conditions under which a behavior is performed. Getting this wrong can lead to ineffective intervention.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Dialing in the right contingencies takes a lot of experimenting. It’s unlikely that we’re fully successful on the first try. Likewise, we can ‘lean out’ some rewards that are just too much (like eating twelve doughnuts for the reward).
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
‘Natural’ reinforcers such as feeling good about yourself for accomplishing a goal are great and under-utilized. Figuring out the antecedents to a behavior takes a lot of careful observation.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1hr
Day 2 =0hr
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1hr
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =2hr
Day 7 =1hr
Average =.7hr
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I usually only work on my large class project on the weekends when I have less going on compared to normal week days.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Contingencies, consequences, rules, punishment, antecedents, functional assessment, behavior, experimenting, intervention.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed reading about all of the rules we follow without really thinking about it because it makes me more aware of why I do what I do on a daily basis.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There wasn’t anything I disliked in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember a) that ruled govern behavior is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal; b) other rule governed behaviors may or may not be emitted depending on the individual; c) also, other individuals may emit behaviors which deviate from established rules because they think or know they will not get punished.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed reviewing the steps involved in behavior modification because it was a helpful reminder.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The least interesting part of the section was the many examples of the same thing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things I will remember are a) Direct assessment: Involves the observation and recording of behaviors; b) Indirect assessment might involve the use of an interview process or a questionnaire; and c) Once the assessment is conducted (regardless if the direct or indirect method was used), it is often helpful to continue to document the ABCs.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 30
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 150
Day 4 = 30
Day 5 = 30
Day 6 = 30
Day 7 = 0
Average = 42.85
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analyses for running and working out would be a direct assessment. This is because I will be recording the data.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Behavior, antecedent, emitted, emit, punished, behavior modification, direct assessment, observation, indirect assessment, ABC’s.
1 a&b) One thing that I really liked about this section was the fact that it really went deeper in to explaining discriminate stimuli. That is a term which has given me some trouble in the past so it was really nice to have a section that explained it a little further.
2) I didn't like that the section didn't have a summary at the end. The summaries at the end of the sections are part of what makes the sections so easy to learn from. I find that they really help me to sum up and remember the information from the sections.
3 a,b&c) One thing that I will remember is that the reason a police officer camps out at a specific location in the road is an attempt to decrease the likelihood of a person emitting an undesirable behavior. I will remember that people learn which areas they need to be cautious around because of their personal experiences in the past.
Another thing that I will remember is that people will emit behaviors that deviate from established rules. This made me think of the times when my husband is away at class or work and I will sneak snack food. He and I are both trying to be more healthy and eat better food, and I know that he would say something to me if he saw me deviating from out diet.
Lastly, I will remember that rules can come from a number of different sources. Things like our families, our government and out traditions all create rules.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I liked that this section talked more about target behaviors, specifically how to modify them. I thought that this was interesting and was a really good thing for me to know as I attempt to change various behaviors.
5) There wasn't really anything that I would say I disliked about this section. I thought that the content was interesting and the examples were very helpful and conducive of learning.
6 a,b&c) One thing that I will remember is that it is important to understand the function of a behavior before we try to modify it and that sometimes you may need to complete a functional assessment of a behavior.
I will remember the difference between a direct and an indirect assessment. I will remember this because it just makes sense. A direct assessment occurs when you directly observe.
Lastly, I will remember the middle finger example that was given in this section. This example will be very helpful in remembering the difference between functional behaviors and topographical ones. In this example, the topography of the finger is the same, but the function could be very different.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =2 hours
Day 2 =2.5
Day 3 =2
Day 4 =3.5
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =2
Day 7 =1.5
Average = this week, I averaged about 2 hours of napping every day. I would like to get my napping down to about 1 hour a day after work.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) Mine would be a direct assessment. This is because I am physically keeping track of every hour that I nap on each given day.
8) discriminate stimuli, emit, behavior, established, rules, topographical, functional,indirect assessment, direct assessment, target behavior, modify, deviate
1. I liked that this section talks about rules. I have been thinking about some behaviours that we emit without being punished for reinforced, and some behaviours that we just emit because that is what everyone else did. I thought that those behaviours would not be relevant to behaviour modification, and I am now corrected. The section taught me that rules are there to governed behaviours, and just like anything else, nothing is perfect – not everyone obey the rules 100% of the time, and sometimes some rules are not obeyed at all. Also, this section mentioned the different kinds of rules, whether it is a religious practice, family tradition, laws, organizations, and so on, there are rules within any society and some are so deep-rooted in the society that they become common sense. I really enjoyed this section because it talks about something more different than the previous chapters.
2. I thought that some unwritten rules in society (such as facing the door in an elevator) could be brought up to enhance the chapter a little more. There are some rules that most people do not break without being told the consequences or taught – picking your nose in public. Although these rules are less strictly followed, but they sure govern a big chunk of people’s behaviours.
3. I will remember that there are different kinds of rules – as advice from the experts, or ones emerging from the contingencies we are under, or rules that are handed down and learned from other, lastly, deadlines can function as rules that govern behaviours. I will remember these because the textbook explains each one very well. Then, I will remember how to use rules as antecedents for behaviours, and how to apply the ABC’s to rule governed behaviours. I will remember this because I feel that this is very important in the work force, where you can reinforce wanted behaviours by setting the rules and behaviours, as well as consequences out as the ABC’s, which will give you a clearer image of how to modify the employee’s behaviours.
4. I like that this section breaks everything down into details and pretty much acts as a summary for the previous sections. This section combined everything we have learned so far in this semester and shows us clearly how behaviour modification works. This section even breaks everything down into smaller steps so we can have a clearer image of how some behaviours can be modified. I liked this section because it brings everything together and I feel more positive towards behavioural modification and am more confident that modifying behaviours are possible when the process is done right. I also like that this section mentions the importance of flexibility, and that every behavioural modification process needs to be updated and modified throughout the whole process to achieve the utmost result.
5. There is nothing I dislike about this section, everything was very helpful. I would suggest that repeat less information that has already been repeated before. Some parts are rather brief and some parts are rather repetitive – it would be better if it could be more balanced out.
6. I will remember the importance to modify the process of behaviour modification as the behaviour is being modified, and not be afraid to change the schedule of reinforcement or the reinforcement itself. I will remember it because I believe that it is the most important aspect in behaviour modification – to constantly keep reinforcing the behaviours the right way, before fading out the schedule of reinforcement so the wanted behaviours can be emitted automatically without the need to be reinforced. I will also remember that it takes time to find the right reinforcement, and not be defeated initially because the reinforcement does not work. I will remember this because it is similar to the first concept I mention – to be flexible with the process, and if something does not work out, re-evaluate and try out something new. Lastly, I will remember the importance of assessment, and more so indirect assessment from outsiders who are less likely to be biased. I will remember this because it is another important concept in modifying behaviours; without tracking the behaviours, there is no way of knowing whether the process has worked.
7. For some reason, I already have two weeks’ worth of data. I think I started a week earlier because Dr. MacLin mentioned that we needed to start recording our behaviours a week ahead, and I started to collect the data a week before this exercise officially began. So here is my week #2 of data. For this past week’s data, I have been reinforcing myself. Day 1: 90 (ate a doughnut anyways). Day 2=87. Day 3=83 (ate a doughnut anyway). Day 4=147 (extinction burst????) day 5=65 (I got busy and used significantly less so I ate 2 doughnuts). Day 6=54 (perhaps doughnuts are working). Day 7=55. The functional analysis of my data has been an app I had downloaded from my phone, stating how many times I unlocked my screen to use my phone and many other details that is irrelevant to this exercise. I believe in technology so I trust the accuracy of the data. Thus, it is a direct assessment as the data is collected electronically.
TERMS: reinforced, reinforcement, reinforcing, punished, punishment, punishing, schedule of reinforcement, behaviour modification, emit, rules governed behaviours, rules, behaviours, indirect assessment, functional analysis, direct assessment, antecedents, consequences
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the idea of rule governed behavior. I liked the concept because even though the concept is easy to get, I never really thought of this idea. Some of the simplest ideas and norms we never really take a second to think about. It is interesting to think that we use rule governed behaviors daily.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
What I disliked the most was the part on the experts. It mentioned that we can adopt a rule without experiencing the consequence, or it could have been applied in about “governed or known rules.” Some of the examples I came up with I am assuming were probably socially developed, and not created by the experts.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. One thing I will remember is that a rule governed behavior is maintained through obligation of maintaining order. This became a simpler idea after hearing about the examples to me. Without any social rules or norms, we would live in a very different world.
b. I will also remember that some individuals may emit behaviors that deviate from social norms or established rules because the probability of punishment is low or nonexistent. I could really relate to the driving example, except I speed in areas that I know cops are not usually around.
c. The last thing I will remember is we can adapt rules without directly experiencing the consequence. I will remember this because of the red light example, because I literally do this with the speeding example I do. I have to remind myself still before slowing down for it to become an automatic response and the rule becomes the antecedent.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really liked about this section was the difference between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I thought it was interesting that behavior analysis is not always trying to modify their own behavior. It may be about modifying the behavior of others.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked was the schedules of reinforcement and leaning out by reducing the times the person is reinforced by using random reinforcement, etc. It seemed almost repetitive.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. I will remember the purpose of a functional assessment. The person can investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it, so the person can design an intervention to decrease the frequency of behavior if it is undesirable.
b. I will also remember after a baseline of existing behavior is established, the person forming the hypothesis can begin experimenting with behavior interventions. People trying to modify their behaviors need to be aware of their hypothesis, and if it is accurate.
c. A functional analysis of behavior can be direct or indirect. Observing behavior as they occur is direct, while when the information is gathered about behavior through another source is indirect.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 time spent at gym
Day 2 = 1 hour spent at gym
Day 3 = 1 hour spent at gym
Day 4 = 0 time spent at the gym
Day 5 = 0 time at gym
Day 6 = 0 time spent at gym
Day 7 = 0 time spent at gym
Average = 2 hours spent at the gym
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will collect information from my target behavior through direct assessment. After I complete a day at the gym, I will use my behavior journal to monitor my ABCs during baseline and intervention. I will record right after every workout.
8) Terms: Random reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, punishment, reinforcement, direct assessment, indirect assessment, undesirable, desirable, functional analysis, frequency of behavior, indirect assessment, schedules of reinforcement, leaning out, experimenting, reinforced, intervention, ABCs, behavioral journal, baseline.
1 a&b) One thing that I liked that was in this section was the part on deadlines. Deadlines can function as rules governing behavior and they can act as an antecedents and discriminative stimuli. I think it is interesting how one thing can create so many forces in behavior modification.
2 ) There was nothing that I liked least that was in this section. I think there was just a suitable amount of information about this topic. I could understand all of them really well and they were all well elaborated.
3 a,b&c)
a. One thing I will remember that was in this section is that rule governed behavior can be emitted by individuals based on established norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history. I will remember this because it made sense to me and I think it is interesting how history can impact our behavior today through behavior modification principles.
b. I will remember that the sources of rules vary from country to country. I will remember this because as a transfer student, I experience a lot of different rules here in the United States.
c. I will remember that deadlines can function as rules governing behavior because it was what I liked most about this section.
4 a&b) One thing that I really liked that was in this section was how behavioral intervention counts as an experiment, because the hypothesis that we draw from our functional assessment of behavior hasn’t yet been proven by us. I find it interesting because I’ve always thought that testing hypothesis is cool and fun.
5 ) One thing that I liked least that was in this section was the structure of this section. It felt very unorganized and it took me awhile to fix everything together and understand better.
6 a,b&c)
a. One thing I will remember is that the functional analysis of behavior can be either direct or indirect. Direct involves observing the behaviors while they occur. Indirect involves gathering information about the behaviors usually through the 2nd party sources. I will remember this because it includes what we learnt in the first few sections regarding the target behavior, and how the consequence can elicit the antecedent.
b. I will remember the steps involved in the behavior modification process because this section reviewed them briefly and explained it more in depth.
c. I will remember that when doing a behavioral intervention, you’re also doing an experiment, because you’re testing a hypothesis. I will remember this because I thought it was really interesting.
7a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 minutes
Day 2 = 0 minutes
Day 3 = 10 minutes
Day 4 = 0 minutes
Day 5 = 5 minutes
Day 6 = 0 minutes
Day 7 = 0 minutes
Average = 2.14 minutes
7c) First off, I would look at the antecedents that are making me emit the behavior of exercising. For example, some antecedents would be peer pressure, weighing myself, starting a weight loss program, etc. These examples of antecedents would elicit the behavior of exercising in me because they make me feel like being healthy, and they make me fit easier into my social norm. I can increase the possibility of these antecedents occurring by weighing myself more often and go work out with my friends more often.
8 ) Rules governing behavior, antecedents, discriminative stimuli, behavior modification, behavioral intervention, hypothesis, functional assessment, functional analysis, target behavior, consequence, elicit, emit.
Reading Activity Week #12
Section 5.2
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked that this section was about rules and how they direct our behavior. Up until this point, I feel that most of the sections were about out behaviors and how they are in our control. And this is correct, but there are just some things that we know we should or should not do. I liked this section because it took a look into rules and how rules can influence what we do. I thought it was interesting mainly because I had never thought of behavior in this way.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The thing that I liked least about this section was the lack of information on the importance of deadlines. I would have really liked to learn about deadlines in more depth. One thing that interests me is the actual importance of deadlines to different people. Since I am a college student, I have seen different people look at deadlines in a variety of ways. Some students like to get their homework done way in advance (before the deadline) and others like to get their homework done right up before the deadline. I am one of those students who procrastinates and does my homework at the very last minute. Every time this is the case, I get stressed out – which would be a punishment for waiting so long and getting so close to the deadline that was set for me. But I have also found that those punishments (stressors) do not change my procrastinating behavior because I continue to do it. So why do some people pay more attention to deadlines? And are they really that important to behavior modification?
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. The first thing I will take from this section is the idea of rule governed behavior. I have never thought of these types of behaviors before reading this, but it makes sense. Rule governed behaviors are target behaviors that we either do or do not do because we live by a certain set of rules/norms in society. These behaviors are not things that we need to be reinforced or punished for. These behaviors are important because they are things that we just know. The example this section gives is that we are not supposed to have romantic relations with our family members. This is not something that we get taught through behavior modification as we are growing up. This is just something that we know. I think that rule governed behaviors will be important to remember because there are always going to be behaviors that we just do/don’t do because we know better!
B. The next thing that I will take from this section is that rules can be “handed down” to others. This is another thing that makes sense, but I don’t feel like we are conscious of it. The example the text gives is about a woman driving past a cop. If the woman sees the cop at the same corner every day, she will start to remind herself, “You need to slow down around this corner.” This reminder will become a rule for her, even when the cop is absent. When that same woman is giving her friend directions to her house, she might tell that person to go slow around the corner because there is usually a cop there. This is an instance where rules are passed down from person to person. This is something that I don’t think most are aware of, but it happens often! I have been in that exact situation before with the cop who sits in the same spot. It is important to remember that rules can be handed down because some may not be rules that you “just know” like the previous example of being romantic with you family members.
C. The last thing I will take from this section is the importance of deadlines. Deadlines can really help to direct certain behaviors. If someone gives you a deadline, it will give you a time frame for when the target behavior will then occur. For example, if I am given a deadline for a homework assignment of one week, then I know that the target behavior (completing the homework assignment) will be completed sometime in the next week. This will be important because I believe that most goals have deadlines. If goals did not have deadlines, then what would be the point of even having that goal?
Section 5.3
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I think the thing I liked most about this chapter was the information on direct assessment and how behavior modification can be easier if we log or journal our progress (or even out lack of progress!). I already try to journal quite a bit, so I can definitely see how journaling will help a person to complete a successful change in their target behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I really didn’t like in this section was that it focused on decreasing target behaviors. There wasn’t much information on the process of increasing behaviors. These two behavioral changes (increasing or decreasing behaviors) look very different. For my behavioral intervention I am trying to increase a behavior, so this information was hard for me to apply to my situation. I think that there should have been several examples rather than just examples of people trying to decrease certain behaviors.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
A. The first thing I will take with me from this section is the little list of steps that are needed in behavior modification. I like that these steps were laid out at the beginning of the section. I think that I have a pretty clear idea of how to best change a behavior at this point in the course, but I like that the steps were given in list form for us. It will be easier to follow and modify future behaviors if I have this list to use. I also didn’t realize that we were only halfway through the steps. I would have thought that we have covered it all by now. That just shows how complex behavior modification can be.
B. The next thing I will take with me from this section is that we experiment with the intervention at first. I really liked this idea because there are so many times where I try to modify/change a behavior and I get discouraged if it doesn’t work the way I want it to the first time. If we say that the behavioral intervention is an experiment, it leaves room for failure the first (and second and third, etc.) time! I will definitely take this information with me because I think it will make the entire behavior modification process easier. If I can remember that failure might happen (and it is oftentimes inevitable), it will not be near as discouraging when it does happen. Behavior modification is a process of trial and error and the concept of experimenting makes that more understandable.
C. The third thing I will take from this section is that during a functional analysis of behaviors, there are direct and indirect assessments. A direct assessment would be information that I gather myself. Direct assessments are my own personal observations about the target behavior I am trying to change. Indirect assessments are information that I will gather from outside sources. These are important to remember because I feel that you almost have to do both. If you take just direct assessments (which I feel like I do), then you will have an operator bias. You need to also have indirect assessments. Using both of these while doing the functional analysis of behaviors will give me insight into two different views of the target behavior and how to best change it.
7) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Distance ran/walked (in miles)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1.92
Day 3 = 2.11
Day 4 = 2.18
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = .887
8) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I think I would first get a behavioral journal. What I would record in my behavioral journal is how I feel before and after a run/walk. I think that these feelings are vital when changing this behavior and trying to increase it. Running always makes me feel great afterwards. I feel a sense of accomplishment and I feel healthier. I also need to keep track of how I feel before I run. Sometimes I will be having a good day and a run will come easily, but other days are not so easy. Sometimes I have to really force myself to get to the gym or get outside and get active. It is days like those that I will need to record the most. If I can just log my feelings (mainly about running), I think I will start to understand the target behavior better the feelings I associate towards it (before and after it is completed.
TERMS: Target Behavior, Rule Governed Behavior, Reinforced, Punished, Deadlines, Behavior Modification, Behavioral Intervention, Experimenting, Functional Analysis of Behaviors, Direct Assessment, Indirect Assessment, Behavioral Journal
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I like the part about deadlines because in life I feel it is an important thing to follow deadlines but also set them for yourself so you can set goals and accomplish them.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked the part about how to improve efficiency because I don't think you should always throw away papers when doing paper work if they aren't needed at the moment. I think you should organize your paper work in a way where you can keep it for a certain amount of time then get rid of it. This is still an efficient process.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember how rules come from contingencies because this happens to me all the time. I know to clear out the space by my bed so I can get down in the morning without stepping on anything. I will also remember that signs can emit behaviors that we know the consequences to whether its spelled out or not. I will remember this because I see a stop sign everyday and I know to stop at it or I might get in an accident or receive a ticket. I will also remember that rules can be handed down, once you learn something you can help others by telling them. My mom hands down rules to me all the time and so does my dad specifically facts about my car and how to take care of it.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the refresher on the steps for behavior modification because it focused in on step 4 so it was a good refresher on the material so I could take in the new material
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked how the chapter seemed to go on and on. I feel like it could be shorter but I also liked that it gave me the opportunity to fully understand the material. I would just prefer short and to the point.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the steps in behavior modification because these are things that we have been taught and this was another reminder. I will also remember that direct assessment involves observations. I will also remember that it is okay to change your target behavior a little so it can fit into the goal better.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =60 min
Day 2 =120 min
Day 3 =60 min
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average = 34.3
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I would look at the antecedents to see where i'm most likely going to end up in the library. This would be if i'm already on campus then i'm more likely to elicit going to the library to work on my hw. The behavior of actually being in the library working on homework has the consequence of getting stuff done in less time than at home where there are more distractions.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
contingencies, emit, consequences, goal, efficient, behavior modification, direct assessment, antecedents, elicit, functional assessment
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was the main idea, rule governed behavior. I liked the fact that the section was so small but clearly defined and expressed so that the entire concept was easy for me to understand.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn't anything that I disliked in this section. As I said, it was clear and easy for me to understand the information.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a)I will remember that some behaviors are or are not emitted by someone solely because of socialization within their culture. I will remember this because it seems obvious to me that certain things are acceptable in some cultures but unacceptable in others socially so they would only be emitted in certain areas.
b)I will remember that deadlines can function as rules governing behavior. I will remember this because deadlines can function as discriminitive stimulus and inform us of the consequences that may happen when a behavior is time sensitive.
3)Finally, I will remember that rules can be formed through government, society, cultures, families, peers, etc. I will remember this because I know that certain behaviors are only acceptable in certain locations due to the rules that have been set by the sources. For example, most people would probably not talk to their elderly grandmother in the same way that they talk to their best friend due to rules set by culture in that respect is meant to be shown to the elderly.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section was the part where it step by step laid out the process of behavior modification. I liked this because it makes it easier for me to understand when something with steps like that is simply listed out.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn't like about this section was the fact that there were so many example boxes that you had to fill in yourself. I like when there are a few so I can practice the information that I've just learned but in this section I just found it to be excessive.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a)I will remember that the first step in behavior modification is identifying and describing the target behavior that you want to modify. I will remember this because you need to know specifically what you want to change in order to be successful at modifying a behavior. It is very important to make sure that you are very specific and not stating a behavior class.
b)I will also remember that the functional assessment of the behavior is used to help identify the antecedents or environments that a behavior is emitted and the consequences or outcomes of the behavior function to maintain it. I will remember this because it is important to understand and utilize when attempting to modify a behavior.
c)Finally, I will remember that the functional analysis of behavior can be either direct or indirect. Direct analysis is when the behavior is observed while it is being emitted and indirect is when information is gathered about the behavior after it has been emitted and through second party sources. I will remember this because I have previously learned about direct and indirect information.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
I went into the week with the desire of wanting to change my swearing behavior but when I attempted to record data I found it too difficult. I'm so used to it that I don't notice it most of the time as well as the fact that I work a lot throughout the week and it's unrealistic to carry around a notebook and write down every time I swear. I've learned from last week's text that what I wanted to change just wasn't realistic and I couldn't fit it into my everyday routine so this is why I don't have a baseline for this week.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule governed behavior, behavior, emitted, socialization, discriminitive stimulus, consequences, behavior modification, target behavior, behavior class, functional assessment, antecedents
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that the fact that we are governed by rules was pointed out. I never realized that we follow rules that dictate our behavior every day without even thinking about it. I think that this is interesting to know because it can make behavior change easier.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I do not like knowing that my behaviors are controlled by signs and rules. It is weird to think that some person who doesn’t know you made some sort of rule that you now have to follow even after they are dead and gone.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.There are many sources where rules come from. I will remember this because it was a shock learning all of the different sources of rules there were.
b.Rule governed behavior is when behaviors are controlled by pre-existing rules. It was not confusing and the definition is in the name.
c.Self-help books are a source of rules. I will remember this because I find it an interesting piece of information.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really liked the idea of making a list of hypotheses on why a behavior happens to be able to choose a correct intervention. I like this because it makes you think about why you do or don’t do a behavior and how to go about solving the issue at hand.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Functional assessments work better for behaviors that you want to decrease. I would like more information on what a functional assessment for a behavior you would want to increase would look like.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a.Direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors. This makes sense and happens form yourself recording your own behavior.
b.Leaning out reinforcement means that you are starting to reduce how many times you are reinforced. I will remember this because it could make a return to baseline happen
c.A functional assessment of behavior is when you list out what the antecedents, behavior and consequences are of the behavior. I will remember this because it is a critical step to take when choosing a behavior to change and choosing a way to change it.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0 minutes
Day 2 =10 minutes
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =15
Day 6 =10
Day 7 =0
Average =5 minutes
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My target behavior is structured exercise. I usually never do this but one of the antecedents is that I don’t have the time to or the equipment or the room in my apartment. The reinforcements to not exercising is that I have time to watch TV with my friends or I use the time to sleep in. The punishment for not exercising is feeling like crap and having a bad outlook about my body. My intervention will consist of going to bed early, waking up early, exercising for an increased amount of a period of 3 weeks and my reinforcer will be getting a Lindt chocolate before I go to bed and a punishment will be not getting to watch TV with my friends if I miss exercising.
8) Terms: rule governed behavior, sources of rules, Direct assessment, leaning out reinforcement, antecedents, consequences.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked learning that Rule Guided behavior is used to condition humans to act in a certain way. Police officers seem highly trained in the way that they approach people how to figure out what is going on. It is a disadvantage for us because most of our parents taught us that we should emit trusting and honest behaviors to police officers.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I dislike the idea that there are now red light cameras. When the chapter explains speeding through a red light at 4am I do not see anything wrong with that. I trust my human brain and eyes to know that it is clear to go and I do not need a machine to tell me when.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember that staying organized was mentioned in this chapter as well as giving deadlines and how deadlines can be an antecedent and a possible consequence.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the detail on creating a functional assessment of a behavior you are trying to reinforce or punish and that once you find out why this behavior is being emitted you can go onto the experimenting stage which is basically seeing what reinforcers or punishers will work for your target behavior
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? I dislike that the behavioral perspective seems to say that we have no free will and that we are basically just a bunch of atoms floating around sticking to things that make us feel good and bouncing off things that make us feel bad
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? The difference between indirect and direct forms of observing behaviors I liked this because you can use both to your advantage when using the ABC’s, Specific target behaviors can become even more specific if you use documentation.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Weight Room 5 different lifts
Day 2 = Day of Rest
Day 3 = Weight room 4 lifts
Day 4 =Rest
Day 5 =Weight Room 4 lifts
Day 6 =Rest
Day 7 =Rest
Average = My average was about 4 lifts three time a week,
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
I may need to change my reinforcement to be more reinforcing because it has not motivated me to workout on a weekend day. It also does not help that I have started working full time at a restaurant which takes up most of my energy and free time.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? I am lifting three times a week already because it is reinforcing to me to feel good and have my body feel less tense. It is also reinforcing because I have lifted in the past and then take months, even years off and most all the progress I gained, that negative punishment has driven me to be in the weight room during the week but once the weekend comes it becomes difficult to make myself go into the weight room because of weekend drinking, staying up late, wanting to have lazy days, ect.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Negative punishment, emit, elicit, target behavior, reinforcer, reinforcement, punishing, observing behaviors, behavior assessment
1. I enjoyed reading about rule governed behaviors. I liked how it was explained not just through governmental law but also by beliefs like religion. They did a goo job of explaining how the rules were the antecedents and consequence depends on following the rules.
2. What i didn't enjoy were some of the examples. On page three, the pizza example, washing the car and reading a book example were, in my opinion, not the greatest examples. The example of the car seemed more like a behavior rather than a rule governed law, unless I myself have been breaking this law, ha. I understood this material through the text a lot better than the given examples.
3. I will remember how the rules we live by, whether its from the government, religious or personal beliefs control some of the behaviors we emit through rule governed behavior. I will also remember how deadlines take part in rule governed behavior. The dead would be the antecedent (pay bills on time). the behavior will then determine a positive or aversive consequence.
4. Functional assessment was interesting, Functional assessment focuses on the behavior and what exactly reinforces it to manipulate its occurrence. Reading this helped me understand the abc's of behavior just a little more.
5. I didn't enjoy indirect direct assessment, I think obtaining information about the ABC's would be much harder to get through indirect assessment. You would be at the mercy of whom ever you are interviewing. I would much prefer direct assessment much more.
6. I will remember the difference of direct and indirect assessment. Direct is the recording of behaviors while indirect uses something like an interview or questionnaire. Personally I prefer direct assessment. I will remember how functional assessment helps you understand the relationship between the ABC's
day 1- 250
day 2- 300
day 3- 200
day 4- 0
day 5- 0
day 6- 0
day 7- 300
average- 150
7c. Well as a consequence for slacking in the number of shots i would like to shoot per day, i would say that i am certainly not getting better. What set the occasion was the feeling of wanting to get in and shoot.
Antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, functional assessment, functional analysis, direct assessment, indirect assessment.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) I really liked how this section showed examples (in the bubble charts) of rule governed behavior. It made the concept easier to understand.
2) There was no summary at the end to wrap it up, but the section was fairly easy to understand, I would have just liked to read over the main bullet points just to make sure I got a good understanding of what I read.
3 a,b&c) 1-Rule governed behavior doesn't always have to be consciously emitted. There are some things you just don't do. (For example in the section talking about sexual relations with family members)
2-Some rule governed behaviors are established or based off our cultural norms, morals, ethics, or even religion. Such as being Christian means I don't worship other gods because that would be a sin. This is a rule governed behavior made by my beliefs, and morals.
3-Rules can become the antecedents for behaviors. Like if my professor says we will have an assignment due on a certain day, that is the antecedent for my behavior of doing the homework ahead of time, and the consequence is that it's done and I don't have to worry about it.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) I liked the examples it gave and the boxes we had to fill in of the function of a certain behavior and what we would try for an intervention. It made it easier for me to understand the concept on my own.
5) I also wished there was a summary at the end just to overall hit the major parts of the section that are needed to be understood.
6 a,b&c) 1-In order to conduct functional analysis we need to note the circumstances under which the behaviors occur, so we can understand what antecedents in relation to the behavior trigger/elicit the behavior.
2-You need to understand the function of the behavior so you can develop a hypothesis of why it occurs, so then you know whether to reinforce/punish it or tweak the target behavior, reinforcers/punishments, antecedents, etc.
3-An intervention is an attempt to change the frequency of the behavior, it is common to have to change it multiple times till something works.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =0 min.
Day 2 =0 min
Day 3 =0 min.
Day 4 =0 min.
Day 5 =0 min.
Day 6 =0 min.
Day 7 =0 min.
Average =0 min.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) Due to the current situations in my personal life it led me to either forget or not want to do the behavior, or I simply had other priorities that were an emergency to attend to. Because I can't control these things, I feel like my target behavior needs to be more specific, I need to do more to motivate myself, and set a schedule for when I should workout and for how long as a goal.
8) Terms: rule governed behavior, emit, antecedents, behaviors, function, intervention, functional analysis, elicit, target behavior, reinforce/reinforcers, punish/punishers
Section 5.2
1)What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
It was interesting to me to think about rule-governed behavior. Prior to reading this section I had not considered why I emit some of the behaviors I do in certain situations and certain contexts. This section made me more aware of sources of rules.
2)What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked about this section. I found this section to be interesting and informational.
3)What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from section 5.2 is the different sources of rules (government, society, cultures, holiday traditions, family traditions, peers, attorneys, and ourselves). I will remember this because I found this especially interesting and I would like to take note of what rules I instinctively follow in my own life. Another thing I will remember from this section is that it is possible to adopt a rule without having experienced the consequence of the behavior the rule controls. I will remember this as well because I would like to take note of what rules I have adopted without experiencing the consequence in order to reevaluate my behaviors. Finally, I will also remember that rules emerge from contingencies we are under. I will remember this for the same reason I wish to remember other aspects of this section, I wish to note what rules have emerged in my life based on contingencies I am under.
Section 5.3
4)What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Something I really liked about section 5.3 is that it gave me a better idea of how to mentally approach my behavior modification project and how to better set up my intervention and evaluate and modify my target behavior.
5)What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing that I specifically disliked in this section. I thought the information offering in this section was interesting and helpful.
6)What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember the steps involved in the behavior modification process (step 1: describe the target behavior, step 2: describe the consequence, step 3: describe the antecedents, step 4: examine the ABC’s, step 5: devise new antecedents and consequences, step 6: evaluate the outcome) from this section. I find modifying my own behavior stimulating. I naturally observe my own behavior, but with my new understanding of the behavior modification process, specifically, conducting a functional assessment of my behavior by investigating the behavior and what is reinforcing it, I can design an intervention to effectively modify my target behavior. I plan to use the information I learn in this class now, and in the future. Another thing I will remember from this section are the two different types of assessment (direct and indirect). Direct assessment uses observation and record keeping of behaviors, whereas, indirect assessment uses questionnaires or interviews to learn about behavioral patterns. I will remember this because I know understand I use both direct and indirect assessments where I work. I work with disabled and mentally ill individuals and I observe and document on their behaviors, as well as, gather information on the individuals’ behavior from others who work and interact with my individuals’. Finally, I will also remember that it is not uncommon to change or redefine a target behavior or the contingencies throughout the process of behavior modification. I will remember this because when I read this it shifted my thinking and mental approach to that of a more problem solving type mindset. I was able to take my emotional attachment to the behavior out of the equation and refocus on the problem of the behavior and figuring out a way to alter my behavior and alleviate the behavioral problem. I find it mentally stimulating knowing that I can go back to the drawing board and refigure my hypothesis until I figure out an effective behavioral intervention.
a.Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Number of cigarettes smoked
Day 1 = 12
Day 2 = 6
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 6
Day 5 = 9
Day 6 =2
Day 7 = 1
Average = 5.143
Note: Not the best baseline, I was sick most of the week.
b.Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
I plan to continue to record my number of cigarettes smoked, but change my target behavior to improve my study habits (increase my time spent studying during the day time specifically). I will record number of hours spent studying. My plan is to set study goals that can be completed in one hour, therefore, one study goal will equal one hour of studying. My hypothesis is that as I improve my study habits my number of cigarettes smoked per day will go down. I believe I use smoking as a stimulant for doing my homework and I believe if I can replace smoking with goal setting as an antecedent to doing my homework and reward myself for accomplishing my study goals I can improve my study habits along with decrease my number of cigarettes smoked per day.
c.In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will analyze if changing the antecedent to studying decreases my smoking behavior. I believe completing my homework currently serves as a reinforcer to my smoking behavior. I will try to change the antecedent of my studying behavior and document on my behavior, thoughts, and feelings associated with the change.
TERMS: Rule Governed Behavior, Emit, Context, Source of Rules, Consequence, Behavior, Contingencies, Behavior Modification, Target Behavior, ABC’s, Antecedents, Functional Assessment, Reinforcing, Hypothesis, Goals, Direct Assessment, Indirect Assessment
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this topic was a section. People do not tend to think about how rules control our behavior because of the predicted consequences.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought that this section had a lot of useful information in it and I did not dislike anything.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that some behaviors can be manipulated by society and these are by rules. It is interesting that we go along accepting rules most of the time and these are subtlety manipulating our behaviors.
I will remember that some rule- governed behavior is affected by our contingencies. The example in this section of Janet slowing around this corner because there has been a cop there before is very relatable to our lives. Though we may not suffer a consequence, the threat of one controls our behavior.
I will remember that deadlines are an example of a rule- governed behavior and this is because I am normally a time-conscious person so looking at deadlines from a behaviorist standpoint makes it seem almost silly. I do not HAVE to follow the deadlines.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that we are starting to put it all together in this chapter and a person can see the past sections fitting into the picture.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that this chapter was very long and did not vary in the topics it talked about. Usually I enjoy the examples that are given but in this case I believe that the section was drawn out.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
It is very important to take into account what happens before the emitted behavior (antecedent) and what happens after the behavior (consequence) in order to successfully manipulate the behavior.
A functional assessment is used to create a hypothesis about your behavior and I will remember this because it is most likely going to be on an exam and is the subject of the chapter.
Once there is a hypothesis, the experimenting can begin. This is important because we have reached the step of a hypothesis in this section.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = no
Day 2 = no
Day 3 = yes
Day 4 =yes
Day 5 =no
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average = no
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? The antecedent for my retainers being worn is if they are clean or not. Another antecedent is if I see them or not. I can begin to change my behavior based off of these conditions.
8) Terms: antecedent, consequence, emitted, hypothesis, rule-governed behavior, manipulation
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
Rule governed behavior was a very interesting topic. Rule governed behavior is another category of behavior that we emit when conforming to a social norm. Deviation of these rules is common when there is a perceived low chance of punishment.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The increasing efficiency section wasn’t as engaging as I thought it could be. The results of working efficiently aren’t stated but how to increase efficiency is explained well.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
• Rule governed behavior rely on perceived restrictions, low probability of punishment, and vary from culture to culture.
• Deadlines are rule governed behavior that increases efficiency though punishment after a certain time.
• We adopt efficiency after never have experienced the consequence of twice a day email checking.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
This chapter felt like an extension of the ABC’s, in a functional setting. The ABC’s are part of the functional behavior modification process and end with evaluating the outcome.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Experimenting with behavioral interventions section was a bit confusing and I had to read over it a few times. It make sense now and explains the importance of baselines as well.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
• Direct assessment are recorded behaviors and observations that can be done by others electronically, video recording for example.
• Indirect assessment is done through interviews and questionnaires. The interviews can be done though anyone related to the subject of the study.
• The dynamic process of behavior modification requires many hours of recordings and ABC analysis.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 time(s)
Day 2 = 0 times
Day 3 = 3 time(s)
Day 4 = 3 time(s)
Day 5 = 2 time(s)
Day 6 = 2time(s)
Day 7 = 1 time(s)
Average = 11 times eating out.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
1) the target behavior is to eat less
2) The consequence will result in more money at the end of the month
3) The antecedent of going out to eat is peer pressure
4) A) Peer pressure B)Eating out C)Money spent on food
5) A) Socialize without food B) don’t eat out C) Less money spent on food
6) In order to reduce the amounts of time I eat out I will have to socialize without food.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule Governed Behavior, social norm, efficiency, deadlines, consequence, functional behavior, experimenting, direct assessment, indirect assessment
1 a&b) My favorite part about this section was the in depth descriptions of discriminative stimuli. The concept was still slightly new to me, so this made it much easier to understand. I can now recall that although discriminative stimuli are antecedents, they may tell us what particular consequence may happen.
2) One thing I disliked about this section was the sources of the rules. I felt that a lot of this information wasjust common sense, so learning the source felt pointless.
3 a,b&c) I will remember that rule governed behavior can result from norms, morals, or other ethical standards. A rule includes getting organized as ameans to increase efficiency. This rule typically becomes an antecedent for the behaviors. LAstly i will remember that deadlines can funtion as rules governing behavior as awell as being an antecedent and discriminative stimuli.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) One thing I really liked aboutthis section was rhe differences between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I was able to easily grasp the two types of assessment.
5) There isn’t really anything in this section that stood out enough for me to dislike. The concepts were all easily graspable with the right amount of examples.
6 a,b&c) From this section I will remember that after a baseline is established, the person forming the hypothesis can begin experimentation with behavioral inventions. Secondly, I will remember that the purpose of functional assessment is so the individual can investigate the behavior and the reinforcers, to design an intervention to change the frequency of behavior. lastly, I will remember that a functional analysis of behavior can either be indirect or direct.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
3/30 Day 1 = 9pm
3/31 Day 2 = 10pm
4/1 Day 3 = 9pm
4/2 Day 4 = 9am
4/3 Day 5 = 9am
4/4 Day 6 =---
4/5Day 7 = ---
Average =
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I will collect information on my target behavior through direct assessment. As I start my homework, I will use my spreadsheet as my behavioral planner to monitor my ABC.s during baseline and intervention.
8) discriminate stimuli, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, behavior, emit,, elicit, response, frequency, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, schedules of reinforcement, leaning out, organism, reinforced, functional assessment, intervention, baseline, experimenting, behavioral journal, ABCs
1 a&b) I really liked that in this section was the idea of rule governed behavior. I liked this concept because it seemed to open my eyes a little to the obvious, most simple rules and behaviors that everyone should know.
2) One thing that I liked the least was that the sections were summary-less. The first thing I do is scroll down to the summary to get somewhat of an understanding of what I will be learning as I read.
3 a,b&c) One thing that I will remember is knowing if you will get punished or not, plays a big role in if someone emits a behavior that breaks an established rule. It’s like what our grade school used to say: What are you like when no one is around? Another thing I will remember is that rules can be government society rules cultures, traditions, peers, attorneys and rules within us. One more thing that I will remember is that efficacy is heavily based off organization. If you wish to get things done is shorter amounts of time, organization is key.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) One thing that I really liked this section because of how brief the content was, but how much it helped in my behavior modification project.
5) One thing that I liked the least was that in a couple of the boxes that were in need of being filled out, I struggled on understanding exactly what to do.
6 a,b&c) One thing I will remember is the term direct assessment because that I how I will be monitoring my behaviors for this project. Direct assessment is just when an individual keeps records of their behavior, and everything around them. Another thing that I won’t forget is the term opposite of the one previously, indirect assessment. This involves a questionnaire or an interview. People who partake in this are the people that are unable or unwilling to watch themselves. Lastly, one more thing I will remember is term natural contingencies because it goes along with what we are trying to work on in class. The term means to change a behavior due to how it makes you feel, which I believe will be the core reason for a lot of people in class.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =12pm, 11am (Saturday night, Sunday morning)
Day 2 =12pm, 6:30am
Day 3 =12:30pm, 10am
Day 4 =12:30pm, 8:30am
Day 5 = 3am, 7:30am
Day 6 =1:30am, 6:30am
Day 7 =5am- 1pm (Friday)
Average = 1:30am, 9am
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I will use direct assessment to record my behaviors. I will record them by keeping a time log of when I get into bed, and when I get out of bed. I thought I did a pretty good job at getting to bed on time for half of the week, but a new reinforce might have to happen.
8) reinforce, emit, direct assessment, indirect assessment, rule governed behavior, punished,
Sections 5.2
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite part was the section where it was more in depth on discriminate stimuli, because it became easier to understand. There was more information on it, and I was able to understand that although discriminate stimuli are antecedents, they may provide a warning that a particular consequence may result. I liked this part best, because I was able to expand my knowledge base about discriminate stimuli and relate it to real life examples.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was nothing I can point out that I disliked from this section. The information was clear and easy to understand. Thus, I was not left with questions or frustrated from the reading content.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. From this section, I will remember that rule governed behavior can result from norms, morals, or ethical standards that the individual has learned and established throughout the years. The behavior that is emitted is not a type to receive punishment or reinforcement for, but instead, the person decides whether or not to emit the behavior. If the person knows it is unlikely that they will be punished for a behavior, it is more likely that it will elicit the response of that behavior. As a future social worker, this is important information, because if we do not hold someone accountable for their actions, they may be more likely to emit undesirable behaviors that do not have extrinsic value to society.
b. A rule includes getting organized as a means to increase efficiency. An expert can give us advice or it is something the individual learns through experience. The rule typically becomes the antecedent for the behaviors. Thus, if a desirable consequence occurs from listening to the expert of if the person avoids an aversive consequence from their prior knowledge, it tends to increase the frequency of the behavior reoccurring, which means that it is valuable information for behavior modification.
c. Deadlines can function as the rules governing the target behavior in addition to being antecedents and discriminative stimuli. Thus, they warn the person of the consequences that may occur when behaviors are time sensitive. Some signs, which are a discriminate stimulus, serve as the antecedent and clearly spell out the consequence, but not all explain what the consequence will be. So it is important to pay attention to rules, because they may foreshadow an aversive consequence.
Section 5.3
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
My favorite section was on the difference between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I was able to distinguish the difference between the two types of assessment, and it also pointed out that those in behavior analysis are not always trying to modify their own behavior. Instead, they may be asked to modify the behaviors of others.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked reading about the schedules of reinforcement and leaning out through reducing the times the organism is reinforced. This is because I have read about it in several sections and feel as though I have a grasp on it. It seemed repetitive and unnecessary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
a. From this section, I will remember the purpose of a functional assessment. The individual can investigate the behavior and what is reinforcing it, so he or she can design and intervention to decrease the frequency of the behavior if it was one that is undesirable. It is important because it can help determine the intervention for a behavioral change project.
b. After a baseline of existing behavior is established, the person forming the hypothesis can begin experimenting with behavioral interventions. This is important to remember, because those trying to modify behavior need to test and be aware of whether or not their hypothesis is correct, and this can be examined through if the intervention is successful.
c.A functional analysis of behavior can be either direct or indirect. Observing the behaviors as they occur is direct, and indirect is when the information is gathered about behaviors through 2nd party sources. Indirect may also involve the use of an interview or questionnaire and may be less subjective. Knowledge of direct and indirect assessment may determine which method of observation and recording behaviors is utilized for different interventions, which is helpful in behavior modification.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week #1 Baseline (how many swear words)
Day 1: 8 times
Day 2: 12 times
Day 3: 8 times
Day 4: 10 times
Day 5: 16 times
Day 6: 12 times
Day 7: 24 times
Approximate times: 12.86
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) I will use direct assessment of my behavior. I will keep a record each day of how many times I've swore and keep them organized and then add up all the times I swore in one day and keep track of that. I will also keep track of my ABCs so I can see on which days I swore more than others.
Terms: discriminate stimuli, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, behavior, emit, punishment, reinforcement, punished, elicit, response, undesirable, extrinsic value, desirable, aversive, frequency, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, schedules of reinforcement, leaning out, organism, reinforced, functional assessment, intervention, baseline, experimenting, behavioral journal, ABCs
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how this topic was a section. People do not tend to think about how rules control our behavior because of the predicted consequences.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I thought that this section had a lot of useful information in it and I did not dislike anything.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
I will remember that some behaviors can be manipulated by society and these are by rules. It is interesting that we go along accepting rules most of the time and these are subtlety manipulating our behaviors.
I will remember that some rule- governed behavior is affected by our contingencies. The example in this section of Janet slowing around this corner because there has been a cop there before is very relatable to our lives. Though we may not suffer a consequence, the threat of one controls our behavior.
I will remember that deadlines are an example of a rule- governed behavior and this is because I am normally a time-conscious person so looking at deadlines from a behaviorist standpoint makes it seem almost silly. I do not HAVE to follow the deadlines.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked that we are starting to put it all together in this chapter and a person can see the past sections fitting into the picture.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I disliked that this chapter was very long and did not vary in the topics it talked about. Usually I enjoy the examples that are given but in this case I believe that the section was drawn out.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
It is very important to take into account what happens before the emitted behavior (antecedent) and what happens after the behavior (consequence) in order to successfully manipulate the behavior.
A functional assessment is used to create a hypothesis about your behavior and I will remember this because it is most likely going to be on an exam and is the subject of the chapter.
Once there is a hypothesis, the experimenting can begin. This is important because we have reached the step of a hypothesis in this section.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = no
Day 2 = no
Day 3 = yes
Day 4 =yes
Day 5 =no
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average = no
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? The antecedent for my retainers being worn is if they are clean or not. Another antecedent is if I see them or not. I can begin to change my behavior based off of these conditions.
8) Terms: antecedent, consequence, emitted, hypothesis, rule-governed behavior, manipulation
1. A) I thought the section about getting organized to increase efficiency.
B) I liked this because I could use it in my life to become more efficient. I specifically thought the email example was useful and also giving a deadline and then having a consequence follow it.
2. A) I least liked giving my own three examples of rule governed behavior using the ABC's. I least liked this because I thought it was difficult finding my own examples.
3. A) I will remember that rules are like antecedents when it comes to our behaviors.
B) I will remember that rule governed behaviors is maintained because it's an obligation of keeping order. They can be norms, morals, or ethical standards.
C) I will remember that if the consequence is something desired we will do it again and it should strengthen the rule.
4. A) I most liked the steps involved in the behavior modification process.
B) I most liked this because it can be more helpful if a person writes out each step to modify their behavior.
5. A) I least liked the part about experimenting with behavior interventions.
B) I least liked this because I think a person might lose their will power to modify a behavior if they have to continuously alter their intervention.
6. A) I will remember that the baseline is like the control group in experiments.
B) I will remember that direct assessment is when a person observes and records the target behavior.
C) I will remember that indirect assessments involves having interviews or questionnaires on which intervention will most likely help change the behavior.
7. A) Week 1 Did I procrastinate or not?
Day 1: No
Day 2: No
Day 3: yes
Day 4: yes
Day 5: yes
Day 6: no
Day 7: no
B) Continue to collect data and begin the intervention.
C) I plan to use direct assessment and record my data in my planner. On each day I will put yes or no about whether or not I procrastinated my homework that day. At the end of the week if I didn't then I will reward myself with $10.
8. Terms: indirect assessment, direct assessment, target behavior, consequence, rule governed behavior, antecedents, behavior, behavior modification, experiments, baseline, control group.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how you described efficiency. I found it interesting that we create rules for ourselves and follow through with them through verbal reminders.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed this section and did not dislike anything.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? 1. Rule governed behavior can be established through norms, morals, or ethical standards. I will remember this because you used the example that sexual relations between family members are not a thing because of rule governed behavior. 2. Sources of Rules can be established by government, society, family traditions, etc. I will remember this because of the example you used where families do not sit in front of the TV at dinner time. 3. Deadlines are an example of rule governed behavior. They tell us the consequence that could occur when the behavior is time sensitive. I will remember this because you used the example that if the boy pays a registration fee for something early, then he will not have to spend as much money on a late fee.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked how at the beginning of this section it was a nice review. It didn't come off as really repetitive either, so it was nice.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn't like how there weren't as many example. It made it a little harder to understand the concepts.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? 1. I will remember that direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors, and can be done either individually, by others, or electronically. I will remember this because with direct you observe the behavior while it's occurring. 2. Indirect assessment is used when people are unable or unwilling to communicate. I will remember this because you used the example in the text that individuals that are for example autistic or defiant and refusing to communicate would have to use indirect assessment. For this you use things like questionnaires. 3. Behaviors can be organized by their topographies and functions. I will remember this with the example of how people use the f-word. It sounds the same (topography) but the function can be for example if you are scared you will shout it or if you are mad you will shout it.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 cups
Day 2 = 2 cups
Day 3 = 0 cups
Day 4 = 1 cup
Day 5 = 1 cup
Day 6 = 0 cups
Day 7 = 1 cup
Average = n/a
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will use direct assessment to record my information. After each day, I will write down how many cups of coffee that I had to help me keep track of where I am at. When the week is over, if I only had 3 cups that week, I will reward myself with a cupcake.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post
rule governed behavior, sources of rules, deadlines, behavior, consequence, efficiency, direct assessment, indirect assessment, topography, function,
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I was really interested in the rule governed behavior discussed early in the chapter. Earlier, I had thought about certain behaviors that were followed not necessarily because they were conditioned to do them, but just because they knew rules were in place. I had questioned whether or not this would fall into any of the categories, but the text simply answered that by explaining them in this fashion. With the antecedent having most of the influence on the behavior itself, the behavior is either emitted or not emitted according to the potential consequence.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
I didn’t find anything to dislike about this section. I found it very interesting and informational.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section is that many things in our world have rule governed behavior. For example, stopping at a stop sign is a rule governed behavior, for it provides the antecedent of stop. You know that there will be a consequence if you don’t stop. The second thing to remember is that the source of a rule can be governed, such as laws. This is important to remember that there may be a dear consequence to breaking a rule. The third thing I will remember is some signs or rules can provide the behavior and the consequence, but not necessarily give an antecedent. These provide what will happen if you do perform the behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing I liked about this section was when it explained the function assessment of behaviors. It really put into place that there can be multiple things that elicit a behavior. The text gives the example of using the f-word. With using the f-word, there can be a whole topography of reasons to say it. With this whole range, you must understand what it is that elicits such a response and try to identify it and change the behavior.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
The one thing I didn’t like in this section was the beginning of it. It seemed very repetitive to what we have done multiple times earlier this semester. I understand that repetition is key for learning and that it’s just a review, but I felt it was unnecessary.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this course is how important a functional assessment of behaviors is to making modifications to behaviors. This is important as it goes into further detail into what things to look for when trying to modify a behavior. The second thing I will remember is that a direct assessment is the observation and recording of behaviors. This is important as it in a simple yet important step as to ascertaining how behaviors are formed and occur. The third thing I will remember is indirect assessments. These occur through interviews and questionnaires.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
My behavior that I wanted to change was to be measured weekly. So far I have two weeks of data collected. The behavior I’m trying to modify if my spending of money
Week 1: $150
Week 2: $134
Average = $142
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
For my plan of trying to save money, I will use direct assessment and collect when and where I spend the most money. I will then record my data and try to eliminate some of the sources I spend money.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: behavior, conditioned, rule governed behavior, antecedent, reinforce, emit, elicit, consequence, functional assessment of behaviors, topography, direct assessment, indirect assessment.
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
That even 7 year olds know not to have babies with their family, I think that was a very good example and gave an easy understanding as to what Rule governed behavior is.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that i disliked was that there was no summary at the end of the section. I disliked this because the end summaries usually give a easy understanding towards the information that was just processed and can help clarify anything that was confusing.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? First, I will remember what Rule governed behavior is because the example gave it a pretty straight forward explanation. Also, I will remember that getting organized will help increase efficiency. I will remember this because the example of never handling a paper twice put it in easy terms to understand and get a clear picture. Lastly, I will remember that traffic signs can pose the antecedent but also sometimes they could pose the behavior and consequence. I will remember this because of the example of hitting a construction worker-serve 10years in jail, made is simplistic to imagine what the section was trying to explain.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing i really liked about this sections is the explanations of systematically breaking down your steps. I liked this because it gives a simple way to be able to fix issues and make your process more efficient.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Again, there wasn't the typical end summary section but I guess I also didn't like the example that started to blame grandma for the issues, I didn't like this because grandma is always right and can do no wrong.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
First, I will remember that intervention is dynamic and is constantly under change. I will remember this because it makes sense that as time goes by that you should also need to adjust things like the reinforcer or how much of it you're receiving. I will also remember that natural contingencies can be a good reinforcer as well. I will remember this because i implement it in my daily life and what better reinforcer is there that needs no addition to what is already in your life - all you have to do is remember to feel good about the target behavior that you just emitted. Lastly, I will remember that behavior modification is systematic, I will remember this because if there's an issue with your regiment then you are able to go through the steps and change one thing at a time to eventually work out what your issue really is.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
My "weekend" (staying under 18)
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =3
Day 3 =8
Day 4 =1
Week 2 Average =3
Week 1 Average = 4
Week 2 Total = 12
Week 1 Total = 16
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
For my intention to drink under my goal of 18 beers on the weekend, so my baseline is only recorded for those days, the rest of the week is null because there will be no drinking of the beers, I think it would be considered a direct assessment of behavior that i will be using to depict where, with who, and when I drink beer. So I'll be recording the occurrences of the behavior and then figured out what needs to be changed to be able to stay under my goal; which means I'll probably be cutting toxic people out of my life and changing the methods to which I socialize in order to keep under my limit. Easy peezey lemon squeezy.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Terms: Natural contingencies, emitted, target behavior, modification, consequence, antecedent, direct assessment, rule governed behavior, intervention, baseline.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really enjoyed the section on the Rule Governed Behavior because it talked about how you can establish norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-This section was pretty small so there was not a lot that i did not enjoy in this section. It was easy to read and understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-First I will remember the Rule Governed Behavior because it made sense to me and it was easy to understand.
-Next, I will remember that the more organized you are the more efficient you will become. This is important to me and I need to start doing this because i am often very unorganized and I am often late on my assignments.
-Lastly,I will remember how the ABC's, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, work. This section gave a lot of examples of the ABC's and it help remind how they work.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I really enjoy the Behavior Modification Process and the six steps. I liked this because it was interesting to learn the 6 steps.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- I did not enjoy the Indirect assessment part because i thought it was confusing for me to understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember the part on Direct Assessment because the observation and recording of behaving was interesting to read.
- I will remember the six steps of the Behavior Modification Processes because it made the ABC's more interesting and easy to understand.
- The last thing i will remember is from the functional assessment and where it occurs. It is interesting to me and was easy to understand.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1- Read a chapter a day. yes=1 no=0
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =1
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average = a little over 1/4 of the time.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
-Alright, will do.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
- The baseline for me is to read a chapter a day and if I do not reach my goal the consequence is not understanding the chapter before the class period so the antecedent is to read. If I read the chapter I will understand the chapter before class and be able to be involved in the discussion better and so the new antecedent is read the chapter and the consequence is involvement in the discussion about the chapter. The outcome would be that I would get a better grade on the test because I would be more act in class.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Rule Governed Behavior, ABC's, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Behavior Modification Process, Indirect assessment, Direct Assessment, functional assessment, and target behavior
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
-I really enjoyed the section on the Rule Governed Behavior because it talked about how you can establish norms, morals, or ethical standards or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout its history.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-This section was pretty small so there was not a lot that i did not enjoy in this section. It was easy to read and understand.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-First I will remember the Rule Governed Behavior because it made sense to me and it was easy to understand.
-Next, I will remember that the more organized you are the more efficient you will become. This is important to me and I need to start doing this because i am often very unorganized and I am often late on my assignments.
-Lastly,I will remember how the ABC's, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, work. This section gave a lot of examples of the ABC's and it help remind how they work.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
- I really enjoy the Behavior Modification Process and the six steps. I liked this because it was interesting to learn the 6 steps.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
- I did not enjoy the Indirect assessment part because i thought it was confusing for me to understand.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
- I will remember the part on Direct Assessment because the observation and recording of behaving was interesting to read.
- I will remember the six steps of the Behavior Modification Processes because it made the ABC's more interesting and easy to understand.
- The last thing i will remember is from the functional assessment and where it occurs. It is interesting to me and was easy to understand.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1- Read a chapter a day. yes=1 no=0
Day 1 =0
Day 2 =1
Day 3 =1
Day 4 =0
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average = a little over 1/4 of the time.
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
-Alright, will do.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
- The baseline for me is to read a chapter a day and if I do not reach my goal the consequence is not understanding the chapter before the class period so the antecedent is to read. If I read the chapter I will understand the chapter before class and be able to be involved in the discussion better and so the new antecedent is read the chapter and the consequence is involvement in the discussion about the chapter. The outcome would be that I would get a better grade on the test because I would be more act in class.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
-Rule Governed Behavior, ABC's, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Behavior Modification Process, Indirect assessment, Direct Assessment, functional assessment, and target behavior
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked about this section was that it brought in goals or rules that are influenced by other things than a reinforcer or punisher. I liked learning about rule governed behaviors in this section. I never thought about it being apart of influencing a behavior before I read about it.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There wasn’t anything specific I didn’t like about this section. I found the entire section interesting to learn about.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember is about rule governed behavior. This is the result of norms or religion “hidden” rules that we never really think about. I will remember this because it happens in our daily life. The next thing that I will remember is that you need to be efficient with your goals. You should organize them in a proper manner. You will become more successful by doing this. The last thing that I will remember is that you should have deadlines for your goals. You will never know if you reach that goal if you don’t push yourself to a certain spot.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I liked about this section is that you learn how o examine the functional assessment. This makes it easier once you are trying to reach a goal. It helps get a baseline, making it easier to get to the goal.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I didn’t like about this section is that it repeats a lot at the beginning about things that we have already learned. It talks about describing a target behavior and the consequences which we talked about sections ago.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing that I will remember from this section is that the functional assessment is to help you develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship between the ABC’s of the behavior. The next thing that I will remember about this section is that once you make a hypothesis about your goal, you can start experimenting with behavioral interventions. We will know it works once it happens. The last thing I will remember from this is about the direct assessment. This involves the observation and recording of behaviors.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =1 mile
Day 2 =0 miles
Day 3 =1.5 miles
Day 4 =0 miles
Day 5 =0 miles
Day 6 =2 miles
Day 7 =2 miles
Average =0.93 miles
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis would be using the direct assessment. I will use my phone to keep track of how much I experience. I will also use my friends to help push me.
Terminology: reinforcer, punisher, rule governed behaviors, baseline, functional assessment, target behavior, consequence, direct assessment
Section 5.2
1a&b) One thing that I really liked about this chapter was reading about rule-governed behaviors, and how they are so important in our day-to-day lives. The really good example that was used was that of making a pizza, a simple task when we are hungry. If we want to have a good, fresh pizza that is not burnt, we take the pizza out on time. The behavior, taking the pizza out, results in the consequence of having fresh pizza, and the antecedent is making sure to take it out on time, perhaps by having a timer ready. Other things, like a red light or stop sign, are stimuli that warn us or indicate that we need to emit these behaviors, such as stopping. Some of these rule-governed behaviors, such as stop signs, come from the law, but other behaviors can come from all kinds of sources. For example, I was raised Catholic so for years I would wake up on Sunday and know that it was time to go to church; it was a near automatic response.
2) z There wasn’t really anything in this section that I disliked. It seems like each section is getting easier to understand due to my growing experience in the class with behavior modification. However, I feel like this section was the smoothest thus far and easiest to understand. It really clicked with me when reading and I was able to relate it to my own life with ease.
3a,b&c) Deadlines – deadlines can function as rules governing behavior; they are antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well; they remind us of consequences that might occur when behaviors are time sensitive. This is something I will remember because it is something that I deal with as a student so frequently. In high school I have always had deadlines, and it is even more of a crucial aspect of my life as a college student. Rule Governed Behaviors – Behaviors that result from establishing norms, morals, or rules; these are things that we don’t forget and often doesn’t take second thought. A good example is that when a light turns red we stop our cars; it is done without a lot of thought, almost automatically. I will also remember the section about efficiency experts because I thought it was very interesting: a great example they used was that of filing paperwork. If you come across paper work that is important, then file it. If it is not important, don’t file it. Shred it but don’t second-guess yourself. I will remember this because it is often something that I do (second-guess small decisions)
Section 5.3
4 a&b) I really liked that this section focused on one topic. (Functional assessment of behavior) It is much easier to understand and grasp this concept when the chapter is focusing on one subject. It was broken down really well. Overall, I enjoyed reading this section because it helped me understand what I needed to do to continue with my behavioral experiment.
5) I didn't like how this section didn't have a summary. I like to be able to read over the main points from the chapter so I know I really am understanding the material and didn't miss anything.
6 a,b&c) The steps involved in the behavior modification process. Having the steps laid out is easier to understand what needs to be done in order to change a specific behavior. It also helps me understand what needs to be done in order for the behavior change to be successful. What functional assessment of behavior is. This went more in depth on how to incorporate the ABC's into the behavior changing process. It suggests that we come up with multiple hypothesis to determine the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences. It also allows us to realize what antecedents help us accomplish the desired behavior by identifying what reinforcers are working and will allow us to design an intervention to decrease or increase the behavior. Direct and indirect assessment. Knowing about these two types of assessments will allow me to determine what type will best fit the situation/scenario. Direct assessment involves the recording of a behavior, which can be done by the individual, others, or electronically. Indirect involves an interview or questionnaire. You can interview parents, teachers, or the individual undergoing the assessment.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 7,707 steps, 15 active min
Day 2 = 12,414 steps, 23 active min
Day 3 = 14,958 steps, 19 active min
Day 4 = 4,135 steps, 56 active min
Day 5 = 14,279 steps, 8 active min
Day 6 = 14,345 steps, 47 active min
Day 7 = 9,228 steps, 8 active min
Average = 11,009, 25 active min
7c) I will use a direct assessment. I wear the flex all day every day and will track it through the app on my phone. I also had my friends get one so we do competitions throughout the week.
8 ) Terms: antecedent, aversive, pleasurable, functional assessment of behavior, direct, indirect, consequence, behavior, reinforcers,deadlines, Rule Governed Behaviors, Efficiency Experts, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Stimuli, Emit
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I really liked that was in this section was learning about rule governed behaviors. Rule governed behaviors are behaviors can result from morals, established norms, ethical standards, or from rules to which a person has adhered throughout its history. I liked learning about behavior that could be affected by something other than reinforcements and punishments because it was new and interesting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing that I disliked about this section was that there was no summary provided at the end of it. I like the summaries that are at the end of each section because they give me a chance to recap what I just read and are a good way to refresh my memory and remember the important things from the section. They help clarify things that may be confusing, so I did not like that there wasn’t one at the end of this section.
3) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing I will remember from what I read in this section is that a rule governed behavior is something that results from morals, established norms, ethical standards, and rules. I will remember what this is because it was something new and interesting and I enjoyed reading about it. Another thing I will remember is the different sources of rules there can be. They include: government, society, cultures, traditions, peers, attorneys, and ourselves. I will remember this because it was another easy concept to read and remember. Finally, I will remember that deadlines can function as rules governing behavior. I will remember this because it can be applied to my every day life, making it easier to understand. I have deadlines for all of my classes and for work, so I know that they can govern my behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I liked the explanation of step four of the behavior modification process, which is conducting a fundamental assessment of behavior. A fundamental assessment of behavior is designed to help make a hypothesis and identify antecedents for the behaviors and consequences for the behaviors. I liked this about this section because it was interesting to read about and try to connect it to my behavior modification project.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
One thing I disliked about this section was how long it was. It also seemed really repetitive because it discussed in good detail a lot of what we have talked about before, so the content was pretty boring for the most part in this section.
6) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
One thing that I will remember from this section is that direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors, while indirect assessment involves the use of interviews and questionnaires for behaviors. I will remember this because it is a simple concept that was explained well. Another thing I will remember is that a fundamental assessment of behavior identifies antecedents and consequences of target behaviors and make a hypothesis. Finally, I will remember that after a baseline of an existing behavior is established, the person can start experimenting with behavioral interventions. This is important to remember because it helps us with our own projects.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 6 hours of sleep
Day 2 = 7.5 hours
Day 3 = 7.5 hours
Day 4 = 6.5 hours
Day 5 = 7 hours
Day 6 = 8.5 hours
Day 7 = 8 hours
Average = 7.3 hours of sleep
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I will use direct assessment, and I will record how many hours I sleep each night and keep it all organized so I can go back and assess how I did with my behavioral modification. I will also record the ABCs of my behavior to help myself in finding behavioral interventions.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Rule governed behavior, behaviors, reinforcements, punishments, behavior modification, fundamental assessment of behavior, antecedents, consequences, baseline, target behaviors, behavioral interventions, direct assessment, indirect assessment
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
--One thing I found out that I really liked and found interesting in this section 5.2 was the concept and the idea of rule governed behavior. The simplest rules we elicit and emit everyday are considered to be rule governed behaviors. I never actually thought about it in these terms therefore I find it very interesting.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
--I never noticed anything I didn’t like in this section until I got to the end to look at the summary section and nothing was there. I really like to look at the at the end because it bolds the main points of the chapter; therefore I can make sure I understand the concepts and terms provided for me.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
--The one thing I definitely will remember the most was the concept about governed behaviors. I thought the textbook gave a great explanation and definition as well as the great examples. The whole relating them to rules as we keep in a society really helped me keep a great understanding of the definition. I also thought it was interesting that in the U.S. a common type of rule governed behaviors relates to the avoidance of sexual relations between members of the same family. Its one of those behaviors you just know not to engage in. Secondly, I will remember are the source of rules and who they can be like the government, society, cultures, attorneys and most of all ourselves. It’s important to know that rules vary from each country to country and some even state to state. Example is that some countries drive on the other side of the road then we do here in America and the legal drinking age is different here in America then most other countries. I also will remember that deadlines can function as rules of governing behaviors. Deadlines are known to be antecedents and discriminative stimuli as well. Meaning they inform us of consequences that might occur when behaviors are time sensitive.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
--I like the fact that at the beginning of this section you went over the steps involved in behavior modification which were learning a behavior you want to increase (reinforce) onto decrease (punish or extinguish). Then you determined the target behavior that will help you reach you behavior modification goal. And so forth. Going over the steps really helped me back track to help with my memory and still keep it fresh in my mind. Basically I’m saying I loved the reviewing and how it broke everything down.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
-- This whole semester I have been very ‘iffy’ about whether I like the boxes you have to fill in, meaning some boxes were very helpful and some boxes where just nonsense and I didn’t understand why they were supposed to be helping us. I just don’t understand the whole concept of known what the function of consuming caffeine and the function of smoking even though so these boxes somewhat frustrated me. Otherwise, I thought this section was a big help in going over everything and very informative.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
-- One thing I will really remember is in order to help decrease a unwanted behavior, it is good to use functional assessment to see what is related to the antecedent to elicit the specific behavior. Meaning, when you modify what those are and use the right kind of intervention, it will then be a lot easier to change the unwanted behavior. Secondly, even though I kind of already knew this I will still remember that we must form a hypothesis and through the experiment itself you will be able to tell if the hypothesis is correct. Also, use a baseline as the control group like in a laboratory experiment. Lastly, figure out why someone does a certain behavior because there could be many different functions behind it. Like if some flips you off it could have many different functions behind it.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Wash Face Both Times
Day 1 = Yes
Day 2 = Yes
Day 3 = Yes
Day 4 = No
Day 5 = Yes
Day 6 =Yes
Day 7 = No
Average = Yes
-Yes meaning I did wash my face day and night and no meaning I didn’t do it both times.
-My target behavior is washing my face. I truly think this is beneficial to me and everyone I think if they were to do so as well. The more I wash my face and get my make-up every day I will have a cleaner and zit free face (hopefully) – I need to not be lazy and make sure I wash my face day and night before bed.
Terms: Rule Governed Behavior, Elicit, Emit, Rule, Source of Rules, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimuli, Consequences, Deadlines, Reinforce, Punish, Extinguish, Target Behavior, Behavior Modification, Control Group, Hypothesis, Baseline
Section 5.2
1a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is rule governed behavior. Rule governed behavior is behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. The reason why I liked this is because it explains why we refrain from doing certain behaviors that has no written rules. An example in the United States and many other countries in the world is the avoidance of sexual relations among members of the same family. This behavior has no written law or punishment nor does it have reinforcement for us to decide whether do engage in such activity. Everyone knows incest is a “no-no”. Its is a cultural and social norm that almost everyone obey by and that is what rule governed behavior is, a culturally accepted consensus of ethical behavior.
2) One thing that I did not really like about this section is the part about how most of our daily behaviors are rule governed behaviors. Although I liked what I learned about rule governed behavior, I did not like that it is clear to me now that a lot of what we do is not necessarily what we want to do but what society has defined as a social norm. By looking at the antecedent we can start to understand why we do certain things. This also makes me question if there is actually such a thing as freewill because if you look at the biological, sociological and psychological reasons that elicit behavior, it covers almost all the behaviors that we emit throughout the day.
3a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section are rule governed behavior, source of rules, and getting organized. The reason why I will remember rule governed behaviors is because I have found it to be very eye-opening in my real life view of behaviors and why we do certain behaviors. As for source of rules, it is very straightforward and I find that easy to remember. Finally, the reason I will remember the part about getting organized is because it shows how we follow certain advices from so called “experts” blindly just because they are apparently credible. As long as what we learned works, it reinforces us to repeat it.
Section 5.3
4a&b) The one thing I really liked about this section is the part about how functional assessment occurs. The reason why I really liked this part is because it is a very effective way of observing and analyzing the target behavior that is being modified. The two types of functional assessments are direct and indirect assessment.
5) The one thing I did not really liked about this section is this whole section in general because I feel like it is being repetitive by concluding everything that we have learned throughout the semester.
6a,b&c) The three things that I will remember from this section is it's normal to change the target behavior, direct assessment uses observation and recording behaviors as they happen, and indirect assessment uses interviews or questionnaires. I will remember why it’s normal to change the target behavior because I have changed my behavior before to produce a different consequence. As for direct assessment using observation and recording, I will remember this because you are directly seeing the behavior that you are studying. Finally, I will remember that indirect assessment uses interviews or questionnaires because you learn what's happening secondhand from what someone says, not from directly seeing it yourself.
7a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1: $55
Day 2: $123
Day 3: $0
Day 4: $97
Day 6: $0
Day 7: $120
Average: $56.43
7c) In reference to section 5.3, my functional analysis of my target behavior would be that I would want to spend less than $400 a month because I have at times spent over $2000 in one month on amazon and I feel like I have been using amazon as a way of taking my mind of everyday problems that I face. By spending less than $400 a month I will be able to use my money for better reasons. I would be able to use it for investment purposes to make more money instead of using it to buy stuff that most of the time I don’t necessarily need.
8) rule governed behavior, antecedent, verbal, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, source of rules, getting organized, reinforce, functional assessment, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, consequences.
1.I liked the concept of rule governed behavior. I never thought much about our societal norms defined as rule governed behavior and that it can be explained with behavior modification. It was interesting to read that we emit or don’t emit certain specific behaviors that are acceptable in our culture based on the context or antecedent we find ourselves in.
2.Liked just about everything about this section because it was such an interesting and entertaining read. It could have used a summary I guess if anything that it what it lacked because the summary helps wrap up the reading and to repeat the important concepts but other than that it was a good read.
3.The concept of rule governed behaviors is one thing I will remember from this section. The examples the text provided as well as the definition helped a lot in understanding what rule governed behavior is. I will remember this because we follow the rules of our society in order that we aren’t ostracized or ending up in awkward situations. Another thing that I will remember that we can use sources of rules as antecedents when analyzing behaviors and the consequences that follow. When a new law is adopted the consequences of breaking that law will alter our behaviors. The last thing I will remember from this section is that signs are one example of rule governing behavior. When driving on the road there are several signs that are an antecedent and will elicit the appropriate behavioral response.
4.I enjoyed reading this section because it reviewed the steps that are involved in the behavior modification process. This section helped layout the foundation and the path for my behavioral change project. It was helpful to read about the behavioral intervention and that it can be tweaked in order to maximize the chance of success, even if it involves starting over and redefining a new target behavior and use a new intervention it was a huge relief to find out that it was rare to get the correct intervention the first time around.
5.One of the things that I disliked about this section was not having a summary again but also that there wasn’t as much material and information in this section and instead used a lot more space on the write in boxes.
6.After reading this section one of the things that I will remember is that a functional assessment is used to understand why a person continues a behavior and to offer alternatives that serve the same function that may even be in the same behavioral class but be a more desirable behavior through the use of differential reinforcement of other to maintain the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future. Another thing I will remember is the difference between direct and indirect assessments. A direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors whether it be completed by an individual, others, or electronically. The observations occur in natural settings, where the target behavior is recorded as it occurs, followed by the consequence of the behavior and then looking at the antecedent that elicited the behavior. The indirect method of assessment includes the use of an interview or questionnaire given to parents, teachers, or even the person going through the assessment for behavioral change to find out what the best intervention process will be to get the greatest chance of changing that person’s behavior.
7.Day 1= 2 cups of vegetables
Day 2 = 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 3= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 4= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 5= 0 cups of vegetables
Day 6= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 7= 1 cup of vegetables
Average 1.5 cups of vegetables
A functional analysis of my behavior would be me marking down the number of cups of vegetables I eat at each meal for each day and to write down the consequences and antecedents involved around my target behavior. I will then be able to understand what antecedents elicit the behavior of me eating vegetables and to create an environment where it has greater chances of eliciting the behavior to eat vegetables. The function of this behavior is to eat healthier, feel physically better, feel more rested will a heathier diet, and to wean off of junk food hopefully.
8.Terms: Target Behavior, Consequences, Antecedents, Elicit, Behavior, Functional Analysis, Behavioral Intervention, Rule Governed Behavior, Emit, Functional Assessment, Direct Assessment, Indirect Assessment, Reinforcement, Differential Reinforcement of Other
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed reading about all of the rules we follow without really thinking about it because it makes me more aware of why I do what I do on a daily basis.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? There wasn’t anything I disliked in this section.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? I will remember a) that ruled govern behavior is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal; b) other rule governed behaviors may or may not be emitted depending on the individual; c) also, other individuals may emit behaviors which deviate from established rules because they think or know they will not get punished.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why? I enjoyed reviewing the steps involved in behavior modification because it was a helpful reminder.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why? The least interesting part of the section was the many examples of the same thing.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why? Three things I will remember are a) Direct assessment: Involves the observation and recording of behaviors; b) Indirect assessment might involve the use of an interview process or a questionnaire; and c) Once the assessment is conducted (regardless if the direct or indirect method was used), it is often helpful to continue to document the ABCs.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 30
Day 2 = 30
Day 3 = 150
Day 4 = 30
Day 5 = 30
Day 6 = 30
Day 7 = 0
Average = 42.85
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analyses for running and working out would be a direct assessment. This is because I will be recording the data.
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. Behavior, antecedent, emitted, emit, punished, behavior modification, direct assessment, observation, indirect assessment, ABC’s.
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting thing in this section was the part about following rules just because experts say that they work. I never really thought about that before. It seems that so many people are willing to do whatever the experts in a certain field say works the best. The part that intrigues me the most is that even if we have never encountered the situation at hand we will do what experts say, regardless of what we think should be done.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing I found the least interesting was the section about the source of rules. This was the least interesting to me because I feel that it is pretty much common sense and self-explanatory.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section kind of relates to what I learned in some of my early criminal justice classes I took in community college. It relates to them because it talks about where rules come from, why we have them, and the consequences that can be the result if the rules are broken.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This first thing I can relate to was the section about getting organized. I have mild OCD, therefore I like to stay very organized at all times and have several rule governed behaviors in my life. The second thing I could relate to from this section was the example of religious rules. My family is very involved in the church, so I am very familiar with many of the rules of the church.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found the most interesting was the difference between direct and indirect assessment. I have always know that there were two types of assessment, but I never really understood the different. This section did a good job of explaining it in a way that made it easier for me to understand.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing I found the least interesting was the section about topographies and functions for behaviors. Since we have gone over this material a few times prior to this section, I just skimmed over it because I already understood the concept.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates back to when we first learned about functions and topographies of behavior. This chapter builds on that by discussing how to assess the functions of our behavior.
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that i can relate to is the example of giving/getting the finger while driving on the freeway. I have been both the receiver and giver of this behavior. Another thing I can relate to is the direct and indirect assessment, this reminds me of when I was gathering information for a research project in high school. My group interviewed several people to get the information we needed, but we would also just take notes on what we observed in our daily lives.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I had made me realized that there is more than just recording your behavior when you are trying to modify it. One must really look at what is happening I try to understand why these behaviors are occurring.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Completed workout goal.. yes or no
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = yes
Day 2 = no
Day 3 = no
Day 4 = yes
Day 5 = yes
Day 6 = no
Day 7 = no
Average = 3 out of 7 days
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis would be a direct assessment, because I will be recording when I workout, the type of workout, and how long I worked out for.
Terms: governed behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, topographies, functions, behavior
Megan Hasley
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the topic of rules that you only follow sometimes was interesting because we all have, or know of rules that do not always apply.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything to be least interesting. I think this was my favorite section so far.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had never thought about most of what this chapter covered, so it did not add to what I already knew because I have never learned about this before.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Rule governed behavior relates to my life because there are many rules that I have to follow to fit into this society.
Religious rules also apply because I am catholic.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting that the topography of a behavior can be the same, but that the function can be different.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought that the beginning of this section was sort of dry.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I knew that the ABC’s were important but I did not realize that they needed to be documented.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Functional assessment of behavior relates to my life because I am using it to determine how to spend less money.
The ABC’s relate to my life as well because they are constantly occurring.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I did not realize that in order to get the most accurate idea of how the target behavior is occurring you need to document the ABC’s pretty soon after they occur.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =1
Average =.57
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The antecedent would be that I impulsively spend money, the behavior is spending money, and the consequence is that I have less money.
TERMS: rules only followed occasionally, rule governed behavior, religious rules, ABC’s, target behavior, function, topography, behavior,
Reading Activity Week 12
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
After reading the first section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part about this section was the whole part of rules governing our behavior. I found it interesting because I never thought about rules in our society as controlling our behaviors. I looked more at rules and a way to tie me down in life and to not be able to be as free as I want. Reading this section made me realize why rules are in place. I now know that the rules are set to keep us safe and to control behaviors that could get out of hand and cause danger. I think it is interesting to find that understanding in my behaviors text book, it is not where I thought I would be reading that information.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part that I found to be the least interesting was the concepts once I realized that these ideas were intuitive. This was least interesting because once I realized in my everyday life of these things it made sense and the information just felt like it was being repeated. These concepts are common sense ideas in everyone’s everyday life.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section material wise is all new information for me. I have not learned this information in any previous classes I have taken. However after reading the chapter I realize that some of the information given is intuitive, but I never truly thought about the meaning of it. For example, the area talking about if you follow a rule you will be rewarded instead of receiving a punishment and vice versa for if someone did not follow the rules. Every child deep down knows to stay out of trouble and they will not get in trouble, but we never think about it in a behavior modification.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things that I can relate to my life are governing rules and increase efficiency. For governing rules my example has to do with driving. When I was younger I was a reckless driver like most teenagers. I would speed constantly and run through stop signs. Until one day I received so many tickets that I lost my license. When I finally received my license back I noticed how much more I was aware of my driving and improved it drastically. The consequence of breaking the rules and losing my license again scared me to the point of changing my driving habits. The second thing that relates to my life is the increase in efficiency. I knew that if I was to fail a test I would receive a consequence from my parents. I decided to write out all my deadlines for work and to find time to study in advance so I would be able to be more prepared for a test and use my time wisely during the weeks.
After reading the second section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The area that I found to be the most interesting was the fact that there is a hypothesis that is stated during behavior modification. I thought this was interesting because when people are wanting to change a behavior they do not consider the hypothesis from what I thought before. After reading this section it makes sense to make an educated guess of how it will all turn out and see the environment and the consequences in the hypothesis. I find it interesting overall because it is another area of behavior modification I would have never thought about.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting area in this section was the area of direct and indirect assessment. This area was least interesting to me because the information is intuitive. If someone can see the data laid out in front of them it is easier to see what is working and what is not working. The information is very important to know, but when information is intuitive it is not the most interesting area to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to the other chapters in the steps involved in behavior modification were discussed in other chapters. Those steps are: step 1: describe the target behavior, step 2: describe the consequences, and step 3: describe the antecedents. In previous chapters we discussed describing a target behavior making sure the behavior is specific on what is wanting to be changed. Along with describing the consequence and the antecedents were discussed in other chapters. Another thing I knew was direct assessment and how if someone can assess themselves they can see what behavior needs to be improved and how to get the best results.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things that I can relate to my life from this section are direct and indirect assessments of myself. For direct assessment I know there have been behaviors that I have wanted to decrease because of others and myself not liking these behaviors. I used the direct assessment of when my behaviors occurred and figured out why they occurred as well. I then found the best consequence to imply to decrease the behavior. For indirect assessment I know that others have noticed my behaviors in my family and relationships. They have recorded the incidents and all the other information. They then tried to change my behavior which actually worked, but I had no idea the whole time.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These chapters changed my thought on behavior modification with leaning more about how behavior modification works. From chapter 5.2 it talked about how governed rules and organization of that can influence a behavior. I never looked at the aspect of governed rules in our society to change our behavior. I can see how it does now, but that chapter showed me the way our behaviors are controlled due to rules. I can see why some rules are set out for people to follow. From the chapter 5.3 the steps involved in behavior modification changed my behavior even more. This was because I figured there was not much of a process to changing ones behavior. I was wrong in that assumption and now realize the difficulties of behavior modification.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 30min meditation, end of day stress level 7
Day 2 = 30min meditation, end of day stress level 9
Day 3 = 30min meditation, end of day stress level 4
Day 4 =30min meditation, end of day stress level 8
Day 5 =30min meditation, end of day stress level 8
Day 6 =30min meditation, end of day stress level 3
Day 7 =30min meditation, end of day stress level 4
Average = 30min meditation, end of day stress level 7.167
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis would be a direct analysis of seeing the stress being reduced due to meditation.
Terms: governing behavior, increasing efficiency, punishment, reward, functional analysis, indirect, direct assessment,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
a. What I found interesting was the concept of rule-governed behavior, It is a behavior that we are not punished or reinforced to do, we just know if we should or shouldn’t do it. It is a result of established norms, morals, or ethical standards. I find this interesting because I was interested in how it worked with behaviors and social norms.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
a. What I did not find interesting was the sources of rules. The reason why I didn’t find it interesting is because when I read all the different categories of people, it didn’t surprise me that they are the source of rule governed behavior
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
a. I learned about social norms in Intro to sociology. We learned about the ABCs of behavior in earlier sections of this unit,
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
a. One thing that relates to rule-governed behavior is the fact that since society says that breaking the law is bad, I automatically don’t want to steal or break the law because we have learned that we shouldn’t steal from the government
Another thing that relates to this chapter
Another thing that relates to my life is that my best friend did not drink until she turned 21 because the law said that 21 is the legal age you can consume alcohol.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
a. What I found the most interesting was the concept of indirect assessment, This is typically used when the individual can’t communicate or is unwilling to communicate. This is usually done with an interview or questionnaire. I found this interesting because I didn’t think you could change someone’s behavior who isn’t wiling to communicate.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
a. What I didn’t find interesting was the steps of behavior modification. We have learned this over and over again in this class, so since it was overview I didn’t find it interesting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
a. We have learned the steps of behavior modification in this class over the past 12 weeks, but that is the extent of my learning
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
a. I’ve tried to use behavior modification to stop swearing as much in high school. My mom said I swore like a sailor, so I took the steps to stop swearing. Today, I don’t swear as much
Another way I have used these techniques is drinking less soda. I never drank a huge amount of soda, but I knew how bad it was for you so I wanted to change that. I haven’t had soda in 10 months.
8) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
a. This has influenced my learning on how behavior modification plays a role in social norms and how government and society can have a play in the behaviors we do,
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 episode
Day 2 = 1 episode
Day 3 = 2 episodes
Day 4 = 2 episodes
Day 5 = 5 episodes
Day 6 = 0 episodes
Day 7 = 0 episodes
Average =1.5
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
a. a functional analysis would be that on the days I don’t have a lot of homework or tests, I am more likely to watch netflix
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
- Rule-governed behavior, punishment, reinforcement, established norms, source of rules, indirect assessment
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part that I read in this section was the part about rules. Its interesting thinking about all of the rules that we follow without even thinking about it. Most of the rules that are out there are ones that we all do without really knowing it or paying any attention to the rules. Also the rules may not even be known as rules by us, it could be a normal behavior that we do.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing that I found least interesting in this section was the part about rule governed behavior and how most of our behaviors fall into that term. I didn't like the fact that the book explained our behaviors to be not what we want to do but what society has choose for us to do. I didn't like how our behaviors were described as a social norm. Thinking that I do most things just cause of society wants me to do them is kind of sad.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This sections relates to what I already learned in my previous psychology class. I learned that rule governed behaviors are normal and that most people do them without even knowing. I learned that we follow rules because society says that is what you suppose to do and that is what is acceptable, like wearing clothes when you leave your house. That behavior is socially normal. The next thing that I learned about from this section previously is behavior done for social norms. In my social psychology class we had to do an experiment where we had to do something against social norms. I choose to wear a purse for a whole day. I got a lot of different reactions when I did this.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
From reading this section I found that there are two things that relates to my life. the first thing from this section that relates to my life is rule governed behavior. This relates to my life in the way that I have to wear clothes to leave the house to fit into society and not be looked at wrong. The second thing that relates to my life is the source of rules. For example in my house my aunt has rules that she makes and if my brother makes a rule for his room, I wont follow it based of the source of the rule. I would definitely follow my aunts rule over my brothers rule.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found most interesting in this section is the functional assessment. The reason I thought this was interesting was because it was a really good way of looking at the behavior you are trying to modify.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
What I found least interesting in this section was the fact that the ABC's of behavior was described again. I feel like we all know how to put a target behavior in the ABC system and how to modify a behavior that way. It was just bad having to read that again.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what I already knew and learned in the steps to modify a behavior. We have learned several times the proper steps to take and how to put it into the ABC's. We also previously learned about the functions and topographies of behavior. I feel like this section was a review section of the previous sections.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to my life from this section is the I now know how to better modify a behavior with writing it down with the ABC's. The second thing that relates to my life is that the steps are going to help me with my behavior change project.. Everything in this section will help with this project to make it easier to document.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
reading these sections changed what I thought about the modification of behavior in the way that I now know that in order to really get the change you want to need to document the changes and also write them down in the ABC's right after they occur.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1= 1 hour 30 mins
Day 2= 1 hour
day 3= 1 hour 15 minutes
day 4= 45 minutes
day 5= 1 hour 30 minutes
average= 72 minutes
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis would have to be a direct assessment. Because I will be recording and remembering how minutes my headphones are off.
terms: behavior, rule governed behavior, functional assessment, ABC's,
1) In this section I liked reading about the part about getting organized by increasing efficiency. This was interesting to me because I never thought about using the ABC’s in order to improve things like getting organized. Getting organized is something I need to work on. It is still crazy to me how the idea of ABC’s can be used for practically anything that needs to be changed in life.
2) I found it least interesting to learn about rule governing behavior. I found this part not interesting because I feel like ideas like rules and laws are simple. I just did not find it interesting to know about the different rules. Everybody agrees with some rules and everybody disagrees with some rules as well and wish they were not in place because they hinder our actions.
3) This section relates to what I have previously learned in this class by adding onto the idea of the ABC’s. I feel like this chapter introduced more of a difficult approach to using the ABC’s with more practical problems that we individuals run into on a daily basis that we know we have issues with.
4) Two things that relate to my life are having some rules that I wish were not in place and needing to get organized. There are some rules and laws in place that I do not always follow, and one of those is speed limits. Even though set speed limits are set governed rues sometimes they get broken. Needing to get organized relates to this chapter because it explains how to actually increase efficiency to be able to be organized. I am organized with things I need to, but when it comes to items in the home I struggle. I’m hoping I can use the ABC’s to kind of enhance my organization skills in the home.
5) I liked learning about the functional assessments in this chapter. I never really thought about the fact there could be different categories in order to assess people. Indirect assessment and direct assessment are interesting categories and I liked learning the difference between the two. Reading the difference helped me learn about the different types of assessments that can occur during the behavior modification process.
6) In this section I found the part about the steps to behavior modification and functions least interesting. I feel like we have been learning about the steps to behavior modification all semester long and I was kind of confused why they were listed here in this chapter and not in previous ones. I just don’t really like re-reading about information I already learned about when it does not add any new information.
7) This section related to what I already knew about the steps to the behavior modification process. It just solidified my knowledge about the steps of modification we have been learning about all semester long.
8) Two things that relate to my life from this section would be wanting to decrease the amount of pop that I drink, and using direct assessment. Decreasing the amount of pop that I drink relates to the concept of ABC’s because I am punishing my behavior if I drink pop and reinforce my behavior if I reach my goal for the week. Direct assessment relates to my life because a couple weeks ago I had to help a friend with her research project. She had to observe children at a park in order to see their reactions to certain stimuli. Even though this was set up there are multiple other times I assess situations by observing without even realizing it.
9) Reading these sections has added onto my thoughts about behavior modification. I knew before that behavior modification could be used for almost everything but now I know it can be used with even more circumstances. Behavior modification is hard to do but with efficiency it can be easier.
10a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 4
Day 5 = 2
Day 6 = 1
Day 7 = 4
Average = 2.28
10c) A functional analysis of my target behavior would be a direct assessment. It might look something like recording my data in a type of a journal if they relate to the ABC’s. I usually always carry backpack everywhere anyways so I would just make sure it goes places with me and I’d keep my journal in there.
11) Terms: increasing efficiency, ABC’s, behavior modification, reinforcement, punish, rule governing behavior, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found rule governed behavior to be interesting because I did not know there was an actual word for just the just "known things" that are wrong. Like the example in the book talks about having sexual relationships with family is commonly known as "wrong" and rule governed behavior is in all of our lives. Another behavior that we only follows sometimes is underage drinking. Many students in high school and college know that they could be in trouble for drinking however they still do it. This is interesting to me because it can explain why some people commit crime because they care less about the consequences than other people.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting thing to me was the section about getting organized because I did not quite understand how that fit into the section. I understand that talking about organization shows how behavior can be changed. I also see that we change our own behaviors when we make rules for ourselves.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have talked about behaviors a lot in class as well as in past blogs. However, also in developmental psychology we talked about how when you set rules for children it can change their behaviors and perspectives on life depending when you implement these rules. Also in clinical psychology we talked about how therapy and how the different kind of therapy can change behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The rule governed behavior relates to my life because like the example says, I often times stop for a shorter time or may not even stop at all because there is either nobody around or because it is late at night so I know nobody will see. The example I used earlier with drinking is also something that is related to my life because we all know the consequences but we still do some of these behaviors.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting that so far throughout this course we have just been focusing on the ABC's of behavior but there is much more to this. The next step in changing behavior or identifying it is functional analysis. This is where we look at the topography similarities like we discussed in previous sections. Interventions are also brought back up in this section. This is interesting to me because I can see everything we have been learning this whole semester finally tying into each other and I can see this being used in my everyday life.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The section or couple paragraphs I found least interesting in this section was the part that talked about topographies because I feel like we have discussed it a lot already. However, it was kind of nice to get a refresher.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Like I said earlier, topographies and interventions were something we talked about in previous sections and they are also things I did my tropical blogs on so it was nice to see that something I looked into and researched previously is brought back up and tying into the ABC's.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The indirect and direct form of assessments relates to me and also everyone in this class because we are all using direct assessments when looking at the behaviors we are trying to change about ourselves. The section on interventions also relates to me because, I am sure like many other people, we have all tried to go on some type of diet or workout plan and then failed. It is nice to see that it may not have worked because we didn't have the right intervention enforced for ourselves when we start to stray away and do not emit the behavior we wanted. Like the book stated, there is a good chance that we won't "hit" the correct intervention the first time.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section of behavior modification makes me realize that there is more to changing your behavior as well as behavior modification than what we have learned so far. So far we have only talked about the ABC's but there are also more steps we need to take into consideration when we are looking at the longterm change in behavior.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Complete cut back on money per day
Day 1 = yes
Day 2 = yes
Day 3 =yes
Day 4 =no
Day 5 =no
Day 6 =yes
Day 7 = no
Average = 4/7 days
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
I will reward myself as being able to spend money on the weekends when i work on saving my money during the week.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis will be direct assessment because I will be recording by hand how much money I am spending each week and if I am cutting back on money spent at all.
rule governed behavior, consequences, behaviors, functional analysis, intervention, topography, direct assessment, indirect assessment, emit
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the concept of Rule Governed Behavior to be most interesting in the section. I found this to be the interesting takeaway because it gives a good reason as to why we subconsciously emit behaviors and responses. It doesn’t just end there however, it talks about the differences between the learned behaviors due to consequences and experiences, vs socially learned behaviors via society. It was interesting because it was new, and it also gives a slight nudge at the environment of our learning through others vicariously.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It wasn’t a topic that I found least interesting in the section, rather the accepted rule governed behaviors. The easiest example, and the one the section described, was incest. I am not arguing on the stance of whether it is right or wrong, but I find it interesting how nobody really seems to questions these facts and stances on issues that we have. It is a common thought that society is a giant herd of sheep and just accepts what is being given instead of questioning these norms.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing this section builds on is that it gives more reasons behind operant conditioning. It brings the consequences back into the mixture of behavior modification unlike classical conditioning and it allows for some insight as to why some behaviors are norms. It also builds on unconscious behaviors, these behaviors that are naturally elicited from society or people whether they have an understanding of it or not.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example that relates to me is the same as the example of driving around cops. Around Janesville Iowa before they made 218 a pass through with off exit ramps, it was a 65 -55 – 65mph change in about a mile and a half stretch. The cops would sit in this 55 stretch and ticket nearly anyone speeding and it was a massive trap to travel through. I naturally learned to go slow around this area and to speed up rather than cruise control all the way through at 65.
Another examples is rule governed behavior and classwork. Some professors set deadlines and once the deadline is passed the papers are automatic zeros. This allows for behaviors to be controlled and the desired results on both the professor and students ends to be achieved because of the strictness of the due date.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the definition of the functional analysis of behavior to be most interesting. I found this to be interesting because it ties in the ABC’s of behavior and gives a proper understanding of why something may be happening and allows for better target behaviors to be described, or better results to be yielded because of a simple understanding. It was also interesting to me because it was a new concept.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The thing I found least interesting in the section was when it discussed experimenting with behavior. I found this to be least interesting because it is something that we have been doing, knowingly or not, for the whole class, and although it gives a good definition and words to explain what is happening, I just did not care too much for the section. I won’t say that it isn’t necessary though.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section brings back the topography vs functionality from section 1.3 that we had discussed. It talks about how behaviors may look similar, but have very different functions, and helps when moving forward and changing behaviors.
It also builds upon why behaviors are emitted, whether it is for a certain desired end result, or because it happens to just happen. The part of experimenting and bringing about hypotheses builds on the reasons of why, instead of looking at the how.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is why I swear serves different functions. In some areas it is to get the point across to people because swearing has this connotation of holding power and being the “worst” language to use, so using it must require a great deal of frustration etc. Another is that words can be tricky in the heat of the moment, and swearing has very good functionality and can substitute many other adjectives. These are just a few examples as to why swearing happens.
Another thing that relates to me is on understanding the antecedent to certain behaviors and why they cause that. In a certain scenarios, people may frustrate me to a great deal, this stress and frustration will build up, and I may snap and swear at them. Knowing the antecedent I can try my best to either avoid, or identify it, and work around the known behavior that will be emitted from me.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
The section goes back to bringing this simple concept of behavior modification to light, while also showing the true complexity of it. Overall Bmod has been shown to me, through this class, to be like an onion. It has many layers, and the top may seem simple, but the deeper you go, the harder it may, or may not, become.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 3
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 2
Day 5 = 0
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 2
Average = 2.33
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The functional analysis of my behavior would be done by direct assessment; I have my laptop open to take minutes/notes during all these meetings and is very easy to tally whether or not I have sworn.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Rule governed behaviors, emitted, consequences, behaviors, vicarious learning, operant conditioning, behavior modification, classical conditioning, elicited, deadlines, functional analysis of behavior, target behaviors, experimenting, topography, functionality, antecedent, direct asssesment
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-Being able to learn a whole new term that I have never heard before was interesting. This is my first time learning about Rule governed behaviors. The first personal definition that I thought of was a behavior that was learned through others maybe like through family or friends. Or maybe a learned past behavior through cultures or traditions. It is really interesting to learn about how different religions and cultures have very strict rule governed behaviors that they are supposed to emit or not emit. I feel like a lot of these may tie into what’s right or wrong in a certain society or religion (beliefs). I find it interesting how many countries have very many different sets of rules. For example, in Singapore, you’re not allowed to chew gum. Why?! I have no idea. It is also funny to think how we are emitting these rules daily as a second nature behavior without thinking about them deeply on a daily basis. Deadlines are very important as well because I believe our society depends on deadlines to get their work done.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-I liked this section, I do believe that the ABC’s are always either hard to think of on the spot or I just get confused while filling them out. Aside from that, everything seemed great and I really liked learning something a little different!
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? -I haven’t learned about rule governed behavior much in any of my other classes but after learning about them now, I realized how we use them in our day to day basis and also on how we depend on deadlines to either reinforce or punish our behaviors.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I definitely use deadlines as a way to reinforce of punish my behaviors. I believe that our society is well known for using deadlines because we like to have things done at a certain time. I feel like other societies or cultures may be relaxed or less strict on timing.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
-What I found interesting in this section is that there is SO much that ties into behavior modification than what I thought about. While reading the first few paragraphs, I had to make sure that I was reading it over and over so I somewhat understood the concept better. I enjoy that without target behaviors, behavior modification would almost be hard to even do. Learning about functional assessment was interesting as a whole but also confusing as we are now starting to do a little more with our research
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
-I feel like this section was very confusing as to what we are supposed to be doing. It started to give me anxiety because it just looked like a lot of things to do at once.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned
-Everything we have learned in this class has pretty much been summed up into this entire chapter (if seems like anyways).
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
-I get to learn how to modify behaviors better
-I am hoping to be able to do this project efficiently so I can learn from it
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
-Behavior Modification is a lot more complicated than I thought it would be and is definitely not my strongest subject of understanding but I still find it interesting and continue wanting to learn.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 4oz Day 2 =13oz Day 3 =19oz Day 4 =26 oz Day 5 =32oz Day 6 =250z Day 7 =16oz Average =24 oz
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Drink an average of 24oz of milk each week. Which would either be drinking 24oz a day or drinking up to 168 oz or more each week to average out to 24 (or more) oz a week.
You don’t receive the correct amount of calcium intake each day which can hurt your health in the future
Drinking milk at home or in public for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
A= drinking milk for each meal time. B= drinking milk instead of water or pop. C= better calcium intake (reinforced at the end of week)
New antecedent: drinking milk with snacks or as part of meal. New consequence: getting a meal in and getting calcium intake at the same time
Depends on what I receive for my weekly milk intake
11) Terminology: rule governed behaviors, behavior, culture, traditions, emit, society, religion, rules, emitting, deadlines, reinforce, punish, behavior modification, target behaviors, functional assessment
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the section about Rule governed behavior was the most interesting. I did not know that there was a name for the behaviors we should or should not do. It was interesting because rule governed behavior is formed from norms, morals, and ethical standards. So, rule governed behaviors can change as the norms, morals and ethical standards change, which is pretty interesting to be.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything least interesting. It was all beneficial and interesting to me.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section relates to what I have learned in some previous classes. In my sociology class in high school, and in my college Intro to Sociology class, we talked about norms, and morals. This chapter also talked about the ABC’s of Behavior, which has been talked about numerously throughout the book.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to the deadlines. In school, we have deadlines for everything. When things need to be done and for scholarships. Another thing I can relate to is rule governed behaviors. A lot of what I do is governed by rules.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part I found most interesting in this section was having a hypothesis for changing behaviors. When I try to change my behaviors I never really thought about having a hypothesis. I also liked the example of how it is like a laboratory experiment. With the water drinking intervention, I never really thought like this. But, it definitely makes sense because of the baseline and hypothesis.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part I felt was least interesting was the part about assessment. I felt like I already knew about indirect and direct assessment. Although, I did not necessarily know their official name.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had previously learned about the first three of the steps involved in the behavior modification process. The three we have already covered was 1. Describe the target behavior, 2. Describe the consequence, and 3. Describe the antecedent. I had previously learned about how you have to change either the reinforcement or the reinforcement schedule. The example used in this section was getting a doughnut for each A you receive on a test. After some while doughnuts will no longer be reinforcing, or your diet will not be able to take that reinforcement, so you should change the schedule or what you use to reinforce.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One of the things I can relate to is the example of flipping people off while driving. I have road rage, and although I do not flip people off, I do yell in my car. Another thing I can relate to is direct and indirect assessment. During the water intervention and now this behavioral project, I completed or am completing direct assessment of the behaviors. While I worked at Four Oaks, I completed indirect assessment to the residents.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I never really thought about having a hypothesis while trying to change behaviors. Before I took this class, I just thought to change your behavior you would have to find a behavior you wanted to change, then just stop doing said behavior and keep track of it.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Exercising an hour at least five days a week
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = yes, 20 minutes
Day 2 = yes, 20 minutes
Day 3 = yes, 20 minutes
Day 4 =yes, 40 minutes
Day 5 =no
Day 6 =no
Day 7 =no
Average = 14 minutes this week.
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My functional analysis of my target behavior would be a direct assessment. Either I worked out or not. To measure this, I will be tracking my exercise on my phone in my Myfitnesspal app.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Rule Governed Behavior, deadlines, ABC of behaviors, hypothesis, baseline, indirect assessment, direct assessment, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, reinforcement schedule, functional analysis.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it very interesting to read about rule governed behavior, another term I hadn’t heard before. I hadn’t thought about the types of behavior we maintain because of our obligation to maintain order. It’s so true how we emit certain behaviors simply because of how we have been socialized to them and the way our culture is. It’s also very true how some people are considered odd because they don’t exhibit those socialized behaviors.
I thought it was interesting to read about the sources of rules. I did know some of them, such as government, culture, family traditions, and many of the others mentioned. However, I still thought it was interesting because I often forget how those sources of rules have an impact on the types of behaviors I emit, especially the verbal antecedents. I like the little boxes with the examples of different verbal antecedents followed by the behavior and consequence. Seeing those really helped me get a better picture and understanding of rule governed behavior that is verbal.
I also really like reading about how getting organized is supposed to help us increase efficiency. It’s so crazy to think that people will read something they’re told will work, and then just up and adopt it because some sort of expert told us to.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t find anything in this section uninteresting. It was short and sweet but still very informative.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had previously learned that some religions have certain rules that people have to adhere to. Some religions don’t allow you to participate in a certain event, marry certain people, or eat some types of food. That is a rule of the religion, and because you choose to practice that religion it means you should follow it.
I had also learned, just from everyday life, that people deviate from certain rules because they know they won’t get in trouble. The biggest thing that comes to my mind when I think of that is speeding. The speed limit might by 55 mph, with going 5 mph over acceptable, but many people I encounter going 5 over is still just not fast enough. So they go like 8mph over because they don’t think they will get punished for it. It’s very irritating when people act in that type of way, but since they don’t get punished for it once, they continue to emit it.
A third thing I had previously known is how deadlines can function as rules governing behavior, because they do just that; govern behavior. They elicit us to act in certain ways depending on the deadline and what we need to have done by that time. Depending on if we do accomplish that or not, will determine if the consequence is desirable or undesirable.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
What thing that relates to my life is the use of signs as rule governed behavior. I have seen many signs that function as an antecedent and spell out the consequence, which is can be beneficial to know. Sometimes if we are just told not to do something without being told the consequence, it peaks our interest and we are more tempted to try it, which isn’t always good. I know I have seen signs that just tell me not to do something, but don’t say the why, which makes me want to try it even more so I can find out.
Another thing I can relate to my life is how rules sometimes develop from the contingencies we are under. I also have developed a “rule” so to speak, about certain things; such as driving on a part of the gravel road close to our house. There is one curve you go around where you always fishtail a little just because of how it is curved and always being covered in loose gravel, so you have to slow way down, like 15 mph or risk ending up in the ditch. So every time someone I know is going to be going that way, I tell them to slow way down there so they don’t fishtail out of control.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought it was very interesting to read more about recording the ABC’s of a behavior to get a baseline, to then conduct a functional assessment. Before we started talking about getting a baseline of our behavior I had never realized that that is the first step if you are wanting to change a behavior. I didn’t realize the importance of those recordings and observations until now, and now that I do I realize why it was so hard to change a behavior in the past. I also didn’t realize how complex it all was either, until taking this class.
I also found it fascinating to read about the steps involved in a behavior modification process and how to evaluate how effective an intervention was. I had no idea there were so many steps! It’s interesting but also very true how it often takes more than one hypothesis or one trial to get it right when trying to change a behavior. I liked how this section tied everything together regarding the function or topography of a behavior, as well as the antecedents and consequences.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found this to be a very informative section, and as I mentioned above, I liked how it tied in much of what we’ve learned about behavior so far. It was helpful to see them all in the same context.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I learned before about direct and indirect assessment, although not with those exact terms. I had known that you could observe information yourself, or directly, but also that you can gather information from other sources about that person’s behavior. It’s better to record the behavior as close to it happening as possible because that is when it is most reliable. The longer you wait to record the behavior and the ABC’s, the easier it is to overlook some important details.
In a previous section for this class, I had learned about baseline measurement. A baseline measurement is when you observe the behavior and take note of it without intervention. That baseline is what helps you begin a functional assessment. The more detailed you are when recording the behavior and the ABC’s in for that baseline, the better you will be able to begin to devise a hypothesis for your assessment.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing I can relate to my life is the use of direct assessment. I am/have used that on myself when observing and recording the behavior I’m hoping to assess and change. The observations I am making are under naturally occurring conditions, and as soon as I notice the behavior has occurred I make sure to record it and the ABC’s of it as detailed as possible so they can be of further use to me.
Another thing I can relate to my life is how dynamic the behavior modification process is. I know it will probably take me more than once to be successful in changing my target behavior. But, the more details and observations I keep track of, the better off I am because I will be able to use them to help me implement different hypotheses.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections have again continued to influence me in a positive way and show me how complicated and in-depth behavior really is. Every section I read I learn more about a part of behavior, so many of which I didn’t even know existed. It’s so fascinating to learn the actual terms and details about different aspects of behavior that I had noticed growing up, but didn’t actually understand it. But now I am beginning to understand it and it’s fun for me to make connections to what I’ve learned and some things I see in everyday life.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Reducing emotional/binge/bored eating behaviors when I am not hungry and in-between meals.
Day 1 =3
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =3
Day 5 =1
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =2
Average =2.14 times per day that I engaged in the eating behavior
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? A functional analysis would look like: target behavior: Reducing emotional/binge/bored eating behaviors when I am not hungry and in-between meals to zero times per day, which makes me feel awful physically and mentally. The consequence for achieving the target behavior, however, is a reward of Quest Bars, which are expensive and would therefore feel like a treat, and make me more likely to want to work towards that consequence. The antecedents to the behavior are baking when I’m alone, being alone in the apartment, and having a lot to do and wanting to procrastinate it. It would look like in ABC format for my current behavior: A-being alone, baking desserts while alone, trying to avoid homework
B-eating even though not hungry, eating too much
C-feeling crappy
The new antecedents could be baking while in the company of a friend, keeping gum on my desk so I grab that instead of food. The new consequence of that is reducing the behavior and therefore I can reward myself with Quest bars. I will be able to evaluate the outcome at the end of this project.
I am also using direct assessment with this because I am recording my own behavior in a journal and observing the antecedents and anything else around me.
11) Terms: positive, dynamic, target behavior, hypothesis, direct assessment, ABC’s, baseline measurement, functional assessment, indirect assessment, intervention, topography, function, antecedent, consequence, contingencies, rule governed behavior, elicit, desirable, undesirable, punished, deviate, emit
1) I like how simple the idea of rule governed behavior is. It’s very easy to understand. The antecedent can be an action that you partake in. The behavior will be carrying out this action, and then there will be a consequence for this action (behavior).
2) I didn’t like the example about incest, because incest is gross. I don’t think it’s a great example of rule governed behavior. I think incest is fundamentally unacceptable by society, but that doesn’t mean its rule governed. It’s naturally unacceptable.
3) Rule governed behavior relates closely to everything we have already learned, but there is more of an emphasis on societal accepted behavior, social norms, and avoidance of breaking laws that are punishable.
1.) Well.. I know that incest is bad. I have no desire to interact sexually with any of my family members.
2.) Also, I don’t break the law, because I don’t want to go to prison, or get fined.
5) I really found the example about flipping people off interesting, because I have done that before. I didn’t know why I was doing it at the time. It didn’t help my situation (unless you count emotional release). It was basically a pointless gesture that did nothing to change the other persons driving.
6) The introduction was pretty much an exact summary of this course, and the steps we take to modify behavior. It was a very simple version. It just added another step onto the end (the step involving including a functional assessment of the behavior). It’s not that I didn’t find it interesting, but it was a repetitive inclusion of pertinent information that I already know.
7) Like I said in question two this passage involves everything we’ve already learned of behavior modification and then adds the functional assessment onto the end. The functional assessment basically takes all information pertaining to the target behavior, antecedent, and consequences into account to build an understanding of what steps must be taken to correct the behavior.
8) I have flipped people off for their poor driving skills before. The passage provides getting on the freeway as an example of when people might do this, but it can happen anywhere really. It doesn’t make any sense to flip someone off in another car. It can produce no positive consequences, besides to express distress or anger. It is a pointless gesture.
9) Reading these sections has given me a further understanding of behavior modification. The addition functional assessment of behaviors provides a more complete understanding of antecedents, and consequences.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1- Sunday = $0
Day 2- Monday = $0
Day 3 = Tuesday = $0
Day 4 = Wednesday= $10
Day 5 = Thursday = $15
Day 6 = Friday = Party bus… data unclear $30+
Day 7 = Saturday= $5
Total= $60+
10b) Spend less money on alcohol each week
10c) Just recording the amount of money I spend is a factor in reinforcing me to spend less money
Functional Assessment, behavior modification, rule governed behavior, antecedent, consequence, social norms, avoidance, emotional release.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The information that efficiency experts say to only do certain things a specific amount of times in a day. It makes sense but I had not thought of it before. Being more interested in I/O psych it was an interesting read.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Sources of rules. I am more interested in what rules are instead of where they were coming from. If rules are governing behavior I am interesting in what the rules are and less than where they are coming from in the context of this reading.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
ABC’s of behavior are revisited which are brought up multiple times in this class.
Deadlines are important in goal setting in different psych and business classes I have been in.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Living under a government, rules have been set and I have used them to influence behavior.
I set goals and have to set deadlines for them because they are effectively in making me achieve the goal.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Functional assessment: I thought that looking at what the person is trying to accomplish with a behavior and the circumstances of them was interesting and important to modifying a behavior.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Looking at the steps that involve behavior modification, I am not sure if I just find the core of the class not interesting or if I just do not like to go over the same material over again but I thought the first section in looking at the steps of behavior modification to not be interesting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
First three steps of the behavior modification process was from different readings in this class.
Some thinking about function of a behavior was discussed in previous readings.
Some direct and indirect assessment techniques were talked about in research methods
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can think about functions of my behavior and what I can do to have an intervention. For example I drink too much soda for its caffeine content from being tired and dependent on it. I can try to modify my sleep schedule and use different healthier caffeine sources.
My friends smokes tobacco and I can try to understand the function of it to try and help him stop and make changes to help him do so.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section strengthen previously held ideas that I have about behavior modification and expanded some. It reiterated the importance of the ABC’s to understanding the modification of behavior. It also expanded understanding the functions of behavior and how you can use it to help modify behavior.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2 miles
Day 2 =0 miles
Day 3 = 0 miles
Day 4 = 2 miles
Day 5 = 0 miles
Day 6 = 0 miles
Day 7 =0 miles
Average = .57 niles
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Function of exercise for me is to be less tired, lose weight so I fit and look better into my clothes, strengthen core to alleviate back problems.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
function, ABC’s, efficiency, rules, rule governed behavior, behavior modification, goals, deadlines, functional assessment, direct assessment, indirect assessment.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One thing that this section talked a lot about was rules that were governed by others. It really started to get me thinking about all the daily rules that we follow that we don’t even realize we are doing.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
This section was pretty straight forward covering much of what we had previously known about.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In this section, we talked about rules in our every day lives. This isn’t something we have previously discussed in this class but it is something that we all know that we have to do. If you’re like me, this section brought to light how many different rules there are that we follow each and every day.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that this section talked a lot about was organization. This can be applied to life by applying organizational goals. One goal I always have for myself is before I go to bed each night, clean up my room. Another thing from this section that can be applied back to life is governed rules. It’s something we don’t realize how often we follow until we start to think about it.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One thing that was interesting was going back over and discovering more steps in modifying a behavior.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I enjoyed this section, we discussed a lot about modifying behaviors, something I always find very interesting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One thing we discussed previously is the variety of steps involved in behavior modification. This is something that I always like talking about because I find the idea of modifying others behavior very interesting.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that can relate to my life is an indirect assessment. I have had a variety of interviews and such but I also feel I use this sort of thing on people to asses how they are feeling without directly asking them. The other thing is a direct assessment. I think this is something that I also use regularly to help me asses how someone is feeling about something.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These two sections broadened my horizons on behavior modification and the places you can take it. I love how it can be applied to something outside of class.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 6,807 steps
Day 2 = 13,624 steps
Day 3 = 14, 819 steps
Day 4 = 9,156 steps
Day 5 = 7,164 steps
Day 6 = 21, 261 steps
Day 7 = 4,217 steps
Average =11, 006 steps per day
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
It could go back to losing weight. If I am able to reach enough steps each day, it could help me at my goal. The other thing could be is it may make me to feel healthier.
Terms used: Organization, goal, behavior modification, indirect assessment, direct assessment, and functional analysis.
5.2 Questions
1) The idea of rule governed behavior interested me because I think it is weird to think about how deeply rooted norms, morals, and ethical values are in our society. Many of them do not need to be told to us we just kind of know them by living life, and the example in the reading of the seven year old boy knowing family members cannot have babies together shows this.
2) This section on rule governed behavior was rather short, so it was hard to find anything that was not interesting. However, if I had to choose a part that was the least interesting to read about it would probably be "Get Organized - Increase Efficiency." I found this section to be the least interesting probably because it just seemed like common sense; yes, we all do things because we develop habits in certain environments and take on the advice of people more knowledgeable than ourselves.
3) This section can be related back to what we have learned previously because I think rule governed behavior exists because society constantly is reinforcing and punishing behavior. If people were no punished or reinforced consistently for the behaviors the emitted then norms, morals, and ethical standards would not have developed.
4) I can relate to the sources of rules because when I was in high school I had a friend who was a German exchange student, and she said going to school here was much different than in Germany. There were many differences between the outlook on young adults drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and how their school day went. The rules many Americans have on these things were much more strict than the German outlook.
Another thing that can relate to my life is just knowing something with out really having to be told. Such as, you do not just go out in public naked and walk around. You have to put on clothes first before going out.
5.3 Questions
5) The most interesting part of this reading for me was learning the difference between direct assessment and indirect assessment. I found this interesting just because I had never really thought of it before, and I like learning new things.
6) I found this reading pretty dry in general, but the thing I found the least interesting to read about were all the examples about how different behaviors serve different functions. I just felt like it was overkill, and not very interesting to read about.
7) This relates to what we have covered so far in this class because we have discussed baseline information, we have discussed topographies, and we have talked about how to identify target behaviors/consequences/antecedents.
8) Once thing that relates to my life in this reading was the part about eating serving many functions for me. I am a person who loves food, so I tend to eat more often than the average person. I love baking food because it is fun, and then I eat it so it serves the function of fulfilling a hobby, I eat when I am hungry, I tend to eat when I am stressed, and I think it is fun to go out to new places with friends to try new food.
Another thing that can relate to my life is growing up I was definitely reinforced for behavior that my parents did not want. For instance, I learned the power of persuasion when I was very young with my grandparents and whenever I slept over there I could convince them to stay up late to watch TV, and my grandma would always give me a brownie before I went to sleep. So when I was at home I was not allowed to do these things, but my grandma kind of reinforced my whiny behaviors whenever I was at her house so I would keep doing it.
9) Reading this section did not bring too much more insight than what I already knew from this class, and things I knew outside of it. It just reiterates how much work goes into modifying a behavior.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = No exercise Day 2 = No exercise Day 3 = No exercise Day 4 = No exercise Day 5 = Did cardio for 2 hours Day 6 = Did cardio for 2 hours Day 7 = Did cardio for 1 hour Average = 43 minutes per day
10c) The functional analysis of my behavior would be a direct analysis because I would be observing this behavior as it is happening. I would not need it to be indirect to keep track of how often I am working out.
Terms: rule governed behavior, reinforcing, punishing, behavior, punished, reinforced, sources of rules, functional analysis, direct analysis, target behaviors, consequences, antecedents
1. I found that rule governed behavior was fairly interesting to learn about because it is something that everyone knows what it is, but now there is a term do label it. I really liked the example that described because it helped me fully understand what it is and how it can be applied to my life. This term is very interesting to see how it plays out in other instances, especially when an individual is somewhat socially awkward or has not gotten the memo yet.
2. I honestly liked reading this section, I found everything interesting and very relatable. The only thing that I found somewhat confusing though, was sources of rules. It’s not that I didn’t like it, it was just the least interesting and most confusing for me in this section.
3. In previous sections we have talked about and learned about antecedents. In this section though, it went more into depth and applied an antecedent to situations I have never thought of applying it too. I thought it was interesting to see how an antecedent can be applied to rule govern behavior and sources of rules. This was just something new to learn about and I was able to apply it to different situations.
4. One thing that I can apply to my life is antecedent, behavior, and consequence. This happens in any situation because no matter what we do there is always an antecedent, behavior, and consequence, no matter what we do the end result is a consequence of that behavior that was all started by an antecedent.
5. I really liked going over the functions of different situations because it helped me understand more in depth what the function of something actually means. I find this the most interesting because I finally really understand what this means and can apply it to my everyday life, which is definitely important component for me in order to learn material.
6. I didn’t find anything that wasn’t interesting to me in this section. All the information was either new or if the information was already previously talked about it had a different twist to the old information. This was probably one of my favorite sections to read because it had a lot of information and I actually understood everything that was stated in the reading.
7. In previous sections we have touched on the topic of what a baseline is, and in this section it went more in depth of what a baseline really is. The baseline is used to determine changes due to the experimentation. The baseline is essential for an experiment because without it the experimenters wouldn’t know where to start at.
8. In most of my psychology classes I have taken we have talked about experimenting. Experimenting, especially in the clinical area of psychology, is a key component in research, this is because without experimenting we wouldn’t get any new information and psychology as a whole would be at a standstill.
9. I don’t think these sections have really influenced my life, but they have definitely given more of an outlook on what exactly different concepts mean and how I can apply them to my life.
10. Day 1= 3 hrs
Day 2= 3hrs
Day 3= 2hrs
Day 4=3hrs
Day 5= 4hrs
Day 6= 3hrs
Day 7= 4hrs
10.c. This would look like me taking time out of my day to study more and reinforcing myself with study breaks more often.
Terms: rule governed behavior, sources of rules, antecedents, behavior, consequence, function, baseline, experimenting, functional analysis, reinforce, target behavior.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found interesting is that there are rule governed behaviors that done even have to be taught or talked about to be known and emitted (or not emitted). The whole idea of rule governed behaviors is simple and we don't have to think in depth of why we have to follow them. The behaviors tend to elicit "naturally". The only time we would think about rule governed behaviors is when we travel to another country because they might have different rules and norms compared to ours.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- There was nothing I found uninteresting because the section was relatable. We follow rules and behave certain ways because of how our society views things.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- This section relates to the our past readings and it gives a good example of antecedents that will predict our behaviors and consequences. It gave us a further explanation about how certain discriminative stimuli will elicit behaviors and end in different consequences depending on that behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I related to the concept that rule governed behaviors don't have to be taught to be understood. My parents never had to tell me that stealing was bad or had to scold me for stealing things because I always knew that taking things without permission was bad. Deadlines are very important to me because I hate turning in late work. So the fact that some things have a deadline, that definitely affects my behavior because I know the consequence.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
- What I found interesting is that during this whole semester, we have been going through a journey of modifying a behavior step by step. And that the next step is functional analysis. I think this step is super important because it is a reflection of how often you emit the behavior and what the surroundings are during that behavior. That is the most important part, in my opinion, of changing a behavior. We need to be able to learn everything about it so that we can increase/decrease that behavior efficiently.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
- I liked the whole section because it relates directly to our project since this is the step that are currently are in. I believe this step is really crucial and this section explained it easily and in depth.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
- The only thing I already knew from this section was to keep a behavioral diary to record whenever the behavior happened.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
- I related to this section because in the past I've seen my mom record whenever she emitted her desired behavior, which was to decrease how much pop she consumed every day. It really did help her, but she did eventually stop because she would get busy and slowly she stopped modifying the behavior. This showed me how important it is to record the target behaviors right away in a convenient manner. Another thing I related to was giving the finger to another driver while going to class. I was reinforced because the driver slowed down and quit driving so closely to my car.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
- These sections have given me more information for how to continue with my behavioral change project. Modifying a behavior is more than just starting to do something. It's a process that can be changed over time and it is hard work.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 25.35 oz
Day 2 = 50.7 oz
Day 3 = 50.7 oz
Day 4 = 42.25 oz
Day 5 = 76.05 oz
Day 6 = 53.8 oz
Day 7 = 50.7 oz
Average = 49.93 oz
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
- I'm going to use direct assessment as my functional analysis method by writing down every time I finish a drink no matter what. My goal is still to drinking 2 liters of anything (water, milk, juice, nothing bad) every day of the week.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
- Rule governed behaviors, emitted, elicit, antecedents, behaviors, consequences, discriminative stimuli, deadlines, modifying, functional analysis, behavioral diary, target behaviors, reinforced, direct assessment
Section 5.2
1. What did you find interesting in this section? Why?
I felt that it was interesting to think about rule governed behavior. I found this interesting because societal rules and laws really are things that really guide and direct (most of) our behaviors. I think this is important to think about because these rules, laws, norms, etc., really are a big driving force behind behaviors we either will or will not emit. However, there are also many people who are defiant and whose behaviors are not persuaded by consequences even when knowing what they may be.
2. What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn't really find anything uninteresting in this section. I felt it was a pretty easy read with good examples. Some of it was a little review just because it touched on the basic concepts of the ABC's.
3. How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section wasn't new to me because I've taken this class once before so all of this information was essentially review to me. It does help to better understand the information to read it again.
4. Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that this relates to my life is the fact that I would consider myself to be a law-abiding citizen. Laws are definitely things that would deter me from emitting behaviors that could potentially get me into legal trouble. Laws are considered rule governed behavior. However, there are things I don't always follow. I don't always follow the speed limit, for example. In fact, I rarely abide by the speed limit and surprisingly I've only ever been pulled over once. But there are bigger things with greater legal consequences that certainly play a role in deterring me from emitting behaviors.
Another good example of a rule governed behavior that I think plays a role for a lot of college students is the concept of plagiarism. College is one of the things in life that people have to work really hard to accomplish. This being said, after all the time, energy and money you put into college, it simply isn't worth it to plagiarize. But, every single syllabus we'll ever receive in college has the section on plagiarism and the consequences which are all pretty severe consequences. For me, I also don't cheat because I know the difference between right and wrong and I understand the value of earning your grade by doing the work, but I know there are times where students (including myself) would love for it to be easy enough to just take someone else's work.
Section 5.3
5. What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found it interesting to read about how changes can be implemented during the behavior modification process. I found this interesting to think about because what may start off as a good reinforcer may not be realistic down the road as one starts to accomplish the target behavior more and more. The reinforcer may not be financially or healthily realistic, so this may need to be changed.
6. What did you find least interesting in this section? Why?
I didn't really find anything uninteresting in this section. The first chunk of it seemed to be review though, so that was a little redundant. But overall, I felt this section had some useful information.
7.How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section was ultimately review for me since I've taken this class before. However, reading it this time around has helped to strengthen my understanding of it.
8. Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way this has related to my life has been because I've had to change my reinforcer before because it wasn't realistic. For example, a year or two ago, I was trying to stop drinking soda. My strategy was to make myself drink a bottled water before I drank a pop and if I drank the water, I could have a can of soda. The idea was that the water would satisfy my thirst and help me to ween off the soda pop. What ended up happening was that I was still having a can of soda after I would drink a bottle of water, so it increased the amount of water I was drinking, but it wasn't decreasing the amount of soda I drank. So, I ended up choosing a different drinking alternative which was water with crystal lite mixed in so that I could have something with taste and that did help me to drink less pop.
Another way this relates to my life was that I went through a phase a little less than a year ago where I'd let myself get something new with every paycheck. This generally consisted of a clothing item. With every new paycheck, I would let myself get myself one nice thing. It was kind of my way of rewarding myself for working hard and earning money. However, it quickly turned into me buying myself almost a new wardrobe with every paycheck. This became super financially draining and unrealistic. So, I had to cut down and my way of doing this was to literally pull out cash with every paycheck and that cash was the only amount I could spend on clothing. This is another example of how I've had to make tweaks to my behaviors.
9. How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification?
These sections haven't changed what I originally thought about bmod because, as I've said, I took this class previously. These sections certainly do strengthen my appreciation for how much work really goes into behavior modification. It helps me to realize it's not so simple.
10a.) My goal (I had to narrow it down) was to spend an hour everyday doing something for me. I realized this would probably be too broad to measure. So, I changed it to spend an hour everyday meditating, which for me is listening to yoga radio on pandora and lighting candles in my room and either shutting my phone off or putting it on silent. The reinforcement for me is more of a natural reinforcer of being able to be calm and relaxed because my anxiety has been insane lately, but I've also decided to reinforce myself with a piece of my favorite chocolate for everyday I do this. So, I figure that the consequence of not slowing down will be feeling sick because of my anxiety.
Day1 = 0 minutes
Day2 = 30 minutes
Day3 = 1 hour
Day4 = 30 minutes
Day5 = 0 minutes
Day6 = 0 minutes
Day7 = 1.5 hours.
Average =3.5 hours
TERMS: Behavior Modification Process, Laws, Rules, Rule governed behavior, emit, reinforcer, punishment, consequence.
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Finally having a name for social norms: rule governed behavior. This is when you either emit or intentionally not emit a behavior because you are adhering to rules that you just know without needing reinforcement or punishment.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It wasn’t necessarily not interesting, but it was weird to read about it being a behavior we all adhere to, to not take part in incest. Obviously that is true, but it is just awkward to think about.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section changed things a bit by talking about a behavior that isn’t learned through punishment or reinforcement, unlike almost everything else we have been learning about so far.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
We can better understand why it is that we adhere to “social norms” so much. It is a rule governed behavior. Sometimes it is because we really want to contribute to society by following its rules, or for some other reason such as religion.
We also learned about where these rules come from, such as society, the government, our family, etc. This can help us in understanding and maybe either accepting rules we didn’t like or helping us get over them if we don’t want to accept them.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I liked reading about functional assessment and functional analysis because it is showing us deeper applications to what we have been learning all semester.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
It was kind of boring to read about whether a functional analysis is direct (observing behaviors while they occur) or indirect (gathering information about the behavior) because it felt like it just dragged on.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section taught us how to look at the information we gather when looking at a behavior, either from direct or indirect means, and how to make an assessment about what is causing that behavior and/or what is causing it to continue.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
We learned how to gather functional analysis through observation (direct assessment). This will be helpful with modifying our own behavior.
We also learned how to gather information through gathering 2nd hand information (indirect assessment). This will helpful when trying to assist someone else in modifying their behavior.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has reinforced further about what we have been learning and it going further in showing us how to apply it to actually changing behavior, and I like that a lot because I have a few bad habits I need to change.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 4
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 3
Day 4 = 5
Day 5 = 3.5
Day 6 = 2
Day 7 = 4
Average = 3.7
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I have noticed that Pepsi helps me feel alert and feel good (not drowsy, not irritable, no headache)
A = Feeling one or more of the things listed above
B= Drinks Pepsi
C= No longer feels that (those) thing(s), and instead feels awake and clear headed
This means that Pepsi making me feel good and taking away the bad things is reinforcing my behavior of drinking a lot of it.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Rule governed behavior, reinforcement, punishment, emit, adhere, behavior, functional assessment, functional analysis, direct assessment, indirect assessment
Section 5.2 & Section 5.3
1. I found interesting the whole section because it was short and concise. I agree with the fact that everybody is aware of rule governed behaviors and they can also be very different depending on the country. It was very interesting to read about how the deadlines can influence us in order to emit a behavior with the signs examples.
2. There is not much that I can’t find interesting in this section because it was very short and interesting, but if I had to say something I would say there were too many example for something that in my opinion is easy to understand since we are familiar with these types of rules.
3. I found this section related to the superstitious behaviors because those behaviors are the ones that people emit without realizing and because they are told not to (when living in a superstitious culture). I think that rule governed behavior may work a little bit in the same as them.
4. I can relate myself to many rules mentioned in the section, like members of the same family can’t be together, because we are told that since we are really young. Also I have experienced knowing where the cops put speeding controls and I always slowdown in those parts of town, which means that I change my driving-fast behavior because I know what the consequence can be if I don’t.
5. I found interesting this section about the functional assessment of the behavior because it is important to examine our ABCs in the process of behavior modification in order to be successful. I liked how it is important to change our target behaviors if they are not specific enough and how this is part of a good dynamic behavior modification program.
6. This section was again a little repetitive with information that we have already seen in previous sections and there were a lot of examples to complete which sometimes they can take a long time to think of.
7. This section tells us about the next steps we need to take in order to complete a behavior modification process, so the information in previous sections is indispensable for this one.
8. I think I would relate to myself some of the examples giving in this section like cutting the f word because there was a time in my teenager years that I used to curse a lot and it was just not nice. At the same time giving the middle finger is something really common in Spain but not as much in a bad way, but just joking around with your friends.
9. In my opinion these two sections continued the same line that we have followed this semester in order to be able to change a target behavior. It is important to have a baseline and identify the right behavior so we can know how to correctly reinforce it (increase) or punish it or extinguish it (decrease).
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 1 time
Day 2 =1 time
Day 3 =0 times
Day 4 =1 time
Day 5 =0 times
Day 6 =0 times
Day 7 =2 times
Average = 0.71 times
These are the times that I have eaten a healthy food (either a vegetable at a meal or fruit as a snack).
10c. It would be a direct assessment of functional analysis of behavior since I have been observing myself and recording my behavior. This behavior is well-chosen for this task since it is easy to keep track of it because every time I eat a healthy food I note it in my phone. I would also have to note what the circumstances are in which the behavior develops; for example what was the other food I ate the healthy one with, or what I did right before eating that one.
Rule governed behavior, deadlines, behavior, rules, emit, consequence, superstitious behaviors, functional assessment of the behavior, ABCs, behavior modification, behavior modification program, target behavior, reinforce, punish, extinguish, increase, decrease, direct assessment, circumstances.
1) I thought it was interesting how rule governed behaviors are so common in our society. I think this is interesting because most people find some rules as just "socially acceptable" or morally acceptable to themselves. For instance, wearing nice clothes to church is just "the right thing to do" when really, God accepts anyone (just an example, not trying to offend anyone). Just in thought here, but I think it is interesting how some rule governed behaviors are now changing. For example, being gay used to be shunned against, and now, it is becoming more and more accepted in our society without as many consequences.
2) I didn't think anything wasn't interesting because this is a new topic for me and I directly am linked to it because I am part of a society and I have rule governed behaviors that I follow also.
3) I subconsciously knew that there were these "rules" that people follow in society, whether they are society-based or the law, but I didn't exactly knew the correct scientific name for it. So through experience, I have encountered rule governed behaviors and emitted some myself.
4) I am my own source of rules to a degree. There are some rule governed behaviors I create myself such as always wear your glasses while driving in the dark. I created this rule myself because it is dangerous for me and others when I am not wearing my glasses while I drive in the dark. Another way this section relates to me is that I stay organized and efficient by having the rule governed behavior of always putting my pencils and pens in the same holder in my backpack. I do this because I know where they are at when I need to use one, instead of scrambling around trying to find one.
5) I thought the steps involved in behavior modification were interesting because they can be used in everyday life and goals. The steps are identifying the target behavior, describe the consequences, determined the antecedents, conduct a functional assessment, create new antecedents and consequences, evaluate the outcome.
6) I really don't like reading about topographies and functions.. It's not that it isn't something I want to learn about, I just feel it is dry, so that is what I find was the least interesting in this section.
7) This section discussed the process of behavior modification which we have discussed in earlier sections. It also discussed how behaviors can be organized by their topographies and functions. And this section discussed behavioral diaries, which was mentioned in earlier sections.
8) The part about direct assessment relates to my life in that I video recorded my sister while she was angry multiple times to show her how she behaves when angry. I would look at the antecedent to why she would become upset and the video would help her realize how she could change this behavior. Another way this section relates to my life is that I am currently trying to change my target behavior of looking at Facebook for more than 40 minutes a day. This consists of using the steps in behavior modification.
9) Behavior modification isn't very complicated, but there are specific steps and a process to go through for success.
10a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 102
Day 2 = 80
Day 3 = 23
Day 4 = 64
Day 5 = 52
Day 6 = 81
Day 7 = 55
Average = 65.29 minutes/day
This is recorded in minutes spent on Facebook.
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) Well, I would make a hypothesis of what I expect from modifying my target behavior including the ABCs. Once I develop a hypothesis, it becomes a basis for my future intervention to decrease my time on Facebook.
11) Terms: rule governed behavior, emitted, consequences, source of rules, efficient, antecedent, functional assessment, behavior modification, topography, functions, behavioral diary, direct assessment, target behavior, hypothesis, intervention
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I felt like this chapter was a little shorter than most of them, but some points I found to be interesting is the examples of Rule governed behavior, like incest or running stop lights (though I find it impossible to have those in the same category)
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I don’t think anything was uninteresting because there wasn’t much content so it was a pretty easy read. If anything, I would say that the diagrams were super simple so that was real exciting
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I think this was all new information in a way. A lot of this I already knew naturally but didn’t have a name for it besides learning and choosing between morally/legal situations.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One would be that I know on the road to my apartment there is always a cop sitting and waiting, because I was pulled over by him once before so I know to go slow and look super focused. Another situation I could relate to is the “sources of rules” because I have gone a lot of places where the rules were different. It’s good to know who set those rules so that you can determine a punishment beforehand if it isn’t clearly stated.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I like reading about the steps you have to take when changing a behavior, but its interesting that we need to remind ourselves and observe what actions we emit and the outcomes based on it. I realize why people so often fail at changing behaviors. If you don’t keep track of your progress you may not notice flaws or feel that youre doing that great of a job anyway. I really didn’t think there would be so many steps to a successful behavior change, but I have also never had an experience where I seriously needed to make a lifestyle change or the consquences would be more than I could handle.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did find this section to be really interesting. A few times I caught myself having to go back and reread a sentence because I didn’t understand it right away but I think its just because my vocabulary is growing and I have to remind myself of what things mean.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
We have already talked about steps 1-3 previously in class but a lot of this content was newer information. I have also learned about finding baselines before but maybe not exactly for changing a behavior, just to measure it. Like to help prove to someone that you do something less than they think you do.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
On page 10 one of the examples is wanting to get an A in a class vs. a B. Recently I decided I wasn’t happy with the scores I get in two of my classes so I decided to take an extra hour everyday to study for those classes. By changing the target behavior I had to add reinforcemts for myself so that I would stay on track. I would also say that making a hypothesis about why we do certain behaviors relates to me as well. For example, I know that I often shop when I am feeling down. The exciting feeling of finding something I like and getting to wear something new makes me temporarily feel better. Yet when I am feeling down and I go shopping and don’t find anything that I want, I feel more upset when leaving because I didn’t get that satisfaction. It’s a terrible cycle but I at least know when I think “go shopping…” I can try to convince myself to do something that will give me the same feeling without buying something.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has not changed my perception of behavior modification but every week I feel that there is more and more to changing a behavior than to just stop or start doing it. Habits are much harder to break than I imagined at first, espeicially when it comes to addictions and substances.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Due to it being the amount of money I spend randomly shopping per week, there will only really be one number because I start counting Monday-Sunday. Last week I spent a total of 189$ on fast food and buying clothes and shoes that I didn’t really need…
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
I think for next week I am going to try to limit spending and not spend over 140$.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Target behavior: Limit the amount of emotional/impulse buying to only maybe 30$ a week in random spending money. If I can do that, then I will reward myself after a month of only spending 30 a week and allow myself to get something a little more expensive at the end if I really need/want it. That way I give myself the whole month to think about it as well. That was the consequence will be saving money and not having so much junk.
10) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Hypothesis, baseline, rule governed behavior, behavior, consequence, emit, modification
Please go to the following blog page:
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of section 5.2 to me was the beginning section on rule governed behavior. The reason rule governed behavior was interesting to me was because the emitted behavior based on socialization reminded me a lot of high school. People would always do things just to fit it, everyone got split into different categories based on what behaviors they emitted and what behaviors they didn’t emit. Splitting them up between rules you just avoid and rules you must follow as restrictions for something (like in the relationship with family members and the religious belief example) really helped me get a better grip on what was meant by rule governed behavior. When I first saw it I only thought of rules you had to follow by the law.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of section 5.2 was on getting organized. The reason this was my least interesting section was because there wasn’t really much to choose from. I found it useful as I am not a very organized person but I didn’t know what to put down and the rule governed behavior section kept my interest a little better.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The section I read relates to what I already knew because of the sources of rule. The sources of rule have to do with where the rule comes from. Any time there is a rule, you are expected to know it, saying “I didn’t know” won’t get you out of a speeding ticket, and it also won’t get you out of the criticism you get from going on a date with your cousin. We are expected to know what is right and wrong already.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This section relates to my life because of rule governed behavior. Rule governed behavior was how I made my friends and found out who I fit in with in high school. What sport I did, what classes I took, even bringing lunch on the some days helped me fit in with people who have the same behaviors as me. Another way it relates to my life is by organization. The chapter had many different tips and tricks that I need to work on and I can try out. Even if they don’t work, I still will appreciate them because it is something I struggle with constantly without finding a resolution.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part in this section was how open it was. There are not many other classes that will talk about giving the finger or dropping the f bomb. I agree that Iowa is more friendly so I would like to see one of the less friendly states handles the roads and how often I run into an angry driver.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part in section 5.3 was the functions of eating. I didn’t find much interest in why we eat as it seems pretty upfront. We do it to not be hungry for the most part, or we do it to be social.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
One way this section related to me was the caffeine. I already knew that caffeine could be found in many other things. I have looked into a lot of the studies and research on caffeine just because of how I almost need it to start my day. I get mild headaches and feel off when I don’t have it.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life in this section is lowering expectations on grades. I am getting to the point where I can probably stop telling myself I will be getting straight A’s this semester and I should learn to not set the bar so high this next semester so I will not be as disappointed at the halfway point. Another way it relates is the caffeine example. As I said earlier, caffeine is one of my addictions. I don’t see it as a problem, I just see it as a good way to start my day. I could probably use some kind of change like the girl in the example though.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sectioned changed how I think about behavior modification by making it more diverse. I would put things like rule governed behaviors into the same categories as “rules you should follow” without thinking twice about it. I don’t think about the rules that are up without talking about it just to avoid the social backlash.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = workout 1 hour
Day 2 = no workout
Day 3 = workout 1 hour
Day 4 = no workout
Day 5 = no workout
Day 6 = workout 1 hour
Day 7 = workout 1 hour
Average =4 out of 7 days
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
I ordered a pizza last night, so I will put that down as going out to eat.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The functions of working out more often could be to look better, to be healthier, be able to eat worse, get stronger, and to reduce stress
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Emit, functional analysis, rule governed behavior, behavior, function,
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The part that caught my attention when reading was when the section spoke about how many individuals emit behaviors that go against rules that have already been determined just because they either think or know that they will not be punished.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Listing off the source of rules was the least interesting to me because I already knew what they would be.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section talked about how I previously knew that most of our behaviors are rule governed behaviors by others like the government and society.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Rule governed behaviors can easily be seen in my life as well as others. I know the rules I must follow in order to be safe as work and to keep myself out of trouble. My main source of rules is definitely my family.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to see how much one must tweak in order to be successful in a behavior modification.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part to me was when the section went through the steps involved in the behavior modification process, only because we as a class have talked about it many times.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section reminded me to look more carefully over my behavior that I would like to change and make sure that it is not only manageable but also was is eliciting certain responses out of me.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
A direct assessment relates to myself because that is what I am doing with this project. I am keeping track of my behavior when it happens and writing it down right after.
An indirect assessment relates to me as well because my roommates are aware of this project and have started asking me if I’ve been going to the gym or not. We’ve only done the baseline week but I can tell you it didn’t feel very good to tell them I hadn’t gone to the gym at all.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading these sections this week just reiterates for me how much thought and planning needs to be done in order to successfully modify either my own behavior or someone else’s.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 0
Day 3 = 0
Day 4 = 32
Day 5 = 14
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 0
Average = 6.57
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A: keep workout gear packed and ready to go in my car after work, as well as preworkout if I feel tired or not energetic enough to go
B: workout for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week
C: Able to watch two episodes on Netflix if I reach my goal
11. Terms: rule governed behavior, source of rules, emit, punishment, behavior modification, elicit
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the sections of the reading that covered rule governed behavior and the source of rules most interesting. This interested me because I have always been interested in rules and regulations and the reason they are in place.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting was the section on efficiency. This is important but was less interesting than the other sections of this reading.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This reading relates to previous readings on how behavior is learned. Many of the behaviors such as rule governed behavior are learned in the ways we covered in previous sections.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?rule The government we live under has many rules that we are expected to follow, some more reinforced than others. Another thing is efficiency, I believe there are different definitions to efficiency this comes up at work when one person wants to do something one way and I another way. Both produce the same outcome but I think mine is more efficient.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the idea of the functional assessment interesting because I have always been interested in the reasons as to why a behavior is emitted. All behaviors have a reason.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found rehashing the same information we have covered previously uninteresting.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section seems to bring together a lot of the information we have covered in much of the course so far.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I have always believed that everything we do has a reason as to why we do them. Even if the behavior is random. In life I have like to step back when I get angry and think of why I am expressing this feeling or behavior. This helps me to target the reason and fix the problem.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This has added to the complexity of behavior modification. Each reading adds more and more layers to this subject. It is much more complex than just the ABC’s.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) reducing caloric intake and shift to more balanced diet.
Day 1 =2428 Cal
Day 2 =3420 Cal
Day 3 =2495 Cal
Day 4 =3071 Cal
Day 5 =1415 Cal
Day 6 =2730 Cal
Day 7 =3530 Cal
Average = 2727 Cal
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Reducing my caloric intake to 2000 Cal or less also integrating more balance to my diet.
More than 2000 Cal is unnecessary for my life style and is stored as fat. On days that I am more stressed or are less busy than usually I tend to eat more and consume more junk food.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Terms/ behavior, emit, modification, ABC’s, target behavior.
1) Socialized Maintenance. I liked learning about rule governed behavior because of the maintenance factor. I think about the behaviors that occur in a day to day basis and it turns out that the maintenance of order is the root of it. What really keeps my head turning is learning about the sources of the rules that we have been governed to follow. I think about the idea that rules were made with a socialized concept in that we want the best for our people, but then as you think about the actual rules that are in place, looking mostly at religious affairs, you try and use what we learned in the function assessment piece and it gets gray to its understanding. It’s very cool though when combining the two, maintenance and Social concept, to understand that no matter what the rule is we follow it because of our society, it’s the social surroundings that give us a big influence. When speaking of choices that are medium level consequence, we focus on how society will see us when determining the potential consequences. (not including punishment from legal system in which the legalities hold the biggest merit to our formation of consequences)
2) Deadlines. When looking at this question it’s important to note that its least interested topic, not topic we didn’t like. This just held my interest for a minute or two there isn’t really too much thinking that’s needed to understand this concept. Furthermore to expand on it could be a challenge, as the factors are limited to a deadline and the consequences that result from the deadline. I wanted to learn more about how a threat influences behaviors more than the actual deadline itself. For example the threat for not meeting the deadlines and what factors are in play for meeting it or not meeting it relative to the individual’s privileges, and perspectives.
3) This can relate to topography and functionality. This is because as we do things we need to look at why we do them but at the same time from a social view we need to know what it looks like we are doing to get the desired consequence we want. This is because our society tells us that it is important to gain the support from others but never really facilitates why it is so important, and to what dynamic it should be met. When we talked about how things look the same but functions are different and vice versa, we really opened a door into further analysis where we can find out why behaviors are passed down, and how behaviors have trouble being manipulated in some circumstances.
4) The first thing is the social concept. In my life to this point I moved 8 times (8 different cities not 8 different houses). Some in grade school, middle school, junior high, and now when I am in college. What I began to realize is that society is different when I am in certain areas. Things that were okay and even promoted in Kansas weren’t the same promotions in Iowa. In a sense I changed my topics of interest to gain acceptance. This really goes into me talking with people for specifics. In Kansas as a middle schooler we talked and made references to what I would refer to as ethnic movies. As I came to Iowa as I tried to talk about the ethnic movies I came to realize people didn’t like the movies as much in the town and I had to change what I watched and did to meet the society needs of acceptance, thus followed the social rules path. The next example from my life is driving rules. In Kansas I didn’t learn to drive, I did so in Iowa, but with my family living in Kansas I had to drive back quite frequently. These drives I noticed a couple things. For starters the biggest highway in Iowa that I learned to drive on is a three lane in which the slow lane is in the right hand side and the fast lane on the left, along with that Iowa mostly has exits to the right. In Kansas there is up to 5 lane highways I believe. What I learned here is that the fast lane is actually more in the middle because exits are on either sides. The social driving aspect is completely different and as a subject to society you adapt to these changes in the environment that you are in.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) Indirect assessment. I enjoyed this because it made me think about the questionnaires that we see every day, whether we remember them or not. This peaked my interest because I think about how we can word things to sound different and how we can manipulate an answer that we want. When I look at my baseline there were a couple indirect methods of getting my results. I actually had to interview my roommate and ask him what time I fell asleep. But instead of asking him when I fell asleep I said more of a “I fell asleep at 5 right?” instead of giving him the opportunity to give the actual answer which was more like 5:30. I thought about why I chose to say it the way I did and then I found myself doing a functional assessment on the best way to say certain questions.
6) Direct assessment wasn’t too interesting to me. Its more of the topography behind things, when I really am interested in the functionality behind issues.
7)We learned about the ABC’s and this is right from it. This however isn’t a lesson in how the ABC’s should be looked at but more of a functional view on why the ABC’s are what they are and the hidden messages in between them.
8) First would be my teammates dog, my teammate has a puppy who we keep trying to teach tricks to. What I have come to realize is that he does certain actions more depending on who he is around. I always try and get the dog to lay down, and for the past week I tried the “lie down” command about 75% of the time. When I went over to his house for lunch the dog looked at me with my food and laid down, went over to my buddy evan and placed his palm on his leg, and my buddy Keegan saw that the dog kept turning in a circle when he had food. It was crazy at first but then as I look in the functional assessment of his behavior he chose the behavior that got him the consequence of food, despite the command prompt. Next would be me playing call of duty, I kept dying and couldn’t figure out why. No matter what game mode it was it just seemed that my dying wouldn’t stop. So I had to look at why exactly I was dying, and what was different. After I set my target behavior I came to assessment where I realized that the majority of the people killing me were doing so with snipers and in a result I kept searching out sniper spots and not searching regular infantry spots. After I started just focusing on those infantry spots I found that I didn’t need to venture to other parts of the map where the snipers were at and only died a few times each game from the snipers.
9) Nothing is straight forward and there is always another level to understand and get to. I feel like I got another step closer to looking at how I could use behavior modification. This helps me understand the things that happen in Behavior modification and the process to get and accurate target mesurement
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 108 min
Day 2 =34 min
Day 3 =0
Day 4 = 13 min
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =0
Day 7 =0
Average =22.14 mins
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) Target behavior: Sleeping under 2 hrs a night before midnight but after 3 pm.
Functional theories: Not finishing homework. Using iPad and iPhone while lying in bed. Watching movies before bed. Not tired. Sleep pattern disrupted from work.
Possible rewards: natural reward of more time during the day, I will buy a new video game if I complete
11) ABC’s, Rule governed behavior, social concept, Indirect assessment, Direct assessment, target behavior, topography, functionality.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought that the whole subject of rule governed behavior was interesting. I thought that it was interesting because it is something that most of us follow yet we do not consciously think about it. If we really think about it a lot of our behaviors are rule governed and the source of the rule governed behaviors can come from many different places like law enforcement, parents, society, etc. Thinking about a society without rule governed behaviors would be anarchy, however it would be really nice to be able to yell at my roommate without that violating a social rule governed behavior but I think I would rather live in a place with more order.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part that I found least interesting was the ABC’s examples because they were a little simplified. I think that if they were a little more complex than they could have been applied to more examples than just the very simple ones. It was also a pretty short section as well and maybe could have used a little more information.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what I already knew because we know that we live by the certain rules in society it is more the fact that we do not consciously think that we are obeying them till we deviate from them. I do not really think about speeding and how I am following a rule governed behavior by going the speed limit until I see a cop and they remind me that I should be following the rule governed behaviors of the law enforcement.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that I can relate this to my life is from the increase efficiency section. This section said that we emit a behavior and hope that we get a desired consequence and if we do then this will strengthen this behavior. I can relate this to my life because the email part was saying that we should check our email twice a day, I never check it twice a day only usually once however there has been like 5 times that my class has been cancelled and I went because I did not check my email so the behavior of not checking my email has resulted in an undesirable consequence. Another way that I can relate this to my life is from the section that talked about signs showing rule governed behaviors. I recently just got a large tattoo on my back, my brother in law is the tattoo artist and he gave me multiple things to prevent infection. One thing was soap that was regular anti-bacterial soap and I did not want my roommate using it because I did not want to run out so I put a sign on it that said, “Tattoo soap Do Not Use!” so I think she understood not to use it.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found this section interesting because of direct and indirect assessment. I think that these are interesting because they look at the different ways to record a behavioral change. Direct is the recording of the behaviors by the individual or another person and indirect uses a questionnaire or interview process. I thought that the indirect was more interesting because it discusses the circumstances of having an individual who may not respond like someone with autism who physically cannot or a defiant adolescent who won’t respond.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part of this section that I found least interesting was how repetitive the section was. It discussed the importance of target behaviors and we have talked about this multiple times and how to go about eliciting our behavioral change projects. I also found the description of functional assessment a little confusing and I had to re-read it multiple times to really understand what they were trying to get at.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates to what we have previously learned about the behavior modification process. It discusses the target behaviors and how to be specific with those. It also discusses the ABC’s multiple times and describes why they are so important when trying to make a behavioral change. The section also describes the schedules of reinforcement which we have previously learned about and why that is important in making a behavioral change.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that I can relate this section to my life is from the behavioral change project. The section on direct assessment discusses the fact of recording yourself instead of writing things down from memory. I thought this might be a good way for me to implement my behavioral change project because mine is based on sleep so to know exact times I could record myself but I would need to purchase a video camera and never watch paranormal activity again. The second way I can relate this section to my life is again with my behavioral change project I related it to the fact of leaning out the reinforcement schedule because I feel that if I reinforced myself all the time I would stop emitting the behavior. Also that natural contingences I think are almost more effective for me than a tangible reinforcer because I do love to have enough sleep.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Reading these sections has influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification because I did not know about rule governed behaviors. This fits into what we have learned about behavior modification because we behave in certain ways according to society and what is acceptable or not and sometimes we deviate from these behaviors. Also the last section relates to everything that we have already learned about behavior modification and all the different facets that are included in making a behavioral change.
Week 1 (Baseline) Times going to Sleep
Day 1 = 3:25
Day 2 = 2:45
Day 3 = 2:00 (Sleeping Pills)
Day 4 = 2:00 (Wine)
Day 5 = 4:00 (Halloween/ Drinking)
Day 6 = 4:00 (Halloween/ Drinking)
Day 7 = 1:30
Average = 2:45-3:00
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The functional analysis of my target behavior would look like me being able to go to sleep between 12-1 every weekday night and by using the reinforcer of mimosas on Sunday morning at Hyvee.
Terminology: Rule governed, behavior, increase efficiency, emit, elicit, target behaviors, functional assessment, direct and indirect assessment, behavior modification, leaning out, reinforced, natural contingencies
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found the fact that some of our behavior are a product of rules, whether those be government, ethical, or social norms. I found this interesting because for things that are widely practiced behaviors from where I live, I see as things that are just common sense that everyone should know. It is important to understand that these things aren’t just common sense things, they are products of our environment and not everyone holds those beliefs.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why? There wasn’t anything that I found uninteresting because all of the topics in this chapter related to rule governed behavior.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? I haven’t learned about these topics in previous classes before, but from personal experience, I have learned about how rules dictate a person’s behavior. Also, part of this chapter talks about increasing efficiency, which involves reinforcement and punishment to enforce a rule governed behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Behaving a certain way as a result of rules and norms relates to me because many of my behaviors that I emit are a product of things that have been passed down to me as a set of rules. Also, the part about the Jan being cautious and driving slow because of the possibility of getting pulled over by a police officer is familiar because when I would drive from Cedar Falls to my home, which is about three hours away, I would typically drive a bit over the speed limit, but I knew that in Cedar Rapids there are cameras so I knew to slow myself down to avoid getting a speeding ticket.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why? I found the part about decreasing the behavior of flipping a person off on the freeway interesting because it said, “Clearly there were other things such as slowing down or speeding up that we could do.” I think that this is really important when modifying behavior because I believe that it would be easier and maybe more effective to replace a aversive behavior with a healthier alternative.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why? Again, I didn’t find anything uninteresting because the parts of the chapter went together to make a whole picture.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously? This section talked briefly about topographies and functions of behaviors. It also talked about the ABC’s of behavior. Other than that, I haven’t learned any of this previously.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so? Using the information of a baseline to modify the target behavior relates because last week, I recorded a baseline for my target behavior of running more often, but I realized that after recording it, I need to be more specific in how much I’m going to run. Also, direct assessments relate to me because for this behavior project I am using an app to track when/where/how much I run which would be a direct assessment.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so? These sections improved my ability to efficiently modify behavior by discussing the process, especially the recording part, in more detail and with more real world application.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 2.4 miles
Day 2 = 0 miles
Day 3 = 0 miles
Day 4 = 0 miles
Day 5 = 0 miles
Day 6 = 2.2 miles
Day 7 = 0 miles
Average =.66 miles
(I want to add that after day one, I got sick, which was an aversive antecedent that I couldn’t get around that made the behavior of running very difficult)
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? A functional analysis of running more often would be getting healthier, losing weight, drinking more water, being less stressed, buring off energy
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Behavior, Punishment, Reinforcement, Rule Governed Behavior, Environment, Emit, Topographies, Functions, Decreasing, Aversive, Behavior Modification, ABC’s, Baseline, Target Behavior, Direct Assessment
1) This most interesting thing I read about in this section is in the section getting organized. In this section I noticed they talk about how there are many things in our life, like advise, that we take and use or are precautions of even when we have never experienced the consequence of that behavior before. This just make you really think and I have never looked at some of these behaviors like that before and realized that it is that way. For example
2) For me, that least interesting subject in this section would be about deviating from established rules. This isn’t boring but also just not entertaining to me. This is where a person knows they will not be punished for their behavior so their consequence is actually not adverse but pleasing. They do this by deviating from the rule that it in place, knowing no adverse consequence will come their way.
3) There were not many things in this section that I already had known about so I have decided that thing we have learned about the most already would be the ABC’s. They used this to describe example of rile governed behavior. For example you have a stop sign that is the antecedent and you stopping at that sing would be the behavior. The consequence could be many things like not getting into a car accident, or hurting someone.
4) There are two things that I can relate to my life from this section and they are about what a rule is and the definition of rule governed behavior. A rule is an antecedent, this will help me in life to understand maybe why some people are behaving a certain way, and because there may be a rule are the antecedent. Next the rule governed behavior said by the book is “behavior which is maintained via obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal.” This will be useful to know when trying to discover what the behavior is coming from, also will help me in my final project.
5) One thing I found most interesting in this section is about indirect assessment. In the book they talk about how indirect assessment is usually used when that subject has trouble communicating back. I work with a kid with autism and so my coworkers use this type of assignment all the time. For example, if my kid is disturbed when coming home on the bus, I may someone if something at school didn’t go right and set my kid off.
6) The least interesting thing to me was Steps in the behavioral modification process. To me this was boring because we had just learned about it in the past few reading assignments. But I also agree that we should always review what we have learned multiply times to make sure it stick in your head.
7) Something that I have already know from class before that they brought up in this section is topographies and functions. This is where a topography or goup of something may look the same but he functions would be different. For example people drinking looks all the same action, function could be to not think about a lost one, or to have an amazing birthday party.
8) Two things that I can relate to my life would be understanding why to have a baseline and direct assessment. The purpose to a baseline is to determine change due to the experiment. This helps me understand why the first week or baseline is like the control group, where it is already naturally occurring. Direct assessment help me understand what kind assessment I should use for my behavior I’m changing for this class. An example that I am using would be recording the times in phone right after calling my sister.
9) This assignment hasn’t changed my thought of behavior modification much sense the last assignment I had done.
10a) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 calls
Day 2 =0 calls
Day 3 =0 calls
Day 4 =0 calls
Day 5 =0 calls
Day 6 =0 calls
Day 7 =0 calls
Average =0 calls
10B) I will also use antecedents to help me remember to call my sister. I will also only call her in the mornings of Wednesday and Sundays. This would mean that I am talking to her Wednesday and Sunday Nights.
10c) The functional analysis of my target behavior will be the records of the phone calls when making them and also I will write them down in my notes on my phone right after I call her.
11) Terms: getting organized, consequence, adopt a behavior, adverse, ABC’s, deviating from established rules, antecedent, rule governed behavior, indirect assessment, behavioral modification process, topographies, functions, direct assessment, baseline,
Section 5.2
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found that part about rule governed behavior to be very interesting to me. It is a new concept to me. And because of that, I really haven’t thought about our different types of behavior that we emit because of our obligation to maintain order around us and because of our social obligation as well.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I didn’t really find any parts very uninteresting, although the part about incest was definitely not my favorite, mostly because of the unnatural idea and how it is not acceptable in any situation.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
The ABCs of behavior have definitely been covered multiple times, including in this section. I feel that I have learned about the idea of rule government behavior slightly when discussing different cultures and their societal norms of what is acceptable and unacceptable.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One example that can be related to this section is the idea of rule governed behavior deadlines in goal setting. Especially with school, there are always deadlines that control my behavior because of their reinforcement of good grades, or the punishment of getting a bad grade and failing if I don’t finish my assignment on time. And the rule governed behavior can be incorporated in the having to do well in school to be considered desirable in society. It is a societal norm that most people strive to meet.
Section 5.3
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section talking about the behavior modification process very interesting. I didn’t really know about all the steps that go into modifying a behavior. I also found it interesting about having to try multiple times until it is effective, and an intervention is not really needed any more.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on indirect and direct assessment not as interesting as the rest, mostly because they were a somewhat familiar idea, although overall everything was fairly interesting to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Some of the behavior modification process has been discussed in previous sections for this class. Almost all of this section has related to the ABCs of behavior as well.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One way that this section can relate to my life is through the idea of the behavioral change project. I have come to start recording my change in sleep patterns correlating to my stress levels instead of trying to record it later, I just write down the amount of time I have slept when I wake up and I record what assignments I have during this week. This enables me to become more aware of how these affect me. Another way that this section relates to my life is the example about the test scores. Since I am struggling in one of my classes, I have started to reinforce myself more and more for even small things to help me reach my target behavior.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It has only increased my understand and amazement of behavior modification. It is a very interesting subject, and the more and more I read about it, the more interesting and complex it gets , which is kind of the opposite of what I originally thought.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = Worked on homework for three hours
Day 2 =Worked on homework for one hour
Day 3 = Worked on homework for three and a half hours
Day 4 = Worked on homework for two hours
Day 5 = Worked on homework for two hours
Day 6 = Worked on homework for two hours
Day 7 = Worked on homework for half an hour
Average = two hours a day
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Target behavior: Working on homework for at least two and a half hours every day
Functional theories: Distracted by friend, phone, internet (websites)
Rewards: personal night to watch Netflix on Sunday
11) rule governed behavior, emit, social obligation, incest, ABCs of behavior, societal norms, desirable, reinforcement, punishment,intervention, indirect assessment, direct assessment, behavioral change project, reinforce, target behavior, functional theories
Section 5.2
1) The one thing I really liked about this section is rule governed behavior. Rule governed behavior is behavior that is maintained via the obligation of maintaining order where the antecedent is verbal. The reason why I liked this is because it explains why we refrain from doing certain behaviors that has no written rules. An example in the United States and many other countries in the world is the avoidance of sexual relations among members of the same family. This behavior has no written law or punishment nor does it have reinforcement for us to decide whether do engage in such activity. Everyone knows incest is a “no-no”. Its is a cultural and social norm that almost everyone obey by and that is what rule governed behavior is, a culturally accepted consensus of ethical behavior.
2) One thing that I did not really like about this section is the part about how most of our daily behaviors are rule governed behaviors. Although I liked what I learned about rule governed behavior, I did not like that it is clear to me now that a lot of what we do is not necessarily what we want to do but what society has defined as a social norm. By looking at the antecedent we can start to understand why we do certain things. This also makes me question if there is actually such a thing as freewill because if you look at the biological, sociological and psychological reasons that elicit behavior, it covers almost all the behaviors that we emit throughout the day.
3) The one thing from this section that I can relate to something that I have previously learned is rule governed behavior. I learned rule governed behaviors through my own personal reading when I got interested in behavior modification and found it to be very eye-opening in my real life view of behaviors and why we do certain behaviors.
4) Two things from this section that I can relate to my personal life are source of rules, and getting organized. As for source of rules, I can relate this when doing the self-directed behavioral project and realized that certain rules are put into place for a reason and it’s important to know why. Next, I can relate getting organized to my personal life because it shows how we follow certain advices from so called “experts” blindly just because they are apparently credible. As long as what we learned works, it reinforces us to repeat it. In my real life example, it is deleting shopping apps from my phone to reduce my impulsive shopping habits.
Section 5.3
5) The one thing I really liked about this section is the part about how functional assessment occurs. The reason why I really liked this part is because it is a very effective way of observing and analyzing the target behavior that is being modified. The two types of functional assessments are direct and indirect assessment.
6) The one thing I did not really liked about this section is this whole section in general because I feel like it is being repetitive by concluding everything that we have learned throughout the semester.
7) The one thing from this section that I can relate to something I previously learned is it's normal to change the target behavior. I learned previously that it’s normal to change the target behavior because I have changed my behavior before to produce a different consequence
8) Two things from this section that I can relate to my own personal experience are direct assessment uses observation and recording behaviors as they happen, and indirect assessment uses interviews or questionnaires. As for direct assessment using observation and recording, I can relate it to my personal life because you are directly seeing the behavior that you are studying. Next, I can relate indirect assessment uses interviews, or questionnaires to my personal life because you learn what's happening secondhand, from what someone says, not from directly seeing it yourself.
9) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1: $55
Day 2: $123
Day 3: $0
Day 4: $97
Day 6: $0
Day 7: $120
Average: $56.43
10) In reference to section 5.3, my functional analysis of my target behavior would be that I would want to spend less than $400 a month because I have at times spent over $2000 in one month on amazon and I feel like I have been using amazon as a way of taking my mind of everyday problems that I face. By spending less than $400 a month I will be able to use my money for better reasons. I would be able to use it for investment purposes to make more money instead of using it to buy stuff that most of the time I don’t necessarily need.
11) rule governed behavior, antecedent, verbal, punishment, reinforcement, elicit, emit, source of rules, getting organized, reinforce, functional assessment, target behavior, direct assessment, indirect assessment, consequences.
Section 5.2
1.) I found interesting the comparison of rule governed behaviors and incest. The fact that social norms play a factor and that these norms are picked up at a young age, was not something I originally thought of while learning and using the behavioral modifications. This makes sense though, and I believe that it has always been in the back of my mind.
2.) I kind of wanted a summary to bring all this information together, and the fact that it is still not written is kind of a letdown. The summary is something that actually ties everything together and simplifies things for me. I also enjoy reviewing with the key points at each sections end.
3.) It put into perspective that while we use different techniques to learn acceptable behavior, that these are behaviors with distinct antecedents and consequences that are taught by social norms and ethical standards.
4.) Two things that relate to me are the get organized (increase efficiency) and the deadlines used as antecedents. I am notorious for paying bills late and starting late on projects. I pride myself in knowing that I very rarely miss doing a homework assignment, paper, or project on time, and if I do then it normally means I was on my death bed. I have a habit of hoarding things for a couple months and letting the organization of different household items fall to the wayside.
Section 5.3
5.) I like how it laid out how to write a diary of behavior and for a functional analysis assessment to make sure that the behavior that you are trying to change is good and you can develop a hypothesis from it.
6.) Instead of writing about something I found disinteresting, I am going to pick something else that I found interesting. I read that in the behavioral modification process, for the target behavior to constantly change, then it would be consider dynamic. This apparently is a good thing, and to me it is very realistic.
7.) This section goes through the ABC’s and how to do a functional analysis, which we have gone over in previous chapters as well.
8.) I can relate to this section because of the fact that I am currently using a diary to change my behaviors and after reading this, it will be laid out like the example given. I feel this makes it easier for the data to be collected and analyzed. Another thing I related to was the example given of overeating. While eating is the same topographically, the function is different for every circumstance. Mine would be to taste food. I enjoy eating purely because it tastes so good and then I find it hard to stop.
9.) IT has enhanced and reinforced my knowledge on the matter. The more that I read and review, the deeper this is ingrained in my memory, which is where I want and need it to stay.
10.) A= Baseline data
Day 1= Attended Yoga
Day 2= Did not attend Yoga
Day 3= Attended Yoga
Day 4= Did not attend Yoga
Day 5 = Did not attend Yoga
Day 6= Did not attend Yoga
Day 7= Did not attend Yoga
(conclusion= attended 2 of the three days that were assigned in my target behavior.)
B= My reinforcer will be wine. If I don’t go to all 3 days of Yoga, mama doesn’t get her wine!
C= The functional assessment of my behavior thus far could be that I lack motivation. Another hypothesis is that I lack time and energy, as some of the Yoga classes are in the morning.
11.) Functional Assessment of Behavior, Antecedent, Behavior, Reinforcer, target behavior, consequences.
1. The most interesting part of this section for me was probably the idea that rules can become antecedents in and of themselves. And rules create a consequence as well. Like a rule is something that is learned, but not learned through experience most of the time, but learned because we are told it. Also that the consequences are determined by how we behave in relation to the rules.
2. I didn't find anything particularly uninteresting in this section.
3. This section puts antecedents into the paradigm of rule governed behavior, in that whatever the rule is, that becomes the antecedent to our behavior, and the consequence is then a result of our behavior in relation to the antecedent. It is exactly the same relationship of ABC that we have had, but it is now expanded to explain rule governed behavior as well.
4. Certainly one way this relates to real life is that we are constantly responding to rules in our daily lives. We are told what is legal and what isn't. Our actions begin to be governed by rules from a young age. If you want to say something in class, raise your hand. Another way this relates is the idea of deadlines. I use deadlines all the time in my life. If there is a deadline to finish a project by, I know that if I don't, the result will be me failing that project, and possible the class.
5. The most interesting part of this section for me was definitely the idea of behavior modification being a dynamic process, in that it should often be changed to better and more effectively modify behavior. I just found it really interesting that it can change often during the process, and that it allows you to continue succeeding, instead of perhaps giving into failure.
6.I thought most everything was pretty interesting.
7. This section expands on how to effectively create a modification plan for a behavior. It is basically expanding and refining everything we have talked about up to this point. It shows how to identify antecedents, and implement changes in antecedents to help with behavior modification. It once again looks at our reinforcers, and how schedules of rewards play a role as well.
8. I feel like the identification of antecedents really fits into my life. So much of what I do is affected by my surroundings or something that happened to me earlier in the day. And properly identifying these antecedents would definitely aid in my ability to modify them if I desired. I also think that being able to modify a target behavior to make it more specific can be very relatable. I definitely have defined behaviors in my life, that with more time spent examining could be zeroed into a specific behavior.
9. I think the most important thing I've learned from these sections is the idea that behavior modification is a dynamic process. To effectively modify behaviors, you have to be able to go and redefine what exactly the target behavior is, and even modify the reinforcer once you have been in the process for awhile. It makes sense, since people are complicated organisms, that it might be beneficial to be able to adapt with increased data.
10. My baseline is a resounding zero. I am looking to increase my occurences of going to the gym for a minimum of thirty minutes of cardio, with additional workout added in on top of it. One of my big antecedents I can change is that I don't like going out to the gym after I've already gone home for the day. One way to help change this is to have workout clothes already in my car, so I don't set up the antecedent of returning home. My reward I've decided upon is drinking a beer after my workouts, because few things are more satisfying than a good beer after a workout. I also hope that general feelings of health will be additional reinforcers in time.
antecedent, behavior, rule governed behavior, target behavior, consequence, reinforcer, dynamic process.
1)I liked the whole section because I have never stopped to think about what is behind the behaviors we emit. This is why I really liked the rule governed behavior because it explained how society, culture, values, religion, etc. affects the behaviors we emit and the frequency with which we emit them.
2)There was nothing I didn’t like from the section.
3)The whole section was new. However, ABC of behavior modification was included on the section and we have covered that concept at the beginning of the semester so I already knew it.
4)The two things from this section that relate to my life are sources of rules and deadlines. All of our behaviors are determined and shape around rules that the government, our culture, religion, family, peers establish and that is the reason why sources of rules are related to my life. On the other hand, deadlines are something we are surrounded by and that elicits specific responses on us. The most common examples for students are the loss of points when turning assignments late which makes us trying to turn all assignments on time. The other common example for students are parking tickets that if you pay them within thirty days from the moment you received it you have a discount so when you get a parking ticket you try to pay it as soon as possible.
5)I liked the whole section because it helped me to understand better the functional assessment of behavior and the role it plays in behavior modification. I especially liked the experimenting part of the section in which we test all hypotheses and see the results in order to make the appropriate changes to be successful when changing a target behavior.
6)There was nothing that I didn’t like from the section.
7)The section was related to the ABC of behavior modification so there were old terms such as target behavior, behavioral diary and antecedent that we have already covered in class in past sections.
8)The two things from this section that relate to my life are the ABC of behavior modification and target behavior. All of our behaviors are lead by the ABC of behavior modification which through aversive and pleasurable responses increases or decrease the frequency of the behaviors that we emit on a daily basis. On the other hand, target behavior is the target that we choose to change and that is something we also do on a regular basis not just with other people but ourselves when we emit a behavior that is not pleasurable for us or for others.
9)These two readings have made me more aware of the importance that environment and the people who we are surrounded by have when emitting behaviors and they have helped me discover that if we change the environment we may change the behaviors we emit no matter the old environment and its rules.
10a) Day 1= No junk food at all
Day 2= No junk food at all
Day 3= Junk food (cinnamon roll)
Day 4= No junk food at all
Day 5= Junk food (corn dog)
Day 6= No junk food at all
Day 7= Junk food (pizza and cookies)
Average= 1.5 junk food
10b) My goal was not to eat junk food at all during the week and one of the days of the weekend eat whatever I want so no reinforcement for me since I have not achieved the goal this week.
10c) A functional analysis of my target behavior would be to look at the nutritional facts of the food I am eating and record all the saturated fat those products contain.
11) Terms and terminology used: Behaviors, emit, rule governed behavior, frequency, ABC of behavior modification, sources of rules, deadlines, elicits, responses, behavior modification, functional assessment of behavior, target behavior, experimenting, hypotheses, behavioral diary, aversive responses, pleasurable responses, increase, decrease.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the part about rule emerging from the contingencies we are under the most interesting. It provided a really good example of driving by and regularly seeing a police officer in one area and then we often will slow down before we even get to that area. This clearly shows learning and we are almost all subject to it in some situation.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I think that the least interesting thing was the ABC’s example just because it was over-simplified, and we have gone over it so much already.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates back to what we learned from previous sections from the ABC’s examples. However, everything else in this section was new to me.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that certainly relates to my own life is the concept of rules emerging from the contingencies we are under. I know that when I am home in Des Moines there is often a cop that waits at the bottom of the hill from my house because people often get there speed going up when they go down the hill so I have learned to always go slower in that area and I often will tell other people to go slow in that area if I am in the car with them. Another concept that relates to me is deadlines, especially in the school setting because there is punishment with turning in something late and receiving a bad grade and reinforcement when getting a good grade and turning something in on time.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The most interesting part of this section was the real world examples such as giving the finger. I never really give the finger but have got it when I’m driving. I think it’s kind of funny how it is supposed to mean something and the section did a good job of explaining that it could just be an emotional release for one person or simply just a cultural thing.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The least interesting part of this section was regarding the overview of the behavior modification process from steps 1 to 3 because I feel as if we had already discussed this in depth before and I have a good grasp on them.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
The first section regarding steps 1-3 was review from what we have previously learned in this class. It seemed to add everything that we have learned so far together to make a general summary.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Leaning out the reinforcer is something that relates to my own life. Sometimes, in my own life I set a reinforcer but then I just start attaining it too quickly and in the example of doughnuts, eating to many could have a detrimental effect so sometimes you have to switch from continuous reinforcement to intermittent reinforcement. I also had no idea caffeine was in that many different items. I really just thought that it was strictly coffee and pop.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I think that this has added a new complexity to what I think about behavior modification. It seems that each section I read the more useful that behavior modification becomes and the more I am able to grasp at it.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = didn’t run
Day 2 = didn’t run
Day 3 = didn’t run
Day 4 = ran for 45 minutes
Day 5 = didn’t run
Day 6 = didn’t run
Day 7 = didn’t run
Average =
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
A functional analysis of my target behavior of running could be losing weight and eating healthier. I could use a journal to keep track of the amount that I run.
11) Terms: reinforcement, punishment, ABC’s, behavior, deadline, contingencies, continuous reinforcement, leaning out the reinforcer, behavior modification
1 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
I really enjoyed how this section was structured by giving an introduction to rule governed behavior and then by going into detail about specifics like how things like deadlines can be used to govern behavior.
2) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
Something I disliked about this section was the fact that there was no summary provided. It did not necessarily hinder my learning in this section but I like the summaries at the end because it is a useful recap tool.
3 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section is how rule governed behaviors can elicit certain behaviors by socialization within a culture even when there is not punishment or reinforcement needed. This was the example of how it is a taboo to have sex with members of your family and everyone knows this without having to experience it for themselves. Another thing I will remember from this section will be how specific rules that we ourselves learn through experience can be handed down to others. The last thing I will remember is how rules for governed behavior can almost be anything an antecedent is within its own context such as a deadline controlling our behavior.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
4 a&b) What was one thing that you really liked that was in the section? Why?
What I liked from this section was how it broke the steps to modifying a behavior down and explained them thoroughly and then went a step further by listing them out in order. It makes it very easy to understand, as it is a very straightforward process.
5) What was one thing that you disliked (or liked least) that was in the section? Why?
There was not really anything I particularly disliked about this section. The information was all new and it was prevented in a very simple way so I have no complaints for section 5.3.
6 a,b&c) What are three things you will remember from what you read in the section? Why?
The first thing I will remember from this section will be the idea of a functional assessment of behavior and how it is used to identify the environment and how the outcomes of the behavior maintain it. The second thing I will remember from this reading is how a direct assessment is about observing and recording behaviors either by you or from another individual. The last thing I will remember is the use of indirect assessments being the most accurate because the observers are less biased.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 15
Day 2 =15
Day 3 =N/A
Day 4 =17
Day 5 =16
Day 6 =17
Day 7 =N/A
Average = 16 pull-ups
8) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
rule governed behavior, behavior, elicit, punishment, reinforcement, functional assessment, direct assessment, and indirect assessments
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
One thing that I found interesting is the topic of “rule governed behavior”. I found this to be very interesting because they are things we encounter multiple times every day and don’t even think about. Things like driving the speed limit, or jay walking depending on if you see a cop or not. I think this is also interesting because so far this semester we have discussed how reinforcement or punishment is important in emitting a target behavior, however now we are talking about behaviors that we should just know.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the topic about getting organized and getting efficient to be the least interesting because if seemed kind of random and I didn’t think if was explained well. The example just seemed to restate the topic without explaining it.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
So far we have learned about target behaviors and how they are influenced, here we learn a new way they are influenced and that it can be emitted because of laws or rules.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
This relates to our lives because of rule governed behavior. These are things that I encounter everyday through rules and laws, for example driving to class I must stop at the red lights and not exceed the speed limit. Another thing that relates is the area about checking emails. As a college student it is important to keep up with your emails to make sure you haven’t missed anything
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
What I found to be most interesting about this topic was the functional assessment of the behavior. I felt that this was the most interesting because it was different from what we had been discussing in the previous chapters
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
The part that I found to be the least interesting is the first couple of paragraphs. This was because they repeated the concepts that we have been learning about all semester therefore it was less interesting than the other topics.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
This section relates in a few ways, the first is that the beginning section reflects back on the early concepts that we have based most of this semester off of (ABC’s). This chapter also relates because it opens us to a new concept of the ABC’s, it expands into the functional assessment behavior
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that relates to my life is consequences. Everything we do has a consequence whether it is good or bad everything has one. For example if I don’t do my homework I wont get a good grade. Another thing that I use in life is the functional assessment of a behavior. This is used in life to find the relationship between the ABC’s for example trying to figure out if I should skip my homework and then why those actions lead to the consequences.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Prior to this chapter I thought that behavior modification was based off of the ABCs but now I see that there is more to it.
day 1- 1 hr
Day 2- 1hr
Day 3- 0
Day 4- 1 hr
Day 5 – 0
Day 6- 0
Day 7- 0
11. my target behavior is dependent on my mood and energy level of the day.
Terms: target behavior, consequences, punishment, functional assessment, emit, ABCs, rule govern behavior, influenced
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on rule governed behavior very interesting. This section caught my interest, (naturally) because of the quote by Gage at 7 years old! I thought this was a cute way to start the section and was intrigued. It was interesting learning more about rule governed behavior in that this is determined by society, or culture. It can be determined by a variety of factors; it could be norms, morals, or ethical standards within a community which guide certain behaviors. I also found the example of incest fairly interesting. The reading stated that in the United States, it is very taboo to have sexual relations with people of the same family. It doesn’t require strict laws or harsh punishment, it’s just simply known and accepted that this is not an appropriate or desirable thing to do!
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought the section regarding people breaking these norms (knowing they won’t get punished) wasn’t as interesting as the information in the rest of the section. I suppose I am more interesting in why people emit behaviors that follow the norm versus those who do not emit a certain behavior because they know they won’t elicit a response. This is a fairly simple concept compared to the rest of the section.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I feel as though I have learned more about cultural norms guiding behaviors of others in a variety of my courses at UNI. Whether it be Social Psychology, Native Central and South America, Psychology of Gender Differences, even Humanities, many of these courses have discussed social norms guiding how people behave - regardless of punishment or reinforcement for this behavior.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I believe this relates directly to my life as I am a functioning (usually, anyway) member of society. I tend to be a rule follower to the extreme and do not break many ethical norms created from our society. This could also relate to my life in that I may potentially work with those who have issues following these social norms and do not have the same restrictions as most people when it comes to these behaviors. For example, some people may not be able to extinguish their behaviors just because of societal norms - behaviors that most people would not begin in the first place!
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I personally really liked the review of the steps involved in the behavior modification process. I liked that it had components we had learned before, but also introduced new terminology, such as Functional Assessment. Step 1. Describe the Target Behavior. Step 2. Describe the consequences. Step 3. Describe the Antecedents. These are all terms we had learned previously in this class! Step 4. Examine the ABC’s, this is functional analysis! Step 5. Devise the new antecedents and consequences. Step 6. Evaluate the outcome.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the examples least interesting because only a few applied to my personal life. I don’t really drink coffee. I definitely don’t smoke, never have and never will. The exercise example and the eating example were the only ones that applied to me.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
We had previously learned some of the steps to the process of behavior modification, such as the antecedents, consequences, and determining the target behavior. I have also learned about interventions in other courses such as Clinical Psychology and History & Systems of Psychology.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can easily relate the process of behavior modification to my life as I am currently trying to change a behavior of mine! I am trying to eliminate pop from my diet and I have been trying to identify and observe the antecedents and consequences of my pop drinking behavior. I could also relate this to regular goals within my life of exercising every other day, or eating more vegetables and less carbs!
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
It doesn’t necessarily change anything about what I originally though about behavior modification, but it has definitely reinforced my initial thought when I hear behavior modification - interventions! When I first learned about this class, that was what first came to my mind. Behavior modification can sound like an intense and forced process of change, which intervening on seriously negative behaviors falls under those qualifications!
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
(0 represents no pops, 1 represents consumed pop)
Day 1 = 0
Day 2 = 1
Day 3 = 1
Day 4 = 0
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 0
Day 7 = 1
Average = 0.571
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I could look further into the antecedents and consequences of my pop consuming and see how this effects my behavior.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
emit, elicit, reinforcement, punishment, rule governed behavior, extinguish, functional assessment, target behavior, consequence, antecedents
1. I liked the concept of rule governed behavior. I never thought much about our societal norms defined as rule governed behavior and that it can be explained with behavior modification. It was interesting to read that we emit or don’t emit certain specific behaviors that are acceptable in our culture based on the context or antecedent we find ourselves in.
2. Liked just about everything about this section because it was such an interesting and entertaining read. It could have used a summary I guess if anything that it what it lacked because the summary helps wrap up the reading and to repeat the important concepts but other than that it was a good read.
3. The concept of rule governed behaviors is one thing I will remember from this section. The examples the text provided as well as the definition helped a lot in understanding what rule governed behavior is. I will remember this because we follow the rules of our society in order that we aren’t ostracized or ending up in awkward situations. Another thing that I will remember that we can use sources of rules as antecedents when analyzing behaviors and the consequences that follow. When a new law is adopted the consequences of breaking that law will alter our behaviors. The last thing I will remember from this section is that signs are one example of rule governing behavior. When driving on the road there are several signs that are an antecedent and will elicit the appropriate behavioral response.
4. I enjoyed reading this section because it reviewed the steps that are involved in the behavior modification process. This section helped layout the foundation and the path for my behavioral change project. It was helpful to read about the behavioral intervention and that it can be tweaked in order to maximize the chance of success, even if it involves starting over and redefining a new target behavior and use a new intervention it was a huge relief to find out that it was rare to get the correct intervention the first time around.
5. One of the things that I disliked about this section was not having a summary again but also that there wasn’t as much material and information in this section and instead used a lot more space on the write in boxes.
6. After reading this section one of the things that I will remember is that a functional assessment is used to understand why a person continues a behavior and to offer alternatives that serve the same function that may even be in the same behavioral class but be a more desirable behavior through the use of differential reinforcement of other to maintain the likelihood of that behavior occurring in the future. Another thing I will remember is the difference between direct and indirect assessments. A direct assessment involves the observation and recording of behaviors whether it be completed by an individual, others, or electronically. The observations occur in natural settings, where the target behavior is recorded as it occurs, followed by the consequence of the behavior and then looking at the antecedent that elicited the behavior. The indirect method of assessment includes the use of an interview or questionnaire given to parents, teachers, or even the person going through the assessment for behavioral change to find out what the best intervention process will be to get the greatest chance of changing that person’s behavior.
7. Day 1= 2 cups of vegetables
Day 2 = 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 3= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 4= 2.5 cups of vegetables
Day 5= 0 cups of vegetables
Day 6= 1.5 cups of vegetables
Day 7= 1 cup of vegetables
Average 1.5 cups of vegetables
A functional analysis of my behavior would be me marking down the number of cups of vegetables I eat at each meal for each day and to write down the consequences and antecedents involved around my target behavior. I will then be able to understand what antecedents elicit the behavior of me eating vegetables and to create an environment where it has greater chances of eliciting the behavior to eat vegetables. The function of this behavior is to eat healthier, feel physically better, feel more rested will a healthier diet, and to wean off of junk food hopefully.
8. Terms: Target Behavior, Consequences, Antecedents, Elicit, Behavior, Functional Analysis, Behavioral Intervention, Rule Governed Behavior, Emit, Functional Assessment, Direct Assessment, Indirect Assessment, Reinforcement, Differential Reinforcement of Other
1) One topic that I found interesting in this section was the discussion on rule governed behavior. It’s interesting to see how many of our actions and behaviors are because of something that has been established either for us or by us. I found it interesting because I had never thought of the ABCs of behavior in this way before.
2) One topic that was least interesting to me, or actually a little confusing to me was the part about rule governed behaviors and efficiency. I don’t understand why the term efficiency was introduced and how it goes along with our learning and behaviors.
3) This section relates to what we have previously learned in class because it talks more about why we display certain behaviors based on the different types of antecedents we are given. We have learned about antecedents before, this section just talked about a more specific type of antecedent.
4) The first thing that relates to my life is the part about how others like our religion, or our family influence our morals and values, and in turn influence our rules that we use as our antecedents. I know that my family and my religion has had a big impact on how I behave. The second thing that relates to my life is the discussion on emitting behaviors that deviate from the rules because of the lower probability of getting punished. I know there are times when I speed because I know that there are no cops around, or I pull out my phone to text during work because I know that the bosses aren’t looking.
5) One topic that I found interesting in the second section was the understanding of the circumstances surrounding the behaviors that you want to either increase or decrease. I found it interesting because I would have never thought of that, but it makes so much sense to change the environment or the antecedent so that you can successfully change the behavior.
6) I actually found all of the information in this section useful and very helpful for trying to change my behavior this next week so I don’t have anything that was least interesting to me.
7) While previous sections have discussed the ABCs of behavior before, this chapter went more in detail about defining each one and understanding how they work together and what you need to change in order to modify the behavior.
8) The first thing that relates to my life is the finding the best hypothesis for an intervention on behaviors. While there are many different angles with which I could come at my behavior in trying to change it, I have chosen one that I think will work best, and I will just have to see if next week I will need to modify it to work better. The second thing that relates to my life is the assessment of behaviors. While I am writing down my behaviors each day, I am using a direct form of assessment. But there are times when I want to justify these behaviors or say that they don’t count. So maybe I should get someone else involved to keep me accountable for my behaviors.
9) Reading these sections has shown me that behavior modification is a dynamic process and involves a lot of the ABCs of behavior whether or not you realize it. There is much more involved than I originally thought there was when I first began this class.
10) Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1= 1 hr 20 min
Day 2= 1 hr
Day 3= 0 min
Day 4= 2 hr
Day 5= 2 hr
Day 6= 2 hr 30 min
Day 7= 1 hr
Average= 1 hr 24 min
A functional analysis of my behavior will look into the reason why I take naps. Whether it’s because I didn’t get enough sleep the night before so I am tired and need more sleep, whether I am not feeling well so I am weak and need sleep to help recover, or whether there is something else that the nap is functioning as.
11) Terms: rule governed behavior, ABCs of behavior, efficiency, antecedents, morals, emitting, punished, increase, decrease, modify, hypothesis, intervention, assessment, functional analysis
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
In this section I was interested in the part where increasing efficiency and organization was mentioned. I am horribly disorganized about certain aspects of my life (e.g. cleaning up my room, putting things away, time management, etc.) There was a part that specifically mentioned that sometimes we do a behavior and hope that the consequence is the desired one. In my opinion, that is too many variables to count on having the desired consequence.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find the part about sources of rules interesting. Some of the sources of rules were common (e.g. the government makes rules—the only difference is they’re called laws).
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In this section the ABC diagrams were used again. I find the visuals helpful in organizing antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I just realized I have always adhered to rule governed behavior—I have not broken any laws or done anything so rebellious as too end up in a jail cell. I feel that it is necessary for everyone to volunteer some of their time to at least one or two events every year. If everyone volunteered it would be an amazing experience.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I was interested to see if there was a specific number of times it took to stage a successful intervention. I was semi-surprised that there is no relative number. I assumed it was based on the whole “third time’s the charm” situation. I was also interested in the functional analysis of behavior. Finding the purpose/identifying the source or event that led to a behavior is one of the most important tools in behavior modification.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find the part about tweaking the target behavior explanation unnecessary. I feel that it is self-explanatory. If it does not function correctly the first time, then the strategy/intervention needs to be tweaked until it does serve the purpose it was meant to.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In past sections topography of behavior as well as the function of behavior were both examined more thoroughly. This section connects these two aspects of behavior to a functional analysis.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
One thing that related to my life is the example about eating. Eating consists of putting food in one’s stomach. One function of this could be having enough energy for the day, while another could be linked to stress eating (as in my case). Another way this section relates to my life is that I often try and analyze why I act certain ways when my behavior is not normative (I think to myself: why am I acting this way; the answer usually relates to stress about school, stress about work, or both of the previously mentioned stressors).
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I like the idea of a functional analysis, because it is applicable to a client. I feel that these last few sections will wrap up the course and show how to go about changing behaviors in clients, step-by-step.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 0 hours
Day 2 = 0 hours
Day 3 = 2 hours
Day 4 = 0 hours
Day 5 = 2 hours
Day 6 = 0 hours
Day 7 = 2 hours
Average = .86 hours
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I most likely did not exercise as much as I should have due to school and work commitments. I also believe that, even though, the exercise functions as a stress reliever my motivation is sometimes absent.
Terms: efficiency, organization, desired consequence, sources of rules, antecedents, behaviors, consequences, rule governed behavior, intervention, target behavior, function vs topography, functional analysis
1) The thing I found most interesting from the first section we were asked to read was the religious rule governed behaviors exercise. Coming up with these examples stretched me and actually sparked relevant conversation between me and my roommates about behavior modification and religious issues.
2) The part that was the least interesting for me from the section was the numerous ABC’s exercises. I feel like since we’ve been going over the ABC’s of behavior modification since week 1 in the semester they’ve gotten a little stale in terms of demonstrating the section topic.
3) This relates to what we previously learned in that it provides practical application for the ABC’s. Looking at rule governed behavior and the repercussions of not adhering to these behaviors as antecedents and consequences is a good example of this.
4) One thing that I feel will probably relate to a good many people in college, myself included, from this chapter is the topic of deadlines. We all experience these with assignments, tests, papers and etc. but understanding that they can act as both discriminative stimuli and antecedents will hopefully be something that keeps them more in check for me. Another thing that relates closely to what I would like to pursue as a career is increasing efficiency. The examples concerning efficiency helped me to understand the material in a context that I was familiar with.
5) I found the functionality or topography of behavior to be the most interesting part of this section. This is an aspect of behavior modification that has really helped me to understand my target behavior in my behavioral change project and because of this has also assisted in my attempts to curb my behavior.
6) I thought the least interesting part of the section was the review at the beginning. I understand after reading the chapter why this was important but feel like it could have been a more succinct re-statement.
7) Because a lot of this section was a review it obviously related to what we previously learned by refreshing the material. However, it also took what we learned in the text and applied it to the behavioral change project and put the situation in perspective.
8) I could relate to the part of the section that talked about changing of target behaviors during behavior modification because this is something that I encountered during the beginning stages of my behavioral change project. The ‘leaning out’ of reinforcement schedules was also something that I noticed happening with other behaviors I’ve been working on, such as my rewards for following my diet and workout plan and how they’ve become pretty nonexistent but my behaviors of working out and eating well have continued.
9) Usually I don’t have much to say when it comes to this question, this time is different. The second section we read, especially toward the end, actually did change the way I’ve thought about behavior modification all semester up to this point. I went through most of this class with the idea that behavior modification was really just a singular event; you choose a behavior to change, you set up a schedule to either reinforce or punish that behavior, and then gather data on the outcome. It surprises me that the book actually had to spell out ‘behavior modification is a dynamic process’ for me to understand that behavior modification isn’t one experiment, but a potentially ongoing and evolving system.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention).
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =5
Day 2 =6
Day 3 =4
Day 4 =3
Day 5 = 1
Day 6 = 2
Day 7 =12
Average = 4.7
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
I feel like a direct assessment would be the best way to go about a functional analysis of my target behavior of hair pulling. I feel like this would be easier because the behavior isn’t really conducive to a survey response and the diary method I’ve been using to record it has been successful. From there I would determine what the antecedents to the behavior are and the consequences, and then choose a method and schedule of reinforcement based on the information from the analysis.
11) Terms: efficiency, deadlines, rule governed behavior, ABC’s of behavior modification, reinforce, punish, target behaviors, antecedent, consequence, discriminative stimuli,
1). I thought learn what Rule governed behavior was, was the most interesting part of this section because I didn’t know what it was at all and to me learning the basics before details is more important so I thought the introduction to the section was the most interesting. I liked learning about this new topic because, it really interested me that we control the behaviors we emit based off of socialization.
2). I thought doing all the ABC’s again was the least interesting part because we have already done that stuff so many times. I didn’t find it to be the most interesting part of this section because of the redundancy of it.
3). This section used the ABCs and I have learned about those in the class and in many other psychology classes. I have also learned how important being organized is in modifying behavior in the class.
4). I think I will use organization techniques to increase efficiency because it will help me better modify peoples behaviors in the future. I also think Rule governed behavior is something I could use and relate to my life because I will recognize when I am purposely emitting or not emitting a behavior.
5). I thought seeing the steps of Behavior modification process was the most interesting part of this chapter because putting all the previous chapter together to see the final product of what behavior modification is and how we can apply it.
6). I thought talking about each step was kind of boring so I would say that was the least interesting part because we have learned all these steps through out the semester and it was just kind of redundant.
7). This section combines all the steps to making behavior modification happen and it combines a lot of the things that we learned in this class, target behaviors, ABC’s, evaluation, consequences.
8). I think I will be able to apply the steps of behavior modification in many ways because now I could attempt to modify behavior effectively. I also think will be able to use the knowledge of identifying functions of behaviors to help me modify other behaviors using the steps of behavior modification.
9). This section really helped me put a lot of the knowledge we have gained throughout the semester. This has influenced what I thought because it told me what and how and the steps to do behavior modification and I didn’t originally know what to expect from the class or about behavior modification.
10). A: 1- ran 1 mile
2- ran 1.5 miles
3- rest
4- ran 1 mile
5- ran 2 miles
6- rest
7- ran 1 mile
C:I would find what was leading to me not running daily such as being hungover or not having time because of homework. Then I would devise a plan that would help me eliminate the behavior that is holding me back from running that day.
11). Behavior, rule governed behavior, ABC’s, organization, efficiency, steps of behavior modification, target behavior, evaluation, consequences
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
The thing I found most interesting in this section was that people, such as Gage, are able to pick up on these things from such an early age. Often times we forget how in tuned to the outside world young people are because they are adapting and taking in a lot of information at all times.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on how people sometimes break rules to be least interesting because these people will only continue to break these rules until the antecedent changes. For examples if they continuously blow through a stop signs and are never punish they will continue to do it until the consequence becomes some sort of punishment.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I think this can be related to conditioning. People have either learned from experience or by word of mouth that if they do something society does not approve of they will be punished. This continues to happen until not doing that behavior is second nature. This is much like associating white rats with loud noises. Something that had little meaning or a different meaning beforehand is n0w conditioned to be mean something completely different.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to my life is the quote from Gage. I had a small cousin say they had a crush on another cousin. It was interesting trying to watch his mother explain why it is was not acceptable for him to have a crush on his cousin because young children do not understanding because society says so; most of the time. The second thing that relates to my life is that some signs are much better than others. I have been to conferences that have had awful signs. They might just have arrows or tell you which presenter might be near but the most effective signs are the ones that tell you which presenter is where with arrows and bold text.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I found the section on reinforcing yourself with a doughnut for every “A” on a test to be interesting because that means you would not be allowed to have a doughnut at all except when you get an “A”. This is crazy because the antecedent might change and Dunkin’ Doughnuts might open up in town.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I found the section on direct and indirect assessment to be least interesting because I think it is getting into a much more research methods aspect of psychology that cannot be talked about briefly.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
As I said before I think the section on direct and indirect assessment can relate very well to a research methods class because you are talking about what kind of observer you have. You would need to be very specific with what each person is looking for or at.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The first thing that relates to my life is indirect assessment. I am currently helping a college of mine with research she is doing to for her dissertation. I do not know her hypothesis nor do I even know what I am looking at/for yet but I do know that I am a nonbiased observer who has no relation to the people I am watching. The second thing that relates to my life is that you often have to change the reinforcer when attempting to change a behavior. For our behavioral change project I have not only had to change the behavior I want to alter but I have also thought of downfalls to the reinforcers so I have changed how I want to reinforcer the target behavior.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
This section continues to add on to the base knowledge we have built so far in this class.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =out to eat once
Day 2 =out to eat twice
Day 3 =out to eat once
Day 4 =out to eat twice
Day 5 =out to eat three times
Day 6 =out to eat once
Day 7 =out to eat zero times
Average = 1.42 times a day
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
My function analysis of my behavior is that it is fulfilling my need to eat but also my desire to be lazy and/or be crunched for time and other resources.
11) Terms: resources, reinforcers, behavior, antecedent, consequence, conditioning, conditioned, direct assessment, indirect assessment,
After reading section 5.2, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Something that I like about this section was how it explained deadlines and it relates to ruled governed behavior and how deadlines can be or function as antecedents or discriminative stimulus.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There is not anything about this section that I disliked. I found the information to be easy to understand.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Something that I learned about in previously sections was about ABC’s this sections added to what I already have learned about the ABC’s.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
The two things that relate to my life are section about getting organized and increase efficiency. Getting organized is a big part of my life I am always trying to be organized so that I can juggle my work, school and friends. Increasing efficiency is a part of my life because I have to have to complete all my assignment by their due dates and pass my test if I want to pass the classes that I need to graduate.
After reading section 5.3, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
Something that I liked about this section is how it explain the difference between direct and indirect assessment of behavior analysis. I found
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
There was not really anything in this section that I disliked.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
One thing that I have learned about behavior modification and the different steps to modify your behavior.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Two things that relate to my life are behavior modification and the steps of behavior modification. I have tried to use behavior modification to stop drink pop. It was hard at first but I have not drink pop for 6 years. The steps of behavior modification are going to help me change my eating habits and get healthier.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
These sections made me realized that there is more to modifying a behavior then just recording the behavior and change that behavior there is a process that you have to work at in order to modify your behavior.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 weeks’ worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 15 meals and snacks
Day 2 = 15 meals and snacks
Day 3 = 20 meals and snacks
Day 4 = 25 meals and snacks
Day 5 = 15 meals and snacks
Day 6 = 25 meals and snacks
Day 7 = 25 meals and snacks
Average = 20 meals and snacks
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The functional analysis of my target behavior would look like me recording and writing down everything I eat and when I eat each day. Also because I have my phone on me all the time I will use it to help record each meal. Hopefully I can change what I eat to healthier foods then I am now.
11) Terms: deadlines, ruled governor behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, ABC’s, direct assessment, indirect assessment, behavior modification, functional analysis, target behavior
Please read sections 5.2 (Rule Governed Behavior) and 5.3 (Functional Analysis of Behavior).
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought how this section started out with the rule governed behavior was very interesting and grabbed my attention right away. I thought it was interesting how as 7 year olds you just know that you don’t engage in sexual relations with your other family members. We are born into these ruled governed behaviors based on socialization procedures within a given culture which you don’t even have to think about the type of behavior, you know what’s right and wrong.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find the part about getting organized and increase efficiency interesting in this section. I didn’t find it interesting because I have never heard of the rule behaviors experts say such as: “check our email at the most twice a day” and “don’t handle paper work more than once.” I don’t find these very important or fascinating because we all have our own ways of staying organized that works for us.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
This section related to what I already knew and or have learned previously to the terms such as: antecedents, behavior, consequence, punishment, reinforcing, and discriminative stimuli.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate to the first part of this section where it is discussing the rule governed behaviors in which I only follow sometimes. I lifeguard a 5:30 am lap swim twice a week and when I’m running late I blow through the red lights because I know there are no police cars around so I know I will most likely not get punishment for emitting that behavior. I have gone outside of the country to Mexico and Haiti, I can relate to the different sources of rules and how other countries have different laws than others and it’s important to know and understand them. Deadlines are used every day with registration for events, work, or school. This rule governed behavior is very relatable to my life through school and when certain assignments are due and we are warned the consequence of points getting deducted after so many days it’s late.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I always find the topography and functions interesting. Its bizarre how so many different things can have different meanings. I enjoyed reading about this again, it’s nice to come back to the terms and read different examples of how people use the same thing in diverse ways.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
When discussing the direct and indirect assessment. This was not the most exciting information to read about and was mostly common sense.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
Start with a behavior you want to increase (reinforce) or decrease (punish). Target behavior. Antecedent and consequence. The baseline measurement and organizing the process which is also restated in this section with the six steps. Topographies and functions. Baseline similar to a control group.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
I can relate the different meanings for the f-word to my life. I say it in different ways even though it sounds the same for example when I’m enjoying something and say it compared to when I’m upset and it drops out my mouth. The eating example is another one that relates to my life because it does have many functions. I tend to eat a lot when I’m at work, and it’s always available which is bad. I need to examine more why and how the problem behavior is occurring.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
Although there was a lot of repeats, this section influenced what I originally thought about behavior modification in the way it can apply to so many different things. This section had good examples that I could connect to. It is amazing how behavior modification is used everywhere all the time in our daily lives.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =nothing
Day 2 =ate 3 cookies, 1 pop, and left overs of a girls meal
Day 3 =none
Day 4 =none
Day 5 =ate a mistake salad
Day 6 =ate fries, 2 pops
Day 7 =ate left overs of a girls meal
Average =1.75, 4 times a week
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
At work I eat more and have this behavior reoccurring because it is always available and easy to access. I was to decrease eating at work so I might start by not eating one specific food such as fries or I could say don’t eat on this specific night you work because my schedule is the same every week. Eating has many different functions, but at work it is unhealthy and is becoming a bad habit, it’s not because I’m hungry it’s comforting and assessable.
11) Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post and put them at the bottom of your post.
Rule governed behavior. Reinforcing. Punishment. ABC’s. topography. Functions. Target behavior. Discriminative stimuli. Direct and Indirect assessment. Baseline measurement.
Section 5.2
I thought it was interesting to look at rules as antecedents. The examples provided helped me understand; hopefully I will be able to come up with some equally good ones for Friday’s assignment. It was made clear in the section that because rules are different from place to place, we can also assume behaviors are different from place to place; for example, France’s behavior vs our behavior. I also thought the point about no birthdays in some cultures was interesting—I didn’t know that. There wasn’t anything I felt was super uninteresting. The whole section was basically about rules, and it was a short one, so there wasn’t much to deter me from the section.
We had learned about the ABC’s and antecedents in other sections. I can think of an instance where I know where cops sit, which is under the bridge by the dog park. The speed limit through that area is atrociously slow, so they know that people will speed through. So, I guess the cop is also applying rule-governed behavior by sitting there, while I am applying my own by driving slow. Rule-governed behavior also saves you from certain injury or death, like when we look both ways to cross the street. You do not have to be conditioned to look both ways, because you are aware that there is a large chance of you getting hit by a car if you do not.
The section applies to what I already know from experience. One knows that they should not kill, stop showing up for work, touch fire, sleep around in the office, light a firework under a tree, etc. We already know what the consequences will be, and if we know that they are bad consequences, we will probably be less likely to emit a behavior that goes against rule-governed behavior.
Section 5.3
My favorite part of the section was the part about “flashing the finger”; it isn’t something you normally think about in depth. It was interesting to read the analysis of possible reasons behind this behavior. I also liked the part about indirect assessment. It is clear that this would help us better determine a solution to a behavioral problem. Getting to the source of the problem is a good place to start, so that we can either eliminate it or help a person cope with it. This type of assessment can also be good for those who don’t open up often, or are too stubborn to do so because they’d like to hide their feelings. Direct assessment was uninteresting to me, because it is so common in our readings. Observation is such a common practice anyway, but helpful at times, because every case is different.
I can relate to indirect assessment, because I have been to a few therapy sessions in my life. We actually talked about smoking, and tried to discuss what types of things trigger it. She tried to give me some tools to deal with the triggers and avoid smoking, which I could add to my intervention; the tools didn’t work at the time because I hadn’t set a baseline or a goal.
I also can relate to flashing the finger. I’ll admit I’ve done it (not always in the car), and have received it. I am not sure why I do it—I guess it depends on the context or where I am. I’m also not sure if I am part of a small percentage of people who do it—or if a lot of people do it. What I hadn’t learned previously—I learned in this section—that behavior modification can also use an identification of a source as an antecedent to make a change.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 = 4 cigarettes
Day 2 = 3 cigarettes
Day 3 = 1 cigarette
Day 4 = 4 cigarettes
Day 5 = 5 cigarette
Day 6 = 3 cigarettes
Day 7 = 2 cigarettes
Average = About 3.29; About 3 cigarettes per day
Functional analysis of target behavior (smoking 0-2 cigarettes per day):
Direct: I usually smoke on a schedule, unless I am hungover or more stressed than usual. It usually occurs with others at the bar, at work, or when I am alone in the car listening to music. I usually have one in the car on the way to work or school.
Indirect: Triggers include stress, friends going out for a cigarette, or just an impulse.
Terms: Antecedents, Behavior, Rule-Governed Behavior, ABC’s, Conditioned, Consequences, Functional Analysis, Direct Analysis, Indirect Analysis, Baseline, Goal
1)What do you find interesting about this section?
The portion that I found to be most interesting was the part about the rule governed behavior. This was a new term that I had not heard before and it was neat to learn about. Personally I had never before considered the different behaviors that we are forced to uphold due to our internal obligation to maintain a sense of order and uphold societal expectations. Tagging onto that, I found it fascinating about the source of rules stemming not only from our government and the culture in which we reside in, but also our religion, family traditions and other sources of input. It is a rather simple concept and once I read the information it made logical sense, but it is the fact that every day these rules affect me often times without any conscious effort. The example provided in the reading helped me to understand these concepts and make the information even more concrete in my mind.
2) This section was really short so there was not much that wasn’t interesting. I honestly found this reading to be better because of it’s short length, I wasn’t being satiated with too much information.
3) How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In previous classes I learned about how different religions have certain rules that all must follow. For some religions they can be viewed as guidelines, as recommended ways in which you must live your life. For example, on Friday’s Catholics are not supposed to eat meat, only fish is allowed. A friend of mine in high school once broke this religious rule, but he felt no shame since he knew he would not be punished. However, in other religions, some of these rules, if not followed, can come with severe consequences such as death. An example would be in some religions found in the middle east, sex outside of marriage is punishable by stoning the woman to death. All this aside, the underlying feature of religious rules is that should you choose to participate and openly practice that religion, than you must adhere to the rules that go along with it.
Another important aspect that I can connect to something I learned previously is the importance of deadlines. I had never thought of this before, but deadlines are considered to be a form of rules that govern behavior. My daily schedule revolves around deadlines, and when I need to get certain assignments turned in, or quizzes that I need to study for. These rules help determine my daily routine without me even realizing it, and these rules, whether or not we follow them, will determine if I am punished (failure to turn in an assignment = lowering a grade) or rewarded (turned in homework, understood concepts, grade goes up in class).
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Well, one part of this reading that relates to my life is the rule of governed behavior. As I am Catholic, there are several religious rules that I abide by that affect my life choices. As I referenced above, one of the rules of being Catholic is during Lent, you are not allowed to eat meat on Friday’s. On Friday’s during Lent I need to find other sources of getting my protein, as I personally cannot stand the taste of fish. So I plan out my meals for the day and try to incorporate other choices, supplement sausage at breakfast for additional toast or cereal, instead of a burger for lunch I have a salad or an egg salad sandwich, and dinner is usually pasta with marinara sauce.
Another way I can relate this reading to my life is how rules are often developed from certain life events or contingencies. For example, I live out in the country and I have to drive on gravel roads. When you drive on gravel it is like driving on marbles so I always try to slow down rather than risk an accident. My mom taught me the rule about slowing down when I was first learning how to drive, but through experiences that rule was reinforced. One fall I was following some friends down a gravel drive because we were heading out to a haunted house in the middle of nowhere. The speed limit was 45 but I drove 30 to be safe since the road was curved and I didn’t want to risk an accident. However, the driver ahead of me decided to speed and do 55, causing his van to slide on the loose gravel and slide into the ditch. Three of my friends were in that van but fortunately they were not hurt. From that experience and the rule taught to me by my mom growing up, I always take my time going down a gravel road whether it is straight, curved, covered in snow, or sloppy wet from rain.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions:
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to learn that there is more involved with the ABC’s of behavior. Personally, I appreciated the more in-depth discussion pertaining to the topic of baseline behavior and it helped me understand this concept more. I must say, I didn’t realize how establishing a baseline behavior is actually the first step involved in changing a behavior It made sense to me once I thought about it more thought and I appreciated the comparison between a science experiment where you collect data, and collecting data for a baseline comparison. Putting this reading into a more scientific context helped me see the deeper connection between behavior psychology and the other scientific processes we have learned since grade school.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Again, this section was very concise and it neatly tied up information we had learned previously as well as inserting some new information to digest. I enjoyed this section much more because of this fact and I really have nothing to dislike about the reading.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or other classes, etc.
I feel like at some point in one of my other classes I learned about direct and indirect assessment, although I can’t remember which class. These terms seemed very familiar to me, and I understood their definitions, plus they were very self explanatory. For example, I knew I could directly observe something/someone or I could gather information from other people who had witnessed the same person/phenomenon. I guess I just did not know the proper names for these concepts.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Well, for starters I can say that we are currently using direct assessment in this class for our behavior modification project. In this class I am using this form of assessment on myself as I am observing and recording the behavior I intend to change. These observations occur naturally and I try to record the behavior the moment I notice it by using my Ipad. During this procedure I make use of the ABC’s and I try to take as detailed notes as possible.
The other way I can relate this reading to my life is the fact that the behavior modification process is so subjective and that altering behavior may require you to change your interventions from time to time. This section really emphasized how difficult changing one’s behavior can be and I know from first hand experience that trying to learn something new and change pre-existing habits may not always happen the first time around. It’s all about finding what works best for you and by taking detailed enough notes I am able to see whether or not my hypothesis/interventions are effective.
9) How has reading these section influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
As we progress through each section, I realize the depth of our behaviors and the extent to which our behaviors are influenced by outside sources. This is one reason why our behavior is so difficult to alter because social, family, cultural, and religious rules push and pull our behaviors in certain directions. I am learning now that more of the decisions I make are not necessarily my own, but are a product of predetermined sources impacting my behaviors. I feel that this course has caused me to look at life differently and observe my behaviors and those around me through a different lense than ever before.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11), you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week’s worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Reducing “grazing” throughout my daily schedule
Day 1: 2
Day 2: 2
Day 3: 5
Day 4: 3
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 3
Day 7: 2
Average: 2.71 times per day that I participated in this eating behavior
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Well, a functional analysis of this would be
Target behavior: reducing “grazing” in between (or in supplement of) meals to zero times per day. This grazing makes me feel overly full at times, and since I am eating junk food my body tends to get mad at me. The consequence for achieving this target behavior is having a fruit smoothie with protein infused in it. Since I never drink smoothies this will be a treat for me that I should not become too satiated with, at least not for this experiment. The antecedent for this behavior is the accessibility of the snacks in my apartment, grazing when I am bored, not eating enough at dinner so I eat snacks to keep me full through the night, and going to bed late so I end up eating food since I have been awake for so long.
The ABC format is as follows
A: Staying up late studying/ not eating enough at dinner to last me through the night
B: Snacking on the accessible goodies, not really being hungry, etc.
C: Feeling overly full, upset stomach due to the excess sugar, etc.
Some antecedents I could do from this point on would be chewing gum when feeling hungry, drinking more water during the day, eating a big enough meal at dinner. The new consequence will be the reduction of the unwanted behavior so I can reward myself with smoothies!! The method of assessment will be direct assessment because I am recording my behaviors using my Ipad.
11) Terminology: Target Behavior, direct assessment, ABC’S, hypothesis, intervention, topography, function, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, desirable, punishment, rewards, baseline measurement.
Megan Hasley
After reading the first section, please respond to the following questions.
1) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought the topic of rules that you only follow sometimes was interesting because we all have, or know of rules that do not always apply. It is interesting when you think about the fact that rules are generally expected to be followed, but we all understand when certain rules can be ignored.
2) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I did not find anything to be least interesting. I think this was my favorite section so far.
3) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I had never thought about most of what this chapter covered, so it did not add to what I already knew because I have never learned about this before. I thought it was really interesting overall, so it would have been great if I had learned about this concept previously.
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Rule governed behavior relates to my life because there are many rules that I have to follow to fit into this society.
Religious rules also apply because I am catholic.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions.
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
I thought it was interesting that the topography of a behavior can be the same, but that the function can be different.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
I thought that the beginning of this section was sort of dry.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
I knew that the ABC’s were important but I did not realize that they needed to be documented.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Functional assessment of behavior relates to my life because I am using it to determine how to spend less money before my Vegas trip.
The ABC’s relate to my life as well because they are constantly occurring.
9) How has reading these sections influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
I did not realize that in order to get the most accurate idea of how the target behavior is occurring you need to document the ABC’s pretty soon after they occur.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =1
Day 2 =0
Day 3 =0
Day 4 =1
Day 5 =0
Day 6 =1
Day 7 =1
Average =.57
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data.
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
The antecedent would be that I impulsively spend money, the behavior is spending money, and the consequence is that I have less money.
TERMS: rules only followed occasionally, rule governed behavior, religious rules, ABC’s, target behavior, function, topography, behavior, antecedent, consequence
1)What do you find interesting about this section?
The portion that I found to be most interesting was the part about the rule governed behavior. This was a new term that I had not heard before and it was neat to learn about. Personally I had never before considered the different behaviors that we are forced to uphold due to our internal obligation to maintain a sense of order and uphold societal expectations. Tagging onto that, I found it fascinating about the source of rules stemming not only from our government and the culture in which we reside in, but also our religion, family traditions and other sources of input. It is a rather simple concept and once I read the information it made logical sense, but it is the fact that every day these rules affect me often times without any conscious effort. The example provided in the reading helped me to understand these concepts and make the information even more concrete in my mind.
2) This section was really short so there was not much that wasn’t interesting. I honestly found this reading to be better because of it’s short length, I wasn’t being satiated with too much information.
3) How does this section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or from other classes, etc.
In previous classes I learned about how different religions have certain rules that all must follow. For some religions they can be viewed as guidelines, as recommended ways in which you must live your life. For example, on Friday’s Catholics are not supposed to eat meat, only fish is allowed. A friend of mine in high school once broke this religious rule, but he felt no shame since he knew he would not be punished. However, in other religions, some of these rules, if not followed, can come with severe consequences such as death. An example would be in some religions found in the middle east, sex outside of marriage is punishable by stoning the woman to death. All this aside, the underlying feature of religious rules is that should you choose to participate and openly practice that religion, than you must adhere to the rules that go along with it.
Another important aspect that I can connect to something I learned previously is the importance of deadlines. I had never thought of this before, but deadlines are considered to be a form of rules that govern behavior. My daily schedule revolves around deadlines, and when I need to get certain assignments turned in, or quizzes that I need to study for. These rules help determine my daily routine without me even realizing it, and these rules, whether or not we follow them, will determine if I am punished (failure to turn in an assignment = lowering a grade) or rewarded (turned in homework, understood concepts, grade goes up in class).
4) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Well, one part of this reading that relates to my life is the rule of governed behavior. As I am Catholic, there are several religious rules that I abide by that affect my life choices. As I referenced above, one of the rules of being Catholic is during Lent, you are not allowed to eat meat on Friday’s. On Friday’s during Lent I need to find other sources of getting my protein, as I personally cannot stand the taste of fish. So I plan out my meals for the day and try to incorporate other choices, supplement sausage at breakfast for additional toast or cereal, instead of a burger for lunch I have a salad or an egg salad sandwich, and dinner is usually pasta with marinara sauce.
Another way I can relate this reading to my life is how rules are often developed from certain life events or contingencies. For example, I live out in the country and I have to drive on gravel roads. When you drive on gravel it is like driving on marbles so I always try to slow down rather than risk an accident. My mom taught me the rule about slowing down when I was first learning how to drive, but through experiences that rule was reinforced. One fall I was following some friends down a gravel drive because we were heading out to a haunted house in the middle of nowhere. The speed limit was 45 but I drove 30 to be safe since the road was curved and I didn’t want to risk an accident. However, the driver ahead of me decided to speed and do 55, causing his van to slide on the loose gravel and slide into the ditch. Three of my friends were in that van but fortunately they were not hurt. From that experience and the rule taught to me by my mom growing up, I always take my time going down a gravel road whether it is straight, curved, covered in snow, or sloppy wet from rain.
After reading the second section, please respond to the following questions:
5) What did you find interesting in the section? Why?
It was interesting to learn that there is more involved with the ABC’s of behavior. Personally, I appreciated the more in-depth discussion pertaining to the topic of baseline behavior and it helped me understand this concept more. I must say, I didn’t realize how establishing a baseline behavior is actually the first step involved in changing a behavior It made sense to me once I thought about it more thought and I appreciated the comparison between a science experiment where you collect data, and collecting data for a baseline comparison. Putting this reading into a more scientific context helped me see the deeper connection between behavior psychology and the other scientific processes we have learned since grade school.
6) What did you find least interesting? Why?
Again, this section was very concise and it neatly tied up information we had learned previously as well as inserting some new information to digest. I enjoyed this section much more because of this fact and I really have nothing to dislike about the reading.
7) How does the section relate to what you already knew/learned previously?
Note: This can be from previous chapters or other classes, etc.
I feel like at some point in one of my other classes I learned about direct and indirect assessment, although I can’t remember which class. These terms seemed very familiar to me, and I understood their definitions, plus they were very self explanatory. For example, I knew I could directly observe something/someone or I could gather information from other people who had witnessed the same person/phenomenon. I guess I just did not know the proper names for these concepts.
8) Based on what you read from this section, what are two things that relate to your life? How so?
Well, for starters I can say that we are currently using direct assessment in this class for our behavior modification project. In this class I am using this form of assessment on myself as I am observing and recording the behavior I intend to change. These observations occur naturally and I try to record the behavior the moment I notice it by using my Ipad. During this procedure I make use of the ABC’s and I try to take as detailed notes as possible.
The other way I can relate this reading to my life is the fact that the behavior modification process is so subjective and that altering behavior may require you to change your interventions from time to time. This section really emphasized how difficult changing one’s behavior can be and I know from first hand experience that trying to learn something new and change pre-existing habits may not always happen the first time around. It’s all about finding what works best for you and by taking detailed enough notes I am able to see whether or not my hypothesis/interventions are effective.
9) How has reading these section influenced what you originally thought about behavior modification? How so?
As we progress through each section, I realize the depth of our behaviors and the extent to which our behaviors are influenced by outside sources. This is one reason why our behavior is so difficult to alter because social, family, cultural, and religious rules push and pull our behaviors in certain directions. I am learning now that more of the decisions I make are not necessarily my own, but are a product of predetermined sources impacting my behaviors. I feel that this course has caused me to look at life differently and observe my behaviors and those around me through a different lense than ever before.
10a) Behavioral Project (Intervention). Last Monday (week #11), you were asked to start collecting baseline data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week’s worth of baseline data to report below:
Week 1 (Baseline) Reducing “grazing” throughout my daily schedule
Day 1: 2
Day 2: 2
Day 3: 5
Day 4: 3
Day 5: 2
Day 6: 3
Day 7: 2
Average: 2.71 times per day that I participated in this eating behavior
10b) Begin your behavior intervention by reinforcing yourself if you reach your target behavior and continue collecting data
10c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like?
Well, a functional analysis of this would be
Target behavior: reducing “grazing” in between (or in supplement of) meals to zero times per day. This grazing makes me feel overly full at times, and since I am eating junk food my body tends to get mad at me. The consequence for achieving this target behavior is having a fruit smoothie with protein infused in it. Since I never drink smoothies this will be a treat for me that I should not become too satiated with, at least not for this experiment. The antecedent for this behavior is the accessibility of the snacks in my apartment, grazing when I am bored, not eating enough at dinner so I eat snacks to keep me full through the night, and going to bed late so I end up eating food since I have been awake for so long.
The ABC format is as follows
A: Staying up late studying/ not eating enough at dinner to last me through the night
B: Snacking on the accessible goodies, not really being hungry, etc.
C: Feeling overly full, upset stomach due to the excess sugar, etc.
Some antecedents I could do from this point on would be chewing gum when feeling hungry, drinking more water during the day, eating a big enough meal at dinner. The new consequence will be the reduction of the unwanted behavior so I can reward myself with smoothies!! The method of assessment will be direct assessment because I am recording my behaviors using my Ipad.
11) Terminology: Target Behavior, direct assessment, ABC’S, hypothesis, intervention, topography, function, antecedent, consequence, rule governed behavior, desirable, punishment, rewards, baseline measurement.
Section 5.2
1 a&b)I really liked the idea of ruled governed behavior, because it really governs a majority of what people do. The definition states it perfectly, rule governed behavior can result from established norms, morals, or ethical standards, or from rules to which an organism has adhered throughout history. I know this is true in my life across the board although there a certain areas that affect me less than others. For me my faith in God has a huge impact on my behaviors and act as antecedents because I know the consequences. I follow God's way very closely, where as I do not always adhere to social norms that may govern others behaviors, because I like to live my life the way I am and not concerned about others perceptions. Their judgement about me one way or the other does not act as an antecedent to my behaviors because I am not too concerned about the consequences (most of the time).
2)Honestly there wasn't anything I did not like about this section. Maybe provide a bulleted list/summary at the end of the reading like you usually do.
3 a,b&c) I will remember rule governed behavior because it is a huge part of everyone's life around the world (not that other concepts in behavior modification aren't), but I really pay attention to the context in which people live. All of our circumstances affect our behavior such as religion, norms, and culture.
I will also remember increasing efficiency because the more you do something, the more likely you are to emit the behavior in the future and sometimes that is inefficient. We need to make our behavior efficient. I use to compulsively check things, such as my email and it wasted a lot of time.
Deadlines will also be remembered because they are definite antecedents. If a deadline is approaching, you know you need to meet the deadline otherwise there could be serious consequences, such as loosing a job.
Section 5.3
4 a&b)I really liked functional assessment of behavior because it is very user friendly. The ABC's are so clear cut, make sense, and are very applicable. You look at was precedes the behavior, the behavior, and then the consequence. Then you look to change the antecedent, to change the behavior, which in change alters the consequence. Making a plan is very attainable with this set up.
5)The part I liked least was some of the examples were not very clearly defined or stated, they could be presented more clearly and fully. This would help when applying the new terms/concepts.
6 a,b&c) I will remember direct assessment because many times when I will evaluate why I do the things I do. I will ask myself, what does this behavior mean and how is affecting me/what are the benefits of this behavior. Then I will either take steps to change my behavior or to maintain the behavior if it is a good one.
I will also remember indirect assessment because many times when I did a direct assessments of myself in areas I did not want to change or did not know how to change, my mom would be doing an indirect assessment of my behavior, telling me what she thought. It was from a 2nd party source. She could often see antecedents and discriminative stimuli that led me to emit behaviors that I did not always understand.
I will also remember natural contingencies because many times when I am changing a behavior, they turn over to natural contingencies pretty quickly and the reinforcers loose their reinforcement quickly. This is also true in the reverse. I can break them and revert to old habits quickly as well.
7a) Last Monday (week #11) you were asked to start collecting data on a target behavior. You should have 1 week's worth of base line data to report below:
For my behavior I am trying to eat less. Each meal, breakfast, lunch, and dinner I can only have 1 glass of water and one plate of food, also I can only have 1 dessert a day. This leaves me with a total of 7 boxes to check. My goal is to get as close to 7 checks marks a day equally 49 check marks a week. So, for each day I will receive 0-7 check marks.
Week 1 (Baseline)
Day 1 =4
Day 2 =2
Day 3 =3
Day 4 =6
Day 5 =3
Day 6 =5
Day 7 =4
Average = 3.9 check marks
7b) Begin your behavior intervention and continue collecting data.
7c) In reference to section 5.3, what might a functional analysis of your target behavior look like? A functional analysis of my target behavior is to first look at the environment affecting my behavior and the consequences that come from that (ABC's). Right now, the environment that causes my behavior of eating too much is going to the dinning centers for each meal, everyday throughout the week. This results in the behavior of eating and the consequence is eating too much/gaining weight. I have analyzed the function of my overeating, which is stress relief and for social reasons. I will change this behavior, by changing my environment-so only going to the dinning centers a couple times a week, which will result in eating, but the consequence will be, not overeating throughout the whole day. I am allowed to eat 1 plate of food while in the dinning center, 1 should drink at least 1 glass of water with every meal (so I get full with water instead of purely food), and I am allowed one dessert a day. In all I should try my best to check 7 boxes a day or 49 a week, meaning I followed all these guidelines. There is room for mistakes, which will help me stay dedicated because it is achievable and I am not setting my standards too high. This is reinforcing because I finally feel like I can overcome my problem with eating, it is attainable and I have a specific plan. If I abide by these rules and get at least 40 out of the 49, I can reward myself with a mango or rock climbing.
8)Terms: Rule governed behavior, behavior, antecedents, consequences, behavior modification, increasing efficiency, deadlines, emit, functional assessment of behavior, ABC's, direct assessment, indirect assessment, discriminative stimuli, natrual contingencies, reinforcers, reinforcement, target behavior, functional analysis, reinforcing