Hi Class,
PART ONE - This assignment is very similar to the topical blog we did last week. We will go over this on when we meet on Thursday. If you are unsure how to do this assignment you might wait until after we meet in class.
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching. What we do not want is a video produced to expressly demonstrate the specific behavioral topic.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed discriminative stimuli (environmental cues indicating whether we will be reinforced or not)
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating a discriminative stimulus and how it affects behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, 5) tell us to the antecedent is, 6) tell us what the discriminative stimulus is, and finally 7) how does the discriminative stimulus affect the target behavior.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative stimulus:
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
When you are done copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the video you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
PART TWO - Behavior Observation. We asked you to observe a particular behavior you emit and to record that behavior for a week.
1) State the behavior as a specific target behavior, 2) State how you went about recording the behavior, 3) How well did your recording method work for you?, 4) simply based on observing your behavior, did it increase or decrease?
Let us know if you have any questions
--Dr. M
1) In this Doritos commercial that was shown during the super bowl, a little girl wants to have her dad play princesses with her. The dad originally says no because the “guys are waiting for him” but as the girl pulls out a big bag of Doritos, the dad changes his mind. Soon after making this decision to stay and play, the guys who were originally waiting for the dad walk into the little girls bedroom to find the dad dressed up with makeup on eating Doritos. A moment passes in the clip and soon all of the guys are dressed up so they could eat Doritos as well.
2) The target behavior that is being reinforced is the dad playing with his little girl (11 seconds).
3) The consequence to the dad playing with his little girl was him receiving a bag of Doritos.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5) The antecedent is being at home.
6) The discriminate stimulus is the bag of Doritos because when the dad looks at it, he knows that he will love them because I am assuming he’s had them before.
7) The discriminate stimulus reinforces the target behavior of playing with his little girl.
A=Being at home
B=Playing with his little girl
C=Receiving bag of Doritos
This is an example of Positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable to the Dad. Each person is individual and to a person that did not like Doritos this might be undesirable but since the dad in this clip obviously likes Doritos, this is a desirable outcome.
Part TWO:
1) The target behavior that I would like to change is biting my nails (specifically not biting them)
2) I would every time I bit my nails record that as a reminder that I am still doing it.
3) The recording method was hard because I didn’t always have my notebook with me but the process in and of itself made me more consciously aware of my behavior.
4) I believed it decreased a little but not by a lot. I feel like if I had someone else monitoring my behavior it would have helped.
Terms:Target Behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, desirable, undesirable, discriminate stimulus, reinforces.
The clip I will be using for this post is an Ally Bank TV commercial where one little girls is asked if she would like a pony. When she says yes she would like a pony, a man gives her a toy pony. When the man ask a second little girl if she would also like a pony, she says yes as well and receives a real life pony. After seeing that the second girl got a real pony, the first girl questions why she didn’t get a real pony and the man explains that she didn’t ask for one. In this clip there isn’t necessarily a target behavior to put a lot of focus on, but I would consider the girls response to the mans question the target behavior. The consequence of this behavior would be based on the response to the man’s question of ‘do you want a pony?’ and answering it correctly In this case the first little girls answer was not specific enough and she received the consequence when something desirable was taken away (she didn’t get a real pony). The antecedent in this clip is the mans question of ‘do you want a pony?’. The discriminative stimulus in this clip relates to the second little girl. After seeing that the first girl received a pony after answering yes to the man’s question, she too answered yes because the environment cues were indicating that if she too answered yes to the question, she would also be reinforced with a pony. In this clip the discriminative stimulus played a major role in the second little girls behavior and response.
The ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative stimulus:
A= Question asked
B= Answers yes to the question
C= Is reinforced with a pony
This clip depicts positive reinforcement in the fact that there is an addition of a desirable object which served as a reinforcer for both girls, even though one object may be more desirable than the other.
Terms- positive reinforcement, reinforcer, discriminative stimulus, consequence, antecedent, target behavior.
For my target behavior I chose to reduce the amount of swear words I use on a daily basis. I went about recording my behavior by making tally marks on paper every time I caught myself using inappropriate language, as well as let close friends of mine that I see on a daily basis that I was trying to reduce my potty mouth and to keep track of any swear words I used while in conversation with them. This recording method worked very well for me because not only was I keeping track of my language, I also had 12 other people keeping track as well. In the past week I found that my behavior did decrease and from the recording of my behavior, I was much more aware of when I was using inappropriate language.
I chose a clip from one of my favorite shows Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia to illustrate a discriminative stimulus and how it affects behavior. The target behavior in this clip that is being reinforced by Dee is Charlie hitting strangers in the face with a volleyball (this occurs from 1:05- 1:15). The consequence perceived by Charlie and Dee is that emitting this behavior will make people laugh and be put on Saturday Night Live. The actual consequence for Charlie is that by hitting Dee instead, it made the strangers laugh. Both consequences for Charlie involves the addition of something desirable which is the strangers laughing. The antecedent is Charlie filming the scene which they hope to have aired on Saturday Night Live. The discriminative stimulus is the large construction working standing up and scowling at Charlie. This discriminative stimulus affects the target behavior by altering who the behavior (being hit in the face with a volleyball) is directed toward.
A= On camera
B= Charlie hits Dee in the face with a volleyball
C= The construction workers laugh
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement for Charlie. When he hits Dee in the face with the volleyball he is receiving laughs from strangers that may increase the frequency of Charlie hitting Dee again.
Terms: Consequence, antecedent, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, emitting, frequency, reinforced, addition, desirable, positive reinforcement
PART TWO - Behavior Observation. We asked you to observe a particular behavior you emit and to record that behavior for a week.
1)I cracking my knuckles
2) I made a tally mark in my notebook every time I cracked my knuckles
3) Recording my behavior with a tally mark worked fairly well. I most often crack my knuckles during class or while doing homework where my notebook is readily available. If I did not have my notebook with me I simply kept a mental note which in turn I remembered when I was about to or had already cracked my knuckles.
4) Knowing that I was recording my behavior, the frequency of the behavior reoccurring slightly decreased over time.
In this commercial, the pet owner of the goat is trying to sell his goat so he will not be violent towards the owner when he stops giving him Doritos. Once the owner sells him, the new owner realizes that without supplying Doritos the goat will become violent so he also decides to sell him. The goat goes into the closet only to find all the Doritos have been removed. The owner has placed them in his bedroom. Upon discovering, this goat becomes agitated and starts to turn aggressive, breaking pictures, and a wood building. He then goes to the owners room and pushed the door shut. 2. The owners both used
Doritos to feed the goat and keep him from lashing out on them. The goat being violent is halted due to the supply of Doritos. 3. The consequence of the behavior is both owners getting hurt when taking away the Doritos. 4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. (Doritos) 5. The antecedent is the goat being for sale 6. The discriminate stimulus is the bag of Doritos. The goat is not violent when he knows he is being supplied with Doritos. The goat loves his Doritos. 7. The discriminative stimulus reinforces the target behavior of giving the goat his Doritos to avoid getting hurt.
A. The goat being for sale
B. Staying calm and non-violent
C. The goat is receiving a bag of Doritos.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. When the goat gets the Doritos, he acts the way both owners want him to. When they take away the Doritos, he gets violent and hurts the owners. They want the goats target behavior to change from violent to kind with the addition of Doritos as his positive reinforcement.
Terms: Reinforced, desirable, target behavior, discriminate stimulus, positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, behavior.
Part 2: Behavior Observation
1. Not eating junk food between meals
2. I would record in my notepad and on my phone every time I ate junk food as a snack between meals.
3. The recording method worked very well. I have my phone on me at work all the time so it was very easy for me to record the junk food tallies and keep track of exactly how many times I ate badly.
4. My behavior decreased. I felt that just making me aware of the behavior would cut down on the bad junk I ate between meals. When I added the keeping track on my phone notepad, it almost eliminated the behavior.
1. My clip is from one of my favorite cartoons that I would watch as a child, “Coyote and The Roadrunner”. In this clip, like all the other episodes of the show, Coyote and Roadrunner are in the middle of a particular desert. Coyote is using different contraptions to try and catch Roadrunner. In the particular segment of this video that I chose, Coyote has apparently learned how to levitate items. Coyote sets up a sign that says, “Free Bird Seed”, and levitates a very large rock over the sign with the seeds sitting below the rock. Roadrunner sees the sign, reads it, and eats the seeds unharmed. The Coyote is upset that he was not able to get the rock to stop levitating, and when he tries to figure out how to get it down it falls down and smashes him.
2. The target behavior is the roadrunner identifying the sign and eating the free seeds (4:48)
3. The consequence is that the roadrunner got to eat free bird seeds until satiation
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, the bird seeds, but leads to an aversive situation for the roadrunner
5. The antecedent is the roadrunner seeing the sign.
6. The discriminative stimulus was the actual sign that said “Free Bird Seed”
7. The discriminative stimulus affects the target behavior because it triggers the Roadrunner to act and eat the seeds
A= Roadrunner sees the sign
B= Roadrunner eats birdseeds and leaves
C= Coyote tries to find out what went wrong and gets smashed
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the Roadrunner has learned from this incident, and most other incidents if you have ever seen the show, that when he approaches one of Coyote’s signs it is usually not an aversive outcome, and that something pleasurable (such as the Coyote getting hurt and the Roadrunner staying safe) comes out of it.
Terms Used – Satiation, target behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, outcome, pleasurable, emit
1. For my target behavior I originally chose limiting the amount of junk food I eat, but I decided to change it to the amount of times I twitch my nose (this is a behavior that I emit frequently that bothers me).
2. I made a tally mark in my notebook every time I twitched my nose
3. It worked well to record a tally in my notebook. If there was ever a time that I didn’t have my notebook on me I would make a tally on my notebook on my phone and then make the real notebook tally later on.
4. I noticed that during the school week when I had class my behavior was pretty consistent, but on the weekend it occurred less. So, I concluded that for some reason I twitch my nose more when I am in class around other people.
1. The Doritos commercial that I chose is a little girl, her mom, and their dog riding in the car and they get stopped at a stop sign and the dog is playing with the little girls toy and the little girl says, “that’s mine!” to the dog and then the mom gives the little girl a Dorito to make her happy and then the dog takes it. The mom gives the little girl another Dorito and the little girl rolls the window down and holds the Dorito up so once the dog tries to go for it; the dog goes flying out of the window to get rid of the problem of it playing with her toy and taking her Doritos.
2. The target behavior is the dog not taking the little girls Doritos anymore (23 seconds)
3. The consequence of the behavior is that the dog jumps out of the window thinking he is getting the Dorito but doesn’t.
4. The consequence involves the removal of the dog (something undesirable) for the little girls sake.
5. The antecedent is the car they are driving in.
6. The discriminative stimulus is the Dorito the little girl is holding.
7. The discriminative stimulus reinforces the target behavior because the little girl doesn’t want the dog to bother her anymore and take her Doritos.
A=In the Car
B= little girl showing dog Dorito
C= the dog goes flying out the window
This is an example of negative reinforcement because of the removal of the unpleasant stimuli. The little girl does not want the dog to be playing with her toy anymore or taking her Dorito again so she chooses to get rid of the aversive stimuli, which is the dog.
1. I chose to try to be more productive. I am someone who does well under pressure but I have found myself not having time to do everything under pressure when it is all due the next day. There just is not enough time for that. Plus it is not a good habit to have.
2. I wrote down when things were due and when I should have started them and have them done by and am seeing if I am accomplishing that or if I am stretching the time frames that I am giving myself.
3. It is working very well so far but I think that I need to add a little bit more to it to because to start changing my habit and not just saying that it needs to change and seeing it on a piece of paper.
4. It is starting to work a little bit but like I said in the previous answer, I think I need to start adding different goals and punishments if I am not getting stuff done for it to actually start working a lot more like I want it to.
1) State the behavior as a specific target behavior, 2) State how you went about recording the behavior, 3) How well did your recording method work for you?, 4) simply based on observing your behavior, did it increase or decrease?
Part One
1. The clip I chose to use is from the television show Full House. In this episode Michelle's best friend has moved away to a new state and Michelle is extremely sad. Uncle Jessie takes Michelle into his room and sings the song that he wrote especially for her. This finally made Michelle smile and be happy. Michelle's saddness elicteed Jessie's emitted behavior of singing which was a reinforced by the consequence of Michelle smiling.
2. The target behavior in this clip is Jessie singing the song that he wrote for Michelle to Michelle. (1:34)
3. The consequence of the target behavior of Jessie singing the song that he wrote for Michelle to Michelle is Michelle smiling.
4. This consequence of Michelle smiling is an addition of somthing desirable.
5. The antecedent of this situation is Michelle being sad.
6.A discriminative stimulus is described in the book as being an antecedent. A discriminative stimulus affects the liklihood of emitting the target behavior which in this case, is Jessie singing the song that he wrote to Michelle for her, before the target behavior is emitted. In this situation Michelle being sad is the discriminative stimulus.
7. Michelle being sad is the discriminative stimulus because it increased the liklihood of Jessie singing the song that he wrote for Michelle before it is emitted.
A- The antecedent is Michelle being sad.
B- The target behavior is Jessie singing the song that he wrote for Michelle to Michelle.
C-The consequence is Michelle smiling.
This is an example of positive reinforcemnt. It is positive because Michelle smiling is an addition of something that is desirable to Jessie. It is reinforcement because Michelle smiling will increase the frequency of Jessie singin the song that he wrote for Michelle to her to experience the consequence again.
Terms Used: elict, emit, reinforced, consequence, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, antecedent, positive reinforcement, desirable
Part Two
1. The specific target behavior that I emit in which I chose to observe was when I consumed food of any amount. I had originally stated the target behavior as eating and then seperated it into eating a snack and eating a meal but after the further reading sections that covered target behaviors more specifically I realized that these were two different emitted behaviors and so is not acceptable as one single target behavior.
2. Originally I recorded how many meals I ate a day and how many snacks that I ate a day. After reevaluating the target behavior I changed this and recorded on a piece of paper next to my computer how many times that I consumed food of any amount that day before bed.
3.This was very effective because I am generally on my computer before bed and left a note up on my computer reminding me to do so. Doing it at this time allowed for me to not have to record throughout the day or have to remember the day after in the morning.
4. Based on the data from observing the emitted behavior the target behavior increased the third and fourth days of recording but then went back to how they were at the beginning of the observation.
Part 1:
1) I chose a clip from the show Full House. Michelle’s friend Howie comes to visit for a few days but when he returns to his hometown in Nebraska Michelle is really sad. She mopes around and repeats Howie’s name until finally she gets to see Howie via the TV because he made a special tape and sent it to her.
2) The target behavior is Michelle’s sadness at Howie leaving. By sadness I mean how she is moping around, clinging to Uncle Jesse’s leg etc. This occurs at 00:09 seconds in the clip.
3) The consequence of Michelle’s behavior is getting to see a video of Howie, making her very happy.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, a video of Howie, and being happy again.
5) The antecedent would be Howie coming to visit from Nebraska.
6) The discriminative stimulus would be Howie because he leads to many responses elicited by Michelle.
7) The discriminative stimulus, in this case Howie, affects the target behavior, being sad, because he is the cause of the sadness, but also the cause of Michelle’s sadness going away.
A=Howie comes to visit from Nebraska
B=Michelle’s sadness when Howie leaves (crying, moping etc.)
C=Getting a video of Howie in the mail
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because it involves the addition of something desirable, in this case a tape from Howie.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, elicit
Part 2:
1) My target behavior was to work out more by going to the gym 4-5 times a week.
2) I recorded my behavior by making a calendar, and putting a huge checkmark on the dates I went to the gym, to make it easier to count how many times I had gone that week. I also wrote a description of what all I did at the gym that day, and how many hours I spent there.
3) The recording worked Ok for me. It was nice to be able to see how long I actually spent at the gym each day and how effective each of my workouts were to see if I was improving on anything, but I found it kind of aversive having to write everything down and trying to remember exactly what I did.
4) I do not think my behavior either increased or decreased. I had already been going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I just really wanted to make it 5 days. I worked out 4 of the days, which is a typical week for me, so nothing really changed. Recording my behavior didn’t really make me want to go any more or any less.
The clip I chose to use is a commercial for college gameday. This show provides insight into college football and everyone involved in it. It attempts to poke fun of some of the signs that coaches use to call plays on the sidelines in fear of the other team figuring it out. The clip is at a meeting with a college coach when his assistant walks in and displays one of these signs. The sign contains four pictures ( about 10 seconds in) on it and each one has meaning. One tells him to go over game film, one means uniform combinations, and the last tells him he cannot bring potato salad to the potluck. This one was clearly relied from the coach who decided his was going to make it. In regard to the sign, each picture is elliciting a different behavior. Based on each sign, he will emit a different behavior. In this case, the target behavior would be for him not to bring potato salad to the potluck. If he does, the consequence will be that he deliberately made the same thing which will make the other coach angery. This would be the addition of something undesirable. The discriminative stimulus is the sign and it effects his behavior by limiting a choice on what he can bring to the potluck. Specifically, it means he cannot bring potato salad.
A= Seeing the sign
B= Making food for the potluck
C= Cannot make potato salad
terms: elliciting, emit, discriminative stimulus, undesirable, consequence, antecedent
1. My target behavior would be to do some sort of cardio workout everyday
2. Each day I would write down what I did on that day and would also plan for the next. That way, I already had in mind what I needed to be doing.
3. It worked well for me because it provided some structure. I knew what I had to get done each day and I made sure that I got it done. Instead of thinking all day about what I wanted to do, and in some cases using it as an excuse, I know what to do and how to do it.
4. It increased because I had goals that were written down and that I was reading each time I walked in my room. It kept it fresh in my head and kept me motivated.
After sitting in class today I feel like I need to add something to my blog post to clairify my discriminate stimulus. Previously I stated that the Doritos bag was the discriminate stimulus but in fact it is was the Doritos Logo itself. It the bag had some generic brand of the same kind of chips the Dad probably wouldn't have been as interested in it. Since you could plainly see that they were Doritos however, this let the Dad know what was inside the bag therefore he wanted the chips.
1) In this clip, Claire, Haley and Alex are driving to school and while Claire is gossiping with her daughters about a family, a car is close to hitting them at an intersection. They slam to a stop and Claire freaks out about how a stop sign should be placed there. As she proceeds to drive, she hits a runner who turns out to be her husband, Phil.
2) The target behavior I am illustrating is stopping at an intersection because it reinforces the need for a stop sign to ensure safety.
3) The consequence of the behavior is almost getting hit by another car and accidently hitting Phil, Claire’s husband when he was running.
4) The consequence is the removal of something undesirable, which would be the likeliness of accidents.
5) The antecedent for this scene is driving up to an intersection.
6) The discriminative stimulus is the stop sign.
7) The stop sign would affect the target behavior because since it is a discriminative stimulus, it signals to the driver to elicit the behavior to stop which emits the driver to hit the brake and stop the car and hopefully check for other cars and pedestrians.
A= Driving through an intersection
B= Almost getting hit by a car and hitting Phil.
C= Wanting a stop sign for the intersection
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is the removal of the safety hazard of the intersection.
Part Two:
1. The target behavior I recorded for a week was to see if I washed my face every night before bed, which includes washing with my cleanser, using a toner, and applying lotion.
2. I recorded this behavior by writing down in my planner each night that I accomplished the behavior.
3. This recording method worked well for me because I remembered (almost) every night that I still needed to mark it off so that motivated me to take the two minutes and wash my face.
4. This method did increase my target behavior, besides on one night, because knowing I needed to mark down my accomplishment of that behavior motivated me to emit it so I wouldn’t feel guilt for not.
Terms: Target Behavior, Reinforces, Consequence, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimulus, Elicit, Emit
1. This is an advertisement for Hamlet Mild Cigars. Although I don't believe anything in this advertisement has to do with cigars it is still comical. A man in a sports car is leaving a parkway and upon seeing a pretty woman he forgets to stop, causing him to be hit in the head by the stopping arm. 2)The target behavior is stopping to press the button which is reinforced by the lifting of the stopping arm. It is correctly done at :03 and incorrectly done at around :09. 3) The consequence of hitting the button is being able to safely exit the parkway 4) The consequence involves removing something undesirable, so that we may pass 5) The antecedent is leaving the parkway 6) The discriminative stimulus is the pretty woman as the presence of the pretty woman changes the mans target behavior. Normally he would press the button but upon the introduction of a pretty woman he forgets to press the button and gets knocked on the head by the stopping arm. Had this been a regular or unactractive woman the incident would not have occured 7) It affects the target behavior by causing it not to occur. The discriminative stimulus decreases the likelyhood that the behavior will occur in this circumstance.
Prior ABCs
A= leaving the parkway
B= pressing the button
C= safely exit the parway upon the removal of the stopping arm
This is negative reinforcement because it increases the likeliness that we will do this behavior in the future because it removes something aversive, the stopping arm.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, aversive
1) My target behavior was to stop whining
2) I recorded this by noting the reason and when I whined on paper 3) This worked slightely because I notice I whine mostly around my boyfriend and he agreed to tell me when whining occured 4) by observing the behavior the duration of my whining decreased, because upon being told I was whining I ceased, but the actual frequency of the number of times whining occured did not decrease.
1. In this clip, Brian is talking loudly in a bar. Peter takes Brian's loud talking as a sign that Brian is smart. Because Peter thinks Brian is smart, he approaches Brian and asks for an autograph.
2. The target behavior is Peter approaching Brian and asking for his autograph. This happens approximately 33 seconds into the video.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that Brian signs an autograph for Peter.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5. The antecedent is Brian sitting in a bar talking loudly with people.
6. The discriminative stimulus is Brian talking loudly.
7. Brian's loud talking (the discriminant stimulus) signals to Peter that Brian is smart, which makes Peter want Brian's autograph (target behavior).
A: Brian sitting in a bar talking loudly
B: Peter approaches Brian and asks for an autograph
C: Brian gives Peter his autograph
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the consequence of Peter's action was the addition of something desirable. Peter will be more likely to ask other people for their autographs.
Target Behavior, Consequence, Addition, Desirable, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimulus, Positive Reinforcement.
Part Two:
1. My target behavior was clearing my throat.
2. I tried to record how often I cleared my throat each day by keeping track on my iPad.
3. This method of recording information did not work very well because I realized that I clear my throat at some very inconvenient times
4. I think that my behavior varied. Some times I found that thinking about clearing my throat made me want to clear my throat even more. However, other times I found the simple act of paying attention to the behavior as aversive, which sometimes deterred me from clearing my throat.
1. I chose a clip from the TV show Family Guy. In this clip Peter and Brian are trying to catch James Woods. In order for them to do that, they lay a trail of candy pieces starting at the door, leading up to the stairs and under a box which they plan on getting him trapped under.
2. The target behavior is getting James to get under the box to be captured. (0:04-0:46)
3. The consequence of Jame's behavior is him getting captured under the box.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. Since Brian and Peter want to get rid of James(who is someone they do not desire).
5. The antecedent is James walking into the house and finding the candy
6. The discriminative stimulus is the candy.
7. The discriminative stimulus affects the target behavior by reinforcing James to keep following the trail of candy into the trap.
A= James walking into the house
B= Getting James to follow the candy trail to the trap
C= James follows the candy into the trap and Brian and Peter capture him
For James, this would be an example of negative reinforcement because the consequence is him getting captured and will most likely decrease the frequency of him emitting the behavior of following candy trails.
Part 2
1. The target behavior I chose to emit was to read a chapter of a book a night for one week.
2. I wrote down how many chapters I needed to read then checked them off as I completed reading them.
3. This recording method worked well because I could see how much I had left to do and felt a pleasurable consequence after I checked the chapters off.
4. Since my target behavior was reading one a chapter a night I would have to say my behavior stayed the same. Although it did influence me to do that with other books so I guess you could say that for the future it has increased the frequency of that behavior.
Terms: Target behavior, consequence, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, negative reinforcement, emitting, pleasurable
1)In my commercial, a male and female are playing rock, paper, scissors for a bag of Doritos and the winner gets to eat the bag of them. They end up tying the first two games of rock, paper, and scissors so; they’re in the third game when they notice their little dog gets pretty close to the bag of Doritos. The female moves the dog away from the bag. Then they play the last game of rock, paper, scissors when the males wins. They turn towards the bag of Doritos and they’re gone. They both yell “dog” and go find the dog when they noticed the dog has an orange circle around his mouth and an empty bag of Doritos sitting next to him. The female picks up the dog and acts like she’s going to lick the dogs’ mouth where the orange Doritos stain is.
2)The target behavior being elicited would be rock, paper, scissors being played. If you win the game you get the bag of Doritos.
3)The consequence of the target behavior occurs when the game is over and there is a winner. In this case, it was the male winning but the dog ate the Doritos because their game took so long.
4)For the male who won the consequence was the addition of something desirable however, the dog ate it before he could enjoy the Doritos.
5)A- Both the male and female want the bag of Doritos.
B- Playing rock, paper, scissors.
C- The male winner the bag of Doritos, but the dog already ate them.
6)This commercial is an example of positive reinforcement because the winner of the games wins the bag of Doritos. Both of these people enjoy Doritos so that makes it positive reinforcement. If neither of them liked Doritos maybe the consequence would be negative. However, by the looks of the situation they both really want to win the bag of Doritos because they are pleasant and desirable.
TERMS: target behavior, consequence, elicit, desirable, emitting, positive reinforcement
1)The target behavior I am emitting is increasing my cardio and workout routine so I can get into better physical shape.
2)I write down when I go workout on a piece of paper so I am keeping track of my physical activity.
3)My recording method worked well because it’s easy to remember what days I’ve worked out and what days I haven’t so it’s easy to keep track mentally and on a sheet of paper.
4)I would say my behavior has increased since I’ve been keeping track because I have to actually write it down and I can visibly see what days I work out and what days I do not.
Part 1
1)In this video all of the main characters are working through the night to make 1000 Penny Blosoms for a one day rush sale. They were unprepared for this many orders and work all night to make them. Obviously the become tired but Sheldon is the only one who falls asleep. To make him stay awake Penny tells him to drink coffee. Sheldon reluctantly drinks it and since he has never drank coffee before emitts a hyper over stimulated response to the caffine in the coffee.
2)The target behavior being illustrated is drinking the coffee in response to being tired.(1:14)
3)The consequence of the behavior is hyper over stimulated activity.
4)The consequence involves the addition of something desirable, that being awake and alert in a time where it was needed.
5)The ateceedent to this behavior is working all night and falling asleep.
6)Being tired
7)Being tired elicited Sheldon to emitt a drinking coffee behavior to keep him awake.
A= Working all night and being tired
B= Drinking coffee
C= Being hyper and over stimulated
this is an example of positive reinforcment because it increased the behavior of being awake and alert.
Part 2
1) Lifting after class everyday
2)I kept track in my mind because since I do it everyday it was easy to keep track of.
3)My recording method worked very well
4) My behavior stayed the same.
1. This clip is from one of my favorite TV shows, Nikita. The scene is when one of the “bad guys” (Amanda) captures Birkhoff (a good guy) and tortures him. She crushes his hand and threatens to destroy his most prized possession: his mind.
2. The target behavior is getting Birkhoff to give Amanda information about Nikita’s whereabouts. From 0:01-0:12, you can see Amanda asking about Nikita and Birkhoff resisting. At 2:06, I believe that Birkhoff was about to emit the behavior in order to obtain the removal of the aversive stimulus (he later says that he almost gave her up in the show). Unfortunately, you can’t actually see the behavior being emitted in the clip because he is rescued by Nikita.
3. The consequence of the behavior will be the removal of something undesirable (the needle & the physical abuse). So, if Birkhoff emits the desired behavior, he will receive negative reinforcement. (However, Nikita intervenes before he has to give her up).
4. Like I said, the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, so it’s an example of negative reinforcement.
5. The antecedent is the basement of a building where the black ops group “lives” (called Division).
6. The discriminative stimulus is the needle of the machine designed to remove brain tumors. Amanda was going to use it to damage Birhoff’s brain, so it was signaling Birkhoff that he was going to be punished if he did not emit the desired behavior.
7. The discriminative stimulus nearly causes Birkhoff to emit the target behavior. If it wasn’t for Nikita rescuing him at the last minute with a phone call, I think he would have given up her location. The needle was a strong discriminative stimulus because it was clear to Birkhoff that he would be punished if he did not emit the target behavior. However, if he did emit the target behavior, he would be reinforced by the removal of the aversive needle and physical beatings.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative stimulus:
A: The basement of Division, in interrogation
B: Birkhoff refuses to give up Nikita’s location
C: The needle is brought in to scare him into talking
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the needle is added in order to increase the likelihood of Birkhoff emitting the target behavior of talking.
1. My target behavior was brushing my teeth. I had to use a toothbrush and toothpaste and brush for at least one minute.
2. I recorded my behavior in a journal, noting the approximate times and what I was doing around that time to try to identify trends. I found that I brush my teeth most often around the time that I take a shower.
3. My recording method worked pretty well for me, but sometimes I was busy and forgot to write it down right away. I sometimes still forgot to brush my teeth.
4. I saw an increase in the target behavior throughout the week. However, this may have only been because I knew I would probably be reporting it for this class. The idea of reporting how often I brush my teeth elicited an increase in the behavior. I brushed my teeth less last weekend but more towards the end of this week.
Target behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, aversive, stimulus, emit, elicited
1) This is a clip from Seinfeld called “The Dealership.” In this scene Kramer is test driving a car. The car dealer sits in the seat and informs Kramer the petrol gauge is on pointing to red-empty and that they will need to stop and fill up. (Of course Kramer would rather keep driving and see how long it takes for the car to run out of petrol!)
2) The petrol gauge pointing to empty eliciting the car dealer to pull over and fill up the petrol tank.
3) The car dealer is inclined to pull over and fill up the petrol tank and suggests so to Kramer. (Kramer, not a typical gentleman, would rather drive until they run out of petrol whilst in most cases, everyone would fill up the tank).
4) The consequence would include something desirable, refueling the car.
5) The antecedent is the target behavior - The petrol gauge pointing to empty inclining the car dealer to pull over and fill up the petrol tank.
6) The discriminative stimulus is the petrol gauge.
7) The stimulus behavior reinforces drivers to pull over to a petrol station and refuel there cars to avoid the undesirable consequence of the car breaking down.
A=Petrol gauge points to empty
B=Driver inclined to pull into petrol station to refill
C=Driver pulls into petrol station, refills, and avoids the car breaking down
It is an example of positive reinforcement because petrol is being added to the equation, stimulating both a desirable consequence and avoiding an undesirable consequence.
1) I chose to record how many meals I consumed a day.
2) I used a food diary to record each meal. Every meal I ate I wrote down a brief description.
3) This method did not work well for me. I moved around so much over the last week I forgot to bring the diary with me multiple days and had to write brief descriptions for meals I had eaten the day before.
4)At first my behavior increased and then it decreased by the end of the week. I really can’t say the diary influenced the increase and decrease of the behavior. I predicted the behavior would decrease, which it did, but it was not a consistent decline.
Terms: Elicit, consequence, desirable, undesirable, antecedent, target behavior, discriminative stimuli, stimulus behavior, reinforces, positive reinforcement
1) I choose a clip from the TV show Law and Order: SVU. In this clip Olivia, Elliot, Wong, and the rest of the crew are following a young woman with something inside of her jacket. The women ended up meeting up with some guy with a red leather jacket on in a restaurant. Wong was inside observing them. The young women gave the man in the red jacket an envelope. After receiving the envelope the man in the red jacket walked to a bar down the block to give to the main man they were investigating.
2) The target behavior that is being emitted in this clip is Olivia, Elliot, and Wong walking down the street to follow the man in the red jacket to find and arrest the man they have been investigating, who is wearing a dark blue dress suit. 2:00-2:15
3) The consequence of the target behavior is that Olivia, Elliot, and Wong find and arrest the man who they have been investigating, who was given the envelope by the red-jacketed man.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because the SVU unit is trying to find and arrest the man they have been looking for. They have been looking for this man and wanted to capture him, therefore, the consequence is the removal of something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is when the man in the red jacket walks out of the restaurant and down the street.
6) The discriminative stimulus is the young women giving the money to the man in the red leather jacket.
7) The discriminative stimulus affects the target behavior because the SVU detectives saw the young women give the man the envelope, which reinforced them to follow the man in the red jacket. Leading them to the perp they were looking for.
A= Red jacket man walks out of restaurant and walks down the street
B= SVU detectives walking down the street, following the red jacket man
C= Arrest man in the dark blue suit who was given the envelope from the red jacket man
This example represents a negative reinforcement because the man in the blue suit is being removed for the situation.
1) I choose to record how many times a day I took tooth paste and put it on my tooth brush, and then got it wet with water from the facet and used the tooth brush with tooth paste on it to brush my teeth.
2) I recorded the target behavior by writing down how many times I day I emitted this behavior.
3) The method I used worked really well for me, I was able to keep track of how many times during a day I brushed my teeth.
4) Honestly, even though I was keeping track of my behavior it seemed to stay the same. There were days where I brushed my teeth three times a day, and somewhere it was only twice. Which was the exact same as before. As I keep keeping track of my behavior I should be able to tell whether or not my target behavior is increasing or decreasing.
Terms: target behavior, emitted, emit, consequence behavior, negative reinforcement, reinforcement, discriminative stimulus
This clip is from The big bang theory in it Sheldon is nervous about speaking in front of so many people. He says to Penny he is so nervous he could faint, she hand him a glass of wine and tell him it will relax him. So he drinks it and more, ending up drunk. The target behavior would be Sheldon's drinking. He is reinforced each time he drinks more alcohol because it relaxes his nervousness. The consequence of Sheldon's emitting his drinking behavior is that he gets drunk. The drinking involves the removal of something undesirable, his nervousness about giving a speech. The antecendent would be the awards dinner where Sheldon is to give the speech. It is this environment that causes Sheldon to be uneasy. Therefore the discriminative stimulus would be the dinner which makes Sheldon nervous which causes him to drink. Which is something he never does, so he gets drunk. Only under the circumstances and pressure the dinner cause would Sheldon drink booze. The Discriminative stimuli would be the awards dinner. Which causes Sheldon to be nervous and drink(the target behavior).
A= Awards dinner where Sheldon is to give the speech
B= Sheldon drinks booze
C= Sheldon feels better but gets drunk. He actually gives his speech drunk
This would be negative reinforcement because when Sheldon drinks he gets rid of his nervousness, which is reinforcing to him.
Terms: discriminative stimuli, target behavior, negative reinforcement, antecedent, emitting, consequence, reinforced
My target behavior was no eating any food in between the three main meals of the day. This would be breakfast, lunch and dinner. I recorded on a sheet of paper every time I would eat something not at meal time. I would write the date and exactly what I ate. Recording was no problem for me, I just had to remember to write it down. I think because I was made more aware of it, the behavior decreased. Which is what I wanted to happen.
1) This commercial talks about how Tylenol is the best thing for pain because it’s “tough on pain, but easy on the stomach.” It shows different people happy with their decision to take Tylenol.
2) The target behavior is the behavior that we want to either increase or decrease in frequency so the target behavior is taking Tylenol for the person’s pain.
3) The consequence to taking the Tylenol is that the person’s pain goes away.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable or aversive (pain).
5) The antecedent can be anywhere because a person can get a headache anywhere.
The antecedent can also be the gym because working out can cause you to be sore which can
be painful.
A= the gym (for example)
B= taking Tylenol for pain
C= the pain goes away
6) The discriminate stimulus is being in pain because it “sets the occasion” for a reinforcing or punishing behavior to occur.
7) The discriminate stimulus (being in pain) affects the target behavior (taking Tylenol for pain) by reinforcing the behavior of taking Tylenol for pain.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it will increase the behavior of taking Tylenol in the future because it is removing something undesirable or aversive (pain).
1) The target behavior I chose to observe was working out (increasing the behavior)
2) I recorded my behavior by putting stickers on the calendar on the days the I worked out and then writing down underneath it how long I actually worked out for (not how long in total from leaving my house to arriving back home)
3) I really like to put the stickers on the calendar because it allows me to physically see that I am in the process of accomplishing my goal which then makes me not want to give up.
4) My target behavior definitely increased because I began to want to put a sticker on the calendar and I wouldn’t be able to just lie and put one up there anyway.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive and negative reinforcement, aversive, target behavior, discriminate stimulus
Part One: The clip I watched was from one of my favorite shows, Adventure Time. In this clip, the main characters, Finn and Jake, leave the house. Their little robot friend BMO then goes and talks to itself in the mirror pretending to be somebody else. It waits until they leave because it probably knows the behavior of talking to itself is weird, but it enjoys it anyway. So the reinforcement for this behavior is self gratification from simply emitting the behavior. The discriminative stimulus in this clip would be Finn and Jake leaving. This could mean different things for different people, but for BMO it meant it had time to do things that others would find weird. If the target behavior was talking to itself, then the consequence would have to be that it was satisfied after doing so.
Antecedent- Home alone
Behavior- Talking to itself
Consequence- Feels better, enjoyed itself.
This is positive reinforcement because it is the addition of something good.
Part Two: I was observing my behavior of drinking coffee. Everyday I recorded how much I drank. Some days I had just had a cup in the morning, some days I had a couple cups and a frappuccino, everything was taken into account. The recording process worked well. I just wrote down how many cups/frappuccinos I had that day in my assignment book. It definitely increased. I like coffee, but seldom have the ambition to make it in the morning. Knowing that I was recording this, I had the motivation. Then I realized how much better my days are when coffee was involved and my intake went up.
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Target Behavior, Discriminative Stimulus, Emitting, Positive Reinforcement, Reinforcement
1) This clip is from New Girl, and Nick is very mad, sitting at a park bench alone. When an older gentleman comes and sits next to him, Nick asks him to go for he doesn’t want to sit next to anyone he’s so angry. The man doesn’t say anything, just gives him a smile which leads to Nick opening up to the man as the older gentleman sits there silently smiling and nodding.
2) The target behavior is the man smiling at Nick. This reinforces Nick to open up and start talking to the man. This first occurs eight seconds in and he continues smiling throughout Nick’s spiel.
3) The consequence of the man smiling is Nick talking to him and opening up. Eventually Nick appreciates the man and admits to himself he has angry issues.
4) I believe the consequence adds something desirable. Nick was unwilling at first but he recognized that he needed to talk to someone. I think being able to talk to someone was inadvertently desirable for Nick.
5) The antecedent is Nick sitting alone on the park bench being angry.
6) The discriminative stimulus was Nick sitting alone in a park.
7) The discriminative stimulus, sitting in a park, led to him interacting with other people. If he would have chosen a more private area, he would have never met the older gentleman. Therefore he would have never gotten the target behavior, the smile.
A = Nick sitting alone in the park
B = The man smiling at Nick
C = Nick opening up and talking to someone
I think this is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive because Nick feeling better after talking to someone is an addition of something desirable. It is reinforcement because now that Nick feels better after talking to someone when mad, he is more likely to talk to someone in the future if he feels that way again.
Terms: target behavior, reinforces, consequence, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement
1) The target behavior I choose was drinking water. I don’t believe I drink enough water in a day.
2) I measured how much I drank by bottles of water. So I recorded how many bottles I drank a day.
3) I kept track on my phone which worked well because I always have it with me.
4) The behavior increased. I think that is because I was conscious of keeping track of exactly how many bottles I drank. Being aware of my behavior kept it in mind that I should drink more water.
Section 1
1) This is a Coke commercial (7.55-8.25)from the 70's-80's. It shows the use of the 'new two liter bottle'. Basically, every time the behavior of using the new bottle is emitted, the situation is transformed into the perfect atmosphere for that situation. This positive light in which drinking Coke is associated with good feeling and good times with family and friends.
2) The target behavior is using the new two liter Coke bottles(7.57).
3) The consequence of this behavior is the positive experiences with whomever you are with(8.04-8.13).
4) The consequence of the target behavior being emitted is the addition of something positive. Having a situation made ten times more awesome just because you used special two liter bottles of coke would be the addition of something desirable.
5) The antecedent for this clip would be situations where you are with friends or family to enjoy the day.
6)The discriminative stimulus is any situation such as a family get-together or a grillout. Being involved in one of these situation would cause you to be positively reinforced to buy Coke that is elicited in new two liter bottles.
7) Knowing that it is the Coke that brings all the different events together in the first place cause one to be positively reinforced to buy Coke for their next get-togther so that it brings its' good vibes to the party.
A-Social situations with friends or family.
B-Using Coke two liter bottles.
C-Enjoyable atmosphere for a social event.
This clip demonstrates positive reinforcement by showing that emitting the target behavior of using the two liter bottles is assicated with good times with peers.
Section 2
1) My target behavior was to drink three 32oz. bottles of water throught the day.
2) I recorded the number of bottles drank each day at the time of finishing each bottle. I used the 'Note' app on my iPod touch to record the data.
3) It worked well, I use my iPod throughout the day. It was very handy to just log the info on there each time I completed the target behavior.
4) I would say the target behavior of drinking three bottles of water a day did increase because of being consciencely made aware of it.
Terms: target behavior, positive reinforcement, emitted, elicit, discriminative stimulus, consequence, desirable, antecedent.
Part One:
I chose a Kia commercial called “Space Babies”. The older boy asks his dad where babies come from and his dad goes through this whole process of explaining that they come from space and they wave good-bye and load a rocket when they are ready to come and meet their mom and dad and they are released all over the place, Africa, etc. At the end of explaining all of this the boy says well Jake says that babies are made when mommies and daddies..and the father speaks to the car and tells it to play the wheels on the bus so that he doesn’t have to answer the question. At the end of the commercial it says “it has an answer for everything.” All new Sorento 2014. The target behavior is answering the child’s question of where babies come from. The consequence of the behavior is not answering and telling the car to play The Wheels on the Bus. The consequence adds something desirable because the parents and even the child start jamming out to The Wheels on the Bus so it’s avoiding the child’s question of where babies come from. The antecedent is the boy asking where do babies come from. The discriminative stimulus is the dad looking at the mom and then telling the car to play The Wheels on the Bus to avoid answering the question. The discriminative stimulus reinforces the target behavior.
A= The boy asking his dad where babies come from
B= His dad coming up with an excuse that babies come from space and so on
C= After his dad saying they come from space the boy says Jake says they come from when mommies and daddies..and then they tell the car to play the Wheels on the Bus so they can avoid explaining where babies really come from.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the dad avoids answering the question but they end up all jamming out to The Wheels on the Bus and didn’t have to answer where do babies come from.
Terms: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, antecedent, consequence.
Part Two: My target behavior was how much food, meals and snacks included that I eat during the day. I recorded this behavior by recording in a journal what I ate every day. This method did work for me because I was able to see what I was eating and when I was eating it throughout the day. The behavior or my food eating during the day decreased because I kept track of how much I ate and I wanted it to decrease because I feel like I eat too much.
1.The clip I found is a commercial for Tide about a fan who spills salsa on his jersey and the stain is shaped like Joe Montana. The news reporters call attention to it, people interview him, flock to his house, and look at pictures online of it. He sells merchandise and people are very excited to see the famous “miracle stain”. That is…..until he finds out his wife washed it.
2. The target behavior is washing the jersey.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that he gets mad because his wife washes his jersey, bringing an end to his fame.
4 The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. This is because the wife washes the jersey because she doesn’t like the 49ers, she is a Ravens fan and her husband is getting all this fame for the stain that looks like the 49er’s Joe Montana. To her husband however- it is the removal of something desirable- his fame for having the stained Joe Montana jersey.
5. The antecedent is becoming famous because of the stained jersey.
6. The discriminative stimulus is eating chips and salsa while wearing the jersey and watching the game. This sets the stage and makes it appropriate for him to cheer on his team and accidently spill on his shirt.
7. The discriminative stimulus affects the target behavior because he spilled on his shirt because he was eating salsa and watching the game- and now there is a need to wash it!
8. Antecedent= Becomes famous because of Joe Montana stained jersey.
Behavior= Wife washes jersey
Consequence= He gets mad.
9. This is both positive and negative reinforcement. It is positive because the fan who spilled on his shirt became famous for the stain looking like Joe Montana. He received positive feedback from viewers, news reporters, and his friends who were watching online, interviewing him, and coming to his house to see and talk about the shirt. However it was also negative reinforcement because his wife didn’t like the 49ers (rather the Ravens) and so she punished him by washing it.
Terms Used: target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, reinforce, discriminative stimulus
Part 2:
1) My target behavior was drinking at least one bottle of water per day. This is due to the fact that I really don’t drink water all that much, and I feel it would be beneficial to my body to do so.
2) I recorded the behavior by keeping a notepad on my desk and tallying how many bottles I drink per day. It worked fairly well- and depending on how much exercise I got that day, I could easily drink almost 2.
3) My keeping track of my behavior, I increased the amount of water I drank per day.
Part One
1) This is a clip of a commercial from in super bowl in 2012. In this commercial, the girl brown M’n’M is getting funny looks and laughed at by some guys at a party. The woman explains that the guys think the brown M’n’M is naked. She is upset by this and says, “Only a fool would think I’d actually show up naked.” Right after she says this, the red boy M’n’M comes in and say, “So it’s that kind of party!” and rips off his candy coating. 2) The reinforced behavior is the brown M’n”M seemingly being naked. (second .13) 3)The consequence to the brown M’n’M being naked is that the red M’n’M takes off his candy coating. 4) The consequence is the removal of something undesirable. The consequence is the removal of the red M’n’M’s candy coating. 5) The antecedent is at a party. 6) The discriminative is seeing and assuming that the brown M’nM is naked. 7) Because the red M’n’M sees the brown M’n’M seemingly naked, he thinks it is okay to take off his candy coating as well.
A) At a party
B) The brown M’n’M being seemingly naked.
C) The red M’n’M taking off his candy coating.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. The red M’n’M is taking away something undesirable, his candy coating.
Terms: Behavior, antecedent, consequence, discriminative stimulus, negative reinforcement.
Part Two
1) My target behavior was watching Netflix. 2) I recoded this behavior by keeping track of it in a notebook. 3) Recording the behavior went well enough. I often didn’t record it right away but I would in the morning or when I had more time to write it down. 4) Just by observing my behavior, it didn’t increase or decrease. I felt I watched Netflix just as much as I normally would.
For this assignment, I chose a clip from the early nineties television variety show ‘In Living Color’. The particular scene is entitled ‘Homie D. Clown Goes to School’. In it, several school children are informed by their principal that their teacher is not going to be present; instead, there is a “treat” for them – a clown for a substitute. The children are told to behave; they agree and sit patiently until the principal leaves. Then, they all stand up and make a general ruckus. Homie enters, sees the misbehavior, and most of the children sit down. One keeps dancing, and makes an example of him by smacking the child over the head and telling him to sit down. He joins the other students on the floor.
Throughout the scene, various children stand out of turn, scream, put-down, sing long solos, insult, or are just plain ignorant and are struck with a sock filled with a bopping device. At the end, Homie asks the children what they learned; the children reply, “Homie don’t play that.” He rewards them with early dismissal.
The target behavior is “hitting people over the head”. The behavior occurs at 0:36, 1:03, 1:48, 2:19, 3:07, 3:47, 3:49, and 5:19.
The consequence of this behavior is “compliant children”.
The consequence is reinforcement involving the removal of behavioral classes of a negative valence from the immediate environment; more specifically, extinguishing behaviors in the children Homie finds aversive (i.e.: wanting to work for the government).
The antecedent is “being around children”.
The discriminative stimulus is “being the only adult in the room”.
If there were another adult in the room, being a convict, Homie would have chosen not to strike a child for fear of punishment.
A = Being around children
B = Hitting children over the head
C = Children obey
This is an example of negative reinforcement because the removal of the undesirable sight or sound or idea produced is immediately interrupted.
Terms Used: Target Behavior, Consequence, Reinforcement, Behavioral Classes, Negative Valence, Extinguishing, Aversive, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimulus, Punishment, Negative Reinforcement, Undesirable
The behavior was “eating food”, the target behavior being “eating healthy food”.
I recorded (each in a separate column in Microsoft Excel) the date, the time, the item, where the item was purchased, and whether or not it was fast food. If the item was junk, I wrote “YES” in red letters; if not, a simple, unformatted “No” was all I entered. The negative reinforcement came from not having to use the touchpad mouse to change the text color every time it came to that field in the column list.
I found the recording method I came up with to be the only time I have actually kept a food journal for any length of time over two days. I would consolidate my data daily, using scraps to record the few bits of information required. In short – it worked beautifully.
I believe I ate less unhealthy food in one sitting, but I don’t think I increased my healthy food intake. I’ve been lazy with cooking lately, and all the healthy food is ridiculously expensive or served with metal forks… but anywho, it was interesting to have data to analyze.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip: The commercial I choose was the infamous V8 commercial. Where there is a woman sitting in a diner waiting for her food and once the waiter sets down her burger and fries, the women’s reflection looks at her and bops her in the head as the announcer voice comes over and says “ could’ve had a V8”.
2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video): The target behavior in this commercial is wanting to not eat unhealthy food like a burger and fries but instead have a V8 which has a supplement of fruits and vegetables. The reinforced behavior is having a V8 instead of unhealthy food.
3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: the consequence for not drinking a V8 is a slap on the forehead.
4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable: The consequence is the addition of something undesirable. The slap on the forehead is an aversive behavior this is an example of positive punishment because this situation is adding an aversive stimulus after the unfavorable behavior. The forehead slap is the aversive stimulus and eating unhealthy food is the unfavorable behavior.
5) tell us to the antecedent is: ordering a burger and fries
6) tell us what the discriminative stimulus is: The forehead slap is the discriminative stimulus, the forehead slap is there to suggest what is the appropriate or desirable behavior.
7) how does the discriminative stimulus affect the target behavior. The forehead slap is an undesirable action that can cause pain or startle someone before they choose to eat an unhealthy meal. So with the occurrence of a forehead slap you will not want to eat unhealthy food, and if you were to continuing ordering greasy food you might start to expect the forehead slap as a reminder that you could’ve had a V8.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative
A= ordering a burger and fries
B= eating the greasy burger and fries
C= a forehead slap
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. If anything this would be a positive reinforcement. Because the addition of the reinforcing stimulus (forehead slap) which follows the behavior of deciding to eat unhealthy food. Thus making it next time the person will reconsider what they choose to order.
PART TWO - Behavior Observation. We asked you to observe a particular behavior you emit and to record that behavior for a week.
1) State the behavior as a specific target behavior: To lose weight/ stop losing weight
2) State how you went about recording the behavior: I went to the gym for a week straight each day adding a new exercise and obsessively weighing myself after workouts.
3) How well did your recording method work for you? It doesn’t work extremely well because I seem to get obsessive about how much I weigh. Weight loss takes longer than a week to see a difference.
4) Simply based on observing your behavior, did it increase or decrease? My behavior increased because I know weight loss doesn’t happen over one week so in order to see the results I desire I will have to continue my behavior of going to the gym and exercising.
Terms: aversive, positive reinforcement, undesirable, target behavior, stimulus, discriminative stimulus, reinforcing stimulus, behavior, consequence.
Part 1=
1) This clip is from the “SpongeBob SquarePants” television show. In this clip, SpongeBob is reluctantly chosen by Mrs. Puff to be hall monitor for the day. Upon hearing this delightful news, SpongeBob elopes into a very long speech that elicits a negative and sleepy response from his fellow classmates. His speech was so long that it took up the entire day and left him with no time to do good in the halls of the boating school. Mrs. Puff takes pity on him and lets him keep the uniform until the next day—weary however of the consequences of her actions. On his way home, SpongeBob comes across a broken traffic light that has the drivers scared of driving forward in fear that it would emit an accident. Due to this conditioned response we all learn in driving, SpongeBob decides to take charge and assume the role of traffic cop to help alleviate the tension. He however fails miserably and ends up causing a huge traffic accident—the very thing that the drivers were trying to avoid. This clip actually encompasses the whole episode however; the main part that pertains to this clip assignment and the part that I look at is roughly the first four minutes.
2) The target behavior is the reluctance of the drivers to drive forward due to the conditioned response to follow traffic laws. This happens at about 3:20 of the clip.
3) The consequence of these actions is the removal of a chance of getting into an accident and in result removing an aversive ideal.
4) This consequence removes the undesirable and aversive probability of getting into an accident.
5) The antecedent is the cars stuck at the broken traffic light.
6) The discriminative stimulus is the SpongeBob playing traffic cop.
7) We have been conditioned as new drivers to follow and obey traffic laws, signs, and lights in light of avoiding a ticket or an accident. When one of the ideologies that we are expected to follow fails us, it is hard for the individual to think of a new means of behaving. In this case, the individuals in the vehicles look to SpongeBob as the answer to their prayers and as an authority figure (although falsely believed) to lead them in the right path—he fails miserably and causes them to all crash any way.
A= Cars stuck at a broken traffic light
B= Cars refusing to drive forward due to conditioned response
C= Cars avoiding a crash/accident with other cars
8) I believe that this is a negative reinforcement because of the removal of an undesirable or aversive ideal of getting into an accident. The sort of avoidance is reinforcement for prudent behavior and decisions made on the individuals’ part.
Terms: Negative Reinforcement, Aversive, Reinforcement, Behavior, Conditioned Response, Conditioned, Antecedent, Discriminative Stimulus, Consequence, Undesirable, Target Behavior, Elicit, Emit, Negative
Part 2=
1) My specific target behavior was to consume a healthy breakfast—no sugary cereal and at least one piece of fruit—before going to work or class everyday in order to stick to my plan of eating better.
2) I recorded the behavior with different colored dots. Black for days that I do not successfully eat what I classify as a healthy breakfast or eating nothing at all and a red dot for the days that I do successfully complete the task.
3) The method worked really well especially since my boyfriend was reminding me every morning to put a dot on the calendar and that the calendar was something that I had to see every day when I walked into my apartment—it is hanging in the hallway.
4) There was a very slight increase in the frequency of successful morning breakfast consumption however, not as much as I would have liked. This just means that I need to space out more time in my schedule for breakfast and be more conscientious of my actions dealing with time management.
1. In the clip from the Big Bang Theory Penny and Leonard are coming back from a date and as they walk up towards this apartment they hear music from Star Wars. Leonard suggests they don't go in because that means Sheldon is in a bad mood, but Penny insists that they do. Once inside they find Sheldon outraged that he has to work with Kripky. Leonard to make him feel better is required to memorize different drinks for his particular mood.
2. Sheldon is reinforcing Leonard to remember which drink he needs for his particular emotions when he agrees when Leonard says the right drink. He disagrees and explains more when Leonard offers him the wrong drink. If Leonard wants him to stop his aversive behavior, he must produce the desired behavior which is providing the correct drink. (0:44-1:25)
3. If Leonard says the right drink Sheldon desires he gets approval, if he says the wrong drink he gets a condescending explanation of his feelings is given to Leonard punishing him.
4. It is the removal of something undesirable. Leonard and Penny want to hang out in his apartment, but will not be able to with Sheldon in this particular state. Once Leonard gives him the correct drink for his tea, he is stop being so unruly.
5. The antecedent is the ominous music Sheldon plays
6. The discriminative stimulus is the ominous, star wars music.
7. This music warns Leonard that Sheldon is not in a good mood and to improve his mood he requires a specific drink.
A: Ominous music
B: Producing a specific drink for Sheldon's current emotions
C: Will be more pleasant to be around if right drink is acquired
This is an example of negative reinforcement because Sheldon will remove is bad attitude once he is happy with the drink Leonard makes for him. If the wrong drink is suggested he becomes more upset.
Terms: Target behaviors, negative reinforcement, antecedent, undesirable, removal, reinforcing, aversive, and punishing.
1. My target behavior for this past week was to do a cardio workout three days a week.
2. I recorded my behavior by writing it down in my agenda on my to-do list. After I worked out I could cross it off my list.
3. It worked very well. I'm big on lists and it gives me a little sense of accomplishment when I can check something off my list. I've had a lot of grad school applications to do so those items have been on my to-do list for a while. This being something I can get done in an hour was quite reinforcing.
4. It has increased. Before writing it in my planner I'd only worked out a couple of times this semester. This week I've already worked out four times.
Part 1:
1. A little girl shows up to a cemetery to tell Jane that Red John wants him to give up searching. He decides to hypnotize the little girl to make sure Red John doesn't kill her since she knows who he is.
2. Jane hypnotizes the little girl to make sure she forgets what Red John looks like and who he is.
3. They are not able to interview the little girl and use her as a witness as to who Red John is.
4. This is removing something desirable because they can't use her as a witness to find out who Red John really is.
5. The antecedent is being in the cemetery.
6. The discrimitive stimulus is if the little girl remembered who Red John was, he would kill her.
7. This effects the target behavior because even though the little girl talked about Red John, she doesn't remember meeting him, so the police have no evidence.
A: In the cemetery
B: Jane hypnotizes the little girl to forget Red John
C: Can't solve the investigation about who Red John is
This is negative reinforcement because it is taking something away that is desirable. (Figuring out who Red John is).
Terms: negative reinforcement, antecedent, target behavior, discriminative stimulus
Part 2:
1. My target behavior was Skyping with my boyfriend.
2. I recorded my behavior by looking at the recent history on my Skype to see how many times we talked.
3. This worked very well for me because I wasn't able to make any mistakes or forget to record this.
4. Based on observing my behavior I believe it has decrease because we used to Skype every night and now we only Skype a few times a week.
Part One: Discriminative stimulus blog:
1) Briefly describe
- This is an M n M’s commercial that involves the concept of illusion, in a sense. A brown, girl M n M is at a party and while in the process of telling a story to two other women; a bystander begins to giggle. The girl M n M stops and asks, “What’s he laughing at?” The girls tell the M n M that the guy/bystander thinks she’s naked because of her color, (brown is the color of her coating and also of what’s underneath, her naked chocolate). She begins to explain that it’s the color of her shell and only an idiot would think she was nude. Spontaneously at that moment a Red M n M comes in and reacts to his thought that the brown M n M was naked by stating, “It’s that kind of a party!”, and rips off his clothing/shell like get really get naked. It is an adorably, creative way to include slight sexual intentions rather innocently which can be understood by even youngest at heart.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
- The target behavior is this clip would be the illusion that the brown M n M is nude which happens in the first 20-30 seconds.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
- The consequence is because of the illusion that the brown M n M is nude, it elicits the behavior of the red M n M to pull off his shell of clothing sort of like a flashing or streaking action and actually get naked!!!
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable
- The consequence although might be undesirable for others is quite desirable for the Red M n M which is the removal of his shell and it was something that was undesirable by him. It seems that he was actually very happy that the party was in his mind “full of surprises”.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is
- The antecedent is the fact that the brown M n M was at the party just standing around
6) Tell us what the discriminative stimulus is
- The discriminative stimulus is brown colored M n M, which is portrayed as a girl gives the illusion to a bystander that she is naked because chocolate is also brown; gives the illusion that the she is naked at a party.
7) How does the discriminative stimulus affect the target behavior.
- In this clip that are one in the same; the target behavior is the discriminative behavior
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative stimulus:
A= the brown M n M standing around at a party
B= the illusion that the brown M n M is nude
C= the red M n M actually ripped off his red shell coating/clothing and gets NAKED!!!
- This is an example negative reinforcement because it is the removal the Red M n M’s shell/clothing. Because it removed something it is considered a negative reinforcement because he Red M n M was hoping to encourage others with his behavior as well.
Terms: negative reinforcement, target behavior, discriminative stimulus, behavior, reinforcement, illusion, consequence, and antecendent
1) State the behavior as a specific target behavior
- To stop or decrease my smoking habit
2) State how you went about recording the behavior
- On my desk calendar I marked each time I grabbed a cigarette and smoked it
3) How well did your recording method work for you?
- Very well because I kept my cigarettes on my desk and when I went to grab one I also put a stick mark on the day of the week that I did it.
4) Simply based on observing your behavior, did it increase or decrease?
- Absolutely because I was observing my behavior although I did also have help from mother nature because I caught the flu two days into the experiment which caused me to smoke even less because I was already feeling ill.
Part 1
1.The clip is Lucas Scott proposing to Peyton Sawyer in an episode of the TV show, “One Tree Hill.” The two have been through a lot together and are now in love. Lucas was supposed to marry another girl, but the other girl decided that he was still in love with Peyton. Shortly after, Peyton and Lucas get back together and have a spur of the moment trip to Los Angeles. That is where they are in the clip.
2.The target behavior is Lucas proposing to Peyton. (Whole clip)
3.The consequence is Peyton saying yes.
4.The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because Lucas wanted to marry Peyton.
5.The antecedent is Lucas wanting to marry Peyton.
6.The discriminative stimulus is Lucas’s confidence level to whether she will say yes or not.
7.If his confidence level were not high, he would most likely not go through with it. On the other hand, if it is high, he will most likely go through with it.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to the introduction of the discriminative stimulus:
A=Lucas loves Peyton and wants to marry her.
B=Lucas proposes to Peyton.
C=Peyton says yes to him.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Lucas asked Peyton, and she said yes. So, he knows that he could ask again and probably get the same good answer.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, desirable, behavior, antecedent, discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement
Part 2
1. The target behavior is running at least 30 minutes every day for two weeks.
2. I recorded it by the amount of time per day, along with the date.
3. This method worked out very well for me.
4. My behavior increased by observing my behavior and keeping track.
This clip I found is from the show The Office. This scene is of Dwight taking care of and stopping the new fad of planking in the office. Dwight is the discriminative stimulus because he is the one going around around stopping people from planking. He does this by many ways but all of them involve the people getting knocked out of their planking stance.
A=Dwight being told to take care of planking
B=Dwight stopping the planking by any means necessary.
C=people that were planking get hurt by dwight
This is an example of positive punishment because the people have an aversive situation (being hurt by dwight) put upon them. The consequence of their behavior is getting hurt. The consequence of the reinforcement is that the people won't plank again in the office.
Part Two
I am trying to eat healthier. So by recording each meal I eat in my phone it tells me what I've eaten and how many calories it was. By being able to see what I've eaten I make better decisions on portion size and what I'm eating. It has increased my behavior of eating healthier.