What we would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What we would like you to do is to either go to NPR (http://www.npr.org/ ), the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/ ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to reinforcement.
For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable, finally 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why.
Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
NOW what we would like you to do is to either go to a different news source, NPR (http://www.npr.org/ ), the BBC (http://www.bbc.co.uk/ ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece, 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment, 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is, 4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior, 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable, finally 6) tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive punishment, or negative punishment. Explain why.
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
When you are done, copy and paste the URLs at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let us know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
1. My article comes from Today News. In the article, it explains how members of the Chicago Tribune sent 60 boxes of pizza to the Boston Globe newsroom, with a note explaining how they appreciate all of their hard work during the tragic events of the Boston Marathon bombings and expressing their support.
2. The target behavior is the Tribune sending the pizza to the Boston Globe for their lunch as reinforcement for their hard work and dedication.
3. The consequence of the behavior is the appreciation of those at the Boston Globe and their continuation of very hard work and good work.
4. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, because it included the addition of a desirable stimulus that reinforces them to continue to work hard.
5. The consequence involved the addition of something desirable (free pizza for lunch)
6. The antecedent is the Tribune sending lunch to the Boston Globe
A= Chicago Tribune sends pizza to the Boston Globe
B= Boston Globe enjoys pizza and feels appreciated
C= Boston Globe employees continue to work hard and do a great job
This is an example of positive reinforcement because a desirable stimulus is added in order to increase the target behavior, which is working hard/doing a great job.
This article involves establishing operations because a desirable stimulus (the pizza) was presented and will make the workers to work even harder, increasing their desire for reinforcement again.
Source URL:
1. My article comes from the Sun Sentinel in Miami. It discusses how the NBA is going to be cracking down on players flopping throughout the 2013 playoffs. Fines are going to be implemented for players who get called for flopping in a game, and after each offense the fine will increase ($5,000 for the first offense). The article talks about the Miami Heat, who are known for being a team that has a lot of players who flop in games, and how they have now cut back on flopping and playing more disciplined basketball because they don’t want to pay the new fines. The league hopes that all teams in the playoffs will cut back on flopping due to these new, stricter rules.
2. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is flopping, because a fine is implemented each time it is done so players are punished each time.
3. The consequence of the behavior is a fine, starting at $5,000 for the first time, $10,000 for the second time, $15,000 for the third time, and $30,000 for the fourth time. If a player is called for a flop a sixth time, they will have to pay an increased fine or possible suspension from the next game.
4. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because players do not want to give up money out of their own pockets, especially players on lower salary contracts like rookies.
5. This consequence involves the removable of something desirable, which is money.
6. The antecedent is implementing the new flopping rules
A= League implements new flopping rules
B= Players who flop get fined
C= Players will cut back on flopping (don’t want to lose more money)
This is an example of positive punishment, because an aversive stimulus has been added in order to decrease the chances that that same behavior will be emitted again.
Source URL:
Terms Used – Target Behavior, Positive Reinforcement, Reinforcement, Consequence, Desirable, Stimulus, Establishing Operations, Aversive, Stimulus, Emitted
1. I chose an article titled "When Cheeseburger= Walking, Will We Eat Less?" This article is about how putting the amount of exercise needed to burn of the food items on a menu decreases the ordering of unhealthy foods and the amount of foods that people eat.
2. The target behavior is the number of hours put on menus to show how much exercise it will take to burn off the calories from the food item.
3. The consequence of this behavior is that people will choose better food items and decease how much they eat.
4. This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because people will be more healthy and not feel as bloated after eating certain foods.
5. This consequence involves the addition of something desirable, showing people how long it takes to burn off unhealthy foods.
6. The antecedent is putting those numbers on the menus.
A= Putting numbers on menus
B= People will order more healthy food and eat less
C= People will be more healthy and feel less bloated
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the information of how many hours it will take to burn off calories is pleasurable to people because they will realize what they are actually eating and how harmful it could be to them.
Source: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/04/23/178632857/when-cheeseburger-walking-will-we-eat-less
1. This article is about a murder charge against a doctor. He was originally charged with 7 counts of murder and now they have dropped it so he is now facing 5 counts. He was accused of doing abortions passed the legal time and even killing another woman by giving her lethal doses of sedatives while she awaited her abortion.
2. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is the doctor killing the babies passed the legal time and killing the woman by giving her lethal doses of medicine.
3. The consequence of the behavior is the man going to prison or losing his life.
4. This consequence will decrease the frequency of this man performing abortions because if he is convicted, he will be sitting in prison or dead.
5. This could both involve the addition of something undesirable (jail time and death) and the removal of something desirable (freedom).
6. The antecedent is the women coming in to get the abortion done.
A= Women coming in for the procedure
B= Doctor performs procedure regardless of how far along they are and kills one woman doing it
C= Jail time, death penalty
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves something aversive to the doctor and will decrease the frequency of him performing abortions passed the legal limit.
Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/23/17879826-judge-drops-3-murder-charges-against-doctor-kermit-gosnell?lite
Terms: Target behavior, positive reinforcement, consequence, aversive, antecedent, negative punishment
The first article I chose for this weeks blog touches base in what many parents in todays society wonder. Does technology hinder or help toddler's learning? Although this article talks about both sides in which technology can hinder and help toddlers. It is clear that the article makes a specific distinction between the importance of what your toddler is doing in front of a screen (technology) rather than if the toddler is or is not in front of a screen. Research has shown that interacting with Ipads helps toddlers understand how things work and help facilitate learning. 2) having a toddler interact with Ipads 3) depending on what the toddler is doing in the program they are interacting on the Ipad the consequences can be a positive learning experience. 4 and 5) the consequence involves the addition of something desirable for toddlers (interacting with the world) 6.) the Antecedent is in a classroom setting.
A- classroom setting (day care)
B- toddlers interacting with Ipads
C- depending on what the toddler is doing during the interacting with the Ipad, the consequence can be rewarding for the toddler.
This is an example of positive reinforcement, as the toddler begins to mature their competence with technology and how things work grows.
The second article I chose is about a name named Brian Eno, this man has done soundtracks around the world his recent work was for the London Olympics opening ceremony. Even more recently Eno has been working on an idea of implementing something he calls a quiet room in hospitals. This would be an area that would display some type of art design and tranquil music composed by Eno himself. This area will give patients and patients family an escape from the generally busy hectic world of a hospital. 2) The target behavior in this situation is to calm patients and patients family. 3) One consequence of creating the “quiet room”, is individuals who are stressed about their loved one in surgery can have a sense of being calm. Or the individual who finds out that they have advanced stage of cancer has a safe place for them to go to and sit and think or perhaps think of nothing. 5) the rooms will help increase individuals to emit relaxation and being calm. 6 the antecedent is in hospitals, typically known for being stressful for both patients, patients family and individuals who work under these conditions.
A- hospitals
b- creating quite rooms by Eno
c- increase relaxation, decreases stress
This is an example of positive reinforcement adding art and music to the hospital to emit relaxation from workers, patients and patients family
Terms- positive reinforcement , antecedent, ABC, behavior, consequence, emit, target behavior
The news article I found for reinforcement is Coffee for a Cause. The article discusses how some coffee farmers cut down trees and harm the rainforest in doing so. Recently farmers have discovered that trees are actually helpful toward their coffee plants and have many benefits. With these benefits coffee farmers are keeping and planting trees thus becoming more economically friendly. The target behavior in this article that illustrates reinforcement is keeping and planting trees. Consequences for planting and keeping trees is that it is more eco-friendly, their shade on the coffee plants produces a more desirable taste, the dead leaves improve soil fertility, and the trees provide a home for wildlife. These consequences are desirable to coffee farmers therefore they increase the frequency of the behavior of keeping and planting trees. These consequences involve the addition of something desirable which includes more eco-friendly, produces more desirable tasting coffee beans, and more. The antecedent in this context is growing coffee plants.
A= Coffee plant farms
B= keeping and planting trees
C= more eco-friendly, shade on the coffee plants produces a more desirable taste, dead leaves improve soil fertility, and the trees provide a home for wildlife
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable (better tasting beans, etc.) to increase the frequency of a target behavior (keeping and planting more trees).
The news article I chose for punishment is the Guantanamo hunger strike. 92 prisoners have gone on a hunger strike to protest open-ended detention. With this behavior, the military guards have resorted to force feed detainees by placing tubes down their throats and noses. The target behavior that the military want to change is to end the hunger strike therefore they reverted to punishment in which they force feed the prisoners with tubes. The consequence to force feeding the prisoners is that it is undesirable to the prisoners and they will not die of starvation. These consequences may decrease the frequency of the hunger strike by causing counter-productiveness and unpleasantness which may cause the prisoners to give up their behavior. This consequence is the addition of something undesirable which is food/nutrients to the prisoners’ bodies. The antecedent in this context is the open-ended detention within the prison that caused the hunger strike.
A= hunger strike due to open-ended detention within the prison
B= force feeding detainees
C= unpleasant and will not die of starvation
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable (food/nutrients) to decrease the frequency of a target behavior (hunger strike).
Terms: antecedent, consequence, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, target behavior, frequency
The first article I found was entitled Coffee For a Cause talking about how farmers in Costa Rica are being rewarded for changes made in their farming practices to more sustainable methods of farming their coffee beans. Because of deteriorating conditions in the rain forest of Costa Rica, farmers are given the incentive of an extra 15 cents per pound of coffee beans for making specific changes to their current farming practices that create a more sustainable environment. The target behavior in this situation is that of trying to get farmers in Costa Rica to change their farming practices to better reflect on well-being of the rainforest in which they grow their coffee beans. The consequence is being reinforced with 15 cents more per pound of coffee the farmer sells. The consequence has increased the farmers behaviors and more farmers are starting to change their farming practices in order to receive the reward. In this case, the consequence requires the addition of something desirable- more money for the same amount of coffee they are selling. In this situation the antecedent is the deteriorating condition of the rain forest in Costa Rica.
A= Deteriorating conditions of the rain forest in Costa Rica due to farming practices
B= Farmers participating in more sustainable coffee bean farming practices
C= Farmers receiving more money for their coffee beans
This is an example of positive reinforcement for the fact that the farmers who are being certified as sustainable farmers are being reinforced for their change in behavior by the addition of more money for their product. This situation is also an example of establish operations for the fact that the farmers will be reinforced by selling coffee beans no matter what. In this case they are creating a more intriguing reinforcer by adding an additional 15 cent payment for coffee beans that are grown under specific conditions.
The second article I found to display punishment was a story about a deceased man who was charged a late fee for a bill from Virgin Media. After the man’s son-in-law tried to contact the company to reverse the charges and nothing was done, the man posted a photo of the bill to Facebook where the picture and story went viral to over 53,000 people. As a result to the viral post, the company is receiving a lot of grieve from both social media, press, and customers. The target behavior in this situation is the company ignoring the customers complaints. As a result, the consequence of the behavior is the large amounts of ridicule that is being received by the company themselves. Based on this consequence, Virgin media had to give a public apology to the family which will likely reduce the frequency of similar situation happening in the future. This situation involves the addition of an aversive stimulus which creates the idea of punishment. The antecedent is the death of the Virgin Media Customer.
A= Death of Virgin Media Customer
B= Ignoring request of family members to cancel the account
C= Virgin Media receiving ridicule from media and customers
This is an example of positive punishment because it presented an unfavorable outcome, having to publically admit their wrong doing, following an undesirable behavior,
Terms: Incentive, behavior, consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, establishing operations, aversive, desirable, positive punishment, stimulus,
1) The article I choose was “Chicago fast food, retail workers strike today”. In this article the employees of some fast food chains went on strike today because they believe they should being getting paid more then what they are. Protestors took strike in front of Nordstrom Rack on State Street in downtown Chicago. The employees were protesting for higher pay and more opportunities. These protestors are fighting for $15 dollars an hour, and hoping to affect main chains such as McDonalds, Subway, Macys, and Victoria’s Secret.
2) The behavior that I am using to illustrate reinforcement is the protestors goin on strike and protesting.
3) The consequence of the behavior is that because they’re protesting they’re not going to work.
4) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because by them not going to work that elicits the protestors to strike and protest.
5) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable because they’re removing themselves from getting paid less then what they want, which is an undesirable stimulus.
6) The antecedent to going on strike is not getting paid enough.
A= Low wages
B= Going on strike
C= Not going to work
This is a good example of negative reinforcement because the consequence is the removal of something undesirable. By the protesters not going to work their going on strike behavior is reinforced because if they’re not going to work they’re mor likely to protest and strike for higher wages.
1) The article I choose to write about is “Illinois shooting: Suspect to helped wounded girl after killing 5”. I choose this article because it seemed interesting to me and once I read it I realized an obvious behavior that was being emitted. In summary, this article was about a man, Smith, who murdered a family of 5. To me it seemed to be because of a custody issue that had to do with a young girl related to the 5 people. Three of the five people were young children. After Smith murdered the family he picked up one of the children, a young girl who was 6 years old. Smith proceeded to take the young girl to the neighbor’s home and then took off. Smith was then chased by police officers and died in a shoot out with them.
2) The behavior that is illustrated in this article is Smith killing the 5 family members.
3) The consequence of the behavior is Smith ends up getting killed by police offers.
4) The consequence will decrease the behavior from happening again in the future because Smith is now dead and will not be able to kill anyone every again.
5) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable because Smith was removed from the situation and will not being able to murder ever again.
6) The antecedent to Smith murdering those 5 family members was him having issues with the custody of his daughter.
A= Stress over custody with daughter
B= Killed 5 family members
C= Smith was murdered by police
This is an example of negative punishment because something was removed from the situation. Smith was murdered and can no longer kill, therefore removed from the situation.
Terms: negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, behavior, reinforcement, punishment, undesirable, stimulus, and desirable.
1) My article talks about how Ford motor company is gaining in popularity in China. More and more people in China are begining to drive Ford vehicles and even though this is happening Ford has a long way to go. They are number 12 in auto sales in China holding on to only 3% of the market.
2) Since more people in China are driving Fords, Ford is putting more auto facotries in China and producing more Fords for the people.
3) The consequence of this behavior is the Ford company making more money beacause more people are buying their cars.
4) The consequence will increase the behavior becuase the purpose of a company is to make money. If Ford starts to sell more of their cars in China then they will make more money. If this happens, Ford's behavior of selling and making more cars in China will increase.
5) This consequence invovles the addition of something desirable. More money is the addition to the consequence.
6) Althought the antecedent is not stated, it could be that Ford wanted more money, the need for different cars was needed in China, or people in China requested Ford cars.
A= People in China wanted Ford cars
B= Ford started selling and manufaturing cars in China
C= Ford is making more money.
7) This behavior is definatly an example of positive reinforcement. Good responses from the Chinese people elcit Ford to make and sell more cars in China. Since people are buying them Ford started to emit that behavior. Ford, in return, made more money which positivly reinforces them to continue emitting that behavior.
8) This behavior represents strongly positive reinforcement because a positive stimulous is added as a consequenct to Ford's beahvior. This is what buisness is about. If respose to Fords vehicles was negative that would be a negative reinforcement and Ford would be being punished for having their cars in China. Ford would obviously stop putting their cars in China because loosing money is very adversive to companies. Since Ford is getting a desirable response from the people in China and making more money, they will continue to put their cars in China.
1) This article discusses racial attacks in Greece have increased from last year. The Greek economy has almost totally collapsed and has relied on foreign loans to stay a float. This has cause unemployment in Greece to hit 27%. With jobs being scarce, native Greeks have been attacking immagrants who have come to Greece. These attacks have been brutal and some have even lead to death.
2) The behavior illusrating punishment is immigrants coming into Greece.
3) The consequence to this behavior is that these immigrants are being deported and being beaten and sometimes killed by native Greeks.
4) This consequent will decrease the behavior because an extremely adversive stimulous is being applied to the immigrants. They will be less likey to stay in Greece and future immigrants will be more hesatant to come into Greece.
5) This consequence involves the addition of something undesirable. The undesirable stimuli being added is deportation and physical beatings that in some cases end in death.
6) The antecedent is people emmigrating to Greece.
A= People emmigrating to Greece
B= Those immigrants are beaten, mistreated, and deported by native Greeks
C= Those immigrants leave Greece and future ones do not come to Greece.
7) This is an example of positive reinforcement because an adversive stimuli has been added to the behavior. There were no beatings before immigrants came to Greece and once they came over there was.
Terms: antecedent,positive reinforcement,adversive,stimuli,beahvior,consequence,desirable,positive reinforcement,negative,reinforcement,punish,desirable,elicit,emit
The article I picked is titled “Brazil judge orders Facebook memorial page removed”. To summarize this article, it was about how a mother of Juliana Ribeiro Campos who has filed a case arguing that messages, songs, and photos posted on the facebook memorial page has caused her distress. The Brazilian Judge has ordered facebook to delete the profile of the 24-year-old who passed away last year. Recently, there was a ruling issued to facebook saying that they had 48 hours to remove the profile as asked earlier. For some time, facebook withdrew public access to Campos’s profile. According to facebook guidelines include a right to remove a deceased user’s timeline and all content associated with that profile upon the request of a verified family member. The target behavior that illustrated reinforcement is facebook not removing the facebook page. The consequence is imprisonment because they (facebook) are disobeying the courts orders. The consequence would take away something undesirable because the page is undesirable for the mother of the deceased girl. Her mother would like the page removed because it causes her extreme distress and facebook is not listening to her orders so that’s why she got the court involved. The antecedent is implementing the facebook guidelines that state that the removal of a deceased person’s facebook can be taken down when requested by a verified family member.
A=Implementing facebook guidelines for the removal of a deceased person’s facebook can be taken down when requested by a verified family member.
B=Not removing page causes mother of girl extreme distress.
C= Imprisonment is the consequence because if facebook doesn’t remove facebook page they are disobeying court orders.
This would display positive reinforcement because we are removing something that is undesirable for someone which would cause them less distress if it was removed.
The article I picked to do that displays punishment is called “Catherine, Herbert Schaible's Second Child Dies after Parents Use Prayer, No Medicine.” In this article it talks about how some parents in Philadelphia use prayer to heal their children when sick instead of giving them medicine. However, prayer did not work and they have not lost two children and the jury thinks that these parents are dangerous to their children. For their first child’s death they were convicted of involuntary manslaughter and only issued probation for ten years. At a hearing Monday a judge told the couple that they violated their probation noting that the Schaibles told investigators that they prayed to God to make their son better instead of seeking medical attention. At a hearing Monday, a judge told the couple they had violated the terms of their probation, noting the Schaibles had told investigators that they prayed to God to make Brandon well instead of seeking medical attention. The judge said “You did that once, and the consequences were tragic.” And so, they are doing an autopsy to confirm the cause of their child’s death and then the court will be able to go from there. The behavior that illustrates punishment is that the Schaibles pray to God for their children to get better rather than seeking medical attention. The consequence of the behavior is the death of two of their children now and they are possibly going to jail. The consequence will hopefully decrease the frequency of it happening again to their seven other children because they will be in jail. The antecedent is making the parents serve a prison sentence for their children’s deaths.
A= the antecedent is making the parents serve a prison sentence for their children’s deaths.
B= the behavior is that the Schaibles pray to God for their children to get better rather than seeking medical attention.
C= the consequence is that their children die from not seeking medical attention because they are that sick that they need the medical attention and that the parents will be jailed.
This would be negative punishment because their religion suggests that they use prayer instead of seek medical attention when sick but it has resulted in horrible consequences of them now losing two sons because they relied on prayer instead of seeking medical attention.
Terms: negative reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, behavior, punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, desirable, undesirable.
1.) I decided to read an article on drinking a soda a day increasing the risk of diabetes. Research has found that the risk goes up dramatically if an individual drinks a soda or more each day. There are 9 potential hazards of drinking soda and diet soda that can cause other health issues besides sugar. A few of these hazards include carcinogenic artificial colors and phosphoric acid. There is a catch, people that drink soda and exercise normally compared to people that don’t exercise normally makes a difference in the likelihood of getting diabetes. 2.) Drinking a soda or more a day without exercise. 3.) The consequence is getting diagnosed with diabetes. 4.) People realize that empty calories can cause diabetes if exercise isn’t included in their lifestyle/diet. The cost of being diabetic could also play a role. 5.) The consequence could cause the removal of something desirable and the addition of something undesirable. If people love soda and it was removed from their diet it would be a removal. If people hated exercise it could be the addition of something undesirable. 6.) Drinking a soda a day without adding exercise to the diet.
A: not exercising
B: drinking a soda a day without exercise
C: getting diabetes
This would be an example of negative punishment. The good thing that would be taken away is the person’s health. Once they have diabetes they would have to get insulin and get their blood sugar readings every day. This would be the removal of something good, in this case the persons health.
1.) I decided to do my article over reinforcement about an 11 yr. old girl named Sylvia Todd. She is a young scientist that creates things such as painting robots and solar powered grasshoppers. She has visited the white house, ted talk’s conferences and is sought after for several speaking engagements as well. She likes to create and destroy stuff while shooting her show which is posted on YouTube. It’s called Sylvia’s super awesome maker show. 2.) Sylvia making all these scientific gadgets and posting them on the internet so the world can see. 3.) She is getting attention from people who want her to speak, the white house science fair and you tube. 4.) This is causing her to become more popular in the world so she will keep creating science projects and gadgets because 1.5 you tube users like her, she has meant the president which approved of her painting robot.5.) This causes the addition of something desirable. She’s getting a lot of attention locally and nationally when she creates these inventions. 6.) The antecedent is her passion for destroying things which led to her videos of creation.
A: Wanting to destroy things
B: creating science inventions
C: Getting media and presidential attention
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. This is strengthening her behavior to want to create more inventions, record them and post them online. Based on B.F. Skinners theory this is operant conditioning in the positive form. The president, YouTube and even ted talks have taken notice of her show. She has received over 1.5 million web hits already.
Terms: Reinforcement, punishment, operant conditioning, behavior modification, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, B.F Skinner.
This article is about a man named Mahmood Al Zarooni, who was caught in a doping scandal by the British Racing authorities. He has been banned from racing for 8 years. He worked as a stable groomer for quite some time. He started to race horses in 2011 winning the British Classic. He had been working for the stable Godolphin as a trainer when he got caught. He apologized to the racing community and to the owner of the stables. He said it was his job to know the rules of racing and that he has made a big mistake. He gave two different kinds of steroids to the horses he was training. Both of them of course were illegal. All of the horses he trained will need to be tested and cleared before they race again. 15 horses he has worked with have already been banned from racing. Because he has been banned from racing he really can’t do the behavior anymore, therefore it really is an effective punishment. Although he could eventually return to racing it is unlikely that he will be hired again for the scandal he has been caught up in. This punishment involves the removal of something desirable which would be him training race horses. The antecedent would most likely be the pressure he felt for his horses to win races, and continue to have success. To give his horses even more of a chance of winning he felt it would be helpful to give them enhancers.
A= wanting to win races
B=doping the horses
C=getting caught and getting banned from racing
This would be negative punishment because he is being banned from racing, which is something he likes.
This article is about why humans find music so appealing. There have been many theories; however there isn't a definite or proven theory yet. One of the most common theories however is that when we listen to music we enjoy our brain releases dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with feeling good and happy. So when we listen to music and get happy feelings it is reinforcing and makes us want to listen to more music. Dopamine getting released into our system would be the addition of something desirable, because we all like feeling happy. The antecedent could be people wanting to feel good and so we look for something to make us feel better than we are now. Music can be a good pick me up for a lot of people.
A= wanting to feel good
B= Listening to music
C= having dopamine released and feeling good
It would be positive reinforcement because it is adding the good feelings associated with dopamine release
Terms: positive reinforcement, antecedent, reinforcing, negative punishment.
Reinforcement and Punishment (All in one)
Okay I realize I did things a little unorthodox here but it’s something I feel strongly about, that I feel most people will write about in another way, and I didn’t think two articles were necessary to illustrate reinforcement and punishment.
1) This article talks about the death of Sunil Tripathi, incorrectly identified as the Boston Marathon Bomber, before names were released 2) The target behavior is prejudice and it’s reinforced by terrorists attacks in the U.S. 3) the consequence of the behavior, unfortunately, is that a lot of innocent people get ostracized, and a lot of fear and accusations happen 4) The consequence increases the frequency of the behavior because as more people are assumed to be dangerous, terrorists, security threats etc. and more acts of terror occur the more U.S. citizens are likely to generalize that all members of a particular religion or ethnic background are dangerous and more prejudice follows 5) The consequence is negative reinforcement because people are more likely to be prejudice in the future due to supposedly removing potential threats 6) The antecedent to the behavior in this case was the Boston Marathon Bombing, 9-11, and whatever potential weapons of mass destruction U.S. citizens still think other countries possess.
A= Boston Marathon Bombing
B= Prejudice and stereotyping
C= Sunil Tripathi, an innocent person found dead, was accused of being a terrorist.
I would like to say this should be punishment because you think accusing an innocent person would be aversive, cause shame and regret, and lead you to not do it again. Unfortunately, this isn’t an example of punishment because the bombers who have been identified as the Tsarnaev brothers, who allegedly have committed the terrorist attacks in protest to American intervention, will continue to elicit prejudice. Although what happened to Sunil is tragic, most people will not change their behavior because the Tsarnaev brothers were said to have been influenced by a muslim convert practicing strict radical Islam. I feel that most U.S. citizens have been desensitized to violence against middle easterners because they feel that these terrorist attacks justify the consequences.
I want to say to people from the United States who believe that stereotyping against Islams, muslims, or people that come from the middle east in general is justified to think a little. Many innocent people have died at the hands of United States citizens in past wars, recent wars, in accidents, and not much has ever been solved in the way of stopping violence with violence. So how would you feel if you got stared at everywhere, got accused of crimes you didn’t commit, got extra security attention at every airport and event you attended, and how would you feel if someone proclaimed that all Christianity was bad because one particular branch of Christianity caused crimes against humanity? This is the harm in generalization. I would hope that one day the human race would look at all the death, destruction, and violence as aversive outcomes of war and be less likely to declare it in the future. I realize an argument can be made for the good consequences that war brings, but frankly I think they are heavily outweighed by the negative, and I think the same thing can be achieved in a different manner.
I could make very terrible jokes here about how terrorist attacks involve a lot of “extinction” and “establishing operation” but due to the seriousness and controversy of the topic, I will just end my blog with my deepest sympathy and prayers for the Tripathi family, the Tsarnaev family, and all those affected by any result of warfare, which in that case is the entire world.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, aversive, target behavior, generalization, elicit, positive, negative reinforcement, extinction, establishing operation
A seven-year-old girl from Oregon has acute lymphoblastic leukemia and has been permitted to use medical marijuana. She is one of the youngest people that emits the behavior of using medical marijuana and her parents are in charge of controlling how much she gets and when. She takes the medical marijuana because it helps with some of the side effects, but there is a chance that it could alter her brains development.
1. The first behavior that I will look at is trying to help get rid of the symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. So the target behavior is to minimize the aversive side effects of leukemia. 2. The consequence to using medical marijuana is that it minimizes the side effects. It helps get rid of the nausea, restlessness, and the loss of appetite. 3. This consequence will increase the frequency in which the child takes the medication because it does help with the side effects. 4. This consequence involves the addition of medical marijuana. 5. The antecedent to this is a young child having cancer.
A- Child with Cancer
B- Takes medical marijuana
C- Gets rid of the side effects of chemotherapy.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive reinforcement because it has the addition of marijuana and it is reinforcing because it has positive effect.
The article that I found was about how the federal government is starting to take action against 'dangerous toys' that are shipped from overseas before they even get to store shelves. Last year, a reported 193,000 children were injured by unsafe toys, and to prevent future injuries, the federal government has made a list of toys that are 'dangerous' and urge that parents shouldn't buy those toys for their kids. Ultimately, the Product Safety Commissioner wants parents to read the warnings on toys, make sure they are age-appropriate for their children, and provide necessary protective gear when it is required.
1) The intended target behavior is to sell toys that are safe to children of all ages. 2) The consequence of this behavior would be that everyone is happy because the kids would have a fun toy, the parents could know they are safe, and the toy companies would be making a profit. 3) This consequence would increase the frequency of sales and production of safe toys. 4) This outcome requires the addition of inspection from federal product safety personnel to allow the safe toys to be sent to stores. 5) The antecedent is approval from the product safety employees to elicit the distribution of the toys.
A= Toys are deemed 'safe'
B= Parents purchase the toys
C= Everyone involved is happy
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of professional inspection ensures the trust from parents which leads to a higher profit for toy companies since parents and children end up happy with their products. As a result, parents would want to buy more safe toys for their children.
Terms: target behavior, aversive, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, frequency, elicit, ABCs
1. I watched a video of a woman who lost her foot in the Boston bombing. She was one of the runners, but she is also a ballroom dancer. She seemed really optimistic, like she was dealing with it well. She says that she is determined to dance again and to run the marathon next year.
2. The target behavior in this example is running the marathon, as it illustrates reinforcement.
3. The consequence of running in the marathon is that she lost her foot because of the bomb that went off.
4. The consequence increased the likelihood of the behavior because she is more determined than ever to do all the things she can even though she lost her foot, she even said that she plans on running in the marathon next year.
5. The consequence of losing her foot involves the removal of something desirable, that being her foot. Obviously having a foot is more desirable than not having one because it got blown off by a bomb.
6. The antecedent is being in the marathon in Boston at the location of the bomb and at the time that the bomb went off. This example helps me to see how important antecedents are because if she hadn’t been in that exact place, she might still have her foot.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it increased the frequency of the behavior by removing something desirable, her foot. Normally, this would describe negative punishment. However, it cannot be punishment because it did not decrease the frequency of the behavior. She is still going to run in the marathon.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Boston
B= Running in the marathon
C= Losing her foot
1. In this article, Reese Witherspoon was arrested for disorderly conduct when her and her husband got pulled over. Her husband was accused of drunk driving and she asked the officer “Do you know my name?”
2. The target behavior that illustrates punishment is “disorderly conduct” or back talking to the police officer.
3. The consequence of the behavior is being arrested.
4. The consequence will decrease the likelihood of the behavior being repeated because no one wants to be arrested, especially someone who is famous and has a certain image to uphold.
5. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable: her freedom. When you are arrested you don’t really get a choice in the matter. It’s not like she could just drive home and tell them to screw off.
6. The antecedent is being in a car with her husband who was driving drunk, and she was also intoxicated.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= being in a car with her husband, both drunk, & getting pulled over
B= talking back to the police officer
C= getting arrested
This is an example of negative punishment because something desirable is being removed, her freedom. This will decrease the likelihood of the behavior being repeated. She even apologized in the article for her behavior.
Behavior, consequence, target behavior, antecedent, reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment
1) My first article has to do with monkeys in and around Venice. According to this article, when monkeys travel to a new place, they want to eat like the locals. They seem to do it to fit into their social network. They talk about a study that showed that younger monkeys will eat what they see their mom and dad eating. 2) The target behavior would be to eat what your elders are eating, which happens to be what the locals eat. 3)The consequence of eating what the elders eat is fitting in with the norm. They see their parents eating it so it must be the best choice. When they do this, they are reinforced by all the other monkeys by fitting in. 4) The consequence will increase the behavior because everyone wants to feel like they belong to their group and eating the same way is a good way to do it. 5) The consequence includes the addition of something desirable, fitting in. 6) The antecedent is seeing their mom eat a certain food.
A= watching mother and other monkeys eat something
B= make same food choice as their elders
C= fit in with all the monkeys
It is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of a reward for a certain behavior, in this case, eating the same food as the other monkeys.
1) My article that illustrates punishment has to do with direct deposit loans. It is a service that big banks offer. They will deposit $500 to your account but you must pay it back next time your check is deposited. They also take a 50 dollar fee. Once you make that first borrow, you have to keep borrowing that five hundred every time you pay it back because they take an extra fifty also. 2) The behavior would be requesting the five hundred dollar loan in the first place. 3) The consequence is having to pay it back in full in a short time, plus fifty extra dollars. 4) The consequence will decrease the behavior, if possible, because you are having to pay extra money to borrow it. 5) The punishment includes the addition of an aversive stimuli, in this case, the fifty dollar fee. 6) The antecedent is needing or wanting to borrow the money.
A= needing/wanting extra money
B= take the loan
C= pay a fee to get the money
It is positive punishment because it includes the addition of an aversive stimuli. You have to pay a fee to get the loan when you pay it back.
terms: punishment, positive punishment, aversive, stimuli, reinforcement, addition, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior
The article I chose that shows reinforcement is called “Would you buy a “suspended coffee” for someone in need?” Years ago this “suspended coffee” service started and is now becoming popular in several other places as well. When you go into a participating café and buy a coffee you are actually paying for two coffees. That means you are buying a coffee for someone who can’t afford it or is having a tough time. It’s a very rewarding feeling to be helping someone and I feel like this is a great example of reinforcement. It’s increasing the likelihood that people will continue to buy “suspended” coffees because they are helping someone in need. To a lot of people who good hearts that can be very reinforcing.
The behavior that is being admitted is buying a suspended coffee. The consequence that is being admitted is someone who can’t afford to buy a coffee can get a free coffee. The consequence will increase the behavior because people feel like it’s very rewarding and reinforcing when they can help someone in need. It feels good when you are doing something nice for someone else. This behavior includes the addition or something desirable because the person getting the free coffee is “adding something desirable” and the person buying the coffee is feeling “good” and “happy” about doing a good deed and I don’t find that negative at all.
The antecedent is having someone buy the “suspended coffee”
A-Going to a participating café
B-Buying a suspended coffee
C-Someone in need getting a free coffee
This is an example of positive reinforcement because this behavior will increase the likelihood that it will happen again in the future. Since this is a desirable consequence then it’s a positive reinforcer.
For my punishment article I am using an article called “Boston ER Doctor Finds Marathon Memories Hard to Shake.” I found this to demonstrate punishment because they are undesirable consequences and you want to decrease the likelihood that they will happen in the future. In this article ER doctor speaks about how nervous she was when all the victims were coming in because her husband was going down by the finish line to watch the race and every person that came in she was hoping it wasn’t her husband. She says later that she felt even worse when she got to thinking about it because she wouldn’t want to wish any ill will to anybody else but then again she didn’t want her husband coming in to the ER either.
To illustrate punishment I am using the Boston Marathon Bombing because they are giving people bad memories and awful thoughts to remember about that horrible day. The consequence of that day is how people have to cope with what happen and move on. They are having awful memories, thoughts and feelings from what happen. This is punishment because it nobody should have to deal with the aftermath of such a terrible thing. The two suspects are punishing all the victims and families involved in this situation. This involved the addition or something undesirable so it’s positive punishment. The Boston Marathon Bombing involves the addition or aversive memories into all the people involved. The antecedent of this particular incident is the ER Doctor’s husband went down to watch the marathon.
A-Doctor’s husband went to watch the Boston Marathon
B-The two bombing went off
C-People were critically injured and people’s lives were taken
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition or something undesirable. The thoughts and memories that people now have to deal with are very traumatic and scary.
Terms: Positive Reinforcement, Behavior, Aversive, Positive Punishment, Desirable, Undesirable, Consequence, Antecedent, Behavior, Punishment
1) In the article titled Easy Stress Relief: 5 Ways To Decompress In Just 5 Minutes they are looking at healthy activities that can be emitted during a regular day that can lead to the decrease in the undesired presence of stress in our lives.
2) They list 5 things that can help lead to a more stress free life. Eat a healthy snack, short walk with meditation, heart-opening stretches, visualize with meditation, and finally, talk to a friend over the phone.
3) The consequence of doing these five things will be less stress in one’s life.
4) After performing these stress-relievers and seeing the results, people will be more likely to do them again in the future due to the good feeling they get.
5) The target behavior involves the addition of something desirable (activities that leads to reduced stress) but also will include the removal of something undesirable (stress).
6) The antecedents for the target behavior include almost any daily routine. You can do many of the 5 activities almost anytime, anywhere.
A-Anywhere stress is encountered
B-Practice any of the 5 methods of stress-relief
C-Less stress in your daily life
This is an example of positive reinforcement because only good things happen as a result of implementing any of the 5 stress-relieving methods into your daily routine. It involves the extinction of some of the negative activities that used to lead to stress.
1) In the article titled, MJ's Doctor Arnie Klein WANTED ...Arrest Warrant Issued, they talk about searching for Arnie Klein who is wanted because of his failure to show in court for bankruptcy.
2) The target behavior is arresting and holding in confinement Mr. Klein for failing to obey court orders.
3) The consequence of the behavior will be one less person out on the streets to abuse the bankruptcy guidelines our country has.
4) It will decrease the frequency of the behavior because Mr. Klein will be behind bars and not able to evade the court system.
5) The target behavior includes the addition of something undesirable. Being held in jail is not a pleasant way to spend your time.
6) The antecedent was the empty courtroom that alerted authorities to the runaway.
A-The empty court room.
B- Searching for, and locking up Mr. Klein
C-One less person abusing the bankruptcy policies in our country
This is an example of negative punishment, because it includes the removal of something desirable. That would be Mr. Klein’s freedom.
Terms: Undesirable, target behavior, extinction, desirable, antecedent, emit, consequence, positive reinforcement, negative punishment.
1. In Virginia four students were charged for the deaths of students that drowned in a river during a hazing session. The students led the victims into the river and were carried down stream where they drowned. Police are still looking for some of the bodies of other boys that allegidly drowned as well. The boys were going through a hazing initiation for a group that is not recognized as being officially affiliated with the college. Hazing is something that has been cracked down upon in the last few years and police warn that it is a very serioud issue, as shown in this instance in Virginia. The boys that were doing the hazing are being charged and going through legal processes now.
2. The target behavior in this situation is hazing activities.
3. The consequence of this target behavior is being charged with hazing and the death of the students that drowned.
4. The consequence of being charged with the deaths and hazing of the students that drowned is an aversive consequence to the boys that lead the hazing and will lead not only these boys from decreasing the frequency of the hazing behavior but, should serve as an example to others that hear this story and decrease the frequency of the target behavior of haing occuring across the nation.
5. Currently with just being charged with the crimes the consequence is the addition of something undesirable making it a positve punishment. If the boys are convicted and sentenecd then the consequence could be seen as taking away something pleasurable because they will lose some of their freedoms, making it a negative punishment.
6. The antecedent of this behavior is having the power to emit new members into a club.
A-The antecedent of this behavior is having the power to emit new members into a club.
B- The target behavior is leading hazing activies
C- The consequence is being charged with hazing and the deaths of the boys that drowned.
With where the sitation sits this is an example of a postive punishment because it involves the addition of the charges against the boys that led the hazing which is something that is seen as aversive.
1. In texas a study was done where in a restaurant the menus showed the number of minutes a person would have to spend on a brisk walk to burn off the calories of that item. The study showed that this brought about consumers choosing healthier optoins when compared to the groups that the restaurants showed the calories of each food or did not give any information at all. They believed that this is simply one way that restaurants can aid in consumers making healthier life choices and eating better foods.
2. The target behavior in this situation is having customers eat meals with less calories.
3. The consequence to the target behavior of chosing items to make a meal with less calories is having a healthier meal and in the end, making healthier choices about the foods that they eat.
4. The consequence increases the behavior or choosing healthier options by taking away the aversive feeling of a high number of minutes needed to walk off the calories consumed of their meal. This makes people want to choose the healthier options more often so that they do not feel bad about what they are eating.
5. The consequence involves the removal of something aversive. The thing that is aversive is the negative feeling that comes with a higher number of minutes needed to walk off the calories intaken in a meal.
6. The antecedent of the target behavior is listing the number of minutes of brisk walking required to walking off the calorie intake for each item on the menu.
A- The antecedent of the target behavior is listing the number of minutes of brisk walking required to walking off the calorie intake for each item on the menu.
B- The target behavior is choosing items on the menu that are healthier, which in this cased is signaled by the smaller number of minutes required of brisk walking to work off the calories of each item that is intaken.
C- The consequence of this target behavior is intaking less claories and choosing healthier items for meals which leads to a healthier lifestyle.
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves taking away the aversive feeling of having a high number of minutes needed of brisk walking to work off the calories of menu items which will increase the frequency of healthier food choices by the consumers.
Terms used: punishment, consequence, target behavior, frequency, aversive, positive punishment, negative punishment, antecedent
Article #1
1) The ever-growing problem with stinkbugs in the United States causes not only a problem with their smell, but also a problem for the farmers as well. The bugs eat through everything in sight, not just one or two plants like normal plant eating bugs. There are scientists that are in the process of trying to eliminate these bugs by observing how certain wasps can emit a stinkbug eating action. However that would mean releasing thousands of wasps into the country and then trying to control a wasp problem. Either way this situation is very aversive because due to the ineffectiveness the pesticide elicit on controlling the bug problem, they are not used. Right now, scientists can agree that the solution to this problem is not a one step problem but once achieved the reinforcements will be extremely desirable.
2) The target behavior is stinkbug elimination—particularly the brown marmorated stinkbug.
3) The initial consequence of the elimination of the bugs is the decrease in crop and vegetation being eaten and going to waste—aka a huge benefit for the farmer’s.
4) By decreasing the waste of crops and vegetation, there would be an increase in money in the farmer’s pockets leading them to believe that by continually getting rid of or keeping away the stinkbugs, they will receive more money for them to use on other things.
5) The consequence definitely involves the removal of something aversive and undesirable.
6) The antecedent is the rural United States.
A= Rural United States
B= Stinkbug Elimination
C= Decrease in crop and vegetation consumption and waste by bugs
7) This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something aversive. This exhibits establishing operations because the elimination of the bugs leads to lesser waste making it possible for the farmers to plant more crops, receive more money, and sell more products to the rest of America.
Article #2
1) This article is about the Browns’ left back Quentin Groves. Groves was arrested on April 17th in a prostitution sting that kept him from participating in the rest of the spring camp. With a trial date set for May 10th, Groves has a mountain of evidence piled against him. Phone recordings of Groves talking to the ‘prostitute’ (undercover female cop) show that Groves had fully planned on paying the prostitute for an hour of full service with an additional 20$ charge for other sexual acts—they even arrested him with condoms and just under 200$. The Browns’ have not made any lasting comments about the issue other then they are aware of it.
2) The target behavior is soliciting a prostitute.
3) The consequences for this action are jail time/prison time, possible fines, etc.
4) Hopefully he will learn from his time in jail/prison as well as when he pays his fines and possibly losses his contract with the Browns. These are all very aversive consequences and stigmatize him for the rest of his life.
5) This involves both the addition of something aversive and the removal of something desirable. His money and position as a professional football player are desirable and will be most likely lost. The addition of a stigma and his jail time are both very aversive.
6) The antecedent is Orange Village.
A= Orange Village
B= Soliciting a prostitute
C= Arrested with jail/prison time, fines, and possibility of losing his contract and job
7) I feel as though this is both positive and negative punishment because it involves the addition of something aversive (jail/prison, fines, etc) and the removal of something desirable (money, job, etc). Hopefully he will emit a learned behavior from this experience and not repeat his actions.
Terms: Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment, Addition, Aversive, Desirable, Emit, Learned Behavior, Antecedent, Consequences, Target Behavior, Negative Reinforcement, Establishing Operations, Elimination, Decrease, Increase, Elicit, Reinforcement
My article is about how New York is trying to come up with new ideas to make space for more people to live there. They predict that by 2030 there will be an additional 1 million people living in New York, and there is just not enough space for everyone to live. They are coming up with different ideas such as converting houses into multiple different apartments. This would make the space really small, so they have to keep coming up with ideas such as beds that fold into the wall, and tables that can be stored under the counters, to make living as comfortable as possible.
My target behavior is the people of New York building more efficient places to live that save space. This could either be remodeling places that currently exist, adding new places, or just transforming one place into multiple residences.
The consequence of this behavior is having more space in New York. The city will not seem as crowded.
Since the city will not be as crowded and will be utilizing space more efficiently, this will encourage people to do this more and more to save even more space. It will be like a snowball effect.
This behavior involves the addition of something desirable, more space. It could also involve the removal of something undesirable, however—less crowded space. It kind of involves both. It is not necessarily giving New York any more square footage, it is just using the space more wisely.
The antecedent is New York becoming over populated and crowded!
A=New York becoming overpopulated and crowded
B=building more efficient places to live
C=More space and less crowded space in New York!
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are adding something to New York, in this case more space saving and efficient buildings, which results in this behavior happening more often because of its good consequences.
My next article was about how a girl from the Delta Gamma sorority at the University of Maryland resigned from the sorority after writing a nasty letter to her fellow sisters. The letter contained a ton of profanity and criticized her sisters for not being fun enough and being socially awkward around boys. The article comments on how her resignation might not have been voluntary, hinting that she probably got kicked out of the sorority.
The target behavior in this case is one girl writing a horrible letter to her fellow sorority sisters.
The consequences of this behavior involve getting a lot of negative attention from the media, and more than likely getting kicked out of her sorority.
The consequences of getting kicked out of the sorority will prevent other people from writing such nasty letters to their sisters because they will not want to get kicked out of the sorority themselves. I think everyone in a sorority or fraternity will think twice about how they treat their fellow sisters and brothers.
I think this example of punishment involves the removal of something desirable, being able to be a part of the sorority. Obviously this person takes being in a sorority pretty seriously and likes to get involved and make good impressions on other sororities. She wants very badly to be a part of this sorority but because of her behavior of writing a nasty letter, being a part of the sorority is taken away from her.
The antecedent leading up to her behavior is her sorority sisters not being fun enough at certain outings. I am not really sure how sororities work exactly, but according to this person they were being awkward which apparently isn’t acceptable in a sorority, at least in her eyes.
A=sorority sisters being awkward and not fun enough
B=writing a nasty letter criticizing the sisters
C=getting kicked out of the sorority
This would be negative punishment because it involves the removal of something desirable, being in a sorority. Her behavior will cause others not to do the same thing because of the aversive consequences, therefore making writing nasty letters less likely to happen.
Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequences, reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, aversive,
1. The article I chose about reinforcement was about apartments in New York City that are rented illegally by having too many people living in a small apartment. The people illegally rent because rent is so expensive and a lot of people can't afford to have an apartment with just the legal amount of occupants. The article talked about a group of 4 taxi cab drivers that shared a two bedroom apartment for 300 dollars a month each. The cab drivers would take turns sleeping and working because they only had two bedrooms. Watson, the man behind the idea of building smaller, cheaper apartments said that the regulations for building are not helpful to the what is needed by today's residents, many who are single and young. This turns into craigslists posts looking for roommates and illegal living situations.
2. The target behavior is to have people rent apartments legally by giving them smaller and cheaper living places.
3. The consequence of this behavior would be less illegal renting and also have more living places for people because apartments would be smaller and cheaper.
4. The consequence would increase the frequency of this behavior because it wouldn't force people to have to rent illegally because they would have a smaller apartment more suitable for a young single person at a cheaper price therefore they could afford it without having many roommates and renting illegally.
5. The consequence involves the addition of something desirable and removal of something undesirable. It adds more apartments that are smaller and cheaper and more attractive to single young people and removes the multiple roommates that make things crowded.
6. The antecedent would be building these apartments that would allow people to legally rent apartments and save money.
A- Building smaller more affordable apartments
B- People rent legally
C- Less illegal renting and save money
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is allowing people to save money, live legally, and live more comfortably.
1. The article I chose that relates to punishment was about the Cleveland Browns linebacker, Quentin Groves. Groves was arrested on charges of soliciting a prostitute during a sting. Groves had just signed a two-year 2.8 millions dollar contract with the Browns just last month.
2. The target behavior for this article would be the act of soliciting a prostitute, which is obviously illegal
3. The consequence of the behavior was being arrested
4. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because being arrested is something no one wants and i'm sure it was very humiliating to him being caught on a prostitution sting, especially since he just signed on with an NFL team and he now has to face his teammates and coaches after this embarrassing things happened to him.
5. The consequence involves the removal of himself from public for a short period after being arrested. It also may remove him from the team if he has to spend time in jail and misses the Browns training camps.
6. The antecedent to this behavior is probably the want of sex that he had and was so desperate that he decided to partake in an illegal activity.
A- Want of sexual activities
B- Solicits a prostitute
C- Gets arrested
This is an example of negative punishment. Being arrested means he will have to spend a lot of money on a lawyer and everything else that comes with being arrested and might also have to spend time in jail.
1)The article I found to demonstrate reinforcement is about baby monkeys trying new things if they have their mother’s approval. The theme of this article is “do as the Romans do” These monkeys travel from place to place trying new food native to the place they’re in. As long as the new food has their mom’s approval, the baby monkeys will try anything.2)The target behavior is eating what your parents will eat. 3) The consequence is being like your mom and fitting in with what the locals are doing. By eating as their parents do, they are being reinforced by fitting in. 4) This will increase the behavior because the baby monkeys want to do as their mother is doing and fit in. They are being reinforced because they are belonging to the group. 5) the consequence is fitting in, the addition to something desirable. 6) The antecedent is seeing their mom eat the new food.
A=Watching the mom eat the local food
B=Eat the local food like the mom
C=Fit in with the other monkeys
This is reinforcement because it is the addition of something desirable such as fitting in by eating the food that the mom monkey is eating.
1)For punishment, I chose an article on the Guantanamo hunger strike. 86 of 166 prisoners are being force fed liquid meals through tube inserted in their noses and through their stomach because they refused to voluntarily eat. 2) The target behavior is to end the hunger strike. 3) The consequence to this hunger strike is force feeding the prisoners. 4) This will hopefully reduce the behavior of the starvation the prisoners are emitting. 5) The consequence is force feeding the prisoners which is the addition of something adverse. 6) The antecedent is the open ended detention in the prison.
A=Hunger strike, open ended detention
B= force feeding prisoners
C=Pain, being fed
This is punishment because it is the addition of something adverse such as forcibly receiving food.
TERMS: Behavior, target behavior, adverse, punishment, reinforcement, emit, consequence, antecedent
1.) The article I found is on the Huffington Post website about a student- Dean Saxton at Arizona State University who held up signs saying “You deserve rape”, as well as “Sorority girls are whores”, and “Frat boys are rapists” as well as calling girls who wear short shorts in 90 degree weather are asking to be raped. This caused quite a commotion and some students even held up their own signs, knocked his signs down, however the University allowed him to continue his protests because it is protected speech.
2)The target behavior for Brother Dean is to spread his offensive messages
3)The consequence of this is people getting really angry, knocking down his signs, University authority getting involved, and his story being publicized.
4) I’m not sure if the negative feedback from everyone will effect what he does in the future- but it is possible that he would decrease his offensive behavior.
5) It is the addition of people talking bad about him, getting angry, ripping his signs down, and bad publicity.
The ABC’s
Antecedent= Dean has a message he wants to share.
Behavior= He make signs with these offensive messages on them and displays them.
Consequence= Students and faculty get angry and he gets bad publicity.
This is an example of a positive punisher because it adds negative factors to the situation- bad rep, bad publicity, people are angry.
Terms Used: punishment, target behavior, consequence, negative feedback, antecedent, behavior, positive punisher
1)The article I read about reinforcement is talking about the Samsung smartphones which has surpassed Apple’s profits. This is due to the fact that Samsung has a variety of phones as well as cheaper range of them as opposed to Apple which only has the iPhone. This has increased their profits by 55% during the first three months of the year, from a year earlier.
2) The target behavior is increasing Samsung’s sales
3)The consequence of Samsung producing a variety of cheap smartphones is an increase in profit of 55% and surpassing Apple’s sales.
4)Because of the increase in demand Samsung will likely continue to produce more cheap smartphones for their customers.
5) This involves the addition of something desirable- an increase in profits as well as the removal of something undesirable- not surpassing Apple’s sales.
6)The antecedent is the production of cheap smart phones.
The ABC’s
Antecedent: Samsung produces cheaper range of smart phones.
Behavior: Cosumers buy them.
Consequence: Samsung customers increase their profits by 55% and surpass Apple’s sales.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because due to the production of a variety of cheap smart phones Samsung is able to sell a large amount of these phones and increasing their own profits. It is also negative reinforcement because it is taking away an undesirable aspect- not passing Apple’s profits.
Terminology Used: reinforcement, behavior, consequence, target behavior, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement
While reading the news today, I came across a very interesting article which states that scientists may be able to predict whether or not a child will develop autism later in life, simply by testing the placenta.
I have always found these genetic experiments to be very interesting, and the article states that the purpose of this is to be better prepared to raise a child with autism and to begin treatment much earlier. However, the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was the obvious fact that some people may use this as an excuse to get an abortion, if they can predict the chances of developing autism before birth. Whether a person is pro-life or pro-choice is not the issue, but the issue is that if a person chooses to get an abortion because they think their child will have developmental disabilities, that is eugenics in action. This relates a lot to psychology because we are faced with moral and ethical problems like this when conducting research.
The article did make a point to specify that the purpose of this research was to be able to predict the likelihood of developing autism so the parents knew what to look out for, and to more effectively treat the symptoms closer to the onset of the disorder rather than waiting too long to catch it.
However, we know that not all humans use the findings of research in the most ethical and moral ways, no matter how good of an intention the researcher had.
Anything genetic is the result of a mutation in the genes, which provides genetic variability to the human species. If people take a certain gene out of the gene pool, that genetic variability will begin to shrink. Hypothetically if everybody had the same DNA, the same environmental factor would end up wiping us all out at the same time, whereas with variability it may wipe out people who have a certain trait but leave behind people who have adapted to be immune to it.
I love research, and think that research is important, but if the end goal is eugenics, I would steer clear.
1.)The first article I looked at was talking about the asian stink bug overpopulation. The article focused on the farmers complication with the bugs and their crops. Stink bugs are heavily armored and hard to kill. Pesticides won't work because of the widespread of them. The solution they came to was the release of a certain genus of wasp. They have to be sure the wasp won't target our native stink bugs though, because that would have aversive affects on the environment. 2.) The behavior that they are doing is releasing the wasps in selected, controlled areas. 3.) This will lead to the wasps killing the asian stink bugs, which is what the farmers wanted. 4.) When they notice the reducing population of the asian stink bugs they will realize that the wasps were effective and will be more likely to release them in the future when facing asian stink bug problems. 5.) The consequence involves the removal of something undesirable, the stink bug. This makes it negative reinforcement. 6.) The antecedent of this would simply be the overpopulation of stink bugs leaving a negative impact on the farmers crop.
A- Asian stink bugs killing farmers' crop
B- Release wasps
C- Less Asian stink bugs
This is negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something undesirable.
1.) A supermarket chain had to withdraw bags of peanuts and refund money to those who bought them, because they forgot to include the allergy warning that the bag 'may contain peanuts'. 2.) The behavior that is being punished is the company forgetting to put the allergy information on the bag. 3.) The consequence is they had to withdraw their product and suffer a great loss in their revenue. 4.) If forgetting to do that wasn't profitable they will be extra careful to watch out for the allergy information and less likely to forget in the future. 5.) The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, money. 6.) The antecedent was probably some careless worker at the company thinking that a bag of nuts need not have allergy information stating that it may contain nuts.
A- careless company worker
B- forgot to put on allergy information
C- product recall/ loss of revenue
It is an example of negative punishment because it involves the loss of money, which is certainly desirable.
Terms: behavior, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement, negative punishment,
For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: I read about an article that was about Hybrid Grass and its ability to help reduce the flooding in UK. The article discussed the two types of grass they combined and planted in the soil. The used the perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates reinforcement: The behavior that is being reinforced is the planting of the hybrid grass, so if the grass grows and is able to absorb more water this would reinforce the researchers idea of using the hybrid grass from now on. 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence of the behavior is the production of better grass that absorbs more water. 4) tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior: the consequence will encourage the researchers to continue to use the hybrid grass. 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something desirable or if it involves the removal of something undesirable: the consequence involves the addition of a desirable outcome the hybrid grass that will help absorption of water. 6) tell us to the antecedent is: the antecedent finding the right mixture of two grass seeds that are soluble and will work together to absorb moisture.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Mixing perennial ryegrass and meadow fescue
B=Planting the hybrid grass in UK
C= The hybrid grass will hopefully absorb more water
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Explain why. This is an example of positive reinforcement. Because with the excess production of grass and its ability to absorb water this will reinforce the researchers to continue to use the hybrid grass in order to keep up on the absorption of water in order to reduce the floods in the UK. Also this experiment may contain establishing operations because if the researchers were to increase the behavior of increasing the supplement of hybrid grass then the outcome may become more desirable.
For your news I would like you to 1) briefly describe/summarize your piece: I read a piece about Race and Prisons. This piece talked about some of the difficulties and statistics of the ethnic groups in prisons. 2) tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates punishment: One of the target behaviors the talked about was how they dealt with race gang violence. The behavior is to put color coded paper above each cell that way the guards will be able to recognize exactly what person is in the cell. 3) tell us what the consequence of the behavior is: The consequence is the ability to identify the prisoners so that when there is a fight the cells that have people with the same ethnicity get put on lock down so there isn’t an outbreak with the races, they used the example that if there was a Latino that got in a fight they would lock down all the Latino cells so they didn’t start a riot within the other inmates. 4) tell us how, that consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior: The consequence will decrease the frequency of the amount of people involved in a race gang fight with the prison. 5) tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something undesirable or if it involves the removal of something desirable: the consequence involves the removal of something undesirable. This is remove the chance of having more race gang fights and more inmates that participant. 6) tell us to the antecedent is: The antecedent is color coded the cells
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A=Color coding the inmates cells
B=Guards identify the ethnicity of the inmates in the cells.
C=Reducing the participants in race gang fights
This is an example of negative punishment, because it is taking away the behavior for the inmates to join the fight so it is taking away something desirable for them.
Terms: behavior, punishment, reinforcement, consequence, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, desirable.
1) The piece I analyzed regards the starvation protest methods used by detainees in Guantanomo bay and the force-feeding methods the American authorities are implementing in retaliation. In Guantanamo Bay, still today in 2013, people are being held captive by the American Government without any legal charge or any possibility of a fair trial. These individuals are helpless, whose only hopeful method for recognition from the rest of the world are extreme methods such as starvation. Currently 100 individuals are on hunger strike, and many are being forcefully fed through painful methods; strapped to a chair, legs, hands and head held still, tubes inserted down noses and throats and the esophagus, left strapped this position until the nutrients have digested-without medical treatment, completely conscious-a method listed as torture in many countries.
2) The target behavior I am focusing on is torture - force-feeding as an illustration of authority and power; reinforcing prisoners they have no control-no control over life and death- forced to live and endure a hell they have not been convicted of deserving.
3) The consequence of this torture is reinforcing prisoners they have no voice. They must abide by US laws no matter how unjustified, illegal, unfair their imprisonment may be, through painful and tortuous reinforcement methods.
4) The consequence is a decrease of retaliation. The frequency of how often prisoners try and protest, allow their voices to be heard, becomes extinct.
5) This consequence (reinforcement) involves the addition of pain and suffering. The authorities at Guantanamo Bay use pain and torture to remove the so called undesirable request for fair trails.
6) The antecedent is protest-a group of people locked in Guantanamo Bay want to be heard (freedom of speech?).
A= Protest through starvation
B= Torture
C= Keep prisoners quiet
This is an example of negative reinforcement. The prisoners have their dignity and human rights taken away from them. They lose the ability to live.
This example involves establishing operations. The authorities have used such strong, tortuous methods to negatively reinforce prisoners that theoretically most would not behave in such a manner again. The mere suggestion of the starvation protest may elicit the most severe reinforcement that prisoners will not risk it. However, there are a brave few who will not be changed through reinforcement and will go down dying to have theirs and their brothers voices heard.
1) The piece I will be discussing, Boston police chief 'fine' with calls for marathon bomb suspect's execution, talks about the use of capital punishment against a young man who is likely to be convicted of the murder of 3 individuals and 250 more injured following the bombing of the Boston Marathon earlier this month.
2) The target behavior is crimes committed against the public.
3) The consequence of this behavior is capital punishment-death by lethal injection.
4) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior as it acts as a warning to others. Those who commit such ghastly crimes will be punished by death-the ending of their life.
5) The consequence involves the removal of the undesirable behavior of committing crimes against the public.
6) The antecedent of the behavior could range from anger to religious opposition. The antecedent to committing a crime against public, in this case, is still undetermined. However, it could be generalized that whether religious, political or personal motivation is involved, anger drives the action.
A= Anger (political, religious, personal)
B= Crime against the public
C= Capital punishment
This is an example of negative punishment; life is taken away from the individual. There is no much more that could top levels of punishment. Taking one’s life away is the end of existence for the individual.
TERMS: Target behavior, reinforcing, consequence, undesirable antecedent, negative reinforcement, establishing operations, extinction, elicit, frequency, decrease, punishment
Reinforcement URLs
Punishment URLs
1) This news article is about a Brazilian industrial designer who has come up with a way for blind parents to view ultrasounds of their babies in utero. Jorge Roberto Lopes is utilizing 3-D printing technology to render life size models of babies in utero so that blind parents are able to “see” their children when before no such thing was imaginable.
2) The target behavior that illustrates reinforcement in this article is enabling parents with a visual impairment to see their children via sonogram in utero.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is that they get to, for the first time in history, get to have an idea of what their baby is like before they are born. A luxury which up until now was only visually possible.
4) The consequence of having visually impaired people being able to see their children via a 3 dimensional model depicting their sonogram increases the likelihood the target behavior will occur again because it involves the introduction of something desirable to the parents. because it is in my opinion that most parents enjoying seeing and knowing that their baby is doing alright before their birth.
5) The consequence involves the addition of something desirable because it is in my opinion that most parents enjoying seeing and knowing that their baby is doing alright before their birth and also because more people are wanting to do this so it must be something that is desired.
6) The antecedents to this behavior are a combination of being pregnant and being visually impaired.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Being pregnant and visually impaired
B= Enabling visually impaired parents to see their children before birth via a 3-D model of their sonogram.
C= they get to for the first time in history see what their baby potentially looks like.
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it A) it increases the likelihood the behavior will happen again and B) because the reinforcement involves the addition of something desirable.
This article depicts behavioral classes very well in my opinion because when you topographically take a look at the behavioral class of viewing a sonogram it serves different functions. People look at sonograms to determine the sex of the baby, determine if there are any abnormalities, see how big the baby is, where the baby is sitting, how many babies there are etc. This article involves positive reinforcement as mentioned above and not punishment because it involves the addition of something desirable and because it increases the likelihood a behavior ill occur again.
1) This article is about Dzkhokhar Tsarnaev’s conditions while being held at a federal prison 40 miles outside of Boston. He is residing now,as a result of the bombings that took place during the Boston Marathon, in a small cell with a steel door. He has only a small door for meals and medication and is not allowed any luxuries except for a book.
2) The target behavior that I am using to illustrate punishment is having Dzhokhar Tsarnaev being held in a small prison cell with a steel door.
3) The consequence of the target behavior is that Dzhokhar has no outside stimulation and is serving time for what he did.
4) The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior because being held in prison takes him out of the civilian population so that he is unable to commit any type of crime ever again.
5) The consequence involves both the removal of something desirable and the addition of something undesirable. The removal of something desirable involves the removal of Dzhokhar’s freedom; he is no longer able to make choices for himself and will probably never be a free citizen again. The addition of something undesirable is the addition of him having to sit in a prison cell for an unspecified amount of time right now ( I don’t believe they’ve sentenced him yet)
6) The antecedent to Dzhokhar being in prison was him detonating the bombs during the Boston Marathon.
The ABC's of the behavior
A= Detonating the bombs during the Boston Marathon
B= Sitting in prison
C= Not being a free citizen
I believe this type of punishment could be either positive or negative punishment for the fact that it involves the addition of something undesirable (prison ) and it involves the removal of something desirable (freedom). It is unclear however if Dzhokhar valued his freedom. If he did not then I suppose this type of punishment would only be positive punishment because it involves the addition of something undesirable which is prison.
The first article I read was called "First date faux pas." I thought it was a great article that showed reinforcement. The article listed different things that men, women, and everyone should not do on a first date. One behavior that it says not to do is dress too provocatively. It says that you do not want to push fashion envelopes on a first date. After going on a few more dates it may be appropriate to dress a little differently.
The target behavior this is showing is dressing appropriately for a first date.
The consequence of the target behavior is to have a successful first date.
The consequence involves the addition of something desirable. The desirable thing would be getting to go on a second date.
The antecedent to this behavior would be getting asked on a first date.
A= Getting asked on a first date.
B= Dressing appropriately.
C= Getting asked on a second date.
This involves positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something desirable, which would be getting asked on a second date.
Pilot kicks man with touretts syndrome off plane for repeatedly saying bomb.
This article is about a man with touretts that got kick off a flight by the pilot for saying the word bomb over and over. Apparently he said the word more than 100 times.
The target behavior this illustrates is airlines trying to make people feel safe on their flight.
The consequence of the target behavior is that some people have to be removed from plans if they are causing passengers to feel unsafe.
The consequence of the behaviors involves the removal of something desirable which is not getting to go on your trip, and it involves the addition of something undesirable which is having to go back to the airport.
The antecedent is getting on the plane.
A= Getting on the plane.
B= Saying bomb over and over.
C= Getting kicked off the plane.
This is positive and negative reinforcement because it involve the removal of something desirable and the addition of something undesirable.
Terms: behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforcement, positive, negative, desirable, undesirable.