Topical Blog Week #5 (Due Thursday)


What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.

What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.

For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally 6) tell us to the antecedent is.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.

Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.

NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.

For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally 6) tell us to the antecedent is.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.

For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.

When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.

Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.

Let us know if you have any questions.

--Dr. M


The article I chose describes a fishing company called Day Boat Seafood and their steps in becoming MSC certified. MSC certified according to the article refers to the Marine Stewardship Council, which has pledged to promote fisheries that protect the oceans, not plunder them. Whole foods (a Day Boat Seafood’s major client) announced that they were going to buy as much seafood as possible with the MSC label. Day Boat Seafood is therefore going through with the long process of becoming certified to keep their major client. The target behavior is keeping Whole Foods as a client by becoming MSC certified. The consequence of this behavior is that Whole Foods will continue to buy seafood from Day Boat Seafood and may even pay more for it. The consequence will increase the frequency of continuing to become MSC certified (even after expiration). The frequency will increase because Day Boat Seafood will continue to make money from Whole Foods which is desirable to the fishing company in order to make a living and to keep their business. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is a major client thus money and possibly even a raise. The antecedent is Whole Foods announcing they are going to buy as much seafood with the MSC label as possible.

A= Whole Foods buying as much seafood with the MSC label as possible.
B= To keep the Whole Foods client, Day Boat Seafood become MSC certified
C= Whole Foods continue business with Day Boat Seafood

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence to becoming MSC certified is keeping a major client who will pay good money for fish. Money is desirable to the Day Boat Seafood business therefore the frequency of their behavior of becoming MSC certified is increased.

The Day Boat Seafood’s behavior of being MSC certified may later become extinct if Whole Foods does not continue to reinforce them (MSC certification is expensive). It could also become extinct if another company that does not require MSC certification offers Day Boat Seafood more money. Whole Foods could use an establishing operations technique that would make the reinforced behavior reinforcing. This establishing operations could include Whole Foods forming a monopoly involving seafood thus Day Boat Seafood’s would be forced to continue to become certified in order to sell their catch to the only buyer. This is of course unrealistic but would make the reinforced behavior more reinforcing.

Recently two Muslim football players were signed by an Israeli football team. It broke a long-established tradition of not signing Arabs or Muslims and caused fans to display negative racist banners along with destroying the club’s office in outrage. The target behavior in this article is signing Muslim football players to an Israeli team. The consequence of this behavior is negative racial feedback and outrage from the fans. The consequence may decrease the frequency of signing more Muslim players because the negative feedback from the crowd is aversive to the players and the team. The negative public response to the Muslim players could eventually cause riots or other forms of public outrage. The consequence may decrease the frequency at least until the fans have accepted the idea. The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable which is undesirable to Israelis. The antecedent is the Israeli football team recruitment.

A= Israeli football team recruitment.
B= Signed two Muslims on their team
C= Negative racist feedback from fans

This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence to the signing of the Muslim players is receiving negative racist feedback from fans which is aversive to the team and its players. This behavior may cause the team to decrease the behavior of signing more Muslim football players.

Terms: positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, addition, frequency, aversive, desirable, extinction, antecedent, behavior, establishing operations, undesirable, target behavior

1. My article is about Rob Gronkowski, who is the star tight end for the New England Patriots. Gronkowski, who is only 23, has a reputation for partying and going to the clubs a lot during the offseason. This behavior has been criticized a lot, especially the night after the Super Bowl and several times this offseason. Logan Mankins, who is a veteran guard on the team, responded to the criticism saying “As long as he’s not getting DUIs and doing things that are against the law… I don’t think he’s hurting anyone”.
2. The target behavior is Gronkowski’s offseason activities, which is partying
3. The consequence of the behavior is criticism and scrutiny from the media across America, and Mankins defending his behavior
4. Mankins defending Gronkowski’s behavior will increase the frequency of the behavior
5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, which is Mankins’ support/backing up Gronkowski.
6. The antecedent is that it is the offseason, which brings free time
A= the football offseason
B= Gronkowski partying
C= Mankins defending Gronkowski against the media, therefore encouraging his behavior

This is an example of positive reinforcement because a desirable stimulus (Verbal Praise) is introduced in order to reinforce the behavior (partying). This involves Establishing Operations, because the reinforcer (Mankins) is able to reinforce this behavior (partying) even further through his comments.

1. My story talks about a man, Michael Garcia, who is a waiter at a restaurant in Houston, Texas. Michael was serving a family at the restaurant he works at, and this particular family happened to be regular customers. The family has a 5-year old son, Milo Castillo, who has Down syndrome. The family sitting in the booth directly behind Milo and his parents got up and moved towards the back of the restaurant, and the father of this family stated “Special kids should be kept in special places”. Michael overheard this and was very upset with the comment. He told the man that he refused to serve him and his family, and the family left. (I thought this was a great story, because it is acts of courage and kindness like this that makes the world a place worth living in. Michael’s action has raised thousands of dollars in donation, which he has sent directly towards Milo’s school)
2. The target behavior is saying something offensive about others with special needs (Especially in a public place)
3. The consequence of this behavior is not being able to get served food at this restaurant, forcing the family to leave
4. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the father has learned that if he speaks like that in public places he and his family will have to leave
5. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable, which telling them they have to leave
6. The antecedent is going out to dinner at that particular restaurant
A = Going out to dinner at the restaurant
B = Saying an offensive comment
C = Family has to leave the restaurant
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of a desirable stimulus (eating restaurant food) after emitting an undesirable behavior (offensive comment).

Terminology Used – Target Behavior, Negative Punishment, Desirable, Undesirable, Emit, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Stimulus, Establishing Operations, reinforcer

1) My article is about a study that was done in Norway for over 85,000 women about how taking folic acid before getting pregnant can greatly decrease their child’s risk of having autism. This study only was able to determine its benefits when it comes to a child having severe autism, not a milder form of Asperger’s.
2) The target behavior is taking the folic acid supplements.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that if the folic acid supplements are taken at least 4 weeks before pregnancy and at least 8 weeks after, the child will be 40% less likely to have autism.
4) The consequence of your child having a better chance of not being born with autism will increase the frequency of the behavior of taking folic acid.
5) It involves the addition of something desirable because it increases the chances of your child being born healthy and then going on to live a happy and healthy life.
6) The antecedent is trying to have a happy, healthy baby.

A= trying to have a happy, healthy baby without autism
B= taking folic acid supplements
C= having a child that is 40% less likely to have autism

I am an over thinker but I am going to say that this is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the introduction of something desirable in order to increase the frequency of the behavior. Your baby being born healthy is what is desired.

Extinction happens when the previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced. This would not occur here because taking folic acid supplements will always help a child be healthier and that will always be a desirable consequence. (at least for normal people)

1) This next article discusses how drinking alcohol can add many empty, non-nutritional calories to your day which can cause you to gain unwanted weight. It also discusses how many people forget to include alcohol when inquiring about their daily calorie intake.
2) The target behavior is drinking too much alcohol
3) The consequence of this behavior is gaining unwanted weight.
4) The consequence of this behavior only makes an impact if it is “unwanted” weight that is being gained. If it is, then it will cause you to decrease your alcohol intake.
5) It involves the addition of something undesirable (the unwanted weight)
6) The antecedent could be at a party, at a restaurant, or any other social environment.

A= party, restaurant, social environment
B= drinking too much alcohol
C= gaining unwanted weight

This is an example of positive punishment because it will force someone to decrease their behavior of drinking too much alcohol by introducing unwanted weight gain.
Terms: positive and negative reinforcement, positive and negative punishment, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, desirable, aversive, extinction

1) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has created an app for smartphone users with an iOS or Android Operating System; mPING. It links users with a map showing various weather reports by locals using a technique called crowdsourcing. mPING is able to collect geographic winter precipitation data from users. This data will help with determining exactly what the weather is doing near you and help your weatherman have a more accurate picture of what’s going on outside. Anonymous users have an assortment of varying weather conditions to choose from and then in selecting one, send it to the NOAA website. This new app is supposed to give us a better idea of the weather from ground observations that, from an automatic systems point of view, are not as accurate. This new information that users will be providing will help develop new algorithms for radars in the future. This could potentially help weather warning systems as well as the cost effectiveness of systems we have in place already. The app while only having a soft launch in December, has already become quite popular. This data now is readily available for people to view on their phones and will give people with a high interest in weather and science something to play around with.
2) The target behavior is the development of a new app called mPING from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
3) The consequence of the behavior is support by weather nerds around the nation by the popular downloading
4) The support from the weather nerds around the nation by downloading this mPING will increase the likelihood that they will continue developing more apps similar to this to help weather stations predict weather.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is support from the weather nerds.
6) The antecedent is having a not so effective system to predict weather today.
A= Having a not so effective system to predict weather today
B= The development of mPING by the NOAA to help with the more effective prediction of weather
C= Weather Nerds’ support by the growing number of downloads of mPING.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable that is reliant on emitting a target behavior. Reinforcement occurs when a consequence, following the behavior, intensifies the likelihood that the behavior will occur in the future under comparable circumstances. The reinforcement by weather nerds is what is known as a secondary reinforcer. It is secondary reinforcement because without having our previous weather prediction systems in place they would not have learned that this system is better and therefore their response of excitement about it wouldn’t have been as great. The new mPING app is now a new discriminative stimulus for a mass amount of people because now it emits information to people about what the weather is like around them in a more exact nature. mPING now sets the occasion for an operant response to occur which is to know the weather.
1) 1) In Kentucky, the local company Makers Mark plans to water down their bourbon taking it from 90 proof to 84 proof. Naturally, locals as well as others across the country are outraged to find this out. Despite watering down the bourbon they will not be lowering their prices; they are keeping the taste in tact but the bourbon will contain less alcohol.
2) The target behavior in this story is Makers Mark changing their recipe to contain less alcohol.
3) The consequence of watering down/lowering the alcohol content in Makers Mark is that people are getting angry. There were many phone calls made to the distillery within the last few months that demonstrate people’s frustration with the move.
4) Hopefully, the consequence of people getting angry will increase the likelihood that Makers Mark will keep their recipe the same. The people of Kentucky would like to see the bourbon stay the same. I cannot say for sure however which way this story will go.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable/aversive. I can only imagine the people working at the Makers Mark factory are not enjoying all of the angry phone calls being made by people who are in opposition of them lowering the alcohol content and not lowering their prices.
6) 6) The antecedent is being in Kentucky; bourbon country.
7) A=Being in Kentucky.
8) B=Makers Mark Watering down their bourbon, making the alcohol content lower.
9) C=Hopefully Makers Mark remains the same.
10) This is an example of Positive Punishment because it involves the introduction of an aversive stimulus (angry phone calls). The people of Kentucky as well as across the county want Makers Mark to stay with their original recipe for their bourbon and not water it down/change the alcohol content of it therefore they are punishing them by making angry phone calls. Drinking Makers Mark to many people has been a conditioned stimulus. We have learned to like this bourbon to the extent to which now when the company tries to change it we get angry and punish them.
Terms: positive reinforcement, desirable, behavior, secondary reinforcer, consequence, response, discriminative stimulus, emit, operant response, target behavior, positive punishment, aversive, conditioned stimulus, punish.


1. This article was about Lady Gaga postponing US tour dates after sustaining a joint injury. She had been touring and performing incessantly which caused her to acquire synovitis (inflammation of the joints). She was trying to hide the pain and perform anyway, but says after her last show she was “unable to walk.”

2. The target behavior is performing in the presence of obvious pain (ignoring symptoms of an injury).

3. The consequence of the behavior is that Lady Gaga was unable to walk after her show.

4. The consequence (being unable to walk) will decrease the frequency of the target behavior (ignoring symptoms of injury & performing anyway) because it was a punishment. It was aversive to Lady Gaga. Let’s be honest, who is going to continue to do something that makes them unable to walk? She physically would not be able to perform if she continued the behavior.

5. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable: her ability to walk.

6. The antecedent is being on stage.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A: being on stage
B: performing in the presence of obvious pain (ignoring symptoms of injury)
C: she is unable to walk

This is an example of negative punishment because something desirable is subtracted (taken away) from Lady Gaga. She performs when she is in pain, ignoring symptoms of injury. As a result, she is unable to walk. The ability to walk is desirable and taken away from her.

This could involve extinction (I am only speculating). If Lady Gaga is no longer reinforced for performing while in pain (by her fans, etc.) she may go through an extinction burst and eventually cease to emit the target behavior.


1. In this article, the boy band The Wanted won best group at the Virgin Media Awards. They were very close to losing to the band One Direction (the bands are sort of rivals and both are trying to further their careers in the US). Creating music in the US has resulted in them receiving the award.

2. The target behavior is creating and performing music in the US.

3. The consequence is receiving the best group award at the Virgin Media Awards.

4. The consequence of receiving a very prestigious award for emitting the target behavior will increase the likelihood of the behavior being repeated because it is reinforcing. The award is a reinforcer to the group. Of course they will want to continue to tour in America if they’re the most well-liked group this year!

5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The award was added to the group as a consequence of the group emitting the target behavior (performing in the US).

6. The antecedent is being in America vs. the UK.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A: being in America vs. the UK
B: performing/creating music in the US
C: receiving the best group award at the Virgin Media Awards

This is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable is ADDED to increase the likelihood of the behavior being repeated. The VMA award for best group is desirable to the group and is added (given to them).

This could also involve establishing operations. The positive reinforcement of winning the VMA for best group was made more reinforcing because they had previously lost other awards to their rival band (One Direction). This time, they beat One Direction. Having been deprived of the reinforcement (losing/not receiving the award previously), it probably became more reinforcing when they won the VMA.

Behavior, antecedent, consequence, aversive, punishment, reinforcement, negative punishment, desirable, target behavior, emitting, reinforcing, establishing operations, deprived, extinction, extinction burst

1. On Tuesday February 12th a man came into a girls locker room at a middle school in Alabama and took the girls hostage. Luckily no one was harmed thanks to the negotiations of local law inforcements. That night parents gathered at the school to raise their concernes about how this was able to happen and what they need to do in order to prevent this type of event from happening again. That next day there were four officers at the school guarding the enterances. School officials and parents are coming up with new ways to make the school and enterances specifically more secure.
2. The behavior that illustrates reinforcement is the addition of security measures, specifically the addition of the secutiry guards and the doors.
3.The consequence of the behavior of having additional guards on duty at the school is the feeling of being safe and secure by everyone in the school.
4.This consequence of those at the school having a feeling of security and safety will increase not only the liklihood the the security guards will continue to come to the school but also the frequency of which any security measures are take increases as well which is seen by the efforts of the school officials and parents.
5.The consequence involves the addition of something desirable beacuse it involves the addition of the sense of secuity and safety.
6. The antecedent is a man took girls hostage at a middle school in Alabama.
A-The antecedent is a man took girls hostage at a middle school
B- The target behavior is security guards at all of the enterances to the school
C-The consequence is the sense of security and safety felt by all of those in the school and their families.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of the feeling of safety and security of all of those in the school and their families which increases the frequency of the guards being outside of the school's enterances. The discriminative stimulus for this situatoin is the threat that the gunman gave to the school, if that threat did not exist then the behavior of the guards standing outside of each enterance would not have been emitted. This reinforcement procedure used a primary reinforcer which does not involve the pairing of another stimulus to be effective. The feeling of safety and security are aspects of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs which shows that the reinforcer is biologically relevant. The reinforcer also had braod value. The addition of safety and security not only increased the frequency of the guards standing outside of all of the enterances but also increased the frequency for many different safety actions to be discussed and fought for in which will increase the frequency of safety measures in general at the school.

1. This article is about a sixteen year old girl who is sueing her parents for attempting to force her to get an abortion. The girl is now two months pregnant and has been living with the family of her boyfriend for seven months. The girl reports that her father has made many threats to her and made it clear that he wil no stand for her having the child and that he believes it is his decision. The same threats have been made to the father of the child as well as the grandmother. The teenagers mother has also said that she contemplated taking actions such as slipping her daughter the abortion pill without her knowledge so that the problem would go away. The issues that are arrising in courts are the fact that she is a minor and the issue of whether he parents should have the right to make this decision.
2. The taret behavior that is being punished is attempting to force the teenage girl into having an abortion that she does not desire to have.
3. The consequence of the target behavior of attempting to force the teenage girl into having an abortion that she does not desire to have is being sued.
4. The consequence is inteded to decrease the frequency of the parents attempting to force the teenage girl into getting an abortion and could do so in a few ways. Being sued is an aversive stimulus to the parents and they could react in a few ways. The goal of using suing her parents as a punisher was to make them see the action alone as aversive enough to decrease the beahvior, though this was not the case. First the parents could have been embarassed by the actions taken and decide they were not worth the social embarassment or money to go through this process. The route that is going to be taken is that it will be up to the court to decide whether or not it turns out that the punisher was an appropriate selection that will come with pleasurable results.
5. The consequence is the addition of an undesirable stimulus which makes this punishment procedure positive punishment.
6. The antecedent for this situation is the teenage girl is pregnant.
A- The antecedent is the teenage girl is pregnant
B- The target behavior is attempting to force the teenage girl to get an abortion that she does not desire to have.
C- The consequence is suing the parents.
This is a positive punishment because it involves the addition of an undesirable stimulus and is intended to decrease the frequency of the target behavior of attempting to force the teenage girl to get and abortion that she does not wish to have. This punishment procedure did not bring immediate success beacuse the girl giving the punisher did not use a stimulus that had a high enough intensity to create a change in that target behavior.

Terms used: Target behavior, punishment, consequence, aversive, pleasureable, positive punishment, antecedent, primary reinforcer, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, primary reinforcer, emit, broad value

For this weeks blog post I went to the NPR website and found an audio clip entitled ‘How Parents can Learn to Tame a Test a Testy Teenager’. The subject of focus in this clip was how to identify with teenagers and what stresses can trigger anger in them and how to cope with the problem. In this segment, a father and daughter share their struggle when it comes to compromises with texting at night, what movies she can or cannot watch, and other common teenage-parent disagreements. After struggling with many arguments, the father and daughter started to use different techniques in which they compromised on specific issues and were able to resolve their issues of everyday arguments and fights. The target behavior in this clip is texting late at night. Initially, the consequence of this behavior was a form of punishment from the girls father in the fact that he would yell at her and they would get into a heated argument. At the end of the clip, the consequence shifted to the implementation of new compromising strategies creating a reinforcer. In this case, the consequence of compromising on what time the girls cell phone needs to be put away for the night increased the behavior in the fact she was not texting later than she should be. The consequence in this clip was the removal of something undesirable to the girl, her father was no longer nagging at her to put the phone away for the night, creating a negative reinforcer. In this situation the antecedent is receiving a text message on a cell phone, which then lead to the behavior and consequences in this case.

ABC's of the behavior:
A= Receiving/Sending text messages
B= Sending text messages late a night
C= Compromise on when the phone should be put away for the night.

The thing that stood out to me the most in this article was the relation it had to the reading on how reinforcement is much more effective than punishment. The reading talks about how punishment can lead to aversive feelings to the punisher which can be problematic as well as is less effective at changing a behavior. In this segment, punishment had not been working in trying to change the target behavior of the daughter, but when reinforcement was used, the target behavior began to change.

For the second part of this post, I turned to the Huffington Post where I found an article about and incident between singer Chris Brown and Adel at this past weekends Grammy’s. After loosing an award, Chris Brown did not stand up for the fellow singer who did walk away with the award. Adel was appalled by this and yelled at Chris Brown for not standing up for the artist who did win the award. In this article, the behavior is Chris Brown not standing up for the winner of an award in which he was also nominated for. The consequence is Adel’s reaction and her yelling at Chris Brown for his behavior. In this case, the consequence will change the behavior in the fact that Chris Brown will likely acknowledged fellow artist from now on when they beat him in an award category for the fear of being called out by another singer. This consequence involves the addition of an aversive stimulus. The antecedent is the fact that Chris Brown didn’t win an award in which he was nominated.

ABC's of the behavior:
A= Chris Brown loosing an award category
B= Not standing up to acknowledge the winner
C= Adel yells at Chris Brown for his actions

In this situation, positive punishment is being used because of the addition of an aversive stimulus, being yelled at for not standing up to acknowledge the winner of the category.

Terms: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforce, aversive, consequence, positive punishment, antecedent


1)In this article a man is convicted of a murder that occurred more then 20 years ago, in 1991. Following DNA testing, authorities found a match.

2)The target behavior is murder.

3)The consequences of conviction are fines and/or jail time.

4)The consequence should decrease the behavior and reinforce similar others to decrease their behavior too.

5)The consequences are both negative. If fines are enforced, money is lost. If jail time is enforced, freedom is lost.

6)The antecedent was a violent individual (although in the case of murder, this is very common, there are many other antecedents leading to the same consequence).

A= Violent individual

B= Violent individual commits a crime, murder

C= Violent individual is arrested and will be convicted

This is an example of negative reinforcement as something is being taken away. As a consequence to his actions, the individual will have money and freedom taken away from him.

This is illustrative of a generalized reinforcer. Conviction and jail time does not just reinforce murder but many other crimes, such as robbery, assault, defamation etc.


1)In this article a 72 year old man is convicted of 5 counts of sexual assault.

2)The target behavior is sexual assault.

3)The consequence of the behavior is jail time and public persecution.

4)Jail time will decrease the behavior by removing the individual form the environment and disrupting the behavior. His freedom will also be taken away, also separating him from the environment the behavior occurs within.

5)The consequence both removes a desirable and add an undesirable. Desirable freedom is removed through jail time, and undesirable adds public persecution has occurred.

6)The antecedent is the unstable man around two young ladies.

A= Unstable man around two young ladies.

B= Sexual assault

C= Jail time and public persecution

This is an example of both positive and negative punishment. It is positive punishment because the convicted man will now have to live with public persecution and knowledge of his actions. It is negative punishment because the convicted man loses his freedom.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, reinforce, enforced, antecedent, negative reinforcement, generalized reinforcer, environment, disrupting behavior, desirable, undesirable, positive punishment, negative punishment

1) In this article they ask the question, are good grades contagious? They say that a new study has shown that kids who hang around smart kids with good grades see their own grades rise within the year. The study took a survey from 160 students and asked them to write down bestfriends, friends, aquatences, and family memebers. After looking at the surveys, the study shown that students who are about 100th in class rank and hang out with kids who are around 50th rose about 10 to 15 spots between their junior and senior year. The results definatly lean towards a corrilation between change in grades and the people you hang out with but doesn't prove that it is a social contagian.
2) The behavior being reinforced is being friends with smarter kids in school
3) The consequence of this behavior is raising your grades.
4) The frequency of the behavior will increase because the students grades will get better and make more friends or recieve reinfocrement of other kinds by getting good grades.
5)This involves the addition of higher grades and friends.
6)The anteceedent is going to school
A= Going to school
B= Being friends with smart kids
C= Grades improve
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are gaining something desireable which is higher grades. The behavior of making friends is positivly reinforced because you are adding something desireable which would be higher grades.
This behavior could become extinct if having good grades becomes an undesirable item. Children would then become friends with anyone just for the way they are rather then making friends with the smart kids just to raise their grades. It is also an example of establishing operations in that education and social skills are desirable behaviors when going to school. So by going to school the kids will be more likely to make friends and try to raise their grades. When both of these behaviors increase there is reinforcement by gaining social acceptance and being applauded by teachers and parents for the good grades.

1) This article talks about how North Korea had a sucessful third nuclear explosion test. This is concerning countries such as the China, Japan and the US. North Korea sent a message specifically for the US saying that they will carry out a higher level of nuclear tests.
2) The behavior being illustrated is North Korea having another nuclear test.
3) The consequence of this behavior is other nations hightening security and more UN sanctions against North Korea.
4) The consequence will hopefully stop North Korea from continuing nuclear and rocket testing by the UN cutting off banking to North Korea and restricting realations with other countries.
5) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable. North Korea has had UN funding, UN financial aid, and realation with large powerful countries taken away from them.
6) Nuclear research or becoming more powerful
A= Nuclear research
B= Nuclear weapon testing
C= UN adds more sanctions to North Korea
This is an example of negative punishment because it is the removal of something desirable. Having strong positive relations with powerful countries and having financial aid from the UN are very desirable things to have. North Korea has had these things taken away from them.

Terms: negative punishment,desirable,reinforcement, reinforced, frequency, anteceedent,desirable,extinction,establishing operations,positivley reinforced, negative punishment,consequence

1. The piece I found from the BBC was about a couple; Jim and Karen Reynolds were taken hostage by a fugitive, Chris Doner. He had been running from the cops and had broken into their house. He told them to do as he said, he wouldn’t kill them. They allowed Doner to tie them up, gage them and put pillow cases over their heads. He then asked for keys and how to start their car. After complying with Doner’s wishes he left taking the car. After they were sure he was gone they started to struggle out of their bindings and called 911.
2. Doner was using reinforcement to get them to cooperate with him. The target behavior he wanted the Reynolds to do was to corporate, not run and do as he said. Although Karen did try to run at the beginning he brought her back in and told them that if they did as he said he wouldn’t hurt them.
3. If they do as he says the consequence is them being able to live, but there was also the option if they didn’t cooperate that he could kill them with his gun. They chose to cooperate and live.
4. They will continue to do as he says if he keeps is promise of not hurting them. He is using the option of not taking their lives to reinforce their good behavior.
5. The consequence was the removal of something undesirable, such as losing their live and if they cooperated he stopped threatening with his gun.
6. The antecedent is Karen’s initial attempt to run from Doner and him being a fugitive.
A= Initial attempt to run and Doner being a fugitive
B= Cooperating with his wishes
C= Doner won’t hurt them if they cooperate
This situation demonstrates negative reinforcement because Doner is removing the aversive stimulus of threatening their live. It could also be seen as positive reinforcement because he is giving them their life if they do as he says. This situation involves establishing operations, which is making a stimulus more pleasing or aversive. Doner used both in this situation to get what he wanted. Having a gun in his hand made the situation more aversive, which in turn made his threat more real. This also increases the desirability of their lives because of the gun being present in the situation.

1. There has been a big controversy in the past month on Lance Armstrong’s alleged “doping”. During an interview with Oprah he has finally confessed after 10 years of denial that he had used performance-enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France. “The cyclist was stripped of his Tour de France titles, lost most of his endorsements and was forced to leave the foundation last year after the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency issued a damning, 1,000-page report that accused him of masterminding a long-running doping scheme”. The Livestrong charity will continue to operate under different management.
2. The target behavior was getting Lance Armstrong to tell the truth about using performance enhancing drugs to win the Tour de France so many years in a row.
3. As a consequence, he was stripped of his titles, lost his endorsements and was asked to step down from his foundation. He also could have received peace of mind of not having to lie anymore and the court battles could stop.
4. The aversive consequence will decrease him using performance enhancing drugs and lying about them. Not only will it decrease his, but also other professional athletes that use performance enhancing drugs. This could be seen as a warning to them that if they choose to use the drugs they have the possibility of getting caught and losing everything.
5. In this situation it is the removal of something desirable, such as his Tour de France wins, endorsement deals and being the head of his Livestrong foundation.
6. The antecedent is Lance being accused of using drugs to enhance his performance and lying about it over many years.
A= Being accused of using drugs to enhance his performance and lying about it
B= Admitting to using performance enhancing drugs
C= Lost his Tour de France wins, endorsement deals and being the head of his Livestrong foundation
In this situation negative punishment was used on Lance. He lost so many things that he had worked hard to develop and win over the last decade, but unfortunately that was through illegal means. Professional athletes cannot use illegal drugs to increase their performance abilities and if they do they will be punished.

Terms: Punishment, reinforcement, aversive, establishing operation, antecedent, desirable, removal, consequence, target behavior, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement

1) My article talks about the relationship between happiness and random acts of kindness. An example of random kindness that they mentioned was something called paying it forward. This is when the car in front you of you pays for your order, expecting you to do the same for the car behind you. It mentions a study done at Standford in 2005 which reported that people who do 5 or more random acts of kindness a week are happier. It also talks about how performing these acts can cause others to repeat acts of kindness. They even say that just reading about such things cause increase the behavior because it reinforces the fact that it is the "right" thing to do.
2) The target behavior would be for everyone to start performing more random acts of kindness. The article attempts to create awareness on the issue. They even tell you this when they mention how just reading about it can reinforce and increase the behavior.
3-4) The consequence is to feel good about yourself. When we are reinforced that these acts are very kind, it makes us feel good when we emit them. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves and random acts of kindness are a simple behavior that can help us in that regard.
5) The consequence includes the addition of something desirable. When we emit these behaviors of random kindness, you then feel good about yourself, and according to the study, become happier.
6) The antecedent is the opportunities presented to be able to emit a random act of kindness.
A= opportunity to be kind
B= emit a random act of kindness
C= feel good about yourself
It is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable. When you emit the behavior, you feel good about yourself. It involves establishing operations. They help reinforce the behavior.

1) This article is about an Egyptian soccer team that has been suspended from play for two seasons. The ban is because of the unruly behavior of the fans. The fans recently started a riot after a game in which 74 people were killed. This ban is an obviously punishment and attempt to get the fans to act civilized.
2) The target behavior would be for the teams to have a match and not have a riot ensue. Whenever you are talking about the lose of life, I believe strict punishment should ensue.
3) the consequence of the behavior is that the team cannot have any more matches for two years. Soccer is very big over there and this is a big loose for the fans, who were outraged.
4) The consequence will decrease the behavior because they do not want to have there team to sit out any more seasons.
5) It deals with the lose of something desirable. After this riot, the line was clearly crossed and some sort of punishment needed to ensue. The lose of two seasons is probably devastating to them.
A= Soccer game
B= Riot
C= Removal for two seasons
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable, in this case, two soccer seasons for the team.

terms: reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, emit, target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence

1. The video is a baseball game that eventually leads to a fight. It’s the Tampa Rays vs. the Boston Red sox. The Tampa pitcher throws and hits cocoa crisp and crisp decides to charge the mound and fight the pitcher. The benches clear and both teams get totally involved in the on field fight. 2. The target behavior is crisp trying to stop the action of the pitching staff by charging the mound and fighting. 3. The consequences are in game ejections, player fines and further player suspension. 4. The consequences will decrease the frequency because the players don’t like being fined $50,000 and suspended for 4 games. This cuts into their playing time and paychecks. 5. These lead to the removal of something desirable. As athletes the players want to play. They also enjoy getting their full paychecks. Taking away 50,000 is a big portion of the check. 6. The antecedent would be both teams getting hit by pitches which caused bad blood and eventually this tipping point. The players also had a person feud going against each other at the time which was documented after the incident.
A: Playing baseball
B: Getting hit by the baseball numerous times
C: Charging the mound, fighting and getting ejected.
This is an example of negative punishment. All of the players involved were handed 2-5 game suspensions. They were also fined for their actions in the fight. This is taking away their playing time and money. When you remove something that benefits someone else such as money it turns into a negative punishment because they are losing a resource.

1. The article I read was over a waiter who refused service to a family of 4 because they made derogatory comments about a special needs child two tables away. He refused to serve them because he felt that the comments made were inappropriate. The customers got up and moved tables but to the same section as Mr. Garcia was waiting in. They eventually left due to his refusal. 2. The target behavior is the waiter sticking up for special needs children because it was the right thing to do. He let the customer know that it wasn’t acceptable to make comments like that. 3. The consequence of the behavior was the customers leaving the restaurant. The community and eventually the country gave such positive praise for him moral actions. 4. Since the community backed him so much and even sent him donations it gives him the strength and security to stand up for things that aren’t right. This will increase the behavior because he knows that people will support him when me sticks up for a something that’s right. 5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. He got up to $1000 donations sent to him just because he stood up for his beliefs. He also had support from his management staff. He received monetary rewards, moral support from the country and even got interviewed on national news. 6. Mr. Garcia had a strong belief for what was right and wrong. He had a general sense of empathy and didn’t feel it was appropriate for the rude comments.
A: A strong belief for right and wrong
B: Standing up for his beliefs and another human being
C: Getting customer, work and national support. Also, he received donations which he gave to Milo’s school.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because he got praised for what he did. The public outcry of appreciation showed him that what he did was the right thing to do. This was a positive thing because the community sent donations to Mr. Garcia which he gave to milo’s school for more programs. He also was interviewed nationally which allowed him to get the good word out to stand up for what’s right even if it caused controversy.
Mr. Garcia emitted these behaviors because it was a choice me made. He felt that doing the right thing was worth the risk. It eliminated the behavior for that point in time. I would say that Mr. Garcia caused the behavior to become extinct from the establishment he worked at.

Terms: Positive reinforcement, consequences, negative reinforcement, removal, antedecent, behavior, punishment, target behavior, emitted, extinction.

This article is about how a man named Warren Buffet wants to buy the Heinz company for $23.2 billion in cash. He is a man who is wanting to expand his assets. By selling this company to him Heinz company will be able to pay off most of their debts. The behavior that illustrates reinforcement is Warren paying Heinz company such a large amount of money. The consequence of this behavior is Heinz will be able to pay off their debts and Warren will be able to expand his assets and earn more money. The consequence of this behavior will increase the frequency of the behavior of Warren buying other companies to benefit himself as long as they agree to it because it is pleasurable for both parties. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable; Warren gets the company and Heinz gets the money to pay off their debts. The antecedent is opportunity to buy company

A= Opportunity to buy company
B= Pays Heinz company in cash
C= Warren gets the company and Heinz can pay off their debts.

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence for both Heinz and Warren are pleasurable.,0,3315461.story

This article is about a South African Olympian who is being charged with murdering his girlfriend. Since he was home right after the murder took place he is the only suspect in the murder and will spend the night in jail. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is his behavior of being at home right after the murder occurred. The consequence of this behavior is him spending the night in jail until his court date since he is the only suspect. If he is not charged with murder, this consequence will most likely decrease his behavior because he will not want to go to jail or be suspected of murder ever again. This consequence involves the removal of something desirable: his freedom. The antecedent is getting home to find his girlfriend dead.

A= Getting home to find his girlfriend dead
B= Staying at home right after the time of the murder
C= Spending the night in jail until his court date

This is an example of negative punishment because being in jail is an aversive consequence and will most likely decrease the frequency of this behavior.

Terms: behavior, consequence, pleasurable, antecedent, target behavior, punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, aversive

The article I chose was about how to stay motivated in order to achieve a certain life goal. The author described that often people make goals that are big which often leads to the person giving up because of the process being so overwhelming. When goals are made outside of a person, people are thinking about the reward and not themselves. So this article gives five secrets on how to make goals more achievable and awarding. These include believing in yourself, perseverance, minding your emotions, gaining awareness, and setting smaller goals in order to take steps to your big goal.

This article was a great example of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. More often then not, people focus on outside environmental factors when they set goals for themselves, such as vanity in weight loss or a promotion for working harder. However, when a person can find within them the passion and interest to proceed toward a goal, then that goal becomes more attainable and can even be more rewarding if achieved.

The target behavior I am illustrating is applying these five secrets of motivation to a certain life goal. The consequence of adding these five tips will provide better success in achieving a goal. This consequence will increase the behavior of trying to achieve something by providing intrinsic motivation or results to give the extra boost to continue on even if the journey becomes long or a person starts to doubt them. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The antecedent for this target behavior is a person setting a goal.

A = Setting a goal
B = Applying the five secrets of motivation to their lives
C = Success

This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a desirable stimulus that will help aid in times of doubt during the process of achieving a goal.

In the article I read, a study found that there was an association between women who drank diet soda and type 2 diabetes. The study lasted 14 years and included women who drank regular soda, diet or “light” soda, and 100% fruit juice. The research concluded that women who drank diet soda had the highest risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

The target behavior that I am illustrating is women drinking diet soda. The consequence of this behavior is possibly increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes. This consequence will (hopefully) decrease the behavior of drinking diet soda in order to prevent health problems in the future. This article displays positive punishment because it introduces the addition of something undesirable, which would be type 2 diabetes. The antecedent for this behavior is the study that found an association between women drinking diet soda and increasing their risk for health problems.

A = Study found association between women who drink diet soda and the increased risk of type 2 diabetes
B = Women drinking diet soda
C = Increased risk of type 2 diabetes

Terms: Extrinsic, Intrinsic Motivation, Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment


1)My article is called “Darkness Provides a Fix for Kittens with Bad Vision.” In this study, kittens that are around 30 days old have one of their eyes sewn shut for one week. This is an experiment testing to see if there is a fix for amblyopia, which is essentially a lazy eye. After the week of having one eye sewn shut the kittens were either immediately put in a dark room with no lighting for 10 days or the kittens had to wait five to eight weeks before spending 10 days in the dark room. This was the experimental part, to see if total darkness could help restore the vision in the eye. What was found was that the kittens that went straight to the dark room restored their vision after seven weeks. However, the kittens that waited five to seven weeks before entering the dark room restored their vision back in seven days.

2)The target behavior is the experiment part. Sewing the eyes shut for 10 days.

3)The consequence of the target behavior was that all of the kittens restored their vision back.

4)The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because since this experiment ended correctly the kittens’ amblyopia it will be used in many other cases of amblyopia, also.

5)This specific consequence removes something undesirable, therefore making this negative reinforcement. The behavior will most likely increase with this procedure.

6) The antecedent is the kittens’ lazy eye or amblyopia.

A- The kittens’ lazy eye
B- Sewing the kitten eye shut for 10 days and then being put in a dark room for 10 days
C- The kitten fully restored its vision and corrected the lazy eye.

This is an example of negative reinforcement because it’s the removal of an aversive stimulus. The procedure conducted removes the lazy eye from the kitten and the vision isn’t harmed during this. Therefore, the likely hood of this procedure happening again has increased.


1)In this article about Oscar Pistorius, the South African the well-known Paralympic, from the London 2012 summer games is being charged with murdering his girlfriend. However, investigators think he might have thought she was an intruder entering his house. He’s court hearing is scheduled for tomorrow.

2)The target behavior is Oscar murdering his girlfriend Reeva.

3)The consequence is Oscar being charged with murder and abiding by South Africa’s laws once convicted. Whether that’s life in prison or the death penalty. I’m not sure of what there laws consist of.

4)This consequence will decrease Oscar murdering anyone ever again because he will most likely be in prison the rest of his life if convicted.

5)I believe this action involves the removal of something desirable because if he’s convicted of murder he will be removed of all of his freedoms as a citizen and have to live his life in prison. He is known as a hero in South African so he would disappoint many people.

6)The antecedent is Oscar’s girlfriend, Reeva walking into his house.

A- Reeva walking into Oscar’s house
B- Oscar shooting Reeva and murdering her.
C- Being on trial for murder and possibly being convicted.

This story is an example of negative punishment because it’s the removal of something desirable. I think freedom is pleasant and it’s something everyone wants yet, some people take it for granted. It’s taken away for serious matters, such as murder. When your freedom is taking away, that’s when you realize how nice it was to be able to do the little things in life.

Terms: negative reinforcement, negative punishment, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, pleasant, desirable, undesirable, aversive, addition

Oh crap! I just noticed that someone else wrote about Oscar. But, we used different websites, is that okay then?

Part One: Reinforcement

1. This article is about the rise in STDs, primarily gonorrhea, in the U.S. among people aged 15-24. Recent studies shown by the CDC have indicated that the gonorrhea bug has begun to trouble disease experts because It has morphed into strains that scientists call “multi-drug resistant gonorrhea.” This means that old methods of treating the STD is now gradually decreasing. If this continues, it could emerge into the cephalosporin-resistant gonorrhea just like it has in Japan, France, and Spain. Statistics from 2011 reported 300,000 new cases of gonorrhea. The main purpose of the article is to warn people of this emergence and to encourage the use of condoms, abstinence, and monogamy.
2. The target behavior is getting people to practice safe sex and use condoms.
3. The consequence of the behavior will be not acquiring gonorrhea.
4. The consequence will increase the frequency of using condoms.
5. The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable.
6. The antecedent would probably be the bedroom.
A-The Bedroom
B-Using a condom during sex
C- Not getting gonorrhea

This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of acquiring gonorrhea. Therefore, you would emit the behavior of using condoms.

Part Two: Punishment

1. This article is about the Orlando Magic forward, Hedo Turkoglu, who has been suspended for using an anabolic steroid called methenolone. Turkoglu has been suspended for 20 games. Turkoglu had injured his shoulder and his trainer prescribed this medicine which had ingredients that were prohibited by the NBA/NBPA Anti-Drug Program. He did not check to see if it was a banned substance and therefore is being punished.
2. The target behavior was taking steroids
3. The consequence is being suspended 20 games and suspending his pay.
4. The consequence will decrease the behavior because it will cause Turkoglu to check the substances he is taking to ensure he won’t be suspended again.
5. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable-playing basketball and getting paid.
6. The antecedent is the basketball court.
A-Basketball Court
B-Taking Steroids
C- Being suspended for 20 games

The punishment is negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable-playing basketball

Terminology: Behavior, negative reinforcement, negative punishment, emit, elicit, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement

Part 1

1) This video comes from the Huffington Post and is entitled “Teen ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Leonard Cooper Answers Final Question Like A Boss.” In this video we see the subject, Leonard, and two other contestants waiting to hear the outcomes of the final question. The middle boy gets the answer right, the small Indian boy gets the answer wrong, and then we go to Leonard. He did not even take a guess at whom the person described in the statement read by Alex Trabek could be he simply wrote—some guy in Normandy but I just won $75,000. He then showed that he did not bet anything and with his combination of today’s and yesterday’s winnings ended up winning the Jeopardy.
2) The target behavior is Leonard’s ability to calculate his odds of winning without actually knowing the answer.
3) The consequence of this behavior is that the young man from Arkansas has won $75,000 that he can use to pay for school and a car.
4) Winning that much money by being calculating would increase his willingness to do so more often and weigh out his odds rather then just jumping in head first blind as a bat of what the outcome could be.
5) The consequence definitely involves the addition of something desirable. As we discussed in class today, money can be used as both a secondary and generalized reinforcer—used to buy other things that would be deemed just as reinforcing due to a learned stimulus and who wouldn’t like to receive money.
6) The antecedent is the set of Jeopardy!

A= The set of Jeopardy!
B= Leonard calculating the outcome of the game without knowing the answer.
C= Leonard sub-sequentially won a lot of money--$75,000.

7) This is an example of positive reinforcement or the addition of something desirable. In this case, the behavior of Leonard led to him being awarded $75,000—not including taxes.
8) I believe that this example uses the concept of a generalized reinforcer to influence Leonard’s future behavior and elicit an increase in his critical thinking and planning.

Part 2

1) This article comes from the BBC website and is entitled “Chicago names Joaquin Guzman public enemy No.1.” In this article, analyst are comparing Guzman to the legendary Al Capone…Capone is not the winner in this match up. Apparently Guzman is more ruthless and viscous as well as one of the main drug suppliers with his main hub being Chicago. While he is not currently living in Chicago but is located in Mexico, he still holds a great amount of power and exhibits the control that he emits on his foot soldiers and those below him.
2) The target behavior is the drug operations that Guzman is running through Chicago.
3) The consequence of his power is that he has become public enemy number one and is on the top watch lists.
4) This promotion to the number one spot should deter him from making as many drug trades or making him conscientious of what he is doing—possibly if caught stop him all together.
5) This consequence is the addition of something aversive.
6) The antecedent is Chicago.

A= Chicago streets
B= Guzman’s drug trades
C= Made Public Enemy No.1

7) This is a positive punishment because the Chicago forces are adding the extra pressure for Guzman to lay low due to his promotion to public enemy number 1.

Terms: Positive Punishment, Antecedent, Consequence, Aversive, Target Behavior, Emits, Generalized Reinforcer, Elicit, Behavior, Desirable, Positive Reinforcement, Learned, Stimulus, Secondary Reinforcer

1. This article i chose was about teenagers and how they can get easily agree at parents for things. Specifically, texting late at night and movies that parents allow/dont allow them to watch. Teens feel to be liked they need to stay in contact with friends frequently and should be able to watch any movie they would like to watch because their friends parents let their friends watch it. This is something that is seen with almost every single teenager. The article also talks about what parents should do to avoid so much confrontation with their teens.

2. The main target behavior in this article is having the teens phone be put away at a certain time in the night so the teen could get plenty of rest.

3. The consequence of this behavior will be that the teen gets plenty of rest and sleep promotes being healthy and doing better in school.

4. This consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior because the teen will simply not have their phone with them at a certain time of the night.

5. The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. The teen has their cell phone taken away at a certain time.

6. The antecedent would be the cell phone and receiving text messages from friends on it.
A- receiving and sending text messages
B- Texting friends late at night not allowing them to get enough sleep
C- Agreeing on a respectable time with parents that their phone will be put away for the night and there will be no more texting till the next day.
This article is an example of negative reinforcement because the teen is getting their phone taken away for a small amount of time to promote better sleep.

1. In this article a 72 year old man is being jailed for sexual assaults on his daughter and granddaughter dating back all the way to 198. This man would touch his daughter inappropriately and tell her that if she told her mother that she would be the reason for the family problems and possibly a divorce. The article does not say how the man was caught.

2. The target behavior is sexual assault

3. The consequence of this behavior is jail time for the 72 year old man. Even though the article doesn't talk about anymore consequences, I'm sure there will be plenty of other consequences from his family. For example, possibly divorce, not being able to see his children, not being able to see his grandchildren, etc.

4. Jail time will decrease this mans behavior because he will be away from family for awhile and not be able to attempt anymore sexual assaults. And if there is possible divorce or not being able to see his children or grandchildren anymore that will also decrease the behavior.

5. The consequence will add something undesirable- Jail time.

6. The antecedent is a perverted man
The ABC's
A- The perverted old man
B- Sexual assault on children and grandchildren
C- Jail time and possible not being able to see children or grandchildren anymore
This is an example of negative punishment. He is being sent to jail and stripped of his freedom to do what he pleases for the time he is in jail.

Terms: consequence, antecedent, target behavior, punishment, negative punishment, reinforcement, negative reinforcement

1)Dr. Andrew Well, founder and director of The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, wrote this article about how times have changed during his life, referring to technological advances in our society. He explains how tapping, or clicking, on a screen is instantly rewarding to today’s generation.
2)The target behavior is tapping on your phone screen with your finger.
3)The consequence is receiving a message or email.
4)This desirable consequence will increase the behavior because the behavior is so simple, and one receives an instant reward.
5)The consequence is something involving the addition of something desirable.
6)The antecedent is having access to this technology.

A=Having access to a cell phone or other networking device.
B=Tapping or clicking on a screen.
C=Receiving an email or message.

This situation is an example of positive reinforcement, because we are adding something desirable.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, desirable, increase, behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, reward

1)The article I read was about a restaurant in Japan which fines people who do not finish their specialty dish. It states on the menu, if you do not clean your plate, you are fined a $20 surcharge. The charge is given to the fisherman who caught the food. I think that this would be considered outrageous here in America, but in Japan, their culture is a little different, so you have to think within their cultural context.
2)The target behavior is for the customers to finish their plate.
3)The consequence for not finishing your plate is that you have to pay an extra $20.
4)The consequence should influence the customers to finish their plate in the future, if they do not.
5)This involves the removal of something desirable; money.
6)The antecedent is the expectancy that the restaurant owners have for their customers to finish the dish.

A=Expectancy for the customer to finish their plate.
B=Not finishing the plate.
C=Paying an extra $20 for the meal.

This is an example of negative punishment, because we are taking away money, which is a desirable thing in this case.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, desirable, antecedent, behavior, negative punishment

1. The news item I chose was about a meat packing company in France that has been selling horse meat which was labeled as beef. Three men have been arrested and the company is being investigated to see if they will get their license taken away, the company also faces legal troubles as well.
2. The target behavior would be selling the horse meat which was labeled as beef.
3. The consequence of selling the horse meat would be that three men have been arrested and the co might get the operating license taken away, meaning they will most likely shut down. This is not good and very aversive for the company.
4. Since the Company will be investigated and faces legal problems, I think if the Company doesn't get shut down. It will make sure it knows (or doesn't use other meats) what exactly they are packaging.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. Which would be the investigation, legal problems and arresting of men possibly involved.
6. The company wanted the cheapest meat available and just assumed it was beef, even though it was very cheap for beef. The antecedent was the company wanting to make a profit, and buying the cheap meat.
A= co wants to make profit, buys questionable meat
B= co sells the questionable meat, and labels it as beef
C=Investigation, meat is horse meat. Investigation of company and arrests are made
This would be negative punishment because the company faces loss of their license, and possible shut down. They are also facing a lot of legal problems.
1. This piece is about how travel can help out your love life. Couples who travel together have better relationships and a better sex life. There has actually been research on this area, so It’s proven. Therefore everyone should travel with their boo.
2.The behavior would be traveling to places with your special someone.
3.The consequence is a good relationship with your lover.
4.Couple’s will travel more often if they think that it will improve their love life and satisfaction with the relationship.
5.It involves the addition of something desirable, a better relationship with your partner.
6.The antecedent would be wanting to have a good time with your partner/better your relationship with them
A= wanting a good time/too better relationship
B= traveling with that someone special
C= Having a better relationship with them
This would be positive reinforcement because it is adding good things/better your relationship with your significant other.
Terms: positive reinforcement, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, desirable, adverse, negative punishment.

1)In this article titled, "TV Health Problems: Why You Should Turn It Off," they give seven reasons to not watch a lot of TV. Stats that were mentioned in the article were basing their ideals off of 20hrs. per week of viewing TV. This seems like a lot but many Americans watch about this much TV a week.

2) The target behavior is not watching TV.

3)The consequences of watching less TV includes but is not limited to, better sleep, better heart health, and longer life span.

4)The fact that a persons health will dramatically improve with the extinction of the behavior will increase the target behavior of not watching TV.

5)The consequence of the targeted behavior involves the removal of something undesirable. Since watching TV is infact so closely correlated with health problems, it should be considered undesirable.

6)The antecedent is anywhere that a TV is located. However, in this article it is more focused on watching TV before bedtime. So more specifically, the antecedent is anywhere there is a TV on while someone is trying to fall asleep.

A=Anywhere someone is trying to sleep
B=Turning off the TV
C=Healthier heart, longer life, better sleep patterns

This article is an example of negative reinforcement because it removes the stimulus that is aversive to good health.

1)This article is about Brian Williams of NBC getting mad at them (NBC) for changing the scheduling of 'Rock Center'.

2)The target behavior is Brian Williams getting mad at NBC.

3)The consequence of the behavior is that NBC, in the future, will okay moving programs around with their staff members before actually doing it.

4)When staff get upset, drama starts. When drama starts, the media picks up on it. That ends with bad publicity. NBC does not want that so they will change their policies on moving programs.

5)The consequence of the emitted behavior of Brian Williams causing a scene is the removal of something undersireable NBC moving programs without the approval of the staff.

6)The antecedent is the NBC TV network.

A=The NBC network
B=Moving programs around without consulting staff
C=Angery Staff and bad publicity

This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the introduction an aversive
stimulus, angery staff and bad publicity. The adversive behavior in response to the undersirable behavior that was emitted by NBC will decrease the chance of NBC doing something like that in the future.

Terms: Target behavior, consequences, undesirable, antecedent, negative reinforcement, stimulus, aversive, emitted, positive punishment

1) This article is about the protest against violence. Women are marching and participating in flash mobs to increase awareness of violence.
2) The target behavior is women marching and participating in flash mobs.
3) The consequence of this behavior is the promotion of awareness of violence.
4) With the promotion of the awareness of violence (consequence) it is hoped that more women will speak out about and participate in flash mods.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The consequence is the addition of the emitted behavior of promoting awareness of violence.
6) The antecedent is women being in violent situations to speak out against.
A) Violent situations
B) Marching and participating in flash mobs.
C) Promoting awareness of violence.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is an addition of promoted awareness of violence.

1) This article I chose is about Oscar Pistorius and the murder of his girlfriend that happened earlier today. Pistorius was taken to the hospital and then charged with the murder of Reeva Steenkamp.
2) The target behavior that illustrates punishment is the shooting of Steenkamp.
3) The consequence of Pistorius emitting the behavior of murdering Steenkamp is being charged with murder and potentially going to jail.
4) The consequence should decrease the behavior because going to jail is adverse which should prevent the target behavior of murder from happening again.
5) The consequence of going to jail is the removal of something desirable. It is the removal of his freedom and his previous lifestyle.
6) The antecedent is being at Pistorius’s home with his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.
A) Being at Pistorius’s home with Steenkamp.
B) Shooting and murdering Steenkamp
C) Pistotius going to jail.
This is an example of negative punishment because it is the removal of something desirable. It is the removal of his freedom and previous lifestyle.

Behavior, emit, consequence, antecedent, punishment, reinforcement, negative, positive, adverse, desirable.

1. The article I read is about a kitten that was visually impaired and able to regain eyesight after being exposed to dark for 10 days. This condition is called Amblyopia, is a vision problem also known as lazy eye. This is defined as when one eye itself works but the connections between the eye and the brain are disrupted. These connections don’t develop properly when the eye is without normal visual input in early life. For this study, amblyopia was induced in seven kittens by stitching one eyelid shut during a critical period for visual development. After a week, the kittens' eyes were re-opened and were unable to see out of one eye. They were then put in complete darkness for 10 days, and after emerging from the dark, regained eyesight.
2. The target behavior is the kitten’s ability to see.
3. The consequence is the kitten’s being able to see after being in darkness.
4. Since the kittens were having difficulties seeing, they were put in the darkness, which brought back their eyesight. This is a desirable consequence; therefore it will increase the frequency of the behavior.
5. The consequence of the kittens regaining their eyesight, was the scientist’s goal, therefore it involves the addition of something desirable.
6. The antecedent is the kitten’s having Amblyopia and being visually impaired.
Antecedent: Kittens being visually impaired.
Behavior: Kittens being in darkness for 10 days.
Consequence: Kittens regain their eyesight.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because you are removing an aversive stimuli- being visually impaired- by putting the kittens in the darkness to cure their problem- which is a desirable consequence. For this specific example- sewing the kittens eyes shut was an establishing operation because it made the consequence of being able to see more effective.
Terms Used: reinforcement, aversive stimuli, negative reinforcement, consequence, behavior, antecedent, establishing operations
1) My article is about how a study has suggested that An African elephant’s mother's ability to feed and care for its calf has "long-lasting consequences" into adulthood.
2) The target behavior is stopping neglectful care.
3) The consequence of neglectful care in the first couple years leads to “inappropriate care” for their own young and put at a disadvantage because they are smaller. Hunting, climate change, and habitat loss, have the potential to change the dynamics of elephant populations and, jeopardize the long-term future of the species as well.
The consequence of having other “grandparents” along as social support and good quality life increases the chance of producing healthy babies.
4) The consequence of having neglectful parents leads to their offspring being neglectful of their children- this is positive punishment. Thus by having a social support network it will decrease this problem and foster caring relationships between mother and calf.
5) By neglecting the calves- this adds the undesirable aspect of neglectfulness when they are parents.
6) The antecedent is the elephant not being surrounded and cared for as a calf.
A: Elephant is not surrounded by social support as a baby and is neglected.
B: Elephant is pregnant.
C: When a mother, elephant struggles to foster a caring childhood.
This is an example of positive punishment because you have something undesirable- neglectful behavior, this later fosters neglectful behavior for their children. (or punishes their children)
Terms Used: punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive punishment,

For some reason my computer refuses to post my blog post so I will e-mail the assignment asap. -JRG

This is a clip of some of the best moments of Chandler a character in the popular television show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. About nine minutes into this this youtube clip, Phoebe gives the very pregnant Rachel a home video of one of her friends giving birth. In the hope that it would give Rachel a peace of mind about having her own baby. But instead once Rachel saw the video her fear of having a child was reinforced.
Antecedent - home
Behavior - watching a woman giving birth with the hope that it a will make her feel better about giving birth
Consequence - feeling more fear about giving birth
Phoebe was hoping that by giving Rachel the home made video that she would positively reinforce her into feeling better about giving birth. Instead Phoebes target behavior was not reinforced, and Rachel ended up more nervous than before.


In the same link on youtube in the montage clip of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. there is an example of positive punishment. Chandler lost the bags of disposable cameras from his wedding, and was trying to cover up the fact that he lost the pictures. By taking fake pictures at another wedding and ultimately took a picture of him kissing another bride. When Chandler showed Monica the pictures it took her all of 1 minute to notice what he had done. While Chandler was in mid sentence explaining why he had did it, Monica gives Chandler a scolding look and stops him from talking any further.

Antecedent -home
Behavior - scolding look to Chandler
Consequence- Chandler stops talking

Target behavior, reinforced, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, antecedent, behavior

1) My article was about eating healthier and 5 tips to make that a reality. Many people complain that they can’t eat healthy because healthier foods are more expensive and they simply can’t afford it. This article refutes that and summarizes 5 easy tips to help people live a healthier life.
2) The target behavior is buying and eating healthier food choices. By healthy I mean foods that aren’t packed full of preservatives and have a shelf life of 20 years.
3) The consequence of the behavior is being healthier, feeling better about yourself, and losing a few lbs.
4) When people feel good and feel healthy they are going to want to maintain that. This will increase the frequency of buying and eating healthier foods. After eating healthier for just a week, you almost feel sick when you eat something unhealthy, which is very aversive, so the frequency should definitely go up.
5) The consequence involves both the addition of something desirable and the removal of something undesirable. Being healthier and feeling good about yourself would be the addition of something desirable. Losing a few pounds would be the removal of something undesirable, assuming you don’t like extra fat hanging out on your stomach.
6) The antecedent would be reading the article and getting inspired to make healthier choices.

A=reading the article
B=buying and eating healthier foods
C=being healthier, feeling better about self, and losing some weight.

This could be an example of both positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. It would be positive reinforcement because you are adding a healthier lifestyle into the equation, which makes you want to increase the behavior. It would be negative reinforcement because you will be losing weight if you make these healthy choices, which will also make you increase the behavior.

1) My second article was about a lady who transitioned from working full time to part time and swears it’s the solution to “everything.” She found that working full time for 12-14 hours a day caused her stress, she rarely got fresh air, and she ate 2+ meals at her desk.
2) The target behavior in this article is working a full time job.
3) The consequences of her behavior involved stress, lack of fresh air, unhealthy eating habits, and no time to do anything but work.
4) In this ladies case, the consequences decreased her behavior of working full time because she finally could not handle it anymore. Being stressed and having no time to do anything for herself resulted in her switching to part time, and making life adjustments from there.
5) The consequences again involved the addition of something undesirable and the removal of something desirable. Stress and unhealthy eating habits were something undesirable that she gained from working full time. No fresh air, and less time to do anything else were desirable things that were removed when she started working full time.
6) The antecedent would be needing money to survive and live on.

A=needing money to survive and live on
B=working full time
C=stress, lack of fresh air, unhealthy eating habits, and no time to do anything but work

This could be an example of both positive and negative punishment. It would be positive punishment because she gained something undesirable, stress and unhealthy eating habits, which caused her to decrease the frequency of working full time. It would be negative punishment because she lost fresh air and time to do anything else which also made her decrease the behavior of working full time.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, behavior, aversive, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment,

Vassar College Students Raise thousands in response to Westboro Protest Threat.
This article is about a college that raised money in response to the Westboro Church saying that they were coming to their campus to do a protest. The school pledged to raise $100 for every minute that members of the church were there protesting. The students ended up raising more than 400% the amount they had planned on raising. The campus had a lot of support and news spread quickly about the upcoming protest. The school encouraged all students to take part in the anti protest and said that they are proud that their school could attract and possible confront an anti gay group.

The target behavior of Westboro is to get students to take part in their beliefs although they are completely horrific.

The consequence of their behavior was the college that they are planning on protesting at coming together and raising money to stop to abomination that is Westboro Baptist Church.

The antecedent would be Westboro saying that they were going to protest on their campus.

I believe that this would be an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence of Westboros upcoming protest involved the addition of something positive which was the campus raising a huge amount of money.

A: Westboro saying they were going to do a protest on their campus.
B: Students find out a raise money.
C: Campus comes together as a result of the upcoming protest.

Oscar Pistorius Bail Hearing Delayed, Prosecutors To Pursue Premeditated Murder Charge
This article is about the paralympic double amputee who murdered his girlfriend. He allegedly murdered her on valentines day. His girlfriend was shot multiple times and died at their home in south africa. The paralympic star is now going to be charged with premeditated murder. The news of the murder upset many south africans who view him as one of their national heros.

The target behavior is stopping crimes such as his. They are doing this by arguing that the paralympic runner planned his girlfriends murder.

The consequence of his actions would be that he goes to prison for the rest of his life.

Because he will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison it will stop the behavior completely.

The antecedent would be the paralympic star murduring his girlfriend.

The consequece of his actions involves the removal of something desireable. The removal of his freedom will deter him from doing this behavior again. This would make it negative reinforcement.

A: Murduring his girlfriend
B: Going to court
C: Most likely going to prison for the rest of his life.

Terms: positive/negative reinforcement, behavior, punishment, consequence, antecedent,

1. This first article is about an American soldier who was awarded the medal of honor by President Obama for his courageous acts in Afghanistan.
2. The target behavior is being brave and risking your life in battle to save your fellow soldiers.
3. The consequence is that the president may award you the medal of honor, which is a very prestigious award.
4. Although this consequence doesn't necessarily mean that Romesha is more likely to risk his own life again, but it increases the likelihood of others doing similar acts of heroism in hopes that they too might receive the medal of honor.
5. The consequence involves adding something desirable.
6. The antecedent is being in a life-or-death situation in battle.

A: Clinton Romesha was wounded in combat with the Taliban

B: Despite his injuries, Romesha led his fellow soldiers to safety and recovered the bodies of some who didn't make it

C: Romesha gets awarded the medal of honor

1. The next article I read was about Bernie Madoff, who now wishes he did not confess four years ago. A man has been working very hard to get the principal investments back for the victims of Madoff's scheme, and claims that Madoff has not helped. Madoff is upset and says that he has been helping a lot, and wishes that he would have let his case go to trial so this man would have had to back up all of his allegations with proof.
2. The target behavior in this situation is not confessing to crimes.
3. The consequence is that Madoff is now in prison for a crime to which he confessed, and his reputation is struggling because he may have been able to protect it in the courtroom.
4. If Madoff gets arrested for any other crimes in the future, he will probably not confess.
5. The consequence involves both adding something undesirable (a prison sentence) and removing something desirable (freedom).
6. The antecedent is being arrested for a crime

A: Arrested for a crime

B: Confessing to the crime

C: Going to prison and getting a bad reputation

If Madoff would not have confessed to the crime, his reputation would not be so badly hurt, because they would have to back up all of their allegations with evidence.

1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: this is a piece about the effect of violent video games and if it influences the video game users in a negative way. This article does agree that even if violent games don’t lead to violent behavior violence does sell to people. People are intrigued of the thought of combat.

2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement: this is an example of positive reinforcement. Because positive reinforcement is adding a desirable punishment in order to increase the behavior. So the desirable punishment is getting the high or adrenaline rush of playing a violent game but not physically being violent. The behavior is playing games with violence.

3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of playing a violent game is that some believe it leads to violent tendencies.

4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior: the consequence of playing a violent game can lead to destructive behavior. This has not been proven as a fact, because violence is associated with other things such as mental illness or behavior disorders.

5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable: the consequence to video gamers is the addition of some desirable, which for them is playing video games such as call of duty or mortal kombat.

6) tell us to the antecedent is: the antecedent is buying the over advertised game such as call of duty.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=buy a popular video game that is known for its violence
B=playing games emphasized with violence
C= creating more violence prone people

Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement. Gamers are adding additional time into playing their violent games so they can experience the high of being in a world where shooting, blood, and gore are acceptable and encouraged. This is kind of a example of extinction, because if it is true that violent games lead to violent behaviors then these people continue to enforce violent behavior after they stop playing their violent games. They have taught themselves that killing is acceptable and the game may also teach them ways to kill. If this theory was to be proved motivation operation would be a possibility. Because motivation operation describes why a person acts in a particular way, which is what the theory of this article is explaining that violent games lead/ affect people in ways that they have violent tendencies.

Terms: positive reinforcement, desirable, extinction, motivation operation , behavior, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement, aversive

1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: this article was about the conflict of if the classic dish “ chicken and waffles”. This was about how the southern states were saying that this dish did not originate from their states.

2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment: the target behavior that illustrates the punishment as the article states is that the south doesn’t want to claim this dish as their own because then you have to attach it to someone’s mother who came up with the recipe and thus attaching it to someone’s name means people could be upset or take it personally if the dish wasn’t a hit.

3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence of this behavior is that no one will claim this food as their states so many states have taken this classic and made their own renditions so everyone is confused on where this food originated.

4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior: the consequence of not claiming this food as a southern classic will probably decrease the frequency of people associated this classic with southern states. Because I know when I traveled down south there was waffle houses everywhere and I just assumed there would be chicken and waffles served there because I thought this food originated from the south.

5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: the consequence involves the removal of something desirable. The south is removing their states for being associated with this food. And to Americans food is a very desirable thing.

6) A= chicken and waffles became popular and many enjoyed the food
B= south won’t claim as being the originators of chicken and waffles.
C= people potentially will stop associated chicken and waffles with a southern delicacy

Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why. This is negative punishment for southern states. Because they are removing an aversive stimulus of chicken and waffles being responsible for the creative treat so that they can reduce the likelihood that everyone will only associate the south with this type of food.

This article talks about Paralympic and Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been charged with the murder of his girlfriend. The body of his girlfriend was found at his house along with a 9-mm pistol. Some of the neighbors previously in the evening heard yelling and fighting and also heard things when the shooting went on. The shooting of Oscar’s girlfriend is the target behavior that receives the punishment. He got caught and now he is going to jail and will be seen in court on Friday which is the consequence that will hopefully decrease the behavior to ever happen again. Oscar shot his girlfriend which you would like would be undesirable because you would think he loved her or something for dating her for seven months and then he got caught and is now in jail which is another undesirable behavior. The antecedent is the shooting of Oscar Pistorius’s girlfriend.
A= The shooting of Oscar Pistorius’s girlfriend.
B= Oscar gets caught with neighbors as witness’s
C= Oscar goes to jail for the murder of his girlfriend.
This is positive punishment because Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend and got caught because neighbors heard yelling and things going on before and during the murder of his girlfriend and he got caught and is now spending time in jail for the murder of his girlfriend which he is being punished for. And hopefully jail time will decrease the frequency of this behavior ever happening again.
This article that I chose talks about a child that was kidnapped and held in an underground bunker. He was held there for a week before FBI Agents stormed in the bunker and killed the captor, Jimmy Lee Dykes. Dykes killed Ethan’s bus driver too before he was kidnapped. Throughout the whole thing Ethan’s mom stayed away from reporters because Dykes had tv and the internet and she didn’t want Ethan to see her break down on tv and then have him break down and not know how Dykes would react to all of that so she just stayed away from reporters to avoid all of that unnecessary stuff. Ethan’s mom had also asked that Ethan not be hurt because of course she wanted her son back to her safely. After all of this Ethan is showing signs of sleep disturbance and needs to be evaluated for nightmares because of the whole situation. The mother of Ethan who was kidnapped refused to speak out to the news so that nothing would happen to her son while in the underground bunker. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable which is getting her son back safely. The antecedent is getting her son back to her safe and sound.
A= Getting her son back to her safe and sound
B= Doing everything right like not talking to media so that her son will get back to her safely
C= Getting Ethan back safe and the captor getting caught for what he had done
I would say that this is an example of positive reinforcement because the mother avoids reporters because she doesn’t know what the captor would do to Ethan if he had saw Ethan’s mom on tv trying to find him. So since she did all of this she gets her son back from being kidnapped in a underground bunker and he came out of it fine other than sleep disturbance such as nightmares from the horrific experience.
Term: Antecedent, consequence, behavior, target behavior, desirable, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, punished, undesirable, reinforcement.

Reinforcement article

1. Briefly describe/summarize your piece

This piece is from a The Christian Science Monitor and is about the taking a hike in what is considered a trail that Jesus himself took in Israel. It begins by describing it beautiful scenery with hilltops of golden visions near the Sea of Galilee. It is supposed to be one of the most sacred and biblical places to visit ever to visit Israel. It also describes another point or place that I found mesmerizing which is called The Horns of Hattin. It is located somewhere halfway between Nazareth and Capernaum. According to the article it is on the Jesus Trail. It has been declared as a possible site for Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, near Arbel, Israel.

2. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement

By using the continuous persuasion which is the target behavior and it is being used to reinforce the actual target behavior which is to make the reader take a hike in what is considered the Holy land to Israel’s Jesus Trail.

3. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is.

The consequence is that you visit such mysterious hilltops that were walked by Jesus himself

4. Tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.

By more and more people visiting which has been occurring since the revelation; people are taking more and more trips to this sacred ground.

5. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable.

Yes the consequence involves the addition of using the target behavior as often as the article can. By using the target behavior, the consequence will continue to multiple.

6. Tell us to the antecedent is

The antecedent is all the continuous persuasion by describing the beautiful place where Jesus walked.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A – Describing the beautiful and “miraculous” sights of the trail – continuous persuasion for the reader to visit this place.

B – To take a hike in the Holy land to Israel’s Jesus Trail (which winds through valleys and over hilltops near the Sea of Galilee)

C – Going there – actually taking a trip on the Jesus Trail

This is a positive reinforcement because it adds something so that the consequence is achieved. It is a very religious view but for me it was a very enlightening experience and the article achieved its purpose on a very personal not. I would hope to one day visit such a biblical place due to the establishing of operations that was involved in the last paragraph in the article. It fulfills what most people want to do at the end of their life and that is be forgiven for their sins. It truly is a great article to read.


1. Briefly describe/summarize your piece

This piece is a perfect example of punishment in its simplest form. Very simply put, this article and video clips is about a guy named Joe Rickey Hundley and he was accused of slapping a toddler on plane flight and now has lost his job. In one sentence, I have described the target behavior and the consequence but what about the antecedent. Well according to the article, Joe, the accused of slapping a little boy approximately 19 months old. He was crying and whining during flight. According to the video attached Joe admits that he was under emotional distressed and was also under the influence of one alcoholic drink, although other passengers say he had several drinks while on the plane. The article which comes with a media press release states that there were witnesses that actually saw Joe physically strike the young toddler boy as well as call him a racial name due to the toddler being African American. It such a travesty that things like this still happen and that this is a true story and not just an article of recent events that still occur in the world and the punishment is not harsh enough if you ask me!!!

2. Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment

The target behavior is Joe Rickey Hundley slapping a 19 month toddler in the face on a plane which calls for a punishment (without a DOUBT!!!)

3. Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is

Joe Rickey Hundley was charged last week in federal court in Atlanta for simple assault for allegedly slapping the little 2-year-old boy a flight on Feb. 8. And he also lost his job!!!

4. Tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior

Because this was a very public story and it hold a federal standing, I do not believe Joe or any other people who read this article will slap or touch any baby, toddler, or other person for that matter so in this case is WILL DECREASE THE FREQUENCY OF THE BEHAVIOR WHICH IS SLAPPING A BABY IN THE FACE!!!

5. Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable

The consequence will bring upon a guilty verdict which has a jail sentence of more than a year in jail so I know that by adding this kind of consequence which is something undesirable.

6. Tell us to the antecedent is
The antecedent was the little boy crying and whining which irritated Joe.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A = A little 19 months old crying and whining as the mother tried to comfort him; holding him on her lap

B = A man named Joe Hundley called him a racial slur and slapped him

C = He was charged with a federal crime and he also lost his job

This is an example of negative punishment because if convicted Joe’s freedom will be taken away. He will be incarcerated and have to give up many things that people in the free world take for granted.

Terms & Terminology: target behavior, reinforce, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, establishing of operations, punishment, decrease the frequency of behavior, ABC’s of behavior, and negative punishment

1) In this article they talk about the affects of North Atlantic shipping industry and the impact it has on whale and wildlife that live in that area. They talk about why it is important to reduce the noise that big ships make and to change the route that the ships take in and out of the ports of the Boston area.
2)The target behavior is the change is the ships routes in hopes that the endangered whales are able to live a better life and repopulate.
3)The consequence from the changing behavior is that from the ships now taking different routes the whales can live their lives normally.
4)With all the animal rights and ocean conservation groups working on this change the ships have agreed to make small changes in their routes which will have big changes for the whales.
5)I think that this article shows talks about negative reinforcement. By making the ships change their route this is a removal of an aversive stimulus of the hurting and killing of whales in the area.
6)The antecedent is the Boston ocean area in which this is the place that the article is talking about.
A=Whales getting hit by ships
B=Ships changing route they take
C=Whales are able to have better life
This is an example of negative reinforcement because there is a removal of an aversive stimulus.

1)This article is about a new cyber bullying law that just got passed in North Carolina, unlike most cyber bullying laws this one is made to protect teachers against students who make fake accounts of them.
2)The target behavior is cyber bullying and making fake accounts for teachers
3)The consequence of this behavior can be a month in jail and a $1,000 fine
4)This consequence will decrease the frequency that students making fake accounts of their teachers.
5)The consequence involves the addition of an aversive stimulus which is jail time and a fine.
6)The antecedent is the internet where the making of the profiles is taking place.
A=on the internet kids making fake profiles
B=making this illegal
C=less people will be making fake accounts
This is positive punishment because the addition of an aversive stimulus is being put on the students.

Terms:target behavior, reinforcement, aversive, stimulus, antecedent, negative, consequence, positive, punishment

This article is about a man who traveled across the world for a scuba trip and was not content with his life. While on this trip he had an eardrum injury which meant he could not scuba. He ended up meeting new friends and changing his life in order to travel more.
The target behavior is traveling. This may be a behavior class but the way that I plan to use it I believe that is is a behavior. He was not content with his life which elicited him to travel. The consequence of him emitting the behavior of traveling is having a good time and because he had a good time he decided to travel more therefore increasing his behavior. He added something pleasurable to his life which means that it is positive reinforcement. The antecedent is not content with his life. This example can be an example of an establishing operation because travelling may not have been as good of time if he would have been content with his life the way it was but because he was discontent with life the reinforcer was more reinforcing.
A= Not content with life
B= travel
C= had a good time
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.

This news article was about the US Little League Champions and how they were stripped of their title as champions. The little league organization from Chicago was investigated and evidence was found that the little league team had cheated. They had cheated by pulling guys from places outside of their area of recruitment. The target behavior is recruiting the kids from outside the boundary. The consequence of that behavior was having the title stripped from them and they are no longer champions. The consequence will decrease the likelihood that the team will emit the behavior of cheating. By having the title stripped from them, the team is having the consequence of removing something desirable. The antecedent in this example is Little league baseball. The team emitted the behavior of cheating and they were announced that they are no longer champions and this is an example of negative punishment. The reason that this an example of negative punishment is because the league removed something desirable.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Little League Baseball
B= Cheating- added players outside boundary
C=Removed of their title
terms: antecedent, consequence, target behavior, behavior class, emit, elicit, reinforcer, establishing operation, reinforcement

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