Topics in the News?
What I would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to briefly describe/summarize your piece. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Now find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps (i.e. do it again).
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
This article is about the recent Hurricane Sandy and the effects it is having on the presidential election. With the election coming up in a week and this storm tearing apart battle ground states the president was torn between campaigning or aiding in relief efforts. When it came down to it Obama had to put aside his re-election conquests and serve the country as his job demands. He cancelled his campaign events and went to the hardest hit areas to offer any help needed. Both candidates are worried that this disaster will keep voters away from the polls next week which is why Obama is urging people to vote early while they can so that voters can get their vote in.
1. The target behavior is President Obama increasing aid to those distressed in the form of shelter, food, water, and safety. This is reinforcement because we want the frequency of the behavior to go up.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that recovery will begin faster and residents that were effects can get back up o their feet faster.
3. This consequence will increase the frequency of the target behavior because as one area begins to improve it allows the president to move and do the same thing in other affected areas.
4. The consequence involves the addition of aid. It involves the addition of money to help rebuild, food and water that is safe to eat and drink, and shelter while residents wait to get back to their homes.
5. The antecedent to the behavior is the Hurricane. Had the hurricane not come each candidate would still be on their campaign trail with their sights set on the election next week.
A: Hurricane
B: Relief efforts by the president
C: Faster recovery from the storm
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it is the addition of aid efforts to make the president more likely to help out when disaster strikes. If there was no aid he could offer he would not be inclined to help out those distressed.
1.The target behavior is voting and the fact that it is less likely to happen in states that were affected by the recent hurricane. This is punishment because the likelihood of citizens voting is decreasing.
2. The consequence is that since a lot of the damage was done to residents and the town there may be fewer locations to vote or evacuated residents may not be around to vote in their designated districts.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the voting behavior because it will be more difficult for voters to reach the polls or it may not be their first priority.
4. The consequence involves the addition of a storm. The addition of the storm makes it less likely that voters that live in areas hit the hardest will be able to vote on Tuesday.
5. The antecedent is the hurricane hitting the coast because had the hurricane not come voting would not be affected.
A: Hurricane Sandy
B: Voting in the presidential election
C: Less people will be likely to vote in the states hit hardest by the storm
This is positive punishment because it involves the addition of something (the storm) to decrease a behavior (voting). The voters may be preoccupied with other tasks such as restoring their home or may still be evacuated and unable to vote so it is predicted that voting will be down in those areas.
Terms: positive reinforcement, target behavior, punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, positive punishment,hurricane-sandy-2012
here is the URL for the article
This article is about Hurricane Sandy and the negative effects it has had on transportation in New York City and New Jersey. Cars and buses are back on the road in New York City and New Jersey, but workers are still trying to put the subway system and commuter trains back in operation after the devastating effect of super-storm Sandy. It's a process that could take days or weeks to complete.
1. The target behavior is workers and volunteers coming together and helping clean up roads, tunnels, Amtrak, bridges, and subways. This is reinforcement because we want the frequency of the behavior to go up.
2. The consequence is the damaging effects it has had on the states of New York and New Jersey.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. People not being able to use transportation will increase the frequency of the behavior because workers and volunteers want to help others and be able to get back to using transportation like they did before Hurricane Sandy hit.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something. It takes away the ability to go places for the citizens of New York and New Jersey.
5. The antecedent is Hurricane Sandy.
A = Hurricane Sandy
B = Workers and volunteers coming together to help clean up the aftermath from the hurricane
C = People not being able to use transportation
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Hurricane Sandy adds something to increase the behavior which is people helping to clean up. It may not be a pleasant reinforcement but it has to be done. The storm is reinforcing people to come together and work hard.
Terms used: negative reinforcement, target behavior, punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, behavior, frequency.
The article I read about is about researchers in the United Kingdom finding a new way to test for viruses and cancers in cheaper ways that can be used when other things cant and in countries that cant afford the expensive tests.
1..The target behavior would be testing the solution for a changing color.
2..The consequence of the behavior is finding out if it is positive or negative for the virus or cancer.
3..The consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior happening again.
4..The consequence involves the increase of something: the results.
5..The antecedent is in the context of a new method of detecting viruses.
A=In the context of finding a new way of detecting viruses
B=testing the solution for a change in color
C=solution turns red::negative of virus
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Because it involves the addition of the results which will increase the frequency of repeating the test because it is so much cheaper and easier.
A=in the context of finding a new way of detecting viruses
B=testing the solution for a change in color
C=solution turns blue:: positive for virus/cancer
Terms: positive reinforcement, antecedent, target behavior, consequence, behavior,
This article is about hurricane Sandy and the effects its having on the health of the people. The main problem being that people needs have to meet for them to survive. Things like air, water, food, and medications.The air will become filled with toxins. The waters may be potentially dangerous in many areas of the targeted spots that got hit. Food and medication are scarce seeing that people can not travel on the streets do to the contaminated waters and damaged power-lines. People are urged to be as cautious as possible.
1. Target behavior is the Public Health Officials warning those in devastated areas to protect themselves from health threats in the water, air and even their refrigerators. This could illustrate reinforcement because we want the frequency of people protecting themselves to go up.
2. The consequence of the behavior will help sustain peoples health and lower their risk of becoming extremely ill.
3. The consequence of the behavior will increase the frequency of lowering risk of illness and others will spread the word on what to do when in this predicament.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the Public Health Officials warning and instructions to help keep the people affected safe.
5. The antecedent would be the hurricane. If the hurricane had not come the people would have no need to worry about contaminated air, water, or food.
B=Important info. form Public Health Officals
C=lowering risk of illness
This is a example of positive reinforcement with the addition of the Health Officials offering information to those in areas of contaminated air, waters, and food.
1. The target behavior is transportation and the fact that this less likely to happened in the areas affected because of the contaminated waters plus the damaged power-lines. This illustrates punishment.
2. The consequence is that since the waters are contaminated and have electric current in them people can not move away from disastrous areas, get food, or medication.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of people getting the things they need.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the hurricane. The hurricane makes it less likely for the people to retrieve the things they need most. Most things are to survive.
5. The antecedent is the hurricane which affects those people living their to meet their needs.
B=Transportation for needs
C=People will not receive the things they need most.
This is negative punishment because it involves the addition of the hurricane that will decrease the transportation of those affected to get the things needed.
Terminology: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Negative Punishment, Punishment, Positive Reinforcement, Reinforcement, Target Behavior
This article is about a shooting that happened at a Halloween party. This took place on the main campus building at the University of California. University officials said the shooting was emitted over an argument between two people unconnected with the university. One person was shot along with three bystanders. Everyone started screaming and left the scene right away. The campus was shut down right away, but now is reopened. Later on the student affairs vice president made sure students understood only students and guests were allowed at campus parties.
1. The target behavior is the argument between two people unconnected with the university.
2. The consequence of this behavior is four people got shot and wounded
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of having unconnected people invited or involved with campus activities
4. The consequence involves the addition of shooting and wounding four people
5. The antecedent to the behavior is in main campus building at the University of California (Halloween party)
A. Main campus building at the University of California
B. Argument between two people unconnected with the university of California
C. Four people got shot and wounded
This is an example of positive punishment because it is an addition of a shooting caused by the two people unconnected with the university arguing at the Halloween party.
1. The target behavior is student affairs vice president of the university making sure students and guests with student IDs are only allowed at campus activities
2. The consequence of this behavior is the safety of the students
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the students attending the campus activities
4. The consequence involves the addition of checking for student IDs before going in to campus activities
5. The antecedent to the behavior is on campus of the University of California
A. On campus of the University of California
B. Checking for students and guests student IDs before being allowed to attend campus activities
C. The safety of the students
This is an example of positive reinforcement and establishing operation because students and guests with student IDs are being reinforcement to attend the campus activities. This is allowing the campus to make sure their University of safe and activities to be more pleasant.
Terms: target behavior, emit, behavior, establishing operation, antecedent, consequences, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, frequency, pleasant, and reinforcement
In this article, it discusses the chances of bacteria and other infectious diseases in the waters from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The article also discusses the steps residences should take to obtain clean water and the consequences from this aftermath water.
Within the article, the targeted behavior is to avoid drinking or using the aftermath water as much as possible. The residences will be not obtaining the bacterial infections and other possible diseases and problems that the waters have been carrying. The consequences from emitting this behavior are pleasant, not aversive. If the residences emit the behavior of not drinking and/or using the water, they have an increased change of not obtaining the health issues and will not have the possibility of having to be hospitalized. The consequences involve the removal of the using the water, even though in some places this water is the only water they have. The antecedent to this behavior is the aftermath of the hurricane.
A: Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
B: Not drinking the water
C: No sickness
This is an example of positive reinforcement. If the residences don’t drink the water they will be reinforced with not being sick. This also involves extinction of drinking water that is usually readily available to the residences.
Within the article, it also discusses the ‘do’s and do not’s’ of clearing up the aftermath. The targeted behavior is when in doubt, don’t. The article states if the residences question anything, don’t do it: don’t move it, don’t eat it, don’t touch it. The consequences from this are the safety of the residences. The consequences will increase the behavior of not doing anything if you questions it, for if it is wrong, your health and/or safety could be in danger. The consequences involve the removal of one’s actions. If the residences remove the behavior of using, eating, touching any unknown objects, they will not obtain the dangerous consequences. The antecedent is the aftermath of the hurricane.
A: Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
B: Not touching, using, eating anything in questions
C: Safety from avoiding these things
This is an example of positive reinforcement with the extinction of a behavior.
Terms Used: targeted behavior, reinforced, emitting, pleasant, aversive, emit, antecedent, reinforced, extinction,
This is an article about a ship known as "Bounty" it is a replica of a 18th century sailing vessel. The ship left for a voyage off of the North Carolina shore assuring the community that a ship is safer at sea, than port. However, this proved to be false as the crew was rescued from inflatable rafts after the diesel engine stopped working, and the boat took on water.
1: The target behavior was to emit a voyage to St. Petersburg. This is a reinforcement because safe passage would result in a successful trip to the desired location.
2: The consequence of the behavior was the ship sinking, and the crew needing to be rescued by the coast guard.
3: The consequence will decrease the behavior of taking the ship out during a storm, because life threatening situations resulted from the voyage.
4: The consequence involves the addition of the ship being sunk, coast guard services being needed, and the crew being endanger.
5: The antecedent is the behavior of the hurricane, and the location of the storm.
A: Hurricane
B: Ship voyage
C: Shipwreck, and life endangerment.
This is an example of positive punishment, because the behavior of emitting to start a voyage in the midst of a storm will be decreased. This might result in the extinction of putting the crew in danger.
1: The target behavior is a volunteering to be a crew member on the "Bounty"; this is a reinforcement because you will acquire a sense of pride afar doing so.
2: The consequence involves the crew being put into danger.
3: The consequence of the storm will likely decrease the number of people who volunteer for ship duty during a storm in future situations.
4: The consequence involves the storm, and the sinking of the ship.
5: The antecedent is the voyage.
A: Voyage
B: Crew
C: Endangerment
I believe this is positive punishment, because the crew emitting to go on voyages in the future will be decreased. The behavior of them being put in danger will decrease their likelihood of not going on a voyage during a storm.
Terms: Positive Punishment, Emit, Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior, Decrease, Target Behavior, Reinforcement, Decrease,
The article I found was titled “For Complainers, A Stint In China’s ‘Black Jails’.” It talks about an interview with a Chinese women who is dissatisfied with the government. She told her tail of how she complained because the government destroyed her house and would not replace it. As a result of every time she complained or protested they threw her into one of their ‘Black Jails’ for a couple of day. The women had been incarcerated for these offenses more than ten times. While in these jails, if a prisoner complained or asked to for proof of their detainment they were treated worse. This was the case of the interviewed women. In one instance she was tied to the door for three days and forced to go to the bathroom while standing still tied to the door. Apparently this treatment is the norm for citizens of China who complain against the government.
1. The specific behavior I am looking at is complaining about the Chinese government.
2. The consequence of this behavior is to be locked up in a ‘Black Jail’ for a few days.
3. The consequence is meant to decrease the Chinese citizens from emitting this behavior.
4. The consequence involves the removal of freedom.
5. The antecedent is being a Chinese citizen.
A. Being a Chinese citizen
B. Complaining about the Chinese government
C. Being locked up in a ‘Black Jail’
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of freedom. It involves generalization because regardless of what citizens complain about they will be locked up.
1. The second target behavior I want to address is complaining to the prison guards once the person is already locked up.
2. The consequence of this is being tied to the door for a long period of time.
3. The consequence of this will decrease the behavior of complaining in prison.
4. The consequence involves the addition of being tied up.
5. The antecedent is being in a ‘Black Jail’.
A. Being in a Black Jail
B. Complaining to the prison guards
C. Getting tied up
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of being tied up. It involves establishing operations because the prisoners do not normally get this treatment and they are being introduced to it.
Terms: behavior, consequence, emit, antecedent, negative punishment, generalization, target behavior, positive punishment, establishing operations
How thick is your food?
Most people want to lose weight. One of the ways that people try to reach the goal of weight loss is by eating low calorie foods. This articles says that some people eat more (high calorie foods) after eating low calorie foods because low calorie foods don't give the proper feeling of satiety. Satiety is how long you wait till you feel like you need to eat again.
1- The target behavior is to eat low calorie foods in order to lose weight.
2- This article described that the consequence of eating low calorie foods was that people ate high calorie foods directly afterwards because of lack of satiety.
3- Emitting a behavior of eating low calorie food as well as high calorie food will result in gaining more weight. Gaining more weight will result in decreasing the behavior of eating low calorie foods.
4-The consequence involves the addition high calorie foods, which results in the addition of weight.
5- The antecedent is meal time. Choosing what foods to eat, low vs high calorie.
A- Mealtime choices
B- Eating low calorie foods
C- Eating high calorie foods
This is an example of positive punishment because eating high calorie foods is an addition of something and most likely the behavior will be decreased.
The researchers studying about low and high calorie food habits found that the thickness of the food changed the feeling of satiety.
1- The target behavior is satiety.
2- The consequence is eating less often
3- Eating less often will increase the behavior of wanting satiety.
4- The consequence involves the removal of high calorie foods.
5- The antecedent is mealtime food choices.
A- Mealtime food choices.
B- Satiety
C- Less high calorie foods
This is an example of negative reinforcement because you are taking away high calorie foods, but this will increase the behavior of satiety.
The researchers found that satiety was linked to the thickness of the foods you eat. So if your trying to lose weight you might want to elicit a behavior of looking for thick low calorie foods.
Terms: antecedent, consequence, behavior, target behavior, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, emitting, elicit
My article is about how Romney is a “dick”. There are three different real life examples this man uses on how Romney is not the nicest person, because he’s met him these 3 different times. Turns out, these three instances aren’t real, at least Romney wasn’t in them. But, he turns it around and brings up televised instances where Romney has been a butthead. The target behavior I’m using is voting for Romney in the up and coming election next week. The consequence is being governed by a complete dill hole who is a horrible person for 4 years (Romney). The consequence will decrease the behavior of voting for Romney. This involves the addition of information about how Romney is the wrong decision. The antecedent is being at a crossroads of who to vote for, Romney or Obama.
A- Not knowing who to vote for.
B- Voting for Romney
C- Living in hell for the next 4 years.
I think this can be both positive and negative punishment. Positive because it adds the information about Romney. Negative because emitting the target behavior elicits a hellish way of life.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, decrease, addition, antecedent, positive and negative punishment, emit, elicit.
This is an article about people being shot on a Halloween day the University of Southern California campus. There was a dispute between two unaffiliated people and this lead to four other innocent people being shot and killed. This article tells a story of a 25 year old man name Hamilton who was a witness of the scene. Hamilton states that, within a crowd of 150 to 200 people, people were trying to get to the party. After a while he heard a gunshot and saw everyone else trying to escape the scene. It was said that investigation is still being done on the case. The President of the USC is grieved of what happened and stated that the University will help any family member who needs help if they need it.
1. The target behavior is the argument between two unaffiliated individuals on the USC campus.
2. The consequences of the behavior is about four people getting shot and few wounded
3. The consequences of the behavior will be more security in any on campus activities and the reduction of unaffiliated people attending event on USC campus.
4. The consequence involves the addition of security camera on campus to keep students safe from violent.
5. The antecedent of the behavior is on USC campus and on a Halloween day.
A: On the main campus building of the University of Southern California.
B: Feud between two people who are unaffiliated with the University of Southern California.
C: About four people were shot and some untold names were wounded at the party hosted.
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of wounded innocent individual due to a feud between unaffiliated individuals of USC.
Thinking outside this article, this is the most cases reported. People being shot at parties and wounded and killed.
1. The target behavior is the president and the campus student affairs getting together to agree that when an event is occurring on campus, whatever it may be that only students and guests with valid ID should be allowed
2. The consequence involves the safety and the lives of the students
3. The consequence will allow students to forget the past and be able to increase the occurrence of the students attending the campus activities
4. The consequence involves the addition of safety such as checking student IDs and or guests ID before going to a campus activities
5. The antecedent to the behavior is on the campus of the University of Southern California (USC).
A. Is on the campus of the University of Southern California
B. Checking for IDs both for a student and guest in order to be allowed to any campus activities.
C. This involves the safety of the students, faculty and other people as well around that area
This, I will say is an example of positive reinforcement. The reason I say it is positive reinforcement because it encourages or reinforces students to campus events and know that they are safe from any kind of domestic violent. I will say this is a realistic situation that involves target behavior. The target behavior here is the domestic violent, the shooting. Knowing that the people at the party were kind of erroneous, as a result, the campus decided to alleviate the campus life activity due to this violent.
Positive punishment
Target Behavior
Positive Reinforcement
Below is my source
The article I found is called “Care Home Abuse is a National Scandal”, and it centers on the topic of caregivers abusing and neglecting patients at care homes. The abuse consisted of patients being slapped, patients being pinned under chairs, and patients receiving cold punishment showers. The care home that was the focus of this article was Winterbourne View. Six people were arrested and put in jail for playing roles in the abuse, and there were still safety concerns about the patients in question. The article goes on to discuss how there are serious concerns as to whether or not the government handled the situation properly and ensured that patients were now receiving effective care. This type of abuse in care homes is a national scandal and needs to end.
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is the abuse and neglect of the care home patients. The specific kinds of abuse that were used included being slapped, being pinned under chairs, and receiving cold punishment showers.
2. The consequence of the behavior is the care providers being arrested and sent to jail.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because by being locked up, the caregivers will not be able to abuse the patients at the care home anymore. This means that their abusive and neglectful behaviors will be decreased.
4. The consequence involves the removal of the right to work at the care home and the removal of freedom due to the fact that the caregivers who were found guilty of abuse were sent to jail.
5. The antecedent is the care home called Winterbourne View. In the context of the care home, caregivers emitted abusive and neglectful behaviors toward the care home patients, and, consequently, were arrested and sent to jail.
A = Care home
B = Abuse/neglect
C = Arrested/jailed
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of the bad caregivers so that the abusive and neglectful behavior will decrease. It also involves extinction because of the fact that the caregivers who were arrested and sent to jail will not be able to elicit those types of abusive behaviors towards patients at all anymore.
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the reinforced behavior is the government taking action to set a new protection policy in place for patients at care homes.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that there will be better quality caregivers and care within the care homes.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because if there is better care, the new protection policies will hopefully remain in place and will grow and get even better and more detailed over time.
4. The consequence involves the addition of more high-quality care and caregivers within care homes.
5. The antecedent is the abuse and neglect of patients in a care home by caregivers. In the context of the abuse and neglect, the government put a new protection policy in place, which, consequently, led to higher quality care and caregivers within the care homes.
A = Abuse/neglect
B = New protection policy put in place
C = Better care/caregivers
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of better care and caregivers to increase the behavior of ensuring that the protection policies remain in place and continue to grow and get better throughout the years to come.
Terms: target behavior, punish, behavior, punishment, consequence, antecedent, context, negative punishment, extinction, reinforce, positive reinforcement, emit, elicit
The article I found is titled: US Secret Service Agent ‘kills himself’ Amid Inquiry. This article was about a secret service agent who did not report to the agency a romantic relationship he was having with a foreign woman.
The target behavior would be his actions which were not reporting a romantic relationship with a foreign woman to the agency. The consequence of his behavior was getting fired. The consequence would decrease the behavior of not reporting important information that one should report. The consequence involved the removal of his job. The antecedent was working as a secret service agent.
A= Working as a Secret Service Agent
B= Having a romantic affair with a foreign woman
C= Losing his job
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something positive as the aversive consequence, which is the job. This should reinforce the person’s behavior to decrease their behavior of doing what they shouldn’t.
The next article is titled: Elephant mimics Korean with help of his trunk. This article is about an elephant who uses his trunk and is able to say a few words in Korean to his trainers.
The target behavior is the elephant mimicking words his trainers to speak words. The consequence is that the elephant gets praised, and attention for doing the correct word. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. The consequence involves the addition of praise. The antecedent is the zoo.
A= The zoo
B= Speaking words with his trunk
C= Praise
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something positive, praise to the consequence. This will reinforce the elephant to keep eliciting the behavior of making the noises.
Terms: Target behavior, consequence, behavior, decrease, removal, antecedent, negative reinforcement, positive, aversive, reinforce, positive reinforcement, addition, eliciting
Week 11 Friday Attn:11 News Assignment
This article is seemingly a light-hearted, office formatted Sandwich Monday article featuring the pickle and peanut butter sandwich. This article is funny and for comical relief for a mundane office day, it seems.
Antecedent: Article displays fun food time at work through words and photos
Behavior: Viewer/Reader laughs and is relieved that someone is having fun
Consequence: viewer/reader tries coming up with novel snacks, which takes their mind off work anyway, article serves its purpose.
Antecedent: Article displays fun food time at work through words and photos and history
Behavior: Viewer/Reader laughs and is relieved that someone is having fun and eating
Consequence: viewer/reader tries the recommended snack, article serves its purposes
The reinforcement can exist in many forms. If a person actually enjoys a pickle peanut butter sandwich, then this is reinforcing and reward. The distraction from work is probably just as rewarding. Thanks!! –ebs- 11/2/12 @ 1104hrs. CentricTime
Term% reinforcing, antecedent, behavior, consequence, reward
The article is called “Boy 'Recklessly' Tasered By Police Officer During Career Day, Lawsuit Says.” I chose an article about a cop who tased a ten year old boy when the cop was at a career fair. The child didn’t want to wash the cops car so the cop tased him. Even though the cop says he didn’t realize that there was a cartridge in the gun.
1) The target behavior in this article is that the cop wanted the boy to wash his car. So getting the boy to emit the behavior of washing his car was the target behavior.
2) The consequences to the boy eliciting the behavior of not washing the car are that the cop tased him.
3) This consequence will increase the behavior of the boy listening to the cop. I think that the child will be scared of cops for quite a while. He will mainly listen to what they say based on fear.
4) The consequence in this situation has the addition of a taser.
5) The antecedent to this situation is the Career Fair at an elementary school.
A) Career Fair
B) Refused to wash cop car
C) Gets Tased by cop
In this situation it is an example of positive punishment because it has the addition of getting tased and the child gets tased as punishment for not listening to the policemen. The reason that the taser was a punishment is because getting tased is a very aversive thing.
1) Another target behavior in this article is that the cop wants the child to do what he says. The behavior that is emitted in this example is that the child is tased.
2) The consequences to the cop tasing the child is that he is suspended from the force for 3 days.
3) The consequences will decrease the chances that the cop will point a taser at a child.
4) The consequence in this situation has the subtraction of the cop’s job.
5) The antecedent to this situation is also the Career Fair at the elementary school.
A) Career Fair
B) Tases Child
C) Cop is Suspended
In this situation it is an example of negative punishment because it has the subtraction of his job and the taking away of his job is a punishment.
Terms: Target Behavior, Emit, consequences, eliciting, behavior, frequency, addition, antecedent, positive punishment, punishment, aversive, emitted, subtraction, negative punishment.
I chose to read and write about a news story that discusses a musician in Pakistan. Shehzad Roy, one of Pakistan's most popular singers, used to sing about love and relationships, and he gained attention from teenagers in Pakistan. However, when Roy learned of inhuman conditions at local schools, his writing and music shifted focus. In his last four albums, Roy discusses politics and freedom rather than dating and puppy love. I feel that Roy may experience some punishment for this controversial songs, he may also see a much narrow fanbase now that he is writing about politics.
Antecedent- Corruption and inequality within school systems
Behavior- Singing about it, introducing topics to the media
Consequence- Informing a nation of inequality and hopefully making adjustments to provide school with individual taxes so that it can strive
In the news story, Roy is shown performing to a group of inmates at a local jail. He wore an orange jumpsuit, just as the inmates did. The article then states that Roy was swearing at the guards. I feel that I was somewhat on board with this Roy character until I read this. I feel that as some musicians communicate their passion of politics, many consequences can follow. I believe that Shehzad Roy is working for the better treatment of children within schools. I also feel that disrespectful language towards others (in front of audiences), may reflect negatively on his approach.
Antecedent- Roy has full attention of an audience
Behavior- Sings of politics, but uses disrespectful language as well
Consequence- Some may stop listening, therefore not receiving the message of inequality within schools.
I feel that the first is an example of positive punishment; Roy adds something to his work to decreases a behavior of ignoring a school. The second example, I feel, is also positive punishment. A curse word is added that may decrease a desire to listen to Roy’s message, for some individuals.
Term: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Punishment, positive punishment
SMW 11.2.12
The article I read was about hurricane Sandy and Halloween. Since Hurricane Sandy destroyed New York City they had to send in workers from all over the country to help fix the electricity and roads and many other things. Since this was so close to Halloween the cities around New York City were debating on postponing Halloween.
1. The target behavior would be all of the workers from all over the country coming to help New York and many other states with this disaster. This can illustrate punishment because if the work isn’t done in time then the kids will have to wait for Halloween on a different night. It could also illustrate reinforcement because with all of the extra help from workers it will be a fast recovery for the east coast.
2. The consequence of this behavior will help the cities get their town back to normal and their electricity up and running quicker.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves the addition of other workers coming from around the country to come help these states on the east coast.
5. The antecedent to this behavior would be the hurricane. If the hurricane never hit then all of the workers that came to help wouldn’t have had to come and then all the kids would have been able to experience Halloween on Halloween.
A: Hurricane
B: Help from workers around the country
C: Fast recovery for the east coast
This could be an example of Positive reinforcement because with all the extra help it can make a fast recovery but also it could be a negative punishment because the kids weren’t able to experience Halloween.
In this article it’s about a teenage mother and her infant are on the run with her boyfriend who is also the infant’s father. He is wanted for murder that he committed.
1. The target behavior would be searching for these people and get them home safely. This could illustrate punishment because we don’t know how dangerous this man is.
2. The consequence of this behavior would help get this kids home safely and also have the boyfriend behind bars for killing a man.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the cops looking for these kids.
4. The consequence can have an addition of cops looking for them.
5. The antecedent would be the car
A: the car
B:searching for the kids
C:returning home safely
This could be an example of negative punishment because we don’t know how dangerous this man is and he is wanted for murder.
Terms: positive reinforcement, reinforcement, negative punishment, punishment, frequency, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, negative punishment
This article is about Celina High School students being told by school administrators to remove shirts supporting gay rights, even though there is no rule in the student handbook against wearing political attire. School superintendent says the students were told to remove the shirts because they were disruptive to the educational program. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argued that the school's decision violated the student's rights to free speech and that the school officials should reconsider their censorship of pro-gay clothing. Expressing their views was not disruptive to the learning environment. Both the school and the students are consulting lawyers.
1.) The target behavior is two girls wearing shirts reading "Lesbian 1" and "Lesbian 2" for Twin Day.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is the school officials making the teens take the shirts off.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency of wearing pro-gay clothing.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of the girl's shirts.
5.) The antecedent is the Celina High School.
A: Celina High School
B: Two girls wearing shirts reading "Lesbian 1" and "Lesbian 2"
C: School officials making teens remove the shirts
This is an example of negative punishment because the behavior of wearing pro-gay clothing results in the removal of the shirts.
1.) The target behavior is two girls wearing shirts reading "Lesbian 1" and "Lesbian 2" for Twin Day.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is having a group of about 20 students come to school wearing shirts reading "I support... (rainbow) Express yourself."
3.) The consequence will increase the frequency of wearing pro-gay clothing.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of other students' support.
5.) The antecedent is the Celina High School.
A: Celina High School
B: Two girls wearing shirts reading "Lesbian 1" and "Lesbian 2"
C: Group of about 20 students wearing shirts reading "I support... (rainbow) Express yourself"
This is an example of positive reinforcement because the behavior of wearing pro-gay clothing results in the addition of support from other students.
Terms: Behavior, Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Negative Punishment, and Positive Reinforcement
My article from NBC news is about an Italian college student that stabbed his American roommate while under the influence of drugs (hashish and ecstasy) and alcohol. The victim was rushed to the hospital, had surgery, and is still alive, and of the two other witnesses, the perpetrator's sister and her boyfriend, the boyfriend got stabbed in the hands and arms trying to defend the American student. The sister and boyfriend had drugs and alcohol in their systems too and the victim only had alcohol in his system from partying at a nightclub earlier in the evening. The attacker was arrested and is currently waiting for a judge to confirm his arrest.
1) The target behavior is two college boys and a couple friends drinking alcohol and doing drugs.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that it caused the Italian student to stab his roommate with a knife
3) This stabbing will hopefully reduce the frequency of using illegal substances.
4) This conquence involved the addition of a knife, which was used as a weapon.
5) The antecedent was partying at a nightclub.
A- Partying at a nightclub
B- Getting drunk and doing drugs
C- American student gets stabbed
I would say that this is an example of positive punishment because the alcohol and drugs led the assailent to emit an attempted murder behavior, and the addition of a knife was what caused the American student to have damage in his lungs and other parts of his body.
1) The target behavior is an Italian student attempting to murder his American roommate.
2) The consequence of this behavior is that the Italian student gets arrested and damage to his clean record.
3) By being arrested, the Italian student will reduce the frequency of attempting murder.
4) This cosequence involved the removal of freedom for the assailant because he will face jail time.
5) The antecedent that elicited the behvior was being under the influence of alcohol and illegal narcotics.
A- Under influence of drugs and alcohol
B- Stabs American roommate
C- Gets arrested and potentially faces a lot of jail time
This is an example of negative punishment because the Italian student won't be able to attempt murder or use drugs or alcohol again if he is facing jail time and loss of freedom.
Terms used: target behavior, consequence, frequency, antecedent, ABC, positive punishment, emit, negative punishment
This news story is about the problem of sexual harassment against women, who are usually activists or journalist, in the city of Cairo, Egypt. To combat the sexual harassment there is a group of vigilante men who use spray paint and mark the perpetrators.
1. The target behavior in this story is sexual harassment, in particular young men grabbing and touching women that are walking on the street. In this story this target behavior is being punished.
2. The consequence of the target behavior that is being emitted is that the young men are sprayed with spray paint which marks them as a ‘molester.’
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior.
4. This is an example of positive punishment as it is an addition of an aversive stimulus.
5. The antecedent is being in Cairo, Egypt where women don’t have the protection men have.
A=In Egypt where women do not have
B=Young men sexually harass the women
C=Other men spray paint the young men who sexually harass
This is an example of Positive Punishment. This is also an example of extinction. Following the actions of the vigilantes the young men may go through an extinction burst to try to still get the reward they want without the punisher.
1. The target behavior focused on in this part is the women emitting the behavior of walking in public without a man, as either an activist or a journalist
2. The consequence of the behavior is that young men sexually harass them
3. The consequence will elicit the decrease of the target behavior
4. This is an example of the addition of a negative stimulus with is positive punishment
5. The antecedent is being in Egypt which has less women’s rights
This is example of negative punishment, this is an example of extinction.
I forgot about doing the ABC for the last one and the terms...
A=Egypt where women's rights are limited
B=Women walk in public on their own and are known to be activist or journalist
C=Men who disagree with them sexually harass them
this is an example of Positive Punishment not Negative Punishment
Emit, Elicit, extinction, extinction burst, punishment, punisher, target behavior, negative punishment, consequence, aversive stimulus,
My article is about the former head coach of the US short track speedskating team, Jae Su Chun, and his suspension after allegedly ordering a teammate to sabotage an opponent’s skate during the 2012 Winter Olympics. Chun was banned from coaching through the 2014 Winter Olympics as a punishment, but is still getting offers from teams to coach for them despite the controversy and his ban.
1. the punished behavior is cheating
2. the consequence is being banned from coaching
3. the consequence will decrease the behavior because if he cheats he won’t be able to coach at all and therefore will be unable and unwilling to do so in the future
4. the consequence involves the removal of something: Chun’s ability to coach
5. the antecedent is being at a competitive event
A= being at a competitive event
B= cheating
C= banned from coaching
This is an example of positive punishment
1. the reinforced behavior is cheating
2. the consequence is still getting offers to coach
3. the consequence will increase the behavior because there is no major negative consequence to him cheating, he is still being rewarded will offers to coach
4. the consequence involves adding something: offers to coach for other teams
5. the antecedent is also being at a competitive event
A= being at competitive event
B= cheating
C= receiving offers to coach for new teams
This is an example of positive reinforcement
Terms: consequence, antecedent, reinforcement, punishment, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
This article tells the story of a student who was raped on campus, and how the perpetrator received little punishment. Despite actions taken by the family of the victim, there is no legal penalty for the offender.
The Story of Margaux:
1. Excessive alcohol consumption.
2. The female student was raped.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence removes her sense of security on campus.
5. The antecedent is abundant supply of alcohol near campus.
6.A. A student approaches alcohol. B. She gets drunk on campus. C. She was raped on campus.
7. Negative punishment.
The Story of the Perpetrator:
1. Sexual assault.
2. Suspension from school.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence removes his access to victims.
5. The antecedent is drunk woman nearby.
6.A. A drunk woman is near. B. He rapes her. C. He is only suspended from school for a limited time.
7. Negative punishment.
Terms: punishment, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment
My article is about the cancelling of the New york marathon. After Mayor Bloomberg stated that he wanted to have the marathon continue. After public outcry from the idea of removing any sort of public servent (police, fire, ambulance) from the rebuilding and rescue process post hurricane sandy, they cancelled it.
1: The behavior punished is his willingness to continue the event in the face of a tragedy.
2: The consequence is forcing to cancel the event to save face.
3:The consequence will lead to Bloomberg to crumble under pressure when public outcry gets fervent.
4:The consequence takes away the event occuring.
5:The antecedent is being in New York post hurricane.
A= New York after the Hurrican
B= Public Outcry
C= Marathon Cancelled
This is an example of negative punishment.
Positive Reinforcement
1: Bloomberg is given public approval for cancelling the event.
2: The consequence is that his rating may improve.
3: The consequence will lead to Bloomberg to wanting to do more things the public likes.
4: The consequence adds public support to Bloombergs office.
5: The antecedent is New York after the Storm.
A= New York after Storm
B= Listens to the people
c= Public appeal goes up.
The article is about teens who are making apps for smartphones that summarizes articles so that people can read the summary and not the entire article. These Apple apps are top rated. The creator of the app was 17 year old Nick D'Aloisio and he was taking time off of school to create these apps.
1) The first target behavior I want to look at is creating a Smartphone app. This is not an easy process and would require many hours on the computer.
2) The result of creating a Smartphone app (for these boys at least) has resulted in attention from investors who want to give money for similar apps.
3) This kid was given one million dollars to continue making apps, I think he will continue to make apps.
4) The consequence involves adding both attention from investors and money from the investors.
5) I would have to say that the work for the apps started in the kid’s room. Assuming that is where his computer is.
A = Kid’s room
B = Creating an app
C = Money from investors
Positive reinforcement because the kid is being reinforced with money. The article never said if there was one or two competing investors when the kid was paid. That would have been establishing operations because the more money would have been more reinforcing.
1) The next target behavior is skipping school. Nick had to miss school to work on his app. The behavior of getting up in the morning and going to school is what a lot of teens don’t want to do, but this kid made good money by not doing it.
2) The consequences of not going to school has resulted in him having to go back to school. It can be hard playing catch up in some subjects and this can result in stress and loss of free time to study. Stress being a negative consequence.
3) The consequence of stress would decrease the behavior of missing school.
4) The consequence added stress to Nick’s life.
5) The antecedent would be his home. I don’t think he would work on his app at school while missing classes. I think the teachers would have had something to say about that.
A = Nick’s home
B = Skipping school
C = Stress
This would be positive punishment because the stress was added and hopefully resulted in Nick not wanting to miss anymore school.
News article:
Terms: target behavior, consequence, positive reinforcement, establishing operations, antecedent, and positive punishment.
This article was about Mitt Romney making a comment to end public television. Individuals that like PBS protested the comment and dressed up like characters from the shows. They hope that by participating in this march they turn people’s heads to the importance of public broadcasting.
1. The target behavior is Mitt Romney making the comment.
2. The consequence of the behavior is the protest.
3. This consequence should decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves the increase of protesters.
5. The antecedent is trying to save money.
A = Mitt Romney makes comment
B = People protest
C = Rethink the comment
This is an example of positive punishment and it elicits an unfavorable reaction. The comment turned out to be aversive to some people and I feel that they won’t be satiated until something is done to secure PBS.
1. The target behavior is tweeting about the comment made.
2. The consequence is more people getting involved.
3. This consequence should increase the frequency of the behavior.
4. This consequence involves the addition of protesters
5. The antecedent is the comment.
A = Tweeting about comment
B = People see it and more people start to tweet
C= A protest forms to try and help
This is an example of positive reinforcement. A behavior was emitted online which was elicited more tweets to take place which them elicited a protest response. The individuals that emitted the tweet found the outcome desirable.
Terms: elicit, emit, desirable, aversive, satiated, target behavior, consequences, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
I is a news article about a two year old boy who fell into an African painted dog exhibit at the Pittsburg Zoo. He fell 14 ft and was attacked by the dogs. Police and zoo workers were on the scene immidiately, and most of the dogs were backed off, but one did not back away and continuted to attack. This dog was then shot and killed. In the even of an accident as such this one occuring at the zoo (the antecedent), the zoo going behavior will be emitted under more cautious terms (behavior), the consequence will be less accidents occuring at the zoo. This is an example of positive reinforcement. It can be seen as this because the cautious behavior will result in less accidents like the one in the article. We are adding in this cautious behavior. For the sake of having a good target behavior, we can say "more cautious behavior" is holding a childs hand while viewing the exhibits.
A= Fatal accidents at the zoo.
B=Parents to be more cautious during zoo visits (holding children's hands)
C= Less accidents will occur.
Another behavior in this news report is the shooting and killing of the dog. The antecedent of the killing behavior is the dog attacking a child. The result can be either positive or negative (depending on your perspective) but I will say it is positive due to it stopping the dog from continuing to attack.
A= Dog attacking child
B= shooting and killing dog
C= gets dog to stop attacking
terms: target behavior, positive reinforcement, emit, antecedent,
My article is about Storm Sandy and the aftermath it left behind. Lots of New Yorkers are feeling as though they are being taken advantage of, especially when it comes to price increases.These people are left without power and shelter. This article also talks about the election coming up and what alternatives are being presented as a result.
My first target behavior is not being able to vote.
The consequence is to elicit the behavior of voting by supplying alternative means, seeing how Poll Stations are closed.
The consequence will increase the likelyhood that these people will get a voice in picking their president.
The consequence adds the addition of these people feeling like they got a fair say by getting to cast their ballot in.
The antecedent is Storm Sandy.
A=Storm Sandy
B=Poll Stations Closed
C=Postponed voting
This is an example of postive reinforcement because it's reinforcing that our government cares about the American people by letting them get a chance to vote, even though the election is tomorrow.
The next target behavior is not having power.
The consequence is to elicit the behavior of getting more generatiors/places for people to stay.
The consequence will decrease the behavior of pandemonium.
The consequence is adding shelter.
The antecedent is Storm Sandy.
A=Storm Sandy
B=No Power
C=Receiving generators/shelter
This is an example of positive punishment. Even though these peoples homes were destroyed as aftermath of the storm, and power is out, people all around the world are helping get their city restored. It can be viewed as a punishment because people weren't prepared for the strength of the storm, however this could also be viewed as postive reinforement as it's bringing the community and society closer together.
terms used: elicit, postive punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, target behavior.
This story was about the new movie about SEAL Team Six which is the operation that killed Bin laden. The punishment of this piece is showing the inaccuracies of the movies that were reduced or exaggerated. 1. The target behavior was the reporting done on the news and accuracy of movie. 2. The consequence of the behavior was revealing that this movie was not accurate. 3. This consequence is supposed to decrease the frequency of embellishing and not telling the whole truth of the stories. But I believe it has become common agreement that movies are for entertainment, not for fact. 4. The ideal of this punishment would be the removal or adding in only valid information that happened, or acknowledgement of not being all true. 5. The antecedent of this reporter going over the information of this movie to find the truth.
A - reporting on movie
B - movie review
C - inaccurate information
This was a report on having our military accountable and having our officers endure. The book is entitled Generals because it is about the ranking system and how they are allowed to mess up more often then back in the old military conflicts. 1. The target behavior is blunders and emitting military aversive consequences. 2. The consequence of these target behaviors is more soldiers get hurt, and there is more eliciting conflicts of war. 3. After this book there should be a decrease in frequency of letting people be promoted if they do not have the compacity to be great leaders. 4. The consequence involves the removal of "bad" behaviors emitted by the officers in training and command. The antecedent of this punishment is the generals and their command.
A= Book
B= Generals poor decisions
C= Having bad leadership
This is a form of negative punishment because they want to reduce the frequency of poor leaders in the military without having them rank up just because of time spent serving.
This was a form of negative punishment because they are trying to decrease the frequency of the target behavior of reducing inaccurate information in this movie.
Terms: negative punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, target behavior, elicit, emit, aversive, frequency, decrease
This article talks about how drinking sugary beverages, specifically soda, has been proven in a recent study to increase the risk of ischemic stroke in women by 83%. Other studies have shown that soda consumption is positively correlated with the risk of insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes, so it isn’t surprising that it could also influence the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Other studies show that habitual male soda drinkers (people who drink a soda, or other sugary beverage, almost every day) were at a 20% higher risk of coronary heart disease.
The target behavior of this article is to decrease the amount of soda or other sugary beverages that humans consume. The behavior of soda consumption elicits negative health consequences like heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc. To reach the target behavior of less soda consumption, this article was written as a type of punishment. The article is a warning of the aversive consequences associated with soda drinking. The intention of adding the warning is to decrease the frequency that people will engage in the behavior of soda consumption. People don’t like hearing that a behavior they enjoy will impair their quality of life and that drinking soda will add negative health consequences. This article has the potential to reach soda consumers and hopefully motivate them to modify their behavior by choosing less sugary beverages. Since nearly half of Americans consume at least one soda each day, they clearly have established antecedents for emitting this behavior. To decrease their soda consumption, their antecedents must be determined and changed. For some people, the antecedent could be caffeine withdrawal symptoms, thirst for something other than water, or simply out of habit.
A= habit of drinking a soda on a regular basis
B= drinking soda
C= heart attack, stroke, etc.
This article shows an example of positive punishment involving extinction. The purpose is to add the scary warning (punishment) as a way of decreasing the likelihood that people will engage in the behavior of soda consumption in the future.
In addition to looking at how the article itself could be seen as a form of punishment, we could consider the fact that heart attacks and strokes are self afflicted punishments for soda consumption. The target behavior is still to decrease soda consumption as a preventative for health issues, but if the individual is not on board 100% with the behavioral modification plan, they will receive a self induced punishment; the addition of a heart attack, stroke, or other aversive health consequence. This is still positive punishment, because an aversive stimulus (health deterioration) is added and will decrease the likelihood that an individual will emit the behavior of soda consumption in the future.
A= habit of soda drinking
B= excessive soda drinking
C= heart attack stroke
Something aversive was added in both of these situations. In the first, a warning of the negative consequences was presented as a way influence people to decrease their soda drinking frequency. The second looks at how individuals can punish themselves unintentionally through consuming soda and adding on health issues. The health consequences will (hopefully) give people a reality check to extinguish, or at least decrease the amount of soda they consume to prevent additional health issues.
Terms: antecedent, frequency, consequence, punishment, emit, elicit, behavior, extinction, increase, decrease, aversive, stimulus, target behavior, behavior modification,
This article is entitled, “Restaurant Meals Mean More Calories and Soda for Kids and Teens.” The point of this article is that our society has grown into eating out too often and it is having a negative effect on our health, especially in children. Going to restaurants and fast-food have been shown to be linked to higher calorie intakes in people. A study found that on average the days teens eat at fast-food or restaurants they consume 309 more calories than they normally would. They found it too be true that children consume more calories than normally as well. This is an issue because these increases in sugar, sodium, and fat intake can lead to diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. This important considering one-third of the children in America are considered obese. Advertising has to be held somewhat responsible for this. Fast-food is over advertised and is exposed to kids everywhere they go. Restaurants usage also increases soda consumption. We need to have restaurants create healthier choice for us to eat and make those healthy choices priced well. Fast-food should not become a norm in this country. The consequence of obesity and possibly other health risks should be enough to make people think twice about eating out. Antecedent is the large amount of advertising the restaurant industry does because this is what gets people to go eat the food and decide that eating out is easier.
A= Over advertising of fast-food restaurants
B= People eat out more often
C= Obesity rates as well as other health issue rates go up
This is an example of negative reinforcement. People see food they want and they eat it, but consequences from eliciting this behavior are not worth it. We need to have an establishing operation of eating well built into our society in order to stop this from becoming a larger issue than it already is. The frequency of restaurant use needs to decrease.
A= Eating out too often
B= Becoming obese
C= Rises in healthcare costs
This is an example of negative punishment. When people eat out too much it affects their health. Well if everyone in America does this, more people will become obese and this will lead to more hospitalizations which takes more money. This is also lower people’s life expectancy.
Terms: consequences, eliciting, negative reinforcement, establishing operation, frequency, punishment
There are two behaviors that have been emitted by players in the NFL that have been hotly discussed. The first behavior was emitted by Frank Gore, a running back for the San Francisco 49ers. During the NFC Championship ( a game that decides who goes to the superbowl) he wore his socks to low. This is a uniform violation and he was fined $10,500 by the NFL. The behavior wasn’t malignant in any way, he said that they were hot and he pulled them down to cool off. The behavioral class would be violating the NFL’s uniform code. The target behavior in this case is wearing your socks too low. The consequence of this behavior was a fine of $10,500, a hefty sum of money. This consequence will decree the frequency of the behavior. In the article Gore even states, “I was wrong. Next time I’ll do better.” The consequence involves the removal of something (money). The antecedent is playing a professional sport during a very important game (with a big audience).
A= playing a professional sport during an important game
B= wearing socks too low
C= being fined $10,500
This is an example of negative punishment, or, the punishment by removing something good “money”.
The second behavior that is being discussed around the NFL is one from Tom Brady. During the AFC title game, it seemed as if Tom Brady intentionally tried to kick a defending player while trying to slide. Tom Brady was fine $10,000. That’s quite a lot of money, but still less than the $10,500 fine for having your socks too low. That just seems kind of strange.
The target behavior is kicking an opposing player. The consequence of this behavior is being fined $10,000. This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior. This consequence involves the removal of money. The antecedent is playing a professional sport during a very important game.
A= playing a professional sport during a very important game
B= kicking an opposing player
C= Being fined $10,000
This is an example of negative punishment. Taking away something good for doing something bad.
With further research into the matter of these behaviors, it seems that the NFL has specific guidelines for fines. This was Frank Gore’s second offense, and so he was fined double to minimum amount. This was Tom Brady’s first offense, so we was fined a little over the minimum.
Frank Gore’s socks-
Tom Brady’s kick-
Weirdly specific fines-