Topical Blog Week #6 (Due Thursday)


We will go over this on when we meet on Thursday. If you are unsure how to do this assignment you might wait until after we meet in class.

This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching. What we do not want is a video produced to expressly demonstrate the specific behavioral topic.

For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.

So far we have discussed superstitious behavior and schedules of reinforcement.

What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.

For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something, 50 tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:


Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.

We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.

Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating schedules of reinforcement (other than continuous reinforcement)

For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 5) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated, 6) tell us to the antecedent is.

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:


Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?

When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the superstitious behavior URL first and then the schedule of reinforcement URL.

Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Let us know if you have any questions

--Dr. M


1. My clip is an ad for Bud Light. In the ad, a San Francisco 49ers fan shows up at his old apartment, where a new couple is residing. They are confused as to why he is there sitting on their couch, and he explains that he sat on the couch in that exact spot the year that the 49ers won the Super Bowl, and explains that “The team needs him”.
2. The target behavior of this ad that shows superstitious behavior is the man sitting in the exact same spot on the couch as he did many years before when the 49ers won the Super Bowl (first shows him at :02, but on couch for entire ad).
3. The consequence of the behavior is that the man is invited to stay and watch the game and drink a Bud Light.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something, which is the Bud Light
5. This behavior occurred because he sat on the couch for a few games when the 49ers won, and eventually probably continued to sit in that same spot until they won the Super Bowl. Because they won the Super Bowl when he sat in that spot, it convinced him that he was a big reason as to why it happened.
6. The antecedent is the game being on TV
A= The game being on TV
B= Sitting in the exact spot as he did in years past
C= Receiving a Bud Light and being welcomed to stay
The behavior (sitting in the exact same spot) results in a consequence of receiving a Bud Light and being welcomed to stay and watch the game. Therefore, this scenario resulted in positive reinforcement, because his behavior resulted in a desirable outcome.

1. This clip comes from the TV show Family Guy. In the clip, Lois explains how she is going to the gym and Brian notices that she hasn’t been around lately because she has been working out so frequently. Peter is upset with this, mainly because Lois has not been around to cook for him, so Peter demands that Lois makes him flapjacks. He says that for every 5 seconds that Lois is not making him flapjacks he will break a window. He begins breaking the windows as Lois continues talking to Brian. Finally, after 15 seconds of breaking windows Lois tells Meg to go make flapjacks, and she complies.
2. The target behavior that is (1:04) showing fixed interval is Peter breaking the windows
3. The consequence of the behavior is Meg making Peter pancakes so that he will stop breaking windows
4. While Peter received the pancakes, which is the addition of something desirable, he also broke a bunch of windows which is the addition of something undesirable
5. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed interval
6. The antecedent is Peter being upset at Lois because she won’t make him Flapjacks
A= Peter is upset that Lois doesn’t make him food anymore
B= Peter breaks windows
C= Meg makes pancakes for Peter

This is an example of positive reinforcement, because it involves the addition of a stimulus (the flapjacks) in response to Peter breaking the windows, although it is bad because Peter is not learning anything from it.
If the schedule of reinforcement changed where it took twice as long, twice as many windows would be broken (most likely all of the windows in the kitchen and/or living room).

Terms used – Superstitious Behavior, Emitted, Target Behavior, Antecedent, Fixed Interval, Consequence, Behavior, Positive Reinforcement, Desirable

Superstition: For this blog post I went way back to the days of watching Public Television and found an Arthur episode in which is full of examples of superstitions. In the beginning of the episode, Arthur finds himself having awful luck. It isn’t until he comes across a mysterious looking pencil does his luck, along with anyone else’s luck who uses the pencil change. Because of the positive reinforcement Arthur receives from using the pencil, good grades on test, extra desert at lunch, winning a game of tick-tac-toe leads him to believe that without the pencil he wont receive any type of reinforcement. At around 4 min 20 sec. into the video clip you can start to see the different target behaviors in which using the pencil creates a positive reinforcement. Take the surprise quiz for example. Arthur used the lucky pencil and he received an A on the quiz. In his mind it was the result of using the lucky pencil. The consequence of using the pencil is receiving an A on the quiz, involving the addition of something positive. For this situation, I believe that the behavior or using the pencil whenever Arthur wants a desired outcome developed from the change in luck he experienced when he first started using the pencil. In this situation involving the surprise quiz, the antecedent would be the quiz itself.

ABC's of the target behavior before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Surprised quiz assigned
B= Use lucky pencil to complete quiz
C= Received and A on the quiz

Once the superstitious behavior occurred, the antecedent remained the same in the fact that a certain task presented itself in which Arthur of one of his friends wanted to do well at. The behavior is using the pencil in order to complete the task (the antecedent) and the consequence was a desired outcome that came from using the pencil.

Scheduled Reinforcement: This clip taken from the reality TV show Big Brother. In this Head of Household competition contests have to hang onto a giant swinging banana and the team with the last member hanging onto the banana wins the contest. To add a twist to the competition, chocolate and whipped cream is spayed at the contestants on a variable interval schedule. The target behavior in this clip is the action of hanging onto the banana as long as possible and the scheduled reinforcement is chocolate being sprayed on the contestant at variable intervals (scheduled reinforcement first introduced at 1:40 in the video clip). The consequence of this target behavior is winning the Head of Household title for the week (which is one of the biggest incentives in the Big Brother game) and adds a desirable reinforcer. In this example the scheduled reinforcement is the variable interval of spraying chocolate on the contestants in the fact they do not know at what interval they will be sprayed with chocolate, but the longer they hang on, the more they will be sprayed with chocolate. Finally, the antecedent is the competition challenge itself.

The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Contestants are challenged to a competition
B= Contestants must hang on to a banana as long a possible
C= Contestant who hangs on the longest wins the competition

In this situation, positive reinforcement is used. Even though there is an addition of an aversive stimuli in the scheduled reinforcement, being able to still cling to the banana despite the scheduled reinforcement lead to the addition of a desirable stimulus, winning the title of HOH. I think if the scheduled reinforcement had changed to twice the amount of responses, the contestants would have been reinforced earlier in the fact the winner would have been determined in a much shorter amount of time.

Terms: superstition, desirable, aversive, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, schedule reinforcement, variable interval, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, incentive

1. This clip is from the TV show Pretty Little Liars. I am in the second season on the show. This illustrates superstitious behavior. Spencer and Toby break up, and then Spencer drives the truck she bought for Toby back to his house. She sits in the truck and listens to the radio. She didn’t want to break up with him, but it was the only way to keep him safe. He tried to give the truck back because she paid for it. Spencer was previously reinforced in the truck (kissing Toby, etc.), so she returns to his house and sits in the truck, even though it is not reinforcing.
2. The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is Spencer returning to Toby’s house and sitting in his truck. This is not reinforcing for Spencer, but being in the Truck with Toby was reinforcing previously. The video shows the break up and the truck at 1:21. (The TV show never actually shows spencer going back to the house, but she tells one of her friends that she did in a later episode that I was unable to find on youtube).
3. The consequence of the behavior is Spencer crying and missing Toby. This is not reinforcing for Spencer. It probably wasn’t a good idea for her to emit this superstitious behavior. Perhaps she was hoping to see Toby there, but he wasn’t home.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. Bringing the truck back to Toby’s house and him not being there makes her realize that she has lost him. Her boyfriend is removed.
5. I think this behavior occurred because she secretly wanted to see Toby again. She also wanted him to keep the truck that she bought him. She had been previously reinforced being in the truck with Toby at his house (kissing, etc.), so she went back to that same setting. However, this time it was not reinforcing.
6. The antecedent is Spencer and Toby breaking up, when Toby leaves his truck at Spencer’s house. This is the environment that elicits the superstitious behavioral response from Spencer to return to Toby’s house with his truck. She was going there even though she knew she would probably not be reinforced because she and Toby are no longer together.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A= Spencer and Toby breaking up, when Toby leaves his truck at Spencer’s house
B= Spencer returns to Toby’s house with the truck, but he is not home (she is not reinforced)
C= Spencer becomes upset and cries in the truck, knowing she has lost her boyfriend
The antecedent is Spencer sitting in Toby’s car at his house, alone. The behavior is her crying. The consequence is that no one comes to comfort her. This is not reinforcing for Spencer. Emitting the superstitious behavior didn’t directly lead to reinforcement. However, Spencer associated this with being reinforced in the past (Toby comforting her, etc.).
Aria is not reinforced by calling Ezra:
Aria is reinforced by calling Ezra:

1. I chose four different clips that show Aria calling Ezra from the show Pretty Little Liars. Aria and Ezra are seeing each other, and Ezra was Aria’s teacher (you can see how this is inappropriate). They tell Aria’s parents, and her parents put Aria on lockdown. This causes problems for Ezra and Aria. Aria is reinforced by calling Ezra on a variable ratio reinforcement schedule. She is reinforced about every 3 times she calls, but it varies.
2. The target behavior that illustrates what is being reinforced by the variable ratio schedule of reinforcement is Aria calling Ezra. This occurs in the first video at 0:02. It occurs in the second video at 0:03. In the third video it occurs at 0:51. In the fourth and final video, it occurs at 0:14.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that Aria is either reinforced or not. Although Ezra doesn’t answer the phone in these videos (or at least you never hear his voice, he actually does answer when she calls from the police station), Aria is reinforced because Ezra shows up. He came to meet her at 8pm like she asked in her voicemail in the fourth video. He also came to the police station when she called him in the third video.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable when she is reinforced, because Ezra comes to see her.
5. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is variable ratio. Aria is reinforced every 2-5 times that she calls Ezra (it varies).
6. The antecedent is Aria being alone with a phone.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Aria being alone with a phone
B= Aria calls Ezra
C= Ezra comes to see her (or doesn’t)
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Ezra is added to the situation, and this is desirable for Aria. She is more likely to call Ezra more often. If the schedule of reinforcement changed, and it took twice as many responses for Aria to be reinforced, I think she would stop calling Ezra (extinction could occur) because the previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced as often as it used to be.
Extinction, reinforcement, reinforced, schedule of reinforcement, variable ratio, responses, antecedent, consequence, emit, elicit, target behavior, positive reinforcement, superstitious behavior

1)My commercial is a bud light commercial where there is a lucky chair involved. Two guys take the chair with them a crossed the city, carrying it everywhere, riding on a train with it and it even serves as a way of carrying their bud light. They ended up taking it to a football party when their friend sits down and says, “Ah, my lucky chair” and they say “It was your lucky chair.” I think what was meant by that was that his favorite football team wasn’t going to win tonight. As if, he’s superstition was not going to work tonight.

2)The target behavior shown in this video is the man’s lucky chair. He is so superstition about the football game that he need to take the chair with him. They carried it all a crossed town in this video. Starting at .02.

3)The consequence was that he sat down in the chair with a bug light in his hand and watched the football game.

4)The consequence was the addition of a bud light.

5)This behavior occurred when he has had previous positive experiences with sitting on this chair. He calls this chair his “lucky chair.” His football team must have had some really good games while he was sitting on the chair and now he thinks in order for his team to play well he needs to be sitting on that chair, possibly drinking a bud light.

6)The antecedent is the two men carrying this big chair a crossed town for the football game.
A-Carrying the chair a crossed town for the football game.
B-Sitting in his “lucky chair” for the football game.
C-Being able to sit in his lucky chair for the football game, while drinking a bud light.
Once this behavior occurred this guy is thinking since he has his lucky chair with him his football team will play well and his beer will be tasty. However, if he’s team continues to win while he sits in his lucky chair that will only make him more superstitious.

1)In this episode of family guy, Consuela is on the show and every time she disagrees with something she always says, “No, no,” she’s always using a fixed ratio because she says no twice every time she disagrees.
2)The target behavior that is showing fixed ratio is Consuela’s answer when she disagrees with somebody. (.17 seconds)

3)The consequence is that nobody gets what they want because Consuela says, “No, No”.

4)The consequence involves the removal or something desirable for anybody that wants something from her that she doesn’t agree with. If Consuela doesn’t agree they the other person won’t get what they desire.

5)The schedule of reinforcement being observed is fixed ratio.

6)The antecedent is Consuela being in court and disagreeing with the attorney.
A-Consuela is in court, being questions by an attorney.
B-Consuela very consistently throughout the whole episode says, “No, No.”
C-Consuela disagrees with anything anybody wants her to do.

This is an example of negative reinforcement. It’s the removal of something desirable for everyone that wants something from Consuela. I don’t think the much would change if the schedule of reinforcement would take twice as long as took twice as much to be reinforced besides that Consuela would be saying “NO” twice as many times and it would take a little bit longer.

Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, antecedent, fixed ratio, consequence, behavior, negative reinforcement, removal, desirable

A. Superstitious behaviors

1) This clip captures a bouquet throw at a wedding. The new bride tosses her flower bouquet into a group of women and whoever catches it, is “the next one to get married.”

2) Catching the flower bouquet illustrates the superstitious behavior. It occurs almost immediately.

3) The consequence of catching the flower bouquet is marriage in the near future.

4) The consequence of catching the flower bouquet, marriage in the near future, is the addition of something desirable-a husband, proposal and/or wedding!

5) This behavior occurred due to the environmental circumstances. A tradition of Western weddings is the tossing of the bouquet. The newly wed bride must throw the bouquet into a crowd of women at the wedding to identify who is next in line to marry.

6) The antecedent is the environment, the wedding.

A= A wedding

B= Throwing the brides bouquet into group of women

C= Women who catches bouquet next to get married

If catching the bouquet was the antecedent, then the subsequent behavior to occur would be choosing mr right and the final consequence would be marrying him! The superstitious behavior gives the catcher hope and ultimately may elicit behavior to seek out a mate or marry the one she has (as ridiculous as that sounds as I write).

B. Schedules of reinforcement.

1) This clip is from the TV series Dexter. The main character, Dexter Morgan, is a serial killer who believes he only kills the bad guys-people who committed such atrocious acts they need to be disposed of. This clip is his first kill-a nurse who was overdosing sick patients ‘to put them out of their pain.’ However, Dexter discovered she was using her control to kill them.

2) The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement is Dexter killing the ‘bad guy.’

3) The consequence of the behavior is Dexter protecting the public from the bad guys and being reinforced he is ‘doing his job.’

4) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the bad guy!

5) The schedule of reinforcement demonstrated in this clip is the VI-variable interval. Dexter is reinforced randomly over time to kill.
The antecedent is finding a bad guy.

A= Finding a bad guy. 

B= Murdering the bad guy.

C= Protecting the people and ridding the world of evil.

This is an example of negative reinforcement because an undesirable behavior is been taken away from the situation-the bad guy is being taken out of society. If it took Dexter twice as long to be reinforced it would still be an example of VI because it still occurs randomly and at varying intervals.

TERMS: superstitious behavior, consequence, behavior, environment, antecedent, elicit, desirable, undesirable, schedules of reinforcement, variable interval, reinforced, negative reinforcement


In this clip there are friends at a football game drinking Bud Light. One man says, “labels out” and they all respond by turning their beer labels towards the field. One man is unaware of why they are doing this. The other men begin to explain the reasons for turning their labels towards the field, to make sure the kicker makes the winning goal. The man looks around and notices everyone else’s labels are turned out, so he does as well. Once he turns his, their team scores and takes the win. The final saying on the screen is “It’s only weird if it doesn’t work”. The target behavior is getting those who are drinking Bud Light to turn their labels outward so their team will in the game. (0:08-0:21). There could be two consequences to this behavior. If the man chooses not to turn his label towards the field his team could possible lose, if the superstition is right. The man doesn’t want to be the cause of the loss so he to turns his label, with a lot of skepticism. As he turns the label their team scores, winning the game. This consequence involves the addition of something pleasurable, which is winning the game. It could also be seen from the man’s perspective as the removal of an aversive feeling he is experiencing within himself by not following those around him. This behavior has most likely occurred because of a previous game win from someone turning his or her beer label towards the field. The antecedent for this situation is winning the previous game by the turning labels towards the field for the winning kick.

Winning the previous game by turning labels towards the field
Turning labels towards the field
C= Winning the game

The behavior of turning labels towards the field during the final kick results in a consequence of receiving a victory for their team and not being the cause of the team’s loss. Therefore, this scenario resulted in positive reinforcement, because his behavior resulted in two desirable outcomes.

In the Big Bang Theory, when Sheldon needs Penny for some reason he knocks on her door three times and after each knock says “Penny”. After the third knock Penny always comes to the door. This video shows 7 minutes of clips from different episodes of this specific behavior. The target behavior Sheldon wishes Penny to perform is answering the door after his third knock. Sheldon is using a fixed ratio scheduled to elicit the behavior from Penny. (The whole video) One time he knocks on the door after he only knocked twice, so even though the door is open he still knocks one more time. The consequence of the behavior is Penny opening the door, so Sheldon can relay specific information to her. This situation involves the removal of something aversive to Penny, once she answers the door Sheldon will stop knocking and saying her name, there for in turn giving Sheldon what he desires. The schedule of reinforcement is a fixed ratio schedule. The antecedent is Sheldon needing to inform Penny of something.

Needing to inform Penny of something
Knocking three times while saying Penny’s name three times.
C= Penny opening the door

This situation is negative reinforcement, because Sheldon is removing the annoyance of knocking and saying Penny after she opens the door. If the schedule changes Sheldon will become angry and become confused on how to get Penny to perform the target behavior. He will experience and extinction burst and tries a variety of different things to get his behavior to be reinforced.

Terms: Positive reinforcement, consequence, target behavior, antecedent, desirable, aversive, superstition, extinction burst, negative reinforcement, annoyance, fixed ratio schedule, elicit, and ratio schedule

The following clip is a classic cartoon clip called the “Stupidstitious Cat”. It’s a cartoon clip from 1946, and I remember watching it when I was a kid (in the 1990’s of course). In the beginning of the clip, the cat wakes up, a good luck picture above the wall has a horseshoe depicted, and he uncrosses all of his fingers and his arms, and even his eyes. He starts to get out of bed when he notices a sign that says “Wrong Side”. He jumps back as if shot at and turns to the “Right Side” to get up. He takes out a box and inside is a bunch of wishbones. He takes one, makes a wish, and breaks the wishbone. He tosses the short side away and keeps the long end. He wishes for something to eat and finds a bird outside. He brings him in and tries to eat him. In his attempt to pick up his bird sandwich, the bird knocks over the salt in order to distract the superstitious cat. He tosses salt over his shoulder and continues to try to eat his sandwich. He loses the bird and finds him underneath a ladder. He also opens an umbrella indoors, which he believes is bad luck. His superstitious behavior depicts classic superstitions that most people would think of when they think of someone who is superstitious. In the end of the clip, the bird notices that it is Friday the 13th and emits a series of superstitious behaviors he believes will bring him good luck.
In the beginning, the cat emits a superstitious behavior by not getting out of bed on the “wrong side”.
A=Getting out of bed
B=Getting out of bed on the “wrong side”
C=Bad Luck
The consequence of the cat getting out of bed on the “wrong side” is supposedly that he will experience bad luck. His behavior of getting out of bed on the wrong side would elicit a consequence of “adding” bad luck to his day. The cat possibly had been conditioned to believe in the idea of “bad luck” when he was younger, or he experienced “bad luck” whenever he got out of bed on that particular side, as opposed to the other side of the bed. He may have paired getting out of bed on the “wrong side” with bad luck, so he makes it a point to get out of his bed on the “right side”.
A=Salt Spills
B=Throwing Salt over their shoulder
C=Good Luck
For the schedules of reinforcement, I chose a clip from Big Bang Theory which shows that because Sheldon always knocks three times, Penny waits for the third knock before she answers the door. This could be considered a fixed schedule of reinforcement. (20 seconds into the clip)

A=Sheldon knocking on Penny’s door
B=Sheldon knocks three times; Penny waits for Sheldon to knock three times BEFORE opening the door
C=Penny opens the door after the third knock

Penny expects Sheldon to knock 3 times before opening the door, in the clip she waits for him to finish knocking before she will open the door. Opening of the door reinforces Sheldon's knocking behavior.

Terms:superstitious behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, schedule of reinforcement, fixed schedule of reinforcement

Sheldon also reinforces Penny's behavior by being consistent with his knocking ritual. She expects him to knock 3X, and has been conditioned to open the door once Sheldon has knocked three times.

This clip is of a bouquet toss gone wrong at a wedding. When a bride tosses her bouquet at a wedding into a group of women the superstition/belief is that the girl to catch the bouquet will be the next one to get married. In the case of this clip though when the bride tosses her bouquet one of her bridesmaids gets nailed in the face with it. Hopefully getting hit in the face with a bouquet of flowers isn't bad luck!

The catching of the brides bouquet illustrates the suspicious behavior and the consequence of catching the bouquet is hopefully getting married soon after the event.

The consequence of the behavior involves the addition of something desireable which is a finding a husband, getting proposed to, or having a wedding.

This behavior occured because it is a long lived tradition in our culture. This behavior is performed at almost every wedding in our culture and I think that it is something that won't be going away any time soon.

Finally, the antecedent is the wedding itself. Without the wedding there would be no traditional bouquet toss.

A: Wedding
B: Bride tosses her bouquet to a crowd of women
C: The girl that catches the bouquet will be the next to get married.

This clip is of a baby laughing hysterically at her dog eating popcorn. Every time the dog eats a piece of popcorn she laughs. This clip shows scheduled reinforcement because every time the dog gets a piece of popcorn she gets to experience something hillarious.

The consequence of the dog eating popcorn is the baby laughing hysterically.

The consequence of the behavior involves the addition of something desireable for the baby and the dog. The dog gets popcorn and the baby gets a laugh.

I think this behavior occured because the dad discovered that feeding his dog popcorn caused the baby to laugh.

Finally, the antecedent is the dad feeding the dog popcorn.

A: Dad feeds dog popcorn.
B: Dog eats popcorn.
C: Baby laughs hysterically.

This clip shows positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desireable for the dog and the baby.

Terms: Superstition, behavior, cosequence, antecedent, scheduled reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforcement.

To illustrate superstition, I chose to use the Bud Light commercial from the Super Bowl. In this commercial, a couple guys haul their friends 'lucky' chair out of his house over to the residence of some voodoo witch doctor. He claims to take the luck out of the chair. The behavior that illustrates superstition would be the guy sitting in his chair that he believes is lucky. He presumably believes this, because he was sitting in his chair multiple times while his favorite team preformed admirably. He assumes that him sitting in the chair helps them do so. When in reality, they continued to preform well because they were a good team, and he falsely attributed their success to his sitting behavior. The consequence of him sitting there would be the team winning i guess. Which would be the addition of something good, so it would be positive reinforcement. The antecedent for him would be that it was Super Bowl Sunday.

Antecedent- It is Super Bowl Sunday
Behavior- Sits in his lucky chair
Consequence- team does well, he feels as though he contributed.

This is a clip from the movie in office space. In this clip, peter is being evaluated by two of the higher ups at his company. He explains to them the motivation problem that he is having. If he works harder, he is not compensated more. The behavior is him doing computer work. He is on a fixed interval schedule. He puts in the hours, and he gets paid for them. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, a paycheck. The antecedent is working in an unmotivated fixed interval workplace.

Antecedent- at work
Behavior- slacking off
Consequence- being paid the same amount as if he were to put forth effort.

I believe this would be positive reinforcement, as it is the addition of something desirable. If it took longer to be reinforced with a paycheck, like switching to two weeks instead of one, I assume his behavior would stay the same. He is already slacking a fair amount.

Terms: Superstitious Behavior, positive reinforcement, reinforcement, behavior, consequence, antecedent, fixed interval

Supersticious Behavior
1) In this commercial a man returns to his apartment which he had moved out of sometime ago. He explains to the perplexed currrent owners that he sat in an exact spot in that apartment when the 49ers won the Super Bowl. He thinks that he sat in that exact spot every game when the 49ers won the Super Bowl then if he does it again they will win the Super Bowl again.
2)The behavior being illustrated in this clip that shows supersticious behavior is sitting in an exact spot on the couch whenever there is a 49er game on TV.
3) The consequence of this behavior is a perplexed look by the current owners because a random man is now in their apartment and that the extreme fan feels confident in his team winning.
4) This behavior involves a seat in which the man feels the need to sit on during the game.
5) This behavior occured because this fan did this behavior for one season and his team won the Super Bowl. So he now thinks that everytime he emits this behavior he thinks his team will win the Super Bowl.
6) The antecedent is the 49er game being on TV.
A= 49er games are on TV
B= The fan sits in the same spot for every game.
C= The 49ers won the Super Bowl.
After the 49ers won the Super Bowl the fan now thinks that if he sits in that same spot each game then his team will win the Super Bowl. So now every 49er game that is on TV he now sits in that same spot that he did before. The consequence to this behavior is that he has to intrude into a house that isn't his and recieve undesirable looks from the owners of the house.

Schedual of Reinforcement
1)In this video the dog is doing tricks for treats. Everytime the dog does a trick at the command of the person he recieves a dog treat.
2)The behavior being illustrated is the dog emitting a certain behavior, in this case a trick, and recieving positive reinforcement, which would be getting a treat.(0:13, 0:26, 0:39, 0:54, 1:26, 1:30)
3) The consequence of emitting this behavior is recieving a dog treat.
4)This video doesn't apply to either one because it involves the addition of something desirable which would be the dog treats.
5)The type of schedualed reinforcement being shown is continueous reinforcement because each time the dog emits the desired behavior he recieves a treat.
6)The antecedent is the owner calling for the dog.
A= Owner calling for the dog
B= The dog does tricks
C= The dog recieves a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement because there is an addition of something desireable. If the timing of reinforcement was altered to taking longer then the dog could either stop emitting that behavior or continue to emit that behavior in hopes of still being rewarded. The dog could be trained to emit the behavior longer by continuing to reinforce it after emitting the behavior longer.

Terms: Supersticuous behavior,emit,reinforce,positive reinforcement,consequence,schedual of reinforcement

My clip is a super bowl commercial for bud light and the 49ers. The guy collects hair, dirty socks, blades of grass and gets a ravens voodoo doll for the game. He is in New Orleans which is known for black magic and superstition. He walks through cemetary’s in search of the voodoo king. 2) The target behavior is the ravens winning. He collects all these items to add to his voodoo doll so he can swing the luck to the 49ers side. 3) the consequence would be the voodoo doll for each guy with all the items added to the doll that he collected in hopes it would bring his team some mojo. 4) the consequence involves the addition of a voodoo doll to help aid his team in winner the super bowl. Each man has one. 5) I think the behavior occurred because of the legend of new Orleans. It’s always had a reputation of being a dark magic city with superstition. He felt that it was worth a try to create this voodoo doll to bring him luck. 6) The antecedent is him collecting all the stuff he needs to create this doll. He got grass from the field, socks, shoestrings and hair from a comb. This led him to be able to create the voodoo doll.
A: collecting all the needed items for a voodoo doll
B: taking all the items to the witch doctor to help him create a good luck doll.
C: Hoping the voodoo doll will bring bad luck upon the ravens during the big game

The behavior of getting a witch doctors help resulted from him buying a bud light for the bartender which allowed him to gain access to the witch doctor. This resulted in positive reinforcement because he was allowed access to this guy because he drank a bud light. This resulted in him getting help creating a voodoo ravens doll.

Schedules of reinforcement

In this clip Dave Salmoni goes into a pride of lions to try and stop the aggressive actions they have towards people(tourists). He feels that his stick is the thing that stops them from charging because he believes he will win in the fight of will. Everytime he yells and holds up his stick the lions stop their charge towards him. 2) the behavior Dave is targeting to change is the charging of people when they get to close to the pride. He uses his stick and voice to stop their charge. 6:37 into it. 3) They scare of the tourists and in turn the money they bring to Africa. 4) It involves the removal of something undesirable. The lions charging humans 5) When dave throws up his stick and starts to yell as they charge. 6) Them relaxing with their cubs in their pride.

A: tourists visiting the game reserve to view lions
B: lions charging the group and scaring them away
C: Losing money to keep the reserve open

This is an example of negative reinforcement. When dave yells and throws his stick in the air it prompts the lions to back off in fear. He worked with these same group of lions in captivity. They learned when their response isn’t desired they get yelled at and a stick is the barrier between human and beast. If this schedule changed Dave would get mauled by a pride of lions and they would get killed. He doesn’t use a gun just the stick and his voice. If it took twice as long the lions would be put to sleep because they would be considered dangerous to the tourists on the safari.

Superstitious behavior

Schedules of reinforcement

Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious, superstitious behavior, schedules of reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, desirable.

My clip is a super bowl commercial for bud light and the 49ers. The guy collects hair, dirty socks, blades of grass and gets a ravens voodoo doll for the game. He is in New Orleans which is known for black magic and superstition. He walks through cemetary’s in search of the voodoo king. 2) The target behavior is the ravens winning. He collects all these items to add to his voodoo doll so he can swing the luck to the 49ers side. 3) the consequence would be the voodoo doll for each guy with all the items added to the doll that he collected in hopes it would bring his team some mojo. 4) the consequence involves the addition of a voodoo doll to help aid his team in winner the super bowl. Each man has one. 5) I think the behavior occurred because of the legend of new Orleans. It’s always had a reputation of being a dark magic city with superstition. He felt that it was worth a try to create this voodoo doll to bring him luck. 6) The antecedent is him collecting all the stuff he needs to create this doll. He got grass from the field, socks, shoestrings and hair from a comb. This led him to be able to create the voodoo doll.
A: collecting all the needed items for a voodoo doll
B: taking all the items to the witch doctor to help him create a good luck doll.
C: Hoping the voodoo doll will bring bad luck upon the ravens during the big game

The behavior of getting a witch doctors help resulted from him buying a bud light for the bartender which allowed him to gain access to the witch doctor. This resulted in positive reinforcement because he was allowed access to this guy because he drank a bud light. This resulted in him getting help creating a voodoo ravens doll.

Schedules of reinforcement

In this clip Dave Salmoni goes into a pride of lions to try and stop the aggressive actions they have towards people(tourists). He feels that his stick is the thing that stops them from charging because he believes he will win in the fight of will. Everytime he yells and holds up his stick the lions stop their charge towards him. 2) the behavior Dave is targeting to change is the charging of people when they get to close to the pride. He uses his stick and voice to stop their charge. 6:37 into it. 3) They scare of the tourists and in turn the money they bring to Africa. 4) It involves the removal of something undesirable. The lions charging humans 5) When dave throws up his stick and starts to yell as they charge. 6) Them relaxing with their cubs in their pride.

A: tourists visiting the game reserve to view lions
B: lions charging the group and scaring them away
C: Losing money to keep the reserve open

This is an example of negative reinforcement. When dave yells and throws his stick in the air it prompts the lions to back off in fear. He worked with these same group of lions in captivity. They learned when their response isn’t desired they get yelled at and a stick is the barrier between human and beast. If this schedule changed Dave would get mauled by a pride of lions and they would get killed. He doesn’t use a gun just the stick and his voice. If it took twice as long the lions would be put to sleep because they would be considered dangerous to the tourists on the safari.

Superstitious behavior

Schedules of reinforcement

Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, superstitious, superstitious behavior, schedules of reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, desirable.

Part 1- Superstitious Behavior

1. This clip is from the movie Good Luck Chuck. It is when Chuck is a young boy and they are playing spin the bottle. When he gets matched up with a gothic girl, events turn sour. She is extremely attracted to him and pretty much starts abusing him because he does not like her like that. Eventually, they stumble out of the closet and she is very upset. She casts a “sex hex” on him in that every woman he sleeps with will then find her true love after this occurs. Throughout the movie, every woman he sleeps with finds their future husband after they break up. When Chuck meets Jessica Alba, he really thinks that she is the one and refuses to sleep with her because he truly believes in the hex.
2. The target behavior is not sleeping with Jessica Alba in the movie. It is at the end of the clip where she places the hex but it is illustrated throughout the entire film.
3. The consequence of the behavior is not losing Jessica Alba to another man.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something. (sex)
5. The behavior occurred because after he slept with any woman they would immediately find the man they marry right after they break up.
6. The antecedent is him and Jessica Alba in various locations throughout the movie.

A= Chuck and Jessica Alba in various locations throughout the movie.
B= Not sleeping with Jessica Alba
C= Not losing her to another man

The behavior of having sex with women results in these women finding their future husbands shortly after the breakup. Therefore, this scenario resulted in negative reinforcement because his behavior with Jessica Alba resulted in increasing the behavior of not having sex (something being taken away).

Part Two- Schedule of Reinforcement

1. This youtube video is from the MTV show called Jersey Shore. It is a power hour video in which you are to take a shot of beer every 60 seconds. The directions for how to play are described within the first minute of the clip. To indicate when it’s time to drink, the song changes and a quick clip is played every 60 seconds.
2. The target behavior emitted would be to take a shot of beer every 60 seconds.
3. The consequence of the behavior would be to get intoxicated
4. The consequence could involve the addition of something undesirable because it could cause the individual to get too drunk, eventually causing them to do something they regret.
5. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is fixed interval because the individual knows exactly what time to take the next shot.
6. The antecedent is the room or area you are playing the game in.

A= A room
B= Taking a shot after 60 seconds
C= Getting drunk and potentially doing something you later regret

This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something (taking a shot) which will increase the behavior initially because the individual may want to get drunk. If the reinforcement changed as to where it took twice as long to take a shot, the individual would not get as drunk and it may lead to extinction.
Terminology: target behavior, consequence, behavior, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval, antecedent, extinction, positive reinforcement, emit, negative reinforcement

Part 1-

1) This clip comes from the movie “Friday Night Lights.” This is the last game of the post season and is the state championship game against the cross-state rivals—Carter versus Permian: East versus West. The coach gives a very powerful speech during half time after which the team recites the Lord’s Prayer—something that they as a team do before every game (this is a very common team activity—during my 10/12 years playing sports, we did this before every game).
2) The target behavior is the team linking hands, bowing their heads, and reciting as a team the Lord’s Prayer in hopes that this will help them to stay motivated during the game.
3) When the team is successful, they believe it is because of ritual, which causes them to do the same thing before every game.
4) This is the addition of something desirable—a constant ritual that provides a sense of security to the athletes before competing.
5) I believe that this behavior arose from the strong sense of faith in a higher deity preached to athletes across the country. They are taught that your actions are directly linked to God’s will and by praying to him you are putting yourself into his will. This is a behavior stemming from tradition that reaches back decades.
6) The antecedent is the locker room.

A= The locker room.
B=Team reciting the Lord’s Prayer before the game.
C=The addition of the Lord’s Prayer into the pregame and halftime rituals.

7) While in the locker room, the team recited the Lord’s Prayer and then ended up winning the game. This in return was processed as due to the game rituals that the athletes emitted. Therefore, the team began to add the prayer to every ritual and continued to win.

Part 2-

1) This is a clip from the TV Show “American Dad.” In this clip, Haley and Jeff are on vacation after scamming a large sum of money from Haley’s dad. Roger (the alien) decides that he wants the money and he normally gets what he wants even if it occurs after a short extinction burst (i.e. Roy Rogers episode). Haley and Jeff are refusing to give him the money so he resorts to crying MYAH! until he receives the money. Eventually, Haley gives in and gives Roger the money ultimately undermining the hole point of extinction and creating a sort of variable reinforcement schedule—if he yells long enough he will eventually get what he wants.
2) The target behavior is Roger screaming MYAH!, annoying Haley and Jeff. The variable reinforcement happens at the end of the clip when Haley gives Roger the money (: 51).
3) The consequence is that Roger knows when he screams long enough he will eventually get what he wants—addition of something desirable (money).
4) The consequence is positive or involves the addition of something desirable for Roger.
5) The schedule is a variable reinforcement schedule.
6) The antecedent is various vacations points—Haley and Jeff try to run away from Roger and his MYAH!

A= Various Vacation points
B= Roger screaming MYAH!
C= Roger gets the money from Haley and Jeff

7) This is an example of positive reinforcement with the addition of the money and Roger’s knowledge of a behavior that can get him what he wants whenever he wants. If the schedule would change, I feel like Roger would alter his behavior to encompass some other irritating behavior to get under Haley and Jeff’s skin—I doubt he would just give up.

Terms: Positive Reinforcement, Addition, Behavior, Antecedent, Variable Reinforcement, Consequence, Positive, desirable, target behavior, extinction burst, extinction, Ritual, Emitted,

This clip includes a dog that has superstitious behavior before he eats his food. The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior is the dog head bobbing before he eats his food (0:23-0:28). The consequence of this behavior is he then gets to eat his food. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is eating the food. Perhaps this dog’s behavior was learned from another dog. The antecedent is the food bowl on the ground with food.
A= Food bowl placed on ground with food
B= eats food
C= hunger satisfied
Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
A= Food bowl placed on ground with food
B= head bobs
C= eats food

My clip is a Subway commercial that is promoting customer appreciation month. For the month of December Subway customers can buy a 6-inch sub for $2. The target behavior in this clip is getting customers to buy a 6-inch sub (0:00-0:15). The consequence of buying a 6-inch sub from Subway is that you save money and receive a sub. This consequence involves the addition of a sub which is desirable along with the removal of something undesirable which is part of the cost. The schedule of reinforcement is a fixed interval in which the customer receives a discounted 6-inch sub each time he or she orders it at Subway during the month of December. The antecedent in this clip is going to Subway.

A= Subway
B= Buying a 6-inch sub
C= Receiving a discounted 6-inch sub

This commercial is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something undesirable (part of the cost) in order to increase the frequency of a behavior (buying subs at Subway). I don’t think if the schedule of reinforcement changed it would have too much of an effect on people. After the month of December however, I don’t think Subway would see as many customers in the following months. If Subway has this customer appreciation once a year and changes it to once every two years or three years some people who notice the change may become upset.

Terms: superstitious behavior, negative reinforcement, undesirable, desirable, schedule of reinforcement, fixed interval, target behavior, antecedent, consequence, behavior, frequency

bout 10 minutes into this episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Rachael is deciding what to wear for a house party. This party is important to Rachel she has invited a guy to the party that she is hoping to get a date with. In this segment a superstitious behavior is shown, Rachel begins to look for her lucky black dress that has, “never let her down”. Rachel hopes that wearing this lucky black dress will get her a date as it has before. The superstitious behavior is her belief that the lucky dress will get her a date. The consequence is Rachel getting the date she was hoping for and, the consequence involved the addition of wearing the right lucky dress. Later in the episode Rachel feels that the dress is not working, she then continues to emit an extinction burst. Changing into another dress and then into her old cheerleading outfit still hoping to get the date from the guy she invited.

A= the party
B= wearing her lucky dress
C= getting her date

This video clip is a woman using continuous to teach her dog how to sit. The target behavior is for the dog to sit. The continuous reinforcement is a fixed ratio, as soon as the dog sit once he or she is reinforced with a treat. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the trea) which would make this type of reinforcement positive. The trainer wants to increase the target behavior of the dog sitting on command.
A=sitting on command
C= getting a treat

Terms- positive reinforcement, target behavior, continuous reinforcement,fixed ratio, superstitious behavior, extinction burst, consequence, emits, and behavior

Superstitious Behavior:
1) This McDonalds commercial is about getting a free McDonalds coffee. A guy witnesses his friend doing a ‘ritual’ as he had once received free coffee from doing so. Afterwards the guy proceeds to do the ritual when he wants a McDonald’s coffee. Moreover everyone starts hand clap/ click a pen/ head slap to receive coffee.
2) The target behavior is doing the ritual. This happens throughout the commercial.
3) The consequence of the ritual is receiving coffee.
4) The consequence involves an addition of something, coffee.
5) The behavior occurred originally when the driver of the truck did the ritual and he received a free coffee with his breakfast.
6) The antecedent would be going to McDonalds.

A = going to McDonalds
B = the hand clap/ click a pen/ head slap ritual
C = receiving coffee

The ritual results in a consequence of receiving McDonald’s coffee. Whether the coffee was free or not is unknown. However doing the ritual provided for a positive reinforcement (coffee) and the superstitious ritual will most likely continue.

Schedules of Reinforcement:

1) In this clip from Games of Thrones, Bran is practicing archery. His brothers try to help him, but he is becoming discouraged and really wants to hit the target.
2) The target behavior would be trying to hit the target. In this clip Bran tries twice to hit the target. At two seconds and twenty four seconds.
3) The consequence of the behavior is the laughter from his brothers.
4) The consequence would be the addition of something undesirable, in this case laughter for not hitting the target.
5) I think the schedule of reinforcement would be variable interval, because over the passage of time (and practice) Bran is bound to hit the target.
6) The antecedent would be practicing archery.

A = practicing archery
B = trying to hit the target
C = laughter from his brothers

I think this is example of negative reinforcement. Bran is being laughed at, which is aversive, but it reinforces him to want to hit the target even more. If the schedule of reinforcement took twice as long, Bran may become a little discouraged but perhaps become better at archery faster.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, superstitious, schedule of reinforcement, variable, interval, negative reinforcement, aversive, reinforces


1) This is a clip of three girls throwing pennies into the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy. 2) The target behavior that illustrates the superstitious behavior it the throwing of the coins into the fountain. 3) The consequences of throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain is that the wish you made on the coin will come true. For these girls, the wish is that they’ll return to Rome someday. 4) The consequence is the addition of another trip to Rome. 5) The Trevi Fountain is a historical landmark that is known as a wishing well.I assume that the girls traveled to Rome and wanted to complete their journey by making a wish in the Trevi Fountain. 6) The antecedent is being in Rome, at the Trevi Fountain.

A) The antecedent is being at the Trevi Fountain in Rome.

B) The behavior is throwing the coin into the fountain.

C) The consequence is the hope that the wish made on the coin will come true.
The behavior is making a wish on a coin and throwing said coin into the fountain. The consequence is the hope that the wish will come true. After the behavior is emitted, nothing really chances, the coin toss doesn’t affect anything physically. The antecedent is being in Rome at the Trevi Fountain.
1) This is a clip of a women talking about potty training her son. 2) The target behavior the women is talking about is her son using the toilet. This is fixed reinforcement because he is cheered when he toots of goes to the bathroom. 3) The consequence of being cheered for going to the bathroom is going to the son going to the bathroom on his own. 4) The consequence is the addition of going to the bathroom on the boys own. 5) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated in fixed. 6) The antecedent of the behavior is tooting or having to go to the bathroom.
A) Have to go to the bathroom

B) Being cheered for going to the bathroom

C) Going to the bathroom on the sons own.

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The cheering will result in the son going to the bathroom on his own. If the reinforcement took longer, the boy would have a hard time sticking to going to the bathroom on his own.

Terms: Positive reinforcement, superstitions, target behavior, emit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, schedule ratio, fixed interval,

1.Since several people have already posted about the 49ers budlight commercial I am going to instead use a 49ers Tide commercial to demonstrate superstitious behavior. In the clip at :04 food is spilled on a NFL Jersey. They believe the stain is in the shape of Joe Montana and that it causes miracles. Marcus's wife ends up washing the stain off of the jersey because she is a Raven's fan clearly buying in to the miracle powers of the stain. 2. The superstitious target behavior is believing the stain has miracle powers because the success of the 49ers has nothing to do with a stain of Joe Montana. 3. The consequence of the behavior is relating success to the stain 4. the consequence is the addition of something. 5. This behavior probably occured because of the associating something that looks like Joe Montanta with good luck. 6. The antecedent is eating food, because without slopping food on the shirt there would be no look-alike stain.
A=eating food
B=believing Joe Montana stain has miracle powers
C= 49ers have luck
The behavior of associating the Joe Montana stain with the current success of the 49ers is emitted due to associating Joe Montana's success with the 49ers success. Every time the 49ers are successful it is reinforcing the belief in the miracle stain and as a consequence the 49ers will only be believed to have success until the stain is washed.

1. Unless you play the MMORPG Global Dekaron you probably don't know whats going on here at all. Basically this person is giving a piece of gear he wants to upgrade along with an argate ( an item used to fortify gear) to an alchemist. Throughout the video at various points you will see a red FAIL sign appear or a blue SUCCESS sign appear. I believe he fails to increase his armour stats the first two times, succeeds it twice, and then fails again, etc.
***You can think of this as gambling 2) The target behavior is argating with is reinforced by the random (variable) success rate. 3) The consequence of argating is the chance to have higher stated gear 4) the consequence is the addition of something desirable. 5) The schedule of reinforcement is variable ratio because although the probability of making your gear the highest grade is constant, the number of times you may fail or succeed with your argates to get there varies. It is this type of schedule of reinforcement that makes the game company NEXON a lot of money because the players will continue to spend their money trying to succeed their gear. The antecedent to the target behavior argating is playing Global Dekaron.

A= Playing Global Dekaron
B= argating gear
C= Chance of higher stated armour

This is positive reinforcement because having low graded armour in an MMORPG is aversive. It is pleasing to see your armour succeed and although you may fail several times in an attempt to get higher graded armour there is still enough of a chance to succeed that you try again. Although I have seen extinction bursts occur with my friends who have failed to successfully argate (cursing not playing the game for a week, blowing up the rest of their set in frustration) there is ALWAYS spontaneous recovery because NOBODY wants to run around with lame armour. So after enough time passes, or enough new resources are recovered, a player will try argating again until they eventually succeed a piece of gear.

Terms: superstitious behavior, target behavior, emit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, variable ratio, extinction burst, spontaneous recovery, schedule of reinforcement

Term: aversive

1. I chose to take a clip for the television show the Nanny. In this episode Fran starts to date a hockey player who lives a very superstitious lifestyle. He begins to see her as his good luck charm. He begins to make Fran go along with all of his superstitions and wants her at all of his games to guarentee that they will win. One game the team was doing terribly and when Fran's boyfriend called her over he noticed that she was wearing red shoes in which he believed were bad luck and the reason that his team was losing. He wanted Fran to get out of the arena and out of his life for what she had done to him and his career.
2. The supersitious behavior that is emitted is bringing Fran to the hockey game because he believes that she is a good luck charm and will allow him to play well and bring the team a victory. (2:09)
3. The consequence of the supersitious behavior is a feeling of secturity and confidence.
4. The consequence involves the addition of a sense of secutiry and confidence in his hockey game.
5. This behavior began to occur because he felt that it was fate that brought the two of them together and that she was the best thing in his life. He therefore concluded that she was the reason for good things happening which elicitted the behavior of bringing her to the hockey game which he believed would bring about the success that he desired.
6. The antecedent is the hockey game of Fran's boyfriend.
ABC's before Supersticious Behavior
A- The antecedent is the hockey player playing in his hockey game
B- The behavior is the hockey player playing well
C- The consequence is winning the game
The hockey player was playing well before he met Fran but then once he did he felt that he could not play well unless Fran was at the game and performed a number of other supersitions that the player believed in. The antecedent remained the same when the superistious behavior occured. Once the player believed that Fran would bring him lucky the target behavior changed to him bringing Fran to the games in which he got the confidence that they would play well and win.

1. My clip is from the movie Monsters Inc. This scene takes place on the scare floor where the Monsters go into children's room and scare them in order to collect energy from their screams. This energy is collected in a big yellow container with a meter which shows how much that meter can hold. Some children will produce enough scream to fill the meter right away and other children only fill the meter partially requiring for more children to be scared in order the fill the container. The company keeps a scoreboard of the amount of energy each monster collects and has it displayed so that each time a container which elicits the behavior of collecting sreams because of the competition setting.
2. The target behavior is scarring children for their screams. (1-1:10)
3. The consequence is recieving energy from the screams which fills a container and increasing their scream score.
4. The consequence of filling the container and increasing their scream score is an increase of something desirable because the monesters are in competition to be the number one scarer.
5. The schedule of reincforcement being demonstrated is variable ratio because there is not a set number of children that a monster must scare in order to recieve the consequence of filling the container and raising their score. It is a ratio schedule because the consequence depends upon the amount of scream collected rather than an interval of time.
6. The antecedent is a job at the scare factory.
A- The antecedent is a job at the scare factory
B- The behavior is scaring children to collect their screams for energy
C- The consequence is filling the container and increasing in their points on the scare leader board.

This is an example of positive reinforcemnt because it involves the addition of something desirable, which in this case is a filled container and increase of a scare score. If the reinforcement was changed to require twice as much energy to fill a container it may push the monsters to recieve more energy faster in order to recieve the reinforcement close to when they were used to receiving it before. Though if the monesters feel that it was too big of an increase the reinforcement may lose desirability and result in less productivity.

Terms Used: supersitious behavior,consequence, emit, anteceden, reinforcement schedule, vairable, ratio, positive reinforcement, interval

Superstitious Behavior
1. The clip that I chose is a trailer to the movie Like Mike. It’s about an orphan, Calvin Cambridge, who finds a pair of sneakers donated by Michael Jordan to the orphanage. He wears them to an L.A Knights basketball game and wins a one on one shootout with star player Tracy Reynolds. Calvin believes it’s the shoes that are giving him amazing basketball skills. (0:25) He eventually gets recruited to the L.A. Knights team and leads them to great season. Mr. Bittleman- the owner of the orphanage steals his shoes and bets that they won’t win the next game, however Calvin’s friends manage to get them back and even when the shoes are damaged and no longer work his basketball skills are just as good. At the very end Calvin and his best friend end up getting adopted by Tracy Reynolds.
2. The target behavior is Calvin’s basketball skills, because he believes they are due to his “magic” shoes.
3. Because of his increased basketball skills- Calvin gets recruited by the L.A. Knights and leads the team to multiple victories. He gains popularity and many people start asking for his autograph, even other players. Mr. Bittleman gets jealous and attempts to steal the sneakers to earn money, but his plan fails.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something- his fame, as well as becoming a part of the basketball team.
5. This behavior occurred because before Calvin put on the shoes his basketball skills weren’t very good, and once he put them on and played one on one with Tracy Reynolds he did very well. He believed this was because of his shoes, and so he continued to wear them thinking they were “magic”, when in reality it was his actual basketball skills- not the “magic shoes”.

ABC’s Before Superstitious Behavior
Antecedent- Calvin plays basketball
Behavior- His skills aren’t that great.
Consequence- Calvin feels like he doesn’t have very good basketball skills.

ABC’s After Superstitious Behavior
Antecedent – Calvin puts on the shoes
Behavior- He plays well. (Wins one on one with Tracy Reynolds)
Consequence- He continues wearing the shoes because he thinks they are giving him “magic basketball skills” (Everyone is impressed and he is invited to play with the L.A. Knights. )
Schedules of Reinforcement
1. This video clip is about two businesses that use an app called Belly that rewards frequent diners by giving them points each time they come in which they can redeem online for things such as free cookbooks and even cooking classes.
2. The target behavior is to get costumers to keep coming back by giving them points every time they come in. Each time they come they receive five points and can redeem these points online for a prize. So in a sense- every 10 times you dine at a store you could get a free cookbook- which is an example of a fixed ratio. (0:50)
3. The consequence is the incentive for customers- and more people are more likely to dine in. The more the business makes and the more customers get rewarded.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable for both the business owner and the customer- money for the business, and points for the customer (which eventually lead to rewards).
5. The schedule of reinforcement being displayed here is the fixed ratio because every 10 times you are rewarded. Or every 15 times you are reward. But it always goes up in increments- it is never a random amount- it is always a specific number.
6. The antecedent is dining at the restaurant.
Antecedent- Dining at the restaurant
Behavior- Receiving points
Consequence- Collect points and attain prize.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the business is rewarding its customers by giving them a certain amount of points each time they dine which they can then redeem for a prize after gaining a sum of points. This encourages customers to eat here- because they are being rewarded as well as the business owners. If it took 60 times to eat at the restaurant to be able to get a prize- customers would not be drawn to that, and would probably be angered at that certain limit. Because who honestly eats a restaurant 60 times? Maybe in a lifetime, but no one wants to wait that long for a reward. This would be ineffective, and the business would probably not gain too many more customers.
Terminology: consequence, antecedent, behavior, superstitious behavior, schedules of reinforcement, fixed ratio

superstition behavior:

1.) This is a 2011 Super Bowl commercial for Doritos. In this commercial, 3 men are having a lame "boys night in" playing video games. A man eat a Doritos chip and an attractive woman appears who then begins to kiss that man. The second man eats two Doritos chips and two attractive women appear with eyes for that man. The last, and larger, man tries to dump the whole bag of Doritos into his mouth causing a mob of women to tackle him. The commercial ends with the men surrounded by women and underwear.
2) the target behavior that illustrates superstition is the eating of Doritos.
3) The consequence of the behavior is a attractive women will arrive and want to have sex with you.
4) I think the consequence involves the addition of magic, but otherwise no addition or subtraction.
5.) This behavior occurred because the one man was hungry and ate a chip. When the two other men saw the consequence of eating Doritos, they too ate some.
6.) The antecedent is a man brings a bag of Doritos to hang out with his friends.

Before superstition
A.)Man is hungry
B.)Man eats Doritos chip
C.)Man satisfies hunger

After superstition
A.) Man is aroused
B.) Man eats Doritos chip
C.) Attractive woman appears to have sex with the man.

1) A baby girl and her parents are out eating at a restaurant. The parents give the baby a lemon to eat for the first time. The baby takes a bite of the lemon and makes a silly face because it is sour. After the parents laugh, the baby puts the lemon back in her mouth and makes another silly face because it is sour. The parents laugh again and continue this routine a few more times.
2) the behavior is the baby eating a lemon
3) the consequence of the behavior is that the parents laugh and smile at the baby.
4) The consequence involves the baby eating a lemon which causes them to make a sour face but it makes her parents laugh.
5) This is a fixed schedule because the baby has figured out how to make her parents laugh and smile.
6) The baby was given a lemon and put it in her mouth. Since she is a baby, they explore the world around them by putting objects into their mouth.

A.) Baby is given lemon
B.) baby eats lemon
C.) Parents laugh and smile at baby

this is an example of positive reinforcement because the parents respond with laughs and smiles every time the baby eats a lemon. The parents are actually responding to the silly face that the baby makes, but they baby will think that it is eating a lemon that makes her parents laugh. If the parents did not laugh right away, I think the baby would still try the lemon again out of curiosity that babies have about their world. But if the parents still did not respond with laughs after a second try, I think the baby would stop eating the lemon for dislike of the sour.

Terms: Positive reinforcement, fixed schedule, consequence, behavior, antecedent, superstition, target behavior

Superstitious behavior
This is a commercial for McDonald’s. In it the man does a certain routine of hitting and slapping and clicking a pen. The other man in the car asks him why he is doing this. He responds that last time he did it he got a free coffee. And he is handed coffee through the drive up window. So then the other man emits this odd routine and gets coffee. We see groups of people all doing this weird little routine to get coffee.
The behavior is doing the little routine; he is doing it because when he did it last he was reinforced with a coffee.
The consequence of the behavior is receiving free coffee. This would be the addition of something desirable.
The behavior occurred because maybe he was board and likes doing little routines. And he keeps doing it because he thinks it’s how he gets his free coffee.
The antecedent is craving the coffee, being thirsty for it.
A-Desiring coffee
B-doing routine
C-Receive free coffee

Reinforcement schedule
So this is clips of weigh ins done on a TV show called The Biggest Loser. The goal of the weigh in is to lose a good amount of weight; I think they want at least three pounds a week. If their team loses the most amount of weight they are safe from getting eliminated. The weigh in is reinforcing because it lets them know how much they have lost and if it’s a good amount their team mates are happy because they are safe. The target behavior is losing weight. The weekly weigh in is what is reinforcing. If they lose enough weight they are safe from getting eliminated and closer to winning the prize money. I suppose not getting eliminated would be something desirable. They are weighed in weekly so this would be a Fixed Interval schedule. The antecedent would be the weigh in.
A=weigh in
B=lose weight
C=do well at weigh in, don’t get eliminated
This would be negative reinforcement because the threat of being eliminated is being taken away, when they do well at the weigh in.
Terms: negative reinforcement, reinforcing, fixed interval schedule, target behavior, emits, antecedent.

Superstitious Behavior

1) In this episode of Baby Daddy there are two things going on. The first thing is that Ben is trying to date his daughter Emma’s doctor and the other thing is that Ben’s big brother, Danny, is preparing for his hockey game. The hockey game is what I want to focus on. About 4:30 into this episode, Danny starts listing off all of the things he wants to make sure his mom did before his game when he pulls out a filthy, smelly jersey from high school. He talks about how he has worn it under his uniform ever since he won a championship back in high school because it brings about “victory”. Later on in the episode, Tucker ends up washing the jersey and it’s a big tragedy for Danny, but I want to focus on the significance of the dirty jersey.
2) The target behavior is wearing the jersey under his uniform for each game ever since he wore it and won his championship game in high school.
3) The consequence of Danny wearing the jersey is playing well and winning his game (or so he thinks that is why he wins)
4) The consequence of winning when wearing the jersey is the addition of something desirable (VICTORY!!)
5) The behavior of wearing the jersey under his uniform every game happens because one time in high school he won while wearing it. Danny now associates winning with that jersey so he thinks he needs it in order to win (hence never washing it, keeping it in its original condition).
6) The antecedent is Danny’s hockey game.

A= the hockey game
B= wearing the jersey
C= winning the game

Danny is reinforced by winning when he wears his jersey from high school. He believes it increases the chance of him winning and doing well which is what is desired so that is why this is also positive reinforcement.

Other Schedules of Reinforcement

1) In the movie Horrible Bosses, Jason Bateman’s character Nick, is always staying late at work and coming in early to make sure he working hard and doing a great job. He wants to be promoted but obviously you don’t get promoted over night. For months, and even years, an associate works long hours and does whatever they are told just to hear that there is a possibility of them being promoted. Every time you work late, your boss doesn’t say “Good Job! You are one more day closer to that promotion.” They may acknowledge that you stayed late sometimes but it doesn’t happen every time and yet you still continue with the same behavior. This is why this is an example of intermittent reinforcement.
2) The target behavior is going “above and beyond” at work.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is that you hope it gets recognized in order for you to fulfill your bigger goal of getting a promotion. The trouble is that it doesn’t happen every time and it can take a very long time.
4) This demonstrates the addition of something desirable (in the end)
5) The schedule of reinforcement is intermittent reinforcement.
6) The antecedent is an office building.

A= an office building
B= going “above and beyond” while at work
C= sometimes getting recognized and hopefully in the end getting promoted

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence is increasing the chances of the behavior happening again in the future and it involves the addition of something desirable.

Terms: antecedent, target behavior, consequences, positive/negative reinforcement, addition of something desirable, superstitious behavior, intermittent reinforcement

What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating superstitious behavior.

1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip: this clip is a McDonald’s clip that shows how two men are waiting in the McDonalds drive-thru and the driver does a weird hand clap sequence and receives free coffee.

2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video) the target behavior is the hand clap sequence that the driver performs while sitting in the drive-thru. This is shown at 0:06 seconds in the video.

3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of the behavior is to receive a free coffee or to maybe not receive a free coffee is the target behavior was not performed properly.

4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something the consequence involves that addition of a desirable stimulus.

5) tell us how you think this behavior occurred, and finally the behavior occurred because the man had said that the last time he went to McDonalds he did the hand clap sequence and received a free coffee. I wonder if maybe he was listening to music or if was just patting to get the time to pass while he waited for his breakfast, and then by chance he received a free coffee.

6) tell us to the antecedent is going to McDonalds for breakfast.

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:
A=going to McDonalds for breakfast
B=receiving a free coffee
C= being reinforced that the next time you go to McDonalds you will receive a free coffee again.

Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.
Once the superstitious behavior begins the antecedent and behavior is the same but the consequence could change based on if the superstition is true or not.
We have discussed schedules of reinforcement.

1) briefly describe/summarize the clip: this clip is from one of my favorite movies Beetlejuice. In this clip Beetlejuice is trying to convince Lydia to say his name 3 times so that he can get released from where he is in the “lego” town.

2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video): the behavior that is being reinforced is the releasing of Beetlejuice from the little town by saying his name 3 times. The schedule of reinforcement is the fixed ratio. Shown at 2:00 minutes in the video.

3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of the fixed ratio behavior is getting Beetlejuice released into the house where he pulls pranks on people. Beetlejuice is in this little “lego” town because he got in trouble.

4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: the consequence is aversive because Beetlejuice is a trouble maker and he only tries to get rid of his curse.

5) what is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated: fixed ratio is being demonstrated because in order to get Beetlejuice out of his little town and give him back his powers you have to say his name 3 times. Ratio indicates there is some kind of number associated with this and the fixed part shows that it is a predetermined stimulus.

6) tell us to the antecedent is. Needing Beetlejuice “help” in order to help the 2 dead people that live in the house.

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= needing beetlejuice’s help
B= saying Beetlejuice 3 times
C=releasing Beetlejuice and giving him back his powers in order to “help”

Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?
This is an example of a positive reinforcement, because you are adding a desirable stimulus by calling upon Beetlejuice to help you, while having Beetlejuice help you showing the increase in the behavior of releasing him from his miniature little town. In would not change much except maybe give the individual more time to decide if they really want to Beetlejuice to help them. Also if you were in a hurry you may feel more pressure to say Beetlejuice 6 times instead of three.

terms: behavior, positive reinforcement, superstitous behavior, desirable, aversive, consequence, fixed ratio.

1) This is a clip from Friends. Everyone decides to go to Las Vegas for a weekend. Monica and Chandler spontaneously decide to get married, but before they do Monica wants to find something old, new, borrowed, and blue—for good luck. They go into a shop and she picks out a blue sweater. Something new, and blue. Chandler then convinces her to stuff it under her dress “borrowing” it, and they will return it later.
2) The behavior is making sure she has something old, new, borrowed, and blue before she gets married. This occurs at 00.11 seconds into the clip.
3) The consequence of this behavior is supposed to be good luck throughout their marriage. (Monica and Chandler don’t actually go through with the wedding)
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, good luck, leading to a happy marriage.
5) This behavior occurred because Monica and Chandler decided to get married on a whim. They were hoping that any little bit of luck would make them feel better about their situation.
6) The antecedent is being in love in Las Vegas.

A=being in love in Las Vegas
B=getting something old, new, borrowed, and blue before getting married
C=good luck throughout the marriage

The behavior of making sure she had something old, new, borrowed, and blue leads to the addition of something good, luck and happiness throughout marriage. It is superstitious behavior because it does not directly lead to reinforcement. Having something old, new, borrowed and blue, is not what leads to a happy marriage, but many people still use this behavior. (I know this video clip is in a different language, but I could not for the life of me find it in English. I looked forever. But you still get the idea and can see clearly that she is getting a blue sweater to get married in.)

1) This is another clip from Friends. Ross and Monica were somehow chosen to be on Dick Clarks New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Show. They really want to dance up on the platforms so that they can be on TV. After trying numerous different things to get on, none of which work, they decide to do “the routine.” After performing their infamous middle school dance routine they are let up on the platforms. They are ecstatic to think they are going to be on TV.
2) The target behavior is doing “the routine. It occurs at 00:49 seconds into the clip.
3) The consequence of the behavior is getting to dance up on the platforms.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, getting to dance on the platforms and be on TV.
5) The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is a ratio schedule of reinforcement. It took X amount of things before they were able to get up on the platform. They were finally reinforced after they decided to do the routine.
6) The antecedent is being chosen to be on Dick Clarks New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Show.

A=being chosen to be on the show
B=doing the dance routine
C=getting to dance up on the platforms

This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable, getting on the platforms and being on TV. If the schedule of reinforcement would have taken twice as many things for them to get on the platform, they would not have ever gotten on and would not have gotten reinforced. Monica says in the clip that “it’s almost fake midnight,” meaning they were running out of time that they had left to try to get on the platform.

Terms: consequence, behavior, antecedent, superstitious behavior, target behavior, schedule of reinforcement, ratio schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement,

1) I choose a clip from the show Grey’s Anatomy. In the clip I decided to use the last couple minutes of it. (12:45-14:00). In the last couple minutes Burke tells Yang about how he needs his certain scrub cap to wear during surgery. Yang tells him that he doesn’t need the certain scrub caps to wear because wearing them doesn’t determine whether or not the patient survives surgery. Burke then says that he knows, he just feels comfortable wearing them. Yang then continues to tell Burke that she has one of his scrub caps in her locker. Burke then is asked why she has one of his caps, but also seems startled/disturbed that she had one. Yang tells burke that she is going to keep the scrub cap held hostage until he kicks out the man who is living with them (George). Burke doesn’t seem to like this idea, mostly because he wants his lucky scrub cap for his surgery later on that day.
2) The superstitious behavior that Burke emits during this clip is around 12:50ish. The superstitious behavior, although isn’t present in this clip, it is very clear that the target behavior being emitted is Burke wearing, special or lucky as he would say, scrub caps during this surgeries because he believes it makes me perform better/saves the patients lives when he wears them.
3) The consequence of Burke wearing his lucky scrub caps is that the patient comes out alive and survives the surgery.
4) The consequence involves that addition of something.
5) Burkes consequence was not because of his superstitious behavior but because he is a great and skilled surgeon. Therefore, because he is a good doctor and surgeon he has more people who come out of his surgeries with success, not because of his scrub caps that he believes make his surgeries successful.
6) The antecedent of Burkes superstitious behavior is that Burke wore his scrub caps and had all successful surgeries. Therefore, making Burke belief that his scrub caps make the surgeries successful.

A= Burke had successful surgeries while wearing scrub caps
B= Burke wears scrub caps because he believes they make his surgeries successful
C= Burkes surgeries are successful

Dr. Burke’s superstitious behavior began once he started noticing how successful his surgeries were when he wore his scrub caps. Although it wasn’t the scrub caps making the surgeries successful Burke believed this was the case. Burke is just a good surgeon who has many successful surgeries.

1) I choose to watch a McDonalds commercial for when they have monopoly winnings on the food and drinks. During the commercial there are people eating the fast food and talking about how they’re winning stuff from the monopoly tickets. They also say how everyone has a 1 in 4 chance of winning. Also, that there are 125 million winners total. The whole time they discuss how much better their food is then the friends because they won.
2) The behavior that is being emitted is that these people are going to eat at McDonalds. The schedule of reinforcement that is being emitted in the commercial is one in every forth person will win something on a monopoly ticket from McDonalds. Every time some wins from the monopoly game they are reinforced to go back to McDonalds to try to win again. (0:10-0:15)
3) The consequence of going to McDonalds to eat is that they are going to have a 1 in 4 chance of winning something from the monopoly game.
4) This commercial involves the removal of something desirable because every time someone doesn’t win from the monopoly game there is a removal of something desirable.
5) The schedule of reinforcement that is represented in the McDonalds commercial is 1 in 4 people win a price in the monopoly game. This is a fixed ratio.
6) The antecedent of this example is seeing commercials for the monopoly game at McDonalds.

A= Seeing commercials for the monopoly game at McDonalds.
B=Going to McDonalds to eat
C= Having the chance at winning every 1 in 4 times in monopoly.

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior being emitted is being reinforced by the addition of the monopoly prizes as reinforcers to make the people keep coming back to McDonalds to at their food. If the schedule of reinforcement were to change and be more like 1 in 8 people will win a prize I think the reinforcement wouldn’t be so reinforcing anymore.

Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforcement, reinforcers, reinforce, behavior, emitted, reinforced, schedule of reinforcement, reinforcing, consequence, antecedent, superstitious behaviors, target behavior, fixed ratio,

1) The video clip I choose for this assignment involves a guy singing a little ditty about knocking on wood to keep the streak of a good life going. We’ve all heard the expression ‘knock on wood’. This video clip explains why in the words of the song by Alan Kirk.
2) The target behavior is knocking on wood (0.13).
3) The consequence of the behavior is the addition or continuation of having good things happen to you in life.
4) I would label having good things happen in life as the addition of something desirable.
5) There are a lot of theories as to why knocking on wood would bring good luck into a person’s life. I am not sure if they are true but my guess is that in the past someone started knocking on wood because they equated it with good fortunes. As a result of emitting the behavior and seeing positive results, the tradition was passed on to our generation.
6) The antecedent would be any time in life when good things are happening.

A=When life is going good
B=Knock on wood
C=Good things will continue to happen

When life is good, there must be something that is happening in order for those desirable things to happen to an individual. The superstitious behavior comes into play for those who believe that it influences how future things will affect someone. By knocking on wood, the individual is hoping that more positive situations occur in their life.

1) This video clip is the group Kutless performing ’To Know That Your Alive’. In this video a women is shown at the scene of a car accident. The clip is an example of ratio scheduling because it talks about not giving up even when encountered with negative situations in life.
2) The target behavior that is being reinforced is to not give up when bad things happen in life (0.27).
3) The consequence of the target behavior is learning from the hard times and becoming better people as a result of surviving those times in life where we think everything is bad.
4) The consequence of toughing out the stretches in life where everything seems hopeless is the addition of something positive. By surviving bad situations we develop character that will carry with us forever.
5) The schedule of reinforcement that is being demonstrated in this video is ration scheduling because we may have to try many times before we can actually get passed a rough patch in life.
6) The antecedent is any tough situation that we face in life.

A=Tough situations in life
B=Not giving up
C=Developing character to be able to get through the next tough time in life

This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because by not giving up, we are developing healthy character that will lead to a better understanding of the tough situations that come up in life. That character will help to get us through new problems that will arise in the future. Since we never know how long it is going to take to get through a certain situation, the schedule of reinforcement wouldn’t change the outcome of this behavior. However, we as humans get depressed when bad situations continue for any length of time. So in order for positive emotions to stem from a bad situation, the length of time that a person would strive to make the best of a bad situation would need to be short enough that they could see the positives for toughing it out and getting to the other side of whatever negative situation was in their life at the time.

Terms: Antecedent, positive, negative, ratio scheduling, consequence, schedule of reinforcement, reinforcement, emitting, desirable, undesirable, superstitious behavior, target behavior.

1)This clip shows a cat trying to avoid falling into a bathtub, and when he finally falls, freaks out a bit. Because he thinks the tub is filled with water, he does not want to go into the tub. He knows that the tub is usually filled with water, so he is being careful not to fall in. This is why this makes me believe it is a superstitious behavior.
2)The target behavior in this clip is avoiding the fall into the bathtub.
3)The consequence of the behavior is falling in and “freaking out.”
4)The consequence involves the removal of the cat’s calmer demeanor.
5)I think this behavior occurred because he previously experienced that falling into the tub will result in him getting wet, which he is trying to avoid.
6)The antecedent is the cat standing on the ledge of the bathtub.

A=The cat standing on the ledge of the bathtub.
B=The cat trying to avoid falling into the tub.
C=The cat falling in and “freaking out.”

Terms: target behavior, superstitious behavior, consequence, removal, behavior, antecedent

Superstitious behavior

1)Briefly describe/summarize the clip.

- In this episode “THE SCOOBY-DOO SHOW - The Spirits of '76”, which is a cartoon, was the best reference to superstitious behavior without having to describe another football commercial or Dorito’s one. Here is a classic cartoon about superstitious behaviors. The episode is about the time the mystery gang (Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scoody Doo)go to a museum. Once they get there they realize that is it supposedly haunted because strange things happen after it closes. And just like most of the Scooby Doo cartoons things happen just they way they are not suppose because Scooby Doo gets lost in the museum and then they get trapped inside after it closes; thus strange, spooky things begin to happen making the mystery gang interested in why things are happening.

2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the superstitious behavior

– At 18:17 mark of the episode; Scooby and Shaggy will not go into a scary part of the museum to help find Daphne. The target behavior is to get them go into the basement to look for Daphne.

3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is

- After Velma bribes them with Scooby snacks, Shaggy and Scooby Doo go down to the basement they found Daphne tied up and rescued her

4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something

- It definitely involves adding something which serves as a reinforcement and that would be the Scooby Doo snacks.

5) Tell us how you think this behavior occurred

- Scooby Doo and Shaggy were acting through their superstitious fears that any place called haunted was full of ghosts and monsters.

6) Tell us to the antecedent is.

The Antecedent is going to the museum to look at all the famous statues and paintings.

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip before the superstitious behavior occurred:

A= the mystery gang goes to a museum and accidently get locked in after the museum closes

B= TO MAKE Shaggy and Scooby Doo go to the basement to find Daphne.

C= Velma gives them a Scooby snack and they go down to the basement, find Daphne and rescue her.

Now discuss the behavior in terms of the ABCs once the superstitions behavior began.

The superstitious behavior begins to occur once the antecedent has passed because once they get to the museum they could see that it looked scary from the outside and that’s when Shaggy and Scooby Doo begin to experience the beginning of the superstitious behavior which is that it must be haunted and begin shaking and shivering. Once that begins they begin to hide and that when Daphne, Velma, and Fred get separated which causes Daphne to get kidnapped. The target behavior was getting Shaggy and Scooby to go down to the basement and look for Daphne but are too scared to do it and after giving them Scooby snacks as a reinforcement and the consequence is of good fortune because they find Daphne and rescue her thus fulfilling the whole concept of the show which was that there are no such things as ghosts or haunted houses. Scooby do saves the day again.

Schedules of Reinforcement

1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip

- This clip is from the Once upon a Time series which is about snow white and the prince but brought to this world. Anyways, briefly they can’t remember why they have this attraction towards one another and “the prince” is married to someone else in this world but yet is attracted to “snow white” well, every morning at 8 am the prince goes to the coffee shop and gets coffee. Snow white knows this and just happens to be there right before, or is already there or is at the exit right before he leaves. She just wants a glimpse if that is all she gets, or if they have time they talk, or go for a walk.

2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the what is being reinforced with a schedule of reinforcement (please note what time it occurs in the video)

- It happens several times in this episode every day at 7:50 a.m. in the morning when he goes gets his coffee. The target behavior is getting the prince to stop and talk with snow white because they have this special connection; very special feelings of attraction.

3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is

- They end up spending more and more time with each other which causes all sorts of guilt and tension between everybody because she finds herself lying to everyone about where she was and who she was with.

4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable

- the consequence is the addition of something desirable with is spending time with each other; even if if just a glimpse, snow white is satisfied as well though.

5) What is the schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated

- on the days that she would be there on time and waiting for him the likelihood that they would spend moments talking or saying a few words to each other.

6) Tell us to the antecedent is

The antecedent is deciding go to the café even though she knows he is married to someone else; the deciding moment to go and then going to the café on purpose is the true antecenden

Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:

A= Going to the café on purpose

B= to meet or get to talk to the prince

C= actually going on walks and having long, interesting talks with him – establishing a relationship sort of

Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.

This is an example of positive reinforcement although it comes with guilty consequences because she does get what she wants but in the process hurts the wife of the prince and her friends because all lies are revealed at the end of the episode.

What would happen of the schedule of reinforcement changes where it takes twice as long or twice as many responses to get reinforced?

It does change because at the end of the episode the prince chooses not to go to get coffee anymore and right there the schedule of reinforcement is broken and when snow white sees the time just go by and he never shows up she knows that reinforcement has stopped and he made a choice to stay home with his wife.

Terms: superstitious behaviors, target behavior, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, antecedent, concept, reinforced, establishing a relationship, schedules of reinforcement,

Superstitious Behavior

1)This clip is of the pre-game rituals performed by athletes in the NBA

2)The target behavior of this clip is the athletes doing their pre-game ritual that they do every game.

3)The consequence is the athletes doing the ritual thinking it will help the game.

4)The consequence involves the addition of whatever their ritual is.

5)This behavior occurred because they have won many games after doing their ritual so they attribute the winning in some part to the ritual.

6)The antecedent is the player doing the ritual
a=doing the ritual
b=believing it will help with the game
c=winning and attributing it to the ritual

Schedules of reinforcement

1)In this clip the jokers have to act as dentists assistants and have to do whatever they are told to do or they get a strike against them, the person with the most strikes loses and gets a punishment at the end of the show.

2)The target behavior is the jokers following directions. If they continue to follow directions they don't get in trouble.

3)The consequence of this behavior is that the jokers won't be punished at the end of the show.

4)The consequence involves the addition of a negative stimulus which is the punishment at the end of the show.

5)The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is continuous reinforcement.

6)The antecedent is the jokers following the rules to not be punished.
a=jokers are supposed to follow directions
b=jokers not following directions get strikes
c=joker with most strikes get punished at end of show

This is an example of a positive reinforcement because if they don't follow directions the addition of an aversive stimulus (the punishment) is given at the end of the show.

Terms:superstitious behaviors, target behavior, consequences, addition, antecedent, punishment, negative stimulus, schedule of reinforcement, continuous reinforcement, aversive stimulus
Superstitious behavior

1) This clip is from the first Air Bud movie. The new kid in school, Framm, is nervous about his first basketball game. One of his teammates pulls out an orange peel from his sock that Scottie Pippen, a famous player, once dropped and he claims to have picked it up. The behavior occurs at around 47 minutes.
2) The target behavior is to be more confident and to not be as nervous for the game because having something belonging to a pro player in his sock gives the illusion that he will do better.
3-4) The consequence of the behavior is that it increased his confidence and lowered his nervousness. It is positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable, confidence. This confidence will lead to an increased chance at victory and great individual performance.
5-6) This behavior occurred because you was noticeably nervous. The antecedent is his friend offering to let him put it in his sock before the game.
A= wanting to do well in a big game
B= putting a good luck charm in his sock
C= increase confidence
The increase in confidence will, a majority of the time, lead to a better performance. Especially if compared to the results is someone was way too nervous and shaking.

Schedules of reinforcement

1) This clip is from the show family feud. The families must give answers to certain questions. After each answer they are either reinforced by it showing up on the board, or punished by an X. It is interesting also because each right answer has a number, the higher the number, the better the answer and the more reinforcing it is.
2) The target behavior is to get the right answer and, in turn, win money. After every answer, they are reinforced to a different degree. When they get all the answers on the board, they get the points.
3) The consequence of a correct answer would be it showing up on the board and with a number also. The number tells you how good your answer was, the higher the number, the more reinforcing your correct answer was. You will try harder to get a good answer on the next question. When you win the category, you get the points.
4) It involves the addition of something desirable, points in the game which leads to winning a lot of money. You could also look at winning the money as a reinforcer.
5) The schedule is to reinforce after every correct answer, but to a certain degree which has to do with the number value of the answer. You do not keep the points until you get all the answers for that certain question.
6) The antecedent would be getting asked the question.

A= getting the question asked to you
B= answering correctly
C= More points for your team

The schedule is different for each question because each one has a different number of correct answers. This is important because winning the category is the only way to keep the points. They are usually around 4-5 correct answers. The more answers, the harder it is. The family will still try hard though because they want to win the category. This would be positive reinforcement.

Terms: superstitious, reinforcement, positive and negative, punishment, behavior, illusion, antecedent, consequence, desirable behavior, target behavior

The video clip I chose was about a baseball team that has superstitious rituals that make them think they will play better in a game. One of the specific things in the video was a kid that chewed gum every single game he played in. He said if he did not have gum then he didn't think he would play as well. The consequence of the behavior is maybe playing better even though gum won't really help someone play better. He has the gum so he may feel more relaxed because he believes it will help him. The consequence is the addition of gum. This behavior probably occurred when he was chewing gum one game and did really well and he related playing well to having a piece of gum in his mouth, therefore he believes it helps him.
A- Chews gum during game
B- Plays baseball game
C- Wins or even loses game but still believes gum helps him

This video clip is about fixed ratio. The fixed ratio is every time the dog sits, he gets a treat. There could be multiple fixed ratios in this situation. For example, instead of every time, it could be every 3rd time the dog sits, he gets a treat. The behavior targeted is to get the dog to sit every single time and is rewarded with a treat every single time. The consequence of the behavior of the dog sitting is getting a treat. The consequence involves addition of something-the treat. The antecedent is being told to sit down.
A- Dog being told to sit down
B- The dog sits
C-The dog gets a treat

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dog loves the treats so every time he does what he is told, he is rewarded with a treat. If the fixed ratio would change then the dog may be confused at first. My dog will sit and if he doesn't get the treat right away he will stand up and sit again because he thinks maybe I didn't see him sit down the first time. I could train my dog to sit three times before getting a treat.

The video clip I chose was about a baseball team that has superstitious rituals that make them think they will play better in a game. One of the specific things in the video was a kid that chewed gum every single game he played in. He said if he did not have gum then he didn't think he would play as well. The consequence of the behavior is maybe playing better even though gum won't really help someone play better. He has the gum so he may feel more relaxed because he believes it will help him. The consequence is the addition of gum. This behavior probably occurred when he was chewing gum one game and did really well and he related playing well to having a piece of gum in his mouth, therefore he believes it helps him.
A- Chews gum during game
B- Plays baseball game
C- Wins or even loses game but still believes gum helps him

This video clip is about fixed ratio. The fixed ratio is every time the dog sits, he gets a treat. There could be multiple fixed ratios in this situation. For example, instead of every time, it could be every 3rd time the dog sits, he gets a treat. The behavior targeted is to get the dog to sit every single time and is rewarded with a treat every single time. The consequence of the behavior of the dog sitting is getting a treat. The consequence involves addition of something-the treat. The antecedent is being told to sit down.
A- Dog being told to sit down
B- The dog sits
C-The dog gets a treat

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dog loves the treats so every time he does what he is told, he is rewarded with a treat. If the fixed ratio would change then the dog may be confused at first. My dog will sit and if he doesn't get the treat right away he will stand up and sit again because he thinks maybe I didn't see him sit down the first time. I could train my dog to sit three times before getting a treat.

Superstitious Behavior
1. This clip is a snickers commercial. It shows Robin Williams as a football coach and he starts suggesting that the players do all these weird things out on the field. After he eats a snickers bar, he becomes himself again. The main slogan for the commercial is "you're not you when you're hungry".
2. The target behavior that demonstrates superstitious behavior is Robin eating the snickers bar to become himself again. (0:15)
3. The consequence of the behavior is that the coach becomes his normal self again.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the snickers bar)
5. The behavior occurred because the coach was hungry so he wasn't acting like himself. After he got something in his stomach he felt better.
6. The antecedent is being hungry
A= Hungry
B= Eats snickers
C= Becomes himself again
Once superstitious behavior began:
Whenever the coach is feeling hungry he believes that he will have to eat a snickers in order to feel like himself again.

Schedule of reinforcement
1. In this clip a dog owner is trying to teach his dog how to cover her eyes. He places tape on her nose and every time she moves her paw towards her nose he clicks a clicker and gives her a treat.
2. The target behavior that demonstrates the ratio schedule is the dog being reinforced when she moves her paw. (1:23-1:36)
3. The consequence of the behavior is the dog getting a treat
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the treat)
5. The schedule of reinforcement being demonstrated is ratio schedule.
6. The antecedent is the tape being placed on the dog's nose.
A= Tape placed on dog's nose
B= Dog moves paw to remove it
C= Gets treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable to the dog. If the dog was not reinforced after touching its nose, it may become confused as to why it is or isn't getting the treats.

Terms: positive reinforcement, antecedent, ratio schedule, schedule of reinforcement, superstitious behavior, target behavior, consequence

In the above clip, Peter Griffin is made to believe that he is causing his car alarm to go off with the slightest movement/sound. The clip was made to imply that he was the direct cause of his car alarm going off, but in the real world we are conditioned to think that our arbitrary actions directly cause things when we are really just manipulated by different schedules of reinforcement/punishment, and we infer that our own actions have more power than they do.
The antecedent is that Peter has a car alarm.
The behavior is Peter accidentally making a sound when trying to sneak into bed.
The consequence is that the car alarm goes off.
Peter is conditioned to believe that even making one single noise while sneaking into bed will cause the car alarm to sound. However, there are much more logical explanations to the actual cause of the car alarm sounding.
There are different schedules for reinforcement and punishment. Although one can get away with noncontinuous schedules of reinforcement, punishment is different. For a punishment to be effective it needs to happen immediately after the target behavior is emitted, as well as every single time the target behavior is emitted. The above video is a good example of how noncontinuous punishment does not work. The drivers are all lined up in preparation for a drag race, and the police bust them right as they are getting ready to take off. Some may argue that if the punisher is harsh enough, the perpetrators may be less likely to emit the target behavior in the future, such as taking their licenses away. However, that is creating an environment that is conducive to committing crimes. The person has a car, needs to drive places, and is told by the government that they are not allowed to drive. It doesn't make sense to punish a person with nothing but more rules when they already showed that they will not obey the rules. In order for this to be effective, street racers need to be punished every time they race, the punisher must be realistic and effective, and the system needs to be not conducive to breaking the law.

In this particular video:
The antecedent is having a fast car and going for a street race
The behavior is getting caught by the police
The consequence is losing their licenses, therefore making it a crime for them to drive again

As a result of this, the racers are less likely to let themselves be caught racing in the future.

Direct, Conditioned, Arbitrary, Manipulated, Schedules, Reinforcement, Punishment, Actions, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequences, Noncontinuous, Emitted, Target, Punisher, Environment, Conducive, Effective.

1) The video I looked at is a Coca-Cola commercial during the 2012 Super Bowl. The video shows two polar bears who are watching the football game and one of the polar bears watches the game with all this fingers, toes, arms, and legs crossed. The polar bear with everything crossed wants to drink his Cola but he won’t because that will require his to uncross his arms to drink it so the polar bear sitting next to him puts a straw in it so he can drink his cola and watch the game without uncrossing anything.
2) The target behavior I want to look at is in the beginning of the commercial when the polar bear crosses all his fingers, toes, legs and arms. This is the polar bears suspicious behavior that he emits.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the polar bear believes that if he emits these suspicious behaviors his football team will win.
4) This behavior adds something undesirable for the pleasurable consequence. The polar bears behavior adds something undesirable because he can‘t move ( movement is eliminated) to even drink his cola during the game.
5) I think this behavior occurred while the polar bear was watching a game. I bet that the score was close and the polar bear crossed everything and his team ended up winning the game so now he associates the emitted behavior of crossing everything to the team winning.
6) The antecedent is watching his favorite football team.
A= Football Team playing
B= Crossing everything
C= Team winning the game
The antecedent is the polar bears favorite team playing football. Every time the polar bears team plays he emits the target behavior of crosses all his fingers and toes because he believes it will lead to the reinforcement he desires which is his team winning the game when in fact it probably leads to random variable ratio instead of an actual reinforcement that the suspicious behavior didn’t actually cause.
1) The video that I picked has a dog that gets a treat every time she balances the treat on her nose for two minutes.
2) The target behavior in this video is balancing the treat on her nose. The target behavior occurs for almost the whole video
3) The consequence of this target behavior is that the dog gets to eat the treat after the target behavior is emitted.
4) This consequence is the adding of something desirable.
5) The schedule of reinforcement in the video is fixed intervals. If the dog waits two minutes with the treat on her nose she will get the treat.
6) The antecedent is the command from dogs owner.
A=Command from owner
B=Balancing treat
C=Get treat
7) This is an example of positive reinforcement. If the dog waits she will get the treat which is positive because it is adding something desirable (treat) and is reinforcing because it increases the target behavior. I think that if the fixed intervals are manipulated to variable intervals the dog would be confused at first but would adjust to the change.
Terms: pleasurable, undesirable, consequence, superstitious behavior, target behavior, antecedent, schedule of reinforcement, positive reinforcement, fixed intervals, manipulated, and variable intervals

1) The video clip I choose for this assignment involves a guy singing a little ditty about knocking on wood to keep the streak of a good life going. We’ve all heard the expression ‘knock on wood’. This video clip explains why in the words of the song by Alan Kirk.
2) The target behavior is knocking on wood (0.13).
3) The consequence of the behavior is the addition or continuation of having good things happen to you in life.
4) I would label having good things happen in life as the addition of something desirable.
5) There are a lot of theories as to why knocking on wood would bring good luck into a person’s life. I am not sure if they are true but my guess is that in the past someone started knocking on wood because they equated it with good fortunes. As a result of emitting the behavior and seeing positive results, the tradition was passed on to our generation.
6) The antecedent would be any time in life when good things are happening.
A=When life is going good
B=Knock on wood
C=Good things will continue to happen
When life is good, there must be something that is happening in order for those desirable things to happen to an individual. The superstitious behavior comes into play for those who believe that it influences how future things will affect someone. By knocking on wood, the individual is hoping that more positive situations occur in their life.
1) This video clip is the group Kutless performing ’To Know That Your Alive’. In this video a women is shown at the scene of a car accident. The clip is an example of ratio scheduling because it talks about not giving up even when encountered with negative situations in life.
2) The target behavior that is being reinforced is to not give up when bad things happen in life (0.27).
3) The consequence of the target behavior is learning from the hard times and becoming better people as a result of surviving those times in life where we think everything is bad.
4) The consequence of toughing out the stretches in life where everything seems hopeless is the addition of something positive. By surviving bad situations we develop character that will carry with us forever.
5) The schedule of reinforcement that is being demonstrated in this video is ration scheduling because we may have to try many times before we can actually get passed a rough patch in life.
6) The antecedent is any tough situation that we face in life.
A=Tough situations in life
B=Not giving up
C=Developing character to be able to get through the next tough time in life
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because by not giving up, we are developing healthy character that will lead to a better understanding of the tough situations that come up in life. That character will help to get us through new problems that will arise in the future. Since we never know how long it is going to take to get through a certain situation, the schedule of reinforcement wouldn’t change the outcome of this behavior. However, we as humans get depressed when bad situations continue for any length of time. So in order for positive emotions to stem from a bad situation, the length of time that a person would strive to make the best of a bad situation would need to be short enough that they could see the positives for toughing it out and getting to the other side of whatever negative situation was in their life at the time.
Terms: Antecedent, positive, negative, ratio scheduling, consequence, schedule of reinforcement, reinforcement, emitting, desirable, undesirable, superstitious behavior, target behavior.

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