Please make sure you are registered for the BMod class and then spend a little time orienting yourself with the class blog site. While you are at it please look over the syllabus pages and make sure you understand what we will be doing this semester as it relates to the syllabus.
Once you have finished this please leave a comment about what you think about the blog site, the class, or any particular blog post you have read. I mostly just want to make sure you can log in and comment. If you have problems logging in send me an email and let me know what I can do to help.
--Dr. M
Once you have finished this please leave a comment about what you think about the blog site, the class, or any particular blog post you have read. I mostly just want to make sure you can log in and comment. If you have problems logging in send me an email and let me know what I can do to help.
--Dr. M
I'm excited for this hybrid class. I think the concept of taking the best of both worlds (online and in class) and molding them together is a great idea! I've taken one other hybrid class at UNI (Psych & Law..highly recommend!) and loved the flexibility it afforded me. I didn't think I would like the blogging but I found its a great opportunity to learn about something that truly interests you. I'm also a big fan of not having to buy another book because as a business major, I already spend 600 or 700 a year on books.
What's up everybody? After reading through a couple of the last semester's final blog assignment, what I noticed (and was mentioned in class), was the language that the bloggers used. Having been through this class before, I noticed that several students made a considerable effort to utilize various behavior modification terms. From what I can tell, approaching behavior modification through the lens of it being a foreign language seems to be useful. The blogs from day 1 and the final day were markably different. Looking through the blogs has given me a clearer vision as to what will be expected in the blogs.
I really like the idea of a hybrid class of this nature. I took Careers in Psychology last semester and it was super helpful with future endevors and answering all the graduate school questions I had. This class seems more like an internalized learning type of class, you learn the things you learn because you want to learn them and it's a great way to practice you're scheduling skills to get things in on time.
Hi all! As stated in the other comments, I too am excited for this hybrid course. For me, it will be the first one but after exploring the site a little bit I am not so nervous about it. I have to agree that reading the past blogs also helps give a better understanding of what is expected. Looking at the syllabus makes the whole idea more understandable and it seems relatively easy. The information covered in the syllabus area about assignments and grading is nice to have and it's even better having the book online! I like the idea of having everything I need in one place as opposed to some things on eLearning, in a textbook and the like. Given that some of you have taken hybrid courses before and believe that they are flexible and helpful reassures me and actually makes it that much more exciting!
I'm really excited for this class! I've never done anything like it, so it should be an interesting experience. I think with the readings and everything it will help me manage my time better, which is always good. In reading the other blogs, I think it sounds like they did learn a lot and it sounds like this class was interesting to everybody! That makes me even more excited for this class and what I can learn!
I really like the idea of the hybrid classes. This is the first one I have been in, so I'm super excited. I am not a daily blogger like some people, but I like that we get to express ourselves and learn at the same time. Looking through past student's blogs, you really can see their voices in them, and I can't wait to develop my own. As far as the syllabus goes, I am probably not the only person who loves the fact that we don't have exams. People can still learn just as much by what we're going to be doing: reading the sections and sharing what we thought about them. It's a great way to actual indulge in the information we're learning and to retain it. Having everything online makes life so much simpler, in my opinion. :)
I am really looking forward to this class this semester! I've never had a class like this before so it's something new and exciting. It seems a little intimidating but I think it will be easy to get a handle on. The blog website is very easy to navigate around and not as confusing as some of my other classes' websites. Reading through the syllabus really helped me understand what exactly we will be doing this semester. I was excited to see that there wan't any exams! It will give us a chance to concentrate on the things that matter to us instead of just cramming all the useless information and confusing ourselves. I also love how all the information is always right in front of you and now I won't have to worry about losing anything or forgetting my book (:
Hi! I am very excited about this class being a hybrid class. I have never taken a hybrid class before, but I like the idea of blogging and the opportunity that it gives to write about personal thoughts and opinions as well as gauge others' views on topics that are mutually discussed among the entire class. As far as the topic goes, I am excited to learn more about behavior modification. This area of study sounds fascinating. I really enjoyed the "Lie to Me" television season which was along the lines of what this class is about. As for the syllabus, I think it is very useful and helps to eliminate any confusion. It is nice to have an outline of when blogs and readings are expected to be done, and it is an easily understood format. I also love the idea of having our textbook online, it definitely benefits my bank account! Let's get this semester started! :)
I am very excited for this class. This is my first semester taking a hybrid class and I was a little nervous at first. After browsing the website I feel pretty confident I will like the freedom it gives me. I read through the syllabus and also the first few assigned sections. This makes me believe this is going to be an interesting class. Reading though some of the blogs from the previous class makes me even more excited because you can clearly see the growth the students made from the first entry to the last! I hope to learn as much as they did and to also see how a hybrid class helps the learning environment.
Hello All. I am excited to once again take a hybrid class. I took sensation and perceptions in this format last year. I thought that the hybrid format proved to be far more effective than the traditional teaching format. It allowed me to study the things that i found interesting rather than trying to memorize a bunch of terms and concepts from the book. Another part that i found very useful was the blogs. The blogs allowed me to talk about the topics and concepts that i found interesting in my own writing style. This made the information much easier for me to remember. Which was extremely helpful when it came to test time. I also thought that giving us points for completion of every task was helpful because it gave me incentive to read the book and do all the assignments. Finally, i am really excited that i did not have to spend a hundred dollars on a book. Buying text books is one of the crappy parts of each semester because they are so expensive and they normally provide only a small benefit to the class. I am looking forward to getting into the topic information
What's up everybody? I don't really know how to feel about a hybrid class. This is the first time I've ever heard of a such a type of class. I'm not really a big blogger at all so it may be a little challenge to keep up with this website and all the inputs needed. I do like that the book is on this site and free, which I will definitely use to my benefit. All in all I guess I'm just gonna have to feel this out as I go and do what need to be done.
I'm that crazy girl that likes tests. I know, I'm weird, but that is just the type of class I really excel in. So when I took History and Systems last semester, I was very worried. I wanted to drop the class right away and was honestly looking to take anything besides this class. (This was also due to the fact that I am TERRIBLE when it comes to history) However, after talking to my mother (who teaches history. how ironic.) she talked me into sticking the class out and challenge myself. I'm very glad I listened to her. Though I wouldn't go as far as to say I like this format better than the "usual" one, it is very nice to do something different. I also feel like I retain information better, mainly because these classes focus so much on what YOU are interested in. I'm even more excited to take Behavior Modification because this sounds WAY more interesting than History and Systems!
I am excited for this class should be a interesting class. I have never taken a hybrid class but from what I have heard from people they are great classes to take. It should be interesting seeing what everyone thinks about a particular topic and see many different few's.
This will be the 3rd hybrid class that I've taken at UNI and they are honestly my favorite classes. Being able to write about what interests me makes the class more fun and the assignments easier than other classes.
This will definitely be a completely different experience for me. Only being in class once a week and teaching myself information will be a challenge for me and something I will need to get used to! On the other hand, I can not wait for this class and to see the differences between a hybrid class and a normal classroom setting course. Everything we will be doing in this class seems to be interesting and the way that we will be learning through blogging is going to be a lot of fun I think! I've never enjoyed a straight lecture class or a class where we are assigned a book to read and then we have to just memorize everything for the test. Also, I will REALLY enjoy not having to take tests! Tests suck! I have never been good at them and always presents a challenge to pass some classes. Overall I'm super excited to see how my first hybrid class goes and getting to know everyone in person and over blogging will be exciting!
This isn't the first hybrid class I've been in, I was previously in Careers in Psych, which I loved. I was very excited when I found out this class was hybrid. I'm a very self-motivated person and this gives me the flexibility to get things done on my time. I'm also quite the talker, but freeze up when I'm called on in class. This gives me an easy way to express and talk about what I thought about the chapters. I'm also a HUGE fan of lists and appreciate having a time line of when things are due. This class should be awesome!
Hello! I'm pretty excited for this class. I like learning about behavior and the ways to change unwanted behavior. I have taken a hybrid class before (Psych and Law, which was a lot of fun!) and I was kind of on the fence about whether I liked it or not. I liked not having to come to class and being able to do the assignments on my own time, but I felt it was a lot more work and time consuming than a regular class. It was also kind of difficult remembering what was due and when it was due, but this class seems a lot more structured and easier to understand. But anyway, I'm excited for this class!
i have taken online classes before, but nothing like this hybrid class. With just online classes it can get so boring because you are not interested in what you are doing usually and while you are on the internet it is so easy to get distracted. I was kind of nervous to start my first semester at uni with a hybrid class, but while I was taking a look at the site and looking at all of the other comments and how much everyone loved it, I think it will be the same for me. I like that is different than other class so you wont get burned out on the course. Im also looking forward to the fact that we will be able to write about what we are interested in. when you are really interested in what you are doing I believe it makes the class more fun to be in and overall easier. It doesn't seem like as much work when you want to be doing the work.
I took a couple of hybrid classes during my senior year of high school and i did like it a lot just because it wasn't always just classroom or just online. I looked at a few blogs from the past and one was on a topic of parenting which kind of interested me because the topic they were discussing was pretty controversial and something that anyone could relate to and everyone that responded openly agreed or disagreed to some of the points being made. Im curious to find out what everyones views are on certain topics.
I think I will enjoy the hybrid style class. I'm also in Psychology and Law which is hybrid too so I'm going to be doing a lot of blogging this semester. Having no tests sounds pretty awesome to me. I think this style of class is going to be the best for me so I'm optimistic about it.
To be honest I am actually pretty nervous about this course. I have never taken a hybrid course so this is all new to me. Not knowing what to expect kind of worries me. I am a person that likes structure so learning to be more flexible may be hard for a while, but I am sure that it will all work out. After reading through previous students' blogs, I saw just how much they had learned and enjoyed the course. This helped eliminate a few of my worries and I am now a bit more excited to begin my first hybrid course.
When I signed up for this class I really had no idea what behavior modification even was. I am very excited to learn more about it and have the opportunity to share my opinions about certain issues with my fellow students. It is not very often that you are able to share your opinions in a normal lecture course, so I am definitely excited about that!
I do look forward to not having any tests to stress out about! And being able to study things that interest me will make this class fly by. Studying topics that I am interested in with allow me to enjoy what I am learning. It doesn't get much better than that!
I'm excited about this class. The fact that is a hybrid is new to me but I have a feeling that I'm going to love it. I am happy that there are no test and I'm excited that he is going to treat us like adults and not baby us or make the class easy to pass. I think I will enjoy the topics that we discuss in this class and I can't wait for group discussion.
I think this class should be interesting. I have taken many hybrid classes and have enjoyed them all. Also not having tests is another huge plus to this class!
I'm excited for this class because it's hybrid. I have never taken one, but In normal classes I tend to get bored, so it seems like the hybrid classes switch it up a bit which will benefit me. It also works on group communication skills as well as using the computer and submitting assignments that way. Which benefits everyone since our economy is becoming more technological.
I am looking forward to the hybrid class this semester. I like most things about the blog website and find it very user-friendly. Last semester, I took Psychology and Law and truly disliked the class format at first. After a few weeks I came around to the concept of the hybrid class and ultimately decided I liked this type of class. For this course in particular I am pleased the book is available on the blog for me to read instead of me having to purchase or print out tons of pages to read. I think this class will be interesting and beneficial to my pool of knowledge.
I am looking forward to the hybrid class this semester. I like most things about the blog website and find it very user-friendly. Last semester, I took Psychology and Law and truly disliked the class format at first. After a few weeks I came around to the concept of the hybrid class and ultimately decided I liked this type of class. For this course in particular I am pleased the book is available on the blog for me to read instead of me having to purchase or print out tons of pages to read. I think this class will be interesting and beneficial to my pool of knowledge.
I'm very excited about this class. I think it will be very interesting to be able to read what everyone else thought. I'm also looking forward to using the textbook. I like the idea of having questions in the book. I feel like the questions will make the information stick more.
I am looking forward to this class as well. I like the format, and how it uses blog to communicate with other classmates and to see what they have to say about a topic. I think this class will be very interesting and I hope to gain a lot from this class and to gain a better understanding of the topics in the class.
I have not had a hybrid class in the past. I was a little nervous upon learning that this is what the class was initially because I thought it seemed liked it could be confusing. However, upon reading some other the previous classes ending blogs it had me more excited to get into this course. I enjoy reading and researching, so I am not concerned about that part. It only makes it more interesting when you are able to apply it to your own personal life. I am mostly really looking forward to blogging and reading the book written by Dr. MacLin.
This is my first hybrid class and I already can tell I'm going to love it. I find that I learn the best when I am in a comfortable and relaxed setting. I'm not saying the classrooms at UNI are not either of those two, but there's something about being able to learn a certain concept or read an interesting article in my own time that really intrigues me. It also doesn't hurt that I get to lounge around in my sweatpants while learning! :) Not only am I excited for the hybrid format, but I am also excited for the class itself. Behavior modification is something I will need in every day settings for the rest of my life. I hope this class improves my communication skills, how I interpret others actions and how I can manipulate a certain setting to achieve a positive outcome!
I think this class will be a good experience for me. I like the fact that it's both in class but more online. However, I believe it may be challenging to remember to do all the assignments online. I believe I will enjoy the material in this class.
This site is SUPER confusing. I'm on the home page right? Then I clicked the BLOG tab. Where are our assignments slash blogs at? All I can see is the previous classes blogs! So then, I opened up the email and clicked the links to the assignments and it seems like I'm still posting on the wrong blog? There are posts from January 12, 2012 but its still the 11th! So I hope I posted this on the right blog and I hope I can learn to understand the organization of this site better soon. I watched the annoying orange video and did not have a clue about changing the behavior yet but the video was pretty amusing. I've had two of Kim's hybrid classes so I know pretty well how these classes work. I am looking forward to an interesting class!
I am looking forward to this class. I have been in a hybrid class before (Psych and Law) and I enjoyed blogging and reading what other students have to say on certain topics. I am looking forward to this class because it ties into what I want to do career-wise. I am hoping that with our blogging and online assignments I will be able to get to know the people in the class and compare our ideas and opinions about what we are learning about in class.
ok -- first lesson :) Think I "blogged" into the wrong assignment. I posted my "hello" into place we are supposed to respond to the previous blogs. Probably gonna be a lot of that kinda thing.
I think this class will be an interesting one - partly because of the topic but also the format. I have had a couple of distance ed classes that were online and I really enjoyed those, but this is my first hybrid. I skimmed some of the online text material and it also looks very interesting. This is the first class I have had with its own website as well.
I think this format will allow us to express our opinions more easily. I find sometimes in class I don't get to say everything I would like. The blog is good way for people to have a chance to word things exactly the way they want and have their comments/opinions come out more completely since, often in a class discussion, things move quickly, people get interupted or distracted and they will leave out a few things they meant to say.
I think this format will allow not just for more flexibility in working through the content but also we will have more current topics. I definitely am more interested in blogging versus completing premade tests. Overall I am really looking forward to this class!
I'm not really sure if I'm excited about this class or not. I've never blogged before, so this is all very new to me. I'm also kind of that weird person that likes to sit in class instead of doing things on line, but I'm hoping this type of class will help me more with improving my self discipline. This class seemed interesting to me from the beginning so I'm excited to actually start this class. But now that I think about it, I think having this blog will help us all be more open-minded to other peoples' opinions on subjects so we can understand multiple points of perspective. I'm excited to get this class started!
I am really looking froward to this class! I love taking hybrid classes, as I took Psychology of Violence with Kim in the spring last year and enjoyed the format very much! I think that blogging is an excellent way for students to excel in school in this day in age with all the technology hype. However, I love the fact that we do meet in class once a week to familiarize ourselves with other students and have face to face learning. Hybrid classes are so much more convenient for students that have a lot going on in their personal lives and can do their homework at their leisure. I love the ability to write freely and voice your opinion without the anxiety of talking in front of others. Also I am planning on going back to school for an occupational therapy graduate program which ties in nicely with behavior mod, so I definitely looking forward to learning how to help people with behavior mod techniques.
Hi everyone! I'm super excited for this class. All of my favorite classes in college thus far have been Psychology classes, so I'm really excited to get this class started. I'm not scared so much that I'll actually forget about doing some of my assignments, I'm only scared that my blog posts won't increase in complexity. I have never taken a Hybrid class before, so I don't really know what it's all about. I just found out yesterday that this isn't my only class that's online, so I'm going to have to learn how to balance both of my classes. I'm excited to just have conversations with everyone in class discussing our topics, because that was always the best part in all of my classes. I am someone who loves to contribute and voice my opinion, so this should be the class just for me!
So, I'm already out to a great start... Forgot my username! Cool.. Anyways, I've never taken a hybrid class before so I'm excited to see what it has to offer! I'm usually one for structure but I think this could potentially work better for me. I am also taking a class with Kim MacLin this semester as well so it'll be easier to keep up with the blogging and such.
I have heard a lot about this Behavior Mod class and am VERY excited to learn about it. It has always been one of my greatest interest!
Well, I interested in seeing how this 'hybrid class' goes. I've never taken a class like this and didn't know this was one until the first day. I'm just glad I was able to log in without problems. I'm also happy to see that everyone seems excited about trying out the blog method and that I'm not the only one new to this.
Having the book online is also great, especially since it seems like a user friendly book.
I am very excited to see how this hybrid class goes. I think I'm going to like it because it's a class where I can kind of learn at my own pace. I am also very interested in learning about behavior modification because I don't exactly know what it really means. The book being online is very helpful because it's free and very easy to access!
I guess this hybrid class will be a relief from going to class on Thursday, which is nice. I love the idea of finding subject matter you the student is interested in. This is a nice change for once. I am new to this class/online hybrid idea but not completely a ameture. I have taken pysch and law but it was completely ONLINE ONLY. It was out of UNI and there was so much reading and homework to keep up with I kind of missed the lectures so to speak :) but the class/online will be a much better experience for me. I had no idea it was a hybrid class until I sat down and heard the words but am not hessitant on the matter. Thumbs up for the free book!
I guess this hybrid class will be a relief from going to class on Thursday, which is nice. I love the idea of finding subject matter you the student is interested in. This is a nice change for once. I am new to this class/online hybrid idea but not completely a ameture. I have taken pysch and law but it was completely ONLINE ONLY. It was out of UNI and there was so much reading and homework to keep up with I kind of missed the lectures so to speak :) but the class/online will be a much better experience for me. I had no idea it was a hybrid class until I sat down and heard the words but am not hessitant on the matter. Thumbs up for the free book!
I have had a hybrid class before, but it is tougher than it seems. I know college is supposed to be about self motivation but having class only half the time really puts the pressure on. I don't know how to feel about not having tests, I am one of those super good test takers but I also don't mind writing. I am looking forward to the change of pace I suppose. As far as class material goes, I am eager to learn about behavior modification and anything to deal with psychology really. I just wanted to say THANK YOU Dr. Maclin for cancelling class in this terrible semi-blizzard that we are having and for providing the whole class with a free text.
I have never had a hybrid class before, but after looking through the blogs and at the webpage I'm pretty excited to see what the class has to offer. I like the fact that we only have class( for the most part) once a week because it allows me to work more and I like doing my school work on my own time anyways. Also, this way I'm more likely to no skip class because if it's only once or twice a week then I don't need to be lazy and not go. I loveee the fact that theres no tests, for now. It's something I have never had before, but I suck at test taking so hopefully this form of teaching works better for me. After class Tuesday I'm pretty excited to start this class and Dr. Maclin seems down to earth and laid back which is always a plus!
Alright, well it took me a little longer be able to get on here and respond than just about everyone else I guess but I guess that's okay. I'm honestly a little nervous about having to take a hybrid class. I have taken a few classes online before and usually end up having to drop them because I always have trouble with the gremlins. It doesn't matter what kind of technology I'm working with, I usually have a few occurrences of strange trouble that no one else does. Hopefully the little guys have gotten it out of their system by now and they will leave me alone for the most part during this semester. If not please bear with me about having some issues. I am pleased with the attitude of our professor. I like that I'm finally get treated like a competent person. I've noticed not all the professors do this even when they profess to doing so. Well, thanks for reading, seeya in class.
This is my first hybrid class I have taken. After looking over some of the blogs from last semesters students, I realized that blogging, especially for this class, has much to do with expressing emotions and expressing them using terms that are related to behavior modification. I am nervous that by the end of this class, I won't be up to that standard to writing using behavior modification terms. Or at least using them properly!
When I first signed up for this class I had no idea what hybrid even meant. I was skeptical on whether or not I could get used to the idea of only having class once a week and having to submit posts without someone reminding me. It'll definitely be a test of my responsibility and motivation to get my posts in on time. I'm looking forward to the discussions on the text and hopefully I'll be able to use the terminology casually without saying things in the wrong context.