Topics in the News?
What I would like you to do is to continue applying what we are learning in class to real world matters. Some might ask, "What good is learning psychology if we can't apply it to real world matters?" So that is what we are going to do with this week's topical blog assignment.
What I would like you to do is to either go to NPR ( ), the BBC ( ) there are some good news source links at the bottom of the following page ( listed in their news sources) and read, watch, or listen to something that is interesting to you and relates to what we have been learning in the class.
For your news I would like you to briefly describe/summarize your piece. 1) Tell us what behavior (target behavior) you are using that illustrates the reinforced or punished behavior (be careful as there are often many behaviors in a video and you need to isolate the behavior of interest). 2) Next tell us what the consequence of the behavior is. 3) Then tell us how, that consequence either will increase or decrease the frequency of the behavior. 4) Tell us if the consequence involves the addition of something or if it involves the removal of something. 5) Finally tell us to the antecedent is.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
Now state if this is an example of positive reinforcement, positive punishment, negative reinforcement, negative punishment. Tell us if it involves extinction, establishing operations, use as many terms from the chapters we have already covered as you can.
Now find another behavior in the same news piece and repeat the steps (i.e. do it again).
For originality sake, make sure the videos you are not using the same pieces of news the four other students before you just used.
When you are done, copy and paste the URL at the bottom so we can go and see the sources you used.
Since we are trying to get you to use terms we are learning, please either underline the terms used (prob with a word processor cut & paste) or make a list of terms at the bottom of your post.
Let me know if you have any questions.
--Dr. M
A seven year old girl from Oregon has acute lymphoblastic leukemia and has been permitted to use medical marijuana. She is one of the youngest people that emits the behavior of using medical marijuana and her parents are in charge of controlling how much she gets and when. She takes the medical marijuana because it helps with some of the side effects, but there is a chance that it could alter her brains development.
1. The first behavior that I will look at is trying to help get rid of the symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. So the target behavior is to minimize the aversive side effects of leukemia.
2. The consequence to using medical marijuana is that it minimizes the side effects. It helps get rid of the nausea, restlessness, and the loss of appetite.
3. This consequence will increase the frequency in which the child takes the medication because it does help with the side effects.
4. This consequence involves the addition of medical marijuana.
5. The antecedent to this is a young child having cancer.
A- Child with Cancer
B- Takes medical marijuana
C- Gets rid of the side effects of chemotherapy.
This is an example of positive reinforcement. It is positive reinforcement because it has the addition of marijuana and it is reinforcing because it has positive effect.
1. The second behavior that I will look at is the fact that using medical marijuana at such a young age could alter her brains development. So the target behavior here is not getting brain damage.
2. The consequences to using marijuana at such a young age may cause brain damage in the child.
3. This consequence may decrease the behavior of the adults letting their child use medical marijuana.
4. This consequence is the addition of possible brain damage.
5. The antecedent to this is a young child having cancer
A. Child with Cancer
B. Takes medical marijuana
C. Could harm brain development.
This is an example of positive punishment because it is the addition of brain damage, but it is a
punishment because the consequence is aversive.
Terms: Aversive, target behavior, behavior, consequence, frequency, addition, positive reinforcement, reinforcing, emit, positive punishment, punishment, antecedent,
In this article that I found it talks about how teenage girls should be prescribed to the morning after pill so they have fast access to the morning after pill quicker. It states in this article that it is better to take the pill sooner rather than later after having unprotected sex.
1. The behavior I am looking at is if teenagers don’t have fast access to the morning after pill they have a higher risk of having a child at such a young age. The target behavior would be not having a child at a young age.
2. The consequence to not having fast access to the morning after pill will increase your chance of having a child
3. The consequence could decrease the amount of teenagers having unprotected sex
4. This consequence adds the possibilities of teenagers having children
5. The antecendent is teenagers having unprotected sex
A. Teenagers having unprotected sex
B. No fast access to morning after pill
C. Teenagers having children
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because if the teenagers have faster access to the morning after pill then it is less likely for them to have children at such a young age.
The second article I found was about a 19 year old that had a stroke. 1 and 4 people have a tiny hole between the two atria of her heart and no one knows it. If a blood clot sneaks through there it goes to the brain and causes you to have a severe stroke.
1. The behavior I am looking at is if you don’t know if you have this tiny hole by your heart it can cause severe damage. The target behavior would be knowing if you have this tiny hole by your heart.
2. The consequence to not knowing you have this tiny hole can lead to serious damage to yourself and cause a severe stroke.
3. The consequence could increase people’s health if they knew if they had this condition.
4. This consequence adds the possibilities of people having severe health problems and even death.
5. The antecedent would be seeing a doctor
A. Seeing a doctor
B. Knowing if you have the condition of not
C. Staying healthy
This would also be positive reinforcement because if you go to the doctor to see if you are a person to have this condition you are saving yourself from having severe damage to your body and you would be able to be cured and have a healthy life.
Terms: Target behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, consequence
One article on NPR website is about the manner of which music is chosen to fit retail stores and brand identification. The article highlites a professional marketing fellow from Seattle who works consulting for finding good mood fits for stores and commercials to utilized to increase connection and recognition of brand names and products.
The article describes different technologies and how they have incerase the accessibility of music purchases even in places where music is not being sold. This can occur at a coffee shop, for example, and folks use those music identifyer app thingies to actually figure out an artist of a song they like but dont know who sings it, and proceed to purchase their albums or buy single tracks of those kind of supply sites. So, this provides local and upcoming bands to gain playing time and recognition because the commercial that is using them does not need to ensure that the audience knows exactly who and what the song is called, all that matters is that it fits and they like it. So...
For the music
A = coffee shop patron hears song
B = coffee shop patron finds song information via device
C = coffee shop patron supports music by accessible web share and online stores
For the coffee shop
A = coffee shop patron hears song
B = coffee shop patron likes and is rewarded by song while drinking desirable coffee
c = coffee shop patron remembers coffee shop experience, identifies, and returns to spend the money
Thanks!! -ebs- 11/28/12 @ 1527hrs. CentricTime
Term% antecedent, behavior, consequence, reinforce, reward, desirable
my link - ebs-
This article talks about how people get started and quickly become addicted to running. It talks about how many people emit the behavior of running in order to lose weight, but find that running is fun and become hooked on running.
1- The target behavior is running
2- The consequence is having the runners high
3- The consequence will increase the behavior of running
4- The consequence adds a good feeling
5- The antecedent is wanting to lose weight
A- Wanting to lose weight
B- Running
C- Getting the runners high
The involves positive reinforcement because it is adding a good feeling. It's an interesting form of extinction because the author describes how people start out with extrinsic motivation, but end up with an intrinsic motivation. This is how people can continue running long after they did(n't) reach their goals.
This part he talks about how doctors are against people running marathons because of the risks. Yet, he says that many people still run. Why?
1- The target behavior is running a marathon
2- The consequence is the challenge, enjoyment, accomplishment of finishing a marathon
3- The consequence many times cause the behavior to occur
4- The consequence add challenge, enjoyment and accomplishment to the person
5- The antecedent is the doctors warning
A- Doctors warning
B- Running a marathon anyway
C- Having a great time
The consequence is positive reinforcement because a great experience is added. There might be extinction if the runner injured themselves during the race. Satiation might occur if the runner does too many races too close together.
Terms: consequence, behavior, antecedent, positive reinforcement, extinction, satiation, emit.
In this article a lady writes about her issue on Facebook. One day she is added by a profile with her name and pictures and information. She knows obviously that it is not her and that someone has creates this profile to get something out of her. She goes on a search to find out information about who created the profile but she is met with a series of dead ends. It became nearly impossible to track the person who added her but experts think that whoever it is might be after more personal information that the can gain from friends or herself. They might be looking for ways to exploit her financially as well. Basically in the end she was just warned that we have to be careful what we put online and monitor it all because others have ways to gain information to take advantage of us and we can not always track these people down.
1. The behavior I am using is a stranger creating and a fake profile and adding the person whom the profile is about.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that the girl who was impersonated won't use social media sites or limit the information she puts on them.
3. The consequence decreases the chances of the girl using social media sites which decreases the likelihood that the impersonator will do it again.
4. The consequence involved the addition of the fake page.
5. The antecedent is being on Facebook.
A: Facebook
B: Impersonator creating fake page
C: Girl is less likely to use social media
This is an example of positive punishment because it involved the addition of a fake page that make it less likely that the girl will use social media sites anymore. Extinction could play in here if the girls chose to stop using all sites completely.
1. The behavior is the girl who was impersonated looking for the impersonator
2. The consequence is finding small bits and pieces that may be a lead
3. The consequence will increase the likelihood that she keeps looking because the small bits of information, though not very helpful, keeps her going.
4. The consequence involved the addition of new information
5. The antecedent is being impersonated on Facebook
A: Being impersonated
B: Girl searching for impersonator
C: Keeps looking as more information come in
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involved the addition of new information that make it more likely that she will elicit the behavior of looking for the impersonator.
Terms: consequence, elicit, antecedent, behavior, extinction, positive punishment, positive reinforcement
In my article a 21 year old girl named Shaheen Dhada, who lives in India posted, “Every day thousands of people die, but still the world moves on…Today, Mumbai shuts down out of fear, not out of respect” on facebook. After this post was made she was arrested and her family was subject to violence and vandalism. Even her uncle’s medical clinic was torn apart and vandalized. The family had to hide in their home with the lights off in fear that the mob would come there next. This post was said to have angered the followers of Thackeray and because of this some followers made statements that were provocative and called for violence against the Muslims therefore creating the mob that attacked Shaheen Dhada’s family.
1. The behavior is Shaheen Dhada making the facebook post.
2. The consequence of this behavior was that she was arrested.
3. This consequence will decrease the behavior of her making another political post because jail is aversive.
4. This consequence involves the removal of freedom.
5. The antecedent is that India does not elicit or promote freedom of speech.
A. Freedom of speech in India is lacking
B. Shaheen Dhada makes a controversial political post on facebook
C. She is arrested
This is an example of negative punishment. I would also argue given the severity of all the consequences it will cause an extinction in the behavior.
1. The target behavior is the Thackeray followers making provocative statements and calling for violence against the Muslims.
2. The consequence of this is that a mob was formed that attacked Dhada’s family.
3. This will increase the likelihood of the behavior being emitted again.
4. This consequence involves an increase in power/influence for the Thackeray followers.
5. The antecedent involves Shaheen Dhada making a post that angered the Thackeray followers.
A. Shaheen Dhada’s post angered the Thackeray followers
B. The Thackeray followers made provocative statements and called for violence against the Muslims
C. A mob was formed that attacked Dhada’s family
This is an example of positive reinforcement and involves establishing operations.
Terms: behavior, consequence, aversive, antecedent, elicit, negative punishment, extinction, target behavior, emit, positive reinforcement, establishing operations
In this article it talks about actress Lindsay Lohan recently being arrested for emitting to hit a woman during a disagreement at the New York City nightclub. The police said she “struck the woman in the face with her hand”. However the woman did not need medical attention. Lindsey Lohan was arrested around 4 am and was also charged with third-degree assault. Within four hours later Lindsay Lohan police division wearing her clothes she had worn out to the New York City nightclub. This article then discusses Lindsay Lohan’s other crimes and charges. Lohan had also been accused of hitting a Hollywood nightclub manager with her car. Lohan also emits to remain on informal probation for taking jewelry from a store without personal permission. Lohan is still filming at this time.
1. The target behavior is Lindsey Lohan physically hitting a woman
2. The consequence was being arrested and charged with third-degree assault
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of Lindsey Lohan hitting another person
4. The consequence involves the addition of being arrested and charged with third-degree assault
5. The antecedent is at New York City nightclub
A. New York City nightclub
B. Hitting a woman
C. Arrested and charged with third-degree assault
This is an example of positive punishment which involves establishing operation. It is positive punishment because it has an addition of being arrest and charged with third-degree assault
1. The target behavior is “taking” jewelry without permission from a jewelry store
2. The consequence was being put on informal probation (meaning she could face jail time)
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of taking jewelry without permission
4. The consequence involves the addition of being put on informal probation
5. The antecedent is at the jewelry store
A. Jewelry store
B. Taking jewelry without permission
C. Being put on informal probation
This is an example of positive punishment. It is positive punishment because it has an addition of being put on informal probation which means she could additional face time in jail (aversive).
Terms: emit, target behavior, behavior, consequences, antecedent, positive punishment, establishing operation, and aversive.
This is the story about poachers and the people who help defend them (Miles Lappeman). 1) The target behavior that the Miles and others are using to defend the rhinos are identifying the poachers. This is a topographical behavior because there are many ways to do this. 2) The consequence of this behavior is being able to take action against the antagonist. 3) The consequence will increase the frequency of behavior which is reinforcing. 4) The consequence of this behavior is adding because one is constantly scanning and learning new techniques to protect. 5) The antecedent for this is Africa, Finfoot Lake Reserve.
A Finfoot Lake Reserve
B Identifying Poachers
C Protects the Rhinos
Positive Reinforcement
This story will take the perspective of the antagonist the poachers and their desires. 1) The poachers target behavior is getting the rhino horns which is reinforcing for them. 2) The consequence for this behavior is a profit. 3) This behavior can be increased or decreased depending on the people who protect them if they are effective at it. As it goes now the reinforcement of payment is elciting to emit and increase in frequency for the poachers. 4) The consequence involves the adding of resources and money 5) Finfoot Lake Reserves
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Finfoot Lake Reserve
B= Retriveing horn
C= Money
Positive Reinforcement
Terms: target behavior, reinforce, emit, elicit, antecedent, behavior, consequence, desire, frequency, topographical
The article I read discusses the musician Gotye and where he is from. The article talks about his previous successes and background but focuses on what he is today and how he came to write and perform the song “Somebody That I Used To Know”, which became number one in 13 countries.
1. The target behavior is performing music.
2. The consequence of this behavior is becoming famous.
3. The consequence will increase the behavior of performing music.
4. The consequence involves adding popularity.
5. The antecedent would be writing the music.
A = Performing a song
B = Goes to number one on the charts and becomes famous
C = Performs more songs
This is an example of positive punishment. Gotye receiving praise for this song will increase the frequency that he creates more music.
1. The target behavior is touring
2. The consequence of this behavior is not having time to make more music
3. The consequence might take away some of the shows he performs at.
4. The consequence involves taking away the possibility for new songs.
5. The antecedent would be becoming a famous musician.
A = Writing a popular song
B = Going on tour
C = Not being able to write more songs
This is an example of negative reinforcement. By Gotye becoming famous and going on tour he now has less time to write music allowing a aversive outcome.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, aversive, antecedent
The article that I found was about how the federal government is starting to take action against 'dangerous toys' that are shipped from overseas before they even get to store shelves. Last year, a reported 193,000 children were injured by unsafe toys, and to prevent future injuries, the federal government has made a list of toys that are 'dangerous' and urge that parents shouldn't buy those toys for their kids. Ultimately, the Product Safety Commissioner wants parents to read the warnings on toys, make sure they are age-appropriate for their children, and provide necessary protective gear when it is required.
1) The intended target behavior is to sell toys that are safe to children of all ages.
2) The consequence of this behavior would be that everyone is happy because the kids would have a fun toy, the parents could know they are safe, and the toy companies would be making a profit.
3) This consequence would increase the frequency of sales and production of safe toys.
4) This outcome requires the addition of inspection from federal product safety personnel to allow the safe toys to be sent to stores.
5) The antecedent is approval from the product safety employees to elicit the distribution of the toys.
A= Toys are deemed 'safe'
B= Parents purchase the toys
C= Everyone involved is happy
This would be an example of positive reinforcement because the addition of professional inspection ensures the trust from parents which leads to a higher profit for toy companies since parents and children end up happy with their products. As a result, parents would want to buy more safe toys for their children.
Now in the article, there is a little story about a little girl who swallowed parts of a dangerous toy and was hospitalized and the parents were upset. The toy was deemed 'dangerous' and was used inappropriately.
1) The target behavior was that the little girl emitted the phase of being sick from swallowing the magnetic balls.
2) The consequence of this behavior was that the toy was added to the 'dangerous' list because of the parent's complaints.
3) This consequence would decrease the frequency of swallowing small, unsafe toys and the purchasing of that kind of toy.
4) This outcome requires the removal of the magnetic ball toy from store shelves for purchase.
5) The antecedent was that the little girl swallowed the magnetic balls.
A= Little girl swallows magnetic balls
B= Little girl gets very sick
C= Parents' complain and toy gets deemed 'dangerous'
This was an example of negative punishment because the toy became 'dangerous' and was then removed from store distribution. Because of that, the toy would'nt be up for purchase, so the sales and interest for the prduct would dramatically decrease as well.
Terminology: target behavior, consequence, frequency, elicit, antecedent, ABC, positive reinforcement, emitted, negative punishment
The article I read was about a formula that can predict whether or not a child can become obese. It stated that the obesity rate is rising. 17 percent of boys and 15 percent of girls are considered obese in England! The formula can determine if a baby is at risk for obesity by using factors such as if the mother smoked or recording the child's birthweight. Furthermore, only one out of ten kids that are obese are due to genetics.
The target behavior is determining obesity.
The consequence is being able to eleicit if the baby is at risk for obesity.
The consequence will increase the parents of the child to take necessary action when the child is determined to be obese.
The consequence involves the addition of being informed and ways to help prevent obesity from happeneing to their child.
The antecedent is the the hospital in which the baby is born.
B=Evaluation of baby
C= Diagnosed that obesity is a risk for the child.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. It's giving the parents and child a better chance of preventing obesity or being informed as to what actions to take when obesity is unpreventable.
The 2nd targetb behavior would be evalution of the baby.
The consequence is that the baby is not diagnosed with obesity.
The consequence will increase the parents drive to give their child a healthy lifestyle.
The consequence will remove any negative stimuli that the parents had of their child being obese.
The antecedent is the hospital in which the baby was born.
B=Evalutation of baby
C=Diagnosed as obesity not being a risk for the child.
This would be an example of positive reinforcement. It would help the parents desire to want a healthy lifestyle for the child, even when not determined obese.
Terms used: postive punishment, antecedent, consequence, target behavior, reinforce, frequency,negative stimuli and elicit.
My article that I am using is about the powerball. THe article talks about how there werre over 7 million tickets purchased per hour before the drawing of the power ball and about the odds of being 1 and 175 millionth of a chance of winning the lottery numbers yesterday. I feel that psychology can be applied to this. The lottery can be all the above; positive and negative reinforcement and negative and positive punishment. First I am looking at the positive reinforcement. The antecedent would be going to a gas station, behavior is buying a lottery ticket, and the consequence is winning the lottery.
The news and radio stations promoted the the lottery for the last week in order to get the target behavior of people buying lottery tickets.
Target behavior is buying lottery tickets
Consequence is winning the lottery
The consequence is going to increase the likelihood of the person buying lottery tickets
This consequence will increase the amount of money a person will have
The antecedent is being at a gas station.
A- Gas Station
B- buy a lottery ticket
C- Winning the Lottery
My next example is negative punishment. The antecedent is being at home seeing the lottery numbers, behavior is not winning lotter, consequence is losing money, inturn decreasing the likelihood of buying another lottery ticket.
The 2nd target behavior is losing the lottery.
Consequence is losing money.
consequence will decrease the likilhood of buying another ticket.
Consequence will decrease the frequency of watching the lottery numbers at 10 pm.
Antecedent is sitting at home.
A- Home
B-Losing lottery
C- Losing Money
Terms: negative and positive reinforcement, negative and positive punishment, frequency, consequence, antecedent, behavior, target behavior, decrease, increase
My article that I am using is about the powerball. THe article talks about how there werre over 7 million tickets purchased per hour before the drawing of the power ball and about the odds of being 1 and 175 millionth of a chance of winning the lottery numbers yesterday. I feel that psychology can be applied to this. The lottery can be all the above; positive and negative reinforcement and negative and positive punishment. First I am looking at the positive reinforcement. The antecedent would be going to a gas station, behavior is buying a lottery ticket, and the consequence is winning the lottery.
The news and radio stations promoted the the lottery for the last week in order to get the target behavior of people buying lottery tickets.
Target behavior is buying lottery tickets
Consequence is winning the lottery
The consequence is going to increase the likelihood of the person buying lottery tickets
This consequence will increase the amount of money a person will have
The antecedent is being at a gas station.
A- Gas Station
B- buy a lottery ticket
C- Winning the Lottery
My next example is negative punishment. The antecedent is being at home seeing the lottery numbers, behavior is not winning lotter, consequence is losing money, inturn decreasing the likelihood of buying another lottery ticket.
The 2nd target behavior is losing the lottery.
Consequence is losing money.
consequence will decrease the likilhood of buying another ticket.
Consequence will decrease the frequency of watching the lottery numbers at 10 pm.
Antecedent is sitting at home.
A- Home
B-Losing lottery
C- Losing Money
Terms: negative and positive reinforcement, negative and positive punishment, frequency, consequence, antecedent, behavior, target behavior, decrease, increase
In this article it discusses the unrealistic behaviors we expect during each Christmas season. The article discusses that the media, especially television commercials, produces advertisements encouraging the public to emit the desired targeted behaviors of the advertised product. The article gives examples of buying your loved one a brand new 2013 car along side buying a gigantic red bow to put on top. Aside from this, the article also picks fun at the idea that the loved one will not notice this gigantic bow on top of a new car in their driveway. These advertisements are reinforcing the public to buy these products (such as a diamond ring). The advertisements usually end with loved ones being excited, hugging, and mostly likely kissing (the targeted behavior). The article discusses the consequences of the targeted behavior. Although the articles shines a light on this behavior and the consequences, it has a good point. The consequences of buying these items, according to the article, usually result in lack of money for the rest of the year and a lack of fun activities. If taken seriously, these consequences can definitely influence emitting the acutal targeted behavior. If the public thinks seriously about the behavior, they will find that lacking money and finances are not worth the consequences. With the way the economy is now, many may feel they will be negatively punished after emitting the targeted behaviors of the advertisement. These consequences involve the removal of something, money. The antecedent is Christmas time.
A: Christmas season
B: purchasing a brand new car
C: Having financial struggles
This is an example of negative punishment and involves extinction
A: Christmas season
B: Purchasing jewelry for your loved one
C: A hug and a kiss
This is an example of positive reinforcement and does not involve extinction.
Terms Used: emit, targeted behavior, reinforcing, consequences, emitting, punished, negativly punished, decrease, antecedent, extinction, positive reinforcement
My article is about these people dying because of eating poisonous mushrooms in a soup. This happened in California, and this certain mushroom resembles an edible one, but whoever prepared it made a fatal mistake. The target behavior I am looking at is eating the bad mushrooms. The consequence of the behavior is either getting really sick, and possibly dying. The consequence will either decrease the behavior because the people who survive will know not to eat the mushrooms again, or if the person died it will also obviously decrease the behavior. The consequence involves the removal of health from the person. The antecedent is a nursing home.
A= Nursing Home
B= Eating poisonous mushrooms
C= Getting sick and possibly dying
I would say this is negative punishment because it involves the removal of something good, which is being healthy and not sick. It is punishment because the people ate the bad mushrooms and are being punished by their body because they were poisonous. This is a very aversive consequence, and I would think it would make people not eat mushrooms at all for awhile, which would be extinction because the behavior would just stop.
This next article is about how cell phone companies are going to be coming out with bendy phones in the near future. These phones allow the user to put their phone wherever, stuff it in their backpack, sit on it, roll it, and it won’t have any damages upon it. They are currently working on different technologies to make it work the best. The target behavior I am looking at is creating bendy phones. The consequence of this behavior is being able to bend your phone in whatever shape you desire. The consequence will increase the behavior of doing whatever one wants with their phone. The consequence involves the addition of flexibility to phones. The antecedent is the phone store.
A= Phone store
B= Creating bendy phones
C= Able to bend phone in whatever shape
This behavior is positive reinforcement as it adds the flexibility to phones and this is reinforcing the behavior of doing whatever one wants with their phone. Users in the past have been punished for throwing their phones, or sitting on them and this is turning that around into something positive and is allowing people to do whatever they want. I wonder though if the marvel and wonder of this will fade away eventually and people will become satiated with phones like this and come back to regular hard phones. I’m unsure how they are going to keep all the necessary components safe in these new phones. But I think these phones will be helpful to people who drop their phones a lot.
Terms: target behavior, consequence, behavior, decrease, antecedent, negative punishment, removal, aversive, extinction, positive reinforcement, positive, satiated
The article I read was about a woman from Colorado who left her two sons in her vehicle for 90 minutes. She had left the car running and when she went to drive away noticed that one of her sons was not breathing and the other was making gurgling noises. She then proceeded to call 911. One boy is dead and the other is expected not to survive because there is too much damage to his organs. The grandparents had previously been threatening to take custody of the grandchildren and still plan to if the one survives.
The target behavior I am looking at is leaving her kids in the running car. The consequence of this behavior is one son dying and the other being in critical condition. The consequence will hopefully decrease her behavior of leaving any other kids in the car while running. The consequence invloves the removal of her sons. The antecedent is the mother going inside to visit a friend for 90 minutes.
A= Visiting friends
B= Leave Car Running
C= Son dying and in critical condition
This is an example of negative punishment. She is punsihed by the loss of her son, and the failing health of the other. The behavior will hopefully become extinct after this accident.
The next target behavior I am going to look at is the grandparents behavior in threatening to take custody but not actually doing it. The consequence of not doing this put the children in harms way. The consequence invloves the removal of one child, and possible a second child.
A=Not taking custody of grandchildren
B= Mother left them in the car
C= One child gone, the other in critical condition
The beahvior is negative punishment. The children are removed from their lives which is a pretty big punishment. They will also punish themselves for not actually taking custody of the children and will live their lives feeling guilty.
Terms: Negative punishment, behavior, consequence, antecedent, target behavior, extinction, punsihment
My article is about the declining birth rates in the U.S, especially Immigrant births. With the economy being in hard times it seems couples are emitting behaviors that are leading to them either having fewer children or none at all. The reasons for this vary, as stated above with the economic hardships over the last few years it is just unfeasible for some to raise a child as the costs seem to get higher and higher each year. For Immigrants (the article focuses mostly on the Hispanic population) these problems are expanded upon due to the crackdown on illegal immigration, where in 2011 numbers rose to an estimated 400,000 deportations. This has led to families not wanting to have children due to as it is said in the article "not knowing if we'll be here tomorrow". Another reason that is listed in the article is that couples are planning more, using contraceptives to wait until times are better.
Target Behavior: Not having as many/any children
Consequence: The consequence is having a lower birth rate in our country.
The consequence will lead to the rate of birth in our country to be lower until the economy improves.
The consequence involves the addition of a recession to our countries economy.
The Antecedent is the U.S in a economic recession.
A= Economic Recession.
B= Waiting to have children
C= The Birth rate falls temporarily.
This could be viewed as positive reinforcement (as horrible as that sounds) by waiting to have children couples will have more money for now which can be saved up. So when the time comes to have children the couples will have money to give the child a better standard of living.
A= Economic Recession
B= Not Having Children.
C= The Birth rate falls
This would be positive punishment. By not having children at all you would have more money as it wouldn't be spent on the child. The flipside is that if you wait too long the window in which you could have children may pass or by consequence you may become aversive to having children and will just pass on it to maintain your current style of life.
Terms: Aversive, Emit, Consequence, Reinforcement, Positive, Negative, Behaviors, Punishment, Antecedent
The article I chose to do my blog on is all about homeless people in Belfast, Ireland. It discusses the hardships they face on a daily basis, which includes physical and verbal abuse, alcohol and drug addictions, and much, much more. It also goes on to talk about the work that the Welcome Organization’s drop-in center does for the homeless people, including providing food, drink, and shelter for them.
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the punished behavior is homeless people sleeping in the streets.
2. The consequence of the behavior is both physical and verbal abuse by passersby.
3. The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because if someone is continually abused, they are probably not going to want to continue sleeping in that same area where the abuse was administered. Even if they are not able to get off of the streets, they will probably relocate themselves elsewhere so that they are able to get a safe night’s sleep.
4. The consequence involves the addition of physical and verbal abuse towards the homeless people in the streets.
5. The antecedent is being homeless.
A = Homeless
B = Sleep in street
C = Physical and verbal abuse
This is an example of positive punishment. It is positive punishment because of the fact that you are adding something aversive in the attempt to reduce the behavior being emitted.
1. The target behavior I am using that illustrates the reinforced behavior is drug and alcohol abuse by homeless people.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that the physical and mental anguish felt by the homeless people can be temporarily dulled or numbed.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior because if the homeless person finds some kind of escape from their problems by using drugs and alcohol, then they will be more inclined to do so more often. The fact that the drugs and alcohol could make them feel temporarily better about their situation would lead to an increased drug and alcohol usage.
4. The consequence involves the removal of physical and mental pain or anguish.
5. The antecedent is being homeless.
A = Homeless
B = Drug and alcohol abuse
C = Dull the physical and mental anguish
This is an example of negative reinforcement. It is negative reinforcement because of the fact that you are removing something aversive in the attempt to increase the behavior being emitted.
Terms: target behavior, punish, behavior, consequence, frequency, antecedent, positive punishment, aversive, emit, reinforce, negative reinforcement, addition, removal
This article is about how grapefruit can be a potentially deadly combination when combined with certain medications. The article uses an example of drinking a glass of grapefruit juice after taking a tablet of one of the specified medications leading to an overdose and says that doing so is like taking 5 tablets with normal water. This would most likely cause any person taking these medications to stop eating grapefruit, considering the potential consequences.
1. taking tablet with grapefruit
2. overdosing on medication
3. the consequence would decrease the frequency of behavior
4. it involves the addition of an increased health risk, namely overdosing
5. the antecedent would be needing to take your required medication
A= needing to take medication
B= taking medication with grapefruit
C= overdosing on medication
This would be an example of positive punishment because it has the addition of an aversive stimulus, which would be the increase risk of overdosing on the medication.
The second article is about the army private, Bradley Manning, who was accused of leaking classified military information to WikiLeaks back in 2010. The article talks about how Manning felt that his incarceration was cruel and unusual punishment. An example of this is him being required to sleep naked and without a blanket at times because he was supposedly under suicide watch.
1. leaking classified information
2. going to prison
3. the consequence would decrease the frequency of behavior
4. it involves the removal of something, his freedom to come and go and do as he pleases out in public
5. the antecedent would be being in the military and having access to the classified information
A= have access to classified information
B= leak classified information
C= go to prison
This is an example of positive punishment because it involves the presentation of an aversive stimulus, which would be going to prison.
Terms: consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, aversive, stimulus, behavior
Topical blog week 14
This article from the Huffington Post discussed family matters during the holidays. I feel that it is somewhat of an editorial, but applies to what we have been discussing in class. Holidays can be tough on some individuals, especially when aversive feelings are involved. Sometimes, individuals do not have an option of spending this time with loved ones, sometimes they do and disagreements trigger strong emotions. This article talks about ways to overcome these potential sticky situations during the holidays. Some advice that is suggested: Move past the fear, frustration and anger (sometimes easier said than done), listen, take responsibility, release need to be accepted, initiate the mending of the relationship, and do not feel guilty. As this applies to class, there many possible hypotheticals about behavior and behavior modification.
A-Families feel a responsibility, a need, or a want to see one another at holidays.
B- possible past issues are disagreed upon, eliciting aversive emotions
C- family leave with more hurtful feelings than before the function
As learned in class, there may be ways to modify antecedents, so that these issues are communicated in a more meaningful way. Some may find the above options helpful, and consequences may be more desirable.
A-family get-together
B- communication of real emotions and solutions discussed before leaving the function
C- leaving with a sense of peace, and a better understanding of one another
Term: antecedents, modify, behaviors, consequences, elicit, aversive, desirable
This article is talking about how pediatricians are being urged to write morning after pill prescriptions in advance. This should increase the likelihood of contraception being used and reduces the time in between intercourse and the use of the morning after pill. Researchers also believe this will not reduce the use of other contraception use like condoms. There are two options for the morning after pill, these are Plan B and Next Choice. The current process is that if you are under 17 you need a doctor's prescription to purchase emergency contraception. Practitioners are being urged by the medical community to counsel teens on emergency contraceptives and its guidelines. They have a duty to inform their patients on the relevant, legally available treatment options available to them. The target behavior is to reduce teenage pregnancy or unwanted pregnancies. The consequences of this behavior are having to take care of child before you are ready...while you are still a child yourself. So by using contraception and increasing its availability the frequency of the behavior should hopefully decrease. The antecedent would be having unprotected sex.
A= Having unprotected sex
B= unwanted pregnancy occurs
C = Raising a child before you are ready
This is an example of negative punishment. These two people did not use protect so they became pregnant. Pregnancy isn’t a bad thing, but when you not ready or prepared to be a parent it can be seen that way. Too many teens in America are getting pregnant and this is mostly because of our society. Our sex rates are not any different than Europe’s, but there unwanted pregnancy rates are a lot lower. This is because there society finds it acceptable to talk about sex and make sure they know about safe sex. In America some schools don’t even teach safe sex and they should know teaching abstinence is not going to stop these kids from having sex.
A= Pediatricians writing morning after pill prescriptions in advance
B= Emergency contraception being more available and used properly by young adolescents
C= Possibility of reduces unwanted pregnancies
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The more teens know about contraception the better. We can’t stop them from having sex and this isn’t going to change, so we need make them prepared for sexual intercourse.
Terms: consequences, behavior, positive reinforcement, negative punishment, antecedent, target behavior
The article I chose discusses the use of apps for parents to monitor their children's activities on the internet and their phone. Some of the popular software includes apps like uKnowKids, MinorMonitor, Norton Online Family, Web Watcher, and MamaBear. Some of these apps are capable of notifying the parents of signs of bullying, inappropriate language, when their children get home, or if the vehicle they are in is speeding. These apps run silently in the background as if they aren't even there. However, there is a disagreement with the apps uses being appropriate and respectful of the children's privacy. The article states opinions of some parents that believe it is their job to keep track of this type of activity in order to keep their children safe. While other people believe these apps undermine the trust between parents and children. Not every activity the children partake in need to be policed.
1.) The target behavior is the parents' use of monitoring apps.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is keeping their children safe.
3.) The consequence will increase the parents' use of the monitoring apps.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of safety for the children.
5.) The antecedent is the internet on the children's device of choice.
A = Internet on the children's device of choice
B = Parents' use of monitoring apps
C = Keeping their children safe
This is an example of positive reinforcement. The use of the internet monitoring apps involves the addition of children safety which will increase the frequency of the use of the monitoring apps.
1.) The target behavior is the parents' use of monitoring apps.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is undermining the trust between the parents and children.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency the parents' use of the monitoring apps.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of trust between the parents and children.
5.) The antecedent is the internet on the children's device of choice.
A = Internet on the children's device of choice
B = Parents' use of monitoring apps
C = Undermining the trust between the parents and children
This is an example negative punishment. The use of the internet monitoring apps involves the removal of trust between the parents and children which will decrease the frequency of the use of the monitoring apps.
Terms: Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent, Positive Reinforcement, and Negative Punishment
Comment is posted when the server is restored after the due date.
This article describes the smart trick drug companies use to make doctors prescribe their drugs. They would hire a doctor to give a speech about their drug, and afterwards that doctor would automatically prescribe a lot of this drug. Thus they look for doctors who have many patients to give these promotional speeches. They would call the doctor a "thought leader" and the doctor would think the speech is an educational event.
The Doctor:
1. More prescriptions of the drug.
2. The doctor is called a thought leader.
3. The consequence increases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence increases the pride of the doctor.
5. The antecedent is a high amount of patients the doctor has.
6.A. The doctor has lots of patients. B. The doctor prescribes more drugs. C. The doctor is praised.
7. Positive reinforcement.
The Drug Representative:
1. More drug sales.
2. More income from sales.
3. The consequence increases the frequency of behavior.
4. The consequence increases the money the drug seller has.
5. The antecedent is calling the doctor a thought leader.
6.A. The seller praises the doctor. B. More drugs are sold to the doctor. C. The seller makes more money.
7. Positive reinforcement.
Terms: consequence, antecedent, positive reinforcement
An unidentified individual killed two people on the college Friday mourning at Casper College campus, which is located in Wyoming with a bow and arrow. An additional body was discovered in an undisclosed location in the city. The shooter is one of the dead bodies found and was not a current student of the college. All the community college classes are cancelled until further notice.
1.) The target behavior is going to the college and killing multiple people, which was punished by the consequence of the action.
2.) The consequence of the behavior is that the shooter committed suicide.
3.) The consequence will decrease the frequency of the behavior because the shooter is now deceased and obviously it is impossible to duplicate the target behavior. It may also have a deterrence effect on others that are contemplating the same behavior, knowing that there is never a positive ending to college killing sprees.
4.) The consequence involves the removal of other people life and the shooters life as well. That is why it is considered punishment.
5.) The antecedent is a Casper community college in the early mourning when class is taking place.
A= Community College in Wyoming
B= Going on a killing spree
C= Multiple death deaths and suicides
Chris Brown, Grammy-winning singer, will not face criminal charges for snatching a women’s cell phone out of her hand outside a Miami Club in February. The charges were dropped because their was no evidence that Chris Brown tried steal the cell phone or delete any pictures. One of the actions must be present for charges to stand. Chris Brown threw the cell phone into the limo and the head of security picked it and claimed he tried to find the owner of the “lost” cell phone. Head of security told investigators that "if photographs of himself with two females got out, it might cause him problems with Rihanna."
1.) The target behavior is grabbing a fan’s phone from their hands.
2.) The consequences of the behavior is criminal charges were filed and then dropped.
3.) The consequence will reduce the frequency of Chris Brown making questionable behavior because of the negative public attention, which in turn is a punishment.
4.) It involves the removal of public favor and support, which is aversive in a celebrities career.
5.) The antecedent is leaving a late at night at a Miami Club.
A= Leaving a Miami night club late at night
B= Taking a cell phone out of a women’s hands.
C= Negative public appearances and criminal charges, which were dropped.
Terms: Target behavior, Behavior, Consequence Punishment, Antecedent, aversive
Food Riot in Europe
This is an article of a food riot in Europe that was emitted and will still be emitted due to the circumstances. The target behavior which is the reduction of milk price on gallons elicited farmers to protest. This reduction of milk price went from 54cent a gallon to 34cent a gallon. Farmers see this as an erroneous and an aversive behavior because this elicited a lot of farmers out of business by decreasing their income. This protest was taken on Brussels’ busiest streets and aimed hoses at the Parliament building. As stated on the site, police and those who were passing by had showers they were not expecting. After showering people, the farmers set fire to barrels of hay and piles of tires on the street, said one of the reporting site.
1. The salient behavior is that the reduction of milk affected farmers and made them lose their jobs.
2. The Consequences is farmers blocking the busiest street, showering passerby’s and police officers and at the Parliament building with hoses full of milk.
3. The behavior will increase the frequency of the behavior because the farmers depend on their milk prices and they will emit anything to get the milk price back up or for the government to locate at least something to help the farmers.
4. The consequences involve the showering of milk on the people and the Parliament building.
5. The antecedent is the reduction of milk price
A: The Antecedent is the reduction of milk price
B: The behavior is protest
C: The Consequences is farmers blocking the busiest street, showering passerby’s and police with hoses and at the Parliament building.
This is an example of positive punishment because due to the reduction of milk price per gallon, the farmers got mad and decided to protest.
This is another link of the farmers in England threatening to emit more damage if the price of milk does not change. This shows that the government will not stop them until they themselves act upon their settlement.
1. The behavior is more protesting
2. The consequences of the behavior will allow the government official to act quick and listen to the farmers
3. The consequence will increase the behavior because governments do not want more damage done on the street.
4. The consequence will involve the additional price on milk
5. The antecedent is threatening
A: Threat
B: More Protesting
C: Addition of price on milk
This is an example of positive punishment and along with reinforcement. This is an example of positive punishment because as mentioned previously, the reduction of milk price elicited farmers to be mad and aggressive. This situation will reinforce the government to act quickly because they will not want more damage reoccurring in the city or so.
Terms used: Emitted, Circumstances, target behavior, Elicited, Erroneous, Aversive behavior, Decreasing, Salient, Antecedent, Reinforcement, Aggressive, Protest, Positive Punishment, Consequences, Reoccurring
Yoselyn Ortega pleads not guilty to the killings of two children. Ortega, 50 years of age was charged with the killing of 2 year old Leo Krim and 6 year old sister Lucia. Ortega was the two children’s nanny for 2 and half years. She is undergoing a psychiatric exam and if she is convicted of the children’s murders she looks at life without parole.
1.The behavior ill look at is the conviction of Yoselyn Ortega. So the target behavior is to determine whether or not Ortega is guilty or not.
2.The consequence to being convicted of the killing the two children will be life in prison with no chance of parole.
3.The consequence will decrease the frequency of Ortega ever committing a crime like this one again.
4.This consequence would involve the addition of being charged with two counts of murder.
5.The antecedent is the nanny Yoselyn Ortega being charged with murder or not.
A=Nanny charged guilty or not guilty
B=Possible murder of two children
C= Life in prison with no parole
This is an example of positive punishment because there is the addition of the nanny being charged guilty or not (justice). But, it is punishment because the consequence is aversive.
Doctors say the “morning after” pill should be prescribed to teens before they need it. Some say that even if they were prescribed it should not raise the rate of unprotected sex or contraceptive use. Some view this as a way to tell teenagers to elicit sex. Some say it’s for the better to help lower the underage birth rate.
1.The behavior I’ll focus on would be having quick access to the “morning after” pill if it’s needed. The target behavior would be not having a child if you chose not to.
2.The consequence to not having access to the “morning after” pill if you want it, is a unwanted pregnancy. And there’s of those already.
3.This would increase the frequency of unwanted child birth, which is if the access to the “morning after” pill is hard to receive.
4.The consequence involves the addition of possible unwanted child births.
5.The antecedent is having unprotected sex or not using contraceptives.
A=having unprotected sex or not using any contraceptives
B= No immediate access to the “morning after” pill
C=having an unwanted pregnancy
This could be an example of negative punishment because it involves the addition of an unwanted pregnancy and the consequence is aversive seeing that it’s an unwanted pregnancy.
Terminology: Behavior, Antecedent, Consequence, Elicit, Emit, aversive, Punishment, Negative Punishment, Positive Punishment,
An NYPD police officer bought boots and socks for a homeless man. A picture was taken of the police officer putting the boots on the man, and later the picture went viral on the internet.
1. The target behavior I am isolating is giving to the less fortunate.
2. The consequence is feeling good about helping others.
3. The consequence will increase the likelihood of donating to charity
4. The consequence involves the addition of feeling good.
5. The antecedent is seeing someone in need.
A= Seeing someone in need
B= Buying boots for homeless
C= Feeling good about helping
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of a good feeling.
This video is about a group of people that slept out with the homeless to raise awareness about the severity of being homeless.
1. The target behavior is teaching others about helping homeless youth
2. The consequence is people preventing the youth from being homeless
3. The consequence will decrease the amount of homeless teens and children
4. The consequence involves the addition of knowledge
5. The antecedent is at a park
A= At a park
B= Teaching about homeless youth
C= Preventing more homeless youth
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of knowledge.
Terms: reinforcement, behavior, consequence, and antecedent.
Massachusetts Gas Explosion Injures Several.
A gas explosion leveled two building, and luckily no one was injured. No one knows exactly why the explosion occurred, but investigation is underway. Everyone was taken to safety earlier in the day when the smell of gas was apparent, and they went on the search for the source. The explosion was so powerful it blew all the windows out for a three block radius.
1.The target behavior was removing everyone from the building. This is an example of positive reinforcement for the public safety crews, because no one was injured.
2. The consequence was that everyone was removed from the blast area, and saved from injury or death.
3. The consequence will increase the frequency of this behavior. Because they will want to increase the amount of people saved from injury.
4. The consequence involves the addition of safety crew members, evacuation people.
5. The antecedent is the explosion
A: Explosion
B: Evacuation
C: Prevention of Injury
This is an example of Positive Reinforcement. It involves the public safety members emitting a evacuating behavior, and the surrounding community members emitting a smelling behavior to detect the gas. This lead to their elicited evacuation. This is reinforcing for both the safety crew, and the community members as both were saved from injury.
1. The target behavior is preventing the explosion by smelling the gas
2. The consequence of this behavior was the rescue of the crowds
3. The consequence will increase the target behavior, and make people more alert
4. The consequence involves the addition of alert individuals, and the removal of the people
5. The antecedent is the gas leak.
A: Gas Leak
B: Alertness
C; Prevention of Injury
Terms: Emit, Elicit, Reinforce, Positive, Target Behavior, Consequence, Antecedent,
1) The target behavior that is being emitted is the Palestinian people going through the UN to gain statehood
2) The result of the behavior elicited the response of the Israeli government is looking into expanding settlements for Israel.
3) The consequence has a good chance of decreasing the behavior and changing it
4) The consequence is the addition of an undesirable stimulus (of the Israeli government becoming more present in Palestine)
5) The antecedent is the decades of conflict between Israel and Palestine over land ownership
A) Israel and Palestine land conflicts and statehood of Palestine
B) Palestine goes through UN to get statehood
C) Israel talks of further expanding their territory into more of Palestine
This is an example of positive punishment as they are adding an undesirable punisher to the people of Palestine to get them to decrease the behavior of going to the UN instead of talking with Israel.
This article is about how to keep from losing any more socks.
1) Target behavior is tying socks together.
2) The consequence is always having socks!
3) The consequence will increase the target behavior.
4) The behavior involves the addition of using bread ties to tie socks together.
5) The antecedent is always losing socks.
A) Only have one sock from a pair.
B) begin tying socks together with bread ties.
C) never losing socks/having loners again!
Kate Matthews: Finding Humor Through Cancer
This article is about a woman named Kate Matthews, who is a cartoonist and breast cancer survivor. Matthews ELICIT to face breast cancer in a different light. She EMITTED the BEHAVIOR of finding humor to cope with cancer. She found herself in a dark place and quickly realized that she won't get better if she doesn't do something. She elicited to laugh and by doing this she began to draw cartoons, which turned into a book of cartoons and then quickly reached thousand of women facing breast cancer.
1.) The TARGET BEHAVIOR is Kate Matthews eliciting the behavior of using humor to face cancer.
2.) The CONSEQUENCE of this behavior is emitting the behavior of happiness.
3.) The consequence will increase the frequency Matthews' behavior.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of find humor in something that AVERSIVE.
5.) The ANTECEDENT is having breast cancer.
A=Having breast cancer.
B=Eliciting the behavior of using humor to face cancer.
C=Emitting the behavior of happiness
1.) The target behavior is drawing cartoons to shed humor on breast cancer.
2.) The consequence of this behavior compiling a book and touching the hearts of breast cancer.
3.) This consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior, which it has because she is starting her second book.
4.) The consequence involves the addition of humor to decrease the dark emotions faced by women going through breast cancer.
5.) The antecedent is having breast cancer.
A=Having breast cancer.
B=Drawing cartoons to shed humor on breast cancer.
C=Compiling a book and touching the hearts of breast cancer.
This is an example of positive reinforcement and establishing operations
week 14 thursday
The article I selected is about how research and technology has now given doctors the ability to test a fetus in the womb for the genetic trait for obesity. The article goes on and discuss how this is the first study that has put the factors of obesity together in a formula. Researchers have shown that it is difficult for a child to lose weight once the child is obese. Even though only one out of ten children actually have the genetic mutation that increases their risk, it is good to be able to point out these individuals and focus resources to them. Target behavior is determining obesity, the consequence is being able to evaluate whether the child will be obese or not. If so, another consequence will be that the parents take action in educating themselves and their child as he or she grows up, the antecedent can be the hospital or doctor office in which the procedure is done.
A= Hospital/ doctor office
B= applying the formula to evaluate the baby
C= the actual diagnoses if the child is at high risk of obesity
This would be a positive reinforcement, giving the parents a chance to be informed if their child is at high risk and if so actions they can take to prevent it.
The next target behavior I will break down is the actual evaluation of the baby. The consequence if the baby is not diagnosed with high risk of obesity, this will remove any negative stimuli that the parents may have experienced thinking about their child being high at risk for obesity. The antecedent is the hospital or doctor office the baby was born in.
A= Hospital
B= evaluation of baby
C= diagnosed the child not at high risk of becoming obese
This would be an example of positive reinforcement, even though the baby was not diagnosed with high risk of obesity, the parent may still seek out a healthier lifestyle now that they have been informed of the consequences childhood obesity can bring.
consequences, positive reinforcement, negative stimuli, antecedent and behavior
The article that I really took a liking to was about a monkey that was wearing a jacket and it was hanging out at Ikea! There was also a group of people that was surrounding the little jacket wearing monkey.
1. The target behavior would have to be the fact that there is a scared monkey that is darting back and forth.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that the people surrounding the monkey keep trying to catch him.
3. It will then increase the frequency of the target behavior because he is scared of the people initially trying to catch him.
4. The consequence involves the addition of more peoples’ attention.
5. Neglectful owner forget their monkey.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Neglectful owner forgot their monkey and now it is lost.
B= The monkey is frightened.
C= Surrounding people try to capture the little monkey.
This is positive punishment because adding stress to the poor little monkey and the neglectful owner will decrease the chances of it happening again.
The article that I really took a liking to was about a monkey that was wearing a jacket and it was hanging out at Ikea! There was also a group of people that was surrounding the little jacket wearing monkey.
1. The target behavior is that there is a rowdy crowd trying to capture a monkey.
2. The consequence of the behavior is that there is a frightened little monkey who is dashing around trying not to be caught.
3. It will then increase the frequency of the target behavior because the crowd wants to catch the monkey so if he is running away then they will try even harder.
4. The consequence involves the addition of more stress and fright brought on to the monkey.
5. Neglectful owner forget their monkey.
Please then list the ABC's of the behavior
A= Neglectful owner forgot their monkey and now it is lost.
B= Crowds of people want to try to capture the monkey.
C= Now there is a scared frantic monkey trying to avoid capture.
This is positive reinforcement because the frantic monkey is only making the crowd want to increase their behavior of trying to catch the monkey before it gets hurt.
In this article/movie clip there are two older men talking about the book they came out with called the Encyclopedia Paranoiaca. This book talks about all of the possible fears one could possibly have. There are over one thousand including rubber ducky’s, bananas, and toilets. Also the bathroom is the second most dangerous room in the house after the kitchen.
1) The target behavior is avoiding exposure to pathogens.
2) The consequence is not getting sick.
3) This will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the removal of something.
5) The antecedent is in the context of living in a germ filled world.
A=In the context of living in a germ filled world
B=Avoiding exposure to pathogens
C=You won’t get sick
This is an example of negative reinforcement because it involves the removal of something and the consequences will increase the likelihood of the behavior.
1) The target behavior is informing people of dangers.
2) The consequence is people will become more cautious.
3) This will increase the frequency of the behavior.
4) The consequence involves the addition of something.
5) The antecedent is in the context of living in a germ filled world.
A=In the context of living in a germ filled world
B=informing people of the dangers
C=will make people become more cautious
This is an example of positive reinforcement because it involves the addition of something and the consequences will increase the likelihood of the behavior.
In a recent piece by the Washington Times, drunken sailors are causing problems for the navy. To combat this, the navy is implementing random alcohol testing. If the sailors test above .02, they have to go to counseling.
The target behavior is being drunk while reporting for duty. The consequence of this behavior is to attend counseling to help with their drinking problem. The consequence should help decrease the frequency of this behavior. The consequence involves the addition of something (counseling). The antecedent is being a sailor while reporting for duty.
A= being a sailor and reporting for duty
B=Being drunk (>.02%)
C= Attend counseling
This is an example of positive punishment.
This second article is about a woman who just started a dog training business. Instead of using punishment to train the dogs, she is using positive reinforcement. The specific behavior modification uses “clickers”. The trainer conditions the dog to associate the clicker with something good, like treats. After the conditioning is complete., the trainer can use the clicker in place of treats. This video is a good example:
An example of this training would be trying to get a dog to be house trained. The target behavior would be whenever the dog goes to the restroom outside. The consequence of this behavior would be to have the trainer click the clicker. The consequence will increase the frequency of the behavior. The consequence involves the addition of something (clicking). The antecedent is the dog having the need to use the restroom
A= the dog has to go to the bathroom
B= the dog does his business outside
C= the dog gets a “click”
This is an example of positive reinforcement. By adding a clicker, you increase the frequency of the dog using the restroom outside.
Drunken sailors-
Clicking at dogs-
The clicking video again-
Terms: target behavior, consequence, antecedent, positive punishment, positive reinforcement, conditioning/