Topical Blog Week #3 (Due Thursday)


Hi Class,

So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence) and punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence). What I would like you to do is to find just one video clip off the internet where it illustrates both reinforcement and punishment in the same video.

For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used. Please be sensitive to this issue.

I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. Next: 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). MAKE SURE IT IS A BEHAVIOR AND NOT A BEHAVIORAL CLASS. 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior


Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement.

Do the same for the second part of the clip

Copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the video you used.

Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post. We will be looking for terminology that has been introduced in the class so far. Your post will be worth more with more terminology used.

Let me know if you have any questions....


Writers Reflect On Childhood Torment In 'Dear Bully' is about a woman who was bullied as a child and grew up to write a book about bullies, being bullied, suicide, and preventing bullying. She talked about how bullying has lead to suicide of a 15-year-old girl in Massachusetts named Phoebe Prince this last year in 2010. The article goes on to talk about how serious bullying is, how much it effects individuals (both the bullied and bullies), and the book that was written and how it will hopefully reach out to individuals who are bullied.

Example 1:
1. The target behavior is the idea of reaching out to and helping individuals who are bullied.
It is positive reinforcement from the perspective that the addition of confidence and the further addition of reaching out to the bullied individuals is reinforced as the number of bully related suicides and suicide attempts decreases.
2. The consequence of the behavior of reaching out to individuals who are bullied is that the individuals have hope and confidence and don’t feel that there is no escape from the ridicule-thus, there are fewer suicides and suicide attempts.
3. The consequence will decrease the number of suicides and the hopeless feelings of individuals who are bullied.
4. The consequence involves the addition of confidence to bullied individuals.
5. The antecedent in this particular case is the book that was written which reached out to bullied individuals and decrease suicide rates and suicide attempts.

A= Wrote a book
B= Reached out to individuals who are bullied
C=Bullied individuals have more self-confidence and faith-suicides decrease.

The example shows how the EMITTING of an outreach program such as the ELICITING of a book can EMIT a RESPONSE that displays POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT which increases confidence in individuals through focus on the TARGET BEHAVIOR. The ADDITION of confidence and comfort for bullied ORGANISMS is REINFORCED by the desired RESPONSE is that suicide attempts decrease.

Example 2:
1. The target behavior is the committing of/attempting suicide. This is difficult to state if it is punishment or reinforcement-I’m going to present this with the argument from the perspective of punishment. I believe it is punishment, specifically negative punishment because it takes away the life of someone who’s valuable. Thus, society, families, and the person who was bullying are all punished as a part of them is taken away (it’s a stretch because it’s psychological which is always difficult to define). I believe that the bully themselves is also positively punished as they receive a guilt that will most likely remain with them throughout life. I believe that it is the guilt specifically and the realization of how serious the act of bullying is that is the punisher. The punisher is and added emotion, therefore it is positive punishment because it decreases bullying.
2. Extreme bullying has, in some cases, as mentioned in the article, lead to suicide and the consequence or the effect that comes after the traumatic act of suicide a feeling of guilt and remorse in the bully-those feeling will decrease bullying.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of bullying as people are able to see what bullying can lead to and how horrible it is based on the action.
4. This consequence involves the removal of a human life which causes guilt and enlightens bullies of the severity of their actions. Thus, the consequence is a decrease bullying.
5. The antecedent was being bullied

A= Got Bullied
B= Committed Suicide
C=Bullies feel guilt and remorse (Bullying Decreases)

The example is POSITIVE PUNISHMENT as the EMITTING of bullying ELICITS feelings of emotional and even physical pain on an ORGANISM(1) as another ORGANISM(2) MANIPULATES the emotions of the ORGANISM(1). The OPERANT BEHAVIOR of both ORGANISMS draws attention to the TARGET BEHAVIOR which is suicide. The RESPONSE of ORGANISM(1) may be severe enough to EMIT suicide or a suicide attempt. The suicide is an AVERSIVE STIMILUS that will have the CONSEQUENCE of decreasing the rate of bully provoked suicides and lead to the POSITIVE PUNISHMENT that is ELICITING pain and guilt on ORGANISM(2) for the actions he/she/it EMITTED.



When I used terms, I made them all Caps. If you would like to have a list of terms at the end of your post, I would be fine with that too. You can choose which ever works best for you.

This clip is a short pixar film called Kiwi. It is about a little penguin who works really hard to nail all of these trees to the side of a really big cliff. He then jumps off of the cliff to give himself the illusion of flying. The clip ends by going dark and making a small bang noise giving the impression the penguin crashed when he reached the bottom of the cliff.


1. The target behavior for the reinforcement in this film is the penguin working really hard setting up tress on the side of the cliff.
2. The consequence of the penguin working really hard to set up those trees was that when he jumped/dove off of the cliff it gave him the illusion of flying.
3. The consequence of illusion of flying will increase the penguin’s behavior because it is providing him with a feeling he cannot usually experience. Because penguins are birds I assume they have the drive to fly however evolution sucked for them. So the drive to fly creates a high valance for the penguin to have the illusion to fly.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the flying illusion making it positive reinforcement.
5. The antecedent is a really big cliff.

A. Really big cliff
B. Working hard to put trees on the side of a cliff
C. The illusion of flying


1. The target behavior for the punishment in this clip is the penguin jumping off of the very big cliff.
2. The consequence of jumping is that eventually you have to land.
3. When the penguin landed he most likely died or was severely injured therefore he will be unable to jump off of the cliff again.
4. The consequence involves the removing of life making it negative punishment.
5. The antecedent is once again a very big cliff.

A. Really big cliff
B. Jumping off of the really big cliff
C. Death

Terms: reinforcement, punishment, antecedent, behavior, consequence, target behavior, valance, negative, positive

This is about two little boys sitting in a chair when Charlie the baby bites his older brother. TARGET BEHAVIOR is to get the people watching the video to laugh. This is a POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT. The CONSEQUENCES of this behavior is that Charlie bites again harder. This is going to increase the frequency of this BEHAVIOR or biting. The consequence doesn’t add or take away anything and the antecedent is sitting in a chair being recorded.
A: sitting in a chair after Charlie bites his brother
B: people laughing
C: Charlie bites again harder.
The second part of the video has Charlie biting his brother again and it hurts this time. The TARGET BEHAVIOR is the boy sticking his finger in Charlie’s mouth and Charlie bites harder. This is a NEGATIVE PUNISHMENT. The CONSEQUENCES of this behavior is that his brother gets hurt. This consequence is going to decrease the frequency of the behavior because he was hurt. The consequence involves removing his finger from Charlie’s mouth. The antecedent is sitting in a chair after he’s been bitten by Charlie once
A: Sitting in the chair after being bitten by Charlie already
B: boy sticks his finger in Charlie’s mouth and Charlie bites harder
C: The brothers finger hurts

This is a clip from Tangled. In this clip the horse Maximus finally tracks down Flynn, and attempts to drag him away because Flynn stole the Princesses crown. Rapunzel then splits them up because she has her own mission in mind. She gets the horse to do as she commands by praising him. In the end of the video the horse and Flynn agree to work together for 24 hours.

1) The target behavior is getting the horse to sit and drop the boot on command it is a positive reinforcement because of the fact that he is then praised for doing what she says.
2) The consequence of emitting the behavior of sitting and dropping the boot is getting praised by being told how good of a boy he is and getting scratched.
3) The consequence will increase the frequency in which the horse will listen to her because he enjoys getting praised and scratched.
4) The consequence involves the addition of praise and attention.
5) The antecedent to this behavior is the fact that they are on a journey to see the floating lights.

A) On a journey to the lights
B) Horse sitting and dropping boot
C) Gets praised and scratched

Positive Reinforcement

1) The target behavior is stealing the crown. The background knowledge to this clip is that Flynn stole the crown and now the King and his people are after Flynn. The stealing of the crown is the target behavior because the horse is trying to get him to give the crown back and not try to steal again.
2) The consequence to stealing the crown is the fact that he is now a wanted criminal and the horse has finally found him and going to take him to prison.
3) By being punished by the horse the frequency of his behavior of stilling should be decreased.
4) This consequence involves the addition of punishment. He is dragged away from his camp sight and is going to be taken to prison.
5) The antecedent is that he is on a journey to the floating lights with Rapunzel.

A) On a journey to the lights
B) Stole crown
C) Gets attacked by the horse

Positive Punishment

Terms: Target behavior, punishment, behavior, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, emitting, consequence, addition, antecedent.

Week #3 Thursday

This is a story about a boy named Dave Pelzer who was tortured and beaten by his drunk step mom almost everyday as a child. Every time the father goes out to work or go about his routine, the mom drinks a lot and after drinking she would pick on Dave as her target to relieve her stress. She would tell him to wash the dishes, after doing it; she stills complain that what he did was not right. Sometimes she would tell him to stay on the stove to look after things (I have no idea why). Dave had siblings, but he was the only one picked on from when he was 7 till after he was taken away by his teachers at the age 12. The book he wrote which I read in High School is titled “A Child Called It.” Dave agrees that this book is about child abuse but that everyone has some kind of problem in their life.

1. The target behavior is the idea of reaching out to and helping individuals who have been abused.
It is a positive reinforcement from the fact that as a child Dave was tortured and beaten (abused) but now, without considering the past, he became successful. This is a motivation to those who have experienced this kind of lifestyle event. This will also make people pay attention to households or family who drink a lot to be able to decrease this abusive factor in the near future.
2. The consequence of the behavior of reaching out to individuals who have been abused (tortured and beaten) is that, those who went through it stayed strong and instead of looking at their present, they shall look at the future. Therefore, this will increase self-assurance and the ability to decrease this from happening. This also helps individuals who are currently going through things to speak up and know it is not the kind of life they are meant to life, to reduce the facto of abuse.
3. The consequences will decrease the guilt and self-blaming factor for those who are abused.
4. The consequences absorb the craving of braveness and courage in abused individuals.
5. The antecedent in this is the book “A Child Called It” that was written to reach out to abused individuals who were tortured and beaten.

A: Wrote a book
B: Reached out to individuals who are abused (tortured and beaten)
C: Abused (tortured and beaten) individuals remain strong and as a result this led to them being alive and successful and not hurting themselves.

This is a story about a boy name Dave Pelzer who was tortured and flattened by his drunk step mom almost everyday as a child. Every time the father leaves to work or go about his routine, the mom drinks a lot and after drinking, she would pick on Dave as her target to alleviate her stress. She would tell him to wash the dishes, after doing it; she still criticize that what he did was erroneous. Sometimes she would tell him to emit a behavior such as stay on the stove to gaze after things. Dave had siblings, but he was the only one singled out from when he was 7 till after he was taken away by his teachers at age 12. The book he wrote which I read in High School is titled “A Child Called It.” Dave agrees that this book is not about child abuse but that everyone has some kind of problem in their life.

1. The target behavior is the idea of reaching out to and helping individuals who have been abused.
2. The consequence of the behavior of reaching out to individuals who have been abused (tortured and beaten) is that, those who went through it stayed strong and instead of looking at their present, they shall look at the future. Therefore, this will increase self-assurance and the ability to decrease this from happening. This also helps individuals who are currently going through things to speak up and know it is not the kind of life they are meant to life, to reduce the facto of abuse.
3. The consequences will decrease the guilt and self-blaming factor for those who are abused.
4. The consequences absorb the craving of braveness and courage in abused individuals.
5. The antecedent in this is the book “A Child Called It” that was written to reach out to abused individuals who were tortured and beaten.

A: Wrote a book
B: Reached out to individuals who are abused (tortured and beaten)
C: Abused (tortured and beaten) individuals remain strong and as a result this led to them being alive and successful and not hurting themselves.

The positive reinforcement in this will be Dave paying close attention to his mom’s reaction (behavior) after drinking. The punishment will be the decrease of being around the mother. In other word, knowing that he being around her will reinforce her to hurt him, so the punishment is getting away from her.

Terms used:

Singled out

This is Randy Pausch's speech to the graduates of Carnegie Mellon Univeristy. He speaks of making the most of what you can in life and never regret anything. Randy is well known for another video called "The Last Lecture". In that video Randy gives his lecture in what at one time was called the last lecture series as it allowed to give the speakers to give the one lecture they wanted to give before they died. This was made ironic in the worst sense as Randy's doctors had found ten tumors in his liver and only had months to live. To return to this speech, Randy has lived much longer than anticipated, yet he still doesn't take anything for granted and lives life to his fullest.

1) the TARGET BEHAVIOR is to reach out to leaving graduates as they enter the "real" world. It's POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT to them (the students)that they should go through life achieving as much as they can while they can and to have no regrets.
2) the consequence of this behavior is that the students will not be AVERSIVE to doing what they need to do to succeed.
3) The CONSEQUENCE will be that more people will be successful and lead more fulfilling lives.
4) The consequence involves the addition of inspiration to the graduates.
5) The ANTECEDENT would be giving a speech at graduation.
A= Gave a speech
B= Inspired the graduates
C= Graduates will be successful and have a fullfilling life.

The second part of the video focuses on punishment as Randy's mention of the fact that he is essentially a deadman walking, thus acknowledging the elephant in the room. I view it as a punishment only in the sense it does slightly take away from the happy atmosphere that would be graduation.
1) the target behavior is mentioning the fact that Randy has a limited time left to live, and isn't averse to stating otherwise.
2) the consequence to that behavior is that Randy EMMITS a feeling of not defeat but forlorn acceptance which ELICITS the crowd to feel sad.
3) The consequence of this is the fact that the crowd also pays attention to this man.
4) The consequence involves Randy mentioning is inevitable death and the taking away of "happiness" or the festive mood.
5) the antecedent would be giving a speech at graduation.
A= Gives Speech
B= Mentions his death/dire health
C= Takes away festive graduation mood. here's the link for my post, just realized I forgot it!

Dearest Classmates my esteemed professional colleagues,(assigned blog entry to follow at later time)

I have been reflecting much on the valence of my blog entries of late. I am so, so sorry for allowing myself to emit my emotionality in some of these ways. Although I may passionately feel certain ways about certain aspects of the course material, I feel it is wrong of me to bring these personal feelings to this public forum. I am making effort to see cheerful, agreeable aspects of materials and highlight from now on encouraging, respectful reflections of these topics.

I am so inspired and impressed by each of you, my colleagues. Thank each of you so much for the valued reflections. -Evan B. Schultz- 9/5/12 @ 1865 hrs. Centric Time

In this clip, Bruce Bogtrotter is in trouble for eating his principal’s cake. She tries to punish him by making him eat more cake than is imaginable in front of the entire school. The students see that Bruce is struggling with eating the cake, so one by one they all stand up and start cheering for Bruce to finish, therefore reinforcing Bruce to eat what was left of the massive cake.

1. The target behavior that illustrates the reinforced behavior is Bruce finishing the whole cake.
2. The consequence of the behavior is Bruce is victorious.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the more confident and victorious Bruce feels, the more times he will face a challenge and conquer it.
4. The consequence involves the addition of victory and confidence for Bruce.
5. The antecedent is all of the students cheering for Bruce to finish the cake.

A=Classmates cheer for Bruce
B=Bruce finishes the whole cake
C=Bruce is victorious and confident

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

1. The target behavior that illustrates the punished behavior is Bruce eating the principal’s cake.
2. The consequence of the behavior is Bruce is forced to eat an entire cake in front of his whole school.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior by humiliating Bruce in front of everyone, therefore causing him to not want to eat his principal’s cake ever again.
4. The consequence involves the addition of more cake.
5. The antecedent is Bruce being at school.

A=At school
B=Bruce ate principal’s cake
C=Bruce forced to eat more cake in front of the whole school

This is an example of positive punishment.

Terms: punish, reinforce, target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment

This video is about a young man named Ryan Halligan that committed suicide in 2003, he was only 12 years old. He was a victim of cyber-bullying which made him a victim in all situations outside of his home. Although his father was in pain over his lose, he reached out to over 100 schools to tell his sons tragic story. He hoped to reached out to the kids that were not only being bullied but the by-standers also. He wanted to prevent the mistake his son made, for any other children.


1.) The target behavior is speaking to the students in order to get across his sons story.
2.) The consequence of telling the kids his sons story is being able to get across to them that his son made a mistake. Also, that the individuals that are doing the bullying or witnessing the bullying understand the outcome of their actions.
3.) The consequence should increase the behavior of the young kids that heard the story, making them want to become better people and helping people when in need. Especially knowing what the outcome could be if they don't at least try to stop the situation.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of confidence to the individuals being bullied and the individuals being by-standers to become aware of whats going on and try to put a stop to it.
5.) The antecedent would be Ryan's story which his father used to reach out to other children.

A= Ryan's story
B= reach out to other victims, by-standers, and bullies
C= Being able to prevent other cases like his sons.


1.) The target behavior is the lost of Ryan's life. The pain his family. friends, and community has to go through.
2.) The consequence of losing a life is the grief and pain that comes with it.
3.) The consequence should decrease, when the young kids hear Ryan's story about how being bullied pushed him to end his life at the age of 13.
4.) The consequence involved the removal of Ryan's life which brought grief and pain to his loved ones.
5.) The antecedent was being bullied

A= Being bullied
B= Committing suicide
C= Lost of a life brought grief and pain to loved ones.

This clip is about two guys who go to a party and one of them hasn't eaten and is feeling very hungry. The hungry man (Joe Pesci) overreacts when one of the girls he and a friend are talking to looks at someone walking behind him. He starts to elicit words of hate asking them all these questions like, "aren't we good enough?" The scene references a scene from the movie Goodfella's where Pesci is known for his aggressively violent behavior. As soon as he eats the snickers candy bar he is back to his old self again.
1) the target behavior in this is being yourself and not freaking out and eliciting angry behavior (transforming into angry actor) due to the deprivation of food.
2) The Consequence of this behavior is people not being offended by your overreaction by your friends telling you to chill out by giving you a Snickers.
3) By eating the snickers (discriminate stimulus) your response is you are able to be yourself and not be angry because you are hungry and therefore people like you better.
4) The consequence involves the addition of food.
5) At a social gathering or party.

A- At a party
B- Get a snickers
C- In a better mood

Positive Reinforcement

1) The target behavior of the punishment is being hungry with no way of obtaining food and letting it get the best of you.
2) The consequence of this behavior is eliciting angry feelings
3) Because of the deprivation of food, you are feeling very uptight and angry and it shows when you talk to people. People won't like you in conversation as much and may start to elicit these same emotions.
4) The consequence involves the removal of food.
5)The antecedent is at a social gathering of party.

A- At a party
B- Haven't eaten food
C- Act grumpy

Negative Punishment

Terms Used: Negative Punishment, Antecedent, Consequence, Elicit, Deprivation, Target Behavior, Response, Discriminate Stimulus, Positive Reinforcement,
This is a scene from the movie "The Swan Princess." By this point, Odette is being held hostage by the evil Rothbart. Every night when the moon comes out, she can return to her human form. But, during the daytime and nights with no moon, she is stuck in the form of a swan because Rothbart cursed her. The only way that Odette can break the curse is if she agrees to marry Rothbart(which she would never do), or if her lover Derek professes his 'everlasting love' for her to the world. So in this clip, she just made plans with Derek to break the curse. So, she tries to trick Rothbart into thinking that she'll marry him. But, Rothbart taunts her by explaining that he knows about her plan with Derek and that since there won't be a moon on the night that Derek's profession would happen, she has no way of telling him what happened.

1) The target behavior is getting Rothbart excited to marry Odette.
2) The consequence of giving Rothbart her hand in marriage meant that he would finally have his revenge (on her father, long story).
3) This consequence would increase the frequency of behavior because Odette would become completely powerless against Rothbart.
4) The consequence involves the removal of Odette's throne and independence.
5) The antecedent would be the secret hiding place where Rothbart keeps Odette by the lake.

A= The hideout by the lake
B= Rothbart is excited to marry Odette
C= Rothbart gets his revenge

This is clearly an example of negative reinforcement.

1) The target behavior is to scare Odette.
2) The consequence of scaring Odette is that Odette will cry and feel helpless.
3) This consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because Rothbart wants Odette to die and she hates him too much to show any more emotion.
4)The consequence involves the removal of Odette's confidence and hopefulness.
5)The antecedent is that Rothbart found Derek's bow.

A= Reveal Derek's bow
B= Scare Odette
C= Odette cries

This is an example of negative punishment.

Terms used: reinforcement, target behavior, consequence, removal, antecedent, behavior, negative reinforcement, punishment, negative punishment

Puppy gets head stuck in treat jar to take treats.
This puppy's behavior can be used both as reinforcement and punishment.
1. The behavior it is to steal the treats.
2. the puppy gets the treat.
3. If the puppy keeps getting treats, he will keep stealing treats.
4. This involves the addition of the behavior.
5. The antecedent is being in the dining room.

1. The behavior it is to steal the treats.
2. The puppy's head gets stuck in the treat container.
3. The puppy will stop stealing treats since their head gets stuck.
4. this involves the subtraction of the behavior.
5. the antecedent is being in the dining room.

terms used -
Behavior, antecedent, reinforcement, punishment

This clip is a short pixar film called Partly Cloudy. It is about clouds that make baby animals and humans for storks to deliver. In this film there is a grey cloud that seems to only be able to create baby animals that can hurt or otherwise make it difficult for the stork to deliver.

Positive Reinforcement: I isolated this reinforcement to one part in the beginning about 1m & 15sec. into the short film. This is where one of the clouds make a baby boy and the baby starts to cry. (becomes sad)

1. The Target behavior for the reinforcement in this part is the baby boy crying. (sad)
2. The consequence is the mother cloud makes him a toy football and the baby is no longer sad.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency in which the baby may start to cry (become sad) when he wants something.
4. The consequence involves the addition of a gift.
5. On top of a cloud

A) On top of a cloud
B) Crying baby (sad)
C) Gets a gift

Punishment: This part is more towards the end of the short film about 3m & 30sec. The grey cloud seems to only be able to make things that hurt the stork as he is trying to deliver the baby animals to their new home. Throughout the short film the stork looks at the other clouds making cute nice animals for their stork to take. When he returns from delivering another of the grey clouds baby animals, the grey cloud presents to him what looks like a baby shark. That is when the stork has had enough and fly’s away from the grey cloud to another cloud. The grey cloud becomes angry and sad when his stork leaves him.

1. Target behavior is the sad cloud
2. The consequence is the stork leaving the cloud
3. This consequence should decrease the frequency of the cloud making animals that are displeasing for the stork to deliver.
4. The consequence involves the stroke leaving the cloud
5. The antecedent is on top of the cloud

A) On top of the cloud
B) Stork leaves cloud
C) Cloud cries

In this video Dexter is out on the playground and the kids are playing dodgeball. The bullies gang up on Dexter and he gets attacked with the balls. After the game Dexter goes home and creates a robot that will help him to win the dodgeball game and defeat the bullies. He then uses it the next day and takes out the bullies the way they beat him.

1. The target behavior is Dexter building a robot to help him be good at dodgeball
2. The consequence is that the robot helps Dexter defeat the bullies at dodgeball.
3. The consequence will increase Dexter's behavior of robot building to fight his problems because with the robot he was able to win
4. The consequence involves the addition of the robot
5. The antecedent was that Dexter was getting destroyed in a game of dodgeball

A: Dexter losing at dodgeball
B: Building a robot to help him win
C: Defeating the bullies at dodgeball

This is positive reinforcement because the addition of the robot to help Dexter win will make him more likely to build robots to solve other problems in the future as well.

1. The bullies are throwing dodgeballs at Dexter
2. Dexter builds a robot to beat them
3. Since the bullies are defeated easily by the robot they will be less likely to throw dodgeballs at Dexter
4. The consequence involves the addition of the robot into the game
5. The antecedent was that it was recess and they were playing a game of dodgeball

A: Recess time so they play dodgeball
B: The bullies throw all their dodgeballs at Dexter
C: The bullies are defeated by Dexter's Robot at a game of dodgeball

This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the addition of a robot into the dodgeball game that defeats the bullies and makes it less likely that they will target Dexter in the future.

Terms: Target behavior, consequence, punishment, reinforcement, positive, antecedent

This is a video is about kids on a school bus making the bus monitor cry. This video depicts children insulting the bus monitor, and verbally harassing her. These kids don't seem concerned for the bus monitors feelings, and continue to insult her when she cries. These kids thought it was apparently funny, as you can hear them laughing, and taking satisfaction in their word choice. This video is a staggering ten minutes long, with nothing more than insults, and put downs.

Example 1:
1. The TARGET BEHAVIOR is AGGRESSION (to make Karen, The Bus Monitor, EMITt a crying RESPONSE).
2. The CONSEQUENCE of this BEHAVIOR is Karen ELICITING crying, they think it is funny.
3. This CONSEQUENCE will increase the behavior because they want to make their friends laugh; so that they can be popular, therefore increasing the aggression against Karen.
4. This CONSEQUENCE involves the addition of the kids EMITTING laughter, which REINFORCES the kids to think they are funny. When she becomes obviously upset, they do not discontinue their assault, instead they take joy in her pain.
5. The ANTECEDENT is on the bus, after school.

A: On the bus, after school.
B: Kids are aggressive towards the bus monitor.
C: She cries.

This is an example of POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT, because the kids want to make their friends laugh, and they want to show that they are alpha males. The one who makes his friends laugh the hardest, and gets Karen to cry ultimately wins the contest. The reason I chose this as a POSITIVE REINFORCER, was because they want Karen to cry, so being aggressive towards her will make her cry harder. I originally had laughter as the CONSEQUENCE, but changed it. Although, I think that would work too. Their aggression, would make them laugh harder.

Example 2:
1. The TARGET BEHAVIOR is AGGRESSION towards Karen, (they want to make her cry).
2. The CONSEQUENCE is getting her to emit a crying response.
3. The CONSEQUENCE is Karen ELICTING to reporting these children, and getting them suspended from the bus.
4. The CONSEQUENCE involves the ADDITION of the children getting suspended from the bus.
5. The ANTECEDENT is after Karen cries.

A: After Karen cries.
B. The kids get in trouble
C. They are suspended from the bus.

Getting suspended will INCREASE the behavior of the kids getting in trouble, and DECREASE the likely hood that the will EMIT such aggression towards another person. So, it is a NEGATIVE REINFORCER, because the behavior they were EMITTING will DECREASE due to their PUNISHMENT. Therefore, the behavior shown will become EXCTINCT.
--With EXTINCTION do you have to have EXTINCTION BURSTS, or because the EXTINCTION was due to a NEGATIVE REINFORCER their will be no EXTINCTION BURSTt; because they will become AVERSIVE to the previously EMITTED behavior?

In this video a man gets pulled over by a police officer for speeding and as a consequence the man gets a speeding ticket for going too fast.

1. The target behavior is the man pulling over when the police officer turns his car lights on behind his car
2. The consequence of the behavior is the man getting anxiety because he has gotten pulled over
3. The consequence will increase the likelihood of the behavior because it is the law to pull over when a police officer is directly pulling you over (he's doing the right thing and knows it)
4. The consequence involves the addition of satisfaction from the man that he followed the law by pulling over
5. The antecedent is the man driving down the road

A= Driving down the road
B= Speeding
C= Knowing to pull over for the police officer

This is an example of positive reinforcement because he was following the law by pulling over when he was suppose to.

1. The target behavior is the man speeding
2. The consequence of emitting the behavior is the man getting a speeding ticket from the police officer
3. The consequence will decrease the likelihood of the man's behavior
4. The consequence involves the addition of punishment because the man was given a speeding ticket
5. The antecedent is the man driving down the road

A= Driving down the road
B= Man pulling over
C= Getting a speeding ticket

Punishment because the man got a speeding ticket.

Terms used: Target behavior, antecedent, punishment, consequence, emitting, addition, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement

This clip is from the movie cyberbully. It is about a girl who is in high school and is being bullied and talked about by the "mean girls". They start talking about her on the internet and start making videos about her sleeping around and having diseases. She is so fed up that she makes a video telling people how she feels and attempts to committ suicide.


1. The target behavior is making a video to tell people how hurt she is by the things they have done to her.
2. The consequence is attempting to hurt herself.
3. this is going to increase the behavior of kids because they will want to reach out to the kids being cyberbullied.
4. The consequence involved the addition of the bullied kids becoming more confident in themselves along with being able to stick up for tehmselves.
5. The antecedent would be the video that Taylor posted on the web

A- Taylors video
B- Suicide attempt
C- Help prevent more suicide attempts


1. The target behavior would be Taylor almost losing her life because of cyberbullying
2. The consequence is almost losing a friends life due to rumors
3. It would decrease because people will see how starting rumors and talking about people online can cause someone to attempt suicide
4. The consequence involved a suicide attempt which hurt her family and best friend
5. The antecedent was getting cyberbullied

A- being cyberbullied
B- attempting suicide
C- Almost losing a life

Terms- Consequence,punishment, reinforcement, antecedent, target behavior

This video is of a statue of a god emitting a catching behavior of an annoying fly

1) The target behavior is the statue emitting a catching behavior of the fly.
2) The consequence is that the fly no longer emits an annoying behavior toward the statue.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior of the statue catching the fly more often.
4) The consequence involves the removal of the fly (temporarily).
5) The antecedent is the fly emitting an annoying behavior toward the statue.

A) Fly emits an annoying behavior toward the statue.
B) Statue emits a catching behavior toward the fly.
C) Relief is elicited when the statue emits a catching behavior of the fly.
Positive reinforcement

1) The target behavior is the statue letting go of the fly
2) The consequence is that the statue falls from his pedestal.
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior of letting the fly go.
4) The consequence involves the removal of his pedestal
5) The antecedent is the statue catching the fly

A) Statue catches fly.
B) Statue accidently lets the fly go.
C) The statue falls off his pedestal.
Negative punishment

Terminology: Target behavior, antecedent, consequence, emit, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative punishment

The targeted behavior that illustrates the reinforced behavior is when the daughter Haley says “You promised I could go to the party tonight if I got a B on my test”. The parents were reinforcing Haley for her good behavior with the ability to attend her party that night if she emitted a good behavior of studying and receiving a good grade on her test. Because Haley received the B on her test, she is later reinforced and allowed to attend the party of her choice. The studying behavior and receiving the good grade will reinforce Haley to continue this behavior so she is able to attend parties of her choice in the future. This consequence involves the addition of the ability to go out and go to a party with her friends. The antecedent is studying for her test.

A: Studying for the test
B: Receiving a B on the test
C: Being able to go to the party

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

The targeted behavior that illustrates punishment is one of the homosexual couples stating that his travel gift wrap has “paid for itself” when the partner punishes him with a scold and a look of dishonestly. The partner was punishing the other partner for not really using the travel gift wrap. The consequence from this behavior is the scold and the dishonest feeling, and possibly not being able to buy other things similar in the future. This consequence will increase the behavior of using items that one buys, therefore not getting scolding looks and dishonest feelings. This consequence involves the removal of any purchases after this event. The antecedent is buying the travel gift wrap, an unnecessary item.

A: Buying the travel gift wrap/unnecessary item
B: Not using the item
C: Scolding looks, dishonest feelings

This is an example of negative punishment.

This clip is from the movie, The Emperors New Groove. This is the part where Yzma and Kronk are walking through the jungle looking for the Emperor, Cuzco. Yzma turned Cuzco into a llama on accident, because she was trying to kill him instead. So now they are looking for Cuzco so she can finish the job.

The target behavior is finding Cuzco. The consequence is while searching for Cuzco Yzma trips in the mud and is adversive to the squirrel. Because of the adversive behavior the squirrel will not talk to Yzma. The squirrel is removing his willingness to talk to Yzma and refuses to even be near her. This is punishment because now Yzma will not get the information she wants and she is more likely to elicit a kinder behavior to get information from animals from now on. The antecedent is walking through the jungle.

A=Walking through the jungle
B=Emitting a rude behavior towards the squirrel
C=Squirrel not helping


The target behavior is finding Cuzco. The consequence is while searching Kronk talks to a squirrel. Because Kronk was pleasant and asked the squirrel to share his story the squirrel confided in him. This will increase the behavior of the squirrel telling Kronk where Cuzco went. Kronk’s behavior is a positive reinforcement and because of this the squirrel is adding his information to where Cuzco is. The antecedent is walking through the jungle.

A=Walking through the jungle
B=Emitting a pleasurable behavior towards the squirrel
C=Squirrel telling where Cuzco went

Positive Reinforcement

Terms: Target behavior, consequence, adversive, punishment, antecedent, elicit, behavior, pleasurable, emitting, pleasant, positive reinforcement

In this clip from a 2009 UNI Television Show named "Addictive Alternative," a local Cedar Falls rock band .Hazer is highlighted in promotion for their 2009 debut album release "Peach Fuzz." Lead Guitarist Ryan and Lead Vocalist Wes of .Hazer are featured in a sit down interview setting mixed in with an acoustic performance of "Scared." Viewers are entertained with music and anticipation thereof as the style of "Addictive Alternative" presents this piece of musical art as a song may, with intro, verse, timely bridges with musical background overtones building anticipation for final verse and song climax.

Here one could say that timing and structure of clip and music elicit anticipation from the listener/viewer and emit behavior of staying attentive and tuned into the music and message. Some parts of the feature song, "Scared," are deprived of the listener/viewer while reinforced by the intimate sit down interview interlude segments features direct conversation with the band members themselves.

Thus, while a .Hazer fan is punished by the breaks in live performance of "Scared," an Addictive Alternative viewer is reinforced by the talented interview stylings of the sit down interview mixed into the timing of the musical performance. The directional agents of Addictive Alternative utilize tasteful, creative styling of maintaining low volume inclusion of the live performance during the conversational breaks.

Also, this strategy beautifully creates establishing operations out of .Hazer live performance and .Hazer/Interviewer conversational pieces. Truly majestic intertwining of reinforcement and punishment, i feel, which could be the essence of 90s sound alternative music, which in itself elicits mixed feelings and emits incredible, passionate musical creations, I feel.

Thanks Each!! -ebs- 9/6/12 @ 1831hrs. CentricTime

This clip was about texting and driving and the impact it could potentially have on your life.

1.) The TARGET BEHAVIOR is the message at the end of the clip. "Texting and Driving Save a Life. Save it for L8R"
2.) The CONSEQUENCE of EMITTING the ELICIT BEHAVIOR of not texting and driving is knowing that you are not going to risk your life or the life of another.
3.) This CONSEQUENCE will REINFORCE individuals to be more cautious about their use of their phone. If you do not not EMIT using your phone you will increase your chances of not injuring yourself or others.
4.) The CONSEQUENCE is adding the heightened awareness to your driving habits.
5.) The ANTECEDENT is driving while texting.

A=Driving while texting.
B=Posting a message about not texting while driving.
C=Saving a life.

Positive Reinforcement
1.) The TARGET BEHAVIOR is driving and texting at the same time.
2.) The CONSEQUENCE is the UNDESIRABLE action of hitting the small child.
3.) This BEHAVIOR will decrease in frequency because of the AVERSIVE CONSEQUENCE of seeing a child get hit by a car due to a preventable BEHAVIOR.
4.) The CONSEQUENCE involves the removal of the EMITTED BEHAVIOR of texting and driving.
5.) The ANTECEDENT is driving while texting

A=Driving while texting
B=Hitting a small child
C=Reducing the likelihood of continuing to text and drive.

Negative Punishment
Terms: Antecedent, Consequence, Emit, Aversive, Behavior, Elicit, Target Behavior, Undesirable, Reinforce

This is a clip from the TV show Full House. DJ emits a behavior of spending time with her boyfriend at his apartment. They are having a good time and cuddle up on the couch together (reinforcement). DJ and her boyfriend end up falling asleep on the couch and DJ is late for curfew. DJ is than woken up by her dad who came looking for her (punishment). DJ was aversive to her dad’s reaction.

1. The target behavior is spending time with her boyfriend
2. The consequence of this behavior having a good time together
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior because they are both having a good time
4. The consequences involves them having a good time together (addition)
5. The adecedent is at the Boyfriend’s apartment

A. Boyfriend’s apartment
B. Spending time with her boyfriend
C. Having a good time together

This is an example of positive reinforcement

1. The target behavior is being late for curfew
2. The consequence of this behavior is dad comes looking for you
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of this behavior due to embarrassment
4. The consequence involves dad looking for you (addition)
5. The antecedent is at the Boyfriend’s apartment

A. Boyfriend’s apartment
B. Being late for curfew
C. Dad comes looking for you

This is an example of positive punishment

Terms: Antecedent, behaviors, consequence, emit, aversive, punishment, reinforcement, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, and target behavior

This video is about a young man who is taking an exam in a room with other students. The teacher at the front of the room tells the students they have on minute left. The young man is already done, so he takes out a scratch off ticket he had in his pocket. Then, the teacher tells everyone to put their pencils down and turn their exam in. The young man waited to turn his test in until he finished scratching off his scratch ticket. So, he turned his exam in after all of the other students were gone. When he takes the test up to the teacher he tells him that he is too late and was holding his pen past the time limit. So, he fails. The target behavior is for the student to turn in his test and put his pencil down right now he is told to. The consequence of this behavior is that the young man is told he will fail his exam. The consequence should decrease the likelihood of him doing this behavior again. This takes away his hard work and potentially good grade on his test.
A=Taking an exam
B= Turning it in late
C= Being told he failed
This is an example of negative reinforcement.
The second part of this clip is when the student asks the teacher if he knows who he is. The teacher responds saying he absolutely does not know who he is. The young man says good and put his test in the middle of the pile of exams from all the students who just took the exam too. The target behavior is for the young man to walk away and retake the exam or reason with the teacher. The consequence of his behavior is that he finds out the teacher does not know his name, which means he won’t know what exam is his exam. The consequence of this will probably increase the probability of the young man doing this again. The consequence involves him being able to turn in his exam and hopingly get a good grade. HE won’t have to take the exam again.
A= Being told he failed
B= Teacher does not know his name
C= Puts his exam in the middle of the pile
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms: punishment, consequence, target behavior, reinforcement.

In this clip from a 2009 UNI television show name "Addictive Alternative", a local Cedar Falls rock band, .Hazer, is highlighted in promotion for their 2009 dubut album release entitled "Peach Fuzz."
Lead guitarist, Ryan and lead vocalist, Wes of .Hazer are featured in a sit down interview setting mixed in with a rare acoustic performace of "Scared." Viewers are left reinforced with music and punished with anticipation as the style of Addictive Alternative presents this musical creature as a song may, with intro, verse, timely bridges with musical background
overtones building anticipation for final verse and song climax.

Here one could say that timing and structure of clip and music elicit anticipation from the listener/viewer and have opportunity to emit behavior of staying tuned in, while being reinforced by the intimate sit down interview interlude segments features direct convo with the band members themselves.

thus, while a .Hazer fan is punished by the breaks in live performance of "Scared," an Addictive Alternative viewer is reinforced by the talented interview stylings of the sit down interview blended masterfully into the timing of the musical performance. The directional agents of Addictive Alternative utilize tasteful, creative craft by
maintaining low volume inclusion of the live performance during the coverersational

also, this strategy beautifully creates establishing operations out of .Hazer live performancemance
and .Hazer/interviewer conversational pieces. Truly majestic intertwinings of reinforcement and punishment, i feel, which could be the very essence of 90s and now 21st century sounds in alternative music, which in itself elicits mixed feelings and emits incredible, passsionate musical creations. If a viewer is satiated by this selected song, not to worry, for their is a rich reinforcement scheduled this fall 2012 in the release of .Hazer's much anticipated new full length album coming soon!

Thanks Each!! ebs 9/6/12 @ 1831 hrs.

sorry for the posts, i got excited on this one.

here's the link for .Hazer 2009 appearance on Addictive Alternative.

A: play desirable music
B: pause desirable music
C: elicit fan demand for more desirable music

A: display desirable musician interview
B: pause desirable musician interview
C: elicit viewer demand for more musician interview

terms: satiate, elicit, emit, establishing operation, deprivation, reinforcement, punishment, reinforced, A, B, C, .Hazer

thanks! -ebs- 9/6/12 @ 1951hrs. CentricTime

This clip is from one of my favorite movies “White Man Can’t Jump”, which Billy (Woody Harrelson) is about to make a second bet against Sidney in a basketball challenge. Before the challenge starts there is a lot of trash talk about how white Billy since they are in a black neighborhood playing basketball. Sidney borrows money from his friend to make the bet. The bet was whom ever makes the most 3-pointers out of 5 gets the money. Billy goes first followed by Sidney. Throughout the proceedings Sidney continues to make cocky remarks and sometimes insults Billy. Billy just downplays his abilities, while he continues to make 5 threes in a row. Sidney matches him all the way until his fifth shot where he finally misses, thus crowning Billy the victor and winning the money.

1. The targeted behavior that is being reinforced is the hustling people on the basketball court.
2. The consequence of the behavior of hustling people on the basketball court is winning the money that was bet on the challenge and also humiliating Sidney in the process.
3. The consequence of winning money and humiliating Sidney will increase the frequency that Billy will hustle players on the basketball court because money is a very strong reinforcer in itself, but accompany that with the reinforcement of besting a cocky opponent makes it hustling people very satisfying.
4. The consequence involves the addition of money in Billy’s pocket.
5. The antecedent is Billy being a nerdy white guy in a mostly black neighborhood.

A= Billy being a nerdy white guy in a mostly black neighborhood
B= Hustling people on the basketball court
C= Winning money
Positive reinforcement.

1. The targeted behavior that is being insulting another person.
2. The consequence of the behavior elicits Billy to just laughs and the insults have no effect.
3. The consequence of Billy emitting laughing off Sidney’s insults and them having no effect will decrease the frequency of Sidney insulting Billy.
4. The consequence involves the removal of reaction from Billy.
5. The antecedent is that Sidney is surrounded by all of his friends.

A=Sidney is surrounded by all of his friends
B= Insulting Billy
C= Billy just laughing and the insults having no effect.
Negative Punishment

Terms: Targeted Behavior, Elicit, Frequency, Reinforced, Reinforcer, Emitting, Punish, Reinforce, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment

The clip is a Sour Patch Kids commercial. In it, the Sour Patch Kid rings a person’s doorbell and then throws eggs at the person when they answer. The person then gives the Kid a sour look and yells at it.
1. The target behavior is the Sour Patch Kid throwing eggs at people
2. The consequence is being yelled at
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the Sour Patch Kid doesn’t like being yelled at and becomes sad
4. The consequence involves removing something, the friendship and positive attitude toward the Sour Patch Kid
5. The antecedent would be standing on the porch after the doorbell rings
A= Standing on porch
B= Throwing eggs
C= Being yelled at
Positive punishment

The second part of the commercial has the Sour Patch Kid hugging the person’s leg and getting a pat on the head for being nice.
1. The target behavior is being nice and not throwing eggs at people and being friendly
2. The consequence is receiving a pat on the head and a friendly attitude
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the Sour Patch Kid likes the pat on the head and the person being friendly
4. The consequence involves adding something, pats on the head and a friendly attitude
5. The antecedent would be the person standing on the porch
A= Standing on porch
B= Not throwing eggs at people and being friendly
C= Pat on head and friendly attitude
Positive reinforcement

Terms: antecedent, target behavior, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence

This clip is from Everybody Loves Raymond. Ray is is emitting the behavior of returning his mother's big fork. He is also trying to talk with her about his wife's birthday, when his mom starts discussing her birthday present from Ray. It was a box of pears. Ray then told her a box of fruit would be coming each month from the fruit of the month club. When Ray tells her this it elicits his mom to emit the behavior of flailing her arms around and becoming anxious. She says it is too much fruit. Then his dad walks in and he emits the behavior of acting irritated. They all emit the behavior of fighting.


1. The target behavior is Ray emitting the behavior of returning the big fork to his mom.

2. The target behavior elicits Rays mom to give him a hug.

3. If Ray enjoys the reinforcement of getting a hug from his mom, he will continue to emit the behavior of taking things back to his mom.

4. The consequence adds a feeling of positive reinforcement.

5. The antecedent is Ray showing up at his parents house, which elicits his moms pleasurable behavior.

A= Ray walking over to his parents house.
B= Returning the for to his mom.
C= She gives him a hug.

This is an example of positive reinforcement.


1. The target behavior is the flailing of Ray's moms arms in anxiousness.

2. Her behavior then elicits Ray to emit the behavior of being agitated.

3. The consequence will decrease the behavior of signing them up for fruit of the month club again.

4. It removes the confidence Ray had that his parents would like the gift.

5. Ray signed them up for fruit of the month club.

A= Ray signing his parents up for fruit of the month club.
B= Rays mom flailing her arms.
C= Ray and his father become agitated as well and they all fight.

Negative Punishment,

Terms: Behavior, Target Behavior, Elicit, Emit, Consequence, Antecedent, Reinforcement, Negative Punishment

Part 1:
This clip is from the movie, Lilo & Stitch. In this scene, Lilo brings Stitch to the beach to perform a guitar solo impersonating Elvis Presley. It starts off going really well until Stitch is given too much attention and the camera flashes upset him. He ends up going crazy and attacking people.

1.) The target behavior is Stitch playing the guitar solo.

2.) The consequence is Stitch receiving a lot of attention from his audience.

3.) The consequence will increase the behavior of Stitch playing the guitar.

4.) The consequence involves the addition of attention from Stitch's audience.

5.) The antecedent is the beach.

A: The beach
B: Stitch playing the guitar solo
C: Stitch receives a lot of attention from his audience

This part of the clip is an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of the attention the audience gives Stitch will increase the behavior of him playing the guitar.

Part 2:
1.) The target behavior is Stitch's audience taking pictures of him with the flash on.

2.) The consequence is Stitch getting upset and attacking people.

3.) The consequence will decrease the behavior of taking pictures of Stitch with the flash on.

4.) The consequence involves the addition of Stitch getting upset and attacking people.

5.) The antecedent is the beach.

A: The beach
B: Stitch's audience taking pictures of him with the flash on
C: Stitch getting upset and attacking people

This part of the clip is an example of positive punishment because the addition of Stitch getting upset and attacking people will decrease the behavior of taking pictures of him with the flash on.

Terms: Behavior, Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, and Positive Punishment

Watch the episode from 2:45-4:10.

This is a clip from the show Community, a sitcom about community college. In the section I've selected from this episode we see Brita act motherly toward Pierce, something he finds insulting due to her younger age.

1. Pierce choosing healthy food options is the target behavior.
2. The consequence of choosing the healthy option of broccoli is the subtraction of Brita's disappointed expression.
3. Pierce doesn't like when Brita stares at him like a disapproving mother, so he'll begin selecting the healthier options to try to elicit a positive response.
4. This example involves the removal something: Brita's disapproving look.
5. The antecedent is the school cafeteria.

A: Cafeteria
B: Eating healthy
C: Pleasant expression instead of foul one

This first part of the clip selected from this episode represents negative reinforcement.

1. The target behavior is Brita's talking.
2. The consequence for Brita talking is Leonard blowing a raspberry.
3. Brita feels affronted and disrespected when Leonard interrupts her like a child, and will eventually stop talking to him if he continues to do so.
4. This act of punishment involves adding something: the annoying sound of the raspberry.
5. The antecedent is the school cafeteria, making this more embarassing for Brita. Therefore, the cafeteria is also an establishing operation, for it increases the effectiveness of the punisher on her behavior.

A: Cafeteria
B: Talking
C: Blown raspberry

This clip is an example of positive punishment.


Terms: Negative reinforcement, Positive punishment, Punisher, Establishing operation, Antecedent, Consequence, Target behavior, Elicit, Response

This clip show a bigger kid getting picked on by a much smaller kid until he finally has enough and slams the bully to the ground.
1. The target behavior in the clip is bullying.
2. The consequence of the behavior is praise coming from his friend.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves an addition of a tough guy persona.
5. The antecedent is at school.
A= At school
B=Punched a kid
C= Received praise
This is an example of positive reinforcement since the behavior is more likely to happen again.
1.The target behavior is punching the kid
2.The consequence of the behavior is the kid can barely stand up.
3.The consequence will decrease the frequency that the behavior will happen again.
4.The consequence involves removing the tough guy persona from the kid.
5.The antecedent is at school.
A=At school
B= Punched kid
C= Got slammed to the ground
This is an example of positive punishment.
Terms: punishment, target behavior, positive, antecedent, behavior consequence

This clip is a commercial for Old Spice Body Wash. It is a man that is explaining that using the body wash makes a man a real man.
1. The target behavior is using Old Spice Body Wash.
2. The consequence of the behavior is being a man.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4. It involves the addition of being a man.
5. The antecedent is in a shower.
A= In a shower
B= Using Old Spice Body Wash
C= Being a man
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because it uses the addition of something and will increase the frequency of the desired behavior.

1. The target behavior is not using Old Spice Body Wash.
2. The consequence would be women thinking you are not manly.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of not using the body wash.
4. It involves the depletion of being a man.
5. The antecedent is in a hot tub.
A= In a hot tub
B= Not using Old Spice Body Wash
C= Not being manly
This clip is an example of negative reinforcement because the person is losing manliness which will force him to change his


This clip is a commercial for Old Spice Body Wash. It is a man that is explaining that using the body wash makes a man a real man.
1. The target behavior is using Old Spice Body Wash.
2. The consequence of the behavior is being a man.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4. It involves the addition of being a man.
5. The antecedent is in a shower.
A= In a shower
B= Using Old Spice Body Wash
C= Being a man
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because it uses the addition of something and will increase the frequency of the desired behavior.
1. The target behavior is not using Old Spice Body Wash.
2. The consequence would be women thinking you are not manly.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of not using the body wash.
4. It involves the depletion of being a man.
5. The antecedent is in a hot tub.
A= In a hot tub
B= Not using Old Spice Body Wash
C= Not being manly
This clip is an example of negative reinforcement because the person is losing manliness which will force him to change his behavior.

Testing a Dog Bark Collar on a Person!

Positive Reinforcement

1. Barking
2. Receiving laughter (attention)
3. Laughter will increase the behavior of barking
4. There is an addition of laughter
5. Wearing the dog collar (being on camera)

A-Wearing the dog collar
C-Receiving laughter

Positive Punishment

1. Barking.
2. Getting shocked.
3. Shocking (should) decrease the behavior of barking.
4. There is an addition of getting shocked.
5. Wearing the dog collar (being on camera)

A-Wearing the dog collar
C-Getting Shocked.

The person is going to eventually have to make the decision of whether the reinforcement outweighs the punishment. At the end of the video the punishment has a high enough valence that most likely he won't repeat the barking behavior with the barking collar around his neck.

Terminology: punishment, reinforcement, valence, positive punishment, positive reinforcement,

In this video it teaches you how to train your dog to sit, stand, and down.

1.The behavior that is being reinforced in this video is training your dog to sit.

2.The consequence of this behavior is that if the dog doesn’t sit then it wont receive the treat

3.The consequence should make increase the frequency of having the dog sit

4.The consequence involves having a treat for the dog if the dog completes the behavior correctly

5.The antecedent would be training the dog.

A: Commanding dog to sit
B: dog sits
C: Receives a treat

1.The behavior that is being a punishment would be the dog not responding to the command

2.The consequence of this behavior would be the dog would not receive the treat if he didn’t complete the command correctly

3.The consequence should decrease the frequency of the behavior and make the dog listen correctly when its told its command so it will receive a treat

4.The punishment involves a removal of the treat if the dog doesn’t perform the command correctly

5.The antecedent would be training the dog

A: Commanding your dog to sit
B: Dog doesn’t sit
C: Doesn’t receive a treat

BMod Week 3
Topical Blog
In the storyline of Hocus Pocus, a whimsical film released on July 16, 1993, three witches are resurrected in Salem, Massachsetts. The witches hope to reign terror on a town that captured and executed them 300 years prior for practicing witchcraft. This clip illustrates various scenes from the film. As the video begins, Winifred Sanderson, Sarah Sanderson, and Mary Sanderson eagerly exit the house and scamper down the path. As they stumble upon a “black river,” they stop and realize they may not be able to cross, fearing it is too deep. Winnie and Mary then push Sarah into the unknown area, presumably so that she can “test the waters.” Sarah screams, as she does not know what to expect; things have changed over the past 300 years.
A target behavior I chose to “phocus” on is stopping to assess a possible danger when entering unknown/ once known/ forgotten/ reinvented territory. A consequence of this behavior is Sarah jumping on the “black river” (paved road) a few times as she seems relieved that she is not drowning or sinking. As the other two witches proceed with caution, they also realize that it is “firm as stone” and conclude that the “river” is in fact a road. A feeling of relief elicits behaviors of jumping and dancing. The witches seem to be reinforced by the safety of the situation, thus increasing their behavior to run along the street.
Antecedent: Since the Sanderson sisters have been removed from a particular town for 300 years, they are unaware of changes made during their absence.
Behavior: Stopping at the edge of the road to assess possible danger
Consequence: Jumping and dancing when it is concluded that the “river” is a road and safe to walk on.
This may be an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms used: Elicit, Behavior, Consequence, Reinforced, Safety
In another Hocus Pocus clip within the same video, the witches are shown within a present day Halloween party setting. In this clip, Winifred seems to be disgusted that the sacred holiday of All Hallow’s Eve has evolved into a commercialized sham. Winifred turns to Mary and Sarah and says, “Sisters, All Hallow’s Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amok!”
Sarah laughs at the sound of the word “amok” and repeats it over and over, dancing around with a silly demeanor. Sarah’s lighthearted response to a seemingly detrimental situation elicits Winifred to emit a cruel act of striking Sarah in the stomach. The consequence of this behavior is Sarah buckling over in pain and uttering an agonizing response of “Ugh.”
The probability that Sarah Sanderson will mock Winifred’s concerns in the future is ostensibly low.
Antecendent: A present day Halloween party. (The sight of children running “amok” has Winifred feeling disgusted and she communicates this to her sisters)
Behavior: Sarah repeats the word “amok” over and over
Consequence: Winifred thumps Sarah in the stomach
This may be an example of negative punishment.
Terms used: Consequence, Elicit, Communicate, Probability, Behavior, Emit, Lighthearted
Credits to Hocus Pocus-
Directed by Kenny Ortega
Written by David Kirschner and Mick Garris
Winifred Sanderson played by Bette Midler
Sarah Sanderson played by Sarah Jessica Parker
Mary Sanderson played by Kathy Najimy
SMW 9/6/12
11:30 pm

Summary: There are six examples in this clip. In the first example, a man gives a woman money for cooking. In the second one she shuts off the loud TV he was watching. In the third one he is hit for playing food. In the fourth one his headache is stopped by aspirin. In the fifth one she yells at him for playing loud music. In the last one she does not clean the bathroom because of her good cooking.

1. Woman emits the behavior of cooking.
2. She gets money.
3. The consequence increases the frequency with pleasurable gain.
4. The consequence adds money to her possession.
5. The hunger of the man elicits the behavior of cooking from her.
6.A. Man wants food. B. Woman cooks for him. C. She gets money.
7. Positive reinforcement.

1. Man turns the volume of TV to high and shouts.
2. She disconnects the power to the TV.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency by removing pleasure.
4. The consequence removes the excitement of the game.
5. She wants to read quietly.
6.A. Woman wants serenity. B. Man watches TV aloud. C. She unplugs the TV.
7. Negative punishment.


Terms: emit, consequence, elicit, positive reinforcement, negative punishment

I love this class, it gives me the perfect excuse to watch old cartoons! Okay, so the clip I picked is actually half of an episode of The Rugrats called ‘Hurricane Alice’ (original aired February 2003). In this storyline, Tommy, Phil, and Lil are trying to keep Alice from turning the house upside down after hearing the adults talk about Hurricane Alice. The Alice they try to stop is a baby about their age who is the daughter of one of the adult’s friend how has stopped by to visit. There are a lot of behaviors in this clip but I will give the time in the clip that the behavior I am focusing on is shown.


1) Like I said, because of the length of the clip there are many behaviors and repeats of behaviors that can be seen in this clip. For reinforcement I am going to focus on Tommy, Phil, and Lil when they open or ‘manipulate’ the emergency boxes that they find throughout the house. First found at time 04:34, and again at 05:36 and 07:44.

2) The consequence of their behavior is that they receive the supplies to stop Alice from turning the house upside down.

3) When they were able to stop Alice they (consequence) that made them emit the box opening behavior again to receive the same consequence.

4) The consequence involves the removal of Alice from the room so she could no longer destroy it.

5) The antecedent is Alice ‘turning the house upside down’ in one of the rooms of the house.

A = Bathroom
B = Opening the emergency box
C = Alice stopped destroying the room

I would have to say this is positive reinforcement because the babies were gaining supplies to help them stop Alice’s distractive behavior.


1) I’m going to go with an easy one right at the beginning of the episode because it was very clear and to the point. Betty, the mother of the twins (Phil and Lil) trying to bake. It is from time 00:13 to 00:33.

2) The consequence of Betty trying to bake was that the house (which later only looks like the kitchen) is filled with black smoke. This is typically not a desired consequence and from the dialog from the clip it sounds like this happens often to this character.

3) Filling the house with smoke, having what you put in the oven be on fire, and not accomplishing the goal of baking something can all lead to a decrease in Betty’s desire to cook.

4) I’m going to go with adding because of all the smoke that’s a result from the burnt food.

5) The antecedent is in the kitchen, where a lot of cooking and baking happens.

A = The kitchen
B = Cooking/Baking
C = House fills with smoke

Aversive punishment, the smoke and fire were not desirable outcomes of trying to cook and it most likely greatly decreased the chances of Betty even attempting to cook again.

Clip URL:

Terms: reinforcement, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, emit, and aversive.

I chose an article from NPR’s music section from 2011 on Adele’s chart topping hit ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and how even though it was released in November of 2010, it did not reach its peak until summer of 2011. The article also focuses on another behavior, the TARGET BEHAVIOR of this article; taking summer chart toppers such as ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and remixing them into electronica and dubstep dance hits.
The TARGET BEHAVIOR is taking summer chart toppers and remixing them into electronica dance hits. The CONSEQUENCE of these DJs EMITTING this remixing behavior is that the songs become even bigger hits, if possible, and allows them to reach new markets and audiences. It will most likely increase the FREQUENCY of this remixing behavior because the song is ESTABLISHING OPERATION by already being a chart topper and now is being exposed to a whole new audience where this action is being greatly received. This CONSEQUENCE involves the addition of a new market and audience as well as obviously a new sound. The ANTECEDENT is this case is the song becoming a chart topper and ESTABLISHING OPERATION.
A=Song becoming chart topper on its own merits
B=Popular summer hits being remixed into electronica and dubstep hits
C=Song becomes even bigger and reaches new markets and audiences.
This is an example of positive POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT because you are taking something that is PLEASURABLE and adding a new spin on the sound letting more people become acquainted with the song. It definitely deals with ESTABLISHING OPERATION because most of the songs remixed have already topped the charts. It also deals with extinction in the fact that the song will eventually reach SATIATION and lose momentum in popularity.
Another behavior in the article is that of people emit a behavior of listening, buying, and downloading songs like Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ and how they gradually gain popularity and become chart toppers. The song ELICITS a PLEASURABLE sound to many people. The REINFORCEMENT here is more and more people, usually peer groups, doing the same. The CONSEQUENCE here is the song gradually gains momentum in popularity among peer groups and on radio and video plays. The song eventually reaches its peak which is usually reaching number one on the charts. The CONSEQUENCE will increase the FREQUENCY of the behavior and then decrease the frequency of the behavior. First it will increase because the song will become popular and many people will really like it and listen to it often. It will be followed up by a decrease because as the song reaches SATIATION, the popularity will eventually go down. The CONSEQUENCE involves addition in the amount of people it will reach as it reaches peak popularity. It may also involve subtraction of people as it does reach SATIATION more and more people will tire of the song.
A=An artist, such as here with Adele, releases a track or song
B=People getting on the song’s bandwagon
C=The song gains huge popularity, more and more people are introduced to the song and it becomes a chart topper
This is an example of POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT because again you are taking something that is PLEASURABLE and providing more opportunities to experience the song. I believe it can also be seen as POSITIVE PUNISHMENT because again as the song reaches SATIATION, experiencing the song more frequently can be found very AVERSIVE. Finally it deals with EXTINCTION because it will eventually reach SATIATION and lose popularity, making way for the next big hit.

This clip shows a cat and a pigeon who happen to be housemates (so in the context of the cat doesn't want to eat the bird :)The cat is emitting a sleeping behavior while the pigeon is emitting a pecking behavior at the cats ears and face. In an extinction burst, the pigeon tries a certain rhythm of annoyance until that doesn't work and then tries something else until he ellicits the response of playing and waking behavior from the cat.

1) The target behavior is the pecking behavior from the pigeon
2) After an extinction burst the target behavior is then reinforced by the waking and playing response by the cat
3) The consequence of the positve reinforcement will increase the frequency of the pecking behavior.
4) The frequency of the pecking behavior will increase because of the consequence
5) The anticedent is that the cat and pigeon are housemates and the cat is sleeping
This is an example of positive reinforcement
A: Cat and Pigeon living in the same house, the cat is sleeping
B: Pigeon emits a pecking behavior
C: Target behavior elicits the cat to emit a waking response

1. The target behavior that is being punished is the sleeping behavior of the cat
2. The consequence is that the cat is being punished by the pigeons pecking behavior
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4.The consequence is the addition of the aversive stimulus of the pigeon pecking which acts as the punisher
5. The anticedent is that the cat is tired
This is an example of postive punishment
A. Cat is tired
B. Cat emits a sleeping behavior
C. The pigeon pecks at the cat

I forgot to add the words used...
Target behavior, extinction burst, emit, elicit, punished, punisher, punishement, aversive, reinforcement, reinforced, anticedent

This is a clip from Sex and the City 2. A group is entering a red carpet event Samantha invited them to. When they enter, they see Samantha and Miley Cyrus are wearing the same dress. Things get awkward.

Carrie, Big, and their two friends emit the behavior of showing their bracelts to security and are then reinforced by being allowed in. The target behavior is the bracelt showing. Being let in is the reinforcer. This is a reinforcement procedure because it is pleasureable to be let on the red carpet and the fact that they had their bracelets on allowed this, therefore they will more frequently bring along their VIP bracelets (or whatever "passes")are needed. The security gaurd at the gate is the discrimitive stimuli, he asks to see the bracelts which elicited the behavior of them raising their hands to show the bracelets. You show your invite or pass to security gaurds in social settings. The addition was the allowed enterance. In consequence they experienced the positive valence of approval.


A=Red Carpet Event.
B= Showing VIP bracelts.
C= Gaining access to the Red Carpet event.

Samantha emits the target behavior of wearing a very "young" dress to the event. She runs into Miley Cyrus who is wearing the same one and is embaressed in front of everyone. This is a punishment procedure because being embaressed is a negative valence which will cause her to decrease the frequencY of wearing teenage dresses to red carpet events. The punisher is the embaressment she experiences when the run in occurs.

A= being on the red carpet
B=wearinG a young dress.
C= being embaressed when she runs into a teenage movie star who is wearing the exact same one.

..which leads to a decreased frequency in dressing younger than her age.

Here the embaressment was added.


This clip is of three guys who try and push a car back, which is stuck on a curb. The guys push it into traffic and slowly back up so a car can pass. The car is on an incline, and the guys cant push the car once it starts rolling downhill. They let go so the car doesn't run over them and it coasts downhill into a car.

1) The behavior I am analyzing in this clip if of the three guys pushing the car.

2) The final consequence of the behavior is the car rolling downhill, BUT it was slightly reinforced throughout the process of pushing because they were making some progress.

3) The periodic reinforcement, the progress they made while pushing the car, would increase the behavior; they would keep trying to push it up hill. However, the final consequence of the car running into another car will make them to never try this again.

4) This final consequence involves the removal of pushing the car uphill.

5) The antecedent is getting your car stuck on a curb uphill.

A= getting your car stuck on a curb uphill
B= Pushing it out of the curb and onto flat ground
C= Failing, and having the car rolling downhill into another car.

This is negative punishment

A=getting your car stuck on a curb uphill
B= Pushing it out of the curb and onto flat ground.
C= Slowly making progress

This is positive reinforcement

negative punishment, positive reinforcement, antecedent, behavior, consequence
This clip talks about the issue of video games and if they decrease or increase violence among the people who play them.

First part of this assignment focuses on the part of the clip that talks about the Virginia Tech Shooting and how playing video games may have had an impact on the shooter.

A= Playing violent video games
B= Shoot people
C= Becoming violent

1. Target behavior is shooting people.
2. Consequence of behavior is increase in violence among others who play violent video games.
3. Consequence will increase in those who choose to play video games that are violent and act out what they see on the TV.
4. Consequence involves the addition of violence.
5. Antecedent is playing violent video games.

Negative reinforcement

The next part of this assignment focuses on the last part of the clip where it talks about how any video game uses violence and by playing video games, it actually teaches the people essential skills they need like teamwork and leadership.

A= Playing violent video games
B= Learning essential skills
C= Building character

1. Target behavior is learning essential skills.
2. Consequence of behavior is once they learn these skills by playing the video game, they can build on their own character and use the skills in their every day lives.
3. Consequence will increase because they are learning new skills.
4. Consequence involves the decrease of focusing on the violent aspect of the video game.
5. Antecedent is playing violent video games.

Positive reinforcement.

Terms used: Target Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Negative Reinforcement, and Positive Reinforcement.

This clip is from my favorite TV show desperate housewives. Gabby is trying to get her kids to obey her and pick up their toys before dinner and they smart back and her and upset her. Then her gardener comes in and gets the job done.

1) The target behavior is tell the girls to pick up the toys.
2) The consequence is the girls smarting back and gabby taking away her toy.
3) The consequence will decrease the likelihood of of the girls picking up the toys.
4) The consequence involves the removal of her toy.
5) The antecedent is getting ready for supper.

A=Getting ready for supper
B= Have girls pick up toys
C=Gabby takes toy away

This is an example of negative punishment.

1) The target behavior is girls pick up the toys
2) The consequence is the girls picking up the toys fast.
3) The consequence will increase the likelihood of them picking up the toys.
4) The consequence involves the addition of happiness.
5) The antecedent is having their gardener come in and yell at the girls and scare them.

A=Getting yelled at to pick up toys
B=Girls pick up toys
C=Gabby is happy.

This is an example of positive reinforcement.

Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative punishment,
A person in a snowman suit waits on the corner for unsuspecting people to scare them. Three girls are walk up and get scared when he moves.

1. The target behavior is a man in a suit snowman stands and waits.
2.The consequence of the emitting behavior is to scare the girls.
3.Then operant behavior of consequence increases the frequency of the behavior.
4.When the behavior emits the consequence of desire, it adds to the frequency of behavior.
5.The ancedent is outside of in the snow, standing.

Please then list the ABC's of the behavior

A=in the snow
C=scares three young girls

Positive reinforcement

Brian and Stewie are trying to do some construction with walkie talkies.

1.Stewie does not answer Brians questions to increase the frequency of behavior through negative reinforcement.
2.The consequence of the emitted behavior is Brian pulls the wire and pulls stewie down from the top floor.
3.The consequence of the target behavior will decrease the frequency of negative reinforcement of stewie
4.The behavior will remove the behavior of stewies punishment of using the word "over" with the walkie talkie
5.Inside of a building

A=inside a building
B=talking on walkie talkies
C=stewie gets hurt

negative punishment
Terms:behavior,consequence,antecedent, punishment,desire,target behavior, negative punishment, reinforcement, emit,frequency,operant

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