Welcome to the bmod class. We would like you to spend a little time orienting yourself with the class blog site. Please read the course description on the 'Home Page.' Go to the 'Blog' and check out the types of assignments you will be doing over the semester. Check out the book 'ABCs' of Behavior Modification and see if the chapters download OK on the computer you are using. Look over the 'Syllabus' pages and make sure you understand what we will be doing this semester as it relates to the syllabus (Class schedule, Course Requirements, & Grading rubrics).
You should already have a temporary blog username and password for you to use, if not please email Dr. MacLin to get yours (or to have him resend yours - otto.maclin@uni.edu). You will receive an email later in the week showing you how to get a permanent username and password.
Now click on the comment link (above), sign in and leave a comment. If you are using a temporary username make sure to put your intials at the top of your entry. In particular please state in your comment that that you basically went through the website, home page, syllabus, online book. That you understand the class schedule & course requirements and that you read through all sections of the syllabus.
Based on your experience reading through the website, please let us know if you have any questions, if there is anything you don't understand or if you experienced any problems.
--Dr. M