Topical Blog Week #11 (Due Thursday)

Building on the assignment from last Thursday. If you listed a behavior that you are trying to reduce how might you use differential reinforcement to avoid having to punish that behavior?

Based on what we covered in class on Tuesday, please revise your behavior (think differential reinforcement rather than punishment) and the steps used to modify that behavior so you can use reinforcement. Make sure you have a reasonable goal, a specific target behavior, and a realistic way to record and graph you data. Make sure that your reinforcers will be effective. Again we will cover this in class on Tuesday.

We would like you to begin collecting baseline data beginning on Thursday so you can report it next Thursday.


My goal: Organizing my schedule better.
A target behavior would be to keep a planner and write down every appointment, homework assignment, and shift at work so i can keep track of everything. i will be able to record all of this simply by keeping a planner and writing in it everyday, and even using calendar appointments on my cell phones to remind me of upcoming events. A few of my reinforcers will simple ones, such as: earning better grades- because i will be able to keep track of my assignments, get them done and hand them in on time, therefore receiving a good grade; earn money (more hours) because i will show up on time for my shift at work, which looks good to my manager, and i will get more hours and therefore more money. Also, overall, i will have less stress because i will have better track of my time and will be able to relax more.

My goal is to exercise to loose pounds of fat!

My more specific target behavior is to do a different fat burning exercise every day of the week after I am done with class and before work. I'm going to go to the WRC here on campus after my last class of the day every Monday and run the track for two miles. I will also rock climb and swim every Monday. On Tuesday, I will do Zumba Fitness in my dorm room for one hour. Wednesday's, I'm going to go for a run on the sidewalks around campus for an hour and a half. On Thursday's, I will also go to the WRC and do cardio work outs. Twenty minutes on the elliptical, twenty minutes on the tread mill, twenty minutes on bikes, and twenty minutes of fast walking. On Friday, I plan to lift weights. I want to focus on my arms and abdomen. I will spend thirty minutes using the lifting and ab equipment and forty five minutes climbing the rock wall, which can be very intense! Saturday's, I will go for a swim and do laps for an hour, tread water for thirty minutes and do my own water aerobics. Finally, on Sunday, I will do a less intense fat burning exercise, in the comfort of my own dorm room, I will do 200 crunches, 100 mountain climbers, 90 push ups, 80 seconds of wall sits, 70 seconds of superman, 60 seconds of scissor kicks, etc.

I am recording my exercise activities by keeping a work out journal, every day that I exercise I record it in my journal. I also have the exercises that I do everyday written down so I don't forget to do them anyway. This way I will be able to graph the data that I collect. I can graph it by the day of the week that I am exercising and the exercise that I did that day, and compare it to either the amount of calories that I am burning, the fat reduction in my body, or the amount of weight that I lost. I think it would be a simple solution!

Instead of punishing myself for either not exercising, not loosing the pounds of fat, or punishing myself by not eating or not eating the things that I love, I will instead use reinforcement to make my goal of loosing pounds of fat a pleasurable one! I will reinforce my behavior of emitting exercise by, if I exercise, I will reward myself with a movie or indulge on a small treat, or a couple hours of television viewing! I could just be internally rewarding myself because I will be getting healthier and loosing the pounds of fat that I so desperately want to be loosing! Internal Motivation can do wonders!

Of course there will be those days that you can not work out. Those reasons can be reasonable, for example, if you have a test to study for, sickness, or maybe even you just want a day to relax for a day, I could make up for that lost day, on a different day or just account for the missing day on my chart because things happen in your life that prevent you from being able to keep up with your goals.

1. Goal - to become better at playing my guitar
2. Specific Target Behaviors
a. Practice technical aspects for at least 30 minutes per day
i. Which includes practicing: speed exercises, chord construction, note identification, rhythm exercises, bends, hammer on and pull offs and music theory.
b. Practice improvisation for at least 15 minutes per day
i. Which includes practicing: chord progressions, soloing, scales, rift writing, as well as original song writing
c. Practice learning other peoples songs for at least 15 minutes per day
d. Attend at least one open mic night per week
i. This includes any scenario where I play with other musicians with people watching

3. Keep a Record – I would keep a record of practicing and attending open mic on my phone. I will record the day and the duration of my practicing in each of the areas that I defined. This is extremely convenient for me because I rarely find myself without my phone. It will also help my record because I often use my phone when practicing my guitar to look up chords, tabs, and to tune my guitar.

4. Graph a Baseline – My graph would have Minutes on the x axis and the days of the week on the y axis. I would then have three separate lines of different colors for each target behavior. Finally I would simply place an x over the day of the week that I attended an open mic.

5. Determine Contingencies - I decided that I would distribute reinforcement at the end of the week. Reinforcement would be contingent on meeting all the target behaviors. In the first two weeks reinforcement would still be distributed if I fell short of the target behavior by no more than 20 percent, but I was still required to attend the open mic. The next two weeks it would still be distributed if I feel short of the target behavior by no more than 10 percent. From then out it would be distributed only if all target behaviors were met completely. The reinforcer that I plan on using is a Poncheros Burrito because it is one of my favorite foods.

6. Antecedents – Here are some of the things that I plan of changing to try to encourage my guitar playing
a. Listening to more music because this will get me excited about learning songs
b. Attending more live music because this will get me motivated to work on technical aspects as well as improvisation because I would like to be in a band, so seeing others doing it will motivate me to practice. Attending live performances will also help motivate me to go to open mic nights so that I can show case my skills
c. Leave my guitar in a highly visible place to remind me to play it
d. Set reminders on my phone to remind me that I need to practice.

7. Implement and Adjust the Contingencies – some contingencies I might make
a. A list of acceptable exceptions to not practicing
i. Family emergencies
ii. Illness
iii. Injury

The behavior that I would like to elicit a change to is to spend more time working out and being more physically active.

1) Goal- Work out more
• I could narrow down my goal and actually say what working out more means since working out more for me and working out more for another person could be totally different. I can narrow this down and explain it more in my target behavior.
2) Target Behavior- Go to the WRC every week night at 8:00 for one hour.
• Besides going to the WRC every day of the school week, I could also time spent swimming and playing while I’m working as a nanny working out time. Even if I’m not intentionally working out, I am still spending time being physically active. I could also set specific times for different days since my schedule varies from day to day.
3) Record- I would record how many days per week that I actually went to the WRC and how long that I was there.
• It might be more beneficial for me to identify how I am going to record my time spent being physically active and working out. I would have to keep in mind what would work the best for me personally. I feel that I wouldn’t be able to keep a record on my phone, so maybe it would be best if I kept a notebook and recorded my time at the end of the day before I went to bed at night.
4) Graph- My graph would have the title of “Trips to the WRC”, my Y axis would be labeled “Number of Trips”, and my X axis would be labeled “Time spent at WRC”.
• I think that a better graph would have the time spent being active instead of just my trips to the WRC since I am counting other activities as well.
5) Contingencies- If I meet my goal, I will reward myself with a Scratch cupcake every Friday.
• I feel that this is a good reinforce for me, because it gives me something to look forward to at the end of the week if I achieve my goal, and I can’t go without Scratch cupcakes!
6) Antecedents- I can use work as an antecedent to my working out behavior by working out right after work every day. Also I could put my tennis shoes by the door so when I see them, it will remind me that I need to go work out.
• These will be good antecedents for me. I work every day, so it will be easy for me to get into the habit of going to work out as soon as I get done with work.
7) Implementing and Adjusting- I can adjust my workout schedule if I went swimming that same day while babysitting or for days that I have my workout class. Another time that I will need to adjust is the night before an exam, because I will need to dedicate my time to studying rather than fitness.
• Another occurrence that I will have to adjust for is if I have to work late. I work for a family of doctors and sometimes things come up where I have to be available for them. When this happens, I can try to find physical activities that the kids and I can do together and that they will enjoy.

1. Goal: To be more fit

2. Target behaviors: Get on treadmill every other day, warm up walk for 5 minutes, run for 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds, alternating run/walk for a total of 30 minutes, including the 5 minute warm up. Sit ups for 5 minutes, leg lifts for 5 minutes, and lunge for 5 minutes hoping to increase the amount of time I can run in increments and seeing how many reps of 10 I can complete in the 5 minute increments.

3. Record keeping: I plan to keep a notebook with me and write down after completing treadmill work out and after each rep of 5 minutes. I am home, so this is easier to carry around with me.

4. Graphing: I will emit graphing how many minutes total I elicited running and walking each day I do to see if I can increase my total running time. I will also emit graphing how many reps of 10 I am able to elicit with each rep in the 5 minutes I allot myself.

5. Reinforcement: Upon eliciting completion of my work out plan each week, I will emit reinforcement contingency with a baby ice cream cone from Four Queens. I have also emitted setting an alarm to occur on my phone every other day to remind me to elicit my workout for the day.

6. Antecedent: this would be to emit completing my work out after taking my daughter to school if the day falls on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. However, on days Tuesday and Thursday I will complete after picking my daughter up from school. Saturday and Sunday’s I would like to complete mid morning.

7. If I need any adjustments for not eliciting my target behavior I will seek other things to help as reinforcement because I do not want to lessen the amount of time I have. For example I could ask a friend or family member to keep in contact with me and emit reminding me to continue my work out plan or to help keep me motivated.

The behavior I would like to change is speaking to my sister more often to build a closer bond with her.

Here are my six steps…
1. Set my goal of talking to my sister more frequently

2. Here are my target behaviors…
• Text my sister a 4 text conversation once every two days
• Talk to her on the phone for 30 minutes once a week
• Take her out to see a movie once a month

3. I would keep record of this in a notepad app in my phone, for quick access. I would record the date, time, how many conversations we had, and how long the conversation was. After the conversations on the phone and the movies I will call her and ask her to rate the conversation or evening on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 meaning we were completely disconnected and 10 meaning we had meaningful conversations. At the end of the week I will ask her on a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a bond she feels we have.

4. I would have 3 graphs. The first graph would show the days of the week and the amount of time spent talking or visiting my sister. The second graph would be a double bar graph, show the days of the week and how meaningful my sister rated our conversations and movie night outs. The third graph would show the number of weeks and how close of a bond my sister feels we have.

5. I will reward myself by allowing myself to set aside $5.00 per week of completion, to go towards buying the new shoes that I want. Also, I will be greatly rewarding by the great feeling I will get, knowing that I am building a great relationship that will last all our lives. Also, I will have the great feeling of knowing that I’m making my mother very happy be becoming closer with my sister.

6. Antecedents would be…
•Pictures of my sister and me in my room
• Her number on Speed Dial in my phone
• Knowing her schedule of activities so I know when to call and visit

7. Continue with the plan I have set. If necessary, I will change the amount of time visiting, calling, or texting my sister or I will consider changing the reward.

The behavior I would like to work out more to build more muscle and loose my gut.

1. set a goal of working out for around 90 about 5 days a week.

2. target behavior go to wrc for workout 5 days a week for about 90 min. 15 for abs 45 for arms chest back. last 30 for cardio run on tread mill bike or swim.

3. the record would be kept in a small note book that I would take with me and try out difftent workout apps on my phone. that would hold what work out routine done and how much weight done.

4. the graphs would show the differnt workouts and how much weight was done.

5. Antecedents would be a chart in my room, spending less time in the dorm, making a schedule with a friend who also hopes to work out more and putting a reminder in my phone for saying time to go work out.

6. Implement and adjust the contingencies of time of day, amount of time, Amount of weight for when ever I do all 5 days and 90 min each day I would go to the movies at the end of the week.

The behavior I would like to change is to spend more time reading than what I do currently

1)Goal: Spend more time reading books of my choosing and local news articles online

2) Target Behaviors: Take one hour out of my day to read a book of my choosing. Take thirty minutes of my day to read local news articles online.

3) To keep track of how many minutes a day I am reading a book of my choosing and reading local news articles, I will keep a journal. There will be two sections in this journal, one for the minutes I read a book and one for the minutes I read a local news article. The minutes will be recorded under the days/dates of the week. After I am done reading, I will record the number of minutes I read in the appropriate section

4) My lined graph will be titled "Minutes Read (Write Week)". On the X-axis it will be the days of the week. On the Y-axis will be number of minutes ranging from zero to sixty. This will show me, visually, if I am reaching my goal of 60 minutes a day for a book and 30 minutes a day for local news article. Each line will be represented in different colors.

5) If everyday of the week I reach my goal, I will reward myself with a piece of chocolate! This would be after the week is up.

6) For reading a book, I would place my book on my pillow so I would read an hour before I went to bed. For the local news articles online, I would set an alarm on my phone to remind me to look up some local news articles. The alarm will be set for 4:00pm because that is a consistent time of day when I will have time to get online to read the articles.

7) I may have to adjust my reading schedule if I am on vacation! Or my schedule may have to be adjusted during weeks I have exams. It may also have to be adjusted on the days I am scheduled to work.

Goal= Spend less time on Facebook

Target Behavior= only get on Facebook one time a day, at night before I go to bed, and only spend 30 min on Facebook

Record= I would use the notes app on my phone for recording every time I got on Facebook. I would record the time I got on Facebook, and how long I was on Facebook.

Graph= I would create two different bar graphs. One graph(#1) would have an x-axis displaying the day of the week, and the y-axis would display the amount of time I spent on Facebook that day. My other graph(#2) would have an x-axis that displayed the time of the day, and a y-axis displaying number of times I got on Facebook in a day. I would only have to restart the #1 graph every week, but I would have to redo the #2 graph every day. I would keep up this routine for a month, then see what I needed to adjust.

Contingencies= Reward myself with a Hersey's chocolate bar for every week I only go on Facebook for one time a day, for no more than 30 min in that time. Also reward myself with a star every day that I do not go on Facebook, and when I reach 30 stars, reward myself with a $100 shopping spree on the internet for anything I desire.

Antecedent= Don't have my home screen set up to go to Facebook. Don't have my Facebook notifications' sent to my phone. When I get bored of doing some homework after awhile, don't get online.

Adjust= I could adjust the amount of time I spend in one sitting for Facebook. I could change the time of day I get on Facebook. I could also let that 30 min time span be over the entire day, and not just the one sitting.

A behavior I would like to change is what time I get up in the morning.
1)Set a goal of being out of bed and moving around before 8 every morning.
2)Target behaviors
a.Being awake by 7 every morning
b.Being out of bed and moving by 8:00 every morning.
3)The record I would keep would be a piece of paper on my mirror where I would write down what time I was up every day
4)My graph would be the days of the week and what time I woke up each day
5)Some antecedent’s will be moving my alarm clock farther away from my bed, going to bed sooner, and not drinking caffeine at night so I sleep better. I will reward myself for getting up early by going to breakfast each morning I get up before 8 o'colck. By going to breakfast, I will be able to have the fresh squeezed orange juice at Rialto.
6)I will adjust my schedule to make sure that I have time to get stuff done at night if I can’t get up in the morning and I will keep trying to get in the habit of waking up early.

A behavior I would manipulate is snacking less on unhealthy good and snack more on healthy foods.
1. Eat at least three snacks involving fruit, vegetables, or dairy products and eat no more than one snack full of sugars.
2. Target Behaviors: eating fruits throughout the day, not eating candy and chips more than once, not buying junk food to snack on when shopping, buying fruits.
3. I will keep track in a journal of how many times I snacked and on what.
4. I will record for a week how many snacks I usually have during the course of a day and whether they are healthy or not. This will be my baseline. My graph will be a line graph. The X-axis will be each day of the week starting with Sunday and ending on Saturday. The Y-axis will be labeled "Snacks Eaten" and will be numbered from zero to ten. There will be two lines, one for healthy snacks and the other for unhealthy snacks, and will be distinguished by color.
5. My contingency will be that if I meet the requirements for a week I will reward myself with Coldstone Ice Cream or a slice of pie on Saturday and not have it count towards my graph.
6. I will eliminate all the junk food from my dorm room and replace it with fruits such as bananas, apples, fruit cups, and cheese.
7. I will have to increase the duration of the requirements to get my contingency. I will probably have to change my contingency after a while if I become satiated or due to cost.

My goal is more effective study habits; specifically time management.

1)Goal: More effective studying

2)Target behavior: Increase study time by 5 minutes each day for two weeks for a total goal of a 70 minute increase. Will collect baseline data for three days.

3)Record: Record total number of study minutes each day, plot cumulatively and by day.

4)Graph: The X axis contains the days of the week for two weeks. The Y axis is cumulative number minutes studied. I will also make a graph that plots total number of minutes studied each day.

5)Contingencies: I will earn 15 minutes of video game play each day that I meet the Target Behavior of increasing study time by 5 minutes.

6)Antecedents: Post graph next to my desk in my dorm room; also a sign that says 5 minutes earns you 15.And another reminding: No video game playing until studying is done.

7)Adjustments: I may need to change the time added for studying, 5 minutes may be too little. I may need more than one kind of reinforcer. I may need to look at how I time my studying and how I can keep the total time for the day. I may need a cut-off time in the evening after which a reinforcer cannot be earned. I may need a rule that I cannot study for just 5 minutes and that count as added time

The behavior I would like to change is going to bed earlier.
1. My goal is to go to bed before midnight every school night.
2. I want to go to bed in between the hours of eleven and midnight every school night in order to get at least eight hours of sleep a night so I'm not tired during the school day.
3. I will keep a log on my computer; an excel sheet that will transfer over into a line graph.
4. My excel sheet will transfer over into a line graph. The X axis would be what time I go to bed, and the Y axis would be what day it is.
5. The contingencies will be that if I get to bed by midnight every night throughout the weeknights, I get to go to a frozen yogurt place or some other ice cream place at the end of the week on a Sunday afternoon and get one small ice cream treat.
6. My antecedents would be getting my homework done right after I'm done with class. I would also need to make sure that I don't go out and do things on school nights so I get back to my room late. Another thing that would help is making a schedule for every day so I can plan out how my day will go.
7. I may have to adjust how often I go out to get ice cream to only doing it like once a month or something just so I don't become satiated with eating ice cream every week.

The behavior I would change is paying attention in class more.
1. My goal is to focus on what I am learning in class more.
2. My target behaviors are not using my cell phone in class, not talking to my neighbors unless it's a class related question once class starts, take notes about what I am learning actively throughout class, about 2 pages just counting one side.
3. I will keep a log of my behaviors in a notebook after each class.
4.) I would have six seperate graphs that would chart cell phone use, talking behavior, and note taking behavior of MWF classes and TTH classes. So the titles would be the days the classes are taken, the X axis would be the names of the classes, and the Y axis would be the number of times I used a cell phone, Talked in class, or the number of pages I took notes.
5.) The contingencies would be that if I don't use my cell phone, don't talk in class, and take 2 pages of notes in 10 out of my 13 times I have class for a week then I can treat myself to a medium Blizzard from Dairy Queen.
6.) My antecedents would be turning off my phone before class or leaving it in my room, I could always sit in the front row of my classes, I could not be friends with the people who sit beside me, I could have my goal visible on every notebook I have.
7. I may have to adjust my contingencies if I get good at meeting my goal such as taking 2 pages of notes in all of my classes or getting a blizzard once every two weeks. If I struggle with meeting my goal then I may adjust it by being able to use my phone 2 times a week during class, and talking too friends 3 times a week instead of having it be zero.

1) My Goal:
Drive safely and legally/driving habits
2) Target Behavior:
Drive the speed limit posted. Stop at red lights/stop signs. Use turn signal.
3) Record Keeping:
My record keeping is easy since I am already part of the snap-shot program on progressive which records my g-force while driving and speed. (The speed recorded does not go towards insurance records so it does not affect me.) Every time I start my car it records my speed intervals. Along with this I will keep a note book in my car and record/count every stop sign on my route and write down if I stopped or not.
4) Graph:
My graph, which is conveniently already premade for me on my progressive website, shows day and time versus speed. Thus I have an accurate and reliable graph of my driving habits ever since I plugged in my device. I would also make a graph for the number of stop signs/lights I did not adhere to. I would do this by making a bar graph on word processing counting number of stops signs on my route versus how many I did not adhere to on a day to day basis.
5) Contingencies:
If I do adhere to stops signs and speed limits for 3 days in a row, I reward myself with a Long John doughnut. If I adhere to the laws for a whole 6 days in a row, I reward myself with a godfathers pizza. If I go a whole month without breaking any laws I reward myself with going out and spending fifty dollars on myself for pure entertainment purposes.
6) Antecedents:
a. Leave early for work or events so there is no need to speed.
b. Place sticky note by speedometer reminding me not to speed.
c. Leave old copy of speeding ticket on car dash to remind me and deter me from speeding.
7) Adjust:
Continue to control my driving habits and not speed. Possibly be more lenient and be allowed to drive 5 miles over the speed limit. Change award system or change consistency of reward. Change food reward when needed. Change amount of money able to spend on one-self if needed. Be flexible.

#1) My Goal: Avoid eating sweets at meal time and during snacking periods outside of special occasions and/or holidays.

#2) Target Behaviors:

- Get rid of the sweets currently in my dorm room by throwing them out, or giving them away.

- Eat fruit or yogurt following my main courses of food after breakfast, lunch, and dinner instead of choosing the donuts, cookies, or bars, as well as any other kind of dessert.

- Leave and enter the Rialto through the Dancer Hall door instead of the Bender Hall door so I no longer pass the dessert table.

- Buy healthier snack options such as carrots and granola bars at the grocery store instead of the Oreos.

- Go work out before supper instead of after so I am more conscious as to what I eat at supper in order to not waste the work out by eating unhealthy options at supper.

- Take a different route to work at Gilchrist in the afternoons in order to avoid Chats in the Union where I like to buy pop and cookies to snack on at work.

- Bring sweeter fruit such as apples or grapes to work to snack on in order to avoid the temptation of my boss's candy jar sitting on the front desk.

#3) Record: I would use my cell phone to record the sweets that I ate every week, as well as to record the success of succeeding at my other target behaviors. This type of recording is useful and handy for me, because there is not a place I go where I don’t have my phone on me. I have a smartphone that has a notepad feature that I can place onto one of my screens where I could list the sweets that I ate which would help to serve as a constant reminder. I have a calendar on my phone where I could record the days that I took the alternate routes to the Rialto and/or to work. I could also use the list feature on my phone to list the grocery items that I bought instead of the sweets I usually buy.

First, during every meal, during snack, and while I am at work, I can record on my phone the specific items that I ate.

Second, I could record on my phone the days that I took the alternate route to the Rialto or to Gilchrist for work.

Third, I could record the items that I bought at the grocery store that were healthier than buying the sweets that I normally do.

#4) Graph a Baseline: In order to graph my success with achieving my target behaviors, I would have to graph the behaviors on separate graphs. My first graph would be a line graph to show the number of sweets I had eaten and in which week in order to document the progress towards my goal. My Y-Axis would be a set of quantitative data to represent the number of sweets that I had eaten that week. My X-Axis would represent the timeline in weeks.(For example: Week #1, Week #2, etc.)The title of my graph would be the following: “Number of Sweets Eaten on a Weekly Basis.”

My second set of graphs would also be a line graph representing the number of times I took the alternate route to work and to the dining center. My Y-Axis would be a set of quantitative data to represent the number of times in each week that I took the alternate routes. My X-Axis would represent the timeline in weeks. (For example: Week #1, Week #2, etc.) In order to graph this portion, I would need separate graphs. One graph representing the alternate routes to work, and the other graph representing the alternate routes to the Rialto. The title of these graphs would be the following: “Number of Alternate Routes Taken to Gilchrist Hall,” and “Number of Alternate Routes Taken to the Rialto.”

My third graph would also be a line graph to show the number of sweets that I bought at the grocery store. I tend to stock up on groceries on the weekends, typically on Sunday. Therefore, my graph would represent every Sunday and the number of sweets that I bought. My Y-Axis would be a set of quantitative data to represent the number of sweets that I bought. My X-Axis would represent the timeline in weeks. (For example: Sunday Week #1, Sunday Week #2, etc.) My title would be the following: “Number of Sweets Bought.”

#5) Determine Contingencies: In order to avoid using punishment to reinforce the behavior, I would use buying a new movie as reinforcement for avoiding sweets. I am a movie person and love to buy new movies to add to my collection. Therefore, in the beginning I would buy myself a movie each Sunday as reinforcement for avoiding sweets that week. As time went on, I would spread the time out in-between buying movies in order to avoid satiation. The incentive of buying a new movie would most likely increase the likelihood of me avoiding sweets.

#6) Determine Antecedents:

- I could make a grocery list of the items that I need to get at the grocery store before leaving, and that way it would force me to stick to the list while in the store instead of adding things to the cart as I see them like I usually do.

- I could tell my friends to meet me at the opposite doors away from the dessert table in order to force myself to avoid the doors closest to the desserts in order to also help avoid the temptation.

- I could leave earlier for work in order to make it more possible to take the longer route avoiding the Union to get to work.

#7) Implement and Adjust the Contingencies: An adjustment I could make would be to make a list of the times that I could have sweets such as the holidays and/or special occasions in order to remind myself that I am just decreasing the amount I eat, not the overall eating of sweets.

1) My goal-Is to become more fit.

2) Target Behavior- My more specific target behavior is to run every other day for it least one hour and do my abs workout after. My plan is to shift between running and jogging in the beginning because I am out of shape. Working my way to running the full hour without stopping to jog or walk. Then twice a week go to the WRC, when allowed by my schedule, to lift weights and do my abs workout. I will lift weights working my arm, legs and abdomen for it least one hour if not more. My abs workout consists or six different workouts which I will do 25 reps in two sets.

2) Record- I keep a record of my workout schedule in a journal that I have. I will record the days, time, and exercise I have done. I’ll record the portion that I ran and the portion that I jogged. I will then write down how long my total run/jog was for. I will also write down how long it took me to do my abs workout. While lifting weights I will record which machines I used, the reps and sets, along with how long it took me to complete the entire workout.

2) Graph- I will be able to graph this fairly easily by putting the days of the week on the x axis and the amount of time I spend exercising all together. I will then be able to compare my times to each other. Inadvertently, I will be able to compare this to the amount of weight I’ve lost, the size of my jeans, etc.

5) Contingencies- I will use differential reinforcement by rewarding myself for, to begin with, working out as I desired. As progress continues I will then reward myself from the decreasing amount of time it takes me to complete the workout and being able to run the full hour. I will either use a sweet treat to reward myself for doing a good job in order to reinforce myself.

6) Antecedents- I leave my bathing suit out on my dresser to remind me that i want to be able to be comfortable wearing it in public. Therefore making me feel the need to go work out and go running.

7) Implementing and adjusting- I may have to go back and forth from running to jogging in the beginning because I am not in shape and I get cramps and side aches; which this will make getting in shape a little less averse for me in the beginning making it easier as the weeks pass by. Also, being that I work two jobs and am a full time student I may not always have the time to work out on the days and the times I would like.
If this happens I can merely work out and lift weights in the same day or just do a longer run at night to make up for the day I was not able to and the same goes for lifting weights.

The behavior I would like to change is work out more.

1. Goal:
Work out more by lifting weights in the gym and doing cardio.

2. Define Target Behaviors:
My target behaviors include first lifting in the gym for one hour three times a week. I will also do some sort of cardio, whether it be run, play basketball, or something else for at least a half hour twice a week. Realistically I would like to alternate between the two during the week, but that may not be the case and I'm alright with that.

3. Keep a Record:
I will keep a journal in my gym bag and keep track of weight and amount of reps when lifting weights. I will also try and keep track of how much I run by writing down the amount of time or distance I run.

4. Graph a Baseline:
I will graph the amount of weight and reps to see my improvements. I will also graph the time spent on cardio and distance ran if possible.

5. Determine Contigencies:
I will use differential reinforcement to reinforce my target behaviors. Every day that I work out I will reward myself with one hour of video games that night after the work out.

6. Determine Antecedents:
I can clear my schedule so as to allow ample time for my workout I can work out with a friend so it makes me commit to the workout. I can make my workout known so that I will feel obligated to actually follow through with it.

7. Implement and Adjust Contigencies:
I may need to adjust the amount of time or days of the workout to get better results. I may have to add or change the target behaviors as I progress so as to keep it moving in a positive direction. I may have to change the reinforcer to something more reinforcing to keep me motivated.

1. My goal is to get only A's and B's each remaining semester at UNI.

2. Target behaviors- My plan is to read over my notes after everyday's classes, attend every class each week, and start studying for a test 1 week in advance. I want to study 1 hour each night one week before the test. I also want to schedule to meet with a tutor if I am getting a C or below at midterm in any of my classes.

3. Record- I will get a daily planner and write down each class I attend, and after class I will make a check mark to show I read my notes. This will come in handy for me because I like to be organized, and I can keep my planner in my bag. I will always have my bag at class so I shouln't forget to write it down. If I forget to write it down in my planner, I can make a note in my phone and record it later.

4. Graph-I will get a large calender for my desk at home and record every day I attend classes and how many total classes I attended for the week. I will also make a graph to record my goals for each class. I will have each class listed, and if I read my notes after class every day and how many hours I studied each night before an exam. This will show me if I am doing what I am supposed to and where I need to focus more attention too.

5. Contingencies: If I attend all my classes each week and emit my goals for each class, I will reinforce myself with going out on Friday and Saturday night. I always look forward to going out with my friends on the weekend so this will be a good reinforcer. If I go all month with attending class and emitting my goals, I will reinforce myself with going out to eat at my favorite restaurant.

6. Antecedents- I would set my planner in my bag each night so I see it in class the next day, that way it reminds me to record my progress. I would also set my notes on my bed to remind me I have to read them before I go to bed each night. If I left them in my bag I may forget about them. I would also tell my friends my goals so they can remind me to study, and I would ask them to set up a schedule to attend the library with me.

7. Adjusting-I may have to adjust reading my notes after class if I have to work. I may also have to miss classes due to appointments or being sick, and that will not count against me.

1 Goal: finish a novel.
2 Target Behaviors: In crease time spent on Novel to 45min-60 min on Tues and Thursdays in teh afternoons. Then Typing aadn editing on Satuday afternoon for half hour. Sub Target behavior, Increase amount of writing. Increase amount if typing.Increase amount of brainstorming.
3 Records: Record when an dwhere wrting currently accurs.
Record time spent writing in a graph. Record amount written. in a graph
4 I will graph how much i already write per week as my basseline.
5. Contingencies. If I fuful the target behavior of writing time I will Get my self a Wendys Frosty on Sunday. After two weeks of keeping the goal and based off increases in graph of amount of writing completed. I will receive a Mocha Frappe.
6. Antecedents. I will go to teh library during the afternoons at 1:00 to work on writing. Bring only a writing materials . No computer. Saturday use a computer. And Write following lunch.
7. Adjustments. If there is a major writing paper due the previous week may only have on novel session to adjsut for teh project.

For this blog, I just did exactly what we did in class. I went back to my blog from a week ago and copied and pasted it to a new word document. I then went through the seven steps and altered what needed to be changed as well as added more details to the parts that were particularly vague.

The behavior I would like to change is to eat less sweets, which would include eating less chocolate, candy, baked goods, etc.
1. My goal is to start off by emitting the behavior not eating as many sweets (sugars, desserts, baked goods) as I currently do.
2. The target behavior I wish to emit is eating one sweet food (an example would be chocolate or some sort of baked goods) only once every 48 hours.
3. I already bought a food diary a while ago, yet have recently strayed from using it. I will now use this diary to record my sweets intake, making sure I don’t go over my allotted amount (1 every 48 hours). For now, when I eat this one sugary goodness doesn’t matter to me, as everyday is different. If this becomes an issue, I will later monitor it as such.
4. Since the reason I am having this goal is to lose weight, I will have two charts. One chart just to track my progress on eating sweets less, as I’m sure at first I’ll slip up; hopefully I can increase the time frame to three days per sweet eventually, and so forth. This chart will be a very simple, basic chart. It will simply demonstrate the number of sweets in a given amount of time. A scatter plot would make the most sense. Each dot would represent a sweet. Hopefully as the time goes on (x axis) the number of dots/sweets (y axis) will become farther apart from one another. Another chart will be a bar graph where I will track my weight loss in comparison to how many sweets I eat a week. The x axis will contain the weeks, with the number of sweets I ate each week. The y axis will contain my weight in pounds. I may have to make a few adjustments to this chart, because even as I describe it, it sounds somewhat confusing.
5. The contingencies would be to reward myself with something OTHER than food. I tend to do this, but I am not a dog; food is not a reward. There are also studies out there that show the less you eat something, the less you’ll crave it. I will reinforce my behaviors by allowing myself free spending money on either clothes or shoes for every two weeks I meet my goal. This will hopefully elicit my behavior of eating less sweets in order to gain the reward money.
6. The antecedent is not carrying any sweet foods in the house. I also need to leave my wallet at home when I work, as I work right above 23rd Street Market; when we have our break, it is very difficult to not go there and pick up a sweet snack or a muffin.
7. Adjusting my behavior of bringing my wallet to work will have to take place. I also may need to adjust my time frame for sweets depending on how it goes at first. For example, weekdays tend to be easier then the weekend. Perhaps I need to allow myself three sweets per week rather than saying one every 48 hours. I will find out if I need to make the adjustment once I begin to carry out my goal.

Rather than punishing myself for eating sweets, I should reward myself for eating healthy. This is an even better way to look at things rather than rewarding myself for not eating sweets. Eating healthy will also not only eliminate my sugar intake, but my fast food intake as well. Perhaps if this plan does not go as I would hope, I can revisit the seven steps of self directed behavior and make a new plan of reinforcing my emitted behaviors of healthy eating.

Here are my seven steps to eating healthier...

1. Goal: I want to eat healthier and not eat so much junk food in my free time.

2. Target Behaviors: I would like to keep myself busy during the day so I don't have so much down time to sit in my room and snack on junk food. I could go for a walk or go to the WRC to workout more often. Ask for more hours at my on campus job. Or I could sit in the library or towers center to do homework or study for my classes.

3. Records: I would keep track of what I'm eating with a daily journal or if I can't do that I would keep track on my cell phone and just keep little memos. I could also keep track of what I'm buying by my grocery store receipts.

4. Graphs: I will graph what I'm eating on a spreadsheet on my computer and see how healthy I'm getting each week.

5. Contingencies: If I can fulfill my goal with eating healthy for four weeks I will reward myself with a new pair of shoes. I cannot eat out to any fast food restaurant and cannot intake more than 1,940 calories per day.

6. Antecedents: I will make myself busier during the day so I'm more active and my metabolism will run faster. I will only buy healthy foods such as fresh fruits and try to stay away from starchy foods.

8. Adjustments: Depending on the time of the year it is I may or may not eat more in a day. For example if it is around a holiday there's more likely to be food around from my family or from other people to eat that I may eat. There are also big meals being prepared.

1.My goal is to write a novel-length story.
2. Target behavior: To facilitate my goal, my target behavior is to write 500 new words on the story I am currently working on every morning before my wife wakes up.
3. I will keep a record of how many words I write each day by counting the words and then writing that number at the point where I stop for that day.
4. My graph will be cover the days of the week and the number of words I write. The days will be listed on the x-axis and the number of words will be the y-axis. The numbers along the y-axis will start at zero and increase by 50 at each interval.
5. My reinforcer for each day I successfully emit my target behavior will be the sense of accomplishment I will feel for having written and made progress on my story. If I emit this behavior successfully for a full week, I will reinforce myself with a meal at Taco Bell.
6. The antecedents I will need to create to ensure my target behavior is emitted are leaving my notebook on the kitchen table, setting my alarm so I wake up early enough, have my idea notebook on the table so I can refer to it as needed, drink a cup of water/wash my face so I will feel alert enough to write.
7. I might need to adjust my reinforcement schedule so I am reinforced more frequently. I also might need to add a reinforcer for my daily behavior because the accomplished feeling may not be enough after a while. I may want to change the time of day I emit the target behavior because it may not be possible to emit this behavior in the mornings. Lastly, I might have to change the weekly reinforcer because spending money every week might not be feasible.

The behavior I would like to change would be spending more time reading.
1.)My goal: Spending more time reading books that I find interesting,
whether it be a fiction or non-fiction, just as long as it is
something that interest me.
2.)Target Behaviors: Take an hour out of my entire day to sit down and
read a book of my choosing, whether it be 30 minutes during lunch and
30 minutes before bed, or the entire 60 minutes before bed, just as
long as I spend a combined total of 60 minutes reading throughout my
3.) The record would be to keep track of how long I am reading for
each day, and possibly what I am reading. To keep record of this I
will mark down on my calendar or in a notebook, depends on if I am
home or away, how long I read for, and how many times I read
throughout the day.
4.) My graph will be titled Minutes reading. The Y axis will be named
minutes, and will range from 0 to 60 minutes, counting by 5’s. The X
axis will be named days of the week, and will have them listed
starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday. This graph will help me
visually see that at the end of each day I have either read 60
minutes, or I haven’t.
5.) At the end of every week I will reward myself by putting 5 dollars
into a collecting jar, and when I finally finish the book, no matter
how long it takes me, I will get to empty the jar and go buy something
of my choosing. I opted to do this type of reward because I know
myself and if I try rewarding myself with candy it won’t work, candy
isn’t a constant reinforce for me, also I’m the type of person to
where If I don’t read Monday, I won’t read the rest of the week
because I know I won’t be getting anything in the end because I missed
one day. So with this rewarding system, at the end of each week I get
5 bucks, but I don’t get that 5 bucks back until I finish the book,
therefore it would reinforce me to read more often because I want to
go buy something with that money, even if it’s something as little as
an ice cream treat.
6.)Antecedent: For reading the book of my choice, I would make sure I
have the book out in plain sight, probably laying on my bed or pillow
so I can’t pretend I don’t see it. I also would take the television
out of my room as an experiment to see if I would be more encouraged
to grab my book rather than the remote.
7.)adjust: I may need to adjust my reading schedule if I don’t stay at
home, am on vacation, or if I have company over. Also If I have a lot
of homework which would be aversive, so I might not want to read

1. My goal is to do more running and walking

2. My target behavior is to run at least one time a day for at least a half an hour.

3. Record. I will record my target behavior by keeping a pen and a notpad right next to the door so once I get home I can record exactly how long my run was, and if I forget to right it one the notepad I can just record it on my phone and write it down later. This will be handy so I wont forget my time or forget to write it down. I could also right down not only the time, but the distance I ran and keep track to go further and further on my runs.

4. Graph. I may have to make a couple different graphs to record all of the behavior I need to modify. On all the graphs I will make the days of the week on the y axis, but on the other graphs I will write on the x axis, the time, and the distance. I will make all of these graphs and compare them to see all of my progress.

5. Contingencies. Instead of punishing my behavior if I don’t run, I will reinforce my run to make it more pleasurable and less aversive. This will make me actually want to go running. I can do this by putting money in a jar when I go on a good run which I ran a longer distance than the one previously. Once there is a lot of money in the jar I could end up buying new running shoes, new running clothing, or I could save up more and get an ipod that I can use while running, so the reinforcement is used on something that will motivate me to run

6. Antecedents. One thing that I could do is leave out my running shoes out so when I see them it reminds me that I need to go running. Another thing that I could do is when I know that I'm going to be running I can put on music that makes me want to go out and do something. Music can be a good motivator or something to take your mind off what you are actually doing it.

7. Adjustments. There will be times when I need to make adjustments for my running. If I know I will be busy at the time I usually run which is just when it starts to get dark, I will have to adjust to waking up and fitting in a run either in the morning, or sometime when I have free time during the day, Also if the weather is bad, I will have to go to a gym and run on a treadmill or go to my sisters house and use her work out equipment.

The behavior that I want to change is watching less television.

1. Goal-Watch less television.
2. Target Behavior- Watch 2 hours or less of television every day.
3. Record- Keep a notebook with the amount of television watched every night.
4. Graph- I will graph the amount of time of television watched every night. The graph would be a line graph where x-axis is day of week and y-axis is time spent watching television in 15-minute intervals.
5. Contingencies- Reward myself with a new piece of fishing equipment for each 5 successful days.
6. Antecedents- Have alternative forms of entertainment (books, basketball) readily available. Keep log with remote to discourage watching television.
7. Adjustments- I may have to adjust reinforcement based on time of year and money available. May have to make change to target behavior for weekends and special occasions.

1. I want to read a book for fun on my free time.

2. I will read 30 minutes a day (or 1 chapter depending on which comes first).

3. I will keep a journal in a notebook that I use for school, and record when I start reading, as well as when I finish each day.

4. To develop a graph, I will label the graph based on the day and the amount of time. On the x-axis I will list each day (Monday through Sunday). On the y-axis I will graph the amount of time spent reading.

5. During the first two weeks I will reinforce my behavior by allowing myself an hour of XBOX 360. After two weeks I will continue to read 30 minutes a day as a minimum, but make it a goal to read at least 45 minutes three times a week. As a reward, I will allow myself to purchase a video game if I read 26 out of 28 days in the month period.

6. I will put place my book in visible sight, next to my XBOX controller. Since will be inclined to want to play XBOX, seeing the book next to the controller will prompt me to make sure that I have read prior to playing video games. I will also change contexts every few days, reading in other rooms in my apartment, coffee shops, or various places on campus.

7. I will need to provide myself with various reinforcers throughout the month. While XBOX 360 is very reinforcing for me, it would be good to have other reinforcers, such as getting an ice cream at an ice cream shop, going out for coffee, or purchasing a fifth of Crown Royal as an adjustment to buying a game as a big reinforcer.

1.) My goal is to emit the behavior of exercising in order to lose weight.

2.) Define/Specify the Goal as a Set of Target Behaviors: I will go to the WRC at 3:00 pm. every Monday through Friday and stay there for at least one hour and 30 minutes. For the first 30 minutes I will run on the treadmill or elliptical. I will then spend the next 30 minutes engaging in any type of activity that raises my heart rate above 165 beats per minutes. The last 30 minutes of my workout will be spent doing ab exercises such as various types of crunches. I have 10 different ab exercises and I will do 20 reps of each and repeat all of the exercises two times.

3.) Keep a Record: I will keep a behavioral diary in my phone and record my workout behaviors on this. I will have a list of my exercises already entered in my phone so that I can just check them off when I complete each one. I would record my workout in my diary right after I completed my workout so that it would be accurate and I would be less likely to forget anything. Also, I always have my phone on me so this would be very handy for me. I even have my phone with me when I work out and usually just place it in the drink holder on a machine or set it next to me. After completing each exercise I could just enter the date, amount of time spent at the WRC, how much time I spent on each activity, what I was doing before I came to work out, and how I was feeling afterwards in my phone. I would then save this in the notebook application on my phone so that I could use this information later when making a graph. I would also weigh myself every evening before I go to sleep so that I can see if I am reaching my goal of losing weight.

4.) Graph a Baseline: Before attempting to manipulate my exercising behavior, I will keep track of my workouts for at least one week so that I will have a comparison for when I do begin working toward my goal. In order to keep track of my progress I would need to create two separate graphs. To record my workout behaviors I would create two line graphs using Excel and print them out at the end of each week. The title of my first line graph would be Amount of Time Spent Working Out. The y-axis, which is the dependent measure, would be labeled Minutes Spent Working Out and would range from 0 minutes to 160 minutes (or as high as needed). The x-axis would be labeled time and would contain the days of the week, Monday through Friday. I would also have a second graph that would be labeled Weight Loss. The y-axis would be labeled weight in pounds and would contain my weight for that day. And the x axis would be labeled time and would contain the days of the week, Monday through Friday.

5.) Determine Contingencies: If I reached my goal of losing any amount of weight during the week, I will reinforce myself with a movie night and a scoop of frozen yogurt on Friday evening. Being able to relax and just watch a movie is kind of rare for me. I am usually too busy to just lie around and watch a movie so I really enjoy it when I am able too. Since I am likely to watch a movie anyways, it is easy to integrate this into my goal. Also, although I am attempting to lose weight, frozen yogurt is one thing that I cannot go without. It is not terrible for you so it is not like I am totally sabotaging my goal. I know that I would probably break down and eat it eventually if I tried to refrain from eating it altogether, so it works out perfectly that I could use this as a reinforcer.

6.) Determine Antecedents: I would be able to control the antecedents to make this goal a little easier to accomplish. By setting an alarm for 2:45 pm. on my phone I would have to stop what I was doing and looking at the reminder on the phone that would remind me to head to the WRC to work out. Also, I could set my work out clothes on my bed so that when I walk into my room after class and get ready to watch TV for a bit, I would be reminded that I need to work out shortly. Also, I could ask my roommate to be my workout partner since she works out a lot anyways. This way I would have someone to motivate me and I would be held responsible for my actions.

7.) Implement and Adjust the Contingencies: I could adjust my schedule if I was sick that day or if work called and I had to go in during my scheduled 3:00 workout time. In these cases I could just move the time around or do double the next day. Also, if frozen yogurt no longer was reinforcing, or if I decided that I wanted to eat even healthier, I may have to change the reinforcer to something that I find more reinforcing and that works with my goals I have set for myself. Also, if I had a large paper or exam the next day I may have to skip a work out because school is more important to me than working out is. As my schedule changes over the summer I may also have to change the time I want to work out from 3:00 pm. to a time that would work better with my new schedule.

The goal I would like to accomplish is to workout more, to improve my health.

1)First, I need to set a goal. The goal is to workout often, to get in shape, and also to make my body healthy.

2)The specific target behaviors I would like to emit is to go to the WRC, the Health Beat in the Union, or my dorm room to do a workout no less than 4 times a week, and do cardio (a machine, run the track, or a video) for at least an hour, and then an ab workout for at least 15 minutes.

3)I would take a journal along with me when I worked out, and record in it every time right after my workout. I would write down the day, how long I worked out, and how many calories I burned. I would also include my thoughts and how I felt after my workout, because I think that is a good motivation to remind myself why I am doing this, and how good it feels to be active.

4)For my graph, I would have the day of the week on the X-axis, and the amount of time I spent working out on the Y-axis. This would easily show if I accomplished the amount of time I wanted to working out, and how many times a week I did.

5)If I meet my goal by the end of the week, I would treat myself to ice cream at the dining center after I eat dinner. This would be reinforcing because I really love the soft-served ice cream, and it would be something to look forward to and keep me motivated.

6)Some antecedents would be that I could put up pictures of really fit people up around my room, and inspiring quotes. This would also help keep me motivated and my mind would constantly be focused on working out if I see it all around me. Also, I would set alarms in my phone for a certain time each day where I know I have nothing going on, and that would remind me to go workout. I would make sure I have all my other activities and work done so I don't have an excuse not to go.

7)Adjustments may be needed if my schedule gets busy, and I may need to adjust certain target behaviors if I'm not getting the results I am looking for. Also, I could change the antecedents to help my self become more motivated and get rid of anything that is aversive holding me back from reaching my goal.

1) My goal is to reduce my alcohol consumption per week.

2) I plan on reducing this unwanted behavior by only taking $10 to the bars with me, when I go. I am also reducing the amount of times I go out during the weeks. I have decided to reduce this to twice a week and gradually work from there.

3) In order to keep record of this, I will write down the times I go out, approximately how much I drink before and how much money I spend while out. Seeing how much money I spend on alcohol alone will likely reinforce myself to subside.

4) I plan to have two graphs. The first one will be recorded as I said above in a week that I haven't started working towards my goal. Which means going out as I regularly would. I will record this information and compile it into my graph which will then tell me how much time I spend drinking, how much money I spend drinking, and how much alcohol I actually consume. I'm not 100% sure on how I would put this all into a graph, but that is the information I would like to include in it. The second graph will be the same information but during a week where I am working towards my goal. I will continue to do this until I am happy with my goal completion.

5) The contingencies are kind of difficult to integrate into reducing my alcohol consumption. But I've decided that from the money I will potentially save from reducing this behavior, I will reward myself with a small shopping spree. I really enjoy shopping so if I do not comply with my requirements for the week, then I will not allow myself to go. If I do comply, then I can treat myself to a small trip with the savings.

6) One antecendent that would help greatly would be if one of my friends would join along with me. Most of my friends drink a lot, so it's hard to do by yourself. Another could be to start visiting home on the weekends so that I don't have as strong of an urge to go out every weekend, as I don't see my family very often.

7) I think the plans I have right now should work pretty well for me, but if they don't I could always adjust them. For instance, if twice a week is proving to be too much, I could narrow it down to only spending a set amount of money per week instead of the number of days. Also, if the shopping sprees prove to be not reinforcing I may need to change that as well. I have recently also stopped eating sweets. I could use that as a reinforcer by allowing myself to treat myself to a sweet of my choice every week I successfully achieve my goal.

Last Thursday's Blog:
#1-Set Goal.
My goal would be to complete my accounting homework prior to classtime.
#2-Define/Specify the Goal as a set of target behaviors
-completing all the steps of each accounting problem until I have found the correct solution.
-If I am unable to find the correct solution, ask my husband who is an accounting major.
-Complete the above points prior to 10 pm the night before class.
#3-Keep a record
In order to keep track of this, I will set an appointment in my calendar that is devoted to my accounting homework. I will set the appointment as an alarm that will ring and remind me to do this. When I have completed it I will change the event name to "Accounting Completed".
#4-Graph a Baseline
I will graph based on two timelines, a graph of when I begin the homework and a graph of the time that I complete the homework. Essentially my graph will have to lines show the duration of time spent on the accounting homework.
#5-Determine Contingencies
There are two ways I could reinforce this behavior.
1)By doing the homework ahead of time, I will have less stress upon myself as I attempt to complete the homework and fully understand it without having to cram for the test.
2)As a reinforcer, I could allow myself to watch Netflix for 1 hour after completion of my accounting homework.
#6-Determine Antecedents
I covered this above but with the events that would keep track of my progress, I would include an alarm that would remind me that the 10 PM deadline is approaching.
#7-Implement and adjust the contingencies
Increasing rewards,such as allowing myself multiple hours of Netflix or some other enjoyable activity directly related to the days of emitting the target behaviors.

I did not feel the need to change my target behaviors because I already set my plan to be a reinforcement style rather than a punishment style.

This weeks blog(summary):

Goal: Complete accounting homework by 10 PM the night prior to class.
Target Behavior: Complete and work through all assigned accounting problems until I am able to complete each problem and find the correct answer.
Record: Set an appointment or alarm in my calendar in order to remind myself. When I complete my accounting homework by 10pm I will change the event to "accounting completed".
Graph:I will graph the time that I began my homework as well as the time I complete the coursework. In order to understand how this behavior is affecting me I will also graph my accounting grades.
There are two ways I could reinforce this behavior.
1)By doing the homework ahead of time, I will have less stress upon myself as I attempt to complete the homework and fully understand it without having to cram for the test.
2)As a reinforcer, I could allow myself to watch Netflix for 1 hour after completion of my accounting homework.

To be honest this assignment was difficult to complete because I had already done my blog with a reinforcement mindset, rather than punishment.

The behavior I would like to change is watch less T.V.
1. Goal - Watch less TV
2. Target behavior - only watch a half hour of TV a week night. Only watch games that are important to me (just watch my favorite team play rather than whatever game ESPN has on)
3. record- I will record how much TV I watch a day. I will note what it was that I was watching (watching a sporting event almost always is longer than a half hour)
4. Graph - one graph will have amount of time watching TV (non sporting events) by the half hour on the y axis and the day of the week on the x axis. Another graph will have the amount of time I watch a sport on the y axis and the day of the week on the x axis.
5. Contingencies - If I limit my TV watching to no more than a half hour a day for a week straight I will reinforce myself with an adult beverage at the end of the week.
6. Antecedents - The main antecedent before I emit the behavior of watching TV is sitting on the couch to eat dinner (after eating my dinner I get into a "food coma" and watch too much TV). I could eat dinner at the dinner table instead, away from view of the TV. Another antecedent is just sitting around on the couch after I am all done with my homework. After I complete my homework it’s reinforcing to just chill on the couch. I can change my reinforcement of getting my homework done to something different like going to play basketball with my friends which is also reinforcing to me.
7. Implementing and Adjusting - I may have to define more target behaviors to get the best results.

My seven steps to doing more cardio

1. Goal: I want to do more cardio.

2. Target Behavior: I would like to do some more cardio instead of just lifting weights. I could run to the gym instead of drive so it forces me to do cardio. I could find some workout buddies to motivate me to do some more cardio.

3. Records: I would keep track of the time I spent doing cardio at the gym or whatever cardio I may do outside of the gym with a minimum of 10 minute increments recorded.

4. Graphs: I will put the days of the week on the x-axis and the time in ten-minute increments on the y-axis.

5. Contingencies: If I reach my goal of doing at least 3 hours of cardio per week I will reward myself every other week by renting a video game.

6. Antecedents: I will run to the gym instead of drive so I know I got some cardio in for the day. I will find somebody to workout with so they may help give me the drive to do some cardio.

7.Adjustments: Depending on the weather, running to the gym may not be an option. The plan of having the workout partner may help on days that you can’t run to the gym.

I would like to gain 20 pounds by the end of the year

Goal: Gain 20 pounds by March of 2012

I can modify the specific target behaviors of:

- planning out meals on sunday afternoons
- list ingredients needed for each meal
- calculate cost of each meal
- going to bed by midnight each night to allow for eight
hours of sleep each night
- wake up an hour before my earliest class for a meal
- designing and scheduling snack times
- lifting weights for one hour everyday of the week
- calculate calories needed and length of time required to gain desired weight

I can record:

- calories of each meal
- calorie totals for each day
- weight gained per week
- calories totals for each week
- length of time lifted each day
- total weight gained at end of year

I can make three graphs:

- Calorie Counter
- X-axis days of week
- Y-axis calorie totals for each day

-Weight Counter
- X-axis Weeks in year
- Y-axis Weight gained in lbs per week

-Workout Graph
- X-axis days of week
- Y-axis length of time lifted

I can implement the contingencies of:

- Everyday calorie goal is met = 1 hour of video games
- Every hour spent lifting = 1 hour of laziness
- Every pound gained = Cupcake

I can implement the Antecedants of:

- Having meals, cost, and calories planned at the beginning of each week
- Having needed groceries available at the beginning of each week
- Setting alarms in my phone to go off at designated feeding times
- Pictures of ideal weight and positive affirmations in high traffic areas

Finding the right reinforcers for me is hard. I can do without a lot of the things that reinforce my behavior. I would really just have to commit to the plan and deprive myself of the reinforcers if I don't accomplish the daily and weekly assignments. For example, if I don't make my caloric goal for the day, then I don't get to play video games. If I don't make my workout time, I don't get to watch tv, play video games, drink/smoke, etc. Basically I don't get to bullshit. Either way, commitment is the key.

The behavior I want to change is being happier.

1. Set the goal: My goal is to feel happier through out the day by thinking more positively.

2. Define/Specify the Goal as a set of Target Behaviors: I would like to have at least 4 positive internal conversations with myself between 3pm and 10pm, which seems to be more negative emotional times in my day.

3. Keep a Record: Every time I have a positive conversation with myself, I will write a star in my planner with reminders of the general subject and times of each internal "pep talk". Also if I do not have my planner on me, I will make note of it in my calendar in my phone and track it later in my planner.

4.Graph a Baseline: I will begin graphing this on a line graph. My X axis will be days of the week and my Y axis will be the number of positive internal conversations I have.
On a second graph, I will track the day of the week and my overall feelings of happiness through out the day on a scale of 1-10, 1 being extremely unhappy and 10 extremely happy.

5. Determine Contingencies: The contingencies will be feeling happier through out the day and more positive about the circumstances in life. Also if I can stay positive through out the week and have 4 positive internal pep talks daily, on the weekend, preferably Sunday after completing 6 days of charting, I will reward myself with an activity I love to do like seeing a movie or going to a sporting event so that the contingencies are not punishment.

6. Determine Antecedents: The antecedents in my life would be eliminating the things that put me in a bad move, like people that are constantly negative around me or frequently occurring events that make me upset. For example, I being late for anything really stresses me out and makes me upset, I will work on being early and having enough time to get where I need to be.

7. Implement and adjust the contingencies. Some things I may not be able to change, however I could change my attitude and have a more positive outlook on things that used to bother me.

Goal: stay in touch with my friends more

A) Target Behaviors:
1- Get ahold by phone, or Facebook of at least the same 5 friends during the course of 30 days
2- Talk to 3 different friends each day on the phone for at least 20 min
3- Get together for lunch once a week
4- Get together for dinner as a group once a week
5- Text 5 of them everyday telling to see how there day is going

B) Record- I will keep track of the times a day I talk to them by my phone and write it down at the end of the day. When I get food with my friends I will record when I meet up with them. When I text my friends I will record all 5 to keep track of who I messaged.
C) Graph- Y-axis is days of the week, and my X-axis is the name of the friends I am trying to get ahold of so I am able to record the times I communicate with them.
D) Contingency- I will reward myself at the end of the week when I have completed the weeks goals of going to lunch, dinner, and texting my friends once a day and talking to the three different friends each day, after I have completed all of this the reward for myself will be being happy with my relationship with my friends and catching up with them.
E) Antecedents- keeping my phone around so I am able to have access to communication and also to keep my computer handy to I am able to communicate that way also.
F) I may have to adjust the times I get to eat dinner or lunch because of my schedule may not allow a time to get together with them but if that happens I will add more time to the how long I talk to them on the phone each

1. Goal: To clean my apartment more frequently.
2. Target behaviors: My target behavior is to do the dishes every day, making sure there are not any left-over in the sink. I also want to wash my sheets 1 time per week. I want to vacuum my entire apartment twice a week and dust every other day.
3. Record keeping: I plan to keep a checklist with me and check off each task after I have completed my cleaning routine. I will keep this checklist on my fridge rater at home so it is easily accessible.
4. Graphing: I will graph how many minutes total I elicited cleaning and the actual things I cleaned each day so I can track which thing I cleaned and didn’t.
5. Reinforcement: After completing my cleaning schedule plan each week, I will emit reinforcement contingency with a small banana strawberry shake from Culvers.
6. Antecedent: My antecedents are allowing myself to relax more now that my house would be clean. I’m the type of person that can’t concentrate unless my house is clean. I would feel more organize which would result in my life feeling more overall organized. When I have nothing going on, I could organize my closet or go through my junk drawer.
7. If I do need to make any adjustments for not performing my target behavior I will try different type of reinforcements such as renting a movie for the week and watching it in my clean apartment.

Goal: Increasing my patience
1) Take yoga or other relaxation methods
2) Learning breathing techniques
3) Try meditation
4) Focus on the positives
5) Adjust my time in patient depriving situations

Record: I need to keep track of what it is that causes me to lose my patience
Graphing:Y being the number of time in a day, X wil be the situations
Contingency: the lower my rate of impatience, the more reward I get to give myself
Antecedents: going into situations with a positve, calm mind-set
Adjusting the time I go to places and face situations which i know cause my patience loss.

I decided to use reinforcement when inside this assignment last week so I feel that what is provided below best answers the question as I did not decide to use punishment in this goal.

Step 1: Set the goal- 
Drink less than my usual 2-3 cups (each 16 ounces) of caffeine each day (coffee usually)
Step 2: Define the goal as a set of Target Behaviors-
Only drink one cup (16oz.) of coffee a day
Drink only decaffeinated teas
Do not drink energy drinks (aka Red Bull)
Step 3: Record- 
I would keep a record of how much caffeine I do drink in a typical day. Since I only want to drink one cup of coffee a day I will record what I drink everyday (tea and the like include) on an app on my phone that tracks what you eat and drink. I'll do so for a month and keep track in that app. This app is able to specialize in telling me the ounces of caffeine and such in what I am consuming. This will give me a measure of how many milligrams of caffeine I am consuming on each day I log it.
Step 4: Graph a Baseline- 
My graph will show the milligrams of coffee I drank each day. My app will provide this number. I want to keep it at a low number, but will need to see what a healthy number is first. My goal is the equivalent in one 16 ounce cup and no more. This graph will show how that number is across the course of a month measured daily.
Step 5: Contingencies I determined-
To increase the frequency of me drinking less caffeine each day I will reward myself at the end of the day with the opportunity to watch something on Netflix that night. If I go over my allotted amount of caffeine I cannot watch Netflix that night.
Step 6: Antecedents determined-
Rid the house of caffeinated teas.
Rid the house of energy drinks and also not purchase them.
Only make 16 ounces worth of coffee so I don't get tempted to drink more. 
Discover alternative drinks without caffeine for my Starbuck's visits. 
Download the app for my phone to track caffeine intake for the day.
Step 7: Adjust to the contingencies-
Make sure that I'm not watching Netflix throughout the day; I need to make the reward an actual thing I look forward to and not something I do even though I drink excessive amounts of caffeine. I can only watch it when I drink no more than 16 ounces of caffeine.

1) My goal: To read more books.

2) Define/Specify goal: A target behavior I would emit for this goal is to read once for 30 minutes between the hours of 9am until 1pm and then read for another 30 minutes between 1pm and 1 am. That schedule of reading time works because of the different times I have classes throughout the week.

3) Keep a record: After each time I read, I will keep a bookmark on the page I stopped on to record my data.

4) Graph a baseline: The title of my graph would be “Reading for Minutes”, my X axis would be the minutes read in increments of 10 minutes going up to 120 minutes. My Y axis would be number of pages read ranging from 10 pages to 400 pages (depending on the book). It would be a line graph hopefully showing that each point is going up to the next.

5)Determine contingencies: Reading more pages each night will make me value the number of minutes of TV I’ll get to watch because number of pages read directly affects the number of minutes of TV watched.

6) Determine antecedents: The antecedents I would have would be finding books I want to read and would find enjoyable. Choosing a book that isn’t interesting will make this entire goal hard to achieve.

7) Implement and adjust the contingencies: I will be able to change where I ready whether it’s at a quieter place like the library than at my apartment where roommates can be a distraction. Also I can put two days of reading together for one hour in case I have too much homework or I have a work schedule conflict to where I miss time to read.

Behavior I would like to change: Getting more sleep.

#1, Goal- To receive at least eight hours of sleep every night.

#2, Define/Specify the goal as a set of target behaviors- Be in bed by 10 pm every night in order to be up at 600 am every morning and still get 8 hours of sleep. Unless it is pertinent that I be out late I will be in bed by 10 pm.

#3, Keep a Record- Write in a notebook how many hours of sleep I get a night. I will keep the notebook near my bed and write down the time I got to sleep and the time I am supposed to get up the next morning.

#4, Graph a Baseline- Graph how many hours of sleep I receive each day by using a notebook and leaving it on my nightstand. I will mark what time I get into bed and then the time my alarm is set for the next morning. I will plug the hours into a bar graph every Saturday morning in order to track my progress.

#5, Determine Contingencies- If I get enough sleep from Monday-Friday I will watch a movie and stay up late on Saturday.

#6, Determine Antecedents- Keep an updated copy of the bar graph in a visible, highly traveled area in my apartment. I will complete my homework as soon as I can after it is assigned.

#7, Implement and Adjust Contingencies- Make adjustments when unforeseeable circumstances arise or it is improbable to have eight hours devoted to sleep.

The behavior I would like to change is to exercise more.

1. Goal: I would like to exercise more.

2. Target Behaviors:
-I will run for at least one mile without stopping every M/W/F.
-Once I have ran my mile or more, I will continue to walk at least a mile.

3. Record: I will record the amount time and distance without stopping in a notebook when I am done. I will also record how many miles I walk and how long that takes me. I will also keep a log of this online using my Nike+ sensor and app on my ipod. This will tell me the distance and time and the pace.

4. Graph: On the x axis will be the days of the week, and the y axis will be how many miles I ran without stopping. That will be one line. There will also be another line on the graph that will show how many miles I walked. I will also create another graph, and on the x axis will be the days of the week, and the y axis will be the amount of time it took me to run the mile(s) without stopping. Another line will show the amount of time it took me to walk the mile(s).

5. Contingencies: At first I will reinforce myself after each run by letting myself relax and do anything for 30 minutes. If I run the three days during the week, I will reinforce myself on the weekend by buying a nanoblock figure (pretty much mini legos that form an animal or structure. They’re cool)

6. Antecedents: Set out my running clothes and shoes in the morning before I leave for class/work. I could also deprive myself from listening to music all day so I will want to go run so I can listen to music. I will find someone to run with me, so we can motivate each other.

7. Adjustments: I may need to change the reinforcement if it isn’t reinforcing enough. I may also need to change the target behavior to increase the distance once I get into better shape. I may also need to change the days of the week I run depending what is going on that week.

Well I obviously made a mistake when I submitted my blog last Thursday and I was having computer problems today.
Anyway, to business. I meant to say I want to change (reduce) how much I am on online shopping websites.

Instead of punishing when I venture on an online shopping website, I will use self-reinforcement to reward myself for extended periods of time when I do not visit any online shopping websites.

Goal: Reduce the frequency of visiting online websites.

Target Behavior: Only visit online shopping websites once a week on Saturday; to check eBay account and browse for whatever.

Record: Anytime I get on a shopping website I will make a note on my computer using the Notepad program, if I am on another computer I will use my iPod Touch Notes app, if my iPod is not on me I will use my phones Notepad program. At the end of the week, Saturday night, I will transfer notes onto my computer.

Graph: I will make a line graph, X-axis "Days of the Week" Y-axis is "Number of Times on a Shopping Website." If successful by only visiting online shopping websites once a week on Saturday, the graph will have only one increase on it (per week), at the end of the graph.

Contingencies: I will reward myself with 4 Queens Dairy ice cream on Sunday if I have only visit online shopping websites once a week. If I go a full month with with only visiting shopping websites once a week on Saturdays, I will further reward myself with being able to buy something from a website (if desired).

Antecedent: Log out of eBay after every use to deter me from getting on (giving me time to think about getting on before I actually do if breaking the desired trend) as well as taking shopping sites off of my bookmarked links and clear auto-fill search bar history.

Adjust: If I'm having trouble following this plan- I could make it every three days that I can visit shopping websites. I could also get ColdStone on Wednesdays as well as having 4 Queens on Sunday if I am following the plan for the week.

I think my target behavior might need to be changed into a more specific 7 am work out so I have the motivation to get up and do it. What I would do is make sure I write that workout the night before so when I get up in the morning I know exactly what I'm doing.

If I had enough motivation to make all these graphs I would probably want to (just to make the experiment more throurough) make a different graph for every different swimming stroke I did. This would show me all the different types of swim techniques and how much I do each of them each week.

I think as an added reinforcement, if I go to the swimming pool on monday and Wednesday morning on Friday morning I get to invite a friend to go with me (if they want) and swim with them.

The behavior I would like to change is I would like to swim more.
1. Goal-swim more
2. Target Behavior- Go to the pool at 7am every M/W/F and swim for one hour
3. Record-Keep a notebook/diary of swimming and how much I swam everyday. Also would record swim workouts the day before so I know exactly how much I would want to swim and make myself do it in the morning.
4. Graph-I would make multiple graphs: One main one that has the amount of time on the y-axis and the day of the week on the x-axis. The other graphs would have each different stroke and their time on the y-axis as well as the day of the week on the x-axis. This would just make it more interesting for me to go back and look at all of those if I needed extra motivation in the future.
5. Contingencies- I will be rewarded every morning that I go swimming by going to breakfast afterwards. If I have gone swimming Monday and Wednesday, on Friday I get to invite a friend to come swimming with me.
6. Antecedents-Pack my backpack with swimsuit the night before
Ask my roommate to turn on the lights when she leaves before me so I wake up
Set my alarm clock accross the room so I have to go and get it to turn it off
Keep my blinds open so the sun comes through the windows in the morning
Put my notebook/diary into my swim bag so I never forget to record it
7. Adjustments- I would have to adjust if I ever acquired a job in the morning
If I had 8am class
If the pool changed schedule and was closed I would have to schedule around the pools hours, making different hours to swim.

Goal: read more

Target behavior: read one new book every two weeks (at least a half hour every day).

Record: I will keep a record of my reading schedules in my daily class planner to keep track of the amount of time I spend reading and the amount of pages read. This way I can make adjustments to my schedule according to how much time I have to finish the book.

Graph: My graph will will record my reading habits from my daily planner. The x-axis will mark time in week long sections and the y-axis will mark the amount of time spent per day. I will also have a similar graph that marks the pages read on the y axis. This way I can see the correlation between the two and possibly be able to improve my reading habits accordingly.

Contingencies: I will reward myself after every two week section that I finish a book with a round of golf with my friends.

Antecedents: I will keep my wall calendar marked for each two week deadline for new books. I will also keep each new book I start on the middle of the coffee table in plain sight.

Adjustments: I may adjust the two week goal to accommodate for a faster reading pace, and I may add a length requirement to the books so that I don't just start picking up short ones.

My original goal from last Thursday was to improve my harmonica playing, but unfortunately my harmonica was lost recently.

The behavioral goal I would like to change is: talk to my mother more often

Step #1 (Set Goal): Talk to my mother more

Step #2 (Define/Specify the Goal as a set of target behaviors):

1. Call my mom 3 times a week
2. When I call my mom, talk for at least 30 minutes
3. E-mail her updates once a week

Step #3 (Keep a Record): Keep a record on my phone of our conversations and how long they last

Step #4 (Graph a Baseline): I would make a graph of my time spent on the phone with my mom, using the y-axis as the time (in minutes) and the x-axis as days of the week, so I know how long and on what days I am spending on the phone with her.

Step #5 (Determine Contingencies): I will use a reinforcer of free time/relaxing time after each phone call.

Step #6 (Determine Antecedents): To help change the environment to help elicit my desired behavior, I can write in my planner reminders to call my mom, or set alarms and notices on my cell phone.

Step #7 (Implement and Adjust the Contingencies): I could have set times of the day and days of the week designated for calling my mom, times when it works for both of us, instead of it being random so there is more structure.

1. Set goal: Have more money in my checking and saving accounts.

2. Define/Specify the goal as a set of target behaviors: Voulnteer to work more shifts at UNI Campus Catering and Lost Island Water Park when it opens, talk to my managers about being scheduled more (hours and days), donate plasma, sell things I don't need (extra clothes, household items, old text books)

3. Keep a record: Print off/keep bank statements and keep them in a organized folder, ask for receipts and don't lose them(keep them with bank statements in folder), watch my spending (especially on things I don't need like ample amounts of makeup and perfume)

4. Graph a baseline: From step three, I would know how much I spend and graph each month how much I spent. The y axis would be amount in dollars and the x axis would be the last day in each month. The graph would be a line graph showing how much money is being spent each month (red line). I would probably make a second line showing how much money I have incoming each month also (green line).

5. Determine contingencies: Emergency situations like flat tires, or trips home cost about $80 on average in gas for holidays. Plus I'm getting an apartment in May, so I will be spending more that month then I have been to get the things I need to live like a bed and food.

6.Determine antecedents: Only keep a specified amount in my checking (100.00)and the rest in my savings from my incoming money, this should be easy because I have the option of online banking so I can save my rent in my savings until it is due.

7. Implement and adjust the contingencies: Maybe have two debit accounts, one for emergencies only and the other for regular spending with my monthly budget (100.00) on it and the extra in savings. I would put my emergency debit card in a place that other important items/documents go, like a lock box along with the folder with recipts and bank statements for security.

My target behavior would be not only exercising more, but also emitting different exercises/equipment every time I go. I plan on going to the WRC: Monday, Wednesdays and Thursdays. There I will elicit warming up on the treadmill for 20 minutes, arms for 15 minutes, stomach for 30minutes and then more legs for 20 minutes. On the days I don't go to the WRC, In my own home I will emit a workout video called "Buns of Steal." I will also walk around the neighborhood to stretch those muscles out. This will also be multitasking because I can walk my dog.

I am recording my exercise and progress with a journal, every time I exercise I will write it down. I then go back and add to the journal later. I will also be making a list on what I eat and how much calories. I mean you can't eat good and not exercise nor exercise and eat crappy. You need to emit both to see results.

Instead, of punishing myself for not exercising, recording or eating right. Instead, I would reward myself to go out an shoot guns, go to movies, or just eat a small low fat treat such as an ice cream bar. I've learned not to give up the things you love because most likely you will have a relapse. Instead it's all about portion size.

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