Building on the assignment from last Thursday. If you listed a behavior that you are trying to reduce how might you use differential reinforcement to avoid having to punish that behavior?
Based on what we covered in class on Tuesday, please revise your behavior (think differential reinforcement rather than punishment) and the steps used to modify that behavior so you can use reinforcement. Make sure you have a reasonable goal, a specific target behavior, and a realistic way to record and graph you data. Make sure that your reinforcers will be effective. Again we will cover this in class on Tuesday.
We would like you to begin collecting baseline data beginning on Thursday so you can report it next Thursday.
Think of a behavior you would like to change and list out the steps (based on section 4.2) you would take to go about changing it.
This is where you can relate some things you were thinking about during
spring break that relates to what we are learning in class. This is an
extra credit assignment so you don't have to think during spring break,
but if you do : -)
Also I was going to put up a picture of spring break, but when I googled
spring break for images I realized that I it might not be a good idea
to post any of the ones that came!