Hi Class,
So far we have discussed reinforcement (increasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence) and punishment (decreasing the frequency of a behavior as a result of the consequence). What I would like you to do is to find a couple of video clips off the internet where one illustrates reinforcement and the other illustrates punishment.
For each clip I would like you to briefly describe/summarize the clip. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment.
Do the same for the second clip
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same videos the four other students before you just used.
When you are done with both clips, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the videos you used.
Once you are done with your post make list of the terms and terminology you used in your post.
Let me know if you have any questions....
This is the clip from the disney pixar film Up where Russell finally finds the snipe who he affectionately names Kevin. He is trying to get Kevin to come out of the bush when he figures out that Kevin is a fan of chocolate and then uses that to get Kevin out of the bush.
1. The behavior is Kevin walking out of the bush
2. The consequence of the behavior is that Kevin gets chocolate
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Kevin loves chocolate and so he will do what he can to get more chocolate and that means coming out of the bush.
4. The consequence involves the addition of chocolate to Kevin
5. The antecedent is Roaming in the Jungle
A: Roaming in the Jungle
B: Kevin walking out of the bush
C: Kevin gets chocolate
This is an example of positive reinforcement
This is another clip from Up where Doug cunningly slips the cone of shame on the Alpha dog to render him helpless and the Alpha dog loses all control of the other dogs as Doug becomes the new Alpha.
1. The behavior is wearing the cone of shame
2. the consequence of wearing the cone of shame is that you no longer have authority over those around you.
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior because Alpha likes having power over the other dogs and did not like to give it up when wearing the cone of shame.
4. The consequence involves the addition of the cone of shame onto Alphas neck
5. The antecedent is in the blimp
A: In the blimp
B: Wearing the cone of shame
C: Losing authority of those around you
This clip is an example of positive punishment because you are decreasing the likelihood of the behavior but you are adding something new into the situation.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment
This clip is a Chip n’ Dale (the chipmunks) cartoon, it is called Two Chips and a Miss. In this cartoon the two brothers both get a letter from the same female chipmunk and they go to meet and impress her. They do things such as bring her flowers and candies and try to get her attention while she flirts with them both.
1. The behavior is the female chipmunk flirting with the two brother chipmunks.
2. The consequence of this is that the two brother chipmunks are trying to give her things, impress her and giving her a lot of attention.
3. The consequence will increase this behavior because the female chipmunk likes all of the attention as shown by her giggling.
4. The consequence involves gaining or the addition of attention.
5. The antecedent is that there are two brothers that would be interested in the girl chipmunk.
A. Two brothers
B. The girl chipmunk flirts with them both
C. The girl chipmunk gets all the attention
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This clip was a short pixar film called For the Birds. During the film all of these little birds are on a telephone wire and they do not want this big bird to come and join them, so when the big bird does they peck at him to try and get him off of the pole. When they finally succeed they are sling-shot through the air losing all of their feathers.
1. The behavior is the little birds pecking at the big bird.
2. The consequence of this is that the little birds are sling-shot into the air losing all of their feathers.
3. The consequence will decrease this behavior because the birds were very embarrassed to have lost all of their feathers and did not like that.
4. The consequence involves losing or the subtraction of feathers.
5. The antecedent is the little birds sitting on the telephone wire.
A. Little birds sitting on a telephone wire
B. The little birds pecking at the big bird
C. The little birds losing all of their feathers
This is an example of negative punishment.
Terms: behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement, negative punishment
Positive Punishment
Summary-It’s very short and easy to describe. The little girl learned a valuable life lesson. Do not hold onto the dogs leash when you tell your dog to “GO”. It was clearly learning through positive punishment as something unpleasant was added to stop her from repeating the unwanted or dangerous action. I think she learned her lesson by “punishing herself”. Could this be “self-punishment”? After all, there is self-reinforcement.-->At any rate, it's positive punishment!
1. The girl Yelling “Go” to her dog was a specific behavior that lead to an unfortunate punishment.
2. By Yelling at her dog to go, she was pulled forward by the leash she still had in her hand. This caused her to face plant into the sidewalk/concrete.
3. The consequence will definitely decrease the likelihood that the girl will ever repeat this behavior. (unless the impact kill all of the memory part of her brain that would aid her in remembering the consequence of this action…in which case, she would be a lost cause…)
4. The consequence involves the addition of something bad/unpleasant. The unpleasant this is the smashing of her face into the concrete ground.
5. The antecedent is the driveway or the sidewalk or just on concrete. It could have a million outcome, unfortunately for her, the outcome was a face-plant.
A= In driveway
B= Girl Yells “GO” while holding onto the dogs leash
C= Girl Smashes her face into concrete
Negative Reinforcement:
Summary- The man is in a store shopping with his son. His son wants sweets, the man says “no”, and the child throws a temper tantrum. The child’s horrible behavior then reinforces condom use. This is negative reinforcement in terms of condom use. The use of a condom is reinforced in the way that it removes something unpleasant and bad-like “unexpected” (term used loosely as I don’t wish to offend anyone-just going off the child in the commercial example) or misbehaving children.
1. Target behavior is the child’s temper tantrum and psychotic behavior
2. As a consequence of the child’s behavior, witnesses may choose to never have children or just wait until they are ready. It most definitely should turn down people sex drive at least a little!!!! Therefore, it will promote condom usage.
3. The consequence of condom use will decrease the unpleasantness of unexpected children that are misbehaved and difficult to manage (particularly by individuals that aren’t ready or grown up enough themselves.) Therefore, it will decrease the behavior as there will be fewer parents that are not ready to raise a child…assumedly (according to the clear assumption made by the commercial-THIS DOES NOT NECESSARILY APPLY TO 100% OF PEOPLE OR ENTIRELY MY OPINION) children will be better behaved when the parents plan to have a child and raise it responsibly.
4. The consequence involves the subtraction of something. That is the subtraction of an unexpected child that will through temper tantrums in public places.
5. The antecedent is the grocery store. This is the public place where the child chooses to misbehave and display to the public one of the negative outcomes of unexpected children
A=In a grocery store
B=Child screams and throws a fit
C=All witnesses use condoms!/Increases condom use
Personal side note I am making outside of the point I made in reference to the commercial…this is so that people don’t view me as insensitive, heartless, child-hating, etc. as a consequence of my behavior which is posting this blog= All children can misbehave-even when they are expected, planned, and in a stable family…the point over all is use a condom! This is negatively reinforced by the fact that if you use a condom, the consequence of a horribly misbehaved child will be much less likely of occurring. The consequence of me posting this disclaimer is that nobody comes at me in the street/or class with a pitch fork!
-Mary Schmidt
Two men are sitting on the couch chilling, maybe watching a football game.
1. retrieving a beer for buddy
2. the man recieves a cookie
3. recieving a cookie will increase the likelihood of him getting him a beer more often
4. it involves the addition of a behavior
5. the antecedent is sitting on the couch
A- sitting on the couch
B- retrieving a beer
C- receiving a cookie
This is positive reinforcement, because he is added a behavior using reinforement.
Please be sure to post and discuss a second clip over punishment in order to receive full credit for this assignment. Your first one looks good. Thank you! -BMod. TA
This is an example of Negative and Positive Punishment.
Child and his mother are on Dr. Phil and are explaining how they feel about the mothers abuse towards the child. Mother denies any and all abuse towards the child, angering him. Child slaps the mother because of being enraged.
1. Mother denying the abuse to son
2. Son slapping the mother
3.Negative- It would decrease the denial Positive but it will increase the physical abuse towards each other
4. I believe it to increase and decrease different behaviors in the video. Negative- decreases the denial Positive- increases the physical abuse
5. Antecedent is being on the Dr. Phil Show
A- On the Dr. Phil Show
B- Denying the abuse towards the son, upsetting him
C- Mother getting slapped by son
I recently watched Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It has a scene that gives a great example of both reinforcement and punishment and how slight changes in the antecedents can change the behavior.
Negative Punishment
1. Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
2. Death to Sherlock Holmes.
3. The outcome will decrease the behavior.
4. Removal of Sherlock Holmes life.
5. Talking with Moriarty on a balcony.
A- Talking with Moriarty on a balcony.
B- Not fighting with Moriarty.
C- Staying alive.
This is negative punishment because he is decreasing the behavior of fighting with Moriarty and it would have been the removal of something.
Sherlock Holmes would have walked away, except for the fact that the antecedent changed, which also changed the consequence.
Negative Reinforcement
1. Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
2. The death of Moriarty.
3. The outcome will increase the behavior.
4. Removal of Moriarty's life.
5. Lighting a cigarette.
A- Lighting a cigarette.
B- Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
C- The death of Moriarty.
Negative reinforcement because it increased his behavior and outcome was the removal of something.
Terms: antecedents, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, negative reinforcement.
Let me know if it's okay that I used two parts of a clip instead of two clips. Thanks!
It's okay that you used two parts of a clip because you analyzed both parts. I appreciate that and your asking. I also like that you listed the terms that you used at the bottom of the post.
Regarding your negative punishment example, you have the consequence as "staying alive" this would reflect keeping/getting something making it positive (where as dying would be losing something and thus would be negative). Further, remaining alive would increase the behavior of "not fighting with Moriarty" therefore it would be positive reinforcement.
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions: mfschmid@uni.edu
I recently watched Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. It has a scene that gives a great example of both reinforcement and punishment and how slight changes in the antecedents can change the behavior.
Negative Punishment
1. Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
2. Death to Sherlock Holmes.
3. The outcome will decrease the behavior.
4. Removal of Sherlock Holmes life.
5. Talking with Moriarty on a balcony.
A- Talking with Moriarty on a balcony.
B- Not fighting with Moriarty.
C- Staying alive.
This is negative punishment because he is decreasing the behavior of fighting with Moriarty and it would have been the removal of something.
Sherlock Holmes would have walked away, except for the fact that the antecedent changed, which also changed the consequence.
Negative Reinforcement
1. Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
2. The death of Moriarty.
3. The outcome will increase the behavior.
4. Removal of Moriarty's life.
5. Lighting a cigarette.
A- Lighting a cigarette.
B- Hand-to-hand combat with Moriarty.
C- The death of Moriarty.
Negative reinforcement because it increased his behavior and outcome was the removal of something.
Terms: antecedents, behavior, consequence, negative punishment, negative reinforcement.
Let me know if it's okay that I used two parts of a clip instead of two clips. Thanks!
Positive Punishment
Summary: The young woman in this video decided she was going to sing for the camera, while doing so she also decided she would stand on top of a table. I think that this young lady clearly learned a lesson when it came to the consequence of her actions.
1.) The girl singing & dancing on top of the table was the target behavior that eventually lead to the punishment.
2.) By dancing on the table and not really paying attention to what she was doing, she fell hitting the table first and floor second.
3.) The consequence of falling extremely hard and hitting everything on the way down, will decrease the frequency of this behavior.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of pain, which is an unpleasant feeling.
5.) The antecedent is the camera, which she was using to entertain an audience.
A= The camera
B= Girl singing & dancing while on a table
C= Girl falls extremely hard hitting the table and the floor
Negative Reinforcement
Summary: This man is attempting to complete what he thinks is a maze. When really the only think that happens is a scary face pops up and screams at you on you computer screen (he does not know this). Once the scary face pops up on the screen the young man punched the face (which is on his computer screen) putting a huge hole through his computer.
1.) The target behavior is freaking out to the scary picture
2.) The consequence of this is punching a huge hole through your computer.
3.) The consequence of putting a hole though your computer screen will decrease due to the fact that people know they're going to be scared and do something stupid.
4.) The consequence involves subtraction. The subtraction of having to purchase a new computer.
5.) The antecedent is the computer.
A= The computer screen
B= Becoming really freaked out
C= Putting a huge hole though his computer screen and wetting himself.
Terms: Behavior, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Antecedent, Consequence
Be careful with your antecedents, yours might work, but there are better options. Pay extra close attention over the weeks to come
This clip is from a short film Scrat Gone Nutty. In this film he is trying to gather all of the nuts he can find. He brings one home and it doesn't fit in the tree because it is already too full. So he jumps on the nut trying to make it fit and in return all of his nuts fall from the tree.
1. The target behavior is jumping on the nut.
2. The consequence is losing all of the other nuts.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of behavior because he loses all of his nuts that he worked so hard to get.
4. The consequence involves the removal of the nuts.
5. The antecedent is bringing the nut to the tree that is already full.
A= Full tree
B= Jumping on nut
C= Losing all the nuts
This is an example of negative punishment.
This clip is another short film, Scrat Meets Girl. In the film Scrat is looking for more nuts of course and see's a pretty girl, and then see's that she has a nut. Scrat is trying to steal the nut when she catches him and he continues to take it and walk away. He hears her crying and turns around and she takes the nut back from him.
1. The target behavior is crying.
2. The consequence is getting her nut back.
3. She will continue to cry if it means she will continue to get nuts.
4. The consequence involves addition of receiving the nut.
5. The antecedent is stealing the nut.
A= Scrat stealing the nut.
B= Girl crying.
C= Girl getting her nut back.
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms: Positive Reinforcement, Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Negative Punishment
In this clip from “Family Guy”, Lois is running for mayor and is speaking to a group of undecided voters.
After seeing Mayor West get much appreciation from the crowd, she approaches Brian for advice. Brian tells Lois to keep her answers to these undecided voters simple. As a result the crowd cheers on her responses and she continues to response with answers that are simple and appealing to the crowd.
1. The behavior is Lois keeping her answers to the crowds questions simple.
2. The consequence of the behavior is the crowd cheers for Lois.
3. The consequence of the crowd cheering loudly will increase the behavior shown by Lois.
4. The consequence involves the addition of support from the crowd.
5. The antecedent is being up on stage and running for mayor.
A: Running for mayor
B: Giving the crowd simple answers
C: Crowd cheers for Lois
This is an example of positive reinforcement
In this clip from the “A Beautiful Mind” John Nash (Russel Crowe’s character) is challenged to play a board game by a group of his peers. After much banter with the challenger, John Nash eventually loses the board game. Not believing he could have lost, John runs off knocking over the board game while the group of his peers laugh and poke fun of him.
1. The behavior is John Nash is playing a board game with a rival student.
2. The consequence is Nash runs away in defeat while a group of his peers laugh and make fun of him.
3. The consequence is that Nash will be less likely to associate himself with that group of people.
4. The consequence involves the addition of his peers insulting and laughing at him, which is unpleasant.
5. The antecedent is being among a group of his peers.
A: Being with a group of peers
B: Playing a board game.
C: Losing the board game and running off in defeat.
This is an example of positive punishment.
List of terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedents, Positive Reinforcement, Positive Punishment
So it starts with a man just walking on his way to work. There are some geese around and one starts to go after the man. The man swats at it but the geese is persistent and keeps going after the guy and won't leave him alone.
1. Walking on the sidewalk on the way to work
2. The consequence is getting attacked by the geese already there.
3. The consequence will decrease the amount of times the man takes this sidewalk when there are geese around
4.The consequence involved the addition of pestering geese to the mans walk
5. The antecedent is having to go to work
A: Having to go to work
B. Walking on the sidewalk outside the building
C. getting attacked by the geese
This is an example of positive punishment
This one is about the hurricane that just missed Florida. They are interviewing a lady from a local church and she is describing that because the people of the church prayed so much is why the hurricane did not devastate their city.
1. The behavior is the people of the church praying
2. the consequence was that the hurricane did not hit Florida.
3. This consequence will increase the frequency of the people praying
4. The consequence involved the removal of the storm from their area
5. The antecedent was a warning that a hurricane was going to hit
A: A hurricane warning
B: Praying
C: The hurricane did not hit their town
This is an example of negative reinforcement
Terms: Behavior, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, antecedent, and consequence.
This is a clip from the movie Thor where Thor’s dad casts him out of Asgard because Thor betrayed his father. In this clip Thor has just returned from the Frost Giants planet and his father is casting him out along with taking away his powers as a consequence to his actions.
1.The behavior is Thor betraying his father
2.The consequence is that Thor gets cast out of Asgard without his powers
3.The consequences will decreases the frequency of the behavior because Thor wants to be worthy of his position as king and so he will do what he can to get back into the good graces of his father.
4.The consequence involves the deduction of Thor’s home planet and his powers taken away.
5.The antecedent is a war between the frost giants and the Asgardians.
A. During a war
B. Thor betrays his father
C. Thor is cast out of Asgard without his powers
This is an example of negative punishment
(You don’t really see him betraying his father in this clip, but his dad explains what he has done)
This is clip from the movie Matrix. In this clip Neo learns Kung Fu and has to use what he has learned in a virtual combat situation against Morpheus.
1.The behavior is Kung Fu
2.The consequence of the behavior is that in the end of the scene Neo wins the fight
3.The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Neo has gotten better at Kung Fu and learned what it takes to win against someone else.
4.The consequence involves an increase in Neo’s knowledge of Kung Fu.
5.The antecedent is Virtual Combat
A.Virtual Combat
B.Kung Fu
C.Neo beats Morpheus
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terms: Behavior, Consequences, Antecedent, Positive reinforcement, negative punishment,
My first clip is of Jenna marbles talks about how girls pack their suitcases for the weekend.
1. The behavior is making people laugh
2. The consequence is she’ll get more people to watch her videos which in turn gets her more money.
3. The consequences with increase her frequency of getting people to laugh
4. Nothing’s really being taken away or added.
5. The Antecedent is packing her suitcase on camera
6. A: Packing her suitcase on camera
7. B: getting her audience to laugh
8. C: Get’s paid more
This example is of positive reinforcement.
My second clip is a little girl who is talking about how a monster is gonna come kick her “ask” so she has to kick his “ask”
1. The behavior I’m targeting is the mom laughing at her daughter when she says “ask”
2. The consequence is because her mom laughed at her for saying ask due to the fact that it sounds like ass, so the little girl says ask again hoping for her mom to laugh again.
3. This consequence will increase the behavior because she was being positively reinforced to say the word ass.
4. The consequence does not involve adding or taking away anything
5. The little girls scared of the monster
6. A. little girls scared of the monster
7. B. She says she’s gonna kick his ask
8. C. The mom laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement as well.
Terms: Behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement.
Summary: This is the third episode of season 2 of the Youtube series Chad Vader. The scene starts a 2:27 and has Chad informing Jeremy (who idolizes Chad) of his training in the basement to face his fears (and recalibrate the boiler). Chad trains Jeremy in the hopes that when Chad becomes the general manager of Empire Markets he'll (Jeremy) will become day shift manager.
1. The behavior is Chad Training Jeremy
2. The consequence of this behavior is Jeremy being more prepared for day shift managerial responsibilities.
3. The consequence will increase this behavior as chad wants to have the perfect replacement.
4. The consequence involves the addition of training for Jeremy.
5. The Antecedent is going to the basement
A. Going to the Basement.
B. Jeremy is gets Training
C. Chad has a replacement
This is an example of positive reinforcement
This is video is called Facebook Parenting for the troubled teen. It all started with the daughter making posts about how unfair life is and how her parents don't get her anything and saying hateful things about her parents etc. The father responds in this video in by reading the posts and gives out his punishment in the form of taking away her laptop and introducing it to his .45.
1) Would be the daughter being punished for her hateful posts
2) The Consequence would be that others will learn from this video and listen. (and the daughters laptop being shot to pieces).
3) The consequence should lead to the daughter being thankful for what she has.
4)The consequence involves the daughters loss of her laptop
5) the antecedent would be talking in front of a camera.
A. Talking in front of a camera
B. Laptop gets shot
C. Daughter appreciates what she has in life.
This is an example of negative punishment
Terms used: Negative punishment, behavior, positive reinforcment, antecedent.
Positive reinforcement :
This clip is of two 11 month twins dancing to their dad playing guitar
1. The behavior is the dad playing guitar
2. The consequence is the babies dancing
3. The consequence will increase the behavior because the dad likes it when his babies dance
4. The consequence involves their dad playing his guitar longer
5. The antecedent is their kitchen
A. The kitchen
B. Dad playing guitar
C. Babies dance
Negative reinforcement:
This is a clip from Lion King 1½ when Pumba and Timon are coming to see Simba for the first time. Pumba has a gas problem, and he doesn’t want to go into the crowd.
1. The behavior is Pumba walking through a crowd
2. The consequence of walking through a crowd is Pumba can ‘knock out’ other animals with his gas problem
3. The consequence will decrease the behavior because Pumba doesn’t want to make animals pass out
4. The consequence decreases the times that Pumba will walk into crowds
5. The antecedent is seeing Simba
A. Seeing Simba
B. Walking in a crowd
C. Pumba passing gas and knocking out other animals
Terms: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
This first clip is of a kitten taking itself out of a situation as punishment to the dog for starting to get just a little too rough while playing.
1. The behavior is the dog playing a little too rough with the kitten.
2. The consequence is that the kitten gets away from the dog
3. The consequence will decrease this behavior because the kitten would no longer play with it.
4. The consequence involves losing the kitten as a play mate.
5. The antecedent is the little kitten playing with the dog.
A. Little kitten playing with a dog.
B. The dog starts playing a little too rough.
C. The kitten leaves and the dog can’t play with it anymore.
This is an example of negative punishment because the likelihood of the dog playing rough with the kitten will decrease because the dog doesn’t have anyone to play with anymore.
This other clip is from the Big Bang Theory where Sheldon “chocolate trains” Penny by trying to modify her behavior by giving her chololate.
1. The behavior is Penny doing the appropriate thing in Sheldon’s mind
2. The consequence of Penny doing the correct behavior to Sheldon she gets a chocolate.
3. The consequence will increase Penny doing what Sheldon likes.
4. The consequence involves the addition of chocolate.
5. The antecedent is always being around Sheldon.
A: Being around Sheldon.
B: Acting how he wants her too (correctly).
C: Getting a chocolate.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement because you are increasing the likelihood of the behavior Sheldon likes by adding something desirable.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
Clip #1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81xkopVYfys
This is the scene from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" when Snow White is being left alone at the cottage for the first time by herself while the dwarfs go off to the mines. To reassure them that she will be careful, she gives each of them a kiss on the top of their head.
1. The behavior is Snow White kissing the dwarfs.
2. The consequence is that the dwarfs trust and care about her more.
3. The consequence will increase Snow White's willingness to give the dwarfs a kiss in the morning.
4. The consequence involves the addition of trust and caring.
5. The antecedent is the dwarfs' cottage.
A= The cottage.
B= Snow White kissing the dwarfs on the head.
C= The dwarfs trust and care for her.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
Clip #2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML4zbQfF_NU
This is the scene from "Sleeping Beauty" when Aurora is crying in the castle by herself, and then she gets put in a trance by Maleficent, and ultimately pricks her finger to fall into a deep sleep.
1. The behavior is Aurora getting put into a trance by Maleficent.
2. The consequence is pricking her finger on the spinning wheel.
3. The consequence will decrease Aurora's ability to be put in a trance because she will be in a deep sleep.
4. The consequence involves the removal of Aurora's consciousness and self-control.
5. The antecedent is the castle bedroom.
A= Castle bedroom.
B= Aurora is put into a trance.
C= She pricks her finger.
This clip is an example of negative punishment.
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Positive reinforcement, Negative punishment
In this clip from Mean Girls, Karen and Gretchen tell Regina that she can’t sit with them at lunch because she wore sweatpants on a Monday, which is against their rules.
1. The behavior is Regina wearing sweatpants on a Monday
2. The consequence of the behavior is Karen and Gretchen telling Regina she can’t sit with them
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because Regina wants to sit at the table with Karen and Gretchen, so she will be less likely to wear sweatpants on a Monday
4. The consequence involves the removal of Regina’s table privileges
5. The antecedent is all of the girls eating lunch
A: Girls eating lunch
B: Regina’s wearing sweatpants and it is Monday
C: Karen and Gretchen tell Regina she can’t sit with them
This is an example of negative punishment
In this clip, the dog Artemus sits when his owner tells him to do so and then receives a treat for it.
1. The behavior is Artemus sitting when his owner tells him to
2. The consequence of the behavior is Artemus getting a treat
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Artemus wants more treats, and is therefore going to sit when his owner tells him to
4. The consequence involves the addition of treats
5. The antecedent is Artemus in the garage with his owner
A: In the garage
B: Artemus sits when his owner tells him to
C: Owner gives Artemus a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement
Terms: behavior, consequence, antecedent, negative, positive, punishment, reinforcement
A young couple is at a play. The male has no interest in being there, but he is dating a “brainy girl” and wants to make her happy. He wants her to be impressed by his sensitive side. The young man puts eye drops into his eye so it appears that he has been crying in order to impress the girl. Since she thinks he is crying she touches his arm to comfort him, from the young girl’s expression you can tell she is in awe of him. He knows that “this performance” is increasing his chances of staying with her and of having sexual relations with her. So, by faking tears he is getting closer to being with her. A= faking tears B= the young girl comforting him C= The young man will be closer to sexual relations with the girl. In this video positive reinforcement happens.
A male driver is pulled over by an Indiana policeman. He receives a ticket for driving 66 in a 55. The driver claims that he thought he was only going 60. The ticket he is receiving is punishment for not following the law and driving faster than the speed limit. This consequence will decrease the likelihood that this male will continue to not drive the speed limit. The antecedent is speeding. So, A=speeding B= getting pulled over and receiving a speeding ticket C= The male driver is less likely to continue to speed. This is an example of negative punishment.
This is the first episode from the disney show Recess. In this episode TJ gets in trouble by sneaking into the cafeteria to find the "good food". He gets punished by staying inside during recess while his friends try to help him get out.
1.TJ sneaks into the cafeteria
2.Stay in cafeteria during recess aversive valence
3.Typically decrease behavior, But TJ is a crazy kid
4.Addition of new foods to eat
B.Stealing food
C.Gets in trouble
Negative Punishment
Mozart critiques Salieri's composition in honor of his visit.
1.Playing the harpsichord
2.Making critiques to the composition
3.Increase behavior because of pleasure
4.Addition because he is adding to something
5.Antecedent is Kings Chambers
A.Kings Chamber
B.Playing harpsichord
C.Variation of original song
Positive Reinforcement
Antecedent,Consequence,Desirable,Aversive,Negative Punishment,Positive Reinforcement,Pleasure
The first video is of a little dog whose owner has put a treat right on top of his nose. In order to get the treat he has to keep it on his nose while his owner commands him to "stay" for about 4 seconds, when the owner says "okay" the dog eats it.
1. The behavior is the dog keeping the treat on his nose
2. The consequence of this behavior is the dog gets to eat the treat
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the dog wants more treats
4. The consequence involved the addition of the treat
5. The antecedent is the owner placing the treat on the dog's nose
A= Owner puts treat on dog's nose
B= Dog keeping the treat on his nose without eating it
C= Dog getting to eat treat when the owner says he can
This is an example of positive reinforcement, because the dog wants to eat the treat. He has learned that if he keeps the treat on his nose for a few seconds without eating it until his owner says it's okay, he will get to eat the treat. If he does not do this then he will not get the treat.
This video is of a fawn lost without her mom. A cat keeps cuddling up to the baby deer. The mom eventually finds her and guides her across the street. The cat keeps following them, but they don't pay any attention to it. The mom then sees a big black dog (minding its own business), but she thinks the dog will attack her baby. She charges at the dog and beats it repeatedly with her hoofs. She then leaves and charges at the cat.
1. The behavior is the dog getting attacked by the deer
2. The consequence of the behavior is the dog is seriously injured
3. The consequence will definitely decrease the frequency of the behavior
4. The consequence decreases the likelihood of the dog going near a deer again
5. The antecedent is the deer seeing the dog
A= Deer seeing the dog
B= Dog getting attacked
C= Dog getting injured
This is an example of negative punishment, because the likelihood of the dog going near a deer or fawn again is decreased since the dog was seriously injured.
Terms: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence,Positive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
1) Wearing Axe products
2) Women will want you
3) It will increase the use of the product
4) It involves the addition of a scent/product
5) Being a man
A) If your a man
B) Wear Axe
C) Women will want you
Positive Reinforcement
1) Doing Drugs
2) Wear a sign saying what you did
3)It will decrease the chances of you doing drugs
4) It involves the addition of the sign and of humiliation.
5)Living with your mom
A) Living with your Mom
B) You do Drugs
C) She makes you wear an embarrassing sign
Positive Punishment
Positive Punishment, Positive Reinforcement, Antecedent,
The above clip was directed by Ray Zablocki.
The video is set to a song by Nine Inch Nails called Every Day is Exactly the Same. In the video, a man finds a book that he is intrigued by. He reads the book until the sun comes up. He begins to push aside his other work and other priorities to read the book. He reads standing up, sitting down, in the corner, in bed, etc. The individual seems to be drawn to the book, or the material in the book, which leads me to believe that it is a reinforcer of sorts. Without knowing what it is the man is reading, it is hard for me to know why he continues to be reinforced. It is possible that the individual already had ideas that are now being reinforced, or the book could hold "answers" in which he has been searching for, which increases the frequency of the behavior. The frequency increases and increases, until everyday seems to be the same for individual. The repetition seems to change the man. He looks different and he begins acted different. By the end of the book, the man is screaming and it seems as though he is losing his mind.
Although this seems to be a negative consequence, I do not know if the consequence has brought a stop to his continuous reading of the same material.
A=Finding of the book
B=Continuous reading, day after day
C=Screaming and Frustration
Negative Reinforcement
The above clip is a trailer from the movie The Squid and the Whale. The movie is about a family experiencing divorce. In one particular scene of the clip, the eldest son states that he will no longer stay with his mother because he finds out that his mother has cheated on his father. I feel the child communicating this is a form of punishment toward his mother. The consequence of this decision is the mother feeling hurt and telling her child that he sounds like his father.
A=Family going through divorce
B=Children taking sides between mother and father
C=Mother feels hurt by son's decision
This may feel like positive punishment to the son and negative punishment to his mother
These clips are JennaMarbles clips. In this first clip, “Adele” won’t leave Jenna alone.
1) The behavior is Adele showing up, unannounced
2) The consequence is Jenna yelling.
3) The consequence will decrease the behavior.
4) The consequence doesn’t add or remove anything
5) The antecedent is Jenna being alone.
A) Jenna is alone.
B) Adele shows up, unannounced
C) Jenna yells
This clip is an example of punishment.
In this second clip, Jenna teaches you to how to trick people into thinking your good-looking.
1) The behavior is Jenna putting on makeup
2) The consequence is that people think she’s good looking.
3) The consequence will increase the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of makeup
5) The antecedent is that Jenna is ugly.
A) Jenna is ugly.
B) Jenna puts on makeup.
C) People think she’s good looking.
This clip is an example of positive reinforcement.
Terminology: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Punishment, Positive Reinforcement.
Week 2 – For Thursday
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZwMLGb0M48 “Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (Rights Reserved) Training Program”
In this clip an overview of Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (rights reserved) Training Program is provided. Bits from parts of the program are shown to communicate the purpose and values of these programs.
Video 1:40 time shows a space comfort exercise. The instructor inspires participation by staying cheerful and saying things such as “good” “very good” and smiling and keeping mood light.
Here in the group exercise;
A: Two individuals standing about 10 ft. across from one another
B: One individual walks toward the other, one individual puts hand up when comfort space limit is reached
C: Walking individual respects boundaries and stops approach
This can be example of positive reinforcement because participants respect one another and instructor praises with positive affirmations. Thanks!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBe4A32fpyI&list=PL7FB042DE67C78544&index=2&feature=plpp_video De escalation Techniques
In this clip Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (rights reserved) provides a preview of some de escalation techniques.
Video 4:40 time describes nonverbal technique of providing about a leg-length space between a care giver and a person in crisis (individual case basis as well). Here video shows a “supportive stance” (rights reserved.
A: Person in crisis
B: Caregiver respects personal space and stands off to side to avoid confrontation
C: assists in avoided further crisis and assists in facilitating support
This can be positive punishment because caregiver needs to approach individual in crisis but does not intrude personal space. Thanks!! 8/30/12 @ 1227 hrs. Centric Time. ebs
The scene is from the TV show The Office and starts out with Dwight arriving to work to find his desk wrapped in police tape. He proceeds to ask other office workers if they have seen or heard anything. Jim tries to tell him that it is just a prank and he can walk in it and take it off but Dwight informs him that he is a voluntary sheriff’s deputy on the weekends and it is real police tape at which you do not mess with. Jim calls Pam the secretary (at which you know it’s his prank) and she tells Dwight that it’s the Sheriff and he wants to talk to him regarding the desk. She transfers it to his phone that he doesn’t want to touch because it could be evidence so Jim does and he freaks out.
1. The target behavior is the prank.
2. The consequence of this behavior is Dwight falls into the joke and people smile and laugh.
3. The consequence is reinforcement since it was a success (Dwight fell for it) and it got reactions such as laughs and smiles.
4. The consequence involves addition to do another prank.
5. The antecedent is going to work
A=Going to work
B=Prank being done
C= smiles and laughs
This is an example of positive reinforcement because you are increasing the frequency that Jim will play another prank on Dwight.
This is another scene from The Office in which Dwight begs Michael to let him tell a joke, Michael lets him and Dwight slaps Michael in the face.
1. The target behavior is the joke
2. The consequence of this behavior is to Michael hits Dwight.
3. It will decrease the frequency of the behavior.
4. The consequence involves an addition of hitting.
5. The antecedent is the office space.
A=At work
B=Telling a joke
C=Gets hit
The outcome was aversive and was an example of positive punishment because it decreased the frequency that Dwight would tell another joke to Michael.
This is a clip of a high school student, ranting about how he "hates lazy people". He is very adamant on claiming that he is not a lazy person, and due to other's laziness he is being hurt. He is giving a brief description of a class, claiming that other people are being lazy, and giving his opinions on the problem. By the end of this video he has increased the volume of his voice, and used selective word choice. He is noticeably angry by the end, and claims that he needs to stop before he hurts someone.
1. The behavior is this kid, yelling angrily, about lazy people.
2. The consequence of this behavior is looking like a jerk.
3. The consequence will probably lesson this behavior, due to his ranting, and yelling. However, his anger will probably be a problem.
4. The consequence involves him yelling and getting mad.
5. The antecedent is making a video, at home.
A: Making a video at home
B: This kid gets mad about lazy people
C: He looks like a jerk.
This is an example of negative punishment. I classify this as negative punishment because of the comments, and the dis-likes on the video. It is easy to see that the people in his weight lifting class did not appreciate the video, so due to the video he probably has less friends.
In this video a girl is constantly being interrupted by Adele. Adele continues to pop up out of no where, and invite herself to Jenna's events, and daily life. Jenna continues to inform Adele that she was not invited, and that she cannot just show up. Adele does not listen to these advances, and continues to pop in on Jenna. By the end of this movie, Jenna tells Adele that her behavior is unacceptable, but due to Adele's failure to listen; Jenna is the one who ends up leaving.
1. The behavior of Jenna is telling Adele that she cannot join them.
2. The consequence is Adele continuing to pop in.
3. The consequence will continue the previous action due to Adele's inability to listen.
4. The consequence involves Adele inviting herself to Jenna's home.
5. The antecedent is Jenna's daily life.
A: In Jenna's daily life
B: Adele pops in
C: Jenna leaves
This is an example of positive punishment. Although Adele would not leave she was still taught an important lesson, when Jenna walked out, that people need their alone time. Adele was also shown that she cannot invite herself over to someone else's house without their expressed consent.
Terms: Positive Punishment; Negative Punishment; Consequence; Behavior: Antecedent;
This clip is a Neutrogena Facewash commercial where a female actress uses the face wash to remove the daily dirt and oils from her face.
1.The behavior is the actress washing her face with the facewash
2.The consequence is getting clear skin
3.The consequence will increase the usage of the face wash.
4.The consequence involves the removal of daily dirt and oils
5.The antecedent is having facial daily dirt and oils
A: Having a dirty and oily face
B: Using the face wash
C: A clear, dirt free face
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement.
This clip is from a campaign telling viewers to not drink and drive by showing that the cops will see you before you see them. The clip shows a couple drinking, getting into a car, swerving, and the cop car seeing the horrible driving and pulling the couple over.
1.The behavior is the couple driving under the influence
2.The consequence is getting pulled over by the officer in the cop car
3.The consequence will decrease the frequency because the couple will get a ticket, and possibly jail time.
4.The consequence involves the removal of alcohol from driving
5.The antecedent is drinking before getting into the car
A: Drinking before driving
B: Getting pulled over by the cops
C: Getting a ticket
This is an example of positive punishment. The couple gets punished for drinking and driving, but it will keep the couple from drinking and driving in the future, being a positive outcome
Terms: Positive Punishment, Consequences, Behavior, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement
This is a video of a group of elephants drinking water when an alligator jumps up and bites one of their trunks. Eventually the elephant breaks free.
1) The behavior is drinking water in an open body of water. When the alligator bites the elephant, this punishes the elephant for not being more careful in the water.
2) The consequence is getting bitten on the trunk.
3) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior
4) The consequence is the addition of pain, an object with negative valence.
5) The antecedent is being in the wild
A= In the wild
B= drinking from a lake
C= being bit by an alligator
This is an example of positive punishment
This hilarious video is of two hamsters running on a horizontal wheel. It seems like the hamsters enjoy it, even though they fall often and spin very quickly.
1) The behavior is running on the wheel and this illustrates reinforcement.
2) The consequence is having fun
3) The consequence will increase the behavior
4) This is the addition of fun, with has positive valence
5) The antecedent is being in a cage
A= in a cage
B= running on the wheel
C= Having fun
This is an example of positive reinforcement
Terms: behavior, antecedent, consequence, valence, positive/negative punishment/reinforcement
The is a clip from Finding Nemo. It's the scene when he feels the need to swim out to the boat to prove his dad and friends that he is not afraid to swim.
1. Nemo swims to the boat to show his dad he's not a baby and to prove to his friends that he's not afraid
2. The consequence of the behavior is that he gets snatched up by the scubadiver
3. The consequemce will decrease the action because he was taken away
4. the scuba diver took him away
5. The antecedent was getting taken away
A. Plays with fish
B. Swims to boat
C. gets taken away
This was an example of positive puinishment because Nemo will no longer swim out to boats and he will listen to his dad.
This is a clip of Disney Pixars Monsters Inc. In this scene Sully goes around and scares little kids in order to get on top of the charts.
1. Sully collects his door
2. He walks in and scares the kid
3. It will increase the action because it turned out to be a successful scare
4. It involves adding points to the scare chart
5. The antecedant was getting recharging the battery and collecting points
A- Collects dorr
B- Scares child
C. Comes in first for scare chart
This was an example of positive reinforcement because everytime they scared a child, the recharged a battery and gained points for the scare charts.
Terms used: Antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment, consequence, behavior
This is a clip from “Open Season” (the bear Boog and the deer Elliot cartoon movie). In this movie, Elliot the deer came uninvited to Boog the beer house. When Boog welcomed Elliot, Elliot calls him a pet, making Boog guilty of his true identity but, Boog denies that. Few minutes later Elliot was eating a mix chocolate bar of which Boog liked and wanted some but Elliot told him if he want some, he needs to go outside.
1.The behavior is Boog getting out of the house
2.The consequences of the behavior is that Boog gets the mix chocolate bar
3.The consequences will increase the frequency of the behavior because Boog seems to love chocolate even though it was his first time seeing it. This will lead or make him to do anything to get that bar.
4.The consequences involves the addiction of the chocolate bar to Boog
5.The antecedent is hanging out in the house
A: Hanging out in the house
B: Boog gets out of the house
C: Boog gets the mix chocolate bar
This is an example of a positive reinforcement.
This is another clip from “Open Season” which tells that humans used to rule everything in the jungle area but now, change has come. Those in the jungle now rules the jungle which are the animals living there. All the animals got together to successfully drive out the human.
1.The behavior is being driven out
2.The consequences of the behavior are that humans no longer have authority over the jungle and the animals.
3.The consequences will decrease the behavior because humans like to have power over everything (jungle and animals) and do not like to give that kind of power up.
4.The consequence involves the addiction of being driven out by all of the animals.
5.The antecedent is fleeing
A: Being driven out
B: Fleeing
C: No longer have authority
This is an example of a positive punishment because you are decreasing the behavior in that; humans no longer have authority over everything. But you are adding new situation such as, the animals ruling.
Terms: Behavior, Consequences, Antecedent, Positive, Fleeing, Jungle, Reinforcement, identity, Authority
Reinforcement: World Record Jump
1. A man makes a long jump in front of many people.
2. He lands safely before witnesses and create a new world record.
3. The consequence increases the frequency when he receives award, honor, and cheering from people.
4. The consequence adds proud, physical gain, and social reputation to him.
5. Many people gather and wait for what the man plans to do.
6.A. People wait. B. Man makes a world record jump before them. C. People cheer and give award.
7. Positive reinforcement.
Punishment: Car Crash
1. A driver violates traffic rules.
2. People die and get injured. A Ferrari becomes scrap metal.
3. The consequence decreases the frequency of behavior. The driver is dead.
4. The consequence removes the ability to drive from the person once alive.
5. Someone drives a Ferrari in urban area.
6.A. People drive in a city. B. Someone break traffic rules. C. People are hurt or killed. A Ferrari is junked.
7. Negative punishment.
Positive reinforcement, consequence, negative punishment
This is a commercial for the product, Oreo Fudge Cremes. It is suppose to show how the taste is indescribably good!
1.) The behavior is the parents eating an Oreo Fudge Creme.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is the reaction to the taste that is indescribably good.
3.) The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because the taste is so indescribably good.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of the Oreo Fudge Cremes.
5.) The antecedent is the plate of Oreo Fudge Cremes on the kitchen table.
A: Plate of Oreo Fudge Cremes on the kitchen table
B: Parents eating an Oreo Fudge Creme.
C: The reaction to the taste that is indescribably good
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This is a commercial for the product, Stride gum. It is telling the television viewers about Stride gum's long lasting flavor by warning them to chew another piece.
1.) The behavior is the guy chewing a piece of Stride gum.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is the guy being hit in the stomach by a ram till he spits out the gum.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the guy does not enjoy getting hit in the stomach by a ram and will do what he can to avoid it and that means spitting out the Stride gum.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of the ram hitting the guy in the stomach.
5.) The antecedent is the guy walking across the street on his phone.
A: The guy walking across the street on his phone
B: The guy chewing a piece of Stride gum
C: The guy being hit in the stomach by a ram till he spits his gum out
This is an example of positive punishment.
Terms: Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, and Positive Punishment
This clip is about how a mother is being picked up for a date by a new man. She invites him in and introduces her young son, then goes off to finish getting ready for the date. The man sits down and starts to talk to her son. As that is happening, he is grabbing a Dorito and promptly the son slaps the man and then begins to threaten him about grabbing his Doritos and touching his mom.
1.] The target behavior is the slap and threats from the son.
2.] The consequence of the behavior was causing the man to be scared of the son.
3.] The consequence will decrease the frequency of his behavior for fear of the son.
4.] The consequence involves the removal of the Dorito and the removal of being able to touch his mother.
5.] The antecedent is meeting the son and grabbing the Dorito at the mother and child's home.
A= The meeting of the son and grabbing the Dorito chip.
B= The son slapping and threatening the man
C= Being fearful of the son
This was an example of Negative Punishment
This short clip is about a friend that hands his two friends a drink. One is a MGD 64 and the other one was 64 calories of another beer. The friend with the MDG 64 then sets his drink on the 64 calorie beer to show the comparison of how much more beer he has in the MGD 64. It becomes an awkward moment between the friends.
1.] The behavior is the embarrassing moment between the friends because his choice in beer.
2.] The consequence of the behavior is being embarrassed from the aversive response from his friends and thirsty.
3.] The consequence of this behavior with increase the likeliness that he will start drinking more MGD 64.
4.] The consequence will become an addition of drinking MDG 64.
5.] The antecedent is the party surrounded by people.
A= The party surrounded by people
B= Receiving only 64 calories of beer (not MGD 64)
C= Being embarrassed and thirsty
This is an example of negative reinforcement
Terms: Negative Punishment, Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, Negative Reinforcement, and Aversive
I want to revise the last clip.
1.] The behavior is the receiving of the MGD 64 while his friend is drinking only 64 calories of beer.
2.] The consequence of the behavior is the jealousy from his friend because he has a full beer.
3.] The consequence of this behavior will increase the likeliness that he will continue to drink MGD 64 because of how much beer he gets.
4.] The consequence will become an addition of drinking MGD 64.
5.] The antecedent is the party surrounded by people.
A=The party surrounded by people
B= Received the MGD 64 and his friend received 64 calories of beer
C= The man who received the MGD 64 expresses slight disappointment in his friend for his drink choice.
This is an example of positive reinforcement
This clip is from Two and a Half Men. Charlie goes to talk to his therapist about an incident with his girlfriend Chelsie.
1) The behavior is Charlie talks to his therapist
2) The consequence is she listens to him and asking questions
3) This will increase the frequency of his behavior because feels reassured in opening up and talking about how he feels.
4) The consequence involves the addition of her listening to what he says and asking more about how he feels.
5) The antecedent is being at the therapist
A=At the therapist
B=Charlie talking
C=Therapist listening and asking questions about how he feels
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
This video is about a 13 year old boy getting caught smoking marijuana and his mother makes him walk on the side of a busy street with a sign that says "smoked pot, got caught."
1)The behavior is the boy walking on the street with the sign.
2) The consequence is he is embarrassed and won't smoke pot again.
3) This will decrease the frequency of him smoking pot because he was embarrassed and doesn't want to have to walk with that sign again.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something (embarrassment)
5) The antecedent is him getting caught smoking pot.
A=Boy getting caught smoking pot
B=Boy walking on the street with sign
C= Boy is embarrassed
This is an example of positive punishment.
List of terms: positive punishment, antecedent, consequence, behavior, positive reinforcement
Ryan is sitting on the couch while Wilfred is standing up. Ryan uses a clicker and Wilfred sits down. Ryan explains that he gives Wilfred a treat every time he sits down after Ryan uses the clicker.
1. Wilfred sitting down on the couch
2. Wilfred gets a treat
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because Wilfred with associate the treat with sitting down on the couch
4. It involves adding something. Wilfred is given a treat as a reward for sitting down on the couch instead of standing up
5. Standing up
A= Wilfred standing up
B= Wilfred sits down
C= Wilfred gets a treat
This is an example of positive reinforcement.
Wilfred season 1 episode 6 around 3:30 in the show
I couldn’t find the clip anywhere online but the show is on Netflix. The main characters are in the backyard eating barbecue and talking when Wilfred grabs a piece of food from the table and Drew smacks him with a rolled up newspaper.
1. Wilfred taking food from the table
2. Drew hitting Wilfred with the rolled up newspaper
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because Wilfred doesn’t like getting hit with the newspaper and will associate it with taking food from the table
4. It involves subtracting something. Drew hitting Wilfred with the newspaper removes the food from Wilfred’s mouth
5. Being in the backyard eating
A= in the backyard eating
B= Wilfred takes food from table
C= Drew hits Wilfred with newspaper
This is an example of positive punishment.
This is a clip displaying punishment. It is a scene from The Holiday. The target behavior is the shoe throwing, which results in an apology and explaination from her boyfriend in attempt to resolve the issue at hand. That apology is the consequence. The shoe throwing is the punishing factor. He probably would have said: "Having a shoe thrown at me was threatening". This was a negative valence because it was undesireable. He clearly is not enjoying this action. The antecedent here would be a heated argument between girlfriend and boyfriend. In this case there was an addition of an undesireable action. This works as a punishment procedure because the punisher would decrease the boyfriend's tendency to emit the behavior of lying to his girlfriend.
A= heated argument between girlfriend and boyfriend.
B= girlfriend throwing shoes out of anger.
C= apology and explanation from the boyfriend.
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2hPpn4_Kcw
This clip is one from Alice in Wonderland. It displays reinforcement. The target behavior is Alice drinking the shrinking potion the queen prepared. Consequently, she shrinks back to normal size; This is the postive valence. A desireable outcome occured. "I am back to my normal size again, thank god!" she may have been thinking. This is a reinforcement procedure because the antecedent is Alice being a giant, she drinks the potion, then shrinks back down. This potion, being the addition of a pleaurable substance, would incline Alice to emit the behavior of accepting shrinking potions from the queen again if she ever needs it because it worked properly.
A= Alice is a giant.
B= drinks the queens potion.
C= shrinks to normal size.
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75ICET3kQwE
terminology: (within both) reinforcement, punishment, poitive valence, negative valence, emit, punisher.
This is a clip from the TV show Full House where Uncle Jesse is trying to find out what secret his wife is keeping from him about her party. He tries to get the secret out of his niece Michelle. He knows Michelle is a big fan of ice cream and tells her she can have a big bowl of it if she tells him the secret.
1. The behavior is getting Michelle to tell the secret
2. The consequence of this is finding out the secret
3. The consequence of this will increase the frequency of the behavior because he found of the secret
4. The consequence involves giving Michelle ice cream (addition)
5. The antecedent is at the kitchen table
A. the kitchen table
B. getting Michelle to tell the secret
C. finds out the secret
This is an example of positive reinforcement
This clip is about how cops are cracking down on seat belt violations. The cops are going to give out tickets to those who are not wearing a seat belt. “Click it or Ticket”
1. The behavior is driving without a seat belt on
2. The consequence is getting a ticket from the cops
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because you will get a ticket from the cops
4. The consequence involves the addition of getting a ticket
5. Driving in a car
A. Driving in a car
B. Driving without a seat belt on
C. Getting a ticket from the cops
This is an example of positive punishment
Terms: behavior, consequences, antecedent, positive reinforcement, positive punishment
Sheldon wants Penny not to talk as much, so he decides that he is going to use positive reinforcement to get her to change her behavior of talking all the time. Every time she stops talking Sheldon gives her a chocolate. The consequence will cause Penny to stop talking more so she can receive her reinforcement. The consequence involves the addition of chocolates. Sheldon's apartment is the antecedent.
A= Sheldon's backyard
B= Penny stops talking
C= Gets a piece of chocolate
This is positive reinforcement.
Coach Taylor wants to motivate his players to perform their best and win games. The behavior he uses is a motivational speech, specifically "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!!" The reinforcement for the behavior is that the players give their best effort to win the game. The consequence causes the addition of inspiration, and wins. The antecedent is in the locker room.
A= Locker room
B= Coach Taylor's speech
C= Motivation, victory
This is positive reinforcement.
This is a clip of jennifer hudson singing about starting weight watchers and believing in yourself
1.Weight Watchers
2. Losing Weight
3. Will make them feel better about themselves
4. causes a decrease in weight
5. In a room
A. In a Room
B. Singing about Weight Watchers
C. Lose Weight
Postive Reinforcement
This is a clip from snow white and eating the poisoned apple.
1.Eating the Posion Apple
2.Being Posioned
3.Decrease the behavior because she gets sick from the apple
4.there is a addition of the poisoned apple
5. In the Cottage
A.In the Cottage
B.Eating the Poisened apple
C.Getting Sick
Negative Punishment
Terms: Postive Reinforcement, Negative Punishment
This clip is about a family man who wins a soccor game and goes to the bar and celebrates by drinking before going heading home. He than crashes, killing a small child.
1. Target beavior is the man drinking and driving.
2. Consequence of behavior is the man crashing and killing the child.
3. Consequence will decrease behavior because he wont even have a liscense and will probably be in jail.
4. The consequence involves the addition of driving.
5. The antecedent is drinking.
A= Drinking.
B= Driving after drinking.
C= Crashing car.
This is an example of negative punishment.
Terms used: Negative Punishment,Consequence, Antecedent, Behavior.
This video clip is the scene from pinacho where he lies to the fairy and his nose grows as a result.
1. Target behavior is lying.
2. Consequence of behavior is Pinacho's nose growing.
3. Consequence will decrease behavior because if he doesn't lie, his nose will remain normal.
4. The consequence involves the the addition of Pinacho's nose growing.
5. The antecedent is Pinacho sitting in a cage (jail).
A= Pinacho sitting in a cage (jail).
B= Lying to fairy.
C= Nose growing.
This is an example of negative reinforcement. If he lies, than his nose will grow as a result.
Terms used: Negative reinforcement, ABC's, Target Behavior.
Clip 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95WhEeXXCpI
I love old shows and cartoons (as my future clip posts will show in time) and so I picked this clip because it really shows punished behavior. The clip is from the show Dinosaurs (1991-1994) and it features the baby dinosaur of the family trying to eat his own tail. 1) The BEHAVIOR is continually biting his tail to try to eat it. That’s all the clip shows so it shouldn’t be too hard to miss. 2) The CONSEQUENCE of trying to eat a part of your own body is pain. A lot of pain. 3) In this clip it takes until the third try when Baby Sinclair finally connects that stabbing the pink thing and trying to eat it will only cause him pain and he shouldn’t do that. But as far as I can remember this is the only time when he takes a fork to his own tail, so I’m going to say that the FREQUENCY of the BEHAVIOR DECREASED. 4) The CONSEQUENCE centered on the addition of pain. 5) In his highchair in the kitchen. You can’t really see it in this clip but that is where Baby Sinclair spent most of his time in the show.
A= In the kitchen.
B= Stabbing tail with fork.
C= Screaming in pain.
I would say this in an example of POSITIVE PUNISHMENT because pain as a CONSEQUENCE typically results in a DECREASE OF BEHVIOR. And it is POSITIVE because the pain is being added and not taken away.
Clip 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weHHBdmI_Jw
Keeping with the dinosaur theme (wasn’t initially intentional), I chose a clip from the movie The Land Before Time (1988). Just so this makes sense, I will use how the dinosaurs identified themselves in the movie when talking about the characters for this post so that when you watch the clip you will have a better chance of recognizing who is who. This movie was directed towards little kids when it was made and using words like ‘brontosaurus’ would have been hard to understand for someone under the age of ten. The movie is about five dinosaurs that are traveling to meet up with their families in ‘The Great Valley’, aka: a valley with no carnivores and food for herbivores. In this clip, they are trying to escape and/or not get eaten by a sharptooth (T. Rex). I picked this clip because throughout most of the movie Petrie (the flyer) is afraid to fly and in this clip he learns to fly when before all he could really do was glide to the ground from a high point. The other characters seen in this clip are; Littlefoot (the long neck), Ducky (the swimmer), Spike (the spike tail), and Cera (the three horn). 1) The BEHAVIOR is flying. 2) The main CONSEQUENCE that Petrie is trying to avoid is getting eaten. For reference, here is the clip that also shows his fear of heights and inability to fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR1XzVQnfqY&feature=relmfu. 3) The CONSEQUENCE results in Petrie knowing how to fly and not being afraid. I know this for a fact I have seen the other movies in this series. 4) It involved removing the chance of getting eaten. 5) The scene takes place on the side/edge of a cliff.
A= On the side of a cliff.
B= Flying.
C= Not getting eaten.
This clip shows NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT when Petrie is attempting to fly for the first time. NEGATIVE because it is taking away fear and getting eaten. And it is REDINFORCEMENT because once he has learned the behavior he started to fly all the time (INCREASED FREQUENCY of the BEHAVIOR).
I capitalized all of my term words that I used.
Clip 1.)
This clip is from a cartoon titled "Sheep In The Island." The clip is somewhat long so I focused on a target behavior in the opening scence. The sheep is shipwrecked and is stuck in a crate. The sheep bounces against rocks while in the crate. Finally the crate opens up and the sheep is free.
1. Target Behavior: Bouncing against the rocks while inside the crate.
2. Consequence: Crate opens up, freeing the sheep
3. This will increase the frequency of the sheep bouncing crates against rocks.
4. The consequence ivolves the removal of the crate
5. Antecedent: Being shipwrecked on an island
A = Shipwrecked on an island
B = Bouncing the crate against rocks while inside it
C = Crate opens up, freeing the sheep
This would be an example of Negative Reinforcement. The sheep's behavior of bouncing the crate against rocks is being reinforced by the crate opeing up which will increase the frequency of the sheep bouncing the crate against rocks. It is Negative because the crate, which is aversive, is being taken away.
Clip 2.)
This clip is a movie trailer for Monsters Inc. 2. It's a short clip where Mike has fallen asleep and left the door unlocked. Sully has snuck in and glued reflective disco ball pieces to Mike's body. I am focusing on Mike's behavior for my example.
1. Target Behavior: Fell asleep with the door unlocked.
2. Consequence: Sully snuck in and glued reflective pieces on him.
3. This will decrease the frequency of Mike falling asleep with the door unlocked.
4. Consequence involes the addition of the glued on disco ball pieces.
5. Antecedent: Being at college
A = Being at college
B = Falling asleep with the door unlocked
C = Having reflective disco ball pieces glued on him
This is an example of Positive Punishment. Mike's behavior of leaving the door unlocked was punished by Sully sneaking in and glueing reflective disco ball pieces on him. This will decrease the frequency of Mike leaving the door unlocked. It is Positive because the reflective disco ball pieces are aversive and being added.
Terms used:
Target Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Increase Frequency, Decrease Frequency, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Aversive
Clip 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rwLfx0Z9AA
The first clip I used was a very simple clip. It shows an owner trying to get her donkey to cross a tarp. In order to achieve this she coaxes the donkey with food.
1. The donkey doesn't want to walk across the tarp.
2. Every step the donkey takes, the owner gives the
donkey another bite of food.
3. This increses the behavior of getting the donkey
to walk across the tarp or other things besides
the bare ground.
4. This is an addition because it is adding a
5. The anecedant is training the donkey to do be
comfortable walking across the tarp
A--> Training the donkey
B--> Walking across a tarp
C--> The donkey receives food
This is positive reinforcement because recieving food is a positive consequence to walking on the tarp
Clip 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsusakRf7T8
The second clip I used is a clip from the movie Toy Story. The scene is towards the end of the film when Woody is trying to save Buzz from Sid. Sid's version of playing with toys is destroying them. The toys decide that they want to teach Sid a lesson so the devise a plan. They reveal to him that they are really alive and it scares him so much that he becomes afraid of all toys.
1. Sid is destroying the toys and the toys want to
get back at him.
2. The boy becomes afraid of the toys and doesn't
destroy toys anymore.
3. Because the toys showed Sid that they were alive it
scares him so much that he won't do it anymore.
4. This is removal because it is stopping a behavior.
5. Sid destroying the toys
A--> Boy destroys toys
B--> Toys come to life and scare him
C--> Boy doesn't destroy toys anymore.
This is a form of negative punishment because the boy will remember the toys coming to life which scares him so it is stopping the behavior of destroying toys.
Terms: Positive reinforcement, Negative Punishment, Consequence, Antecedent
This clip is a little bulldog puppy growling/whining and making noise. The behavior that the puppy is emitting is whining and growling. The consequence of the behavior is that the woman talks to the puppy every time he emits the behavior. This shows reinforcement of behavior as the consequence is that the dog gets attention when he makes the sound even though the woman says shush she is still giving a reinforcing consequence, thus the frequency of the behavior will increase. The consequence involves the addition of attention gave to the dog. The antecedent is a new puppy is brought into the home. This is an example of positive reinforcement.
A=Puppy is brought into the home
B=Puppy whines and growls
C=Woman gives him attention
I concentrated on the first part of this video clip where the boy is at a museum and pushes a button when much to his chagrin he is startled by the roar of the T-Rex. The behavior the boy emits is pushing a button on the display. The consequence of this behavior is that he is terrified by the sudden loud noise coming from the dinosaur and the movement. This shows punishment as the consequence is something that is adverse and startling to the boy, so the frequency of the behavior, aka pushing a button, is likely to decrease. The consequence involves the addition of an adverse sound. The antecedent is the boy in a museum. This is an example of negative punishment.
A=At the museum
B=Boy pushes a button
C=T-Rex moves and makes a scary sound