Reading Activity Week #1 (Due Tuesday - Thursday)

Please make sure you are registered for the BMod class and then spend a little time orienting yourself with the class blog site. While you are at it please look over the syllabus pages and make sure you understand what we will be doing this semester as it relates to the syllabus.

Next read the pdf on how to register for the class blog - (make sure you actually read it because every semester several students don't do it right.)

Once you have registered you will need to wait about a day so we can approve your registration by hand/manually. Once you receive notice that you are fully registered, please log in and leave a comment about what you think about the blog site, the class, or any particular blog post you have read. I mostly just want to make sure you can log in and comment. If you have problems logging in send me an email and let me know what I can do to help.

--Dr. M


I'm excited for this hybrid class. I think the concept of taking the best of both worlds (online and in class) and molding them together is a great idea! I've taken one other hybrid class at UNI (Psych & Law..highly recommend!) and loved the flexibility it afforded me. I didn't think I would like the blogging but I found its a great opportunity to learn about something that truly interests you. I'm also a big fan of not having to buy another book because as a business major, I already spend 600 or 700 a year on books.

I took psychology and law last year and loved how the class was structured. That is why chose to take this class with the other Dr. Maclin. I really like the fact that you only have to actually go to the classroom once a week and then work on the online portion whenever you have time. I am excited to learn more about behaviors and put my new knowledge to good use!

After much brainstorm, I finally remembered my password from last year. I am excited for this class. I thoroughly enjoyed your s&p class. Thanks for the free book and I'll see you in class.

This is the second hybrid class I'm taking you this semester. Although I've never taken a class like this before I already love it! I'm enjoying the fact that I can have the best of both worlds. Thanks for the free book!

I'm really excited to be in this class this semester. I have been in a hybrid class before and loved it, so I'm excited to be able to have class but also be able to do the other work on my own time schedule. This should be a great semester!

This is my first time taking a hybrid class and I am really excited for this experience. I can't wait to see what this class has to offer and I interested how I will adjust to this learning style. The free book is a plus too!

To be completely honest, I'm a little nervous about this class. Not that it's going to be an overwhelming class, but just remembering to do everything online. However, I have heard that once you adjust to the format it fits nicely into the rest of your class schedule.

This is my first time taking this hybrid class but I am looking forward to seeing how it will work out. The site is good and well explanatory so I should be getting things or doing things the way it should be done. Technology is good, I like it, with this, I can save time into studying more. This is nice!!!

This is my first time taking a hybrid class as well. I'm a little nervous that I'll forget to check/do the online stuff at first but I'm sure I'll enjoy the convenience of doing half of the work outside of the classroom once I get used to it.

I've taken several online classes and have really enjoyed the time saving aspect of it. I've never had any online classes done in a blog format and can't wait to try it. I'm going into physical therapy and can't wait to learn the behavior modification principles that I will be able to apply soon when teaching patients new habits.

This is my first hybrid class, as a few of you have mentioned as well, and I'm very excited to learn new information that is useful in both psychology and speech-pathology. I like that this class is not based on test grades because it gives me more of a chance to learn what interests me and retain it! Can't wait to get officially started! See everyone in class!

I've never taken a hybrid class and as someone mentioned above I'm a little nervous about missing something. Still I'm really interested in this class and can't wait to use what I learn in my future career.

Super excited for this class! I am a little bummed out we only meet on Thursdays because I learn better when I am directly in a classroom, but I'll make the best out of it :)

I have never taken a hybrid class before so I am excited yet nervous to have a class structured like this. After looking over the website and syllabus, I do think this type of class will be a good fit for me! I have talked to many other UNI students and those who have taken a hybrid class only had good things to say about the classes. I am especially appreciative that the book is online!

This is my first hybird class and I'm looking forward to it. I've taken a class before that didn't have any exams and it worked well with me. Also just want to say thank you for the free book.

This is my second attempt at a hybrid class. I failed to set up a good reinforcement schedule to keep my blogs up to date. Behavior Modification is extremely interesting and I look forward to the class.

This is my second hybrid class, even though there was a lot of "busy work" I still loved this way of learning. I'm also pretty pumped that you gave us the book.

I am taking two hybrid classes this semester and so far feel like I will be enjoying them. It is also nice that I did not have to buy the book for this class. All of the content in the syllabus sounds interesting as well!

This is my second time taking a hybrid class and I really enjoy it. I like that we're able to meet with the class yet do our work for it when we don't. I can't wait to learn more about this class!

I'm very excited to expand my psychological knowledge as it is a course I find to be very fascinating. Although I have taken a few hybrid classes, this is seems to be the only class that actually lives up to that name. I'm very excited to be able to blog online, and possible read the other students blogs, and get a feel of what they took away from the lecture, or even ask questions. All of the blog posts are similar in their information, and all of the students seem to have a good idea of what behavior modification means. This makes me all the more excited to take this class because the blogs tell me that the information, is perceived well, for multiple students.

I am excited to take this class. It seems like it is going to be really interesting and will teach me knew things about behavior and how to shape behavior. This is my first hybrid class I have taken at UNI. I think it will be a good experience.

I am definitely looking forward to this hybrid course! I am hoping that I will be able to manage all of the online work as well as what we learn in class. The blog site seems to be pretty organized so I think I should be able to keep up with everything! I'm excited to see how this semester goes! :)

Last fall, I took History and Systems of Psych with Otto Maclin. I enjoyed the hybrid concept and I believe that the internet component allows us as students to be responsible and stay on top of tasks at hand, in and outside of the classroom. I am looking forward to discussing language modification. I feel that when I modify the way I speak, I may modify the way I think, which directly relates to my behaviors.

.interest enough in modifying modification into creation. .kid latch-key. 8/23/12

I so excited to have access to the expressions of my distinguished scholarly peers. I value one another......another.......Thanks!

This is my first year of going to UNI, I have decided to come here for the psychology program. This is also my first Hybrid class I have been in and am very excited try half online and half in the classroom.

This is me testing whether or not I can comment before receiving confirmation. I was able to log in...

I read the article in the modeling category, regarding product placement in movies. This is a topic that interests me. I notice psychology in everyday life most often in advertising and cinema. I once thought about a job in an advertising agency because of this. All ads do is attempt to manipulate our behavior.

I'm excited to learn about more cases in everyday life of behavior modification. The format of the class is familiar to me, having taken two courses with Kim. I enjoy the hybrid format (it's nice to have a day off). I am also excited to have Otto for a professor, for I have heard nothing but good things.

I wasn't sure of what a hybrid class was, but the idea sounds great. I took total online classes over the summer and really enjoyed logging in and completing my work over the internet. The fact that we do meet once a week in addition to this super interactive site has me looking forward to the class. So far I am very pleased with the website and love the vibe I get while in the classroom.

Good day Professor MacLin, would you think it will be convenient to adjust the range of archieves on the first Blog Page up to July this year? This way we won't have to load the entire content of all three semesters every time we visit the page, and we can still pull out entries from specific months when we need to. Also could you briefly tell me what is TrackBack? As you can see I'm still new to this tech stuff.

The class is smaller than I expected, but then I've taken a class that had less than ten people in an empty room. Therefore we are using the space quite efficiently, and most of the discussions will be done in front of computers anyway.

The site hasn’t changed since last semester when I took Sensation and Perception. This is my 4th hybrid class so I think I have an idea of how to maneuver around on the blogs. Even though the hybrid classes can be a lot of work (depending on how much time you put into posts and the work overall), I like it that way because then I am constantly working with the material and it sticks better for me. As always, I try to set goals for myself to consistently improve with my blog posts. Basically this semester I want to be able to write more for my posts. I never felt like I posted bad posts but I would just like to see them become longer and more in-depth.

I took Psych and Law last year and I really liked the format to that class. I am excited for this class because of the fact that I took Psych and Law. I learned more in that class then I did in any other class. I think this website is really effective and I didn't have any troubles with it.

I feel comfortable with these classes and it usually takes me awhile to write the blogs. I feel like it is worth it to take some time to write my blogs since we do only have class once a day. Overall I am excited for this class.

This sounds like an interesting class and I look forward to learning about behavior modification. After reading over some of the former students of the class, I particularly enjoyed the vocabulary and different ways of assessing situations objectively.

This will be the second hybrid class I have taken here at UNI. My first was Careers in Psychology, which I enjoyed taking last year. I am particularly interested in behavior modification, I believe it is something I would be able to use in real life situations easily.

This is my first hybrid class I have taken at UNI. I've really enjoyed it so far, so I hope it plays out through the semester.

This is my first time taking a hybrid class. It might take me some time to get used to having to due a few blogs a week, but I think im really going to like this class. I love the idea of only going to class once a week!

I've taken many hybrid and online classes before this one. I like the flexibility it offers so you can make it fit your schedule. However, it is the first time I have ever blogged and is a little different than what I am used to, but I do think I will enjoy the class.

From the beginning I got to class I could tell this class was going to be different than what I thought it was going to be. I was thinking this class would be a procedural way of conducting a type of therapy. It was challenging and fun to have my preconceptions challenged and to challenge the way I thought of behavior modification. I am excited to learn more about how behavior modification is in action throughout our day and a little nervous too, I like to believe I have complete control over myself and what I do.

So far I am loving this class. It has taught me so much in such a little time. When I had first registered for this class, I thought it would be a boring lecture class that would make us blog about the boring lectures that would be given. But i have found to love it. And it makes it so much easier to fit into my daily schedule.

So I noticed in the gradebook I forgot to do this one on the first week and I remember Dr. Maclin saying to just go ahead and do ones you missed because there might still be a chance for partial credit. This is my first hybrid class and so far I am liking the structure of it. It teaches in a new way that I am finding that I like. It is also much easier to handle when I can fit into the empty parts of my busy schedule.

This is my first hybrid class at UNI and I am still trying to get used to the structure. This class is a lot different than any other class I have taken. It is nice that while it is hybrid, we still meet on Thursday and get to talk about the chapters to clear up any confusions we might have.

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