Topical Blog Week #4 (Due Thursday)


Hi Class,

So far we have discussed discriminative stimuli, satiation, & deprivation. Please find a video clip that has an example of discriminative stimuli. Then find a second video that has satiation. Then find another video that has deprivation.

For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used. Please be sensitive to this issue.

For each of the 3 clips:

I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. The tell us which of the three concepts it represents.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, or negative punishment.

Finally summarize how the clip is demonstrating the concept and how the ABC's explain what is happening in the clip.

Do the same for the other 2 clips.

Copy and paste the URL at the bottom of the page so we can go and see the video you used.

Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. We will be looking for terminology that has been introduced in the class so far. Your post will be worth more with more terminology used.

Let me know if you have any questions....


1. In this clip from the movie “Empire Records,” a song is dedicated to an employee named Lucas (which is sitting on the coach) because he is currently in a lot of trouble with the owner of the record store. Earlier in the film Lucas stole $9,000 from the record store and lost it gambling. The song “Money” started playing and other employees around the store start dancing and stating “Lucas wants money” over the loud speaker. This made the owner of the record store upset and starts to show the employees that without that money Lucas lost in gambling that he will lose the store.

A= Music playing
C=Owner getting angry

This is an example of positive punishment.

This clip demonstrates discriminative stimuli well because music starts playing, which sets the occasion for a response. The response from the employees is to start dancing, while at first the owner just tries to ignore them and the music. The music acted as a stimuli, which elicited the employees to dance and the owner to try to ignore and eventually get angry. The difference in reaction makes this clip a great example of discriminative stimuli.

2. In the clip from the movie “The Sandlot,” a group of young boys start to use chewing tobacco for what it seems to be the first time. Since they were all very much into baseball, they were highly influenced by professional baseball players that chew tobacco. After they start using the chewing tobacco they all go on a carnival ride that goes around in circles. While on the ride they all start to vomit as a result.

A= With a group of friends
B= Chewing tobacco
C= Vomiting

This is an example of positive punishment.

This clip demonstrates satiation because the boys all boys all thought of chewing tobacco as something “cool kids” did, but after chewing it they would not want anymore chewing tobacco after reaching their point of satiation brought on throwing up and not feeling very well.

3. In this clip from “How I Met Your Mother,” Barney, Marshall, and Ted are sitting at a coffee shop, which is not their normal hangout. Upon reading the names on the cups that were written on by one of the employees at the coffee shop, Barney discovered his cup says “Swarley”. Even though Barney protested it, Ted and Marshall start to call Barney by the name of Swarley from that point on. They continue to escalate calling him “Swarley” by playing pranks and tricks on him such as having the people at the bar call him “Swarley” and having radio station decicate songs to “Swarley.” This only makes Barney’s anger grow until the end of the clip.

A= At coffee shop with friends
B= Calling Barney “Swarley”
C= Barney gets angry

This is an example of positive reinforcement for his friends to keep calling him “Swarley” because they like to see Barney get upset.

This clip is a good example of deprivation because it takes away something that is reinforcing, which in this case is a name. Most people don’t think of a name as reinforcing on first thought, until it is taken away and replaced with something undesirable. Barney experienced this when his friends deprived him of his name and instead called him “Swarley.”

1. This is a clip from the movie "Secondhand Lions" where a young teenage boy named Walter and his two bachelor uncles, Hub and Garth, are at an empty bar eating. A group of older teenage rebels come in and start harassing Hub. This causes the uncle to get annoyed and he ends up fighting all four of the juveniles while Walter and Garth sit at the bar and watch in amusement. So, this clip is an example of discriminative stimulus.

A= At a bar for lunch
B= Fight with juveniles
C= The juveniles become embarrassed

I would have to say that this is an example of positive reinforcement.

I feel that this is a good example of discriminative stimulus because although the antecedent was being in a bar, a fight wouldn't have happened had the high school boys left the uncles alone. So, the attempt one of the boys made to take Hub's food elicted Hub's response; to emit a fighting behavior. By setting up this behavior, the juvenile added a desire in Hub to show Walter what should happen to kids who are disrespectful. As a result, the boys had to suffer the emotional consequence of single-handedly getting beat up by an old man.

2. This is a clip from an episode of Spongebob Squarepants when Squidward discovers that he likes krabby patties, but he convinced Spongebob early on after he first tasted one that he thought krabby patties were disgusting. In this scene, Squidward sneaks into the Krusty Krab restaurant in the middle of the night so that he can eat a whole krabby patty without being caught, but Spongebob comes in and interupts him. He admits that he loves Krabby patties and he eats lots of them at once. He eventually gets fat thighs and blows up because of all the fatty food. So, this clip is an example of satiation.

A= Krusty Krab restaurant
B= Eating tons of Krabby patties
C= Squidward blows up

I would have to say that this is an example of positive punishment.

I feel that this clip is a good example of satiation because the first bite that Squidward took triggered a desire for more since he had never had a krabby patty before, and the one he snuck after that made him want more because he thought they were delicious. So, when he snuck into the Krusty Krab to eat more, he went over board and ultimately, he exploded because he didn't stop when he was full. Thus, the krabby patties started to have a negative effect on his body by causing his thighs to grow really fat. Clearly, the consequence of blowing up, he never wanted to eat another krabby patty again.

3. This is a clip from "Aladdin" when Aladdin and his monkey Abu steal a melon from a vendor so that they can have breakfast. They are homeless and broke so they have to steal necessities like food, water, and other personal needs. If they had money, a job, or a home to live in, they wouldn't steal and they try to help out other street children too. So, this is a clip to represent deprivation.

A= Marketplace
B= Steal a melon
C= Ease hunger

I would have to say that this is an example of positive reinforcement.

I feel that this clip is a good example of deprivation because Aladdin and Abu are considered "street rats" and thieves, but that wasn't their choice. They are always deprived of food and the only way to get food and survive without money is to steal it. The melon makes the effort to steal more 'worth it' because stealing is the only way Aladdin knows how to satisfy his basic needs. Thus, the reinforcement is positive because food is never aversive for Aladdin. Also, if he goes a day or two without food, then the food he eventually steals and gets to eat will seem more satisfying.

Terms used: discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, antecedent, elicited, emit, behavior, consequence, satiation, deprivation

This video is about a man named Bill, for Bill’s birthday he decided to accept a challenge of eating a whole 23” pizza! Bill was excited to start digging into the pizza while his friends pumped him up for the challenge. When Bill had begun he even stated that the pizza was delicious. Little did Bill know that satiation was about to take its toll on him! The more Bill ate the less he liked the pizza and the slower he ate as he forced himself to finish the pizza. This is satiation because Bill enjoyed the pizza for the first few slices but, as he started to over eat the pizza having too much of it he began to dislike it.
A) Pizza place/ his birthday
B) Ate a whole 23” pizza
C) No longer liked the pizza
Negative reinforcement
This video is about a group of men who are guinea pigs for a sleep deprivation documentary. They must stay awake for 48 hours, the first 12 hours was not too bad for the group as they entertained themselves playing jokes on each other. After 20 hours, the men become easily upset by one another. Once 30 hours have past hallucination begins to set in, and once the timer goes off to declare the 48hours have past. Then men rush to their rooms to finally get some much needed sleep.
A) Sleep deprivation documentary
B) Stayed awake for 48hr
C) Hallucination/ never been so happy to sleep after the 48hr
Negative reinforcement ( you really only need to watch the first 10sec.)
In this video the phone rings and the girls answer the phone and say hello. The discriminative stimuli is the phone ringing, when the phone rings we automatically know to answer it and say hello.
A) When the phone rings
B) Answer it/ say hello
C) Talking to the person who called
Positive reinforcement

Discriminative stimuli:

In this clip from "Modern Family", the family dog is eating an expensive shoe of Gloria. After scolding the dog, Gloria tries to get the dog to eat the shoe or her husband so she begins to emit a behavior of eating the shoe to elicit the behavior of eating the shoe to the dog and to cause the behavior of the dog eating her shoes to become extinct. This displays the discriminative stimuli concept.

A: Closet of the bedroom
B: Dog eating the shoe
C: Dog gets yelled at for eating the shoe

This is an example positive reinforcement. The dog is being reinforced to chew shoes, just not Gloria's.

This clip describes discriminative stimuli because Gloria scolds the dog for the previous behavior, eating her shoe.


In this clip from "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie", the boy continues to give a mouse a cookie (the reinforcement) yet the mouse continues to ask for other things, milk, a straw, etc. This clip represents satiation.

A: In the kitchen
B: Giving the mouse a cookie
C: Asking for more things: milk, straw, etc.

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The boy keeps giving the mouse a cookie, which the mouse enjoys. However, the mouse keeps asking for more, and continues to get what the mouse wants. Because the mouse keeps getting what is desired, the mouse is being positively reinforced with the desired object, continuing the mouse to ask for another object.

During the clip sanitation is demonstrated because the mouse is continuing to ask for a cookie, or any other desired object. And because the mouse is being reinforced in a positive way, the emitted behavior or asking for more objects does not end, but continues.


In this clip from "Friends", Chandler is sitting in a box and is withheld from speaking to reinforce his friendship to Joey, and to punish Chandler for his actions again Joey.

A: The coffee house
B: Chandler disrespects Joey
C: Chandler can't talk and is in the box

This is an example of negative punishment. Because Chandler disrespected Joey, he is being negatively punished by not being able to talk.

This is a demonstration of deprivation because Joey is depriving Chandler from talking to punish his and prove his friendship to Joey.

Terms used: discriminative stimuli, emit, elicit, extinct, positive reinforcement, satiation, reinforce, punish, negative punishment

In this video clip it shows a bus driver emitting a behavior or texting and driving and then crashing into another vehicle while have handicap passengers on the bus with him.

A: Driving a Bus
B: Texting and Driving
C: Crashing the Bus

This is an example of negative punishment because since the bus driver was texting and driving that made him not pay attention to the road and crash the bus

This is a demonstration of stimuli because texting and driving was a behavior that resulted in a car crash which could of been prevented if he actually followed the law


This clip is from the movie bridesmaids and them getting food poisioning.

A:At a Resturant
B:Eating Meat
C:Getting food poisoning

This is an example of positive punishment because since they really liked the food from that resturant they ate a lot of it but now they all have food poisoning.

This demonstrates Satiation because they really liked the food at the resturant but they all got sick from the resturant and now they wont like the resturant for a while.

This video clip is from the movie Tangled. Its about a girl that is trapped up in a tower and is not about to see the outside world.

A:In a Tower
B: trapped in the tower
C: Cant see the outside world

This is an example of negative punishment because she is locked in a tower and is unable to see the outside world and has done nothing wrong

This is a demonstration of deprivation because she is deprived of seeing the outside world.

Terms: Stimuli, Emit, Negative Punishment, Postive Punishment, Satiation, Deprivation

Thursday 9/13/12 Blog Week 4
I wrote this blog on a train in my dream so I didn’t use internet and I will use a tall tale one once created. Thanks!
.One day at work, 5 individuals were working in a warehouse moving and stacking odd and heavy boxes on big trucks from different trucks. These individuals were working away a regular day when a lady[person] walked in and around. One of the individual workers later thought to himself regarding the reduction in individual workers’ vulgar language usage. One noticed that no offensive joking or non-professional advances were made. The individual worker noticed that “maybe in increasing respect for other individuals, I in communicating so, increase a sense of respect in myself.”. -Cicada b. Keller- (2012)

Discriminative Variable
A: a discriminative variable [person] walks into work area

B: work inhabiting individuals significantly reduce usage of offensive, disrespectful language compared to ‘other times’

C: one is treated with sense of respect


A: individual co-worker is present throughout most of work day, and deprives himself of using ‘regular’ language and adapts his own perceptions of respect to treating with sense of respect.

B: co-working individuals significantly reduce usage of offensive language compared to “other times”

C: an individual person is a discriminative variable to oneself (& others)


A: one individual emits deprivation of usage of known “cuss” words thought and spoken while at work

B: one other individual co-worker begins also emit deprivation in the use of similar offensive thoughts and words spoken compared to ‘other times’

C: one individual is satiated and becoming habituated by a strong reinforcing value, and maintains deprivation of offensive words spoken at work.
-ebs- 9/13/12 @ 1141hrs. Centric Time

Term% satiation, deprivation, elicit, discriminative variable,

It’s only the first thirty seconds.
In this clip, from Seinfeld, George Castanza is at the book store and needs to go to the bathroom. He then emits the behavior of taking a book into the restroom with him even though there is a sign that says not to take books into the bathroom. This is an example of discriminative stimulus.

A- “Bathroom not Bookroom”
B- Take a book into bathroom
C- Forced to buy the book for $100

This clip is an example of negative punishment because George has to buy the book. This is a negative punishment because of the fact that George had to spend (get rid of) $100 thus decreasing the amount of money he had. It is punishment because he has to spend $100 to buy the book.

This clip is an example of discriminative stimulus because of the fact that there was a sign by the bathroom door saying not to take a book into the bathroom with you. The sign told him what to do, but George chose to ignore the sign and take a book into the bathroom anyway. In a different situation, like being in his apartment, taking a book into the bathroom may be okay, but when the antecedent changes then the behavior may have to change as well or else you may have to face the consequences to your actions.

This clip is from the TV show Seinfeld. In this particular scene Jerry is visiting his neighbor in the hospital who is in a coma. He is mainly there because he is interested in the coma guy’s girlfriend and has been dating her while the guy has been in the hospital. Kramer and Newman are in the hospital room as well. Newman plans on outing Jerry to the guy, but then Jerry gets him to say that he won’t. He does this by starting to eat a Drake’s Coffee Cake. Newman then really wants a Drake’s coffee cake, but Jerry deprives him of one until he swears to never tell the guy in the coma what he has been up to. When Newman swears he won’t tell Jerry reinforces him by giving him a Drakes Coffee Cake. This is an example of deprivation.

A- Hospital
B- Jerry is making a deal with Newman
C- Newman gets Drakes Coffee Cake

This is an example of positive reinforcement because Jerry is adding a Drake’s Coffee Cake into the equation while trying to get Newman to keep a secret. When he agrees to keeping the secret he is reinforced with the coffee cake.

This clip is an example of deprivation because Newman really wants a Drake’s Coffee Cake because of the fact that he is hungry, likes them, and the fact that Jerry has one. This makes it more likely for Newman to do what Jerry wants because the Drake’s Coffee Cake elicited the hunger behavior for Newman.

This is a clip from Seinfeld where Jerry and his friends have been using what they call “the voice” The voice only does Hello and La La La. They got the voice from Jerry’s girlfriend’s belly button. Jerry and his friends have a great time with using the voice, but it gets to the point where they are sick of it and no longer wish to do it.

A- Jerry with his friends
B- Using the voice
C- They get tired of hearing it

This is an example of negative punishment. I say this because the voice is no longer used so it is taken away from the equation, and it is punished because they are trying to get rid of the behavior, or at least make it less frequent.

This clip is an example of satiation because of the fact that they all really enjoyed emitting the behavior of the voice, but it got to the point where it was no longer satisfying so they agreed to stop using it. Well they kind of agreed Jerry still really liked doing it.

Terms- negative punishment, discriminative stimulus, emits, punishment, behavior, antecedent, consequence, reinforce, deprives, deprivation, positive reinforcement, elicited, punished, emitting.


This is a clip from one of the Pixar, Ice Age movies. It's about a squirrel named Scrat that is continually chasing after the elusive acorn. Particularly :28-:42

A= Sees the acorn
B= Runs towards the acorn
C= Hits the ice wall

I would call this negative punishment because he loses the acorn and in most cases this would cause an individual to not run into the wall again. It could also be negative reinforcement if he chooses to run into the wall again.

This demonstrates deprivation. Because Srcat is so deprived of acorns, he is willing to emit almost any behavior to get one. Hitting the ice wall might not act as a punishment because he is so deprived of the acorn.

Terms: deprivation, negative punishment, emit, punishment, negative reinforcement.\

Discriminative Stimulus

This is a clip of a guy fishing for bluegill using a good old fashion bobber. Fishing with a bobber means you watch the bobber for any movement to let you know if a fish has your bait. Little ripples by the bobber means that the fish is playing with the bait. If the bobber drops below the water quickly then the fish took the bait hook-line-and-sinker.

A= Seeing the bobber drop below the water
B= Yanking the pole and reeling in the line
C= Finding a bluegill at the end of the line

This is positive reinforcement because the fisherman will be more likely to emit the behavior of yanking the pole and reeling it in after the antecedent of the bobber drop underwater, and the fisherman gained a fish as a consequence of his behavior.

This is a perfect example of discriminative stimulus because the movement of the bobber acts as a signal that prompts the fisherman to behave in a specific way.

Terms: positive reinforcement, discriminative behavior, emit, consequence, antecedent


This is a clip of Barak Obama coming out of the Wilbur Cholate Factory in Lititz Pennsylvania. When he comes out he say, "I ate too many of those chocolate marshmallows".

A= At a chocolate factory
B= Ate too many chocolate marshmallows
C= Not hungry anymore (had too bring out a bag of chocolates cause he chose not to eat anymore)

This is an example of positive punishment because he was given chocolates, but the chocolates decreased his behavior of eating the choclates.

The antecedent of being at the chocolate factory elicited the response of Obama emiting a chocolate eating behavior. Eventually the consequence of feeling satiated made him choose to stop eating.

Terms: antecedent, consequence, emiting, elicited, positive punishment, satiated

1.) This clip is from the movie Scream, when Casey receives a phone call only to discover she is talking to someone that is watching her.

A= Home alone when the phone rings.
B= Answering the phone call
C= Becoming scared because she is being stalked

This would be negative punishment because she answers the phone and then as a result she is being stalked by the masked man. This is a punishing behavior because it results in death.

This is discriminative stimuli because the phone is ringing and she is compelled to answer the phone.

2.) This is a clip of a young boy that is scared to death because he is on a amusement park ride and is about to fall out

A= The amusement park ride
B= Scream and crying
C= Janice laughing at him (in reality he is probably never going to ride another ride again).

This would be a negative punishment. He was uncertain about going on the ride, that most people would in enjoy, in the first place and then experienced the aversive sensation of nearly falling out. This negative punishment result the likelihood that he wouldn't go on that ride again.

This is an example of satiation because he had his fill over the ride and no longer finds it to be desirable.

3.) This clip is about a Snickers commercial about a football player that is so hungry that he isn't playing his best and it's upsets his teammates. His girlfriend then retrieves a Snickers for him to eat.

A= Hunger while playing a football game
B= Agitated and playing poorly
C= Teammates become hostile or insulting

This is an example of negative punishment because you know the feeling of not being hungry but it is taken away with your extreme hunger. Knowing how you feel you will less likely play football hungry again.

This is an example of deprivation. He is being deprived of food resulting in his teammates being unhappy with his performance.

Terms: Negative Punishment, Discriminative Stimulus, Satiation, Depravation, Aversive

Discriminative stimuli:
In this clip is from the television show "Pepe Le Pew," the cat wants to go on the cruise ship, the ticket checker tells the cat no and kicks her off. She then sneaks under a white fence that is still wet from being painted. The cat gets a white mark on her back from it and ends up looking like a skunk. She then goes aboard the ship and the captain tells everybody to abandon the ship because there is a skunk on board.

A= Skunk gets on the ship
B= All passengers abandon ship
C= Passengers stranded in the ocean

This is an example of negative punishment.

This clip demonstrates discriminative stimuli well because when the cat, looking like a skunk, gets on board of the ship it sets the occasion for a response. The response is all the passengers and crew abandoning the ship because the smelly skunk is on board. The consequence is the passengers being stranded in the ocean.

This clip is from the movie White Chicks, Latrelle and Tiffany go on a date because he had "bought" her at an auction. She eats so much food she cannot eat anymore and even her stomach bulges out of her clothing.

A= At a restaurant
B= Tiffany overeating
C= Becomes extremely full

This is an example of positive punishment.

This clip demonstrates satiation well. Tiffany went out to eat and got extremely full, she did not want the food anymore. It was no longer appealing to her.

This clip is from a Snickers commercial where two men are at a party talking to girls of interest. One of the guys starts getting angry and mean to the girls for no reason. The friend takes him away and gives him a snickers to make him feel better and tells him "Eat a snickers because you're not you when you're hungry".

A= At a party
B= Guy angry because he's starving
C= Friend gives him a snickers and feels better

This is an example of positive reinforcement. He learns he needs to eat before going out so he won't be rude to anyone.

This commercial demonstrates deprivation well. The man is so incredibly hungry his behavior is not normal. He is rude to everybody around him because all he can focus on is his hunger. Giving him the snickers bar makes him feel better.

Terms used: Reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, satiation, deprivation.

These are all on Netflix, so I hope you have an account to watch these. Otherwise I guess I’m kinda screwed.
Discriminative Stimulus
The first clip is from the first episode of the show Better Off Ted (which I highly recommend to everyone; it’s on Netflix Instant). In the clip, we see Lem and Phil in the bathroom, both taking care of daily business of the number two variety. However, their company (who’s insanely evil) has moved the rolls of toilet paper farther from the toilet to discourage employees from using too much, thereby saving money. Phil, having remembered this detail from the last time he used the bathroom, removes the roll of toilet paper and takes it with him to the toilet so he’ll have all the toilet paper he’ll need with ease. Lem is not so resourceful.
(I couldn’t find this anywhere but Netflix, so I hope you have an account so you can watch this)
Watch from 3:24-3:45

A: Bathroom with distant toilet paper holder
B: Removal of toilet paper roll
C: Plenty of toilet paper

This is an example of positive reinforcement for Phil, but for Lem this represents negative reinforcement (taking away the luxury of toilet paper will motivate him to remove it like Phil in the future).

The discriminative stimulus in this clip is the distant toilet paper holder. For Phil, this acts as a stimulus eliciting a response to remove the roll and take it with him. For Lem, this acts as a stimulus too late, therefore causing him to emit the response of reaching desperately for an inch of toilet paper. The ABCs show Phil’s scenario. If the antecedent hadn’t involved a toilet paper holder far away from the toilet, Phil wouldn’t have needed to emit a response to take the roll. Since he was rewarded with as much toilet paper as he’d need, Phil is likely to emit this response again.

The next clip is from Avatar: The Last Airbender, a favorite show from my childhood. In this episode Aang wants to master the Avatar State, and to do so he needs to open all of his chakras. In the clip we see him open chakras five and six out of seven. Then, when he’s about to open the final chakra, he learns he needs to lose Katara as a friend (or more) and his reinforcer loses its power.

Watch from 14:30-19:25

A: Guru’s hideout
B: Opening chakras
C: Higher enlightenment

This is an example of positive reinforcement because Aang gains entightenment each time he opens a chakra.

The reinforcer, enlightenment, is obtained each time Aang successfully opens a chakra. We see him open two in the clip. However, when asked to relinquish his love for Katara, Aang loses interest in enlightenment and the reinforcer stops being reinforcing. Aang has had his fill of enlightenment and will no longer be swayed to behave a certain way because of it. I’ll be honest, I’m not certain this is an example of satiation, but I think it is. I’d like comments, if possible, to confirm or correct my analysis of this clip.

Finally, this is from one of my favorite movies: The Secret of Kells. Brendan, who has been sheltered within the walls of his uncle’s, the Abbot’s, village, seeks the knowledge offered him by the arrival of Brother Aiden. Brother Aiden has been working on a legendary book that he says Brendan can help him create. The only thing Brendan has to do is help find berries to make emerald green ink with. They can only be found in the forest outside the wall, where Brendan has never been.

Watch from 16:51 to about 22:00 or 23:00

A: Isolated Village
B: Going into the forest
C: Gains knowledge

This is an example of positive reinforcement. However, in the movie one would also see Brendan get reprimanded by the Abbot: an example of negative punishment, for he is forbidden to help Brother Aiden in his work (though he does anyway, of course).

This example demonstrates deprivation. Brendan wants to learn, but has been sheltered by his uncle in a walled-in village. He is deprived of knowledge. Then, when Brother Aiden arrives Brendan sees the opportunity to learn about the outside world, a place he has never set foot in. As we see in the clip, Brother Aiden promises the let Brendan help him work on the sacred book, representing enlightenment and knowledge, if Brendan can help him find berries to make ink. Because he has been deprived of it, the reinforcer of knowledge is heightened and motivates Brendan to enter the forest despite his fears. In the end, though he gets into trouble with the Abbot for going outside the wall, Brendan is reinforced with the method for making ink, and the opportunity to help Aiden create the book.

Once again, forgot my terms: positive/negative reinforcement, discriminative stimulus, elicit, response, emit, antecedent, reinforcer, satiation, negative punishment, deprivation

Hanna404. I was unable to view your satiation clip as I needed to have a netflicks membership. However, based on your description, you are on the right track in terms of satiation. You state that their is no longer and interest in enlightenment and that "Aang loses interest in enlightenment and the reinforcer stops being reinforcing." That's exactly what satiation is. Someone is so satisfied, full, or tired of something that they normally like. Once someone is satiated it no longer acts as a reward. You showed that you understand this with your statement: "Aang has had his fill of enlightenment and will no longer be swayed to behave a certain way because of it."

You did a great job. As far as I can tell you understood satiation well. :)

So far we have discussed discriminative stimuli, satiation, & deprivation. Please find a video clip that has an example of discriminative stimuli. Then find a second video that has satiation. Then find another video that has deprivation

This is a video of a mom and son dancing to a song. This clip demonstrates the power of discriminative stimuli and how its effect can elicit a behavioral class of dancing.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A= Music being played in a living room
B= dancing
C= entertainment / music video :)

Positive reinforcement

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the mother and the were elicited by the music to emit the behavior of dancing. The consequence of this was entertainment and fun for the individuals that participated in it.

Finally summarize how the clip is demonstrating the concept and how the ABC's explain what is happening in the clip.

Do the same for the other 2 clips.

This clip shows a kid who attempts a challenge of spicy haberno, in two minutes and gets his satiation is surpassed.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A=food place
C=too spicy for him
negative reinforcement

A kid eats spicy habernos for a challenge and when satiation was filled, it becomes to spicy for him to handle. The consequence of this was that it starts to burns his mouth and he must stop the behavior.
Tom and Jerry cartoon, Jerry has a orphan over for dinner, and he is always hungry because of the food deprivation and they must get him some food because Jerry is out of it.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

B=finding food
C=gets him food

positive reinforcement

Jerry orphan friend is hungry and food deprivation so they go out and get him food from the home. The behavior is looking for food, and Tom is trying to stop them and trying to eat them. They consequence is the orphan gets food.

Discriminative Stimuli
In this parody of Pee Wee's Playhouse,Pee Wee and his house of characters set up a word of the day. For the rest of the day, whenever someone uses this word everyone in the house is supposed to cheer and celebrate. The word elicits the response no matter what the word. Well in this clip the word is cancer and the mailman has it. When he breaks the news to everyone they emit this celebration response even though he is telling them all very somber news
A- At Pee Wee's Playhouse
B- You say Cancer
C- Everyone Cheers

This is an example of positive reinforcement because tradiotionally it would elicit the word being used more often. In this text though, I think that it is used as negative reinforcement in actuallity here because the word should be seen as aversive and should make the outcome happen less often. However, on this certain day in Pee Wee's Playhouse, if you tell them you have cancer and it is malignant, they will be happy for you...

In this video, a man walks into a store to buy more beer. The only problem is that from the looks of him, he has been reinforced with beer to the max. It doesn't appear this man can get any drunker.
A- Having free time
B- Drink beer
C- Have fun and be drunk

This is an example of positive reinforcement. By drinking a beer you are reinforcing the fact that you want to have a good time and are probably being quite successful at it. Here is where satiation comes into play. This man has obviously been reinforceing himself for quite some time. Another beer is not going to make him any drunker, in fact another one and we might start to see some punishment come into play from certain outside parties. He has fullfilled himself and that he is drunk and having a good time, unfortunately it might be time for extinction because another beer may prove to be quite aversive.

In this video, a child is being fed in his stroller. Everytime the spoon goes into the food the kid starts emitting these behaviors that would leave you to believe its been starved for the last couple days. He gets all excited and his eyes widen and he starts panting.
A- When the spoon prepares the food
B- The child gets extremely excited
C- and Is fed the contents on the spoon

This is an example of positive reinforcement because the more the kid gets excited the more he is going to get fed. This is a great example of apparent deprivation, because when a person is deprived of food, food increases dramatically in valence. The kid is almost begging to be fed and it is clearly apparent by the behavior he displays when about to be fed.

Terms: Discriminative Stimuli, Elicit, Emit, Positive Reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Punishment, Extinction, Satiation, Deprivation, Valence, Aversive,
In this video, the young brother Charlie keeps biting his older brothers finger. His brother keeps getting mad but Charlie thinks it's funny so he keeps doing it.
A- Bites brother
B- Yells at Charlie
C- Laughs and thinks it's funny

This is an example of positive reinforcement because when Charlie bites his finger his parents laugh which makes Charlie thinks it is okay to do so he continues.


This is a clip from the movie Snow White. this is the spot in the movie when the evil witch gives snow white you poisen apple so it will kill her.

A- takes apple
B- Eats apple
C- She passes out

This is an example of negative punishment because she didn't do anything but is still given the apple that makes her fall asleep. She is being deprived of the apple but is then it is given to her and she is put asleep.


This is a clip from the show Arthur. He loves cake and can't stop eating it. He ends up eating too much and gets a terrible belly ache.

A- eats cake
B- over eats
C- gets a belly ache

This is an example of positive punishment. Because Arthur ate too much, he will never over endulge himself because of the bad tummy ache he got. this is satiation because he over ate so much that is doesn't look appealing to him.

Terms: Stimuli, Deprivation, Satiation, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment

In this video a child is riding their bike down the street and not paying attention runs straight into a mail box. The child proceeds to cry for a split second then get up and go on their way.

A: Riding a bike on the street
B: Running into a mail box
C: Falling over and crying

This is positive punishment because the addition of the mail box into the equation makes it less likely that the child will ride on the street in the future. Side walks were invented for a reason.

The discriminitive stimulus is riding the bike on the street. This sets the kid up to come into contact with the mail box. Had be not been on the street or if he was walking he probably would not have hit the mail box.

In this next video a girl is participating in the cinnamon challenge. She eats the tablespoon of cinnamon and spits it straight back out because she starts choking on it. She helped prove that it can't be done.

A: Being dared to do the cinnamon challenge
B: Eating a table spoon of cinnamon
C: Choking on it and spitting it out.

This would be positive punishment because it is the addition of cinnamon that elicited the outcome of choking which made it less likely for her to eat a tablespoon is cinnamon in the future.

This demonstrates satiation because she had more cinnamon than needed and something that was previously desirable was not anymore because she had too much.

This last one is of a guy that is pulling a prank on people. He walks out of a classroom and drops his papers so that they go everywhere. He starts to pick them up until someone stops to help him and once they do he stands up and watches them finish picking up his papers. He continues to do this to many people as the video goes on.

A: Dropping papers
B: Stops picking them up
C: Others continue to pick them up for him

This is an example of positive reinforcement because people come to help him pick up his papers and continue to do so even though he has stopped. He will be more likely to let people pick up his papers in the future because they continue to do so even though he had stopped.

The example of deprivation comes when he stops giving his help. After he has found someone to pick up his papers he deprives them of his own help and simply watches them do it for him.

Terms: Punishment, reinforcement, positive, discriminative stimulus, satiation, deprivation, elicit

This clip shows multiple cars rolling through a stop sign. I am using this clip to represent the concept of discriminative stimuli.

A= Stop Sign
B= Drivers roll through
C= Drivers get away with it

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

In this clip, the discriminative stimulus is the stop sign. The stop sign tells us to bring our vehicle to a full stop, but the drivers in this video are choosing not to do so and are risking either getting in an accident or getting a ticket from a cop. The ABCs (antecedent, behavior, consequence) explain what is happening in the clip like this: In the context of a stop sign, drivers emitted a “rolling through” behavior, and they consequently got away with it.

In this clip from The Vampire Diaries, Stefan (nice vampire) is asking Klaus (mean vampire/werewolf) for some of his blood so that he can cure his brother’s werewolf bite. In return for the cure, Klaus is making Stefan drink more human blood than is desirable. I am using this clip to represent the concept of satiation.

A= Klaus’s home
B= Stefan drinks human blood
C= Klaus gives Stefan the werewolf bite cure

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

This clip is demonstrating satiation because Klaus is having Stefan drink more and more human blood, even after he’s had his fill. After drinking a certain amount of human blood, Stefan will begin to find it undesirable/aversive and will tire of it, and it may even lose its effect as a reinforcer. The ABCs explain what is happening in the clip like this: In the context of Klaus’s home, Stefan drinks human blood so that Klaus will, as a consequence, give him the cure to his brother’s werewolf bite.

This clip shows multiple people falling asleep while on the job. I am using this clip to represent the concept of deprivation.

A= At work
B= Fall asleep
C= Embarrassing event occurs

This is an example of positive punishment.

The clip is demonstrating deprivation of sleep. Sleep serves as a stimulus that reinforces and revitalizes humans, so when it is withheld, it leads to sleep deprivation, and if it happens in public while one is at work, it can be a very embarrassing situation. The ABCs explain what is happening in this clip like this: In the context of being at work, an employee falls asleep, and an embarrassing event consequently occurs, thus acting as a form of punishment (due to the fact that the sleeping behavior would probably decrease).

Terms: discriminative stimuli, positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence, emitted, satiation, aversive, reinforcer, deprivation, positive punishment, reinforce

This is a clip of a man coming to an automatic glass door where it isn’t opening and he decides on slamming his head through the door to get through.
A= man comes to a door confused and it doesn’t open
B= he decides to run at it with his head
C= the door breaks on his head
It is a discriminative stimuli because it is an automatic door where you are supposed to walk up too and it will open but instead of just waiting he runs right through it. literally.
This is negative punishment
This is a clip of a baby who is super tired and can barely keep her eyes open. But is still trying to eat.
A= the baby girl is eating food but is tired
B= She keeps wanting to fall asleep
C= She is falling asleep as she eats
Its deprivation because it’s something that she needs to naturally stay alive but she keeps waking up for food
This is positive reinforcment
This is a clip of a couple women who have been running so hard and so long in a marathon that there legs can’t take it anymore
A= long running race
B= legs are exhausted and give out
C= have to crawl across the finish line
This is satiation because after going for so long their legs just can’t take it anymore even though if they would have kept going then they would have finished in a higher place.
This is negative punishment
terms: discriminative stimuli, reinforce, satiation, deprivation, positive punishment, negative punishment.

This is a trailer from the movie "Mean Girls". In this movie the central character is Cady Heron who has just moved from Africa to the United States. In Africa Cady acted one way, and as soon as she entered the High School scene, her behavior changed. This was probably due to the switch in DISCRIMINATIVE STIMULI. Her EMITED behavior begins to change again once she starts hanging out with the "plastics".
A: At High School
B: Mean
C: Everyone Hates Her

Because she is at high school hanging out with the plastics, her behavior begins to change, and she begins to act caddy. As a result of this behavior, the whole school turns on her, and she is hated. Her behavior was effected by her change in location, or DISCRIMINATIVE STIMULI. This is an example of NEGATIVE PUNISHMENT because everyone hates her the likely hood of her EMITTING the mean behavior will DECREASE

In this video there is a man who goes on a thirty day challenge, where he must eat fast food for every meal. The original purpose of this movie Supersize Me was to show people the effects fast food can have on your body. The reason I would call this SATIATION is because, after thirty days of McDonalds, you would not be able to REWARD him with that stimulus.
A: McDonalds
B: Eating
C: Becomes Sick

This is an example of POSITIVE PUNISHMENT because it showed him he negative effects fast food has on the body. It will also likely DECREASE the amount of him EMITTING that behavior.

In this short clip from Tom and Jerry Tom finds himself trapped on an island with no food. He tries to eat multiple things, but it doesn't work out for him. Tom is experiencing DEPRIVATION and would be easily MANIPULATED for food.
A: On an Island
B: Hungry
C: Tries to capture, and eat Jerry

This doesn't work out for Tom, as things rarely do, and because he is so hungry he is willing to do anything to get REINFORCED with the food. The episode ends with Tom being chased away by the tribes people of the island, never getting to eat anything.

Tom's behavior would be NEGATIVE PUNISHMENT because he did not receive anything, and the likelihood of his behavior will decrease. (However, we all know it doesn't)

This video shows one of the episodes of Man Vs Food, which he emits the behavior of finishing a 72 oz. steak. The reason I believe this is satiation, is because once he completes the challenge of finishing the steak I wouldn't be able to reward him with another.

A= Texas Restaurant
B= Eating a 72 oz. steak
C= Becoming so full, he gets sick

This is an example of positive punishment because it let him know nobody should try to achieve eating that much in one hour. It will decrease the likely hood of him emitting that behavior again.

This video clip shows one of the episodes of Silent Library. The discriminative stimuli would be the library and how the environment of a library is quiet.

A= Library
B= Being loud while doing challenges
C= Doesn't win the money

This is positive reinforcement, because the likely hood of them being quit increases because they have the chance of winning money.

This video clip shows a little boy slapping a grown man in the face because he picked up one of his Doritos. This could be a example of deprivation because the man experiences deprivation from the child.

A= Kids house
B= Tells him not to touch the Doritos
C= Kid slaps the man for touching the Doritos

This video shows one of the episodes of Man Vs Food, which he emits the behavior of finishing a 72 oz. steak. The reason I believe this is satiation, is because once he completes the challenge of finishing the steak I wouldn't be able to reward him with another.

A= Texas Restaurant
B= Eating a 72 oz. steak
C= Becoming so full, he gets sick

This is an example of positive punishment because it let him know nobody should try to achieve eating that much in one hour. It will decrease the likely hood of him emitting that behavior again.

This video clip shows one of the episodes of Silent Library. The discriminative stimuli would be the library and how the environment of a library is quiet.

A= Library
B= Being loud while doing challenges
C= Doesn't win the money

This is positive reinforcement, because the likely hood of them being quit increases because they have the chance of winning money.

This video clip shows a little boy slapping a grown man in the face because he picked up one of his Doritos. This could be a example of deprivation because the man experiences deprivation from the child.

A= Kids house
B= Tells him not to touch the Doritos
C= Kid slaps the man for touching the Doritos

This clip is from “The Simpsons” when Homer walks past the vending machine at work and sees the sign that says “Try new Crystal Buzz Cola” he decides he has to try it however he discovers he has no money. He then decides he will try to pull one out with his arm and it gets stuck. Happens 46 seconds into the clip.
A= At work
B= Stuck hand up pop machine
C= Hand got stuck
I would say this clip is an example of positive punishment.
I think this clip represents discriminative stimulus because the sign that told Homer to try the new cola influenced him to act in the way he did. The sign didn’t suggest he needed to steel it just that he NEEDED to try it.

This clip is from the movie “Stand by Me”. This is the part where the boys are in the woods telling stories and one of them tells one about a pie eating contest at which one individual ate until he couldn’t anymore. (the part that matters on goes until 16 sec).
A= At a pie eating contest
B= Ate a lot of pie
C= Became VERY full
I would say this is an example of positive punishment.
I pick this clip for an example of satiation because the individual ate until he couldn’t eat anymore. The thing that he had once desired became undesirable.

This clip is a health care protest outside of Washington DC. Two individuals for health care are walking in a group that is mostly against health care for everyone. (first 1:30 is all you really need to see).
A=Washington DC
B= Protest
C= Raises attention and questions
I feel that this is an example of positive reinforcement.
I pick this clip for my example of deprivation. The people protesting for the health care law obviously feel like without it they are being deprived of something they need. With people drawing attention to it and asking them questions it better helps their cause in which they will continue to do it.
Terms: positive punishment, desirable, undesirable, positive reinforcement, satiation, discriminative stimuli, deprivation

This Disney Pixar clip is titled One Man Band. It is about these two street musicians playing on the street for money. They keep playing more advanced instruments as they compete against each other for this little kid’s coin. Then the coin gets lost down a drain pipe and the kid is mad and wants them to give him a coin. Instead one of the musicians gives him a violin and the kid plays on the street. Within seconds he gets a big bag of money.

This is an example of discriminative stimuli.

A. Street plaza
B. The kid plays music
C. The kid gets a big bag of money

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

The discriminative stimuli is the kid playing versus the other two adults playing and how the kid is the one that got all that money. It sends the message how there is a soft spot for kids. The street plaza is the antecedent where its open to play and the behavior of the kid playing and being the only one to get the consequence of money demonstrates this concept.

This clip is called Fat Cat Hunting Mouse. It is about a fat cat that just stares at a mouse for awhile. It eventually chases the mouse but doesn’t eat it. It’s almost like the cat just kills it off principle not because it’s hungry.

This clip is an example of satiation.

A. There is a cat and a mouse
B. The cat chases the mouse
C. The cat kills the mouse

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

Cats are suppose to catch mice and eat them. It’s in their DNA, or so we are taught in kindergarten. That would be the antecedent part. This fat cat however, just looks at the mouse before chasing it. This makes me think the cat is feed way too much so the mouse no longer has appeal to its appetite and the cat just kills it because it’s there.

This clip is named Carmel’s Catch. It is about a starving cat who hears a bird and gets excited. He then goes up to try and eat it.

This is an example of deprivation.

A. Starving cat is lying down beside a tree.
B. Cat hears the bird.
C. Cat gets excited and salivates.

This is another example of positive reinforcement.

The cat is obviously hungry in this clip (shown when his stomach ripples), implying he has been deprived of food therefore he is in a state of deprivation. This is all part of the antecedent. The hearing of a bird chirp is a behavior that cues in the cat to get excited and salivate as a consequence. The fact that the cat salivates at just the sound of a bird chirping shows how deprived of food he was.

Terms: antecedent, behavior, consequence, discriminative stimuli, satiation, deprivation, positive reinforcement
This clip shows people and M&M characters at a party. The female M&M is emitting a talking behavior with some woman while a man across the room is emitting a giggling behavior. Then a red M&M enters the party and the milk chocolate (brown) female M&M acts as a discriminative stimulus to the red M&M, who thinks that she is naked, which then elicits him to emit the behavior of pulling of his shell (clothes). This is an example of a Discriminative Stimulus. The brown M&M changed the environment of the party for the Red M&M as seeing her like that made him think it was the proper environment to disrobe, thus obviously signaling the change in a behavior that may not have otherwise occurred at a party.
A=Brown (supposedly naked) M&M at the party
B=Red M&M pulls off shell (clothes)
C=Brown M&M emits the behavior of rolling her eyes and crossing her arms
This is an example of negative punishment as the reactions to the behaviors are aversive and also are taking away the attention the M&M thought he would get. Eventually he will probably realize this and decrease his behavior or stop.
This clip shows Bart Simpson using CC’s chips as a reinforcer and not giving them to Homer so that he will be more reinforced by the chips and emit the behavior Bart wants him to elicit. Bart sets up various trials that Homer has to go through in order to get the chips. This is made possible because of deprivation of CC’s chips, if Homer would have continual access to the chips he would not be inclined to do the behaviors.
A=Bart has CC’s chips
B=Homer emits the behavior of walking on fiery coals
C=Bart gives Homer a chip
This is an example of positive reinforcement as Homer receives a chip when he emits the target behavior. And like stated above this shows deprivation.
This video shows a family after a day at Disney World. The two children are crying relentlessly as their father asks them about Disney and tries to talk to them. This is an example of satiation as going to Disney World is a pleasurable activity and a reinforcer but when it is continually given it acts aversively and is no longer a reinforcer. This is an example of positive punishment as the behavior of participating in activities at Disney World will be decreased because of the added stimulus of the children crying.
A=At Disney World
B=Participating in activities at Disney World All Day
C=Children cry and are upset
Emitting, Elicit, Behavior, Satiation, Deprivation, Discriminative Stimulus, Aversive, Positive, Punishment, Reinforcer, stimulus, Target Behavior

~A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus associated with reinforcement that exerts control over a particular form of behavior. It acts as a signal for certain behaviors to occur in response to the presence of such stimuli.
In this clip, the 1998 Minnesota Vikings use multiple discriminative stimuli to score again the Dallas Cowboys within the first two minutes of the game. This Vikings/Cowboys match (played on Thanksgiving Day, 1998) shows Randall Cunningham throwing the ball nearly 60 yards to rookie wide receiver Randy Moss, #84 for the Vikings. Moss used discriminative stimuli such as lines on the field and his cat-like reflexes to catch the ball and hop into the endzone.
Antecedent- A quarterback (Cunningham, #7) throws a football to a wide receiver
Behavior- Randy Moss evaluates the situation on the field
Consequence- Moss catches the ball
Moss caught only three passes in this game. All three catches were touchdowns, making his smart evaluations on the field very positive reinforcement. He finished the day with 163 receiving yards.
~Deprivation occurs when reinforcers are withheld.
In this clip, Curious George (PBS Kids!, 2008) realizes that his plant his deprived of plant food. George compiles leftover food, dirt, leaves and water to make compost material. The video, entitled Mulch Ado About Nothing, shows a creative solutions for recycling and reusing in deprivation situation.
Antecedent- A plant deprived of compost
Behavior- Curious George begins a compost pile
Consequence- The plant grows, happy and healthy
I feel that compiling compost is a positive reinforcement, as it elicits behaviors of recycling.
~Satiation may mean to be satisfied fully.

In this clip, Fred Rogers accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 24th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards. Mister Rogers thanks his family and friends, along with Public Broadcasting and Family Communications. As he encourages the audience and viewers to think of individuals that have helped them throughout their lives, persons in the audience are shown crying and appear to be moved by Mister Roger’s presence and words. Individuals seem to be satisfied fully.
Antecedent- Fred Rogers is recognized for his work in Family Communications.
Behavior- Fred Rogers gives an acceptance speech.
Consequence- Witnessing persons are moved by this precious moment
Fred Rogers was the recipient of two Peabody Awards, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian award, and four Emmy Awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was bestowed to him in 1997.
Mister Rogers , along with the album Songs From The Neighbor, continues to serve as positive reinforcement for myself and other special individuals.
Terms Used: Discriminative Stimulus, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Deprivation, Satiation, Recycle, Elicit, Reinforcement
SMW 9.13.12 10:10pm

Discriminative stimuli:
In this video its people in a car driving and they have to stop at the railroad tracks because there is a train about to go through. Its in a different country so you cant understand what they are saying. After the train passes the car drives through.

A-Driving down road and train comes
B- stop driving and wait
C-doesnt get hit by train

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The train discriminative stimuli because it makes you stop.

This is a clip of a boy who thinks the world is going to end so he decides to eat 3650 chocolate balls. He starts eating them and then has to get some milk then starts feeling sick and has had enough so he goes and has other people help him eat them.

A-The world ending
B-Eating 3650 chocolate candy balls
C-Stomach ache

This is an example of positive punishment because he is less likely to attempt to eat all that chocolate again because he got a stomach ache. In the context of the world ending he ate a bunch of chocolate candy balls and got a stomach ache.

This is a clip the The Little Mermaid she is sad and upset because she wants to have legs and be a human and live on land but her father wont let her and punishes her. In this clip it shows ariel following the eels to Ursula and then her singing and ariel trades her voice for legs and she gets three days to get eric kiss her.

A-Ariel wants to be have legs and be on land
B-She trades her voice to ursula for legs
C-she gets three days to get eric to kiss her.

This is an example of positive reinforcement because ursula wants to have this repeated so she gives ariel legs. It is an example of deprivation because ariel thinks shes deprived of living on land and having legs. In the context of ariel wanting to live on land she trades her voice to ursula for legs and gets three days to have eric kiss her.
terms: positive reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, discriminative stimulus, positive punishment,

This clip is about people that are out to eat pizza, and eat too much for there comfort level. Within the first 10 seconds of the video they are talking about how they never want to see a pizza again.
A= At a restaurant
B= Over eating pizza
C= Not ever wanting another pizza
This is an example of positive punishment, because the addition of pizza causes the people to decrease the likelihood of eating as much pizza.
The ABC's of this clip show how overeating the pizza can cause someone to become less likely to eat more pizza because they have worn out the feeling of comfort.

Discriminative Stimuli:
This clip is about the College World Series. The discriminative stimulus is the weather which stops the game.
A= At a baseball game
B= Bad Weather occurs
C=Game is delayed
This is an example of negative punishment because the bad weather is taking away the entertainment and causing people to evacuate the stands. The ABC's of the video show how bad weather affects things and how it is a discriminative stimulus.

This clip is about a group of men that are going through an experiment to test the effects of sleep deprivation. At the beginning of the video the experiment is described and at about 2:55 it talks about what the effects are. This is an example of deprivation because taking away sleep causes exhaustion which makes the need for sleep more desirable.
A= In an experiment house
B= Not sleeping
C= Want sleep
This is an example of negative punishment because by losing sleep a person is likely to sleep more often. The ABC's of this video show the importance of sleep for humans and how not getting sleep can make anyone desire sleep.
Terms: Discriminative stimulus. deprivation, satiation, punishment, reinforcement,

1. In this video clip it shows multiple vehicles emitting a behavior of running stop lights and crashing into another vehicle (getting in an accident). At the end of the clip it shows “Red means stop”.

A. Driving a vehicle
B. Running a stop light
C. Getting into an accident

This is an example of positive punishment

This clip demonstrates discriminative stimuli because the stop lights set the occasion for the response. The response from the vehicles is running the stop light. Instead of running the stop light the vehicles could emit the behavior of coming to a complete stop or at least slow down. The stop sign acted as the stimulus and elicited the vehicles to run the stop light.

2. This is a clip from the movie Matilda where a boy (Bruce) emits a behavior of eating his principles cake because he finds it pleasant. One day she makes a large cake for him and he is forced to finish it and he comes extremely full (unpleasant).

A. At the table
B. Eating large amount of cake
C. Becomes extremely full

This is an example of positive punishment (additional cake)

This clip demonstrates satiation because the boy usually finds eating the cake pleasant, but when given a larger amount the consequence becomes aversive and no longer reinforcing.

3. This is a video clip from the show Toddlers and Tiaras. The mom is this clip deprives her daughter from sugar (pixie sticks) until pageant days. The mom uses the pixie sticks as a reinforcer for her daughter to do well in the competition (get more energy)

A. Pageant days
B. Eat multiple pixie sticks

C. Do well in the competition
This is an example of positive reinforcement

This clip demonstrates deprivation because the mom deprives her daughter from sugar unless to reinforce her emitted behavior to do well at the pageants.

Terms: emit, behavior, consequence, discriminative stimuli, aversive, pleasant, stimulus. Elicit, positive punishment , satiation, reinforcer, positive reinforcement, and deprivation

From the Titanic, Rose joins Jack in the lower decks for a party and sits while everyone else is drinking and dancing. Being shy and out of her element she doesn't do anything until Jack grabs her to dance and she finally lets herself go and enjoys the party. A= Lower Deck
B= Relax and party
C= Have fun!
This is an example of a discriminitive stimulus as Rose wouldn't be partying or dancing like this if she were in the upper decks around the people she is normally surronded with. Jack inviting Rose to dance elicited a response of worry at first at not being able to dance to the music, yet as she got into it she started emitting a behavior of getting into the party! I would think without the party being on the lower deck Rose wouldn't have been able to let loose and enjoy herself due to all the worrying of presenting the proper image of someone of her station.
I believe this is positive reinforcement.
This scene is from the movie Limitless. Eddie down on his luck takes a pill given to him by his brother in law called NZT. NZT unlocks the full potential of your brain, and in this scene he experiances what his life is like through NZT colored glasses.

A=In rundown apartment
B= Takes NZT
C= He becomes smart, and his life improves I believe this is a good example of satiation as when eddie takes the pill he wants to keep taking the pill.. yet at the end of the scene it's foreshadowed the consequences of continuing to take NZT in high amounts. (Spoilers: It doesn't end to well if you take NZT for an extended amount of time). I think this is positive reinforcement as Eddi gains intelligence as he takes a little clear pill.

The last scene is from The Goonies. In the scene Chunk is being denied entry into the house no matter what he says. Unless of course he's willing to humiliate himself and do.. The Truffle Shuffle!

A=The House
B= Humiliating Dance (Truffle Shuffle)
C= Gain Entry into House

I think this is an excellant use of deprivation as it not only deprives Chunk entry to the house, but the only way for him to gain entry is for him to emit the humiliating behavior his friends elicit out of him.

The scene is also an example of positive punishment as chunk gets humiliated to then gain entry to the house.

Terms used: Deprivation, ABC's, Satiation, Discrimitive Stimulus positive reinforcement, positive punishment, emit, elicit

This is a video of a gentleman giving a lecture at Michigan State University. In the middle of his lecture the fire alarm goes off. This is an example of discriminative stimuli.

A=fire alarm goes off
B= leave building
C= Doesn't die.

This is an example of negative reinforcement. The fire alarm is the discriminative stimuli. Once it appears, everyone acts in a certain way.

This is a video of three gentlemen trying to do "The Olympic Challenge" This is where they split 12,000 calories three ways. This is an example of satiation.

A=eating challenge
B=Massively overeat
C=become sick from the amount of food taken in

This is positive punishment. Eating food is generally a good thing, a reinforcement. However, after eating so much food, they become satiated, which reduces the amount of reinforcement eating has.

This is a video of a dog trainer showing that she has taught her dog not to each when she asks. This is an example of deprivation.

A=having a plate of cupcakes in your face, and your trainer telling you not to eat them
B=Not eating them
C=praise from the owner

This is an example of positive reinforcement. This is an example of deprivation because withholding the cupcakes makes them much more valuable as a reinforcement method.

Terms: discriminative stimuli, satiation, deprivation, positive/negative reinforcement/punishment

This is a clip from the television show, Powerpuff Girls. Bubbles is excitedly explaining how the tooth fairy works because she received a dollar for her tooth she lost and put under her pillow.

A: In the bedroom
B: Bubbles gets excited about getting a dollar under her pillow
C: Bubbles realizes how much money she could get for putting her teeth under her pillow

This is a positive reinforcement because after Bubbles puts her tooth under her pillow, she receives a dollar.

This is an example of discriminative stimulus because the dollar under Bubbles's pillow in exchange for her tooth elicits her behavior to be excited to put her next tooth under her pillow.


This is a clip from the movie Finding Nemo where Marlin and Dory get taken in by three sharks who are befriending fish instead of eating them. Dory decides to ask the sharks if they can read the writing on the mask, but Marlin is telling her not to ask them. In their tussle, Dory ends up getting hit in the face with the mask and starts to bleed. Bruce (the great white) gets a whiff of her blood and goes into crazy hunger mode because he has deprived himself of fish.

A: Bruce not eating fish but befriending them
B: Dory gets hit in the face with the mask and bleeds
C: Bruce gets hungry after he smells the blood

This is a positive reinforcement because the addition of the smell of blood reinforces Bruce to eat fish, like Dory.

This is an example of deprivation because Bruce hasn't eaten fish in a long period of time so when he smells Dory's blood he is reinforced to try to eat her.


This is a clip of three guys being spun on a very small merry-go-round which ends up being too much for one of them because he faints during the ride.

A: The merry-go-round
B: Three guys spinning on the merry-go-round
C: One guy faints from too much fun

This is a negative punishment because the guy loses consciousness from having too much fun on the merry-go-round. There was a limit to how much of the reinforcer he could have until it became a punisher.

This is an example of satiation because one of the three guys use to be reinforced by spinning on the merry-go-round, but he had too much of a good thing and fainted. Spinning on the merry-go-round became aversive for him.


Terms: Behavior, Elicit, Aversive, Reinforce, Reinforcer, Positive Reinforcement, Punish, Punisher, Negative Punishment, Discriminative Stimulus, Deprivation, and Satiation

This clip is from Rugrats. In this clip Angelica finds the cookie jar and emits the behavior of eating too many cookies, which then elicits the behavior of her getting sick. She then promises the babies she will never eat cookies again. She manipulates the babies making them promise they will never let her eat cookies again no matter how much she begs. Later on they have to hide the cookies and she finds them again. Only this time they fall into a tub of soapy water and she eats them anyway becoming sick again. This is an example of satiation because after getting sick a second time she will not eat as many cookies again. Negative Punishment

a= finds cookies
b= eats too many even though they are wet.
c= gets sick

This clip is of a rat who is manipulated by the type of music playing. If the music is techno it elicits the rat to emit the behavior of spinning in circles to get water. If the music is classical it elicits the rat to emit the behavior of pulling a lever to get water. This is an example of discriminative stimulus because the music is telling the rat what it is suppose to do. Positive Reinforcement.

a= music played
b= spin or pull lever
c= get water

This is a video of a kid falling asleep in class. The whole class is laughing quietly because he keeps catching himself. This is an example of deprivation. His lack of sleep is causing him to fall asleep in class which then leads to him almost falling out of his chair a few times which may be quite embarrassing. Negative Punishment.

a= fall asleep in class
b= almost fall out of chair during class
c= class laughing

Terms: elicit, emit, deprivation, discriminative stimulus, manipulate, negative punishment, behavior, positive reinforcement, satiation

Discriminative stimuli:
1. This video demonstrates a traffic light at crosswalk that has video game interface on it.
2. Discriminative stimuli.
3.A. The green light shows up. B. People cross the street. C. No one gets hit by a car.
4. Negative reinforcement.
5. The film demonstrates that red and green lights are discriminative stimuli. People emit the behavior of crossing street only when they detect a specific signal. When people see the antecedent, they begin to cross the street. The consequence is that they walk safely when there is a green light.

1. If you are looking for a sure way to end your appetite, Epic Meal Time is definitely your best bet. This video shows you how to make a huge sandwich and then eat it.
2. Satiation.
3.A. The sandwich is ready. B. People eat the sandwich. C. People feel full.
4. Positive reinforcement.
5. The film shows how satiation is achieved by eating huge amount of food. The process of preparing the antecedent is shown in the film. The behavior itself is relatively short, and the consequence is not clearly shown in the film.

1. This video shows how a little girl is deprived of water by a dog.
2. Deprivation.
3.A. A dog drinks before a girl. B. The girl yells at the dog and push it away. C. The girl gets to drink water.
4. Negative reinforcement.
5. The film illustrates the process of how to make water more reinforcing to people. The antecedent is the dog getting into the way to the reinforcer. The behavior of the girl is then reinforced by the consequence of getting water.

Terms: discriminative stimulus, negative reinforcement, emit, antecedent, consequence, satiation, positive reinforcement, deprivation, reinforcer, reinforce

Stimulus: This clip is from the tv show How I Met Your Mother. Marshall, Barney and Ted are sitting in a coffee shop. When they get their coffees, Barney’s cup says “Swarley”. This causes Barney to become upset when Ted and Marshall decide to start calling him “Swarley”. Ted, Marshall and the rest of the group think this is hilarious.

A- The coffee cup saying “Swarley”.
B- Barney sighing out of exasperation.
C- The group laughs.

This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This is a good example of discriminative stimulus because it’s something small that elicited the response from Barney. It shows that something as small as someone mishearing your name can cause you to become annoyed or upset you. It shows discriminative stimulus well because calling Barney “Swarley” elicited a response strong enough for his friends to continue reinforcing themselves.

Satation: This clip is from the movie Easy A. Olive’s friend Rhianne has just called her asking whether or not she hooked up with a guy at a party. Olive gets offended when Rhianne calls her a “dirty skank”. Olive than hangs up the throws her phone.

A- On the phone with Rhianne.
B- Rhianne calls Olive a dirty skank.
C- Olive throws her phone.

This is an example of negative punishment.
This is a good example of satiation because Olive gets fed up with Rhianne calling her a dirty skank so she hangs up immediately. It shows satiation because throughout the movie Rhianne calls her names and it starts to annoy/bother Olive.

Deprivation: This clip is from the Disney movie Aladdin. The Sultan is coming to the courtyard to talk to Jazmine about her many suitors and how she won’t marry any of them. Jazmine is exhasperated because her father won’t let her pick the man she marries. After this scene, she escapes to the city to walk around the market place and meets Aladdin.

A- The Sultan scolding Jazmine
B- Jazmine runs away
C- Jazmine meets Aladdin

This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This is a good example of deprivation because Jazmine complains about how she is deprived of living her own life and picking whoever she wants to marry. Since Jazmine is a princess, she has to marry a prince and she likes none of them. When she meets Aladdin, her whole world changes. She falls in love quickly and is no longer deprived of a “normal” life.

Terminology: positive reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, discrimative stimulus, negative punishment, elicit.
This video clip shows an example of discriminative stimuli. In this clip these men are standing in line. There are ropes dividing the lines apart from each other. In order to get to talk to someone at the D.O.T. you must wait in line. Getting to talk to someone, so you can register your vehicle is reinforcement to stay waiting in line. One must emit the behavior of standing in line in order to get the services they want.
A= Having a car you want to drive
B= Waiting in line at the D.O.T.
C= Your car is registered and you’re able to drive it
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you need to drive in order to get from place to place, so to do this you have to go to the D.O.T. to register the vehicle. Waiting line is a positive reinforcement because then you can drive your vehicle.
This video is an example of satiation. In this trailer for the movie “Bridesmaids” a group of bridesmaids and the bride go to a Mexican restaurant that one of the girls said was good. After they go to a bridal shop all end up getting sick. They soon realize that they have food poisoning.
A= Planning a girl’s lunch
B= Eating at a restaurant
C= Getting food poisoning
This is a negative punishment. Food poisoning is a sickness and unpleasant consequence from eating at the Mexican restaurant. The girls will never eat at the restaurant again most likely or it will at least decrease the frequency of them going.
This video is an example of deprivation. Three co-workers convince their other co-worker that he is fired and that he was evicted from his home. The co-workers are not allowing the young man to be happy and enjoy his meal from KFC. They are jealous of his meal, so they try to be punishers and take away his job and home. And in the end because of their actions, he does lose his job.
A= Being happy, enjoying his KFC meal and being a friendly co-worker
B= Jealous co-workers mess with him
C= Young man loses his job
This is a negative punishment. By making his co-workers jealous of him and listening to them, the young man ends up as a consequence losing his job. This aversive consequence will decrease the frequency of the young man being a friendly, joking co-worker.
Terms: discriminative stimuli, reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, emit, punisher, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, consequence, aversive

This video is an example of discriminitive stimuli. It is a video from imporv everywhere, which is an improvisation group that does really funny videos and skits all the time. The video is of an African American man that sets up a stand in a place where it is predominantly Caucasian people and he puts on his sign “meet a black person”

The sign he has is a discriminative stimuli because the sign is telling people what to do, which is come up to the man and meet him. There is also positive reinforcement in this video as people come up to him. His behavior is pleasing and friendly so they talk to him, making them want to stick around his stand. As they are doing that more people are reinforced to come talk to him, and see why people are gathering around him.

A=ski lodge
B=Greeting people with sign that says “meet a black person”
C=people come and say hi and meet him

In this video there is an example of satiation and deprivation. For satiation, around 5:40 Squidward has moved to a new place to live, and he is able to do all the things he wants to do over and over again, without fear of Spongebob ruining his fun.

This is satiation, because as time goes on with him repeating these actions, he gets tired of doing them and he is not reinforced to do these fun activities. He basically becomes ‘full’ of these activities. This would be positive punishment, because they are usually fun to do, but he no longer has the reinforcement to repeat these activities.

A=new home
B=doing fun activities
C=gets tired of doing them over and over again

In this same video around 6:44, Squidward was reinforced to do these activities because SpongeBob wasn’t around anymore, but as time goes on and he is being deprived of Spongebob, he starts to miss all of Spongebob’s shenanigans and goes kind of crazy and eventually starts to elicit behavior like Spongebob. This part of the video is positive reinforcement because as other characters start to get angry at his behavior, he is wanting to manipulate his behavior more and more like how Spongebob behaves.

A=New home
B=deprived of Spongebob being in his life
C=Starts acting silly and like Spongebob

terms: discriminative stimuli, positive reinforcement, behavior, pleasing. reinforced, satiation, deprivation, positive punishment, elicit, manipulate
This video clip shows an example of discriminative stimuli. In this clip these men are standing in line. There are ropes dividing the lines apart from each other. In order to get to talk to someone at the D.O.T. you must wait in line. Getting to talk to someone, so you can register your vehicle is reinforcement to stay waiting in line. One must emit the behavior of standing in line in order to get the services they want.
A= Having a car you want to drive
B= Waiting in line at the D.O.T.
C= Your car is registered and you’re able to drive it
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you need to drive in order to get from place to place, so to do this you have to go to the D.O.T. to register the vehicle. Waiting line is a positive reinforcement because then you can drive your vehicle.
This video is an example of satiation. In this trailer for the movie “Bridesmaids” a group of bridesmaids and the bride go to a Mexican restaurant that one of the girls said was good. After they go to a bridal shop all end up getting sick. They soon realize that they have food poisoning.
A= Planning a girl’s lunch
B= Eating at a restaurant
C= Getting food poisoning
This is a negative punishment. Food poisoning is a sickness and unpleasant consequence from eating at the Mexican restaurant. The girls will never eat at the restaurant again most likely or it will at least decrease the frequency of them going.
This video is an example of deprivation. Three co-workers convince their other co-worker that he is fired and that he was evicted from his home. The co-workers are not allowing the young man to be happy and enjoy his meal from KFC. They are jealous of his meal, so they try to be punishers and take away his job and home. And in the end because of their actions, he does lose his job.
A= Being happy, enjoying his KFC meal and being a friendly co-worker
B= Jealous co-workers mess with him
C= Young man loses his job
This is a negative punishment. By making his co-workers jealous of him and listening to them, the young man ends up as a consequence losing his job. This aversive consequence will decrease the frequency of the young man being a friendly, joking co-worker.
Terms: discriminative stimuli, reinforcement, satiation, deprivation, emit, punisher, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, consequence, aversive

1. This is a clip from Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. The main character Ace has a phobia of bats and has to go into a cave that is infested with them in order to find evidence. Ace throws his torch, which is his only source of light, at what he thinks is a bat and is then swarmed by them while fleeing the cave.
Discriminative stimulus
A= in cave filled with bats
B= throw torch
C= swarmed by bats
Positive punishment
This is an example of discriminative stimulus because Ace is afraid because he is in the cave filled with bats. Due to his fear, he throws his torch when he hears the slightest squeak from a bat in the cave, which causes him to be in the dark with the bats, which causes him to scream and disturb all of the bats. He then is swarmed by bats and flees the cave because of it.

2. This is a clip from John Pinette’s stand-up comedy special “I’m Starvin”. In the clip, John explains that he is doing a job over in France and is tired of eating French food. He says that he hasn’t had Italian food in forever and wants it more than anything.
A= in France
B= craving Italian food
C= drives to Italy
Positive reinforcement
This is an example of deprivation because John hasn’t had Italian food in a long time and craves it immensely. He wants to eat it so much that he drives over to Italy in order to eat some Italian food. (ends at about 2:00)

3. This is the later part of the same clip from John Pinette’s comedy special. In this part of the clip, John explains that while at the Italian restaurant, the servers won’t stop bringing out food even though they’ve eaten all they want to. He says that they have to flee the restaurant in order to not be fed to death.
A= eating at Italian restaurant
B= eating too much
C= no longer interested in Italian food
Positive punishment
This is an example of satiation because while the Italian food is a reinforcer at first, after 3 or 4 courses of it, John is too full to eat anymore and is no longer interested or able to eat more Italian food. (starting at 4:00)

terms: discriminative stimulus, satiation, deprivation, positive punishment, positive reinforcement

1) This is a clip from Matilda showing satiation and positive punishment. Bruce is called out at the school assembly and the principal orders him to eat a whole cake. He emits the cake eating behavior and at first it's pleasurable, which causes him to continue emitting the eating behvior, but it turns aversive the more he eats. Cake was originally a reinforcer because by eating it he gets the pleasure of a good taste. However, it loses its reinforcing element due to satiation and becomes a punisher. The principal deliberately implimented this procedure and it worked.

A= School Assembly
B= Bruce eating an entire cake
C= Gettig sick from eating too much cake.

2) This is a clip from Princess and the Frog displaying negative punishment and involving a discrimitive stimulus. She is feeling helpless and emits the behavior of wishing on a star. The star is the discrimitive stimuli because when she sees it, it elicits her to make the wish. Suddenly the talkng frog prince shows up, and convinces her he can make her wish come true if she kisses him. So she does. But instead of him turning human, she turns frog. This is negative punishment because something is taken away, her humanity, and in turn is an aversive outcome which will decrease her frog kissing behavior.

abc's which represent the punishment would focus on the frog kissing as the target behavior and go like:

A= making a deal with a frog prince
B= kisses a frog
C= turning into a frog.

terms: emit, elicit, negative punishment, positive punishment, aversive, target behavior, reinforcer, discrimitive stimulus

Clip 1: Discriminative Stimuli

All of my clips for this post are coming from the show Once Upon A Time (Season 2 starts on September 30th!!!). The first one I will be using is the pilot episode called ‘Pilot’. In this clip (first two minutes), Henry has found his birth mother Emma. Emma is trying to keep her composer and get Henry back to the family that she thinks he belongs with so he can have a happy life. That is until Henry shows how smart he really is by saying that if she calls the cops to come pick him up that he will tell them that she kidnapped him.

A = Emma’s apartment
B = Tries to find a way to send Henry back home (nothing works)
C = Takes Henry to Storybrooke herself

Positive reinforcement for Henry because not only is he getting to spend time with his birth mother (positive) but he is also getting Emma to come back to Storybrooke with him (reinforcement, he accomplished his goal). This experience starts for Emma starts out as positive punishment because the time with her son is being given to her but Emma does not want the experience to happen again.

This interaction between Emma and Henry is demonstrating discriminative stimuli because in the situation Emma is faced with he either calls the cops and gets arrested herself or takes Henry home herself. She chooses to drive him home to avoid any confrontation. The antecedent is the setting they are in (Emma’s apartment). The behavior Emma is taking part in is tiring to find a way to send her son back to his family and it doesn’t work. The consequence of the behavior is that Emma drives Henry home herself.


Clip 2: Satiation

Once again I have chosen a very long clip and I will only be focusing on 30 seconds of it. This episode is called ‘Skin Deep’ (a.k.a the Beauty and the Beast episode or the Valentine’s Day episode) and the clip I am using is from time 05:10 to 05:43. This is one of my favorite episodes! This clip features Rumpelstiltskin (Beast) at his spinning wheel and Belle (Beauty) in the middle of her cleaning duties. The focus of this clip is Belle asking Rumpelstiltskin why he spins straw into gold when he already has so much wealth.

A = Dinning area (I wasn’t sure what to call that room, tea room?)
B = Rumpelstiltskin spinning straw into gold
C = He forgets his past (so he says)

Negative reinforcement. Rumpelstiltskin is having his bad memories suppressed (taken away), since these are bad memories he tends to not favor remembering them. When this happened he is more likely to keep working at the spinning wheel because not remembering makes him happy. His spinning wheel hobby is likely to increase in frequency.

I can’t figure out what to call the room they are in, I’m thinking something between a dinning and tea room but I’m just not sure. I heard that a lot of extra scenes were cut from this episode regarding some of the artifacts in the room so I would almost go as far as to say that it might be a trophy room. The behavior that Rumpelstiltskin is emitting is spinning straw into gold at a spinning wheel. The consequence is that the straw is turned into gold, but he has already made so much that he is not doing it for the aspect of wealth but for a more personal reason. The gold just ends up being a by-product of his hobby at the spinning wheel.


Clip 3: Depravation
The title of the clip really says it all; “Mr. Gold Beats The Crap Out of Moe French”. This clip is also from the episode called ‘Skin Deep’. In this scene (in our world), Mr. Gold (Rumpelstiltskin) is trying to find out where his chipped cup is. This cup is important because it is the one that his true love (Belle) broke, it is the only thing he has that was from her. At this point in the show, Mr. Gold has not proven or disproven enough to show how much he remembers of fairy tale land. And Moe French (Belle’s Father) did in fact steal the cup from Mr. Gold.

A = Mr. Gold’s cabin in the woods
B = Information about stolen item through physical violence
C = Not messing with Mr. Gold ever again

Positive punishment. The physical harm was being added and it is definitely something that will prevent Mr. French from stealing from Mr. Gold ever again.

The clip demonstrates depravation by showing the increasing level of violence that Mr. Gold uses on Mr. French because Mr. French is withholding the information that Mr. Gold desperately wants. The setting even shows depravation because Mr. Gold brought Mr. French to a secluded cabin so that he would be less likely stopped or questioned. The behavior of not cooperating and questioning Mr. Gold only worked at increasing the violence. The consequences of the depravation that Mr. Gold experienced that resulted in violence will also result in Mr. French not wanting any contact with Mr. Gold.


Terms: depravation, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, discriminative stimuli, antecedent, consequence, negative reinforcement, satiation, and emitting.

This is a clip from WWE where the wrestler Mick Foley was talking and
interrupting for about 30minutes. The person (John Cena) who Mick was
talking to seems to want to want him to be quiet but was trying to be
gentle. So this 49 second clip shows The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) tiring
of hearing Mick Foley’s as I will call it “nonsense” came in the ring
and “Rock Bottom” him, and John Cena, The Rock opponent at
WrestleMania who looked like he was smiling was mad about the

A: In the Ring
B: Talking about nothing
C: “Rock Bottom”

This is an example of positive reinforcement

It took me a while to kind of distinguish or figure out if this is
really a discriminative stimulus, so I think this is a good example of
discriminative stimulus. The reason is that, Mick was emitting a
behavior in the ring that elicited The Rock to “Rock Bottom” him.
Instead of someone coming to tell him that the show needs to go on,
The Rock just came and “Rock Bottom” him to get him quiet.

This is a clip “McDonalds Nugget Eating Competition,” two brothers
Shady and Karem challenged each other to see who's the best at eating.
Both ordered 120 nuggets with each eating 60. The two started eating
the nuggets but after a while, Karem gave up knowing that he can’t eat
more nuggets. He even threw away the little food that was left in his

A: With a family member (brother)
B: Eating Nuggets
C: Gave up

This is an example of positive punishment

This clip demonstrates satiation because Karem thought he could defeat
his younger brother in a eating contest but, later realized that he can’t eat finish his part of the nuggets; he gave up and threw away the food that was left in his mouth. He also became weak and exhausted due to his stomach being full.


This is a clip from the movie “Bruce Almighty” where Evan Baxter Bruce’s former friend who did every possible to take away Bruce’s job is giving a report. When on the news channel, Bruce having the power now, changed the wordings of the speech and did other things to embarrass Evan Baxter.

A: News room
B: reading the script
C: embarrassed

This is a positive reinforcement because Bruce liked to see Evan mess up

This clip is a good example of deprivation because it is like the removal of someone. Bruce wants Evan to be fired so that he can get his job back. In doing so, he is doing everything possible to change the script with his power so that Evan can read something else. So Bruce is deprived of his old job and wants it back.

Terms used

Discriminative Stimulus

This is a clip from "The Great Outdoors" movie where Chet waves to the boat and the people in the boat mistake it as a sign to go ahead and go.

A= Boat is waiting
B= Chet waves
C= Boat takes off

This is an example of positive punishment.

This clip shows discrimitive stimuli because Chet waving acted like a signal for the boat to go ahead and take off. The wave was a stimuli which elicited his family to take off in the boat. Therefore not only will Chet think before he waves again, but his family members will probably rethink what each wave can mean in the future when boating.

This clip is from the movie "The Great Outdoors". It's a scene where Chet has to eat an entire steak, called the 69er" and if he succeeds, his entire table gets their meals free.

A= Out to eat with familu
B= Eating Steak, "69er"
C= Overeating

This is an example of positive punishment.

The clip demonstrates satiation because Chet thought he could try the "69er" and maybe finish it. A crowd froms, adding pressure, and Chet ends up overeating and getting sick. Therefore, he probably will omit eating steak in his near future.

This is also a scene from the movie "The Great Outdoors" where racoons keep going through the garbage cans and knocking them over.

A= Set trash out
B= Racoons eat it
C= Knock over garbage cans

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

This shows deprivation because the racoons can't find food elsewhere so they keep coming back to the same garabage cans because they know food will be there. Therefore, the garbage cans get knocked over, making Chet and his family mad.

Terms used:
Discrimitive stimuli, satiation, deprivation, positive punishment, stimuli, omit, elecit, and positive reinforcement.

Discriminative Stimuli-
This is a couple of high school students at the track and elicited them to race each other. The first one to the end gets the 12 pack of Mountain Dew. They start running and pushing each other down. When one of the boys was almost to the dew, it emitted the bunny to tackle the boy, The bunny then steals the mountain dew. The antecedent is the track, which is where people go to race. The punishment is being tackled by the bunny.
A- At the Track
B- Racing for mountain dew
C- Being tackled by a bunny
Negative Punishment

Satiation Stimulus-
This is a little startle study with a rat. The bang keeps happening and happening. the rat gives an aversive reaction to being startled at first then slowly gets used to the banging noise.
A- In a Cage
B- Banging noise
C- Being Startled

Negative Reinforcement

Deprivation Stimulus-
This video is "Worlds Strictest Parents." This episode is done out of England and Utah. Two teens are brought to the USA to be raised by strict parents. They are deprived of their own lifestyle for 10 days and are taught the meaning of family and life. Depriving them of their lifestyle makes them appreciate their families. In these episodes, they are told that they need to quit smoking, emitting a bad attitude from the kids. The behavior reinforces the acting out.
A- Being at a strangers house
B- Not smoking
C- Acting out to the family

Negative Reinforcement

Emit, deprive, aversive, antecedent,elicited, reinforce, punish

This is a segment from the Today Show on NBC. Al Roker typically announces the national weather and then cues the switch over to local news with his quote, “and here’s what’s happening in your neck of the woods.” This clip showed what happened in DC when it wasn’t switched over to local news and the staff still had their microphones on. Al was repeating, “blah blah blah,” until he was cued to continue with other news. A staff member in the background counting backwards from 7 is a discriminative stimulus letting the cast know that local news time is up and they must continue with the Today Show.

A= hear the backwards counting
B= everyone gets really quiet
C= everyone is prepared

This is an example of positive reinforcement. The countdown is an added discriminative stimulus that elicits silence and preparation. The countdown is reinforcing because it increases the likelihood that the staff will emit the response of quieting down, so they are prepared for the subsequent segment of the program. Without the countdown, staff members wouldn’t know when to stop chatting and saying, “blah blah blah.”
Terms: discriminative stimulus, positive reinforcement, elicits, emit, response,

Cliff Huxtable of the Cosby Show had a serious love of sausage sandwiches, even though they were notorious for causing him to have weird nightmares if they were eaten too late at night. In this clip, despite Clair’s warning, Cliff ate a sausage sandwich before going to bed and suffered from a nightmare. This final nightmare is a demonstration of satiation. If consumed during the day, sausage sandwiches provide and appetitive addition to Cliff’s diet; however, after having continuous nightmares after eating the sandwich before bed, Cliff’s desire to eat them became satiated.

A= almost time for bed
B= Cliff ate a sausage sandwich
C= Cliff suffered from a nightmare that finally taught him not to eat sausage sandwiches before bed

The clip shows positive punishment. Eating at night elicits the nightmares and the addition of nightmares became an aversive stimulus for the sausage sandwich, decreasing the likelihood that Cliff will desire to eat a sandwich before bed again.
Terms: positive punishment, aversive stimulus, appetitive, satiated, elicits,

This clip is from a portion of one of the best shows on earth, Roseanne. She is teaching her daughter’s class how to shop for groceries and feed a family on a tight budget. While in the store, she starts talking about how supermarkets have so many different options, and how you shouldn’t shop when you’re hungry, because hunger elicits the desire to purchase more than you would typically get. This is an example of deprivation, because everything sounded appetitive to her since she was deprived of food, or simply, hungry.

A= being hungry in a grocery store
B= wanting to buy every different pizza option offered
C= spending too much money on impulse purchases

This clip shows deprivation through negative reinforcement. If Roseanne is deprived of food until she is hungry, the likelihood of her impulse shopping at the grocery store will increase.

Terms: deprivation, negative reinforcement, elicits, appetitive,

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