Hi Class,
PART ONE - This assignment is very similar to the topical blog we did last week. We will go over this on when we meet on Thursday. If you are unsure how to do this assignment you might wait until after we meet in class.
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching. What we do not want is a video produced to expressly demonstrate the specific behavioral topic.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed extinction (not being reinforced for a previously reinforced behavior)
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating extinction.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what previously reinforced behavior probably was (this might not be explicit in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the previously reinforced behavior probably was, 4) tell us if the consequence involved the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, 5) tell us what the antecedent is, 6) tell us what the topography of the extinguished behavior looks like (please note what time it occurs in the video), 7) discuss why you know this is extinction.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to extinction:
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
What do you think will happen if the behavior gets reinforced again?
When you are done copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the video you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
PART TWO - Behavior Observation. We would like you to observe a particular behavior you emit and record that behavior for a week.
1) State the behavior as a specific target behavior, 2) State how you are going to record the behavior, 3) although you are going to be the only person recording your behavior, what might some sources of inter-observer be when recording this behavior if more than one person were going to observe it, 4) knowing that you are going to begin recording this particular behavior, how might that change the frequency of the behavior?
Start recording the behavior every day until next Thursday.
Let us know if you have any questions
--Dr. M
In this clip, a fan Eminem, Stan, keeps trying to write him letters telling him about his life and saying he really wants to meet him. Eminem apparently never gets the letters so Stan keeps writing letters and starts to get upset that Eminem doesnt reply to him. Finally Stan has had enough gets drunk, puts his girlfriend in the trunk, and starts to drive. While driving he makes a casset tape to Eminem but before he is able to send it out he drives off a bride and kills himself and his girlfriend. Eminem finally recieves Stan's letter and writes him back. At the end of the letter he talks about how he doesn't want Stan to do anything stupid. He says he saw on the news that a man drove off a bridge with his girlfriend in the trunk and the police found a tape. The final line in the song is, "In the car they found a tape, but it didn't say who it was to, come to think about it, his name was, it was you. Damn." The reinforced behavior was not stated but it probably was that when Stan wrote a different celebrity or saw Eminem at a concert of signing, they responded to Stan with an autograph, hug, handshake, or a small conversation. This would reinforce Stan to keep writing or trying to meet Eminem or the celebrity. The consequence invovled the removal of something disireable. The desired response that Stan wanted was any sort of response from the celebrity or Eminem. Once that response was taken away, Stan's behavior was altered and an extinction response was emitted. The anteceedent of this video would be Stan listening to Eminem's music. The topography of the extinguished behavior is in a sense throwing a fit. Stan is acting out to get attention by driving drunk and killing himself and his girlfriend. He is hoping to get a response from Eminem in the form of a letter or some sort of interaction. This behavior shows extinction by throwing a fit and acting out. His letter writing and going to concerts was reinforced by recieving letters back from the celebrity or some sort of interaction from the celebrity. This made Stan content and elicited a letter writting or concert going response. Stan then emmitted the behavior of trying to write letters to Eminem. So when Stan did not recieve any response letters from Eminem he acted out in hopes that he would elicit a response from Eminem.
A= Listens to Eminems music
B= Writes fan letters to Eminem
C= Recieved letters back from Eminem
This video is an example of positive reinforcement until the extinction behavior was emitted. The positive reinforcement was when Stan recieved response letters or some sort of response from Eminem. This reinforced Stan to keep writing letters and go to any event in which Eminem would be at. If the behavior was reinforced again then Stan would begin writting letters and trying to see Eminem again.
Terms: Reinforced,Behavior,Reinforce,Consequence,Extinction, Response,Emitted,Topography,Elicited,Positive Reinforcement
1. This clip is from the show “Supernanny” (it’s actually the full episode). She helps parents control their unruly children. The Cooke family has a misbehaved daughter named Meghann. She is always screaming in her parents’ faces, hitting and biting her siblings and parents, etc. The other two sisters have been acting out when their older sister does. When she misbehaved, instead of giving her attention, her parents would make her sit at the dining room table (alone) until she apologized. This was removing the extra attention that she received as reinforcement for misbehaving.
2. The previously reinforced behavior was misbehaving (shouting, hitting, etc.).
3. The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior was extra attention from the parents (though not necessarily good attention). Whenever Meghann misbehaved, her parents would sit her down and talk to her. This attention acted as a reinforcer for Meghann’s behavior.
4. The consequence involved the addition of something desirable (the additional attention provided by her parents when she misbehaved).
5. The antecedent is Meghann living in a house with two younger siblings (her parents can’t give her the same amount of attention as they could when she was their only child).
6. The topography of the extinguished behavior can be seen at 25:51, where the mother is spending time with a well-behaved Meghann in a public setting (which she avoided before out of embarrassment for her daughter’s behavior).
7. I know this is extinction because it is ceasing reinforcement for a behavior until that behavior is no longer emitted by the child.
A = Meghann living in a house with two younger siblings.
B = Meghann misbehaves (hitting, biting, shouting)
C = Meghann receives attention from her parents
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the extra attention from her parents is being ADDED as a consequence of her behavior. Meghann hits her sister. Then one of her parents stops what they’re doing and comes to talk to her about it. She is being reinforced for her undesirable behavior. If something undesirable was being removed, it would be negative reinforcement.
If the behavior of hitting or shouting is reinforced again, I think Meghann will revert to her old ways. She would misbehave frequently to receive the reinforcement of her parents’ attention.
1. The target behavior that I will be recording for the next week is how often I brush my teeth.
2. I will record the behavior but keeping a journal. I will write the dates for the week and record the approximate times of day that I emit the behavior. I will also estimate the time that I spend emitting the behavior.
3. I was not familiar with the term “inter-observer,” so I looked it up online. I found that it relates to how two different people observing a behavior might rate it differently. However, with the concept of teeth brushing, I don’t think anyone would disagree with what I observe myself. Brushing my teeth is a clearly defined and familiar practice. Since I am keeping track of the times I emit the behavior and how long I brush my teeth, I don’t think there would be a problem. I want to see if I am more likely to brush my teeth in the morning or at night, and which times I’m most likely to forget to brush my teeth.
4. I might brush my teeth more knowing that I will be recording the behavior because it might be embarrassing to record that some days I forget to brush them at all.
TERMS: reinforcement, reinforced, behavior, consequence, topography, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, antecedent, extinction, target behavior
Scratch my answer for number 6. I misunderstood the question. The topography of the distinguished behavior can be seen at 16:01. Meghann is throwing a temper tantrum (which is the same behavior she emitted previously), but in this instance it is because the behavior is going through extinction. Meghann is very upset because she is going through an extinction burst. The behaviors look the same, but are functionally different.
PART ONE – Extinction
1) The clip I have chosen is “The Black Night Fight” from Monty Python. I struggled to come up with a obvious clip but this seems to represent the idea of extinction upon explanation. In the clip, Arthur-King of the Britons comes across a black knight guarding the bridge he must cross to continue his journey. They proceed to dual and Arthur cuts off one of the knight’s arms. Usually a negative reinforcement that he has won a fight and can continue along his way, he must continue to fight as the knight does not give up. They continue fighting and Arthur cuts off the other arm. Finally, after cutting off his legs Arthur gives up amongst the taunts to keep fighting, and and continues along his was. He is no longer negatively reinforced to keep cutting up the man because results are no longer possible.
2) The previously reinforced behavior was, that if you cut off a man’s arm, leg or other body part, a fight is won and the winner can continue a long his way.
3) Cutting off a man’s arm mean victory and the winner could continue along his journey to accomplish whatever it was he set out to do.
4) The consequence would be the removal of something undesirable, such as a knight who aim was to kill you.
5) The antecedent is confronting an enemy.
6) I was confused about this question. I have assumed ‘topography’ is the same as ‘appearance.’ The topography of the extinguished behavior is no longer attempting to cut off the enemy’s body parts when it is clear victory has been achieved.
7) This clip displays extinction because a previously reinforced behavior is no longer necessary and let go. In this clip, the reinforced behavior was injuring or killing a man, however the knight seems immortal thus Arthur gives up the previously reinforced behavior and moves on.
A= Confronting an enemy
B= Dueling with the enemy, subsequently cutting of body parts
C= Don’t have to cut off all body parts to reach victory
This is an example of negative reinforcement. Arthur subsequently takes away the issue of his enemy. He reinforces his attacking behavior by taking away the enemy, either but cutting off his body parts or taking his life.
If the behavior was reinforced again, Arthur would continue to attack until he kills the enemy, which ideally wouldn’t last long after his cut off all the limbs!
PART TWO - Behavior Observation
1) The target behavior that I will focus upon is how many meals I eat a day.
2) I will keep a food diary in my bag and mark it after each meal.
3) I was a little confused by the term inter-observer, thus I concluded that it is the same as inter-rater. Rater and observer are similar terms and have a similar overall concept. As such, if some else were to emit and observe the behavior they would likely keep a diary too. If one wanted to get tricky and visually detailed, photos could be taken as a way to record meals, a much quicker method then taking out a pen and paper.
4) I predict that I will decrease the meals that I eat because I will be paying more attention than normal. Paying more attention normally leads to my modifying a behavior in some beneficial way. With food I become healthier.
TERMS: negative reinforcement, reinforced, consequence, undesirable, antecedent, topography, extinguished, behavior observation, inter-observer, inter-rater, emit, observe, modifying
1.) The clip I found for this post comes from the TV show, The Big Bang Theory. If you are unfamiliar with the show, Sheldon, a highly intelligent, highly annoying character tends to irritate his neighbor Penny on multiple occasion. One way in which he does this is by knocking on her door obnoxiously until she answers the door. When Sheldon repeatedly knocks like a crazy person on Penny’s door, he is reinforced by her opening the door. In this particular clip, Sheldon knocks on Penny’s door in the same fashion he has done hundreds of times before. Although instead of being reinforced with the usual reinforcer, he is met with an aversive response of Penny knocking on the door back at him. 2.) In this situation, the previously reinforced behavior was when Sheldon knocked on Penny’s door, she would answer the door and meet Sheldon’s needs. 3.) The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior was the fact that Sheldon would get his way by getting Penny to answer the door and cater to his needs. 4.) The consequence of the previous behavior involved the addition of something desirable, Sheldon knocked on the door, Penny would open the door, and Sheldon would get whatever it was that he was seeking Penny out for in the first place. 5.) In this clip the antecedent is the fact that Sheldon needs something from Penny, triggering the behavior of knocking obnoxiously on her apartment door. 6.) The topography of the extinction behavior in this clip (shown from the very beginning of the clip to 21 seconds) is Sheldon’s surprised reaction when his knocking behavior is no longer reinforced by Penny opening the door. Instead he is met with a knock back at him which ends the reinforcer. 7.) I feel this constitutes as extinction because Sheldon had previously been positively reinforced for his knocking behavior by her answering the door and in this clip, that reinforcement is no longer
ABC’s of the target behavior in the clip prior to extinction:
A= Sheldon acquires a need from Penny
B= Sheldon knocks on Penny’s door and she answers
C= Sheldon’s needs are met by Penny answering the door
Prior to extinction, this was an example of positive reinforcement because the consequence of Sheldon’s behavior led to a desirable outcome and he got what he wanted from Penny.
I feel that in this clip, if the behavior is reinforced again, the behavior will continue to occur and Sheldon will be back at knocking on Penny’s door for every little thing that he needs.
When you are done copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the video you used.
Terms-extinction, consequence, desirable, behavior, reinforcer, reinforcement, positive reinforcement.
PART TWO - Behavior Observation.
1.) For my behavior observation, my target behavior is going to be tracking how much I use fowl language and swear words (something I struggle with). 2.) I will be recording this behavior by marking every time I use a swear word on a piece of paper on each day from now until next Thursday. 3.) One source of inter-observer behavior would be the observations of others on the type of language I am using. 4.) I feel that by recoding this behavior, it will dramatically decrease the frequency of using fowl language.
1.This clip is from a music video called "Come Wake Me Up" by Rascall Flatts. It is about a couple who was having relationship problems. I inferred that the woman was upset because he puts more priority into getting awards than caring about her. He tries to explain himself and apologize but it is no use because she has had enough. The video makes it seem like they had broken up and the man is trying to figure out how to deal with the separation. He handles the stress and despair by drinking excessively, smoking, or thinking of other things. However, this does not work because all he can do is think of the memories they shared, the words they exchanged, and how much he misses her. He prays that he is dreaming. He ends up following her "in his dream" and accidentally hitting her with his car and then waking up.
2. There are two sets of behavior that was probably reinforced here. The first is that while him and the woman were together, apologizing, expressing his love, and explaining himself may have kept the relationship together. The other behavior was the excessive drinking that he was partaking in to forget the woman.
3. The consequence of the behavior was that they stayed together for so long and eventually that changed when she left. Therefore, his behavior was no longer reinforced. The consequence of the drinking was that he was able to forget her until it no longer worked anymore and her memory flooded his brain.
4. The consequence involved the removal of something undesirable.
5. The antecedent is the man and woman arguing in the house and the man trying to deal with her absence in the house.
6. The topography of this clip occurs in the very beginning of the video when the woman leaves the house and when he is drinking and it no longer keeps the memories out of his head.
7. This is extinction because the man was previously reinforced that explaining himself to the woman would keep their relationship together. This reinforcement is suddenly extinct. It is also extinction because he was reinforced that drinking excessively would help him forget her. However, this reinforcement is suddenly stopped as well.
A- The house where him and his girlfriend are talking/arguing
B- Drinking Excessively
C- Forgetting her and the memories
This is an example of negative reinforcement because as he drinks the memory of his girlfriend is removed which will cause him to increase this behavior.
If the behavior is reinforced again, he will continue to drink more and more.
Part 2- Behavior Observation
1. My target behavior will be to track how many times I floss for a week.
2. I am going to record my progress in my planner each day.
3. Although flossing doesn't typically involve inter-observation, flossing my teeth could be seen by my roommates as a health booster. As I emit the behavior of flossing, it could elicit the behavior for them to start as well.
4. By knowing that I am recording the behavior, I believe the frequency of flossing will increase.
Terms: reinforcement, extinction, emit, elicit, consequence, desirable, negative reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, topography.
This is a clip of Denver the dog being shamed and then sent to his kennel for eating a bag of cat treats. What previously reinforced the dog to eat the bag of cat treats was that they were acessable to him and no one was home to stop him from doing it. Because no one was home, Denver thought that he was sneaky and could eat the cat treats. But, unfortunately for Denver, he forgot to hide the evidence and the consequences of his actions were his owner coming home and publicly shaming him and then sending him to his kennel. The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior was that Denver got to eat cat treats. The consequence of eating the cat treats though was that he got shamed, which involves the addition of something undesireable. The antecedent of Denvers behavior is being home alone. The topography of the extinguished behavior is the hilarious look poor Denver has on his face when he knows he's been caught which can be seen at about 47 seconds into the video. Also the topography of Denvers behavior is him going to his kennel by himself. I know this is extinction because a Denvers previously reinforced behavior, which was eating the cat treats because no one was home, was extinguished by his owner when he came home and publicly shamed the poor puppy. I would assume that Denver will never eat a bag of cat treats when he is home alone ever again because he could not handle the consequences of his behavior very well.
A: Denver is home alone.
B: Denver eats a bag of cat treats he isn't supposed to have.
C: Denver gets shamed and then sent to his kennel.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of the feeling of guilt and shame that Denver experiences causes him to hopefully not eat another bag of cat treats. If the behavior gets reinforced again I think that Denvers owner will shame once again in an effort to extinguish the behavior.
My target behvior will be how much I procrastinate. I am going to record how many times I put off homework or other responsibilities in my planner. If more than one person were going to observe this behavior I would probably not do it as much. Finally, because I am going to be recording this behavior I will probably be more aware of it and try not to do it as much. I think that this will be slightly difficult for me because I am really good at procrastination. When something causes me anxiety I tend to procrastinate so this will be something is slightly difficult for me to overcome. Hopefully this assignment works!
Terms: Behavior, extinction, extinguish, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, consequence, reinforced.
1.This clip is from an episode of “The Simpsons”, titled “Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie”. In this clip, Bart keeps misbehaving both at home and in school. First, Bart receives a bad review at his parent teacher conference because he was misbehaving at school. Later in the episode he is told by Homer to take out the trash but fails to do so, leading to animals getting in the house and spilling trash everywhere. After this Bart smashes mustard packets on the floor with a hammer and makes a mess. In all of these situations, Homer and Marge punish Bart by scolding him. This upsets Bart, and gets him to stop his bad behavior but only momentarily. Bart continues to emit bad behavior, so his actions still need reinforced because they are not completely getting through to him. Finally, Bart is asked by Marge and Homer to babysit his baby sister Maggie. Bart gets distracted and watches TV while Maggie escapes from the house and puts herself in danger. This leads Homer to getting very angry and tearing up Bart’s tickets to the Itchy and Scratchy Movie, a film he had been looking forward to seeing. After this happens Bart stops misbehaving because a stimulus had been removed (the tickets), so his bad behavior is no longer reinforced. The end of the episode shows Bart in the future as a member of the Supreme Court (earlier in the episode, Homer and Marge were worried about Bart’s behavior, and said that if he just got his act together he could become successful someday).
2.The previously reinforced behavior was Bart acting out or doing bad things.
3.The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior was Bart being scolded verbally by his parents, and finally with the punishment of taking away his movie tickets.
4.The consequence involved the removal of something undesirable, because after the tickets were taken he stopped misbehaving and acted well; he knew that if he misbehaved that he would have a negative punishment and the consequences would be aversive, but he knew that if he acted in a mature way that he wouldn’t have something desirable removed.
5.The antecedent is Bart's personal self-motivation or personal need to misbehave on a daily basis.
6.The topography is shown at 20:30, when Bart says, “Well Dad, I guess you won”. Bart knows that his behavior has now changed.
7.I know this is extinction because a behavior that was previously reinforced (Bart misbehaving) no longer has to be reinforced.
A= Bart’s need to misbehave
B= Bart acting out/misbehaving
C= Tickets removed and begins behaving, knows that if he behaves he can get what he wants
This is an example of negative reinforcement because they are removing a stimulus that Bart found to be pleasurable in order to properly reinforce his behavior. I think that if the behavior has to get reinforced again the punishment will be much greater to ensure that the misbehavior continues to decrease.
Terms used: Aversive, desirable, emit, behavior, reinforced, extinction
For my target behavior I will be recording how many times during the day that I eat junk food. I am not going to stop myself from eating the junk food, but every time that I eat a portion of it I will record a tally mark in my notebook. If more than one person were observing this behavior with me I feel like I would have more of a tendency to eat more junk food because I would be reminded that I am observing my behavior and that of another person. I don’t feel like recording my behavior will change it in any particular way.
Part 1:
1) In this clip from King of Queens, Doug convinces Carrie to start pole dancing for him. Once she starts doing it, Doug realizes how terrible she is at it, and is completely turned off by it. Carrie however, thinks she’s doing a great job & feels sexy. After a few nights of private shows Doug can’t take it anymore and tells Carrie she’s really not that great.
2) The previously reinforced behavior was Carrie’s pole dancing.
3) The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior, pole dancing, is kind of confusing. Doug never actually came right out and lied to her about how great she looked doing it, but he never told her she was bad either. Because he never told her to stop, and the fact that he had wanted her to start pole dancing so badly in the first place, Carrie assumed he really liked it, and gained a sense of confidence and felt really sexy. Later in the clip however, when Doug finally reveals how awful she is, she asks him “So you were only pretending to like it!?” Although it is not evident anywhere else in the clip, I would say the consequence of her pole dancing would be Doug’s positive remarks as he was pretending to like it.
4) The consequence involved the addition of something desirable, positive feedback from Doug.
5) The antecedent would be Doug witnessing a pole dancing class while he’s at the gym.
6) The extinguished behavior involves Doug finally snapping and telling Carrie she’s “horrible” at pole dancing. Carrie gets extremely upset, looks very hurt, and then punches Doug in the stomach. This occurs at 18:11 in the clip.
7) This represents extinction because Carrie’s behavior of pole dancing is no longer being reinforced. Now that she knows the truth she does not feel confident or sexy anymore, which you can clearly see in her face when Doug tells her the truth. She was being reinforced by positive feedback from Doug previously, and now she is no longer being reinforced.
A=Doug witnessing a pole dancing class at the gym
B=Carrie pole dancing for Doug
C=Doug’s positive feedback
This would be an example of positive reinforcement, because it involved the addition of Doug’s pleasant comments about Carrie’s pole dancing.
I don’t really think there’s a chance of the behavior getting reinforced again. The damage has been done—nobody would pole dance for someone who told them they were awful. However, if for some reason Carrie did do it again just as bad as the first time, and Doug reinforced it, I’m sure Carrie would keep pole dancing and start to feel sexy again.
Terms: reinforced, antecedent, behavior, consequence, extinction, positive reinforcement,
Part 2:
1) My target behavior will be going to the gym.
2) I will record this behavior by marking on my calendar the days I go. My goal is usually 5 times a week. I will also keep a log of what all I did at the gym that day.
3) A way for others to record my target behavior would be either writing it down as well, or possibly video recording it.
4) Knowing that I have to keep a record of the behavior will probably make me go to the gym more often. It will make me more aware of my goal.
1. The clip I will be using to demonstrate extinction is from The Notebook. In this scene Noah writes letters to Allie for an entire year. Once his 365 letters have gone unanswered he writes a final goodbye letter telling her that he has no hard feelings and that he wishes her the best. In a deleted scene from the movie you get the perspective of Allie on the situation. Allie’s mother has been collecting the letters Noah has been sending and not giving them to her. She asks her mother after getting the mail if there is any more her. She replies no and Allie breaks down into tears again.
2. The previously reinforced behavior was the summer they had spent together. Both Allie and Noah had thought it had been love. They had spent the whole summer doing everything together and were planning for their future together when Allie left.
3. The consequence of this behavior was that Allie’s parents didn’t approve of the relationship. To stop this behavior she took Allie back home with her and kept all of the letters that Noah had written.
4. Noah removes the feeling of reject of Allie by writing her any more letters. He is removing the aversive feeling of refusal from is life and trying to move in a more desirable direction. Allie is also removing the same feelings by not receiving letters by moving on with her life and getting engaged to someone else.
5. The antecedent is Allie leaving town unexpectedly because of her mother didn’t want her and Noah to be together. Allie left before her and Noah couldn’t say goodbye and had a fight the night before.
6. The topography of the extinguished behavior is when Noah sends his final letter to Allie a year after she left. After this time he doesn't try to contact her anymore and accepts that she doesn't love him. He turns his focus on his new life, going to a new city and joining the army. This happens in the movie at the time 47:15- 17:39
7. This is extinction because they are so close and spend so much time together in the summer, talking about their future together which reinforced his love for her. Once she left unexpectedly he keep up hope that she would eventually respond to his letters. After a year of not being reinforced by any response from her he stopped sending the letters.
A. Allie leaving unexpectedly
B. Sending the letters
C. Hope that she will respond to a letter
Terms: reinforcer, reinforced, antecedent, topography, extinguished behavior, desirable, aversive, consequences, behavior, reinforced behavior
The Notebook: Movie (I couldn't find the correct video clip on youtube)
1. My target behavior is doing a cardio workout three days.
2. To record my behavior I’m going to write it down in my planner. This will help me to incorporate my cardio workouts into my schedule for the week so I’m more likely to do them.
3. Using my friends as a reinforcer. Telling them of my target behavior they can help to motivate to and make sure that I’m sticking to my goals. My target behavior may spark the motivation to go with me as well promoting a healthier lifestyle among my friends as well.
4. Recording this behavior will increase the frequency because I will be able to see when I’m doing it, but also when I’m not doing so well.
The clip I chose is from a commercial for a British Columbia football team. In the commercial, a worker places money in a vending machine for a candy bar the bar however gets stuck. The worker is about to give up and walk away when another co-worker begins to cheer her on, not wanting her to give up on receiving her candy bar. She kicks, hits, and slams the machine until the food falls out. The previously reinforced behavior in the clip was placing money in the machine and pressing a desired button. The consequence of the previous reinforced behavior was receiving a candy bar. This type of consequence is the addition of a candy bar which is desirable to the worker and the antecedent in this clip was the vending machine. The topography of the extinguished behavior looks like the worker is giving up on her candy bar after the reinforced behavior did not present the woman with a candy bar (in the clip from 0:00-0:06). I know this situation is extinction because once the woman emits the reinforced behavior and does not receive her candy bar. She therefore does not emit the same reinforced behavior of adding more money into the machine and pushing buttons.
A= antecedent which is at a vending machine
B= behavior placing money in the machine and pressing the desired button
C= consequence the food is supposed to come out, but it instead becomes stuck
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the woman worker is reinforced to place money in the machine and pressed a desired button whenever she wants a snack. When this behavior occurs, the woman receives a candy bar that is desirable to her and causes the frequency for her behavior to increase.
What do you think will happen if the behavior gets reinforced again?
I infer that her behavior of placing money into the machine and pushing a button will become reinforced. If her candy continues to become stuck however, her behavior of hitting, kicking, and slamming the machine will also become reinforced.
Terms: emit, extinction, reinforced, reinforcement, desirable, positive reinforcement, frequency, behavior, consequence, antecedent, topography, addition
PART TWO: Behavior Observation
1)I crack my knuckles
2)I will make a tally mark in my notebook every time I crack my knuckles
3)I could tell other people that are around me often such as my boyfriend or roommate. They could me help observe my behavior and figure out what exactly the antecedent might be.
4)Knowing that I will be recording my behavior I infer that the frequency will decrease because I will be more aware of my behavior.
I decided to do the clip on the show how i met your mother. In this episode the main character barney which is a womanizer is giving advice to ted on how to properly hit on women to get what you want. Throughout the show barney is very successful on getting women to fall for him by using bogus excuses and pick up lines. In this episode throughout the course of a week he has success with women walked away for a moment and came back to find them disgusted with him. He gets rejected several times in this week and cannot figure out why he keeps getting turned away. 2. the previously reinforced behavior would be him sweet talking and lying to women to get what he wants which is usually sexual. He would tell them what they wanted to hear and sweet talk them so he could get what he wanted. 3. The consequence of the previous behavior was hurting numerous women and getting them to become enemies of his. Which caused this women/women to sabatag his future chances with new women. 4. this particular case there was the removal of something undesirable. Barney decided not to play women like he used to and actually appreciate them for who they are and not lie to them to get sexual benefits. 5. The antecedent would be his skilled flirting ways before he either seals the deal with the women or blows his chance with her. This leads up to the behavior which is followed by the consequence.6. the extinguished behavior involoves barney finding all the women in the bracket he thought were after him and apologizing to them for what he has done to them. He felt horrible for how he made them feel. temporarily. 10:10-19:23 7.This is extinction because he finally changes his ways. He quit focusing on getting new women because he wanted to fix what he messed up with all the previous women he hurt. This is him losing his old behavior and turning to a new more appropriate behavior.
A=looking for women to lie to and sweet talk
B=lying and sweet talking women to sleep with him
C=women despise him and become enemies with him
This seems to be positive reinforcement because these ladies are giving barney exactly what he wants. Every time he tries this it seems to work well enough that he gets his way. This would be positive reinforcement.Barney is following his response when women come around. He seems to elicite this flirtasious behavior every time hes around women.
I think if the behavior gets reinforced again he will continue to do the same thing he has done in the past. Every episode of the show seems to have him in the same role, chasing women and being the bachelor he intends to be.
Terms: extinction, antecedent, behavior, consequences, reinforce, punishment, negative reinforcement, response, elicited.
Part Two:
1. my target behavior is how much junk food i eat between meals.
2. Each time i eat any food other than my meals i'm going to record it on a notepad and keep track of what all i ate and when.
3. Another way this could be observed is if i inform my friends of my plans and have them document everytime they see me eating junk food. Or i could have someone record it when they notice me doing it at home and work. They could just mention they noticed it to draw awareness to it.
4. I think that me recording my behavior will cause me to do it less. Just being aware of it will cause me to think about it more than i normally would. Then adding the fact of me writing it down will for sure decrease my actions. Im almost certain i will eat less junk food the next week just because im aware and going to document it.
In this clip Brian and Stewie want to elicit the military to discharge them. Through two attempts, one being that they act gay and another through shooting each other in the foot, they find out the the military is no longer emitting the discharge behavior of soldiers from the military for such acts. The previously reinforced behavior was probably doing brave/aversive things in the military to get discharged. The consequence, in Brian and Stewie’s case was that they were not discharged from the military due to the extinction of that reinforcement, which in their eyes would have been the removal of something undesirable (getting to leave the military). The antecedent for the behavior was being at military camp.
A=Being at military camp
B=Shooting themselves in the foot
C= Not being discharged (which demonstrates the extinction of the reinforcer)
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves taking what Stewie and Brian wanted away which was being able to be discharged from the military. If doing something brave/aversive to get out of the military in this clip was reinforced again, I believe Stewie and Brian would attempt to do something to make that happen again.
Terms: Reinforced, extinction, reinforcer, emitting, elicit, aversive, consequence, antecedent, negative reinforcement.
Part One:
In this clip Brian and Stewie want to elicit the military to discharge them. Through two attempts, one being that they act gay and another through shooting each other in the foot, they find out the the military is no longer emitting the discharge behavior of soldiers from the military for such acts. The previously reinforced behavior was probably doing brave/aversive things in the military to get discharged. The consequence, in Brian and Stewie’s case was that they were not discharged from the military due to the extinction of that reinforcement, which in their eyes would have been the removal of something undesirable (getting to leave the military). The antecedent for the behavior was being at military camp.
A=Being at military camp
B=Shooting themselves in the foot
C= Not being discharged (which demonstrates the extinction of the reinforcer)
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves taking what Stewie and Brian wanted away which was being able to be discharged from the military. If doing something brave/aversive to get out of the military in this clip was reinforced again, I believe Stewie and Brian would attempt to do something to make that happen again.
Terms: Reinforced, extinction, reinforcer, emitting, elicit, aversive, consequence, antecedent, negative reinforcement.
Part Two:
1. My target behavior will be eating more fruits and veggies
2. To record my behavior I will record in a journal what I eat for the week
3. Sources of Inter-observer agreement would come from precise descriptions of what was defined as “more” as well as what fruits and veggies were acceptable.
4. Doing the exercise might change the frequency of me eating more fruits and veggies because I am manipulating how much time I spend thinking about what I eat because I am recording everything therefore I am more contentious of what I am doing which will elicit the behavior of eating more fruits and veggies and affect that behavior positively.
Part 1
This clip is a youtube video of a man who was trapped in an elevator for almost 2 days. Previously when the man got into an elevator (being in the elevator would elicit a button pressing behavior) presumably he would press the button for the desired floor which he wanted to travel to (emit a button pressing behavior), and the elevator would take him to that floor. In this scenario pressing the elevator button was the target behavior and the consequence was the moving of the elevator. Because the man wanted to go to a new floor, the moving of the elevator was reinforcing. This was positive reinforcement because the moving of the elevator was adding something pleasing. The antecedent here would be being in an elevator.
In the new scenario in the clip, when the man presses the button the elevator does not move and he is trapped. Every time he pushes the button on the broken elevator the elevator doesn't move, or in other words it does not emit a moving behavior which is aversive to the man. By removing the pleasing moving behavior, the elevator emits a negative punishment on the man. Eventually the man stops pressing the button altogether because he is no longer being reinforced to do so and he tries new ways to escape. We also see extinction bursts here when the man returns to pressing the button again in hopes of being reinforced by the door opening but quickly gives up again when he is not reinforced.
Prior to extinction the ABC's looked like this
A-When in an elevator
B-the man presses a button
C-the elevator moves
This is positive reinforcement because the pleasurable consequence of the elevator moving is being added, but when B no longer causes C the behavior becomes extinct.
Terms: emit, elicit, reinforce, reinforcer, reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, extinction, extinction burst, antecedent, behavior, consequence
Part 2
I will be changing a workout behavior.
1)I will start working out on Monday Wednesday and Friday nights.
2)I will record this in my planner that I use for school work.
3)Others could see me working out on those nights and could record it on their own.
4)knowing I must record it will be reinforcing to me because checking things off to-do lists is pleasurable to me and will therefore increase the frequency of me emitting that behavior.
1. The clip that I chose to use is from the television show Friends. In this episode Chandler is leaving for a new job that is in a different city. As they are all saying their goodbyes Chandler goes around and emits the behavior of giving hugs to everyone. Everyone reinforces this emitted behavior by hugging back. When Chandler gets to Joey, he does not recieve a hug as he did from the rest of his friends. This is extinction from the reinforced behavior that he had recieved from the rest of his friends.
2.The previously reinforced behavior was Chandler hugging his friends goodbye. This is a reinforced behavior because the hugs back increased the frequency of him hugging as he went around and did the same behavior to the rest of his friends in the room.
3. The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior of hugging his friends goodbye was recieving a hug in return.
4.The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior of hugging involved the addition of something desirable which was the hugging action back. This makes it a positive reinforcement.
5. The antecedent of this situation is Chandler leaving for a new city.
6. The topography of the extinguished behavior is Chandler being at first offended and confused by this extinction (:38). He then reasons as to why Joey did this showing an example of extinction burst to get his behavior reinforced once again.
7. The definition of extinction is to no longer reinforce a behavior that was previously reinforced in a particular situation. I know that this is extinction because Chandler's emitted behavior of hugging is at previously reinforced by all of his friends until he gets to Joey who does not perform the same reinforcement procedure but rather refuses to hug back. Chandler is thrown off by this extinction and his behavior shows this because he does not complete his hug with Joey but rather is taken back by it and is confused.
A- The antecedent is Chandler leaving for a different city.
B- The behavior is Chandler hugging his friends goodbye.
C- The consequence is Chandler getting hugged back by his friends.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the frequency of the emitted behavior of hugging is increased by the reinforcer of his friends hugging back. Later in the clip the behavior actually is reinforced again and by Joey himself. The behavior being reinforced again made it so that Chandler continued the reinforced behavior to the point where he had to be pushed out of the room (once again showing an extinction of behavior).
1. My specific target behavior that I am going to observe for a week is eating.
2. I will record the specfict target behavior of eating my recording how many meals I eat each day and how many snacks I have a day.
3. Some sources of inter-observers for this behavior would be the friends that I eat my meals with as well as my roommate, especially because my room is where the majority of my snaking takes plce.
4. Knowing that I am going to record this behavior it would probably make me eat more meals a day. I tend to get busy and just simply forget to eat or not feel hungry enough to eat. It may also decrease the amount of times that I snack during the day because I would be more aware of the fact that I am doing it multiple times a day.
Terms Used: Reinforcer, emit, positive reinforcement, consequence, extinguish, extinction, extinction burst, target behavior
Part 1
1) This is an episode from the TV series That 70's Show. In this clip, Hyde and Kelso are struggling to get Jackie to choose which one she likes better. She has been playing on their emotions by challenging whoever wants her more to do everything she asks, when shes asks.
2)The previously reinforced behavior was Hyde and Kelso doing her every command.
3)The consequence to the previously reinforced behavior was to have Jackie's love and partnership.
4)The consequence was the addition of something desirable, that being a pleasurable relationship.
5)The antecedent is Kelso and Hyde being around Jackie
6) The topography of the extinguished behavior is Kelso and Hyde telling Jackie they are not going to go out of their way to do things to try to get her choose one over the other. (10:50)
7)According to the definition of extinction, it is to no longer reinforce a behavior that was previously reinforced. In the video clip, it shows extinction because the boys use to reinforce Jackies behavior by showing her a lot of attention. They stopped reinforcing that behavior by telling her they were no longer going to jump on her every command.
A-The boys being around Jackie
B-The behavior is obeying Jackies wishes
C-Getting Jackie as a girlfriend
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. There is a desirable outcome for the boy that goes along with Jackies wishes. They might fall for the same trick if she decided to reinforce that kind of behavior again. However, she may need to make the approach less noticable otherwise the behavior will become extinct again.
Part 2
1)The target behavior I am focusing on is how much water I drink in a day.
2)I will document on my iPod Notes app every time I finish a 32oz bottle of water during the day.
3)People will be able to tell I'm drinking more water by the lack of other beverages I drink while at school.
4) By being made aware of this behavior and documenting it, I think I will end up drinking more water over the course of the week.
Terms: Reinforced behavior, consequences, desirable, pleasurable, antecedent, topography, reinforce, extinction.
This is last night's episode of Workaholics. In this episode, the guys (Blake, Adam, and Anders) brought airsoft guns into the office and were having fun shooting each other and whatnot. The boss (Alice) originally takes the guns away, but then gives them back in addition to a free day, in exchange for good evaluations from the workers. Initially, she was punishing their slacking, poor work ethic, bad behavior; However, with her leniency here and in various episodes preceding this one, she is actually reinforcing their behavior by letting them eventually get what they want. During their free day airsoft gun fight, one of the higher ups comes into the office and denies Alice her promotion, causing her to quit. The higher up assumes control of the office and doesn't tolerate the guys bad behavior. He separates them from each other and goes to the break room to intercept them and prevent them from smoking weed during work. Throughout this, the guys' work behavior doesn't appear to get better, but each of their sales go up. Without the reinforcement for slacking, they seem to work better. However, as this is a TV show, everything reverts back to the way it was at the beginning of the episode. Alice got her job back, and the guys will continue to slack. The extinguished behavior was just misbehavior in general. Directly after the theme song it shows the guys playing with guns and blackmailing the boss. This can quite easily be deemed as misbehavior. This is extinction because the new boss does not tolerate their slacking or misbehavior, and until it is reinforced again at the end, the guys behavior does actually change as they make more sales calls.
Antecedent- Alice took away their guns, and needed good evaluations.
Behavior- The guys blackmail Alice
Consequence- The guys get their airsoft guns and a free day to have a fight in the office.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because she is giving them something good (a free day). The behavior was reinforced again at the end of the episode and the guys continue their delightful misbehaviors.
1. The target behavior I will be observing is drinking coffee.
2. This is simple to record, every time I drink coffee I will write down how much I have had.
3. I don't see how there would be any difference with more observers, as this is kind of a fixed amount recording. 1 cup of coffee will always be 1 cup of coffee from all perspectives. Assuming they don't try to measure it in ounces or something.
4. Since I know I will be monitoring this behavior, I may drink more, as I very much enjoy coffee, but seldom have the gumption to get up and make it. Knowing I will be monitoring the frequency of how much I do this, I will presumably make more coffee.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, extinction, target behavior
1) This is a short film produced by Pixar that appears prior to the movie Toy Story. In the film, there is a flock of birds that sit on the wire all together. These birds are all roughly the same size and look identical. All of a sudden there is a loud squawk from off the camera and a rather large bird looks like he wants to join the flock on the wire. The smaller birds start to make fun of him while he flies over and plops himself in the middle of the wire subsequently; the wire lowers to about a foot off the ground. Some how the bird ends up flipping over and the smaller birds see that as their point to attack. The two middle birds start to peck at the big birds feet while being egged on by those around them. Suddenly one bird stops reinforcing the pecking when he realizes what would happen if the big bird let go. Then the rest of the birds stop egging the two middle birds on. It is to little to late because shortly after, those smaller birds shoot up to the sky like a rocket.
2) The previously reinforced behavior was the removal of the bigger bird by pecking at his feet—this involved the two middle smaller birds.
3) As a consequence, with the removal of the bird, the smaller birds could go back to doing what they were before the bigger bird showed up essentially being able to resume normal life.
4) The removal of the bird would be seen as the removal of something undesirable so I would classify this as negative reinforcement.
5) The antecedent is a flock of birds plus one large bird sitting on a telephone wire.
6) The pecking of the bigger birds feet starts occurring at 1:35 of the short film and within the next three seconds, the others start to reinforce the pecking.
7) I know this is extinction because of the discontinuance of a certain behavior that was previously reinforced but no longer is. The birds do start to exhibit aversive feelings towards the pecking after they had just being reinforcing moment’s earlier and in fact they all experience an aversive consequence after being shot into the sky like little rockets. The middle birds also stop the pecking once the reinforcing stops in hopes of being again reinforced by their fellow birds.
A= Flock of smaller birds plus a larger bird on a telephone wire
B= Pecking of the feet of the larger bird
C= The removal of the irritating larger bird
8) This is an example of a negative reinforcement. I know this because of the removal of an undesirable or aversive stimulus is seen as a release and therefore a reinforcement factor.
9) If this behavior gets reinforced again, I believe that the middle birds will peck faster and try to get rid of the bird faster so that their companions will graciously reinforce them.
Terms: negative reinforcement, aversive, stimulus, reinforcement, behavior, reinforce, extinction, antecedent, consequence,
1) The target behavior I will record is eating breakfast.
2) On a calendar I will put a red dot on the days that I successfully eat breakfast and on the days that I do not I will put a black dot.
3) One source of inter-observer behavior would be my boyfriend making observations on whether I eat breakfast or not.
4) By recording this behavior, I hope to more often eat breakfast because it is healthier then skipping meals and can keep me from eating larger portions for the rest of the day. This can also be part of my new work out and dieting regime I am trying to put in place.
1) In this episode of "Boy Meets World" Shawn goes emits a date with some random girl because he wants to find love like Corey and Topanga. Corey tries to tell Shawn that the girl of his dreams is Angela but he's not sure if he is really ready to give up all the other girls yet. Shawn looks through his 'little black book' to try and make sure he wants to just date one girl. He could have any girl he wants but he only wants one girl. Angela asks Shawn to get some food one night and Shawn thinks they are on a date. Angela just thought they were getting food like friends do and told him that she had a said with another guy on Friday night. Shawn tries to tell her how he's feeling and she feels uncomfortable and leaves. (10:50)
2) The previously reinforced behavior was Shawn being on a date at the beginning of the episode. Also how he was going through his little black book of all the females that would date him in a heartbeat. Finally, in other episodes Shawn is always talking to and flirting with other girls.
3)The consequences of the previously reinforced behavior was that females would do anything to date Shawn. He could get any girl he wanted.
4)In this particular episode the consequence was the removal of something desirable, therefore, it was negative reinforcement. Angela did not feel the same way Shawn did at the time. ( 10:50)
5)The antecedent was when they were having dinner and Shawn asked Angela if she wanted to see a movie on Friday night but she already had plans with Ted.
6)The topographically behavior being emitted in this scene is when Angela leaves Shawn in the restaurant because she doesn't want to explain her feelings to him.
7)This is an example of extinction because usually Shawn is a ladies man and any girl he asks out reinforces him with saying yes and going on a date. However, this one time when he thinks he's in love with a girl she doesn't feel the same.
A- Shawn falls in love with Angela
B- They go out to dinner
C- Shawn tells Angela how he feels and she doesn't feel the same so she leaves dinner
This is an example of negative reinforcement because this is taking away something desirable. Shawn wants to be with Angela but Angela doesn't feel the same so she leaves. I think if this behavior gets reinforced again the consequence depends on who Shawn falls in love with. If the feelings is mutual then it will be positive reinforcement. However, if the female doesn't feel the same the feelings will be very unpleasurable.
Terms: Reinforcer, Emit, negative reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, behavior, extinction
Part Two
1)My target behavior is how many times I workout in a week.
2) I will write down in my notebook what days I work out and how long I will workout for.
3) I will workout with my roommate and she can also record when I go workout with her.
4)Writings things down help me remember to do things. In this case, I will emit this behavior and write it down and to be that would be positive reinforcement because I will be good about myself for emitting my target behavior.
1)The clip I chose is from the show King of Queens. Doug and Arthur are sitting at the lunch table when Arthur asks for the "Katzup". You can tell that in the past he has been reinforced when saying this because he says it like it is not odd at all. When he asks him to pass the "katzup" Doug refuses to give it to him until he says it correctly.
2) The previous reinforced behavior was people acting like it was normal or correct to pronounce it that way. He get very upset and angry when Doug refuses to pass it to him until he pronounces it correctly. He probably has never been turned down when saying it the wrong way.
3) The consequence was the fact that he continues to pronounce it wrong. It sounds somewhat stupid and it would take people off guard. They might even make fun of him when he leaves.
4) The consequence that Doug provides is putting way too much ketchup on the burger which made it almost inedible. So, it was the addition of something undesirable.
5)The antecedent was sitting at the lunch table and needing the ketchup to be passed.
6)The topography occurs around one minute in the video when he finally says it the normal way to stop Doug from adding more ketchup
7)I know it is extinction because by the look and emotion on Arthur, you can tell he does not want to go through another situation like this so in the future he will pronounce it normally.
A= at the table, needing the ketchup to be passed
B= asking for it and pronouncing it incorrectly
C= sounding uneducated
Doug uses positive reinforcement when he stops adding so much ketchup to the burger when he says it correctly. He is showing that if he says it correctly he will emit the correct behavior of passing the ketchup with no debates. I think if he says it the wrong way again and it is reinforced he will feel that he is saying it correctly again and he will have the argument with Doug all over again.
1) My target behavior would be to eat out less/cook more at home.
2) I am going to record the behavior by keeping a journal on what I eat each day for my meals.
3) Others could observe me when I am eating to see if I bought it from a store or made it myself. It is really easy for me and other people to see what I am eating. They could easily tell if it was purchased from a restaurant or made in the kitchen.
4) It could help reduce the behavior because every time you go to eat something it is a choice. You decide where, what, and when you are going to eat. Each time I am hungry and need to make a choice, I could go to my kitchen instead of looking on my phone.
Terms: emit, target behavior, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, reinforced behavior, consequent, antecedent, topography, extinction,
Part One
Note: this video is an example of when we SHOULD see extinction, but for comedic effect, extinction did not naturally occur.
1. Forty four seconds into this clip, a woman is persistently trying to get ketchup out of a glass ketchup bottle. After 15 minutes of shaking the bottle, the bottle tells her to give up because there's obviously no ketchup left.
2. The previously reinforced behavior is shaking the bottle.
3. The consequence to the previously reinforced behavior was ketchup coming out of the bottle.
4. The consequence involved the addition of something desirable (positive reinforcement), because she wanted ketchup on her burger.
5. The antecedent is her trying to put ketchup on her burger.
6. 47 seconds into the clip, the ketchup bottle starts to suggest that she give up on trying to get ketchup, because apparently she had been trying for fifteen minutes. This is where she should have begun to realize that there was going to be no ketchup. She tries to reason with the bottle of ketchup, but he gets frustrated when her previously reinforced behavior will not extinct.
7. This is NOT extinction, because this behavior would normally begin extinction after emitting the behavior for a minute or two if the person was not reinforced.
A: She wants ketchup
B: She shakes the bottle
C: Ketchup does not come out
When a ketchup bottle is shaken, the person shaking it is usually reinforced positively by the addition to desirable ketchup to their cheeseburger, french fries, or -if they're into that sort of thing- egg and cheese omelet.
If the behavior were to be reinforced again, the woman would probably continue to shake the same ketchup bottle.
Normally, if a person shakes a ketchup bottle and does not have any ketchup come out, they would find a different ketchup bottle and try again.
Terms: Extinction, Reinforced Behavior, Consequence, Addition, Desirable, Positive Reinforcement, Antecedent, Extinct, Emitting.
Part Two
The behavior that I will observe is my annoying habit of clearing my throat. I have post-nasal drip, which gets particularly bad when the weather is extremely humid or extremely dry. It also gets bad when I'm sick. I will keep track on my iPad of how many times per day I clear my throat. I think that although I might think of it more and feel the temptation to clear my throat more often, I will be more inclined to not clear my throat in an attempt to keep the number low.
1) In this clip from the movie Vampire Kiss Nicolas Cage's character Peter has an incident at the office when a contract is misplaced 2) The previously reinforced behavior was filing copys of contracts with clients 3) The consequence of the reinforced behavior was that you would have the contract you needed for future reference 4) The consequence was adding something desirable, the addition of saving time and having what you need 5) The antecedent is at the office 6) The entire video is really the extinction but at around 1:30 it is a good place to tune in because the topography of the extinguished behavior is when Peter emits a lot of shouting and flailing behaviors that the misfiling elicited 7) This is an example of extinction because Peter is no longer reinforced with the filing behavior. Normally Peter would be reinforced with the contract as a result of filing and this time he has no contract, and thus an extinction burst occurs because Peter gets very upset with his psychiatrist (changing his behavior) in the hopes that she will tell him who has misfiled his contract.
Prior to extinction:
A= at the office
B= filing
C= correct contract copy
Prior to an extinction this was positive reinforcement because something desirable was added to make the likelihood of filing occur in the future.
If the behavior is reinforced again than Peter will continue to look for his contracts in the alphabetical files. If the behavior were not reinforced again, as in all of the files were misplaced, this system would become aversive to Peter and he probably wouldn't look for contracts in files anymore.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, reinforcement, extinction, extinction burst, positive reinforcement, topography, aversive, target behavior
1) My target behavior is observing the number of times I whine in a week 2) Everytime I catch myself whining I am going to make a note of when, where, and why I was whining 3) My boyfriend would be an excellent observer for this as I am fairly sure I whine to him most often and I am sure he would love to point out to me when I am whining 4) Hopefully if I am aware of the frequency and reasons for whining I will figure out a way to lessen the behavior.
1. In this clip from the TV show friends, Ross and Rachel are trying to get their baby, Emma to laugh. They try numerous other things but find when the sing the rap song Baby Got Back that makes Emma laugh.
2. The reinforcer for Ross and Rachel to sing was to see Emma laugh.
3.The consequence of the previously reinforced behavior was that Ross and Rachel had to sing an inappropriate song to their daughter, which makes them feel kinda like bad parents.
4. The consequence of the singing involved Emma laughing, which I would say involves the addition of something desirable, which would be to see your baby laugh.
5. The antecedent would be Ross and Rachel wanting to make Emma laugh, something she had never done before.
6.In the end of the clip the rest of Ross and Rachel's friends come in and witness both Ross and Rachel singing baby got back to Emma. The Friends all look at Ross and Rachel very judgmentally. When Ross turns around and see them judging him he stops singing and is embarrassed and ashamed.
7. This is extinction because before Emma was reinforcing them to sing to her, but when they saw how the friends reacted to them singing that song they stopped the behavior right away. Their friends stopped the previously reinforced behavior.
A- Wanting and trying to get Emma to laugh
B- Singing baby got back to her
c- Emma laughing
I think this would be positive reinforcement because when they sang to Emma they were being reinforced by her laughing. If they decide to sing to her again and she laughs they might continue to sing it to her, but definitely not in front of their friends and I think they will feel pretty guilty about it too.
Terms: reinforcing, positive reinforcement, extinction, reinforcer, antecedent, consequence.
Part two-
1. My target behavior is to eat less snacks through out the day.
2.Every time I eat something that is not a main meal (breakfast lunch and dinner) I will write it down in a journal.
3. When I'm hanging out or studying with friends they could see me snacking. Sometimes I'm barely aware i'm munching on something, so friends would be more aware of me eating when we aren't at meals.
4. Like I said sometimes I'm barely aware that I'm snacking, so by recording I could become more aware which I think will be a good thing. I should really be aware of how much i'm eating. I'm also hoping that by recording my eating habits it will help me to turn down eating between meals.
1.)The video I chose that shows extinction is the show Nanny 911 this episode shows the McKelvain family. The McKelvain family struggles with disciplining their children and keeping them under control. They feel that it is hurting their family because the mother feels like she is the only one that is making an effort to control their children, so they bring in Nanny 911. The mother gets to go on a spa trip while the father stays home with the children all while the nanny stays there with and watches how the children behave and how they discipline their children when they do misbehave. 2.) The previously reinforced behavior was misbehavior like hitting, not listening, throwing fits, and throwing items around. 3.) The consequence of the behavior was being placed in their bedroom or being spanked. 4.) The consequence involved a spanking and if they didn’t do what they were asked to do they got another spanking so they wouldn’t being getting anything desirable. 5.) The antecedent is the mother living in a house with her children that constantly misbehave and the father who never helps to discipline them. 6.)The topography of the extinguished behavior I am unsure of. 7.) I know that this is extinction because the parents have reinforced their children’s bad behaviors until the child finally listens.
A= the mother living in a house with her children that misbehave and the father who doesn’t help discipline the children so she is stuck doing it by herself.
B= the children’s misbehavior such as hitting, throwing fits, throwing things, and not listening.
C= the children receive attention from their parents when misbehaving but continue to get punished for not listening by getting spanked or put in their bedroom.
I would say this is positive reinforcement because the children are getting attention from their parents for their bad behavior and are getting punished when they misbehave but it could also be negative reinforcement because they misbehave and get spanked or sent to their room but continue to misbehave and not listen to their parents so nothing is really getting done that is positive.
I think that if the behavior gets reinforced again they might start getting results of their children listening and not misbehaving so much because they are continually getting spanked and yelled at you would think that eventually they would start listening because they won’t being getting spanked so much and spanking doesn’t feel good.
Part two:
The target behavior is how much food I eat during the day. Meals and snacks included. I am going to record the behavior by keeping it in a journal. And inter-observer could be my friend across the hall that I normally eat with daily because she could watch how many times a day I eat and when I snack and she could keep track of it as well. Knowing that I will be recording the frequency of my target behavior I feel like that I will eat less because I want this to be successful and I won’t want to eat as much.
In this clip, from 0:00 – 0:22, Sid Sherman/ Codex (Felicia Day) is complaining about the events which transpired in the previous few episodes – her getting a new job at a restaurant; inadvertently, yet successfully, attracting customers; and then accidentally burning down the business during a publicity stunt.
The previously reinforced behavior was “trying new things.” The original Consequence of emission of this Behavior was “getting a job” or, indirectly, the addition of an item of desirable valence, “money”.
When Sid was charged by her employer with making an advertisement for the restaurant (Under Pressure), she made a video for the first time (Trying New Things), and was reinforced by her boss (Praise) for filling the booths and tables with customers. The Antecedent is “being in a stressful, time-sensitive situation”; Sid was unemployed the first time she tried something new, therefore, the Antecedent could not be “Working for a Restaurant”.
At 0:17 – 0:20, Sid remarks, “This is a good life lesson: Never try anything new, or you will fail.” Extinction is beginning to occur, because Sid behaved in a way she believed would elicit reinforcement from her boss. Instead, trying a new tactic (Magic Show) eliminated her only source of income (she set the restaurant on fire, and was indirectly fired).
A = Under Pressure
B = Trying New Things
C = Income $$$
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because a tangible item of value to the recipient (reinforcer) was issued as an indirect consequence of her behavior, which could be used to purchase an admitted object of desire (Desktop Gaming PC).
If the behavior gets reinforced again, I do believe trying new things when she is under pressure will lead to an extinction burst and become a habitual behavior, as it has been reinforced overall more times than it has been punished.
Terms: Reinforced, Consequence, Emission, Behavior, Desirable Valence, Antecedent, Extinction, Elicit, Reinforcement, Positive Reinforcement, Reinforcer, Extinction Burst, Punished
The specific target behavior to be observed is “eating”. I am going to record what time, what item, where it came from, how much, and mark the dreaded red ‘X’ if it is traditional “fast food” or “junk food” (shamelessly prepackaged MSG/ HFCS-laden, More-Plastic-than-Produce Food-Type Product; drive-thru; etc).
My boyfriend could be an inter-observer, due to our living arrangements, but he would be the only one.
By marking the undesirable eating choices with an aversive, tell-tale mar, this particular Consequence has a likelihood of reducing the frequency of consumption of the products indicated. I hope the negative valence associated with acknowledging, in writing, I did something against my own educated convictions will elicit extinction of the “choosing to purchase and consume unhealthy food” Behavior.
Terms: Target Behavior, Inter-observer, Undesirable, Aversive, Consequence, Negative Valence, Elicit, Extinction, Behavior
1) This is a clip of Boy Meets World where Topanga’s parents get divorced and because of this, she wants to call off her wedding with Cory. During the show, Cory is desperate to find some way or someone to convince her otherwise.
2) Whenever Cory has a problem in his life, he relies on Mr. Feeny to give him advice and tell him what to do.
3) When Mr. Feeny gives this advice, Cory or whoever the character is having the problem does what Mr. Feeny says and everything works itself out.
4) The consequence in this episode is the addition to something desirable. Mr. Feeny’s advice is given and in the end everything works out because of his advice.
5) The antecedent is Topanga’s parents getting a divorce and Topanga calling off the wedding.
6) Topanga, Cory and Mr. Feeny are outside around the table. Topanga is sitting down. Minutes 7:30-7:50. Cory expects Mr. Feeny to give Topanga the advice that she shouldn’t call off the wedding but he does not. He tells Cory that it is none of his business.
7) This is extinction because Mr. Feeny usually butts into Cory’s life and tell him what to do to fix his problems. Cory expected Mr. Feeny to do the same with Topanga but Mr. Feeny did not.
A) Topanga’s parents get divorced and Topanga calls off the wedding.
B) Cory seeks advice from Mr. Fenny.
C) Mr. Feeny usually gives his advice to Cory and everything works out.
This is positive reinforcement because Mr. Feeny is giving the desirable advice to Cory in hopes that he follows the advice and the problem gets resolved. He is trying to increase Cory’s behavior.
Cory will keep going to Mr. Feeny for advice. Next time the behavior is reinforced, Cory will still take the advice.
Terms: Desirable, consequence, behavior, reinforcement, antecedent, extinction.
1) The target behavior I’m going to record it watching Netflix.
2) I will record this behavior by writing when and how long I watch anything on Netflix in a notebook.
3) If there were more than one person observing me watching Netflix, I feel like I would be less likely to watch Netflix because I am not proud of how often I watch Netflix.
4) I would like to think that because I am recording the behavior, I will be more aware of how often I am watching Netflix and do it less often.
1) I choose to watch the first six minutes of the show Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This episode is called Dennis and Dee go on Welfare. The first six minutes is about Dennis and Dee complaining about not wanting to listen to their dad tell them what to do around the bar. They decide they aren’t going to work at their bar anymore, and that they are going to go on unemployment. At the end of 6 minutes, Dennis and Dee are sitting in the front of their apartment building (basically doing nothing) while their co-worker and friend Mac tries to get them back to the bar.
2) Dennis and Dee’s were previously reinforced to go to work because their dad (Frank) didn’t tell them what to do.
3) The consequence of Dennis and Dee reinforced behavior was that they actually went to work and somewhat did their job.
4) The consequence involved the addition of something desirable because Dennis and Dee were going to work and getting things done.
5) The antecedent is that Dennis and Dee’s father wasn’t telling them what to do, or bossing them around.
6& 7) The topography of extinct behavior is from the beginning to about 1:00 of the episode. This is where Dennis and Dee have been previously reinforced to go to work because their dad hadn’t bossed them around. Now their dad is trying to tell them to do some work around the bar and they do not want to do it. They were previously reinforced to go to work by Frank not telling them what to do. That behavior is extinct now because their dad started bossing them around, therefore making them want to not work at the bar. I know this is extinction because Dennis and Dee were once reinforced for this behavior, and extinction is defined as a reinforced behavior that is no longer being reinforced.
A= Frank not bossing Dennis and Dee around at work.
B=Dennis and Dee go to work.
C= Dennis and Dee do work around the bar (sort of).
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because Frank is taking away his bossiness in order to reinforce Dee and Dennis to continuing going to work.
If Frank decided to not boss Dee and Dennis around anymore they would come back to the bar to work. Therefore, if the behavior was reinforced again they would come back to work they did before.
I watched part of this episode off of Netflix and could not find a good clip from the internet. But I did found part of it, it doesn’t really do a whole lot but it does show Dennis and Dee leaving the bar after Frank tried to boss them around.
1) Brushing my teeth is the target behavior.
2) I am going to record my behavior by writing down how many times a day I brush my teeth.
3) Knowing that other people will be observing my target behavior will make me pay more attention to how often my specific behavior occurs.
4) Knowing that I will be recording how often I brush my teeth during a day may change the frequency of my behavior by making me brush my teeth at least three times a day.
Terms: target behavior, behavior, consequence, negative reinforcement, reinforcement, topography, antecedent, reinforced behavior, extinct, extinction, reinforce
Part TWO –
1) Smoking
2) Right before I grab a cigarette I will journal it into my desk calendar with a marking
3) I have notified my husband and children that if they see me go outside to smoke a cigarette to ask or remind me if I put in on my journal
4) Because I will be monitoring and recording it for class I think that the frequency will drop and not be an accurate total because I am making a conscious effort to stop
This episode of “Once Upon A Time” was all about the concept of extinction through negative reinforcement.
(1) The plot is quite easy to follow since it represents a classic book that most children read, Snow White. Basically, the fairy tale world has been brought to our world but most of the characters have forgotten who they are except for Snow White, the Prince, the Queen and a few others.
(2) First of all the behavior that was being reinforced was the Queen not using her magical powers at all in this word and especially using her magic for evil purposes is pretty much frowned upon.
(3) In the past if she used her powers of magic improperly then she could not be able to see him but was allowed to talk with him.
(4) The new consequence is that if she used her powers she would NEVER BE ABLE to see or speak to her son – he is the removal of something desirable.
(5) The antecedent is the queen choosing to use her magic powers to hurt others (6)
6) The setting is practically the end of the episode approximately the last 8 minutes or so. When things are falling apart and the Queen feels that no one believes her she turns into the person who she used to be and starts using her magic again. She uses it to push someone to the floor. Once she does that the negative reinforcement stops and the consequence is set into motion. She is forbidden to see or talk with her adoptive son.
(7) I realized this was extinction because now no one was reinforcing her to stop using magic, she already made that choice therefore extinction occurred.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because by not allowing Regina to use magic (which can be considered the target behavior) it would allow here to be in Daniel’s life. The negative reinforcement to make “the bad Queen” into good by using negative reinforcement was very clever yet it backfired in the end.
Part 1
1. This clip is about a girl that keeps getting back together with her boyfriend but finally she calls it quits for good.
2. The reinforced behavior in this video was that the guy kept on calling the girl.
3. The consequence to the calls was that the girl would get back together with him.
4. In this clip they are adding something desirable because the guy keeps getting her back.
5. The antecedent is the girl having to say goodbye for the last time because it was hard for her.
6/7. The topography of the distinguished behavior is that now the boyfriend stops calling because she was not getting back together with him. The extinction happens because the girl would not get back together with her boyfriend again because she was sick of getting hurt by him.
A: In the apartment
B: Calling the girlfriend
C: The girlfriend would get back together with him
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the girlfriend would keep getting back together with him and he would get something he wants and it would increase the behavior of him breaking up with her and trying to get back together again.
If this gets reinforced again, most likely the boy would try to stay together with her and not break up, but he will get back into old habits and keep doing the same thing.
Terms: reinforcement, consequence, behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement
Part 2
1. Skyping with my boyfriend
2. When I am skyping with him I will write it down in my notebook.
3. I will tell my boyfriend to remind me to write it down when we are skyping.
4. When I am recording this, I probably will not skype as long each night because I will be more encouraged to do something productive, but it will not affect the frequency of how many times we do skype.
This clip is of a kid trying to buy a pop. The machine he is trying to get pop out of won't accept his dollar bill that he keeps trying to put in. He keeps getting more mad each time he tries putting money in in the machine. This video is an example of extinction because of how the kid is not reinforced. The kid has an extinction burst and finally gives up on the machine and leaves without any pop.
A=pop machine
B=trying to put money in
C=pop machine doesn't work and kid leaves without pop
terms: extinction, reinforced, extinction burst
1.eating healthier
2.I will write down and take note of everything that I eat
3.I have roommates that know of this and ask if i'm keeping up with my recording
4.because i'm writing down everything i eat i will see how much and what i eat that is unhealthy and hope that this will make me have better decisions on what i eat in the future.
1.For this week’s assignment, I chose a clip from the television show, “One Tree Hill.” In this episode, Brooke fires her mother, Victoria, from being the CEO of her clothing company, “Clothes Over Bros.” Brooke’s mother was never really there for her growing up, unless you count financially. She has constantly been trying to win her mother’s love, which her mother does not give her. Finally, Brooke grows tired of trying to win her love, which is reinforced by Victoria being a part of the company and being around. Therefore, she fires her own mother from her million-dollar clothing company.
2.The previously reinforced behavior was Brooke trying to win her mother’s love.
3.The consequence was her mother being around just to be a part of the clothing company and not giving Brooke the love she wanted.
4.This involved the addition of something desirable, but this ultimately turned into something undesirable for Brooke when she realized her mother was not going to give her what she wanted. Therefore, this is a negative consequence.
5.The antecedent was Brooke’s success with her clothing company, and her mother joining in with that success.
6.The topography of the extinguished behavior occurs at 1:39 of this clip from the episode, when Brooke says, “You’re fired.” This occurs after she realizes that she is not going to win Victoria’s love, as you can see on her face.
7.I know this is extinction because she is finally giving up on her mother after years of trying to win her affection.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to extinction:
A=Brooke’s success with the clothing company, and Victoria becoming CEO.
B=Brooke attempts to win her mother’s love during this time.
C=Brooke realizes that she is failing and fires her mother.
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is probably positive reinforcement, since Brooke is getting to spend time with her mother, therefore getting more chances to win her affection.
What do you think will happen if the behavior gets reinforced again?
I think it would depend on whether Victoria is sincere with Brooke and willing to work on their relationship. That is, if she came back to be CEO.
Hi Class,
PART ONE - This assignment is very similar to the topical blog we did last week. We will go over this on when we meet on Thursday. If you are unsure how to do this assignment you might wait until after we meet in class.
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching. What we do not want is a video produced to expressly demonstrate the specific behavioral topic.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed extinction (not being reinforced for a previously reinforced behavior)
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating extinction.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what previously reinforced behavior probably was (this might not be explicit in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the previously reinforced behavior probably was, 4) tell us if the consequence involved the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, 5) tell us what the antecedent is, 6) tell us what the topography of the extinguished behavior looks like (please note what time it occurs in the video), 7) discuss why you know this is extinction.
1. For this week’s assignment, I chose a clip from the television show, “One Tree Hill.” In this episode, Brooke fires her mother, Victoria, from being the CEO of her clothing company, “Clothes Over Bros.” Brooke’s mother was never really there for her growing up, unless you count financially. She has constantly been trying to win her mother’s love, which her mother does not give her. Finally, Brooke grows tired of trying to win her love, which is reinforced by Victoria being a part of the company and being around. Therefore, she fires her own mother from her million-dollar clothing company.
2. The previously reinforced behavior was Brooke trying to win her mother’s love.
3. The consequence was her mother being around just to be a part of the clothing company and not giving Brooke the love she wanted.
4. This involved the addition of something desirable, but this ultimately turned into something undesirable for Brooke when she realized her mother was not going to give her what she wanted. Therefore, this is a negative consequence.
5. The antecedent was Brooke’s success with her clothing company, and her mother joining in with that success.
6. The topography of the extinguished behavior occurs at 1:39 of this clip from the episode, when Brooke says, “You’re fired.” This occurs after she realizes that she is not going to win Victoria’s love, as you can see on her face.
7. I know this is extinction because she is finally giving up on her mother after years of trying to win her affection.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip prior to extinction:
A=Brooke’s success with the clothing company, and Victoria becoming CEO.
B=Brooke attempts to win her mother’s love during this time.
C=Brooke realizes that she is failing and fires her mother.
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This is probably positive reinforcement, since Brooke is getting to spend time with her mother, therefore getting more chances to win her affection.
What do you think will happen if the behavior gets reinforced again?
I think it would depend on whether Victoria is sincere with Brooke and willing to work on their relationship. That is, if she came back to be CEO.