Hi Class,
We will go over this on when we meet on Thursday. If you are unsure how to do this assignment you might wait until after we meet in class.
This assignment will ask that you find interesting video clips on the internet. The clips can be cartoons like 'family guy,' sit coms like 'big bang,' commercials, music videos, just about anything you typically enjoy watching. What we do not want is a video produced to expressly demonstrate the specific behavioral topic.
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos used by students before you.
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
What we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating reinforcement.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, and finally, 5) tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
We have discussed punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence)
Now we would like you to do is to find a video clip off the internet illustrating punishment.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video), 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally, 5) tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used. Paste the reinforcement URL first and then the punishment URL.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let us know if you have any questions
--Dr. M
1. This clip is from The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard are together eating and watching a movie. Leonard has told Sheldon that he needs to be nicer to Penny but Sheldon can not stand many of Penny's actions. Sheldon decides that to fix what he does not like about Penny while still being nice that he will use operant conditioning to modify any behaviors that he deems unpleansant. He does this by giving her a piece of chocolate as a reinforcer after every behavior that Penny performs that Sheldon finds acceptable.
2. There are multiple different behaviors that are reinforced in this clip but they all fall under the category of acceptable behaviors in Sheldon's mind. The first behavior that is reinforced is Penny cleaning up Sheldon's plate (:57). The next behavior that is reinforced is Penny sitting in spot other than Shelon's spot on the couch (1:39). Sheldon then reinforces Penny's choice to be quite while they were watching a movie (1:53). The final behavior that is reinforced is when Penny takes her phone call outside rather than talking through the movie (2:10).
3. The consequence of the behaviors is recieving a piece of chocolate.
4.The consequence involves the addition of something desirable.
5.The antecedent is Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard at the apartment.
A-Sheldon, Penny, and Leonard at the apartment
B-Behavior that is deemed good by Sheldon (cleaning Sheldon's plate,sitting in a spot other than Sheldon's spot, being quiet during the movie, taking her call to the hall)
C-Recieving Chocolate
Terms used-consequence, reinforcer, antecedent
The behavior in the above example of reinforcement is considered a positive reinforcement. It is positive because Sheldon uses chocolate as the reinforcer which is an addition of something positive when the desired behavior is performed. It is reinforcement because the consequence of Sheldon giving Penny the chocolate increases the frequency of Penny performing desirable behaviors in Sheldon's eyes.
1. The clip that I chose to use is from the tv show Gilmore Girls. In this clip Lorelei and Jason are supposed to spend the morning together and were going to go into a store. Jason has been on the phone the entire car ride and is still on the phone outside of the store as Lorelei is ready to go in. Lorelei wants Jason to get off of his phone so she decides to use positive punishment so that he will get off of the phone. She starts to talk really loudly and obnoxioulsy so that it is hard for him to hear and focus on his phone call which to him is aversive.
2. Jason's talking on the phone is the punished behavior. This is the punished behavior because the frequency of him talking on the phone decreases when Lorelei adds the aversive punisher of yelling and being obnoxious (:12-:51).
3. The consequence is Lorelei's yelling and obnoxiousness because it is what happens after the behavior is emmited.
4.This consequence involves adding of something that is undesirable because Jason sees the yelling as aversive and he can not get done what he wants to with his phone call.
5. The antecedent is Lorelei and Jason on a morning date.
A-The antecedent is Lorelei and Jason on a morning date
B-The behavior is Jason talking on his cell phone.
C-The consequence is Lorelei yelling and being obnoxious.
This is an example of positive punishment because the punisher that Lorelei implaces is an addition of something undesirable. This addition of a stimulus is what makes it positive. It is a punishment because the consequence of Lorelei yelling and being obnoxious decreases the frequency of Jason being on the phone.
Terms Used- Aversive, positive punishment,punished behavior, emit, consequence antecedent, punisher, positive punishment
that is a good clip. i like how you went back and added to your assignment (to complete the 2nd part for punishment). you did a good job with your ABCs and your explanation of why it is either punishment or reinforcement. you added more terms as well. thanks.
1) In this clip from King of Queens, Doug and Carrie decide to treat themselves to something nice once they realize they have a little money left over after paying the bills. Doug comes home with a harmonica for himself, while Carrie comes home with a $400 leather jacket. Doug freaks out and tells her she has to return it, but when she goes to do so, the sales clerk jokingly tells her she could have technically enjoyed the jacket for 6 more days, as they have a 7 day return policy. Carrie then gets the brilliant idea in her head to go on a shopping spree, wear all new items, tuck in the tags, and then return them within 7-30 days, depending on the store. She has a whole system set up of what needs to be returned when, until Doug finds out and puts an end to it.
2) The behavior is Carrie’s shopping. The more she shops, the better she feels about herself, thus increasing the amount of shopping she does. This occurs at 5:40-7:10 and again at 13:00 minutes into the clip.
3) The consequence of Carrie’s shopping is feeling good about herself in the clothes she wears now. She feels stylish and beautiful which just drives her to keep shopping and then returning clothes.
4) The consequence involves the addition of a more positive outlook on how Carrie looks and feels. She gained more confidence and happiness as a result of her shopping habit.
5) The antecedent would be Doug and Carrie being ahead on bills for the month. This set the occasion for Carrie going shopping in the first place.
A=being ahead on bills
C=feeling confident, beautiful etc. in new clothes
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. Carrie goes shopping originally because she had money left over from paying the bills. She feels confident and happy in her new clothes she bought. This causes her to continue shopping more and more. This is positive reinforcement because she gained something pleasurable—confidence.
1) In this clip from Friends, Monica invited an old friend from high school, Will (Brad Pitt), to join them for Thanksgiving. After noticing that Will has lost a lot of weight since high school, Monica compliments how well he looks, while touching his arm slightly. Chandler, Monica’s husband, hears her from the living room and comments that “he’s not deaf!” because he feels like she’s flirting with him. Monica then quickly changes the subject.
2) The behavior is Monica’s flirting, or what Chandler perceives to be Monica’s flirting. This occurs at 0:52 seconds into the clip.
3) The consequence of Monica flirting with Will is Chandler commenting on it in an accusatory way.
4) The consequence is the addition of something undesirable or aversive, in this case, Monica getting “yelled” at by her husband.
5) The antecedent is seeing an old friend that Monica hadn’t seen in awhile.
A=seeing an old friend
B=complimenting/flirting with the friend
C=being scolded by husband
This is an example of positive punishment, because it involves the addition of Chandler’s scolding, which decreases Monica’s behavior of flirting with Will.
Terms: consequence, set the occasion, antecedent, behavior, positive reinforcement, aversive, positive punishment
1) The video clip I picked is actually two short episodes in one. The tv show is My Strange Addictions and it tells stories of people who have addictions and the struggles they face to get over them. The episodes I picked are about two women, Crystal who is addicted to ingesting a household cleanser, and Samantha who is addicted to tanning. Both acknowledge they have addictions and talk about the way it makes them feel and why they have them. Crystal goes to a dentist and psychiatrist to talk about her addiction, and Samantha goes to a dermatologist and psychologist to talk about hers.
2) The two behaviors are: Samantha’s addiction to tanning (4:15) and Crystal’s addiction to eating household cleanser. (1:00)
3) Consequences: For Crystal- deterioration of the enamel on her teeth, all the teeth on the roof of her mouth need to come out. Harming her health.
For Samantha- enormous risk of melanoma and skin cancer (considering she is going tanning for an hour every day and the legal limit is 20 minutes) skin cracks and bleeds, harming her health.
4) The physical consequences are due to the ingestion of the household cleanser and tanning. The emotional consequences involve the removal of something aversive. Crystal admits to her psychologist that she was molested as a child and feels dirty inside and guilty for what happened to her in the past and so she gets rid of this feeling by eating the cleanser. Something about the taste and feel of it in her mouth satisfies her. Samantha says that she had a very abusive relationship when she was 14 and her boyfriend made her feel very bad about herself, therefore tanning is a way for her to cope with her damaged self esteem and feel good about herself. Tanning is desirable to her because it makes her feel secure, warm, and safe. In both these situations- the emotions beneath why they are doing these behaviors- are undesirable things that are removed. (negative reinforcement) However the feeling of satisfaction and cleanliness for Crystal and the satisfaction Samantha has being in warm tanning bed and getting compliments- are both positive reinforcers.
5) The Antecedent is….for Crystal: Feeling guilty and dirty about her past
For Samantha: Low self esteem and body image
6) ABC’s
For Crystal: Antecedent: Feeling guilty and dirty about her past, Behavior: Eats household cleaner, Consequence: Makes her happy, takes away the guilty feeling, however it is also deteriorates her teeth and harms her health.
For Samantha: Antecedent: Low self esteem and body image, Behavior: Goes tanning for an hour every day, obsessed with thinking about tanning, Consequence: Makes her happy, takes away the bad self esteem, however it is majorly increases her chance of skin cancer and the quality of her skin itself.
7) Both women and their addictions are examples of positive reinforcements because after they do these behaviors they feel better about themselves, however at the same time they are using their addictions to suppress emotional conflicts therefore they are also negative reinforcers.
1) The video clip I choose is from the tv show Everybody Loves Raymond. This episode is about Debra and Raymond who are arguing about a suitcase. The suitcase had been sitting at the bottom of the stairs for three weeks, ever since Ray got home from his trip. Both are too stubborn to move it, because they think their partner should move it upstairs instead of doing it themselves. At the very end of the clip Raymond puts cheese in the suitcase because he is angry Debra is too stubborn to move the suitcase upstairs herself.
2) The target behavior is moving/not moving the suitcase. This video shows punishment because Raymond is punishing Debra by not bringing his suitcase upstairs even though he knows she wants him to. (4:50 and 0:22-0:50) Debra is punishing Raymond by not bringing the suitcase even though she knows he wants her to.(4:51 and 2:20). When Raymond and Debra are in the kitchen, Raymond avoids taking the suitcase by putting his clothes in a plastic sack for his trip. Debra is very angry at him so she takes the plastic sack and rips a hole in bottom as punishment for his behavior. (5:08) Ray is angry at Debra so he takes some cheese and puts it in the suitcase as punishment for her behavior. (5:50- 6:12)
3) The main consequences of Ray and Debra’s stubbornness is that they get into an argument about it and do small acts of revenge. (ripping the plastic sack and putting the cheese in the suitcase)
4) The consequence involves the addition of something undesirable- arguments between Ray and Debra, and even Frank and Debra, and the acts of revenge.
5) The antecedent is the suitcase at the bottom of the stairs.
6) ABC’s
Antecedent: The suitcase at the bottom of the stairs, Behavior: No one moves it, Consequence: The two get into an argument about who is going to move it.
7) This episode is an example of positive punishment because both Ray and Debra think they are in the right and are punishing the other person by not moving the suitcase. Debra is angry at Ray so she punishes him by ripping the bag, Ray is angry at Debra so he puts cheese in the suitcase.
8) Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
Terms: Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior, Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment, Reinforcer, Postitive Reinforcer, Negative Reinforcer, Aversive, Desirable,
1. (For some reason the video is sped up a little faster than when it’s actually on the air, I’m not sure why) My video clip that I have chosen comes from an episode of the animated TV show, “The Simpsons”. In this clip, Lisa is conducting an experiment in which she is trying to determine whether her brother Bart is dumber than a hamster. In order to compare the intelligence between Bart and the hamster, Lisa connects an electrical current to a piece of hamster food. When the hamster tries to eat the piece of food it is shocked and quickly backs away. She then does the same thing with a cupcake and puts a sign in front of the cupcake labeled “Do Not Touch”. Bart sees the cupcake, throws the sign aside and grabs it. He is immediately shocked, but instead of resisting like the hamster he continues to try to grab the cupcake and is repeatedly shocked. When Bart is later asked by his mother to retrieve the cupcakes, he reaches out to grab them but then collapses to the floor in fear. Even though the cupcakes had the electrical currents removed from them, Bart had learned earlier that he would be shocked if he grabbed them.
2. The first behavior occurs when the hamster attempts to eat the piece of food attached to the electrical current (6:40). The second behavior occurs when Bart attempts to eat the cupcake attached to the electrical current (6:50). The final behavior is when Bart tries to grab the cupcakes off the kitchen counter (9:20).
3. The consequence of the behavior is an electrical shock to both Bart and the hamster, and then Bart collapsing from thinking the cupcake will shock him.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something aversive (electrical shock).
5. Antecedent = The Simpson house kitchen and hamster cage
A = The Simpson house kitchen and hamster cage
B = Attempting to eat the food/cupcake
C = The electrical shock and Bart’s fear
This clip is an example of positive punishment, because something aversive is added in order to stop a behavior
Terms Used – Punisher, positive punishment, aversive
1. My clip for reinforcer comes from the same episode of “The Simpsons”, this time at the very beginning of the episode. In Bart’s dream, he is at the school science fair and has entered his project, which is a device called the “Go-Go Ray”. Bart turns on the device to show Principle Skinner, and the ray enables Skinner to do a particular dance depending on what setting Bart has the device on. Principle Skinner is delighted and gives Bart a first place ribbon.
2. The behavior that is reinforced occurs during the first 25 seconds of the video, when Bart works the device and pleases Principle Skinner with his excellent work of creating the device.
3. The consequence of this behavior is Bart receiving the first prize ribbon.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the ribbon) because it encourages Bart to continue to do good work.
5. The antecedent is the science fair
A = The science fair
B = Working the Go-Go Ray
C = Receiving a first place ribbon
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because Bart the addition of something desirable is the outcome of Bart’s behavior.
Terms used – Reinforcer, desirable
1) My video clip is from the movie Remember the Titans. It is a scene that takes place late one night during practice. Julius is a very good player on defense and new to the team. Gary is the team captain and a star on defense. He leads and help coaches the defense. On this particular play Julius makes a great play and puts a good hit on the running back. Gary immediately starts to praise Julius for his hit. He then proceeds to boost his confidence by starting a "saying" for the two to do.
2) The target behavior is to always make the best play possible when on the field. It occurs at around one minute in the clip.
3) The consequence of the behavior is getting to do a chant to pumped you up in a sense. You wouldn't do this chant after an undesirable play.
4) It involves an addition of something by doing the chant. It, in a sense, reinforces that what just happened was a "good" play.
5) The antecedent is being a player on the field.
A- Being a player in the game
B- Making a good play
C- Doing a motivational chant
It is positive reinforcement because you want to do the chant but you must make a good play first or you wont get an opportunity to do it.
1) The next clip I chose is also from Remember the Titans. It is very short, but I think it does a great job in showing punishment. One of the players interrupts practice asking for water. The coach gets in his face and yells at him in front of everyone. Then, everyone is forced to do up-downs for another unknown period of time.
2) Blue interrupting and asking for water is the behavior that is undesirable. It happens right away.
3) The consequence is doing more up-downs
4) It involves the addition of something, in this case, more up-downs. Therefore, it is an addition of something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is taking part in the conditioning drills at practice
A- The conditioning at practice
B- Interrupting and asking for water
C- Doing more up-downs
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable. The coach doesn't want the players talking out so he adds more conditioning (which they don't desire) when a player is involved with this behavior.
Terms: Positive punishment, antecedent, positive reinforcement, consequence
1. I chose a Doritos commercial clip from the Superbowl. In this clip a dog is seen by a man burying a missing cat. The dog knows he has been found out and offers the man a bag of Doritos to keep quiet. Later that day when the man's wife asks where their cat is the dog appears at the door with another bag of Doritos. Since the first bag of Doritos worked, the dog figured a second bag would be another way of reinforcing the man's behavior of not telling his wife.
2. The target behavior would be the man not saying anything about seeing the dog burying the cat because he gets a bag of Doritos if he doesn't at 00:14.
3. The consequence of the behavior is the dog does not get in trouble for killing their cat because the man does not tell on him.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the man gets the Doritos and the dog doesn't get into trouble)
5. The antecedent is the dog burying the cat in the yard.
A- Dog buries cat in the yard
B- Man sees the dog but doesn't tell on him because the dog gives the man Doritos
C- The dog doesn't get in trouble
This is an example of a positive reinforcement because the man is receiving something desirable and result of the addition of the Doritos keeps the dog out of trouble.
1. I chose a clip dealing with the uses of meth. In the clip it tells a story about a girl who is addicted to meth and what happened to her because of her choices to use meth as something to cope with. In the end, she finally gets help and gets clean.
2. The target behavior would be the the girl's use and addiction to meth (3:10)
3. The consequences of her addiction were her grades started to fail, she became homeless, prostituted herself, developed low self-esteem, pushed her away from her family, became violent, and in the end she finally gets clean
4. The consequences involves the removal of something desirable.
5. The antecedent is the death of her father
A- Death of her father
B- Begins using meth to cope
C- Downsides to her health, social, and academic life.
This is an example of punishment because her choice to use meth lead to negative things in her life such as bad health, bad grades, and pushed her away from family. Because of these consequences it has lead to the decrease in frequency of her behavior in using meth.
Terms: Antecedent, behavior, consequence, punishment, reinforcement
1. This is an episode of “Supernanny” where this woman intervenes to help parents get their children under control. In this episode, she creates a fun-looking poster for the children’s morning routines. As they complete tasks on the poster (making their bed, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, etc.), they get to move a star with their picture on it across the poster. In addition, their mother and the nanny were giving them constant praise (telling them they were proud, they did a good job, etc.).
2. The target behavior is the girls getting themselves ready in the morning. This occurs at 21:40 and it continues showing clips of the girls getting ready for a couple minutes after that.
3. The consequence of the behavior is that the girls get to move their picture across the poster in addition to receiving praise from the nanny and their mother.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. Moving their pictures across this pretty poster seems to be very desirable for these little girls. They rush to move their picture after completing each task for the morning.
5. The antecedent is the girls waking up and getting out of bed in the morning.
A: The antecedent is the girls in their rooms in the morning.
B: The behavior is the girls getting themselves ready for school.
C: The consequence is that they get to move their picture for each item they complete on the poster.
This is an example of reinforcement because it increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in the future. The girls are more likely to get themselves ready in the morning so they can move their picture on the poster and receive praise from their mother. More specifically, this is positive reinforcement because nothing is being taken away, the poster was something desirable that was added.
1. I chose Taylor Swift’s music video for “I knew you were trouble.” It’s a song about taking a risk with a guy that she knew was “trouble.” The beginning of the video shows when she first saw him. Then, it shows them dating. Finally, it shows her alone. In the end, she gets her heart broken by this guy.
2. The target behavior is her dating (spending time with) this guy who has a reputation for breaking hearts. You can see this at 2:03 as well as many other others. The video has sort of flashbacks of when they were together.
3. The consequence of the behavior is the heartbreak she feels, loneliness, and regret. She seems to have somewhat of a hindsight bias, like she should have seen it coming or would have avoided the relationship.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable: her boyfriend.
5. The antecedent is Taylor being alone with this guy.
A: Taylor Swift is alone with a guy that she knows is “trouble.”
B: She decides to date him regardless of her knowledge.
C: He breaks her heart.
This is an example of punishment because it decreases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the future. Taylor is less likely to elicit the behavior of dating men with reputations of cheating because the consequence was aversive and a punishment. More specifically, it is an example of negative punishment. Her boyfriend is taken away; something is subtracted, so it is negative punishment.
Negative Punishment Link (Taylor Swift):
Positive Reinforcement Link (Supernanny):
elicit, behavior, target behavior, aversive, reinforcement, punishment, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence
This video clip is taken from the movie Monster’s Inc. In this clip (I apologize for the poor quality), Sully, the big blue monster, is trying to get the little girl names Boo to fallow him into a room so she can go to sleep. In the beginning of the clip, it shows Sully feeding Boo cereal which she seems to be very fond of. When trying to get her to move into the other room, Sully uses the cereal as a reinforcement by placing the cereal in a line on the floor to lure her into the next room. The target behavior for this clip, starting at 1:17, is trying to get Boo to move into the next room so she can go to sleep. The consequence of the behavior is successfully getting boo to move into another room. In this clip, the consequence does involve something positive and desirable being added, the cereal, in order for Boo to carry out the right behavior.
The ABC’s of this clip include
A= In a house
B= Walking from room to room
C= Get cereal treat
The form of reinforcement that is being used in this clip is positive reinforcement because the cereal treats that are seen as desirable to Boo are being used to increase the likelihood of her behavior to walk to a different room.
In this clip of Despicable Me, the three little girls are reporting there cookie sales of the day to the head of the adoption agency, Ms. Hattie. She is not pleased with their sales of the day and threatens them to spending weekend in the box of shame. In this clip the “box of shame” is being used as a form of punishment which is used to try and stop bad behaviors. The girls are being threatened with punishment if they do not get higher cookie sales (1:14 in the clip). The consequence of not selling enough cookies means that they will spend a specific amount of time in the box of shame. In this situation, the consequence involves both adding something undesirable (sitting in the box of shame) and the removal of something desirable, the freedom of not being in the box of shame.
The ABC’s of this clip include:
A=Quota of cookie sales
B= Selling Cookies
C= Not selling enough cookies and going in the box of shame
For this clip, I would consider it to be both positive and negative punishment because you are taking away freedom privileges (negative punishment) by making the children sit in the box of shame.
Terms- Positive reinforcement, reinforcement, desirable, punishment, consequence, positive punishment, negative punishment.
1) In the clip I chose from the show, “Revenge,” Emily and Nolan are discussing the information that she just found out about her boyfriend and future fiancé regarding the secret of how her father was murdered unjustly. Daniel, her boyfriend, could have told the truth but instead, betrayed Emily by keeping it a secret. In her attempt to avenge her father’s death, she decides she is going to marry Daniel to get closer to the man who killed her Dad.
2) The behavior that is demonstrated is determination/plotting to avenge her father’s murder for a crime he was framed for. Emily is going to marry Daniel in attempt to gain more information about the murder.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that she will be married and hopefully find out more information.
4) The consequence will be something desirable because it will give Emily more information to avenge her father.
5) The antecedent is positive reinforcement because she will be gaining knowledge to increase her behavior of attempting to get revenge on the person who is responsible for her father’s death.
A= Being betrayed by her boyfriend
B= Determination/Plotting
C= Gaining information
Terms: Consequence, behavior, desirable, positive reinforcement
1) In this clip from the show, “Glee,” Mike Chang and his father are having a meeting with the principal to discuss why Mike got an A-, which is an “Asian F,” in their opinion. Mike’s father decided that in order to focus more on his studies, Mike could no longer participate in Glee.
2) At 1:12 in the video, the punished behavior being illustrated is Mike getting an A-.
3) The consequence of the behavior is Mike’s involvement in Glee where he dances which he enjoys.
4) The consequence involves removing something desirable.
5) The antecedent in the clip is negative punishment because something pleasurable, that being Mike’s involvement in Glee, is being taken away.
A= Mike, his father, and the principal having a meeting
B= Mike got an A-.
C= Removing Glee from Mike’s life.
Terms: Consequence, behavior, desirable, antecedent, punishment, negative punishment
1. This clip is from the hit TV series “The Big Bang Theory.” Basically it is the nightly ritual to eat at a ‘Sheldon approved restaurant’ and that night they are eating at the Cheesecake Factory where Penny works as a waitress. In this clip, we see Leonard and his girlfriend (who is also Raj’s sister) Pria, Howard, Raj, and Sheldon all sitting at a table when Penny comes up to take their order. Penny, during the process of taking orders, makes a joke at Leonard’s expense—to the extent of what happens when he eats dairy products (he is lactose intolerant).
2. The behavior is initially started when Penny makes the first joke about Leonard’s digestive system and is then followed by Sheldon, Howard, and then again Sheldon. These incidents occur at: 18, :26, :48, and :56.
3. The consequence was the laughter occurred by the others listening to the jokes being told.
4. The consequence involves the addition of some desirable.
5. The antecedent is the Cheesecake Factory.
A= Sheldon, Howard, Raj, Leonard, Pria, and Penny at the Cheescake Factory.
B= Jokes being told at Leonard’s expense (digestive system).
C= Laughter from the others listening to the jokes.
The behavior in this example is considered a positive reinforcement. This is due to the pleasurable sound (positive reinforcement) of others laughing at the jokes being said (behavior). Having other people think that the individual is amusing is a booster for the self-esteem and will probably in the future increase the frequency of joke telling in the future.
1. This clip is from the hit TV series “Family Guy.” Brain is at the grocery store putting a cart away when a ‘special boy’ decides that he would like to pet him—rather aggressively actually. In the end Brian does bite the boy.
2. The behavior is the ‘special boy’ rubbing Brain to hard and Brain does not like it. This happens beginning at :02 of the clip.
3. The consequence is the ‘special boy’ being bit by Brain on the hand.
4. The consequence involves the addition of something very undesirable or aversive.
5. The antecedent is out side of the grocery store.
A= Brain and the ‘special boy’ outside of the grocery store.
B= The boy rubbing Brain very aggressively.
C= The boy is bitten by Brain on his hand.
The behavior in this example is considered in my opinion a positive punishment because of the addition of something undesirable instead of taking something away. In this case, the addition is the biting of the hand of the little boy by Brain (punishment) because of the aggressive rubbing of Brain’s fur. Hopefully this will decrease the occurrence of this action in the future.
Terms Used: behavior, consequence, antecedent, emitting, positive reinforcement, aversive, positive punishment, punishment, reinforcement
1) I choose a clip from the show Still Standing. The first part of the clip is about three kids who want money from their parents. Their parents tell them they should get jobs if they want money so bad. They also have a little girl who is obviously too young to get a job so the mom tells the little girl that if she cleans/picks up the house she can keep any of the loose change she finds. As that is being said the little girl starts finding change on the ground, and therefore increases the likelihood of her picking up the house.
2) The young girls behavior is picking up/cleaning the house. (2:50)
3) The consequence of the behavior is that when she picks up the house she gets to keep any money that she finds.
4) There is something being added to the situation, which is receiving any change that the young girl finds. Therefore, there is an addition of something desirable.
5) The antecedent is that the girl wants a job to make money.
A= Wants a job to make money
B= Starts picking up around the house
C= Keeps all the money she finds
This is an example of positive reinforcement because something desirable is being added to the situation, and the behavior is being reinforced to increase the behavior in the future.
1) This clip is also from the TV show Still Standing. The two older kids want to go to a party and their parents wont let them go. The boy and girl end up sneaking out of the house against their parent’s wishes. Their parents end up catching them and after they return home the dad and mom tell them that next time they sneak out and go to a party that they will zip down their flys and yell that they’re Brian and Laurens parents. Therefore, decreasing the likelihood that the two kids would sneak out again.
2) The behavior was sneaking out of the house against the parent’s wishes. (9:20)
3) The consequence of the behavior is that they get into trouble and the parents threaten to embarrass them if they do it again.(17:25)
4) The consequence involves something that is adding something undesirable.
5) The antecedent is that the parent’s won’t let the kids go to the party.
A= The parents wont let the kids go to the party
B= The kids sneak out of the house
C= The kids get into trouble, and get threatened by their parents that they will embarrass them if they do it again.
This is an example of positive punishment because something undesirable is being added to the situation, and the behavior is being punished to decrease the behavior from happening again in the future.
Terms: reinforcement, reinforced, punishment, punished, antecedent, consequence, positive, negative, behavior, undesirable, desirable, decrease, increase
Reinforcement video:
In this video there are two parents and their children that are participating in a t-mobile commercial. The parents are on the t-mobile website managing their children’s cell phones. The mother says that Owen does well in math he can get more minutes and if Sarah makes honors she can get more minutes or texts. And then in the background of the video clip Owen and Sarah are messing around while they are supposed to be washing the car and the father asks about subtracting minutes and the mother says yeah we can do that to. So basically this would be reinforcement because the children like their cell phones and probably want to have more minutes and texts than they already do. The antecedent is cell phone minutes. The ABC’s would be A=Cell phone minutes/texts, B=Doing well in math or making the honors, and C= Get more cell phone minutes/texts if they do well in math or make honors or getting minutes taken away if they don’t do well. This specific example shows both negative and positive reinforcement because if Owen does well in math and Sarah makes honors they will get more minutes/texts which would be positive reinforcement because they want more minutes and it’s pleasurable to them. But, it’s also negative reinforcement because in the background it’s shown that they are messing around while cleaning the car and that’s not good behavior so the parents talk about subtracting minutes which is negative reinforcement because when acting bad they may get cell phone minutes taken away.
Punishment video:
In this video it is a video clip of the television show Big Brother. In this television show there are several opportunities for punishment but in this specific clip every time the music comes on everyone has to drop what they are doing and dance the whole time the music is playing otherwise they will become have-nots. In this show have-nots get stuck sleeping in a crappy room and get stuck eating whatever the crappy food may be that week for the have-nots. This is punishment because they don’t want to become have-nots and get stuck eating the crappy food and get stuck sleeping in the have not room with uncomfortable beds and so on. The antecedent is Dance party. A= Stop whatever you are doing to dance, B= dance the whole time the music is playing, and C= as long as you dance the whole time you won’t get stuck being a have-not for that week. This specific example is positive punishment because they are being punished to stop what they are doing at anytime the music starts playing to dance around the whole time the music plays and if they do that they won’t become have-nots. So, they are less likely to continue to dance the whole time because they don’t want to become a have-not because that is undesirable.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, Antecedent, positive and negative reinforcement, positive and negative punishment, undesirable, pleasurable, behavior, consequence.
In the movie “Bad Teacher,” the teacher, played by Cameron Diaz, finds out that the teacher whose students do the best on the state exam will get a bonus. This becomes of interest of her because she has been trying to save up the movie to get a boob job. She knows that in order for her students to do good on the exam, she will need to stop showing movies in class everyday and start actually teaching them something. In the movie, she ends up finding out what will be on the test, but that doesn’t change the fact that she really worked hard at becoming a better teacher for her students. The target behavior is her teaching by going over readings in class, giving feedback to the students, timing them on practice tests, etc. (1:16 min. into the clip) The direct consequence of her being a very active teacher is that her students do extremely well on the exam which means that she wins the bonus money. In this scenario, the consequence involves the addition of something desirable (money). The antecedent is the school/classroom.
A: the school/classroom
B: being a very “active” teacher
C: her students doing well which in turn wins her the bonus money
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the principal and the other teachers actually want her to become a better teacher. By becoming a better teacher, her students will learn more. They will then be able to do extremely well on the state exam which will then allow her to collect the bonus money. At the end of the movie, she decides not to use the money for a boob job and realizes she really does enjoy being a teacher.
The music video “Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood shows a woman played by Carrie Underwood who destroys her boyfriend’s truck after she found out that he cheated on her. The target behavior is the boyfriend cheating on her which you can see clips throughout the entire video of him with another girl and hear her describing it in the song. The consequence of the behavior (cheating) is that his truck gets destroyed by his girlfriend. In this case, the consequence involves the removal of something desirable (his truck) because now the tires are slashed, the windshield is smashed, etc. and he can no longer drive it. The antecedent is what sets the occasion for the behavior so in this case the antecedent is at a party/bar scene.
A= party/bar scene
B= cheating on significant other
C= truck gets destroyed by significant other.
This is an example of negative punishment because the truck, which is very desirable to the boyfriend, gets taken away, and she is trying to decrease the likely hood that he will cheat on another girl in the future.
Terms: antecedent, target behavior, consequence, desirable, undesirable, positive, negative
1) The clip I chose is from a show called 8 Simple Rules. In the clip the character Bridget gets people do to things for her because she's pretty and popular. An example of this is when she gets a guy to do her homework for her. Each time he does her homework for her she gives him one number of her phone number. This can be seen at 6:20 of the video.
2) The target behavior would be Bridget giving the boy a digit of her phone number
3) The consequence of this behavior would be Bridget having her homework done for her by something else.
4)This would be an example of a positive reinforcement because the reinforcer is the phone number, the boy wants all the digits to her phone number so he will keep doing her homework. Something good is being given, the phone number. This is desirable to the boy.
5)The antecedent would be being at school and having homework due
A-Needs to get homework done
B- Gives a digit of her phone number for homework
C- Boy does her homework for her
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr49NHOKAFY
1) This clip is actually an ad for the TV show New Girl. It has clips from an episode of the show. In the clips Schmidt has to put money in the douchebag jar every time he says something bad or annoying.
2) The consequence of saying something annoying or jerky is having to put his own money in the jar. Therefore losing that money.
4) The consequence is the removal or taking away of his own money.
5)The antecedent would be being at the apartment and Schmidt speaking, with his roommates around.
A-Being at the apartment with roommates
B- Saying something annoying
C- Having to put money in the jar because his roommates think hes being a jerk or douchebag for the thing he said
This would be an example of negative punishment because his money is being taken away from him. He loses something valuable to himself.
Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIrFhZe_dD4
Terms: negative punishment, punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, positive reinforcement, target behavior.
1. This clip is from the movie Warrior. The scene is from the final fight of this national MMA championship round. The two characters are brothers who made it to the final round by defeating all of their competitors through technique, strategy, and hard work. There is a $5 million cash prize for the winner. At 2:52, one of the brothers taps out so the other brother wins the prize. money.
2. The target behavior is training extensively and qualifying for this competition. Also, it is finding ways to defeat your competitors.
3. The consequence of the behavior is winning the $5 million prize
4. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable (the money).
5. The antecedent is the competition and the match.
A- The competition itself
B- Training and competing in the competition
C- Winning $5 million
This is an example of positive reinforcement because him winning the money is going to increase that behavior because it was desirable.
1. This clip is from the movie Coach Carter. It is first day of practice and Coach Carter is introducing himself to the team. He explains his background and his expectations of the students. He clearly states what his players should be doing such as maintaining a 2.3 GPA, attend all classes and sit in front row of all classes. Most importantly, the players will be winners both on and all of the court. As he is explaining his expectations, a player T-MO Cruz interrupts Coach Carter and questions his approach. He disrespects the coach and is ultimately thrown out of the gym for his behavior.
2. The target behavior is Cruz disrespecting Coach Carter by calling him inappropriate names and fighting with him. (approximately 1 minute in)
3. The consequence is Coach Carter physically kicking Cruz out of the gym.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, which is being able to play basketball and be on the team.
5. The antecendent is the team basketball practice.
A- team basketball practice (intro meeting)
B- Interrupting and disrespecting Coach Carter
C- Getting kicked out of gym and off team
This is an example of negative punishment because Cruz was kicked off of the team which is something he did not desire and it should decrease that behavior.
1) This video is a clip from the Simpson’s called Take us to Mt. Splashmore. In this clip Bart and Lisa Simpson see an advertisement on TV for Krusty the Clowns water park, Mt. Splashmore. Krusty announces the park will close in a week, so everyone must get down to Mt. Splashmore one last time! Bart and Lisa agree they need to and approach Homer to take them. They repeat the sentence “will you take us to Mt. Splashmore” throughout the day and night until Homer finally agrees to take them.
2) The target behavior begins at 1.18 when Bart and Lisa Simpson begin to repeatedly ask Homer to go to the theme park.
3) As a consequence, Homer agrees to take them to the park.
4) It involves the removal of something undesirable - that being Bart and Lisa’s bothersome behavior.
5) The persuasive TV advertisement acts as the antecedent.
A= Persuasive TV advertisement
B= Bart and Lisa repeatedly ask Homer to go
C= Homer gives in and agrees to take them to the Park
This is an example of negative reinforcement. Bart and Lisa present Homer with an undesirable situation and behavior - repeatedly asking Homer to go the park. This behavior has a aversive effect on Homer, he doesn’t find it pleasurable but rather un-pleasurable. To take away this aversive experience Homer agrees to take his children to the park. As a result, Homer takes away the negative - Bart and Lisa’s behavior - and is reinforced to do the same in the future if he wants to avoid the undesirable behavior.
1) This clip is from a movie called Kes, about a young English boy. In this specific clip a group of boys, including the main character15 year old Billy Casper, are sent to the principals office and accused of smoking. The principal demands they empty their pockets and discovers packets of cigarettes. The boys are then caned as punishment.
2) The target behavior is being caught smoking at school, which occurs at about 6:00 in the clip.
3) As a consequence for smoking cigarettes at school the boys are caned by their school principle.
4) The consequence of the behavior adds a negative behavior to the situation - the undesirable feeling of pain.
5) The antecedent is bringing and smoking cigarettes to school.
A= Smoking cigarettes at school
B= Being caught by a teacher smoking cigarettes at school
C= Being taken to the principle’s office and caned
This is an example of positive punishment because it adds an aversive behavior to the situation - pain.
To be considered negative punishment, only the removal of the cigarettes from the boys (which is done) would occur. However, the main idea of the clip is the boys get caned. The principle adds pain to their punishment, thus this additional and main punishment must be classified as positive.
Terms: Consequence, undesirable, persuasive, antecedent, negative reinforcement, aversive, pleasurable, un-pleasurable, negative, reinforced, punishment, target behavior, positive punishment positive.
1) This is a clip from the TV series Trailer Park Boys. Ricky and Julian emitted undesirable behaviors toward their friend by treating Bubbles poorly over the past few episodes. He does not want to hangout with them or be their friend anymore. Ricky and Julian use positive reinforcement of letting Bubbles choose any activity he wants to do for the day in hopes that they regain he's friendship.
2)The behavior is letting Bubbles be in control of the days actvity (8:43).
3) The consequence of this is that Bubbles is happy again and feels like the other memebers of the group appreciate him.
4)The consequence includes the addition of a desirable action, that would be letting Bubbles be in control for the day.
5) The antecedent is the trailer park in which the boys live.
A-Trailer park/the boys' home
B-Letting Bubbles choose what activity they do
C-Bubbles is happy and is willing to be spend time with Julian and Ricky
1)In this video, Eric is engaged to Donna. However, Eric's dad Red does not want them getting married because they are too young. He uses negative punishment to get Eric to realize he is making a mistake by rushing into marriage.
2)The behavior is Eric's engagement being found out by his dad (0:03).
3)The consequence of this behavior is Red firing his son so that he has no money to pay for a wedding (20:13).
4) The consequence is something undesirable. Eric wants to get married but without a an income he won't be able to afford it.
5) The antecedent involves two places over the course of the video, Eric's driveway and Red's work office.
A- Eric's driveway and Red's office
B- Eric gets fired
C- Eric is unable to get married due to lack of employment
Terms: Behavior, consequence, antecedent, emitted, undesirable, negative punishment, desirable, positive reinforcement
1. This clip is from the movie Just Go with It. The plot of the movie is that the main character Danny (Adam Sandler) is trying to get Palmer to like him by pretending he has a family and ex-wife. Danny bribes Katherine’s (Jennifer Aniston) kids with an acting class and free tokens at an arcade. In this scene Michael/Bart is telling Palmer about how his dad promised them a trip to Hawaii but his dad met Palmer so she didn’t take them. Palmer reacts aversively to Danny, so he caves and says he’s taking everyone to Hawaii, which was Michael’s original offer to pretend to be his kid.
2. The behavior that is used in the reinforcement is Michael’s/Bart faking crying. He plays the guilt trip on Palmer that once his father met her he stopped hanging out with him and that he broke his promise to swim with dolphins. He begins to cry. Palmer glares at Danny. Danny starts to backtrack but the kids yell die, which means that they will not play along anymore if he says no. To avoid the punishers he could endure from Palmer, Danny instantly caves and says everyone is going to Hawaii. Michael/Bart smirks at Danny and then continues to fake cry. (1:40-2:28)
3. The consequence of the behavior is that Danny takes the whole family to Hawaii.
4. The consequence is the addition of something desirable, the trip to Florida and Michael’s dream of swimming with the dolphins.
5. The antecedent is Danny bribing the kids to be his fake children.
A. Bribing the kids
B. Michael crying to Palmer
C. Getting a trip to Hawaii
6. This is an example of Positive Reinforcement because Michael is adding a reinforcer, which is crying to get what he wants from Danny. Also every time Danny doesn’t give the kids what they want they yell “die” or start crying.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, reinforcer, antecedent, consequence, behavior, punishers, reinforcement.
1. I found my first clip from Full House. During the clip the family is sitting at the table eating breakfast when Jessie goes to pour salt on his food and the lid falls off, spilling it all over his breakfast. His first reaction is to smack Joey across the head. Joey immediately denies it and says he hasn’t done that since middle school…then high school than admits under the skeptical eyes of his family confesses to having done it last week. When Michelle asks for more milk Joey tries to pour her a glass. As he’s pouring the milk comes out a hole in the side. Everyone again glares at Joey. As Danny gets up to get a towel for the spilled milk the tablecloth catches on his pants and takes everything with it. Everyone again looks at Joey in disgust and he tries to give an assuring look that it wasn’t him. When in turn it is later realized that is was Roger all along not Joey.
2. The target behavior the family is trying to stop is Joey’s pranks. By giving Joey the dirty looks they are hoping it will discourage him from doing the pranks. The first behavior that is punished is the salt lid falling off and Jessie smacking Joey on the side of the head (0:07). The second behavior that is punished is the milk coming out of the side of the container and dirty looks from the family (0:32). The third behavior that is punished is the tablecloth getting stuck in Danny’s pants as he gets up from the table and dirty looks are again given to Joey (0:42-0.55).
3. The consequence of the behavior is that Joey feels ashamed and tries to defend himself to no avail.
4. The consequences are additions to something aversive. The family gives Joey a look of disgust and disbelief every time a new prank happens at the table.
5. The antecedent is Joey being a prankster during previous times so it is assumed that he is behind this prank as well.
A. Previous pranks before
B. Pranks at the breakfast table. (salt, milk and tablecloth)
C. Joey is hit on the head and glared at by the rest of the family.
This is an example of positive punishment. Each time a new prank happens while the family is at the table they are emitting a glare or hit to Joey to make him stop or confess to the prank. Although sometimes his pranks can be desirable, in this situation they are sick of them and want to just finish their meal.
Terms: Desirable, positive punishment, emitting, antecedent, consequences, aversive and target behavior.
1) The clip I choose is from the show, The Big Bang Theory. In this clip the whole gang is up all night making ‘penny blossoms’ to help raise money. It’s late in the night and Sheldon is tired and wants to go to bed. Penny still needs to make 350 more penny blossoms wants all the help she can get so she has Leonard try to convince Sheldon to stay up and help. Leonard does this by reinforcing to Sheldon they need him by saying, “But Sheldon without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail”. Right after that was said, Sheldon changes his mind and starts helping again.
2) In this clip Leonard is using positive reinforcement to get Sheldon to stay awake and help make the penny blossoms. (51 seconds)
3) The consequence of the behavior is that Sheldon stays up and helps make the penny blossoms.
4) The antecedent is Penny, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Rasche all chipping in to help Penny make ‘penny blossoms’.
A- Penny, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Rasche making penny blossoms.
B- Leonard reinforcing/praising Sheldon that they need his help.
C- Sheldon staying awake to help make penny blossoms.
Terms: reinforcement, positive reinforcement, antecedent
This is an example of positive reinforcement because Sheldon was going to bed until Leonard convinced him that they needed his help because they wouldn’t be able to finish making the penny blossoms without his help.
1) In this clip from Saved by the Bell, Zack and A.C. Slater are trying to lie to Mr. Belding by telling him that A.C. broke his leg falling down the stairs and needs to go to the hospital. After A.C. accidentally bumps into the lockers while being carried by one of his teammates, Mr. Belding notices his faking the injury and lying to him. (1 second in) right at the very beginning. They both get detention. Lisa and Torii just happen to be passing by when Zack gets their attention and gets them to try to get him out of detention. They fail and getting Zach out of detention and find themselves getting detention with Zack and A.C.
2) The target behavior would be Zack and A.C lying to Mr. Belding. Also, Torii and Lisa getting caught lying to Mr. Belding. ( 2:48)
3) The consequences that appeared from their behavior were the punishment of getting detention.
4) This consequence involves adding something undesirable. Having to stay longer at school and in detention is very undesirable to a high schooler.
5) The antecedent that happens before the behavior happen was the lying from Zack and A.C. and the lying by Torii and Lisa.
A- Falling down the stairs at the school.
B- Lying to Mr. Belding
C- Getting detention after school instead of participating in extracurricular activities
This clip was an example of positive punishment because it’s adding something unpleasant. The students were not happy to be in detention.
Terms: positive punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequences
In this Family Guy episode, Stewie develops an overbearing infatuation with his mother Lois (Not shown in this clip, Antecedent). As Lois is getting burned out by Stewie's new-found attachment with her, Stewie begs for more and more attention. He does this by annoyingly repeating things like "Lois, Lois, Lois, Mom, Mom, Mum, Mummy, Momma, Ma, Mum, Mum," which is the target behavior (0:00). Lois reacts to Stewie, giving him the attention that he desires (0:30, Consequence, positive reinforcement).
A: Stewie loves Lois
B: Stewie tries very hard to get Lois' attention
C: Lois gives Stewie attention
Although she responds in an angry manner, this is still an example of positive reinforcement. This is because Stewie does not care about the type of attention he receives; he just wants any kind of attention. Many parents reinforce bad behaviors unknowingly, just like this.
Above is the link to an episode of Family Guy in which Stewie takes bets on a boxing match between Mike Tyson and Carol Channing. Brian takes the sure thing and puts $50 on Tyson. To everyone's surprise, Channing wins and Brian owes Stewie money (Not shown in this particular clip, Antecedent). Brian avoids Stewie so he does not have to pay up (0:47, and again at 1:43, Target behavior). After a couple of violent beatings (0:58, and again at 1:54,Consequence), Stewie finally gets Brian to concede and agree to go to the bank (2:41 New behavior).
A: Brian loses a bet with Stewie
B: Brian avoids Stewie so he does not have to pay him the money that he owes
C: Stewie smashes an orange juice glass in Brian's face, beats him with a towel rack, hits him with a golf club, shoots him in both of his kneecaps, and sets him on fire.
This is an example of positive punishment. Stewie makes it very clear that it is not okay to duck him instead of paying up when Brian owes him money. In the end, Brian agrees to go to the bank. There has not been a single episode since this in which Brian owes Stewie money, so that means that the punishment probably worked.
Terms used: Antecedent, Target Behavior, Consequence, Positive Punishment
In this clip of Disney’s Pocahontas, John Smith is meeting Pocahontas’s raccoon, Meeko, for the first time. John is intrigued by Meeko so John gives Meeko biscuits so Meeko stays around.(Go to minute 1.20) Meeko stays by John Smith because Meeko wants more biscuits. The behavior is increased because John Smith is giving Meeko biscuits. The antecedent is John Smith and Meeko meeting for the first time. The Behavior that is being increases is John Smith Giving Meeko a biscuit. The consequence is that Meeko stays around longer.
A) Jonh Smith and Meeko meeting
B) John Smith giving Meeko a Biscuit
C) Meeko staying around longer.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the biscuit is being given the biscuit to increase the behavior of staying around.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=k6SAHAAd_OE&feature=endscreen Go to minute 1.20
In this episode of Disney’s Lizzie MaGuire, Gordo becomes obsesses with a board game called Dwarflord: The Conquest. He becomes so obsessed with the game that his no longer doing well in class and he isn’t talking to his friends Lizzie and Miranda anymore. In order to get him to stop playing the game, Lizzie and Miranda seek help form Lizzie’s little brother, Max. Max helps by taping wires to Gordo’s arms and tears off the tape every time “Dwarflord” is said. They proceed to show Gordo everything he will be missing out on if he stays so involved with the game. In the end, Gordo decides to give up Dwarflord.
The behavior that is being decreased is Gordo’s playing the game Dwarflord. The consequence of the obsessive behavior is Gordo’s failing grades and his disassociation to his friends. (Go to minute 16.00) The punishment used to decreases this behavior is the tape Max rips off Gordo’s arm and the video that show’s what Gordo will be missing out on if he continues his obsession. The consequence is the removal of something desirable, his friends. The antecedent is the game.
A) The game Gordo is playing
B) Gordo’s obsession with the game
C) Gordo’s failing grades and his disassociation with his friends.
This is an example of negative punishment because the game is being taken away from Gordo.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MggEf8AItHs Go to minute 16.00
Terms: Punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior and consequence
reinforcement :
The clip I decided to use for positive reinforcement was a clip from Super Bowl XLV post game. In this Clip Aaron Rodgers is being presented with the Super Bowl MVP trophy and a new car due to his outstanding performance during the game. With the super bowl mvp trophy a money bonus is also included in his contract. The behavior that is being reinforced is his in game stats(performance). They use a vehicle and a trophy presentation trophy included to reward him for his efforts. The consequence for this was him winning a trophy and a brand new car along with the money that’s given as a bonus to his contract. For sure the consequence involves an addition of a few things. He gained the trophy which in sports is something that’s desired aka being in the top ranking, he also won a brand new vehicle and a bonus check for preforming well. The antecedent was how he would preform during the game.
A: Super Bowl XLV (the game)
B: Performing better than his competition
C: Winner a new car, The MVP trophy and getting a bonus sum of money
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The reason it is positive reinforcement is because he is winning something for preforming well at his job. They are using a stimulus (money) to get the results that they desire in the future. They included in his contract that for an MVP award he would be rewarded with money which reinforces him playing well. They obviously want him to play well but adding funds due to an outstanding performance is rewarded with things like money, a trophy and a new car in this case. In case anyone was wondering Rodgers 24 of 39 passing for 304 yards, three touchdowns and no interceptions. Solid line.
This video is a video of Terrell Owens celebrating on the Dallas Cowboys star midfield. This is a penalty which also includes a fine post game. Terrell decided to taunt the home team by celebrating on their logo 2 times and eventually getting leveled by a player from the Cowboys. Terrell owens is the targeted behavior for punishment. First he gets hit on the field by a player from the opposition and then he also got a 25, 000 fine after. The consequences are a money fine and a late hit by the opposing team. The consequence is removing something from the player which is in the form of money and yardage following the kickoff. The antecedent is playing the football game leading up to the touchdown.
A:playing the football game and driving down field
B:Scoring a touchdown and running to the 50 yard line star
C:Getting a 25,000 fine and lit up by the opposing team
This is an example of negative punishment. The first thing is 25,000 fine and then there is also a yardage penalty and a personal foul on the defense which makes the whole team penalized. This is a negative punishment because 25,000 is a lot of peoples total yearly income all for excessive celebration.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, reinforcement.
1) I had a hard time finding the original scene, but this is an edited clip from a TV show Friday Night Lights. What this particular video doesn’t really portray is that in the beginning the Dillon Panthers football team doesn’t really get along well. Head Coach Taylor decides that these boys need a wakeup call, so he gathers them in the middle of a Texas rain storm, and makes them run sprints up and down a muddy hill. You see in the clip that the boys come together, chanting their team motto, “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” Throughout the rest of the season, they win more and more games leading them to win state champions.
2) The target behavior is to get along with your teammates and work together. This is demonstrated towards the beginning of the clip when they are chanting.
3) The consequence of not working together is running in the rain.
4) To get them to work together, Coach Taylor adds a punishment; something undesirable (running in the rain). Running in the rain in the middle of the night is aversive to the players.
5) The antecedent (which unfortunately is not shown in the clip) is the football team not getting along.
A. Players of the Dillon Panther football team
B. Working together/ getting along
C. Running in the rain
6) This is an example of positive punishment. Coach Taylor added an unpleasant task (running in the rain) in hopes to decrease the players’ hostility between one another.
1) It is a commercial for Travelers Insurance. In the clip a dog does several good tasks such as recycling, cleaning spilled milk, taking in groceries, etc. The commercial is about rewarding Travelers Insurance customers with discounts and features for good behavior. The dog in the commercial is sufficiently rewarded after doing the good tasks.
2) The target behavior is having ‘good behavior’. In the commercial recycling, cleaning spilled milk, taking in groceries, etc. where considered all good behavior.
3) The consequence is the praise the dog got at roughly 45 seconds.
4) The consequence (praising the dog) is a desirable addition. The dog was pleasantly recognized for all its ‘good behavior’.
5) The antecedent is the dog around the house
A. The dog at the house
B. The dog helping around the house and providing good behavior
C. Praise, “Good Job”
6) Praise is a type of positive reinforcement. Saying “good job” is a reward for the behavior, and that behavior (helping around the house) will likely increase.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, punishment, aversive, antecedent, positive punishment, reward, positive reinforcement
In Act IV, Scene 1 of ‘Taming of the Shrew’ (4:00 – 5:33, 10:08 – 11:02), Petruchio arrives at his home with his oft ill-tempered, newly-married wife, Katherine. He is the “only man crazy enough to marry her”; he claims to have a manner in which any beast or broad can be made deferent, so he is given permission to marry her (after he proved he could handle himself alone with her without injury or unwitting unconsciousness).
The target behavior Petruchio wants to elicit in Katherine is compliancy or agreeableness. (10:56 – 11:02) Specifically, he wants her to emit gratitude to him (Behavior) for giving her food before he reinforces her with a meal (Consequence). The fact that Kate has been through the establishing operation of food deprivation makes her much more receptive to the addition of a reward into her environment. It is a reinforcer because he refuses her satiation (11:19), thus keeping her receptive to being motivated with the promise of sustenance. The Antecedent is being in Petruchio’s legal guardianship.
A = Married to Petruchio
B = Show Appreciation
C = Eat
The addition of an object of pleasurable valence (breakfast) makes this an example of positive reinforcement.
In this scene from ‘Ace Ventura – When Nature Calls’, Ace holds Burton Quinn hostage in order to interrogate him about the whereabouts of the sacred bat of the Wachati tribe. If he does not find it in time, the violent Wachootoo tribe will engage in all-out warfare with the peaceful Wachati, ending an entire people’s way of life. Ace hopes to deter Quinn’s unwillingness to come clean (Behavior); (0:58 – 1:01) (1:32 – 1:40). When the aversive sound of silverware on a plate (akin to nails on a chalkboard) was not decreasing the likelihood of the operant behavior, Ace switched to a squicky aversion tactic – pushing on his eyeball over and over. The Consequence involved the addition of undesirable stimuli. The Antecedent is being abducted.
A = Kidnapped
B = Refuse to Answer Question
C = Unpleasant Aural and Visual Experiences
This is positive punishment, due to the inclusion of sights and sounds of an unpleasant valence into the subject’s environment.
Reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNfcxNDWbeI
Punishment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STytu5zjwjY
Terms: Target Behavior, Elicit, Emit, Behavior, Consequence, Establishing Operation, Deprivation, Reinforcer, Satiation, Antecedent, Pleasurable Valence, Positive Reinforcement, Deter, Aversive, Operant Behavior, Undesirable, Positive Punishment, Unpleasant Valence
This is the clip from the end scene of Star Wars: A New Hope. Earlier in the movie, when they met Han Solo, he was bar scum who only aided the heroes with compensation in mind. However, after his work was done, he came back to help the rebels destroy the death star. In this scene he is given a medal and perhaps more importantly, recognition from the princess. The reason this is reinforcement instead of just a reward is because they were reinforcing his more heroic traits to influence his future behaviors. In the following two movies, Han Solo was a lovable protagonist that helped Luke Skywalker and the rebels because it was the right thing to do and it was reinforced primarily by Leah. This involved the addition of something desirable.
Antecedent- Han Solo being uninvolved in war and not interested in helping.
Behavior- Helps Luke blow up death star
Consequence- Respect from others and recognition from Princess Leah.
probability of helping increases significantly
This is an example of positive reinforcement because they are adding something pleasurable (Leah's recognition)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yixG8pfncOs (this is just the final scene and my reference is kind of through out the movie.)
The second clip I chose to use was of Luke Skywalker on the ice planet Hoth. He is wandering around in dangerously low temperatures and his tauntaun dies. He continues to search until he passes out and Han Solo comes to save him by cutting open his tauntaun and stuffing Luke inside. Although the warmth of the tauntaun saved his life, which is most definitely a good thing, I still argue that being stuffed inside a dead animal counts as punishment.
Antecedent- Luke wandering around in freezing conditions
Behavior- Luke passing out in snow
Consequence- Luke sleeping in the entrails of his dead tauntaun
probability of being out in these conditions again drops dramatically.
This is an example of positive punishment because they are adding something aversive (being surrounded closely by tauntaun guts)
terms: Antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforcement, punishment, aversive, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, pleasurable
Reinforcement Summary: Dexter is a serial killer who murders individuals who commit terrible acts against innocent people. This video is a collection of 5 of Dexter's early season murders. Dexter calls his need to kill his "dark passenger" and in order to satisfy the urge to kill he stalks people he considers a dangerous threat.
2:43 & 5:09 are good examples of Dexter's relief after killing his victims. After each kill Dexter satisfies his "dark passenger's" need to kill.
A= The plastic wrapped kill room
B= murder
C= The dark passenger's need to kill is relieved and Dexter kills again
The antecedent is the plastic kill room because it sets the occasion to murder and happens before he actually does the behavior.
This is reinforcement because as a result of the consequence Dexter is more likely to keep murdering people. There is nothing aversive about killing people to Dexter and he likes doing it. What i can't figure out is if it is positive or negative. Does the consequence add something desirable? Or is it removing something undesirable? Well he is temporarily removing the need to kill, but the need to kill isn't aversive to him, it's aversive to the rest of society. So I think ive decided that it's positive reinforcement because he is actually adding something desirable. The consequence is the satisfaction of the kill, feeling good, he is adding relief, and kills again. I may be overthinking this, as I often do, so PLEASE feel free to enlighten me if I have backed myself in to a corner!
Punishment Summary: Dexter is a serial killer and a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro. Dexter's coworker, agent Doakes, is suspicious of Dexter's creepy behaviors. The clip is a scene that plays out between Doakes and Dexter.
At 1:39- 1:50 Doakes is punished by having his gun, badge, and access I.D. card taken away and put under investigation. Again I am over thinking whether this is negative or positive punishment. The consequence is that Doakes has all of his things taken away and that would be removing something desirable, or negative punishment. On the other hand he is put under an investigation. Investigations are aversive and it is adding somthing undesirable, and with that logic I think it becomes positive punishment. But I think Doakes had his stuuff removed as a result of being under investigation so therefor the overall punishment was being under investigation so I will conclude with positive punishment. Doakes is less likely to be violent towards Dexter in the future as a result of the consequence. The antecedent is the work place because it sets the occasion and it is where they are at before the behavior occurs.
A= In the work place
B= Doakes being violent towards Dexter
C= Doakes is put under investigation
Dr. MacLin I have questions!!!
positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, aversive, antecedent, behavior, consequence, set the occasion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpaFsNVrqw8 (reinforcement)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSJDPUr3Mk8 (punishment)
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from my favorite show Cupcake Wars. The point of this show is that bakery owners around the US come to the show in order to show off their talents in the baking business. The owners bring one co-worker and there are 3 stages of the competition. The clip shows the blonde woman who has made a lemon lime cupcake with a pineapple filling with guava candies on top. The judges tell her that the filling to her cupcake makes the rest of the cupcake soggy.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Because of the competition aspect the blonde girl uses the criticism for the judges to fix her pineapple filling on that cupcake. Starting at 2:40 in you can see how the judge explains the sogginess of the cupcake then Florence tells her that the filling was delicious. Typically at the end of the show the contestants use all the criticism that they got throughout the day to enhance and change their cupcakes. In this sense the criticism is meant to reinforce and enhance the behavior of making good cupcakes.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of not altering the behavior would get the contestant eliminated from the competition and they would not get the cash prize and the opportunity to display your cupcakes at a public event. This is great publicity and promotion for these small town bakers.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable and finally
The consequence of criticism and potential elimination would involve a removal of something undesirable. In this situation the undesirable is the sogginess of pineapple filling that makes the cupcake aversive to the judge’s pallet.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of this situation is the decision to make a cupcake with pineapple filling, because this behavior could have avoided if the contestant would have just decided to not make a cupcake with a filling that could be undesirable to the judge’s pallet.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Deciding the type of cupcakes to make
B=Making a bad mixture of pineapple filling
C= Getting criticism from judges and potential elimination
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip shows a negative reinforcement because it shows a behavior where you are to remove an aversive behavior in order to increase the frequency of a desirable behavior.
1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the infamous SpongeBob during this episode during this clip SpongeBob and Patrick are telling Squidward about how to avoid an attack of a sea bear. But Squidward being the defiant rebel he is goes and does everything the two just told him not to do. So presumably Squidward gets attacked by the mystically sea bear repeatedly.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Starting in 2:05 Squidward listens to what Patrick and SpongeBob just tell him what not to do then goes and mockingly comes back with everything not to wear and say to attract a sea bear. This behavior is completely punishable in the world of bikini bottom.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this punishable behavior will result in a sea bear attack. After the attack Squidwards body is mangled and he has a black eye. After the next attack Squidward says he is going to limp home which is another unfavorable act that sea bears disapprove of.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
The consequence of the act of attracting a sea bear adds the addition of something undesirable. The undesirable action is the attack of the sea bear.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Listening to all the things sea bear do not like from SpongeBob and Patrick
B= Wearing a sombrero in a silly fashion
C=Getting attacked by a sea bear
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is an addition to an aversive action in order to decrease the likelihood of the repeated behavior. The aversive action is the sea bear attack and the sea bear attacks in order to stop Squidward from wearing a sombrero while making chimp noises, etc.
Terms: positive punishment, aversive, behavior, negative reinforcement, undesirable, antecedent.
1) Briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from my favorite show Cupcake Wars. The point of this show is that bakery owners around the US come to the show in order to show off their talents in the baking business. The owners bring one co-worker and there are 3 stages of the competition. The clip shows the blonde woman who has made a lemon lime cupcake with a pineapple filling with guava candies on top. The judges tell her that the filling to her cupcake makes the rest of the cupcake soggy.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Because of the competition aspect the blonde girl uses the criticism for the judges to fix her pineapple filling on that cupcake. Starting at 2:40 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy3_qjurXRk you can see how the judge explains the sogginess of the cupcake then Florence tells her that the filling was delicious. Typically at the end of the show the contestants use all the criticism that they got throughout the day to enhance and change their cupcakes. In this sense the criticism is meant to reinforce and enhance the behavior of making good cupcakes.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of not altering the behavior would get the contestant eliminated from the competition and they would not get the cash prize and the opportunity to display your cupcakes at a public event. This is great publicity and promotion for these small town bakers.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable and finally
The consequence of criticism and potential elimination would involve a removal of something undesirable. In this situation the undesirable is the sogginess of pineapple filling that makes the cupcake aversive to the judge’s pallet.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
The antecedent of this situation is the decision to make a cupcake with pineapple filling, because this behavior could have avoided if the contestant would have just decided to not make a cupcake with a filling that could be undesirable to the judge’s pallet.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A=Deciding the type of cupcakes to make
B=Making a bad mixture of pineapple filling
C= Getting criticism from judges and potential elimination
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
This clip shows a negative reinforcement because it shows a behavior where you are to remove an aversive behavior in order to increase the frequency of a desirable behavior.
For this clip we would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize the clip.
This clip is from the infamous SpongeBob during this episode during this clip SpongeBob and Patrick are telling Squidward about how to avoid an attack of a sea bear. But Squidward being the defiant rebel he is goes and does everything the two just told him not to do. So presumably Squidward gets attacked by the mystically sea bear repeatedly.
2) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the punished behavior (please note what time it occurs in the video)
Starting in 2:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSZFIRrBERM Squidward listens to what Patrick and SpongeBob just tell him what not to do then goes and mockingly comes back with everything not to wear and say to attract a sea bear. This behavior is completely punishable in the world of bikini bottom.
3) Tell us what the consequence of the behavior is
The consequence of this punishable behavior will result in a sea bear attack. After the attack Squidwards body is mangled and he has a black eye. After the next attack Squidward says he is going to limp home which is another unfavorable act that sea bears disapprove of.
4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, and finally
The consequence of the act of attracting a sea bear adds the addition of something undesirable. The undesirable action is the attack of the sea bear.
5) Tell us to the antecedent is.
Please list the ABC's of the target behavior in the clip:
A= Listening to all the things sea bear do not like from SpongeBob and Patrick
B= Wearing a sombrero in a silly fashion
C=Getting attacked by a sea bear
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is an addition to an aversive action in order to decrease the likelihood of the repeated behavior. The aversive action is the sea bear attack and the sea bear attacks in order to stop Squidward from wearing a sombrero while making chimp noises, etc.
Terms: positive punishment, aversive, behavior, negative reinforcement, undesirable, antecedent.
The clip I chose is from the classic film "A Clockwork Orange". The main character, Alex, is supposedly addicted to sex and violence. During the film, he and his friends break into a woman's house with the intent of possibly raping her. But, Alex ends up killing her in his attempted rape, and is found by the police and charged. Once in prison, some psychologists attempt an experimental "cure" so to speak in order to treat those with violence and sexual based disorders. The treatment involves the prisoner (Alex) to sit in a theater and be forced to watch horrifically violent scenes while listening to Beethoven. He eventually began pairing his violent and innappropriately sexual behavior with the scenes of violence and the sound of Beethoven being played.
1st Clip
This is a great example of punishment because in the hopes of decreasing the undesired behavior, the psychologists have added the visual and auditory punishments of seeing violence and hearing Beethoven, as well as the physiological response of feeling sick to his stomach. He later hears the Beethoven song that was played, and begins to react to it the same way he had reacted to the violent scenes.
In a way this could be considered positive punishment because the psychologists are adding something to increase less violent behavior in Alex. However, it could also be seen as negative reinforcement in that once the music and scenes are taken away, he is expected to behave properly.
Later, Alex is released from prison (under the assumption that he has been cured) and returns home to find that his parents had rented his room out to another man. Alex begins to get violent with the man, but is instantly stopped in his tracks by the after effects of the "treatment".
(could not find clip)
He runs away from home, since his parents no longer want him there, and finds himself back at the house where he and his friends had broken in, raped the man's wife, and she ended up dying. The man (in wheelchair) figures out who Alex is and plays Beethoven in order to "punish" him for basically raping and killing his wife.
Words used: Punishment, positive punishment, negative reinforcement
In this clip from 2 and a half men, Charlie comes home complaining to Alan that his car ran out of gas. Alan claims he has no idea what happened to the gas that was in his car just the day before. Charlie realizes that Alan smells like gasoline and becomes angry with Alan. Alan still denies that he sucked the gas out of Charlies car to put it in his own, until Charlie hold a lighter up to Alans mouth. Alan then freaks out and claims that he took the gas because Charlie owes him money. Charlie still isn't happy and he forces Alan out of the house using the lighter as a threat to get him to leave. This clip shows Charlie punishing Alan for stealing his gas. At about 1:12 is when Charlie threatens to set Alan on fire. This is done to punish Alan to reduce the frequency of Alan stealing his gas again. Charlie also punishes Alan to get him to leave the house. The consequence of Alan stealing Charlies gas is Charlie trying to set him on fire. The consequence of Alans action involves the removal of something undesireable to Charlie. Alan upset Charlie, and Charlie removed what was undesireable (Alan).
A.Charlies car runs out of gas.
B.Alan sucked the gas out of Charlies car.
C.Charlie tries to set Alan on fire.
This is a clip from SNL of Matt Foley the motivational speaker who LIVES IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!! In this clip the kids father bring in Matt Foley to try and motivate his kids to do better with their lives. Matt Foley does this by telling the kids that they will be living in a van down by the river just like him if they keep up their behavior. This is a great example of reinforcement. Matt Foley is trying to eliminate the chances of the kids living like he does by trying to motivate them. He is using the technique of reinforcement. The behavior that the kids are engaging in is smoking pot. Matt Foley is trying to stop this behavior by giving a motivational speech and stating that they will be living in a van down by the river if they keep it up. He is using positive reinforcement because he is trying to move in witht the family to help the kids. He is adding himself to the situation to try and stop the kids behavior. The consequence of the kids actions involves the addition of something undesireable which is Matt Foley moving in with them and LIVING IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!
A.Father brings motivational speaker Matt Foley into his home.
B. Matt Foley gives his "van down by the river speech" and acts like a lunitic.
C. The kids say they won't smoke pot anymore.
1) I choose a clip from the T.V. show The Cash Cab. In the show individuals unknowingly enter the cab and are offered to be a part of the game show. To be a part of the game show they must answer trivia questions until they arrive at their destination. Every time the individuals answer a question correctly they receive money. If the players answer incorrectly three times they do not receive any money and must exit the taxi.
2) The target behavior that the cab driver/game show host is attempting to reinforce is the women answering his questions correctly. To reinforce this behavior, the driver rewards them with money every time they answer correctly. This reinforced behavior occurs from 1:32-2:05.
3) The consequence in this example is receiving money.
4) The consequence involves the addition of money which is desirable to the women therefore their behavior is being reinforced. This being said, the frequency of the women attempting to answer the questions correctly is increased.
5) The antecedent is being in the cash cab.
A= Antecedent which is the women being in the cash cab.
B= Behavior which is answering the questions correctly.
C= Consequence which is receiving money
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement. Every time the women answer a question correctly they receive a desirable consequence, money. With the addition of money from answering correctly, the frequency that the women will continue to attempt to answer questions correctly increases.
1) I choose another clip from the T.V. show The Cash Cab. In the show individuals unknowingly enter the cab and are offered to be a part of the game show. To be a part of the game show they must answer trivia questions until they arrive at their destination. Every time the individuals answer a question correctly they receive money. If the players answer incorrectly they receive a strike. After three strikes they do not receive any money and must exit the taxi.
2) The target behavior that the cab driver/game show host is punishing the individuals for is answering questions incorrectly. This punished behavior can be viewed from 3:02-3:33.
3) The consequence is receiving a strike. After three strikes the individuals are kicked out of the taxi.
4) The consequence in this example involves both the addition of something undesirable and the removal of something desirable. The addition of something undesirable includes the cab driver giving the couple strikes after they answer incorrectly. The strikes are aversive to the couple because they lead them closer to being kicked out of the cab. The removal of something desirable occurs once the couple answers three questions wrong and therefore have received three strikes which them causes them to be kicked out of the cab. Riding in the cab was desirable to the couple because it gave them a chance to potentially win money.
5) The antecedent is being in the cash cab.
A= Antecedent which is the couple being in the cash cab.
B= Behavior which is answering the questions incorrectly
C= Consequence which is receiving strikes until there are three then the couple gets kicked out.
This clip provides an example of both positive and negative punishment. Positive punishment is present when the couple receives a strike after answering a question incorrectly. Although the couple continues to answer the questions incorrectly the strikes are aversive providing the couple with more incentive to answer correctly. Negative punishment is present when the couple has received three strikes for answering three questions wrong and are kicked out of the cab.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, addition, removal, desirable, frequency of behavior
For this clip I chose a Doritos commercial. Here we see a man catching a dog burying the collar of a missing cat. As the man realizes what the dog must have done the dog instructs the man to lie and say he saw nothing. As reinforcement the dog gives the man a bag of Doritos which is pleasurable to him. In the future when the man is asked about the cat again he lies again, and receives the Doritos again, so we can see that he was reinforced.
The target behavior in the clip was lying about the cats' whereabouts. We know this because that is what the dog rewards the man for doing both times.
The consequence for the man after eliciting the target behavior is receiving the Doritos.
The antecedent in this case would be being asked about the cat
A) Asked about cat
B) Man Lies
C) Dog gives the man more Doritos
Because something is being added and it increases the probability of the behavior happening again in the future we know that this is an example of positive reinforcement.
In this commercial, a man and his wife are at a salad bar and the man is avoiding eating any of the vegetables. The man asks his wife to give him some bacon buts and she hits him because he is eating poorly and "coulda had a V8", and this is aversive to him.
The target behavior here is eating poorly and the consequence is being struck. This is the addition of a negative stimulus, making it positive punishment. The antecedent would be eating at a salad bar.
A) Eating at a salad bar
B) Eating poorly
C) Getting hit
Terms:Positive reinforcement, Positive punishment, Target behavior, Elicit, Antecedent, Aversive
In this clip Larry David is in a shop buying a sandwich and gets into a little argument with the owner of the store. In the clip the owner of the store tells Larry that he can only have two napkins for his sandwich which Larry thinks is ridiculous. Larry doesn't listen and when the owner turns around to answer the phone he grabs a bag full of napkins and runs off. He gets in his car to go meet someone and soon gets pulled over by the cops who had been called by the shop owner and told that he had stolen napkins. The antecedent is the sandwich shop.
A)Sandwich shop
B)Takes napkins when told not to
C)Gets in trouble with the cops
In this clip George from Seinfeld rethinks his life and decisions he has made and decides to start doing the opposite and change his behavior. He goes into the diner and starts to order his food that he always does and decides it time to start a change. He ends up going out of his comfort zone and norm and gets something else. A woman who is also there looks at him and after deciding he should start doing the opposite goes up to her and is blatantly honest with her and ends up getting a date with her. The antecedent is the diner.
A)The diner
B)decides to make a change in his life and do the opposite
C)Ends up getting a date with an attractive female
Terms:reinforcement, punishment, behavior, Antecedent
1. For this clip I chose an episode from Friends. In this clip Ross wants to make his daughter Emma laugh. He starts to sing Baby Got Back to her and she starts laughing. He finds out this is the only way to make her laugh so he keeps singing it to her.
2. The target behavior in this clip is when Ross is singing Baby Got Back to Emma. This behavior starts at :45 on the clip.
3. The consequence of this behavior is Emma laughing at Ross singing Baby Got Back.
4. This consequence involves increases the laughter because of Ross singing to Emma.
5. The antecedent is being in Ross' apartment
A: In Ross' apartment
B: Ross singing Baby Got Back
C: Emma laughing
This clip is a form of positive reinforcement. This is because every time Ross sings Baby Got Back to Emma, she starts to laugh which increases the likely hood for Ross to sing that particular song.
1. This clip is about Ross making a pros and cons list about Rachel and Julie to see who he would like to date. He picks Rachel, but when she finds the list she does not want to date him.
2. The target behavior in this clip is Ross making a pros and cons list. This begins at :25.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that Rachel does not want to date Ross because of the list.
4. The consequence involves losing something because Ross loses the chance to be with Rachel.
5. The antecedent in this clip is being in Chandler and Joey's apartment.
A: In Chandler and Joey's apartment
B: Ross making a pros and cons list
C: Rachel does not want to date Ross anymore
This clip is an example of negative punishment. This is because since Ross made the pros and cons list he lost Rachel. That means that is would decrease the probability of Ross making another pros and cons list for girls.
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence
First link is a short commercial clip brought to you by Coors Light. It starts with a man saying goodbye to what seems like his co-workers and saying “Great meeting guys but I have to catch a train”. There is a brief moment where you see him fanning himself because it’s really hot and then at the train station he meets up with four people who are just as hot as him and don’t even know why they’re there. He smirks and says “I got you”. As he looks down the track, the rails are beginning to ice up and just then the train pulls up – a silver bullet looking train with a fog of midst trailing. The friends all can feel the coolness and can see an unbelievable sight as the doors open. There awaiting them are crispy, chilling and wonderfully refreshing Coors Light beers for them all. It ends with everyone on the train enjoying their beers, smiling and laughing.
Target Behavior – drink Coors Light beer and feel cool, refreshed and happy. This happens at the end of the commercial where you will see them drinking and everyone is more relaxed, more comfortable than before. They are laughing and having fun because of the target behavior.
The Consequence is a result from adding something desirable which in this case is a Coors Light Beer.
The antecedent is going to be catching the special train.
A = Catch the special train
B = Drink Coors Light beer
C = Feel cool, refreshed and have fun with friends
Clearly this is an example of positive reinforcement; the company is trying to get you to buy more beer through the persuasion that it will make you feel cooler and refreshed as well as have fun with friends while doing it.
Second link is over another short commercial but it simply fell perfect into the category I was trying to express. It is a Butterfinger commercial made with the “Simpson’s” characters. Bart is the son and Homer is the father; Bart is sleeping while Homer tries to sneak in and steal Bart’s candy bar his Butterfinger to be exact. As Homer reaches for the Butterfinger, Bart has created an electrical current to pass through and shock anyone who touches his candy bar and does just that for a few seconds. As Homer gets shocked, Bart simply states, “I told you Homer, nobody let’s a finger on my Butterfinger!”
Target Behavior – to stop anyone from stealing Bart’s Butterfinger candy bar.
Consequence – you will be shocked with an electrical current which is something that Bart has added to reduce anyone from thinking about stealing his candy
and this happens right before the commercial ends.
The antecedent is Homer trying to sneak in Bart’s bedroom.
A = Sneak in someone else’s room
B = Try to steal a Butterfinger candy bar
C= Get shocked by an electrical current
Clearly this is a positive punishment because Bart is adding the electrical current as part of the punishment in order to reduce the likely hood of Homer trying to come back to try to steal his candy bar again.
Terminology: Target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, punishment, antecedent, & persuasion.
First link is a short commercial clip brought to you by Coors Light. It starts with a man saying goodbye to what seems like his co-workers and saying “Great meeting guys but I have to catch a train”. There is a brief moment where you see him fanning himself because it’s hot and at the train station he meets up with four people who are just as hot and don’t even know why they’re there. He smirks and says “I got you”. As he looks down the track, the rails are beginning to ice up and just then the train pulls up – a silver bullet looking train. The friends all can feel the coolness and can see an unbelievable sight as the doors open. There awaiting them are crispy, chilling and wonderfully refreshing Coors Light beers for them all. It ends with everyone on the train enjoying their beers, smiling and laughing.
Target Behavior – drink Coors Light beer and feel cool, refreshed and happy. This happens at the end of the commercial where you will see them drinking and everyone is more relaxed, more comfortable than before. They are laughing and having fun because of the target behavior.
The Consequence is a result from adding something desirable which in this case is a Coors Light Beer.
The antecedent is going to catch the special train.
A = Catch the special train
B = Drink Coors Light beer
C = Feel cool, refreshed and have fun with friends
Clearly this is an example of positive reinforcement; the company is trying to get you to buy more beer through the persuasion that it will make you feel cooler and refreshed as well as have fun with friends while doing it.
Second link is over another short commercial but it simply fell perfect into the category I was trying to express. It is a Butterfinger commercial made with the “Simpson’s” characters. Bart is the son and Homer is the father; Bart is sleeping while Homer tries to sneak in and steal Bart’s candy bar his Butterfinger to be exact. As Homer reaches for the Butterfinger, Bart has created an electrical current to pass through and shock anyone who touches his candy bar. As Homer gets shocked, Bart simply states, “I told you Homer, nobody let’s a finger on my Butterfinger!”
Target Behavior – to stop anyone from stealing Bart’s Butterfinger candy bar
Consequence – you will be shocked with an electrical current which is something that Bart has added to reduce anyone from thinking about stealing his candy
The antecedent is Homer trying to sneak in Bart’s bedroom
A = Sneaking in someone else’s room
B = Steal Butterfinger candy bar
C= Get shocked by an electrical current
Clearly this is a positive punishment because Bart is adding the electrical current as part of the punishment in order to reduce the likely hood of Homer trying to come back to try to steal his candy bar again.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5aj2t70sHQ - Positive reinforcement
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqF_2WCcsgw – Positive punishment
Terminology: Positive punishment, target behavior, consequence, punishment, positive punishment, antecedent and persuasi
1) This clip is displaying reinforcement. The clip is from Duck Dynasty. In the clip, Phil is trying to teach and instill a good work ethic into his grandchildren after living a rich life. In the clip, it shows them cleaning up the yard. What isn't shown in the clip, but is shown in the episode is that the field they are cleaning up turns into a football field, which they get to play on when it is completed.
2) The behavior of the grandchildren is cleaning up the yard and learning what work is. (This occurs at about the 1:02 mark in the clip)
3) The consequence is that they get to play football on the field that they cleaned up
4) The consequence involves adding something pleasurable. Even though it doesn't how it in the clip, I have seen the episode and it show everyone having fun playing football after they are done cleaning the yard. The grandchildren have fun time while playing the game with the whole Robertson clan. There is even a crowd to watch the game.
5) The antecedent is the grandchildren hanging out with their grandpa Phil.
A= Grandchildren hanging out with grandpa Phil
B= Grandchildren clean up the yard/field
C= The grandchildren get to play football
This is positive reinforcement because there is an addition of something pleasurable. After the grandchildren clean the field, they are able to play football. The pleasure that comes from playing football with the whole family will help increase their behavior of cleaning (which the underlying lesson is a good work ethic)
1) This clip displaying punishment is from Family Guy. In this clip, Tom Tucker is dating Peter's mom, which would make Tom like a "stepfather" to Peter, so Tom is trying to embrace that role. When the two are eating dinner, Peter wants ice cream, but hasn't eaten his food yet. When Peter is attempting to get the ice cream, Tom warns him not to, but Peter proceeds to eat it. When Peter gets the ice cream in his mouth, Tom immediately spanks Peter, which causes Peter to whine and cry.
2) The target behavior is Peter not listening to Tom by getting the ice cream, even after being warned not to do so. (This begins to occur around the 0:12 in the clip.
3) The consequence of Peter's disobedient behavior is being spanked by Tom.
4) The consequence of Tom spanking Peter involves adding something undesirable. This is easily shown as undesirable because Peter begins to whine and cry.
5) The antecedent is Peter and Tom are having dinner.
A= Peter and Tom are having dinner together in the kitchen
B= Peter not listening to Tom by eating ice cream before he finishes dinner
C= Tom spanking Peter
This is an example of positive punishment because after Peter disobeys Tom, he is adding (positive) an aversive consequence. The aversive consequence is the spanking Peter receives. It is aversive because Peter cries while being spanked. This spanking will cause a decrease in Peter's disobedience.
Reinforcement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_232OsC4gE
Punishment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvHu_RbwUoY
Terms: reinforcement, punishment, aversive, pleasurable, antecedent, consequence, behavior,
W.J. (Punishment)
1) The entire clip repeats itself in 4 times illustrating the same behavior over and over again. I only want to focus on the first clip. In this clip a man and his friend are admiring a woman, one of the men explains to his pal that his was born a ladies man and begins to approach her. Upon his approach of the woman he seems charming and the woman responds quite well.
2) There are a few different behavior that can be commented on but in this video I want to comment on the behavior that is emitted by the woman (1:05). The woman he approaches mentions that she has a boyfriend.
3) The consequence of the woman’s behavior is having her flowers thrown through her cars passenger window.
4) For this situation the man is punishing the woman by introducing a very aversive situation in her life.
5) The antecedent of the behavior is speaking with a man who you have never met before.
A: Speaking to a new acquaintance
B: Mentioning that she had a boyfriend
C: Her flower pot gets put through her passenger window
This is definitely an example of positive punishment because the man is putting her in an undesirable situation.
Terms: Consequences, Aversion, Antecedent, Positive Punishment
1. I chose a clip from a show on ABC Family called “The Lying Game.” First, I’ll have to give some background information to help with my point. The story revolves around two long lost twins, Emma and Sutton, who discover each other during high school. Sutton is a rich girl who lives with her father and adoptive mother, although she doesn’t know that she is adopted until she finds out about Emma. She has everything; popularity, nice clothes, nice car, great friends, and a good-looking boyfriend. Emma, on the other hand, lives with a fully adoptive family who is dysfunctional and pretty much living in poverty. Sutton decides she wants a break from her life to go away and find the twins’ birth mother, so she convinces Emma to come take her place for a while. Emma agrees and falls into Sutton’s life happily.
2. She receives praise for not acting like Sutton, as Emma is sweeter and does not act like a brat. Once she experiences all of the great things that Sutton’s life has to offer, she begins to worry about switching back. Emma also falls in love with Sutton’s boyfriend, who figures out that she is not Sutton and falls in love with her as well. Finally, Sutton decides that she is losing control of her life and comes back to ruin Emma. I feel that the reinforcement of the praise and good things that she experienced as Sutton cause Emma to want to continue pretending to be her, or come out as herself and hope that Sutton’s family accepts her into theirs.
3. The consequence of the behavior is gaining all of the good things that come along with pretending to be Sutton: e.g. money, a good family, nice house, nice clothes, nice car, boyfriend, popularity, etc.
4. The consequence is involved with adding something desirable, rather than taking it away, so this situation is an example of positive reinforcement.
5. The antecedent is Sutton asking Emma to take over her life.
A=Sutton asking Emma to take over her life.
B=Emma behaves as if she is Sutton.
C=Emma gains all of the benefits of being Sutton.
http://beta.abcfamily.go.com/shows/lying-game/video/PL55134022/_m_VD55254050 (Can stop watching at 1:35.)
1. This is a clip from a show usually aired on the Oxygen channel called “Supernanny.” The plot of this show is for a professional nanny to come into a family’s home and help with uncontrollable kids. This episode revolves around punishing children by putting them on a “naughty step” or in the “naughty room.”
2. Jo, the nanny, demonstrates to the parents by putting their son, Billy, on the “naughty step,” which is basically just a designated place for a timeout. He gets put here because he was acting naughty during a game the family was playing together. The specific behavior is Billy knocking over the Candyland pieces repeatedly. She gives a few steps: give warning, place on naughty step, get down to the child’s level, explain to them why they are in time out, and come back after some time has passed for an apology. I feel that this punishment could be effective over time, and I know that time out is still accepted as acceptable punishment for a child these days.
3. The consequence involves the Billy getting put in time out because of his bad behavior.
4. The consequence involves taking something away, or negative punishment. It is negative punishment because the consequence is aversive, and should result in a decrease in Billy’s bad behavior.
5. The antecedent is the family playing the game “Candyland” together.
A=The family is playing Candyland together.
B=Billy knocking over the Candyland pieces repeatedly.
C=Billy is placed in time out and is no longer allowed to play the game.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okr8aK3KbYI (Can stop watching at 3:40)
Terms: antecedent, negative punishment, aversive, positive reinforcement, behavior, desirable
This clip is pretty random but it starts off with three guys talking about their weekend and getting “weird”. One of the 3 guys bought a bear suit along with a bottle of ipecac for the weekend. The guy who initially started the conversation decides he is going to try and prove scientists wrong and drink the ipecac and not throw up. Big surprise in the end he really does throw up. My reinforced behavior for this clip is excitement. It occurs right in the beginning of the clip at about 12 seconds. Asking the question “who’s ready to get weird tonight?” when the friends were all elicited a natural response of excitement. Excitement is my target behavior. The consequence of the behavior happening involves the addition of something happening which is increased excitement. The antecedent to the behavior was the setting of all three of the friends at work.
A= At work with friends
B=Asking Question “You guys ready to get weird this weekend?”
C= Excitement
This clip would be an example of positive reinforcement. This clip is positive reinforcement because it increases the likelihood that this behavior will happen again. The friends in this clip have positively reinforced each other by responding with the same level of excitement if not more.
Likewise, this same clip can be used to demonstrate punishment. The target behavior that illustrates the punished behavior would be drinking the ipecac (second 49). The consequence of drinking the ipecac was throwing up and naturally involves the addition of something undesirable. The antecedent to the behavior was hanging out with friends.
A=Hanging out with friends
B=Drinking the Ipecac
C=Throwing up.
This example of punishment is positive punishment because it involves the addition of something aversive. Because he puked (which im assuming he doesn’t like to do) created the addition of something that he reacts aversively to therefore decreasing the behavior of ever drinking ipecac again.