Topics in the News?
What I would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to punishment.
For your news I would like you to briefly describe/summarize your piece. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Now find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps (i.e. do it again).
For originality sake, make sure the news pieces you are not using the same pieces of news the other students before you just used.
When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
The article I read is over the Chicago teacher strike. There were somewhere around 26,000 teachers on strike about a week ago because of the new contract that was going to change many things within the schools. Some of the main concerns was the lowing of teachers pay, job security, teacher benefits, and school safety. When this strike began last Monday nearly 400,000 students in Chicago were not able to attend classes. Today may be the day the strike could come to an end. There was a meeting scheduled to meet a new contract. This is not finalized just yet, but schools may start back up on Monday.
1. The target behavior is when the teachers went on strike in order to fulfill their agreements.
2. The consequence of the behavior emitted, was that after a week the school board called a new meeting to make agreeable contracts.
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior of the strike because they'll get what they want.
4. The consequence involves the addition of newly made contracts for the teachers.
5. The antecedent is the disagreeable contracts. That is what elicited the behavior of the strike.
A= Disagreeable contracts
B= Teachers go on strike
C= School board makes agreeable contracts
-Negative Reinforcement
-Establishing Operations
1. Target behavior is the teachers going on strike in order to fulfill their agreements
2. The consequence of the behavior emitted cause 400,000 students to not be able to attend school for over a week.
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior being emitted because the students will have to go to school.
4. The consequence involved the removal of students from the schools.
5. The antecedent is the disagreeable contracts. That is what elicited the strike which elicited the students removal from the schools.
A= Disagreeable contracts
B= Teachers went on strike
C= 400,000 students out of school
-Negative reinforcement
Terminology used: Emit, Elicit, Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Negative reinforcement, Extinction, Establishing Operations, Target behavior,
The news article I found was titled “Mexico mass jailbreak sparks manhunt near Texas border.” It is about how around 132 men escaped from a prison located in the city of Piedras Negras. This is a city near the United States Eagle Pass in Texas. The inmates escaped through a tunnel that was located under the prison’s carpentry workshop traveling toward a perimeter fence. A manhunt is now underway with the state government awarding 200,000 pesos for information on each prisoner. The US authorities are also on alert to avoid any attempt to cross the border. The article also mentions the need for law enforcement reforms and the new government coming in does not plan to make this a priority.
1. The target behavior is 132 male inmates breaking out of prison.
2. The consequence of this emitted behavior is they succeeded and are now out of prison.
3. The result of this particular consequence (if it were the only consequence) would likely increase the likelihood of this target behavior. However, it would only increase if they were put into jail/prison again because it is very situation specific.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something aversive, which would be prison.
5. The antecedent is 132 men being stuck in prison.
A. 132 men stuck in prison
B. Those same men breaking out of prison
C. No longer being stuck in prison
-negative reinforcement
-establishing operations
1. The target behavior is the current manhunt.
2. The consequence of this is the capture of at least some of the escaped 132 inmates.
3. The result of this consequence would decrease the likelihood of the target behavior because not only will they be back where they started but their living conditions will likely be more severe than before.
4. The consequence involves the removal of something desirable, which would have been their momentary freedom.
5. The antecedent is the 132 man jailbreak.
A. 132 men jailbreak
B. The current manhunt of those 132 men
C. The capture of some of at least some of the escaped inmates
-negative punishment
Terms: target behavior, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement, establishing operations, emitting, negative punishment, extinction
The piece of news I picked was from the “Huffington Post”. It is below the article on the site with the URL (not the actual article). It is a video on chic on chic fillet. This is a sandwich that mocks Chic-Fil-A and how they are against same sex marriage.
1.The target behavior is talking about the sandwich/broadcasting it.
2.The consequence of this behavior draws people in to eat, thus reinforcing the creative, political, sandwich.
3.With this said there is a possibility the behavior, or one like it will happen again.
4. There is an addition of more business for the company.
5. The antecedent is the act to try and create a positive message for same sex marriage.
A= Disagreement on say sex marriage
B=.Produce Chic on Chic sandwich
C= More business
This is an example of positive reinforcement. Conservatives see this in the media (as I did) they emit a eating behavior and fill themselves until they are satiated. Profits rise as desired and reinforcement is given.
1. The target behavior is broadcasting the Chic on Chic sandwich
2. The consequence is losing business from people opposed to same sex marriage
3. Behavior won’t happen again if business is lost.
4. There is a subtraction of business
5. The antecedent is being upset with the sandwich
A= Against same sex marriage
B= Chic on Chic sandwich is produced
C= Less business for company
This is an example of negative punishment because it takes something desired (money) away from the company with less people emitting a buying behavior at their business. Extinction also could be used for individuals who once felt like the restaurant was a reward and now since its against their views, the feelings are not there anymore.
Terms: extinction, desirable, undesirable, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, antecedent, target behavior, satiation, emit
The title of the article I chose was Painkillers 'are the cause' of millions of headaches. It is a health and science report on the use of painkillers to treat headaches or migraines. Doctors have been finding that the more people take medication for the headaches, the more headaches they will have in turn. The medication is not helping in the long run and is leading to more pain. Doctors suggest that people stop taking pain medication for headaches and seek other more effective treatments such as acupuncture.
1. The target behavior is getting people to stop taking pain medication for the use of treating headaches.
2. The consequence is that the headaches go awawy
3.This consequence makes it less likely that people will take pain medication to treat headaches because they will feel better without them
4. The consequence involves the removal of the medication to get rid of the headaches
5. The antecedent is taking medication for the pain of a headache.
A: Taking pain medication for a headache
B: Stop taking the medication because the headaches only increase
C: You no longer take medication for headaches
This is an example of negative punishment because it is the taking away of the medication to stop the headaches so that you are less likely to take medication in the future.
This involves the use of extinction by abruptly stopping taking the medication. People did experience some signs of discomfort from stopping something that previously reinforced them.
1. The target behavior is stopping the amount of headaches a person has by using acupuncture.
2. The consequence is a decrease in the amount of headaches.
3. The consequence will increase the amount of times a person gets acupuncture because they received a desirable outcome from the acupuncture.
4. The consequence involves the removal of the headaches
5. The antecedent was a recommendation from the doctor to use acupuncture to treat headaches.
A: Recommendation from the doctor to use acupuncture to treat headaches
B: Stopping the amount of headaches a person has by getting acupuncture
C: A person has less headaches
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it is the removal of the headaches to increase the use of acupuncture to treat headaches.
Terms: negative reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, consequence, extinction, target behavior, desirable
This article discusses the growing consequences resulting from the public burning to much fossil fuel. At the end of the article the author gives his solution to the problem.
1. The target behavior is less burning of fossil fuels.
2. The consequence is rapid climate changes.
3. The consequence should cause a decrease in the use of fossil fuels.
4. The consequence is a removal of quality of life.
5. The antecedent is the average american lifestyle.
A- Average american lifestyle.
B- Burning lots of fossil fuels.
C- Loss of quality of life.
This is an example of negative punishment because something good is removed. In some cases this punishment might be enough to elicit a lower fossil fuel behavior from americans. Many americans will still emit a high fossil fuel use behavior, so the author recommended a more severe consequence.
1. The target behavior is less burning of fossil fuels.
2. The consequence is saving money.
3. The consequence should decrease the behavior of burning fossil fuels.
4. The consequence is partially removing a unfavorable expense.
5. The antecedent is a charge on the amount of fossil fuel used.
A- Charge on the amount of fossil fuel used.
B- Less fossil fuel used.
C- Less expense paid on the use of fossil fuel. (better environmental conditions)
This is also negative punishment because it involves taking away an undesirable punishment. This is a type of establishing operations because the original punishment didn't have a high enough valence for the average american.
Terms: consequence, target behavior, establishing operations, antecedent, negative punishment, valence, emit, elicit, behavior.
This piece takes place in Liberia, where an “outbreak” of the newest dance craze ‘krumping’ has occurred. This new dancing craze has spread across the nation with a few short months, involving students from elementary to those out of school. The article also discusses that the generations involved in this craze are the first generations to not be punished by the aversive acts of war that have occurred in the country for years.
The dancing behaviors of these generations is being reinforced by other students, their parents, as well as the government. The government is especially reinforcing this targeted behavior of dancing by discussing opening a National Arts Council to help those emit these behaviors through music, dance, and other opportunities. Through this behavior, the generations are hoping to be involved in something bigger than themselves, a positive consequence of these targeted behaviors. Also, if the government produces the National Arts Council, this will increase the behaviors and allow it to continue to grow in the generations to come. From this consequence, the addition of the National Arts Council will allow this behavior to grow. The antecedent of this behavior is Liberia.
A: Liberia
B: Krumping/Dancing
C: The country opening a National Arts Council
This is an example of positive reinforcement. .
The second targeted behavior is ending of the war. When the war ended in Liberia, the younger generations that had lost their youth hood to fighting the war had nothing to consume their time, so many just got into trouble. When the ‘krumping’ dance swept the nation, the consequences of the war being over were overwhelming. From the ending of the war, the generations after were able to pick up this behavior and emit positive valence of the dancing. The consequence is a pleasant and positive reinforcement and will increase the behaviors for now the children have time to dance, not fight. This consequence is due to the removal of the war and their ability to take children from their homes to fight. The antecedent is again Liberia.
A: Liberia
B: Ending of the war
C: Children being able to express themselves through dance moves.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms Used: punished, aversive, reinforced, reinforcing, targeted behavior, emit, positive valence, pleasant
This article is about a new drug that has just been discovered, it is a hopeful in the fight against autism. The drug arbaclofen has been successful in studies of individuals who suffer from Fragile X disease (similar to autism); a rare genetic syndrome that can cause intellectual, and social problems. The arbaclofen disrupts a system that regulates connection in the brain. This area of the brain seems to be overactive in cases of Fragile X as well as autism. The drug is not yet out on the market, but it has been tested in a study with sixty-three children and adults.
1: The TARGET BEHAVIOR is Fragile X.
2: The arbaclofen is a POSITIVE PUNISHER.
3: The CONSEQUENCE is social, and intellectual problems EMITTED in individuals with Fragile X.
4: The social and intellectual problems will DECREASE due to the PUNISHER . (arbaclofen)
5: The ANTECEDENT is overactive system.
A: In the Overactive System
B: Taking arbaclofen
C: Will decrease social and intellectual problems. (Fragile X)
This is an example of POSITIVE PUNISHMENT because the FREQUENCY of the Fragile X symptoms is going to DEGREASE with the EMITTED RESPONSE of taking the PUNISHER or arbaclofen. Therefore decreasing the amount the TARGET BEHAVIOR is emitted.
The parents of Andy (Katie Clapp and Michael Tranfagila) were looking to decrease the symptoms ELICITED by their son Andy due to his rare disease. So they started a foundation called FRAXA; to help aid in research. With the help of FRAXA arbaclofen was found, and tested. They did all this with the hopes of getting their son into a focus group for experimental testing.
1: The TARGET BEHAVIOR is getting their son into a control group.
3: The CONSEQUENCE is finding arbaclofen.
4: The REINFORCEMENT of getting their son into a focus group will increase as they . face EXTINCTION.
5: The ANTECEDENT is Fragile X
This is an example of NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT because Andy was denied for admission into a focus group testing the experimental drug. Clapp, and Tranfagila said they will not give up until their son is approved. Because they have not yet been reinforced, they are facing EXTINCTION, and are willing to do what ever it takes to be REWARDED with the approval of their son.
Terms: Target Behavior, Negative Reinforcer, Positive Punisher, Consequence, Reinforcement, Extinction, Antecedent, Reward, Emitted, Elicited, Decrease, Frequency.
In this piece, it shows a ride in Southern California that had been have malfunctions the last two weeks with 20 people stuck on the ride. These people were 300 feet in the air for over four hours. After dark, the people were safely lowered to the ground.
The behavior that is being targeted is riding on the ride. This is behavior is being punished aversively by getting stuck on the ride. The antecedent is the amusement park.
1- The bahavior that is being punished is going on the amusement park ride.
2- The consequence is getting stuck on the ride for 4 hours
3- this consequence will then be decreased the frequency by scaring people, making them not want to ride.
4- This would remove the behavior that is emitted by riding on the amusement park rides.
5- the antecedent is the amusement park.
a- Amusement park
b- riding on a ride
c- getting stuck on the ride
Antecedent, behavior, emit, punish, consequence, aversive
Second behavior in reply
This clip is about a little league baseball team that has a lot of problems with the dynamics of baseball. They argue and fight with each other multiple times.
1) The target behavior that we will focus on in this clip is the kid with glasses as he verbally elicits another child verbally. This is negative punishment because he is trying to take away the kids response. 2) When the child publicly scolds the child with hard words and elicits a response, the other child emits to fight with him. 3) Although this behavior was made to decrease the frequency of the child from fighting, it increased it. 4) This consequence was done to decrease or removal of behavior. 5) The antecedent was at the baseball field.
A= Baseball field
B= Punishing a child
C= Fight
Negative punishment
A book with short stories review, one of them being of a river of bees!
1)The target behavior is when Johnson and her dog go to find the bees nest. The punishment of this behavior is a bee sting. 2) The consequence of this is a bee sting. 3) This consequence should decrease the frequency of the behavior emitted by Johnson and her dog. 4. The consequence is an aversive punishment which should be the removal of trying to find and tamper with the nest. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= a road
B= finding bees
C= stung
Terms: negative punishment, targeted behavior, behavior, elicit, emit, aversive, consequence, frequency, antecedent,
Week 5 Thursday 9/20/12
This article describes a pondering of the Smithsonian Institute Renwick Gallery’s Curator, Nicholas Bell, and his asking if all under age 40 artists can be considered as “post 9/11” artists. A sample of artists are highlighted and considered in this quandary. The author of the article presents the artists in esteem and respects their opinion of how they would consider themselves as artists. A variety of opinions are shared, and none of them are punished into categories if they do not wish to be. This manner of writing allows individual reader interest to develop and may even inspire a person to look further into the works of each of the artist, or one they may be able to relate with, which also establish operations for expectations. With providing web links to further information, the author provides opportunities for readers to further investigate.
A = person offers a quandary on a topic
B = person interviews individual artists
C = gallery’s art and artists reinforced and marketed as relatable in ways
Positive Reinforcement
Established Operations
A = web article author includes web links to access artist works
B = reader senses value on developing one’s own opinion
C = reader may utilize web links to continue investigation
Positive Reinforcement
Established Operations
From an highlighted artists’ perspective, I feel that they each are reinforced for their participation as they are not discounted for a non-conforming answer or response. A web link to artist personal gallery is presented and does not seem to be on the basis of ‘how they answered the question.” No one’s opinion is discredited or insulted, and a variety of opinions seems to be of value for the author. The style is also reinforcing for the gallery show itself as the article contains links to further interest in the gallery. Very pleasant article, I feel. –ebs- 9/20/12 @ 1446hrs. CentricTime
Term % punish, reinforcing, reinforcement, pleasant, establishing operations, positive reinforcement
The news article I found was titled “AT&T launches campaign to stop texting and driving”. This article was from the USA today news. In this article it talks about AT&T wanting everyone to emit the behavior of focusing less on texting and paying more attention on the road. The population is interested in the new desirable technology and doesn’t grasp the aversive consequences from texting and driving. This article states texting and driving elicits the behavior of 35,000 American teens dying in automobile crashes. AT&T is providing educational information and education programs to allow reinforcement to the population to emit the behavior of not texting and driving. For example, AT&T created a new app to download called DriveMode, which allows everyone to not have the temptation to text and drive.
1. The target behavior is emitting texting and driving
2. The consequence of this behavior being emitted is death from car accidents
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior from the cause of so many deaths (aversive)
4. The consequence involves the removal of the population (death)
5. The antecedent is driving in the car
A. Driving in your car
B. Texting and driving
C. Death from car accidents
This is an example of negative punishment and
1. The second target behavior is AT&T stopping texting and driving by providing educational programs/ information and technology
2. The consequence of this behavior is decreasing amount of car accidents
3. The consequence will decrease the population from texting and driving
4. The consequence involves additional education programs and technology and praise
5. The antecedent is all around the US
A. All over the US
B. Stopping texting and driving
C. Decreasing amount of car accidents
This is an example of positive reinforcement and establishing operations
Terms: emit, behavior, elicit, aversive, pleasant, desirable, consequences, antecedent, target behavior, negative punishment, extinction, establishing operations, reinforcement, and positive reinforcement
This is a video and article about Lt. Pike pepper spraying tons of people. He said that they were surrounded by a hostile mob and that pepper spray was the best way to clear a path so that the officers and the prisoners could leave. Pike is no longer a campus police officer due to his actions.
Negative Punishment:
1. The target behavior is pepper spraying the mob.
2. The consequence of the behavior is the removal of his position and being fired.
3. This will decrease the behavior because he pepper sprayed them and got into trouble for doing so.
4. This included the removal of the officer.
5. The antecedent was the hostile mob.
A- Angry mob
B- pepper sprayed
C- officer removed
Positive Reinforcement
1. The target behavior is pepper spraying the angry mob
2. The consequence is having people mad at you for pepper spraying
3. This would increase the behavior because the public will no longer create hostile mobs.
4. This is the removal of the mob.
5. The antecedent is the mob.
A- angry mob
B- pepper spray
C- getting rewarded for getting rif of the mob
Terms: Antecedent, Positive reinforcement, negative punishment, target behavior, consequence
The article I read is called “Hispanics Certain To Back Obama, But In What Numbers?” This article talks about how both political parties have recently made an effort to win over the Hispanic vote. Romney has already, talked to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and giving an interview to Telemundo, a Spanish-language TV network. While Obama also plans to give an interview to Telemundo as well. This is the behavior I am more interested in, but the article also goes on and discusses how the Hispanic population has jumped in the past 4 years and is one of the fastest growing populations in America today. Yet year after year the turnout of Hispanic voters are low.
1. The target behavior is to get Hispanics to vote.
2. The consequence is Romney and Obama interview with Telemundo, to try to elicit Hispanic voters to vote for them.
3. The consequence will increase the behavior of Hispanics in America to vote
4. The consequence involves the addition of interviews and subjects matters that appeal to Hispanic voters.
5. The antecedent is Hispanic Americans during the political run for presidency
A= Hispanic Americans during the political run for presidency
B= Presidential nominees do interviews that will appeal to Hispanic population
C= Hispanics will vote more
Positive reinforcement
This next article is called “Mideast Violence Prompts Calls For New U.S Policy” the article was about a protest that was over the film that insulted the Prophet Muhammad in Egypt. In the protest the individuals destroyed an American flag from the U.S Embassy in Cairo. This type of protest are repeated throughout the Middle East.
1. Target Behavior is the protesters want the movie removed from public view, because it insults there Prophet Muhammad
2. The consequence is positive punishment, as the protest become a riot over the embassy
3. The protesters are hoping to decrease the behavior of making fun of their Prophet and that the movie will not be released to the public.
4. This consequence involves the addition of protesters/ riots in hope to remove the movie
5. Middle east
A) Middle east
B) Protesters/ riots
C) America new policy
The clip I watched was from an ABC Nightline News story from April 2010 about solitary confinement, specifically at the Colorado State Penitentiary. Most law enforcement officers think that solitary confinement is an acceptable practice because they want to train a violent individual to be safe and composed around other inmates and guards. But, some professional psychiatrists and psychologists think that solitary confinement is very damaging to a person's psyche because it can create paranoia. One man shared how his five-year stay at the penitentiary affected him and how it felt when he was released back to 'the streets' of the outside world.
1. The target behavior of solitary confinement that the guards want to elicit is criminal self-composure at all times, whether alone, working out, or being handled by law enforcement personnel.
2. The consequence of self-composure and non-violence is a shorter stay in solitary confinement.
3. This consequence would cause an increase in the frequency of cooperative behaviors.
4. This consequence would involve the removal of violent acts and tendencies.
5. The antecedent is being locked up in solitary confinement.
A= Locked up in solitary confinement
B= Cooperating with rules and guards
C= Get out of solitary confinement sooner
This would be an example of negative reinforcement because cooperation would be repeated in the future to avoid solitary confinement and, if possible, prison altogether. In order to make that target behavior effective though, a criminal would have to allow their violent ways to be removed from their actions and thoughts. In this particular case, there were: establishing operations, a behavioral response to the environment was emitted, and an aversive situation led to a positive outcome.
1. The target behavior was brute physical force to contain an inmate, which involved grabbing, handcuffing, yelling, and pushing.
2. The consequence of fighting with prison guards is an inmate getting sent to solitary confinement.
3. This consequence would cause a decrease in the use of physical force because essentially no contact is made at all between a criminal in solitary confinement and the guards.
4. This consequence would involve the removal of all human contact basically.
5. The antecedent is resisting the instructions of an officer/guard.
A= Resist instructions the guard says
B= Guards use physical force
C= Put into solitary confinement
This would be an example of negative punishment because guards would decrease the use of physical force since the resistance of the inmate is removed by the presence of solitary confinement. In this case, there were: establishing operations, deprivation of human contact as a consequence, and extinction of verbal and non-physical actions that weren't reinforcing the inmate anymore.
Terms used: target behavior, elicit, consequence, frequency, antecedent, ABC, negative reinforcement, establishing operations, behavioral response, emitted, aversive, negative punishment, deprivation, extinction, reinforcing
This news clip is about the state of Minnesota using gambling through IPAD usage to help build the Minnesota Viking's new staduim. It costs around 975 million dollars.
1. The target behavior is winning.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the person winning becomes more wealthy, increasing their taxes.
3) The consequence will increse the person's chance of gambling again.
4) The consequence involves the addition of money.
5) The antecedent is gambling.
A= Gambling
C=More money
This is an example of postive reinforcement. When people win, they are going to want to keep gambling to increase their wealth. However, if they win big, their taxes increase and that money will go to help build the new stadium.
Second Behavior:
1) The target behavior is loosing.
2) The consequence of the behavior is the person loosing, decreases the value of their money that they have.
3) The consequence will decrease the person's likelyhood to gamble again.
4) The consequence involves the removal of the person's money.
5) The antecedent is gambling.
A= Gambling
B= Loosing
C= Less Money
This is an example of Postitive punishment because it will emit the behavior of gambling to increase their wealth. Instead, it may make people realize their money is going to help build the stadium instead of being in their pockets.
Terms used: Target bahavior, antecedent, consequence, postitive punishment, postitive reinforcement, emit.
I read an article entitled "Leader of Amish Sect, 15 Others Found Guilty of Hate Crimes in Beard Cuttings". The article is about Samuel Mullet Sr. and 15 members of his "rogue" branch of Amish going and cutting/shaving beards and hair of other sects of Amish men. They did this to "bring them back to God", and were found guilty of hate crimes and could face up to 10 years in prison.
1) the Target behavior is punishing the criminals for crimes
2) The consequence of the behavior emitted was the sect members now face up to ten years in prison
3) The consequence will lead other members in society to not emit behaviors of hate crime otherwise it will elicit a similar punishment and will make the sect members aversive to committing crimes.
4) The consequence comes from taking away the sect members freedoms (incarceration).
5) The Antecedent is a trial in Ohio
A= Court room
B= Being found Guilty
C= Facing 10 years of jail time.
This would be negative punishment
The next behavior from this article would be Negative reinforcement from the sect members point of view as they are being reinforced to not listen to their leader as
1) The target behavior is listening to their leader and following the rules
2)The consequence is they now face 10 years in jail
3) The sect members were doing what they believed to be right by following their leaders orders like they were taught but instead they increased the behavior of committing a hate crime
4) The consequence involves adding the sect members listening to their leaders orders.
5) the antecedent would be where this occured in ohio (and in the court room)
A= in a court room
B= Listening to their leader and joining him in cutting beards
C= They now face up to ten years in prison
Terms, Negative punishment, negative reinforcement, elicit, emit, reinforcement, punishment, aversive.
For my article, I picked one about a man with a brain tumor getting fired from Wal-Mart for smoking marijuana.
1) The target behavior I am using is the smoking of marijuana.
2) The consequence is getting fired from Wal-Mart.
3) The consequence will decrease the target behavior.
4) The consequence involves the removal of the man’s job.
5) The antecedent is having a brain tumor.
A- Having a brain tumor.
B- Smoking marijuana.
C- Get fired from Wal-mart.
This is an example of negative punishment. The consequence used an establishing operation because losing your job would (hopefully) stop the use of marijuana.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative punishment, establishing operation
"I Lost Weight: Erica Perna Set Short- and Long-Term Goals And Lost 100 Pounds"
This article is about how Erica Perna shares how she lost 100 pounds. She also explains how she gained the weight and what her brought her to her breaking point.
1.) The TARGET BEHAVIOR was EMITTING to not make health choice before and during her pregnancy which illustrates punishment.
2.) The CONSEQUENCE was gaining 100 pounds.
3.) This consequence decreases her unhealthy lifestyle because she realizes she is overweight.
4.) The consequence is the addition of extra weight.
5.) The ANTECEDENT is the doctor's office on the scale.
A= Doctor's office on the scale
B= Unhealthy lifestyle
C= Gaining 100 pounds
This is POSITIVE PUNISHMENT because she is introducing an AVERSIVE lifestyle, which consequently decreased the frequency of her habits once she saw what she gained.
This involves EXTINCTION because her unhealthy lifestyle was once reinforced but looking at the scale, the behavior was no longer reinforced emitting to an punishment.
1.) The target behavior was setting goals for achieving a healthy lifestyle which illustrates reinforcement.
2.) The consequence of the behavior was losing 100 pounds.
3.) The consequence increase the behavior to continue the healthy lifestyle.
4.) The consequence is the addition of the healthy behavior.
5.) The antecedent was at the doctor's office on the scale.
A= At the doctor's office on the scale
B= Setting goals to achieve a healthy lifestyle
C= Losing 100 pounds
This is POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT because she introduces the desirable healthy lifestyle resulting in the consequence of losing 100 pounds.
This involves ESTABLISHING OPERATION because she emitted the behavior of changing her activities which made the reinforcement more attractive.
TERMS: Target behavior, Emitting, Antecedent, Consequence, Positive Reinforcement, Aversive, Extinction, Positive Punishment, and Establishing Operation
Last November a law official at the University of California used pepper spray to clear a crowd of Occupy protesters. Occupy protesters were rallying against social and economic inequality. In the news story I chose, NPR reports that there will be no criminal charges against the official involved. I do not condone acts that involve inhuman treatment and it seems that the act of pepper spraying will go somewhat unpunished. The official’s behaviors did bring some consequence; he is no longer employed with campus police. Because he is no longer employed with the University of California, the likelihood that the individual will emit similar behavior in the near future is low. This consequence involves the removal of his job.
Antecedent= Individuals involved in Occupy movement at University of California
Behavior= Law Official uses pepper spray to clear crowd
Consequence= Law Official no longer employed
I believe that this is an example of negative punishment.
In this news story, Ultimate Frisbee, soccer and flag football are considered banned at a park in Hartford, Connecticut. Certain sports will now require a permit for such sports played on the park’s field. A person emitting behavior such as above recreational activities may experience consequences. This news story, however, does not state what those consequences may be. Individuals may decrease their behavior of playing competitive games at this specific park if a permit is not obtained.
Antecedent= Park requires permit for competitive sports
Behavior= Individuals in this news story play the sports anyway
Consequence= Possible fines
This story may represent negative punishment. A desirable privilege is taken away to decrease the likelihood that individuals within the community with emit certain behavior.
Terms used: Behavior, Consequence, Emit, Punishment, Community
SMW 9.20.2012 9:00pm
This news piece is about the protests being emitted around the Middle East, in this particular case Pakistan, because of a U.S. filmmaker’s Anti-Islamic Video. Protesters emitted the behavior of surrounding the Pakistan Diplomatic enclave and then emitted the behavior of breaking down the barricades and throwing rocks. This elicited a punishing behavior from the security forces as they emitted the response of shooting tear gas at the crowd and shooting live shots in the air.
The consequence of the behavior emitted was the shots of tear gas and live shots into the air. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior (at least temporarily). The consequence was the addition of an aversive stimulus, which was the tear gas. The antecedent is that these protestors were protesting the United States because of the Anti-Islamic film made, which acted as a discriminative stimulus for the behavior of protesting.
A=Students in Pakistan Protesting Anti-Islamic Video, from U.S. filmmaker, at the Pakistan Diplomatic Enclave
B=Protestors break through barricades at Enclave and throw stones
C=Police respond by firing tear gas at protestors and live shots in the air
This is a form of positive punishment as it involves the addition of a negative stimulus.
Using the behavior of the protesters as the consequence instead of the behavior we can look at this news piece in another way. In the United States there is freedom of speech even if it is hateful but in the Middle East there are more strict laws on speech especially when it comes to religion. An individual emitted the behavior of creating an offensive film about the Islamic Religion which elicited an anger response from the people around the Middle East and they then emitted a protesting and mob behavior. The presence of U.S. diplomatic sites in the Middle East acted as an establishing operation making the consequence even more aversive as the anger response was directed at U.S. diplomats.
The consequence of the film making and submitting behavior was the anger response and aversive results leading to protestors throwing rocks at the enclave. The consequence most likely will decrease the behavior. (Or this is also a case of not knowing the intentions of the individual emitting the behavior, if his intentions were to stir up the Middle East in riots then it is likely that this will actually decrease the behavior. But for the sake not going around in a circle and taking into account the unknown we will say that this was not the intended consequence)This consequence involves the addition of the rocks being thrown aka aversive stimulus. The antecedent is the film being made in the U.S. and being seen globally.
A=Anti-Islamic Film made in the U.S.
B=Behavior of Submitting the Film to a global audience
C=Protestors break down barricades to Pakistan Diplomatic Enclave and throw rocks
This is an example also of a Positive Punishment as it is the addition of an aversive stimulus.
Emit, Elicit, Behavior, Response, Consequence, Aversive, Establishing Operation, Descriptive Stimulus, Frequency, Punish
This news article is about the behaviors elicited when your business makes it's political view known to the public. It examines whether the advertisement will have a desireable or aversive impact on the business. For some people it doesn't mean anything. They will still go to the restaurant/business no matter what political association the business may advertise. Some people however will stop going all together, they may even make their outrage known via letters or by word.
1)Posting sings that show support for your political party around your business so that all customers can see.
2)People may choose to not give you any more business or give you more business depending...
3) If more people show up the behavior must be desireable and they agree with it. These people will give you more business. However, if the political advertising is aversive, the party may discontinue giving you business because they disagree with what you are saying.
4)The consequence involves the removal of business and money with the addition of the political advertising.
5)At your business
A)At your business
B)You advertise your political beliefs
C)People stop coming if they disagree or find it aversive.
This is an example of Positive Punishment in my opinion (taken in context that the person disagrees witht the advertising). You are introducing an aversive stimulus (Political Advertising) into your business. If the patrons disagree or find your advertising to have aversive valence, they will decrease the frequency in which they visit your business. The more advertising could lead to a level of extinction where they no longer visit your business at all.
This news article has to do with some police officers using unlawful force on protestors. There were some students in support of the Occupy Wall Street campaign that apparently elicited the patrolling officers to pepper spray them. A Judge recently said that there wasn't sufficient evidence that the officers acted irresponsibly even though the article contains a picture of him doing it to 20 or more students who are clearly submitting and doing nothing that should garner that type of punishment.
1) The behavior being isolated is the behavior of blocking off a road as a form of protest.
2) Being pepper sprayed in the face.
3) It should decrease the emitting of protesting behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of pepper spray in the face which I'm told is quite aversive.
5) The antecedent is in the presence of police officers.
A) In the presence of police officers
B) If you are protesting
C) You will be on the receiving end of police brutality
This is also an example of positive punishment. It is introducing a very aversive substance into the eyes of protesters in an effort to decrease the amount of time they spend protesting. The pepper spray is an establishing Operation. It sucks. The presence of the police officers alone should act as punishment, however sometimes more is needed.
Elicit, Aversive, Desireable, Positive Punishment, Valence, Extinction, Elicit, Establishing Operation, Punishment.
This article is about an advertisement that Dr Pepper is using on Facebook. It shows an ape walking on all fours, seeing a Dr Pepper on a rock, and then walking upright as a man while drinking the Dr Pepper. The advertisement is a reference to a scientific illustration of evolution called “March of Progress”. The ad has apparently upset some creationists, who are saying that they are going to boycott Dr Pepper now because of the advertisement.
1. Making controversial advertisement
2. Offended people boycott Dr Pepper
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
4. It involves the removal of something, paying customers for Dr Pepper
5. The antecedent would be the Dr Pepper marketers at a meeting to decide on an advertisement
A= at marketing meeting
B= make controversial advertisement
C= offended customers boycott product
This would be an example of positive punishment. This involves extinction because the boycotting customers are immediately removing their contribution to buying Dr Pepper’s products.
1. Making controversial advertisement
2. Receive extra, free publicity
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior
4. It involves the addition of something, added publicity during the discussion of the controversy
5. The antecedent would be the same as the previous example, being at a marketing meeting
A= at marketing meeting
B= make controversial advertisement
C= receive added publicity
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. Dr Pepper receiving added publicity would benefit them enough that they would consider creating a small controversy in the future to receive even more free publicity.
Terms: positive punishment, extinction, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement
1. U.S. officials and Libyan militiamen met to discuss the deteriorating security in Benghazi just two days before the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. Mohammed el Gharabi warned the Americans about this deteriorating security and even asked for help to secure Benghazi and delay things until everything was completely secure, but they blew him off.
2. Blowing off the warnings of deteriorating security
3. An Ambassador and three other Americans ended up dying
4. It should decrease the frequency of the behavior
5. It involves not adding anything
6. At a meeting to with U.S. officials and Libyan militiamen
a.At a meeting with U.S. officials and Libyan Militiamen
b.Blowing off the warnings of deteriorating security
c.An ambassador and three other Americans ended up dying
7. It is negative punishment
1. This part of the news piece was about when they found Stevens, The U.S. ambassador, and how he died.
2. Not getting enough oxygen
3. Dying from asphyxiation
4. Well he died so I don’t think it can either decrease or increase. Actually possibly increase because now he’s not breathing in any oxygen.
5. The removal of oxygen
6. Being in a building on fire
a.Being in a building on fire
b.Not getting enough oxygen
c.Dying for asphyxiation
7. This was a negative punishment
I read the article, "Speedskaters Step Up Abuse Allegations Against Coach." Jae Su Chun, U.S. Olympic short track speedskating coach, is under investigation after 19 active and former short track skaters filed complaints and grievances alleging physical,verbal, and psychological abuse. Police reports were also filed by a couple skaters stating Chun has an "explosive anger" and is "above aggressive and very demanding to athletes." Chun has been replaced temporarily by assistant coach Jun Hyung Yeo, who is also named in the allegations. Several skaters are boycotting practices with Yeo and have been training with private coaches instead. While some skaters are against Chun and Yeo, others have issued a statement defending their coaches.
1.) The target behavior is Chun emitting physical, verbal, and psychological abuse.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is Chun's skaters filing complaints and grievances against him.
3.) The consequence will decrease the behavior of abuse.
4.) The consequence is the addition of the skaters' filed complaints and grievances.
5.) The antecedent was in Salt Lake City.
A: Salt Lake City
B: Chun emitting hysical, verbal, and psychological abuse
C: Skaters filing complaints and grievances
This is an example of positive punishment because the consequence is the addition of the filed complaints and grievances which will decrease the frequency of the abusive behavior.
This is an example of extinction because Chun's behavior once use to be reinforced with his skaters' obedience and improvement.
1.) The target behavior is the skaters' filing complaints and grievances against Chun's abuse.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is Chun being temporarily replaced because he's under investigation.
3.)The consequence will increase the skaters' behavior.
4.) The consequence is the removal of Chun as their coach.
5.) The antecedent was in Salt Lake City.
A: Salk Lake City
B: Skaters' filing complaints and grievances against Chun's abuse
C: Chun being temporarily replaced because he's under investigation
The is an example of negative reinforcement because the consequence involves the removal of Chun as a coach which will increase the frequency of the skaters' filing complaints and grievances.
This is an example of establishing operation because the skaters' behavior ultimately was reinforced with the removal of Jae Su Chun as a coach.
Terms: Behavior, Target Behavior, Consequence, Emit, Positive Punishment, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Establishing Operation, and Antecedent
My first example is of negative punishment. The article is about a school in Texas that put Bible verses on football banners that acts as a discriminative stimulus because it tells the players to run through it on their way onto the field. The students that go to this school are raised on the morals of Christianity and they wanted to do this as a declaration of their faith. Somebody complained to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and then the school banned making banners with Bible verses on them.
The target behavior is the cheerleaders emitting a behavior of making banners. The consequence of this behavior was they got in trouble from a foundation that fights for the separation of church and state. The consequence involves the removal of making the signs with Bible verses, and the consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior. The antecedent is football games.
A=Football games
B=Making a banner with Bible verses
C=Getting in trouble by the Freedom From Religion Foundation
This is an example of negative punishment because it involves the removal of a desirable stimulus, which is the banners. The cheerleaders emitted an undesirable behavior according to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and as a result they are unable to make banners now with Bible verses. When I read more of the article, the cheerleaders definitely went through a period of deprivation because they were not able to express their freedom of speech and make the banners the way they wanted too.
My second article is an example of positive punishment. The article is about a 15 year old girl who was being sexually assaulted on a bus by a convicted sex offender on a bus. Four homeless men stepped in and restrained the man until the bus could stop at a stop that had policemen waiting for him.
The target behavior is the man attacking the girl. The consequence of his behavior was that he was attacked and restrained by the homeless men. The result of the behavior should make him decrease his frequency of behavior. The consequence involves an addition of homeless men emitting a behavior of attacking the man to stop his aversive behavior. The antecedent is the bus.
A=On the bus
B=Man attacks girl
C=Man gets restrained by homeless men
This is an example of positive punishment because there is an addition of an aversive stimulus, which is the homeless men. Because it is aversive, then it should decrease the man’s behavior of attacking girls. The article said that the man had just gotten out of prison, so he was definitely experiencing deprivation because he attacked the girl pretty quickly after he was released. The man was emitting an operant behavior to the girl before he attacked her by making verbal gestures to the girl to try to elicit a certain behavior from her.
Terms: negative punishment, discriminative stimulus, target behavior, emitting, behavior, consequence, removal, antecedent, desirable, undesirable, deprivation, positive punishment, aversive, decrease, elicit
The news article I read is about a group of 15 Amish people being found guilty of a hate crime in Ohio. The hate crime was cutting off the beard and hair or several Amish men from another sector. Beards and long hair are considered a sacred symbol of an Amish followers devotion to God, so to cut them off is humiliating. The attacks were intended to push the victims back to a conservative Amish lifestyle. Five separate raids were carried out at night. All the Amish convicted face 10 years or more in prison.
1. The targeted behavior is cutting of the beards and hair of other Amish.
2. The consequence of the behavior is being convicted of a hate crime.
3. The consequence will definitely decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves taking away the offenders freedom.
5. The antecedent is the offenders being Amish.
A= Being Amish
B= Cutting of the beards and hair of other Amish.
C= Being convicted of a hate crime.
This is an example of negative punishment because their freedom was taken away and also involves extinction of the behavior since I highly doubt they will do it again especially since the behavior elicited such a harsh punishment they received.
1. The targeted behavior is the group’s leader Mullet thinking he is invincible and considering himself above the law.
2. The consequence of the behavior is Mullet performing 5 separate raids.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of Mullet thinking he is invincible.
4. The consequence is Mullet gained confidence since he was successful in carrying out the illegal activity until they we caught.
5. The antecedent is he was the leader of his Amish group.
A= Leader of his Amish community
B= Mullet thinking he is invincible
C= Mullet performing 5 separate raids
This is an example of positive reinforcement because he was gaining confidence as he kept performing the raids. The establishing operation is that the victims were Amish so cutting the beards and hair of the Amish was much more aversive.
Terms: Frequency, Antecedent, Consequence, Behavior, Negative Punishment, Extinction, Elicited, Positive Reinforcement, Establishing Operation, Aversive
This is a video of Muslims protesting because there was an anti-Islamic film about the prophet Mohammed. Due to the film about the prophet Mohammed has elicited the Muslims to emit a fighting behavior. This video shows people fighting and destroying things including the U.S embassy, U.S flag and pictures of the current President Obama.
1. The target behavior is when the Muslims went to protest for them to be understood.
2. The consequence of the behavior that was emitted, Google withdrew the anti-Islamic video for the prevention of many chaos
3. The consequences will decrease the behavior of the protest because not a lot of people will see it to protest. The Muslims people will be satisfied after awhile.
4. The consequence involves the removal of the video on the web and will make others
5. The antecedent is the feud between Muslims countries and America; this is what elicited the protest.
This is an example of positive punishment because due to the anti-Islamic film that was made, a lot of Muslims got mad and decided to protest. Not every country runs the same, and I mean, not every country have the same rules. In the U.S. a person can pretty much do what they please according to their right but in other countries, if you go against their rule trying to make yourself right, you either get attacked or excommunicated.
A: Feud about Mohammed
B: Muslims goes to protest
C: U.S. decided to withdrawal the video from spreading
1. The target behavior is the Muslims protesting for their view to be heard, that the video that was made shows disrespect to the Islamic people, especially to their prophet Mohammed.
2. The consequence of the behavior emitted, caused the U.S. embassy to be attacked, causing ambassadors to be killed, caused the U.S. flag to be burn along with photos of Obama.
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior because, not a lot of people will see the video to have a different view on Muslims and the video will be withdrawn to stop the hatred.
4. The consequence involves the burning picture of Obama and killing of ambassadors
5. The antecedent is the feud regarding the video that was made against the prophet Mohammed.
A: Movie feud about the prophet Mohammed
B: Muslims protested
C: U.S. embassy was destroyed and people where killed
This is an example of positive punishment and along with extinction. This is an example of positive punishment because as mentioned previously, the anti-Islamic film that was made got a lot of Muslims mad and decided to protest. This also involves extinction because the film that was on Google was withdrawn and is no longer searchable in those countries.
Terms used
Positive punishment
Target behavior
After a homemade anti-muslim video surfaced on, thousands of muslims around the world protested in attempt to have this video taken down.
1) Posting anti-Islam material
2) Protesting and Rioting in the Middle East
3) I think this consequence would decrease the frequency of the behavior
4) The addition of protesting
5) Mixed Relations between the West and the Middle East
A=Mixed relations between the West and the Middle East
B= Posting anti-Islam material
C= Protesting and rioting in the Middle East
This is an example of positive punishment.
Microsoft and HP were rapped by the US senate over tax havens and tax avoidance schemes.
1) Companies having tax havens and tax avoidance schemes
2) Being reprimanded or fined by the US Govt
3) Decrease the behavior
4) the addition of being reprimanded
5) Needing to increase profit
A= companies needing to increase profit
B=using tax havens and tax avoidance schemes
C= being reprimanded by the US Govt
this is positive punishment
The leader of an Amish sect in Ohio, Samuel Mullet, along with fifteen other members were found guilty for committing hate crimes through beard cutting attacks. The attacks were directed towards members of the community who were seen as straying away from traditional Amish values. Mullet directed his sons and other members to pull men and women from their beds and cut significant lengths of their hair and beards. They were sentenced to ten years or more for emitting a hate crime, since hair has significant religious meaning to the Amish.
1. Mullet’s target behavior was to set members straight who were losing touch with their Amish heritage through a hair cutting punishment.
2.The consequence for drifting from traditions emitted significant hair and beard removal, which is against religious practices throughout the Amish community.
3.This consequence was aimed to decrease the amount of digression from traditional Amish values.
4.The consequence involves the removal of hair, which has religious significance to the members.
5.The members’ deviation from traditional Amish values elicited the antecedent of beard cutting.
A= becoming too mainstream
B= significant hair and beard cutting
C= social/religious humiliation
This is a form of establishing operations through the use of negative punishment because hair removal was intended to decrease the members’ departure from the conventional Amish way of life.
Terms Used: target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, negative punishment, establishing operations.
1.The court’s target behavior was to sentence Mullet and his minions to 10 years in jail to punish them for the hate crime.
2.The consequence for removing Mullet and the others is that community members will no longer receive hair-cutting punishment from these people, since they will be in jail.
3.This consequence intended to decrease the amount of hate crimes in this particular Amish community.
4.The consequence involves the addition of jail time for Mullet and his subordinates, but also the removal of them from the community.
5.The antecedent was the hate crime, which elicited the 10-year jail sentence.
A= committing the hate crime of Amish hair removal
B= subjects sentenced to jail for 10 years
C= no more hair cutting hate crimes.
Sentencing Mullet to 10 years in jail was to extinguish the hate crime behaviors Mullet et al. were emitting. This is a form of positive punishment, since jail time is being added to decrease the likelihood of hate crime behaviors occurring in the future.
Terms Used: target behavior, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, extinction.
This article explains why two-thirds of the people in U.S. jails are charged with petty, nonviolent crimes. It describes how tax dollars are used to pay for the prisoners, why these inmates can not get out, and how flaws in the justice system are used for profit.
The Story of Leslie Chew:
1. Stealing.
2. Imprisonment.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence removes his car and his job from him.
5. The antecedent is the poor living condition of the homeless man.
6.A. A man is poor. B. He stole four blankets. C. He was locked in prison for eight months.
7. Negative punishment.
The Story of Doug Currington:
1. Stealing.
2. Imprisonment.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence removes his truck, his apartment, and his job from him.
5. The antecedent was the low amount of saving he had.
6.A. A man is poor. B. He stole a television. C. He stays in prison for five years.
7. Negative punishment.
Terms: consequence, antecedent, negative punishment
The article was looking at making community sentences in England and Wales ‘tougher’ to decrease the chances of offenders re-offending. Many inmates can experience extinction after they have served their sentence because the reason to emit ‘good’ behavior is no long reinforced by prison staff. While incarcerations and probation have the same function, they look very topographically different when an offender is serving a sentence for a crime. In this article, England and Wales are looking into introducing GPS ankle devices for non-violent offenders. How they are making it tougher is that even though they are free to go back into society like they usually would on probation, they are monitored at all times.
Behavior 1:
The target behavior that is looking to be decreased is re-offending. For each inmate this could mean something different. One example would be stopping a thief from stealing again when they get out of prison. The general feeling in the article is that criminal behavior needs to be punished.
The consequences of the inmate’s behavior or the behavior that results in becoming an inmate is jail time that could lead to a prison sentence if convicted. This article focuses on probation which can be in place of prison time for non-violent or small crimes.
The idea of probation is to decrease the frequency of the criminal behavior the offender emitted while not taking the offender out of society.
Adding the GPS tracker is meant to keep better track of the offender and making the consequence more effective through increasing its intensity.
The antecedent for probation is out in society where the offender could be found before being convicted of a crime and not in jail or prison.
A= Society
B= Criminal behavior (minor offence)
C= Probation (having to wear GPS device)
Positive punishment. The GPS device is used to elicit the decrease the likelihood that the inmate will violate their parole conditions. Adhering to parole conditions usually means being restricted in some aspects of life (drinking, traveling, curfew). This is all brought together in a response of decrease the likelihood of the offender doing what they did in the first place to get in trouble again. This puts them back into society while still under a watchful eye it decreases the chances of the offender experiencing extinction and going back to their criminal ways.
Behavior 2:
In the article they talked about having less people in prison and more out on parole and how the GPS bracelets will help make sure offenders don’t break their parole restrictions. What they didn’t really talk about but is a very real possibility is what happens when the offender breaks their parole. If they are picked up by law enforcement, they will go to jail or even prison.
Going to jail/prison is a consequence that is typically not seen as a reinforcer…ever. Typically it is looked down on in society.
The consequence is meant to decrease the criminal behavior.
Adding to the original sentence of the offender. An argument could be made for subtracting since you lose your privacy and freedom while in jail but the additional sentencing is easier to explain.
The antecedent is society because you have to be out in society to break your probation
A= Society
B=Breaking probation
C=Going to Jail
Positive punishment. The idea is to decrease criminal behavior when out on probation by sending the offender to prison if they violate their probation. If they continue to emit the same criminal behavior, even a misdemeanor, they will have to serve a prison sentence. It is possible to experience satiation, if the offender continues to act violently then adding more prison time to an already long sentence may not be enough to change their behavior.
Terms: emit, extinction, reinforced, punished, consequence, elicit, response, positive punishment, antecedent, satiation, function, and topographically.
This is an article from the Huffington Post website. Regina Friend's son committed suicide and she was left with his student loans. The loan company, Sallie Mae, discharged the 55,400 parent plus loan debt, but the IRS is taxing it for 14,000 and expects that money from Regina. It is a topic of speculation and whether it is fair or not given the circumstances.
1) First I will look at the target behavior of Sallie Mae discharging the debt. By emitting this behavior in the context of Regina's son's suicide, the company looks honorable and fair to the public eye. This is reinforcing because if they continue to discharge debt in suicidal situations the public will approve of them which is good for business. This is a form of negative reinforcement because the debt was taken away.
A= student's suicide
B= Sallie Mae discharging loan debt under these circumstances
C= gain approval from public
terms: neg. reinforcement, emit, reinforcing, target behavior.
2) Next I will look at the target behavior of The IRS taxing 14,000 for the money. By emitting this behavior the IRS looks ruthless and the public will find this unfair. The suicide should be a stimulus that elicits them to wave the taxes, but this is not the case. In the context of loan money taxes being left by a suicide incident, the IRS chose to tax the mother for it, and the consequence is being frowned upon by the public. This outcome is aversive. It is also positive punishemnt because they are adding the tax in and it is ending up causing public speculation which is unpleasent.
A= student loan taxes of a suicide incident being left to the mother
B= choosing to request the 14,000 from the mom
C= Being seen as ruthless and unfair by the public and causing speculation.
terms: pos punishment, elicit, stimulus, emit, aversive, target bahavior
Part 1
My piece was on National Public Radio (NPR) and was called “Corporal Punishment in Schools: Does it Work?” Basically, it discussed how corporal punishment, or spanking, is still used in 19 different states across the country. Whether or not the punishment is actually used in certain districts and schools within the counties that say it’s legal is to be decided by the school boards and the principal and assistant principal of the specific school. There are many controversial topics that stem from the use of corporal punishment in schools, but even so, it is apparently a legal practice. The radio opened up to live callers and emails, and they were trying to talk to people who had either been teachers who had administered corporal punishment in a school or people who were students at a school that used corporal punishment. There were many mixed feelings about the corporal punishment, but when all is said and done, spanking within the school is not going to necessarily decrease the frequency of undesired behaviors.
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is messing around in school by engaging in activities like throwing paper or pencils, swearing, or talking back to faculty
2. The consequence of the behavior is corporal punishment (spanking)
3. The consequence of corporal punishment will supposedly decrease the frequency of the behavior (students acting out at school) because the pain or shock from the spank will make them never want to engage in the inappropriate behavior again
4. The consequence involves the addition of corporal punishment
5. The antecedent is being at school
A= At school
B= Messing around/acting out
C= Corporal punishment (spanking)
This is an example of positive punishment. It involves establishing operations in the sense that corporal punishment may temporarily decrease the frequency of the undesired behaviors in school due to the pain or shock the student felt from the spank. The schools that still use corporal punishment believe that spanking will elicit better-behaved students. Although it is believed that students will emit desirable behaviors after receiving corporal punishment, it is unknown how long this desirable behavior will last.
Part 2 – Find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is a female student messing around/acting out at school
2. The consequence of the behavior is a male teacher or administrator giving the female corporal punishment
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior of a female student messing around/acting out at school because of the fact that she could feel uncomfortable with the pain and shock being administered to her by an adult male
4. The consequence involves the addition of corporal punishment
5. The antecedent is being at school
A= At school
B= Female student messing around/acting out
C= Male administrator giving corporal punishment
This is an example of positive punishment because of the fact that you are adding something and that your goal is to decrease the undesired behavior of acting out/messing around at school. It involves establishing operations because of the fact that there could be a temporary decrease in the undesired behavior due to the immediate corporal punishment. In the context of being at school, a female student acts out by throwing paper at the wall, and is consequently given corporal punishment by her male principal. Therefore, her undesired behavior of acting out would decrease because the female student did not want the aversive consequence again.
Terms: punishment, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, behavior, positive punishment, establishing operations, elicit, emit, context, aversive
The article I found was entitled, “Pakistan film protest: 15 die in Karachi and Peshawar.” This is about on attack on the U.S. consulate by protestors. Fifteen people died because of these violent protestors who had guns. The protesters are upset about a film titled, “Innocence of Muslims,” an anti-Islam film that was created in the United States. Dozens of people have been wounded because of these protesters that stand outside the U.S. embassy. There have been thousands of flag burnings of not just United States flags, but also French flags. The French have recently been shutting down around 20 embassies across the Muslim world. The film was offense because it insulted the Prophet Muhammad, the most important person in Muslim culture. Any known person involved with the movie has been put into hiding and U.S. citizens have been advised not to travel near Pakistan. The protestors want to punish America for letting this film be created and stand up their religious beliefs. The protestors want to be respected and are strongly rebelling. In order to decrease the frequency of a behavior we must have a formal apology and punish the protestors for their wrong doings. They had no right to kill people because of other’s actions. So people just knowing that other people died because of their actions should decrease the frequency. The punishment was that fifteen people died, the removal of life. The antecedent is the film that was created in America.
A= An anti-Islamic film was created in the U.S.
B= Protestors rebel outside the U.S. embassy and shoot people
C= 15 people are killed for trying to keep protestors away
This is an example of negative punishment. Some U.S. citizens made something that offended the Islamic community. The emitted behavior of making the film elicited the protesting from the Islamic people.
A=Protesters are upset
B= Protesters shoot people trying to stop them from entering the U.S. consulate.
C= Protesters will have to be punished for taking 15 lives
This is also an example of negative punishment. These protesters may be to face life in prison or death for taking people’s lives. Some U.S. citizens made a video that offended the Islamic culture, but that does not mean it is very U.S. citizens fault. They performed a behavior that should not have been emitted. There are consequences for actions like these.
Terms: negative reinforcement, emit, elicit, antecedent, consequence
This article is about scientist researching a new coronavirus which has killed a man and hospitalized another. It has symptoms similar to SARS but a very different genetic sequence.
1) Scientists studying the new coronavirus
2) Prevent more people from hospitalization/death
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior
4) The consequence involves the removal of something
5) The antecedent is people getting sick and dying from from virus
A=People getting sick and dying from new virus
B=Scientists studying the new coronavirus
C=Prevent more people from hospitalization/death
This is an example of negative punishment.
1) Scientists studying the new virus
2) Scientists learn more about virus and its genetic sequence
3) The consequence will increase the behavior
4) The consequence involves the addition of something
5) The antecedent is in the context of a new virus
A=New virus
B=Scientists study new virus
C=Scientists learn more about virus and its genetic sequence
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms used: positive reinforcement, negative punishment, consequence, antecedent, behavior,
posted for JM:
The piece that I worked with was about the NFL replacement refs and how they dropped the ball about the Packers Seahawks game. Aaron Rodgers talked about it on a radio show and publicly apologized to the fans.
1. One target behavior that is being used is the fact that one of the NFL players is publically humiliating the NFL, and making sure that he got his opinion out there. This is a punishing behavior because he is trying to decrease the likely hood of the NFL keeping the replacement refs. The second target behavior is that the coach of the Packers Mike McCarthy says that he is taking the high road, clearly it was an interception but that he wants everyone to move past the refs mistake. This is also a form of punishment because I believe it is a totally different tactic but still the goal is to make the refs feel bad.
2. . The consequence of the first behavior is that the fans get even more upset and will take it out on the NFL. While the second consequence would have to be that the fans will calm down and respect the NFL so that the NFL doesn’t lose so many followers.
3. . The first consequence is likely to increase the frequency of the behavior only because of the fact that if you can get the fans to start protesting then the NFL may need to start to listen. The next consequence would most likely decrease because the coach won’t have to calm down the fans.
4. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. First the consequence would probably have to involve the addition of a player being worked up. Second the consequence is the removal of anger trying to calm the crowds down so that if he removes the anger from himself and acts calm he hopefully will remove the anger from the crowds.
5. The antecedent for both is that there was a bad call made at the end of the Packers Seahawks football game.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Bad call at the end of the football game be the replacement refs
B= Aaron Rodgers publicly calls the NFL for hiring the replacement refs
C= The fans get even more worked up
A= Bad call at the end of the football game by the replacement refs
B= Packers coach admits there was a mistake but aims to move past
C= The fans drop the whole situation and move on
1= positive punishment
2= negative punishment