Topical Blog Week #6 (Due Thursday)


Hi Class,

So far we have discussed extinction & superstitious behaviors. Please find a video clip that has an example of extinction. Then find a second video that has a superstitious behavior.

For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the other students before you just used. Please be sensitive to this issue.

For each of the clips:

I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. The tell us which of the two concepts it represents.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Finally summarize how the clip is demonstrating the concept and how the ABC's explain what is happening in the clip.

Do the same for the other clip.

Copy and paste the URL at the bottom of the page so we can go and see the video you used.

Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. We will be looking for terminology that has been introduced in the class so far. Your post will be worth more with more terminology used.

Let me know if you have any questions....



This video clip is of an experiment that was done on tow monkeys. Each of the monkeys needed to pick up and rock and had it to the scientist. Then they were reinforced, one on with cucumber and the other with grapes. The monkey that received a cucumber was fine until the other monkey received a grape. So, the monkey picked up a rock and handed it to the scientist, but in return he expected a grape. He did not get a grape, he received a cucumber. Th monkey threw the cucumber at the scientist and repeated the task of picking up a rock and being reinforced, but he was not reinforced with a grape only a cucumber.

A= The cucumber and grape
B= Throwing cucumber when not given a grape
C= Not receiving a grape

I think this demonstrates extinction because The monkey was receiving reinforcement until it realize that the reinforcer for the other monkey was better. So he still completed the task of giving the rock to the scientist but was still not reinforced with a grape like the other monkey.

Superstitious Behavior:

In this video the puppy Clara was taught to stay away while her owner was busy with another dog. Clara developed a spin when she was being reinforced for listening to her owner. Later on down the line Clara used the spin when she wanted to be reinforced by a treat. The spin became her default response when she failed to get reinforced.

A= Training
B= Spin and retreat
C= Spin became default response

I think this demonstrates superstitious behavior because Clara emitted the spin as a default response whenever she wanted reinforcement, even when the spin was not necessary.

Terminology: Reinforcement, Superstitious Behavior, Response, Emitted, Reinforced, Reinforcer, Extinction

This whole video clip is about a few peoples’ lucky charms, I’m looking specifically at the time 1:00-1:12. The guy is talking about how his drumsticks are lucky for him so he always has them behind stage whenever he plays because the first show he ever played was with those drum sticks and it went really well. This clip represents Superstitious behaviors.
A= Playing in a band at a concert
B= placing lucky drum sticks behind the stage
C = have a good show
The clip is demonstrating this concept because a desirable consequence accord the first time he used those sticks and now every other time he has those drum sticks behind stage he plays well. He account for the fact that his band’s probably just really good.
This next clip represent extinction. In this funny video you see how a child who is having a tantrum stops once they believe no one is around and actually goes looking for someone to hear them tantrum. It’s really pretty amazing
A= Childs throwing a tantrum at home
B=walk into a room where they child can’t see the person
C=child stops crying (until they find you and start crying again)
This shows extinction because, even though it’s not very long, the child stops the tantrum when they are no longer being reinforced. The reinforcement is having someone listen to you and pay attention, once that’s taken away the child has no reason to throw a tantrum (until they come looking for you!)


In this video clip, Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) is working with a grown yellow lab named Holly. She has always been aggressive when it is feeding time. She has been conditioned to be that way. Cesar uses the extinction process to undo the bad behavior of Holly. Cesar makes sure she is not possessive over the food, he controls where she eats, how she eats, and when.

A= Feeding time
B= Cesar controls how the dog eats
C= Holly became non-aggressive

This shows extinction because the dog, Holly, stops all aggression because she is being reinforced that when she is not aggressive of her food or towards the human she gets food which is the reward. She no longer emitted the bad behavior.

Superstitious Behavior:

In this video clip, Randy, a radio host is talking on the air on Friday the 13. He admits he thought the day before was Friday the 13, so he stayed home from work. Realizing the next day was Friday the 13 he tried to skip work again but his boss insisted that he comes in to work, he even threatened Randy that if he did not he would lose his job. So Randy came to work even though he was deathly afraid. Little did he know his boss and coworkers had a surprise for him. They told him they were trying to "debunk his superstitions". They bring a black cat into the studio and Randy FREAKS out, he is almost in tears.
He says it's bringing out the "spiritual world".

A= Friday the 13
B= Coworkers bring a black cat into studio
C= Randy becoming distressed

This is a great example of Superstitious Behavior. Actually, a double whammy. Randy not coming to work because he thought it was Friday the 13 and his coworkers brought a black cat into work and he completely freaked out.

Terms used: Conditioned, extinction, behavior, reinforce, emitted, superstitious behavior.

The background on this clip is that the individuals are trying to go to a Halloween party and Penny won’t answer her door. Penny usually answers her door when people knock so not knowing what to do Sheldon has an extinction burst and continues to knock until Penny emits a behavior to open the door. This illustrates extinction.
A= In room won’t come out
B= Knock excessively
C= Penny comes out
Sheldon doesn’t receive what he usually received when he knocked on the dory (which is someone comes out) so since he thought he was Mr. Flash and he didn’t know what to do he emitted a behavior of knocking continuously until he was reinforced again.

In this clip it shows how Chris received his dads “lucky sox” and started having good luck, he becomes superstitious that if he loses them his luck will run out. This illustrates superstitious behavior.
A= Got sox
B= Wear sox
C= Have good luck
This is superstitious behavior because he is experiencing reinforcement for a random behavior. The sox were deemed lucky so any luck he would have received at all would have made him believe it.
Terms: emit, superstitious behavior, extinction burst, behavior, reinforcement

This video shows Jet Li who is fighting another figher after Jet Li refuses to fight his opponent, he then fights back and wins.

A= temple
B= fighting
C= opponent stops

This clip demonstrates the extinction because it reduces the opponents frequency to fight his opponent after having operant conditions been reinforced to do so. The opponent was fighting him and was elicited to do so amd emits to fight Jet Li and he was not fighting, Jet Li then starts to fight and win and the extinction burst of his opponent is furious and unrelenting in anger and does not want to give up. After reinforcement is not given of the previous behavior, the consequence is the opponent gives up. 5:47 #1 scene

This shows the superstition that he shot someone with his hand, with reinforcement of a man dying.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A= rooftop
B= pointing finger
C= man dies

This shows superstious behavior of people because they believe that he shot someone with his finger. They become scared even though everyone knows that you cannot shot someone and kill them with a finger. The reinforcement of this is was someone dying, but at the end the superstious belief is resolved after they see the man with the gun who shot him.

terminology : frequency, extinction, behavior, extinction burst, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, elicit, emit, condition, operant Only have to watch 1:10 to 2:00

This is an interview of two people that were on the show So You Think You Can Dance. In this clip the interviewer asks them what they do before they perform on stage. The girl actually has a lot of things that she does before she performs. This clip is an example of superstitious behavior. It is an example of superstitious behavior because it is the behaviors that the women dancer elicits before each routine.

A- So You Think You Can Dance
B- Sleep in lucky shirt, Listens to certain music, Lucky Duck takes everywhere, 16 jumping jacks
C- She performs better then she would if she didn’t do those things

This clip is a good example of superstitious behavior because the behaviors that she emits do not lead to reinforcement themselves, but instead are just associated with the consequence. The antecedent is the show that the girl used to perform on. Before each performance she would have to do a list of things, which means that there were multiple behaviors. She did things like sleep in a lucky shirt, listen to music, and do 16 jumping jacks right before going onto the stage. The target behavior in this situation is the behavior of dancing the performance well. The consequences to her actions were that she would have a successful performance. This is mostly an idea in her head that if she does these things then she will be successful. This is why it is an example of superstitious behavior. only need to watch till 1:20

This video is a clip from the show the big bang theory. In this clip Penny is having a really hard time opening up her door. You find out that she tried to use her car keys on accident. In this clip you see her trying to open the door with multiple different techniques. This clip is an example of extinction.

A- Arriving at home
B- Trying to unlock the door
C- Gets locked out

This clip is a good example of extinction because she tries so many different ways to open her door because normally she is reinforced with the door opening when she inserts the key. She isn’t really punished because the door doesn’t open she just isn’t reinforced anymore. On this day she isn’t reinforced so she tries to get the key out, tugs on the door, jumps around, and slams on it. This is an example of extinction burst. After she has elicited the behavior of opening the door she gives up and sits on the ground. The antecedent in this clip is that Penny is arriving home. When she gets to her door she tries to unlock it but fails and the consequence is that she gets locked out of her apartment. This is a good example of extinction because it involves a behavior that is usually reinforced, but when it doesn’t open then that is when extinction starts.

Terms: Superstitious behavior, behavior, consequence, emits, elicits, antecedent, extinction, reinforce, reinforced, reinforcement, extinction burst, target behavior, punished

This clip is from The Vampire Diaries series, and it portrays Bonnie (witch) getting her powers stripped from her by her dead ancestral witches for trying to bring Jeremy back to life. Prior to this part in the episode, the dead ancestral witches had backed Bonnie up and had helped her with her magic, but since this spell to bring Jeremy back to life goes against nature, the witches extinguish their helping abilities and strip Bonnie of her power. This clip represents the concept of extinction.

A= Ancestral witches’ house
B= Bonnie taps into power to bring Jeremy back to life
C= Ancestral witches do not help and strip Bonnie of her power

The clip is demonstrating the concept of extinction because prior to Bonnie doing this spell to bring Jeremy back to life, the dead ancestral witches would reinforce her by assisting her with her spells. But, because this spell in particular is considered to be against nature, the ancestral witches do not want to help Bonnie and they take her powers away from her, therefore extinguishing Bonnie’s behavior of tapping into the ancestral witches’ power for help. This is how the ABCs of behavior modification explain what is happening in the clip: In the context of the ancestral witches’ house, Bonnie taps into their power to bring Jeremy back to life and then, consequently, the ancestral witches do not help her and strip Bonnie of her power. The antecedent describes the context of the event, the behavior tells what was emitted, and the consequence lets us know what happened because of the behavior.

This clip is from the movie The Luck of the Irish. It portrays a boy named Kyle associating his luck with a coin that has been passed down to him from his family. Kyle always wore his lucky coin. He especially made sure that he wore his coin to basketball games. When he wore his coin, he always was the star player. He scored the most points for the team, which in turn made him popular at school. But, when his coin is stolen, his luck seems to go downhill very fast. Therefore, he feels the need to get his lucky coin back because he feels as though not having it is what is ruining his daily performance. But, in a scene at the end of the movie, Kyle uses his own talent and skill to win a basketball game without his lucky coin, therefore proving that the behavior he was emitting while wearing his coin was superstitious. This clip represents the concept of superstitious behavior.

A= At basketball game
B= Kyle wears lucky coin
C= Kyle wins game

This clip is demonstrating the concept of superstitious behavior because Kyle wore the lucky coin because he attributed wearing it to winning games. Therefore, he would wear the lucky coin to every single game. When the coin was stolen, he started losing games, so that reinforced the idea that the coin led him to win even more. But, at the end of the movie, it shows him winning the basketball game on his own accord when he is not wearing his lucky coin. This proves to Kyle that it is not necessary to have his lucky coin to win basketball games. The ABCs of behavior modification explain what is happening in the clip like this: In the context of basketball games, Kyle wears his lucky coin and then, consequently, wins the game. This reinforces Kyle’s necklace-wearing behavior.


Terms: extinguish, extinction, reinforce, behavior modification, antecedent, context, behavior, emitted, consequence, superstitious behavior


This clip is entitled Woof Off. It is an advertisement for the product of woof off that claims to stop dogs barking. It is a muzzle-type device that also has a stethoscope inserted in it that connects to the barking dogs ears. The device claims that when a dog barks it will be magnified in its own ears and eventually make him stop the annoying behavior of barking.

A. An annoying barking dog
B. Applying the woof off device on the dog
C. The dog will stop barking

The target behavior that the clip wants to eliminate is the dog barking which acts as the antecedent. When the behavior of putting the woof off on the dog is emitted the dog becomes elicited to stop barking because he hears his own annoying barks magnified. The consequence of all this is the dog’s behavior of barking to reach extinction.

Superstitious Behavior:

This clip is called Chasing Pigeons in Barcelona. In this clip there are tons of pigeons following people. This is the behavior that I want to look at. A girl is also chasing the pigeons in the background.

A. Pigeons on the street
B. The pigeons follow the people around
C. The pigeons end up getting randomly chased by a kid

The target behavior that I am calling the superstitious behavior is the pigeons following people. The antecedent is that there are tons of pigeons on the street. At one time a random person probably feed these pigeons and the pigeons took this kind act as some type of reinforcement. So to try and get reinforced again the pigeons started the behavior of following people. More often than not the consequence of following people is probably going to be that they get chased by some kid instead of being feed but they have this superstitious belief that following people will be reinforced with food.

Terms: extinction, antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior, emit, elicit, superstitious behavior, reinforcement

Superstitious behavior:

In this video a guy is talking about how he was given a "lucky" pair of shoes by a friend to go sky diving. He is told they are lucky because he will be perfectly safe with them on. After he sees that he was safe sky diving with them on he continues to wear them to keep his good luck. He even mentions that he got is job in the shoes.

A: Going sky diving
B: Wearing lucky shoes
C: He is safely and successfully sky dives

This clip demonstrates superstitious behavior because the guy is engaging in the behavior wearing the shoes because he feels they will produce good luck for him. One time when he wore them everything turned out good for him, so now he is convinced that it is the result of the shoes. The reinforcement is probably not directly from the shoes considering they are an inanimate object but more likely it is because he changes his own behaviors when he is wearing the shoes. The ABC's explain the superstitious behavior because it shows something seemingly unreinforcing as reinforcing. The behavior of wearing the shoes results in the consequence of wearing them again because they elicited good luck.


In this clip a guy is breaking up with his seemingly crazy girlfriend. He only went out with her once and when he decided to break up with her she tried a bunch of things to stay around like finding where he lived and showing up at his brothers birthday party. When he tells her to leave she takes him with her and when he won't go she pulls out a knife and convinces him not to break up with her.

A: Girlfriend is crazy
B: Boy breaking up with her
C: Girl tries all her crazy tricks to keep him around

This clip is demonstrating extinction because the boyfriend is taking something previously reinforcing away from the girlfriend, the relationship. When this is taken away the girl does many extinction bursts like ignoring what he says, calling him pet names, and eventually pulling out her knife. These happen because she is uncomfortable with out the reinforcement of the relationship so she does all she can to get him back. The ABC's demonstrate this by showing why the boy is breaking up with the girl as the antecedent, then he breaks up with her as the behavior and extinction as he is removing something previously reinforcing, and the consequence is the extinction burst as she tries to win him back.

Terms: Superstitious behaviors, reinforcement, elicited, ABC's, behavior, extinction, extinction burst, consequence, antecedent

Thursday 9/27/12 Superstition and Extinction

This clip of Lucky Dube and band live musical performance communicates extinction. Some concerts have a reinforcing theme, the artists and individuals have reinforcement schedule at times. Artists are usually reinforced by crowds cheer, crowd is reinforced by live music until the end of show. Sometimes, however, individuals in the crowd cheer until artist returns for ‘encore’ to reward them.

Extinction and Extinction Burst
A= live concert ‘ends’
B= crowd cheers relentlessly
C= artist returns to perform ‘encore’

Lucky Dube also often can be seen wearing camouflage during his live performances. One could interpret this as a superstition, as his appearance may have nothing at all to do with how pleasing the music sounds. One also does not know if possibly camouflage is his attire at other times. This could explain the ambiguity of superstition, as one feels as one feels. Whatever works…in moderation. -ebs- 9/27/12 @ 1102hrs. CentricTime

A= conduct first performance
B= performance is great success
C= display similar attire in future performances

Term% reinforcing, reinforcement, superstition, extinction, extinction burst, antecedent, behavior, consequence

This first clip is called "Don't eat too much candy!" It involves a pencil-sketched person who decides to go to the store and buy a bunch of candy. He brings it home and eats it all at once. At first, he is really happy because because his desire for candy was satiated. However, he ends up in bed with part of his mouth swollen (most likely because he went to the dentist to get a filling for a cavity)and he is really sad. So, this clip is an example of extinction.

A= Going to the store
B= Eats candy
C= Get a sore tooth

This is a good example of extinction because the pencil man really liked candy and thought it that by eating all of it at once, he wouldn't feel deprived of sugar. At first, the candy was reinforcing because he gradually ate all the candy piece by piece because it tasted good. However, the candy lost its appeal after it gave him a cavity and stomach ache, which made the pencil man really sad. So, since the punishing consequence of eating the candy all at once was getting a cavity, the likely outcome is that the pencil man won't stop eating candy completely, but he will most likely decrease the amount he eats at one time in the future.

This second clip is from a Dateline NBC interview with Taylor Swift where she is discussing why she thinks the number 13 is her lucky number. She claims that anytime she catches a reference to the number 13, that good things tend to happen for her like winning awards, having a good show, etc. Her band members even have the number 13 represented on their instruments and tour bus. This is an example of superstitious behavior.

A= Backstage at a concert
B= Paint the number 13 on hand
C= Have a great show with no bad incidents

I felt that this is a great example of superstitious behavior because Taylor Swift explained a lot of examples where she felt the number 13 affected the outcome of good events/results. Even though the number 13 is usually viewed as a very unlucky number, Taylor Swift hasn't experienced any punishing consequences from the number 13. Also, she believes that if she is not in the 13th row or row letter M at awards ceremonies, she already knows that she won't win because she sin't being associated with the number 13.

Terminology: satiated, extinction, ABC, deprived, reinforcing, punishing, consequence, superstitious, punishing


This is a video about a musician named Richard Shindell who was supposed to perform one of his own songs, but while trying to perform the song, he forgot the lyric of the song “You Stay Here.” This caused the audience to laugh at him, even though he tried looking for the lyric, he couldn’t find it. He tried singing but couldn’t remember the lyric.

A: Performing
B: Forgot the lyric
C: Being laughed at

I think this is an example of extinction because Richard Shindell forgot the song that he previously knew. He was also punished by the audience because; at first he was reinforced by the audience. They clapped while he was coming on stage. After realizing that he forgot the lyric, they laughed at him.

Superstitious behavior

In this video, B.F Skinner put a pigeon in a cage as he was doing his experiment. The pigeon had to emit the behavior of hitting the white holes in order to get food (treat). After hitting the hole for awhile, for like an amount of time and getting retreat each time, the pigeon was tired and started looking around. As it looked around, it looked on its shoulder, after looking on the shoulder, the treat fell. The pigeon then had a superstitious behavior that, if it looks on its shoulder, the treat will come. This became the default behavior of the pigeon.

A: Feeding the pigeon in the cage
B: Look on the shoulder and retreat
C: Looking on the shoulder became her default response

As stated, this is a superstitious behavior because, as the pigeon looked on its shoulder, food fell. This food falling reinforced the pigeon to keep looking on its shoulder, even though looking on its shoulder was not necessary. Fixed ratio was also involved because; the pigeon had to hit the white hole for an amount of time, no more, no less.

Terms used
Superstitious behavior
Fixed ratio

Superstitious Behavior:

This is a video clip from the show dance moms. Maddie did a dance for her grandmother who passed away. Ser mom gave her a pin that her grandma used to wear. She wore this while she danced and did very well.

A-dance competition
B-Wears pin
C-wins first place

I think this is an example of superstitious behavior because she wore the pin in honor of her grandmother and ended up winning. She said that her grandma was looking down on her so that helped her dance well and win.


This is a video about a boy named jonah Mowry. He made this video about the things he went through because he got bullied. He finally stood up for himself and made a video to show the bullies that he is stronger then that.

A- gets bullied
B- makes video
C- people aplaud him

This is an example of extinction because now that all of the bullies see that he is strong enough to overcome all of the hurtful things that the bullies say to him, they will now learn to treat people with respect and they will no longer bully Jonah. I thought it was a very inspirational video and taught that bullying is a behavior that not everyone is aware of until people speak out.

terms: extinction, behavior, superstitious behavior


This clip is about a Hidden Valley Ranch focus group. The three participants are given a reward if they come up with a good quote for their new products. However, one participant is determined to get the reward but is quickly denied.

A= Hidden Valley Ranch Focus Group
B= Trying to win money by using variability and aggressive behavior
C= Man eventually gives up and pays her to leave

Although the man gives up, the participant still experiences extinction when she is denied and ignored by the man in charge of the focus group and the other two participants. She quickly uses variability and aggressive behavior, while experiencing an extinction burst.


The first 30 seconds of this clip is about Jerry Seinfeld's new jacket and how he feels like he can do anything in his new coat.

A= In his apartment
B= Put's on the new jacket
C= Feels empowered

This is an example of superstition because of the feeling that Jerry gets when he puts the jacket on. It makes him feel as though he is protected with confidence. (This clip also shows extinction).

Terms: extinction, variability, extinction burst, aggressive behavior, superstition

Superstitious behavior –
This is a clip of the “Mermaid Theory” from How I Met Your Mother. In this video Barney is telling Marshall how seemingly “normal” looking women have a “mermaid” clock.
A- In Marshall’s office talking
B- Not thinking his secretary is good looking
C- Secretary turns into a mermaid.
This is a good example of superstitious behavior because the mermaid story is a myth. Marshall doesn’t want to believe his secretary is good looking so he freaks out when she becomes good looking to him. Before she became a “mermaid”, Marshall would count the days it took until she did.

Extinction –
This is the clip “For the Birds”. The little birds are sitting on a telephone wire and all of a sudden a big bird comes out onto the wire. The little birds start chirping at the big bird while he makes his way to the middle of the wire. The little birds then start pecking at the big birds feet. The big bird flies off and the little ones get thrown into the air.
A- Big bird lands in the middle of the wire.
B- Little birds peck at the big bird.
C- Little birds get thrown off into the air.
This is a good example of extinction because the birds were being reinforced for pecking at the big bird because he was “supposed” to just let go and everything would go back to normal. But, when the birds noticed what was going to happen, they stopped pecking. The big bird ended up falling off anyway and the little birds are thrown into the air.

Terms: superstitious behavior, extinction

This is an example of extinction

This is a trailer from the movie The Vow. A couple gets married in the beginning of the clip and shows them getting into a car accident. The car accident elicits the wife to lose her memory. She no longer remembers being married to her husband and has a hard time being comfortable around him. This means she isn’t in love with him and can’t show the same affection.

A. After car accident
B. Wife loses her memory
C. Doesn’t show affection to her husband

This clip demonstrates extinction because the husband is no longer being reinforced from his wife. She loses her memory of marrying him and finds it difficult to show affection to him. The husband is not being punished, but he is no longer being reinforced for being married (affection). He finds this behavior to be aversive and goes through extinction burst.

This is an example of superstitious behavior

This is a clip about the TV show Toddlers and Tiaras. One of the moms gives her daughter mountain dew and red bull to drink which emits her to more energetic. They think this allows the girl to perform better on stage during the pageant.

A. pageant day
B. Drink mountain dew and red bull
C. Perform better on stage

This clip demonstrates superstitious behavior because the mother believes the mountain dew and red bull elicits her daughter to perform well on stage. She gives this to her every time before she emits to go on stage and perform. The girl doesn’t have a problem with this superstitious behavior because she finds the drinks to be pleasant.

Terms: behaviors, extinction, extinction burst, antecedent, consequence, elicit , emit, aversive, pleasant, reinforce, punisher, and superstitious behavior

This first clip is my example for extinction. It is a news report on Popeyes running out of chicken during a big sale they had going on. In it, we hear customers dissatisfction and comments.

A= People going to Popeyes for chicken sale.
B=Popeyes running out of chicken.
C=People not coming back to Popeyes and leaving upset.

People emitted the behavior of going to Popeyes for the sale they had advertised, but were notified the store was out of chicken completely once they arrived. The target behavior here is the Popeyes running out of chicken which results in people being upset and "not coming back" to Popeyes. (A guy says this in the clip towards the end). Also notice the sign on the drive thru speaker, it is a discrimitive stimulus because it elicits the customer to leave instead of expect to order chicken. The aggression can be seen from the lady who talks back to the pre recorded message with upset words. She is not being reinforced like she normally would be from the chicken being available to buy and is reacting with aggression. The Popeyes going behavior is extinguished for som people because of them running out.

terms: elicit, emit, aggression, extinction, etinguish, target behavior, discrimitive stimuli, reinforced

This is my example for superstitous behavior. It shows the snake handling in a ceremony at church. The man emits the snake handling behavior and is punished by the snake by the bite which kills him. This is superstitous because the snake handling is believed to be for god but is not proven, therefore these people are really doing acts with no real basis or proof that it is the cause of the reinforcement they have recieved. In reality, they do no know if the target behavior of snake handling is bringing them god's favor.

terms: Superstitous behavior, emit, punishment, reinforcement, target bahvior

A=Church ceremony
B= Snake handling
C= Bits and/or death

This is a clip of a girl trying to use her computer, but her pet cat will not let her type anything. Every time she tries to type something, Chester (the cat) stops her by putting his paw on her hand.

A: The bedroom
B: The cat's owner trying to type on the computer
C: Chester putting his paw on her hand

This is an example of extinction because the girl is normally reinforced with having the computer out and typing on it but her cat, Chester, will not allow it. This makes the behavior no longer desirable because she will not be reinforced with typing on it.

This is a clip of a dog named Tiger who developed this odd behavior of turning in a circle when the bell was run along with the desired sitting behavior.

A: Kennel at a shelter
B: Turning in a circle and sitting every time the bell is rung
C: Get a treat

This is an example of a superstitious behavior because when the bell goes off Tiger is suppose to sit but somewhere in the reinforcement procedure he turned around and thought it had to do with getting the treat.

Terms: Behavior, Reinforce, Reinforcement, Reinforcement Procedure, Desirable, Extinction, and Superstitious Behavior

This video is about a four leaf clover necklace if you wear it you will have good luck
A:Buy a Clover Necklace
B:Have good luck
C:Have a good day

This is an example of superstitious because they are saying if you wear this necklace it will elicit good luck. Anyone would love to have any chance of having good luck so they buy the necklace.

This video is about a girl and her dog teaching him how to sit.

A:At home
B:The dog not getting a treat for sitting
C:The dog doesnt sit anymore unless he gets a treat

This is an example of Exctinction because since the dog always got a treat for sitting down and she didnt give him a treat, the dog wasnt going to sit down again unless he was reinforced with a treat.

Terms: Superstitious behavior, Reinforced, Extiction

This is the movie trailer for a movie called “Just My Luck” starring Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine. This was one of the first things I thought of when I was trying to find a clip. I’m not sure why, but it is a perfect example of extinction. This girl has so much good luck it is ridiculous! She always gets want she wants and never has to worry about anything, but one night all of this changes. She kisses a boy at a party. For this behavior is emitted, it elicits their luck to be switched. Instead of his horrible luck, he all of a sudden has everything handed to him. While, she is going to through extinction trying to learn how to live life without people always giving her everything she wants.
A= She gets everything she wants because of her good luck
B= She kisses a boy with bad luck
C= Her good luck is taken away and she doesn’t know how to deal with it

This demonstrates extinction because dealing with a situation where she has always had good luck, but now that is no longer occurring. Since it is no reinforced, it leaves her desperate.

This is a video in which basketball shooting guard Monta Ellis’ shows us this pre-game ritual. He waxes his hands before every game. He started doing it because it helped him when he tore a ligament in one of his left fingers. He has done it ever since. This may be actually lead to helping his game performance or even really make his hand better.

A= He is getting ready for his game
B= Waxes his hands
C= Believes he feels better which will help improve his performance.

This demonstrates superstitious behaviors because the hand wax may not actually be helping Monta’s performance, but it makes him feel better about his game. It doesn’t directly lead to him performing well, which is a desirable thing.

Terms: extinction, emitted, elicits, reinforced, superstitious behavior, desirable

This is a clip from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In the clip, Dennis, one of the main characters, is describing his method of getting women to have sex with him. He describes his method as the D.E.N.N.I.S. system. This clip represents extinction with two of Dennis’s steps in his method.

A= had sex with girl
B= sever all contact with girl
C= girl doesn’t call anymore

This clip demonstrates extinction because Dennis is making himself out to be a reinforcer for the girl that he wishes to have sex with. He then severs all contact with the girl after they finally do the deed. This likely causes her to have an extinction burst at first but then leads to Dennis’s desired outcome, which is her behavior of talking to him being extinguished. The antecedent is Dennis having had sex with the girl and proceeding onto the next step. The behavior is that next step, severing all contact with the girl. The consequence is the girl giving up on contacting him.

Superstitious Behavior:
This is a clip from the movie Space Jam. In this clip, the Looney Toons are feeling down because they’re being beaten by the opposing team, The Monstars. Michael is trying to give the team an inspiring speech but everyone still thinks they have no chance of winning. Bugs Bunny slaps a label in a water bottle saying “Michael’s Secret Stuff” and passes it off as a wonder drink that makes Michael and others play better. This clip demonstrates superstitious behavior.

A= being beaten by the Monstars in basketball
B= drink “Michael’s Secret Stuff”
C= have confidence that they can win

This clip demonstrates superstitious behavior because the Looney Toons team doesn’t think they’re any good at basketball and that Michael is one of the only good players on the team. They believe that if they drink “Michael’s Secret Stuff”, they will play better like Michael does. The wonder drink is actually just water but the team’s superstition that it will make a difference gives them the confidence to play better. The antecedent is that the team is being beaten by the Monstars and thinks they have no chance of winning. The behavior is the team drinking “Michael’s Secret Stuff” and believing it will make them play better. The consequence is that the team has more confidence and can go out and play better because they believe that the wonder drink will improve their basketball abilities.

Terms: extinction, reinforcer, extinction burst, behavior, extinguished, antecedent, consequence, superstitious behavior

Superstitious Behavior

This clip is about a basketball player that has a pretty good free throw shooting average. She has a unique ritual that she performs before every shot. She dibbles once, then five times fast, then shoots as soon as possible.

A= At the free throw line
B= Dribbles once, five times, shoots as soon as possible
C= Maintains a high free throw percentage

This illustrates a superstitious behavior because the pre-free throw ritual doesn't necessarily improve Jessica's chances at making the shot. Even though the ritual might not help Jessica still emits the behavior of dribbling in a specific way before each shot because she continues to get a consequence that reinforces her behavior.

Extinction Behavior

Many banks across America are discontinuing rewards systems that they were using to reinforce credit card use behaviors.

A= People Using Credit Cards
B= Take away credit card rewards
C= People use credit cards less

This is a interesting example of extinction because after learning the principles of behavior modification, this action by the banks could elicit some serious extinction behaviors. On the milder side people might just use their credit cards less. In extreme cases people might switch to a different bank.

Terms: elicit, emit, extinction behaviors, behaviors, reinforce, superstitious behavior, consequence

1. Warning: This film is loud! In this film a dog tried to get attention from another dog but could not.
2. Extinction.
3.A. A dog stands next to another dog. B. A dog barks and touches the other dog. C. The dog finally stops emitting the behavior.
4. The film demonstrates extinction because the behavior stops after the absence of reinforcement. The antecedent was a dog standing there and ignoring the other dog. The behavior could not achieve the intended effect, so the consequence was that the behavior stopped.

Superstitious Behavior:
1. Two polar bears are watching a game on TV. One bear gets nervous and crosses its fingers and toes. The other bear gives it a drink.
2. Superstitious behavior.
3.A. A polar bear watches a game on TV. B. The bear crosses its fingers and toes. C. The game is not affected, but the bear reduces its anxiety.
4. The film shows us superstitious behavior because crossing fingers does not affect the outcome of a remote event. The antecedent was watching a game, and the behavior leads to a reduction of anxiety, in this case by a cold drink.

Terms: extinction, emit, reinforcement, antecedent, consequence, superstitious behavior

The first clip is the final fight scene at the end of the movie “Blood and Bone”. Bone (Michael Jai White) is fighting the current champion who is very cocky. Bone does not want to initially fight him and asked what will happen if he does not fight. The man in the suit tells him, “Then I’ll beat you where you stand.” The man in the suit also refused to change out of his suit because he thought it was going to be over quickly. The two start fighting. The man in the suit continues with his cockiness throughout most of the fight. To the shock of the crowd, Bone eventually defeated his cocky opponent.

A= Man in the suit is the champion
B= Champion is very cocky
C= Champion is defeated

This clip is a demonstration of extinction. The targeted behavior in the clip is the cockiness displayed by the champion. The cockiness was extinguished by Bone when he started he gain the upper hand in the fight and frankly just made him look silly. Before Bone started to beating him the man’s body gestures and comments made reinforced the idea that the champion underestimated his opponent. This beating suffered by the champion humbled him and extinguished his cockiness.

The second clip talks about superstitious athletes. In this clip we are only going focus on the end from 1:47-2:07. The clip talks about how John Terry, a soccer player from Chelsea, may be one of the most superstitious athletes in the world. John Terry superstitions include: always using the same urinal when playing at home, before each game he listens to Usher, always keeping the same place in the team bus, and he puts his shin guard on the same way every game.

A= Professional Athlete
B= Listening to Usher before each game
C= Playing better during game

This is a prime example of superstitious behavior because all of the behaviors that John Terry does do not actually make the outcome different. The superstitious behavior Terry emits just are just something Terry does because he believes it elicits him to play better.

Terms: Extinction, Targeted Behavior, Extinguished, Reinforced, Elicits, Superstitious, Emits

(Start at 12:00)
In this video Victoria works with a dog that has problems with reflective surfaces. It is believed that this dog is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder. Due to reinforcement, the dog's behavior becomes extinct. There are many instances of extinction in this video.

A: In the presence of shiny surfaces
B: Mad Max licks the walls, and doors
C: They walk out of the room after making a loud noise, and Max follows.

The previously emitted behavior of licking the wall, and reflective surface, is discouraged, and will soon be extinct thanks to the positive verbal reinforcement provided after he leaves the reflective surface.

In this short little clip, there is a bear showing superstitious behavior. Crossing all of his limbs to help his football team win. Not even his own desire for coke will make him uncross his limbs.

A: Watching the Football Game
B: Crossing all limbs
C: Helping his team win.

This is superstitious behavior because it has no reinforcing attribute. The polar bear crossing his limbs will not actually make the football team do any better, and it will not make the bear feel better. However, this could be used to help manage the bears stress, and in that way could be reinforcing.
This is a clip from the movie step brothers. In the movie Will Farrel and John C. Riley are adults that act immature. Their behavior is usually reinforced by the parents, however when things get out of hand, They decide to sharpen up and stop reinforcing the behavior. The men are forced to go out and get jobs and start growing up. This represents extinction.
A- Living with your parents in your mid 30's
B- Acting immaturely
C- They stop letting you do whatever you want.

This is a clear demonstration of extinction. The reinforcement of being allowed to watch the tv any time they want is suddenly taken away. The extinction burst comes when they protest and throw a fit and use variability trying to persuade the discipline to stop. They show aggressive behavior and start yelling. Finally the behavior of acting like a child stops. There are still a few spontaneous recoveries in the rest of the movie, but for the most part the men grow up.
This clip is a demonstration of superstitious behavior. In the clip, Jason Kidd is shooting a free throw. He emits a certain peculiar behavior before he shoots the free throw. He kisses his hand and then shoots the ball.
A- Shooting a Free Throw
B- Kiss your hand and then shoot
C- You make the free throw (maybe)

He is not being reinforced for kissing his hand. He is being reinforced for shooting a free throw. But his routine has somehow made him believe that he will have a better chance of making the free throw if he goes through this routine first. His percentage was pretty high during this time period, so It's easy to understand why he would do this when he was being continuously reinforced.

Reinforced, Extinction, Extinction Burst, Variability, Aggressive Behavior, Spontaneous Recoveries, Superstitious Behavior, Emit, Continuous Reinforcement

This video shows extinction by having a baby say his mothers' name over and over trying different names as an extinction burst to try and get a response.
A- In the context of Lois' bedroom
B- Stewie says mom, mommy, and Lois
C- Gets no response for a long time
This clip demonstrates extinction because it shows how to extinguish behavior of a child needing attention. Stewie goes through an extinction burst where he tries every name he has learned to call his mom. None of them work until she gets fed up and yells at him.
At 1:07 in this video it shows the superstition. This clip is a trailer from the movie Like Mike where a boy finds magical shoes that give him superstar basketball abilities.
A- In the context of a basketball court
B- Where magic shoes
C- Play like a star
This clip shoes superstition because of how a pair of shoes give him the ability to play better than without them.
Terms: Extinction, extinction burst, response, superstition

This is a clip from The Incredibles of Dash and his mom in the car after Dash got in trouble at the principals office for putting a tack on his teachers chair but his teacher couldn’t catch him because Dash has super speed ability. Dash’s mom is explaining to him that the world doesn’t want them to be super anymore, and that he has to stop. This is an example of extinction.

B=Dash being super speedy
C=Gets in trouble with his mom

This is an example of extinction because before in the past supers were reinforced to emit a target behavior of using their powers to help out the world, but after Dash’s dad, Mr. Incredible got sued for helping a man that didn’t want help, the world wanted the super heroes to go into retirement and stop being super. So their behavior was no longer being reinforced. This is hard on Dash because he wants to emit his true behavior and be able to run super fast whenever he wants to. What Dash did at school could be classified as an extinction burst because he is trying another method to get reinforcement to continue to use his super power ability. This could also be variability because he is not doing something to save people, but just to get laughs from the students.

This is a clip from Tangled when Rapunzel’s mother is telling her why she can’t leave the tower, in a song of course! She is telling her that all these things are on the outside world so she can’t leave. This is an example of superstitious behavior.

B=Leave the tower
C=Die from one of the many casualties

This is an example of superstitious behavior because after this Rapunzel is afraid to leave the tower, which is the antecedent, and she thinks that if she leaves she could deal with one of the consequences, catch the plague or fall in quicksand. She wanted to elicit a behavior of leaving the tower from her mother, but her mother convinced her else wise. This is superstitious behavior because in reality, there isn’t like any of the aversive things her mother describes in the real world and if Rapunzel leaves the tower she won’t actually die of one of the calamities.

Terms: extinction, reinforced, emit, target behavior, antecedent, superstitious behavior, consequence, behavior, aversive


The clip is from Walt Disney’s The Little Mermaid. In this clip, Ariel is having her first dinner as a human with Prince Eric and Grimsby. The behavior I want to focus on is Ariel uses a fork to brush her hair. Before (when she was a mermaid), she was being reinforced with praise by both Scuttle and Flounder whenever she did something that she thought humans did. But when she was with humans, the behavior she emitted was no longer praised. It was even questioned in the beginning.

A = Dinner table
B = Brushing hair with a fork
C = Embarrassment

Her fascination with the human world had her friends Flounder and Scuttle interested too. Since they were not from the human world they had to make assumptions about what the human world was like. Ariel believed that they engaged in the behavior of brushing their hair with a dingle-hopper (fork). She was praised within her circle of friends for engaging in the behavior also. But when she got to the human world, there was no reinforcement for the target behavior of using a fork as a hair brush and even had a consequence of Ariel being embarrassed for her behavior. She did not receive any punishment for it since nobody did anything to decrease the behavior.


Superstitious Behavior:

This clip is a sing-along from the movie Mulan to the song ‘Bring Honor To Us All’. I am specifically looking at the Grandmother when she says, “A pendent for balance.” Mulan is being washed, fitted, and painted to look like the perfect bride for when she goes to see the match-maker. The match-maker is the women in the village that decides who is fit to get married to who.

A = Clothing Store
B = Placing a pendent in Mulan’s waistband
C = Mulan having balance

I am only guessing that they are at some type of clothing store since it is where Mulan is getting all of her important cloths instead of just every day cloths. A pendent being placed in Mulan’s waistband will not actually give her more balance so that she can get a husband. The reinforcer that everyone in the song is hoping for is for the young girls to get a husband. Less than ten minutes later, Mulan does not have a husband because she did not represent herself as a perfect bride. Pendent or not, I believe the outcome would have been the same.


Terms: reinforced/reinforcement/reinforcer, emitted, consequence, punishment, extinction, target behavior, and superstitious behavior.
In this clip Sheldon knocks on Leonards door (and everyone else's) and when he gets their attention and response he goes through extinction and continues to knock on their door, even though he's already received an emitted confirmation to his elicited knocking.
A= At the door
B= Knock and repeatedly call for Leonard
C= Leonard will come out
Leonard wasn't immeadiately reinforced when Leonard didn't come out (he was sleeping after all) so he continued his knocking until Leonard came out.

In this commerical the coca-cola bears are watching football. The one bear is hoping to help his team win by crossing his toes,fingers, legs, arms, and scarf. He does this in the belief that crossing your fingers will bring good luck and thus as a consequence his team will win.

A= Watching football
B= Crossing Fingers (and everything)
C= Your team winning

The bear is hoping to get reinforced with his teams victory by using a random behavior that in no way influences the outcome of the game!

Terms: Consequence, reinforced, superstitious, behavior,emit, elicit, extinction

This clip shows how by installing an underground fence, it will emit the behavior of the dog going outside of its boundaries and prevent the dog from chasing after animals or running off.

A=Anxious, excited dog that likes to chase animals
B=apply underground fence
C=dog will remain in it's own boundaries

This clip represents extinction because by using the underground fencing system, the dog becomes elicited to stay in it's own territory and it emits the behavior of the dog chasing animals, such as the rabbit.

This clip is about how Native Americans used dream catchers to catch the bad dreams and prevent them from having bad dreams in the future. (The American culture began using this tactic as well).

A=Bad dreams
B=not sleeping
C=hang the dream catcher to get sleep

This is an example of a superstitious behavior because by having the dream catcher hanging near the bed, it omits the behavior of being afraid to go to sleep.

Terms used: Extinction, Superstitious behavior, ABC's, emit, omit, elicited.

This clip is of a guys lifting weights. He says that this is his first time wearing pants while lifting and they must be lucky pants. This clip represents superstitious behavior.

A= lifting weights
B= Wearing pants
C= lift better

The guy mistakenly thinks that it is his pants that make him lift better but it is probably his practice that makes him better.

This clip is about a comedic magician that fools the audience into thinking he's terrible, but he finds the card, it's always the last place you look. This clip is about extinction. The magician finally finds the right card in the end, but after many tries without reinforcement.

A= in the street
B= does a magic trick
C= picks the wrong card

After choosing the wrong card over and over, audience members leave and don't reinforce the magician by saying he picked the right card.

TERMS: superstitious behavior, extinction, extinction burst, antecedent, behavior, consequence
The above clip was extracted from the movie Best In Show. In the video, a couple is preparing their showdog, Beatrice, for the Westminster Kennel Dog Show. The couple feels that their pet is distraught and try to provide comfort in a beloved chewtoy. The toy, called “Busy Bee,” is nowhere to be found. Meg, one of the dog’s owners is frantic and loses her temper when communicating with a motel manager, a housekeeper, and a gift shop employee. Meg has a superstition that if Beatrice has the chewtoy, she will have a better chance of winning “Best In Show.”
Antecedent= Superstition regarding a dog winning at a dog show
Behavior= Owner is frantic
Consequence= Involved individuals feel offended
This clip may illustrate how passionate a person may be about superstitions.
The above clip is from the movie Rat Race. Throughout the film, persons are racing one another to receive a cash prize. Many obstacles are faced by these individuals, yet they persevere, possibly because they are reinforced by money and the thought of winning it. By the end of the movie, the group stumbles upon a benefit concert and decides to give the money to charity. At first, some of the persons appear disappointed but when they see the effect that their generosity has, they seem to be reinforced by giving gather than receiving.
Antecedent = A race for a prize
Behavior = Donating money
Consequence = A reinforcement modified
Extinction refers to process of stopping the reinforcement of behaviors that have been reinforced previously. The group members in the clip may have experienced extinction when modifying attitudes about winning a rat race.

This video shows a marine animal trainer, training a dolphin, after the trainer gives the dolphin a elicit command such as a hand signal or whistle, the dolphin emits the target behavior such as giving the trainer a hug or putting a hoop around its nose. When the dolphin emits the correct target behavior the trainer then positively reinforces the dolphin by giving the dolphin a treat (fish). Soon the dolphin is able to do the targeted behaviors on by commands without having the positively reinforcement. Just the elicit commands of the trainer. This is a perfect example of continuous reinforcement

A training a dolphin
B dose trick right (target behavior)
C gets a treat (fish)

Target Behavior
positively reinforced
continuous reinforcement

zani is being trained to weave the poles. When the owner runs on one side with Zani, Zani gets air, but when she runs on the other side, she runs close to the ground.
A- training the dog to run poles
B- Runs on the the left side
C- Dog catches air

A- Training the dog to run poles
B- Runs on the right side
C- Dog runs low to the ground

I believe that this behavior is superstition because the dog only does this when the owner runs on the certain side. The dog was reinforced to do the weaving of poles and the owner didnt realize that she was conditioning the dog to emit the behavior of jumping on the one side and running low on the other side.

The next clip is from the Benchwarmers. This clip has Gus going to visit one of the men that he used to bully back in the day. He was going over to his house to apologize for bullying him as a kid. The man then freaks out and hides as Gus apologized. The stayed in his house all the time and never cam out. Gus leaves and later there is the last game for the Benchwarmers. The man goes on the field and overcomes his fear and forgave Gus. He overcame his fear and came out of his own hiding because Gus apologized.

A- Visiting a man Gus used to pick on
B- Apologizing for picking on him
C- No longer afraid of people outside of his house

I believe that this is extintion because he was emitting a behavior of being scared of people and their judgements and now he is no longer afraid of them.

Behavior, conditioned. emit, extintion, superstition

Posted for BW:
Topical Blog Week #6 (Due Thursday)
This is a video clip, a song that is called “Call Me Maybe.” It is quite a long clip, but I feel it is a great example of extinction. The whole video a girl is hitting on a guy and the guy towards the beginning shows that he may be interested. As the video goes on she keeps trying harder and harder to get his attention and he slowly stops giving it to her and by the end of the video gives his number to another man right in front of her. This made her stop trying to hit on him, because she found out he was gay. This is the concept of extinction.
A= Living next to cute boy
B= hitting on him constantly
C= stops trying for him
The antecedent is the girl becomes a neighbor to a cute boy and hits on him constantly. At first he seems interested so she keeps hitting on him. He starts to seem to lose interest but she keeps trying. He keeps ignoring her and she decideds she is going to try just one last time and he turns out to be gay. The behavior is her hitting on him daily and the consequence him being gay and her not trying for him anymore. She is being reinforced at first, because he seems interested in her as well. Then as he starts to ignore her, that is when extinction starts. He ending the behavior of flirting with him is extinguished when he comes out to be gay.
Terms: extinction, behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforced, extinguished


In this clip from Friends, Ross and his girlfriend Emily walk into the coffee shop were their friends are sitting. Chandler gets up to get tea and begins talking in an accent. The rest of the group gives him interesting looks, a punisher, so he stops using the accent.

A: Coffee shop
B: Chandler talking in an accent
C: Interesting looks from friends

Within in this clip, the group is in a coffee shop (A), while Chandler uses his accent (B). Because Chandler uses the accent, which is viewed as aversive by the group, they punish him with their looks (C) and the accent is extinct.


In this video of a soccer game, a black cat runs across the field as the game is in play. After the cat runs across the players, one players shoots the ball and misses.

A: Soccer field
B: Black cat runs across field
C: Soccer player misses goal

While the players are on the soccer field (A), the cat runs across the field (B). Many people find black cats to be superstitious and to be the reasoning behind people emitting behaviors later. After the cat runs across the field, the soccer player shoots the ball right at the goalie (C), a behavior many would believe to be fault of the black cat.

Terms Used: punisher, aversive, punish, extinct, sueperstitious, emitting,

In this video clip, the owner, Eileen, discusses how she accidentally taught her dog, Clara, a superstitious behavior. The original plan was to train Clara to back off when Eileen was interacting with other dogs. She used a shaping button that made a clicking sound, training Clara through successive approximation. The clicking was intended to reinforce the correct behavior response of backing up; however, Eileen unintentionally reinforced Clara when she spun in a circle after backing away. Clara now has a habit of spinning when she backs off and also any time she isn’t sure which behavior she is supposed to emit.

A= Clara just so happens to spin around after she backs up, which is at the same time that Eileen clicks the shaping button
B= Clara learns that her spinning behavior was correct because she heard the click
C= Now Clara spins when she backs away from the other dogs. She also tries to earn reinforcement by spinning around in situations where she is unsure which behavioral response to emit.

Superstitious behaviors are learned by an accidental reinforcement of a behavior. In this situation, poor Clara thought her Eileen was reinforcing her for spinning around as she backed away, so now she spins, hoping she is doing what her master wants her to do.

Terms: superstitious behavior, reinforcement, emit, successive approximation, shaping button

This video was posted to help puppy owners train their new dog to sleep through the night without barking and screeching. Most people can’t stand to hear their new puppy crying so much, so they go back into the room, give the puppy some attention and then try to leave again. Instead of extinguishing the dependency and screeching, this actually reinforces the behavior and leaving the room will elicit the puppy crying until the owner comes back in again. In this video, the owner leaves the room and the puppy starts to emit the whimpering and whiny behavior. Instead of reentering the room, the owner lays on the floor by the door so the pup can smell him and know he is still there. Instead of crying, the puppy is calm and just lies by the door. Then, the owner leaves a shirt with his scent by the door and quietly sneaks away. Repeating this process consistently will drive the whimpering to extinction and eventually the puppy will go to bed without having to do this process.

A= Puppy owner leaves the room
B= Puppy wants attention and doesn’t want to be alone, so his behavioral response is whimpering.
C= Owner stays out of the room but lets the puppy smell his scent under the door and leaves a t-shirt with his scent by the door so the puppy is comforted and doesn’t whimper anymore.

Since the owner doesn’t reenter the room, the puppy never receives direct reinforcement for the screeching, which is only a temporary fix. Leaving the t-shirt by the door lets the puppy know that they aren’t alone.

Terms: extinction, reinforcement, elicit, emit, behavioral response

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